#i mean like i said i dont really actively ship it but i DO support it. on the conceptual level. carry on radiobelle shippers
salmonentrees · 5 months
i dont particularly ship charlastor but you have to admit that thematically speaking its a fucking goldmine. like come on, there's a whole bakery's worth of layers there
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marlsswrites · 2 months
you're absolutely disgusting for glorifying fascist characters
james married lily and they would both vomit at the idea of being anything close to friendly with a death eater
Okay this is so stupid but I feel like I should speak up about this because it is HORRENDOUS.
Also really? An anonymous hate comment? Thats just sad, if you’re going to be hater at least have the guts to say it to my face.
I actually laughed when this came into my inbox. They are wizards! Fictional wizards, to clarify. We know next to nothing about regulus, james or lily! So, if i want to make a post about jegulus, i will make a fucking post about jegulus.
You can’t go around calling people fascists just because you dont agree with their opinion, it is so childish and it takes the meaning from the word.
I respect everyones opinions, you dont like jegulus? Thats fine, i respect that. You ship jegulily? Cool, I don’t massively ship it but id never hate on someone who does. You ship jily? Yay, me too! So how about you send a prompt to my inbox and ask me to write a jily oneshot, you dont need to flood my inbox with stupid hate while being anonymous! If you really want to say something, you wouldnt do it anonymously.
There is so much to this fandom, so many headcanons and so so many opinions. And everyone has the right to their opinion, I really dont give a shit that you dont like jegulus, but calling me a fascist is just so pointless.
How on earth do you want me to react? “Sorry, I will stop shipping the couple that have offered me comfort on a daily!” Or “oh wow, you’re being pointlessly stupid, that is such a good point!”
No, because at the end of the day, no one reacts like that. No one will listen to you if you act like that! If you dont support me for liking jegulus, get off my page, honest to god. If you dont like jegulus but you like wolfstar, just skip the jegulus content. Its so easy!
If you want less jegulus content on your feed, maybe stop actively searching for jegulus creators to hate on?
Jegulus brings me so much comfort, if im having a bad day I can just do some writing, or make a video, or read some more of the fanfic i was in the middle of. And you are calling me a fascist simply because i seek comfort in a couple of fictional wizards? Just let people be happy, it really isn’t difficult. And if you cant understand that, you really shouldnt be commenting on it, because you are obviously uneducated and not mature enough to be saying and speaking up about things like that.
I am literally just a another human trying to have some fun and find happiness in the things that I love, and you are some random person online who clearly only finds joy in trying (and failing) to make people feel like shit, get a life. And again, if you have a problem with this post, please DNI, hate is not wanted and is really not needed.
Anyway im off to write some more gay fanfiction about said ‘fascists’, bye!! 🫡
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ihhfhonao3 · 2 months
you know, i think you're pretty based honestly
every so often i see posts made by proshippers (not that often cause i dont purposefully go out and look at ship discourse) and find myself agreeing with a lot of it. seems to just be anti harassment and anti censorship at its core (unlike what ive been told) which i can absolutely get behind. i think maybe i should look into that
I’m not gonna tell you what you should and shouldn’t identify as, but I will say that the proship community has been extremely helpful to me. Basically, I used to identify as an anti, condemning people for making “icky” things I didn’t like. But I eventually caught myself justifying things that just weren’t right- I convinced myself that genuine threats of violence against people who really were just having fun was okay. And I stepped back and realized that wait, that actually isn’t a cool thing to be okay with. I should actively vouch against it, actually.
Skipping over the research period, asking active proshippers what the label meant to them and realizing that my definition was incorrect and stuff like that, I started using the proship label and became active in the community. And I realized that it was really the community that I’d rather be in- one that was based around kindness and freedom to do as you please instead of hate and strict rules.
I definitely recommend that people do look deeper into what being a proshipper actually means, rather than just parroting the idea that they’ve been spreading for years on end. Just in general, I think it’s very important to consistently ask yourself why you believe in certain stances- why you think this is good and this is bad, this is moral and this is not. Because even though the answer may seem incredibly obvious, blindly supporting and blindly being against something, without any real idea of why you support or against said something, is a very unwise thing to do and is one of the ways that people get pulled into these (oftentimes bigoted) echo chambers of concepts without realizing it.
I think it’s good that you’re rethinking some of the things you’ve been told! I feel that too many people nowadays, online and just in general, are very stubborn and afraid of change. Nobody really ever likes to be wrong about something. But everyone is gonna be wrong about something eventually. What matters is how we react to our being wrong- whether we accept it with grace and try to change from it, or double down and deny everything.
I’d much rather be with the people who own it and change accordingly, yknow?
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kamari3 · 2 months
This is a vent post.
I saw this post about wanting to bring back the energy and vibes and community that was in the 2016 era of the UTMV community. And at first I was elated. I joined the fandom in 2017 and I look back fondly on the community I found myself in. Lots of fanfic comments. Lots of RP Roleplays. Lots of Askblog activity and in-character answers and all these wonderful things.
Yes, there were toxic and mean things too. There always are. But I never really found myself in any of it. I only remember the fun and the joy.
And I initially reblogged that post excitedly responding to it. And I went to the blog to see if they posted anything else good.
And I saw their DNI. "Proship DNI".
Their pinned post literally said to me "hey disclaimer just so you know 'i dont support harassment', but if you (also) dont support harassment, if you enjoy shipping, if you think censorship is bad, then don't talk to me because I think youre a terrible person and deserve being harassed."
And they wonder why the 2016 era of UTMV died.
I would have loved to interact. I would have loved to gush about AUs and fanworks and art. But that person left a big sign saying they think I deserve hate for enjoying fiction and that they dont want to talk to me.
Like. Bro. That is kinda the reason youre not getting 2016 UTMV back. You dont wanna associate with "nasty proship" people. Who uh. sorta made UTMV. UTMV (and lets face it, fandom in general) was built on the backs of Proshippers. (although that is sort of an anachronistic statement -- the idea of "proshipping" is new because it was the default, expected political stance. it wasnt "proship vs anti", it was "everyone (aka proship) vs trolls and haters (aka anti)") Then a bunch of haters started being nasty to frans and papyra and fontcest shippers, and puritanical rhetoric ripped apart what was left of the fandom after art theft and the tumblr purge drove the artists away.
The fandom isnt going to knit itself back together unless we foster a community mindset, which we can only do if we all agree to ship-and-let-ship. Block and mute tags you dont like, learn to recognize when an AU isnt for you, and dont play in tags you dont actually like.
But like, just because I like the color Green doesnt mean I cant appreciate Blue or Red. You can hate Green all you want but alienating Green likers is just going to make it harder to live in a society where nobody is making you like Green.
I dunno I just feel like its not fair to ask for a community effort and simultaneously condemn the very people who would have been part of your community for not being good enough for you. It's mean spirited. It's rude. It's cruel.
I want 2017 UTMV back. I would be more than happy to get to see 2016 UTMV with my own eyes. But it isnt coming back, because it takes people to make a community and nobody wants to make a community welcoming and safe.
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raveneira · 1 month
Random but i miss 2020/21/22 when the KawaSara fandom was so active, now i barely see people talking about them or making content. Someone needs to bring back the KawaSara fandom somehow😭.
