#i need help i'm so tired lately i can't be bothered to take care of myself and it's Showing
jelliegirl · 5 months
my anxiety has been so out of control also for like 4 months i probably need to look into switching my meds but healthcare sucks so bad i swear
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inkskinned · 11 months
it's just that there's a few more steps you have to take that other people don't have to take, but they don't see the steps, so they think you should be able to hop from moment to moment, a chickadee.
it isn't getting out of bed. it is the weight, the hook in your chest, the anchor. you have to move the anchor first. you have to silence your alarm, but your phone is in your hand, which means now you have to put the phone down, which is too-hard. you get stuck in there for a while, the white screen, mindlessly scrolling. you don't even like this activity, have tried a few other options but - here you are, and time is passing.
you've googled iron deficiency causes depression and if i drink enough water does it help with mental illness and anxiety but no caffiene within the last two weeks, like how you googled am i gay quiz at 17.
it isn't just calling the doctor back, it's the anxiety, it's these little moths in your lung cavities, furious and fluttering. you need to figure out how to capture your fingers from between their nervous bodies. you are an adult, you can say the words yes hi, i'm calling because i need - but you need to practice first. maybe write it down because what if you misspeak, wouldn't that be embarrassing. write it down, but you need to find a pen first. well, actually, your desk is kind of messy. you should get a new pen. you should get a new organizational system. you should try journaling.
your grades in school were always strange. the way teachers would say things like it feels like you're not trying. you could touch stars in the stuff you cared about. well, sometimes. god be willing. homework average zero. oops! your english teacher's wrinkled brow: i know you know this stuff. what the fuck are you doing?
it isn't the showering, it's the mirror before the shower and the soft horrible pull of your naked physique. you have to avoid eye contact completely or else it'll be 93 minutes later and you'll have picked at your skin until every little pore is bleeding. you have to stand up but standing is tiring and also you should have remembered to buy more soap but you never remember anything. maybe get out of the shower and while it's still running and you're still dripping wet, use your phone to take a note. make a note to get your groceries. let the shower run while you stand half-in half-out and get lost in your phone for a moment. come back out when the water runs cold and now you have to sprint to get ready.
your grandmother's frown. you're just being lazy. protestant work ethics in a house that isn't even protestant. she says she just learned different but she means learned better, doesn't she.
it's not that you can't send the email, it's that your hands have been hurting lately and the desk really is messy and also why the fuck would you even care about this thing? doesn't everyone else feel like they're drowning? hi brendon thanks so much for sending! will review and get back to you shortly. but now you're on the internet, close the tab with tumblr on it. go on, close it. feel the little soft vapor of boredom come up and over your eyeteeth and make everything overwhelming and itchy.
literally all you have to do is put on shoes to go outside. you're literally already dressed, that's the hard part of this whole thing. literally just put the shoes on. just... do it! do it! this shit is easy!
it's literally that easy. just stop taking all those stupid invisible steps. stop following your strange made-up rules. times like this, even you're positive you're faking. you just don't want to bother with the cleaning and the cooking and the being-an-adult.
but then - shouldn't you be able to put these stupid shoes on? nobody's even looking. go on kid. life is out there! just take the leap!
get moving.
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forever-rogue · 10 months
came out of surgery and was just imagining pre-outbreak joel high on anesthesia, being all cute and flirty with the reader 🥺🥺 can I request that as a fic??? 👉👈
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AN | Oh but this would be one of the funniest situations!
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language; mention of surgery
Word Count | 2.4k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“I can't believe I'm doing this,” Joel huffed, looking at you almost as if to make sure you were really making him go through with it. Not that you'd forced him or anything but…still. He did not want to do this.
“It'll be fine you big baby,” you snorted, kissing his cheek before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the front door. He groaned slightly at the feeling, rubbing at his sore jaw, “and that's exactly why we're doing this. So you're not in constant pain!”
“I’m a grown ass man,” he was grumbling as he followed out to the car, “I’ve lived 35 years with these stupid teeth and I can continue to live with them.”
“It doesn’t matter how old you are - they’re bothering you and I’m tired of hearing you whine about them,” you opened the passenger door to his truck and motioned for him to get, “you’re going to listen to me, Joel Miller.”
“I do - I do not whine,” with that he got into the truck a big pout on his face as you closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side.
“It’ll be fine, love. It’ll be done in a few hours, then you can rest and eat ice cream and I’ll take care of you. In a few days to a week you’ll be good as new.”
“But - “
“But nothing,” you turned on the car, “I was in my late twenties when I got mine out a couple of years ago and it was just fine. I survived and you’ll survive.”
“Fine,” he sighed heavily as he stared at the road, “but I want lots of ice cream when it’s done.”
“Then we’ll get all the ice cream, Joel Miller,” you reached over and gave his knee a squeeze, “you big weenie.”
“Stop,” he groaned softly.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Mrs. Miller?”
“Oh, I’m…” you stopped yourself and didn’t bother to correct the dental assistant as you stood up and walked over to her, “how did it go?”
“Everything went just fine,” she explained and you relaxed and let out a small sigh of relief, “no complications at all. I think he’ll heal up just fine.”
“I have no doubt about that,” you watched as she walked back to collect Joel, leaving you unsure of what exactly to expect with him. You whispered to yourself, “I’m sure he’ll make a full recovery, dramatic of course but full.”
A few minutes later a very drowsy looking Joel walked out, looking around in confusion. It took him a few moments to realize that you were there but as soon as he did, his entire face, as much as you could see of it anyway, lit up, “wow. You’re so pretty!”
You had to work extremely hard not to burst into a bit of giggles at one, how pathetic he looked, and two how muffled and mumbly he sounded. You walked over to him and reached for his hand, tenderly taking it in yours, “hi, my love.”
He looked around for a moment, a confused look in his eyes as he looked around the room to see who you were possibly talking about. Then realization hit him, “you're talking to me?”
“Yes, of course,” you chewed on the inside of your cheek, “come on, let's get everything you need and then we can get out of here.”
“Where are we going?”
“Together? Do we live together?” He looked so genuinely bewildered that this time you couldn't help the snort of laughter that escaped you.
“Yes,” you promised sweetly, “we live together.”
“Wow,” he whispered under his breath, watching as you went to the counter to get everything for him and get any special instructions. While you were listening intently, Joel was looking around at everything in awe, seemingly mesmerized by so many little things. 
Once you had written instructions and everything in hand, you turned back to him, only to find him standing there with a sleepy expression on his face. You reached for his hand, taking it gently in yours and started to head towards the door, “c’mon, love. We’re all set. You have to come back in about a week for your follow up, but otherwise you’re all set.”
“Why do I have to come back?” he trailed alongside you, words still muffled from the cotton in his mouth, “I don’t want to come back.”
“Honey, you just had surgery and they took your teeth out-”
“My teeth?” he looked horrified for a moment as he reached up and touched his face, which was still partially numb, “they stole my teeth!”
“Oh -  I mean, I guess you’re not wrong,” you took his hands gently and shook your head, “they were meant to take them, Joel. They were giving you problems.”
“What if I die without them?” He looked so upset - ridiculously adorable but upset. 
“You’re not going to die,” you insisted, “I promise you’re going to be fine. A little uncomfortable for a few days but then you’ll be fine.”
“And you’ll be there?”
“Of course I will,” you helped him into the truck again, “I’ll always be there.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re really pretty?” you could feel his gaze practically burning into you as you walked through the aisles of the grocery store. You’d insisted that you should get him home first so he could rest but he insisted on coming with you so he could pick out exactly what ice cream he wanted and what pudding flavors he liked best. You knew better than to argue with him, even in his current state. 
You stopped with your hand halfway into the freezer and gave him a curious expression, “umm, well…pretty sure I’ve heard that a few times before.”
“Well, you should…because it’s true,” he offered you a small, lopsided little smile. 
“Oh? I’ll keep that in mind,” you turned back to the taste at hand, shaking your head lightly to yourself. 
Once the cart was loaded up with everything needed for the next few days and you’d snagged the prescription for his antibiotics and pain medication, you head towards the checkout.
Joel appeared to be mostly alright, except for the way he stared at everything and made silly little comments about everything and anything. After you placed everything onto the conveyor belt, you turned around to make sure everything was alright. He waved at you sheepishly before he seemed to get ahead of himself, “do you have a boyfriend?”
Alright…that caught you by surprise. You’d thought he had managed to put the pieces together by now but apparently whatever they had used on him at the dentist’s office was strong. You opened and closed your mouth a few times, “umm…yeah. I do actually…have a boyfriend.”
“Oh,” the look on his face was nothing short of crestfallen, “t-that’s good. I guess.”
You hummed under your breath as you greeted the checker and paid for everything. You grabbed the bags and motioned for him to follow you as you walked back out to the truck, “c’mon Joel! Don’t need you slowing me down!”
“Yeah…coming,” he mumbled as he helped you to load the backs into the backseat of the truck. He got in as soon as you were done, hopping into the passenger seat and crossing his arms over his broad chest, “does he treat you good? Your boyfriend?”
“He does,” you promised, absolutely meaning it. Joel was the best friend and partner you’d ever had, “he’s amazing. And I love him a lot.”
“Cool,” and he seemed like he thought it was anything but cool, “cool.”
“I think maybe we should go on a date,” he mumbled, leaning his head against the cool glass of the window, “we could be good together. I can treat you right.”
“I’m sure you could,” you chuckled as you turned onto your street, “as a matter of fact, I know you could.”
“Joel Miller, I don’t know if I should be offended or amused that you don’t remember,” you pretended to scoff heavily as you pulled into the driveway and parked the truck, “we’re dating, silly man. You’re the boyfriend. My boyfriend.”
“No way,” his pretty brown eyes lit up with excitement as he pointed in between the two of you, “you’re dating me?”
“I sure am and vice versa,” you grinned happily as you slid out of the driver’s side and started to grab the groceries to bring them inside. He scrambled to keep up with you, eyes practically glued to you, “come on, love. I know you’re staring at my ass, but you can do that any other time. Now it’s time for you to get some rest.”
“Yes ma’am,” he came up and grabbed half the bags from you and headed in as soon as you had the door unlocked. You made quick work of putting everything away and ushering him upstairs to the bedroom. 
For a small surprise you’d gotten him some comfy new pajamas to wear in his recovery. He claimed that he would be just fine but you knew that he was going to be a big baby. Might as well make it so he would be a comfortable big baby.
“Here you go,” you looked through the top drawer of the dresser and handed him the clean pajamas. He made a small sound of happiness, “go get changed and then into bed for you. You need to rest and need to do less talking.”
“But nothing,” you nudged him towards the bed with your hip, “besides, I guarantee that as soon as you’re in bed and comfortable the tiredness is going to set in and get you. You didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“That’s not gonna happen,” he stripped down and put on the comfy clothes, groaning as he laid down in the soft, clean sheets. You offered him a knowing look as he made himself comfortable. He badly stifled a yawn as you raised an eyebrow, “fine, maybe you’re right.”
“I’ll grab a book and some movies in case you can’t or don’t want to sleep after a while,” you looked him over and made sure everything was in check, “and I’ll grab some water and pain meds.”
“You’re the best,” he was already getting sleepy, partly wishing you’d just get in with him, “‘m lucky you decided to date me. I wanna take you on a date when I feel better.”
“Don’t worry I’m counting on that,” you paused in the doorway for a moment, “I’m lucky to have you too, Joel. Get some rest okay? I’ll just be downstairs.”
“Can I have ice cream soon?” 
“Yeah baby,” you grinned softly, “you can have all the ice cream you want later.”
“And you?”
“And me.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time you got home and Joel settled into bed, you were worn out. You made yourself a snack and sat down on the couch to watch some mindless television. There was ice cream stock piled on the freezer for when he woke up and lots of puddings and broths and yogurts for the next few days ahead. Sarah was still at a friend’s house for the night but you knew that she’d love getting to mess with Joel while he was out of commission. 
After a few episodes of the show you’d thrown on, you heard the creak of the stairs. You looked up and found Joel looking at you with a pathetic little expression on his face. You smiled softly in return before motioning for him to come over and join you. 
“How’re you feeling, baby?” you lifted the warm blanket and you were under and he snuggled up to you, wasting no time in getting as comfortable as possible.
“‘m okay,” he huffed as you reached up and brushed his hair out of his face, “my mouth feels weird and gross and it hurts a little. Otherwise right as rain.”
“You can use that mouthwash they gave after you eat a little something and get some pain medication. You’ll be able to brush your teeth in a day or two,” with the lightest of touches, you ghosted your fingers along his jaw. He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch, “you’re already doing good, Joel. Better than earlier anyway.”
“Oh no,” he groaned softly as you laughed, “how stupid was I acting? I feel like it was a dream, I don’t remember a lot, just bits.”
“Well, you didn’t remember that we were together, then you were shocked that I was living with you. You proceeded to flirt - albeit very badly - with me and tried to get me to agree to go on a date with you. Seemed like you’d do anything for that. When I reminded you that we’re actually already dating - that kind of together - you almost lost it. So yeah, you were something else.”
“Fuck me,” he groaned as he tried to hide his face from you. His cheeks were tinged a bright pink as you giggled, “well that’s embarrassing. Let’s never talk about this again.”
“Nice try,” you shook your head, “I am so telling Sarah when she gets home tomorrow. Don’t you worry your pretty little head, Joel Miller.”
“Don’t baby me, baby,” you placed a kiss to the bridge of his nose, “You had your fun and now I get to have mine.”
“Fine,” he pouted, already knowing that neither of his girls were ever going to let him forget this, “fine.”
“You ready for some ice cream?” your voice was sticky sweet as you looked him over. He looked somewhere between miserable and thankful and totally in love as you made your way over to the kitchen, “there’s plenty in the freezer!”
“...yes please.”
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Straight from the heart (Lando Norris)
It takes a bad race for Lando to notice how much he has neglected your relationship, and he can only hope he can fix it
Note: english is not my first language. I was fighting the other piece I was writing so I jumped to this one and I did something a little bit different (* cough cough * longer) and see how it goes! I'm not sure how good this is (or how much you will want to kill me), but I promise this has a happy ending!! 🥹🫶
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: relationship struggles, curse words
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
The result on the screen was not the one you hoped. Lando had a wonderful race, but a mixture of bad strategy calls, dark rain clouds appearing on the sky with only a couple of laps left to finish the race and the wrong tire compound made him lose a good number of places, cars overtaking him in the last seven laps.
"Is the race over?", you mother asked as she stepped inside the living room, carrying the curtains she had left out to dry and proceeding to hang them back in their place.
"Yes, just now", your father said as he adjusted the volume on the TV, "let me help you, darling", he offered, getting up and standing beside your mum in case she got out of balance.
"Are you going to call Lando?", your mother asked once her squinty eyes read the position he had finished in. Even though the prescription glasses were on the table, she insisted she didn't want any mishaps after she accidentally dropped her last pair while she was gardening and one of your younger cousins found a rusty frame a couple of months later when he was over.
"I'm not, I don't think - he's flying back tonight and the timezone is so different, I don't want to bother him", you blurted defensively, making up excuses as you went along with your answer, "he's doing the interviews, and I'm sure the debrief will be long and torturous - he will need his rest to fly back", you stated as you got up, "I have to check on the project I handed in on Friday, the professor said he would post the grades around this time and if we want to appel, we have to do it right away - I'll be in my bedroom".
The subject was an open wound that stung everytime you so much heard a mention of it, let one having to seem completely okay with it when it ripped through your heart.
The calendar on your wall is full of stickers, both with notes, urgent matters and things you couldn't forget. It's the last stretch, you tell yourself, one more week and then it's done and you'll have a well deserved break.
A knock on your door catches your attention as you reply with the allowance to let whoever is on the other side in, "is something wrong?", you asked. Lately, the negative side of your mind was the first one to speak.
"That's what I want to ask you - that conversation we just had downstairs was not your usual self", she sighed as she pointed to the living room, "I've noticed you haven't mentioned him much, but I don't want to intrude or offer my help because I know you don't like meddling", your mother looked for your eyes before you could fully focus on the wooden floor.
"Things have been rough between us lately", you sighed, "Lando is keeping me at a distance, and I don't know the reason why, mum", you shrugged, "I don't know if it's because I've known him all my life and the comparison is so profound, but it seems he only cares about racing and his friends, and I'm nowhere in the mix. We rarely call eachother, no texting - I know the triple headers are intense, but all I got from him were reactions to my stories and a little video from Max where he's in it and said something to me", you recalled, "I can't be the only one making an effort, can I? Either he realised where this is going and we catch it while we can, or I don't know where this is going, I don't know where we're going".
Your mother's heart broke as she saw you allow the tears you had held on to fall freely, your sleeves bunched up on your hands to wipe them, "and have you talked about this? A long, grown-up and serious conversation?", she mused.
"We have barely been with eachother, mum!", you whispered shakily as more tears got caught on your throat.
"Couples go through phases, darling - do you think me and your father was all smooth sailing?", she tried to get you to smile as she brushed your hair while she hugged you, "you need to talk to eachother, seriously and let it all out, nothing is off limits because that's how you'll get to where you need to".
You kept your head on your mother's chest, accepting her comforting hold despite being an adult. A mother's hold was truly the best.
You hoped she was right and this was something that would pass. A rough patch that you and Lando would work through a look back on with a sense of accomplishment.
This wasn't how you and Lando end, is it?
Max and Lando headed for the plane as soon as they left the race track, having made prior arrangements to had their luggage there waiting for them once they arrived. Max was the first to sit down and get himself comfortable on the seat, texting his girlfriend to let her know they were leaving.
"Y/N hasn't called or even texted me, nothing", Lando mumbled, "didn't she watch the race? Doesn't she know that I need her?".
Max weighed in the good and the bad that his next few words could do. He could either be honest and encourage his best friend to finally come to his senses, or keep covering the lie and perpetuate the suffering and miscommunications.
"This is not how I wanted to do this - truth be told, I never wanted to have to do it", Max rambled off.
Lando was quick to notice that there was more to it than just this instance, "you know something - she's my girlfriend, Max, if something is happening, I deserve to know", he said in an antsy tone.
"Are you really so blind to it? Have you not noticed it yet? Damn it, Lando, I've been on your side, trying to clean it up and now I'm questioning it", Max declared as Lando only grew more confused.
