#i might delete in morning if this is bad but OMG this was fun to write
lilyrizzy · 2 years
Maybe a time after everything goes to hell where Max and Daniel maybe verbalize the fact that Max won't ever return to F1!
this was such a good prompt!
cw: implied child abuse
Outside their window, it’s raining. Fat droplets of water pelting against the glass, the noise reminding him of the gravel that would smack against his cars side panel every time he lost control.
It makes Max think of the TV show Victoria liked so much when they were teenagers. She’d told him, like letting him in on a secret, that when it rained in the first scene you knew it would be a sad episode and when it was sunny, a happy one. Something that the writers did to set the tone, that she’d learnt about in the English lessons Max must have sat in two years earlier drawing racetracks in his notebooks. And didn’t Max think that it was smart?
From the other end of the sofa, Daniel is muttering under his breath. Eyes darting backwards and forwards across the cracked screen of his iPad, the creases in his forehead mirroring the jagged lines in the glass. Max wants to reach over and smooth them away with his thumb. He doesn’t move. He doesn’t want to see what Daniel is reading.
If he got up and walked in the opposite direction, to the window, he’s lived in Monaco for long enough to know he’d see the yachts rocking on the waves. That a tourist admiring the view from their hotel room might be sure they are violent enough to make millions of dollars of aluminium crash into one another, leaving nothing but an expensive mess. Max knows better.
This is his life.
He can’t remember the name of Victoria’s show now, but he can remember the way he’d told her that it was stupid to think the weather meant anything, and then the way he’d felt sick watching her face twist up unhappily, and then mean. Her eyes got small and her mouth wider and she had told him that he was the one that was stupid, that she knew because she read his school report, that he had made their mum cry.
What did Max care about school? He had never needed to be smart. On track, he’d needed to be fast, and off-track lots of different things, but mostly compliant.
“This is all bullshit,” Daniel declares darkly, too loud for Max to pretend he hasn’t heard over the rain. “The things they’re writing- God.”
Max wants to ask why Daniel reads it so incessantly if he knows it’s all not true. It makes Max wonder if he’s waiting for the day he’ll agree with one of the journalists’ points, and then have an excuse to reconsider all the rest. Then that makes him feel mean because Daniel has never not believed him, even when it would have made his life nicer, easier.
Instead, Daniel has punched the paparazzi for him. Smashed the man’s camera lens into unusable shards.
Max stretches out his leg, prodding Daniel’s thigh with his toes. When he looks up at Max, his smile is tired.
“I can’t wait to watch these fuckers choke on humble pie when that cunt goes to prison and you win like, ten more championships, Maxy.”
He reaches for Max’s foot, holds his ankle, his thumb brushing over the knob of it. The iPad slides down far enough on his lap so Max can read the headline now, Father of F1 Champion Describes Son's History of Lying, Paranoia. A cold prickles his neck as though the rain is coming now from their ceiling, icy beads of water sliding down his spine.
“I think I will not win any more championships,” he says, pulling his foot back to tuck it under his body, and Daniel’s face falls.
“What do you mean, baby, you could win them all,” he insists. His voice is almost annoyed sounding, like maybe he thinks Max would try fishing for compliments from the one person who had to lose just so Max could win so much. But then gentler he adds, “I know you could.”
Max knows he could too.
“I think I do not want to.”
For a moment, Daniel is silent.
“You love racing,” Daniel tries again, this time like stating a fact. One Max isn’t sure is true, and he wishes his memories weren’t so slippery so that he could grasp in his hands a time he knows it was.  
“I cannot go back,” he says, because one thing he does know is that any love there is, it’s roots are twisted around something rotten. “Daniel, I-“
I want to say no.
He wants to call Victoria to ask her the name of the show. To close his eyes and open them in Rotterdam, curled up on her sofa. For them to watch an episode together with the curtains drawn against the storm battering at both their doors.
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snickiebear · 3 years
yo nadia <3333 i'm bored in my online classes and u reblogged the questions thingy at the right time lmao, so get ready: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 28, 30!!!, 34, 38, 39, 40 (the intimacy of being understood) (imma stop here lol) (also i'm sorry u're not feeling well, ily and hope u'll feel better soon!! <33333)
ELE ILY. (and thank you, i’m stayin home today cause,,, yeah. i appreciate you sm.) you’re the literal best, i adore you. 
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
The first fanfiction i read was for The Lunar Chronicles when I was like 11?? and it was 100% on accident and it scarred me because it was a hardcore porn one with a period kink and i was like WHAT IS THIS??? OH MY GOD???? LMAOOOOO i didn’t pick it back up until i was 13-14 and really got into the Fairy Tail fandom. I still reread my favorites on ff.net cause i love them. 
As for writing, I wrote a horrible, terrible x-men fanfiction when I was twelve. (my friend still brings it up and REFUSES to delete it so it still gets comments and views, that shit HAUNTS ME ELE.) then tried again for Fairy Tail, posted like two chapters before taking it down cause i wasn’t really feeling it. And then I posted The Intimacy Of Being Understood and here we are. 
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
OMGG okok 
@mouseymightymarvellous ‘s We Were Screaming In Color (Only A Possibility) yes, yes I KNOW. i always point into mousey’s direction but i WILL always advocate that everyone reads her fics, they’re literally so beautiful???? i just happen to be rereading WWSIN rn 
@safelycapricious ‘s Shaking Up And Breaking Down series. I found this like?? idfk but i’ve been raving about it ever since. ALSO CHECK OUT THEIR FICS IN GENERAL. 
fuck i have more than three but also check out @ambivalens999 ‘s Masks
i do wanna make a fic rec thing where i just rav about my favs,,, might do that later or sum
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Omniscient third person. I don’t like it. Like I can understand that it can be a little hard to stay in one person’s perspective but, in my opinion, if you can, it shows how disciplined you are as a writer. Plus, i just get so confused when I go from A’s thoughts to suddenly what B is thinking about A. 
When writers use ‘ ‘ instead of “ “. When writers put thoughts in ‘ ‘ instead of just italicizing them. It’s small things but like they just bother me sO MUCH. most of the time i can ignore it and try to enjoy but other times i just dip. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@espoir-et-reves !!!!! THEIR SHISAKU FICS ARE SO SO SO SO SO GOOD. And they have a warring states one going on THAT I AM SO OBSESSED WITH. 
@writer168 idk if they’re really “underrated” but THEY HAVE SUCH GREAT FICS ON AO3. Like theres an AU with sakura, kiba, and shino that i reread constantly because it just. is. so. fucking. GOOD. and they posted a new one that i’m YELLING about. 
@eggtoasties okay they only have 2 in the naruto fandom (one shisaku which is still ongoing) BUT THEIR WRITING STYLE IS SO NICE?? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I still go back and reread their shikasaku one cause UGH i can’t get enough. I love it. 
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Fandoms: Naruto, Soul Eater, The Old Guard, ATLA
Parings: KakaSaku/ShikaSaku/ShiSaku/MultiSaku, SoMa, Joe X Nicky, Zukka
Character: SAKURA. I will read anything with Sakura as the main character and her being a fuckin badass or becoming a badass. I love her.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
aha.. haha.. well. I check my email like three times an hour. its the first thing i check in the mornings too. I’m literally a whore for praise and literally eat up feedback like its going out of style. I also reread a lot of my stuff because i make so many mistakes and spelling errors, or the spacing is weird oR SOMETHING. plus, literally any and all comments make my day, i go back and reread them cause they just make me feel so tingly and warm like “wow. this person enjoyed the fic/my writing enough to tell me. thats HUGE!”
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Angry, feral, bloodied, morally gray women. They aren’t bad guys, they’re probably the good guy, but that doesn’t mean they cant be fucking raging at the world with raw knuckles and blood on their teeth. I just love an angry woman who struggles with her emotions and just has so much inner conflict but that doesn’t take away from her character or badassery, it adds to it. 
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
The fake dating or miscommunication troupe. LIKE GUYS JUST TALK. AND TELL EACH OTHER OMFG. the entire like obliviousness of “nah they dont like me” while the They holds their hand and kisses their cheek. MOFO WHAT. it makes me so impatient and like mad HAAHHAHA. its probably because i’m a pretty confrontational person so seeing stuff like that just “cmon bro, USE YO HEAD.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
I have yet to receive a negative comment! Which i was really surprised about tbh. As for deadlines or pressure to update, i just kind of do whatever. I do set goals, but i set them flexible enough that hey, if i can’t do it, that’s okay. 
I have a lot of mini goals, like “i want to write this chapter and get it done this week” and then the large goal is “FINISH BY END OF MAY” so i have time. 
Actually, now that I think on it, the entire pressure to update thing is probably why i’m waiting until I have all of OL&W written to post it weekly,, cause well. I wouldn’t wanna leave you guys waiting as I tried to write and work out the next chapters and stuff, you know?
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Have you seen the way the dead dance, World Breaker? They roar, half mad and starving. Do you not wish, do you not hope to see them twist and bend and dance to your will?
Shikamaru snarls, looking behind his shoulders to where his Shadows lay. “Patience.” He spits. “Is of the essence, Things of Ancient. Know your place as the dark you are.”
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
None of my experiences match up to anything I write tbh,,, probably the only thing that is me in my writing is maybe the emotional turmoil? I’m pretty emotionally and mentally mature because from a pretty young age i started forming my own opinions, started looking into the world around us and being like “dude what the fuck this is not what disney advertised”. Then i started talking (read: arguing and debating) with my dad about a lot of it. So, like emotions are kind of hard for me. Like i’m pretty good at controlling them or understanding them, but still. idk its hard to explain ig.
Like the weight of stress, the anger, the sadness. It’s kind of therapeutic to write. Cause i don’t know how to put those feelings to verbal words so writing them really helps. 
As for my readers’ image? Probably like some kind of hunched over figure typing away in the dark with a maniacal grin on their face. I honestly don’t know AHHAHAHA but it is fun to think about. I think they’d see me as someone with potential but a lot of room to grow and someone who is imperfect but in a charming way LMAOOOO
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
I’m gonna be real honest. Its probably like a 2. I’m a bit of a control freak so I almost always go in chronological order, my writing is pretty linear. Unless, i get bored and jump to one of my fav parts. It's pretty much i sit down, i open the doc, read over my notes and just start writing. 
It’s a little boring to explain AHAHAHA but once i get into the groove of things its really fucking great, I can like feel myself in the world, I can feel what i want the characters to, i love it. I catch myself mouthing the words as i type too, which i find hilarious.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I rather like how raw my writing is sometimes. Which might sound really vain, but i do like the way i word things or describe things. I love juxtaposition and repetition, or making a good ole circle back to some minute detail that wouldn’t stand out until i repeat it at the end and you’re like “omg” AHAHAHAHA.
Like those little poetic snippets or certain wording i just sit back and go “damn thats kinda good nadia! go you!’ HAHAHA  
40. How did you come up with the idea for The Intimacy Of Being Understood?
AAAAA this fic is like my first child, my pride and joy LMAO
so the idea initially came when i was reading some fic, idk if it was even naruto, but i was like “i don't like this, but i do like the rain symbolism.” And I knew i wanted to write something kind of slow paced, something a little sad and angsty, but would show KakaSaku slowly but surely falling in love.
Idk if you’ve noticed but a lot of my fics, the pairings don’t change each other dramatically. They accept each other as they are and then they grow with together. Like that acceptance is something i just love writing, its so subtle, it isn’t something you declare. Its simply “I am going to love you. I am going to love you despite your flaws and faults. I am going to love you unconditionally because I know you, I understand you, and there is nothing you could do to drive me away.” 
The fic kind of wrote itself after that first scene. I kept going back to the rain, go being ghosts, and resurrection, and the small epiphanies one gets. I wanted to focus on each character’s growth with each other. They didn’t find light in life because of each other, but with each other. And i think that’s my favorite thing about that fic. 
I wanted something raw and real and just something beautiful. I’m actually really proud of it tbh. Would i go back and rewrite/edit it? Oh of course! I’d do that with every single one of my fics, but i’m not gonna cause i think its in its rawest form right now. :))))
ask me shit plz
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o-pandora-o · 4 years
Cat MC
Please bear in mind some spoilers in the game and in the event (The Devil’s Riddle).
You were looking for a book Satan asked you to find inside his room and accidentally you were tripped on a big book with a cat cover and suddenly….. You turned into a cat……How would the demon boys react?
Please bear with my writing this is the first shit I’ve done I’m so sorry if it’s bad.
 You were going outside Satan’s room to find help and you saw Luci roaming in the hallway. You made a small cry and he noticed you.
“Did Satan keep a cat? no worries I shall just open this matter to him” he said with a serious look on his face.
He was going to go away until you put a paw to his shoe. He made a glare and you fought his glare with a louder cry and so he replied “This cat got nerves”
“No can do, I do not own you nor I do not want any problems with any of my brothers so go back to Satan’s room now” When he left, you followed him to his room “this cat really got nerves to follow me here” he said.
Suddenly he got a call from Diavolo asking for an urgent meeting with him.
“If you really want to be with me then so be it, it seems you like me more than my brother, but I have matters to attend to.” he pats your head and you let out a small cry (saying like a goodbye or something).
 You decided to sleep on his bed while waiting for him.
 He came back when it’s already midnight.
 He saw you on his bed curled up like a ball (you were turned back to normal)
He put a blanket to cover you up and placed a small peck on your forehead.
 “Being a cat was fun” he heard a small mumble from you as you turn on the other side.
All right, you tumbled on this boi while he was looking for goods inside his house to sell.
You made a loud meow as you are stopping him from stealing goods
“D----AAAAAH!” Mammon screamed the top of his lungs.
“Who dare meows at THE GREAT MAMMON!” he says as you rolled your eyes at him. “Ooooh maybe I can sell this ca—OUUUCH!“ you hissed and lightly bit his hand as he picked you up “I was joking! Joking I tell you! Sheesh this cat” he put you down.
“So where is yer owner cat?” he asked, you rubbed your fur onto him and put your paw on his foot.
“That’s right! No one can stand THE GREAT MAMMON! Look you are already fascinated by my greatness” he said while you rolled you eyes.
“I have an idea!!” He took you and put you on top of his bed “Stay there till I get back!” he took a picture of you using his D.D.D.
You didn’t know he posted a picture of you while with the description “LOST CAT CONTACT MAMMON THE GREAT p.s give 10000 Grimm as reward”.
Yep, Mammon will be Mammon.
He came back late, it seems he had gone to the casino “TODAY’S MY LUCKY DAY! I WON THE JACKPOT WOHOO NOW I CAN BUY THOSE SHOES AND SUIT, it seems you are a lucky cat after all!”.
 When he was busy counting Grimms, it was already midnight. Suddenly pink smoke was covering you and he saw it “Wait what’s happening?!”he said as the smoke was cleared he saw you. 
“MC! You were the cat?!”
“Yeah it was me! Thanks for letting me stay in your room though” you said
“That’s right! Haha! The GREAT MAMMON always to the rescue haha” sweat drops
“I gtg to my room, I’m so sleepy cya Mammon thanks again!” you said as you left.
Early in the morning you came to Mammon’s room while you said “Mammon! Why did you post me being lost in exchange for grimm?!”
“Uh I can explain you see, I forgot to delete it and bye!” he said as he run off of bed.
“Is that what I think it is?” he mumbled as he was supposed to be going out to refill his rations
Sucre Frenzy’s lead member recently had a jet black cat, which was similar to the color of your fur.
“Nah maybe it’s just lost, wandering in the house” he said while he left to buy 2 months’ worth of food.
You saw and heard what he said so you decided to go to his room and wait for him.
You were looking around the place until-
When he came back he saw you looking at Henry 2.0 and he thought you were going to eat him “NONONONO! Don’t eat my one and true friend!” whilst you gave him a quizzical cat look.
“AHHH! I got no time for this, I should open up the new Multiplayer game I bought aaaaah where is MC? Damn I need to play it now” he said while preparing his newly bought game, he messaged you in his D.D.D waiting for an answer. You went to the other controller and pressed play.
“Wait what that was for MC! I should restart this” when he was reaching for the menu button, you put your paw on his arm. ”Wait are you telling me not to restart?” you cried out a meow.
You played the new game with him and he was amazed, “Woah this cat is amazing it can play games! I’m gonna name you Henry 3.0!” and you gave him a doubtful look while you continue to play the new game he bought until midnight.
You landed the final blow to the last boss on the game and when Levi turned around pink smoke was covering you.
 You were turned back into human! “OMG MC you were a cat? lolol so cool”
“This is my magical power! Lunaria, Wisteria, Primrose, Peony! Through the power of the flower I’m pretty as can be! I’m the magical mysterious MC!” you said as you pecked his cheeks.
“Watch out! I might steal your heart!” you wink leaving him flustered.
He was looking for you inside his room, he was going to tell you that he found the book that you were helping him find.
“MC?? Hey MC? That’s weird, I swore she said that she was inside my ro—“Satan couldn’t finish his sentence when he found a small black cat lying around with his books.
“How did you get in here. Are you hungry? Do you want some food?”
Satan was excited he looked like a smol boi waiting for his Birthday present.
After a day full of feeding you, taking care of you and even took pictures of you like a cat mom flexing he decided that it’s time to set you free.
“If you stay here for too long your owner might be missing you”
You brushed your fur against his leg and he knelt down and brushed his hand on your head.
 “Well I guess you could stay it’s pretty dark anyways”.
Satan carefully picked you up and took you to his bedroom and he put you down beside his pillow and let you fall asleep.
Not that he totally forgot about you though
When you both woke up it seems like you were back to normal and you saw Satan smirked.
“Good morning my lil kitten” definitely knows that you were the cat.
You went out of Satan’s room hoping to get help from someone and suddenly Asmodeus hurryingly going out of his room.
You followed Asmodeus while crying out a small meow. Apparently, he didn’t heard your cry for help.
He went to your room (as you followed him there) “MC! We need to go to the ma—oh she isn’t here” when he stopped you let out a loud cry and he finally noticed you.
“Awh what are you doing here? Were you lured here by my charm?” he said
“My, my, you have such a nice fur compared to other kitties seems like you also got the charm! And it doesn’t look like you don’t shed too much fur! I have a great idea! I’ll take you to the mall with me, you will be my new pet! Let’s share our charm to the entire world!” he said as he picked you up and took you outside.
After a day full of shopping, salon, taking pictures, and buying more stuff, you both went home before curfew.
He went to have some dinner while you run off to your room.
After dinner he was busy taking his stuff out of the bags you two bought
On midnight he noticed you were not in his bedroom, he went to search for you and seen you on your room “Oh little princess why are you in MC’s room? Speaking of MC I didn’t even see her during dinner and she isn’t even here.” and suddenly pink smoke was covering your body and suddenly you were turned back to normal.
“I never knew you could be a majestic cat MC,waaaah I really missed you” he said that while cuddling you.
“Now that I’m here why don’t we sleep in your bed?” you saw him smirk.
“No funny business alright? Being a cat is really tiring!” you said to him.
“Alright, alright! Just let me hug you” he said. “Fine” you replied while he pecked your lips and went to bed.
You hid from everyone until it was late night. You were hungry so you went to the kitchen hoping to find some food on the table but you were unlucky enough to find none.
You saw some unopened chips on the countertop so you jumped and grabbed it using your mouth. You tried to open the chips with your claws and your mouth but you failed.
Beel saw you in the kitchen and said “Do you want this? Hmm I don’t really know if chips are good for cats though”.
You nod and he opened the chips for you, you thanked him by crying out a meow.
When the chips was open you bite some and gave it to Beel, “Oh thanks” he replied as he pats your head.
As you two were eating, the clocked reached midnight.
A magical pink smoke appeared around you. You were turned back to normal.
“Wha- MC I didn’t know you have the power to turn into a cat!” Beel said as he kept eating chips.
“No wait I don---ah why bother btw thanks for the chips“ you pecked his cheek while you went upstairs to sleep.
You were in shock of what happened and decided to ask your S/O, Belphie for help. You went to his bedroom to see himself napping as usual.
You did everything you can, meowing, hissing, carefully scratching his bedside, pouncing on him, putting your paw on his nose, and still nothing.
Nothing can wake up this boi
You gave up and tried to wait for him to wake up but you fell asleep beside him instead.
Cue Beel going to his room and found you two sleeping “Cute” he said.
After 2 hours Belphie woke up and saw a cat beside him. At first he was shocked but eventually he stroked the cat’s fur lightly not waking it up and soon began to sleep again.
You both woke up the next day with you lying down on the cold floor well at least you ain’t a cat anymore eh?
