#i love pulling but the games simply aren't fun to play
catgirltoofies · 2 years
my problem with gacha games is they just aren't usually fun to play. i like looking at pretty characters and reading cool stories and i LOVE gambling with fictional currency
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loveforquanrui · 9 months
the love I hold for you
제로베이스원 - jebewon as things they would definitely do as boyfriends!, gn reader. i dont think there is any disclaimers but let me know if i missed any!
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showing a different side of himself
would show his true authentic self with you <3
would be really protective of you
since he wants to show he cares without being too "obvious" he would also over offer his help
but its so cute so it cancels out!
would care and love you so much
introverted but clingly with you
hao is an introvert as we can all tell, and may need space but never from you
when he's tired, he would find so much comfort in your presence
constantly wants to be around you even if you guys aren't talking he just loves knowing you are there
you are his favorite
he chooses you over anyone else
planning dates in advanced every week
hear me out in this, hanbin is an observer
he would allow you to plan the first few dates, and in those dates he is taking mental notes of your likes and dislikes
now he will tell you, he wants to plan the following dates
and from then on its funnn
he would take you to many new places like a art gallery or even invite you to his dance studio as a fun date
somehow hanbin will always think of something different for a date idea
teach you how to play video games
i know we all saw this man play league of legends now-
i have a feeling he would try to get his s/o into gaming
he would try to teach you how to play, and he is very patient
since he wants you to play with him, he is willing to spend some time teaching and training you to play these games
he takes it very seriously too
if you ended up not liking the game he would try to find another game that you'd like
regardless if he's not into that game, he would learn how to play it just for you <3
perform for you
strong believer in simp taerae
he would be so deeply in love with his s/o that sometimes they are above himself
if you are anxious, he would sing your favorite song to calm you down
if you are trying to fall asleep, he would play a calming tune in his guitar until you are fast asleep
feeling bummed out, no worries, taerae is dancing the newest tiktok trend for you!
this man will perform for you anytimes if it will make you smile
if you wanted to film a little dance video he would do it proudly
ahh taerae is such a cutie :'(
attention seeking and physical touch
hear me out ricky can sometimes be dismissive
although he clearly cares about other i think the baby cat has some trouble expressing it sometimes
since ricky would struggle to tell you he loves you sometimes he would be surprisingly very cuddly?
he would want to constantly have his arms around you even if he wasn't speaking to you
small gestures like cuddling or holding your hand are a big deal to him
its his way of showing his love
he would also seek your attention in the same way
he has very grabby hands constantly wanting your attention without actually saying it
carrying extra items for you
gyuvin is a goofy guy but he is also always taking mental notes of you
he would notice your favorite snacks and items you constantly use
he secretly carries your favorite snacks in his backpack
in his backpack there is chapstick, germx, and much more items you use on the daily
you would say "i'm really craving __" and all of a sudden he pulls out the snack from his backpack
needless to say gyuvin is prepared for anything you might need
have a photo album dedicated of pictures of you
gunwook adores you
sometimes you catch him just starring at you deeply with a smile plastered on his space
he just loves looking at your face, as its a boost of serotonin for him
since he realized how happy it makes him, he takes about 3 pictures of you
sometimes you don't even know he is taking pictures, yet you still come out looking so good
and when he is in a bad mood or simply misses you he would go to his album titles Y/N and just look over all the pictures
he would be so smiley and thankful to have such a partner in his life
get you flowers at the right times
yujin would love getting you flowers
he knows how happy it can make you so he always gets you flowers
yet unbeknown to you he actually always steals one flower from the bouquet he buys
because that way he knows when he needs to get you more flowers
of course he doesn't tell you this, since he wants to be seen as cool
but it's a sweet gesture that he loves doing <3
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ahhh guys I did not post as much as I wanted to for a bit. Buttt i hope you enjoyed this. Let me know if you would like a part two or even a fic. Don't forget my asks are always open not just for request but also for any questions or just talks you want to have <3
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whimsiwitchy · 2 months
I hear the secrets that you keep (series)
chapter four: wicked game
Pedro Pascal x F!reader 
series masterlist
series summary: 24 year old y/n is an insecure and struggling actress in Los Angeles until she finally books a leading role in a big Hollywood movie next to her leading male, Pedro Pascal. A spark of friendship flickers between the two and slowly begins to blossom into something more. As y/n is navigating a new found fame and a new found romance, she fears that a lie she has been sitting on might ruin everything.
Warnings: plus size reader (no specific description of reader, slight descriptions of weight: stomach fat, stretch marks, etc.), hefty age gap (24 years/14 years), female anatomy description, she/her pronouns, use of gendered terms (girl, girly, etc.), y/n used, descriptions of nudity, swearing,  use of the word fat, warnings may change as the story progresses. 
authors note: Hi everyone. There are two songs that go with what’s happening during two different parts of this chapter. They’re both listed with title and artist if you want to listen to them during it. Also when scenes from the movie are in play, the character names Daniel and Janet will be used. Thank you <3
chapter summary: y/n attends more calls for Risky Disco and sorts some stuff out with Pedro. 
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“Did I mention that you looked really beautiful today?” 
When you first read it, you immediately locked your phone and tossed it across the couch. He couldn’t have meant that right? Maybe he was just being super friendly. Theories swam around your mind and you couldn’t seem to understand why he would say that. Once you calmed down a little bit, you decided that you would in fact respond to his first text and simply pretend the second one didn’t exist. 
“I had a lot of fun too. We for sure should!! :)” 
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It had been three days since your hangout with Pedro and you were preparing yourself for the day you had ahead of you. Today you had a jam packed schedule with a costume fitting from 6am-12pm, then a roller skating call from 3pm-10pm. Pedro never responded to your text but there was a ‘read at 9:47pm’ sitting under it proving that he had read it. You tried not to let it hurt your feelings too much because you just met the guy, a guy that was old enough to be your father at that. Nevertheless, he had this strong gravitational pull on you that you couldn’t ignore. You were attracted to him and you thought maybe he was attracted to you as well. 
Relationships aren't a concept that are completely foreign to you. You had a few boyfriends and even a few flings over the years, but they were always short lived. Over time you noticed that you were a secret to these men, that they were ashamed to like a fat girl. In private, they would be super sweet and loving, but the moment you were in public with them, it was as if you didn’t exist. Don’t even mention the lack of social media validation. These boys wouldn’t be caught dead hard launching their fat girlfriend on Instagram. You weren't sure if anyone would ever truly love you the way you knew you deserved. 
It was currently 5am. You slept longer than intended and you were grateful you had an excuse to do a lazy fit today as you zipped through your apartment, rushing to get ready. You decided on a pair of black sweatpants accompanied by a dark purple hoodie with a few golden stars littered across it and a pair of white crocs. By 5:40, you were out the door and on the way to your costume fitting. Once you arrived, you tried your best to follow the directions given via email, only getting lost once in the process. You double checked the room number in front of you with the number on your phone and entered. There were workers everywhere running around like ants. You stood there confused for a moment until you saw Pedro sitting on a couch across the room. He was sitting there on his phone as you took in his appearance. He was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants, a plain black tee shirt, and a pair of running shoes. You were starting to understand why women go feral over men in gray sweatpants now, as you stared a few seconds too long. With a boost of confidence, you made your way over to him. 
“Mind if I sit?” He looks up. “Go for it.” He goes back to his phone. 
You’re slightly offended at his cold welcome, but brush it off. 
“Early morning huh? What time did you get here?” You ask, trying to start a conversation. He locks his phone and looks at you. “Been here since 5, they’re behind schedule.” “You weren’t lying when you said they never follow the ‘early on time and on time is late’ rule huh?” You laugh a little and he just nods and looks away. 
Okay what the fuck is his problem? 
“Can I ask you a question?” You ask. “Shoot.” He says, still looking away. “Did I do something to upset you or something because I thought we had fun the other day. You said we had fun.” You say quietly. He looks at you with soft eyes and opens his mouth to speak, but before he can someone calls his name and ushers him away. 
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To say that the costume fitting was really fucking awkward is an understatement. After each costume, you and Pedro had to take pictures next to each other to make sure that the ‘costumes don’t clash’ or whatever the fuck the guy said. You started to get really annoyed about halfway through because Pedro was ignoring you. He wasn’t speaking to you, hell he didn’t even acknowledge your presence at all. How was it fair that he seeked you out to hangout and get to know each other, then told you  not to be shy next time he saw you, and then he ignored you the entire costume fitting. Once it was over and you changed back into your sweats and hoodie, you walked out into the main room and Pedro was nowhere to be seen. You sighed and stomped off to your car. You only had two hours instead of the original three hour break in between calls because of the crew being behind schedule this morning and you desperately needed to talk to someone about your feelings. So naturally, you called Angie and asked her if she wanted to meet you for lunch.  She agreed and the two of you met at a small coffee shop near her office building.  She could immediately tell that you were pissed off. 
“What’s wrong girl? Tell me everything. Do I need to kick someone's ass?” She says while holding her fists up. 
“Unless you want to go to jail for abusing the elderly, I don’t think so.” 
“Some old bitch pissed you off?” 
“Yea..something like that.”
“Spill, i'll be your therapist for the next..” She trails off while she checks the time on her phone “...43 minutes.” 
“Ang, I’m really fucking confused right now.” you sigh, putting her head in your hands. She urges you to continue. “I need you to promise me that you won’t freak out too much and get mad at me for not telling you this right away. Okay?” 
“Okay okay, just tell me already I'm dying over here.” 
“Okay. So after the table read a few days ago, Pedro basically chased me to my car.” Angie’s eyes go wide. As you fill her in on your hangout with Pedro, you could see all of her emotions and thoughts clearly on her face. 
“I’m a bit confused here. If you guys hung out and it was great, what did he do to make you so mad?” 
“Well, he kinda sorta texted me after.” 
“YOU HAVE HIS NUMBER??!?” She screams. A few people give her a few dirty looks. 
“Uh yea. I had to send my address to him. But um he texted me saying that he had fun and we should do it again sometime. Before I could even reply he sent this.” You show her the text. 
“OH MY FUCKING GOD BITCH!!!” More dirty looks fly her way and she gives a quick sorry. 
“The Pedro Pascal has the hots for you! You should be over the moon, not all grumpy.” She says in a whispered yet excited voice. “Wait, why the hell didn’t you respond to that part? You really ignored the hottest man on earth calling you beautiful. Are you fucking stupid or something, you got rocks for brains?” 
“Ang…I ignored him because I was scared. Plus you don’t know he meant it that way. What if he was just being nice?” 
“Y/n I need you to be for real right now. You hung out with him all day and he texted you that he had fun and that you’re beautiful and you see that as him just being nice?” You slowly nod 
“You are so clueless when it comes to guys.” 
“You didn’t even let me tell you why I’m mad at him.” 
“Oh yea, continue then.” 
“I saw him this morning but he basically ignored me.” 
“What the fuck do you mean he ignored you?”
“I tried to talk to him when I first got to the fitting but he just gave short answers and seemed uninterested. The entire time he just acted like I didn’t exist.” She gives you a look that reads ‘you really are a dumb bitch huh?’, a look she's  given you many times before. 
“Please don’t look at me like that. Can you just tell me what you’re thinking right now?” 
“y/n, baby, honey. He probably acted like that because you completely brushed off the face that he called you beautiful. He’s probably embarrassed and thinks you're uninterested.” 
Those words hit you like a ton of bricks and you really did feel like a stupid bitch right now. 
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You spent the second hour of your break at home wallowing in self pity. You were in a really weird position right now. If Pedro did happen to be interested in you, you couldn’t shake the fact that he was 24 years older than you, only 14 years in his head. If he did try to pursue you at all, you’d have to tell him the truth, but what if that affected your career. You knew that your real age would come out at some point but you were hoping for it to be after this movie was released and your talent was already showcased. Not only was Pedro significantly older than you, he was your coworker. It was your debut film and you just had to get the hots for your co-star. You really enjoyed being around Pedro, you just really hoped whatever was brewing between you two wouldn’t cause too much trouble. 
When you got to the roller rink being used for filming, most of the cast was already there putting on their skates. You found an empty bench and sat down. You scanned the room for any sign of where to go until you found a skate check out area near the arcade. Just as you were about to stand up and make your way over there, someone sat down beside you. You looked up and locked eyes with Pedro. “Um, I just wanted to apologize for acting weird earlier.” He says with a soft voice. “I just uh… I’m also sorry about the message I sent. I probably crossed a line there and I didn’t mean it.” You nod with a look of hurt on your face. “I didn’t meant that I didn’t mean what I said, I did mean it, you looked stunning, I just uh… fuck man.. I’m really bad at this.” You give him a small laugh. “P it’s okay. I’m sorry for ignoring it all together. I didn’t know what to do and thought it would go away, if that makes sense.” He nods in understanding and smiles. “P? I earned a nickname?” “Oh um I can just call you by your full name if that’s what you want. I understand if- " "Y/n.” You look at him. “It’s more than okay.” The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for a moment. “We should go grab our skates and get to the floor.” Pedro stands up and offers his hand to you. You take it and he pulls slightly to help you up. The two of you walk over to the skate rental counter, check out skates, and walk back over to the bench. 
“I haven’t done this in ages.” Pedro says as he ties the laces on the skates. 
“Me either. I used to skate all the time as a kid. I would always go to the skating rink on Friday nights and hangout with friends.” You smile big as you recount the memories. Pedro goes to stand up and immediately falls, luckily falling back onto the bench. You let out a big laugh and his laugh follows. “You sure you’ll be able to make it to the floor old man?” You joke. “Hey, don’t start now. I’m not that much older than you.” You go quiet. “P, about that. I really need to tell you some-” 
“We need all the actors on the skate floor. All actors to the skate floor. Thank you.” 
You stand up and offer a helping hand to Pedro and you slowly guide him to the floor. “What were you going to tell me?” “Oh uh nothing, it can wait.”. You made it to the floor still holding Pedro’s hand, he let’s go. Both Pedro and yourself were pulled aside to work on your skate choreography. In the movie your characters meet at the skating rink and have a roller dancing sequence together that you would be learning and practicing tonight. Once you learned the first half, the floor was cleared so both of you could run the choreo. 
