#i mean. i most certainly dont believe they were in love.
theonlyadawong · 8 months
me: it's completely unrealistic for people to develop intense romantic feelings with each other during these outbreaks, and that's why most re ships fall flat for me. these people don't even know each other.
also me: there was something yuri-licious going on between rain and alice in the less than 3 hours they knew each other
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ratguy-nico · 5 months
Okey so I saws the last episode of Dunmeshi and I need to talk about the shapeshifters.
I think is pretty obvious which belong to wich, meaning who on the team remembered each one that specific way... if you watched you got me
Im not gonna explain every single one but the last shapeshifters the closest to the real ones.
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This one belong 100% to Laios and is awesome, Laios can not remeber the little details about his friens, like Chilichuck scarf or Senshi's helmet so he doesn't remeber Marcille's hair multiple hairstyle so he just get her hair free BUT surprinsingly he does remeber the detail in her spellbook CAUSE HE'S BEEN STUDYING IT that is such a detail and I love it.
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But I love more the implication that Laios think highley of the love Marcille feels for Falin, believing at heart that Marcille would do anything to save his sister. This man doesnt know what lesbians are but he certainly not what love is
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Okey I'll be honest i have my doubts with this one, but for the sake of the ship let's say this was Senshi XD I'm kidding, this man belong to Senshi.
What is my doubt? Since Senshi and Marcille are from long-lived races they both infantilize Chilchuck and Laios, BUT this copy is not the baby face one, meaning is not the most infantileze one, But most important the tools of this copy were mostly right.
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Marcille doesn't give a shit about Chichuck's tools, she doesn't need to or want to but in guess who in fricking EPISODE 2 (so soon in the anime and already a ship) have a whole arc where he observes Chilchuck works up close, developing a deep respect for what Chilchuck does getting familiar with said tools
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Implications: Senshi watch this man up close, giving him more attention than any other member of the party, he is the one he rely on the most, but he's predjuice are strong and he cannot help thinking of him as a cute little child SICK and not in a good way thats you future husband >:0
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y por ultimo pero no menos importante
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GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY ejem this is from Chilchuck and I live for it
What can I say that you dont already know?
not-Senshi being the handsome one
Chilchuck inmediatly noticing the lack of the helmet detail in the Laios copy
the fact that when confronted with the fact that not-Senshi is more handsome than the real one (which rude, Marcille we can not all be lesbians like you >:0) he's just like "No, Senshi has always been handsome" re ofendido XD
y OJITO Laios said cool, Chilchuck just said Senshi has always been like that LIKE WHAT? HANDSOME? YEAH WE KNOW!
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(though this was also a very gay moment for Laios)
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and the gratuitous beef to my man wtf what do you mean dumb looking one? XD no puedo es demasiado XD
This episode was too much fun the whole characters interaction just got me.
and ... the way I developed an instant crush on Itsuzumi here:
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NOTE I don't actually have a crush on Izutsumi, I know her from the manga and she is pretty much a cat, which cute, but ... not my type lets just say that.
But in this shot they are just my tipe of guy, haven't been touch for a single ray of sun on their, have never eat a proper meal, doesn't even register the concept and doesn't know what you mean by wash hair? what is that some kinda of joke?
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cosmossystem · 4 months
What’s a rad queer?
please excuse any spelling errors (we had wisdom teeth taken out and im a bit loopy, lol)
so this is a bit difficult for me to explain but if i had to put it simply, essentially radqueers are pro-mogai and radical inclusionists to the point of believing every aspect of identity can be a queer one. on paper, this sounds great! i love queer identities! but in practice, its a slippery slope, and results in... well, let me give some examples.
radqueers, by definition, also believe in a thing called "transx" or "transid", with the suffix "x" being replaced by... pretty much anything. the base idea, i believe, obviously takes from the trans experience-- whereas one might identify as cisgender or transgender, transid extends this to other aspects of the identity, such as being "cisautistic" (aka "born autistic") and "transautistic" (aka "transitioning into autism.")
this includes, but is not limited to (using their own terms) transage, transplural, transabused / transabuser, transharmful, transcharacter, transrace / trace, translanguage, and so on.
while some of these could make sense or encompass other experiences that arent necessarily harmful (such as transplural being, essentially, another word for created systems; or something like transage, where one 'identifies' as an age different from their body, which could theoretically account for a neurodivergent person's mental age discrepancy, such as being a minor alter in an adult body)... the vast majority of radqueer identities do not stop there, creating labels that arent helpful or actively encourage/foster harm -- such as "transabused" for instance, where one believes they should be, or wishes to be, abused in some way.
someone identifying as one of these labels, in our example "transabused", is often encouraged by the transx/radqueer community to "transition". this could look a number of ways, but in our example of "transabused" this could be something like looking for an abusive relationship on purpose or purposefully inducing trauma on onesself, or even lying to others that they were abused/exaggerating experiences in attempts to "transition" into being a victim.
it should be noted that certain transid labels have been "reclaimed" (i strongly dislike that word and its connotations, but its the best way i can describe it) and renamed by others, such as the transage label i mentioned previously also being known as "chronosian".
radqueers also encompass other things such as including paraphilias in the definition of "queer," which we believe to be not so much a queer identity as much as it is either a mental illness or a sexual deviance, in the most literal definition of "deviant" being "differing from the norm." this is a widely debated topic and its not our area of expertise, so i wont try to claim one thing or another--but regardless, while paraphilias can certainly influence a queer identity and they deserve spaces to express their experiences, it does not make one queer and they would be better suited for mental-illness-focused spaces.
that is where the "definition" aspect of this answer ends, so heres some personal anecdotes:
for us, we dont actually take issues with many "radqueer" identities (there is a time and place for things such as "transage" aka chronosian, or even "transplural" which is a stupid redundant word for created systems -- importantly, i do not believe these things are radqueer-exclusive) but its the reasons i mentioned above that we, and many others, do not agree with or support them. for instance lets look back at the "transabused" i mentioned before:
on the one hand, i wouldnt be against a kink relationship of this nature--if someone wants a cnc relationship, i wish them the best with that. on this blog, i believe we have spoken about being fully pro-bodily autonomy, even when it means the act of hurting onesself, such as self-harm or suicide. so that isnt necessarily what i find to be the core issue here.
i would, however, be against the labelling of it as "trans"-anything and claiming that a "trans" identity can go beyond the cultural definition of queerness. i would be against the idea that a "transabused" person should be allowed a voice when talking about issues affecting victims of violence, unless they had non-consensually experienced such violence. i would be against the idea that someone who is "transracial" (using the radqueer definition of "transitioning to a different race", because surprise, theyve stolen this term from adoptees of color) should be encouraged to transition to a different race they are not a part of, because race is a cultural identity and social construct with a loaded history, and not something that you can "transition" into having.
i support created systems, i support people using the split-attraction model, i support recovering paraphiles, i support mentally ill people and neurodivergent people and disabled people. i do not support the idea that something you can be born with or developed early in life, such as autism or ocd, can be purposefully transitioned into. i do not support co-opting mentally ill people's experiences for your own selfish gain, only to then turn around and call those same people "cis"-mentally ill.
i have a lot more to say about them than that, but ill try to keep this part brief. a while ago, our host was doing a write-up on the various pitfalls of transx identities, namely that most of them either arent queer identities inherently and are likely something else (i.e. transharmed, transracial) or if its a renaming of another experience that already exists (i.e. transplural, transage, translanguage). seemingly most radqueer identities are coopted from something else in a covert attempt to "tarnish" the validity of the original label, transracial and transage primarily being affected by that. but i wont go too deep into it.
anyway, were it not for all that, i would find this a really interesting conversation to have.
im highly intrigued by the people who have atypical dysphoria experiences, such as system members with different racial identities to their body's, or system members with differing mental illnesses, or how neurodivergent people feel as though their "true" age doesnt align with that of their body's, or therians and alterhumans discussing their experiences. i would even LOVE to use the term transplural if it werent for the connotations.
but like i said, its a slippery slope, and radqueers are more interested in harboring a harmful, "accepting" community than they are with actually deconstructing what it means to be queer or trans or plural or neurodiverse, etc. im sure scrolling through their tags for any number of seconds will show that, if youre curious, but i dont recommend it if you want to keep your sanity.
lastly, since i voiced my opinion here, i do want to also mention: i believe the way some antis talk about radqueers is reminiscent of the way they speak about other identities, such as endogenic and created systems or self-dx folks. the whole "you are hurting REAL queer people!!!" song-and-dance is so overplayed at this point. people like to point fingers with buzzwords instead of getting to the meat and potatoes, because that would be too complicated apparently.
you always hear "you cant be transautistic because youre a faker and hurting real autistic people!!" and almost never "you cant be transautistic because 'autism' is just a word for a group of symptoms that you do not truly display, and if you think you 'should be' autistic, you need to reexamine why that is," which is what i think would be more apt.
choosing to reiterate the same five sentences about being Wrong and Hurtful and Invalid over and over doesnt really explain anything and only continues infighting. also, it doesnt discourage radqueers from what theyre doing or from getting help and seeking a positive community, and instead it only helps to strengthen their cult-like ideas that anti-radqueers are bigots. (read more about that "cult" thing here. i dont fully agree with everything op says, but it was still enlightening to read from someone who survived an actual cult.)
i know its long, but i hope that helps somewhat. feel free to send more asks about this. like i said, i find it fascinating despite its problems.
💿 red
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lunannan · 8 months
umm so like since ur reqs are open ermm here i go ig:
sleeping beauty!reader (reader is asleep and cursed like sleeping beauty) and lilia is their/her prince charming and he wakes her up and they live happily ever after 😊😊😊😊😊 (i will drop the airstrike so get typing)
Ofc pook
For: @yejiswifex
Warnings: Terribly bad writing (very cringe), very rushed (150 airstrikes and bombs /j), short, very possible bad english, no dialogue kinda (very little), the reader is actually my friend (friend x lilia basically), plot made uo in 3 seconds, kissing and i also dont knoe how to write kisses, lilia is like ooc too and this was rushed rushed rushed rushed
They/them pronouns for reader btw :3
Sleeping Beauty
“When they turn 16, they shall prick their finger on a spindle. And fall into a death-like sleep they will never awake from”
The curse bestowed upon them, when they were just a newborn in a cradle.
“And a true love’s kiss may break the curse.”
The cure to this enchantment sounded quite impossible, but even so, the population present when the curse was cast attempted the most they could to stop their eventual demise.
