#i mean love live gets the good stuff too 🥺
cobaltfluff · 2 years
the black or white i7 MVs?!?!?! THEY'RE SO GOOD?!?!?
HOL UP are they made by the same studio that did the readyyy project MVs???? they have a very similar vibe??!!?
edit: it seems like it from the video descriptions?!?! thank you dandelion animation studio for ending the year in such an amazing way
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Slashers with housewife s/o
(She/her)(swf) I was writing it for hour and it didnt save tnere is a lot of dialogue this color is slasher talking and this one is s/o. Its mostly written for fun Request open
Thomas Hewitt
P r o t e c t
He is triple cousious with his victims now! He would not forgive himself if one of them hurt her! And I dont thinl s/o likes gore so dont go near basement hon pls
*tommy vibing outside* "Uhhh Tommy? Theres some guy in livingroom" 🤨😨
Even tho she is hausewife he is hausehusband so yall Just vibe while cooking and cleaning
The Micheal Myers
"Micheal make sure to wear something under this jumpsuit, its cold outside!"
S/o getting him a phone and texting him every second he's out
Please Micheal stop killing people in our livingroom, this carpet costs more that my kidney
Once he gave her a knife he stole from some girl that tried to Defend herself
I can imagine s/o texting him stuff like "at 5pm u better be home, i made your favorite food" he will speedrun to home, he loves food
*phone rings at 3am* "Honey why you calling me, im at work?" "ASA THERE IS HUGE SPOODER IN BATHROOM HELP I CANT PEE" "omygod not again"
Due to s/o being often home alone (he is busy man) she will probably find some sort of hobby?(obviolusly) I can see her learning how to do crocheting. LIKE IMAGINE: "Asa i made you this cute sweater Look!" (There are to ways he will answer that) option1: "yeaah thanks that suuuper cute will wear it for sure"(never wears it) option 2: "what kind of abomination is that"(will wear it at work)
Bonus points if the oomgomgomg IF SHE MAKES SWEATER WITH MOTHS ON IT OR COCKROACHES (you know the funny gif with spining cockroach?yep this one) HE WILL LOVE IT(secretly) He would love to wear it to work but Hes afraid of destorying it (No, because imagine Arkin living in hell and the guy that tortures him for months just cames in cute sweater with cockroaches on it)
"??? Mate u mean u want to stay here and take care of nest while I go out??? I mean sure? Eem take care??" Confused af, like in his culutre both partners Hunt and tbh theres non long lasting relationships, only to make babis so it is weird.
He wants her to stay by his side 24/7 so he will be grumpy
But idea of her making amazing food while he is out just for him is too good to pass
Especally if its made of foods that he hunt, brings him pride
Imagine learning him how to use fork "nono honey u grab it like that and stab the food. Nono gently nonoo oh noo *break plate* "why use that when im litteraly apex predator hon imma-*eats whole plate of food with plate*
Billy lenz
F o o d
He loves food she makes
She hangs out in house so its win-win.
He will hug her alot and try to take her attencion from whatever she does to him!!
"Billy go help me chop carrorts for dinner!" *billy speedruning from upstairs* "🥺whar are carrots?"
Brahms Heelshie
"Mmm :) " "Brahms stop staring at me and help me clean kitchen' "yes honey :("
He does not rule in this relationship
He may act intimitading but He is just a shy bean
He does not know how to food, he will try to eat uncooked potato while shes not looking mmm forbiden apples
Hush man
Hes into that, prefers his wife to be like that
He loves picking her up and runinning arond hause
No matter how long yall are into relaionship he will be nervous before any dinner u eat together or be so happy everytime he sees her after he comesback home
Found it in my drafts!
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writingforstraykids · 7 months
I feel kind of angsty today and I’m in the mood to just read something that makes me cry so hear me out.Minho/Chan or Felix argue with you because you feel neglected and such in because they are so busy and barley make time for you and you just want to feel a little affection and they are also upset because they are stressed and kind of blow up and say stuff they shouldn’t have and evereyone is upset.Maybe they solve it (or they don’t if you want to be mean).But I really need something gut wrenching.
(Also don’t rush and take your time with writing this if you even want to<3)
I've decided to be extra mean and make this a poly mess so you have all of the boys in it😂😂 I hope you like it and I don't make you cry too hard...also if you ever wanna talk, just let me know hun🥺🖤
You don't need me
Pairing: Minchanlix x femReader | Minho x Chan x Felix x femReader
Word Count: 2391
Warnings/Tags: angst, argument, insecurities, feeling neglected, feeling left out, loneliness, chan's a little stressed meanie, Minlix is...idk🤣
bold indicates English
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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Minho races down the stairs, cursing quietly as he drops his keys. He quickly bends down to pick them up, and his glasses, which he only quickly pushed up his nose before, fall onto the floor.
"Are you okay?" you ask, amused.
"Obviously not," he says, clearly annoyed.
"Well, can I help?" you ask gently, and Minho firmly shakes his head, grabbing his sneakers.
"I'm late; there's nothing you can do about that," he tells you, and you're about to answer, but he cuts you off. "Yongbok! I swear if you don't move your ass down here in five seconds, I'll drive without you!" he yells upstairs, making you flinch at the volume of his voice.
"Is Channie already-?"
"Don't think he slept here tonight," Minho shakes his head and grabs his bag. "FELIX!"
"Minho, for fucks sake!" Felix yells back and appears at the top of the stairs. "I swear, this man is driving me crazy. As if those five seconds would make any difference at this point, my God. It's Hyunjin, he won't kill us!" he curses as he walks downstairs, his hair messily falling around his head.
"Don't you start talking English now and think I don't know that means you're talking shit about me," Minho tells him, throwing his sneakers at him. "Put those on, we're late."
"Well, if someone wouldn't have taken so long waking up today," Felix comments and rolls his eyes at him. He looks up, startled, as you carefully brush his hair back for him, trying to fix the mess. "Not now, Y/nnie, we have to leave," he gently shakes you off.
You pull back your hand and nod gently, glancing at Minho, who's grabbing his stuff and unlocking the door. "Bye, see you later!" he shouts and waves you, stepping outside. Only two seconds later, he's back. "Felix, I swear I will kick you."
"Fuck off," Felix curses under his breath and grabs his things, waving at you and slipping outside as well. The door falls closed, and you're standing still for a moment.
"Well, good morning and goodbye to you too. I love you too," you whisper to yourself and sigh softly. Turning around you spot their packed lunch boxes still on the table. "Shit," you curse and throw your head back, frustrated. You know they barely make time to eat unless you made it. Well, maybe you could visit them later, get your kiss, and check on Chan.
You stand still in the suddenly very empty house and try to remember the last time they were all home and you've spent some quality time together. It feels like months and you soon realize it has been. One of them has always been either working or not even in the country. Sometimes it really doesn't feel like you're living with your three boyfriends but some roommates who stop by now and then.
"Oh, come on, don't be so dramatic," you shake your head and chew on your lower lip. You don't know when the last time was you had breakfast all together, you got a kiss goodbye from all of them or they came back in time for dinner. Needless to say, no one has properly touched you in weeks as well. Were you that easy to forget? Are you just another assignment to get done on their daily to-do lists? Something they could just reschedule to another day if they can't make time for it?
Sighing softly you make your way upstairs and rummage through your closet, searching for a nice outfit. You find a cute summer dress they all love and decide on that. After a quick shower, you fix your hair and make yourself presentable.
Only a little later, you're walking down the hallway to their practice room and gently knock at the door, letting yourself inside. Minho demonstrates some steps as Felix and Hyunjin watch him closely and try to mirror his movements. Felix messes up a step, and Minho starts laughing at him, chasing him through the room. He wraps his arms around his waist and pulls him against his chest, kissing his cheek. "Yongbokie, come on," he giggles softly, and Felix tries to squirm away from him.
"I'm sorry, hyungie," he laughs, eyes shining bright. "I promise I'll do better."
"Once you're done flirting, we could continue?" Hyunjin groans playfully annoyed.
Minho turns with Felix in his hold, and they face you. Surprise laces their features. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" Minho asks confused.
"Oh, you forgot your lunch today, and I didn't know how long you'd be at the company," you tell them, and Minho nods gently.
"Thanks," he tells you and lets go of Felix, walking over to his phone.
Felix stretches tiredly and watches Minho as he scrolls through his phone. "You wanna go again?"
Minho glances at his watch before nodding. "We should. We have like an hour before the rest join us." You nod gently to yourself and put their lunch down on the bench next to their stuff. "Chan's at the studio," he tells you before turning the music back on.
You watch them stunned as they continue practicing and don't really notice the compassionate smile Hyunjin gives you. Your throat tightens, and you quickly make your way outside. You're clearly not needed here.
You knock at the door, and Jisung opens the door, smiling at you brightly. "Hey, Y/n," he beams at you and pulls you into a hug. "Chan hyung, look who's here."
"Ji, I told you no visitors right now," he groans and pulls off his headphones with a heavy sigh. He spots you in the door and nods. "Oh, hi."
"Hi," you say quietly, holding on tightly to the box in your hand. "I just wanted to bring you your lunch. I won't disturb you for long."
"Ah, okay," he says and gestures toward the small table next to the door. "Just put it there, I'll eat later. Thanks, Y/n."
"You're welcome," you nod and are about to leave again but hesitate for a moment.
"Anything else?" Chan asks, not even looking at you.
"Will you be home tonight?" you ask gently, and he raises his eyebrows, still not looking over.
