#i love the idea that seek is screech's dad
fevervoidthing · 2 months
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Doors Monster hotel stuff bc im having brainrot lol
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eashmo · 10 months
7 minutes in hell, or is it heaven? Part 2
-Call Me Babydoll-
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Warnings: eventual smut, fluff, and lots of angst. Billy is a soft bean to y/n.
The door opens quickly. Seeing Tommy coming into view, I rip my arm out of Billy's grip and run out of the room.
"What the fuck is her problem? Stupid fat bitch is such a goody two sho.." Tommy got cut off by Billy punching him square in the jaw. Not holding back a few punches.
"DON'T EVER TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT!" He yells as he races out of the bedroom for you.
Nancy, where are you? I thought, almost taking me 10 minutes to find her and successfully avoiding Billy, finding her with a very drunk steve.
"Y/n, I have to take Steve back home. Will you be ok by yourself?" She says as she slings Steve's arm around her neck, struggling to get him off the couch.
"Wait, sweetie, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Noticing your red rimmed eyes and mascara that ran down your face.
Shaking my head, "I'm just being an emotional drunk, that's all, because they didn't have pop in the fridge." I pouted. She didn't need to know about the drama with Billy.
Nancy smiles a little at your childish confession. "Are you sure, sweetie?, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call Steve's house... ok?"
I laugh a little and salute "yes mom, I'll be ok to walk home, i need the fresh air from all these teenage hormones." I wave a finger around the living room of drunk and horny high-schoolers.
"Oh, by the way, Nancy, good luck with Steve he looks like he's dying," saying our goodbyes quickly, I started walking home.
"Jesus H Christ, I should have asked someone for a ride. It's freezing." sighing tiredly as I pulled down my short dress that Nancy dressed me in.
Walking barefoot with heels in hand, i didn't hear the roar of a familiar car because of my exhausted state. Flying passed you, I glared at the car due to the sudden noise and wind to find that the car screeched to a halt and was reversing back to me. Scared of being kidnapped, I started to walk faster.
Window rolled down. i heard a husky voice. " Hey loser, get in."
I stop walking to find Billy peering through the other side of the window.
"Thanks, but no thanks, Hargrove." I Spat as I continue to walk away from the car. He had other ideas, continuing to drive slowly right beside me. Stopping in my tracks "the hell you want Hargrove?"
"I want your cranky ass in this damn car Y/L/N, RIGHT NOW!" He growled.
"How about no, I'm not going anywhere with you!" I snapped.
He angrily laughs and grips the steering wheel tight. I would have been lying to myself if I didn't find that attractive. But then I noticed that his knuckles were bruised. They weren't like that when I left him in the bedroom. Right?
"Get. In. The. Car" is all he said.
"Ugh, fine, whatever you say, dad," I say, dripping with sarcasm. I was only giving up because I was exhausted from tonight's events. Opening the door and silently got in.
"Good girl," he said smugly, rolling my eyes. I decide to take a little nap to the soft sound of a Duran Duran song playing in the background. Refusing to talk to him.
*Billy's pov*
Halfway through the drive, I notice how her breath slowed and how her body leaned towards mine. "What am I going to do with you, babydoll?" Softly smiling, I stretched out my right arm to scoot her body next to mine. I relax into her when I felt her cuddling into my side, seeking more warmth.
Her head slid down to my lap as I continue to drive through dark backroads of Indiana. I took my right hand to grip the steering wheel as I used my left hand to thread my fingers in her soft h/c. Looking down at her, I wondered how it was possible to fall in love with her even more when she started to lean into his hand as she slept. she had him wrapped around her fingers, but he's not gonna to admit that to her.
Can I really be seen with a person like her? It is actually more like the other way around. I was a nobody, a person that doesn't respect anyone, a player, an asshole. Y/n was someone. She respects people who are good and bad to her, she's innocent, and she's an angel.
I was shocked that she became feisty towards me tonight. She was always painfully quiet and timid. That's why i always bullied her to get her to at least yell at me once, but she never did.
Ever since I came into history class late on my first day because of Max, I was assigned the seat right next to hers. I didn't believe in love at first sight, but I fell head over heels for her e/c eyes. That day, I viewed things differently when it came to her.
Never thought in a million years that she would even be my type, having H/L H/C, thick nerdy glasses, a bit of chub around the waist, and thick thighs. She was a goddess in his eyes. I just wish she wouldn't call me just Hargrove, I want my first name to fall from those pretty lips.
*Y/n pov*
A bump slowly woke me up. As I did, I saw Billy staring at the road. I thought I was dreaming again, reaching out to touch his face, I missed the fact that he went stiff underneath me. He slowly looked down at me.
"Why are you so beautiful, You were carved from the Gods themselves, " I lazily ask.
"I don't know, babydoll, you tell me." He says with a small smile as he continued to drive.
Humming to myself, I try to think of the answer. I start to realize this was not a usual dream. Shooting up, I almost head butt his face if he didn't dodge so quickly.
Scaring him, he halted the car into an abrupt stop, causing whatever was in the back seat to go flying to the floor.
"Jesus christ, babydoll, what the hell is wrong with you?" He says quickly.
I stare at him wide eyed, he never calls anyone babydoll. "What did you just call me?"
"Nothing, now get the fuck out." He snapped.
What the hell is his problem, I thought, seeing that we were barely parked in my driveway. I quickly got out. "Thank you for the ride, Hargrove. I'll see you at school, I guess." I say as I run to my front door at full speed. Slamming the door closed, almost waking up the parents.
*Billy pov*
I didn't mean to snap at her, but I freaked out from the sudden jump scare and almost having to explain the pet name I gave her. Naturally, I lashed.
Luckily I live on the same road as her as I drive to my house I take deep breaths to prepare myself to enter the pit of hell I call home.
As I got through the door, I immediately felt the sting of a fist connecting to my jaw.
"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN FAGGOT? SCREWING AROUND WITH ALL YOUR WHORES ALL NIGHT?" an angry voice shouted through the quiet house. The voice that came from the person he most dreaded, his father Neil. The devil himself.
Previous Chapter
Part 3
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Hhhhh Jeff has been rotting holes in my brain for the past week so please Jeff hcs plsplspls
Jeff HC’s for the heart and the soul (gets angsty though)
Incredibly ancient. ‘Has watched the first few support beams rise from the void to form the Hotel’ kind of ancient.
Because of this, he would absolutely freak out if you brought a pineapple into the hotel. Because pineapples are status symbols for the wealthy in ancient times.
So incredibly lonely. El-Goblino is literally Jeff’s only friend. (Other then Hide! Who still visits but just in private.)
Despite being…a bit angry at Jeff it needs the presence of its dad sometimes. It still loves him.
Seek reluctantly lets Screech/Mystery entity see Jeff. It’s not like it can really stop it’s children from doing so. But don’t expect it to show up.
However Seek has yet to allow him near Snare as Figure is already really REALLY uncomfortable around Jeff.
So Jeff visits in secrecy or not at all.
Listen, Figure is really sweet and gentle but if it even smells Jeff in the library it immediately thinks of crucifixes and starts to trill louder and audibly growl.
In spite of their currently …strained… relationship. Jeff still deep down cherishes Seek, Hide and Eyes.
He often has dreams of a younger Seek and Hide playing in hotel corridors.
Or little Eyes singing and whistling while it ricochets around the garden pavilion.
Wakes up crying usually after that.
He often wonders if he did the right thing allowing the guiding light to supply him crucifixes to sell people. Especially given how it practically ruined his reputation and relationships among the hotel’s denizens.
Earned the trust and respect of Gobby though. Absolute best friend moment.
Would definitely stress eat if he could and probably does.
Has.. -CONSIDERED- more so entertained the idea of splitting a piece of himself off to asexually make a child. Would never go through with it though because A: He doesn’t know if he could bring himself to raise another child. B: It hurts. C: He doesn’t want his still living children to think he’s replaced them.
I cannot emphasize the considered enough. He wouldn’t do it now.
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
Can I request some chilly fluff? Anything really, just some cute sweet chilly fluff with a little bit of angst maybe?
of course! here's an idea that's been swimming around my brain all day lol
helping hand
ben isn't coping with his newest responsibility and his best friend comes to save the day once again
It's honestly less about the news than it is about the fact that you didn’t here it from him. Texts have gone mostly unanswered since you read that online article you first believed was false, only for it to be confirmed by him. You offered a congratulations despite the pain it brought to you to hear that you had completely lost your chance.
You had probably called him about a million times, each time ringing out and some even being hung up after merely a few rings.
At first, you worried that something had happened. Then you managed to wrangle the news out of Mason that everything was well, you let yourself have those days of utter heartbreak that he had found a girl, started to settle down and then completely cut you out of the picture. This was the first time in all of your 23 years that you hadn't been able to speak to him about things that were going on. He seemed to have completely fogotten about you and you couldn't bring yourself to think of a reason why.
She never really did like you, his girlfriend. You could only imagine it had something to do with the fact that Ben was incredibly close with you. A lot of girls had been unhappy with the fact that while dating Ben, they were subject to teasing that everyone was surprised he was dating when they had thought he was so clearly in love with you. You understand that, it would be irritating but nothing had ever happened between you and Ben that might suggest you would ever get together. People just love a rumour.
What had really hit you, however was seeing her from the Instagram you followed. She didn't even appear to be in London, never mind with him and that made no sense by the timeline you had managed to figure out.
That's how you found yourself standing at his door with what felt like a million bags and a feeling of hurt you had never actually had before. You cornered Mason, refusing to leave until he told you what the hell was going on and when he did, you were gone like a flash with a broken heart to seek out the man who needed you now more than he ever did.
Your heart shatters even more when you step into his house, pushing it open and pulling out the key he gave you a few months ago as you head carefully to the kitchen. You can hear him trying to talk, his voice strained and croaky as he attempts to speak over the sound of the screaming baby girl.
"Come on sweetheart," he begs, "Please take your bottle, I promise you're just tired."
His house is messier than you've ever seen it with gifts unopened, blankets and bottles, baby toys and clothes strewn around everywhere you could see.
You're quick and quiet to get to work clearing the place up, clean clothes being folded and sat in his clean laundry hamper while sorting the dirty things and shoving them into the washing machine by colour before tidying away all the blankets into the baby boxes he had set up in his front room. The infant upstairs screams the entire time you whiz around, throwing an entire bin bag worth of rubbish out of his kitchen before restocking all the shelves and his empty fridge with food for him and milk powder for the little girl. The pizza you shoved in the oven the second you arrived was finished after 15 minutes, so you plated that and left it on the kitchen island before you decided to make you presence known to him.
"Need a helping hand?"
His head whips around rapidly, instinctively tucking his daughter closer into his chest before he recognised your voice and turned his face back away from you. "You shouldn't be here, (y/n)." He mumbles, bouncing his legs to try and get that screeching to stop before he starts crying again himself.
How had everything ended up so messy? He found a girl that he thought he loved, he had his best friends and he had you. She got pregnant and he was ecstatic until she told him she wasn't interested in having a baby. It was too late to do anything about it, so she gave birth to that baby and legally signed over parental rights wholly and fully to a destroyed Ben. You, of course, had to find this out half from the tabloids and half from Mason. Ben was absolutely affronted. He was mortified. How had he gotten himself in this position?
You were the first and only person he wanted to tell. He was desperate to seek out your arms and have an absolute sob to you so you could help him fix this like you do with everything else, but he couldn't bring himself to face you. He cut you off slowly and carefully without even noticing himself because she had coaxed him into it. She played him like a fiddle, let him grow her platform and fund her lifestyle until she had everything she wanted from him and left him with something that was supposed to be theirs to love forever.
As if things couldn't get worse, from the moment he found out she was having a baby he had realised he didn't want kids or a life with anyone but you and now here he is, with a baby that has no mother and he had lost you. How could he just go back crying to you now after all the hurt he had caused you? What kind of person does that? He made this mess and it was his to clean up.
"Mason told me what happened. You can fight me all you want, Ben but I'm not going to go anywhere so you may as well just let me help." You say firmly, not inviting a single space for him to actually contest your words. His shoulder deflate even further than they already are as he finally turns to meet your eyes.
There's bags and dark circles beneath his with greasy, messy hair and a shirt he probably hadn't changed in longer than he should.
"I'm sorry." He croaks, clamping down on his lip with his teeth so he doesn't immediately burst out crying at the sight of you standing there in his house. God, he's missed you so much he couldn't even begin to put it into words and his emotions are so messed up from the lack of sleep that he'll cry at just about anything right now. "It's forgotten about. We don't have to talk about it, I'm here to help."
The weight that lifts off of Ben's shoulder is the kind of immense relief that only really you can bring to him, honestly. There are few people that he has ever met that can ease him like you can and knowing he doesn't have to explain this whole situation really is something he's so thankful for.
"This is Lilly," he says weakly, nodding his head down at her whining. You smile immediately and without thought, stepping forward to get a closer look at the small baby, only two weeks old and already giving her dad a run for his money. "Hello Lilly," you coo softly, raising your hand to stroke her cheek with your finger in the most gentle manner he's ever seen. "Can I? I feel like I've missed out on two weeks worth of aunt (y/n) cuddles."
He tries not to think much into the fact you refer to yourself as her aunt because if he lets enough thought onto it, he'll find himself breaking his heart over you all over again. Ben nods, passing her into your arms carefully.
"I'll feed her, I made some pizza for you so you should go eat." You hold our your hand to take the bottle from him, but he frowns. "I-" Ben stutters, "I don't want to just lump you with her, plus she's upset so I shouldn't leave her y'know? It's not fair on-"
"Go and eat Ben, and have a shower while you're at it. We'll be fine in here, I've babysat a million times before." You shrug, taking the bottle from him as you step further into the nursery instead of standing in the doorway cradling the still whimpering little girl in her pink onesie. "But I-"
"I should-"
"Ben go, now."
Ben sighs in defeat and turns on his heel, the rumbling of his stomach finally giving him away as he realises just how hungry and smelly he actually is. No wonder the infant was crying in his hold.
He trudges downstairs, hearing the sounds of those winging dying down as he does, half expecting to walk into the messy swamp he had left when he went upstairs earlier this morning, only to see the whole bottom floor of the house was basically as spotless as it had been the day he moved in, bar the baby variety adjustments he had made to welcome the new arrival.
He makes a mental note to thank you more and do some grovelling and apologising later on. He knows he has to do it and he knows he'll explain in more detail what really happened probably later today, but for now he will scoff that pizza down his throat faster than he has ever consumed a meal in all of his life before raining the cupboards that he discovered you had stocked. He is reminded with every step he takes around his house that this is you, again, here holding him up when the world around him feels like its completely crumbled.
This is what you do, you keep him together, fix him up after the heartbreaks and breakups preparing him for the next girl who's pieces you'll have to pick up when they hurt him. This time he doesn't want another girl, he wants you. This time, the one time that he would be miles too late. He's got a baby now that he needs to focus on and he can't imagine that you're going to want an instant family even if you could really see past the fact he had ghosted you for nearly five straight months from the moment he found out his girlfriend was pregnant. He can't forgive himself, so how on earth would you?
If he would ask, you would tell him you already had. Seeing how hurt he was, how genuinely sorry things had ended dup like this with everyone in his life he was was enough for you. It was enough to cause you actual physical pain. You never could hold a grudge considering the situation he had ended up in.
Ben had never ever once in his life being more thankful for his shower. He’s also pretty sure he fell asleep against the wall with the heat of the shower steam loosening his muscles and the fatigue of barely an hours sleep catching up to him. He towel dries off his hair, letting the towel hang around his neck as he rubs it against his head while he pads along the soft carpet of his hallway from the bedroom to his beautifully done pink nursery where he hears no crying, at all.
But he does here soft talking.
“Giving your daddy a hard time eh, pretty girl.” You hum softly, slowly swaying from side to side. She lays in your arms, looking up at you and stealing every bit of your heart with her daddies eyes. “He deserves it a little, you know. Just ‘cause he done me out of some adorable baby cuddles y’know?” Ben can hear the teasing smile on your lips as he leans against the doorframe out of your sight, keeping quiet so as not to be detected. “But he’s a good man, sweet girl. One of the best, actually. And i know he’s already such a good daddy to you, he loves you so so much. Do you know that, eh?” You say quietly. Ben catches the sight of you swaying that amazed little baby who coos up at you, reaching for your finger to hold. “Mhm, and i love you too. You have no idea how loved you are.” That’s one thing Ben can agree on.
“And you might not know it now because you’re little, but i do know one thing for absolute certain; I’m always gonna be here for you, and for your daddy even if he’s as stubborn about it as they come. You’ve got to help me out though, eh sweet girl? Be good to that daddy of yours. Yeah, sleepy baby? Mhm, my sweet girl.” The way you hum, bouncing her carefully and swaying in just the right way for her to fall asleep in your arms. Ben watches you for only a minute more, softly singing a little lullaby to her that makes Ben’s heart swell to ache so much that he has to take a small little video before he heads off downstairs with one last look.
When you finally greet him downstairs with a tight hug that he sinks into immediately, resting his cheek on your shoulder as your hands massage your fingers through his freshly cleaned hairs as his arms hug around your waist. “I’ve missed you.” He admits, words muffled by your sweatshirt. The feeling of your fingers at the nape of his neck makes him hum in content and sink into you peacefully just like his baby daughter did not half an hour ago. You’re just perfect for them both in every way and there is not one bone in his body that doesn’t wish he had started his family with you.
But with that realisation comes one more; that he will not settle until he has given everything he has, tried with every morsel of him to earn your forgiveness. He might not of started his family with you, but he is damn determined to make you part of it.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦
Warnings: Aged up/Older Ateez but age differences are still within legal boundaries. Suggestive scenarios only, no actual NSFW content.
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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"Hongjoong!" You continuously poked at his arm rather harshly, trying to get him to look away from the phone in his hands.
"What-what?!" He freaked out and accidentally dropped his phone on the floor.
When he saw you peeking over to see what had gotten him so interested, he quickly scrambled to pick it up before hiding it in his lap. That made you even more suspicious.
"What are you trying to hide?" You squinted your eyes at him.
Hongjoong gulped nervously, which made your anxiety rise up.
"No-nothing... " But obviously there was something if his eyes refused to look at you. The longer you stared at him, the more Hongjoong seemed to recoil back in his chair, looking like he was..... guilty? Ashamed?
Dropping your fork on the table, you held up an accusatory finger at him.
"I'm warning you right now Kim Hongjoong, if you're fucking cheating on me I will cut off your penis while you're sleeping!" You threatened him.
The color drained from Hongjoong's face but nonetheless he got up to go over and calm you down.
"No no babe! I'm not cheating on you! I swear." He promised you, even getting on his knees in front of you.
"Then what were you looking at that you didn't want me to see?"
Sighing softly, Hongjoong took out his phone and pulled up the picture that he was looking at: it was a really cute and girly crib with a pink bed setting. You had to admit you were surprised that it would be something he was so intently looking at.
"And tell me why you were so distracted by this? Who were you planning on buying this for? Our son is already 3 and I don't think he'll appreciate the frilly pink in his room." You tried reasoning with him.
"No it's not for him. I've just been seeing so many nursery ideas for baby girls and it kinda got me thinking...." He paused and layed a hand on your stomach as he bit down on his lip, hoping you'd catch on to what he was trying to say.
And you most certainly did.
"Hongjoong- are you telling me you actually want another baby?" You weren't put off by the idea but it was so sudden and unexpected that you didn't know how to react.
Standing upright, Hongjoong squeezed your cheeks and softly pecked your lips.
"I do. I want an adorable and beautiful little girl... just like you. " He chuckled adoringly as he pressed more kisses to your cheek, trying to coerce you into saying yes.
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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"Dang, could you imagine raising 6 kids?" You asked Seonghwa as you cuddled up closer to him, your hand stroking the little patch of skin that was peeking out of his pajama shirt while you two watched the old sitcom The Brady Bunch play on your tv.
"Well you'd never have a boring day for sure." He chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You hummed softly, eyes never leaving the screen in front of you.
"True...but to think how exhausting it must be. We only have two and they take up most of our time."
Seonghwa laughed at how true your words were, your twins already nearing 5 years of age and boy were they a handful. If you weren't making sure they were doing well in school, you almost always had to deal with the boy pranking his sister or causing all kinds of mischief or you had your daughter coming up to you with the darnest of questions, one after another.
"But you can't deny they're adorable and they make our life happier." He reminded you, and you had to agree. Like Seonghwa said, there was never a boring day with your two munchkins around.
Feeling Seonghwa's fingers idly tap along your hip, you knew his mind was elsewhere and not on the show playing on the tv.
"Penny for your thoughts?" You asked him.
Seonghwa wondered whether it would be a good idea to say something but ultimately decided 'screw it.' Turning off the tv, he sat up and looked you straight in the eye.
"How would you feel about adding another member to the family?" He straight out blurted it out.
Although you knew what he meant, you decided to play like you didn't understand.
"I thought you said no pets because they make a mess." You giggled which caused Seonghwa to flick your head.
"You know that's not what I meant." He huffed out.
"I know, I know love...."
Grabbing the collar of his shirt, your fingers slowly began undoing the buttons.
"So.... you want another baby?"
Seonghwa felt himself hardening when he looked at your suggestive eyes.
"Yes." He breathed out, tongue swiping over his lips when you brought your face close to his.
"Wanna fuck another baby into me?" You smirked as you layed down on the bed and pulled him on top of you.
"Hell yeah-"
Your moment was interrupted when you heard the screeching of your daughter as she called out for you, ratting out her brother in his new prank. Seonghwa sighed loudly as he got up.
"Guess we're trying this another night."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Picking his son up from school, Yunho watched as the little boy waved goodbye to his friends who in turn ran to their respective parents. He noticed how the boy seemed to look with great curiosity at some of them, particularly when they would hug or mess around with the sibling that was accompanying their dad or mom. Even during the car ride home, Yunho would peer through the rear view mirror and saw the little boy fidgeting his tiny hands.
"What's up buddy? Something on your mind?" He asked.
His son looked around nervously before blurting out:
"Dad how come all of my friends have brothers or sisters but I don't?"
Yunho had to steady his grip on the steering wheel to keep from swerving onto the opposite lane. He was not prepared to be asked such a question by his son.
"I well umm..... mommy and I didn't know you'd want a sibling...."
