#i love thinking about shifters cores
angel-bubbles · 1 year
5+1: headcanons!
got tagged by the oh so lovely @romirola , the queen of headcanons hehe.
5 headcanons i hold +1 i'm still working on >:3 i spent a lot of time choosing these bc boy oh boy do i have a lot ajskdlf
Babe is 100% an author in their free time. Sometimes they ask Asher’s mom for pointers on how she balanced life and writing and they’ll even bounce pitches off of her. It was a really sweet bonding moment for them. Ash used to read their rough drafts but he was too excited to read it that very very little edits would ever be made asjdkfl (he got demoted from his place as editor. sorry ash)
Damien really likes to be the big spoon when him and Hux are cuddling even though size wise it’s a little bit like he's an awkward backpack. Neither really mind though. On that same note they don’t cuddle when they’re sleeping, but they always fall asleep holding each other. Their asleep bodies move them to other ends of the bed at some point before morning and they always have to find their way back to each other when they wake up.
The shifters’ cores literally feel different when they’re with their mates. There isn’t necessarily an absence of their mates’ presence if they aren’t around them (i.e. if they’re at work or something) but there IS a sense of fullness when they are. Their mates make them feel whole, even if they didn’t even know they were missing something in the first place. 
Aaron and Elliott shared a room as little kids and Aaron DEFINITELY put tape down the middle to separate the halves. Eli, following through with his little brother duties, would purposely cross it just to make Aaron mad. The amount of times their parents had to separate them got so exhausting that they got their own rooms as soon as physically possible. 
Asher definitely has some really really stupid tattoo that he got because he lost a bet to Milo. To his credit, Milo really didn’t think he would actually get the tattoo, but Ash is the type of guy that has no shame at all. Now that it’s been a few years he actually kind of likes it. 
+1. This one is still in the very very early stages of curiosity but what if Cutie had dated an unempowered person before and they had to watch their memories get wiped.... and whether the separation is permanent or not the department started asking about Geordi. Just… been thinking about that one. (memory modification and covert laws fascinate the hell out of me what can i say)
tagging: @lovelylonerliterature @sealriously-sealrious @bicyclepainting and @angelcactus but no pressure of course!! as always feel free to take this as an open tag as well :) i <3 hc's sooo pls share with me hehe
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
I personally am not a fan of romantic/sexual a/b/o but I do have a headcanon for Tim.
I believe that Tim, regardless of gender, wouldn’t have the scents of his parents on him since they’re gone so frequently, essentially making him packless. Maybe the elites of Gotham prefer to wear scent blockers so there would not be anyone aware of Tim being rejected by his parents.
Taking into account Tim’s distant relationship with the bats when he first became Robin it wouldn’t be a surprise is Tim wasn’t invited to cuddling sessions where they would scent each other. As vigilantes they also frequently would wear scent blockers to avoid identification.
All this is to say that I would find it comedic if one day Red Robin takes off his scent blockers and instead of smelling like the rest of the bats pack if instead you could tell that he had bonded with young justice, romantic or platonic is up to you, since many of the young justice members would have also been rejected from the other packs around them.
-abo anon
Hi!!! Definitely agree on not a huge fan of romantic a/b/o. There's some cool stuff with platonic a/b/o, but shifter and/or creature fics tend to have most of those cool features.
Let's get into the hc/au, though!!!!
Does this AU have anything to do with pack bonds or nesting? For the sake of it, we will say that it does.
You're right that Tim probably wouldn't have his parents' scent on him. In fact, he probably thinks this is normal.
Is it nice when his parents are home, he gets scented, and then he feels safe, secure, and loved for a bit? Yeah. However, that's a luxury, not a need. It's nice, but Tim can live without it. He has everything else he needs (Tim, buddy, no).
We tie this mindset into the Gotham elite one as well. Tim knows it's improper to just have proof of scents wafting around. Everyone wears scent blockers (perhaps this became a norm due to rich people having affairs, marrying for money, etc). Therefore, Tim thinks it has to be common that the upper class just doesn't scent, or doesn't scent often. It's like those weird sitcoms Tim sees on the TV.
Then he becomes Robin.
At first, due to Dick and Bruce fighting, Tim doesn't see much of the cuddling, nesting, scenting behaviors. They still do it, but not as often or openly.
As the family starts to heal, the Waynes aren't purposefully trying to exclude Tim or anything. In fact, Dick (and maybe Bruce too) want to engage in those familial/loving activities. However, it's very intimate and only done with people you consider family. Dick does consider Tim to be his brother, but Tim has his parents. Also, how would the Waynes explain scenting their son to the Drakes when the Drakes go to do a similar thing?
Even after the Drakes die, Tim has his "uncle." They can't really explain away the Waynes scenting Tim, so they keep refraining.
While all of this is happening, Tim has fond his place with YJ. He's learned what scenting really means, how it's healthy and vital to them, and how horrid it was that his parents weren't around enough to do it. Tim has complicated feelings on that matter, though.
He found YJ and, even with retired members, they make sure to visit often for scenting purposes. Everyone in YJ is part of the family.
As anon said, you can hc a romantic poly for the core four or do a qpr. Either way, they are everything to each other.
Since YJ core were the first to consistently scent and bond with Tim, Kon and Bart's deaths particularly burned.
Anyways, he gets them back and everything. The Waynes are settling down. Things are good.
Then Tim takes off his scent blockers, which, for plot purposes, he's never done in front of the Waynes (maybe something about propriety's sake and YJ being the only ones he takes them off for). Chaos ensue when the Waynes realize that Tim doesn't smell like them, not one bit. He does smell heavily of YJ, though.
Also, perhaps YJ didn't wear blockers, but the batfam didn't know what Tim smelt like (due to the blockers), so they never connected the dots.
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shellxrls · 6 months
rafe. is very much. into butt stuff.
this man has bought me countless pretty buttplugs that he loves to see under my skirts. sometimes if I’m actin’ up in public he’ll discreetly (not really) reach round and give it a tug. then I’m left fucking soaking cause :(((
if he’s giving backshots he might run a finger over my other hole or even start to scissor me out just to mess with me.
he doesn’t do actual proper anal a lot but when he does he does it well!!!! rafe is like that with a lot of things tbh
he also ate my ass once and it was the best but he’s never done it again and I’m so close to just blatantly begging him to cause OHEMGEE
also he’s a playful spanker to his core!!! at the country club, at home, at Barry’s, at a party. he is always one to just give it a swat cause it’s there. he likes to see the meat jiggle.
- rafe shifter
— link
ik rafe regularly thinks he owns your pussy but tbh there’s just something about him also owning your ass that’s so <3. cuz it’s just ab one of the raunchiest things ever and he loves corrupting you like that so much.
i bet he’s trying his hardest to build a whole butt plug collection for you and wait whys that kinda sweet awwee.
also i knowww his ass slaps wld be top tier. cuz u alr said he has a firm hand so i bet that’d apply when spanking ur ass as well <3.
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themanirealityshifter · 5 months
YES, i’m aromantic and ace-spec/asexual and a shifter.
YES, i am shifting to realities where i’m on the aro-spec instead and am not on the ace spectrum.
YES, i am shifting to realities where i’m alloromantic allosexual.
YES, i am shifting to realities where i’m on the aro-spec and am part of the ace-spec that experiences some sexual attraction.
YES, i can do that.
and no, it does not mean i believe something is wrong with me, with being aroace. not at all. i love being aroace in this reality, and always will be, and i love that.
do i want to see what it’s like for allos/other aroaces, though? yes. it does not mean i’m not content and happy with who i am. it simply means i’m curious and would love to explore other realities with other possibilities.
and it’s the same thing as shifting to a reality where you’re a dragon or an animal, or shifting to go see hogwarts, or anything else like that. it’s cuz you’re curious, you wanna know what EVERYTHING is like, leave NO experience out, even experiences that you can’t get here or don’t want to even have HERE.
and i think every shifter is curious at some point in their shifting journey—or at least it would be cool if they considered stuff like that—where they’re like, “okay, but what would i be like if THIS was different? who would i be? what would i experience? how would it change things?”
it’s such an awesome thing too. thinking about it. how you can shift to a reality where this core part of you in your CR is and was never a part of your DR self.
it’s just fucking cool. and i’m shifting realities to see what my DR selves are like. what i’m like there. with all the infinites possibilities.
and i can’t wait to shift back here, and think, “huh, okay, THAT’S what romantic/sexual attraction feels like.” and feel that i definitely don’t feel that here, and be happy. cuz somewhere in the multiverse i do feel it, here is one of the realities i do not, and that is fucking amazing.
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skunkox · 6 months
The majority of the pack can hit whistle notes
Lemme explain rq.
