#i loved this ask omggggggg
alexcutecolly · 5 months
omg yea the villi would tickle ur right!! omg v.olo trying not to wiggle when he feels us moving around down there & he presses our spot a lil bit x3 uuu it would b fun to feel him squeeze us from outside like an extra hug!! & hed like finding where we are and feeling us move further in too no way we think he forgot us!!
omggg hes silly!! others might beleive it but we know the truth cuz were what his lower belly is rumbling about x3 i think it means we’re liked deep inside there!!
uuu n.aga!v.olo would look so good in the sun!! with his full wrigglily belly! how do you think he first gets the idea to be friends with us & swallow us? cuz yea he’s lonely as a human hed be rly lonely as a big snake guy :C
omg I like that alot!! weve been in his first stomach for a long time already and instead of letting us out those gurgly rumbles only pull us in deeper uuuu and he does a biiig sigh when he moves us in further cuz it feels soo good ❤️ or omg!! even further than the second stomach?? uuuuuuuuu wow he must rly enjoy us!! n.aga!v.olo doesnt want to let us out cuz we make him nice and full and he likes talking to us!! and every time he moves us deeper he gives the bulge we make a massage so we fit more cozy x3 i rly love thinking he keeps us in there for days its rly cute omgomg
i saw that!! did u read the part like “remember me as i am”?? hes so sad and I wanna know what happened to him & hes gonna be ok after the end of this right?? omg i got so scared for him v.olo u cant even see youre cared about poor man
if anything went wrong hed be right there to help!! uu shrunk to ten inches for m.erman!v.olo?? thats a rly cute size cuz hed have to work just a lil to swallow a few times to get us all the way down!! & wed make a smaalll bulge in his tummy outside uuu x3 i rly like this v.olo being playful and pritective of us at the same time!! we can move around a lil bit in his belly but its snug too
we can travel everywhere with him!! he wants to see all the myths in the oceans of the world & were his exploring buddy that hes a little more than friendly with ❤️ omg i hope he doesnt get hurt saving us!! maybe after he swallows us down and gets outta danger we can remind him to take a break & make sure hes okay!! we stay in his belly the entire time cuz he has to know we’ll be safe ofc x3
-v.olo uwu
Oh yes!! They'd tickle both him and us at the same time! x3 also V.olo might actually be quite ticklish if he wiggled so much in the first place! Hehe, in that case concealing our presence would end up being harder than it seemed! x3
Oooh I like the idea of trying to locate us to be a sort of game to him, like a vore version of Where's W.aldo? xD like where he's poking and rubbing his middle to look for small bumps and movements xD he'd definitely have his intestines squeeze a little bit around us too, especially when he finds our specific spot! Hehe x3 this cements the fact that there's no way he's going to forget about us if we're inside, oh dear xD and we're absolutely the reason behind those rumbles lmao, and that's just his digestive system trying to say we're an excellent meal! x3
Omg yeah he'd look so gorgeous!!! ✨ Relaxing in the sun, exposing his fangs as he does a big yawn, his shiny black and gold tail shimmering with the human-shaped bulge wriggling inside xD and I actually have two plot-ideas for a story involving n.aga!v.olo! I'm not normal about him lmao
Both stories would take place in H.isui, the first around the same chronological period as the P.LA events, the second one in modern times:
The classic monster-in-the-forest trope: rumors are spreading about a cruel, unforgiving half man-half snake creature in the H.eartwood, in the O.bsidian F.ieldlands. Everyone in J.ubilife V.illage is terrified by him, wild p.okemon stay clear of his cave.
We're tasked with exploring the area and figuring out if he actually exists and how much of a threat he is. Soon we stumble upon the cavern where he lives, but as we sneak inside we mess up and we alert him of our presence. We really don't want to hurt him, we're almost frozen in place, but before we can flee or summon our p.okemon partner we get caught and eaten safely, so he can get some answers out of us.
Bonding situations ensue once he realizes we're not after his throat and we're actually friendly and nice to have around, especially because he's been feeling lonely for so long and nobody ever dares approaching him. Plus he finds out he likes keeping us in his two stomachs, and beside the initial shock we don't really mind it afterwards xD
However, in the end we discover that K.amado actually knew n.aga!V.olo was real, and he sent us to investigate him just so he could get rid of us. Nobody is happy with this.
A Modern!AU story where n.aga!V.olo is our college roommate/study buddy, and we've been knowing him for so long. We don't know this, but we're actually his only friend. Unfortunately most people on campus are repulsed by him, despite his sweet and cheerful demeanor.
