#i moved to the next town over and it's going great! but sometimes i'll go to transgender to chat up friends and get doughnuts and ice cream.
uncanny-tranny · 6 months
Something beautiful about the word transsexual is that contrary to popular (often by transmeds) belief, it has always included people who don't medically transition in anyway. It simply is an older word for what a lot of people would now call transgender and there are so many transsexual elders who never went on hormones and never had surgery but have identified as transsexual for decades and still do. I know transmeds have been around back in the day too, claiming that transsexual is only for medical transitioners, but many elders will disagree. Even if you look at some trans glossaries from 15 years ago they will define transsexual the same way that we define transgender. Transsexual and transgender are largely synonymous with different connotations to different people. The beauty is that we as trans people get to choose whether we want to reclaim a term that was put on us by cis people, or if we want to claim a term that was created by us for us, and both are beautiful and radical in their own way.
The thing about the history of transness is... we have documentation of trans people having existed for at least a thousand years. Trans history is ancient. We are a fact of humanity, not an option.
The interesting thing about transsexual is that it's a new word - coined in German as Transsexualismus by Magnus Hirschfeld in the 1920s, introduced later as transsexual. Around this time, more people were interested in what would be known as transsexualism. It's around this time and after the war that more and more medical transition options became wide-spread and practiced. Medical transition is by no means as experimental as people fear monger it to be, but in terms of trans history, we're living in a vastly different era than our trans ancestors.
The understanding of transsexual depends on who you ask, but it's my opinion that we ought to include as many transsexuals as possible. The idea that transsexuals are the Good Trans People, the ones who Put In The Work is an idea that's based on transphobia, not the language that's used. The attitude is the problem, the idea that we are inherently broken or must prove ourselves worthy is separate from the words that we identify with or are used to describe us.
It's for this reason that transsexualism is important to me. It's for this reason that I want as many people to be transsexuals as possible, whether or not you medically transition. I personally started preferring transsexual because I see it as political, as personal, as a community of beautiful people I want to help make good. If you don't identify as transsexual, that is great! But, please, know that transsexuals are also not stereotypes. We're not the Good Ones. We are part of the broader trans community, and thus, we should all work together.
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davenporttf · 1 year
All-Star Catcher
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My name is Alan and I'm the star shortstop for my small college team. I've always dreamed of making it in the big leagues. I don't remember a time when I didn't have a glove in my hand. There's just something about having this uniform on that makes me stoked for the day. I've trained all day every day since I was a kid until the lamp posts came on and my mom or friends telling me to wrap it up for the day. Even my girlfriend gets jealous sometimes that I don't spend enough time with her. I feel guilty but if I'm being honest, she's second to my love for the game.
It's Friday and we're towards the end of our game against the college across town. They don't stand a chance against our team, but especially my quick moves in the field. They can't get any balls past me! My blood is rushing with adrenaline and I'm feeling confident.
That's when I noticed in the stands some older guys with notepads looking my way. Shit, there are scouts here! This could be big for me as I've always dreamed of being drafted by an MLB team. I push away their presence and focused on the game. The batter then slams a ball my way and I instinctually jump to catch it before it rolls into the outfield. The crowd and my team go crazy! It was the game ending play. My team rushes to lift me up into the air and I can't help but notice the scouts smiling my way.
I'm walking out of the locker rooms still in my uniform feeling the after-game buzz when one of the scouts approaches me.
"Hey there! You're Alan right? Michael Right from the NY Mets. Crazy catch you got there at the end!"
"Thanks so much! It was a lucky save." I said modestly.
"Nonsense! You really have something kid. If you're interested, I'd like you to meet some players from the Mets. We love to see how future prospects mesh with our team."
I was stunned. "I would love that!" Meeting the Mets was a dream for a local town kid such as myself.
"Great! I'll book you on a flight to see them before their big game tomorrow. Some of the players could really use someone with your kind of catching skills."
That last line didn't quite make sense since I didn't think catching was what I was known for, but I would agree to anything to meet the team and make a name for myself.
It's the next day and I'm being escorted up to the dugout by Michael. It's a few hours before their game and the players are shooting the shit while beginning their stretches. Michael has been so kind to me, and he's even told me about the recent slump the Mets have been in. He's hoping some fresh blood will bring back the mojo for the team.
"Cody! Come over here. I'd love for you to meet Alan, one of our prospects." Michael yelled over to this good looking guy from the opposite side of the dugout. I'm not gay, but even I can tell he's not sleeping alone most nights.
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"Sup! I'm Cody. You must be Alan. Michael's told me a lot about you." He shook my hand and gave me a pat on the back. I was enamored and if I'm being honest, a little turned on. My girl would get a kick if she knew I thought that even for a second. I shook it from my head and chalked it up to the star power.
We talked some more and Cody then offered to have me stretch with them. I couldn't believe it, and instantly jumped to join them. I was already in my uniform per Michael's request. I found it strange at first but figured it would help the team picture me among them.
We started with with arm stretches. ""You'll need bigger arms if you hope to be on the team." Cody commented. At that moment I was surprised to see my arms beginning to stretch and bulk. I was freaked out but remained silent as I didn't want to embarrass myself. My arms were twice times the size and I was feeling energy flowing from my arms to my back.
"Maybe even do some lat pulldowns here and there. They really help stabilize your center." Cody continued. He was looking me over while he stretched.
I felt my back start to contract and pull. My back was beginning to fill out my shirt more and I stood up straighter. I began to quietly moan from the pleasure of my abs molding into a carved six pack and my pecs swelling until they were perky. Fuck! What is happening to me?!
I looked over to Cory to see if he noticed the changes. I started to notice just how handsome he was. The fuck? Am I bi? I tried to compare him to my girlfriend but I was having a hard time picturing her. All I could think of was how Cody's arms flexed to fill up his sleeves. Fuck, he was pretty hot.
"Let's see if you can touch your toes. A good base is important. Those hamstrings and glutes are really going to come in handy as well." Cody said as I began to reach for my toes.
Once I tapped my toes I felt my feet begin to expand. Bones started to crack and my shoes were being pushed past their limits. Soon my feet burst through my cleats growing to at least a size 13! I could feel Cody eyeing them lustfully. I started to imagine Codys face in the soles of my feet when the pressure in my cup started increasing. The moan from my mouth was louder now, and I was filling with lust for Cody. I wanted him to peg me down so badly.
My thoughts were interrupted by my legs starting to fill up the remaining space in my pants. The uniform material was stretching to its max and my ass was forming into a round perky bubble butt.
I stood up and began taking the changes in. I was beefy and feeling insanely powerful.
Cody walked over smiling "Looks like you'll give us just the boost we need. All the guys here love to pitch, but you'll make for a solid catcher."
He smacked me on my ass and I almost fell to my knees in pleasure. Fuck, I wanted to show my gratitude for the team so badly. Cody gave me another smack and whispered in my ear "Show me what you've got rookie."
I smiled at my new teammates and showed them what was waiting for them after each game.
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pavlovianfuckery · 4 months
is that rigor mortis in your pocket or are you just happy to see me
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so this got a lot longer than i had planned, i don't even know. me wanting to write an anal scene, this morally corrupt petri dish of a man attaching himself to my brainstem recently and me hearing a piano cover of 'smells like teen spirit' the other day created the perfect storm ig
linky for those more ao3-y inclined: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56548138
6k-ish words of buttstuff and banter under the cut, this is porn so minors fuck all the way off
The plan had been to keep your head down and leave town as soon as you'd saved enough. It's not that you were in a hurry to leave, but in a place like this you couldn't really avoid hearing things and by the sound of it, the sooner you could get out of the city, the better.
Not that the job was terrible. Slinging drinks wasn't the most glamorous, but other than the occasional bar fight to clean up after it really wasn't that bad. Sure, it would probably be better if it paid a bit more and your co-worker was a bit less of an acquired taste, but you could deal with it. It's not like you were spoilt for choice when it came to jobs in the first place anyway, and a girl has to eat. Even undead ones. The perks of this job might be few and far between but at least you didn't have to go hungry. Not hungry for food, at any rate.
You'd promised yourself that you'd stay out of trouble, but if anything made that part difficult, it was your boss. Sometimes it felt like the smarmy bastard had been put on this earth solely to torment you, and most of the time he did absolutely nothing to disprove it. It was a not-so-secret secret that the club's proprietor had dealings that were anything but legal, and you had no interest in getting mixed up in any of it. You were going to clock in, pour drinks, clock out, and not touch that with a ten-foot pole, no matter how tight his jeans were or how much you would've liked to get inside of them.
Not that you spend an embarrassing amount of time thinking about the contents of those jeans, perish the thought. Especially not on slow afternoons like this, when all that's left to do before the evening rush is sweep the floor or make sure the bar is fully stocked. The mindless task of refilling the empty spots on the mirrored shelf leaves you with plenty of time to think. Just another paycheck or perhaps two, and then you'll have enough. You wouldn't say that you'll miss this place, but you wouldn't not say it, either. The slap of a hand on the bartop yanks you out of your thoughts.
"Fuck!" Whirling around, you have every intention of throwing whoever it is out, the bar isn't even open yet anyway, but the words die on your lips. Apparently 'speak of the devil and he shall appear' now extends to just thinking, great.
"Well, if that's on the menu I might reconsider my order," he drawls, gaze sliding over your body, lingering on your chest that's very much on display in the low-cut uniform shirt. Crossing your arms, you roll your eyes at him.
"Very funny, you should totally open a comedy club next." Realizing that crossing your arms might not have been the best move, you go back to stocking. Not that there's much left of that to do so you mostly end up fiddling with the bottles, making sure that every label is facing out, perfectly straight. "What do you want?"
"I want what every man wants, of course. Money, fame," he winks at you, "women. But for now..." he reaches across the bar and grabs a clean glass. As he does so his shirt rides up, exposing a bit of midriff that you're most definitely not looking at. "I'll settle for a drink."
The liquid sloshes in the glass as you pour, and when he knocks it back it's hard not to stare at his pale throat. With a pleased noise, he places the glass back on the bar, a hint of a smile on his thin lips. "What are you waiting for?" He taps the edge of the glass impatiently, looking up at you through lowered lashes, "Fill me up, buttercup."
"So..." You pour another and slide the glass back towards him. The second drink lasts a bit longer than the first, and you fiddle with the cap of the bottle as you watch him sip it. "Bad day?"
"Bad week." Crime lord or no, he looks absolutely pitiful as he turns the glass in slow circles in front of him, leaving a trail of condensation on the bar top. The fact that it's only Wednesday doesn't really help the whole 'woe-is-me' vibe either.
"Tell me about it. Or on second thought, don't." You wiggle the bottle at him, eyeing the nearly empty glass. "Another?"
"Are you planning on taking advantage of me?" He drains the last of it and leans back on the barstool with his hands on his thighs, flashing you a smile. "Didn't have you pegged as the type."
"You wish." You go to refill the glass, careful not to spill. It would be easier if you could blame his behaviour on being drunk, but being undead makes that highly unlikely. It would take more than this to even get him tipsy.
"And what if I do?"
"Tempting as that may be, and I'm not saying it is, I'm afraid I have to turn it down." Trying to keep a straight face, you pour him another drink. "I don't shit where I eat."
"Charming," he chuckles, "I bet you've got all the boys chasing you with a mouth like that. Besides, a little birdie told me you weren't planning on sticking around."
