#i mean i can name 3 things that can cause happiness right off the spot
calliopesdiary · 1 month
hi i saw that you were taking requests and idk if this is a good one or too boring (never done this before) but you could always write smth kinda similar to where the reader is james sister and have her be remus or sirius's sister, with sirius you get all that black family drama.
have a nice day and love your writing!!
hi dear! sorry it took me so long to respond i was on vacation! i went with remus but with like a whimsy/luna lovegood esk reader!!
You and Me, Always Forever <3
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synopsis; People have always seen and perceived you as a bit odd, a bit whimsy. and you were alright with that. but when your “friends” comment about you behind your back, you go to Remus and Sirius.
pairings: lupin!reader x bigbrother!remus, (platonic obviously ew 🤮), wolfstar
content: reader gets bullied lightly by her friends, remus is the best, sirius is like your older brother because he’s dating remus
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“She’s just— so odd.” Lucy— your ravenclaw friend stated.
“Lucy, don’t say that. she’s just different.” Gracie scolded softly.
“She’s not wrong, Grace.” Taylor looked up from her nails.
“it’s just a bit weird how she goes around practically spewing nonsense out of her mouth, i’m surprised Remus doesn’t get tired of it.”
“I sure would if i were him, imagine having your sister being a complete loony!” Taylor ridiculed.
“Oh, Sirius! your Aura is oddly red today!” Lucy mocked, causing Gracie and Taylor to giggle along with her.
what they didn’t know was that you had heard all of that, and it wasn’t very funny to you.
but you had a feeling your aura was a bit blue.
you felt hot tears welling up into your eyes as you ran off from your hiding spot near the library.
why would they say those things? were they right? were you a loony? was remus tired of you?
you didn’t really know, but all you did know was that you needed to find Sirius.
before whispering the password into the portrait hole, you stepped carefully into the Gryffindor common room.
taking in your surroundings, you spotted Sirius. manspread across the couch as he perked up when he saw you.
“little star—!… are you alright?” his excitement faded once he saw your tear stained face, you never cried.
“n-no.” you answered truthfully, the nargles hated when people lied.
“what’s the matter, sunshine?”
he opened his arms just for you to fall into his chest, sobbing lightly as he stroked your scalp.
Sirius had always been like a big brother to you, always so sweet and kind ever since he started dating Remus.
it also helped that you were one of Regulus’ best friends, so you already felt a little connection with him.
“can you tell me what’s wrong, little star?” he lifted your head up gently by holding your cheek.
“m-my friends… s-said i was a loony.. and that Remus is tired of me a-and that i’m odd.” you struggled over your words, as he quietly shushed you.
“those aren’t your friends, sunshine. real friends wouldn’t say that to you.”
you knew deep down he was right, but it still hurt.
“and Remus could never be tired of you, nor could i, or Reggie, or.. Junior.” he wasn’t very fond of you being friends with Barty, but he knew that boy would move the heavens for you.
“he must be annoyed a little..” you added.
just as Sirius was about to protest, Remus walked in with a stack of books.
“star?” he asked quietly, setting his books down on the coffee table in front of the couches.
“Sirius, what’s happened?”
“some of her mean old friends called her some mean names, and she thinks your annoyed with her.” Sirius answered bluntly, yet still kind considering you were right there.
“oh.. star, how could i ever be annoyed with you?” he brushed a small strand of hair from your face.
“c-cause i’m a loony.” you looked up at him shamefully.
“but that’s a good thing, star. it means your different, but different is good.” Remus smiled sweetly.
“i’m a bit of a loony too, but so is Siri, and James, and Pete.”
“y-you are?” you asked nasally.
“of course, sunshine.” Sirius smiled, and you were happy to spend the rest of the day just like that. nuzzled happily into your actual brother and your bonus brother.
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
𝙾𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚘?
Summary: A gossip session with Utahime at your favorite café accidentally crumbles your calm, cool facade and reveals your crush to the man himself.
Flufftober Day 3 Prompt: “Wait, you love me?” “I always have.”
Warnings: Vague mentions of injuries, mentions of food
Pairing: Kento Nanami x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Check out my full Flufftober masterlist here!
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“Oh my god, there you are!” You hear Utahime call out to you from a few tables away, causing you to jump slightly and lift your eyes from your phone to meet her gaze. “I thought you were late, I couldn’t see you anywhere. Next time, don’t pick such a secluded spot, makes it hard to find you.” She gently chides you as she sits down in the seat across from you, before flashing you a friendly smile as she finally settles in.
“Sorry, this is where I always sit when I come here by myself. Old habits die hard, I guess.” You mutter softly in response, offering you a soft smile of your own. “Did you already order yourself a drink?”
Your question draws Utahime’s eyes to the drink already sitting in front of you, barely touched as your hands remain idly wrapped around the cup. She quickly nods in response to your question, though a shared glance at the lengthy line tells you that it’ll be a while before her drink is finished and her name is called, giving the two of you a few minutes to settle in and begin catching up beforehand.
“So, how have you been?” She asks to kickstart the conversation, swiping your drink away to steal a quick sip before smiling sheepishly and placing it back down in front of you. 
“Eh, I’ve been alright. Been taking on more missions than usual, I’m trying to save up for the holidays so I haven’t done much outside of work lately.” You admit with a laugh, taking a sip of your drink before turning the question back on her. “How about you?”
“Things have been going well over in Kyoto! All of the students are doing great on their training exercises right now, and Miwa and Mechamaru have been spending more time together lately. I always catch them together during breaks, my bet’s on them getting together by the end of the month.” she grins, clearly thrilled to see her students so happy and performing so well. Utahime truly was a great teacher, it was clear how much she cared for and connected with each of her students and wanted them to succeed and that attitude of hers always seeped through into your conversations together.
However, after a moment she raises her eyebrow and shoots a mischievous grin your way, immediately clueing you into what she's about to ask before she even opens her mouth as you pre-emptively glare at her. “Speaking of romance, how are things between you and Nanami?” You can’t help but roll your eyes at your friend’s need to know all the gossip about your love life, though the sudden heat radiating off of your skin betrays you and makes your unspoken giddiness clear to your friend as she looks at you with a questioning gaze. The aforementioned man has been flooding your thoughts like a virus as of late, clinging to your mind and leaving you in a land of fantasy and romantic daydreams whenever you have a moment to yourself.
“....I mean, it’s not like anything special’s happened or anything.” You mumble, trying and failing to bite back a lovestruck grin. “He’s friendly whenever we see each other around or go on missions together, but he’s so polite all the time, so it’s hard to tell if he means anything by it or if I’m just being delusional and seeing signs that aren’t there.”
Utahime’s curiosity is not placated in the slightest by your words, a fact she makes starkly clear as she swipes another sip of your drink and shoots you a disbelieving glare. “Oh come on, that doesn’t tell me anything! Give me more details, what do you mean by ‘friendly’?” She pushes, though you can see that it’s all in good fun and that she would stop pressing the second you asked her to.
Fortunately for her, you obviously want to gossip about your crush no matter how hard you try to seem unbothered by the matter, so you take the bait with another poorly concealed grin as her prying only eggs on your fantasies. “Well…. I guess just small things, like how he always checks to see if I’m injured before worrying about his own injuries on missions, or how he always stands in front of me when we’re dealing with a curse, or how he always buys me a drink whenever we’re walking home together.” Utahime can practically see the hearts in your eyes as you talk, though you’re doing your best to stay grounded in reality. “I know he’s just an amazing guy, and he’d do those things for anyone, but that doesn’t stop my heart from going all haywire whenever I think about those moments.”
Of course, your friend is insistent that these are in fact signs that your crush returns your feelings, giggles falling from her mouth as she smiles mischievously at you. “Oh come on, Y/n! Okay, maybe him trying to keep you safe on missions could be passed off as him just being nice, I could see that. But you’re telling me he goes out of his way to get you a drink every time you walk home together, and you think that’s just him being friendly?!” She looks at you with wide eyes, clearly trying to get you to see what she thinks is right in front of you. 
“.....Sometimes he even buys a small treat for us to share, like a pastry or something.” You admit bashfully, feeling your face heat up once more. The gasp your friend lets out only makes you shrink into your seat a bit more, overwhelmed by your own feelings and vulnerability in this moment.
“He totally likes you, Y/n!” Utahime looks at you incredulously as she speaks, restraining her volume just enough to not be yelling across the store, though she’s still speaking much too loudly for such a sensitive subject matter. “You know how Nanami is, he’s genuinely a good guy. He’s not gonna be super obvious and flirt with you in a way that could possibly make you uncomfortable, these are clearly his way of hinting at his feelings.” She seems desperate to get you to finally do something about your crush, positively convinced that she’s correct.
“....I dunno. It’s not like the thought hasn’t crossed my mind before…. But I’m just not sure, and I’m afraid that if I get my hopes up and actually confront him about my feelings, I’ll just end up looking like an idiot and making things uncomfortable.” Your voice sounds dejected and somber, causing Utahime’s face to fall in concern and sympathy as she listens to your concerns. “We get assigned on missions together pretty frequently, and I don’t want to make him uncomfortable or put innocent people at risk if I can’t focus thanks to my hurt feelings. I try so hard to act calm and collected around him, and I don’t wanna mess that up and seem like an idiot or upset him.”
Your fears cause Utahime to pause for a moment, searching through her mind for a way to comfort and reassure you. Before she can find her train of thought and speak up, though, a barista utters three words that cause both of your blood to run icy cold. 
“Order for Kento?” Your heart stops. You’re sure of it, you’re sure you’re not breathing in this moment. Your eyes are frantically scanning around the small cafe, praying that it’s just a coincidence, just someone with the same name. You don’t make it far before your eyes land on a familiar head of blonde hair at the table just beside your own, and you can practically feel your soul leave your body as you immediately glance away to Utahime in shame and refuse to meet his gaze. There goes your collected, responsible facade, you doubt you'll ever recover from this sheer embarrassment.
She looks back at you with a pitiful, remorseful expression as the man in question walks up to the front to collect his order. Utahime’s name still hasn’t been called, prompting you to realize that he’s most likely been here since before she even arrived, and has subsequently heard everything the two of you have been saying about him.
Maybe it wasn’t too late to run, make a mad dash out of this little cafe and simply do your best to never cross paths with him again.
Before you could decide for certain, Kento returned with his drink and set it on his table, before turning his chair so that he was facing the two of you. “Y/n, Utahime, it’s nice to see you.” He nodded at the two of you, and you were barely able to muster up a tiny nod in return as you fidgeted with your fingers beneath your table.
“I apologize for eavesdropping, I promise it wasn’t my intention.” He begins the awkward conversation that you were hoping to avoid, and you finally bring your eyes up to meet his with an apologetic gaze. “When I arrived I saw you sitting here and was hoping to chat with you, Y/n, but you seemed very busy with something on your phone, so I figured I would wait and say hello when you were less busy. But then I heard my name, and I couldn’t help but listen in. My apologies.”