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stark-tony · 5 years
anon asked for fics where peter is hurt in a spider-man related incident and i was an idiot and deleted it 
* = incomplete
Danger Pizza  by alice_in_ink
summary: The window was pushed open, and Iron Man’s head popped into his bedroom.  “Here’s where I’m confused—why lock the front door but leave the fire-escape-accessible windows unlocked?”  He clambered through said window.  “Seems like a safety hazard.” 
Peter eyed the metal suit as it straightened to a standing position.  “Did you break into my window to kill me?”
The face plate lifted, and Tony’s eyes quickly looked over the teen.  “Christ, kid.  It looks like you’re halfway there.”
A wild night on patrol leaves Peter with a broken back, and boy, does he want to be able to move without dying.  (So he calls Anthony Stark, obviously.)
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
Bad decisions and the art of teaching AI’s to lie. by wolfypuppypiles
summary: He knew that, logically, he should tell Tony, because he’d been told off a million times for hiding injuries, because stab wounds were dangerous, because he was fifteen and shouldn’t deal with those things on his own.
But on the other hand, he healed so fast that it would probably be gone by morning, and he really didn’t feel like getting stitched up again. Plus, Tony would lose his mind over it.  
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, angst, humor, fluff
warnings: none
Ohana by wolfypuppypiles
summary: Maybe if Peter had known what it was like to have a big family he would have known that being babied by the Avengers meant that they loved him. Maybe he wouldn't have thought he needed to prove he was strong. Maybe he would have asked for help when he needed it.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Super Kid, Super Hearing by whumphoarder
summary: Peter takes a hit while on a mission with the Avengers and dislocates his knee. Tony suffers for it in more ways than one.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
blindness by iron_spider
summary: “Call—” He takes another hit and feels queasy, he’s freaking out, he can’t see. Pure darkness, he’s completely blind. He pulls himself backwards and he can still hear the guy breathing, his feet hitting the ground. “Call Mr. Stark, call him—” 
“Calling Tony Stark.”
Peter takes a hard kick to the stomach and now he really feels like he’s gonna throw up—he shoots a taser web, hears the guy yell out but then he’s getting kicked again and he can’t see, he can’t see, he has to get out of here—
“Peter?” Tony’s voice asks. “Peter, what’s up?”
“Help me!” Peter yells. “Help me, help, I can’t—this guy sprayed me with something and I can’t see, I can’t see—” He shoots the rapid fire webs and tries to scurry backwards.
“I’m coming,” Tony says. “I’m coming—I’ve got you, I’m close—”
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
topsy turvy by iron_spider
summary:  hey    omg that delivered    you’re right, Stark phones are far superior    or is it just this particular one you gave me 
  Tony stares at his phone as the messages come in, and he narrows his eyes. He shifts a little on the couch, glances at Pepper.
“What?” she asks, catching his eye. She looks down at his phone. “What did Peter do?”
“Do I have a Peter face?” Tony asks. “Peter in danger expression?”
“I don’t know,” Pepper says. “Is he in danger?”
Tony sighs. “I hope not, but I’m—I’m not optimistic.”
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
You're In My Veins (and I cannot get you out) by losingmymindtonight
summary: Peter and Tony get hit by an alien explosion that allows Peter to hear everything Tony is thinking about him. Fluff, whump, and sleepiness ensue.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
There's a hole in my head and my words are falling out by wolfypuppypiles
summary: Tony’s stomach clenched into a knot at the sudden cut off of Peters' voice because he hadn’t trailed off, no his word had been strangled before a groan and crash sounded from the other side of the door.
Steve jumped in fright at the crash and Tony’s stomach curled tighter at the heavy thump of something hitting the carpet. Something like Peter.
tags: hurt/comfort, angst
warnings: none
For Want of a Dad (in need of a son) by  GhostInTheBAU
“So, have you given the camping trip any more thought?” Ned asks, and he groans internally at the change in subject.  
He'd much rather go back to talking about his non-existent love life, thanks.  
The trip is during spring break—a four day long trek out into the wilderness, camping and hiking and gathering who even knows what, learning all about nature and the great outdoors.
But the real kicker?  
It's an event specifically designed for fathers and their sons, which is something Peter doesn't have, and something he will never be.
Not again.
Or:  Peter longs to have a deeper relationship with his mentor, a more meaningful connection; but he's managed to convince himself that the only reason Tony Stark spends any time with him at all is purely because of his enhancement.
Because of Spider-Man.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: bullying
When we all fall asleep where do we go?*  by wolfypuppypiles
summary: His body lay there on the street, arm flung out to the side, palm streaked with blood. It seeped beneath him, soaking the sheet that someone had been decent enough to drape over him. 
Tony’s instincts told him to pull it away, that Peter couldn’t breathe with it on his face like that, but he knew it wasn’t true. Peter wasn’t breathing. Peter was dead.  
yeaaaaaah sorry. but if you know me you'll know how it ends
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
For Pete's Sake! by KitCat992
summary: Maybe he’d feel better if he closed his eyes, just for a second. It was too dark to see anything clearly anyway, and he’d be able to concentrate better without seeing how fast the ground was coming up to meet him. 
A rush of wind sent goosebumps across his skin before two strong hands gripped his shoulders tightly, keeping him upright and from nose-diving straight into the alleyway cement.
Peter snapped his eyes open, blinking a couple times to clear his vision. Everything was blurry. Was that…?
“...ice cream man!?”
pairings: pepperony
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Dust and Blood by notapartytrick
summary: An alternate universe where Peter couldn't make it out of the warehouse on his own. 
AKA a way to vent my anger at Infinity War by torturing my baby boi even more :))))
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: bullying
how can the body die? (you tell me, everything) by madasthesea
summary: Tony felt panic creep up his spine. Something was occurring to him, slowly percolating in the back of his mind. 
“You said the stinger got you. Is Scorpion’s stinger venomous?”
“I don’t—” Peter cut off as he groaned, the muscles in his jaw tight. “I don’t know. He upgraded—he was faster. Bigger. I—I thought I could beat him.”
pairings: pepperony
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
to break in these bones by searchingforstars
summary: “We’re gonna go play baseball? I’m not exactly a great shot, and you might have to let me out of these first,” Peter rattles his wrists around in the metal chains and they clink together, echoing around the sparse room, “but sounds like fun.
“We’re not playing baseball.”
“Shame, because I passed a park on my way here and I’m pretty sure that there’s only been like, six murders there this year so that could have been a fun spot.”
“I’m going to enjoy this, you fucked up little kid.”
“Hey, I’m not a little-” Peter starts, but he’s cut off by all the air being knocked out of his lungs as he sees the bat raised in front of him.
or, Peter doesn't listen to Tony, pisses off someone dangerous and ends up on the wrong end of a baseball bat.
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
keep me afloat in this cold world by searchingforstars
summary: Peter’s just fighting to stay awake at this point, though he can’t really remember why he’s trying to stay awake? Is someone coming for him? That would be nice, he thinks.
He just wants Tony. He was on a mission, right? He thinks so. Why isn’t Tony here? 
Peter’s teeth are chattering as he tries to force words out. He can barely move his lips. “K-K’ren? Mister St’rk? Call Mister St’rk. Pl’se?”
No reply. The faint static continues. Cold surrounds him.
or, Sam and Bucky bring Peter back to the tower verging on hypothermic and Tony is an Upset Dad™ about it.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
243 notes · View notes
liberolove · 4 years
Testing the Waters (pt. 2)
Summary: youve finally graduated high school and now youre moving on to college. youve decided to go to sendai university. its summer and youve become curious about checking out the dating pool in miyagi, so you download a dating app. you figure you might as well have fun before delving too deep into your studies
Part: [part two] out of ???
Pairings: nishinoya x reader / kuroo x reader / oikawa x reader / kiyoko x reader
A/N: theres tons of ships here, just me living out my hoe phase lmao please dont judge me. let me know what yall think
Genre: fluff, smut, crack
Warnings: flirting, college shinanigans
It’s been three days since the last time you saw Yuu. Gosh, even saying his name to yourself gave you goosebumps. You two have been texting non stop and honestly, it felt so refreshing. You were a pretty bad texter but he knew how to keep the conversation going. 
One of his favorite things to do was play 21 questions with you. He wasn’t like those fuckboys who would use this opportunity to ask you if you were a virgin or what your favorite position was. Yuu was different. He came up with the craziest scenarios and judged you on the way you answered. One time he asked you how you would escape a 300 lb lion that just broke out of the zoo you were visiting. You honestly had no idea how to respond but eventually you replied, 
“I’d make sure to run with a crowd and ‘accidentally’ trip a slow runner so that the lion could get distracted and probably (most likely) attack them. This would buy me some time to get the hell out there.”
This response caught Noya off guard but he loved the way you thought. You continued to come up with barbaric schemes to survive all the scenarios he would throw at you. He kept you guessing and that was what you liked so much about him. He was wild and so were you.
You were getting a little impatient over your next date so you took a deep breath and eventually asked him.
Y/N: Heeey, Yuu. I was wondering when you’d like to go out again. I’d really like to go out with you again.
Nishinoya Yuu: hey cutie! I’ve been wanting to see you again but I haven’t had any days off from work lately.. (; ・`д・´) IM DYING!! I just wanna see yoouuuuu
Y: Aw man.. :( That sucks. When do you think you’ll get your next day off?
N: idk tbh but hopefully it’s soon!!
Y: no worries, just let me know.
N: will do!!
Well, that was that. Now you wondered what you should do to pass the time. You were bored again and needed something to do. “Oh wait. I should check the app. I haven’t checked since I messaged Yuu on there. Maybe I have more matches.”
You opened up the app and you had 10 notifications. You had gotten some likes on the selfie you posted and several people viewed your profile. You checked who looked at your profile, and it was mostly ugly, older, men. “Gross,” you thought to yourself. Besides this, you noticed some new messages. 
You opened up the first message. 
“Hey sexy! Wanna come see me play? Click my link https://…..”
“Damn bots. So annoying.” You deleted the message. Next message:
“I mean like yeah, but you could’ve been less forward in your message. What a turn off..” You had one last notification left. Maybe it wouldn’t be a let down.
“Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? 'Cause you are F-I-Ne.”
To be honest, this pick up line did make you giggle a little. You checked out the profile of the mysterious stranger who sent it and you were surprised that it was a bulked up biker. And damn, was he hot as hell. 
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His hair stood up in an organized, weird bed head kind of way. It made him look like a rooster. Rather than smile in his photos, he smirked. And his eyes looked like he could undress you solely with his gaze. He looked like your typical bad boy, but that didn’t make sense. Why would he use a chemistry pick up line?
This made you become even more interested, so you replied back with another cheesy pick up line.
Y/N: I wish I were adenine because then I could get paired with U.
Kuroo Tetsuro: Hey, kitten. I thought you’d never reply. You had me waiting.
Y: umm??? calling me kitten already?
K: What’s wrong? Are you flustered already? We haven’t even met up yet.
Y: woah there cowboy! hold your horses
K: I’m not a cowboy, but I’ll gladly have you ride me instead.
Y: skskskks i cant even-
K: Sorry. Too much?
K: Alright. Let me start over. Ahh, a fellow chemist, I presume?
Y: yeaaah, kind of. I have a love/hate relationship with chemistry.
K: Is that so? Maybe I can help with that.
Y: oh really? how so?
K: I am a chemistry major after all. I go to Sendai. Do you go to school?
Y: uhhh i’m going to start there in the fall. I still haven’t decided what to major in, just yet.
K: Maybe you’ll end up being a chemistry major like me and I can give you private one on one lessons? 
Y: I highly doubt that, but nice try. 
K: Have you gotten a tour of the campus yet? Or are you waiting for freshman orientation?
Y: nah, I haven’t seen all of it yet. 
K: Would you like to?
Y: um sure! When are you free for my private tour? (:
K: How about tomorrow in the morning? Maybe around 9am? I can pick you up too if you’d like.
Y: Sounds good and no thanks. I’m not riding on that motorcycle! Looks scary :(
K: Don’t worry, kitten. I’ll drive safely and make sure nothing happens to you.
Y: there you go again.
K: Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. No, but really. I don’t mind picking you up. Have you ever been on a motorcycle before?
Y: nope
K: Then, let’s change that. Send me your address tomorrow morning. And get some rest.
Y: alrighty it’s a plan then!
K: No. It’s a date.
Y: sksksk omg
After that conversation, all you could think about was how the hell did you get into this mess? Motorcycles are dangerous, yet this rooster convinced you so easily to take a ride with him.. 
It was an understatement to say that you were nervous for tomorrow.
You set an alarm for 7 am the next day and went to bed.
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Your alarm woke you up and you immediately remembered why you were awake so early. You rushed into the shower and once you were out, you spent 30 minutes deciding on what to wear. You opted for some black, ripped skinny jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. 
At 8am on the dot, your phone’s notification bell went off. It was Kuroo.
“What’s your address, baby?”
You sent him the details and continued getting ready. You put on some light makeup and brushed your hair. You checked the time, and it was already 8:55 am. Then, your phone went off again.
“I’m outside.”
Your heart almost beat out of your chest. You grabbed your purse and put on some chapstick. You know, just in case..
You locked up your apartment and walked down the stairs. You were greeted by the biggest shit eating grin on the sexiest man you’d ever seen. You never went for the bad boys but college is a time for experimenting. 
“Hey, Y/N. You ready to ride? I brought an extra helmet for you.”
“Hi, Kuroo. And yeah, I guess,” your voice shook as you replied. You were really nervous but you tried to hide it.
“Don’t worry, baby. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ll keep you safe.”
His words made you melt and you had just met him. The way he cooed at you and looked your way made you blush. You felt your cheeks get hotter by the second.
“Alright. Hop on and hold on to my waist. Hold on tight or else you’re gonna fly away when I take off. Okay?”
“..okay..” you managed to mutter. You were shaking but you put on the helmet he gave you and lifted up your leg to sit on the metal machine. You slowly hugged Kuroo from behind and held on as tight as you could. Your head was smashed right up against his large, broad back.
“Ready?” he asked.
“..yeah,” you squeaked.
Before you finished saying this, he had taken off like the devil was chasing him. If this was his meaning of safe driving, you didn’t want to find out his meaning of reckless driving.
The ride to Sendai University only took about 5 minutes, when realistically it would take 20 minutes by bus. You arrived and Kuroo teased, “are you going to let go, kitty?”
You hadn’t realized you were still gripping onto him for dear life. You released him from your hold and your hands still tingled from the amount of force you applied to his shirt. “Sorry!”
“No worries. Hey, look! I brought you here alive. Aren’t you glad?” he cackled. 
His laugh sounded like a dying hyena but it did sound a little cute at the same time. “Yeah. Thank goodness. Your driving is insane, dude.”
He showed you all over campus, from the administrative buildings to the gymnasium, to the fields. Sendai was a pretty big campus, and it made you glad that you had a personal guide to show you all the different buildings. 
After your little tour was over, he asked, “wanna grab a bite to eat? I’ll be a gentleman and pay for you too.”
Of course, you couldn’t say no to food. Much less, FREE FOOD! You nodded and got ready to ride the devil’s machinery again.
He took you to a nearby sushi bar. “Order whatever you’d like, princess. Today, I want to spoil you rotten.”
You melted at his words and also at the variety of rolls on the menu. You didn’t ask him if he really meant that you could order anything. You just kind of went for it. You ordered everything from shrimp tempura, to octopus, to eel. Sushi was your favorite and being told that you could order everything was a dream come true.
“Damn, girl! I had no idea you had such a huge appetite!  I didn’t know you’d take me seriously on my offer. You’re gonna run my pockets dry.”
You blushed and looked away. “Sorry, Kuroo. I really couldn’t help myself. I love sushi so much.”
“I’m just teasing you, baby. You deserve to be treated like this everyday.”
You had no idea how to respond so you just kept stuffing your face with sushi.
After you finally had your fill, it was time to go home. It was getting late. Kuroo took you home and you were definitely more relaxed this time on the bike. 
“I hope you had a great time today, kitty. And I hope I met your standards.”
“Yes, I did! Thank you so much, Kuroo! This was honestly so much fun. Thanks for everything.”
“Of course. Nothing but the best for you. I just need one little favor from you, baby.”
“Oh? What is it?”
“Can I get a kiss from your soft lips? I know you want to. I saw the way you kept staring at me, today.”
“Oh.. uhh.. Y-yea-yeah. Sure, of course.. Yeah,” you stammered. 
You looked at him with soft, shy eyes and before you knew it, he leaned in quickly and kissed you on the lips. Your eyes were wide open in surprise but as he deepened the kiss, your eyes slowly shut.
The kiss felt like electricity coursing through your body. You didn’t know what it was, but this man definitely already had you wrapped around his long, slender finger. 
As soon as you realized his hold on you, he backed off, and left you wanting more. He was such a tease.
“I can’t just let you have everything today, kitten. I need you wanting more.”
You didn’t know what to respond so you looked down at the ground shyly. 
“I’ll message you later, y/n. Don’t make me wait too long, again.”
You waved and muttered, “Thank you, Kuroo.”
He revved up his bike and was gone in seconds.
You remained in a daze as you walked back up to your apartment. Once you got inside, you plopped down on your couch and released a long sigh. “Who knew that college was going to be so exciting..”
[link to kuroo pic i found]
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kachulein · 4 years
It's just Felix's voice is on another lvl and everytime his part comes in a song it's like "I knew it was gonna happen but I still feel attacked thank you" and ya I'd love to get some help in knowing who they are like, I recognize them most of the time but a guide to who's who wouldnt hurt mostly abt their personalities you know?
Oof I feel you so much with this. In the new album 아니 (Any) is my favourite song and I especially like Felix's part. His voice isn't as deep there but god, the tone of his voice is just so pretty?? It had me hooked from the start.🥺
And I'm really sorry for only answering this ask now, granted, I have to admit I felt very grumpy after tumblr deleted the whole guide I was working on but I finally finished the new, and definitely better/more organized one, so I hope this will be of help and that you'll enjoy reading through it~
A Guide to Stray Kids' Personalities
I'll put this under a cut as it got extremely long. :3
Bang Chan:
Chan is literally the biggest sweetheart and I keep referring to him as 'emotional support kpop boy'
he is so kind and caring - I mean he even hosts a weekly vlive broadcast to help stays fall asleep, he really cares about us/our problems and truly wants to help us feel better with his music and his words
truly does not have one bad bone in his body- he's super sweet and caring but when it comes down to business -music- he gets strict, maybe a little cold? but that's just because he wants everyone to do their best
he used to be (too) strict with Felix in the past but that was because he had a special bond with him/he liked him so much, so I assume he's the type of person who wants to see his loved ones succeed and do their best and so he might end up being a little too strict to them since he wants them to improve
he used to get more angry at the members when something didn't work out in the past but nowadays, he rarely loses his temper and he tries to stay away from them when he's really angry - he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings
he actually really likes acting cute!! he used to be the youngest member at jype and he used to hang out with older peers, so he got a habit of acting cute and giving hugs to others and now he does it to the members, haha so precious
he gets super shy and flustered when he's being complimented - he starts giggling and looking down, it's literally the most precious and he deserves to know how amazing he is because he truly is so humble
his humble self is what makes him a great leader as well since he's never greedy or selfish and always puts the members before himself - the members are his top priority and he definitely sacrifices some things for the team
but he also said he can't talk about himself well or he gets nervous when he's got a schedule by himself (like when he recorded his dance cover of 2pm's my house), so he really seems like someone who gains strength and confidence from having his team around him
he's very selfless and very supportive and encouraging but he can also be very funny and teasing
he's very genuine, sincere and nice and he's got an extremely strong sense of responsibility (vvv good trait for a leader ofc), he may seem a bit scary at first/in the past but the more you learn about him the more amazing you will find him and the more you will fall in love with him tbh
in general he's honestly top notch boyfriend material and also just a very wholesome and high quality human being
he also likes to lead and set the mood, he enjoys entertaining others and making them feel satisfied - he hopes that everyone can be happy, he wants to make people happy and then he will be happy, too
and ofc we can't forget how talented he is, music production/composition, making arrangements, writing lyrics, translating lyrics, speaking multiple languages, beautiful singing voice, amazing dancer (he's actually done ballet in the past), and also a great rapper
like tbh, what can't he do??? but believe me when I say, we're going to be asking ourselves this question quite a few times in this post
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Minho is the definition of a tsundere personality - even the members said so - at first glance you may notice that he can be quite savage and funny and maybe there's even a chance that he seems cold to some-
however, he's truly a sweet person and has a very warm heart and he selflessly cares about others without trying to make a big deal out of it - like, he'd never boast about helping others or doing someone a favour, he's the type to quietly take care of others
he doesn't like admitting to it but he truly cares a lot despite acting nonchalant most of the time - like one time Changbin asked him to get him something,,, and he shrugged it off as "nah dude, I'm not getting this for you" but he kept searching for it for 30 minutes when he couldn't find it - so that really shows it all (Changbin that dork asked Hyunjin to get it for him and then when Minho finally came back and said he couldn't find it, Changbin was like "oh shit sorry, I already asked Hyunjin to bring it to me." 🤦🏻‍♀️ #justiceforminho)
anyway, I don't want people to view him as just a pretty face who's an amazing dancer and a savage guy because he's soooooo much more than that, like there's a lot more to him below the surface -
DID YOU KNOW HE MAKES THREADED BRACELETS IN HIS FREE TIME??? THAT'S THE ABSOLUTE SOFTEST THING EVER BUT ALSO WHAT CAN'T HE DO??? SO MUCH TALENT IN ONE PERSON- (he wore one in his recent solo live and he said he made 7 in total and gave some to others, I wonder if some of the other members got one since I saw Hyunjin wearing a bracelet like that-)
he's a cat person which I love but he also resembles a cat so much?? a true kitty boy- he's very independent and self-reliant, he used to live by himself (I read that once), so he knows how to get around
he also enjoys things such as the smell of gasoline/gas stations or the smell of new buildings or even the smell of cat paws??? it's really odd but also really funny and his reason for it is that smells leave behind memories and I think that makes so much sense then-
he cares a lot about the wellbeing of animals and people and he even sponsors a child in Africa through UNICEF - my heart melted when I found out about that, he also can be seen wearing safety pins on multiple occasions and that just makes me feel like you'd be very safe with him
he can be a bit of an enigma though, even the members think he's "weird"/hard to understand as even they don't fully get him but I think that's his charm! he's not like everybody and he doesn't shy away from being himself
also, he never makes the younger members do stuff for him, on the dance team(s?) he was on predebut, he always used to be one of the youngest members so he said he never learned how to treat people younger than him (he's also an only child), so he's just comfortable with the younger skz members and I feel like they really appreciate it since it makes them feel as if they're all the same age
he also reads a lot and he's said that he reads many self-help books so that he can gain knowledge and help stays out there/convey the message of these books to them
with Minho it's really about the little things, he doesn't make grand gestures and that's why I think some people may overlook his kind and caring nature but if you really look closely, you can see it and it'll warm your heart
He's also very diligent and hardworking, albeit he seems to be someone who gets bored here and there ("I work out to kill time") he really has his goals and ambitions and he works hard for them.