"Yeah, look, it's nothing personal, it's just..." You shrug, gesturing vaguely. "This town, the whole situation, it's a disaster waiting to happen. I'm not planning to hang around waiting for the pitchforks and torches crowd."
"Pity." He leans in close, lowering his voice. "Before I have Don E start looking for a replacement, how about a going away party?"
"I don't know," you shift, not sure where he's going with this, "that's not really my kind of thing."
"You sure? It would be a very exclusive affair, of course," the tip of his tongue darts out and wets his lips, lurid pink against his pale skin, "very...private."
Your resolve crumbles embarrassingly quickly. What does it matter anyway, if you're quitting? He wouldn't be your boss anymore, and it's not like you'd be dating the man. It'd probably be a good time in the short term, but he's hardly boyfriend material.
"Exclusive, huh?" You drag a finger through the moisture trail on the bar, not quite meeting his eyes. "Is there a dress code, or...?"
"Surprise me."
The ride over is more anxious than you were expecting, and you lose count of how many times you check your makeup on the way. It's a fairly short drive to one of the more upscale neighbourhoods, and your first thought as you step out of the cab is that the house is ugly. It's one of those huge, soul-less cubes with way too many windows. It looks like it belongs on the cover of a magazine for people with more money than taste, which is honestly pretty much what you expected. Despite the balmy evening air, it makes you feel woefully under-dressed, sticking out like a sore thumb in your simple sundress.
Taking a deep breath and straightening your shoulders, you hesitate in front of the door. For all you know, he could be waiting with an axe at the ready, or something equally disturbing. In the end, libido triumphs over common sense and you ring the doorbell. As the seconds tick by with the door remaining stubbornly closed, you start to feel a bit stupid. After all, you'd known he was a jerk at the best of times, and this really was a dumb idea, right from the start. Potentially risking your life for a booty call? Maybe you should call the cab back, it might not be too late-
"And here I thought you were a zombie, not a vampire."
He looks good, which shouldn't come as much of a surprise. Even a casual observer could easily pick up on the fact that if nothing else, Blaine DeBeers is a vain creature. The shirt looks expensive, despite the nonchalant way he's left the top few buttons undone and the sleeves carelessly rucked up to his elbows, and the deep plum colour stands out like a bruise against his pale skin. The usual dark denim accentuates the lean lines of his legs, and his hair all but screams 'I just spent 20 minutes in front of a mirror to make it look like I don't care'. Everything from the shine of his shoes to his belt to the bracelets he's wearing looks entirely calculated to draw you in.
"I'm sorry, what?" You can feel the ghost of a blush on your cheeks, though it has to be more in your head than anything.
"You've been hovering by the door for," he checks his watch, brows furrowed, "three whole minutes, do I need to formally invite you in?" At your confused look, he smirks, pointing out the obvious, bracelet glinting under the porchlight. "Security cameras."
Right. Of course, your floundering has to be caught on tape, just fantastic.
"Maybe I was having second thoughts?" You cross your arms, on purpose this time around. Let him see what he could be missing. "My time could probably be better spent somewhere else, you know."
"My most sincere apologies, madam," he looks as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth as he gives a mocking little bow, "Now, would you do me the honour of gracing my humble abode with your radiant presence?"
"You're terrible, you know that?" You only barely suppress the urge to swat at him as you step over the threshold. Of course, you had seen him turn on the charm before, usually at whatever unsuspecting woman he'd deemed the conquest of the night. Having it directed at yourself, however, was different. And worst of all, it was working.
"You like it, though." He shoots you a cocksure smile. Annoyingly, he's not wrong.
"So, what does a girl have to do to get a drink around here?" You keep your tone airy, pretending you didn't hear what he just said."I'm absolutely parched."
"Well, we can't have that, can we?" He walks past you almost close enough to touch, and it's more or less a textbook illustration of the expression 'hate it when he leaves but loves to watch him go'. He even smells good, the faintest hint of a no doubt expensive cologne lingering in his wake. It's not like the entire song and dance is strictly necessary, but you appreciate the effort all the same.
It's nice to have someone else pour the drinks for a change, and it lets you get a quick look around the place. The inside isn't much of an improvement over the outside. Every single piece of furniture looks like it probably cost more than you make in a year but it's all style, no substance. Except one thing. "Why do you have a piano in here?"
"For the regular reasons?" He nudges your elbow lightly with his, offering you a glass of something amber-coloured. "Why?"
As you accept the glass his fingers brush against yours, making your skin tingle. For a second you consider letting him take you to bed right now, but it would be a shame for the night to end so soon, and you can't deny being at least a little interested.
"Don't tell me you actually play?" You sip the drink, not sure what kind of answer you're expecting.
"Is that really so strange?" He frowns, somehow managing to even make that look attractive.
"Not strange, more like...unexpected." You turn the glass in your hands, "Maybe I 'didn't have you pegged as the type.'"
"What can I say, I'm a man of culture."
"Really? Do you mean like, all the time or only when you've eaten one?" Maybe you should ease up on the teasing, but with the way he's playing along it's hard to stop. The man may be a walking disaster and an all-around bad idea, but you can't remember the last time you had this much fun flirting with someone. With no more rules in the way, he's more entertaining than you thought he'd be.
"You wound me," he puts a hand on his chest in a pantomime of hurt, "you really do."
"Guess I'll have to make it up to you then." You take another drink, enjoying the way his eyes darken at the suggestion.
"Will you, now?" He smiles, looking entirely too pleased with himself. In the dim light, his teeth are very white and you can't help imagining running your tongue over them to see if they're as sharp as they look. Rather than give in to the impulse you clear your throat.
"I'll think about it." You nod at the piano, "Not sure I buy it though, it's hard to imagine you playing any instrument, honestly. Are you sure it's not just decorative?"
"Are you calling me untrustworthy?"
"You're hardly a paragon of virtue, are you." You bat your eyelashes at him innocently. "Why don't you play something, then?"
"Alright." The way he slides onto the bench is completely natural, and when he pats the seat next to him you don't protest. It's not exactly roomy, ending up with your leg pressing against his. "Any requests?"
"Play Wonderwall." You were going for deadpan, but seeing the open disgust on his face, you can't hold back a giggle. "I'm sorry, couldn't resist. Play whatever you like."
"I could do that."
So it turns out, he wasn't lying. The way his fingers move across the keys is mesmerizing, and you can't help wondering what they'd feel like inside you. You're so preoccupied with watching him that it takes you almost a full minute to recognize the song.
"Hold on, is that...?"
"What can I say, I'm a Nirvana fan." He shrugs, the smile on his face almost boyish. It's probably the most genuine you've seen him, and it makes your stomach drop. If you're not careful, you might be in real trouble here.
"Mr.DeBeers, you're full of surprises." You trail your fingers over his forearm, enjoying the way the soft dusting of hair tickles your fingertips. "Got anything else you'd like to share?"
"Oh, I've got a few more secrets up my sleeve," he leans just a fraction closer, running the back of his hand across your knee, adding as an afterthought, "I can sing too, you know."
"You sure know how to impress a girl." You feel almost hypnotized, your world rapidly shrinking until all that seems to exist is his fingers drawing lazy circles on your thigh, right below the hem of your dress. This close, his eyes are very blue."Are you going to sing for me, then?"
"Actually," he murmurs, "I'd rather get you to sing for me." It's definitely an eye-roll-worthy line, but then his mouth is on yours and you decide that you can let it slide.
Despite knowing that he definitely gets around, it somehow still comes as a surprise that he's a good kisser. You'd been expecting something rushed or rough, but he kisses like he's got all the time in the world. His lips are soft pressed to yours and when you flick your tongue against them he opens up so easily, sighing into your mouth. If he tastes of anything it's alcohol and possibly bad decisions, but as he slides a hand up the back of your neck and buries his fingers in your hair, it hardly seems to matter anymore.
Not being entirely alive doesn't mean being all the way dead, and some parts keep ticking on their own out of habit if nothing else, you know this. But there is still something almost sweet about how when he pulls back, he's slightly out of breath he doesn't actually need. Moving in for another kiss he sneaks his other hand under your dress, inching slowly upwards. When he gets far enough to notice the lack of underwear he makes a pleased noise and you can feel him grin against your lips.
"What? You weren't very clear on the dress code, so I decided to wing it." You hook a finger in the top of his shirt and pull it, making the top button nearly pop off. "That a problem?"
"Believe it or not, " he chuckles, "I am more than fine with it."
It's a miracle that you make it to his bed at all, that all you lose on the way is your shoes is even more so. The only impression of his bedroom that you have time to get is that it's as luxurious and impersonal as the rest of the house, and then you're pushed down into sheets with a thread count so high you're pretty sure you can't even afford to think about them too closely. Besides, you're more interested in the man crawling over you and settling in between your legs, covering your body with his.
The way he grinds against you is nowhere near enough to bring any sort of relief, even as you wrap your legs around his waist to pull him closer. It takes a bit of effort to yank his shirt free enough to get your hands under it, but as you drag your nails down his back you're rewarded with a low moan. As he gets up on his knees and starts working the buttons of his shirt loose, aside from the obvious bulge, there's also a pretty sizable wet spot at the front of his jeans. Some of it is from you, but far from all of it. This isn't the first time you're getting intimate with another member of the undead but he's by far the most responsive of the lot, and it makes you wonder what he must've been like when he was alive. When he notices you looking, he quirks an eyebrow.
"Don't mind me," you laugh, trailing the straining zipper with a finger, "just enjoying the view."
When he shrugs the shirt off it's discarded on the floor without any fanfare, exposing the pale expanse of his chest. He looks softer like this, and for a moment it's nearly enough to make you forget that he almost certainly kills people. You half expect his hands to go straight to his fly, but instead, he grabs your ankle and brings it to his lips, making you fall back onto the bed, leaving your leg hooked over his shoulder as he kisses his way down. As he disappears from view under the hem of your dress you can feel him rub his face against the inside of your thigh, the light scratch of stubble heating the sensitive skin.
There is barely a second between his breath wafting over you and his tongue dipping between your folds, making your toes curl. He takes his time methodically tasting and feeling every part of you, more focused on devouring you than getting you off. Sliding his hands under you he cups your ass, fingers sinking into the soft flesh as he holds you in place. And then he goes still, his voice muffled against your skin. It's a shame you can't see his face.
"What was that?" You ask, trying to keep your tone innocent, perhaps not entirely successful. He pushes your dress out of the way, leaving it bunched around your waist. His hair is a mess and his mouth and chin shine with your juices, but he doesn't seem to notice or care.
"I said," he pinches the base of the buttplug between his fingers and gives it a little tug, "you've been holding out on me."
"I was wondering when you'd notice that." The words come out more breathless than intended because the way he's looking at you is absolutely filthy. It also doesn't help that he keeps wiggling the damn thing when you try to speak. "You did say to surprise you. How am I doing so far?"
"Consider me surprised." He dips back down and flicks your clit with the tip of his tongue a few times, making you shiver before wrapping his lips softly around it, giving it a few slow sucks. It's all tease and no relief, but when your hand settles on the back of his neck all it gets you is the warning scrape of teeth, making you arch off the bed with a yelp.
"None of that," he admonishes, fingers digging into your hip.
"You're evil." It comes out whinier than intended, and all it does is make him laugh.
"That so? You know..." he cocks his head as he slides two fingers into you, angling them just so, "I bet I can have you singing a different tune if you give me a minute." It's infuriating, the way he has you white-knuckling the sheets with just a few small movements like you're just another instrument for him to play. And he doesn't even have the decency to keep going, instead leaving you hanging again.
"Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit of a bastard?" You grit out, not really thinking.
"Oh, daily," he gives a theatrical little shrug, smile almost unbearably smug," twice on Sundays. I take it delayed gratification isn't your thing, then?"
"Not right now, it isn't," you grit out, though there isn't much heat behind the words.
"Noted. Shame, and here I thought I had all night. So..." he cranes his neck to get a better look and runs a finger around the plug, teasing your rim, "this what you want, then?"
"Are you going to make me beg for it?" The question is rewarded with a pinch to the back of your thigh, nearly hard enough to bruise.
"Keep up the attitude and I might." It's hard to tell if that's supposed to be a threat or a promise, but at least he's starting to undo his fly. Or he was, because he stops midway through, jerking his chin at the mess around your waist. "By the way, do you like that dress?"
"I guess I do, yeah, why?"
"Then I suggest you take it off." He winks at you, then goes back to work.
At least he gave you fair warning, but you still roll your eyes at him as you pull it over your head, leaving you completely bare. Yes, it might have been a questionable choice to show up at his place wearing basically nothing, but you figured that you were both on the same page. And in fairness, it's not like you'd been wrong. As he's pulling his jeans down his legs, you can't quite hold back a giggle.
"So, should I be adding magician to the considerable list of your talents, or...?" It slips out before you have time to think, but in return all you get is confusion. How is he cute? "I'm just saying, I wasn't sure if those jeans were painted on or not, and it turns out you have somehow managed to fit an entire circus tent into them. It's honestly pretty impressive, I could have sworn trousers weren't usually bigger on the inside." You blink up at him, eyes wide, "Are you secretly a timelord? I promise I won't tell."
"See, attitude." He shakes his head, not quite hiding his smile, "You're going to be paying for that in a bit, you know."
"Oh no, put me down as terrified and horny," you grin, watching him struggle with pulling his jeans the rest of the way off. The boxers are atrocious, their only redeeming quality is the way the damp fabric clings to the contours of his cock. "If you wanted less attitude, maybe you shouldn't have teased me like-"
And then he's a solid weight pushing you down, face buried between your breasts. He sucks a nipple into his mouth and drags his teeth across it, completely derailing your train of thought. He might be a bit of a jerk but he's a determined one, seemingly hell-bent on finding and pushing every single one of your buttons. Not that you mind, because you can't remember the last time you had someone quite this focused on doing that. It's kind of flattering, actually.
When he kisses you again, it turns out that his choice of underwear does have one good thing going for them; the loose waistband is an open invitation to slide your hands under it and squeeze his ass. It's impossible to resist just one last jab at them though, because they really are ridiculous.
"I've just got to ask," you whisper against his lips, "were the pink ones with hearts in the wash?"
Maybe that was a bit too far because his hand feels like a vice at the back of your neck as he rolls you both over and manhandles you onto his lap. If the way his erection pokes your side is any indication, it's probably fine though. Probably.
"See, I consider myself a patient man," he says, sliding his palm across your backside. Despite knowing that it's coming, the impact takes you by surprise because it's not exactly a love-tap. "But I think that's enough of that, don't you?" He slams his hand down again, sending pins and needles into your skin.
"Shit, fuck!" It's almost enough to make your eyes tear up because it really stings.
"I get it, clearly a sensitive topic, I'm sorry." For a moment you think he might let you go, but no such luck.
"Not so fast," he tightens his grip on your neck, "I think about...ten more? If you apologize and promise to behave, I'll make it worth your while."
So he's not mad, just being a bit of a dick. That, you can work with.
"Yeah, sure, I promise. Scouts honour!"
The next time he hits you, it's not quite as hard, but then you feel him hesitate.
"I did mention that I expect you to count, right?" You don't have to be able to see his face to be able to tell that he's smirking at you.
"Oh, you absolute-" The slap comes fast, making your skin burn. "Fuck, fine, one!"
It's not as bad as it could have been. He actually eases up just a tad and even spreads the strikes out, except for the last few. Those, he aims right at the plug until you're squirming for a different reason altogether.
"Ten..." you slump against him, not sure what he'll do next.
"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" When he slides his palm over your sore buttocks, it's almost gentle. "Now, where were we?" He hums as he hooks his fingers around the base of the plug and slowly pulls it out, leaving you empty. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see it sailing over the edge of the bed, probably to never be seen again. "Right, I think I remember now..." He slides his fingers between your folds, getting his fingers slick before sinking two of them into your ass, making a whine stick high in your throat.
"Please..." It's quiet, but apparently not quiet enough, because you can feel him throb against you.
"Now that's what I like to hear," he sounds very pleased with himself as he pulls his fingers out, leaving you clenching around nothing," nice and polite."
When he lets you go you roll almost bonelessly into the soft sheets. As fun as that was, your neck is stiff and you're pretty sure there's going to be a bruise to remember this by. On the upside, he pulls his boxers off and throws them somewhere on the floor, where you thankfully can't see them.
It might just be the contrast of them being gone that's doing him favours, but his cock is nicer than you thought it'd be. It wouldn't be a stretch to call it pretty, even. It's as pale as the rest of him, the head a soft blush colour, and while not porn star huge it's nothing to sneeze at, size-wise. Not that you get much time to ogle it before he crawls up your body, capturing your lips with his in a demanding kiss. While it's not rushed per se, there is an undercurrent of urgency to it that makes you ache.
"Go on, "he's all but straddling your leg as he rubs against you, "Touch me."
When you hesitate, he grabs your wrist with an impatient noise and guides your hand down, wrapping your fingers around his length. It feels nice and heavy in your hand, the smooth skin sliding against your palm as you give him a few slow, gentle strokes. As you swipe your thumb over the head his eyes flutter shut, and when you do it again he lets out a low moan, giving you a little nod of encouragement.
"Yeah, like that..."
It feels oddly intimate to be touching him like this and drawing those noises from him, and more than everything else it makes it difficult not to wish that the circumstances were different. You try not to reflect on that too hard.
"Top drawer, right-hand side," he murmurs, voice going a little bit rough at the edges. At your confused look, he clarifies, "Lube. Unless you'd prefer to put that mouth to better use? Dealers choice."
There is a gun in the nightstand, which isn't exactly a curveball, but you elect to ignore it. It's none of your business, and right now you have more pressing things to think about. It appears that the god of small mercies is alive and well in this house tonight, because the bottle is at least easy to find, and you hoist it triumphantly in the air.
"Found it." Pouring a dollop into the palm of your hand you start tackling the task of applying it, making sure to be generous. Perhaps to him especially, enjoying the way his brow furrows as you pay a bit more attention to the tip of his cock than is entirely necessary. By the end of it, the anticipation is making you nearly crawl out of your skin.
"Come here," When he pulls you to him and positions you to his liking, it drives home what you'd already suspected. Not that it wasn't nice not having to do all the work, but the man clearly has a controlling streak and a sizeable one at that. It made you wonder if he ever handed the reins over to someone else, what that would even be like? Not that you'd be likely to ever find out, but it was an interesting thought to file away for later, for entertainment purposes if nothing else. Grabbing your hip he rocks against your ass, slippery cock sliding between your cheeks.
"Are you going to ask for it nicely?" he whispers in your ear as he adjusts himself, lightly prodding at your entrance, just barely pushing in and pulling out over and over again, making every nerve-ending tingle. Cupping your breast, he pinches your nipple when he doesn't get an instant response. "It's not mandatory, but I have all night, so..."
"Please?" You push back, trying to draw him inside, but to no avail. "Pretty please?" Apparently, that's not what he's looking for either, because he still doesn't move. He's teasing you again, the absolute prat, and he's clearly getting off on frustrating you because you can feel him smile as he buries his face against your neck.
"Getting warmer..."
And then it's eye-rollingly obvious, but you're way past caring so you humour him, smug bastard that he is.
"Please, Blaine."
"Attagirl." Then he starts pushing into you at a nearly glacial pace. Maybe he did have a point about delayed gratification after all, because it's too much and too little all at once until all you can do is tremble, lost in sensation. It doesn't last for very long before he rests his chin on your shoulder with a huff breathy laughter.
"I can't give you what you're after if you keep wriggling like that." He runs his hand down your side, grabbing your hip,"You'll be still for me, won't you?" Every fraction of an inch that he moves makes you whimper, and his lips tickle the shell of your ear as he whispers, "Shhh, there's a good girl, shhh..."
And then he's buried in you up to the hilt, body pressed to yours from one end to the other. Rolling his hips he groans, nuzzling your neck. "You feel so good, you have no idea..."
He must've been telling the truth about having all night because there is nothing rushed about the way he fucks you. Every slow thrust brings you closer to the edge, but not close enough to tip you over it. The only thing that seems to matter right now is how he feels inside you, and the release that remains just out of reach. Every noise he makes shoots straight to your core until you're aching, almost to the point of pain.
You're not sure if he even notices how he's getting to you, because he seems preoccupied with touching and tasting you, everywhere except where you need it the most. The entire situation feels deeply unfair, you'd been expecting a quick tumble to get it out of your system and move on with your life, but instead he's got you ready to tear into the pillow with your teeth out of pure frustration in the best way possible. If you're not careful, this could very well turn into an addiction. When he takes pity on you and slides his hand between your legs, it's almost too intense.
"Is this all for me?" He coos, dragging a finger through your soaked folds.
"Yeah," You're past caring how desperate it makes you sound. If he wants his ego stroked, he can have it. "All for you, fuck, please..."
"You poor thing," he pants as he circles your clit with the tip of his finger, barely brushing against it, "you really need to come, don't you?"
All you can manage is a frantic nod, trapped between his hand and his cock. At this rate he's going to drive you insane because he's moving so slowly. Every touch and thrust makes the pressure in your core rise until it feels like you might burst and shatter into a million tiny pieces, leaving you helpless to do anything but drool and moan into the sheets. There's a fleeting thought that if he winds you up any further, your head might pop off like the cork on a bottle of vigorously shaken champagne.
"You must be so fucking close," he moans, and he can't be far behind, because you can feel him straining inside of you as he hooks his leg over yours, trapping you against him, "Go on, let me feel you, come on..."
You couldn't fight it even if you wanted to, the tension twisting your insides finally snapping as he pounds into you. His grip on you is the only thing that keeps you from folding like a pocket knife as your insides convulse around him, the pleasure almost choking you. He draws it out, fucking you through it until you're twitching from overstimulation, so sensitive that you can feel him pulse inside of you as he comes with a strangled noise.
His heaving chest sticks to your back as he slumps against you, limbs tangled with yours in a sticky mess. As his softening cock slips from you, the ability to think coherently returns to you somewhat, and you roll away from him. It was a good time but you're well aware that you're not special, nothing about this is, so you weren't exactly expecting him to cuddle. Or spend the night, for that matter. Besides, your shoulder is killing you, making an unpleasant cracking noise as you stretch out on the bed beside him.
"That was..." You bite your lip, searching for words. What are you even supposed to say? 'Thanks for the mindblowing orgasm boss, I'll see you at work?' Probably not, so you settle for, "I think I needed that."
"Yeah?" He looks so good like this, all fucked out and sated, and for once he looks genuinely relaxed. He props himself up on his elbows as he watches you look for your dress, not offering to help but clearly enjoying the view. "We good?"
"Peachy." With the way he's unselfconsciously stretched out right in front of you, it's hard not to ogle him. "So I guess I'll, um, see you at work...?"
