#i love you sasha you are very sweet
several-ravens · 27 days
WHY is he speaking so softly to sasha but being a bitch to martin??? help????
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So ... is Ze in Denmark??? Or did Andriy randomly travel alone there??? Since when is Andriy traveling alone?!? And why??? 👀
Why did Ze suddenly mention Kyrylo from time to time visiting him in his office??? Since when are they telling us how and where he's having the secret meetings with the kids???
What is going on??? 😄😄😄 First, the book fair date, then whatever that was in Russia, now all of this today. What a strange week. 😅😅😅
#LISTEN THE WAY ZE STARTED SMILING WHEN HE TALKED ABOUT HIS SON#and how HAPPY we looked when he did#even a tad breathless for a second#IM NOT OKAY 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️#WHATS GOING ON 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️#IM NOT USED THAT WE GET SO MUCH CONTENT 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️#whats next a pic with the kids a super sweet interview with them ze visiting sasha at university?!?!?! 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲#BACK TO THE WAY HE SMILED AND HOW HAPPY HE WAS WHEN HE TALKED ABOUT KYRYLO ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#also love how ze was like yeah the thing hes most interested in when hes here are the chevrons#sir...im pretty sure there is something...or someone else hes way more interested in when hes visiting you 🥰#and i know Kyrylo wants to be a soldier desperately but i hope very very much that by the time hes 18 there are no wars#and he doesnt become on and his parents doesnt have to fear for his life#talking about life...its still strange that ze tells us that Kyrylo and most likely it applies to sasha too are visiting him in the office#isnt that...super risky???? when people know??????#the sometimes but nevertheless was also kind of heartbreaking#as happy as he looked when mentioning Kyrylo...soemtimes but nevertheless he sees him...#ze misses his kids so much... 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and he can see them only sometimes which is not enough but nevertheless he sees them#because sometimes is better than never
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
it is Monday for me but i would still like to send you the ask game thing! (put this in the fridge for later) what are your top 5 beverages!
omg well. happy sleepover monday in that case anon!
oh man uhh. in no particular order. chai latte. arnold palmer (iced tea + lemonade). HIBISCUS TEA!! mulled cider. and brewed cacao (which is like hot chocolate kinda, but instead of making it with cocoa powder you brew ground cacao beans like coffee? it's rly good)
[ask meme]
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florencemtrash · 6 months
The Ballad of the Shadowsinger
Azriel x Reader Oneshot
“Because I’m waiting for my mate to call me home.” The Shadowsinger said, “Because I’m waiting to die.”
Warnings: ANGST with a happy ending, mentions of attempted SA and suicidal ideation (they're very brief, but please do read with caution)
Author's note: I finished this at 3am last night and I think it's pretty apparent... buuuuuut I'm going to post it anyway. Enjoy...
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The Shadowsinger arrived one winter night, curling into existence on the border of town like cream through coffee. Jadhan was only a boy at the time - painfully human with a broken leg that had never healed properly. The Midlands were a terrible place for a child to grow up - a place where the only thing more unstable than the ground was its sense of safety.
But things changed when the Shadowsinger arrived, bringing with him gold and the brutal violence required to scare off the bandits and murders that slipped in from the nearby Lordship. And when the Lord came for the Shadowsinger’s head, it was the fae male was the one who walked away from the fight. Except it wasn’t a fight. It was a slaughter.
Jadhan was thirty-seven now with three young boys that had come in a cluster, forcing their way into the world one after another. Sasha had never been quite pleased with him for that, but her love for her sons and her husband outweighed the pain and hardship in the end. 
The boys - Mikhail, Alzhar, and Zhik - ran around the tavern, ducking beneath tables and barstools while their height still allowed it. The Shadowsinger watched them with the faintest of smiles as they clambered about, begging for more attention from his shadows. 
There was little known about the Shadowsinger this deep into the Continent, but whispers still passed through the mouths of travelers at the inn. The most common piece of gossip was that he was a Prythian outlaw - banished to the Continent after attempting to kill his Lord. Jadhan didn’t know - and he figured he would never find out. 
The Shadowsinger was so quiet that no one even knew his real name. They all called him Shadowsinger - Shadow for short. He disappeared into the woods at night and stalked into town come morning, but give a shout at any time and he would be there, flying overhead like a black stormcloud. 
“On the house, Shadow.” Jadhan said, dropping the glass onto the sticky counter. Whisky neat, two fingers - just the way he liked it. 
The Shadowsinger picked it up, swirling the amber liquid around like he hoped it would start talking to him, “You say that every night.”
“That’s because a free drink is the least I could get you.” Jadhan tipped his head towards the rickety stage where the local songbirds were setting up. The singer, Phaedra, had her eyes on Shadow, sending love and gratitude his way like a flood, “Phaedra’s been telling everyone what you did for her. You know, with the Morois boy.” 
Shadow grimaced, taking his first sip. He grimaced again. The whiskey was home-brewed and tasted like it. Everyone in town said a shot of the stuff could kill a man, but Shadow was hardly a man, and more shadow than fae.
Lev Morois had had his eyes on Phaedra for a while now. And he didn’t like to be denied anything, especially women. Normally he traveled to the Lordship for his fill, and he would have been better off going there last night. Instead he’d forced his way into Phaedra’s home… and Shadow had made sure he’d never be able to hurt a woman like that ever again. 
“How old are your boys now, Jadhan?” His voice was deep and smoky.
The trio neared closer, as if they knew they’d been summoned. The eldest, Mikhail, nearly crashed into the countertop, forgetting he had to bend down now. A tendril of black shadow shot out, muffling the blow and corralling him back out onto the open dancefloor with the rest of the children. 
Jadhan sighed and rubbed at a burned spot on the counter, “Too old, and growing faster than weeds.” 
It was a sweet pain for Azriel to see the three brothers romping around. It was almost winter and soon enough they’d be wrestling in the frosted fields, shoving snow down each other’s shirts, and hurling it at each other's heads. 
When was the last time he’d seen his brothers? Cassian had stopped by twenty-five years ago, shocked and scared to see Azriel looking so wretched. The next time Azriel’s shadows had warned him, and they’d sent Cassian away.
Rhysand was a different story… he’d never forgiven Azriel for what he’d done - and rightfully so - but that didn’t make the pain any easier to swallow. That didn’t make Azriel miss them any less.
He tossed the rest back and, to Jadhan’s surprise, he let the barkeep refill it.
And again.
And again.
Phaedra’s voice crooned over the crowd, settling over drunk men and women like a warm blanket until it was time for their sober partners to drag them home. Those who were alone either settled into the hard booths for a nap or resigned themselves to a stumble home in the dark. They’d all make it to their beds in the end - The Shadowsinger would see to that.
He dropped a gold coin onto the counter - triple what the night’s libations actually cost. It was the briefest of stumbles that had Jadhan gripping onto the male’s shoulder and forcing him back into his seat. 
Azriel wasn’t drunk. It would take an ocean of human liquor to get a fae drunk and then some. But he was starting to feel something.
“I got a pinch of ambrose from a merchant passing through.” Shadow’s eyes snapped up to Jadhan, who only raised his hands in surrender, “Hey, hey, hey, I know you don’t drink my whiskey for the taste, so I thought I'd put something in there to remind you of home. Something to loosen you up like liquor is supposed to.” 
The Shadowsinger winced at that word: Home.
“Very well.” He said.
The boys had gone home with Sasha hours ago, and without them running about with their usual compatriots, the tavern seemed dull. Now was no longer the time for dancing and riotous laughter. Now was the time for the sad drunks and those who didn’t want to go home.
But Azriel wasn’t drunk and he desperately wanted to go home.
It was the shame that kept him rooted to the stool like a stubborn weed… that and Rhysand’s promise that if he ever laid eyes on Azriel again, he’d rip the wings off his back. 
Jadhan seemed to understand that about him, leaning over the counter on sturdy arms thick as tree trunks. His leg was still lame, always had been and always would be, but that had never held him back much.
“What’re you doing here, Shadow?”
His hazel eyes flickered up. 
“What’s it been? Twenty-five years you’ve been in town now?”
“Thirty. Exactly.” 
So that was why the Shadowsinger had drank so much that night. It was to commemorate the sad, terrible anniversary of his banishment to the Midlands.
“Don't you think that's long enough? I don’t mean any offense, but don't you have anywhere else to go? Friends? Family?”
The male gritted his teeth and Jadhan had the sinking feeling he'd just poked the bear.
“I thought I was wanted here.” 
“Of course you are. Hell, we’d all be dead or piss poor if it weren’t for you.” Jadhan shook his head, “I don’t know what you’re running from - if you’re a thief, a murderer, a treasonous bastard or all of the above-” 
Shadow flinched, actually flinched, and Jadhan knew it was all of the above.
“But whatever it is,” He continued, “I think you’ve made up for it.” 
Azriel stilled, shadows continuing to swirl around the wet, empty glass in front of him.
How he wished those words were true, but only a human would think thirty years was a long time. They were nothing if not optimistic.
“No. I haven’t.” Shadow said flatly. Silence stretched between them, thick and heavy, until Jadhan finally sighed and went to clear the glass.
“I had a mate.” He whispered the words so quietly, Jadhan almost didn’t hear him. 
His thick eyebrows disappeared into his receding hairline. He didn’t know much about fae customs and the ones he did know about were often violent, strange, or both… usually both. But he had a great deal of respect for mating bonds and understood they were prized above all else to fae.
Shadow’s lips flattened into a thin line and Jadhan could have sworn his eyes began to brim with years. 
The Shadowsinger nodded stiffly.
Shadow gritted his teeth and nodded once more, wings drooping low enough to brush against the sawdust packed floor.
Jadhan sighed so deeply he seemed to shrink into himself, and Azriel was once again struck by how quickly humans aged.
Silver streaks were already beginning to color his temples and his leg was getting stiffer and stiffer each day. It wouldn't be long until he was forced to swallow his pride and buy a cane like Sasha had been suggesting.
It seemed like just yesterday Jadhan had limped his way into the woods, calling out for the Shadowsinger with a copper coin clenched in his fist and a bargain to make. 
Kill my father, and I will do anything you ask of me. Anything at all.
There had been such determination in the little boy’s body that Azriel hadn’t hesitated to fold his small fingers back over the coin and then do what he had been told… to do what he’d always been told to do. 
“I’m sorry, Shadow.” He shook his graying hair, “I’m so sorry.” 
Azriel grimaced, fists tightening until they turned pale, “Don’t feel sorry for me. Don’t you dare.”
He frowned, “And why not?”
The Shadowsinger stilled and got quiet again, “Because it was my fault. I killed her.” 
Jadhan, for all his mortal naivete, didn’t look surprised at his answer. He only twisted his mouth to the side in thought before asking once again, "Why are you here, Shadow? Why don't you leave?"
Azriel looked at him, hazel eyes filled with despair.
He would never tell Jadhan this, but he’d always been envious of humans for one thing - they could die of old age. They could be killed easily. So easily that all it would take was one flick of Azriel's wrist and Jadhan would be no more.
Fae were not so easy to kill, and their only end was a violent one. Maybe that was why Rhys had banished him to the middle of the Continent where life was harsh but simple, and fae were nowhere to be found.
No one here was strong enough to kill him. Azriel would know - he’d spent the first five years on the Continent searching for a way to die and getting into so many bloodbaths it had lost its luster.
“Because I’m waiting for my mate to call me home.” The Shadowsinger said, “Because I’m waiting to die.” 
There were many reasons Azriel built his house in the woods. Firstly, he liked the privacy Secondly, when the nightmares came, there was no telling the damage he could do. 
Tonight’s dreams were especially violent and cruel to him. 
Elain appeared before him, sweet and delicate as a dove and despite knowing better, he couldn’t help but follow her into the darkness like a fly to a carnivorous flower. It wasn’t her fault - he should have known better than to drag them both into this mess. She’d been reckless, hungry for some semblance of control in this new and strange world, and he had been all too willing to play the role of the selfless knight. 
When she kissed him it felt wrong, but like every other night, he was too powerless to push away. This was how it had happened, and there was no changing that.
She whispered against his lips, “Thank you for coming for me.” 
Azriel’s stomach twisted, because two people had gone on the mission into Beron’s lair, and two people had come out. Azriel had wrapped his arms around Elain’s silky body after saving her, and left you behind.
He followed Elain further, chasing her shimmering pink skirts onto the Autumn Court battlefield where she dove into the grasses and disappeared. 
This was where it truly went wrong. 
He caught sight of you on the hill, blood blooming like roses from where the ash arrows pierced your flesh. Your wings were gone and you leaned too far backward, still feeling their phantom weight against your back. That was what it had taken to bring you down. That was what it had taken for Beron to break you.
It was like a bolt of lightning running through his body when the bond snapped into place. Your bruised eyes shot open and you fought against the chains, horror freezing your heart. 
Azriel would know, because he felt it all.
“AZ! NO!” 
Beron’s ax caught the light as it came down on your neck and this wonderful thing he’d dreamt about for over five hundred years was snatched away from him. 
Azriel shot up in bed, skin slick and suffocating under the blankets. He kicked them off his body, taking big, desperate gulps of air as his stomach and shadows settled down. 
He rubbed his chest, feeling that hollow space where the bond used to be. 
He’d had you for less than a minute… he should have had an eternity with you. You should have had an eternity with all of them. 
On the day you died, Rhys and Cassian had also lost a sister. Feyre and Nesta had lost a best friend. Cassian may have been quick to forgive him, but Rhys could never. He’d already lost one sister. Nothing could have prepared him to lose you too. 
Shadows swarmed around him and he already knew his powers had wrecked the roof once again. Moonlight streamed through the newly made hole in the ceiling, pooling around his shaking form. He imagined it was the Mother staring down at him with her unblinking eye. Disappointed. Angry. 
The mating bond had been utterly wasted on him. 
“I’m-I’m sorry, Y/n.” He gasped out, trembling. He wrapped his wings around his shaking shoulders, as if that would be enough to shield him from what he’d done. 
Once again he was that little boy trapped in the cellar. Abandoned. Unloved. Alone. But this time he deserved it.  
“Please. Please.” He begged. He begged for the madness to take him. He begged for an end to his eternal life. 
“I want to come home.” He sobbed. “Please. I want to come home.”
You stood before him at the foot of the bed - a vision that had arrived three days after coming to the Midlands and never left. You looked at him sadly, your white dress hanging still despite the breeze that flowed through the room. But you didn’t say a word. You didn’t say anything at all. 
Jadhan was fifty-five now. The Shadowsinger still came to the tavern every night, drank his whiskey on the house, and left once the songs were over. 
Mikhail had left at eighteen, chasing after opportunities on the edge of the Continent. Zhik had died the year before - the youngest and the weakest of the trio. Not even the Shadowsinger could fight the cold that came for him in the Winter and stole him away before Spring. 
Now it was Alzhar and Jadhan that ran the tavern. Alzhar who poured the Shadowsinger his drinks.
“On the house.” He said, sliding the glass along the countertop. Whiskey. Two fingers. Just how the Shadowsinger liked it. 
“Thanks, Alzhar.” He raised the glass in the air before tossing it back in one shot, grimacing. Either he was getting older, or the whiskey had gotten worse. 
Snow flurried past the windows, more rain than anything else. 
“Happy Solstice day.” The Shadowsinger said with the faintest of smiles. 
“Happy Solstice day.” 
It was no grand holiday in the Midlands, and it certainly could never hold a candle to the festivities that were going on in Velaris, but still, Azriel would take whatever comfort he could get. 
Phaedra had quietly retired from singing, opting to strum along with her guitar in the background. But her daughter led the band now, a vibrant star in the midst of these quiet lands with a smoky voice that was only rivaled by her mother. 
“Happy Solstice day, everyone!” The tavern-goers cheered and a new generation of children shrieked from their spots closest to the stage. “Now I know it’s not looking too great outside, but we all know what dear old, Phaedra says.” 
“Are you calling me old, Miss Devra?” Phaedra hollered, red painted lips turned down in a frown. 
“I’m calling you a dear, Mama. You’re still as young as a rosebud in April.”
“That’s right!” Alzhar whooped. Phaedra winked and blew her future son-in-law a kiss.
Devra’s smile was positively radiant, “Alright, alright well whatever. She says daisies look brightest when they’re down in the shits, but that’s not really the most appetizing turn of phrase now is it?” 
Everyone erupted in a mixture of laughter and cheer.
“Come on now, Dev.” Alzhar called out, “You’ve kept us waiting long enough. Sing!”
She rolled her eyes playfully, “Well since you asked so kindly,” She cleared her throat and began to croon,
“When my mama first warned me you’ve got trouble on your tail, I told her foxes are quick runners and my heart ain’t just for sale. I won’t be wooed by sweet flowers or sugar tea on ice, I just want someone who’ll love me and who’ll never think twice. I’ve-”
The tavern door burst open, letting in a howling blast of night-chilled air tinged with rain and frost. Everyone cringed back except Shadow, clutching at their thick coats and gasping at the sight of the being that came in from the darkness.
The female was anything but cold with her shining, warm eyes and radiant skin. She glowed like she'd been brushed with an otherworldly glimmer. She was sunlight shooting through crystal. 
Dev stopped singing immediately, her hands slipping from the worn out strings with a strangled thrum.
The Shadowsinger stumbled, actually stumbled, to his feet, and the world seemed to fall silent.
Shadows shot out towards her, curling around her legs and licking the hem of her midnight blue coat. She was the moonlit darkness given form, delicate and fierce at the same time. 
“Azriel.” She breathed out, finally giving a name to the nameless fae. “Azriel.” She repeated, still in disbelief.
The Shadowsinger - Azriel - walked forward without a sound, his scarred hands shaking at his sides.
She looked ready to throw her arms around him. Whether it was to embrace him or strangle him was yet to be seen.
Before she could make a move or say anything further, he dropped to his knees, head bowed and trembling. He swallowed thickly, keeping his eyes trained on the floor between her feet like he was scared to even look at her straight on.
If he had been looking at her, he would have seen the horrified shock that parted her lips and widened her eyes.
He pulled out that sleek obsidian blade he carried with him everywhere. The knife seemed to hum, the silent sound reverberating through the room and causing the air above it to warp.
Everyone knew that that knife was as much a part of him as his wings. But he held it out to her now like an offering, wings stretching open so that everyone could see the orange glow of the fire through the thin membrane, and the tendons that flowed through them like rivers.
Alzhar looked to his father in confusion. Was this some fae custom he wasn't aware of? Should they all be bowing to her? Perhaps she was their queen.
But his father only let out a slow breath, shoulders sinking down.
The Shadowsinger was the picture of reverent misery, and he would let her take whatever she wanted for her revenge.
His wings.
His life.
Because I’m waiting for my mate to call me home.
That was what the Shadowsinger had revealed to him years ago, and Jadhan had never forgotten it. 
Because I’m waiting to die.
Her beautiful face crumpled, then turned resolute. She ignored the blade, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and hauling him up to his feet. Azriel’s eyes blew open in surprise.
“You bastard. You absolute bastard.” She said, her silky voice shaking, “I’ve been looking for you for years.” 
“Y/n,” Azriel whispered reverently, “I-” 
She slammed her lips against his, swallowing whatever desperate apology had been about to escape his mouth.
The Shadowsinger froze, then slowly melted into her touch, wrapping his arms around her waist so tightly it was a miracle her ribs didn’t snap. Shadows swirled around the pair in a perfect mixture of light and dark - like moonlight bleeding through winter clouds. 
No one in the tavern could stand to look away. They were absolutely transfixed. Some great power was moving in the world and they could feel it. Magic or not, it demanded to be felt.
When the two fae finally pulled away from each other, gasping for breath, something in the earth seemed to crack open and shake the ground, releasing pressure that had been building for hundreds and hundreds of years. 
Tears slipped out of her eyes, salty and not entirely unwelcome. 
“Oh, Az.” She whispered, cradling his face with one hand and clutching her chest with the other. The Shadowsinger was weeping now, curling into her like a vine seeking sunlight, “How could I have forgotten this?”