Ikr? its not much but I am trying to bring the fandom back to life as best I can but Im pretty much a one woman army lol plus a lot of personal life stuff has had me busy which hindered my efforts a bit that Im trying to make up for now, starting with hosting this years KawaSara week since the original organizers didn't do it last year and didn't appear to be going to this year either, so I took over because I knew we had support, fans were telling me how sad they were that it didn't happen last year and was begging for someone to organize it this year, so I took that upon myself to do because I didn't wanna see the week not happen this year either because nobody else stepped up to make it happen.
It sucks how so many got run off by bsa constantly harassing them and making them fearful of even making content for the ship because they knew they would get harassed and didn't wanna deal with it.
Alot of ppl also lost faith in the ship, which is understandable, but stupid IMO because there are ships that have gone through worse than KawaSara and became canon but for some reason ppl treated this like 'oh no, conflict, no way this is happening' and Im just like...danm yall really don't know how shipping works huh? but I mean to each their own but like Vegebul is right there if you wanna see a ship thats been through some REAL shit and look at em now.
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It's like todays new age shipping everything has to be smooth sailing, super healthy, super pure, minimal to no conflict, for ppl to ship it and believe it'll be canon when that just isn't how it goes.
Like I even saw a shade tweet one time talkin about 'I actually like my ships vanilla, whats wrong with actually wanting a healthy ship built on mutual respect and positive development without any conflict or drama etc' and Im just like...OK? who tf said you couldn't? but these newbies actually treat shipping like some purity contest and have a weird superiority complex for liking the 'healthier' ships and anyone who doesn't like the 'healthy' ship are weird and horrible and don't care about xyz characters etc
Its so dumb, and childish, if all storytellers followed their logic then we wouldn't have some of the best ships in fiction because only the 'healthy' ones would be canon.
Nobody is saying they cant like healthy ships, but doing so does not make them superior to anyone else nor does it give them the right to dictate what other ppl should ship simply because they disagree and think only healthy ships should be supported, thats what ppl have a problem with. You can argue the opposite side has done the same but there is a big difference in severity between the two, 'healthy' shippers act way more superior and aggressive than 'toxic' shippers [as they call them] are.
But on the bright side KawaSara week has been announced to be happening this year and a surprising amount of ppl liked and retweeted it, so it just goes to show KawaSara fans DO still exist and enjoy the ship, they just went quiet or into hiding because of the harrassment.
And guess what? even tho the event page was specifically tagged KAWASARA don't you know antis 'somehow' found it? not even a day passed since it was posted before multiple antis flocked to the announcement to talk shit, that is a prime example right there why KawaSara fans got so quiet and discouraged from making content and talking about the ship, because THIS is what happens when you dare not fall in line with the BoruSara hivemind cult.
If you dont treat Sarada like Borutos exclusive property whos whole world and character revolves around him, then you don't care about Sarada or her feelings
Their logic not mine, so if you dare pair Sarada with someone other than Boruto who they believe owns her, then you don't care about her. If you don't support the narrative THEY set for her regardless if its been confirmed or stated as a canon fact or not, then you don't care about her because fanon interpretations > canon.
This is why I say this behavior screams insecure, I dunno how you could be the most popular ship with the biggest fandom and the most support, a hug in both the anime and manga, being 'fed good' more than any other ship, yet still be THIS triggered by KawaSara just EXISTING
keep in mind this is the ship they claim is dead, a crackship with zero chance of happening, yet they get so riled up everytime KawaSara is mentioned or so much as have a crumb together they all flock to try and discredit and undermine it, if KawaSara fans just have even a tiny bit of fun and happiness with the ship they come flocking to discourage you and make you feel bad.
That level of obsession with a ship you claim has NO CHANCE and is a non threat because your ship is already canon and set in stone, admit it or not, but their behavior screams that their threatened and arent really confident in their ship themselves which is why they feel the need to try and keep KawaSara down to lift themselves up because its the only way they feel secure, by making US go away, and when we don't, they get mad, because for some odd reason they just cant stand to see another shp besides BoruSara getting attention, love, and support, it drives them MAD.
Which is why you cant convince me their not insecure about their ship, that their not threatened by KawaSara, because to put it into perspective think about it like this, do you see SNS being bothered by SasuHinas existence? no right? know why? cuz their secure in their ship and don't feel threatened by SH, so SH is free to exist openly without SNS harassing them because they don't care, SH is irrelevant and has zero impact on them.
Thats how you would think BoruSara would be given how they boast about themselves, how much they have going for em, their popularity, their support, many moments, you'd think they'd be on cloud 9 not even paying little ol KawaSara and BoruSumi any mind but they do, and for some reason its KawaSara especially that gets under their skin more than anything which is strange tbh since thats the ship thats not even semi canon yet.
Lemme put that into perspective, they are more insecure about a ship thats not even semi canon yet, than BoruMitsu, BoruSumi, KawaAda and BoruAda that are semi canon [since many bsa also ship ksu] let that sink in.
I dunno why they have such a specific hatred towards KawaSara, maybe its because a lot of them hate Kawaki, and because Boruto is the top male prize and Sarada is the top female prize in their eyes, therefore nobody else is good enough for them but each other. And by top prizes, Im talking primarily about eugenics and status.
Read between the lines, what was Sakura? the pretty girl all the guys wanted, what was Sasuke? the cool handsome guy from a prestigious clan all the girls wanted, now what is Sarada? the cool pretty Uchiha princess, what is Boruto? the cool young lord all the girls fall for, their not subtle about it at all.
They discredit Sumire's feelings as insincere so she don't feel like a threat, they diminish and downplay Kawakis bond with team 7 and insist he's not even a part of it, they weirdly were fixated on Kawaki's body being inorganic and therefor concluding he was infertile and therefore couldn't have kids and therefore that'd be the end of the Uchiha clan if she was with him [which is telling of how they perceive her that her primary goal in the relationship would be popping babies, not love] they deny Kawaki as a part of the Uzumaki fam, saying he's unworthy, Naruto should disown him, etc etc, to keep him as the worthless orphan that deserves to die they want him to be.
Again, read between the lines, they dont give a danm about Boruto and Sarada together fr fr, this ship is about eugenics, this ship is about being able to brag about the young lord baggin the Uchiha heiress/Hokage, its about bragging rights, its about having the ship with the 2 biggest prizes, its about OP babies finally fulfilling their long weirdly held desire to see what those clan bloodlines mixed together would create, its about saying you don't want SS 2.0 except when its the ship you want then suddenly its A-ok
Foh man
Sorry I went on a bit of a rant but It really is annoying that KawaSara fans cant just exist in peace and always gotta hear them telling us why we shouldn't ship it, why it has no chance, why BoruSara is so superior and set in stone and we should just accept it yatta yatta yatta instead of just minding their danm business.
