#i made it a rule to bang this out as fast as possible so this is not polished at all
dunkalfredo · 4 months
siffrin's terrible mental health, now in song form!
[song: "Why Am I Anxious?" by Tom Cardy. animated in OpenToonz and edited in VEGAS Pro 14]
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charmercharm3r · 2 years
Tender Tendencies
Synopsis: Stray Kids' softer moments.
He has little to no free time. But that's okay, you knew what you were getting into when you met him. Spending time in the studio with him for hours on end and calling it date night was a regular routine. You'd bring something to do, work, a video game, maybe a new hobby. One time, you even managed to crochet him a beanie during the many hours he was working and you were there keeping him company.
Sometimes, though, Chan gets so engrossed in his work that he forgets you're there. With his big, expensive headphones on, fingers tapping away at his sound board or clicking his computer, it's too easy to lose himself in the music.
But when he comes back to earth after hours of not speaking a word to each other, Chan turns around in his chair to see you laying on your stomach, feet swaying in the air and focused on the game on your phone. A relieved smile spreads across his lips when you don't even seem to notice where his attention was.
Not that he tries to gain it, he just likes to watch you quietly curse to yourself when you lose or giggle coming across a funny video. He watches over your shoulder as you tap the share button and type his name to send. Chan doesn't interrupt you, but you eventually feel his soft gaze and give him a pretty smile that extends into your eyes. "I sent you something! Watch it later when you're done with work."
Chan pretends he didn't watch you replay it a few times, pretends he didn't intentionally not say anything because he loves how relaxed and carefree you seem when no one's around but him, pretends not to feel the blush on his cheeks and ears because he's so enamored.
With a warm heart, "I will," and leans over to place a gentle kiss to your forehead.
Minho is a get up early, go to bed early kind of guy. He feels rather productive in the mornings, maybe too productive for his own good. He does his little work outs, freshens up, cooks breakfast and sets up the ingredients for a two-person meal for when he returns home. It was an unspoken rule between the two of you that he does the cooking and you'll do the cleaning up.
He never asked you to, though, fully meaning to wash the pots and pans as soon as he was done so that it was one less thing for you. But this time, he forgot. Minho was too excited to let you try this new recipe he'd been dying to test. One of his favorite things was the full bodily reaction he'd get when you ate his cooking, jumping in your seat slightly and shooting him a look of pleasureful surprise as you savored the bite.
So full and content, after the both of you were done Minho had let out a long sigh and excused himself to the bathroom. When he returned, the table was cleared and the sound of the sink was running in the kitchen.
Your hair was pulled back messily, ear phones hiding what music was making you do a cute little wiggle as you scrubbed the dishes. Just seeing you so domestic and happy, it made Minho's heart ache in the best way possible.
To give you a gentle warning he was there, he put his hand on the small of your back. Acknowledging him with a smile and small, "hi."
Wordlessly, Minho takes one of your headphones and puts it to his ear. "Show me your moves," he encourages, stealing the drying rag and helping you finish the chore.
The self proclaimed gym expert he is, Changbin has always had the desire to work out with you. Your job was just very time consuming, almost as much as his. However, Changbin was active for a living so working out didn't require him to use as much of his reserved energy as it did you. It felt more mentally draining than anything to even think about going to the gym.
When he did finally convince you, he was so excited. You warned him that normal exercises would be hard for you since your body wasn't used to it the way his was, but he assured you that he'd help with the pace and wouldn't push too hard too fast.
Of course it was going to hurt the next day, you just didn't anticipate how much. The night of, Changbin instructed you to take a cold shower to soothe your muscles. It helped a little, definitely making the feeling of getting into your pajamas and snuggling next to him in bed just a little bit better and warmer than usual.
The next morning, you almost didn't want to get up to even use the bathroom because your legs were so sore. Being the gentleman he is, Changbin woke up so he could carry you to the toilet. He was going to retrieve you when the bathroom door swung open to reveal you holding onto it for dear life. Legs shaking to carry your body weight, Changbin helped guide you back to bed with a sympathetic smile.
As you fell face first into the sheets, he grabbed some icy-hot soothing gel from his gym bag, kindly maneuvering you onto your back. "You did so good yesterday, baby." His voice was so soft, gentle as he poured some into his hands and rubbed them together.
His big hands spread the gel over the expanse of your legs, massaging and rolling the knots out as best as he could without hurting you too badly. "No pain no gain, right?" You sighed through your gritted teeth.
It was almost as if you were convincing yourself that it was worth it, the exhaustion and soreness was worth the time you got to spend together. Hearts in his eyes, "that's right. Tomorrow... leg day."
He wouldn't call himself a tortured artist, no. By no means was he tortured, but moreso unsatisfied with his work. The pieces he liked, he barely liked. The ones he didn't, he despised. Hyunjin felt that way with all of his art, except when it was ones that were because of you.
The watercolor blue roses? You told him your favorite movie is The Corpse Bride. That landscape? That was the view of the walk you went on together when he asked if you'd take him as your boyfriend. There were the randomest sketches littering his desk because you'd say something or make a certain face and it'd inspire him, he had to get it out of his system some how.
A particularly difficult rough patch in his creative process convinced Hyunjin that his current medium of water color and acrylic paint wasn't meant for him. He had a habit of holding in his feelings until they burst, but he opened up to you eventually. You asked him if he wanted advice or just someone to listen, to which he answered, "both."
You suggested taking a break, looking away before it was all he could see, maybe even trying a new medium. Hyunjin took all your advice to heart, voicing his only problem was that starting a new medium can get pricey. There wasn't much either of you could do.
Or so he thought.
He was locked away in his mini art studio again, staring much too intently at the blank canvas. You knocked and let yourself in. Hyunjin only looked up when you put a hand on his shoulder and sat yourself in his lap. A few chaste kisses to his cheek, you suggested your thoughts. "White sand? That works?" You explained the research you found about the subject. Amidst your little ramble, Hyunjin couldn't help but look at you in awe.
"Think I went a little overboard when I was searching it up. I also looked for other things you could use, but this was the most convenient. I stopped by the art supply store on my way over here if you wanted to try. If not, I can just return it-"
"No!" He said a little to loudly, making you jump in his lap. "I mean, no. I'll use it. I want to." The little smile on your face was the loveliest thing he'd ever seen. The only thing that could've rivaled it was the pure happiness when he gave you a painting of the shore and white wash. It was the first one he'd finished in a long time and couldn't have been prouder, "thank you for always thinking of me."
There was very little that this man couldn't do. The workaholic homebody he is, Jisung brings his music with him everywhere. That means even in the house, he has his headphones on or his phone is up to his ear listening to whatever it is he was working on.
It also means he has trouble taking care of himself. But who doesn't sometimes? You didn't find any trouble in doing some chores here and there to help him out, Jisung always found something to do to give back for your kindness.
The one thing Jisung wasn't, was a mechanic. Lyricist? Check. Producer? Check. Musical genius? Check. Knows how to fix a washing machine? Pass...
Your place was in desperate need of renovating. It was a lot of little things that wasn't really a big deal, just an inconvenience. The washing machine specifically was getting on your nerves.
With laundry building up and your busy boyfriend finally having time to spend with you, it was a matter of what could've possibly been the best way to manage your time. The issue was that the lid of your washing machine refused to close. The only solution you could find was to sit your entire body weight on it while the cycle continued. It's been an uncomfortable past few laundry days, to say the least.
Killing two birds with one stone, you suggested Jisung bring his laundry to your place to clean, that way you help him out a little while also helping yourself. He did so without thinking about it.
Jisung started to get concerned when you didn't come back from saying you were going to wash the clothes. That was forty five minutes ago. Upon searching for you, Jisung found you with your legs criss-crossed on top of the washer, scrolling through your phone. He tilted his head at you and asked what you were doing. When you explained to him your dilemma, he was confused. Why hadn't you told him? Why were you bearing this burden by yourself? How were you still kind enough to offer to do his laundry knowing this was what you had to do?
Putting his phone away, Jisung joined you in the laundry room, standing in front of you and leaning into your lap. "What are we watching?"
"There's still fifteen minutes left on the cycle, you don't have to wait with me," you protested but still took him into your arms.
"Fifteen minutes more I get to spend with my favorite person."
Hugs are basically a second language to him, going in for one every chance he gets. When Felix hugs you, he doesn't let go. It wasn't obvious at first why he never did. You just assumed that it was because he liked skinship.
Yes, that was true. But it was also because he loved the way you smelled. Fresh out of the shower, just got back from work, sweaty from a run, it didn't matter, you always smelt good to him. He held on long enough to get a good whiff of your scent no matter the occasion.
For that reason, he hated laundry day. The smell of the detergent always washed away the smell of you, meaning Felix was all over you until his hoodies and shirts could've been mistaken for yours by anyone else.
Also for the same reason, Felix goes out of his way to buy bottles of your favorite perfume specifically for when you can't be together. He keeps a travel sized version of it in his bag for long days at the company, when he has to go overseas, or when he just misses you. Felix sprays it on his own clothes and pillows, holding it tightly to his body and pretending you're there with him.
He came back to your place after a week without seeing you, the travel bottle almost half empty now. The initial embrace lasted so long that you were almost dreaming he was in your arms. Then you got a whiff of what definitely wasn't his usual cologne.
When you asked him about it, Felix just laughed and pulled out the mini perfume from his bag. "You don't recognize it? It's yours."
"You say it like it was supposed to be obvious," you grin, fully blushing.
"It's so obvious I should be embarrassed. I'm not, how could I when you smell so good?"
Seungmin isn't necessarily averse to fashion, he knows what he likes. It just so happens that he favors the oversized look. There's also specific brands that he buys from more than others. His closet consists of so many basics that no matter what he pulls out, he can make an outfit in minutes.
That's why he loves getting ready with you in the morning. You get up before him since you typically take longer. When you're done and picking out your clothes, Seungmin always asks if you could choose his outfit as well, always reassuring that he'll love no matter what you pick.
He wears the outfit proudly every day. When one of the members compliments something he's wearing, he tells them that you chose it for him. It's his way of showing you off, even if you aren't there.
When you are with him, Seungmin's usually asking you to wear his clothes, too. Showering at his place, he makes sure to give you one of his shirts even if you brought your own pajamas. Another way to show you off. If you happen to run into one of the members in the hallway wearing his shirt, they make a point to tell you that they liked the outfit you picked out for him. Though, it's usually something more like, "you dress him better than he dresses himself."
"And they're right," Seungmin says, kissing your forehead. "Except you wear my clothes better than anyone."
His job doesn't end, even when he goes home. Jeongin feels this way just about all the time. Having to take off his stage outfits, his makeup, wash his face, the time it takes to shower, seems like it drags on all night long.
By the time he gets to having to apply his skin care, Jeongin's eyes are closing and is on the verge of falling asleep. Coming back into his room, you're waiting to greet him. As much as he wants to match your cheerfulness, he just can't. So he falls onto his back without so much as putting on moisturizer.
"I brushed my teeth, at least," he tiredly jokes, forcing his eyes open to watch you pace around his room. You were grabbing his usual night time essentials, putting them on the bed beside him and climbing onto his lap. You sat on his torso, preparing his step by step routine. "What're you doing?"
"Finishing up for bed," you reply, telling him to get comfortable.
Slowly and gently, you apply the essences to his skin. Jeongin hums as you massage his face, hands resting on the tops of your thighs and not letting go. He doesn't even as you finish and set the bottles aside. "Just need chapstick," you whisper, moving to get up.
Jeongin pulls you back down, peaking his eyes open to bring you down for a kiss. It's soft and sensual, unrushed and purely just feeling you. He sleepily hums again against your lips, reluctant to pull away no matter how close to drifting off he is.
By the time you do, he's rubbing his lips together, "mmm, cherry flavored."
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h3rmess · 8 months
Written by @h3rmess ✰
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S1 : Chapter 6 - The Boy with Ten Shadows ☆
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Waking up the next morning, the view of the vibrant flora outside made me feel inspired to do my very best that day. The various colours stood out, each individual plant making their own statement. I wanted to make a statement. I wanted to show the world how powerful I truly am.
Feeling energized, I got out of bed and did my typical morning routine; I showered, got dressed into my new uniform, and did my hair. My hair sat in its usual manner, my bangs covering my forehead as the rest of my hair grazed my shoulders. I grabbed a breakfast bar from a box I had bought the day before and ate it as I left my dorm. I was greeted by Kugisaki, who gave me a smile.
"Good morning, Okumoto!" She waved at me as I waved back, offering a slightly awkward smile.
"Good morning, Kugisaki." I responded softly as she handed me a carton of strawberry milk.
"This is my favourite flavour." I inspected it joyfully. "Thank you."
"I asked Itadori, actually. But no problem! If we're going to be friends, we need to know these things about each other."
"Yeah, I guess we do if we're friends."
"Yes! We have made progress!" Nobara celebrated under her breath, looking excited. "Let's go!" She latched on to my left arm as we walked towards the field.
We went into the changing rooms and changed into our usual gym wear. I walked out of the changing room and went to sit next to Nobara on the bleachers. Gojo stood in front of us all on the field, getting ready to make an announcement.
"Okay, everybody! The sister school exchange event is coming up in a few weeks. I want to make sure that we, as Jujutsu Tech, win against the Kyoto students. We will be undergoing hard-core training. Don't hold back at all. Use all your power. The only rule is that you can't kill anyone, got it?" He announced as we all nodded.
"Great! Now, like I said yesterday, I really want to see that fight between Megumi and Seiko. I believe that with your prior training, you should be able to take on Megumi, Seiko. Give it your best!" Gojo finished as I got up from my seat. Nobara and Maki cheered me on as I stepped down the stairs and onto the pitch. I removed my hoodie, revealing a fanny-pack that sat over my right shoulder and under my left arm.
"What's the bag for?" Yuuji asked from the bleachers. I gave him a sly smirk, moving my eyes to look at him.
"You'll see." I responded.
Megumi's POV
Okumoto opened her bag and removed... two poker tokens? I looked at her, confused as she clutched them in her hand and got into a fighting stance. I readied myself to summon my shikigami.
"Ready, set, fight!" Gojo announced. I summoned Gama and Nue, running towards Okumoto. She stood, pointing her finger out like a gun once again and pointing it towards me. I closed my eyes as she shot a high-pressure beam between my eyebrows. The pressure made me feel dizzy for a moment, making me lose focus. She appeared behind me, completely throwing me off. I pondered how that was possible as she took a hit, which knocked me to the ground.
She appeared in front of me again, and I figured she must be using teleportation of some sort. I analysed her moves, getting Nue to cover for me. Nue swooped over her, knocking her over as I ran in to attack.
I was about to land a punch, but she rolled over to dodge my attack. She's so fast! She got up, running towards me with her right hand raised to the sky. "Configuration!" She chanted, a staff similar to Maki's appearing in her hand.
The air felt less dense as she came to attack me. Could she have done something to the atmosphere? It couldn't be teleportation... I saw the staff being formed in her hand. She lunged to attack me, striking me repeatedly. Not only was she fast, but she was very strong. Her hits left an impact like no other I had received. It was as if the surface of my skin had become numbed, and she was hitting me from the inside.
She kept attacking until Gama's tongue caught her arm, restraining her momentarily. She broke free of its hold easily as I regained my balance, positioning myself to defend. I summoned the fleeing hares. This would help me to create an opening, I thought.
The rabbits surrounded her within and instant as I prepared to attack. I felt a long object hit the artery in my neck. I turned around to see Okumoto, standing behind me with a smirk. She attacked me once more, knocking me to the ground in ease.
As a final blow, her staff plummeted down to my chest as if she were stabbing me. She stood like Neil Armstrong, as if she had conquered the world. The staff she had disappeared before my eyes, each particle floating away. What is her cursed technique?
She held her hand out, offering to help me up. I flushed in embarrassment as I took her hand. Once I had stood up, Okumoto shook my hand and bowed.