He buried his face in her neck, breathing in the scent of elderflower and mountain pine like a man starved. His shadows grew around him, thick and powerful. And before anyone could even let out a strangled gasp, they disappeared with a whisper of smoke and shadow.
You reappeared in darkness, holding Azriel’s shaking body against you like an anchor to a ship. 
“I’m here, Az. I’m here.” You gently shushed him, tangling your fingers through his hair.
You scanned the room finding nothing but a rickety bed and a dresser in the corner by way of furniture, and a small pile of firewood against the wall.
Moonlight streamed in through the roof and you held out a hand, latching onto the rays and weaving them together so tightly they filled the room with a silver glow. 
“Az.” You whispered, all your attention turned back on him, on your mate. "Az." You gently shook him, pressing fervent kisses to his temple until he finally lifted his eyes.
Azriel looked exhausted, purple bruises shading the hollows beneath his gorgeous eyes. 
“How-” Azriel gasped, “How is this-” 
“Bryaxis brought my body to the Cauldron.” You finished, equally out of breath, “It took him years to put me back together but… he did it. He did it, Az.” 
Azriel closed his eyes, sinking to his knees. This time you let him fall. And you fell with him, climbing into his lap so he could bury his face in your wind-swept hair. 
You smelled like home to him.
“Promise me." He begged, "Promise me you’re real, Y/n. Please, promise me. I’ll-I'll do anything." He could feel you on the other end of the bond, your heart pulsing and alive. But… he didn’t know if he'd be able to survive if he woke in the morning to find that this was all some terribly perfect dream.
“I’m here, Az. I’m here.” You replied thickly, “I’m here and I’m whole.” You tugged off your coat, throwing it somewhere behind you, and pulled down the neck of your sweater. A thick line of scar tissue wrapped around your throat, one of the many physical reminders of the horrors Beron had put you through. 
Azriel stilled, one hand daring to trace the pale flesh with a feather-light touch. “I… I did this.” 
“No...No.” You whispered, brushing away the moisture that had collected on his cheeks, “You didn’t do this, Az.”
“I left you behind.” His voice broke. “I took Elain and I left you behind. Y/n, I’m so sorry. Please, I’m so sorry.” 
You flinched and closed your eyes. It was one of your worst memories to date - the sight of Azriel’s broken face as the first ash arrow caught you in the back and brought you to the ground. The second was what had done you in, piercing through the membrane of your wings and digging into the ground, pinning you there.
Azriel had only gripped Elain’s golden form closer to his body. He could only fly one of you out, and in that moment he had made his choice and leapt into the sky. 
Azriel felt your emotion through the bond and desperation flooded his system once again. 
He couldn’t lose you. Not again. Not like this. Not when he had so much to make up for. 
“I know what I did, Y/n. I know it was unforgivable, but I swear to you I will do anything you ask. Whatever it takes. If you’ll just give me a chance, I- ”
“Shhhhhhh.” You shook your head, pressing your finger to his lips and silencing him. “I forgive you, Az.” You said, cupping his face.
He immediately leaned into your touch, craving the feeling of your soft skin against his.
“I don’t-I don't want to think about that anymore. Trust me, I’ve spent the last half a century agonizing over it.” You said, smiling without humor.
His hands rubbed up and down your back, tracing the ruined remnants of your wings and silently begging you to explain.
You hesitated, collecting your words and speaking them carefully, “I would have come sooner but… I was so scared and confused about everything. My body didn’t feel like mine anymore without my wings with-'' Your hand flew up to your throat on instinct. 
Azriel gently pulled your fingers away, kissing the pads of your fingertips all the way to your palm, and then your wrist. His lips brushed against the pulsing vein as soft as a feather. It was such a small point of contact, but it grounded you to reality.
 “I couldn’t remember anything. It was like… like I was starting from scratch. Building my life from the ground up.”
Azriel repeated the gesture with your other hand, soft lips skimming over your skin until you shivered, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” He whispered softly, “I should have been there.” 
“You didn’t know.”
“I should have known.” 
You looked at him for a long time, drinking in the sight of him and refamiliarizing yourself with his face. He did the same with you.
He looked tired and thinner than you remembered, the elegant planes of his face now harsh and sharp. But buried beneath all those years of loneliness, he was still there - your Azriel. The male who never did anything in half-measures. The male who couldn’t help but make some of the most impulsive decisions you’d ever seen in your life, and also some of the most careful. 
Gods, you’d missed him.
You'd missed talking to him and laughing with him. You'd missed the simple joy of being in his presence and the way that the world seemed to fall with hush whenever he entered a room.
“I came for you as soon as I remembered.” You brushed a strand of inky black hair from his forehead, and then flicked him. Hard. “But you just had to go and disappear on the Continent without a trace.” 
That wasn’t completely true. He’d left bloody, brutal footprints for a while, but those had dried up too quickly. 
The smile Azriel gave was weak and dull, but it was a start, “I’m sorry I kept you waiting, Y/n.” 
“That’s alright." You murmured against his lips before kissing him, "You can make it up to me.” 
Azriel’s heart leapt in his chest, and the bond responded in kind, singing louder than a choir of a thousand songbirds. Even after all this time, even after everything, the Shadowsinger hoped. 
“Y/n-” That light began to dim, hateful voices whispering in his ear that he was unworthy of you, that he would destroy this chance at happiness just as swiftly as he’d done the first time, that he would ruin it all, “I don’t deserve-”
“Stop it, Az.” Your words were soft but commanding, “I don’t care about what you think you deserve or don’t deserve. I want you. I want my best friend back. I want you back.” You wiped the tears from your cheeks, “I want you back in Velaris, and if it turns out I’m still pissed at you for everything, we’ll figure it out, ok?” 
You took a shaky breath and Azriel looked up at you in awe. He gathered you in his arms and captured your lips in a softer, more gentle kiss. A kiss that said, I’m tired. I’m so so tired and for the first time in my life I’m going to force the voices that tell me terrible things to be silent.
And it worked for a spell, but Azriel was pulling away again, looking guilty. 
“I’ve already handled Rhys.” 
His brow arched up every so slightly. Your guilty eyes flitted to the side.
You loved Rhys like a brother, and you fought with him like siblings do. That was why the last thing you'd done before leaving Velaris was force him to lift the banishment... and then you'd punched him in the face.
“I wasn’t exactly happy with him when I found out he banished you to the Continent. And to the Midlands too. I’ve heard it’s terribly boring here.” 
Azriel smiled, and this time it was a genuine one full of love and relief, “Everywhere is terribly boring without you. And terribly painful.” 
“That’s a very good answer.” You replied, feeling that a great weight had been lifted off your chest.
He held you in a gentle caress, tracing your brow bone and the curve of your lips and committing the feeling of you to memory.
This was real. This was real. This was real.
You both folded in on each other like paper houses laid to rest, until you were tangled up on the floor. There was a perfectly functional bed not even four feet away, but even that seemed like too much effort after everything that had happened. 
Azriel wrapped his wings protectively around you, settling down with his head against your chest so he could hear your heartbeat. You hummed in tired contentment, peppering his forehead with kisses as your eyelids began to droop. 
“I want to go home, Azriel,” You murmured, “I want to go home with you.” 
Azriel swallowed thickly, “We’ll leave tomorrow first thing in the morning. I promise.” 
You opened a bleary eye, examining your mate quietly, “Do you not want to say goodbye?” 
Azriel kissed your chest, right over your heart. Thirty years ago he would have said yes. He would have taken time to get his affairs in order and to make sure Jadhan and his sons, Phaedra and Devra, and the rest were taken care of. But things had changed, and he knew that no matter what, they would be alright. They would live and travel and fall in love. If they were lucky, they’d experience the joy of dying in their sleep surrounded by loved ones at the end of a long and eventful road. 
“No. No, I don’t think so.” 
You pressed one final kiss to his forehead, absorbing him in the warmth of your arms. Azriel sighed, hanging onto the golden thread in his chest that wrapped around his soul and bound him to you. 
“They’ll be ok, my love.” You murmured.
And so will we. You whispered the promise down the bond, soft and gentle. 
He closed his eyes, pressing the words I love you into your skin.
“I know.” He whispered to the night sky once your breathing had evened out, “I know.” 
That night at the tavern felt like a dream - the kind that left you groggy and awestruck when you initially awoke, and then slipped away like water cupped in a child’s hands. 
Everything seemed louder than before, even though the townspeople walked about in a contemplative daze. It was the forest. That’s what it was. It hummed more brightly. The blanket of power that had rested over the treetops for decades had lifted overnight. 
No one spoke of the events aloud - they were too aware of the enormity of what they’d witnessed - but they all knew the truth.
The Shadowsinger had finally been called home. 
“Quick!” Alzhar’s eldest son, Samu, called out to the twins. They hobbled over as quickly as their stout legs could carry them. 
“Samu,” Niran whined, “I’m tired.”
“Papa said to be back by dark.” Rhaan reminded them all. The only trademark that separated him from his twin brother was the flash of blond through his ruddy brown hair. White-tailed deer they called him.
“I want dinner.” 
“Me too.” 
Samu looked over the hills where the sun was sliding down the sky like rain on a window.
“But we haven’t found the house yet!” He protested.
“We’ve been searching for days.”
“Yeah, we’ve been searching for days.” Niran parroted.
“Of course we have!” He threw his hands up in the air, “Did you really think the Shadowhouse would be easy to find?” He clicked his tongue in disappointment, shaking his head, “Go back if you’re so scared. I’ll look for it myself.” 
Niran and Rhaan looked at each other, identical frowns pulling at their lips. They wanted to prove their worth, but they were still younger than Samu, and their hunger mattered more.
“We’re telling Mama you didn’t listen.”
“I want your dessert.”
“Wait, no. I want it. Can we share?”
“I’m not sharing!”
Samu smiled triumphantly and stomped further into the woods, leaving the twins to their usual bickering.
The little boy sprinted back home hours later, a gleeful kick in his step. The sky was already turned pitch black, but the Mother had sprinkled out the stars like salt to guide him home.
Devra stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips, swollen belly blocking out the roaring firelight like an eclipse. 
“Where have you been?” She gasped out, grabbing Samu’s head and holding him close to her stomach. Samu loved when she did this, convinced that his newest sibling would talk to him first. 
Niran and Rhaan wanted another brother to tussle with, but Samu was hoping for a sister. She could tussle with them too, he was sure.
He ignored her question, grabbing her hand and hauling her back inside, “Papa! BaBa! I found it! I found the Shadowhouse.” 
Niran and Rhaan popped out from their bedroom, clambering after their older brother as he dragged their mother along.
Jadhan and Alzhar looked up with relief. Jadhan’s hair had turned white as snow in his old age and hints of gray were beginning to sprout from Alzhar’s temples.
“Samu, what have we told you about staying out past-”
“The Shadowsinger left something for you and Baba.”
“What?!” Jadhan sat up straighter, grimacing at the painful twist of his leg. He motioned his grandson closer, helping him climb onto the bed.
The little boy dropped the blue-velvet bag into his outstretched hands, leaning back on his heels with rapt attention. Samu, being the boy that he was, hadn’t opened it on the whole journey over and was now buzzing to learn what secrets it held within.
Jadhan was immediately startled by the weight of the parcel. 
“Open it!”
“Wait! I want to see!” 
“Help me up!” 
Alzhar and Devra relented, picking up the twins and leaning close. Their own curiosity was itching to be satisfied.
Jadhan opened the bag and tipped it over spilling dozens of gold coins onto the quilt. Devra gasped, her hands flying up to her mouth. Alzhar didn’t bother hiding his shock, his mouth agape. 
It was more money than they’d ever seen in their lives, Jadhan didn’t concern himself with it - he hadn’t had to worry about money in a long while. Instead, he picked up the slip of paper that had also fallen out, carefully unfolding it with trembling, wrinkled fingers.
For all the drinks “on the house” and for your son, Mikhail, who traveled to the edges of the Continent and made it possible for my mate to find me and bring me home.
Scrawled on the lower edge of the paper were more words, cramped and small like they’d been jotted down as an after-thought. 
Also, your whiskey is absolutely disgusting. Never let anyone else drink it.
Everyone stilled, watching Jadhan carefully. 
Without warning, the old man tipped his head back and roared with laughter.
Samu leaned back in surprise. His grandfather was a naturally solemn man, and he'd never heard him laugh so loudly and so fiercely.
Alzhar reached for the slip of paper, skimming the words quickly.
"No!" He cried out in disbelief, "Stop! This can't be. Devra, look-"
One by one the adults fell into fits of roaring laughter, collapsing onto Jadhan's bed or onto the floor. Even the boys cheered - confused but happy to be part of whatever story had just finished unfolding.
Jadhan was seventy-one years old when he died, and he died laughing, surrounded by his family at the end of a long road.
Down the street in the tavern, the band was still playing the same old songs, although they were being performed by yet another generation of songbirds. But, there was one new addition to the repertoire.
A song penned by Phaedra and aptly named The Ballad of the Shadowsinger years before her quiet passing. 
It was always the last song of the night. Always. And it ended like this: 
Come Solstice day
Come wind or rain
Now calls the heather
The Midlands will have no reason to dismay
For the Shadowsinger has been called home again
Another author's note:
I feel like I threw in so many new human characters so I made a family tree. Ha!
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Also, please enjoy the small essay I wrote last night after writing this oneshot...
From last night:
Listen, some red flags are just pale orange scraps of fabric when you’re an immortal non-human being who’s been alive for hundreds of years. Don’t come for me. I’m so tired. It’s 3am. I should sleep. 
Ok, note from Florence B at 3:16am because I am making CONNECTIONS. Not all of this was intentional, but maybe it was? Maybe I’m just stringing connections after the fact.  Maybe I’m a genius. Probably not, but still. I’m so tired, guys. Why am I doing this right now? I should be sleeping but I can’t sleep so I’m going to do this instead.
Buckle down folks for the essay I am about to write: 
I have my qualms about the ACOTAR books, as I’m sure most people do. Don’t get me wrong, they’re wonderful reads and it’s the series that got me back into reading after college, but they’re not perfect by any means.
One thing I think that gets brushed under the rug (especially given how ALL the batboys fall for girls who are literally in their late teens/mid-twenties - it’s a major red flag but we forgive because it’s fiction) is how DIFFERENTLY fae experience time. LIke, these fuckers live hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of years. The only way they die is if they get killed, like purposely poisoned or stabbed or whatever have you. I tried to write this/touch upon this when Azriel describes how he’s jealous of Jadhan for his humanity and how no matter what, Azriel is stuck potentially living an ETERNITY with the reality of what he’s done. It’s why for me - personally - all the stuff about the mate bond driving males mad or the choice that Rhysand and Feyre make to bind their lives to one another kind of makes sense. Like, if I was faced with an eternal life sentence in a world that was as brutal and cruel as the ACOTAR universe is, HECK YEAH I MIGHT BIND MY LIFE TO SOMETHING/SOMEONE I CARED ABOUT! I’M NOT DOING THIS SHIT ALONE! You’ve gotta retire from the game at SOME point. 
I know I probably made things really confusing by introducing a whole host of human characters spanning several generations (re: the family tree up above), but as I previously mentioned, I thought it was important to do this to contextualize/compare the lifespan of a fae to a normal human. While Jadhan is growing up, getting a job, getting married, having kids, Azriel is still struggling with his banishment to the Midlands and his own sense of self-worth. The line about Jadhan approaching Azriel and offering him money to kill his abusive father who broke his leg was thrown in there later on around the 1am mark. And I didn’t think of it much - I just wanted a reason for Azriel to know Jadhan personally throughout his life from childhood to old age. BUT! Now that I think I’m thinking about it more, it makes sense that Azriel would be able to accept Y/n’s forgiveness so quickly. He sees a lot of himself in young Jadhan and by helping him escape his abusive father(albeit by violent means) and watching him grow up into a strong man and a good father, Azriel’s helping heal his own inner child. 
The kids! Oh my goodness I love the kids so much. Once I threw the first kid into the story I thought - fuck it, we’re going to make the parallelism painfully obvious with Azriel seeing himself, Rhys, and Cassian mirrored in Mikhail, Alzhar, and Zhik. Then of course I had to bring things around full circle and give Alzhar three boys and a girl on the way (yes, Devra is pregnant with a girl and Samu is going to shower her with all the love that Rhys gave his own sister). 
Finally, I’m going to address any comments about Y/n forgiving Azriel too quickly. 1) I feel like it is a universally acknowledged/unacknowledged truth that no one hates Azriel as much as he hates himself. And no punishment could ever be worse than the self-loathing he feels for himself (NOTE: people, if a partner/romantic love interest/friend/crush/whatever EVER says this kind of stuff to you, drop them like a two-ton boulder. That’s a major red flag, but once again this is a fictional man/fae so we can let it slide). 2) Once again, these fae are literally HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD. I can only speak for myself when I say this, but I feel like if I had known and loved someone for that long, I would be willing to forgive a lot and trust that time might be able to heal deeper wounds than humans are used to. Time is precious to us humans, we can’t always afford to wait and hope for things to get better on their own, but fae can. 
Are those all my thoughts? I think those are all my thoughts. It’s 3:47am now. Oh jeez. To future me: I’m so sorry if you have to read this and it’s bad and you have a coffee-fueled headache all day because I fucked things up for us. 
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706 notes · View notes
kasagia · 1 year
My love will never die
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/General Kirigan/The Darkling x moon summoner! reader Summary: You knew Aleksander before he was a Black Heretic, a foldmaker. You married him and promised to be by his side through thick and thin. And you never, ever regretted your choice. However, one day, your paths parted in an unfortunate way, and you both believed that the love of your lives was gone forever. After many centuries, you meet again with a man very similar to your Aleksander. And you start to wonder... maybe your love never die after all? Warning(s): ANGST, de@th mention, the reader yearns for Aleksander, and Aleksander yearns for the reader :c I USED FRAGMENT OF THE SONG "Jeg Saler Min Ganger" FROM THE SERIES "LOKI" Nonsense from me: So this is request from @morrigan-crowmwell Thank you so much, I was super excited to write this! I hope this is more or less what you asked for and that you like it.♡♡ I'm sorry it took me soooo long! ♡♡ Word count: 13k
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"Aleksander Morozova! You'll be late to meet your mother!" you squealed as he stole another long kiss from you. "We don't have time for this, Sasha." you moaned, when he moved his lips to your sensitive neck.
"Nonsense… I always have time to properly say goodbye to my wife before I leave." he murmured against your skin, sucking on your weak spot behind your ear. He smiled slyly, hearing the sweet moan coming from your red lips, swollen from kissing.
Saints, he could stay in your arms for the rest of eternity.
"As much as your wife loves your goodbyes, she'd rather her mother-in-law didn't wander in the middle of one, looking for her spoiled son."
"This is how you say goodbye to your husband, lapushka? Calling him spoiled and hurting his feelings?" he asked indignantly, hovering over his beautiful wife and looking at her intently. He wanted to burn the view below him into his mind until he was back in her arms again.
"I have been "goodbye-ing" you for three hours, Aleksander. Don't you think that's enough for a 4 day trip?"
"I need at least one more hour to enjoy you." he murmured, placing more kisses on your already-marked neck.
"If Baghra finds us…" you moaned as he bit your neck gently, effectively silencing you, and got out of your head all the reasons why he should go now.
"It would be helpful if you would stop thinking about my mother while I try to kiss every inch of your gorgeous skin. Besides, don't worry about her. She likes you—sometimes even more than her own son, I have to admit. If anything, she'll blame me."
"Don't worry, sobachka (puppy), you'll always be my favourite." you smirked, flipping him onto the mattress of your bed and straddling him, marking his skin with your lips, making sure you'd give him back the same favour.
"I thought we didn't have time for this?" he purred meanly, pleased with your attention.
"Shut up and kiss me, Sasha." you demanded with an equally malicious gleam in your eyes, knowing full well how this would end. Bagra was right. You had him wrapped around your little finger. Which was good considering how many female Grishas wanted to catch his eye.