Yes I know all fandoms are guilty of this, but none like BoruSara, why? cuz its a far bigger fanbase with more support and they use it to their advantage, doesn't help that a lot of boruto stans support the ship as well as many Sarada fans [mostly Boruto stans tho] they even have SS and NH support too, so you cannot compare it. Their a much larger fandom with way more support that makes it extremely easy for them to bully every other fandom because their much smaller and they know it, everyone knows it, but they get away with it cuz whos gonna stop em? their the biggest and the loudest and therefore are right by default because the smaller fandoms are just 'haters' and 'jealous' 😒 lemme stop here
Bottom line I agree, it was nice back then before Ikemoto changed so much when he took over the writing after Kodachi left, ever since then he has completely butchered Sarada's character beyond recognition, not because she understandably cares and worries about her friend, but because thats ALL she cares and worries about, I don't think anyone has even noticed that Sarada hasn't mentioned Naruto or her mother once since the timeskip started besides that one speech that wasn't about either of them, but just about her defending Boruto, not about any grief over her idol being killed, not remorse for sending her dad away and leaving her mom without her husband, no the one and only time she mentions them is to defend Boruto which is abusmal, she didn't even mention her own dad until Boruto MADE her ask about him.
If thats the ship you want me to support then Im good, I don't want a ship where her only personality trait, motivations, goals, and character as a whole revolves entirely around a man and nothing else, just how to make HIS life better and being there for HIS pain and growth and only lifting HIM up while staying in the background doing nothing and having nothing going on for herself.
I know this may sound like 'but wait that makes it sound like KawaSara wont be canon' no Im not saying that, KawaSara is not off the table even with all that bs Ikemoto has done so far, like I said with Vegebul and just shipping in general, just because things look bad doesn't mean you lost, you haven't lost until somethings made official.
Are BoruSara together? no, are they semi canon? no, have either of them been shown or confirmed to have romantic feelings for each other? no, so nothing is lost yet, even if they were semi canon that still wouldn't be a loss because the other half has to reciprocate, like just cuz Sakura, Ino, and Karin liked Sasuke didn't mean he had to reciprocate any of them, just like even if Sarada liked Boruto doesn't mean he has to reciprocate those feelings or vice versa.
The only time a ship has truely 'lost' is when its actually dead, like one half of it dies for example, or its rival ship gets together, or their relationship is ruined beyond repair, like to the point of no possibility of redemption, only then has a ship truely 'lost' and 'died'
So no, none of this is me saying KawaSara cant still happen, it definitely can, especially with Ikemoto and Kishimoto saying Kawaki would be getting more development soon so there's that, if we get more Kawaki focus there might be some Sarada focus in there too in between. I don't wanna speculate tho but thats just a possibility Im throwing out there.
Regardless, sorry for the rant, but I'm really frustrated by this too because its 2024 now and ppl still cant leave KawaSara tf alone? thats what I meant when I said they take advantage of their size, they know they can silence us, but nobody can silence them, and that pisses me off but what can you do.
But hopefully the announcement of KawaSara week this year will get the fandom active and making content again for fans to enjoy, I will try to contribute something myself, I can understand why a lot of ppl might not wanna bother because of the hate they know they'll receive but I hope they don't let that stop them, it was bad enough KawaSara week wasn't hosted last year and everyone was really bummed about it, I don't want them to be happy seeing it happen this year only to not participate because antis wont let them have fun and enjoy the event in peace 🙏 I really hope the fam stays strong and don't let antis stop them from enjoying THEIR event.
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borathae · 5 months
Chapter 6
Hoseok stumbles, colliding with Seokjin’s chest. ofc he laughs with his entire body FUCK I MISS HIM WTF NAH NOPE WE WONT CRY WE MUST STAY FOCUSED BROTHER
Seokjin pleads, giving you the biggest puppy eyes that man hates aegyo on command, but watch his ass do aegyo on command if its on run bts tasks 😭 ik he will be the most supportive one if you told bts you are selling feet pics
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who calls their fraternity Alpha? What kind of superiority complex do they have?” 💯fr
What are you? Secret vampires or something?” um
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So mysterious”, Hoseok says, ok ig
“that man can be an asshole.” WHAT DO U MEAN MY KITTY IS AN ASSHOLE????
dig his metaphorical fangs into your neck and drain you of your metaphorical blood WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? (ik what it means, but 👀👀)
at least she got her sleep and is stress free now, i guess thats a win
they are quaking with the desire to punch each other’s faces in. BE LESBIAN, PROBLEM SOLVED YEEHAW
Without me? homie really said that with his whole chest
It’s one of those activities you like to call terribly boring." ??? sir ??
also u know what, i will make it unboring for you real quick, lets go on a pirate ship, that will make u scream
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dont judge my man yall, he was giving birth to lie on the pirate ship
WHAT DID TAE TELL HIM???? JAMAL SMILED AT ME??? his moodswings be like ➡️⬅️⬆️⬇️↗️↘️↙️↖️↕️↔️🔄️↪️↩️⤴️⤵️🔃
joon asks me out to study AAAAAAH 😩
holding his arm before you giggle into it. *twitching eyes WHY SHE GOTTA LIVE MY DREAM AAH BUTTER TAE THOSE ARMSS 🤤😋
“Oh you’re still here?” Taehyung asks STOP HE IS SOO SASSY, GIVE THAT MAN LONG NAILS
making Taehyung chuckle.......... one of his weirdly dishonest ones. tae when jin forces him to laugh at puns (that still makes me cackle)
He is a self-centred peacock PEACOCK DAMN GURL
“Violence is never the answer IT IS THE SOLUTION
ok sorry tae, back to serious mode, IS THAT FORESHADOW TO HIS PAST(mentioned in drabbles)
we are going swing dancing today UWUW
I can’t dance. What if I make a fool of myself?” I CANT DANCE EITHER, LETS GET MARRIED we can swing dance together for shits and giggles and get drunk in each other's laughter and smile, kissing passionately as if we are still in high school.
(omg that was so romantic, lemme just copy that)
did i tell you i still love the way he talks, its so coquette, in a manly way
I am a terrible student. i got exams in a month i have barely studied 😃😭
time does really fly fr it does, you wish it went fast, but when you think back, you wish you could live in that moment one more time
“cake is quite the delicacy oof the fanciness
ah yes old stuff *sighs in delight and coziness
There is fog in the air. It got stuck on the rooftops of the houses. Like a perfect gradient it makes them disappear into a grey nothingness. if this scene was on tv, what color light would it have?? (background lights you know) i was thinking of yellow, since we are talking about antiques
“I guess…” you look out the window for quite some time to think of an answer. You look at the perfectly polished stones of the sidewalk. You watch how the rain builds little rivers in the nooks and crannies. And that is when you get your answer. and the lights slowly becomes cool and blue (blue for calm, unity and stability)
thats a nice perspective of history but for the love of god, i cant stay awake or mentally present during it 😭
With your cheeks burning up like crazy and a big smile on your face you look out of the window again. A swing song comes on the radio, Taehyung turns it louder the tiniest bit. AND THE LIGHTS TURN PINK
“N-no? I-I’m alright”, you stutter. we can see that
Taehyung gets a few (probably painful) steps on his toes, but he doesn’t say anything. MASOCHIST ALERT 😭
stop flattering me im shyyyyy *shakes booty like jimin
this is so cute bye im soo single
“this was like in the movies! Do it again!” SHE IS SOO CUTE UWUW MOVE TAE SHE IS MINE *hits the gym so i can yeet tae out of the way and carry her
“Okay but that throwing thing you did? You can’t just do that without training first. Also why are you so strong? It’s inhuman really.” SAY IT SIS
I just think you are beyond precious”BYE IM GONE
Why do an elderly lady and Taehyung know each to such extent that they are hugging as if they were two old friends reuniting? dont overthink, they are just besties, um they met on a idk metro yeah
“it’s been so many years and yet you still look the same. While look at me”, OBVIOUSLY ITS SUS
Perhaps I should have taken the offer back then.” 👀👀
“What offer?” um the plastic surgery offer, anti aging laser. HERBS YEAH IT WAS THE HERBS, SHE MISSED OUT ON AN HERBAL MASSAGE
No way! That’s splendid! Just what you dreamt of!” they are such cute besties pls
It is hard not to choke on your olive, not when your body is burning up like that. i choked on air
How is it?” WHY IS THIS SOO HOT STOP DONT FOLD THAT FAST BITCH NA UH *also folds like a lawn chair in a sec
Taehyung gets off the barstool and closes the distance between you and him. SIR MY MENTAL HEALTH???
