#i might also change the purple of the shoes to fully black? i think they look a bit too dark in-game
antirepurp · 2 months
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fighting tooth and nail against tipped ears and giving the eyes a dark rim, this sort of thing worked in 2d but im not sure if it's translating to the model quite the way i want it to? im a bit torn on it ngl
that said im fond of the forehead swatch
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idk maybe i'll put it in the game and see how it looks it might not have as strong of a contrast over there
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5 Times Musa wore Riven’s clothes
Read here or on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29376804
The Alfea Games is a bullshit annual tradition. It's an exam masquerading as a tournament, just a way for the teachers and high rankers of the Kingdom to see who they want to pluck out of the Academy and take for their army, or task force, or some other random position Riven could really not care less about.
Still, he's competitive, and if there's one thing he likes doing, it's beating Sky.
He slashes, a dagger in each fist, at the Burned One projection and it falls to its knees shrieking.
The stands are full of students cheering, and Riven gets a rush at their applause.
"Show off." Sky pants from beside him, as Riven's tally flicks up to 7, and Sky's stays stubbornly at 4.
"Jealous, much?" Riven grins; relieved when the half-time bell chimes because his legs are sore, and the late afternoon sun still burns as it begins to dip out of the sky. He and the other Specialists head over to the shade and he rifles through his rucksack for some water as Sky goes to kiss Bloom, who's leaning over the rail; red tresses swaying in the breeze.
"You were amazing!" Bloom gushes, and Sky beams at her, and Riven mimes throwing up.
Someone laughs.
He turns to see Musa, headphones around her neck, hair in pigtails, and-and-
In his jacket.
She's wearing his jacket. His leather jacket. It's draped over her shoulders. Her bare shoulders, because she's wearing some strapless, form-fitting purple dress, and Riven's coat, she's wearing Riven's-
"You okay, man?" Sky asks, and Riven realises they're all looking at him, and he's still looking at Musa, and her big, brown eyes are lit up a sort of hazel in the red setting sun.
He nods, waving them off, and chugs more of his water, trying to temper his heartbeat.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Musa asks, more quietly, her irises flaring purple. Her eyebrows stitch together worriedly. "You're like- really anxious. It's just a game."
"Stay out of my head." He hisses furiously, petrified that she might be able to see, might be able to tell-
She leans away from him, scowling. "Fine. Whatever."
He's grateful when the bell rings again, but his winning streak is gone. As the flood-lights turn on and the sun disappears, he misses target after target. He keeps getting pinned by fucking rookies and everyone else's tally continues to jump up as his dies on a plateau.
He can see her, in his peripheral, wearing his jacket and she probably doesn't even know it's his. She probably doesn't know how she looks in that leather swamping her frame, the collar resting at her neck, where the skin looks so soft that-
"Fuck, dude," Sky curses, hauling Riven off his ass. "Pull yourself together."
"She's wearing my jacket." He snaps, and Sky looks at him blankly for a moment, before he groans.
"Dude, I know you're like, against sharing, but she was freezing and it was just lying there. I'd have given her mine, but Bloom had already-"
"It's fine, just-" Riven tries to shake it off, "I'm focused."
He can't help a final glance over his shoulder, to see Musa leaning sleepily against the railings, headphones now secured over her ears, resting her chin on her arms. On his jacket sleeves. She's lit by the silver floodlights, and her eyes are half-closed, and he wonders what she's listening to. He wonders-
The Burned One knocks him to the ground, and the buzzer blares.
The next day, traces of her perfume linger on his jacket, swirling around him the way she does, always, in his thoughts.
It's sweet, like honey and vanilla, like home-spun sugar and toffee.
He'd found his jacket right on the bench where he'd left it after the game: the stands empty, the game over. It had been folded neatly and left just beside his things and he'd slid it on and tried not to replay their interaction in his head.
Today's a new day.
As part of Sky's new scheme to become the best boyfriend in the history of boyfriends, they've been sitting with the Winx Suite most lunch times. It's not exactly Riven's idea of a good time. He feels some horrid mix of guilt and irritation whenever he looks at Terra, and Aisha glowers at him like his very proximity will end in her getting a suspension. He spends most of the time arguing with Stella, and trying (failing) not to look at Musa while Sky and Bloom stray the line between PDA and go get a room.
When he gets to the cafeteria and heads for the table, he's surprised, and maybe a little thrilled, to see that it's just Musa at the table.
She stands up as soon as she seems him.
"Good, the others just left. They wanted to have lunch out by the lake. Bloom has apparently ‘found a place’. C'mon, we can catch up."
He has no option but to follow her, and sure enough, half-way across the field is the whole merry-fucking-gang. Riven doesn't know how to feel. Sky could've texted, if his brain was capable of fathoming anything other than Bloom when she was nearby. Were they even going to invite him? Was he going to get to the cafeteria to see an empty table? They probably wouldn't have missed him anyway, he thinks bitterly.
And yet- Musa was there. Waiting.
He looks at her thoughtfully, and her eyes flash purple when she catches him. She winces. "It wasn't like that." She says, "they were caught up in the idea of going there. They weren't purposely trying to leave you behind."
Jesus Christ, can't she just-
"I'm sorry," she barrels on, as they fall into the same steps, almost caught up to the others. "I'm trying to respect your privacy and everything, I'm working on it- my control isn't great at the moment."
"You should work on that." He mutters.
Her shoulders slump dejectedly. "I know."
Well, fuck, he didn't mean to- he swallows hard. "I'm tanking my field training." He says, trying to ignore her look of surprise at this freely-offered information. "Great at everything else, but camouflage? The element of surprise? I'm struggling. It's hard. I also fucking hate it, so there's that."
She huffs out a small laugh. "I bet you just like the thrill of attacking someone face to face. None of that 'sneaking up on you' bullshit."
He grins before he can check himself, and she catches it, and smiles too.
"There you are!" Bloom calls excitedly, "c'mon, we're gonna use Stella's ring."
Riven hates to give Bloom props for anything- and it isn't because he doesn't like her, or anything like that- he's just reluctant to acknowledge anybody's good traits since they all seem so loathe to see any in him- but the lake is nice.
Large and leafy green, surrounded by trees and over-hung by the clear blue sky. There's a sunbeaten deck strutting proudly into the middle, and Aisha strips out of her clothes to reveal a swim suit, and in three great strides, dives in like a dolphin.
The rest of them stare after her in awe.
"Are you always wearing that under your clothes?" Riven asks, toeing off his shoes, watching as Aisha tumble turns and glides through the water like a dolphin. She smiles at him from the water, and he's surprised by the look of it on her face. For the first time, she looks relaxed. Stress-free. Content.
Bloom and Stella change into their swim suits, as he and Sky just strip down to their boxers. Bloom wolf-whistles, and Sky blushes.
Riven puffs his chest out, winking at Stella who scoffs at him. He turns to find Musa. She's shrugged off her coat and shoes, and is rifling through her bag in confusion. She's too pre-occupied to notice his abs. Riven tries not to take offence.
"I can't find my- oh shit." Musa groans, thumping her head. "I left it back in the fire circle."
"Oh! Don't worry, Musa," Terra says brightly, as she sits, fully-dressed, on the mossy bank, with a stack of books beside her. "You can sit this one out with me!"
Musa turns to her with a smile (that to Riven, looks fucking forced) just as Bloom and Sky jump in. They scream, splashing Stella who cannon-balls in after them. Riven watches Musa's face, can see the hidden longing in her eyes.
A part of him wants to tease her, entice her in by saying how much he wouldn't mind if they decided to go skinny-dipping instead, but he knows it ultimately wouldn't work. Instead, he reaches for his discarded black tee, and tosses it to her.
"Should be long enough to preserve your modesty," he says, going for casual and heading for the dock. "Considering you're such a short-arse."
Musa sticks her tongue out at him, but she eagerly turns to get changed and Riven plunges into the lake to resist the urge to watch.
The water is warm and licks at his skin as the sun beats down onto his shoulders. It's deep and he can't quite graze the bottom, and he's suddenly, a little stupidly, grateful for knowing Sky. Grateful that he gets to be here. He floats on his back, staring up at the sky and letting himself just bask in the moment. As the water laps in his ears, he can hear the others laughing, Aisha swimming, Stella screaming, and the sun warms red spots onto his eye lids, marvellous colours in the dark- so he opens them.
Just in time to see Musa standing on the dock.
Suddenly, all his attention is on her. Her long, tan legs on display, his tee, his t-shirt, tickling down past her hips, and she jumps.
Okay. Turns out it's not a leather jacket thing. Anything that's his looks good on her. He could look good on her.
He watches for her when she re-surfaces, as she joins in splashing Stella, and he waits, waits, waits, until- victory.
She swims over to him. A little way away from the group, to where he's treading water alone. The t-shirt clings to her and he wants to touch her and-
"Hey," she says, with wet hair and water droplets on her eyelashes. "Thanks for the tee."
He shrugs. "I'd rather you'd jumped in without anything on."
She hits him, but finally, finally, he gets her eyes on him. They linger, as the water rivets roll down the breadth of his shoulders, his chest, down to- her eyes flicker away, cheeks red.
"Don't be shy," he purrs, "I'm hot. It's not a sin to look. You're hot too. Dancer’s body. Bet you're flexible."
"Wouldn't you like to know?" She murmurs, before her eyes flash purple. He tries not to let it irritate him. He hates the violation of his privacy, but he knows she can't control it- but she turns away from him, and he follows her gaze to Terra, sitting balefully alone. "If I do what I'm gonna do," she whispers, and his heart trips up a little, at her whispering to him over the water, pulling him in closer. A secret just for the two of them. "Promise you won't tell anyone."
Riven grins. "I'm great with secrets."
Musa takes a breath, before she stares at Terra, face tense with concentration, eyes shimmering purple.
Riven turns to look at Terra expectantly. "You're mind-controlling her?"
"No." Musa mutters, still focused, "I'm just trying to increase her confidence, trying to-"
Terra looks up suddenly, and Musa hurriedly grabs Riven's arm to move behind him.
"The water does look good!" Terra calls, "is it warm?"
"Oh, it's lovely, Terra!" Musa hollers back, "you should come in!"
"Yes! Join us!" Bloom sings, from her position perched on Sky's shoulders.
Terra wavers. Riven can feel Musa's hand curled around his arm, her body against his back. "I don't have my costume!" She yells.
"You're wearing like five layers," Stella calls, "you can spare one."
Terra chews on her bottom lip, and Riven turns his head to whisper: "can't you boost it anymore?"
"I'm trying." Musa insists quietly, "I can't manufacture it. I can only enhance what's already there."
"Terra," Riven yells, startling her, "if you come in, I'll let you dunk me."
Sky bursts out laughing, and Terra giggles.
"Well, I can't resist that!" She says, getting to her feet. Riven turns away, looking down at Musa who's beaming up at him.
"Wow." She says, pressing her lips together to hide the glee in her tone. "That was very sweet."
"Fuck off." Riven mutters, but his eyes are on the collar of his wet tee as it clings to her skin. "I only did it because that was bloody painful to watch. By the way, is there anything else you can do with your powers that I should watch out for?"
Musa tips her head contemplatively. "Actually, yes." She lifts her hands and cups his face. He startles a little, at her fingertips against his jaw, before he sees her eyes purple and shimmer, and then suddenly, a weird emotion clouds into his head. It's familiar yet foreign, it's-
"It's meant to be gratitude." Musa says, when her eyes are back to normal and she's panting a little, "I'm not great at-"
"I got it." He reassures her, “I felt it."
She smiles, pleased, pushing away from him to swim further to the centre of the lake.
He watches her go, mind reeling. More powerful than he thought, though he's not sure why he's surprised. He can still feel her hands on his face. He wants to swim after her, but Terra and Sky corner him, eager to see him dunked.
It marks a turning point for the group as a whole.
The afternoon at the lake has softened grudges, strengthened bonds, and Terra talks to him more over lunch. Aisha doesn't bore him so much, not now he can see her for more than a stuck-up rule-follower. He and Stella get along as well as they usually do, but their barbs seem less sharp than before. Bloom has always been pretty accepting, and Musa-
Well, she's Musa.
She's making him lose all sense of normalcy, of sanity, because that's the only reason he'd agree to this fucking slumber party.
"No, I think it was better over there." Sky says, changing his mind for the fourth time, as Riven struggles under the weight of the mattress. The entire floor is covered with pillows and cushions and Sky needs to make up his mind before Riven kills him. "No, no, you were right- put it back."
"Jesus," Riven groans, setting it down and spotting the stack of Disney Princess movies. "We're two guys about to sleep with five girls, and you're suggesting we watch Pocahontas?"
"They won the coin toss," Sky shrugs, "besides, I always liked the little hummingbird."
The girls arrive after Laurie, the RI for the floor, has done her final rounds. They shuffle into the room on tiptoes, and Riven closes it behind them, meeting Musa's eyes. Her hair's down and loose around her shoulders, and he's never seen it like that before. In her soft looking, cotton pyjamas, some rainbow sweater, she's more enticing than usual so he busies himself with the popcorn as Sky sets out the rest of the snacks.
"This is a nice set-up, guys," Bloom grins, getting comfy right in the middle. Sky joins her, and soon, the lights are off- bar Stella's glowing little ball- and everyone's shuffling into place.
Bloom and Sky are cosied up to one another, and Aisha and Terra are tucked neatly into one corner. Stella fancies herself above the ground, and lies on Sky's bed, half her attention on her phone.
Musa settles in the other corner, leaning against a mountain of cushions, and Riven debates for about half a second before he joins her.
"Hi," she whispers, sounding pleased, "wanna hear a sad story?"
Their thighs are touching. Her fleece pants are warm against his bare leg, and the cushions are ridiculously comfortable, and she looks so different with her hair down, her face almost obscured from him. "Sure," he whispers back.
She points are her bare feet. "I forgot my socks."
He snorts. "If that's your idea of a sad story-" he breaks off into a hiss when she cruelly presses her toes onto his shin. "Jesus, they're fucking ice." He complains, and she laughs, tossing a kernel of popcorn into the air and catching it perfectly between her teeth.
He reaches over her, feels her entire body stiffen and does his best to ignore it, opening one of his drawers and pulling out a pair of mis-matched socks.
She takes them gleefully, leaning down to pull them on. Her shirt rides up and he catches a glimpse of her lower back, and when she sits up- she catches him. Their eyes dart away from each other, and the first hour of Pocahontas is a stiff, awkward affair. The darkness seems to electrify the space between them and Riven's too afraid to move. Musa seems to be feeling the same way, but then Terra starts singing along with the song, and the the air relaxes a little.
Then, somehow, in Little Mermaid 2, Riven's oddly invested in Melody and her pull to the sea, when Musa sighs, sinking back further into the cushions, resting her body weight on Riven, looking completely content.
"You comfortable?" He teases, and she smiles lazily up at him, wiggling her toes in his socks.
"Very comfortable." She says, and he isn't thinking when he says:
"You're insufferably cute, you know that?"
He regrets it immediately, but it's slipped out, and Musa barely seems to notice his panic. She just yawns, and then she- she- rests her head on his shoulder, and her hair fans down over him, and tickles his arm.
He feels, suddenly, the rather vicious urge to protect her. He's on high-alert, for some reason, for any intruder, because she's here, half-asleep, resting against him. So trusting. So vulnerable, and-
The DVD menu chimes on repeat, and when Riven looks up he realises that everyone else is asleep, and Stella's orb of light has vanished into darkness, and that it's well past midnight.
Slowly, gently, he rests his cheek on Musa's head, feels the way they're tucked in together, and he closes his eyes.
He's not sure how it happened.
How they can go one minute from a group of friends binging Disney movies, to out here, in the woods, watching Bloom's fucking fire wings and surrounded on all sides by Burned Ones. Real ones. Not projections.
The girls are all glowing, eyes burning, and there's splashes of water, tangling ivy, shooting flames, blinding light and Musa: shouting locations as she tracks them.
"Try to project lethargy!" Aisha screams, clutching one arm, as Sky slashes a Burned One along the chest.
Riven jams two sharp jabs into the torso of another, and growls over his shoulder. "She's already fucking tracking them, Aisha! Why don't you just water-board them some more?"
Musa doesn't mediate their bickering, just whirls and points and says "Another three over there, I can sense them. They want Bloom!"
Sky and Terra immediately run over to Bloom, who has fire burning along her shoulders, and it's so arresting a sight that Riven doesn't even notice when the Burned One crumbles into ash beneath him.
He doesn't notice when another hisses just to his left. He can't get his blade out in time, and it has one deformed hand around his throat, claws pricking into his skin when Musa's suddenly shoving him away, taking his place, and he just has time to notice, to scream- when she lunges forward, and stabs the monster in the chest. It howls, and she yells out in unison, her voice shaking with agony, a sound that'll haunt him.
The Burned One crumples, and Musa with it.
"Musa!" Stella cries, racing over, trying to get closer, but Riven blocks her, taking Musa's chin in his hands, tilting her face up. There are tears stained along her cheeks, and her eyes are still rimmed purple.
"I felt it," she gasps, clutching Riven's arms, still shaking, "I felt it die, I felt it-"
"It's okay." Stella insists, voice shaky, rubbing Musa's back. "You did amazing, you did so great."
Musa clenches her eyes shut. "I've gotta- I can feel more of them."
"Take a minute." Riven pleads, trying to catch his breath, feeling blood move sluggishly down his own neck. "Take a minute, you just fucking saved my life, you're allowed a goddamn minute."
His entire being seems to light up at the small, strained smile she gives him. Stella sees the smile too, so she shoots Riven a look that says keep going, moron.
He doesn't need her prompting. "And what a sexy knife move. Where'd you get that blade?"
This earns more of a laugh from her. Relieved and a little hysterical sounding, but a laugh nonetheless. She holds the blade up, and its blue handle glints in the moonlight. "Stole it from you." She says, and he wants to tell her it isn't the only thing she's stolen from him. She has everything he is in the palm of her hand, and she saved his life. She hands the dagger back to him, and he shakes his head.
"Keep it. You look hot with a knife in your hand."
Musa laughs again, still a little choked up, and the two of them help her to her feet. He doesn't want to let go for her, but she sniffles, nodding, so Riven just sticks close by the rest of the night.
They defeat the burned ones with minimal injuries. Aisha's leg is broken, and Terra's bandaged it as best she can, as they limp back to the school. Dowling and Silva meet them half way, overflowing with worry and gratitude, and at their insistence, Riven collapses into a bed in the infirmary as they tend to his neck.
They put Musa in the bed beside him, and he sees claw marks on her ribs, and it's a good thing the Burned Ones are dead, because it's the only thing stopping him from marching right out into that forest to have their heads.
He's on his way back from the drinks table, two glasses in his hands, when he notices that Musa isn't there anymore.
Terra points to the back door. "She needed to step out. Mind fairy thing."
Riven nods, setting down the drinks and heading for the exit.
It's a warm summer night, and the air is humid, and Musa's standing out on the grass, gazing up at the stars.
She must feel his mental presence, because she turns and smiles.
He heads over to her, and she steps easily into the circle of his arms, and he holds her tightly.
Here they are. At the Alfea Ball, dating. Their three month anniversary is coming up soon, and Riven has something in mind. He's excited to see her reaction. But right now, he just basks in having her in his arms. She's a vision, in a lace-sleeved, indigo dress, her hair up the way he likes, and heels that mean she doesn't need to tiptoe to kiss him.
"Sorry," she murmurs, "got a little loud in there."
"I don't mind," he reassures, dropping a kiss onto her head. He feels her shiver, so he shrugs out of his tux jacket and drapes it over her shoulders. As pulls it around her, she looks up at him, soft and smiling, and his throat goes a little dry. "What?"
"Nothing," she shrugs, "you just look very dapper in your tux. I'm feeling it." Her hands slide up onto the plane of his chest, and he grins, nipping at her nose.
"Shall we get out of here, then?"
She hums in agreement, but tangles her fingers into his hair to pull him down for a kiss. As usual, the heat flares down to his stomach, and he pulls her tighter to his body.
"We should get out of here," he insists, kissing at her jaw, "or we'll definitely get suspended."
Musa laughs, and she leads the way back to the dorms.
Once there, he whispers, low and greedy into her ear, to take off everything but his jacket.
"Is this some sort of kink?" She asks delightedly, once his tux suit is the only thing on her gorgeous body, and she's straddling him, thighs spread over his, her fingers dragging through his hair.
"I don't know," he admits, even though he knows it's only a thing for him when she's involved. "I think I just look really good on you."
She bites his neck and scratches his down his back, and it hurts and he loves it, and she looks down at the marks like a satisfied kitten with tiger claws. "I look good on you too." She whispers, and he kisses her again.
And again.
And again.
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usopp-writes · 2 years
Ah today is the birthday of Vista and Blamenco, so here's a small drabble with the two of them, where I use the February prompt - mirror.
Vista and Blamenco SFW Word count: 605
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Ah February 5th, a day to party all day long, celebrating two birthdays on the Moby Dick, well, three, since Haruta insisted that it was fine that he got celebrated a day later. Not that it bothered the two who’s birthday it was, they were just happy that their family wanted to celebrate them. And it would be an all day long celebration, starting with a huge brunch, followed by some games, then cake, dinner and games again, all while booze would float freely down the throats of everyone, making the games after dinner so much more interesting. There would of course be music too, no party without it.
Blamenco loved these parties, it was so great seeing his family let loose and enjoy themselves. Especially the games, which was mostly improvised and some made up on the spot. Like when Atmos suggested jumping in pillowcases or Namur suggesting a waterfall contest. To this day, Blamenco wasn’t sure what the rules were for the latter or how to win the game. They’d all been too drunk to even really think about what they were doing and in the end; the entire deck had been wet and needed to get cleaned up.
A knock on his door, made the large man blink in confusion, as brunch wasn’t for another 30 minutes. He had time to get ready, right? Shrugging, he told whoever it was to enter and smiled happily, seeing it was his fellow birthday man Vista. As usual, Vista looked elegant, though this time he’d a dark blue suit on – still showing off some of his chest – and a matching top hat. Another change was the small scarf, a dark purple one and his cape was blood red. Definitely not his usual attire, but style wise the same.
“You look good.” Blamenco grinned and looked down at himself, wearing his usual attire. He wasn’t one to dress up in fancy clothes or even care how he looked, but maybe he should put a little more effort in his appearance today?
“Well thank you. The scarf is the one Izo gave me last year and the cape was from the year before, also from our dear fashion commander.” Vista chuckled. “He’s been nagging me about using his gifts, so now I am and he might even let me be for a while. To be honest, I should have listened to him way sooner. I look stunning.” He went to take a look in the mirror.
Blamenco nodded, understanding fully what Vista talked about, since Izo also had nagged him. “Well, it is our birthday, so we should be the center of attention. Why not do it in style?” He grinned and went to his closet.
Chuckling, Vista nodded and sat down on the large chair. The size difference between weren’t that much, compared to others, but visible enough. Watching Blamenco changing into a pair of dark blue overalls with the same pig-like Jolly Roger his normal overalls had. The sash was blood red and he even changed his brown shoes to a pair of black ones. Standing in front of the mirror, he put on his hat and smiled.
“Now look at that. We look like brothers.” Vista smiled and jumped down, standing in front of Blamenco. “Even the mirror seems to agree with us.” He grinned brightly.
“We’ll certainly stand out now, brother. Let’s go and get our party started.” Blamenco grinned, pleased with what he saw in the mirror. They might not often diverse from their usual attire, but when they did, there should be a reason and what better reason than a birthday?
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summerstardust · 3 years
Did You Miss Me? Part 8
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Summary: The Master continued to stay with you and seems to enjoy the Human life you both curated together, but you can’t help but grow anxious and fear that he will leave you.
Did You Miss Me? Masterlist
Warnings: Sadness(sorry!!!)