"Because you weren't yesterday," you say and see Jisung's confused frown at that.
"Hyung, you promised," Changbin sighs from his spot on the sofa, rolling his eyes at you in secrecy.
"Y/n, we've been over this before. If I get done in time, I'll be there; if not, then not," he announces, almost a little annoyed.
You scoff at him and put down the box heavily. "Sorry for asking, I guess," you spit out and open the door, stopping when you hear him groan.
"Stop being so pushy, my god," Chan rolls his eyes and looks at you for the first time today. "I'll be there. Are you happy now?"
"You know what?" you ask lowly. "You can stay here for another night. It makes no difference if you guys are there or not, you only have eyes for each other or work. Sometimes I wonder why my three roommates even need me."
"What the fuck did you just say?" Chan asks quietly and stares at you.
"You fucking heard me," you spit out with tears burning in your eyes. "At this rate, I'm just part of the interior. You don't say good morning, you don't say goodnight, you're not home for dinner, you're not there. And if you are you're busy with work or talk to Minho and Felix only. You don't need me right now, and that fucking hurts, Chan."
"Okay, that's enough delusional behavior for one day," Chan gets up with a groan and shakes his head at you. "We'll talk about this tonight, but right now, I really don't have time for this."
"Don't bother," you shake your head at him, heart breaking. "I'll take myself back out."
"Hyung," Changbin sighs a little, but Chan ignores him.
"Come on, Y/nnie, I'll take you to your car, yeah?" Jisung says gently and wraps his arm around you, pulling you outside. "He doesn't mean it. He's being dumb."
"Yes, he does; they all do," you sniffle, and Jisung frowns at you.
"What do you mean?" he asks worriedly.
"It's been like this for weeks now. They all rush out of the house and act like I don't exist anymore," you tell him, hot tears falling down your cheeks. "I know they're stressed; I know they have a lot to do, but is it really too much to ask?"
"No, Y/nnie, it isn't," he shakes his head and pulls you into a tight hug. "I'm sure what you're describing is true. They sometimes forget everything around them when things here get rough. I'm sorry, hun," he says and soothingly rubs your back. He thinks for a moment before shaking his head and gently patting your back. "Come on, they'll never learn if they don't see what it does to you."
"No, Ji, they're busy-" you protest through tears.
"I don't care," he shakes his head and leads you down the hallway. He rips open the door to the room and pulls you with him to Minho's phone, turning the music off. "Hyunjin, you come with me. You two have something to fix here."
Minho blinks at him, confused, and his face falls, seeing you crying in his arms. "Y/nnie, kitten," he says worriedly and quickly makes his way over. "Honey, what's wrong?" he asks gently, cupping your face and searching your eyes. "Hey, look at me," he says softly.
"Y-You don't need me," you hiccup, and Minho frowns at you.
"What do you mean?" he asks, confused, and Felix steps next to you, gently rubbing your lower back.
"Babe?" Felix asks worriedly as you don't answer.
"Go get Channie," Minho tells him, eyes widening as you furiously shake your head. Chan is usually the best to comfort you when you are really upset. "No? Why, kitten? What happened?"
"Channie s-says I'm delusional," you sob quietly as Minho sits down on the bench and pulls you into his lap.
"What?" Felix asks, confused. "Did you two get into a fight?" he asks, sitting down next to the two of you.
You bury your face in Minho's chest, so desperate for such a simple gesture. Sobs shake your body as you tell them about what happened with Chan and how neglected you felt during those past weeks. It all flows freely now, and they both listen quietly, not interrupting you once. Minho's hand rubs your back soothingly, and Felix fondles your hair gently.
"Oh kitten, I'm so sorry," Minho apologizes sincerely once you're done. "I had no idea you were suffering that much because of us."
"You're right, babe, we're so busy we sometimes forget about you or act a little harsh," Felix nods guiltily and leans down to kiss your head. "I'm so sorry we made you feel like that. You don't deserve that one bit, my dear."
"I know I'm being dramatic," you sniffle into Minho's shirt.
"No, you're not," he shakes his head and rests his head against yours. You really aren't. I didn't even say goodbye properly today. Or good morning," he says, his voice laced heavily with guilt. "And...I should've told you how beautiful you look today the minute you stepped inside."
You giggle sadly and pull back. "Yeah?"
"Mhm, our pretty girl," Felix adds fondly as Minho wipes your cheeks.
"We love you so much, even if we act like idiots sometimes," Minho promises and kisses your forehead.
"I love you guys too," you tell them with a sad little smile.
"I'll go and get Channie, okay?" Felix asks softly, and you nod timidly. He giggles at the comment Minho makes and quickly makes his way to the studio. He doesn't knock at the door and steps inside. "Channie babe, we need you."
"Not now, Lix," Chan shakes his head, writing down some things for Jisung.
"Minho said if you don't move your ass over there in two minutes top he won't have sex with you for the next three months. Our tour comes up, you don't wanna risk that," Felix says with a straight face, making Changbin and Jisung crack up.
Chan glances up at him suspiciously and sees Felix isn't joking. "Oh my fucking God, fine!"
Felix walks next to him and glances at Chan thoughtfully. "Push the group back for a moment, yeah? Stray Kids doesn't matter now, she does."
Chan's face falls a little and he straightens up as they reach the door. "Yeah, okay," he says quietly and steps inside with him. You're curled up in Minho's lap on the floor by now as he's playing with your hair. Tear streaks paint your cheeks, your eyes are reddish, and you're sniffling a little. "Baby, I'm sorry," Chan sighs and gets down on the floor next to you. "I'm stressed out, I didn't sleep last night, and I took it out on you. I'm an idiot, please forgive me?" he asks guiltily and hesitantly takes your hand. He must've really hurt you if you went to Minho and Felix about it. You usually prefer to settle arguments privately.
"It's not just you," Minho shakes his head, and Felix sums it up for him. Chan nods along, and his heart gets heavier with every word leaving his boyfriend's lips.
"Oh, Y/nnie baby," he whispers with tears in his eyes. "Can I give you a hug?" You nod timidly and climb off Minho's lap and into his arms instead. Chan pulls you in tight, burying his face in your shoulder. You relax in his hold and close your eyes. No matter how mad or hurt you were, you would never deny one of Chan's healing long hugs. "I'm so sorry, you're right, we've messed up big time. I love you so much, yeah? You're so beautiful and kind, and I could never stop loving you, baby. Never. I will do better, I promise."
"I love you too," you whisper and exhale softly, your heart feeling a lot lighter now that you've told them all. Minho and Felix join your hug and kiss your hair. "You'll be home tonight?" you ask timidly.
"Yeah, we'll all be home," Chan assures you kindly and squeezes you.
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Taglist (Please let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist):
@atinyniki @mal-lunar-28 @lilmisssona @aaasia111 @galaxycatdrawz @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @malfoygalaxies @rebecca-johnson-28 @michelle4eve @lixie-phoria @gxtwllsn @xxstrayland
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hitomisuzuya · 30 days
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This is my first time requesting and I wanted to ask for step brother Scaramouche Fluff for readers because they’ve been really stressed recently about school, 😔 (can we tell this is about me😭) I love your writing tysm!
Stepcest, even though it's fluff, DNI if it makes you uncomfortable. Scaramouche x fem!reader. Fluffy fluff fluff. Soft Scara.
Because everyone needs a little comfort and stress relief🥺
Scaramouche was two kinds of annoyed. Annoyed and really annoyed. With him, two modes of annoyance at the same time was possible. He was annoyed because you were sitting too far away from. He was playing video games in the living room, while you were in the kitchen busy with schoolwork. He played better his beloved stepsister was next to him, praising him in some way for playing well. (He also likes to have you by his side).
But, mode really annoyed was because every time he glanced into the kitchen, he noticed the following things snowballing despite your brave face.
Your fingers were starting to shake. Your breathing, though quiet indicated that your heart was racing. Your posture was rigid and stiff, your body coiling with stress.
Scaramouche did not like it when you were stressed. He knew school was demanding (not like he had to study much cause he got good grades effortlessly), but you were piling too much on yourself at once. And eventually it would to one thing.
One thing he couldn't stand.
One thing he started to hear the beginning to stages of: you started to cry.
His eyes snapped away from the TV the moment he heard the first soft sniffle. He froze, not even pressing pause on his game. He didn't even notice nor care that the monsters killed his character.
You were crying.
And he hates it.
"Scara, I don't know what to do," You said shakily, looking up at him as you hastily brushed tears away from eyes that were way too pretty to have tears like that in them, "It just keeps piling up. I dunno how I am going to get this shit done."
Scaramouche was already getting up off the couch to go to you. "Stop that," He said, and it wasn't said in a mean way. He just can't stand to see you cry. He hastily scooped up your books and notebooks, moving them all the way down the table away from you.
"Scara, I am nowhere near being done yet," You protested, reaching across the table for your stuff. Scaramouche hastily pushed it further down the table.
"No you don't. You are finished tonight," He replied firmly, "You have another week to get this done. What are you doing trying to do it all at once?" He raised an eyebrow at you.
"But Scara, I--" You tried to protest. He cut you off by putting a finger on your lips.
"You are coming to the living room with me," He added, taking hold of your wrist. He knew you looked and felt way too tired to protest or struggle anymore. "I am going to teach you how to play the videogame I just got."
"Scara, I'm not going to be any good. It's a first person shooter, I'm not good at those," However, your feeble protest as he pulled you to your feet fell on deaf ears. You looked more nervous, but in a cute way. Not a stressed one, which was important.