After revising our notes and manuals for hours, we're exhausted and can barely keep our eyes open. That's when V.olo offers to swallow us for the first time, assuring us it's all completely safe. We accept, and take a long nap inside as he keeps studying his own stuff.
He'd massage and stroke the bulge in his tail where we're in, and even play around a bit when he says he's gonna let us out, but instead we're sent deeper inside as everything around us gurgles and rumbles xD we enjoy his company however and we have no errands or places to be then, so we just relax some more and let him take care of us x3
Also I'm very glad we're both such huge fans of long-term endosoma/vore! We'd basically have a field day if n.aga!V.olo pushed us deeper to his small intestine and/or kept us inside for days xD perhaps it'd be a little cramped, but the warmth and the rubs would make it pretty cozy regardless x3 💕
Warning: V.olo in P.okemas spoilers below!
Omgggg yeah that line!!! Omggggg... ;-; ;-; ;-;
"Please remember me as you've seen me during our time together."
It broke me tbh ;-; ;-; like... what do you mean V.olo?? Is he going to do something he knows he'll regret? Or that he's not fully in control of? 😭😭 Or perhaps he can feel he's going to disappear forever, so he wants us to remember him in his happiest moments... ;-; ;-; ;-; if this is true, it's supported by this other line of his:
"It's possible that either you or I could disappear from this world..."
Like jfc 😭😭 our man's perspective of the future and the world aren't too positive ;-; ;-; ;-; and considering his past and low self-worth, he probably sees everything as unchangeable and unfixable ;-; ;-; ;-; oh my gooood!! 😭😭
Omg yeah absolutely!! I picked this size because not only is it very cute, but he'd need a few gulps to send us down, and we'd leave a small bump too, which is super lovely! x3 His belly would feel slightly tighter, but we could still move around, it's pretty good imo! We adore snug stomachs! x3 💕 plus I feel like he'd be the perfect combination of protectiveness and playfulness, which is very fitting for a charming character like him! x3
Oooooh I like this a lot!! I'd love to be his travelling companion on his journeys, and help with his research by exploring ancient sea ruins and more! Btw I also had thought of a giant m.erman!V.olo, with us being of our normal height and him around 42'? This way he could protect us from P.rimal K.yogre for example, or other beeg sea p.okemon! x3 Regardless of his size though, as long as he can get away safely with us in tow, I'm happy and not terribly concerned 🥺 hopefully he doesn't get hurt! Especially if it was us that somehow drew the attention of those sea p.okemon! :(((((
Either way, we'd definitely check up on him after such a tense event, and depending on how he's doing we could either remain inside, or have him bring us out so we can maybe help him heal, or at the very list rub his stomach to make him feel better! 🥺🥺❤️❤️
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sharkissm · 7 days
you like otoya? i believe i'll feed you well with my next fic... 😈
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coconut530 · 6 months
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arceal-doodles · 2 years
I absolutely love your Blush Levels template that you posted on Twitter! I've been using it for so many of my characters! Anyways, will you do more of these in the future? I love how expressive your characters are and how they are part of my inspiration. :3
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
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ehehe :3
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rosicheeks · 2 years
You are so fucking beautiful and anyone who doesn't have you on their blog is stupid. Pleaaaseee don't think that you aren't good enough...ever! You are stunning and I love your posts ❤️❤️
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moonstruckme · 3 months
the first kiss was so cute!!! perfect!! james was so sweet and gentle w her😍😭😭
can’t wait to see there dynamic from now on
Thank you gorgeous! I held onto this so I'd have something to post this last part to, hope you don't mind <3
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8 │ part 9 │ part 10 │ part 11 │ part 12 │ part 13
roommate!James x fem!reader ♡ 1.5k words
James is buzzing while he makes breakfast the next morning. Golden morning light pours in through the front windows, brightening the kitchen and warming his back where he stands in front of the stove, the buttery smell of pancake batter wafting up from the pan. He’d gone to bed later than usual last night and slept hard but woke jittery, desperate to do something about the commotion in his chest. 
A run hadn’t done it, nor had replaying the previous night in his head, and now he’s convinced he won’t be able to rest until he can kiss you again. It’s your fault, really. Your little sighs, your careful touches, the way you’d tugged at the roots of his hair when he asked you to, like all this time you’d only been waiting for permission. You’ve fucked him. James will never be able to get over it. Now, all he can think about is getting more. 
