#i mean we're in season 7 so it makes sense for buck to have been there 7 years. and he took tommy's place so
buckevantommy · 4 months
ohhhh they made a blunder with the timeline: tommy tells gerrard he transferred out of the 118 5 years ago, but then later bobby references buck's arrival at the 118 being 7 years ago. hmmmm
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tarlosislove · 6 months
For those who are new to the 911verse because of Buck, hello! This is just another post I'm making to show that there's been Queer characters here all along! 🏳️‍🌈
I'm so glad because of Buck being canonically Bi new people have started watching the show, maybe you didn't know there's been Queer characters the whole time, maybe you don't know that there's a spinoff that is also v queer.
Both 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star have been Queer from the very beginning.
9-1-1: Hen and Karen are Lesbians, they're married and have a son together. The first season is.. rough with them but we as a fandom have basically agreed to ignore that storyline because they are incredible now and have been for a long time, just push through that storyline and it's all good from there. Shipname: Henren
You'll see Michael and David for a few seasons, they're really sweet and I love them, they're said to still be together but they're not on the show anymore. (That is completely the fault of the actor for Michael)
Josh is a recurring character, he's gay and Maddie's friend and co-worker at the dispatch center.
Buck has had so many moments throughout the show that just makes complete sense that he is now discovering his Bisexuality. So don't worry you're not gonna have to wait 7 seasons to see Buck have Queer moments.
There's also several times we see Queer characters that are just there for an episode because they were part of the rescue.
9-1-1: Lone Star: Carlos and T.K are gay and get together at the beginning of the show and are still together as we're going into season 5. Shipname: Tarlos
Paul is a Trans man firefighter. As a Trans person Paul means so fucking much to me.
Nancy is Bisexual, while there has only been one comment in the show both the writers and the actress for Nancy have confirmed she's Bi.
Again there are times when you see Queer characters that are there for an episode or for a rescue. I love when shows do this because it just normalizes Queerness throughout and it's not just main characters that are Queer.
These are both gay firefighter shows and I truly hope you love them! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖
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buckera · 5 months
Someone needs to tell tim about relationship-baiting because no it's not really queerbaiting but if he didn't/doesn't intend on going anywhere with how he wrote them, it could feel like relationship-baiting to fans. Especially now that he's going a different way even though he *could* go with buddie on abc. He knows exactly if he gave a definite no on buddie, a lot of people would stop watching. So him saying hey I gave you those scenes just to make you happy felt... :/ not good. He has every right to do what he wants with his characters but yeah that was a weird thing to say
okay, I am absolutely not trying to be mean here, but this is such a stupid way of looking at it.
1) relationship baiting? could've gone that way? we got bi Buck confirmed after 7 seasons. I'm sorry if that's not a good enough of a story for you, because it doesn't involve being attracted to Eddie. it is strategically and storytelling-wise more expandable, interesting and provides a better base for an eventual buddie storyline if that's the direction they want to go into than getting them together straight off the bat.
we got authentic, good bi rep without having the character feminised to fit a stereotypical queer role on TV. it's a huge fucking deal. so what if you have to wait for buddie a bit longer? does that mean it's never gonna happen? cuz how is that baiting if that's what we get in the long run?
and even if we don't get it, it's not bait to show two male friends being close after spending about 100+ hours a week together and going through trauma after trauma together. it doesn't have to be romantic. it can be. it doesn't have to be.
2) wanting to make the fans happy by giving them their most favourite guys finally hanging out and having fun and giving moments of them being so close again? yeah, I don't see how that's weird, I'm sorry. Tim knows we love them and that we love to see them together; giving us scenes with them is a kindess on his part and is clearly something that makes fans happy, if not being able to see a single scene of 2-minute of them singing was enough to warrant actual death threats??
Tim is out there doing something for the fans and you guys are crying about it and poking holes at his words. this is why we're not getting shit. and ngl if people get louder and meaner, I full on won't blame Tim to not go there with buddie at all, cuz why would he reward that behaviour?
watch the show. enjoy what we get cuz we've been getting A LOT of good stuff this season. major television history stuff actually. we are renewed for another season. stop rushing shit. if the story goes there, it'll be because it'll make sense. just be grateful for once, I beg.