You absolutely were afraid of completely playing badly in front of him. How cute.
Before you knew it, Scaramouche seated you on the couch next to him, restarted the mission (with some quiet swearing at bullshit monsters), and handed you the controller.
You stared at the controller, unsure of what to do. The way his heart fluttered when you looked up at him for guidance. It was such a pure hearted, soft look. You looked at him like he was the only person in this world that you wanted and trusted to guide you.
Fucking hell he is so in love with you.
"I've got you," Scaramouche said, moving so that he sat behind you on the couch. He put his hands over yours on the controller, bringing your back to rest against his chest. "This is what you do, aim, and press A to fire."
His voice was like soothing velvet on your ears. You felt warm, and safe in his embrace. The tension was slowly ebbing out of your body. The rhythm of his breathing against your back quieted your heart rate. Scaramouche is the center of your world.
He guided your fingers on the buttons and joy stick for a bit. When he saw you get comfortable with the mechanics, he took his hands off of yours. He was proud you picked up the game mechanics so quickly. And you let out the cutest little laughs every time you hit what you were aiming at.
You are having fun. His mission was accomplished.
"That's my good girl," Scaramouche put a hand on your head, he always gave the best headpets, "Shooting like a pro," He peeked around to see the shy blush on your cheeks.
"Hey, Scara?" You said after awhile, handing him the controller, "Can I just watch you play for awhile?" You sounded sleepy. "I think one of the bigger bosses is coming up, and I don't think I can handle him."
"Scared?" He teased, smirking when he heard your shy squeak.
"No, I just want to watch you play for awhile," You looked away shyly as you moved to rest your head in his lap. It was always relaxing for you to watch Scaramouche play video games. You got to see his experience playing, plus your own experience watching the game.
Pretty good deal, honestly.
For Scaramouche all was right with the world. As right as it could be, anyways. You were by his side, tucked safely in his lap where he could protect you from, well, life.
Before long, you were asleep. Carefully, so as not to wake you, Scaramouche reached for the blanket on the couch and draped it over you. He would wake you up in a few hours to carry you upstairs to your room.
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dirtysvthoughts · 9 months
the jihoon brain rot continues besties 🥹 this is inspired by @bluejeanstrash who (as far as i know) came up with the idea of rich ceo husband! jihoon, and this year’s gda has given me so much ideas:
tags/warnings: rich ceo husband! jihoon, wife! reader, fluff to smut, smut portion contains pet names (darling, pretty baby, etc.), mentions of sexting and nudes, thigh riding, mentions of fingering, ass grabbing, he’s just so hot y’all and i’m upset i can’t have him do things to me 🙃
rich ceo husband! jihoon who would:
absolutely love spoiling you as his pretty wife, even of you don’t ask for it. one day, you came home to a beautiful, expensive silver necklace with a note attached that read: “just cause. i love my darling.” - JH
cater to you in more ways than one - everyday when he gets off work he’s calling and asking if you need anything, a meal, something from the store, whatever you may need, he’s going to fulfill it for you. if he can’t go out and get himself, he’s gonna send someone to get it for him.
be the type to kiss you on your forehead while you sleep before he goes off to work in the morning.
like the original author said, everyone in the company knows who you are and they don’t dare disrespect you. if jihoon finds out that you’ve been disrespected, they’re getting fired on the spot. he doesn’t play about you.
adore you physically (from head to toe) and emotionally. you found each other at the right time in your lives, and you mean so much to him. even though he’s not the best with his words, he wants to prove how much he loves you with his actions.
now for what y’all have been waiting for:
whenever he wears his ap or other luxury watches on his wrist, your pussy can’t help but clench. a hot man with an expensive watch on hand is such a lethal combo.
sometimes when jihoon has to stay at the company late (dealing with one of his artists or another business venture), he can expect some form of a sext, sensual pic, or even a nude from you when you’re needy. you lace your message with such sweetness (“daddy come home, please? 🥺🥺) that is has him wanting to tease you, but it has him craving for you too. he ends up just telling you to wait patiently like a good girl until he comes home.
rich ceo husband! jihoon has such soft dom! vibes, he loves fucking you against the mattress, hearing your cute little voice call for him, hearing you whine for more. would say stuff along the lines of “mmmm, take this dick, just like that.. fuck yeah, pretty baby” and “say my name again, you make it sound so pretty in that mouth of yours.” also, jihoon would definitely adore you calling him sir!
many a late night is spent at home with you riding his thighs, both of you on the sectional that takes up most of the living room. his suit jacket is tossed on another side of the couch, his white button down has the sleeves rolled up, his black tie is a little loose, and his long hair falling delicately on his eyes. jihoon LOVES roaming his hands across your legs, waist, but he loves it even more when he grabs your ass and you bite your lip in response. when you’ve come all over his pants, and his dick is hard from how good you are, you’re kissing his neck and jihoon’s caressing your face, telling you to take off your panties so he can finger your wet cunt next.
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lexirosewrites · 4 months
I had a horrifying omegaverse idea. Dont mind if you wait for Sunday. I know you normally have Steve as an omega, but just this once:
Omegas in heat are in genuine danger around alphas. A few, mostly ignored, people claim that alphas can control themselves if they really want to, but there are many cases of Alphas injuring themselves, to the tune of breaking their own bones, to get to an omega in heat. There are suppressants that can help, but they’re not a sure thing and alpha centric society means that it’s seen as demeaning for alphas to have to limit themselves.
What society has managed is really really good suppressants for omegas. Every society has had some kind of suppressant all the way back to prehistory, but modern medicine is a wonder. It almost completely wipes out the pheromones that make alphas lose it. And sure, omegas have to pay for the suppressants, and take them for the entire month leading up to their heat, and the list of side effects is hella long, but no omega risks doing otherwise. An omega in heat who gets caught can comply, and hope they don’t get forcibly mated, or they can resist, and hope the alpha doesn’t go into a frenzy and kill them.
During puberty, when kids are heading into presentations, there are weekly blood prick tests, and any indication of a spike in hormones sees the kid off to a special secure medical units, staffed by betas, to keep them safe. Alphas get mild sedatives and a space without anything to hurt themselves or others with. Omegas get personal guards, similar rooms, and pain meds. After, alphas go about their lives, a little smug. Omegas go on suppressants, but, they just need to stay home for the three or so days of their heat.
By seventeen, anyone that hasn’t presented is determined to be a beta. 99.9% of presentations happen by age sixteen. The next year is for security. By seventeen, that last .1% has gone down by another 90%.
But late presentations still happen. It’s alphas presenting late usually. 4 out of 5 times. The other is an omega. Those are the stuff of nightmares.
Eddie is a beta. He’s not shocked, almost his entire family is. There’s a cousin or two on one of the branches that were recessive omegas. There’s a guess that a great great great grandpa was an alpha. But Eddie? Definitely a beta.
There’s not a magic formula that causes late presentations, and it happens too rarely and too suddenly for studies to be anything but anecdotal. Almost every late presentation goes… badly… for the omega.
Eddie drops into a presentation heat in the summer of 86, in the middle of the soup aisle. There’s half a dozen alphas in the building, including Steve, who was trying to get the rest of the cream of mushroom from the back of the shelf. Steve, who takes the alpha suppressants daily because he never wants to be like his dad. Steve, who lost some of his secondary sense of smell thanks to the last few years. Steve, who has a hell of a crush, but was never going to say anything about it. Steve, who never wins a fight.
So you have Eddie, terrified, in pain, vicious in his vulnerability, convinced this is how he’s gonna die, because no way in hell is he going to submit to whoever gets to him first. And you have Steve, clinging to control so he can hold off the other alphas long enough for emergency personnel to get there.
ohhh🥺🥺 poor eddie not expecting that and poor steve who just wants to help and is literally the worst fighter known to man!
(side note: i read omega eddie/alpha steve with no issue, even if it’s not what i tend to write. i love seeing different combinations of designations so please throw them all my way!)
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kaisfruit · 10 months
Hi! how's your day going?
I'd like to request the ninja from Ninjago and an older sibling reader if that alright? You know just cute fluffy days with siblings.
Ninjago Older Sibling!Reader Headcanons <3
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A/N; Ahhh hi!!! my day is good ty <3 tysm for this ask this is so cute 🥺🥺 i hope u dont mind hcs, but if u do feel free to ask again and i'll gladly make smthn longer :] jus thought hcs fit the vibe
warnings; none! just fluff <3
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Kai and Nya
Absolutely the most chaotic sibling trio
Nya constantly getting upset with you and Kai for playing the "i'm the older sibling" card
You and Kai: older siblings get cake first that's just the rule. sorry <33
But Kai gets just as upset as she does when you do it to him
You guys all love each other though so it's okay
Just the vibes of being their older sibling would be the most competitive basic sibling rivalry type stuff yk
Constantly doting over him
You might as well be his parental figure since MISAKO AND GARMADON WERE THE WORSTTTTT
You and Kai take turns mother henning him
You and Kai are bffs btw like. I don't make the rules. Kai is just his adoptive older brother in my head, so you two bond over caring for Lloyd
Definitely his comfort person after a long day <3
You're the one Lloyd trusts the most in his life and he isn't scared to tell you his fears because, despite any assumed sibling teasing, he knows you'll take him seriously on that regard
You guys make annoying each other a full time job
Constantly fighting over who the favorite is
Y/N: At least I help out at the junkyard!!
Jay: I'm literally out saving the world everyday!!!