He’s made more pancakes than a family of five could eat when he hears the stair creak. 
“Good morning,” he says, turning around just as you pad into the kitchen, quiet as a ghost. 
Your eyes are bleary, but they still manage to widen slightly as you take him in, along with the precarious tower of pancakes beside him. You’re in that sweatshirt he loves so much, sleeves hanging limply from your hands and hem hitting just above your knees. 
“Morning,” you say, softer than soft. 
“How’d you sleep, lovely?” 
You shrug, not quite looking at him. “Fine. You?” 
James grins. “Beautifully. You want some pancakes?” 
Your gaze goes again to the stack beside him, and he can practically see the quip brewing in your eyes. Doesn’t seem like I have much of a choice. Are you planning to feed an army?
“Sure,” you say in that same quiet voice. “Thanks.” 
James studies you, intrigued. “Great. C’mere, sweetheart.” 
He plates up a few pancakes, keeping one eye on you as he does. You seem disinclined to look even in his general direction, finding distractions with the stove, your plate, the weather outside. 
“How’s this?” He turns around with the plate. You take it cautiously, by the complete opposite end to avoid any possibility of making contact with his hand. James’ heart warms at the way your fingers just peek out from the sleeve of your sweatshirt to grasp the plate. He wants to kiss you until you don’t know what day it is. “Too many? Not enough?” 
“This is good.” 
“Yeah?” He doesn’t let go of the plate. He tilts his head, trying to catch your eye, but you evade him. He has a hunch that if he were to touch your face (and god, does he want to) he’d find it burning hot. “Are you alright?” 
Your eyes flit up to his for a half a second before fleeing again. You hum, the sound tense and pitchy. “Mhm.” 
“You sure?” he asks, matching your soft tone. “Don’t go getting shy on me now.” 
You look like you stop breathing. 
And ordinarily James might feel bad, but post-kiss James cannot be prevailed upon to treat you as cautiously as he ordinarily might. Unfortunately for you, your secret’s out. You’re lovely, you’d said, voice soft and breathy and mere inches from his own mouth, I like having you around. I do. I really like you. Also unfortunately for you, post-kiss James knows things. 
He slips his palm alongside your face, working his hand behind your ear and letting his fingers burrow into the hair behind it. You melt, leaning into the touch. Your eyes meet his. 
It’s grueling work to keep from smiling. “What’s wrong, angel?” 
“Nothing’s wrong,” you say, still quietly but now with more of yourself in your voice. 
“Really? Because you’re acting like we’ve just met.” 
“Don’t you—don’t things feel different to you?” You seem almost distressed, eyebrows hooking upwards just slightly, pretty eyes imploring. Your voice softens again, now more with intimacy than reticence. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to talk with you about.” 
James lets his smile loose, thumbing at the skin behind your ear before letting you go. “We can talk about anything you want,” he says simply, grabbing his own plate and leading you into the living room. 
You’ve got a perfectly good kitchen table but almost never use it, each preferring to eat your meals on the couch. He flops down, careful not to tip his pancakes onto the cushion as he crosses his legs underneath him like you’re at a sleepover. 
“So, have any fun dreams last night?”  
You smile. It’s as heart-stoppingly lovely as always, and James thinks his own probably doubles in magnitude in response. 
“A couple,” you admit. 
“Oh? What about?” 
Your smile goes sheepish, bottom lip slipping in between your teeth as if to impede its progress. You fork clinks against the plate as you start cutting up your pancake. 
James’ brain short-circuits. 
“You were in my dream,” he blurts. 
Your eyes flit up to his warily. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah. It was one of those weird, super vivid dreams where nothing really happens, you know?” You seem to relax a bit. James douses his pancakes in syrup, starting to cut them up as he talks. “We were here, and someone had spilled something on the rug—probably Sirius, to be honest—and it made this huge stain. I’d tried to pour baking soda on it, but the whole box had collapsed and it got everywhere. We were both sitting right there scrubbing with literal toothbrushes, and I think I was worried you’d be upset with me but you were just laughing.” His heart warms at the pseudo-memory, the hazy feeling of contentment that had permeated the dream. The sound of your laugh, exactly as sweet as in real life. “Your hands were totally covered in baking soda, and the rug was ruined, but we were both laughing our heads off.” 
You’re smiling again, a small, knowing thing. “Had you said something to make us laugh?” 
“No,” he says honestly, “I think it was you.” 