"What am I missing Max?", Lando snapped, even catching his own self off guard at the reaction he had.
"Mate, think about the last couple of months and whether or not you have been a good boyfriend, or even the boyfriend Y/N deserves", Max offered.
Lando wasn't expecting that answer or point of view.
The last couple of months roll through his memory as if he's watching a movie and when he tries to select the moments he spent with you, he finds himself struggling to gather any at all. He can't remember any of the times you spent together, and considering his memory isn't that bad, it could only mean those moments didn't even happen. Thinking about it, he can remember the last time he held you in his arms, just the two of you.
"Fuck!", Lando shouted, punching the arm rest.
"Glad you figured that one out almost all on your own", Max tsked, "do you really think you deserve any interaction from Y/N? Thought so", Max muttered. He didn't like the situation his friends found themselves in, and he certainly didn't feel any joy in the words he told Lando, but the truth wasn't always easy to hear.
"Seems Y/N doesn't think so either", Lando mumbled, "do you know anything? Has she told you anything?".
He wasn't sure he deserved to know, but he needed to.
"The last time I spoke to her she didn't say anything - you know how Y/N doesn't want to bother anyone with her things and getting information from her is harder than solving the world's problems -, but P and her talk here and there", Max reasoned, "she obviously won't tell me all the details but from what I can tell, Y/N has really taken a toll because of this, P is always quite upset whenever it comes up", Max offered. Quite upset wouldn't cover it, so much so that, unbeknownst to Lando, the last couple of time Max's girlfriend couldn't join them for their plans was an orchestrated excuse from her to avoid being in the same room as the McLaren driver.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!", Lando groaned into his hands, "how could I not realise this was happening?".
"You want the honest, blunt truth?", Max asked and Lando nodded, "I know it's your job, but lately, it's all been about racing, and I think you've neglected Y/N ", Max offered.
McLaren had a one hundred and eighty degree turn lately. From struggling to get their cars in the points, the team had managed to turn things around to the point where P5 and P8 was considered a bad weekend for them.
With the new signings, Quadrant had grown exponentially and it had naturally drawn him to spend more time on it, and it seemed to have alienated everyone in his life that wasn't directly a part of those.
It wasn't intentional, but it didn't mean that it didn't hurt. And by the looks of it, the person Lando loved and cared about most was also the one he hurt the most.
They both sat in silence as the British drive thought about all of it. Things got so good that he didn't look back, he worked his hardest and gave every piece of himself to the cause and the new territory he was paving. Being on the podium was a common feature for him, and the race win was there, up for grabs and he wanted it. Yet, he had been dazzled by it and had let himself fly higher, his characteristic "both head and feet on the ground" posture no longer present and resulting in a degree of neglection for the things and people thay mattered to him.have always been important to me.
"How did I push away the most important person in my life and I'm just now realizing this?", Lando asked, not really expecting an answer, but rather to let out all the frustration that boiled inside him, anger soon following at his late realisation, "what's worse is that I've only come to realise this because you had to tell me - stupid, stupid, stupid".
"I don't know what you want me to tell you, mate, and frankly there isn't much I can, but look on the bright side: now you have a chance to fix it", Max tries to comfort Lando.
"What if it's too late? What if Y/N doesn't want to be with me anymore?", Lando voicesd his deepest fear. What if the anger had finally got to you and you wanted to call it quits?
"Wouldn't you be able to understand that? I don't think that is the case - I've never seen two people who love eachtoher more than you two, it's as disgusting as it it lovely most times. And even though she might feel angry or hurt, I believe she has it in her to forgive you", Max states.
"I hope you're right", Lando sighed as he tapped his phone, his finger hovering over your contact.
"I wouldn't do that", Max chirped, "you should rest before diving into anything about that topic, and today has had too many emotions as it is. Tomorrow is a new day for you to think about it", he advised.
With his head on the headrest, Lando went over everything that occupied his mind, allowing the heavy sinking feeling to settle in. To a degree, he deserved the discomfort he felt. Shame, guilt, frustration, remorse, embarrassment, overwhelm, sadness.
What if he had destroyed the thing that made him the happiest? If I managed to single out the person who loved him for him?
Lan 🧡
Hello. You were probably expecting a text or a call, but the last few days haven't been easy and I needed to ground myself a little. We really need to talk, Y/N. Do you think we can grab lunch today?
It irritated you how quick your heart was beating the minute you saw who sent you the text after you submitted all the projects that you had left. Battling an inner fight of whether or not you should answer it, you decided to so it. Rip the band-aid off, Y/N.
To Lan 🧡
Hello... We do urgently need to talk. I'm on my own today - where do you want to go?
Your tone was cold and unusual when you compared it to the older messages, filled with hearts and the pet names you had for eachother.
We can go to that café by the marina, the one with the paninis you really like.
Yes, we'll meet here at one pm.
Do you want me to pick you up?
No, I'll walk.
Your sunglasses are good enough to hide the nervous gloom on them as you walked to the marina. There is no script or guideline to go about this lunch other than honesty and finally admitting everything you were feeling. It could go either way and, truth be told, you believed it would go down the way it was supposed to.
Stepping on the wooden path to the small café's outside area, you looked for the boy whose arms were where you used to feel safe.
Lando chose a table that overlooked the water, the warm sun shinning and bringing out the blue of it. It would be a big conversation, and while the café wasn't crowded, he never knew how things could pan out so he went for the most demure spot.
When you take a proper look at him, it surprises you. His eyes are not shiny like they usually are - there's a dark hue surrounding them along with sadness.
"Hey", you utter out to grab his attention.
The moment he faces you, you feel naked despite the summery dress you have on. All vulnerabilities exposed for the person who knows you best and who can read you like the back of his hand.
"Hello, hi", Lando cleared his throat, "how have you been?".
Setting your bag on the chair, you shrugged, not ready to engage in casual chit chat.
"Do you already know what you are having?", he wondered.
"The italian panini and iced tea", you mumbled after looking at the menu he handed you, "have you ordered yet?", you mused before calling the waiter to do so.
The silence between you after the waiter left the table was painful and hard to digest. You avoided looking at his colourful eyes - once you did it, breaking down would be in an instant.
"We really need to talk, Y/N", Lando says.
"Do you want to go first? Or shall I?", you asked bitterly, accepting his silence.
The waiter comes back with your orders. The café doesn't have a big menu and it's mostly empty, so the service was quick, "I hope you enjoy it - Bon appétit!", he interrupted the tension filled moment.
"I recognise I need to apologize to you for all the things I did without realizing it an-", Lando was cut off by you.
"Let me stop you there before this derails", you stated, "I'm here to have a serious, grown up conversation, so I'm not going to sit here and listen to dusty and beaten up childish excuses".
If the ground could sink him into it, Lando would've accepted it gladly.
"It's a start that you have realised that something was wrong, but you can't excuse yourself like that, Lando. Not when this situation has taken proportions that you can't fanthom - you can't get away with being sorry for not noticing what you were causing", you argued.
Lando gave you a nod, "I'm still not sure about all the things that led us to this point and what it entails, and that's why I wanted you here. I don't want to be blind to it anymore - I want to get all of it so all the pieces make sense in my head. You probably won't believe it, Y/N, but I'm so lost in this. I feel like I've lived a parallel universe for the past couple of months", Lando added all in one go.
"When did your feet come back to the ground?", you mused, "when did you feel like maybe things weren't the way they should be?". The curiosity was killing you, and the answer could very well do the last stab.
"When I lost all of those places in the race", Lando gulped, "I expected you to call and to hear your comforting words, and they never came. Max was the one to bring my mind to the matter", he admitted and you could see he was the opposite of proud of his own actions, "How I've been the worst boyfriend in the world and how I deserved that you didn't call - hell, I'm not even sure if I deserve that you're here today and willing to listen to what I have to say".
It's difficult to maintain a tough appearance and pretend that his words don't affect you, but alas, you keep your armour on.
"That afternoon was a struggle for me, Lando. I wanted nothing more than to call you and hear your voice, silence your cornerns and negative thoughts, let you know that you're the best driver out there and that a bad race doesn't define you. That it wasn't your fault and that you shouldn't beat yourself up because of it, that I was still so proud of you and how you handled things and that nothing could keep me from shouting to the rooftops. But you didn't deserve it, my dignity has been punched by your actions day in day out for the past couple of months and I couldn't take it anymore".
"I need you to hear things from your side, I need to know your perspective so I can understand what I did wrong and if I'm able to fix it still", Lando asks desperately.
"We should start from the beggining then", you laced your hands on top of the table after taking a bite of your panini, "I think it was at the end of the last season - at the time it didn't seem like it, but looking at it now, it was the start. I even took some time off and travelled with you so we could enjoy your break, then I came back for university. It's never easy, I know, but up until then we never had any issues with it - even if it was a bloody run, we made time for eachother. Then, you barely texted, let alone call - but all relationships hit rough patches and I thought that it was ours. Then Christmas came around and we finally felt like us again, there were no work or uni commitments, and it was bliss. After that, life happened again and I couldn't find a way to spend time with you - there was always a Quadrant video to film or a meeting or some event. You, Max and Martin went to Bali, and despite the fact that I didn't have any exams and could easily do university stuff remotely - like I do everytime - you didn't even think to ask me if I wanted to go or if I had planned something for us in the first place. I just took it for granted that you would spend it with me, but when P showed me the photos I looked like a fool and an ungrateful friend and girlfriend because I stayed back, Lando. I never felt so humiliated. Max had his girlfriend and you didn't, you ignored me as if I didn't matter to you", you breathed out. Ruminating was one thing, talking about it out loud was another. The latter angered you less and hurt more.
"I'm sorry", Lando murmured and you were quick to shoot it down.
"I don't need you to apologize now, Lando. What I needed was for you to make a decision then, one that considered me and what I wanted", you sighed, wiping a stubborn tear that got out, "after that, I just watched you pull further and further away, and I tried to get closer, work things out, but you wouldn't let me in. You floated and floated and I stayed here, both feet glued to the ground as I watched you go higher and higher. You were never like this, letting things get to your head wasn't something you ever did, but it happened. You alienated me in such a way that for this triple header, I didn't hear your voice once unless it was from the TV or the McLaren social media. You only wanted to call when you needed comfort, and it hurts that it took Max to help you see things the way they are", you state as tears fell uncontrollably down your cheeks.
Apart from your earlier bite, both wooden serving boards look full and no one made a move to go further.
"You told me time and time again that you would always be there for me, but when I was the one needing a cuddle and reassuring words, I was all alone in my bedroom, crying because of you. When you said you'd be there for me, I guess you failed to account for the fact that you can't protect me from yourself.. Because what hurt me these past couple of months was you", you declared, sniffling and, finally, looking into Lando's swollen and tear-filled eyes.
The tears Lando has been holding back fell. He was angry with himself, at how he had done the one thing he promise not to do to you. He made you hurt, he was the reason you were in pain and he couldn't keep you from feeling it.
"I wish I could tell you there was a reason behind it and that it all has some justification, but there isn't and I can't lie to you. I was propelled from the results and the promise that this could be our year - my year - and everything else faded away. I know it's not any help, but I'm not proud of what I did, and definitely not proud of the way I made you hurt - I wish I could turn back time and do it differently", Lando confessed.
"I needed you, Lando", she bit back.
Lando couldn't find any words after that and once you began eating the now cold panini, he followed your movements, granting you the quietest meal you ever shared with him. Lando was playful, loud, cheery and giggly on any other day. As much as it nagged you that your words were the ones to dim that light, you had to put yourself first. Someone had to.
"Can we walk along the marina?", Lando asked once you finished eating, earning your nod to his surprise.
You both get up, Lando paying for your meal at the front before you left the establishment. You walked along, looking at the luxurious boats and yachts before you found a part of the wall that you was comfortable enough to sit on, remaining in silence as you watched a couple of people unlock their yachts and sailing away.
Lando wanted to say something, to prove to you that he was sorry and that he still loves you more than anything, but the fear of saying the wrong thing and hurting you even deeper was not something he wanted to risk.
"You're going to break up with me, aren't you?", Lando voiced the biggest worry on his mind since he left his apartment.
"I walked here, so I had time to think about all of this, and all I could think was that I was going to meet you there, be reminded of all the pain you made me feel, and then we wouldn't see a solution to this. And on my way here, it got harder because I passed by the shop where we always go for croissants, and then that park where I tripped and you carried me home because of my bruised knee even though I could walk just fine, the bench where that lady asked if Mila was our daughter when your brother visited. And when I arrived at the café and saw you, I knew there was no way I could do it", you half smiled.
"I struggled to see what was happening, and I didn't see what was clearly in front of me, and I know I can't undo all of the crap that I've made", Lando pointed out, "but I can say that I love you, Y/N. I love you even more than when I asked you to be my girlfriend, which I never thought was possible, but everyday I love you a little bit more. I know I won't be able to love anyone the way I love you and, honestly, I'm not sure who I am without you, because I've turned into a person I don't recognise anymore and I'm afraid that if I don't have you around, this is the real me, and I don't like it. You make me a better person - since day one! I'll love you forever, but I also understand that you don't need this pressure in your life and that you want us to be over. I deserve that", Lando mumbled.
As much as the idea of not being with you hurt him, he knew it didn't equate to the pain he caused you hence why he deserved it if you dumped him.
"You're making it so hard", your groaned rubbing your temples, "It would have been so much easier if you had told me that you didn't care about this, that you didn't care about me anymore".
"That's never going to happen, Y/N", Lando assured you.
"It would be so much easier if I told you to fuck yourself off, wouldn't it?", you chuckled and Lando got to see a small glimpse of the world's best smile, "but I can't do it - I do think, though, that we need to take some time, for both of us to work on our own things", you suggested.
"I get it, you can have all the time and space you need, Y/N", Lando nodded, "would it be too much to ask if I asked you for another shot?", he wondered as you quirked an eyebrow, "I know you just asked me for some time, and I'll give it to you, but I'm not going to let you entertain the thought that I don't care about you or that I don't love you any longer. I'm still the same person you met all those years ago and I want to remind you why you fell in love with me in the first place - if that's even the case", he blurted, "please".
"Slow steps, okay?", you mused with a small small.
"Is it still the case?", Lando picked up where he left off, "are you still in love with me?".
"If I wasn't in love with you and if I didn't love you, trust me, I wouldn't be here", you smiled, squeezing his hand in yours on top of the warm stone.
Over the last couple of days, you felt lighter. University was finally over for the semester and you could rest, and the whole situation with Lando was better. Even though it hurt to tell him all of those things and see his reaction, and even if Lando still had a lot to make up for, you had to admit you didn't expect to feel like this right away. The right path was being trailed and you couldn't feel more at peace with it.
So far, he kept his respectful distance, which didn't mean that you didn't know he was there. Two days after you met him in the marina, Lando sent you a bunch of flowers to your doorstep, your mother being the one to bring them up to your bedroom since she was arriving from work as the delivery man was about to knock on the door, smirking when she saw who it was from.
You were getting ready to go out for a picnic with Lando. The sunny day invited you to go out and Lando seemed to think the same, sending you a quick text with the location and plan ideas.
"Where are you off to?", your mother asked as she noticed you looking for your hat, "you look very nice, dear".
"Lando invited me for a picnic", you offered her a smile despite the butterfly feeling on your tummy.
"I'm glad you're working things out, Y/N - I know how much you care about him. And even if he hurt you, he's doing the work to get you back - a lot of men would just give up, but not Lando", your mother nudged. She always liked him despite her initial concerns when he moved up the racing ladder and the toll it would take on you. For a brief moment, she was upset that she had been right, but she never lost the hope that the young man dating her daughter would fight for them and for her. For you.
"I'm not sure how long I'll be out, but if I'm not home for dinner, don't worry too much", you added, waving at her before closing the door.
You drove yourself to the park, politely declining Lando's offer to pick you up. As you followed the directions, you spotted Lando under one of the trees, seemingly battling with the corner of the picnic blanket.
"Hey, need help with that?", you called as you approached him, noticing his flustered face at getting caught.
"Hey! It's fine, it's fine", he dusted off his shorts, "I didn't fold the corner properly, never mind iron this", he grumbled.
"We're going to sit on it, I don't think we needed it ironed", you smiled, setting your small backpack on the blanket and occupying the space that wasn't covered with glass containers and pape bags, noticing the logo of your favourite bakery and the sweets shop near Lando's apartment.
"So, I baked these - who knew my oven works, hm?", he joked as he pulled out some granola bars that smelled delicious, "Jon did give me the recipe, but I made them! He says they don't have any harmful raw ingredients in them so there's no danger if they're not cooked properly".
"You could've told me to bring something too", you sighed, "you had all this trouble and I'm just going to sit here and eat it", you reasoned.
"I think we've gathered that I deserve all this trouble, even though I didn't mind doing it - I think I finally get it when people say they find baking relaxing, even if I just threw some oats and syrup on a bowl with nuts and chocolate", Lando shrugged.
You smiled at his antics, "this looks lovely, Lan - thank you", before you grabbed a paper napkin to grab the food.
Lando's heart did a little backflip at the pet name - when he thought about it, he can't remember the last time you called him anything other than his name.
He wiped the thought away as he noticed you get one of the paper bags, "It was no trouble, but I did have to make sure the lady at the pastry shop knew I was the next in line because there was this lady, you should've seen her, she was, like, eighty? I don't know, maybe more than that, and she was very posh and very proper and she was trying to cut in line! Then she started saying something in French and I was like 'no can do, madam! I need to get these croissants for my girlfri- for Y/N because they're her favourites' - I bet she wanted to get them first but I did!", he dramatised the scene, earning your loud laugh. How much he missed that sound.
"Seems like it was a little troublesome, though", you teased. Inside your chest, your heart beat fast at his efforts.
"You're worth it", he smiled before taking a bite of the granola bar, "not to toot my own horn, but for someone who eats pre-prepared meals, this is amazing! Try these!", he offered, forming a shell with his hand before he brought it up to your mouth.
For anyone else, this would be just another set of cute behaviours, but for you, it carried a sense of intimacy you hadn't felt in a while. Taking a bite of it and chewing, you had to admit the balance of the nutty taste and the chocolate was on point, "it is good, Lan! You should make granola bars more often - might even make a side business out of it!", you smiled.