you stutter, knees buckling slightly as he helps you stand up. SLIGHTLY???? u mean buckling like a trying on heels
You haven’t told anyone ever but in your dreams you always pictured your prince charming to be good with elderly people and kids. Not that you would tell anyone your stupid fantasies, but you really did picture him like that. we all do, tae is a prince charming *sighs in high standards
“I think you gave that lady proper heart palpitations fr, i got so giddy just reading
And so full of life”, 👀👀👀as opposed to what sir???
Taehyung seems properly flustered for a moment, eyes flitting downwards and blinking rapidly. YES WE GOT THE CUTIE PIE FLUSTERED YEEHAW THIS IS A WIN FOR THE GAYS AND UNGAYS (i love to use this in sentences unrelated to sexuality)
quite sad to think that we are looking at something which has died thousands of years ago ... Well if you say it like that mood sis
it is nice to know that we can look at the past when we look at the stars?” waaaah im in love with her
I always thought of them as a reminder of death”, “or rather hell.” AYO??👀👀
they are still burning bright. Mustn’t it be such a burden to never get to rest?” ooh
*starts playing love maze
“Then you mess up, you mustn’t worry about mistakes you haven’t even made yet” i will try to remember this all the time
because right now I am thinking that this lamp is also alone, surrounded by darkness and thick fog and it should feel so terribly lonely and yet here it is, outshining both of them." 
People normally aren’t happy when they are around you and finally experiencing it feels so good.  WHO HURT YOU POOKIE??? IM COMING WITH MY FRYING PAN
this is soo cute i cant, the writing, them, the lamp and the stars gosh, i feel so giddy i wanna spin around the lamppost like a simp does in music videos
Yes darling” Taehyung whispers and there is obvious seduction in his voice. OHO HO HO I SEE U NAUGHTY BOI
this was a cute chapter im gonna sleep soo good with idk grass and unicorns in my dreams
lmoaoao he is so mean for no reason fajsdfja I love him JFAJDFJ
Hoseok stumbles, colliding with Seokjin’s chest. ofc he laughs with his entire body FUCK I MISS HIM WTF NAH NOPE WE WONT CRY WE MUST STAY FOCUSED BROTHER
Seokjin pleads, giving you the biggest puppy eyes that man hates aegyo on command, but watch his ass do aegyo on command if its on run bts tasks 😭 ik he will be the most supportive one if you told bts you are selling feet pics
I miss him so much 😭 BUT ALSO LESS THAN A MONTH TILL HE IS BACK OMGMGMG (the most supportive for feet pics would be Tae though change my mind. you can't.)
who calls their fraternity Alpha? What kind of superiority complex do they have?” 💯fr
“that man can be an asshole.” WHAT DO U MEAN MY KITTY IS AN ASSHOLE????
the foreshADOWINGNNG (i said too much)
dig his metaphorical fangs into your neck and drain you of your metaphorical blood WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? (ik what it means, but 👀👀)
Without me? homie really said that with his whole chest
It’s one of those activities you like to call terribly boring." ??? sir ??
i love their sass fr fjadsjf
WHAT DID TAE TELL HIM???? JAMAL SMILED AT ME??? his moodswings be like ➡️⬅️⬆️⬇️↗️↘️↙️↖️↕️↔️🔄️↪️↩️⤴️⤵️🔃
perhaps something with her metaphorical blood HELLOO
joon asks me out to study AAAAAAH 😩
AAAH (scared)
holding his arm before you giggle into it. *twitching eyes WHY SHE GOTTA LIVE MY DREAM AAH BUTTER TAE THOSE ARMSS 🤤😋
when this video dropped I lost IT
ok sorry tae, back to serious mode, IS THAT FORESHADOW TO HIS PAST(mentioned in drabbles)
time does really fly fr it does, you wish it went fast, but when you think back, you wish you could live in that moment one more time
YES THIS OMFG the most painful thing ever 😭
ALSO I love how you thought of different colours during the scene <3 I love this energy heheh <3
Taehyung gets a few (probably painful) steps on his toes, but he doesn’t say anything. MASOCHIST ALERT 😭
there are no lies to be found here tbfh
“this was like in the movies! Do it again!” SHE IS SOO CUTE UWUW MOVE TAE SHE IS MINE *hits the gym so i can yeet tae out of the way and carry her
NO BUT THANK YOU i LOVE HER SO MUCH she is so cute frrr
“it’s been so many years and yet you still look the same. While look at me”, OBVIOUSLY ITS SUS
it IS
lmaooao you losing it over Tae existing is so me fr
it is nice to know that we can look at the past when we look at the stars?” waaaah im in love with her
me fr
I always thought of them as a reminder of death”, “or rather hell.” AYO??👀👀
THE FORESHADOWING GOES CRAZY FR ps: i forgot the stars and photography part during this chapter and now im <3 holy moly they were so cute together in the beginning im so soft
People normally aren’t happy when they are around you and finally experiencing it feels so good.  WHO HURT YOU POOKIE??? IM COMING WITH MY FRYING PAN
this is soo cute i cant, the writing, them, the lamp and the stars gosh, i feel so giddy i wanna spin around the lamppost like a simp does in music videos
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stellawolfearts · 1 year
Proshippers are not welcome on my blog. End of story.
My Nezha oc
Boundries for my Nezha OC included--
just dont be fuckin' wierd.
No shipping. None at all. no
He's a child, forever. Mah boi aint growing- so respect that or its instant block.
I have my personal Nezha media interpretation/OC. I made him and he is eternally 12. That does not mean I believe Nezha the mythological god is twelve because he's not, that is a misconception
Nezha is a mythological god, and thier interpretations across different pieces of ancient lituriture, thier statues, their representations vary depending on where you are...
The adult side of Nezha is just as important as his child side and to ignore one is disrespectful to him as a whole. it is okay and valid to have Nezha as an adult in Media just like they've had him as a child.
But you cant just look at one and say that is his entire representation. That one interpretation is the only form Nezha can have within his worship.
My Nezha oc is just that, a media interpretation, so DO NOT refer to him for any completely accurate info on his mythologies. I have taken creative liberties.
so with that said because my Nezha oc is a child, please do not ship him with anyone. (he's also Aroace)
the child headcanon is cute but please remember it is a headcanon and anyone who thinks differently regarding Nezhas age is completely valid in doing so.
I would suggest referring to this user for some very good and useful Nezha info.