The song Le Freak by CHIC started to play and you began skating. The routine started off by Janet skating alone. She glided through the floor and swayed side to side for the first 35 seconds of the song. Once the first line is sung, Daniel starts to skate next to her, following the lead. “Hey there sugar.” Janet ignores him and continues to skate. “You’re not going to ignore me all night, are you sweet thing?” She rolls her eyes. Janet starts to skate backwards in front of Daniel. “Let’s see if you can keep up, then maybe I'll talk to you.” Janet says with a wink and glides back next to Daniel’s side. At this point, the chorus of the song hits and the two of you begin to do a cheesy dance. Rolling your arms in a circle and then hitting a disco finger both ways. 
The music stops and you both hop out of character and start laughing. The choreographer and other actors are applauding. Pedro opens his arms for a hug and you accept it. You felt like you were on cloud nine. The moment died down and the two of you learned the rest of the choreography and rehearsed it a few more times. 
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“I literally can’t believe how stereotypical that scene is, oh my god.” You said bursting with laughter. “That’s honestly why I agreed to do this movie. It’s full of fun and dumb stuff. The best kind of movie.” The two of you were walking out to the parking lot together. “Hey. I know it’s late and you like totally don’t have to, but if you wanted to come over again and you know hangout you could.” You look over at Pedro with a hopeful smile. “Yea I’m down. I’ll meet you over there yea?” You nod and try to hide just how excited you are. 
Once you made it back to your place, you waited in the parking lot for Pedro, and made the short walk up to your apartment once he arrived. You opened the door and took off your shoes, you notice Pedro does the same. 
“I’m gonna order some pizza for us real quick. Is one cheese and one pepperoni fine with you?” Pedro nods and takes a seat on the couch while you make your way to the kitchen. Pedro takes a look around your apartment and notices all of the little unique things that you have collected. “I never got the chance to compliment you on your space last time I was here. It’s really cozy.” He yells out to you. “Oh thanks. I like to go thrifting and antiquing for old trinkets and stuff.” You say as you walk back into the living room with two cups of water. “Do you mind if I play some music, I hate how quiet it gets in here sometimes.” “Yea go for it. Let’s see what you got.” He says almost as a challenge. 
The pizza arrives about 20 minutes later and the two of you fall into conversation while eating. “So do you live in LA?” 
“Kind of. I have a small place here and I have one in New York too. I live wherever I’m needed.” 
“That sounds exhausting.” 
“You should start preparing for that lifestyle. Soon you’ll be booked and busy, going all over the world.” 
“I’m kind of nervous for the press tour we have. I know it’s like a year away but I’ve never traveled that much before.” 
“It’s gonna be fun. Besides, you’ll have me to entertain you the entire time.”
With music still playing in the background, both of you are laid out on the couch still deep in conversation. 
“Y/n can I tell you something?” 
“Yea of course.”
“I really did mean it when I said you were beautiful. I’m sorry if that seems too forward. I just don’t want to regret not saying it.” He looks over to you. 
“Oh uh, thank you.” You say shyly. “I um.. I think you’re really handsome.” He smiles. 
There's a silent pause in conversation. Wicked Game by Chris Isaak starts to play. “Shit.” Pedro grunts as he sits up. “I didn’t realize how late it was.” You glance over to the clock and it reads 2:45am. “I should probably get going sweetheart.” He pats your knee and stands up. You slowly pull yourself off the couch. 
The world was on fire and no-one could save me but you
You watched Pedro as he collected his belongings. He was still wearing the same outfit as this morning and you couldn’t help but stare. 
It’s strange what desire will make foolish people do 
Your brain focused on the song in the background and your body started to feel warm. Pedro went to grab his shoes and you followed. 
I’d never dreamed that I’d meet somebody like you
He stood up with a goofy smile. You couldn’t help but stare at him. Just within the two times you had spent time with him, you felt like he was invading your every thought. You didn’t think you’d ever meet someone who had this effect on you. 
No, I don’t want to fall in love
The song lyrics felt like a warning but you couldn't seem to care. Pedro stood right in front of you. A man who had called you beautiful and had meant it. A man who had seeked you out to spend time with you and has sat in your apartment talking about stupid shit for hours on end. 
What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way
He’s staring into your eyes and all you can think about is how badly you want to kiss him. You don’t care about what might happen after. You wanted him. 
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you
You look down at his lips. “I should go.” He whispers and steps closer to you. “Yea you probably should.” You whisper letting your lust filled eyes meet his. “Fuck it.” He grabs you by the waist, bending down slightly and connects his lips to yours. 
And I don’t wanna fall in love
You reach up to grab his face and pull him closer to deepen the kiss. The kiss quickly heated when Pedro slid his tongue into your mouth. You let out a small moan, causing the two of you to pull apart slowly. 
You stared into eachother eyes for a moment before he opened the door. “Bye sweetheart.” he says with a small smirk. “Bye p..”.
Thank you for reading <3
next chapter
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mrsmidnight15 · 1 year
Cod MWii x (gn)Reader Sfw & Nsfw headcanons
Characters: Valeria Garza, Cap. Jonathan Price
this is a bit short cause im still getting back into writing, ill hopefully be writing longer stuff soon🎉( @sleepiexx @sheeluvsme you two are entirely to blame for this😭)
all nsfw will be at the very bottom together!
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Because of her line of work it can be hard trying to find fun things to do together out and about without risking being seen unless you're out of the country or dressed up but Valeria has no problem coming up with things to do with you inside or in enclosed outdoor areas.
She's a smart woman and her gears don't stop turning off work. If you can play chess be prepared for total warfare, she will wipe your ass clean off the board regardless of your skill and can go for as many rounds as you're willing. However if that isn't your thing there's still plenty of other logic, mystery and puzzle games to play together.
Loves dancing, if her favorite song comes on she's immediately on you, pulling you to the floor and teaching you the steps if you don't know. If you're physically unable to then she will put on a show, completely mopping the floor. If she's feeling cheeky or you're especially shy she will start dirty dancing to try and fluster you.
Whenever John gets home on leave he always dedicates the first couple days to relaxing with you, he always feels horrible having to spend so much time away from you and it's his own sorta way for making up all the lost time.
turns into a total cuddlebug, and if you aren't cuddling he's still finding someway to stay close or in physical contact with you. Rests his head on your lap if you're preoccupied with an electronic or book, playful kicks and footsie under the table while you're both eating dinner.
LOVES taking baths with you, thinks it's the perfect time for you guys to just unwind and take care of each other. goes feral when you wash his hair and scratch his scalp, if you want to rile him up all you need to do is give a couple light pulls. Tries to make you laugh by building up shapes on his head with the bubbles. insists on drying you off himself when you both get out.
although i don't think she has a mommy kink the dommy part still stands
she loves the feeling of being in control of your pleasure, taking and giving it as she pleases
Likes restraints, not only for the power it gives you but she also enjoys knowing that feel safe enough to be so vulnerable and exposed just for her
A bit possessive, loves having you repeat her name while you're seeing stars. Asking you who you belong to, making you swear no one else will ever see or feel you like this even though she already knows the answers
one of her top kinks is for sure overstimulation. Gets off on how far gone you get, solely reliant on her to keep you grounded and well. absolutely loses it in a good way when you first start squirming, simply using her weight to keep you pressed down and pliant
Will not stop until you're writhing and begging her, mocks your whines and pleas for mercy while cranking up the vibrator pressed to your sweet spots. she's really good at reading you though and always knows when to stop before it starts to become uncomfortable or needing of safeword
he tends to prefer domming most of the time, just enjoys having you let go for him and have fun and gets off on it too
Won't be opposed however if you ever feel like taking the reigns, he's pretty cool with most things and trying stuff out as long as your happy
manhandling kink for the win, goes both ways depending on if you or him is the bigger one
If he is, which he's quite used to being, he loves taking you up against a wall. likes having you a bit closed in, forces you to focus only on him. enjoys having your full attention to himself
If you are, he likes positions where you're on top or over him. likes being able to have a good view of you while still pressed together and the pressure of your weight is very calming to him as well
Sucker for dirty talk, likes when you do it too but if you're too shy or don't have the capacity for it he'll gladly talk the whole way through. About how good you look, how perfect you feel around/inside him. when he's close to cumming he voice gets growly and low, whispering sweet things in your ear as you both come undone
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vilevenom · 6 months
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Hello again @bitterbunny07!! Thank you for your prompt! I love a good fic where one of the bros sticks up for JD! Though, I admit, I've characterized Clay a bit more...aggressive than I'd normally write him. 🤷
Also, I'm sorry if this seems a little rushed. I didn't have time to edit it and I wanted to get this out before I went out for the day, so I didn't read it back over I hope you enjoy!
Bruce didn't know how the argument started. All he knew was that it was John Dory and Clay, and they were being loud. Loud enough that a couple of his kids had asked if their uncles were okay. And that, in and of itself, was not okay.
"ALL RIGHT!" Bruce shouted as he walked around the corner to the area of the bar set up for smaller species, "You two! Separate!"
John scowled, but stepped back from Clay at Bruce's shout, while Clay was having none of it. He shot Bruce a dirty look, only to step right back into John Dory's space, nearly looking like he was ready to throw fists at their oldest brother. John grunted and stepped back again, holding his hands up in a placating manner.
"Bruce said to stop," John growled, losing another foot as he moved away from Clay, only for the taller troll to come after him again.
"And I'm not listening to him," Clay snapped, only to shriek in indignation as Bruce surged forward and grabbed the back of his sweater to pull him backwards.
"Too bad. You probably should have," Bruce stated, dragging Clay away from John.
"Hey! No! Let me go! We are not finished here, John Dory," Clay snarled, pointing at John in what some might consider a threatening manner. John simply shook his head as Clay was dragged away, stuffing his hands into his pockets and hunching his shoulders as he walked in the opposite direction of his brothers.
Bruce continued to drag Clay along as the taller troll tried to struggle free, rolling his eyes as Clay growled curses at him. Bruce was just happy that his brother was quiet enough that his kids wouldn't learn any fun new words from their uncle.
"Okay," Bruce finally said, practically tossing Clay into a beach chair once they were outside and a decent distance from the restaurant, "What was that all about?"
"None of your business," Clay groused, folding his arms over his chest and scowling up at Bruce.
"Oh-hoho, no. You do not get to play this game," Bruce snarked, sitting in the hair next to Clay, while jabbing his finger pointedly into his brothers chest, "You two were so loud that my kids were starting to get worried. It is fully my business when they come to ask me to make sure their uncles aren't going to hurt each other. What. Happened."
Clay, at least, had the decency to look contrite at the mention of the kids being worried. He looked away from Bruce and down to his lap, fiddling idly with his wrist bands, before letting out a long breath. "Tell the kids I'm sorry for making them upset."
Bruce threw his hands into the air in exasperation, before reaching over to shove his brother hard enough to nearly knock him out of his seat. Clay yelped, flailing slightly, and shooting Bruce a glare once he had righted himself. "Tell me, right now. Or I'll go get John's side of the story instead, and I have a feeling you don't want that."
With a scrunch of his nose, Clay let out a frustrated sounding sigh, before giving a short nod. "Fine! But only because John would make me seem like the bad guy."
"Are you?"
"No! I just…John makes me so mad sometimes," Clay admitted, drawing his knees up onto the chair and making himself small.
"What did he do?" Bruce prodded, shifting in his chair to make himself comfortable.
Clay sighed, running his fingers through his hair in agitation. "He was playing with your kids."
Bruce stared at Clay for a long minute, before letting out a disbelieving snort of laughter. "And that caused a screaming match in my restaurant? You will need to elaborate, oh brother of mine."
Clay grumbled quietly under his breath for a moment, only to shoot up from the chair while waving his arms through the air angrily. "He was playing with them like he's some, some…super uncle, or something! He was letting LaBreezey play dress up with him, and reminiscing with the kids about the band. He was telling them how they could be and do whatever they wanted."
Bruce found his eyebrows slowly arching up his face as Clay spoke, sitting forward a little to give his brother an incredulous stare. "And all of this is bad, because…?"
A frustrated yell forced it's way up from Clay's chest, as he picked up a rock to throw it towards the ocean. "Where was this stupidly encouraging side of him when we were kids?! Where was the 'Oh, you can be whoever you want to be! You have loads of time to figure yourself out!' when we were struggling with the stupid personas he forced on us?! Why does he get to pretend like he wasn't a monster when we needed him?!"
The outburst had Bruce a bit stunned. He knew Clay had bottled up resentments towards John, and he wasn't exactly subtle with his little barbs towards their eldest brother, but this was a whole other can of worms. "Clay," he breathed, rising up from his seat, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his brothers shoulder.
Clay only shrugged him off, turning an angry scowl at Bruce, only for his face to crumble into sorrowful tears. "Why weren't we worth changing for?"
Bruce clicked his tongue quietly, wrapping his arm around Clay's shoulders and directing him closer to the water. He stopped as they reached an outcropping of rocks, settling himself on the edge and patting the seat next to himself. Clay hesitated for a moment, before he too sat down.
"Clay…do you remember how old you were when Mom and Dad got taken?" Bruce asked quietly while staring out at the ocean.
"I was, like, nine or ten? Why?" Clay frowned, watching his brother curiously.
"I was twelve at the time. That would make Floyd seven, and Branch was still an egg. John Dory was fourteen."
Clay frowned, folding his arms over his chest with a sniff. "And?"
"John Dory was fourteen," Bruce reiterated, brow furrowed as he turned to look at Clay, "He was fourteen years old when suddenly he had to take care of three children and a baby."
Clay rolled his eyes with a scoff, unfolding his arms so he could lean back on his hands and kick his feet against the rocks. "Don't be so dramatic. We had grandma."
It was Bruce's turn to scoff, scowling at Clay. "Grandma was great, but she was busy a lot with responsibilities she had before we got dumped in her lap, and she worked a lot to make sure we were kept fed. John was the one who finished incubating Branch's egg, made sure we had proper meals, cleaned the pod, and kept us generally entertained. Let's face it, Grandma was also really bad at disciplining us, so that also fell on John Dory. And then we started Brozone, and that just heaped more responsibility on his shoulders."
"Why're you defending him? He practically gave you an eating disorder," Clay growled out, scowling at the ocean.