"As you wish, milaya." without a second's hesitation, he grabbed your cheek and pulled you into a kiss, pinning you back under him on the mattress.
Disappointment, as usual, overtook you after waking up from this beautiful dream. During those few centuries, flashbacks about HIM only became more frequent. Someone should hang that fool who said time heals all wounds. In your case, it only made it worse.
You'd give anything to go back a few hundred years and not let him go alone with his mother on this trip. You didn't even remember why they went to Aleksander's sister.
You had a vague memory of that day, only remembering the morning with your husband and the fragments of the Fjerdans' attack on your village.
But the moment you found out you were a moon summoner will forever be etched deep in your memories.
You helped your best friend's family and herself escape when the men attacked you. You defended yourself using all the tricks and attacks Alexander had taught you, but it wasn't enough against a band of trained soldiers.
Just as he was about to slash his sword at you, you felt heat radiating deep from your chest. You screamed, falling to your knees as light began to emit from you, blinding some soldiers and killing those close to you. The first time you've used the cut and your power.
You escaped with your friend and her brother - the last survivors, and hid in the city, pretending to be siblings who managed to survive the great fire caused by Grisha.
It was hard to pretend to hate your own people and even harder to hide your new powers. But the hardest thing was going through all this without Aleksander by your side.
You tried to contact him, search in every possible way. But the world was different back then. Your attempts in advance were doomed to failure. And you knew it. But your stupid heart made you search for your husband until the end.
And you did. Until the news of the Black Heretic, the shadow summoner, who died while creating the fold, spread across the world.
You mourned Aleksander for a long time. Your life went on, but the wound of losing your husband never healed. And you knew it wouldn't. He was your great, true love. Your end game. It was impossible to let him go, to make place in your heart for someone new.
Time passed, and everything around you slowly changed. Except you. Your friends got old, grey, and wrinkled. And you remained the same as those decades ago. Then you discovered your second curse. You were immortal.
You and Aleksander could have lived together forever if not for Shu Han's and Fjerda's people.
It was the time when you vowed to finish Aleksander's work at any cost. His sacrifice will not be in vain. You were supposed to build a Ravka safe for the Grishas. All you needed was a sun and shadow summoner.
So you waited. At any sign of the sun summoner's presence. You knew Aleksander's lineage was fine. People often spoke of the descendants of the Black Heretic. You've never come close to them. You didn't want to relive the pain that would be associated with being with a member of his family. Aleksander had no children, but his sister probably did; maybe even Baghra found someone - you weren't sure about the old woman's fate.
The past centuries have not been kind to you. But this month was fruitful in terms of good news. The sun summoner has been found, the king of Ravka was ill, and your men were on the trail of Morozova's deer.
And that's how you were on your way to meet Alina Starkov and the descendant of the Morozovas, General Kirigan.
You were supposed to change the world together - in memory of your Aleksander.
Aleksander had never been in such a hurry to get home before.
He was so desperate to have you in his arms again that he even ignored all of his mother's taunts, remarks, and other snide comments. All that mattered to him now was coming home to you.
That's why he bravely endured his mother's teasing remarks as they rode horseback towards your cottage.
He was excited, only moments away from returning to the love of his life.
He missed you more than he dared admit to anyone. And he was a little ashamed of how an ordinary woman without Grisha's powers, like you, could have such power over him.
NO. You were not ordinary. You were his wife, friend, lover, support, rock, asylum, home. The only one to whom he entrusted his heart and soul voluntarily and without the slightest hesitation.
And with this gift his sister gave him, Aleksander will make sure you stay with him forever. That you'll live as long as he does. Neither of them, nor he, Baghra, nor his sister knew if this "gift" would work.
But Aleksander would be damned if he didn't try to keep you in his arms forever.
It didn't matter how many times he failed, trying to make you his equal, trying to turn you into a Grisha with similar powers to his. He was ready to do everything for you.
Aleksander sped up seeing your house. In his haste, he didn't even notice that he had lost his mother and that the scenery around him seemed to be getting darker and more frightening.
He practically leapt off his horse and raced to the door, opening it and rushing inside as fast as he could.
"Y/N?! Sweetheart, I'm home!" he shouted, expecting that as soon as you heard his voice, you would come running, throwing yourself into his arms.
But he was greeted by nothing but a terrible, deadly silence.
The scattered things in the corridor made him slightly anxious, but he dismissed his dark thoughts by saying that you were a little mess. However, after he still didn't hear any response from you, he started to worry.
He entered the living room only to find shattered furniture, an overturned bookshelf, and a broken window.
He panicked. He went mad with fear, screaming your name and running around the house like crazy, looking for you or any clues to where you might have run away.
His heart stopped when he found your battered body under an overturned wardrobe.
In the blink of an eye, he got you out from under the furniture and took you in his arms, trying to bring you back to consciousness.
"Y/N, please, Y/N, open your eyes! You can't leave me, not like that! Y/N! My sweet wife, my heart, please open your eyes!" he was shaking you in panic, begging all the saints to prove his dark suppositions wrong.
"Aleksander?" your quiet, tearful whisper both relieved him and broke his heart.
You lived. He hasn't lost you yet.
He couldn't lose you. He has to take you to the healer.
"Yes, love, it's me. Everything is fine now. I got you. Just stay with me until I get a help."
"You promised to protect me... why didn't you protect me, Aleksander? Have you stopped loving me?" your desperate whimper tore his soul in half. He began to shake all over, despising the feeling of helplessness and distress that had completely taken over him.
"What? No, I'll always love only you..." he felt your body suddenly go limp in his arms. He gripped your shoulders even tighter, shaking you in his panic attack. "Y/N? Y/N?! Y/N open your eyes! Y/N no! Don't leave me! Darling, no!" he screamed desperately in pain, burying his head in your hair and crying as he knelt on the floor and rocked with your cold body in his arms.
Aleksander sprang from his bed.
The general was breathing fast, trying to calm himself after another nightmare involving you.
His beautiful wife. His epic love.
For hundreds of years, the day he lost the only love of his life played out in his nightmares in different ways. This time, his subconscious was kind enough to let him talk to you for a while. Usually, he finds your body either impaled or dismembered. He never managed to save you. With none of those dreams.
His dreams might have macabred the events of that day, but he had never, in all those hundreds of years of his life, forgotten what really happened. He has not forgotten the grief, anger, sadness, and despair that overcame him when he and Baghra found their village burned to the ground without any trace of you.
Despite his search, he still didn't know what really happened to you, and he doubted he'd ever find out the truth. If all this had happened a few years later, if he hadn't been a boy just discovering the true power growing within him then, but the man he is now, you'd never despair like that. You'd never leave him to mourn over the future you two could have if only he was more powerful.
He was trying to fool himself. Telling himself that if you survived, you would have lived a much better life than you'd lived with him by your side. What could he have given you, then? An uncertain future, living in hiding, being hunted by the king's men? You were worth much more. You were worth all the jewels and treasures of this land, safety, peace, family, and happiness. Aleksander couldn't give you that. Not then.
He couldn't remember how many sleepless nights he'd spent wishing he could meet you now, to have you by his side, when he was this powerful man who could look after you properly, who would throw the world at your feet or burn it to the ground, depending on your humour.
But every time the sun came up and he had to continue playing his new role, the bitter reality made him realise that he would never have you again. He will never feel your soft skin under his fingers again, never lose himself in those beautiful, mesmerising irises, never run his hand through your hair, never take in your wonderful, intoxicating scent, and never taste your alluring, feisty lips again.
He was alone. And he will be until the end.
Until he widens the fold and makes sure no more Grisha dies at the hands of common otkazat'sya. That none of his people will repeat your fate.
He was supposed to change the world - in memory of his Y/N.
And then, maybe fate will be kind enough to reunite him with his beloved wife on the other side.
Alina Starkov was a pain in the ass.
It took the girl only 15 minutes to run away from Kirigan's Grishas and get herself into trouble. She has damn luck that you decided to follow her and rescue her sunny ass.
You disappeared as soon as you made eye contact with her after you burned the Fjerdans with your pale, white light.
You wandered through the forest, cursing under your breath at the carelessness of both sun and shadow summoners. You didn't know which was worse, the impetuous girl or the thoughtless general who just let her get away.
With helpers like that, you'll have to work twice as hard to make the fold bigger. Fate really had no mercy on you.
You stood by the river, sighing in relief as you washed the blood from your face with cold water.
Your moment of peace didn't last long, however. You sensed an additional presence—someone creeping towards you. You took out one of your daggers and braced yourself for an attack.
But the moment you turned to face your opponent, you froze.
He was standing in front of you. In a black kefta, a man so like your husband that just looking at him hurts you more than any blade could. This gaze, this face, were hunting you each night, every time you closed your eyes. And now he was standing right before you.
And the worst of it all was that it wasn't your Aleksander.
Only his descendant looking just like him. A shell that resembles the only man you've ever loved.
In your rage, you attacked him first, taking out your anger on him for the saints for continuing to play you mercilessly by putting your husband's doppelgänger in your way.
But Kirigan did not give up so easily. As soon as you moved towards him, he too snapped out of his strange daze and drew his dagger as well. The clang of metal echoed across the clearing as you both tried to find the other's weak spot. Oddly enough, you both did it at the same time.
"Put that down and I'll consider whether or not to spare your life." he growled, holding your arm in a tight grip as he felt your nails digging through the skin on his hand.
"Femoral artery. You'll bleed out faster than me." you replied with a malicious smirk, ignoring his threats.
"Who are you?"
"My mother taught me better than to make friends with the stranger freak in the forest, sir. Especially when they have a dagger dangerously close to my back." you kicked him, pushing him away from you, and attacked again. The clanking of steel against each other echoed across the clearing as your daggers met halfway. You growled in frustration, pushing him away.
"Your mother should teach you not to attack everyone you meet. You may encounter someone much stronger than you." Kirigan recovered faster this time, storming at you.
You ended up in a rather uncomfortable position as you held the steel against his heart and he wrapped his arm halfway around you, pulling you close. You didn't know if you were more dissatisfied with the metal digging into your chest or with his hands on you.
"And yours that you shouldn't raise a hand against a woman. I guess they both failed."
Did you both just say the exact same thing when you first met your husband? Yes.
Will he get lenient treatment from you just because he looks like your Aleksander? Absolutely fucking no.
Taking advantage of his moment of inattention as he stared at you distractedly, you pulled out the second hidden dagger and placed it against his neck. You tried to push his hand away from you, but the man, feeling the extra-cold blade against his skin, woke up from his trance and grabbed your left hand aggressively.
He moved your blade away from his neck and pinned you to the tree, slamming your left hand hard against the trunk, making the weapon fly out of your hand and bury itself in the ground near his foot.
Kirigan pressed his dagger to your side, leaning closer to you. He stared intently into your eyes, and for a brief moment you saw longing flicker in his dark eyes, which then gave way to rage and frustration, equal to the one that exploded inside you the moment you saw him. The moment you noticed that saints still played cruel with you by creating someone so damn similar to your husband.
He has no right to have the same face and eyes as your lost love.
"What. Are. You?" he asked, pausing on each word to intimidate you and bring his face closer to yours. But you didn't care much. You have hundreds of years; nothing, especially the doppelgänger of the man you love, could scare you.
You stared at each other with hostile eyes, and for some reason (other than your dagger at his thigh), he had some sort of hatred for you as well. So much so that he didn't notice how your powers reached for each other where your skin touched.
Strangely, it felt familiar to you. HE felt familiar.
You stared into each other's eyes as you unknowingly leaned in closer. You were about to try to break free from his grip when a sudden snap of branches caught your attention.
"That's you! She saved me from the Frejdans, sir." Alina's voice pulled him out of this strange moment between you two.
You wanted to find a sun summoner. You spent several hundred years on this, but the girl had hellishly bad timing.
Kirigan moved away from you, but you both continued to aim your daggers at each other, not trusting each other for a moment. Even though Alina just admitted that you saved her life.
"Why did you do that?"
"Someone so powerful like you should recognise when they stand before their equal, general Kirigan." you sneered, glancing for a moment at the woman standing next to both of you. Fortunately, nothing happened to her. She had a few scratches, but nothing that even the most ordinary medic couldn't heal.
"And how exactly are we equal?"
You smirked mischievously as you slipped the dagger into your sheath.
You linked your hands, focusing on the warm feeling of your light coursing through your veins, and without taking your eyes off the general's, you pulled them apart, revealing a thread of white light. You spread your arms wider, causing the rays to illuminate the clearing around you.
They both stared at you in amazement as your light turned into stars, which then arranged themselves into constellations. Figures of saints ran around you until you flicked your wrist to make them disappear.
"Melinoe Petrova. Moon Summoner. I think the three of us are going to change the world together."
You watched the speechless Alina with satisfaction, but your smile faded as you shifted your gaze to Kirigan. You had some difficulty reading him, but even more so understanding the longing in his eyes.
It seems your problems with a shadowman have only just begun…
Kirigan didn't trust you.
You weren't surprised by it, but you hoped it would be easier for you to manipulate him. Apparently, the descendant of Aleksander inherited family cunning and distrust.
It's been a month since your little encounter (and fight) in the woods. In the meantime, you've been living in the Little Palace with the other Grishas; you met the king and got your own fancy kefta.
Black kefta. With moons, stars, and so on.
You wouldn't care about the colour of the fabric if it didn't turn out that only Kirigan wore one. Bloody Alina was the first to find Genya and get herself a blue one. So you stayed in your black kefta, pretending the general wasn't trying to mark you as his property.
But the son of a bitch liked your look in his colours too much for you to accept it.
It didn't help that he was too much like your Aleksander, either. Many times you've held back from taunting, making snide comments, or yelling at him just because those fucking dark eyes looked at you, taking you back hundreds of years to the time when HE was by your side and looked at you like that.
The similarity between them was not only in appearance. They had a lot in common when it came to character traits. Stubborn, mischievous, prescient, well-read... sometimes, when you spent too much time in his war room, you found yourself thinking of him as your Aleksander.
So slowly, despite all your self-loathing, you fell in love with the general.
That's why you were hiding from him in the library, hoping Alina, Zoya, or anyone else would keep him busy tonight enough to forget that you were supposed to meet him after dinner.
You had to suppress that stupid feeling. He was not Aleksander. He was just your husband's doppelgänger. Just a shell of your lover.
"Mel? Are you okey?" Alina's soft, concerned whisper snapped you out of your thoughts.
"I'm fine. Another nightmare?" you asked, patting the space next to you and opening the edge of the blanket for the girl to sit with you.
Your beginnings with Alina were not colourful; the sunny girl irritated you and could easily throw you off balance. But as time passed, you became friends to the point where you comforted her after her nightmares about the fold and the deaths of her loved ones. Sometimes you would read her old Ravkan fairy tales or sneak into the kitchen for hidden sweets. In more critical situations, you would drag her outside to the gardens, where you would sit on the pier by the lake, watching it gleam in the moonlight.
In a way, you too found solace in comforting the girl. It was nice to have company after being alone for so long. Fighting your past, which was showing up in your dreams, was easier with a ray of sunshine by your side.
"No. This time I can't sleep."
"Are you bothered by overly comfortable pillows, or maybe our princess felt a pea under the mattress?" Alina snorted, shaking her head. It took her some time to realise that your sarcastic remarks were not intended to offend her but merely to make her laugh.
"I'm thinking about Mal."
"Oh yeah… your boyfriend and childhood friend, what's up with him?" you asked, slamming the book shut to turn all your attention to the black-haired girl.
"He's not my boyfriend. We are only friends." she murmured, blushing, obviously awkward at your apt comment.
"Sunshine, I can recognise the face and eyes of a woman in love. You can't hide your feelings from me."
"Well, you're not the only one with this gift. Kirigan also gives you an infatuated man's look. Don't deny it! Even Ivan can see it. I think that already half of the second army knows about their general's fondness for the moon summoner." she teased you with a cocky smirk on her face. You rolled your eyes, returning your attention to your book.
"Please, half of the Grishas look at me like that."
You knew what Alina meant. Kirigan looked to you as the solution to his fold problems - as did the other Grishas. Little did they know that instead of being their saviour, you gonna be their worst nightmare... a White Heretic.
"No, not in that way. They look at you, at us, as saints, as saviours who can destroy the fold. He admires you, not your power. And judging by the fact that you're still wearing a black kefta, he's not indifferent to you either."
You inadvertently snuggled deeper into the black material. Alina was partly right; maybe you didn't want to get involved in any romance, but it would definitely be easier to manipulate the general who is infatuated with you. You could have taken advantage of the fact that seeing you in his colours put him in a strangely pleasant mood. You've used your black clothes more than once as a weapon in your negotiations with the dark general.
"I have a black kefta because some irritatingly fast sun summoner found Genya first and got herself a dark blue one. You didn't leave me much choice, Alina."
"How sorry I am for that. By the way, Kirigan asked about you. He waits in his chambers, longing to finally see you after you've been ruthlessly ignoring him all day."
"I'm not done with you, Starkov!" you shouted after her, but the girl was already at the door, sticking her tongue out at you.
"See you in the morning, Petrova! You will tell me about your meeting with the General." she said as she walked away, slamming the library door.
"That little bitch." you muttered under your breath, wondering if you should go. You could have lied to him and said that you didn't meet Alina and forgot about your meeting. You only doubted the sun summoner's loyalty to you...
However, you started gathering your things, knowing full well that you would have to leave the library anyway.
You frowned as you heard soft footsteps behind you that probably no normal human would have heard… at least not one who hadn't lived at least a hundred years of hiding and running.
"Ivan." you greeted him without turning to face him. The man stopped, obviously surprised that you sensed his presence. However, he quickly returned to his unemotional mode.
"Miss Petrova. The General requests your presence in the war room."
"I was on my way." you replied, knowing full well that the man knew the truth. More than once, he chased you around the Little Palace at the general's behest. Fortunately, he had enough sense in his head not to make Kirigan aware that your memory was reliable and you didn't meet him only out of your own reluctance (actually, a huge desire to see him). "Alina just told me he wants to see me."
Ivan nodded and waited for you to escort you to the war room.
Considering the fact that you were a regular visitor to Kirigan's war room, you should know the way to his chambers. But each time, you seemed to take a completely different route than the last time.
Ivan had to repay your elusiveness by making the longest trips to the general's room.
But this time, heartrender quickly dropped you off at his general's door and, wishing you good night, disappeared into one of the corridors.
You sighed, not wanting to face your growing infatuation and subsequent attempts to manipulate the general into carrying out your plans today.
You opened the door, entering the "vestibule". You pricked up your ears as you heard Kirigan talking to someone very familiar. Zoya.
"You used to call on me. On times like this. Your table wasn't messy, and in bed, it was me instead of these books. I can help you make it all right. Just let yourself relax." without knowing why, you wanted to go in there and interrupt whatever plan she had to seduce him. And not because you felt jealousy eating you up inside. You were supposed to be the one to lead him by the nose to do whatever you wanted. Not that windy bitch who was ruining your plan.
"I shall relax when my moon summoner comes here to help me with this. With her by my side, you don't need to worry about me anymore. I'm with the perfect helper." you chuckled internally, wanting so much to see the look on her face after he had rejected her. You figured this would be the perfect time to step in.
"Am I disturbing?" you asked as you walked inside.
If Zoya was an inferni, the general's room would probably go up in flames at the sight of you. Kirigan, on the other hand, seemed very pleased to see you. His eyes were focused only on you. And your black nightgown, over which you threw on (also the black) kefta he ordered.
"Not at all. Zoya was about to leave a few minutes ago."
"General." he said. Kirigan did not even glare at her as she bowed to him. She walked past you, giving you a hostile look, which you only smirked at.
"Didn't you forget something?" Kirigan's sharp question broke the silence between the three of you. Zoya stood immobile, as if engraved. She stared at the general for a moment, then clenched her hands into fists and bowed to you.
"Miss Petrova." she growled, then stormed out of the war room, slamming the door.