Three fae decided to take the child in, ran away to a cottage far in the woods and vowed to never use magic again until their child had turned 16, disguising themselves as simple peasants.
Over the years, said child had matured, they lived in a small cottage in the woods with their three step-mothers, their life was quite plain, but pleasant.
They weren’t allowed to go further away from the cottage unless accompanied by one of their stepmothers.
However, as kind as this soul may look, they still have a rebellious side to them.
On a pitch black night, they made sure their caretakers were fast asleep. Before sneaking out of their window to the woods.
It was a bad idea, considering the dangers outside, but everyone gets curious once in a while, and they had to find a way to calm their insisting curiosity.
Slowly drifting away from their familiar home, they made sure to follow a certain path they had memorized to avoid getting lost, gazing at the trees around them and the moonlit sky above them.
After a long time of walking, they reached a certain river, they crouched down, focusing on the details they noted from their surroundings, until a voice broke them out of their trance.
—”Well, you’re certainly wandering around here at a late hour. May i ask what you are doing here?”
They whipped their head to the mysterious voice
I thought the woods would be lonely at this time, though? —They thought to themselves
Upon seeing the human’s face of confusion, the stranger chuckled to himself, clearly finding it amusing
This made the human eye the new person curiously
—”If it’s already late, what are you doing here, then?” —They asked back
—”I asked you first, I believe it's only fair you answer me first” —His crimson eyes analyzed the young person by the river, expecting their answer.
They stared at him hesitating, i mean, would you trust a stranger who sneaked up on you? Personally, it doesn’t sound like the best idea.
—”I… just wanted to see the forest.” —They replied, barely audible, but the fae catched onto the words spoken by the human, it amused him, it seemed the human was barely able to observe the forest, they seemed so concentrated on it it was a cute sight.
He stretched his arm to them, silently asking the human for a walk nearby.
—”I could show you all the places you desire to see in this forest, take my hand, and I'll guide you.” He smiled at them, waiting for the answer.
Of course, it’s not safe to trust a stranger, but maybe it was worth a shot.
The human accepted his proposal, and they saw the most breath-taking places they could’ve seen, they wished they were able to visit the forest more often, unfortunately, their caretakers wouldn’t like it, and they’d probably get a scolding and wouldn’t be able to see the fae, or the forest.
—”Call me Lilia” The fae had said to them, to which the human replied their name to him.
He giggled
—”It’s a beautiful name, just like you”
After it had darkened, the human had to sneak back into their home, which they managed to do without waking anyone up with the help of Lilia.
They snuggled into their blanket, thinking about the previous events
They would probably start breaking some rules from now on.
Every night possible, the human would make sure for their caretakers to be asleep, the cottage to be silent, and they just had to follow some simple steps.
-Pick their basket they use to collect berries (in case their caretakers find them sneaking into the house, they can pull up the excuse they were gathering berries, it would suck, but the scolding wouldn’t be as severe.)
-Make sure to open the window carefully, without making any type of noise, then step out the window and close it
-Follow the trail they use to pick berries.
-Once encountering the river, they should follow it and soon enough find a beautiful field of flowers, along with the fae the human hoped to see.
This progress repeated every night, with the same success every time, and the human believed they were extremely lucky.
Unfortunately, one day, everything would change.
They got sent to pick berries, to which they obediently did, but their caretakers were acting somewhat more suspicious than always.
However, the bright side: the human got to see their beloved fae. And right on their birthday, too!
On the small cottage, the three “caretakers”, or fae, were arguing,
One was making the birthday cake, or, attempting.
Two were designing the dress, and arguing over the colour of it.
—”It shall be pink!” It was announced.
—”No—it shall be blue!” The fae argued.
—”No–Pink!” They kept arguing.
The constant magic was lightning the house of colors, to which a crow had noticed, flying away to report to their owner.
The human was sleeping, the curse had been true.
The castle was full of thorns, and it seemed everyone was affected, put to sleep, too.
The fae wondered where his human might have gone to, it was already night, and he was expecting to see them soon.
He searched for them, but they were nowhere to be found.
The only place left was the castle.
It was dark, hard to see, but he still had hope, he was worried about them.
He reached a dark bedroom, and there was the human he had been looking for; sleeping peacefully with a rose carefully tucked between their hands, they were wearing a blue dress and an accessory on their hair.
He had heard a tale a long time ago, about a curse, similar to this situation, a true love’s kiss would break the curse. 
He studied their face, then leaned in to kiss them.
And their eyes flickered open.
A/N: and they lived a happy life forever end *closes book* i hate this
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Shattered hearts and bottles
Zoro x reader
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Warnings:angst, angst without comfort, drinking, arguing, established relationship, breakups
I'm so, so, sorry but yall are suffering with me
Inspired by this song:
He knew he should have been softer. Should have listened to you. But it was too late now.
Your argument still stung his heart as it replayed in his head, as if the first time hadn't been painful enough.
He clenched his fists tight. Slamming his left hand into the wall leaving a huge dent.
It hurt more knowing you would stay with sanji out of spite.
He could hear you both know. He knew you wouldn't cheat you weren't like that.
Why did he have to get so mad?
He lifted the bottle back up to his lips taking a lengthy glug.
He moved his legs slightly the countless empty glass bottles clinking together.
It took a lot to get zoro drunk and right now he was cursing that fact.
He wished the alcohol would wash away the image of your hurt angry face.
Wished the alcohol could take away the fact that he was the reason for that expression.
You and sanji had just been cooking, and he had to get all protective over you, well fuck him.
"What do I do now ive added the chicken?" You'd fretted.
"Calm down love, just add the stock and stir it."
"Oh ok."
"Whats this?" He'd asked.
"Oh sanji was just teaching me to cook?" You'd replied innocently.
"Oh he was?"
"I'm sorry is there an issue?"
"Why didn't you tell me about this?" He'd felt the rage stur in his stomach.
"You know what just keep flirting with shitty brows."
"Flirting? No zoro we were just cooking."
"Oh so that's what you call this?"
"Yes because that's what it is," you'd stiffened going on the defensive. "Do you think I'm lying?"
"Why? What have I ever done to make me unloyal in your eyes?"
"No I don't wanna hear it. Why are you so... frustrating?"
"Me? Woman have you met yourself?"
"Yes I have but I've also sadly met you, and with how your acting right now I wish I never had!"
"How am I acting then?"
"Like an incompetent child denied a toy,"
"At least I'm not flirting with some third rate cook."
"Neither am I!"
He had scoffed, causing you to place your hands on your hips eyebrows high.
"If you have something to say say it!" You spat.
"Why bother, your obviously to bussy with him, you know what why dont you just fuck him while your at it."
"Zoro!" Sanji warned.
"And you, stay away from her, the only thing your good for is food, fucking remember it."
"Zoro leave sanji out of this."
"I'd love to but your the one you fucked him into this!"
"Omg do you even have a brain in there, or is it just as empty as your heart!"
"At least I have a heart, bitch!" He'd regretted that instantly. But that hadn't stopped him. "Why are you even here you can't fight, you can't think and you most certainly can't fuck!"
"Me? Zoro you can barely take two steps without getting lost! All you do is sleep, to be honest all you do is take up space!"
"And your just a whore!" He spat.
"I can't believe I fell in love with you," you'd said in disgust.
"You love me?"
"NO! NO I DONT! NOT ANYMORE!" Her face stained with tears.
"You don't mean that?"
"Try me!"
"Whos acting like a child now!"
"Leave us alone zoro."
"No I'm not leaving you alone with him," he had pointed to sanji.
"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" then she'd thrown the wine bottle.
The shards of glass didn't hurt half as much as her words.
His heart hurt.
You'd confessed your love in that argument.
But had zoro ruined things?
That moment wasn't what he expected he'd never considered being in love with you but now, after that he realised he did.
He was madly inlove with you and he worried that now you'd realised you didn't love him afterall.
He felt suffocated, he had been rendered blind to all but his thoughts and the bottle in his hand.
His tears run free down his cheeks and trickling down the glass of the bottle.
His eyes stung slightly.
Oh how he wished you were here to hold. Here on his lap nesting into his chest as he burrowed his face in your hair.
He instinctively wrapped his arms tighter but finding nothing but himself.
He sobbed into his elbow. Tucking his knees up higher.
In his head he could hear you voice asking if he was ok. He lifted his head throwing it back against the wall his hand clutching at his shirt over his heart.
"DAMN YOU!" He cried out his tears coming thick and fast. His head throbbed but not nearly as much as his heart.
He didn't doubt everyone on the ship had heard his scream but it didn't even compare to the screaming of his heart.
He stood quickly, lobbing the still half full bottle at the wall. The throw caught him off balance and he stumbled forwards causing him to fall to his knees.
His knees stung as the bottles shattered under his weight.
No one had come to check on him, he could hear them comforting you. More proof he was in the wrong.
His strong fist thudded against the floor inpailing glass into it.
"FUCK!" He sobbed.
His head spun at his own voice, he seemed to have skipped the drunk stage and gone straight into hangover.
Grabbing another full bottle he sat back on his knees and downed that one too.
If you were here you would rub his back and scold him for drinking so much.
But you weren't and every breath he took was a sick reminder.
He needed comfort too. But he didn't deserve it. Rolling onto his back his threw his arm over his eyes sheltering his gaze from the throbbing lights. Or maybe it was his head that was throbbing.
If he could take it back he would.
You deserved better than him. Maybe Sanji could treat you better.
Sanji? What the fuck was he thinking?
He swigged his booze again.
Had he lost you forever now? You'd argued before but this felt more real. He'd never made you yell before let alone cry.
What if you really didn't want him?
He couldn't stand this, this unknowing, this turmoil.
So ignoring his pounding head, he stood leaving the bottle he stumbled through the door, down hallways until he was in the kitchen.
You were sitting on the table crying into sanjis shoulder and nami rubbed you back.
"Hey, um," he rubbed the back of his neck, not quite able to slurr out your name.
"You!" Nami seethed.
"Can I talk to her alone," he slurred slightly.
"Zoro your completely intoxicated, I don't think you want to talk to her now," sanji offered.
"I do," his gaze slipped to the floor.
You just sat there head on sanjis shoulder, listening.
"Ok but we're staying!" Nami glared at him.
He just nodded.
Sanji and nami took a couple of steps away and zoro strode over to you. Standing just a baby step away from you.
"Uum, I just- I'm sorry," he spluttered, the other two exchanged a shocked look. "I over reacted and, i shouldn't have said, any, of those things, I was just mad but not at you, at me. I guess-"
He looked away gritting his teeth fists clenched.