*aggressive slap fight ensues*
OMG no. he's definitely the younger sibling to pull the rapid fire kick tactic
His elemental abilities go out the window when y'all fight. Just straight up, falls on his back and starts kicking up at you
All fun n games until you're able to catch one of his legs
You totally embarrass him as much as you can in front of Nya too
As Jay's older sibling, you're legally obligated to be Cole's bestie since Cole is Jay's bestie. you guys lovingly torment the lightning user together <33
The most chill sibling duo to ever exist
you both didn't appreciate Lou's insistence of the singing and dancing shit so y'all just decided to be ride or dies for life
much like cole, you get along so well with the rest of the ninja
idrk what to say here
nvm i do
You guys play video games with each other and you are infinitely salty at the fact that your younger brother is better than you at most video games
like wtf? isn't it supposed to be a god given right for all older siblings to be better at video games???? the FSM screwed you!!!
but you've never let him live down the one time he lost to you at super smash bros
you have refused to play with him since
See, idk if you'd be his ACTUAL sibling yk since he's a robot? maybe more like you were supposed to be a protege to dr. julien, but decided to just be a 4 lyfer with zane after his passing
you've helped zane understand human culture so much and he's real appreciative of your existence
the ninja absolutely fucking ADORE when you're around because what's better than one zane? TWO ZANES !!!
well, obviously you're your own person but! i could see zane adopting a lot of your mannerisms so you two end up being very similar
quality time is y'alls bread and butter
working around each other perfectly as y'all both cook in the kitchen
words never need to be shared between the two of you. just hanging around the other is enough yk? like y'all are bonding just by existing near each other and it is magical
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ANOTHER A/N; i tried my best to highlight reader being the older sibling but </3 idk if i did it that well. i saw "sibling fluff" and RAN!! im willing to do a pt 2 or like a one shot or anything with a prompt similar to this !! im the youngest sibling myself tho so idk if i can properly portray being an older sibling (only in a mean light. yk like greg heffley and rodrick. do NOT recommend having older siblings y'all /j)
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tonixe · 1 year
🥺I’m begging you write more Jason Dean stuff your so good at writing !!
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n.o.t.e.s - Yes, Ngl I still love him, even though he fucking crazy, like baeeee! &lt;3
w.a.r. n. - unprotected sex, smut, p in the v, Jason Dean being so sexyyy, with 3 y's.
p.a.i.r.i.n.g. - Jason Dean x Fem!reader
w.c - 1.1k
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It was 9 pm, on a Friday.
You were bored out of your mind, parents weren't home and your sibling was out at a sleepover. You cocked your head towards your cherry red telephone, "Calling him won't hurt" you whispered to yourself, before grabbing the handset phone from the base. It was even better that nobody was home, you got to use the landline without anyone listening into your call.
You quickly dialed Jason's number, the beeping sounds making you feel unease, but excited. Pulling the phone to your ear, as you played with the cord of the phone.
Part of you wanted him to pick up but another part of you wanted him not to, you were to anxiously to really know. You heard the phone, a noise from the line.
He picked up...
"Hello" he said, you quickly responded to him, "Hey, Jason!" you said, it came out more as a purr than casual. "What do I own to pleasure to you, Y/N" he said smoothly, his voice made you melt, and feel something wet in your lower abdomen.
"I was wondering if you could swing by my house later, and hangout, I'm bored out of my mind" you said, hugging your pillow to your chest, rubbing your legs together.
You hoped he would say yes. You needed his accompany.
"Sure" he said, you buried yourself more in your pillow, "I guess, I see you here" you said, quickly putting your phone down into the base, with a loud 'ding!'
You took a breath, you didn't know you were holding it for so long. Looking at the window that was covered by the white curtains.
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You heard the doorbell ring, it was 30 mins after you called Jason, you quickly walked down the stairs, looking in the mirror, fixing your hair and your nightgown. Wait was it too weird to wear a nightgown, I mean he is your boyfriend, he would mind, right?
You opened the door, to him with a cigarette in his mouth, "Hey" you said before welcoming him into your house, closing the door behind him.
"This is nice place you got" he said before looking at you, "Your acting like you never been here before" you giggled, before leading him into your living room, sitting down, as he joined you.
"Nightgown, how scandalous" he said, looking at your hardened nipples poking out of your light nightgown. After he said that, it made you jolt, as you rubbed your thighs together, before looking away, "I thought you wouldn't mind" you said, "I don't" Jason said, before finishing his cigarette, dusting the burn end on the of the ash tray.
You felt his hand on your thigh, making you jolt from his cold hand. You slowly breathed out, biting your lip.
"Nervous?" Jason teased you, chuckling. As he leaned towards you. "No" you huffed, that was a lie. His hands creeped up towards your thighs, you looked at his hand, flickering toward him and his hand.
"Can I, princess" he whispers in your ear, your back was curved by the arm of the sofa, he was on top of you.
He slowly took off your blue panties off you. Your pussy hitting the cold air, your legs trembling. Jason held up your right leg, before he spread your pussy lips. You moaned out from your lips, the slick getting onto his hand.
"Damn, your wet already" Jason chuckled, "Did you call me just because you were bored or just horny, no parents home too" he muttered.
You put your hands on your face, nervously. "It a yes isn't it" he said, "yes" you muttered out.
"Gosh" he smirk at you, before shoving his fingers down you, making you moan on impact. He thrust his fingers into you. "J-jason" you moaned, putting your hand on his chest.
His finger hitting your G-spot. Making the body tremble, "Ahh" you moaned. He plunged his fingers into you, make you orgasm, liquids dripping off of his fingers, with slick.
Your chest heaving out, putting your head to the side, looking at Jason smug face. "Now that's a record time" he said, licking the juices from his fingers in front you.
You heard him fumbling with his belt, putting the belt around your hand tying it. "Let's remove this" Jason whisper to you, as he strip you of your nightgown, revealing your breast, your nipples getting hard.
You gulped. Jason cupped your breast together, tugging at them. Making you more wet, rubbing your legs together.
Before he stripped himself of his pants, removing his boxers, revealing his big size. Rubbing your legs together anxiously, before Jason pries your legs apart, opening them, laying them onto his shoulder.
"Ready?" he whispers to you, lining up to your pussy. "Yes" you looked away at him, before he plunged himself into you. You moaned out, putting your hand onto your mouth, trying to hide the pleasure you got from this.
His pace was badly slow, like he was trying to make you go crazy. Everytime he thrust, he always purposely avoids your G-spot, you gave him a little glare. You digged your nails in the couch.
"J-jason" you were in tears.
"Hm?" He said, giving you a smug smile.
"Faster" you whispered, "I couldn't hear you, princess" he said.
"Faster, please" you begged him, you clenched onto his cock, making him groaned.
"Since you said please" he said, not even a second later, he thrust into you with more force, making the couch creak.
The sounds of the lewd scene, made you even more wet. Giving him more access to you, he buries he face in your neck, laying love bites on it.
You moaned out from the pleasure, you were getting.
Your back curved over the ledge of the couch, as he rutted againist you. Grunting slipping out of his mouth, "J-jason" you moaned, as you bit your lip, rolling your eyes as he tilted your body, fucking you further.
"What is it princess" he teased, biting your nipple, clenching onto his cock. "I'm close" you whined, putting your legs around his body.
"Good, cum on my dick" he moaned, biting onto your collarbone. You cried out, as he pumped into you more, before you saw white.
Liquid seeped out of cunt, as he thrust further into the area you didn't even know you had. Your body trembled, he thrust into a few more, before pulling out and cumming onto your stomach.
"Fuck" he hissed, your body still trembling, your legs feeling like jelly.
You looked at the mess between your legs, "S-shit I need to clean before my parents come back" you squeaked out before Jason pressed you back on the couch.
"Before you clean it, round two?" he gave you a smug smile.
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mirukosbitchywife · 2 years
aizawa, fatgum, twice, mirio, kirishima, and shinsou x reader who dyes their hair
another request from the bestie!! this one was for aizawa, fatgum, twice, mirio, kirishima, and shinsou x reader who dyes their hair a lot, like every month kinda stuff!! hope u like it!! this is my first time writing for a few of them so i hope it's okay!
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shouta aizawa:
•literally doesn't care. might actually deadass not notice you dyed it again. he seems like the type to always look his s/o in the eye/face, you might have to point out things like your hair and clothes to get him to pay attention to them, but he always compliments your makeup if you wear any (bc that's where he's staring) so he makes up for it <3
•don't ask him to help you pick a color ever. it will not end the way you want it to he will literally just pick at random, you're better off asking someone else or picking yourself
•not so secretly skilled with doing hair, he's besties with nemuri and i'm so sure he's had to help out kiri w dying his hair too!! so aizawa is the person to go to if you need help with it!! will only grumble a little but that's normal
•will covertly bitch about protecting your hair. sees you with another box of bleach too soon and just. grabs it from you. doesn't say shit. takes it and goes. gives it back to you in like a month?
•might actually knock you out if you try to buy another after he took one from you
taishiro toyomitsu:
•notices immediately and compliments the color(s) on you!!! calls you a different pet name with each color too, like pink would be sweetie, blue would be darling, smth like that, he just likes giving you new ones.
•amazing decision maker. for everyone out there who struggles to make basics choices? this is ur man. will help you pick a color and will argue his point when ur still indecisive. king.
