#i mean truly it is something but to revolve your life around it to a degree i see some of my peers do? hell
mazojo · 1 year
What's yuri's personality then? Being gay?
About Minho, being mean and making mean two liners towards Kitty every in between?
ma'am this is a McDonalds drive thru
#ASDFGHFD I make like 2 posts about a random show I watched at 2 am and I get haters damn 😎#I normally delete the hate asks but this was too funny not to respond to#The fact they think Yuri's personality equates her sexuality when queen went through a whole arc of facing her parents#while struggling to be happy when she couldn't love and show who she truly was because of all the constructs placed on her#all while finding out she has a brother she didn't even know about while having her first real friends in Dae and Kitty#I think we didn't watch the same show like dont get me wrong its not my favorite show or anything close but if your takeway from Yuri's#personality is that she likes girls and that's it then your honor I have something to tell you#and about Minho his personality wasn't also only one liners lol he was just naturally kinda funny and that's part of his personality but hi#plot line also revolves around learning how to be more authentic and the way he seeks validation from others sometimes#bc of the absence of his parents who he loves regardless and humor is coping anyways Chile I could write an essay but I am too tired for th#stay pressed anon!! Yuri and Minho Stans stay winning xoxo#i dont even want to fight anyone it just irked me the way this person phrased the ask and if you meant no harm then I didn't either but#saying that Yuri's personality is only being gay and Minho being mean is kind of a weird champ take sorry#anyways probably last thing ill say about this show this is why I stay in my anime corner life shows bring these kind of asks#xo kitty#anon#ask
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seelestia · 1 month
⟡ within your waking thoughts (there i’ll be).
⎯ what do they do when they miss you? how do they cope with yearning when you're away? { y for yearning ノ ordered by @floraldresvi! (sorry for the ping!) }
RESERVED FOR! ノ characters. aventurine, sunday, dr. ratio ft. gn!reader. { 1.3k words }
FLAVOR! ノ genre. fluff, slight angst (my apology to sunday lovers yet again), established relationship.
TOPPINGS! ノ tags. aventurine has his tech savvy moment, pre-2.2 sunday (heavy references but no spoilers), ratio has two phones (king of separating work & personal life !!!).
BAKER’S NOTE! ノ thoughts. a repost! bcs tumblr didn't like it the first time. hopefully, this one will be here to stay. thank u to vivi for requesting this ‹3
© seelestia on tumblr, may 2024. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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in your absence, aventurine welcomes little thoughts of you that float around his mind with open arms - and the way he indulges them is by simply texting you. effective and efficient, there is a reason why the cosmos calls it the second most used means for long distance communication. what about the first? well, he would've opted for calling you with his earpiece if only his line of work doesn't require 90% of its usage time.
let's just say the idea of fellow stonehearts interrupting his conversation with you ruins the fun. besides, he has deft fingers; coin tricks aren't the only thing in his book, you know, typing a few sentences in one go is no problem at all.
but maybe, he is using that too much to his advantage . . . considering the “25+” staring back at you from your notifications every few hours or so. aventurine is truly, irrevocably relentless.
anything even remotely in your favorite color found within his vicinity? new message: Saw something that reminded me of you, you must really like crossing my mind.
an item he thinks would fit you well? new message: I got you a gift. Does it suit your fancy? [1 attachment]
reminded of how cruel fate is to separate you two for so long? new message: Haven't seen your face in a while. Fifteen hours are a total too cruel, don't you agree?
have faith that you will never grasp the true meaning of boredom when you’re apart from him. luck follows a man like aventurine, so do interesting events - remember how he won a vacation to a resort with one chip? he revels in telling you stories of his encounters while you're away. it is as if thrill revolves around him constantly. . . one wonders just how he fares living on the edge of it all.
(you, for one, are aware of his ways. he has allowed you to wander far enough behind his masquerade, after all.)
of course, texts on an illuminated screen can barely compare to seeing you in person. he prefers having you in his arms instead - but he'll live. solitude is an old friend of his, albeit distant and cold, aventurine can deal with its company every once in a while. at the end of the day, he knows you’ll be there when he comes home.
though, it's such a shame he cannot see your face when you're apart. the curve of your lips as you smile, the twinkle in your eyes with his reflection in them, and. . . ah, seems like he is making this harder for himself. maybe, he should consider buying that HD holographic communicative device on the market? his ears caught wind of some P45 officers at pier point whispering about it before.
it'll cost a large sum of credits but hey, he thinks it'll be worth it. for you? anything is possible.
(...him? clingy? well, guilty as charged.)
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sunday’s self-discipline is not something to be underestimated. halovians are a species known for their enchanting voices, yet he feels as if he cannot spare any for even his inner thoughts. what an irony. his longing for your presence is persistent, tumbling at the edge of his tongue - but he is equally as, if not more, stubborn and so he swallows this yearning down instantly.
you are not confined to the dreamscape like he is, as self-imposed as that may be. sunday is aware of that, hence his first instinct is to keep quiet. the curse of sealing his lips till forevermore; watching you leave through the grand doors, letting his gaze fall to where your shadow used to be, savoring the last of your remaining fragrance from when you last bade him goodbye - all without a word.
(don't go, he wished he could say.)
is it a bad habit? “your voice shouldn't be used just to utter words that others want to hear,” you reminded him once. “it's also for you. it's yours.”
but even then, your words are akin to a faint whisper; muffled by the thoughts that plague his mind like a mist. he can't help how they fog up his reflection in the mirror, leaving remnants of something acrid that wafts in the air. something like doubts, sunday would know because he has dwelled in it for as long as he remembers.
you are outside, fluttering your wings in the sky and enjoying what it has to offer. does he have any rights to disturb you? perhaps, in his eyes, sunday views himself as a string tied around your talon, trailing all the way from the heavens where you soar to the humble ground where he resides. each time your absence compels him to reach out, it is as if he’s tugging on that string and dragging you lower from the height you truly relish in, from the height you deserve to be at.
(sunday believes that you belong to the sky, unlike him.)
so here, he shall stay and here, he shall wait until you return. sunday’s heart begins to grow cold - but the farewell kiss you've left on the apple of his cheek hasn't faded. its warmth remains, even when he brushes his freezing hand against it, it remains.
you remain.
(and that is enough for him.)
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dr. ratio is a man with a packed schedule, so it's safe to say he keeps himself occupied particularly well. tasks at the intelligentsia guild are nothing short of demanding, after all. there are researchers asking for his input left and right, although some tremble while speaking to him even when he hasn't even uttered a word yet. ignoring that, he also aids in projects that require his expertise. last but not least, his students and classes which he takes very seriously.
(but be careful with how you phrase it — the doctor doesn't view them as distractions, no, he sees them as his responsibilities — saying the former might offend him.)
as you can see, he is perfectly capable of spending time away from you. . . .or at least, until it's time for a break and a part of that perfection chips off.
his office is quite tranquil, free from outside noise, just the way he likes. this place bears a similar purpose as his headgear, to let him focus in silence without disturbance - but he hasn't expected that exact silence to be this deafening. hah, how absurd! in what realm of possibility could silence ever be associated with deafening as an adjective? he supposes it could be a case of tinnitus. . . but veritas knows that isn't the case.
something's missing and it is, much to his dismay, you.
veritas has his standards. he prefers things to be set at a specific level - and this level of silence, one marred further by your lack of presence, is too low for him. he's getting too used to seeing you barge into his office with neatly packed sandwiches in your hands, a revelation he'd rather keep to himself.
veritas reaches for his personal phone, his work one left neglected at the far end of the desk. he considers making a call to you but the clock is ticking. tick tock tick tock, as if to hang the fact that his break is reaching its end over his head.
utilizing whatever time he has left, his finger gives the gallery app a tap. various pictures pop up on the screen; selfies of you with silly expressions, candid shots of veritas himself and some photos of random objects like your matching mugs. all of these were taken by you, of course. seriously, is this his phone or is it yours?
who knows at this point? he nearly lets out a snort, but that smile on his face is fooling no one. the doctor continues scrolling through his gallery, utterly content with just this until he gets home. to you.
(yes, yes, this still counts as keeping himself occupied. thank you for your concern.)
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— thank you for reading! reblogs with comments are most appreciated.
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Is It Over Now?
Rafe Cameron x Reader
angst, angst, angst
Word Count: 1K
Summary: Breaking up with Rafe was one of the hardest things to do, but at least you’d be free and feel good right? …Right?
A/N: I’ve never written a fic before um
And did you think I didn't see you?
There were flashing lights
At least I had the decency
To keep my nights out of sight
Rafe Cameron, a name you hear all throughout Kildare, not always in a good context but often with the name Y/N L/N attached to it. Since in diapers you and Rafe knew each other. Best friends to lovers is what it was, the perfect trust fund kids who were destined to eventually fall in love, wed and have the perfect fairytale family together.
It truly was all on that track before the small cracks in the relationship weren’t talked through and patched but left neglected and unattended till there were too many to handle and she cracked.
After the break up you took the time to reconnect with everything you neglected throughout your romantic relationship with Rafe. Your friends, family, yourself. This time was the first time you’ve felt free since you started dating Rafe, the memories and time with him prior that were strictly as friends were the best years of your life, and so was the beginning of dating him. Till you realized while Rafe slowly destroyed himself with his malicious coping behaviours of drugs and violence, he was also destroying you.
Consoling him and endless ways to help him always worked with him, honestly anything that was just with you. But focusing all your attention into making sure he was okay, drained from your duties to make sure you were okay.
Suddenly everything just revolved around Rafe and you couldn’t take it anymore. I mean, you took a whole gap year for him from university that eventually turned into two, which eventually turned into not going anymore because you were scared he was going to get himself killed.
Even after everything you did for Rafe including putting your life on hold, gave him no mercy to show he was “okay” without you. The rates of parties at the Tanney Hill spiked up and so did the amount of girls in the Outer Banks whispering about their amazing night together with Rafe Cameron.
Worst of all you couldn’t say it didn’t bother you. Even with everything you still loved Rafe, a person and love that you had can’t just be erased. Then again, your journey to reconnect with everyone meant reconnecting with friends, which meant reconnecting with the party life.
The difference between you and Rafe was at least you had the decency to keep your nights out of sight, keeping it low and minimal and not throwing it out to the entire country that you were now single and ready to do anything with anyone now.
Let's fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later
If she's got blue eyes, I will surmise that you'll probably date her
You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor
You search in every model's bed for something greater
Perfect, everything’s been “perfect”. Three weeks after the break up you’d say you’d been doing okay but some things just don’t feel right anymore. The high of being free was finally settling into the reality that you’ve lost your best friend and boyfriend.
Although Rafe was draining and depended on you like you were his nurse, he also was still your boyfriend. Or now ex-boyfriend. All the little things you began to miss and thoughts of “did i make the right decision?” Scathed your mind over and over. You didn’t think you could go anywhere without seeing something that reminded you of him, not even your own bedroom.
It wasn’t till a trip to the country club when you saw Rafe with an oddly familiar aura with him.
The girl he was with looked exactly like you. Her hair, her eyes, her smile. Irritation fills your body, you thought you’d been going crazy when the other night you told your friends the theory that Rafe was only going with other girls that resembled you but this really confirmed it because this girl was an exact clone of you.
Did he dream of my mouth while he kissed her? While he did anything with her? Because he knew well off in no matter how many girls beds he climbed into he’d never find anything greater.
Let's fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later
(Flashing lights) I was hoping you'd be there
And say the one thing (oh, Lord) I've been wanting (oh, Lord)
But no
2 AM, you’ve been at this party for eight hours in honest hopes you’d bump into Rafe. You couldn’t take it anymore. You were weak and missed him. Every thought you had was of him and seeing him so easily run off with half Kildare’s population was killing you. That’s why you were here. You took the entire day to mentally and physically prepare yourself to see him at the party and get him back. It was pathetic but you couldn’t take it anymore.
But he never came. You sat in the corner of all these sweaty people dancing and snorting drugs for hours and Rafe never showed up. You thought about calling him, or just texting him but even that was too much.
On your way out of the party you hear a ping from your phone and open it to a message from your friend that sent you Rafe’s most recent post.
It was of her. That girl from the country club. The girl from the club sitting in your spot, your hidden, secret secluded beach spot that you and Rafe discovered in sixth grade near the water that tourists and locals didn’t even know about.
Your heart shattered. Tears spilled down your face as you crumbled down to take a seat on the houses front steps.
It was so naïve of you to even think that Rafe wouldn’t exploit that spot. You knew how petty he was. You should of seen in coming. Yet deep down you were hoping that it would never get to that point.
But here you were, on the front steps of a random house party sobbing into your hands all because you truly believe that Rafe Cameron was going to come to the party and say the words you’ve been yearning to hear from him again.
I Love You
How foolish.
pt. 2…?
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tsublue · 1 year
10th house ruler in ASTROLOGY and what your career could be☤
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This can be used with any type of chart, mostly whole sign.
picture credits: Pinterest
I would absolutely love to know your thoughts in the comments!
10th house ruler in 1st house
Your career possibly has a lot to do with your appearance and personality. You like to be the leader and lead others in your workplace. You might have had a feeling like your career has to or already defines you and it can sometimes even become your personality in some cases.
10th house ruler in 2nd house
You would like to have a job that pays well and is your calling. You can possibly have a passion for food related careers. You have a deep and true need to be financially stable as well as doing something you enjoy. You also can enjoy a comfortable workspace, as in whatever the meaning is to you.
10th house ruler in 3rd house
You could possibly change your workplace or a job many times in your lifetime which is never a bad thing, you don’t fear experimenting and seeing what you like and don’t like. Having a journal with you is not a bad idea. You need a job where you can be creative and express your feelings such as design or writing and etc. Communicational job can also benefit you a lot.
10th house ruler in 4th house
You suit a job that can be done at home or in some cases in an office. You could also be a stay at home mom in some cases. You do not crave to be in so seen at your job and like something peaceful and fulfilling.
10th house ruler in 5th house
You need a career that you truly enjoy, a really great tip is for an example: If you really enjoy skateboarding. You can make it your career as in making videos about it or having a tv show about it. The possibilities are endless and that’s what’s impressive about you. You also do not really fear to be seen by the public.
10th house ruler in 6th house
You like to be in the service. You do not fear 9-5 jobs and stuff that can be seen as “boring” in some people’s eyes. You also can possibly benefit from a job in the outdoors. Your health can also play a big role in your career. You like to help others and this could also lead you into customer service or to become a therapist.