"Charles has some ice-cream, there's alcohol from the other guys too - me? Granola bars", he smiled, eating the rest of it and looking at you. He would never be stupid again. He would never take you for granted. Never ever.
The conversation flowed once you started eating, mainly pointing out the new swings in the park or the pretty blooms that were showing up, and even though you weren't acting like you would had it not happened, it was comfortable and Lando had definitely put some effort into this.
"Thank you for this, Lando", you smiled after you helped him clean up the supplies, making sure he wouldn't have any spills and trouble taking the rest home.
"It's alright, really", Lando mumbled as blood rushed to his cheeks, "it wasn't much, but I wanted to make sure you remembered I'm still in and that I love you more than anything", he smiled, closing the basket and getting up with it to walk back to the car, "which actually brings me to an invite I want to make you", he went back to mumbling again.
The invite was a risk, he knew it. After all, it was the reason that got your relationship here in the first place. Yet, he wanted you there and he thought it would be good. Adding to it, it would be the way that he could make sure he was able to see you as it would be a busy day.
"What is it?", you asked as you walked with him.
"The day after tomorrow, we're going karting - Max and P are coming over for a few days, they arrive tomorrow - and I was wondering if you wanted to join us", he invited, "I know it's not the best environment to be in given al-", he started rambling.
"I'd love to go, Lando", you assured, touching his arm confortingly, "I might need a ride though, if you don't mind doing the detour", you pointed out.
"It's fine, of course we'll pick you up!", he smiled, happy and excited at your answer.
"That's me", you nodded to your mother's car, unlocking it with the key, "thank you so much for this, Lan, I appreciate it a lot", you smiled, raising your stance so you could kiss his cheek, "will you text me the details when you know, please?".
"Yes! Absolutely!", he gave you a big smile again, "until then, Y/N!", he waved.
As Lando walked back to his car, there was an extra spring up on his step, a new found energy and a smile that insisted on not disappearing from his lips.
Little by little, he was slowly getting you back.
"Why are we going this way?", Max asked as Lando took the first exit on the roundabout, "isn't the track that way?".
Lando couldn't contain his smile, "we're going to pick Y/N up first".
Max and Pietra exchanged a look before rhe blonde woman spoke up, "you finally came to your senses?".
"P!", Max scolded.
"It's alright, Max - she's not wrong", Lando added, "but yes, I have, and I'm working on it, respecting her but making sure she knows how much I regret it, how sorry and how bad I feel that it happened and how I'm trying my hardest to make sure it does happen again", Lando turned around once he stopped at the red light, "Thank you for looking after her when I didn't, P. I know you have been a good friend to her, so thank you for that", he added.
"She didn't deserve what you did to her, but I'm happy you figured it out and that you're working on it - I don't say it too often, but if you two ever broke up, I would consider that true love isn't a thing, what you two have is something else entirely", she smiled.
"Excuse me?!", Max dramatised, "what did you just say?".
"Did I lie, Max? Who was it that came home in a nervous fit without any fingernails because they bit all of them off after Lando realised what happened? The same person who couldn't even sleep because of it? Who was it, hm?", she quesioned her boyfriend.
Lando chuckled at his friends, thinking that they really had been made for one another, "you two make me look like the sanest person inside this car", he shook his head, pressing the pedal and turning into your street.
There you were, the person he was sure was made for him too. Your outfit was simple, consisting of black jeans, black trainers, a shirt sleeve polo and a cardigan on your arm.
"Hi guys!", you greeted, getting inside the car and kissing Pietra's cheek before putting your seatbelt on.
"Why don't I get a kiss?", Max pouted.
"Because you stink, that's why", Lando chirped in, "all ready to go back there?", he mused, sending you a wink from the rear view mirror.
Blushing, you nodded before looking at Pietra again, accepting her hand in yours as she gave it a squeeze. For the whole drive to the track, you engaged light conversation, mainly listening to the plans they had for the clips they were filming before they raced eachother since you and P would happily drive around in the karts just to pass the time.
For the first segment, you stayed on the stands, watching the team get the equipment ready.
"How have you been, Y/N?", Pietra asked as she handed you a bottle of water she had gone to her and taking a sip of her own.
"I've been well - university is finally done with and I can actually have a thought that doesn't involve it", you giggled, "and Lando is home", you offered.
"Now, I wasn't going to be so blunt, but that is the subject I wanted to get at", she raised her eyebrows playfully.
"He's... Goodness, he's Lando again, my Lando", you sighed happily, "surely, it still stings a little and we need to work through our issues, but we're trailing our way through them. Learning our ways together - it's a bit like falling in love again and it's such a good feeling", you blushed at your admission, "it's doing us well and we're going with it, and not out of it", you smiled.
"Y/N", Pietra cooed, "you have no idea how make that makes me! It's so good to see you so happy and hopeful", she squeezed your arm, "I was ready to avenge you on him, by the way, Max did us both a favour in telling him, because I was sure what I wanted to do to Lando was considered a crime and I'm a good person", she raised her hands defensively.
Once the boys were done, Max waved at you to come down and meet them, giving them the time to get your equipment ready.
"Come here, I need to make sure you don't fly out of your kart this time", Max called his girlfriend after she was fully equipped to go on the single seater.
You finished the makeshift hairstyle before you looked for the helmet, finding it in Lando's hands, "come here, big head, I'll help you put it on", he smiled.
As you approached him, you could see his sudden nervousness at having you so close to him, hands setting the helmet on top of your head and then pulling in on, "Look who's talking", you mumbled quickly before it was all the way in, his fingers gingerly touching your neck as he did the strap buckle.
"All good for our speed daredevils?", Max joked, getting an instant slap from Pietra before he got up.
"Does it feel safe, Y/N?", Lando checked with you, making you wiggle a little to make sure you were strapped tightly enough, making you flash his two thumbs up.
"Ready, set, go!", Max yelled before you and Pietra went off, happily driving on the track despite not extracting the full potential out of the kart.
"You and Y/N seem well", Max offered as him and Lando took a break before they joined you back at the track.
"I don't think I'll ever stop feeling this guilt on my chest, it's like a weird weight that sits here and gets heavy every now and again", Lando explained, "but I think we're going in the right direction, and I'm going to spend every day of our lives making sure it never happens again. Y/N will never doubt my love or affection for her. I just want to make her happy now that she knows I know how much I screwed us up".
"I'm proud of you, man", Max tapped his back.
"You're what?", Lando asked, a little flustered at his bestfriends words.
"I'm proud of you, Lando - you're dealing with this in such a good way! I'm not saying I doubted you would, but seeing you actually do it and make it happen in such a grown up, loving and accountability filled way makes me proud of who you became. As much as I joke about it, what P said in the car was true - you and Y/N are it. Whenever I think about what endgame is, you two are the first thing that comes to mind", he admitted.
"Thanks, mate", Lando replied earnestly.
After a couple of laps from you, you saw the boys joining you in the track, making you assure that whenever they lapped you, you made a Mario Kart like noise, always managing to get a smile and a headshake from Lando and Max.
Once you were done, Max and Pietra volunteered to take all of the supplies back to the storage room.
"Did you enjoy your day, Y/N?", Lando asked as he approached you.
Surprising him, you nodded before you hugged him, "I haven't been this happy in a long time", you cuddled him, letting your head rest on his chest and letting yourself feel enveloped by his arms after the initial shock wore off.
"I'm glad", Lando uttered out before he composed himself, "I just want you to know that I could fulfill all your dreams and that there I'll never do anything to hurt you again. I'm well aware of all shit I've done and put you through, and how accountable I am for it. I just want to make you happy", he chuckled, "I don't want anything else in this world other than to make you happy, to show you how much I love you and that I want make this work, I want to make us work", he let out in such a serious and intense tone that you could feel a knot forming your throat, "you were my first love and I want you to be my last, Y/N".
"Lan...", you gasped softly, "I know it hasn't been good for you, but I just need a little bit more time to put it behind me, once for all", you added.
"I know, and that's alright", he mumbled against the top of your head, "I just wanted you to know that it is coming straight from my heart - everything I do, I do it for you", plucking up the courage to press a kiss there.
You closed your eyes and basked in the feeling, "two Bryan Adams references in the same sentence from the guy who used to DJ? You impress me, Lando Norris", you giggled and teased him playfully, feeling the rubble from his own laugh on his chest.
"I'll make sure to impress you everyday that we're alive, Y/N Y/L/N", he promised.
And he intended to keep it.
Lando invited you to his apartment for a cosy night in, thinking the plans over and over while he waited for you to arrive.
The delivery service was faster than he expected so he wrapped the takeout boxes in all of the kitchen towells he had so they would help retain the heat while you weren't there yet.
The whole apartment was tidy, he had your favourite blanket on the sofa and the TV had your favourite shows ready to stream in the background as you hopefully shared a comforting meal.
Your acceptance to come to his place made Lando feel very pleased with the way you were trailing in your relationship. He had been able to correct his mistakes and make you happy again. Even though there had been moments where he seemed to forget, he now knew that you had always been and will always be a priority in his life. He had never been in love with anyone else, and he was sure he would always be in love with you until his last breath.
A knock on his door pulled him out of his thoughts, heading up to the door to open it, "Hello hello! Come in", he gestured as you stepped inside, pecking his lips on the way - a few days prior, you had kissed him out of nowhere when you went to the bookshop and you swore he looked like a cartoon, all wide eyes and blushy cheeks.
Lando assured you you wouldn't leave the house and it would be just the two of you, so you hadn't bothered to put together a proper outfit, opting to wear a pair of leggings and an old Quadrant hoodie.
"I wasn't sure if I should bring anything, so I stopped by the sweets shop to get some of these hard candies, apparently they're very trendy now", you giggled sweetly as you set the bag on his hands so you could take your trainers off.
"You didn't have to, but thanks! We'll do a taste test after dinner - which is here by the way", he guided you to the living room.
Unravelling the mountain of kitchen towells, he had you sit down before he opened the containers, handing you a plate after you chose a bit of each of the dishes he ordered, "thank you, Lan", you smiled, sitting criss-cross on the sofa and waiting for him to do the same before you started eating.
"These are really good, have you tried them? They're new on their menu and when the guy explained it to me, I thought you'd like it", he pointed to one of the bite sized pieces.
"They are! They're not too heavy on the seasoning and they're really nice when you dip them in this sauce - try it!", you offered him the small cup.
"Is this going to be like the time you made me dip my spring rolls in that other sauce you claimed was the best thing in the world?", he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Just try it, Lan!", you insisted, getting one from your plate, dipping it in the sauce and taking it up to Lando's mouth, your hand under the chopsticks in case some of it fell on his clothes.
Lando chewed it before nodding and humming in satisfaction, "is it good", he admitted with a smile after he wiped his lips.
Once you finished eating, you helped Lando bring everything back to the kitchen, saving the leftovers on his fridge, washing the plates and putting them away.
"You didn't have to help, I could've done it myself", Lando nudged before he laced your hand in his and pulled you back to the living room, "do you want to watch something?", he asked.
"There's this new Disney movie I haven't watched if you're up for it - or any of the shows we usually watch, I'm not picky", you answered quickly.
"Disney it is", he smiled sitting down and resting his arm on the back of the sofa, hoping you'd sit next to him and cuddle him.
You shuffled around before grabbing the fluffy blanket, pulling it over your legs and tentatively closing the distance between you, taking the plunge and taking a spot on his chest.
Once the movie was playing, Lando's arm dropped to wrap around you, lulling you closer to him and rubbing your arm.
"I can hear you thinking, and I'm sure you're not thinking about that little goat", you nodded to the screen.
"I'm watching the movie, I swear - and he's quite funny actually! He's also Mila's favourite character, at least he was last week", Lando chuckled, "but I was also thinking about us", he admitted.
"You were?", you turned to look up at him, wanting to know more.
"You do know I will apologize for what I did until the end of our lives, don't you?", Lando reflected out loud.
"Lando, stop it, it's forgiven and forgotten", you offered.
"Is it really?", he asked, a small smile breaking his way into his lips.
"It is, it's behind us now", you kissed his clothed chest.
"I will never forget it, though. It doesn't matter how many times you tell me to forget it or that you've forgiven me", he let out a shaky sigh, "I don't think I will, I hate myself for what did to you, the hurt that I caused you".
"Lando, let's not talk about it right now - not now, not ever. It's a part of our story, yes, and we learned from it, but I don't want to to remember every day. We are good now, and I don't want you to torture yourself with something that is out of your reach and that you can't change", you told him sternly, now sitting back against the sofa so you can face your boyfriend, "Promise me we won't mention this again, Lando".
"You're right", Lando agrees, "Okay, you're right, I promise, Y/N", he stated with a smile.
Your delicate lips peck his quickly before you go in for a second kiss, longer and more intense this time, and you both got lost in eachother.
You couldn't change what happened, but you could learn from it and work everyday to make sure it never happened again.
Lando was crazy about you, about who he was when was with you and how you made him feel, and you felt the same way about him.
"I love you, Lando", you smiled after you pulled away, resting your forehead in his.
"I love you forever, Y/N", he whispered, sealing his promise with a peck and bracing himself, "I'm never taking you for granted, and maybe this is a big gesture and I'm not sure how much this fits our new way - new patch? It's not a patch if we want it to last forever, right? - anyway, I would like to ask you to move in with me", Lando stated, "it doesn't have to be tomorrow or right away, we'll do it when you're ready! I just- I spend so much time of the year away as it is, and I don't want to cut the short time even shorter when it comes to you, so this way we'll be together for a bit longer - even if it's just at nightime and we can intertwine our legs or I can warm up the bed for you", he rambled on and you were sure he wouldn't stop anytime soon.
"Hey, hey! Lando, baby", you cupped his face with your hands, "look at me", you smiled as you straddled his lap, your thighs on each side of his and keeping you from fully sitting on him, "good now?".
"Well, since you're already there - sit, please", Lando added before he allowed himself to stress about your answer.
"I don't want to squash you", you mumbled.
Laying his hands in your thighs, he pulled you down, "I said sit down", he spoke sternly despite the playful glint on his eyes, "it's my home after all, I get to make the rules".
"Oh, I thought it was our home, but maybe I misread th-", your playfulness was cut short as your boyfriend flipped you around, your back hitting the soft sofa cushion with a yelp.
"You're moving in? For real?", he asked.
"Yes, baby, I'm moving in", you cupped his cheek, pulling him for a kiss, "I love you".
"My love, I'm going to spend everyday reminding you how beautiful, how strong", he started kissing your face with every word, "how kind, how amazing, how sexy, how hot, how smart, how kind, how incredible you are", he stopped just above your lips, "how all mine you are - I love you Y/N, forever", before he kissed your lips.
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yoursweetwife · 7 months
Warning: fluff, female reader, soft Ratio, the reader has trouble sleeping, It is mentioned that the reader is smaller than Ratio !bad english!
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The ticking of the clock was the only sound that could be heard in the dark room, the only light source of which was a table lamp that illuminated piles of various papers and stationery.
The man's hand confidently, as if according to a well-honed scheme, continues to move the pen across the paper, crossing out the wrong answers. A sigh of annoyance escapes from the lips of Ratio, because of another stupid mistake. Why did these people come to study at all if they can't solve the simplest equations?
Dropping the pen, he runs his hand through his hair and closes his eyes. Veritas almost began to reproach himself for underestimating the number of papers and other documents that he now has to deal with, which is why he decided to leave their verification for later. It usually didn't cause problems, but today was extremely exhausting, people kept causing problems, and now he can't even relax at home.
Veritas's thoughts darted to the women who was sleeping in their shared room right now. The only thing he wanted right now was to be in her arms, bury his nose in her soft hair and, after a short love conversation, forget himself until morning.
There were quiet footsteps behind him and it didn't take a genius to figure out whose they were. A slight smile appeared on the tired face as soft little hands closed Veritas' eyes.
"Guess who I am~"
Ratio resisted the urge to roll his eyes when he heard your mischievous but tired voice. It was clear that you had just woken up.
His hand covered yours.
"You keep acting naughty, even though it's clear from your voice that you're ready to fall off your feet at any moment."
A soft chuckle escaped your lips. You wrapped your arms around Veritas's neck and pulled him closer, pressing your smaller body against his and resting your chin on his broad shoulder.
"Then I need to sit down so that I don't fall down in the end."
You slowly walk around the chair and Ratio, taking the hint, leaned back in his chair, giving you the opportunity to sit on his lap. If, before his relationship with you, Veritas had been told that this pose would become his favorite, he would have started to deny it with disgust, but now he lets you choose the most comfortable position for the next two hours without resistance.
You pressed your cheek against his hard chest, wrapped your arms around his waist, and closed your eyes. One of his hands gently stroked your waist. Suddenly you wanted to sleep again, it was so peaceful in his arms.
"Am I bothering you?"
"Don't worry about me, I'm more concerned about your condition tomorrow."
The pure concern in his voice made your heart beat a little faster. You've been having trouble sleeping lately, which has made it impossible for you to work properly, but the presence of Ratio helped you, which is why he waited until you fell asleep to finish the paperwork.
"Then why don't you finish your work tomorrow and go to bed instead?"
Ratio shook his head. He hates leaving work unfinished.
"You already know my answer, - Veritas picked up the pen again and looked at you. - so you'd better go back to bed."
Your mind was telling you to listen to your lover's advice, but you didn't want to leave your comfortable position, besides, the desire to be next to Ratio in order to continue feeling this warmth overcame any thoughts.
Therefore, you made the only right decision, snuggled closer, making a sad mumble, as if you were offended by this proposal.
Ratio sighed irritably, but smiled anyway. Your unwillingness to take care of yourself put him in a stupor. Of course, you both have a stressful job, but Veritas was able to find a way out of even such a situation, while you had to follow a strict regime for normal functioning.
"Very well, just don't complain about feeling unwell in the morning, I'm not going to replace your lessons. Again."
It was exaggerated, you missed work three times this year, but who could blame Veritas for being too dramatic. Definitely not you.
"You say that every time, but you keep breaking that promise."
You started playing with Veritas's soft hair while continuing to watch his focused face. From your position, it was difficult to capture all his emotions, but you can still see a slight redness on his pale skin.