•don't ask him to help you dye it tho. i'm sorry he just seems. i don't want to be mean to him but i think if he tried to help you dye your hair it'd be all over the both of you. more on you two than your hair. sorry tai </3
•WILL let you dye his hair to match yours!!! he wears a hoodie during work anyway so it wouldn't mess with anything!! he actually loves the matching too
•helps you take care of it, looks up tips on his phone to show you later, recommends products for you to use (also buys all the shit for u thank god)
jin bubaigawara:
•stumbles trips over the air cries screams throws up every time you dye your hair. he is so ridiculous in his enthusiasm. every time you dye it it's like he's never seen anyone with brightly colored hair before even tho he lives with spinner
•probably also a pretty good person to go to when you can't decide on a color, he's had to wise up on what goes with what since becoming a big brother to toga who WILL stab him if he chooses wrong. so he might be able to give good advice
•i also don't think he should be allowed anywhere near your head. like think 10x as messy as with taishiro because jin is also super clumsy and will get it everywhere. on you two on the floor on the sink on the bathtubs somehow? on the ceiling? idk how he did it
•probably would also let you dye his hair to match yours since he does wear his mask. i think during the meta liberation army arc when he starts doubling himself again, him having his hair dyed and his clones having blonde hair would really help him with the trauma as well
•doesn't give you tips, doesn't help you, takes care of your hair For you. he can't dye hair but he can moisturize and comb it out for you 🥺 maybe even braid it if you want
togata mirio
•he doesn't notice when you do your hair, no. he was watching you with his face on the wall out of your line of sight watching you do it. (i think he's kinda just Always Watching, not in a creepy way but like he'll pop up to watch you do your makeup/your hair, pops up to walk you to and from places when he can, etc.)
•gives you tons and tons of compliments whenever you dye it a different color. he's probably mid at picking between colors tho, idk if i trust his style sometimes..
•could Probably be trusted to dye your hair, he would be REALLY focused on making sure it's perfect and that he doesn't fuck it up, watched TONS of videos beforehand
•he doesn't have a hood or mask but would still be willing to let you dye his hair to match, it's honestly really his style
•probably likes to leave hair products around for you. idk how he does it considering he can't go through things with items but whatever
eijirou kirishima
•would absolutely LOVE being w someone who also dyes their hair!! it's probably how y'all bonded in the first place!
•very good at choosing between colors. even super similar colors. he's Very particular about the shade of his hair so he knows what's up!!
•will absolutely want to do each other's hair together!! you dye his hair and he dyes yours !! very fun to do but you guys also get pretty messy. worth it tho
•he would be super super excited if you also want to dye your hair red, Might dye his hair a different color for a month or so if you have a specific signature color as well but that's as good as you're gonna get.
•you guys both totally share hair care tips together like true relationship goals
hitoshi shinsou
•waits in anticipation for whatever color you're doing next. literally no matter what color you dyed your hair, no matter how patchy or uneven it is, he will compliment it
•don't ask him to help pick between colors. he will say yes to every color and when you go "that's not how it works" he's just like "okay but they all look good on you i can't decide" WHICH IS THE ISSUE IN THE FIRST OLACE BECAUSE YOU ALSO CANT PICK THATS WHY YOU CAME TO HIM!!!! grr
•oh my god he's been watching youtube tutorials on dying hair since he found out you dye yours, he's SO ready to dye your hair when you finally ask him. does an amazing job chefs kiss
•will bite you if you try to over bleach your hair, i'm so serious. he's like nooooo idc how excited u are for a new color no more bleach 👿
•another one who personally wants to apply products to your hair and knows so many hairstyles u can't convince me otherwise. he learned more so he can play in ur hair <3
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smicksstuff · 9 months
Hi! I don't know if you're still taking requests, but if you are can you please write something for Marc Guiu where reader graduates high school and he goes to her graduation, gives her flowers and stuff, kinda fluffy.
This is my fisrt time requesting something, so sorry and thank you in advance 🫶🏻
Class of ‘24
pairing: yn x marc guiu (smau)
the one where they graduated…..
high school is finally over…… whats next ?
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liked by marcguiu9, yourbff, hectorforrt_ and 7,627 others
ynusername i did it no 🎓
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marcguiu9 you did it mi amor ❤️!!
hctorforrt_ you are so lame
ynusername @/hctorforrt_ no one asked
marcguiu9 good luck mate
hctorforrt_ dios mio
marcguiu9 you better start running
username the polaroid is so cute ✨
username once you know, you know
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liked by pablogavi, joaofelix79, ynusername and 225,627 others
marcguiu9 no 🎓tion needed
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ynusername 2/3 graduations complete
ynusername te amo, amor ❤️
ynusername but that 🎓tion needs work
hctorforrt_ when did the two of you become lame
hctorforrt_ i swear you both were fine
ynusername this is the aftermath of high school
marcguiu9 you will get there soon enough
hctorforrt_ mine is next week
ynusername 🫨🫨🫨
pedri congratulations yn and marc !! 🎉🍾
pablogavi its partyyy time ⏰
username get me a friendship like this
username pls this they are living a wattpad life
1 week later ….
ynusername & marcguiu9 just added to their story
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liked by isahernaez, marcguiu9, pablogavi and 89,728 others
ynusername life after graduation 💃🏽🕺🏽
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marcguiu9 ❤️❤️❤️
hctorforrt_ look at us, young, wild and free
username i love how marc and yn has adopted hector as their child
username adopt me too plss
username where do i sign up to join them
username they just graduated and they spend like they are earning millions
username wait till her luck runs out and she gets left
username you guys are salty this isnt you
username have some talent and this could be you
ynusername, marcguiu9 & hctorforrt_ just added to their story
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marcguiu9 & ynusername
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liked by pedri, pablogavi, isahernaez and 459,718 others
marcguiu9 just us and our child (hector) celebrating graduation 🎉. edited
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mamaguiu CHILD ????? get yourself home now
marcguiu9 mama there is no child its just hector
mamaguiu there better be no child now
ynusername we promise its just hector
mamaguiu hector is alright
hctorforrt_ all this fuss about me 🥹
username real slick with the caption edit
username mama guiu probably booking a plane ticket to mallorca with her chancla
username marc woke up and chose violence
pablogavi where is the invite
ynusername next trip, there is a ticket waiting for you
pablogavi there better be,, yall need some adult supervision
ynusername you arent any older than us
pablogavi who said i was going to be the adult. we bring @/pedri along
pedri im not becoming a babysitter
ynusername yall need to get girlfriends so i can have fun
marcguiu9 im not fun 🥺😓
ynusername you areeee, i just need female friends
username signup sheet to be yn’s friend
username sign me up
view 800 replies
bonus part:
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liked by ynusername, marcguiu9, pablogavi, pedri and 890,728 others
hctorforrt_ Thats 🎓
view comments
ynusername who is the lame one now
marcguiu9 FOMO (fear of missing out)
hctorforrt_ @/ynusername @/marcguiu9 back off i thought you love me 💔
ynusername ofcourse we love you
pedri the trio are smart now
ynusername what is that supposed to mean
pedri 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
pablogavi cue the party 🎉 im ready 🕺🏽
ynusername you know where it is
fcbarcelona congratulations hector 🎉
hctorforrt_ gracias 🙏🏽
username 3/3 graduations
username all i want to know is how they became friends
username same, they are all in different schools
marcguiufans yn and marc are neighbours, hector knows yn through marc
username oh to be neighbours with a barca boy
credits: all pictures are found from pinterest and instagram
a/n: thank you for reading this far!! If you have any one-shot scenarios send them to me!! I would love to try and recreate them for you ◡̈
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starsofmilos · 1 year
I Know You (Adrian Chase x reader)
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Request: Ooo can I please request an protective!Adrian Chase x fem!civilian/innocent reader where she’s Adrian’s girlfriend and she’s super soft and Adrian is LITERALLY head over heels for her. But she doesn’t know about him being Vigilante (I’m sure he’d be scared about her reaction).  She only finds out when he saves her life when she’s walking home, Y/n clearly hearing that it’s his voice behind the mask, but Adrian ‘attempting’ a fake voice  lol, but she knows it’s him shsh (anyways, I’m sure Y/n would be terrified but also clinging to Adrian and shaking). Lots of cuddles and kisses following🥺 Adrian being extremely protective🥺💜
AHH SO CUTE!! I’m excited.
Warnings: small amount of angst, violence, mentions of sex. cursing, possessive Adrian, fluff, mentions of assault, robbery
Adrian Chase had never been in love.
He was a rough person who lived a dangerous life. There was no room for someone in his life. 
He didn’t wanna drag some random innocent civilian into his complicated life. It was good most girls saw him as complete weirdo. 
The girls he picked up as Vigilante too where all quick flings so he never had to worry about committing to one person. 
Adrian had told himself he wouldn’t get committed to someone nor would he ever date someone. 
It wasn’t until a soft warm beautiful person quite literally bumped into him. That was at least how he described you.
He quite literally became attached to you. You were his and he was yours.
Adrian was wrapped around your finger and you had no idea. 
Adrian eye’s popped open hearing your yell. He was up within seconds grabbing his pocketknife. 
Only to find you on top of the kitchen counter pointing at a small spider that was currently crawling away on the floor. He sighed putting the knife away in his back pocket.
“Adrian! Help! Please!!” Adrian bit back a laugh seeing your eyes grow watery. 
“Man you had me fucking scared. I thought someone was breaking in!”
“I mean technically something did break in! Just please get it!” You whined. Adrian nodded grabbing a napkin to carefully grab it. 
He threw it outside walking back in to see you still shaking a bit on the counter. Adrian smiled approaching you. You clutched onto him the second he got close to you. 