10th house ruler in 7th house
You need coworkers in your workplace. Team work and cooperation is key to your ideal career. This is also a pretty good placement for business owners. You could possibly achieve a high standing career and work as help such as for an example: a wedding planner (helping a couple get married) or a lawyer (helping people with the law).
10th house ruler in 8th house
You would like to do something intimidating as your career. It could be a little off for others, but fun for you. You also can have really good investigation skills so don’t let that go to waste. You also thrive to have or in a private workspace or kept private job. The 8th house revolves around death and spirituality, so there are endless options that can fulfill your ideal career.
10th house ruler in 9th house
You are a wild child. Obviously your career involves travel and movement, so that can indicate a job in a different city, state or a country. Or even your career would be around traveling. You also do an excellent job at teaching and guiding which can fulfill your perfect idea of a career.
10th house ruler in 10th house
Your career will be put into the public eye. You’re really dedicated to it and probably have been doing it your whole life as in for an example being a theatre kid and becoming an actor as your career. You really worry about your reputation a big part of your time. You are possibly the most wealthiest in your workplace and can gain a lot of haters for almost anything you do due to jealousy. Also being a leader is a part of your career.
10th house ruler in 11th house
Your career can involve electronics and even friendships. You could start a business with your friends or do something completely different from your family and friends. Your career can be really creative. Your job can also involve an audience and give you lots of social connections.
10th house ruler in 12th house
You might’ve never really fully put thought into your career or you really can’t fully come up what you truly would like to do as your job. You just like to hang there and probably are the one amongst your surroundings who has no idea what to do when everyone has clear goals. You may walk in your superiors footsteps. Also charity and helping work is not the worst idea and could possibly fulfill you alongside spiritual themed career.
I’ve really been in a slump, but it feels good to be back and writing the new posts.
I truly hope you enjoy this post and that you beyond if you made it to the end.
I would love to know what your 10th house ruler is in!
Always love, Tsunami
!! Please do not:
repost, re-word, copy, steal, etc my posts. If you want to use some aspects of them, then please ask for permission first and always give credits. Thank you.
#astrology #10thhouseruler
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roses-r-rosie3 · 4 months
Yandere!Golden Boy!OC x M!Reader
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Warnings: Yandre (Obvi), Murder, stalking, Malakai is a bit delulu, light nsfw, reader is bisexual
Oc Name: Malakai Mazurek (Top Left)
Summary: Malakai was perfect in every way, he had no flaws. He was the golden boy of the campus, and then you arrived. Malakai was mesmerized he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, so he starts to do what any psychopath normal would do and starts to stalk you! He soon finds out that you are already in a relationship and that doesn’t make him happy. So instead of moving on, he decides to… get rid of her
Quote: “This is what happens to filthy sluts when they get in my way”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Malakai was the definition of a ‘Golden Boy’. I mean he was literally perfect! Perfect grades, perfect attendance, perfect social life, perfect personality, everything about him was just perfect! He had no flaws! It was a surprise to everyone on campus when they found out he wasn’t in a relationship.
But the truth was, he wasn’t really interested in a relationship, he would’ve much rather focus on his schoolwork and on graduating. Well at least, he used to. Ever since you joined the college campus, Malakai couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. He would try to talk to you, but he would get too nervous and just end up following you like some lost puppy.
From then on, Malakai’s whole life revolved around what you did. You were about to be late to class? Not to worry! He would gently knock on your window to wake you up before running away. A professor was getting on your nerves? He’s already on it! Next thing you knew, the professor has mysteriously gone missing and your grades start to go up again!
Of course with all that work and devotion came some consequences. Malakai’s own grades were starting to plummet, he would almost never show up to class, and he would constantly ditch his friends because he was “too tired”. You were his only goal in life from now on. School? Pshh! Who cares about school when you can have a lover!
Eventually, after all the stalking and killing Malakai finally built up the courage and finally tried to interact with you for the first time! It was during a class that you shared with him, and he decided to sit next to you. As the professor was talking, all Malakai could think about was you. He could smell your cologne lingering around his nostrils and your sharp but soft eyes looking at your notebook and taking notes on what the professor was teaching.
But while Malakai was too busy oogling you, he hadn’t realized how much time went by and class was already halfway over! He was stressing internally. He had to think of an excuse to talk to you and quick! Suddenly he thought of an idea.
He gently tapped your shoulders and you looked at him with a soft friendly gaze. He felt butterflies in his stomach at this point and he was panicking, trying to think of something to say.
‘Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! He’s actually looking at me! He’s so fucking cute!!! I could just kiss him right now!!’
“I-I-uh do y-you have a pencil you-I mean I can borrow” Malakai stuttered.
“Yeah sure” you smiled before reaching in your bag to grab a pencil.
‘His smile is so perfect!! Everything about him so perfect!! I bet our kids would look perfect too!’
You handed him the pencil politely before going back to your work. But Malakai on the other hand, he was on the brink of hyperventilating. He was holding YOUR pencil in his hand right now!! Oh god.. the things he wanted to do with your pencil was insane..
Before he knew it, the class was already over. Which meant that he had to return your pencil back to you. He truly didn’t want to but he had to give you a good impression of himself. So he tapped your shoulder once again.
“H-here’s your uh- pencil” Malakai blushed.
“Oh it’s fine you can keep it” you said before you were about to get up and leave.
Something in Malakai was telling him to do more. Ask to be your friend! Maybe even ask to be your boyfriend! But he to play it safe.
“H-hey, d-do you maybe wanna be fr-friends? It’s totally okay if you don’t want to be friends!” Malakai asked.
“Sure, can you just give me your number?” you smiled.
He felt like his heart was doing jumping jacks right now. You?! Asking for his number?! He was going to faint! But Malakai quickly put his phone number and name into your phone.
“Malakai, that’s a cool name” you said.
OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! YOU SAID HIS NAME WAS COOL!!! This was the best day of his life!! You complimented him!!
“T-thanks, what’s yours?” Malakai asked, acting as if he didn’t already know what your name was.
“My name is y/n, guess I’ll see you around Malakai” you winked before walking out of the classroom.
Malakai stood there in shock. Did you just let him keep your pencil and you gave him your number?!??! Malakai knew he had to cherish this pencil forever, so he rushed back to his dorm and into his room where he put the pencil in a glass case before putting it on his shelf. Oh and he didn’t forget about your phone number, he texted you immediately. Starting a conversation with you and getting to know you better.
From then on, he would constantly sneak into your dorm room and steal little stuff that you had lying around your desk. He even started a shrine dedicated to all of your stuff! Your cologne (that he sprays on his pillows everyday), a used piece of tissue paper, your underwear, your water bottle, and basically just anything that you owned.
Malakai was convinced you were in love with him too. I mean what type of person would just give someone a pencil and their number! You were definitely in love with him! So he decided to follow you around even more. Which caused his attendance and grades to plummet even further to the point where he could get kicked out of the school he worked so hard to get into. But who cares! You love him! And he loves you!
His attendance got so bad that the dean of the campus emailed him, asking if they could meet to talk about his sudden change in attitude. As much as he just wanted to stalk follow you for the day, he knew that if he got expelled he wouldn’t be able to see you again, so he begrudgingly went to the meeting.
“Hi Malakai, I think we both know why you’re here. Your grades and attendance used to be perfect, but I’ve been noticing that as of recently you have really been showing up to class and I’m starting to get concerned…”
Malakai didn’t even pay attention after that, only nodding his head as he pretended to listen. The only thing he was thinking was what you were doing right now. Were you thinking about him like he thinks about you? Were you…
“Do you understand Mr. Mazurek?” The dean asked.
“Yes” Malakai nodded.
“You may go” The dean said.
Malakai left quickly, and headed towards your dorm. He couldn’t wait to see you again! Oh after the day he’s had all he wanted to do was to see you. To smell you, to look at you, to-
Suddenly he started hearing some noises, that sounded like groaning/moaning coming from your dorm. Malakai immediately got worried, was someone hurting you?! Did something happen?! When he finally arrived to your window, what he saw broke his heart.
He saw you lying on your bed, naked as your hands gripping onto the girl’s hips, rolling your eyes to the back of your head as she rode your cock. What was that filthy slut doing with you?! That should be him! Not whoever that bitch was!
Malakai stormed off, running away back to his dorm with tears in his eyes. How could you do this to him?! As soon as he got back to his dorm, he immediately started looking into who that person was. After doing some research, he found out that she was your current girlfriend. Suddenly his anger towards you, turned to her.
How dare she steal you from him! How dare she try to convince you that she belonged to you! No! He belonged with you! Not whoever that bitch was! You know what! She probably blackmailed you into dating her so that she could keep you from him! Not to worry though! He’ll make sure that you were free from them!
Malakai spent the whole night trying to find out where they lived, only to find out that they were your roommate. All he needed to do was dig up enough information about this partner/roommate. It turns out that her name was Julia, what a ugly name (no offense to the girls named Julia out there who are reading this rn), but most important, he found out that she was a bit forgetful.
Jackpot, this would be easier than he thought! All he needed to do was sneak in and kill her! So later that night, he got all the supplies he needed to make your soon to be ex-lover “disappear”.
It was currently 3am and nobody on campus was awake. So it was his time to strike! He brought his knife and put on gloves before heading off. When he arrived, he tested to see if her window was open, which it was.
‘Of course that slut doesn’t lock her window, why would he even want to be with her’
He quietly opened the window and snuck in. He looked at the sleeping girl before walking closer with his knife.
“This is what happens to filthy sluts when they get in my way” he whispered to her before plunging his knife into her.
Malakai got some sort of thrill from this. So he kept stabbing and stabbing, letting out all his anger on the poor girl. Her blood started soaking the bed and splattering everywhere. After he was finished, the girls whole chest was covered with stab wounds and his face and clothes were stained with her blood.
The next day, you woke up and something in your dorm was starting to smell bad. You shrugged it off and thought that maybe your girlfriend just forgot to take out the trash, and you started to get ready. While you were making breakfast, you knocked on her door to ask her if she wanted anything.
“Hey, Julia, I made us some breakfast if you want some” you said.
But there was no response. Maybe she was still asleep. So you knocked again. But still, no response. Did you make her mad or something?
“Julia, whatever I did, I’m sorry. But can you come out now, the breakfast is getting cold” you apologized.
Still no response. You were starting to get worried.
“I’m coming in” you said before opening the door.
You let out a blood curdling scream. You saw Julia’s dead body on her bed, blood was everywhere, on the walls, her bed, the floor, everything. You looked up above her bed frame to see a chilling message used with her blood.
‘U + Me 4 Ever’
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azullumi · 3 months
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“dangerously yours” ; alhaitham
summary — it was a simple mission, kill the scribe. it should be easy but what happens when you fall in love with your target?
pairing — alhaitham w/gender-neutral reader
tags — definitely not fluff, some angst here and there, reader is a criminal, inspired by the dangerously yours podcast (please listen to it), not proof-read as always, this is more like an idea dump and word vomit ; headcanons/scenario
words — 1200+
note — woke up and had this idea, goodnight (also wrote this months ago and just noticed this in my drafts)
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you had one mission, an easy one at that.
working as a mercenary and spy under a criminal organization, you were tasked to do various kinds of things—from infiltrating certain groups in order to obtain information, from guarding someone and protecting their life to taking one at that. emotions were never relevant in this line of work, empathy and mercy never exists in these crimson-painted walls of your life. nor did the notion of affection and feelings were accepted. 
until a file containing details about a gray-haired man with eyes that seem to reflect both the ocean and the forest along with the contents of your task were placed into your hands: gain his trust, take the necessary information, and with the words encased in red and capitalized as if it was an important note, as if it was something that shouldn’t be ignored, the words, kill him were written.
it was simple. it’s not like this was your first time receiving this kind of mission; you had plenty of these and you’ve always done and finished them without any sort of trouble coming in your way. it should have been simple.
however, nobody warned you of what he would become—to you. the soon-to-be bane of your existence: alhaitham.
his whole being itself was a hindrance, a disruption to the way that you have survived life—kill or be killed. so how did something that you have been so familiar and used to become as scary as if it was the unknown? how did something that your whole life revolved around become so foreign and strange? how could you ever let go of someone who basked you in the afterglow of warmth and serenity?
he had you experiencing such things that you never dared to imagine.
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“how can you be so sure when you don’t even know me completely.” you say, sitting right in front of the light-haired man, alhaitham,—your target—with a smile plastered on your face, a fake one at that. everything that will unfold here and throughout was simply just a form of deception to accomplish your mission.
“oh, i know you.” there was an underlying meaning underneath the tone of his words, the corner of his lips lifted into a small smirk, and you couldn’t help the numbing and cold chill that runs through your skin.
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it was in a way that those stupid turquoise eyes of his feels like it’s looking right through you, as if he could read and see every thought of yours—and that’s what scares you, it’s not the fear that he’ll know of your soul and what you truly came for but the fear that he’ll know of the alacritous thumping of your heart and how your mind spirals into a turmoil and how you have to remind yourself every single time you hear his voice or gaze at him that this is the man you are supposed to kill.
not even once have you ever bothered to remember the names of the previous men that you were entrusted to get to rid of, only knowing their faces and quickly forgetting about it after you have done your job. but to alhaitham, to him, you know every single thing about him—how he prefers his coffee made, the colors that he likes (he insists on not having a favorite), how he struggles with falling asleep often, his love and preferences for books and reading, how he styles his hair (he only brushes through it and let the wind do its job), how he expresses himself, and how he lives his life.
in this play that you have orchestrated, you have unknowingly become of a victim of your own deception.
oh, foolish you, yearning for something, someone, that you will never have. when did it even begin? how did you even start to crave for a life that was completely out of your hands? was it when he smiled when he looked at you with those eyes one time? was it when you heard the sound of his laughter and wished to hear more of it? was it at the moment he kissed you and all you could remember throughout the night was the feeling of his lips grazing against your own and ghosting against your skin? is it because he always treats you with gentleness and looks at you with adoration like your existence was made up of stars and the sun?
for the first time in your whole life, you feel like a normal person for once—one who only experienced being hurt by heartbreaks, who cried over simple things, who ran through the fields in freedom and with nothing chaining you in a single place. for once, you feel like living instead of surviving.
the thought of running away, leaving behind the one thing you’ve only known and clung to, and simply being with him remains at the back of your head, the idea of waking up and spending your morning with him underneath the warm light of the sun, that you’ll get to feel the soft beating of his heart against your ear as he held you, that you get to experience the tenderness of his touch and kisses, that you’ll get to have him so close and so bare to you fills you with such warmth and comfort (feelings that were completely shoved under the pile of increasing corpses of the lives that you betrayed and took). but you weren’t a good person and you never will be, so how could you covet for something that is entirely undeserving for your existence.