Yunho looked back at his son through the rear view mirror, hesitating on his words.
"Do you want a brother or sister?"
The reaction on the boy's face was immediate, eyes growing big and sparkling.
"Yes! I want someone to play with every day too!" He squealed.
Yunho chuckled at his son's excitement. Getting out his phone, being careful not to take his eyes off the road, he made a quick call to Mingi and asked him if he could babysit for a couple hours, which his friend was more than happy to do. Yunho immensely thanked him and hung up.
"Well buddy, for today please settle for Mingi's daughter. Maybe this time you'll actually beat her in climbing up a tree faster."
Happy at getting his boy content and with entertained for a few hours, Yunho dropped him off at Mingi's place, the latter promising to take good care of him, which Yunho didn't doubt one bit. Getting back inside the car, he nearly drove over the speed limit just so he could get home as fast as possible. You were just finishing up setting up the table for lunch when Yunho came running inside.
"Hey, where's-"
You slightly gasped when Yunho cupped your face and began kissing you hungrily, his mouth devouring yours as his hands went to the back of your thighs so he could pick you up and wrap your legs around his waist.
"Yunho what has gotten into you? Where's my baby?" You finally asked when you were able to catch your breath.
"He's over with Mingi and he'll be there for a couple hours, perfect if you ask me."
You couldn't help the blush that spread across your cheeks when Yunho kicked open the door to your room and proceeded to lay you on the bed.
"Our son is lonely, he wants someone to play with and keep him company."
You giggled when you caught onto his meaning, tilting your head when he began peppering kisses along your jaw.
"So let's try and make him a sibling."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Yeosang and you calmly laid out the food on top of the picnic blanket, one of you looking over every once in a while at the pair of kids running around the park, making sure neither of them got hurt, which they didn't. You two merely exchanged amused looks when you heard their playful bantering.
"Hey! No fair! You cheated!" Your son accused his older half sister, face frowning at having lost in their game of hide and seek.
"Did not! You're just a sore loser." Eunbin called out.
Huffing loudly, your son stomped his tiny 4 year old feet away from her, but stopping midway to turn around dramatically.
"I liked you better when you'd let me win!" He exclaimed.
"And I liked you better when you couldn't talk and still needed to be changed. You were a lot cuter back then!" Eunbin replied, half snorting at her statement.
You and Yeosang tried not to burst out laughing right then and there, preferring to keep quiet, knowing they'd be friends again in 5 minutes and forget they even got mad at each other. You went back to your task of peeling fruit, so engrossed that you almost didn't hear Yeosang start talking.
"He was incredibly adorable as a baby, Eunbin isn't lying." He commented.
"Yeah he was. He looked like a little cherub. Squishy cheeks and button nose." You faintly squealed as you recalled all the times you'd stay by his crib and watched him sleep.
Yeosang also began reminiscing about those times, his mind starting to get ideas.
"What if we had another one?" He asked so casually.
"Another baby?" You raised your head to look at him.
"Yeah.... I mean... I kinda miss all those sleepless nights of crying, endless feeding, rocking them to sleep and changing diapers." Yeosang admitted.
"I did most of it though." You reminded him.
"I mean.... I helped didn't I?" Yeosang tried to argue.
"Actually Damian helped out, even if he was grouchy about it." You rolled your eyes.
Yeosang huffed. "So I take it this means no baby?"
"Now hold on, I didn't say that. I'm very open to the idea, but you know this isn't a decision to make ourselves."
Calling for your children over, they speedily made their way to you two, each of them sitting next to their favorite parent, Eunbin next to her father while your son scooted over with you, resting his head on your lap.
"Hey kids, what do you guys think about mommy and I getting you guys a brother or sister?"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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"There you go princess. All nice and pretty like always. Remember to behave at school ok? And be nice...."
Looking over to make sure you weren't within earshot, San leaned in and whispered to his daughter.
"But if anyone is being mean to you, remember to do that thing I taught you."
The tiny pig tailed girl held up her tiny fists and proceeded to lift her foot up and kick the air, just like her father had secretly taught her to do when you weren't around.
"That's my girl! Love you."
Kissing the top of her head, he watched her get in the car that also contained Wooyoung's daughter, their mom waving from the driver's side before taking them both to school. As usual, San stayed by the doorstep and waited a couple minutes before heading back inside. He joined you in the kitchen, where you were busy washing dishes from breakfast. Feeling your husband hug you from behind, you looked over and pecked his cheek.
"What's wrong?" You asked when you saw his pouty face.
"I'm worried about our princess. What if something happens to her?" He was starting once more with his overprotective dad mode.
"San she's going to be fine." You assured him.
"How do we know for sure? We say that now but what about later in life? Soon she'll start growing up, start making her own decisions and- Oh my God! Boys! Some boy will try to take her away from me!" He screeched, pure panic on his face.
"And that's normal. She will attract boys, she will date, will get her heartbroken-"
"Oh no no no, anyone breaks her heart, I'll break their necks." He cracked his knuckles to get his point across.
"You can't spy on her 24/7 you know. You might not even know when someone is interested in her or if she's interested in someone." You tried explaining to him.
"Hmmm true....we need someone else to do the job.."
Turning you around, San had a mischievous look in his eyes as he began untying your robe.
"Maybe someone like a little brother to report to me anything that goes on in her life."
You scoffed at him. "Choi San, are you suggesting we have a kid merely so they'll become your little accomplice?"
San chuckled as he pulled your body against his.
"That and it's getting pretty gloomy in the house without our daughter. Another baby might cheer us up."
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi and you cooed at the tiny baby that was in Yunho's arms.
"He's so adorable." You squeaked when he brought it closer to you so you could get a better look at his tiny face
"And big." Mingi pointed out
"Yep, his mom felt that too while pushing him out." Yunho grimaced as he recalled the excruciating hours inside the delivery room.
"But it was all worth it in the end. We brought another healthy precious boy into the world and our son won't be so lonely anymore." Yunho continued as he looked over towards his son and your daughter who were currently immersed in their favorite tv show.
"Here, wanna hold him?"
Of course you did. Carefully taking the baby from his arms, you rocked him in your embrace, your heart nearly bursting out of your chest from how cute he was.
"Oh my god Mingi! He's the cutest thing ever." You whisper yelled, not wanting to cause the baby to cry or anything.
"I know. Doesn't it make you want another one?"
You whipped your head over at Mingi, who looked shocked that he actually said that.
"I mean- if you don't want to that's fine. I understand. After all, we already have our lovely daughter and I wouldn't want you to go through another pregnancy if you weren't up to it..." His babbling started to trail off, throat clearing as he felt embarrassed about what he said.
"Well look at that, he needs to be fed. Maybe it'll give you two time to talk." Yunho laughed slightly as he took the baby away and went to go prepare a bottle.
When Mingi looked back, you had your arms crossed over your chest, foot tapping against the floor. Your stare made him nervous.
"Song Mingi....do you want another baby?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I mean....I would but if you don't, I won't-"
You silenced him by pressing a kiss on his lips.
"I do. I think it'd be nice to grow our tiny family a little more." Your reply brought a smile to his face.
"Really? You mean it?"
You nodded immediately, giggling when he pressed more kisses on your lips.
"Can we start trying tonight?"
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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"Y/N, I need your opinion on something." Wooyoung called out for you.
Walking into the room, you saw him face deep on his laptop, scrolling the mouse down.
"What?" You asked as you came up behind him.
"You know how we've been talking about moving to a different area?" You nodded at his question. Indeed, you had both been discussing about moving to a neighborhood that was close to your daughter's school.
"Well I found a few options and I wanted to see if you liked any of them."
Hunching over slightly, you started looking at all the different houses Wooyoung found. They all looked pretty cozy and very spacious.. a little too big though.
"Ooh! That's the one I liked! It has this huge backyard and I was thinking maybe we could install a playground for our daughter out there. With swings and a slide. Or maybe a trampoline!" He excitedly poured out his ideas.
"Wooyoung these are all 4 bedroom houses though." You pointed out.
"Yeah. So?" He shrugged.
"It's literally just 3 of us, what on earth are we going to do with 2 spare rooms?" You questioned him.
"Well I mean....what if..it wasn't just us 3? What if 3 became 4...or even more?" He looked up at you as he bit down on his lip, his hands coming up to caress your hips in a suggestive manner.
Smiling fondly at him, you cupped his cheeks and hummed.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" You smirked at him.
"Are you going to say yes?" He looked at you with a hopeful smile.
You pretended to think about it, but eventually sighed and gave in.
Wooyoung jumped up from his seat and crushed you in a tight embrace, his lips attacking your cheek with pecks that felt more aggresive than grateful.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" He repeated over and over again.
Running out of the room, he barged into your daughter's bedroom where he proceeded to pick her up and spin her around, the poor girl confused.
"Guess what babygirl?! We're moving to a new house and you're going to get a sibling!"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Jongho steadied the tiny girl on his lap who was bouncing out of emotion while watching the soccer game.
"Ok ok honey, settle down. I don't want you falling off or something." He said as his strong hands kept her in place.
You and your daughter proudly cheered for Hongjoong's son and his team as they continued to score goal after goal, eventually winning over the other team which sent all of the spectators into a frenzy.
"Oh my god! They actually won!" You clapped.
Overflowing with excitement, your daughter hopped off her dad's lap and ran full speed into the field where she proceeded to latch onto Hongjoong's son, her tiny arms clinging to him while the poor boy was looking scared and nudged for someone to help him.
"Of course she'd run over to him." Jongho let out a sigh.
"Upset that your little girl already has her first crush?" You teased.
"No- well yes, but no actually."
Sensing that something was the matter with him, you inched yourself closer to Jongho, your hand reaching out to hold his.
"Is something wrong?"
It took a while for Jongho to muster his thoughts, but he eventually laid out his worries to you.
"No, it's just.... don't get me wrong, I love our daughter very much, she's my whole world along with you. But I can't help but feel jealous of my friends with their sons. Taking them to soccer matches every weekend, teaching them how to kick a ball, score a goal, you know, activities for father son bonding times."
You understood what he was talking about and although he could very well try to teach those things to your daughter, she was much too delicate and girly for such things, not to mention she didn't have much of an interest in sports. Resting your head on his shoulder, you smiled as you suggested:
"Maybe we should start trying for a boy then. I think it'd be nice don't you?"
Jongho whipped his head at you, questioning if you were being serious or not. You grinned and kissed his nose, effectively letting him know you were indeed being serious. Giggling, he pulled you against him and kissed your forehead.
"I love you so much."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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obeymeluv · 3 years
The Baby Assignment [Lucifer]
I have a list of actual headcanons for demon baby behaviors, but this is not that post.
You and the boys have a baby! (sort of). 
You should’ve never told Diavolo about how high schools used to have practice baby classes.
Note: most of the genders and children come from “The Bros as Dads” post.
Cut me some slack on the names. I didn’t really have them planned, haha.
Extremely skeptical. This whole assignment depends on you two standing in a summoning circle and--in a flash of light there’s a KID in the middle of the floor.
It’s a GIRL! 
This triggers his demon form on reflex because he’s startled and can’t help but have flashbacks of Lilith. You’re cooing to the little girl and Lucifer feels breathless as he takes in her hair (it’s his) and those big eyes (they’re yours)
His wings flap a few times before pressing close to his body. This has caught the baby’s attention and she’s staring at him with more intelligence than a child should have.
The professor says the child will grow exponentially over the next week or so and she should be able to deliver a report on how competent you are as parents. Their developmental age will be assessed and factored in as part of the grade.
You walk carefully over to Lucifer, eyes shining and a tiny fist in your hand and oh Diavolo, he wants this child to be real right then and there!
The naming doesn’t happen until you’re back at the House of Lamentation with a massive magical trunk that will spawn child necessities. You sit in his study as the baby looks around and points to things. You name them off.
You’re in the middle of walking her over to look at his records and watching her slap things on the shelf, trying to feel them with her fingers, when he gets the idea to name her after one of the human composers he knows (”Marianna.”)
You honestly thought the addition of a literal child would throw Lucifer off but he’s prepared. It’s only then you realize he’s been alive for thousands of years and helped raise the other six people in the house
Enjoy your view of Lucifer wearing a baby sling for the first three days because unless you have a real kid together, this is the only time you’ll see it
The two of you work on a schedule and carve out time to teach the child on top of your other duties. Sometimes you’re hooked up to the sling, sometimes it’s him. He gets a kick out of seeing you tote the kid around and usually catches you tickling her feet.
Diavolo graciously lightens up on Lucifer’s paperwork load (BY A LOT!) in exchange for seeing the child and playing with them
Most of her facial expressions take after Lucifer’s and Diavolo is BEYOND amused
After day 3, Marianna gets distressed seeing Lucifer sit so long, so she’ll toddle you to Lucifer and just points until you do something about it
100% a daddy’s girl and Lucifer has a hard time keeping his pride in check. It’s coming off of him in waves
She says her first words between day 4 and day 5 and Lucifer wants to cry (he does) because the first one is “daddy”
From day 5 on it’s a constant fight to keep her close because the bros want to smother her for being so cute and are bugging her to say their names
Marianna is partial to Satan and Lucifer is secretly glad. Satan acts all smug about it.
She has Lucifer’s insistency for perfection. Mammon was messing with her tea party set up and she bit him for moving her plate in the wrong spot. That was day 6 and she had her pointy baby demon teeth. Marianna got a little whisper scolding that Mammon would’ve died for BECAUSE SHE GETS KISSES WHILE SHE’S GETTING SCOLDED? FOR REAL?! HE GETS STRUNG UPSIDE DOWN!
Marianna hates being fussed over and likes to dress herself. Whatever you or Lucifer fix, she undoes when your back is turned.
One of her favorite hobbies is sitting on Lucifer’s lap and practicing her handwriting. She also likes to brush his feathers. Marianna asks to sleep in them and will try to hide from you in them. The giggles give her away.
By day 7 she has the intelligence of (at least) a 6 year old and has velvety nubs for horns. You learned that demons like to rub their horns against hard surfaces (or loved ones) as scenting and for their growth.
She accidentally scratches you up, not quite understanding you’re human, and goes into an absolute meltdown. She didn’t mean to hurt you.
Goes into a freaking rage when anyone tries to fix you up. Wants to do it herself. This kid is a literal puddle of apologies, please hold her.
She cuddles you for the rest of that day and officially gets her own little desk beside Lucifer on day 8. Marianna pretends to write her own letters but mostly draws. Bugs Lucifer with the random stuff Satan and Levi teaches her but he doesn’t mind.
You’d bring them snacks every now and then and sometimes you’d hear them singing together (ever so quietly). You didn’t know Lucifer could sing. 
Lucifer has woken up with a fist in his face, accidentally been punched in the eye, and has been kicked away at least once since she was big enough to sleep in the bed. She takes after Lucifer in the way that she needs you behind closed doors. Marianna doesn’t sleep unless she can feel both of you next to her. 
Lucifer officially has bragging rights about sleeping with you (even if he won’t pull that). Secretly gets the best sleep of his life. Really starting to feel the parent thing. A kid with you would be nice.
Marianna gets little fluffs for wings on day 9 and they “air box” when she’s angry. She demands back scratches for how dry and itchy the feel and you figure out she purrs like Lucifer.
She doesn’t always prank Lucifer but when she does, she hides his pens and makes him play hide and seek with her to get them back
Marianna likes to help out in the kitchen and loves setting the table. She gets mad if anyone messes with the napkin folds you guys practice. She makes a tiny Lucifer screech when Asmo gets obnoxious with taking pictures for Devilgram and Mammon nearly breaks his chair trying to run out of it. She laughs like you.
Around day 10 she insists on a family day and Lucifer has this sinking feeling in his gut that she knows she won’t be around much longer. Maybe it’s a side effect of the spell. The two of you spend the day running around the Devildom taking lots of pictures. Diavolo crashes a few of those pictures.
She spends day 11 burning the midnight oil with Lucifer. Around 9 PM he’s trying to send her to bed. Marianna just drags a blanket back into his study and snuggles down. He notices all her old pictures and some new ones she’s drawn. “It’s my book,” she tells him.
“Your book?”
“Yep.” she colors in the lines carefully, the finished pages pushed away and much better than her older ones. “It’s for you guys, for when I go away. And for your school.”
On day 12 you bring her back into the class, she’s dressed in similar colors to Lucifer. She wanted to look good for her presentation and she said ‘dad always looks nice’.
Marianna talks through her book, calling back memories of building blocks and playing hide and seek. She’s very proud of the pictures from two days ago. They’re her favorite. She shows off her horns and the “dad roar”.
You and Lucifer walk her to the circle. She stands in it as the spell determines her final age. She’s about 10, pushing the limits for growth as determined by the spell.
“I wasn’t here a long time, but I had fun.” she hands him the book and gives you a much longer hug than Lucifer. You wonder if it’s her way of apologizing for having a favorite even though she was good to both of you. “Maybe I’ll see you again sometime.” she looks up at Lucifer as she hugs him, her chin pressed into his stomach.
“Perhaps.” Lucifer takes on his demon form as the circle starts to glow, flapping one wing at her. She “air boxes” back before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
It’s a quiet, lonely silence. Very cold. There’s a subtle warmth in Lucifer’s embrace as he guides you back to your desk. It was brief, but you see why she likes his hugs. 
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bestie-enthusiast · 3 years
Chapter 2: Making Children Cry For Making Your Children Cry
Hello!! This is the second chapter of my PTA! Dad! Zemo fic. This is the forth installment of 11, and the previous chapters can be found under the hashtag pta dad zemo.
Fic Summary:After the untimely death of both his wife and father due to a bombing, Baron Helmut Zemo takes his son and immigrates to America. He does not expect to find a family nor a romantic partner, and he especially does not expect to find the ability to heal. To grieve.
And yet, here we are.
This is a story about connections, growing, healing and mourning the past while still appreciating the future and all it has to offer.
Chapter WC: 1604
Fic below cut if you're interested!
One Month Later.
“Carol, for the love of all that is holy, shut your ever flapping pie hole!” Sarah shouted at the screeching woman. Carol turned an ugly shade of purple, and opened her mouth, so Zemo stepped in.
“What Ms. Wilson was trying to say, Mrs. West, was that your idea, while… enthusiastic, in it's prospect, would not be the correct way to solve the funding issue. If you would take the time to read the prepared pamphlet you were given at the beginning of the meeting, you would see that how we are acquiring funding is not up for debate, simply a vote on the best of the already selected possibilities.” Zemo explained camly, putting on his most smug smirk as he stared at him gobsmacked.
“He really put her in her place, didn’t he Jessica?” He heard one of the other mothers whisper to her friend.
“I wish he’d put something in my place.” Her friend muttered. Zemo smirked, he was very flattered at how much all the women here seemed to like him. Although he still had his eyes set on one person and one person only, one James Barnes. Not that he loved James, he simply thought that the man was rather beautiful, and his personality was wonderful and-
Pushing those thoughts to the side, he focussed on the meeting. Now that Carol had calmed down, they all said their vote, with Carol’s gluten-free, sugar-free, one-treat-per-girl-two-per-boy-none-for-children-who-were-identified-outside-of-that bakesale getting only one vote, her own.
Instead they were going to host a spirit day, in which children could purchase tickets to participate in a variety of activities. Every class would have a different activity and the money from the tickets would go towards purchasing fresh school supplies, as well as more privileges, which are more like basic rights, for teachers in their school district. Zemo was quite satisfied with the outcome of the meeting and when the meeting ended, he started a conversation with Sarah as they walked through the school.
“So you still haven’t done anything about him, huh?” Sarah asked, exasperated. Zemo blinked at the sudden comment about his “crush” on James.
“What am I supposed to do, hmm?” He asked, tilting his head. Just as he said that James walked by them, and he stared at that cute butt of his as he and Sarah continued walking. “It’s not like I can tell him. Do you know how awkward that would be?” Zemo continued, still staring at James.
“Yeah and your staring isn’t?” Sarah sassed, and they both laughed. Sarah and him walked together for once, as they had both left their children at the nearby park with Oeznik watching them. Sarah didn’t exactly trust Oeznik, but he assured her that Oeznik was very much trustworthy. When they arrived Carol was also just arriving, stepping out of her car. It was then that Zemo noticed her child, Hunter, was with her. Zemo frowned, he had wanted to stay at the park to talk with Sarah, but it was not worth it if Carol was also going to be there. He watched as Hunter ran up to Carl, AJ and Cass. Carl said something to him and Hunter frowned.
“What's wrong with your voice?” Hunter asked, not curiously, but cruelly. “It's all wrong. I bet it's broken. Mommy! This boy’s voice is broken!” Zemo blinked for a few seconds and watched as Carol came over. He rushed over as well, not about to be left out of the conversation.
Carl looked spectuarly upset, which was understandable. But when he started to cry, Zemo’s vision started to go red, but what Carol said pushed him over the edge.
“Yes sweetie, it is. All these immigrants come in and teach children the wrong way to speak.” Carol said loudly. Carl’s tears turned into sobs, and Zemo snapped.
“Mrs. West, I would do good to remind you that that is my son you are talking about. Your child came here, over to my son, who was nothing but polite. Your son then proceeded to call my child broken, like he is an object. Which he is not. There is absolutely nothing wrong with his voice, and if you or your child believe that there is, then I suggest you seek psychiatric help for misophonia, or just being a general nuisance.” Zemo ranted, ever polite even in his insults, before turning to Hunter.
“And you- you rude little child. How dare you insult my son like that? How would you feel if I called you broken for being different?” He asked the child, not caring that he had started to cry.
“Have a nice day.” He said to both of them, before picking up Carl and gesturing for AJ and Cass to follow. He stormed away, keeping his steps short though, so that AJ and Cass could keep up. Once they were a safe distance away, he started comforting Carl.
“I’m so sorry, schatz, he should not have said those mean things to you.” He murmured, rocking Carl back and forth gently. He continued to mutter reassurances to Carl as they both calmed down. “You are perfect, liebling. No one should tell you otherwise, and if they do you can tell me, okay?” Carl nodded but continued to cling to Zemo’s shirt, so he just held him close.
“Wow.” Sarah said from beside him, and he turned to look at her. “You really went off on her huh? Good for you man.” Zemo nodded, still very much worked up from the encounter.