"Good fight, Fushiguro. You use the Ten Shadows technique, right?" She inquired as I nodded in response.
"I still can't figure out your cursed technique..." I responded inquisitively.
"I wouldn't expect you to know what it is. It went extinct two centuries ago. I am the embodiment of a miracle, or so they say." She responded, walking over to Gojo and the other students.
"Amazing fighting you two!" Gojo exclaimed, jumping up suddenly. "Seiko, you used your technique amazingly!"
She bowed as she replied, "Thank you. I couldn't use all aspects on Fushiguro since they can be dangerous, but you'll definitely see them in battle."
"Seiko, what is your cursed technique?" Yuuji asked her as she stood with her hands on her hips.
"Has anyone figured it out?" She asked around, everyone remaining silent.
"Her cursed technique is something unique to the Okumoto family's lineage." Gojo started. " In the 19th century, there was a special-grade sorcerer called Okumoto Gekido. His cursed technique consisted of atom manipulation, otherwise known as illusionary reality."
"Basically, I can conjure existing atoms together to create new objects. That why the weapons I use come out of nowhere, even though they're coming from somewhere." She explained as everything began to make sense.
"If that's so..." I started, "then how did you basically teleport behind me."
"That another part of my cursed technique. I have learnt so much about it that I can communicate with the earth and the space around it down to an atomic level." She continued.
"So what you're referring to is the manipulation of the space within earth. As the law of conservation states, energy can not be created or destroyed, only transferred, so everything remains within balance as Seiko uses her cursed technique. By using up free atoms within the earth's atmosphere, Seiko is able to make portals using the tokens she carries. They are imbued with high levels of cursed energy to make them as effective as possible during battle." Gojo added, "This level of understanding is extremely rare for someone of your age. You must be really smart."
She looked down slightly, thanking Gojo for the compliment.
"Although, I'm sure there is another step you could take to reach the full potential of your power..." He smirked to himself.
"You'll have to figure it out yourself. That's what happened to me, after all. On the verge of death, you grasp the true essence of cursed energy!"
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@nyxlai @inlovewithlondonn @sad-darksoul @eternalalmondd @httpstoyosi @vivi-loves-penguins
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crazycurly-77 · 9 days
The submarine -
Ch 1
Many thanks to hobby27 for your input on this story!!!
After getting up and taking a shower, you turned on your cell phone for the first time since last night.
A friend had been texting you for hours about some guy, so you turned it off in frustration.
While it was booting up, you thought nothing bad and made yourself a coffee. Then, after the first sip, you looked at the screen and froze in shock. 2 missed calls from your boss, 3 from Tony and 5 from McGee and a total of 4 voice messages.
“Damn. This is going to cause trouble,” you cursed loudly and downed your coffee. Then you took your bag and your keys and drove to the NCIS headquarters as quickly as possible.
If you were lucky, Gibbs had an appointment this morning and wasn't in the office yet. With screeching tires, you came to a stop in front of the building. You got out as fast as you could and ran into the building.
Completely out of breath, you finally stood in the elevator on the way to the office, muttering quietly to yourself the whole time, “Please don't let him be here yet. Please don't let him be here yet.”
Ding! You had arrived and the doors opened. You walked carefully towards your desk. And there you saw the silver-grey head of your boss. The question of whether he had noticed that you were late was now settled.
Tim and Tony looked at you with pity as you walked past them. You had almost reached your desk opposite Gibbs when suddenly his deep, sarcastic voice rang out, “Y/L/N. Glad you're here too.”
Yep, that was an unmistakable reprimand. You looked over at him, but he didn't even look at you and continued leafing through the file he was reading.
You swallowed hard and answered carefully: "Sorry, boss. It won't happen again."
"Yes, I know." He answered immediately, but he still didn't look at you.
Contrite, you sat down at your desk, turned on the computer and started working.
Something wasn't right. The air was as thick as before a thunderstorm and you were just waiting for the big bang.
After a while, Gibbs got up and left the office. Your colleagues immediately came over to you.
"Y/N, you're crazy! Rule number 3!" Tim said nervously to you.
"Yes, I know. I turned it off overnight," you answered frustrated.
Timmy nodded, "yes, we noticed that...and so did Gibbs. He was raging and I'm amazed that he's stayed so calm until now." Tony leaned on your desk, grinned and said smugly, “must have been a very busy evening if you turn off your phone.”
He paused briefly and then continued with a wink: “Amazing, because I wasn't there.”
“Typical Tony,” you thought to yourself and just rolled your eyes.
But before you could say anything, both of them looked behind you and disappeared back to their desks.
And from their reaction you could already guess why: Gibbs was standing behind you.
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up with tension and then you heard the order: “Come with me. Now.”
He walked briskly past you in the direction of the elevators to the forensic lab and the morgue. Maybe there was something important that Abby or Ducky had to tell you.
Anyway, the boss was so fast that you almost had to run to keep up. He was clearly annoyed.
But he didn't want to go to the elevators, instead he pulled you into the corner under the stairs to the director's office.
You stood in front of the wall with the NCIS logo, confused, and had no idea what he was planning.
With his gaze fixed on you, he came slowly and threateningly towards you. He was so intimidating that you backed away and finally, with your back pressed against the wall, you had no chance of escape. You were completely at his mercy and he was boiling with anger...what would he do?
Only one thing was clear: you definitely shouldn't mess with him, which you apparently did.
Taking a deep breath, you looked up to him. He was now so close that your noses were almost touching. He put his hands on the wall on either side of your head, stared into your eyes and said slowly and clearly: "Rule number 3, never be unreachable. If you disregard this again, I’ll send you to Antarctica to feed penguins. Understood?”
Instead of answering him, you nodded. That was enough for him. He took two steps back and just said: “We’re expected in Director Shepard’s office.”
He then turned around and started to climb the stairs to the office of the director. Two steps at a time. He didn’t tell you to follow him. No, he expected you to.
So you almost ran behind him as you followed him and were accordingly out of breath when you got there.
In the waiting room, her secretary asked you to wait a moment because the director was still on the phone. That was really bad. Because having to wait made Gibbs' mood worse.
Neither of you had any idea why you were called here, but you would inevitably find out soon.
Then you were asked to come in, and the secretary gave you a sympathetic look.
You had a more than queasy feeling, which was to be confirmed in a few seconds when you and your boss stopped in front of her desk.
She looked silently from one to the other and back again.
Then her gaze rested on you and she said in a firm voice: "We have a problem."
(To be continued...in Chapter 2)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @ilovemark1951, @hobby27
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radioactiveradley · 11 months
I failed out of high school biology, so excuse me if this is a stupid question (and I could google around but this is more fun); how strong are x-rays? What can they peirce through?
Asking because I went in for a spinal check-up today, and they x-rayed my entire torso - and even though I wasn't wearing anything atall metal, they still made me take my tracksuit bottoms off because "sometimes the waistband is too thick". Why was this an issue - the damn magic light rays can get through a much thicker parcel of my guts and insides, what's the problem with a few extra millimetres of elastic and cotton?
Aha! What a wonderful question. The problem isn't 'strength' so much as 'attenuation' - i.e., certain substances attenuate (or... suck up/scatter, for want of a better word) X-rays far more than others. Generally speaking, the denser the object, the more it will attenuate - though this isn't a hard and fast rule! Soft tissue is not especially dense, and X-rays pass through it easily - but they attenuate far more to bone, hence the brighter appearance of bone on an X-ray.
The extra thick band of material around your stomach from a tracksuit waistband can absolutely cause an 'image artefact' - a slightly paler line of increased attenuation across your entire torso, where fewer X-rays made it through to the receptor. It will be a mild artefact, as there's no metal involved, but it could still hide pathology!
We basically try to reduce artefacts as much as possible, because pathology can be incredibly subtle. Our poor reporting radiographers/radiologists are squinting at these images up close in a dark room. We want to make their jobs easier! Keeping the trackies on wouldn't have made the image worthless, but we want to avoid even minor reductions in the diagnostic use of a radiograph.
I imagine the problem was less that the waistband was too thick for X-rays to penetrate, more that it would sit across your body in such a way that it would cause a slight blurring of the image in a band around your waist and going directly across your spine!
The other point is that sometimes (rarely, but it's possible!) labels can show up on X-ray, because of stitching used or whatever. That artefact would likely be bang in the centre of your spine. So as a general rule, unless we're in a trauma situation where the patient can't be moved... the trousers come off!
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bisluthq · 11 months
Adding on to what you said about Travis, he’s also fully there. Like Joever was likely a long time coming and they were both unhappy for a while and he was distant. Travis is like a puppy running to the door as soon as he hears her key in it. He’s seemingly not intimidated by her fame and fist pumped when he was called ‘Taylor’s boyfriend’ in a crowd lol. He’s chill but he’s passionate about stuff and cries a lot - his own words. He gets emotional when he sees his nieces on his podcast. He 100% cried the first time they “made love” instead of just sex (a totally normal phenomenon and ruled by hormones, but it takes a certain type to tap into that). He’s actually a lot like Tom as far as emotional intelligence, seems like a genuinely nice guy, and has people pleasing tendencies. But she’s in a much better place now. She’s coming off the joever breakup, but she’s clearly done work on herself mentally.
I think not feeling like a monster on a hill and being so fully wanted after a distant partner would be so inspiring and validating for her. And even if it wasn’t ~serious~ they’re having fun! She’s fitting in with his friends and their friends/ WAGs, she’s smashing on the windows at a football game and chest bumping people. She’s having fun and it’s so damn cute to see! Haha
right. I think Travis combines a lot of the good things about a number of her partners (emotional intelligence, genuine interest in her - which Joe def had at first but obviously not at the end, humor, a deep love for his family, ambition, a genuine interest in both serious things in the world and pop culture) while not having a lot of the bad (he’s spoken about his own mental health issues - which she clearly relates to - but he’s not imo especially broody like the Brit boys and Jake were, he dgaf what people say and not in a “I just won’t go online” way in like a “ok u asked me an embarrassing question and I’m not gonna answer it lol so let’s move along”, I also think he likes the silly songs more than most her exes did/would because he really earnestly likes them and not because he thinks the sun shines out her ass because he’s banging her like because silly things make him happy, he has a very predictable schedule unlike all the artsy boys did, and bonus is he and Scott would have a lot more to talk about lol than the artsy boys did like Scott did like her exes but I think he’s having to try less hard with Travis and that’s also nice and lol Travis is the one ex that Scott would want to be called Scott by instead of “sir” 😂).
Idk. It’s very early days but they’ve fallen hard and fast for one another and that’s awesome to see. It absolutely might not work out - there is no way to predict the future - and they could both get over this level of scrutiny and Travis is a pro athlete with a history of cheating (and Taylor also has a history of cheating) so one or both might cheat but like idk why we’d focus on the possibilities of things not working when they seem super happy. They’re having fun right now. It’s obvi not as deep as like Calvin or Joe or Travis’s 5 year relationship but that’s because it’s just started. Let them have fun lol.
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Ask on Lizzo and Supporting Problematic Faves (Repost)
Anonymous: Hello BPP!!! I saw an ask mentioning Big Bang and you also commented in one of your asks that you don't care about Lizzo being problematic. I'm curious what you think about "separating art from the artist"?
I'm still in the fence on it, as I'm quick to drop artists when they do something questionable and I usually lose any enjoyment I have for their music. But as an Army, I feel like I'm hypocritical because I'm aware that the boys aren't entirely clean either, mistakes were made, stuff happened, but I still thoroughly enjoy their music too. I guess what I'm asking is, where do we draw the line?
Because even thinking of possibly monetarily supporting an artist like Chris Brown makes me recoil, idols who have had bullying scandals also make me eek because who knows if they've really changed? Sometimes I wonder if BTS is as good hearted (in a reasonable, human, way) as we think they are, but since we have plenty of evidence that they are, I want to believe in good faith that it's true. Worrying about it would drive me crazy but my brain can't help it, haha!
Hi Anon,
First of all, I think there’s a fair amount of false equivalences going on here and honestly, in a lot of discourse around certain artists. It would never occur to me to place BigBang’s Seungri who was convicted for what are basically sex crimes, and Chris Brown who was convicted for domestic violence and assault, in the same sentence within any context with Lizzo who appropriated Asian culture in a photoshoot where the entire direction of that set was by LaChappelle who himself came under little to no fire, and the well known music magazine it was in, Rolling Stone, was also unscathed.
In my opinion it shows an absolutist mindset seen in hyper-religious people who believe all sin is equally bad. When of course, I think that’s nonsense.
So I guess, I’m not the sort of person to stop being interested in an artist the minute I see something I don’t like because I never approach artists expecting perfection. They’re real human beings with all the vices and virtues available to them. And I’ve said this about BTS in several places on my blog. There’s no hard and fast rule as we’re all different and can tolerate different things. Usually, for me, criminal actions are a hard pass. Nothing BTS has been accused of, even in theory or in rumors, comes even close to any of that, obviously.
There are several idols already toeing that line though, but BTS isn’t one of them, at least so far. And by the way, I honestly don’t believe those people who claim to be blindsided when unsavory/criminal news comes out about their idols because in almost every case it should’ve been plausible because of how those idols behaved. BTS is a bit different from most other k-pop idols or groups for a few reasons. The first is that (at least before COVID), they were always being filmed or moving between locations for touring. They’d be recording material for their new albums while on tour and were at some point functioning on less than 3 hours of sleep because of how busy they were. And were almost always together. Like k-pop stans used to make fun of BTS for always being together, saying that they had no life outside of BTS. It was unlikely to even catch them in compromising situations, so nobody was surprised that it was during their first ever long vacation in summer 2019, that we got ‘scandals’ for the first time from the group.
Another reason is the consistency of reports from people who work with them for the first time, those who have worked with them for years, people who are their peers and competitors, people of all races who have consistently vouched for how the boys behave in their personal dealings with them. It will be weird AF if a bullying scandal comes out for Jimin for example who even before BTS blew up, had almost every report from his old school comment positively on his character. There’s already a track record with BTS that has been corroborated from everyone from random fans and non-fans to even their own competitors. Of course it’s always possible we learn tomorrow that Taehyung is a pimp and Namjoon is a drug dealer. If that happens, I’ll rethink what I know of them now.
Something to always remember with BTS is that they are men, born and raised in a hierarchal, homophobic and patriarchal society. Over the course of their career I’ve noticed some of the members’ behaviors and professed beliefs become more progressive, but we never really know what they’re like. All that said, so far, there’s been no need to separate artist from art for me, in the case of BTS.
You’ll draw your line at a place that makes sense to you, and I’ll draw mine in a place that makes sense to me, which for now hovers somewhere around physical violence and/or criminal activities.
Originally posted: March 25th, 2022 12:22pm
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luciajaydekaine · 2 years
Bang Chan and OC Aria AZ NSFW
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Chris is a complete sweetheart. He always thinks of others first and that includes in the bedroom
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Chris loves Arias entire body from her chest to her abs to her bubble butt that he can’t keep his ands off of. Everything about he is beautiful. Aria also loves everything about Chris. But that ass. She’s slightly jealous that his ass is bigger
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Inside. As long as it’s safe. Neither like a mess but Aria prefers in her mouth
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Chris really wants to watch Aria masturbate in front of him but he’s too shy to ask her
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Channie slept with one girl one time previously and would like to forget that it ever happened.
Aria had two long term relationships in the past
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary, cowgirl, or doggy are the most common but it depends on location and mood
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Chris got a nose bleed once during sex. Has embarrassed as he was Aria couldn’t stop laughing once she knew he was okay. Definitely killed the mood but they both laugh about it now
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Both have no body hair at all.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It might not always be romantic love making but it’s still very intimate
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
When they are on the road yes. But why masturbate when you have your partner close by
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Any hole (on her), choking(both), hair pulling(him), prostate massaging(him), ect..