"I guess it made me realise I love you too!" He finished looking to you with bated breath.
You both stayed like that for what felt like hours but was probably only a few seconds.
"Zoro," you said softly, tilted your head up to his. He saw your face, scarily absent of tears. "I'm sorry but, I meant what I said."
Cold fear gripped his heart and twisted his gut.
His heart thudding in his ears as cold sweat covered him.
"I don't love you anymore," you smiled gently.
His head spun this time for a completely different reason.
"I've decided to leave, there's an island pretty close by, I'm going to stay there."
His own tears threatened to fall.
He could see himself reflected in your gorgeous eyes. The same eyes that had once looked to him with such love, now completely void of emotion.
"Oh, ok!" His voice shook as his lip wobbled. "I understand!" He wiped his eyes quickly exiting the room.
The door clicked shut behind him and he collapsed against it not bothering to hide his sobs as they echoed across the whole ship.
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sunlitewhispers · 11 months
Marvus and his money headcanon
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(Been surfing through the marvus tags and I've got some thoughts to share regarding this clown)
To start off, I personally think troll currency is more digital than physical. Like everyone uses a card to trade or get items (and its only due to the empresses restrictions on things when she removed the adults from the planet) but physical money is still real, it's just a fun thing that highbloods and high midbloods use to flaunt and to trade amongst each other.
To signify the value of the bills, they have a strip of color from the cast they were made for. For example, Teals =80, Cerulean =90, Indigo =100, etc.
(There were coins that were common amongst lowbloods and low midbloods, but that got discontinued when moving to cashless/digital. There is evidence preserving the old currency existence such as in museums showings of the old times and extremely old paintings in the clown churches.) (You can think that these coins are caegars or not)
With that out the way! On to Marvus and his money 💰
I imagine Marvus doesn't really care about money nor feels that it has a heavy connection to his identity compared to performing/entertaining. Marvus just knows that people wanna see him and lose their shit at his concerts and are willing to drop stacks to be there even with the risk of being culled.
With that, Marvus can be loose with his money, quite literally throwing it around to which some highbloods would critique the act as 'disrespectful' and 'rebellious' since money is one of the ways ancestors can provide to descendants and give them a clue to their existence. (If they want or have left a will if they died, regardless, the empire still sets them up with a small fund)
I dont know if philanthropy would be an actual thing or just be a thing highbloods (like Zebruh) say they do for approval points. But I imagine Marvus would be the type to do so in the most unconventional means.
He probably stopped his tour bus once to grab a grubshake or a handmade sandwich from a small cafe and threw a fat band on the counter saying, "Keep da change lol." Leaving the workers there in awe and fear cause damn he just weirdly blessed them, and damn they now gotta fight off his fans from stealing the marvy money. (If Marvus is there, his fans are certainly gonna be there too.)
Marvus definitely buys his crew lunch or, if he's hanging with someone, offers to pay for them when he's out and about. He stresses tf out of his accountant because he doesn't keep track of how much he spends in a day. You know his ass absolutely has a money gun to use at his concerts.
Bascially when you're Marvus, you're a baller who is a big spender.
When interacting with Marvus, depending on his quadrant, you're gonna see how he moves with his cash.
•♡ Matespirit ♡•
if you got this man in this quadrant, good luck on getting Marvus not to spoil the fuck out of you. Trust and believe he'll take any chance to drop some stacks on you. If you guys are out and you say or point out some items, you can bet that Marvus is buying them.
Oh, you think that clothing line is cute? Guess what? He's ordered the entire line to be sent to your place.
Big fan of video games? No problem! He is getting the newest console out on the market in your favorite color with your name on it.
Love sweets? Bam! He's gonna invite you over to his crib and have you watch a team of trolls bake the best desserts of Alternia.
Money ain't a thang to this man. It gives him a chance to show his love through the material means and show that he wants you to enjoy yourself and time with him. Small part of him uses money to be a temporary fix when he has to go on long tours. If he can't spend time with you on troll FaceTime or in real life, he'll send gifts to show that he's still alive and thinking about you.
However, if large displays of affections through money don't appeal to you or you start to feel overwhelmed by the purchases or think he's being disingenious in his affection, he'll pull it back.
He'll likely give you a card that's connected to his account so you can have the control to buy what you want without feeling like you have to ask him. (And such an act will give him a small piece of security to know you'll have the means to survive financially on Alternia, especially if you've expressed times of financial hardships to him)
Also doesn’t matter if it's public or private, He's gonna randomly place bills on your person, i.e., stuffing them in your pockets, slipping them in your shirt pocket, pinning them to your jacket. If you ask him why he's doing that (or wonder where he stores his cash)(btw he literally has no pants pockets) Marvus is gonna give you a saucy wink and smile all dumb and say "a mf gotta pay dem feez 4 havin a wicked mate lik u b ;0)" than he'll place a smacking wet kiss on your forehead and be all noisey about it while doing so.
•◇ Moirials ◇•
In this quadrant, his spending habit might look casual to outsiders, but with you, they'll be a tad more personal. Still be extra af like in matespiritship but he'll be spending money to clear his mind or yours.
Feeling stressed about some unfinished work? Don't worry. He'll reserve a spa service just for you.
Need to cry out some hard feelings? He's gonna get some matching pajamas and grab some emergency blankets to get that session on.
You know that one ring that SpongeBob and Patrick have to show off their friendship? He's gonna get something like that to represent your guy's moirallgience. Anything involving moirails, he will buy and send them to you.
You're definitely gonna be his merch tester and probably be brought to his trips to the galleries when he goes to buy art pieces. (Need your support and opinion when bidding for art pieces.)
Like with matespiritship, if you feel like he's being insincere or rather prefers more handmade gifts. He'll try to schedule days to create personal gifts. He might pay someone to tutor him about your interests just so you can rant without having to stop and explain what you're talking about.
Marvus will remember what your favorite snacks and favorite meals are for when you're hanging with the crew or just him. Compared to where he won't care about what someone orders, you don't gotta worry about an order mess up or reminding him. He got that locked in, unless you want something different, then just point him to it.
If there is a fucked up order for you, he will raise hell. Typically, he won't care if something he orders is messed up. He'll pay for another one. However, on behalf of his moirial, this mf gonna walk up to the counter like that meme saying they asked for no pickles. The first and hopefully (in his opinion) only time you'll ever see him asking for a refund.
A thing that'll be a routine of your relationship is him swinging by your place late af in the daytime to grab you and get some breakfast before he has to start his night.(Unless you spend the day at his hive than he'll order said breakfast and catch some more Zzzs with you.)
•♤ Kismeses ♤•
Now in this quadrant, compared to the other two, Marvus is a clown who's mischievous as hell. This bitches antics are gonna be up to 100 when it comes to him.
Honestly, you're gonna be on your toes for buying things. It'll become a back and forth of him randomly, not having money than to him having it though being really annoying and lazy with it.
If your someone who's well off, you better hide your wallet. Marvus will snag your card and make an excuse how he left his cash in his other pants/trailer/hive and buy the most stupidest shit under your name. (He'll troll cash app you back but do it so tediously that you hope your account crashes)
If he catches a single hint or a word, even a wrinkle of disgust on you, Marvus will make it the bane of your life.
You dislike the residue of his paint left on your face after a hate-makeout session? Marvus now has to buy this one face paint that is known for being messy. what? His manager told him, too. :0)
You think cowboy boots are clunky and tacky? Guess who's strolling up in some bedazzled purple lined boots that jingle when he walks.
You make a comment on how creepy troll beanie boos plushies are, he's gonna get a brand deal with them and send you a crate of his new designs. A note will be attached saying "4 my numba 1 fan ;0)~".
Similar to moirallgience, you will be a merch tester, yet you won't know if he's being serious or wanting to rile you up. Regardless, when you shit on the design he's showing you, that's how he'll know his fans will love it! Doesn't matter if it's the simplest design, an eyesore to the public, he'll promote it to the point that even your small-time friends will surely mention the product to you. Might even send a shout-out to you on Chitter for your 'help'.
Don't ask him for a bill if you want something from a vending machine. Marvus will pull the most crumpled weirdly stained bill you'll ever see in your lifetime and smile at you plainly like, "Here u go buddi dats all I can find on me atm lmao." Additionally to this, he will slowly count his bucks out if you all are in a line somewhere. (Marvus knows no one will rush him and if you complain, he'll pretend he lost count and start over)
To conclude this, watch out for when he's feeling more petty. He'll make a habit of sending you items in loud peculiar packaging that suggest to those handling it that there's something inappropriate in it when there really isn't.
•♧ Auspistice ♧•
With this one, Marvus doesn’t fit the vibe of where he might truly kill his kismeses. Nor does he seem to want to be in a situation to be aggravated enough to join in murdering someone (Going off his response to MSPA reader when the clown fight happened). However, Marvus may strive on not becoming active on those emotions. Close calls can exist.
A tiff among his roadies about best faygo flavors is a good way. His manager hassling him, and trying to change up his brand is close enough. Groupie sea dwellers trying to follow him back to his trailer and not taking a hint is a real close call.
If you mediate for Marvus a few times, he'll certainly be grateful (and a bit embarrassed) he'll grant you a gift card of some shop of your choice as thanks.
On the other hand, you've been around long enough to spot a murderous Marvus, then you're undeniably a part of his inner circle. With the exception of being his paid emotional bodyguard coach.
As business-like, it might seem in the beginning, you're a trustworthy and skillful individual in Marvus's eyes. He knows dealing with irritated trolls, particularly enraged highbloods, is not a fun nor easy task.
Other trolls may feel like this relationship is wandering into moirallgience territory.(which might be) Marvus won't really care about those opinions and possibly offer to meditate for you in the event he catches you in a tense position.
You’ll be called for his long tours when he has to do shows for sea dwellers and, without a doubt, be put through the ringer. It'll end with you guys munching on loads of the troll version of ice cream in silence.
At any point, you're too stressed to de-escalate a situation. He'll give you a paid vacation and make sure you don't come back until you are entirely stressed free.
He may tell you once he calms down that you should open a private business due to your and I quote "motherfckin dopeazz obzi-va-tional skilz."
Small note : Marvus has dealt with people trying to form a quad with him just for the fame/money, as we seen with Zebruh. So if he catches signs that what's happening, he's going to be acting distant and extremely scripted around you, then like ghost you. You'll be blacklisted from his concerts (unknowingly), and future clowns might keep a close eye on you if you hang at the churches.