James is aware that he’s barely functioning. It’s almost too much to talk and cut his pancakes at the same time while you’re looking at him like that, like he’s the loveliest thing you’ve ever seen. It makes it both a relief and a disappointment when you drop your gaze. 
“Do you think the stain might’ve been a premonition?” you ask. 
He raises his eyebrows. “How do you mean?” 
You laugh, and he’s instantly spellbound, caught somewhere between fantasy and reality. It takes him a second to realize you’re touching the edge of his plate, tipping it up. James looks down. It had been nearly falling off his lap, his pancakes cut up into tiny pieces and syrup pooled near the rim. 
You look up at him, seraphim with the morning light brightening your features and the hint of a smile playing on your lips. He thinks of how soft they’d felt on his the night before, the way they’d fallen open like welcoming him home. 
“You were almost spilling syrup onto the rug,” you say, that rare and beloved teasing lilt to your voice. “It would’ve taken more than baking soda to get that out.” 
“See?” he asks. “You know how to talk to me just fine.” 
You look surprised, then self-conscious, though not nearly as bad as when you’d come into the kitchen a few minutes ago. He covers your hand with his to keep you from going anywhere. Sets his plate on the coffee table. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
Your eyes are wide. “Again?” 
“Yes, again,” James laughs. “And again after that, preferably. Only if it’s okay with you.” 
You shake your head, looking something akin to bewildered. “Yeah. Yeah, please.” 
He starts to lean toward you, and you meet him halfway. Already, it’s a bit different. There’s no tentative stillness, no slow yielding. Your lips are pliant and eager, parting and closing around his like you’re trying to get as much of him as you can. Your fingers wind in his hair without instruction, and James responds by placing his hand in that spot you’d seemed to like it so well last night, the material of your sweatshirt soft beneath his touch. You taste like his pancakes, the syrup sweet on your tongue. 
“Keep talking to me,” he murmurs, kissing the corner of your lips worshipfully, “okay?” 
Your voice is breathless. “Why?” 
“Because I like you.” He tugs at you, wanting you closer. “And I think I’ve put in the work for you to warm up to me, if it’s all the same to you.” 
You make a tiny, amused sound. “Fine,” you say. You grow bolder, kissing your way up his cheek, the top of his eyebrow, until your nose is nestled in his hair and your lips are caressing his forehead. “Consider me warmed.” 
James grins, unable to help himself. He thinks that becoming your friend didn’t go quite as he planned, but he feels as though he won in the end.
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archangelraphael · 1 year
hiii 9 with raphael (obviously), og death, & castiel? <3
hiii 💕 omgg i love all of themm
9.watch a soap opera with, go to a play with, watch your favourite movie with
I would 100% watch my favorite movie with castiel, I would live for his commentaries during the whole thing
I would go with og death to a play, he gives me the vibes of someone who would love a good musical despite swearing for his life [ha] that no
And I would watch soap opera with raphael, watching the iconic "confused math lady" soap opera with them would be fantastic, I bet they would love her since she is one of the most iconic villains here in brazil 💕💕
Send me a number and 3 characters
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boydepartment · 10 months
hellllloo I love ur texts so much!! can I request a text where the enha boys are maybe busy and you ask them for a favor and they drop everything for you (just them being whipped)
1-800- whipped
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a/n: OMGGGGGGG ANON TYSM AND YES OF COURSE! whipped is so like UGH i would die if someone was whipped for me
warnings- none :3
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in the next few minutes jungwon was at your door, you laughed when you saw his hair all disheveled due to rushing. it was so cute. you both sat down by the coffee table and you opened up your laptop to show him the subject. while explaining you couldn't help but start gigging. jungwon turned his head in confusion. "what?" he asked, a small smile now gracing his features. "i just think it's cute how you rushed over to help me." the second you said this you saw jungwon mumble something and his ears flushed red. which made you giggle more. "okay so molecular biology-"
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heeseung had your location and saw you were at the library, he rushed over and saw you struggling to carry all your books and bags. "what's all this baby?" he asked as he started grabbing a few things for you. your eyes lit up when you looked up at him, "the library needed money and so they did a sale of books! i think i bought too many though!" you pouted slightly. heeseung smiled and pulled down his mask to peck you on the lips real quick. "i don't think you bought too much, i think its cute."
