#i love the vibes i love the concept
aaa-vixx-aaa · 7 months
It's so fucking good,,,
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elitadream · 4 months
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Reunion time! 😄💕
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Me: hey brain, can we think normal things tonight?
Me: *quietly* ...what the fuck
Brain: Dean is working on an excavation in a cave system when he uncovers this. fcking HUMAN BEING WITH *WINGS* AND *TOO MANY EYES*. PRESERVED IN ROCK IN THE SAME STRATA AS THE DINOSAURS. And ofc Dean is really freaked out and scared of this thing, but then he notices that the figure is curled forward over something, and as he looks closer he sees the skeletons of a nest of baby raptors that the "human" figure was holding tight to its chest, like it was trying to shield them from something. And he realizes that this... Thing... died protecting them.
Except the "human" figure isnt a skeleton, its preserved fully in the rock. Or perhaps...
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atissi · 1 month
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The kickstarter for Book of Devotion is now live!
Book of Devotion is an artbook dedicated to clerics, paladins, and the divine beings they worship. I've gotten very fond of the weirdass technocleric I designed, and I'm excited to share more about them (as soon as the mods let me). In the meantime though, the kickstarter will be open from April 29th to June 13th.
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clownsuu · 1 year
Can either of your Wallys--Human or puppet, sense if someone is afraid? 'Cause I'm terrified...of them both, I mean.
I'm 5'0", only two feet taller; and feel like they could still dropkick my dumbass. Gonna have to jump onto Howdy's shoulders like a scared cat to get out of range. (I love your art btw!)
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I like to believe that Wally can just s m e l l fear, absolutely thrives in power knowing that nobody can really do anything about it as he basically plays them all in ruses of complete ignorance- although he too is a victim, he cannot help toying amongst the prey
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I say as I draw him also being completely “no thoughts head literally empty” HDHDHDJDJ
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puppyeared · 1 month
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just realized i forgot to make a page for sleight on my artfight, so i decided to update his ref while im at it
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isolabellz · 1 year
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saw the stampede concept art and this tweet had to draw them
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moon-mirage · 7 months
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When I did my drawing of Katniss as the Mockingjay, I thought how much there’s a disconnect between Katniss the character and Katniss as the symbol of rebellion - not only in the books but in the way she’s portrayed in the media. So I wanted to draw something where’s she’s overwhelmed by her Mockingjay persona, the pressure that comes with it and the way she’s constantly monitored by cameras. And since it’s Halloween, it now has some horror vibe to it.
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emil1863 · 4 months
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The most illegal thing Koby has done is learn a divine language... Which is only a little bit more illegal than dating a God
Thoughts on language/religion in regards to this au. They aren't fully fleshed out but I'll clean it up as I go.
Learning a divine language is kinda taboo, like, you can learn them, and it's certainly less frowned upon than poneglyph, but outward practice isn't really accepted. Many people who are religious or follow religious practices are well versed in divine languages, in order to feel closer to their respective Gods.
Besides, religion makes people feel at ease and the world government is pretty relaxed when it comes to punishing those for worshiping or following their Gods. With how many there are, and how deeply a lot of it is ingrained into so many cultures, it'd also be a pain in the ass to control both that and pirates.
Koby learns through the people he meets while traveling. A lot of them think it's odd but fascinating that a young, wide-eyed marine wants to learn something like that. They indulge him anyways.
He did get better at understanding the language but his pronunciation isn't great, kinda hard to make some of the sounds Luffy makes too. Especially when he isn't used to talking like that, nor are most people. Demigods have an easier time picking up on speaking the actual... Words?
Robin understands the language of the Gods, and the rest of the Straw Hats do pick up on it a little bit just through exposure to Luffy. Luffy isn't the greatest teacher, but having people who want to understand him is always exciting. He is thrilled when he meets up with Koby on Water 7 and Koby can understand him.
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watched Grease the other night with my buddy and. well. obviously i Had To
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electricpurrs · 5 months
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canisalbus · 4 months
"The concept of love is of course prominent in Christianity, so even as a kid being raised in a religious environment . . . Machete wasn't completely alienated from it. But it has always been a nebulous, unperceivable and unattainable thing for him."
I love that you could replace "love" with "God" or "divinity" here and it would still work. And in that way it matches the way I've been perceiving their relationship as Vasco granting Machete a kind of holiness he didn't think living people could have
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elitadream · 6 months
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A Humble Offering 💝🪵
I saw this post by @peaches2217 which was inspired by this earlier post of mine, and uh... I couldn't resist. 🥺🥰
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sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
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Lil sketches
Fear him.
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elioslover · 4 months
Green-Eyed Monster- Harry Styles x Reader (kiss prompt).