That did not come out the way you wanted it to, so you pull the dress over your head so he can't see you wince. Setting yourself to rights doesn't take long, but you can feel him looking at you the entire time. Oh, you are definitely in trouble.
"Sure." There's not even a hint of awkwardness about him though, but you figure he's got this kind of thing down pat by now. As you turn to go and hopefully find your shoes somewhere along the way, he calls out after you, "By the way, should I consider this your two weeks, or...?"
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suzulaii · 2 months
hai suzu! i was wondering could you please write slow burn of @dazkive and @im4yeons ? thanks <3
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—﹒How much I enjoy you and your existence
𐔌 synopsis ; a new meeting is always nice, but when a spark happens who knows if it'll dim or flow.
𐔌 a/n ; i actually enjoyed writing this so more chapters to come o7
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The small coastal town of Marbury has always had a nice tranquil feeling to it, everyone knew each other like close neighbors with some people coming and going. Gigi, a small local painter, has always been known for some of her paintings that she'd do on the beach. Her days were spent in a small studio overlooking the harbor, always surrounded by the scent of saltwater and oil paint.
On a summer morning Gigi was setting up her easel on the beach, before a figure she hadn't seen before appeared on the horizon. She had a striking appearance as the woman moved with a confident stride, her short hair catching the sunlight. Gigi couldn't help but watch as she walked closer, feeling a curious feeling in her chest.
The woman stopped a few feet away from where Gigi was settled down, looking out over the water. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said, her voice rather smooth with a happiness to it.
Gigi smiled, a little surprised by the sudden conversation although not displeased. "It is. Especially at this time of day."
The woman turned to her, eyes sparkling with an unreadable emotion. "I'm Silas, by the way." She extended her hand with a smile on her face, and Gigi took it, feeling a warmth that most definitely had nothing to do with the sun.
"Gigi," she replied, her voice steady despite the flutter in her stomach. "I haven't seen you around before."
Silas chuckled, a rich sound that made Gigi's heart skip a beat. "I just moved here. Needed a change of scenery. And this place..." She looked back towards the sea. "It's perfect."
Gigi nodded, suddenly feeling self-conscious. She rarely met new people due to how remote this area is, and for someone as striking as her she's definitely a breath of fresh air. "What brings you to Marbury?
Silas's smile faltered for a moment, then she shrugged. "A fresh start, I guess. I needed to get away from the city, clear my head." She paused, then added, "And maybe find some inspiration."
"Inspiration?" Gigi echoed, curious.
"I'm an artist," Silas explained. "Or at least, I try to be." She glanced at the canvas in front of Gigi, where the beginnings of a seascape were taking shape. "It looks like you understand the need for inspiration."
Gigi nodded, feeling the start of a connection form between them. "Yeah, I guess I do. Painting is... well, it's everything to me."
There was a comfortable silence as they both turned to look at the ocean. The waves lapped gently at the shore, and seagulls called overhead. Gigi felt a strange sense of peace wash over her, mixed with an unfamiliar excitement. There was something about Silas that drew her in, and she couldn't quite place it.
As if sensing her thoughts, Silas turned to her with a soft smile. "Maybe we could grab coffee sometime? I'd love to hear more about your art."
Gigi felt her cheeks warm, and she nodded, trying to sound casual. "I'd like that, there's a great little cafe in town."
"Perfect," Silas said, her eyes holding Gigi's for a moment longer than necessary. "I'll see you around, Gigi."
As Silas walked away, Gigi watched her go, a small smile playing on her lips. There was something about this new woman that felt like a fresh breeze blowing through her life. She didn't know where this new connection would lead, but she was curious to find out.
The next few days passed with Gigi constantly thinking back to meeting Silas. The town's usual rhythm seemed almost mundane compared to the spark she'd felt during their brief conversation. Every time the door to her studio opened, Gigi found herself hoping to see that familiar silhouette.
It wasn't long before her wish was granted. One afternoon, as she was engrossed in a particularly challenging piece- a fractured mind Gigi heard the door chime. She turned, expecting a regular customer, but there stood Silas, a smile on her lips and a book tucked under her arm.
"Hey," Silas greeted, stepping inside and glancing around. "I hope I'm not interrupting."
Gigi quickly set down her brush. "Not at all. I was just... trying to capture this idea before it fades from my mind."
Silas walked over to the canvas, studying the painting. "You have a real talent for capturing emotion in your work," she said thoughtfully. "It's like I can feel the turmoil just looking at it."
Gigi felt a blush creeping up her neck, compliments on her art always felt a little surreal, especially when they came from someone she was so intrigued by. "Thank you," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "It's kind of you to say that."
Silas turned to her, her eyes warm. "It's just the truth. I was actually hoping you'd be up for that coffee we talked about. If you're free, that is."
Gigi's heart fluttered at the invitation as her mind blanked for a moment before panicking, she quickly nodded, trying not to seem too eager. "I'd love that, let me just clean up a bit, and we can go."
A few minutes later, they were walking through the quaint streets of Marbury. The afternoon sun cast a golden glow over the town, and the sea breeze brought a refreshing coolness and fresh smell of the water. They chatted casually about the town, their favorite spots, and the best places to get coffee or sightseeing. Gigi found herself relaxing, the initial nervousness melting away as Silas shared stories of her time in the city and the decision to move to Marbury.
The cafe they settled into was cozy, with a few locals scattered around, enjoying the quiet atmosphere. They ordered their drinks and found a table near a window overlooking the harbor. The conversation flowed easily, touching on everything from art and writing to their favorite books and movies.
As they sipped their coffee, Gigi found herself opening up more than she usually did with new people. There was something about Silas that made it easy to share her thoughts and dreams. She talked about her love for the true feelings of art, her struggles with capturing its true essence in her paintings, and the sense of peace it brought her.
Silas listened intently, occasionally asking questions or sharing her own experiences. "You know," she said after a while, "there's a certain kind of feeling in the way you see the world. It’s inspiring and fresh, really."
Gigi smiled, feeling a warmth in her chest at the compliment. "I could say the same about you, it takes a lot of courage to leave everything behind and start fresh."
Silas shrugged, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. Besides, I've always believed that new places bring new stories."
Gigi nodded, understanding the sentiment. They fell into a comfortable silence, sipping their coffee and watching the boats in the harbor. There was a quiet connection growing between them, a sense of understanding and mutual respect.
As the afternoon turned to evening, the cafe began to fill with the warm glow of the setting sun. Silas glanced out the window, then back at Gigi with a soft smile. "It's getting late, I should probably let you get back to your painting."
Gigi felt a pang of disappointment at her words but eventually nodded. "Yeah, I guess I should." She paused, then added, "But I'd really like to do this again sometime."
Silas's smile widened, her eyes lighting up at the invitation. "I'd like that too. How about a walk on the beach next time? I could use some inspiration from your favorite spot."
Gigi felt her heart lift at the idea. "Sounds perfect."
As they parted ways outside the cafe, Gigi watched Silas walk away, her heart a little lighter and her mind buzzing with the possibilities of this new connection. She didn't know where things would go from here, but she was excited to find out. There was something undeniably special about Silas, and Gigi was intrigued to see where this connection would lead.
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fourswords · 2 months
pls tell me ur thoughts on mc link and ezlo. PLEASEEE
where the hell do i even begin. where the hell do i even Begin. ezlo is my favorite loz companion (with spirit tracks zelda coming at an extremely close second. they're almost tied) and it's just because of the sheer amount of pure unadulterated FUN dialogue between him and link that showcases so so so much of both their personalities.
for starters ezlo is colloquially known as a crabby old grandpa of a companion who constantly yells at link. And like. He is. 100%. He is quite literally squawking at link as loudly as his beak allows. He's even got a sound bite that plays specifically for that reason. but i think because of this (and because so much of his dialogue is optional) it becomes easy to forget that a) he really does like link. he absolutely fucking loves his company. link became HIS "little hero" in the span of about five minutes. he is CONSTANTLY fussing over him and it's so incredibly obvious how much he cares about him. and b) ezlo is a minish who is completely out of his depth in the hylian world. And He Acts Like It.
this post gets a bit long just because of the sheer amount of dialogue i have backing my points because ezlo talks so much. so. under the cut it goes!
dialogue for point a:
"Look at all these shops! This is so different from a Minish village! I-I-I… I can't decide where to go next! Come on, my boy! Let's go shopping!"
"Oh, hey! I totally forgot! That sword technique you learned from the swordsman… The Spin Attack, that's what it's called, right? That is so incredible! Do you think you could teach it to me sometime? Hm?! Hey! Don't give me that look! I can do anything that you can do! Just give me some arms, and I'll show you what's what!"
"These Mountain Minish sure are hard workers! We should work just as hard and sing a spiffy little song, like they do! What do you think? Hey! Kid…? Are you still listening to me?"
"Link, how long has it been since you left home? Your grandfather must be worried. Why don't you show your face at home? He must have plenty of news to share with you by now."
"It's nice taking in the view from up here and all, but... I'm thinking maybe I should be a little higher up by now... What I'm trying to say here, kid, is... have you been drinking your milk?"
"That element is sure to be protected by traps inside those ancient ruins! Link, be careful!"
"Minish people are very interested in human ways. I think they watch the people in town very closely. They've probably been watching you, too, without your knowing it. Hey, Link, careful what you say and do when you think you're alone!"
"That tornado near Veil Springs took us to this cloud world! Can you believe it? I don't know what awaits us next, but I can't wait to find out! … … Hm? Hey, Link!! Don't get all scared on me now! Show me some spirit, lad! Let's enjoy ourselves!"
"Link! What's the matter? Are you nervous? That's no good! We need you relaxed and ready! Take a deep breath and exhale slowwwwly... Just stick to what you know, and I'm sure we'll come out just fine."
"Link! Where are you? Are you still there under me? It's so dark, I can't see my beak in front of my face! Watch your step! I don't want you to trip over anything…"
"Link, I know this may not be a great time for it, but... I wanted to say thanks for everything you've done. I'm very grateful for-- Hm? What? You're freaked out? You're not used to me being nice!? Fine, then! Forget I said anything!"
"Hm... You know, I hadn't noticed, because I'm with you all the time... But you've grown to be quite a powerful young lad. I just wanted you to know... Anyway, let's get moving, Link!!"
"We make a fine team, don't we? Why, I might just stay up here forever! After all, I've grown quite used to my little "ringside seat" to all the action! And you'd never have to worry about combing that mess of a hairdo again! What do you say to that, Link?"
"Oh, NOW you need me? I was starting to think you'd forgotten that I was even up here! ...I was starting to get a little lonely."
"What's happening to the source of the water? There shouldn't be anything but blue sky up there! Well, no point sitting around thinking about it! … … Hey, I just realized something. I'm starting to think…and talk… a lot like you lately! What's with that? I need to get my head straight!"
"We will get through this! We have all of the techniques and power you've gained in your journey! And we have your wisdom and courage as well! Link! I believe in you!"
this isn't even all of it. i put so many examples here and this isn't even ALL OF IT. ezlo genuinely likes being with link so much that in the event that he would've stayed a hat forever he wouldn't have even minded. he literally goes "i might just stay up here forever!" he's happy hanging out with him! he's constantly telling him to be careful or watch his step! he reassures link when he gets nervous or scared! he frets over the fact that link isn't growing very fast (which is hilarious depending on how long the minish cap lasts in-universe. we know it lasts at least a month because of another piece of dialogue—"I hid a little eggy snack in your hair about a month ago [...]"—but i already made that post yada yada). for all my talk about the hilarity of link being so independent & competent that all the adults including ezlo are like "yeah he's got this" in this game (to the point where ezlo literally goes "Just figure it out for yourself, you big baby!" lmao) he IS still very much a child—and a YOUNG child at that, to be able to see the minish. and the dialogue gives us proof that there are moments during the adventure where he gets a bit freaked out every now and then, and it says a lot that ezlo is very very quick to both pick up on it and address it like he does (in his own to-the-point way). and link checks up on him in turn!