Bruce sighed, rubbing at his face before flopping back into the sand to stare up at the sky. "Yeah. He did. And that is something I need to talk to him about at some point. Hash out our feelings. But…becoming a dad made me realize a lot of things. About John, specifically. He was a kid, trying to raise kids and doing the best that he could. He had no idea what he was doing, and we didn't exactly make it easy for him. For fourteen years he was just our stupid older brother, and then suddenly…he was our guardian. I don't think any of us even had the capacity at the time to realize that he was forced to grow up in an instant while also grieving the loss of his parents."
Clay opened his mouth as if to speak, but closed it with a soft click of his teeth. He sat up, lacing his fingers together in his lap. "I guess I never gave that much thought," he admitted, "But that doesn't excuse the way he shoved us into boxes and never let us grow."
"No, it doesn't," Bruce agreed, tucking his hands behind his head, "But that should be something you talk about with him in a calm, controlled manner, and not in a screaming match where my kids can hear you. Plus, y'know, he was also shoved in a box."
Clay blinked, turning his head to give his brother a curious stare. "What? 'The Leader'? Please."
"Yeah, 'The Leader'," Bruce parroted back at Clay, "He was. He was our leader. He took care of us for four years, Clay. Did you never realize that he created the band as a way to help grandma with keeping food on the table, as well as keep us from getting into trouble? It was also an extra layer of protection from the Bergens, 'cause if we kept the population happy, it'd keep them 'tasty'. I know we all eventually felt the pressure of the bands success, but John was dealing with it from day one. I think it all just kept building up and building up until he just…imploded."
"Okay, sure. But why is he so different with the kids now?"
Bruce sat up with a short chuckle. "Because it's been twenty years, Clay. Twenty years of decompression and learning about himself. I have no doubt that John indulged in all the things he missed out on in his teenage years in all that time. He's grown up. Got to, properly. And I think he's trying to do better. There's no pressure to keep my kids safe, or fed. He doesn't have to teach them life lessons or discipline them when they're bad. He gets to be an uncle, and I think he's trying hard to be a good one."
Clay fiddled with his fingers in his lap, letting out a slow breath. "Do you think I owe John an apology?"
"For yelling at him? Sure. But I think you need to have a proper and honest conversation with him about everything. About how he made you feel then, and how you feel now. And, please. Try to keep your tone civil."
A quiet laugh left Clay as he gave a short nod. "Yeah, okay. I definitely owe the kids an apology for making them worried."
"Yeah, ya do," Bruce said with a grin, patting Clay on the shoulder.
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fluttershyflores2 · 6 months
Me, jealous? Of course not part 1
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Mk: I hope you're ready (Y/n)! - pointing at her - because you're going to love this! - excited -.
They were both at The Anti-Gravity Arcade; he wanted to show her the place where he always hung out with Mei, eagerly awaiting her response.
(Y/n): Um, why are we here? - scratching her head -.
Mk: You said you've never played a game before - smiling - so I brought you here to give it a try! Isn't that awesome?
(Y/n): You know video games aren't my thing, right - confesses -.
Mk: Yeah, I know that very well, but it's worth a shot - clarifies - I figured physical games might be more your style, you know, because of your strength - thoughtfully -.
(Y/n): And where did you get that idea from? - raising an eyebrow -.
Mk: I thought about it after, you know, you broke the controller on my console - mutters -.
(Y/n) puts on a poker face at the comment.
Mk: Let's stop talking and go inside already - enthusiastically -.
Taking her hand, he pulls her into the building.
Entering the building, the flashing lights blinded (Y/n) for a moment. After her eyes adjusted, she looked around and saw people playing or running around, heaps of arcade games. However, the guardian felt uncomfortable with the crowd.
Mk: Welcome to the most amazing place in Megapolis! - excited -.
(Y/n): Um, Mk, this is...
Mk: Isn't this awesome!! - happy -.
(Y/n):... - looks around, then at him - Yeah, it's great - forces a smile -.
Mk jumps with excitement and obviously takes her hand, leading her towards some games. What he doesn't know is that his friend feels insecure around so many people, but she's not used to crowds, and she doesn't want to tell Mk and dampen his enthusiasm. It's clear he loves this place, and it's not her problem if she doesn't like it.
Mk: You're going to love the games, but I have one specific for you - approaching a Dance game - and it's right here, oh...
Upon looking at where the game was, they only saw a group of people lining up to play.
Mk: Um, it seems busy - glances at (Y/n), who just furrows her brow - we can go later, there are more games around here! Let's go!
The boy rushes towards other games without noticing his friend, who simply follows along, walking.
And so they spend their time playing every game, each machine to earn tickets or trying to beat a high score. Mk was the only one having fun, except for the guardian. It's not because she's a killjoy or hates video games, it's just that... she doesn't feel comfortable. Everything is too flashy and modern for her to fully grasp; she's tried playing, but she always ends up breaking things, almost getting into trouble. Mk just looks at her, smiling from ear to ear, saying it doesn't matter, claiming they're "old," but she doesn't even believe him.
After everything that happened, Mk was playing a virtual reality fighting game, jumping and punching in the air, while (Y/n) watched bored. What else could she do? Play? She tried that and ended up breaking another machine. Watching him intently, she realizes he's really focused. She doesn't think he'll even notice if she leaves. Walking towards the entrance, she looks back at Mk one last time. He'll be fine; she'll come back later, she thought, passing through the crowd and finally making it outside.
Leaning against the wall, she sighs. It's not something she thinks about often, but... this isn't her thing. It's too crowded and overwhelming inside, and everything is too technological for her to understand! She shakes her head; she doesn't have to exaggerate; she can endure this, she's just doing it for Mk.
Redson: Spear girl?
Startled, she summons her lance and goes on the defensive, looking agitated until she sees it's just Redson.
(Y/n): Fire boy? - confused, she dispels her lance - What are you doing here?
Redson: I could ask you the same - raising an eyebrow - What are you doing here? It's weird not seeing you with your country bumpkin.
(Y/n): Mk? - tiredly sighs - He's inside the building playing.
Redson: And he left you alone, huh, how rude - exclaims -.
(Y/n): It's not that, I chose to be outside - explains - there are too many people, and well...
Redson: It makes you feel trapped, doesn't it? - he asks -.
The young woman leans more against the wall.
(Y/n): Yeah - she answers -.
Seeing the situation, Redson nervously scratches his neck.
Redson: Um... well... the truth is, I was looking for you - confesses -.
(Y/n): Really? - raises an eyebrow, confused - Is there a reason?
Redson clears his throat and looks away.
Redson: I... uh... well, I'm preparing a new recipe with a very spicy sauce, and I want you to try it.
(Y/n): - just looks at him -.
Redson: Grrr... - grumbles - What I mean is, if you want to come to my place and give your opinion on my new recipe! - blushing - You're one of the few people I know who can handle spicy food.
(Y/n): Hmm... look, Redson, I wouldn't refuse your offer, but I don't want to leave Mk alone without telling him.
Such a response angers the fire demon.
Redson: Why do you care about him? He doesn't even know you're here - he clarifies - he's more focused on his games than on you.
(Y/n) narrows her eyes and grimaces at his words.
(Y/n): Don't talk about Mk like that; just let me ask him.
Redson: Hmph... FINE! - arms crossed -.
The girl turns around and heads back into the building, leaving Redson alone.
Redson: I'll be waiting here!
The young woman nods before leaving.
Entering the building again, (Y/n) takes a deep breath and walks through the crowd, reaching where Mk was still playing.
(Y/n): Oh, he's still playing - approaching - Hey Mk, can I talk to you?
Mk: Wait, I'm almost done! I'm about to defeat the final boss! - excited -.
(Y/n): Seriously, Mk, I just need to tell you something.
Seeing that he wasn't going to listen, she does the unthinkable and takes off his glasses, preventing him from playing.
Mk: Awww... I was about to win - pouts -.
(Y/n): Um, yeah, sorry, but I really need to ask you something.
Mk: Oh, sure, what's up?
(Y/n): Would you mind if I go somewhere else?
Mk: Oh, sure, I don't mind at all - smiling - I'm glad you're having fun - he grabs the glasses from (Y/n) and puts them back on.
(Y/n): Uh... are you sure? - questions -.
Mk: Yep, no problem at all - still smiling -.
(Y/n): Okay, don't wait up for me; I'll be at Redson's house - walking away -.
Before he could start playing again, Mk's eyes widen in shock. She said she'll be at Redson's house!
Mk: (Y/n) WAIT!!!
Hurriedly, he takes off the glasses, letting them fall to the ground without a care, and runs after the guardian.
Part 2
(Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, like I said, I speak Spanish and I'm still studying to learn English, let me know if there are any mistakes, thank you)
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Hiya! So happy to see another loki fan!
Could you do him and a bubbly, optimistic y/n! Real puppy dog energy, but she's also kind of clever. Like people underestimate her because they think shes ditzy, maybe loki did at first too, but she really just sees the bright side of stuff and is high energy, so they're actually really smart!
Srry this was so long!!! Have a great day!
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- CONSIDERING THE EGO OF THIS MAN, HE DEFINETLY HAD THE GALL TO UNDERESTIMATE YOU. I mean, look at you. So bright eyed and happy, you were chatting with your fellow peers and your enemies alike knowing full well you're entering this contest that will costs the lives of many people.
- He thought you were niave really or maybe just really stupid. I mean, you often got lost in the arena, you were so unaware of your surroundings at times that you would just casually walk into objects and then proceeded to apologize to them, and overall seemed so happy and enthusiastic even though you were losing.
- He never saw your frown fall and he always found that interesting, as your fellow human was sent to Niflhiem, there was no sadness in your eyes. Obviously no one else noticed because they were too busy grieving but Loki did and thats how his interest in you starts.
- One day he corners you to ask about why you smiled despite the fact that it looked like humanity was doomed. No one knows what happened, Brunhilde just watched as you walked away and Loki followed you.
- Since then, people are so baffled by how close you and the God of Mischief are now. The way you two started talking to one another as if you weren't on completely opposite sides, decorating his nails with nail polish that you somehow acquired, and overall just glued to the hip.
- Sometimes you're a bit clumsy, like when your eyes light up when you look at Loki and run over to him, only to trip over your own feet but he just teleports and grabs you by your waist by teasing you about how clumsy you are.
- You always find his tricks amusing and even let him know what he could do to make them even "funnier", you're the only person who actually has a sense of humor because while Ragnarok was fun, everyone was so terribly serious sometimes but at least you knew how to have a little fun.
- Loves how openly affectionate you are with him, he is pretty touchy but not obnoxiously so, yeah he'll have his arms wrapped around you here and there but you're the one who just grabs his face when he floats upside down and covers it kisses or playing with his hair absentmindedly as he tells you about his latest prank he pulled.
- He also never really annoys you, even when he is being a little mean at times. The gods see it go over your head and they feel bad for you but they don't actually know when he says passive-aggressive things, you're not really bothered because you know he's a sore loser and you had just finished beating him in a game that you were simply too good at. He never goes too far but its clear he's still sulking.
- The gods aren't sure how but you've somehow managed to get Loki wrapped around your little finger almost as much as you're wrapped around his. Some gods admit that it's strange to see Loki so absent but they assume that he's just manipulating you and you just happen to be the new toy he's playing with since you seem like you mean well, but they also don't think you're all that bright.
- That doesn't mean that they don't enjoy your company, you're very fun to talk to but conversations are always cut short because of Loki's possessiveness.
- He especially hates it when Hermes mentions some boring fact about Greece and what it was like back in the day and somehow you get interested and start asking him questions and Loki just rolls his eyes in annoyance as this conversation goes on for LONGER THAN HE WANTS IT TOO.
- Zeus gets curious as to why Brunhilde lets you near the God's so much or why she let's you near Loki in general.
- Zeus: "If I were you, I'd be very concerned or at the very least, pick a new champion. Who knows what sick game Loki is playing at?"
- Brunhilde can't resist that mischievous smile and looks at Zeus with a raised eyebrow, "Really? I don't think they're really playing any games with each other and even if they were, Loki wouldn't be the one I was worried about."
The day of your fight came, everyone felt bad for you because the Gods had pitted you against their wisest diety. The humans weeped, after all, you were such a delightful soul but you stood know chance against such a revered and knowledgeable God. Göll was horrified as she started to tear up, you had become something like a big sister too her in your time here. Always comforting her after she lost her sisters and reassuring her that their sacrifices won't be in vain.
"I-I...We can't lose her too, Brunhilde!" Göll weeded. Bruhilde looked at you as you entered the ring, the both of you sharing a crimson smile.
"We won't, Göll." She assured.
While Heimdall was doing introductions, Loki was floating upside down and kicking his feet excitedly when you walked out. It wasn't uncommon for him to switch sides but for the first time since Ragnarok started, he was rooting for the humans.
"You seem quite happy. Aren't you worried about her?" Hermes noted. Loki turned his head towards him slightly: "Hmm? No. Not really. Why?"
Shiva speaks up, "Hey, I like that little mortal as much as the next God but she's...kinda out of her league this round, isn't she? I mean...look at who they're going against."
The round starts and your battlefield takes place in a clock tower where gears grinded and other mechanics clanked and clacked loudly. Your opponent looks at you smugly as you play with your divine weapon, a bouncing ball.
"I know, I feel bad for the poor God." Loki snickered, "After all, she's is quite clever when she wants to be~"
The very first thing you do, much to everyone's surprise, is throw your ball into one of the gears. The God against you taunts you for creating such a dumb mistake and you just smile at them, shrugging your shoulders carelessly.
"I can't watch this." Shiva groans, looking away. The green haired God smiled: "Aw, but you're gonna miss the good part!"
As they charge at you, you seem completely unbothered, standing still in one place. As they went to attack you, something sounds like it breaks and one of the giant gears hits the God into the side of the arena. Sending them crashing into the other gears, they try to shake it off and go after you again but realizes that one of their garments is caught in the gears, causing them to stay stuck.
Everyone watches from the screen and the God's can sense something is about to happen.
"What on Earth is going on?" Aphrodite frowned, confused as to why you haven't done ANYTHING to attack. Thor looks at Loki and narrows his eyes: "What did you mean by she was clever earlier?"
"Exactly what I said. Wisdom is fun and all if you're boring, you can know everything all you want. But cleverness is all about using the area and everything around you. Sometimes even the people." Loki smirked as he looked at the other Gods.