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“i can’t do this, i have to kill you.” your words came out as a desperate whisper, almost like a plea. you don’t even notice the tears that started to well up in the corner of your eyes until alhaitham wiped one that threatened to spill over your cheeks, his gesture gentle and forgiving. no one had ever come this close, no one had ever treated you so softly.
don’t come so close.
“then do it.” was he taunting you? you could never tell. all you know is you can’t pull the trigger on him.
“i can’t.” when did killing someone become so hard after you have taken dozens of lives with your blood-stained hands? your life’s purpose had trails of crimson, remnants of betrayal all over it yet you couldn’t even bear the thought of watching his eyes lose its light.
“why can’t you?” his voice was as soft and kind as his touch—he always speaks to you in such a way, never raising his tone at you, even at this moment.
the words remain stuck on your throat, nothing willingly coming out of your moment and the moment between you two comes into a hush. you can’t even say it; a confession that feels like a sin once it’s uttered out loud.
“say it. just say it, my love, please.” he chokes on his last word and something inside you breaks seeing this state of him. oh, how utterly foolish both of you are for falling.
“don’t do this to me.” your plea turns into a prayer, praying and wishing yet you don’t even know what it is that you are begging for.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
I love Ao3 donation season because it truly brings out the most unhinged people.
Suddenly, these people whose blogs revolved only around fandom and memes turn into the most vocal activists, the most involved protesters. There's not a single cause they don't root for, there's not a GoFundMe they don't advertise.
Oh, you think you can donate 10 dollars to a site that provides you with hours of free entertainment and doesn't ask you to sell your soul through data mining? Well, then you should kill yourself and go to hell, because look at these *insert request of money from someone you've never heard of before, isn't part of your online social group, and you share nothing with* causes need it more!!!
I'm far more likely to donate to my mutuals/people I follow/causes I care about than random people (especially when the request comes from Tumblr users, the same breed that gave us people pretending to have AIDS and of being attacked in a mall bathroom for shipping the wrong ship).
But how dare we enjoy life when JonBenet Ramsey's killer is still on the loose, am I right?
And half the time, the gofundmes they link to are dodgy as fuck. I don't reblog e-begging almost ever. I barely post about organizations fundraising, aside from OTW and maybe the Internet Archive once in a blue moon. Very occasionally, I'll find someone's "I'm a disabled, trans POC" post compelling enough that I'll donate myself, but I'm still not posting it here.
Mostly, I don't post such things because if I did, I'd never stop getting pestered to post more. But a lot of it is that many, many, many of them smell of bad money management of the "Oopsie, I spent all my money going to a con and buying merch! Now rent is due!" or "I adopted 57 disabled pets I don't have the means to care for!" (Yes, I have known many fans of both types. And all of them needed to beg again a month later.) I don't doubt that something is wrong in their life, but I just don't think it's money well spent. I'd rather donate to an organization or, on rare occasions, somebody I'm pretty sure is telling the truth about being from a poor-ass country where my few bucks might actually make an impact. That's not the majority of posts that I see.
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diazsdimples · 2 months
I think- I think you might be my person.
Buddie or BuckTommy if it sparks joy 💞🦛
Oh, we're going for the feels today huh? Have some Buddie feels, just for you my love 🥰🫶
"I think - I think you might be person."
The words hang heavy between them, thick with unspoken meaning. There's yearning behind them, years of bitten back "I love you" and "don't leave me" and "please stay, I need you." But finally, Buck will speak them, no longer afraid of the consequences. He's ready. They're ready.
Eddie looks a little stunned, his mouth hanging open slightly as he looks at Buck, takes in the open vulnerability of his expression. They're so close, just a couple more steps and they'll be there. Buck waits with bated breath, praying Eddie will take the cue and take Buck's tender, open heart delicately in his hands.
"I- we're best friends, Buck, I should hope I'm your person."
He's deflecting, Buck can tell. Eddie's had years of repression and Catholicism that've taught him to box away all his feelings and not allow himself to be authentically him.
But not anymore. They're allowed to be happy. They're allowed to have this, to have each other. Buck just needs to take that step that Eddie can't do himself, because Eddie will never let himself have something if he doesn't think Buck will want it too.
"No, Eddie. That's not what I mean, I'm not-" he sighs, mentally weighing up his options. He could back out now, pretend he was just talking about their friendship. But then they'd be back in that revolving door of bad decisions and unspoken words and Buck can't do that anymore. He won't.
"Fuck it. Eddie, you're my person because you're the most important thing in my life. You and Christopher. You're my best friend, yeah, but it's more than that, right? Every day I wake up and you're the first thing I think about. When we're not together, I feel empty, but when you're by my side it's like I'm whole, like a piece of me has been returned to my body. You're my person because there is no one else in this world I would rather spend every day with than you. I trust you with my life."
Eddie's eyes are soft and they shine with unshed tears. He's biting his lip and Buck wants nothing more than to run his thumb over it and release it from his teeth, and tenderly capture his lips with Buck's own. But he needs to finish what he's saying. Eddie has to hear it.
"Eddie I can't imagine a life without you. The sun rises and sets on you, the world revolves around you and I-" his voice breaks and he ducks his head. He can't go on, he can't say it, he's not strong enough, he's not-
Eddie's fingers curl under his chin and slowly, gently, he raises Buck's head so their eyes meet. God he's so beautiful. He's truly the most beautiful person Buck has ever seen.
"Go on," he whispers, his voice cracked and raw with emotion. "Please."
Buck sucks in a breath. It's now or never.
"I love you."
It's like the air has been knocked out of Eddie and his breath hisses from him. Buck can't breathe. The oxygen has been sucked from the room, and he can't breathe, not until Eddie speaks. Until he confirms that Buck hasn't fucked this up and read all the signals wrong.
"Please say something," he begs.
Eddie takes a step closer, his fingers never leaving Buck's chin. The gap between them closes until they're chest to chest, nose to nose, close than they've ever been before. Eddie's lips ghost against his, a tentative brush, as though he's testing the waters. Buck tilts his head ever so slightly and, emboldened, Eddie kisses Buck properly this time, their lips moving in sync with one another and oh, this is what's been missing from Buck's life.
It's like the world has a new meaning now because hold fuck, Eddie is kissing him. His best friend, the love of his life, the man he'd almost convinced himself he would never be allowed to have, is kissing him back as though he feels the same. There's such tenderness and emotion with the way Eddie kisses him, as though they were born for this. As though they were made for one another. Two halves of a whole, destined to be with one another regardless of circumstance.
Eddie pulls away from him and rests his forehead against Buck's, his lips pressed tightly together. He's breathing heavily and fast, as though he's moments away from a panic attack.
Buck gently touches Eddie's arm, just above the elbow. Eddie doesn't pull away, staying completely still.
"Eds?" Buck says, voice quiet and full of choked up emotion.
Eddie licks his lips and takes a deep breath, as though steeling himself, and Buck feels sick. He's going to say he doesn't feel it, that Buck is alone in this journey, that they're just friends and Buck has misread the signs. Eddie can't, he won't, won't ever-
"I love you too."
Send me a ship and a sentence and I'll finish it!!
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yunhofications · 1 year
rock with you - j.yh
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pairings: dom!yunho x switch!fem reader
chapters: 1/2
synopsis: yunho’s a rockstar and doesn’t care about anyone but himself, at all. he loves the attention he recieves, but the only attention that really matters to him is from the girl who can’t seem to stand him at all. well, thats what she tells herself anyway.
warnings/tags: yunho’s kind of a dick, but not really, size kink, dumbification, choking, man handling, biting/marking, praise. hes quite a mean n rough dom, fingering, cheating implied (not by yunho), pet names, drinking. no actual sex in this part
word count: 3.7k
authors note: hi! this is my first ever suggestive fic, i originally was only going to do one part but im going to do two now, if this chapter does well :] i hope you all like it, im new at writing these things!
it was a Sunday night, 9:54 pm to be exact. The bar wasn’t crazy busy considering most people had work the next day and normal individuals wouldn’t spend their free night before work drinking their sorrows away in a lousy run down bar. Not that it phased you in the slightest, you brushed off the judgmental stares and glares from the bartender since you were probably on your 20th shot and you had the tiniest little body. Who the fuck is fitting in that much alcohol without getting drunk? Well, you were pretty tipsy and your eyes were slowly giving out, as well as your entire body, about to hit your head against the wooden bar counter before a hand slips in and stops you from getting a concussion.
You don’t give it much thought, perhaps it was just the bartender, or some random stranger who was afraid you’d die or something from slamming your head down. But it wasn’t. Oh how you wished you were dreaming, and that your mind was playing a little trick on you from all the emotions and all the god damn alcohol that was running through your veins. Then the voice spoke. It felt like nails on a chalkboard, you hated it. “Y/N.” You could hear how smug the voice was, you could hear the smirk on their lips. Fuck.
“Go to hell Yunho.” Your words being just a big fat mumble, moving his hand away and allowing your head to rest against the hard wood counter. Yunho, Jeong Yunho. Many people adored the man, which you never understood why. He was a dick with a terrible attitude and didn’t give a shit about anyone but himself, the nerve of him even coming near you made you wanna snap. Though, you had no energy to do that. You could still feel him next to you, his perfume was strong, and you’d only ever recognised that scent on him, no one else.
“Are you ever gonna stop being a little bitch Y/N? I just saved you from getting a concussion. You should be thanking me.” A scoff left his mouth. It was true though, Yunho didn’t care about anyone else but himself, he adored the attention from others, women. It was all he got, he was a rockstar afterall, who wouldn’t love the attention? Afterall, thousands of women screaming his name as his fingers played away at his guitar, what a life to live. However, as much as he adored all those women, one woman in particular was all he truly desired, to hear her scream his name, only for him to hear, for her to be a mess on his cock, a mixture of his and her cum dripping from her bare cunt. That woman was Y/N, and she couldn’t stand the sight of him.
“I didn’t ask you to, now go away. I don’t need you ro add to my problems right now.” You managed to lift your head and turn to face the dark haired man sitting beside you. It bothered you that he was attractive and that perhaps in another life you’d given him a chance, and maybe if he didn’t have a stick up his own ass and acted like the world revolved around him.
“Problems? Like what? Your only problem is you being an annoying little dog.” Okay, to an extent Yunho could see why you didn’t like him at all, considering all he did was rip into you and just make matters worse rather than at least try and be there for you. All your hatred and dislike for Yunho began just as he started to gain attention, because from the slightest attention his ego grew massive and it bothered you. The two of you had a little history, meeting one another through acquaintances and he was actually really cute, and you were attracted to him in more than one way. That was no longer the case. Now five years have passed and his attitude and ego was unbearable.
“Do you ever fucking shut up? Fuck off, Yunho. Seriously.”
“Why’s that?”
“I don’t want to.”
All you could do was give him the biggest eye roll, you barely had any energy left to argue with this idiot in front of you, whining at how frustrated you were with him. “My boyfriend— ex, boyfriend. Cheated on me, so I beg you to leave me alone and let me drink in peace.” You had no intention on telling him that, but you prayed that he’d leave you alone and go home or fuck a girl or do whatever it is that he did. Instead he remained right there, pulling something out of his pocket. A ticket, a ticket to his upcoming show. He was absolutely unbelievable.
“You’re kidding me, right? Do you just carry those with you everywhere? I'm not going, I don’t like your music.” Which was a lie. You listened to his songs whilst getting ready, in the car, when laying in bed.
“Just come will you? And fuck your ex, hes a fucking idiot to let someone like you go, the prettiest woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” Yunho meant his words, and he definitely wanted you to attend his show, simply because you’ve never been to one before, and he desperately wanted to show himself off to you in another light. He had to hide the little smile which appeared on his face when you mentioned your ex cheated, he was out of the picture now which meant Yunho had a chance to win you over, and he was determined to.
You’d be lying to yourself if you said your heart didn’t flutter a little when Yunho complimented you. It didn’t mean anything to you, well, you thought it didn’t. You chewed your bottom lip as you snatched the ticket and shoved it in your purse, perhaps it would be good to go, what else were you doing? Moping around that you got cheated on? Ridiculous.
“Whatever.. I’m going now.” Oh but getting up by yourself was a terrible idea, you slid off the barstool and stumbled as soon as you hit the ground, squinting as if it were to make a difference to your vision, but it didn’t. Suddenly you feel some long arms wrap around you tightly to hold you in place, you knew exactly who it belonged to as two large hands gripped the side of your arms. You were in no position to argue or say no, since you were pretty sure you’d black out soon enough, which you did.
The next thing you knew, it was the next morning, your head was ringing and you were in bed, at home.
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A week had passed since your drunken incident, you barely remembered it and still couldn’t put your finger on how you ended up at home in bed, surrounded by your pastel walls. Well, no point dwelling on it now. You were currently sitting upon your white little wooden vanity, gripping onto a curling iron and letting your hair fall as you let go. It was the day of Yunho’s show and you decided to go, why? Who knows. You didn’t even remember how you got around to getting the ticket, and why it happened to be in your purse. it was such a blur to you. A white lace dress with little pink bows at the shoulders was upon your body, the same dress you wore the night you two met for the first time. It wasn’t intentional, not by any means and that memory had slipped your mind. You thought it looked rejected sitting in the back of your closet, so why not wear it? You’d never wear anything to purposefully grab his attention anyway.
“Shit.” It was 5:30, which meant you were running a little later than originally planned— why does it matter though? He probably won’t even notice that you're there.
Dashing around your apartment you grabbed your ink coloured clutch bag which contained the ticket and a few other essentials of yours before grabbing your keys and checking yourself in the mirror by your door before going out to your car. Your phone automatically connected to the bluetooth system in your car and at that moment your phone began to ring, it was Wooyoung. The two of you had been friends since you were in diapers, literally. It was because of Wooyoung, that you met Yunho, unfortunately. What an idiot.Foot on the gas pedal and you were off, pressing the answer button upon the steering wheel.
“Hey Woo, I'm driving right now. What's up?”
“Where are you going? I wanna go out for food, meet me?”