"This weather's miserable! I think I'm catching a cold… Ah…ah…achoo! Oh, don't worry about me, Link. I'm sure I'll be just fine… Sniffle…"
"Yes? What's the matter, m'boy? What? You were just checking up on me? What's that about!?! You think I just sit on your head, waiting at your beck and call? I can't believe it! Grumble, grumble…"
...and with his own brand of sass, of course:
"Man, I could really go for a nice, hot bath right now... Huh?! What's that?! You'd send me to the cleaners!? What makes you think you can treat me like common laundry, huh?"
at his core ezlo IS a grumpy old grandpa but he is still so so caring and it honestly makes me wonder about when vaati was still his student because, as ezlo says:
"Vaati was only a boy when I took him on as my apprentice. But... he became enchanted by the wickedness in the hearts of men."
vaati was a kid too when ezlo took him on as an apprentice and however young vaati may also still be he is still definitively older than a child now (even referring to link as "a child", i.e. implying that he isn't, when link defeats his transfigured form). and like. ezlo vehemently and without hesitation renounces vaati and his evil ways multiple times throughout the game and outright blames himself for what he's become ("Hyrule Castle has grown dark… Perhaps this repulsive scene… is just a reflection of the evil lurking in the heart of my former student. … … Ah, what have I created? But don't worry about me, Link! I know what we must do!!") but his consistent calls for vaati to just WAIT ("Wait! Vaati, wait!!!"/"Wait! Why won't you wait?! Vaati!!!") kind of make it seem like he would forgive him if vaati just Stopped. and that tracks. you don't take a child on as an apprentice and watch him grow and turn an apparent blind eye to his ever-growing love of evil (VAATI IS NOT EXACTLY DISCREET ABOUT ANYTHING) and just lose the care you had in your heart for him overnight. it could be likely that the reason ezlo fusses over link now is because he did the same for vaati once upon a time, or maybe he feels as though he didn't do it enough—he specifically states that he doesn't take students on very often (but tells him that he figured he could make an exception for him) and quite frankly, and we're getting into pure speculation on my part here, it might be likely that link—in his own way—reminds ezlo of vaati if vaati never became what he did. or ezlo saying that link reminds him of a young HIM ("You remind me of a young me.") could be the end of it. either way...i think it's something interesting to consider.
ANYWAY back to my dialogue for point b) ezlo has no idea what the fuck he's doing at any given time because he's a minish who spent his whole life in the minish world, NOT the hylian world, and is totally out of his depth):
"A strange nut that will allow us to understand the Minish language… The Jingle Nut, did he say…? No, wait… That's not it… Ah, I remember now! It was the Jabber Nut. That's what it was… Come on, my boy! We've got to find the Jabber Nut!"
"Have you ever visited Hyrule before? What? You have? ...What's it like? Not that I... I mean, I've seen it before! Of course I have! I'm very well traveled. I just wanted to see...what you thought of it!"
"What? You're lost again, aren't you? Have you bothered reading any of those signs we've been seeing? You really ought to study them. They might have some useful information! …Not that I've been reading them either…"
"Hm? Whoa! It…blew up? Hey, kid! Look at where that stone used to be… There's some strange symbol on the ground. Yes, of course … Why, that must be… …Well, I haven't the foggiest, to be honest. Hm…"
"Have you noticed something odd about the Mountain Minish? They're just a little different from the Forest Minish, aren't they? There seem to be many kinds of Minish, just as there are many kinds of human. And…many kinds of hat, too. Mustn't forget the hats."
"So! We must infuse the White Sword with the elemental power. That means we must find the elemental sanctuary. And the way we do that is... Um... Well, I'm sure we'll figure it out!"
"Hey, Link. I've been up here for a while, and I've been wondering... I know about hats now, but I don't know much about Hyrulean shoes... Where could we go to learn a little more about that?"
"There are some strange creatures on Mount Crenel… Creatures I've never seen before, and your sword alone won't beat them! Don't give up hope, though! Try your other items on them! Well…you don't need me to tell you how to do your job. Just deal with those monsters, and I'll take care of everything else."
"So there are three books that we're supposed to return, right? Link, I'm sure you can handle it! Don't get me wrong! I'd love to help! But I'm a great Minish sage! I don't understand your big, human ways! So…I'm counting on you!"
again, those aren't even all the examples i could pull out, but you get the gist. the last quote is funny because the context is just returning library books but i really think it sums up the situation that ezlo's in: he came to the hylian world to help, but 1. he's a hat, and 2. he literally does not know what the fuck is going on ever and does have to rely on link for absolutely everything, which is why you have the dialogue of him that i listed earlier of him genuinely trying to thank link before link is like "STOP BEING WEIRD OLD MAN" and he's like fine okay whatever damn. it's a different spin on the "Every Fucking Adult In This Game Is Like 'Yeah Link Can Handle This By Himself No Problem' Including The Goddamn Mayor" because. well. ezlo has no choice but to trust link to handle it! and handle it link does! he could probably stand to be a little nicer about the fact that he doesn't know what's going on or how to help but then he wouldn't be ezlo, now would he? and it's not as if link minds—he may be a child but he's a wise child, according to ezlo himself, and there's nothing in the dialogue of the game that suggests that he's ever hurt or put off by ezlo's bluntness/tough love-esque mannerisms. if anything, he thinks it's funny and responds in kind (the hilarious little "i'll send you to the cleaners" comment i included earlier). so i think because of this, despite ezlo's grumpy grandpa-ish nature, the relationship between link and ezlo is less "adopted grandpa & adopted grandson" and more just. friends! they're friends! they worry over each other, they snark at each other, and they care for each other. link is ezlo's little hero that he creates a cap out of thin air for just so link's "rat's nest" of a head of hair isn't showing to the world ("You know, your hair's always really messy... A real rat's nest... As long as I'm up here, no one will ever need to know. You can thank me later.") and ezlo is link's funny hat friend who his sprite still chases after of its own accord when ezlo disappears back into the minish world at the end of the game because he doesn't want him to go. there's a lot more i could say about them but that last line pretty much sums it up, i think.
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final-girl96 · 4 months
Killer Geek Chapter four
The Next Day
Everything was going great; I didn't run into Parker first thing in the morning like I thought I was going to. It was lunchtime now and I was putting my stuff in my locker before I went outside to the fountain to meet up with Sid, Tatum, Randy, Stu, and my brother. That is usually where we hung out during lunch and sometimes after school. It was right in the center of town, directly across from the school. Everyone comes out here to just sit during lunch or free time.
Principal Himbry could be heard on the loudspeakers that were set up outside, about the upcoming winter formal and other nonsense I didn't care to listen to. I was so lost in my head that I didn't hear the footsteps rushing towards me. I didn't notice anyone until I was being lifted off my feet and thrown over someone's shoulder. “What the fuck! Stu, put me down!”
“We've been waiting for your slow ass forever!” He laughed, running towards the fountain. When I was put down, I was put on someone's lap. “There ya go Meeks, I believe that belongs to you.” I looked at Randy and frantically apologized. “I'm so sorry! Stu's a fucking idiot.” I climbed off his lap and stood in front of everyone. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks so I ducked my head and looked at my shoes. “You're good…feel free to use me as a chair whenever you want.” I felt my face flush and quickly averted my eyes away from him. “Watch it, Meeks,” Billy said, pinning him with a glare. Randy held up his hands and winked at me.
The rest of the time went by as usual; we talked and joked while we ate lunch until the bell rang for class. On the way back Randy walked beside me. Back in the school we stood at the lockers grabbing our books for the next few classes. Randy was leaning against the one right beside mine a few lockers down from Sidney and Tatum's lockers. “Can I ask you something?” I looked over at Randy, eyebrows pushed forward in question. “Sure…what's up?” I asked.
He cleared his throat, looked around us, and back at me. “Would you want to maybe go…” Before he could finish his question he was cut off by my name being called by a voice I was praying I wouldn't hear today. Dread filled me and I let out a deep sigh. Parker came up to us, pushing his way between me and Randy. “Hey, baby, there you are. Look, I wanted to apologize for last night. I was a little tipsy due to drinking before we even got to the party. How about you let me take you out tonight, hmm?” His hand came up and brushed a piece of hair out of my face and I stepped back.
“I have work after school and I close tonight,” was my response. It was true; I did have to work tonight and I do have to close. I work at the theater in town. The Woodsboro Theater was one of the oldest theaters around. It used to be a performance theater before being turned into a movie theater in the early fifties. On weekends we would play classics, black and white movies along with new movies. But tonight we will be playing Mallrats and The Hallowing New Moon Rising tonight and tomorrow night. Friday there would be a few new movies coming out.
“Well, then tomorrow,” he said, smiling. “I work the rest of the week and this weekend. Even if I wasn't working I would say no,” I told him. The smile dropped, he straightened, and stepped closer to me. “I will make you mine one way or another,” he hissed at me, low enough for only me to hear him. “Do we have a problem?” Parker looked behind me, a smile curving the corners of his mouth up. “Nope, just letting yn know that I'll be picking her up from work tonight.”
“Yeah, that's not necessary. I'll be dropping her off and Meeks will be picking her up since he gets off at the same time she does and is just down the road,” Billy told him. Randy had moved around Parker and came to stand on the other side of me. When I looked behind me I saw Tatum and Sid standing a couple feet behind Stu, who was right behind me next to Billy. “Fine. That's fine. I'll just see you later princess.” I crinkle my nose at his pet name, fighting the urge to not shudder from the way it makes my skin itch. “Meeks, you'll be picking my sister up tonight so don't be late!” Billy said, pointing a finger in Randy's face. “Wouldn't dream of it.”
Billy and Stu turned around towards Sid and Tatum and started down the hall to their classes. “I'll be waiting by the car after our last class! Don't make me fuckin’ wait!” Billy called over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head and muttering whatever. “Thanks for picking me tonight. You don't have to,” I said to Randy. We had the next two classes together so we walked together. “It's not a problem. Really. In fact if you'd like, I'll take you to work and take you home from now on so you don't have to worry about Parker.”
“That's very kind of you, Randy, but really you don't have to…” He cut me off by stepping in front of me. “It really isn't a problem, yn. Before the meathead interrupted me, I was going to see if you wanted to go out sometime. There's this new restaurant opening in the town over. We could go to dinner mayne go to that new theater at the mall.” A finger came to rest under my chin and he lifted my head up to look at him. “What do you say? Will you go on a date with me?” I looked at him and nodded my head. “Yeah, okay, that could be fun.”
After my last class I went to my locker, put my books away, only grabbing what I needed, and headed outside to the parking lot where Billy was indeed waiting. I got I'm the back seat of his camaro, letting Sidney take the front. “What time do you get off tonight?” Billy asked, pulling out of the school's parking area and onto the street. “Um…At ten. But I close tonight so after the last customer leaves I'll have to stay behind to help clean up and all that. So it won't be until closer to eleven-thirty, maybe tweleve that I get out of there. I already let Randy know.”