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In private only. Never in the dorms. His bed is too small and his kids are there, and 2Ratcha would definitely walk in to disturb. Aria has a toddler, so only is places she won’t catch them when she’s home and anywhere in their house when she’s with her dad
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
There’s a rule within Stray Kids that the members cannot touch his neck. The sole reason is because of how extremely sensitive his neck is. Rubbing his neck or kissing it is like an instant erection button
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pain of any kind, anything dangerous, public, anywhere her daughter could walk in, anything that has not been communicated about throughly
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Aria has no gag reflex and actually loves giving oral more than receiving. She could get off just by sucking his cock. Channie could spend the rest of his life between her thighs and we wouldn’t complain once.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on the mood.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
With having a toddler. Sometimes quickies are a must, but not something they look forward too or that excites them
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Experimenting is great but getting caught is not. And it would be a fast way to get both of them fired.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Aria is a professional wrestler for a living and a mother to a toddler, her stamina never ends.
Speaking of insane stamina, Bang Chan doesn’t have a recovery period.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Aria bought Chris a “Climber lifelike automatic 5 sucking 10 vibrating male masturbation cup” and he’s obsessed with it. It’s not as good as being with Aria but it gets the job done in the closest way possible.
Aria has a lot of silent vibrators and a dildo they made out of a mold of Chan’s actual cock
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
They both like teasing but not to the point it’s unfair
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
If Eloise is around, stone silent. If they are alone extremely loud
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Aria asked him to measure and he’s 6.5 inches soft and 8 inches hard also extremely thick
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
They aren’t sex crazed but they do love having intimacy together
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
The easiest way to make Chan fall asleep is fuck his brains out
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mainscouture · 2 years
Chronosync move files
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Chronosync move files portable#
Chronosync move files mac#
(a) Do these files already exist, or are they being created on the fly by ChronoSync? i.e.
Chronosync move files mac#
Of course, copying from an iMac attached USB2 drive to the unRAID array via the OS X Finder is sub-optimal, but since i don't have physical access to the system over the weekend, i can't plug the external drive into one of the unRAID's USB ports and try to use the Attached Devices plugin and Midnight Commander (as i am planning to) to rule out the Mac being an issue.what i probably should do, though, is try to reboot the iMac, which i am always a bit nervous to do for fear of it not "coming back" and me then losing remote access to both the iMac and the unRAID system.but since there isn't much i can do with this type of copy speed right now anyway, i might as well take the risk.here's to hoping.Ī couple questions r.e. To rule out the possibility that ChronoSync might have anything to do with it, i did a direct copy in Finder, from the folder on the attached USB2 drive to one of the disk shares (also trying to rule out that it's a user share issue), and it took about 30 seconds until the copy progress window showed 8MB being copied, and it said "13 days" as an estimate for the same 306GB sparse bundle file.i waited another 10 minutes, and it now copied 192MB, dropping the estimate to 11 days.not good at all.Īs per your request, Squid, attached please find the diagnostics. Where do i start with figuring out why i am now copying at under 4MB/s.it's really maddening to keep banging my head against the wall with this.help!!
Chronosync move files portable#
I ordered an external OWC Thunderbolt 2 RAID encore with Softraid software to begin migrating some of my more important production data to a faster array that i can more easily take with me than this 15-Bay behemoth that my unRAID server has become, but even with a fast external and portable RAID5 array, i still need and want unRAID to be my safe for all i have done and will do. I am so frustrated right now.unRAID has been a loyal and dependable friend these past 10+ years, and my server safely (so far) holds over 21TB of my production data from the past 20 years.but it seems that these past 6 months i've stumbled from one issue to the next, which have cost me a ridiculous amount of hours of time to trouble-shoot, test, fix and keep trying.whatever i try, i just don't seem to be able to get back to the "set it and forget it" ease that made me stick with unRAID for so long.Ĭhances are, it's user error or maybe some weird configuration or even hardware problem, but where do i even start? When i saw it copy at 27MB/s yesterday, i thought that things were going to be ok, but i am now looking at 3,82MB/s again, over 22hrs into trying to copying a 305GB sparsebundle backup.needless to say, since just for this backup i need to copy over 2TB of data, this is totally unacceptable. As i briefly chronicled in this thread ( ) i was under the impression that there was some sort of issue with how my new cache drive behaved when i saw backup speed drop from just under 30MB/s to under 4MB/s in under a day.so i ended up canceling the backup from my USB2 drive (connected to my iMac, which is connected to unRAID via 1Gb ethernet) and started the same operation directly to my array after disabling the cache drive again.
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0 notes
gimmethatagustd · 2 years
Hi love!!! Can I request a drabble with ''did we just kiss?" + '' holy shit—that was awesome!" from the third prompt list (or just either of them if you're limiting how many promots are in each request since you said you'd try to keep it to 1K which is epic!) I'd really like some Jungkook fluff and a lil humor if possible 🙈
YOURE GONNA DO AMAZING I CAN'T WAIT TO READ ALL YOUR MILESTONE REQUESTS!! ❤️❤️ (let me know if I get to send more than one bc I saw a few other promts I liked 👉👈)
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Love youuuu!!!
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It’s not just Jungkook’s rigorous boxing lesson that’s making your heart beat fast. 
» pairing: boxer!jungkook x reader
» genre: BTS | PG-15 | fluff | best friends to lovers
» wc/date: 1.7k | July 2022
» warnings: none
» notes: lol i clearly couldn’t follow my own 1k rule. but i hope you enjoy, lovely mindy! it was cute to write 🥰 
» masterlist | ao3 | send me ur thots 👅
» what was jai listening to? cinema - cix
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“Come on, if you wanna kick my ass, you’ve gotta try harder!” 
Sweat made the hand wraps twisted around your hands chafe your wrists beneath the heavy boxing gloves, but you couldn’t mention it to your sparring partner. The loud, giddy “I told you so” he’d hurl at you would be too much for you to bear. You clearly hadn’t tightened the wraps as well as you should have. His expert eye noticed from the very beginning, even when you insisted it was fine. 
You brushed your forearm against your forehead to wipe away a few beads of sweat along your hairline. How was Jungkook bouncing from left to right on his toes with all the energy of a child at an amusement park? You were dying. 
“What is wrong with you?” You leaned backwards, gloved hands pressed to your hips, as you tried to catch your breath. “Can you give me, like, two seconds?” 
He flashed you a toothy grin, the action making crow’s feet appear at his bright eyes. 
“No way, girlfriend.” God, you hated it when he called you that. He sounded like an uncool mom from the early 2000’s. “In a fight, will your opponent give you a break? Do you think they’ll pity you? Nope! They’ll knock you on your ass.” 
He punched at the air a few times, demonstrating his sharp upperhook. 
“Jungkook, when will I ever be in a fight?” You straightened your back and lifted your wobbly arms up to make your gloves level with your face. Maybe you shouldn’t have skipped breakfast. 
He shook his head, flipping his sweaty bangs out of his face, and you swore you felt your limbs turn to jelly. Every day was the same shit, it just looked different. You could feed yourself excuses until you were sick. You were tired, lacked proper nourishment, didn’t take your vitamins. You were stressed, bloated, merely having an “off” day. If stuffing yourself full of thinly-veiled justifications for why your best friend made your stomach twist into knots every time he looked at you was a sin, then you were Queen of Gluttony. 
“You never know! With that mouth of yours…” The wink he sent you was Cupid’s bow shot straight into your heart. 
“Oh shut up, I’m ready.” 
Satisfied with your submission, Jungkook lifted his hands sporting the trainer punch mitts. The first time you’d trained with him you were so worried about hurting him that you barely tapped against his hands. His biceps rippled as he flexed his wrists, presenting the flattened side of the mitts for you to punch into. The t-shirt he wore had the sleeves and armpits ripped out, the holes running down his sides to expose his toned chest and abs when he moved to the side. You licked your lips and shuddered at the salty taste of sweat on them. 
Jungkook’s mitted hand flew out to boop you on the forehead, then quickly snapped back before you even processed what happened. 
“I know I’m cute, but pay attention!” 
The heat that flooded your face had nothing to do with working out. You planted your feet on the floor of the boxing ring and cocked your head to the side to crack your neck. Maybe a part of you thought you looked a little bit badass, but Jungkook quickly knocked you back to reality. He managed to hit you again, this time on the shoulder. 
“You need to loosen up. Be quicker on your feet.” 
“You wish you were as quick as me.” You gave him a little hop like he’d been doing before, your tongue stuck out in a violent point, nose scrunched. “When Muhammad Ali said ‘float like a butterfly, sting like a bee’ he was talking about me.” 
“Oh really?” 
Another boop to your head and you were starting to get annoyed. 
“Jeon Jungkook, I was not ready. That doesn’t count.” 
There was no mercy for you in those doe eyes sparkling in the fluorescent lighting of the boxing studio. Jungkook’s eyes crinkled as he chuckled a bunny-tooth laugh, getting far too much enjoyment out of your weakness. 
“Okay, okay, how about this. Do you remember the routine we did on Tuesday? I’ll wait for you to advance first.” 
You nodded, biting the inside of your cheek. You absolutely did not remember the routine from Tuesday, but at this point you couldn’t just say that. Another boop to the forehead was definitely in your future if you admitted you’d forgotten such precious knowledge. You were just going to have to make it up.
With a deep inhale, you released air from puckered lips and charged forward. In your head, you had this really fantastic image of you flying through the air with your fist strong and your elbow laxed, the strands of your hair whipping out of your ponytail, a true Valkyrie on a mission. It was rather glorious, flying through the clouds like a warrior of female empowerment, taking down the man.
Keyword, image. 
In reality? Your left sneaker slid against a glistening spot on the floor of the ring where you’d accidentally spilled some of your water bottle. Your body lurched forward, the heaviness of your boxing gloves making you top heavy. You were all limbs as you collided with Jungkook, and since neither of you had fingers to grab onto anything, you landed with a hard thud on the floor. If it wasn’t embarrassing enough that the skin of your sweaty legs was now sticking to the skin of Jungkook’s sweaty legs, you felt like you were going to pass out. There was no talking yourself out of this one, though, because the reason was very clear. 
You’d landed with your mouth smashed against Jungkook’s, with your teeth clinking together and noses squished into each other. Not only was it terrifying, but it was unattractive, and slightly painful? The universe took away your Valkyrie fantasy, and your kissing Jungkook fantasy, too. All in a matter of seconds. 
Horrified, you quickly tried to push yourself off of him, but Jungkook slung a heavy arm over your waist to hold you against his chest. 
“Did we just… kiss?” 
“Uhhh… no, no way. I just almost broke our front teeth.” Why wasn’t he letting you go? 
“Nah, I think we did. We totally did.” Jungkook leaned his head back on the floor and stared up at you with a grin. “We should do it again.” 
“What?” you croaked out, wiggling a bit in his embrace. He had to be joking, right? He was fucking with you. 
“Aren’t you supposed to listen to me as your trainer?” Jungkook reached up to boop you in the forehead again. “Kiss me again.” 
The intensity with which he stared at you made you want to shy away from him, but Jungkook held you firmly in place. Thankfully, he closed his eyes and you were able to look him straight in the face without feeling uncharacteristically shy. That is, until he puckered his lips at you. 
“Oh my god, Jungkook, stop teasing me.” 
The grin reappeared, though he kept his eyes closed. “I’m waiting.” 
With your heart somersaulting in your chest and your head reeling, you did the one thing you thought you’d been safe to fantasize about because it would never happen. 
The kiss was chaste, just as gently hesitant as when you punched Jungkook during your first day of training. He let out a soft sigh once your lips finally moved against his in a chaste dance. The sound startled you, half expecting Jungkook to throw you off of him rather than hum in satisfaction. That sweet sound was what made reality knock you in the head and you quickly pulled away. 
“Holy shit, that was awesome!” Jungkook tightened his grip on your waist and lifted the two of you into a sitting position. 
He ripped the mitts off of his hands, tossing them to the side. With his fingers free, he slid his hands along your cheeks, eyes roaming your face with a softness you could barely look into. He brought his face to yours again, chasing another gentle kiss with lips that were uncertain of where they belonged. The two of you fumbled over your movements and you found yourself smiling. The action made your teeth clink together once again, and Jungkook pulled away laughing. 
“You just wiped all your sweat from your hand wraps all over my face,” you blurted out, nerves shaking you to your core. What were you supposed to say?? Your best friend was willingly making out with you! 
Jungkook reached out to remove your gloves. You wiggled your fingers, thankful for the cool air running through them. But before you could truly appreciate the freedom, Jungkook grabbed your hands and pressed them to his cheeks. He really rubbed them in, squishing his cheeks to make his lips pucker and pout. 
“Now we’re even,” he said with a grin and finally let go. Snatching up his mitts, Jungkook stood up and held out his hand to you. When you pressed your wrapped hand into his, you felt your entire soul melt. 
“I guess we are.” You gave him a soft smile as you brushed yourself off. You had a tiny scrape on your knee from falling, but otherwise the only thing damaged was your ability to stay relaxed in front of your best friend.  
“Do you… want to go home...” Jungkook brought his hand up to ruffle his sweaty hair, looking at you through long lashes. “With me?” 
You squeezed the gloves against your chest and watched Jungkook carefully. “Only if you promise not to make me box anymore today.” 
A smile replaced the insecurity he had painted on his face. His arm, yet again, swooped out to boop you on the head with one of the mitts. Using one of your gloves, you swatted at him in response. “Is that a yes??”
Jungkook jabbed you on one side, then the other, until you were curled inward and doing your best to defend yourself with your beat up gloves. “Jungkook!” 
“Only if you give me another kiss.” 
Seemed like an easy exchange to you.
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & ao3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work <3
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fangirlshrieks · 3 years
Dirty Little Secret
a/n: This is heavily based on @loonyluvgoods post:
Thank you again @loonyluvgoods for letting me use your post as a writing prompt 😊
Word count: 4,027
Parings: Neville Longbottom x reader
Warnings: masturbation, scent kink, Neville being a little pervert, idk what else
The steam from the hot shower you were taking filled the prefect's bathroom. It was nice on your skin and the heat from the water helped your muscles relax. It had been a very long and stressful Friday for you as there were multiple homework assignments due that day along with your prefect duties and attending a DA meeting. You just wanted to be in the comfort of your own bed and sleep until noon the next day. 
As tired as you were, the warm shower seemed to brighten your mood. However your mood was quickly crushed with the ringing of the school bell indicating that everyone should be back in their dorms if they didn't want to earn a detention. 
"Shit!" You cursed under your breath. 
You hated the new curfew enforced by Umbridge. You had completely forgotten about the new rule that was recently enacted. You quickly turned off the shower and dried off. You changed into your pajamas as fast as you could and grabbed your pile of dirty laundry and rushed out the bathroom wrapping your night robe around you as you did. 
Making sure there was no sight of Filch or Mrs. Norris you stepped out into the corridor and made your way to your dorm room. You tried to hide in the shadows as much as possible but the bright moonlight made it almost impossible. If someone were walking behind you, you were sure to be caught. But so far you have made it halfway to your dorm room unnoticed.
Then just as you were turning a corner you bumped into someone. He startled you so much you almost dropped your clothes you were holding (or so you thought). The boy was also alarmed and dropped the book he was holding with a loud bang. 
You both looked around for any signs of Filch or Mrs. Norris suddenly lurking around the corridor ready to catch whoever made that loud noise. Luckily the only people who heard the noise were you and…
"Neville, you startled me! What are you doing out so late anyway?" You scream-whispered.
"Oh Y/N it's you." He said in a relieved tone. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I fell asleep in the library and woke up when the tower bell rang. I ran out as fast as I could before I got into any trouble." He explained. "Wait… What are you doing out here?" He asked, noticing your damp hair.
"I was in the perfect's bathroom when the bell rang." 