"I usually have no choice because others refuse to take extra hours."
"I'm ninety-nine percent sure that you asked for the students yourself. Just admit that you like to see the disappointed faces of the students every time you walk into the classroom with another test."
Ratio snorted and hit your hip, making you flinch in sudden pain.
"You better stop distracting me if you want me to finish faster. I've spent too much time on useless conversations."
He didn’t even flinch when he heard your offended sigh. Despite this, you continued to touch his face, running your cold fingers over the hot skin of his neck and chest, hoping to attract attention to you.
Ratio was surprisingly quiet, preferring to leave your actions without comment. Perhaps he noticed how your eyelids were starting to get heavy and thus wanted to speed up the process?
"Hey don't ignore me..."
A relentless weakness spread throughout his body, the sounds of the room and Veritas's steady heartbeat in tandem creating a sweet lullaby that fogged your brain. Golden eyes met your clouded eyes for a moment, although it was hard to tell if it was just your imagination.
As soon as your body relaxed, Veritas realized that you had fallen asleep. He stopped writing and focused his attention back on you. You looked too fragile in your thin nightie, it reminded him of your first night together, after which your relationship changed forever.
He tucked the hair that had fallen onto your face behind your ear and kissed the top of your head.
You're lucky that Veritas loves you enough to ignore your stupid antics, which he probably likes a little more than he admits.
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shinestarhwaa · 2 months
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"Babe, you can't sleep again huh?"
You shook your head and sighed after an hour of staring at the ceiling. "Well, I have noticed your insomnia lately so I created a lullaby."
You laughed and rolled your eyes. "Don't make a fool of me. I made it in my studio. I think it could really help." Finally you let him play the lullaby and like a miracle you fell asleep in minutes, listening to his music.
Around 2am he awakens from his sleep and notices you sitting up straight, staring into the void. "Baby?" He said carefully to avoid startling you. You look at him and apologize. "Sorry, can't sleep." He nodded and opened his arms.
You laid back down and nuzzles your face into his clothed chest, smelling like cotton and the flowery fabric softener. The smell and the caring embrace brought your mind to silence and to sleep in no time.
"What can I do?" He asked carefully when he noticed you haven't been able to get any sleep even though you'd been trying to for hours. "I honestly don't know, Yu," you said with a tremble in your voice.
Yunho hated seeing you so frustrated and the only thing he could do for you now is be there for you and try to relax you to sleep by singing and holding you.
"Baby?" Yeosang's voice echoed through the hall. His head peeked into the bathroom where you sat on the floor. "Sorry, hot flashes, I'm sweating my ass off."
"Come to bed, I've got the fan out," he said, pulling you up and kissing the top of your head. "I'll grab you some water and you can get some nice sleep."
San made sure to provide a mini fridge next to your bed with cold water this night because he had heard you getting out of bed for water every night for two weeks straight. But even tonight you left the bedroom and sat in the kitchen.
He got up and followed you, rubbing his eyes and asking you why you were up again. You told him about your insomnia and San pouted but listened well to your worries and stories. After you let everything out he took you in his arms, lifting you up and taking you to bed, where you laid on top of him in his embrace the entire night, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
Mingi noticed you not being able to sleep so he stubbornly tried to stay up too. "Babee, close your eyes. It must work. Or count sheep or whatever."
"Mingi, if you're going to keep talking I definitely won't be able to sleep." "Don't I have a soothing voice?" "You're shouting baby." Mingi grinned and hugged you tight. "I'll just whisper in your ears now then." "Creep."
Wooyoung whined when he saw you scrolling on tiktok at 3am. "Babe put that phone down." "Oh sorry," you apologized, "does the light bother you? I'll go downstairs."
"No, you're putting that thing away. If you can't sleep and I can't sleep we might as well do something fun together." "Wooyoung I'm not gonna have sex with you I'm tired." "Well then let me touch you so you can relax. Sounds like a win-win situation to me."
He noticed you having sleeping issues for a while, and he tried to stay awake until you slept but it kept getting later and later. "Y/N, lay down, you need to relax and clear your mind so you can sleep."
"But I don't know how," you sighed as you rubbed your eyes. Jongho gently massaged your body to relax your muscles and soon enough you drifted off to dreamland in his embrace.
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @stardragongalaxy @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisg00dgirl @vesvosmozhno @therealcuppicake @unholywriters @enbymingi @jjoongstar @igbylicious
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barcalover86 · 7 months
I'm not allowed to love you
Part 1 here
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Summary: You are too young for Gavi, but he can't help but fall in love.
"It's just weird to be taken care of.. my fan, you know?
"You nodded your head, understanding him completely.
"Then I'll pretend I'm not your fan." you say it seriously and he smiles lovely.
"Thank you."
Then he leaves the room with his crutches, leaving you alone.
This is going to be hard.
It's been 2 hours since you were standing in the living room alone. You thought plenty of times to go upstairs to Gavi, but first you didn't know where exactly he was, and second, you were really shy.
All of this caught you by surprise and it was hard to take.
But as well you couldn't stay there all night long, doing nothing. You didn't even know where you were placed to sleep.
So, just when you found the courage, you walked upstairs, looking for the boy. After all, you were his maid.
You knocked on some doors until one finally opened, revealing Gavi.
"Oh, I'm sorry for bothering you, but can you help me with some things, please?"
He looked at you and nodded before walking you to a different room.
"This is going to be your room, you can leave everything here. Feel free to feel like home." he smiles.
"Thank you so much. And um.. what do you want to eat?"
He thinks for some seconds before answering you.
"Do you know how to cook pasta?"
"Yes, yes, no problem."
He smiles.
"Tell me when you're ready then so that i can help you. It's a different recipe since I have to look out for a diet."
Then he closes the door before you could reply.
He seemed really nice.
Maybe it wasn't going to be that hard.
After some minutes, you went downstairs, letting Gavi know that you are ready.
He was being really nice to you the whole time, and it felt like the love you got for him was growing every minute. But you couldn't allow it. You really needed this job and he surely didn't want you.
You glanced at him for some seconds, admiring his features while he was putting the pasta to boil.
After you were done, you cleaned the mess you two made, and when you returned to the table, you were surprised to see him waiting for you.
He saw your face and decided to answer your question.
"Don't expect me to be rude. I still have manners, whether I like you or not."
You nodded, embarrassed, sitting down right in front of him.
For some reason, you couldn't eat. You were too shy to do it in front of him, so the whole time you were only playing with your food, looking down.
He was looking at you, not understanding what the problem was, but he let you be, leaving you alone.
After you were sure he was in his room, you started to eat, starving.
There're going to be some hard months for you.
Waking up every day at 3:30 to make Gavi breakfast, then hurring to not miss the train, because after all, you still had school.
Then hurring again to not miss the other train after school.
All that just to be back to Gavi's home at 19, ready to make dinner for the boy.
You didn't have much time to eat because you still had to clean the house and learn your mind out for school.
And after some weeks, you felt so, but so tired.
You couldn't even rest on weekends, because you had to take care of Gavi.
You two weren't talking much, just the important things. What do you want to eat? You have to take your pills.
And all those stuffs.
You knew it wasn't going to be easy, but you really needed the money.
Now it was another day when your train was late so you decided to buy some food for you and Gavi. You already told him that you'll be late and he announced you that Pedri will stop by at his house.
You didn't have a problem with it because it wasn't your home, but that meant that you had to give your food to Pedri because you only had two portions.
Somehow, you arrived earlier than expected, and just when you entered the house, you heard your name.
"So how is living with y/n?" Pedri asked.
"It's not like I see her much."
"Poor girl, for what you told me, she is working so much. I bet she's tired. Waking up at 3 to go to school just so that she could arrive back at 19 to do house stuff and to learn for school. I don't understand why someone would want to do that."
Gavi chuckles.
"Well i think she'll do anything to see me."
"What do you mean?"
"She is my fan, Pedri. She is doing all these things just so that she can see me. Sad that she thinks she might have a chance. I could never look at someone this young."
"How old is she?"
"She just turned 17. She's 3 years younger than me."
"It's not that big of a different, Gavi. And she looks really beautiful."
"I would never date my fan. Especially her."
And that hurt you.
"She is literally someone so obsessed with me. Now, who would actually do all those things just so that they could see me 10 minutes??"
You couldn't bare it anymore, so you walked in the room with tears in your eyes.
"You are so full of yourself, Pablo Gavi."
The boys turn to look at you with a panic face.
"Do you really think that I would sacrifice my time just to see you? Yes, a tone of girls would want to fuck you because they are so, but so obsessed with you, but just know that maybe some people just have to work hard so that they could accomplish their dream. And when I say dream, I don't mean the 'I want to fuck Gavi dream' , but 'I need to work hard because I need money to pay for my college', you idiot! Not everyone is a hoe or a psychopath! Yes, I am a fan of you because you I really appreciate what you're doing. You are the type of person that never gives up for what they wish and I thought that you might understand me as well. I DON'T want to do all this, even if it means to see you, because after all my health is in danger. I barely sleep, I work a lot JUST so that I could pay for may college bills because not everyone here is RICH!"
Gavi looks down, shame all over his face.
But you don't say anything else, you walk to your room to get your things. You are leaving for good.
Your eyes were red from crying.
"Pedri, you can have my food. It's on the kitchen table." you say it with a soft and sweet voice.
"Where are you going?" you heard Gavi's panic voice.
"No, y/n, please.." he stands up, hurting his knee bad.
"Sit down!" Pedri tells him.
"No, no, y/n please let's just talk-"
"We have nothing to talk about. I quit. You can always find another may. Maybe now someone who is older and prettier and-"
"STOP IT!" he shouted standing once again, walking towards you.
"Gavi, you are hurting your fucking knee!!" Pedri yells at him, but the boy doesn't care.
When he was about to reach you, he starts to cry. You look at him shocked.
Pedri comes right behind him and hugs him.
Gavi grabs your hand, afraid that you might dissappear.
"Does it hurt?" you asked.
He doesn't reply. Pedri looks at you and whispered. " Don't go."
"I have to.."
He shakes his head. "Please, don't."
You turn around, getting your hand off Gavi.
Pedri comes to you.
"He loves you.."
"Trust me.. he really does. Just look at him-"
You then turn to see Gavi looking at you with tears in his eyes.
He almost seemed like he was in love with you. Almost.
"He cannot, Pedri. I heard what he said about me-"
"He lied. He lied, y/n."
"And why would he lie?"
"Because his mother told him to not even dare to fall in love with you, because you need to concentrate on your studies."
"I don't believe you."
Pedri looks at you sad.
"I'm sorry then. But that's the truth."
Looking for the last time at Gavi, you turn around and leave the house.
Pedri then looks at his friend who wa starting to tear up.
"It's all my fault.. "
You arrived at the train station, having to wait 3 hours for the next ride.
Your eyes were still full of tears when you heard someone calling your name.
You roll your eyes, but somehow happy to see him.
"What do you want?"
"Just hear this."
He opened his phone, putting it next to your ear.
"What did she say?"
"She's leaving.. I'm sorry, I really tried to-"
"No, Pedri, no! She won't ever forgive me. I hurt her and it's all my fault, all my fault. I should've said nothing. Pedri, please help me. I cannot lose her, Pedri please." he sobs desperately. " I love her!"
"You for real recorded him?"
"He tried to come here, but his knee hurts him like hell now. So I came for him because I'm his friend and I know that he is suffering and I know that you are suffering as well-"
"Pedri, I must leave. I can't live like that anymore. It's just too hard to bare. I'm going home-"
"But he needs you-"
"I need myself more! I can't risk my health again. I sacrificed a lot for money. Time, days without eating, sleepless nights. But right now, all of this is more important. I'm sorry, but I won't go back."
He looks down.
"I'm sorry. It's so selfish of me to ask you to stay." He looks into your eyes with a sad smile. "Thank you for everything you've done for him."
Then he leaves just like you left Gavi.
You opened your phone just to see a message from him.
So that you won't have to worry about work anymore. Thank you for everything.
You look into your bank account to see a big amount of money from him.
Gavi was waiting for Pedri to come back and when he saw his face, he knew that he didn't make it. He looks down, trying not to cry.
Pedri went to hug him. (GIF) It was hard to see his friend suffer this much. First, because of his knee and second because of love.
Pedri was also surprised to hear Gavi's confess. After all, he also spent some few weeks with you and falling in love wasn't happening that easy.
But maybe this was faith. Or just a lesson.
And that scared him the most.
Gavi didn't want you to be just a lesson.
Ah, will you choose to stay with Gavi (love) or will you decide to go back home back to your studies (school)?
Write in the comments if you want part 3 and if you choose love or school!
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
I'm not even gonna put this as anon like I usually do with requests because I just can't be bothered to- Could you do Daryl making a stressed out reader slow down because she's running herself ragged and needs some downtime? Fluffy all the way.
Reader really is me right now lol
Spa Day | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine.*
Summary: With the walls needing to be rebuilt, runs needing to be made and crops needing to be planted, it was safe to say that you were at your wit's end. However, things needed to get done, causing you to get overstressed. Luckily Daryl was there to help you slow down and relax.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Alexandria, pre Saviour arc.
Warnings: Mentions of exhaustion.
Word count: 1.6k.
A/n: My migraine finally subsided enough for me to focus on finishing this. This was a really cute idea and I hope I did it justice. I hope you like this! (Forgot to tag you in this 😅 I was so tired when I posted this. @celtic-crossbow)
The scorching afternoon sun was relentlessly beating down on the people of Alexandria. The inhabitants of the safe zone were restlessly working to fortify the fallen walls to ensure that the community remained impenetrable from the the dead wanting to find their next meals.
However, none of them were working themselves to the bone quite like you were. And Daryl was starting to get fed up with your antics.
Daryl grumbled to himself in frustration as he leaned on the car he was busy fixing up, watching as you walked past him in a hurry for the hundredth time that day, occupied with yet another task that somebody else probably could've handled on their own. However, with you being you, he knew that you offered to take someone's job for them so that they could relax and get out of the blazing summer sun, all at your own expense. Everyone else was enjoying their day while you ran around like a headless chicken.
Your caring, helpful and selfless nature was something that the archer loved about you. Despite the horrors in the world, of everything you've seen and experienced, you managed to clutch on to your humanity and keep it locked safely in your being, like a vault. However, on that particular day, he wished so badly that you'd just be selfish and take the day to slow down and unwind, maybe get some much deserved sleep. You were awake even earlier than he was lately, and went to bed way later than almost everyone, so he knew there was no way you were going to last if you kept this up. It seemed to him like it would be his duty to pull you away and force you into your home to relax.
He's officially had enough of your stubbornness. You were going to relax, whether he had to drag you home or not.
He hurried after you, calling your name. You stopped when you heard his voice, turning around to look at your partner. You sent him a smile and called back to him. “Can't talk right now! I have to go help Denise restock the infirmary!”
You turned around and started to stalk off towards the infirmary, but you were stopped in your tracks when Daryl grabbed your wrist and spun you around. You looked up at him in surprise, observing the determined look the archer had in his eyes.
“Daryl, what—”
“Nah, ya ain't goin' nowhere,” he told you matter-of-factly, moving his hand from your arm to hold your hand in his. He looked to the side and saw Aaron walking somewhere with Eric. “Hey, Aaron, Eric! Would ya mind helpin' Denise with restockin' the infirmary? She can't do it alone.”
Aaron smiled and nodded. “Sure! We were just heading that way anyways.”
Before you could start to protest, Daryl started pulling you with him, leading you towards the house. That didn't stop you from trying to resist, however. The need to help everyone, even if they didn't need it, ran deep in you, and you hated that your responsibility was now pushed onto someone else.
“Daryl, what are you doing?” you questioned, sending your partner an incredulous look. “I should be helping Denise. Aaron and Eric were relaxing today. They shouldn't have to tire themselves out.”
“And neither should ya,” Daryl stated, pushing inside your small home and closing the door behind you. “Dun' think I haven't noticed ya overworkin' yerself. Takin' on extra guard duty, workin' day and nigh' to fortify the walls and helpin' Maggie with the crops when she has 'nough people helpin' her already. Yer outta here earlier and earlier each day and gettin' home later each nigh'. Ya deserve to relax, too. And I dun' wanna hear any complaints.”
You couldn't help the smile that spread over your face. Your heart swelled with love for the man before you. Never before in your life had you been with a man quite as amazing as Daryl. None of your previous partners would even have realized that you were working yourself down to the bone. You were extremely lucky to have the archer in your life.
“Okay, Mr Dixon,” you started playfully, sending him a teasing smile. “What do you want me to do first on this relaxation journey you seem to have planned for me?”
Daryl breathed a sigh of relief. “Go take a shower and get changed into somethin' more comfortable. I'll get started on makin' us somethin' to eat.”
Following his instructions, you headed up the stairs. A few minutes later, Daryl could hear the shower turn on and he inwardly celebrated his victory. You were actually listening to him. You were actually going to relax for the first time in weeks. If he had known that him voicing his concern would get you to start slowing down, he would've done it a while ago.
Working like a man on a mission, he quickly grabbed some pillows and blankets from one of the cupboards and made a comfortable place for you to relax on the couch before moving to the kitchen. Grabbing a few things he needed from the cupboards, he made good on his promise and started preparing a simple snack for the both of you—some omelettes.
In no time at all, you were done in the shower. You got dressed in a pair of freshly washed flannel pants and one of Daryl's shirts and made your way down to the kitchen. However, the sight that met you had you stilling in your tracks—Daryl was busy dishing up the omelettes, a glass of wine for each of you next to the plates.
“Well, this is a sight I could get used to,” you voiced, making the archer turn to face you, pan still in his hand.
He shot you a small smile before handing you a glass of wine, ushering you out of the kitchen. “Go on and get settled on the couch. I'll be right there.”
Accepting the glass of wine, you nodded and headed to the living room, pleasantly surprised to see the blankets and pillows set up on the couch. You did as you were instructed and sat down on the couch, covering your legs and lap with one of the blankets. You were slowly sipping on your wine, waiting for Daryl to join you.
As if being summoned by your mere thoughts, Daryl appeared in the living room, balancing two plates in his hands. He placed one of the plates in your lap before placing his own on the coffee table, moving to grab something from his bag that was resting near the fire place. When he turned around, you audibly gasped in surprise at the object in his hand, placing your glass of wine and plate on the table.