I took my shirt off, leaving me in a tank-top, and pulled my work shirt on, ticking it into my jeans. “Well, I told Meeks to make sure he brings you straight the fuck home. No nasty shit better happens or he's dead.” He looked at me I'm the rearview mirror laughing at the blush that covered my cheeks. “Billy, be nice,” Sidney told him. “Also, that prick, Parker, shows up and won't leave you alone, calls Sid's house or Stu if you can't get ahold of me.” I nodded my head, gathering my bag as he pulled up in front of the theater. Sidney opened her door, stepping out, and letting me get out of the back seat.
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Ok @chocoarts , I'm ready to go on a ramble! Thanks so much for answering my request! I hope my ramble does your art justice!
So! Steve and Robin are destined to work together, no matter how they meet or what they do. I know that most folks on the internet think that Robin wouldn't be great with little kids, while Steve would be the master. However! I personally like the idea that they're /both/ great with kids! I'm not usually one for no-Upside-down aus, but I can't really think of another way that this would work, so.
I'll bet that Steve and Robin met while volunteering at the Hawkins Daycare center. They bond over a love of kids and hatred for the people in charge. Y'see, Hawkins kinda reminds me of the area I grew up in a little bit, and something that's happened, both in my community and the town where my mom works, is that daycares and pre-schools start out as genuine nonprofits, existing for the sake of the community. But over time, they become super exclusive, expensive, and mildly corrupt. I imagine that if Hawkins had a daycare center, that's what would happen.
*oh, by the way, I have nothing against day care centers or all you folks who run them in a general sense. I know how difficult it is to take care of little kids to an extent, and I respect you all for what you do. It's just the ones in my community that I know of that are like that.*
So Steve and Robin see this and decide, hey, Steve's parents may be assholes, but they haven't cut him off yet, so why don't they use that money to open their own daycare center? They would call it Bat-man and Robin's Junior Bat-cave, because Steve plays baseball in this au. Also because of this meme:
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By the way, they decided to add hyphens to the DC related parts of the name to escape a potential lawsuit. That's my logic, and I'm sticking to it. Cool? Cool.
So Steve and Robin open their daycare, and they keep their fees as inexpensive as they possibly can without it being detrimental to the business. One of their first customers is a single mom by the name of Claudia Henderson.
It takes a minute for Dustin to warm up to Steve and Robin, because even as a 3-year-old, people give him a hard time about his disease, cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD), which he worked really hard to learn how to pronounce.
Steve and Robin don't treat him any differently. The only acknowledgement they make of his CCD is when they have to follow his daily medical needs, which I assume exist, but I have no idea what they'd be. When this sinks in, he warms right up to them. His favorite thing to do is play spies with the toy walkie-talkie set that Steve got especially for him. He gets bad dreams sometimes about his dad leaving, but Steve is always right there when he wakes up with a sci-fi picture book or Star Wars stuffies to help him feel better.
The next kid to show up is Max Mayfield. She's a sassy little thing. And in this au, N*il dies in a car crash or something, and Billy's mom gets custody of Billy, because he deserves good things, dammit, but Susan doesn't have the money to move her and Max back to Cali. The Junior Batcave is affordable for her. It takes Max a hot second to warm up to Steve, because of N*il, but Robin helps her feel safe, and Steve never pushes her boundaries. That is what gets her to warm up to him. Max likes playing spies with Dustin, but her favorite thing to do is use cardboard as ramps and play with those tiny skateboard toys.
Jane Eleanor "El" Hopper shows up after Hopper adopts her and gets her out of the foster system. She's pretty quiet and timid, but she's got good judgement for a 3-year-old. She warms up to Steve and Robin pretty quick. She calls them Auntie Robin and Mom-Steve. She likes any kind of game, as long as she's with her best friend Max. But her favorite thing to do at daycare is play with Steve's hair. One day, she brings all sorts of clips and ribbons from home. El gets a little sad, because Robin gently tells her, "if it touches your hair, you don't share." Steve immediately goes out to the store to get some new hair supplies, and then El just goes ham on his hair. When she's done, she says that "Mom-Steve is the prettiest ever!" Hearts melt, and there are tears.
When Will shows up, his family is fresh out of a divorce, so he's really quiet and sensitive. He knows that he's welcome to play with Dustin, Max, and El, but he's just too shy. Luckily for him, Mike starts attending at around the same time. They bond over Star Wars with Dustin. And Will just has the best ideas for games if make-believe! When Will leads, Max and El get to be the knights, and Mike is the one who needs saving. Will gets attached to Steve and Robin when they agree to play the dragon and the queen respectively, and help him practice reading when he's not up to playing. Eventually, Will spends so much time reading with Steve that Mike gets jealous, which I think would explain the ankle-biter moment in chocoarts's picture.
Mike is a bit of a jealous kiddo, because baby Holly gets all of Mom and Nancy's attention, and Dad isn't home too often cause of work. That's why, if any of his friends start spending more time with Steve than him, his ankle-biting tendencies surface. Oh, Will would rather read a story with Steve than play knights and castles with Mike? CHOMP! Even so, Steve and Robin both give Mike plenty of attention, so he warms up to them. He copies El, calling Steve Mom-Steve. He also starts calling Robin Auntie Birdie.
Last, but certainly not least, the Sinclair siblings. In this au, I think Lucas and Erica would either be twins, or the age gap would just be a year instead of 4, as it seems to be in canon (Lucas seeming to be a 15-year-old freshman when Erica is 11). Lucas likes playing catch a little more than the other boys, and Steve is always happy to play with him. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Y'see, I just had the thought that when the Sinclairs tried sending Lucas and Erica to Hawkins Daycare, the two were surrounded by white children who didn't know anything other than the racist bullshit their parents said around them. The employees weren't much better. When the Sinclairs reached out to the Junior Bat-cave, on the other hand, Steve and Robin were perfectly respectful, and made sure the other kids knew to be respectful to Lucas and Erica, too. Anywho, as the two adjust, Steve loves to see how Lucas is just the best big brother. He knows that Erica is still a bit too small for catch, so he rolls his favorite ball around with her, instead. Also, Erica likes dogs in this au, so Steve helps Lucas draw and/or color in pictures of dogs and puppies. Robin is always happy to play with Erica, too. In fact, all the girls love finding all the dog stuffies in the daycare to play dog school, Erica's favorite game.
Alright! That's all I've got for this ramble. If anyone wants to take these ideas and just roll with them, feel free to do so. I hope my ramble did chocoarts's drawing justice!
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veren-cos · 21 hours
Worth it Though!
Sam would be so down for skincare because he just has to have good looks for his concerts. His words!
"Hey farmer! Do I look good or what?" Sam had blue painted all over his face and a goofy smirk plastered under it. You decided it would be a great idea to have a self care day with your boyfriend! Face masks were perfect for your first stay-at-home date.
The two of you had just started going on, and you were over the moon. Sam was amazing. He started waking up early to meet you as you made your way into town. He was warming Jodi and Vincent up to you more. You had gone to the movies, and went on a picnic at the beach. Now, facemasks!
"You look so dumb" you laughed as you finished applying yours. "What about me?"
And he just cracked up laughing. "Oh god, is that how I look?!"
"It's good for our skin I promise!" Or at least you'd hoped.. you'd made them yourself. If anything, they wouldn't hurt!
"What's next, beautiful?" God, you loved it when he called you that.
"I'm thinking...." even though you already had the whole night planned out. "Nailpolish."
"Ooooo" Sam painted his nails frequently! The troublemaking trio had done that a few times at sleep overs. "What color?"
"Hmmm. How about I pick yours, and you pick mine? Cute and simple! Either that, or.. We could go for a matching color?" You were hoping he would want to match! It's an adorable way to show affection, and something that really only the two of you would notice.
"I am so down to match!" He picked up a deep red from the table. "Doesn't this fit the vibe of my guitar?" And it really did.
"Oh, We have to do that color." You nodded your head vigorously. You took the polish out of his hands and gave it a good shake before twisting the top. You started applying it onto Sam first, and you felt his eyes on you.
You just looked so focused! And so cute! Ahhh damn his nails being wet, he wanted to kiss your face. Pull you close, feel your hair in his hands.
"Sam!" He looked at you. "Great I finally have your attention! Your nails are done. Now, you know the drill, don't touch anything until they are dry. It'll ruin them. You want to paint mine while you wait?"
"Oh, uh.." shoot he totally spaced through you actually doing his nails! "Sure!!" He beamed a smile at you. Trying to distract himself with the task at hand. He held your hand in his, holding out your index finger while he painted it red. He could feel your pulse, beating every so slightly underneath his hold.
Maybe he could get away with a peck? He leaned in and kissed you softly before going back to your hands. "Saaaam, stop you gotta focus."
"You never said I couldn't kiss you!! And I am focused." He had about one hand finished, but before he moved on to the next, he gave you another kiss.
You broke off to breath before deepening it. He placed his hands on the sides of your face, inching closer and closer to your hair. Eventually, he lost all composure and slid his hands to grip your hair while melting your lips into his. It was honestly a terrible kiss. Nailpolish getting into both of your hair, and just an awkward position.
But you wouldn't trade it for the world. Once the two of you caught your breath, you teased, "damn it Sam! Now we need to try again!" Showing him your freshly ruined nails.
"Damn..." he looked down at his own, even more ruined than yours. Sam shot you a cheeky grin when you rolled your eyes, "Worth it though!"
This was just a little drabble that floated in my head for a while. I wanted to expand upon it, but it never really happened. And honestly I just love writing and I know if I try to perfect it I'll never post anything so sometimes K just call it a day and am happy with what I write. Also, 2 fics in one day woahhhhhhh, both Sam related too hahah
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paleparearchive · 6 months
Hidden Passion
Renoir's initial 4★ story (2/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: kitchen (morning) ; dormitory hallway (morning) ; atelier 2 (morning) | Characters: Renoir, Raffaello, Watteau, Aoi/MC
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Aoi: (My favorite type, huh? I've been so busy since I came to this museum, I haven't had time for romance. I've been so preoccupied with art in the first place that I haven't had time to think about it…)
Hmm… A hardworking person, perhaps?
Renoir: Hardworking… Oooh, so that's your type of person, my lady?
Aoi: If I had to say so.
Raffaello: Then you probably see a lot of them in this museum, am I right? There are a lot of people who work very hard on art.
Watteau: Like me, for example! I live every day to the fullest!
Renoir: I'm always there for the girls, too. And of course, for you as well, right, my lady?
Raffaello: Hahaha… I am trying my best, but I do not think I can match those two's enthusiasm.
Renoir: You say that, but no one can match your enthusiasm when you hold the brush.
Aoi: Sure, Raffaello-san's enthusiasm is amazing. But I think everyone else is just as great. But right now I have my hands full with the museum, so I guess I don't think about romance too much.
Watteau: For real… Even though your destined partner's right in front of ya!
Aoi: Even if you say so, you go around town talking to girls…
Watteau: Because there's more than one destined partner!
Renoir: I like your consistency, Watteau. Whether or not you're popular with girls…
Nevertheless, you're always so busy that you can't afford to look at anything else.
Watteau: Indeed. Then next time, let's all go out for a drink together as a sorta appreciation party for the deputy director! It's a good idea once in a while, ain't it?
Renoir: Good idea! I'll look for a place the young lady would like.
Aoi: Yes, thank you. I'm looking forward to it.