His dancing is freaking amazing (@ jype pls he is a main dancer why is he rarely in center spot????) and his vocals and rapping have improved tremendously! He's got such a beautiful and angelic falsetto tbh you will fall in love with it-
So all in all, you can totally appreciate him for his wit and his savage comments but honestly, his kind and caring heart is what really made him my bias wrecker. I truly believe that he's a very caring and protective person and I find that so beautiful.
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Changbinnie oh god, I have so much love for him and I can relate to him a lot. First of all, he always makes sure to be a good listener, so others tend to go to him with their concerns and he tries to take everything in that they say and then give them comfort
he cares a lot about other people's feelings and he puts a lot of importance on his relationships with other people - he wants others to feel comfortable around him and he is very thankful that the younger members also feel comfortable around him
he's a very honest person and doesn't pretend or fake anything, however, if his truth/his feelings would hurt someone else's feelings, he's not going to be honest. That doesn't mean that he's going to lie but he just cares a lot about not hurting other's feelings.
he said even if someone else's feelings are just a little bit hurt, it drives him crazy and he also said that he might be like that since he's sensitive and gets hurts by others easily (this is all so relatable😭)
anyway, Changbin is known for liking to joke around and also is one of the member who get teased by the others a lot, but fear not, he said that he actually enjoys when others tease him because that means they're comfortable with him and that makes him happy
how precious is that omg-
he makes jokes a lot but he is serious when he needs to be, he tends to be more fun around others/with others but is more serious when he's on his own, that's why he actually prefers to be around friends since it helps him forget about his own concerns
I guess he'd be an overthinker and to stop himself from overthinking he spends time playing around with the other members but in a way, I also feel a bit worried since he doesn't open up a lot and I hope he doesn't bottle up his feelings too much since I know how difficult that can be :c
on another note, Changbin is very focused on his health, he apparently works out every morning even when he's tired, he also cares about healthy nutrition and he takes supplements so that he can be healthier
apart from wanting others to feel comfortable around him, he also wants to be seen as a reliable person and it feels good to him when he can help someone/give them comfort
he's truly such a sweetheart and despite seeming so confident, I always feel like he might harbour a lot of insecurities underneath - but that's just my personal opinion, so take that with a grain of salt
the members also said he's the scariest when he gets mad but the sweet thing is that he always apologises to everyone after getting mad
even if he didn't get mad at everyone, he still apologises to them all, and it just shows what a good heart he's got-
and pls can we also talk about how talented he is as a producer, composer, lyricist, main rapper, and vocalist?? His voice is so beautiful and I hope he gets more confident in it and tbh he's also a really good dancer, so I hope he can get praised for his dancing more often as well (before he became a rapper he actually tried out dancing first)
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"sexy boy" Hyunjinnie here is actually so much more than just a pretty face with great body proportions and amazing and sexy dance moves/skills
Hyunjin is the biggest soft boy, he's truly a sentimentalist - he gets hurt easily, Seungmin compared him to a snowflake that breaks when it touches the ground
he first thought of himself as mentally strong since that's what helps him overcome all the difficulties but later on (in that video) he felt like he was more mentally weak
he cares a lot about other people's opinion of him and it's really hard for him to ignore hate comments, he gets really sensitive about those (pls for the love of god, what a**holes are sending this precious angel hate?!?!?!?! I WANNA FITE (ง'̀-'́)ง)
with that being said, he's a very emotional boy, he tries to control his emotions or hold them in but he gets influenced by them quite often
he's also very honest with his feelings, so when he expresses them and when he breaks down, they all just burst out of him and he ends up spilling everything he's held in for a while
he doesn't really express his emotions skillfully (don't @ me, Changbin said that) so that can make you feel a bit sorry for him or it can make you feel like you want to take care of him because he's so innocent, naive and trusts easily
like really, he is, he almost got abducted by a cult once- SOMEONE PROTECT HIM PLS-
he also gets immersed in things very easily and boi do I feel him on this one; especially when he watches dramas, he gets so immersed and feels like he's living through the drama as if it happened to himself, he puts himself in the shoes of the male/female main character and the storyline just affects him so much that he often ends up crying (same same😭)
it also happens when he reads webtoons or so, he's also a huge fan of reading - ever since an acquaintance recommended him some books when he was going through a hard time and those books comforted him in a way that words never could - that was the start of his interest in reading
from the outside, we also know him as a bit of a drama queen which actually makes for so many hilarious moments - this impulsive/emotional side of him is just so authentic and he said that there's no side of him that he hasn't shown to stays
he can also be quite critical tbh and he's got his own standards for his likes and dislikes, so when something doesn't meet his standards he breaks down akdksksoals but when there's something he doesn't want to do or thinks doesn't serve him, he's got no problem cutting it off
despite that, he can actually get swayed by other people quite easily (hence, him being trusting and naive), when others make suggestions, he often agrees to them but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have his own opinions whatsoever, because he does have those as well
it's just easy to sway/persuade him, even when it comes to things like shopping - he rarely goes shopping tbh, despite dressing so well - but when he does, then he'll go get the things he finds pretty but when someone points something out and says "that's pretty" he'll buy it (so in conclusion, I really wanna go shopping with him now)
so yeah, Hyunjin is amazing and he's so compassionate and emotional and empathetic and I love him so much wtf and he's so hardworking and talented and his dancing is so amazing and his rapping has become so damn good, like his voice is loud and stable like good job baby🥺, I'm so proud of you🥺, and his singing voice is so soft and lovely, and he's also great at taking pictures- and aaaah seriously what can't he do??? he is a full package imo and you cannot escape his charms even if you try-
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okay so Jisungie is seriously such a precious and shy bean and you don't really see this at first glance because he's so sociable, outgoing and cheerful when he's with the members
but that's the thing: he's close to them and they make him feel comfortable and confident, so he feels at ease and can show a more talkative side of himself - he's even the one who usually leads the conversation
he's extremely funny, has a lot of wit, is great at doing acrostic poems and in general, he's just such a creative person with many amazing ideas - some may call him a genius😌
but coming back to that shy side of his; he's actually a very introverted person; he doesn't like to leave the house and and hates moving in general - Jisung in bed is Jisung in his natural habitat tbh
on days off he prefers to stay indoors, lay in bed, and just watch youtube videos or tv shows or something - he doesn't like to go out or do outdoor activities and his eyes are always glued to the phone (relatable)
even when he's eating with the members he's having his earbuds in and watches something on his phone and then he gets really creative and uses all kinds of things to mount his phone (again, so relatable hhhh)
his routine is something like watching youtube videos/cartoons etc., falling asleep, waking up, spacing out and then repeating the whole process-
he sleeps really well and he can actually fall asleep in the weirdest places, it really shows how he can fall asleep everywhere but maybe he also seeks special hideouts to nap because he doesn't like being woken up and if the members can't see/find him, they also can't wake him... you get it hahaha~
Chan thought that maybe Jisung watches all these things on his phone as a way to escape reality and to relieve stress but Jisung also said that he gets a lot of inspiration from cartoons and videos to write lyrics - due to watching all these videos he actually harbours a lot of random trivia knowledge, which fits the genius description~
however, despite this outgoing side when he's with his close friends, he actually gets scared easily, may it be heights or dark places or meeting new people - protect him omg - especially with strangers he's extremely shy -> the introvert showing
he actually doesn't talk at all when he has to meet new people, he gets very nervous and awkward and scared - when they're at music shows and there's a lot of people around, he gets very nervous - he said he's never been good at making friends and he only keeps a few close friends
when he gets close to people, however, he becomes extremely talkative with no limit, he's also very affectionate and warm-hearted, his sentimental, soft and dreamy side really coming through
so basically, he's very cheerful on the outside but thoughtful on the inside - he's actually very mature despite the goofy and silly/playful side he usually shows us -> Changbin once said that Jisung feels like an older brother to him because of how mature he is, he really is a deep thinker and I guess that's also a reason why he's so amazing at writing songs
Jisung also got something we're all envious of; he can eat lots of unhealthy things without gaining weight - he loves sweet things (but also chips) and he frequently eats late night snacks and luckily for him, his face rarely puffs up despite those late night snacks, there's only been a few occasions during which that happened (and I think I got a picture of one of these instances hahahaha he really looks different with a puffy face, so cute!!!🥺😂)
he's also just such an adorable person and it's so soft and cute and fun to watch him get excited and he absolutely loves to receive praise and he's just such a baby boy tbh :(( jisung protection squad where ya at?? and well, of course, we can't end this without talking about his endless list of talents like WHAT CAN'T THIS MAN DO??? producing songs, composing, writing lyrics, amazing rapping, amazing vocals, amazing dancing, drawing, voice imitations - he's seriously one of the most talented all-rounder out there and god I love him so much and you seriously can't escape his squirrel/quokka charms🥺
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if you need a definition or a personification of the word pure, it would be Felix, like seriously, this boy is so soft and precious we need to protect him at all costs
he's literally so nice, so sweet, so kind and so creative - he's often referred to as the "romanticist" in stray kids and yeah that really fits because you know what? he once surprised Seungmin for his birthday in the cutest way. He called him on his birthday and asked him for help (as an excuse) and when Seungmin came down, Felix was there with a birthday cake with Seungmin's nickname on it - he basically organized this little surprise and Seungmin tried so hard not to cry🥺🥺🥺
Felix is so considerate and cares a lot about the other members, he's usually more of a quiet person but when he feels comfortable around someone, he can get really talkative
but him not talking doesn't mean there's nothing going on inside of him - he's literally got so many thoughts running around in his mind and he's truly an overthinker - he talks to himself in his mind a lot
he also loves playing games and he can seriously go on playing until 6am, the members said that he is very good at concentrating (for example when he studies Korean) but especially also when he's playing games
Felix said that playing games is something that helps him relieve stress or it's what he does when he's tired - playing games is a distraction for him, so he can avoid thinking of whatever's troubling him
however, recently he wants to focus more on his concerns and worries, he thinks it's not something he should avoid, so now he tries to focus on these worries and talk about them/express them more since he thinks it's important to do so
something that's really cute about him but also worrisome is that he gets sleepy easily, especially after eating, so whenever they got dance practice, he tends not to eat in order to avoid getting sleepy :(
protect him pls and pls lixie don't avoid eating~ especially when having dance practice you need your energy and it's not good to have an empty stomach and fill it with coffee and sweet beverages instead of food :(
anyway, Felix is winsome and cute and an absolute cuddle buddy, he says he doesn't really know what it means to act cute but I suppose he's just naturally cute and adorable- I MEAN C'MON-
whenever Felix talks about serious matters, it's like he needs some sort of comfort afterwards so he requires a lot of cuddles (but the members said that after a while it gets too hot (I guess because of his body heat??) so it can be hard for them to cuddle him for long periods of time :'))
Felix is also known as our sunshine, he always wants to give a positive and happy impression to others/us stays even when he might be dealing with negative thoughts, it's too precious but I hope he also takes care of himself
but trying to be optimistic and think positively instead of letting the negative thoughts consume you is already a good start and I feel like Chan also helped him a lot with this, Chanlix best soulmates ever
Felix has high expectations (it seems) and he always wants to do better and do well, he's working hard on improving himself and it really shows!!
his singing voice improved so much (as well as his rapping!! and I mean H I S  V O I C E in general oof😭🥺) and his dancing is freaking amazing!! I hope he can become confident in himself because he deserves to be happy with the person he is since he's such a huge inspiration to so many of us!! SERIOUSLY WHAT CAN'T HE DO?? he shows us that we can achieve anything with practice and hard work and that's so inspiring PLS EVERYONE LOVE OUR FELIX SUNSHINE
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I think the first words that come to mind when thinking of Seungmin is how diligent and clean/organized he is. He was one of the only (if not THE only) trainee who never missed a day of writing his trainee logs
he's not just diligent but extremely hardworking overall and he describes himself as serious and a bit funny - he's got very strong willpower tbh
he may also be known for teasing the members, especially Jeongin, or for nagging when someone (looking at you, Jisung) leaves behind a mess at the dorm but he is truly a sweetheart and he doesn't mean any harm
and in turn, he's also one of the members who gets teased the most- when that happens he becomes upset but he recovers very quickly as he often thinks it's not worth getting mad over
like honestly, he is a puppy, he can't do no harm :< but yeah, Seungmin is actually extremely soft, emotional, empathetic and supportive!! I've been keeping an eye on him recently and whenever something happens to a member (on a variety show - for example when one member shows off something and embarrasses himself or so), he's always there to give them a hug, comforting them
he also always tries to cheer other members up when they feel down, then he may act silly or he does/say something that's supportive because he truly cares about the members and doesn't like seeing them in pain
he's also someone who cries very easily, showing how he's truly an emotional baby but don't be phased, he's actually very emotionally strong and it's something very admirable about him
he has God sent vocals, his dancing is amazing and omg have you heard rapper!Seungmin?? Tbh I dig it!! He strictly takes care of his voice since his vocals and recording songs is very important to him - he dresses warmly when it's cold, always wears a mask and tries not to get sick
he's also very good at taking photos and he always brings his camera to official schedules and takes photos of the members. SEUNGMIN BEST STRAY KIDS FANSITE!!!!!
if you ever hear a weird noise, especially something sounding like "GAAAH" or "DA", it's probably Seungmin. He's truly a puppy, he's so cute and adorable, I feel like he's the type of person you can't get mad at
he also manages himself well, from getting up early, to cooking food for himself if there's none, to taking care of his body and health - it's really admirable and he also practices his singing so diligently and it just s h o w s- he's so good
also, he actually wanted to become a baseball player when he was a kid and we're still waiting for him to show us how he plays-
but also!!! he is a very smart and logical person (he wanted to be a prosecutor if he wasn't in stray kids) so he's got both the logical and also the very loving, empathetic side since he's also very considerate of the members - he seems to be a really good listener to them, this is just a personal observation from watching two kids room episodes- and he's actually the only member who thinks before he speaks- THANK YOU SEUNGMING I LOVE WHEN PEOPLE DON'T JUST BLURT EVERYTHING OUT-
so really ???? WHAT CAN'T HE DO HE IS A FULL PACKAGE- and fun fact, he brushes his teeth around 6 times a day-
but anyway, Seungmin is the type of person who appreciates the small things in life and finds happiness through those. I really like that attitude and he's truly someone worth looking up to. Our multitalented dandy boy- you can only love him~
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Jeongin here may be the youngest - and granted he is absolutely cute and adorable no matter what he does - but he's actually also a very mature person and I feel like that can be overlooked since he's the youngest of the team
while it can be hard for him to share his struggles as there's no one else his age in skz, he's also generally a person who doesn't want to burden others with his hardships so he keeps a lot of stuff to himself (so relatable)
but recently his mom talked to him about him not sharing his feelings and he's trying to open up more and share a bit, when the other members ask him if it's been hard, he often bursts into tears - god, protect him pls
even though he doesn't talk or show that much there's these moments - one time he was eating with Hyunjin and just broke down in tears since it's been hard for him - I suppose he bottles stuff up and then it comes out all of a sudden
however, his mature side is still there and the members, especially Hyunjin or Chan really enjoy sharing their feelings with him
Jeongin is a really great listener, he doesn't try to give solutions, he just listens to the other person and then shares his own experiences - it's what makes him seem mature
though he also has a bit of a mature and even cold look, so usually the first impression he gives off is different from his actual self and he said he enjoys seeing how people get surprised when they get closer to him and learn about his true self
he's also extremely clumsy and causes trouble often - from breaking doors, to accidentally hurting members, to spilling stuff, he's a clumsy boi
and he's also really forgetful, he tends to forget when he orders something online and gets surprised when it suddenly arrives or he forgets where he put his belongings (like his airpods jajdjskdks) and then he just buys new ones and then loses them again after a few months- aish that boi-
but these things are also what makes him even more lovable, like yes, he definitely has a mature side about him but you just want to protect and take care of him when you see him, amiright???
the members also said (or more like Hyunjin said) that he doesn't know anyone who's kinder and nicer than Jeongin
and on top of that, he's also a very hardworking member and his dancing and his vocals have improved soooooo much, and I'm so so so proud of him, like his voice is so beautiful
and he's been getting into working out recently, so now he's also trying to take good care of his body and wow, he's been doing a really good job even the members commented on how his back/shoulders are becoming broader
all in all, Jeongin is the cute and adorable maknae of Stray Kids but he's also so much more than just the youngest member and he's got so many things going for him and he always pushes through even when it's hard and never gives up
it's truly admirable like what can't he do right????? pls show our cute baby lots of love uwu
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hoe-imaginess · 4 years
tried to put older ones at the top. 
ALSO: I got a lot of requests in the last few weeks and just wanted to post a general reply in reminder that my ASK BOX IS CLOSED! Not accepting any requests right now, sorry! I delete any that come in
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i BEEN A YEEHAW BINCH SINCE DAY ONE GORLLL. we stan 4am whataburger in this house 
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I do!! I used to have gold but it got kinda expensive in comparison to what I was charging for ko-fi’s. If you don’t have that extra $6 a month it’s not worth it boo ):
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Ahhh congrats! Sorry I’m so late!! I think it’s always worth it to stick with the original blog since you’ve accumulated followers there, and you never know if they’re going to miss out on the transition to your new one. It takes some time to restructure a blog but it’s definitely worth it to keep the original
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the amount of HIM’s in One Piece is unbelievable I whore for everyone
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I’m doing ok!!!! I go a little crazy indoors but I’m keeping myself busy <3 my immune system is shit so I’m on utter lock down, but better safe than sorry
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I keep up sporadically with the manga!! I stopped watching it when I caught up a few months ago, think I ended on Whole Cake? I know what’s happening currently but I haven’t read too into depth in the Wano arc. I usually just... pop into the spoilers tags... to see Law... bc I love him... 
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Mito and Hashi are a powerful duo. Mito has a lot of brains cells she has to share with Hashi but that’s ok!!!! I do think Tobirama and Mito would get along too!