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about 45 minutes later, there was a knock on your appartement door and you rushed over. your socks pattering against the wood as you swung open the door you saw your boyfriend with groceries. you smiled at him and let him in. "thank you baby!" you giggled and closed the door behind him. "i picked up some fresh ingredients for your favorite." jay set the bags on the counter and turned around to talk more to you but you just tackled him in a hug. "i love you." jay smiled down at you and kissed your head, "i love you more."
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when jake got to your home you rushed him upstairs. he saw the lights you wanted to hang up in the loft for christmas. he put his hands on his hips and pouts his lip out. "baby i dont know if i can like..." you grinned at him, "oh dont worry!" you dug under your desk and pulled out a pair of heels. jake immediately grinned back. "oh my god okay! make sure to take photos too!"
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sunghoon showed up to your hotel room as you came with them on a trip to film an en-oclock. you let him in your hotel room and he was really giddy to pick out your outfit. "is this for our dinner tomorrow?" sunghoon asked as he sat down. you nodded and rushed into the bathroom to change into your dress and jacket. "okay ignore that i don't have any makeup on! which shoes are better for this outfit? and should i wear a hat?" "you look beautiful!" sunghoon grinned, you whined and told him to pay attention. "okay okay! no hat and the black shoes!"
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you met sunoo at this cafe and sat down at a table. "okay my love! what do you need help with?" he asked and sipped his coffee. "i wanted to talk to you and ask you this in person..." you bit your lip, "my parents want you to come home with me for the holiday and it's really important to me..." sunoo's eyes lit up, "OF COURSE!" he spoke really loudly which gained attention from people. you smiled at him. "thank you, i'm sorry i got nervous and wanted to ask you in person!" sunoo grabbed your hand, "it's okay! i needed a break anyways!"
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you sat down with your coffee at the kitchen island, you decided to work on homework since your nails were not going to be painted today. or so you thought. a ring at your doorbell startled you, both your parents were at work, so it was a little scary getting a ring. you walked to the door and peeked your head, "hello....?" "y/n let me in im freezing!" riki mumbled behind his mask. you grinned and let him in. "soooo why are you here?" you asked as you followed behind him after he took off his beanie and scarf. "to paint your nails obviously, i even picked up a few colors..." he mumbled.
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screampied · 5 months
Hey horn- I mean honey!
Quick! All the positions u would like to try with jjk men if u had the chance and with who and why! Shoot!
sukuna — full nelson 🌚 especially in his true form omg the size kink would go crazy. why, because i like crazy positions yay
choso — missionary so i can kiss his face. i feel like even with this position he’d be so shy but id make direct eye contact w him and tell him how good he’s doing
toji — prone bone 😞😞😞 he’d be such a nasty bastard, and i love to hc that when he’s hitting you from the back he likes to put his foot on/over your head while talking so filthy to you🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
geto — face riding just so i can tug on his hair while he eats me out 💔 i feel like that’s the only right answer bc his hair is just SOOOOO.
gojo — maybeee cowgirl. i think gojo would love to have a girl ride him after coming back from like a long stressful mission. especially riding him after he finishes n he’s a big whiny mess :,)
higuruma — doggystyle 🙇‍♀️ i feel like he’d do backshots so good idk 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
nanami — i’d say missionary too, he’s such an intimate man <3 he’d hand hold and stare right into your eyes, talking you through it all before asking if you need a second to breathe / need water omg
shiu — cowgirl / reverse 🙈 everytime i see shiu i just imagine riding him and he kisses me and then shotguns his smoke from his cigarette into my mouth idk 💔💔💔💔
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11queensupreme11 · 17 days
Aaaand heres the other 4. Credit to @yagodnyizefir because i nabbed the idea of giving baldur dimples cuz idk i just thought it was cute lol
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Tysm for your work queen, have a nice day <3
and the anubis one....... i see someone did their research on when mating season starts for jackals 😏
and omggggggg 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 baldur and percy out on a date 🥺🥺 and that fuckass green roach trying to third wheel lol
THE CÚ CHULAINN AND PERCY ONE IS MY FAVORITE, THERE'S SO MUCH GOING ON BUT EACH ONE FITS THEM SO WELL 😭😭 he hasn't even showed up yet, but all those asks i answered about them was good enough food for you too cook 💖💖😂😂😂😂😂
thank you so much for these again i love themmmm 🥺💖💖💖💖💖
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archangeldyke-all · 10 months
ok but imagine injured boxer sevika x physical therapist reader omggggggg 🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️
omg... i am imagining vividly...
