#i might make these are stickers for myself honestly
snoozebox · 1 year
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i've been really into one piece lately
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unladielike · 2 years
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( line conversation between vivian and @spiritpyro’s hayate... except i might have made him a tad bit ooc. )
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elodieunderglass · 3 months
It's not really my business, but honestly it feels like it would be advisable to hire a copyright lawyer. Like I don't feel like you're in it for the money, but it might be gratifying to have the guy milking your idea at least have to formally acknowledge you. I think I'd do it just for the peace of mind to know if I've been "legally" wronged or not. Either way, hope you continue to inspire, and live out a peaceful life.
(In reference to this post about the guy who pretends to have invented “Elder Teletubbies,” specifically how he is now kickstarting DnD minis of them.)
Ha, well, it’s all a little tricky I think. I might, hilariously, post on the r/legaladvice Reddit (even though they’re all cops lol) because the only thing I want here is for him to stop selling my “transformative work,” and ideally to stop pretending he invented it (which might be difficult as he appears to fully believe his work is creatively independent.)
I think if anything, my post counts as protected commentary or a transformative work of BBC’s Teletubbies, and I think it’s stinky to profit on that stuff in general (like I’m 190% okay with buying LotR fanart on stickers ! but I wouldn’t dream of trying to publish a fic with the serial numbers filed off. Why?)
I think ultimately I’m not a grifter, I’m a grownup, and I think it’s several levels of eye roll to sell fanart of a tv show on this level. I would be embarrassed to touch money made on that. I’m too fucking scrupulous and artisanal. I have toyed with a silly original novel for funsies since 2019 but keep saying things like, “oh, people will think this is too similar to something else that already exists” as if a silly original novel I write for fun has to somehow pass a Bar of Originality higher than anything salary-writers aim for.
I’m also pretty anti-intellectual-property myself in that leftist sense where I don’t believe people should be acting as if creative works are, like, oil. Like the resource extraction angle of intellectual property freaks me out, I don’t think getting super high-horse and snotty about Magical Brain Property is entirely compatible with the artisanal temperament I personally got going on here. I am like snufkin about this, simply smoking a pipe and making a flower crown saying “poor fools! Producing works for market, and serving as the guard dogs of the market, lest their work lose value if it becomes more common!” I do not have a high horse. I am not going to post 6900 words about the importance of defending fucking… Mickey Mouse. I buy those lotr stickers on Etsy! I do have a horse, but it’s a pretty low horse.
If it was his own work I would not care about this guy doing this in the least (apart from loftily calling it stinky - but hey, nerds are common and nerds are stinky, it’s not rare) IF he wasn’t STEALING FROM MY ANTI-COMMERCIALISATION DREAM TO DO IT.
That’s the bit that PISSES ME OFF too much to ignore: that and accepting compliments for being original like 😌 yes my twisted mind did this idk lol.
Like if you asked him point blank about the artistic choices he’d be like idk my twisted mind just sees the Teletubbies this way teehee! but if you ask ME why, for example, the adult Teletubbies live in the forest I’ll explain that in 2017 I was at a major life crossroads and this dream was ABOUT that. It was goodbye to my identity as a foreigner from the pine forests, and full steam ahead to settling permanently in the fucking shire (where the baby teletubbies on the bbc show live). It was about going back to work having had my first child, and saying goodbye to my various career dreams for myself (famous scientist! Published author!) as I chose instead, finally, the responsibility of working humbly as a public servant for the actual good of society. It is about witnessing the wild and saying “I am not of it, but it is my job to be its witness and voice.” That’s why the adult Teletubbies are dancing in my native forests while I’m watching them from the English hills. This guy doesn’t know that he just vaguely heard “spooky forest cryptid” and didn’t develop it at all, I do more work than that with FANFICTION in my time off!!!
So it’s really about nebulous stuff and ethics and not something worth paying a lawyer for I think!
But thank you so much for this, I think the thing that gets most perennial about it is the TOTAL GASLIGHTING of the “outside world” of the rest of the internet like, fully believing they invented this, and they DIDNT. They’re so wrong on the internet and they don’t know
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ladyknightellen · 5 days
It's a Mobility Aid...Not a Fucking Prop!!!
I guess it's just my brand at this point to go mia for a few weeks, then come back with a rant about some new, mildly infuriating realization I've had.
This particular realization is one that's kind of been buzzing in the back of my head as something that was kind of off, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was until now. The 'aha' moment came when I was looking for pictures of Kaz Brekker to add to my collection of stickers on my binder for school. As I scrolled through, I began to notice a frustrating trend in the fan art...
Kaz Brekker, a canonically disabled character, who uses a cane to walk is consistently being drawn holding his cane as if it's just a prop, or a weapon, rather than what it actually is A GODDAMN MOBILITY AID!!!!
And before you start with 'but he hits people with it' I'm going to stop you right there. Yes, he does use it as a weapon sometimes, and it's even described in canon as being designed with the intention of using it as a club if needed, but it's still a cane. It is still a mobility aid that he needs TO WALK, and when you treat it like nothing more than a prop or a weapon, you erase a very important aspect of who Kaz is as a character, and honestly, as a cane user with chronic pain myself, it feels almost violent to see how often it happens.
Whenever I see art of Kaz standing with his cane in his hands like a billy club, or holding it across one or both shoulders, all I can think about is how much pain he would be in to hold a position like that without using the cane for support. At numerous points in the books during Kaz's pov chapters, we get several very detail descriptions of what it feels like for him on a daily basis as a result of his chronic pain. We also get several instances of how it feels when he has his cane taken from him, when he uses it to fight, or when he's disguised and doesn't want to give himself away. We see the toll it takes on his body to do this, and he always pays for it later.
Kaz does not swagger around Ketterdam with his cane over his shoulder, occasionally taking a swing at rival gang members. If this is the image you have in your head of him, please, I beg you to get rid of that image. Kaz is DISABLED. He has severe chronic pain and walks with a heavy limp and that cane is making contact with the ground on every step. Based on the kind of injury he had, I would imagine that his injured leg might even be a bit shorter than the other, which would possibly be evident in a visible lack of symmetry in the height of his shoulders. And that's just one possible way it could affect his body beyond just his leg that would be outwardly visible.
There are many more, but the point is that injuries like the one Kaz experienced can affect the entire body even with the best care and therapy, and Kaz didn't have any of that. I'm not asking you to be a medical expert just to draw fanart, but I am begging you think about things like this and at the very least, PLEASE draw the mobility aid being used as a mobility aid, not a prop. Stop erasing and sanitizing what little representation we have. If you think it makes him 'look more badass' or whatever to have his cane over his shoulder, I kind of don't really care.