“Ah.. about that, I’m actually going to Yunho’s show..” You’d wondered if he even heard you, because it went silent and you spoke quietly when saying that sentence. But he did hear you, loud and clear.
“YUNHO? I thought you hated him! Why are you going?! Tell me!” The male's voice was extremely loud, almost bursting your eardrums. You hated cutting him off— not true. But right now you didn’t have time to explain, you were practically speeding your way to the venue.
“I’ll tell you later, okay? I promise you. I gotta go.” Just like that, the line disconnected with the click of a button.
Arriving at the venue, you were faced with the largest queue you'd seen by far, sprawling out into the parking lot. The sight was a complete eyesore, however you were certain Yunho absolutely loved the sight.
Lucky for you, Yunho was kind enough to give you priority access tickets, so you could skip the queue. A good thing of course, being around all those fan girl’s would possibly lead you to have an aneurysm. And thankfully, they were seated tickets as you hated standing up and being surrounded by sweaty people, especially sweaty teenage girls and possibly grown women who’d just be screaming for Yunho. Your seat happened to be a balcony seat, and you were the only one there.
Yunho knew what he was doing, he would be able to see you perfectly from there, that's if you actually decided to come. He was nervous, so nervous in fact to go on stage and then be faced with the disappointment of you not being there. The man was infatuated by you and sometimes he really hated it, why you? Why did it have to be you? Either way, time was ticking and it was time to head to the stage. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Ever since he took you home last week, you were the only thing in his mind, day and night you flooded his brain, thoughts of you being fucked, the thoughts of you simply belonging to him. It was driving him insane.
The lights dimmed within the venue, and colors of red and white flashed on the stage, indicating that he was about to come out. For some reason that caused you to feel sick, a pit in your stomach. Why am I even here? I don’t even like him. Yet here you were, in a seat assigned especially for you. Not that you knew that, you had no idea how this ticket got into your possession in the first place.
A loud bang made the floor shake beneath you, startling you for sure. White and red confetti filled the room as Yunho was now on stage, seems as though he was standing on a lifting stage. You began to chew on your bottom lip anxiously, the crowd went wild as began with his first song. Whatever, he’s still an asshole.
Yunho’s ego was always boosted immensely as soon as he appeared on stage, hundreds of people screaming his name, posters and banners just for him. Absolutely perfect. But what was even more incredible, was the girl who appeared to hate him so much, was standing in the balcony he left just for you. The smirk which was painted on his lips was very evident as he pretty much groped the mic whilst his gaze met yours, he didn’t maintain it for long, but long enough to irritate her for sure. Honestly he didn’t expect you to come, especially because you were pretty drunk the night he gave you that ticket. Nevertheless, he was absolutely smitten. He’d watch how you’d rip your eyes from him every time your eyes met, he was absolutely loving this.
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The cold breeze brushed against your face as you exited the venue, you were surprised with how you were able to stay the entire time, though there were many instances you wanted to storm out everytime you noticed the smug look on his face. You seriously couldn’t stand the man, but why was your heart fluttering if you hated him? Maybe you didn’t hate him as much as you thought you did.
You watched as fans walked out of the venue, some with tears running down their faces and sobbing about how much they loved Yunho, which could only get an eye roll and scoff out of you, how ridiculous. You took some time before deciding to walk back to your car, enjoying the breeze and feeling of the night. You happened to park quite far, and the area was deserted pretty much. You were about to enter your car, when you froze.
“Y/n.” A voice called out to you, the same voice you had been hearing for the last three hours. Jeong Yunho. Did he follow you?
“Hi jackass.” You turned around to face him, his body a lot closer to yours than you expected it to be. Crossing your arms across your chest, you tilted your head at him.
“Thanks for coming, didn’t expect you to.” The man was going to attempt to have a decent and human conversation with you, however In that moment, Yunho realized what you were wearing, the expression upon his face was different from his usual smug look. It was desire, absolute filthy desire. Yunho became enamored by you that day you two met, and here you were, wearing the cute little dress which made him obsessed with you forever. Did you know? You did this on purpose, surely.
“Are you trying to just make me fucking crazy? you know what you're doing don’t you?” His body was inching closer to yours, making you press your back against your car door.
“What on earth are you talking about?” You were clueless, but you could feel your cheeks heat up as he got closer, gripping onto the bottom of your dress tightly. If you hated him so much, why the fuck were your panties getting soaked?
“That dress.. fuck y/n are you really that fucking dumb?”
“What d— oh crap.” How didn’t you realize? You were dumb, so fucking dumb. “So what? It doesn’t mean anything.” Your heart was fucking racing, it definitely did mean something. How did you forget? He didn’t. He never forgot anything.
“It does to me, ever since I saw you in this dress that showed just enough for me to imagine you under me, I haven’t stopped thinking about you. Did you know that? You didn’t, because you’re a dumb little bitch.” Yunho didn’t intend on insulting you, but he knew she wasn’t bothered by that, a smirk painted his lips as he noticed your change in demeanor, your cheeks flushed pink, legs squeezing together.
“Yunho fuck y—“ But before you could continue, his large hand came to cup your jaw from underneath, whimpering under his touch. Who knew this asshole could turn you into a dumb slut just like that? Leaning into your ear, his hot breath made your body shudder.
“Shut up, shut the fuck up.” A growl from him before his lips crashed against yours ever so harshly, his tongue swiping your bottom lip, muffling the moans which threatened to escape your lips. Usually your first instinct would be to push him away but this time you couldn’t. His hands moved to grip onto your hips tightly as he pressed himself against you. You could feel how hard he already was just against you, making you soak your panties within just a couple minutes. You were out in the open, no one was around but the rush of knowing anyone could see you any second only made you more heated, your arms finally deciding to move and wrap around Yunho’s neck.
Yunho pulled away, dragging your bottom lip with him, biting on it as one of his hands slipped, letting it slide to your white lace panties, your cheeks turning scarlet red as you realized how soaked they really were, whimpering as he pushed them to the side. Fuck, a little touch was enough to send you to the sky.
“You always act like you hate me yet look at you, wet as shit like a dumb slut. My little baby.” He hissed, his tone a little mocking as two of his slender fingers entered your wet, sloppy, cunt. causing you to throw your head back against your car. He hadn’t even started yet. His fingers sliding in easily due to your arousal, pumping them in and out of you, abusing your tiny little cunt just as he always wanted. Your core was practically burning from the sensation of his fingers, they were pistoning inside you.
“Y-Yun..” You moaned out stupidly, he was only fucking you with his fingers and you could barely talk coherently. How pathetic? Yunho loved it though, he was waiting for this day for so long, to have your head so cloudy to the point you could only mumble his name, to be a mess on his fingers. A dream. Oh how beautiful you looked, your eyes rolling back, pressed against your car under the moonlight. Yunho’s brow cocked, tilting his head slightly and sinking his lips onto your neck, sucking and nibbling against your delicate porcelain skin, painting your skin purple, his tongue swiping his artwork once he was finished.
Yunho decided to insert another finger, watching you squirm was a delight to his eyes. The tent in his pants threatened to push past the fabric, perhaps even some precum already at the tip. He was desperate to fuck you, but he wanted to do it properly, and prep you of course before he took you home and absolutely destroyed you. Besides, the thrill of someone spotting him finger you senseless in the parking lot was a rush, especially to his hardening cock.
The sloppy and wet sounds coming from his fingers in your cunt was beautiful, filling the air. However as soon as he felt you tighten around his fingers he pulled them out, stuffing his fingers in his mouth to suck them clean, taking in your sweet taste. “You taste incredible whore. Though.. you think I'm gonna let you cum? The only time you get to do that is on my cock.” Once again, his mocking tone irritated you and you were beyond pissed that you were denied your orgasm. The man was edging you and you hated it, squeezing your thighs together.
“Fuck you Yunho.” You spat, huffing and crossing your arms across your chest. Yunho simply laughed in amusement at your reaction. “So are you gonna fuck me or what?” The sheer annoyance in your voice only made his cock twitch, he absolutely was infatuated by you, he loved your bitchyness.
“Im not done with you just yet, get in the backseat.” Happily you obliged, thinking he was going to slide his cock into you, you hobbled around into the back and laid down, he came in after you, closing the door and pressing himself down. Yunho teasingly grinded his hips against you so you could feel him, and fuck was he hard, you whined under him, groaning when he moved to slide your dress up and slide down your panties completely, shoving them in his pocket. Gotta keep a souvenir right? “Let me get another taste of you.”
You couldn't help but grumble, he was having so much fun and all you wanted was to be fucked into next week. But of course with Yunho that wasn't possible whatsoever. The man shuffled back and sunk his head down to meet your cunt, the sweet smell of your arousal allowed a soft moan to escape his lips before his tongue swept along your soaked folds, his hands gripping onto her skin, as his lips wrapped around her clit and sucked away, looking up to see her face scrunched up, her back ever so slightly arched. Yunho couldn’t get enough of her taste.
Your fingers ran through his hair, tugging on it as he sucked your clit softly, the moans parting from your mouth getting increasingly louder as he continued to swipe his tongue. You were well aware he’d deny another orgasam of yours, it wasn’t fair. The sensation was so different to what you'd experienced before from other partners. Yunho was definitely skilled. It only made you more eager to see how well he’d fuck you. The situation was quite bizarre. A week ago, you wouldnt of thought that you’d be lying in the backseat of your car having Yunho eat out your pussy.
Just like you predicted though, Yunho stopped as soon as you were close once again, being denied your second orgasm. “I fucking hate you.” You groaned, kicking his chest with your foot slightly as he scoffed.
“If you hated me so much, I wouldn’t be tasting you.”
“Fuck you.”
“You will sweetheart, just patience. Now, lets go home okay? I'm sure youre dying to cum.”
Yunho laughed as he left the back of the car and entered the front, he was in the drivers seat.
“Well? Come on. You can give me head as we drive.”
All you could do was roll your eyes as you shifted to the front seat, climbing your way forward and glared at him. “Im not doing it.”
“That's alright, my cock will be filling you up soon anyway.”
To be continued.
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Pick a Pile - A letter from your future self
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Disclaimer: These general free readings are made in good faith for entertainment purpose.
How to pick a pile
When you have different cards to choose from in pile 1,2,3… look at each of those cards. Wait until someone reminds you of a memory. Perhaps a character’s outfit resembles one of your own. It is this pile that has its message. What if they all remind me of something? Go for the one with the strongest memory, one might look like her earring but another might be the favorite candy you got from your grandma when you vacationed at her house. But what if none reminds me of something? Take a deep breath and wait a little longer, without charging yourself or creating worries. Relax, some will awaken some memory in you, I promise! .
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Pile 1 - Pochacco
[Waxing Moon, Aquarius, Neptune, Six of Wands; Four of Cups; Seven of Pentacles; Knight of Pentacles; Justice; King of Aquarius; Knight of Wands. Nine of Wands; Three of Cups]
If you chose this pile maybe you have:
Aquarius Neptune;
Neptune dominant;
Pisces/Libra/Aquarius/Capricorn/Leo in the big 6.
Dear [Your Name],
Greetings from the future! Today, you experienced a small but significant victory, and I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge your progress. You're on the right path, and I can sense the fulfillment it brings you. However, remember that there's still a little way to go before everything falls into place. Celebrate your victories, but remain cautious about pride. It's essential to stay grounded.
I'm glad to inform you that your future self is reaping the rewards of your hard work, and you've achieved success honestly. If, at any point, you were tempted to take shortcuts or deceive others for personal gain, let me assure you that such actions will eventually catch up with you. I trust that you have stayed true to your values and principles.
In the future, you will find yourself in a more serene phase where you won't always have to be the one initiating everything. Instead, you'll play a role in overseeing and refining what has already been accomplished. It will be a calmer period, but by no means stagnant. There will still be tasks to tackle and objectives to pursue.
Presently, your primary concern revolves around your connections with others. You often question whether they genuinely support you or if someone harbors jealousy and tries to undermine your progress. You are naturally inclined towards being a people person, and your birth chart suggests that your dominant elements are Air and/or Water. Consequently, building connections and fostering relationships hold significant importance for you. Despite occasionally convincing yourself that you're better off alone, deep down, you know it to be untrue. Your fear of rejection has caused you to erect barriers, but your happiest moments in life have involved others. Remember that being in the company of like-minded individuals brings you joy.
As your future self, I urge you to stop creating unnecessary barriers with others. I understand that you've experienced pain and possess a certain wariness towards society. Seeking a safe space away from others might seem appealing, but I assure you it's not the best course of action. You need friends, companions, and a network of support. The barriers you've erected will not aid you in any way.
Rather than hiding from the world, I encourage you to venture out to places and events that truly interest you. Attend concerts, visit museums, explore fashion shows—anything that sparks your passion. Show yourself to the world. Additionally, invest time in self-improvement and self-discovery. Self-knowledge is a powerful tool for enhancing self-esteem, and there are unique contributions that only you can make. I recall a quote from a cartoon I stumbled upon but never watched extensively, and it resonated deeply: "Your heart's not broken; it's only growing." Remember that life is a series of beginnings and fresh starts. Embrace them with open arms.
Always remember that everything has its own time and place. There is a time for action and a time for reflection. Your sadness is valid, and I, more than anyone, understand the weight it carries. Rest assured that I am with you in every moment, reminiscent of a movie playing in your mind. So, do not be afraid.
Let go of the martyrdom mindset. You don't need to suffer excessively to achieve your desires. Yes, you must work hard, get organized, and continually strive for improvement, but suffering is not a prerequisite. Fight for your rights, your place in the world, and know your worth. However, leave this fight outside the sanctuary of your home. Transform your home into a temple for rest, shedding tears, self-reflection, and even indulging in childlike behavior when needed. But, from now on, shield yourself from unnecessary pain.
Your future self acknowledges your tendency to procrastinate. It's something you grapple with more than you would like. But, I want to remind you to give yourself the credit you deserve for being patient. We live in a society that demands immediate results and instant gratification, often driven by technology. However, as human beings, we can't always keep up with this relentless pace. Be patient with yourself and resist the urge to compare yourself to machines or AI. Remember, you have unique potential and capabilities.
Believe me when I say that where you are right now is just the beginning. I promise you, it will get better. You will evolve and grow, transforming from a simple donkey into a spirited horse. Keep walking, keep trying, and keep pushing forward. Embrace your innovative and creative side—the part of you that may defy rationality at times. Don't let fear dictate your relationship with society and the world. While there are challenges and hardships, not everyone out there is bad. Have faith in yourself, as you have a tremendous capacity for personal growth.