"Oh" He said quietly and only now noticed you were in your night robes. He was glad to be hidden in the shadows because his face was burning hot. 
"Listen, we better get back to our dorms before we get caught. Just make sure not to drop your book again, ok." You said trying to hold back a laugh. 
"Right." Neville said, a little embarrassed. "I'll see you at the next DA meeting." 
"Goodnight Neville." And with that you quickly head towards your dorm. 
He watched you leave until you turned a corner and were out of sight. He would have liked to stay and talk longer with you under different circumstances. He turned back around and leaned down to grab his book when something caught his eye. A handkerchief maybe but it was a little dark to see in the shadows. Then he reached out and grabbed whatever it was that was on the floor. As he stood up, he leaned more towards the moonlight to get a better look at what it was. It was a deep burgundy color and very soft. Now under the moonlight what he saw definitely surprised him. 
Panties. His eyes widened and his heart raced at the sight. He could definitely see all the black lace trimming now.
Just then he remembered where he was and clutched your underwear to his chest and raced back to his dorm room. 
Once inside the common room he checked to make sure no one was around. When there seemed to be no one in the common room Neville gently opened his hand to reveal your panties. He gulped at the sight. Under the firelight he could see the black lace trimming and a little bow at the top that tied the whole ensemble together. His face was burning even more and it wasn't from the heat of the fire. 
You and Neville had always been good friends but around the end of his 3rd year he had developed feelings for you. During his 4th year those feelings had deepened. Now in his 5th year he can't seem to hold a proper conversation with you without becoming flustered or embarrassing himself. Lately he has hardly ever been able to talk to you alone during school or the DA meetings. He has been wanting to ask you out to go to Hogsmeade with him on the next trip but had always managed to chicken out at the last second. He doesn't want to ruin his friendship with you if you don't feel the same way. He wouldn't want to do anything to harm his friendship with you. But with your panties in his hand that rationalization has gone straight out the window. 
All he could do was stare at the lace and rub the fabric between his fingers. 
'I have Y/N's underwear.' He thought to himself. A smile curled on his lips as he thought about you wearing them and how beautiful you would look in them. Just the thought that he was holding your used underwear turned him on. The fabric that he held in his hands was just between your legs a few hours ago. He gulped audibly and his breath became more shaky. The urge to push the fabric against his nose and inhale your scent became too powerful to overcome. With quivering hands he brought your panties to his face, closed his eyes, and groaned with pleasure at your aroma. His senses became flooded with desire as he inhaled deeply. A familiar feeling brewed in his stomach and the stiffness between his legs became more noticeable. He half opened his eyelids and stared lazily at his surroundings. He broke out of his gaze when he returned to reality and remembered that he was in the Gryffindor common room and could be caught any second. A pang of guilt washed over Neville. He looked at your panties one more time before clutching them to his chest and scanned the room, scared that someone might see him with a pair of girls underwear. 
'What am I doing!? This is so wrong.' He contemplated in his head. His breathing quickened as he panicked. 
"I have to return these." He whispered to himself. 
However, he didn't actually intend to give them back to you. He thought saying it out loud would force him to do the right thing but something in him was telling him that nothing bad would happen if you were suddenly missing a pair of underwear. 
'Y/N wouldn't notice right?' He reasoned with himself. He asked himself if he would ever notice if one of his underwear were suddenly gone and figured he wouldn't ever notice. But then again all his underwear looked the same (boxer briefs of different shades of red, blue, and grey). He didn't know if your underwear all looked the same or not but hoped it did. He thought about it for a couple of minutes before deciding that he could maybe keep them for a little while. He would wait until the next time you sent your laundry to be cleaned by the house elves and slip them back with the rest of your clothes. 
'Yeah that seems like a good plan.' He told himself. He would just have to wait until the next time your laundry was cleaned, which meant he would have to keep your underwear for a while. 
That night Neville slept with your panties under his pillow for safe keeping. 
It had been a couple of days after Neville had stolen your underwear and things were getting difficult for him. He never got the chance to relieve himself the night he took your panties and didn't get much sleep either. He had hoped that maybe sometime the next day he would have the room to himself and get his business handled but his dormmates always seemed to be in the room at one time or another. He was used to Dean or Seamus hanging out in the dorms sometime but the one week that Harry and Ron ever seemed to be hanging out in the dorms had to be this week. It was a nightmare. Neville couldn't really focus on any of his studies that week. All he could think about was your underwear that he had hidden in his sock drawer. 
Every night for the past three days he had been taking out your panties from his drawer and would cuddle with them to help him sleep. He mostly felt bad about having your panties and not telling you that he took them but the idea of you finding out terrified him. At this point he felt like it was almost impossible to return them. Would the house elves be suspicious if they found a pair of girls underwear in his laundry basket? Would one of his friends find out and interrogate him on who's panties he was hiding? Would they immediately tell you? Sure he was being careful and he thought he didn't look too suspicious opening his sock drawer every night but the stress was getting to him.
Neville honestly didn't know why he held on to your underwear for so long. He should have returned them to you the morning after he took them. You would have understood that you just dropped them when you two met in the corridor the previous night and he was returning them to you. Sure it would have been a painful awkward conversation but at least everything would go back to normal. But having kept your underwear for three days it would have seemed very inappropriate. 
A part of him was saying he wasn't doing anything wrong by keeping your underwear but the other half definitely knew he was being a pervert. 
'Why do I still have these?' He contemplated one night. 
Then a voice in the back of his head spoke with a commanding tone. 'Use them!' 
The thought startled him so much his heartbeat quickened and the blood in his body rushed to his nether regions. 
He couldn't. Wouldn't. Shouldn't. It was a bad idea. A very bad idea. But then again it was a very arousing idea. A very erotic idea. He became tempted to use them that second, even while his dormmates slept soundly. But the fear of being caught stopped him. He quickly opened his sock drawer, stuffed your panties back into their hiding spot, and shut the drawer. 
Neville couldn't believe what he was thinking. It was an invasion of personal belongings. He couldn't violate your panties like that. Could he? 
He got up to use the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face to calm him down. He didn't get that much sleep that night either. 
By the end of the week Neville had managed to snag the dorm room all to himself. Well it was really luck that was on his side that day as everyone was either in the library or hanging out in the school's corridors. He was happy to be alone in his dorm after what had happened that day and pretty much all week.
There had been a DA meeting after classes that day and Neville was to say the least distracted. Every time you were near him he would have to hide his blush and pray that his mind wouldn't wander and think of other things. He would try to focus on what he was supposed to be doing but found it difficult when you would simply smile at him, wave, or even talk to him. This also happened during the classes he shared with you. 
At the DA meeting you and Neville were partnered up and were practicing how to block jinxes. At one point he ended up getting hit by a knockback jinx you casted. You had obviously intended for him to block the spell but still felt bad when he flew a little over 3 feet from where he stood. 
"Oh my god!" You shrieked. You ran to his side where he laid on the floor. "I'm so so sorry!" 
Neville groaned and rubbed his elbow. He had landed pretty hard and knew there would be a bruise there by tomorrow. When you ran towards his side he was embarrassed to say the least and he was now pink in the face. 
"It's fine." He piped up.
You helped him stand up as he held onto his elbow. 
"I know we're practicing but I still feel bad" You admitted. "Are you sure you're ok? You look like you hurt your elbow pretty badly." You gently placed your hand on his elbow.
It was a very small and innocent touch but it was enough to make Neville weak in the knees. "I'm fine really. It wasn't your fault really. I just got… uh distracted." 
"Got a lot on your mind?" Concern written all over your face.
At this point his ears were flushed and he wished his embarrassment wasn't so visible, but he gave you a small smile and awkward laugh. "Yeah…"
He noticed that you were going to ask him about what was bothering him but he spoke before you could ask. "Uh... we should probably get back to… uh… get back to practicing." 
"Ok. But just so you know you can talk to me whenever it's ok. We're friends." 
The two of you went back to practicing your blocking spells for the rest of the meeting. Now in his dorm room he was thinking back on your words. Saying that you were just friends to his face made him understand the reality of your relationship with him. It still stung to know that that was all you thought of him as (from what he knew of course). Just your friend. 
He wanted to be so much more than that. He wanted to hold your hand and take you out on dates to Hogsmeade and watch romantic comedies with you. He wanted to buy you flowers, take you on picnics, and cuddle with you. He just wanted to be yours. 
You really were a great friend towards him and he would never do anything to jeopardize your friendship but he always pondered on the possibility of being with you. 
When you touched his elbow it sent sparks down his spin. He knew you were only being friendly and concerned about him but even the lightest touch from you turned him on. Maybe it was because he hadn't masturbated all week and the only thing he could think about was how he had a pair of your panties. Maybe it was because he was a horny teenager desperate for love. Whatever the case, all he knew was that he wanted you. But since he couldn't have you, your underwear would have to be the next best thing.
Neville grabbed your panties from under his sock drawer and gently held them as if they were the most delicate flower in the world. 
His guilt about using them had seemed like a thing of the past as he held them up to his nose and sniffed them. They still smelled of your scent and he could feel his whole body relax. He casually slumped back onto his bed and his head hit the pillows. Rubbing the fabric against his check he imagined that you were sitting on his face. Wanting to feel some actual weight on his face he grabbed the pillow he was laying on, let your underwear rest over his eyes and nose, and placed the pillow on top of his face. A moan escaped his lips as he pushed the pillow onto his face. His legs squirmed against his bed sheets as he imagined what it would be like to be between your legs. He would kiss you until you called his name. He'd leave hickies all over your thighs. You would grind down on his face and pull his hair. His tongue would lick at your clit and explore your folds. 
The thought of you cumming all over his face drove him crazy. His cock was now strained against his briefs and demanded to be free. He moved one hand from his pillow to pull his underwear down to his mid thigh. With shaking hands he pulled your panties from his face. Neville lifted the pillow from his face a little so he could wrap his dick with your underwear. The inside of your panties touched the length of his dick. 
"Y/N…" Neville moaned your name and threw his head back making the pillow fall back on his face. 
He started to stroke himself starting from the base all the way to the tip with your panties slowly, almost teasingly.  He imagined it was you rubbing yourself on his dick. 
"Y/N… please…" he whimpered into his pillow. 
As precum began leaking out of the tip of his cock your panties became more wet. It felt as if it was your wetness being rubbed on him. Then a beautiful image of you rubbing your bare wet pussy against his cock appeared in his head. He began jerking off faster to the thought. 
"Please…" he begged imaginary you. 
You started to kiss his neck and left bite marks where they would be difficult to hide later. You scratched up and down his chest and whispered sweet nothings in his ear. 
'You're mine,' you would say. 
"I'm yours…" he whispered back.
'So sweet. My good boy. I love you.' You would say each sentence between kisses. 
"I love…" he muffled his words with his pillow. 
At this point his imagination had brought you bouncing on his beautiful cock faster and faster and faster. His cock was plump and hard wrapped around your underwear. It was glistening with a layer of precum covering it.
It was honestly a hot sight. His pillow muffled his sweet moans as the rest of his body was covered with a sheen of sweat and his balls were so swollen with cum ready to be shot out in hot white streams. Had you seen it you definitely would have help with his situation. 
The slickness of your panties allowed him to stroke himself faster. He focused more on his tip and rubbed vigorously to the point of sensitivity. He started to buck up into his hand and imagined he was fucking up into you. Just as imaginary you slammed your pussy down on his cock he came all over your burgundy panties. 
"Ooohhh…" he drowned his moans into his pillow. 
Neville's chest heaved up and down as he caught his breath. He hadn't cum this hard in a very long time and was surprised at how much he had cum. He lifted the pillow from his face and looked down at his crotch only to see your panties covered in his white seamen. 
"Yuck" he grimaced at the mess. 
Some cum had somehow splattered on his stomach. His hand was also sticky from holding onto your panties. 
"Aww man, this isn't good." 
He sat up and cleaned himself as much as he could with the tissues on his nightstand. He quickly grabbed his shower robe and night robes and headed towards the showers. He felt dirty and needed to wash away his mess. 
As the hot water poured down on his skin he felt his stomach turn. He scrubbed harshly at his skin as if he could wash away his guilt. He felt the sting of tears form in the corner of his eyes but didn't dare let them fall. 
'Why am I like this? Y/N's never going to forgive me. I'm a terrible person.' His thoughts echoed in his head. He wanted to apologize to you for what he did. He'd never meant to cross the line with your friendship and wanted to make things right with you even though you had no idea what was going on or that you had even lost your underwear. He knew going through with his lustful instinct was a bad idea. He just didn't think the weight on his chest would be too much to carry afterwards. 
Part of him wanted to cry. Mostly out of guilt but also because he desperately wanted his imagination to come true. He honestly thought you would never like him in that way. He found himself at a new low masturbating using your underwear that he stole. 
He needed to apologize to you. But first he had to go and clean the mess he made on your panties. He quickly changed into his night robes and hurried back to his dorm but once he opened the door to his dorm room his bed was already made and the room seemed spotless. 
His heart dropped to his stomach and all the color left his face. "No!" 
There was only one reason why his dorm room looked this clean. The house elves had already been here. 
"No! No! No! No! No!" He ran to his bed and searched under the covers and under his pillow for your underwear but found nothing. He searched his drawers too but couldn't find anything. The house elves had taken your underwear to clean them no doubt. Would they return them to you? Would they tell you that he had them? He had to find you and apologize quickly if so. He could never face you again if you found out he stole your underwear from a house elf. He changed out of his night robes and into his regular clothes then went out to find you. 
Little did he know that a little elf was out looking for him as well. Neville was shaking with fear. He would have to confess everything to you. He wished he had more time to come up with an explanation but what kind of explanation could he give other than the truth. His breathing became shallow and his thoughts were running wild about what harm would come to him if he confessed. But time was running out and you would find out eventually. The walls felt too open and he felt exposed. He had to find a place to hide and calm himself first. Just then he remembered about the room of requirement and a door the size of a broom closet appeared. He quickly opened the door and walked in. But before he could close the door something small had bumped into his leg and entered the broom closet with him. 
"Ahh!" Neville squeaked.
"Sorry to disturb you Mr. Longbottom but Dobby must apologize for not informing you earlier." Said the little elf.
"What?" Neville's tone was one of alarm and confusion. 
"Earlier today Dobby was cleaning the boys' dormitories and found something in your bed, sir." 
Neville's face was bright red in the dark closet. 
"Dobby doesn't ask questions sir. But Dobby wants to tell Mr. Longbottom that his unmentionables are being washed and will return to his dorm and safely hidden." 
A bit of sweat covered Neville's forehead. He had never felt more embarrassed in his life. "Uhh… thanks Dobby." 
"Good day." The little elf waddled over to the broom closet door and was about to open it before Neville spoke. 
"Uhh… Dobby, does this happen a lot?" 
"More than you'd know sir. Dobby has been dealing with teenage children since he got to Hogwarts. But Dobby begs Mr. Longbottom to please be more careful next time." Dobby said before leaving.
As the dorm shut Neville let out a sigh of relief and leaned up against the cold stone wall. He couldn't believe how stupid he was for almost outing himself. 
a/n: I know I've been gone for a long time but college really gmfu. 😕 I thought I was going to be able to write more during the summer but I ended up taking summer classes. 😒 Anyway I hope you liked it.
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nyx3927 · 3 years
 @musicfeedsmysoul12​ and @lurking96 this is both of y’all’s fault with that thread about how too many fics where Izuku jumps, gets a quirk and just make Bakugo regret it without any actual character change. Just: Izuku goes splat, and now Bakugo is an uwu soft boy who’s really sorry but had no character development visible.
Y’all both get some of the blame for this fic outline I created after a bang, chocolate, and on 2 hours of sleep. It’s still a really rough outline and I don’t have time to polish it up into an actual outline, draft, then fic with my summer classes and job right now. Enjoy my stream of thought with no filter
The Ripple
Izuku has a concussion from Bakugo attacking him at school so his eyesight is off. Everything else is the same up to when All Might leaves him on the roof.