Dogs naturally are able to whine in a high-pitched register. I think the only one we've heard do so, however, is Asher in a BA. Correct me if I'm wrong. As low and scratchy as their speaking voices can be, I wholeheartedly believe that shifter wolves are infact inclinded to sing whistle notes.
He has no problem flexing that he can sing. Will do so in a heartbeat. Sweetheart loves it. Their heart melts and core buzzes when he hits those high notes. This typically happens when they're cleaning up or getting home from a Sunday night dinner. Either in the car, kitchen, or shower.
It happens when Baaabe is least expecting it. Hell. Asher doesn't expect it half the time. The first time it happened, they were jamming in the kitchen. Using cooking utensils as microphones. While they sung the notes in a lower key of the original track, Asher completely met the singer where they were. It was cute during their "cardio". But in that moment, it only put them to shame. They threatened to not feed Asher that night.
David :
He thought Angel had still been in the pool. He was getting more drinks from the fridge and lightly singing to the song blaring on the stereo just outside. Alpha man was feelin' himself. I'm talking hip swayin' and head bobbin'. The song hit its climax, and David let out a note in a register no one was aware he could reach.
"And you call me Angel."
David froze. Drinks in hand and fridge still open. He wouldn't hear the end of it.
Darlin had been home alone and getting some cleaning done while Sam was out. Something about them not being trusted with a shopping cart. As if someone was hurt badly. The music was cranked up, and they were dancing with and singing into the broom. Sam could hear them from outside, and a soft smile tugged at his lips. He opened the front door unnoticed. He was gonna make his way to them when a sharp noise attacked his eardrums, and he dropped the plastic bags in his hands. Darlin was at his side at the sound of crashing cans and glass. Darlin' now gets embarrassed every time they see a broom.
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cosmicdream222 · 1 year
I’ve adapted this post from an incredibly wise shifter named Love/Vanilla, an amino user who seems to have permashifted out of this reality by now. I have found her explanations of shifting and the quantum multiverse to be incredibly enlightening, and want to share them with others. I have edited for grammar and spelling, but full credit goes to this lovely soul. The original post.
Shifting/manifesting is not your job
You guys often talk about something called the "law of assumption," and it's clear you really love it, I know. It's probably because it provides a "way" to achieve whatever you want.
But the truth is, even this is heavily overcomplicated. How did this happen? Our dear Neville Goddard discovered that you can have absolutely everything you want. This is basically the entire essence of the law: "you want it, you have it." And that is how it works!
But here's where it gets critical: Neville was human, very human. And for the same reason you guys love his studies, he ended up overcomplicating them. It's like you need a process, something to do, because “nothing can be easy," right?
But that's not true!
At its core, Neville had the exact right idea but ended up with "become limitless… by limiting yourself”.
The truth is, it's even easier than the methods he taught: you don't have to do anything to get what you want.
Shifting/manifestation is not your job. You're not supposed to actually do it. You just need to think you want something, and then you have it.
I'm aware that many here experience a "time gap" in their 3D/4D realities, but that doesn't mean this law makes an exception for you. Imagine it like going to a restaurant, placing an order, and then just sitting back while someone else prepares your meal. It's not your job; you just have to enjoy the food, nothing more.
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moronkyne · 4 months
PLEASE EXPLAIN SEERS OBSCURA VS NORMAL SEERS i cant for the life of me remember the difference & the specs for both and its driving me crazy
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I’m too lazy to make slides for this one (and too excited bc I love seers) THIS IS WHY IVE REWATCHED EVERY MORGAN AUDIO FIFTY TIMES… ahem anyways.
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Seers Vs Seer Obscura
Seers are already a very complicated race. They branch off from vampires, can be latents, can use any sort of magic, and can hide their cores cleverly from any other race… and they are very, very rare. Very.
Although they can “see the future”, they can only see every see all variables in situation, mathematics and quantity. Probability machines. NOT SET IN STONE.
(Example: Morgan’s listener (seer obscura) hid their core and covered it with an illusionary aura, meaning nobody knew they were a seer. Seers are all talented at this.)
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Seer Obscura are EVEN MORE RARE.
(The last Seer that the department had record of was waaay back in the early 1800s.)
Secondly, it’s hard to see any (if any at all, which is said to be impossible) future that a Seer Obscura is in. Their presence literally obscures and deforms the way the other seers and themselves see the future.
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Morgan explains the way Seer Obscuras futures and any futures they are involved in by using a “radio frequency” type of analysis. The closer you get to the Seer Obscura in the future you’re searching, the more static it all becomes.
The only difference so far is that Seer Obscuras quite literally fry the futures (or the visions) of themselves and people in their lives.
(These were talked about in better depth in Morgan’s third audio.)
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Think about it like this.
Let’s say you, a Seer Obscura, wanted to see the future of… maybe a stranger. You’d be able to see all the future of theirs that you’d like because you aren’t an active member in their future.
Now let’s take this same scenario but instead of a stranger, it was your friend/partner. A lot of their future would be staticky and unreadable for both you and other seers because of your “interference.”
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Sight can not be learned. Either you are born with the ability to see the future or you can’t at all. Not even demons can.
The inversion shifter the timeline in all. Everything seen from before that point about the future became invalid.
There are places that are obscured as well. For example: death & Aria itself.
They can learn any magic at any level.
Any race can be Obscuras, actually. The title of obscura only means that you interfered with the timeline. Seer Obscuras are just waaaaaaay more rare and complex. For all we know, David could be a Shifter Obscura.
The soldality: (may have misspelt it.)
A group of seers who live publicly known for the race that they are, which is rare because seers tend to be in hiding. They are protected by the department. They all watch the time streams and predict what the future would be. The most of them believe that there is a for certain known outcome.
(The “known outcome” does not take account of those places and people who are obscured, making this group… a bit invalid in that place)
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marcobodtlives · 8 months
Here's a sad thought.
You know how titan shifters take the memories of the previous one? So, when Armin ate Bertholdt and took the colossal from him that means he more than likely saw the memory of what happened with Marco, and didn't say anything.
Not to Jean.
No one.
I say this to everyone I know who watches AoT and I believe it wholeheartedly.
Thank you 🥲 I think about this fact so often and I have so many headcanons about it!!!
Here they all are beneath the cut, I hope you like: 🥹
I reckon Armin would have had flashes of it, felt so sick, picked up Bertholdt’s lingering guilt, and then been utterly torn between telling Jean and keeping it to himself.
I think Armin and Jean are close, particularly so after their planned kidnapping in season 3. I think Armin has always reminded Jean of Marco, and I think a small part of Jean knows that Armin means a lil more to him because it’s the last shred of Marco that he feels he still has.
Marco and Armin were close. They were both smart, inquisitive, caring individuals that wound up being the ones keeping their chaotic friends in line. He might be short, blond, and lack the freckles Jean loved, but Armin is as close to Marco that Jean has - and Armin knows that too.
After Marco’s death, Armin notices how heavily it’s impacted Jean, and he reaches out. Extends an open line, lets Jean know that he’s there for him if he ever wants to talk - really talk.
After their planned capture in season 3, after Armin kills to save Jean’s life, after Armin’s sacrifice in Shiganshina, he’s torn.
On one hand, Jean was closest to Marco, was the one who took his death the hardest, the one who sees him and mourns him more than anyone else. Jean is the one who keeps Marco’s memory alive, he’s the one that fights the hardest to keep Marco from becoming ‘just another comrade we’ve lost.’
Jean has said “he died all alone, without anyone knowing or seeing.” Armin knows the circumstances of Marco’s death kill Jean, rock him to the core.
Armin knows Jean is the one who deserves to know the truth more than anyone.
But Armin also knows the other side to Jean.
Armin knows Jean feels the weight of every death. He knows Jean wakes at night, hands clamped over his ears. He knows Jean’s sketchbook is full of sketches of Marco, and he knows they’re becoming less and less accurate as time goes on.
He knows Jean would fall into a hole, so to speak, if he found out the truth. He knows Jean would need answers, he knows the fury of it all would compromise Jean in the field.
When they reach the ocean, he almost says something. They aren’t in immediate danger, it’s been over a year, they have their answers. Logically, it would be the best time to say something.
But he sees Jean with Conny and Sasha, sees their smiles, the carefree way they laugh as salt water twists their features. And Armin realises… he can’t do this. He doesn’t have the heart to sit Jean down and explain that his best friend of three years was held down and fed to a titan by three of their fellow cadets-turned-traitors.
Murdered. He can’t tell Jean that Marco was murdered. He just - he can’t do that. It’s hard enough seeing it himself when he closed his eyes, he can’t tell Jean and subject him to that truth.
