#i mean i tried to write the first scene a couple times and didn't like it so
knivestothroats · 4 months
hm i was able to write out a bullet list outline of an itws sequel but have no desire to write it. life is like that sometimes.
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fallingdownhell · 3 months
May I request Neuvillette, Diluc, Kaeya and Zhongli asking their s/o if they would choose them or the world and they (s/o) chose the world? At first they were upset until s/o hugs them and says they're their world.
THAT IS SO CUTE!!<3 Characters Included: Neuvillette; Kaeya; Diluc; Zhongli Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; just some good old fluff; a bit angsty on Diluc's part but nothing too bad; not proofread yet Word count: 1,9k words Had a very stressful week and didn't get to writing at all. But now that it's over, I can finally work on requests again! Yay! Enjoy<3
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Neuvillette, when in a relationship, would be head over heels for his partner
it may not show in his face, because the Iudex was never good at expressing his emotions, but his actions are loud and clear
he adores you in every way possible and tries to spend as much time as he can with you, without neglecting his duties as Chief Justice of Fontaine
enjoys taking you on a leisure stroll through the city or just lay on the bed with you, cuddling all day/night long. Around you, he fells safe to let go of the strong hold he has over his dragon side. So, when in the privacy of your or his home, you can expect his tail to curl around some part of your body as soon as he gets close to you, but most of the time, it's either around your leg or your waist
one evening, while you were cuddling together, there was a thought that entered Neuvillette's mind
on his way home today, he saw a couple and he didn't mean to eavesdrop on them, but he overheard one of them asking the other, if they would choose the world or their partner
he thought it to be stupid at the time and didn't think anything of it, but having you in his arms now, he couldn't help but think what your answer to this would be
"Darling", he'd ask cautiously as to not scare you from suddenly speaking up. You hummed, signaling that he had your attention
"This might sound stupid, but... If you had to choose, would you save the world, or me?"
You don't answer for a while and Neuvillette almost thinks that you might have fallen asleep. He was about to lean down and check when you stirred and turned yourself around in his arms to face him
"Hmm.. I think I'd save the world.", you answered and then pressed yourself against his chest again, content with your answer
meanwhile, Neuvillette felt a bit disappointed. He was sure that you'd adore him as much as he did you. Was he.. wrong about it?
His mood drastically dampened as he continued to hold you, but then you spoke up again
"Wanna know why?", you ask him, and unable to refuse you anything, he agrees to hearing your reasoning
you rise from his arms, pushing yourself up so you can look at him. You smile at him, warm and full of love, as you tell him: "Because, you are my world."
for a moment, he's too stunned to speak. Then, he closes his eyes and lets out a chuckle, relieved to hear that and overwhelmingly happy right now
He catches you in his arms again and kisses you, holding you as close to him as humanly possible, not wanting to ever let you go again..
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he's usually not one to fall for such tricks. No, rather, he's the one who gets people into doing them, watching the scenes unfold in the chaos afterwards
but for reasons, this one hits a bit too close to home for his taste
choosing between saving one or the other.. it's not a situation he'd want to wish upon anyone, knowing first hand just how bad it feels to be forced to decide eventually
he tries to forget about it, pushes it to the back of his mind, but it's like the heavens are mocking him, as he sees couple after couple who'd ask each other this damned question
and almost every time, he'd see them happily fall into each others arms when they get confirmation from their partner that they'd choose them
it filled the Cavalry Captain with some sort of longing... a feeling he couldn't quite describe, but he wanted this for himself, too
so, he decided, that on his next outing with you, he'd just go ahead and shoot his shot, asking you the same thing. What could possibly go wrong, right?
you'd invited Kaeya over tonight for dinner, to which he obviously enthausiastically agreed to
the two of you had some fun goofing around, playfully throwing things at each other before you actually did the cooking together
while the food was boiling on the stove and there was a quiet moment, Kaeya felt that now was the time to ask you
"Hey, (Name).. I got a question for you."
"Shoot.", you'd answer, still focused on cleaning up, but waiting for Kaeya to ask what he wanted to
"It's just.. If you'd had to choose.. would you choose me? Or the world?"
you scoff, a smile on your lips, and without hesitation you answer "Obviously, the world."
"Oh.", Kaeya answers, his mood sinking by the second. He can't really blame you for your answer, but he can't help but be a bit disappointed
however, the next second, he feels your arms snaking around him, pulling him into a hug. "Because you are my world, dummy."
Kaeya is stunned for a second, but he quickly feels that warm feeling rising in his chest again, that you always seem to trigger in him
he hugs you back, burrying his face into your hair as he holds you close to him, the food forgotten for this moment
"Thank you", he whispers, his arms ever so slightly tightening around you. He didn't realise how desperately he'd needed this confirmation from you until now...
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Diluc is a man who often thinks of himself as unworthy and undeserving of your love and affection
he's flawed, broken, a fragment of the person he once was. He can't find anything good within himself, so he can't fathom you seeing him in a different light entirely
you love him, regardless of his broken self. Even more so, you help him in trying to overcome this feeling. You heal his very soul, with you, he finally feels complete again
but despite that, he still has his moments of doubt, but you're always quick to shut such thoughts down again
Diluc truly adores you, with everything he has. No matter what you want or ask of him, he'll personally see to it that you get what you asked for
You want some new clothes? Already bought. You want to spend time with him? His schedule is cleared out minutes later. You want his love? You already have it
but the doubt still gnaws in his mind today, not letting him focus on the good aspects of your lives together
it was a quiet evening at Dawn Winery. The Staff had gone to bed already but you were sitting on a couch in front of a fireplace, the fire crackling peacefully, while you read a book
Diluc was walking down the stairs, looking for you when he spotted you there, looking as stunning as ever
His heart clenched in his chest when he saw you, and that irresistable desire to be close to you took ahold of him
he carefully approaches you and slowly snakes his arms around you from behind, hidding his face in the crock of your neck where he breathes in your scent, calming down his mind a bit, but the thoughts are still racing in him
you chuckle a bit and raise a hand to play with his hair, while you kept part of your attention on your book still
the both of you stayed like that for a few minutes, before you closed your book and adressed your lover
"Why don't you sit down with me? It must be uncomfortable like this."
but Diluc remains where he is, totally content right now. And yet, something still gnaws on his mind..
"Love.. if there were ever a situation in which you'd have to choose.. would you save the entire world? Or me?"
if he were to be asked the same question, his answer now would be different compared to if he would have been asked that before meeting you
before, he would not have hesitated and saved the world. Eradicating all evil to save everyone else sounded like the right thing to do.
but now? Diluc was certain that he could not live in a world without you in it. He'd sacrifice anything and everything for you, even the entire world
you chuckle lightly, still playing with his hair. "I'd choose the world. Without a second thought. Because you are my world. And I wouldn't want it to be any other way."
hearing you say that eased his mind, his hold around you growing stronger. It was a relief for him to hear you thinking about him the same way he does about you
with little to no effort, he picks you up from your spot on the couch and carries you all the way to the bedroom, where the two of you cuddle well into the night, unitl none of you can stay awake any longer. And even in your sleep, he holds you close, thinking that maybe, it's okay to love you, that you were meant to be together...
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even as a god who's lived for thousands of years, there seems to be new things to learn still, with every single passing day
and since you entered his life, the things he learns have become all the more interesting to him
every little detail about you has been committed to his memory, never to be forgotten again. Zhongli never would have thought he could harbor such intense feelings for another being, much less a human, but he was proven wrong
only through you does he really learn to appreciate things that come with being human. He begins to take pleasure in the small things in life, his focus shifting from the greater good, and instead setting his sight on you, always aiming to make you feel as happy and appreciated as possible
after a bit of time, where he got to know you and trust you, he would also reveal the truth about himself to you
the moment you accepted him still, despite his true self, was the happiest Zhongli has felt in a long time. Now, whenenver it was just the two of you in private, he can let go of himself and allows himself to show some of his more draconic features around you
on one such day, the two of you were cuddled up on the couch, Zhongli laying on top of you, his arms around your body, his tail curling around one of your legs while you were stroking the horns protruding from his head
you were talking about mundane things, telling each other how your day has been going, but he really enjoyed listening to you
"Oh, I almost forgot! My coworker asked me something today that I found kind of ridiculous."
"Oh, really? What was that question, dearest?", Zhongli would inquire, interested but still resting comfortably on your chest
"Well, since she knows I'm in a relationship, she asked me if I would choose my lover over the entire world.", you laugh as you recall that conversation
suddenly, Zhongli's interest is peaked and he turns his head so he could look at you, a spark in his eyes
"And what did you answer?"
"Obviously, I picked the world. I mean, I don't think I could or really want to live without you at this point."
at that, Zhongli furrows his brows in confusion, your answer making no sense to him
he ponders about it a bit more, you laughing a bit at him, finding it cute that he didn't understand the implications of your words. So, you decide to just explain it to him
"It means that you are my world, Li. Nothing would feel right anymore if you weren't by my side."
the confusion now washed away, his gaze grew softer as he stared at you, love for you swelling in his chest, growing and growing until he couldn't take it anymore
with a low growl, he shot up and burried his face against your neck, his tail swaying back and forth behind him and you couldn't hold back the chuckle
"I love you, Darling.", he'd whisper against you. "with everything I am. My heart and soul will always belong to you."
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nickfurysrighteye · 7 months
chase davenport x reader
summary: the school's gonna do a play and it's gonna be Romeo and Juliet. Chase was supposed to help with the behind the scenes but instead he gets to play Romeo, and you, Juliet, offer him some help with his lines..
cw: sfw, kissing, that's it i think
a/n: this is my first time writing for this fandom and also my first time making my writing public so please be kind :') ...i haven't written any type of fanfic in a veeeery long time. this is just for fun!!!
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"Seriously?! I can't believe it!"
Janelle yells storming into the gym. Everybody stops what they're doing to look at her puzzled. This year Mission Creek High decided to organize a play and upon a great request it was decided to stage 'Romeo and Juliet'. Janelle volunteered to direct the entire planning of it.
"Our Romeo decided it was a great time to break his arm, therefore we don't have a Romeo anymore!" she says walking towards Leo, who's busy painting the fake wooden balcony. Leo decided to take part in the production only to have an excuse to be with Janelle, and doing so he dragged Chase along, just to have some company.
A few people gather around to see what was going on, you take your eyes off the script you were revising to look at your classmates on the opposite site of the room.
"So? What's the big deal?" says Leo "The understudy can take his place."
"The big deal is we don't have an understudy! We barely have enough people working on this play, do you really think we have extras?" Janelle is furious.
"Why don't we pick somebody from the crew?" you barge into the conversation, feeling the eyes of everyone onto you "I mean, it's not like we have time to redo auditions.."
Everybody is silent, eyes going left and right scanning the room for someone brave enough to take on one of the leading roles. You look behind Leo's shoulder "I bet Chase could do it."
Chase was surprised and slightly confused by your statement "Me? But I'm not an actor." he says, struggling to speak loud enough to be heard.
"Neither am I, and neither is everyone else..this is a high school play not Broadway, no of us are actors." you shrug while looking over to the brown haired boy.
Janelle looks over to him "Chase, do you think you could do it? You'd be a life saver, honestly." you could hear the tension in her voice from all the stress the planning brought her.
"I-i mean, sure I could give it a try" Chase tried so hard to sound confident in his choice but you could hear the slight tremor in his tone.
"Perfect, problem solved!" Janelle said.
Once everyone got back to work you get closer to Chase, "If you want we can practise the lines together, I could also give you some tips."
"Sure, I'd love that." Chase says with a sweet, soft smile. "Cool, you can stop by at my house today if that's ok." you smile back
"Yeah, sure, I'll see you later."
After school, the two brothers head to the lab and Chase is panicking, regretting the choice he made earlier that day. "Why would I agree to do something like this?! Why didn't you stop me Leo?! This is going to be a disaster! The play's gonna suck!" he spits out the words so quickly he can barely keep up with his thoughts.
"Chase chill out! You'll be fine, like Y/n said no one here's an actor, you're all gonna suck" Leo's already tired of his complaining.
Chase's worry isn't only his acting, but the fact he's gonna be the lead in a romantic play with you as his love interest. He's also terrified by the idea of having to kiss you multiple times on stage, in front of a ton of people. This is stressing him out way more than anticipated.
He already knew who you were long before taking part in this project. He saw you walk around the halls, he saw you sitting a couple of desks in front of him in some classes you have together. He always thought about you as the pretty girl he would only talk to in his imagination. Nobody could have predicted the two of you acting as lovers in a school play. Certainly not Chase.
With his heart beating out of his chest, Chase knocks on your front door. You open the door and invite him in. "We can go upstairs in my room" you say, guiding him upstairs.
You go through the script together, focusing on the more difficult parts to memorize. You're suprised Chase could memorize all these lines so quickly, and he's getting better at getting into character.
He says every line with the right feeling, you two work in harmony, it's like you're no longer acting as the characters but are living the story as yourselves.
"You're quite talented you know that Chase?" you smile
"Thanks, I'm actually a bit nervous if I'm being honest." he chuckes while lowering his eyes, looking at his fingers fidgeting with the corner of the script's page.
"How come? You're doing great." you tilt you're head slightly. You sit on your bed, taking a small break.
He shrugs, sitting down beside you "I don't know, I just am" he mumbles.
You stare at him with a soft gaze, you study his expression, you're lightly mesmerized by the way the light beam from the setting sun is hitting his face, shining through your window. His eyes now being a warmer hazel tone.
He can hear the beat of his heart in his ears "Actually, I'm scared 'cause --" he stops "I'm worried about our kiss."
"Our kiss?"
"Yeah, it scares me a little having to kiss in front of an audience."
"It's gonna be a quick kiss don't worry about it."
"I know, it's just that --" he looks down again "I've never done it before."
"You've never kissed anyone?" you say, the slight surprise in your voice makes him feel even worse now.
"It's fine Chase, I get it. There's no need to be ashamed of it." you try to reassure him. "Wanna practise?"
"The kiss?" he looks at you.
"Yeah, I mean, we probably should anyway since it's part of the play." you say, standing up and placing yourself in front of him like you would be on stage.
"Yeah, ok, that's..a good idea" he stands up as well. Chase tries to hide his uncertainty.
"You sure about this?" you ask, you don't want to pressure him.
"A hundred percent" he's anxious, he's rubbing subtly his hands on his jeans because they're starting to sweat, his knees get weaker and he hopes they'll be strong enough to support him.
"Ok now, just follow my lead." you take his hand, leaning nearer. Your other hand cupping his cheek, your lips are now inches apart. Your touch feels warm on his skin, making him breathe faster.
"Close your eyes." as he does so, your place your lips onto his gently, and start to slowly and softly kiss him.
A warm feeling of joy starts to bubble up in his chest as he copies your movements and picks up the pace. The kiss gets more intense, more impatient as he tastes your lips. You get closer and your hand that was on his cheek is now on the back of his neck, tangling your fingers with his hair. His hands start to move, although he's still unsure of what to do.
You stop for a brief moment. "It's ok if you wanna touch me, y'know." Chase laughs a little, he then places his hands on your sides, sliding them down to your waste. He grabs a little harder and pull you into another kiss, this time greedier, messier.
He didn't think it would feel this good kissing you, his heart is racing so fast you could probably hear it. Your lips are exploring eachother, you're both enjoying this much more than you should be. After a few moments Chase decides to wet your bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, you part your lips a bit and he slips part of his tongue in. The feeling of your tongues tasting eachother sends shivers down your spine, you feel your cheeks getting warmer.
"You taste amazing" he blurs out the moment he stops to catch his breath, then he pulls you again into another kiss. His words make you melt.
Chase has lost track of time. Actually he has lost track of anything, he can only feel you. Your lips, your tongue, your taste, the sweet smell of your perfume and the warmth of your body standing so close to his. A few moments pass and you pull away to catch your breath, your faces still close to eachother.
"Was i good?" his question makes you chuckle.
"Yeah, you were. You know the kiss isn't supposed to last this long though, right?"
"Sorry i got a bit carried away." Chase laughs a little. You smile softly, caressing his cheek with your thumb.
"I don't think you're gonna have problems on stage, Chase"
"Although we should probably get back to revising the lines"
"We should, but after we're done we should go back to the kissing part, just to be sure"
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grandlinedreams · 6 months
Ok I loved the whole reader is Kid’s/Killer’s sister. And I can just imagine her and Kid not getting along, and when the heart pirates and kid pirates run into each other, reader and Kid are like two cats fighting. Then Killer picks reader up under her arms like a kitten, and hands her to Law, all like, “this is yours”.
Could you make this happen please? 😭😭
I told myself I wouldn’t send anymore requests till they went down a bit more, but this scenario wouldn’t leave my head, and I wanted to see it come to life with your words. Asdfghjkl I’m sorry 😅
LMAO YES i loved writing it 🥺 but also don't apologize bb, I got you!!