Word Count: 4040
AN: I think that this might be the second to last part, unless people want more. Also, sorry that this took so long to post. I hope that you all enjoy it! 💜💜💜
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You had been incredibly busy the past couple of weeks and The Master was growing annoyed. You had to finish multiple papers for all of your classes, and you also had multiple  projects, and you had to work an extra shift at your job to help a coworker. The Master wasn’t happy about your increased workload and the amount of stress it caused you. Though, he more so hated the time this work was taking away from your time together. He understood that, since you were taking a break from traveling, you needed some way to save up some money and that the upcoming weeks were very important for your studies. But all of these logical reasons did not  stop a jealous streak from rushing through his veins. So he decided to put a stop to all your stress for a bit.
“Hey.” The Master walked into your apartment, not surprised to see you hunched over your laptop, “Do you want to watch a movie after dinner? I can make us something really quickly while you pick the movie.”
“I can’t. I’m sorry. I have a lot of homework to do.”
“No, you don’t.” You looked up to The Master, confused by his statement. “Oh, I may or may not have contacted all of your teachers and your manager and got them to give you top marks and a couple weeks off of work.” He smirked cheekily, but you could only stare, open mouthed at him.
“You did what?” He was looking down at his feet, but you could see the growing smirk on his face. He was clearly proud of himself.
“I wanted to surprise you. You have had to deal with too much stress, it won’t do.” When The Master finally looked at you, his eyes were sad and meaningful, contrasting his smirk.
“So you blackmailed my boss and my teachers?”
“Yes. For us, but mostly you.” The Master walked forward and turned your chair so you were fully turned to face him.
“Master, what is all of this about?”
“Do you not remember what tomorrow is?” He quirked his head to the side, hopeful, but anticipating the worst. You thought for a moment, then realised what all of this was about.
“You did all of this because of the anniversary of when we first met?”
“Of course! Anything for my faithful companion.” The Master booped your nose before closing your laptop and moving to the kitchen to get started on dinner.
The rest of the evening was surprisingly calm, but you did have an eerie feeling in the back of your mind. The Master was affectionate, more affectionate than usual. He was constantly kissing the back of your hand or pecking you cheek or pulling you closer to his body. This probably shouldn’t have bothered you, but the fact that The Master removed your work and school responsibilities long after your anniversary made you suspicious.
After dinner you ended up falling asleep, in the middle of the movie The Master let you pick, with your head on The Master’s lap. He had been combing through your hair and massaging your head, sending you straight into a deep sleep. You didn’t feel him carry you to your bedroom, but when you awoke in the morning, you were swaddled in The Master’s arms and the two of you were cocooned in warm blankets.
The Master kissed you when he realised you were awake. You talked for a bit, it was relaxing, but your sweet conversation about how the two of you cared for each other was interrupted by your stomach growling. The Master smirked, then spoke.
“Stay in bed. I will make us some breakfast, love.” You were about to argue, wanting to help, but The Master was already out of bed and walking toward the kitchen. You huffed, falling back into the comfort of the blankets and began scrolling through your phone. Behind your phone, you saw a light that confused you. You put your phone back down and saw a glowing light coming from the TARDIS. You quickly and softly climbed out of your bed and padded over to the wardrobe. You tried to open the wardrobe, but it was locked. The TARDIS was never locked. The Master openly talked about how his TARDIS was your home and that you were always allowed and safe there. You tried to open the door to the TARDIS again and then again, both times the wardrobe did not open. You heard The Master walking back to your room, so you walked to another wardrobe and began looking for some clothes. This was too suspicious. Everything seemed to be indicating that The Master was going to leave you, there was no other option. His kindness had to be masking a plan to disappear.
“I thought I told you to stay in bed.” The Master sternly spoke after having stopped in the doorway of your bedroom.
“I thought that I should pick out an outfit for today while you were cooking.” You hoped that The Master would not see through your lie. But knowing him, he probably did, however, he didn't mention it. He only motioned for you to join him on the bed before he placed the tray of food down for the two of you to eat. 
“I actually picked an outfit for you already.”
“Please tell me that you are not going to make me walk around in lingerie all day.”
“Unfortunately for me, no.” You chuckled at The Master’s smirk and hit his shoulder playfully before returning to your meal. After finishing breakfast, The Master cleaned up, not allowing you to help once again. He said that he wanted to take care of you today, to make up for all of the times you had saved him and cared for him when you didn’t have to. The Master then pulled you to your shared bathroom and prepared a bath for the two of you. 
“Why are you doing all of this?” You asked after a long silence.
“For you.”
“But why? This is our anniversary, today should be about us.”
“Let me take care of you.” The Master kissed your shoulder then looked up at you with his big brown eyes. They were softer than you expected, sadness was badly hidden in the corners of his eyes. Part of you hoped that today for him was a day of showing off, so he could prove how good he was for you and how you would never need anyone else. But the longer the day went on, the more suspicious you became of his actions. The two of you lounged in the bath together for a while before finally exiting when the water drew cold.
“So what outfits did you pick out?”
“Wait here!” The Master kissed you on the cheek before bounding up to his TARDIS with one hand wrapped tightly around the towel around his waist. He quickly opened the door and closed it behind him before you could see inside. Before you could even think about what he was doing in there, The Master was out again holding two large boxes. Both boxes were colored a dark purple, but one box, slightly larger than the other, was wrapped in a lavender ribbon. You moved to help The Master, but he stopped you. The TARDIS closed the door for the alien before you could even get close enough to try and shut it.
The Master’s box contained a matching navy blue and orange plaid trouser and waistcoat set, with a navy dress shirt and purple socks. He chose a pair of brown shoes to wear. He had worn them once before, and you called them his ‘fancy shoes.’ The Master even selected a dark purple coat to complete the look. The outfit The Master selected for you consisted of dark purple slacks, a black turtleneck, black suspenders, and a coat that matched the same navy blue and orange plaid pattern of The Master’s trousers. The Master also got you a new pair of black Doc Martens with the blue and orange pattern on the laces. 
“How do I look?” You questioned once you were fully dressed in your outfit.
“Beautiful as always?” You rolled your eyes at The Master’s compliment then moved to your bathroom mirror to look at yourself. The Master followed you and wrapped his arms around your torso from behind.
“You believe me, right?” You nodded and The Master mumbled a quiet “good” in response before pulling you toward the door to leave your apartment.
“Where are we going, Master?
“Out! We have a day to conquer.”
The Master directed the two of you through a park by your university. You had told The Master that this was one of your favorite places to go after you lost Missy, then again when you had lost him. You had been going to this park ever since you were young and you had many happy memories there. You and The Master sat for a moment on a shadow covered bench and took in everything. 
“This place is actually quite beautiful, despite being on Earth and all. I can understand why you like it”
“Wow! Master, that was almost a compliment!” He laughed and nudged your shoulder.
“I’m trying okay.”
“I know and I appreciate that. You know that right?” The Master paused and brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“Of course I know that, Y/N.” The two of you stared at each other for a moment before clearing his throat and jumped up from the bench, “Come on, let’s go somewhere.”
“Where are we going?”
“Well, I was originally planning to take you to an intergalactic market, but plans changed. So I thought that we could go to that shopping center that you always talk about. The one with all of the fancier stores that you always window shop at.”
“I didn’t bring any money.”
“I know. I want to get you everything.”
“You don’t have to do that, in fact you can’t get me everything.”
“Haven’t you figured out yet that I would do anything for you? Which includes getting you anything you want. If you want everything, then I will get you everything.” You turned to look at him, his declaration was delivered with a sad tone and it scared you. He kept making these grand statements with a sad tone and lonely eyes, you figure that he would be happy today as it was your anniversary. The only thing that you assumed could be plaguing his mind was the fact that time was running out for the pair of you.
The two of you mainly just walked around the shops. The Master would occasionally buy you gifts that he could see that you wanted, but refused to admit it. You had kept saying that you didn’t want him to buy you anything, but he insisted. Finally, the two of you walked back home with your gifts in tow.
“Thank you for today. It was simple and cute and calming. It was nice to just get away from everything and spend some uninterrupted time with you. Do you want a cup of tea? I really want one!”
“Do you think that evening is over?” 
“Um, I thought it was, but what else do you have planned?”
“I assume that you have been wondering why my TARDIS has been locked.” Your eyes widened. You had hoped that The Master hadn't caught you snooping, but of course he had. You tried to ramble out an apology, but The Master interrupted you.
“I had been trying to think of a way for us to have a lovely dinner after a nice, calming day together, and the only way everything would work out perfectly was by having the TARDIS help me.”
“But I thought that you shouldn’t use the TARDIS, just in case The Doctor was tracking the energy output?”
“I finally figured out the perfect ‘end all be all’ of mechanisms that prevents all outside interference.”
The Master unlocked the wardrobe door and opened it for you. Upon walking inside, you saw a pathway lined with rose petals and candles. You looked back at The Master, who was standing in the doorway of the TARDIS, and he nodded for you to follow the trail he had laid out earlier. The path was long. It seemed longer than necessary. You assumed that The Master had purposefully done this. Suddenly, you felt The Master’s hand interlock with yours. You continued to walk, almost pulling The Master behind you, until the pathway finally ended in front of a closed door. The Master’s fingers tightened around yours and he grabbed your other hand before you could open the door. You felt him place his head on your shoulder. You could hear him breathing, it was shallow and somehow sad. He was clearly thinking of something, but before you could ask him, The Master kissed your shoulder and opened the door for you. 
The TARDIS room The Master had chosen for your dinner date was the same room you stayed in at O’s Australian apartment, but this time the room was cleaner and had a kitchen and an ensuite. You turned to The Master, shocked but amazed by the now atmospheric, candle and rose petal covered room. The Master then pulled your seat out for you and told you to wait a moment while he got dinner. 
While you waited, you looked around the room, amazed by all of the work The Master had done. Before you could think negatively about the meanings of the extent of all of the things The Master was doing for you, he exited the kitchen, pulling a cart of food. Every space of the cart was filled with various appetizers, entries, full course meals, desserts and drinks. All of your favorite foods you could ask for were on the cart. The Master asked you what you wanted and once you finally picked something, The Master served you before serving himself.
The two of you then enjoyed your evening and began reminiscing about your time together. After a couple of drinks, The Master confessed that he was nervous upon meeting you with his new body. You immediately asked why, shocked that he would say that. He explained that he was scared that you wouldn’t like his new regeneration. You ensured The Master that you would always love him, no matter what he looked like. After The Master confessed, you thought that it was the best time to tell him about finding the journals he wrote as Missy. Surprisingly, he wasn’t upset. The Master joked that he would have to leave behind one of his more recent journals for you to read if you ever get lonely. You looked up from your food to ask him what he meant by that statement, but you were distracted by The Master pushing a small purple ring box toward you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
“What is that?” You reached out for the box, but stopped just before you touched it out of shock.
“Open it.” You finally grabbed the small ring box, but you didn’t open it. You held it in your hands, caressing it, too scared to actually open it. You just thought about all of the suspicions you had about The Master, and how wrong they were, and how bad you felt for thinking that he would just leave you. You saw The Master move from his seat to your’s, where he moved your chair until you were facing him. He then knelt down in front of you and covered your hands with his large ones.
“I know that it is a very Human tradition, but I know how much you like shiny things.” You chuckled as a couple of tears fell from your eyes. The Master slowly and gently manipulated your hands to open the box, revealing a gold banded ring with a large clear gem.
“It’s a white point star. Only found on Gallifrey. You are always talking about wanting to know more about my home planet, I thought that I might blend our traditions in this way. Y/N? Please say something.”
“I love you!”
“And I love you, Y/N! Are..are you okay?”
“I just wasn’t expecting this, Master.” You brought a hand up to wipe away your tears while The Master took the ring and placed it on your ring finger. Suddenly you remembered something and you jolted up to look at The Master. “What are we going to do about your name?”
“Well, if we ever have a ceremony, we can’t really call you ‘Master.’ How would people who don’t know you react?” The Master rolled his eyes, but nodded at your statement.
“About that, do you remember that thing that I was going to tell you when I first came back?” Fear rushed back to you when The Master brought that back up. You were so afraid that he was going to leave you.
 “Yes?” You spoke quietly and apprehensively, subconsciously your hands tightened around The Masters.
“My given name is Koshei. I thought that you should know, given everything, but I also wanted to tell you on a special day. That’s the only reason why I didn’t tell you earlier, I wanted this to be special.” More tears escaped your eyes and you leaped forward to hug The Master, one arm wrapped tightly around his neck and your other hand combed itself in his hair. The two of you stayed like that for a while, with The Master’s arms wrapped around you tightly, as if he never wanted to let you go.
“Let’s go to bed.” The Master almost reluctantly pushed you forward slightly, and you looked him in the eye. His eyes looked sad again, and you couldn’t figure out why.
“Why can’t we stay here tonight?”
“Wouldn't you be more comfortable in your room?”
“I am comfortable wherever you are.”
“I want to spend tonight in your room. We can stay in the TARDIS some other time, okay?”
“I promise, my love.” The Master pecked your lips, then stood up with you in his arms. You forgot how strong he was sometimes, then there would be moments like this where he would pick you up as if you weighed nothing. The Master carried you back to your bedroom, where the two of you got ready for bed, brushing your teeth and striping to your underwear. 
Once in bed, you caressed The Master’s face and softly said, “Goodnight, Koshei.”
“Goodnight, my love.” The Master kissed your forehead then rolled over so his back was facing you. He never did that, even after an argument, no matter what regeneration. You moved closer to him and wrapped an arm around his waist. Before you drifted off to sleep, you mumbled a tearful “I love you, Koshei,” completely unaware of how much it hurt The Master. 
You awoke with a start, alone. There was a loud bang from somewhere in your room, so you prepared to turn on your lamp light, but you stopped. There was a bright light streaming from the underside of the door of the TARDIS, and you knew that your fears were justified. You didn’t think that The Master would actually leave you, but it seemed that that was what was happening.You quickly turned on your lamp then grabbed a robe and wrapped it around yourself tightly before running into the TARDIS. Thankfully the TARDIS opened for you and The Master didn’t notice you when you first stepped into his ship.
“You weren’t about to leave in the middle of the night were you? Especially on the night of our anniversary and without even leaving a note.” The Master jumped, shocked to hear your voice, but he recovered quickly.
“What makes you think that I am leaving?”
“I am not dumb, Koshei. Nearly every night, for the past month, you have been tinkering and planning in your TARDIS. I can read some Gallifreyan. I know that you are planning a revenge plan against The Doctor. This anniversary day and dinner was just the cherry on top of the cake. It’s obvious that you are about to leave.”
“It’s time for me to go, Y/N.”
“Then take me with you!”
“No, it's way too dangerous!” The Master raised his voice and stepped closer to you, but you didn’t back down.
“Why? Because you are going to be self sacrificing? You can show The Doctor the past without hurting yourself in the process.”
“How else is she supposed to understand my pain?”
“Master, if you have to kill yourself to prove a point, the arguement is officially not worth it.”
“I have to do this.”
“What about me? What were you expecting? Just leave me in the middle of the night and expect me to wait for months or years for you to return? To leave me agony and depression every day, like I did after you regenerated?”
“Wouldn’t you rather that option than to watch me die or vanish right before your eyes, like you did in Barton’s warehouse?” The two of you were close now, yelling in each other’s faces.
“I don’t want either. I don’t want you to die or disappear period. I want you here with me.” 
“I don’t belong on planet Earth, Y/N.”
“I don’t care about that. I don’t care what planet we are on, what galaxy, hell! I don’t even care if we stay in this universe. I just know that we were meant to be together, and I know that you know that, too. It’s supposed to be us. You don’t need to prove anything to The Doctor, because, ultimately, they’re not going to care. She will carry on traveling the universe trying to impress companions. I am here for you, and I just want to love and care for you!”
“I have to do this. I’m sorry. I love you, but I need to destroy her.” You had thought that you were further inside the TARDIS, but it turned out you weren’t. Making it very easy for The Master to quickly push you out of his TARDIS and close the door in your face. You recovered quickly and hit your fists against the wood of the wardrobe with tears streaming down your face. You tried to open the wardrobe again, but the TARDIS was dematerializing and you couldn’t properly grab a hold of the doorknob. Finally, The Master and his TARDIS were gone. You let yourself cry for a moment, defeated and staring at the space in your room where the wardrobe used to be, before an idea flashed into your head.
You ran back to your bedside table, almost tripping over your feet on the way there. You ripped your phone from it’s charger and frantically scrolled through the contacts in your phone until you found who you were looking for. 
“Pick up. Pick up. Pick up, please pick up!”
“Y/N!!! It’s great to hear from you! How are you feeling?” You tried to take a deep breath to push back your tears, but they continued to fall.
“Not the best.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Do you think you would be up for an adventure? That always used to cheer you up!”
“I want an adventure more than anything!”
“Brilliant! I’ll pick you up at 9:00 a.m. Now get some sleep, you’ll need it.”
“Thank you, Doctor.”
“Oh, and Y/N, before I let you go, I’m happy to see you getting over The Master. If you want to talk about anything, the fam or I would be happy to listen.”
“Anyway, goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight, Doctor. See you then.” You heard The Doctor hang up so you moved to charge your phone again, then you fell back onto your bed. You rolled over to face The Master’s side of the bed and tears started to fall from your eyes again. You finally fell asleep, after a long cry, gripping the ring The Master gave you tightly in your hand.
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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put her together again (05)
word count; 6603
summary; mitch takes you out on a little excursion upon your request, before making a not so pleasant discovery upon return to your home.
notes; just cute. that’s it. enjoy that, before it all goes shit.
warnings; none!
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Despite Irene’s warnings to stay away, and her instructions to let you develop in your own home, Mitch just couldn't find it within himself to stay away. 
He missed you, he missed having company, and he’d ended up spending more than half of his time with you, or at least, that was how it seemed, as he became quickly familiar with how it felt to sleep on your couch, which was surprisingly more comfortable than his own. He wasn’t blind to the fact that you had been given an apartment that very purposefully didn’t have a guest room, discouraging him from wanting to stay, but he was used to tough-living on assignments, and as long as he wasn’t sleeping on the floor, a couch seemed like a dream. 
A blanket and a pillow from the storage cupboard had found a new home with permanent placement on the shelf under the coffee table, so on every night that he chose to stay over, there was easy access to what he needed. You had out sorted the clothing the had gifted to you into a new drawer, so that he always knew how to get to it when he needed a change of clothes the following morning, and he hadn't missed the level of trust that had been rolled out to him about being given access to your bedroom to get to it. 
That was your private space, that was somewhere that only the people that were most important to you should be allowed to enter, those whom you trusted with your life, and you’d granted that to him, and while you hadn't said the words, he didn’t miss their meaning.
Mitch had also put a great effort into encouraging you to go out in public, and learn where you were. While not being as fond of the idea of you wandering around on your own while everything was still a risk, he was aware that it was a witness protection area, and that you were still going to be safe going out and about here, and it did bring him a little reassurance when he was at his own home, and thinking about what you might be up to. 
You now had a gym membership, no longer having to work out at home, and you’d never been exposed to such equipment and that kind of environment, and the look of pure joyous shock that had been on your face had lived in the front of his mind for over a week, a smile on his face anytime he thought about yours. Occasionally, he ventured out to the spot with you, he wasn’t much of a fan of traditional workouts, or of doing it in front of other people, but you were thriving in that environment, and he was willing to make the sacrifice just to spend time with you. 
As much as he ever hated to admit that Irene was right about something, she hadn't been wrong in her conclusion here. 
Her claims that putting you alone and letting you flourish as your own being, developing your ideas and your personality, you really were breaking out of your shell. For as much progress as you’d made living with him, you were reaping that in tenfold here. You had a favourite spot in the little coffee shop, and the servers called you a regular, knowing your order by heart anytime you came through the door, the little bell overhead jingling. You had ventured as far as the row of old-style looking buildings on a little corner off of the high street, and he had noticed that sometimes your fingers had paint stains on and smears across your clothes when he arrived without warning, catching the canvases of all shapes and sizes stacked in your closet and the corners of your rooms. 
They reflected your moods, that much he could tell. Some were bright explosions of colours, yellows and greens and pale blue, everything joyous and fun and he liked those ones the most, always on bigger canvases as you illustrated your feelings. 
Some were darker, swirls of navy and purples, slightly wonky, done in the morning light after you woke up from nightmares on the days he wasn’t just a few metres away to hold you and soothe you through the anxiety until the sun finished rising and took it all away. 
He didn’t like the others, the ones that were blacks and greys, mixed with splatters of reds, and he didn’t know what prompted them, he didn’t know when you painted those ones or why, but when he looked closely enough he could see the circular stains on the canvases from dropped tears that distorted the paints. There were no shapes on those ones, just drags of brushes in frantic and erratic directions, nothing that gave you any reassurance or made sense, it was a mess that you just splayed over the surface until the white material was replaced with layers of dark oil paints to express your pain. 
Painting was the best way you knew how to get out the feelings you had inside that you didn’t know how to process, something he’d learned had been introduced to you by your therapist, expanding on the simple drawings he’d had you doing while living with him.
You were making friends, sometimes you came home with a receipt from the coffee shop with two drinks, someone at the gym who you’d been spotting on the weights and going for a drink afterwards, or befriending the older lady who worked on putting books back in the library. You’d met a couple in your therapy waiting room, two men who were there for marriage counselling, and they had begun to go for lunch with you every Saturday at the local café after your sessions. 
He was happy for you, he truly was, listening to you talk to him about how people at the gym had begun to ask you for advice on their workouts, and the manager had even offered you a job as a personal trainer - one that you’d refused, not quite ready for that yet - but you were still happy just to be having other people to talk to. People who didn’t want anything from you, people had had no ulterior motives in being with you other than friendship, and that was definitely something that you deserved from the world, after everything you had been put through.
That was exactly how Mitch had found himself here, stirring his coffee slowly as he watched you buzz around your kitchen, teaspoon clinking against the edge of the mug as steam curled up into the air. You were making breakfast, sleep still crawling at your features, but you were now making double the quantities you had been planning on, his arrival unexpected but you never turned him away when he knocked at your door. 
There was bacon and eggs, he could smell it on the air, his stomach rumbling happily, and he was sure that he looked just as sleep-mussed as you did, he’d barely pulled on his shoes, not even bothering to change out of his pyjamas when he’d woken this morning, just wanting to get on the road and on his way to visit you. 
You were spinning the tale to him all about the group therapy session you’d had, giggling as you spoke about Edith, who had an incredible dark-humour, anger issues and a God complex, and always made you laugh when you saw her. Mitch was grinning as he raised his brows a little, bringing the edge of his cup to his lips to hide his expression. 
“Are you sure you should be telling me all these juicy details about your friends?”
You shrugged, turning to grin at him over your shoulder as you plated up the breakfast foods, and he almost groaned at the sights of it, stomach clenching angrily with hunger, before you were passing it over to him. Eggs, bacon, pancakes; he felt like he was in heaven, loving getting to know another person in this kind of intimate way, missing having someone to share the lazy mornings with before exhaustions had fully left his mind and he was still a little hazy in his post-sleep state. “Who else am I supposed to tell it to?”
“Fair point.” He sighed, taking the plate with a mumbled ‘thank you’ before he was grabbing for his cutlery, watching as you took the seat across from him and dug into your own food. 
“Besides, Mary from the library is lovely but she can't keep a secret for anything, and Elliot and Greg love to gossip, it’s how I find out half of my gossip, and the gym is where I find out pretty much all of the other half, so I can’t tell them, because they’re who I’m gossiping about!” You grinned, dragging a piece of bacon and pancake from your fork with your teeth, and chewing happily, and Mitch simply rolled his eyes in response, but couldn't stop the curl of his lips into a smile. 
“So, I’m just your Pandora’s Box of therapy tales and gym gossip about your friends?”
“Yes.” You smirked, watching as he gasped in fake offence, and he didn’t even both to cut any of his bacon, trying to force the entire strip into his mouth at once, and a droplet of grease gathered at the corner of his mouth, prompting him to lick it away as you scowled at his gross behaviour. “Despite that undignified display, you’re also my best friend. For whatever reason.”
“Does that mean you don’t gossip about me, then?”