“Where'd you get nail polish?” you questioned excitedly, sitting up straighter to allow Daryl to sit next to you.
“Rosita found some on a run a few days ago,” he explained, sitting down on the couch and gently taking one of your hands. “She didn't like this colour and asked me to give it to ya. I forgot 'bout it until now. Figured I'd paint yer nails and turn this day into a spa day of sorts.”
You smiled fondly at the archer, watching as he placed your hand flat on his leg and opened up the bottle. “You know you don't have to do this, right?”
“I want to,” he replied easily, carefully applying the nail polish to your nails. “Ya've been overworkin' yerself lately. Jus' let me take care of ya, alrigh'?”
“Okay,” you whispered.
The next few minutes was spent in a comfortable silence. Daryl was surprisingly good at applying the nail polish, making little to no mistakes whatsoever. In no time at all, your nails were done, and Daryl motioned for you to turn around. You did so, and practically moaned in relief when Daryl's hands started gently massaging your shoulders. His hands were expertly working at the knots that had formed on your shoulders, transferring you to a state of bliss.
“That feels really good,” you mumbled, closing your eyes at the heavenly feeling.
“Yeah?” Daryl smiled, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to your shoulder blade before resuming his actions. “Told ya tha' ya were overworkin' yerself. Ya deserve this.”
You let out a groan of satisfaction, enjoying the feeling of Daryl's big, callused hands working at the painful knots. You were in heaven at that moment. Not only did Daryl make you food, he poured you a glass of wine, made you a comfortable spot on the couch, painted your nails and now he was giving you a massage. You truly believed that no man could ever compare to the man you had the lucky privilege of calling yours.
“I love you,” you whispered almost inaudibly, but loud enough for Daryl to catch.
Daryl smiled softly. “I love ya too,” he replied, pressing another gentle kiss to your shoulder blade before withdrawing. “Now lay flat on yer stomach. S'time to get workin' on yer back now.”
“Yes, sir,” you replied playfully, slowly flipping over to lay on your stomach.
“Good girl.”
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duckchu · 10 months
Hello, honey! I've been following you for a long time and I adore your works! And I want to make a request! HEARTSTEEL members x Fem!Indie game developer!Reader. Reader has been creating indie games for a long time (such as Undertale and Deltarune), and also writes soundtracks for them (like Toby Fox. I love this genius!). I would also like to create an indie game based on the League of Legends universe (I would choose Targon from the regions, and I would choose Aphelios from the characters that the player would control). But I don't have any programming skills! So I'll have to write interactive fanfic... Thank you very much! You're just a sunshine!💋💋💋💋
Sorry for the long wait (I recognise how long actually named asks sit in my inbox for rather than anon ones, idk why) and thank you for the kind words
I also kinda didn't know how to go about this so every guy has 3 "parts":
You working late
Putting one of their items as cosmetic (kinda changed in Kayn's and K'Sante's part)
And music
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Thinks you're cool
Enjoys sitting with you late at night while you code
May or may not convince you to sneak a Rhaast easter egg in
Though will often try to distract you if you're not paying enough attention to him
Enjoys bothering you when you compose
He's silly like that
So please, for the sake of your sanity, lock your room
Doesn't mind your work, but will make you stop if you're pulling all nighters
Might even pick you up and carry you to bed, telling you you need some sleep
One day, while he was watching you play test, noticied one of the items in your game looked suspiciously like his mask
Finds it really cute
Will help you with the music, if you'd like
Loves working with you
You stay up all night working?
Cool, he is too
Unless he notices you're tired
Then he pulls you into his lap and works with one hand while petting your hair with the other
It makes you fall asleep in seconds
Let him play test pleaseee
When you do, he 100% the game in a week
Not because it's easy, but because he's a sweaty try hard
Found you put his mask in the game as a cosmetic
Melted on the spot
Sometimes will give you songs as gifts
So you can put them in the game
Loves hearing them if you decide to use them
He's such a bitch if you overwork yourself
Will try to direct your attention to him at all cost
-Y/N, I'm boreeed -
Please keep on torturing this little shit with lack of attention
He deserves it
But also
If you put his sunglasses as an item, he will love you ten times more
As for the music?
Doesn't really know a lot about composing but loves listening to your pieces
You're overworking yourself?
No, you're not.
You're sitting on his lap and watching a movie with him
Doesn't care about your protests, you have to take care of yourself
When he first saw your character having his beanie on when you were playing the game, he had to do a double check
Gave you a big hug
He thinks it's really cute
As for the music, he thinks it's really good
You scrap something?
He's gonna use it as background for his totally awesome solo
Don't tell anyone else tho
He'll get embarrassed
He can't force you to rest, but he will insist on it
If you have some important work to do, he won't try to stop you, but will bring you meals and drinks if you want
Will usually chill in your room and design while you work
Speaking of designs... he was surprised when you asked him if you could take a look at his tablet
But he trusts you, so why not
Was shocked when one day he saw you putting one of his designs as a clothing option
Loves it and thinks that it looks good even when pixelated
Although he's not the greatest composer, he will try to help you
It usually turns into fan favourite soundtracks
So you don't mind his suggestions
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I had a dream last night... when tony (he was not iron man in my dream) came home very tired after a hard day at stark industries, I cooked him his favorite food and we ate together, then I ran him a bath (and got in the bath with him 😉), after the bath I gave him a back massage in our bed and after the massage I rode him so deliciously to help him relax even more, hearing his delicious moans and groans, telling him that I love him... after the sex, we went to sleep cuddling and whispering sweet nothings to each other, and in the next day, I brought him breakfast in bed... I treated my hubby like the king he is...
Can you pleeeease write this for me (x female reader)? I need to make this deram eternal 🥹 thank you in advance, I'm a big fan
Like a King
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PAIRING | Husband!Tony Stark x Wife!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Your husband had a bad day at work, so you decide to treat him like an absolute king. From a nice home cooked meal to a warm bath and a massage, you're pulling out all the stops to make him feel loved and to turn his day around completely.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Established relationship [ Husband & Wife ], age gap [ Tony is in his early to mid 50's, Reader is in her late 30's ], smut [ Daddy kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), creampie, post-sex cuddles ].
A/N | Thank you so much for this request, sweet Nonnie; I hope I made your dream come to life with this fic! If you ever have another dream like this, please don't hesitate to tell me about it again because I was living my best fantasies while writing this! 🖤
Also, your comment about you being a big fan honestly made my day?! Like, I love you so SO much, Nonnie, that is the biggest compliment you can ever give me! 🥹
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🩷
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist
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Today's your day off, and you're currently at the gym when you're getting a call from your husband. Usually, he only calls during work when something's up, so all the alarm bells in your head immediately go off, and you stop what you're doing.
''Hi Angel, is everything okay?'' you ask when you pick up the phone.
''Not really, Gorgeous. Today is very stressful, and a huge deal just fell through, so I'm going home early today,'' he sighs, and you can hear the defeat in your voice.
''Alright, I'll finish my workout and swing by Stark Industries to see you. How does that sound?'' you ask.
''Sounds perfect, and I can't wait to see you. I love you, Gorgeous,'' he says.
''Love you too, my Angel,'' you say before hanging up and finishing your workout.
Thirty minutes later, you changed into a casual outfit and ready to head to your husband. You park your car in the garage, and JARVIS lets Tony know you've arrived and he's ready to go when you arrive at his office.
You knock on his door to the office, and it swings open. You're pulled into a tight embrace before you can even realize what's happening, but you also let it happen, knowing this is what Tony needs right now.
''Hi, my sweet Angel,'' you say when you pull apart and place your hands on his cheeks, rubbing your fingers over his soft skin.
Your lips place a soft, sweet kiss on his lips and feel him relax under your touch so the two of you stay like that for a little while. Exchanging small kisses, not feeling the need to say anything but being perfectly content with each other's presence.
''Shall we go home? I will cook you a nice home-cooked meal, and afterward, we can take a bath together; I can give you a massage and cuddle together,'' you offer, and he nods.
''Let's go,'' he says, telling his secretary he won't be in for the rest of the day, and no one can bother him, not even if the building burns down. Right now, Tony needs nothing other than to be loved and cared for by you.
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When the two of you arrive home, you send him to your bedroom to change into something more comfortable while you start dinner, preparing one of his favorite dishes.
You're going for some easy comfort food today, so a creamy baked mac and cheese sounds like the perfect option, and Tony thinks so, too.
When you're preparing the sauce, he walks down the stairs and over to you in the kitchen, just needing to be around you for now. His arms wrap around you while you're softly swaying to the music, and when you feel Tony's arms around you, a big smile appears on your face.
''It's smelling delicious already,'' he says as he places soft kisses on your shoulder while swaying back and forth.
''How about you sit down and read a book or nap until dinner? It's gonna be another 20 to 30 minutes, and as much as I'd love to keep dancing with you, I can't cook if you're attached to my back the entire time,'' you say as you turn around in his hold.
''Alright, but only if I get extra cuddles later tonight,'' he says, and you nod.
''You can get all the extra cuddles you want after dinner,'' you say before sending him out of the kitchen.
When your mac and cheese is in the oven, you set the dinner table, and you come to check up on Tony, who appears to be completely entranced by his book, so you just leave him for now.
About 5 minutes later, your oven dings, and you put dinner on the table, ready to get Tony and have dinner together, and finally talk about why he had such a bad day today.
You walk over to Tony and put your hands on his shoulders to notify him you're behind him, and you bend down to kiss him. He tilts his head backward to capture your lips in a sweet kiss, and you can't help but smile at it.
''Dinner's ready,'' you say, and he puts his book to the side and quickly gets up, ready to guide you back to the dining room where the food is waiting to be eaten.
He pulls out your chair, and once you scooted in, he softly kissed the top of your head. This routine you've developed over the years still warms your heart.
Once he's seated, too, you put some food on your plate before Tony puts quite a lot of it on his, as he's feeling so hungry he could eat a horse.
''It truly smells amazing, Gorgeous, you've outdone yourself once again,'' he says, and you feel a pink tint on your cheeks, blushing at his compliment.
Over dinner, the two of you talk about Tony's day and the deal that fell through so you can understand what's going on in his head and why he's feeling the way he does.
At the end of dinner, you can tell Tony feels a lot better; he doesn't seem as tense, but there's still some tension inside him, and you have the perfect way to get rid of it.
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''Do you want me to run a bath for you, my Angel?'' you ask when the dishes are done.
''You don't have to. You've already done enough today, and you deserve some relaxation too,'' Tony says, but he can see the glint of mischief in your eyes.
''Well, who said I wouldn't join you?'' you say, and with that, Tony bends over and grabs the back of your thighs, lifting you with a loud squeal before making a beeline for the master bathroom.
When he's there, he's finally putting you down, and you can run the bath with extra bubbles and your favorite peppermint-scented bath oil, which reminds you of Christmas year-round.
Once that's going, Tony can't keep his hands off of you any longer, and he wants to see your amazing body underneath his fingertips.
Your clothes find their way into the laundry basket one by one as Tony keeps undressing you like a present, giving kisses everywhere he can and ghosting his fingers over your soft flesh in places he can't reach with his mouth.
When the water is done and Tony's undressed, too, he steps in before lending you a hand and guiding you into the tub, ensuring you don't slip.
Once the two of you are seated, you can't help but lean into your husband's arms, your head resting against his shoulder while you enjoy each other's touches and presence.
''I still can't believe I got lucky enough to find you in this lifetime,'' Tony starts as his hands roam over your thighs and sides, never touching where you need him most.
''I get to live with the most gorgeous woman and call her my wife. God, I still can't believe you've said yes to marrying me and growing old with me, but I'm very glad you did,'' he says, placing small kisses on your neck and shoulder now and again to reinforce his words.
The two of you stay like that, whispering sweet nothings and giving longing touches all over each other's bodies until the water turns cold.
You get out of the bath, followed by Tony, and he drains the bathtub before helping you dry off. You do the same, and he lifts you onto the counter so you're at the perfect height for him to give you sweet, slow kisses.
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After a good amount of time, you've finally convinced him to lay down on the bed for a back massage so you can work out the knots in his shoulders and back, arguing how good he always feels once you're done and he can't say no to you.
You turned on some soft jazz music for a bit of a mood booster, drizzled some massage oil in your husband's back before going to town on the pressure points.
''Oh, f-fuck, that feels amazing, Gorgeous. Yes, right there, OH!'' he groans out, and if anyone else would hear him, they would not believe he's getting a back massage.
''Hm, you're doing so well for me, Angel,'' you say as you put some extra strength into massaging his shoulder blades, earning yourself deep groans when you feel the knots come loose.
When you're done, you rub the rest of the oil over the bottom of his back before turning him onto his back and placing yourself right onto his thighs so your hand can grab his rock-hard, throbbing member.
''Hmm, someone's been enjoying himself,'' you say before crawling down the bed and wrapping your lips around his tip while sucking in your cheeks.
''Oh, shit, yeah, that's it, Gorgeous, keep sucking like that,'' he growls, and you slowly take more of him into your mouth, wrapping your hand around the parts your mouth can't get to.
Hearing those delicious sounds from him only makes you feel wetter, and you feel slick dripping down your thighs and onto the sheets from how turned on you are.
When he almost reaches his orgasm, he pulls you off and up to him, so he can taste himself in your mouth while his cock prods your soaking-wet entrance.
''Hm, Daddy, please fuck me,'' you moan softly, and with one smooth motion, he's pulled you onto his cock, stretching your cunt to the max with his sudden motion.
''FUCK!'' you exclaim as he's buried deep inside you and starts bouncing you on his cock without letting you adjust. Your boobs bounce up and down deliciously for Tony, and he lets you set your own pace, letting his hands wander to your nipples to play with them.
''D-Daddy, gonna cum for you,'' you say after a little while, and with that, Tony groans as he plants his feet on the bed, bending his legs and thrusting up into you until you come undone all around him.
''Jesus, such a good fucking girl for your Daddy,'' he says, and his back arches off the bed as he spills deep inside you without warning. He cums so hard that it drips out of you almost immediately and makes a mess all over his cock and balls.
''Hmm,'' you hum softly as you lay on Tony's chest, completely fucked out and very comfortable.
''Come on, pretty girl, just need to clean you up,'' Tony says, but you groan in response, holding onto him tighter because you don't want him to leave yet.
''Stay,'' you croak out, and he does just a little longer, but eventually, he has to get up and clean both of you up, so he grabs a warm washcloth to clean you after cleaning himself in the bathroom.
''Alright, let's get you into a pair of underwear and a shirt, Gorgeous,'' he says, and you agree, letting Tony put a pair of lacy panties and one of his oversized shirts on you before climbing back into bed.
''I love you so much, Gorgeous; thank you for turning this shitty day around and making me feel a thousand times better,'' Tony says, and you smile softly.
''Love you too, Angel,'' you say before drifting into a deep slumber while Tony pulls you onto his chest so you're almost holding on like a koala bear. Soft kisses keep finding their way to the top of your head while he whispers sweet nothings and rub circles over your back until he hears your soft snores.
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The next morning, you've woken up earlier than usual, so you decide to make good use of it by preparing breakfast in bed for your amazing husband.
When you're walking into the bedroom, you see he's just waking up, and when he sees you with the tray in your hands, his face splits open in a wide grin at the sight.
''What have I done to deserve all this love from you, Gorgeous?'' he asks.
''Being the best husband I could ever wish for, and calling in sick today because I have a whole day planned that doesn't involve getting out of bed,'' you say, a mischievous smile appearing on your face.
''Done!'' he says when you've put the tray down, and he pulls you on your lap. The two of you fed each other breakfast before being tangled up in a twist of limbs and bodies until the sun went down and came up the next day.
Married life has never felt better than it does now.
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buckgasms · 1 year
So I’ve been craving your content lately! So I was thinking princess and Bucky where princess is very sensitive, like she cries over the littlest things, is always scared to break a rule, she’s basically walking on egg shells trying to make sure she does everything right. I love your work!🎀
Omg bestiiiiiiiie!! This is princess to a T!!!
Most of the time she is ok because her Daddy takes it upon himself to make her feel happy and safe and perfect, but obviously some days it can't be like that.
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Like imagine Daddy has had a really busy week so even though he has still been taking care of his best girl, he's just too tired to keep his eyes open after sex and he gets up mega early the next morning without giving you as many kisses as usual.
So you lay in bed for a little while after leaves and even though you shouldn't you can't help but cry at the thought of him being mad at you.
And maybe he didn't leave his usual note of to do lists, so you cry again because even though you know he loves you and he's very busy..... It's just very upsetting.
You try and pull yourself together. What is normally on the list? Shower, tidy up, eat... Um... Pick an outfit.... Your mind goes blank. No idea what to do with yourself.
Maybe you should call him? You held your phone in your hand, staring at the picture of him on your lock screen. Your eyes welled up again because what if he was disappointed with you? What if you disturbed him and he got cross? You'd have to make do by yourself.
Tears tracked down your cheeks as you pulled on a pretty dress and it made you feel a bit better. You realised it's taken you over an hour to have this meltdown so you traipse out of the bedroom and try to find some food. You try toast to settle your nerves, but you burn the bread and set off the alarm.
It's all just too much, so you run into the bedroom and climb into Bucky's big wardrobe in the hope that you can just disappear.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky has an alert that goes off if anything goes wrong with the apartment, so of course he sends a message to someone to check out the fire alarm, figuring it's nothing important, maybe you just burnt the toast again?
After 10 minutes he gets a call. The smoke alarm is off, but.... You aren't there. Bucky's stomach drops and he rushes up from his seat and heads down in the lift. The security guard says you haven't left, but the worry in his mind sends his imagination reeling.
He storms through each room in a panic, calling for you. Finally he heads into the bedroom and sees the sliding wardrobe door slightly open, a little bit of pink fabric sticking out.
Relief washes over him as he kneels down and slides the door open a little wider. His heart melts as he sees you curled up on the floor, wrapped in one of his jackets, your eyes puffy and face sore from rubbing your tears.
"Babygirl, what's wrong?" He coos leaning in a little and offering you his hand. Your eyes go wide, then fill with tears again as your sobs wrack your body.