Welp, that's all! Hopefully, this was entertaining to read! I do apologize if some parts feel rushed or that there were more details in some quads, I tried to keep them around the same length.
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simcardiac-arrested · 2 years
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BOO!!!!! sillyguy jumpscare
“looks like a raver ancient built him” - my friend
“i am SUCH a fan of how you make all of your fanocs annoying himbos with unnecessary swag” - my other friend
“he’s fresh sans” - like, two people
so — he’s finally here!!! the Basketball!!!! be warned INSANE and MINDBLOWING loredrop below‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ as well as some general trivia about NWB + some more silly doodles
The Ancients, dissatisfied with the very prominent lack of results the Iterator project was bringing, began having doubts. Perhaps they had gone about this the wrong way? After all, the jellyfish that doesn’t try is the one that doesn’t get caught in the net. It seemed they had made their design of the Iterators inherently flawed — they tried too hard to solve the Problem, over and over and over again.
It was time for something new. An alternative.
And so, the idea for the Anti-Iterator project was brought into the world — a whole generation of Iterators that didn’t try. Some called it redundant, some pointless. But it convinced plenty, certainly enough to make that idea a reality, and the plan came into fruition.
No Way Back was the first created; his name was given to him to signify a turning point, a new era of Iterators. One that would bring with it change and, hopefully, finally, a solution.
so anyway NWB did absolutely nothing except talk excessively about the ancients’ fashion and sometimes ask them for their drip clothes for his collection and also make cringefail music. the project was discontinued immediately
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- makes the shittiest sounding music possible, sincerely believes it’s peak art. if you don’t think the same way he’ll say You dont get it. You just dont
- fan of fashion, art & history, but in a normal way (unlike pebbles). really wishes he could have a whole wardrobe of clothes like his creators, but they’re all gone now </3 and even back then when they were all still alive they. did not like giving him stuff (they did not like him)
- one of them did give him the nikeys though
- most of his creators deemed him useless and didn’t particularly care for him. however, some of them (usually the kids) liked talking with NWB, and he enjoyed interacting with them too. he kind of misses the ancients even if they were asses
- is an enigma to his local group: he barely sends messages, and when he does it’s wildly off topic, and literally NEVER about work related stuff. occasionally he’ll drop his “bangers” in the groupchat and ask for opinions. unfortunately most of the iterators ignore him because they find him annoying (and useless as well. very ancientcore of them)
- kind of incomprehensible. he just says things
- doesn’t really have a god complex so he’s generally friendly, open-minded and easy going, but if you’re mean to him he’ll go Wow. Not cool, man. and he’ll probably give you a lecture like a 90s PSA
- calls himself a DJ. doesn’t even have a proper DJ name. probably doesn’t even know what a club is
- fan of nature, enjoyer of life. has no friends and no purpose but doesn’t let it get to him. at least he can make the equivalent of cbat 2 and force every iterator in the world to listen to it
- he’s stupid but he’s also really smart because. supercomputer. however he chooses to not use his brain and instead be silly. he thinks it’s funnier that way
- sometimes sends his music to other iterators besides his local group’s. they also ignore him
- you really can’t tell when he’s being ironic or not, and whether he’s really THAT dumb or if he’s just trolling. one thing for sure — he loves to mess with the stuck-up iterators from his local group if they decide to bother him
- if the ancients had any equivalent of the 80s, he would’ve been a very very big fan of it
- loves animals too. would call slugcat “little dude”
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leave your thoughts in the COMMENTS below!!! remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and listen to DJNWB on SPOTIFY (suddenly becomes normal) if you have any questions feel free to ask and i will answer. i love this guy he’s my everything
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penaltyboxboxbox · 28 days
ab the ferrari suits, there are a few things I'd change like the little square around the shell logo and the saturation of hp (what could they have done realistically lbr that's a title sponsor) but I??? Like it?? I think the dedication to the engineers is cute?? And the kits honestly ate idc same w the trophy
I really like the traditional trophies but sometimes trying smth different it works out and sometimes it doesn't (zandvoort sorry some of the messages were nice but overalllll ehhhhh)
at the end it's just personal preference but I do think it's getting disproportionate hatery
imo they could come out in actual trash, but if the car is fast I'll take it
literally i get people hate logos but they need to move on from it because at the end of the day sponsor logo readability and adherence to brand standard will always come first...like they are Not Allowed to display sponsor logos in "incorrect" ways its just part of what they agree to when they bring on a sponsor and that means bright blue hp and shell being displayed on a solid color bg. i actually think they managed very well with shell by putting it in the yellow square, it fits in very modularly and reads well into the overall concept w using yellow as the dominant color there...like they couldve just slapped it on a white square like some other teams are stuck doing for their sponsor logos cmon..theyre overall really lucky to have so many sponsors who DO allow them to display their logos in a color like yellow that is most certainly not in their brand guidelines. personally i think that alone speaks to how well these sponsors view ferrari as a brand and a partner, its like kind of insane to imagine a huge company ALLOWING the recoloring of their logo like that, easily they couldve been required to keep every sleeve logo white or something..
I think we are way too harsh on ferrari when they are LITERALLY the only team that even tries to do anything interesting with race suits and has pretty consistently given us a bunch of different designs. and not even just recolors!! new designs! its great and i wish more teams would take the risk, it makes it a lot of fun. I think the hate on the carbon fiber look is lame, its a pattern thats so quintessentially racecar, i think the sleeve on the jerseys looks great and very fashionable. and I think the race suits are FUN i think they feel kind of old school and are very striking, they almost remind me of like a subtle jockey silk. i already love the vintage racing stripes feel of the regular suits this year, and i think the yellow striping + the pattern looks great and is really bold and refreshing. so much fucking better than a boring ass black race suit. try thinking about sports gear as something meant to be eye catching, iconic, memorable, collectible, and not just like. idk...sexy for an aesthetic post...idk
dont get me started on trophies, i really do view the trophies, especially ones by contemporary artists, as just that. contemporary art. and while im all good w people having their opinions and having discussions on that art, i hate how often it turns into just like. the tired old takes of Modern Art Bad, Classical Art Good. i actually really loved the zandvoort trophies lookswise, the sentiments written were a little eh, but i thought it was a great way to refresh the trophies, a very cool technique used, and a great way to get people talking! I love the monza trophies, as I said, i think theyre really beautiful n compelling sculptures...
i just think generally a lot of people do in fact have narrower vision if what they believe is "good art" than even they think they do, and i think a majority of people completely misunderstand sports design and just don't like seeing things that are different/not sexy 🤷‍♂️
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bitter-panacea · 3 months
Goultard's backstory, comparing the Dofus manga and the special episode Part 2 - Falling in love
Part 1
The special ep and the manga are the most different when it comes to Goultard falling in love.
The most notable difference is that Goultard falls in love with one witch instead of three. Certainly because they thought Gou having three girlfriends/wives at the same time wouldn't be politically correct enough for a short film meant to be showed to french tv channels as a way to prove Ankama had what it takes to make a tv show (Wakfu).
In the manga, Goultard goes after a trio of witches, the dark sisters, who keep stealing food from their village and causing chaos. He's not really interested in stopping them, really he's just charmed and intrigued... (maybe he's kinda fascinated... and wishes he could be free like they are idk idk maybe who knows)
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Kiki : Alright girls, I've got everything we need... Let's go!
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Guy : Well, Goultard? What the hell were you doing? These three witches ransacked the whole village! And you didn't even lift a finger!
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Goultard : I... I don't know, I wasn't myself, they must have cast a spell on me... / Guy : A spell? My ass. You're losing it! Talk about a hero... You're a pervert, that's what you are!
The way this guy talks to him like he's a completely useless imbecile really proves Goultard's only respected as long as he does what people expect him to do...
So he throws a large boulder the size of a small boulder at them, making them drop the bag of stolen food.
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Kiki : Listen little peasant, we don't want to hurt you. Give us that bag and you'll leave safe and sound. / Elvie : Pretty cute for a little peasant.
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Goultard : Shush... A small demonstration is better than a long speech...
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Kiki : You think we're impressed, you pretentious macho? (Still... A tree with only one finger!) Let's see what you can do againsnt our magic powers!
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Dark sisters : Take this! / Goultard : I wonder which one is the cutest...
They insult him, make fun of him, threaten and eventually attack him... and I guess that totally does it for Goultard. This is also exactly what Algathe did before he fell in love with her, so I'm pretty sure that's just his type.
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Goultard : Now, you've really gone too far... You've burnt all my clothes off! (Gou like "teehee oops i'm naked lol ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ " )
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Kiki : It's impossible... No man can resist our magic! / Elvie : Seems like he can.
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Goultard : Now, may I give you some advice? / Kiki : Keep your advice and take this!
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Goultard : Please, don't make me hurt you! / Kiki : Ow, my arm. Where does this strength come from?
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Goultard : No idea, I've always been pretty sturdy... Now, if you'll excuse me... I believe this bag of provisions must be returned to its real owner. See you later, girls! (omg nobody look! he's ass)
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Ah yes... No creature could resist Goultard, whether monstrous or feminine... / Kiki : What a guy... / Elvie : I'd like casting a love spell on him.
They dont ever say it, but you cant make me believe that these three "single" witches, who people call "sisters", (who lived together secluded from "respectable society"?) and did petty crimes together, weren't all dating one another. Goultard was just the latest addition to their cute little polycule. Thanks to his idiot rizz. And supposedly huge dick (If Elvie says so I believe her)
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Elvie : Oh! Now that's what I call a magic wand!
His dick pictured here, here and here (pictures kindly provided by @dj-m0th thank you lmao)
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( ^◡^)っ✂╰⋃╯No!! you leave that thang alone!!
In the special episode, the unnamed witch initiates the flirting with Goultard.
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She IS very cute even if she doesn't seem mean like Goultard usually likes.
They dont waste any time getting to know each other. As shown here by this VERY subtle broom riding illustration.
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In the manga, the relationship takes a little more time to develop.
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Thus, after a few months, the relationship between goultard and the dark sisters grew friendlier. They first began by repairing the damage they had caused and helped Goultard to fend off the most aggressive monsters.
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Over time, the three sisters and goultard became more intimate / Kiki : Take your finger out of there, naughty boy...
Looks like they're having fun. Good for them, good for them....
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His wedding was magnificent and thousands of warriors came to pay homage. They were even surprised to see some former enemies arrive during the ceremony.
(Cabotine isn't there, is she dead?)