men and minors dni
you're her personal physical therapist-- meaning she pays for you to come to all of her matches, to work with her trainers in the gym to make sure she doesn't injure herself while working out, and to help her recover from every twist, sprain, break and tear she gets.
it didn't start that way. it started with her coming to see you at your sports therapy clinic once a week.
but she liked you. not just personally, but professionally too. you were the first PT she'd been to that seemed to actually listen to her, to take her medical history into consideration when treating her, to help her stretch and heal without it ever really hurting. so over time, she made you part of her team.
she liked you personally too, don't get me wrong.
she was obsessed with you. it became increasingly difficult for her to look you in the eye when you would stretch her, your hands so warm, gripping her so firmly, a concentrated look on your face as you examine her own face for any hint of pain.
nearly every time she meets with you she has to jerk off after.
she takes to closing her eyes when you're touching her-- worried that you'll see the lust in her eyes you so often mistake for discomfort.
she loves that you come to her matches, loves seeing you in the crowd, biting on your lip as you watch her get beaten to a pulp. she knows you're just trying to figure out what she's hurt or pulled, new diagnoses and exercises flashing in your mind as she fights. but sometimes she thinks she catches a bit of lust in your gaze.
what she loves most is when she wins a round and looks out to the crowd in victory, and catches you scrambling from your seat to cheer for her, a grin on your lips.
anyways, it's her off season, and sevika misses you. she's supposed to be recovering, keeping training to a minimum, letting her body rest. unfortunately, that means she doesn't get to see you as often.
she thinks she'll be fine. but when the three week mark rolls around and sevika's only seen you in passing for one or two hours every week, she gives in.
she texts you one late night, pleasantly surprised when you reply immediately.
'shit' she says.
'shit?? what shit??' you write back. she chuckles at your panic.
'went for a jog and twisted my ankle. the bad one. :/'
'fuck sev.' you reply.
then a second later: 'i'm coming over tomorrow. remember RICE!'
'rest, ice, compress, elevate, i know. see u tomorrow.' sevika says, a smile forming on her lips.
what sevika forgets to consider, is that you're a professional, and she's not a good actress.
you sit her down on her couch, poking and prodding at her ankle. she reacts strangely to your initial exam, telling you something hurts one minute but being fine the next. you chalk it up to sevika downplaying her pain, a coping mechanism of hers-- something the two of you have been improving on together.
but when you make her get up and walk back and forth across the living room, you get suspicious. her limp doesn't add up. on one lap around the room, she even limps with the wrong leg. you chuckle from your seat on her couch.
"what?" she asks. you shake your head, motioning her toward the couch. she plops down beside you.
"sevika..." you say. she nods at you. "why are you faking an injury?" you ask. she freezes. "you need to get out of a meeting or something? i'll sign a letter if you need-- don't tell anyone, obviously but--"
"no i--" she laughs, shakes her head and scratches her neck. "it's stupid." she says. you nudge her.
"tell me."
"i missed you." she says. you blink.
"oh." you say. a smile slowly works it's way up your face. "oh."
"shut up." she grunts out. you laugh.
"i missed you too." you say. sevika huffs beside you.
"it's stupid." she grunts. you laugh.
"no it's not! it means we're friends!"
"yeah, but i don't wanna be friends with you!" she says. you blink.
"...okay? i'll leave then. y'know it's okay to make friends from work that's how most adu--" sevika cuts you off with a swift peck to your lips. she leans away with a nervous look in her eye.
you giggle. a lot of things start to make a lot of sense to you, very quickly.
"'s this why you're always making sex faces when i stretch you?" you ask. sevika's jaw drops. your smile grows.
you scramble to crawl in sevika's lap before she can get up from her seat. she sits back in shock as you straddle her legs and rest your hands on her shoulders.
"i mean don't get me wrong it's hot as hell, i just wasn't sure if it was me or your masochistic tendencies." you say. sevika blinks.
"i don't have masochistic tendencies!"
"you get beat up for a living!" you say, laughing. sevika pouts. you lean in and peck her lower lip. her pout disappears as she smiles against your lips. she wraps her arms around your waist.
"i missed you." sevika sighs against your mouth. you grin.
"missed you too." you say.
"you wanna... help me stretch?" sevika asks. you blink down at her.
"was that a come-on?" you ask, bursting into laughter.
"sorry." she groans.
"take me to your bedroom before you turn me off completely." you say, giggling.
she tosses you over her shoulder and sprints to her room.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
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I have an offering; low quality doodles :D
Ask: Are you happy in the direction the fic is going, or do you wish you did some things differently?