Aoi: (I went to check on Van Gogh-kun a while ago, Kuroda-san was giving him quite a hard time. But I think it's a kind of talent to not get discouraged no matter how harsh the things you're told.)
Renoir: My lady. You're just in the right place.
Aoi: Ah, Renoir-kun. What's wrong?
Renoir: I'd like to ask you to model for me, would that be okay for you?
Aoi: If you're okay with me, I'll model for you as much as you want.
Renoir: Thank you. Then let's go to the atelier right away.
Renoir: Sit on that chair there. It's okay if you move around a little bit, but try to stay as still as possible, okay?
Aoi: Alright, understood.
Renoir: Good. Then let's begin.
Aoi: (Renoir-kun has a serious look on his face. Normally, he would paint while chatting happily, so what happened?)
Renoir: …
Aoi: (He seems pretty focused, so I'll be quiet so as not to disturb him.)
Renoir: … Yes, good job. You did well, my lady. You can move now.
Aoi: You also did well, Renoir-kun. Can I see the painting?
Renoir: Of course. Here you go.
Aoi: Wow…!
(It's more beautified than I actually am, but he's very good at it…)
As expected from you, Renoir-kun. It's so nice that I wish all kinds of people could see it.
Renoir: Fufu, thank you. It's because the model looks great. I'm blessed to be able to paint in a museum where such a beautiful young lady is the deputy director.
Aoi: Fufu, "beautiful" is an overstatement.
Renoir: Really? I'm just saying what I really think.
… Hey, would you look at my other paintings? I've been working on a lot of different pictures lately.
Aoi: Is that so, I'd love to see them. Are they here?
Renoir: No, they're in my room. Let's go.
Renoir: My lady, do you ever get asked to model for the others?
Aoi: Sometimes. If I don't have work, I try to take on as much as I can.
Renoir: No waay, what a shame. I hoped I was your first one. … Well, what could be better than being able to paint you over and over again?
Aoi: Thank you. Let me know if you need me as a model again.
Renoir: Ah, you just let it slide, didn't you? I was pretty serious about it.
Aoi: (Renoir-kun is the same as usual. Why did you look so serious earlier…)
Renoir: What's wrong? I get embarrassed when you stare at me like that.
Aoi: Ah, sorry. I thought you were different from your earlier self. You looked so serious while you were painting. Did something happen?
Renoir: …
Why was I so serious… Do you want to know?
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—✧Day Two: Body Swap✧—
It's the Hex that went wrong
That's how this happened
One moment Agatha is fighting Wanda, fighting the Scarlet Witch
The next she's waking up in bed next to a toaster oven with an overpowered stone lodged in his forehead
It's a fascinating thing, to wake up and not be in agonizing pain from her back
Of course, her joints had never hurt her quite like Wanda's body does
She's embarrassed by the whimper of pain that escapes, and wonders how Wanda had dealt with such bone deep aching without the use of magic
She'd still trade in a heartbeat -- joint pain over the centuries old scars she was gifted to by her mother
Wanda, for her part, wakes up, and nearly screams when she moves too fast
How in the world was Agatha so nimble and agile when every movement pulled at the skin of her back?
She then realizes that if she's in Agatha's body, Agatha must be in hers
Vision -- her boys -- are trapped in the house with her and they don't even know it
Of course she goes running
Or, she tries to
Seriously how does Agatha manage with her back all fucked up like this?
She eventually makes her way to the house
Only to discover Agatha is... Wow she's a great actress
It seems as if no one remembers the fight that had just been taking place
(Where is S.W.O.R.D. for that matter?)
Wanda just walks right in
Only then does Agatha show her panic
But when Wanda goes to zap Agatha...
"Can't do any magic either, huh, toots?"
Vision refuses to sleep in the same room as either of them
He takes the couch... Meaning Agatha and Wanda are sharing a room
What could go wrong???
When Wanda refuses to share the bed, Agatha rolls her eyes
"What do you want me to do, walk your body over to Ralph's and sleep there?"
Wanda won't let Agatha out of sight with her body -- she doesn't trust her with it
After about a week of tension between everyone in the Maximoff household, time loops for everyone but them
The cycle keeps repeating itself as Wanda and Agatha grow more comfortable in one another's bodies
Finally, sometime around during the fourth month of this bullshit, Wanda finds herself kissing Agatha, straddling the other witch and trapping her beneath her
It's a very odd sensation for them both, because their minds are turned on by one thing, but the bodies they inhabit another
Agatha flips them over, but is careful of her Wanda's back.
"Wow, buttercup, I hadn't realized I was so beautiful."
Wanda is shocked at Agatha's audacity, and Agatha can't help but laugh at her expression
"I also hadn't realized my face could look like that."
"Will you stop that, you're making this weird!" Wanda whines
Agatha kisses her to shut her up
It only escalates from there
The next morning they scramble to hide hickies and bruises without magic
Their relationship continues to deepen over the course of several months
Wanda quietly breaks up with Vision -- she loves him, but the Hex... It has to come down, and he'll go with it
She ignores the fact that Billy and Tommy will go with it as well, ignores how much it causes her heart to rip into two. She doesn't know if she believes Agatha when the other witch promises to help her find a way to bring them back.
Until one night, after Agatha had helped Wanda and Vision tuck the boys in for bed, she slips her arms around Agatha, and whispers I love you
And Agatha, in an extremely rare moment of vulnerability says I love you too, superstar
The world spins the moment the words leave Agatha's mouth
She finds herself back in her own body, collapsed on the grassy area in the town center
When she manages to sit up, she sees Wanda much in the same situation
Vision is anxiously hovering about Wanda, as are the boys
Wanda warily makes eye contact, and sees...
Agatha isn't sure what she sees on her face, in her eyes, but whatever it is, it's enough.
Wanda gently brushes her boys away, and makes her way to Agatha
"Did you mean it?"
"That I'll help you find them again? Or that I love you?"
The Scarlet Witch reaches down with her own hands, her body in her control once more, and helps Agatha up to her feet
"I swear it, Red."
Wanda knows what it's like to live in Agatha's body, as intimately as Agatha knows what it's like to live in Wanda's
It creates a special sort of bond they now share
They take care of the military easily enough, working together
Agatha gives Wanda her privacy when they reach the Maximoff house
At the end of it all, Wanda is no longer standing alone in the middle of the empty lot
A cool hand slips into her own
"Magic can do many things. We'll get your boys back."
Wanda only squeezes her hand in response, but it's enough.
They're enough, together
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a-complex-joke · 20 days
From zero to mutant Chapter 1
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Kurt POV
The professor had called us all in, which wasn't unusual, what was unusual was the device he had created.
“Due to all your ties to the school, this mission will be brief and only a few of you will go, normally I'd let Scott choose who will go, but based on his previous judgment calls I'll be picking.
Jean, Storm, Gambit you're staying behind. Logan and Rouge you’ll be leading, Scott I'll have you take a step back this time. Jubilee, Nightcrawler, even though you are all aware you are more than capable, this is a learning mission for you both. You will only step in if needed” The professor stated.
“Just get to the point, whats this mission” Wolverine Said leaning back in his chair, feet resting on the table.
“This device can detect mutant abilities, it uses my telicnises, while it can’t tell you who it is it will lead you closer. I wouldn’t be sending you on this mission if not for the fact that it has detected an extreme amount of power in an elementary school, located in a town with seemingly no mutants.
I suspect it to be a child who has no clue they have suck abilities, and if they are they could cause harm to the humans.
Your cover will be your child psychologist who has heard about the school's exceptional childcare. I've already got it set up you leave tomorrow”
Oh, great another mission where I have to hide from everybody, watching TV in a gross motel all day.
“Professor if I may, Logan is in no way safe to be around children, ignoring the claws, his gruff nature does not work well with kids” Scott stood in protest
“Lisen here bub, you worry about you, and I'll worry about me” Logan stepped up to him.
Jean rolled her eyes before pulling the two men out of the room.
“Alright, gang let's move those butts and pack our stuff” Rouge ordered us, taking the device named Mutant Prober, from the professor.
“Oh this is so exciting Kurt, we get to go on a mission to help a baby mutiny like us,” Jubilee said hopping beside me.
“Ja so thrilled to watch you all going in and out while rotting away”
“Dude, you're such a buzz kill sometimes. How about if you don’t have any fun during the mission, I'll talk to Professor about that human disguise thing you want so much”
While she meant well, but sometimes I could tell she had no clue what she was talking about or promising. “Sure prepare your talking points for when we get back” I tried to put on a cheery tone.
We happened to walk by Jean’s room and shared a grossed-out look, at the sound 
Being made from inside.
“They think we don’t know ?” She asked, earning her a shrug from me.
*The next day*
We all climbed into the small van, it left just enough room for us and our stuff.
“Logan, Scott. There you are. I trust you two will be more agreeable today” Rouge said crossing her arms
The two walked up arms over each other's shoulders.
“Yeah we… talked it out,” Scott said winking to his friend.
“Alright everybody in the car we got a long drive ahead of us”
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joshuasumter · 23 days
The latest chapter of "The Fairly Odd Winx Club" will be up very soon, so there are a few new updates to go over and added to the crossover...
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1) Remember what I said way back about pushing the reset button to start this crossover all over again? Well, I really did mean it - but this time, it's more like a COSMIC reset button. Let's just say I thought about pulling a 'Genesis Wave' on this crossover - you know, like rewriting/rearranging the very fabric of reality, creating a new timeline, reshape the universe, rewrote some memories, etc., etc.
Short version: I pulled a Genesis Wave on this crossover to rewrite reality, creating a new, rewritten timeline based on the 'alterations' to both "The Fairly OddParents" and "Winx Club" universes, which is why this crossover now falls under the added tropes of 'Cosmic Retcon', 'Alternate Timeline', and 'Alternate Universe Fic' because the crossover places Dimmsdale in the Winx Club version of California, in proximity to Gardenia (If it were the other way around, it'd be crazy wild).
Timeline-wise, the events of seasons 9-10 never, ever happened in this new timeline of the crossover as the post-season 8 seasons are no longer canon on the FOP side of things and is taking place sometime after the events of 'Meet the OddParents' (due to some of you Fairly OddParents fans out there who preferred that episode as the shows' finale and/or maybe 'Wishology').
Okay, it goes like this: 'Things have settled down for Timmy Turner and his fairy godparents after the events of Season 8 of "The Fairly OddParents", but at some point in time, his plans for the best day/best summer ever come crashing down when he and his fairies have been relocated and moved to a new town and even a new school in the city of Gardenia. But it turns out that this town is not the only thing that's full of surprises...leading to the events of the very first episode of "Winx Club".'
2) In the next few chapters, we're going to have a little thing called 'Truth, Lies, and Revelations' with "The Truth About Bloom" in 'A Great Secret Revealed (Episode 113)', "The Red Fountain...of Lies" with events of 'Secrets Within Secrets (Episode 117)' and "The Revelation of the Dragon Flame" with 'The Font of Dragon Fire (Episode 118)'.
3) Remember when I say that any FOP characters will NOT appear in this crossover? That's right (and apologies), no Vicky, no Denzel Crocker, no Tootie, no Trixie, or any other characters will appear in this crossover. They will ONLY be mentioned and/or referenced, but...let's say I'll make an exception for Jorgan Von Strangle and the fairies of Fairy World, for they might have a part in this crossover and even might joined in the final battle very soon.
Also, in the near future for this crossover, Timmy Turner and his fairies will help deal with only some of the Winx Club villains like The Trix, Lord Darkar the Shadow Phoenix, the Ancestral Witches, Mandragora, and even Countess Cassandra and Chimera.