You don't need to prove your worth to anyone. It is already inherent within you. Instead of seeking validation from external sources, focus on your own self-worth and self-acceptance. Embrace your journey and the lessons it brings.
Remember, my dear [Your Name], you have the power to shape your future. Embrace your victories, learn from your setbacks, and always strive to be the best version of yourself. Trust the process, and know that your future self is rooting for you every step of the way.
With unwavering support and belief in your potential,
Your Future Self
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Pile 2 - Cinnamoroll
[First Quarter, Waning Crescent, Pisces,Emperor,Eight of Cups,Wheel of Fortune,Eight of Swords,Death,Ten of Cups, The Tower, Queen of Wands, Ten of Wands]
If you chose this pile maybe you have:
Mars dominant;
Aries dominant;
Aries/Scorpio in the big 6.
Dear [Your Name],
Greetings from the future! Today, you are filled with a sense of fulfillment and optimism. You can feel the potential for growth within you, and it seems like you are finally taking control of the situation, steering it towards the desired outcome. This is just the beginning, though. Many of your aspirations and ideas remain in your mind, waiting to be transformed into tangible plans and actions. It might feel like your thoughts are yet to find the right words to express them, but rest assured, there is so much more to come than you can currently envision. A breakthrough moment, a eureka moment, is on the horizon, and it will reveal the immense potential you possess.
Your future self is bursting with happiness! You cannot even fathom the level of joy awaiting you. What you truly desire is unfolding before your eyes, even though there may be a veil obscuring your vision. It's like standing under a spotlight where you think you see everything, but in reality, your happiness lies just around the corner. Don't worry if you cannot perceive the exact path at this moment. Trust that you will find your way.
It seems that you are burdened by an overwhelming workload. You feel a sense of accomplishment in being able to handle so much, and I must acknowledge your capabilities. However, this excessive weight is also causing sadness and isolation. Remember, you are carrying this burden into the future. Take a moment to calm yourself and find balance.
Let go of the "what if" and the regrets of the past. The future me, the present you, and the people from your past are interconnected. There are countless things the past version of me wishes to share with you, things you cannot even fathom. Do not fear your journey, but do not halt your progress either.
Allocate more time to challenging yourself! Embrace the plans you've made and put them into action. Push your limits and discover what you are truly capable of. Yes, it might feel overwhelming today, but what if I told you that this overwhelming feeling is mostly in your mind? It's time to break free from it. Remember that task you keep postponing? Do it!
There are several important things you need to remember. Firstly, you are a fortunate individual, and destiny has a way of working in your favor. Things may not always unfold exactly as you desire, but trust that they are happening for the best. Reconnect with your spirituality and embrace your faith. Your companions, both seen and unseen, have never abandoned you. Lastly, have faith in the plan that destiny has in store for you. It will unfold at its own pace.
You do not need to endure unnecessary suffering. The idea that you must go through certain hardships to learn a lesson is not always true. The world has been unkind to you, and you carry a deep sadness within your chest that words cannot fully express, only tears can. I want to assure you that even I, your future self, still carry a small portion of that sadness. However, it will gradually dissipate. If you can find a way to release it now, it will make your journey easier. Consider seeking a more intensive psychological treatment if necessary, beyond just therapy.
Recognize that you have always been the one to set yourself free from various burdens, even when you longed for assistance from others. You have managed to navigate through challenges independently. You are audacious and unstoppable. Your mind is free from the constraints of societal norms and judgments of right and wrong.
I want to reiterate that I am incredibly happy today. It's because I see the star-like potential within you, waiting to be recognized for all that you have accomplished. You are protected by spirituality, the love and support of your parents, and the guidance of your ancestors. They are all watching over you, guiding you on your path of growth and transformation. Embrace the power that resides within you, for it is expanding with every step you take.
In the grand tapestry of your life, remember that each thread serves a purpose, even the ones woven with sadness and pain. The sorrow that lingers within you, the one that brings you to tears, is gradually dissipating. Allow yourself to empty it out, piece by piece. You may discover that seeking a deeper form of healing and support will provide the solace you seek. Consider exploring alternative methods and seeking the assistance of professionals who can guide you through this process.
Today, I want you to acknowledge your true strength. You have overcome countless obstacles, and even when the world seemed against you, you forged your own path. Take pride in your audacity and resilience. The norms and expectations imposed upon you cannot hinder your limitless potential. You possess a radiant spirit that shines brightly, and it is only a matter of time before your light is recognized by all.
Keep nurturing your spirituality, for it is a wellspring of wisdom and comfort. Trust in the love and protection that surround you, both from the divine and from the earthly connections you hold dear. Lean on the support of your parents, who have been your pillars of strength. Remember the guidance of your ancestors, whose presence is felt in your veins. You are not alone on this journey; you are part of a greater tapestry of love and interconnectedness.
As you venture into the future, remember to embrace the present moment. Let go of worries about what could have been and what lies ahead. Instead, focus on the here and now, the opportunities that unfold before you. Embrace the power of intention and manifestation, knowing that your thoughts and actions shape the reality you experience.
Believe in yourself, dear [Your Name]. You are on the cusp of greatness, a potential waiting to be fully realized. Trust in the process, and have faith that everything will fall into place at the right time. Your future is bright, and you have the ability to create a life that surpasses even your wildest dreams.
With boundless love and unwavering faith,
Your Future Self
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Pile 3 - Kuromi
[Scorpio, Sun, Cancer, Four of Wands, Seven of Cups, The Star, Five of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, The Moon, Four of Swords, Two of Cups, Nine of Swords]
If you chose this pile maybe you have:
Scorpio/Cancer Sun;
Libra/Pisces/Aquarius in the big 6.
Dear [Your Name],
As I write this letter to you, you find yourself amidst significant changes within your home and family. Perhaps you are preparing to embark on the journey of marriage or welcoming new members into your family. However, my dear, I want you to understand that you are the protagonist of this transformation. This is not a change that frightens you; it is an outcome that you anticipated and meticulously planned for. Your tireless efforts have brought forth this moment.
Your future self wants you to take a moment to reflect upon the choices you have made. You have transitioned from a position of power to a supportive role, and as the main character, you are now entrusted with the care of others. Embrace this shift with open arms, for it is not a negative development. Instead, it signifies a new phase of your life where you must divert some of your attention away from yourself.
Today, you find yourself contemplating whether you should rest or continue fighting. Your deep love and concern for your family compel you to ensure their well-being. You have worked tirelessly to bring everyone together, and it can be exhausting because you understand and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual. You have become a counselor, a teacher, a mother, and a daughter to everyone around you. And now, you wonder when you will find a moment to rest.
Therefore, I implore you to cease spending an excessive amount of time being the cornerstone of everyone's lives. You are not obligated to be the constant advisor and ally that everyone seeks. It is time to redirect some of that focus back onto yourself.
You need moments of solitude, my dear. When was the last time you truly had a moment alone? A moment for self-reflection, introspection, and observation without immediate action? It is crucial for you to prioritize your own desires amidst this dynamic situation. Take the time to explore your motivations. Why do you yearn for the unity of others so intensely?
Remember two essential truths. Firstly, there will always be more options available to you. It is possible to rebuild and mend relationships, ultimately leading to a harmonious resolution. Secondly, it is crucial to acknowledge that there may be individuals who are not genuine. Despite your best efforts, some may attempt to exploit you. Understand that their actions stem from their own internal issues and have no correlation with your worth.
Now, what I am about to say may be challenging, but it is essential. Release the fear of being alone. You are excellent company for yourself. Embrace solitude and discover the strength and contentment that reside within you.
Allow yourself to embrace your true desires. Do not hesitate to acknowledge that some of your actions, though done for others, are ultimately driven by your own wishes. You have every right to want and desire.
Remember, my dear, you possess immense potential to emerge from the current trials and tribulations you face. Do not let fear consume you. With time, things will gradually settle, and a sense of tranquility will envelop your life.
Believe in your ability to navigate this journey and find fulfillment amidst the changes.
With unwavering support and belief in you,
Your Future Self
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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emo-trash101 · 2 months
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How are you? Did you miss me :3
Yours truly,the platonic asker,is back to ask for more!
Now,for the ask!
May I ask for Husk,Angel Dust and Lucifer (you can add Al and Vox,too! I don't want to overwhelm you, those three are the most wanted-) with a platonic!child!reader that isn't their child,but they have grown into a father-child relationship subconsciously,and one day,the child comes to them sobbing and calling for them as "dad" for the first time? How would they react? Would they comfort the child or confront them? Would they accept this new title?
Aaaand that's a wrap!
I hope you enjoy writing this as always! And don't forget to eat,drink and sleep well!
Stay proud,Onyx!
-Nina <33
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Husk, Angel Dust, and Lucifer x Child! Reader
Pronouns: Second person
Tw: none that i can think of
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Husk -
- So he is very convinced that he is a terrible father, no matter what anyone says.
- Like that doesn't stop him from trying his best, but he just doesn't think he's doing a good enough job.
- And this is really solidified by the fact that you never called him dad.
- So when you walk up to him, sobbing for whatever reason, he obviously panics slightly.
- But then his entire being swells when you grab for him and ask for "dada".
- He obviously spends time with you and calms you down, but he feels so much more confident now that you call him dad.
- Obviously he still has issues where he feels like he isn't a good enough dad, but knowing you think he is makes him feel so much better.
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Angel Dust -
- He obviously knows that he isn't a great father figure in general.
- I mean he's a literal porn star who sold his soul, he isn't the best option.
- But he tries the hardest he can to keep you away from that part of his life.
- However, when you come up to him sobbing, he immediately thinks that something revolving around his other life found its way to you,
- But when you just reach for him and cry for "papa" every in him calms down.
- He just picks you up and tries to soothe you best he can.
- He honestly continues working the best he can to be a good dad, but now that he knows you view him as such, he puts in even more effort.
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Lucifer -
- So he's already been a father to Charlie, and he knows he messed that up relatively bad.
- And he also knows that he doesn't want to do that with you.
- So he tries to put in the utmost effort to prevent that from happening
-And so when you come up to him crying, he immediately goes into dad mode.
- He almost completely misses you calling him dad, but the second he hears it he starts crying himself.
- He feels so accomplished and like he actually cared for you properly that he just starts crying.
- Eventually you both calm down and everything kinda goes back to how it usually is.
- But he doesn't ever forget the first time you called him dad
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Idk why I auto did a little kid, but I hope you enjoyed it!!
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nebuladreamerrr · 2 months
The art of colours| Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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Summary: After four hard years of study, you are finally graduating which means you must hand in your final thesis which Kylian is very proud of until he finds out who you have dedicated this thesis to.
Warnings: English is not my first language, and I am not studying anything related to psychology so there may be mistakes in this field.
As you gazed into the mirror, a smile of pride spread across your face, admiring how the satin suit hugged your frame flawlessly. This moment marked more than just the end of your studies and training. It signified your official entry into the realm of psychology, liberating you from the confines of your office.
The past four years have been undeniably challenging, particularly within the realm of psychology, a field so crucial to our daily lives. In an ever-evolving landscape of knowledge, students were required to continuously engage in various training courses to stay abreast of the latest therapies and discoveries. Yet, the most demanding aspect lay in the field placements. Let me tell you, those placements were the epitome of your career's purity, where the true essence of your calling came to light. However, they also exacted an emotional toll. Witnessing the anguish of young children, whose concerns should have revolved around playtime rather than dinner schedules, was profoundly draining. It was in those moments that the weight of the responsibility you carried truly settled upon you.
Finding the perfect balance between personal life and studies proved challenging on a personal level. Kylian's schedule was packed with games, advertising campaigns, conferences, and interviews ever since he announced his departure from the French club, not to mention the upcoming Olympics that summer. Nevertheless, both of you managed to find a way to organize yourselves. Despite the chaos, two days belonged entirely to you: Mondays and Sundays. On these days, you caught up on the little everyday occurrences, from Dembélé's new car to contemplating a vase for your living room. You cherished these conversations, reveling in their innocence and spontaneity. To you, they were a tangible expression of the love you shared, something you made a conscious effort to prioritize. Even though you lived together, daily life often kept you apart more than you'd like.
On the flip side, amidst the stressful situations and disparaging comments your partner endured throughout the year, you made a concerted effort to establish one-on-one sessions on Sundays. In these sessions, you provided a safe space for him to open up and confront the negative thoughts tormenting him, aiming to help him channel these emotions and find solutions to his overwhelming feelings. This task was far from easy. Kylian, being naturally closed off, often attempted to postpone these sessions, fearing vulnerability. Over time, however, they became more manageable. Occasionally, they concluded with Kylian seeking solace in your embrace, tears flowing freely as he grappled with feelings of failure in his endeavors to satisfy French fans, whether due to online criticisms or harsh comparisons with other players.
Kylian marveled at your knack for reframing his thoughts and showing him the silver linings in every situation. He tended to dwell on lost games, mentally berating himself for missed opportunities and what-ifs. However, since meeting you, you consistently helped him find something positive in each of those moments. It was easy for him to forget that his career was a journey of constant growth and learning. Even when a loss felt like the end of the world, you reminded him that it could have been worse—like being sidelined with an injury for the rest of the season. Your perspective not only shifted his mindset but also helped him appreciate the invaluable lessons hidden within every setback.
He was in awe of your ability to infuse brightness into even the darkest moments, whether they were everyday occurrences or major events. Despite his busy schedule, he made every effort to support you in any way he could. Whether it was giving you a massage during long hours at the computer or preparing your favorite breakfast of coffee with almond milk and avocado toast topped with a grated egg, he sought to motivate you on days when you barely had time to eat.
So, when you shared the news that you had finally completed that assignment, he couldn't contain his joy. He enveloped you in a tight hug, overflowing with pride. Without hesitation, he swiftly arranged an elegant dinner by the beach to celebrate the culmination of all the time you spent locked away in your office. Excitedly, he accompanied you as you opened the package containing your five printed papers—four of which would be submitted for your final year dissertation examination, while one would remain in your home as a cherished keepsake.
This morning, he made a concerted effort to motivate you, ensuring to planted a gentle kiss before you departed for your lecture. However, he also wanted you to come home to a space where you could unwind and relax. He mentioned that he would subtly start tidying up his house—perhaps clearing away the breakfast dishes that still lingered or straightening up the living room, which had become a bit disheveled from the movie you only managed to get halfway through before drifting off into sleep.