He doesn’t need to fuel Jean’s nightmares by giving him more context. He isn’t going to be the gasoline to Jean’s trauma-fire.
He can tell the truth when they’re stable again. When Paradis isn’t under threat, when there’s peace and hope. When Jean has the time to heal without fear and uncertainty dancing over their heads.
Then they go to Marley. Then Eren leaves. War is declared. They’re fighting for their lives. Again.
Then Reiner and Annie are honest.
And Armin is reminded why he didn’t tell Jean when fists start flying and Jean ends up in the woods with his hands over his ears.
But he thinks maybe things will be okay, when Jean saves Reiner’s ass as they hang from Eren’s ribcage.
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capitalisticveins · 4 months
Latent Honey
And prayers/j
I’m honestly such a diehard Empowered Honey believer idec if it doesnt end up being canon, my only evidence being that Erik never said Honey was unempowered on the timeline while he said Guy and Baabe were🙏
BEAR shifter Honey is my fav version of Shifter Honey specifically, in my head Honey is taller and more muscular than Guy so they resemble a bear too🤤
Although if you wanna talk normal Empowered Honey I sometimes think of them as either a Fire Contra Elemental or Fire Elemental js bc theyre a lot like Damien and bc of their canonically cold demeanor
GAHHHH i js love TALKING abt them omfg😭😭😭
I just realized u said LATENT shifter Honey im stupid
LATENT HONEY WOULD BE COOL ASL TOO THO, Like that scene in Turninf Red where Mei becomes a giant red panda and they accidentally break a lot of shit and now they dont know how to turn bsck AHHHH this could be a whole Movie
Imagine the Angst this could birth, Honey starts distancing themself from Guy bc they know they cant tell him — but not bc of them risking covert but bc theyre terrified he’ll break up with them and think theyre a monster — and Guy keeps trying to find out whats wrong and it just AAAAGGGHHHHH
and if this version of Honey doesn’t know about magic, they wont know magic exists outside of them, and they’ll have no support system or anyone to relate to or help them😭
Overall, Latent Shifter Honey 9/10 👍
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xx-slug-xx · 8 months
Again with this whole Vivziepop shit (sorry)
People are learning about her being a terrible person for the wrong reasons. People use her media as proof that she’s shitty without talking about any of the ways she treats real people. I’m getting really pissed off by this.
I don’t give a fuck if she thinks abuse is cute in fiction. I don’t care that she made two pedophile characters. I could care so much less that one of those characters is a shape shifter and Vivzie drew soft core porn of said character with another one (god, if it’s not a fucking animal and it’s just a human being taking to form of one, don’t compare that to zoophilia. It’s not real regardless). I don’t care that people don’t like the way abuse was depicted in either of her shows. I’m so sickened by the fact that people (mostly younger people) think they are bad people for watching either shows, and genuinely asking internet strangers if they are bad people for not knowing and/or simply like the shows. I especially don’t like how people are using the people she’s hired to work on the shows against her. Some of them are proship, and Vivzie has been known to have a few proship friends. I don’t care what labels people use. I don’t care that she’s associated with proshippers, it’s not that deep. And if they do get off to xyz “bad” fiction, it didn’t appear in the shows. It’s not romanticized or fetishized or any other buzz word. It’s not that deep.
Please, for the love of god, if you want to talk about how her fiction makes her a not great person. Then talk about the voodoo shit. Talk about how her “black rep” characters are piss poor at best, and harmful stereotypes at worst. Talk about how she has a habit of creating characters basted on real life people that she knows, and actively disliked (all of which that I know of were minorities), only for them to be the butt of every joke and shown in a bad light in some way. Talk about how the characters that are meant to represent biblical figures are fucking white.
If you really want to show me how Vivzie is a bad person, and show the rest of the world how shitty she is. Please talk about her transphobia, homophobia, racism, and antisemitism. Talk about how she treated her VAs for the pilot, only to replace the with Broadway VAs. Talk about how she underpays her animators. And that’s on top of over working them! Talk about how she throws fits and actively ignores any sort of criticism of concerns of controversy because she has a mentality that anyone who dislikes her or her work are simply “haters” who are out to get her. (I will say, she has been harassed in the past, and I don’t agree with that. It’s not deserved, under any circumstances. But not everyone who has something remotely negative to say is engaging in harassment)
I keep going off about this, am I do apologize because I’m sick of it just as some of y’all are. I’m just so fed the fuck up with this whole thing, and I’m tired of the purity culture bullshit making people aware of the wrong reasons to dislike Vivzie. It’s gross and nobody wants to talk about the real stuff she’s done, only the fiction she’s produced
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
hello!! it's me again 🫶 may I ask you to make a larissa x milf!r where rissa is a friend of reader's child and visits her house and she dominates reader unexpectedly? thank you 🫶
- v
Unexpectedly 18+
*Authors note~ oooo soo think you wanted milf r who gets dominanted by our darling Rissa so her we go*
Trigger warnings~ dom l sub r Rissa strap on fingering corruption kink heavy praise oral
Prompt~see ask^^^^
Your adoptive daughter, Dahlia had recently joined Nevermore Academy and wanted to visit home for the holidays. Obviously you were overjoyed to know she was coming home, you had such a special bond with her due to the nature she came to you in. The fact she wanted to bring her roommate to stay as well was truly something special.  You'd heard of the girl your daughter called Isa.
The first few days went swimmingly, your daughters friend was rather reserved and polite. You could see why your daughter raved about her, she's respectful and ever so thoughtful. Also stunningly beautiful. The moment Dahilla told you she was a shape shifter you were truly shocked, you'd heard about shape shifters having gorgeous features but seeing one in real life was something else. Knowing Isa was one of the older students meant that she was some years younger but nothing too drastic.
So the day you caught her wondering into your bedroom you decided to take advantage of the way she looked at you. The young blonde thought she was sly but truthfully you'd caught them since her arrival. "Isa darling?" You purred startling the girl. "Oh I'm so sorry Dahilla said that will she um I " the poor blonde looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Shhhh darling I know why you're here" you murmured stepping towards her which caused her to step back until she found the bed. "So pretty like this" you muttered, "you want me" you stated. You left no room for argument after all your already foreseen what would happen.
"I uh um you're a Lia's mother I um it's inappropriate" she mumbled flushing bright red. "Oh darling, it's not inappropriate and I want you too, so badly. I've seen it happen you know? How you respond to me, the whimpers and whines you make while you take mommys strap" you teased watching the younger woman bite her lip. "Go on baby, say it, moan for mommy" you murmured before kissing all over the expanse of her neck. "Oh fuck mommy please!" Larissa whined before realising what she had done.
You smirked at her embarrassment and reminded her that Dahlia had nipped out to see her other mother for the day and she wouldn't have to know. "Isa, I know you want me love" you purred and lent over to whisper in her ear, "and I want you pretty girl." The little whimper of recognition was truly driving you insane, you needed her but you knew you had to be sure. You could've attempted to see the future and the outcome but where was the fun in that?
"I um I have never um" she stuttered turning her head away from you. "Oh is mommys pretty girl untouched" you teased trying to hide the fact it made you want her more. "Can I be the first?" You murmured guiding her head to look at you and she nodded. "Words love" was all you offered only to be met with "please take me mommy I'll be good!"
That is how Larissa Weems found herself as naked as the day she was born with your head buried in between her thighs. You peppered her pale thighs with kisses and little nips loving how responsive the younger girl was. "Please" she whimpered squirming slightly. "Okay pretty girl mommy is gonna make you feel so good Angel" you murmured before taking an explanatory swipe of her slit. "Oh!" She whimpered falling back against the bed, only encouraging you to continue.
You eagerly lapped at her core, achieving some of the most beautiful sounds you ever heard. When you felt her cunt start to drip you decide to add a finger all while sucking on her clit to help her adjust to the intrusion. "Oh mommy feels so good don't stop" she mewled hesitantly rocking her hips to meet your mouth while your finger slowly worked it's way through her tight heat. "So beautiful" you murmured before kissing up her stomachs to play with her boobs. "Oh fuck me" she whined when your lips latched and onto her peer bud. "I oh god my stomach fills weird" she whimpered unsure if she wanted more or for you to stop.
"Oh sweet girl, you're so innocent aren't you. You wanna cum baby. Go on let go for mommy" you encourage while curling your fingers to stroke her G spot with every thrust. The cry she let out while drenching your finger was truly something magnificent. Brought your mouth to her soaked folds to lap up her cum. "Mommy!" She whined squirming as you cleaned up every last drop of cum. "Mommy more, please" she whimpered and lucky for her you knew just what to do.