P.S. And don't use the tv show as a reference because Freddy Carter is yet another example of a non disabled actor playing a disabled character.
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dc418writes · 11 months
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✨Pairing✨: trucker!Ari Levinsonxblack!reader
Summary🪄: It’s always a time when uncle Ari comes around
⚠️: uncle!Ari (just as damaging as dad!Ari and regular Ari lol) mention of nightmares, pretty much all fluff💕
A/N🎤: Hey guys! Another Halloween themed fic but this time with a softer Ari😌. This will serve as atonement to myself (and others who might be affected) for daring to make my fave dark in my last post lol. Hope you guys like it!!
*DISCLAIMER!: although visual made by me via Canva, I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of pics used as they were all found on Pinterest*
As expected, four year old Grace had been attached to Ari since the moment you both arrived to babysit for the night. You wouldn’t say you were upset seeing that he was her uncle and that they’ve talked nearly every day since she could babble, but there was still a little sting every time you were greeted with a quiet “hi” or short wave before she was gone and you long forgotten.
Like now as they dug through their shared pumpkin emptying it’s stringy contents while you were in charge of decorating the sugar cookies waiting on the cooling rack.
“S’cold!,” she squealed dumping out her handful of pumpkin guts.
“Be careful of the seeds, you swallow one and a huge pumpkin’s gonna grow in your belly,” Ari warned to which little Grace quickly shook her head.
“No uncle Ari, we can eat. See?” Before either of you can say anything, she’s quick to set one on her tongue happily chewing until she can swallow it down rubbing her belly. “I’m fine.”
“I guess you showed me huh,” he chuckles tapping her nose and leaving some juice from his finger on her skin successfully turning it light orange. Grace is quick to retaliate though rubbing her hands on his cheeks to leave behind tiny pieces of string as she giggles - and you do too from the other side of the kitchen.
Honestly you couldn’t blame her for picking Ari over you as her favorite. You’d choose him too if you had to pick between the two of you.
“Alright, it’s pretty much cleaned out now. You want scary or funny?,” he asks watching as she adorably tapped her tiny finger to her temple in thought.
“Got it,” he nods. “Why don’t you get cleaned up and help your aunt with cookies?”
“I got everything we could ever want Grace,” you smile reaching in your grocery bag full of decorating goodies. “There’s sprinkles - three different shapes I might add - glitter, edible stickers, and stencils to help us draw shapes!”
The way she gazed at the sprinkles with her mouth in a little “o”, you think you’ve got her. Finally able to bond with her over a shared love of cookies like you were in one of those Hallmark movies. Like a little happy family.
“Um..wanna stay with uncle Ari.”
Well, so much for that.
“Oh okay,” you answer successfully hiding your hurt behind your nonchalance. Ari still notices though giving you a sympathetic smile and mouthing, “sorry.”
You appreciated him trying, but maybe you were just meant to be the fun uncle’s wife that barely got a hello. And who tends to go overboard with cookie decorating supplies.
“Alright ladies are we ready?,” Ari asks sitting on the navy blue sectional between you and a bouncy Grace nodding yes. During your spaghetti dinner - made by Ari since apparently his was the best although he used your recipe - he suggested that you all watch a movie afterwards.
Specifically, Gremlins.
His thought process being what better way for everyone - more so you and Grace - to spend time together than to watch a movie? Especially a spooky one seeing that it was the night before Halloween. You, on the other hand, had a few concerns on his niece potentially being scared of the little troublesome creatures.
“She’ll be fine. It’s not that scary,” he assured kissing your cheek.
Freshly bathed and in her appropriately themed pumpkin pajamas, Grace couldn’t wait holding on tight to her Mickey Mouse blanket as she watched her uncle press play.
“Share with me!,” she smiles just as Ari spreads the bigger, cream blanket over both yours and his lap.
“I’m not gonna fit though bug.”
“Uh huh! Watch,” she states crawling into his lap and neatly spreading the grey blanket over her legs and his thighs. You - again - casted off to the side with your blanket as she tilts her head back to look up at him. “We fit!”
“Y-Yea, looks like we do.” He gives you another sympathetic smile draping his arm around your shoulders while you bundle deeper under the blanket.
“I’d rather be by myself anyway. Little does she know her uncle is a blanket hog,” you think trying to make yourself feel better.
Ari appeared to be right on Grace not being scared. She even fell asleep towards the end with her upper half on the cushion next to them and lower half still on his lap; mouth wide open pointed towards the ceiling. Ari was the one to tuck her in bed, while you cleaned up the blankets and plates of cookie crumbs left in the living room.
You were the last to enter the shared guest room to finally get ready for bed yourself. Your love struck husband taking turns gazing at you and the last period of some hockey game as you strode back and forth from the bathroom to the bedroom. A small, dopey smile on his lips watching you wash your face and apply all your products.
“Share with me?,” he pouts with those puppy eyes making you giggle while sliding into the full sized bed.
“I don’t know,” you sigh, “I feel like Grace is gonna somehow come in saying how she wants you to sleep in her room instead because that’s where you’re supposed to be.”
Yes probably a little petty, but you couldn’t hold it in anymore.
His tattooed arms bring you closer into his body pecking the top of your head as you settle between his pecs. A low “aw” vibrating in his chest while his hands rub along your back.
“I know I probably sound jealous, but I’m not. I love how you have a great relationship with your niece! But it’s like she hates me and I have no idea what I did.”
He knew that had always been a bit of a fear for you. Kids hating you for whatever reason, thus meaning you shouldn’t have them although you did desire to be a mother one day. It’s why you were nervous meeting Grace all those years ago, afraid that the smallest mess up would ruin everything.
It didn’t help that the minute Ari passed her to you, she began whining and squirming. Your coos of comfort and gentle rocks didn’t seem to help, only making her more agitated not getting what she wanted. She didn’t stop until she was back in Ari’s strong arms and you kept your distance the rest of the visit cautious of a repeat interaction.
If only he could get you to ignore that fear and really see how everyone you met - adults and children alike - had no issues with you. Some even left enchanted by the charisma you thought you lacked.
“I promise, she doesn’t hate you gorgeous.”
“She said so?,” you quietly ask lifting your head with a hint of hope.
“Well…no. But she didn’t say the opposite either.” He tried to soothe your qualms, but it’s not helping the way he hoped watching your head fall back to his chest with a light huff. “Trust me sweetheart. I guess she’s just attached to me because-,”
“You’re amazing and clearly the favorite,” you mumble making him chuckle.