“I would never!” It was your turn to mock him, and he grinned cheesily, repeating the action with the next piece of meat, and you groaned, tearing your eyes away from him and fixing them on your plate as you made a show of neatly cutting your food into pieces to eat. “So, are you busy today?”
“That depends on what you have planned. I’m not going to look at curtains with you again, I can still feel that old lady’s fingers on my ass.”
You snorted, almost choking on your food as you remembered the day he’d had his ass pinched by a rambunctious old woman in the curtains store, and he glanced across the room, looking at the hanging drapes he’d helped install, the entire memory tainted with that of the startling encounter. You were still snickering into your meal, smiling with every bite you took, and sipping at your coffee, the suspense killing him.
“C’mon, out with it. What kind of crap are you going to drag me through today?”
“Well, not today, technically. I was thinking more tonight.” He hummed, prompting you to go on with what you had to say, and the scraping of metal on ceramic was filling the silence as he waited for you. “Will you take me to this little jazz bar I saw?”
“A jazz bar?”
You were a little more timid now, eyes fixed on your food as you became embarrassed of your request, and he didn’t want you to feel like that, not with him. He just couldn't quite fathom why you’d want to go to a jazz bar of all places, but he was willing to do so if it made you happy.
“Sure, but if we’re going to a jazz bar then I want the full experience. I’ll be drinking aged whiskey from a tumbler with one of those balls of ice in it, and I’ll be hungover. I’m crashing on your couch, and you have to cook breakfast again in the morning.” He raised his brows at you, watching as you perked back up, nodding happily and motioning over your shoulder to the fridge. 
“I have those sausages that you like.”
“Then it’s a deal.”
You cheered happily, whooping to yourself, before a comfortable quiet took over the room and you were left to finish your meals while simply soaking up the comfort of being together. There was no plan for the rest of the day, but after a few showers, and cleaning up the kitchen together, a vague plan to run some errands had been formed. You’d offered him the chance to go home several times, and yet he always refused, just as happy to wander the library with you and put back your books as he was to grab coffee with you, and go to the store to pick up a week’s worth of groceries. 
If he was there when you went shopping, he got a say on the things you bought, and then he knew what there was for the days he came over to have a meal with you. 
After cleaning up, on your way out, you had swung by his place, changing into something more suitable for a day of chores with you, and letting you sit in the car and flick through the music CD’s he had laying around on the backseat, bringing a blazer back out with him and a bag of things he’d need for his overnight stay, before the two of you had been off and on your way. As decided, you’d gone to the library first, a pile of books in your arms as you pushed the door open with your back, greeting the woman behind the desk and checking your books back in, dropping the stack into the returns, before making your way through the aisles. 
His arms had been loaded with books, holding them all for you as you climbed up and down the steps and stools to reach the high shelves trailing from one end of the building to the other, and up and down the stairs, as this time, you curated a collection of everything from a space-travel fantasy book to a non-fiction about lions and their hunting patterns. 
You had shown him your coffee joint, one you’d taken him to a few times before, but had redecorated since he’d last been, and was promoting a new set of special blends on the chalkboard menu outside, and so the two of you had ordered a small-sized version of each one, sharing them amongst yourselves as you judged the options before you. Your favourite had been the roasted hazelnut americano, while his had been the caramel macchiato with marshmallow essence, his sweet tooth shining through.
Following that, he’d taken you to the store, pushing the cart around and bumping you with it when you took too long for his liking to compare certain products, and as punishment, he’d been forced to help you unpack all the purchases, hiding away the treats he’d slipped into the basket in the backs of your cupboards and in the drawers of the coffee table that you never went into. By the time dusk had rolled around, he was pulling his blazer up his arms, a mix between smart and casual that was appropriate for the journey, skinny jeans and a henley not being fitting alone for the place you were travelling to, and he was staring up at the ceiling as he waited for you to be done.
“You ready?”
He chuffed, a snippy comment on the tip of his tongue about how it had been you that had decided you wanted to shower before going out, despite being perfectly clean, but his mouth went a little dry as he sat up, eyes widening. “Where did you get that dress?”
You looked down at yourself then, your hands clasping in front of yourself nervously after smoothing down the skirt. Dark blue, a shade that complimented you beautifully, lace along the arms and up to your neck, in what was a mock turtleneck, flaring out at the waist in a loose skirt, and it was most definitely a cocktail dress, not exactly the kind of thing he’d expect Irene would have bought for you. “My friend gave it to me. We were challenged at therapy to clear out things that reminded us of a bad time, and to give them to someone else, to make something bad into something good again.”
“That’s sweet.” He caught his breath, eyes scanning along you once again, your legs bare, and he smirked a little bit as he watched you match the elegance with a pair of sneakers, making the whole outfit seem much more fitting to you. “What did you take?”
“I didn’t really have anything, but I took one of my paintings - y’know the one with the blue and the green? That one. - and gave it to one of the people I didn’t know, but they wanted to put it up on the wall in their restaurant.”
He just nodded, licking over his lips as you reached for your coat, folding it over your arms, and he shook his head, letting out a sound to dissuade you from that course of action. “No, sweetheart, you can’t put a coat over a dress like that.” You raised your brows, before shrugging it off and following his lead, hanging it back up on the coat hooks, and he searched for your keys, tucking them into his pocket. “Besides, I told you this would be the full experience, and how am I supposed to be a gentleman and give you my jacket when you get cold if you have a coat?”
You simply grinned at him, holding the front door open and switching on the latch as the two of you left, heading towards the elevator and surrounded by soft laughs. “You’re a dork.”
“Big words from the girl who rented ten books for one weeks worth of reading.”
You gasped, turning to shoot him a little glare, but he just beamed, letting you guide him in the direction of your location for the evening. It was only a short walk, just around the corner from your building, but he could hear the music coming out all the way from a street over, lights and noise spilling from the hole-in-the-wall establishment as the two of you approached. 
It was even louder inside, the sounds of trumpets and guitars sounding out, and it was mellowed out inside, low lights and leather booths with round tables in solid oak with old and chipping wood, the smell of candles and smoke hanging on the air with liquor, and it was exactly what he expected it to be. The aesthetic matched all the scenes that he had laid out in his head, what he figured a jazz bar would look like, and raucous clapping took up as the live band finished and the current song ended, a man was taking a seat at the sleek black piano in the middle of the room to keep the music going as the acts changed over.
“Drinks first, right?”
“Are you allowed to drink?” Your face screwed up for a second, before you were shaking your head, and he dropped an arm to loop around your waist, guiding you towards the bar and making sure that you kept close to him in the bustling crowds. “Well, when you’re all cleared for it, I’ll take you out for a real drink, okay?”
“Sounds good.”
“I’m still drinking though.” He flagged down the bartender, a whiskey for himself and a soda for you, ice clinking against the glasses as they were served to you. A short and stocky glass was slid over the wooden counter towards you both, followed by a taller one, fizzing and bubbling with pop as ice swirled in the liquids, and you picked it up, bringing the straw to your mouth to take a sip. “Let’s find a booth.”
There was one in the far corner, just evacuated by the previous inhabitants, and you were quick to slide into the seat, Mitch taking the opposite one, and he didn’t miss the dirty looks that were being shot your way from another pair across the room who had clearly also been intending to claim this seat as their own, but he decided that the pair of you deserved it more, so he had no guilt as he ignored them. 
A new band was taking up on the stage, setting themselves up and adjusting the microphone, a woman wearing a floor-length ball gown covered in sparkles and sequins, red painted lips and neatly pinned up hair was taking a seat on a wooden stool at the front of the stage, and waiting as her bandmates all got set up. 
“She looks great.” You were in awe, he could read it clearly on your face, and he couldn't help the smile he got as he watched you admire her, before your eyes were moving to scan over everybody else in the room, and he took a sip of his drink, heat flaring on his cheeks when he cleared his throat, forcing you to stop watching everyone else.
“You know, you look beautiful, too.”
You scoffed under your breath, but smiled, your head ducking as you reached for your glass to busy your idle fingers instead, and he reached his hand out over the surface, palm up in offering. His breath was held, only released with relief when you slipped your hand into his, holding on gently, and he grinned to himself, hiding it behind the rim of his glass. “I never said beautiful.”
“Maybe not, but I did.” He wasn’t sure where the words were coming from, it was a part of his personality that he was sure he’d lost a long time ago, but the squeeze of your hand in his with silent acknowledgement made his hand tighten around yours, and you fell back into a companionable silence together. “You wouldn’t look like you if you tried to be like them. I like who you are now.”
“I don’t even know who I am, Mitch. Not really, anyway.”
“Maybe not fully, but there’s a lot that makes you special, already.” You looked up at him now, meeting his eye and holding it, before you were standing up, rounding to his side of the booth and taking a seat beside him instead. Lifting his arm, he wrapped it over your shoulders, letting you curl into his side as you faced the stage, but he felt the hand dangling over your shoulder warm, the curling of your fingers around his once again making his nerves tingle as adrenaline rushed through his body, and he pulled you in a little closer. The lights began dimming, a spotlight taking up on the centre stage once again, and he could feel you tense up with excitement for it all. “Show’s starting, sweetheart. Are you excited?”
You only hummed, twisting into him a little bit, before even the messing of your fingers with his own stopped, and you were fixing every bit of your attention onto the stage.
Her voice was beautiful, one deep breath carrying the words as she sang out steadily, the instruments fading into the tune as it progressed. It had been her and her only singing to start, before the piano had come in slowly, picking up speed when a steady drumbeat joined it, and then came the chorus. It was catchy and upbeat, a difference from the beginning of the song, cheerful melodies made by trumpets and saxophones, and then the band came in to perform back up singing. 
The bass was vibrating through the wooden floors, the feeling replicating that of nerves and butterflies curling in his stomach but in the best of ways, and Mitch was tapping his foot on the floor as the music played, unable to resist the urge. The crowds were cheering now, the peak of the song approaching, claps sounding out loudly, and he almost missed the soft giggle you let out as you took in the atmosphere, before your hand was leaving his, and you were clapping too. 
This went on, for what felt like mere minutes but was hours by the time he noticed your excitement dwindling as you slumped into his body. You were tired now, your head lolling on his shoulder a little, and one peek through the windows showed him that the twilight you’d arrived in had faded out into the night, dark and glittering with stars, and once the current song ended, he nudged you up a little. 
You sighed, before shaking your head clear, sitting up yourself from where you’d been lounging with him, and all of those patches felt a little cold as you moved away from him, so used to having you pressed up to him now, and providing him with your warmth. 
“Ready to go?”
You only nodded, wiping at your eyes a little bit before getting to your feet, a little shaky in your exhaustion, and he followed after you, several empty glasses sitting on the table as the warm buzz of alcohol coursed through his veins, the two of you navigating through the crowds carefully, his hand sitting on your lower back until you were reaching the doorway, gasps of fresh air as you made it back out onto the streets. 
You tugged a little on his sleeve, the two of you falling into step in the direction of your apartment. 
“I hope you plan to make good on that promise to give me your jacket.” 
He beamed at you, shrugging it down his arms and ignoring the chill he got, before tucking it over your shoulders delicately. Your hand found his, your fingertips tickling so lightly across his palm he had to resist the urge to flinch, but then you were weaving your fingers with his, holding his hand and he wrapped his digits around you just as tightly. “Did you have fun?”
“Yes, but I wouldn’t want to go back.” He turned to look at you, your cheek pressing to his shoulder as you slipped somewhere between conscious and unconscious. “It was fun but it seems like it’d be a little boring after this. You have to do everything once, though, right?”
“I guess so, sweetheart.” You were so positive and optimistic, you had a sunny outlook on everything, a real feat for someone who came from your past, who was still in their first year of recovery from a lifetime of pain and trauma, and he was so proud of you for all the progress that you’d made. You were healing yourself, and he knew you were healing him, too. “Do you want to go and get some food? You must be hungry, you haven’t eaten since breakfast.”
“I can’t,” you whispered the words, letting him wrap his arm around you instead, keeping your hands locked but it made it easier for him to guide you along as your tired feet began to drag along the floor. “I have a session in the morning.”
Mitch frowned, he was certain you’d already had your therapy this week, because you’d been telling him all about it over breakfast, and you hadn't told him about getting any more assigned sessions, but maybe that was why you’d been making such good progress. “I’ll make you coffee in the morning. C’mon, I know a diner with some great food that you’d love.” He grinned, squeezing you tightly and raising his other hand to tickle at your side. 
You grinned, huffing out a laugh, before shaking your head at him. “No food! Unit eight will not be at optimal performance efficiency without seven hours of rest per night.”
Just like that, the haze that had been your walk home was washed away, like ice water had been thrown over his head and his stomach clenched up angrily in a way that made him feel sick. You whined as he came to a full stop, his body rigid in his movements, and you raised your head to look at him, the awning of your building hanging overhead as you stood just outside of the doorway, but he couldn't help but stare at you, knowing that horror was flashing over his features.
“What?” You were looking at him now, curious with wide eyes, coming back to your senses as his abrupt halt had forced you to wake up a little more, and you were blinking at him, worry beginning to seep into your features. “Mitch, what’s wrong?”
“You don’t even know what you just said, do you?”
“Uh..” You thought on it, brows furrowing and shrugging your shoulders. “Not really, just something about how I need to get a good night’s sleep, I think.”
He shook his head, pulling you closer into his body as your hands were crushed between your bodies, resting on his chest as he pulled you close, and guided you through the door, a walk that was almost a shuffle as you went along, side by side. “You called yourself.. by your old title.”
It took you a minute to realise what you’d said, before you were paling a little, a look just as distraught as he’d felt flashing over your face. “You know, you’ve been making so much progress forwards, and I’ve seen you tired before, this has never happened. What’s going on?”
You looked up at him and shrugged, moving away to avoid his gaze and open your front door. The second the two of you were inside, you were kicking off your shoes hastily and leaving them in the middle of the floor, making your way to the kitchen to get away from him, and he could hear you filling up the kettle. He put your shoes and his on the shelf they belonged on, finding his blazer slung neatly over the back of the couch, and he came into the kitchen quietly, not wanting to startle you, and took a seat at the kitchen table.
His eyes flickered over the room, watching you move in your own space easily and swiftly, pulling two mugs from the cupboard. You dropped a tea bag into each, a scoop of honey following, and steam was beginning to leave the kettle as the water approached being ready. As the cutlery drawer slid closed, he saw it, he realised what was off. Your schedule was turned around, the blank paper facing upwards from the chart he’d seen you replicate and helped you make, the activities now facing inwards. 
He was on his feet before he could stop himself, taking off the magnet that had pinned it up, and twisting the sheet to face himself. The first thing that immediately jumped out was that you’d managed to progress from a daily chart that repeated every day, to a weekly one, the hours down the side being replaced with days of the week. 
His eyes immediately picked out the things that were expected, ‘trip to the library’, ‘grocery shopping’ and ‘dinner with Mitch’, smiley faces drawn beside them, and his lips flicked up at the corners. ‘Physical activity’ had been replaced with the word ‘gym’, and his suspicions were confirmed, the word ‘therapy’ being scrawled across the empty spots on a Tuesday, definitely not today. Then, he was studying the other things, grunting as his brows furrowed. 
‘Hypno with Irene’.
He looked up, finding you already facing him, leaning against the counter and staring into your drink, a frown on your face. You were clutching the mug with both hands, a sigh leaving you as he inched a little closer. It was on there three times, on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, definitely a new addition because the ink colour was different to the rest, and it looked fresher, like it had only been added a month or so ago.
“Does ‘hypno’ mean hypnotherapy?” 
“Yes.” Your words were weak, and he let a little growl out, putting the paper back on the fridge and pinning the magnet over it, a little more aggression behind his actions that and you flinch, and he would’ve acknowledged his guilt from the action if it hadn't been for the anger clouding his mind. 
He patted his pockets down for his phone, finding it tucked away, and you watched him move, he could feel your stare lingering on him as he walked away towards the door, already pushing his thumb into the contact card on the screen, and he could hear it calling as he lifted it to his ear. The second he had, he was slamming the door shut behind himself, trying to take a deep breath to calm himself down, but the feeling of rage bubbled back up as he heard the line go through. 
“Do you not know what time it is, Rapp?”
“You’re taking her to fucking hypnotherapy? You’re digging around in her mind, before she even knows how to control what she gets back?” He was seething, fingers gripping his phone so tightly he worried that it might crack by his ear. “Are you fucking insane?”
“It would do you well to curb your tone, agent. Remember who you work for.”
Her tone had somehow managed to get even colder, and he knew she was right, so he bit down on his lip so aggressively that the taste of copper trickled over his tongue. “She isn’t ready for that yet.”
“That isn’t your call to make.”
“Maybe not, but there’s a pair of eyes in my fucking skull, and I can see that she’s still piecing herself back together.” It was taking everything he had to hold his tone steady and stop from shouting again, and he stopped his pacing, leaning back against the wall and working through his body methodically to try and ease his own tension. 
“She is the only lead we have on taking down an organization that has been doing this for decades. She is the key, and she’s been giving us more information in the last month than we have gained in at least thirty years.”
“You’re going to break her.” His voice cracked then, and just like that, there wasn’t any more clenched muscles or balled up fists anymore, there was just the exhaustion and ache in his body, and he felt like he might collapse to the floor if it wasn’t for the wall holding him up. “You’re going to ruin her.”
“I’m taking all the necessary precautions, Mitch.” 
Even Irene had eased up, and while he wouldn’t exactly call her tone soft, he certainly knew there was less venom and aggression behind it now. 
“She is making excellent progress, and we didn’t dive right in at the deep end. We worked it up, but there’s a point she can’t get past. She locks up, we just need her to break through it and we will have everything we need.”
“What point?” Mitch wasn’t sure he actually wanted the answer to this, but he needed to know, to be able to help you or stop it, he just needed to be aware of what you were facing so that you didn’t have to handle it alone.
“She tried to run when she was younger, and she made it out. If she can tell us what she saw, we can track it down. But, she stops as she approaches the door, her mind won’t let her get any further than that.”
“I want to come along. Tomorrow. I’m going to be there.” The hesitation from his boss was evident, a deep sigh, and the shuffling of some papers, and he knew that no matter how late the hour was, Irene was at home doing work anyway. 
“Fine. Eight sharp, at her apartment. If you’re late, we’re leaving without you.”
He smirked, glancing up at your door, but not letting on that he was already here with you, the line clicking off before he even had a chance to thank her, and his eyes rolled involuntarily at her actions, but he wasn’t at all surprised. The screen went black when he pulled it from his ear, and Mitch dragged a hand over his face, tucking the device into his pocket and opening the door up again, shutting it softly behind himself now instead of slamming it like he had done before.
Your head snapped up to him, eyes wide as you saw him come back in, and you were on your feet to meet him from the second he’d entered the room. “You came back.”
“Where did you think I was going?” His brows furrowed, your arms wrapping around yourself as he watched you, your mug almost empty, but he noticed his was now sitting face down in the sink, tipped away as you presumed him to have left. 
“I thought you were angry with me, and that you went home.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” He was padding across the room and cupping your face in two large hands before he’d even had to think about it, thumbs running over your cheekbones and you stared up at him through wide and glossy eyes. “I’m not mad at you, I promise. I’m mad at Irene, and the world, but I’m not mad at you.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.” He leaned in, pressing a long and slow kiss to your forehead, feeling you press back into the touch, and he grinned at the little noise you let out, sagging into his body as your arms circled his waist. He had enough space to pull away, peppering your cheeks and temples with little kisses too, until you were giggling under his hold, face screwing up, and he let you go, your face wiping against your shoulder as he watched you through his own entertainment. “Why didn’t you tell me, though?”
“Irene said it would make you upset, and I don’t want you to be upset with me.”
“I’m not upset with you, I’m just upset for you. I don’t want you to have to suffer anymore.” He sighed, trying to catch your gaze, and using two fingers to tip your chin up to find his sights. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. It isn’t fun, but Irene says it’s helping people. People like me, and I can save them. I have to save them, Mitch, like you saved me.” He smiled then, watching as you lit up enthusiastically, and while it was taking a toll on you, he could sense how much you cared, and he couldn't take that away from you. 
“I’m going to come with you, tomorrow.”
You grinned, leaning in enough to bump your forehead to his cheek, and you nodded against him, squeezing him tightly within your arms. When you backed away, there was a glint in your eyes, and you backed off enough to shuffle through your cupboards, pulling out a bag of dried pastas, and presenting the half-empty bag to him. “I learned how to make mac and cheese the other week, it makes me feel better after therapy, and you look like you could use a cheer up. You want some?”
“I thought you wanted to go to sleep?” He pressed, and you raised a single shoulder, dropping it back down, before turning to find a pan.
“You’re worth staying up for.”
Then, yes, I’d love some.” He was taking a seat at the table once again, and you hummed, beginning to serve up a portion for you both, fishing around in the fridge to gather all of the ingredients. 
He couldn't pretend that he wasn’t nervous, or that the idea of seeing you in that state didn’t frighten him, but he knew that he had to be there for you, to help you and protect you when you were vulnerable, and so everything else slipped away.
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prettywarriors · 3 years
what are some of your favorite and least favorite magical girl raising project designs? and your thoughts on magical daisy just because she's my fav
Heck yes opinion time! But first what you asked for:
Magical Daisy Good. The yellows-browns-beige works really well with both the purple accents and the minty green hair. She has pleats distributed evenly through her design, and they work in tandem with both the ribbons and with the daisies through her outfit without it getting too busy. I like her detached sleeves with gloves, and I am a sucker for practical footwear on a MG (both for them and for possible cosplayers) I’m not Crazy about the. Pouch? Asymmetrical bustle? The thing off her waist on her right. But it balances with her off-center headdress and has the same small design on it so it get’s a pass. Her hair is simple, but I like it and I think it works for her A good design for an anime (if the MGRP anime had done really well, do you think we would have gotten an in-universe magical daisy episode?)
Other opinions under the cut
Haha only giving opinions on 3 girls? I’m reading Peaceful Days now so enjoy my speed thoughts on MGRP-Aces outfits.
But first Maruino deserves so much recognition because her use of cream and dark brown in place of white and black whenever possible, combined with her chibi style and general color pallet choices, is so good. I know I’ve talked about the LN look vs the anime looks here before, but some designs would just look not nearly as good if she didn’t know how to use colors as well as she does
Snow White- School uniform with an armband indicating she is someone who can help, but with flowers. It’s cute, it’s fairly simple compared to other mgrp outfits, I like the big flowers on the sides of her outfit over the ones hanging from the ribbons off her back. A solid look, but not a winner in my book
Ripple- This is going to come up with quite a few of these designs but I like basically everything but the body. I like the sleeves, the geta are great, love the one ponytail with big shuriken, scarf brings great contrast to the rest of the color scheme, bikini top with ribbons attaching it to a wrapped skirt? The skirt feels like this could have been a keikogi but the top is almost wholly unadorned and overall I wish this was a better look than it is
La Pucelle- Great idea, meh execution. Knight And Dragon? Love it! The navy blue for military feels with armor and goes well with the gold&cream&brown. Her horns are cute! I like the tail- it fits the character and isn’t too large or distracting. Once again I like the arms-neck-legs but the body is. a bikini with a drapery bit off the top and the tabard. The tabard is good! But why is she in her underwear? Give pants??? 
-And yes I know swimsuits cover just as much as underwear but this isn’t a swimsuit and it’s a lazy way to cover what needs to be cover and not even try to make that area of a design more interesting. This doesn’t apply just to LP or even MGRP I have seen comments on this before and unless the character’s outfit is an actual bathing suit, try harder.
Top Speed- A wife. A halloween wife. God I lover her personality and her outfit is definitely on the simple end of mgrp outfits but very fitting. The colors are great, love the hat and the tall boots, the cape stripes might be my least favorite bit? But I feel if it was solid it would be too bland so. And the end of her braids looks like a broom. I love her. Good design.