"It wasn't necessary. You'll only infuriate her more by forcing her to show me respect." you said, turning to face the general, who was suddenly right behind you. He was the only one who could sneak up on you. A skill he used extensively.
"You're the moon summoner… you'll get all the respect you deserve. I'll make sure about it." he murmured, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"You can't make people do it. Respect is something that has to be earned, something that has no meaning if it is given involuntarily." his silence surprised you. He usually answered your words with 10 of his. But now he was staring at you silently, which didn't help your already fast-beating heart. "So what do we have on the agenda today, general? Arguments about whether we really need First Army soldiers or you don't know where Loavana is."
"I know where Loavana is. I was tired then, and besides, you were the one who turned the map and misled me."
"Of course, general." you snorted, smiling teasingly. You moved to the other side of the table, tactically increasing the distance between you. "So, did you summon me for any reason other than staring at my natural glow? Because honestly, I'm getting a little bored." you said as you sat down on the table and casually reached for one of the orders he had written.
"Always impatient." he muttered, suddenly appearing in front of you and gently taking the paper from your hand.
"Always too mysterious."
"This may surprise you, but I have other things on my mind than your natural glow, little moon."
"What a shame." you murmured, placing your hand over your heart in a hurt gesture. But you became serious when you saw him staring dully at the map. "What's bothering you?"
"The Fjerdans have moved closer to our border."
"How many?" you asked, jumping off the table and turning your full attention to the distressed general.
"Several branches. Enough to get our attention and attack one of our regiments." he replied, pouring himself a glass of liquor and handing you your own.
"We need to speed up Alina's training. Before all hell breaks loose and our great king orders our troops to be divided to fight the Fjerdans. The fold case must be finally closed. Before we go to another war. For now, we have to send some of our healers and additional troops there. If there are more of Grishas there, no Fjerdan will dare attack them. They will shift their attention to the soldiers of the first army, and this will no longer be a direct problem for us." you turned to him, confused by his silence. Kirigan stared at you with a gentle, tender smile on his face and a longing, dreamy look. The silence between the two of you and the gaze he was giving you embarrassed you. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong?"
"No." he grunted, shaking his head as he blushed slightly when you caught him staring. "I just... I was fighting this war alone for so long."
This was the moment. You had to cast your net over him, surround him at his most vulnerable, and make him fall for you.
But you forgot to guard your own heart in the process...
You grabbed his hand. Your powers combined as usual when your skin touched, causing you to be enveloped in the utter darkness of his shadows, with only the white light emanating from your joined hands illuminating your faces.
"You're not alone." you whispered, afraid to break the spell between you. Afraid that the moment your voice reaches him, those damn hypnotic eyes will tear away from yours. Afraid your mind is about to scold the stupid heart that beat for the man before you. A man who, for the sake of your sanity, was too much like the husband you loved.
"I've been waiting a long time for you." he replied just as quietly, afraid to break the sanctity of the moment. Afraid it was another of his cruel dreams where he would have your dead body in his arms again. But the reality was even more brutal for him. Because the woman who stood before him, the woman who looked exactly like his wife, wasn't her at all. And that didn't stop his cold, centuries-old heart from beating for her.
"Believe me, not as long as me." you whispered. Tears began to gather in his eyes, threatening to spill out as he raised his other trembling hand and cupped your cheek. The feel of his cold hand on your face made you realise what you were doing. He was not Aleksander. He wasn't yours. And you will never be his. "I think I should go." you grunted, stepping away from him.
His shadows returned to him, as did your light. Everything has returned to normal. Except for the frantic beating of the hearts of the two of you.
"Don't forget about tomorrow's ball. We're supposed to put on a little show for the king and his nobility."
"How could I forget that we're supposed to be circus monkeys tomorrow?" you asked with a pugnacious smirk, to which he just shook his head in amusement.
"Don't let anyone else hear it. I don't want to visit you in a dungeon… however tempting you look in chains." his bold suggestion shocked you, but you decided to play on without giving him a chance to have the last word. You walked over to him and, ignoring his intense gaze, whispered in his ear with your lips brushing his earlobe.
"I'm not that easy to put in chains, general." you brushed his cheek with yours and disappeared from the war room at the speed of light.
It was something you could do. Game, flirt, chase, challenge—all kept away from any emotion other than lust. It was a game. Manipulation game. And you were going to win it. For your Aleksander and other Grishas.
Your dress was so beautiful and wonderful. You admire Genya's skills, but what she did for you this time was indescribable.
With trembling hands, you smoothed the fabric of the dress around your waist, admiring the intricate embroidery of the constellations. The white and silver threads shone in the candlelight like real stars on your dark blue dress.
You didn't like getting dressed up, getting your hair up in a fancy hairstyle, or wearing those uncomfortable ball gowns. In fact, you've only worn formal clothes a few times in your life. But only twice did you feel like a true goddess, a queen. Today and on your wedding day.
"Who put that veil on you?" Baghra's grumpy tone snapped you out of your thoughts as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You had a lovely dress, even considering that neither you nor Aleksander and his mother had as much money compared to other families. But it didn't matter. Not for you. The most important was Alexander and you. And not the judgmental looks of other people. It was your day and no one could ruin it for you.
"Myself. Something's wrong?"
The woman sighed as she walked over to you and unfastened it with unusual delicacy for her, mumbling something about your blindness as she adjusted your crooked veil.
"Now. You look almost properly. You're missing one thing."
"Which is?"
She reached into the pouch strapped to her side and pulled out something shiny. She gestured for you to turn towards the mirror. You did it while watching a woman put the most beautiful necklace you've ever seen around your neck.
"Bagra is… it's wonderful. I can't…"
"Yes, you can. And you will be. I won't let that old hag gossip about my daughter looking like a poor peasant on her wedding day."
"Thank you." you whispered in a shaky voice, more concerned that the woman called you her daughter than the ridiculously expensive and beautiful necklace.
"Come on. Don't cry, or you'll turn red and scare everyone, including my son. You'd better hurry up. The boy is about to have a heart attack if you're another minute late. If it wasn't for Ulla, he would have run here 10 minutes ago."
"Did she manage to come?" you asked as she took your arm with the obvious intention of walking you down the aisle.
"Of course. That's my daughter. She wouldn't waste the opportunity to tease her crazy-in-love brother." you giggled, not missing her little smile. The woman stopped right in front of the exit door, giving you a serious look. "Y/N, are you absolutely sure you want this? You know our true origins, my boy's character, and all the dark things our family has been through. Are you absolutely sure you want to join this mess? 'Cause once we walk through that door, there's no turning back."
"I think we both know the answer to that question, Baghra."
"No. I need to hear it. Do you truly want this?"
"I dream of nothing more than marrying Aleksander, and spending my whole life with him, no matter how long or short it may be."
The woman nodded silently and opened the door.
A wide smile appeared on your face as soon as your gaze met the clearly nervous Aleksander. He calmed down the moment he saw you, an equally goofy, in-love smirk playing on his lips. And when he finally had you at arm's length, he didn't hesitate to grab your hands in his firm grip, never taking his eyes off yours for a moment.
It was just you and him. Lost in your love.
And so began your little eternity together... shorter than either of you would have liked.
You'll always remember that day, even if it was associated with bittersweet memories of your all-too-short marriage. A single tear fell from your eye. You wiped it with the sleeve of your dress.
Your hand automatically wandered under your dress, absently stroking the Baghra's necklace to which you had attached your wedding ring. The only memento of your past.
In another life, you and Aleksander could have had it all.
"Little moon? Are you ready?" Kirigan entered your room." We're going... soon." you could see in the mirror how he froze as his eyes met your reflection in the silver mirror.
You turned to him, making a sweeping movement with your skirt. You wouldn't waste your chance to be a diva. However, you yourself soon succumbed to a similar blackout as his as soon as you assumed the general's appearance.
The saints really liked to torment you.
There was no other explanation for why the man in front of you looked almost exactly like your husband on your wedding day.
Aleksander couldn't take his eyes off her. She was perfect. Ethereal, otherworldly, and breathtaking. His Y/N... No. She wasn't her. No one could be her, not even a woman with her face. Which didn't stop him from giving himself to this dream that it was his wife standing in front of him. He spent hundreds of years in suffering; maybe this one night he can afford to live in his most beautiful dreams, where SHE would still be with him.
He cleared his throat, snapping you both out of the strange, nostalgic atmosphere.
"You look amazing." you blushed as you turned back to the mirror, pretending to consider the truth of his compliment.
"Thank you. Genya makes wonderful dresses." you reached for the kefta thrown over the armchair, but the man beat you to it.
"Please, allow me." you nodded to him. You turned your back to him, waiting for him to put the kefta on your shoulders.
He smoothed it out, letting his hand brush the fabric of your bare collarbones for a moment too long. You shivered as you felt the tiny touch of his fingertips on your bare skin. Good thing the kefta covered most of your bare arms. You didn't want to give him satisfaction for how he was affecting you.
But judging by his dilated pupils, you weren't the only one who felt the attraction between the two of you.
However, you will definitely not be the one to give in to such trivial desires. He was not Aleksander. Nobody could.
"Thank you again." you murmured as you pulled away from him, smiling. You preferred to act oblivious to his advances rather than risk giving in to the lust that was evident between the two of you. Although you knew there would come a point in your little game where you'd have to seduce him a bit to lull his guard down. And you feared that moment more than entering the fold.
"Anytime, love. Shall we?" he asked, offering you his arm. "I hope you spare me at least one dance." he murmured, smiling at you with that flirty twinkle in his eyes as he kissed your hand.
Wonderfully. Now he was supposed to be your personal bodyguard for all night.
You sighed, grabbing his arm. Kirigan pulled you closer as he escorted you through the maze of corridors.
It was going to be a really tough day. - you thought, allowing yourself to steal a glance at the general who was already watching you. - Especially with those eyes so focused on me.
The Kirigan left you alone for a moment just before entering the ballroom. You were to wait for him and Alina, and then the three of you were to give little shows of darkness and light.
So you waited patiently until someone bumped into you, knocking you to the floor.
"Watch where you walk!" you growled, dusting yourself off as you got up off the floor. The hooded figure stopped and turned to you. You both froze when you saw your faces.
"Y/N?" Baghra asked in disbelief. "It is impossible." she whispered, coming closer to you and catching your hand in a strong, bruising grip, only to grab your necklace later, which had slipped out from under your dress after you fell. She looked at him tenderly, shifting her gaze to you.
"Hello mom." you whispered uncertainly, fearing your mother-in-law's reaction. She liked you, it's true, but in the meantime, you managed to disappear without a trace for hundreds of years. You didn't know what your relationship was like now. But rather, neither of you could be hostile to the other.
"It's really you… But how? I… we thought you were dead, child. Where have you been all this time?"
"A little here, a little there. Forgive me for not writing or coming. I think you understand perfectly well why I didn't."
"Not even a bit, actually." she replied, confused. You frowned. You've never seen Baghra confused. It was a strange sight, to say the least, and definitely worth remembering.
"You know how dear he was... Aleksander is to me. After his death..."
"Death?" she asked. You didn't know if you misheard or if the surprise in her voice was genuine. She rather knew about his death, didn't she?
"Yes. While creating a fold." you explained, looking at her intently. But Baghra's face never betrayed anything. Not any single emotion. She tucked the necklace under your dress and grabbed your shoulders.
"Oh, my dear child. For all this time..."
"Baghra!" Kirigan's scream echoed through the empty corridor. The woman stepped back from you like she was burned, watching the general with contempt as he approached the two of you. "What are you talking about with my moon summoner? I hope she didn't bother you too much, Miss Petrova."
"Not at all. Actually…"
"I was just leaving, moi soverenyi." the woman interrupted you, giving you an enigmatic look, before she turned her back to you two. "Enjoy yourself, Miss Petrova." she threw over her shoulder as she walked away.
"Crazy woman. But he teaches the young Grisha well. What did she want from you?"
"Nothing special. She asked where I was from and what I was doing here. I don't think she's heard of the new moon summoner yet."
"Probably you are right. Let's go. We've got a show to play."
He took your hand gently and led you to the centre of the room, where Alina was already waiting for you.
You had a simple task. Kirigan summons shadows. Alina, on the other side of the room, her golden rays, and you, the white moonlight that was supposed to connect with her powers, then break up into several constellations.
A child's trick and spectacle for the common folk who treated you like toys all rolled into one.
Everything was going smoothly. Suddenly, the room was completely dark. You waited patiently for Alina's light to appear on the other side of the room. When suddenly someone approached you from behind.
"It's okay, it's me. It's just me, you're safe."
"What are you doing?" you asked as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, taking both of your hands in his.
"Don't you think this is the best place to watch the whole show?" his question confused you. You turned in his arms, miraculously seeing those bloody, dark eyes in the darkness. The mischievous sparks both made your chest feel warm and terrified. The bastard was up to something.
"I doubt it; with my light, you'll barely see Alina's trick."
"Works perfectly for me, my little moon." he whispered against your ear. You tensed as you felt his soft lips on your earlobe.
Suddenly he leaned in, the tip of his nose tracing a path from your ear down your skin, sending shivers down your spine as he inhaled your perfume and those damn distracting lips slid from your ear to your neck.
He started placing small, wet kisses there. Your brain has melted. It stopped working while the general was kissing every sensitive spot on your neck. He read your body so damn well that if it weren't for his quick reflexes and his hand over your mouth, your loud, obscene groan would have echoed in the darkness of the ballroom.
You felt the light involuntarily escape from you and thanked all the saints that you lost control just as Alina finished her part.
You tried to push the shadow summoner away from you, but your attempts were so futile (and reluctant) that you quickly gave up, focusing on doing your job with his intoxicating mouth and roaming hands on you.
The son of a bitch was lucky to stay in the shadows, unseen by anyone but you.
You internally cursed yourself for how much easier it was to do the whole trick with him around.
To your great disappointment, he moved away from you just before the grand finale. You were panting, trying to calm your wildly beating heart, and breathing as the light began to take over the ballroom.
And those fucking dark eyes and smug smirk were the first damn thing you saw when you and Alina lit up the room.
People started applauding. Kirigan came up to you and grabbed your hand, and after Alina joined you, you bowed to everyone, gathering an ovation. You glanced briefly at Kirigan, who was staring at your neck. You just hoped he didn't leave a hickey in plain sight. But judging by the way his smirk widened and the way he ran away from you as soon as you were surrounded by a crowd of people, you assumed you had a new, not-so-visible yet bruise on your skin.
You'll kill him as soon as you get your hands on him.
You stand in the darkness of his war room, waiting for him to finally appear. You played with the dagger in your hands, contemplating meeting Baghra. You felt something was wrong, something was missing. The woman's behaviour both helped you and, after the general's arrival, gave you a lot to think about. She was hiding something. But what?
you sighed. If only Aleksander was here. It would save you a lot of trouble. Among other things, intimidating his doppelgänger, who started to stick to you too much - much to your tacit approval.
But you were aware that this attraction was only due to his resemblance to your Aleksander. In a few decades, Kirigan will die too. And you will be completely alone again.
The sound of his boots hitting the floor snapped you out of your thoughts. You braced yourself for an attack and jumped on him just as he flanked the door and stepped inside. You pinned him against the wall with a dagger to his neck as he gave you a surprised, amused look.
"Hello, moonlight. Do you like the ball?"
"What the hell was that?!" you growled, pressing the blade against his skin as you made a small, harmless cut.
"You put a dagger to my neck far too often, darling." he noted, frowning as droplets of blood decorated the silver metal.
"Don't change the fucking subject! You have no damn right to act like this. Lay your hand on me like that again, and I'll make sure you don't have anything to summon your shadows with, general."
"So my lips on your incredibly alluring soft skin were no problem for you, my sweet moon?" he asked maliciously, raising an eyebrow. You growled, irritated by his arrogance. You guessed you preferred it when he responded to your attack with his own dagger.
"Do that again, and you won't live to see another moment to find out."
"You forget..." he mumbled, suddenly grabbing your hand holding the blade and wrapping his other around your neck. He pinned you against the wall, making sure there was no space between you two. "That you're not the only one with power here."
"You'd better let me go, little shadow, before you unleash hell you can't stop." you growled, summoning your light, which immediately met his shadows. You fought, jostling with your powers and staring hard into each other's eyes. You weren't going to lose this fight.
"You underestimate me, darling. I'm more than able to face any of your hell."
You didn't know why, but that sentence, the confidence in his eyes, the arrogance in his voice, and the same immense need that was hiding under both yours and his mask of restraint changed something between you two.
His already dark eyes were practically taken over by black pupils that stared at you lustfully. The intoxicating smell of his perfume, the warmth of his body, and those damn big, cool hands on your hot skin only made you accept your spur-of-the-moment decision.
With his hand still tightly wrapped around your neck, you leaned forward and pressed your lips against his.
You both groaned in unison. Your only consolation in this situation was that before your hands hooked on his strong arms, holding on tightly for fear your legs would give out, you could hear his dagger first drop to the marble floor, seconds before your blade.
You only broke apart for a moment before quickly removing the other's kefta and catching the other's lips again. You fought for control, biting into the other's lip every now and then, which only met with more resistance and the will to fight. Neither you nor he were made to lose.
At one point, he grabbed you by the waist, wrapping your legs around him as he carried you to the nearest flat surface—the war table. With one flick of his hand, he swept all the maps, papers, and other stuff off him onto the floor and practically threw you onto a wooden table.
You gasped in shock as your body suddenly hit the wood, which Kirigan quickly took advantage of. He dug into your mouth, his tongue grazing yours as he tried to dominate you once again.
You growled, grabbing the back of his black shirt and tearing the fabric to get to his skin, where you didn't hesitate to leave blood crescents in the shape of your fingernails.
He hissed away from your kiss-swollen lips and bit into the same damn spot on your neck where he had dared leave a hickey before.
You froze. It wasn't Aleksander. It will never be your Aleksander again. No matter how damn similar they were.
Kirigan continued to kiss your neck when you finally decided, with a heavy heart, to push him away with a gentle kick.
You both stared at each other, gasping for breath. Kirigan took a hesitant step towards you and raised his hand to gently stroke your cheek. But you jumped off the war table before his skin could touch yours and start your kissing session all over again.
You had to escape from there. As soon as possible.
"I... I should go." you mumbled, shoving past him to pick up the kefta that had been thrown on the floor by him.
"Wait a second..." he followed you but stopped the moment his eyes met yours again. You both wanted each other. You were both held back by the very same thing that attracted you in the first place.
"We have a hard day tomorrow. Make sure Ivan wakes up Alina; she's not such an early riser after all." you mumbled in panic, backing towards the door.
"Melinoe." he tried to stop you, but your hand on the doorknob was faster. You opened the door, and without looking back, you threw over your shoulder:
"Good night, general."
You ran to your room, and before anyone could stop you, you shut the door. Tears began to flow freely from your eyes as you slid to the floor.
For a moment, a fleeting little moment, you were Y/N again. You were that 20-year-old girl kissing her husband again. But Kirigan could never be Aleksander. And even if you gave him your heart, he would shatter it to pieces over time when he, like other descendants of your Aleksander, reached old age. You were doomed to be lonely. But the fact that a person with eyes, a face, and a mind so like your husband was at your fingertips wasn't helpful to your already broken soul at all.
You just wanted to have your husband in your arms again. Was it so much for the saints to accomplish? You sobbed piteously until you fell asleep on the floor from exhaustion.
Little did you know that a few floors above you, someone was also mourning their dead significant other. And he also cursed fate for putting in his path a woman so similar to the one for whom he would give everything he held dear.
One thing was certain. The longer you stayed in the presence of the other, the more you lost your mind. But neither of you was ready to deprive yourself of the toxic pleasure of seeing the living face of your beloved, lost spouse.
As planned, the next day you headed towards the border with Fjerdans. Neither you nor the general spoke to you most of the way, which Alina and Baghra noticed. Yes. Baghra went with you. The general was just as shocked as you, but surprisingly, he didn't argue with the woman about her unannounced presence.