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Basically tbh he sees one thing out of place and he must destroy
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i’D HEARD IT WAS A REALLY BAD CHAPTER. this is a late response but MANGA READERS THAT ONE WEEK... we were all a mess (and no I haven’t watched but I’ve been recommended to do so quite a lot so I’ll hop on it soon!) 
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Hmm!!!! I actually find a *shorter* first chapter is a good way to hook the reader without making them claw through too much writing to get a sense of what’s going on. Like, if I see a first chapter is reallllly long I sometimes have to do it to em, and scroll a bit to the middle to see what’s going on, and to double check that it’s a fic I want to take the time to read
1300 words isn’t too much though!!! Omg I’ve written much longer first chapters lmao. If you feel weird about it you can maybe find a good place to split that 1300 into two chapters?? But definitely make sure it’s split in a good place. It’s always good to leave the reader wanting more. If you can end on a short cliff hanger or a tense moment, that’s 10/10
That being said it would probably be wise to make the rest of the chapters of a similair average length. I’ve read fics that have shorter or longer chapters and it’s not bad (unless I’m grieving because it’s too short AND I REQUIRE MOREEE) but it might help you with actually planning your plot
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I DON’T!!! But I want his ninja dick so bad. Maybe i’ll whip something up for him soon. For the culture 
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When you sent this a while ago it actually inspired me to pick it up again!! I’m fixing it so it comes up with more accurate (?) results since I think the first one was so messed up. Everyone kept getting Madara sksksks. It’s still in the works but I wanna post it again! They’re super fun to make
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It’s so hard trying to keep a character that you love IC because... i want him to not be as much of an asshole as he is in canon... so unfortunately I gotta let him be an asshole sometimes. On the other hand, fortunately he’s such a minor guy I get some room to explore w him and I really hope it pays off, so thank you!!!
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Girl, eye—someties
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did Itachi Uchiha send me this
(i love u too)
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RIGHT!!! i would have never guessed. Like, if Kishi could see us... he’d be fucking floored....
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Queen!!! I do!!! I don’t have much up rn but I got 234232 Word docs with WIP fics that I hope to post at some point, ty ilysm 
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@any59​ ty ty!
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Ahhhh!!! thank you!!! It was my biggest project to date <3 
(HxH spoilers below vvvvv)
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I don’t really think Feitan is... so far removed from his emotions (Like Meruem) that he would really need to change that drastically for someone if he really liked them—that being said, he’s not going to change, either. If by change we mean he’s suddenly as enamored and endearing with them as Meruem is with Komugi... then I don’t think that’s going to happen regardless. We kinda see Feitan being a good and decently considerate comrade to the Troupe, so that would obviously extend to this girl/boy, maybe with a sliver of extra fondness if we’re talking romantically. But otherwise, Feitan seems like a “you get what you get” type of guy, that would inherently be *tender* with someone he liked, but not so tender that he’d have to have a whole philosophical/personality change
Ok now I’m confusing myself aksjdhfkjs. Basically:
Meruem had to like, undergo some existential shit to get where he was Komugi. I think Feitan already has the capacity to care for someone, even if his way of caring isn’t exactly rainbows and butterflies. So it’s not like he has to change. He just has to find the right person that doesn’t 1) get on his nerves and 2) get on his nerves enough that he’s gonna kill them
Feitan is a simple man. You piss him off. You die. You don’t? Ok. He’ll be nice
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I did!!!
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Thank you for accepting me I’m glad to be here
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akjdhfakjshfsj i know this was a serious comment but when i first read it I wanted to laugh asdhfkasjhf the “ap lit” inclusion sent me. What was so horrible about ap lit that this girl thought she was dying? Ap lit will really get you
(But I know!! I’d forgotten I’d taken it that morning! I have one of those cute pill organizers and I thought I’d taken it out but did not...)
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Forgive me!!! I felt dumba fterwards hence why I deleted the post. Do not worry! This is the dose I was prescribed. I figured I would get some really manic reactions when trying a new dosage so now I know that’s not gonna work lol 
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ajkshdfkjshfjksa izuna wants tobirama’s death to be as quick and natural as possible
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thank  you!!!! I didn’t think you guys would like them so much <3
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It’s been so long since I watched Psycho Pass or even looked into anything about it so pls take my thoughts with a grain of salt but:
I’m gonna say probably not? He’s one of those typical antags that have such strong ideals that... I don’t think even if the corrupt system was taken down he’d be entirely absolved of his ideals, or at the least, of the journey he’s taken in pursuit of those ideals. I don’t think a guy like him could ultimately settle down once the dust clears, and especially not with a lover or a family or anything like that. If he did want to lead a normal life it would probably be in seclusion
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Thank you!!!!!!
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skjhasjkdfhajkhsd they would never. Only room for one tongue on that body and they’ll fight for their tongue rights
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Ahhh yeah my master post is so bad I swear I’m gonna fix it one day—I don’t think I have one of Madara!
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I do not ):
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@cacauatecacauate​ thanks for the kind words!! I’m not accepting requests right now though! I am planning on posting more to that story though, just not right now!
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(I think this was in response to when I missed your ko-fi about the bakers) thank you! and thanks for supporting!
21 notes · View notes
strvwberryblcnde · 4 years
👫 teddy/lana
send a 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons i have about our muses’ relationship.
ok so. lana has a habit of sharing food as one of her many love languages i think. she jst likes.... giving ppl things even if it means she’ll have less. she’d let a wolf make a meal out of her n eat every last piece if she loved him n she knew he’d feel full. bt of everyone i feel like teddy hs always been the one she does this w most.... like even when they first met in the cafeteria she gave him spoonfuls of her greek yogurt n honey. whenever she’s eating fruit (which is a lot she’s obsessed w strawberries n peaches n grapes n tangerines n oranges) she’ll ALWAYS give him half whether tht’s segmenting up pieces or dividing bites evenly between them n Without Fail it’ll always b half tht she gives him whereas she might give other ppl like.... a bite or a piece or two bt......... it’s rly specific each time tht she gives teddy half. it isn’t even intentional it’s jst like a subconscious thing bt if we were to slide on spectacles n analyse this in an english class fr it’s Meaning then. looks at u then looks away. i think this represents the way tht teddy hs always felt like another half of her. they’re one in the same. in a lot of ways they’re very similar mayb even................ TOO similar n that’s why it’s been sch a fking.... bastard of trying to work things out ever bc they very much hv the same rampant commitment issues n bad timing n fears of never being gd enough. i feel like in the past a guy she ws dating (noncommittally as lana tended to do these things) wld have even noticed this n it would have bugged him a lot just like... how close she was w teddy in general............. n he would’ve one day brought it up in the middle of a fight he’d picked jst cutting away from what they were talking abt to be like. u only ever give me one bite but u would give teddy all of it if he asked u to. tell me i’m wrong. n she’d scoff out a laugh in disbelief looking around like omg...... all this over a fruit...... what are u even sa-- n he’d cut her off n be like. literally tell me i’m wrong lana. n she wouldn’t even b able to after going quiet n rly realising what it was he was actually Saying. he’d storm out. relationship over. icons of always being a little bit in love w each other n not even noticing it until someone else points it out <3
god. sighs dramatically at the idea i jst had. i cn imagine in la verse lana being rly drunk getting bk from a date one time n inevitably it was just some random loser since she’s back to dating Trash in this era bc she just truly cbas trying after her breakup w dom n............. it would be like a parallel to tht one time they’d fallen out over him sleeping w imogen when she ws upset w him bt crawled into his bed drunk at a party just to lie w him for a little while despite everything...... she wld have gone to his instead of hers on some drunken automatic pilot n somehow got into his room n..... she’d clamber in n flop nxt to him n maybe it wld be funny at first if he woke up n was like lana what the fk...... are u doing here.... so disorientated n confused.......... n she’d just be joking initially bt very clearly drunk like making fun of her date talking abt how he kept complimenting his own hair n calling himself a tesla in a sea of prius’ n checking himself out in every window they passed n then the laughter wld slowly trickle off n she’d go kind of quiet fr a moment n maybe teddy wld assume she ws passing out bc she’d drank sm bt after a short silence she’d perk up with a mumble out of nowhere n, barely conscious of what she’s saying, b like “why didn’t u wait for me like u said u would”. n if he was like.............. huh? she’d have her eyes shut n just b murmuring half awake then open them sleepily to look at him n rly quietly be like........ “u promised”. mayb she’d even reach out to gingerly trace his face bt then her wrist wld go slack bc she was rly tired n she’d just wriggle closer n tuck her head to get comfy n be like “warm” then promptly fall asleep. JSGSFKGHFHGKHGSFKH. literally jst jolting him awake w this rarely serious n genuine conversation then passing out. jst the worst fk teddy’s life bet he lay there staring at the ceiling fr so long after tht one <3 lana wouldn’t remember this in the morning either she’d wake up like why am i here........ did we meet up last night............ teddy jst like >_> u crashed here it was nbd.
i picture the first week they moved to LA lana wldn’t have admitted it bt she wld be feeling rly homesick............ radcliffe was very much like the first place she truly felt was her home n she’d miss all of the ppl there n just the general area A Lot............. one night i can see her jst wanting to spend with teddy to have like a sense of familiarity in an unfamiliar city (even if she’s spent a decent amt of time there over the yrs bc of jameson records hving studios etc bt still) n i’m imagining them like. breaking into an indoor swimming complex that her n her friends in high skl used to break into in the summers when they vacationed yrs ago.... maybe lana still has a key cut tht works from a connection she made bk then idk <3 it doesn’t matter <3 n they’d inevitably be drunk n just messing around n splashing each other n doing handstand competitions n all the typical..... fun frivolous childish antics lana n teddy tend to get into whenever they’re around each other.... truly jst transformed into big kids whenever they’re in the other’s company..... inspired a little by this gifset jst in terms of the playing around underwater vibe. anyway. mayb they mostly dry off bt they end up climbing up onto the rooftop after n it’s a baking summer night anyway so it isn’t like they’ll catch a cold being damp bt they share a big fluffy towel n bottle of rum between them huddled overlooking the lights of the city. n maybe somehow it gets onto lana admitting how much she misses home n how it’s kind of weird being here especially bc she’s further from caleb. she’s never been this far from him since he was away in the army n we all kno hw tht turned out. mayb she’d go a bit quiet after saying this bt then i think she’d take his hand w their fingers laced together n she’d rest her head on his shoulder n be like. at least i’ll always have u. it’s like i took a piece of home w me. we’ve always had each other like that. then she’d perk up n lift her head n be like let’s make a deal. i’ll be ur home if u’ll be mine. ok? n make him pinky promise. i dnt think she’d quite consider the sentimentality in tht bt 😔 she nvr rly does she jst says what feels natural without attention paid to the deeper meaning tht motivated it n.... sighs. looks at u then looks away....
this is inspired by tht scene in don’t trust the b in apartment 23 where she’s like “look. that video of me getting rawed by my best friend means the world to me.” KJGFGJKSFHKGHKSFGHKFSHKGSHGK god. inevitably in lana n teddy’s prime when they were literally hooking up 24/7 in earlier college yrs they made.............. a few videos. i mean it’s jst realistic. it’s jst common sense. probably even a feature length film at one point. n i had this idea where bc teddy’s trying to get into acting etc mayb if he gets an agent his agent is like.... do u have any dirt u need to take care of? loose ends to tie up? incriminating files to delete? sex tapes? n if he was like... ya..... mayb his agent wld have asked him to delete them if he still had them on his computer or w.e i mean i kno lana wld n wouldn’t have deleted them she wld have been proud of their work of art...... bt maybe he told lana abt this just laughing abt it n the atmosphere ws lighthearted at first bc she’d find it rly funny too like ommmmggggggg i’m a skeleton in ur closet tht is so fun if u get famous i cld be blasted all over perez hilton that’s kind of sexy..... bt............... mayb she’d as a joke be like. mayb we shld watch it one last time before u delete it. kind of like a funeral service. a goodbye party. sailing out the flaming viking raft n paying our respects u know??? n they were joking bk n forth bt then she’d be like. seriously tho mayb we should? growing more accustomed to the idea actually being a genuine one even tho tht is fking. the WORST idea i have EVER heard in the world like i do NOT know how lana wld think she has the self control to do that bt in her head she’s like. teddy n i are jst best friends now... it’s fine........... we’re open w each other it’s just a bit of fun.......... n then i can imagine if he went along w this it’s like a game of chicken they’re playing w each other where they’re both like fking hell shd we do this.... dnt wna seem like I’M the one tht thinks i can’t handle it........ n it’s some back n forth like nick n jess in new girl where they’re daring each other to have the threeway w the landlord. bt then like not even.... a minute into watching it as they’re both silently holding their breath n crunching popcorn they mde for the occasion (insisting on acting like it ws just a normal movie night) lana wld literally have to be like. slams laptop shut. UMMMM i forgot.... i....... have a very important meeting......... n teddy’s just like. meeting? u don’t have a job... what are u ta-- n she’s like A MEETING A VERY IMPORTANT MEETING...... very blatantly squirming around as she slowly gets up n tries to head fr the door... n teddy’s like.... taking the excuse without much question too like... ya i have to run lines actually i jst remembered gt an audition coming up..... n they’re both like ya haha... maybe some other time.... or maybe just delete it it’s whatever.... anyway we gtg haha... bye.... ttyl...... lana wld literally hv to SPRINT out of there to go home n. deal w how flustered this made her i won’t lie. she bumps into parker n is all flushed in the face n is just like CAN’T TALK BYE n takes off sprinting again like some kind of freak. it’d b a train wreck. i jst think that’d b rly funny tho n dare i say it? it’s canon. 
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kpopshitposter · 5 years
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“Come cuddle.”
Writing Prompt Meme
I think this got a lil long (I love chan so much) but basically Chan comes into the coffee shop you work in (bc coffee shop AUs will never be overdone) and you fall in love with him instantly because who wouldn’t and then he makes your life better because what else would he do
Potential warning: This contains mention of a parent remarrying and getting a lil drunk at their wedding
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If someone were to ask you to describe what happened in one sentence, you’d say a volcano erupted in your heart and destroyed everything in its path. That’s what it was like to fall for him. It was a violent, sudden hot mess.
You had met him by chance and were instantly smitten. He smiled so brightly and made you feel so at ease, so calm. He had this vibrant energy about him that, even when he was simply asking for coffee, you felt beautiful despite the apron wrapped around you.
You found yourself wanting desperately for him to come in. You started trying to look your best and thinking about him all day long. He’d only talk to you in short bursts, but they were always the highlight of your day. You found yourself asking for more shifts just in case he was going to come in. It was so wonderful to have some form of consistency, something to rely on. It was so wonderful to have something become familiar to you, finally, since you moved here and started university.
One morning he made a joke about you seeing each other so often that you’re basically best friends. You tried to not seem too happy about that.
He learned your name.
You learned his. Chris. You treasured this new knowledge like it was an incredibly precious secret.
He starts to ask about you - how long have you been working here? What do you do when you’re not here? It makes you feel so special, like someone cares about you, is interested in you. At first, you’re ashamed of yourself for being so taken by him, but when your world comes crashing down around you and he’s the only one there for you, your heart whispers a very gentle I told you so.
The news comes like a slap in the face. Your father is remarrying.
You’ve never even met his new partner. How could he be doing this? How could he bring a stranger into your life in such a permanent way? To make things worse, he didn’t tell you in person. Oh, no. The coward simply sent an invitation in the post. The only type of communication you’ve received from literally anyone about anything is some weird unknown number trying to call you. Since moving, not even your old friends have kept in touch with you.
When you ring him, he didn’t answer. That wouldn’t be the last time he avoids your call.
It’s barely been six months. You thought you understood him not visiting you since you moved out of the city, but the wedding is going to be near where you live, so he must have visited the venue and didn’t even think to tell you... You’ve never felt so unimportant.
Just thinking about it makes you angry, and it’s not until Chris is in front of you and looking concerned that you realise you’ve been wallowing in your thoughts. Your sniffle comes as a surprise to you. You quickly try to wipe away the tears begging to reveal themselves.
He doesn’t ask if you’re okay, because that would be a pointless question. Instead, he directs his request to your colleague. He doesn’t want to bring attention to you. You smile at him gratefully but it doesn’t reach your eyes. You find your chance to slip out the back and crumble to the floor of the car park.
You’re not sure why you’re crying. Maybe too much has changed at once. Maybe you feel betrayed. Maybe you thought out of everyone, you were a priority to your family. The last thought is the one that sticks with you. You’ve never been a priority for anyone, have you? Your father never cared about what view you might have on this, he never cared enough to introduce you two. If he doesn’t, who would?
The tears aren’t just half-there anymore. Your cries are coming out loudly. Why can’t you camouflage into this wall? Why, why, why? Why do you even bother?
The sound of your name startles you. You gasp, red eyes landing on the sweet-looking boy standing over you. You quickly try to rectify your image, fix your face, fix your hair, fix your clothes. Smile. Laugh. Be strong, for once.
He slowly kneels down in front of you. “What happened?” he looks like he really cares. You look back with distrust. “You might feel better if you talk to someone.” You continue to stare at him. “Oh-” he shifts and reaches into his pocket to bring out some tissues for you.
When you clean your face and wipe your nose with them you decide this couldn’t be more embarrassing.
“Please don’t keep it in, that will only hurt more.”
You want to ask him why he’s so nice to you, but you’re afraid you won’t like the answer.
“My dad is remarrying.” he tilts his head like he’s expecting more of an explanation than that. “I… that’s not the issue, that’s fine.” you don’t want him to think you’re selfish. You explain the full situation. How long does your rant go on for? You’re not even sure. You let it all out. You let everything out. How alone you feel.  How unimportant you must be. “I don’t even think I want to go to the wedding at this point.”
“Why not?”
“It will be so awkward and I’ll probably just end up having a mental breakdown in the middle of the ceremony.”
He’s somehow ended up sitting on the ground beside you. “Wouldn’t you regret not going? The way you feel won’t last forever.”
“Yeah, well, I might regret going, too.”
“But at least you can say you tried. You should still go. If you really can’t handle it you can leave early, but if you don’t even try you’ll always wonder. You shouldn’t assume the worst without knowing anything, maybe he cares so much about you which is why he’s scared to talk to you.”
That rings a little too true. You feel bad for jumping to conclusions and that kind of makes you want to start crying again.
“Even if it’s not awkward I’ll end up spending the entire time alone. I…” you take a deep breath and rub your face. Unless ... “Would you… go with me?”
“I know I’ll chicken out without someone to force me.” you also might be finding an excuse to spend some time with him. “Plus, if it ends up being the worst mistake of my life it will be your fault that I went. It’s only fair you go, too.”
Chris looks like he’s thinking it over and you expect to hear don’t be weird, we barely know each other, but instead, he says “Deal. I’ll go with you, and if you end up regretting going I’ll treat you to whatever you want.”
“Yeah? Promise?” He scoops up your pinky with his own and presses his thumb to yours. You feel your whole body ignite with life.
“Yaaaay!” he cutely cheers, wiggling your hand. “It will be fun.”
So, that was that.
You exchanged numbers and smiles before you went back in to finish your shift.
That night, and every night, and every morning, and every afternoon, you spend time staring at your phone. You want to message him so much, but you had no excuses (at least, none that wouldn’t come across as totally creepy). You’d think about funny ways to continue conversations you might have had when he came into the shop, but nothing came to mind.
By the time it came to planning for the wedding you had stared at his number so much that you knew it by heart. So, when it popped up, you almost smashed your phone screen by dropped it down the stairs. It was a picture.
You hesitate before opening it and the moment you do you squeal. Oh. Wow. Is this a dream?? It has to be a dream right?!
You don’t know how to process this.
A second picture comes through shortly after - of him in a white suit.
You sit on a step and try to calm yourself down. He looks so cute it’s painful. You kind of want to cry (but you won’t, because that would be weird).
The pictures make this all feel so much more real. He’s taking you to a wedding. Shit. What are you going to wear??
Okay. It’s been 20 minutes and you haven’t replied yet.
[Text:] I love both omg!!!!!!!!!
Yeah. Way too creepy. You’re quick to delete that.
[Text:] You look good in both of them!
Uhhhh slightly too creepy. Delete!
[Text:] Whichever one you want.
Too aloof. You’re getting annoyed at yourself now.
[Text:] I like both of them, but probably the white one.
Nice. Send!
[Text from Chris:] I was worried I messaged the wrong number for a while.
He responded so quickly that you barely even had a chance to stand up.
[Text:] Sorry, was kinda busy :)
[Text from Chris:] What are you going to wear?