What programs do you use?
Clip studio-full illustrations/detailed comics/animations
procreate-doodles/low detailed comics
obs-streaming and recording
DaVinci-video editing
Whens the next part of _____ coming out?
No idea dude, life is insane so whenever i get to it
can i request___?
Nope i dont take requests if i end up writing or drawing something for an ask someone gave me its soley bc i wanted to and felt like it.
what tablet do you use?
ipad and stylus, gaomon 1311
what do you ship/ what ships are you comfy with?
No No ships that make me puke-
Mk/Mei/Redson x any of the monkeys/parental figures. just...just no.EUGH.
fave ships- i will go down with the ship for these pairings, i make content of them and enjoy content made for them
Cool ships- i dont dislike these at all, i think some of them are quite cute and plausible. i enjoy content of them but dont actively ship them/make my own content of them. Mostly bc my own hc's for the characters often negate these ships
Chimerashipping- very cute but i personally cant see red and mei in a romantic relationship. i see them as chaotic siblings
inkypages- its cute but i ship macaque with wukong and tang with pigsy
shadowvenom (is that the name for sq x macaque???)- its nice but doesnt really interest me
dragonfruit- cute, but i see them as chaotic siblings.
I also have no issue whatsoever with Oc X Canon with any of the characters as long as your not being wierd or illegal about it y'now XP.
Oc X Canon is fun. and i fully support it.
The same goes for selfshipping.
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
i think you're losing some scope here. i know the tumblr tags represent more to you, but you clearly have drastically shifted your aims
you don't uplift endogenic systems anymore, not really. you seem more anti-anti-endo than pro-endo these days, and as someone who followed you early on, i have to say i understand but it makes me sad and uncomfortable enough to finally have to say i don't really fully support what's going on here
i know you have been relentlessly abused and slandered for 3 years by a community of people that shifts and grows and changes endlessly, like a ship of theseus of mean teenagers. i know you can and have changed minds. but you no longer seem to care about even that; you really genuinely seem to be lashing out, saying things that are deeply unnerving to endos and anti-endos alike, those with religious trauma AND many with the common sense to know that yes, proselytizing IS often harmful. There is a reason missionaries are tools of colonialism. im almost certain you know this and are just being inflammatory, but the friendly fire is IMMENSE. You look foolish and dangerous to many of us, and again that makes me sad and honestly a little worried for you
i think maybe finding another plural community to post activism in is a good idea, or at the very least a tumblr hiatus. it's ultimately up to you, and you are the arbiter of your own mental health, but please at least consider the things I've said here. i know im on anon but again i have had a lot of respect for you for a long time, especially for staying compassionate and composed given the context, but i couldn't fault you for any of this. i just hope you find something both more productive and more rewarding.
i could totally be misreading this and you are making these decisions for some solely rational reasons and you ARE more active elsewhere, but. i dont know. you dont seem to post positivity like headcanons anymore, just neverending anon hate and intentionally inflammatory (often triggering) pseudo-religious doctrine. that doesn't seem healthy for anyone, including your endogenic follower base
proselytizing IS often harmful. There is a reason missionaries are tools of colonialism. ... you dont seem to post positivity like headcanons anymore
I really do want to get back to the headcanon posts.
At least the big ones seem to take a lot of effort and I haven't really been feeling it for a while.
But I do find it ironic that you would say this when those very posts ARE my proselytism. To the extent that I proselytize my ideology to other communities, these are the posts that I consider most valuable to those aims of gaining outside support.
I don't openly proselytize in the way of "you should become plural and make a tulpa because plurality is cool and will help you feel better" the way Christians might because that feels scummy. Even if early studies are showing mental health gains from tulpamancy and I might be justified in doing so.
But I will make a huge post about how the Avatar is actually plural, trying to tone down my plural language and explain the terms I use in ways that non-plurals will be able to understand, with the intent of introducing them to plurality and get them on board with pro-endo ideology.
And if after learning about plurality, they decide on their own to make a tulpa due to resources I provide, or realize they were already plural because of similar experiences to myself or other systems I interact with then that's a huge win.
Those posts are the gateway, the same way missionaries might provide food or medicine or other types of support to local communities as a gateway, I provide detailed fan theories with lots of pictures to keep them entertained, and make sure to post them all over the tags of that fandom. Any fandom tags that are relevant, and then with plural tags to fill the rest out. In fact, I think of it a two-pronged approach, where plural tags help me get more notes from plurals and cause the post to appear higher up in the fandom tags to reach non-plurals.
You may think my focus has changed... and you'd be right about that. Lately, I've put a lot more focus on arguing. Maybe more than I should.
But as far as "proselytizing" is concerned, those posts you want me to to do more of have been my vehicle for it. Just less overtly.
And I don't think I've been particularly subtle about stating the intent behind them.
I'm stopping just short of some of the most manipulative tactics religions employ, but I'm self-aware enough to realize that I've always only been a few steps from them.
Frankly, if you want to spread an ideology, it would be silly to not look at the most successful ideologies, whether political, religious or even moral philosophies, and figure out why they were able to achieve the dominance they did.
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malwar-e · 1 year
If you do not like what other people like, then this is not a reason to insult them.
You must distinguish the real world from fiction. If you can't do that, can you stop using social media, please? Why can't you just NOT watch posts tagged "Beluz" if you're so easily hurt by drawings?
Do you really want so badly to draw other people's attention to the fact that you do not like something that they like? Or do you think that if you insult them, then something will change?
Just don't interact with people whose content you don't like. Do yourself and them a favor
hey bucko, you seem to be lacking some braincells, so let me shed some light on that dark, empty brain of yours! 🙂
see, this is how the internet functions, bud! i make an opinion post on things i find that really grind my gears, as most people do on social media! before said post, i did not actively seek out any beluz posts. in fact, i have done my damn best to avoid them. a beluz supporter came on MY post, basically begging for attention at that rate.
you see, champ, what you dont seem to understand is that fiction bleeds into reality very often! take that one slenderman case, for example. yknow the one. that was caused by, you guessed it, fiction!
i do not actively engage with beluz shippers, i am primarily nonconfrontational! but theres a difference when someone who tries to defend it comes forward, clinging on to the mindset that 'fiction is fiction', which can be correct in some cases! when someone uses silly headcanons for a character that doesnt actively harm anyone, fiction is fiction! its a character, usually headcanons come from a form of projection in most cases.
however, bringing in pedophilia into the mix is when shit gets weird. y'see, pedophilia in all forms is wrong, something everyone is taught at a young age. common sense, right? when you take a young character and try to ship them with a much older, mature character, its obviously not right. everyone is aware of this.
fiction is just the projection of reality. i mean, realistically, if you saw a young girl dating an older man, you would be disgusted, wouldnt you? so why is it different within fiction? ill answer it for you, because people believe they can hide behind the face of fiction to condone their disgusting actions. pedophilia is pedophilia, regardless! see, get this, according to the Section 1466A of Title 18, United State Code, it's illegal for any person to knowingly produce, distribute, receive, or possess with intent to transfer or distribute visual representations, such as drawings, cartoons, or paintings that appear to depict minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct and are deemed obscene. 
and that's just in america. it is ALSO illegal in the UK and Canada and many more countries! fiction does affect reality. many insults are warranted here in this situation, because news flash, pedophiles and those who encourage pedophilia are disgusting!
please get a grip, hope this helped, buckaroo! <33
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joshriku · 9 months
Hi!!! I just read how do you sleep at night, your WandaJericho fic, and I'm having so many feels right now!!! Wanda's decision to getting a break from her relationship with Jericho made me like, oh wanda!