As he tidied up the living room, his gaze inevitably fell upon your photocopied final-year project, eliciting a smile. His eyes traced the meticulous attention to detail evident in the neatness of the photograph, which sought to visually summarize your thesis. The title, "The Art of Infant Psychology," was adorned with vibrant shades, each color imbuing significance. The accompanying picture, with its play of reverse colors, mirrored the essence of your thesis—exploring how colors could influence children's cognition and how educators, parents, or legal guardians could discern potential concerns through the colors or drawings their children presented.
Subtly, he lifted the book, intending to leaf through its pages at a leisurely pace. While he didn't expect to grasp the technicalities you had employed as he didn't think he could understand the technicalities you had used as you often tried to share them with him and, not understanding them, he would simply kiss you back as he admired you saying, "My girl is the smartest". However, his intention was diverted when a particular page quickly seized his attention: "Acknowledgements."
"Firstly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my tutor, Chloe, for her guidance, support, and dedication throughout the process of writing this dissertation. Her comments and suggestions have been fundamental to improving my work and carrying it out in her rigorous way.
I would also like to thank the teaching staff of the Psychology degree for providing me with quality training and encouraging my interest in research and innovation in this field.
Furthermore, I am grateful to my friends and family, especially my parents, for their emotional support and understanding throughout the process. Their words of encouragement and motivation have been a great boost to keep going and overcome the obstacles.
Lastly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my partner, Kylian, who has been my unwavering support through the darkest days. He has been my greatest inspiration for pursuing this end-of-degree project, as he embodies the essence of the art of colors. To me, Kylian is more than just a footballer; when I look at him, I see the vibrant hues of the rainbow, and for all these reasons, I consider him my source of vitality.
While it's said that no one color is superior to another, I believe that a blend of colors is far more captivating than a single shade. We witness this in a painting, where the variety of colors chosen by the artist leaves us in awe.
Well, that's what Kylian means to me. He embodies the color red, symbolizing vitality and passion, as he tirelessly pursues his dreams and supports those of his loved ones, including mine, even when we feel exhausted.
Moreover, Kylian is like the color orange, representing healing. He has been a source of profound healing for me, especially mentally, arriving at a time when I felt I could barely stand, yet he fearlessly stood by my side, offering unwavering support and reminding me that we're in this together.
Similarly, he radiates the warmth and brightness of the color yellow, bringing joy and optimism into my life. His presence is infectious, spreading happiness like sunlight, simply hearing his voice lifts my spirits.
Indeed, we cannot overlook the significance of the color green, representing nature's enduring presence. Just as Kylian embodies this natural beauty, he also mirrors its essence in his unwavering support and understanding. Much like the everyday rhythms of nature that we often take for granted, Kylian's steadfast encouragement has been a constant in my life. His support has never hindered my academic pursuits or demanded more time than I could give, flowing as naturally as the gentle swaying of tree branches in the wind. For this, I am deeply grateful to him.
Kylian also embodies the tranquility and calmness of the color blue. Despite the pressures he faces, he maintains a serene demeanor, navigating through challenges with grace and composure, much like the gentle sway of tree branches in the wind.
And then there's the color purple, symbolizing magic and spirituality. Kylian's spirit is truly enchanting, inspiring not only me but also those around him. He's deeply influenced by the motivations of his loved ones, infusing his actions with purpose and meaning.
In essence, Kylian has profoundly changed my life since the day we met, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
In summary, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the people who have contributed in any way to the realization of this work. Your contributions have been essential to achieving the objectives set and bringing this project to a successful conclusion.
Kylian couldn't help but feel confused and surprised, but above all very happy. From that moment on, his face lit up, as now more than ever he allowed himself to make that night unique to show you how proud and grateful he was that you were part of his life.
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inawearyworld · 6 months
free if you truly wish to be: chapter iii
plots are half revealed, and willy "mr accidentally steal yo girl" wonka gets his sorry ass saved by a woman wearing one of those "oh no my husband mysteriously floated away died" robes you see all over pinterest. (now there's a sentence i never thought i'd write.)
2023!wonka x oc, this chapter ~2.5k
i would like to thank mr mathew baynton in that one bts interview for those bits and pieces of fickelgruber analysis that will totally now be used here. and also for being generally wonderful. thanks mat ilysm
also i thought it would be sort of funny for at least someone in this world revolving around chocolate to be lactose intolerant and then of course i had to turn it into something sad and poetic bc of Who I Am As A Person
enjoy!! and thank you for all the support on this fic so far!!
part two fic masterlist part four
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She had a lot to think about that night.
Felix hadn’t returned home yet, and she started to worry that the fateful flying chocolates weren’t quite as harmless as advertised. The young man who’d made them, too, was swirling about her mind in a haze of schoolgirl blushes and piercing guilt.
Florence Fickelgruber had chosen her lot when she agreed to take on that name. Who was she to imagine a freer life, one of candy-coated dreams and a clear conscience, of gazes and banter with someone her own age, of running her hand through curls that weren’t slick with expensive gel? Who was she to foolishly wish for anything different, when so many people were counting on her?
She missed her home, her family, and it hadn’t been lost on her that Felix had never told her about his own background. Their wedding was attended mainly by those surrounding the Fickelgruber business, as well as another flood of press. She’d had to blink so much that day, unused to being in front of cameras after a youth spent on the stage, but her new husband had preened next to her as if this focus on appearance was where he felt most at home. She remembered the crowd’s polite cheers fading in her mind as he had slowly lifted her chin while she accepted a forkful of the most extraordinarily decadent chocolate cake.
For that day, she had allowed the feeling of his hand on her face to eclipse that of the too-rich frosting stuck in her throat.
Then he came through the door, humming a jaunty tune, and she blinked, torn out of the memory that she felt an entirely different kind of guilt for indulging in.
“Felix? Darling, where have you been?”
“Oh, don’t you worry your pretty auburn head, my songbird. The boy’s finished, absolutely finished. No one will be flying about the Galeries Gourmet if the police have anything to say about it.”
“What-what do you mean?”
“He’s disturbed the peace, made a commotion, even encouraged the-the-the unfortunate to disgrace our sacred sanctuary of chocolate. And the Chief is none too happy about it.”
“Is he?” she said suspiciously, stepping in front of him-because, up until this point, he hadn’t looked her in the eye.
Felix was silent for a moment, cacao eyes darting. His wife’s gaze was strong and unyielding-don’t lie to me again, I can’t take it-but her head tilted innocently to the side, a sort of plausible deniability.
A sort of protection.
“Yes,” he breathed with a curt nod, and took her hands in his. “I promise you, it was a solemn thing.”
“Then what were you singing as you came in?”
The chocolatier blinked again, falling into an absolutely done sort of expression, and Florence’s head tilted to the other side.
“You’ve had another musical number without me.”
“I’m terribly sorry, pet.”
“You know you can’t hide from me, Felix,” she said, something that would have been playfully teasing but held an edge of desperation that he refused to pick up on.
“It of course wasn’t the same without you,” he drawled in that ever-dramatic way, bringing her into their living room. “We’ll make it up now. Dance with me, Florence.”
He snapped his fingers, and some unseen yet attentive servant placed a needle on a record. A crooning melody started to crackle and bounce across the high golden ceilings, and Felix spun his wife into him, twirling her about with a smirk that she could only imagine to be the result of a monopoly saved.
She swayed to and fro in his arms, trying desperately to sink into the music, unable to focus on anything but the wrenching pull of her battling guilts.
Florence spent much of the next day in a state of ping-ponging worry. She’d looked intently out of the mansion’s sprawling windows over the town square, wondering whether her forbidden new friend had taken her advice.
“Just…don’t give up.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.”
And who knows what they’ll do to him now?
The hours had passed in a blur, and then she was laid limp, unable to sleep, and mentally exhausted, next to her husband and his piccolo snore.
She had screwed her eyes shut and burrowed into him, trying to force herself to feel as secure as she did two years ago; then, the slight sound of a little girl’s singing voice lifted itself into her consciousness, followed by the blare of a police car.
Puzzled, Florence carefully got out of bed and went to the window once more. The girl she’d heard was the one with the sweet smile that she’d seen in the Galeria yesterday, and Willy Wonka was next to her, warning her to run. The Chief of Police and Officer Affable faced them, but this wasn’t to last-the former seemed to tell the latter to leave, and the latter obeyed.
It wasn’t as if a switch flipped at that moment.
More like…
An extinguished candle was finally relit.
Before she could overthink herself into inaction, Wren was grabbing her robe and slippers and bolting downstairs, the snore that echoed after her serving as reassurance that she wouldn’t be found out. In her haste, she had the passing realization that this would be the first time she’d leave the house with her hair down and uncoiffed in over two years.
Through this rush, she heard the plunge of something in the town square’s fountain along with the shouts of the Chief, and she ran faster, throwing open the door just in time to see him about to club a drenched Willy over the head.
Both men turned to her in an instant. She let out the breath she’d been holding since first hearing the girl’s voice, rolled her shoulders back, dropped into the character she’d played for the past two years, and stepped forward.
“What on earth is going on?”
They stared, each with a different kind of shock, as she walked toward the fountain. The Chief returned his nightstick to its holster.
“Mrs. Fickelgruber,” he stammered, “I thought you would have thought-well, I guess he didn’t tell-you aren’t-”
“No, I’m not thrilled about you clobbering this poor young man in the middle of the night,” she said, placing a hand on Willy’s shoulder. He looked at her, still touched with the fear of the past minutes but now grateful, and she tried not to be struck by the freckles she saw behind his water-plastered curls.
“Who said anything about clobbering?” the Chief laughed somewhat nervously. “We were just having a chat. An impactful, memorable chat. Right, Mr. Wonka?”
Willy dragged his eyes to him and held them there, a bit speechless.
What was probably three seconds but felt like an eternity of strange silence passed.
“Memorable indeed.”
“Right, then,” the Chief said. “You’ll do good to continue to remember it. Goodnight, Mrs. Fickelgruber.”
With that, he entered his car and drove away, his tail lights fading in the distance as the remaining pair stood, a little shell-shocked, her hand still on his shoulder.
“Thank you,” he said after a while, his gaze still trailing the receding police car.
“You’re welcome,” she replied, giving his shoulder an awkward pat, which made her realize just how cold he was due to the impromptu fountain bath. “Oh, God, you’re freezing. Let me…”
As he turned towards her, she looked up, trying to see through her window in the dark. She could barely make out the shape of a sound-asleep Felix, still in bed.
“Come to the office, I’ve got the key. There’s a fireplace there; you can stay as long as you need to to warm up.”
“Are you sure?”
His eyes moved up the same way, then back to her, and she shook her head as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Of course.”
“Do you want anything to drink? Water, tea? Hot chocolate?”
She hadn’t turned on most of the lights so as not to draw attention, but she’d started a beautiful fire, which Willy sat by in a plush emerald-green chair. She’d rattled off the drinks on habit, but she turned to him upon saying the third, sharing his smile.
“The last one, please. But I’ll make it.”
“No, you need to rest-”
“I insist,” he said, moving to join her by the small bar in the office and searching through ingredients. “Unless that’s some sort of corporate sacrilege.”
“Making chocolate in enemy territory?”
He took a small jar of powder from his sleeve and shook it into two mugs, considering this, and his smile faltered a bit.
“Is it really that bad?” he asked. “That they’d…that they’d send the police after me? That business rivalry is thought of like a war?”
She pursed her lips and nodded solemnly.
“They…feel threatened,” she said slowly, “and, despite how professional they seem, they can’t be mature or rational about it. Apparently, you really do have the best chocolate in town.”
He neither confirmed nor denied, but gave half of a smile as he looked down at the drinks he was stirring.
“And I, for one, am quite looking forward to trying it.”
“Here, then,” he said, pulling something out of a coat pocket that had managed to escape the frozen flush. “Nothing too dangerous about this one. Just some good old Wonka magic.”
He opened his hand to her, revealing a small, wrapped treat, and she sighed.
“I’d love to, but I really shouldn’t. Not even the drinks.”
“Why not?” came the stunned reply, and she nearly laughed at just how sweetly scandalized the boy seemed to be at the idea of anyone denying themselves that pleasure.
“Milk has never really…agreed with me. Bad for the throat, and I’m a singer besides, as you know-I mean, I-well, it’s just…”
“I shouldn’t.”
He took a moment, and she watched his eyes widen as he processed the shocking injustice of being genetically predisposed against chocolate.
“Does your husband know about this?”
“He does, but he doesn’t care. Says I’ll ‘grow out of it with time’, which I haven’t.”
“So he’s…”
“Essentially poisoning me, yes.”
They laughed a little, because, surrounded by echoes of Fickelgruber’s power, it was the only thing they could do.
Willy stared at the table for a moment, then pulled another vial, this one containing a liquid, from yet another pocket.
“Lucky for you, then, I’ve got milk made from the product of the finest almond trees on the islands of Seychelles,” he said as he deftly poured the liquid into her glass. “Guaranteed to go down sweetly, both on the taste buds and after.”
“...Thank you,” she murmured, touched by the gesture.
With a final flick of the wrist, he deemed the hot chocolate finished, and they each carried their mug to the fire.
“Wren,” he said thoughtfully as they sat down.
She was instinctively flooded with warmth in the same way she was yesterday, though whether it was due to the stunningly perfect cocoa or hearing her name in his voice she wasn’t sure.
“Is it a nickname? Songbird, right?”
She saw in the fireglow that his face darkened a bit upon the memory of how Felix had always referred to her in the press, taking that potentially sweet title and spinning it in an almost dehumanizing manner. So someone did notice.
“Well…sort of. That was what my parents intended. They say a wren sang when I was born, so they gave me that name, and I loved it. But Felix assumed it was a nickname and suggested I should expand it; to sound more sophisticated in my performances, he said, but I knew half the reason was to fit with the alliteration. He’s always valued aesthetics above anything else.”
They were silent for a while, and the massive painting seemed to stare down at them, making the Fickelgrubers look almost menacing in the fireglow.
“That’s you?”
A moment passed.
“No. No, that’s not really me.”
Her voice was quiet, but decisive. Willy looked at her, really looked at her, and she felt more seen than she had in years.
“I want to help you,” she said.
His head tilted to the side, a little stunned, and she nearly giggled as his now-drying curls flopped in front of his face.