During your fight, the God still hasn't been able to get loose and your ball that was stopping the two gears from moving couldn't handle the pressure of being squeezed into two different directions before it finally shot out of the gears and directly at the God. With such force that their body which was struggling to be untangled now went limp and everyone gasped, the ball now having created a clean hole through the God's chest. You tilted your head as you looked at the camera, directly towards Brunhilde.
"Was that really it? I've had checkers matches that lasted longer."
The gods are horrified, unable to comprehend how their colleague could have been beaten so easily by a human like you. Meanwhile when humanity recovered from the shock, they cheered with such ferocity and excitement as you walked out of the stadium, your valkyrie appearing beside you and suffering from a killer headache and you apologized sweetly but congratulated her for being such an awesome partner.
"W-What just happened!?" Ares demanded, turning around to glare at the God of Mischief, "DID YOU HELP HER!?"
"Hmm? Oh, nah. She did it all by herself, can you believe that?" Loki grinned. Zeus grabbed him by his shoulder warningly: "Loki...if I found out you betrayed us for a mortal-"
Loki looked shocked but then laughed, his hand covering his mouth and tears nearly forming at the corners of his eyes.
"Please, don't tell me you didn't notice anything off about (Y/n)? Even I knew it but I thought you'd all see it. Although, I can't blame you, she nearly had me fooled." He sang in a know it all manner, "That's why I went to talk to her after Adam's match, after all, she was so chipper...a bit too happy. You know what she told me that day when I asked her why?"
The Gods all stayed silent, Loki kept them in suspense before quoting those exact words you told him: "that she couldn't wait to see the look on your faces when she avenged her friends."
They looked at him and then at you, who was now waving at the cameras and even blew a kiss at where Loki was.
"She...She was acting the whole time?" Hermes frowned.
"You knew?" Odin finally spoke up, rising to his full height and standing in front of Loki. Loki only lowered himself onto his chair and brought his knees to his chest, "I wasn't sure. After all, she complimented my boots right after so I assumed it was her optimism but I had my suspicions. I didn't know for sure until this battle. It's terrifying, isn't it? How she played us into just giving her a win on a silver platter."
Loki then bit his nail with a smile, a blush on his face growing as the Gods were realizing how you'd play them for fools the entire time.
"She's so perfect.♡"
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drvirgus · 10 months
Itzy´s Manager
Ryujin X fem! Reader X Yeji
Description: You are Itzy's manager and are always by their side. But what happens when your responsibilities undergo a complete change, and now, especially for Yeji and Ryujin, you do everything to ensure their satisfaction? What do you do if they suddenly fall in love with you?
Warnings: Smut, Ryujin and Yeji G!P
Chapter 4:
Yeji's POV
I smiled as I waved to my fans. Today, we were heading to America. Y/n walked ahead of all of us, making sure we weren't swarmed by fans.
"Midzyyyy, I love you," I exclaimed in English, which instantly caused the fans to cheer. I chuckled and continued walking. I could hear the sound of many photos being taken, so I glanced back at the others.
Ryujin walked right behind y/n, almost as if she was trying to apologize, but y/n simply ignored her. I couldn't help but smirk at the situation between them.
Only I knew what was going on... Somehow... it felt good.
It didn't take long for us to board the plane. Comfortable seats, as the flight would be quite long. My eyes fell on y/n. She was sitting right next to me.
I chuckled as I looked at the younger girl. She had pulled her white cap low over her face and had already fastened her seatbelt. "You're a good girl, aren't you?" I asked, and y/n flinched almost immediately.
She looked at me with wide eyes, her cheeks visibly blushing. Confused, my forehead furrowed. Suddenly, my mouth opened. Please don't tell me she likes being called that...
I grinned to myself, raising my eyebrows. She... had that look on her face that drove me crazy... all because she fastened her seatbelt. Something so ordinary.
I swallowed hard as I bit my lip. My hand landed on hers since she had her arm on the armrest. She flinched again, but soon relaxed. She turned her head towards me.
But I just smiled at y/n's reaction. I looked straight into her eyes. "You know... I never really thanked you for being there for us," I said, and y/n looked at me with surprise. The slightly smaller girl couldn't help but smile.
"Oh. What for? I really enjoy doing it... it's fun to spend time with you all. You guys are entertaining," she replied, and my eyes sparkled a bit. I leaned my upper body closer. My lips close to her ear.
"Oh... I know exactly how much fun you had with Ryujin," I whispered softly into her ear. Almost instantly, she recoiled and looked at me with a wide-open mouth and eyes. She raised her hands defensively.
I smirked, my hand gripping one of her wrists. "I find it very unfair, you know? Why can Ryujin take her stress out on you, but I can't?" I asked, raising one of my eyebrows.
Y/n hesitated. She looked around, making sure no one was overhearing our conversation. Y/n bit her lip as she looked back at me. "I'm your manager... I... should help relieve some of your stress," she replied, and I couldn't help but grin almost immediately.
I chuckled. "You truly are... a very good girl," I whispered softly in her ear, and I noticed her hand gripping the seat even more tightly. I laughed quietly.
I looked around. We were still standing, and everyone was engaged in conversation except for Ryujin. She had probably stayed up all night playing a game and was now fast asleep.
The plane started moving, and eventually, we were in the air. Y/n and I were sitting at the back. The others seemed to be playing UNO. No one paid any attention to us.
I bit my lip as I looked back at y/n. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Why don't we start then?" I asked, looking at y/n. The smaller girl looked at me nervously.
"Here?" She asked, and i grinned. I nodded my head. Fortunately, y/n was wearing loose shorts, so they could easily be moved to the side.
I took a deep breath at the thought. I patted my lap, and y/n's eyes widened. She swallowed and unbuckled her belt from her waist. Slowly and cautiously, she stood up from her seat and sat on my lap.
——————————————————————————— Y/n POV
My heart was racing uncontrollably. So, I sat on Yeji's lap, and it didn't take long for her hands to be on my hips, starting to move me.
My mouth opened as I felt something hard. I turned my head to Yeji, but she just looked at me with pure desire. Her cat-like eyes were even more narrowed than usual.
I fell silent. I said nothing. Her gaze and her eyes were enough for me. I didn't need more...
——————————————————————————— Begin of the Smut scene
I swallowed as I continued to rub against her. The bulge in her pants was growing, and the heat radiated through her jeans. I bit my lip.
I could feel her through my loose shorts. My breath hitched. She was... bigger than expected. I licked my lips.
It was so wrong... but... Yeji was driving me crazy. It was even worse than with Ryujin...
My breath caught as I felt Yeji making my hips float. I heard her zipper. She moved aside my shorts and underwear. My eyes widened.
Right here... this would be my first time.
Yeji's fingers glided over my vagina. I felt her breath on my shoulder. She left many wet kisses on my shoulders. Her lips also traveled to my neck.
"Are you ready, baby?" she asked, and she smirked slightly. "Are you a good girl?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. At that compliment, my thighs twitched. I swallowed.
I really liked being called that...
Only after a short while, I felt Yeji positioning herself perfectly. Her member caressed my walls. Soon after, she pressed my hip down. Immediately, I covered my mouth with my hand.
Yeji's eyes widened as if she felt something. She paused and looked at me. Her mouth was open, and her eyes were wide. "Were you... a virgin?" she asked, shocked, as she paused, and I nodded my head.
She blinked. "What?! Why... why didn't you tell me, damn it?!", she said, now a bit angrier. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at me. I looked back at her over my shoulder.
"You... Um... you didn't ask," I replied, and Yeji sighed in frustration. Her hands on my hips loosened. She leaned closer to my neck. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... if I had known beforehand... then... fuck," Yeji rambled, visibly overwhelmed.
But I smiled slightly, tears welling up in my eyes. I started moving my hips slowly, but Yeji stopped me. She looked at me quite seriously.
"Don't force yourself... We'll... have your first time properly," Yeji said as she looked at me. She still left feather-light kisses on my shoulders and neck.
I hummed a little. The pain I felt... it was gone. I could only feel Yeji deep inside me. "It's okay, Yeji... Really," I said softly. I looked at her, my hands on my own knees.
Yeji hesitated. Only after I told her again and again, she slowly started moving. I desperately tried not to moan out loud, but occasional sighs and soft cries escaped me. Several times, I had to catch my breath.
But eventually, Yeji placed her hand over my mouth while gently and rhythmically moving her hips against mine. The rest of the world seemed oblivious.
I could feel Yeji biting my shoulder. Her breath became uncontrolled, and her movements lost their rhythm. Her teeth dug into my flesh as she began to tremble.
"Fuck. I'm coming," she warned, but she didn't show any intention of pulling out. Honestly... I didn't want her to either. I moved my hips against hers.
But of course, I was careful not to let anyone notice. Yeji's hand on my mouth, while my tongue pressed against her hand. My eyes rolled back a bit as Yeji found my G-spot. She targeted it multiple times until she finally released all her stress into me.
She slowly pulled out of me. I could feel something flowing, but I quickly adjusted my clothing. My flushed face immediately looked away...
It was wrong... but why did it feel so good?
Yeji took a deep breath as she tucked her now limp tail back into her pants. She also tried to control her breathing, but she couldn't as she intended. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at me.
"Fuck... you're such a good girl... we should share a room," Yeji said as she watched me sit back down. My face contorted slightly as I felt the white creamy substance inside me.
——————————————————————————— Smut scene finished
After a while of not speaking to Yeji, we finally landed in America. I quickly made my way to the restroom at the airport to freshen up.
My jaw dropped when I noticed a red spot on my neck. Nervously, I shook my head and tried to wipe it away as best as I could, but rubbing only made it worse.
I swallowed nervously. Hopefully, no camera would capture me. But even if they did... I'm just the manager. No one would pay attention to me. That was a good thing...
Only a few minutes passed, and I already noticed some fans. They were screaming the names of the members. I smiled politely, but my forehead furrowed in anger when I noticed a much younger boy being pushed back by a teenager just so she could get closer to Ryujin.
I immediately approached the boy. "Whom do you want to see?" I asked, and the little boy blushed slightly. "Ryujin unnie," he said as he handed me a pen and a plush frog. I smiled and didn't accept them.
"Ryujin," I said loudly, and almost instantly, the bodies of all the members turned towards me. I smiled as I waved Ryujin over. She followed my instruction and looked at the boy. She smiled politely and promptly gave the boy an autograph and took a photo with him.
I smiled contentedly and bid my farewell with a wave. My eyes fell on the teenager who looked quite bitchy. I must have appeared somewhat annoyed, but I didn't say anything. I simply continued walking.
There would probably be many videos...
Especially with this red spot on my neck?!
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mylittlesecrethaven · 5 months
Obey Me Vs TWST Vs Genshin Pulling Methods
Because these are 3 of the games I play the most and they all have a pulling/wishing system. And I wanna rank em.
1st Place - Genshin Impact
Look, I love TWST showcase system, but just in terms of luck, ability to get cool shit, and ease of use, Genshin wins.
It's simple to look through what you can get. You can get cool weapons alongside characters that are actually useful that are also ranked 5 star, and the luck system is pretty cool.
Maybe it's just me, but getting good pulls happens a lot, and there's rarely any wishes that I outright hate or that I get so annoyed with because I can't get something. And if I do get a 5 star character? Even better!
2nd Place - TWST
Yeah, Obey Me couldn't hold a candle to this. TWST was pretty close in beating Genshin, but the luck for TWST isn't as good as with Genshin, imo.
However, the showcases are super easy to look through, I can tell what I'm most likely to get from the showcases, and there aren't a shit ton of different cards that I can get, meaning that I can get doubles and therefore level up that card more.
Also, like Genshin, you can see how many pulls you have done. (Although, with TWST, instead of simply being told how many pulls you need for what, it has a progress bar, which is super nice.) (Also, this is from much later, but while TWST has less cards than Obey Me, they are better quality and have more stuff for the cards, so even if you get a regular card, it's still fun to have because of all the stuff you can do with it besides side stories and fights)
3rd Place - Obey Me
This is for both OG and NM because they basically have the same banner system.
But.... yeah.... Obey Me's banner system kinda sorta sucks. You can see the card you want front and center, yes, but trying to see what else you're likely to get is extremely difficult. Also, the luck on Obey Me fucking sucks, and it's a total cash grab.
Also, there's way too many different cards. I can't even tell you how many times I get new N cards every time I pull, and I've been playing for a long ass time. I rarely ever get a double card, and it's usually only for an N card I already have. (Cause, yet again, the luck system is shit.) (Although, getting gems from the pulls is ok. It's not great, but it's something)
So, yeah. This is just my ranking off of personal experience. I can't even tell you how badly I wanted to put TWST 1st, but I had to do what was right and do Genshin just of the luck and pity system.
Edit from later: Also, because I forgot to put this, while you do get a lot of free pulls for the regular banners in Obey Me, you don't actually get the currency to pull from the event banners very often. (I actually haven't gotten the little devil pull thingies in a long while) But in Twst, I can pull maybe once ever week and a half and for Genshin I can pull maybe every three weeks because I can easily get the currency.
(Edit from waaayyy later: There was a reblog talking about how twst pulling was better, and while it didn't really have much else regarding that besides how they personally felt, it did make me think for a minute. So, now that I'm thinking about it, maybe twst does have a better pulling system. Cause every card I've ever gotten off the showcases, I've used. Not just in battle, but in the Guest Room and on the home screen. Plus, if I get a double that I've already got full Uncapped on, I get something I can spend in the store for more backgrounds. So, while I'm in a sensible state of mind, I'm gonna say twst is probably better than Genshin simply because you use all the cards in twst at some point, and I could bet $20 y'all don't even glance at weapons if they aren't 4 star.)
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xoxoavenger · 1 year
pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
summary: There was nothing left to do When the butterflies turned to dust that covered my whole room
word count: 3680
warnings: very angst, comforting ending of self recovery, mostly working through a bad breakup and learning how to forgive, you can play a fun game of how many popular media references lizzie can make in one chapter
1989 masterlist main masterlist
"Steve," Y/N said as the world seemed to quiet for a bit. Steve turned to look at her. "I just, I want you to know that-"
"Don't." Steve looked away, shaking his head. "We aren't gonna do that right now." He told her, but she grabbed his arm.
"Steve, I love you. Are you listening? I love you and I want you to know-"
"Y/N," Steve looked at her again, and she held his gaze. "No one is going to die, alright? We're all gonna be fine." His eyes told a different story, one they both knew.