Of course Kento was being a complete gentleman about this. You shouldn’t have expected anything else. Still, no matter how kind or polite he was about it you knew the sting of his rejection would pain you more deeply than you'd like to admit, and you attempt to steel yourself emotionally in preparation for the hurt as you open your mouth to apologize to the man for gossiping so blatantly about him.
“I have to admit, though, that your friend is right. I’m a bit surprised that you haven’t caught on about my feelings yet.” He adds on, immediately lighting up Utahime’s face in a victorious grin as your jaw drops and you stare at him wide-eyed. Even with the background noise of the cafe patrons, you feel as if you could hear a pin drop in this moment with the tension bleeding through each one of your pores at his sudden confession.
“....Huh?” You ask, oh-so-eloquently making your way into the conversation once you collect yourself enough to speak. “Wait.... you like me?” You can’t seem to finish your sentence, still too afraid to seem foolish if you’re somehow misinterpreting his words. 
“Yes, I always have.” Though he remains as composed as ever, if you look closely you can spot the small grin gracing Kento’s lips as he tries his best to fight it back. “I wasn’t sure if you reciprocated, so I tried to make my feelings clear while also giving you an out if you felt uncomfortable. You’ve always acted so put-together and calm whenever we’re together, so it was difficult to read your emotions and I didn’t want to be too overt with my advances. It seems like I wasn’t obvious enough, though, so I’ll make myself clear now.”
Your head is spinning, you feel dizzy as your feelings suddenly overwhelm you. You can feel them swirling around in your stomach, hot air inflating you like a balloon as you do your best to focus on what he’s saying. “Now that I know you feel the same, I’d like to ask if you’d be willing to go on a date with me?” His questioning gaze is only for show, as you both know what you’ll say, but it calms your nerves a bit that he still has the courtesy to ask so politely.
 Utahime violently shakes her head ‘yes’ from the corner of your eye, giving you the courage you need to speak up despite your pounding heart and the sudden dryness in your throat. “I’d really like that, Kento.” You agree without a second thought, as the tension bleeds from the air completely and both of you smile softly at one another. “You’re welcome to join us now too, if you’d like.” You offer, glancing at your friend to ensure she’s okay with this as well before pulling out the seat beside you.
Kento smirks at your offer before nodding gratefully, standing up and setting his drink down on your table before taking the seat you had offered. “I’d love to, thank you for the offer.” His arm hovers near your waist, silently waiting for your consent, and once he sees you nod giddily he wraps it carefully around you, scooting a bit closer to you as the three of you begin conversing altogether. And despite his typical straight-laced, put-together attitude, he even manages to send a few subtle winks your way, meant for your eyes only, as the three of you catch up, and you instantly know that this man is going to be your forever and always as you relax into his side and enjoy your drink.
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Request - Anonymous said: Could you do nanami x reader who is calm but get caught simping on him for flufftober please😍
A/N: Aaaaa this was so much, sometimes you’ve just gotta be a little silly and delusional and gossip about your crush :> It really is healing for the soul imo and I do NOT think it should stop once you become an adult, and I think this was perfectly fluffy and cute for this Flufftober! If you can’t tell, I’m having a lot of fun with this entire event so far lol, and I look forward to seeing your guys’ reactions to each of these as I post them! I hope you’re enjoying Flufftober as much as I am so far, and my requests are open rn so please feel free to send any requests you have over to my inbox! :D
Taglist: @flufftober
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waltermis · 1 year
Okay, Well I Guess That’s It Then
Part 1 : Mistake
Summary: Arrowverse x MCU Crossover. Two years after you found out that Laurel was cheating on you, you run into her again. In front of your apartment door.
Warnings: no happy ending for Laurel and reader, Natasha’s boobs cause that needs to be a warning
Pairings: Laurel Lance x reader (past), Natasha Romanoff x reader (present)
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Knock knock knock
You groaned as you lifted your head off your favorite pillow. Looking at the front door, you heard the knocking continue. You got up from your spot on the couch, wondering who was knocking at your door at the time. Opening the door, you felt your heart clench at the sight of emerald green eyes, dirty blond hair, and sculpted cheekbones.
“Hi…” Laurel said, her voice just below a whisper.
“Laurel…” You were surprised, you hadn’t seen her in two years. Not since the night you found her in bed with her ex. 
After you had kicked her out, you had called Sara Lance, Laurel’s sister and your best friend. When she found out what happened, Sara was furious. She helped you get through the next week of your break up, letting you stay in her apartment before you had decided to move away. Sara had agreed, knowing how difficult it would be for you once you returned to the apartment you and Laurel had once shared. 
You decided that you would move to New York, hoping to get a fresh start. And you did, because just barely settling into your new life, you had become friends with the Avengers. You had been called by a friend of yours, Bruce Banner. He called saying that he needed your expertise to help stitch up Steve Rogers, Captain America, who had been stabbed in the stomach by a three inch metal rod. The rod had miraculously missed all of his internal organs so you knew that he would recover in no time.
And now, here you were, standing in your loft, staring at the woman who broke your heart into a million pieces.
“How’ve you been?” She looked down, avoiding eye contact as she toyed with the rings on her fingers.
“‘How’ve you been?’ Really? That’s what you’re gonna ask me right now…” You said, leaning your body against your door frame. You crossed your arms over your chest and kept your guard up.
“I know… that’s the dumbest thing to say, but I got nervous… and you know that when I get nervous I start to ramble and when I start to ramble I never sto–” 
You cut her off before she could continue with her ‘speech’. “Why are you here?” You were tired; you had just gotten back from an 18 hour surgery at the hospital and all you wanted to do was bundle up in your fluffiest blanket and your favorite pillows.
“I wanted to see you…”
“Look, Dinah.” You made sure to emphasize the use of her first name, knowing she hated that name. “I just came back from an incredibly long surgery and I would really appreciate it if you didn’t just give a half truth. So let me ask you again; why are you here?”
“I really did want to see you… and I miss you. I was hoping that maybe… we could give this another try?” Laurel asked, hopefully. You looked into her eyes in disbelief, the same eyes that you used to love gazing into now made you feel anger and sadness. Even if it had been 2 years since you’d seen Laurel, it didn’t mean that the hurt had completely dissipated. After all, you had been with her for 3 years before you caught her sleeping with her ex-boyfriend, Oliver Queen.
“What happened to Oliver?” Your voice was cold, your eyes sharp as you stared at her.
“We… didn’t work out,” you raised an eyebrow at her.
“So, he cheated on you?” Laurel nodded sheepishly.
“Well, I would say that I’m surprised but I’m really not…”
“Can we just talk? Please… I wanna give us a second chance.”
“There is no more us, Lance. We died the minute you decided to sleep with Oliver.” You rolled your eyes in annoyance; every second you spent talking to her made your blood boil more.
“Why? So I can be your rebound until the next best thing comes along?”
“No… it’s not like that! I would never do that to you!” Laurel weakly defended.
“Well you did, 3 years ago. When you first jumped into bed with that man.” Laurel looked ready to burst into tears. “Okay well, lemme ask you this. If I hadn’t caught you… that night, would you have ever told me?” Laurel hesitated, and you got your answer. “Okay, well I guess that’s it then.” You placed your hand on the doorknob, going to close the door.
“No, Y/N wait!”
“Wait for what?! Another apology? Another excuse? Or what… you're gonna give me another pathetic reason why you went back to him?!”
“It’s not like that!”
“I don’t care! You cheated on me! For a year! And now you’re telling me that you were never even gonna tell me?” Laurel stayed quiet, she didn’t know what else to say.
“I’m sorry,” She said, tears running down her face.
“No! You don’t get to cry right now! You were the one who went and slept with Oliver Queen behind my back!”
“Sunshine please!”
Your heart ached at the nickname. Even if you were over Laurel, it didn’t mean that the nickname didn’t hurt. “Don’t call me that. You lost that privilege. I want you to go away, Laurel. Don’t come back and don’t find me again.”
“Is there a problem here?” Your head snapped back as you looked behind you. Your eyes softened at the sight of your girlfriend. Her hair was slightly disheveled and she was rubbing her eyes but you thought she looked beautiful.
“Who are you?” Laurel asked, her eyes crinkled together. You didn’t like how her eyes trailed over your girlfriend, judging her every move.
“Natasha Romanoff, her girlfriend. Who are you?” Natasha replied coldly, walking menacingly over to the two of you.
“Oh… you’re dating an Avenger?”
“Yeah…” You answered. “She’s my girlfriend,” You looked back at Natasha, your heart bursting with love as you saw her protective side come out.
“I didn’t know that you were dating someone…” Laurel said, the pain in the eyes evident.
“You didn’t need to know that…” You answered sharply.
“How long have you been together?” Laurel asked.
“A year and a half…” You said, dismissively. 
“I’m gonna ask you again, and you better not ignore me this time. Who… are… you?” Natasha pressed further.
“Nat, this is Laurel Lance. My ex…”
“That ex?”
“Yeah…” You nodded, hoping that she caught your silent cry for help. And you thanked god that she did, as her forest green eyes turned dark.
“Leave… We don’t need you here ruining our night in.” Natasha said, before she slammed the door in Laurel’s face.
You squealed as Natasha tossed your body over her shoulder and brought the two of you back over to the couch where Brooklyn Nine Nine was still paused. You buried your face into Nat’s boobs as you finally let yourself relax.
“God you love my boobs,” Natasha laughed, running her hand through your hair.
“How can I not? They’re like little pillows.” You said, your face pressed into them.
“I’m pretty sure that this is the only reason you’re with me right now.” Natasha joked.
“I will neither confirm nor deny that.” You sighed, leaning your entire body on top of her.
“I love you…” Natasha said, tightening her hold on you.
“I love you too, Nat… You are so much better than anyone else. And I don’t want anyone else.” You kissed her gently before pressing play on the TV, your worries washing away the more time you spent with Nat.
1163 words
Part 1 : Mistake
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So About the New Asides... (Christmas)
Here's just a random list of my thoughts. Just finished the video (What Makes the Perfect Gift?). And oh boy, do I have some THOUGHTS to share.
[I was gonna finish a Intruloceit Crime Boss AU fic thingie as a surprise for a mutual bc why not, but this has me in its grip]
[beware Drunk Character, btw]
Longest post ever, jfc.
Also, I know exactly which people to ask which pairings about. I know who to ask to talk about Dukexiety (@where-are-the-spooky-gays-2), about Intruality (@rataticaisdreaming), about analogince (@disneybrandautism), about Roman in general (@prodigal-explorer and @disneybrandautism), about Prinxiety (@logan-the-artist), etc. etc. etc.
I know people and what they love and their favoured characters. I encourage everyone to infodump and geek out in the comments bc this episode fed us all.