“Apologies, but I believe it would be best for me to just take Carl home now.” Sarah nodded and both her and her boys said goodbye. Zemo nodded at Oeznik who walked over and prepared the car. He got in the back with Carl, not bothering to buckle as he was confident in his ability to protect his son, even in the unlikely event of a car crash.
He held Carl the whole drive back home and only set him down when they needed to exit the car. Carl was clearly tired after the whole event and so Zemo told him to go wash off his tears and then they could cuddle for a while. Carl rushed off to do just that, and Zemo told Oeznik to prepare Carl’s favourite dinner, along with a dessert. Oeznik nodded before heading to the kitchen to do just that and Zemo made his way upstairs. Carl was curled up in Zemo’s bed, already half asleep so Zemo got in beside him and pulled him close.
“Papa,” Carl murmured sleepily, “Will you sing for me? Please?”
“Of course, schatz.” Zemo replied, and began to sing a Sokovian lullaby. Carl fell asleep quickly after, and Zemo allowed himself to drift off as well. It was the first peaceful sleep he’d had in months. Unfortunately, all good things had to come to an end, which happened when Oeznik woke both of them up to wash up for dinner. He followed Carl into the bathroom and they both washed their hands. It reminded Zemo of his childhood, being woken up from a nap to go wash up for dinner.
It felt nice. Nostalgic.
Soon all three of them had settled at the table. Zemo felt a pang of guilt when he looked around and felt as though their family was complete. It would never be complete, not with his wife gone. Zemo inhaled and exhaled deeply, forcefully keeping his smile on his face as Carl talked about what he had played with AJ and Cass.
He went through his nightly routine with Carl, and then on his own. And within a couple hours he was alone in his bed, staring up at the ceiling with distaste. He wondered why it was so much easier to sleep earlier than it was now. He thought about the words James had said to him about a month ago, about seeking a therapist. Perhaps it would be best, after all he had failed to keep his composure in the park earlier. Sighing, he got up out of bed and padded down to his office. He opened up his computer and started looking into therapists.
He searched for the perfect one for hours, until he found one he thought would work best for him. Doctor Christina Raynor, a former US Soldier who specializes in PTSD related symptoms. According to her reviews she was rather cynical, and Zemo thought she would be a perfect match for him. He began the process of filling out all the required forms on her website. Soon enough, he had a consultation appointment booked. It was on a Thursday and in the morning, so he would have to get Oeznik to take Carl to school.
Smiling triedly, he relished in the satisfaction of having done something to potentially improve Carl's life. After all, the next person he snapped at could be someone he would rather not upset. He was just about to go and attempt to sleep when he could hear his alarm clock going off from inside his room. He shook his head, and walked back to his room, easily turning it off. He made his way downstairs where he informed Oeznik, who was preparing breakfast, to tell Carl that he was sick. Oeznik asked no questions, simply nodded. Zemo sighed and crawled into bed. It was his own fault, he knew, but that didn’t make him any less inclined to sleep the day away. He did not have any appointments today, only some paperwork, but that could be completed at any point.
And so he slept.
Tagging @morganbritton132 (Who came up with this AU) and @i-ll-be-the-moon (Who is a suportive friend!)
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playinonaloop · 3 years
Chapter 1: Find us a fortune
Warnings through out the series: (mentions of) smut, violence, drugs, alcohol, guns, maffia stuff, ya know!
Story masterlist
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Bullets were flying all around you as you tried to get closer to the safe. The screams of family members, guards and enemies were to be heard all around the building and beyond. Your brother Joey looked at you as the both of you hid behind the doors that were opened to the vault. As you met his eyes you nodded, signaling you were ready to go in. This run would decide the fate of your family. What was inside this vault will make the family great again. And ruin the other ones, the Ricciardo’s. 
Many, many years back the two families lived in peace and harmony. The both of them owning their fair share of land. With profitable trades they were able to build quite an empire. Long before their lands been combined into the name of Australia, after that everything went downhill quickly. Since the alignment the families had been caught up in numerous scandals. With the introduction of new, English colonists the families grew back to each other. They had to save their people and obtain their lands. Underneath the Queen's regiment, the families worked together to get it all back. And they succeeded in doing so. The Ricciardo’s provided safety and food as your family gave the land political interests, jobs and all kinds of growth. As this was happening, Australia blossomed. Until everything changed in 2001, when Joe Ricciardo decided to kill the ceo of the political part of your family, Rich Webber. This declared the ongoing war. However, you could not yet understand why. You were only nine. 
That’s the story your grandpa told you when you turned 18. And now, you were here. Amidst of gunfire, looking at your brother running into the vault. You were covering him from behind, running after him and turning your back to him to shoot anyone that wanted to enter the room. While scanning the room you were thinking about what you would do after this run, perhaps a nice relaxing bath or baking some cookies. 
“y/n! Focus and get the stuff to find fingerprints.” 
You felt your brother poking your sides with the gun he was holding. Quickly getting down on a knee to sling your backpack to the front, you weren’t able to find the small box that contained baby powder, clear tape and the brush.
“It isn’t here Joey!” Panic was clearly heard in your voice. You turned your head to look up at him, seeing his scared eyes look back at you. 
“We’re fucked.” 
The sound of gunfire was starting to close in on you while you got up again. You looked at your brother as your mind was working at maximum capacity to find a solution. Then, with the sound of glass breaking nearby, an idea struck your mind. 
“You’ve got to leave me here. Get the rest, the wounded and get the fuck out of here!” 
“Have you gone mad love? There is no way in hell I would leave you, here, with them!” Joey grabbed your arm to make you look him in the eye. 
You shook your head as you looked back at him. Pulling yourself away from him and sitting down in front of the vault. 
“If any of us want to make it out alive, you’ve got to go and get them now. You’ll go unseen Joey, I’ll make the prettiest charade here.” You smiled at him, tossing him the backpack and the gun you had been wearing. 
In the meantime you could hear voices and gunfire coming closer, making you look at your brother and say “Go now before it’s too late, we’ll see each other later. I love you, Joey.”
“I love you too y/n.” He ran away through the door that you’d been previously guarding. Now you were sat, in front of the safe, waiting for them to come and get you. You started to whistle. It didn’t take them long to find you. After all you were whistling the Kill Bill Whistle song - Twisted Nerve, driving yourself quite mad as well.
“Well, well, what’ve... Or excuse me, who’ve we got here?” A face came from behind the door that Joey tried to close a bit to hide you. Instant regret washed over you as you saw who it was. He found you, even though there were probably twenty other persons that could’ve found you. As he walked closer to you, you saw that he’d grown into his skin more. He wasn’t the slender boy that he used to be. 
“You’ve aged considerably, damn Daniel.” The smile on your face grew bigger as he frowned. 
“Why did they leave you here?”
“Way to ruin the surprise Danny, tie me up and you might find out” You innocently put out your hands for him to grab and tie them. He came closer, still clutching the gun in his hands. Waiting on him seemed to take an eternity. Finally he came close enough, he put his gun in his holster and that was the exact moment you were waiting for. You lunged forward, knocking your head against his nose, wincing at the sound of it breaking. Daniel groaned and stumbled backwards, reaching for his gun.  Luckily you were quick to walk and kicked his gun out of the holster. It flew across the room as Daniel regained his balance and glared at you.
“Still as slow as the old days, sad to see you didn’t improve yourself Danny!”
“Still so full of yourself, even though you're in the lion's den now, y/ ln" Seeing how Daniel started using your last name you knew it was serious now. You eyed the gun, lying ten feet further. He saw you looking at it too, but also realized he was bigger and probably faster than you. 
“Don’t try funny business y/ln, you and I know my colleagues are making their way down here. Let’s just hope they didn’t get your precious Joey, or even worse grandpa Nicholas...” He grinned at you while getting closer. This threw you off balance. It was low, mentioning your grandpa like that, even for him.
“Why don’t you get down on your knees for me, babe, maybe we’ll let you live then.” The smile on his face grew sinister and you knew there wouldn’t be a way you could make it out alive with reinforcements coming in. Quickly after that the room started to flood with people. Guns were pointed to your chest, prominent red laser lights on your chest. You got down on your knees carefully, hands in the air while you kept staring at Daniel.
“Danny, quick! We have to hide before Joey comes and finds us” Your high voice screeched in the halls of your house. Daniel was close behind you as he also joined the game of hide and seek. The two of you were inseparable since meeting. You met him in 1995 when both your parents had a charity event and all the kids were brought to a nice playroom for the rest of the evening. Daniel was six years old, the same age as Joey. You were merely three years old. Daniel sister, Michelle, was seven at the time. Being the youngest of the bunch was sometimes hard. Daniel tried to include you as much as he could but the others would be rough and unfair. Eventually you managed, growing closer with Daniel each playdate. This playdate was no different, while your parents had a important meeting the kids played together while awaiting the delicious dinner that was being served later that evening. You and Daniel hid in the attic, in a few boxes that contained nothing but clothes. While waiting for Joey the two of you talked as quietly as possible for a six and nine year old. Daniel covered your mouth fast as Joey opened the door to the attic, pulling you close in doing so. Now you were cuddled up against him, breathing through your nose as Daniel looked up at the closed lid. A few second later, the lid flew off and bright light shone on your faces.
The next moment you opened your eyes you were sat on a chair, hands and legs tied to the chair too. You felt ductape on your mouth but also around your arms and legs as well. There was sunlight shining on your face, which made you realise you were in the sunroom. Since you’ve been to the mansion a few times before everything went mayhem you managed to remember the layout and rooms of the spacious house. 
“Look who has decided to wake up!” Daniel’s voice sounded loud in the room, making your shiver to your core. Instead of trying to get yourself out of your chair you sat still. Just slightly turning your head to see him. 
“So what are you going to do now?” 
“We don’t know yet”
“Yeah, mum and dad. You know, everyone in the family”
Click here for chapter two!
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imagineaworlds · 4 years
I Love You (Part Eleven) -- Aaron Hotchner
Written By: @desperately-bisexual​
Request: None.
Warnings: Murder. Kidnapping. Literally everything Criminal Minds.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Greenaway!Reader
Word Count: 11063
Timeline: Season 2 Episode 14. Right after part eight.
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I guess I was somewhat relieved that Hotch and I let out some steam before going to the party, because his plans of what would come after had to come to a screeching halt when we were called into work for a case. Everyone was disappointed to be leaving so soon, but when the job called, we went. That was the deal. Always. So we all jumped in our cars and headed out to Quantico.
At the office, I went straight for the coffee pot and started to make a fresh brew. JJ, Garcia, and Morgan were all tipsy— if not drunk— and the best way to sober them up was coffee, food, and lots of water. So as I went to make the coffee, Morgan raided his secret stash of snacks, and Emily bought water bottles for everyone from the vending machine. By the time I got back to the boardroom with everyone’s drinks, Gideon was back from his night off and was sitting comfortably in his chair like he hadn’t left at all.
The team was all joking about Morgan’s dance moves, he was trying to deflect by pointing out yet again that Hotch and I were late to the party, and I deflected by asking where Gideon was. He told us that he had been at the Smithsonian with an old friend of his. I recalled Hotch mentioning something to me about Gideon going to D.C for the weekend, but I didn’t think he would just be lounging around in the Smithsonian all night. How the hell does one even go about doing that?
JJ stormed into the boardroom and brushed past me as I sat down next between Hotch and Morgan. She threw an image of a couple up on the TV for us and began to review the case for us. The Kyles had been killed in their Atlanta home shortly after the Super Bowl ended. They were at home, the TV turned on for the big game, until the Unsub broke into their home and killed them in their upstairs bedroom. The curious thing about this case, however, had to do with the police’s unusually fast response time. The Kyles were murdered during the game, and yet, the police got there before the halftime show even started. How?
“One of the Unsubs called the police from inside of the home to warn them that the other was about to murder the victims,” JJ explained. “According to the dispatcher, the first Unsub sounded terrified and was begging for the police’s help, while the other Unsub was telling him that it had to be done and he needed to hang up the phone.” She pressed a button on the TV remote and it pulled up a crime scene photo. “The second Unsub, identified as Raphael, was the one to kill the two victims. When the police arrived, both Unsubs were gone, but they had left this on the bed,” she pressed a button again. The TV showed us a zoomed in image of a bible page that the Unsubs had left at the crime scene. Yes, only one paragraph was specifically highlighted.
“Revelations Chapter 6, Verse 8,” Hotch said. “And I looked in behold a pale horse, and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”
“So they’re religiously motivated. Unsubs with a mission don’t usually stop their work after just one or two victims. They go on a spree that leaves a trail of blood in their wake,” I explained, turning away from the TV to get Reid’s back up on my statement.
He nodded. “Yeah, if these guys are using the bible as an excuse to murder, then they’re not going to stop until they think that they’ve cleared the world of all sinners. But sin is relative and fluid… So, technically, everyone’s a sinner.”
“That means they’re going to be looking for another victim and they’re going to kill them soon,” Morgan added.
Hotch picked up his copy of the case file, tapped it on the desk, sighed, and said, “Wheels up in thirty.”
We all let out quiet sighs. This was the job, though, right? It didn’t matter if we were ever promised time off, because the cases always had to come first. The Kyles were brutally murdered in their home while we were out having fun in a bar, and we were upset that we had to fly to Georgia? Something felt off about that to me… But I couldn’t shake the disappointment of not getting one more night alone with Hotch or even the chance to say goodbye to Jack before we would leave. All we could make time for was grabbing our go bags, changing in the bathrooms, then hopefully being able to call Haley on the plane and ask if we could talk to Jack. That was it. But at least we had that when the Kyles didn’t.
On the plane, before taking off, when I was sitting with Morgan in the back, Hotch came over to tell me that he had Jack on the phone. I excused myself to Morgan before going with Hotch over towards the cockpit where we were most likely to have enough privacy— Even though Gideon, Emily, and Spencer were already busy with looking over the case to spend time eavesdropping on me and Hotch.
“Hi, daddy,” Jack said over the phone.
“Hey, bud. Did you watch the game with mom?” Hotch asked.
“Yeah. We lost.”
“We sure did,” Hotch chuckled quietly. Jack didn’t know much about football. He was too young to know how the game was played or why certain things would happen, but he liked it because his dad liked it. “Listen, bud, we’re calling to tell you that we won’t be able to pick you up from school tomorrow. We’ve got to go save the world again.”
“Y/N can’t come get me?”
Hotch looked to me to respond, and I took the opportunity. “I’m sorry, little man, we’re both going to be gone.”
“Hotch, Garcia just sent the police call over,” JJ told us, taking a seat with Morgan on the couch as everyone huddled up. 
We nodded in her direction to let her know we understood and that we were wrapping up our call with Jack. I leaned into Hotch slightly. “We’ll come see you when we get back, though, alright, little man?” I asked, squeezing Hotch’s shoulder. “We love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” Jack said.
“Hotch—” Morgan called.
I shooed my hand at him to tell him to be quiet for just another minute. Hotch hovered his thumb over the hang up button and told Jack “goodnight” and “I love you” one more time before hanging up and burying his phone in his pocket. Hotch and I took seats separate from one another, yet still ensuring that we could see the computer screen. Garcia was waiting patiently for us to appear on her screen before playing the 911 call for us.
The operator answered the call first with the script that she had likely repeated over a million times for various reasons. After her opening script line ended, the first Unsub began speaking. He was calm, yet the fluctuations in his voice revealed a panic or a worry of some kind, but he didn’t rush his words like he was trying to get the cops to show up any sooner than the four minute arrival time they ended up making. He never mentioned Raphael until the end of the call when he finally admitted that Raphael was going to kill the Kyles. When the operator asked for clarification, the second Unsub’s voice could be heard controlling the first Unsub, telling him that he needed to hang up the phone. The first Unsub tried to refuse, but Raphael lowered his voice and used a more demanding tone that ended up working, and the call ended.
I asked Garcia to play the call again and Gideon asked what had caught my attention. When I told him that I was unsure and needed to hear it again to get a better understanding, he gave Garcia the go ahead. I tried to focus on the first Unsub. I knew that the rest of the team was going to be more concerned about Raphael, as he was certainly the disorganized one of the two, but there was something odd about the Unsub’s behavior in comparison to his voice in the call.
The first Unsub was calling the police, which meant that he wanted to help the Kyles somehow. He was arguing with Raphael, but he wasn’t running away, seeking out help from the neighbors, or even trying to physically stop Raphael. If the Unsub felt that he was in danger with Raphael, it would have made sense to call 911, sure, but why not run away? That was the odd part. His physical and verbal reactions to the situation were total contradictions of one another. Was he being forced to be there? Well, if that were the case, then Raphael wouldn’t have given him the chance to call 911. And it sounded like Raphael was standing right there when the first Unsub called the police, so why didn’t he stop it sooner? Did he want the cops to come? Did he want us to come?
The only way I could put together the pieces was to try and make some kind of connection with these guys. They were a typical dominant and submissive pair— or at least they should have been typical, but this was a moment that their dynamic slipped. Why? With me and Hotch, I liked to push back in order to rile him up, to force him into the dominant mindset where he would practically force me into being submissive. That was part of the appeal, part of the fun. If the Unsubs were dominant and submissive personalities, it could have been possible that the first Unsub was calling the police in order to rile up Raphael somehow. Perhaps it was a sexual aspect of the murders. But there was no sign of sexual assault against either victim. So, then… why… Why fight against the dominant and grow submissive when he gets stern if not to please themselves?
When the replay of the call ended, they all looked to me for answers, but I still didn’t have any. My role as the one who could find the smallest of details and make a point of them was failing me in that moment. These Unsubs had warped my definition of a classic dominant and submissive relationship for psychopaths. In past cases, they were almost always the same, but these Unsubs didn’t fit the bill. Something wasn’t right with them. I needed to see the bodies to know more about Raphael in order to know more about the submissive Unsub, too.
Hotch got the idea before I could say anything, like he could read my mind or something. As he was giving everyone their assignments, he told me and Emily that we should head down to the morgue to talk with the coroner, and so that I could get a look at the bodies myself. Hotch told JJ to get more images of the victims and help sort out the victimology, and that Reid, Morgan, and Gideon were going to head to the crime scene to evaluate how Raphael managed to kill two people in under four minutes. When Morgan asked what Hotch would be doing, he answered that he’d be heading down to the police station to sort through old, unsolved cases because this wouldn’t be the first rodeo for a team like this with a very specific M.O and the ability to do it in four minutes.
It all sounded like a viable plan, and we all agreed to our assignments. JJ and Hotch sat together the rest of the flight to review victimology, while Gideon, Morgan, and Reid stayed at the large table to review the crime scene, and Emily and I sat together to look at photos of the victims. I managed to steal the laptop at one point, though, and listened to the 911 call repeatedly with headphones on. There had to be something else I was missing in there. I could sense it. And I just knew that if I gave it a little more time and attention, I would finally be able to put the pieces together.
At the morgue, Emily and I introduced ourselves to the coroner who had just completed whole autopsies on both victims. Emily asked for his professional opinion on what he saw while we were still talking in the hallway outside, but I asked if I could go in and take a look at the bodies for myself. The coroner shrugged and told me to go right ahead, knowing that it was probably just a waste of my time when he could just tell us everything we needed to know. But I just… I needed to see them for myself.
The coroner’s assistant was still cleaning up in the autopsy room when I walked in. Both victims were still laying on separate slabs, but they were covered with new, clean white sheets. The assistant acknowledged my entrance briefly before turning back to his work. I approached the bodies, starting with Mr. Kyle, and pulled away the sheet that was covering his body. The most obvious thing about him was the laceration on his throat, which was likely the cause of death. Looking down, his right arm had a gash running from his wrist to elbow, and his left leg had a similar cut from his crotch to just above the knee. All major arteries. All tactical. All precise. All straight, not jagged like you would expect from an unhinged Unsub like we presumed Raphael to be. Still, there were no bruises or scratches, either, which would have suggested that the first Unsub could have possibly held the victim down while Raphael cut him up. But there was no sign of a struggle. So they did this quickly and efficiently.
I covered Mr. Kyle up again and walked over to Mrs. Kyle to examine her, too. Her neck had been slashed, aswell, and there were identical cuts on her arm and leg. A submissive personality wasn’t likely to be this imitative, even if they were to entirely obey their dominant— which the first Unsub proved that he had doubts about his own loyalty. He wouldn’t have hung up the phone to just go upstairs with Raphael and follow along in a how-to-murder tutorial of sorts. No, Raphael did both of these. But he wasn’t chaotic, enraged, or disorganized, which were all telltale signs of a dominant personality. These murders weren’t abusive in any way. They were meticulous, but they weren’t brutal.
Emily came in with the doctor so that he could show her what they had been discussing outside. They discussed everything I already noticed, but there was something critical that he had overlooked. The cut on the neck was the last thing that Raphael did to the victims. The cuts on the arm and leg were deep and wide— so much so that one would bleed out within minutes if they were left unattended for too long— but they also looked older than the cut on the neck. Raphael must have made the cuts on the arms and legs of the victims while the first Unsub called the police with the intent of having the victims bleed out; but when they were put on a time crunch, Raphael slit their throats and they ran.
“Isn’t that what slaughterhouses do?” Emily questioned.
The coroner nodded, “Precisely.”
“So we’re dealing with Unsubs who have worked in a slaughterhouse.”
“This is rural Georgia… Everyone down here has worked on a farm where they need to have this kind of experience. If you’re trying to narrow down the suspect list based on that career choice, you’ll find that the list won’t shrink down too far.”
Emily sighed and looked at me. There weren’t many answers I had about narrowing the suspect list down, but I had an idea or two about the Unsubs’ dynamic now. And I was sure that I had figured out what happened last night when the Kyles were murdered. All that I needed to confirm my suspicions was Morgan, Reid, and Gideon’s analysis of the crime scene.
At the field office in Atlanta, everyone was already back from their assignments when Emily and I arrived. Hotch and JJ were sitting at a desk with stacks of files almost as tall as them, while Gideon and Morgan were watching a video on a computer, and Reid was examining a separate computer that they had found at the crime scene. Morgan called me over when he saw me and asked Gideon to start the video over. He asked me to just watch the video and tell them what I saw right off the bat— to go with my gut. My thing was to catch things at a first glance, and they really needed me to come through with that.