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[Premise: Harry has been pining over his best friend's older sister for as long as he can recall. Here's some angst when the band goes on hiatus].
Prompts: "You're jealous, just admit it, you want to be the one kissing me." // “If you wanted to kiss me, all you had to do was ask.” 
Word count: 2.6k.
More Grapejuice / Other Writing
🍷 the guest 🍷
There is no reason for you to feel as bent out of shape as you are in this very moment, zoned out of a conversation with an old friend because standing behind her is the man himself- leaning against the balcony with a collection of adoring guests gathering near, Harry Styles. 
Harry Styles; whose boyband had just announced a hiatus. Harry Styles; is properly back in his hometown for the first time in half a decade. Acting- as you deem- far too nonchalant for someone as global as he seemed to be. He had simply slipped back into his old groove as if no time had passed at all. 
But all you can think about is how much time has passed. Harry seems almost unrecognizable- hair and tattoos only increasing in length and number. It’s only when his face takes intervals to crinkle with glee- smile cheesing, eyes squinting with joy- that you see the Harry you’ve known so long it feels as if life never existed before him. 
Even as his life is about to change completely- a whole new chapter challenging his past and now his future- Harry seems to have little reservation about embracing happiness. Perhaps his nonchalance is the reason your observation stirs into frustration and confusion, causing a sort of panic you were sure to have never felt prior. Who is Harry Styles now? 
Then again, your sudden distaste may also be attributed to the adoring attention he has been receiving all night- particularly that of the beautiful people who were visibly blessed with the chance to praise and pet him… And they were indulgently taking advantage of the opportunity. 
Harry, by the looks of it was eagerly lapping it up, happily reciprocating touches and even looking at some of them with a gaze you had once noticed when it was dedicated to yours truly. 
He definitely isn't a teenager anymore, and it dawns on you how impactful and influential his introduction to stardom had been. 
Where were these thoughts even coming from? Your mind never wavered to the thought of Harry unless a One Direction song came on in public or Jack dropped him in conversation. 
All the questions you had never pondered were causing your brain to swell, your body stuck in a frozen frenzy of how much has changed- for all of you- starting with the obscene and sudden assessment of his features- had you ever considered him as anything other than just… Harry? Has he always been so pretty? 
All of those thoughts shatter as you raise your glass for a sip and across the room, Harry’s arm wraps around an unknown auburn-headed woman’s waist- which, at the least, makes your stomach clench and at the most, has you tilting your head back to empty the glass in one desperate swallow. 
Without consideration, you hastily dismiss the person still animatedly engaging in a one-sided conversation and turn your back on the oddly upsetting scene happening against the balcony railings. 
Ignoring the high possibility of tripping, agitation carries you to the kitchen- abandoned and almost silent in contrast to the party vibing merely meters away- and you immediately get ahold of the nearest bottle of chilled champagne, filling your flute to the brim and have a hearty sip before finally settling, taking a deep breath, trying to untangle your thoughts- hopefully rid yourself of them for good. 
A couple minutes- what sounds like the length of a song- pass before you feel grounded and sane enough to rejoin the festivities. So, with a deep breath and a final sip for good luck, your faithful docs exit the kitchen and trail into the chatty confinements of the living room.
Lo and behold, Harry Styles is everywhere you go, practically blocking your path with his body pressing up against Auburn from outside, and he looks mere moments away from engaging her in a kiss. 
That silly sickly feeling threatens to return if you stay a moment longer, so your stare meets the floor and your feet pick up their pace, heading directly for the barricade that is Harry. 
His eyes bore into your own with a fervour that you will never forget and for a moment he has you pondering how such a magnificent emerald forest, framed by the wispiest of lashes, could have gone unnoticed for so long- how had you granted his adoring gaze such little attention? 
🍷 the host 🍷
Harry is in two minds about this evening- he can’t help but indulge in the praises and doting that showers him from each and every direction, his pulse is racing with ecstatic at the relief of finally being home again. 
His fears of everything changing have long passed, leaving his worries at the door as he is embraced with excited and excessive welcomes from anyone and everyone who looks his way. 
With his oldest and best friend, Jack, by his side once more, Harry feels no different than he did at that farewell party at least five years prior, enthusiastically greeting familiar faces, accepting each praise with a gracious humbleness. 
But Harry can’t tell if humble is even an accurate definition anymore and it isn't long before he feels his social battery starting to stutter and it’s clearly time for a drink. 
By the end of drink number two, his body is as relaxed as his mind, and Harry is now encouraging the constant vying for his attention- his supposed importance- especially when it includes an array of beautiful people stroking his extremely inflated ego. 
Leaning against the balcony railing, Harry cradles a whisky in one hand and the waist of a dazzling woman in his other. He hasn't actually been listening to a word said around him, nodding every so often as the small group around him eagerly bantered on. 