Her getting constantly anxious that nothing big is happening after their semi breakup was so sad. Girl is having grief in her romantic and maternal life since Vision's disassembling. It happens in reality too, when you are having constant drama and trauma in your life, you can't just suddenly adapt to peace. And you just start creating the drama and the unstable ness, whether you want it or not. Self Sabotage, or craving drama, you name it.
But the consequences that come with it—what always happens when she loves too much, the things that get ruined, the life she tries so hard to keep under control—it’s all so paralyzing. It’s as paralyzing as this touch. Oh dear!
And Jericho was so supportive! He was extremely right to be hurt, but I think he must have gotten an inkling later(maybe pietro?) about why is she behaving like that. I loved their Astral plane conversations, and "simply souls waving each other hello." This is so good!!
Also pietro!!! I loved how he just knew why Wanda is behaving like this. Self Sabotage indeed. The twin sense must have gotten activated. He is actually more emotionally intelligent about people he loves and cares, so that wasn't a surprise when he knew what wanda didn't want to admit yet. Also I knew it when he said he likes Jericho! Honorable mention Wanda's thought on how easy is to fight with pietro. Hope next years mini does twins justice.
Also Happy New Year!!
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 happy new year!! firstly thank you so much for such a lovely ask it really means a lot that you'd take the time to let me know you liked my writing, i really appreciate it!!!! 🥺🫶 already made my 2024 a great year!!
second AHHHHHH THANK YOU.. I LOVE WANDAJERICHO SO MUCH. ever since SW #9 when they reveal they're inexplicably exes / still have feelings but with "no strings" i've been like. oh?? what?? 😭 at first i was like, oh thats funny they dont strike me as characters who'd do No Strings Attached thing. but then i gave it more thought and started thinking of ways they COULD be and wanda essentially growing uneasy and anxious over a relationship that was going so well, when she is so used to things going wrong, came to me and i was like ohhh yes... thats it... now we got it 🫵 i can see her cutting things out before them getting "ruined". i really wanted it to be like, this relationship is *fine* and thats whats freaking her out!!
when i wrote this i wrote jericho with the intention that he knew exactly why she did it, but knowing it didnt change that she did hurt him, and the whole crutch of this story being that theyre both unequivocally very in love with each other still. still the case does remain that jericho is also very committed to his duties in the academy, esp after everything they went through - something wanda would also know firsthand. i think all those student deaths/the death of doctor strange/mandatory other marvel events would take its toll on anyone tbh i can see them trying to put at least a pause on everything while they try to fix the world. As Usual. i didnt write jericho immediately taking back wanda too because, yknow, it takes two to tango! BUT THEYRE SO GONNA WORK IT OUT. BECAUSE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER THATS THE WHOLE POINT.. THEY NEVER STOPPED..IN MY HEAD. CAUSE I SAID SO AND THEYRE MY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT SHIP...
and AHH THANK YOU.. pietro in that fic was my favorite part 🫶 he loves wanda and hes really good friends with jericho of course hed have a deeper understanding of whats going on! i think pietro is a lot more emotionally intelligent than what most writers give him credit for. and if theres anyone who knows about self sabotaging or recognizing it on someone itd be him, and ESPECIALLY on wanda. defo one of my fave scenes to write in that fic 🥹 MAXIMOFF TWINS MY BELOVED..
Anyway this was a really long reply just to say that thank you SO much and this ask made my whole year and i am really grateful that you liked my fic!!!!!!! i liked writing it too!!! 💛💛💛
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gayestcowboy · 2 years
Whats a proshipper?
oh boy. apologies upfront for the super long answer. i havent seen a lot of proshippers on tumblr so idk how different it is on here than on twitter where i’ve mainly seen em, but basically the proshipper ideology is that you should be able to depict whatever you want in fiction because it’s not real. which can sound good in theory until you start seeing twitter artists use it as an excuse to draw porn of characters that are minors. i think the full phrase ive seen around is something like “pro-shipping, anti-harassment” which is the sentiment that you should be able to ship whatever you want without harassment, which sounds fine until you get people openly posting their adult x minor porn on the internet for all to see. which is illegal. and nasty. and genuinely harmful, and generally seen as such by a majority of people, whether they are in fandom or not. and from what ive seen on twitter, proshipping has morphed into a group of people who either openly create and support pedophilia/incest or similar shit, or at least dont have a problem with other people doing it. the opposite term is “anti” which i have mixed feelings about, because on one hand i AM anti-pedo, anti-incest, etc. but on the other hand a lot of “antis” are kind of nasty as well in terms of being too trigger-happy to doxx someone. i dont really call myself an anti because im a full time college student and im too busy to care about fandom drama past a certain extent, but i dont care if my friends or mutuals do. but i dont like proshippers and i actively avoid them because i think they’re shit.
the main argument that a lot of proshippers use is that fiction doesn’t affect reality. if u know anything about anything u should probably be able to figure out that fiction does, in fact, affect reality, and theres quite a fascinating and nuanced relationship between them. that doesn’t mean you cant include “problematic” topics in fiction, in fact i think it’s necessary, but it sure does mean that you shouldn’t openly glorify pedophilia or whatever. theres a difference between writing about something in a way that condemns it, writing about something in a way that allows the reader to draw their own conclusions, and writing about something in a way that allows people to think “hey, this illegal and nasty thing must actually be ok”. hannibal is one of my favourite shows but i dont think it has to be stated that it’s generally a bad idea to kill and eat people, etc etc. there’s a lot to be said about the relationship between fiction and real life, and it’s super interesting, but i wont go into it because there are a lot of people that have said it better than i can.
so sorry for the super long answer LMAO but i hope i articulated my thoughts clearly enough. if anyone has anything else to add then please go ahead.
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
hi sorry to be in ur inbox again but i saw that ask abt ayataka and as one of the like. 3 current active ayataka fans left i think there is enough substance for girl best friends shenanigans... jin's misogynistic refusal to just have ayataka share a moment that doesnt somehow involve the Boys sours most of it but if u r crazy like me and read between the lines it can be really sweet. especially in the novels i remember takane is all happy that theyve been texting with ayano and planned a birthday celebration like u said which to me is some kind of. substance.... *is on the floor bleeding out* anyway the email scene i think especially highlights the potential ayano and takane had bc it's probably the one time where it's just the two of them. erm technically. and shintaro and haruka arent mentioned. and the way takane promises to save ayano always gets me and it's just so frustrating bc that's all we fucking get even though their relationship could really bring more meaning to kagepro's story. the lack of ayataka interaction is just one of the many story flaws that occur in kagepro bc of jin's misogyny. it's crazy how the weaker aspects of kagepro could be improved if jin didnt ignore certain characters or give them shallow to little development simply bc they r women. i got a little off track sorry but yeah ayataka fries my brain a little. (still love harutaka as well forever and ever. in my head it's like. takane has two hands)
YEAH TOTALLY!! its so annoying. sorry i dont have a lot to say i didnt already in my other ask but its just so infuriating lmao
I ALSO LOVE AYATAKA amd yeahh takane has 2 hands etcetc but as ive said before its like. idk yes its a ship i do like but when compared to harutaka i really DONT care for ayataka in the slightest LOL like i even if i have both the way i feel abt the 2 leaves no room for comparison so its like. SORRY AYANO LIKE EVEN IF TAKANE HAS 2 HANDS SHE WILL ALWAYS HOLD ONE HAND TIGHTER AND IT WONT BE YOURS. AND I CANT GET PAST IT. if i had anything more to go off by then maybe but :(( but i respect being delusional and i support you. do ur best. ayano will always be takanes first kiss though sorry haruka
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iguessitsgabe · 2 years
Hello, my name is Gabe, im a 23 year old trans man from Venezuela. Currently I'm living in Spain. I'm open to making friends! English is not my first language, I also have a hard time picking on subtext, so if I say something offensive I dont mean it and please tell me.