[Heads up!: semi/non-canon compliant (idk either around Sabaody or in the 2 year ts), established relationship, sibling antics (Reader and Kid), cursing, silliness]
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You love your brother, you swear that you do. You've stuck with him through thick and thin and at the end of the day, woe to anyone who tries to hurt him while you're around.
That being said, however, that doesn't necessarily mean that you like your brother or his general attitude towards anyone that isn't part of his crew.
Part of you gets it, truly ㅡ there's been plenty of skepticism and mockery when it comes to Kid and his goal in life. Finding the One Piece is a pretty lofty ambition, but you have no doubts your brother has the determination it takes. He's hostile because of it though, less keen on asking questions and more on the offensive ㅡ and his attitude towards Law's crew is no different.
Perhaps it's made worse, actually, for the fact that you're currently in a relationship with Law. Something your brother knows, and hates. Which is why you've found yourself, predictably, in another argument with him.
Anger boils in your veins as you raise your voice to match Kid's. "Stop treating me like I'm an idiot! I'm a grown adult!"
"Then act like it, damn it!" Your brother snaps back. "I don't have time to babysit you anyways!"
"Nobody asked you to, youㅡ" You yelp as hands hook under yours, your feet leaving the ground as you're lifted up. You know who it is, the only one besides Kid who'd dare to lift you like this in the first place. "Killer, put me down. Now."
The masked pirate ignores your demand, unbothered by the way you squirm in his hold before he sets you down in front of the Law and a handful of his crew, who've been watching this shitshow go down silently.
"This one is all yours," Killer tells Law, hand on your head and ignoring the way you swat at his touch, eyes narrowed and teeth gritted in annoyance. "For now."
"You can't just hand me off like I'm a package," you grumble, "are you that desperate to get rid of me? I didn't even do anything wrong!"
"Not getting rid of you," Killer cuts in, "just giving you some time away from Kid. I think you both need it."
Ever the voice of reason against his captain, Killer has a point ㅡ you could do with a couple weeks (or more) away from your brother and his crew, and who better to hand you off to?
You're sure Kid could think of better (or worse) people to leave you with, but all he does is scowl, silented by the firm steer of Killer back the way they'd come.
You watch your brother and his crew retreat, the scene not unfamiliar even as you sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. "How mad do you think they'd be if I stayed with you permanently?"
You don't raise your voice and it's not quite an intentional needle to Kid, but he still comes to a halt and glares at you over his shoulder. "I heard that," he snaps, "don't even think about it!"
You adopt a face of innocence that lasts just long enough for your brother to turn back around, then glance at Law, who tilts his head. "The offer does stand," he says, even though there's a teasing gleam to his eyes that you grin at.
"I don't think I'll be truly leaving my crew anytime soon," you say as Law's own crew heads back towards the Polar Tang, and you wait until they've gone to snag your fingers in the front of Law's shirt, tugging playfully. "But I could be convinced to stay a little longer."
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
E for Steve? More specifically hideout Steve???? 🥺🥺
For this ask game and for this touch-starved!Steve series.
MINORS DNI. Hooooooo, Nessie, this got me all bothered.
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E - Extra Info
Mini-rant time:
I've come across a couple of comments describing Nomad in this story as "subby," which I have to say, I consider wildly untrue.
He's hyper-sensitive, that's for sure, and he's inexperienced, yes. Being starved for touch doesn't automatically make you submissive, though. In my opinion, that only makes Steve more responsive during intimacy and sex.
We know--or we should know--that real doms are getting pleasure and satisfaction from the pleasure of their partner while exercising the most control over the 'scene' between the two (or more) partners.
That and Hideout!Steve are the same picture to me. At least, I'm not saying he's a dom-Dom, like a practicing and negotiated dominant, but he ain't being submissive, folks, as far as I'm concerned. He's learning, he's exploring, and he's coming into his own. That's all.
Mini-rant over! (No one is wrong in their interpretation of him, by the way. I just wanted to explain the headspace I am writing him from.)
He likes skin-to-skin contact. He doesn't care if things get messy. He has no issue with bodily fluids or functions. If you tell him to do something or want to try something, he's game.
He loves to pamper you with soothing back and foot rubs, but he doesn't fetishize any part of that except your pleased (or aroused) facial expressions (and soft noises of contentment).
What else...
The breath play. Oh boy! Probably not as scandalous as you think it might be, but he smothers his sounds in the pillows and tries to be super quiet long enough that Steve is somewhat reliant on limited oxygen before he comes. Of course, he never articulates that, so you found out very slowly and almost by accident.
Since he's so sensitive already, there isn't enough time to distinguish that anything specific might work him up to climax more/faster, but as he gains endurance, he starts to bury his face in your skin (chest, shoulder, or cunt) and remain cut off from air until his end.
Once, when he's holding you up, no support of a wall or anything behind you, and really going at it, your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms behind his neck, you're both so sweaty that you slip.
What happens is your one hand catches the back of his neck and the other just latches onto his throat because he is frantically thrusting up into you with his grip spreading your ass. Normally, he'd have one hand to stabilize your back, but instead, he groans something fierce, and all you can do is hold on.
That, my friends, is when you hear Steve Rogers growl 'fuck' loudly for the first time. You'd've apologized if he didn't kiss you so sloppily and sooooo greedily afterward. Let's just say that was a good hint that he might enjoy just a little choking...
Hmm, and I suppose I should mention that the gif above was chosen because eventually when Steve can be more open with you, we find out he does have a bit of a thing for wearing the uniform during sex. Not all the time, but that holds a special meaning because for just a moment, his work-life and his private-life aren't partitioned away from each other.
Kinda. He's still a fugitive.
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Dirty Asks Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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AITA for messaging an ex friend who blocked me on WhatsApp?
Before you vote YTA, this AITA isn't about block evading but I didn't know how else to describe the situation.
Ex friend 21F and I 20F are coworkers. I won't go into what happened between us because it's a loooong story, both of us made mistakes but she blows everything out of proportions and I was weak and couldn't defend myself from the wild accusations she kept making at me.
Anyway, once I started setting boundaries and standing up for myself, she got upset and blocked me on WhatsApp. For those who don't know, if you try to message someone who blocked you on WhatsApp, the message will go through but they won't receive it, after I realized she had blocked me, it felt like I was screaming into the void.
Anyway, I didn't stop messaging her, I sent long rants about all the pent up anger that accumulated throughout the one year we were friends (or more accurately tried to make the friendship work), talking about how she misinterprets my whole character and believes she's an infallible angel who never done anything to me etc etc etc.
The messages were satisfying somehow, I felt like I lectured her on what she did to me, it also reminded me of letting it out as if I were writing in a diary. I would've stopped at that point but she still harasses me from time to time even though we don't talk anymore, so I made it a habit to scream at her in her chat whenever she does something to me. I literally turned her chat into a venting diary.
One day, she "stole" my chair right in front of me, between brackets because it was clear she actually didn't know it was mine but the etiquette is to ask first and/or check if this chair was taken. She can literally know that if she just looked at the computer screen and see if an account was logged on or off.
I wanted to call her out but after all, we were both sternly told to stay away from each other. So I kept my cool because I didn't want to make a scene and instead went to WhatsApp to scream at her again. In the rant I called her thief and all sorts of insults that implied she did it on purpose, that hurts no one because she won't read it. Not to mention, she did accuse me of stealing her money before so it was like I was getting back at her for that.
After a couple of hours, she was crying and ranting to our coworkers that she accused of stealing, and that we "chould've talked about it like adults" because she didn't mean to take a taken chair and how she was finally moving on from this toxic friendship but I won't let it go blah blah blah.
I was confused because she wasn't supposed to read the message, that's when I realized she had unblocked me sometimes these past couple of weeks for some reason. I was called to HR and I would've been fired but I defended myself by listing all the terrible things she did to me. Finding evidence wasn't difficult because my rants included chat screenshots of the terrible things she said to be before and they decided she was a bigger AH than I was, but they were creeped by my behaviors and called me out on it. Not only HR, but my coworkers too.
AITA for continuing to send messages without taking into account the possibility she might unblock me anytime?
What are these acronyms?
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cosmicck · 9 months
2170 N. SULI🎧
babe, babea
달려들 것만 같이 (다칠 것 같이)
come in (yeah-yeah)
make me, make me
정신 나갈 것 같이 (미친 것 같이)
like it
song: . . . ılı OH MY GOD (g)-idle
TW: bit of possessiveness, male leaning reader(fem still welcome), a bit suggstetive(no sex or anything, he's 15), attention seeking, jealousy, neteyam is just a little worried like he needs you to love him fr, oh my gosh i'm not writing for tokio hotel??(rodrick is next and i have so many tom and gustav drafts)
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NETEYAM who was the happiest man alive when he found you, you were almost his first everything—couple wise of course. you were the first to teach him how ride and dive, his first actual friend he'd make on this beach, the first he'd really have conversations with, you were the reason he'd get teased back by his brother the heat rising to his cheeks as he'd think about you and make up little scenarios in his head as he'd sleep, the scene of the words "i see you." coming out of your mouth time and time again.
NETEYAM even knowing he'll see you the next day he just gets clingy, a little too clingy but you'd manage. you didn't have to but you did, his arms wrapping from behind you rather it be on your shoulders, waist, playing with your hair, tracing the marks and stripes on your turquoise skin as you'd speak to someone else.
NETEYAM who would be touching you and be around you of course, but it just gave him an unsettling feeling in his stomach if you really were speaking to someone else, giving them your attention instead when he was right there. he wouldn't just tell you to stop talking to them— 'course not, he just didn't like it a lot but it wasn't that much of a deal. the little feeling in his stomach would only pass sooner or later.
NETEYAM who was very incorrect, the little stomach feeling had him giving rude and disrespectful looks to the friends you'd speak to. he would sit, legs crossed right next to you as his fingers would work on the last item he'd make for you, as he would slip the last bead on and tie the twine tightly. his hand would take yours putting the bracelet around your wrist, smiling as he'd watch your voice trail off your attention on him finally. "ma 'teyam, what is this?" "don't move for a moment." neteyam would put his other little trinket in your hair, looping the string on a lock making sure it would not come off. least for a while.
NETEYAM who would do a lot of these things for attention, linking to the fact he foes love you dearly. he'd take you to special places late at night where he'd take a moment to watch the sky colors change, and the stars shine brighter in the abyss. his lips giving you a kiss on your temple, then your cheek, your nose, forehead, listening to your laughs and giggles as his lips were finally on yours. " 'teyam—what's gotten into—" "sh," his lips would only trail to your jaw, putting small little kisses similar to the ones he'd peck on different parts of your face. his hands on your back and front of your waist still continuing the loving kisses he'd get to share with you alone.
NETEYAM who would feel bad about how tried you'd be in the mornings, but that would only mean he'd get to hold you for just a little longer.
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'ma': a vocal marker
' 'teyam': a nickname for neteyam
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Heyy :) Can you please write headcanons of dating quackity, but in his earlier eras? (like 2019-21 maybe) ❤
ooooo yes of course!!! ; fun fact I've been watching him since 2018 or so (I don't mean this in a "Oh I'm cooler than you way) ; thank you for the request!! this was fun as hell ; I tried to kinda do it in a chronological order but yeah, I did like stuff and then more details of relationship if that makes sense yk???
QUACKITY ; 2019-2021 era
warnings ; language, talk of drugs, jokes about sex
genre ; fluff
word count ; 858
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Raiding Club Penguin with him and Axel was a core memory for you. It was the first true time, however cringe it sounds, that you saw Alex as your best friend.
he'd always try to make you laugh, especially on stream
such a little tease
back in the olden days, we had those Discord server 'wtf is that food' videos
you guys rank some of them and how likely you'd eat them
also ranking Discord memes
so many of them were dumb shit or weird shipart from like 2015 deviantart LMFAO
"guys I know me and y/n are dating but that doesn't mean compare us to Shrek couples!"
"I thought Thanos was your true love?"
"He-He is! Oh my God, stop being so desperate, y/n. ugh"
once he got invited to the Dream SMP, you were all ears and proudly taught him how to play Minecraft
you made his alt skin with the tuxedo, which he didn't wear often, but used in lore some time later
youd often help him with lore ideas
he also got you invited into the SMP where he introduced you to some of his new friends
you knew schlatt and some others, but most of these people were new and it was nice meeting all of them
the fiances are established and then you and quackity are already a think and you also like karl, which creates a weird love rectangle with an open end because you and sapnap are sharing the other two 💀
lore goes fuckin crazy with that
while Karl's off making Kinoko Kingdom and Quackity's running Las Nevadas, you're building El Tropicana, off in the far away jungle biome
Alex would usually stream and translate Mexican soap operas, which you joined in for sometimes
you'd give the characters different voices and twist their words up a bit to make it more entertaining for chat
the amount of drug talk that went into that was wild
also the amount of queer kids bullied in those schools?? yikes on bikes
also the one with that girl who got in trouble for kissing a boy on the playground or whatever that was?? Jesus christ man
youd both act put the scenes on occasion and use Tiger as whatever kid was being yelled at if she was in the room with you
taking a break halfway through stream for him to play guitar and for you to karaoke to fuckin Bo Burnham
also making fake joints out of paper he had laying around and "lighting them up" aka setting paper on fire next to a PC and your faces
Jackbox streams with the Feral Boys until 3am>>>
Paranormal Activity in the middle of the night went so fucking crazy
teaching Bad how to play GTA is your favorite memory with those two
playing horror games and watching him play horror games with Karl while he visited him
how dare he leave you all alone (you couldn't go because you had a busy schedule)
your chats shipping the hell out of you and your dsmp characters
hella fanart and fanfictions man
try not to laugh streams where you always ended up laughing before the ten minute mark because of him
he purposefully does shit to make you laugh
reading fanfiction on stream was a regular activity especially for y/s/n
youd rank the book on a scale from one to ten and how accurate to real life they were
"nahhhh that one doesn't have enough Thanos, two out of ten"
"yknow what... were gonna have our own tier lists... okay?"
"damnit... does this mean I'm not getting laid later?"
promoting the quackityhq merch religiously
also stealing whichever beanie he wasn't wearing, either the LAFD one or the plain black and blue one
him tying you to a chair and forcing you to laugh was a common stream plot
tweets that were either very inconspicuous about drugs, very sexual, or very old married couple vibes
youd both be frequently trending on twitter
hot wings or dare streams with Bad >>>>
playing girls go games and hoping you wouldn't give his PC a virus
sitting in the inflatable pool fully clothed, playing with children's bath toys
he'd for sure be the type to fall for his best friend
whether it be all the way back then or just now, he could go forever without feeling any feelings but one day they'll show up and the nervousness begins
he'd lend you a hoodie if you were cold in his room and he just straight up begs you to keep it
lots of just staring at you while chat ships you, like genuinley just zones out on your pretty face
would probably doubt his feelings at first and talk to his mom about it and she's like "boy you have a crush. Go ask them the hell out, you're a handsome young man, I'm pretty sure they like you too"
genuinley spoils you with no good reason and after a while you just accept it
he starts sending good morning and good night texts
he'll repost (or reblog) (he has a secret tumblr) fanart of you two, especially if it's shipart
will constantly send you clips of movie characters making out or kissing and say "this should be us"
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bababaka · 8 months
Shipping Wars - Bade x reader
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The prompt:
Person A, B, and C are famous. Their fame is growing and they are hesitant to come out as a poly couple so they just pass it for a really good friendship. Thing is, the internet being the internet started a shipping war. Some ships A and B some B and C some A and C. It’s starting to do some fights online. One day, they get tired of being asked questions about it and decide to come out as who they are.
Warnings: Aged up Characters. My writing and grammar. Some anxiety but nothing too much. Me not knowing how Twich works. I didn't truly revised it so...
Word count: 3.143
An -> I tried writing in portuguese and then throwing it into the google translate. Lotta work, let me tell you. Nah. It was a valid experience, though.Don't know if i'd do that again. Anyawyas. Love Bade and yeah. Here it is.
You liked what you did.
Entertain and chat with people on the internet who have the same interests, while playing some silly game or one that you've waited your life to play. Was funny. Interesting. Laugh and freak out on the internet with others.
In your five years on the channel, you've created a loyal, funny, and comfortable community. But, well, things started to take a bit of a left turn after the channel's first year.
The shipping war.
And the more time passed, and your popularity increased, the bigger the fight became.
Get yourself someone that looks at you like yn looks at Jade.
-> @Thatonetheaterkid
uuuhm i wish! Thats real love right there! 
-> @Yn'slapdog
Yyyyes! They are the reason i believe in love!
-> @Beck'sBack
whaaaat? Why? They are not a couple! Stop being a delulu! Jade is dating Beck!
I mean! C'mon! Look at them people! 
-> @Badeisreal
duuuude! Yes! Their chemistry in that movie was just off the charts! And that scene was improvised by the way! 
-> @Jade'sbottom
-> @Badeisreal 
Right? Same! Also, i heard they are going to play as a couple in a new movie AGAIN! 