That sends you scrambling up the stairs and into your bedroom. Excellent question, Christopher! You start to rummage through things, finding the sexiest thing you own which fills you with the most confidence. You tidy up and sort yourself out as much as possible before sitting on the edge of the bed and positioning yourself to get a picture. You take as many as you need until you get the perfect one. You get a call from an unknown number and hang up. You don’t have time for people trying to sell you stuff or telling you that you’ve been in an accident recently.
[Text:] Maybe this? Not sure, it’s kinda old and I have a few better things…
You smile proudly at yourself. That was so smooth you can’t believe you - wait. You zoom in. You groan loudly. Underwear flung over your chair that you forgot to move! How could you not realise that?! You face plant into your pillow.
When your phone buzzes, you kind of hope it’s the grim reaper texting to tell you it’s time.
[Text from Chris:] You look amazing - you’ll be turning heads! :)
Maybe he didn’t notice or maybe he’s way too gentlemanly and sweet to comment on it. Either way, you feel yourself fall for him even harder.
After that, it’s a lot easier to message him whenever you feel like it. You send him cute dogs you say look like him. He sends you kittens he says look like you. You tell him about all the crazy customers you had and he soothes your soul with every words he sends you in response.
The day of the wedding comes and he’s waiting outside for you in the cab. You check yourself nervously 1,000 times and consider bailing 10,000 times. Your dad still hasn’t responded to any of your calls - all you’ve been getting is a bunch of random spam. Did he sell your number or something?! You don’t know whether you’re meant to be angry or hurt at this point.
Chris eventually lures you out of the house. When he sees you he smiles.
“Wow… you…” he clears his throat.
“Oh-” you play with the material by your sides, “you look really n- good!”
He seems to blush a little and covers his face slightly with his hands. You can barely even appreciate his cuteness because of how anxious you are.
He opens the car door for you and helps you slide in. You get another call from the unknown number, which leaves a voice message for the 20th time. You delete it instantly. You’re so fed up with being pestered.
The journey to the venue is filled with little glances and attempted smiles. You pat your chest to tell your heart to calm the hell down. He must be able to read your mind because he gently touches your arm.
The car stops at the venue and Chris insists on paying the driver. He even helps you out of the car. Under any other circumstances you’d probably get flustered by this, but you’re too afraid of what’s about to happen to really take it in.
You go in slowly, afraid that around any corner might be your father. You don’t see him until you enter the reception hall itself. He’s standing at the end of the aisle, wringing his hands. When his gaze finds you, he breaks out into a large smile and rushes over.
Okay. You weren’t expecting that.
He pulls you into a big hug and Chris smiles, stepping back to allow you space.
“I thought you weren’t coming!”
You’re so confused.
“I texted you that I was…” your response comes out struggled from the tight hug.
“I didn’t get anything.” your father frowns, releasing you and bringing out his phone.
“I called you a billion times, too.”
“You did? Let me see.”
You show him your call history and he blinks.
“That’s not my number anymore.”
“I tried calling you to let you know that I changed my number. I even left you voice messages. Didn’t you get them?”
“Oh…” you glance at Chris, “I thought it was spam so I didn’t answer any or bother with… why didn’t you text me?!”
“I couldn’t figure out how to, and since you moved out of the city it wasn’t like I could just come see you easily! When we came to see this hotel I tried to meet up with you but you kept hanging up the phone.”
You laugh at yourself, a bitter, miserable laugh. Chris was right. You shouldn’t have anticipated the worst. You shouldn’t have been so paranoid about answering the phone.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he says, and you bite your lip to distract yourself from your watering eyes.
“I am, too.” you sniffle.
“Who’s this?” he leans around you and offers his hand to Chris.
“Hi, I’m Chris. It’s nice to meet you.” Chris smiles, taking his hand in both of his and lowering his head politely.
“Nice to meet you too.” he looks between you both. His name gets called and he glances away. “I have to go, it’s about to start. Take a seat at the front-” he ushered a couple of apparently less important out of their seats to make room for the two of you.
You wonder how much Chris is holding back from gloating that he was right. He doesn’t seem like he is. He just seems happy and proud.
The music starts and you’re back to being nervous. You’re going to see her. For the first time. You’re going to see her.
You’re wrinkling your clothes by how tightly you’re squeezing the material over your thighs. Chris takes your hand and shuffles closer to you.
The further into the ceremony it gets, the more you squeeze him. Your father cries. That’s how happy he is. That’s how glad he was to say I do. To this woman. Whom you’ve never met.
Your family is now only going to be half-familiar to you.
You feel so guilty. You can’t be happy for him the way he deserves. Chris would remind you that regardless of the evil feelings festering inside of you, you’re still there. You showed up. You endure the entire ceremony, and now it’s time for the after-party.
You take your seats and a deep breath. Oh. Alcohol. Nice. You pick up a bottle and pour yourself some. When you offer it to Chris, he shakes his head. You’re not aware, but he wants to stay sober out of worry for you. He’s watching you in concern as you swallow gulp after gulp. You’re trying to drown your guilt.
The newly married couple make their grand entrance and you drink and drink. Their first dance. You take more sips.
You haven’t even said two words to your new mother-in-law… and you’re starting to think that was your own fault. Maybe you’ve just been ignoring signs. Maybe you’ve been too self-absorbed. Maybe the problem here is you, not your father. He deserves so much better.
“I think you should slow down.” Chris tries to take your cup away, “Eat someth-”
“Don’t. Don’t bother.” you might not regret reconciling with your dad, but you sure as hell regret coming and you definitely are starting to regret coming with Chris. You’ve probably misunderstood him, too. You’re probably thinking he’s your friend and he just feels sorry for you.
“There’s bread h-”
“Look, can you stop?!” it’s a good thing the music is so loud. “You got me here. You’re done with your end of the deal. You can leave now.”
He looks hurt and confused but you’re only seeing red.
“It’s great that he’s happy but I don’t know who that woman is. Now she’s part of my family and she’ll have to put up with me like everyone else. You don’t have to worry, you’re excused from pretending to like me.”
“I… haven’t been pretending.”
You grab your bag and stand up. The world sways. You stumble your way past the tables. You need to get out. You’re sure nobody in that room wants to see you. You get out of the hall and into the lobby, you’re determined to get outside while ignoring the strange looks. Even when you lose your balance and fall you still are only focused on escaping.
Hands on your arm are trying to help you to your feet.
You can hear your name.
Everything is so off-kilter. It’s all so wonky and impossible to see. You fall again as soon as you’re standing just by attempting to take one step.
Soon your feet are leaving the ground. You’re being scooped up in the arms of someone you can’t really make out. You’re mumbling to be put down, trying to scramble away from the arms which are cradling you. You’re too weak and apparently too quiet, so you start to shout louder. Put me down, put me down!
But some sort of exchange where you’re being shifted about is happening and soon you’re vaguely aware of being carried into the lift.
You’re able to focus a bit better when you’re still. You start to smile and giggle.
“Are you an angel?” you ask.
The beautiful man doesn’t reply. He just watches the floor number in the lift go up.
He shouldn’t have let you drink so much.
You end up falling asleep against the lovely warm chest you’re being held against. You drift in when your weight is being tilted this way and that so that a door can be opened. You’re laid down on a bed.
A wet towel is being put on your forehead and you’re being guided up into a sitting position and handed a cup of water. It’s then that you realise it’s Chris.
“Why are you here?” you snap.
He sighs. “Drink this. I’ll order some food to the room.”
“I said I don’t want it!” you swat and accidentally knock the cup back against Chris, wetting his suit.
“Stop it.” he sternly says, putting the cup down on the bedside table. “You’re acting childish. Don’t fold your arms at me like that. You already figured out that your dad was trying to call you so why are you still so upset?”
“That’s why! It’s my fault that he couldn’t tell me. He probably tried to get me to meet her a hundred times and I’m sure I found a way to avoid it! It’s my fault that all of this happened! It’s my fault that I felt that way and it’s my fault that I don’t know her. He probably doesn’t want a waste of space like me in his life anyway - I’m sure he was really happy to get rid of me. On top of that you’re still pretending to care!” Your phone is ringing. It’s the same unknown number as before, which must mean it’s your dad trying to find out where you are. That makes you feel even more guilty, which makes you feel worse about who you are. You hang up, which makes you feel worse on top of already feeling worse. It’s a swirling mess of emotions.
“I told you I’m not pretending.”
“Whatever! I get that you’re a nice guy, that’s really great. But it’s not fair! You’re making me like you and you probably don’t even realise! You made me feel special for all of five minutes but your work is done. It’s fine if you don’t want to be around me-” that goes on for a while. You rant about how you’ve fallen for him and how he doesn’t even care and how he’d be dumb to like you back anyway and you rant and rant and rant and Chris doesn’t interrupt you. He allows you to get it all out. He listens to you patiently, refilling the cup of water for you each time you drink it, taking off your shoes, making sure you’re comfortable. He finds some snacks which were already in the room.
By the time you’re done complaining he’s leaning over you. One hand on the headboard and the other on the bedside table.
“Do you think you’ll remember this tomorrow?” he whispers.
You’re tense and confused. You still your body and look into his eyes. He doesn’t mind the smell of alcohol on your breath as you attempt to bitterly reply “I’m sure I will.” Jackass. What is that supposed to mea-
He leans in closer and parts your lips with his own. He steals your breath.
When you start to kiss him back he places fingers under your chin.
Chris gets on the bed and straddles your lap.
“What are you doing?” you whisper.
“You won’t believe my words, so I’m showing you. Is that okay?”
You’re definitely sobering up now.
“I’m thirsty.” when you say that he raises the cup to your lips. When you’re done drinking he sets it aside. “I just… I really…”
“What?” he asks when you don’t finish your sentence. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I really hate myself, you know?” you can’t believe how much Chris has seen you cry.
Chris nods. “I know.”
“What do you know? Everyone loves you.”
He shakes his head, “I’ve had really bad anxiety. I know what it’s like to feel like you don’t want to be with yourself.” he dabs the towel against your forehead. He’s still in your lap.
“Oh.” You keep managing to make yourself feel guilty today.
“Eat some of this.” he picks up the biscuits he found and opens the packet. He feeds you. Your heart is beating wildly as you take it in your mouth.
“Do we have to go back downstairs?” you ask.
“I think the wedding is over now. You can talk to your dad tomorrow if you don’t want to let him know you’re okay now. I think you should sleep this off before seeing him again.” Chris is right - your dad would kill you for getting drunk and ending up in this position.
“... You think I should sleep... here?”
“Yeah. The room has already been paid for. I’ll leave.”
“N-no.” How do you say this without sounding too desperate? “Don’t go. I don’t want to be alone.” Chris nods and brushes dried tears from your cheeks.
“Let’s go to sleep.”
You can barely believe that this is happening. You feel the butterflies in your stomach grow into shy dragons as he gets up and removes his blazer. He’s getting comfortable to spend the night with you. You nervously get under the covers, taking deep breaths with every movement.
You’re so shy at first, and so is he. He smiles at you when you’re both all bundled up. He takes your hand and moves it to his lips.
“This wasn’t how I imagined telling you how I felt but… I didn’t want you to be upset for no reason.”
“How long have you liked me for?”
“I’ve always kind of liked you, that’s why I kept coming back for the gross coffee you make.”
“Hey!” you both laugh.
You seem to fall asleep smiling, because when you wake up the next morning it’s still there.
There’s a moment of unfamiliarity until it all comes back to you.
Chris is still sleeping and he looks so perfect.
You try as silently as possible to get up and creep into the bathroom. You’re shocked by your own reflection. You look like a mess. As quickly as possible you start to try and clean yourself up, adjusting your clothes and your, uh, whole face, basically.
When you’re as satisfied as you can be you try to slide back into bed to pretend you just naturally always look like that, but the mattress shifting wakes him up.
He groans and stretches. He rubs his eyes and squints out at you. He smiles lazily and holds out his arms.
“Come cuddle.” he says tiredly.
You can’t believe you’re hearing this. You can’t believe last night wasn’t a dream. You can’t believe you’re actually lowering down onto him. You can’t believe this is your life now.
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mskathywriteswords · 4 years
Cupcakes at Midnight - Chapter 2
No warnings this chapter.
I look at myself in the mirror, wondering where all the years have gone. It feels like last week I was a blushing bride, and yesterday I was picking up the pieces from a failed marriage. But it's been over a decade.
My phone is in the kitchen, I left it there purposely so that I wouldn't obsess over looking at it every five seconds.
Instead, I go through my regular nighttime routine, taking my time with each step. The normalcy of it comforts me. I can pretend that I'm not freaking out on the inside. I scoop the cat litter and refill his water as he meows, begging like he's never been fed before.
I walk back and look at the cupcakes. The cinnamon crunch is gone, of course, but the other three still intrigue me. I've never even heard of some of the flavor combinations Ava's made for me. But I want to try them.
The thought of putting them in my mouth makes me blush, which is ridiculous because surely I'm a grownup who can think dirty things without a childish reaction. I close my eyes and slide my tongue across the silky frosting. The tang of raspberry rises up and makes my mouth water even more. I'm about to dive in to the cake part of the cupcake when I notice my phone lighting up and buzzing.
Ivy must be late night texting me, maybe she's fighting with Matt again. I swear, I don't know if those two will make it to their actual wedding.
But there is a tinge of hope that it's not Ivy.
After debating forcing myself to wait longer to check, I pick the phone up and click the button on the side so I can preview the message.
It's from her.
What if she texted back to ask me to stop texting?
That would be dumb, since she's the one that gave me her number, right?
What if she says it was all a mistake and that note was meant for Ivy? That would make sense; Ivy is gorgeous and statuesque, and ... not me.
But she didn't give Ivy the box of cupcakes, did she?
I drive myself crazy with what-ifs, so I just open the text.
I'm so happy to hear from you. What are you up to tonight? Hope it's not too late to text
I start to tap out a reply, then delete it. Maybe I should wait until tomorrow to reply? Then I realize her message was blue, meaning she'd see the three dots if she happened to be looking at her phone.
And either way, even if it was only going to be a friendship, did I really want to wait and play games? Wasn't I done with all of that?
Another exciting Friday night, wrapped up in a blanket on the couch watching Netflix, very much enjoying these cupcakes. Thank you again. And no, not too late to text - I use the quiet functions once I go to sleep, so you're good to text me anytime
I smile, hoping I'm coming across as genuinely as I feel. When I see the three dots pop up on her side of the screen, my smile grows.
What's on your current to-binge list? Glad you're enjoying the cupcakes. Thank you for inspiring them
Thank god she's a text-in-complete-words person.
Before I walk back to the couch, I pour myself another cup of tea and eye the last two cupcakes. How many cupcakes was too many in one night? I shrug and grab the orange-swirled one.
Well, right now I'm in the middle of Derry Girls. Still have to catch up on Handmaid's on Hulu, but that won't be until after I get through a few (probably boring) documentaries.
Instead of clicking the phone off, I set it on the arm of the couch, face up, so I can see if she replies again. Maybe my TV choices would make her realize how utterly snooze-y my life is.
OMG, which epi of HT are you on? Haven't seen DG, good?
We exchange texts for a few hours, discussing different movies and tv series, finding common likes and dislikes. By the time I yawn for the first time, finally acknowledging how tired I am, I realize it's past 3 am.
Holy shit, I have to get to bed soon. Will you be around tomorrow?
Jane from five years ago would have thought it was being very forward of me to ask, but right-now Jane is enjoying the conversation and ready for more from life.
I will. Any chance we could continue this conversation in person?
I tap out my reply before I even have time to think it through or be too self-conscious.
Awesome. Let's play it by ear, but I'll see you tomorrow, J
The temptation to leave it there gets over-ruled by my giddy, smooshy feelings.
Goodnight. Sweet dreams
That's the last reply in the series, and I set my phone on the nightstand, long ago having moved to bed to charge my phone. I roll to my side and think about what tomorrow will bring. Cat curls up at my feet and makes his displeasure that we're all still awake very well known. My eyes can barely stay open, but my brain is a freight train of excitement.
The next morning, I debate what "too early" to text would be. I don't want to seem overly eager, but I don't want to intentionally withhold a message just to play some weird unwritten rule game.
I get my laundry done, sweep the kitchen, and putter as much as I can, until finally around mid-day, my phone chirps. Cat looks up at me, ever-annoyed that his nap has been interrupted.
Beer, pizza, and extraordinarily dark dystopian future tv watching?
I shake my head and laugh.
What could make for a better Saturday night?
I can think of a few things. For now, it sounds pretty good, right? Wanna meet at your place? Is that too weird / too soon?
Was that a date? Meeting at my place to watch tv?
Sure, not too soon at all. What time?
We make plans for a few hours later, and I'm still unsure if it's a date, but I decide it doesn't matter. I want more fun in my life, so even if we just hang out and get to know each other better, wasn't that the point?
When the doorbell rings, I practically jump out of the chair. I open the door, and Ava looks like she's just come from some punk band concert that would be way too cool for me to even consider. I laugh to myself.
"Hey, come in."
Her hands are full, but she makes her way past me, finding the kitchen immediately.
"I wasn't sure what pizza toppings you like? I don't know how we didn't discuss that. But I went with half cheese, half pepperoni, just to be safe. Sound okay?"
She smiles and a part of me wants to melt at how genuine it is.
"Yeah, sounds great. I'll just grab plates. Do you need a fork and knife?"
The look on her face is absolutely fucking priceless.
"A fork and knife? For what?"
"Oh man, Ivy is so funny, she had me convinced for a while that everyone eats pizza with a fork and knife. Thank god it's just her. I was starting to question everything about my twenties."
"No way. Pizza is a single hand, no utensil kind of food. That's part of what makes it so perfect. I wasn't sure what kind of beer you drink, so I just got something generic."
We open our cans and take them, the pizza, and a roll of paper towels to the coffee table. Between bites, we talk about the season of the show and how we each think it's going; we make predictions on where it might end up. Then finally, when the pizza is gone and we're left with just awkward silence, we put the show on.
I can see Ava looking around my apartment as we watch, maybe trying to learn things about my life? Her eyes are on a particular frame over my fireplace.
"That's my niece, Hailey," I say, smiling.
We're sitting across the couch from each other; not too far, but not too close. Cat was always between us, annoyingly adorable as ever.
"Do you have any siblings?"
She smiles. "Nope. Only child."
"Does that get lonely? I bet it was glorious growing up. No one to fight with for the TV remote, or what kind of pizza to have."
Ava shrugs and smiles, then turns her attention back to the TV. Her body had been angled toward mine, but she shifts, and then scoots closer. Horrible things happen on the show in front of us, but right in the room? She laces her fingers through mine and my whole body warms.
Is this what it's supposed to feel like?
A few hours, laughs, and cupcakes later, the sun has set and we're several episodes into another series. I'm surprised when Ava gets up, yawning. Her arms go over her head as she stretches, and I swear I almost die when I see a sliver of her skin between her shirt and pants.
"I open the bakery in a few hours. I'm sorry, I'm terrible company right now. I probably haven't said ten words in the last hour."
"No need to apologize," I say, standing and touching her arm. "You've been great company. I feel bad I've been keeping you. You were up so late last night, too. All my fault." I laugh, trying to downplay my disappointment that the night is ending.
"Mutual blame," she says, smiling and tugging my arm. It could be a friendly gesture, the hug, but I can't help but hope it's the beginning of something more than a friendship.
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
When he has a crush on you
Notes: Highschool!au, jisung × reader, fluff, requested sorry if this is lame, tumblr deleted the first one I wrote and I didn't know how to do this again
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this guy
i think jisung it's the type that wants to pretend that grades are not a big deal
that he really doesn't need to be the best and acts like it's nothing when he gets a lower grade
but he really liked to study sometimes
in class he might be a pain in the ass
screaming and laughing hard w his friends
but then he would take little time to study and re-write some notes
so that's when he met you
you were helping in the library
he had never seen you before
and he was surprised that you didn't know who he was
so everyday after class he stays in the library
trying to study but you are there
minding your own business
humming songs and looking so cute w your uniform
he doesn't notice how much he is staring at you
until you asked him
'you need help w that?'