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Life went on and Goultard was the happiest hero in the world. / Monster : Goultard, you little worm, come taste my balls... / Goultard : Stay in bed, girls, I'll be back in five minutes... (He'll be back right after tasting this dude's balls I guess)
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They had many children and lived happily ever after
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They have four children, three boys and a girl. Riri, Fifi, Loulou, what the fuck is the daughter's name oh my god (Fun fact : Riri, Fifi and Loulou are the names of Donald Duck's nephews in french)
Goultard's family is what he cherishes the most in the entire world. He truly loves that simple domestic lifestyle....
And this is it! Happy ending! No looming threat in the dark and certainly no part 3 to this post.
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Part 3 Part 4
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I know Geto is like a big sore spote in the whole fandom and i might be a bit insane, but i do love his story specifically because i dont think there is a way to fix it
We are being shown that well, he got really depressed and went into self isolation. In most cases, the best course of action would be to remove him from distress and have time to heal. The issue is that Geto couldnt just leave — he believes he needs to kill curses, and to become stronger he needs to eat them which distresses him further, and if he leaves people will die, and he cant ignore that just to keep himself sane. For a man like him if he head a specific goal to become strong for, i dont think the eating process would have been such a big issue, but we have to have a big distinction that jujutsu sorcerer is, at the end of the day, a profession. You’re not a chosen superhero to save the world. Those growing up in clans may have a worse childhood, but growing up with understanding that yes curses exist its part of nature does make it easier to bear. Which is one of reason why Gojo, even while having all the trauma, didnt have such gripes with reasons or goals — this is a life he was born into.
Thinking of sorcery as more than a job makes you perceive yourself as more of a hero, and heroes are good and just and get recognition. Non sorcerers dont know about them. Geto fell into a trap of doing something for others and despairing. Its easier not to think about that shit when you’re naturally good at it, and you have fun — which is why Amanai situation and Gojo becoming stronger was so bad. Now he went on missions alone, which meant no company to distract him, and now it was no longer all fun shits and giggles, its a job full of tragedies. Considering Gojo was targeted since birth, we can assume he killed people before Toji, death is, unfortunately, familiar to him. Not for Geto — not seeing someone you care about die right before you, and certainly not being that close to death himself. He’s not longer the best at it, and its no longer fun, and he gets no recognition. Tobe precise, those are not bad thinks to want — we all want them. But if you dont get them here he would have been better to ya know. Find another job probably
Like the worst part about this whole thing is that some shit like that would have happened eventually one way or another, they’re not invincible. Childhood would eventually end, and in a way Geto spiraling is inevitable. The system is inherently flawed, and the issue they deal with is cruel. Some jobs are much more dangerous and have a detrimental effect on your mental health — its just that no one thought to give jujustu sorcerers some help, which is another problem. Adding the fact that he’s neither a saviour being thanked by everyone, or a strongest, yeah, he can’t figure out how to do this shit.
In AUs, I do think there are ways he could have handled it. Like if Gojo wasn’tin school, maybe he took his whole education with the clan? Or my au where he’s in a prison realm for centuries? Like yeah, sure, if Geto was the strongest, the only person here, i do think he would have probably felt invaluable. Youre great for your profession, you were born for it, why would you leave?
This may be projecting, but i do think his way of thinking about it is inherently flawed, a very slippery slope. People need a goal, a meaning, but looking for it outward is a sure way to get yourself into a slump, I went through this shit in a nasty manner when everything i did revolved around other people. Basing your decisions on what others would think is an easy way to pretend like its not your responsibility. This is why Gojo tells Megumi to be selfish and this is why during the entrance exams Yaga says that others wont appreciate your actions and you cant base your motivations off others.
Thats the ultimate tragedy, the fact that thinking like Geto did is ridiculously easy. You go into uni on the same course as your friend just to be with them and when something goes wrong your first thought would be that you did that for them, even thought its your life choices and decision. Yeah.
I have no conclusions for you, just some ramblings. I like my Geto mean and fucked up and insecure, makes him so real and relatable as a person.
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shurisbathwater · 2 years
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Riri Williams x black fem ! Reader
𝐖 𝐀 𝐑 𝐍 𝐈 𝐍 𝐆 ::  smoking weed , slight smut , cussing , friends w benefits 😛(fav trope)
A/n:: imagine y/n in the bohemian aesthetic 🤞🏾🤞🏾 idk she just gives me that vibe
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Favourite by nicki minaj & jerimih
"--𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐆𝐎, baby." Your girlfriend, shuri said as you sat on her lap, pouting at her. Shuri had been your girlfriend for about a month now, she certainly had the looks ... from her two toned plump lips to her dark skin and curly hair. She was exactly your type, but sometimes you felt like she wasn't being exactly truthful.
Alot of the time, actually.
"Okoye called me over." She chuckled lightly at your face. "You said we'd chill at home today. You always go out." You rolled your eyes as you got up from her lap. Though you knew it wasn't her "okoye".
"cmon love, don't be like that." She got up to caress your cheek. You looked up at her as she did it. She was quite tall. You were only 5"7. "Ill be home by ten." She pecked your cheek and walked out of the room, heading to the door.
Yeah, she was 100% lying to your face.
You heard a slam coming from the main door, of course. You sighed as you sat on the bed, alone once again. Fuck, you needed a smoke. With your favourite person, Riri Williams.
You : you tryna roll up or what?
Riri : you already know the answer babe
You grinned to yourself , but quickly stopped. You had a girlfriend. But the most attractive thing about Riri was that she always had your back, and the fact that she was so persistent with you.
You had led her on a couple of times, which you had regretted. Bit by bit it would eat you alive. Yet you still felt an itch of irritation when she talked to other girls.
I dont wanna hype ya
But you a lucky nigga
If my mean ass like ya
You grab your keys and walk to Riris, she lived a few floors down , all it took was a simple elevator.
You close the door behind you and dust off your outfit, a skirt and tube top you made yourself.
The Elevator opened within seconds and now you were on Riri's floor.
You took a couple of steps to Riri's apartment and knock on the door. She opens within seconds and you take a minute to admire...her in general.
She had just got her Knottless braids done , edges laid and a simple white tank top with some sweats. "Hey bae" you say as you come in to hug her. You always called eachother pet names, though Shuri didn't really like it.
Her hand traced your hips, all the way down to your...
"Let me get a blunt." You giggled as you clapped your hands jokingly.
'Cause if its you I would change for
You always make sure ...
I just wanna be your favourite.
You headed to her room to roll up, of course. And thats what you did--before you knew it you were couped up on one of her balcony chairs, her sitting beside you.
You looked at Instagram and clicked on Shuris story, that wasn't Okoye's house. At all. You saw another girl, faceless due to her back facing the screen.
"Oh." You said as your voice cracked. "Pass the blunt. Quick I need it."
"Couldve been a bit more discreet." You muttered. "Whats up?" She asked. To turn the phone to her and she raises her brows. "I was right about her ass." She scoffed as she took a hit of the blunt.
"You never liked her, Riri."
" And I hope she knows it. Ion like seeing anyone with you."
You chuckled lightly as you turned off your phone, she always knew how to make you feel better. Riri passed the blunt to you and you held it in your hand for a minute. "She's a liar. I told you"
"Forreal, fuck out my face, you know what I mean?" You said as you  exhaled, letting the smoke from the blunt leave your mouth. You passed it back to Riri, your eyes starting to feel heavy.
"I feel you." She replies,taking the blunt in her hands and getting a hit. "Mhm." You hummed as you adjusted yourself in the chair. "I cant believe i let her fuck on me." You mumbled as you look at the time on your phone.
"who wouldn't fuck you though?"
"You would?"
"You tryna test that theory?"
"I think your already high, let's put this out..." you say as she takes another puff. This time the smoke blows straight into your mouth.
"Completely sober."
You both lean in and kiss, her tounge swirling in your mouth. She starts off at a steady pace and leans in a bit more and kisses harder. You gasp throughout the kiss.
I just wanna be your favourite.
Your heart beat quickened as you realised this is all you've been dreaming about ... this exact moment. She goes down to your neck and you wince at her touch, knowing she's going to take out all of her internalised feelings on you.
"Am I your favourite y/n?" She asked as she slipped her hand up your thigh, your knee length skirt getting in the way. You didnt reply, you knee what you were doing. You were doing something so bad, but it felt so good.
"Say it."
"Yes." You said breathlessly.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
why don’t you talk about yoonmin? i believe they might’ve had something before jikook got serious and that’s why jk gets so jealous when jimin is too close to yoongi and why yoongi has such a big soft spot for jimin and compliments him in such detail. i know there’s nothing there anymore (at least ok jimin’s side) but i think their relationship is interesting
Anon tf you say? Yoonmin had something before Jikook got serious??
Let's look at some fax, shall we?
2013 they were already doing the hand thing where they wanna hold hands but can't so instead they rub their hands together in a subtle manner. Here is something recent ish if u wanna see what I mean.
2013 Jikook were already cuddling
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We know from Jikook themselves that they used to sleep together. Sometimes even in the hallway because they were afraid to wake other members when they got up too early. We have a manager asking JK to start sleeping in his own damn bed. We have RM confirming he once found JK in Jimin's bed
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and another time said JK only sleeps in the bed he loves. Which was Jimin's.
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Jikook were inseparable from jump. Jimin did not have time or room to be infatuated with anybody else. Literally.
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2014 Jimin was asked who he'd like to date and surprise! It wasn't Suga.
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2014 Jimin was asked what his weakness was and again it wasn't Suga
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When asked what present he wanted for his birthday he said JK
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Already ending up next to eo during ot7 stuff even way back then
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This popular satellite/possessive JK moment already shows Jikook were already crushing on eo
The fact that JK was already attached to Jimin in 2013 goes to show that they were probably hanging out all the time. Meaning JK certainly did not give Suga a chance to even try anything even if he wanted to.
Here is the kicker anon, when asked to choose between Suga and JK, which one he would like to sleep with, guess who Jimin chose?
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So I ask, when did Jimin have time to be with Suga when he had and has always had a head full of Jungkook?
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Jimin did not have eyes for anyone else. No cap. Yes him and Suga were close, still are but never like that. Yes when Jimin got tired of JK not reciprocating his affection on camera, Suga was among the members he started hanging with the most but that's about it.
2013 JK was already being territorial i dont see how Jikook would have worked if Yoonmin had become a thing at any one point.