The concussion fucked with his vision, balance, and depth perception. So he ended up accidentally stepping off the side of the building. (Hush, I know that there’s a railing. We’re pretending that when All Might jumped away from Izuku on the roof, he accidentally took like half of it with him.)
Crash, boom, blood. Ambulance carted him off to the hospital and that’s the last we see of Izuku for a while.
They don’t know that All Might was the one who got him up to the rooftop because the notebook with the signature was blown off the roof and into the river. By the time that it was found, it was nothing but mush and the writing was illegible, all runny and blurry. They also just assumed that a villain ripped the railing off in a previous battle and the owner hadn’t gotten it fixed yet.
Inko tells Mitsuki that they think it was suicide because he couldn’t have accidentally gotten up on the roof (No evidence of All Might). Katsuki hears that but refuses to tell anyone that he told Izuku to jump off a roof because that could hurt his chances of being a hero.
Entrance Exam
Fast-forward to the entrance exam, everything proceeds as canon except for the bits with Izuku, which never happened.
Uraraka is stuck under the boulder with the zero pointer bearing down on her. Canon shows no evidence of any pro except Present Mic at the site, and he was last seen at the gates so he isn’t close by to Uraraka.
Uraraka couldn’t escape from the boulder in time and the kill switch takes up to 30 seconds to receive and process. So, the robot steps on the boulder and crushes her leg. She’s rushed to Recovery Girl but the damage is so severe that they have to amputate a leg.
As compensation, UA takes care of all the medical bills and offers her a spot in the Hero Course at UA with her entire tuition paid for all 3 years. Uraraka accepts to make it easier financially on her parents, so she shows up to the first day of classes with a prosthetic leg that she painted pink in an effort to make it less sad.
Quirk Assessment
A random extra is put into 1-A, but they and Mineta are promptly expelled. The extra just didn’t try at all, relying upon the idea that the teacher wouldn’t actually expel anyone on the first day. Mineta was just too pervy/not heroic enough so he got the boot.
Aizawa was reminded of the death of Oboro when Uraraka nearly got crushed, so he’s on high alert to expel those that he believes would never be good at heroics/ would just get themselves killed. Extra not trying and Mineta just focusing on being a perv, made him convinced they would get killed so he just expelled them straight away [No readmission for them]
This shocked Momo who thought he was bluffing and made her more cognizant of the fact that not everyone plays by the same rules as her.
Battle Trial
Battle trials happen. Momo and Uraraka are paired up together and fight twice in the trials. They won both times because Uraraka floated the bomb and Momo in the fight against Todoroki so that it was impossible for Todoroki to capture them. They win against Iida and Bakugo because Uraraka takes advantage of Iida’s unwillingness to hurt someone he views as disabled/helpless and knocks him out with a bat from Momo, then touches the bomb, Momo just created water and soaked Bakugo so he couldn’t use his Quirk and then ran from him.
All other trials proceeded as in canon.
Since Tsuyu is the only one in the Water Zone [Midoriya not in the story and Mineta expelled], she just went straight for the shore and got back to the entry area via the river. She witnesses the entire beatdown of Aizawa and his fighting, so she’s very traumatized. But because she’s amphibious and is completely underwater [In my hcs, she can breathe underwater as long as water can access most of her skin. So her suit is very permeable and water can get through it], Shigaraki never sees her and so he doesn’t try to kill her.
Rest of the USJ goes as canon dictates including Aizawa getting his head smashed by the Nomu
Sports Festival
Because 1-A has 2 less students, only the first 40 to get to the finish line can pass on. Todoroki ended up getting first place by icing over Bakugo’s legs at the tunnel entrance. Everyone else that originally passed in canon, also passed.
All the teams are the same, except for Uraraka’s team which doesn’t have Midoriya, and Shoji’s who doesn’t have Mineta.
Bakugo is going after Todoroki instead of Uraraka’s team because he’s focused on snagging the winning headband. 
Uraraka uses her Quirk on her team and they just hang out in the sky for awhile, since after the boulder, she practiced to be able to lift more weight so that never happens again. 
Shoji’s team is the same as canon, especially because Mineta never actually did anything important to the team.
Todoroki never uses his fire because he used his ice to create a dome that kept everyone else away from his team. Bakugo runs around stealing other headbands since he can’t get to Todoroki.
At the end of the round, Todoroki is in first, Bakugo is second, Uraraka is third and Shinso is fourth.
Ojiro and Shoda both drop out citing the fact that they couldn’t remember the event as the reason. Shiozaki Ibara and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu replace them
So now we have the 1v1 battles with the following students.
Uraraka Ochako
Tokoyami Fumikage
Hatsume Mei
Bakugo Katsuki
Kirishima Eijiro
Ashido Mina
Sero Hanta
Todoroki Shoto
Iida Tenya
Yaoyorozu Momo
Kaminari Denki
Shinso Hitoshi
Aoyama Yuga
Shiozaki Ibara
Tetsutetsu Tetsutestu
Shinso gets a free pass onto the next round because he is a gen ed student so they wanted to allow him the best chance possible and it’s better for the optics of UA for watchers to see a hero student beating up another hero student instead of a gen ed kid.
Todoroki v. Sero -Todoroki won ala iceberg
Kaminari v. Shiozaki  -Kaminari won by sending electricity through her hair and knocking her out because Aizawa forced him to start thinking outside of the box after he nearly died during the USJ [shiozaki has to have nerves to control her vines and nerves have electricity traveling through them. So they’re a conductor and Kaminari can send his electricity down them]
Iida v. Hatsume -He doesn’t accept her gadgets and just pushes her out of bounds. After the Uraraka debacle in his battle trial, he realizes that he can’t just go off his perceptions and has to be wary of them.
Ashido v. Aoyama - Ashido won
Tokoyami v. Yaoyorozu - Yaoyorozu won by creating an explosion of light and blinding them, then pushing them out of the ring. Uraraka taught her to take advantage of what she can do and Aizawa forced her to realize that others don’t have the same rules.
Tetsutetsu v. Kirishima - Kirishima won by charging Tetsutetsu and knocking him out of the ring. Again Aizawa forced him to not just behave as a shield because of the USJ
Uraraka v. Bakugo -Uraraka won by taking off her prosthetic, leaving it as a decoy and floating herself so that he couldn’t hear her coming, and the dust from his explosions had blinded him. She tackled him from above and hurled him out of bounds. He got a concussion and Recovery Girl forced him to stay in the infirmary.
Todoroki v. Shinso -Shinso won by coming after Todoroki’s weak spot and making him talk
Iida v. Kaminari -Kaminari won by shocking Iida’s engines when he tried to grab him. Made him collapse, and then just dragged him out of bounds.
Tokoyami v. Ashido- Tokoyami won by Dark Shadow kicking her out of bounds
Uraraka v. Kirishima -Uraraka won by preying on Kirishima’s desire for manliness and to not hurt a girl. Got close enough to float him and then just push him out of bounds. Aizawa has plans to lecture Kirishima about when to be manly and when to not be.
Shinso v. Kaminari -Shinso won. He could tell that Kaminari was a memelord, so he just took advantage of that and said a meme that Kaminari couldn’t resist completing. [Don’t know what yet, I’ll figure it out later]
Tokoyami v. Uraraka -Tokoyami won. Uraraka lost because she couldn’t use her Quirk on Dark Shadow and Dark Shadow was the one to attack her. [See doc of quirk analysis for more in depth in case we forget]
Shinso v. Tokoyami -Shinso won by mirroring Tokoyami’s speech patterns which knocked him off guard and got him caught into Shinso’s Quirk.
Shinso got first place, Tokoyami got second, Uraraka and Kaminari shared third place.
Hero names
Todoroki -Shoto
Bakugo -King Explosion
Iida -Tenya
Uraraka -Weightless [As a pun on weigh less because of her amputation and her quirk. She’s not quite as bubbly and didn’t feel like uravity reflected her anymore]
Tsuyu -Froppy
Kirishima -Red Riot
Yaoyorozu -Creati [I really want to change this but I don’t know to whaaaat!!! I’ll come back to it later]
Tokoyami -Tsukuyomi
Jiro -EarJack
Shinso -Silencer [Stupid but his quirk makes people silent plus I love MLB silencer design of the , not the helmet tho that is ugly looking and the coloring needs to be more muted imo]
Shinso gets an internship with Aizawa to assess whether or not he’s fit for heroics. Aizawa also prescreens all of his students' internships to make sure that it’s a good fit for them. [He’s a lot more protective of where they because he wants them to be actually learning useful heroics not shit like how to clean and pose for a camera.]
Mirko offers an internship to Uraraka because she wanted to teach a fighting girl that was perceived as helpless by society. [Society views disabled as helpless, a girl is also viewed as helpless, both is bad combination. Mirko wants to prove anyone can be badass with the right training]
Yaoyorozu gets put with Fatgum because Aizawa sees that she’s struggling with the fat part of her Quirk and knows that if she went with Uwabami, she’d develop more insecurities. [Uwabami is a TV actress/model. She’ll pass on weight/beauty related insecurities because that’s what a lot of actresses have and she seems focused more on a fanbase]
Kirishima goes with Rock Lock to be faced with the blunt truth that ideals are nice, but you can’t have them rule your life as a hero. [Canonly, he’s very blunt and pragmatic, so he’d believe that trying to be manly is fine, but there is a time and place for it.]
Everyone else goes with their canon internships.
The Nomus attack Hosu. Because Gran Torino isn’t there, the Nomus are more dangerous and more civilians die. All the heroes are focused exclusively on managing the Nomus and the interns kinda fall to the wayside since they can’t do anything.
Iida slips away and Manual is too busy putting out fires to notice.
Iida runs off and finds Stain. Battle commences and Iida loses.
Stain calls him and Native fake heroes. Native gets a sliced throat. Stain is a little more lenient with Iida because he is a kid. He goes through the fabric pants and slices the femoral artery to the bone. [Femoral artery cuts can lead to death within minutes especially with Iida running on adrenaline which kicks up the blood pressure and rate of bleeding.]
Endeavour comes through with Shoto burning all the nomus and destroying them. Finally the city is quiet and the search for the dead begins.
Every hero in Hosu grid searched the entire city to retrieve the dead and bring them to the morgue for claiming. 
Manual was the one to find his dead intern and Native. He had to call UA and tell them that he got a student killed while under his supervision. He gets blacklisted by UA and Aizawa puts out a warning on the Underground network that if others are under his care, that he might lose track of them.
Once everyone returned from their internships, they left red spider lilies on his desk as a way to guide him to the afterlife.
Training Camp
The villains still want Bakugo because they saw his aggression, violence, and determination to be the best during the sports festival and the internships. So they think he’d be an easy switch to flip.
This time, Aizawa doesn’t dump them out in the middle of the forest because he’s focusing on forcing his students to interact and bond with each other instead of doing their own thing. So they all stay on the bus and Aizawa makes them talk about something semi-important with a seat partner for 10 minutes before switching so that everyone talks to more than just their friend groups.
When they arrive, Kota is his bratty self and Aizawa shuts that down fast. He tells him that he has two options, one: stay with his aunts and uncle or two: stay with Aizawa. Aizawa can’t have an itty-bitty child running around loose in the forest when 17 hormonal teenagers are letting off their Quirks which are dangerous. [it was an awful idea in canon to let Kota hide in his treehouse. Imagine if one of the kids near the mountain lost control of their quirk.] Kota chooses to stay with his aunts and uncle at all times because Aizawa is scary.
Once the training starts, he pairs everyone up with different partners to force their Quirks to improve.
Ashido-Kirishima to strengthen her acid and his hardening by hurling acid at him
Tokoyami-Kaminari-Aoyama to force Aoyama to maintain his laser beam for longer, Tokoyami to force him to strengthen Dark Shadow against light, Kaminari to power multiple light sources without burning them out and not going into whee mode so he can avoid the laser beam and Dark Shadow
Ojiro-Koda to force Koda to vary the animals that he calls and Ojiro to give him experience with fending off multiple opponents of varying sizes and skill levels without seriously injuring them.
Todoroki-Bakugo-Tsuyu to force Todoroki to be able to control both sides of his quirks and switch them easily, Tsuyu to force her to get accustomed to varying temperatures and making sure they don’t knock her out, Bakugo to force him to sweat more in both cold and hot temperatures so that he’s more versatile.
Jiro-Shoji-Hagakure to force Hagakure to improve her stealth and fighting, Jiro to make her be able to detect people sneaking up on her, and Shoji to improve his locating skills and stealth. [Shoji is a big boy and needs to work on stealth]
Sero-Sato to help Sero with his dodging and speed, and Sato to help him retain more of his planning and forethought while his Quirk is activated
Uraraka-Yaoyorozu to make Uraraka work on her sickness and weight limits and Yaoyorozu to adapt to planning on the fly and create items quickly.
Aizawa forces them to break away from their training partners when it’s time to make dinner and everyone is required to help in some way during the meal. The help can be gathering the ingredients, preparing them, doing the actual cooking, plating, setting the table, cleaning up after, anything as long as they contributed.
Repeat until the trial of courage.
Vlad wants to do the trial and Aizawa refuses to do it. Aizawa is actively trying to squash out the competitiveness of his students in order to make them work together and ask for help so that they’ll survive longer in the hero society. Uraraka lost a leg because people wouldn’t cooperate to help her in the entrance exam and Iida died because he was too focused on himself and didn’t ask for help. The trial would just reignite the competitiveness and ruin his progress.
1-B does the trial on their own while 1-A is given a maze they have to navigate.
The maze is created by Pixie Bob and is huge. It’s large enough that the students on the ground can’t peek over the walls to see the path. There are two students on the ground, the leader and the guide. The leader can see the walls and the turns but has earplugs in so they can’t hear the guide if the guide tries to talk. The guide can hear the directions from the person who sees the entire maze but is blindfolded and has to guide through tapping the shoulders of the leader. The person outside and looking down has to direct their team through the maze quickly without crashing into other teams. The leader can’t just guess a direction because Pixiebob will shift the maze if they try to do that so they can’t backtrack. It’s in teams of three so Aizawa is directing the last team. [Kinda inspired by survivor but with my own twist]
All of them rotate through each position with different teams each go round to impress on them the importance of all the roles.
In the last round, Bakugo was the person issuing instructions, cursing and screaming through the mic the entire time.
That’s when the villains attacked. But there were a few changes in the lineup. 
Toga wasn’t there because the police picked her up and Inko got her case taken on to get her on parole and took her into her home when she saw her at the station while continuing with the criminal charges levied against the owner of the building that Izuku had fallen off of. The appearance of a girl bullied and ostracized for her Quirk, who was going down the path of no return, Inko saw Izuku in her. As such, she wanted to care for her and show her that villainy wasn’t the answer and that there are people who cared for her in spite of her blood Quirk. [Toga is stuck with Inko at this point in time and has a tracking anklet to make sure that she’s behaving. Rehab is going really well with the unconditional care that Inko is providing.]
Dabi got an infection and landed in the hospital ER as an unknown patient and wound up in a coma while his body was busy trying to fight the infection of his staples. [The man’s a walking open wound. You can sneeze in his general vicinity and have a high chance of taking him down in a couple weeks. Haven’t decided if I want to wake him up or not. Depends on my feelings]
Mustard joined the attack via Toga due to them being closer in age and talking. No Toga, no Mustard. [He’s sulking in detention right now.]
So the only ones left are Mr. Compress, Magne, Spinner, Muscular, Moonfish, Twice and the Nomu. Much smaller and no long-range attacks.
Their mission is to get in, extract Bakugo and get out with minimal damage. That’s what happened.