The first Unsub, the submissive, was sitting in front of a camera, hiding behind a hood in the shadows. We couldn’t see his face, and we could hardly tell his body shape. There was no real way of knowing what this guy looked like, but I knew his voice from the 911 call, and there was no doubt that it was the first Unsub. He was talking about the punishments for sinning. The world was plagued by disgusting creatures who enjoyed sin and invited it into the mundane world in order to prey on the innocent. They were just cleaning the world of these sinners through murder. The Unsub never directly said it, but I got the impression that he saw the sinners— their victims— as demons from Hell.
When someone started speaking from behind the camera, he started quoting another bible passage— just like they had left at the crime scene. But it wasn’t the first Unsub, nor was it Raphael. It was a third Unsub. After reciting the bible, the third Unsub said that we would all pay seven times. Seven victims. The Kyles were the first two, which meant that there were still five more to come. The footage of the first Unsub sitting in the dark cut out and dissolved into the recorded footage of the murders.
“Woah, wait,” I reached between Morgan and Gideon to pause the video. “Where did you guys find this?”
“The video was on that computer,” Morgan pointed to Reid, who was dusting off the fan of a laptop. “We found the computer itself sitting on a sofa.”
“The computer recorded this, not a camera?”
They both shook their heads and I continued the video. They Kyles didn’t seem to notice the computer or that anything was out of place as they stumbled around their bedroom, desperately trying to rid each other of their clothes. So they didn’t notice that a strange computer was sitting on the sofa in their master bedroom, and they didn’t notice that it was recording anything— even though the computer was in clear view and they would have seen it if it weren’t there before. So the Unsubs didn’t bring it with them. They couldn’t have if they had only just got into the house to have time to make the call and murder the Kyles. It was their computer— that was why they didn’t care about it.
As Mr. Kyle stood to take off his shirt, Raphael came into the bedroom, pulled Mr. Kyle to the ground, and started carving. Mrs. Kyle got up from the bed and started running to the bathroom so as to lock herself in and save herself. And then the video ended.
“So?” Morgan asked me.
“The first Unsub was the one who was willing to be filmed,” I started.
“What about it?”
“Well, normally, the submissives like to hide and just obey. The dominants are the ones who are the face of everything because they have the bolder, stronger personalities. But they decided to put the first Unsub on screen.” That was just another odd piece about their dynamic to add to the pile. Great. “And now there’s a third Unsub, which changes everything we know about these guys. The third Unsub, though… It’s something about him and Raphael, something that I noticed about how they talk. In the 911 call, Raphael says ‘he’ and the first Unsub in this video says ‘he’ as, well—”
“It could be referring to God,” Gideon interrupted.
I shook my head insistently, “No, I don’t think so. The third Unsub in this video says ‘we’, not ‘he’. If they were referring to God, all three of them would have said ‘he’, but they didn’t. I think that they were referring to the third Unsub this whole time. Raphael is the dominant but—” A realization hit me. “I actually… I think I might have a profile for them…”
“All three? Already?” Morgan questioned in shock.
“You’re sure?” Gideon clarified.
He knew that it was possible for me to have already built part of a case, but not the entire one— especially when we didn’t have more victims yet to compare victimology, and I hadn’t seen the crime scene. But I didn’t need to. I knew how these guys were operating. I knew their dynamic, or hierarchy, if you will. I had it.
“Uh… Guys…” Reid whispered, standing up from the desk he was working at. He moved away from the computer. “I think I figured something out.”
“What? What is it?” Gideon asked.
“Something struck me as odd while watching the video earlier,” he started explaining. “The computer, it belongs to the Kyles. The Unsubs didn’t put it there to film the murders.” That much I knew, but I didn’t get where he was going with it. “They, uh,” he looked back at the computer nervously, “they’re still watching. They hacked the computer.”
“Can they hear us?” I asked with wide eyes. The whole investigation could be going down the drain. If they were listening, they would know that we were onto them.
He shook his head, “No, but they can see everything.”
We all slowly moved towards the computer to get a look as it started beeping. Reid sat back down to see what was going on. Hotch and JJ ran over when Morgan whistled to catch their attention. The screen of the computer turned black, like it had been turned off remotely, then flashed the words: THE ARMIES OF SATAN WILL NOT RISE. And then the computer shut down entirely. Spencer cursed under his breath as he started fidgeting with all of the components of the computer just to try to turn it back on, but to no avail.
Hotch then told Reid to get the computer to Garcia ASAP, but we all had questions about how the Unsubs even did this. So the first resort was to call Garcia for answers. She told us that anyone could control a computer remotely, but it was usually done when a company would help you with tech support. Emily asked the big question of how the Unsubs could still have access after dealing with a customer, if he really was in tech support. She told us that it was entirely possible that the Unsubs could have left a Trojan Horse of some kind that continued to give him access and control of the computer.
“If you have that profile ready, we have to give it now,” Gideon told me. “They could be watching more potential victims right now. They could strike at any time.”
I nodded an agreement and the whole team started moving to the boardroom where we could discuss the profile privately. The lead detective and the local sheriff were both off handling the crime scene clean up, so we decided that it would be best to discuss and build the profile immediately, then JJ would just hand out a written version of it to every nearby precinct.
I stood at the board where we had pinned up all of the crime scene photos and evidence like the bible passage that had been left in the bedroom. Gideon, JJ, Reid, Morgan, and Emily all sat around the table, but Hotch was sitting on a waist high bookshelf in the corner with his arms crossed over his chest. They wanted me to start with the first Unsub, then the second, and lastly the third. Sounded easy enough.
“The first Unsub, the one who called the police the night of the murders, he’s our submissive—”
“But there are more than two Unsubs. How can they be submissive and dominant?” Gideon interrogated.
I sighed. Giving the profile sounded easy enough, but actually being able to do it without being interrupted every five seconds was going to be the challenge. “I’ll explain, I promise. The first Unsub is the submissive when it comes to the three of them. He was unsure about what they were doing to the Kyles, but he was quick to listen to Raphael when he told him to put the phone down. He also didn’t kill the victims—”
“How do you know that?”
“When I examined both bodies myself, I determined that both victims had been murdered by the same Unsub. The attacks were precise and aimed to kill painfully, but they weren’t disorganized like you would expect from a dominant—”
“So the first Unsub did kill them?”
“No. I think the third Unsub did. The first Unsub was concerned with calling the police, he wouldn’t have the guts to murder the Kyles himself, but he was also listening to a higher authority, like Raphael. Raphael was downstairs with the first Unsub while he called the police, which meant that he didn’t go back upstairs and kill the Kyles because he was busy commanding the first Unsub. Raphael is the dominant. The reason the first Unsub felt safe enough to call the police is because Raphael isn’t the one he’s scared of. It’s the third Unsub, the abuser. The abuser is the one who has the thirst for blood, and Raphael gives him the opportunity to do so because he keeps the first Unsub out of the way.”
“But wouldn’t the submissive have still been scared of Raphael because he’s the dominant?”
“No. They challenge each other because the Unsub sees it as a game of cat and mouse almost, it gives them a rush of sorts. The abuser is the violent one that the submissive doesn’t want to cross, even if it is just a game. Calling the police was a game for the dominant and submissive, but it put the abuser on edge, which was why he cut the victims’ throats.”
“Normally the submissives don’t like to play around with the dominants. They want to listen and obey out of fear of punishment for misbehaving. Why would they want to play just to get a rush out of it? How could you even come to that assumption?”
I gulped and looked at Hotch quickly. I couldn’t say flat out: “personal experience” because that would raise more questions than we had time for. But not giving them an answer would just discredit my profiles. “I, um…” I cleared my throat and shifted my gaze away from Hotch when I saw him glaring at me to tell me not to say anything. “Based on their behaviors. That’s how I know. The submissive was likely told by the dominant to film that video, but the abuser is the one who wants to get the word of God out to the world, so he interrupted and took over the commentary. The dominant allowed the submissive to call the police, but only let it get to a certain extent before stopping him. The submissive is trying to impress the dominant, but the abuser keeps getting in the way.”
“So the first Unsub is the submissive. He’s the organized one, but also the most apprehensive about their mission. He makes sure that they use forensic countermeasures— such as gloves— to make sure that they’re never caught. The second Unsub, Raphael, is the dominant. He’s also organized, but in a way that plays with the submissive’s behavior. He’s organized for the sake of their dynamic, but disorganized when it comes to the crimes. If he’s trying to give the submissive opportunities to prove himself, then the second Unsub is the one who likely has the technological knowledge to find the victims. The third Unsub is the abuser. He’s the one who wants to get the message out. He doesn’t care how they get there or what else happens with the dominant and submissive, he just cares that they kill the members of Satan’s army.” Reid explained all of that while pouring himself a coffee and moving up to the board to look through the evidence again.
“We get their dynamic. Great. But it doesn’t tell us anything about finding them,” Morgan commented, picking up another copy of one of the crime scene photos.
“Back to the drawing boards, then, with the profiles we now have,” Hotch ordered us.
Gideon and Morgan left to go review something about the crime scene or the video the Unsubs posted to the internet. Emily went to go see if she could help with that or figure out any connection to a farm using the knowledge we gained from the autopsies. Hotch, Reid, JJ, and I all stayed in the boardroom. As Reid sat back down with JJ, Hotch stood from leaning against the short bookshelf and walked over to the board I was standing at. We both turned to face the board and go through everything we knew.
“You need to be more careful when you’re talking about those kinds of things,” Hotch whispered under his breath, but just loud enough for me to hear. “They don’t teach that kind of thinking in the academy, and Gideon knows it.”
“It’s not that big of a deal,” I whispered back, pulling the bible page off the board. Forensics had already looked at it, but they didn’t find any fingerprints. “It’s just another profile.”
“A profile that you based on your own life. Don’t think I forgot about how you liked to play last night.”
“I said I was sorry, didn’t I?”
He sucked in a quiet breath past his teeth. “You’ll have to tell me again after this case.”
I was facing him instead of the board now, “Cat and mouse. See?” I smirked. My profile hadn’t been wrong and Hotch’s worry had been misplaced.
My smirk faded as JJ came up to us with a case file. “I think I found something,” she said, handing the file over to Hotch. “Since we couldn’t find any connections with unsolved cases, I started looking at it another way with Reid. We found this report. Someone called the police to report that there was someone watching and trying to get into the Kyles’ house. The witness was walking his dog, and on his way back to his car, he saw a man in dark clothing trying to break into the home.”
“There was only one man?” Hotch questioned. JJ nodded. It was curious that there weren’t three, if it were the Unsubs originally casing the house or even trying to commit the murders earlier. “And the witness?”
“Tobias Hankle. He lives about an hour from here.”
“He didn’t see anything about the suspect?” I asked.
“Nothing but the black clothes.”
Hotch sighed and scratched his stubble. “I mean, it’s certainly a long shot, but we’re not making much progress here. Why don’t you and Reid go talk to Hankle at his home and see if he remembers anything else about that night.”
“Okay,” JJ said, taking the file back from Hotch. Her and Reid collected their things from the table and headed out of the precinct together.
Hotch turned back to me, “You need to find a way to behave yourself during cases.”
“I was proving a point,” I told him.
“And every time you do, all I think about is last night—” He stopped himself. “Just…” He looked around the room just to triple check that we were alone. “Behave.”
“Yes, Sir,” I smirked again and turned back to the board.
The door to the room opened, “Agent Hotchner.” It was the lead detective on the case. He must have just come back from the crime scene. “We got another call. There’s been another murder.”
“Shit…” Hotch groaned.
We drove out to the new crime scene with the rest of the team. When we got there, the sheriff met us outside to give us a run down of what his men found. The Unsubs had called again, but this time only Raphael spoke, not the first Unsub, which was the first unusual thing about this crime scene compared to the last one. The next was the police response time, which was eleven minutes compared to the four prior. The last thing the sheriff told us was that the man who was dead in the upstairs bedroom wasn’t the man who lived in that house. He told us that the Douglas couple lived there, and that Mr. Douglas was away at work, while Mrs. Douglas was supposed to be at home. The man found upstairs was the local handyman, and Mrs. Douglas was nowhere to be found.
“Is he nude?” I asked about the male victim. The sheriff raised a brow at me and slowly nodded, “They were having an affair.”
“Y/N, Emily, go check the body since you guys saw the last ones,” Hotch ordered.
We hurried past our team together and skipped steps on the staircase in order to get to the top floor. The forensics team was just clearing out of the bedroom as Emily and I headed in, putting on the rubber gloves they supplied for us. Just as I had suspected, the victim was naked when he was murdered by our Unsubs. He was laying face down on the ground, but there was blood pooling from his neck, arm, and crotch, just like the other victims.
Emily noticed the computer sitting on the desk and held me back before I could step in front of it. “Don’t look at the camera,” she told me, pointing to the computer. I nodded and we stepped into its field of view together.
We crouched down with our backs to the camera and started to examine the body. Same lacerations, same M.O., but no note. If they were supposed to be messengers from God, then why didn’t they leave anything from the bible this time? Were they scared of fingerprints? Were they in a rush? Why change up the M.O. just when their message was finally being heard?
I grabbed my phone and dialed Garcia. “Speak at once, mere mortal!” she announced in my ear.
“Hey, can you do me a favor? We’ve got another computer in this house with us, and we think it’s streaming right back to the Unsubs. Can you trace it?”
“If it’s connected to the internet, I sure can. I’ll call and let you know what I find.”
“Thanks, Garcia.”
“Now, be gone, mortal!” And she hung up.
I put my phone back in my pocket.
“There’s not much here that we don’t already know,” Emily said. “They didn’t change anything but the bible page. If they were having an affair, one would think that they would have at least ten different pages laying around about adultery.”
Morgan knocked on the door. “Hotch wants to talk outside with everyone.”
Emily and I pushed ourselves to our feet and carefully walked out of the room while making sure to not notice the computer. Garcia would call back in a few minutes with either good or bad news, and I was just praying that it was good news. We needed a new lead or these guys were going to keep getting away with murder.
When we got outside, Hotch asked us if there was anything of importance in the crime scene to take note of, and we both shook our heads. “Fine, so what do we know about these guys?”
“They called the cops, but this time Raphael did it. But why?” Morgan questioned.
“They saw that we were catching onto them because of the computer. We spooked them, so the dominant stepped in to protect the submissive this time around,” I answered.
But as I said it, I realized that it didn’t make much sense in the context of these guys. With me and Hotch, he got protective and defensive about nearly everything that had to do with me, but that was because there was a romantic aspect involved. Psychopaths and sociopaths don’t have the ability to love, and we had proven that the dominant and submissive’s game was to excite each other about the crime, not to protect each other.
I tried to take a step back to look at it from another angle. “Do we know what Raphael said on the phone?”
“‘Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and then that commit adultery’,” Hotch said. “Gideon says that they’re talking about Jezebel. The Unsubs knew that they were having an affair because of the computer again.”
Something was wrong about all of this still. Why did Raphael call, and why did he quote the bible when that was the third Unsub’s purpose? If the submissive wasn’t calling the police, and he wasn’t with the third Unsub out of fear of the violence, then where was he? And how did they take Mrs. Douglas all at the same time? None of the personalities were aligning, that was the problem. If they had, the timeline would have made sense, but it didn’t.
A thought struck me about what could have been happening, but I didn’t have Reid there to give me more information. He was still off with JJ at Tobias Hankle’s house, trying to collect any information about that night he witnessed someone trying to get into the Kyles’ house. But when it came to psychopathic submissives and dominants, they never switched roles. Not like this, at least, which was why something occurred to me, but I just couldn’t be sure without Reid. I didn’t have anyone there to back up or correct my theory. But I had to try, right?
“What if… What if we’re not even dealing with three Unsubs?”
They all looked at me. Hotch was the first to verbalize their confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I think that we’ve been looking at this all wrong. There aren’t three Unsubs. There’s only one.”
“How’s that possible?” Morgan questioned with a slight chuckle.
“Dissociative Personality Disorder— more commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder.”
“You mean that there’s one Unsub who believes that he’s three different people?”
I nodded, “The submissive is the one that protects the host, but he got scared, so the dominant came forward this time to protect the submissive. The dominant is the mediator between the submissive and the abuser. He’s the one who tries to protect and entertain the submissive, while also encouraging the abuser’s behavior. The abuser, the third personality, he’s the true psychopath. He’s the one who wants to inflict the pain. Together, they make one man who is three personalities stuck inside of his mind that have been created for different purposes: protection, mediation, and violence.”
“They’re right,” Gideon said to all of us as he stormed out of the house with a bible page in hand. “I found this next to the telephone near the back door, which was unlocked.” He handed the paper to Hotch. “‘Power was given unto them over the fourth part of the Earth. To kill with sword, with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the Earth’,” he quoted from memory. “Raphael is one of the Archangels. Mrs. Douglas is Jezebel. You figure out the rest.”
“He thinks that he’s an Archangel sent by God to cleanse the Earth, that’s why he’s the mediator. He doesn’t want to see the innocent harmed, but he wants to see the sinners suffer. Mrs. Douglas is an adulterer, so he views her as Jezebel.”
“Yeah, well, if Mrs. Douglas is Jezebel, there’s an especially unpleasant death in her future,” Hotch commented.
“How do you mean?”
“Jezebel was eaten alive by dogs.”
My phone started ringing. I answered the call, “Garcia, please tell me you have some good news for me.”
“Unfortunately not, my pretty. There’s been another video uploaded to the internet.”
“You’re joking. Is it the handyman murder?”
“No. Worse. Did you guys have a missing woman you were looking for?”
“Yeah, Mrs. Douglas. Why?”
“Well, you won’t be looking for her anymore.”
“How come?”
“The Unsubs just released a new video of her… being eaten alive by a pack of dogs.”
I looked up at Hotch and Gideon, “We’re too late.”
“I’m sending the video to you guys now. Can you get to a computer?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
I started heading back inside and everyone followed me. I stayed on the phone with Garcia as we all marched back up into the bedroom where the computer was still sitting open. I didn’t care if this poor bastard saw my face. We knew that he couldn’t hear us, Spencer said so himself. I wanted this guy to see me. I wanted him to know that we were onto him.
I pulled up the video Garcia sent over and pressed play. It was the first Unsub on camera again— though, I supposed that if I were indeed correct, then it was our only Unsub on screen,  but it was the submissive personality that was reading from the bible. He was reading a passage about Jezebel’s death, Mrs. Douglas chained up and gagged behind him. Just as he finished reciting it, the Unsub set the dogs upon her.
I went to turn off the video, but the sheriff, who had just entered the room to see what we were looking at, stopped me. We all watched as he stepped closer to the computer to get a better look.
He pointed to the dogs, “I know these dogs— I mean, I know the owner. Those dogs attacked someone a couple of months ago, and I would’ve impounded them, but the victim knew the owner and didn’t want to press charges.”
“Are you sure that those are the same dogs?” Gideon asked.
The sheriff nodded, “As God as my witness.”
“Who’s the owner?”
“Hankle. Tobias Hankle.”
“Wait,” Hotch stepped in, “Tobias Hankle?” The sheriff nodded again. “Shit,” he wiped his hands over his face. “JJ and Spencer drove out there to talk to him. He was the witness who called the cops to tell them that someone was trying to break into the Kyles’ house a few months ago. How far from here is Hankle’s home?”
“About an hour and forty-five minutes.”
“The sun will be down by then. Garcia,” Hotch called to her through my phone, “can you try to get ahold of Reid or JJ?”
“On it,” she hung up immediately to call them.
We all ran back to the cars. Morgan grabbed all of the bulletproof vests from the car before jumping in with us. Hotch immediately floored it with the sirens and lights on the second everyone was in our car. Morgan started passing out our vests, and we put them on as fast as we could, despite the hour and forty-five minute drive that we had ahead of us. I tried to call Garcia to see if she got ahold of either Reid or JJ, but the signal died just as we left the suburbs and started driving the forty-five minutes through middle of nowhere Georgia towards Atlanta, where we would then have another hour to drive out to Hankle’s house.
“Could you get through to them?” Hotch asked after he noticed that I put my phone away. I shook my head. “I shouldn’t have sent them out there. We should have made him come into the station for questioning.”
“You thought he was just a witness, Hotch. You can’t blame yourself.”
“I’m their supervisor. Their safety is my responsibility. I shouldn’t have sent them out there, he repeated as if it would change the situation we were in.
“Y/N’s right, Hotch,” Morgan said. “This isn’t on you.”
Hotch’s grip around the steering wheel tightened. He heard us and he knew that we were right, but he just couldn’t force himself to believe it until we would find Reid and JJ safe and alive.
It was an hour and forty-five minutes of driving to Hankle’s house. An hour and forty-five minutes of worrying about them. An hour and forty-five minutes of Hotch sitting in silence as he ran through every regret he had. And the worst part was, there was nothing I could do to ease his nerves or conscience.
When we arrived at Tobias Hankle’s home, everything suddenly started to make sense about him and the profiles we built. Emily and I had profiled the Unsub as someone who had experience slaughtering animals, and we weren’t far off. Hankle lived on a farm out in the middle of nowhere. There was a house up front, behind it a large barn, and just past that was a vast sea of tall crops that anyone could get lost in.
The black SUV we were riding in slid a bit on the loose dirt path beneath us. The sheriff spread his men out with different assignments, and Hotch did the same for us. Hotch sent me and Morgan to the barn, while Emily, Gideon, and Hotch were all going to check the large house. The sheriff handed one walkie to me and one to Hotch for emergencies.
“You stay with me. The entire time. Got it?” he clarified with me as we started running around the house and towards the barn. I nodded and turned on my flashlight.
We approached the two large doors of the barn and we pressed our backs against the outside walls, just beside the hinges. He held up three fingers and slowly started counting down. When his hand was in a fist, we both pushed our backs off of the walls, turned around, and kicked the doors in. We headed in with our guns and flashlights raised, but we stayed silent as we moved through the dark.
Morgan pointed his flashlight at the carcass of a dog and looked up at me to make sure that I saw it. I nodded. Three dogs killed Mrs. Douglas on the video. One down, two more to go. We continued on through the barn, and I found the next dog. Only one more left. We kept moving and I found the stable to the left where Mrs. Douglas was mauled and eaten alive. The last dog was in there. Each of them had been shot, they hadn’t started eating each other or any other cause of death imaginable for them. Shot.
“Did Hankle kill them after he was done with them?” I questioned while peeking into the stable to take a look at everything. There was no trace of Mrs. Douglas. No bones, no flesh, no limbs, just blood. Blood everywhere. On the wood of the stables, on the mattress that had been put in there, on the hay beneath the mattress. So much blood. But nothing else.