My fandoms
(from most active to less, I love them all the same tho.)
Obey Me! SWD
JoJo's bizarre adventure's
Houseki no Kuni
Vocaloid/Project Sekai
Full Metal Alchemist
Minors: I post NSFW a lot and barely tag it bc i forget
Antis: if you dont ship something i ship, ok i dont mind, just block me or tell me to tag it so you don't see it. Just dont call me stuff for it when it's all fictional.
P³dos/Maps/racists/bigots/homophobic/transphobic: enough said
If you support Venezuelan/Cuban communism/socialism: Block me, dont even contact me unless you are open to learn what its actually like to live there for 22 years. I wont even start debates because i know its impossible for anyone to win or agree.
Communism/Socialism propaganda: I dont support capitalism don't get me wrong. It's due to my experience that seeing any symbols like 🐓 or ☭ , inmediately trigger a lot of trauma. I understand that real communism and socialism is not what I've experienced, but it's still really hard.
Self-h4rm or swiss-a-side: I struggle with depression and anxiety a lot, i try to use social media as an escape method and to get some positivity
Slut-shaming/kink-shaming: if you dislike any of my kinks. Just block me or mute me, just dont come to my inbox saying im disgusting. I suffer from confidence issues regarding my body and sexual life due to SA
CSA or SA mentions.
{ My inbox are open to talk, I dont mind 18+ asks or messages as long as you respect my pronouns! }
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fairybond · 4 months
♡ + lisanna x bixlow ?
Send me a ♡ plus a ship // Accepting
Tumblr media
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙰𝚂𝙺𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃? I think they would fall into the 'we end up becoming good friends that hang out a lot so it becomes difficult to distinguish whats a Friend thing and a Not Friend Thing' category and they're out together one day and someone asks "hey are you guys on a date??" and Lisanna is like "ahaha thats funny, no" and bix, at the same time is like "yeah we are". cue them looking at each other like ?? and lisanna is like wait what
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚆𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝙸𝙽 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃 𝙺𝙸𝚂𝚂? Hmm. I mean, as always, there's endless possibilities. I think Bix though? Maybe to shut her up when she's rambling about something or being Cute
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙶𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁 𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙺𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚂? Bix comes up with increasingly random and silly nicknames to wind her up and amuse himself, and she doesnt really mind it and sometimes calls him random nicknames too. but i dont think theres any serious/actual nicknames, but that would be likely to change based on portrayal/interactions
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙲𝙾𝙾𝙺𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙼𝙴𝙰𝙻𝚂? they would take turns or help each other. or at least that's usually the intention, but bix is Distracting and Lisanna shoos him away or leaves him to it and hopes for the best
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙷𝙰𝚂 𝙱𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴 𝙸𝙽 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙸𝙲? i'm not sure tbh, i dont think either has particularly Bad taste?
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙷𝙾𝙶𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙳? Bix, because he's tol, and she typically sleeps curled up like a cat. that being said, she does stretch out in her sleep and may or may not smack him in doing so. and she is definitely a blanket hogger.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚆𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂 𝚄𝙿 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃? i'm not sure about bix, but lisanna is an early riser, so it could be her.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙵𝙵𝙴𝙴? lisanna probably but depends who's up first i think
𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙸𝙶 𝚂𝙿𝙾𝙾𝙽? when they go to sleep, it's probably Bix, but I support the Big Spoon Lisanna agenda, so i say when they wake up or at some point during the night, Lisanna is the big spoon.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝚄𝙿 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚂𝚃? it can depend, but probably Bix
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙲𝙷𝙴𝚂 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳? Lisanna and her abandonment issues are holding on tight, but i do think Bix reaches out equally so he doesn't lose her in the crowd and he Understands her issues
𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝙰 𝙵𝙰𝙽 𝙾𝙵 𝙿𝙳𝙰? Lisanna, she is an affectionate sap, she loves to stay close and be touching in some way. But, with gossip magazines always hovering around, she's mindful. Plus she would keep in mind whatever Bix's level of comfort is with that sort of thing. I think he'd be chill with casual affection though
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚂𝙽𝙾𝚁𝙴𝚂? i'd say Bix, but Lisanna does purr in her sleep sometimes and its vaguely snore-like at times. which he of course exaggerates when telling people about it
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙶𝙴𝚃𝚂 𝙰𝙽𝙽𝙾𝚈𝙴𝙳 𝙼𝙾𝚁𝙴 𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙸𝙻𝚈? Lisanna, Bix is a chill dude.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚂 𝚂𝙴𝚇? probably equal? but Lisanna more probably
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙰𝚂𝙺𝚂 𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙸𝚁 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙶𝙴? Hmm. i think it could go either way but i do like the idea of Lisanna being the one to ask. And Bix proudly tells everyone the story at any opportunity, but the story changes each time and so no one but them and their closest friends actually knows how it went down.
𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴'𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝚅𝙾𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙴 𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙾𝚁𝚈 𝙾𝙵 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚂: it would depend on portrayal/interactions/development and whatnot, but they're fun-loving types so likely they were doing some fun activity together and there was a moment of softness/connection.
𝙰 𝚁𝙴𝙶𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝚂 𝚁𝙴𝙶𝙰𝚁𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚂: i can't really think of anything. maybe though, since my Lisanna joined and remained with BP, she regrets that she became closer to Bix primarily during the One Year and that he rejoined FT (not saying she wouldn't support him and the others returning, its more a case of "why did it take us this long to form this connection? why did it take us switching guilds and then you leaving?")
𝙸𝙵 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚈 𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶: related to the above, probably that there's a lot of missed opportunities or something.
𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙸𝚁 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝙻𝙰𝙽𝙶𝚄𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚂 𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙾𝚁𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚃𝙾 𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴: Physical touch will always be a big one for Lisanna, she craves that sort of connection and grounding, and i think Bix is also comfortable with that sort of affection. Quality time and having fun together, or just chilling together, would also be a big one.
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silent-swiftie-ph · 2 years
Scribbled ideas
Nov 9, 2022
So doing this random journal again. It’s been awhile since I’ve written or talked to myself. Anyways, lately has been a rollercoaster ride for me. Dad’s bypass operation, my stressful birthday, missing my biggest stan’s “Taylor Swift” album launch, etc.
I dont know if I am for any fandom whatsoever, but as long as I can remember, Ive been a swiftie all throughout my life. I remember first hearing her songs back in 2006/2007, I was just a college student then dreaming of making a dent in this world. You know, I came from one of the top universities here in the Philippines so I was a bit full rather fool of myself.