Spoilers below
the lil present animation for the title thingie? cute
Logan waking everyone up and hosting the Secret Santa this time, yusss
Logan is responsible and it shows
"11th hour of beauty rest" -> I love Roman, he's one of my favs
^not this specific line, but can I just say with all of the angst and insecurity and such Roman has, I think I have to add him to my Kin List of Sides that I relate to at some ungodly level (which also includes Remus, Virgil, and Logan. and maybe also Janus)
the pipline to being a Roman kinnie/stan has been WILD okay idk what to tell ya lmao
"master of all kinds of rhythm, except circadian-" yep relating to Roman yet again
Logan's lil pacing in his spot, I call that him stimming and no I don't take criticism on that
^new headcanon unlocked: Logan (like Roman) cannot keep still to a certain degree
Logan and Roman aren't as different as you'd think btw
Virgil being woken up/summoned only by the sudden burst of adrenaline is so canon that I cannot. I CANNOT.
Patton's and Roman's excitement for Secret Santa is everything to me <3
autistic Roman autistic Roman autistic Roman-
"things are a little different this year" -> yeah about that
Serious Grinch Moment(tm)
Logan knowing a lot of medical knowledge makes me think he could have a special interest about it, but that may just be my "autistic Logan go brrr" headcanon nonsense
^...did Patton just indirectly call Logan the Grinch?
^^heart grow in size, he says to Logan... hhhh, I feel the slightest bit of angst vibes from that
"I just stress" -> me core
Roman checking on Thomas, awwww <3
The way Logan sounded when he said Remus' and Janus' names + Virgil's and Roman's reactions to them coming LMAO
"You may all have your feelings about them" -> the way Logan said 'feelings' like it's a plague, mm yeah heheh
Logan is such a f*cking mom, never stop pls
Janus pops like already drunk and Remus pops up all excited, dear frickin god do I love these two specifically
Drunk Janus is my fav thing ever btw
"what's up bro" // "hey..." -> siblings siblings this is my sibling (/ref)
omg Remus just being excited to be there and be included and to hang with his bro, he is so happy to see Roman cause BROTHERS, oh lord creativitwins slfjalkfskafaalkf
"they were right where I left them... in a vat of human excrement" -> I stan him for a reason, don't judge me
^he speaks and I either laugh or relate to it. usually both (no I will not elaborate on what this implies about me lmao)
"courteous laughter" mm yeah
Logan stops Virgil's escape HA
"That everyone will be secretly trying to win at" -> Roman is right and he should say it
"I'm not sharing it with anyone, I'm just showing it off" -> Janus says about his largest wine bottle that he definitely already started drinking from
Patton gets so excited he gets lightheaded
Janus got Patton? heheh moceit nation RISE
^you'll see what I mean when ya watch the episode
^^not just because he got Pat but because of the actual thought and effort he put into the gift
"I thought it was the corpse of a sea lion, but Janus wouldn't let me shake it." // "No, I don't think so. It's too light."
^...h- how does Patton know how much a dead sea lion weighs??
also Roman's reaction is basically "wut the f-"
"I might be mistaken, but I'm not." -> reason 39539 why I love Logan
"A BOX :D" -> Pat. Pat that's not everything.
^Janus being like "keeping opening the boxes" while pretending not to care, hehehe
^^"...you want me to destroy my new box?" -> all I can do is sigh, suddenly understanding why I may relate to Janus
^Roman's and Virgil's reactions, lmao
can I just say how much Ro and Vi are being the best of buds? like mm, platonic prinxiety is off the charts this episode
Remus' f*cking "whaaaaaaaa-" kills me
Janus just pouring wine into what's supposed to be a tea mug is funny to me
"but for Remus?" -> hey at least Roman knows his brother well enough to know an air fryer isn't exactly a Remus-typical gift idea
"someone they don't really know" but then Patton admitting he should get to know Remus better? hhhhhhh-
^intruality nation, we got fed, god damn
tbh a lot of pairings/ships were shown in some way or another, so I guess we ALL got fed today huh
"chicken fingers?" // "yeah!" // "human fingers" // "yea- hh, wha- wait-"
so many intruality interaction omg (my intruality moot is gonna be so excited, I can't wait to talk about this episode with him)
Remus is gonna experiment with the air fryer, ayyy
"I had Virgil" // "Ah f*ck-"
"with me own hands" -> I will never stop loving Remus
also Remus making Virgil a handmade gift? relatable and also aww, I imagine them as besties but in the dynamic where Virgil is kinda reluctant and Remus will never stop teasing whenever he can
^new headcanon: one of Remus' main love languages is 'i made this weird creative thing for you' and I only relate to him even more (essentially gift-giving but make it BETTER)
Mr. Fuzzy <3
Virgil knowing the inside joke between dork Sides- I mean dark Sides
^okay but just all the dukexiety and creativitwins and anxceitmus moments within seconds of each other in that scene is just aww
Virgil knowing what Remus calls his shower drain alfkjafksk
"I hate that I know that" -> reluctant bestie vibes
all of the analogical moments SENDS me because of how it plays out and how Logan felt hurt before realizing what his gift actually was, mm yeah aksfklsdfskfd
Virgil trying to hint subtly that maybe Logan should read it to see something, but Logan not picking up on the hints
^ngl took me the second watch-through to realize "oh he was trying to hint at him but he didn't pick up on it, like me haha"
^^do I kin Logan, you ask as if there isn't an obvious answer of YES
no wait bc the LOOK Remus gives Logan as he becomes more upset and literally encourages him to get angry and let his feelings out
^okay but why did Remus have to say it like that
Pat this whole episode says someone's name as if he's about to intervene/try to help the situation but then IMMEDIATELY says something about his box(es)
Virgil's sigh, lmao
Logan's passive aggressive sass sends me omg
Logan feeling like he needs to 'reevaluate' himself... hhhhh, the angst fics I could write from this moment alone dear lord
"I had Roman" // "Oh- oh, no-"
^idk why but Roman's reaction hurt me
^^like he doesn't have faith in Logan's gift-giving abilities? and how it seems most of everyone specifically has little-to-no faith in Logan's capacity for compassion/general emotions (except for maybe Janus and Remus, and Thomas bc he's been praising Logan for doing well during it all)
Okay but Thomas praising Logan? oh gawd, my heart-
^working on his relationship with the logical part of him, sfksalfkhskadf
^(he's so petty lmao)
Roman liking his present from him <3
^this reminds of the last Secret Santa they had when Ro made Lo a full-on fanfic of him replacing Watson and working with Sherlock and etc (headcanon: both the twins have their love languages involving their creative merits/talents because they're Creativity)
just generally speaking, gift-giving seems to be pretty high up there on everyone's love language list (in their own ways)
why is Patton not the greatest at gifts
^I take that back because he is putting thought into his gift-giving (though not a lot when it comes to Remus cause he doesn't know him well), though he tends to misread/misunderstand what they'd really like? ...is that a neurodivergent thing? cause like that's a little relatable actually
^^also lmao, I just realized the only people Pat's got as far as the series goes is literally the twins (so maybe he's just not sure how to go about the twins? cause like, he seems to know Logan and Janus and kinda Virgil pretty well, but he seems to struggle with the twins? or is that just me)
"because f*ck that asshole" -> love it when Logan cusses <3
then Remus' reaction, omggg (his lil "for christmas")
The genuine joy on Roman's face when sees Logan put Roman on the dollar bill is EVERYTHING, do ya know how much he gets to be happy? (not a lot, if we backtrack to the last canon episode in which Roman's entire worldview broke, but some of ya aren't ready for that convo yet)
sorry but seeing the now-rare joy on Roman's face, awwww
as soon as Janus speaks, Roman's smile drops and is replaced by upset, hhhhhh
^so the amount of angst fics I can make on that scene alone is very much a high number
Janus is so drunk, jfc (he keeps laughing and the filter is basically gone at this point)
"massive ego" -> see Jannie Boi, I think ya missing the part of him being The Ego and how f*cked up he already is but you keep making it worse & a part of me thinks you know you're making it worse because one of your Big Jobs is to actually protect and nuture the Ego but ya ain't doing ya f*ckin job and Roman's self-esteem and self-confidence seem to be dwindling every time you speak bc he knows ya gonna hurt him again for the millionth f*cking time
^I have a lot of Feels, okay?
"quite the unhinged jaw" -> I see what ya did there (literal snake man)
Jan pours more wine, oh lord here we go
this episode has both made very happy but also hurt me deeply all in one go
Why does Patton sound like he was about to actually defend Roman only to yet again comment on his boxes?
^why do I get the feeling this has something to do with the finale coming soon and also the angst arc that royality is currently going through?
I just realized the twins' spots are next to each other <3
^loving all the twins content this episode, exploring their brother relationship yusss
"yessss, full circle at last" -> He's so f*ckin drunk, oh my god
^he's literally holding onto the wall
also ayy, canonical that Janus hisses in his speech cause ya know. snake.
^the snake traits coming alive this episode
"such a sweetie going through all that effort" -> wait for it
he deserved it
Remus' amused "oh" as he enjoys the drama and Roman's passionate "YA GET A B*TCHSLAP, JANUS" is so f*cking delcious
Thomas being like 'what just happened-' as Jan gets slapped is funny to me
"it really is Christmas" -> H A
"won't even share the wine" -> Logan sounds so sad tho
I love how Janus was so impressed with the b*tchslap and how it was executed that he can't even be that upset about it
JANUS GOT PAT A GAG GIFT -> moceit moceit moceit-
^see told ya; Jan was thoughtful with it
"I was getting a bit too catty" -> being self-aware
Pat making a cat pun because of Virgil's hissing <3
Remus being like "nooo, the drama!" lmao
omg omg omg THE ANALOGICAL ENDING skfksfksjdfs
^I make it sound like it's one of many endings to a video game lmao
but srsly, Logan finally ready the newspaper to realize it's actual a puzzle for more puzzles and him being very happy <3
Virgil's evil laughter is legit just him being him, I love this character
okay but Vi knows Lo so well?? they're besties.
"Mr. Detective" from Virgil + Roman's lil smile as he watches Logan be happy with his puzzle(s) cause he knows how much Lo likes mystery (see when he made Lo that Sherlock fanfic) = prinxiety knows Logan very well and now I imagine analogince being a bestie trio of comfort and caring for their nerd
^Analogince has become something I didn't know I wanted until now lmao
"Oh Virgil" -> gay
"and you thought I'd just get you a newspaper" -> alfkjslafskfdslkfs I will never recover
aww Logan's happy smile! he's getting to be happy!!