“I was gonna say because I talk to her more, but I’ll take the compliment.”
It’s not long after that you’re both falling asleep lulled by the shared warmth from holding each other. Ari’s soft snores vibrating the side of your face still lying on his chest.
You think you’re dreaming when a mix of a whine and cry hits your ears disrupting your rest and making you groggily sit up. Hearing feet shuffling outside your door though confirms those sounds are in fact real, giving you more motivation to investigate.
Your husband’s too far gone in his own dreamland to be affected by your moving; still lightly snoring with an arm over his forehead and the other out by his side.
Quietly opening the door, you wrap your arms around yourself in your thin pajama set feeling the chill of the night air seeping into your sister in law’s house before carefully padding out to the living room. There, you notice something on the couch moving under the blanket you folded earlier causing you to freeze in place. It was then you realized you probably should’ve woken Ari up so he could be the one playing detective or at least grabbed something you could use to defend yourself.
“H-Hello?,” you call out to the dim space only lit by a couple plug in nightlights in the walls.
“Hi,” Grace’s soft voice responds with a short sniffle.
You also realize how you’re sleepy brain might not be fully thinking straight unable to conclude earlier how it could just be your own niece sitting there on the couch.
Stepping closer, you sit on the cushion next to hers peeling back the cotton throw until you see her splotchy face and red eyes. Water attached to her curled lashes and some still threatening to spill over. “What’s wrong?”
“Bad dream…gwemlins,” she answers using the blanket to wipe her eyes. You immediately hug her close as you coo and assure her everything’s okay.
And surprisingly, she hugs you back.
Her tiny arms wrap tight around you - well, as far as they could with her adorably short reach - almost refusing to let you go.
“Yea, when they get angry they can be scary huh?”
She nods. “And have very very sharp teeth.”
“They do, but luckily they’re not real so there’s nothing-,”
A crash from the back room startles both of you making Grace scream, with the six year old nearly choking you now having her arms around your neck.
“It’s them!,” she cries hiding her face in your shoulder just as Ari limps into the living room holding his knee and appearing half asleep.
“Damn dresser,” he grumbles wiping his eyes that quickly fill with concern seeing both of you on the couch and his niece upset. “What’s wrong?”
“Grace had a nightmare about Gremlins,” you answer pointedly glaring at him as if saying, “I told you so!”
The slight wince on his face isn’t just from an uncomfortable knee as he walks forward to perch on the coffee table. “I’m sorry bug. I didn’t mean to show that to you to scare you.”
“Not nice uncle Ari,” she mumbles still attached to you.
“Forgive me?,” he pouts holding his arms out for a hug. “Peas?”
Wiping her eyes one last time, a small smile begins to spread on her lips as she moves from you to Ari. A fit of giggles rapidly escaping her mouth as his larger body practically swallows hers in a bear hug and he attacks her cheeks with kisses. A dramatic “mwah” sounding every time he made contact causing you to giggle as well.
And fantasize the undoubtedly joyful future you’d both have with your own children.
“Don’t do it again!,” she chastises when he stops. Wagging her finger inches from his nose making him chuckle. She was definitely her mother’s child.
“I promise I won’t.”
“Alright guys,” you sigh, “Since it’s gonna be a bit difficult to go back to sleep, I say we watch something happy.”
“Not Gwemlins!”
“No definitely not,” you chuckle. “I was thinking..Aladdin.”
“Yay! I love Aladdin!,” she claps in Ari’s arms as he picks her up so they both can sit on the couch. To both of your surprise, Grace crawls from her uncle’s lap and squeezes between you and Ari. “You like too?”
“Mhm, I even went as Princess Jasmine for Halloween when I was little.” You have to admit, seeing that gleam of admiration in her eyes as she gazed up at you made you silently thank Ari for showing her that movie. It was the reason behind this bonding moment that you didn’t think would happen.
As the movie played, you and Grace talked about the scenes and of course sung along to your heart’s content not caring if you were off key. All the while Ari watched you both with a soft smile on his pink lips loving how fast of friends you’d become.
And when you both fell asleep - you leaning on his shoulder and her across your lap - he couldn’t help but sneakily take a picture with his phone. Sending it to you with a message saying “looks like you’re amazing and a clear favorite too😉”.
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runawaydr3amerao3 · 27 days
Fanbinding by @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis 📖🫶
Continuing my run as the luckiest little fangirl in the west... 🥺💖
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@jinkieswouldyoulookatthis did something truly beautiful for me recently, and I've just received the results: my very own handmade, hand bound copy of my West series.
You can see her incredibly cool (possibly haunted) process here:
Below, you can see my very uncool emotional breakdown of/about it (and some more photos). 🥲
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Now look at all of the beautiful details!
These end papers are so eye-grabbing and perfectly selected, since the series takes place through a revolving door of motels, just as in early-seasons canon.
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The title verso has all of the information from AO3, the original LJ publishing dates, @idlingintheimpalapodcast's podfic version details, and the fanbinding specs. Then there's the contents page! JUST LIKE A REAL BOOK, YOU GUYS!
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Also, did you happen to spot @tsukiyo-7's credit line on the verso page?! BECAUSE I DID! And I had no idea what that was about until I opened to the page with their custom artwork!
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How freaking cool is that?! 😭 Thank you, you fantastically talented person! 💖 Everyone go check out their other beautiful art (plenty of stunning Wincest. 🫶) on their Tumblr!
In case you're wondering, the Kushtaka, which Jinkies also created a whole, super cool entry from John's hunting journal for, is the creature that necessitates Sam and Dean ending up in the shower together in part two of the series. 🤭
Then, not only that, but this curious little sticker tumbled out when I opened those pages:
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Because Jinkies doesn't do anything by halves, it turns out that she even found this traditional formline artwork of the Kushtaka by Nick Alan Foote, an indigenous artist of Native American Tlingit heritage, where the legend comes from. That is such a special connection to have that I would never have expected. I'm way beyond touched. 🥹 Please check out the artist's other wonderful work here on Insta.
The final dagger in the coffin of my tendency to blubber at the drop of a hat, let alone in the face of heartfelt gestures, was this page:
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@sam-is-my-safe-word and @talltalesandbedtimestories have been personal champions and cheerleaders of mine since the very beginning of my return to writing in this fandom, and they haven't stopped since. The fact that they still have effusively kind things to say about me and my work just makes me want to die (in a happy way).