How could anyone want to hurt him?
“I don’t know exactly what Felix and the rest have planned against you, but I know there’s something. He never really tells me anything, but I’ll…I’ll try to find out what I can, to distract him when needed. I don’t want you to be alone in this.”
“I’m not,” he said. “The others where I’m staying right now, we’re all in a rather precarious situation together, and I’ve got a few ideas, but…”
She watched the wheels turn in his mind, and after a few moments, he looked back up at her, for once lost for words.
“But thank you. Again. I’d…I appreciate it.”
“Thank you. For bringing some much-needed heart into this place.”
“I think you’ve done that rather well yourself.”
This was news to her often-guilt-wracked brain.
“Well, of course. You clearly care, Wren…you’re kind, you’re poetic and talented, and far smarter than it seems they give you credit for. It’s in your eyes, too, I think. You can always tell the truth by a person’s eyes.”
Her heart had nearly stopped.
Somehow, though, she could tell that he was unaware of the full effect he had on her.
“Mr. Wonka-ah, Willy, I mean…”
“Forgive me if-I didn’t intend to-”
The clocks around the city chimed the hour, interrupting the two just as they had the day before, and the young man’s expression went from its dazed dawning to a startled realization.
“They’ll need me. Back where I’m staying, I mean.”
“Of-of course,” she said a bit awkwardly as they both stood up.
His hair had dried by now, falling in perfectly imperfect swoops around his face. He’d undone his necktie to keep its cold away from his neck, and his jacket was folded over his arm, and he was looking at her as if he hadn’t had a conversation quite like that with someone in a very, very long time.
And neither had I.
Or…ever, I suppose.
Until now.
“Thank you. Again.”
“You’re welcome. Again.”
She took a breath, let it out, and folded him into a hug, which he returned in an instant.
After two years of jutting angles and sharply possessive grasps, it was remarkable to simply, softly, hold and be held.
They bid a last goodnight before parting ways, and as she took her time walking back to the mansion, the moon seemed brighter than ever before.
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bbanghiitomi · 11 months
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| silver lining
synopsis: how does one get another chance to have the love of their life back to their arms? hanni loves you, but you are so hard to love — and so hard to forget.
— nonidol!vballplayer!phanni × nonidol!fem!reader
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"oh that's weird, y/n doesn't come here anymore." minji mutters as she looks around the court, darting her eyes for the familiar figure of a student who usually sat by one of the bleachers, with her books — watching from afar. hanni sighs a deep sigh, letting go of the volleyball, watching as it bounced around the court, the sound echoing inside the almost empty hall. hearing your name threw hanni off, but she's not one to let her friend know. it's been almost 3 months since you haven't been here to watch the team's practice. hanni has accepted that you will also not be here for the next few months.
hanni needs to get herself used to no sight of you, it's her fault anyway. she had a hard time realizing your importance to her life, her volleyball career and her studies, and you're not even the one helping her — it's just that, hanni loves your presence, it eases her mind amidst pressure. but oh well, she had to fumble the only one who truly loves her. even hanni herself doesn't know why she fucked up real bad, it's just her asking for assurance, something — she doesn't know, hanni wanted to know what she really means to you but in the end it led to the two of you growing apart from each other.
you said it, you love her — you really do, you watch her during her volleyball sessions, support her studies, activities and stuff, even hanni knows how much you love her. she doubted yeah, that's her fault, hanni admits that. how can she be assured if you're so scared to tell everyone? yeah, you're not ready that's why and she's been selfish to not understand why.
it's also been almost three months since you last talked to her. it's already tearing her apart and she's not brave enough to admit that. she missed talking to you, whether it's about the season, the upcoming rains, school, the world or like — anything! even about global warming, or the 4th dimension. why'd she have to push you away? why did you have to let go?
now she's lost in this deep void, missing your smile and such, your voice, hugs, the smoothness of your hand — your gazes, even the way you dissociate when she's talking to you, it's cute. it's only now she's realizing that a part of her life revolves around you.
"do you know why she's not here anymore?" minji asks, and they walk their way over to the bench, grabbing their bottles and towels. hanni knew, obviously, but she also respects your privacy, your secrets, including your relationship with hanni. "i don't know." she shrugs, burying her face in the soft towel and oh — god it smells like the fabric conditioner your mom uses.
hanni peeks at her friend, who seemed lost, a different kind of lost, maybe confused?
"why did you ask?" hanni asks back, holding the towel with a grip. minji looks at her friend and shakes her head, turning her back for her friend to see instead of her face. "i don't know, just curious. she's always one of those people who watched but she just disappeared and hasn't come back since." yeah, you're always present, doesn't matter if it's training or the actual game, as long as hanni's present, you are present. like a buy one take one package.
hanni ignores the bubbling acid inside her stomach, realizing it's just not her who acknowledges your presence.
"oh well, she probably got tired of watching and has been somewhere else." hanni mutters, walking away from her friend with the towel that smells like you.
the towel with your scent is one thing, but the pens, notes, books and papers of yours inside hanni's room, is a thing… they're scattered everywhere in the room, the drawers, cabinets, and every little corner of the room screams… you. you've left so much in her room, haven't come back for it since then. hanni doesn't know when that day will come, probably never.
hanni starts to fear that you guys are losing touch, it feels like she doesn't exist to you anymore — if there was something she could do about it, just to be able to salvage this relationship, she'll go through hell just to do it.
it's really frustrating, she's still deeply in love, missing your warmth next to her — being on this bed isn't the same without the other piece of her puzzle, cuddling with a lifeless pillow doesn't give her the satisfaction like your breathing on her ear does. your weighted blanket seems to make her situation worse, with the remnants of your existence, a role in hanni's life — still intact with her, how is she supposed to let go?
when are you planning to come back?
hanni still hopes that there is still a chance, pick up the broken pieces and put them all back together.
god that sounds pathetic and stupid.
"where are you going?" the libero asks, hanni's eyes glances at minji's scurrying figure, eagerly stuffing her things inside her bag — a focused look on her face. minji doesn't answer, but only for a while as she regains her posture. "somewhere — the library." her voice seems in a hurry, hanni raises a brow, to judge.
"library? what are you there for? to hit on a girl?" hanni lets out an airy laugh, minji is silent, and makes hanni stare at her friend who sheepishly laughs. "no? no, not really. i went there to start reading books." hanni squints her eyes at her friend and leans in to inspect her face. "bro i know you're lying!" hanni frowns at her friend who shook her head.
"i don't care bro! i literally am there to read."
it was silent, hanni continues to stare down at her friend, who she knows must be lying — like they've been friends for more than 5 years, there's no way she wouldn't know.
well yeah maybe minji likes books but… a literature club? who would waste their time there? hanni can't even think of any people who would be willing to sit there for hours reading books,
except for —
"alright bro! i like a girl there, happy? but i won't tell you, can't risk you ruining my chance." minji pulls the strap of her bag and makes her way out, hanni tries to catch up but fails to even get to the exit of the gym. "hey!"
"don't even try catching up!" minji yells, her deep voice echoing inside the court.
hanni must have forgotten no one except the two of you and your friend knew about your relationship, hanni and you kept it a secret, both of you agreed. you can vividly remember how you explained the reasons as to why it's hard for you to reveal the relationship, life, status, family shit and bla bla bla…
hanni literally agreed, because she cared for you, she knows how hard your situation is — you love her really, but apart from her immense popularity that will get you in trouble, your parents are tough. the kind who doesn't want anyone ever involved with you, the kind who wants you buried under piles of books and studies.
oh how dead hanni would be if they found out.
so, when hanni complained about the lack of labels — lack of transparency between your relationship with her, you were beyond confused, because you expected her to know better, to fully grasp as to why you both needed to keep everything a secret.
it frustrated you too, there was no way to fix this — unless both of you come to talk and agree about one thing: you still love each other even after that argument.
but here's the glaring contradiction, how are you going to approach her? how is hanni supposed to approach you?
you have too much pride in your chest, and so does hanni — like, who knows how hard it is for one of you to come up and tell the other how much they've missed each other.
it's not just like asking how is the weather, what's the temperature today, is it raining? is there homework? this is way too hard.
who knows how long you've been dissociating, you don't even realize it until a hand touches your shoulder. you shot your eyes open and look behind to see minji, hanni's friend — the tall girl smiled at you and sat beside you.
you smile back at her, your palm touching your cheek, trying to feel the sudden rise of temperature your body emits. you sigh, to which made minji tilt her head. "what's the matter?" she asks, you lock your eyes with hers and shrug.
"i don't know either, to be honest." you look away, footsteps are heard towards their way, another person sits in front of minji, it's danielle marsh — your friend and a co-member of the literature club. danielle smiles widely at minji's direction when their eyes meet. you are busy staring at nothing but thin air, minji feels her cheeks light up and she looks away to catch her breath with how danielle stole it.
you sigh deeply, looking out at the window not too far from you, your friend danielle notices your mood and reaches her hand to you. "hey y/n, what's up? still sad?" she asks, books of all genres are neatly stacked on the table.
y/n taps her fingers on the table, she refuses to look back at danielle, clearly bothered. "i don't know, i'm just down. i think." minji looks at you and at your friend, seeing as she is as bothered as you are, yet she can't really interfere as it's not her business to meddle with.
"it's okay y/n, eventually we'll find a way to fix your sadness! for now, i think it's best to let yourself rest and stop thinking of anything so serious." danielle raises a book to her face, minji smiles. "i recommend reading more books!" danielle beamed.
"are you going to the library again?" hanni asks as she watches her friend walk past her. minji looks back and bobs her head, with a serious look on her face. "yeah, why?" hanni turns around, then back to minji. "for what though?" hanni asks.
minji shrugs, "to read, duh?" hanni walks over to her friend and holds her friend's wrist. "i'm gonna come with you." hanni tightens her hold to her friend's wrist and pulled her, leading them to the library where minji tried to pull her hand away. "bro what are you doing?!" minji complains, but hanni is stubborn enough not to listen, dragging her friend.
"you're not a part of the club!" minji reminds the girl, her brows furrowing, shooting sharp glares towards hanni's back. "i will be then!" hanni's persistence leads them inside the library where minji keeps her mouth shut. looking around, hanni sees danielle — her ex's friend, hanni takes them to the shared table, where danielle and her eyes meet.
danielle kicks your feet under the table, and you look up to give her a glare. "look!" danielle whispers, you turn your head to see hanni and minji together. you immediately scramble to look away and back to the pages of the book you lock your eyes on the sentences, your mind out of focus.
minji pulls her hand from hanni's grip and points to the seat beside danielle. "you sit there, i will sit beside y/n." minji whispers, hanni nods, sitting beside danielle, across minji who sat beside you.
minji notices your focused look, staring so hard at your book, but not turning the pages. "hey, is there something wrong with the book?" minji whispers, her face close to yours. hanni's presence makes your cheeks flush, but the short girl mistook it as your reaction to minji's face close to yours.
danielle looks nervous beside hanni, a book in her hands, witnessing the tension unfold in front of her. "you're not gonna read a book?" danielle asks, hanni shoots her eyes at danielle and scrambles to reach a book and start reading, peeking at minji and you from time to time.
she squints her eyes when you smile at minji, and when minji chuckles at your reaction.
there is no way right — that you are the girl minji is making moves at?
it's not too impossible, that's the bad thing.
minji looks at her friend everytime hanni scoffs under her breath. "bro what's up with you?" minji mouths at hanni's direction, looking at you and danielle who are both occupied with the books in your hands.
hanni ignores her friend and covers her face with the book.
"are you coming with me again?" minji asks, not bothering to look at her friend who follows behind her as they walk on the busy street on the way home. hanni looks at her friend and asks, her shorter legs trying to catch up to her tall friend.
"for what? we don't have volleyball practice for today and there's no library meeting." hanni runs to minji's side, her eyes twitching when she sees the bright signature grin plastered on minji's face. minji looks at her friend while they walk past buildings. "oh i forgot to add you to the group chat, danielle said she wants to make adjustments to attract more students to join and will hold a meeting at a cafe."
hanni scoffs at her friend. "oh wow thanks for informing me."
minji laughs and nudges her friend. "bro, don't be jealous, you're still my best friend." hanni sees an unusual happiness on minji's face, and she pouts. "why are you so happy all of the sudden? it's not like the coach praised us yesterday." hanni watches as minji puts her hand on her mouth, giggling, her cheeks flushed the same shade as a ripe tomato.
"i'm just excited." hanni glares at her friend, remembering how sweet you were with minji yesterday, your hand on her shoulder, arms basically touching each other. oh how nice, it's only between you or danielle who this idiot might be liking.
hanni still loves you, and this causes her to get jealous.
but also because she also loves minji, her one and only best friend.
ugh, why did you have to keep your relationship with hanni as secret even to her friend? now minji has no freaking idea and is probably crushing on her friend's ex, which is very not so minji.
"really?" hanni deadpans.
minji widens her eyes and smiles so bright, basically beaming at hanni's solemn face. "of course! i'm starting to love reading! and you know…" minji's gummy smile blinds hanni, she watches as her friend stops walking and scratches her nape. "you don't even participate in reading in our literature class." hanni states, biting her inner cheek, minji rolls her eyes playfully. "oh, i hate mrs. jung." hanni laughs.
they stand in front of a flower shop, minji notices when she turns her body around. "oh, a tulip!" minji locks her eyes at a white tulip, hanni feels her heart stop.
oh my god, that's your favorite flower (basically because that is also danielle's favorite flower), you're pretty simple, really, whatever danielle loves — you love it! you are basically attached to the hip, just like minji and hanni.
"w-what about it?" hanni laughs nervously, minji turns her head to hanni with flushing cheeks, and shakes her head. "nothing." it's silent for a minute or two before minji points at it.
"you used to buy those, right? i never really saw you give it to anyone." minji muttered, hanni bites her bottom lip and looks around, pointing at herself. "oh really? yeah… my aunt — she loves tulips, you haven't met her right?" hanni grins at minji, looking like a troll.
minji nods and smiles. "i also know someone right now who also loves white tulips." she whispered, enough for hanni to hear.
oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no…
"oh really?" hanni smiles, the corner of her lips twitching. minji laughs and shakes her head. "just kidding." hanni does not know if minji is genuine or the world is just beating her down.
oh please let it be the latter.
when they got inside the cafe, hanni's eyes immediately landed on your figure sitting on the chairs with a book. you look really peaceful, beside your serene expression, your seat basically provides the best view of the land outside.