So no, anon. You're just writing fanfiction now. BTS did not have any in house dating. (Sans Jikook) There is only one couple in Bangtan and that is Jikook. And they didn't date other members before eo or during a break up or whatever other crap people wanna come up with. Suga wasn't in Jimin's radar anon. No one was. Not then. Not now. Just JK and JK only.
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pwnyta · 4 months
Now that im done with my GI dailies...
ROUND 2 of the BNHA award show starts!
Damn she was a bad bitch....
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Ok they can preform open heart surgery? Sure...
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Award for BIGGEST ASSPULL goes to...
AND!!! ERI!!!
Damn this was dumb as hell....
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...off-screen.... girl... Mirio I love you so much theres no way you should be this lame...
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Kurogiri you were so intriguing before Hori made you a zombie of Aizawas friend he just randomly added...
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...??? HER!!!!
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Mutant bigotry!!!
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I mean obviously.... You know letting him actually have some smooth character development woulda been too hard for Hori...
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...Yall can get mad at me for this one... You know I aint wrong...
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Seriously Im in tears... how did this happen...
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??? Seriously you got pissed about killing villains so you started killing heroes even a teenage boy? Thats so fucking stupid girl....fuckin WHAT?
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Hawks gave Twice plenty of chances to stop fucking killing people so he could be taken in alive! WHY DO I HAVE TO DEFEND THIS BLACKHOLE OF WASTED FUCKIN TIME HORI WTF....???
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All Mights CANT STOP TWINKLING attack!
The way I cried a little... my little tchotchke.... Him changing his attacks from states to his students was already so good but damn... :') Aoyama deserved this.
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I mean we knew from the jump but.... DAMN Toshi.
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Award for MOST HATED GOOD SHIP goes to...
Seriously FUCK those KRBK fans! Im so glad you got bested by the BKDKs you rancid fucks.... This ship was always superior!!!
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Award for LOVING SHOTO THE MOST goes to....
Certainly not his fucking family....
So this is love... mmm mmm mmm mmm~ So this is... love?
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Award for SICKEST VILLAIN DESIGN goes to...
Kunieda(I guess?)
Seriously this guy is so fucking cool looking. Clears literally every single villain design. Its not even close.
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The award for MOST HORNGRY goes too....
Seriously AFO... if you werent so obsessed with Toshi you probably woulda won its literally so fucking funny.... Elevated the nosebleed trope to literally spurting blood from the forehead veins from how aggressively horknee you are. LMAO. AND YET somehow this is not the weirdest boner you have for another man.
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ALL MIGHT. Obviously.
IDK if Hori loves you or hates you by how he writes you Toshi but damn you wear this consistency so fuckin well not even Hori could fuck you up!
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.... LMAO... Damn. Stress so intense it made you turn into a distinctly designed character.. The magic of facial hair and eyebags...
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The only blemish on the otherwise sickest side battle in this whole arc TBH..
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Thats the end of part 2 of BNHA AWARDS!!! Some serious upsets this round! Damn!
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vargskelegore · 2 years
HI OMG!! i just read ur shuri x reader transfer student fic and i absolutely love it so much!! what ab reader taking shuri to one of the football games and just seeing how the hbcu culture is?? like the band, the majorette team, the cheerleaders, the sororities and fraternities??? like shuri would fall in love with the environment i feel like.
THANK YOU FOR SENDING IN SOMETHING!!! i actually LOVE this idea so much bc I WAS THINKING THE SAME THINGGGGG. we see each otha!! (i switch between using 3rd and 2nd person pov when i do headcanons so i apologize if its confusing!!)
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so, a lil backstory
when reader was in high school, they HATEDDD football games and pep rallies
they were so boring.
like you know the song called the horse by cliff nobles?? the song like every damn high school band played??
even readers school couldn't play that shit right. just bland.
so when reader began attending an hbcu as a freshman, and they did football games RIGHT???? oh my god reader was on cloud nine.
they've liked these football games ever since
and they wanted to make sure that shuri had the same experience as them when they first started going to school
so the first game rolls around on friday
and you're taking a walk with shuri (yall started taking these daily campus walks together.. a lil gay if you ask me 👀)
and so you finally break the news about the football game
i would assume wakanda is more knowing of soccer than football games, but they certainly dont live under rocks, i think they know what "football" is
nonetheless, shuri was mad confused when you told her that people dance and play songs of the black american culture at these games
but she's also very intrigued
you explain more thoroughly, and that was all it took for her to be onboard
i mean, she was hella excited for it.
so when the day finally comes, you were planning to pick up shuri, but lo and behold
that girl came to pick YOU up!
she's knocking on your dorm door, and your roommate is raising an eyebrow at you while shes doing her makeup.
"girl i told michael to pick me up at 5.. what is he doing here so early?"
and you too thought it was her date.
but you go and open the door, and see shuri standing there, wearing a hoodie of y'alls school and some jeans
and you already KNOW she got that short hair 😩
shes looking down at you with a smile, leaning on the side of your door.
"uh-- hey. i know you said you were coming to get me but i felt kinda bad because i let you get me all of the time since you know the campus better, but i thought me coming here was the least i could do to save you some trouble."
she's just smiling.
and your roommates mouth is wide open
you're literally so shocked, and kinda embarrassed because you weren't ready whatsoever.
guess wakandans really dont be playing about being on time, chile.
"uh, um-- give me one second hahahah." you have the most awkward laugh its hilarious
and shuri is so sweet about it she just nods at you and lets you close the door.
the moment you close that door??? omfg, your roommate is on your ASS
the way you hush her almost immediately, hoping and praying to god shuri didn't hear that.
she did.
"shut up! shes literally just my friend! i told her about the game tonight." your cheeks are on FIRE i mean you're so embarrassed.
your roommate doesnt believe that one bit LMFAO
"yeah okay... you better get out this dorm before i go and ask her how long y'all been dating."
you never walked faster out of there.
coming face to face with shuri again was.. awkward.
for you
but shuri seemed so unfazed by it
"hi! are you ready to go?" she's just grinning. when i tell yall she is EXCITED
"yeah! of course.. sorry about all of that."
"no worries. i understand it was a bit sudden."
god she was always SO understanding, it made you melt.
and of course, you two are off to the football field.
fast forward to when y'all are at the game
shuri is having a blast! somehow she managed to pick up how the game of football even works very quickly!
and then we get to half time...
oh my god, shuri is in a TRANCE.
them majorettes are making her ass FOLD
she was having a gay panic attack chile
all them pretty women out there in those outfits, doing dance moves that oozes pure grace and sexiness???
yeah shes done for
she also REALLY enjoys the band. they're playing songs she's never heard of before, but she's definitely asking you when y'all are walking home what exactly the band was playing LMFAOO
i like to think that during the football game she's getting attention she didn't realize she'd get
probably bc shes.. i dont know, THE PRINCESS OF WAKANDA???
but nonetheless, she's happily greeting people and carrying on like normal
and shes just having a blast with you
she's pretty sad when its all over 😭
time really flew by
and ofc, y'alls team won the football game.
some people were having parties after the game
but shuri wanted to take yet another walk instead
so y'all did
and this is where she shared all her thoughts
"that was so much fun!! i really think i'm gonna like it here. it kinda reminded me of wakanda a little bit." you could tell she was a tad bit home sick after mentioning her home country, but she brushed it off.
in order to distract her, y'all kept talking about the marching band and the music they played.
this is quite literally how she formed an entire taste of american music because she found out what songs were being played 😭
(btw, i think she has an obsession with michael jacksons music)
ugh if this was one of her fav experiences, just imagine homecoming for her!!!
this got to be a bit long, my bad 😭
requests are still open!! come n chat with me about shuri amen lights and walls 😌
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dabisbratz · 2 years
hai :3
ur the resident pretty boy of your school, well known among most of the student body for your charm and cute looks.
youve caught the attention of quite a few boys, but especially dabi.
your friends notice the glances and sideway smirks hes always giving you in class, n warn you to stay away from him cause he's “bad news”, always gettin into trouble with the teachers and hanging in detention with his friends.
but i mean, they have to be exaggerating, right?
by coincidence (if by coincidence you mean he was totally stalking you to find the best time to “accidentally” run into you when you weren't hanging with your pesky friends) you run into him as you walk down the empty hallway and give him a friendly smile, and from there it's history.
he’s always gotten so riled up seeing you being so friendly to all the other students, but being on the receiving end of that smile was a completely different experience entirely.
after that encounter, he starts sticking closer to you much to your friends dismay, but you can't understand why? he’s pretty sweet! always holding the door open for you, helping you carry your books to class, sharing things from his plate at lunch.
i mean, maybe he was a little touchy at times always wrapping his hand around your waist and pulling you closer whenever you two walked through the hall together.. always glaring daggers at whatever boy tried to talk to you.. never leaving you alone without him.. and maybe he was a bit too much of a tease with the little pet names he called you like “dollface” and “babe”.. but it was all just gentleman behavior right?
well best believe you got your answer later that week after he invited you over to his place to “study”. his niceguy routine had totally fallen apart after he saw some random ass guy trying to flirt with you. he was gone like one second and already people was tryin to get in ur pants. he already had a hard time keepin his composure as he watched those nobodies try and talk to you when he was clearly the only one meant for you.
but that certainly took the cake.
you were so confused at first when he had you pinned against his living room floor, marking every square inch of you up; it was already so different from the nice sweet dabi you had come to know.
he had you bent in every position as his cock drilled into you at a brutal pace, clammy hands gripping the sheets as you tried to steady yourself.
but truth be told, dabi had been patiently waiting for this day. to fuck you like you were meant to be fucked and show you and every one else how no other guy could come close to filling your needy little hole like he could. it was intoxicating as he listened to you moan his name in a voice that was reserved for his ears only; a sound he wish he could bottle up and get drunk on for forever. you didn't need those other stupid guys or those stupid friends.
all you really need is him baby<3
bruh ion even watch mha how your work got me over here obsessing over this guy i don't even know😭
okay bye🏃🏾
THIS IS SOOO…EEEHEHEHEHE JUS JUS JUS dabi who’s only soft for you!!!! gives everyone else snarls n mean glares but softens his gaze whenever you’re looking at him….. says stuff like “yknow you’re my best boy, right?” outta the blue n completely catches you off gaurdughhhh makes you repeat it until it’s all you can say— you’re his, only his. in love with the thought of dabi seemin kinda awkward n maybe even standoffish in public— super sweet n endearing— but behind closed doors he’s mean n sadistic… for your own good!! N THE FACT THAT YOU DONT EVEN WATCH MHA BUT I GOT YOU INTERESTED IN HIM???? EEEEE!!!!! IM HONOREDDDD
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jwonsociety · 2 years
lovestruck // chapter 6
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pairing ➼ brother's best friend!niki x fem!reader
genre ➼ strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, kind of crack because y/n's internal narration is very silly, sunoo is y/n's older brother
word count ➼ 3.9k
warnings ➼ a little bit of angst this chapter but DONT WORRY, everybody is so so so stupid, profanity
synopsis ➼ As the younger sister of the smart and popular Kim Sunoo, you’ve gotten used to living life as a background character. You mostly keep to yourself, you don't go to parties, and you most certainly do not have a boyfriend. One day, Sunoo brings home one of his friends and encourages you two to get to know each other… the fact that said friend is extremely cute definitely won’t be an issue, right?
taglist!! ➼ @kaal-ee @naexity @sd211 @yenqa @justbored48 @nomurahayami @seeuuns @666eren @mklhyvn @annoyingbitch83 @f0rlov3rs @wanna-live-yn-life @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @han8ul @ahnneyong
a/n ➼ i cant believe that this series is already over!! thank you all so so much for reading and enjoying this mini series <3 it truly means the world to me. this story has been so fun to write!! i hope you all enjoy this extra long chapter!! love you all~ mwah
˚₊· ➳❥
Your whole life, romance was something you had only experienced vicariously through movies. It was a little embarrassing to admit, but you were a sucker for a good rom-com; from Love Actually to 27 Dresses to The Princess Bride, you had truly seen it all. Countless nights had been spent curled up in your bed with only potato chips and Julia Roberts to comfort you.