Muscular, Moonfish, and the Nomu all rampage on the opposite side of the mountain to draw attention to them. Magne and Spinner break up the 1-A class and drive them apart. Twice and Mr. Compress work together to snatch up Bakugo in a marble and then they all book it. Muscular and Moonfish are both left behind to keep the heroes distracted long enough for them to get back to Kurogiri and through the portal. Nomu ended up buried in a mountain via a very anger Tiger at the disruption of his naps. The students all worked together to try and bring down the villain to retrieve their classmate, but when that failed, Yaoyorozu managed to attach a tracker to the villains top hat.
Injuries were minimal and the three heavy hitting villains were arrested and locked up. The only casualty was Bakugo being kidnapped.
Kidnapping Arc
Blah, blah, join us you can be stronger and win a villain-Shigaraki
No, fuck off, go fuck yourselves-Bakugo
Repeat until All Might shows up
Then AfO activates goop Quirk [really need a better name for that. better than vomit transport quirk at least. That was my first thought], drags the league and Bakugo to him. Bakugo is held by him, hand on his temple ready to crush him.
Rest of Heroes all show up on the battlefield but aren’t moving so that Bakugo doesn’t get hurt. Essentially a stand off.
You know, you can tell whether or not someone has the potential for villainy by their greatest regret -AfO
AfO has a quirk that allows the user to see someone’s greatest regret, with more details the longer that the quirk is activated. He also has a quirk that allows him to project whatever he’s thinking about in a video format for everyone to see. [the man is old. he probably had a habit of taking whatever quirk he wanted when he was younger before all might turned him into a very ugly potato/alternate darth vader]
Quirks activate and it’s the scene of Bakugo telling Izuku to get jump off a building spliced with the news from Inko that Izuku was suspected of jumping off a building
Interesting. Why is that your greatest regret?-AfO
Quirk gives him more details. 
Bakugo only regrets saying that because if it ever became public, he'd never reach the spot of number one hero which is his only goal in life.
Guess you are nothing but a villain after all. Too obsessed with yourself to see the damage you caused.-Afo 
Afo shoved the boy away from him and forcibly activated Kurogiri’s Quirk to allow the league to escape.
Every hero on site is frozen in shock at the reveal of what a hero student of UA, the most prestigious hero school that graduated most of the top heroes in Japan, actually believed.
At that point, AfO flips All Might the finger and just goes through the portal because the news would shake society’s faith in UA which is really good. He can kill All Might later. [or just wait for any infection to take the man out. He lost his stomach so he probably lost his spleen too which is kinda important for the immune system.]
Bakugo is booted to gen ed because Aizawa refused to teach someone that was just going to end up hurting someone later in life. Because Aizawa is an Underground Hero who specializes in information and predication, schools tend to believe in what he says about the potential/future of heroes in training especially when he has evidence to back up his beliefs. So no other school will take him on as a hero student.
Bakugo is essentially blacklisted from heroics because everyone wants to believe that a hero is good and just. And when the illusion is broken before it has a chance to solidify, they have no chance of becoming a hero. 
Aizawa goes and apologizes in person to Inko. Because even though he had no way of knowing, he feels like he should have recognized the abusive tendencies and/or egocentrism  of Bakugo earlier. So, allowing it to continue was a slap in the face to his victims.
Inko accepts his apology because she didn’t know about it either so how could she blame him when she was closer and still missed all the signs. She offers to let Aizawa visit Izuku because Eraserhead was one of his favorite heroes because of how much skill he had. But because Eraserhead was underground, he didn’t have any merch or enough information to write about him.
*Split path here depending on the angst level I want
1. Izuku is in a coma, all healed up, just hasn’t woken up. When they came, Izuku had just woken up a half hour ago so the doctors were busy checking all his vitals, memory, joints, etc. Inko cries, Aizawa stands away because he’s allergic to emotions, and Izuku is just silently fanboying because he sees one of his favorite heroes.
2.Izuku is in a coma and doesn’t wake up. Inko introduces Aizawa to him and tells Aizawa about his dreams and his story. Aizawa makes sure that at least once a week, he comes and visits to talk to him. He also brings other heroes to introduce to Midoriya to make sure that others know about him.
3.Aizawa and Inko go to a graveyard and the name Midoriya Izuku is carved into a family grave marker with flowers and an All Might figure in front of it. Inko tells Aizawa that Izuku died from falling from the building. They thought he jumped randomly, but with the new info, Inko is thinking that Bakugo might’ve pushed him verbally over the edge. Aizawa promises to investigate more.
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mery-cm99 · 2 years
In the Stars (Cp. 4)
In the Stars Masterlist
Description: Harper doesn't want any pilot near her, at least as far as possible. But that's really difficult when you work around them. She has managed to keep her “no pilots'' rule to date. That's until Bradley Bradshaw enters the Hard Deck like a great wave, destroying everything in his way and smashing all the walls Harper had built all this years ago.
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x plus size!OC
Warnings: Mention of trauma, blood, crashes and sad stuff in general. There's some spice and mention of sex, but nothing too explicit. English is not my first language, so sorry in advance for any grammar  or spelling errors.
Rating: Teens and up
Chapter: 4/11
Word Count: 941 words
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Like the day before, Harper woke up completely agitated, for a different reason, though. She took her head in her hands and cursed out of breath as the images of the dream got back to her mind. Those hazel eyes looking at her while he touched her, his hands soft against her skin. His light curls wet and tangled. His tan skin glistening under the sun because of the salty water of the beach they were in…
She had dream about him. Bradley Bradshaw. And it wasn’t exactly her most innocent dream. It was insane, she would never have sex in such a public place, where anyone could see them… Well, and she would never do it with a pilot. Of course.
She got in the shower trying to get it out of her head, but it ended up turning her on, so she tried to relieved herself. Like she had told Amelia the night before, she had never been with a man, but she liked to read, so she new a thing or two about it.
Once on the base, her day was really slow and boring. The pilots kept training for the mission she didn’t know much about. It was confidential. When she had the lunch break, Harper got out of her office and headed to the cafeteria. She was crossing by the pilots’ break room when she heard voices inside. Her inner child took control and she stop there to listen. They were talking about one pilot’s flight. Saying he was too conservative, that he wasn’t going fast enough. That caught Harper’s attention, pilots usually weren’t consevative, the oposite actually, they risked their lives without blinking. But the moment she heard “Rooster”, Harper remembered she was hungry and went on her way to the cafeteria.
When her clock told her her shift was over, Harper closed her room and walked to the base exit. She stopped when her gaze caught a couple of pilots leaving the room down the hallway, in her direction, and her eyes turned to the last one of them, who was none other than Bradley. As soon as she saw him, images of the dream she had that night came to her mind, of his tan skin bleaming under the sun as he bent down to kiss her, and Harper wanted to bang her head against the wall to get them out. But then she focused on his body language, he was tensed, angry. The rest of the pilots kept walking fast, so he stayed behind, lost in his thoughts, and they weren’t nice by the way his frown got deeper and his eyes locked on the floor. Harper started walking again. As soon as he crossed paths with her at the gate, Bradley raised his gaze to look at her.
“Hi” she said nerviously. Not knowing how to act after the night before. It was imposible he knew she had dream that, but a little part of her brain feared there was a way he could.
“Hi” he answered dryly resuming their walking, this time together.
“Are you okay?” she asked later, once the silence became unbearable.
“No” he murmured with his eyes still afar. Harper was shocked to hear such an honest answer to that question, she did not usually receive them… nor give them. “I had a fight with Hangman” he continued. The brunette didn’t need him to tell her who it was, she knew it was another pilot, Jake Seresin. “He made an unpleasant comment about my father”
Harper noticed he didn’t want to tlk about it, which was completely undestandable. She was a stranger, so she asured him he didn’t have to say anything. 
Bradley looked at her again. She was certainly a stranger, he didn’t know a thing about her, neither did she about him, but that was the case. He could tell her things neither of his colleagues needed to hear. They could not know his fears and doubts because  up there in the sky they depended on each other. She, on the other hand, had nothing to do with the mission. That’s why he started to talk.
“My father’s name was Nick Bradshaw and he was also a pilot. A WSO actually. His callsing was Goose. He died when I was four, in a plane accident. I don’t remember much about him, but what I do is burned into my head” he looked at her and found the brunette looking back at him, listening carefully.vThat made him feel better. He was venting, talking about somthing he hadn’t told to a lot of people, and she seemed to understand the importance of this matter. “He liked to sing and play piano. He used to sit me on the instrument and, with my mum on his lap, we sang our lungs out. He’s the eason I became a pilot. Hangman said I’m flying slow beacuse I live in the past.”
Harper nodded, knowing what it was. Now she undestood the passion with which he played the piano, it was a way of feeling close to his father.
“Past is what makes us who we are. It’s the reason we are here” she said gently. Bradley thought it was the first time she didn’t look at her like she wanted to make him desappear.
“Thanks for listening. I needed someone to talk to” he was trully grateful. Harper gifted him a smile, the first one directed towards the pilot.
That was the moment she remembered who he was. She said her goodbyes and got out of there, got away from him. She couldn’t let him get under her skin.
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tossawary · 3 years
2,500 words of the Moshang Forced Marriage AU, in which the PIDW plot is turned off and Tianlang-Jun doesn’t fall, but this only causes even more problems for Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua. Written on my phone. 
Shang Qinghua stumbled back into his leisure house with a jar of Zui Xian Peak’s best light wine in one hand and a sack of Qian Cao Peak’s tastiest specialty melon seeds in the other. He kicked the door closed, kicked off his shoes, and then kicked back for some quality lounging. 
   “Ahhh, now this is more like it!” he declared, wiggling into the cushions worthy of a head disciple’s house. “It’s all shoving off my chores onto other people from here on out! Having flatcakes on order with a snap of my fingers! Making some other poor bastard deal with Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge - at each other’s throats even at Yue-Shixiong’s nice dinner to celebrate our future ascension, eugh. I’ve really earned this! I’ve suffered enough!” 
   He dropped the sack of seeds onto the side table and fiddled with the wine, embarrassingly clumsy despite the fact that he was sober. As always, he’d been much too chicken-shit to really indulge around other people. He needed his fast reflexes for ducking and running away when he was out and about! Plus, people would freak the fuck out if a transmigrator started running his mouth, giving everyone existential issues and shit, so him waiting until he was alone to drink was really more of a societal service here than sad. 
   The Transmigration System had also been a concern before, but not anymore! 
   Shang Qinghua raised his jar and laughingly declared, “The plot is dead! Long live the free author! Ah, this toast is a little late, but better late than never, huh?” 
   At long last, this transmigrator had managed to get into the Transmigration System’s settings and turn off the plot! It had honestly been a little infuriating just how easy it had been, once he’d hit on the right combination of things to open the right settings menu. There may or may not have been a lot of outraged shrieking and frustrated crying, after all the sweat, blood, and tears he’d shed to become the head disciple of An Ding Peak. All Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky had needed to do, in the end, was flick a few buttons from “on” to “off”. Outrageous. 
   “No more missions! No more restrictions! And no more bad endings for anyone! Ah, at least for everyone besides Huan Hua Palace Sect’s old master, that is… but, heh heh, I really think that I and the new Empress Su Xiyan can live with that,” Shang Qinghua muttered, then took a drink, wiggling deeper into his lounging and feeling very good about himself. 
   He felt as free as a bird! As free as the wind! Why shouldn't he celebrate his newfound freedom and future as a Cang Qiong Peak Lord by doing a little bit of nothing at all? 
  Shang Qinghua shamelessly did his best to become a lump. As he toasted to the distant happy couple and the bouncy baby protagonist on his way, with wine and melon seeds both, he removed all but one layer of clothing, tossed his belt and his jewelry on top of the pile, and yanked everything out of his hair. He slid from a sitting position to a totally horizontal one without realizing how it had happened, then he let heavy eyes fall closed with the knowledge that everything was going to be so much better now. 
   A person knew things were good when they could fall asleep just like this. 
   Then a burst of cold air startled him into looking up at a shadowy figure stepping out of nowhere above him. Shang Qinghua shrieked with terror. 
   "SHUT UP!” the shadow snarled. “Get up!” 
   “What- my king?!” 
   Mobei-Jun didn’t wait and grabbed Shang Qinghua by the front of his robes, hauling him to his feet. The wine sloshed against the floor and the melon seeds scattered around them. Shang Qinghua yelped, choked, and then wheezed and flailed, and then yelped again as his loose robes got a little looser with the rough handling and he slipped in Mobei-Jun's grip. 
   "What- get dressed!" Mobei-Jun snapped, and then dragged him into the bedroom right away. 
   "The sight of my naked chest offends you this much, bro?!" Shang Qinghua thought, stumbling along. "There's not enough room in this house for two tits-out outfits?! What the fuck is going on?!" 
   Mobei-Jun threw Shang Qinghua towards the dresser. He just barely managed to catch himself, taking a hard wooden edge to the gut and stubbing his toe on its base, instead of falling and concussing himself at least. Shit! It still hurt, though! 
   "Get dressed!" Mobei-Jun snapped again, pointing at the dresser for emphasis. "Now!" 
   "Right away! Right away, my king!" With shaking hands, his heart thundering in his ears, Shang Qinghua pulled out the first set of robes his fingers touched. 
   "Not those!" 
   Shang Qinghua dropped the robes onto the floor. They were the regular everyday robes of an An Ding Peak disciple, plain and sturdy, something that the demon had seen him in many times before. 
   "Wh- what's wrong with th-these?" 
   "Too plain!" Mobei-Jun barked, and stalked forward to shove Shang Qinghua aside and go through the dresser himself. 
   Shang Qinghua stumbled away and took shelter near his bed, quickly retying his current robes to prevent another fucking nip-slip or worse. He watched with wide eyes as Mobei-Jun threw his clothing to the floor as not good enough. The next drawer was yanked open with so much strength that it splintered and tilted crookedly to one side. 
   "My king, why-?! What's happening?! Are- are we going somewhere?! Who does this servant have to impress?!" 
   Mobei-Jun finished throwing aside everything in this drawer and tried to shove it back in, but it was too broken to be moved. The demon snarled, yanked the entire drawer from the dresser with another terrible splintering sound, and threw the drawer out of his way. It hit Shang Qinghua in the chest and sent him sprawling back onto his bed. 
   He lay there and wheezed without shoving it away, just feeling the impact rattle through his ribs. He heard another drawer splinter. 
   "Ah, so this is how I die?" he thought. "Just as expected: with a bang AND a whimper." 
   He pushed the drawer to one side and sat up, only to be smacked in the face with the robes thrown at him. They were the nicest robes he owned. The An Ding Peak Lord had ordered them for him for the coming ascension of a new generation of Peak Lords, so they had all sorts of fancy embroidery and several heavy layers, which meant Shang Qinghua fell back against the bed again under their weight when they hit his head. He sat up again and then gawked at these robes he had never worn and wasn't supposed to wear yet- 
   "Aha, what?" Shang Qinghua looked at the demon lord scowling at him. "My king…? What about Tianlang-Jun…? This- no. What?! My king, you can't mean to take this servant before the Demon Emperor, that would be ridic-" 
   "Get dressed," Mobei-Jun snapped. 
   "It's not Tianlang-Jun, right? Why-?! What's really going on here? Are we going somewhere? Are we meeting someone?" 
   Shang Qinghua got to his feet, but he didn't dare put the fancy robes on, like being nearly naked would save him from being dragged off anywhere else. No amount of nice clothing would ever make the likes of this displaced author impressive to the likes of the OP Demon Emperor, finally sitting on his late sister's throne. 
   "This servant can't serve his king to the best of his abilities unless he knows what the-" 
   "My father is dead!" 
   “...Wh… what?” 
   Mobei-Jun’s expression was like a thunderstorm. Shadows curled around his clenched fists, as light and heat fled this room that was suddenly even smaller than Shang Qinghua remembered it being. 
   "My father…" Mobei-Jun repeated, slowly, daring Shang Qinghua not to understand a second time. "...is dead." 