The comments on my fics are, like, 90% of what keeps me writing. Sharing and engaging and knowing that my stories are making people happy is what it's all about for me, so having those comments from @fictionallemons, Faraway22 (not sure if they're on here under a different username?), Jinkies, and @chiquititasnewsong preserved as a reminder of that... Honestly, you should be glad you can't hear the noises I'm making right now.
The thing is, I knew Jinkies was doing this. She asked permission before she started, she offered to make me a copy as well, and I've been elated and flattered from the moment she did. But now, having it in my hands, I'm moved even further than I thought I would be (and believe me, I know myself–I knew I'd be a mess).
I live a very small life, y'all. The joys I experience tend to be on the same scale. So while this might not be grand or extravagant to many people, this gift, of something I put into the world through a medium I've only really known digitally, intangibly, now being something I can hold in my hands as proof that I've touched the lives of people so far and wide, is a kind of profound that these words don't do justice.
It makes my life feel pretty darn big after all.
Thank you, @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis. Thank you to those who contributed. Thank you to everyone who's read and commented and been a part of West in some way over the last 14 years. The story's still being told in this way. I'm so grateful to remain a part of it.
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mitamicah · 1 year
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The full käärijä stickers project + bonus stickers
Concept sketches; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th update ; Bätman, Fashionista
Stickers in order of when they were done being rendered;
June > 1 (CCC), 2 (ICIP), 3 (Pocket Size), 4 (Mr. WW)
July > 5 (Kiitos)
August > 6(häärijä), 7(PR), 8(Stay Hydrated), 9(Bätmän), 10(Fashionista)
September > 11 (Väcätion), 12 (Are You?), 13 (Honorary Slovene), Bonus 1+2 (Voittaja + Kiss Your bros)
It has been exactly four months after first publicly sharing my idea of this insane project of making a 13-piece sticker set as a tribute to the man that won my heart at this year's eurovision. Four months and many hours sketching, rendering, deleting and re-rendering art to get to this point.
What a journey this has been: starting more or less after eurovision I can honestly say I have grown through this process and I might have been frustrated at times but all in all I've enjoyed the journey especially since it has involved all you wonderful kääryleet. Your comments and happy tags has get me through even the toughest of days and kept me motivated to finish this project.
From the bottom of my heart thank you for staying with me through it all :'D I probably won't stop making käärijä fanart so this is not a goodbye. It is more of a proof to myself that with the right support and drive, you can even finish the most insane of projects
Love you all and I hope you like this series as much as I do <3
Also if somebody is nerdy like me here's the list of the stickers by popularity at time of rercording (September 28 2023);
14. Paidaton Riehuja (orange); 42 notes
13. A Wild Häärijä appeared (yellow); 44 notes
12. Stay Hydrated (teal); 46 notes
11. Fäshiönistä (pink); 47 notes
10. Are You? (white); 53 notes
9. Pocket sized (purple); 55 notes
8. Gig stickers (the bonus ones); 71 notes
7. Cha Cha Cha (green) 83 notes
6. It's Crazy It's Party (purpleblue); 86 notes
5. Kiitos (red); 88 notes
4. Bätmän (black); 92 notes
3. Mr. World Wide (blue); 101 notes
2. Väcätion Mode: On (peach); 114 notes
Honorary Slovene (group hug); 140 notes
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polyamorouspunk · 1 month
what’s it like going to a punk/metal show? I’ve always wanted to go to one but i live way too rural for there to be any nearby
Hmm, okay.
For me, personally, I always feel like I don’t belong there. But at the same time it feels like home.
And that goes for almost any show no matter the size.
There are exceptions! I don’t think I’ve ever felt that way at an INK show, and I didn’t feel that way going to see them with Metallica. There were people of all ages and race etc. at Metallica, from downright conservatives to queer as fuck folks.
Looking around at Beartooth I had a hard time not comparing myself to others. I wasn’t traditionally pretty like the skinny white sorority looking girls. I didn’t feel like I looked “hardcore” enough. I didn’t feel like I looked queer enough. But at the end of the day you’re in a stadium full of other people who get you in some way or another.
I’ve never been to a show where I didn’t end up talking to someone. I’ve always been able to make conversation with those around me with ease. It’s an ease that is different than talking to people in public. Maybe more similar to if you went to a convention and there are a ton of people in costumes and you’re able to just walk up to them and tell them you like their cosplay. Or you’re standing at a booth and a group of friends is fawning over a button pin or a sticker the artist is selling and you chime in and agree it’s super cute and you were thinking of getting it yourself. Small talk like that.
Smaller scene shows can be hard to break into and feel comfortable talking to people like that if everyone knows each other and you don’t know any of them. It’s a lot easier if THEY come to you.
Going to a show, by the time the opening acts are through, your hearing is fucked up, and you’re hearing everything as if you’re underwater. If you know the songs you can pick them out and sing along, but if you don’t, you’re not picking up on much because it all just sounds like noise soup.
Every once in a while you have to stop what you’re doing (filming, vibing, drinking, smoking, etc.) to help crowd surf someone. Sometimes you’re helping the same person crowd surf like 8 times.
I’ve never seen anyone say that someone was too big to crowd surf. Big tiddy goth girls? They crowd surfing.
You have to be okay with other people touching you. You have to be okay with getting grabbed, getting pushed, getting shoved, getting hands laid on you, etc. and you have to not freak out about it.
It becomes VERY easy to get separated from people you’re with, but everyone around you is cool, so it’s fine.
I saw a fight break out at Beartooth RIGHT inbetween my best friend and I, and we were on opposite sides, and it was enough Caleb stopped the show, and they cussed each other out, and then made up and hugged it out after. You have to learn to not be afraid of these people, even if they are people you would never associate with otherwise.
Of course shit happens. People get drunk, people get high, etc. and a lot of times if something happens you hear about it after the fact, but I haven’t had that happen honestly.
You get this sort of anxiety beforehand, waiting in line. No matter what I feel like I always have anxiety at shows. It goes away and gets replaced by this euphoric high though that a few days later leaves you deprived of that chemical and you FEEL a depression. Post-concert blues is a REAL fucking thing. It’s very hard to go back to your “normal” life after an amazing night. Truly “I shouldn’t be here, I should be at a concert right now”.
Trash everywhere.
Smaller shows are personal enough you can just hang out and talk to artists. A lot of them are just people with regular day jobs who do this on the side. Slightly larger bands might do music as a full time gig but work their own merch table and stuff so you can go talk to them. You can pretty easily find them outside the venue and just sit down and hang out with them. I ran into Remington Leith of Palaye Royale the first Warped tour I ever went to and I walked around with him a bit. I found Tallah outside the venue when I went the other week and just sat with them while I scrolled through tumblr and listened to them talk to each other and occasionally chimed in and talked to them. Alex said she liked my homemade Tallah shirt. They were looking at a weird bug. I asked about it. Shit like that.