Ruler- I hate this. But why..... Is it the navy blue is a singular piece? I liked Ripple’s scarf for contrast but maybe this piece isn’t large enough? Her head things look like two crowns on the sides of her head and their weird and. Not awful? But not great. The cape looks chunky at the end? In a weird way? Or is it the drop waist on the top. I know I don’t like the butt fluff. I do like the shoes&leggings? pants? And her crown and hair stars. bad/10 for reasons I can not place
Swim Swim- Techno demon in the accessories, pure schoolgirl in swim class in the torso. The white suit+black devil wings is good as character contrast , and her....hip...discs? have demony tails which is good, but the big headphones and floating disc things work great with the shoes but not with the rest of the outfit? This is two outfits in one but not in a good way. Pick a lane.
Minael&Yunael- They might not be super-murders but boy that’s their only redeeming trait. I do not like them as fictional people. And outfitwise? Meh. I like the chat balloon halos, and the one wing look for the two of them works, and again the use of Navy rather than pure black is good, but the old fashioned dress with a bib is. boring. and not in a simple way just not interesting? Like I think if the stiped bib thing was removed it might look better? This also might be a secret hatred of mine as I think I have figured out from a later outfit. For now- boo
Tama- Are you spotted or brown&white? Her fluff bits and legs say spotted and her ears and tail and paws say brown and white and I wish we’d pick a lane? Also not crazy about the butt-length cape. I do like the bone clasp and the hood, and you have to have big ol paws for a dog girl. She’s. Fine. Just fine.
Nemurin- Her hair clouds say magical girl, the rest says generic cute sleepy anime girl. I like the socks, and her hair, but she’s not that interesting? Don’t get me wrong she’s cute but the bulk of her design is Big PJs. The candy clasp is nice as a sweet dreams thing? Sorry Endo
Calamity Mary- Titty fur. Boots with spurs and arms with fringe and mini cowboy hat are all good, and her skirt is. A little boring but fine. But the best part of her top is the sheriff badge. If we’re committed to evil=slutty=evil, you can still make a more appealing lewd top than a bikini over some fluff. Let sluts be sexy? Stay dead bitch.
Magicaloid 44- Elementary schoolgirl but robot. Bulky but in that smooth modern look. I’m a sucker for hair horns, even when they’re metal or plastic, and she just has a good silhouette. But her colors could be better? I will say her mn art has her skirt look like a skirt, and the anime said This Is A Solid Hunk Of Plastic/Metal and I think that works better. Swap her dark brown bits for a navy to go with her skirt and i think i’d be out of complaints
Sister Nana- There are multiple MG nuns. What’s up with that. Good use of sexy belts for theme consistency, but I with there was more red up top or her shoes were a different color. 9/10 for dirty nun
Weiss Winterprison- Girl I love you why is your outfit not good as a MG look or even really as an outfit. Your practical looking boots have heels, your colors are boring and messy, you have like. belts but not enough for them to look interesting? Gurl I love you do something with this bland mess.\
Cranberry- ‘I love this’ I say threw clenched teeth. I love green and flower motifs, and I like boleros and big sleeves. But I’m not that into this? I think it’s that her top looks like a nice shirt that’s a little long and then she. Just has leggings on and a big belt. I guess the buckle is like. A big thorn? And i’m into tunics with leggings but this doesn’t? do that in a way I like? The red-blue roses are a nice contrast to the green and creme but i just. I have no idea I want to be in love with this and it’s Middling for me. More elf ear’d MGs pls
Hardgore Alice- I love alice, I am a fan of edgy spins on stuff(sorry), so I’m a bit disappointed? And I think it’s just the colors? I love the checkered pockets and the striped stockings and bows and the headband and apron and bloomers and dress shape and even her eye bags (mood). I guess I just wish there was more of the off white-maybe for the full apron? or even the bloomers? I love you please re-color.
Keek- This bitch might win it for worst look. I like her hair color, and giant sleeves, and the cd and rubix cube are nice touches for an outfit, but what outfit. A bikini top and slightly-larger-than-usual underwear style bottom with a big plate of metal? Are those supposed to be shorts??? Points for normal shoes but take off the coat and this is nothing. And the coat isn’t much to begin with. 0/10 might take home the gold
Clantail- I wish the apron part was gone? But the colors are good tho I do have a question about the horns- they’re cute but if she can change her lower body to other animals they won’t always fit very well? And her necklaceuhhh tattoo? is odd. But she’s fine
Pechika- Good colors, like the feathers, I wish the chef’s coat had a different fit but it’s good. Could go without the tail. Also has some almost military feeling elements like the hair cross and the? epaulets? This is a spats stan account
Rionetta- Great use of colors, patterns, ribbons, has a specific look that works great for the doll dress. Hell year ball joints and weird eyes. Wonderful. I hate it. No fucking clue why. Like with the angels maybe? I hate strips? Except I don’t. Maybe just in specific situations? Or I hate multiple patterns? Rio looks good. I just see her and go into a rage. 
Nonako Miyokata- A very good look overall, just not super Magical Girl? Definitely magical miko but. The yin yang accessories feel a tad out of place- replace them with existing themes or add them in elsewhere
Magical Daisy- Still good
Nokko- This is just a maid. A cute maid with a weird choice of hair decor, but I think she got her outfit at the same shop as Milkit. *shrug*
@Meow-Meow- boy I hope I didn’t just at someone for real. I like her colors and tail, poofy detached sleeves are good, her top works with the open dress. I’m a fan of detailed edging on a piece, and it works with the pattern.  I’d’ve liked to see more of the bells that are on her wrists? I guess she had a racist accent originally though which yikes. 
Genopsyko Yumenoshima- A great sentai outfit, love the helmet ears and the tail. Not good as a magical girl outfit unless we fully dissolve the mg/sentai line. But the suit is great, slightly oversized gloves, and retro lasergun that doesn’t even work? Yesssss.
Detec Bell- Fwuffy. Great hat, love the dress, a good use of a cape, simple but very good. I feel a feel some of the ribbons could be changed up but a solid if simple design. 
Lapis Lazuline (2)- Cute starry tiger princess? I guess I’m a fan of navy and brown because i’m into it here too. Good use of the silvery details on the sleeves and dress bottom, and the links both at the cape clasp and on the boots. Really nice.
Melville- Bootleg Cranberry in every way. I like her over-pants and sleeve-cape, but the weird bib-top under the bikini top is a bad shape? Hair roses good and leg thorns do get a thumbs up. 
Cherna Mouse- If the turtle gets it’s own distinct look, why is Cherna just baby+ hamster? The hood is cute, and I dig the boots which work with the shoulder things, but said things don’t go with the toddler one piece+cape. She reminds me of Moetan and that is a bad thing.
Pfle- Ohhh this bitch. I may have been reading these books but I have no damn idea what she is up to and I hate it. Love her eyepatch tho. Super cute throne-wheelchair and it continues the bird motif. Her dress is nice but not that interesting? Seems more generic old timey fancy lady dress than Magical. Honestly I could go for some mixing up of the colors here? The dress and hair and throne all are a bit too similar. Maybe make the dress wine?
Shadow Gale- I like her look but I don’t feel it says nurse as much as it’s supposed to? Her aces profile honestly gives Rue vibes. It’s very monochromatic but I guess that works for her. Big fan of her skirt, kindof with it went all the way around. Solid design
Masked Wonder- Who? I refuse to play person5 because it’s been overhyped but isn’t this one of them? Not awful as a phantom thief outfit, but doesn’t say magical girl phantom thief at all. I do like the roses on the belt and. garters? Kindof wish we’d loose the color on the cape because it clashes more than anything with the rest of the look
Akane- I like her long hair flower. But her samurai-kimono look doesn’t feel blended well enough imo and the colors are too over the place while still being bland.
Lake of Fire Flame Flamey- Hell if I know how she looks I just love typing that name
Weddin- Good colors, a bit too busy? The chains+roses+lace doesn’t feel well balanced. But the flame and ankle chain are balanced because Maruino is good at asymmetrical details 
Captain Grace- A pirate magical girl? Is she legit the only one from any main stream series? Well she set the bar high. The captain coat is great, multiple small anchors, the hat, and her skirt(?) is very cute. I guess the sole of the boots stands out a bit? But very solid (wait is that a tail? or a butt hook? :/)
Funny Trick- If Las vegas was a magical girl. Colors and silhouette are good, I’m just not vibing with this. sorry girl
Kuru-kuru Hime- Yiss more ballet themed outfits. Good colors, love the shape of the giant back bow. I could go without the big ribbon coming off the headpiece? It’s nice
Postarie- Buttwings! I love her hair shape, just. Not a fan of the orange and green colors? She’s a delivery girl but feels more marching band. It’s a good design, just doesn’t feel fitting? Great just not for her
Rain Pow- Now this is a sci-fiy look while still saying magical girl. The tail is yet another weird thing, and I could go without the permeant ring behind her, but the shape of her outfit is very good, and love the silly heart hair. Wish the gloves were a different color? But this is up there
Tepsekemei- Genie outfits being problematic isn’t something I can speak to, but this is a solid genie look with additions to feel different, specifically the lotuses. It’s good, and I haven’t seen flying turtles since love hina so. Good for her.
Mana- You’re not a magical girl. Maybe I just hate bibs? The hat is great and snake leg is fun, I wish her collar was actually smaller to stand out more? It’s a fine mage look i guess
Hana Gekokujou- Great use of hair color as contrast to a committed color scheme. A cute traditional bunny look. Not personally my favorite but it is Good.
7753- Big Coat! Giant heart braids! Consistent heart theme! It’s bland compared to a lot of the other outfits, and I don’t think her flat heart uhh hair? pieces? like rain pow? work as well with her. But I think she works well for a member of the resources department. Wait is her hat backwards? Amazing
Archfiend Pam- I’m mostly a fan of this. The top is great, it’s carried through at one hip, she has the weird arm guy to keep her asymmetry going on. I just wish she’d commit to either fur Or pleats as trim? Both is a weird texture choice
Pythie Frederica- This bitch took a while for her proper appearance. I love the horns on the hood, and the stars throughout work well. I really don’t care for her skirtdress though? It’s too long and in ribbons and feels almost jellyfish-y? I feel it’s supposed to feel like she’s standing in fire but that doesn’t work pass a glance for me
Tot Pop- Love hot topic. Her spiky ribbon is my favorite bit, and I’m a fan of oversized sleeves. A great mall goth look, not amazing as a magical girl look tho. The head decor feels most on brand for the genre.
Punkin- What if the three musketeers were murderous and royalty. I love the hair feather and dig the ruff, the cape honestly feels like overkill? The boots are great and I dig the pants. Once again, why tails. I know mahou-furbies has reviewed a lot of these girls with the same comment and she’s right. Pick red or blue for this look though.
Sonia Bean- Kindof busy, in a garbage way. Like her outfit is made of fancy garbage to make an old timey doll. Which is fitting. Love the dress shape. Less into the weird dangly poofs.
Princess Inferno- The whole princess line works well together. Quake has the least Team outfit but I feel all four work well together? Inferno’s bikini is a smidge above other tops with the fire shapes, and I like her hair, but I think she’s my least favorite princess.
Princess Deluge- Swirls and scales throughout? Armor? Gold jewelry? My biggest issue is the chain to the weapon because this is a really nice outfit.
Princess Quake- Why does your tail start in the middle of the back? I like her leotard and eye theme, and her head piece adds nice shape. Good asymmetry. shame she’s into children The hair gem is a fun touch
Princess Tempest- The apples are a weird touch? Good for color but weird as a theme? I love the leaves- honestly I’m a huge fan of the vaguely toga-y look. Are the apples supposed to be an atlanta thing? Her skirt could be a bit better but Nice
Prism Cherry- Princess of our hearts. What a color scheme. Her oversized dangly accents work well here I feel, and I love the skirt and the leaf looking ribbon behind the neck. I could do without the arm fluff, but the top garter for the skirt is a nice touch
Marika Fukuroi- My wife is a bitch and I like her so much. A much more vibrant outfit than most of the mgrp girls, the black is edgy but in a fun loud way. I love her skirt and every damn crazy flower. Her top is my least favorite with the smaller flowers connecting her top to her bottom and the frills that honestly are out of place. Great eyes
Styler Mimi- A fancy outfit that fits her theme, with a nice silhouette and simple color scheme. Ruined by the giant back powder puffs. Yes she would be fairly simple without those but they’re so garish and awkward. Good hair
Stanczyka- I thought her middrif was another hunk of plaster like the mask and now that I see it’s just skin with some stars :/ The whole head thing is good, and the fur is consistent throughout even if I’m not a fan of it. The giant sleeves are. weird. I want to like them but. Her swirly tiddys are a nice touch. The brown hair on the tail doesn’t fit
Lady Proud- For someone who lived for a lot of pages I do not remember her. Her leotard works with the sleeves to feel like an old timey dress and the way the cape is being held up to look like bat wings is nice. The green layer in her hair is an odd choice. I do dig the hair clips with the horns
Umbrain- Froggy slicker. ...Sakura did it better, the yellow and purple&red is a meh color combo sorry. I do love the candy additions for the ame(rain) ame(candy) play, and her umbrella is great. But once again I am confronted by a bib. Also her slicker is actually two pieces? Bad colors, bad body, good theme
Filru- I like the colors and the corset, and in theory the chunky knitting is very cute but I feel it’s at odds with the boots and corset. Make the whole thing chunky knitting- it’d be cute. The head doily also could be more on theme imo
Uttakatta- again, what did you do? giant overalls are good in theory, but the slits and the. bubbles? clear donuts. are just ugly. Honestly her whole look is not good, and a bubble theme has so much potential for cool shit :(
Kafuria- good use of colors, I’m not personally into the shape of her kimono as a mg dress, but the wings and the veil+such are nice
Grim Heart- this bitch. God her dress is a great shape. I think i’m not fully into her spade tail ribbons, but otherwise love? The flamingo is Silly but again as an alice fan, i do not care (ask me about kagihime for 10000 words of rage!)
Shufflin- the tiny bib haunts me but the big double sides apron card piece is a nice way to do the simple and versatile Card look. The hair is cute and i like the suit as a big piece behind the head
Armor Arlie- chunky suit of armor. but Cute. as an armor fan in MG designs, even I think this is A Bit Much, but it has enough going for it that i think it’s a fun look
Bluebell Candy- once again Maruino kills it with using navy very nicely. A military vibe with the epilates and double breasted uhh skirt decor. honestly shocked the hat is center, and mm good hair happenings. A very nice design. still not into the weird fluff tail stuff
Dark Cutie- Great hair decorations, love the lunar details, seems to be a leotard over leggings? It’s nice. It’s not crazy grabbing or stands out that much in silhouette, but i do like it
Micchan the Dictionary- tying your coat around your neck is not valid, motarboards are not good magical girl accessesories, i personally have an owl vendetta, the red in her shoes appears no where else, and the shape of her dress is just weird. plus that hair is. not good. Oh wow. I might rank her lower than keek. oh Wow
Glassianne- this is just that alcreamie pokemon. i wish the exposed strawberry went all the way down instead of there being more icing along the bottom. she has a consistent theme and nice colors, i’m not not digging it
Uluru- said dog. 7753 and tama’s child. she looks warm but not super magical. why is she dog themed?
Sorami Nakano- gamer aesth. I could do without the hair paws, but the jumper is super cute, love the eyes and the hair tones, general color scheme, bandaid is a cute touch. A solid look.
Premium Sachiko- good colors, i like the cut of the sleeves/boots/dress, but her art has her legs blend together and that’d just the art but weird. nice use of four leaf clovers and horseshoes throughout for her luck theme. 
CG Angel Hammer- I like the flowers and the bones tail/wings. The halo thing is. odd, and it’s hard to get a great idea of her actual outfit. weird hair choice, tiny bottom but at least it has some frills. Needs more art
Patricia- acab. great colors tho and I like the shapes for the shoulders and wrist, and the light theme. The bright blue ribbons and earrings stand out well. This is actually a really solid design. 
Puk Puck- i hate this baby angel there’s too much to look at. Your bondage leg is weird! cute chest piece. you can’t have cloud swirls and drills for hair damn it. your halo also has a veil? fuck you. 6/10.
Best Outfits: Princess Tempest and Grim Heart Worst Outfits: Keek and Micchan the Dictionary and Uttakatta
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When the chips are down
In which Remus somehow convinces the boys to play strip poker, which devolves into some serious gay panic for Roman.
Pairings: prinxiety, some intrulogical
Warnings: mild nudity? I guess? I mean it’s strip poker what do you expect is gonna happen
“I swear to god Logan and Remus are cheating.”
“Now Virgil, what would make you think that?”
“Because you’ve won six times and Remus is half naked.”
“I assure you those two facts have absolutely nothing in common,” Logan’s face remained as stoic as ever while he dealt out the cards. “Perhaps Remus just likes to lose.”
“Well I don’t doubt that,” Virgil glanced over at the side in question, who sat across the circle, bouncing giddily in place. Black and green clothes lay scattered about his person, and the only things left on his body were his black tights and knee-high boots.
As for the rest of the group, Logan faired the best, missing only his signature tie. Janus was in second place, having taken off his shoes and cape, but otherwise remaining fully clothed. Roman had lost his shoes, sash and coat, leaving him to sit in a white undershirt and black pants. Virgil himself had had to take off his trusty jacket, along with his shoes and watch (which Janus argued, but Logan allowed). They had been playing for a few hours now, and were all nearing the end of their attention spans (Patton, having opted not to play, had wandered off to bed awhile ago, and left the five of them on the floor of the living room).
“All I’m saying is, I think you have a certain incentive to win,” Virgil commented, “seeing as the winner gets to choose who the loser is.”
“Pure coincidence,” Logan’s expression remained unchanged, but a soft blush spread across his cheeks and gave him away. It was no secret that he and Remus had been spending more and more time together, but of course Logan would ever admit to anything serious.  
“Speaking of winning, I believe I win this round, fellas,” Janus spoke up as the cards were laid out in the circle.
“How the hell did you get three kings?” Virgil said, incredulous.
“Luck of the draw, my dear,” the snake said with a sly smile, “although I’m afraid it’s turned out rather poorly for you.”
“You son of a...” Virgil’s voice trailed off and he shook his head. He took a moment to look about his person, trying to find the smallest garment to remove.
“Don’t try to worm you’re way out of this one, Virgy,” Remus giggled, “that shirt’s coming off whether you like it or not.”
“Fine,” Virgil replied with an exasperated smile. The others watched as he gracefully lifted the shirt up over his head and off in one smooth motion.
And Roman immediately realized that this was a problem.
See, Roman knew that Virgil was strong. He had once lifted the entire kitchen table and thrown it across the room, in an attempt to kill one of Remus’s more... disturbing creations. He also regularly picked up Logan and carried him to his room, as the logical side would often fall asleep at his desk working long into the night. But Roman had always attributed this ability to Virgil’s role as Anxiety— the very personification of fight-or-flight ought to be quite strong and fast, don’t you think? And under that baggy jacket, Roman had always pictured Virgil to be rather scrawny.
But Virgil was not.
Virgil’s body was toned and sculpted to perfection. His soft, pale skin stretched taught over his broad shoulders, his wide chest, and his perfectly cut abs. His biceps bulged as he lifted his arms over his head to remove the ripped purple shirt that had so perfectly hidden his beautiful torso. Roman could see every muscle pull and relax as he moved with quiet grace. He was a marble sculpture with a black fringe haircut. An edgy masterpiece. An emo Adonis.
And Roman was so incredibly gay.
“You gonna be ok there, Romantico?” Janus jeered at the prince.
“Wh- What?”
Janus teased some more, “Seriously, you’d think you never saw a man take his shirt off before.”
“I don’t— I don’t know what you’re talking about—” Roman stammered.
“It means your gay is showing, broseph,” Remus blurted out, “and I’m bored. I’m calling it a night, boys. Logan, you wanna help me bring all these clothes back to my room?”
Logan’s cheeks flared pink once more, “If you need my assistance.”
“Oh, I do,” Remus replied rather suggestively, and the two sides headed off down the hall.
“Well, that’s my cue to leave,” Janus stated matter-of-factly, and walked off to his own room. Roman realized all too quickly what they had done, and turned to see Virgil staring inquisitively at him. His head was cocked ever so slightly to the left, the way it always did when he was deciding something, and that always sent Roman’s heart into overdrive. Roman barely squeaked out a “goodnight” before gathering his clothes and rushing into his room.
Roman slammed the door behind him and leaned against it, breathing out a long sigh. Why did he have to act so foolish? Why couldn’t he be calm and collected around Virgil? And why couldn’t the others just stay out of it? It was hard enough to hide his feelings without them calling him out on it.
Gathering himself, Roman pushed away from the door and began to get ready for bed. As he did, his mind continually wandered back to the picture of Virgil’s body, like a broken record. Why did he try to hide his feelings? There was nothing wrong with them. But every time he thought about confessing, and how Virgil might react, he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. It wasn’t so much the fear of rejection, as it was the fear of change. He very much enjoyed the relationship they had, and didn’t want to risk putting it in danger. Whether Virgil accepted it or not, a confession would change everything, and there would be no going back. And that scared Roman more than even the most ferocious beast he could think of.
Roman was so lost in thought that the knock on the door barely registered on his consciousness. “Come in,” he mumbled as he laid his pajamas out on his bed. It wasn’t until he heard the door shut behind him that he realized there was someone else in the room. He turned and, much to his surprise, found Virgil standing in front of the closed door.
Now, something that you might not know about Virgil, but is rather important to note: Virgil does not like closed doors. There must always be some way for him to escape, some opening for him to run through should some catastrophe arise. He never entered a room with no exit, and he never kept his back to a door or window. Even the door to his room was kept slightly ajar at all times, for easy access. Roman knew this about Virgil, and thus went out of his way to never stand between him and an exit point. So when he saw Virgil standing there, with his back to the door, which he himself had shut tight, Roman was understandably concerned.
“Virgil? Is... everything alright?”
“You left me to clean up the cards by myself,” Virgil spoke in a tone that Roman couldn’t quite read. Was he angry? He didn’t look angry; but then, Roman couldn’t quite read his expression either. It seemed to be a mixture of determination and... what was that... hunger?
“I’m sorry,” Roman said uneasily. Virgil had put his shirt back on, but his jacket was missing. This caused Roman to be even more concerned. Virgil only ever took off his jacket when he was ready for a fight. Roman gulped. What had he done wrong?
“You should be,” Virgil began to advance towards Roman. Roman backed up against the bed and briefly wondered where he had put his sword. But he didn’t want to hurt Virgil; it’s fine. Whatever was about to happen, he could take it.
And then suddenly Virgil’s face was an inch from his, and he realized that look wasn’t hunger at all.
Roman had often wondered what a kiss from Virgil would be like. He had always pictured them close together; perhaps on the couch, having just finished a movie. Virgil would be curled into Roman’s side, and he would look up at Roman with his beautiful brown eyes, and Roman would put a hand against his cheek. He always thought it would be soft, quiet, and still— a gentle touch of the lips, a moment to sit and breathe in each other’s scent, and then a quiet parting as they lean back to look into each other’s eyes once more.
This was nothing like that. In this moment, with Virgil’s lipped pressed firmly on Roman’s, his arms wrapped around the creative side to hold him in place, Roman had never felt so much passion in his life. He all but melted into Virgil’s arms, soaking in his heat, his own hands searching for the body that lay hidden beneath that purple shirt, but remained imprinted in Roman’s mind forever. He could feel Virgil’s heart beating as fast as his own, their breaths matching up in perfect harmony, their hands brushing over each other’s arms and back in an attempt to memorize every curve and groove. Finally, after an eternity crammed into a millisecond, they parted.
“...Wow,” Roman said breathlessly, “That, uh... that is not what I expected.”
“I know,” Virgil laughed softly, and Roman’s heart screamed. It was the sweetest, most genuine sound he had ever heard.
Virgil blushed and looked down at his feet. “I’ve kind of been waiting for you to make the first move. I mean, I kind of assumed you would,” he looked back up and smiled, “but I guess I just got tired of waiting.”
“How did you know—”
“—That you liked me?”
Roman nodded.
Virgil let out another small laugh. “You have a terrible poker face.”