"No... No I didn't want to bother you.... I'm sorry Daddy....please don't be mad..." You retreated to the back of the wardrobe and pulled his jacket tighter around you.
"What are you talking about Princess?" He asks softly, shuffling closer to you but still giving you plenty of space. Every instinct in his body screaming out to take you in his arms, but knowing you probably need some space for the moment.
"I was bad wasn't I? Made you cross? I didn't have my list... Tried to be good but then the alarm went off...." You descended into more tears and he couldn't help but smile at how fucking sweet and soft you were.
"Oh princess..." He scooches in a little closer and you can't help but crave his touch, even if you think he might be mad. He just smells so good, and feels so good. You lean against him and he wraps his arms around you, soft hand gently stroking your hair as you cry.
"Babygirl, I'm not mad at you at all... I'm so sorry I made you think that. I've always got time for my Princess..." He rubs circles in your arms and presses a kiss to your temple.
"m'sorry Daddy. I just got worried I made you mad and then I didn't know what to do. Then the alarm went off and it was so loud and I thought I'd be in more trouble...."
He pulls you into his lap and kisses your forehead before kissing down your cheeks, then to your pretty lips. "The only person who's been bad here sweetheart is me..." You pull away and look at him with wide eyes.
"You've been bad?" You whisper, biting your finger as he nods solemnly. "I didn't take care of my best girl, and now she's upset and worried. I figure that's pretty terrible don't you?"
You let out a giggle as he pinches your chin and pulls you in for a soft kiss. "Let's get out of this wardrobe and we can discuss my punishment hey baby?"
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messedupfan · 11 months
Benefits of Car Troubles| 6
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Summary: Jules relapse causes unwanted stress for Leigh and Y/n worries for her and the baby. And Y/n gets an unexpected visitor.
A/N: If you think you've read chapter 6 for this story before... No you didn't because I just posted it. This is chapter 6. Enjoy!
Masterlist | All Stories Taglist | One Two Three Four Five
Thump, thump.
Thump, thump.
You smile as you hear the healthy heartbeat of the baby growing in Leigh’s womb from the speakers on the monitor. “I never get tired of hearing that,” you say as you hold Leigh's hand. The two of you are at another appointment to monitor the baby's growth and health. So far every appointment has gone smoothly and this one is no different. 
“I will say, in my thirty years as a doctor, I have never heard a stronger heartbeat than this one. The two of you should be proud,” the doctor says. And although you're sure she is just saying that to be nice, part of you wants to believe that your baby has the strongest heartbeat ever. 
“Thank you, doctor,” Leigh smiles as she sits up. “I have been under some stress lately and it relaxes me a bit to know that it's nothing he or she can't handle.” 
“Hold on now, stress is not good for either you or the baby. I highly recommend that, if you can of course, you remove yourself from any high stressors until after you give birth. Okay?” 
“Yes ma’am,” Leigh agrees as she wipes the gel off of her belly. 
“And you better help her,” the doctor says to you. 
“I will do my best, doc. Thank you,” you say as you help Leigh down from the observation bed. As you leave the office you can't help but be concerned about whatever is stressing Leigh out and be confused that she hasn't mentioned anything to you about it. “I didn't know that you were stressed out,” you start as you hold the passenger door open for her. 
Leigh sighs and waits for you to get inside of the car. “It’s silly stuff that's all,” she says and you tell her that nothing is silly if it's bothering her so much. “I'm just, I'm scared of being a terrible mother. And there are so many ways a baby could die. I'm just. It's overwhelming sometimes. Then there's my divorce, which isn't going well, at all! I still get sick at night or wake up with intense cravings that keep me up sometimes! And my mom and Jules are arguing again because Jules relapsed and we have no idea what set her off. We thought she was fine after her break up with Estelle! Not only has her drinking gotten out of hand but she comes home late at night and usually has company. If she's not keeping me up that way it's because she's stuck somewhere and needs me to pick her up and I'm just really tired and I-”
“Move in with me,” you interrupt her rant. 
“What?” She freezes at your statement. 
“Before you say no again, please really consider your health here. Leigh, you don't need the stress and you really need the rest. I'm not a terrible roommate and honestly, with you getting closer to your third trimester it'd make me feel more comfortable being near you at all times. I don't want to miss the birth of our child. And I'm even willing to get up in the middle of the night to cater to your cravings.” You try to sell the idea to Leigh. 
“I don't know,” she says as she considers the idea. “Your place is the perfect single person apartment, I don't know if it's big enough for the two of us.” Leigh rubs her belly as she continues to think. “Even if it does somehow fit us, there's no way it's meant for three and I definitely don't want to live somewhere that is so hazardous for the baby.” 
“I guess this is another one of those before pregnancy conversations huh?” You half heartedly joke about the situation. She shoots you a glare and you hold your hands up with an apology. “I just completely forgot about living situations during this whole thing. I never expected you to take care of the baby by yourself in your mother's house but I never thought about us living in my apartment together,” you admit as you try to think about something better. 
“It’s okay, I'm not exactly sure what I expected to happen either. But the idea of having my mom around to help me is very comforting and I'm not sure I can do this without her,” Leigh says. 
“I get that, but it sounds like she already has her hands full with your sister. Not to mention how unhelpful having her around would be. If you can't sleep because of Jules, I don't see how the baby will,” you point out.
“What do we do?” Leigh asks, unable to conjure a solution. 
You grab her hand and kiss her knuckles. “I don't know but we can think about it some more. We have time,” you promise her. She thanks you for trying to take care of her. “Let's get something to eat before I drop you off. Anything you've been craving today?” 
Leigh's eyes light up and you laugh as you start the car and get ready to take her to the fast food places that she wants to combine. 
Later that week, after some convincing, you spend the night at Leigh's house to see how bad the situation really is and wake up at three in the morning to her phone ringing. You answer it before she wakes up as well and feel frustrated when you can hardly hear Jules through the booming music. You take your phone from where it was charging and locate her from the tracking app that you and Leigh worked together on installing without her knowledge. 
You kiss Leigh’s temple as she snores softly in her sleep and leave a little note on her nightstand. You get in your car and drive an hour away to where Jules is. When you arrive, you are grumpy because by the time you get back, you have to go to work. You park and lock your car as you search for Jules in the sea of people having a good time at four in the morning. When you do find Jules it's because you hear chanting and you find her doing a keg stand. You help the two guys that were holding her upside down put her back on her feet and she is disappointed for a moment until she realizes that you're the one that put an end to her fun. 
She jumps you with a tight hug but you are in no mood to reciprocate. “Come on, I don't have a lot of time,” you say as you pick her up in a bridal style in order to keep her from running off. “Let’s get you home.”
“Thank you, Y/n,” she slurs as she nuzzles against your chest. “My mom or sister would have been so pissed but it wasn't my idea to come out here! I swear!”
You keep your mouth shut as you get her into the backseat. On the way back to Leigh's house, you have to stop by a coffee drive thru in order to continue driving safely. You offer to order for Jules but are only met with obnoxious snores and mumbles of sleep gibberish. You continue your drive listening to your playlist and when you get to Leigh's house the sun is starting to rise. 
You carry Jules all the way to her room and tuck her in before returning to Leigh's bedroom. You watch her sleep with a soft smile and write her another note before you leave for work.
While you work you and Teddy take turns looking through listings online in Leigh's neighborhood to see if there is anything available that Leigh might be okay with living in. So that she could have her mom close to her while allowing the two of you to have the space and privacy that you need. The two of you pick out three listings and you send the links to Leigh to get her opinion on them.
In the evening, while you're getting ready to go back to Leigh's house, there is a knock on your apartment door. You frown as you run through the list of people that could be at your door and brace yourself as you open the door. You relax slightly when you see your father. But only slightly. 
“Tell me why I had to hear it from someone else that you're having a baby,” he says as he steps past you. 
You clench your jaw as you curse to yourself, another thing that slipped through the cracks. “I’m sorry dad, it has been a rollercoaster. I meant to call I just… it's been really tough balancing my life and hers and it's a complicated-”
“I want to meet her,” he interrupts.
“She’s having my grandchild and I don't know her name. I don't even know what she looks like,” he makes valid points and the guilt starts to eat at you more. Before he decided to expand the business and open several more locations in order to make more profits, the two of you worked side by side. The two of you were close. He knew everything that there was to know about your life. Then he gave you control over this location and he put his focus on the expansion of the company. The two of you grew distant. Only ever talking about business. “How long have you been with this girl? Are you going to do the right thing and marry her? Are you ready for this kind of commitment?”
You sit down on the sofa as you try to hold yourself together. Lying to your father wasn't something that you knew how to do. But you knew that telling him the truth was going to lead to disappointment. You never wanted to disappoint your father. In the time that you were making the decisions that lead to Leigh becoming pregnant, you never ever thought you'd have to explain yourself to someone. Well, other than Teddy. You certainly didn't think you'd have to explain yourself to your father. It was never supposed to go this far. 
“I love her, dad,” you say after you tell him the complete story of how you and Leigh came to be. 
Your dad clenches his jaw as he processes. “I raised you better than to go after a kept woman.” 
“Really, dad, kept woman? That's not-”
“She was married! You knew better!” He raises his voice. You clamp your mouth shut. “You should have never gone after her. But you did and now we're here. You're going to be a parent and I'm proud that you're accepting responsibility. But I am disappointed in how this came to be.” He shakes his head and sighs. “Do you have the paternity results? My lawyer will need those in case her husband tries to pull something that could negatively affect you or even this company.”
You are quiet for a moment before you tell him that she hasn't taken a paternity test yet. “I’ve read online that those tests aren't safe for the baby when they're in utero. If it's that important, we'll get one done after the birth.” 
Your father stands from where you had him sit as you told him the story. “You accepted responsibility for a child that may or may not be yours?” 
“Dad, I love Leigh. That child is without a doubt in my mind, my child. Even if he or she or they comes out without my genetics, that baby will still be mine-”
“Ah ha! So you do have doubts!” Your father interrupts. 
“No! I'm just trying to tell you how much she and this baby means to me! I'm looking for a house and-and maybe I'll even look into getting a ring if that's what she wants. I don't know! What I do know is that she and the baby are my family now and I hope you can accept that.” 
Your father looks you up and down and then nods once. “Okay, I will. That's what you want, I'm here for you. So when can I meet my daughter-in-law?” He asks again. 
“Uh I was actually about to head over to her house. I can ask if she's up for meeting you tonight,” you offer. 
“No, no, I don't want it to be a last minute thing. I don't want to put that kind of pressure on the poor girl. Here's what I think we should do. You invite her and her family over to my house for dinner on Sunday evening. Under these circumstances, I prefer to host because she's creating my grandchild and she doesn't need to worry about a menu for me and a presentable home. How does that sound?”
You nod along, agreeing with his plan. “Yeah, I will invite them to Sunday dinner. I'm sorry again for taking so long to tell you about all of this.” 
“It’s okay Y/n, you're an adult now. You don't have to run your decisions outside of the company by me. I love you,” he pulls you in for a tight hug. You return the sentiment and hold him just as tight. 
You catch up with him as you walk him out to his car before you part ways to get in your car to go to Leigh's house. It was nice to be able to chat with him like before. You hadn't realized how much you missed him until you had to say goodbye to him. 
Once you get to the Shaw residence you immediately tell Leigh about the dinner with your father and she happily accepts, excited to get to know your father. Then the two of you talk about the houses you sent her and she tells you that she already sent emails in order to make appointments to tour the homes. “So we're really doing this?” You ask her with hopeful eyes. 
She nods with love in hers, “Yes, we're doing this. We're going to find a home for our family,” she takes your hand and places it on her belly. “It’s what is meant to be.” 
“I love you,” you kiss her on the lips and pull her closer to you. 
“Mmm, I love you too,” she kisses you back.
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
Hi it’s me here when you get the chance can you make a Drabble of ei, jean, Barbara, itto, zhongli, Kuki, diluc, keaya, Lisa, nilou, and Al Haitiam with a reader who has a toxic parent ( and I mean narcissistic) and the reader looks tired and drained from the emotional to mental abuse please my grandma is a really toxic person and we just got into a fight today so can you make it an angst to comfort type scenario sorry to bother you I just had a lot on my plate
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ toxic toxicity
a/n: sorry this is late! All of the stuff I'm going to be posting will be from old asks because of the event, I'm planning to answer them all hopefully don't worry!
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Raiden Shogun
"[Name], why do you look so tired? You shouldn't be tired, I should be tired. Actually, I can't be tired, never mind. Did someone do this to you? Your... parents? Well, what are you waiting for? Show me where they live, I'll get rid of them immediately so you and I can have a bit of alone time together before Ei comes back. Stupid mortals..."
"Dear, how are you? Oh, you look awful! My apology, I couldn't think of another way to word it. Are you okay? No? Oh, okay. Maybe you'd like some... sweets! O-or candy! We can eat candy together to make you feel better! Please?"
"You look stressed beyond belief, [name]. You really need to take a break, yes, a break from your parents I mean. If they're toxic for your healththen you need to stay away from them. That might be hard but its okay, I'm the Acting Grand Master of Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius. I can... kick them out of the city! Quite unprofessional but you're one of our best knights. We can't afford to lose you to them. Stay at the headquarters' dorms for the night."
"Oh no, [name]! You look terrible! Is it your parents again? Oh dear... You should get some rest, I really care about you, you know that right? Oh Barbatos, whatever will we do? Your parentsare going to kill you if this keeps up! I have some blankets, erm, neck pillows and oh-! I have all the ingredients we need for baking cookies? Would you like to bake with me? It'll make you feel good, I promise."
"Woah, woah, woah! [Name] you look... TERRIBLE! I won't stand for that! We're the Arataki Gang, you know? We're supposed to be all tough and cool looking: you're not looking like that right now! If something's come up, then don't you worry. Arataki, numero uno, Itto will come to your rescue. And no, I don't care that its your parents, if they're making you feel bad then they best be prepared for a fight! Trust me, it'll be okay, your big, badass, sexy boyfriend will protect you through and through!"
"Dear, have some tea. I know the past few days have been stressful, and your parents certainly aren't helpful, but please don't give up like this. Come, sit next to me. There there, I'm here."
"Hey... I know how you feel. My parents were really toxic too, especially my mom. But, I believe in you. Things will get better one way or another: even if it's not them being more accepting. Maybe... it'll be us getting even closer together... BUT that's just a suggestion, heh..."
"Maybe we need to get you away from your parents for a while... Elzer, prepare a room for [name] please. They look like they need a good night's sleep. Hush dear, it's going to be alright. They can't hurt you anymore. They wouldn't dare hurt you anymore. You're here with me, and Elzer, and Adeline."
"Oh, don't seem to be yourself today, hm? That's okay, everyone has their bad days. Even I do, believe it or not. Well, my beautiful significant other, I'm here with you, you're what's keeping me sane. Smile, it looks better on you."
"Cutie! You scared me, oh no don't cry! Please, tell me. Mhm? Your parents. Ah. Darling you know how angry I get when people don't return a book, right? Well, I can be even more fierce than that. The Witch of the Purple Rose does not take those who mess with her darling lightly. "
"This society is messed up, the sages, your parents. They just don't seem to listen to us youths! They think we're young, that we're dumb! It makes me terribly sad :( It's okay, do you want a hug?"
You see, my guy doesn't say anything. He walks out and you don't see him for about an hour or so. On the contrary, you didn't come back home to your parents that day.
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heeseung-min · 1 year
Warning: Y/n is a bit dumb so she doesn't really get scared about her stalker.
It's gone again.
Her lip balm. A cherry flavor to be exact.
Last time she bought it, she got to wear it for two weeks only before she lost it.
She can't let this happen anymore. She will report it to the police.
"Good morning, this is Seoul police station. May I help you?"
"Hi, yes um...someone has breaking into my house lately."
"How do you know about that?"
"Because I lost my things many times!"
"Okay miss, calm down. Can you tell us what item in your house that go missing?"
"My lip balm! My cherry flavored lip balm. It's the third time I lost it."
Y/n can heard a tired sigh from the other line. She imagined that the police was massaged his head.
"Are you...sure you just don't misplace it? That thing is small so probably you left it anywhere around the house."
"No, officer. I'm sure someone stole it. Everytime I buy the new one, it will suddenly gone after few weeks later."
Y/n furrowing her eyebrows showing how determine she is about what happened. The police officer on the other hand once again sighed and massaging his temple. He didn't expected his morning will be difficult.
"Okay, miss. If there is a very valuable thing than your lipbalm go missing, then you can call us again, alright?"
She didn't get a time to reply before the line ended. The girl huffed feeling not satisfied with what just happened.
"It's valuable too. I bought it with my money not leaves."
She ate her cereal while thinking on how to catch the culprit. She's done letting them go for stealing it once but now it's already third time. Y/n put her spoon when she suddenly got an idea.
"I will catch you and bring you to the police."
Y/n hummed to herself while being inside her bathroom. The bathroom located in front of her bedroom so she can easily attacked the culprit when they come.
She nearly fell asleep after hours of waiting until she heard a noise from her front door. She hold her pan tightly. When she heard her bedroom door got opened, she waited a while and opened the doorknob slowly to not make a voice. She saw a guy was searching for something. It must be her lipbalm. Without waiting more, she jumped at him and made both of them fell to the floor.
"So, you were the one who steal my lipbalm. How dare you?! I bought it with my money!! Give it back!!"
Y/n said as she hit his chest few times. She can't see his face clearly because of the mask he wore. When the guy tried to pull her off she pulled the mask off him first.
"You....EHHH. The- the cat guy...Yang Jungwon, right?"
The said guy nodded his head lightly. Y/n quickly get off him and tried to control herself from doing anything embarassing. She didn't expected the culprit will be her crush. God, why suddenly she felt warm on her face.
"So, you um- you took my lipbalm."
"Yeah, I'm sorry."
"Well, um you should not do that. And why you even did that anyway? Do you know how much is it? You made me broke!"
Jungwon giggled when Y/n pouted. She is so cute that he wanted to pinch her cheeks. He took out few of new lipbalms he bought before he came here.
"I'm sorry for what I did. Here, I bought these for you."
"You didn't...have to do that."
"Like you said, you are broke because of this. I don't want to make a girl that I like being broke because I took her lipbalm."