The only thing you were afraid of during this trip was crossing the land where your village used to be. Aleksander's house and yours. It also didn't help that you were supposed to be there on the exact anniversary of his death - the creation of the fold.
You thought it would be easier for you to ride a horse through the only place where you were happy, but the wave of memories flooding you did not allow you to pass by indifferently.
"You'll never catch me!" you run away from him, laughing.
"If I catch you, the game will be over. But since you're insulting my capabilities…" you yelled as you ran away when Aleksander rushed to you.
You ran along the river, looking over your shoulder every now and then to make sure your boyfriend wasn't right behind you.
Suddenly, a cloud of shadows appeared in front of you, from which your Sasha came out and grabbed you by the waist. You thrashed in his embrace, causing you both to fall to the ground, laughing.
"Aleksander! You shouldn't use it in public!" you scolded him, punching him lightly in the chest.
"We are in the middle of the forest. There are only us and some animals."
"Still it is risky for you. Don't make me tell your mother about this."
"Could you please stop threatening me with my own mother?" he groaned, throwing you off him, to which you squealed indignantly. You stared with your daggers at the man lying before you with a mischievous smirk and an amused twinkle in his eyes.
"Since I found out she likes me and trusts me more than you? No, it's too funny, my grumpy shadow-man." you laughed. You rolled your eyes as you watched his expression growl. You climbed on top of him and kissed the crease that had formed between his eyebrows from your comment. "I'm soooo sorry, Sasha. You know how much I love you, right? You're the most important person in my life, Aleksander Morozova."
"And you in mine, Y/N Y/L/N." he murmured, grabbing your cheek and pulling you into a sweet, slow kiss. You purred, enjoying the feel of his lips on yours - something you'll never get tired of. He pulled away from you far too quickly. He licked his lips, looking at you nervously. You raised an eyebrow, questioningly. "Y/N... can I ask you a question?"
"Right now? I thought you gonna kiss me a little longer, but if it's so important." he chuckled, shaking his head, as he leaned down to catch your lips in a kiss again.
"Happy, lapushka?"
"Not really, but I'll try to survive a few minutes without your lips on mine." he chuckled, but you knew from the features of his face and the gentle clasping of his shoulders that something was bothering him. You just hoped he wouldn't have to leave with his mother again... "What did you want to ask me?" Aleksander cleared his throat, taking your hands in his trembling.
"You know that I love you. I can't imagine how my life would have turned out if you hadn't put that dagger to my throat five years ago right here."
"I knew I recognized this place from somewhere." you cut him off, looking around the clearing. Aleksander laughed, catching your attention again as you blushed at how stupidly you interrupted him. But it seemed to help him relax, judging by the way his hand confidently reached out to cup your cheek.
"You make me laugh. Even on the darkest, worst of days. Just one look at those wonderfully beautiful eyes is enough to completely change my mood. One word from you and all my plans and beliefs fall into oblivion. You are the light in my darkness. The only good thing that happened to me. The only person who isn't afraid of what I can do. The only person who looks at me with such adoration despite my shadows."
"You know I love them. I love all of you, Sasha. Nothing will change that." you replied with tears in your eyes, suspecting what his confession would lead to.
"I know I have nothing worth you and that the life I can offer you is nothing compared to what you deserve, but you know me better than I know myself... I would go crazy if I wasn't the only man who has the privilege of seeing your face first thing every morning and falling asleep in the presence of your beauty. I'd go crazy if someone else could be called yours..." Aleksander took a simple gold ring with a small black gem from his pocket.
You gasped, knowing full well how much money he must have spent on even such a simple engagement ring. Baghra was supposed to skin your fiancé when she figured out what he wasted their money on.
"Sasha..." you whispered, crying, moving your gaze towards him.
"Y/N, kei onolich yash (will you marry me)? Will you be my wife?" too moved to answer him, you pulled him into a kiss. You both smiled like idiots. "I'm guessing it's yes then, but I'd rather hear it from you before I tell everyone else."
"Yes. Yes, I will marry you, you idiot. You didn't have to buy me a ring, Sasha. I would say yes without it."
"I wanted to make sure you wouldn't reject me." he replied with a mischievous smirk, putting it on your finger. You huffed and punched him lightly on the shoulder. The ring sparkled in the moonlight. Your face hurts from smiling. "I promise you, Y/N one day I'll give you the prettiest, flashiest ring in all of Ravka."
"And I will still prefer the one you gave me today." you replied without a second of hesitation, pulling your fiancé into another kiss.
The Kirgian ordered a stop, which everyone accepted with gratitude. And when others Grishas dispersed to their tasks, you decided to go to the place where your house and Aleksander's once stood.
Since you were already a stupid girl, as Baghra so nicely called you, this little trip shouldn't hurt you. You'd rather be stupid and crazy—completely mad from love—than ever forget about Aleksander and move on.
And that's how you got here. By the river, close to the place where you used to be the happiest in the world, and now you were shedding a sea of tears over the life you lost.
"I will build you a palace."
"What?" you asked, giggling as you looked away from the stars to your husband lying next to you on the grass.
Sensing the movement of your head, he turned around to look at you closely. You both loved nights like these. Your hands intertwined as you both lay on the ground looking at the stars and talking about your day, your plans, and your dreams. It was a sacred ritual between the two of you that you performed at least once a week.
"A palace. For you and our future children. A safe place where we can live with our little family."
"Sasha... I don't need a palace to feel safe with you. You are my shelter. My protector. What we have now is more than enough."
"That little hut where we barely fit in with our stuff, even though we don't have much anyway? NO. You deserve all the treasures of this world, Y/N" he murmured, stroking your cheek tenderly.
You sighed, pressing your cheek against his hand, enjoying every ounce of his attention. It's been getting more and more dangerous around here lately. You seldom had time to spend together; you were too busy with the Grisha needing your help. But you didn't mind. As long as Aleksander's eyes gave you that loving, adoring look at least once a day, you were ready to face anything to get back into his waiting arms.
"I already have one." he raised an eyebrow questioningly, looking at you in surprise. You just smiled, pulling him to you by the chin and connecting your lips in a kiss. Aleksander rolled over and hovered over you, not breaking your tender kiss. You placed your hands on his cheeks and gently pulled him away, looking into his eyes. No stars in the sky could match the brilliance of his dark irises. "You are my treasure. With you by my side I want nothing more. You're all I need to be happy, Sasha." you mumbled, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. Aleksander buried his face in your hands, closing his eyes for a moment and surrendering to this tender gesture.
"You deserve much more, milaya. And I promise, by all the saints and stars in the sky, I'll give you the world."
"Everything in time, Aleksander. Now, kiss your wife and show her how much you love her." you giggled as his long hair tickled your cheeks as he dutifully caught your lips in another sweet kiss.
"Was he really worth it?" Baghra's question cut through your sobs. You wiped your tears, not wanting to cry in front of her, and turned to face her. "Wouldn't you rather curse him for creating a fold and for leaving you than mourn the bastard that was my son? Y/N, child, you have eternity ahead of you. An eternity where you can be happy. Is Aleksander worth wasting it?" you laughed bitterly, knowing the answer to her question all too well. Nothing has changed over the centuries. And you knew nothing would change your feelings.
"You know very well that I will never know happiness again. Not without him. I've never done that in all these years."
"There had to be a moment. Even the smallest." she tried desperately to convince you. You dropped your head, remembering those few moments between you and Kirigan in Little Palace.
"There was. Next to a man who looked like him. But after a while, it dawned on me that he would never be Aleksander. Call me and think about me however you want. Pathetic child, crazy woman… But the truth is, I loved your son, Baghra, and I will always love only him. Our hearts were created by the saints as one and divided in two, placing one in Aleksander and the other in me. There is no one in the world I could love like him, with whom I could be truly happy. This type of love never dies, Baghra. Even separated by a grave."
"What if you got him back? If he was with you, but he wasn't the same man you remember?"
"It wouldn't matter. We are all changing. I know I would love him as much as I did then."
"I just hope you know what you want, child. And that maybe he'll go back to who he used to be because of you." she sighed, leaving you alone with your grief. You frowned, analysing her vague words.
It wasn't until it started to get dark that you got up from your knees and brushed the dirt off your clothes. You were about to leave when the crunch of branches caught your attention. A foolish hope rose in you and you lifted your head, only to meet your eyes with the Kirgian.
"General. I was just returning to camp." he nodded his head without a word.
Taking that as your cue to leave, you turned to take one last look at what used to be your home. You sighed tremblingly as a lone tear rolled down your cheek.
And you whistled.
It was a fragment of an old Ravkan song about lovers returning home after a long journey to throw themselves into each other's arms, longing for separation. You and Aleksander adored it. And you decided that every time one of you left home, you would whistle that particular verse that stuck in your mind.
In storm-black mountains, I wander alone
Over the glacier I make my way
A cool breeze caressed your hot (from crying) skin. But the goosebumps that formed on your arms weren't from the cold at all.
"In the apple orchard stands the maiden fair and sings, When will you come home?"
You froze. Incapable of anything but breathing. You misheard. It's just one of your stupid fantasies, your mind playing tricks on you, or another cruel dream about how you got back the man you loved. It couldn't be true. It couldn't be real.
But the man holding your arm in a tight grip and turning you around to face him felt very real. AND ALIVE.
"Sasha?" you whispered tearfully, shaking all over, and if it wasn't for his strong grip on both of your arms, you probably would have fallen to your knees in front of him long ago, unable to do anything other than stare hopefully at the man in front of you.
Aleksander's heart shuddered and threatened to burst as the pet name, unused for hundreds of years, reached his ears. In an instant, you were on his chest as he hugged you with all his might. With your ear to his heart, you listened to his beating, and for the first time in hundreds of years, you cried WITH HAPPY.
"It's me, milaya. My sweet Y/N, my moon, my heart, my wife. It's me."
You heard him through a haze, too intent on his eyes to understand anything more from his speech. It was him. Your Aleksander. All this time. He was saying something to you, but you completely ignored him as something gold around his neck shimmered in the moonlight. You pulled the chain from under his jacket, sighing as you saw his wedding ring hanging securely on his necklace. A sob of disbelief escaped you. It was really him.
His hand cupping your cheek caused your watery gaze to shift back to those dark, beloved eyes.
"No more tears, milaya. You do not have to worry. From now on, I will never leave your side again. Not for a single bloody second."
And that was enough for you.
Grabbing his hair, you pulled him closer to you to feel his lips on yours as soon as possible. It wasn't one of those soft, gentle, unhurried kisses that lovers share after they meet after some separation.
It was intense, desperate, and needy, expressing your deadly longing for each other's lips through those painful years without each other. You didn't have the strength to hold back, to pretend you didn't miss that exact feeling all those lonely nights.
It didn't matter that your tears mixed and you could taste their salty taste on each other's lips. It didn't matter that your lungs were burning for air. It didn't matter that you had already fallen to your knees, too shaken by the feeling of the other's lips, but both of you longed too much for this closeness between you to deprive yourself of the warmth of the other's body even for a millisecond. It didn't matter if your lips were too swollen to decently go back to camp and pretend nothing had happened between you two.
You sincerely doubted that you would be able to take even a step towards the camp. Not after you trembled in Aleksander's lap as his hands caressed every inch of your skin.
But the moment came when you had to pull away from each other, cursing the need for air. You rested your forehead against his, inhaling his scent and clinging to his kefta to be as close to him as possible.
You both knew that there was no way you were going to be an arm's length away from each other. And you were seriously considering sticking with him permanently. His dark cloak looked big enough for you to hide under it too.
You couldn't believe your luck. He was here. With you. You had his arms around you again as you both clung desperately to each other.
Your Aleksander. Your husband. Your loved one. Your heart.
He had you again. His wife. His soulmate. His sanity. His equal. HIS EVERYTHING.
You wanted to pull away for a moment to look at his face again, but something tugged at your neck, bringing your head to Aleksander's shoulder. You looked down. Your necklaces are tangled.
"Seriously? It couldn't have happened a month ago?" you groaned as you tried to untangle your chains. You smiled, hearing how your husband laughed carelessly for the first time in centuries, since the day he lost you. "We'll never hear the end of it from Baghra, you know about it Sasha?" you asked, resting your forehead against his as you gave up on releasing the two of you. It didn't matter that everything was against you again. At least now you finally have Aleksander with you. YOUR real Aleksander.
"She had already called me a blind fool before she made me come here. I think we'll hear a lot from her about our stupidity." he murmured. You shivered as you felt his fingertips on your neck as he untied your intertwined necklaces effortlessly. He unclasped yours and, with great delicacy, placed the ring on your finger.
"Remind me to thank your mother for making you come here later." you replied, making sure his wedding ring was on his finger as well. Maybe you won't scare all the bitches away from him, but at least you'll make it clear that he belongs only to you. After hundreds of years without him, you have the right to be territorial.
"Later?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You don't think I'm going anywhere other than your tent and your bed right now, do you?"
"Our bed." he murmured before grabbing you in bridal style and heading for your tent. "By the way, I must commend you for how bravely you resisted the charms of someone who wasn't me. I barely managed to kiss you properly before you pushed me away."
"I don't know what I should do to you. Slap you for groping someone who had my face, or kiss you for only being attracted to my beauty."
"You have to admit, you didn't resist me much back then, my little saint." he murmured, kissing you again. He ran his hand through your hair, pulling you all the way onto him so he could feel your weight on him. You were with him. Body and soul. And it wasn't a dream. "Let's go to that tent before I have my way with you here and now." he muttered, getting up.
"Wait." you grabbed his hand. He turned to you, giving you a questioning look as he found you still kneeling on the grass. "Before we do anything. We both agree that we are not going to destroy the fold, right?"
Aleksander held his breath. He forgot how damn perfect you were. How you fit in and understood him in every way. And only the slight ounce of control he had left was keeping him from lunging at you right now as you kneeled in front of him with those beautiful, mesmerising eyes staring at him.
But after all, Aleksander was only human. A man whose cruel fate separated him from his beloved wife for many centuries…
He pulled you close to him in one swift motion. You crashed into his chest, completely unprepared for the sudden movement, but his intoxicating lips on yours compensated for your shock.
You moaned into his mouth as he pulled away from you so as not to lose his control completely.
"Saints, you have no idea how much I've missed you, my little moon."
"I'll take it as a yes." you replied, giggling as he put his arm around you. As you'd guessed, you fit perfectly with him under his cloak. You sighed, intoxicated by his scent.
"You know so well that I'll do anything for you. The fact that our plans coincide only proves that we belong to each other. And only to each other."
"Always, Sasha. I'm yours for eternity." you replied, smiling slightly as you turned to steal a glance at him.
"And I'm yours for the rest of our lives and beyond." he murmured, kissing your forehead.
You practically ran through the camp, ignoring Baghra's knowing, malicious look and the shocked expressions of Alina, Zoya, and Ivan (at which you giggled, causing Aleksander a small, tender smile) and Fedyor's smirk. You entered his tent, laughing as you started kissing while taking off each other's clothes.
"I hope you realize we don't leave this tent for at least a week?" he asked as he laid you down on the bed. However, the bastard didn't wait for your response, stealing a kiss from you.
"They'll be looking for you, Sasha." you mumbled between your kisses and grabbed his cheeks to make him focus on something other than your lips.
"What a pity I'll be too busy with my wife to notice anyone else but her." he lowered his head to your neck, making your hands tangle in his hair. You sighed, feeling his tongue on your skin just before he gently bit you.
"I thought we had a battle to win." he suddenly stopped all his movements. He intertwined your ringed hands and cupped your cheek with the other, forcing you to look into his eyes.
"My little moon, I'll postpone any goddamn war for you. There is nothing in this world more important to me than you and never will be." he promised, pressing his lips to yours.
You moaned, enjoying the long-forgotten feeling of his skin against yours as well as knowing that your love would never die.
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sabokunsmalia · 7 months
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𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘; eren yeager featuring: eren yeager x fem! scout reader content: eren introduces you to his group of friends, but can't keep his hands to himself. content warning: semi-public masturbation, fingering hi it's malia: oh oh, those aot guys have a good grip on me.
When you agreed to this little gathering, you actually thought it would be a small one. Instead of inviting his two best friends, Eren decided it was time to meet the entirety of the group. Two turned into ten. The table at the small fast food restaurant was filled with the friends, talking away about their day and how they plan to spend the weekend. None had very specific questions for you, they only were curious about what you looked like, and if Eren treated you good enough.
For the past ten minutes, he did not fail to impress them, how kind he was to you. Sharing his drink with you because you wanted to taste the liquid mixture, or even placing those soft, featherlight kisses against your temple. It was adorable. It was a situation they have never seen Eren in. Sure, he dated Mikasa, but the black-haired female was into way more hardcore parts of life than you.
What none of them saw, was Eren's little devilish play underneath the surface of the table. A hand placed on your thigh, using his fingertips to spread your legs apart for him. The dress, you decided to wear earlier on, turned out to be your worst mistake. Eren already head a plan as soon as he saw the height of the table.
"Open up for me," The words were formed with his mouth, not speaking a sylabelle but you knew exactly what he wanted from you. Eren was just the kind of guy, who couldn't keep his hands to himself, and always loved the risk of such situations.
How embarrassing it could be, if his friends found out what was happening underneath the table while they sat around, and held a simple conversation. While Eren smiled at them, his calloused fingertips drew lazy circles over your hardened nub. Whimpers and whines swallowed by the clenched fist in front of your mouth, which offered your chin a place to rest. It was always the same with him, it was not the first time, Eren decided that waiting until their arrival at home was not an option.
"How long have you been together? I don't remember Eren telling us," Sasha clapped her empty hands together, the piece of meat in her mouth not completely chewed as she smiled. It was a normal moment, no one bothered how much she ate or how she combined eating and talking. It was Sasha, it was normal for her.
"Oh, it's been -" Your answer, infiltrated by sweet happiness, was interrupted by a deep breath. The conversations around the table ended abruptly as their caring stares landed on Eren and you. That little bastard, you thought, clenching your thighs together and squeezing your boyfrend's single finger.
While attempting to uphold a common conversation with one of his friends, Eren used the distraction simply to mess further with you, and your body. A long, slender finger gathered the wetness between your puffy folds and entered your sweet pussy without a warning. "Are you okay?" Armin worriedly piped up fron the side, his caring gaze switching between Eren's calm face and your furrowed eyebrows. You nodded your head as an answer, inhaling a deep breath to calm down your nerves.
Eren ran a hand through the front part of his hair, brushing the strands of chestnut hair out of his face and back behind his hair. He watched with hooded eyes, how you attempted to save the situation from being caught in the act.
"I don't think Eren's little experiment drink was good for me," You spoke up, forcing yourself to giggle lightly at your own words. The worry disappeared from several faces, while Mikasa's lingering glare made it difficult to focus. After all, the clenching of your thighs only animated Eren to fight more to receive what he wanted.
His long finger slowly moved, in and out only a bit but curling when his knuckles touched your folds. "Nothing for the weak stomach," Connie added from the other side, taking another gulp of his glass. Nodding your head again, you agreed before turning back to Sasha to answer her question from earlier. "Barely over a year,"
"Oh, that's longer than we imagined," Hange laughed loudly, patting Levi's back multiple times with her flat hand. Oh, the stoic man truly hated the touch of someone, holding the cup in his very own special grip while raising the hot tea towards his mouth. "Don't think about it, Levi's a little special," Eren informed from the side, nodding his head towards the black-haired with the tired gaze.
"Hm," You added, leaning further forward and spreading your legs for Eren underneath the table. After all, his knuckles rubbing against the insides of your thighs wasn't necessarily good for your skin, and the confident male beside you, would not accept a decline from your side.
So, you let him play his little familiar game with you, and your pussy. A second finger added, Eren switched between a calm or harsh pace to not draw any attention on the two of you, or the activity happening. By the time, the food plates decorated the table, the sweat gathered on your temples.