When I went to see Beartooth I could see Caleb side stage and I excitedly pointed him out to my best friend and she was like idk who that is and I said he was the lead singer of Beartooth and I had to mime that I had a crush on him. Embarrassing shit.
The singers will talk to the audience on stage. Sometimes they ramble on, sometimes they perform bits, like comedy. Caleb was talking about how he’d played the venue we saw them in more times than any other venue.
Moshing starts off strong and then dies down quickly a lot. A singer will fire up the crowd and it does not last. People are tired.
Costumes? A lot of costumes. Both the bands and the fans.
Sometimes the merch line is worth it, sometimes it is not.
I personally never get food or drink at concerts. I also don’t wear hearing protection. I really, really should. But I don’t. There is nothing unsexy about hearing protection.
Someone’s head is always in the way and when it’a not it’s truly a magical moment blessed from the gods.
You may get stuff thrown at or dumped on you. It happens. Once again you just gotta be cool with it.
If you don’t want to be in the pit everyone just kind of shuffles away and if you do you gotta push through and be like “LET ME IN”. 90% of people there do not want to be in the mosh pit. We are old and decrepit. Also that much attention on me would make me anxious.
Every band is just a group of Some Guys™️ truly. Just some fucking dudes. Sometimes there are girls and they are hot. Hi Alex from Tallah.
Lead singers love to climb things. Guitarists love to spin in circles. Drummers like to go hard for drum solos and they’re right and they should s(pl)ay it.
Local shows you’ll probably end up knowing some people by sight at least if not by name if you go more than once. So far people have come up to me and introduced themselves so I know some faces. It’s hard to not have imposter syndrome about it, at least for me. It’s hard not to feel transient or like you don’t belong when everyone knows each other and has history and talks about “hey were you there when-” “YEAH I WAS” and you don’t see any of these people ever. They’ll include you as best as they can but it can still be kind of isolating.
I’m sure if you’re already a pillar in your scene, then it’s truly a life style. Drinking, smoking, hosting shows in your bedroom, going to other shows in other people’s bedrooms and living rooms, house parties ever weekend or shows at the local venue where you know everyone that works there. Shit like that.
This has been a mix of my experiences the last few shows I’ve been to, which in order, has been Tallah, Beartooth, Metallica, and then just a house party with DJs.
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nabaath-areng · 8 days
People I want to get to know better
(Was tagged by @semper-miles and @sealrock, thank you! ♡)
Last Song: 'Fat Fetishism' with The Piass (don't look up without lowering your volume first just in case LOL) (Random tangent but seeing them live will forever be one of the best things I've ever experienced... I need to frame the stickers I put together on my old calendar cover. Honestly I'd love it if I ever got another chance to watch them perform, seeing that they've only done lives since the one I went to back in... oh my god 2012 what IS time—)
Favorite Color: Pinks, preferably light and pastel though I do love hot/neon pink too. Other people usually expect it to be black considering the way I've always dressed IRL (which is to various extents reflected in my OCs), and I do like black! But what I like to put on myself vs what I like to surround myself with (like my room, personal belongings, everyday items etc) differs and therefore I'm overwhelmingly surrounded by pink lol
Currently Watching: ... Honestly I tried to start multiple things many months ago but my ADHD makes watching anything an actual nightmare and if I finish a whole series, especially if it's long? You can bet that I'll barely remember anything orz So I guess in order for me to answer the question should be "what's the last thing you tried to watch" which would be Heavenly Delusion (hoping to finish it but I can only watch things properly in my gf's direct presence and we're long distance sooo...) (Though last year something possessed me and I watched the entire SVSSS donghua start to finish several episodes in a row without losing focus even once and I'm still riding that high. I suppose it helped that I'd already read the whole novel lol)
Last Movie: Movies are a bit easier for me (due to them having a very clear cut run time for me to mentally prepare for beforehand) but they're still subject to the same problems as the previous question... and I think the last one I watched was Ghibli's Castle in the Sky about a year ago or so (my favorite movie also)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Love all three, could never pick just one!!!! And for that matter, LOVE sour.
Relationship Status: In a relationship with @amberwound !!!!
Current Obsessions: My new desktop and the fact that I can have more than one game installed at a time on it. I've also been stuck in HSR cause something about the combat just scratches my brain in a way I can't explain...
Last Thing in my Search History: 'Svenskt lejon' to show friend lmao
Tagging: @fourfoldfires @amberwound @captainqster @ahollowgrave @mythandral @witcherbatard @apheliondusk @yloiseconeillants @tsupertsundere @draculas-husband @neoma-eltanin @ffxivtribehydrae @tinolqa @magicalyams @unfotp @cytherae-rubin (I bet more than half of these won't actually get properly tagged with no way to correct it cause this always happens when I tag people and this website might just hate me--)
+ anyone else who wants to! Consider yourself tagged by me!
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wickedsnack-art · 2 months
Can I ask about your online selling experience? I know you're moving away from Etsy (and I don't blame you!) but just curious about what's worked/what hasn't. Trying to help my mom sell her art but like. She's older and I have never sold art online and can't give her any advice.
Please feel free to tag other artists selling their work as well! Thank you 🙏
Oh I have to be honest I am probably not the best person to ask about this as it's something I've definitely struggled with myself! I will say for what it's worth that I've been seeing a lot of artists struggling lately; no matter how "popular" an artist is, many seem to be reporting sales that are lower than expected even if market research/interest checks/preorders were done.
Everyone is struggling financially right now---it's been this way for YEARS---and art is one of the first luxuries to go.
That said, Etsy worked well for me for a long time. If your mom isn't doing fanart, she should be fine, because my biggest issue with them arose about the fact that I was selling fanart. Some tips I have;
USE EVERY TAG. Etsy has, if I recall correctly, 13 tags you can put on an individual item. Use all 13. Use them for alternative words for what you're selling (if it's a sticker, tag it as a decal, if it's a print, tag it as a poster). Think about who you think would buy this and what weird search terms they may use to try to find it, and think about alternative uses for the item (a trinket dish might also be an ashtray).
HAVE DESCRIPTIVE TITLES. Put the most important words first so people can see what they're getting right away, but don't be afraid of slightly longer titles. Honestly my titles could've and should've been longer, like Sailor Moon Art Nouveau Digital Art Poster Print Multiple Sizes or something.