She went here for her fearless album, but i was dead broke that time. Also, I didn’t have any support “fandom” friends with me. All of my friends are either, so-so with her or just freaking against her. 😂 well, i am still in that shit till now.
Kanye west incident, was angry as hell. I remeber rubbing the topic to my friends even though they didnt like it. I was connecting it to women power and artists equality. Like fellow artist should you know support each other. I know the feeling since I used to write my own songs and play it on my guitar when I was 13 years old. It just so happened that, that dream is something that the society here deemed impossible to achieve.
Red album was released and she also had a schedule here. I was a budding analyst and I was actually in the ticketnet website or whatever looking at the ticket prices fucking 2000 pesos for gen admission. I thought to myself that, damn. I would also need to pass this one. (Though looking back, i should have just used my mom’s credit card and worked my ass off to have it paid).
Fell of the radar for the next years or so… sadly when taylor started having model friends. I’m nowhere near their stature, im fat, im nerdy, im boyish, and im a geek. How on earth could I connect with them? Though, id still be looking back and forth from afar, this is also the time I had a gf, but unfortunately she doesnt like taylor as well. I’m bisexual by the way.
When 1989 came out, i was secretly wishing for a concert here in Manila. I really wanted to bring my then gf there and introduce taylor to her. But it didn’t happen. 😔
It was also the time that taylor was with KK, and a bunch of hotties like calvin, tom, alwyn. And I was like. “Whoaw, mom your so active all around the place. I will never ever be able to reach you.” Well I was secretly rooting/shipping kaylor because I was also in that phase during that time frame 🥲🫠
Fast forward to reputation, damn that album blew me away. It was my break up album. Well, not necessary that it’s a break-up album but I was listening to it endlessly to numb myself. I was eyeing to watch it in US coz I was supposed to go there in that certain tour dates for my business trip. Lo and behold, my business trip was rescheduled and what I did was just to visit an empty stadium and try to breathe in the essense of whatever is left in there. Hahahaha
Lovers is a mixed album for me. I mean I love it but confuses me all the time. I am no decypher queen type of fan. I think im just a creative and intellectual one. Its a declaration of love but im feeling a sense of lgbtq+ vibes to it. Tbh, i really thought Taylor was going to out herself. Hahahaha. Well, i dint care about that but lol, it was just my thought.
Miss Americana!!! This one blew me out. Personally, i have been an activist in all of my social media accounts. As I said earlier, i graduated from one of the top university here in our country and it is also a national university, so technically i have been programmed to think radically against any form of facism, unequality, racism, genderlect and everything. This film blew me away. It rekindled my connection with Taylor. I was so proud of her. I always thought her as someone who is a rockstar but not an activist. Well there are some hardcore feminist lines in her song but as a fellow feminist and activist, this really like “Mom, please hug me. I wanna be with you again” moment.
I was so sure that i will see Taylor but pandemic happened. I was a holy fucking mess. I was able to get into folklore, but damn i was a ghost for like evermore, fearless, red, and sadly midnight (which i am catching up), honestly, midnight released me from my voidness. It pulled me again here in this world. Everyone’s telling that this a dark album, but i actually dont care. I can relate to this. It’s like telling me that hey, there is this patriarchal shit going on, anxieties, over thinking, tunnel vision shits that fell through, but you will still be here. Live the hell that you want, even with a blood stained dress, love the hell that you want even you dont want to marry, forgive yourself for being the anti-hero, forgive that kid. Forgive that kid, let this all loose and celebrate, live, you’re on your own, kid. Your gonna be fine.
PS please be here in Manila. I believe I’ve saved enough to get VVIP ticket. HAHAHAHA But srsly, i wanna thank you so much Ms Swift
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faemen · 3 years
ace attorney??? more like really fucking gay attornies who are SO THICKHEADED i am going to kill them
why couldnt this just be a fandom thing like i thought it was before i played. why cant they just make these canon. why must we suffer so
i dont even want them to be canon cuz yknow normal reasons, i just want the fu kdingnf PINING TO STOP cuz its SO MUCH WORSE EVERY TIME
wrightworth? killed me. not bc of their cuteness or normal ship reasons, nooo instead you change your entire major for a guy you knew for 4 months when you were 9 and book a private jet cuz you thought the guy was dying and gain unnecessary feelings and have that man shine brilliantly in your eyes and share a deep dark secret with the exact same girl who just confessed her love to a guy and being great partners and trusting in each other to find the truth and enjoy biting into apples because theyre red and
klapollo? dont even get me started. once again, not because of normal ship reasons, but because they make me so infuriatingly mad. but yknow being used to getting inspected by the ladies but feeling that way for the first time with a man and calling each other cool while blushing and treating your guitars like lovers instead of smashing them on stage and singing a song about your boyfriend being the prosecutions witness and taking care your heart isnt stolen away and wiping pretty smiles off your opponents face and pulling the darkness out of him and being dazzled and literally asking him out to dinner is all normal and straight dude stuff
lanamia? girlfriends? really? i cant believe you thought that going to law school together and being both a detective and prosecution at the same time she was a defense attorney and being close enough to her you had to push her away and break contact when you got involved with a murder and dying at the hands of the man that blackmailed her and her being the first person you tried to contact when you were in trouble and being attracted to her (intellectually) could possibly mean anything not straight at all.
franmaya?? wtf are you on about??? wdym you saw acts of lesbianisms when two women admire each others strengths for being so strong in her own way in the exact same situation as herself and when theyre narrative foils and when one of them avoids whipping the other despite not doing this for pretty much anyone else and when she spends all night on a freezing cold mountain doing something extremely difficult to make sure the other is okay and out as soon as possible?
faraskye? HA dont make me laugh. why are you even telling me about how theyre literally a detective and thief which fits the trope perfectly and about how they investigate together and about how they worry about each other and how they both have big dreams about their careers in the future which theyre super passionate about and have entirely planned until something comes in their way?? this is all heterosexual behaviour???
blackmadhi? you mean having opposite designs that are black + edgy and white + holy while having the complete opposite personalities to their outfits and calling each other sad monk and reverse panda while fiercely going off against each other because neither of them can bear to lose and putting up facades to keep others away from their true selves but still caring about their younger siblings and doing anything for their sakes? yeah i dont see it.
junithena? youve got to be kidding. playing together in the woods as children and growing up to still remember each other even when others dont approve and being determined to help her find her true self and being worried that shes anxious while remembering what happens when she does even though its been years and getting mad at anyone who bothers her and sobbing because she gave you an orange and promising to defend her no matter what and taking a risk so that she doesnt get in trouble in court and calling each other nicknames and getting jealous that two people are fighting over her love while calling her a bunch of compliments and being supportive but sad when she gets a crush on a guy for some weird forking reason doesnt mean anything at all.
asoryuu????? whaaaat??? cant believe you ever thought that being certified besties and taking a huge risk so that said bestie wouldnt lose their dream and calling each others partners like every line and that thinking hes the pride and joy of your university and not sleeping in the same bed so you can go into the closet and teasing each other while still showing your unbreakable bond is homosexual activity.
tldr: theyre straight /s and i hate them
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