-> @Jade'sbottom 
jsjfjrkfkekfjdkdjdk Santa is bringing my gift
-> @Yn'slapdog
...its may…
-> @Jade'sbottom 
….Santa is late…
-> @Astarion'slittlebitch
ok. Guys. Take a breather. It is a crime you guys haven't mentioned Beck and Yn. 
They are so darn cute in yn's streams! 
-> @Imyourfather
-> @Thatonetheaterkid 
...i don't watch their streams… not really my cup of tea. 
-> @Y/n'slapdog 
You should though! There's a lot of damning evidence there! INCLUDING JADE MAKING COMPANY TO THEM! 
-> @Beck'sBack 
we back at this again? 
-> @Thatonetheaterkid 
oh, please! Jade and Beck are actors!!! They are meant to pretend!!! Fake! If they played a couple and didn't seem in love they'd just be out of job.
-> @Badeisreal 
There's somethings you just can't pretend tho!
-> @Imyourfather 
yes. There is. Thats cinema for you.
-> @Theoficialdreamer
What if they are just all good friends though? I mean. They do live in the same house. Maybe just roomates. 
-> @Yn'slapdog  
...get off my thread….
- Boom! That's how it's done! Pay up, guys! I warned you not to doubt me. I am a god.
You got out of your chair, jumping in front of the camera and computer, which showed the end credits of the game.
"I can't believe it! How many people have zeroed in the first time like that?"
"Few. And now they're part of them! What a legend. Mad respect."
"Look at theeem! Dancing with joy! How cute! I can't even be sad about losing the bet."
Yourmom donated $500.
Spideeey donated $500
"Ah! Come on!!! Really?! Noooooo!"
"Just pay, man. Accept that it hurts less"
"Ugh. Next time, I'll win the bet."
Mastermind donated $700
"You guys should just give up at this point. Yn is invincible"
Damn right i am! - you finally finished your extremely petty celebration. You did an event of ten challenges, and in each challenge, if you won, a group would pay you. If you lost, your subscribers would choose a punishment.
But, you were amazing. And didn't lose even once. Inside, you were scared to death of what they might ask. Your fans were cool. But they could cross some lines.
- So, that was the last challenge, right?
You waited and read the comments until you received a definitive answer from one of your moderators.
"Congratulations, Yn. You completed all ten challenges exceptionally."
Yn'srock donated $500.
- Sweet! I'm buying a new mattress after this! Mine broke.
Before the chat could react inappropriately to your speech, Beck appears at the door, out of view of the camera, but unfortunately his voice is audible.
- I heard screaming. What happened? - Normally, you would brush him off and get back to your stream, but, throwing caution to the wind, you turned your attention completely to him.
- What happened? It happened that I'm amazing and you owe me, baby!
- No.
- Ohohoho! Yes! - Beck joins you in front of the computer, the credits rolling on the screen. The actor's delicate, pretty face contorts, eyebrows furrowed, mouth contorted, and a defeated sigh. 
- How? You didn't even like AllSouls.
- Nope. But, a bet is a bet, I did it and now you gotta pay. The chat already did.
And that's when you turn your attention to your computer and notice the chaos in the chat.
Damn it.
This happened whenever Beck or Jade appeared on your streams. Sometimes it could be restrained. Like the times Jade remained by your side, almost sitting on your lap, throughout the stream. Or Beck would join and play with you. Your fans would get used to their presence.
But, well, there were moments, phrases, actions that turned your lives into a complete mess.
This was one of them.
"They are so cute!"
"Ooooh! Bet?? Bet what?"
"BABY??? I'm sorry, WHAT?"
"Bet, hm? The sexy kind?"
"Beck's so hot. Lucky yn"
"Wait??? Beck Oliver?? Wth? Im new someone explain to me"
"They live together. Jade West too."
"And they're also dating"
"Stop spreading fake news!"
"C'monnn! Admit it they'd look amazing as a couple"
"Guys! Stop! We don't know a thing! Respect their privacy please!"
- OK! OK! Let's stop, guys.
Beck laughed awkwardly. He had read the comments.
- Hi, chat. Long time no see.
"Yeah! You should come over yn's streams more often! 
"Oooh! You guys should play one of those games for couples"
"You should do pvp. I'd bet on Beck." 
- Ok! Ok! First. Stop betting against me. Learn your lesson, I'm the best. 
- Cocky. - He murmurs.
You continue, ignoring Beck. - And second, it's no big deal. Just because Beck played a million times and couldn't finish it without dying, he thought I couldn't. Well, you thought wrong, bitch!
-Okay, okay! I lost, you won. Satisfied? - Beck rolled his eyes, but the smile he had tried to suppress gave him away. And you couldn't stop smiling. 
- Not even close! - you had plans for Beck. Your back and neck were extremely sore, and your boyfriend had talented hands.
The internet and the outside world were unaware of your real relationship with Beck and Jade. They speculated, of course, but everything the three of you said was the same thing.
"Chat, we're friends. Stop."
"No, no. Beck and I are just good friends. It helps a lot when we play as a couple"
"We're not a couple."
"Just friendship."
"Are you stupid? Do you need me to draw? Friends!"
"F-R-I-E-N-D-S! We're just friends!"
It was a recurring question. Jade couldn't always stay calm. It was quite common for her to lose her cool actually. She was always like that, short tempered.
You met Jade and Beck in high school. And before you even finished your senior year, you were together. It was complicated. Painful. Difficult, but in the end, everything was resolved. And you have remained together ever since.
9 years later, and here you all were.
You've decided to try streaming. After 5 arduous years, you got your first million subscribers.
Jade and Beck pursued acting careers. And, along the way, they won a few awards here and there. Their goal was the Oscar. And you supported them more than anything.
They also created channels on YT. They weren't active like you, but every now and then they would record vlogs and other stuff.
Jade posts a "things I hate" videos series. And would terrorize unsuspecting civilians.
Beck talked about cars, and his hair for some reason. Both recorded backstage videos, and rarely, about life inside the house.
That was the problem. You appeared with a certain constancy on each other's social midias. Whether it was a video or a photo.
And that caused a stir. Which turned into ship wars.
- Hello, darling. - you threw yourself on the couch, next to Jade, who was smiling at the phone. - what you're doing?
- Ah, hey. - Without hesitation, she snuggled into your arms. - Nothing much. Just seeing how my last video is doing. 
- The cover one?
Yep. - She shows you her phone, a soft smile in her face, and her eyes just at ease. - You look cute playing a guitar. 
- Well, thank you. I agree. I should play more to you and Beck. - you say cocky. Jade huffs at that.
- Sure. 
- Anyways, babe, i was thinking. You, me, Beck, dinner? I'm cooking.
That got Jade's full atention and she stops staring at her phone to look at you.
- That sounds interesting.
- I was hoping to come off as romantic.
- It didn't.
- Not even if I say it'll have candle lights?
Jade cocks her eyebrow at this. 
- Kinda lame. Overused.
- Right. Right. What about me serenading you and Beck?
- Cute, but corny. 
- What about me doing your and Beck's favorite food, serenade you and make a reference to "the scissoring" at the end? 
Jade goes silent at this. And you realize that you had hit the nail on the head. You knew your girlfriend.
- Well, now i have expectations.
- Worry not. They will be met. 
- It better.
Lucky - cover by Jade West ft Yn
2.3 M views
Dude. I was just listening to this song! Definitely adding to my playlist. you guys ar releasing it on Spotify? I MUST LISTEN EVRYDAY
At this point they're just mocking us. WHY CHOOSE THIS SPECIFIC SONG??????
That's love.
Look at how they look at eachother.
I rest my case.
Yn can play the guitar??? And sing??? That's so hot of them ngl
Idk who i want to be. Yn or Jade.
The interviews with Jade and Beck all had something in common. The dreaded question.
- You are a couple in your newest film. Extremely in love. But, what about in real life, is there someone special?
Jade had improved a lot. The patience. Manners. And with Beck by her side, she could control herself.
- No. There's nobody.
- Really? But you are so beautiful and young.
Jade gritted her teeth. Fists opening and closing. Beck rushes in to interfere. He smiles, which many magazines call "the masculine charm".
- Haha. Life is like this. What can we do? We haven't found the right person yet.
The interviewer pauses. Her eyes slightly closed gains a manic shine. They had fallen right into the trap. It was like a predator, salivating at the sight of its defenseless prey.
- But, there are rumors that Yn, a famous streamer, who lives with you, has some involvement with one of the two. Is it true? Jade, on your channel, a cover was recently posted in which you do a very romantic duet. What can you say about it?
But, Jade West was never prey.
- Wow. You don't have intelligent questions to ask so you repeat the same question that a million people have asked? Do you think you will be the person to have a different answer? Do you think you're so special? Well, you're not. And I'm going to speak slowly, so that you can get into your fucking empty head, Yn and I are friends. Beck and I are friends. Nothing more.
The reporter was lost for words. She stuttered awkwardly and didn't know how to redirect the interview, completely embarrassed.
Beck sighs. Jade got better. She hasn't changed completely.
- I think this interview has come to an end. - Beck says. There's nothing he could do now.
The reporter didn't hesitate to jump out of the room. The silence that followed was uncomfortable. Jade crossed her arms. And she stared at the floor. Her leg starts to bounce. Nonstop. Until she can no longer bear the silence, the crushing feeling in her chest. - Are you angry? - she says, hesitantly. Beck sighs.
- No. It's okay. It was not your fault. She wasn't very kind.
Beck lifts Jade's head, his hand gently on her chin.
- It's fine. Come here. - and pulls her into a hug.
- This sucks. - Jade murmurs quietly.
- Yeah. It does...
- Hello losers. Another video. This time we're grocery shopping. - Jade starts talking to a camera.
- Do you really have to record it? It's just grocery shopping. - You asked. Not seeing why she would want to film your outing.
-I want to record so i will.
- Fine. - you shrug.
- Are you guys ready? - Beck comes into the living room.
- Yes. Say hi to the camera Beck.
- …Why are you recording? We are just grocery shopping.
- That's what i said!! - you chime in, excited to see you aren't alone in the matter.
- Oh my god! Because i want to! I don't have to, but i want to…You two are annoying. 
- Why thank you. I try my best. - you smirked. You did enjoy being a little shit.
- Fine. Let's go. Get to the car. 
Grocery shopping wasn't something you did together all the time. Mainly because someone was always busy. But it was faster when the three of you did it together. Beck was the driver, Jade was just picky about what she'd eat, and you were the muscles(though actually, you were the one who has more experience shopping. Jade just likes to try to spite you. Never works.)
- Ugh. I hate lines. 
- We know. - Beck answers it.
- But the public doesn't. 
- No, i think they do. You already made a video talking about it. - at this, Jade turns to the other actor.
- I did? Wait. You watch all my videos? 
- Every single one of them. 
- Uh.
- Why are you surprised? What kind of booy- Beck unmaskedly interrupts himself with a cough, and tries to recover. - what kind of roommate would i be if i didn't?
You thought that save was horrifying. And you tell Beck as much, mouthing it to him. He pushes you lightly, whispering a "shut up", you just chuckle and stay on the line. 
- Hey. Yn. What you are doing? - Beck asks. Interrupting you. Stoping you from beautiful and precious slumber.
- Napping. Or trying to. 
- You sound like an old person. 
- Perhaps because i am old.
- You are only 30 years old. Stop being dramatic.
- Nah. I need my old people nap. Bye. 
Unfortunate for you, Beck called Jade and they decided to take a picture of you. And make fun of you. 
Though Beck insists you look cute napping like an old lady. You didn't know how to take that. And Beck considered it as a victory. 
- Hello, old lady. - Beck greets you in the corridor to the kitchen. You huff, annoyed but also not completely awake. Until a thought comes to you.
- Wait. If i am your lover AND an old lady. Does that mean I am a cougar? 
You can hear Jade's booming laughter from the kitchen. 
Beck just rolls his eyes and gives you a peck on the lips. 
- Yes. It does. Good morning, by the way. 
You smile cheekily. 
- Good morning. 
You and Beck head to the kitchen then, where you see your gorgeous girlfriend still in her pajamas, brewing her black coffee, hair disheveled. Beautiful. 
She comes to greet the two of you, though when she gets to you she adds a little jab. Of course. 
- How is my favorite cougar? Slept well? No pain in your back? 
- Yes. I slept just fine. 
You decide to let it slide. You needed coffee first. 
Your breakfast at first was supposed to be calm. Quiet. Your phone however does not comply to it, beeping and beeping. 
- Hey. I thought we agreed on no phones today.
- Yeah yeah! Sorry. I just. Forgot to… - as you grab your phone and take a look at what it's bothering you and your partners, your humour just sours. 
Hundreds and hundreds of comments on your picture sleeping. On Beck's account. Just tagging you. Again. And again.
All fighting to know who was right about your love life.
Honestly, you were tired of it.
- Babe, are you okay? - Jade asks, noticing your change in mood, the frown, the twisted lip, the distant look. You look up from your phone.
- We should come out. - this quiets the kitchen. Jade with a hand on your arm, Beck still with a piece of toast in the air, on its way to his mouth.
- We should just come out. - you repeat. - I can't take any more of the speculation, the murmurs and buzz.
- Everyone would continue, even if we actually revealed our relationship. They would still gossip and be super invasive. - Beck replies, leaving the toast completely aside, and focusing on you. His face is serious. The lighthearted and fun atmosphere becomes more sober and heavy.
You have already discussed this. More than once, but in the end, you agreed that it wasn't worth the hassle, and you didn't owe other people anything.
And here you were again, debating the subject. This time, however, you found yourself unable to continue hiding.
- But, the media never stops talking and being invasive. It doesn't matter what we do. - Jade speaks up. She sighs, looking away for a moment. - I'm tired of having to lie. Aren't you, Beck?
Beck stares at the table blankly, letting his hands move repetitively along his legs.
- What if this affects our careers? - he asks. You quickly speak up.
- It won't get to that point, and if it does, it would only be temporarily. Our careers would recover. - you say, placing yourself next to Beck, Jade doing the same. And you try to lighten the atmosphere. - and if needed be, I can become your sugardaddy.
This makes them both laugh. And Beck turns to you.
- You'd make a terrible sugardaddy. - he says with a slight lift of his lips. Still stunned. He looks at you and Jade.
- Are you sure about this?
You and Jade share a look. You nod.
- Yes we are.
- With you, I can face anything.
You were in the living room. Your leg wouldn't stop shaking. The camera was in front of you. Jade was adjusting the lights, Beck was in the kitchen, getting water for you. It was now. The moment of truth.
Shit. What if you were making a mistake? What if you got ahead of yourself? What if it actually doesn't turn out okay? What if you are judged and shunned by everything and everyone? What if-
- Hey. - You were interrupted by Beck, beside you, placing a comforting hand on your thigh, and a charming smile on his face. - Everything will be fine. We are doing this together.
You allow yourself to breathe. Jade finally finishes the final adjustments and plops down next to you on the couch, while Beck hands you a glass of water. Your girlfriend snuggles next to you and kisses your cheek.
- I love you. - and all your tensions are gone. You melt into a puddle of love for your partners. You were together. You weren't going to face the public alone.
- I love you too. - you reply, completely smitten. You turn to Beck. - both of you. 
- You know I love you two. 
You shrug. 
- It's always good to hear. 
Jade laughs. 
- You are so sappy. - she says and you smile teasingly.
- And you love it. 
- Do i?
You push her and turn to start the video. 
- Hey, guys! Welcome! And today, we have something to announce. 
Yn, Beck Oliver and Jade West admit their relationship as a throuple and the internet goes crazy!
...i guess this means we'll have to stop fighting…? Love wins…?
...gotta admit this was not on my prediction chart bingo of this year…
Yn is one lucky motherfucker. Good for them. Hope theyre having fun living my dreams T-T
The true bissexual dream lol
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silvervioletvalentine · 11 months
🖤!I knew you were trouble when you walked in!🖤
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Pairing: Auston Matthews x model + rivals sister Cherrie!
Word count: 13k. I have a problem. I know ok. I just can’t write short oneshots. I’ve tried lmfao
Summary: in which he knew she was trouble since the very first time he saw her in the stands, cursing out his name after he had accidentally (on purpose) broken her brothers nose on the ice during a heated game. Three years of pining later and finally , she stumbles into his hotel drunk and as mouthy as ever. He really couldn’t resist. She may have been trouble, but she was worth it all.
Warnings: like none? Just fluff I think. A little bit of angst with her brother (who I totally made up because I can) when he finds out. Confident , bitchy Cherrie that won’t make it easy for Auston. And Auston just being a major simp. That’s it.As always lemme know what u think please. First time writing for auston soooo , lemme know if u like this and if I should write for him again! I’m thinking of maybe writing for mitch and maybe barzal too. Anyways.. bye bye!! Xoxo
It was nearly midnight by the time that Cherrie had managed to stumble her way back to her hotel , head spinning and limping a little , for reasons she had no clue to as why she was exactly , eyes hazy as she hummed along to a Taylor swift song playing in her head.