   Shang Qinghua stared in horror, the robes slipping out of his hands, which itched to count all the years that had just been skipped even though he knew he didn't have enough fingers. Thirty years or so? Definitely more than twenty. His breath came out in a trembling fog as he demanded: 
   "Tianlang-Jun," Mobei-Jun said again, through gritted teeth. 
   Good point! Good point! Who the fuck else could it be? The real question was why the fuck?! And also what the fuck was Shang Qinghua of all people supposed to do about clashes between OP demon lords?! 
   Mobei-Jun advances on Shang Qinghua, the shadows in his fists writhing like he's strangling them. "Tianlang-Jun took offense to some of my clan's foolish disrespect towards his human Empress and he made an example of my father. He has threatened to destroy the body unless a suitable gesture is made." 
   "But… the power of your ancestors…" 
   Mobei-Jun, looming over him, shoved him down to his knees to pick up the robes he had dropped, and snarled: "Get dressed." 
   Shang Qinghua snatched up the robes and skittered away to dress himself up for the slaughter. His heart was racing fast, but his mind seemed to be going even faster, almost too fast to actually think and also do things like make sure clothes weren't inside-out as he put them on. 
   The power of the Mobei clan rested in the ascension ritual in which the new king "consumed" the body of the old king. Spiritually and… er… possibly also physically? Shang Qinghua had no idea if the System had picked up on those implications or not. Anyway, if Mobei-Jun's father's body was destroyed, then he wouldn't receive that power-up necessary to enforce his rule, which would make him the target of every ambitious cousin and every greedy neighbor. The Mobei clan would probably fall into civil war and the rest of the northern kingdoms would follow them into bloody battle. 
   Shang Qinghua's favorite character, currently glaring at him for the fancy clothes probably making him look even less fancy by comparison, was sure to die. Mobei-Jun's shitty uncle had probably already picked the poisoned knife with which to stab him in the back. 
    "My king… what… what gesture is being made here…? This servant… this servant really needs to know how he's supposed to be of service…" 
   Shang Qinghua also needed to know whether or not he needed to take the first available window to run away. He definitely wasn't above leaping out of literal windows. If Mobei-Jun intended on hanging him over to Tianlang-Jun as a human sacrifice or some shit, then promises of loyalty might expire a lot sooner than originally planned! 
   At the question, Mobei-Jun's expression only darkened and the room darkened again with it. The cold seemed to spread from Shang Qinghua's skin deep into his twisting chest.
   "Marriage," Mobei-Jun said, again through gritted teeth. "Tianlang-Jun has suggested marriage to a human as a worthy gesture." 
   Mobei-Jun looked so fucking murderous that Shang Qinghua knew he hadn't misheard. He had to have misheard, though, because this was absurd. 
   "Marriage betw-between me and- and…?" 
   "And… you?" 
   Shang Qinghua should have been given an award for not fainting dead away. The System should have given him a million points for every second he managed to stay conscious, except… the System had essentially been turned off. No more points. No more plot. 
   No more Proud Immortal Demon Way plot, at least. 
   Ah, was this some kind of warped vacuum effect? A new plot come to take its place? 
   "There will be great riches." 
   Shang Qinghua refocused on the demon glaring at him. Riches?! What the fuck did riches have to do with anything right now?! 
   "Mobei Clan is the second strongest in the Demon Realm," Mobei-Jun informed him, but the demon was kind of scowling like he resented this now, instead of bragging. "You would not have to work again." 
   It was a really fucking weird day when being told that his Dream Guy wanted him and that he'd never had to work again was somehow bad news. It almost sounded like Mobei-Jun was… was… trying to persuade Shang Qinghua to marry him by offering wealth, power, and a life of indolence. All things that would tempt most people! Especially blindly greedy, thigh-hugging sect traitors like his character! 
   "Did… did Tianlang-Jun tell you… to just pick any human?" Shang Qinghua asked faintly. "There weren't… there weren't any requirements…?" 
   Clearly Mobei-Jun didn't want to be tied to Shang Qinghua of all humans! 
   "He asked - laughingly - if none of us knew any humans. I said that I did." 
   Okay, Shang Qinghua fully believed that Mobei-Jun didn't know any other humans. Mobei-Jun was on a deadline and didn't have time to go find the most acclaimed matchmaker or anything. By default, Shang Qinghua was the best, most handsome, most skillful, most wellborn, most desirable, and altogether most marriageable human Mobei-Jun knew - and he was not feeling super fucking thrilled by this victory. 
   "What… what did my king say about me..? What is the Demon Emperor expecting?" Shang Qinghua could only hope expectations had been set on the floor, preferably into the floor or maybe even underground. 
   "A disciple of Cang Qiong in my service." 
   "Fix your robes." 
   "What? Oh, shit. Right away!" 
   Shang Qinghua didn't have a lot of experience wearing robes this nice and Mobei-Jun barking at him to look less like shit wasn't helping. The fact that he was sweating from nerves and his fingers were still shaking a little also wasn't helping. He skittered around to add tasteful ornaments and jewelry, some of which got violently rejected by Mobei-Jun as too ugly to show anyone, but looking down at himself, he mostly just felt like he was throwing shiny gold onto a pile of crap. How could this really fool anyone?  
   "My king, what… what am I supposed to say to the Demon Emperor? Do you want me to lie? To the Demon Emperor?!" 
   "Do not speak unless spoken to." 
   Sure, Shang Qinghua could do that, but was he really supposed to leave the talking to Mobei-Jun?! To Mobei-Jun?! The protagonist's right-hand man had not been known for his silver tongue! Did he think people weren't going to have questions? Like, "How the fuck do you know some random human?" Or, "Holy shit, you're really going to marry THAT one?" 
   "Isn't… my king, isn't Tianlang-Jun well known for his interest in humans and human stories… though...?" 
   Love stories! Shang Qinghua was pretty sure that the man loved a good love story! How the fuck were he and Mobei-Jun supposed to pull off a love story? And make it a love story compelling enough to convince a pissed-off Tianlang-Jun to grant the Mobei Clan mercy? Shang Qinghua wasn’t totally sure he was going to be able to do anything besides break down sobbing and curl up into a pathetic ball on the floor. 
   Mobei-Jun's face twisted slightly, in the way of an angry demon who didn't want to admit that his lowly human servant actually had a super great point. Tianlang-Jun had already proven himself a man who liked to play with his food a little. 
   "Do not tell some story," Mobei-Jun snarled finally. "Do not speak unless spoken to. Do not lie." 
   "Of course! Of course! Very wise not to lie to him!” Shang Qinghua told himself to focus on the logistics here; he was the logistics man; it was what he did. If he just kept focusing on the details, he didn’t have to think about the bigger picture. “This servant will remain silent until called upon, which… when… my king, when will that be? Tomorrow morning? I have to tell-" 
  "-my martial sib- what?!" 
   "Now," Mobei-Jun repeated. "He is waiting." 
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
Miscommunication (pt.2)
James Potter x Remus Lupin x Sirius Black x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Language. Poly! relationship. 
A/N: Part 1 is here!
Word Count: 3,376
“But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”
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It had been three weeks since you had stormed out of the boys’ dorm in a scurry of anger. It had also been three weeks since you had touched, talked to, or even spared Sirius a passing glance. As far as you were concerned, he didn’t even exist. Despite your dramatic exit, Sirius was confident that you’d crack soon enough and come running back to him, begging for forgiveness. But the more time that passed, the more that he was beginning to realize that might not be the case.
In a general sense, life continued on as it always had. You walked through the Hogwarts’ corridors with the three Gryffindors, laughing at James’ jokes and blushing red under Remus’ kisses. You gave all your love and time to James and Remus, not offering Sirius a drop of your attention. 
He tried to ignore it. He tried to brush it off like it didn’t bother him and like it didn’t make a difference whether you were with him or not. His attempts to drown you out the way you had been drowning him out were successful at first, but it only took about a week for him to realize how much this was killing him.
In the mornings, you woke James or Remus up (depending on whose bed you slept in the night before) with bubbly kisses and sweet giggles, something that you had always done for all three of the boys’ wake up calls. Sirius had gone almost 23 days (but not like he was COUNTING or anything) since he had any kind of interaction with you.
No cuddles.
No hugs.
No kisses.
The whole situation put James and Remus into a bit of an awkward position. You were on great terms with the two of them, considering they hadn’t insulted you and invalidated your feelings right in your face. This was a difficult challenge to tackle, because they felt guilty for continuing to love up on you when Sirius wasn’t getting his usual share. This was a rather particular arrangement that had taken lots of trial and error to make the right adjustments. Now that the balance had been thrown off, the whole thing didn’t feel right.
James and Remus had both tried to convince you to talk things out with Sirius. They knew that deep down this wasn’t what you wanted, and things couldn’t go on like this forever. James and Remus knew Sirius better than anybody. They were fully aware that Sirius was regretting what he had done and was kicking himself for it...even if Sirius wouldn’t show it or admit to it. 
Sirius was beginning to lose precious sleep over this. He tossed and turned in his bed that had grown so lonely without you. His arms felt so empty not being wrapped around you, holding you snugly to his body. Suddenly, he didn’t have anyone to help him with his Potions homework or someone to remind him about his Transfiguration exam coming up. He didn’t have the girl that completed the complex puzzle that was Sirius Black. He felt so unfinished without you.
He missed you.
But his pride was winning out.
“How’s the brat today?” Sirius questioned dryly, not even looking up from his Herbology textbook in his lap.
“Sirius.” Remus and James echoed, clearly displeased at Sirius’ cold name for you.
Over the last three weeks, Sirius would ask about you when you weren’t around and he was alone with the boys. He would ask how you were doing, but what he really wanted to know was if you had said anything about him or given any indications that you were close to giving in. James and Remus were growing impatient with Sirius. They had tried to step back, allowing both yourself and Sirius to have time to allow your fog of frustration to air out. They had hoped that Sirius would come around to realize that he had been wrong in all kinds of ways, and you both could work it out on your own.
Between stepping all over your feelings like they were a sidewalk and calling you a bitch for being rightfully upset, Sirius had one too many strikeouts on his record.
“What? If she’s going to act like a child, then I’ll treat her like one.” Sirius growled.
James crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back in the chair that he was sitting in by the common room’s fireplace. Remus watched the two of them from over the rim of his cup that contained his favorite hot tea. 
“She’s hurt, Sirius. You hurt her,” James snarled, eyebrows furrowed in agitation, “I don’t blame her for not wanting to talk to you.”
“Did you not hear the things she said to me? She was totally out of line.” Sirius argued, his demeanor going rigid and his defensive mode kicking into high gear.
“Because you pushed her too hard,” Remus cut in, “She has every right to be upset.”
Sirius was shocked that they were taking your side over his. You were never allowed to speak to any of them the way you had talked to Sirius that day. You weren’t allowed to talk back, get an attitude, touch yourself without permission, as well as other rules that had been established early on in the relationship. They all took the rules very seriously, and the fact that James and Remus were brushing it off was mind boggling to Sirius.
“I didn’t push her at all. She caught an attitude with me.” Sirius remarked tossing his textbook aside.
“Because you don’t always treat her the way you should,” Remus snapped, “All she wanted was for you to listen and talk to her.” 
“Do I not already do enough for her? I walk her to class, I let her sleep with me, not to mention that I fuck her pretty much whenever she wants,” Sirius pointed out, “And now I’m still not doing enough?”
James shook his head, sighing harshly. He was disappointed that he still wasn’t getting it. 
“She’s our girl, Padfoot. She responds so well to Moony and me because she knows how much we love her,” James explained, “You’ve got to start treating her like you love her.”
Sirius’ hardened features went light at what James was saying. He looked between his two best friends, who were sharing matching expressions of urgency. Sirius felt a sickening feeling creeping into his stomach that he could feel all the way up into his throat. Had you gone this whole time thinking that he didn’t love you like the other two did?
“But...I do love her.” Sirius spoke, almost in a whisper.
James and Remus looked at one another briefly, a bit relieved that he was maybe starting to see clearly now.
“She doesn’t know that. You’re going to lose her for good if you don’t change some things, Pads.” Remus added once he saw that Sirius was beginning to have a serious breakthrough moment.
That surely got Sirius’ attention. That wasn’t something he wanted at all. It made his heart hurt even to think about possibly never being with you again. He had to fix this, no matter what he had to do or say.
He just hoped that it wasn’t too late.
The remorse and the contrition that he was feeling that had been building up in him over the last three weeks was finally seeping through the cracks of the surface. It was like a fire that just kept spreading and spreading until the only thing he could see were the hot, orange flames and black smoke that would suffocate him if he breathed in too hard. It was like a switch had flipped. He couldn’t stand it anymore. He didn’t care about his pride or his image or his dignity. 
He just wanted you back.
So, the boys began to devise a plan. Sirius admitted that he didn’t know how to even begin apologizing to you. He wasn’t great with apologies, considering that even the word ‘sorry’ probably had only fallen from his mouth only a couple of times in his life. This was going to take some calculation and planning to get it right. 
You had been doing a bang up job of ensuring that you weren’t ever alone with Sirius. You made sure that either James or Remus was by your side whenever you were in Sirius’ presence, to avoid being forced to speak to him. Remus and James were confident that they could get you two in a room alone together. That was the easy part. The hard part would fall to Sirius, which came down to the actual apology.
James and Remus knew you’d be suspicious if Sirius apologized first. You’d likely only think he was apologizing because he was touch starved and wanted sex, not because he cared about you and was terrified of losing you. In their eyes though, as long as he was honest and didn’t lose his cool, you’d be able to see his real intentions.
Remus had told you to meet him in their dorm, and that no one would be there until later in the day. That seemed pretty normal to you, so you didn’t even give it a second thought. The dorm was empty when you arrived, prompting you to slip out of your uniform and into one of Remus’ sweaters all while getting comfortable on his bed. Shortly after you were settled, the three boys congregated just outside the door, whispering in their semi-circle formation.
“You got this, mate. Just be normal and be honest,” James instructed, “I guarantee you that she’s missing you just as much.”
Sirius was nervous. Not because he didn’t know what to say or what to do, but because he had half convinced himself that you had already decided he wasn’t worth your time anymore. He couldn’t live with himself if he was the reason you had left him.
“We’ll be out here just in case you need us,” Remus piped up, “It’s gonna be fine, Pads.”
James and Remus gave Sirius reassuring grins as Sirius took a deep breath before turning the knob of the door. He entered the small dorm room, his heart fluttering when he saw you sitting on Remus’ mattress. Your head snapped up, your face full of delightful expectation for Remus, but it faded just as fast as it came when you saw it was Sirius. He definitely noticed, but tried not to take it to heart. Your eyes were locked in with his, and you could already tell something was up.
“Hey.” Sirius said plainly, and in a bit of a squeak.
“Hi.” You replied.
He was honestly surprised that you actually gave him an answer. He thought you might’ve ignored him completely. The joyous relief that he felt from you actually talking to him was almost enough to send him to his knees, pleading for you to give him another chance. 
His gaze did shift to the book that was placed next to you. It was your Herbology textbook, the same one that Sirius had been studying from earlier that day.
“Studying for Herbology?” Sirius asked, but obviously that wasn’t what he wanted to talk about.
“Yeah,” You answered, unsure of what exactly was happening, “I was just waiting for Remus.”
Sirius nodded, avoiding the sting that burned in his chest at the reminder that he hadn’t truly seen you in almost a month. You looked so comfortable in the large sweater and the blanket that was draped over your lap. Your hair was slightly messy from the breeze outside that you had walked through to get here. Your skin was glowing from the warmth of their room and the sudden interaction you were having with Sirius.
You looked perfect to him.
He knew he needed to say something now. He needed to kick start this conversation before things got awkward and weird. Although, he never minded silence as long as he had you to occupy his every thought. All the things that he had planned to say were abruptly wiped from his mind. He was going out on a limb here, totally about to wing this. He just had to go for it.