“FBI!” someone called from the stable behind us.
Morgan and I turned with our weapons raised, my finger on the trigger. When I saw JJ staring back at us with her own weapon raised, I lowered mine. She was looking around frantically, not realizing that it was me and Morgan who had found her. Morgan tried to lower his weapon, too, to show that it was just him and that she was going to be alright, but she was still in a panic and couldn’t put two and two together.
“JJ, it’s just us— Morgan and Greenaway,” Morgan said, taking careful steps closer to her.
She slowly lowered her gun, but she still looked at us with wide eyes. “Tobias Hankle is the Unsub.”
“Yeah, we know. Y/N, call an ambulance.”
I stepped away to talk into the comms in order to call for an ambulance. No one on the team responded, so I tried the walkies that the sheriff handed to me before we split off. I called for an ambulance again, and one of the dispatchers responded that they were already sending one, but it was still a few minutes away. I lifted my wrist again for the team comms to ask if anyone had eyes  on Reid, but Emily responded to say that the house was cleared and empty.
“JJ,” I turned back to her, “where’s Reid?”
“I… Um…” She held her head in her palms like she was trying to remember where she last saw him. “We said that we were going to split up. He went around the back, but he never came in.”
Morgan was already on his toes and running out the back of the barn to go find Spencer. I tried yelling after him to tell him to wait up, but he was gone. He was the one who wanted to stay with me and make sure we didn’t split off, but the second he heard that something was wrong with Reid, he was only focused on finding him. Knowing that I couldn’t leave JJ to chase after him, I offered her my hand and we headed out of the barn and towards the cars to wait for the ambulance. Emily, Gideon, and Hotch were talking on the porch of the house with the sheriff about what they found in the house. I opened one of the car doors for JJ and let her sit down while I stood by.
“They just… They tore her apart,” JJ whispered. “There was nothing left of her…” She looked at me. “I had to kill them. The dogs. They were still hungry, even after all of that… And when Reid didn’t come in after hearing the gunshots, I knew that something was wrong, but I was too… I was too paralyzed to go looking for him…”
“This isn’t your fault, JJ. You didn’t know. No one did.”
“We shouldn’t have split up. I told him that we shouldn’t’ve, but he didn’t listen to me.”
The ambulance’s sirens and lights made an appearance for the first time down the road as they came speeding up to the house. I helped JJ back to her feet and led her over to the ambulance just after it parked. The EMTs jumped out of the vehicle and opened up the back so that JJ could sit down again while they checked on her. When she was in safe hands, I took a step away and looked back at the barn to see if Morgan was back with Reid yet, but there was no sign of either of them.
“Morgan!” I called out, running back over to the silent barn. When he didn’t respond from inside, I called over to Emily, and she ran down from the porch to meet me. “Morgan ran into the field to find Reid. They’re not back yet.” She knew what that meant as well as I did, so we started running. We headed around the barn and to the edge of the field. “Morgan! Reid!” No response. “Morgan!” Still nothing. I looked to Emily and we nodded to each other before running into the field together. “Morgan! Reid!” Nothing but the sounds of me and Emily pushing through the tall stalks of wheat. “Derek! Spencer!” Maybe calling them by their first names would catch their attention. Just maybe. “Derek!”
“I’m over here,” he said just to my left. He didn’t scream, but he didn’t whisper it either. He sounded like he had meant to scream, but he seemed defeated somehow. Emily and I changed directions to find him standing in the middle of the field on a small path, his head lowered. “He’s not here,” Morgan whispered, kicking at some of the rocks. “There’s drag marks and blood. But there’s no Reid.”
“Hankle took him?” Emily asked.
“That son of a bitch…”
I walked up to Morgan and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me, anger glossing over his eyes. “There’s nothing we can do about it tonight, Morgan,” I told him. “We won’t find him running in the dark like this. We’ll just get turned around ourselves.”
“They’re right,” Emily backed me up. “We need to regroup and profile Hankle if we’re going to find Spencer.”
Morgan nodded understandingly. Emily and I were right. Running around like headless chickens wasn’t going to do Spencer any good, even if Hankle hadn’t taken him and he was just lost. We would send out a search party in the morning, and I was sure that Hotch and the sheriff already closed down every road out of town. If Hankle took Reid, he wasn’t going to get far. But we all just needed to collect ourselves and catch our breaths. We had JJ, and she could help us profile and find Hankle. We were all set to catch him soon. Morgan just needed to hold onto faith.
The three of us headed back to the house. Gideon and Hotch were inside, and JJ was finishing up with the EMTs. No trip to the hospital for her, which was good. She spotted us arriving from the field and pushed past the medics to talk to us. She asked if we found Reid, even though he clearly wasn’t with us. When Morgan walked past her without a word and I couldn’t look at her, she guessed, but Emily finally told her the truth.
I didn’t say another word to JJ before walking past her, too, and heading into Tobias Hankle’s house to talk with the rest of the team about what they found. They were all standing in a computer room on the first floor on the left side of the building. There were more computers and monitors in that one room than I had ever seen in Penelope’s office— and that was saying something. Some were vintage computers from the 80’s, others were brand-spankin’ new. But what mattered was that Tobias Hankle did have all of the computers to watch his potential victims, and he had the technological knowledge to use them in order to hack people. With so many computers and not enough Garcias, she would have to come down to Georgia to help find Reid. This was going to be all hands on deck.
Hotch and Morgan caught me walking into the room before turning back to all of the computers. “I’ve already called Garcia. She’ll be flying down here first thing in the morning,” Hotch said to me, though not facing me. I called it, didn’t I? “Everyone should try to get some sleep. There’s nothing we can do until morning when we can look for Reid and get Garcia here.”
“No,” I insisted, “we need to search this house and figure out if there’s any clue as to where he took Reid.”
“Everyone’s exhausted and shaken up. We won’t be able to build a clear profile with whatever we find.”
“I don’t think that’s the right call—”
“But it’s my call,” he raised his voice, turning to me again.
I doubled down. Emotions were high— especially for him and JJ. They were both putting the blame on themselves, and it was stressing them out. JJ was dealing with it by going into panic mode, while Hotch was handling it with anger. He wasn’t going to listen, but I wasn’t going to just sit around or fall asleep, not while Reid was still out there with that psychopath. He needed our help, and we all knew the statistics of kidnapping victims making it past the first few hours. Reid’s life was on borrowed time, and we needed to find him one way or another. So I turned and stormed out of the computer room to start looking through the bedrooms upstairs.
Hotch was right about one thing, though. We all needed rest and to calm down, and even though my eyelids were growing heavy as my adrenaline began to subside, I wasn’t about to give in. I felt like I was going to topple over on the stairs or pass out in the first bedroom as I walked in, but I just tried to focus my vision on one thing and figure out what I could learn about Tobias Hankle and the other personalities he had fighting for dominance in his mind.
I turned on the bedroom light to help me see and to hopefully help me stay awake. I started with the desk, taking a seat at it to help rest my legs for a moment. He had papers stacked neatly everywhere, but they were all old school assignments from, like, fifth grade. The kind of assignments parents would put on the fridge when they were proud of their kid’s achievements. The kind of assignments that Hotch and I put on the fridge when Jack would bring home an A+. Tobias still had them sitting prominently in his room, however. Why? He was in his mid-thirties. Why hadn’t he gotten rid of them or at least stored them away yet?
I rubbed my eyes and opened one of the drawers. There were toys hiding in there. Little green soldier men and knucklebone— things that a kid would stuff in his drawers after his parents would yell at him to pick up his room. I knew because that was where Jack hid his toys when he was too lazy to put them away and I would have to find them and do it for him later so that he wouldn’t lose them. The only two toys Jack took everywhere with him, though, were the red dinosaur and the green Hot Wheels car. Tobias had similar behavior to Jack in that regard. There was only one stuffed animal on his bed, while the others were neatly placed on a shelf, and the toys in the drawers, and the school assignments on the desk. Tobias’s first personality, the submissive one, was a child. He still saw himself as the young, innocent boy that he was when he was in fifth grade or so.
“What are you doing in here?”
I nearly fell out of the chair at the shock of Hotch sneaking up behind me. After I yelped, I saw that it was just him leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed and his face all broody like he was mad at me. He wasn’t wearing his vest anymore, like I was. He was back in his suit jacket and tie, yet he still looked somehow disheveled.
I caught my breath and calmed my racing heart while turning back to the desk. “I’m helping,” I told him, busying my hands with looking through the assignments on the desk.
“I told you that you need to rest.”
“Is Morgan resting? Is Gideon resting? Are you going to rest?”
“Morgan’s already making a pot of coffee…” Hotch admitted.
“Good. I’ll take one.”
“No, you won’t. You need to sleep.”
“I’m fine,” I insisted, smiling over at him to prove my point.
He rolled his eyes. “Your eyes are sunken and half open. You’ll fall asleep at that desk before you can find anything of use.”
“Oh, yeah?” I challenged. I grabbed the stack of papers and opened the drawer again to show him what I had found. “Tobias’s submissive personality is a kid. That’s why he called the cops but was so quick to listen to Raphael.”
Hotch came over and took the papers from me to get a proper look for himself. He flicked through each page, licking his fingers every time he wanted to flip to the next one. “So what does this tell us about where he took Reid?”
I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head slowly. It was good information for a profile, but it wasn’t going to tell us anything about where Tobias took Spencer. Tobias’s submissive personality wouldn’t have been the one to make that decision. He might have known a place, but he wouldn’t have recommended it. Wherever he took Reid had to have been somewhere either Raphael or the abuser personality knew about and knew that no one would be able to find. A stack of school papers, some toys in a drawer, neatly placed stuffed animals, and a perfectly clean room weren’t going to give us the answers we absolutely needed.
Hotch crouched beside me and gently put his hand on my arm. “JJ and Emily are taking the couches downstairs. You need to sleep at some point.”
“No, I don’t.” I couldn’t believe he was already back to this. Spencer was out there somewhere, waiting for us to find him. There wasn’t any time to sleep.
“Yes. You do. You’re not weak if you're just taking care of yourself.”
“I know that.”
“Do you? Because you’re not acting like it. You keep doing reckless things that impact your safety and health all in the name of this job, Y/N. You’re acting like you need to keep proving yourself. You don’t. You’re human if you need to sleep, take a break, cry, feel things— whatever. You’re just like the rest of us and no one’s going to look down on you for getting some rest when you’ve worn yourself out.”
“He needs me, Hotch.”
“He needs us. The best way we can help him is by being on top of our game. You can’t keep going like this. Just take the bed and sleep for a few hours.”
“I don’t want to sleep in this creep’s house.”
“Is that what this is about?”
I nodded. It was part of the reason. While I wanted to help Reid in any way I could as fast as I could, if Hotch was going to send me to bed, he had to know that it wouldn’t be in that house. I would have rather slept on the grass just out front. Anywhere but in that psychopath’s home. It was too unnerving to think about sleeping in one of the beds since all of the couches were taken. It was just too odd.
Hotch grabbed my hand, “Come with me.” He pulled me to my feet and started leading me down stairs and out of the house.
We passed the computer room where Morgan and Gideon were half asleep while trying to find what they could, and JJ and Emily were in the living room, laying down on the couches and talking to each other quietly as they began to wind down for the night. Hotch opened the front door and continued to guide me outside, past the porch, past the grass, and over to the black SUV we had brought.
Hotch let go of my hand so that he could pull the trunk open, then kneel inside so that he could push the backseats down flat to create more space in the trunk. He grabbed the vests that he, Emily, Gideon, and Morgan all peeled off themselves once they knew that there was no threat around the farm, and he threw them up to the front seat. I started pulling all of the velcro straps apart on my vest and pulled it off my body before handing it to Hotch, and he threw it up front with the others.
The trunk was officially cleaned out, but I didn’t understand what for until Hotch told me to climb in. I raised a brow and chuckled. He sat down in the trunk and patted an empty space beside him before telling me to climb in again. My eyes stayed on his as I gave in and crawled in beside him. I turned around to face the open back of the car and sat down, my legs stretched out in front of me. I sighed and let my eyes fall shut just to find a moment of peace and clarity.
It was so quiet and so relaxing. No one would have ever guessed that a place like it would have been home to a psychotic serial killer. But that was how it always went. It was always the person neighbors least expected who always turned out to be the most violent. Tobias was just a boy who didn’t get the help he needed, and so his mental stability spiraled and he became the violent murderer we discovered him to be. Living in seclusion on a farm like that, where the only thing you could hear for miles was the chirping of crickets, it would make anyone go insane after so long. But just spending a night there in the car, with Hotch at my side, it didn’t seem so bad. I couldn’t forget that Reid was out there all alone with Tobias, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was letting him down by giving into the idea of sleep, but I could at least find enough peace in the cool wind passing by the car that I started to grow more tired. We would help Reid in the morning, just as Hotch promised.
“Is this better?” Hotch asked me quietly. I nodded and laid down flat on my back with my eyes shut. I shivered as the wind passed by again. “Are you alright?” he asked, noticing right away. I turned onto my side, now facing Hotch, and pulled my knees up slightly to trap some warmth around my body. He caught on quickly, so he took off his jacket and laid it over me. I instantly felt at home in the strangest of ways, but I didn’t question it because it just felt so nice. “I love you,” he whispered, resting his palm on my thigh.
I put my hand over his, “I love you, too.”
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hiswhiteknight · 4 years
Fighting with Fire – Part 2
Summary:  The Reader is friends with Erin Reagan, but absolutely hates one of her brother’s. After meeting Erin for a case, Reader meets Erin’s youngest brother. But due to her hatred of a certain Reagan, the Reader isn’t necessarily warm towards the youngest Reagan.
Pairing: Jamie Reagan X Fire Fighter Reader
Words: 799 (short one)
Warning: Maybe cursing, eventual angst, eventual fluff
** I’ve noticed there aren’t many Gifs, but if anyone wants to teach me the ropes with make Gifs or Gif etiquette, I’d love that so much! 
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 You had just spent the last 12 hours working at the station and this was your free thirty minutes before you went on another 8 hours. You could think of nothing else, but a big cup of coffee from your favorite café down the block. You looked both ways before crossing the street, jogging to avoid traffic. You started grow excited because you were twenty feet away from you pick-me up, “Pardon me miss, I hope you know jay-walking is illegal,” you turned to the voice.
“Jamie, shut up,” a female voice said, “Ignore him, he’s right but just don’t listen to him.”
You focus on the face of the young man talking to you and you must stop yourself from rolling your eyes. Shocking, another Reagan male who likes to bust your balls, “Reagan, my apologizes for breaking the law. I made sure to look both ways like a good little citizen.” You looked to his female partner, she looked tough and you appreciated a strong female character, “I’m Y/N Y/L/N, I work with Company 255 down the block.
“Oh, I know who you are,” she smiled, “Eddie Janko, with the 12th district. You teach that self defense class for women at the Y’s and shelters. I heard you were looking for some volunteers.”
You smiled at her, “Yeah, I’m glad the words getting out. You wouldn’t happen to be interested?”
“Hell yeah, I got your email from one of the Directors,” she shared with enthusiasm.
“Nah,” you shake your head, pulling out one of your cards, “Here is my personal number, just text it when you get a chance, I’ll send my schedule your way. Any help would be appreciated.”
She took it, putting it in her back pocket. Jamie watched the two females’ bond, feeling intrigued and scared at the same time, “Yeah, sounds good. Anyway, ignore Jamie he doesn’t really know how to talk to women.”
Taking a glance at him, you lean towards her, “I hear it’s a Reagan thing, though the Commissioners are quite charming,” I send a grin her way.
“Alright ladies,” Jamie said shifting his feet, “I draw the line when we start to talk about my dad and Grandpa, thank you.”
“Mr. Reagan you do not get to make the rules when it comes to me,” you point in his direction. He put his hands up defensively, “Let me give you the warning Reagan, I don’t play nice with people who toy with me, much like your brothers. Try not to follow in their footsteps,” you tap on his shoulder as you skip to your coffee place. “Catch ya later Janko,” you wave retreating into the coffee bliss.
Eddie looked to her partner, “What did your brother do,” she laughed, “I’ve never seen a guy strike out so hard,” she poked at him as she started to walk down the street.
Jamie caught a glance of you ordering your drink and laughing with the barista. He had no idea why he was so intrigued by you, but he knew he wanted to pursue it. He didn’t much like the feeling of someone disliking him, especially one with such a pretty smile.
 You started to set up the mats, your volunteers hadn’t made it yet. After working a long two day shift, you liked the slow, focused pace of these lessons. You only did them every few weeks with your schedule, but it felt good teaching women in a safe space. You struggled with adjusting a mat when someone came over and helped you pushed it together. You looked up at them, “Looked like you needed help,” Jamie smiled at you.
The image of him in front of you made you stand up straighter, “What are you doing here,” you ask him, trying to understand his motivation. Not even his brothers would purposely seek her out to torture her.
“Eddie said you needed more volunteers, noble cause,” he answered looking down with you. If you could have guessed, he seemed a little nervous, “If I remember, you literally said any help is appreciated,” he added with a grin.
You look him up and down before catching Eddie walking in, “Am I interrupting something,” she asked feeling the tension.
Looking back at him, “Did you invite your brother?”
He shook his head, “No, I like breathing,” he said, half laughing, “Erin made it abundantly clear, under no circumstance to I let you two in the same room together without her.”
Pointing at him, “Just to be clear, that’s because I could kill him in three moves and Erin, for a reason I am unsure, loves him very much. Something about a sibling bond.”
He did his best not to smile, “Understood,” he looked around the room, “What can I do to help?”
Part 3
Taglist:  @screeching-student-unknown​
91 notes · View notes
tagsecretsanta · 3 years
From @Thundergeek59
to @little-old-rachel
Secret Santa does not own this work, full credit to the author mentioned above!
AN: This is only my second fic and I thought it was only going to be a couple of paragraphs, however, Jeff decided to take this over totally and ran away with it. I now know what you writers mean when you say your characters take over!  I hope you like it, I had fun writing it
Rating: Gen/Family fun
Wordcount: 2900 ish
Jeff sat up and swing his legs over the side of the bed, toeing on his slippers.  It was still dark as he reached for his cane and shrugged his dressing gown round his shoulders. “May as well get up as toss and turn in bed”.  Stuffing his communicator cuff in his pocket, he padded out his door and headed to the kitchen.  
Grabbing a small bottle of juice and a couple of biscuits he headed out towards the pool deck and sat on one of the loungers.  Idly munching the biscuit he gazed at the pool, lit up by the underwater lights, and his mind wandering back to Gordon’s pre-Olympic training when he used to time him with his stopwatch, then chuckling as he remembered having to dive-bomb his little fishie in a vain effort to get him out of the pool, several hours later. 
“Oh Lucy, our little fish is all grown and you’d be so proud of him – of all of them”
With a sigh, he pulled himself up on his cane and continued walking down the path to the beach where Virgil had thoughtfully built a bench for him so he didn’t have to sit on the sand, which only thinly covered the sharp volcanic rock.  From here he could look out to the bird colony on Mateo.  He remembered his first few weeks back home,  when easily overwhelmed by boys and noise, he had sought the solitude by the beach.  Just listening to the waves ebb and flow calmed his mind.  
He looked to the red glint just gracing the edges of the horizon and realised Gordon would be up soon to power though his pool routine while Scott would be just behind, setting off round the island on his daily run.  Eight years and some things never changed while others were irredeemably different.
It was Virgil who caught him by surprise with a hand gently placed on his shoulder. “Hey dad, we’re going to get the tree now, do you want to come along?”  “Thanks for the offer but I think I better stay and help your Grandma with dinner preparations.” He declined. “You sure?  We’d love you to join us and anyway, Max is there to help in the kitchen and Ridley and Kayo will be available to fix any potential culinary catastrophes”.
“I’d only be a hindrance with this”  he replied, waving his stick.  “Actually dad, I have an idea I think you might like”.  Intrigued, Jeff let himself be persuaded, hoping he wouldn’t regret it.
As soon as Virgil had set down Two at the edge of the forest, Scott and John set about configuring a suitable pod.  With Gordon awaiting the arrival of Lady Penelope and Alan still in bed, the party consisted of Jeff and his three eldest and he was looking forward to just doing something social with his boys, a nice change from being ferried to hospital appointments.  He was, however, starting to wonder what form Virgil’s surprise idea would take when he heard a soft cough behind him, announcing said son’s arrival.
The sight that greeted him as he turned around was not what he was expecting.  In front of Virgil was a fully functioning hoversleigh, complete with T2’s green livery with the addition of red flames down the side, a red padded seat with a matching throw.  Words failed him, causing a worried frown to appear between Virgil’s brows, until a deep chuckle rose from Jeff, and a smile twitched at the corner of Virgil’s mouth, pleased that his dad had felt comfortable enough to let his lighter side out.  “Certainly is different” laughed Jeff as Virgil helped him into the sleigh.
Scott and John’s faces were a picture as the hatch descended with Virgil and their father.   “Oh my word, you really did it!” John exclaimed as both brothers tried to stifle their guffaws when they saw their father with a green bobble hat and gloves, looking like one of Santa’s helpers sitting in the sleigh.
“Well, I’d been tinkering with the old hover bikes back at the ranch and decided to see how far I could take the modifications and, well, here she is...”
“Well, let’s see what this baby can do” said Jeff as he pushed the controller forward and... nothing.  A quizzical look at Virgil “Safety feature.  You gotta push the red button first but be careful, I haven’t fully tested.....” He couldn’t finish the sentence due to the cloud of snow covering him.��
“WooHooooo” Jeff whooped as he surged forward down the track, leaving them all brushing snow off themselves.
“You do remember that he likes to go very, very fast” Scott said
“Yep, better jump in the pod and catch him before he heads out of sight” added John. ‘C’mon Virg, hop on”.
Scott steered the pod at speed, following the trail of snow kicked up by the sleigh. After several hair-raising twists and turns Jeff had managed to turn the sleigh into a clearing and was doing doughnut spins, thoroughly enjoying himself.  Finally he came screeching to a halt mere inches from his sons, who were once more coated with a dusting of snow.  “Gee Virgil, that’s gotta be the best fun I’ve had in years!  Reminds me of that time Lee and I tested out the moon rover on Alfie.”