Eren wasn't going very easy on you this time, as if he wanted his friends to notice that he couldn't keep his hands off of you. Calloused thumb massaged your clit in circular motions, slipping from left to right with all the arousal that gathered between your thighs.
Oh, he was having so much fun.
Elbow propped up on the table, jaw placed in his unoccupied hand while smirking so confidently. Listening to conversations going on, Eren started eating, while having his finger still buried so deeply inside of his favourite warm place.
You were in for a long night, the sneaky glances coming from Eren already said so much. But therefore, he was in for a sweet punishment, once the safety of his apartment was reached. Plans started to unfold in the back of your mind, and a smirk, almost as equally mischievious as his, spread across your face.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 3 months
Bitchy popular reader x Eddie, enemies who fuck and idiots in love, jealousy, angst and fluff, 18+ blog so mdni.
Eddie is waiting for you in one of the disused classrooms in Hawkins High. He's perched on the desk, long limbs stretched out, an endearing goofy smile on his face as you walk over to him, quietly shutting the door. He gets up and tugs you to him.
"You're lucky I was able to sneak away Munson, I'm sure the girls are getting suspicious, not helping with that hickey you left on my neck" you chastise him.
Eddie looks smug as hell as you say this. "Well I could leave them on your breasts or between your thighs instead" he replies in a husky tone which makes arousal pool in your lower stomach. You tug him to you and kiss him.
He backs you up against the wall and you wrap your legs around his waist, moaning as his fingers dig into your backside and he sucked on a particular sweet spot of yours on your neck.
"If you keep moaning like that princess someone's going to catch us" Eddie murmurs as he kisses along your jaw, soft moans issue from the both of you.
"We wouldn't want that would we?" You reply sweetly and your nails dig into his back causing a groan of pleasure to leave his lips.
In public you and Eddie were enemies, the two of you couldn't stand one another so that was fine. Until the barbs, teasing and heavy tension exploded one night into the most mind-blowing sex.
Since then you couldn't get enough of one another and snuck around in private, away from the prying eyes of Hawkins High gossip chain.
Here the two of you could let your desires run wild, you couldn't stay away from Eddie and he couldn't stay away from you either.
"What the fuck?" the door bursts open and Sasha, a new member to Hellfire is staring at you both, her mouth falls open. She's gazing at the two of you stunned.
"You and you" she points to you and then Eddie and then appears momentarily speechless. You sigh and distentangle yourself from Eddie.
"Uh, Sasha hey" Eddie waves and you smirk amused as Sasha's face goes impossibly redder and redder. You fix your clothes and hair and apply your lipgloss, the one Eddie loves the taste of and wait for the kick off.
She's still spluttering and you grow impatient as you wait for her to say something. You give her a little wave and she swears under her breath.
Fuck could she just say something because you were cold and Eddie's lips were still looking very inviting, all kiss bitten and a little swollen. Involuntarily you shiver and Eddie notices, picks up his jacket and wraps it around you.
The gesture is so unexpected and gentle that it surprises you. Sasha makes a strangled sound in her throat and instead of blowing up at Eddie, she storms out and Eddie sighs.
"I'll handle it princess" he follows her out and you wait for him to come back, eventually you make your way to where they are as Sasha's voice raises.
Sasha frowns, "You know I had a bit of a crush on you, that's why I joined Hellfire. Not that it matters now. You're with her" she huffs. You feel a tiny bolt of jealousy and glare at her.
Ah shit Eddie sighs,. Hewas afraid of this. He knows he has to be as gentle as possible turning her down. "Look, I'm sorry Sasha but I only see you as a friend, that's it. I don't feel that way about you, sorry"
"I get that, I understand that Eddie but why are you even with her in the first place, you could have picked anyone else. She's from the dark side, popular and can be bitchy when she wants to be, like what the hell?" Sasha demands to him.
Eddie can't explain it, he can't explain why he's so drawn to you, how he can't stay away.
" It's just sex. It doesn't mean that much" you feel like you've been punched in the stomach when you hear Eddie say that.
Just sex. That's all you were? You will yourself not to cry and walk past Eddie and Sasha, toss his jacket to him and don't say a word. Eddie must be able to read your expression because his own face falls.
"Sweetheart" he calls after you but you ignore him and get in your car. It's only when you're back at home that the tears finally flow freely.
If you didn't mean anything to him then maybe you should just move on, stop this shit between you and Eddie goes on longer and longer.
The longer it goes on it will only increase your heartbreak when it ends. You can't risk that.
Sasha spends half the day glaring at you and Eddie, Eddie spends most of it trying to to talk to you.
Eventually you grow tired of his attempts and talk to him. "Alright Munson, if you want sex then just say or not" you snap and he looks taken aback.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He hisses, the tension rises between the two of you, it's so thick that you feel like you can't breathe. Stubbornly you hold his gaze and shrug.
"Nothing, what would be wrong? Of course you want to talk about sex or some shit like that. It's all I am to you and good for, right?" Your friends round the corner and you use this as an excuse to get away from Eddie and those stupidly pretty, big brown eyes.
There's a party at Jason's tonight you'd much rather be anywhere else right now. Jason is acting like his usual douchebag self, which darkens your mood even further.
Not helping matters is that Eddie's here, doing his usual dealings. Not that it bothers you that he makes money this way, it's to lessen the burden on his uncle which you think is sweet.
No, you're pissed at the fact that he's here at all, you've avoided him all day at school and now you have to avoid him here too. What could you say to him that didn't end with him either laughing at you or outright rejection. It wasn't appealing to you in the slightest.
Hurt by the fact that you're nothing but a fuck buddy to him you distract yourself and flirt with Jackson.
The flirting draws the attention of Eddie who stills and watches you and Jackson like a hawk. You ignore Eddie's silent fuming, even if it does give you a little thrill.
But you mean nothing to him so why does he care?
You sip your beer and nod your head to the music, catch up with your friends until a very irate Eddie catches your eye again and jerks his head to the door. He wants to talk.
Swallowing your nerves, you down your beer and walk past him, he follows you and you can see the jealousy written all over his face.
Once you're far away from the party Eddie rounds on you, "What the fuck was that? Jackson Reilly, are you fucking kidding me?" He sneers at you.
"He's nice to me" you shrug and his cheeks darken in anger. Brown eyes flashing dangerously.
"So I'm an asshole to you huh? You want a small dick fucker like him?" you shake your head and fold your arms across your chest, protecting yourself.
"No you dingus, I want you but you made it very obvious how you feel?" he looks to you confused and you move closer to him, frustrated that he's forgotten what he said.
You glare at Eddie and mimic what he said to Sasha "It's just sex, it doesn't mean that much. So you won't care if I'm with someone else then, no?" Eddie swallows and reaches out to you.
"I didn't mean that. I opened my big mouth to try and salvage the situation and I said dumb shit" you pout still feeling down about the whole thing.
"You still said it. So obviously you must think like that" he softens and he tugs you close to him, you smell the faintest hint of smoke and Eddie's cologne. You're favourite scent.
"No. No I really don't" he admits to you and the way he sounds, the affection for you is clear as day in his voice, it does things to your heart. You feel yourself soften slightly. Just slightly.
"How do I know you're not lying?" you murmur and try to hide the vulnerability in your voice. He shakes his head.
"I would never lie about things like this princess" he says sincerely and you believe him, rest your head on his chest.
"Shall we get out of here?" you nod at his suggestion, just wanting to lose yourself in him for a while.
Much later Eddie is fucking you on the hood of Jackson's car, his eyes meet yours and his hands tighten in yours as you both reach an explosive orgasm. It takes your breath away.
Eddie's lips shakily press to your forehead and his hand reaches up to stroke your cheek.
"This does mean something to me sweetheart, more than you know" he kisses you again and it sends your heart racing. As do his words, because you know that this means something to you too.
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violetarks · 6 months
'cause i got my love to keep me warm!
anime: attack on titan
characters: eren jaeger, mikasa ackerman, porco galliard
summary: christmas isn't christmas without a kiss under the mistletoe!
warnings: g/n! reader, they/them pronouns used, second person pov, i am writing this in november guys, modern! au
↣ eren jeager:
you watched as jean hung up that plant above the entrance to the kitchen from the living room, an open doorway that definitely fit two people comfortably.
"jean... do i even wanna ask?" you huff out, sipping from your glass the sweet alcohol connie had handed to you.
"if you must know, mikasa is arriving soon and she brought desserts so she'll put 'em in the fridge, right?" he steps off the foot stool, putting it to the side. he stands with his hands on his hips, so proud of himself. "so i'll swoop in and help her carry her things and we'll kiss under the mistletoe and she'll fall in love with me."
you chuckle at his scheming, leaning against the wall beside the entrance, jean making sure to step a few feet away to not get caught with you. no offence. "i would be so flattered if someone did this for me."
"first find someone who will tolerate you that isn't sasha or connie." he retorts, stopping himself and look you square in the eyes, "or me. don't look for me. ever."
"oh i would rather gouge my eyes out." you huff, finishing your drink. the empty glass makes you frown. niccolo made such good alcoholic punch, you were downing so much of it. "hey, ymir! where's the rest of the drinks?"
"in the kitchen—ay, don't drink 'em all! not everyone has arrived yet!" she shouts, looking at you with your empty glass. she points a finger at you, as if to threaten, but you roll your eyes and waving your hand at her, leaving jean to his antics he was so proud of.
as you fill up your glass, you hear the last of your friends arrive. mikasa, armin and eren walk in, making everyone cheer and gather arround you. you were imagining jean's excitement as he saw his crush of a couple years. you sat in the kitchen and listened, preparing yourself to go out and talk to your own crush of a couple years. you were hoping that this time, eren and you could have a conversation throughout the night without him running to the bathroom or escaping to hang out with armin.
"y/n, get in here!" reiner calls from the living room, where everyone else was.
you huff back, pushing off the bench, "okay!" walking towards the exit of the kitchen, you fix your shirt and put on a smile. "it's so great to see you guys! it's been forever." you say, seeing eren walking towards you with a box of cupcakes. armin and mikasa say the same thing to you as a greeting. but you blink, seeing jean distraught as mikasa strikes up a conversation with historia and ymir, empty-handed.
"y/n. hey." eren says, giving you a soft smile.
"hi." you respond, looking down at the seal on the top of the box, "mikasa's cupcakes?"
he stops beside you, shrugging his shoulders. "yeah. can you tell which ones i decorated?" he chuckles nervously, watching you scan each dessert.
"ah... well..." you stammer, seeing the weirdly placed icing on a handful of the cupcakes, as well as the messy sprinkles. some of them were only on half of the cupcake. you give eren your best smile. "i would still choose yours over the others."
"thanks." he says back, rubbing the back of his neck. he then notices the glass in your hand. "how do the drinks taste?"
"oh, amazing. they taste so good." you admit, holding up your drink, "it's such a nice colour too. niccolo did very well—..." you held up your glass to the light to inspect the colour, but your eyes fall on something above you instead.
"y/n? what's... wrong?" he asks, looking up where you were. his ears begin to tint pink, face burning. "oh... who—who put that there?"
"jean did, to kiss mikasa." you admit, putting your glass down on the table beside you, taking the box from eren and doing the same thing. you began to feel your face heating up at well, a bit embarrassed. "it doesn't matter, just forget about it. i'll get you a drink."
but as you turn to the kitchen again, eren moves forward, trapping you against the wall of the room. you were out of sight from the rest of the party, eyes wide and staring at the man in front of you. he looked determined, eyes scanning yours.
"eren, what're you doing?" you say, keeping your hands against the wall. his were near your waist, his wrists bumping against you.
"can i?" he asks, gulping. his hair falls a little against his forehead, you watch the strands carefully. you could feel the heat radiating off his body, and see the mad blush over his cheeks. "can i kiss you? please?"
"yes." you say before you can think.
he dives forward, hand resting on your cheek to pull you closer. your hands leave the wall and you don't know where to put them. with gentle hands, you grasp the bottom of his hoodie and kiss back. eren kisses you just as softly, as if to not scare you. he was a little rough on the outside, so his delicate touches and kisses surprise you.
there was a sense of desperation that you could feel, as if he was waiting for this as long as you had. his other hand pulled you against him by your back, kissing you deeper. you let out a quick exhale, only to be pulled back into another kiss. and another. you almost couldn't breathe by how quickly he was kissing you.
"hey, you wanna' bring—WOAH WOAH WOAH!" sasha begins to yell, completely forgetting what she came in to ask you and now waving her hands around to cover her face. a few others run into the room to investigate as you and eren pull away, hands still on each other and staring back at sasha.
"what's wro—..." jean begins, stopping when he notices your position. it's quiet as armin, annie and reiner stare at you as well. you stay in your spot, still tugging on eren's shirt and torso, and eren's arms wrapped around you. jean is quiet before he begins shouting, nearly louder than the music. "WHAT? HOW—WHY ARE YOU KISSING HIM?"
"your stupid mistletoe!" you call back, taking your hands away from eren and pointing to the plant.
"oh so you stand under a mistletoe and you get to make out with someone in the kitchen," jean begins to complain as armin takes the others out of the room for privacy, "but when i do it, i get forced to kiss bertholdt?"
"that was like one time." eren sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets, brushing his face as if to wipe away his pink cheeks.
"whatever, asswipe." jean scowls, flipping the both of you off as he elaves, "enjoy your christmas, traitors."
as you are left alone, quietness consumes you. eren isn't able to meet your eye, much like you struggle to do as well.
but you clear your throat, "uh, yeah, so... thank you?"
"for kissing you?" eren hums, a bit of a smile on his lips.
"yeah? nevermind." you say, even more embarrassed. eren laughs a little, taking a step towards you again. you brace yourself before he places a gentle kiss to your cheek.
"you're welcome. i hope i can kiss you again." eren says, sending you a grin before he takes your hand, "you said these drinks were good, right? i'll try some."
he doesn't let go of your hand as he pours himself a glass. it seems like he has no intention of letting it go either.
↣ mikasa ackerman:
she watches you from the other side of the room, seeing how you laugh at something that sasha said. she grips her glass a little tighter, armin grabbing it from her in fear of it breaking.
"gosh, mikasa..." he huffs, setting it on the table and following her line of sight, "why don't you go up and talk to them?"
"armin..." she mutters out, looking at her friend briefly before he rolls his eyes and listens in to eren and jean's conversation about a recent sports game.
he couldn't be less interested, but it was better than dealing with mikasa's unwavering potectiveness.
"call y/n over here." she says.
"what?" armin says, raising a brow, "why?"
"just do it." mikasa tells him, elbowing his side.
armin winces, rubbing his ribs and waving his hand out at you. "hey, y/n!" he calls, watching you and sasha look his way, "c'mere for a sec!"
you excuse yourself, pattinf sasha's shoulder. she makes a beeline for the food table, where connie and reiner were at the moment. meanwhile, you walked over to armin and mikasa's spot on the couch, where the girl sat straighter and fixed her hair.
"hey, armin. it's good to see you, mikasa." you say, nodding at her and looking back at rhe blonde. mikasa relished in those few seconds, feeling her cheeks burn under your gaze and kind smile. "what's up?"
armin truthfully didn't know what to say. he made it sound like he needed you for something, but he was blank. "i, uh... i'm..." he frantically looked around, briefly at mikasa. she only widened her eyes a little and gave a look that said 'think of something'. he wanted to scold her. but his eyes lay on the drink he had taken from his friend. he perks up. "can you grab something for me?"
you raise your brows, hand out of your pocket and on your hip now. "uh, sure thing. what d'ya need?"
mikasa clenched her hands on her lap, silently cussing out armin. she asked him to bring you here so you could talk to her and be around her. why was he sending you on an errand run now?
"upstairs, i left some alcohol in the study that i forgot to bring down. could you just grab it for me?" he asks, actually remember that he legitamately forgot to get them, "i have to quickly check on the desserts."
"oh yeah, i can do that." you say, giving a thumbs up.
"thanks." he retorts, standing up, "mikasa, can you help her? it's a few bottles."
she blinks and stands up as well. "yeah, i—i can help." she mumbles, staring at you.
"great. just bring them to the kitchen when you're done." armin nods his head and then walks off, leaving you two alone.
you point to the stairs. "should we get going?"
"right." mikasa smiles, following after you.
the both of you leave the party in the living room, going towards the house entrance to go upstairs. it grew quieter, until all you heard was the two pairs of footsteps.
she walks up the stairs behind you, never taking her eyes off the back of your head. your hair looked so nice today, and your shirt hugged your figure so nicely. not to mention, your choice of fragrance today was enchanting. you smelt so nice...
"so, um... i heard you and that student from economics went out together..." mikasa says, trying to hide her deep rooted anger.
she had heard from eren who was told by jean, who was shown by reiner, who got sent a photo from annie, that you were seen on a date at a cafe near the university you all went to, with some random personfrom another course. by the end of the day, she had learnt who it was, what they did, what you two ordered, and that the person had only one girlfriend from early primary school.
you glance over your shoulder at her. "oh... right. well, we're just friends." you explain, shurgging your shoulders, "didn't really work out, it was only one date anyway. we're not interested in each other."
"oh, that's... that's good." mikasa chimes in, a small smile on her face. she couldn't contain her excitement. maybe you were interested in her instead.
"just these ones here, right?" you ask, holding up a few bottles in your hand as you kneeled in the study. mikasa snaps back into reality, nodding her head. "sweet. let's get 'em all."
mikasa begins to collect the alcohol as you do, being careful not to drop any. once they were all acquired, you begin on your way downstairs, making smalltalk with mikasa. about how her holidays are so far, her studies and all. you even ask about eren and armin. you were so considerate too, the way you made sure to carry more than her because you had seen her drink a few glasses before this, while you hadn't.
"you okay, mikasa?" you say from behind her. she nods her head, pleased by your concern. "good, good. i can't wait to try—fuck!"
she turns around just in time to catch a loose bottle once she's on the bottom of the stairs. the bottle doesn't go far, now laying in mikasa's arms. you steady yourself on the second last steps, clutching the alcohol to your chest. you were wide-eyed, staring at her.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry. thank you, mikasa." you say, breathless. she nods her head once and looks up to you on your elevated step, heaving the bottles safely in her hands. her eyes land on something passed you. "is something wrong?"
you follownyour gaze to see the a mistletoe hanging above you. "oh man, who put that there?" you ask, stepping down another step. you look to mikasa, who is staring bsck at you. if you knew anything, you knew the look on her face. a grin lays on your face and you sigh, "you poor thing."
"huh?" mikasa mutters, watching as you lean forward and press your lips against hers. a small squeak leaves her and she thinks she's about to drop the alcohol on the floor.
she tastes a little bitter due to the drinks she's been having, but you've been eating christmas sweets all night. the blend of the two flavours is nice. mikasa squeezes her eyes shut, and she can feel her cheeks burning as her heart beats faster.
you were cool and collected, gently moving your lips against hers and guiding the both of you. mikasa was too cute, asking you all these questions throughout the time you've known her, always finding a way to be alone with you. you ever really thought much of it, but that look in her eyes just then told you all you need to know.
when you pull away, mikasa's eyes slowly open, her lipstick now smudged and on you. you memorised her face, how her blush spread across her cheeks and her ears. meanwhile, mikasa tried to calm herself, shifting on her feet.
"you... didn't have to, y/n." she says, standing up straight.
but you walk down the rest of the stairs, pressing another kiss to her cheek as you pass her. "don't worry yourself. let's give these to armin, and then get a drink." you say, leading her to the kitchen.
she lets out a small breath, collecting herself and then following after you.
↣ porco galliard:
thank god armin was smart.
"pock! y/n is here now!" pieck announces from the dinner table. the restaurant was fully booked out and lively, piano played familiar christmas themes and the formal attire made it look as expensive as it really was. the food smelt amazing, which is why colt wanted to buy almost everything on the menu, to which reiner dismissed but truly wanted as well.
"yeah? why are you only tellin' me?" porco responds, not bothering to stand from his seat. but he searches the large crowd for your walking figure. pieck smiles, knowing of his not so secret feelings for you. when you finally make it to the table, porco sneaks glances.