RUN SALES OFTEN. Even if it's just 10-15% off people will buy something they've been eying for a while when there's a sale, or they'll feel more eager to buy something they've just found if it's on sale.
USE ETSY'S AUTOMATED DISCOUNT OFFERS. Etsy can automatically send a discount code to people who have interacted with your shop, use it. I made more sales from the automated 10% off code sent to people who favorited items than my monthly Patreon discount.
USE ETSY FREE SHIPPING. Shipping via Etsy is pretty cheap, and activating the "free shipping on orders over $35" will boost your spot in the algorithm, will boost the likelihood that people will order from you, and will boost the average cart size of people that order from you.
I RECOMMEND PRINTFUL. I used Printful for selling my larger prints, but they also offer other items if you want to branch out. If you don't want to get in trouble with Etsy, make sure you register it as a manufacturing partner and assign every item that Printful makes for you. Dropshipping on Etsy is a problem, but the problem is people who steal art or use AI to generate images to sell. I don't personally see a problem with someone who makes their art themselves going through a print shop to sell products they don't have the means to create at home. If you don't want to do that, you can check out inprnt. I haven't used them, but many other people have and seem to like it well enough.
SHIP THROUGH ETSY. It doesn't take very long to set up a shipping profile for your items, and it makes shipping easier and cheaper. As long as you get your items out on time, you'll get their shipping star or whatever very quickly and easily and maintain it without problem. It also has the benefit that if a buyer ever has an issue with the shipping, Etsy is more likely to have your back. If for any reason you can't ship through Etsy, I recommend pirateship. Also!! Be more careful about international shipping than you think you should be. There are a lot of confusing international laws regarding sending items as a corporation to those countries that you may not expect, so before you agree to selling something to a foreign country, make sure you check their laws.
I have also tried having an Instagram shop and I'll be fully honest I don't do what I should do with my Instagram. Maybe other people have more successful Instagram shops, but the process it took for me to get it started compared to how many sales I've made as a result of it (literally ZERO), I would not recommend it.
Shopify is good if you have a following somewhere, because you have to bring all the traffic there yourself. That's the benefit of Etsy and Instagram; they are able to make traffic for you. I've never had a following large enough anywhere to feel like I could run a Shopify of my art. Maybe one day.
I don't personally know a lot of artists who sell online successfully, so if you see this and you fall under that category PLEASE SHARE TIPS!!
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silversword7000 · 3 months
anon opinion ask!!
i legitimately don’t think i’ve met a sweeter, more devoted to making people happy person on this website. you seem so adorably enthusiastic about the world and i’d love to see things through your eyes. i can instantly recognise your posts by the emojis you use, and i think that’s so cool!! anytime i want lots of positivity and a generally good time i go scroll through your blog and smile. you are so so kind!!!
I’M ACTUALLY GOING TO EXPLODE OMGGG💖💖❣️💖❣️💖❣️💖❣️❣️❣️❣️ Honestly because of my experiences I just choose to be defiantly kind and to never hold back on a compliment cause you never know when somebody could need something like that!! I wish that I could give you Sophia-vision glasses (that are also incredibly stylish of course✨ it is actually so tragic you guys can’t see my outfits on the regular but I am still nervous about posting myself online) so you could see the world like me!! The next best thing is to always do things that make you happy even if it might seem idiotic to other people! That’s what I always do! Making other people happy is my favorite thing to make myself happy!!
(I’m breaking this in two to make it more readable hopefully, I have the tendency to need a lot of words to express myself!😝😝) I just ADORE that you know my usual set of emojis❣️❣️❣️💖💖💖🌟🌟🌟✨✨✨ Like I said in a previous anon opinion, a lot of the way that I talk and express myself in person gets lost online so this is my way of making up for it. PLUS TO ME IT’S LIKE GIVING YOU ALL ONLINE STICKERS💖💖💖💫💫💫 Sometimes I worry that I come across as disingenuous because I reuse statements sometimes and I’m just excitable and talk in a way most people don’t online so I’m really glad that you enjoy it🥰🥰💕💕💕 IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT MY BLOG MAKES YOU HAPPY YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW THE ENERGY I DERIVE FROM RUNNING THIS BLOG IT’S LITERALLY BEEN ONE OF THE BEST DECISIONS IN MY LIFE🥹🥹🥹💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 I wish this wasn’t anonymous so I could come to your blog and IMMEDIATELY give you just as much love as you just gave me!! You just made my night friend, I couldn’t thank you enough, seriously!!🌟🌟🌟❣️❣️❣️
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putschki1969 · 8 months
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2024/01/30 Blog post by Wakana みんな、明日は何の日か知ってるかい?〜締め切りの日です〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Everyone, What Day Is It Tomorrow?〜Deadline Day〜
These are the present postcards and stickers for the people whose messages I read in the previous “Wakana’s Talk Garden”😍 I got New Year's cards and made some Shark-chan stickers in auspicious colours 🥳🎉 Gold, red and white! Aren't they super cute!? 😳 They might be my favourite so far 😊Everyone, please wait for it to arrive 💌
I keep using my failed attempts for myself💻 (Even though I make some mistakes here and there, I feel like I've gotten better at making stickers!!)