'nOo,, i wAs jUst THINKING TSK'
and then closed the book and went to the exit door w red cheeks
whatta cutie
and when the weeks keep going
and he continues staring
you would start chatting a little
he found out that you are from a different class
that you help your mom there, where she works
and you are an A student
also your music taste was a big yes for him
omg this sucks I'm so sorry
after some weeks he realized his big crush on you when you told him about your birthday
and he went to 'HOW DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER ??!!??!'
this boy wanted to give you a little present
so when you meet up again
he was there w a big plushie
like he went to school with a big teddy bear???? just for you?? a person he know since a few weeks???
but he liked you a lot, and loved you
he felt for you so fast that his friends were like
'dude how do u like them??? you barely know them what the heck?'
but he was so in love
you were so stunning and nice to him in such a sincerely way
like you would just sit there with him at the back of the library
helping him with his homework or just studying together but feeling free bc he could be himself
like he didn't have to pretend that he hates school and stuff
he could be a cute little nerd w you
and you wouldn't make fun of him
you even cheer him up, give him advise and help him
and then school it's just something little when you start talking about personal stuff
like hobbies, fears and secrets
han was so happy that you actually listen to him
bc when you meet up at cafeteria
you would say something like:
'heey don't eat a dessert bc I know you like cheesecake so i will take you to this new place'
or just 'sungie, that song was so good, the lyrics are so deep!'
and his heart will go faster and his cheeks turn red
so yeah
you were perfect for him
So there he was
with a huge plushie in the back of the library waiting for you
and when you came and saw this
you would be like "what's up with the bear???'
'happy birthday bubs'
'but it was two weeks ago'
'take the damn teddy and give me a hug'
so after that you became so cheesy
calling pet names and holding hands without even noticing that the plushie was like your son???
'how did my son sleep?'
'its a teddy bear'
and your class would stare at you with weird looks
yeah he spent more time in your classroom than his
bringing you snacks or drinks
sometimes he would get boring and start to do your hair
little pony tails and stuff
or sticking new stickers in your hands and then taking pictures of it just bc it's fun
and after the winter break
he was decided to tell you about his crush on you
but he totally forgets about it when entered in your class
and saw you sitting there with a cute smile and sleepy eyes
so he rushes to you, and hugs you meanwhile bothers that the morning it's bright and sunny to be sleeping
'omg are you dating?'
one of your classmates asked
breaking your little love bubble
and all went silence
'he is my best friend'
'yea- uhm? I mean YEAH their best friend'
jisung has left the chat
you really liked him, but
you didn't know if he sees you in that way
he has lot of friends and was so nice to everyone
so why he would have a crush on you????
but he has
a BIG one
and after telling his best friend about it and gain some courage
the next day he was crossing that door
with confidence and your favorite drink
'you, my little bubs, are going to be my girl/boyfriend or i will never ever get you one of this again?"
he is dumb leave him alone
but he loves you
so much
and you were so quiet that his confidence went down and he felt ASHAMED
like boi what you have done
'you are so lucky that i like you, jisung'
he runs to you and give you all little kisses bc he waited so loooooong
but he has to ask you again
"it was a yes, right?'
"yes, baby"
he is so cute please I want to babied him for life :(
and the whole class was like
'bout time *sips tea*
the end :D
Sorry, this is really bad but I had one better in notes and tumblr deleted it! :(
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
a reason to smile in the morning
check out my wattpad @ longer_hours if you wanna se more of my works ! wrote this in like half an hour also and didn’t proofread so have fun ! 
Camila thinks college is just the best. 
So she misses her mom and everything about Sinu’s presence. And she misses her dads bad jokes because let’s face it, hers aren’t any better. And don’t even get her started on how much she misses Sofi and her dogs. 
Sure, she gets homesick. But like, she’s only two wish hours away from home. There’s a train on campus that can take her right home. She doesn’t see an issue. 
So college is pretty great. 
She hasn’t really made a group of friends yet, but she’s never been the type of person to need social interaction. And going to a big school is really nice because she can stay in on the weekends and not have to worry about being that girl that stays in on the weekends. 
She went random and ended up with a great roommate, Dinah, who gives her just the right amount of talking to not have to worry about losing all social skills. 
And the freedom. That’s her favorite part. There’s like, an hour or two of classes every day and then literally nothing else. It’s amazing. She went from a six hour school day, a seven hour work day, three hours of homework, and maybe some sleep, to two hours of class and then 22 hours of free time. She likes it. 
(And she could go on about the food, so she won’t start because this isn’t about that).
(But they have the best cheesy bread in the dining halls omg).
She might’ve been premature saying that the freedom is her favorite part. Camila has always had a tight schedule that she followed, so her favorite part is probably getting to find one here. It’s easier to follow a schedule when you have so much time to fill too, because naps can be a part of it and everything is just so happy. 
So, she does basically the same every day. 
Wake up. Sleep for a few more minutes. Wake up again. Hit snooze again. Finally actually wake up cause Dinah groans in her sleep meaning the beast a second away from killing Camila. 
Throw on some sweats, because like she’d try to look nice, but it’s an 8 am so why bother?
Throw on some socks. Throw on some shoes. Go brush her teeth next to the pretty girl doing her make up in the bathroom. Go back to find a suitable shirt. End up picking a big sweatshirt.
And then class and then nap time. 
And it’s nice for a while, following a schedule that allows for so much downtime, but her schedule is the same every day and it doesn’t take long for things to get a little boring. Usually she’d attempt to make more friends but she has some and she doesn’t want to lose the grip she has on them, so Camila does the next best thing to kill time. 
She makes a tinder. 
Now, Camila has had a tinder before. She’s had many tinders before actually. She has a habit of making one with the goal to hoe it up, then deleting it after like an hour cause she’s bored of boys. 
This time though, Camila sets it to girls, cause why not? She’s always been openly bisexual, but boys are so much easier. 
She prefers girls but she can’t remember ever not being a nervous wreck around them. 
Her first girlfriend was a few years ago. They met at a pride parade and Camila thought she was just the most beautiful thing to exist. A friend gave her an in and Camila somehow got through the nerves and made a move with some shitty pick up line. Although her dorkiness worked, she remembers very vividly having such extreme anxiety that she actually almost called an ambulance cause of chest pains. That girl turned out to be a bit of a biphobic lesbian, and a bit of a psychopath, so that didn’t really help with her nerves.
Her second girlfriend was equally, if not more so nerve-racking. Camila still can’t really place why she’s always the one making the moves if she gets so nervous doing things, but she also knows most girls never do shit and end up flirting for months until an outside source needs to come in. 
Her third girlfriend doesn’t exist yet. So tinder might be what she needs to meet someone now that she’s an adult at college and ready for an adult relationship. 
She ends up deleting the account three hours later. Not really because she’s bored just because she can’t really imagine ever having a chance with any of the girls she matched with. 
Dinah yells at her because if they matched then they’re interested why would Camila not accept that, but Camila is just like, super insecure. Like what if it was an accident? 
She had only had the balls to message one girl but she probably hadn’t noticed since the account didn’t exist very long. She never really messages people first but something about this girl was calling out. Camila felt like she had to do something or she’d regret it. 
Messaging “hey” probably wasn’t the most attention grabbing action though. She got a reply, just “hey back :)” and like, that’s kind of why she deleted it. This girl was like, not just pretty but pretty pretty. And she looked a little familiar? Camila couldn’t help but feel like the thing was a joke somehow. 
So she decides to forget about the pretty girl with the dragon fly tattoo. 
Dinah still gives her enough shit to force her to go out that weekend. It’s a Friday afternoon when she finds out Camila deleted it so later that night she finds herself at a sleezy frat party. 
The going out lifestyle really isn’t for her though, and she realizes after the third drink spilled on her. 
She stays out til 3 am with Dinah and her friend Normani, and although she didn’t like the party scene, she is glad she spent more time with Dinahs friend, she’s intimidatingly pretty but her and Camila really got along once she started talking more. 
She’s going a little girl crazy by the time she finally falls asleep. 
She spends the weekend telling herself to focus on school. Focus on actually going to the gym and on eating healthy since there are so many options now. She tells herself it’s fine to go over a few months without kissing a girl (is it really?) and she tells herself to just not think about girls. 
And by the time someday night hits it has worked out in her head. 
Now here’s the twist. 
It comes Monday morning. 
Camila follows the same routine every day. And when you follow the same routine every day, you’re going to end up seeing the same people every day when you do your things that happen to overlap. 
She wakes up. Doesn’t really wake up. Feels Dinah’s threat. Force herself to throw on some socks, some shoes, some pants. and then she goes to the bathroom. And then she brushes her teeth next to the pretty girl who’s doing her makeup. 
So she’s seen this girl every day for months now, leaning into the sink putting on eyeliner and she’s had a couple of thoughts passing. Not a lot, because it’s an ungodly hour. One, being that the girl wakes up too early. Two being, hey ! we must have the same scheduled classes! 
But now, the only though in her head is that she can’t for the life of her find a reason as to how !!! she missed !!! the dragon fly tattoo on the back of there neck !!
She literally can’t hold in her gasp when she makes the connection. It takes her a second and she figures she must look like that calculating meme thing but she literally gasps and turns as quick as she can to face her own mirror. 
It’s a small bathroom, but the girl is three sinks away, but any hope that she didn’t hear the gasp is immediately gone when she turns got glance at Camila, just for a second, then turn back. 
She brushes her teeth, probably unhygienically fast, then books it back to her room and gets to class ten minutes early. 
She can’t believe this. 
She’s been brushing her teeth next to tinder dragon fly girl for months! She hasn’t noticed how perfect bathroom girl is for months! Tinder dragon fly girl and bathroom girl are the same people! Jesus Christ! 
So now she can’t get this girl off of her mind. 
She tries to, she really really tries not to think about her because it feels creepy, but she can’t help it. 
She sees her in the bathroom, and nowhere else. Every single day she sees her in the bathroom. 
Are you allowed to pull moves on people in the bathroom? Camila feels like it’s weird to pull moves on someone in the bathroom. 
Fuck. Camila is childish too. So it takes everything in her not to start laughing whenever she goes into the bathroom just because of how awkward she feels. 
She also wonders if she girl even knows what’s going on in her head. Maybe the same is going on in hers?
She hates that she didn’t see it coming. After thinking about it, it’s probably because she never actually got a good look at the bathroom girl. She had piercings and black hair and she was SO intimidating! How was she supposed to risk a glance at her? 
She thinks the girl probably recognized that it was Camila though. She always glances over when the door opens, or at least Camila has seen her from her peripheral vision. 
It’s kind of embarrassing. Cause like, she probably only swiped right because she knew her. Camila thinks that’s a thing? Don’t people just swipe right on people they know sometimes? Just to see if they’re interested?
“Yeah, sometimes,” Dinah agrees with a scoff, “but that’s like, with friends. That’s like a joke. You guys don’t know each other. You just see each other every day." 
Camila kind of regrets telling Dinah. 
"And wait hold up, how come y'all never said anything to each other before? I talk to everyone in the bathrooms, maybe I know who she is?”
“Because Dinah! She’s intimidating! She’s so cool looking I couldn’t-” Camila argues, lowering her voice though because she still has no idea where this girl lives on her floor and she knows how not soundproof the walls are. “I couldn’t risk looking stupid. You know how awkward I get.”
“Hmm,” Dinah agrees, leaning on her desk in thought, “I’ll keep an eye out, but if you can find her, outside of the bathroom of course, I think you should make a move." 
"Oh yeah, you know me. That’s totally something I’m capable of,” Camila sighs, making Dinah laugh. 
She thinks maybe she could make a move if she figured out who this girl was, or where she was, or how to talk to anyone. But also she can not, because she’s only ever seen this girl in the bathroom (i.e. why she’s called bathroom girl up until now). 
So much for her “adult relationship”. Longing after a girl she literally sees for two minutes a day. 
She brushes her teeth as quickly as she can for a while and then goes back to the bathroom once the girl is gone to do the rest of her morning routine. Just because Camila knows staying in an awkward place isn’t a good idea, and the longer she spends next to the pretty girl, the higher the chances of her fucking up are. 
Camila always gives herself shit for not remembering what it was from her profile. Like why did she not remember her as her name instead of “tinder dragon fly girl”. 
She’s tried walking around and looking at doors cause some of them still have tags from the first weeks, but most people have taken heirs down for other decorations by now. 
At every floor meeting she sees her, and at every floor meeting she tries her best to be funny but not too obnoxious (one time the girl laughed at her joke, she didn’t see it but she did hear it and she swears an angel got it’s wings). 
She finally finds out what room she’s in when she sees her leaving one morning, and the eye contact literally almost kills her. (It doesn’t kill her but it does stunt her long enough for the girl to get away before she can try to catch up and strike conversation). Unfortunately, her door holds no name tag, but on the bright side now she can make up as many excuses to walk by the door as possible. 
Camila is a bit of a mess over it for a while, but then she gets busy, she gets sick, she gets stressed, and then. the semesters over and she still hasn’t done shit. 
She works over break, tries to not think about girls, or one girl. Doesn’t do a lot. Doesn’t think about school too much either.
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Camila says under her breath incredulously as she enters the bathroom for her 8 am months later only to be greeted by the tinder-bathroom-dragon tattoo girl. 
What are the odds, that once again, the only person that has to be up at this hour is the only person she can’t really stop thinking about. 
(She has stoped thinking about her, really because she felt a little creepy at a certain point she forced herself to stop. But she just knows this is about to throw her into a downward spiral. 
She tells Dinah about it, seeking advice but only receiving laughter, uncontrollable laughter. So she turns to her older, wiser friend Ally, and Ally is convinced making a move in the bathroom wouldn’t be weird at this point. 
And also agrees with Dinah that Camila is a huge pussy if she doesn’t do anything at this point. 
(Camila still doesn’t get why it’s up to her but whatever. 
They have a floor meeting to introduce new people on the floor, that’s when she finally gets it. 
She’s leaning in, Dinah’s leaning in, and Lauren is her name. 
“I’m Lauren, I use she/her pronouns,” she says, picking at a loose thread on her jeans and Camila doesn’t mean to react noticeably but Lauren’s voice is so beautiful and her face is so beautiful and Camila thinks that making her smile would be so beautiful and she almost tries to talk to her but Lauren dips from the meeting as soon as she gets the chance. 
So now Camila is like, hooked. 
Once again, she has every morning with Lauren in the bathroom. Which anyone who lives in dorms knows, the odds that you’re going to see someone that many days both semesters is not likely! Camila is convinced it’s a sign for her to get her shit together and do something. 
And she’s trying to! She goes to fill her water up like five times a day now that she knows Lauren’s room is next to the bubbler. And she goes to the laundry room to “check for empty machines just sos he can walk by more. And she sits in the lounge for hours just in case Lauren decides to be the bold one. 
But nothing works!
Sometimes she sees her in the line at dunkin’, but that’s almost as bad as the bathroom considering the size of the line she’d have to wait in. 
Something in her changes at this point though and she decides to be less stressed and more appreciative. This girl is so pretty, and intimidating but honestly seems really nice if Camila ever grew a pair. And Camila has decided the butterflies in her stomach are nicer than not having anyone to feel this way about. So instead of stressing, she takes a minute to adjust and then decides she wants this girl in her life more. She thinks she’d make things really happy. 
Plus she thinks it’d be a really cute story for when people ask how they meet. 
She learns in psych about how associating certain things with certain things can make certain things more or less appealing, so Camila stops wondering why waking up is becoming easier.
She makes plans in her head, she thinks of any other possible ways to go about this, but somehow her mind is made up for her one random morning. 
She wakes up, goes back to sleep, wakes up, actually gets up, 
She never really let herself look at Lauren, mainly because she was afraid of what that eye contact would do to her. But for some reason today she risks a look. 
And she’s so so so so flawless, so beautiful, so gorgeous that it doesn’t take more than second for Camila’s plans to fly right out of her head and the words to fly right out of her mouth. 
"Um, I’m sorry this might be weird…” Camila starts, and the girl turns, wide eyed at the fact that Camila is actually talking to her, “I just, I try to make it a rule not to make a move on someone in the bathroom, but would you ever wanna do something other than brush our teeth together?" 
And Camila was wayyyy right, tinder girl, bathroom girl, Lauren’s smile is so so so much more beautiful than her mascara face. 
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sitinthelight · 5 years
Zach’s gone for a few days!
I have the day off today :D I’m in a cheerful let’s get shit done mood!
The reason Zach is gone is pretty sad. He left to see his grandmother who is really sick as her stage 4 cancer is progressing and they don’t know how much time she has left.
Even with everything going on between us, I kind of wish I could have gone with him to see his family and give them my best wishes. I love his family. I will miss them, even if they hate me. They’ve been the closest thing I’ve ever had to a big family and they’ve shown me so much love and adoration. His grandmother who is sick gave me a sewing machine that I finally just learned how to use and it’s a really nice one. She was going to teach me quilting but I’ll probably have to take classes at a hobby shop for that eventually.
So that’s pretty sad but honestly, with him out of the apartment, the sad and negative atmosphere has lifted. It’s just me and the pets (: I’ve already worked on cleaning the kitchen and while realistically, I know I can’t get the whole apartment cleaned in one day, I can fucking try. I’ve been listening to a ton of Kevin Abstract. Like, Brockhampton is really great and I love listening to them but sometimes they can be either tooooo slow (with the newest album) or too heavy. Kevin Abstract is just perfect for what I’m feeling right now and I’m really enjoying it. I don’t know how I got into rap and hip hop and some r&b but like, when I’m in the mood, it’s great. Lizzo has also been my favorite artist to do my morning workouts to. 
I do want to make this day off count. Because my next day off is literally next Wednesday. My shifts are mostly 6 hour shifts so they don’t take up so much of my day but like, I never want to do much except relax after work. Zach left his PS4 so I can play Persona 5 (: 
Scott got me into it and I’ve been slacking at playing (along with let’s go Eevee) so I may play a bit after I get off work tomorrow. 
Zach has been reassuring me that he’ll be fine if I break up with him and it’s been, comforting. Really weird. But comforting. I know most break ups are premeditated to a degree, but this is a little weird to go through. I don’t think he will be fine, but him saying that does make me feel a little better and does show he is being more mature than I thought he would be about the situation. He doesn’t know for sure that I’m breaking up. Honestly, I am having doubts about it myself but like, I need the space to grow. I want to focus on myself and what it takes to make me a better person mentally and physically. 
Physically, I’m doing pretty well. I’m having a lot of fun switching up my diet. I slipped up and ate like 3 donuts yesterday because Zach bought a dozen from Krispy Kreme. Like, we have the Original Krispy Kreme location in this city! A lot of things originated from here! Krispy Kreme is one of them. 
I should have stuck to just one. I woke up feeling kind of sick and like a sugary bile wanted to escape by going up my throat. I feel better now but I did skip breakfast because of it and just have been drinking a lot of water and a cold brew. 
I’ve been experimenting with meat alternatives. Meatless meats and tofu. It’s been an interesting journey and honestly, I feel like I could go vegetarian or even vegan one day. Maybe not full fledged vegetarian. I think I’d still want meat like once or twice a month but I’ve never been that big of a meat eater so I think I could manage. But I found a brand that makes meatless meatballs and ground beef and I’m blown away by how good it is. I also found a way to prepare tofu so that I actually enjoy it rather than forcing myself to eat it so that’s been pretty cool too. 
Part of me is pretty excited to share these things with my mom and sister. My sister is doing better with healthy eating. My mom slips constantly. I get my lack of self control from her. She’s diabetic so it’s problematic so hopefully living with me for a little while can help them get into better eating habits. 
I’m honestly already looking forward to this period of just going to work and taking classes. I’ll still feel stressed on multiple levels but I won’t have to deal with the negativity that Zach creates and it’ll take a load off of me. I also am already looking forward to moving to Charlotte. I don’t know what kind of job I’ll be able to land over there so I know I won’t be able to immediately get an apartment for a good price in the perfect location or anything. But all I need is a generally safe place to live (being a young female with only mace to protect myself with). I’m already planning on redoing my room design. I have a color scheme in mind. There is a chance that I might already have a roommate but it’s way too soon to know because both of our lives are constantly changing and that’s a-okay. 
Charlotte is a cool place. Always things to do. Interesting bars to go to (God, I miss bar hopping and dancing). Temples to visit because I want to learn Vietnamese and more about the culture in general. They have an airport because I do want to travel more. Tons of community groups and clubs and chances to volunteer for things I believe in and want to support. So many opportunities to see my favorite bands and musicals. Lots of places to go shopping. It’s not too far from a lot of cities in NC where I want to go gem mining (I want to join a rockhounding group). I also want to take dance classes or martial arts once I’ve established a stable career and have finished school. Charlotte is hella expensive but I totally see why a ton of people are still moving there. 
That’s my current longish term goal. Short term goal right now is to make the transition to moving to Wilson and saving money for Charlotte. 
I’m almost done paying off one of my medical bills! That means I’ll have finished paying off two :D and that’s so exciting because then I’ll just have to focus on the credit card debt (most of it is medical too, the irony). All to prepare for student loan debt which intimidates me but I’ll survive. So many people have it worse. I know someone who owes like $70,000 and omg will we please elect an presidential candidate who wants to help eliminate or soften the blow of student loans and just high tuition prices in general. 