She thought that she was handling herself pretty damn fine, like the independent adult that she was.
She kind of impressed with herself for getting back to the hotel without , A: injuring herself , or B, calling either an ex , or her whiny brother who had done nothing but get on her nerves for the last couple of hours. Hence the reason why she has left the club early in the first place, because if she had to head him complain one more time about how 'it wasn't fair, that ref was clearly a maples fan!' And hear him curse out every players name, in a absolutely foul mood after losing against them.
She felt like she was going to go insane , and maybe slightly more mean than usual . Because she was her fathers daughter after all and the mean, anger issues that she tried to bury down kept crawling back up each time he whined again, just staring blankly at his face and wishing that he would shut the hell up and let her enjoy her vodka lime peace.
Was she being a little bit of a bitch by not being more sympathetic to her brother , who was so clearly upset after a losing game? Yes. Obviously .
But did she care? Absolutely not because as far as she saw it, you won some and you lost some. As simple as that. And they had just stood absolutely no chance against them that night , they had been on fire from the very start.
Even she could admit that they had been just too good, not to her brothers face or course, she thought that praising his rival team might have been a little too far , even for her.
He was a little sensitive after all and she didn't want to see her brother cry. They would just be awkward and she had no doubt that he would be a little snitch and tell dad.
Hence why she had snuck out of the club the moment her brother had been distracted , telling herself that she could see him some other time. Even though he was leaving early in the morning to a flight back home, Cherrie would send a text. Maybe.
If she lived to see the next day that was, feeling herself stumble a little too hard. Somehow managing to knock herself into the couch in the reception , letting out a mix between a startled laugh and Yelp as she went tumbling down.
"Fucks sake!" She groaned , just managing to catch herself in time, clinging to the back of the couch to steady herself . Head bowed as she let out a small drunken giggle, vision swimming for a long moment.
So lost in her own head, and trying not to face plant on the floor, that she hasn't noticed the eyes that had been watching her since she first stumbled out of the cab and into the hotel without any grace , always loud and dramatic as ever in her scene.
Because if she had noticed said eyes. And just who those eyes belonged to, she might have turned back around and decided that she was better off joining her moody brother at the club again after all.
Because what she wasn't expecting to hear between her giggling and muttering along of her Taylor swift song, was a voice call over to her in amusement , scaring the absolute shit out of her.
"I see you're about as steady on your feet as your bambi brother is." Auston Matthews said to her, leaning casually against the vending machine as he watched her panic.
Head snapping over to him in shock , mascara smudged eyes going wide as she realised to just who she was faced with. The same hockey player that had smashed her brother into the boards and to the ice more times that she could count.
She stiffened , trying to straighten herself back up and not seem like she was totally shit faced. A not so very convincing act as she hiccuped while doing so .
Glaring at him for referring to the way her brother had once , or twice, lost his foot while on the ice, somehow managing to trip over his own two skates in front of everyone. Hence the bambi nickname.
"And I see you're as much of an asshole as you look like." It was a weak comeback but come on, she was like, ten vodka shots in.
She squinted to focus her eyes on him, frowning slightly as she took in the sight of Auston standing there in a oversized sweater and basketball shorts, slides on his feet and a beanie pulled low over his head.
Not bad. Her drunken brain said. Not my usual type but he's got a little something.
And he was currently smirking right back at her , his eyes running over her body in her little back dress , gaze lingering at her stumbling feet for a moment before looking back up again
He laughed lightly "I think I look pretty good." He replied , grinning like a joker as he struck a pose at her.
Trying to replicate one that he had seen her do in one of her shoots before . One hand on the vending machine and the other on his hip as he duck pouted at her mockingly.
She scoffed, ever the mean girl. Flicking her hair over her shoulder with a flair , narrowing her eyes at him the best that she could in her drunken state.
But something about matthews just got underneath her skin. Maybe it was the casual way that he was talking to her, as though they were friends who had talked plenty before . As though he wasn't her brothers rival , as though he hasn't managed to break her brothers nose and pride before.
Like he wasn't public enemy one to her right then.
Well, he was supposed to be. And her brother would no doubt be expecting her to give Auston shit and make him pay .
But well, vodka and ...come on, she was defending him.
Albeit a little weakly but she was. That was something wasn't it?
"Whoever told you that is a liar. Perhaps you should surround yourself with honest peope instead." She snapped back at him, feeling the start of a headache come on. Or maybe it was the onset of the hangover that she would be having tomorrow.
Either way. She just wanted to go to bed and sleep it off, not talk to some cocky hockey player that her brother hated in her hotel.
Auston scoffed in amusement , gaze never leaving her face. taken aback by how she managed to look so pretty, even when she was glaring at him like she was , eyes glassy and lipstick smudged.
A hot, drunken mess.
"Like you?" He resorted back quickly without missing a beat.
"and are you honest or just a mean little bitch?" He braced himself . Kind of expecting a slap.
He didn't know her after all, didn't know what the line was or what she bantered like with others . It was risky move but come on, he had Cherrie Valentine in front of him, mouth just as quick witted and mean as he knew she was. He couldn't help himself. This was a one off opportunity.
The only time he ever caught glimpses of her was on billboards and magazines, or in the stands at games they played against her brother , where he would see her shouting and screaming insults and curses at them. Ever the passionate woman.
And he wasn't insane enough to approach her then, no matter how much he wanted to, he knew he would have gotten his skates shoved up his ass, and not just by her brother either.
She was the scary one in his opinion. A loudmouth with no filter and no mercy, and he just knew that she made grown men cry and had their tears in her morning tea.
She was a nightmare and a daydream rolled into one fine, beautiful woman. And well, Auston was just a man. So sue him if he wanted to talk to her a little... wind her up and watch her bite back.
Cherrie could only looked at him silently , fighting back the grin she wanted to let out with everything in her.
Telling herself that it didn't matter if she thought it was funny , he was still the enemy. He didn't deserve to hear her laugh.
So she soldiered on and doubled down on her glare .
Seeing this Auston let out a laugh, motioning to the vending machine that he was leaning on.
"Want some candy? You look like you could use some." He said lightly , the smirk never leaving his lips.
She huffed "fuck you!" She spat back at him .
He just looked her up and down "no thanks. Not while your drunk and missing a heel." He told her casually, nodding down to her feet that she kept stumbling over.
And huh. She looked down at her feet and noticed that one heel was in fact missing.
He was right. What the fuck?
She didn't reply. Pride keeping her from doing so. Instead she pulled off the other heel and tossed it aside too, briefly wondering when the hell she had lost the other one. If she was to place her bets , she would guess the cab ride back from the club. That seemed plausible.
She slowly stumbled over to the vending machine , stomach grumbling as she looked at all the snacks and drinks inside . Realising that she hasn't had anything since those cheesy nachos before the game.
She side eyed Auston who was still smirking to himself , no longer looking at her as he got himself some Reece cups from the machine. Just waiting patiently.
She gave in far too quickly , pride gone.
"I want a chocolate bar and some sprite." She tells him firmly , tapping at the glass to what she wanted . Like she earned it.
Like this was a totally normal thing to do. Demanding chocolate bars from her brothers hockey rival. This was not how she saw her night ending at all .
Auston snorted "not even a please?" He muttered in amusement getting more change out anyway. He wasn't about to tell her no.
Not in any universe.
Cherrie just narrowed her eyes at him, crossing her arms over her chest as she leant tiredly against the side of the machine . Mostly so it could hold her body weight up, fighting back a yawn.
"I'm a black belt in karate." She lets him know wisely.
Auston eyes her, laughed lightly , then punched in the numbers to get her the chocolate bar and the bottle of sprite . Chucking to himself as he did so.
"Good to know." He muttered amused. Handing them to her. Watching as she quickly took the chocolate bar then shoved the drink back into his hands, not even looking at him as she told him 'to hold it.'
Sighing contently as she shoved a piece of the chocolate into her mouth, eyes fluttering closed for a moment in bliss . "S'nice." She slurred. Having another piece.
"Can I have some?" He asked.
She glared quickly "touch my chocolate and I'll rip your fingers off." She warned him seriously . "Asshole." She then added in a mutter just because she could.
Auston laughed , uncapping the lid on the drink and carefully handing it to her so she could take a sip. Hand hovering underneath her chin in case she spilled it, she was that drunk. He was more than amused.
She gulped it down and Auston shook his head, moving the bottle away from her lips carefully as she panted, swallowing it quickly.
"Not so quick! You don't want to make yourself sick." He scolded her.
She grumbled "don't tell me what to do." Before yawning loudly as the vodka and tiredness finally caught up with her.
That was her excuse for why she let Auston steer her to the elevator; and why she told him which floor and room number she was in. Leaning tiredly against his side as he tapped his fingers against her shoulder lightly , supporting her waist while she continued to munch on a piece of chocolate lazily .
He looked down at her, heart racing in his chest . So close that he could count the freckles on her nose , realising then that the pictures really weren't like the real thing at all. She was even more beautiful up close. It was unreal and Auston had to remind himself how to breathe normally , not wanting to be weird.
So he looked at her and his heart skipped a beat? Totally normal behaviour. He convinced himself easily.
"Enjoy the game tonight?" He couldn't help but tease . Having seen the way she had shot to her feet and cursed his name when he had pushed her brother against the boards again , he had even winked at her when he skated away.
Because he was a little shit like that and he had been trying to get her attention for a long time.
And unfortunately for him the only way to do so was to push her brother around at games and watch her get riled up. She was really creative with her insults when she spitting mad, Auston thought that the rage made her look even more sexy. Her eyes just lit a spark.
Head tilting up, cheek still pressed against his shoulder as she glared at him lazily "we'll get you next time." She promised.
Auston had to laugh "I don't think so. But bambi tried. Bless him." He joked. Getting a slap in the gut in return, he gasped.
Laughing loudly "ow! Good to know who the stronger Valentine is!" He quipped .
Cherrie just groaned wondering what was wrong with him. But she still let him lead her out of the elevator as it dinged, feeling his arm slide around her back to support her as she stumbled to her hotel room door with him by her side.
Swiping open the door, she lingered for a moment hesitating in going in.
Auston suddenly falling quite as he looked back at her, swallowing , mouth running dry.
"Well..goodnight-" she muttered lamely about to head inside and sleep this weird night off.
But it got even weirder as she watched Auston get uncharacteristically nervous. His fingers tugging at the ends of his hair as he muttered her name to get her to wait .
He cleared his throat a little awkwardly, eyes darting away from hers for a moment "are you going to be here long?" He quickly added "in Toronto." Not wanting to have to wait till the next game in months time to see her again.
Cherrie frowned a little, wondering why he was asking then nodded her head warily . "Yeah." She found herself telling him "I'm here for the next week for some shoots. I have a rented apartment to go to tomorrow."
He pursed his lips, barely hiding his excited grin, nodding along like he knew this already .
"I live like half an hour away from here." He told her casually . Shoving his hands in his pockets and rocking on the Balls of his feet like a teenager nervous about asking out their crush.
She looked at him strangely , letting out a small confused laugh. "Then why are you in a hotel?"
He simply shrugged and tried not to think about why he wanted to make her laugh again. Of all the things that he could do and say to see her smile.
"It's just nice to get out of the house sometimes." He said.
Cherrie just looked at him, then shook her head in amusement . "You're so weird matthews."
He shrugged again, confidence coming back in full swing.
"Come to a pottery class with me tomorrow." He more told her then asked. But hey, at least he got the words out. Though they sounded a lot smoother and charming in his head.
Cherrie did laugh loudly this time, looking at him like he was insane . Unable to believe what he was doing, what he was asking.
Because she wasn't stupid but she couldn't figure out why he was going out of his way, at midnight , to do it at all.
He was her brothers enemy. She had seen the two brawl More times than she could remember, had seen the way Auston always deliberately made him a target. Had to hear her brother curse his name to hell and back each time, Cherrie sometimes doing the same.
Because hockey was a passionate sport and if her brother even found out that she was standing there, taking to Auston Matthews in her hotel room , drunk at midnight. He Would have a stroke, she had no doubt .
She told him so , as though Auston didn't already know what he was trying to get himself into.
"My brother will kill you." She muttered, eyes on his. He hadn't looked away from her once yet.
He just smirked and muttered teasingly "over pottery? A bit of an over reaction but.."
Cherrie inhaled sharply and shook her head at him, not knowing whether to be amused or annoyed. Maybe a bit of both.
"I know what you're doing." She tells him, leaning against her doorframe lazily.
Seeing the way his eyes flicker down to her mocking smile, notices the way he inhales a little too deeply , before his eyes flicker back up to meet her own again.
Cockily , he hummed "maybe. But I'm not hearing a no so...." He trailed off with a grin, pleased with himself .
He backed away from her door with a small laugh "so I'll come pick you in the morning." He continued to casually tell her, testing his luck.
Because he would beat himself up forever if he didn't at least try. This was a once in a million chance, he wasn't going to waste it.
"Say...around eleven?" He looked at her hopefully.
And a hopeful Auston Matthews reminded her of a puppy. Eyes wide and smile giddy , head tilting a little too. And well, she loved puppy's. And she was drunk and she was...
She was running out of excuses.
So she said yes. Then shut the door in his face. Unable to see the way he let out a loud breath of relief , fist punching the air in glee.
It was weird when he came to pick her up the next morning, there was no denying it. She was on edge and cranky and hungover , utterly grumpy and scowling at him when she got into his car like she would rather be anywhere else.
Auston looked at her grumpy face , oversized sunglasses and laughed lightly . "Don't you look like sunshine." He teased before passing her a Starbucks coffee and a muffin.
And Cherrie just looked down at them in amazement , then back over to him silently . Speechless , because what the fuck was going on?
And like the emotionally constipated grown child that she was, she decided to go the route of her usual communication and told him in a mutter "fuck you."
Because she didn't want to question the butterflies in her stomach or why she was struggling not to look at his side profile in the glowing sun as they drove.
He didn't take offence . Instead he just snorted a giggle and muttered "so charming." Then he nodded towards his phone on the dashboard and told her easily "pick something to listen to. Or we could just sit in silence..." he teased, laughing again when she quickly reached for his phone and pulled up Spotify.
She clicked on his playlists and scrolled through the songs , pausing as she saw a familiar theme.
Blinking down at his phone in disbelief "you listen to Taylor? There's like..all the eras.. lover, red, bad blood ..." she looked over at him curiously .
Mathews just grinned over at her briefly before focusing back on the road "course I do. She rocks. My favourites been evermore lately." He told her casually . Pretending not to see the look on her face, pretending like he didn't want to each out and touch her pretty face.
Cherrie swallowed then , blinking down at her chocolate muffin in disbelief . "It's my favourite too." Then she clicked on you need to calm Down. Because holy shit did she need to.
Her heart was racing as fast as her mind was, side eyeing Auston the whole ride there as he sang along to every song. Nudging her arm annoyingly until
she was singing along with him too.
Her brother was going to murder her if he ever found out. Was all she could think in defeat. Bobbing her head to the music , ignoring the way matthews couldn't stop sending her glances and smiling at her every other minute.
She was getting pretty good at pretending.
Half an hour later and Cherrie was huffing , face scrunched up in misery as she clung at the fucked up looking piece of  clay in her hands. Sat at the desk in front of the pottery wheel, a strangled sound escaping her in stress , as her attempts of making a vase of some sort collapsed on her again.
"I can't fucking do this shit." She cursed out in frustration , making Auston glance over at her from where he been serenely enjoying himself, clay perfectly in shape as he watched her struggle in vague amusement. Even pulling out his phone to take a candid photo of the model glaring down at the clay like it had just killed her own puppy.
"Calm down. Take a deep breath babe." He advised her patiently.
Nudging her shoulder with his, he ignored her hiss of 'don't call me babe.' Simply because he was close enough to see the way her cheeks coloured at as he called her it.
He tried not to grin like a lovesick idiot, instead he gently cupped his hands around her own on the wheel, helping her.
She went quite as he hovered around her, swallowing thickly as she looked down at their hands on her fucked up piece of clay.
"What we aiming for?" He asked while admiring the collection of rings covering her fingers.
It was something he had noticed about her quickly , she was always wearing some type of jewellery , necklaces , earrings , bracelets and rings. Even if she was wearing sweats out, she still had to wear them.
She exhaled quietly and let him guide her without moving away "was going for a vase but maybe just something that doesn't fall down is more realistic." She said answered .
And he helped her achieve that. With a smile on his face the whole time and a more reluctant one on her own. But he still took it for a win.
Then after they were baked in the oven and cooled  down, they got down to painting them, sat beside Auston at the table , painting her pottery a simple light green colour.
"What's yours gonna be?" She asked him curiously . Eyeing the small dish shaped pot he had made, he was holding it gently as he delicately painted it blue, with hearts all over it. His brush strokes gentle and precise, taking it seriously .