“Sorry..Didn’t mean to scare you. Thank you for saving me..”
Adrian chuckled a bit hugging you back. “Aww I’ll always come to save you. You should know that by now.” 
“That’s a relief. I’m sorry again..”
“It’s okay. I know my girl is sensitive.” Adrian kissed you softly. You hummed against his lips.
“Is this my reward?” You nodded feeling a bit shy as he grinned against your lips. 
“Can I have more? I did fight that nasty spider for you.”
“If you fight all the spiders then I’ll let you have as many kisses as you want.” 
“I’ll fight anything for you..” Adrian whispered out in complete seriousness. You laughed it off shaking your head. 
Adrian was always like this towards you. You had no idea just how serious he was about fighting everything and anything for you.
“That reminds me I have a late shift again today.” Pouting up at him, you groaned as he kissed your cheek hiding his face in your neck. 
“Sorry love..”
“Wish you didn’t have that stupid extra job. If I could support both of us I would.” Adrian laughed nodding. 
You had no idea how he was going out as Vigilante at night. Adrian had wanted to keep you, the one good thing in his life, away from all the dangerous stuff he does.
He didn’t want scare you or worse make you a target for some of the people he went after. 
So he decided it would be best if you didn’t know that he was a mass murderer. 
“I know you would. I work though because I like the extra job. Being a bus boy isn’t permanent.”
“I know..I just miss you at night sometimes.” Adrian hummed kissing you softly.
“How about tomorrow I will call off night job and we’ll order a pizza and just eat till we pass out?”
“I’d love that so much. Can we?”
“Yeah I miss you at night too..”
“Sleeping at night is boring without you. I’m all cold and alone.”
“Now don’t make me feel bad!”
“I have nothing to hold me! Except myself! Don’t even have anyone to help get rid of ache I get.”
“What kind of ache?”
“The in bed kind. Only one you take care of.” Adrian coughed a bit trying to hide just how flustered you made him. 
“We can do that now if you want before I go-”
“Nope gotta wait till tomorrow.” He groaned before nodding kissing you again.
“Fine. You tease. So wanna watch me get ready for work?” You nodded as he helped you off the counter. You admired him as he slipped his shoes on.
Grabbing his duffle bag, you dropped it with a small oomph looking down at it in confusion.
“Why is it so heavy?”
“It’s not heavy!” Adrian laughed nervously grabbing it effortlessly. “See! You just need to lift more hahaha!”
You rolled your eyes walking him to the door. He sighed giving you another kiss. “I promise I’ll be back before you know it.”
“I know and when you do come back home I will be here.”
“Good..You’re the only thing I look forward to seeing.” You huffed as he kissed your cheeks before taking off.
After Adrian left, you decided to clean up the kitchen. Adrian usually cleaned it when he came home, but you knew he’d probably be tired. Your boyfriend was hard at work the least you could do is take care of things at home.
You hummed a small tune before opening the fridge to make some dinner. There was quite literally nothing.
Grabbing your phone you sent Adrian a quick text letting him know where you were going. He was so persistent on knowing when you left the house. 
It never really made sense to you. 
Your apartment complex wasn’t that far so you decided to walk.
Adrian had been hiding in an alleyway checking up his latest text. Crime was pretty low tonight. He smiled seeing the small selfie you sent him with the text letting him know you were going to the store.
You were so sweet..and so soft...He craved more than ever to just go home and be in your arms. He sighed taking a look at the photo once more. His eyes squinted as he tensed up seeing something behind you.
It was a guy wearing a hoodie. His face was darkened out, but Adrian could tell he was trouble. He had a good distance but it was obvious this guy was tailing you.
Without another thought, he called you. Cursing quietly when you didn’t answer.
“Come on baby..Come on..pick up the phone..” His breath hitched hearing your voice. “Y/N.”
“Hi this is me and if I didn’t answer it’s probably cause I’m busy call back later!”
He began to run growing anxious.
You had no idea of the man trailing you. Too busy looking at your phone seeing two miss calls from Adrian. Right as you were about to call him again, you were grabbed.
Adrian paced looking around the street he saw your last location on. It said you were still there.
Your eyes widened as the man who was stalking you smiled wickedly. You struggled in his hold whimpering when he pointed a knife at you. 
“Easy there girly..I’d hate to cut a pretty little thing like you up.” He leaned in whispering. You grew tears in your eyes beginning to feel fear rise in your chest and bile build in your throat.
Adrian..Adrian needed you to come home. To be okay..You promised you’d be okay..
You bit the mans hand trying to make a run for it crying out as he yanked the back of your shirt back. Tears fell from your eyes and small sobs fell from your lips as you were tossed harshly against the wall.
“You didn’t even fucking let me finish what I was gonna say stupid girl.” You cried a bit harder as he leaned in again.
“I just wanted your money but now that I look at you. You’re a real pretty crier.”
You struggled again as he pushed his knife towards your throat. “Stop moving or I will cut you. Stupid bitch.” 
Your eyes shut from fear. Adrian...You wanted Adrian and to be home. You should’ve just ordered food in.
Right as he moved his knife down to your chest, something popped up behind him. It moved like quick like a shadow. The man was off of you within seconds. 
“I suggest you point your fucking knife towards someone who can actually fucking fight.” 
That voice..It couldn’t be..Adrian?...
The man scrambled back seeing Vigilante standing before him already with his gun pointing at him. 
“Woah woah man! This is a misunderstanding I know this girl!”
You opened your eyes. No it wasn’t. It was the Vigilante you had been seeing on tv, but he sounded just like..
“Oh really? That’s why she was crying for help? You messed with the wrong fucking girl mother fucker.”
Adrian kicked the mans face in immediately going down to beat the shit out of him. You watched in shock as he went in punching the man repeatedly. The bones crunched under his fist.
This man tried to hurt you. This man was going to kill you. His sweet soft angel...Adrian wanted to make this man pay.
He pulled his knife out about to slit the mans throat stopping once he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned seeing your tear stained face.
Adrian looked back at the man before looking back at you. He nodded standing up checking you over. 
“Are you alright? You’re not hurt are you? I’m so sorry I didn’t get here sooner Y/N. I heard your cries though-”
“Adrian..” You whispered out hesitantly. He stopped rambling. His eyes widened under his mask.
“What?! What?! That’s...No! Who is that? I’ve never heard of an Adrian before. Why would you say that name?!”
You teared up feeling a sob claw its way through your throat. Adrian fumbled as you collapsed in his arms crying. 
“Woah woah! Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?! I swear I will kill this son of a bitch!”
“I was so scared!” You cried out gripping his shoulder pads tightly. Adrian stopped sighing as he hugged you back. You sniffled still crying as he gently picked you up.
“Where would you like to go miss?” Adrian deepened his voice trying to hide his actual voice.
“I-I w-wanna go h-home..Please?..” You whimpered crying your heart out. Adrian nodded. “I’ll get you home miss.”
“Thanks..wait my groceries! Our groceries! I’m so sorry Adrian!”
“I’m not Adrian!” Adrian yelled out gripping you tighter. “Besides whoever this Adrian is would probably tell you not to worry about it and just order some food for you both! Nothing matter more than your safety! I care way more about you than some stupid groceries! I mean he. He cares about you more than some groceries!”
Adrian sighed at his slip up carrying you home. He even unlocked the front door for you. You clung onto him scared.
“Don’t leave..please...”
“Miss I gotta go back out there to make sure that guy-”
“Cut the crap.I know it’s you..I knew the second I heard your voice..I need you please Adrian..” You sniffled reaching for his mask.
“I’m not Adrian-”
“How did you know my name?”
��You said I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner Y/N and you knew where I lived. So if you’re not Adrian how would you know?..” You shook against him.
“I’m a stalker.”
“Okay! Okay!!” Adrian groaned removing his mask. “It’s okay..I’m here..”
You sighed in relief clutching him tightly. Adrian kissed your forehead scooping you up. “I’m here now it’s okay..Always gonna protect you..You’re mine..”
You nodded relishing in his comfort. Adrian was grateful you weren’t scared of him. He was so happy nothing had happened to you. He shook a bit thinking of what would’ve happened had he not gotten there in time.
“I was so scared..I’m so happy you got there..Here I was thinking the scariest part of my night was gonna be a spider.”
“Well I was hoping the scariest part of your night would be a spider..Are you okay? You never answered me you’re not hurt right?” Adrian tightened his hold a bit nervously.
“Yeah I’m okay..I promise..”
“Good..Good..My beautiful sweet girl..I’m so sorry that happened to you. I should’ve gotten there sooner-”
“You got there as fast as you could..Thank you for saving me..”
“Always gonna save you. Never let anything happen to you..”
Adrian kissed your forehead walking you to the room. He stripped his armor off laying next to you on the bed cuddling you close.
You hummed trying to stop shaking. “Are you mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad?..”
“For not telling you..”
“No..I get why you were trying to keep it a secret..I’m not mad..I’m not scared of you either if that’s what you were worried about.”
“Good..I can’t stop being Vigilante..”
“I know..I’m not gonna ask you too. I just want you safe..Just like you want me..”
“I do..I’m still really sorry this happened tonight.”
“You don’t have to be.”
“I am though.” Adrian sat up pulling you to his lap to cuddle you close. “I never want anything to happen to you. You’re my everything. I am nothing without you and I will never forgive myself if anything happens to you.”
“I love you.”
“Took the words right out of my mouth. I love you too Y/N.”
“Thanks Adrian...” Before you could rub your face, Adrian gently used his hand wiping your tears away.