Like, Biden right now is ranking highest on the list of favorable Democrats who are officially in the running. But I’m just not feeling him. He hasn’t come out with a lot of specific stances yet and is just kind of coasting off his general likability and popularity. I’m kind of disappointed to see him topping the list when there are so many good candidates out there right now! All have their flaws but I’m more focused on how they can change the overall election climate and how this country functions. Because this current president sucks. I’ve given up keeping up with news stories. So maybe I’m a few days late on learning about the newest school shooting or revolutions and riots happening in other countries. Not seeing all of that at once on my newsfeed keeps me from feeling hopeless and overwhelmed and honestly has really helped me mentally. I deleted facebook for like a month and now that I have it back, I honestly have barely opened it.I didn't miss it. 
Also, in regards to my last post, I don’t think I’m a bad person. I make unwise decisions but I’m human. I can’t help the emotions I feel, just how I react to them so I’m just going to try being better. My head feels clearer now and like there are still concerns that I have and a lot of hard things to get through, but I’ll get through them! I’ll be fine no matter what direction I end up in or what happens! If the thing with my ex doesn’t work out for whatever reason then so be it! I’ll get over it! I’m pretty, I’m smart, someone out there will find me super interesting and once I start going to therapy, I can learn how to talk to people and make more friends and I’ll be fine in the long run. I just want to focus more on what I want and be selfish for a little bit. I think that’s okay. I think I deserve that. 
Cordelia is napping next to me and she’s laying on her back and making funny little snoring noises. Her foot is twitching. Omg, she’s so cute. I’m kind of excited that I probably get to keep her even though she is a little menace. I’m hoping that she’ll grow out of it once she’s past her kitten/young cat stage. So it may be a few years but heres to hoping she’ll become a chill cat. 
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creideamhgradochas · 6 years
Tumblr media
Thanks to the lovely @whostheblondegirlwriting for taking the time to answer these! Get to know more about lovely E, go give her a follow and then show her some love!
These questions are from this list. You should check it out, there’s 50 questions all together and they’d be great to ask your favorite fic writer!
*Disclaimer from E, herself: If you’re looking for some sage-like writery advice...keep lookin’. You won’t find it here. This whole fic writing endeavor is an adventure in “[shrugs] We’ll see what happens”. Behold! An odyssey of half-assed, one line inspo. Marvel at the absolute appalling lack of plotting and vision. Tremble at the underwhelming realization that “Huh. I could do better than that”. In short, at least you don’t pay money for this, right?
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fan-fiction?
I have no idea, honestly. I signed up for AO3 to actually share it though in September 2015 when I was 36. So we’ll go with that.
2) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
I think I have done more reader inserts than OC, counting all the tumblr oneshots. But you can actually create something substantial with an OC. An OC makes you work. I prefer them.
3) What is your favorite genre to write for?
I don’t know if I’ve done enough variety to have a fav, honestly.
4) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
I wouldn’t. They’re all mine and I’m proud of each of them, no matter how popular (or maybe I should say, unpopular) they are/were.
5) When is your preferred time to write?
Whenever I have the time! I’m not picky, because time is very hard to come by with my job anymore and the fact that my husband doesn’t know I write. Morning, noon, or night for me. It can be hard to sneak it in and still get everything else done.
6) Where do you take your inspiration from?
I don’t have a good answer for this and I’m laughing to myself thinking I should have one. Lol An idea comes up and I write it. That’s it. Shameful, I know.
7) In your Back to One series, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
Oh, damn. Uhhh...I think I liked Sebastian fumbling through his confession to Lily in Montauk. But I also probably had the most fun with the “champagne incident” because it was for my tumblr-lifemate,  @ceebeetumbles.
8) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Nope. It is what it is. You can’t please everyone and I don’t try. As long as I like it, it’s good enough. It’s not like anyone’s paying me for this, anyway. Lol
9) Who is your favorite character to write for? Why?
Hmm. Right now, I’d have to say Jack Rollins, because he preoccupies so much of my writing lately. Besides his own fic, he’s also featuring in an AU for Echo that’s in draft. Considering he had two lines in Winter Soldier, I’m very proud of the interest and love my Jack gets.
10) Who is your least favorite character to write for? Why?
Chris Evans, for right now. Only because he has been less than inspirational for some time due to his relative inactivity and, uh, [ahem] some personal choices he made. But I’m optimistic he’ll come back.
11) How did you come up with the title for the Back to One series?
The main character, Lily, goes through some personal and professional ups and downs as an actress. The phrase “back to one” is a direction for actors to go back to their first mark, so I thought it was fitting, as Lily would hopefully get things right, find her best self again, and have a fresh start as she meets different situations and opportunities in her story.
12) How did you come up with the idea for the Back to One series?
I thought I’d write a Sebastian Stan fic and figured a good match for him (and someone to help drive the story) would be an actress. But then I considered an OC like Lily could have more angles to write and it became really an OC fic that features Sebastian Stan. Oops.
13) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
I haven’t ever abandoned a fic. I refuse to give up on A Touch Up and do write a line or two here and there, just nowhere near the volume I need to publish a full chapter like I used to. It ended up on the shelf because Chris Evans got so boring after Civil War premiered and the fic is literally built on what he was doing in his everyday life. I also have a personal distaste for Jenny Slate and I guess you could say his decision to date her made me doubt the version of him I’d created in ATU, which is a problem when your fic is paired so purposefully around the assumptions I/we all had made by that time about him.
14) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
I’m doing it. Echo was my pet project and, though it has my smallest following for a WIP, I had enough demand/interest for the story to be told from another character’s perspective that Jack Rollins and the STRIKE Series were born. There’ll be some unexpected things along the way in that series that I hope those fans/readers enjoy.
15) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
No. I’ve only ended a couple fics (Echo and Kindness). Everything else is still a WIP or open ended series that publishes oneshots every once in awhile. The rest of my work is basically oneshots.
16) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
Don’t laugh at me when I say I admire anyone who puts their work out there, even if it’s just a paragraph long imagine only on tumblr. It takes a lot of nerve, no matter what level your work is at or how big the scope. I’ve seen some good, bad, and ugly fic floating around, but I see value in it all and love seeing experience/determination help the writer evolve.
We ain’t all Hemingways or Shakespeares. And that’s okay. Some of the best writers don’t have thousands of followers and get hundreds of notes (but deserve them). And some of the behemoths out there aren’t necessarily turning out mind blowing fic, either. It’s a crapshoot and fandom can be fickle (if not downright confusing af).
17) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
Not at all. If it posts, I’m happy with it.
18) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
Either is fine. I probably write more in quiet, though, because my husband works 3rd shift, so I’m mindful not to disturb him.
19) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
No. Closest I could say to giving me my own feels was when I wrote The Death of Brock Rumlow (when it existed as part of the original Echo plot).
20) Which part of your Back to One series was the hardest to write?
I’m happy to say I don’t think there’s been a hard part to write for Back To One, or any of my fics. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it!
21) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
Nope. No outlines or plans. I pretty much just sit down and write. If inspiration doesn’t hit, I’ll switch to a different WIP. If I have an idea for a line or scene I might make a note for later (maybe just a few words to point me in the right direction/remind me, or a line or two of dialogue), but once I get to it, I usually just write it out at once.
22) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fan-fiction?
How little time I’d have down the road for it. Maybe I wouldn’t have run such long WIPs/fics at a time. It feels like it’s been 100 years since I had time to open requests and I had to abandon a weekly posting schedule for 3 WIPs earlier this year because I just don’t have the time to manage the volume I used to anymore.
23) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
OMG yes! Echo and its companion fic, Jack Rollins (and I’ll probably say the same for the au/the STRIKE series). At this point, I can confidently say the following for Echo didn’t carry over to Jack Rollins, but I knew both were niche fics in the beginning anyway. I’m grateful for the attention Echo got, but it was such a labor of love, I’d have liked to see it do better. I may only have several regular readers for Jack Rollins commenting or reblogging, but those few readers and myself are the ones I wrote it for, and that I’ll keep posting it for until it’s finished, regardless of how tiny the readership because I love it.  
24) In contrast to 23 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Not in an “oh, geez. Not that again” way. More like a “oh, stop. I can’t believe you guys like it that much” kind of humbled eye roll.
25) Are any of your characters based on real people?
Obviously the celebrities like Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, technically yeah. I have no doubt that some of my own ticks, experiences, etc have made it into a character or plot, or things from people I know or have come across. Things you don’t necessarily draw lines between on purpose but maybe catch on to later, sure.
26) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Any of the comments or messages from people who say they cried, laughed out loud in public, got way too giddy, or held their breath because of something I wrote.  They make me so happy, just to see someone got so lost or involved in a moment means I did a good job. Having someone say they reread a fic (or are reading for the X time) is a hell of a compliment, too.
27) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
It was about A touch Up and how I had given the reader insert character, or implied, too much description (ex. noting that POC don’t blush as often as this girl did, when I wrote it as that feeling in the cheeks anyone can experience to convey her nervousness/embarrassment/etc at those points in the story so people maybe shared that sense as they read, not that she frequently ran around with a noticeable flush) and that, although I may not have said it outright, things like that apparently had made her so that she was obviously white. That ruined it for the commenter, despite there not actually being that much said about appearance in the story.
28) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
Rarely. @ceebeetumbles gets a snippet of a chapter thrown at her once in a very blue moon, if I want to be sure something isn’t too cliché or generally awful. Lol But there’s a chance she’s reading along with the fic, so I may not send the whole chapter. I don’t plot per se or collaborate with anyone though.
29) Do people know you write fan-fiction?
Just the lovely people who’ve visited me on Tumblr or AO3.
30) What’s you favorite minor character you’ve written?
It’s a toss up between Frank Grillo’s appearance in A Touch Up and Jack Rollins or Eric Mickelson in Echo. I’m also a little fond of Drew Madison in Back To One.
31) What spurs you on during the writing process?
That I told you I’d post an update to a WIP, promised a drabble, or set a deadline that a request would be done by. So, really just my self-imposed “schedule”.
32) What’s your favorite trope to write?
I don’t really have one.
33) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
Nnnope. Lol
34) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
It’s a toss up between angst and fluff. They both come pretty easily. Honestly, smut is exhausting to write and I do so little of it because I don’t want it to be repetitive. Fluff is always fun. But, man...the possibilities with angst are pretty limitless, so maybe I’d lean a little more that way.
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girlonpagesixteen · 6 years
12 ½ things i have learned at 25.
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your girl is going through a current existential ¼ life crisis (plus a bout of tonsillitis) and this has lead to a lot of self-reflection and questions such as “who am i?” “where am i?” and “what is the god damn meaning of life!?”. so i decided to list out a couple of things i DO know or am trying to know. just to help out other future failed millennials like myself. so here we go! 12 ½ thing i have learned at the ripe ol' age of twenty-five. practical things:
1. the orange petrol light in your car is NOT your m8. as soon as you see this bad boy vacate to the nearest petrol station immediately and fill her up up with at least $20. saves you from running out of petrol on the motorway (hehe! it happens to the best of us!). i carry jumper leads petrol canisteres every where i go because i fail to follow my own advice and constantly have  no petrol. :)   :)   :) 2. BACK UP YOUR IPHONE! go into itunes right now and back it up, back it up, you got it, you got it. there will come a time when you drop your phone in the toilet and realise all your ‘european living’ snaps & selfies from your bff’s wedding have been flushed away. backups ROCK ‘cos you can just restore all your shit plus the organisation of your apps!! (yes i have OCD) on to a new phone if your first is road kill. (RIP) 3. i have not tips for a hangover. because i suffer ever time. but i DO know they are not aaas bad if you’ve had a burger before drinking. & skull water from the tap like a small cat when you get home. add two panadol and two neurofen in the morning plus a v large nap and you’ll be ok. also never suggest brunch before eleven. people always want it earlier and i’m thinking “plz for the love of god! do you want me to vom outside of lola stay’s (yum place) again?!’.  4. DO NOT BUY PULP BOOTS FROM HANNAHS. YOU WILL DIE. no joke, the first time i wore some cute (cheap) boots from hannahs my knees ate gravel & i slide down a concrete driveway for at least 30 seconds. i then got up. & proceeded to fall again. the grip on these shoes are terrible. just ask the scars on my knees! my work m8 unkowingly got the same shoes & the same happened to her. 5. don’t be dumb. pay your student loan. contribute to kiwi saver. put a few dollars away for emgerencies. and be like 5% smarter than most people about money. hell yeah i accidentally spent $80 on a round of sambuca shots but at least i know if (when) my car breaks down on the motorway i’ll have an emergency fund to crack into.
relationships: from family to friends to foes to f*ckbois. 
6. clichè to say but cull garbage people from your life. block/delete/unfollow/mute the idiots. think of all the data you will save from removing these pointless stories from your social media feed! & if someone doesn’t add anything positive to your life why should they get to be apart of it? 7. stop playing games & just message people back already!!!! i literately will reply to some before they’ve even finished their sentence. what is the harm of replying fast? too eager? geunine interest in a conversation?? everyone knows being left on read is the worst & despite what cosmo says about ‘waiting 1 hour, 16 minutes and 30 seconds before replying to guy’ we know that’s stupid AF. reply to your m8s, reply to your mum and when you don’t, apologise on the late response, someone might be waiting on you. 8. we are all going through some tough, confusing times. & a lot of the time we are so rapt up in our own lives we fail to check on others. sometimes we need to listen more than we speak. so let your m8s talk about their asshole boss (even if you have no idea who he is), read all the screenshots & be the shoulder to cry on to the friend who broke up with #bae (for the 7th time). people need comfort & people often need to vent. don’t diminish someones problems just because they are not as relevant or dramatic as yours. 9. home is where the heart is. so appreciate those who make your home, home. home to me is where ever there is a bed, a laptop & a couple of people who ask the stock standard daily “how was your daaaay”. home is a cat nearby, sun on the door step and place i can collectively gather at least five people for a rowdy byo.
life things.
10. if it looks like people are having more fun than you on social media, guess what! they probably are!! & if you were in their postion you’d be bragging up that holiday, engagment or promotion too. but that doesn’t stop you from living your best life, where ever you are. you can have just as much fun too, you just have to make it yourself. 11. self care is very real. but it’s not just bubble baths & chocolate & ‘OMG TREAT YO’ SELF’. a while back i tried to call sleeping for two weeks straight ‘self care’ and then realised i was just depressed and needed to sort my life out. self care is paying your bills & eating some fruit n veg, forcing yourself to be social & see m8s and having some sort of routine to day to day life. normality is self care. 12. do dumb shit. now i’m not talking about doing 160k’s on the motorway for the thrill!!! or seeing how long you can hold you breath for in the kids pool. but go do some things you wouldn’t usually do. examples of some dumb shit i’ve done: (which ended up being 10/10 would reccomend to friends) signed up to a reality tv show, joined TWO indoor netball teams (and proceeded to ruin my calves from the non-existal exercise i’ve previously done) & spent a ridiculous amount of money on a european holiday. 12 ½. the best time to post on instagram is 8.30pm on a monday night. don’t let the instagram algorithms mess up your BANGER gram that the world needs to see.
molly x
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black-wolf066 · 7 years
Well, You Do Have My Chin
Update: OMG!!! MY TIRED 36 HOUR LACK OF SLEEP BRAIN ACCIDENTLY DELETED THE STORY I POSTED THIS MORNING!!! I meant to hit edit, and apparently I hit delete and when it gave me the prompt to hit yes or no, my tired brain that it said “would you like to edit: yes or no”.... so here goes round two... so sorry guys. I wanted to add that i have this on Fanfiction.net now too (under my account Wolf-shadow666) but I just curfunkled everything... ANYWAY underneath is pretty much the post that got deleted... thankfully i save everything on document...
First off, let me just say. I’M ALIVE!!! It is now 8am in the morning, I’ve been working on the better part of this little shit that wouldn’t leave me alone i mean piece since 9pm last night…. i have TO GO TO WORK IN AN HOUR!!! HELP ME!!!!! *flails all over the place* I swear i can adult right sometimes… just not today apparently…. keep this in mind as you’re reading cause even though I’ve proof read this thrice, I’m sure some (or many) things have escaped my brain’s notice.
Here is the comment that inspired me to write this one-shot:
@timetravelingpotatoast said:
All I really want from this season is for Killian and Henry to become good friends and talk about Lucy’s “conspiracy” only for Killian to ask who she thinks he is. However, somewhere in the translation it’s lost that Killian is his step-dad, so Henry just says his dad, leading to a “well you do have my chin,” commentary from Killian.
When the curse breaks they just squint at each other for a really long time.
Now, for the sake of the prompt, this is gonna be very heavily AU from season 7. This is by no means a “fix-it fic” because I really am enjoying season 7; I’m only writing this because I really wanted to see something like this be a thing after reading the comment. I absolutely love father/son bonding fics between Killian and Henry and I need more of it in my life… (Seriously there aren’t enough Captain Cobra centered fics to satisfy my craving for it). And I know that I said “I wish I was creative enough to contribute to the fandom of Once Upon a Time”, but after posting my last little snippet; I figured “what the hell I’m gonna do it anyway” because that’s what fandom is (I still feel like I suck terribly but *shrug* if you’re having fun doing it than screw being good at it, right?). (((Also something that should have been maybe 2000 words or less, ended up running away from me toward 4000 (my brain projecting my need for more Captain Cobra moments I guess)… I realize a lot of it is probably considered filler and I could have done away with it, but I kinda wanted to build that relationship between cursed Killian and Henry much like the relationship between Snow White and Emma in season 1)))).
Anyway, here’s a bit of backstory that I came up with for the AU universe of this fic…. If you don’t care and simply just want to read the story, than you can simply scroll down to the Continue reading link:
So in this AU, I’ve pretty much figured that Rumple, Killian, Regina and Emma came to save the day for Henry (Henry may have asked for Killian, Regina and Emma, but the three probably went to Rumple for help or something and Belle urged him to go). I’m thinking the timeline in the realm Henry is in moves faster than the timeline that is Storybrooke, so Henry might be 25 and not 18, but to the rest of his family only 1 year has passed since Henry left in search of his own story((((wondering if this is actually canon considering how shocked they were at seeing him so grown and I don’t believe for a single second that it took Emma and Killian that long to have a baby)))). Emma wasn’t pregnant at the time but eventually as they all stay and help the resistance against Tremaine and Drizella (after finding a way to send word back home that everything and everyone is alright and that they’re staying to help… maybe Rumple being pushed by Belle to stay and help them too), she and Killian end up having twins, and barely a year later Henry has his own kid with Ella. When the curse comes and separates them all, the curse spans the whole state of Washington (Tremaine or Drizella wanting to separate as many of them as they could and not keep them all in the same place… especially the true love couples. But they didn’t bank on Lucy remembering or Rumple finding a loop hole so he didn’t get cursed along with everyone else), so HH is the main hive so to speak but the fairy-tale characters are scattered across other cities and towns. Emma is off in one city (maybe Walla Walla), their twin daughters are in a group home in another city, Henry lived somewhere in Olympia (which is close enough to Seattle and HH), Robin (because I need Regina to be happy damn it! And I figure maybe they found that his soul wasn’t destroyed but simply stuck in the crystal, even across all alternate versions of said crystal in any realm, so he ends up getting freed) is also scattered somewhere, and Rumple, Killian, Regina, Ella and Lucy remained in HH where Tremaine and/or Drizella could keep an eye on them and make their lives a living hell. When Lucy finds Henry, and Jacinda steals his car (much like in the show and what not), he decides to stay at a motel for a week, finding the place interesting (and spurring a bit of creativity that he hadn’t felt since his failed first book) and eventually that week turns into him finding an actual place to stay once he gets to know the people in the neighborhood (made hard by the outrageous prices being asked). When Detective Rogers hears about his search, he offers to turn his den/office into a spare room (the only reason Regina/Roni didn’t offer is because she lives in a small studio apartment above the bar with the only closed room being a bathroom)…. Eventually Rumple as Weaver manages to get everyone back into the neighborhood (((he was the one to give Lucy the book. He was the one to find and bring back the cursed versions of Robin—Kevin Adams, who is a struggling lawyer that ends up helping Jacinda, by Rumple/Weaver’s prompting, get custody of Lucy back—and Emma—Danielle “Dani” Stevens, who was a sketch artist for Walla Walla police department. He was also the one to find which group home the twins were staying in and try to adopt them, since he wasn’t sure how long it would take to break the curse, and he didn’t want them staying there… Rumple and Killian might be civil borderline grey area friends, but he likes the twins and it’ll get them back to their family that much quicker once the curse is broken if he does it like this…)))) and the curse gets broken the same as in season 1 with Henry and Lucy (cause I’m unoriginal and my brain can’t think of anything else right now) ((((That should be enough of a background right? I don’t know… I’m terrible at this… don’t question the plot holes too much okay? You might get sucked into its black hole…))))
(((I looked at apartment averages in Seattle as a guideline (got rid of link since it wasn’t working)… and even though almost 3000 is very high for a one-bedroom apartment that Henry was looking for; I figured that Tremaine and Drizella were trying to weed out the people in the neighborhood slowly so they could bulldoze and improve and bring forth a ‘richer’ environment and a “richer” culture of people to surround themselves with, therefore causing more suffering and separation for those cursed and gaining something else for themselves….))))