Despite your obsession with these films, you had always insisted that you did not care for anything related to dating. Boys were not a priority. You had a less-than-thrilling social life, but you had a good group of friends and good grades. You weren’t anxiously waiting for a prince charming to come knocking on your door. And, honestly, you simply never thought you would ever experience that. You sincerely could not imagine someone liking you enough to sweep you off your feet with a grand romantic gesture. Nobody would stand outside your window with a boombox, or serenade you with a marching band accompaniment. You were okay with that. At least, you had been.
You weren’t sure what exactly it was about him. Maybe his eyes or his hair or his smile… at a conventional level, he was cute, that was obvious. He possessed all of those attractive qualities, yet that’s not why you fell for him. It was his dorky laugh and his little habits and his perfect rendition of any SHINee choreography. Yes, you had been content with a life devoid of a fairytale ending. Then Niki entered the picture and fucked everything up. He fucked everything up in the best possible way.
Some braver, more courageous person possessed you the moment you leaned in to meet Niki halfway. You honestly don’t know what came over you. You weren’t the daring type. But with his eyes looking at you so fiercely, confession still fresh from his lips, how could you not? You squeezed your eyes tightly shut, anxiously waiting for Niki to push you away and change his mind.
Instead, instead you felt soft lips against your own. A gentle hand gently rested on your waist, pulling you in ever so slightly, and another cupped your cheek. Holy shit. You were kissing Niki. And he was kissing you back.
Your heart thrummed hard in your chest -- harder than it ever had in your whole life. You were so nervous. You had never kissed anyone like this before. So carefully, so meaningfully. Legs trembling, your hand grabbed Niki’s shoulder as an anchor. You could feel the raven-haired boy smile softly against your lips. He hugged you just a little tighter and somehow, you felt less scared.
The familiar scent of Niki’s cologne seemed to envelop you completely. It was clean, rich, and delightfully him. You wanted to breathe in it forever. If time could allow it, you sincerely would.
Wrapped delicately in Niki’s arms, you felt so safe. He’d always had the incredible ability to make all of your worries melt away, like a warm sun thawing a frozen river. Time stood at a standstill as you stood in the middle of the room, kissing him like you would never get the chance to again. This was so much better than any rom-com you had ever seen.
“What the fuck?”
At the sudden interruption, you sprang off of Niki, whirling around to discover the source of the sudden interruption. You were met with the sight of your brother standing in the doorway with an expression of pure horror on his face.
“No, seriously, what the fuck?” His demeanor seemed to be a combination of shock and exasperation. His gaze flicked between the two of you. You opened and closed your mouth, searching for a response, but failed. This was not good. Actually, scratch that -- this was a literal waking nightmare. God, what were you thinking? When has anything romantic ever worked out for you?
Niki, sensing your petrified state, took a step towards him. “Sunoo---”
Sunoo backed away warily. “Niki…” he started, but trailed. He looked away, the awkwardness off this situation visibly taking a toll on him. He cleared his throat. “Niki, I think you should go home.”
“Wait, Sunoo,” you pleaded, eyes stinging with unshed tears. 
“Please.” His voice was very small. “Just go.”
After a moment’s pause, Niki brushed past Sunoo and left the room without saying a word. The tension was so unbearable it neared torturous. You stared at the picture frame on your desk that you had been laughing at just minutes before. The only sound to be heard was Niki descending the steps, grabbing his coat, and eventually exiting through the front door with a faint thud. You forced yourself to look at your brother.
To your surprise, he was already looking at you. His eyes brows were pinched in a way that you could only describe as apprehensive. Or on the verge of vomiting. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint it.
“Sunoo, I promise there’s an explanation for this,” you whispered, trying your hardest to stifle the tears threatening to spill out of your eyes.
“Y/nnie…” he started. He ran his hands through his hair. “I’m just going to go to my room.”
He turned away and stepped out into the hall, and in a second, he was gone.
“It couldn’t have been that bad.”
“I can assure you, it was.”
Yoon sighed, clearly wanting to say something else but choosing to bite her tongue. You continued.
“It was completely moritfying,” you insisted, hands mindlessly forming braids in your friend’s hair. You were sitting at a picnic table in your school’s courtyard, legs facing outward, and Yoon sat on the ground in between them as you practiced your stylist skills. Eunchae sat to the left of you, legs tucked up to her chest. It was Monday, lunch, and naturally you had called for an emergency meeting to discuss the events of the past Saturday.
Eunchae was clearly invested. “I mean, how mad is Sunoo, really?”
“He’s fucking pissed, Eunchae,” you groaned. You began to braid a little faster. “He’s barely spoken to me since it happened! I’ve tried talking to him, but it likes trying to reason with a brick wall. All it’s been is dirty looks and the silent treatment and now I’ve completely destroyed the relationship I have with my brother beyond repair and--”
“Ow, ow!” Yoon hissed, reaching up to seize your wrist. “You’re pulling!”
“Sorry,” you mumbled, releasing the iron grip you had on her poor hair follicles. “I just really don’t know what to do.”
“Maybe he just needs time,” Eunchae suggested. “I mean, in his defense, he did walk in on his best friend sucking face with his little sister. That’s probably a big shock.”
“We were not ‘sucking face’.”
“Fine. You were ‘smooching’ his best friend. That doesn’t make it any better.”
You pondered her words for a moment. “Yeah, I guess you’re right… but was kicking him out really necessary? Niki hasn’t texted me once since then! Maybe he regrets it.”
“He’s probably just scared, Y/nnie,” Yoon said, resting her cheek on your knee. She gave you an assuring smile. “You should go talk to him!”
“Speak of the devil,” Eunchae gasped, pointing to the other side of the courtyard. You followed her extended finger to find Niki, hair shining in the sunlight, carefully considering all of the beverage options in one of the vending machines. “Now’s your chance!”
You grimaced. “I don’t know.”
Yoon rolled her eyes and gave your leg an urgent shake. “C’mon! What’s the worst that could happen? I mean, the dude kissed you, so he obviously doesn’t hate you.”
“Yeah, I’m kind of still processing that,” you snorted, swatting her hand away playfully.
“Honestly, me too,” Eunchae confessed. “Since when did you become such a player, y/n?”
With a laugh, you pushed yourself off the bench and turned to face your friends. “I’m not a player!” you giggled. “But alright, I’ll go talk to him.”
With an encouraging thumbs up from Eunchae and a dignified salute from Yoon, you mustered all of your courage and set off towards Niki. The boy in question seemed seriously focused on deciding between Pepsi or Mountain Dew. As you got closer, regret began to slowly creep into your mind. Was the school courtyard really the best place to have your first conversation with him since… the incident? You had mentally dubbed it that because it was definitely a milestone in your life in terms of personal mortification. Before you could change your mind, Niki noticed you approaching.
“Y/n,” he said. You searched his expression for any trace of annoyance or apprehension, but didn’t discover anything of the sort. Maybe you it was wishful thinking, but he honestly seemed happy to see you. “Hey.”
“Hi, Niki,” you replied, voice tense. “How are you?”
“I’m alright,” he replied, lips quirking into a smile, and motioned towards the vending machine. “I’m just getting a drink. I think today’s more of a Mountain Dew kind of vibe.”
You giggled, furrowing your brows at him. “What exactly defines a ‘Mountain Dew kind of vibe’?”
“I can’t really explain it. I can just feel it in my soul.” He clutched his abdomen dramatically, gazing off into the distance like he was the protagonist in a thought-provoking artsy indie film. It made you laugh harder.
You shifted you weight between your left foot and your right, searching for a way to appropriately change the topic from carbonated beverages to what you really came over here for. “So, we’re good, right?”
He blinked. “Of course we are. Why wouldn’t we be?”
“You just haven’t texted me since Saturday, so I was beginning to think you… you know, regretted it.”
“No, no, I promise you I don’t,” he insisted fervently. “Honestly, I thought that maybe you regretted it, because of Sunoo seeing us.”
You quite literally convulsed at the mention of your brother walking in on you two. Ashamed, you buried your heads in your hands. “Oh my God, please don’t bring that up. That will go down in history as the most embarrassing thing to ever happen in my life.”
“It’s not the worst,” Niki chuckled. “I’m sure something more embarrassing will happen to you later in life and you’ll forget all about this.”
You peeked at him through your fingers. “That’s not really comforting.”
“Have you spoken to him since then?” you asked, dropping your hands back to your sides.
“I tried,” he said, “but he’s been avoiding me like his life depends on it. I can’t tell if he’s mad or just feels severely awkward.”
“I think it’s a mix of both,” you joked, but a sad undertone edged your voice. You sighed. “He hasn’t spoken to me either. I don’t know what to do.”
Niki looked crestfallen. “Y/n, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have suddenly done that in the middle of your room.”
You chuckled. “Are you forgetting it was me who kissed you?”
A soft pink blush crept up Niki’s neck before blossoming across his cheeks. You had come to discover that you rather enjoyed seeing him embarassed. “Well, yeah, but I was the one who… said all those things.”