THESE ARE SOOOO CUTE OMGGGGGGG I love them,,, they're adorable in your style!!!
i'm pretty happy with how things are going so far!! i actually just went through a Moment last night where things connected and alighterwood got the brunt of that insanity with like five voice messages LMFAO
there are a couple things I wish i did differently, and will definitely look out for with the other aus. Like Helena, Bruce's daughter? I had no idea she existed and that's a CRIME!! I also wish I could have included Kate. Yet again, they were so rarely talked about and I hadn't read about them until it was way too late to put them in LoF
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
Keeeel I have brainrot ;w;
Just... Zhongli taking care of his little mate after fucking you so good/hard/much that you can't really move much, legs weak, body sore. Him massaging your muscles whispering sweet nothings and nuzzling you, carrying you to the bath and pampering you and you whine a little still sensitive 🥺💕
It's extra asdfchbklj bc you're an adventurer who fights monsters in the regular, go exploring and climbing and sure your body gets a little pushed to the limits once in a while but he, heeeee, Zhongli is the only one who manages to tire you out like this. Drooling and sweating and panting in pure blissful pleasure, legs twitching in the aftershocks of a few too many rounds crying out his name. And he's so proud of himself for being able to leave you like this, sweet and pliant in hazy pleasure (and proud of you too for being so good to him!) his inner dragon purrrs happily against your skin leaving soft kisses.
AFKSFCGVJBJNKL /w\ omggggggg
Just Zhongli fucking you stupid and then providing the sweetest most tender aftercare 😩🥴🥰💕💕💕
crys, my dear, thank you for leaving this precious gem in my ask box. 💛🧡🤎🖤 i saw it this morning and could NOT stop thinking about it all day and THE SECOND i logged off from work i made a MAD DASH to my pc and started typing FURIOUSLY. i needed this so bad! 😩😮‍💨
be warned: nsfw. mdni. x f!reader. rough sex. hair pulling. please let me know if i missed anything, i have a meeting in 8 mins and i'm trying to get this out beforehand bc we've waited long enough.
but also: zhongli provides impeccable aftercare, breathe if you agree
wc: 500+
okay so let's get one thing out of the way: zhongli knows How To Fuck™️
the archon has you on your belly, your thighs pressed together as he straddles them and rides you like a lazy horse. his beautiful cock is coated with your creamy need; he loves to spread your asscheeks apart and watch your swollen hole stretch around his girthy cock. the striations of your slick spread the length of his shaft as his hips slap your ass so hard the wet, rhythmic smacks echo off your bedroom walls.
he’s got your hair wrapped around his glowing fist and you can hear the occasional grunt or deep, aggressive growl coming from behind you as he fucks you harder. you’re panting, crying, whimpering his name; from the corner of your watery eyes you see his arm that’s planted on the mattress next you, sinewy muscles flexing and rippling under his dark, gradient skin. he’s already fucked multiple orgasms out of you and now,
it’s his turn.
zhongli leans forward, hunching over you, his rock hard abs, sticky with sweat, pressing against your back. his pelvis is snapping on sheer instinct, faster now, forcing his engorged cock deeper into your womb where, with one final thrust of his hips, his seed floods your cervix in thick, white spurts. his orgasm is so powerful he can hardly contain his dracontine nature as he fills you with his musk, head thrown back as a guttural roar erupts from his throat.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
your lover's postcoital disposition is in stark contrast to his mating style. your naked, sweaty bodies are pressed together, some of his thick seed dribbling out and coating your still-trembling thighs as he holds you close. with your head tucked neatly under his chin, you're soothed by the steady beat of his heart, grounded by the depth and subtlety of his voice against your ear as he quietly praises and reassures you.
"you are safe, my love," he says, lazily tracing his name on your back with warm fingers. "you did wonderfully, darling. you always do. you are the most precious thing to me. you are beautiful, intelligent, strong, and one of very few people who laugh at my jokes." your soft chuckle fills his heart with warm love because he knows you're okay and that you are with him.
when you're ready, you look up at him and he smooths your hair away from your lovely face so he can get a better look at you. his tired eyes are hooded, darker now that they're not glowing as fiercely.
"what can i do, love? can i get you some water, something to eat? would you like me to fetch the duvet off the floor and wrap you up in it?"
you smile and shake your head no, verbalizing just long enough to say, "just...need to stay close to you, zhong. please just hold me and talk to me?"