"Steve," She started, but everyone turned when Thanos stepped out of the portal.
It was a losing game from there.
He went through them with ease. One by one they ran at him, and one by one they were simply thrown to the side. Y/N had ran with Steve, the two thrown to the side. She was flung against a tree, a cut off groan making it's way out of her lips as she slid to the ground. The air had been knocked out of her, and she was sure her ribs were at least cracked. Steve helped her up quickly and the two ran back. At that point, however, everyone had been knocked out. Steve held Thanos for a moment while Y/N stabbed into his back, causing Thanos to let out a cry of anguish. Steve had tried to take the gauntlet off, but in a quick move Thanos threw Y/N off and knocked out Steve. Y/N looked around, noticing Wanda in the background. She had to give her more time.
Y/N jumped back up, trying not to pay attention to aching in her body. She took a katana out of the holder on her back, running at Thanos. It was no use, however, because he just used a stone to throw her against the ground, which knocked her out, and then against the closest tree for good measure.
When she came to, Steve was above her, holding her close.
"Steve?" She got his attention, noticing the look of defeat on his face. "What happened?" Before she could get a response, Bucky was walking up to them.
"Steve?" He asked. Y/N had the time to turn her head as she watched him fade to dust, which made her heart race.
"Oh no." She groaned, losing feeling in her legs. Sure enough, when she looked down she too was turning to dust.
"Y/N," Steve muttered, hand on her face. She covered it before she couldn't feel her hands. "Please, no," Y/N opened her mouth to say more, but she was gone before the words reached her lips. Steve's head fell back in agony, and he let out a groan as tears began to race down his face.
She was gone. She was the last one left, and she was gone.
"Oh God."
It had been five years. Five years put a strain on some people, she knew that. She knew it would take time to adjust. They had been staying in different rooms, Steve getting used to living with someone again. She thought it was getting better. She though that maybe, just maybe, they'd begin going back to how they used to be.
She had to say, when Steve asked to talk to her alone in his room, the room they used to share, she didn't think it would be this. As she sat on the bed they used to sleep in every night, Y/N felt her heart quicken just a bit.
First he explained time travel. He explained how they got the stones in the first place, how they were planning on giving them back because of the timeline and whatnot. She listened through it, wondering the whole time why he had asked her to meet him privately if he was just going to explain how they brought everyone back. He wasn't even explaining what he went through in the five years.
Then, he pulled her heart out of her body.
"It's my mission to put them back where we got them." He told her. She nodded, still confused. It was silent for a second as they both thought about what to say.
"Do you want me to go with you?" She asked when he didn't continue, thinking maybe he needed her to come with him - wanted her to come with him. A mission together, just like years ago when they were Avengers. Just like before.
"No," He said quickly, then scooted away from her slightly. "No, I want to go alone."
If she had to pinpoint the moment she began to realize that things would never, ever be the same, it'd be right then. Right as he moved away from her.
"Okay," She didn't know why, yet. She wasn't sure why he would want to go alone, why he would sit her down just to tell her all this, why he would move away when she asked if he needed help. But she knew it wasn't good. "Are you alright?" She asked, because all she could think about was his well-being. All she could think about was him. Her heart was racing in anticipation.
"Y/N," He didn't answer her question, instead turning his face to look at her for the first time since they had sat down. He looked conflicted, he looked sad, but he also seemed somewhat relived.
That was what worried her - the relief.
"Steve?" She whispered, her heart racing too fast for her body to keep up with. "What's going on? You can talk to me." She put a hand on his shoulder, but he just got up and stood in front of her. She looked up, and he put his hands together, pressing them to his lips. She stayed on the bed, letting him have some space. She couldn't move if she wanted to - she was sure her legs were numb. Her stomach was rolling with anticipation, with dread.
"Tony and I had to go to an old base in the seventies to get the Tesseract. When I went back, I saw Peggy, and I," He shook his head and cut himself off as Y/N felt her heart drop. She felt every piece of it shatter, felt it fall. She looked up at Steve, at the man she loved what felt like days ago. At the man who loved her days ago - it wasn't. It had been five years for him.
But somehow it only took a moment in the seventies for him to change his mind.
"Steve," She whispered, tears beginning to fall from her eyes. She knew what he was going to do. She couldn't think of anything else to say, anything to make him stay with her. She felt the tears drowning her, making her gasp for breath as the understanding that Steve was leaving her shook her entire being.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this. It shouldn't be you, but it is." He told her, letting his arms fall to his sides. She stood up, looking at him with a tilted head. Tears raced down her face but she could only feel rage vibrating through her body. She was still drowning, but now changing her tactics to trying to swallow the water and make the burden easier.
"I don't deserve this? That's all you have to say?" She asked, squinting her eyes. Steve looked away, a tear falling from his own eyes. It enraged her, the fact that he was crying. "Seriously, tears? No, look at me." She told him, the deep breaths doing nothing to fend off the tears choking her.
"I know you don't understand-"
"You're right. But I understand that I love you. I loved you for years and now you're leaving me for a woman you kissed once." She knew it was rude of her to say out loud, that Steve and Peggy had a connection, but it was unfair to her. This was wrong and it wasn't even her fault.
"You were gone for five years." He told her, which made her even more angry.
"That's your defense? You're using the fact that I was snapped away out of my control?" She yelled throwing her hands out. "Is this what you do, Steve Rogers?" She shook her head, looking away. She was using his own name to insult him.
Her heart was on the floor. It was in shambles on the floor as Steve continued to look away.
"You are not a true hero, Steve." She muttered, a finger on his chest now. It heaved with a sob, which made her even more mad. "You, Captain America," She spat his name as if it were a curse, digging deep. "You are the worst. You're a terrible friend - you're being a terrible friend to all of us. All of us that you're leaving for one girl in the past." She sniffled but she knew it wasn't going to help her sinuses.
"I feel stuck here! I don't belong here." His words may as well as have slapped her across the face. She wanted to scream, but she knew he wouldn't hear her. He would never truly hear her again.
"You don't belong here with me? With Bucky and Sam?" She questioned, licking her lips and tasting salt from the tears. She knew the answer - he had already told her. "You know what? You're a shit lover - shit boyfriend - but you're a worse friend. I'm your girlfriend, your love, but Bucky is your best friend. He was there with you before and now he's here and you're leaving him." Y/N hit her hands against her legs, letting out a scoff.
"Bucky already knows." Was all Steve said.
"Oh, and I'm sure he loved the idea. I'm sure he told you that it was great and that you deserve it." She told him. He finally looked at her, face puffy and tears falling.
"Don't I?" He asked, furrowing his brows. "Don't I deserve happiness?" Him actually punching her across the face would have hurt less.
Happiness that she couldn't give him, apparently. She let out a sob, her body moving with it. He had cut too deep, and the dam she had been able to momentarily erect crumbled before her.
"Sorry, I was unaware that the only way for you to get happiness was with a woman you kissed one time and apparently never got over. Tell me, when we kissed were you imagining her? When I fell asleep in your arms, would you pretend I was her? How about when we had sex? This whole time, you've been pretending that I was someone else," She pressed her lips together as she watched him shake his head. Her voice was high with emotion, unable to continue.
"No, it's not like that." Steve tried to defend. Y/N was fired up now, rage flowing through her veins. She pushed Steve - obviously he didn't stumble much.
"You wear those Stars and Stripes like you're so high and mighty. You aren't. You aren't righteous, Steve. You may be a superhero and you may have the power of the gods, but you are not good. You break hearts when you feel like it because you're Captain America and you can get away with anything. You, Steve Rogers? You are a coward." She moved to leave the room, taking another breath as tears continued to make their way down her face. They were all the way down her neck and making her sweater wet. "You're a coward and I would have never done this to you." And with that she left.
Back in her room, the one that she had never seen, she waited patiently for Steve to leave. It didn't take long, and while she was waiting she pulled out the box that Rhodey had given her when she first moved back into the apartment. It was all her things from the Compound that he had luckily packed up and saved before the place was blown to pieces. Most of the items were small, like a blanket and a couple of books. But there were some picture frames. She pulled one out, her favorite one. It was of her and Steve, when he had taken her to Brooklyn and they looked around where he grew up. The picture was taken on the Brooklyn Bridge, Steve with his hat and sunglasses so he wouldn't be recognized and Y/N leaning up in her sundress with a hand on Steve's abdomen to steady herself. She's looking up at him, all the love in the world in her eyes. And Steve, he's got his hand around her waist pulling her close, but he's giving the camera a closed mouth smile.
She had always been more in love. She had always fallen harder. She was bound to break.
The door shuts, and she doesn't wait a minute before she's letting it out. She screams, the tears coming back full force as she lets the pain was over her. She knew Steve would still be able to hear it, but she also knew he wouldn't come back. He'd let her scream her throat raw, let her drown in her own tears, before he admitted to hearing her pain.
She didn't see Steve again for four years.
"Hey," Sam walked into her room. She had been living with Sam and Bucky for three years at that point, and the three had gotten pretty close. Her and Bucky bonded over their mutual loss, and Sam helped them get through it. Together, they formed an unlikely group that had the capacity to yell at each other in the kitchen before sitting down in front of the tv and watching their shared tv show during dinner.
"Hey," She put down the book and looked at the two, sitting up. They looked sad. "What's wrong?" She swung her legs over the bedside and stood up.
"It's Steve." Her heart clenched at Sam's words. After all these years, his name still made her heart race, still made her want to cry. She hadn't gone with Sam and Bucky to say goodbye, she hadn't been there when Steve handed off the shield. She declined to visit him when her housemates would go, and she continued to cut all contact from him.
Because once again, he had lived a life while she had been stuck in the same place.
"What about him?" Y/N asked, watching Bucky walk through the room. He was clearly distraught about something, so Y/N could guess pretty well what he was going to say before he said it.
"He's not doing too well." Bucky told her. She had known for awhile that Steve was close to death, that it was only his super solider blood keeping him alive. He shouldn't have even made it this long.
"That's unfortunate." She told them, crossing her arms and looking at the ground. She wasn't quite sure what to say about that. She didn't want Steve to die, of course, but she wasn't close to him. She didn't even know him.
"He wants to see you. Before he goes." Bucky mentioned, staying close to the door near Sam.
"Well, maybe he should have thought about that four years ago." She kicked her legs back up onto her bed and grabbed her book again. "Well, four years and, of course, eighty years after that for him." She pretended to read her book in hopes that they would leave, but the boys just stepped in.
"We think it could be good for you to get everything out while you still can." Sam said gently. Y/N didn't even look away from her book.
"What's left to get out? Steve left me, the girl he'd been dating for three years, to be with the girl he kissed once before going into the ice." Y/N was obviously still upset, but she'd let go of a lot of it throughout the years. Therapy helped, but time had as well.
Still, she wasn't ready to see Steve. She had kept the pictures in a closed shoe box in her closet, one that hadn't been opened since she put them in there right after her breakdown.
"Maybe you should tell him that." Bucky suggested, and Y/N rolled her eyes.
"I did, back when he told me he was leaving. It obviously didn't have much of an effect." She didn't want to talk about it anymore - she just wanted to go to sleep to escape her problems, to pretend that this wasn't her life.
"You've held this grudge for long enough, don't you think?" Bucky asked, and Y/N threw her book at him quickly. He caught it, obviously, and she rolled her eyes.
"He was your best friend! And he left you! I don't think you've held it long enough." She was angry, and Sam could see this.
"We understand he hurt you, but you need this closure." Sam Put a hand on hers, and she flinched away.
"He hasn't seen me in what, eighty-four years? He's never asked for me before." She moved to get up, to leave her own room and go anywhere that the two men weren't.
"He has been asking for you." Sam said, causing Bucky to shake his head and let out a sigh. "Every time he's seen us, even when he first came back, he asked about you." It was a secret that Bucky and Sam had been keeping for years, believing that they were doing her a favor.
"I don't care." She said, but from her hesitancy it was clear she cared a little bit.
"I understand how you feel. More than anyone else could. But talking to Steve will help." Usually, it was Sam acting as a therapist. This version of Bucky, the one that actually tried talking about her problems with Steve, was seldom let out of the shell.
"You just don't know that." Y/N shakes her head, but she's actually considering it. She has held this grudge for so long, and she knows it's wearing down on her. She's far enough out that she thinks she can handle seeing him, can talk to him without screaming. "But, I am willing to try." She tells them, and both of the men try not to look too happy while their eyes widen.
She just wants to be free of this.
"Y/N," Steve speaks first when she walks in. He looks so different, and she lets herself wonder for the briefest of moments if this is how Steve felt talking to Peggy when he came out of the ice.
"Hello," She doesn't know what else to say, so she shuffles further into the room until she's standing at the foot of his bed awkwardly.
"I didn't think you'd come." His wrinkled face is so full of wonder, the kind that makes her heart sigh in remembrance of the Steve she loved. "I asked for years, and I thought I'd die before you agreed." She decides not to tell him about the fact that she didn't know he had been asking, because it likely wouldn't have changed anything. She still wouldn't have given in and visited him, and opening up an argument on someone's death bed was generally frowned upon.
"I did want to see you." She tells him truthfully. "I just didn't want to get in trouble for yelling at an old man." The joke breaks some of the ice, but she knows, with a heavy heart, that there will always be a wall of ice up when she's around him.
"I deserved it." He says, which is the last thing she expected him to say. "I'm not going to waste my breath saying to you what I did years ago, but I am sorry." She knows that what he would say today would be the same excuses and apologies from four years ago, so she just nods.
"I wish I could say I forgive you and fully mean it," She starts, genuinely wanting to give him this satisfaction before he dies. "But I can't lie to you like that. You hurt me in a way I didn't think was possible. And I've learned to let a lot of it go, but a part of me will always resent you for it." She feels the tears gather in her eyes before she blinks up at the ceiling.
"Y/N," He starts, but she shakes his head.
"I'm sorry. I know you probably wanted closure before you died, and I'm sorry I can't give it to you." She takes a shaky breath and looks in his eyes, the same blue eyes she used to watch fall asleep every night.
"It's okay," He tells her with a small smile.
"I partially forgive you." She says with a small smile, and he just shakes his head.
"That's enough." This Steve is so different, so much more mature. She's reminded that he's lived a whole lifetime without her, while her years have been filled of trying to forget and avoid his presence.
"I'm sorry." She walks to his side, grabbing his outstretched hand.