"hey, i'm sorry i'm late. i couldn't find my shoes." you say, waving at everyone as they greet you too. you scan the table for a spare spot, only seeing one in between reiner and porco. your eyes lock with his, and he hastily looks away. as everyone falls into their own conversations, you stand near porco. "can i sit here?"
"see anywhere else you can sit?" he huffs back at you. you snicker, sitting down beside him and setting your jacket on the chair. everyone fell into conversation around you whilst you sat there quietly, playing with the napkin on your lap. porco stares at you for a moment before clearing his throat. "you look good. you... look nice."
your head turns to him, and a smile dawns on your face. "oh? thank you, porco. you look handsome tonight."
"thanks." he huffs, looking away. the food was coming now and he didn't want to look at your face as you stared at him. why were you so positive and sweet?
the dinner continues with small talk between the both of you and the rest of the table. zeke did his share of pushing porco and reiner's buttons, and you, bertholdt and pieck worked to mend their arguments.
as the food came and went, and drinks were topped off endlessly. colt was currently telling his own story about something funny that happened to him last week. he mentioned falco and gabi, and by the end of five minutes, porco was zoned out, drinking from his glass.
he was bored. as much as he enjoyed free food, he was so bored.
"i'm just gonna go to the bathroom." porco clears his throat, excusing himself.
he stands up, nudging against you genty by accident. but he finds himself brushing his hand against you and holding the back of your chair to stand up. you offered him a gentle smile, to which he nodded at and walked away.
"don't be too long, galliard." zeke chimes in, ellicting an eye roll from the said man, "we might miss you too much."
"suck it, jaeger." porco scoffs, fixing his collar as he leaves the table.
you watch him leave as everyone else falls into conversation. porco has always been different from everyone else, you realised. he was realistic, somewhat pessimistic, but always trying his best. you found yourself a little excited to be alone with him, but that was rare. there was never a good reason to be alone with him, and it was embarrassing to just say you wanted him to yourself.
so when you saw him pass the bathrooms and go straight to the empty balcony, you took your chance.
"i'll be back, gonna' go get a drink from the bar." you say, seeing the bar in the same direction as porco.
"damn, can't get enough, can you?" colt jokes, nodding to your empty glass.
"not all of us can be a lightweight like you." you chuckle, making your way over. it doesn't take you long til you open the door of the balcony and close it behind you. porco is leaning against the balcony railing, not hearing you until you clear your throat. "hey."
"oh, hey." he says, seeing you walk towards him.
"what are you doing out here?" you ask, standing beside him.
"gettin' some air. you?"
"followed you." porco raises a brow at you. "what? you looked lonely."
"shut up." he rolls his eyes, and runs his fingers through his hair. you catch yourself staring, then looking out to the city lights. "what're your plans for christmas?"
you lean against the railing, the night wind blowing towards you. "well, i'll go to my family's town for a few days, then come back here and celebrate myself." you explain, tilting your head, "yourself?"
"the same." he huffs, resting his hand on his neck, "marcel is expecting some souveniers."
"ha, right, right." you say, playing with your fingers. you secretly wished you could think of a more personal present for porco, you opted for a nice silver ring. you just needed a good time to give it to him before you both left. "hey, so—"
"i got you something." porco says, standing up straight. you stare at him, suddenly aware of how he looked in the moonlight and the soft yellows of the lights around you. he holds out a small box from his pocket. "merry christmas, y/n."
"porco, you didn't have to." you chuckle, taking the box from his hand.
"yeah i know. but you mentioned you lost yours. and i just so happened to be out and saw it." he claims as you pull out a bracelet that was so similar to yours that you lost. you were at a loss for words, only staring down at the gift. porco self-conciously shifted from foot to foot. "it's—it's not the exact one, but y'know."
"no, porco. i love it." you say, putting it on immediately. porco blinks and lets out a sigh of relief. "thank you so much. i... the gift i got you is actually in my jacket pocket. i'll give it to you later."
"oh, i didn't know." porco says, hands bracing the metal in front of you.
you've never had solid proof that porco liked you more than a friend, but this had to be it, right? you scan his face to see him smiling a little, before you look up and see the plant hanging above your heads. he doesn't see the red berries and green leaves, but you don't say a word.
"hey, porco?" you call.
"mhm?" he replies.
"let me kiss you?" you ask, leaning against his shoulder. porco's eyes stay on you, blank-faced. he doesn't know how to say 'yes'.
"what? you wanna' kiss me?" he reiterates.
you respond, tilting your head at him, "i've always wanted to kiss you." you say, "so can i?"
porco takes a deep breath in, looking down at your lips for a few seconds. and he nods nods head. you lean forward first, making the move to kiss porco and rest a hand against his shoulder. porco's hand is on your cheek, keeping you connected.
your fingers are hot against his arm, even through the shirt he wore. his cologne filled the air, and it was just as intoxicating as any other alcohol. as handsome as he was, the way porco took care of you was even more attractive.
he kissed you softly, making sure not to overstep and to gently brush his thumb against your cheekbone. you were warm compared to the cold air. the kiss lasted shorter than any of you would've wanted, but the look on each others' face was worth it.
"i've never actually kissed anyone under a mistletoe before." you admit, patting his shoulder.
he furrows his brows before looking up, seeing the mentioned item above you two. be then chuckles, "sneaky."
"you wanna' come to mine for christmas?" you ask, caressing his arm. porco grins a little, hair falling out of place. as he pushes it back, you hold the box in your other hand. "we can cook and watch movies. after we come back from our family's, of course."
"sounds good to me." porco says, pulling you closer. you chuckle, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. he leans closer to you, earning another smile. "another one?"
who were you to reject him?
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dilfl0v3rss · 10 months
this was the eren and reiner fic with a the different ending. i felt like it wasn’t what y’all wanted so i changed it, but if you’re interested in reading it here it is🤷🏽‍♀️
caller blocked
“ian ready for no relationship.” the excuse of excuses. the words that were always thrown your way after you’d try to convince your little “fling” that you wanted to be more. eren stood up, zipping his pants before grabbing his hoodie and heading out your dorm room. your situation was…complicated. well not really. you grew very attached to this man, looking for him at parties, going to every single one of his games, giving him your notes so he wouldn’t fail and get kicked off the team, and letting him fuck you whenever he wanted.
you were practically dating. or that’s what you thought. eren seen you as just another pretty little thing to keep his grades up and his dick wet. using you constantly while labeling it at love to keep you coming back for more. “b-but why ren?” eren dropped his shoulders, sighing before he walked back to you and raised your chin with his fingers. “you know the rules pretty. cant be tied down worrying about a girl during the season. when all of this craziness is over then we can work sum out.”
a smile bloomed on your face as you looked at eren in complete adoration. you couldn’t wait for the season to end so you could finally be with the man you love. your friends seen you as a complete idiot, and they had no problem trying to shut down your delusions. “girl what don’t you get? as soon as the season ends he gon drop you like a bad habit.” “yea he’s lying to you baby.”
you shook your friend as your friends annie and sasha tried to speak some sense into you. “he wouldn’t do that to me. h-he lo-” “he doesn’t love you and m’gonna prove it.” before you could reply annie pulls out her phone, clicking historias instagram story to show you what she posted in her close friends. there eren was, laying his head on her stomach with his arms wrapped around her as the rest of his body laid snug between her legs. the caption reading ‘pussy put his ass to sleep🤣’.
your eyes instantly welled with tears as you watched eren, your eren be with someone else the same way he’d be with you. annie was contemplating telling you for awhile. hoping that you’d come to your senses on your own without having to get hurt, but she just couldn’t hold it in anymore. “why would he-” “because historias dumber than a bag of rocks and she doesn’t mind sucking and fucking a dick that’s been in half the campus.” sasha spit.
annie wiped your tears with a napkin from her purse before standing up with you on the quad bench. “fuck him furreal. there’s so many guys that have been tryna get at you, but you’ve been oblivious to them because of eren.” you nodded your head, acting as if you were agreeing but you were really heartbroken. the three of you said your goodbyes and you went back to your room. tears flooded your pillowcase as you thought about what you had just witnessed.
you were being played, but you weren’t about to just let it go. deciding that one day you’ll get your revenge, but right now you wanted nothing to do with him. weeks went by since you’ve last talked to eren. he wasn’t suspicious of it since he’d usually only talk to you when he needed something anyways. covering up his actions with “practice” to keep you from pestering him.
as annie said, a lot of guys have tried to get at you and instead of shooting them down like you usually did, you gave one a chance. you and reiner have gotten pretty close over the last few weeks. texting almost everyday, eating lunch together, and sharing your favorite books with each other in the library as you studied. he was sweet and charming.
always paying for your lunch no matter how many times you’ve tried to return the favor, walking you all the way to your dorm after a particularly late study sesh, and holding your hand when the two of you would cross the street. he mostly did that for his enjoyment, but you didn’t mind.
the two of you weren’t dating, but many people thought you were, given that one was barely seen without the other. “where’s your boo suge.” sasha would say when you finally hung out with your girls after three long weeks. “hush uppp. we just talking.” annie, sasha, and pieck busted out laughing before pieck leaked some information to you.
“girl you know we seen you getting your back blown out in the back of his jeep right?” your hands flew to your mouth as you gasped in shock. “yupp. saw him pulling your hair and allat right in our dorm parking lot.” sasha said as you covered your face in embarrassment before mumbling into your hands. “ooouuu yall so nosey i could strangle all three of you right now.” annie scoffed as she pulled your arms from your face.
“you think we’re dumb? you’ve been ditching us every chance you got. and when you do decide to finally hang out with us for a little, you come with a bunch hickies and a pimp walk.” all of you laughed at her last comment. rolling your eyes before checking your phone. speak of the devil.
‘got everything ready for movie night!’
‘waiting on you now mama💛’
you looked up from your phone, instantly getting pissed looks from your friends. “don’t even say nun. go be wit your man. enjoy it too because this weekend you all OURS. you hear me?” you giggled as you stood from your spot on sasha’s beanbag chair. “i hear youuu. love yallll!!” each of your friends replied with “love you toos” before you left to go spend time with reiner.
“aight i got nightmare on elm street and i got fri-” “princess and the frog” reiner chuckled as you looked up at him. sitting on his bed in nothing but his t shirt that you changed into as soon as you got there. “we watched that last time princess. you said you’d let me switch it up.” pink lip jutting out in a pout at he looked at you with sad eyes.
you laughed, watching this huge man with black ink dancing around his arms and chest being such a softy for you. his sweatpants hanging low on his hips as he situated himself under you on the bed. “okay then coco. i love un poco locoooo” a groan flew from his lips as he rolled his eyes at your choices. “no more disney. if i hear another song ima rip my ears off.”
the two of you ended up settling on john wick, but that didn’t really matter since it was thirty minutes into the movie where you found yourself plopping up and down on his thick dick. big veiny hand holding the back of your neck while his other arm was squeezing your ass. “how ya feeling princess.”
your moans flew directly into reiners ear as your hands gripped the pillow next to his head. “s-so good papa. real good.” his pace slowed as he started putting more of his inches into you. your hands flew to his hair, stroking and pulling his blonde crown with your eyes closed tightly. “that’s what i like to hear. love making my pretty girl feel good.” you were so out of it you didn’t even notice that reiners hand was no longer on your ass. instead he was texting your ex fling on your phone.
ren ren💚
‘yo. you up?’
he seen the name pop up and instantly got heated, knowing what he’s done to you. he grabbed the device without thinking as he made quick work to delete his number before replying.
‘yea what’s up?’
‘miss you mama🤧’
‘let me pull up on you’
‘the nerve of this guy’ reiner thought as a quick idea came up into his head. he quickened his strokes, laying the phone on the bed as the phone dialed erens number. “o-o-ooouuu rei you feel so good.” a smirk crept onto his face. “i feel good pretty girl?” you nodded your head, whining after you felt a hard slap to your ass. the sound bouncing off the walls as his one hand took up lots of space on your asscheek.
“use those words mama. like when you talk t’me.”
“y-you feel so g-good daddyyyy” reiner looked up at you in adoration before connecting his lips with yours in a sloppy kiss. smacking sounds ringing loud in the air as he practically devoured you. reiner glanced back at the phone to see that eren had hung up, a bunch of texts popping up as he scrolled through each of them.
‘wyd y/n?’
‘man you so lame for that fr’
‘how you just gon give my pussy away like that?’
‘he never gon be able to fuck you like i do’
‘cmon baby don’t pass up a relationship with me for braun…’
‘i swear i’ll never text historia again’
‘she could never amount to you ong baby’
‘text me back y/n :(‘
‘at least still study with me…historia’s so dumb i’ll get kicked off the team fasho’
*caller blocked*
reiner threw your phone to the side before laying you on you your back. pulling out of you before moving his head towards your pussy. his pink lips wrapped around your clit before licking up and down your middle. “all mine right baby?” his green eyes met your brown ones. the two of you staring deeply into each other before you nodded you head slowly.
“all yours”
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nightfall-kachiniko · 7 months
Realistic aot heacanons 🙁
(Im sorry but I have to call them out )
includes: eren, mikasa (ish), Armin, reiner, sasha, bertoldt, pieck
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eren would be a bitchy boyfriend. He’s so bratty. Like y’all saw how he talked to his momma. He’d be sassing you around. He’s the type to he like “ILL HAVE IT LATER” when you just made him a good ass meal. Ungrateful ass. (Sad hc but he’d probably treat you better than he treated his mom bc he regretted being a bitch to her but he’s probably be a brat to you)
Mikasa has no icks. Shes perfect. Just possessive but perfect.
Armin would probably call u honey bun or do that Yagami yato deku thing and call u puppy 😕
Sasha (I love her dearly) would be the annoying friend. I’m sorry but she’s be the friend who steals all your food and leaves you on the verge of starving after a whole 8 hour day of school. ofc she’s respectful (sometimes) but with her you’ll never get your work done. You’ll bring plushies to school and tell everyone not to touch it and then the SECOND you pull it out her Cheeto dust hands ARE ALL OVER HIM. I’m sorry I love you Sasha BUT WASH YOUR HANDS DAMN.
Reiners a good guy. No not an actual good guy. He’s one of those dudes who are like “girls like you don’t go after guys like me” LIKE SIR STFU like we all know u wanna put a gun to your head.
Pieck is a very soft girl. Like realistically she’s the type to give you one of her good pencils in class. She’d probably come to school dressed up every day. Gives you her sweater and leg warmers. She’s just a really good friend.
But she uses :3 unironically.
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larsnicklas · 19 days
What is that people don't understand about Barky?
eh i think it's less that he's misunderstood as it's.... idk. that he flies very under the radar by choice and tends to be overshadowed by flashier personalities. on purpose. i guess if there's one thing i'd say — with the caveat that none of us know the guy personally! — i don't really think he's shy at all, which is how he was described a TON when he was younger. he speaks when he has something to say and has always had yappers in the leadership group to balance things out lmao. but he's so funny!!! and tbh the older he gets the more he lets his personality show on camera i think lol
i, a longtime nicke enthusiast, am used to basically all of this and even drawn to these traits, and therefore voraciously consume every longform sasha interview/piece that is available to me in order to kind of get a grasp on what makes the guy tick. here are a few of my favorites + a few highlight videos for fun!
SASHA MINI PRIMER ⬇️ aka an incomplete but lovingly curated collection of required reading/videos/essential moments below the cut!!!
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📰 Sushi With Sasha: Barkov jests that all being captain really means is, “I have to open my mouth sometimes.” [...] The fact Barkov cracks wise about his quiet ways, though, is in line with a defining characteristic — knowing how to pick your spots, both with the puck and one-liners. “Yeah, that’s exactly it,” says Pittsburgh Penguins defenceman and fellow Finn Olli Maatta. “Definitely not the loudest guy in the room, but when you get to know him he has almost like a sneaky sense of humour.”
🎥 32 Thoughts: Barkov Reminisces About Panthers Magical Playoff Run (he is so cute in this. hair fluffy. smiley. sweet.)
📰 Q&A: Sasha Barkov is home in Finland and discusses his love of chicken wings, Jaromir Jagr and the Miami Heat: How fast does that car go? Well, 65 is the speed limit, right? So, 66. But I think it would hit 200 if you really pushed it.
🎥 Aleksander Barkov Shootout Goals But They Get Increasingly More Impressive (what it says on the tin)
📰 The NHL’s new Patrice Bergeron? Panthers’ Aleksander Barkov fits the bill — ‘He does everything right: Affable as always, Barkov, despite his short offseason, looked noticeably more jacked than he’d even been during the Panthers’ tremendous playoff run. He smiled and extended his hand before discussing his motivation to captain the Panthers back to the spot that had been so grueling to get to in the first place.
📰 Barkov Keeps His Cool: It’s right after one of those long days of work at the rink in November that Barkov, known better around the locker room as “Sasha,” has me on his car’s speakerphone as he works to traverse through a bit of traffic around rush hour. In the background, vehicles can be heard zooming and honking around him. But just like he does on the ice, the Panthers captain is keeping his cool. As he maneuvers through congestion with his foot tap dancing on the pedal, he doesn’t talk much about his extension, but rather of the first time he attempted to traverse the highways of South Florida as a fresh-faced, 18-year-old hockey prodigy during his rookie season in 2013.
🎙️/ 🎥 The Hockey PDOcast Episode: Aleksander Barkov's Defensive Impact and How He Does It (analysis of barkov as a player with accompanying video clips)
🎥 Panthers Celebrate Captain Aleksander Barkov (this video is so fucking funny to me because joe t.hornton just talks for ten seconds about how big sasha is. which. yeah real.)
📰 Dwyane Wade crashes into fan at Heat game -- Panthers star Aleksander Barkov: Barkov said he would like to see Wade at a Panthers game this season. The Panthers play at BB&T Center in Sunrise, which is 35 miles north of AmericanAirlines Arena, where the Heat play. Barkov predicted Wade would get a standing ovation from Panthers fans and said he wouldn't let boards stop him from trying to see Wade during that game. "I'll try my best to fly over him," Barkov said.
🎥 Ask Me Anything | Aleksander Barkov (this is where he says his dream golf quartet is his ex bf his current work wife and his dilf mentor)
📰 Q&A with Sasha Barkov: Fast cars, Miami sports and his first move as NHL commish: Yeah, the palm trees were cool and he really liked the ocean. But he also liked to drive. To do that, he needed to head to the DMV and get himself a Florida driver’s license. “I don’t have a car but I have the license,” Barkov said during his first training camp with the Panthers in 2013. “I failed the first time because I didn’t understand the questions.”
🎥 Laine and Barkov go to town on Finnish chicken wings (literally just a minute long video of them eating chicken wings LOL)
🎥 ALEKSANDER BARKOV VS. PAVEL BARBER | HockeyShot Shootout Challenge! (silly trickshot video... fans throw rats at sasha and he's like thank you :D... it's like an artificial sheet on the beach, sasha is very cute)
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m-jelly · 4 months
Hiiii there! I LOVE YOUR WORKS SO MUCH!!!! I got into AOT just a couple of days ago and stumble upon your works and I love how you write the characters!!!!
I can't help but ask if it's okay to request for Levi x reader, where the reader is like a legal advisor for the survey corps, she would often come to meetings and they would come to them for legal matters and she's highly intelligent and Levi is impressed and starts falling for the reader and the veterans like Hange and Erwin notices it and decided to help Levi with confessing. Maybe add in a little bit of the 104th cadets.
That's all but also one last thing is that please take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself. Thank you!!!
Thank you so much! You're so sweet anon and I'm glad you like my oneshots <3 Take care of yourself too.
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@ladycheesington <3
Love and legal.
Levi x fem!reader
Canon world, fluff, romance, falling in love, flustered Levi, confessions, legal advisor reader.