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absolutelybifurious · 5 months
no one follows me from the 911 fandom so i feel mostly safe in whining to the abyss about this, so like i feel bad for not caring as much about buck's bi rep at face value... i can appreciate that buck - as a stereotypically masculine guy, who is for all intents and purposes the main character of a procedural prime time show - coming out as bi is a big deal, and i appreciated the set up with tommy. it was fun/fine. as a bi person, as someone who wants the world to get better - it makes me happy in an intellectual sense.
but for me, as a viewer of 911 the show - i don't really care. emotionally, in the context of the story it didn't do anything for me. tommy is (mostly) a random guy who showed up and buck realizes he's bi and now they're dating, but there's nothing to draw on earlier - and if it's a stepping stone, then i'll love it wholeheartedly in hindsight but if buddie doesn't happen - i just don't quite know how to feel other than like, detachedly glad we got a queer relationship for someone like buck.
and full disclosure, i wholeheartedly admit to being an eddie girlie, but even if eddie had gotten the storyline with tommy - i don't think i would've had a super strong reaction?
like yeah, i appreciate rep and of course it matters, but what would feel revolutionary for me is to take this relationship thats been implicitly on screen - to basically look at all these queer fans and be like, okay, yeah, you were right. all this subtext you've seen in a dozen other mlm ships over the years is valid. you aren't crazy and it's not gross or weird to make it REAL. you aren't rabid. (not counting the people who send weird hate to women actors just trying to do their jobs) and god - more than that, i'm just here for the fuckin STORY of it. tommy is fine. lou is lovely and i'm plenty interested to see where the buck and tommy train goes, but i don't have investment in it, not significant investment anyway, and i don't think i will? i mean, we're 7 seasons in. i can't get all in with tommy and buck at this point, i've been frothing at the mouth for another ship. and you brought me THIS close just to swerve at the last second.
so while i get that canonizing buck as bi is a big deal - it is always going to feel hollow for me personally because the story is what i'm here for. the relationship. the depth of it. and tbh i just want to see something beautiful and unintentional building in the background and have it fuckin happen for onceeee.
just sometimes i feel like i'm missing something, because i see the like... level of reaction some people have just to the bi-ness of it, and for me - if there's not a satisfying story, then, i don't have many emotions about it. i've gotten plenty of bi characters over the years, and very few of them felt fully actualized in the story being told around them.
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echowithpain · 7 months
So Season 7 Episode 6, (the episode that'll be after the two week break) is apparently titled,
"There Goes The Groom"
Dumbass glasses going on in 3,
Alright! Let's see what we're working with here. *nods at title* Mhm, I understand:
✨Chimney is gonna get kidnapped and the entire episode is gonna revolve around finding him and getting him back in time for the wedding✨
Okay let me explain a bit. "There Goes the Groom" is basically the opposite of "Here Comes the Bride" and obviously we don't even want to consider Chim running out of the wedding so scratch that off your lists.
Another way that can be taken is like the other play on words "There Goes the Neighborhood" where something/one moves in and it's so bad that it's making everything worse just by being there, so I guess that could be interpreted by either Chim's dad being there and stressing him out so much he wants to leave for some space, or it could be the Buckley parents being horrible people and Chim wants to leave for some air (also when I say leave I mean like step outside or go for a quick walk, not leaving Maddie). While on the walk he notices someone is hurt in a car accident and goes to help only for them to come to and drive off all crazy like that one scene in season I can't remember where Buck had to chase them down on a bike-
I literally JUST remembered there was a movie in the 90's called There Goes The Neighborhood and I think that's actually what it's referring to!!!
In the movie there's a shit ton of money buried in the basement of this house that was stolen from a mafia casino or something like that (it's been a bit since I've watched it lol) and a bunch of people are trying to get to it! You know what made me think of this???