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Summary: Marrying Donaka Mark wasn’t what you imagined your life would be. Yet it turned out to be the best decision ever.
Pairing: Donaka Mark / F!Reader
Wordcount: 2.518
Warnings: mentions of working as an escort, swearing, smut, Dom vibes, sex toys, general nudity idk
A/N: I watched Men of Tai Chi for the first time and god damn Donaka can get it. So this happened. Also big thanks to @ladyreapermc​ for beta-ing this mess in it’s unedited form cause i’m a lazy fuck LOL
*Taglist in reblog
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All there was was silence. Every day. Every hour of the day. At least when Donaka was home. Which seemed to be more often in the last couple of months.
You were oh so young when you met him. Struggling to earn your own money after you didn’t have enough to pay for uni, you did the last thing you ever wanted to do. You became an escort. Looking back it had to be fate that he was your first client.  He had been searching for a young woman to accompany him to a dinner party.
“Look nice and don’t speak a word.” Was the only sentence he spoke to you the whole evening. Not that you would have been able to form an intelligent sentence on the yacht he had taken you on. He was dressed in all black, while you were wearing a dark purple dress he had bought you. It was the single most expensive thing you ever had worn. Not counting in the diamond earrings he had made you wear. 
Apparently you had done a great job as his pretty arm candy because from that night on, he had booked you regularly. So often that after a couple of months he made you the offer to become his exclusive escort. 
He didn’t like to share. 
He never had made any intentions in taking this thing between you further than just for appearances. Yet you couldn’t deny that he was an attractive man. You didn’t know exactly what he did for a living, but you were pretty sure it wasn’t just a security firm he was running. Donaka was someone you didn't want to have on your bad side. And overall he was more than generous. You agreed to become his exclusive escort if he would pay for you to get your masters degree. Which he did.
He still was as cold as the first time you met him, yet sometimes you got a glimpse on the man beneath the mask. That was mostly when the two of you were alone. 
It was a year into your arrangement when something changed. You had met him in his penthouse more often. Being alone with him still sent a thrill through your body, because you couldn’t deny the attraction you felt towards him. And it wasn’t just his looks. You felt like he genuinely cared for you in his own way. 
But on that day he was on edge. He sat on his big couch when you entered his penthouse, dressed in all black as usual, though his face was a hard mask.
“I didn’t know you would be coming over today.” He hadn’t even looked at you, yet you could see his eyes dark and clouded with anger.
“It’s thursday. You said to always come over on thursday.”
“Well… I’m not in the mood today.” He snapped.
Feeling brave, you stepped into his line of sight, when he finally looked up at you.
“What are you in the mood for then?” You held his gaze as your hands slowly opened the first button of the blouse you were wearing.
“Don’t…” He hissed.
“Cause you won’t be able to take it, once I get up from this couch.” He said quietly, his eyes not leaving yours.
“I am not as innocent as you think Donaka.” You answered, opening the next button. As if you had known something like this would finally happen, you had decided to wear a deep blue lacy bra with matching panties. He continued to watch you for a while, as you slowly stripped down, your confidence shrinking with every second he continued to just sit there, before he finally got up.
“You’ll address me as Sir.” He said, towering over you, one of his hands gathering your hair in a ponytail and slowly tugging your hair so you had to look up at him.
“And tomorrow you are gonna move out of your shitty apartment and move in here.” He stated, his other hand on your hip shooting electricity through your body.
“Yes, Sir.”
A year after this encounter he had suggested getting married.
Like a business transaction. And against all your better judgement you agreed. You never had the intention of marrying anyway. Yet when a dark blue velvet box was waiting on your plate at dinner the next day, the most beautiful emerald cut diamond ring you had ever set your eyes on inside of it, you couldn’t help the nervous flutter in your belly. That Donaka had the hint of a smile on his lips as he watched you slip the ring on your ring finger, didn’t help the whole situation.
He had fucked you against his bedroom window the whole night.
It wasn’t a big ceremony. As a matter of fact it was just you and him on a normal tuesday afternoon. You were getting ready in your bedroom, you still had your own room, even if most nights you spent in the safety of Donaka’s bed, when he had walked in.
“You look beautiful.” He had startled you. You had decided on an ivory shoulder free dress, that hugged you curves perfectly, and ended just over your knees. Looking up you caught his eyes in your mirror, he was wearing a simple black suit, a dark grey dress shirt underneath and the black silk tie you had gifted him for his last birthday. Smiling shyly you had turned around, bending down to get your shoes on, when he got on his knees.
“Let me…” He had mumbled, and helped you in the dark red velvety Jimmy Choos you had fallen in love with. His fingertips on your ankles were driving you insane. When he looked up, you had the words you so desperately wanted to tell him on your lips. I love you.
You didn’t know why it was so hard for you to actually say them. You were getting married to the guy. You had spent almost three years with him, yet you still felt like you only knew so much about him.
“I know this isn’t probably how you imagined your wedding day.” His big hand came to rest on your knee as he looked up at you.
“I never actually imagined ever getting married, Donaka.” You had smiled but sighed.
“Then why did you say yes?”
“I…” You gulped. Before you could stop yourself your hand reached out, your fingertips stroking over his freshly shaved cheek.
“I like being with you. And this…” You shook your head. “Thing between us might be, in a weird way, the healthiest relationship I ever had. I feel happy being with you.”
“I feel happy with you too.”
It was the first time Donaka showed his vulnerable side.
Your wedding day now was exactly five years ago. Donaka had been gone for three weeks on a business trip leaving you alone. Which gave you time to work almost every hour and you were happy when he got back home. You still had your own bedroom. But you couldn’t remember the last time you had slept in it. Ever since the wedding Donaka had opened up more and more. The first time he told you that he loved you, had to be one of the happiest days of your life. Smiling to yourself you got out of the shower, just drying yourself off, before you slipped on the long slip robe he had brought you from one of his trips and tiptoed to the bedroom. 
The door was fully open, letting you see Donaka sit with his back against the massive headboard, sheets spread around himself as he read some reports. He was completely naked, his hair getting a little longer.
Donaka mostly ran around naked when he was home, something you only had found out after you’ve gotten married. The amount of sex you have had in all rooms of his, your penthouse, was insane. For a man in his late forties he had a stamina some twenty years olds would be jealous of. 
His huge king size bed was the only piece of furniture in the room. Black, heavy wood posters framed it and it’s massive dark grey headboard set against the dark green Silk wall behind it. The whole bedroom was rather dark. Much like Donaka.
“You’re home.” You said quietly. You saw him nod, not even looking up at you as he continued to read.
“Everything went fine?” You asked.
He shook his head. “One big fucked up mess is what it is.” He growled, the tone of his voice sending shivers over your whole body, arousal shooting right to your core.You hadn’t touched yourself ever since he left, like he instructed, leaving you a horny mess. And you were ready for him.
“Anything I can help to make it better… Sir?” You added. That made him look up.
“Not today.” He said after a while and focused back on his reading.
With an open mouth you looked at him. You could see that his cock clearly had other ideas as he got hard.
“Well…” You grinned mischievious to yourself as you slowly walked over to your side of the bed, letting you robe slip over your shoulder before you sat on the bed next to him. You could see him watching you from the corner of your eyes as you reached for your moisturizer, beginning to massage it into your skin. 
“I thought a couple of years would go by until my husband neglected me.” You sighed, making sure you spend more time massaging between your thighs, making yourself moan lowly as your hand brushed over your clit.
“I’m not neglecting you, I’m busy. Now be a good girl and go to sleep.” Donaka said. You looked at him, still reading. Yet his cock was standing proudly against his stomach.
Biting your lip you grinned. You could be a good girl, but maybe today you wanted to be a bad girl. You pulled the papers he was reading out of his grasp, laying them down next to him. Before he could open his mouth you had straddled his lap, your hands grabbing the headboard behind him. Dark eyes looked up at you.
“I know you don’t really give a fuck, but it’s our wedding anniversary today. And I haven’t had an orgasm since the morning you left. So I think I’m gonna be a bad girl today, Sir.” You whispered against his ear. His hands were on your ass, his fingers digging into your skin.
“Is my girl horny?” He asked as you began to roll your hips, his cock brushing over your clit with every move.
“Is my wife desperate to cum? To be filled to the brink? To be fucked so hard the whole fucking building hears just what a slut she is?” He asked, closing his mouth around one of your nipples and sucking harshly, making you moan loudly, arching your back against his chest.
“Fuck me, Donaka.” You whimpered.
“No.” He said. Confused you looked down at him, a grin on his lips.
“You want to cum, you take what you want.”
The surprise must have been prominent on your face as he tilted his head up, to meet your lips in a longing kiss. 
“Fuck me and you get to cum as often as you want.”
Reaching with your hand between your bodies, to pump his cock slowly you lined yourself up on top of him, before you slowly sank down on his cock, your eyes not leaving his before he filled you to the brink. Breathing in puffs you looked at each other, until you slowly began to move. With your nipples brushing over his chest hair, everytime you moved up and down, the only noise in the room were your whimpers. With your hand grabbing the headboard behind him you rode him, jumping up and down on his cock, feeling evey ridge and vein, the burn you always felt when he filled you, slowly turning into pleasure.
“Slap me.” You moaned, throwing your head back in ecstasy. His hand slapped your ass with force, his groans muffled by his mouth sucking bruised on the skin on your boobs. He loved to mark you there. For no one to see but him. 
You were almost there when one of his arms sneaked behind your back, flipping you with your back on the mattress. Your surprised yelp turned into a long moan as he began to pump into you hard, his hand holding your wrists over your head down on the mattress, you automatically had brought up. Closing your eyes, as he hit your G Spot with every thrust you whimpered.
“Fuck! You are so sexy. I love when I make your tits jump with every fucking thrust.” He groaned. Opening your eyes, you just saw something pink flash beside him, when you screamed as he brought your vibrator down on your clit on the highest setting.
“Fuck Donaka….” You moaned. He let your wrists go, not that you had any intention on moving your arms.
“You better cum for me, cause I still have some work to do.” He growled, moving the vibe on your clit as his thrusts became deeper, making your toes curls.
With your last strength you brought one arm up to touch his biceps, making him kiss your hand. 
“I…” He rubbed the vibe in circles over your clit, making you explode, you hand clutching the dark sheets. Whimpering, your whole body shook, as he fucked you through your orgasm, making it last until you almost passed out.
“Want me to cum inside you? Fill my wife with my cum?” He asked, making you moan. You loved when he called you wife.
“Yes, cum inside me Don…” You sighed, still trying to breathe normally when he groaned and spilled his massive load inside you. Looking into each other’s eyes as you tried to breathe you couldn’t believe that he was yours.
“I love you.” You whispered. A soft smile graced his lips, a smile that was only reserved for you.
“I love you too. Can you now go to sleep and let me work?” He asked, arching his left eyebrow.
“Seriously?” You asked.
“You’ve been a bad girl. You’re gonna need your strength for your punishment tomorrow.” He said in all seriousness, making you bite your lip.
“And we have an early flight out, so best to let me finish this.” He said, his cock slipping out of you. His eyes left yours for a moment, to look at your pussy, his cum dripping out of you, making him smirk.
“Early flight?” You asked.
“You really thought I’d forget our anniversary? I bought an island.” He said.
“An island?” You asked.
“Your island.” He corrected.
“What do I need to pack?” You asked. Grinning he leaned down, kissing you deeply.
“Nothing. Except maybe the diamond plug. Because that’s all you are going to be wearing for the next two weeks.” He whispered against your lips, before he sat back against the headboard.
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alolowrites · 4 years
Late Night Visitor
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Summary: A mysterious stranger visits your balcony and accidentally leaves behind a priceless jewelry that they stole from a museum.   
Author’s Note: I’m pleased to share the next story for @bnhabookclub​ Hero Camp Bingo event. The prompt I used was “Crime AU” It took a while getting this done because of work stress and having slight writer’s block (plus I kept changing the story’s direction). But really, it was because of how stressed/tired I’ve been the past few weeks. So, really sorry if it took forever posting another story.
It’s also my first time writing for Hawks, so hopefully I did him justice! He was the first character that popped up when working with this prompt. Please enjoy!!
Word Count: 2.3K+
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“Ah! Hot, hot!”
Well, isn’t this just great? Nothing like accidentally burning your tongue during dinner to remind yourself how impatient you are—damn hunger. One hand flails to cool down your mouth. Steam dances above the hearty bowl of curry rice, the sweet smell of caramelized onions greeting your nose with a soft kiss. Bless the local 7-11 markets for selling quick and easy meals.
You sit criss-cross applesauce on the fluffy gray rug and scroll through social media for the millionth time. It’s been a slow weekend as yesterday’s news is recycled for today’s news. A random show plays on the television, but you don’t pay attention to the white noise. All your focus is on the phone, yet you still reach for another bite from your meal. How the rug stays clean during dinner nights at home is a complete mystery.  
Sipping on your drink, you spare a glance at the balcony and do a double-take—a stranger is crouching outside. You choke, “Oh shit!”
Without thinking, you scurry behind the gray couch, not caring if the rug becomes messy. Your pounding heart is like a concert bass drum which echoes around the small apartment. The sound drowns out the show’s mindlessly chatter. Frightened eyes peek around the corner, and you whip back in full regret.
The person is still outside. Their back is facing toward the balcony door, and they are wearing a form-fitting black hoodie. Hands search for your phone, but they come up empty. Panic finally settles in when you realize it’s on the coffee table. Great, you moan as your head softly hits against the furniture—is the door even locked?
You’re faced with a dilemma: Do you stay out of sight until the stranger leaves or risk being seen while getting help? After much deliberation, you swallow a hard pill and growl at the ceiling, “If I’m doing this, I better not die!”
You’re like a soldier crawling through the mud with a drill sergeant yelling down your neck. You snatch the phone off the table, but make the mistake of looking up at the sliding door. Everything comes to a screeching halt as curious gold eyes stare into your timid ones. The mysterious visitor becomes more intimidating thanks to the balaclava mask—it covers the lower half of their face.
The intense staring contest last for an eternity. You nearly rip off the loose strands on your rug when the stranger approaches closer; they stop when you back away. Taking pity on you, they jump over the balcony and disappear into the quiet night.
A sense of relief washes over you.
Who knows what could have happened to you? Maybe your mom was right about learning some self-defense; the pepper spray is not enough. As you stand and dust off your pants, a shiny light catches your attention; it’s coming from outside. You go against your better judgment and tiptoe toward the balcony.
Your jaw immediately falls to the floor when you spot an exquisite ruby pendant. A sparkling round diamond sits above the bright red gemstone, a slight tint of purple hue lurking underneath. Even the platinum metal chain carries an air of luxury. It’s as if the gods carefully hand-crafted this entire jewelry themselves. In short, it is simple but elegant.
Sliding the door, you wonder if this is some kind of trap. After checking your surroundings, you swiftly pick up the accessory and snort, “Thank you for making me feel poor.”
Fingers glide along the gemstone’s perfect curves as you gaze at the sleeping neighborhood. Your mind goes wild: Who was the person with those haunting golden eyes? Why did they come to your balcony? And why in the world did they leave behind a beautiful masterpiece?
You have so many questions but very few answers.  
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“So, you didn’t call the police?”
“And why not?”
“It was a mixture of being both scared and stupid.”
“Oh my—” Fuyumi pinches the bridge of her nose. You twiddle your fingers like a guilty child and sink further into the booth. Fuyumi had her suspicions when you texted her to meet up at the usual coffee shop near your apartment. It’s your go-to place whenever you’ve done something questionable, which is ninety-nine percent of the time. Plus, the café whips up the perfect batch of castella—her favorite pastry.  
Customers stroll in and out of the coffee shop as piano music plays softly in the background. Roasted coffee beans linger in the air, tempting your nose with its delicious aroma. Out of habit, you push the castella closer to Fuyumi as if that would help soften the blow. She exhales, “Next time, please call the police.”
“Yes, mother,” you mumble much to Fuyumi’s displeasure, but she lets it slide. With the worst over, you bounce straight up and tap the table with an air of excitement. “Oh! Here’s the best part though, besides surviving a break-in—”
“The person was outside your balcony.”
“—close enough, but not really the point, okay?” Fuyumi rolls her eyes, and you fish out your phone to show her a picture. She takes a closer look as you ramble off. “Anyway, my late-night visitor left behind this gorgeous pendant! Why they were carrying this around is beyond me, and so carelessly too. I’m no jeweler, but I’m pretty sure those stones are worth a fortune—still beautiful, though.”
“Yeah, and stolen!” The white-haired teacher hisses. You blink, wholly baffled at her extreme reaction. Fuyumi whips out her iPhone with two fingers flying above the screen. She shoves it toward you, your eyes skimming through the article. The news delivers a sharp slap across your face as the realization sinks in.
Oh no…
Fuyumi bites her lip, “It’s The Grand Droplet, a priceless heirloom rumored to offer infinite life and prosperity. Police are saying the notorious thief, Hawks, stole the pendant last night from the Yutaka Jewelry Museum.” A few seconds later, she adds, “You have the pendant—”
“Shhhhhh!” A hand attacks her arm, your panicked eyes wandering around the coffee shop as if your cover got blown. No one turns their heads, but you shoot an annoyed glare at Fuyumi. “Why don’t you say it louder? I don’t think the barista heard you!”
“I’m sorry! It’s just,” she grips the table’s edge and leans closer, “This is serious! You have to bring the pendant to the authorities. See, this is exactly why you should have called the police last night! The longer you wait, the more guilty you look. Maybe you’ll even become an accomplice to the crime.”
“You’re not helping!”
You dramatically groan into your hands, “Why did this happen to me?! When I said I wanted to live like Larry, I didn’t mean this!”
“I know,” Fuyumi pats your head and sneaks a bite of her delicious treat; her phone chimes beside you. She checks the message before flashing an apologetic stare. “Listen, I have to take care of something with my family, but I hate to leave you like this.”
“No, it’s okay. I can handle this myself,” you pathetically convince her. “I’m sure nothing bad will happen, knock on wood—”
“The table is metal.”
“I said what I said!” Your fist aggressively pounds the table, scaring off some customers. A mother hastily pushes her child away from the chaotic scene. You calm down and sigh, “I promise to call you if I’m in danger, okay?”
You nod before whispering, “Sorry, table.”
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The walk back home is anything but relaxing. You are on high alert, throwing suspicious glances at anyone coming too close to you. They could be undercover cops waiting to ambush you and interrogate your poor soul for hours until the necklace reappears.
But I didn’t do anything! I’m a good noodle!
You sigh as the key unlocks the door, your shoes flying off by the entrance. Fortunately, you hid the pendant in a safe place. All you want to do is get rid of this jewelry; it brings nothing but trouble.
Marching down the hallway, you grumble under your breath, “Stupid Hawks, and his stupid stealing habits.”
Everyone knows about the infamous Hawks. He strikes when one least expects him to, and somehow successfully evades capture after every heist. But Hawks always leaves behind his signature red feather as a little present for authorities—it never fails to rile them up. Hopefully, the cops show some mercy when you explain what happened. Maybe you should work on your puppy dog look before heading downtown, which might help you score a few sympathy points.
You find the burgundy jewelry box sitting on the closet’s top shelf and breathe a sigh of relief—the pendant is still inside. Not wasting precious time, you close the lid and exit your room. A soft click makes you freeze.
Standing by the balcony door is Hawks, who wears a black jacket with a white shirt underneath. His ashy blonde hair is lazily slicked back, a few strands sticking here and there like no tomorrow. Surprisingly, he lowers the balaclava mask and flashes a boyish grin, “‘Bout time you came home! I was getting bored out there.”
“How did you—wait, never mind. You break into high-security places to steal things for a living,” you say, shifting the jewelry box onto your right grip. “Listen, as much as I would like to stay and chit-chat, my day is fully booked. Can’t really cancel on these people, ya know?” You slowly tiptoe backward, an awkward laugh ringing through the air. “Let’s do a rain check; I’m free next week. Okay? Okay! See ya—“
“Hold it!” You halt on his order, a curse slipping out your mouth. Hawks strides across the floor, and you clutch the box closer to your chest. You feel as though your feet are glued to the ground, the nerves growing stronger once Hawks stands only a few feet away. He crosses his arms and nods at the box, “Whatcha got there?”
“Oh, it’s nothing special, really.”
“Can I take a look?”
“Why not?”
“Um, because I don’t want to, that’s why,” you childishly snap and send him a dismissive wave. “Now, shoo! You’re wasting my precious time.”
Hawks chuckles at your feisty attitude. He finds this whole ordeal extremely amusing. You know who he is, you know of his reputation just like everyone else in Japan. And yet, you keep on swinging like a boxer with your witty responses. Still, he has a job to finish. “I’m not leaving until you give me that pendant.”  
“Well, I hope you’re paying for half the rent because there’s no way in hell I’m giving it to you, Mr. Thief.” Two seconds later, you add, “Besides, it’s not even yours!”
“It’s not yours either.”
“Oh!” You give him a fake laugh, pointing one finger at your chest. “So the thief is criticizing me for having something that’s not mine? How rich.”
“You’re lucky I find you cute, but,” Hawks dangerously invades your personal space without giving you a chance to stop him. From far away, he doesn’t appear tall. However, Hawks somehow towers over you, which makes you involuntarily squeak. A wicked glint shines through his golden eyes as he studies your unique facial features. You suddenly forget to breathe when his eyes glance at your lips—damn him.
Hawks plucks the box from your loose grip. The hypnotic spell comes crashing down, and you loudly snarl, “Hey! Give it back!”
“Sorry, Dove,” Hawks keeps you at arm’s length, his gloved hand giving your shoulder a soft squeeze as he smirks, “I got a buyer who’s willing to pay a hefty price for this beauty. Of course, you are way more stunning, but he doesn’t need to know that.”
“Quit charming me!” You’re a blushing mess now and throw a pillow at him; he easily dodges it much to your dismay. Hawks’ cackles bounce off the wall, which makes you scowl. His fingers slide the balcony door open, and he tastes sweet freedom.
“Farewell, Dove!”
You have a deja vu moment when Hawks jumps over the edge. Your legs rush outside, and eyes frantically search the streets, but it’s no use—the thief is long gone. One hand slaps your forehead as you stupidly let him get away with the jewel. Feeling like a deflated balloon, you whip out your phone and make a quick call.
“Fuyumi…yeah, the pendant got stolen again.”
Stupid thief.
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You collapse on the couch with as much grace as an inexperienced dancer who steps on people’s toes. Work left you exhausted, but you’re glad it’s almost the weekend. You’ll definitely sleep in and have a lazy day on Sunday. It’s what you deserve after meeting tight deadlines and also talking to the police about Hawks.
Fortunately, they do not blame you for anything, much to your relief. It’s been about a week since Hawks broke into your apartment to steal back the Grand Droplet. Police have no luck locating him; they believe the thief is lying low until it’s safe enough for him to strike again. Where exactly is anyone’s guess.
A knock disrupts your thoughts.
It comes from the balcony, and you jump to your feet. No one is outside, although a flash of red catches your eye. Lo and behold, it’s Hawks’ signature feather with a small note attached. Oh, how lovely, you think before snatching the gift off the floor. Your pet name is affectionately written across the paper. You hate yourself for finding Hawks’ calligraphy impressive, but proceed to read the note.
Sorry for cutting our convo short—had a deal to close. No hard feelings, though, right? If anything, I’ll make it up to you, Dove. Besides, you still owe me that rain check.
See ya soon!
You don’t bother biting back your smile.
Guess you’ll be seeing Fuyumi at the coffee shop again.
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Fourth prompt is crossed off. Which one will be next? Stay tune! Thank you for reading! 
Previous prompt: Cuddles 
Hero Camp Bingo Masterlist
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the-bee-is-lost · 4 years
On Top Of The World
Here is a single dad sanders sides au. With moceit.
"Dad, we have to go!" A small child whined, tugging on his father's hand. Patton looked down at one of his sons, Roman, who was the first to wake. 