“I’m gonna order us food okay?..”
“Okay...you’re the best boyfriend..but..”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
You laughed as he kissed your face clutching you tightly. He was so happy you knew his full self now.
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gayhoediaz · 5 months
nieeeee. i literally cannot stop thinking about of solace and amelioration. like. i've read it three times and i always skip to the end and cry because buck and tommy are. so full of love for each other, it literally makes me Ache. and. the little details you wove in there about tommy's backstory? just.. annihilate me. do you have any more tommy/bucktommy headcanons to share pls 🤲🏾🥺
jaaaack my loveee 🥺🥺🥺 yess of course anything for you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
tommy spent a lot of time alone growing up so he can solve a rubik’s cube in like absolute record time. for some reason buck finds this just… so hot. he loves it when his man is capable and confident. (and he loves his hands.)
tommy doesn’t necessarily mind being alone because he is so used to it - spending christmas alone, watching love actually and cooking just for himself doesn’t make him sad. he’s certainly not someone who feels sorry for himself. but when he does have people around him? oh god he loves it so much. he loves taking care of people he loves loving people and he loves it when he gets the same right back.
buck is not a huge fan of muay thai either but he still learns a little bit - mostly because he likes seeing tommy all hot and sweaty (and capable) in as many situations as possible (and yes it always ends in sex, in fact i think eventually “muay thai” stops meaning muay thai altogether. it’s just code for dicking each other down.)
buck loves running his fingers through tommy’s hair and tommy loves it when he does it. after a bad day, he’ll just walk in through the door and drop himself on the couch with his head in buck’s lap.
a few years ago tommy went to the animal shelter to maybe get a cat cause he was a little lonely, but he came home with an irish wolfhound and he named her keira because bonus hc: keira knightley is his favorite actress. (buck and keira take to each other immediately, and since buck does more cardio than tommy, he takes up a habit of running with her whenever he has time - usually in the morning, dropping a kiss to a half-asleep tommy’s temple as he tells him he’ll be back in a bit.)
tommy loves buck’s ass (what he sees, i don’t know, there is literally nothing there) but by the time they’ve been together for a few months, he’s comfortable enough to stop holding back, and he’ll just fucking live down there. often it’s sexual but sometimes it’s also not - sometimes they’re having a sick or lazy day, watching the tv in tommy’s bedroom, and buck is fully dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie, and he always ends up on his stomach so tommy can use his non-existent ass as a pillow.
they shut keira out of the room when they fuck, but when they’re done they always let her back in to sleep in bed and she takes up 85% of the space but that’s okay ❤️
tommy meditates and buck tries too but his brain moves too quickly it doesn’t really work for him. when meditation doesn’t work for tommy either - he smokes. it’s a terrible habit left over from rebellious teenage years and stressful time in the closet, and he’s done a good job kicking it, but sometimes buck kisses him, and he can smell it on his breath and he just. sighs. and runs a hand through his hair and asks if he wants to talk abt it.
the longer they’re together the more “cracks” start to show in tommy, i think he’s a lot better at hiding it than buck is - but he struggles not only with ptsd, but with depression and anxiety and he has worked on himself and continues to do so, but he still keeps a lot of that stuff to himself - it takes a while but when buck starts opening up more, tommy slowly starts to do the same, and evan is the first person he feels he can truly rely on and trust, and he’s never really had that before, never felt as if he can be all of himself with someone - not like this.
tommy is plant dad. he has so many plants and he takes such good care of them, and of course, since buck loves learning things, it quickly becomes a shared hobby. their monstera is their pride and joy.
tommy drinks his coffee with so many extra shots of espresso that buck usually makes a little bit of a face when he kisses him right afterwards.
tommy has a lot of small skills he’s kinda good at but not really but kind of (usually, again, born out of boredom and/or loneliness) painting, baking bread, playing the harmonica. he knows how to do these things, but whether or not his own results will be great is… a toss up. however combined with buck’s love of learning and adhd brain, they learn a lot more small skills together. kind of. for a while. until they drop it and move onto the next thing.
tommy is really good at playing the guitar and the first morning buck wakes up in his bed, he asks him about it, and he plays for him. until buck wrestles it out of his hands and puts it to the side because his boyfriend is even hotter now and he needs to get dicked down again thanks. (when they’re done, buck asks tommy to teach him and they end up doing the classic “hands over hands” move and it’s very cute but tommy keeps pressing soft little kisses to bucks shoulder and telling him he’s doing so good and it’s hngggggg… very distracting.)
tommy used to be on the swim team in high school.
tommy is indeed abby’s tommy cause i think it’s funny. it throws them both off a little bit but then tommy says something so smooth that buck forgets all about it. it doesn’t matter. they are each other’s now, fuck her. (i think tommy ended things w her amicably probably cause he was figuring out he’s gay and doesn’t have any negative nor positive feelings abt her, but when buck eventually tells him how she ended (or didn’t) things w him, tommy decides that he does have decidedly negative feelings about her actually.)
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princessbrunette · 9 months
Stepbro!Rafe is too hot to handle, idk out of all characters the trope suits him so well 🥵 I love your stepbro!Rafe headcanons because you just know he’d be so possessive and never let another man touch his step sis. Him with a sweet naive step sis would be so hot!! Like he makes it his business to make sure every man in Kildare is afraid of him so they never even dare approach his step sis. That leaves her never having gone on a date or even having been kissed so she innocently and naively pours her heart out to Rafe on night all vulnerable and lonely and sad thinking there’s something wrong and off putting about her because no boy has ever asked her out when all her friends are gossiping about their active dating lives and sharing intimate details of their sex lives whilst she’s feeling left out because she’s never had close to any of that. Little does she know Rafe threatens every man he sees even talking to her. So she innocently asks him stuff like “I wonder what I feels like to get eaten out” and he coaxes her into letting him do that to her because he’s just being a “helpful step brother”. And another night she’s curious about how to give a guy a blow job because she wants to be prepare for when she gets a boyfriend (foolishly thinking Rafe would let any man but himself touch her in that way) so he’s more than happy to teach her how to. And begins frequent night where she innocently wonders into room asking him to each her how to do things she hears her friends doing with their boyfriend like “Rafe, what does doggystyle mean 🥺?”, “Rafe did you know people have anal sex 😯?! Where men put their penises in inside the woman’s butt! I wonder what that would feel like???” Hmmmff step bro Rafe is a fave trope 🥵!!!
i love this a lot because there’d be so much manipulation involved and… idk when it’s rafe its hot 🙏🏼
“girls really… do this kind of thing? i don’t know rafe, it seems a little gross to m—”
“look, i just don’t want you to embarrass yourself, a’ight? you’re my little step sister… wouldn’t wanna have to beat some guys ass because he got mad you don’t know how to suck him off properly… right? y’know i’m just tryna take care of you.”
also, bonus points if reader starts to catch on. i mean you’re not an idiot, after the first few ‘lessons’, seeing how much rafes enjoying himself you start to realise it’s mostly for selfish gain. but… you turns a blind eye to it because as much as you know it’s wrong, you like it too. he makes you feel good.
you’ll come slinking into his room with your most innocent face on, pawing at him, so helpless and sweet, talking about “apparently… you can grind on a guys thigh and it feels really good… heard the girls talkin’ about it and i felt left out ‘cos i’ve never done it before…” your hand playing with the north face fleece he wore. he stares down at you knowingly, fighting away the urge to smirk.
“y’think i’m dumb or something?” he rasps after a minute and your eyes widen.
“you come in here… actin’ all sweet cos’ you wanna get felt up by your big bro again, ain’t that right?” the way he words it makes you recoil, shoulders practically at your ears as you rapidly shake your head. “yeah… yeah you want a freebie. i know your game.” he begins to back you against the wall, and you could cry from the humiliation.
“s’not true rafe, i just wanna learn!”
“bullshit. what happened to you, hm? i think… i think i’ve turned you into a slut.” he mocks concern, tilting his head with wide worried eyes. your bottom lip juts out just like he thought it would, shaking your head still in denial.
“no…” it comes out small.
“uh-huh. and you know what happens to sluts?” he closes in. “gotta be punished. i can’t have you turnin’ out like that… running around town trying to get yours. i gotta nip it in the bud, yeah? m’a proactive person, you know that— a good big brother, i gotta teach you a lesson.” he’s dragging you over to the bed, manhandling you to bend over his lap.
you must’ve caught him on the wrong night.
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naturesapphic · 3 months
Hey! I'm in love with your oneshots! I would like to know if you can do a Mommy!Rhea Ripley x Little!Fem Reader where they have play date with other Mommys and Littles ( Any other Wrestlers of your choice if possible ) where she has to explain that a new member is joining them today and that reader has to be good and if she is she will get a special treat but the new kid starts to make fun of readers things which Promps reader to tell Rhea and Rhea confronts other parent defending reader ( I'm Just alittle upset still from Monday I still can't believe It 🥺 ) Thanks you so much 😊
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Mommy!rhea ripley x little!fem!reader
Warnings: age regression, random oc wrestlers lol, arguments
You were having playdates today with your friends at your house and you were so excited. Soon enough all of your friends and their mommies were here but there was two strangers that were talking with your mommy. Rhea came in the living room where everyone was at and had the new guest following behind her. “Attention everyone! We have new guest Here today. We have Alexis and her little. Her name is Sophia so I want everyone to welcome them with open arms.” Rhea said as she introduced them to everyone.
