#i love my buckley-diaz family
fannoona · 29 days
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"Ashes, Ashes" stills 7x09 part 2
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tidesreach · 10 days
ryan right off the bat like yeah the co-parenting of it all. but in particular i like the acknowledgment that eddie on some level recognises this, that buck is the secondary parent. not because he is a replacement for shannon or even that he can take on eddie's role when eddie is struggling, but because he has his own relationship with christopher, a level of trust and understanding that he has fostered separately that is not just him being dad's cool best friend buck. he's there in a very significant way, not just as an extension of eddie. which means he is able to connect with christopher in different ways to eddie, to "offer a different perspective". it's nothing to do with eddie "not wanting to do the job" or splitting his own role as parent, and is entirely to do with the fact that buck has become his own parent to christopher. like, not to bring it all back to the will again but, yeah. it really does circle back to that. because that's the reason eddie changed his will. the reason no one will fight for his son more than buck would is because that's his son too.
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dangerpronebuddie · 21 days
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We've still got each other, which means we're gonna be okay.
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livsmessydoodles · 2 months
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figuring out how to draw my faves <3
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thefrsers · 4 months
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#a family that ride or dies together #no one does it like the 118
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evanzbuck · 1 year
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And they all can't wait to get back out there again. It takes a special kind of crazy to want to live this life.
THE 118 in 9-1-1 | 6.18 “PAY IT FORWARD”
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unsteadylilactree · 1 year
the progression from "there's a morning snack and a midday snack" and "20 bucks for pizza" buck looking after his friend's kid to "bobby's famous lasagne: 6 types of cheese cooked to perfection" buck cooking for his family to "that's makes me your sous chef" teaching his kid how to cook is making me go so feral.
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strawberryspence · 3 months
"i got out of "i went in the
the ocean for you." ocean for you."
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neverevan · 3 months
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I trust you with my child, and I see how much you put in for my son; this goes beyond friendship, and I love you to the core. (x)
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p4nishers · 1 year
with eddie confirming he only married shannon bc of chris and his disastrous relationship with ana i think it's pretty safe to say that he's gay. he is SO gay and i was right.
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winchester27 · 1 month
I just wanna see Buck and Eddie’s own disaster wedding and just end up getting married in Bobby’s backyard at the end :(
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mazzystar24 · 1 month
Eddie Diaz is so “I get mean when I’m nervous like a bad dog” coded
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honestlydarkprincess · 2 months
Inspiration Saturday!
tagged by the lovely @theotherbuckley
@bidisasterbuckdiaz was kind enough to make me this BEAUTIFUL moodboard for the airplane au!!
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a lil snippet and tags under the cut<3
“Thanks again for letting him have the window,” The man beside him murmured to Buck, reaching his hand to shake. It was awkward because of the limited space but Buck eagerly clasped hands with the man, marvelling at the warm skin that felt just so right against his own. “I’m Eddie,” The man— Eddie— continued, before nodding towards his son. “This is Christopher.”
“Eddie,” Buck rolled the name on his tongue, liking the way it felt. “Nice to meet you, I’m Buck.” He looked over to Christopher who was looking at them both curiously. “Very nice to meet you, little man. How old are you?”
“I’m seven!” Christopher gave him a toothy grin. “Is Buck your real name?”
“Chris,” Eddie admonished, giving Buck an apologetic look.
Buck shook his head slightly with a grin, letting Eddie know it was okay. “No, technically my real name is Evan, but all my friends call me Buck.”
“So dad and I are your friends?” Christopher looked excited at the prospect.
“You can be, if you want to,” Buck offered, giving Chris a soft look. This kid was probably the cutest kid he’d ever met.
Christopher cheered. “Dad, we already have a friend!”
“Yes, we do, buddy,” Eddie agreed, reaching out to ruffle Christopher’s hair. “I told you this move was a good idea.”
tagging: @bigfootsmom, @maygrantgf, @watchyourbuck, @bisexual-buck, @bibuddie, @bidisasterbuckdiaz, @buckstommy, @father-salmon, @underwater-ninja-13, @loserdiaz, @monsterrae1, @usersiren, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @the-likesofus, @sunshinediaz, @spagheddiediaz, @goforkinard, @queerbuckleys, @exhuastedpigeon, @neverevan, @wikiangela, and @daffi-990
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maraskywalkers · 1 month
I think about the "all this time everyone thought I was a bad cook"/"you were" a lot because 1) it's hilarious, Christopher's delivery gets me every time & Eddie & Buck's reactions each are great but 2) it's also indicative of the relationship that Chris & Eddie have and how lovely & good it is?? like the fact that Christopher can openly tease him like that & how often they are playful with each other & like even with Buck he can rib him about not having a couch or ofc he knows what a porterhouse is like anyway I just think about the other father son relationships right like Eddie's with Ramon and Buck's with Philip and like it's beautiful that Eddie has made it so Chris can talk to him about his feelings, that it's okay to be sad & angry and helping him learn how to handle those feelings, and he does so in a way that's open & honest & vulnerable because he's still learning too and he's worked really hard at being that for Chris but he's also made it so that they can be silly & playful & teasing because Chris know that he's safe with Eddie and by extension Buck too yeah like it's something I think about a lot as an aunt to young kids you know and just Eddie has made mistakes and he's always gonna be learning & growing right like we all are but he's such a good dad because Christopher can be himself with Eddie like he gets to be a whole actual person and not everyone gets that from their parents or family and you can tell just by their interactions that no matter what Chris is always gonna be loved & safe & respected & cared for with Eddie and Chris knows that and it's just so lovely you know????
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bidisasterevankinard · 5 months
The thing that Buck considered himself single only for 1 ep, even tho he was alone for months should really be addressed more. The boy literally cling to the first person showing him affection after finally understood that he was abandoned in a fear to stay alone, only to be abandoned again
And even in this episode he hook-ups with Taylor. It's actually really interesting fact about Buck. Even more because after it he had way longer periods of being alone (even tho I suspect with some hook-ups if we look at 6x7). I think part of it is easily explained by one fact: Buck become close friends with Eddie and Chris. Because in 2s they are not close like that, Buck never even had scenes with Chris except 2x4 and 2x18 BUT . Look carefully: BUCK DOESN'T REALLY SPEAK WITH CHRIS IN THOSE EPISODES. Real and first on screen Buck's interaction with Chris is 3x1. Exactly when Buck's first long period of being single started(on the screen)
So, Buck doesn't need to date anymore to feel loved, because he has his boys
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menace-behaviour · 2 years
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