"Sweet girl, do you really want to be mommys? I can make you mine forever love" you whispered before kissing her neck and allowing her to fill the bulge you'd been hiding all this time. "Oh fuck! Is that um a" she mumbled a blush covering her cheeks. "Oh now my darling Isa don't go all shy on mommy, yes it's mommys cock and she'd very much like to burry it deep inside that pretty pussy of yours. Own you. Make you mine and mine only. Watch you squirm trying to get it deeper inside your aching cunt."
"Please mommy I need you, I need it" she mewled you strip off your clothing, the girthy six inches purple strap standing to attention. Her eyes hungrily dancing over the length, "mommy won't fit too big" she whined, her beautiful sapphire irises holding nothing but lust and fear. "Then mommy will have to make it fit won't she" you purred smothering the faux cock in lube before lining it up with her dripping folds. "Mommys gonna push into your tight hole now okay? It may feel a little uncomfortable or hurt but I promise you it will feel good okay?"Larissa let out a cry as her virgin walls stretched out to accommodate the intrusion. "Shhh baby it's okay you're doing so well, taking me so well darling. Almost there. God your beautiful" you murmured hoping to ease her pain a little, "breathe my darling, it will help with the stinging."
"Oh mommy!" She mewled as the pain turned into pleasure. "See that's my good girl, feels good huh?" Your teasing tone combined with the bucking of her hips have you the answer. You were gentle at the start. But soon enough your thrusts became faster and harder, the blonde withering and moaning blow you. "Oh fuck me yes god more more please mommy I'm so god more" her moans driving you absolutely wild with the need. "Cum for me baby, cum with mommy, I know you're close" you whimpered into her ear. Your hand sneaking down to her clit.
To see the innocence drain from her eyes was truly something else, and knowing what you knew of the future, this wouldn't be a one time thing. Larissa would come back time and time again. So you made sure everything felt perfect for her first time. Slipping the dick from her tight walls, her hole gaping as her cum leaked onto your sheets. "So so good baby. You did amazingly for mommy" you reassured getting rid of the strap and coming to hold her. "So good, such a pretty girl."
After some snuggling and reassurance Larissa finally felt her legs were stable enough for her to return back to the guest room and shower, ensuring that Dahila would have no idea that you just stole her friend's innocent and fucked her absolutely senseless.
Word count~ 1352
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jacks347 · 8 months
Time to dip my toes fully into Redacted Tumblr and throw my hat in the ring on the discussion of do I think Darlin would take the offer to become a vampire.
Short answer: No. For several reasons. The cons outweigh the pros.
Long answer: Hell no. Do I think they would consider it? Yes. Heavily. But the hardest sticking point is eternity. Living forever, losing the Shaw name to trade it for the Solaires (or whoever they join cause with the way that story is going, there might not be a Solaires to join in a bit-), and watching the world die around them.
Darlin's relationship with family is...complicated. And that's putting it lightly. They've lost their birth family when they moved back to Washington, leaving Darlin alone in this place that they didn't really fit in. They're still kind of on the outs with the pack, though it's getting better and is currently the closest thing they have to a family. And I don't think I need to tell you about the merry band of misfits that was Quinn's situation. Darlin doesn't claim family easily or lightly, so those they have chosen are basically blood to them. So becoming a vampire means giving that family up. They would be forced to sever that connection, one they worked so hard to build and have finally settled in to. Not only because they lose the name but because they would eventually lose all of them to the cold march of time. It falls on the logic of all immortal vampires, isolate yourself and you never have to worry about heartbreak from losing those you love. And we all know how good Darlin is at isolation.
Then there's the grappling of the fact they would lose their status as a shifter. And I think that's the biggest issue to work with. Darlin prides themself of their wolf and what their brute strength can do. Darlin only does half the things they do because they believe with their wolf that they're strong enough to do it. When all else failed, that strength was the only thing they could rely on. Darlin's wolf isn't just a power to them, it's a part of their soul. It's something that forms their entire life, from their job to their family and is the very core of their personality. It's steady, constant, a foundation they could always count on. And to turn means to give that up, to let go of the strength that saved them from utter destruction. And I don't know if they could do it. I don't know if they could ever learn to rely on the strength of a vampire like how they relied on their strength as a wolf. I don't know if they'd want to.
And finally, there's Quinn. Because trauma doesn't disappear when the cause dies. There's a line in my head that keeps repeating whenever I think about this argument and it's "I can't turn into him". Darlin knows Quinn. Knows what he was like, what he did, and how he did it. And if you really squint at it, you can see some of those same traits in Darlin. We've heard about what happens when a person first gets turned, the bloodlust they go through. I believe Darlin fears it, fears that if they turn and go through that bloodlust that they'd turn into Quinn. A bloodthirsty, psychotic monster. Someone who kills with reckless abandon. And even if it wasn't their fault, even if was caused by something they couldn't control, Darlin would never forgive themself. They could never let themself turn into the very thing that nearly destroyed them. And that kind of frigid, deep-seated fear is the nail in the coffin to keep them from doing it.
So no, I don't think Darlin would do it because they don't want to lose their family that they worked so hard to build, they don't want to give up the wolf that saved their life, and they fear the possibility of becoming the monster that tried to destroy them.
But that's just my opinion.
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rainshifts · 2 months
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Hello! My name is Araenia (you can call me Rain). I'm 19 years old, Canadian, a Virgo and an ambivert with anger issues.
I've been attempting to shift since 2020, during the pandemic and my own personal crisis that made that year likely the most miserable point in my life. I have not yet shifted, but I have come very close, especially recently.
Below I've listed some of the fandoms I'm "part of" (often I find that fandom behaviour can be rather toxic and try to avoid it), places that I'm shifting, as well as some information about "fictional" places that you can use however you see fit to determine your image of me. I've also listed the rules and expectations of this blog, and if you don't agree with them, please DNI. If rules are broken, you will be blocked.
Rules (please consider before interacting):
No anti-shifters
Keep your shifttok logic FAR away from me
No discouraging comments to myself or others
If you think my information is incorrect, please inform me POLITELY, and we can discuss it if you'd like (I generally won't post something if I haven't made sure my information is right, but everyone makes mistakes, so if I am in fact wrong, I'd be happy to correct it)
I don't approve of of any DRs specifically made for killing or hurting people and I do not support them, so do not encourage or speak about them on my page
That being said, I think the concept that you should NEVER hurt/kill anyone in any DR is bullshit, so if it's something like Marvel or ASOIAF, Maze Runner, etc. where it may become necessary, I think that is perfectly acceptable
Race changing doesn't hurt anybody because the reality where you are a different race already exists so leave people alone if that's what they choose to do (but if you do race change, please make sure you're being respectful because other people's experiences are not your costumes)
Shifting to feel loved, to experience a better childhood, to have more control over your life or even just as escapism is perfectly fine. Shifting is a tool at your disposal and up to your own discretion.
Age-changing is fine
Permashifitng is not unhealthy or bad, it is very possible, and if you choose to do it, I wish you all the best
All shifters are valid, including those who haven't shifted yet or who are still trying to reset from all of the misinformation they were likely fed from early shifttok
If I missed anything, I may come back to update this list later
Now onto the more fun part!
Avatar (not TLA)
DC Cinematic
Harry Potter Golden Trio Era
Marauders Era
Good Omens
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
Hazbin Hotel / Helluvaboss
The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings
How to Train Your Dragon (Including DOB & RTTE)
Hunger Games
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Once Upon a Time
Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Riordanverse)
Shadow and Bone
Six of Crows
Star Wars
Stranger Things
The Vampire Diaries
Teen Wolf
The Umbrella Academy
The Witcher (TV series)
This list will probably be added to at some point TBH
Places I Am Shifting To:
Harry Potter Golden Trio Era
Marauders Era
Good Omens
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings
How to Train Your Dragon
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Shadow and Bone
Six of Crows
The Vampire Diaries
The Umbrella Academy
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: 11½”, laurelwood, dragon heartstring core
Patronus: fox
Marauders Kinnie: 75% Sirius Black, 25% Regulus Black
PJO Cabin: 12 (Dionysus)
TVD Species: Vampire
If you have any questions about me, my shifting journey, or shifting in general, please reach out and I will do my best to answer them! Happy Shifting! <3
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The Months I Loved You
Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn. This man has me by the chokehold along with Blake. And now that the theory of Quinn being Darlin’s ex is fully and without any sign of doubt confirmed, I wanna write about their toxic relationship. So have the product of my two angst brain cells rubbing together!
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CW: manipulation, depictions of a toxic and abusive relationship, depictions of self punishment through actions of another (Darlin “punishing” themselves with Quinn’s fangs), Quinn because he's his own warning, cursing, mdni because of mild sexual context, not full timeline compliance (some events might not match up chronological wise for purposes of the story.), mild depictions of violent acts against side character (Darlin’s friend that Quinn harmed), Not proofread
Summary: Twelve months of memories released, except the honeymoon period wore off really quickly. Too bad the trap had been sprung.