“I’m pleased you had fun, but I hadn’t got around to telling giving you the low-down on all it’s features”.  
“Well, as an Airforce pilot you kinda just learn on the job, part of the fun really, isn’t that right Scott”.   “Sure dad, but you just about gave me a heart attack back there.”  “Ah sorry, Scotty, but you gotta admit, if it had been you trying her out, you’d have done the exact same thing”.  “I guess so” Scott conceded.
While Jeff and Scott had been talking, John had been surveying area, seeking out the perfect tree.  “That one, over there, what do you think Vigil”.  “Looks good to me, lemme bring the pod into position” Virgil replied as he hopped up onto the pod and drove it over to the tree, Scott and Jeff following in it’s wake.  
“Ok guys let’s do this.  John, you take that side.  Virgil, get into position with the saw and dad and I will be over here to tell you when to stop cutting and get the pod grapples ready”  Pure IR commander front and centre. “Yes, and I’ll be shouting encouragement from the sidelines” chuckled Jeff.  He’d had time to see his boys work together over the past few months and marvelled at how seamlessly they all fitted together, deferring to each other’s greater expertise.  He’d learnt from bitter experience that his opinions on the best way for them to do something, more often than not screwed with their well oil system and got them second-guessing themselves, which was not what was needed in the field.
 He was fortunate, so fortunate that his boys had developed the way they had, working in the way they did and in the process, turning IR into something more than what he had originally envisaged.  He’d been away from it all for too long to be able to step back in and run it the way he had and he was coming to terms with that, despite how much his pride and sense of usefulness had been hurt.
“You’d have loved this Lucy – just look at our boys working so well together, just like they did when they were little”. 
“You ok dad?” John was first to notice the faraway look in his fathers’ eyes.  “Yes, I’m fine, just  telling your mother about you all”.  John gave Scott a look, who in turn quirked an eyebrow at Virgil. Virgil imperceptibly shook is head.  Jeff, watching the exchange and remembering how they had been doing this since they were children – saying so much without uttering a word.  “I know those looks, and no, I’m not crazy, you gotta remember that for 8 years I only had your mother to talk to, so it’s got to be a bit of a habit.”  
The boys looked anywhere but at their father, feeling caught out with muffled apologies.  “C’mon lets get this tree strapped onto the pod and back home” Virgil successfully diverted the conversation to the matter in hand.
It didn’t take too long to get back to Thunderbird 2, Jeff taking a slightly more sedate pace on the return journey.  What the boys didn’t know was that the reason for the slower pace would make itself apparent as soon as they exited the pod.
Whooooosh...... splat!  A perfect hit and a whoop of joy from the elf in the sleigh.  Scott looked down at the remains of the snowball that was gracing his uniform.  “You did not just snowball me, did you? Scott scooped up a handful himself “You know what that means.....”   “You wouldn’t hit an old man in a sleigh?” Words were barely out of his mouth when Whumph... direct shot to the sleigh, there followed a rapid volley from the sleigh to the other two sons. Virgil and John only had time to cast a quick glance at each other when they realised what was going on before  Boooooffffff..... fluuuuufffff.......Thwaaaak!  
In the meantime, Scott was building a small cache of snowballs, ever prepared, ready to dive into the fray.  He decided that his chances were better if he and Jeff teamed up against Virgil and John.  Whilst  Jeff could quickly manoeuvre the sleigh out of some of the shots, not all could be avoided.  Virgil had the strength and John had the trajectory calculations going on in his head, weighing up the best type of snowball for the distances involved – enough to make a good splatter but not hard enough to cause damage to sleigh or person. The were quite a formidable team against age and experience.
“Okay, okay, I concede defeat” Jeff laughed as one final snowball splattered against his gloved hands raised in mock surrender.  It had been a long time since he’d seen them rosy cheeked in the cold air, just enjoying themselves, “Well, I think it’s definitely time to head back to the Island” John shivered as they loaded pod, Christmas tree and sleigh onto Two’s elevator.   “But we need to make a quick stop off en-route” added Virgil.  “What could we possibly need on Christmas eve that we haven’t already got” Jeff queried.  “Wait and see” was his reply.
Thunderbird Two took off as soon as everyone was strapped in.  Virgil and Scott in the pilot and co-pilot seats with Jeff and John behind in the passenger seats.  Jeff regarded his middle son who was staring out of the window “Penny for your thoughts” he said.  “Hmm? Oh it’s nothing, just daydreaming really”.  “Uh huh, and would that daydream have anything to do with a lovely young astronaut that’s waiting for you back home?” asked Jeff. 
 John could feel the heat creeping up to his cheeks  “Maybe, just idly looking forward to having a few days downtime together.  Our schedules rarely coincide, so it’ll be nice to spend a few days dirtside with her”.  “You thinking of bringing her into the family business?” Jeff asked.   John had not seen that one coming and, clearly agitated, tried to steer the conversation away. Truth be told, he had thought about it but that would imply a whole load of commitment he wasn’t sure either of them could give right now.  
“Not really thought about it to be honest” was all he offered.  “You sure could do with some additional help up there on Five and she is a fully trained astronaut ....and... well, I like her”  You could have knocked John down with a feather.  What the heck had happened to his father and who was this amiable alien who had taken over his body!
Vigil raised and eyebrow at Scott while all this conversation was going on, realising it was touching on a subject neither of them had even dared ask John about.  Scott quirked an eyebrow back, a small smile dancing at the corner of his mouth.  He’d love to stay and listen in but felt it was getting into personal territory that neither of them had a right to enter without invitation.
“Just stopping off here for a few minutes guys.  Scott, wanna come with?” Virgil asked, the please remained unsaid but was clear from his expression.  “Sure, we’ll be back in no time, no need to get up you two.” Scott replied as they both exited the cockpit.
“Ok, I know, it’s not my place to interfere” Jeff continued “but take it from someone who’s been there, when you find someone you just feel totally comfortable with, you don’t just let it slip away.  I’ve seen you two together John, the way you interact, believe me, I’ve never seen you look so comfortable with anybody outside this family, with the exception perhaps of  Penny.” 
Clearly blindsided, John being John, wanted a bit more clarification “Dad, when you said family business, you didn’t just mean International Rescue, did you?”  “Well son, that would be up to you” Jeff left the ball in John’s court. 
 “This thing we have, it’s quite new and we’re having to work round rotas, so we haven’t actually had a great deal of time together. Certainly not enough to make as big a decision as I think you’re suggesting”.    “Son, sometimes you just gotta trust your gut and leave your head and logic to one side. That’s all I’m saying”. 
Their conversation was interrupted by Scott and Virgil entering the cockpit with several boxes carrying the logo of a well known Swiss chocolatier and four steaming takeaway cups.  “Thought we could all use some hot chocolate” Virgil passed out the cups to welcoming hands. “Just what we needed. Got anything in these boxes to go with the cocoa?” Jeff asked. “Sadly, these are for home. I promised Kayo we’d pick up some goodies for everyone to enjoy with our Christmas mimosas and I’d hate to be the one to tell her they didn’t make it home.” Replied Virgil.  “Well it’s a good job I popped into the patisserie down the road while you were busy getting the drinks and got these”  Scott beamed, clearly collecting extra brownie points as he carefully opened the smaller box, revealing the most wonderful choux pastry creations liberally topped with dark and white chocolate ganache, lightly dusted with edible glitter and gold leaf.  “Wondered where you’d wandered off to” mumbled Virgil mid-chew, trying not to spray glitter everywhere.  “You’re not the only one who knows the little out of the way places” 
“Neither of you would know about either of those places if Eos and I hadn’t scoped them out first” John huffed.  He was pleased the conversation had moved on from the rather uncomfortable personal probing of earlier and was quite happy to keep it that way.
 “Call it teamwork” Virgil added as he slipped into the pilot’s chair.  “Well, from what I see, teamwork is certainly something you boys excel at and I couldn’t be prouder” Jeff added as he raised his hot chocolate in salute to his eldest three.
Waiting to meet them in the hangar were the two youngest, Alan bouncing on the balls of his feet, Gordon trying unsuccessfully to hide his delight at the size of the tree that was appearing from Two.  What they hadn’t expected to see was hidden behind the tree. “Oh my God!” Gordon exclaimed as he caught a glimpse of green and red.  He and Alan ran over to check out what had caught his eye and of course, check out the tree.  
Wow, it’s a beaut” enthused Gordon, gently stroking the machine.  “I thought you were all talk when you were going on about fixing up one of the old hover bikes”.  Virgil just shrugged, enjoying the youngster’s reaction to his handiwork. “You even painted on the flames!” Alan shrieked in delight.
“Well, hello to you too” said Jeff, slightly miffed but totally understanding of their enthusiasm for the new piece of kit rather than welcoming him back.
“Oh, hi dad” Alan finally waved, not taking his eyes off the machine. “You know, I was the one your brother allowed to test drive that thing” Jeff added.  That got their attention.  “Aw Virgil, I thought I was your favourite brother” whined Gordon “You know it’s always been me” replied Alan as they both turned towards there father, their interest piqued.  Virgil just rolled his eyes.  “So, how was she? Was she fast? Did you fall out? Did you test it to it’s limits?” so many questions tumbled from Alan who was now more interested in what his father had to say. “Walk me to the elevator and I’ll tell you all about it” said Jeff putting an arm around Alan’s shoulder.  “C’mon Gordon” Alan gestured for his brother to join him.  Gordon ran over, slipping quietly under Jeff’s other arm.  Jeff positively beamed as he finally had their full attention and a new tale to enthral them.  
The three older brothers looked at each other and smiled.  It’d been a long time since they’d seen their dad so relaxed and happy. 
Definitely the best day he’d had since returning from the Oort cloud and perhaps a new Christmas precedent had been set with the hoversleigh for future tree collecting.
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Kira Vol 2 (3)
The Mistress
CHAPTER 3: Is This Jealousy
Loki x fem!Reader (Kira)
Series: A new chapter begins in Kira’s life. Old secrets, new confessions, surprising allies and unexpected meetings. All of them have one name in common. Loki.
Chapter content: soft feels
Warnings: a teeny weenie bit of jealousy
Word count: my cousin is awesome. She is such a pure soul and I am so protective of her that I will beat the hell out of anyone who tries to hurt my little- but tall- baby.
MASTERLIST & Taglist in bio, my love
The bubble of slumber has barely found Loki when a ripple of scream shreds every ounce of peace this house knows. The silence of the autumn suddenly sounds like a Hallow's Eve blood bath when Loki's body dashes towards the source of the voice. He does not even think for a second, his body already charging itself towards the stone-y path, his son outrunning him on his fours to come to a skidding halt at the foot of her bed. "Kira," he calls out with a contrasting tone compared to the rigorous beating of his heart.
But she does not hear. Her eyes are wide open, looking at the window in her room while her cries wear her lungs out. All she screeches are the words 'no' and 'stop' repeatedly while looking at the empty space. What disturbs Loki, even more, is that she is numb to the blood oozing out from where the needles were once sticking into her are ripping her skin apart. The duvet that covers her is being used as a shield against whatever she is afraid of while the blood smears the fabric with a new hue wherever it comes in touch with it. There is fear in his eyes for what he plans to do, but the fear of watching her writhing in pain like this far outranks it. And so he takes the first lunge by sitting down next to her and slowly taking her trembling hand into his. She yelps and jolts away from his cold touch. "It's me. Kira, look," he calls out to her while switching on the bed lamp close to him, "It's Loki." Her shivering figure cowering away from him takes its time to hear his voice while he patiently waits by the edge. He knows he has to let her come to him. Or he might lose her again. And it would already be one too many times. "Loki?" She has no idea what her frail voice does to that man's being. He can feel an electric current drive from his head to toe and all he can do is sit there nodding his head. "Yes, I'm here." That man has barely finished his sentence to breathe when he feels heated arms being thrown around his torso while her head wants to hide in his chest. "There's someone out there. There's someone out there, Loki." Silence. What is he supposed to feel right now? The otherwordly elation on the touch of her arms, whose heat seeps through the soft cotton and is absorbed by his thirst-ridden skin? Or should he feel sad for the suffering that does not seem to leave her even when she heals? In the swift moment, his rational brain scolds itself for having not having any intelligible actions ready like it usually does; for being useful during the one time it should be working at one hundred per cent capacity. "Please," a whimper comes from his chest, "make it stop." Like a flip of a switch in a cornered animal, Loki's pupils go wide while his arms come around her back with a life of their own. The cold palms hold the sweaty shirt on either side, making a barrier around her. "Come here," he whispers, pulling her closer to him, letting her rest her head in the dip of his shoulder while his body seeks all the unnecessary heat from her untethered figure. "Nothing can hurt you, I promise. Okay? No one can hurt you. I'm here." The wails dilute to sobs under the rhythmic soft pats of Loki's palm on her head in between soothing strokes through her hair. "I'm here." The sobs reduce to loud inhales and exhales, trying to find the resting point of her lungs. The patting continues into the dead of the night when unexpected rain showers wash away whatever bad lurks in the beautiful dark night outside, making her eyelids heavy and her body heavier on Loki's chest. Finding the strength inside him, Loki takes her head in his palm and carefully drags her down the bed to let her head rest on the pillow. The tightened nerves inside him relax when they hear her light snores, convincing him she is finally asleep. It is not easy to drag himself away from that angelic face resting so tranquilly but he puts his foot down on the floor- ready to let her rest- only to find a strong tug on his shirt by her fisted hand, pulling that loosely woven pure threadwork closer towards herself with wrinkles in between her brows. "Kira."  That man is now suddenly a little boy standing outside the study of his father, from where a mellow golden light flows out into a river at the end of which he stands with a unicorn in his tiny hands, his green eyes twinkling with the dance of both shadows and light as he tries to look inside through whatever space the barely open door allows him. Little Loki witnesses his father carry his brother in his arms, telling him stories of kings and princes that conquered lands and brought peace by defeating all evil; narrating his love for the golden boy and boasting to the air in that room how he will be the next man to take care of the empire that his father built for him. Outside, the raven-haired boy stands patiently before turning away to walk through the endless corridors to his room where the nanny is already waiting for him anxiously. "Loki! Where were you? Now is not the time to sneak out." The little one does not bother explaining for he goes straight to bed under his covers, his eyes towards the ceiling to look at the stars put up on there by the servants for his musings. "Mother says stars walk alone," Loki stated out of nowhere for the nanny to hear as she tucks him into the bed, "because they burn bright for everyone. She also says I am a star. A really bright one." "Of course you are," the woman smiles at him while wondering where this talk was coming from. "I don't think she knows that I know stars can burn whatever comes near to them. It is not even practical to be a star without dying a cold death." Margeret has to gasp. "Relax Margeret. It is the work of gases. You would not understand." And saying that, he turns to face the other way. "I don't want to be a star," he mumbles, wishing upon those bogus stars a wish that crumbles with every passing breath in his life till there remains no evidence of these ashes that were ultimately tagged as hollow hopes. Hopes that seem to be reborn without so much as a warning when Loki finds himself lying down next to her and she- without even a conscious effort- pulls herself upon his arm, burying her head in his chest, facing away from the world. A jolt of shiver runs through her body, immediately bringing Loki's arm over her shoulder, overworking his already imbalanced heart. But the calm finds him in her presence just as it finds her in his arms. The night outside, fresh out from nature's bath feels the need to notice its presence not acknowledged by the two souls that used to let their demons roam in her robe. Now, those very souls rest them in each other's arms, devoid of the exhaustion that once haunted them in their loneliness.
"Okay, I'm already putting this out there so no judgments are made later on...I just learned how to drive. You don't get to say how bad I am. If you are scared to sit next to me hold on to your seat. If the car stops in the middle of the road do not rush me, I know I am bad with shifting gears and the accelerator right now. Oh, and at no time will you offer to drive instead. Okay?" Loki's eyes take in your body on alert in the driver's seat of your dad's borrowed Suzuki. You adjust the rearview mirror and look at the controls, mumbling some things to yourself before double-checking the seat belt and starting the engine. He cannot help but stare at your elation with heart eyes when the car starts without any trouble. What churns up the lights inside him is that crazy giggling smile stuck on your face.  "I'm driving a car," you squeak at a really low volume while your neck disappears and your shoulders go up in tender excitement. By the Norns, who made her this cute, he truly has to wonder without realising a goofy smile has invited itself on his lips and has been sitting there even for Heimdall to see outside the gate when you exit. "That good a breakfast, huh?" He teases his boss, who is quick to hide any evidence of joy on his face. Sadly the master strategist and deceiver can't hide it from his eyes. "Did you get all the work done," Loki does not even move his brow when talking to the Watcher. "I had a nice breakfast too, thanks for asking," he is quick to acknowledge that cold stare, "and yes it's done. So, where are you guys headed?" You scoff, raising your hands from the steering wheel. "At least act surprised to see me driving even if you know it already." Heimdall chuckles. "I'm taking Loki to show around my town. Wanna c-" "Oh good, Lord!" Loki blurts out of nowhere, making you jump where you sit, "turn the car, Kira! There's a cat about to walk under it!" "What?" "Turn it out of the driveway!" "But-" "Let's go! Before it tries to climb the wheel!" You are hastily shifting the gear to drive. "They do that?" "Now! Now!"
This is his first time. And he still cannot believe it is happening. Well, shame on me for thinking only Odin had the finest colonial lands. Trees line up both sides of the roads that are cleaner than the supposedly progressive concrete jungle that you two left behind for a while. The patience all the drivers have on the road with their cars in a smooth drive is really impressing the man, besides putting him at ease considering his heart has taken the wheel. There are people out and about on the sidewalks. And there are people exploiting the cycling tracks to get their blood pumping in this cold weather. Kindergarten kids, school kids, college kids- there are clusters of them coming and going; some sad to leave their parents, while others are running and skipping towards theirs. This city is coloured in every hue imaginable even in the coldest of days. And unlike the iron world, he sits atop, this one seems like it takes out time to look around. The car is parked in a spot right outside a local city museum and unlike you, someone notices the line of expensive rides next to yours while their owners are huddled together over one with beer cans and cigarettes. Every one of the five men standing on the other corner wear brands that equal your one month's salary. "Let's start with this place," you bring Loki out of the calculating trance he is in since the second he laid eyes on the men that has been staring this way, "so we can get out and enjoy something much better if you get bored of this place." Loki smiles at you and makes it a point to walk towards your side to place his hand on your back, mellifluously ask, "shall we?" and walk away with you with the energy that marks the five feet around you as a zone not to be stepped in.
Well, it is hard to get bored of your face no matter how long he looks at it because he is certain he has memorised every little scar on it till he watches you fascinated by the medieval art displays. Your eyes have the deepest ocean of y/e/c ever seen that goes shallow for that black endless void that widens on seeing something that curates to its curiosity. Your lips. Damn those lips that have been blessed by the Gods themselves. They turn and pout in question, are tormented by the teeth when something does not sit right and are touch in a peculiar fashion by your fingers that Loki forgets he has to breathe at one point. He envies the fallen eyelash that sits on your cheek; envies that it gets to touch you and be prayed upon for a wish or desire while he stands to praise nature's work from a distance. But he does not let that bother him for he cannot recall any other time when he has been this content with his life.