"Mr. Fuzzy doesn't like being dropped" -> Remus, never stop being you
all the dukexiety content this episode feels my heart with joy because they're Brainrot to me
"how did you know-" // "we're you and also you're kinda easy to read"
^Janus taking offense to Thomas being easy to read bc he's Deceit and Self-Preservation, aka: the combo for Masking
"that's rude" -> idk why but the way Jan said that, it made me go aww
^he's so f*cking drunk at this point (props to Thomas (irl) for all the acting as a drunk character cause it was amazing and realistic as hell)
aww logince moment when Lo asks Ro to help him cause Creativity and Ro's smile
^(to be fair, there's a considerable amount of logince moments but this is the only one I pointed out as specifically logince)
can we talk about Nico's gift to Thomas? a necklace with a Ying-Yang charm and what looks like a rainbow charm?? symbolism heheheh
^many thoughts about the Ying-Yang cause balance and black-and-white mindset changing and etc.; but also the rainbow(?) charm cause GAY
Also, Nico Flores content!!
wait, is the endcard the moment when Nico and Thomas become serious? OMG GUYS Y'ALL, WAIT A SEC-
Janus End Card -> I laughed so hard
This episode was basically Growth, Angst, and Tumblr's Headcanons Get Confirmed.
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kestreljaylover · 9 months
My Top 10 Favorite Warrior Cats.
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Cinderpelt was the main source of entertainment and enthusiasm in book 2, and 3 and I love that! She would have made it higher is the authors (don't remember the name, and too lazy to look it up) didn't kill her off so soon. Twilight was so annoying, the entire book was terrible, and I was so sad when she died. And her disability was very terribly written. She broke her leg by a car, and she can't be a warrior anymore. I would discuss about it all day long, but I need to move on to #9.
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I love our little fruit loop! I mainly love Tallstar's character because of his Super Edition. Tallstar's Revenge is my favorite Euper Edition of all of warrior cats. The characters in the book got stuff done for once. (I don't remember all of the super editions, it has been a long time since I read them). And his little relationship with Jake is super cute! I met someone at a library and she doesn't like Tallstar x Jake. She was a homophobic, and I hate homophobes. She just make me angry, so I never talked to her again. Anyway, I just thought the bowtie idea was cute, and I decided to put that in.
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I really love frostpaw because I can relate to her issues, but I think she was like a reboot of Shadowsight. Which Shadowsight was fine, no problem with him. I think frostpaw is just a cute name in general. I have never drawn her before, so i had to some up with grays on the spot. Anyway the next one!
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Now we got some of the best kitties in my eyes! Ravenpaw was my favorite characters in the books before someone else came along that will be in #1. But he was basically the start of the series besides Firestar. Think about it, he tells him what happened with the Tigerstar situation. Firestar would have never known if Ravenpaw didn't spill the truth. And I think him moving to the farm was probably the best thing that has happened to him. Barley is not my favorite, it is just that I wanted to draw them. Next one!
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Honestly Lightleap is probably the best character in arc 8 because she is so entertaining and snarky. The best type of character. And she caused a lot of drama which I love. It sucks that she has not been there much in book 3 and 4 of A Starless Clan.
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She was supposed to be #4, but I forgot I didn't do 5, so instead of thinking more, I just put her there. Briarlight is the only good cat in her family. Mille is very mental, Blossomfall is very bad, and is very.... dramatic? I don't know how to describe it. Graystripe who i don't know what is going on in his head, and Bumblestripe who obsessed with a girl who doesn't want him. Briarlight is the sweetest cat and her death in the fourth or fifth book in AVOS was very sad. I love her friendship with her best friend, Jayfeather. (Yes, best friend! Jayfeather is gay in my head! I don't care if he loved Half Moon). Briarlight is just great! Love her!
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Don't really have a reason to put her up here. Maybe I am just obsessed with the name i gave her. I was gonna switch her and Briarlight out, but oh well. I mainly like first arc Bluestar not her super edition (I mean, who does like her super edition)? I just like calling her Queen of the double wide.
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Here's Dovewing! My baby! I am happy to put her here on this list! I really don't understand why some people hate Dovewing. She is a great protagonist, and a good mom as well. And also I feel bad for her because she was forced to be with him (Bumblestripe) for a while because of peer pressure. But I am glad she made to choice to get out of the pain.
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AAAHHH! SQUIRRELSTAR!!! SHE'S HERE! I have been waiting for 4 years for this. She is basically just like me. (Except the shortness! I am not short). I do what is right, but I don't need approval from anyone. Honestly her husband is a dickhead, so I am glad he stepped down. I wished he would have died though.
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JAYFEATHER! HE IS MY FAVORITE KITTY EVER! Does anyone need to explain why he is some people's favorite? Well I do. I can relate to him because everyone is an idiot! The books make them really dumb sometimes, and points out Jay's blindness. And guess who points this out? Jayfeather! He is my favorite for that reason. He is grumpy, but has a valid reason for it. And I can't get myself started on his boyfriend. He is not that interesting, but seeing fanart of Jayfeather and Kestrelflight just makes a smile on my face. (Dusklight for example, go follow them! One of the remaining kestreljay fans, and their work is flawless)! Honestly the sunglasses idea was random. I love a video that someone posted on Christmas day, https://youtu.be/ijd4YaXCjIQ?si=QY8NmE_tV46Yk_8x anyway, that is it. I am tired. :(
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claire-starsword · 2 months
Authentic Story of the Shining Force - Saint Fencer Max - Chapter 3
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Translation notes:
So, uh. Elliot's name is rendered with two t's in the og game, but a single one in the GBA version. I had never paid attention to that at all until I had already edited all these pages, and I don't care enough to change it.
Cain's sword causes an explosion here. In the game, it is indeed capable of summoning flames.
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This is a perfect illustration of how I feel about these names, but I do wonder what the actual intention was, since Cain is supposed to be already gone. The original image is even cut off weirdly in the middle of the text, and i don't think it's a problem with the scan, since every scanned page has a black border showing that the paper itself doesn't cut there. I wonder about the production of this thing, but i'll wait until i translate the author's comments before saying more.
The map in the previous chapter was very accurate to the beta map of the game. The smaller map here showing Rindo however looks off, the coast is different, and there seems to be a river directly to the north of Rindo, as opposed to the path to Shade Abbey. Perhaps fitting since Shade is skipped here.
Metaphaluna, huh? Needlessly to say, the country of the gods/Ancients is called only Metapha in the final game. Also, in this panel, it pops up as an alternate reading for 前世紀 (ancient times), not the name of a country specifically. I chose to romanize the last part as "luna" for three reasons. One is that the continent of Rune is actually rendered as Lune in at least two guides. I take romanizations from JP guides with a grain of salt since they sometimes look bad/unnatural, or are inconsistent (Pelle's name for example has been romanized as both Peil or Payle depending on the book). I checked though, and town names however are consistent in both the books I've seen romanizing things. The second reason is that the beta map used at this point has a fairly noticeable crescent moon shaped island right in the middle. In the final game, we can't know exactly where Metapha is, because you only teleport there. But I wonder if this island had something to do with it at some point. The third reason is simply I saw no better reason. Metaphalna and Metapharuna would be just as valid, but don't have any meaning to them.
The biggest equation next to Tao as she explains the magic types is very clearly a E=mc². Look close.
I've retranslated Elliot's scenes from the game thinking it would be relevant to these notes. Now I feel it really isn't, but you get more content so you should be happy.
My main point with that is that Elliot does not say anything about Cain in the game. In the GBA version, Balbazak does try revealing Max, Cain and Darksol's identities before dying, but that's not a thing in the og. So yeah I really translated a bunch of stuff for nothing this time! Except not because Darksol is awesome in that scene and everyone should get to see it.
Now let's talk about Otrant. I have mentioned before that Otrant's gender is never explicitly said, and they speak in a mostly gender neutral way (I feel like there's a few masculine patterns in some lines, but I'm not confident enough to say for certain). What I hadn't noticed is that they also use lipstick in the games, which is probably what sparked these observations to begin with, but i'm uh, occasionally not smart. In any case, if any of these aspects were done at this point in development the artist here sure ignored them, and drew a regular old man who gets called an old man. They hate to see an androgynous boss winning.
I don't recall Otrant's third eye being called "Eye of Truth" anywhere else, but the manual of the game does say it can see the past and the future.
Otrant's naming of the Shining Force is a bit more elaborate here, but the wording is very similar to the actual game.
Finally, let's play spot the cameo!
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We've got Gong, Zylo, one of the birds, and probably Anri. Easy.
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Here, besides the obvious three who were actually introduced in the story, we again have a bird, Anri between Ken and Hans, Gong to the right, and Mae and Gort behind Luke. If you read the pre-release page you know that Gort was meant to be Mae's servant at some point, so this might be why they're together, or it's just coincidence because they still join around the same time in the final game. More importantly, to Ken's left we have...
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Some guys. Who are these. They could be made up by the artist (there will be another case of this), but I find it curious that the artist had to do that when there are so many character to pick from, and he clearly wanted to depict official characters here. For one, there's evidence that Earnest was already designed at that point in development. However, that link also shows that Vankar didn't have a portrait by that time at least, and Vankar would have already joined by this point in the story. So could the bald centaur here be a beta Vankar, or the artist's interpretation of Vankar via unfinished art? Maybe, but just a guess in the end. Mostly I'm just fascinated by how detailed this guy is compared to even Mae and Gort's cameos. The other guy isn't so i don't think about them nearly as much.
#shining series#shining force#saint fencer max#saint fencer max translation#sf cain#sorry i mean 'giga cain'. lmao#this is what i meant when i said i was hysterical about the chapter names btw. how are these real names#also. 'what a stupid face' lol. definitely do not share any genes with this guy or whatever#he is coping#sfm max#god the battle scene is. so bad. now you get what i meant by this thing not engaging the premise right. zero group battle#he's just doing random shonen shit. fellas he's a swordsman not sonic the hedgehog. why is he dodging lasers#sfm tao cantal#in a good manga a villain telling the fire mage 'no matter how strong the flames they can be a force for good'#would be some sort of character moment#don't expect anything of it here though#also the magic thing is infuriating because it's so close to my headcanons but fails the landing into some bizarre anti-science bullshit??#mages are said to be studious everywhere else so to put a line about equations there is just wack. also manarina literally has machines#just make the point about actual environment destruction you dumbass#i wonder how masaki wachi felt on this because the spells in the GBA version often show machines (and blaze 4 is a laser)#but torasu does spout some anti-tech stuff in his HQ lines#still less bad than here tho#sf elliot#you lose something of his character by not showing the fight#but the talk is far more interesting than the game#if you removed his mentions of darksol in pao and used this after the battle i think it would be the best portrayal of him#i think about him a lot. there's the shape of a good character but it never nails the landing to me in any version#though perhaps this is more due to the characters' full acceptance of him than he himself#which is why final conflict again wins by having his own son condemn him#...and then loses again by having lynx be the worst version ever of 'villain is okay because he has Honor' in this series
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yandere-mha-blog · 1 year
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Part five
Word count: 2361
And with this Dabi and y/n relationship has been more on display and i think i added a couple things that people will like, and changed how the parents act cause int he original story it was a bit wishy washy, but hey that's what's this rewrite is for :D
And hope you have liked the changes i made, and like, reblog and comment if you could it would mean a lot :3
It had been about four months since you moved in with Dabi officially, you were still going to school, you told Dabi you just wanted to graduate highschool and that would be that. Dabi tried more than once to tell you to just drop out, but you were still headstrong on your one goal to just graduate and leave, and it was December now, so you were almost done with this hell hole.