"And where are we going?" The dad asked, looking at the clock and seeing it was only eight am. "You brothers aren't even up yet," 
Roman huffed, crossing his arms dramatically. "Ah i see, you wanted to leave them here,"
Roman's head shot up. "I, no! That's not it!" Hearing Patton say what Roman had been doing, even if he didn't realize it, made Roman a little ashamed. He wasn't always the best at thinking about other people all the time. "I don't want to forget them, I was just excited," Roman corrected himself. 
Patton smiled proudly at Roman, ruffling his hair softly. "I understand your excitement,  it's your first play today, but you have forgotten that your brothers are in it too," Roman nodded, looking down. "You got over excited, but that's ok. What about you go wake up your brother's and then we can have breakfast," 
Roman gave his dad a salute, running up the stairs to wake his twin, and older brothers. Strictly Roman was actually the youngest, him and Remus both being 10, but Remus being five minutes earlier. Virgil was 14, but he acted much more mature than most people his age. 
Patton stood from where he was sitting reading a newspaper, walking to the stove to start cooking. Virgil was the next son to make an appearance,  Roman still not back with Remus yet. Virgil leaned on the doorframe, watching his dad stumble around with eggs and bread, trying to make something edible for breakfast.  
"You know there is a reason we say you shouldn't be in the kitchen," Virgil said, making Patton flip around.
"Morning, Kiddo! And yeah, I know, but I wanted to try to make breakfast for once! I'm not here usually after all," Patton smiled sheepishly. 
Virgil sighed, running a hand through his purple hair, which Patton's brother, their uncle Emile, had helped him dye, dyeing his own hair a bright pink. "I know, and i appreciate it, but you're going to hurt yourself,  or burn the kitchen down," he walked over, turning down the stove which was not supposed to be smoking as much as it was. 
Patton sighed, but nodded, putting the eggs down. Virgil looked at his father, who looked defeated, something Virgil wasn't happy about. "I'll help you," he said, not thinking over his words for ages like he usually did. Patton perked up excitedly. 
"Yeah, sure," The teen shrugged. 
Patton shook his hands excitedly, getting a little energy out. He might be the parent, but he was very excitable. Virgil began sitting out the right ingredients, getting salt and pepper, and milk. 
He and Patton were almost done cooking when the twins came down, wearing almost matching outfits. Both had on button ups, Roman's red, and Remus's green, and black capes. There were paper crowns sat on their respective colors, making Patton laugh. 
"Oh so the princes finally join us," Virgil sassed, looking over his brothers. 
"Of course!" Roman said dramatically,  placing a hand on his heart. "We must be ready at any moment, who knows when a princess needs saving-"
"Or a dragon," Remus cut in, nudging Roman in the ribs. "Dragons need help too," 
"Yeah, sure," Roman rolled his eyes, but sat down at the table with Remus, Virgil and Patton bringing over the food. 
Breakfast was over quickly, Virgil rushing back up the stairs to get dressed out of his pajamas. Remus and Roman put their shoes on before running out to the front yard to play. Patton quickly rinsed the dishes, putting them on a rack to dry before going to the porch to watch over his younger sons until Virgil was ready to go. 
The play went perfectly, Virgil working stage crew, Remus being the villain's evil sidekick (he didn't want a massive part) and Roman as the main hero. Patton was the one who clapped the loudest when it was over, giving both Remus and Roman bouquets of flowers (or queen Ann's lace in Remus's case). Virgil didn't think he needed flowers, as he wasn't actually in the play, but Patton bought him a reusable Starbucks cup instead.  
They were about to leave before Virgil stopped them. "Hey dad,"
"Yes, Kiddo?" Patton asked, turning his head to look at his son, not really being able to fully turn around as he was holding both Roman and Remus's hands. 
"I want you to meet my friend, Logan. He worked stage crew with me," Virgil explained, gesturing behind him to where Patton could slightly see another teenager and their parent. 
Patton nodded, letting Roman and Remus go play with their uncle, who had come back out of the bathroom, and was going to go stay the night with them. "Of course, Vee," 
Virgil led him over, waving to catch Logan's attention.  "Hey Lo, this is my dad, Patton," Virgil introduced, gesturing at his dad. "Dad, this is Logan," 
Logan nodded to Patton politely.  "A pleasure to meet you Mr. Moral, as Virgil has already stated, I am Logan Bluff, and this is my father, Janus," he said, introducing his own father. 
Patton smiled brightly, nodding to Logan. He then got a good look at Logan's father, Janus. And boy, was Patton a little surprised.  
Janus was wearing a black suit,  and a bowler hat. He had a large burn covering half of his face, and the eye on that side was a milky white, but Patton couldn't help but find him attractive in a way. 
"Hello," Janus said, his voice low and smooth, captivating Patton immediately. "It is lovely to meet you," he extended a hand. Patton took it, shaking it politely.  
"I, uh, yes! It is lovely to meet you too, Mr. Bluff," Patton stuttered, catching himself quickly.  
"Please, call me Janus," the man smirked, making Patton nod quickly. 
"Then call me Patton," The interaction unfortunately ended almost as soon as it started, Patton needing to get to work, having a night shift at the hospital he worked at. "I apologize but I have to get to work," he said, Janus nodding in understanding. 
"Well I do look forward to meeting you again," Janus said, a small smirk still edged onto his face. 
"Can we have Logan over tomorrow?" Virgil asked before they left. Patton was slightly shocked, Virgil never wanted to have people over. "He could ride the bus with me on Monday,  we have the same bus anyway," 
Patton looked at Janus. "Well if his father is OK with it-"
"I am." Janus said, cutting Patton off, but making him smile. 
"Then I don't see why not," 
Virgil practically lit up, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "I'll bike to your house tomorrow and we can ride back together," Viegil said to Logan, who also seemed really happy. 
"That sounds like an adequate plan, I shall see you then," the other teen said, sounding more fancy, but there was still excitement in his voice. 
Virgil nodded, giving Logan a quick side hug before heading back to his uncle and brothers. Patton smiled as he watched Virgil go back, Logan heading to talk to someone else, leaving Janus and Patton alone. 
"Would you like my number so we can finalize any details regarding Logan coming over?" Janus asked, reminding Patton he was there. The first man nodded enthused.
"Of course," he said, pulling out his phone and handing it to Janus. "Thank you by the way, Virgil doesn't usually ask to have people over, especially not to stay the night," 
Janus hummed. "Logan talks about him quite a bit, he seemed to be extremely happy to finally have a friend," he handed Patton the phone back. "And Virgil sounds like a good person from what I have heard," 
Patton smiled. "He certainly tries his best to be."
"He must have gotten that from you," Janus smirked, nodding to a stuttering Patton before taking his leave swiftly. 
As soon as Janus left Patton went back to his family, his face a light pink. Emile seemed to notice, but he didn't comment, instead offering to drive. When they got home Patton and Emile put the kids to bed, Virgil opting to stay up a little bit and clean his room. 
"I need to get to work." Patton sighed, putting his coat back on over his scrubs he had changed into. Emile nodded, giving him a hug. 
"I'll take the boys to church in the morning, then I'll see you after," he promised, having not gotten much time to hang out with Patton. 
Patton nodded, going back out to his car for the third time that day. Once he got to work he didn't expect much to happen, but you never knew living in Florida,  people made some not very smart choices. 
What he did not expect was to receive a text in the middle of his shift. He reached for his phone, quickly checking the message,  his face turning pink again. 
'Hello Patton, it is Janus. I look forward to meeting you in the near future,  and hopefully getting to know you a bit better~'
Patton couldn't help the way his heart raced as he read over the text, even though It was so simple. 
This was going to be, interesting… 
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rmjagonshi · 3 years
From my alternate timeline. Here are my finalized notes on Marron/Tekka. I am unsure if I want to keep her human name, as Maron (Krillin’s girlfriend) is canon in this timeline as the Garlic Jr. Saga is canon. So I’m thinking of changing her name.
Birthed unexpectedly on 769 June 6th from an exchange of genetic material. She possesses both human and namekian genetics.
Physical Description: Marron is a namek in basic outward appearance. She has green skin and pink and red armor plates, though hers are more yellow pink. He has antenna and pointed ears, though they are not as large as Piccolo's. She had violet eyes and a small button nose. She has a full digestive track, though simple and less refined as humans. Her small intestine is much shorter and large intestine much longer. She is physically female in that she possesses both internal and external female reproductive features. If she were to give birth, she would develop an egg casing that she would then give birth to. She has vestigial breasts where fat has formed, but nothing else. She has minimal ridging along her arms and legs unlike Piccolo; her skin is relatively smooth. She has wiry black hair, much like Krillin, that she braids as it grows longer. Long fingers and toes, but she has five of each whereas Piccolo only has four.
Physical Abilities: Minor regeneration. She can't regrow full limbs without help, but she can heal wounds easily. She can't stretch her limbs much. As her skeletal structure is rigid instead of flexible. (see notes) She is double jointed. She has the ability to eat without any problems. She does have to eat minimal amounts, however she can survive on mostly water and a single bowl of rice. She does eat socially. She, being both human and namek, is a half-way merger between dragon clan and warrior clan. She can fight and possesses combat capabilities, but her raw power is lacking. She can heal and create some objects from natural material. She cannot create Dragon Balls, but she can heal and manipulate existing ones under Dende's teachings. She learns how to cultivate and grow senzu beans, much to Korin's chagrin. JOKE ABILITIES. Since Akira Torieama said that Krillin can breathe through his skin, Marron might be able to breathe under water through a similar process as long as the water is not polluted.  
Power Level: She has wide potential, but lacks raw power. She can, under great stress, tap into her magical abilities to enhance her physical strength, but cannot freely control it. She is able to keep up with Trunks and Goten until they hit SSJ. She has more stamina and ki than most, and uses that to wear down her opponent rather than over power them. At her peak adult power, she can rival the power of a SSJ or around Goku's level at the end of the Cell Games.  
Relationships: She looks up to Gohan as a big brother, and later Pan as a niece. She is good friends with Trunks and Goten, and later Bulla. She affectionately calls Chi-Chi 'auntie' and only gets away with it because Chi-Chi always wanted a daughter. She has a running joke with Vegeta where he claims "Oh, it's the half-slug. It's weird." And she responds with "You're weird." and he doesn’t have a response for it so he ignores it. She trains under Dende to be a healer and future/co guardian of Earth. She is one of the few people who fully understand her Papa Piccolo and his very nuanced moods and facial expressions. Something Gohan can also do with some concentration. She translates for people, including her Dad Krillin who has difficulty with it. She is the unofficial third Son child as Piccolo and Krillin seek Chi-Chi's help in the earlier days. When she meets Goku, he takes it well, if a bit confused. She has a similar relationship with Goku as Trunks does; she has heard so much about him but does not know him that well. Though he does dote on her like a niece. As they age, (teenager/young adult - 15-20) she develops a crush on Bulla.
Temperament: She inherited the best from both Piccolo and Krillin. She is sweet and kind and has a bit of a problem worrying about everyone else. She is obsessed with fairness and treating people nicely. She struggles when people are mean to her, but is quick to forgive. As she gets older, she understands nuance and can take people being mean more often. She develops a dry and deadpan sense of humor and is often able to make her Papa Piccolo laugh, where others can't. She is slow to anger, but is prone to blind rages when pushed. She is a bit oblivious and hyper focused. She is carefree and kind of awkward like Krillin. She has difficulty understanding her place and identity because she is so unique. Unlike Gohan, who is a half-breed of two similar races. Marron/Tekka is not, and struggles to combined both her lineages as they are so different. She isn’t a full namek, but she sure isn’t human either. But she has a huge family that loves her. It is unknown if she finds a partner and of what race or sex. Though as stated above - she does develop feelings for Bulla.    
Clothes: She wears for much of her childhood an outfit similar to the one young Piccolo wore, however it is a combination of pastel blue and purple. It has a demon symbol on the front and a turtle symbol on the back. She wears a cap to cover her antenna as an infant, but takes to wearing a headband or tuban as she gets older. She does not wear either when she is around family or friends as she doesn’t like the feel. As she gets older, she wears a gi like her parents that's yellow and blue-grey. Shoes are always like Piccolo's. She sometimes wears a turtle shell like Goku and Krillin did while training under Roshi. She gets called "Turtle Snail" or just "Snail" and she loathes it.
Early life: She has a rough go of it for the first three years, because her body is battling the two different growth rates and her organs are somewhat redundant and conflicting. She needs to eat, but not in large amounts. And certain foods make her sick (like allergy or celiac disease). She has to wear a brace for her legs for the first year, since Namek's have a flexible skeletal structure, but humans don’t. She eventually grows denser bones thanks to some medicine Bulma and a college hash together. By the time she's five, when Goku comes back to life for one day, she's about as grown as a human 10 year old. She's about as tall as Goten and Trunks, and has a has a mal-formed nose. It's there and functions, but she's missing the cartilage as it ossified and broke off in her toddler stage due to the serum she took to strengthen her skeleton. She's got a bit of a bump like Krillin, but does have nostrils from surgery.
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
Chthonic Love Chapter 5
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A Greek Mythology AU featuring Yoongi/Suga as Hades and reader as Persephone
Previous Chapter: Chapter 4
Olympian ruler Namjoon has delivered you, Persephone, as a gift for his brother, lord of Death, Yoongi. You wake up from your first night in the Obsidian Palace ready to explore and maybe get to know more about how you ended up here
You slept much later than you had intended, judging by how well-rested you felt. You cursed, wishing there was a way to distinguish time. The sky was always the same. You dressed yourself in the most basic dress that had been placed in your closet, a deep purple dress, but it was still beautiful.
You gently pushed open the door and headed out into the castle. There was no one in the great hall, and no one in the throne room. You didn’t want to bother Yoongi straight away, you decided you would try to catch him as he went out to the Sea.
You turned and went down a passage you hadn’t been down yet. You were surprised to see that there was a door in the middle of this hallway that appeared to lead to the outside. You turned the handle, walked down a few steps, and found yourself in a circle, about 15 meters in diameter. The Underworld sky shone above you, the walls of the castle surrounded you on all sides. It was an empty space full with black gravel covering the ground.
This could use some improvement you thought as you stretched your fingers out, allowing green energy to flow freely. You began by creating lush grass beneath your feet. You waved your hands, creating hedges in a circle configuration with space for a path. You next added some lilies and an archway above the space. You continued to add more bushes and lilies throughout. When you arrived at the middle you created a large purple Chrysanthemum bush.
You smiled, satisfied with the garden so far. You next added some ivy running up the Palace walls.
“Oh my word. That’s stunning!” you heard a voice call out. You turned toward the door and saw Lethe standing there.
“Thank you. I do love creating a new garden from scratch,” you replied, brushing your hands together.
“I can’t remember the last time I saw something green.” Lethe responds, her mouth slightly open in awe. She walked down the steps and into the garden. “This is amazing.”
You smiled proudly.
“I was out looking for you. Is there anything I can get for you today?”
“Is there any way to tell time around here? The sky never changes,” you asked as you look up.
Lethe thinks for a moment. “I can never tell time here, but I know Lord Yoongi uses a special hourglass. Maybe he could teach you how to read it.” she shrugged. “I just do the same thing every day and count the times he leaves. He’s left once. So it’s after morning but not very late in the afternoon.”
“I suppose it really doesn’t matter all that much,” you sighed, sitting down on the ground and hugging your knees to your chest.
“M’lady surely we can bring you a bench or something to sit on out here.”
You looked up at Lethe and gave her a lopsided grin,“I’m not quite the Goddess you expected am I?”
“Oh no, you’re much nicer than any of the Goddesses from the Athenian Palace.” She immediately threw her hands up to her mouth, “Forgive me. Please forget I said that.”
“No, you’re fine. I’m a nature Goddess, not an Olypian. You are all treating me too well here. I don’t live in a palace in the mortal realm so this,“ you gestured to your dress and to the walls around you, “would definitely be seen as an upgrade.”
“I thought all Gods and Goddesses had courts and palaces?” Lethe responded as she ran a hand along one of the hedges.
“My brother keeps a palace and a court. I visit from time to time and have a room there. But, I mostly wander around nature. I sleep in caves. I find quiet coves near the ocean. Hollowed out trees. I think I might have one pair of shoes that I keep in my room at the Spring Court. Really. I am not some fancy lady,” you stood up. “What’s your favorite flower Lethe?”
“Gladiolus.” she said quietly.
You spread out your fingers and then a small bush appeared, it’s pinkish-purple blooms appearing within seconds.
“You might not be a fancy lady, but you are a great one,” Lethe said, her eyes growing wet with tears.
You decided it would be best to give her a moment, “I’m heading to the Library. Can you please let me know the next time Lord Yoongi is leaving for the Sea?”
“Of course,” you heard her say as you began your walk back to the Southern part of the castle.
Yoongi walked back from his first reaping of the day. Charon had delivered the letter to Apollo and now all you two could do is wait. He shook his hair out of his face as he entered his office. He was surprised to see the flowers from the previous night were still blooming on his desk. He smiled and moved them over to one side, next to the glass orb you had arrived in.
He found himself feeling lighter than he had in centuries and wondered what he had done last night to feel so well-rested today. He walked over to the bookshelves and scanned them for a moment. Settling on one of his many notebooks he took it out and began writing. Writing music was something he had started to do as a way to break up the monotony of the Underworld. He began playing on the harpsichord, testing the notes he had envisioned during his walk earlier.
Satisfied, he moved on to lyrics. This part was more difficult. He could write music. He could write lyrics. Matching the two up for an actual song was always a series of trial and error. He poked his tongue out and found himself wondering what you were doing today. He scribbled a few lines down and decided to go and see.
He wandered through the Great Hall and saw Penthos. “Penthos, have you seen Lady Persephone today?” he asked, running his fingers through his black hair.
“I haven’t. Lethe left a while ago to see if she needed anything and hasn’t returned yet. Is there anything you need from me today m’Lord?”
“Holly’s food is getting low, please take care of that.” Yoongi put his hands on his hips as he looked around the great hall, appraising it for the first time in years.
“Yes m’lord. Anything else?”
“No,” he responded and went back into the main hallway.
He walked down the hallway and up to the quicksilver door and knocked. He suddenly felt very nervous and wondered what exactly he was going to say to you. To his slight relief and also disappointment there was no response. He continued down the Eastern corridor and was surprised to see the door to the small courtyard open. He practiced in his head Good afternoon Persephone did you sleep well? Did you like the dresses. No. Too weird. Ugh He walked over and was shocked to see a fully in bloom garden there. Well you had definitely been here. He carefully walked down, afraid he would harm even the grass that was freshly created. He hadn’t visited the mortal realm in centuries and other than the flowers last night, he hadn’t seen anything like this in forever. He gently touched one of the white flowers, afraid his touch might cause it to wither and die like the mortals said. To his pleasant surprise, the flower remained. He let out a breath, he wasn’t a monster. He wandered through the rest of the small area admiring the blooms and the pleasant fragrance in the air.
He walked back over to the hallway and closed the door behind him. He heard footsteps approaching as Lethe rounded the corner.
“Lord Yoongi.”
“Good day Lethe. Have you seen Lady Persephone?”
“Yes, I just left her in the library. Shall I go fetch her?” Lethe asked, beginning to turn around.
“No, no. Thank you.” he started walking over that way.
He pushed open the black glass doors to the library, his footsteps echoed off the stone walls. Much like the Quicksilver room and the Throne room, the shelves and benches in here were carved into the very Obsidian with which they were made.
Yoongi walked over and saw you gently levitating some books on the second floor, dusting them off with a breeze, and sending dust out the window. The dress Arachne had made fit you perfectly, he admired from the library entrance.
You turned and looked down at him, “Just doing some Spring cleaning.” you grinned. “Get it? Because I’m Spring,” you laughed at your own terrible pun.
For a minute he just stood there looking confused, and then a small gummy smile crept across his face. And then he started to laugh as well
“I know, I know, I am hilarious.” you put that stack of books back and summoned another one. Satisfied with that finished row you turned towards Yoongi. “How are you today?”
“Surprisingly refreshed.” he responded and walked up a few steps so he was on the same level as you. He walked over to the open window. “Did you sleep well?” he asks, fidgeting with his black shirt sleeve.
“I did. Thank you for the clothes. I’d love to give the seamstress my compliments. The material is so soft and well made.”
“I’ll let her know,” Yoogi smirked as he turned back towards the window. Making eye contact was always difficult for him.
“I wouldn’t mind doing so myself.” you responded, walking closer.
Yoongi clicked his tongue, “Maybe another time. She’s uh...not quite human and very much a creature of the Underworld. But I’ll let her know.”
You walked over and sat in the window seat next to where he was standing.
He looked over at your face, and even though he’d only known you for around twenty-four hours, he could detect something was wrong; the air of cheerfulness gone from you. And he couldn’t explain why he cared so much that you seemed unhappy. “Is something bothering you Persephone?”
You let out a sigh. “Not really bothering me per say but there are a few things I would like to ask you.”
Yoongi felt his heart rate beginning to pick up. He had lied to himself thinking you were happy here. You were going to demand that he return you immediately. His breathing became more shallow.
You looked over and noticed his eyes were suddenly pinched shut and he wasn't breathing. You reached out and took his hand, shaking it slightly “Hey. Are you ok?”
He looked down at where the two of you were connected and he was suddenly pulled out of his own self-destructive thoughts. He pulled his hand away gently, “Of course. What did you want to ask me?”
“Ok, first: how do you tell time down here?” you ask exasperated.
Yoongi laughed, suddenly feeling like an idiot for his almost meltdown a few seconds ago,
“That’s what you wanted to ask me? The most important thing?” he turned and smiled at you.
“Yes. It’s the most important thing ever. Ever. I can deal with being kidnapped but I really just need to know the time of day,” you say dramatically. “Seriously though. It’s very disorienting.
You probably don’t even notice it because you’ve lived here for so long, but not having morning, midday, and night is really confusing.”
He ran a hand along his jaw, “I suppose that’s true. I just go down to the shore three times a day. If there are even 24 hours in a day here,” he seemed to think this over thoughtfully.
“So you don’t really know either?” you smirked.
Yoongi pressed his lips together in a way that looked almost like a duck making you giggle.
“Alright. So time doesn’t matter here in the Underworld. Got it.” you throw up your hand, holding up two fingers, “Next question: Why did Namjoon bring me here specifically?”
“Ah, a real concern.” Yoongi stated quietly.
“More of a question than a concern really. I’d much rather be with you than anywhere with Namjoon,” you stated as though it was the most obvious thing ever.
You’d be the first Yoongi thought but he was so surprised and happy at what you said, a blush started to form on his face and he forgot what you had asked him exactly.
“Yoongi, you don’t have to tell me, but if you know I’d really appreciate it,” you said quietly, looking out the window.
“Aish, sorry. It’s um. Embarrassing it all. He uhh….thought I could use some company.” he looked down at his feet. “He thinks I must be lonely down here.” he added quietly.
“Were you?” you asked looking over your shoulder.
His gaze remained at the floor and he shrugged his shoulders. Yes. Gods yes. “I hadn’t really thought about it.” Liar
The two of you stay there for an indeterminate amount of time before you ask, “What are those called?”
“Pardon?” he walked over to the window, leaning over behind you to see what you were gesturing to. “Those are called, those mountains over there, North of the Castle.” he laughed, you could feel his breath on your neck.
You scrunched up your nose and turned to face him, “That is a truly unimaginative name.”
“Add it to the list. You’ve got a cave and a mountain range to name.”
“So much responsibility.” you pretended to whine.
Yoongi smiled at you and made the mistake of looking into your eyes because he suddenly became very aware of how close the two of you were and took a few steps back. He rubbed his hands together. “Well it’s about time to go collect some more dead people.”
“Wow, when you put it like that it sounds much less interesting.” you mused.
“Will you be joining me?” he asked, trying to not sound too eager.
You looked around the library. Your cleaning could wait until later even though you felt slightly compelled to finish what you had started. “I’d love to.” NEXT CHAPTER
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50 Headcanons Challenge
Favorite food is raw cucumbers.
As a little kid her school had a little orchestra music group and she was in it, and she played the drums.  She has a really good sense of rhythm.