“Can I sit?” He questioned, referring to the slight open space next to you.
You nodded hesitantly, shifting over so he could have a little more room. He sat down just about a foot in front of you, both of you turning to face each other. James and Remus were just outside the door, their ears pressed up against the door to be sure they didn’t miss anything.
Sirius looked at you for a few moments, taking in your curious, attentive behavior. He took a breath, and spoke again, but it came out as more of a ramble.
“Baby, I know I’ve hurt your feelings. I didn’t want or mean to hurt your feelings, but sometimes I just say stupid shit and then I’m too proud to admit that I said something stupid and...” He trailed off when he realized that so far he wasn’t saying anything that you didn’t already know. 
This was yet another reminder that Sirius wasn’t a great talker. But he wanted to let you know the things that you didn’t already know. He wanted you to know that he was truly sorry. He was sorry for ever making you feel like you weren’t worth anything to him. 
He wanted you to know that you were his world.
“I miss you,” He began again, preparing for any possible reaction from you,  “I’m sorry for everything I said. I’m sorry that I hurt you...I never, ever wanted to do that.”
Your silence wasn’t because you weren’t believing what he was saying or because you didn’t want to listen. You were silent because you were floored that this was happening. Never in a million years did you think that you’d be sitting here listening to a real, heartfelt apology from Sirius Black. The thought of you leaving him had really scared him, and you could see it.
“I know I’m different from Moony and Prongs. They’re a bit better at this than I am,” He admitted, “But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”
Truth be told, you weren’t really mad at Sirius anymore. You could never stay angry at him. Your whole avoid-Sirius-at-all-costs routine hadn’t exactly been a walk in the park for you either. There were several times where you were tempted to just let it go and forget about it. But now you were glad that you hadn’t done that, because you would’ve lost this opportunity to understand one another a little better.
“All I had wanted that day was to talk to you. I like talking to you,” You explained, “I just get frustrated when you don’t want to listen and the only thing you can think about is fucking me.”
Sirius sighed, his eyes diverting to his hands that were fiddling with the edge of the blanket in your lap. He had known that the other two boys were right, but hearing it come from you made him feel even more guilty.
“I know. I guess I’m just not good at talking. It’s not that I didn’t want to, it’s just...not what I’m good at. I’m sorry that I made you feel like you weren’t important,” Sirius confessed, “But I do love you. And I don’t want to go another day without you.”
Another silence filled the room, one that had Sirius’ heart pounding in his chest. He felt like his entire life was on the line. Like, his entire fate was resting on whatever you were going to say or do next. You had every right to get up and walk out and never speak to him again. He knew he had crossed so many lines so many times that it was a wonder you were still here. He just hoped that you’d give him another chance. He hoped that he deserved another chance.
You were starstruck. You were completely touched and moved by what he had said. Maybe it wasn’t the most flawless apology ever. Maybe it was a little rough around the edges with a couple of hiccups. But deep down it was true, honest, and pure. 
Just like the Sirius Black that you had come to love.
He didn’t have anything else to say, and he hoped that what he had said was enough. Your warm hand came to his face, his head lulling into your palm when you brought his worried eyes to look at you once more. 
“I love you. I promise you don’t have to go without me anymore.” You smiled, accepting his apology and offering your forgiveness.
All color returned to Sirius’ face, his shoulders relaxing and his chest releasing a bated breath. You captured his lips into a needy kiss, one that was nothing short of long awaited. Sirius’ hands came to the side of your neck, his blood pumping in his ears. He had missed this. 
He had missed you.
He was even more thrilled when you crawled over into his lap, his hands guiding your legs around him as he refused to let you go from his lips. Although, when the other two boys came bursting in, your hot make out session was forced to a halt. They came in as if they had no idea what was going on, fake surprised expressions plastered on their faces.
“Well, hello there.” James chided with a smirk.
“Did we miss something?” Remus asked.
You and Sirius only laughed, as the four of you crammed together on Remus’ bed. Sirius continued to pepper kisses wherever he could while you craned your head to look at James as he spoke.
“So, I guess the two of you got things worked out?” James acquired. 
“We sure did.” You smiled, giggling when Sirius’ kisses brushed against a particularly sensitive spot on your neck.
Your lips found his again, Sirius leaning you back onto the mattress and keeping secured there. When your breathing began to get heavy and your noises became a little hungrier, James and Remus announced their exit.
“Well, I suppose Prongs and I will leave you to it.” Remus winked.
Sirius broke the kiss only to respond, but that didn’t stop you from leaning upwards to suck on his pulse point, not even phased by what Remus had said.
“You two aren’t going to stick around?” Sirius wondered, groaning as your hips rolled into his quickly hardening dick through his pants.
James shrugged.
“We’ll let it slide this time,” He said triumphantly, ushering Remus out the door, “Besides, the two of you have some catching up to do.”
Sirius let out a guttural laugh as he took a moment to look down at you. You looked so beautiful sprawled out underneath him; your lips swollen from the kissing and your eyes blown with lustful expectation. He knew he’d never be able to take you for granted again.
“My pretty girl...” He mewled, “I love you. A million times over I’ll tell you that I love you.”
“I love you, Siri,” You hummed, swiping a loose piece of hair from his forehead, “Now make me cum the way I know you know how to.”
Sirius chuckled lowly at your boldness, his pupils dilating at the flush of arousal that sent through him. You knew better than to tell him how to run his show, but he knew this was a special occasion, so he didn’t mind taking an order or two. 
“Well, now, what happened to ‘sex doesn’t fix everything’?” Sirius joked.
“It doesn’t, but we already fixed what needed to be fixed by talking,” You smiled, “Now we just both get something we want.”
Sirius laughed out loud, continuing his shower of kisses and swiping your skirt off in one swift move, your body squirming with anticipation. He felt confident that things would be better now. He was more than thankful that he had another shot at this. He was happy he had you back, and the four of you could go back to normal.
And now things would be even better than before.
Tags: @justadreamyhufflepuff​ @satellitespidey​ @blackpinkdolan​ @gubleryum​ @gxtitobxby​ @risingtripletaurus​​
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mminttae · 3 years
Clandestine | 01
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-> Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x reader
-> Genre : tattoo!artist Jungkook, mafia! JJK,mafia au, bloody!missions, slight violence, got secrets they can't tell, angst, romance Jungkook's part time job is flirting, sad (backstory), Y/N is strong!
-> Summary : who would have known that just doing a part time job at a night club would lead you to the tattoo artist Jeon Jungkook's messed up world. One letter related to the secret comes out of your mouth you'll be laying in Jungkook's arms but alive or not, that's not guaranteed...
-> Word Count : 2.68K :O
-> T/W body language, killing, curse words and intimacy are included in the story (you may read if you're comfortable with these)
-> A/N : This story is only published in wattpad and here. (In wattpad cause I wanted to try different platforms:)) the story is completely based on my imagination so don't mind if things go a bit 📈 cause my imagination may sometimes run wiLd. Also the gifs and edits I'm going to include are not mine! Credits to owners
Next part >>
.・゜-: ✧ :-playlist -: ✧ :-゜・.
(Your POV)
Dimmed lights creating a warm glow in the corners while the bright killing disco lights flashes over the dance floor. The strong odor of cigarette mixed with alcohol lingering in the air. The expensive looking disco ball rotating over the heads of the people who are dancing as if there's no tomorrow. Some having cocktails while grooving to the loud rock music which is booming through the big speakers hanging everywhere. Loud continuous talkings of people getting shuffled with the music in the background is enough to give you a really bad headache but what made it worse is running around the whole two floored packed club, taking orders and placing the numerous types of cocktails.
Being a college student and working part time in a night club is exhausting. At times I really wanted to give up but my determination in learning shooting kept me going.
Placing the cocktails glasses on the plastic tray, huffing out a breathe I walked in a hurried pace wanting to finish my shift soon and get home and take a nice warm shower. Walking fast was hard too due to the rule of wearing heels. First they give a role of running from here to there serving drinks then say to wear heels. Honestly the rules for the workers here are messed up. Girls have to wear skirts that reaches up to the thigh, shouldn't reach below their knees. I get it y'all want to attract men here. But I just want my pay and to get that I have to forcibly follow the rules.
"For table 14, looks like they are less today"
Nancy says handing me the tray of cocktails.
Appletini again
The mention of table 14, for some reason makes my heart race and some sort of annoyance creeps up in my blood.
Walking towards the table were the three familiar boys were seated, I mentally cursed when I realized I had my hair tied up in a high ponytail. My free hand quickly made its way to pull down the red velvety scrunchie but stopped my actions when his strawberry mimosa like voice clearly made its way to my ears despite the loud rock music and people shouting in the background.
"It's too late now buttercup "
My eyes traveled to the man sitting in the middle of the large chocolate colored sofa. His tongue poking his right inner cheek while his gaze fixated on me. The dangly silver earrings giving a glow while his jet black bangs falls over his right doe eye placing a darker expression on his honey glazed face. A leather jacket which I assume is his was resting on his thighs as his knees were on full display due to the ripped jeans he was wearing. The loose half sleeved tee made it possible to see all those incredible swirling inks he painted by himself on his arm up to his elbow. He brought his left hand out of his pockets and motioned his fingers indicating me to come forward.
Gulping down the saliva that formed in my mouth, I steadily walked up to the table, making it easier for myself to see the equipments that usually rested on top of the table , not here today. Instead the very familiar brown journal layed open on the table making it possible to see the various types of interesting cool designs which Jeon Jungkook  drew .
With one swift motion of his long veiny hand he closed the journal and threw it to the Brunnete haired male's lap beside him making the table clear for me to put down the drinks.
"I thought I told you to not put your hair up when you're wearing that red blouse "
He said while taking hold of the appletini glass while his eyes roamed around my neck and collar bone which was on full display. Licking his lips after the sweet fluid went inside his mouth he locked his brown glazed orbs with mine.
"Come on kook she's already living with the fear of spitting out the secrets accidentally and now you're telling her how to keep her hair too"
The blonde doll faced sitting left to him said while giving me a glance and picking up his favorite screwdriver
( A/N : screwdriver is the name of a cocktail here it's not the tool screwdriver lol)
"I'm saying for her own safety"
The younger guy spoke as he continued taking sips from his appletini glass which he was holding with his marvelous inked hand. Already knowing what he meant by 'her own safety' , the memories of that night couldn't help but come infront of my eyes. Flustered I looked everywhere else except for the guy in front of me who now has his devilish smile plastered on his face
Flashback to three weeks back
Hell's Night club
Placing the now 18th glass of vodka hard on the table out of annoyance and worry I looked up to the man in front of me. His eyes droopy, hair slightly wet due to the sweating, his dragon tattoo on the back of his hand on full display as he put down the 17th glass he was holding and proceeds to get a hold of the 18th glass but me being fast holds onto his wrist stopping him.
"Jungkook stop you're already too drunk"
His eyes still fixated on the crystalic glass he was holding, in a hoarse tone mumbled
"I'm not"
Anger was all I feeling at that time. First he comes to the bar all alone, sweating and keeps ordering vodka after vodka then doesn't open his mouth at all when I ask what happened instead keeps calling my name out of the blue disturbing me in my job. I doubt that I would even have my full pay for him. The manager's eyes shooting glares at me.
"Jeon Jungkook"
I sternly say making him look at me. Even if anger and annoyance were all I feeling at that time I couldn't help but once again get mesmerized by his beauty. His drunk self seemed to be more attractive to me than his usual self. His chest going up and down as my name slowly left his cherry like lips made me feel some type of way.
No this ain't the time to have these kind of thoughts Y/N
Knitting my eyebrows together to showcase that I'm angry, I opened my mouth to speak but was completely left speechless as Jungkook pulled my wrist towards him making me sit on top of him. My mouth only able to leave a gasp. His muscular inked arms wrapped around my waist as his face inched close to my neck making it possible for me to smell the strong scent of alcohol coming from him. I slowly looked down and taking it as a chance, I carefully looked at all the details  he had on his ethereal face.
His eyelashes fluttering as his eyelids become droopy. His bunny like boopable nose tinted in a soft pink and his lips formed a small pout making the small mole below his lower lip be seen.
His black short sleeves tee making it possible to see all those words and arts engraved on his arm. Some familiar and some seemed new to me. But for sure I knew every one of them had its own unique meaning.
Jungkook trails off after giving my neck a sniff making chills run down my spine.
"You already look hot in this red top so why do you have to put up your hair and expose your collarbone and neck like that.. "
He says out of the blue making me go at a loss of words. Jungkook, yes he has flirted with me numerous times maybe every time he saw me his first instinct is to call me by the nicknames he has set and then seek for a chance to flirt and show off the pickup lines he made.
Jungkook's tongue swiftly made its way to my neck, giving the place a lick before leaving a peck, completely catching me off guard.
"Hmm baby..why are you putting your hair up? "
His lip began to make contact with my sensitive skin near my neck once again. I squirm under his touch as millions of butterflies starts fluttering inside my tummy.
"J-jungkook I've got work"
Stuttering wasn't what I wanted to do, it just happened. I tried removing his hands from my waist but who am I kidding, how can I a powerless girl move away this muscular bunny's arms?
"Take a break from work. You've worked hard enough. "
He says while leaving wet kisses all over my neck. The alcohol smell dying away as I was getting used to it. The dimmed lights were probably making us in the corner not that noticeable. I shut my eyes close as his lips and tongue came in contact with my skin. Realizing that I alone won't be able to take off these muscular big arms off me I gave up holding onto his shoulder to fix my position of sitting on his lap. The rock band music in the background slowly dying out as my full focus was going on Jungkook.
"Do not put your hair up while wearing this top again infront of me... You never know what will happen"
He says before softly nibbling on my skin leaving purple marks
End of flashback
Cheeks getting tinted in rosy pink as the man wearing a cocky smile arches his eyebrow as if asking me what's wrong when he himself knows very well why I am blushing right now.
Shaking my head in an attempt to get rid of the thoughts I quickly change the topic
"Why are there only three of you today? "
"Oh well.. "
The Brunnete haired Taehyung trails off giving Jimin a look before continuing but I was quick to finish his sentence
"That's a secret.. "
"You're smart"
He says giving flashing me his so called famous box smile.
Of course it got to be a secret. These men right here are way more mysterious than you'd think. They got their so-called so many secrets that even if they say they got more I wouldn't be surprised.
"Hey Y/N do you make these cocktails? "
Taehyung asks taking a sip from the cosmopolitan served in front of him.
"My job is to serve and take orders not making the cocktails"
I simply say rolling my eyes as I wanted to get done with the conversation quick so that I can finish the shift.
"Sad..if you were the one making the drinks I would have ordered
Trip to hell instead or maybe trip to heaven for you.. You know"
( Trip to hell here is also the name of a cocktail)
Ofcourse these perverts.
"Hyung you mean her trip to heaven with me "
Jungkook quick to correct his hyung smirked cockily while putting his leg on top of the another and rolled his head from one side to another showcasing his freshly made skeleton hand tattoo while keeping eye contact with me, very well knowing that it made me flustered.
"If that was the case I would have taken the job of cleaning instead of serving "
I say as I get hold of the tray and was about to walk away when Jungkook whined like a baby saying
"You never play along"
Seeing his pout, in a blink of an eye I put the tray on the table with a thud and put one leg up resting it beside the tray as I pulled Jungkook in front of me by his shirt completely catching him off guard. I dont need to see but I know that Jimin and Taehyung are awestruck too.
With my free hand I pulled down the scrunchie making my black forest like dark hair fall down in places like dominoes totally making me look like the dominant one now, the redish brown lipstick being the highlight of the look.
"If it's a trip to heaven then why don't you let me see all those beautiful body arts of yours"
Looking down at the ox tattoo peaking out from the sleeve of his tee, I continue while looking straight in his eyes
"Mr. Artbook"
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