“Okay everyone pencils down.” your homeroom teacher said, even though you had finished the test thirty minutes prior. Man finals dy sucked, you took your phone out after class and texted dabi
“Hey, the dumb test is finally over, thank god.”
“Why would you even take it, seems like a waste of time.”
“I know, but it's just a mandatory bullshit thing to graduate, Can you come get me please.”
“Me and Kenny will be right there.”
You smiled at your phone when a classmate walked out of the room, she saw you and quickly looked away, mostly in fear, you rolled your eyes and went to the washroom, the girls saw it was you dn quickly left.
Finally no one was messing with you, you finally had some peace at school, then your phone buzzed you looked down it was from your mom, she sent the occasional text seeing if you were okay
“Hey sweetie how did your testing go?”
“Oh that's great, look me and your dad were doing some cleaning and we found some stuff you might want to take with you when you graduate.” 
“Just bring it to graduation.”
“Okay if that's what you want i'll see you then.”
Your phone buzzed from dabi, he was already here, you walked out of the school and went to kenny's car
“Hi kenny.” you said and sat in the back “Agh i'm so glad testing is finally done.”
“How do you think you did?” Kenny asked
“Eh fine, it was really easy.” you said 
“Hey wait Dabi why didn't you go to the test?” Kent asked
“Why bother with some dumb testing.” Dabi said, “Come on, let's go to our usual spot.”
Your parents got a letter in the mail a week after your testing, they were so proud to see you scared in ninth place out of your school, and were eligible to go to college
“Oh thank god she didn't throw away her chances.” Your mom said and your dad sat down and opened his computer “What Are you doing honey?”
“Well if our little girl isn't going to apply for college, then i will, she wrote her college application statement in her second year, i'm sure with a couple of edits i can get her in.”
“...im really worried about her, i was to-”
“No…no you weren't, whoever this Dabi guy is, saw her in an emotional state and decided to exploit her…we can't blame anyone but him.” Your dad explained as she looked at your instagram account, photos of you and Dabi were all she saw.
“Even when she does get accepted by one of these colleges…what makes you think she will go…”
“Because our girl is smart.” Your dad said as he kept typing away on his computer.
As you sat on the uncomfortable chair as the headmaster droned on about how far everyone has come, you were looking at your phone texting Dabi on how boring this all was.
“Told you that you should have ditched.” 
“Eh just need the dumb piece of paper and im done.”Finally your name was called and you grabbed the piece of paper and walked off the stage and decided to ditch the rest of the ceremony, the student body all look at you as you left, you continued to text dabi that you got the damn thing.
“(name).” you heard your mom voice say
“Huh..mom , dad? What are you two doing here?” you asked, crossing your arms.
“It's your graduation day so of course we would be here.” Your dad said
“Well it's over now.” you said
“Well I'm very happy that you finished highschool, and we know that you are living with your…boyfriend.” Your mom said through her teeth “but we wanted to give you a bag with some stuff you might want.
“Oh…thanks.” you said as you took the bag 
“Take care now.” your dad and put a hand on your forehead “call us if you need anything.” “Anything at all.” your mom added, and they reluctantly left, you sat on the bench, not wanting them to go.
You looked through your bag, your eyes widened as you saw your old novel you were working on, and your old notes, a handkerchief you embroidered, and an acceptance letter!
“Hey (name)!' Kent yelled “Dabi said I should come get you, he is going to bring you home some grub!”
“Hi kenny!” you said and put the letter in the bag and he drove you back to Dabis’ place. 
You looked down at the acceptance letter, you wouldn't believe it, how were you even accepted..was it your parents? Had to be, no one at school would have, you didn't, and Dabi wouldn't  have.
The door opened and you put the letter back in the bag.
“I'm home.” Dabi said as he sat across from the table and set a bag of food down “I got us dinner.”
“Thank you.” You said as you opened the bag and took your portion
“So how did the dumb graduation go?” Dabi asked
“Fine, my parents showed up.” You said , Dabi looked up and you continued, “They came by to give me a bag of some old stuff.”
“Dumping garbage on you?” Dabi said, “That's not very nice.”
“No not garbage, just some old novel notes, and a couple of -”
“It's trash.” Dabi said as he continued to poke at his food
“Well, they also delivered one more thing.” You said “I got a college acceptance letter.”
“You what?” Dabi said 
“I know i am just as surprised as you, i didn't even apply for any-” “So what your parents applied you to a bunch of shitty ass collages behind your back?”
“I think it's there way of trying to make amends-”
“Bullshit, they are just trying to put you back into the system that tormented you for so long, I mean think about your classmates in highschool, do you think any of them would change?”
“Dabi, think about it, if I go to college I could learn more and maybe get a novel published.”
“Since when have you ever wanted to publish a novel?"
“It's…been my dream for a while.” you said, how did Dabi not know that?
“You don't need college to write a novel.” Dabi said “Just stay here and work on it, I can get you a new laptop if you want.”
“Dabi…i want to go to college.” you said and he tossed his fork in his plate of food, you felt like sinking into a hole “It could be-”
“Shut up i'm thinking.” he snapped, you flinched “you know what get out.”
“What?” you said “dabi what are you saying?”
“I said get the fuck out of my apartment, after everything ive fucking done for you.’ He said as he tossed your shoes at you “Get the fuck out!”
“Dabi hey…come on Toya.’
“Don't you dare call me that name.” He barked
“Dabi come on if i go i can make some more money and-”
“I have money, why would you need to make your own, what you want more, oh i see i haven't been giving you enough.”
“Dabi that's not what i'm saying at all, i mean you do pay for everything, so maybe i can help out after-”
“After, after what, I don't care, GET OUT!” he yelled, he grabbed your arm and yanked you up
“Ow dabi you are hurting me.” you yelped out
“Don't care.” He said and tossed you out “we are fucking done, get the hell out of my face you traitor.”
“Dabi wait!” you yelled as he slammed the door in you face, you banged on the door
“Dabi please let me in, come on!” you bawled“Please let me in…dabi please!”
“Dabi please it's late and the trains aret running, i don't have money where am i supposed to go!”
You waited outside the door for about an hour, your phone was dead just to add the cherry on top, you  decided to go to the only palace you could think of.
“This show isn't any good, completely unrealistic.” Your mom said
“I don't know, it seems pretty real to me.” your dad replied, as there was a knock on the door “Who could that be?”
He got up and went to the door and saw you standing there, ready to hear “I told you so”. But instead he pulled you in for a hug
“Dad?” you said “i messed up…”
“Who was it- (Name)?” your mom said walking over and putting a hand on your cheek “Oh it really is you, why are you soaked?
“I had to walk here..i…i messed up real bad didn't I?” you sniffled into your dads shoulder
“Hey hey, it's okay you are home now.” He said
“Look I'll run you a nice bath and then we can talk, come on honey let's go.” She said as your dad took your bag, you entered the family wash room and sunk into the hot tub, it felt good to warm up.
“How stupid can i be?” you thought as you mom set a pair of your old pjs on the other side, the familiar pinkish white fabric was welcoming, you went to the dining room where both your parents sat at the table, your mom pushed a bowl of miso soup towards you,you took a sip.
“So….sweetie, what happened?”
“I told dabi I got accepted to college and wanted to go.” you started your hand shaking “He got really mad and kicked me out, then said we were over…”
“You still want to go to college?” Your mom asked, and you nodded your head
“I do.” you sniffled “Still how exactly did an idiot like me get accepted, you were right dad, this all blew up in my face.”
“It's not your fault, we are just both glad you are home.” He said “and I'm glad you came back to your senses.”
You let out a small snort of a laugh, same old blunt humor from him, you went back to your room, it still looked the same way it did when you left. You plugged your dead phone in and waited for it charge, no new messages.
You went to your instagram account and pressed delete account, then you went to your contacts and pressed delete all messages, blocked and deleted Dabis number. You went into your notes app, something you haven't done for a while
“I messed up.”
Was all you could write down and pulled yourself into a coconut of blankets, the familiar smell of the clothing detergent lulled you into sleep.
Dabi woke up the next morning and went to his phone, he wondered how many texts and calls you have sent him.
“What the fuck?” he mummbled and called you
“Sorry the number you re trying to reach is either o longer in service or has been-”
Dabi went to instagram and saw your account was gone, his eyes widened, no you wouldn't have blocked him, you loved him, you said you loved him, you said you would do anything for him, you are the one who broke your promise not him.
He threw his phone at the wall and got out of bed and went to get dressed, he headed to his usual spot and saw kenny passed out in one of the booths
“Hey, wake up!” Dabi said
“Hngh..what i don't have any money man…” kent mumble and Dabi smacked him
“Ack, dude what the hell?” Kent said as he jolted up
“Where is (name)s address?” dabi asked
“Uhhh…yours?’ Kent said
“No her old house you idiot!” Dabi said
“Uhh…i don't remember i mean it was like…four-ish months ago.” Kent said, Dabis’ eye twitched
“You're as useless as always.’
“Hey man, that's mean.” Kent said “Why do you even need to know?”
“Because I tossed her out last night.” Dabi said
“...you did what?’ Kent asked “Why…why would you do that?” “She was acting crazy.” Dabi explained
“Got it, (name) was acting crazy.” Kent said nodding his head
“You're mocking me?’ Dabi asked and grabbed his shirt collar
“What no of course not, i mean i'm sure she will call you, it was just a tiny fight right.”
“I told her it was over.” Dabi said
“Okay now I am really confused.” Kent said as Dabi released him
“You wouldn't get it, since you know you have never been in a relationship.” Dabi said as he took out a cigarette
“That was a low blow.” Kent said
“I think she blocked me so you call her for me.” dabi said as he took one long inhaul of his cigarette.
“Alright what is it?” Kent said as he took his phone out.”
You woke up to your phone ringing, you groaned and looked at the unknown number, and saw that dabi tried to call you earlier, you rolled your puffy eyes and pressed block number.
“Well she didn't pick up.” Kent said
“Try again.’ Dabi said, kent shrugged and tried calling yet again
“Sorry the number you're trying to reach has either been-”
“I think she knows it's you trying to contact her…” kent exasperated 
“FUCK!” Dabi yelled out and put his cigarette out on the ashtray
'Well what college did she say she wanted to go to?’ Kent asked
“I don't know!” Dabi yelled “would you just shut up.”
“Okay okay…” Kent said 'Look I'm sure something about her will pop up soon, I'll keep my eyes out okay.’
“You better.” Dabi said as Kent gulped at his threat “what good are your eyes if you can't use them.”