Her favorite insect is the humble firefly but she also likes purple emperor butterflies, yellow potato beetles, and bell crickets.
She secretly assigns a bug to any person she gets to know.  This is a list that I have somewhere if anyone wants it.
Grew up in a very small village called Bimisari which is a few miles from the ocean, but it sits on a massive lake and has many ponds and swamps.
Nomiko’s green hair was black and fluffy until her quirk manifested.  Now it has the green color and a texture similar to pine needles.
Her best subject in school is probably science.  She has a pretty good memory so she’s able to remember elements and formulas and things like that.
She’s never had a pet, but cats used to hang out around her family’s bait shop and she named all of them and would secretly five them fish.
Nomiko cannot swim.  It not only effectively turns off her quirk, but if the water is cold, it makes her feel sick and heavy and tired.  This is a shame, because she loves going out on boats to  fish.
Nomiko has a sort of earthy smell that follows her and doesn’t go away.  No matter how much she bathes or washes her hair it doesn’t go away.  
On that note she can’t shower as often as most people.  She sort of spot cleans herself, but she can’t fully soak herself that often, because it takes so long for her to dry off and it makes her feel yucky.
Nomiko loves sugary beverages, the sweeter the better!
She’d probably say that Itoshi and Fukumi are her best friends.  She’s never been able to quantify that sort of relationship before meeting them.
Nomiko can and will eat just about anything without much complaint.  She will even eat spoiled food, much to the horror of people around her.
Her room is sparsely furnished.  It features some curtains that Itoshi made her and some string lights Fukumi gave to her.
As far as clothes go, she only has about 6 shirts, two pairs of jeans, two pairs of overalls, and three pairs of shorts.  And probably two pairs of shoes.  She just?? Doesn’t care about how she looks and she just doesn’t have a lot of clothes.
Her favorite kind of weather is very warm, and humid.
She keeps her room pretty humid.  She has two humidifiers that are usually going.
When she gets really excited, she chirps like a cricket!
She doesn’t smile with her teeth very much, because she is self conscious about not having the best teeth.
She has been known to put caffeine shots into her beverages, or mix energy drinks into other things.
Nomiko has always wanted siblings so she could have had someone to spend time with as a kid.  As she’s gotten older she’s glad she didn’t have any.  It could have made things so much worse.
She is surprisingly flexible.
She can use her quirk to fly around.  She has to be at least 50% swarmed to go airborne.
Her clothing cannot be swarmed with her, so her hero costume has a similar composition to Mirio’s in that it’s made with her own dna in mind.  
Related to the previous HC, Nomiko often will remain mostly in swarm after class until she can get somewhere where she can get her clothes back on.
Nomiko’s birthday is March 20th.
Nomiko is currently around 4′8/4′9, and she will never be taller than five feet tall.  She might level out at 4′10.  Maybe.
She doesn’t really take insults about her height or even her appearance all that hard.  If you call her a pest, however, she will take your teeth out.
As a kid Nomiko was made fun of for being poor and being dirty all the time.  Rather than proving people wrong, she just ended up leaning into it.
She is capable of bringing new bugs into her swarm if she can either learn enough about them, or if she physically gets her hands on one. 
Nomiko often makes fireflies appear around her when she’s in the dark.
If you spray her with bug spray, she may have a severe allergic reaction.  Too much could literally kill her though.
She gets a little bothered when people swat bugs or crushes them.  It makes her feel kind of sick to see
She’ll do a lot of crazy shit for a dollar..
Up until being at UA, she’d never really been to a doctor before?  Like when she first got there and got something like a physical done she has no recorded medical history before the age of 15 apart from her birth certificate.
Cigarette smoke makes her feel physically ill.
The little moths that flit around her head are often colored in ways to shoe her emotions.  Bright white ones are fear, light gray are neutral, yellow is happy, green means sick, and blue is sad.  Wasps and bees show up for anger.
Nomiko used to spend hours in the ponds and lakes in her village hunting leeches for her dad’s bait shop.
Nomiko cant enjoy really cold foods or drinks, she’s very sensitive to the cold.  Her favorite way to eat ice cream is with hot fudge.
In her room the only bed stuff she has is one pillow, a fitted sheet, one blanket, and a quilt Itoshi made her for Christmas.
Nomiko has insomnia but she manages it pretty well because even if she isn’t asleep she is very good at just laying still with her eyes closed.  Is that sad?
Nomiko can catch fish without a pole.  She can catch them with her bare hands, or just by holding a fishing line in water.
She has a song that she sings to herself when she’s sad or scared.  The song is “I Walk The Line” by Johnny Cash, but the thing is she does not know the words.  She doesn’t even really know how she knows it.
As an adult, Nomiko works with the commission as little as possible.  She’s legally allowed to practice as a hero but she does not answer to them.  She also refuses to talk to press. (She REALLY leaned into being like Aizawa.)
Nomiko collects loose change in a big jar that she keeps under her bed.  She’s usually looking at the ground when she’s out in the world so as a result she finds a lot of opportunities to find change.
Nomiko is always available to remove bugs from dorm rooms or shared spaces.  She gets it, not everyone loves bugs. However it pisses her off to be pulled from bed at 2 am because there’s a spider in the bathroom.
Discovered her hive mind ability after a frog ate one of her bugs when she was nine and the frog followed her all the way home.
Doesn’t really get scared at horror movies.  They got built up for her since she never saw them as a kid but she was pretty un-spooked. 
 She thinks green tea anything... is very yucky.  It tastes like grass.
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dyke-remy · 3 years
Live And Let Die, part 1
Part 2    Part 3    Part 4   Part 5   Part 6 
Description: Agent 008 and Agent 009, professional spies for the MI6 with liscense to kill. Partners in both work and love. After an agent goes missing the partners have to once more go out into the field. (It’s a James Bond AU)
You don’t need to know anything about James Bond to be able to read this fic, trust me
Words: 3516
It was 7 am when the alarm clock went off. It's loud blaring filled the room that had been peaceful a few seconds ago. Remus let out a grunt. Without opening his eyes he took out a knife from under his pillow and threw it at the clock. The noise disappeared.
"You can't keep doing that" Remy muttered, half yawning it out "Q is like running out of clocks"
"If he could make that morning star that also worked as a disco ball for my birthday he can make some new clocks" He replied.
The room (and the entire apartement) was of average size with just enough space for everything necessary. Which made sense, they didn't spend much time in there anyway. Soft morning light was shimmering in through the window.
The blanket had been wrinkled since Remy was laying over it with their head on the pillow. Remus had his arms wrapped around their waist. They were so close their hair twined together on the pillows. He leaned closer and gave his spouse a good morning kiss.
Their slow awakening was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. They glanced at one another as their expressions turned serious. Remus quietly got up and grabbed the gun laying on the nearest drawer. Butt naked as he was he sneaked over to the door and slowly opened it and at the same time held the gun out.
"Good morn- AAAHHHH!" Patton Moneypenny screamed when he saw the gun peeking out at him. He had on a dark blue knitted suit jacket with stylish bows instead of buttons. With it he had on wide blue matching suit pants.
Remus' posture relaxed when he saw who it was. He fully opened the door "Hiya Moneypenny. You should yell it's you next time or else your brain might paint the walls.....That would look kinda nice tho"
"You should take something on" Patton suggested with a cheerful smile while his cheeks went bright red.
"He should" Remy who had come up behind their husband agreed "One day someone will shoot your dick off"
"Naaaahhhh. They will be too surprised by seeing my massive cock to think about attacking me and then it'll be too late. Boom bang dead! It's a genius tactic!!"
Remy rolled their eyes. They sent Patton a warm smile before pulling him into a hug "Hiya PatPat! Wanna come in?"
"Yeah" As he looked around the room which he'd been in many times he continued with "M wants to meet you in 15 min"
M was the leader of the MI6, the organisation they all worked for. Patton had been his secretary for as long as anyone could remember. It would be weird to imagine M's office without Pat working tiredlesly on his desk right outside.
"15? Girl a lady needs time to get ready, what the fuck" Remy opened a drawer and pulled out the black suit pants, white shirt, black tie and black blazer that acted as their dress code.
"15? Oh! Too little time to spend with my Favorite person in the whole MI6!" Remus exclaimed. He still didn't have anything on.
He took Patton's hand and moved the other to lay on his waist. He spun him around in some sort of dance which made the shorter man giggle and blush harder. He tried not to look down at Remus'....
"Oh Mr. Moneypenny! Rotten apple of my eye! Every mission is spent missing you!" he continued to dramatically lament. He dipped Patton and playfully moved in for a kiss.
Patton let out a chuckle while leaning his head away. "I'm married"
"Ah yes! The greatest tragedy of my life!" Remus held his hand over his heart and all.
"Tragedy indeed" Remy commented before flicking their finger to the back of their husband's head. They dumped his clothes onto his head too "C'mon gal the sooner you get done the sooner you can go out and play fisticuffs with someone"
"Fantastic point dear!"
After gettin dressed Remus jumped up on the bed and pressed a specific spot on the painting on the wall. It turned around to reveal a collection of guns, knives and various other weapons hidden behind it. He patted his morning star and throwing stars goodmorning, fully knowing that M nor Q would allow him to bring them on a mission. Instead he took a gun and carefully cleaned it as if he was cleaning a marble vase.
"I hate these fucking suits. They're so boring. No style. No style at all!!" Remy groaned out while tying their husband's tie because he'd been a spy for 7 years now and he still couldn't tie a tie.
Patton nodded along in sympathy "Very gay of you to think that" The duke chuckled.
They fixed his shirt which had been buttoned wrong "I don't think about fashion because I am gay as fuck! I think about it 'cause I've tots been the most fantastic disguiser here for years and fashion is like integral to a good disguise!! Besides my mothers are fashion legends and I gotta represent y'know"
"I know"
He handed over a gun (Handler ppk) and a few different knives to his spouse who swiftly hid it in different places on their suit. He himself preffered a bit more heavy handed attilery even when it came to handguns.
The couple followed Moneypenny out of their apartement. They lived in a normal looking apartement complex, a little bit fancier than a normal one. They went into a cleaning scrub.
Patton grabbed a mop standing in the corner. He pulled off the top of the handle revealing a scanner underneath. He pressed his thumb against it. A panel of numbers appeared on the wall. He quickly pressed in a code which finally made the inner wall open up, revealing an elevator.
They stepped inside and chit chatted about the weather and what they'd done on the weekend as the elevator went down.
The elevator opened with a satisfying ding. They were many many levels underground now. Long grey hallways stretched forward. It could be a maze for someone new to the place. Patton walked in front of the other two, he knew it like his backpocket.
After 5 or so minutes of walking he stopped by his secretary desk and sat down. There were stacks of paper work on his desk and cute animal posters hanging on the wall beside him.
Remus leaned over the desk and moved a piece of Patton's hair behind his ear "One day I'll get you on a date my dear Moneypenny"
"Sure you will mr. Octopussy. For now I think you will have to stay satisfied with taking whatever mission M gives you"
Remy took Remus' hand and dragged him with them into M's office. He was able to blow a kiss to Patton on his way in. Pat simple chuckled and rolled his eyes. They both knew neither of them were serious.
The office was an old fashioned one with walls and furniture of dark wood. Purple satin clad the windows. Plants and terrariums littered the room and all kinds of snakes slittered about.
Though the biggest snake of them all sat in the chair behind the desk. M. Most people called him Deceit. He had a menacing smile, ebony skin and dark hair pulled back into a braid that reached his shoulder. On his shoulder laid one of his most dearest and most deadliest pets.
"Look who finally decided to join us" M greeted as they came in.
"Aww you missed us so much didn't you??" Remus replied while sitting down on one of the chairs in a way no normal person should "It's okay Deecy. We can invite you to our next movie night"
"Yeah" Remy sat down on the desk and leaned close to Deceit "We're gonna watch Saw 4 and legally blond"
"I can think of much better ways to waste my time thank you. So onto ghe case. It's about-"
M stopped talking because the agents were obviously too busy flirting with each other to listen. It was nothing compared to how they used to spend entire briefings making out right when they'd started dating.
"Please if I wanted to get ignored I would go home to my children which honestly I wish I could" M muttered.
He gave one of his snakes a pat on the head before sending it to twist around Remus' neck which made them both shut up very quickly.
"So about the case. Agent 0012-"
"Like Emile Picani 0012?" Remy interrupted.
"No agent 0012 the giant whale. Yes Picani"
"Oh he's a great kisser! Babe y'know how I like worked in the Q department a bit before becoming a full fletched agent. Yeah I was Pic's quartermaster. We would stay together during missions sometimes. We made out lots and he showed me a bunch of like cartoons"
Deceit put on a more serious expression "He's gone off the radar. He was sent on a mission to Latvia together with 005. Agent 005 has been confirmed dead. Right now we're suspecting that Picani is the killer"
"He wouldn't!" Remy objected.
"We can never be sure. He could have gone rough or been paid to turn sides. Or he's being tortured right at this moment. Anything could have happened"
"I wish I was being tortured right at this moment" Remus who had completely zoned out until now added.
"Well you can gladly take his place if you found him then. He and 005 were supposed to attend a poker night. I suggest you two attend it in case he is there. Disguised of course. If he's gone rough we can't have him be hostile towards you if he recognises you.
"Non suspicious straight couple?" Remus asked while looking over at Remy.
"Non suspicious straight couple!" They replied while high fiveing him.
A bit over a day later later Remus was driving a silver aston martin. They were on their way to the casino which was placed away from any nearby town. Among the snowy hills the ice casino stood tall.
"Girl these shoes hurt worse than the time I got shot" Remy groaned while fixing their high heels.
"You can just change shoes y'know" Remus replied.
They looked at him as if he'd just spit in their food "No??? It's part of the character girl!! Like you can't do a great disguise if you don't dress like the character would"
"Which characters are we tonight?"
Remy shone up into a smile "Glad you asked! You are Louis Roy. French guy who inheritated his dad's company. Total asshole. Straight cis you know the type. You're 36-"
"Is that why you put all that make up on me? To make me look old?"
"Yep. And your mustache tots helped. I'm Chelsea Roy. 24. Model. Married you for the money. Housewife. I'm cheating on you with your dad"
Remus let out a fake audible gasp "In return I only married you because I liked your feet model work"
The car stopped in the parking lot of the casino. Remus leaned back in his seat and checked his gun. He glanced over at his spouse who was strapping a blade to their thigh.
"What?" They asked when they caught him looking.
"Nothing" There was a soft smile on his lips "I just love you. Like a giant elephants heart ripped out and bleeding on the ground love y'know"
"I know"
Remy unbuttoned the top button on Remus' tuxedo shirt. They pressed a kiss right below his shoulder, leaving a red lipstick mark, before buttoning it again so it was hidden.
"Just as a reminder" They explained with a cheeky smile.
Remy leanded against Remus' shoulder to fully look like arm candy as they entered the casino. A worker took their coats by the door. Uphead was a luxurious bar made of ice and a large area with tables here and there to mingle. To the left was the casino area. It was the only place where nothing was made out of ice. Instead glistening lights shone on red slot machines and people in expensive clothing were gathered around large poker tables. To the right was the entrance to the casino's hotel and the desk to get keys.
The couple casully went around the mingle area while looking for Picani in the crowd of hundreds of people.
"People are looking at you" Remus mumbled to them after at least 2 guys has been too busy looking at his spouse to not walk into walls.
"Who can blame them" Remy shrugged.
They had on a dark blue satin dress with an open back and a slit on the front so they could move easier. Their wavy light brown hair was pressed down under a blond wig and they had a fake sapphire necklace around their neck. Their dark eyeliner stood out against their pale skin. Remus had on a black tuxedo with a matching bowtie. His dark brown, nearly black hair had been slicked back. His olive toned bordering on brown skin honestly looked amazing in the lighting of the casino.
"Q said Picani was supposed to stay in room 235 so I'll like go and get the key while you like mingle or something I dunno. Kay?" Remy more commanded then asked.
"Yes dear! " He did a mini salute while sticking his tounge out before walking away.
All the keys to the rooms were hanging on the wall behind the desk. Remy took off their necklace while walking up to it. They fixed their posture and took a deep breathe to get ready to make their voice as high as possible.
"Exscuse me sir!" They put on a panicked tone as they walked behind the desk.
The man who presumebly worked at the hotel glanced at them before doing a double take and full on looking at them with heart eyes. "Something wrong?"
They put on a bright smile and twirled the end of their hair between their fingers "Yeah I uh just kinda dropped my necklace and it's like suuuper hard to put on by my own so could you like put it on for me? Pleease?"
"Of course!"
Remy handee him the necklace and turned towards the wall. While he was busy putting it on they took the keys to room 235 without making a single sound. In one smooth motion they stuck it to where the blade was already strapped to their thigh.
"Done!" He said.
They sent him another smile "Do I look good?"
"You look amazing!!"
"Aww thanks sweetie"
They sauntered of without another word. They took a glass of champange from a server they passed to look more casual. They inspected the key while looking for Remus. When they stuck their nails down into it a mark was left if only for a moment. It was a fake.
Remus was sitting by the poker table, loudly boosting about a made up story while betting way more money than he should. He shone up into a grin when he saw Remy. They leaned on his chair and moved one hand to comb through his hair. He moved an arm around their waist to pull them closer knowing fully well that his spouse was distracting everyone else in the poker game.
"Got the key?" He whispered.
"Got the key. It's a replica. I can see it"
"Okay so Picani has the other one. Makes sense. Now we know he's alright"
"Nah girl" Remy glanced around at the other players "Trick them into shoving their keys. Trust me"
"I always do" Remus put on a cocky smirk and leaned his elbows onto the table "Isn't this game becoming a bit boring? How about this: we all bet the amount of money our hotel rooms cost. Including the ones just for the ladies if you get me hurr hurr" He took out the key to his room he'd gotten from Q and laid it on the table "Just as a showing"
Most of the people had been drinking so they all threw up their keys without much thought. Remy subtly moved around the table and glanced at the keys while Remus continued with the game.
Remy stopped midstepped and quickly walked back to him. They made it look like they were kissing his cheek when they were actually whispering
"The mistah on the other side of the table was the one who threw the second 235 key. You know his name or do I have to like pretend flirt the ugly bastard?"
"Ron Stewart. Was real quick to introduce himself just to brag about his money"
"Good. Q can deal with like finding info about him. We gotta find Picani"
They grabbed him by his arm and dragged him up from the table. Remus made some comment about women always hurrying to the other people around the table while quickly throwing his cards away.
He took their hand in his and intertwined their fingers as they entered the hotel part. Ice chandelierd hung in the hallways and deep crimson mattresses where laid over the icy floor. He held his other hand close to where his gun holster was hidden under his jacket.
The door up to the second floor was locked. The two of them glanced at each other. Now they relly knew something was off. Remy took out 2 hairpins from their wig and unlocked the door in under 3 minutes.
The hallways were eerie and quiet. The lights were low and the sounds from the casino were now only dull faraway whispers.
Sudden footsteps were heard. Remy pressed their back against the wall and pulled Remus by his collar into a deep kiss. Out of the corner of their eye they saw a guard walk into the hallway. It was clear there was a gun hidden in a holster connected to his belt. The enby hoped he would just leave them alone if they made out hard enough. It usually worked.
When he saw them his already grumpy expression turned into a grimace. He grabbed onto Remus' shoulder and forced him out of the kiss.
"Visitors aren't allowed on the second floof" He said in a gruff voice.
"Oh come on. Whats a guy gotta do to get some privacy" Remus replied while keeping his arm around Remy's shoulder. They nodded along while blinking innocently and swaying back and forth.
The guard seemed to think for a moment. He took a step back before in a split second pulling out his gun and pointing it at them.
Remus went on instinct as he moved forward and forced the gun out of his hand. He stood like a shield in front of Remy in case it shot. The guard stumbled back as the gun was dragged out of his hands.
Remy shot forward. They dug their nails down into the guard's wrist and kicked his knee to get him off his balance. With a huff they turned around and with the motion swung him over their shoulder and down on the ground. Before he even had time to regain his breathe they kicked their foot onto his neck, knocking him out instantly.
"Should keep him out for long enough" They commented while leaning down to feel his pulse.
"I love it when you do that sudden kissy thing. I wish murderous people would walk in on us more so you'd do it more often" Remus replied.
"Babe you can literally ask me to kiss you whenever"
"It's not the same if the threat of death isn't looming over us!!" Remus did an overexagarated pout.
Remy stood up and moved the blade on their thigh to their hand "Leave that to when we've found Picani" They said while continuing into the next hallway.
Remus quickly followed them, even walking a bit before them so if another guard showed up they would shoot at him first. "So eager to see him huh?"
"Duh. He was like the closest thing I had to a boyfriend before I met you. Like sure we were never official but we kissed and did all that sorta couplesy stuff. I haven't seen him like years! I wanna catch up y'know"
"Do I have to be afraid of being replaced" Remus joked.
They bumped against his shoulder "Babe neva!"
He was about to reply with something lovey dovey but the conversation immediatly stopped as they both saw it. Room 235. The door stood slightly open.
They moved silently, weapons in hand. Remy was the first in. They looked around with urgency in their eyes. They searched through the entrance before going into the bedroom. Remus checked the bathroom but there wasn't a trace of him. No traces of other people either.
A sudden choked back sob came from the bedroom. Remus ran to it while holding back the urge to yell out his lover's name.
Remy stood with shaking shoulders by the door. On the floor with his back leaned against the bed sat Emile Picani. Dead.
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slowlymadeart · 5 years
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[Image 1 Description:  A Crowd of people, all colored blue, with the label "Interneters" on them. To the left of the crowd a young man stands out. He is a repeat character. We'll call him "The Interneter." He has dark brown skin, short light blue dread-locks. He wears a burgundy colored hoodie, a dark teal V-neck shirt, and dark bluish-grey jeans. The Interneter says "You never told us what a "Spoonie" is."
To the middle right is Rachel, we can only see to the bottom of her shirt for now. (She has pale white skin, short and messy blonde hair, teal shirt with ferns printed on each side, Maroon shorts, light cyan thigh-high stocking with cut outs of leaves on them, maroon shoes). Rachel, smiling wearily, looking right at us, holding her index finger up:"Well, you could just google it. But hey, what the heck? Why pass up an opportunity to be the first person who tells you what it means?" 
We see Rachel again on the lower left side, smiling while raising an eyebrow, holding her left hand to her face, and her right hand out towards us: "Ya  ready?" 
The crowd lines the bottom of the image. The Interneter stands in the middle, with a speech bubble above "Yes." and a speech bubble to his bottom right, "That's why we asked."]
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[Image 2 Description: There is a lavender square at the top of this image, on it is the text:  "Spoonie" comes from a disability metaphor first described in a 2003 essay by christine miserandino called "The Spoon Theory" in which she tells the story of trying to explain to a friend what it feels like to have lupus, using spoons as visual representation of her daily energy. She actually handed her friend a bouquet of spoons and said: "
Below Christine, a white woman with long brunette hair, a white headband, purple dress shirt and jeans, holds out a sparkling bouquet of spoons saying "Here you go". 
Below this we see her down on one knee. To her right her friend, female, brown skin, long braided dark brunette hair with a reddish tint, blue over-all dress, and teal leggings, sits on a stool holding the spoons Christine handed her.
"You have Lupus." Christine says, to which her friend nervously responds "Haha, whaaat?...... Please explain."]
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[Image 3 Description: Another lander square fills the top of this image, on it is a quote from Christine's Essay,  "Most people start  the day with unlimited amounts of possibilities- energy to do whatever they desire...for the most part, they do not need to worry about the effects of their actions...I wanted something for her to actually hold, for me to then take away. If I was in control of taking away the spoons, then she would know what it feels like to have something else being in control." 
Below Christine sits alone, her legs "criss-cross". She is smiling at us and holds a giant spoon. Around her are little blurbs in purple text, "Might actually own a giant spoon" "Has done awesome advocacy work" "Read more at butyoudontlooksick.com (if you want to)"]
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[Image 4 Description: a chart titled "How Spoon Theory Works". A single spoon equals a unit of energy that a person can use safely. On the left is "spoon cost per activities" on the right is icons to show the activities.