"of course, my love," he hums, "whatever you need." he lays his head down next to yours and murmurs sweet, loving everythings into your ear as he nuzzles your hair. you can feel the low timbre of his voice in every fiber of your being, comforting you, and you know that you are safe. you know that you are loved.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
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the5thcellar · 3 months
The only reason why people are against the perspective of Luke and Nicola having it, it's the internal fat phobia for me. Same thing for the group 'no chemistry' in the series. Anons wouldn't say all that shit about one sided crush from her, if she was indeed a woman with a skinny body, not a mid size one. The thing is she doesn't need it, cause she is ethereal and perfect in her way. She is a beautiful woman. She is gorgeous, while people project much of their own insecurities on her. Luke, though, is just the other typical male celebrity. If they'll ever jump on the train, it will certainly be him asking her out, not her following him. I don't see this woman in her golden retriever stage for anyone. She knows her worth and is sure to be aware of impulsive decisions of his.
OH CLOCK IT OMGGGGGGG. 193829293912% !!!!!!!!!!
I would like this post a hundred times if I could. I've been pretty much silent about the issue of fatphobia in the fandom because the arguments I've witnessed / been involved in on twitter ALWAYS get the same dead end responses - "not everything is fatphobia they just have no chemistry" / "you have to admit that Nicola isn't that attractive it has nothing to do with her weight".
It's LITERALLY fatphobia. Most of the times it's not even internalised - people are literally saying the quiet part out loud by insisting Nicola doesn't look good enough to warrant attraction from a "hot guy" like Luke.
LIKE BE SO FUCKING FR RN OMG ??? I've had to sit through people shipping SO many weird ass pairings that I personally felt were completely absurd - pairings that the mainstream audience ate up just because it was a skinny girl with a hot guy.
(Truth be told - and on a more relevant note - I literally felt like Phoebe and Regé had no chemistry. both of them were so absolutely compelling and gorgeous as individual characters but they didn't work together for me)
Isn't it strange how no one really said much about the previous two Bridgerton pairings where aesthetics were concerned... and were lauding the couples for all having such GREAT chemistry with one another ... but when it came to Luke and Nicola they were all suddenly so insistent that there was no chemistry at all and that their views are completely objective? Nah. Pack it the fuck up. All these people are fatphobic as hell.
What's made it worse is the bloody ozempic obsession that has swept over Hollywood in the past year. Suddenly celebs who used to advocate for body positivity are all skinny - doing a hypocritical 180 on the self love ethos they were preaching.
But anyway that's diving more into social commentary and I don't want to veer too far from the original content on this post.
So 100% yes - a HEFTY MAJORITY of polin antis and lukola antis are blatantly fatphobic. If you cannot imagine Luke Newton can EVER have feelings for Nicola but think him and A are obviously a great fit - you're fatphobic. You can pretend you're objective all you want ... but think about why you're so FUCKING QUICK to defend Antonia and say she'll be together with Luke forever / she's totally his type when 1) she's barely been in the spotlight - she's done no interviews or anything for y'all to even get enough of an idea of her personality to stan her or bat for her 2) y'all don't fucking KNOW his type you just assume it's skinny women because his celeb crush is dua lipa and everyone loves hot and skinny women right? newsflash guys my celeb crushes are Zac Efron and Mads Mikkelsen and HELL YEAH I'd fall over myself to date either of them... but in a fuck marry kill contest I'd still choose to marry Jack Black.
What you think is attractive as a fantasy is not always what you find attractive in a long term partner.
You're here on my page defending Antonia and insisting she's a better fit for Luke not because you know her, or like her, or even because you respect Luke. You're here on my page because you're using her as an excuse to come for Lukola. You're here on my page because you cannot imagine that a fat girl can be together with a "hot man."
Now check that.
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fawnlotties · 2 months
I need to bite Nat so bad like... and the fucking marks omggggggg like her pale ass...
literally just the perfect canvas like. u guys don’t understand.
u ask if u can learn how to leave hickeys using her, ur a lil more inexperienced n even though she winces at first because u literally cannot stop she ends up being quite proud of all ur hard work!!!!!
littering her tummy w circles of love bites bc u attempted to make a heart but it’s kinda wonky n jst gave up. attaching ur lips to her collarbone the second she pulls on a tank top. rolling her eyes when ur lips find her neck when ur spooning but when u start nipping she jst sighs happily……
running her fingers over the bruises n bites when ur gone n she jst stares all happy in the mirror <33333
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