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gabessquishytum · 2 years
Yellow everyone ~ This is gonna be one of the more relatively tame asks to start us off for the New Year, relatively tame XD
I think Hob would want to take things slowly sometimes you know, real slow. He regrets telling Dream this. Cause now he's on his front or on fours (but I think he'd collapse anyway XD) his eyes are rolling, tongue is hanging out and drooling, his cute cock locked inside a cock cage getting absolutely no relief, all the while a real cock grinds deep inside him so very slowly. Now I think it'd be extra fun if Dream did a little something something and Hob's cute hole is practically virgin again. So he really feels the stretch and his sensitivity seems to have been enhanced, huh weird.
All Hob has to do for him to cum is say one complete sentence starting from when Dream has completely bottomed out inside him. Names don't count, and single words don't count, it has to be an actual sentence begging Dream to do anything. The problem is, Dream knows every single one of his weaknesses and is absolutely shameless in exploiting them. When Hob tried to say something the first few times, Dream would give a sharp thrust or grind directly into his sweet spot, and/or his mean jerk of a boyfriend would pinch and play with his nipple piercings and he couldn't help but cut himself off with small gasps and moans. But now Dream's upped the ante, and he's fucking Hob so hard and rough that each and every one of Hob's words get broken up by each thrust and grind.
"Please-! Too mu-!"
"Ah! Dre-am! Noo~"
"Please! Hnng not ther- Ah!"
"Stop~ I can't-!"
"Slow ahn!!"
"My apologies dear heart, but I just can't understand what you're saying. Why don't," thrust "you" thrust "try" thrust "again."
Happy New Year~
-Yan Anon <3
Sjsjsndbdbdbd the DIALOGUE you have put into this ask,,, I'm dead, I am Deceased, I am speaking to you from beyond the grave. I'm obsessed with Dream being a confident mean bastard and this encapsulates it SO well,,,
I also love the idea of Hob sealing his own fate when he tells Dream that he'd like a nice, slow session of lovemaking. Hob was imagining soft, drawn out sex in the lazy afternoon sunshine but Dream, as always, has other ideas. Dream enjoys playing this little games with Hob, making little wagers to spice things up... because Hob just can't resist a bet, can he? You'd think he'd have learned better by now...
But of course Hob is enjoying every moment of the torture Dream is putting him through. It feels decadent to be fucked so slowly and with such intent, and he feels the pleasure in his entire body. And the thing is, he ought to be able to speak! Hob is nothing if not a talker, particularly in bed, and even when Dream has him dancing on the edge of an orgasm he can usually squeeze out a sentence to beg for relief. But Dream, devious fucker that he is, HAS made Hob more sensitive. And he knows exactly where to touch or bite just at the correct moment to make Hob moan or almost bite off his own tongue.
And god, he almost regrets those piercings now, because when Dream tugs gently against the metal he thinks his brain might actually melt out through his ears. He's not even saying single words anymore, just making broken little noises and whining like the good little slut he is. If his cock was free, he would have cum at least three times already, but as it is... he'll just have to keep trying. Dream has a lot of patience, and he thinks maybe Hob was right. Going slow is a lot of fun.
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tapedsleeves · 2 years
2nd intermission interview, preseason game 3, September 29, 2022, VGK vs Avs (home)
Zach Whitecloud wears the A, gets four assists.
[video description: a view of the Vegas strip as Ashali Vice says “.. the Fortress, as the Golden Knights have a six nothing lead after 40 minutes as we welcome you back inside T-Mobile Arena. (the camera angel changes to a shot of Ashali Vice (AV) and Darren Eliot (DE)) Darren, you got to be happy about six goals, but more than that six different goal scorers.
Darren: Fun for the team, fun here at the Fortress for the fans. The puck going into the back of the net, but again. From an evaluation standpoint, you’re seeing a lot of good habits.
AV: Yeah, fun for Zach Whitecloud as well. He’s got assists on 3 of the 6 goals and he’s downstairs with Darren Millard.
The camera changes to an interview with Zach Whitecloud (ZW) by Darren Millard (DM).
DE: I know it’s only the preseasons, but it’s nice to see a few fall?
ZW: Yeah. I think uh, I think for everyone, and more importantly our home crowd. They come out and support us every night. And obviously we like to put on a show for them, so. Getting lots of chances,. Doing good things with pucks. Applying lots of pressure.  Good forecheck on our forwards’ part. And as D-men, we just gotta get into the spots where our forwards can get us some pucks and get ‘em to the net and our fowards are doing a good job of getting there so.
DM: Are you feeling it a little bit tonight? Three helpers and a post?
ZW: This is my first game back in the Fortress, Darren. (smiles) Hey?
DM: So yeah you are feeling it?
ZW: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I think every one of us is feeling it. I think, you know, some guys played in the last game here at home, and I was asking a few different guys, y’know what the atmosphere was like. And you know, you start to get jitters throughout the day here, sitting at home. I had a tough day to get a nap in ‘cause, you know, I got to play in front of all these fans again. And uh, play in this atmosphere, this arena. (It’s) Something special. So, uh every night we come in here and try to put on a show, and  try to do everything I can to you know, create some offense and keep pucks out of my net.
DM: Appreciate you spending some time with me.
ZW: Thanks Darren. Looking good too! (Zach leaves the shot)
DM: Thank you! (addressing the camera) He likes the suit! Up to Ashali, to where Zach Whitecloud by the way, coming off a career high goals, numbering 8 last year. He is looking like he might challenge that this year.
(Shot switches back to Ashali Vice and Darren Eliot)
AV: He is looking like it, Darren (Millard)!  And D (to Darren Eliot), you said it, it’s that Fortress energy!
DE: He said it right there! He wanted to play in front of the home crowd, and put on a show!
The video ends with a graphic showing Zach Whitecloud’s name and number. / end video description]
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witchyy-kittyy · 1 month
Yapping about my OC’s Relic and Kinu and their lore :D
Tw// the holocaust, nazis, abuse, hanging/execution, war, this entire thing is about the afterlife
Also I almost definitely fucked up Christianity and like the stories and stuff and I’m sorry about that ):
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Kinu (left), Relic (right)
So the story begins in World War 2. Because I said so. Relic is collecting souls of the dammed, mainly Nazi officers, to take them to a very special spot in hell. Now this one guy died, his name is Jacob, he was a Nazi, and Relic was like ‘time to take your soul my guy’. However Kinu comes in and is like ‘sorry haha can’t let you do that I claimed this guy (((: so ((((: you’re out of luck ((((:’
Then Relic is like ‘this guy is a Nazi’
And Kinu is like ‘I mean yea but he’s been sabotaging these bitches and helping the British so like he’s coming with me, peace out!’, grabs Jacob’s soul, and scurries off to Heaven
So then Relic is like ‘Nuh uh not gonna happen’ and goes to the equivalent of a lawyer’s office and is like ‘This bitch took a soul I was collecting’ and showed Kinu’s photo
Then the secretary is like ‘oh yea he does that lmao we can’t do anything about it sorry’
So Relic is like ‘fine I’ll do it myself’ and sneaks into Heaven to get to Kinu and yell at him. Kinda gay if you ask me but yea.
So Relic finds Kinu, and Kinu is like fucking chugging a bottle of vodka, so Relic is like ‘uhhhh don’t Angels like not drink or sum’ and Kinu is like ‘technically yes :3’
So Relic is now utterly confused and Kinu is like ‘sorry my guy I don’t wanna fuck you’ and shuts the door in Relic’s face
Now Relic is like WTF is going on, but he just goes back to his job of collecting bad souls. One day he’s like filling out paperwork n stuff cause that exists in Hell, because it’s Hell, and Kinu drops by
Kinu’s like ‘hey so you’re like a super scary demon right’ and Relic is like ‘yea i guess’ and Kinu then says ‘aight I need your help this like superrrr religious dude is beating his wife and I’ve already tried putting him on a better path and pretending to be God but he won’t listen to me so like can you go in your demon thing and tell him he’s going to Hell if he doesn’t stop beating his wife’
Relic’s then like ‘y’know he’ll go to Hell anyway right’ and Kinu’s like ‘yea so are you gonna help or not’
So then Relic is like ‘that’s a lot of paperwork’ and Kinu’s like ‘that wasn’t a no!’ and grabs his hand and teleports them to Earth
Relic’s like ‘dude no’ and Kinu is like ‘uh huh sure that’s the guy’
So Relic reluctantly deals with the guy and Kinu’s like ‘hey it worked!’
Relic’s is still upset about the paperwork though
Relic: do you have any sense of professionalism
Kinu: I didn’t know that was a word
So Kinu and Relic head back to their respective places but Kinu broke the law going to see Relic without permission
Then Relic is like ‘oh fuck am I gay’ while Kinu is literally getting his ass kicked
Then Relic hears that Kinu is getting ✨executed✨ and is like ‘wait no that’s the guy I wanna date’ so he goes to try and save Kinu
But Relic forgot that demons in heaven is a no no and he got caught ))):
Then they’re both about to be executed and Relic looks over at Kinu
Relic: I think I like you
Kinu: Dude I’m so drunk right now
So they are hanged but nothing happens because this was the first hanging they had ever done for rules being broken and they forgot Demons and Angels had wings
So Kinu and Relic are like ‘really my guys’ and escape cause wings and super smart things
Then Kinu goes up to Jesus and is like ‘bro talk to your dad’ and explained the situation and Relic is standing there like ‘dude that’s Jesus wtf’
So Jesus is not having the bullshit and goes and yells at his dad (God), and Mary forces God to change the rules because mother power and shit or something I don’t know the Bible
So the law is changed Kinu and Relic are happy and all is well
But the demons don’t like the law so they go and start a war on angels
Or something
So people are dying because you can die in Heaven and Hell you just go into the void and Kinu’s fighting and Relic’s like ‘gotta keep my bitch ass boyfriend who’s not my boyfriend from dying’ and goes to protect Kinu
Then he dies protecting Kinu from a spear even though Kinu was literally wearing essentially a stab proof vest cause he’s smart
And Kinu is like ‘wait no I liked him’ and uses up his Angel powers to heal Relic and bring him back to life
Then he dies cause he overused his power and Relic is crying cause his boyfriend who’s not his boyfriend just died
Then Relic gets stabbed again
So they both die
For anyone wondering how the war ended, it’s still going and that’s why there’s so much bad cause the angel’s can’t step away and be like ‘that’s a bad ide
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harborpointeblvd · 4 months
I Watched Every GMMTV BL Series part 3/?
2016/2017 2018
2019 feels like a turning point. Like, this was the year they decided to try making good series. I know I didn't have great things to say about the older series, but I generally go into a series wanting to like it and I tend to be pretty forgiving.
FYI, I know some of these names have multiple spellings. I'm just using whatever spelling was used in the subtitles on YouTube.