Redacted Masterlist
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Present Day
They knew it wouldn't be easy, standing on the other side of the one-way glass as Quinn didn't hesitate in spilling their deeper secrets. They could see the outrage flickering on Sam's face. They could practically feel it in that mating bond that connected their core to his own. Just like they could feel the concerned glances their alpha was sending them. Thankfully, David didn't speak, didn't acknowledge any of what Quinn said. It was embarrassing enough. And to think, they had thought they were in love with... that.
Back before they wore the term of endearment Sam had gifted them like a proud name. Back when they just went by Tank and distanced themselves from the pack that cared so strongly about them but hadn't known how to connect. It had been easier just to ignore that connection. To pretend it didn't exist.
The cold air had been what pushed Tank to enter that seedy bar. They ran warm like most of their fellow wolf shifters, but the leather jacket they wore didn't do much to protect against the biting chill of a Dahlia winter. It took their eyes a moment to adjust to the dimmer lighting, having been used to the streetlight's glare off of the snow outside. They shuddered, hands still tucked deeply into their pockets.
Wasn't there something about liquor warming up the body? So what of it was only seven forty in the evening and they had yet to eat something? The sun had dipped below the horizon, so it could be late enough to drink. They would just square up with whoever tried to judge them anyways. Tank kicked their snow littered boots against the side of the wall and went towards the bar counter, movements lithe despite the chilling ache in their bones.
They ordered glass after glass, letting their thoughts grow fuzzier with each new order. They could feel their phone buzz with a text. Probably from their friend. But their friend was having her boyfriend over, and Tank didn't want to subject themselves to that... again. And so they ignored it and continued on their path that would end with a vicious hangover.
"Well, don't you paint the sunny disposition?" A smooth accented voice murmured next to them. They felt his aura before they actually turned their gaze to him. Vampire.
"Fuck. Off." They grumbled, waving a dismissive hand towards him. He smirked at it, but made no move to leave. Whatever. They returned their focus to their drink, face beginning to feel warm from the growing intoxication.
"You should slow down. Alcohol poisoning is such a pathetic way to die." The vampire continued. Why was he still here, bothering them?
"Don't you have someone to bury your fangs into, vamp?" They snapped, voice cold and still dismissive. They really didn't want to deal with someone who was just going to pretend to understand them. Gabe was a great alpha, no one could or would deny that, but he didn't understand Tank. Not really. Although it might be a stretch to say that they understood themselves.
"Mm." The vampire hummed and licked his lips. It didn't faze them as they continued to level a dead-eyed stare at the stranger. "Not in the present moment, no. But I'm sure I'll find someone before the night is up. Are you offering?" He said, and his voice dropped to an alluring purr. Tank contemplated dumping the contents of their drink over his head.
"No." They answered, their tone not changing. He shrugged and leaned his forearms against the bar counter. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal hints of a few scars. If those were there, they either happened before his turning or had been bad enough that a vamps' natural healing abilities didn't do anything to fix all the damage. Tank sighed and turned their gaze to the drink that sat in front of them.
"What's your name?" The vampire asked. They glanced at him, remaining stubbornly silent. His smirk pulled wider at that. "Well, my name is Quinn. And I'll just call you Precious, since your attitude certainly is." Quinn decided. They rolled their eyes. A far cry from the nickname they went by. Maybe that was for the best though. Being Tank obviously wasn't any more positive than being called Precious for a night.
"Do let me know if you change your mind on letting me bite you. You seem delicious, Precious." He added and they snorted.

"Well isn't this romantic?" Quinn said as his tongue traced the indents his teeth had left on the skin of their inner thigh. Blood stained his lips and some drops were on the sheets below their naked body. His sheets were red though, so it's not as if it mattered. Probably for this exact purpose. Quinn's fingers continued to move inside of them, coaxing soft gasps from the shifter.
"Letting me bite you on Valentines day. Did you drag it out so long to make it all special? Just string me along on the promise of your veins, Precious?" Quinn continued, silver eyes watching them from his place between their legs. Tank's grip tightened on the sheets, jaw clenched. Quinn chuckled and licked another lazy stripe along their thigh.
"No matter. I'll be sure to enjoy now that you've allowed me to taste you." He continued. His fangs piercing the skin on their other thigh, pulling a soft moan from them. The ache was quickly turned into pleasure, added only by the way his fingers pressed and moved against them. They made a quiet whimper and Quinn's gaze dragged up to their face, dark interest flashing in his eyes.
"Use your words. I haven't tranced you, so I know you can. Be a good little thrall and speak what you want." He purred and one of his fingers pressed on a spot that made their vision go tunnel focused.
"Fuck me... please. Fuck me while you bite my leg." They whispered. Quinn smirked and shifted so their legs could rest over his shoulders. His eyes looked down at them, drinking in the intoxicating sight of such a proud werewolf begging something like that from him.
"You know I'd do that for you. You can ask me to do all the dark depraved little fantasies in that cute head of yours. The fantasies you don't share with anyone because of shame. I'll do every last one. You don't need to feel that shame, not with me." He purred before removing his fingers from them. They could feel him teasing that entrance with his length.
"Please." They whimpered and he pulled a moan from them as he bottomed out. No shame with him, no judgement from him. Something new, but something needed.

"Four leaf clovers?" Quinn asked as Tank pulled on their jeans, covering the littered scars and fresh bite marks on their skin. His home was the only place they felt comfortable with it being visible. It was one of the reasons that they had adamantly refused to go to the pack pool party.
"Yeah." They affirmed, glancing back at him. He still lounged on his bed, exposed in all his nude glory. He was casually licking any blood residue from his teeth and lips.
"They don't actually bring any luck. They haven't for the many and many of years I've been... somewhat alive, Precious." He hummed. They shrugged and tugged their shirt on.
"It's just a silly little family tradition. I wanted to continue it, even if my folks went back up to Washington." They murmured, rubbing the nape of their neck. Quinn watched them for a long moment before sitting up and moving toward them. His hands found their waist and he tugged them closer to him.
"It sounds worthless. You could do something useful instead. I can promise it will be far more worthwhile." He said, nuzzling their stomach. They looked down at him, thinking about it. Then they sighed. He was right, it was silly and useless. The luck gotten from the four leaf clovers when Tank was able to find one hadn't helped them thus far.
"Alright then." They answered. He grinned at them, fingers playing with their belt loop.
"Wonderful." He said, his accented voice taking on that silken purr again. The one that sent butterflies to their stomach and heat pooling low in their gut.

They ignored the phone calls that Gabe, David, and Asher sent them when the pack cookout came around for the first day of spring. Quinn had insisted there were far more important thing for them to do than go to some silly cookout where gossip would be exchanged and judgmental eyes would be turned onto Tank for not being around lately. It was just easier to continue avoiding all the social things. Besides, if it was truly important, Gabe would have called their friend to get in touch with Tank. As far as the pack knew, they were still residing with said friend instead of moving in with Quinn.

Tank stared at the rain that pattered against the window as Quinn scrolled mindlessly on his phone. The rain prevented Tank from going outside for now, while the sun in addition to the rain stopped Quinn.
"It truly is a marvel that humans evolved technology enough that I can hold what was similar to a rocket ship in my hands to do my bidding." Quinn muttered. Tank glanced at him, raising a brow.
"Damn you're old." They said in response. Quinn grinned playfully at them, fangs on full display. They turned fully towards him, arms crossed over their chest.
"Perhaps. But that doesn't make you any better. You're fucking this old man after all. Where's your dignity?" He teased back. They frowned a little. That hit a bit too close to home. They waved a hand, not wanting him to see the effect. They were just being sensitive, he was only teasing.
"You're immortal and permanently stuck at..." They realized that they had no clue how old he was when he was turned. He didn't talk about it much and Tank never asked. "So don't make it sound weird." They finished. Quinn snickered and returned his gaze back to his phone. They stood up.
"I'm gonna go for a run." They announced. Quinn waved a hand in dismissive acknowledgement and they left the home, making sure not to let too much sunlight leak through.

Tank didn't mind the wet dog smell that came from shifting and running through the rain. But nonetheless, they just walked, unshifted, towards their friend's apartment, the rain soaking into their hair. Luckily the leather jacket kept them from getting too wet. They probably should have brought their phone, if it was charged. It wasn't though. It hadn't been all week. A small frown tugged at their lips again.
It was odd. Every time they went to go charge it, Quinn needed help with something or other. They would have thought he was trying to keep them from charging their phone, but sometimes he wouldn't even be in the room. They were probably just being paranoid.