"You don't have to be." She can finally take a deep breath with his words.
On the walk to her car, she can't help but think that he didn't apologize. Which is fine, because she wasn't expecting him to, and she's okay without it. She notices halfway through the walk that it's raining and she can't help but feel like this rain is a sign. She can finally let go of everything she's been holding onto; she can finally let go of Steve.
That night, she opens up the shoe box. She looks at the pictures, ending with the one on the Brooklyn Bridge. It isn't until she takes them out of the frame and sees the drops that she realizes she's crying. She puts the pictures back in the box, out of the frame, and when she looks up at the ceiling this time, she finally feels free. The cry was a way to get the last of her emotions out, and when she's done, she smiles.
She's finally clean. 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @thefandomplace @punzoquackk @mcueveryday @icequeen1371
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
Pfft I did! We got some silly ghosts- I have been heavily influenced by watching those funny ghost hunting videos so LETS GO
Daily Hobie HC! Hobie met you upon being tied to a large mansion when he died. Apparently, that mansion was housed to many other ghosts, and you.
The first thing he sees is your green, ghostly features, nudging him awake. Everything surrounding looks more dim, like a black filter over his eyes, with the ghostly bodies look like glowy and pronounced.
He's understandably freaked out, but everyone else seems quite relaxed at the fact another spirit has joined them in this massive mansion. You offer your hand to him, pulling him up from accidentally sinking into the floor as he still hadn't grasp the concept of floating yet.
He let you grab his hand to keep him stable until he could properly float without much effort, letting you whisk him away to give him a tour of the place. It was huge, no doubt you guys aren't bored. And besides, who could when there's always kids coming in with oujia boards and spirit boxes? After all, if you focused on something enough, you could move it.
Tonight was his lucky night, as a group of teenagers came into the mansion at an ungodly hour, per usual. They set out a ouija board, which he watched as you eagerly play with, moving the planchette as your brows furrowed in focus. You spelled out your name, your age, even how many spirits were in the room. Eventually, he burst into laughter as you pull a 180 on the kids, giving them some random answer to a serious question.
'How did you die?'
Of course, an immature answer, but it was hilarious watching these kids actually attempt to hold in laughter and confusion as to not 'anger the ghost'.
As Hobie gets used to his new body, he begins to become more adventurous, going up and down staircases, tossing a few books around the place, strumming some chords on a guitar he found. But most importantly, interacting with you more.
You'll chase him around at times for messing up your hair, and you both always find this game of tag to be fun. There was even some recorded footage the livings found of him chasing you down the stairs one time, and that itself sparked a playful tussling match as soon as he caught wind of it, immediately bringing you to the ground and teasingly sparring against you.
The moment he gained feelings for you was when he found you, 3 AM on a Sunday night, interacting with what he could figure to be some church kids, seeing for themselves if ghosts were real or not. You were being nice, with no immature or false answers, but real answers. You spoke to them on a spiritbox, telling the spooked (pun intended) children that every single one of them in the mansion was friendly, and that they had nothing to worry about.
He noticed you spoke about him a little, calling him charming and a good person. Although he didn't really believe so at times, it was still nice coming from you, someone who has quite literally been there for him ever since he stepped into his ghostly form.
Hobie simply let these feelings bubble up, hoping that perhaps one of his bandmates might come, and he could discuss this with them.
You, on the other hand, was trying so hard not to just begin giggling with pure excitement whenever he came into a room, opting for a sweet smile and a beckoning wave. Your other ghostly friends always manage to somehow nudge you in his direction, glaring at you. They complained that watching you trying to confess is basically trying to watch two characters pining for each other for a whole ten seasons.
As much as you tried to defend yourself (and Hobie), you knew that they were right to a tiny degree.
However, one day, you found a note addressed to you, surprisingly, along with a singular daisy attached to it. It wrote a question, signed by Hobie. 'Be mine? Come find me.'
Of course, this was Hobie. You both loved the dumb games, and no doubt you'd definitely indulge in this. With a chuckle, you begin your search, floating up and down stairs, checking nooks and crannies, the big ass library. The last place you check was where he found the guitar.. and yet, nothing. That is, until you feel arms around your waist, twirling you around with laughter.
Once Hobie puts you down, you immediately pull him into a hug, which he happily reciprocates. Although there wasn't really any bodily warmth, it still felt like a warm hug.
"So…your answer to my question?"
"Till death do us part" -🐦‍⬛
Oh i love those videos!! I recently watched slimecicle's vid, I was laughing so hard!
Daily Hobie HC!!!! 🎉 (Ghosts edition 👻)
Nooooo he died 😭😭😭 Oh at least he isn't alone in the big house!
Them being so goofy 🥺😂😂😂 oh i love them your honour
Lmaooo 'your mom' reminds me of that one ghost files vid where they used a spirit box and a ghost said "morons (? Or was it idiots?)" 😂 If I was a ghost I'd do my best to play pranks on the living and be much scarier to the assholes lol
Imagine a bunch of YouTubers actually go to the mansion and Hobie being Hobie holds a competition and whoever makes them run for their lives wins! Or if he remembers those YouTubers for being clickbaity and overall scummy then he'll tell everyone to not even haunt them lmaoo
The last part oh my goodness 🥹
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imagine-knb · 11 months
What would make Murasakibara+Akashi+Imayoshi+Hanamiya feel insecure in their romantic relationship? I just find them generally very confident and sure of themselves, for better or for worse, so I'm curious . And how could their partner help soothe that insecurity?
Imayoshi: He prides himself on being able to read people easily. It makes it so that he's practically able to predict everyone's next move. So the first time he finds out his significant other has lied to him about something and he hadn't seen it coming... Well, first of he's impressed they got something passed him, but now he's also concerned. If they got that one lie passed him, what else have they been able to get passed him? It's like a double edged sword for him; he likes the fact that you're smart enough to easily hide something from him, but now he needs the reassurance that you won't be doing that for anything truly important. It almost makes him want to try harder in finding your little tells, but that could quickly slide into a more toxic relationship dynamic.
Murasakibara: One of the things that can irk Murasakibara to no end is when strangers treat him like nothing but a child, but when that kind of treatment comes from his significant other, it can wreck his whole day. Now he's unsure if you like him because of him or because you see him as something to take care of, like a pet, like a child. He doesn't want to make his partner feel like he's completely dependent on them; he wants to be seen as an equal he's supposed to be. Treating him like he's also a dependable person will help ease some of those feelings. Sure, he will complain about being asked — it's simply in his nature to be lazy about certain things — but he's also secretly going to relish in the fact that you need to ask him for help for things. That you need him.
Akashi: When it comes to his relationship, one of his fears is falling into the same patterns as his father. It's hard for him to tell, considering his mother has long since passed, but there are certain things in what his father says that leads Akashi to believe their marriage would have been mostly loveless and used just for show. He needs to know that his partner actually loves him, so, in that sense, he needs someone who isn't always going to take life too seriously — someone who can help him have fun and enjoy life. If his significant other were to start losing the mirth they had at the beginning of their relationship, he'd somehow pin in on his own cursed genes. Take breaks with him, play silly games, call him dumb nicknames; anything to show him you're not in it purely for show.
Hanamiya: He's not a stupid person — in fact, quite the opposite — so Hanamiya knows that he's not the most pleasant person to be around at the best of times. That's why time spent together is actually very important for him to be secure in a relationship; he needs to know that you actually want to be around him and it's not forced. So if his significant other were to start spending more time away from him, he'd feel like they were starting to pull away from him. Of course, his natural reaction will be to start lashing out and pushing them away, so he'll need some reassurance that they aren't actually starting to lose interest. He may joke about physical favors to make it up to him, but really just some hours spent next to each other in comfortable silence would work just as well.
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A God in his own right. He has to be with that power of his. (oh what did he call it... Nimpo?) Its purple light shimmering around him like a veil. Simply mesmerizing. However with the way you have him suspended in air, he resembles more like, butterfly on a pin board, then a wrathful demi god. His power reduced to merely set dressing, a pissed off art piece you have on display, a pretty little thing meant to be admired and gawked at. You watch as the light forms into little shapes, different weapons trying to destroy the mystic rope he's bound in. You shake your head moved by his pitiful attempts to free himself, its a shame he's using his energy up like this. You would have liked to play your little game of cat and mouse for a little longer, but at this rate he will tire himself out long before the real fun can begin. Bound in rope and all strung out for you, he doesn't seem so scary. His mouth is pitched into that low tantalizing snarl as he fights against his bindings. but his eyes track you in a predatory way that sends electricity through you. You tut at him as you circle him, observing, carful not to get too close. A tiger caged can still bite after all, and while it was tempting to muzzle him, you like being able to have your coveted back and forth with him. He intelligent and witty in a amusing way, not that he is being particularly intelligent with you right now, what with all the anger but in time... yes, in time. "Now, now Mr. Hamato," you coo at him. " while I understand that you do not love your current situation, I assure you as long as you cooperate no further harm shall befall you." "That's rich coming from your type, tell me who put you up to this? Big mama? The Foot Clan? Stock boy? " You make a buzzer noise. "nope, nope and nope. All wrong, but do try again. Per haps you will get closer this time." You smile widens at his annoyance. "My allegiances aren't really the main question you need answered right now anyway dearest, I think the real question you are looking for is: why?" "Oh yes please monologue at me why don't you." he deadpans. "Fine, why oh why, would I want to capture one from the prestigious Hamato clan, lets process that a moment. If I'm telling the truth, which I am, that I'm not working with any of your other long list of foes, perhaps what all I'm really wanting is a conversation? Doubtful but a possibility." "Ah yes, the classic, kidnap and bind approach. That is rather famous for getting someone to want both talk to you and hear you out. " "Seems to be working so far." "Would be working alot better if you let me go. I promise to go semi lethal when you do." you turn to look at him . "Fine" You smile and snap your fingers, in the span of a second the ropes holding him up lose there tension and have him crashing into the ground. Donatello makes a low wheezing sound upon impact, landing hard on his plastron. his head lulling to the side slightly as he gasps for breath. While he is lying there, you find temptation leads you to lift his face up towards you with the toe of your boot. You admire his features. His sharp jaw and even sharper teeth. You smile as you gaze down at him. "You really are a pretty little thing aren't you?" You watch as his face darkens, reminiscent of a blush for a few seconds. Perhaps he doesn't mind this as much as he lets on. but as quickly as it appears its gone, and he is once again baring his teeth his beak curled into a snarl. "Go Fuck yourself!" You let his head hit the floor again with a tinny thump. "Now, now, no need to get feisty about it. Especially when I'm being honest" You kneel down before him pulling his mask from his face. He makes low growl in protest but otherwise lets it slide. You run your hand over the purple fabric smoothing it out between your fingers. "I need your power Mr. Hamato." "What?" You smirk "I need, your power, Mr.Hamato."
"You say that like I can freely give it" "Oh, you can. Just not in the way you expect. I personally don't need your power. Well... obviously" you gesture to way he is still somewhat bound in rope. " Future generations of my clan though... they will defiantly find some use for it I'm sure." a quick flash of interest and disgust forms on his face. "So what, you wanna..." "have sex? yes. I do. But don't be alarmed. I'm not going to force you or anything. I'm not a monster." "So you will let me leave if I say no?" you laugh. "Obviously not. I wont force you but I've heard loneliness is a powerful thing. I keep you locked up long enough perhaps you wont mind or even beg for such comforts from me. especially when your in rut, as you call it. I could certainty wait till then." His eyes go dark with anger before sizing you up. You tilt your head at that. His gaze trails over you taking you in, like he's measuring you. His eyes raking over your body in slow deliberate strokes. You feel exposed under his gaze, a gaping wound exposed to water and salt. Suddenly feeling vulnerable you raise your hand up. Your ropes peeling him off the floor and lifting him gently back up in the air. You have control. You still have control. "So let me get this straight." He finally speaks his voice more even and pragmatic then you feel comfortable with . " The faster I fuck you and get thing over with, the faster I can get out of this mess?" You pause before gently nodding your head. "though trust that if it doesn't take this time I will be back for other visits." He groans before tutting. "Fuck it. Fine. I've had worse meet cutes. You let me go and we will have a good go at it and then you can leave me alone for like 3 weeks. That fair?" "You are taking this better then I thought." You eye him wearily. "OH, Don't get me wrong sucrose, I am still fucking livid. But I would prefer the outcome that leads to me to at least having some progress on my projects then none at all. So with that being said are we fucking doing this or not?" You take a step back your mind reeling. Your heart hammering away at your ribcage. You have to take another moment to steel yourself before nodding and loosening the mystic ropes, they drape across his form as a precaution. You watch him inspect the rope before looking towards you and taking a step forward. You fight the urge to step back.
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squishmallow36 · 9 months
It's Getting Dicey
Summary: It's the secret santa fic...Happy New Year @ultralazycreatorfan! I know I told @song-tam that it'd be here on the 30th and then that didn't happen and then I said it'd be here on the 31st and then I was struck down by a headache. Hooray. Anyway. Dex, Lovise, Sophie, and Keefe get together to play some bunco. "What's bunco?" you ask. A game that involves rolling dice. And swearing at dice. A lot of swearing at dice. Xe/xem Dex, it/its Keefe, he/him Sophie. You know how it is. Enjoy!
Word Count: 4398
TW: swearing, at least two (2) lewd jokes
Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed!): @stellar-lune @faggot-friday @kamikothe1and0nly @nyxpixels @florida-preposterously @poppinspop @uni-seahorse-572 @solreefs @i-loved-while-i-lied @rusted-phone-calls @when-wax-wings-melt @good-old-fashioned-lover-boy7 @dexter-dizzknees @abubble125 @hi-imgrapes @callum-hunt-is-bisexual @xanadaus @callas-pancake-tree @hi-my-name-is-awesome @katniss-elizabeth-chase @arson-anarchy-death @dizzeners @thefoxysnake @olivedumdum @loveution
On Ao3 or below the cut!
    It’s always a fun day when Dex finds xemself a new project. It’s an even more fun day when xe decides to rope other people into that project without telling them what they’re getting roped into. 
    Lovise is currently living in fear of what Dex has found this time. Xe’s not maniacally supervillain laughing quite yet, so that’s a good sign, though it’s certainly not removed from the realm of possibilities. 