"It's gonna be a trinket dish for all your pretty jewellery." He murmured to her casually , finishing off another small heart. Secretly painting his initials in it too.
Cherrie just fell silent again, just looking at him. Stomach a whole damn zoo.
Fuck. She thought with a sigh. She was so fucked.
"Thanks. That's..." she didn't know what to say.
Flinching a little when he reached over to take her hand in his, smoothly sliding off her mood ring , grinning at her as he put in the small dish.
Letting out a pleased hum seeing that it fit in just fine , "sweet? Kind?" He supplied to her with a smirk, sliding her ring onto his own finger. Clenching them to watch the colours change as it heated ahinst his skin.  Wondered what the colour meant . He took a good guess, wasn't too hard.
Cherrie just sighed and watched him play with her ring on his finger, no plans to give it back.
So she took the cap from ontop of his head and placed it on her own, a theif for a thief. Watching in Amusement as he quickly ran his hand through his hair self consciously , frowning at her.
She frowned back.
Then he broke out into a soft laugh, his eyes lingering on her as he murmured to her quietly "ya know , you're very pretty." It was an understatement.
She was so fucking beautiful that his stomach hurt, but he felt like saying that would scare her away so soon. And he didn't want that.
Confident as she was, she just hummed and nodded her head in agreement . "I know." She was a model for a reason after all.
Auston laughed, nudging her arms . Enjoying the way she scolded at him when he ended up knocking the tiny paintbrush out of her hand. Huffing at him as she picked it back up again, fixing where it had smudged on the pottery.
"It's your turn to tell me how pretty I am too." Auston joked.
She huffed out a mean little laugh , not even looking away from her pottery . "I'm not lying to you matthews. Sorry." She didn't sound very sorry at all.
He didn't say anything . Just sighing dramatically instead as he went back to finishing off painting his too, making Cherrie lift her head to look at him with a frown.
Side eyeing him quietly , she shifted uneasily in her seat. Taking in his soft sweatshirt and vintage jeans , face as soft as the night before when he couldn't look away from her then either .
But now that she thought about it, he had always looked at her that way . Even when she was cursing him out for breaking her brothers nose during a game from behind the barrier , he always looked at her. For her.
So she huffed reluctantly and muttered quietly "you're eyes are alright I guess." Flushing darkly when he let out a startled laugh .
Looking back at her with a wide grin on his face , utterly amused by her inability to just be nice.
But flattery for someone she liked wasn't in her dna, she just bullied them instead. It was much easier. No matter how childish it was.
She never claimed to be mature anyways.
Emotionally constipated . Her friends joked.
Just reasonable and honest. She called herself .
"Alright eyes?" He was giggling hysterically now. Snorting even as he placed his chin in his hand, gazing over at her in amusement. .
"Wow. You're such a charmer . How do you have so many ex's?" He asked her while grinning .
Cherrie just looked at him blandly , then pointed at her face , then pointed down to her chest.
Auston followed her finger and hummed long and hard, getting what she was referring to. Both were very gifted and beautiful after all.
"Ah. Okay." He said nodding casually , his eyes lingering on her chest that was pushing out of her tight tank top that she was wearing.
He wondered "are they real?" He blurted out, genuinely curious. They looked too perfect to be real.
Cherrie eyes widened in offence , scoffing at him. "of course they're real! My back pain Says fuck you by the way." She shot back at him. Though she was amused by the way he couldn't keep his thoughts in his head at all.
He winced apologetically "sorry. They just look so perfect. They're very nice." He said while grinning at her , before sneaking another not so subtle glance at her tits.
They were great. 10000/10.
She rolled her eyes at him but she was hiding a smile , shaking her head . "Shut up." She muttered .
Ignoring the way he shuffled his chair closer to her own, hiking up his muttered jokes and judgey  comments about other people there , just to see her smile again.
Day2 .
The next day Cherrie ended up looking down at the caller Id in her phone in disbelief as it rang suddenly , Love or your Life written across the screen as she answered it with a amused scoff
"Are you serious Matthews? You stole my phone to put your number in it while I went to the toilet?" She said instead of hello. Amused despite herself.
She found herself getting up from the couch, playing with her hair as she listened to him talk. Practically feeling his stupid grin through the phone.
"Are you really that surprised?" He replied .
She grinned to herself , dropping her hair and fidgeting with her bottom lip instead .
Heart fluttering "I shouldn't be but you're kinda looking a bit desperate now matthews." She teased him.
He gasped dramatically and she had to force herself not to laugh, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how much she enjoyed his theatrics.
"I do not! I just want to hang out with you." He told her honestly not finding a need to lie.
He never had with her before and he wasn't going to start now.
She paused in the middle of the room, swallowing .
Then she murmured a soft , confused "why?" Wanting to know why he was trying so hard when he should have known better .
He sighed a little before telling her jokingly  "because you told me that I have 'alright eyes' and now I can't stay away.' But it was mostly true. Only his eyes had been on her long before two nights ago.
She didn't say anything so he tried his luck again "can I come over?" He asked her bluntly. Not beating around it.
She scoffed "no." Glancing around her temporary home, she started fluffing up the pillows on the couch despite it.
He huffs "please?" Then he bargained "I'll make you food."  Knowing that good food was her soft spot.
She said okay.
The first thing he did when he arrived was hug her, grinning to himself in amusement when she froze up, her arms sticking out to the side like an akward stick man. 
Placing his chin on her shoulder as he let out a content sigh, having missed her since the moment she left yesterday.
"What the hell are you doing?" She exclaimed , flustered . Turning her head so she could rest her chin on his chest, frowning up at him, startled. Feeling her heart race in her chest as she caught his smile.
He just hugged her head to his chest, laughing at the annoyed groan that she let out as he held her close.
"Hugging you." He stated the Obvious, amused.
"don't tell me you've never been hugged before babe?" He teased her, giving her another squeeze just because he could.
She finally had enough "get off me!" She huffed , pushing him off her.
Rolling her eyes when he just laughed at her "make me food." She said to distract herself away from the heat rising in her cheeks.
Auston wiggled his eyebrows at her but made his way to small kitchen regardless.
"bossy. Are you this bossy in bed too?" He joked (hoped), winking at her.
She glared at him , lips twitching .
"I will hurt you." She promised him. Then she watched him pull out the items from his canvas bag he had brought with him, smiling when she saw the pasta.
"Don't poison me please. I have the shoot tomorrow and clutching my stomach while vomiting isn't really a good look for me." She tells him. Leaning up against the counter beside him, turning her head to watch him cook for her.
Auston rolled his eyes at her , pulling on her hair and chuckling when she kicked him in return .
"I'm a good cook." He promised her. Plus he had bought the most expensive pasta and pasta sauce that they had in the store, so it better be fucking good.
"You look pretty." He told her again. Just because he could. Admiring her with a soft Blush on his cheeks that he hoped she didn't see .
And again, she just nodded her head with a small grin. Confidence never wavering "I know."
Then she glanced at his smart, waffle material , white shirt and mumbled quietly "I like your shirt." And that was a lot coming from her. She didn't just go throwing compliments about .
Auston paused with his hand on the bottle of pasta sauce , surprised.
He shot her another glance, face softening at the way she wouldn't meet his eyes.
"Thanks. Meets your approval babe?" He quipped, pleased. Having spent extra time getting ready to make sure that he looked good for her. She was a model after all, fashion was her thing. He wanted to look good beside her.
And he remembered her saying once in an interview that she liked quite luxury on a guy and well, the shirt was $3000. So it couldn't get more luxurious than that. He was glad she liked it. Because you could bet your ass that he was going to go back and boy it in every colour now.
Cherrie hummed a little, pouring herself a glass of wine. "It's nice." Was all she said.
He grinned smugly , ego boosted.
They made casual conversation while the pasta cooked. Moving to the couch when it was done, plates in their laps as they sat side by side, Auston telling her about how he had accidentally knocked out his own teammate once , Cherrie laughing freely bedore her phone rang.
And her whole face dropped as she looked at who was calling her. Immediately putting her plate on the coffee table in front of them with a small gasp, eyes going wide with fear.
"Brother?" He guessed easily. Not bothered at all. Happy to just watch in amusement as she panicked. Still eating his pasta contently . It was fucking good. Not that he had been worried.
Cherrie was not as relaxed "shut the hell up! Don't say a single thing!" She hissed at him , staring down at her phone like her brother could reach through it and see just who she was eating with then.
Auston snickered "scared of your brother?" He teased her. Shuffling closer.
She gave him a look "no. I just don't want you to get your legs broken!" She snapped.
He grinned  , placing his hand over his heart mockingly . "Aww you care about me!"
She scoffed "I do not! I'm just a good person and my brother hates you. So shut up!" She couldn't avoid it any longer , picking up her phone like it was the devil.
"Then why did you let me in?" Auston whispered to her smugly. Grinning when he got a middle finger in response.
She totally liked him. He thought gleefully.
Picking up her fork and pushing the pasta to her lips, feeding her another bite while she lied to her brother and told him that she was alone and just watching a movie.
Cherrie glaring at him as he continued to feed her like she was a baby (his baby. His babe.), snickering beneath his breath at the look on her pretty face.
She was incredibly sexy when she was mad.
Auston ended up going to her photoshoot with her the next day, refusing to leave her side. Being incredibly clingy and incredibly obvious but he couldn't care less.
Too busy watching her in awe. Sat on a loose chair as he watched her work her stuff in front of the camera , turning this way and that way as she modelled their clothes.
Well. He sucked in a sharp breath as he watched her walk out of the dressing room in the next set.
He couldn't exactly call what she was wearing clothes.
Considering she wasn't wearing them at all. Instead she had on a pale pink lace bra and thong, hair long and perfectly curled over her shoulder as she turned to look over it at the camera, lips pouted and red.
Auston felt like he might pass out. Wafting at his suddenly too tight shirt with his hand, eyes glued to the way her bare body moved confidently into poses
, this way and that way. On her knees, on her back, just standing their in fucking lace with that god damn smile.
He groaned beneath his breath , sweating. Heart racing as he followed her back into her dressing room when she was done.
Shutting the door behind them with his foot, he leaned against the dresser as he watched her take off the necklace that she was wearing.
"You look so beautiful right now." He told her quietly , eyes never leaving her.
He pulled out his own camera and lifted it up to his eye , taking picture of her as she took off the glittery makeup she was wearing . Breath hitching when she shot him a smile over her shoulder , laughing a little.
"You're like my own personal paparazzi ." She muttered in amusement . Yet she pulled a face at the camera , getting closer to him. Enjoying the attention.
She was made to be in front of the camera after all.
Eventually Setting it aside, he gently lopped his arms around her waist. Throat bobbing as he swallowed . Confidence wavering for a moment as he looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms.
"Can't help it." He murmured back to her quietly , feeling his pants harden as he glanced  down at her breasts spilling out in lace. Right there for him to see, chest nearly brushing ahinst his as she moved closer to him.
"You're perfect." He said. Meaning it.
Cherrie sighed, like she knew what was gonna happen next and wasn't going to stop it. He held his breath.
"Matthews?" She hummed .
He let out a strangled breath , fully hard now.
"Yeah?" He breathed out , fingers flexing around her waist as they slid down to grip her lace covered hips instead.
He swallowed again. Mouth ran dry.
She looked at him for a moment , contemplating if it was worth it. If he was worth it.
Then she saw his nervous, hopeful eyes on her. Felt his palms grow sweaty on her hips, felt his hard on pressing into her thigh as he shifted anxiously on his feet.
She was done for. Completely fucked.
So, she thought , she might as well be fucked in best of ways as well.
"This is your chance if you want it." She let him know quietly. Looping her arms around his neck, titling her head to give him a pointed look. Heart racing.
And he did want it. So fucking bad. It was obvious.
He didn't chance her changing her mind.
Just leant his head down and kissed her like he has been wanting to all this time. Humming in relief against her mouth when she quickly kissed him back, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck as she deepened the kiss.
Nudging his nose gently with her own , tasting him, biting down on his bottom lip until he was moaning against her tongue. Hands cupping her face firmly as she pressed his back against the wall behind him.
Then her hands slid beneath his sweatshirt and his fingers took a handful of her ass , squeezing with a lustful groan.
His mind short circuiting when she moved her mouth away from his to kiss down his jaw, then to down his flushed neck instead . Tongue slowly and carefully tracing her name down his throat, making sure he felt every letter, as he laughed breathlessly , eyes blown wide in anticipation and something more than desire . Burning for her completely.
His Heart racing. Unable to believe that it was finally happening between them.
"I kinda feel nervous." He blurted out despite the way his hands were gripping the back of head, threading his fingers through his soft hair as she suddenly knelt down to her knees in front of him and swiftly pulled down his pants , Auston just looking down at her in awe.
Gasping sharply as she confidently gripped him on her warm hand, squeezing him firmly as he swallowed thickly , barely breathing as he watched her through hooded eyes. Feeling like he was living out one of his wet dreams that she was always the star of .
"First time?" She joked slyly , giving him a wink when he just let out a strangled breath , speechless .
Then without another warning , she dropped her head down and got to work on showing him just why she had such a long list of ex lovers , and just why she was one of the most wanted women in the world.
But Auston don't think that anybody wanted her just as much as he did. It really wasn't possible.
Then She fucked him like she was a pornstar and Auston genuinely had to sit down on the couch when it was finally over , his legs shaking and face red as he caught back his breath, sweating and panting loudly as he watched her pull her clothes back on. Feeling like he was in a dream. Never wanting to leave it.
He watched her get ready in silence for a minute. Just taking her in before finally sitting up and joining her in putting his clothes back on, his eyes on her face as she brushed her sex hair into a lazy ponytail , a relaxed stance about her now and Auston felt proud to be the one to put that satisfied , fucked out smile on her face.
He stood up carefully when he was done, slowly  approaching her and putting his arms around the back of her neck , burying his face into her shoulder as he hugged her close. Just breathing her in contently.
"Come home with me?" H practically pleaded, voice quiet and hopeful. Never wanting to let her go now.
If he thought that he was In love with her before they had sex, his feelings were much worse now.
He kind of wanted to marry her then. Be her forever. Die for her. That kind of love. It was crazy but so was he.
She sighed quietly , lips twisting as she hesitated for a second "Auston..."
But then she glanced up in the mirror in front of them and caught their reflection, face softening as she saw the way that he was looking at her.
His cheek blushing pressed against her own softly as he swayed them from side to side gently , kissing the corner of her mouth with puppy eyes.
"Please?" He whispered hopefully .
Then he quickly added like it would change her mind "I'll teach you how to knit."
She laughed in disbelief , unable not to. Because what the fuck was wrong with him?
They had fucked and now he wanted to take her home and knit with her? Who did that?
She went home with him. Because of course she did.
And Auston ended up knitting her a scarf while she slept soundlessly on his chest, the smile never leaving his face the whole night long .
She was wearing the very same scarf that he made as she used to hide the hickeys he gave her on her neck when her brother facetimed her in a fury the very next day.
"What the hell are you doing Cherrie?" He almost yelled down the phone , looking at her in disbelief "there's photos of you and Auston fucking matthews all over the internet. Want to tell me what that's  about?" He demanded to know. Seething.
And she winced .
Not meeting his eyes she sniffed, acting indifferent. Like she wasn't tucked up in his bed right then, in his hoodie and handmade fucking scarf while he baked her cookies in his kitchen because he wanted to.
She felt her heart race with anxiety, guilt hitting her then. "yeah-I er-I bumped into him outside the grocery store." She lied , forgetting for a moment just who she was lying to.
He was her brother for fucks sake. He could see right through her and noticed the way her eyes were wandering , the way she was sat there in a scarf that she wouldn't be seen dead in usually . He wasn't that stupid.
"The photos are in front of a pottery class building Cherrie." He stated bluntly. Not happy at all.
But who would be after seeing pictures of his sister cozying up beside the guy that had humiliated him in the ice more times than he could count?
She laughed abruptly , mentally kicking herself . "Yeah I bumped into him there too." She tried to cover herself but she knew it wasn't working. "Small world eh?" She added sheepishly .
Dalton, her brother, just scoffed angrily .
Glaring down the phone at her and she was so fucking glad that this argument was taking place over FaceTime because she wasn't so sure she could lie to his face in real time. She pierre herself on blunt honesty after all , so lying to him was new and awful .
"I can't believe you! You were laughing and smiling at him Cherrie!" He shouted furious "touching his fucking arm! We hate him , what the hell are you doing?!"
Getting worked up now , anger Inherited , she rolled her eye at him in irritation .
"you hate him! Maybe he isn't so bad!" Seeing his rage she quickly added "off the ice!" Like it would help her case.
It didn't.
Her brother let out a unamused laugh "you're joking!" He couldn't believe it, feeling betrayed because where was his sister who had threatened to break matthews legs after he had hurt him on the ice?
"This guy had broke my nose before Cherrie! Always on my fucking back!"