They didn't get to knock before they heard two familiar voices through the door to the apartment. Their friend's and the gruff low voice of David. What the hell was he doing here?
"Well when did you last see them?" David was asking. It didn't take a genius to know who he was talking about. Tank lowered their knuckles from where they had been poised to knock, eyes narrowing. Their friend's voice was quieter, and not just from the intimidation that David fucking Shaw - although he might argue that being a buffer and acting as his middle name - demanded with his presence. But their friend sounded worried. Why were they worried?
"Since the end of February and beginning of March." She answered. That wasn't too bad.
"You haven't seen Tank for a month and a half?" David clarified. Well when he worded it like that of course it sounded bad! "You didn't tell the pack?" He added. Tank assumed their friend had nodded in confirmation. A long pause before a mumbled answer that they had to strain to hear.
"I have a general idea of where they are." Another pause. "They mentioned meeting someone. They're probably with him." They could hear David release a sigh.
"And where would that be?" David prompted. Then he groaned. "They didn't tell you an actual location. Because of course not. And every call immediately goes to voicemail, text left on delivered." He continued. They shifted slightly. How many missed calls and unread texts awaited them once they charged their phone? They should probably remedy this... Tank knocked.
The door was opened mere moments later, revealing the relieved expression of their friend and the fairly annoyed one of David. Their own face was set into a scowl.
"I need to get some stuff." They grunted. Their friend stepped to the side and they walked in, the door closing behind them. They paused slightly as they locked eyes with David, but neither wolf shifter said a word.
"I'm going to go make something to drink. You look cold, Tank." The unempowered human said before skittering off towards the kitchen. Privacy for David to scold them about things he had no business in. Wonderful.
"Where the fuck have you been?" David started. They could feel their own irritation rising and crossed their arms over their chest. They glanced down at themselves, paranoia making them check to see that their legs were, in fact, covered. The jeans covered the bites like always and they returned their attention to the beta of their pack.
"It's none of your business." They said back cooly. They could see a muscle flutter in his jaw as he stared them down. They didn't back down, as defiant as ever.
"You're part of the pack, it is my business." He answered in retort. Ah yes, because being part of the pack made them lose every sense of privacy. This was why Quinn said packs and clans were unhealthy, and why he preferred to just be on his own.
"No. It's not. My private life is my own. I'm not going to spill every little detail of it to you." They growled out. Their friend deemed it time to reenter the room. Tank felt a little bad for her, having to balance being Tank's friend but David also being beta. It was a line that could grow very thin at times. They silently handed a mug of hot chocolate to Tank and offered a coffee to David. He took it, if only to be polite.
"No one has heard from you for weeks, Tank. No one has seen you either. We're all w-" Tank cut him off, not wanting to hear the rest of the sentence.
"Either expect that I'm fine, or read my obituary in the newspaper." They snapped at him. David's face hardened and his lips pressed together. He was displeased, but Tank didn't care. Let him be displeased at a boundary being set. One that the pack would probably try to step over. "Just go away, David. Tell Gabe that I'm fine and let's leave it at that." They added. David stared hard at them before turning to their friend. He handed the mug of coffee back.
"I should get going, but thank you." He said, sounding sincere. Tank didn't show any sign of farewell as he left, closing the door gently behind him. Their friend waited a couple heartbeats before looking at Tank. Tank frowned at the pity and frustration that they saw there.
"Everyone has good reason to worry. You just kind of dropped off." She said quietly. The sugary sweet taste of the hot chocolate turned bitter on their tongue and the frown deepened.
"It's none of any of their business. Besides, I'm hardly close enough for them to worry about me. Not that there's any reason to. Quinn is nice." Tank responded quietly. Their friend sighed and looked down into the coffee, waiting a bit before speaking up again.
"Just... send a text or call every now and then? I get worried too, Tank." She said. Tank nodded non-committedly. It seemed to be enough for their friend, because they weren't pushed on the subject further.
April showers brings May flowers was either full of shit or Quinn liked to commit mass genocide on the floral population in front of his home. Tank lifted their gaze from the yard filled with pitiful patches of green grass and only stubborn dandelions and clovers. They couldn’t help but think of Gabe’s house with the lush verdant grass, and the scent of flowers that would start to be filling the air. Or the honeysuckle that the departed pack matriarch had favored. But it was fitting that death would linger in a place where the undead resided. Well... sort of undead. Vampires were in that odd in between stage of dead and alive. Not dead, but not alive. It was better to not think too much about it.
“Normal partners go out on dates you know.” They muttered, pointedly ignoring Quinn from where he fed on a human’s neck. He had insisted it was only to get some blood in his system when the jealous gleam had entered Tank’s eyes. Although he had seemed awfully happy to watch the shifter squirm with discomfort and jealousy. The human he fed from kept moaning softly, it seemed like it was more than just feeding...
“You’re hardly normal Precious.” He reminded, teeth biting back into the human. Tank tried to ignore the pleasured gasp that the action elicited.
“Neither are you.” They snapped at him. He liked to remind them a lot, that their abnormality was safe with him. That they didn’t need to shield it from him like they did from the rest of the world. That he would accept the depraved parts of their urges, their temper more than anyone else would. He made a quiet hum, continuing to take a few more gulps before finally stopping. A tap to the human’s lower back had her moving off of his lap - why she needed to be there Tank didn’t want to know - and he stood up, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.
“True. But that’s part of why we work together so nicely. Our broken parts don’t scare each other.” He purred, moving towards them. He tipped their chin back and leaned down, brushing his lips against their own. They could taste the blood on him and it almost made them recoil. A part of them went cold at his words though. Broken. That was another thing that Quinn liked to point out. That they were so drawn to him because he was broken like they were. Otherwise why else would they be with him? He was a constant reminder that they wouldn’t be accepted anywhere else, and a consistent acceptance of even the parts Tank didn’t accept yet. It was bittersweet.
“But if you would like to go on a date, I can do that for you. Just let me get cleaned up some.” He added, pressing another chaste kiss to their lips before walking from the room and heading to the room he shared with them. They settled a glare on the human he had fed from. She looked back at them.
“What?” She asked, sounding uncomfortable. Tank forced more ferocity into the look and watched as she shifted slightly, adjusted her clothes. Good.
“Why do you even do that?” They asked coldly. Why did they have to watch as Quinn fed from someone else? Why did it make them feel like they weren’t useful or enough for him? She stood up, shrugging.
“It pays well.” She muttered. Quinn returned a few moments later in a fresh shirt and hair carefully styled. He handed her some cash and didn’t even look at her as she left. Tank did though. Tank watched her saunter out, as if she had fulfilled some purpose to the world. That cold feeling washed over them like stepping into an ice bath. Purpose. It had given her a purpose. But what was Tank’s? Were they just floundering around in the world, useless and without direction? Burdensome?
“Shall we, Precious?” Quinn asked, offering them his hand and a crooked grin. 
The pack was doing something for pride month, and Gabe had reached out to request Tank’s presence. They stared down at the text as they sat on the bed, body bared as Quinn trailed kisses and nips down their spine.
“What is it? You’ve gone all tense and it’s not because of me.” He sounded slightly upset, but Tank ignored it. They continued to stare at the text from their pack alpha.
“I got invited to a pack thing again.” They had ignored the Memorial day celebration the pack had hosted as well, simply leaving Milo’s texted invitation on read. Should they go to this one? Quinn let out a groan.
“Your pack is always pestering you, Precious. Besides, they’re far too different from you to understand the real you like I do. Just stay here with me where there isn’t that harsh judgement.” He said as he wrapped an arm around their waist. They frowned, fingers picking at the edge of their phone case. He was right. The pack didn’t understand them, but... Gabe had seemed sincere when he said he wanted them there. At their continued silence he straightened up, taking a hold of their jaw to turn their face towards him. His silver eyes read their convoluted expression and he frowned.
“Listen to me, Precious. Your pack might pretend to mean well, but they don’t. They don’t actually care about you. I care about you. Not them, just me. You don’t want to lose that, right? The one person who actually cares about you?” He said, his voice deceptively gentle and sweet. They stared at him before they gave a small shake of his head. Distant alarm bells rang in their mind, but they ignored that too as Quinn pressed a kiss to their lips and then continued speaking. “Then stay here and just avoid all the conflict. Besides, showing up now after so many months would just put a bigger strain on interacting.” He murmured, hand rubbing soothing circles on their bare back. Tank gave a small nod.
David called them a week later, and they answered half asleep with Quinn next to them.
“Hello?” They mumbled into the receiver, voice heavy with sleep. David’s sharp tone had them pressing their face into the pillow with annoyance.