"Point at anything in here and you will love it." "Really?" "Mm-hmm. They are really good at everything they make." "Oh...that's-wait. Is this the place that serves that pasta you keep comparing to everyone else's?" Your face is already breaking into the smile and Loki's heart cannot help but whisper 'stop' while running a marathon. "Yup." "Okay, so I'll have a-" "Kira?" Loki turns around before you to see who recognizes you and if it is a threat. "Henry?" The marathon comes to a pause for there is a little prick that is felt right in the chest. You recognise this man with a decent scruff, wide eyes and a bubbly smile. He has already been read head to toe by Loki. He does not seem like a threat. "Hey!" greets Henry before swooping you in his arms and giving one tight hug which leads to your alleged date to grind his teeth. How dare he. "How are you?" "I'm good. What about you?" You don't have to ask him that. He looks fine for someone who just got up from his sleep and drove here. "Fantastic now that we meet." Right. As if you were miserable before. "Where are you these days?! I've met CJ and Kat but never you." "She's with me," Loki declares. And that is when you notice the shift in the energy around you. "Henry, this is my boss, Loki. Loki, this is my school friend, Henry." You watch as Henry brings his hand forward for Loki. "Nice to meet you, man." Loki reciprocates but you can tell by that sharp cut of his jaw that something bothers him even though he isn't being vocal about it like he usually is. "Wait-" Henry's narrowed eyes are already telling Loki something he is tired of hearing- "Loki as in Loki the guy from Sun Corp. The Loki who went missing for two years before-" "So I heard from Kat you're opening a rest-" you try to divert the conversation. "Yes," Loki affirms much to your surprise, "that very Loki." And a smile. "Damn," Henry whispers. "Well, I'll leave you to it then. And you two are invited to my restaurant's soft launch today. Kat will give you the deets and you have to bring Loki." "Oh." You are a little dazed by the incomprehensible smoothness of this conversation. "Uhh..." You feel the brush of Loki's arm with yours when he closes the distance with the two of you. "We will be there," he concludes with his smiling eyes while you are wondering all the reasons you could be feeling this sudden gush of warmth in your cheeks. Nothing escapes Henry's eyes and that bubbly smile. You two have never been close which is why you are wondering why this guy is so excited to meet you. It hits you after a few seconds that the reason you were noticed might not have been because of you but your company. You are still thinking about it when you and Loki settle down in the corner seat looking out the bakery shop. "You don't have to go if you don't want to," you stress, reaching out for the bill in Loki's hand that he has already paid for. But that sly man is already pulling the receipt away from your grip. "I'll go if you go. And considering you are a textbook people-pleaser around your friends, you will be going tonight." All he reflects for your slightly unhinged and offended jaw is his smirk that has a tendency to stir something up inside your gut. "Correct me if I'm wrong." "I am not a textbook people plea-" "You went out to visit Kat even when your leg wasn't healed because she said you had not met her in a while." You scoff. "W-It was true! I hadn't met her in a while and I-" "And because CJ said she was mad at you because you hadn't answered her texts and calls." You do open your mouth to contradict but nothing comes out except a defeated sigh. "You could have told her about your health." Loki tilts his head and melting eyes that have their full attention on you. And you are feeling the goosebumps all over your body from that dedicated stare. Did he always look at me that way? The sensible voice in your head clears her throat and wonders...He could look that way to anyone. But your inner voice is already dancing. Look at the face, woman. Drown me in shallow waters if he isn't head over heels for you. "I...have used my health as an excuse for multiple occasions so I don't think it'll cut for them anymore." There is a slight crinkle in between his brows that does not seem to get as much attention as his tongue that darts out to wet his lips. Why is that even legal? Your inner voice is angry while it involuntarily purrs. "It is your health, Kira. I am pretty sure your friend will understand. Would you not rather that your friends tell you they are not fine instead of hearing about it when it all gets worse someday?" You turn your toes to internally curse yourself on realising he has a point; a very good one. "I'll talk to her," you agree and thank the waiter who brings you your lemon and mint iced tea and Loki's cold brew. "Okay," you sing with crackling judgment humming in your voice as your eyes are stuck on Loki's dark drink, "since when are you into coffee? I haven't been gone that long." "My existence will disagree," he mutters without so much of a thought as he lets his lips touch the straw in great anticipation while his eyes look up at the blank bump of an expression stuck on your face.  Heart thumping to the beats of embarrassment, your brain shuts down, pulls away the glass of cold brew and pushes your iced tea towards him. "Just have the tea, you monster." You try really hard to keep up that frown on your face while your insides want to come out and confirm the words he just said. "Me? A monster?" If you did not know any better, Loki would seem flabbergasted right this second. You narrow your eyes and let sarcasm drip just from your expression. "I have seen you murder your employees without even having to raise a weapon when you aren't in a good mood. Trust your assistant, Mr Loki, coffee is not your friend." "Are you sure?" He narrows his eyes at you and crinkles his nose. "Do you see anyone else being worried about you?" you direct at the surrounding with your hand. There is a tilt of his head and crossed arms come to rest on the table. "So, you are worried about me?" Your eyes pause any movement to stare into his for a moment so long he can feel his soul bare in front of you. "Someone has to..." He is left numb with that look on your face. "Because I am too tired to find another job." Numb from the heart attack he just had till he feels his senses coming back to let him wack in the back of his head and let him know how he got played. What is better than those microscopic jolts of relief he is feeling on your skin is your wide-toothed laughter then nearly pinches your eyes close. Whoever is watching him right now can without a strain of doubt point out at the man in love, looking at his life shine brighter than anyone in the room while he pauses all that he is doing- even breathing- to look at you like it is his first and last time doing so. Whoever is watching him is suddenly craving for a longing look like that; whoever is watching you envies what you can do to that beautiful man putting a good number of insecure humans to shame. "Oh my Gosh-" you suddenly break out of your laugh with a sudden realisation- "I almost forgot about him." Loki, the stoic-as-ever man- who is nearly bending over the table ready to dissolve- furrows his brows at the thought of you remembering someone other than him! "Who?" he asks with a surly taste in his mouth. "Fenrir! How is he?" "Oh." You are somewhat puzzled at that flawless face going from a simmering stare of potential judgment to an innocuous reflection of understanding. "He is as fine as he can be," he shrugs and scratches something on the nape of his neck, making your eyes dart at the bit of exposed skin under the maroon that is royally screwing up with your head with pictures you do not want to be imagining in public right now. "So, he is being a bitch," you summarise for him. He nods in agreement, bringing back his hand and leaving that exposed microscopic yards of his shoulder and neck to be devoured by your stare so hard even the devil would blush. And unbeknownst to you, the devil hath blushed multiple times. "I think he misses his roommate," Loki throws the statement nonchalantly, pulling your iced-tea back to him. "Aw," you squeak a little putting your face in your palms and glittering eyes, "I miss him too." "Then get back to work, Miss Kira," Loki's flat and stern tone softly plays on his tongue, "you have had more than enough of vacation time." "Excuse me?" "What." "I got my bones broken for my company." Loki shrugs and sips your tea. "I nearly died for mine. Big deal." "Wow," you exhale. "Fine. I need a raise." "Okay." "..." "What."
"Just like that?" "You nearly died for the company. The company wants to thank you for your unwavering loyalty." You don't really know what to say next. You never planned this far, thanks to your impulse. That is till the socialist in you finds a silver lining. "Cool," you tilt your head in your palms, "then you can cut my salary for a few more vacation days." Concluding it with a wink. And Loki feels his insides sigh. Never in a million years could he have imagined a soft face like hers would hold the ultimate power to melt his insides like this.
Nature watches again. Through the windows and winds that enter at the opening and closing of the door. Two souls more than just content in their hearts to be in the presence of the unexplainable they thought they lacked. That little boy inside Loki is sitting at that table looking at you with all the innocence and love he can feel in his little heart; all that he wants to give to you. Little Loki knows who the star is and what it is like to be in its presence. And he would not have it any other way. The bakery plays a lofi mix of Just Want To Be The One You Love as these two closeted lovers bickered and enjoyed their much deserved time together, never knowing the company far away clicking pictures of their private time together before disappearing into the crowds and cars on the road outside.
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miracvlovs · 4 years
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✗✗✗   you see [ kaleb yıldırım ] around lately? yeah i heard that the [ cis male ] is up to no good. [ he / him ] has been here for [ five years ] now but they’re still pretty [ abrasive ] which is fine because they’re also [ debonair ] so it balances out. the [ twenty-eight ] year old [ hitman for hire ] actually looks like a lot like [ alperen duymaz ], don’t you think? it’s best to watch out, though, because it’s been said that they’re really into [ strong cigarettes & even stronger whiskey ].
hey, hello, hi, bonjour! s’up buttercups? ‘tis i, your friendly neighbourhood loser chrissie ( a.k.a an irish doofus who is utter plot trash and the actual WORST at keeping track with discord messages, oops ) and i’m super duper excited to be here among you fab human beings! anywho, this is my first kiddo kaleb and he is … how do you say … morally grey. basically his morals are very questionable in every aspect. but! on the plus side, he’s very talented and good at his job even if he is ruthless and callous, oop. he is … the worst and also lowkey messed up inside tbh so pls excuse his blunt and sarcastic nature. plot-wise i’m open to literally anything and everything so come at me with any ideas ya got! i’m always diggity down to spit ball ideas and form some dope connections so pls feel free to invade my ims or hmu on le cord ( chrissie.#9606 ) and we can brainstorm until our heart’s content! if ya wanna, go ahead and light that lil grey heart up red and i’ll shimmy my butt your way for all of the good stuff. anywho, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we?
KALEB EMER YILDIRIM     —     twenty-eight, hitman for hire,   +   one snarky son of a gun   /   troubled dude with daddy issues   /   all issues tbh ! 
aesthetics   ➤   dried blood caked into the grooves of cut knuckles, the lingering scent of smoke and gasoline, silver slivers of past scarring, five o’clock shadow peppering a blunt jawline, discolourations of blue and purple decorating battered hands, a subtle smirk etched upon a devious countenance, calloused fingertips riddled with small paper cuts, dark circles under almost-black eyes, the noise of screeching tires in the middle of the night, a tall stature adorned in all-black attire, ghosts of bruises staining calloused skin green, a scuffed zippo lighter in a pack of marlboros containing only one cigarette, white shirts with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, a sly grin under stormy dark eyes, a sniper on the roof of a deserted building, the roar of a car engine, & clenched, white-knuckled fists.
nicknames. kal.
date of birth. november third.
gender. cis male.
pronouns. he + him.
birthplace. manhattan, nyc.
orientation. bisexual + aromantic.
education. bachelor of music degree obtained from manhattan school of music.
spoken languages. can speak fluent english, turkish, spanish, & french.
negative traits. haughty, abrasive, enigmatic, cynical, temperamental, calculating, hedonistic, distant, sarcastic, & volatile.
positive traits. adept, diligent, charming, resilient, candid, adept, charming, audacious, determined, & resourceful.
strengths. efficient, energetic, self-confident, strong-willed, strategic thinker, charismatic, & inspiring.
weaknesses. stubborn, dominant, intolerant, impatient, arrogant, poor handling of emotions, cold, & ruthless.
talents. piano, retaining information, memory recall, lock-picking, carjacking, hand-to-hand combat, automobile knowledge, tracking people down, & excellent problem-solving abilities. 
physiology. dark brown eyes. dark brown hair. six feet, one inch tall. of a lean, broad stature with a straight posture and evident height. has a few silvery scars littered across his skin. has a few tattoos in a few less visible places. is ambidextrous.
psychology. scorpio zodiac. water element. slytherin house. entj-a. chaotic neutral. type eight enneagram. choleric temperament. interpersonal intelligence type. addicted to alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, cocaine, and cannabis. suffers from addiction and insomnia. his vices are lust, wrath and pride. his virtues are ... honestly, probably just diligence tbh.
possible triggers   :   infidelity, divorce, alcoholism, drug abuse, cancer, death, car crash, funeral, blood, murder, suicide mention, gun mention, & various references to death and murder. 
a synopsis.   ah, here he is—my tol, troubled, grouchy son : ' ) don't u just adore ur resident trashy, snarky, but precious and sad fuckboi muse? bc i know I DO! anyways, before i digress, i'll cut to the chase. so, waaay before he blessed the universe with his presence, his mother ( who was originally from turkey ) moved to the states where she met one alexander hale. you can probably guess the rest: the pair married, they had children, everything seemed to be going swimmingly, yada yada. here’s a lil background: the hale family—a line of manhattan-born businessmen / lawyers / diplomats etc. they're dripping in wealth, not always as squeaky clean as they portray themselves as to be. kaleb’s dad was a douche, expected both of his sons to follow in his shadow and become lawyers, ran around behind his wife's back: the whole shoot and shebang of a classic a-hole. he always kind of ignored kaleb in favour of his eldest son joshua so kaleb kinda became hard-hearted and resentful due to the lack of his father's attention. skip a few years and he spied his dad cheating on his mother with his secretary though he refused to tell another soul for fear of any potential backlash. soon enough, his mother found this out for herself, their argument ruined his thirteenth birthday party then they divorced soon after. his mother fell off the wagon, became terminally ill—all while his father was remarrying and expecting a daughter with his secretary. it was a hella rough two years for kaleb. it got even worse. eventually, his mother passed away and his step-mother divorced his father to breeze off into the sunset with her new lover; leaving her daughter with her piss-poor excuse of a dad. at this point, kaleb was lonely and angry but adopted the role of his step-sister's protector, shielding her from their father's increasing substance abuse induced violence. just before his seventeenth birthday, his father died in a car crash. of course, he didn't entirely mourn the loss. almost immediately, he and his younger sister moved in with their elder brother who helped kaleb get into university. with dear ole dad out of the picture, he could finally pursue his interest and flair for music. after he graduated, he moved to santa ysabel with his brother and brother's family. in the beginning, things were going fine. yeah, sure, he was struggling for work and felt bad that his brother had to keep him afloat. normal stuff. then, one day, things quickly turned sour in his world. [ TRIGGER FOR GORE, BLOOD, SUICIDE MENTION, GUN MENTION, MURDER, DEATH ] he’d came home to find the locks on the doors busted, advancing into the house carefully only to find his brother’s lifeless corpse crumbled on the kitchen tiles: his throat and wrists slashed, posed as a suicide. of course, kaleb knew better. he knew his brother; knew he would never leave him or his family. upon further inspection of the house, he’d discovered the body of his wife upstairs: a bullet hole between her eyes. [ TRIGGER OVER ] the whole ordeal was enough to turn his stomach but once the sickness had subsided, all kaleb felt was a strong thirst for blood. sure, it was pretty damn stupid to try and seek revenge or whatnot ... but kaleb had always been one to let his heart guide his brain. anyways, time skip now to the moment he’d uncovered his brother’s entanglement with some dodgy loan shark, drug dealing criminals who were responsible for his murder. in the end, he’d hunted them down and eradicated them one by one, over a span of weeks. at first, he hated himself and what his desire for vengeance had turned him into but he kept going until he’d got them all: until he’d grown numb. truthfully, how he wound up taking lives for a living is beyond him. he woke up one day, found himself hired by some big-wig businessman who wanted rid of his business partner and et voilà, he was tangled up in the dark side of existence. i mean, was he blackmailed into doing his first paid hit? yes. but who can blame him? especially when they claimed to have intel regarding the sudden demise of a prominent figure in the criminal underbelly of the city, a.k.a his brother’s killer. it was a risk kaleb simply couldn’t take. he prefers to keep himself anonymous, hidden behind shadows, unsuspecting. death has become a job. nothing more. nothing less. it’s simply the algorithm of his existence: receive a dossier, take care of the target, get paid a hefty lump sum. and all just for enacting a stranger’s revenge in the blood of another. he moves like a deadly phantom, his footsteps light as a feather, whipping through the night like a bullet through a target’s skull. sartre claims that hell is other people. and if you were to stare into kaleb’s eyes—eyes eerily similar to having been cut from coal—you might just see hell and everyone in it staring right back at you. as nietzsche wrote: “ he who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. and if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee. ”
random extras.
he has a lot of small scars over his body, most of which he can’t account for or has forgotten about.
owns and drives a black 1969 boss 429 mustang which he loves arguably more than he loves himself.
speaking of, he actually is full of self-hatred so don’t let the haughtiness fool you.
trusts nobody but himself and is loyal to nobody but himself.
has a lot of anger issues so often ends up taking part in underground fights.
he rates around a solid three on the kinsey scale.
is a distant person; closed-off emotionally and prefers to keep himself to himself.
when it comes to whether or not he is morally decent or an extremely bad person, he is somewhere in the middle of that spectrum.
he isn’t heartless but he isn’t exactly compassionate either.
kind of shady but knows how to pass himself as charming. 
has been thru sum shit n seen sum shit so he’s v messed up inside.
though he does have a soft spot for animals and children.
his marksmanship is impeccable.
he’s naturally gifted with firearms and his shot is always on point.
dark eyes and bruised knuckles are his ultimate aesthetic tbh.
actually really appreciates classical music, though he’ll never tell. blame it on his piano lessons from childhood.
speaking of piano, he’s low key gifted at playing although he rarely does these days.
has a very short fuse and can lose his temper quite easily.
he has a good heart and good intentions when it comes to those he actually cares about although he’ll never let this show.
favourite coping mechanism? isolation.
a bit of a lone wolf. he keeps people at arm’s length but acts in a way where people are under the illusion he’s their friend.
basically the tall, dark and handsome trope: ( most of the tall, dark and handsome men display aloof, cold and distant personality but they do have a gentle and caring side. )
is a little snarky and grumpy but if you manage to break this exterior, you’ll find he’s quite witty and easy going.
he got into fighting at a young age. it was the only way to try and learn how to defend himself against his father.
sleep?? he doesn’t know her.
tends to repress his emotions until he explodes.
healthy coping mechanisms?? he doesn’t know them either.
is prone to pushing the self destruct button.
you can find a pinterest board for him by clicking anywhere here.
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Haikyuu XFemReader
(A/N:) Hello all my lovely readers! Before I get started I wanted to announce some exciting news! I’ve reached 200 followers! Woot! Thanks to all you lovelies for making this blog what it is and for reading, liking, and commenting! Y’all are fantastic! Secondly I’ve started watching Haikyuu! And it is sooooo good I just had to write something cutesy and play around with some of my favorite characters. Though Kuroo Tetsurou is my baby I just love him. So hopefully I can do these boys justice. I’m not going to do every character cause there’s so many but if I get ideas later for the others I’ll write some for them as well. Until next time happy reading!
Ficlets where the reader gets to tell her favorite boys that they are going to be dads! How will they react?
(I’ve aged them up for this.)
Haikyuu boys x FemReader
Warnings: None just some pure fluff.
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Tetsurou Kuroo
You couldn’t lie to yourself, you were nervous. Between you and Tetsurou’s lives you both were busy. You with your dream job and he with his new volleyball coach job you didn’t think your lives could hold another curve ball. Though the little stick in your hand said otherwise. You wanted to cry and you wanted to deny all you could but these things were pretty accurate though. Right? You sighed before taking a deep breath trying to calm your nerves. Yeah you had been feeling sick for about a week now, causing you to search for answers online. Some websites said you had a possibility of dying and to seek medical attention, another said food poisoning, but the last one had made your heart leap into your throat. You hurried to the drug store right down the street grabbing several pregnancy tests hoping that you could find out something before Tetsurou made it home. Luckily he was going to be late with work holding him over. This would give you enough time to do what you needed to and gain the composure to tell your husband. 
Hours later the front door opened and Tetsurou announced his arrival home. The knots that had been in your stomach only tightened. The smell of the pizza you ordered for dinner wasn’t helping either. He could feel something was wrong when you didn’t rush to the door to greet him like normal. Walking into the kitchen Tetsurou’s worry only grew seeing how pale you looked. You were gripping your hands tightly and you couldn’t look up at him. Kneeling down in front of you he took your chin making you look at him directly. Tears in your eyes you tried to hold your emotions at bay.
“What’s wrong,” he asked giving a small smile.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized wiping at a stray tear. “You’re so busy and stressed and I’ve made it worse.”
“You haven’t done anything wrong,” he soothed.
“Tetsurou I’m pregnant,” you blurted with tears now flowing freely.  His hand left your chin as his legs gave out from under him, Landing on his bottom Tetsurou sat there looking at you in disbelief before a huge grin overtook his sweet face.
“That’s awesome,” he shouted jumping up in an instant and helping you stand from your chair. You were taken by surprise, tears ceasing immediately when he embraced you.
“I’m going to be a dad! This is great!”
“Y-you really think so,” you questioned.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t it be?!”
“Because we’re both so busy and you have a new job,” you stated like it should be the most obvious thing in the world.
“So,” he replied. “We’ll make this work. Cause this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I love you so much.”
You didn’t know what you did to deserve Tetsurou but you were beyond thankful for him.
“I love you too,” you hugged him before he swept you up in a kiss. You didn’t know why you had worried.
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Daichi Sawamura
Daichi was pacing back and forth driving you crazy. Ever since you had told him you were three weeks late he had went full dad mode. You could see why his old High School volleyball team had called him the dad of the team. He had taken matters into his own hands on getting a couple pregnancy tests and making sure you had everything you need. Now as he walked restlessly while looking at the clock you were about ready to strangle him. Though a part of you did find it adorable.
“Daichi will you please sit down you’re making me nervous,” you whined from your spot on the bed.
“Oh yeah I can do that,” he replied sitting beside you. He’d only been still for a moment before his leg started to jiggle. Seconds ticked by and he was drumming his fingers against his thigh. Some how he was worse sitting down.
“Okay you can pace again, You’re more annoying when you sit,” you relented watching the black haired man stand back up once again pacing the floor. Tension was in his entire body and you felt kinda bad. He was so protective and in control most of the time you weren’t used to this side of him. Though his old teammates swore up and down that he could be downright scary if he wanted to be. If you were pregnant he’d definitely make sure that everything was taken care of and kept in line. Once the timer went off he was the first one to the test. Those volleyball reflexes were still there. You watched his expression change from tension to absolute joy.
“Positive,” he jumped up with a shout.
You laughed, “From the way you were acting I was thinking you didn’t want to be a dad!”
“Of course I want to be! Sorry I gave you the opposite impression. I’m very excited,” he set the test back down before taking a seat beside you once more. You were wrapped in his strong arms as you both basked in the joyous moment.
“I couldn’t ask for a better husband,” you cooed stroking his cheek and kissing his forehead.
“You’re an amazing wife and for the record I think you’re going to be an amazing mother too.”
“Our kiddo is going to be really lucky to have you as a dad.”
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Bokuto Kotaro
You knew your husband was an absolute man child. You knew that before you married him, heck even before you two even dated you knew, but that didn’t make you love him any less. In fact you kinda liked that about him, cause he was easy to please. If he was pouting about something all it took was a hug and letting him know how much you adored him. If he was excited about something he’d go a tad bit overboard but it made you laugh. But him going overboard was probably something you weren’t going to be able to avoid when you told him the news. You’d secretly went to the doctor by yourself today to make sure what you were going to tell Bokuto was accurate. Though he still had a little maturing to do you were excited about telling him that he was going to be a dad. You could already hear his shouting and twirling you around. Though you kinda hoped he’d refrain from the latter cause just the thought of spinning around was making you want to puke. Your nausea was no joke at this moment and most likely to stay for the next nine months. While you were also excited about the new baby and all the wonderful things it brought you were dreading those long months of carrying Bokuto spawn within your womb.
Home was now within your sight and you could see that Kotaro was home. Of course he’d be home early leaving you with no way to plan on how to tell him. As soon as you opened the door he was on you squeezing you tightly while bombarding you with questions.
“Where did you go,” he screeched. “Why didn’t you let me know you had to go somewhere?”
“I went to the doctor Kotaro,” you squirmed trying to get him to loosen his grip on your waist.
“Are you sick? What’s going on? Why didn’t you tell me,” the questions were coming rapid fire now and you could barely keep up.
“I haven’t told you because you go from zero to sixty in seconds babe. So here read the results for yourself. I’m perfectly healthy,” you held out the paperwork the doctor printed out for you. You watched his eyes dart across each sentence before his whole being stalled out. The paper fell from his hands eyes blown wide in surprise.
“I’m going... TO BE A DAD,” he shouted jumping around just like you knew he would. Before you could stop him Kotaro had you lifted into the air and was twirling you around.
“Oh no no Kotaro don’t do that I’ll get,” too late you were getting nauseated. You removed yourself from him before rushing to the bathroom where your breakfast made it’s reappearance. Kotaro started to call everyone he wanted to tell while you miserably stayed in the bathroom. Though he was a doofus you still loved him and though everything seemed to make you sick you were excited that you were getting to start a new chapter in your lives.
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jloves-pp · 4 years
The Story of Merida and Hiccup- part 2
Chapter 2-Fates Collier
It's rare to see the sun shining on the Isle of Berk but it was out warming the air and making the sea glint with its reflection. Hiccup and Toothless headed out to join his friends for some fine weather flying.
"There they are!" Astrid hailed as they appeared. Toothless and Hiccup landed next their friends and their dragons.
"It's about time you two showed up!" Snotlout said, as he astride his dragon Hoodfang.
"Yeah sorry, Gobber needed help getting some Terrible Terrors out of the workshop. Is turned out, someone had left fishes in the workshop" he explained, hearing sniggering from the twins.
"Well, you're here now. Let's go" Astrid then said as with that they all took off.