She looked away from her phone with a frown, swallowing nervously because it was true . Auston liked to terrorise him on the ice, they're was kind denying it. .
"Thats just hockey."she weakly defended.
Her brother then just shook his head in absolute disbelief, unable to believe what he was hearing .
"I don't want you near him Cher. He's a asshole! And this is something that he would do just to piss me off! I know it! Try and get close to you just so he can use it against me on the ice!" He accused . Furious at the very thought.
And Cherrie froze as the first shot of doubt made its way to her head.
Lips parting in a shaky breath as she wondered if perhaps he could be right , getting with his sister would be a really big hit wouldn't it? She would be the name tossed around on the ice, the easy target. All because she liked a boy.
But that couldn't be right. She swallowed .
She had seen the way Auston looked at her, the way his fingers always seemed to itch to be on her skin, even if just a graze. The way his eyes search her face for her reaction whenever he said some stupid joke , the way he huddled closer to her in their walk home as they bitched to each other , judging everybody they passed, snickering like a couple of mean girls.
The way he held onto her and didn't seem to want to let her go. He had went of his way to make every excuse to see her again.
Surely that couldn't be an act just to her back at her brother on the ice?
He wouldn't be that cruel.
"Just-" she took in a deep breath to gather herself, shaking her head angrily at the phone.
"just shut up alright? I'm not doing anything wrong and neither is he! He's allowed to say hello!"
He had done a lot more than say hello to her but the pot had already been well stirred already, and it was on the verge of boiling over , she didn't want to make it worse.
Dalton looked at her for a moment , saw the way she wouldn't look at her screen to meet his eyes and let out a long sigh, hoping with everything in him That she was being honest .
"Well say goodbye each time then because you don't want him hanging around Cherrie. He's no good." He said.
And Cherrie had to agree there because matthews was no good for her Heart at all.
Once she had finished assuring her brother that she wasn't lying to him, the guilt , the doubt and the anger had her stomping back into his kitchen , heart pounding in her chest .
Glaring at him like he was the problem as she watched him hum happily to the radio as he baked , focused on making her cookies because she had said she needed sugar.
She had meant him. But he had taken it literally and pulled up a recipe and who was she to deny a man that wanted to bake her cookies?
"Auston matthews." She started furiously , more angry at her brother than anything . Pissed off that he thought he could tell her what to do.
Auston paused , hands on the dough as he looked warily over his shoulder at her .
"oh shit. What? Too many almonds?" He wondered , glancing down at his cookies. Hoping to break the scowl on her face.
But it didn't budge , instead she glared harder "are you joking? Am I a joke to you Auston? You think you're funny?" She gritted out, furious and overcome with a sudden insecurity that her brother was right .
Auston frowned, utterly confused as he wondered what could have made her mood dip in the matter of half an hour while she had been 'napping' in his room.
"Sometimes I do." He said cautiously, side eyeing her.
a little amused by how she had stormed into the kitchen with a ball of fire steaming from her ears without any explanation.
"But I think right now you do not." He mumbled sheepishly catching her scathing glare.
She just scoffed angrily "are you just doing this to get back at my brother? Some fucking game?" She demanded to know. Never one to beat around the bush.
He glanced down at the cookies , and frowned even harder. Brain still sluggish from the lack of sleep they had last night , turns out she had an insane amount of stamina once she got started. And she was very competitive too, even between the sheets. His legs were sore and so was his dick.
"Why Am I baking to get back at him? Is he allergic to almonds or something? Cause they're not for him anyways babe." He joked before looking back up and seeing the look on her face.
He quickly wiped his hands in a tea towel as his face softened, realising that this was serious and no laughing matter.
He sighed quietly "no. Of course it isn't. I couldn't care less about your brother." He told her honestly . Meaning it.
All he thought about was her, she was the one that was worried about Dalton. Not him.
She scoffed again "yeah right." She muttered grumpily , arms crossed defensively over her chest as she sulked.
Getting annoyed at her lack of understanding and her shitty character view of him, even after everything, he huffed at her .
Tugging her arms from her chest with a scowl that rivalled her own, knowing that he needed to tell her bluntly how he felt otherwise she wouldn't take the hint at all.
"Is it so hard to believe that I just like you for you Cherrie?" He said to her seriously . The most serious he had ever been with her before. But she needed to know.
He wasn't going to let her stupid brother plant some stupid seed of doubt about him in her mind , when all Auston wanted to do was worship the ground she walked on for the rest of their lives.
And Auston couldn't believe how shocked she looked as she gaped back at him, speechless for a long moment.
Both of them just looking at eachother , Auston with his hands on his hips as he stared her down in exasperation.
Cherrie just in disbelief.
"You like me?" She echoed , cheeks flushing at the incredulous laugh he let out at her shock.
Rolling his eyes at her in amusement "no . I hate your guts ." He deadpanned. Scoffing "don't be so ridiculous. Honestly...you're so lucky that you're so pretty cause you're dumb as shit whe it comes to this stuff." He said bluntly.
She just blinked at him, stunned.
Letting him take her into his arms with a dramatic sigh, arms wrapped around her waist as he grinned down at her in amusement , shaking his head at her.
He kissed the tip of her nose and muttered "I've liked you since the very first time you screamed some very colourful words at me when I accidentally broke your brothers nose that time."
Recalling how his heart had skipped a beat when he had met her furious eyes, his cheeks flushing beneath his mask as he was overcome by all that she was . As angry as she had been. She was incredibly hot when she looked like she wanted to kill him. That didn't help his infatuation at all.
Cherrie felt her mouth run dry, wide eyes staring into his soft ones.
"That was years ago though.." she breathed out, flustered by the softened look on his face then. His heart bare for her to see.
He just shrugged lazily , kissing the side of her face a couple of times as he murmured against her blushing cheek.
"I know. I'm crazy about you." He admitted without any shame . "So imagine how happy I was when I finally bumped into you at the hotel while you were drunk off your ass and missing one shoe?"
She buried her face in his chest, hiding her grin. Wrapping her arms around his waist as she squeezed him with a small frown , overwhelmed .
"Stupid idiot ." She mumbled, kissing over his heart. Bad at feelings. Bad at words.
He laughed loudly , running his fingers through her hair affectionately. Amused "I've just told you I adore you and you call me stupid?" He grinned
"you're so sweet babe." He teased.
She shrugged back at him , giggling a little . "You know exactly what you're getting yourself into with me Auston." She simply replied. Because it was true and she wasn't going to change herself for anybody.
And Auston just nodded his head, serious about it .
"I do. And you're worth all the trouble that you're gonna bring me. Ain't nobody better than you." He told her. Meaning it.
She just let out a light laugh and kissed him before he could see her burning cheeks.
He was worth it as well. He was just as much trouble as she was too after all. He had started this mess.
On the morning that she was supposed to fly back home, Cherrie was saddled with a clingy Auston refusing to let her out of his bed.
Laying like a needy koala on top of her, arms wrapped around her shoulders and legs around her waist, he wasn't letting her move at all. No matter how much she pinched at him or pulled his hair. He just grumbled and held her tighter, pouting .
"Don't leave." He groaned upset , kissing all over her face as she squirmed beneath him, feigning annoyance as though she wasn't Hiding a smile at his affections .
"Why would you want to leave me?!" He whined.
She just huffed, arm lazily wrapped around his shoulder as he clung to her. Stopped her fighting and just stared down at his frowning face in amusement.
She didn't exactly want to go but she couldn't stay forever , she had ...well, she had her apartment back home and..well, no friends but..still.
She had plans. With her brother. She couldn't just stay.
"Auston. I need to get up. My flight is in an hour. My bags are packed. Get off." She shoved at him again half heartedly but he just squished her into the mattress even harder, making her huff for a breath. Cursing his name. "Matthews!"
He groaned "it's baby to you." He muttered frowning up at her with his chin on her chest .
Heart aching at the thought of her leaving him just like that. "And you're bags aren't packed." He told her casually , lips twitching mischievously.
She paused in her struggle to narrow her eyes at him, sighing loudly when she saw the look of a man child trying not to laugh like a naughty child looking back at her.
"I swear to god Auston-" she hissed, looking across the room to where she had left her suitcase earlier. Closing her eyes in disbelief when she noticed that it was open, her clothes no longer nearly packed inside.
Auston just giggled against her chest, sounding smug. "Can't go now cause by the time you repack you'll be too late." He told her lightly , grinning at her glare. Unfazed by it . He just thought it made her look even more hot than she already was.
She smacked the back of his head, hard. Auston gasping as he looked down at her like a wounded puppy , whining her name as he rubbed at his head with a frown.
She huffed "I can't believe you! What is wrong with you?!" She exclaimed. Looking at him in disbelief.
Auston just shrugged , carelessly . "Wanted you to stay. You've got nothing to do back there anyways. Apart from that runway show but we can fly there together on the day." He said. Having it all planned out. He wasn't planning on letting her go anytime soon.
And Cherrie, Cherrie felt herself give in easily .
Because he was looking at her like...like that. Smiling and kissing at any piece of her skin that he could reach, hope written acrosss his stupid face and she just couldn't do it . Couldn't break his heart.
"Fuck you." She sighed instead .
Then she pushed him off the bed and onto the floor with one giant shove while he was distracted , laughing loudly at the girly scream he let out as he went down.
He laid there, like a starfish for a moment moment .
Blinking up at her with wide eyes and a hopeful grin "is that a yes? You'll stay?" He hoped.
Seeing her crawl back beneath the covers and toss a pillow at him with another 'get fucked.'
He laughed joyfully , whooping loudly "it's a yes!" He yelled excitedly before hurrying to get off the floor, throwing himself back down on the bed to cuddle her, kissing her like there was no tomorrow .
So fucking happy because she wasn't going anyway. She was staying with him. She was his.
Unfortunately between all the fucking, the baking and knitting. The go karting dates and intense games of twister and monopoly , Auston had completely forgot about how he had agreed to hang out with Mitch that Saturday. His friend used to just letting himself in, did just that.
And Auston was too busy with his head buried between her thighs on the twister mat to hear the sound of his door opening and closing , or the footsteps quickly coming towards them.
It wasn't until they heard a girly , shocked scream coming from the doorway that they both jumped apart. Their heads snapping over with wide eyes to see Mitch standing there, his hands covering his eyes as he screamed .
"Oh shit man!" Auston gasped as he quickly pulled up cherries shorts again, glancing down apologetically at her as he helped her sit up. "I forgot you were coming over!"
Mitch scoffed loudly , in shock . "No shit! Oh my god." He groaned in disbelief as he warily pulled his hands away from his eyes , his eyes meting cherries as she glared at him. Mortified.
He glared back at her too because he knew exactly who she was.
"I know you!" He exclaimed , gaping at her. "You called me a bitch boy with no brains like .. a waist of a pretty face twice! After each game!" He accused. Looking at Auston like he was expecting him to be shocked too.
But Auston just snorted as he wiped the back of his mouth with his hand, giggling as he leant his hand to Cherrie.
Only to have her slap it away as she got back up to her feet on her own , crossing her arms over her chest defensively as she looked at his teammate who was looking between the both of them in shock .
"She's called me worse." Auston said amused.
Embarrassed and annoyed, she didn't back down.
Instead she glared back at Mitch and scoffed "you kept calling my brother four legs!" She shot back at him. Because as annoying as Dalton was, he was still her brother and she would defend him from other hockey players with her life.
Mitch rose his brows at her, pulling a face "that's just hockey sweatheart! You didn't hear the things he called me!"
Auston frowned at him , "don't call her that." He muttered. Getting ignored by the both of them.
"I don't care what he called you!"
"I can't believe this!" Mitch looked at Auston in shock "she's the one that you wouldn't shut up about all these years! But she's so mean!" He gasped. Stunned by it all.
Cherrie looked like she was going to hit him, so Auston gently pulled her away.
Patting her back soothingly With a grin on his face, not bothered at all. Too in love and happy to care about anything else other than Cherrie.
"I know." He sighed dreamily "amazing eh?" He said. Grinning down at her like a lovesick idiot.
Mitch just blinked down at him in disbelief.
Then seeing the way Auston Kissed the side of her head and the way she gently hugged his side, fingers lopped through his belt loop, he sighed in defeat. Rubbing his hand over his face in absolute disbelief .
"This serious?" He asked them , hands on his hips like a annoyed father. Looking between the two of them silently.
Cherrie frowned "none of your business" she snapped while Auston just grinned "so serious." He said at the same time. Making them glance at each other, him in amusement while Cherrie just looked exasperated.
"What?" He laughed freely , kissing her head. "It is!"
She eventually nodded with a small sigh , hesitating for a moment before looking at Mitch with a slightly less hostile look on her face.
He was Austin's teammate after all, and it was serious. So she would have to get used to having him around because she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
"It is." She agreed. Both her and Mitch just staring each other down.
Then Auston broke the tension by holding up a wooden box and asking them brightly "a game of Jenga anyone?"
What Cherrie hasn't expected when cancelling her hangout with her brother back home, was to have him turn up at her apartment in Toronto a week later without any warning.
Because if she had. Knowing that he was coming over . She wouldn't have let Auston stay over the night before.
Wouldn't have engaged in a rough sex battle for hours on her bed that morning , wouldn't have sent him to the answer the door. Thinking it was postmates with their breakfast that she had ordered.
So poor Auston was a little blindsided as he swung open the door with a happy grin on his face, just in his boxers , covered by cherries pink , silk dressing grown that barley covered her ass never mind his.
Only to be greeted by her brothers murderous face looking back at him on the over side of the door, making Austin's smile quickly slide right back off.
He tended up, shoulders lifting before letting out a akward laugh as he fastened the silk gown a little tighter around his bare chest.
Aware that his appearance screamed 'just got fucked by your sister!' Then. Hickeys littering his neck and chest because she was a little vampire , he ran a hand through his hair . Cringing a little at the awful timing of it all.
Clearing his throat as he tried to act casually , like this was totally normal.
"Oh. Hey man. Fancy seeing you here." He said .
Her just brother glared in fury , then shoved him through the door before cocking his arm back and punching him right in the nose just as Cherrie came running into the room again, in Just his shirt. Looking like sex too.
Auston groaned lowly , laid out on the floor as he clutched his poor throbbing , bleeding nose. Winching in pain "fucking hell! No hello?" He choked out, cupping his nose with a wince .
Cherrie gasping as she quickly knelt beside him, heart pounding in her chest as she glared up at her brother furiously . Quickly pulling off the fabric headband from her hair and holding it against Austin's bleeding nose.
"Dalton! What the hell is wrong with you?!" She shouted at him angrily . Gazing worriedly at Auston who was slowly pushing himself to his feet with her help, his eyes warily glancing at her brother who was red in the face and looking ready to kill.
He glared back at her in fury "don't you even start!" He hissed back at her , feeling betrayed .
"What happened to 'I only said hello?!" He Shouted. Looking like he was going to hit him again.
Auston frowned a little , sniffling as he plugged his aching nose with the fabric . Exhaling heavily "fuck me. That's what I said to you man." He managed to snark, bloody nose and all. Not helping himself at all.
"And don't talk down at her like that." He added quickly with a scowl , telling himself that smacking her brother back wouldn't help at all. In fact that might make her smack him as well. And he don't want that.
She's Worth the trouble. He reminded himself easily , tasting blood in the back of his mouth. It wasn't her fault that her brother was a dick with a mean right hook.
Dalton paced her hallway, hands in his hair as he looked at his sister , hurt by her lying to him .
"I can't believe you lied to me!" He shouted . Upset.
Cherrie let out a cold laugh, motioning towards Austons bloody nose with her hands harshly.
"I lied to you because I knew you would do this!" She screamed back at him. Just as upset. Because this was not how she wanted him to find out but it was too late now and she couldn't take anything with Auston back .
She wouldn't even if she could. She was in too deep now.
He scoffed hatefully, glaring at Auston . "No shit! Your lucky I don't kill him Cherrie! This asshole has broken my nose and concussed me more times than I can remember !" He yelled.
Auston rolled his eyes bitterly , wiping at the drying blood beneath his nose. "Maybe the concussion did some damage then. Stupid ass." He muttered.
Cherrie shot him a look "shut up." She snapped.
He did.
Then she looked at her brother and scolded "and you-I'm a grown ass woman. I can do whatever I like! You don't get to tell me who I get to be with!"
He gasped sharply "be with?!" He looked sick.
Glancing between them again and finally noticing the way Auston stood so close to her, his hand gently pressed to her back for comfort. Cherrie checking worriedly at his bruising nose every two seconds while he murmured to her that he was okay.
He felt his stomach drop "oh no." He almost whined in misery . "no. No! Please tell me this is just some stupid fucking faze! You can't be-" he looked helplessly between them "you don't actually like him do you?!" He demanded to know.
Cherrie went silent. Feeling two pairs of eyes on her, Auston frowning a little when she didn't say a thing at all.