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
The next episode is scheduled for February 10th, I'll be looking for Valentine's Day cards to send to everyone whose message I read during the podcast~💓 Well, this time's theme is "Valentine's Day Memories"... Everyone! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! So far, there is only a very small number of messages! ! ! 😂😂😂 Only about 1/5 of the usual amount have been sent in! ! ! *laughs* What's happening?~~🥺Everyone, please don't leave me hanging~~🥺🥺 I'm happy with any memories, so please send them to me~🥺 You are gonna make me cry if you don't 🤣🤣
Even if you are the type of person that says they have no memories because they leave all their memories in the past and live comfortably in the present, please just tell me about this year's Valentine's Day ♡ *laughs* Let me know what you want to eat for Valentine's Day, maybe you want to eat ◯◯ instead of chocolate? Or maybe you want to propose to your lover on Valentine's Day?! ← I definitely want to hear about that! Or tell me a random trivia about Valentine's Day! Honestly, anything is fine\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
By the way, I recently got in the mood for Valentine's Day and bought my favourite Lindt chocolate 😊 Lindt is probably most well-know for their Lindor round chocolate! ! The first time I saw them was when I went to New York! ! I received this cute round candy-like thing at the entrance of the store, and when I ate it, it was so delicious...😆 Up until that point I hadn't been a huge fan of sweets but Lindt changed my mind! (I like the milk and white chocolate one with chocolate chips in it. The salted caramel one is delicious too! Also, the newly released matcha tea one! LOL) And these thin bars of chocolate are absolutely delicious too😳💕 I will sometimes have a glass of wine and some dried fruits with it, it's like I am in a dreamland😳💕 Of course it also goes well with coffee ♡ By the way, I always keep some bite-sized chocolates on hand for my morning coffee time. Meiji's matcha and strawberry chocolates are delicious (^^) I somehow ended up buying Kiss Chocolate when I went shopping a while back *laughs*. I like white chocolate and chocolate chips (^^)
There is a chocolate other than Lindt that I love, I received it from a fan a long time ago and fell in love with it, so much so that I ordered it myself the following year! But...I can't remember the name anymore😂😂 I am always looking through the department store's Valentine's Day special online store and hope I can recall what the packaging looked like! *laughs* I'm pretty sure it might have been a German chocolate, or maybe not...?🤔
Anyway, everyone, please send me you memories of Valentine's Day! I repeat, “Memories of VALENTINE'S DAY♡”😂😂 The deadline is tomorrow! ! I'm waiting! ! ! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
I will be uploading rehearsal photos on Instagram for my online live on February 6th, so please look forward to it 😆 Until next time~☆( *'▽’*)/
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2024/02/02 Instagram post by Wakana
We had a rehearsal for “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” which will be held exclusively for FC members on February 6th☺️🎶 I was joined by Saku-chan on piano🎹📸 After spending a lot of time rehearsing, we look pretty exhausted😇 I'm so sleepy 😇zzz Please take a look at the fun photos of us gradually becoming more and more blurry🤗(Source)
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 months
reply roundup!
man apparently these are still hard even when I'm not Literally Dying anymore :v
the sad sale went great, thank you for all the support everyone <3 I bought shelves and makeup and paper star papers and stickers and a new blanket, plus it's helping cover my allowance until my wife starts getting paid. I am already thinking I might do another sale in november just for fun lol
my wife has started orientation at her program and she's having a great time, our partner and I are gonna go down to visit her in a couple weeks :) I also finished rearranging all my furniture now that her furniture isn't here and it only made me terribly ill once!
I am really enjoying everyone singing along on [live and learm], I love enthusiasm <3
on [stars] @korattata said: HEY THATS WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING ALL DAY!!!!! i just started learning last night! its a nice break at work to stop looking at the computer screen. they all still look a bit wonky and i think one of the sheets of paper is too thick but i'm just using paper i got from the supply closet and cut with the paper cutter lol
aw that's so cool! the ones that are like actually packaged for making paper stars are usually a bit thinner than printer paper, like other origami paper, but that also means they tear a lot more easily in the first step if you're not careful, so it's always a tradeoff. what a fun coincidence :>
on [hallway] @thesilentpotato said: the first thing i thought of was the "da dee la da dee la da" krabby patty zoom in scene from spongebob
lol I hadn't thought of that until you said it but you're so right (she is referencing [this scene] from the krusty krab training video for anyone unfamiliar)
(side note thank you to folks who put pronouns in easily findable places so I can refer to you correctly even if I don't know you <3 )
on [birthday] @joekingv1 said: *asks baby what gifts they received and if they would like to read/watch Komi Can't Communicate*
I never really got into komi because one of the side characters really squicks me out, but I have a friend that really loves it, so maybe they've watched it with her! I think they probably got to go somewhere fun for their birthday like a theme park or a zoo, and get a souvenir plush while they were there -u-
on [sheep] @ceylonsilvergirl [added] a different line for kirby, which I still think about regularly lol
on [pills] @minty-spice said: op i hope your health improves and your empire of pills eventually shrinks
thank you <3 honestly I'd be happy with just the first one, I don't mind all the pills so much as long as they're actually helping.
on [crackers] @amatsuki said: made a bunch of cold noodles today with cucumber carrot chicken & sesame peanut soy sauce. the only actual cooking i had to do was boil water and steam chicken
oh hell yeah cold noodles are a fantastic example of a basic food to go feral over. now I want noodles too.........
on [thinking] @adrawrable said: hope you're cozy op
not right now as I type this because it is Computer Work Time, but in general I am So Cozy these days, I have a whole queen bed to myself so it's full of big stuffed animals and fluffy blankets :) (tbh even once my wife moves back here we may just all have individual beds we all seem very comfy this way lol)
on [slam] @jeaniechibi said: we'll be right back ➡️ shshgdtsudtdidh why is every bit of art with a blurr effect so damn funny 🤣
it truly is, I love a thoughtfully applied motion blur (or perspective blur can be funny too) (altho tbh I don't use the perspective blur tool for those I just use separate layers and gaussian blur) (for anyone unfamiliar this is a reference to the eric andre show meme)
on [beehive] @galacticnova3 said: me @ wasp nests minus the frowning, little fellas doing their little fella activities. sometimes they squabble. the thinking man’s reality tv drama
true, true, gotta love little fella activities. personally I feel better observing from a safe distance, but we had a lot of wasps around my childhood home and I didn't really know how to get friendlier than not actively making them mad lol
anonymous asked: That profile is amazing
for some reason I don't feel like I understand, but thank you!
on [sale] @milkymoon-ramblings said: gahh why do so many people have so many cool probducts, the queers are tempting me with their cool swag. however I need to save money for my own cool swag (digital art)
I just love the phrase "the queers are tempting me with their cool swag", so relatable lol (also no worries to anyone who couldn't or didn't want to buy anything, it's not like I needed it to pay bills I just wanted treats :v )
on [solstice] @jaune-chat said: Definitely, the sun can fuck right off. I break into a rash if I get too much sun, and I can't walk outside without full body coverage to some degree or be itching for WEEKS! In order of preference, is fall, winter, spring, summer.
oof yeah my mom gets a bad rash from sun exposure too! I'm fortunate to not have that specific symptom, but dang it seems so inconvenient, especially if you're also sensitive to heat so being covered up puts you at additional risk. personally I rate winter a little higher than fall but otherwise yeah total agreement lol
on [rollerskates] @nexus-nebulae said: @ prev tags i used to daydream constantly about being able to roller skate everywhere because i would constantly think 'rolling would be way easier than dragging my feet everywhere rn' and it took me two months of constantly thinking about that before i realised OH i need a ROLLATOR that would help (<- i am not smart) i haven't actually tried roller skating bc i don't own skates but i have used a skateboard briefly and that also feels better than walking. i wonder.... if the roller skating rink nearby would allow me to use a rollator in the rink with skates on........ probably not lmao
honestly it takes so much to actually realize like "oh a mobility aid might help with this" which is like, a bad thing, but we're just gonna focus on the funny part for now happy disability pride month :v and tbh I think maybe they might let you do it??? cuz like at ice skating rinks they usually have those little penguins or just straight up plastic lawn chairs for people to support themselves on, so I don't think it would be that crazy to go out on the rollarink with a rollator? but also that's just me and I do not run the place or get paid minimum wage to keep people from breaking the place sooo lol
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fairuzfan · 10 months
Im a small artist and have done art commissions for years and want to make it my full time job. Unfortunately, months before I became aware of Palestine/Gaza news my Wix membership renewed … I can’t get a refund for it now. I really need to make my website but I feel awful, like I’ve already hurt people without realizing. Either I stay on this platform and feel terrible or I pay a lot of money I didn’t budget for to switch .. I’m not sure what to do. ;; is squarespace a good alternative to wix? In terms of the boycott? I know this is kind of unconventional but .. do you have any idea what I should do? Thank you ..