He’s Coming to Me - 2019
After dying on his twenty-second birthday, Med (Singto Prachaya) remains as a ghost in the cemetery. He relives his death every night in his dreams, but can’t recall any of his life. After many years with no human visitors, Med is visited by a boy named Thun who can seemingly see and hear him. Years later, Thun returns as a university student (Ohm Pawat), and proposes that Med live with him so they can solve the mystery of Med’s untimely death.
This drama was so close to being perfect. Ohm gave a great performance. Singto was so much better in this than in SOTUS. It had a healthy balance of drama and comedy, without the drama ever feeling forced. I just felt a little let down by the ending. Spoilers ahead.
So, I was fully prepared for a sad ending. And as much as I love a happy ending, this was a rare case where I felt like a sad ending would have been better. Giving this impossible romance a miracle happy ending felt like a copout. It felt like fanservice. Like they set out to tell a new and interesting story, but didn’t have the guts to disappoint anyone with a sad ending. And then I'm the one left to grapple with the logistics of dating a ghost. But my biggest problem with the ending was that they fucking solved the mystery behind Med’s death and then just forgave his murderer who has been living free of consequences for twenty years and absolutely no one has a problem with it.
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Not even trying not to look like a lunatic.
Theory of Love - 2019
Third (Gun Atthaphan) and Khai (Off Jumpol) are third year film majors in university and best friends. Third has harbored secret feelings for Khai for three years, but Khai is a serial dater and (supposedly) straight. Khai constantly takes advantage of Third’s loyalty, unaware of his true feelings. After repeatedly having his feelings hurt by Khai, Third decides to get over him once and for all. But when Third tries to take a step back, suddenly Khai is ready to take a step forward.
I think…I liked this series? I mean, like, I was ready to throw hands every 40 seconds, but that means I was invested, right? I liked Third, but he’s such a pushover I wanted to strangle him. Gun is an excellent actor, but just because he can cry on command doesn’t mean I want to see him do it for twelve episodes straight. Khai is an asshole, not just as a love interest, but as a friend. I don’t think I’ve ever actively rooted against a male lead so hard. The side pairings are kind of forgettable.
Anyways, Third mentions the movie Flipped several times, and despite having seen the movie and loving the book as a kid, it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that this series is just doing Flipped. I have to say, I’m a sucker for the unrequited love switcheroo premise. Which is probably why I like Theory of Love maybe more than it deserves. But I'm not as bad as Third, whose favorite movie is Flipped.
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Me trying to get through all these shows.
Dark Blue Kiss - 2019
A sequel to Kiss Me Again (2018), following Pete (Tay Tawan) and Kao (New Thitipoom). After three years together, their relationship is still a secret from almost everyone, including Kao’s mother. This causes insecurity in Pete, especially after Kao starts to tutor his mom’s boss’s son, Non (AJ Chayapol). Torn between helping his mom and placating his boyfriend, Kao decides to continue tutoring Non in secret.
It’s hard to explain, but the way this drama tiptoed over that line into overdramatic hit an angsty sweet-spot for me in a way these dramas rarely do. I’m gonna mark this one down as a guilty pleasure, because despite Pete being an absolute red flag, I loved this series. It was hard to watch Kao dig himself into a hole, but it’s easy to see why he did, because Pete is completely unreasonable from the start. And why, because he felt threatened by some baby-faced high school kid? AJ looks like a toddler in this series. A seven foot toddler who I want to punch in the mouth, but a toddler nonetheless.
Minor spoiler here, Non’s ending felt unresolved. As much as I hated that little punk, seeing him being dragged off by his abusive, homophobic dad was not in any way satisfying.
I am happy to report that you do not need to watch Kiss Me Again to follow this series. It was good to see the whole group of college friends return, since they were one of the few parts of that series I enjoyed. The side pair is also two returning characters from Kiss Me Again. If you tend to like side pairs, you’ll probably like them, but I’m generally indifferent to side pairs, so they were fine.
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*dramatic violin*
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Soulmate - The One. Like he was created for me, specifically. Sugar Daddy - He may not have it all, but he knows how to spoil me. Friend With Benefits - Despite my better judgment, I went and caught feelings. Second Lead - All my friends love him, but I don’t feel the spark. Overeager Pursuer - Tries to be cute but just gets on my nerves. Vindictive Ex - It’s like he’s punishing me for knowing I could do better. Love Rival - Literally what did I do to deserve this? -
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Love the request. Your writing is really good! I wonder what a Warden!Yuji is like in the Breakout verison or man..maybe Warden!Megumi for Kisho?
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((Hello again and you are welcome dear anon. I'm glad to hear you liked it. Also thank you! <3 I just write for fun but it makes me happy hearing you like them. :3 As to the question, Warden!Yuji is a bit different. He's a bit more rougher as a warden knowing he would have punished Jinx to the point that she would be breaking over and over. Even if he means to show discipline over his captive prisoner or her fighting for dominance. lol))
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((But if you wanna a short version of that, I can write something of a example with Megumi and Kisho. Just a moment. But to make things clear Kisho belongs to @chunibyo-x-sorcerer that's a side blog run by @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
A weak shudder was heard in a special room in the prison that only Warden Megumi knew of. He did have the keys to it but it was a special room for one prisoner that seems to always misbehave. Right now, he was in this room but looking quiet as his prisoner.
"Tch...again you seem to never learn do you haaaa Hashimoto? How many times do I have to do this so you would behave??" he said while giving another smack to someone's rear seeing them shaking while being tied up on the bed.
The prisoner in question was 42A or a.k.a Daichi Pheon-X or his other name being Kisho Hashimoto. The known criminal that uses his cursed techniques for his own gain. However, he got caught by Warden Megumi after his last attempt of a break in. He's had him in his prison for a while now but even from the start he has caused trouble for many inmates. Even the other officers.
When he even attacked Megumi trying to get out, that was a mistake. So he takes it upon himself to punish him whenever he acts out of line. Resulting to now.
Kisho was shaking on his knees being spanked by him using his hand seeing the red handprints. He even had something in him that was teasing his own spots. A collar was seen on his neck that Megumi was holding Kisho's head down as he was pleasuring him.
He was moving his head slowly up and down, sucking him off using his handcuffed wrists to stroke while moving his head. His eyes were closed as he did only to yelp from another smack to his rear. He quickens his hand and head, hearing Megumi groan.
"Come on, good little phoenix......though it's shocking your taking a liking to these punishments. What a naughty bird you are." he growls only to feel Kisho pull his head up, panting loudly as he was moaning out in the room.
"Ahhhhh n..not m..mmmmmmm...my fault warden Fushiguro mmmm I..I can't help it w..when you punish m..me l...like this. But it's too g..good not to be naughty once in a w..w...while. You seem to not m..mind it d..do you?" he chuckled to look up at him but Megumi glares pulling at the collar hearing him shudder.
"Don't get smart with me Kisho...you know better.." he warns and yet a dark chuckle slips from the phoenix that he looks up with his eyes covered by his dark wild brown hair with one red streak covering those seductive eyes of his. He seen those eyes glow a pinkish hue when he's aroused and horny but this only made him sit up to lean against him.
"What are y-" right away, Kisho kisses Megumi deeply.
"Mmmmmm~" His kiss was hot just like the flames of the phoenix but it was intoxicating that he wanted more of it. Megumi was about to hear Kisho's moans in the kiss before breaking it.
"D..damn it Kisho b..behave yourself.." He groans but Kisho panted too lost to.
"B..but I can't h..help it...being naughty is fun. That means we can play more and more the worse I get. Besides, you love punishing me..I can tell. And you know it. Don't you remember the nights you fucked me all night and away from those other prisoners?"
"......" Megumi knew and he remembers. When they did it the first time. It was in the heat of the moment. But ever since, they done it in his office, his cell, in hidden rooms, even in this private room. As Megumi thinks Kisho smiled to lick his neck.
"You remember don't you? All those heated nights..the pleasure we got drunk on...it was good right?"
"Mmmmm....besides, your already so hard down here...right?" He whispered against his lips but his eyes were hidden still. His handcuffed hands lower down now stroking him that he hisses and growls as Kisho leans up kissing his neck slowly.
"Even now..your so aroused.....your hard and wanting to punish me....right Fushiguro-sama?" he panted already wanting it so badly. He felt empty without the warden being inside and yet Megumi was panting feeling his hips bucking into his hands. Damn this bird! But..hearing and seeing him doing this was too arousing to ignore.
"St...stop stroking....." He panted heavily feeling the kisses become bites that he feels Kisho grinding against him slowly, moaning softly into his ear.
"Haaaaa...hhhaaaaaa..w..won't you punish m..me, Fushiguro-sama?..Please..I want you to fuck me again. I want you to take me again and again and again..till I'm full of your cum....." he begs that Megumi grips the sheets wanting to but he sees Kisho only lean back to look up at him.
"F..Fushiguro-sama...Fushiguro-s..sama...Fushiguro-sama..." he begs still stroking him more and more that he was in between his legs wanting more of him. Wanting him to play with him again. "You can d..do what you like..you can punish me however you want..j..just please...please let me have it.." He leans in about to kiss his lips again.
Already annoyed, he growls only to have his shadows tie Kisho up and have him land on the bed. He gasped from that only to lay on his front. He shook knowing he might have pushed it and yet, he was feeling his hands touching his back moving down.
"F...fushiguro-Nugghha!!" suddenly he feels something push into him but was thrusting into him. It wasn't Megumi but he was panting already wanting to but he had to punish Kisho first.
"Ahhhhhhh..ahhhhhhh!!! F..fuck! S..something i..is.......mmmmmm!!" He grinds his hips already drooling from the pleasure but he felt some shifting to feeling his chin held and lifted up. He felt the bangs moved showing his lust filled glowing eyes.
His kissable lips were parted while moaning seeing Megumi looking at him with hunger in his eyes. It made him shake on the bed but he couldn't stop moaning being tied up and teased like this.
"...You want me to punish you...then fine...I'll let you be punished before you get this.." he said stroking himself that Kisho slowly reaches wanting it.
Before his fingers brush against it, he sees Megumi increase the vibrations as he screams out gripping the sheets.
"Ohhh f...fuckkkkkk!! Oh...f...mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!" He bit into the sheets but Megumi was enjoying the view seeing him even grinding into the bed wanting relief. It was like he was in heat begging for the shadow warden to claim him.
"Ahhhh p..please..please please please I..."
"Not yet...your still being punished...if your good then I'll give you want you want...." he said looking at him. "And when I do..you'll be screaming my name all night till you know who you belong to.." he whispered as he keeps watching him during his punishment.
Kisho only moans but he looks up at him being seductive again to whimper again.
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wolint · 1 year
Hebrews 12:5-10
Discipline means chastising, reproving, correcting, rebuking, and punishing a person for their wrongdoings and disobedience. Discipline is also the training of the mind, body and person to instil a measure of consistency in character and attitude.
Discipline is mandatory in every sphere of life to alleviate chaos and depravity. It’s even more mandatory in spiritual matters as every believer needs to grow and be established in the Lord.