((also when it comes to ages, I’m probably way off from canon, but these are my head canon ages for them here so… Emma was 28 at the start of season 1; Killian was 29, Regina 32. Adding 9 years considering Henry left at 18 and only a year passed in Storybrooke whereas 7 years passed where Henry was, that would make them 37, 38, and 41. With another 11ish to 12ish years they are now 48, 49, and 52 with Henry being 37ish.
tagging @superchocovian since she kindly asked me to (hope you enjoy it!!!)
Anyway, without farther ado, i give you this Captain Cobra one-shot in all it’s (step)father/son bonding glory!
Well, You do have my chin
Word count: 4203
Rating: pg-13 for my potty mouth
The din of Roni’s bar was oddly relaxing to Henry as he searched on his laptop for available apartments to move into, but after another site herald the same results, he sighed, closed the screen, and dropped his head into the crook of his arm. Was it too much to ask for a place within his price range? Hell, he was sure he could find something cheaper in the heart of Seattle than he could here.
But no, he stubbornly wanted to stay in this part of the neighborhood. There was something about Hyperion Heights, something that spoke to him, and not just Lucy’s crazy theory that his book was real and they were all fairytale characters scattered across the state (never mind the even crazier theory that he was her father—there was no way he could ever forget meeting a beautiful girl like Jacinda or be stupid enough not to fight for more than a one night stand with said woman).
The scraping of a chair across from him brought Henry’s attention up to that of the arrival of Detective Logan Rogers. The cop’s eyebrow was raised at him in silent question and concern as he sat down and nabbed the untouched bear claw from his plate.
“Bad day?” he asked finally with a tilt of his head as Roni approached with his usual beer.
When Henry still didn’t move to answer, simply groaning and hiding his face back in the crook of his arm, Roni supplied. “He’s looking for places to stay… and failing by the looks of it.”
“The asking prices are outrageous! How do you guys survive here?” he griped into his arm.
Roni snorted and Henry peeked up at her with a perturbed eyebrow raised. “You’ve seen the state of the neighborhood and the state of my bar before I decided to fight back. Isn’t that answer enough for you?”
“What’s your budget?” Logan cut in with his query before Henry could snark back and start an argument with the ornery bartender.
“Well,” Henry’s eyes shifted to him just as the older man took a bite out of the pilfered pastry. “With Seattle, I kind of figured I’d be lucky to find something for twenty-two hundred, but there is no way I’m paying almost three thousand for a place that’s barely in the city’s limits.”
“Welcome to the land of Belfrey greed.” chimed Roni as she walked back to tend the bar and the new arrival of customers.
Henry scowled un-amusedly at her back as she went.
“I have space,”
Startled, Henry gazed, wide eyed, back at the Detective. “What?”
“Well, it’s not really a ‘room’, but the den can easily be turned into one.” Logan continued, his good hand going up to scratch nervously behind his ear.
“Wha—Why?” Tilting his head and narrowing his eyes, Henry pressed on. “I know the three of us are ‘kinda’ working together, but we barely know each other. Hell, for all you know I could be a serial killer.” at Logan’s snort and raised brow, Henry rolled his eyes and said defensively. “Shut up, you know what I mean.”
“I trust you.” Logan relented simply with a shrug of his shoulders. “Besides, I have a gun I’m not afraid to use, and you look to be out of options, mate.”
Still eyeing the older man with suspicion, not used to blatantly kind gestures from others, he asked. “Can I swing by to look at your place before I decide?”
“Of course.” taking a swig of his beer, Logan gestured with his head to the closed laptop. “Now, what was it you wanted to show me?”
Walking into the apartment after Logan, Henry took in the sparsely decorated living space with a familiar pang beating against his chest. It was neat and orderly, everything he considered the detective to be, even after a week of working covertly with him and Roni. But seeing it so bare, devoid of… well, devoid of life and personality; it all just resonated with him. There wasn’t even a single picture or photo on the walls or table tops (Henry knows there are photos of Logan out there. He’s seen the pictures Roni hangs proudly on the walls of her establishment, knows that the picture of Logan and Roni—two best friends, he’s come to learn, that grew up together in the neighborhood—has a special place right behind the bar where she works). There was nothing, other than the books neatly tucked into a shelf, to give Henry a glimpse into what made this man Logan Rogers.
Walking through the 900 square foot space, he knew it wasn’t just the home of a bachelor; it was the home of someone who was just as lost as Henry himself felt. A space made entirely out of necessity rather than be made to feel like an actual home. It reminded him of his years after the foster system, before he had met his late wife, where he had had nothing of that old life worth keeping. Anything he had gained afterwards had been destroyed by the fire that took his wife and daughter three years ago, and after that he had just never bothered to start over (it wouldn’t bring them back and honestly they were all Henry wanted, not materialistic things).
As Logan led him through the kitchen toward the open den, Henry wondered what kind of past the man must have had, wondered if he too was an orphan looking for a place to belong.
“Here it is.” Logan stated with a flourish of his hand and ultimately cutting Henry out of his thoughts.
His eyes roved over the small space, at the neat and tidy desk underneath the window and the wall lined with more bookshelves and books and a single three-drawer filing cabinet.
“Sorry, I know it’s not much… doesn’t even have a door.”
Henry’s eyes cut to the older man just as he saw his good hand go to scratch behind his ear (a nervous tick he’d come to realize early on in the week). “No, it’s perfect,” He reassured as he walked around the opened room; envisioning where his stuff would fit. “I don’t really need that much space anyway.” he moved back to the opened archway and gave the man a small smile. “And privacy can be fixed with a curtain,”
“Does that mean you accept my offer?”
“If you don’t mind me for a roommate, than yeah, I’ll take it.”
A little over one month since his move into the neighborhood, and not once did Henry regret his decision (well, maybe a little; after all, Victoria Belfrey and her daughter are a force to be reckoned with… and good god did those two give him a headache sometimes). He genuinely liked it here; he liked most of the quirky people and he could clearly see why the neighborhood was worth trying to save. He also found rooming with Logan to be better than he originally expected. Sure they had their moments (like the kitchen incident that nearly gave the detective an aneurysm, or how scarily grumpy Logan could get when he’s had a bad day at the station), but their camaraderie was easy going between them, and for once after three years, Henry felt like he had a true friend again.
It was because of this easy camaraderie that Henry and Logan, one Saturday morning, found themselves planning a Star Wars marathon and arguing over the order in which to watch it (“They’re my movies, Rogers!” “And it’s my TV, Mills.”).
Somehow Henry won the argument, which found Logan sitting on the couch with the large popcorn bowl settled on the middle cushion and a beer in his hand, while Henry squatted down in front of their combined movie collection to find the first disk.
As he skimmed the neatly ordered DVDs for the one he wanted, his finger froze on a particular title and could barely contain the Cheshire cat grin as he pulled it out and pivoted to face the detective.
“The Princess Bride: Special Edition.”
Logan scowled and pointed his finger at him as he defended. “Shove off, mate, it’s a good book and a good movie; leave it alone.”
The grin on Henry’s face turned impish as he pivoted back and added as he went, “As you wish.”
The couch pillow thrown at his back did nothing to curb his mirth.
It was almost three months after his move to Hyperion Heights, that Henry managed to work the nerve enough (more like getting the quadrant that was Roni, Logan, Sabine and Lucy to shut up, and to stop hounding him to try and move on and be happy) to ask Jacinda on a date.
Glancing at himself in the hallway mirror, and trying to ignore the grinning idiot leaning against the wall a few paces behind him; he felt the bubbling of nerves roiling in his stomach as he finally turned to face his roommate.
“You’ll be fine,” Logan soothed with the utmost confidence. “You didn’t have any problems when you were flirting with her, one date isn’t going to kill you, mate. Just be yourself.”
“Yeah, be myself.” Henry snorted and rubbed his sweating palms against his jean clad thighs. “Cause any girl would swoon at a failed writer, a widowed husband, and a nerd for all things 80’s, Star Wars, Harry Potter, or Tolkien related.”
“Henry,” Logan stepped forward than, placing his hand and prosthetic firmly on his shoulders as he earnestly stated. “You’ve told Jacinda all of this already and yet she still accepted to go to this concert with you. So cut yourself a little slack, give her a little more credit than that, and go out tonight and have fun.”
It was almost six months after his move, and during one of their covert meet ups at the bar, when Henry felt a little friendly revenge against Roni and Logan was in order (because dear god, if they didn’t stop and take their own damn advice, he was going to go crazy… or take Roni’s bat and beat himself or them with it… really, he wasn’t picky).
It hadn’t been long after his and Jacinda’s first—or even their second— date that Jacinda decided enough was enough and it was time to try and win custody of her daughter back from her step mother. Detective Weaver had recommended a Lawyer from Spokane, and ever since Kevin Adams stepped foot into Roni’s bar, the two had done nothing but snark at each other.
Within the same month, a missing person’s case had popped up that apparently Weaver thought required the work of a sketch artist from Walla Walla… or so Logan kept griping to him to no freaking end. Honestly, Henry thought Danielle (or Dani as she asked to be called) a rather nice woman, maybe a little too bubbly and Chatty Cathy at times, but if Logan was to be believed than she was the worst woman he had ever had the displeasure to work with.
Yeah… right…
Denial, she is a river, and both of them are currently drowning at the bottom of it.
“So,” He began innocently around a mouthful of pizza. “When are you both going to stop pussy-footing around and ask Dani and Kevin out?”
The soda Logan was drinking and the pizza Roni was currently chewing, both ended up spat out on the table and floor, and the word vomit that followed as they tried to deny it had Henry rolling his eyes so hard he was surprised that they didn’t just roll right out of his head.
“Uh-huh,” putting his slice back down on his plate, he folded his arms across his chest and stared them both down, feeling for all the world like the no nonsense father he should have been to the daughter that would have been thirteen now. “Guys, I’m not stupid… and the last I checked my vision was perfect, so not blind either.” He cut them off before they could rush to deny it any farther. “If I have to sit here and watch you two continue with this charade a moment longer, I will either be checking myself in somewhere or Detective Weaver will have not one but three missing person’s cases to contend with.”
They didn’t try to feed him any more bullshit after that, which he was grateful for, because seriously there was only so much a person can take.
And if he caught his roommate dressed (rather nicely) in a blue button up shirt, black iron pressed slacks, and trying to rush past him and out the door before Henry could say a word with a bouquet of pink and yellow roses in hand.
Well… he could only thank whatever deity listening for small miracles.
It’s at elven months since his move, that Henry felt for all the world a content man. Jacinda had won her battle against her step-mother, and Lucy had become a constant presence in the apartment, especially since he had offered to watch her after school while Jacinda worked. He loved Lucy and her precocious nature, found her imagination beyond incredible for an elven year old and even began to look forward to hearing her crazy theories about them being cursed.
Sometimes they would be alone, with him helping her with her homework and other times Logan would be there, smiling and humoring her and her theories like they all had agreed to do.
It was during one of these nights, after Jacinda and Lucy had eaten dinner with them and left, that Logan’s curiosity had gotten the better of him. They were in the kitchen, Henry washing the dishes while his roommate dried them, that Logan broke the comfortable silence.
“Who does she think I am?”
“Huh?” Henry glanced over with a brow raised.
“Lucy,” he elaborated. “With her theories, who does she think I am? She never tells me when I ask.”
Henry snorted out a chuckle as he handed over the plate and proceeded washing the next one while answering. “Captain Hook.”
“You’re kidding.” The dry look Henry gave him caused him to roll his eyes. “It’s the hand isn’t it?”
“Probably,” Henry shrugged. “Or it could be the fact that she thinks you’re my dad.”
“What?” Logan froze mid swipe with the towel and Henry could practically feel the man’s eyes burning his profile.
“Yeah, crazy, I know.”
“Mate, if she is to be believed and you are my son; I would have had you when I was 11…”
They both chuckled at that.
“Again, crazy, I know.”
They went back to the comfortable silence as they worked, but the occasional contemplative side eye he would catch Logan giving him in his peripheral as they cleaned up the rest of the kitchen, eventually had Henry turning to stare blatantly at the man’s profile with an eyebrow raised in question.
“Do I have barbeque sauce on my face or something?”
Startled, Logan shifted his attention away from the stove top he was wiping down, and met his eyes with that contemplative expression still in place.
“No, you’re fine.” He distractedly answered.
“Than what’s on your mind? And don’t tell me nothing; you’ve been staring at me off and on for the past five minutes?”
“I was just thinking.”
The other brow rose to meet its twin as he deadpanned. “Clearly,”
Logan rolled his eyes and elaborated. “I was thinking about what you said, about who Lucy thinks I am.”
“Logan, none of that is real.”
“No, I know that… but—now that it’s been said, I can’t help but see it. Hell, Henry you can’t tell me that you can’t see it, not even a little bit.”
Henry tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at him; his eyebrows practically at his hairline now.
“We do look a little alike, mate; long lost cousins or brothers or something. I mean you do kinda have my chin, our noses are almost similar and the brow structure too…” he trailed off.
With a snort, Henry joked. “You’ve been hanging out with Dani too much, you’re even starting to sound like a sketch artist.”
“Shut up,”
He dodged and caught the wet rag thrown at him, before tossing it back; both chuckling at the ridiculousness of it all as they finished up and moved to the couch to see what was on TV.
Expect, as the days and weeks progressed (and Weaver shockingly adopted two pre-teen girls from Aberdeen that looked eerily like Dani and Logan), Henry found that he couldn’t stop thinking about it too (no matter how hard he tried to shake the insane notion from his head each and every time it sprung back into the forefront of his thoughts).
He’d often catch himself staring at Logan when the older man was distracted and—illogically enough as it was—could practically see what the other man was talking about.
It was crazy.
It wasn’t conceivable.
But damn it all if Logan wasn’t right.
They did share the same freaking chin, and though his nose was a bit larger than Logan’s, it was the same freaking shape.
Maybe he needed to check himself in somewhere after all…
Sixteen months after moving to Hyperion Heights, the curse was broken.
It had been an emotionally exhausting week beforehand, with Lucy suddenly falling into a coma that the doctors couldn’t medically explain. Jacinda had rightfully been beside herself with worry, and all Henry could feel was the crushing feeling of losing another loved one… another child. It had been the very reason why he didn’t like opening up, didn’t like taking these leaps of faith when it came to his heart and feelings. Yet he had stupidly allowed himself to get close to all these people, and stupidly thought he could have a second chance at a family, but those dreams had gone up in flames the first time and now plummeted back down from the stars a second time with the flat lining of the heart monitor as Jacinda brokenly wailed her heartache.
He didn’t feel the hand of his roommate trying to console him as he numbly watched Jacinda break down in the waiting room they had been forcibly moved too when the doctors came swarming into the room. Didn’t hear the words being spoken as Jacinda fought and then bonelessly collapsed in Sabine and Roni’s arms; her wails gut wrenching and shredding his already scarred heart to pieces. The flood of his emotions and his own tears didn’t come until after the doctor told them that their precious, precocious little Lucy was truly and utterly gone, that the defibrillator failed to restart her heart.  
It was Logan who caught him when his legs refused to hold his weight any longer, when the world suddenly came crushing down around him and nothing felt right anymore. And it was Logan who helped him into the chair; the warm presence of his roommates hand at the back of his neck guiding his head to lean on his broad shoulder. And he took the comfort and sobbed for all he was worth. Sobbed for the loss of the wife and daughter he had had to bare losing and moving on from all on his own, sobbed for Jacinda and how much she didn’t deserve to know the gut wrenching pain that losing a child brought, sobbed for Lucy who had been robbed of her own dreams, who had been robbed the chance to live and grow.
His heart hurt as he followed Jacinda into the room to say goodbye, the tears blurring his vision at seeing the white sheet lying over Lucy’s little body; so final in its position that it made him want to collapse all over again. But he couldn’t, he had to be strong for Jacinda as he was the one to hold her upright as they moved toward the bed.
Her sobs as she pulled back the sheet to view her daughters pale face tore at him even more, her words a broken, jumbled mess as she climbed onto the bed and wept onto her daughters unmoving chest.
Running on autopilot, Henry’s feet moved of their own accord; one hand going to Jacinda’s shaking back and the other to card the bangs off of Lucy’s forehead.
“I’m sorry Lucy, I’m so, so sorry.” He whispered as he leaned down and pressed his lips to her crown.
The whoosh of wind startled him and before he could right himself to wonder where it came from, the overwhelming flood of memories came next; slamming everything back into place and causing the air to deflate right out of his lungs. The watery, startled gasp from Ella (his wife, his true love) told him she remembered too, but it was the choked rush of life from his daughter, his daughter (his beautiful and very much alive little girl, his other true love), that was bloody music to his ears and heart.
“Papa? Mama?” she wheezed out as her eyes foggily and confusedly took them and her surroundings in.
Everything was alright.
Everything in the world was right again.
The moment Lucy was cleared to leave; the overdue reunion of their family came afterwards. The battle was far from over; not with Tremaine and Drizella currently in hiding and no one knowing where they had run off too, but they were together again, and at the moment that was enough for them all as they celebrated at the bar that had been his adoptive mother’s home for the last eighteen months.
Henry had his wife and daughter back, his half-sisters, both his mothers, both his step-fathers and his grandfather. To say he was over the moon would have been an understatement as the din of fairytale characters and his family filled the industrial styled establishment.
It was all so overwhelming still that he had to take a seat at one of the tables; simply content to watch as he sipped at his beer. Killian soon joined him with his own glass, rum he was sure now that the man remembered who he was, and the thought of step-fathers in general had his mind venturing to their conversation once again.
It must have been on Killian’s mind as well because before either knew what they were truly doing, they were starting at one another, eyes narrowed and the rim of their drinks to their lips as they tried to see what apparently their cursed selves had been able to see.
“Man, I hope this is the last curse we ever have to face. I’ve lost count at how many cursed memories we’ve had forced into our heads at this point.” Emma groaned, yet her arrival didn’t completely break their staring contest as she dropped into the chair next to Killian; her eyes not yet looking at either of them but at her daughters who were laughing along with Lucy near the corner of the bar. She blindly but efficiently snatched her husband’s glass out of his hand and downed the last shot of the dark amber that was left as she continued. “Seriously though, can you imagine the identity crisis we’ll have in our old age if we get Alzheimer’s?” Finally glancing over at them, and realizing she had neither her son nor her husband’s attention, she raised an eyebrow and asked with trepidation. “What’s up with you two? Is everything alright?”
“Yeah love,” Killian briefly met Emma’s eyes, before he was squinting back at Henry as he continued. “Apparently while cursed, and thanks to our lovely granddaughter, the two of us got it into our heads that we were blood related; something about seeing similarities in our features and what have you.”
Blinking once than twice, Emma’s eyes bounced from one to the other, before she was tilting her head and squinting at them as well. Satisfied with what she saw, she nodded to herself, shrugged, and stated. “I can see it, especially when you wear your hair like this and stop shaving.” She grinned and chuckled and leaned forward to ruffle her son’s gel slicked hair, which Henry swatted away with a scowl as he tried to fix it back into place.
However her statement only proceeded to have them squint even harder at each other, and Emma could do nothing more than laugh at her first two goofy true loves.
As the celebrations began to die down and people started heading home, Henry and Killian simply shrugged and let it go as they hugged each other goodbye for the night (each having every intention of spending this night with their loved ones).
“Well,” Killian began softly. “Blood related or not, you’re still my son Henry; always have been, my boy.”
The smile that stretched Henry’s face, nearly threatened to split his skin from ear to ear as he replied just as softly but no less sincerely. “Thanks, dad.”
And if they hugged each other just a little tighter and their eyes shone just a little brighter with emotion, no one that witnessed the moment commented on it.
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