Then Rhea came over to you and brought them to you. “This is my little one y/n. Y/n are you going to be a good girl right? And if you are I’ll give you a special treat okay?” Rhea said and you nodded your head excitedly. “I bes goods mommy I promise!” You told her. You were pretty excited to have more friends but when you looked over to give her a friendly smile, Sophia glared at you which made you confused on why she did that to you. You shrugged it off and continued to play with your friends. A few moments later Sophia came over and started playing with everyone, it seemed normal until she started making fun of your clothes.
“Dey ugly. Why chu wears dems?” She said and your face got red in embarrassment. “Cuz mys mommy bought its for mes.” You explained and she stuck her tongue out at you. You ignored her until it was pretty much the whole time she was here she was making fun of you and your things. The last straw was when she was making fun of how you were coloring because Rhea said you were great at coloring so when Sophia wasn’t looking you ran over to your mommy with tears visible in your eyes. “Mommy! Sophia keeps beings means to mes!” You cry out but not too loud.
Rhea looked at you with shock and worry in her eyes and she picked you up and went upstairs to y’all’s room so the two of you could talk privately. “What is she doing babygirl?” She asked you with a gentle voice as she holds you close to her as y’all sit on the edge of the bed. “She keeps makings funs of mys stuffs an mys Clothes. Den she keeps making faces at mes. Den she says mys coloring bads an den wen I told hers dat chu said it’s was goods she says dat chu lies an don means it…” you say sadly and Rhea felt her heart break at the information. “I’ll go talk to her mommy okay? You can avoid her if you want okay? You don’t have to play with her anymore today.” Rhea explained and you nodded your head in understanding.
The two of you went back down the stairs and Rhea went over to Alexis to tell her about what her little is doing to hers. Alexis couldn’t believe her ears at this information and accused you of lying. Of course Rhea was fuming and she defended you. No one was going to accuse her baby like that and by the end of it both caregivers were pissed and Rhea told Alexis to leave and don’t plan on coming back until they are both nice and kind. Alexis mumbled something and called for Sophia. Soon enough, they walked out the door and you ran up to your mommy and jumped in her arms. “Tank chu mommy. Cans I till has my treat?” You asked her genuinely wanting to know. “Of course you can baby but after the playdate is over okay?” She chuckled and put you down so you could continue to play with your friends. Then luckily for you and Rhea. They never came back.
A/n: hey anon I hope you enjoyed this and omg same I miss Rhea sm too :( I hope the rest of y’all enjoyed it too and remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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darlingsart · 9 months
your oc is so adorable! 😍 can you tell us more about him?
Thank you!! 🥺❤️ Here he is (+ His little brother!)
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Okay SO I've had these Patchilles OC's for like 3-ish years now and I've never shared them on here before bc they mean so much to me the idea of putting them out here seemed super scary BUT here are two of my Patchilles kids Maximus and Hyacinth 👉🏼👈🏼 (Yes that name is intentional and supposed to be ironic lmao)
More about them + the lore under the cut!
Basically, this is canon divergence and the lore is that Pat and Achilles don't go to Troy and instead stay in Phthia after their time on Pelion. Thinking that they no longer have to worry about a prophecy, they end up getting married and starting a family but, unbeknownst to them, the prophecy doesn't exactly go away, it gets passed down to Maximus and becomes it’s own big thing as the war goes on for well over a decade overseas. Thetis is the only one who actually knows about this and she keeps it a secret from Achilles and takes it upon herself to train Maximus and turn him into the next aristos achaion.
I'm actually in the middle of writing this as a series on ao3 (Currently on the 4th work!). If you're interested, you can start with the first fic, New Beginnings, which explains everything a lot more (their engagement, the reason why they stay) OR you can jump right into the story I'm currently working on, The Rest of Our Lives, though you might be a bit confused!
Maximus is by far one of my favorite OC’s but I love developing his siblings as characters too. If you read/have read The Rest of Our Lives, you’ll see that Maximus definitely takes after Achilles like without a doubt and it’s brought up several times but as he grows older, he becomes a well rounded mix of them both and I like to think that Pat’s attributes shine more then though I haven’t written it all out just yet! Maximus is just a fun loving, rambunctious kid who tries his best with the cards he’s dealt, he’s very loving and kind hearted and an overall good kid!
Hyacinth is about four years younger than him and one of my favorites too, especially as he grows into his character. So they do have another sibling but I’ve only just gotten there in the story so I don’t want to spoil anything, but he is a true middle child lol it’s actually an important part of his character that really gets explored later on in the series. He’s also a sweetheart, a little more reserved than Maximus but I wouldn’t call him an introvert, he’s just not as…. Hyperactive as his older brother lmao but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get roped into Maximus’ antics too.
I’ve also written modern au stuff with them (which I haven’t posted anywhere), so like now whenever I imagine any au with Pat and Achilles, it’s hard not to picture these two, especially Maximus, in it too lol
Sorry for rambling so much, this is the first time I’ve actually talked about these two outside of my writing 😅 I hope y'all enjoy them as much as I do! And feel free to ask me about them from time to time if you want :)
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socialfakes · 5 months
crossing enemy lines -connor bedard-
part 3: just a little longer
nhl players x platonic hughes sister
connor bedard x hughes sister
series masterlist
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Liked by jackhughes, mackinnon29, lhughes_06 and 296,009 others
y/nhughes | to my very pretty, dominant golden retriever boyfriend; i love you so much ❤
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jackhughes you're too young to have a boyfriend | y/nhughes you had a girlfriend at 16 years old. how is 21 too young? | jackhughes it just is 😏 | y/nhughes the double standard here is ridiculous
trevorzegras our very own baby hughes is dating someone? | y/nhughes yes sir 🤓 | jackhughes but she's too young. tell her she's too young | trevorzegras sorry dude. we have an understanding | y/nhughes trev is now my favorite
lhughes_06 he's such a golden retriever but he makes you happy so i'm okay with it | jackhughes who is he? | lhughes_06 🤐 | jackhughes 🙄
_quinnhughes how can my baby sister be talking about any guy being dominant? you're too young to be using this language | jackhughes exactly | lhughes_06 oh leave her alone. she's happy. we should be too | _quinnhughes i'd be happier if i knew who it was | y/nhughes in due time, good brother | y/nhughes on another note, i think luke is my favorite brother now
bboeser he better be good to you 👑
tdemko30 baby hughes has a boyfriend? congratulations 🥳
user8 love seeing my favorite hughes sibling happy 😃 | y/nhughes awe i love you
user17 this is giving me major cale vibes | jackhughes what you mean? 🤨 | user17 he's the prettiest boy & he's 100% a golden retriever who seems like he can be dominant when it's needed 😊 | y/nhughes 🤐🙊🤫 | calemakar_ 😋😊 | jackhughes i knew it!
calemakar_ am i really the prettiest boy you've ever seen? 😉 | y/nhughes duh of course 😉
user12 i think they're messing with us
user14 who is this about?
user5 i know who this is about | y/nhughes 👀 | user6 how did you figure it out? | user5 intense detective skills 😂
user9 really hoping this is about cale
elblue6 glad you're happy honey ❤
user19 if he's a golden retriever, he's automatically the best
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Liked by jackhughes, _connorbedard, calemakar_ and 319,408 others
y/nhughes | golden retriever ✨💕
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user3 cale's shadow
jackhughes is he the reason you haven't visited me in a while? | y/nhughes course not 😊 | _quinnhughes it's because you're annoying 😊 | y/nhughes quinn, that is not the reason. i've just been busy with work but i promise when i have free time, ill be there to see you jack ❤
user14 dying to know who this is | user5 it's cale | user9 definitely cale | trevorzegras actually it's not 😊 | jamie.drysdale it's me, of course | y/nhughes it's none of you 😂 fuck off
_quinnhughes whoever he is, i hope he treats my baby sister with love and respect because i'm not afraid of getting my hands a little dirty 😠 | y/nhughes oh quinny i love you ❤😂
user6 it's connor | y/nhughes what makes you say that? | user6 you live in chicago and once said you prefer "centers" so i did some digging & came up with a bunch of evidence & unless you're dating a blackhawks center who's a lot older than you, i'm 90% sure it's connor | y/nhughes impressive skills, but i never said i was 'dating' a center. just said i prefer them over any other position 😊 also never specified he played for the blackhawks | user6 touche
lhughes_06 he better be keeping his hands to himself | y/nhughes oops 🙊🙈
tdemko30 lovely couple actually | jackhughes how do you know who it is but i don't? i'm her brother | y/nhughes awe is jacky boy upset? | jackhughes obviously 🥺 | y/nhughes learn how to keep a secret & i'll tell you more stuff 😊
user12 can we get a hard launch soon? | y/nhughes of course 🥰
nhlblackhawks we love his increase in points as of late 😊
user7 is he a captain? | y/nhughes nope 😊 although captains are notoriously hot 😲🔥 | user7 so it could still be connor | user15 or now that i think about it, could be nico since she's pretty close to him 🤔 | y/nhughes 🤷🏻‍♀️
user9 ugh i just know he's incredibly cute 😭❤
trevorzegras oh whatcha watching? | y/nhughes no idea. he picked it 😂
lukasreichel44 hi 😊🌸 | y/nhughes hi hi 😊🌸 | lukasreichel44 i miss you 🥺 | y/nhughes i miss you more 🥰
rutgermcgroarty cute 😋 | y/nhughes you're cute 😋
mackinnon29 this has got to be cale. that looks exactly like his bedroom 😂
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @fearfam69691
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