Taking it upon himself to let him know "she does. This isn't some meaningless hook up man."
Dalton glared at him angrily "you. Shut up. You don't get to speak."
"I'll say what I want to asshole." He snapped back at him. Done with his shit. Because who did he think he was to barge in and ruin their day like this?
Her brother swallowed . Eyes widening because that sounded too much like something his sister would say for comfort.
He groaned again. "No. Cherrie come on..." he said pleadingly . Looking at her for the truth.
She swallowed thickly, glanced at Austin's frowning face as he fidgeted with his fingers and sighed in defeat .
"He's-" she breathed in nervously, not good with feelings at all. She felt sick. "I'm staying in Toronto for a while Dalton." She ended up saying instead .
He just looked back at her, confused "why?" Then he glanced at Auston and scowled "for him?" He scoffed.
She ignored his pettiness and nodded her head, reaching her hand behind her back and letting Auston intertwine their fingers.
Finding comfort in it as he gently squeezed the palm of her hand three times, shuffling closer to her till their sides were pressed together. Wincing as she took a glance up to see his bloody nose that was already bruising, having no doubt that it would look even worse tomorrow.
"For myself." She muttered then swallowed "and Auston. For the both of us. Because I want to."
Her brother shook his head "I don't get it." He said genuinely.
Glaring at him "why my sister? Cause if this is just some sick fucking game to mess with her- I will fucking kill you-" he started to threaten him, protective of her as always.
And Auston had enough . Just wanting to wash his aching nose and eat some food with Cherrie in bed, before taking her to the movies just like he had planned before he brother had barged in.
His plans weren't going to change , so he needed to set him straight now before he did what his gut was screaming at him to do and punched his stupid ass back.
"Shut up dick face." He finally spat losing his patience. "I'm doing this because I fucking love your sister alright? I've been in love with her for years so you don't get to come in here and accuse me of shit when you don't fucking know shit at all!" He snarled, picking up a cushion from the couch and hauling it at his head instead .
It went silent. Air tense. Her brother slowly looking down to the cushion that bounced onto the floor after hitting him, while Cherrie just gaped at him in shock. Gasping.
Heart pounding In Her chest as she murmured tearfully "you're in love with me?" Tugging at his hand to get him to look at her again .
Auston did. Face softening as he took in her tears eyes and flushed cheeks. Rolling his eyes at her with a small laugh , exhausted and his nose stinging like a bitch.
"Duh." He said with a sigh while cupping her face in his hands , giving her a little shake in amusement.
"thought I made it obvious. But I forgot that you're a little dumb when it comes to love." He said.
"Fuck you." She sniffled while leaning into him , grinning tearfully as he fondly pinched her cheek.
Auston smirked at her a little , "you love me too right?" He checked. Confidence wavering for a split second when she didn't immediately say it back.
But he had nothing to worry about because she snorted, then pinched his side and told him straight "I am so in love with you , you stupid asshole!" Before kissing him.
Auston laughing breathlessly against her mouth. Getting lost in her, relief filling his chest know that her knew she felt the same .
I mean. He had a feeling that she did but still, it was nice to hear it verbally. It Settled any doubt and now he wanted to buy a ring.
They only pulled away when her brother loudly cleared his throat, their faces flauhing, having forgotten that he was even there. Auston giving him a awkward grin when he met his glaring eyes.
"I'm going to beat your ass at the next game." Was all he muttered in defeat knowing that he has no say in this . She loved him after all.
Tossing his bag aside and stomping down the hallway to find the spare room, needing a long minute to take on the fact that his sister was in love with his rival. And his rival was so obviously ,  sickeningly in love with her too . He kind of wanted to die.
Auston just scoffed, wrapping his arms around cherrrie as he watched him wander away. Feeling smug, he replied "after that hit. You better watch your back!"
Making Cherrie slap his side with a glare "behave." She warned. Amused.
But it was Auston. And he was a little shit , so he also called out to him loudly before he could reach the bedroom door.
"Oh! And I'm taking you're sister out to see the movies later and you're not coming!"
Her brother yelled back "fuck you! I don't want to go anywhere with your stupid ass anyways!"
Auston scoffed "yeah well this stupid is ass is going to marry your sister. So better get used to it brother in law!" He really couldn't Help himself at all. It was just too easy.
The only answer he got was a strangled noise from him and the slamming of the door behind him.
His chuckling quickly fading as he turned around to be faced with Cherrie, arms crossed over her chest as she shook her head at him, unimpressed with him winding her brother up even more.
"What?" He muttered with a smirk.
Wrapping his arm around her neck and nudging his nose gently against her own in mirth "it's true. You like diamonds babe?"
She just sighed in exasperation and kissed him to shut him up. But he got the message loud and clear.
She totally wanted a big diamond . He had seen those rings on her fingers. She wasn't going to be cheap at all. He grinned into the kiss, lit with happiness from Within.
It only took, like three fucking years. But Totally worth the trouble . And the bloody nose.
Because the mouthy, mean girl was finally his.
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relatableblorbopoll · 6 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 14
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Oz Vessalius (Pandora Hearts)
"Struggles with self-worth, adores books, ADHD (though that’s not canon—but he fits the diagnostic criteria), his strongest/most important relationships are platonic"
Sound (My School President)
"Lonely gay teenager who tries to be cool and sauve but gets adopted against his will by a group of losers and then falls for one of the losers who gets on his nerves a lot because he was nice to him once and then he gets all awkward and flustered around the boy and tries to avoid him and antagonize him but the boy sees through it and they eventually end up together and he becomes the most annoying person in love ever"
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
"adhd. possibly some autism too. a weird girl who got outcasted by being herself and sure has some WACK coping mechanisms to deal with it. self worth is IN THE DRAIN. gnc and not straight. writes fanfic. artist. goes through a depression era when at her moms house. loves her mom also. this is canon stuff i'm saying"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA she is so ASDHSUJD. Okay I started watching the owl house because I knew there was a WLW couple, so obviously I had to check it out. But upon watching the show, I got so emotionally connected to it, or moreso the protagonist, Luz, that it could go beyond some people's understandings... I remember that almost any scene showing her neurodivergent traits would hit SO. CLOSE. HOME. It would be unbelievable. I literally rewatched the show more than seventeen times one summer. She is just so goshdarn relatable man. She's the weird kid, has no friends, loves making anime edits, is OBSESSED with a book series, loves witches and magic and stuff, has ADHD, an attention span that is so high when she's engaging with something she likes doing and so low when she's bored. She's just so lovely. I know a lot of people found her annoying in season one but she hit close home to me. Season two was amazing as well and she started getting even MORE relatable!! She started showing her people pleasing, how much she blames herself, it was so sad but I was glad to see a character I could relate to so much on screen. I mean i personally didn't experience the loss of my father and I personally do have one friend whom I'm able to share my life with, but she's still super relatable. She can be so silly and so cool. And her impulsivity and the way she realized she doesn't know what she wants to do when she grows up also hit close home. Mwah"
Gundham Tanaka (Super Danganronpa 2)
"Goth autistic theater kid"
Saiki Kusuo (Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan/The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
"He's very dead inside, especially in the English Dub, and introverted. But even so, he cares a lot for his friends, even if he never says it to them and he finds them annoying most of the times. He also be nosey and just insert himself into others' situations that don't involve him (obviously, he makes it so that nobody knows he's there and, obviously, he's also complaining about this all the time). He's canonically aroace, or at least aroace spec He's canonically trans. He was born as a girl but he didn't like it so he immediately turned himself into a boy with his psychic powers. An argument could be made about him being on the autism spectrum."
Drew (The Music Freaks)
"I don't like him actually I hate him and love him st the same time in fact but. This man is so real and such a horrible jerkwad to everyone around him. I mean I can't relate to THAT but I should mention he also gets jelous easily, he is in love with his best friend who does not like him back, he's all moody and grouchy and bratty. And so am I and I hate it lol."
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fractualized · 8 months
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Time for a surprise The Man Who Stopped Laughing post! Here I was all mad that Jason disappeared in TMWSL #11, and then Rosenberg basically decided Gotham War: Red Hood #2 is a TMWSL side story with a lot I was not expecting!
I still hate that there's no effort at a legible timeline but all the surprises in this issue are helping me move past it. (OK I can't lie I'm always going to hate it at least lowkey.)
More thoughts:
So basically the Gotham War stuff is all happening before/during TMWSL #11 meaning the two Jokers were just hanging around Gotham for the two months Bruce was asleep I KNOW I SAID I'D STOP I'LL STOP. Jason strayed into Gotham War at first partly because of his search for Joker, asking the men Selina has recruited for clues about his location, but then he got more involved, enough that GW Red Hood #2 starts with Joker trying to find out where Jason is.
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What an interesting turn!
The note does get to Jason, via a dead body (laid to rest by Scarecrow, not Joker).
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Ohhh this is a twist. Last month in TMWSL, Ravager gave Manhunter a list of locations from Jason, places to look for Joker, and now we know they were provided by Joker himself?! Because he wants to make sure Jason finds him? And is probably plain insulted that someone who was pursuing him so single-mindedly suddenly stopped? hahaha
Jason says he'll meet up with Ravager in a couple days, but he misses his appointment because, as you may know, Zur-influenced Bruce decides to Clockwork Orange him so he'll feel debilitating fear whenever his adrenaline ratchets up. But Ravager isn't the only one who notices Jason's absence.
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Joker did say back in the hospital in TMWSL that he might have plans for Jason, but I took that more as a taunt. I didn't know he actually was depending on Jason being around. (Though given the time jump, that could be a recently created plan.) Also, "Batman can't have him! I TOOK CUSTODY IN THE DIVORCE."
And look at Joker all ready to go with his hat! And the umbrella. The umbrella detail kills me.
It's also just really funny to me that like, sometimes Catwoman in Gotham War acts parental toward Jason. Here, Joker is intent on finding him. In the following pages, Harvey hears what happened to Jason and says Jason is "more one of us than he knows. And he's had a rough life because of that." And then Scarecrow comes upon Jason during a Missing Scene that takes place during Catwoman #58 when Jason tries to save a little girl from a fire...
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Just when I'm laughing that Jason is everybody's blorbo, this happens.
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MOMMY. Batman is Jason's Daddy, and Joker is Jason's Mommy. Oh my god. Rosenberg, you magnificent glowing sunrise.
Joker chases Scarecrow away like a disobedient cat with his squirtgun, and then turns back to Jason.
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I think Grundy's pee could probably still ward Scarecrow off. Also is Joker mad Jason didn't tell his parents they have a granddaughter? :(
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Joker again insisting Jason is important for his plans. Joker saying he's going to fix Jason, his "sweet boy." Is Joker of all people going to undo what Bruce did? That would be pretty hilarious, something to hang over Bruce's head later.
But whatever it is, it's not going to happen now, of course. Joker leaves Jason under the beam so the scene can play out as it does in Catwoman #58, in which Jason did not mention Scarecrow or Joker. I'm not sure if that's just because he still wants to take care of his own business or that he's not sure they were real.
I'm assuming all this means Jason will in fact appear in the TMWSL finale, though suddenly afraid of everything, which will be kind of weird for people only reading that story. Then again, maybe Bruce will end up fixing Jason himself in the last GW issue on Halloween, with how weird and inconsistent the GW writing has been.
Regardless, this particular issue was an unexpected delight, and it's boosted my assumption that the end of TMWSL #11 is a fakeout and this Joker is very much the real one. Too much would hit different in a bad way if he wasn't…
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
TBH!!!!The only way you can make Aang look bad in Kataang is by making it out to be like Katara was never into him romantically but at the end of the day,regardless of what you believe of it's writing,she was!There were hints of her feeling the same way about him he does starting from The Boy and The Iceberg and you can hate them all you want but saying she didn't have a crush on him is straight up lying about canon and it's okay to like them better platonically because you feel that works better than them as a couple but Aang never forced his feelings on Katara-He would never want to to begin with but he wouldn't need to because she fell for him all on her own
Almost all the scenes of him showing his love for her were met with positive responses from her and there were several moments of her returning his gestures completely unprompted to make their dynamic equal and her being confused about the nature of her and Aang isn't an invalidation of it,it's because contrary to Zutara shippers' adultification addiction she's a 14 year old girl who's never dated anyone lmao!She didn't flirt back with Jet because he's a bit older(thankfully not by a creepy amount,only 16)and therefore more experienced in this department so she couldn't keep up with his tactics and her Aang flirtatiouns are middle school/high school freshman-coded as a result and it's also canon one of the reason's she feel for Aang is BECAUSE he's more childish than her,not inspite of it,and makes her feel like a real kid for once and i mean it's not like anybody else goes out of their way to do it consitently,least of all Mister 'You won't forgive me?Okay,let's bond by you killing someone while i watch and don't help!'.The prime example of this is the season 3 kisses arguments
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She literally offered to kiss him FIRST and got prissy when he tried to deny her out of shyness and uncertaincy!Like this is exactly what i'm talking about,you can't call Aang abusive for pursuing a girl you THINK didn't like him so you remove all the context of their relathionship to 'prove it's canon' when it's ACTUAL NONSTOP IN YOUR FACE CANON that she loved him back the whole time!It's such a violent removal of Katara's agency and to use it to justify Zutara because 'Zuko is what girls are SUPPOSED to like' is so deeply rooted in bioessentialism and conservative m/f dating and TBFH!!!!!!!!!!!Zutara shipper saying Z/K antis have 'internalized misogyny' is a big lie with countless evidence debunking it and them removing responsibility themselves for all the damage they do but if a Kataang shipper said 'hating Kataang because you think Zutara is better is internalized misogyny',well,they wouldn't exactly be wrong seeing as they'd ALSO have countless evidence and that's ironically enough thanks to Zutara shippers themselves!
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fl0ptrait · 1 month
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Dylan Langley for @plumbewb
"Just Julia" Bachelorette Challenge
I present you Dylan.
Dylan is a writer of smut, or erotica novels if you feel fancy. He was born in Brindleton Bay but moved to SanMy when he turned 20 and after publishing his first book. He struggled for the first couple of years working multiple jobs to be able to pay the bills until he made his breakthrough with his book "Bound by Blood". The major difference between his first and second book is that on the second book cover there was a picture of him in the author bio. Since then he uses his good looks to achieve his goals. "It is what it is guys. We are all guilty"
He knows Julia through her youtube channel, Dylan always liked wearing make up but never took the time to actually learn how to do it properly so when he looked for some tutorials he stumbled upon Julia's youtube channel. He now puts on her videos even when he doesn't need any make up tip as he finds her voice soothing. After hearing of her coming out as pansexual and her participation in her own bachelorette challenge he took the opportunity to apply straight away. He considers Julia to be an inspiration in her work and ambition and drive for being indipendent.
Dylan is an only son of a rather normal family, parents are still married and in love, they own two dogs 4 cats and 2 mini goats. He would love to have pets but he wouldn't have enough time to dedicate to them and told himself he would feel guilty to neglect them and have someone take care of them instead of him. He graduated in english literature and philosophy ( I know look at him, he has the aura of a philosopher) and even though he didn't plan on writing erotica books for women that's how he ended up and he quite likes it. Now that he has the means he has bought a bigger house for his family and is planning on sending his parent on a romantic vacation to make up for the fact that they never really had a honeymoon.
If you want to know how he ended up writing erotica novels well it was meant as a joke but his friends like so much the small one shot he wrote that they asked for an entire novel which then became his first book.
He is confident in his looks and his skills and isn't much bothered by people's opinion unless it's from someone he respects and love. He has a few close friends with whom he likes to party at clubs or go to concert. He likes food and he has been taking cooking classes for about a year now "The faster way to anyone's heart is through food" he says and I agree completely. He had a couple of serious relationships one of which left him heart broken but from which he took inspiration for his second book. In between relationship he has a lot of casual sex where he tries a lot of new things, he says first hand experience is good for writing scenes that are more realistic. Sure, we believe you when you say that is why.
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satoru-is-the-way · 1 year
Omg can you write one like the shame shorts but it’s reversed? Like the reader had to wear a revealing costume? How would tenoch react?
A/N: Omg yes! I would love to do that!!
Fandom Master List! For more Tenoch/Namor fanfics! Click here to read "Shame Shorts"
Warnings: Suggestive content, suggestive ideas, touching of breasts.
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Tenoch Huerta x Reader
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(Y/n) could not believe she was on the Jimmy Kimmel show. Then again Wakanda Forever was her first big movie. She dabbled in shows and movies but never landed one of the lead roles. Her character played the queen of Talokan. Which also meant she would be working alongside Tenoch Huerta who played her husband Namor. They spoke about many aspects of the movie, including the characters, how they got the gig, and lastly the 'shame shorts.' Which also brought into question her character's outfit. It has been one of the most revealing costumes Marvel has designed. Much like Tenoch Huerta's swim shorts.
"So tell us (Y/n) how do you feel about your outfit? I know it shoes more skin than most probably feels comfortable with. Especially during this point in time."