Also, here's an updated 'Expository Theme Tune' theme song takeover that explains the crossover and parodies the "Fairly OddParents" theme song.
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legolasghosty · 11 months
Wildlife rescue au?
Now that I have dealt with the zombie au stream, I can do the last couple of these! Hehehee!
Okay I'ma put them in a small town in the middle of nowhere, the gang runs a vet clinic and wildlife rescue center. They do some work taking care of the pets and farm animals of the town, but a lot of it is following up tips about wounded wildlife.
Julie and Alex are the main veterinarians. Most of their time is spent in the clinic, working with whatever injured animals get brought in. They do sometimes make house calls or go out on tip checks if the situation seems serious thought. Alex mainly specializes in small animals and domestic ones, with a keen affinity for taking care of birds. Julie's forte is the bigger animals, lots of deer and foxes and the occasional wildcat or wolf.
Willie and Reggie are the main ones who go out to follow up on tips. Luke sometimes joins them as the driver, but mostly it's the two of them. Willie is basically an animal EMT, cause he has most of the same training that Julie and Alex have, but hates being cooped up in the clinic. Reggie is both a really good off-road driver and is a lot more perceptive than people assume. He'll usually notice smaller injuries even before Willie does, and is much more likely to realize if an attacking animal is still lurking or if something else about the situation seems off. They make a great team!
Luke is the driver and delivery person mainly. He's always moving back and forth between their home and the nearest larger towns to get supplies and pick up mail and packages. He's also surprisingly good with dogs, who would have thought? Julie enlists him to take their pup patients out for walks and stuff all the time.
Flynn handles most of the business/paperwork stuff. They have a state government contract, and it's not a for-profit business, so it's a lot of papers, grant reporting, and general office stuff. She frigging thrives on it. She also very much enjoys being able to threaten the guys with not signing their paychecks when they annoy her.
Ray and Carlos live in the next larger town over and visit whenever they can. Ray usually brings his camera and helps Flynn out with keeping their website up to date. Carlos is adored by all the local kids cause he'll come guest coach for the school baseball teams when he's in town. I mean, who's gonna say no to some help from a AA professional? A couple of AAA teams have an eye on him though, he's hoping to move up soon. MLB, here he comes!
The whole gang has a big, rambley farmhouse near the clinic. It has character. Or at least that's what Reggie and Julie claim. Alex is more likely to call it busted, but whatever. Luke and Reggie are the main repair people of the house, but everyone chips in on the bigger remodel projects. Currently they're working on adding a big bay window to the living room.
Ack why do I talk so much?! Sorry this was probably more random stuff than you wanted, but... yeah that's what you get for asking me things I guess? Hope you liked it!
(Send me an AU and I'll give you 5+ headcanons about it!)
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veratasswrites · 2 years
Cross-Post of Writeblr Intro!
Writeblr Re-Intro
(Originally posted to @directionoftime - just moving my writeblr to this blog!)
Hey Writeblr!! I attempted to join the community a few years back but way too quickly found myself overwhelmed and ended up fizzling out >.> but I'm back now and hoping to make a better (less stressed out) effort! A bit worried I might have burnt-off some of the writeblr folks by just kinda peace-ing out, but I really do hope to make a better go of it this time around and post/interact more often! (I have so many writeblr posts to catch up on, yikes!)
About me: Vera (she/her) I have been writing consistenly for a solid 15ish years now, have a creative writing master's behind me, (and over a million combined words in fan-fic LOL) and finally feel in a creative place where I'm ready to (hopefully) start publishing, in whatever form it takes!
So, onto the point here: Novel Intro!
YES! Some of you (might) remember my novel Sauvarin - well, it's back, babey! And about 95-99% complete!! Currently on my last round of scene-rewrites and line editing before I begin the horrifying task of querying!
Only been ten years in the making, lmao >.>
So, what the heck is SAUVARIN??
TLDR: fantasy post-apocalypse featuring an autistic blacksmith who is utterly oblivious to the local boot-legger Trying Very HArd to be her girlfriend (pray for Yenn, y'all! She is being SO brave about it!) Said blacksmith, Isaura, is instead on A Mission Of Great Importance to inter the ashes of her surrogate father, Soo-young, in his childhood home town. Except, no one's ever heard of this town, the internet's broken, and she accidenatlly discovers that METAL IS LIVING NOW???
Why do all "simple requests" always end up being the most cataclysmic???
Want to know more? Please go ahead, if not, thanks for looking in this far :)
Well, on to major themes and elements! We've got:
NON-DYSTOPIAN post-apocalypse (we're currently living in the dystopia, y'all!), set in the near distant future where the vast majority of humanity has fled climate change to an orbital space station leaving circa 10million people on earth. The endlings determined to protect what they still can, raise their children, protect their towns, and face whatever magic storms come their way. But right now? They have food, they have community, and there's always something silly to laugh at!
It is a LOW-FANTASY, meaning we've got: freaky and intelligent animals! A magic so new to the world, most people don't realise it's possible! The corpse of god! Cool mushrooms! A darkness that watches YOU! Baba-Yaga (she's a scientist now)! Old women who Take No Shit But Absolutely Know How To Harm!
NATURE mutating - what it "reclaims" in some areas, it mutates in others, or simply allows itself to start anew. Nature in this novel is very much embodiying the quote: "you cannot kill me in a way that matters". Freaky deer. Metal predators. Plants that grab onto YOU.
NOBODY WINS, BUT NO ONE LOSES EITHER the head of Department for Zoology took one look at the "provisional government" and just fucked off into the woods (Baba Yaga). "The Hero" of the orbital space station realising what their heroism actually cost the earth in raw materials. The dead are returned, but not to the life they remembered leaving. Sometimes you do, in fact, find the ghost of a child in the woods (it's okay if you are not sure what to do next).
Well, that's probably enough for now. I'll do some character intro posts (as memes!) hopefully over the weekend - it's a fairly big cast with a lot of minor-in-screen-time-but-major-in-plot characters so it'll be a bit of a series, I think.
Any questions? Feel free to ask! But I will be moving all writeblr stuff/posts about this blog over to my new side blog @veratasswrites so if you want to follow the posts, please follow that blog!
I'll tag some of the old writeblrs I'd followed/who were so awesome and welcoming the first time - but if you're not interested or anything I really mean NO PRESSURE!
@ryan-shepard-writes, @writeblrfantasy, @magic-is-something-we-create
Anyone's welcome to be +/- tag list!
Thank's so much for reading! :)

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yassalghul · 1 year
ok so life rant under the cut
ok so ok sO
life in shanghai is fine
i mean i get paid very well and the cost of living is very low
school holidays are mad long so i get huge breaks through the year
but i work long hours in term time and it's very overwhelming sometimes, especially when i'm a week away from it starting up again after the summer holidays, and i know i shouldn't complain bc i got a promotion that i basically begged my boss for but i'm terrified of the new year starting and me having the new responsibility
but also life in shanghai is so annoying because the city is so big that it takes FOREVER to get anywhere and we live far away from the metro so if you don't get a taxi (traffic) then you have to walk 15 minutes, grab a hire bike, cycle 15 minutes, THEN get to the metro where it's at least 40 minutes into town
and when you're in town there are SOME museums and nice things to do but most of the stuff that's accessible to foreigners (slash popular) is clubs, bars, live music (but not the good stuff unless you're into dance music or whatever) or eating out. and like those things are fine but not the things i like to do. and the climbing gyms here suck and the board game cafes are forever away and there's other fun stuff but it's just hard to even get started with it
and then this summer was supposed to be great but we had a month in england with husband's family and it was nice but SO STRESSFUL oh my god and we were both just kinda counting down the days til we got some holiday time to ourselves and it feels like this whole summer has been wasted and i'm going back to work and he is studying uni but from a distance so again we're going back to him being home alone and me working long hours and i know we're here for the money and to save for a house and sometimes it's great but other times i just worry that it's not sustainable for another two years
and when we were home i only got to see my friends twice?!?! and i was so excited about the whole holiday, we both were, and it ended up just sucking and it all just feels like such a waste
and i want to move back home like england home and i can't bc like what will we do where will we live
and if i finish the job i'm doing right now, what other jobs are there? where will we live? like what WHAT jobs can i do that arenm't the one i already do, i have made myself into a niche job person and screwed myself over because now i can't really do any other jobs and i have NO experience of jobs outside of working in education anyway
and i kNOW the grass is greener on the other side and i know things will probably be better soon but it's not better now and that just SUCKS
and like all of this is such first world problems and i know this
like oh boohoo my next holiday is to nz and my work pays for our flights
but like we're going to nz so we can have christmas with family and actually i'd rather just have christmas with husband somewhere nice just us bc we couldn't do this summer together but i'm always stressed that i'll disappoint my family and this is an example of it and i hate this i hate it
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roselightfairy · 2 years
I saw the tags on one of your last post as "non-driving life." I also want to live the non-driving life... Any advice for managing things like regular errands and stuff when you haven't got a car?
Hey! I don't know if I'm really the one to talk about this, because my non-driving is slightly less a choice than a necessity - I have a visual impairment that, while it doesn't legally prevent me from driving, makes me feel that driving would be an unsafe choice. So for a lot of the things that really require driving (trips out of town, big grocery trips, etc.), my life has involved getting assistance from other people, especially now that I live with someone with a car. Unfortunately, there are just some things that it's hard to manage via transit.
That said, here are some of the tips I have from my general life:
Take a backpack! @daisyfornost mentioned once, and I hadn't noticed until she said it (though I had been doing it, too) that not having a car necessitates having a backpack you can carry around with you, because of all the things that people with cars can just . . . leave in the car!
Transit. My ability to live without driving is entirely dependent on living in an area with public transit. Learn what you have available, learn what your routes are, and get a pass if you can, so you can have freedom of movement.
Note to this one: Google maps, and other map apps, have a "transit" option so you can get advice for how to get where you're going using transit. It goes specifically to times, even: catch this bus, get off at this stop, walk a block to the next stop, wait five minutes, catch this bus to this stop, etc. - it'll give you step-by-step instructions the whole way.
If you are able to drive but don't want to have a car, check out the car sharing services your area might have! Where I live, there is a service where you can sign up on an app and then do short-term rentals to get from one place to another.
Figure out what your nearby grocery stores are. If you're walking or taking transit to the grocery store, you'll probably have to do more frequent trips. I use a basket rather than a cart when shopping at the store so that I know what I'll be able to carry home with me. I also have a really good canvas bag that I bring shopping with me and load up with my groceries.
A weird one: not driving frequently involves some carpool contortion - and also sometimes sleepovers, if you have to coordinate getting a ride from someone to one place and then a ride home the next day. This is also where having a backpack comes in handy.
Also a portable charger. @deheerkonijn gave me one for Christmas last year, for which I can never thank her enough. It's great to have something to backup charge your phone when you're on the go, especially if you're using navigation apps to get where you're going.
For extreme backups, it's probably good to have a rideshare app or something on your phone, or an awareness of a place you can call - just in case you do get lost or stranded somewhere!
Again, I don't know exactly where you're coming from with this question - if you're a driver trying to move away from it, or if you're a non-driver looking for tips on how to navigate the world - but here are just a few little weird things I've gotten from my experience! I feel weird about sharing this - as if I can have impostor syndrome over being a transit user - but hopefully it is helpful or at least interesting to read!
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