Y/n nodded her head before finally got what Jungwon meant. Her doe eyes staring at him with shocked expression.
"You...like me too?"
"Too? Do you like me?"
Y/n squealed when she got pulled to a hug. She can heard how fast is Jungwon's heartbeat.
It didn't bother her the fact that Jungwon is her stalker. Instead, she felt safe being around him.
Sometimes, we have that friend who is too oblivious right? We really need to take care of them so they don't fall into a trap easily.
I hope you guys are doing great☺️☺️Thank you for reading this.
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @cyberpinkx
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owlwithanapple · 4 months
Bird & Fox
Tumblr media
Chapter 14
A sneeze woke you up from sleep. You sat on the bed weakly and fell back to bed due to exhaustion. Not only feel tired from the big action late at night, also caught a cold and fever after falling into cold water. Damn, you dragged tired body for a long time yesterday. Fortunately, you returned home safely. If you fell on the road, might be picked up as corpse.
"Woof!" Kirin ran into the room with his bowl in mouth.
Oh ya, you have to give him breakfast. You slowly got up, staggered into the kitchen and found Kirin's food. You returned to the living room found he had put the bowl on the floor, looking at you with bright eyes. You touched his head and poured it. You saw he was eating with relish, as he was having a big meal.
You took the leftover food back to the kitchen and put it away. You poured a cup of hot water and drank it. You wondered there was any spare medicine at home that could temporarily relieve the fever and cold. You opened and found a bunch of snacks. It seemed there was no other way, you had to go to find the doctor for treatment. It would be more uncomfortable if you delayed it.
Before leaving the house, you put on mask and hug Kirin. You put on the mask to avoid disturbing others. When you leave and go outside, you see on phone there is a clinic nearby and can reach it by walking. You understand the route then put your phone back and walk in the direction of the clinic. It is really uncomfortable to be sick. You walk unsteadily and vision is blurred.
You admire yourself very much. No matter how tired, you can still arrive at the clinic safely. You open the door step in. After filling in your personal information at the front desk, you sit in the waiting area wait for your turn. After about five minutes, a nurse comes to asks you enter. It is finally your turn. After the doctor gives a diagnosis, you leave and go to the front desk to get the medicine.
At this time, a familiar voice came, "Y/N?"
You looked in the direction, it was your friend's brother Tim, you waved politely, "Hello, what a coincidence."
He looked worried and puzzled, looking up and down at your body repeatedly, "Are you sick?"
You nodded slightly to him, "Yes, I have a slight fever and a cold. How about you?"
He took a pack of medicine put it in his backpack, "I came to get medicine for Dick, he also has a cold."
You coughed twice and exhaled, "Tell him to take care himself."
He curled his lips and smiled, "I should say this, you are sick, if I hadn't seen your eyes, I really wouldn't recognize you."
You remembered you were wearing a mask and long-sleeved clothes, laughed softly, "Hehe, so smart, I'm going back first, bye."
You took the medicine and pushed open the door of the clinic to leave. Tim felt something wrong and ran out of the clinic followed you. You looked back and saw he looked embarrassed and walked towards you. "Let me take you home. I don't want to see you faint on the road."
You pointed in the direction of the apartment and said, "My house is right there. No need to bother you. Bye." After saying that, you walked away, leaving Tim standing there alone in a daze.
Jason POV
A big operation at night, using a lot of manpower to capture a group of wanted criminals. The most bizarre thing is the fox, who is actually in collusion with the police. But to be honest, I really don't understand what the fox's intentions are. Every word she says is not what a decent person should say, but actions are similar what I do. I can't figure out what's going on.
I heard a sneeze from outside , I got out of bed walked to the door open it. I saw a sick Dickhead in pajamas sneezing, holding a box of tissues in his hand to wipe his nose. I remembered he tried to avoid terrorist's self-explosion and save the fox late at night, but both fell into the water. It's a good thing not many people died. The most important now is the famous Nightwing caught a cold, I couldn't help laughing out loud.
Dickhead turned around looked at me when he heard the laughter. "What?"
I put my hand on his shoulder l teased him. "Wow~ A handsome brave knight saved a stray fox. But you are so fucking miserable now~"
He wiped his nose pitifully. "Babybird, don't bully me~
I helped the weak Dickhead to the living room. I saw Bruce sitting on the sofa flipping through the work report with a distressed look on face. Demon brat was doing homework very quietly today. He looked up at me and our eyes met. I looked away ignored him. I didn't want to talk to him since the last time. I was angry because he wanted to reveal my secrets, and rude to Y/N.
I noticed Timbers not here, I sat on the sofa and asked, "Where Timbers?"
Dickhead lying on the sofa other side. "He helped me get medicine from the clinic..."
"TT..." Demon brat interrupted.
I crossed my legs, leaned my hands on the sofa, and complained to him, "Just fart."
At this time, Bruce put down his work and coughed twice, "Ahem, both of you stop."
I glared at Bruce complained with unhappy tone, "Hey, you know he's the one who's looking for trouble, right?"
Bruce held his hand exhaled nodded slightly, with an apologetic expression, "Jason... Actually..."
I raised my hand, opened my palm stop him then leaned on the sofa, "Don't apologize for him."
At this time, Demon brat stood up walked in front of me, his expression was extremely ferocious, "Hey..."
I raised my chin looked down on him, "Say."
He pulled his sleeves, looking reluctant to talk. "When will your friend... come to visit?"
I tilted my head, put my hands on knees, frowned. "Huh? The hell is your business?"
No one noticed Timbers had returned. He handed the medicine to Dickhead and sat next to me. "I'm afraid she won't come for a while."
Demon brat's eyes widened. "Why!"
I looked at Demon brat then Timbers, curious about what he meant. I bumped his shoulder. "Hey, explain."
He looked at me in confusion. "I went to get medicine for Dickhead and meet her in the clinic. She very sick. I almost didn't recognize her with a mask on her haggard face."
I felt distressed after hearing that. I stood up, grabbed Timbers' arm asked nervously, "How is she?"
Timbers shook his head and sighed, "I saw she couldn't walk steadily and I wanted to send her back, but she refused so we parted ways."
Dickhead was still lying on the sofa, and sneezed, "The princess of Babybird is sick~ The world is going to end~"
Bruce took a few tissues wipe Dickhead's disgusting snot, then looked at me said, "Jason, why don't you visit her?"
I looked at Bruce nodded slightly to show I understood. I left and ran back to my room to change the jacket. Damn, getting sick is so popular now. I took out my phone found her number and pressed the dial button. It was third time still no one answered. I guessed she might collapsed at home. I took motorcycle keys from table and left the room. When I went downstairs, I saw Alfred waving at me.
He handed me a beautiful bag with fruits in it. "I don't know what fruits Miss Y/N likes, but I hope these can help her."
I took it politely and smiled at him, "Thank you, I'm going out first."
I passed the hall saw Dickhead waving at me, "Babybird... your baby brother I'm sick too."
I said expressionlessly, "Take care."
I put on my boots, and Demon brat stood behind me with his hands in pockets. We were alone, and I was upset when saw him. After putting on my boots, I stood up stepped on the toes a few times, I was about to leave the house with the fruit Alfred gave me. At this time, he finally told me what he had been holding back for a long time, "I hope your friend will get well soon..."
I looked at him with a questioning expression, "Huh? Did I hear it right? Are you possessed?"
He pouted and looked away, "TT... I'm just concerned about her health."
I pulled him in front of me. "If you have the time to care about her, you might as well reflect on what you said last time."
I threw him there. Before opening the door, I heard him mutter to himself, "I am..."
I left the manor and rode my motorcycle to her apartment. The more I thought about the fact that she didn't answer the phone, the more I worried about how seriously she was ill and whether she awake now. However, it was useless to think about it. I arrived at the downstairs of her apartment building, wondering how I could get in without access card. I lay on the motorcycle tried to call her again, but no one answered.
I stepped into the lobby decided to give it a try. After fixed my hair, I walked to the front desk, put my things down, and politely asked the receptionist, "Hello, can you help me?"
The receptionist's eyes lit up and looked at me. She quickly fixed her hair, stood up from the chair, waved to me with a smile, and said, "Hi, how can I help you?"
I noticed her behavior clearly showed she liked me. I was happy but didn't show it. The receptionist was pretty, but it was pity that I was not in the mood. "My friend lives on the 12th floor, No. 9. Is she home now?"
"Is she your girlfriend?" The receptionist looked at me expectantly.
I smiled and leaned my hand on the front desk. "Nah, I'm single. But I have something urgent to do with my friend now. Can you?"
She blushed when she heard what I said. She didn't stop working hurriedly checked the information on the computer. Then she told me, "She just came home, seems unwell. She usually greets people, but today just waved and left."
I understood what Timbers said, "Then can I go up to see her? Actually, she ordered fruits from me. I waited for her long time but didn't come to pick them up, so I came to here."
I handed a bag of fruit, she checked to make sure there were no other illegal items, and gave me a pass "This is a pass to the 12th floor, it can only be used today. Please remember to return it before leaving."
I took the pass and winked to her "Thanks, good girl."
Before I left, she wrote down her contact and handed to me "This is my number, can we have cup of tea next time?"
I took a look didn't think about taking her seriously, but she helped me as a courtesy, I put her note in my pocket and waved goodbye "Keep in touch."
She followed me all the way until I stepped into the elevator pressed the button for the 12th floor. As soon as the door closed, she looked very sorry but full of joy. To be honest, I really no interest. After all, she is the type who is easy to get. She sees the men handsome and speak in sweet words. If she wants to sex directly, she will be the first to take off her clothes.
After reaching, I left the and looked at the trash can on the side. I took the note from my pocket, crushed it and threw it. I feel sorry for she expecting me, but I have a special person in my heart now, the only rare girl I have met in my life, the one I want to possess the most, and I’m not interest in this kind of weed.
I arrived and rang the doorbell. There was no movement inside, no response, but I faintly hear the barking of a dog, which should be Kirin. I tried turn the doorknob found the door was not locked. I opened it directly and saw her lying on the floor of the living room. My mind went blank and a feeling of fear spread over me.
I closed the door and rushed. I held her in my arms and asked nervously, "Hey, Princess, are you okay? Can you hear me?"
She opened eyes slightly and looked at me, "Hey..."
She closed her eyes and fell on me. I put my ear close to her chest heard the sound of her heartbeat. I was relieved instantly. It was good that she was not dead. I picked her up and took her back to the room to rest. From her current condition, she seriously ill. I put her on the bed and pulled a chair sit beside her bed. I took off my gloves, wiped the sweat from my palms, and touched her forehead. She had a fever.
I got up and walked into the kitchen. I saw a pack of medicine given by the doctor on the dining table that had not been opened. All the medicines were marked to be taken after meals, which meant she had not taken the medicine yet. I thought about applying ice to her to cool her down. I opened the refrigerator and there was no fever-reducing patch, but there were a lot of ice cubes. There was no other way, I could use the traditional method to solve it.
I walked into the bathroom find a small bucket to fill with cold water, and I noticed her bra and panties hanging behind the door. I felt a little embarrassed. I couldn't help imagine that kind of scene when I saw her lace bra and panties. But can't judge a person by appearance. I knew she had a great figure, but I didn't expect her measurements to be so amazing. I was careless and underestimated her. She was a fucking sexy hot figure.
The water flowing out of the bucket, I quickly turned off the and took the bucket to the kitchen. Before that... I couldn't resist my desire and took another sneak peek at her bra and panties. I saw many women's bras and panties on the bed, including naked. Only her bra and panties, although they were the common lace type, many scenes emerged in my mind.
Ok enough, I suppressed my desire went back to the kitchen. I poured ice cubes into cold water and soaked a small towel in the cold water. I took the things to the room and put them on the floor. After making sure the small towel was cold, I wrung it out and folded it put on her forehead. I sat on the chair beside the bed, holding her little hand tightly and stroking it gently. I felt the same way. No one had taken care of me when I was sick, and now it made me want to take care of her even more.
Y/N Pov
A chill hits you, even you were feeling uncomfortable now, this chill is so reassuring. You open your eyes slightly and see someone holding your hand. You look in the direction, and saw Jason sitting by your bed. You wonder how he got into the house, but you don't feel like thinking about unnecessary questions now.
His face looks tired, it seems he must be very tired from working the night shift. You hold his rough hand tightly, and he notices you opened your eyes. His worried expression turns into a gentle smile, he moves closer and touches your messy hair. You are deeply moved by his actions and can't help but smile, he also smiles when sees it.
Before you speak, he spoke first, "Hey, princess. How are you feeling?"
"Feeling better." You said with a smile.
He soaked the small towel in cold water again, wrung it out and covered your forehead with it, "Sleep a little longer and you'll feel better. You haven't taken your medicine yet, is there anything you want to eat?"
You blurted out "Ochazuke tabetai..." in a daze and fell asleep.
(I want to eat green tea over rice...)
Jason was confused, "Ocha?"
Jason Pov
I was confused. Before she went to sleep, I heard what she wanted to eat. But it was in Japanese, I couldn't understand. I used my phone type in the pronunciation and found Ocha means tea. Do need to drink tea when sick? Or is there any dish made with tea? I searched and saw a Japanese dish made with tea.
The recipe is written like this: Brew tea first. Boil water, add kelp and bonito flakes, add salt, and make soup. Mix the tea and soup in a ratio of 7:3. Then cook rice. Put sour plums and sesame seaweed on the rice, and pour tea soup on it. Finally, it's done.
It seems like a simple cooking method, but I'm not sure I can do it well. I rarely have the opportunity to step into the kitchen, let alone daily cooking. I have only eaten sushi in Japanese cuisine, and never cooked a pot of Japanese cuisine myself.
I scratched my hair. I didn't know the result until I tried. I decided try to make it according the recipe. She sick and her sense of taste was not good. Even tasted bad, she probably wouldn't able to taste it. What the hell was I thinking about? Be more confident, Jason Peter Todd. To conquer a girl, you must conquer her stomach first. Why the hell was I thinking about all that? The first priority now is make her eat and take medicine.
I put the basic ingredients on the table. I swallowed because nervous. I put the rice in the rice cooker and cooked the other ingredients. Generally speaking, it simple to make it according the recipe, but lost in appearance. I served a bowl of what I made and tried a bite to taste it. I chewed it in my mouth. I couldn't tell whether tasted good or not, but the tea taste was a bit strong.
I served her another bowl of rice to try, hoping she wouldn't mind my poor cooking. I took the medicine from the table and took it to her room. I put my bowl on the table with hers, and put the small towel on her forehead into the bucket. I shook her gently and whispered to wake her up. She opened her eyes looked at me, then smelled the tea.
Y/N Pov
A faint smell of tea hits your nose, Jason helps you sit slowly on the bed. He takes a bowl of rice and a pair of chopsticks and hands them to you. You take it and smell it. It is the Ochazuke you have always been thinking about. The smell reminds you the taste of your hometown. You put the bowl to your lips and taste the tea carefully. Tears can't stop falling from your eyes. It's not tastes bad, just you miss the time you spent in hometown.
Jason sat on bed in panic to comfort you. "Sorry, I didn't expect so bad! I'll go out buy you something else to eat."
You looked at Jason's nervous expression and laughed. "You misunderstood. I'm not crying because it's bad."
He stroked your back gently. "Then... why?"
You clenched the bowl of Ochazuke in your hand. "My family is poor, and the food I eat most often is Ochazuke. It's also one of my favorites."
He moved closer and gently stroked your tears with his fingers. "Really..."
You covered your mouth with hands and laughed. "But I didn't expect you really cooked it for me."
He puts his arm around your shoulders and lets you lean on, saying awkwardly, "I... just want be nice to you... what can I do?"
You rub his shoulders, "Then if you get sick in future, I'll cook for you."
He looks at you with a happy smile, "Really?"
You nod and smile, "Really, I'm not lying to you."
He can't take back the smile on his lips, "I'm really looking forward to the day when I sick."
You bump his shoulders, "Damn!"
He held his belly and laughed, and you laughing with him. He sat back in the chair, holding the spoon and Ochazuke began to eat voraciously. You laugh because it was the first time you saw him eat Japanese food. You took a sip of the tea felt so warm, then gently stirred it with chopsticks and ate it. He followed your way of eating, as he was adapting to the local customs.
After the meal, he handed you the medicine and warm water asked you to take the medicine on time. He left your room with a small bucket and a bowl after eating. You put the medicine in hand and poured it into your mouth swallowed it before drinking water. You lay back on the bed and a feeling of sleepiness came over you, proving the effect of the medicine began to show. You realized it was such a reassuring feeling to have someone take care of you whe sick. You closed your eyes continued to fall asleep.
Jason Pov
I poured out the thawed water, poured new cold water into the bucket, poured ice cubes in, soaked the small towel and returned to the room. I saw she had fallen into a deep sleep, her complexion had improved a lot. This was a good thing. I wrung out the small towel and covered her forehead, then used another towel to wipe the sweat off her neck.
I noticed she was smiling in her sleep, I laughed quietly in case she suddenly woken up by me. She looked like a baby in her deep sleep, and I suddenly had an inexplicable thought. I gently patted her little hand, just like my mother used to coax me to sleep when I was young, then I fell into a very deep sleep, the kind that could sleep until dawn.
I approached quietly and carefully, holding my breath and kissing her cheek secretly, giving her a goodnight kiss. She just slept quietly without any scruples or defenses. Even we are the kind of friends, we should have the basic awareness of keeping a distance from the other person. If I were a pervert who couldn't suppress emotions and desires, maybe I would be the lustful wolf who ate a harmless little rabbit.
I stretched out my rough hand and held her little hand tightly, "My little princess, I wish you a good dream."
I let go her little hand went to the living room see a sleeping Kirin. I gently carried him to Y/N's room. I went into the kitchen to wash all the dishes and put them aside to dry. I returned to the room sat quietly while taking out my phone to look at it. I suddenly thought something very important. I forgot to ask what she wanted to eat for dinner. I looked at her sleeping face chose to put the question behind me and ask it when she woke up.
Y/N Pov
In the evening, you woke up and found the small towel on forehead was no longer cold. You heard a snoring sound coming. You saw Jason sitting on a chair next to you, sleeping soundly, and Kirin sleeping beside his feet. You sat on the bed looked at their sleeping faces with a relieved expression. It was a peaceful scene that healed people's hearts.