"danielle!" minji waves her hand at danielle and approaches the table with hanni trailing behind. danielle is busy with her laptop and looks up to smile at the pair. "oh hi guys!" she beams. you look up from your book and meekly speak. "hi."
hanni sits beside minji, in front of danielle and props her hands on the table. minji looks at her friend to see if she's sitting and nods when their eyes meet. "hey, we're not late aren't we?" minji asks, raising her brows at the two girls on the other side. danielle shakes her head and giggles. "nope! perfectly on time! as expected." she smiles.
minji grins, hanni watches your movements, as your eyes lock at minji while she speaks. "great! we can discuss what's going to be our plan!"
everyone comes to an agreement and they'll be putting up posters on the bulletin boards around the school, and will be posting on their shared blogs to attract students.
you identified that reading has been the current trend of students around your ages noawadays, it's best to create book lists or recommended books of different genres, while reviewing it for more students of their school to see.
with the help of jang wonyoung, the student council's president (friends with hanni and minji), girlfriend of the school volleyball team's captain (ahn yujin)— your club could get the traction needed to boost the application of new club members!
"okay, so we just need wonyoung to convince students to join." minji mutters, standing in the middle of the corridor beside her friend. "well yeah, pretty sure it'll work — i mean, she's popular and there's pretty much lots of advantages to being a part of the club." hanni shrugs, flipping the flyers.
"uh hey, are you guys part of the literature club?" a meek, shorter (but taller than hanni) girl asks, looking at minji with two books cradled on her arms. hanni blinks, from afar she sees a taller girl catching up. "jesus! haerin-unnie you didn't even wait for me!" the girl huffs and glares at her friend.
minji nods. "oh yeah! we are, is there anything we can do to help you two?"
"i'm gonna join the club, i'm here to ask for an application letter to fill up." the girl, haerin stares at minji. the taller girl raises her hand, with a determined look. "me too!" haerin glares at the tallest girl. "this is a serious matter." haerin mutters. minji laughs sheepishly to try and calm the girl down.
"hey, don't worry, anyone can join. reading is for everyone and it's not bad to give it a try, right?" hanni shrugs, earning a nod from minji. "but… hyein said she's also joining the volleyball varsity team." haerin whispers, looking away.
hyein sighs. "but can i not join both — i don't want to leave you alone." minji smiles at haerin and waves two application letters. "it's alright, we're also part of the volleyball team. we can make it work." she says, haerin locks eyes with the older girl and gives her a nod.
after only a few days, the application went up to 7 new members. it led them to closing the application for a short amount of time only, until they are able to adjust some schedules for everyone.
"can you come with me for a bit? i need to buy something." minji waves her hand to gesture hanni to follow her, they leave the school building, thinking they're heading home hanni groans when she gets called. "what?" the shorter grumbles under her breath.
they walked towards the flower shop they once encountered before. hanni feels her stomach drop, a bubbling anxiety rising inside her when minji tells her to stay and enters inside the shop.
oh god, no please — no!
hanni, calm down…
oh shit, uhm…
this is awkward.
minji comes back with three white tulip flowers in hand, neatly wrapped with colorful plastic and used newspaper.
oh come on dude!
is she serious?
hanni feels all her emotions inside arguing with one another, she watches as minji walks towards with her signature shy, gummy smile.
"oh, what's that for — bro?" hanni kind of cracks the last word, her breath sharp. minji laughs and pushes her friend's shoulder lightly. "you know, uhm… nevermind. i'll go back to school to give this to someone," minji's eyes lock with hanni's and they stare at each other before minji continues. "you can head home if you want."
what is hanni supposed to say?
a part of her wanted to oppose the idea, she has to know who that girl is! did minji ever felt like this before with her relationship with you?
now it all makes sense.
but at the same time — if that girl would be you, hanni knows she wouldn't be able to handle it.
oh she would be pulling her hair in no time.
"m'kay? i'll leave now." minji waves and walks away, hanni stands still, stuck — frozen in time as she watches her friend disappear.
danielle is giggling, ever since the classes started — you don't know why but… she's unusually happy today, well she is happy everyday, but today she's extra giddy.
the romantic type of giddy.
"something special coming up?" you asks her, flashing her a supportive smile — danielle giggles holding her books close to her, sighing dreamily, looking up like disney princess that she is.
"minji told me she wanted to meet me later at the school fountain." you couldn't help but laugh at your friend's blushing face, clearly in love. you nod, putting a hand on her shoulder before speaking.
"take care of each other, okay?" you tell her, danielle nods. "we will."
after standing there for almost 20 minutes, hanni has decided that she needs to make a run for it — a part of her is dying to know, it may seem really stupid of her but she's not just gonna stand there and wait, until she finds out later.
her shoes digs the ground before she starts dashing — a different kind of rush, the same she gets playing runs through her veins. with how fast hanni is running, the wind blew against her face harshly, her hair flowing behind her gracefully. people stare at her, as she runs so fast, accelerating with every second that passes.
she's not gonna lose you, ever again.
you walk the empty hallway, trying to ease your mind as you wait for your friend to come back. a lot had happened in the past few days, you still haven't had the courage to come talk to hanni again. it must be really that hard, you don't know what hanni might be feeling, if she's still in love with you the way you are with her.
is there really no chance anymore?
your steps are light, as if there are cracks under your feet, your eyes are fixed to the empty hall — wishing there's some kind of anything to help you relax your mind.
you hear harsh steps, like someone was running, you squint your eyes to the end of the hall, where there's a turn to the right and left and there you see someone, bending down to try catching their breath, hands on their knees.
you walk closer, and a little faster and as you get closer it becomes clear — it's hanni!
"hanni!" you shout, your voice echoing on the walls enough for hanni to hear. not even a hundred meters apart, hanni looks up to see you, standing with your hands on your books.
her eyes widens, her pupils stills on your figure.
you're here.
hanni takes a deep breath and rushes to you, a smile creeping up her face.
and she realizes,
if you're here, and minji isn't.
then where is minji?
"why are you here?" you ask, looking at her. hanni puts a hand on her chest and heaves. "where is minji?" hanni looks up at you, you feel your shoulders stiffen and you shrug. "i don't know." you do know, but you didn't want to ruin her and danielle's moment together.
"did you get flowers?" you tilt your head with her questions, not understanding why she's throwing those at you. you shook your head. "no, why?" your eyes squint at her.
"minji didn't give you any?"
you furrowed your brows.
"why would she?"
hanni laughs, slapping a hand on her cheek.
you are still so confused.
what's up with her?
hanni groans and slumps her shoulders.
danielle isn't here…
"where's danielle?"
you shift your eyes away.
"with minji."
"o-oh…" hanni whispers.
oh my god! the white tulips! of course it's… it's danielle, geez…
hanni feels like an idiot, standing in front of you with her heart beating so loud it's hurting her ears. you look at her and sigh. "you're so weird today." you tell her, pouting your lips.
hanni laughs. "i'm sorry it's just that—!" she pauses, looking at you with her doe eyes, you blink — feeling your face warm up.
"...i'm still in love with you." hanni finishes.
you scratch your cheek and reply. "what does that have to do with minji?"
hanni wants to tell you, but it's too ridiculous.
"nothing, argh! y/n, i still love you even after everything. i know, you probably don't care about me anymore and that's okay, i just needed to get this out of my chest. it's bothering me so much no matter what time of day. i can't be beside you while feeling like i could've done something to save us." hanni shrugs, biting her inner cheek as she waits for your response.
you put your hand down and nodded.
"i understand. it's also my fault too, i admit to my mistakes and all the things i could've done for you. and no, you're wrong, i still care about you." you smile at her, you see her taking a deep breath and closing her eyes tight.
with a wincing expression, she opens one eye and looks at you. "d-do you still love me?"
you laugh at her face, feeling something bloom once again inside of you. oh, you still love her of course, she has never failed in making you love her.
you wipe the tear on your eye with an index finger. "of course i do, silly." you added. "i've always loved you."
that send electricity coursing inside of hanni, she opens her eyes and feels her blood boiling up to her face. hanni panics, putting her hands on her face, feeling the warmth spread in her.
"oh gosh, what do i do?"
you smile sweetly at her and look behind to see minji and danielle. hanni follows your line of sight, sees the pair walking past the hallway, until they both disappeared from the couple's line of sight.
you start walking and grazed your hand on hanni's arms before intertwining your fingers with hers. "i love you." you whisper before pulling her to walk with you.
hanni's face is fifty shades red, feeling your warm hand on hers.
this time it's sure, it's true and it's going to be better.
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scratchtovoid · 21 days
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Ok let me talk about this section of the Variety interview for a minute because this sounds like the direction I suspected they were going and I want to talk about why I like it.
So Daemon and Rhaenyra’s story ends in tragedy. It’s entirely build on this idea of distrust that festers under the surface and what distrust can mean to a person.
There’s always so much discussion on what family means to Daemon and it usually revolves around love and the idea of him loving or not loving his family. But what that discussion tends to miss is how Daemon sees himself within his family.
He’s not the outsider he paints himself as. He desperately wants to be accepted and valued by his family. It was the push/pull he had with Viserys and he’s continuing that dynamic with Rhaenyra.
And that takes on different forms, withdrawing when he feels rebuffed, lashing out when he feels misunderstood or underestimated, and pretending he doesn’t even care.
Except he does care. He cares a lot.
And then he loses his brother and immediately after that he fails to protect the boy he raised. A boy he clearly sees as a son.
“Oh but he wanted the ~Strong~ boys dead!!”
No. That’s your headcanon.
Look at the text! He said “A son for a son”
And I was hoping the show would start there because to Daemon he has just failed. All that bravado, preparation, violence, none of it actually protected his family. Luke was still murdered.
And Daemon is who he is. That feeling of loss and failure is going to come out as violence.
(I’m not justifying. This is character analysis. We’re her to examine not judge.)
So what happened when Rhaenyra’s distrust of him is added to that emotional fire?
The show needed to plant the seeds of distrust in Rhaenyra so that the eventual ending of this relationship made sense. Having her be paranoid out of nowhere would just give us that sharp turn into the lazy “Targaryen madness” narrative.
Rhaenyra is a mother who has just lost a baby and a son and is facing a husband who is likely not communicating with her, undermining her, lashing out at her for his own feelings.
And she’s a woman raised in a society where men are under no obligation to listen to their wives.
Of course she doubts.
But I don’t think this only results in anger and paranoia. I think the show is pivoting to something more introspective. To both clarify how these characters really feel about their relationship and their own ambitions and to set them up to be truly broken by one another.
Because the end of this is that Rhaenyra’s distrust of Daemon brings him to the point of giving up. To the point of sacrificing his own life to try and prove himself to his family and his queen.
The story needs to keep moving in that direction and these are the first signs of it.
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macsimagines · 10 months
hiiii!! I saw your "yanderes who will resort to murder" so can I request separate HCs for Yandere Kisaki Tetta and Ran Haitani where they cheated on their darlings bcs "she couldn't keep them entertained" and ofc the yanderes won't allow their darling to leave them so their darling becomes more and more lifeless day by day... thank you so much!
TW: Yandere, Abuse, MINORS DNI
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He doesn't cheat. Don't get me wrong, he's tried. But he can't stand the feeling of someone's lips on him if it's not you. Nothing will ever matter if it doesn't revolve around you.
What he does though is make it look like he cheated. He needs to test you. Sure you were here before he became a rich mogul, but are you really going to stay no matter what? Will you really keep your promise?
Kisaki is shocked when the answer is no. "You think you can leave me?" "Don't give me that crap! YOU cheated! YOU'RE the cause of all of this!"
The second you try to walk out that door, bags in hand, Kisaki is grabbing you by your hair and dragging you back. He has never once been physically violent with you, that's why you're so shocked and can't even react right at the action.
"You're not fucking leaving, Y/N. That ring on your hand means you HAVE to stay."
It's your turn to shock him when you throw your ring on the ground. You've never taken it off since the day he slipped it onto your finger...
But there is no out. Not anymore. The doors are bolted, you're chained and collared, and no matter how hard you try there is no escape.
The light fades from your eyes, day after day, and he's so broken seeing you slowly start to loose your light. You're everything to him, and like an insecure fool he's ruined you.
"Y/N please," he'll beg, "It was all a lie. I just...I needed to know you'd stay with me no matter what."
Your eyes start to water and Kisaki feels sick because that's your first emotion in weeks. "That makes everything so much worse..."
Kisaki will try and fail to build you up again. He's been trying to prove how much he loves you, how devoted he truly is. "Of course I'd never be unfaithful. The thought of anyone else makes me nauseous."
"I wish you would cheat... I wish you loved anyone else and not me." "...That's never going to happen, darling."
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He treats you like you're replaceable and you've let him for years. Eventually though, you've finally decided you've had enough.
"Haven't I been good to you!? I take all your bullshit and love you through it, why can't you just be loyal!?" His words make you sick "Not my fault you don't excite me anymore."
Well if that's how it is then you're not going to waste one more second of your time. The bastard has the audacity to actually leave you there crying.
"I actually have something important to do than listen to you cry, Y/N." and just walked out.
If that's the way he wanted to play it then you were going to leave. You had more important things to do as well, like rebuild your whole life without Ran Haitani.
When he returns home you're gone. You packed a bag and dipped out even emptied out your bank account. "She's bein' real dramatic."
Doesn't take it seriously until his brother says something. "Bro... I really think she's done this time. My guys just found out she bought a ticket outta Tokyo."
Thats when he really starts to get pissed. Goes out and finds you. "Look, I'm soooo sorry," he tells you rolling his eyes, "Now will you quit bein' hysterical? Do you get how bad you're makin' me look?"
The cold empty indifference in your eyes shakes him. Like you don't even care that he came all this way to get you. You're not even saying anything to him.
It goes on like that, him making demands ordering you to come with him, you not even acknowledging him. "You have your whores. You don't need or want me." is the only thing you say before you're making a move to get on the train.
Fuck making a scene. No one leaves Ran Haitani.
Its been months now. And you still won't talk to him. He's tried everything from isolation to starvation and physical violence. You might scream here and there, but verbal communication? Nope.
That empty look in your eyes is starting to really scare him. Ran really had no idea how much he needed you until you were really gone. Physically you're there, but its like he's holding a husk.
Once again, his brother has to speak up, the younger Haitani always did have a soft spot for you. "Bro, c'mon already. You broke her. She's got nothing left."
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