    All xe’s done is drag Sophie and Keefe, presumably kicking and screaming, to Rimeshire. These three definitely can’t cause massive amounts of chaos. To be fair, with a Sophie comes a Sandor, so it can’t be all bad, but it’s still quite unsafe. Ro’s still off somewhere chasing down Cad, so she’s, thankfully, not a concern either. 
    “Hello, everyone. I thank you all for meeting with me on this fine evening against your better judgements—,” Dex begins. 
    Keefe interrupts, “That’s an understatement,” a smirk playing on its lips. 
    Dex gives it a look, a hard edge creeping into xor voice. “--The reason we are gathered here today is because I was recently informed about a human game by the name of bunco. I was also told that I would need to gather multiple willing victims in order to play. I think Sophie was simply trying to avoid me, but here we are anyway, so if you would please explain to us the rules.”
    “I should just jump out your window,” Sophie grumbles. 
    “With or without teleporting before hitting the ground?” asks Keefe.
    Sophie considers its question for a moment. “I haven’t decided yet. I guess we’ll see if I go splat.”
    Lovise flinches as Sandor pinches the bridge of his nose. “Today’s objective is that we’re trying to avoid an Elwin call.”
    “He’ll be so splat, there won’t be any need,” Keefe says, flipping its hair out of its eyes. 
    That really does not improve the situation by any meaningful metric. 
    Dex glances back and forth in the silence between Sophie and Keefe several times before asking, “The rules, please?” 
    Sophie leans forward and clasps his hands together. “Well, we aren't going to get very far unless you have six sided dice.” 
    Xe leans back, and without even looking, pulls out a clear box of more dice than xe should be trusted to have. And cards. And twenty-sided dice. And flat circles that probably have some purpose. Where xe got all this, Lovise doesn’t know. She doesn’t ask. 
    “How many do we need?” Dex asks, the dice clinking around in the hard plastic shell as xe digs them out of their prison. 
    “If we want to be nice and share, then three. If not, then we’re gonna need three per person.” 
    “Keep your grubby little hands off my fucking dice. Give me some d20s, baby.”
    Dex blushes to xor ears as he hands out dice to everybody. Keefe pouts when it’s given d6s instead of the d20s like it wanted. 
    Sophie leans back to look at Sandor. “Are you sure you don’t wanna play?” 
    Lovise then takes that opportunity to make the very bad life choice of kneeling down to join their little circle. What’s the worst that can happen? They throw dice at me? I think that’s gonna happen either way. 
    Two matching dice and one mismatched die, all in shades of green, roll their way towards her and settle just shy of being in her lap. A slight twinge of disappointment flickers in her chest that she doesn’t get Dex’s gold-plated plastic one, but that’s probably lost under xor bed or something.     
    Sophie stares at Sandor for another long second before jumping into an explanation of how to play. “Bunco has six rounds—round one you’re rolling for ones, round two you’re rolling for twos, so on and so forth. So, uh, Dex, if you would roll your dice for us, please.” 
    Dex rolls xor metallic red Clan Sea Fox dice from xor adventures playing Battletech to get a 1, 3, and a 4. 
    “Very nice. I guess we should probably nominate a scorekeeper—”
    Sophie is interrupted by the crashing sounds of Dex rummaging through the shit in xor room. Xe claims there’s a system. There’s no system. Miraculously, xe finds both a piece of paper that’s only used on one side and looks like it’s only been through a few avalanches, as well as a pen whose ink is almost guaranteed to be drier than ogre skin. 
     These get shuffled into Lovise’s responsibility because she seems “trustworthy.” Considering she’s thrown more games of Catan than one would think in order to make sure Dex doesn’t pout, that’s probably not ideal for integrity’s sake. 
    “So this is round one, so just kind of make a table tracking our point values with tally marks or some similar system if you guys don’t have that. The column headers can just be our initials or something. Be lazy. Just give Dex one point for that one xe rolled.” Sophie turns back to Dex. “You may roll again. And, yes, that does mean all the dice. We’re not playing Yahtzee, Keefe.” 
    Dex rolls again. 3,5,5. 
    “Because you didn’t get a one, the turn moves to the next victim. Do we wanna go clockwise or counterclockwise? Or are analog clocks not something that exist around here?”
    Before this devolves into a shouting match, Lovise suggests, “You go next so then I’ll go last.” 
     Sophie picks up his dice and begins shaking them. “In case I forget to mention it, three of any number that isn’t the round number—say I roll 3 fours right now—that’s worth five points. Rolling three of the target number is 21 points and is called a bunco. And we’re going to keep rolling until someone hits 21 points, and then we go to the next round rolling for twos, et cetera.”
    He lets the marbled, matching blue dice go. 2,5,6. 
    “Damn it. You gave me the cursed dice, didn’t you? Whatever. Keefe, it’s your turn.”
    “You better have given me the good dice.” Its dice don’t match by any means—one black and blue, one marbled brown, and one beige—but they’re all stolen from Munchkin, made obvious by the helmet representing the number one. 1,4,5. 
    “Lovise, please mark down a point and Keefe, you go again.”
    “One more point. Roll again.”  
    “Again? Exile.” 2,2,3. 
    “Holy fuck, I just thought you got five points. Don’t do that again. Lovise, it’s your turn whenever you’re ready.”
    The unfamiliar plastic dice are awkwardly light in her palm as she rolls. 1,2,4. “Can someone count how many I’m going to have to add so I don’t have to keep pausing?”
    Dex nods and puts a finger up—thankfully not that finger—as Lovise scoops the dice up again.
    Sophie leans forward, his head in his hands. “If you had just gotten a bunco, I would have jumped out the window.”
   “Is that worth one point per one rolled, or some other weird stacking rule like rolling three?”
    “It’s one point per one rolled. So in total, she’s gotten three points this turn. One-seventh of the way to the end.”
    “One-seventh of the way to one-sixth of the way to the end,” Keefe corrects. 
    “I’ll do my best,” Lovise says as she scoops the dice up again, only to roll a 3,5, and 6. She marks down her three points. “To be fair, I did try.” 
     “That you did. Just not enough,” Dex says. Xe rolls a 1,1, and 2, prompting another Sophie-stroke. On the reroll, xe gets a 1,6,6. On the next reroll, xe gets a 3,5,6. Lovise writes all this down, bringing xor total up to 4. 
    Sophie’s turn again. 2,2,5. “This shit is so fucking rigged.”
    “No, that’s just how probabilities work sometimes,” Dex says as Keefe rolls. 1,4,6. 
    Sophie counts on his fingers as Keefe’s streak continues with a 1,5,5. 
    2,2,4 and it all comes crashing down. Those four points bring its total up to six. 
    The turn comes back to Lovise, who rolls a 2,4,5, leaving as quickly as it arrived. 
    Dex seizes the opportunity to get a 1,4,5, followed closely by a 4,5,5. Sophie is blessed with a gorgeously useless 3,4,4, paralleled by Keefe’s 2,5,6. 
    Lovise follows that up with a 1,2,6, forgetting to ask someone to count and instead pausing to write it down on the scorecard. The next roll is a 1,4,5, which doesn’t get written down, and then 3,3,4, which has no reason to be marked. This brings her up to tie with Dex, though the both of them are still trailing behind Keefe. 
    Dex fumbles this opportunity to take the lead with a 2,5,6. 
    Sophie, on the other hand, is sulking something fierce when the turn comes back to him, convinced the ones on the dice are never going to appear. It turns out, with a roll of 1,1,5, they do, in fact, have ones on them, and those are his first two points on the board. They’re also his only two points on the board as his next roll is a 3,5,6. 
    Keefe and Lovise get a grand total of zero points during their turns with a 2,3,4 and a 3,4,6, respectively. 
     They do, however, learn that having a straight of numbers like Keefe’s does not count for any points. This is bullshit and should be amended to make this a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. 
    And that’s when Dex decides to show off. Xor first roll is 1,3,4. Standard. Normal. Trustworthy. The next is 1,3,5. Like. Okay. You’re being a little extra there but go off I guess. And then the third roll. 1,3,6. 
    Stringing together three points in three separate rolls is a little absurd, which is why it gets nuked by a 3,3,5 moments later. This one turn didn’t net that many points in the grand scheme of things, but it does bring xem ahead to eight. More than a third of the way to the end goal. 
    The ones fall off the dice for an entire cycle, rotating around the entire group until Sophie’s next turn before any more points make their way onto the board. He does get a 1,1,4 so it’s not nothing, but the excitement quickly fades as the reroll of 2,3,6 materializes. 
    This brings him to four, narrowing the gap between first and last place without changing any placements. 
    The ones don’t appear again until his next turn, revealing themselves with a roll of 1,2,4. The reroll is a 5,5,6. 
   “Damn it. I really thought that was gave me five points.”
    Keefe tilts its head. “I guess you just can’t count.”
    “You’re right. Dex, do you have any integer dice?”
    “No changing dice in the middle of the game. What happened to last time when you cried for the blue ones?”
    “You’ve cursed the blue ones since the last time we played Munchkin!”
    “Or maybe I just wanted to make sure that you could successfully run away instead of getting violated by a tongue demon next time!” 
    “That’s just because you transed my gender and the fucking tongue demon got rid of my cheese grater of peace!” 
    Munchkin is an…interesting game, Lovise will give it that. 
    “I was just being accurate to the real world!” Dex argues. 
    “The real world hadn’t figured that out yet! You just wanted the -5 modifier during my next combat phase.”
    “Maybe I have a new ability that’s predicting the future. Did you ever think about that, Mr. I-have-five-abilities?”
    Sophie looks at Keefe, who shrugs. “I can’t tell what people’s abilities are, dude. After they’ve manifested, fucking forget it.”
    “Oh, please. Like you two haven’t had your hands all over each other since we were staying at Alluveterre.”
    “Yeah, but my ability’s on the newer side, so there’s not a whole lot I can do. Now, can it be my fucking turn, please? I need to show all of you how you roll dice.”
    Sophie huffs. “Sure, whatever.”
    Keefe gives him a bright false smile as it rolls. 1,6,6.  “Lovise, if you would mark that down, I’d appreciate it greatly.” 
    She had already written it down and is waiting for it to roll again. 1,3,3. 
    Keefe’s confidence hits the rafters as it scoops up the dice again, only to have it come fluttering down in tatters with a 3,5,6. It’s currently tied with Dex for first place. 
    It passes the turn to Lovise with a not-insignificant amount of grumbling. She gets a point with a roll of 1,3,4, but doesn’t have the necessary luck to get a string of rolls as her turn dies with a reroll of 2,2,4. 
    She’s up to six points, and at this rate, the gnomes are going to get Ravagog back before the first round is over. 
    Dex doesn’t choose to help this problem with xor roll of 3,5,5. It was so close to being promising. 
    Sophie and Keefe each pick up a point on their next turns. Keefe’s currently working on getting three dice to show the same face and it isn’t working quite yet, with two doubles in a row. (The first roll was a 1,3,3 and the second was 4,5,5.)
    It’s a whole cycle through their turns—Lovise 2,3,4; Dex 2,4,5; Sophie 3,3,6; Keefe 3,5,6—before Keefe officially declares, “The ones have fallen off the dice.”
    Lovise proves that to be not quite accurate by finding a 1,4,4 somewhere in there. Then, just to make sure, she finds a 1,1,3. That’s the last of the ones on her dice for now, however, ending her turn with a 3,4,6.  
     That brings her up to 9 points and into the lead, though not by much. 
    Dex rolls a gorgeous, worthless 2,3,4 on xor next turn, and Sophie follows that up with an equally beautiful 3,5,6. 
    Keefe can’t let this stand any longer with a turn composed of rolls of 1,3,6; 1,5,6; and 2,6,6. Its total comes to 11 and they’re nearing the halfway point. Though, dice will be thrown if Keefe wins, so trying to lengthen the game any way possible is advantageous.
    That’s Lovise strategy as she rolls a nice, normal 1,4,4 and scratches it onto the scoreboard. She picks the dice back up to get a 4,5,6. 
    Straights really should count for points, but when you’re playing with a bunch of gays, they don’t. Also that’s what Sophie says the rules are, but that’s the better reason. 
    This turn brings her to a total of ten points. A nice, round number. 
    Dex, on the other hand, has other plans. Xor starts off by rolling a 1,4,6. As one does. Xe continues by rolling a 1,3,5. As one also does. 
    And that’s when shit gets tense. Xe rolls again, but doesn’t get a one. Xe does, however, get a 2,2,2. 
    Five points. 
    Keefe’s bloodthirst is gleaming in its eyes as Dex picks up the dice again. Thankfully, Lovise doesn’t have to hold it back as xe rolls a 2,3,5, killing xor streak.
    That doesn’t reverse the past. The damage is done. Xe’s at fifteen points after pulling off that move. 
     “Always keep in mind that anyone can get a bunco at any time. Three ones and this is all over.” Sophie then takes his own advice and tries his best to make that happen. He’s actually fairly close with a 1,1,6 and an aneurysm from Keefe. His second attempt, a 3,5,6, is notably less successful but still brings him to eight points. 
    Keefe is not successful in its own 4,6,6 attempt. The grumbles that the dice are cursed have begun once again in greater force this time. 
    Lovise and Dex both pick up a point on their next turns and then the ones fall off the dice for two entire cycles. As in, it goes through Sophie, Keefe, Lovise, Dex, Sophie, Keefe, Lovise, and Dex before another point is on the board. 
    Where do the ones go? Nobody knows. They’re definitely still on the dice—Keefe checked. Loudly. They just don’t appear. For eight rolls in a row. 
    Sophie interrupts this spiraling trend with a 1,2,3 like a light in the darkness. Then, he gets a 1,3,6 with significantly less symbolic meaning behind it. He follows this up with a 2,3,5 that makes the veil of inky blackness fall over them once again. He’s up to ten points, so he’s still in last place, but less firmly so than before this last turn. 
    It’s Sophie’s next turn before the dice bless the group with a holy one in a roll of 1,3,6. It’s strangely fitting how the forgotten middle child of his previous round is now the roll that slows the encroaching emptiness. 
    Its luminescence is snuffed out almost as soon as it began like a candle on a windy night with a 2,4,5. 
    “Come on, you worthless sons of bitches,” Keefe mutters as it shakes the dice. 1,3,4. “Ooh, swearing at the dice is the answer? You should’ve told me this earlier. You pieces of shit better give me a one.” 1,3,4. 