She chuckled at Jimmy's question. "Honestly I didn't care. But I did ask for a full suit. Minus the muscles of course." You add the audience chuckled since Tenoch asked for muscles.
"I also didn't care much that she wore such a beautiful outfit. I did ask you know...for it to be a little revealing. I mean-" Tenoch looked (Y/n) over. "Can you blame me? Ow!-" He faked being hurt after (Y/n) playfully slapped his arm.
"Are you for real? Is that why they made the front so short?! Tenoch!!" She whined.
"Yes in fact it was. If you have this gorgeous body why hide it?"
Jimmy pulled up a picture of Tenoch and (Y/n) together in character costume. The audience cheered. "I admit you do make a perfect on screen couple!"
"Thanks but it's really (Y/n) who makes the picture."
After a few more questions the interview was over (Y/n) and Tenoch made their way backstage and to their room.
"Did you really ask them to make the outfit skimpy?!"
"Well yes. Another reason why the bra was a bit tighter." Tenoch laughed and dodge a fake weak punch.
"Because you made them have my shorts shorter than originally planned!" He adds.
"Ok but that's different..."
"How so,(Y/n)?" Tenoch moved closer.
"Well- I mean- it just is!"
They did not break eye contact and after a few minutes Tenoch pulled (Y/n) closer kissing her deeply.
"Want to make a deal?" He whispered into her ear. (Y/n) shivers feeling his hand grip her thigh before running up to her breast kneading them softly.
"Wh-what's that?" She tried to contain her whine.
"I will wear a speedo in the next movie of you go topless for a scene ." He grins.
"You are the worst." (Y/n) pouts pulling him into another kiss.
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animebw · 2 months
Seasonal Reflection: Winter 2024 Anime
My feelings on the first anime season of 2024 can be summed up thusly: Most of my favorite shows from winter 2024 were continuations of shows that were already great from last season, not new entries. That's not necessarily a bad thing, and there were plenty of new anime I at least enjoyed watching. But it became clear about halfway through the season that aside from a couple fall 2023 holdovers, there was barely anything truly exciting going on here. Most of the adaptations I watched didn't do much to truly elevate their source material, and most of the few original series we got ended up the worst of the bunch. I can't say nothing good came out of winter 2024, but if this is any sign of how the rest of the year is gonna go, we may be in for a slog. For now, though, let's take stock of the anime I watched this season, and which ones are worth your time.
Metallic Rouge: 3/10
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If you asked me what the worst show I finished this season would be at the start, I never would've guessed Metallic Rouge. I mean, it's a cool-ass original sci-fi anime from Bones with slick 2D mecha animation, surely that's gotta be at least a little cool, right? Sadly, no. Because this is, without question, one of the most baffling scripts I've ever seen in anime. Almost every single detail of its world and plot are barely explained, if at all, and the mechanics of what's even supposed to be going on are so nebulous that every attempt at a plot twist feels like a twist on something that never actually existed. Characters are plopped into the story without even an introduction. At times it feels like whole scenes have been cut out entirely. The only thing I can compare it to is the original Suicide Squad movie from 2016: a story so cut to the bone in the editing room that you can barely tell what's supposed to be happening half the time, and yet enough of the original story remains to suggest it was never any good in the first place. The one thing it gets right is the prickly chemistry between its two leads, and then it fucking keeps them separated for like half the damn runtime! How do you even unforced error that badly?
Bucchigiri: 3.5/10
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Man, this was not a good season for original anime. Bucchigiri might not have been as staggering a writing trainwreck as Metallic Rouge, but its sin is arguably even worse; it's boring. It's a wacky, colorful high school delinquent romp with rainbow-haired Jojo's punks beating the snot out of each other with genie powers, it's sort of a re-imagining of Aladdin, it's got freaking Hiroko Utsumi at the helm, and it's boring. Why? Because this show gets absolutely stuck in the quicksand of its own status quo and refuses to budge an inch. Character growth is nonexistent, the protagonist is an aggravating loser wimp who never learns his lesson, and nothing of actual meaning happens from the first episode to the end. Literally everything you think is setting up a character arc where someone learns a lesson or grows as a person, all of it amounts to nothing. It's a limp, inert world that perpetuates the same overdone jokes and contrived, misunderstanding-based drama over and over again until all the outsized Utsumi visual personality feels like a tacky coat thrown on top of a lifeless corpse. What an utter waste.
Urusei Yatsura Season 2 (1st Cours): 5/10
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I'm still not quite sure what to make of the Urusei Yatsura remake. is it charmingly dated? Annoyingly dated? A welcome throwback or a sign that some things should stay in the past? If nothing else, it never fails to get at least a couple chuckles out of me every episode. But the more it tries to lean into being actually sincere, the more its inherent cheesiness and lack of depth starts becoming a problem. I'm sorry, this cast of characters is just too abrasive and purposefully insane to take seriously, and none of their relationships are healthy enough to unironically root for. Lum and Ataru are not a couple I want to see actually get together, at least not unless Ataru stops being such a fucking shithead. And if him being a jackass could be charming in season 1, then this season is really starting to test my patience with him. It's one thing to be a serial skirt chaser, but his actions this season regularly cross a line from womanizing to unambiguous sex pest, and there's only so many wooden mallets he can get knocked over the head with before it stops feeling like like he's getting punished as much as he deserves to be.
Undead Unluck (2nd Cours): 5/10
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Good news, everyone: Undead Unluck finally gave up on those awful groping gags that were ruining its central romance! Bad news: at the same time, it spontaneously developed one of the worst cases of recap padding I've ever seen! I'm not just talking overlong recap segments at the start of the episode, I'm talking constant flashbacks to events we just saw just moments before, straight up playing the same footage again just minutes apart, all climaxing in a truly unforgivable episode that spends seven goddamn minutes on recycled footage. Not even Tokyo Revengers was this bad with its time-wasting. And to add insult to injury, once it finally gets its feet unstuck and returns to a reasonable amount of recap for the final arc, it's probably the best arc of the entire show! It's some of the most bonkers high-concept emotional storytelling I've ever seen attempted, let alone pulled off so spectacularly. It's proof that there is so much brilliance to Undead Unluck, if it could just get out of its own way. But as long as it continues suffering from such massive systemic flaws, it's only ever going to be an also-ran.
Solo Leveling: 5.5/10
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Okay, look; is this show dumb as a bag of rocks? Absolutely. Is it as nakedly an adolescent power fantasy as any anime has ever been? Ditto. Does it solely exist for dweeby incels to feel like swaggering douchebag chads getting revenge on all the normies who looked down on them by becoming The Bestest Strongest Chadliest Awesomest Of All Time? You know it. But god dammit, it's actually fun. I cannot pretend I'm too mature and sophisticated to enjoy a big, helping heaping of dumb edgy schlock when it's actually done well. I'm the one person on the face of the earth who still caries water for Akame ga Kill, for crying out loud. And Solo Leveling makes two really smart storytelling choices that keep it (mostly) on the entertaining side of dumb fun: building a genuinely interesting and intricate world that exists well beyond the scope of the protagonist's actions (for now, at least), and making sure that no matter how stupidly overpowered Jinwoo gets, his opponents are always just a little bit even more stupidly overpowered, so he's still pushed to his absolute breaking point and barely scraping together a win by the skin of his teeth every time. There is an art to edge that's too often taken for granted, and this show is proof that being the living embodiment of a twelve-year-old boy's wet dreams is no excuse not to be at least a decent version of that. That said, let's be real, Jinwoo was so much more attractive before his supposed glow-up. Give my boy back his scraggly rat locks, you cowards.
Bang Brave Bang Bravern: 6/10
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What happens when a campy, cartoony 70s-style super robot anime crashes headfirst into a much grittier real robot anime? Well, what happens is Bang Brave Bang Bravern, the latest ten-car pileup of mismatched genres from the Cygames masterminds behind "What if horse racing but idols?" Take a desperate war story of survival against impossible odds, airdrop a skyscraper-sized superhero into the mix, and watch him completely shatter the original tone one cheekily ironic powerup and power-of-friendship speech at a time. It's a beautifully bonkers sendup of mecha tropes that has some of the funniest individual moments in this entire anime season, and the absolutely wild twist it pulls with the titular robot's identity in the back half is more than worth the price of admission on its own. Unfortunately, if it wanted to be as perfect a parody-until-it-isn't mecha series as Akiba Maid War was a parody-until-it-isn't mob flick, it probably should've tried being as long as most mecha series tend to be, i.e. more than just twelve measly episodes. There's just not enough time to develop any of the characters or world beyond the most essential parts, resulting in huge chunks of the supporting cast hanging around with nothing to do but take up space. And it leads to this show, which is trying to be so big and over the top, instead feeling so small and half-formed. Also, the secondary romance is gross. Like, really gross.
A Sign of Affection: 6/10
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I think this show has helped clarify something for me: I'm really getting tired of how quickly modern romance anime get their main couple together. As much as we rag on the endless will-they-won't-they of ages past, taking so much time to build up the characters and their relationship before they finally make it official can result in some truly one-of-a-kind storytelling when done right. I might agonize over how long Sawako and Kuronoma take to get together in Kimi ni Todoke, but the payoff is so transcendent that none of those complaints matter. Whereas Yuki and Itsuomi getting together so quickly in A Sign of Affection... I mean, they're cute, I guess? His cool demeanor plays off her sincerity very well? But it feels like the show's in such a rush to get to the good stuff- and so determined to make Istuomi the dreamiest, most perfect boyfriend ever- that it skips over so much of the careful character-building that makes all the best anime romances so special. It's a sugary sweet confection, but wipe the frosting away and there's just not that much cake underneath. Honestly, I find the side characters a lot more interesting because they're allowed to have messy internal conflicts with a bit more meat on their bones. But hey, props for putting a deaf heroine at the center of your shoujo romance and taking so much time to explore how that affects the way she interacts with the world. That's a cause well worth celebrating.
Sengoku Youko: 6.5/10
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Rejoice, everyone, we finally have an adaptation of a Satoshi Mizukami work that doesn't look like absolute garbage! After the flaming disaster that was Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer's barely animated hackjob production, Sengoku Youko has arrived to give the cult fave manga artist a chance for his work to actually shine on the silver screen. As someone who only knows him through Planet With, I've always wondered if Mizukami deserved the reputation his manga gets, and with White Fox delivering as tight and intense a production as they gave Re:Zero, I guess it's time to finally find out. And the answer is... mostly? Like, the biggest problems in this sci-fi/feudal fantasy mashup are the characters being a little too eager to state the themes out loud and one pretty crummy death that's about as hamfisted and over-telegraphed as I've seen in a while. But there's a shockingly gripping narrative underlying it all, a story about the scars trauma leaves on people, of characters making bad decisions and facing real consequences for them, of hatred and poisonous ideology forced to reckon with the more complex reality of the world as a whole. And it all climaxes in an absolute barn-burner final episode that knocked my score up a half point all on its own. If future seasons can make good on all the potential this first season has set up, then I may just end up a Mizukami fan myself when all is said and done.
Blue Exorcist Season 3: 6.5/10
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I'm of two minds about Blue Exorcist's second return after a six-year gap between seasons. On one hand, it's clear the new staff is just nowhere near as talented as the folks who first brought this series to life at A-1 Pictures. The action is abysmal, the storyboarding is clunky, and the animation feels like it's constantly fighting for its life to maintain a passable standard. And it sucks that a series that once brought such great life to its story is now held back by such a mediocre production. But on the other hand... holy fuck, am I glad Blue Exorcist is back. I once described The Devil is a Part-Timer as the mathematical average of anime as a concept, but if you were to ask me what the best possible version of that mathematical average looks like? It would be Blue Exorcist. This is, hands down, one of the best straightforward shonen action stories in the whole medium, a reminder of why all the most generic and overused tropes were once powerful enough to become generic and overused in the first place. It's proof that even the simplest of "superpowered teens kick demon butt with the power of friendship" concepts can result in a wonderful goddamn series when handled with good old-fashioned storytelling fundamentals. And not even the rough-as-hell production is enough to keep season 3 from delivering on the thrills, tears, laughs, and cheers that make this series so magical. Just, please, give the next season more time in the oven so it doesn't feel like it's wading through molasses to hit those heights. Okay?
Delicious in Dungeon (1st Cours): 7/10
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Delicious in Dungeon's biggest problem is that it takes a while to really settle into itself. The opening scene of the protagonist's sister being devoured by a dragon sets the tone for an intense and desperate rescue mission, but the actual series that follows this harrowing opening is as lackadaisical as can be. And it's jarring to be thrust into a gag-filled, character-driven fantasy cooking comedy where the harsh tone of that opening scene and the ticking clock of Falin's digestion completely disappear from the characters' heads in favor of how beast to cook and eat the various fantasy monsters they encounter in the dungeon. Yes, it makes a little more sense once the mechanics of death and resurrection are explained later on, but it's a weird note to start on. Which is a shame, because once Delicious in Dungeon gets a handle on what kind of story it's trying to be, it's really fun! Its sense of deadpan comedy coupled with Trigger's expressive animation makes for some really unexpected gags, and the way it explores its fantasy cuisine is genuinely some of the most creative stuff I've ever seen in the cooking anime genre. Plus, with the dark tone coming back in at the end of the first cours- and landing much more naturally this time- I have high hopes for how this series will marry those two sides of itself moving forward. If the manga fans' reactions are any indication, I think we're in for a damn good time.
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2nd Cours): 8/10
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So remember in my last post how I said that it was kind of disappointing whenever Frieren turned into an action show because of how disconnected the fights were from the beating heart that makes this show so special? Well, apparently the writers heard me and decided what I meant was I wanted this peaceful, meditative tale about grief, change and the passage of time to turn into the goddamn Hunter Exams for ten episodes straight. It's one of the most shockingly ill-advised storytelling swerves I've seen in an otherwise good show, discarding all this series' strengths in favor of a half-baked tournament arc with tonally jarring grimdark elements and a bland, overstuffed cast of characters who only start becoming interesting in the rare moments they're allowed to stop slinging spells at each other and just, like, talk about life? You know, the stuff that Frieren's actually good at? Not this brainless slice of shonen envy that only avoids being a complete slog thanks to how spectacular the action is across the board? Ugh. Look, Frieren is officially the most beloved anime on the goddamn planet right now, and its best moments are so incredible that I wish I could join that chorus as well. But it's so disappointing to me that a show this singular and special has so often chosen to be the least interesting version of itself.
The Dangers in My Heart Season 2: 8.5/10
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It's official: director Hiroaki Akagi is the master of middle school rom-coms. No other creator so perfectly grasps the specific blend of immaturity, awkwardness, cringe, and heart-on-sleeve sincerity that defines the love stories of early adolescence. That was already clear with his work on Teasing Master Takagi-san, but now that he's pulled it off twice, there's no room left for argument. And just like with Takagi-san, the second season of The Dangers in My Heart takes a show that was already shockingly good and catapults it into all-time greatness. This is a coming-of-age triumph, a soaring tribute to embracing your own cringeworthy self, flaws and all, and sharing that self openly with the people who matter most to you. Ichikawa's journey toward maturity, Yamada's journey toward self-love, and the way their romance sparks the best in both of them is the stuff that dreams are made of. I laughed, I cried, I squealed like a little girl, and I felt my heart grow three sizes by the time it was done. This is a new gold standard for anime rom-coms, and if you can stomach a bit of groanworthy fanservice, it more than deserves your attention.
The Apothecary Diaries (2nd Cours): 8.5/10
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Most of the time when I cover a two-cours show on these seasonal reflections, I end up in a pretty different place by the end of the second cours than I did at the first. Either it sort of fell apart in the second half, or found its footing and took it to the next level, or it changed in some interesting way that affects how I view the show as a whole. But The Apothecary Diaries has stayed the course from the first episode all the way to the end. Start to finish, it's remained pretty much the same show, with the same ideas and attitude, exploring the same themes in the same ways. And you know what? When you're as good as The Apothecary Diaries ended up being, there's nothing wrong with that. This is a spectacular historical drama that builds such a rich, compelling world for its equally rich, compelling characters to inhabit. It's a powerful exploration of how old society treated the disadvantaged- women, poor people, people with all severities of disability- and how one deeply abnormal girl carves her way through this viper's den with her body and soul intact. It's the kind of mature, thoughtful series we so rarely seen done this well, and with the announcement of a season 2 already confirmed, we may well end up with close to 50 episodes when all is said and done. That, folks, is what a true shoujo/josei renaissance looks like. And I'm so happy such a deserving series is leading the way in reminding us how damn good women's stories can be when they're given a chance to shine this brightly.
Cherry Magic: Dropped at 2 episodes for looking like butt and the central romance feeling pretty lifeless.
High Card Season 2: Dropped at 1 episode because I realized I didn't care anymore.
Ninja Kamui: Dropped at 2 episodes for being dull tryhard edgy bullshit with overdone fight scenes that are impossible to follow.
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