He’s just happy to be here and doesn't think it could get any better until he spots the only thing on earth that could permanently put him on cloud nine- his greatest dream all wrapped up in the gorgeous physical being that is yours truly- and suddenly Harry feels as if all of the happiness he currently feels is merely an appetizer to the type of joy he could be feeling if he were only across the room staring into your eyes. 
Oddly enough, your eyes are already set on him, suspiciously staring him down with an unreadable gaze that fills his stomach with an odd sense of unease. You look older- the same, but older- and something about that freaks Harry out and reminds him of his own age, how different things actually are now, even if it doesn't feel that way. 
And as if he were seeing you for the very first time, Harry cannot stop staring with bewildered admiration- his eyes darting from your trusty Docs to the extremely fashionable clothing you donned, sternly studying the dips and curves of your body before settling back on your grumpy, but heinously beautiful face. 
He felt it unreasonable- borderline evil- how much better you seemed to get with each interaction, how the hell was he to garner your attention now when he was already hardly capable of doing so for the last decade?
After you disappear into the sanctuary of the kitchen, Harry is too antsy to keep it together any longer and he finds his legs blindly following after you. 
He’s hardly in the hallway by the time his female company comes from outside- he didn’t bother learning her name. Her auburn hair was identification enough- and she caught up and captured his bicep between her cold hand. 
She ascends to her tippy toes, puckered lips finding their place just below Harry’s earlobe, her breath fanning over his sharp jawline as she seductively slips sensual suggestions his way, her free hand trailing up along his torso, fingernails tapping his chest. 
For a good moment, Harry truly does start to forget what he had gone on the hunt for, easily distracted by the shower of affection drizzling all along his body by the unknown woman. 
But, with a sudden shock, the kitchen door violently swings open to reveal your rigid figure, eyes furrowed and lips trapped fearfully between your gritted teeth.  
You are the spitting image of a deer in headlights, staring up at Harry with a look that has him stopping in his tracks, realizing that fate has struck again and he has his elusive person right where he wants you. 
Except, his plan to finally confront you had not included a third party and Harry could feel his face swelling with red blotches of blushy embarrassment. 
For a reason he can’t pinpoint, shame creeps its way into the pit of his stomach, fists clenched as his body turns to brick, and Auburn, still semi-latched on, is becoming so suffocating he feels like a lobster about to boil inside out. 
Rudely, and far too obviously, Harry disarms himself, shrugging his body from beneath Auburn’s grip and muttering some dismissive promise of meeting up with her later on- praying that his words are muffled enough that you don’t hear them. 
You aren't stupid though, and by the height your brow manages to raise in suspicion, Harry confirms that his words did not go unnoticed. 
His dismissal of Auburn seems fine by her as she smiles hopefully, giving him a swift kiss on his cheek before slipping past Harry and disappearing back into the party. 
Unfortunately, he isn’t surprised as you attempt to pretend this interaction was even occurring by disconnecting your shared stares, glancing your focus to the living room, and planning an escape route. But there is no choice other than to pass Harry and there is zero chance he will let you get away with it. 
Harry steps and then tilts his body closer, hoping to encourage you to do the same, but you stay put and only glare up at him expectantly and impatiently. He ignores your frigidity as if it were just a farce- it is- instead his smile turns to a full-on grin, reaching his eyes and crinkling cutely at the corners, and it spreads along his features with a fondness so fierce that you find yourself working overtime to avoid your face from breaking out into the same smile. 
“Avoiding me, hm?” He muses with a precious pout, “Y’know that hurts my feelings, klutz.”
“That’s not true.”
“It is. You do it every single time.”
Arms folding across your chest, face frowning with the preparation of upping your defensiveness in the name of dismissing Harry- just like old times,
“I see you enjoy lying for fun now.” 
Harry nearly scoffs but it projects as a sly smirk and points it at your painful scowl, 
“Y’do. Dipping in and out of patios… kitchens… Yet you always meet me in the hallway.” 
The stomach-knotting realisation that this is factual- how many times had this happened before? How many times would it happen again? Have it your way, and this will be the last time,
“Meeting and cornering are not the same thing.” 
“Stop tryna be smart.” Harry slightly, but softly snaps as his lips smack together.
“You’re ruder than I remember.” 
All snippiness leaves as soon as it comes, Harry sinks back into a swell of adoring amusement, 
“You rate?” 
“Ignoring your guests is a party fowl.” Definite diversion on your part. 
“Avoiding the host is a party fowl.” He counters. 
Weakly attempting to walk past him, only renders your back pressed up against the red abstract wallpaper. He remains put- which, to you, is rather unnerving- and upset is racing along your prickling skin, 
“I told you, I’m not avoiding you.” 