Like every responsible parent, God the Father disciplines His children to spare them from the eventual pain that comes from consistent and persistent disobedience and wrongdoing.
Proverbs 3:12 tells us a father is meant to discipline his son because he loves him, telling us that parents are supposed to discipline their children according to the pattern modelled by the Lord. A parent, seeing their child constantly do the wrong things, must for the love of that child discipline them to correct the habit, redirect the character, remodel the mindset and re-establish godly patterns, if left unchecked may spiral into fatality.
Sadly, so many equate discipline with punishment but that’s not what the bible’s concept of spiritual discipline means. Spiritual discipline is godly and goal-oriented, a means of developing a person to walk in godliness and righteousness, it is being kept in line and aligned to help one become a genuine believer.
Punishment is what Ephesians 6:4 say a parent must not do, the only negative command in this portion, telling parents to not break their children's spirit with unreasonable expectations and harsh discipline.
When we go off the rail, spiritual discipline guides us back on track, it’s meant to help us refocus on the Lord.
God’s discipline is an act of love to help those He loves to remain true to their calling. If God doesn’t discipline us due to some misguided notion that He will appear wicked and harsh, then Proverbs 19:18 will be out of place in the bible- “spare the rod and spoil the child”, furthermore, discipline stops the wrong character from becoming spiritual strongholds.
Psalm 94:12 says happy are those whom the Lord disciplines; “happy”, and “discipline” are not two words you’ll put together. Only with God does effective discipline bring about happiness because it sets the wanderer on the right path.
We can sometimes be like Jerusalem in Zephaniah 3:2, who refused to receive instructions and corrections from even the Lord. We stubbornly refuse the correction that will help us do better, trusting ourselves to do what we think is right.
Even the church should have a system in place like the circular world for discipline. When things are not done properly, anything and everything goes.
Titus 3:10 says we should have nothing to do with people who persistently sin and refuse correction and discipline, who cause division and disunity, we should expel such from the fold until they repent. This again is to set the person on the right track and stop them from negatively influencing others in following their pattern.
If a parent needs to discipline their child for good measure, why can’t God, the one who knows the best, discipline us?
Discipline according to Proverbs 12:1 is an opportunity for character growth and development. We all have blind spots when it comes to our characters, only spiritual discipline can reveal and change negativity into positivity.
PRAYER: Lord, I surrender to you discipline me when necessary and help me to accept and acknowledge corrections in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Women of light international prayer ministries
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jesterjamz · 3 years
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my leadership teacher always leaves us these little video lessons & this is the start of the one for today
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espeon-fireheart · 3 years
~Bruno Madrigal x Reader Domestic Headcanons~
(Why? Cause I said so. I'm feeling a little down and need the comfort! Also, these are romantic headcanons, just a heads up My lovelies! <3)
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(I love him Your Honour!)
I like to think that Bruno is a little spoon because it makes him feel safe. Specifically when he is close and facing towards you. He will wrap his arms around you and squeeze you when and if he has a nightmare. (I can imagine he likes the 'Honeymoon Hug' the best)
On the topic of nightmares, considering his gift and his fear of upsetting people, I can imagine this sweetheart would have trouble sleeping and suffer from nightmares very often. So when he wakes up at night from said nightmares, you would have to hold him and reassure him that he isn't a bad person and that you really do love him.
He likes being praise and encouraged for the littlest things, like say if he gives you a gift, and you respond with a 'Thank you Bruno', it would give him happy butterflies and make him happy.
So imagine what 'I love you' does to him. He smiles like a goofball and gets all bashful about it, responding with an 'I love you too'
Bruno likes having his hair played with, as I stated in one of my previous posts, it puts him to sleep. You just need to find that right spot and he will just melt and drift off. It also comes in handy when he's upset or can't sleep.
He finds it endearing when you just talk to the rats. Like say if you are just going about your day and have one on your shoulder, taking to it while you do your work, it would just be so cute to him.
On the topic of cute, he has a sweet tooth. He has had one since he was a kid so he enjoys special occasions when the treats come out.
Reading isn't exactly his favourite things to do on his own, he enjoys reading with you. He enjoys sitting or cuddling with you and reading his favourite stories as a form of bonding.
He holds your hand a lot, whenever he can, he will hold your hand. And I mean it. Whether it be sitting down at the dinner table, walking through town, sleeping....yeah.
Bruno still has self-esteem issues, he still has his moments where he doubts himself. It happens from time to time, he will sit on the bed of your shared room and stare off silently.
When you find him like this, you have to sit by him and hold one of his hands, give him time to snap out of it. Just talk to him gently and comfort him.
He will be very goofy and dorky, it's a part of him that you adore. How naturally sweet and funny his personality is. It makes him more lovable
When you guys are sharing some quality time, he brings out his goofy side more.
And I will never be convinced otherwise that he likes to use a special pet name. I’m serious. Call him something endearing and he will answer to it.
He’s not the best dancer, but he has the heart and we love that. He will happily dance with you if you want to.
Your typically the one who cooks, not because he doesn’t want to, he just doesn’t know how and poor baby would probably start a fire. So it’s best that you cook, or at least help cook with Julieta and Pepa.
Bruno loves you with all of his heart, though sometimes he has trouble showing it. If you’re patient though, you’ll see it come through.
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whoreforrafecameron · 3 years
Warnings: Smut, Swearing
“Convince Me.” - Rafe Cameron
“Baby, I want to leave.” You whispered, tugging on Rafe’s shirt. He was downing shots with Topper and you didn’t feel like having to take care of a black out drunk Rafe. “Baby!”
“What?” He turned to you, sliding a hand up your thigh and continued drinking. You sighed in annoyance and pulled on his hair, causing him to choke on his drink. He scoffed, “Let me finish here, okay? Give me a few minutes.”
“It’s fine, Rafe. I’m sure JJ would be willing to give me a ride home.” You got up from your seat next to him, hearing Topper laugh. Fear was coursing through your veins, but you were done with Rafe’s crap.
Midsummers was supposed to be fun, and Rafe had promised you he wouldn’t drink. You had wanted to come to Midsummers and dance, whether it was with Rafe or not. JJ was holding a drink tray and trying to slide past security when you spotted him, “JJ!”
JJ looked over in confusion, before realizing who called his name. “Hey, gorgeous!” He looked you up and down, grabbing your hand and spinning you around, “You get all dressed up for me, princess?”
“You wish.” You teased, before taking the tray from his hand and setting it down. “I did, however, save a dance for you. I was planning on dancing with Rafe, but as you can see he’s busy right now.”
JJ smiled, “His loss. I mean, come on, who here wouldn’t want to dance with you? The man has the prettiest girl in OuterBanks and he’s spending Midsummers with Topper?”
He pulled you out to the center of the floor, maneuvering around the many people. “I’ll tell you one thing,” He whispered, laying his head on your shoulder while sliding his hands around your waist, “If I had you to myself, we wouldn’t be dancing either, but I’m sure you get what I mean.”
He winked, which made you laugh and wrap your arms on his shoulders. The lights were reflecting off of the glass floor, giving off a heavenly glow throughout the room. The music was barely heard, with all the people chattering and dancing.
You heard the song begin to end, and you’re surprised that Rafe hasn’t noticed you and JJ yet. You were a bit disappointed, but happy that JJ wouldn’t be hurt by him. JJ gave you a kiss on the cheek and bowed, “Thank you, madam, for this lovely dance.”
“Anything for you, kind sir.” You curtsied and watched him go. Before you could turn around, you felt a hand around the back of your neck, a cold ring digging into your skin.
“Did you have fun, darling?” His voice was dark and taunting, which sent a shiver down your spine. “I sure hope it was worth it.”
“Rafe..” You tried to speak, but he just added pressure to your throat. He spun you around, so you were facing him, and ran his fingers through your hair, sighing.
Rafe grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him, “Say another fucking word and I’ll bend you over this table and do with you as I please.” You nodded, and stayed quiet. “I’ll make you a deal, baby. I can either beat the shit out of JJ, or I will fuck the shit out of you.”
You felt your panties get soaked by his words, and you whispered, “Fuck me, then.” He smirked at your words and pulled you off the dance floor, waving to Topper and Kelce.
The drive home was silent, other than the occasional heavy breathing to be heard from Rafe. He looked over at you, anger radiating from his body. “What was the point of that? Dancing with JJ?”
“I told you I wanted to go, Rafe. You ignored me.” You said, not removing your eyes from the window.
“I said I needed a few fucking minutes.” His voice was raised and he slammed his free hand against the dashboard.
“Fuck you.” You replied, crossing your arms. He let out a chuckle and slowed the car down, pulling over to the side of the road. You tried to hide how your breathing picked up, but you could tell he noticed.
He slid into the backseat and patted his lap, “Come here, pretty girl.” You felt your arousal throbbing from what he called you, and you climbed back into his lap, not wanting to infuriate him even more. “I think somebody needs to teach that mouth of yours to stay quiet, yeah?”
“You know what, Rafe? I think someone needs to teach- ” He put his hand over your mouth, his other hand making it’s way up your thigh. You felt a moan rising up your throat, but you forced it down.
“Tsk, tsk. Did you not hear what I just fucking said?” Rafe said, gently, but with an edge to it. His hand went underneath your dress and moved your panties to the side. He ran his finger over your folds, “Be a good girl for me and try to make up for the shit you pulled during the dance.”
“I hate you..” You whispered, and he plunged a finger inside you, emitting a moan from you. He moved it in and out, curling his fingers to hit the spot. “R- Rafe.”
“For someone who claims to hate me, you sure are wet, huh?” He pulled out suddenly and began unbuckling his pants, “I really hope you didn’t think I was going to punish you by fingering you, darling. I plan on hurting you a lot more.”
He pulled out his cock, which was stiff and outlined with veins. “Spit.” He ordered, and you obliged, watching him pump it onto it. “Good girl. If only you could’ve been this good at the party, hm, baby?”
He looked up to you for consent, because even though he was pissed, he wouldn’t do anything without permission. You nodded and lowered yourself onto his cock, whimpering at the penetration. He flipped his hat around to get a better look at your face, which was scrunched up in pure ecstasy.
“Let me ride you, Rafe. Let me make up to you.” You pleaded, putting your hands on his chest and rocking your hips against his. He grabbed your waist and held you still, shaking his head in disappointment.
“I don’t think you deserve to ride my dick, what do you think?” He groaned at your wiggling hips, but didn’t remove his hands. “I think I’ll have you sit there and keep me warm until you can come up with a reason why I should give you want you want.”
Your eyes were clouded with anticipation, and you couldn’t think straight. “Baby, I was- I was only trying to, uhm.” You let out a whimper and begged, “Rafe.”
He readjusted his hips and put his arms behind his head, letting out a sigh and watching you intently. “Convince me, pretty girl.”
ANYWAYS, let me know what you thought and yes, I will be taking requests <3 This is my first time writing smut so I’m sorry for how bad this is LMFAO (:
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