“There are so many things I want to say to you, Tank.” He snapped. They pulled the phone away from their ear, David’s voice growing quieter the more distance they put between it. Quinn cracked open one silver eye after a few moments. He held out a hand in offer, but they shook their head. After waiting a few more moments, they put the phone back to their ear. “-noon!” He finished saying. 
“I’m going back to sleep, David.” They mumbled into the phone, not bothering to pretend to respond to whatever the fuck he had been saying. The sigh he released had them pausing, spine stiffening. He sounded so exhausted. David Shaw did not let himself sound exhausted. Not to people who weren’t Asher or Milo. Although even then that was iffy nowadays.
“Please, Tank. Just come around once. Despite what you might think, we do miss you.” They blinked as David said the words slowly. Clearly as if he knew that they would try to think their way out of believing the words genuine. They pressed their lips together, eyes glancing at Quinn. He had closed his eye again, but his hand was still held out, the offer continuing. It was him offering to save them from this interaction. His words rang in their skull.
“No.” They say firmly before hanging up the phone. They tossed the device onto the floor and curled up in the blankets. 
“You can’t just push everyone away!” Their friend said as she followed after Tank while the shifter gathered up the rest of their belongings to bring to the home they now shared fully with Quinn. Tank sent a glare at their friend, but the unempowered human didn’t back down, standing in the doorway with arms crossed.
“I’m not.” They replied sharply. They watched their friend snort, the position growing more defensive in the doorway. Tank adjusted the bag higher up on their shoulder.
“You are. You look different Tank. Less healthy. I don’t know what you and Quinn are doing, but it doesn’t seem like it’s good for you. Everytime I see you, I grow more worried for you.” Guilt punctured Tank at her words. Guilt for making her worry, guilt for even being able to cause worry. Tank rubbed a hand subconsciously against their thigh beneath the dark jeans. “David says he hasn’t even seen you since you two crossed paths last April. That was months ago, Tank.” 
The mention of David had Tank prickling with annoyance. They gently pushed past their friend, moving towards the door.
“I have my reasons for avoiding the pack, alright? And I’m fine. Quinn is fine too.” They said. They didn’t look back as they left the apartment, shoulders tensed. The guilt and annoyance had started to dig sharp metaphorical claws into their stomach, making it clench painfully. They swallowed and rubbed a hand on their thigh again. Then they pulled out their phone, sending a text to Quinn.
‘I need a distraction. Are you thirsty?’
‘Always, Precious.’
Tank glared at the pair of mates that were leaning against their truck. Milo, to his credit, didn’t look nervous under the cold irritation under their gaze. Why was this pack so stubborn?! They moved their gaze over to Milo’s mate. 
“What?” Tank asked sharply, hand gripping the bag that held a six pack within it. Milo glanced at his mate before looking at Tank.
“Have... you lost weight?” Milo asked. The way he sounded as his accented voice spoke pointed towards the same conclusion their friend had reached last month. They had gone to the doctor finally after several texts from her begging them to, a week ago. Turns out they were anemic. They had gone home and immediately asked Quinn to feed from them. The light-headedness kept them from remembering how the members of the pack were starting to text them less and less and how their friend only sounded more and more concerned.
They didn’t answer Milo, still leveling an icy glare at him and his mate.
“The pack is throwing a barbecue before the younger shifters start school back up this fall. We wanted to invite you in person, Tank.” Stealth, since that was all that Tank knew them by, said. Their voice tended to always remain quiet. It was as if they were always trying to avoid detection subconsciously.
“No.” Tank said firmly, waiting for the pair to move so they could go back home. Milo glanced at his mate again, and it was almost like they were silently communicating. Tank knew they weren’t, that wasn’t how mating bonds worked after all, but it was still unnerving. More unnerving that Tank knew they couldn’t do that with Quinn. They might not ever. They didn’t want to think about what that might mean.
“Please, Tank.” Milo said, but Tank was already shaking their head. They moved towards their truck, baring their teeth at Milo and Stealth.
“I said no. Now move the fuck out of my way.” They snapped. The two complied after a few heartbeats of hesitation. Tank didn’t glance back as they drove away. More guilt pricked their heart and they tightened their grip on the steering wheel. Why couldn’t the pack just leave them alone? Forget they existed? Why did the pack have to pretend to care so much? It just made their heart hurt and then they went back to Quinn’s fangs to try to make themselves forget.
They weren’t sure when it happened, the burn before the pleasure was starting to last longer and longer. They also weren’t sure when they started to enjoy the way it hurt them more than how it made them feel good. It was different from seeking out pain in a masochistic way. No... this felt heavier somehow. Darker.
The phone dropped from their hand, eyes wide. Quinn lifted his head from where he sat on the couch. Gabe... he was dead. Horror filled their expression, even as grief cracked something deep within them. They immediately moved towards the door, hand grabbing their leather jacket and shrugging it on. The chill of fall had been affecting them more than usual lately. Quinn told them not to worry about it and just bring their jacket with them.
“Where are you going?” Quinn called out, silver eyes tracking every movement that Tank made. 
“To the pack.” They answered, shoving their feet into their boots. Quinn was standing up in an instant, next to them and gripping their shoulders, straightening them up from where they had been bending down to tie their shoes.
“Why?” He asked quickly, his voice growing colder from the bored disinterest of earlier. They stared at him a moment, blinking quickly.
“Gabe died. Hit and run. The pack needs... I need to be there. To say goodbye.” They had left all his texts on read or delivered these past few months. They had never gotten to say goodbye to him. That guilt cracked something else in them and they swallowed around the lump in their throat. Quinn shook his head.
“No.” He said, grip tightening on their shoulders. Tank’s expression turned incredulous.
“Quinn, let go of me. I’m going to pay my respects.” They said, their voice firmer and unrelenting. Quinn gave them an odd look, as if doubting that they really meant it. As if he couldn’t comprehend why they would even care. “Why are you looking at me like that?” They snapped at him, emotions too raw to try to rein back their slowly rising temper. 
“It’s been almost nine months. Why do you still care about that stupid pack of yours?” He asked, his voice rough, as his grip started to send sparks of pain through their pain receptors. “I’ve given everything you wanted me to, Precious. You wanted a place to stay while your friend had her boyfriend over, I gave it to you. You wanted me to bite you and feed into those twisted fantasies in your head, I did. You wanted someone to accept the broken sick you that you hide from everyone so determinately. I did. So why are you being selfish and trying to leave me for a pack that has never done anything for you?” He snapped at them. 
Tank went still. Very still, their eyes staring at him. At the twisted obsession that gleamed in his silver eyes. Had that always been here? They shoved him away from them. 
“Chase me into the sun and drag me back then.” They snarled at him, throwing open the door. The vampire backed away from the sunlight that spilled into the dim room from the door, glaring at them. Tank slammed the door shut behind them.
Things were different after that day. Quinn brought more people home to feed from, glaring at Tank the entire time while he did. He still followed through with the requests Tank would whisper to him in the dark of night and privacy of their bedroom. The sex that they both partook in with each other had changed too. Instead of just heated, there were tints of resentment and guilt and shame instead. He would leave their body trembling in ecstasy, but after the high came down Tank felt filthy and unwanted. Even with the bruising bites on their skin. Still only where they could easily hide it. 
“What shall we do for Halloween, Precious?” Even the way he said the term of endearment had changed. He practically spat it at them like he wanted it to hurt them. Tank was miserable with him, they realized with a start. But... who else would accept the broken parts of him? Who else wouldn’t curl their lip in disgust at the actions that made arousal cloud their veins?
Tank had no idea if the pack was doing anything for Halloween. David was alpha now, Asher being named his beta. They had showed up for that pack meeting, staying close to the wall. They had been the last to enter and first to leave. They felt bad for Asher though. He had gotten glares when David had appointed him to the position. Especially from fucking Christian. Tank had almost snapped at him. But they felt so tired.
“I don’t care.” They muttered, turning their back to Quinn as they lay on the bed. Quinn wrapped an arm around them and they tensed.
“You could let me bite your neck. Since I did get to bite you for the first time on our first Valentines Day together.” He purred into the back of their neck. They closed their eyes against the dizzy feeling that washed over them. The only times they really asked Quinn to bite them anymore that wasn’t in a sexual context was when guilt or anger made their blood feel more like thick sludge. He had aptly started calling it their ‘self punishment cycles’. They couldn’t refute the claim.
“No.” They mumbled into the pillow. Quinn lingered before sighing and pulled away from them.
“Fine.” He grumbled, leaving the room. The door closed behind him, leaving them washed in the dark. They knew they shouldn’t be in this... but... there was no one else for them. Maybe they deserved this for pushing people away like their friend had warned them against.