“Why don’t I believe you?” He edges closer with curiosity. 
“Just because you’re used to people throwing themselves at you doesn't mean I'm avoidant." You spit and suddenly, he’s so close. 
“They don’t all do that.” 
“Sure, Harry.” 
Have you two ever been this near before? Most certainly, but you could always chalk that up to intoxicated confusion- at least on your end had it ever felt this… intense? Is there any worldly justification for the suspicious stirring of curiosity now that he has so calmly and tenderly crossed the threshold of your personal space. 
Harry knows he has never felt as satisfied as he does whenever your bodies threaten to blend into one, but for perhaps the first time, he thinks you may consider this palpitating chemistry as something more than a silly game. 
But, he does so fondly enjoy the game, and if he pushes even a moment longer, Harry knows your patience will wither and guide you away from him for good. He uses a tried and true tactic,
“I like your hair.” He does. 
“Yours is like longer than mine.” It is.
“D’you like it?” Harry is deep within your space. 
“It’s alright.” You shrug, lying through your damn teeth. And you could leave it at that, but the bitterness has clearly taken over, “I’m sure the groupies are creaming, though.”
Hell, Harry has missed the pleasure of being in your preference, how electric and alive his body expels excitement and the anticipatory flames you will surely attack him with. He loves it- hates how much he does, can’t help but prod and provoke, 
“I can tell you’re agitated.” 
“Does that make you feel special?” 
“Can’t put my finger on why…” He ponders- Harry’s missing context, the type you are unwilling to confess- the only evidence he has is your pointed stare flickering with fury- wait, envy? “Oh.” 
“Oh, what?” 
“Oh, you’re jealous.” 
Your throat chokes on your stomach as you croak out a spluttered, “What?” as Harry’s chest brushes your shoulder blade and his spearmint-scented breath fans across your neck, 
 “I think you heard me just fine.” 
“You are delusional.” 
Is he, though? Has jealousy been the reason for your distaste and discomfort this evening? Are you as delusional as you believe Harry to be? He seriously thinks so, skin tickling your own,  
“Maybe… Still think I’m right.” 
“Fuck off, Harry.” 
He won’t though. Hand coming up to play with a strand of your hair, twirling it around his finger as his righteous gaze bores into your own- frozen and wide with bewilderment- and finally, his lips threaten to brush the back of your ear, 
 "You're jealous. Just admit it. You want to be the one kissing me."
“Never looked at me like this before..”
You know, and you hate that he kdoes too. You should leave. Now. But with a compulsion too fierce to fight off, a culmination of fascination that ignores your conviction of moving away,
“I don’t-”
“If you wanted to kiss me, all you had to do was ask.” 
Harry says it so matter-of-factly that it shocks your body, and brain, into returning to reality and those succulent tingles swirling in your stomach twist sourly, threatening to suffocate you inside out. 
With disappointment that is mostly directed at yourself, your sudden enamourment switches to the act of pressing your palm to Harry’s sternum and pushing sternly until he stumbles back in surprise. You cannot risk leaving without gifting him a cruel and crushing tongue-lashing, 
“You’re a frat boy in the body of a former pop star. I would never want to kiss someone like you.” 
You slip past him with zero resistance, no consideration for confirming his reaction as your back turns to Harry. 
Well, Harry thinks he’s glad you grant him some privacy because the guttural disappointment melting his face into a frown is shameful enough.
He doesn’t understand the sudden stinging of his tear ducts, the shrill ringing in his ears. Suddenly, Harry doesn’t quite feel like celebrating his return. 
Head bows as he carries his hurt and frustration to the confinements of the kitchen. It’s about time to spiral. 
You can send me a couple numbers and a trope/dynamic to write about! (18, 26, 31, 32, 35,) em. Xo 💞
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petitesmafia · 11 months
can you imagine ADA!Chuuya. it's a quiet day in the ADA office bc Dazai's been out handling tasks and Chuuya's getting some paperwork done when he suddenly feels a Bad Vibe™ and he and Kunikida IMMEDIATELY make eye contact across the room. 
(—two seconds later Dazai strolls in.)
Chuuya and Kunikida don't say a single word. they just communicate with their eyes like
Chuuya: 👀 i thought u said he'd be gone the WHOLE DAY Kunikida: 👀 HE WAS Chuuya: 👀 WHY IS HE BACK ALREADY Kunikida: 👀 IDK?? Dazai: are u guys having a staring contest
Dazai: wowww so i was out doing work while u guys were busy gazing into each other's eyes...tsk Kunikida: 👀 do something about this we still have 4 reports that need to be done by end of day we can't have him distracting us from the deadline Chuuya: 👀 wdym YOU do something i just got hired
notes: art by Nikki based on this!
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