    “To be fair, I’m kind of surprised it took you this long to figure out that secret,” Dex says. 
    Keefe ignores xem. “Please, motherfuckers.” 2,4,5.
    Unfortunately, Lovise doesn’t get to learn new swear words from Keefe’s newfound Polyglot ability with the end of that streak that took it to thirteen points. 
    It’s said that some humans find thirteen to be an unlucky number. It’ll be interesting to see if the dice agree with this superstition by grinding Keefe’s point gains to a halt. 
    Lovise rolls on her next turn—2,2,4. It’s getting real fucking old rolling and rolling and having nothing new to show for it. 
    Dex’s turn is filled with as much excitement as Lovise’s just was. Which is to say, none. Xe rolls a 4,6,6. Lovise thought xe got three 6s, but no. If xe had, the round would be over and Dex would be inventing a new victory dance. 
    Sophie, however, doesn’t let that stop him. 1,6,6. 1,4,6. 1,2,6. The dice seem rigged—almost like he isn’t even rolling them, but different ones are ending up as the ones and sixes. The only reason Lovise even bothered to notice was that she doesn’t trust any of her company that much. 
    Then Sophie decides to roll a 2,6,6, proving that all of this was meaningless speculation. But he is up to thirteen—tied with Keefe—so that’s nice for everyone except for Lovise in last place.
    It takes a whole cycle of grumbling, swearing at dice, and definitely not purposely rolling them at others before Keefe gets another point. Actually, two points. 1,1,4. It ends up only being those two points, as its next roll is 2,3,3 and a couple of tears that it wasn’t worth five points. That brings it up to fifteen, gnawing at the back of Dex’s heels for the honor of being in the lead. 
    The dice giveth and they taketh away. 
    They taketh away Lovise’s, Dex’s, Sophie’s, and Keefe’s next attempt to get points.
    “Bless me with your golden glory,” Lovise whispers, eyes skyward as she shakes the dice. 1,2,6. 
    She scratches her twelfth point into the paper before returning to the translucent cubes taunting her. She rolls again. 2,4,6. 
    Then it’s Dex’s turn once more—3,4,5. A roll that has absolutely nothing.
    Then it’s Sophie’s turn once more—3,3,6. If only four threes would count for something. Saw the dice apart. Do whatever it takes. 
    Then it’s Keefe’s turn once more—2,4,4. It’s a sharpie away from drawing extra dots. If every side has six dots, every roll is five points. 
    Then it’s Lovise’s turn once more—4,5,6. Straights still don’t count for points. With the way this game is going, it seems like the gays don’t either. 
    When the turn returns to Dex, expectations are on the floor. Then xe rolls a 1,5,6. That’s xor seventeenth point. Four more and this is over. Four more and two becomes the magic number. 
    Xe rolls again. 
    Lovise’s breath catches in her throat. Five points. Bringing Dex to 22 and the round to proceed forward. 
    It’s almost poetic how the first round ends with the next magic number, come to bestow them with its splendor before it disappears from the dice forever. 
    Sophie, a smirk playing on his lips, taps on his Imparter in what looks like a very controlled fashion until an ear-splitting bell noise echoes through Dex’s room. 
    The only reason Dex merely flinches away and doesn’t banish him immediately from the premises for all eternity is presumably because rolling dice game fun when you win.     
    “My family’s bunco game has a bell that comes with it. That’s the closest I can do. Technically, I think the rules say you’re supposed to ring it only when you get a bunco. But we used to ring it at every available opportunity.” He turns to Keefe. “Which is why it’s as far from you as I can possibly get.” 
    Keefe pouts overdramatically, a feat considering it was already doing that at Dex’s accomplishment. 
    But Dex’s accomplishment means nothing. There’s five more rounds before Dex starts arguing that they should play the extended edition with the d100s xe inevitably has stored somewhere. 
     The following rounds feel as though they race by. 
    The twos round, Dex wins once more by rolling a triplet of 2s, except this time it’s worth a full 21 points. Keefe made it to 20 before Dex pulled that one out of xor ass, which is highly suspicious, so a dice trade is initiated. A diagonal cross results in Lovise getting Sophie’s blue dice and vice versa with Lovise’s green ones. 
    The threes round, against all odds, Dex wins again. If xe isn’t cheating, that’s one Exile of an accomplishment, and if xe is, xe’s not doing a very good job at hiding it. Dice are traded again, and Lovise ends up with Dex’s metal Battletech ones. 
    The antepenultimate fours round, Dex takes it upon xemself to win again. Xe has the audacity to get a triplet of 1s and 3s in the same roll streak. The fact that xe hasn’t been burned at the stake like the witch xe is is a fucking miracle. 
    Lovise having to fight off a feral Sophie and Keefe is not a fight that’s going to be pleasant. Don’t get her wrong, she’d still win, but she might get a couple of bite marks.
    They switch the dice again, and Lovise ends up with her original green dice, traitorous in their assistance of Sophie and Keefe over the past two rounds but magnificent in their return. 
    The penultimate fives round, Keefe finally gets to stop the waterfall of crocodile tears and replace them with actual tears as the dice finally decree that it’s worthy of winning. Dex has already won the game beyond defeat but it’s not about winning anymore. It’s about not losing and second place is still better than last place. 
    Now, to be fair, second place is the first place of losers, so maybe it’s just trying to say that it’s the top loser in the world. That would make a lot of sense. 
    Dex is also, notably, allowed to keep xor dice. All of the useful rolls were used up and xor seven points at the end of the round didn’t seem like enough of a threat. 
    And it is finally time for the grand finale. The ultimate challenge of dice throwing. The sixes round.
    Lovise gets so, so close to winning. She has twenty whole fucking points. Yes, all of the points are fucking. 
    And then Sophie just decides, “oh, yeah, I’ll get a bunco. No big deal” as the dice settle into a 6,6,6. 
    It is, in fact, a big deal. 
    Sandor will be hearing about this moment for all eternity. Lovise will make him suffer. He deserves it for his charge’s utter impunity.    
    It may or may not have been Lovise’s mostly-unintentional death glare that caused Sophie and Keefe to fabricate reasons to not be at Rimeshire anymore as they light leap away. 
    Dex begins stuffing the dice back into the box, clinking as they slide down unwillingly, forming a lopsided hot mess. 
    As soon as she’s certain Sophie and Keefe have vacated the premises, Lovise turns to xem and asks “How’d you cheat?”
    Xor hands fly up, framing xor face with xor palms out. “To be completely fair, I only cheated in the second round.”
    “I didn’t ask ‘did you cheat?’ I asked ‘how did you cheat?’”
    Dex digs out the Battletech dice xe was using in the first two rounds and rolls them around in xor hand. “It’s really easy to load metal dice, especially when you’ve got magnets to turn it off when someone wants to check if they’re loaded. I haven’t figured out how to load high numbers with it yet. And, besides, I forgot to do it in the first round and it only shifts the probabilities a little bit. It’s not cheating that much.” 
    “Yes it is.” Lovise pauses for dramatic effect. “Next time, if you have loaded dice, I expect some too.” 
    Dex throws xor head back, laughing. “I’ll make sure to get around to that as soon as possible, but first: I gotta go get some snackies from downstairs.”
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mxanigel · 7 months
If I can be a little greedy in return, for your OT3 👀
4. An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
10. A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
38. Whispering “I love you” before a chaste, delicate kiss.
I'm sorry I took months to get to this ask from this game, but I had so much fun dwelling on these scenes. Thank you for being greedy! 😁💜 The three snippets are all set post-canon, though they aren't presented in chronological order.
4. An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
“Shion, pass me the pliers.”
“Pliers? Not a wrench?”
“I need one of those, too, but pliers first.”
Shion raises a skeptical eyebrow before reaching across the workbench for the requested tool. She has to shove aside discarded wood and haphazardly-stacked sandpaper to grab it. Hange could’ve handled this themself, but the bit of tongue sticking out one side of their mouth shows they’re far too focused to consider the option.
Hange turns as she slides the pliers toward them. “Thanks—”
Their lips unexpectedly meet. So do their noses. Shion straightens with a laugh. “Sorry about that.”
“Did you just apologize for accidentally kissing me?” Their tone is somehow both amused and irritated.
“I guess?”
“Well, I can think of one way to fix that.” Hange grabs her shirt and pulls her in for a highly intentional and much longer kiss.
The corner of Shion’s mouth twitches. “Huh. Now I know how to snap you out of your work.”
Hange’s eyes sparkle. “Oh, no, please never ever use that against me.”
10. A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
Weary resignation creeps into Shion’s chest as she stares at the space on the shelf where their sugar should reside. She somehow forgot that their adorably precocious two-year-old daughter decided yesterday that it would be fun to knock over the container and then play with it like sand. Tasty, sticky sand.
“Shion? What’s wrong?” Hange asks, resting their chin on her shoulder.
“It’s technically possible to bake this pumpkin muffin recipe without sugar, but I doubt they’ll taste good.”
“Oh! I’ll go get some.”
“Wait, is the market still open at this hour?”
“Eh? I was going to ask Moblit and Nifa if they had any to spare. How much do you need?”
“125 grams would be ideal, but I can get away with a hundred.” She wrinkles her nose. “Apologize to them for the late interruption for me? I should’ve handled this while I was out today.”
“You had plenty going on. Don’t worry about it.” Hange nuzzles her neck, picks up a small empty jar, and then dashes to the front door.
Levi wheels into the kitchen from the living room. “Problem?” he asks.
“We’re out of sugar.”
“Ah, right.”
He volunteered for bathing duty after Petra’s antics. He probably wouldn’t have forgotten that we were out of sugar— Shion silently berates herself for the negative thought. She has been busy.
He deftly maneuvers into the hallway to speak to Hange. “Watch your step out there. It’s still raining.”
“I know, if you couldn’t tell.” They proudly twirl in their long coat and then lean down to kiss him. “I’ll be back soon.”
“You’d better be. We’re hungry.”
Hange laughs before stepping into the rain-soaked evening.
38. Whispering “I love you” before a chaste, delicate kiss.
Levi drags his forearm across his brow and then inspects the next plant in the row; elderberry, by the pattern of its leaves. “Lecture me already.”
“I can’t simply admire your hard work?”
“You usually don’t. Not after a day like yesterday.”
She tries not to think about the pain he showed, the agony he must have felt to reveal that he was in so much pain. Yet the memory prompts her to risk his ire by slipping her arms around his shoulders from behind. “I won’t apologize for worrying about you.”
He exhales heavily. “I’m not going to get better.”
Tiny claws rip into her heart. “You don’t need to. Your mobility will never affect how Hange or I feel about you.”
“Then don’t treat me like I can’t take care of myself.”
“I’m not—” She silences herself. Her intentions don’t matter here. If her actions made him believe she was seeing his injuries instead of him as a person, then she needs to change those actions. “I’m sorry I yelled at you to stay in bed yesterday.”
After a moment passes, he pats her elbow. “If it were you or Hange, I would’ve done the same.”
She appreciates him saying that. If the doctor’s right about how her pregnancy is progressing, she’ll be stuck in bed before long, too. Maybe that’s why she let her emotions get the better of her; she wants to care for him while she still can. “I love you,” she whispers.
Levi turns his head. “I love you, too.” And then he gently kisses her.
Moisture pricks her eyes as she pulls him closer, hoping with every fiber of her being that the gesture conveys how much she adores him.
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screechhermit · 6 months
Earthbread Mechanics - Combat 1/?
So first post of many here. I'll say this now, most of the posts about this will not be in order as they're just going to be whatever is on my mind at the time. Today its some aspects of combat. Some of these ideas are pulled from a bunch of different places with a lot of them coming from Kingdom as its the main game with combat, and I haven't played Tower yet, so I'll get into the stuff I'm pulling from there first.
In theory each Cookie would have a class(charge, defense, magic, etc) with this only really effecting the skills and what toppings they should use(I'll get into those in a bit). Outside of that Cookies would all have a main melee attack along with a ranged/magic attack depending on the Cookie.
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So Toppings, another bit from Kingdom yes I know, but I find them as interesting as a mechanic. In essence they function the same as Artifacts from Genshin but we aren't going there. Anyway in this hypothetical game they would function the same way that they do in Kingdom. You'd equip a max of five to your Cookie, with each kind having differing effects on stats.
Resonant Toppings
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Additionally I want to touch on Resonant Toppings briefly. I love the idea of them, with sets meant for specific groups of Cookies. However, I feel that Kingdom initially kind of dirty, with Moonkissed and Trio Toppings both being no longer available yet we can still get Tropical Rock, Draconic, Sea Salt, etc. Even in limited amounts they are still available to us. In this case I would imagine the different varieties would simply only be obtainable depending on the region of the world. Moving on!
Crystal Jams
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So I have an issue with their inclusion into Kingdom. While in concept they are very cool, honestly would've preferred for Legendary Cookies to just have Magic Candies. However I don't want to remove them outright because there is an aspect I like about them for use in a party style of combat. These being the Rally Effects they have when a Cookie possessing one is in your party. An item in game that provides buffs to your whole party is very fun. But changing them from their form in Kingdom is how to obtain them and how they would be used. Firstly I'd keep them in their first stage form as the simpler design just looks nicer. I'll go more into them in another post as this is getting long as is.
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So this aspect is something I just find fun for games sake. It does also make strategies for what Cookies to have on your party. Having Elements assigned to Cookies in an open world rpg does feel very cliche but it also just feels correct to me to include.
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Elements can tie into so many other aspects of gameplay in a variety of ways. Plus they're also just fun to look at, all the pretty colors and fun symbols for each one. I do find it interesting that of the ones currently in the game, they all seem to tie into an Ancient, Legendary, or Dragon Cookie. So putting that into the context of the other three Ancients, four Dragons, and the other nine Legendaries, it leaves a lot of gaps in the Elements to get filled. Sleep for Moonlight Cookie, Wind for Wind Archer Cookie obviously. I could see some kind of Space or Star Element for Xylitol Nova Cookie and the likely four other Nova Cookies. We all know its inevitable, Devsis loves to release higher rarity Cookies in sets of five. This isn't even considering the Beast Cookies yet. But that's for another post.
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With all of those thoughts planted into the realm of Tumblr for all to see, I bid you all a good evening as its getting late on my end as I type this. Thank You and Goodnight!
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