You took out the thermometer to measure your body temperature, and you recovered from the cold. You got out of bed and walked out of the room quietly, saw the house was clean. There were several small towels hanging on the balcony, which the towels Jason used to cool you down just now. These small towels meant he had changed several towels for you. He was unexpectedly careful and thoughtful.
At this time, the phone in the living room rang, you hurried to see it was his phone ringing. It showed that Bruce Wayne's call. You took it into the room try to wake Jason up, but he already sleeping and snoring non-stop. There was no way to answer it. Wonder if something urgent that needed to be dealt with.
You press the answer button "Hello, Mr Wayne."
Mr Wayne was surprised and coughed twice "Hey, Y/N. How are you? I heard from Tim that you sick."
You smiled and said "I'm fine, thank you for your concern, thanks to Jason's care."
You can hear Mr Wayne sighing with relief "Great. Where is Jason?"
You look at him sleeping in the room "He's asleep, I'll wake him up now."
He smiled "No, no, I called to ask about your situation. Since you are okay, I am relieved. My eldest son just caught a cold and a fever too."
I stood on the balcony and chatted with Mr Wayne "Dick is sick too? The recent flu is terrible, I hope he recovers soon."
"Dad, his friend?" At this time, you heard Damian's voice coming from next to Mr Wayne.
"Yes. What's wrong?" Mr Wayne said in a puzzled tone.
"Can I talk to her?" Damian suddenly said, and you were surprised to hear it. "
You can hear Mr Wayne mumbling from the phone, can hear it clearly "Don't say the wrong thing again, you and Jason's matter is not resolved yet."
Damian blurted out "I know."
You feel a little pressured. Talking to a child like him who has a bad temper, you still have to greet him politely "Hello, is it Damian?"
"Yes." He answered calmly, and the topic ended immediately.
You are thinking about what to say next, he interrupted and said "How is your illness?"
You are confused, the sudden concern "Oh... Thanks to Jason's care, I'm almost well."
After a moment of silence, he said "Would you like to visit manor when you get better?"
Nani? Did you hear correctly? You didn't understand, but you still answered him calmly, "Okay, no problem. See you, I'll bring Kirin play with you."
He was quiet for a while then said in a happy tone, "Okay, no problem. Take care, bye."
He hung up the phone... You looked very surprised. How could he suddenly become so well-behaved? You couldn't believe what he said. He suddenly cared about you, and you were almost scared to death. Is it really going to rain red today? Or he possessed by evil spirits? Jason must be informed this matter, you ran back to the room in panic to wake Jason up.
You slapped Jason's face, "Hey! Wake up!"
Jason was awakened by your slap. He fell off his chair and woke up Kirin who was sleeping soundly. He sat on the ground with a confused look on his face. "What?! What the hell is going on!"
You put his phone on his face. "Is your brother possessed by a ghost?!"
He took the phone back with a confused look. "What do you mean? Which brother?"
You said nervously, "Damian! I just talked to him on the phone."
He sat up and grabbed your arm. "What the hell he say?! Did he hurt you?"
You shook your head nervously. "He said when I got better welcome to visit the manor..."
He blinked a few times, with a question in his mind. "Huh? Really?"
You nodded quickly and held his hands tightly. "Yes! Really!"
He looked away, with a serious expression. "Maybe he really was possessed by a ghost... I'll go home and take a look later. If it's true, I'll find someone to exorcise it."
You hold your cheeks, with a surprised expression "Oh shit..."
He touches your head comforts you "It's okay, I'll inform Bruce first."
He takes out his phone find Mr Wayne's number and presses the dial button. He turns on the loud speaker so you can listen to it. After a while, Mr Wayne answered the call, and Jason's first words were "Hey Bruce, your son is possessed."
You are holding back your laughter, Mr Wayne silent for a while and then says "Dick is sick, not possessed."
Jason clarifies "Your youngest son, Damian Wayne. He asked Y/N come to manor when she recovers."
Bruce silent for a while, and suddenly heard him shouting "Tim, help me see if Damian is also sick! Jason said he was possessed!"
You heard Tim "What! No way! Holy shit!"
"The house is haunted!" You heard Dick scream.
"Go to sleep!" Mr Wayne yelled.
Jason hung up the phone looked at you after hearing the mess at home. You both couldn't help but burst into laughter. You now know their family has such a funny side. It's so rude to Mr Wayne's family, but it's so funny you and Jason can't stop laughing. Next time you go to Mr Wayne's manor, you really don't know what expression to use to face them.
After laughed enough, you leaned on his shoulder, "Ha... That's so funny."
He also laughed, "Fuck... Shit..."
You both looked at each other at the same time, and suddenly it felt so weird to meet eyes at the same time. You seemed a little overwhelmed and avoided him, Jason blushed and avoided your gaze. There was air conditioning and fan in the room, but your body felt hot. You thought it was awkward, you should not lean on his shoulder, he noticed and directly hugged you to prevent you from leaving.
The momentary happiness turned into a subtle mood, and you didn't know what to say in response. He whispered to your ear, "Sorry, stay like this for a while and I'll go back, okay?"
You were in a state of confusion when you heard he was going back. He had a home and should go back, but you didn't want him to go back. It was the loneliness and emptiness were bothering you. You accidentally blurted out, "Can't you not go back?"
His body trembled, you stole a glance at his face, which became even redder. "Erm... This is too sudden."
You hurriedly moved away from him, shaking your hands and explaining, "No! It's not what you think! You see, it's already evening, I mean to ask you if you want to have dinner together before going home..."
For some reason, your face was so hot, could it be the fever hadn't subsided yet? You stole a glance at his current expression, and his face was still red. You lowered your head didn't dare him to look at it anymore. He coughed to ease the atmosphere, "I can stay for dinner... If you don't mind."
You closed your eyes and shook your head, "I don't mind! The Ochazuke you cooked is delicious!"
He was so surprised that he gritted his teeth and scratched his hair, "Really... As long as you like it."
It's damn hot now. You can't figure out whether it's the fever or the temperature change in the room. You blush and swallow, put your hand on his arm move closer to him. He sees your hand running across his arm, his breathing becomes a little rapid in his confusion. You realize you are not in the right mood and withdraw your hand.
He suddenly blocks your eyes with his hand, preventing you from seeing his expression. You can feel his breathing is disordered, you sit up straight nervously, not even daring to bend your back. You pinch your trembling hands, scared and confused because you can't see everything in front of you. His hands are also hot, and you are increasingly confused about whether these temperatures are yours, his body, or the temperature of the room.
Jason Pov
What the fuck is going on now! Why is the rhythm between us suddenly messed up! I have no idea what the hell is going on now! Why are we both in such a passionate situation! My breathing rate is so chaotic, my heartbeat is constantly accelerating, all my emotions are fucked up by her.
I blocked her view prevent her to see my expression. I don't know what she thinks of me, but she doesn't have to show she wants to be eaten by me, it's fucking erotic enough to increase my lust. Calm down, Jason Peter Todd. Calm down the fuck, don't cross that line, once cross it, you can't back to the beginning.
"Sorry..." I exhaled, and her lips showed a look of confusion.
It's just a topic for dinner, don't let your mind wander to other things, okay? It's damn hot, the room is hot, but actually my body that's overheated. I stared at her lips for a while, when I got close to her lips, I could feel each other's breath. Or I could just kiss and confront her, but the response might not be what I expected.
I backed off, I didn't dare to kiss her when I thought about the future. Her lips were right in front of me, I only needed to touch them lightly. It was such a simple thing, but I couldn't take that step. I was afraid of how she would look at me in the future, and our relationship would become distant and couldn't go back to original life.
I couldn't help myself, I kissed my hand that was covering her eyes and let go. Her eyes were full of charming eyes, which I liked the most when she only looked at me. What a beautiful girl can make me crazy. A disease can make me upset. A simple sleeping face can make me feel happy and confused.
My princess... What kind of spell did you cast on me to make me so fascinated.
"Jason? Are you okay?" She put her hand on my face with a worried expression.
I was confused like an idiot, but calmed down. "Sorry, was distracted. I'll ummm… bathroom first and cook for you. Wait for me."
I put my hand on the door looked back at her. She noticed my face and smiled brightly, which touched my heart. I really wanted to hug her in my arms. I opened the bathroom and stood in front of the sink, staring at myself in the mirror. I took some water and splashed it on my face try to wake myself up. Wait, bathroom... I looked behind the door and saw a set of underwear and panties...
"Fuck you..." I said to myself. I have never felt that underwear is so attractive and sinful in my life.
I left the bathroom and heard noises coming from the living room. I saw her and Kirin playing. Seeing how active she was, I didn't have to worry about her anymore. I stood aside watched her and Kirin jumping around. She hummed a Japanese song and clapped her hands while dancing. It was so healing today. Seeing the person I love the most so healthy and beautiful showing her lovely and charming side in front of me.
She noticed me standing aside and watching. She walked towards me with Kirin in her arms. "Kirin, do you want to play with daddy?"
I pointed at myself in surprise. "Me? Kirin's daddy?"
She smiled and said, "Yes, Kirin likes you very much. He even sticks to you when sleeps. I envy too much."
I teased her playfully. "Are you envious of Kirin sleeping with me, or jealous of not being able to sleep with me?"
She pouted and whispered, "Both."
This feeling so fucking exciting, it's just too blissful! I happily leaned over looked at Kirin, "Kirin, why don't you play with mommy first, and daddy play with you after cooks dinner, OK?"
"Woof!" He wagged his tail happily.
Then she acted like a spoiled child with a pitiful expression, "I want eat ice cream~"
I laughed and pinched her cheek, "You better go and rest, or I won't buy it for you."
I saw her sticking her tongue out at me then went back to the living room to play. It was so healing to be amused by her funny expression. I went into the kitchen get ingredients to prepare dinner. She hadn't recovered yet, so better made some light food. While I was cutting the ingredients, my phone rang. I put down my work and took out my phone. Dickhead calling, and I pressed the answer button.
"Babybird~ Didn't you come home for dinner? I miss my baby brother~" I could tell from his voice that he l still sick.
I put the phone to my ear and pressed it with shoulder "Nah, I have something to do tonight. I will go back to my own home after I finish my work, not to the manor, so don't have to leave dinner for me."
He sneezed and said sadly "You are biased! Take care of your girlfriend! Not your dear brother."
I complained angrily "Damn Dickhead! Alfred and others at home, not enough people to take care of you?! Do you want to ask Bruce to call even the private doctor!"
He suddenly laughed "Eh? It's not pure friendship between you two?"
I said embarrassedly "Fuck you! Shut up!"
His laughter came from the phone. This guy was sicker than expected. He suddenly muttered, "Y/N such a lucky girl~ Babybird takes care of her so attentively."
Suddenly I thought something to bully him, "Oh... I forgot, you don't have your dearest Kitsune lying by your pillow to take care of you."
He choked on his saliva and coughed, "Bastard Babybird!"
I laughed at him, "Oh ya, if Kitsune was naked at this time, then lay on your bed, using her seductive body to warm your bed, maybe would heal faster, I'm not wrong, right?"
He coughed even harder, "I'm hanging up!"
I teased him again, "Don't make weird noises in bed at night, be careful Kitsune hears it."
"Babybird!" I hung up the phone as soon as he shouted.
"What's wrong?" She poked her head out curiously.
I laughed and said, "Dick hasn't recovered yet. I just bullied him."
She pointed at me smiled wickedly, "You're so mean~"
I put my phone back in my pocket, "He's unlucky. Ah, and... I'm a mean person to begin with."
Chapter 14 End.
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AO3 Chapter 14
AO3 Bird & Fox by owlwithanapple
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mariaenchanted · 2 years
Unspoken Longings
Pairings: Modern!Aegon II Targaryen x Reader
Summary: Are you willing to sacrifice years of friendship just so you can say those 3 words?
Word Count: 1.4k
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As you reach your apartment door, you rummage inside your bag to find your keys. Usually, you don't bother to look for it because Aegon usually opens the door for you, but you remember what he said before he went to work.
"Don't wait for me. I won't be sleeping here tonight. So please make sure to bring your keys. Please.."
So yeah, here you are now looking for the keys, which you are sure you put in your bag when suddenly you stumbled a bit when you had bumped into someone's leg. When you look down to see who it is, you are shocked to see it is Aegon. He sits on the side of the door, looking tired and obviously very drunk. His head bent down, and he didn't seem to mind that someone had just bumped into him. Questions flooded through your mind about what happened to him and knowing that it was late because you are the one who closed your shop. You need to find out how long he's been here.
You quickly tapped him on the shoulder, but he still didn't say a word, so you immediately knelt beside him. Putting your hands on both of his cheeks and making him face you. His mouth is slightly open, but his eyes are still closed. His cheeks are red. He just made a noise as if he didn't want anyone to disturb him. You can smell the stench of alcohol.
"Hey! Why did you drink when you can't even bring yourself inside?" shaking his face to wake him up.
"Do you even know how heavy you are?! I kinda hope you made an effort to get inside! There's the door, and you don't even bother to open it!" you patted his face in case it woke him up. But still, there's yet to be a reaction from him.
"I am concerned about you, but I'm sorry, you are a literal dumbass, Aegon." You grumbled, then took the keys out of his pocket.
When you unlock the door, you put your stuff inside and return to him immediately.
You are about to take his hand to put it on your shoulder when suddenly, a door opens on the other side of your apartment. You don't even know that someone lives there. He approached you immediately.
"I uh... I'm so sorry to disturb you. I will try to be quiet while getting him inside."
"Oh, it's nothing, really. Actually, I saw that man there earlier. I approached him if he needed help, but he said he was okay, so I no longer insisted."
Yeah, typical Aegon
"So, uh... Is he your boyfriend?" he continued. As if he is hesitant to ask me. 
"Oh no. This is not a boyfriend. This is my best friend, or should I say my drunk best friend, Aegon."
After that, you also told him your name.
"How about you? When did you move from this humble abode?" you ask. He smiled and answered, "I'm Jace, Jace Velaryon. I just moved here a couple days ago." And pointed to his door.
"Yeah, I thought so too."
He looked at Aegon then at me.
"I can... you know. Carry him inside?" he offered.
"This is a little embarrassing. You are new here, and we are already inconveniencing you because of this person, right here." You kicked Aegon's legs lightly, but instead of waking up, he scratched his face and went back to sleep.
"It's not a problem, really. I'm happy to help."
Without waiting for your answer, he crouched down and placed Aegon's arm on his shoulder. He lifted him effortlessly.
"Well, lead the way."
You chuckled while nodding your head to him while you led the way. He is very persistent, might as well go with it. Aegon's too heavy for you to carry anyway.
"Just put him on the couch. I'll take care of it."
He lowers Aegon in it.
"That guy's heavy."
"I know! That's why I really don't want him to get too drunk. But thank you for doing this."
You lead him towards the door.
"No problem. Just tell me anytime you have a problem. I'll gladly help."
"Will do, and thanks again. Have a good night."
"You too. " Jace left smiling as you closed the door.
You immediately went to Aegon's room to get him a blanket. After you changed him, you went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water and put it on the table.
"You're lucky. You got no work tomorrow 'cause I know your head's gonna be in hell when you wake up."
You sit on the floor while you rest your back on the couch and then look at him.
You and Aegon have been best friends since childhood. You've been with him almost all your life, but when choosing where to attend college, you went separately. But even though you are far away, you still find time for one another. Then after you graduate, each of you strives to achieve what you want in life. You had a coffee shop even though it was small, but it is yours while Aegon is the lead vocalist of his band "Sunfyre," and you have never been more proud of what he achieved because you knew that is really his passion. 
Even better is that when he visits you. You get free sessions from him, either just him or with his band. Customers flock to your coffee shop, especially girls.
That's when both of you just decided to rent an apartment to save money. So here you are, pushing Aegon's hair out of his face.
You know the reason for this. He broke up with Ellya, his girlfriend. When he gets drunk like this, it definitely means a breakup. You see, he's a good person, not because he's your best friend, but because almost everyone who knows him says that. 
But when you ask him why his girlfriend broke up with him, he always says, "I don't know. She wants to break up, so we did." And then after that, he never speaks about them anymore. You know, you are his best friend, but when it comes to his love life, he never really wants to talk about it. But still, it hurts you to see him like this. Every time, he is at the door, and you smell the alcohol on him, it always breaks your heart, not because you consider him your friend, but it's more than that.
You love him. 
You remember when you and your mother always move from one house to another. So when she decides that this is going to be the last move. You were so happy; at last, you will have a permanent thing in your life, and that's when she introduces you to your neighbors, the Targaryen. But Aegon is the one that captured your interest. You think because you are the same age as him and bonded with the same life struggles, like you, never ever having a constant thing while him, showing his mother and father that he can be good enough. 
When you first met him, you immediately developed a simple crush. You were just a little girl feeling shy about a boy who showed interest in being your friend. It is standard, right? But only when you realize the feelings never go away as you get older. You always get those butterflies flying around your stomach when he's around and when you know, it is love. You try turning your gaze to others but still can't help falling for him even more. Yes, you may love him with all your heart, but you can't just sacrifice your friendship because of your feelings for him. You can't risk all the years both of you made just so you can say you love him. You won't do that.
Placing your palm on his left cheek while caressing your thumb to it.
You immediately took your hand as you felt him move and look away while his eyes squinted in your direction. He held on to one of your wrists. You turned to look at him, confused. He grinned like an idiot, obviously still drunk.
"God! You are so beautiful. I did not mean it. I'm doing what I think is best, but I love you…." he mumbled.
"You... You love me?" You felt your spine shiver from all the words he said.
"Ell…" he trailed off and then closed his eyes again.
You feel your heart shatter as if someone keeps on stepping on it until it turns to dusk.
Of course, it is Ellya. Why would you even think for a second it is you? 
You got up and kissed him on the cheek, but as you entered your room, you looked back at his sleeping form.
"Good night, Aegon."
"I.. " you stopped yourself from saying those words. You have been masking your feelings for this long, why stop now?
As you went and lay onto your bed. Heartache begins creeping in.
I hope you enjoy this fic. 🌼
Reblogs are gold. 🌹
Feedbacks are always appreciated. 🌸
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