Quinn came back that night with a dazed manic grin on his face. Blood had covered the lower half of his face, staining his shirt. Tank stared at him from the doorway, fingers clutching the door. 
“What happened?” They demanded. Quinn turned his silver gaze to them and his grin turned into a bloody smirk.
“I fed.” He answered with a shrug. That was more than just ‘feeding’. The blood hadn’t just dribbled onto his shirt, but sprayed. Parts of his hair was even crusted with dried blood. 
“What happened?” They demanded again, voice firmer. He moved towards them and leaned in close enough that the coppery scent of blood filled their senses. He glared at him, pressing a hand against the wall next to their head.
“I was thirsty and you weren’t offering any meal. So I went out. And I fed. Seems you’re stronger than you realize, Precious. They didn’t last very long. Rather boring actually, but I suppose it’s just more proof that your my favorite. Just... offer me a meal next time and hopefully some random stranger won’t have to sate all my thirst in one sitting.” He hummed before pressing a kiss to their cheek and moving towards the bathroom, shedding his clothes as he went. Tank stayed where they were standing before wiping away the bloody mark his lips had left on their face slowly.
It turned out that no matter what Tank did, Quinn was always still hungry. And more often than not, he returned home looking similar to the way that he had that night last month. And with each passing day, it became more clear of what Tank needed to do. That twisted obsessive gleam that had been in his eyes when they had left to pay their respects to Gabe flashed through their mind. They would need to get some shit together before they could even attempt to leave Quinn. Let alone report him to the Department. Until then, they would keep gathering more information for the report.
“Are you sure that it’s completely safe, Tank? I don’t want you getting hurt...” Their friend said as she jogged alongside Tank. They were trying to get back the muscle mass that they had lost over the last several months.
“It’ll be safe as long as it’s me doing it. I need to keep you and the pack out of it fully. Which is why I need you not to tell David or anyone. I’m only telling you so you can give a testimony if I end up dead.” Tank answered, relaxing into the feeling of the sun beating down on their neck. She still looked unconvinced but nodded nonetheless. Tank pushed down the guilt on their face and focused on the burn of their muscles.
Tank kept a tally of how many nights Quinn returned looking blood-crazed. Or coming out of a blood-craze anyway. It was easy to remember for multiple reasons.
“Thanksgiving is coming up, Precious.” Quinn said, nuzzling against their neck. Tank pushed him off of them.
“I’m not going to be your thanksgiving meal, Quinn.” They said quietly. Quinn sighed and pressed a kiss to where their shoulder met their neck. 
“Not even a nibble?” He hummed. Tank shook their head and he let go of them, walking towards the door. They felt a tinge of guilt but pushed it down. Another tally, another mark against him in the eyes of the Department. This would come to an end and quickly.
He had been furious. Tank didn’t know how he had found out.
“The fucking Department?!” He shouted at them. They dodged the plate that was sent hurtling towards their head. They needed to get out of this house. Right now. Quinn stalked towards them, murder written in his silver eyes. Tank’s hands gripped the file that held the evidence that they had collected against him close to their chest. For the first time, they were genuinely scared of Quinn. Of what he might do to them. He held out his hand. “Give. It.” He said, his voice low. Tank took a step back, shaking their head. 
“No.” They said. Quinn, normally so composed even while bloodsoaked, seemed to snap. He lunged at them, hands gripping onto the file. It only took mere moments before it had turned into an all out fight for the report and evidence. Tank only got away by shifting and running off into the night, several papers missing that Quinn was now shredding. His silver eyes watched the giant wolf disappear into the dark of the night.
“You don’t get to play this game with me, Precious, without having to face the consequences. And if you flee, than someone else will have to take your place.”
He wasn’t stupid enough to go after the Shaw Pack directly. That was asking for a straight path to execution. Two or three of the members were working directly for the Department, and the pack was the most influential one in all of Dahlia. No, going after one of the members wouldn’t end well. But... an honorary member that didn’t quite fall under their coat of arms. Didn’t his precious thrall have a dear unempowered friend?
Tank felt dread pool in their gut, even as they dropped off the report. The person at the desk had only given the puncture wounds in the paper from their teeth a glance before setting it to the side and promising that ‘it will be reviewed at the earliest convenience.’
The dread only grew as they walked down the sidewalk. Each step the moved closer to their friend’s apartment only made them feel worse. The hairs on the back of their neck startle to prickle and their body tense. It was only when adrenaline rushed through their veins at the smell of blood did they run the last couple blocks. 
A part of them was glad they ran, while a small part wished they hadn’t. They could hear the weak cries of their friend as the smell of blood coated the air so heavily, almost as if it was an overused perfume. Quinn was hunched over her, sucking greedily from one of the many bite wounds he had left to ravage their friend. A snarl of fury ripped from Tank as they let their body twist and shift before throwing themself at Quinn. They didn’t hesitated in sinking their own teeth into his shoulder and shaking their head like a dog with a chew toy. 
Quinn laughed and ripped himself free to face the snarling mass of muscled wolf that stood between the injured human and himself. Blood dripped from Tank’s own mouth, but somehow it tasted more sweet that bitter. A low growl rippled through them, hackles raised. 
Present Day
Darlin could feel that same kind of righteous anger ripple through their body, magic sparking. They were going to make him pay for what he did, one way or another.
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cosmicdream222 · 1 year
I’ve adapted this post from an incredibly wise shifter named Love/Vanilla, an amino user who seems to have permashifted out of this reality by now. I have found her explanations of shifting and the quantum multiverse to be incredibly enlightening, and want to share them with others. I have edited for grammar and spelling, but full credit goes to this lovely soul. The original post.
Shifters: “You have to realize that you're doing the least special thing in the whole multiverse”
Shifting isn't just "a thing" in the multiverse. It's not merely "something you can use to manifest." No, it's the only exception that exists. Why? Because shifting is the literal root of the multiverse, its core, the reason for its existence.
The multiverse is there because we shift uncontrollably every moment of our lives to parallels. It doesn't matter where you live, under what circumstances, or in which reality concept, whether you know about shifting or not – you are ALWAYS shifting, you can ALWAYS shift, and it's ALWAYS easy.
But let's take a moment to remember how often we shift for everyone who may have forgotten:
Every time you blink
Every time you breathe
Every time you think
Every time you assume
Every time you feel
Every time you move
Every time a person in your physical environment blinks
Every time a person in your physical environment... etc
That's often, right? But what happens then? A tiny bit of your 4D self changes, causing you to shift to a completely new reality.
And for those who say, "But shifting to my desired reality is harder!" – no, it's not. It couldn’t be easier. You don't have to breathe or do any methods - you can just think it. BOOM. Shifted. There is no difference. Every moment is a completely new reality.
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soup-scope · 1 year
ok just relistened to cataclysm cause i hate myself apparently and J HAVE A HEADCANON THAT DARLIN MIGHT STILL BE ALIVE
so. the imperium au has a tendency to reflect the canon universe. like with starlight and avior in the meridian, everything with the sovereigns, and all that junk
so. in the imperium, alexis and quinn are a “thing” (they’ve been fucking for like 40 years but haven’t labeled it yikes) and alexis has a specific HATRED for wolf shifters
now in the canon universe, darlin and quinn had a ‘dalliance.’ now what if, imperium darlin and quinn had their little ‘dalliance’ but alexis found out. and because she ESPECIALLY hates wolves, wants to hurt darlin as much as humanely possible)as humanely as vampires are)
so they torture darlins unempowered friend to draw them out.
asher specifically states that by the time any of the other pack members showed up, darlin was already dead. and soon after david died in asher’s arms.
my theory is. that either quinn or alexis (kinda thinking quinn maybe) TURNED darlin so that they “appeared” dead. we don’t know too much about newly turned vamps, but we know that they are KNOCKED TF OUT when they first turn. (see lovely during inversion. they were OUT for awhile after they were turned) and also (i can’t remember if it was vincent or sam who says this) but during inversion one of the vamp boys said that shades don’t go after vampires because they’re “technically dead” or smth along those lines.
so maybe, the pack assumes darlin is dead when in reality they are just freshly turned and are coming off as dead. with the death of david (their alpha and asher’s mates) they don’t fully recognize the change in darlins core. they bury the bodies and go on their merry way. (not very merry but ya know what i mean) (also not to mention darlin is specifically mentioned as ‘that other pack member’ by literally everyone. i know it’s to keep stuff ambiguous cause they’re a listener character so they don’t have a canon name or like a canon nickname from the pack. but it’s just so. depersonalized. they’re just an ‘other’ while the only thing that matters is that david died)
long story short i’m in denial and i so badly want imp!sam and imp!darlin to interact
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