Honestly, personally, I would still stay on wix just because you already paid them and you might as well use their services for now. I would turn off automatic renewal and remember to purchase the URL after your year is up. I myself use carrd for my website, I'm also an artist.
I wouldn't feel awful — you didn't know! I also had a website on wix a couple years ago before I realized what they were doing... so it's fine, especially since you're willing to make a change later! Its like — if you already have an hp computer, you wont throw it away and buy a new one all of a sudden. Youll only be losing money. The goal of the boycott is to directly impact their economy as much as possible so that they're forced to make a change.
I've seen some people use a sticker that says "this is my last hp product" for their computer so that people know they are boycotting, so you could put a similar line in your bio if you think that will help?
Thanks so much for sending this in. Please don't feel bad! It means so much that you care enough about Palestinians to want to make a change.
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shinesurge · 7 months
your custom cassettes are really really cool! ive been thinking about making custom cassettes for a bit, would you be willing to share what kind of paper you used for the label stickers and j-cards? also where do you get blank cassettes from? ive been looking at cassettecomeback but i was wondering if there was a better option.
Thanks a lot! They're really fun to make hehe
So full disclosure: I run a merch shop for my webcomic and I make most of my stuff myself in my studio. I've been doing this for the better part of ten years and over that time I've accumulated quite a bit of specialized, expensive equipment like the photo printer and cutting machine I use to make my cassette ephemera. THAT SAID mixtapes don't necessarily need all that!! Unless you're running a bootleg business on etsy or somethin I don't think you and your friends gotta run out and spend a ton of money to make these (beyond tracking down a deck and a player, obviously).
Unfortunately most of these items are found on Amazon because I'm a professional artist trying to Live, but if that's something you'd rather avoid buying through I'm listing the brick and mortar places I can find them when I need to for whatever reason!
My j-cards are just the 8x10 glossy photo paper from Pen & Gear, it's usually less than ten bucks a pack at walmart lmao. I use it with an inkjet photo printer! There are plenty of laser printer options out there though, which is probably the type non-artists have access to. Honestly I think the look of black ink on colored copy paper is super cool for handmade tapes, especially between friends.
My sticker paper was a bitch to find and I'm not sure if it would be useful without my specific equipment, but it's this glossy adhesive photo paper from some rando company called LDProducts. Literally just called "Sticker Photo Paper" pf. It's more expensive but I get it in stacks of a hundred because I print tons of stickers for my shop. Again, glossy adhesive paper might not be useful without a big boy printer but MATTE sticker paper is everywhere, that's also pretty common to find at walmart or at the very least at an office supply store; you can print on it or even get out some markers (not sure i'd suggest anything besides ink tho, I'd be worried it could come off and damage the player). I design the labels in clip studio and then load them into cricut so it's super easy to get the right shape every time, but if you're Determined you could get out a measuring tape and an xacto knife and get similar results.
I've only found my tapes on amazon unfortunately, and it's been a while since I bought any because I sort of inherited a bunch of sealed ones when my dad died and i'm still going through them lol. Almost all my custom ones are 90 minute Sony High Fidelity, last I checked you could order them in packs of five or ten but I'm not sure what the prices are like rn. If you REALLY want to get fancy with colored shells/custom lengths i did find this cool site you can order from, Duplication.ca, but the shipping is kinda rough. One of these days I wanna make some cassettes for my webcomic and I'll drop some money on some pretty ones then, but for now the Sonys are treating me fine so I haven't dug too deep.
I hope something in here is useful! I'm always happy to share what I know but again, I'm very fortunate to have access to quite a bit of stuff most people don't and I try to be up front about it alskdjf. Cassettes are best when they're sorta janky and handmade tho, it's kind of the whole point, and if they're just for you or someone you care about then marking them with a sharpie and masking tape is just as cool in my opinion. probably cooler. everybody should put music on physical media and trade it i think.
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thebiscuiteternal · 8 months
Thoughts on teeth, having just gotten one fixed.
I. hated. brushing my teeth growing up, because whenever i had to do it, it burned. Like, straight up, entire mouth going numb in the manner of being scalded by too-hot food. In fact, anything mint or mentholated was incredibly painful (for example, vicks rubs? most cough drops? gum? horrible).
For the longest time, no one believed me. I didn't get the same kind of violent rashes my allergies gave me, so clearly I was faking the pain. No matter how much I begged, I couldn't have the fruit or gum-flavored kids' toothpaste because it was too expensive, and while the dentist's office would use those for my once a year cleanings, they always sent me home with mint in the end as well.
So for years, I would skip brushing for as long as I could possibly hide it, which was usually until my parents would notice I wasn't running out of toothpaste when I should be. No amount of telling me my teeth were going to rot out of my head would make me put up with the pain for more than the absolute bare minimum, even when I was having to deal with braces. The only times I would force myself to brush was if I was going to be in a public-enough setting that someone might possibly notice, or if I had to get something unstuck from between my teeth. I skipped so many dentist visits, especially once I was old enough that scheduling them was my own responsibility. It only got worse when my mental health took a nosedive late in college because I couldn't even manage that much.
Honestly, I'm incredibly lucky that my teeth are as good as they are.
But then, I don't even remember how, the subject came up between me and the psychiatric nurse I was seeing at the time. And she asked
"Why don't you just buy the kids' paste now?"
"'Cause I'm not a kid anymore."
"So? You're the one paying for it, who's gonna care?"
Oh my god, what a lightbulb moment.
So "just buy the kids' paste" has kind of become my mantra for putting up with other physical/mental health problems. Get the cutesy little pink pill clicker. Cover the cane in stickers. As long as it works for you, who cares?
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