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Why is this picture important??? CAUSE IT REMINDED ME OF THIS PICTURE!!!!
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And then because it's in police custody, there could be a race to break into the police station to see who can unlock the box and see what's inside first without getting caught! I don't know about y'all but those lights and that ceiling in the first pic make me think of the evidence room in a police station lmao. This could be a super fun episode guys omg!!!!
Oh my fucking god it's actually starting to make sense (or maybe the dumbass glasses are still halfway on) because in this pic (moreso the second one but they came together so you get both):
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It looks like they were moving stuff out of the destroyed house, hence why the chair is out on the front lawn, and as they get to the basement, destroyed from the jet, that's when they find the random locked box that goes into police custody because the officers don't know what's in it. Drugs? Weapons? A bomb? Nuke launch codes?? ... Money? 👀✨
And because there's paperwork that needs to be done and phone calls that need to be made before they can even look inside the box, that's when people start to guess about what's inside
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This pic could be Ravi pitching the idea to Buck and Eddie for the three of them to go see what's in the box for themselves which could lead to Buddie leading him away and definitely asking him in private, "Are you saying you want to break into the police station and snoop around in their evidence just to see what's in a random box we found?"
And Ravi goes, "Yeah, don't you?"
And Buck goes, "You do realize how dangerous that is right? Breaking into a police station with officers everywhere?"
And Eddie goes, "Not to mention the box should still be locked. What's your plan then?"
And it goes back and forth and Ravi slowly convinces them to join him and help him out. Insert shenanigans and a lot of distractions and close calls before they finally get to the now unlocked box that's!!!...
Completely empty.
(inserting pic again for reference, if that's not a WTF?! face on Ravi then idk what is. They're even wearing gloves so they don't get caught 😂)
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But how could it be empty? They heard stuff rustling around in it when they found it and moved it out of the basement. That's when the show can do the fun thing they do where they go back and tell the story!!!
But where does the groom part come in? Idk maybe it was Chim's bachelor party but because of the jet crashing it was an all hands on deck where firefighters who didn't have a shift had to come in to help? Or maybe they were planning the bachelor party but plans keep getting interrupted with calls. Who knows? We certainly won't until May 2nd lol
Maybe the whole breaking into the police station was Chim just joking around about how it could be money and they could use it to help pay for the wedding, and then Ravi took the idea and actually did it with Buck and Eddie. I have no idea! But I do know, this has the potential to be a really fun episode. The first on the new network!
And by fun episodes I mean like Oceans 9-1-1, Jinx, Treasure Hunt, Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1, Cursed. Episodes you're watching and can feel yourself getting invested or just having a good time (I wanna say the full moon episode and Karma's a bitch from season 1 but I didn't like the cheating Hen storyline or Abby's character. Why start off the show with one of your married lesbians cheating on the other? Also I just didn't like Abby's character lmao)
The cruise ship disaster is gonna take 3 episodes and while I'm sure there's gonna be fun moments, it's mostly gonna be drama focused with trying to make sure Bobby and Athena are safe. Then we got episode 100 the Buck musical extravaganza 🤡 but because it's the 100th episode I won't count it cause people expect it to be fun (or full of pain, who knows with this show) and then there's "You Don't Know Me"... I doubt we're gonna be having fun.
Anyway those are my thoughts! Dumbass glasses are being safely stored away until next time✨ (along with my clown makeup 🤡) And again, if Episode 6 isn't exactly like how I said, word for word, then literally unwatchable 😤
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johanna-swann · 1 year
The thing about Marisol and Natalia - the thing is this.
I like Natalia. She's an interesting character and I would love to see more of her. BUT. It makes no (and I mean absolutely zero) sense for Buck to date anyone at this point. After everything he's been through he's just learning that being himself and by himself is enough. Introducing Natalia as his love interest instead of a new friend outside of the 118 bubble was a (amatonormativity induced) mistake in my opinion.