The dragon riders flew all over Berk before they headed to the open sea. Hiccup and the others were practising their flying tricks, Fishlegs and Meatlug did those best by performing a fire rock attack but the rock didn't go far. The twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut showed off a move they called the twister on Barf and Belch. It was impressive...for two seconds. Ruff and Tuff ending up frightening their dragon, causing them to fall off, their Zippleback caught them before they hit the water. Snotlout was obviously scared as tried to do his trick and then afterwards he tried to act cool after as if he ment to do everything that had happend. Astrid did some impressive moves like a daring dive tactic but Hiccup was the best he and Toothless did a free fall that they'd been practising for weeks.
After two hours, it was nearly lunch time. They were going to head back to the island when the Twins spotted something.
"Hey, look at that huge black cloud" Ruffnut shouted.
They turned and there was indeed large storm clouds rolling across the sky.
"What's so great about that? It's just a storm cloud" said Snotlout.
"Well at least it's not headed our way" Hiccup commented "We should head back..."
"We should go and explore it" Tuffnut, shouted and immediately the twins and their dragon shot towards the cloud. Hiccup sighed, even if he tried to stop them they would probably still have gone anyway.
"We'd better go after them. Just in case lighting hits them" Hiccup suggested. So the rest followed and soon the teens and their dragons were inside the cloud. The young Vikings had to admit being inside the cloud was amazing, they could hear thunder and see small flashes of lightning. Even Toothless was impressed, after all he was the dragon of the unholy offspring of lightning and death.
"Yeah bud, it's really incredible" Hiccup agreed. Petting the side of his dragon, watching his friends enjoying flying in the cloud.
"It would be interesting if dragons would use storm clouds to hide from enemies" Fishlegs commented.
"Yeah maybe a game of hide and seek" Astrid suggested. Her friends liked her idea but Hiccup was unsure.
"I don't know maybe we should head back"
"Come on Hiccup we have got time" Astrid replied showing a reassure smile. Hiccup thought for a moment before saying...
"Ok but just one game" the others cheered and they began their game. Astrid was it and the others flew to hide.
"Let's not make it easy for her, right bud" Hiccup whispered to Toothless, the duo soared at full speed as Astrid counted. When she'd finished, Astrid and Stormfly found Fishlegs and Meatlug first . They didn't fly far so they were easy to find. Next were the twins who were arguing very loudly and kicking and biting each other when Astrid found them. At first, Astrid couldn't see Snoutlout and his dragon until she heard a yell and then saw Snoutlout was up in the air, while his pants were on fire. It seemed that Hoodfang had lit himself on fire again. Snoutlout was very annoyed to be found as he joined the others. The golden haired girl was having trouble finding Hiccup and his Night Fury. She knew that looking for them will take longer, but after an hour, she returned to the others and they all flew out of the cloud.
"Where are they?" Astrid thought out aloud, glancing back that the cloud.
"Maybe they got lost. It's a huge cloud, anyone could get lost in that" Fishlegs explained.
"Yeah right, if those two can take down the Red Death. I don't think a cloud would be a challenge" Snortlout voice his thoughts.
"Ur guys, the cloud is moving" Ruffnut suddenly said as she pointed.
She was right, the dark cloud was moving across the sky away from them.
"We have to find them" Astrid quickly said, quickly flying off.
"Astrid, it might be dangerous. We don't want to you to lose you too" Fishlegs called to her. Stopping Stormfly in her tracks.
"Astrid, they'll be right. Hiccup and Toothless will find their way out" Fishlegs reassured his friend.
"Yeah they'll come back before dark" Ruffnut added.
Astrid sighed and reluctantly said "Ok but if they're not back before dark, we'll go and search for them.
The others groaned at the thought of a dark search. As they started to fly back Berk, Astrid looked back, seeing the cloud now miles away. She should have gone back but she had feeling both boys will come home soon, after a minute, she and Stormfly flew to catch up with the others.
In DunBroch, it was a usual day? Merida had finished her breakfast and now found her bow and arrows. She still miss her old bow, it was a birthday gift from her dad and she treasure it but her mum had burned it during their fight, regretting her actions Elinor had saved it, but sadly the bow was beyond repair. Merida had tried a few new bows since then but they weren't as special as her first.
Merida then went to the kitchens and put three apples, two buns and a bottle of water in a small bag for her trip, then she headed to the door that led outside...
The princess stopped in her tracks hearing her mother's voice.
"You've forgotten something" the Queen continued. Merida turned and saw her mum holding her cloak up.
"Oh mum, it's not that cold" Merida exclaimed.
"Merida, it's still February, I don't want you to get a fever" Elinor said coming closer. She placed the cloak around her daughter shoulders and fastened the brooch.
Merida rolled her eyes; she couldn't stand her mum sometimes. She would nitpick and fuss about anything Merida did but then again it's not as bad as it had once been.
"There, don't stay out too long"
"I won't late I will be back before dark" Merida reassured her mum. "Bye mum" she kissed her on her cheek and went out the door.
The princess ran to the stables, where she greeted her horse, Angus.
"Morning Angus, fancy an adventure?" Merida asked him cheerful. The horse gave a whinny in reply, very soon his saddle was on him and Merida was riding through the grounds of the castle and out towards the woods at full speed.
"Are you getting tired bud?" Hiccup asked Toothless, trying to keep their eyes open. He lost what time is was. They were waiting for Astrid to find them, they'd hid behind a big piece of cloud. Hiccup heard Toothless let out a groan. "What do you say we head back" Hiccup suggested.
Toothless agreed and the two set off. The problem was that everythinglooked the same. No matter where they turned, there was nothing but cloud.
"Toothless, can you find a way out?" Hiccup asked and the dragon shot out a sonar blast. They watched as a purple ribbon of the blast travelled toward the cloud before following it, they continued forwhat feel like ages and it seemed as though the clouds were endless. Hiccup thought about going up or down to get out but suddenly Toothless screeched to a halt.
"Oh. You're ok Bud" he asked and petted his dragon. Hiccup heard a small faint voice called his name, he looked up and saw one of thestrangest things he'd ever seen. It looked like a little blue flame with arms and a face. Hiccup gazed in amazement but Toothless was more weary, just as the dragon though to attack, it disappeared. Before the Viking could wonder where it gone, he saw more of the flames appear.
To Hiccup, there was something mysterious and unworldly about them, his curiosity was starting to grow.
"Maybe we should follow them" Hiccup said but Toothless shook his head. "Well do you have any better ideas?" Hiccup could tell the dragon was thinking about it. Finally Toothless purred and the twofriends followed the blue flames; hopefully they'll lead them to a way out.
Merida was in her element. She loved the rush when she rode through the woods, the smell of flowers and the trees and to feel the fresh air on her face.
"No matter how many times I see it, it never gets old" Merida remarked. The princess smiled with her hands on her hips, looking out over the beauty of the highlands from high upon a hill side. "Right Angus?" Her horse answered with a whinny. Merida smiled more brightly at him. She suddenly heard thunder from behind her, she could see a huge black cloud headed her way.
"We'd better go home now, unless you fancy an early bath" She joked and climbed on her horse's back and rode on the path.
Above them, Hiccup and Toothless had just reached the last blue flame when a clash of thunder rang in their ears. Soon more sounds of thunder and glimpses of lightning.
"This is not good. Toothless take..."
Out of nowhere lighting appeared two feet away from them.
"Toothless, GO!"
The dragon didn't need any encouragement. They tried to dodge the lighting but every time they turned another bolt of lightning flashednext to them. As if things couldn't get worst, a lightning bolt struck Toothless's metal tail fin. Hiccup turned and to his horror saw the fin was on fire.
"NO, NO!" Hiccup cried then he felt the force of the air as they spiralled out of control. Hiccup and Toothless couldn't do anything as they headed out of the clouds, the earth closing in on them. The Viking held on tight and he and Toothless shut their eyes, waiting for the impact.
The rain started to fall; Merida wished the rain wasn't so heavy. She sighed as she her horse trotted along beside her. Just as she was thinking what she fancied for dinner she heard the thunder above. She whirled around to see the lights from the lighting flickering in the huge clouds, then noticed a red glow moving. Merida's mouth dropped when something long and black fell from the cloud and it was on fire. It spun down out of control, down until it vanished among the trees. A giant bang rung out, frightening Angus and few people in DunBroch heard too it but only faintly.
"Holy bear cubs. What was that" Merida though to herself. Her money should manage to calm her horse and stroked his neck. Wasting no time, Merida rode Angus toward where the crash had happened. Curiosity and excitement filled the Scottish princess; she always had a taste for adventures and this felt like one. She and Angus came to a halt when they reached a crossroad, Merida groaned and looked down two paths.
"Which way? Which way?" Merida murmured, as she thought about going back home and get help, she heard a faint voice call her name. There, in front of her was a wisp. The princess had cross paths with the blue fire-like sprites before; they either helped her or led her into trouble. Merida was right to be weary.
The wisp disappeared and then trails of them leading down the left path. Immediately Merida and Angus followed the wisps, she had a feeling that they were showing her where the crash site was.
When they reached the last wisp, Merida looked down the hill she was on, was a small clearing surrounded by trees? There, lying still next to broken trees was a dragon. The princess stared in shock and disbelief; she had heard some men talking about encountering dragonsbut no one she knew had ever come across one. Merida hadn't seen one but she knew one when she saw it, this thing she was looking athad wings and a tail which she could see the only solution she could come too was this was a definitely a dragon.
Merida calmed a frightened Angus down before she jumped off hisback. The black dragon was unconscious but Merida drew her bow and arrow and cautiously approached the creation. As she got close, Merida noticed something odd. One of its fins was gone and there were metal pieces and leather around the tail. Her eyes trailed along the dragon when Merida noticed a human hand.
"What the..." Merida murmured.
She carefully stepped around the still breathing black dragon and found a boy, around her age, lying on his back. Merida instantly dropped her weapons to check if he was breathing. Seeing his chest moving, she sighed in relief. Looking closer at the boy just had a couple of small cuts and bruises, she wrapped both arms around him and dragged him over into the cover of the trees.
It was then, Toothless slowly woke up. The dragon opened his eyes as he tried to remember what had happened. He and Hiccup were flying in a cloud, they followed blue light things, and then they were hit by lightning.
He softly called for his friend but heard nothing. Toothless managed to lift his head and found Hiccup, unconscious against the tree with another human. Toothless didn't know what this stranger knew but he was soon reassured when the hooded person pulled out a bottle of water and using a cloth, dabbed at Hiccup's forehead.
While Merida was busy wiping; she didn't notice the dragon had moved until she heard a groan beside her. Merida turned slightly and saw the dragon was now sitting next to her. This was the last thing sheexpected to happen, she thought that when she met a dragon that it would possibly be attacking but the princess could see the dragon looked concerned about the boy. Looking at this situation Merida knew she would be fine.
She turned her attention back to the boy. His mop of brown hair was slightly damp from the rain. She noticed that his green shirt and dark brown pants weren't damage, she then glance at his face. To Merida, he looked ordinary, like most boys she'd seen but...she felt something different when looking at him. Merida was pondering what to do when the boy began to stir.
Hiccup slowly opened his eyes. At first, everything was blurry but then things became clearer and found the girl waiting him. Hiccup knew he must have died for he'd never seen a girl so beautiful before. He could see she had freckles on her cheeks and fair skin but it was her blue eyes that fascinated him.
"Am I in Valhalla?" Hiccup asked, clearly still dazed.
"Oh. Oh" realising he wasn't dead and this girl wasn't here towelcome him to the other side. He heard a familiar purring and smiledwhen he saw his friend.
"Hey bud" he said weakly, Toothless give Hiccup a few licks on his face. "Toothless, I'm ok. I see you're alive" he laughed and the head of his dragon.
Merida couldn't believe her eyes. Here is a boy hugging a dragon. She thought dragons would kill anyone on the spot.
"Are you two friends?" Merida asked.
Hiccup and Toothless nearly forgot about her till she spoke.
"Oh, sorry" Hiccup apologetically "We just thought...I mean...thank you".
"You're welcome. I don't know much, I just pulled you out andplaced you against a tree." Merida admitted. Before Hiccup could say anything, a clap of the thunder rang in their ears and the sound startled Angus. Merida ran to him and calmed him down.
Suddenly the rain became heavy and forks of lighting danced across the sky.
"We'd better find shelter" Hiccup said getting up with the help from Toothless. Merida nodded and the group quickly found a dry spot underneath some huge trees.
It felt like hours as the rain continued to fall. Merida had given Hiccup half of her food which he thanked her for. He hadn't eatensince he'd left home so he was happy. After eating, Hiccup checked on Toothless, he was glad to see his friend unharmed but his saddle was completely destroyed. The leather was badly burned and ripped and the metal was twisted and broken.
"Looks like we're stuck here till we fix it" Hiccup sighed and looked at his tail.
"What happened to his tail?" Merida asked, she'd been watching the two for a while.
"Well, it's a long story" he replied then added "I'm sorry. I should have asked before but what's your name?" Sitting down next to the redheaded girl.
"Oh, it's Merida. My name is Merida" She answered softly.
"Merida" Hiccup repeated. He thought it was a wonderful name.
"And you?" He heard her asked him.
"Ur...well, I'm name is Hiccup" he said feeling embarrassed by his own name.
"Sorry but did you said Hiccup" she asked quizzically.
"Yeah. I know, it's an awful name"
"Well I know someone Sir Bottomed, imagine living with Bottomed as your name" Merida heard Hiccup smothering his laughter. She laughed with him, even Toothless found it funny.
"Yeah, that's really bad" Hiccup said after he stopped laughing, then asked. "Do you know where we are? I know we're far from home"
"Oh, you're in the Scottish Highlands" Merida answered simply.
Hiccup's face dropped. He was in enemy territory and this girl was a Scott. "Oh gods, what do I do? If she knows who I am I'm in real trouble" Hiccup though panicking.
"Are you all right?" Merida asked seeing him clearly nervous.
"What? yes I'm fine. It's just we're a long way from home" Hiccup said laughing weakly. At that moment, Toothless purred and gaze up. The teen looked up and saw that the rain had stopped.
"Oh, good it's finally stopped" Merida said pulled her hood down. She noticed Hiccup and Toothless staring at her. At first, she didn't know why but realised they were looking at her curly red hair.
"Had you never seen red hair before?" Merida asked crossing her arms.
"No. It's...urn...sorry" Hiccup apologised and scrunched his eyes shut.
"It's ok. When people first met, they using look at my hair and one time someone asked if it was real. He got a bloody nose from my dad" Merida reassured.
Hearing this would worry a lot of people but Hiccup was used to stuff like that at home.
"Well in my opinion, I really like it" Hiccup said rubbing his neck.
The princess's cheeks turned pink. No one had ever said anything like that to her before and why did she suddenly feel funny.
She shucked her face before saying
"Well, we'd better head home. Are you coming?"
"What? What do you mean?" Hiccup questioned looking over to Merida who was climbing up to sit on Angus.
"Aye. You had been through an awful lot today. The least I can do is let you stay at my home until his tail is fixed" she insisted. She didn't want to leave him out in the woods even with a dragon by his side.
"Thank you. We promise we won't be a bother" Hiccup said as he got on Toothless's back.
"Not at all. You'll like DunBroch and my family are really welcoming" Merida told him.
The Viking didn't have a choice. He was lost, miles away from home and in the land of the Scottish. The only thing he could do was to go to DunBroch, fix Toothless's tail and fly back home. He also wanted to know more about Merida, he found her very interesting.
"When you're ready, lead the way" Hiccup said. Merida smiled atthem and they started their journey. Toothless softly groaned to Hiccup, wondering why they were doing this. Hiccup placed his hand on his friend's head, reassuringly telling him it will be ok. As long as they are careful.
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secret-engima · 4 years
In your TttW-verse, things go... very much not according to Bahamut‘s Plan, so... My ask would be: What are Noctis and Co like in this Verse? How different would especially Noctis be, what with being the son of two Galahdian Vitae (who also part-time as King and Queen of Lucis).
Hmmm, mostly in character? But just- wilder and more Galahdian.
-Noctis is actually taken on by Ardyn as an apprentice of sorts because Fellow Chosen, adores his Gruncle to no end. Very snarky and warptastic, does not run into the marilith so is actually VERY active and outdoorsy but also very catlike in that he will totally flop over and nap if sitting down in a sunny warm spot for more than 10 seconds.
-Still loves fishing.
-Is the Warp bby of the group. Has been warping since he was 2-3 and would rather warp over to the out of reach tv remote and knock everything over than use the legs evolution gave him and walk five steps over to it.
-Can, will, and has thrown hands with nobles he doesn’t like because this boy is 1000% his mother’s son.
-Challenged for the Trial at 14 like his Uncle Cor. When everyone said “no, you have to wait” this boy pouted for all of two hours before convincing Gladio to help him take the Trial early by hiking out into the Jungle with him.
-That lasted less than a day before the Pride itself dragged him and Gladio back home like naughty kittens because They Know that Noct is too young and Gladio has already passed his Trial and they Are Not Supposed To Be Out Here Yet.
-Prompto is adopted straight up by Cor after he busts bby Prom out of the Nif lab. While all Galahd gears up to Wipe Niflheim Off the Face of the Earth (because of that Law I mentioned in another HC about all the Clans turning on people who murder kids, this goes even further than Kinslayer LCs and they WON’T stand for it) Cor brings home bby Prompto and it just- “Mine. My bby now.”
-Consider Galahd’s culture norms nobody bat an eye on Cor adopting the bby Prom. They just want to know who gets first dibs on babysitting.
-Prompto grows up WAY more confident in himself. Still Sunshine Boi, still scared of the dark/enclosed spaces/heights but is 100% more down for the wilderness and Thrives under Galahd teachings.
-Assuming Cor is married by this point, that means Prom grows up with 2 moms. 1 is Cor’s wife. The other is his Coeurl. It is really no surprise that Prompto figure out how to purr at like- age 5.
-Still loves his camera. Gets along with the Canere Clan kids like a house on fire.
-Magic given to him at age 2 by Cor’s wife with the assumption that someday she will retract it and Noctis will give it instead. Stealth bby. Prompto once managed to somehow disappear for 5 hours, driving Cor, his wife, the Coeurl, and everyone in a two mile radius UTTERLY INSANE until the Coeurl finally tracked him down ... in his crib. Where he’d been. For the last five hours. Three of those hours have been spent peacefully napping after he fell asleep in the middle of playing hide and seek with his dad (that he did not tell Cor about ahead of time because Toddler Brain)
-Has known Noct since they were tiny bbys and consider each other literal siblings (picture teeny 5-ish yr old Noct and Prom clumsily trying to braid sibling braids into each other’s hair and not managing it because TINY CHILDREN while Regis and Cor both quietly die from cuteness in the corner).
-Gladio. Clarus didn’t ... MEAN for his kid to grow up Very Feral it just kinda happened because Galahdians and Cor. This guy gets along WAYYYY too well with the Bellum kids for Clarus’s sanity but he’s also doggedly loyal and thriving in the outdoor jungle environment so....
-Juno is surprisingly Chill with having her kids be brainwashed by Galahdians. Even if she herself is only peripherally part of the culture via Exposure. Then again she gets along SPLENDIDLY with Cor’s wife and Aulea so...
-Met Noct when Noct was born and, in true Amicitia and Bellum fashion, went- MINE and actually tried to Throw Hands with the nurses because YOU AREN’T CLAN, GET AWAY FROM MY BBY BROTHER. All of the nurses who WERE in fact Ostium thank you just patted his head and went about their tasks with a three year old chasing them around screeching.
-This Gladio never criticized Noctis as spoiled, he IS the one who spoils Noct. He is determined to be the Best Big Bro Ever and the impulse only gets worse when Prompto and then later Iris arrive.
-Gladio is not born with magic but he is given it by Noct when Noct is like- 7. Gladio immediately becomes a Shield bby. He can and will spam shield spells for any reason, any time. Noctis uses Gladio’s shields as a slide. Prom likes mushing his face against them for the tingly feeling.
-Ignis is the group Ostium, but also the group Sane Man. Was inducted the latest into Galahd culture at age ... 10-ish when it became clear that Noct, Prom, and Gladio all Needed A Handler and there were not Ostium children currently available for the job.
-Thinks they are all Nuts. And will think that to the day he dies.
-But he’s right there with them so he guess’s he’s nuts too.
-Actually was the Problem Relationship rather than Gladio in this Au because he was trying to be Proper Servant Of the Prince and Noct kept trying to treat him like Clan and Sibling. Ignis thought Noctis was reckless and spoiled and wild and Noctis thought Ignis needed surgery to get the stick out of his butt.
-Then Noct when on an Adventure without Prom and Gladio for whatever reason and met a Scary Beast and Ignis came hurtling out of the brush, glasses askew and screeching like a banshee. Successfully scared off the beastie with Sheer Spite and Desperation. Noctis spent the trip back crying into Ignis’s shoulder and bonding magically to him. Ignis made it all the way back to the frantic village before bursting into tears as well.
-Loves cooking. Loves learning Galahd dishes. Its the first thing he actually likes about this jungle place he got dragged off to. Also promising Noctis food is basically his go-to method to get this Warptastic child to SIT DOWN FOR FIFTEEN SECONDS and do his homework or whatever.
-Ostium take one look at this frazzled, exasperated child and went “Ohhhh so THIS is what the Ulrics feel like when finding a new LC stray. This is our child now. Ostium soul in the wrong bloodline. We shall fix that with a controlled shock adoption.”
-Ignis has no idea why he needs to be adopted by the Ostium but the King is saying to go with it so okay.
-Being adopted by the Ostium proves instantly worth it because they have INSIDER TIPS on handling Warptastic morons and they have healing techniques they are willing to share even if he doesn’t have Oracle magic.
-Still does his best to convince Noct to Not Throw Hands with the nobles all the time.
-Gets into a lot of fights with Gladio over Throwing Hands on Noct’s Behalf.
-Thinks Prom is the perfect child until Prom accidentally Stealths into the kitchen and gives Ignis a heart attack. Then Prom is the Sneaky Child.
-Ends up the Elemency bby of the group. Can and will Set Everything On Fire when pushed far enough.
-Probably ends up Bewildered and Courted at age 18 by a spitfire Altius girl (Crowe maybe?) because all the Clans think Ignis is Amazing™ for handling the Chocobros as well as he does.
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