“What, your confession of undying love to me?”
Niki smiled, cocking an amused eyebrow at you. “I don’t really remember it happening like that.”
“Well, whatever the case, I don’t regret it,” you assured him. “Do you?”
Niki placed a gentle hand on your arm, your skin tingling under his warm touc, his eyes soft. Your proximity was suddenly a lot closer. “I definitely don’t regret it, Y/nnie. I promise.”
Your face burned. “‘Y/nnie?’” you repeated, dumbstruck.
He smiled. “What, isn’t that your nickname? It’s cute. Like you.”
“Oh my God, stop,” you laughed, pushing him away. “I might die from the sheer corniness of what you just said.”
“I’m just trying to be a chivalrous gentleman.”
“Please take your chivalry somewhere else.”
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence for a moment. With Niki, you didn’t need to speak. It was easy to just quietly enjoy each other’s company. You took some time to admire his outfit; he was wearing a white band tee and baggy grey sweats with a silver necklace adorning his sternum. You loved the way he dressed. You were coming to realize that you loved most things about him.
“Forgive me for being so cliche, but,” you ventured, “what are we?”
He grinned, tilting his head at you like you were the funniest thing. “Well, I was kind of hoping that you’d be my girlfriend, y/n. If that’s okay with you.”
Any attempt to remain nonchalant instantly evaporated. The widest, giddiest smile stretched out across your face, the kind so big it turned your eyes into little crescents. Girlfriend.
“It’s definitely okay with me, Niki,” you breathed. You felt like you were dreaming. “Wow.”
“Don’t tease me, I’m just surprised!”
“How are you surprised? We kissed in your bedroom two days ago!”
You rolled your eyes, but that stupid smile on your face didn’t budge an inch. Being Niki’s girlfriend was already something you were very much relishing in. Of course,  you realized there was still the issue of your brother, which sorely needed resolving.
“Listen, before we start dating officially or anything, I should probably work things out with Sunoo,” you explained. “He deserves some sort of explanation.”
Niki nodded in agreement. “I totally get that. Honestly, I should probably talk to him too.”
You sighed, long and heavy, rubbing your neck. “How do I talk to him though? He’s avoiding me like the plague.”
“Maybe you just need to corner him.”
“Corner him?”
“Yeah, like get him in a situation where he can’t leave and he has no choice but to talk.”
You scoffed. “Right. Because that’s totally non-threatening.”
“Just a suggestion,” Niki shrugged.
Honestly, that idea didn’t seem to bad. In fact, it may be your only option -- Sunoo’s evasion of you was becoming so precise it was baffling. Seriously, your house wasn’t that big, yet somehow he managed to always avoid you. This dilemma needed to be dealt with once and for all.
“Niki, please tell me everything is going to be okay.”
He smiled. “Y/n, everything is going to be okay.”
“Y/n, let me out right now!”
“Sunoo, this is for your own good.”
“How the hell is locking me inside a bathroom for my own good?”
Honestly, you probably could’ve gone about this in a less serial killer-esque way, but at this point, you were desperate. After you and Niki’s conversation earlier that day, you had been determinedly brainstorming ways to confront your brother. Then, that evening, you spotted Sunoo going into the bathroom to brush his teeth, and before you knew it you were following him in and locking the door behind him.
Again, there was probably a better way to do this.
“Sunoo, will you please just listen for a second?”
“Why should I? I’m being held captive by my little sister!”
“S-Sunoo, please,” you squeaked, voice quivering. “You’ve been avoiding me all week, I just want to talk to you!”
Sunoo crossed his arms. “I don’t really have much to say.”
“But I do!” you exclaimed. “Don’t you think you’re overreacting? You won’t even let me explain myself!”
“Overreacting?” Sunoo repeated in disbelief. “I walked in on you kissing my best friend! How do you think I feel? This whole time, I thought me and Niki were really becoming close, just for me to find out he’s only been coming over to see my sister!”
You paused. Is that really what he thought? “But that isn’t true,” you insisted.
“How am I supposed to know that?” Sunoo, who had been furious just moments before, now seemed overcome by sadness. It was a vulnerability you hadn’t seen in him since you two were kids; his eyes watering and voice weak. He looked at the floor. “Kissing each other is one thing, but straight up lying to me? That’s what I’m really upset about.”
“Sunoo…” An immense amount of guilt settled on your shoulders. You hadn’t even thought about it like that, from Sunoo’s perspective. Now you understood why he was so upset.
You drew in a deep breath and released it, taking a second to steady your breathing before you spoke. “I want to make it very clear that me and Niki have not been sneaking around behind your back. What happened on Saturday was… spur-of-the-moment.”
“Okay,” he said, but he still seemed tense. “But then why did you kiss him in the first place? I knew you and Niki were friends, but I had no idea there might’ve been something more.”
“If I’m being completely honest,” you began, but hesitated. God, this was so embarrassing, but it was the truth. “I’ve liked Niki since I met him. But I genuinely didn’t think he was interested in me like that anyways, so I just tried my best to ignore my crush on him because I knew it would bother you.”
Sunoo didn’t say anything, so you continued. “We got closer as we hung out more and it was purely platonic, but on Saturday we both ended up admitting our feelings, and… well, you know the rest.”
“Unfortunately, I do,” Sunoo quipped. He was looking at you with close attention, but he didn’t seem upset anymore. He was just listening.
“I feel so shitty about it. I really do. We shouldn’t have done that when you were right down the hall and I should’ve communicated with you about my feelings because I knew it would put you in an uncomfortable position. I’m sorry, Sunoo. I’m sorry that I made you feel lied to.”
Sunoo remained quiet for another beat, staring into you like he could see into your soul. You swallowed nervously. Eventually, he spoke.
“Thank you for telling me the truth, y/nnie,” he said, mouth turned upwards in a small smile. “I think I was just really shocked more than anything. I had no idea what to think.”
You giggled, your face turning a little red. “Well, in your defense, I think that would shock anyone.”
“Yeah you might be right,” he laughed.
“I know you must feel a little awkward though. I mean, Niki’s one of your closest friends.”
“Yeah, I do feel awkward, I won’t lie about that,” he admitted. “But you can’t control who you like. Besides, I’d rather you be with Niki than some weirdo. He’s a great guy.”
You snorted, looking at him with hopeful eyes. “So, we’re good?”
He rolled his eyes, but a grin adorned his face. “Yes, dummy, we’re good.”
He pulled you into a tight hug and you felt the anxious knot in your stomach finally come undone. You threw your arms around Sunoo and buried your head in his shoulder. Finally, you had your best friend back.
“So, does this mean you and Niki are gonna get like, matching heart lockets or something?”
“Ew. What?” you laughed, poking your brother in his side.
“Just a question!”
For whatever reason, the entirety of your decision making skills left your brain the moment you had to choose an ice cream flavor. There were the basics like chocolate and vanilla, and they were reliable. But what if you were feeling adventurous? Maybe rocky road was a better choice, or even cookie dough… jeez. You genuinely believed you would have an easier time naming your firstborn child.
“It’s not a life or death decision, y/nnie,” Niki teased. “Just pick one.”
“It might as well be,” you grumbled as you continued to scrutinize the menu with serious contemplation.
“If you don’t choose something in the next five minutes I’m leaving you here.”
You shot him a glare, but there was no real malice behind it. Soft house music filled the small establishment, as well as the quiet chatter of other patrons. Niki stood behind you, looming, yet his presence was always comforting. This had been his idea, of course. After what had been a rather tiresome day at school, Niki had insisted that you two do something ‘fun’, and before you knew it, he had grabbed you by the hand and brought you here. You were happy. You just wish picking a flavor wasn’t so impossible.
Niki squeezed your shoulder, leaning in to talk to directly in your ear. “I can just choose for you, if you want,” he offered, his tone affectionate and warm. 
“...That actually sounds like a good idea. Thanks.” You smiled, leaning back into him ever so slightly. You couldn’t see him, but you could tell that he was also smiling, probably finding your indecisiveness throughly hilarious. With a gentle pat to your head, he stepped past you to order at the counter.
“May I please have a scoop of double chocolate chip with melted fudge--” he briefly glanced at you, then continued, “--and a scoop of matcha ice cream please? Thank you.”
You pursed your lips, intrigued by his choice for you. Niki began rooting through his pockets and you grabbed his wrist.
“I can pay for my own, Niki,” you insisted.
He removed your hold on his arm, smiling as he gazed down at you. “Don’t worry about it, y/nnie.” He cupped your cheek in his hand, eyes gleaming with a fondness you couldn’t quite place, and your heartbeat stuttered. “Besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t buy a treat for my girlfriend?”
A fierce blush spread across your face. Boyfriend. Girlfriend. You were never going to get used to that. Clearly proud of himself, he smirked and turned back towards the cashier to hand him the cash. After successfully retrieving the ice cream, he handed you yours.
“C’mon,” he said, jerking his head towards the door. “Let’s sit outside. The weather’s nice.”
Ice cream in hand, you followed him towards the exit. Niki pushed the door open with his hip, holding it there and motioning for you to go ahead. Grinning, you obliged, brushing past him and immediately being greeted by the crisp weather. The door closed with the happy jingle of its bell. The two of you decided to situate yourselves on a nearby bench, content to eat your ice cream while partaking in some good old-fashioned people watching.
“You know, I’ve never had matcha ice cream before,” you commented, carefully observing the green scoop nestled in a waffle cone.
Niki looked over at you and grinned. “Well, I hope you like it then.”
You carefully tasted some of the ice cream, Niki watching you expectantly. After pondering its flavor for a moment, you looked back at him and nodded in approval. “Wow, it’s actually really good! How’d you know I’d like this?”
He smiled. “I just know you better than anyone, huh?”
You smiled back at him and scooted a bit closer so that you were comfortably nestled into his side. Even though you and Niki were dating officially now, the flustered butterflies in your stomach were still very much present. But now, they weren’t as much nervousness as they were adoration. Everything about Niki was just so lovable. And, in addition to his cute smile and sense of humor, he made you feel so secure. Truly, he was your safe place.
“You okay?” Niki asked, voice concerned. He must’ve noticed you spacing out.
You smiled at him reassuringly. “Yeah, I’m just… really happy.”
Niki beamed. “Me too, y/nnie. Me too.”
He looked at you, expression soft, his nose slightly brushing yours. With a small smile, you leaned in and met him in the middle. And this time it wasn't sneaky or scary. It was perfect.
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