With Marisol on the other hand it's the exact opposite? It's definitely in line with Eddie's character development to try dating again. He's over the whole Ana thing and Shannon's death, he's in a good place mentally speaking and has the time to get back into the dating world - on his own terms. Because he wants it so, not because of what others expect of him. But then they (re-)introduce Marisol of all people in a way that not only feels super rushed, it also goes completely against Eddie's "dating people from calls never works" rule. With the way Eddie and Marisol's remeeting is written it also implies that this is going to be Miss Right for Eddie and that we're watching an epic lovestory unfold. Except we don't really know anything about her and they don't really know each other either. We're just supposed to root for them because Marisol used the word "magic" while talking about glue, I guess. (Natalia at least has an interesting job going for her, a topic that connects her and Buck.)
So yeah. They should've been more subtle about the whole Marisol thing, not oversell it this much and Natalia shouldn't be a love interest at all. Not yet at least, I would've waited until mid season 7 before having Buck date again.
Ultimately of course I still hope Buddie might become a thing, I'm just saying: Other pairings could work just as well if they did it right and didn't keep retconning characters' backgrounds and developments.
Because that's another thing that irked me about season 6B. They were suddenly all about romanticising Eddie and Shannon's relationship?
The way I understood it is they were highschool sweethearts who got pregnant way too young and barely out of school and then married because with a child on the way it was expected of them. I don't think they were even living together yet. Then Eddie pretty much immediately joined the army and he was gone, only came back for a few months when Christopher was born and re-enlisted. He had only just got back home when Shannon suggested moving to LA which is why Eddie refused and then Shannon ran off on her own. They started having sex again later, but never really got back together and Shannon even wanted a divorce.
It's established that they fought a lot about all kinds of things, that it was never easy and that the only thing that ever really worked between the two of them was the sex. We know this because there were flashbacks, because Eddie told us so and because Shannon told us so. Yes, they wanted to try their best to be a family for Christopher and I'm sure they loved each other.
But why is Eddie suddenly talking about how their relationship was simply "magical" and he wants to find that again??? Even if he loves Shannon and is forever grateful for Chris, the relationship itself (married for the wrong reasons without really wanting to, never really present at the same time, barely spending time together, leaving each other, using sex to avoid having to talk to each other, not able to communicate their needs) sounds like a nightmare.
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yung-goos · 2 years
Rambles 0.2
Been meaning to get my thoughts down, just.. everything seems so overwhelming. Since the last lil ramble post, I was still wallowing in my a long overdue depressive episode for a bit. Still am? I guess. Mindset seems clear...er. And since then things have started to make a little bit more sense. I guess it all started after my mushroom trip, which was so nice btw. A lot of dancing to no music, remembering how good it feels to move. Realizing things all make sense in motion. Kind of went into this whole inner reflection on awareness, and being aware. And that being aware requires being committed to honesty. Since then... jesus. I've noticed how much people aren't honest not only with others but with themselves? Including me, from time to time. The biggest example currently being my dad. He actually made me cry a week ago, tried gas-lighting me into thinking him describing someone as " being built like a house" is just that. "Describing". As if that isn't clearly insulting. Amongst other things, in that moment it made me realize what I've kind of had to endure growing up. People making me doubt my own feelings, the way I think, telling ME how EYE feel, and being all around rude and mean for no reason at all, regardless if it was directed at me or not. It’s exhausting. I can't explain to someone who seems proud to be an asshole how hard it is being around someone so mean. I really I can't appeal to someones sense of empathy when that someone is committed to overcoming and running away from their feelings 24/7... Realizing my dad might be a lost cause like my mom, whom I have cut all contact with years ago, wasn't something I was quite ready for. Spent so much time idealizing him growing up that I never took the time to see how he was also harming me. It was.. a lot, but I'm aware now. Which is nice but... can I live with my dad not being aware? I want to work on this... shit. Even with my mom, deep down. But is it wrong for me to want them to approach me about their bullshit for once? My sister and I have tried. We're grown. And now we're tired... Idk.