Levi starts going to the legal meetings and falls in love with you. He wants to ask you out, but he's not sure how to go about it. So, with the help of the vets, he takes his first journey in love.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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The moment he fell in love with you was like a click in his head. For a while now he'd been coming to meetings that you were in. As you spoke about legal information he was impressed. After thinking about your wonderful brain, he started to notice your looks and how you smiled. Every little thing you did was incredible and cute. He adored how you smiled, laughed, spoke and smelt.
The feelings Levi had for you he was very new to. Love and attraction were not a familiar thing to him, so having these feelings build up was surprising. It was clear to him that he needed to be cautious because one false move with something he wasn't familiar with and he could lose you. He wasn't even certain if you held affection for him, but you seemed to laugh, smile and talk to him a lot more. Plus, you gave him lingering touches.
After one meeting he decided to make a small move, which was to escort you out of the base and back home. He released a long shaky breath as you said bye to the others and walked towards Levi. Levi stammered your name causing you to smile at him.
You hummed a little laugh. "Everything okay?"
He gulped hard. "C-Can I uh...escort y-you home?"
You moved closer to him. "I would like that."
Erwin waved Levi over. "Levi, a quick word before you go?"
Levi nodded. "Sure."
You smiled. "I'll wait outside for you."
He gave you a tiny smile. "Y-Yes." As soon as you left he hurried over to Erwin, Hange and Mike. "What?"
Erwin placed his hand on Levi's shoulder. "Confidence, Levi. She clearly likes you back. Don't push your own boundaries, okay? If you're not ready to ask her out, don't push yourself."
"Mm, but I want her."
Mike chuckled. "Just go for it. Talk to her on the walk and at the end by her door ask her on a date."
Hange clasped her hands. "Yes! Ask her out on a tea date! You both love tea or you could ask her to go to the local bookstore."
Levi's brows furrowed as he thought about everyone's advice. "Confidence. Ask her out at the end. Recommend tea or a bookstore."
Erwin patted Levi's shoulder. "Perfect. You've got this."
Levi released another long sigh. "I've got this."
Hange leaned closer. "Remember, she likes you. I can tell she does. You've got this."
"I've got this." He clicked his neck and then left the room. He made his way out to see you stood with a little gathering around you. Levi could feel his cheeks burning when he observed them making a big fuss about you. "Tch, oi you lot? Shouldn't you be training?"
Connie saluted. "Captain! Sorry, we just wanted to talk to this lady. We see her here all the time."
Sasha grinned. "She gave me a snack."
Levi huffed. "Don't take snacks from her."
You walked over to Levi. "It's okay. I don't mind feeding them. I always have snacks on me anyway."
Levi's cheeks burned at how cute you were. "That's always good to have."
"I think so too." You turned to Armin. "I'll come back and we can talk a bit more about law."
Armin bowed to you a little. "Thank you. I look forward to it."
You waved to the small group of 104th cadets. "Bye, all! Lovely to see you."
Connie gasped. "She's the Captain's girlfriend!"
Levi's cheeks went pink at the comment. "L-Let's go."
You hummed a laugh as you walked with Levi. "I'm your girlfriend according to them."
Levi shivered. "A-Ah, yes."
You nibbled your lip. "Sounds rather nice." You moved closer to him. "Being your girlfriend that is."
Levi nodded at your comment. "I-It does."
"So, what do you think?"
He gulped hard as he walked. "Well, uh...I would...I ah..."
You reached over and lightly squeezed his hand. "Sorry if you feel pressured."
"I-I don't, I just...you fluster me."
"I do?"
He gripped your hand stopping you from letting go. "Good kind. I uh...I like you."
You rubbed your thumb against his soft skin. "I like you too."
He slowed down when he saw your home. "I uh...I don't want to get to your house because it means our walk is over."
You hummed. "I don't want to say goodbye either."
He looked into your eyes. "Date."
You stared at Levi and saw him wince. "Date?"
He lowered his head. "I was meant to ask you out in a smoother way. Ah...I want...would you like a date? Tea or a bookshop? Maybe both?"
You leaned closer and kissed his cheek. "How about tomorrow?"
He lightly touched his cheek. "Yes please."
"How about at eleven?"
"Yes. I'll come and pick you up."
You smiled. "Perfect. I can't wait."
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midnightsxblue · 2 months
carl grimes x reader
(you and carl bond after terminus.)
tags: fluff? maybe? idk i just exist
masterlist here!
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You’ve been alone for quite a long time. Maybe not technically because you’ve had Rosita, Abraham and Eugene, but you’ve felt alone for quite a while. You don’t particularly let it get to you though, you’ve always had some sort of entertainment to enjoy. It helped you stay yourself, the same person you were when this all started.
You traveled very far with your group, you’ve lost a lot of people however. Someone you stuck with throughout all of it was Rosita. She was one of the people who stayed with you after losing your family and the others of the group. Abraham was always sort of standoffish. He gave you advice and was aggressive with you when he needed to be. Yelling at you to avoid you getting hurt, all that. Eugene…he was just there. He was just…yeah, there. He was helpful when he needed to be though.
The four of you have met and parted ways with many people and many groups. It all changed when you met one group in specific. You’d met Glenn and Tara and you saw their determination to find their people. You’ve never met others that dedicated. Usually they would accept the fact that their family was gone, but they were different. Even after finding Maggie, Sasha and Bob, they wanted to look further.
You believed Terminus would be the end of it all. You thought your story ended there.
You were surprised to find out that this group of people were successfully able to find their way back to each other; they had such a strong love for each other that even after being separated tragically, they figured it all out. And they got you out.
You were now on the road, you’d been smart enough to hide your bag with all your entertainment inside on the outskirts of Terminus. You noticed a guy your age, Carl. He’d seemed sweet, but very worried all the time; he made you remember who you used to be after your family died. You didn’t feel like bothering him, he’d just reunited with his baby sister who he’d presumed was dead. So you let him come to you.
You were walking along the railroad, listening to music. Trying to process everything you’d seen at Terminus.
“Hey.” You feel a tap on your shoulder and you pull out the headphone in your right ear, turning to see he’d approached you. You smile. “Hi.” You pull your ipod out from your back pocket to pause your music. “Whatcha listening to?” He asks, pointing at the ipod as you shoved it back in your front pocket. “Uhhh just Everlong.” He gives you a curious look. “Foo Fighters?” You add, not realizing he didn’t know what you were talking about.
“Oh, yeah I know who you mean now. Sorry I’ve forgotten the names n stuff.” He smiles. “Don’t worry about it. Wanna listen?” You pull out your left headphone and stick it out to him. He looks at it and thinks for a moment before taking it to put it in his ear. You scoot a little closer to him so it’s easier to listen and you put the right headphone in your ear.
You turn up the volume a little and smile as you press play.
You guys walk like that for a while, just listening to music together peacefully. He smiles at you sweetly throughout, and you begin to feel less alone. Like you felt before. The group stops for the night and you settle into a tent with Rosita. You go and sit next to Carl around the fire and he seems happy you chose to sit with him. “Soooo what do you have in there?” He points to your bag. “Just stuff for entertainment, which probably isn’t that smart in hindsight but…maybe it is. I dunno.” You both giggle and you unzip your bag.
“Well I’ve got these, I’m not too sure you’re into comics but-” He cuts you off. “No way, you have Science Dog? I haven’t read this since- well since…you know.” You nod in response. “Yeah, yeah I know.” You hand him the comic and continue digging through your bag, grabbing Invincible and some Spider-man comics. “Wow, you’ve got good taste.” He says with a smile, flipping through the selection of comics you have. “Thanks.”
“So which ones your favorite?”
“It’s gotta be Science Dog.”
“Really? Same…reminds me of before.”
You guys blabber on about it for the rest of the night, eventually being yelled at to separate and go to bed by Rick after dinner.
It’s funny how a friendship can form from your “good taste.”
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a/n: so sorry about this ITS SO BAD not to mention how short it is, i’m so so sorry. ALSO would you guys call me a nerd if i told you i have a science dog shirt and the actual science dog comic? (i’m just a girl btw pls don’t call me a nerd) also hope u like the banner for these next three fics bc LAWD HES SO FINE.
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umeoniii · 1 year
Can you do lesbian fluff (or smut) for the aot girls????
lesbian relationship hcs w aot girls
nsfw & sfw
w: annie, mikasa, sasha,
☆ very introverted obvi, but she can actually be very extroverted w her s/o
☆ prefers cute dates at food places like bakeries or sushi restaurants
☆ loves when her s/o makes her sweets
☆ for gifts i feel like she writes things, like letters or poems maybe even a song (probably too embarrassed to sing though)
☆ not the most affectionate but when she is she’s a lot, like a lil puppy dog
☆ sleeps a lot, she sleeps all over her s/o
she falls asleep on their lap, shoulders, stomach i feel like she’s a really sleepy girl
☆ likes hearing her s/o’s stories and adventures
she likes giving her input and opinions
☆ wears ur hoodies maybe bcs she likes the smell, maybe bcs their comfier, maybe bcs she likes bugging you
☆ gets flustered when you even show that you think abt her
☆ actually anything you do makes her flustered deep down
☆ takes turns w u giving back massages
☆ forcefully takes you w her to the gym
you don’t even have to work out but she still wants you there
☆ she lets you touch her abs, even though she finds it odd
♡ she’s more dominant BUT she can be more subby depending on how she’s feeling
♡ loud
♡ likes scissoring
♡ when she is feeling submissive she likes when her s/o eats her out
♡ owns a good amount of sex toys, she bought them really for you
♡ very great stamina
♡ can last a few rounds before getting overstimulated and tired
☆ little spoon when sleeping
☆ very introverted even with her s/o
☆ likes quite and secluded dates, like a picnic
☆ likes when you take photos of her but she doesn’t like for the whole world to see them
☆ makes things for her s/o
something as small as cookies or as big as a crocheted sweater
☆ type of gf who would share a milkshake willingly
☆ super cuddly and warm
☆ remembers lots of things abt you, some things you’d render “useless”
like you had a hamster named zunie in 5th grade
☆ has a playlist of songs that make her think of u
☆ let’s you pick out her outfits sometimes
☆ keeps all the plushies you’ve ever bought her
♡ sub
♡ whimpers and whines
♡ holds you very tightly
♡ sometimes she lowkey gets all somber and sad during sex whispering stuff like “please don’t leave me ever”
♡ sex is very intimate w her
♡ squirter
♡ when she is giving to her s/o she literally eats pussy like a starved woman
☆ naggy loud gf
it’s very sweet though
☆ shows her s/o a lot of love…. a lot
she gives you wet kisses and blows raspberries into your tummy
☆ you guys alr know she likes dates at restaurants but i feel like she’d also like people watching, feeding ducks, or the movies. she likes fun stuff
☆ never a dull moment with her
☆ sleeps wildly, sometimes you just gotta sleep on the couch. she probably snores too.
☆ she’s the type to post all pictures of you for the world to see. ALL
☆ makes slideshows on stuff like why she thinks you guys should buy a roomba
☆ forces u to do couplely things like match outfits
☆ buys corny cards for holidays
“you’re purrfecf for me! love, sash”
☆ play wrestles
takes it way too far. she jumps off the couch and tries to body slam you
☆ if you have bigger boobs just know she’s not gonna leave em alone
she lies on them to sleep and she always just touches them and gropes them
she makes “jokes” about you breastfeeding her and calling you mommy (it’s not really a joke)
~ ♡ def calls you mommy in bed regardless of chest size
♡ with all the eating she does she’s gotta be able to eat pussy
♡ vv whiny
♡ sub
♡ cant last longer than around 2 minutes
♡ will literally touch herself right next to u in bed while you’re sleep
♡ puts whipped cream on your body and licks and eats it off
a/n: i am SO sorry this took so long, i literally got stuck and was gonna try and make this one super duper long but i gave up on it and finished it last .°(ಗдಗ。)° . i hope u enjoy it n’ if there’s another character u wanna see u can request it! <333
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kimchitsu17 · 2 months
no strings attached | armin arlert
a/n:this is my first ever piece,please be gentle with me 🙏🏾
his head rests in your shoulder.rapid short breaths leaving him after his high.
"I'm sorry,I couldn't help it" he pants as he nuzzles further into your neck.Your fingertips meander gently through his soft golden locks,a comfort for the war torn soldier."it's okay,I was up for it anyway",you sigh.
his bare torso rests atop of yours,legs tangled together in the soft linen sheets and his fingers trace mindless patterns into your waist.the sun is about to rise and he wants to savour as much of your warmth as he can before he has to leave you again.if it was up to him, he'd stay locked up in your quarters with you for all his days but a commander can only dream.
he can't call what you have with him a relationship,not really since he can't show you off to the world like he wants to.he cant hold your hand or kiss your cheek around your comrades.in this crippled military camp you call a home,you cant afford the luxury of having such a precious thing.all energy must go to the war effort.to rescue Eren.not to mention both of you can die at any moment.having incurred so much grief over the years,itd be best not to form any more ties that could be severed in an instant by the titans.so he settles for this little haven.
With a kiss to his forehead you whisper, "I have patrol in the morning with Jean".his hands tighten around your waist and an agitated groan leaves him as soon as you say those words.you can feel his pout against your neck.Mornings are always the hardest for the both of you."You need to go now or we're gonna get caught you know" you peek at him,a smile stretching over your face.
He lazily lifts his face from your neck to look at you directly.A long silence ensues between you then as he just stares at your face.hes always been one to stare and its never awkward or weird.its never like that with him.youve concluded that he just enjoys watching you.likes seeing you light up at Sasha and Connie's jokes.Likes seeing you puzzled over battle strategies with Levi.Likes seeing tears roll down your cheeks when he make you come for the third time in a row at night,grinning at your exhausted and too blissed out frame.(he'll never admit the last one to you but you've caught on to how his baby blues dance every time youre on the verge of crying when he pleasures you)
right now though he's trying to soak up all your features before he has to go.he starts with your eyes,marveling over the sunlight glinting against your dark irises.he loves how your lashes frame over them making you all the more beautiful.he drinks you in from your unruly black hair,your warm supple dark skin to your pink two-toned lips, undoubtedly his favourite body part of yours.
God how he loves your face.God how he loves you.He wishes he could tell you that,but he knows what you agreed upon.No strings attached.That was the very first rule of your agreement.You made it clear to him that you're just two good friends trying to blow off some steam on a war ridden island but he could never reduce what you two have to something so minor.
he sees the way you hold his gaze when you talk about all the things you want to do when the war is over.as if you're hoping he'll be there to do all those things with you.(he desperately wants to be there with you too).after all youve already promised him a trip to the sea anyways.
the way you get absolutely drunk over his kisses is too obvious to miss.what starts off as a few sweet pecks turns into a full blown out makeout session.how you grind into his lap and pull him closer to your already flush bodies makes him see stars.your sweet sighs that enter his mouth,his name loose on your lips,too blissed out on his touch to think of anything else and his hands roaming anywhere you let him."just friends" don't do that.And he cant mistake how you scour frantically for his frame after every battle for anything else but affection.You worry for him.You love him.He knows you love him.Youre just too scared to admit that and he doesn't want to destroy what he has with you.so he'll adhere to your wishes of "just being friends"...for now.
He's the first to break the silence with a sly smirk on his face."I love what you did with your hair.Who styled it for you?".Without a second to waste,he swiftly pecks your lips and rises from the bed before you can flick his forehead.
He knows your smile has already gone flat from his jest as he crouches to the floor for his scattered clothes.Both of you know damn well your hair looks like it got hit by a thunderstorm because of all the ungodly activities he partook with you last night,in addition to what he just did a few minutes ago.
"Good morning to you too Commander".he snickers at your blatant "not welcoming your bullshit" tone, shrugging his crumpled shirt on. "come on now y/n were way past using titles now and you know i always think you look pretty"
You roll your eyes at that statement,equally getting dressed for the morning.you decide it best to hit the washrooms later with the small amount of time that's left.
You've both gotten so used to this routine of yours.sneaking around into each others rooms in the dead of night.blaming your training regimen for sore limbs and fatigue when the other soldiers ask why you're both so tired in the morning.chalking up questionable excuses for the gross amounts of time the two of you spend during the week whenever anyone asks about it.
you know you both can't keep this up forever.soon enough the arms of war are going to incinerate the little haven you've created.but for the time being you decide to ignore fate.kiss him goodbye.let him remind you it's your turn tonight to come over at his.and settle for stolen glances throughout the day until the cover of night when you can embrace him once again.
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crowleyholmes · 5 months
hi there chris! since the new year is approaching rapidly, i wanted to ask my favorite creators (that includes you! i love your art!) how they look back on their 2023 tumblr year and which blogs made them happy to be here. i am very happy to follow you and hope you'll have a great 2024! 💘
Hiiii omg this is so sweet and means a lot to me, thank you! 🥺💕
I've been meaning to do a little end-of-the-year shoutout/love post for some of my favorite blogs, so I hope you don't mind if I use your ask as the perfect excuse!
I've had many fun years on tumblr, but this one has been extra special. Falling into the Good Omens fandom and meeting all of you amazing people has made this year so so SO much better than it otherwise would have been, so here are some special shoutouts (apologies, I'm sure this will get long, things like this tend to get away from me, so I'll put it under a read-more)
@majortomyourcurcuitsdead SASHA can you believe I was going to just send you an anon telling you that I think you're cool and leave it at that. Can you believe it. WELL thank Somebody you had your anon turned off and I had to expose myself in your dms because it feels like we just instantly connected about like 20 different things and haven't stopped talking since sskjdfhs anyway I'm so happy I met you you're so fun and so clever and so talented and so enthusiastic and I've only known you for like. What 2 months?? Ish? But I already love you so much <3
@lineffability !!! Line you are so *struggles to find words* you're just great is what you are okay. I feel like you are what happens when somebody takes a big cup and puts six shots of love, chaos, sunshine, talent, fun, and enthusiasm into it, generously sprinkles intelligence on top and gives it a good stir. I don't even remember how or when or why we started talking tbh? But your creativity is so inspiring, and some of my favorite tumblr-moments of this year have been 'yes-and'ing with you about one thing or another in a very >:3 manner hahah so! my point is! i love you lots <3
@dontbotheraziraphale Teeeedddd you're wonderful, I vented at you one time and then we talked for like 2 hours and at the end of that 1 conversation I already considered you a friend - and not just in that "tumblr mutuals who talk 1 time are my friends" kind of way but like. Genuinely. You're so kind and so fun and every time we talk it's such a good time ily a lot my bro my buddy my man <3
@crikey01 Tallulah HI I also completely forgot how we started talking but I remember connecting the dots that you were the one who painted those INSANE black and white and gold oil paintings and the way my jaw dropped like?? BRO you're so talented I admire you so much! And I love that we bonded over stopping each other from masochistically checking certain peoples' blogs... 😂 Anyway you're so sweet and fun and ily lots <3
The list could probably go on but you four are the people I've talked to most on here and you're the tumblr chat boxes I never close but always just minimize and y'all better see this as the ultimate internet declaration of affection that it Clearly is >:D 💕
And here are some more shout-outs because I just HAVE to.
Apologies, I know I've already tagged a bunch of you recently in a mutuals appreciation post but. This is my official thank-you-for-2023 post and I just have a lot of love for you all okay sorry feel free to ignore this <3
@rowan-ashtree (i'll text you back soon I promise I'm sorry I just haven't had the brain-space recently ssjkdfh) @crawley-fell (we've never talked but i love you from afar :')) @ineffabildaddy @llokilaufeyson @actual-changeling @saryasy @hyperfocusthusly @beccibarnes @rainbowcrowley @thesherrinfordfacility @goodoldfashionednightingale @wibbly-wobbly-blog @highlyillogicalandroid (i see your data obsession and i agree <3) @tortugay @foolishlovers @stargazing-crowley @gingiekittycat @weasleywrinkles @bildads-shoes @finleycannotdraw @bowtiepastabitch @heytherefluffy @samwwise @nocturnal-birb @athousandyearstime @angelsdiningattheritz @most-normal-eccles-cake-ignorer @jedthesecretdreamer @wraithee @hydrangeadangea @southfarthing @frodo-baggins @mobius-m-mobius
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