1 spoon; Getting out of bed, taking medications, changing clothes. 2 spoons; Watching a tv show, a microwavable meal, using the internet.3 spoons; Enagaing in a small activity like art, cleaning something, making a meal that required stove or oven.4 spoons; Taking a shower, leaving your home, socializing.
Narration text: Why use it? I'll let this quote by a doctor who was originally using buckets of water (???) with patients explain. "Using analogies and/or metaphors...can help clinicians and patients' loved ones get a better understanding of the impact of specific activities on a patient." (John Hopkins Neurologist Scott Newsome, DO, on the topic of "Spoon Theory")]
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[Image 5 Description: The Interneter is looking worried, sweating. He says to Rachel,
"Oh wait, so I have major depression disorder, insomnia, and ADHD. During my last episode, I was barely able to make it to one class a day, and maybe get one meal. My insomnia felt uncontrollable. I ran out of mental brain power for my classes, but I still attempted as much class work as I could, even if my brain couldn't fully show up. Don't get me wrong- I still tried, so hard. Even if I was too depressed to feel things like 'normal' I still wanted to be embracing my college life. I feel like spoon theory would have really helped me in times like those. Especially since I haven't found an antidepressant that works on me yet. I know it's not like what you go through, like chronic physical illness. I wouldn't want to make less of your experience or appropriate this term. I'm just wondering if-"
 Rachel, looking calm, finding The Interneter endearing and smiling slightly, "Your experiences are just as valid and the level of impact your depression has absolutely qualifies you as a spoonie."]
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[Image 6 Description: Narration text  "Today  a spoonie is someone with a condition that causes limited amounts of physical and/or cognitive energy, such as chronic illness, mental illness, or disability. It's also used by neurodivergents who deal with persistent energy limitations."
Below sits 4 girls all smiling, waving, and looking at us, left to right; The first girl has an average frame, tan skin, long navy blue hair, a maroon hat, faded pink pants, a blue/purple/lavender striped shirt, and cutting scar on her arms. Second girl is Kitt, she was in another comic, she has a plus sized frame, dark brown skin, shoulder length curly/dark brown hair. she wears a teal dress with white strips, a waist long blue jacket, blue shoes, her left left is a purple prosthetic. Third girl, she is Asian, very light but still tan skin, with black hair in cut in a pixie style. She has on a white sweat shirt that has lavender sleeves and a salmon color at the bottom, in the center is the rainbow infinity sign for neurodivergence. She has on mint pants and wear white and salmon colored sneakers. On the floor below them sits Rachel. 
Narrative text "Not all of us are literally measuring out energy in terms of spoons, but having such a metaphor is extremely helpful."]
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[Image 7 Description: Narrative text "Spoon Theory embraces acknowledgment of a condition's control, which is weirdly liberating because this reminds a person:"
Girl number 3 is on the right is whispering to The Interneter "Lack of control isn't proof of personal weakness. You don't have to beat yourself up for experiencing your condition." 
"I know that. . ." the interneter says shyly, blushing and smiling.
"Do you though?" Rachel says from the left.
Below her is girl number one. "Do u? I've been doing this for 13 years and even I forget sometimes."]
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[Image 8 Description: Narrative text "For young people in particular, spoonie is the first word a person may use when starting to rewrite what their life with their condition could look like."
The Interneter lays flat on his bed, we see him from the side looking hopeful "Having to live life this way isn't easy, but I want to make it work."
Below we see he is centered on his bed holding 1 spoon, "especially since I'm still having that episode of depression." On the right side his words continue "I didn't say anything because I was afraid of messing up the flow of the comic."]
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[Image 9 Description: Narrative text "Spoons can be a silly thing to associate with possibly not having enough energy to manage basic survival activities, which is one reason some don't bother using the term at all. Still, it's easier to say,"
A woman, standing in the center of the image with a long purple dress, short brunette hair, and a purple walking cane, holds a hand to her chest smiling "I'm a spoonie!"
To her left is a large man all in red, hand on his hips smiling, "My own experiences of feeling tired helps me empathize with you. You make me feel validated."
To her right is a little girl colored pink "Spoons are good!"
Next to her is a woman in maroon "Such a cute and positive take!"
At the bottom of the image narrative text says "Rather than bring folk's moods down with-"]
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[Image 10 description:  "My body is disabled! Living an existence with a condition that is unpredictable and invisible sometimes breaks my brain! Please don't shut me out until I'm "Fixed". Just respect my limits." Rachel says, now in the center of the people instead of the purple-dressed spoonie. She sits in her wheelchair with legs up, holding her arms out, her expression is crying yet smiling.
The large man to her left has his arms folded, now very uneasy "How do I tell apart your "disability" from excuses, self pity, and faking stuff? And who sits in a wheelchair like that?"
On the right the little pink girl is crying, her maroon mother bending down to hold her. "Isn't "Disabled" bad?" the girl ask.
Her mother responding "Nothing we need to worry about, sweetie. There are plenty of programs that think of the disabled so we don't have to."
Narrative text, "Yes. Spoonie can at times feel detached just enough from harsh reality to ease people's discomforts."] 
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[Image 11 Description: Narrative text:” Perhaps detached enough for misguided normies to think,”
A young woman standing in the center with one hand on her hip and one raised with her index finger pointed upwards says "Hey! I feel like I have limited energy to! I like this "spoons" idea. It will help me be mindful and proactive with my energy! I'm a spoonie now!"
She is white woman with tanned skin, long bleach blonde hair in a pony-tail, wearing grey yoga pants and a green tang top.  On her tang top are the words "Has no condition is just human".  
To her left Girl number 3, Kitt, and Rachel are huddled looking at the woman. “Don't-” says girl number 3. "Oh no, wait-" says Kitt. "You're not one now, but hey, you'll be one of us eventually. No need to rush." says Rachel.
On the left is a young hipster male all in orange "You're just a product of obsessive online health trends." He calls out. 
Narrative text "Let's hope it doesn't turn into the 'snuggie' of disability lingo.]
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[Image 12 description: Narrative Text: "Now, being disabled by a condition, especially it's fatigue aspect, doesn't mix well with the 'hyper-productive' narrative that today's society puts out." 
A Pinkish-maroon leg with the words 'society that doesn't fully realize the systemic harm of it's ableism' on it, kicks a stick figure of the Interneter high up into the air in a Team Rocket fashion.
 "Looks like having problems with my human body is causing me to be considered less of a human agaaiinn!!!" The interneter says, surrounded by anime sparkles. 
Narrative Text "Still, being active, productive, and accepted by some form of community, lay the foundations for self-confidence and a sense of worth. Contributing online is one way even the most debilitated amount us have managed a version of that foundation."]
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[Image 13 Description: Narrative text: "Disabled communities are sources of support, love, guidance, and empowerment built upon collaboration, inclusion, and knowledge. They help bring together people with a willingness to listen, because they all know the value in feeling heard."
Two horizontal rows of a diverse group of people with disabilities, drawn to show them all in bed,  all interacting with each other like the would if the were together in person. Below each person is an awareness ribbon to indicate the condition(s)they have.
 From left to right, top row; A young woman with very dark brown skin, black hair in a bun, is looking concerned and reaching for a young man in the row below her. He is black with slightly lighter skin, very short hair, a 5 o'clock shadow, wearing glasses. He is reach towards her with is left arm, his right arm is curled due to his medical condition.  Next in the top row, a  Young woman with curly brown hair, tan skin, glasses, and cutting parts on her arms is smiling and being handed a book by a young white male with Downs-Syndrome, he hair short light brown hair and glasses.  A young woman with tan skin, glasses, wearing a hijab, has a pink prosthetic arm holding a piece of paper, and is using her other arm to hold hands with the person she is smiling/talking with- a thin non-binary with short blue pixie hair and braces on her elbows and right arm. This person is also holding a piece of paper, eyes shut from laughing, with happy tears coming from their eyes.
Bottom row; Next to the young man with dark skin, is a plus-sized woman with white skin, her hair is deep violet in a pixie cut. She is holding a yellow ribbon, looking concerned and speaking a "?" as she taps the should of the girl next to her. This girl is Asian with black hair in a short ponytail, she looks back at the woman with the ribbon, her arms are on the back of the next woman, whom she is comforting. This woman has medium dark skin, half her head is shaved, the other is short navy blue dreadlocks. She is curled up and crying, below her is a yellow ribbon next to a purple one. The young man on her left has his left arm around her, and has a sympathetic expression, talking with the woman to try and provide comforting. He has tan skin and short curly brown hair, with short curly brown facial hair. 
Narrative text: "Spoonies are just one part of this collective, their efforts displaying that a condition's control isn't proof of weakness, as if can exist even along side massive amounts of inner strength."]
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
You Can't Hurry Love
Show : Jojo's Bizarre Adventure/Jojo No Kimou Na Bouken
Pairing : Hints of Jotaro Kujo/Noriaki Kakyoin, Joseph Joestar/Caesar Antonio Zeppeli and Jonita Joestar Brando/Dio Brando
Warnings : Mild Homophobia and swearing
Characters : Jonita Joestar Brando (OC), Holly Kujo, Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Joseph Joestar, Mrs. Kakyoin (Noriaki's Mother)
Timeline : Pre-Stardust Crusaders
This story is based on this song :
And this story is also based on the author's dream when she was sleeping in the afternoon after studying physics.
Also, here is a link if you don't know who Jonita is
Third Person POV
It was morning in Japan, winter was about to end and trees were slowly recovering after shedding their withered leaves by growing lush green ones in their place. Innocent birds awakened by the first rays of the sun started chirping their favourite song, the fellow humans waking up to their melodious vocals. Well, except for one.
"Jonita-san~!! Wake up, it's eight already!!" the lady of the Kujo's residence yelled from the kitchen. The lady had her favourite apron on and was making breakfast, her golden hair tied in a loose bun and her hands working skillfully as she prepared the morning delicacies.
The one who was known as Jonita, though sleeping in the room two doors away from the kitchen, heard the lady clearly, but all she replied to it was a groan and a snort, and she let her head down abruptly onto the pillow and fell asleep once again.
"Jonita san~~!!" The blonde lady called her once more, but still the sleepy-head gave no response. The lady then sighed and shook her head. Though it had been 3 days Jonita came to stay in Japan, she still wasn't used to her sleeping schedule.
The lady had already given up on waking the stubborn girl up, until a young boy ran with his sock-clad, little feet into the girl's room. He giggled, and sat beside her head, and started to ruffle the sleepy girl's violet locks with his little hands, which finally made the girl slowly open one of her eye and smile at the boy.
"Good morning Jotaro" she said sleepily. "Morning Jojo!!" the boy named Jotaro giggled once more. Jonita grinned and got up from the futon, fully awaken, and sat cross-legged. She then lifted Jotaro up and made him sit on her thigh.
"Did you sleep well, Joot??" she asked the child as she caressed his soft raven locks. "Yeah I did, and I dreamt of the ocean" Jotaro replied with a certain pride in his tone.
"Again?? You really seem to love the ocean, huh??". Jotaro grinned and nodded vigorously. Jonita giggled and ruffled his hair.
"What about you Jojo?? What did you dream of??". "I dreamt of my children. All of them were playing in the garden while me and my husband were having a picnic under a huge tree as we watched our children having a good time. I wish it comes true one day" Jonita ruminated.
"Hmmm......Well, thinking of dreams is making me feel hungry. I bet Mama has made something good today". "Boy, she always does. Holly's cooking is worth dying for".
Jotaro then got off Jonita's thigh and quickly ran towards the kitchen to get the bulletins of today's breakfast menu. Jonita then stood up and folded her futon, remembering how Holly taught her to do so. She then stretched herself and started to get ready for today.
After she had changed from her pyjamas to purple track pants and red full-sleeve cropped hoodie and combed her hair nicely to let it down, she then made her way to the dining room.
"So you are finally awake, Jonita-san" Holly commented. "Yeah, sorry. I had a really good dream and I didn't want to wake up" the purplenette rubbed her neck.
"Was it about your husband again??" Holly asked. "Yeah. I just miss him so much. It has been years since I have seen him" she said as she sat down to have her food.
"Hmmm....I wonder when I will fall in love madly with someone as you have" Jotaro told her as he settled his head on his palms.
Jonita choked on her own saliva as soon as she heard Jotaro say that. She then clears her throat and replies.
"D-Don't you think you are too young to fall in love with someone, Joot??". "B-But I'm 7 years old!! Is that not enough??" Jotaro asked.
"I-I guess but, for falling in love with someone, you will need time. Love is when two people like each other so much that are ready to sacrifice themselves just for the well-being of their lover. In order to love a person, you need someone to whom you feel a certain attraction".
"Certain att-rec-sion??" Jotaro tried to pronounce the word. "Yeah". "But where will I find such a person??". "You will have to wait, Jotaro. You cannot hurry love, always remember that".
"Alright everyone, eat quickly before it gets cold" Holly clapped her hands. Jotaro and Jonita said their prayers in Japanese (Jonita had to learn it otherwise Holly never left her alone) and then started to eat their breakfast.
"Jonita-san, you do remember that you have to take Jotaro out today, right??" Holly asked. Jonita stopped chewing her omelette and looked at the blonde lady hovering over her. She then grinned stupidly at her, the omelette still inside her mouth.
Holly sighed and crossed her hands.
"You forgot, didn't you??".
Jonita swallowed the food she had in her mouth and said "Forgot?? No No, I was just......caught off-guard, that's all" she argued, but Holly didn't take that.
"Listen Jonita-san, Jotaro is at a growing age, and if he doesn't get any exercise, I'm afraid he might become very weak when he grows up, and you are the best person who can get him into some good physical activities" Holly said worriedly.
"Don't worry Holly, Jotaro is of the Joestar bloodline. There is no way he would ever grow up as weak. Even if he doesn't workout, he would still grow up to be as buff as a bull" Jonita caressed Jotaro's raven hair as she smiled at Holly.
Holly sighed once more and looked at Jonita with pleading eyes and a frown. This made Jonita drop her stupid grin, and soon she admitted defeatedly while letting out a big puff of air from her mouth.
"Fine. Exercise, right?? I will make him do it".
By hearing that, Holly got to her usual cheery self as clapped her hands once more. "Okey-Dokey!!" and then she twirled into the kitchen while humming a tune.
Jonita giggled as she ate the last piece of her breakfast. Jotaro too had finished his food and Jonita collected both of their dishes to keep it in the sink.
"Listen Joot, I'm giving you 10 minutes. Get into your best attire as we are going out to practice" Jonita spoke as if she was taking Jotaro out for a war.
"Yes ma'am!!" the boy saluted the purplenette and ran to his room. Jonita smiled to herself. She was sure that Jotaro would grow up to be a very cheerful and bubbly person, just like his mother.
A few minutes later, Jotaro arrived with a white full-sleeve shirt and black short suspenders on. However, Jonita bursted into a fit of laughs as soon as she saw the young boy.
The reason was because Jotaro had worn the shirt inside-out and over the suspenders. Also, his black hair was in a tangled mess as compared to before.
Jonita then kneeled in front of him and started to correct his attire, starting from removing his shirt.
"You should have called me to dress you Joot" Jonita told him. "But I wanted to show you that I'm not a little boy anymore and that I can dress myself" Jotaro pouted.
Jonita chuckled as she finished correcting his outfit. "You are 7 Jotaro, Not 17".
She then ran her palm against Jotaro's head to smoothen his short hair. However, there were some curly ends which were impossible to straighten so she let them be.
"There you go. All set" she then stood up. "Ready to go, big boy??". "You bet I am". She then grinned and then both of them got into their shoes.
"We will return soon Holly!!" she shouted. Holly came to the door with high speed and hugged Jonita hard which made her tumble a little. "S-Stop...I can't breathe" Jonita giggled. Holly then lets her go as she smiled at her.
Holly then gave Jotaro his goodbye kiss. "Mom, I'm too big for goodbye kisses now" Jotaro pouted. "But you will always stay small for Mama, Jotaro" Holly replied. Jotaro blushed and looked at the ground.
Jonita then chuckled and exited the house, Jotaro following her. Both of them waved to Holly and she waved them back. "Come back soon!!" she said, and then she went inside, picking up another tune.
*30 minute time skip, brought to you by Everything is a Cake*
"OK, that's it for today" Jonita informed. Jotaro fell on the ground with a thud as he finally dropped his plank position and let out a puff of air from relief.
"You did a great job Joot. Don't you feel good??" Jonita asked the tired boy with satisfaction in her tune.
"No" the boy replied breathlessly.
"No?? What do you mean 'no'??" her smile dropped. "I'm really tired Jojo" The boy told her.
"Already?? Your grandfather was more active than you when he was 7 years old!!" she stated.
"And second of all, all you have done today is 15 situps, 30 pushups and 2 minute plank hold. Joseph on the other hand used to do twice as much as you have!!".
"Why do you always compare me with Grandpa??" Jotaro gained some strength to sit cross-legged and rubbed off the mud on his cheek.
"Because I want to make you stronger than him, Joot". Jonita then lifted Jotaro up on his feet. She then dusted him off and cupped his cheeks.
"Jotaro, you are the successor of the Joestar bloodline, so you need to be strong. Your mother has the right to be worried about your health as many obstacles will come in your way and you have to be strong to battle them all. Understand??"
"Hmm" Jotaro nodded. Jonita then smiled and kissed Jotaro's forehead. She then stood up and asked the young boy.
"Since I'm happy with your progress, how about we go and get some ice-cream??". Jotaro's mood turned brighter and nodded vigorously with a big grin. Jonita chuckled and then lifted him up, keeping his head on her shoulder while supporting his bottom with her hand.
"To the ice-cream shop then!!!". "Hai!!!!" and then they both sprinted towards the nearest shop.
*Two minute time skip, brought to you by Wide Putin*
"Are you really saying the truth Jojo??". "Yeah. Your grandfather once dressed as a woman in order to sneak in the military base". "Did it work??". "Ehh, almost. But it looked pretty obvious that it was a man dressed up as a woman. I mean, in those days, women with big muscles were not a thing, not to mention the guards were a bunch of perv--AAAH!!!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry Dear. My child didn't mean to hurt you deliberately". A woman with cherry red hair was holding the hand of a boy with the same hair colour. It looked like the boy was the lady's son. The only difference was that the boy had an exceptionally long, wavy bang which was almost as long as his face.
The redhead had kicked Jonita's leg so hard that she almost dropped Jotaro, but instead of being angry at the kid, she was actually impressed that the boy being so young was able to make a grown-up adult stumble.
Setting her thoughts aside, she gave a weak smile to the lady and said "It's alright". The lady too smiled at her and then she continued to walk with her son to the opposite direction.
"Are you OK Jojo??" Jotaro asked the girl. "Yeah I'm fine" she replied. She let Jotaro down and started to rub the area where the boy had kicked her.
"Say, are you OK Joot?? You didn't get hurt, did you??". "N-No, I'm fine" Jotaro looked the ground.
Jonita raised her eyebrow at him. Something was wrong with Jotaro. He didn't usually behave like this........unless he was very flustered.
"Jotaro". "Y-Yes??". "Are you blushing??". "What?? N-No I'm not" Jotaro tried to cover his cheeks with his hands. "So you ARE blushing" Jonita stated. She then scooted closer to Jotaro and asked.
"Tell me, is it because of that boy??". Jotaro's eyes widen as he tried to hide his face from the purplenette.
Jonita then made a smug face and asked "Love at first sight huh??". "S-Stop teasing me Jojo" Jotaro whined. "I'm not teasing you. I'm just saying the facts".
Jotaro them blushed more than before. Jonita tried to hold her laughs but she couldn't, and she began to giggle at Jotaro's cute behaviour.
"Anyways, Joot". "Hmm??". "Wanna know if he likes you back without asking him??".
Jotaro was now full red. He looked at Jonita and asked "I-Is it really possible to know that??". Jonita nodded with a smile. "It's a very old trick but it's very accurate". "S-S-Sure. Let's try it then".
Jonita smirked and then made Jotaro face the direction where the redheads were going. "OK so, you can see the boy walking, right??". "Yeah".
"The thing is now that Joot, if he has fallen for you, he would turn around and look at you" Jonita spoke. "And that's it??" Jotaro looked at her. "Yeah" she replied. "OK" Jotaro shrugged.
"Oh you just believe in me Jotaro, he will definitely turn back at look at you with those innocent eyes". "S-Stop it Jojo". "Sorry".
The redheads didn't show any sign of stopping as the kid walked slowly along his mother.
Turn around.......
Jotaro and Jonita watched each and every step they took, looking for at least a slight clue.
Turn around......................
They had almost reached to the end of the road and still there was no sign. The Joestar and the Kujo still stared at them. They were 100% sure that the boy was going to turn back. And guess what happened...........
Turn around, Dammit!!.............
The little boy finally shifted his body back to look at the two who were staring lasers at him with his big, amethyst eyes, showing curiosity and..........longing. A light blush was visible on his fair cheeks as he gazed at the young ravenhead.
Jonita gasped and fell backwards to the ground, not caring about getting hurt. She then screamed on top of her lungs.
The redhead laughed at the silly lady's reaction and tried to cover his laugh with his mouth. The mother however was taken aback by the immature girl's behaviour as she turned around and cringed.
"What a weird mother. No wonder why she looks so young. She must be a teenager mom" she said to herself.
Jotaro had lost himself in the redhead's violet eyes as he locked his own green ones with the other boy, but soon snapped himself out of it and waved at the redhead with a grin. The young boy's blush grew more as he returned the wave with a small cute smile.
"Come on Noriaki, look forward otherwise you might trip yourself". The boy whose name was Noriaki turned his attention to his mother and followed what she said. After that, they completely vanished from Jojo's eyesight range.
"Y-You were right Jojo. How did you know that it will work??" Jotaro asked with amazement. "I have lived for more than 500 years Jotaro. How can I not know about love??".
Jotaro chuckled and then pushed Jonita up again. She then dusted herself and then spoke. "Let's tell your love story to Holly first after we get some ice-cream". Jotaro nodded and followed Jonita to where they were going next.
*Five minutes time skip, brought to you by Baby Yoda*
"HOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLYYYYYY!!!!!!" Jonita sprinted into the Kujo's residence in search of the blonde lady.
"Jonita-san, is everything OK??" Holly came out of a random room and asked her. As soon the purplenette spotted blonde hair, she lunged at Holly and gave her a death hug while lifting her up.
"J-Jonita-san, what happened??". "Jotaro........he is in love!!!". "What, really???" Holly's eyes brightened up. Jonita nodded, confirming her statement.
Just like Jonita, Holly gasped from happiness and hugged Jonita with a high-pitched squeal, and then they both jumped round and round squealing like high-school girls.
"So who is the lucky girl??" Holly asks. "Well, it's a boy, actually" Jonita replied. Holly's smile dropped a little. "A boy??" she asked. "Yes" she replied. "I-I see" Holly tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear.
"Mama mama, I'm in love!!" Next was Jotaro who ran to his mother and hugged her. Holly hesitantly wrapped her arms around Jotaro as he started babbling about how good-looking his love interest was.
"And he had those pretty purple eyes. They were like the colours of pansies. And his hair was so red. Even the reddest of apples were nothing in front of him. His smile was the best thing of all".
"That's really......nice, Jotaro". By hearing her reply, Jotaro looked at his mother with a little disbelief. She sounded disappointed, he thought.
"I-It's really good to fall in love but, with a boy?? It doesn't seem normal to me". Jotaro let go of her mother as he backed away from her. Was his ears deceiving him?? Did his mother just called him.........adnormal??
"Jotaro I.....I got to talk to Papa. You stay here with Jonita-san. If you are feeling hungry then there is food in the kitchen. I'll be right back" she then went away to the opposite direction without saying anything else.
Jonita just stood where she was in shock. She didn't expect Holly to react like this. She was literally standing there, praying that all she just witnessed was a bad dream and nothing else.
PART 2 :
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