Other than that, life has been good. I'm receiving a big raise soon, like 6-8 bucks or so. Realllly happy about that, def excited to invest in myself and the ones around me a little bit this season. Excited to see what I'll be able to do going forward. And In my commitment to being honest, I've also decided its best I be more confrontational. Honesty depends on it. Trying to speak up more, say whats on my mind. Be open to being wrong, uncomfortable, even slighted or hurt. And I'm glad to say its been working!! Still very uncomfy tho but I'm getting there!!...
God my brain feels like goo... can't seem to think anymore so I'll cut it short. Theres more but I seriously can't type anymore. Bleh... Till next time
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matan4il · 3 years
Hi! Sorry to disturb you. After reading that sometimes the questions don´t reach your mailbox, I thought that perhaps mine hadn´t reached you. If the question has come to you, I'm sorry! If it hasn't come to you, I can ask you again. Thank you very much and congratulations on your meta!!! You are amazing! Hugs and kisses!!! I send you all my positive energy !!
Hi darling! *hugs*
Thank you for this ask! If you hadn't sent it, I wouldn't have found your original ask (it landed in my inbox, but under the wrong blog title somehow)...
Your ask:
Hi! How are you? I send you all my positive energy from here (I have plenty!) I love your meta, everything you capture is absolutely brilliant. I heard that in chapter 7 Eddie will be a hostage. I guess TV will cover the news (Taylor), do you think when Buck goes crazy over Eddie, Taylor and Buck will break up? Will she realize what happens between them? Will Taylor open Buck's eyes with Eddie? And, if so, will they get together this season? Many thanks! You are awesome! Lots of hugs and kisses!
That's a really good question! We know Eddie will be held at gunpoint, we don't yet know for sure that Taylor will see this happening, though you're very right that it's more than likely. At the same time, we've not yet had Buck and Taylor acknowledging the issues between them even without Eddie entering the picture. So I feel like between that, which still needs to play out (and it might in eps 505 and 506, but we won't know whether they will until they air) and the fact that we just had Eddie breaking up with Ana, I suspect Buck and Taylor's issues might take a little longer to lead to a breakup. First, because those issues need a bit more presence before we can see them leading to this result. Second, because if Buck and Taylor break up right after Eddie and Ana did, it becomes too obvious. And I feel like so far, every hint that 911 has planted along the way that Eddie and Buck might become a couple has been allowed to be meaningful, but not that obvious. You know, other and Buck and Eddie's stupid faces lighting up in bliss every time they look at each other, giving them away... XD But NGL, I would love it if Taylor did make some comment about Buck and Eddie which would open up Buck's eyes, because honestly, that one brain cell he has left every time he so much as thinks about Eddie, even that one brain cell is too in love to be functional, so if we want Buck to ever wise up, he is probably going to need a helping hand from an outside observer.
What's interesting is that while he has had people from the outside commenting on his r/s with Eddie (Maddie's comment in 204, elf lady in 210, Tia Pepa's raised eyebrow in 204 because it is NOT a common thing to bring a colleague along for a family hospital visit, the online comments in 218), we haven't seen such comments since s2, have we? And that was probably too early in the Buddie r/s for Buck to take these insights seriously. So have those comments stopped because if they happened now, he wouldn't be able to easily dismiss them as he did back then? It's def a possibility. And Taylor is def in a prime position to see what's going on and reflect it back to him. But I do think this very much depends on whether she's there to see the hostage situation going down. Because she has been around Buck and Eddie together before, and it didn't stop her from getting together with Buck. Given that she's not the type to be willing to play a second fiddle to an unrequited love, I think her getting together with Buck in 414 means that so far, she hasn't noticed just how intense her bf's r/s with Eddie is... So where we're at right now, pre-505, I would say something needs to happen to make her see the reality of Buddie's bond, too.
Does this make sense? I hope so!
Thank YOU for the ask and all of the loveliness, you are SO sweet, it absolutely makes my heart grow three sizes bigger! So many hugs and kisses right back, and thank you again, wholeheartedly for the kind words and amazing positive energy, beautiful! xoxox
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