#i need more britney spears friends here
seancamerons · 8 months
i'm gonna come right out and say it: i loved chaotic. it was a real life real time glimpse into britney spears' life during 2004-05. it was i think on upn/presently cw and it chronicled her onyx hotel touring and a little bit after that, including the 'love' story between her and her second? husband Kevin federline and her pregnancy with sean preston. i believe it included the making of someday (i will understand). i believe the greatest hits/my prerogative coincided with this. i think i remember reading initially chaotic had a different tone in mind and was less about her romantic life, more about just generally her and her personal life. of course that remains intact, most people see it as embarrassing and stupid. (under a read more for the rest!)
i think i used to think that britney as a human at that time was going through a lot sure, the year before justin/britney's personal life was seen for the masses and he was in control of that narrative, she had just married her childhood friend jason alexander for 55 hours in las vegas that january, was promoting heavily at that for her studio album in the zone, and touring in europe for much of this documentary. she showed off the lovely room she had in a hotel, and sounded very humbled by the whole experience i recall her saying, "all this for one little person."
while self-aware, reflective and sometimes spiritual britney is a very complex individual. she surely shed the pop tart bubblegum image with the itz era and afterward. the direction i remember it giving/vibe was "britney let's loose from school girl days of bomt like its college!britney, bitch and of course what happens in college? having fun, friends, working probably, clubbing, meeting guys, parties, and doing that sort of thing." do i think it was appropriate for her age and for her sound? yes. was it mature risque and even a little naughty? you bet. did i eat that shit up, oh yes and i think even now in the zone will forever live in infamy. each track tells a story, paints a picture.
it's obvious she was heavily involved in its production, she even had favorite songs, contributed in the writing composition and credits in the liner notes, i also believe there was quite a bit of information she even helped direct or had a lot of input of what sorts of directions the videos such as "toxic" "me against the music" and "everytime" would look like. i remember seeing a short video between a segue as she performed everytime on this ABC special they did in fall of 2003, right around the time itz was released where she was playing a piano and playing the music for everytime.
for a long time it was rumored/speculated to be related as a rebuttal or even a response to justin timberlake's cry me a river which was released perhaps months before and word was getting out, her reputation was in a bad place and it was time for her to break out of the mold she was in musically and take it up a notch, push the envelope and do what she does best which is sing and perform being the entertainer but more 'her' way.
chaotic featured former alum to nsync/mmc castmate jc chazez who remained her friend at this time, her backup dancers and such, and felicia her longtime assistant and friend, who i once got to 'meet' in 2009 but that's another story.
(it was a brief hi, a smile she's just as sweet as i'd see her on tv, but i strongly think she knew i knew who she was haha without saying much and she was standing by a wall during the VIP backstage tour chatting with brett ('memba her?) I've seen britney in concerts almost 5 times, dwad in 2001, onyx in 2004, circus in 2009 and femme fatale in 2011 almost got to see a show back in 2017 i think maybe 2018 in my area when the tour came around for the last time but my BFF at the time took her stupid bf instead, unforgivable. our friendship has not been the same since. ugh.)
oh and my mom caught a glimpse of k-fed at the same concert backstage, weird and the boys sean preston and jayden were there seated around the stage with lynne, they were toddlers/little at the time. i saw them they were close to the center-right ring if i remember correctly from where i was standing. i did see her manager larry rudolph at femme fatale in a lobby i didn't get VIP that time, but i had pretty decent seats for it, but i didn't speak directly to him but i saw him in line getting a soda.)
all in all, i really enjoyed watching chaotic. best friend at the time and i bonded over britney's music, videos, crossroads, concert going experiences and such so oftentimes she comes to mind too. we used to love dressing up like in britney's style clothing/hair trends/make up and we would 'choreograph' dances to her music and we'd marathon things like that like she had chaotic on DVD so on rainy days and sleepovers we'd pop in the DVDs and watch 'em and be so interested.
a lot of people hate on it, britney herself is kind of embarrassed by it and i get that too, but a lot of it was a snapshot of what her life was like back then and how she was living, where she was and I'm sure if i watch it now, i'd laugh, cry and also be in awe like i was way back when.
a close second is for the record (2008-09) I'll talk about that another time someday. we also loved watching the HBO special from 2001, it holds a special place in my heart. total britney live, the MTV diaries, the interviews even the diane sawyer one like we had that shit down and tapes and tapes of trls, commercials, performances, tv, press things, documentaries i mean we were obsessed basically. a part of us still are. i have some things memorized, like most of crossroads i can at any given time recall some quote from the movie. i loved that britney did that stuff, even if it didn't 'work' out. I'm so proud of britney and so grateful to meet people through the britney fandoms, barmy, at concerts, and even online on fbs and tumblrs alike. for instance, @mollyhale and i have great conversations about britney spears and we have similar opinions and good thoughts regarding her and i love her so much. i cannot wait to read the memoir in full when it arrives this week. I'm also really excited to see crossroads in the movies with my bf and one of my best friends I've known a long time. britney has been a big part of my childhood, teen life, and overall existence.
i love her music, it makes me feel happy and good. i love finding a new obscure song by her, or fall in love with the songs that aren't so well known, or sing along when i hear her music on the radio, or come up on playlists. she is the top for me, and no one can speak ill of her i hate that i would go to literal 'war' so needless to say i have a lot to say about how she'd been wronged/underdog vibes and even by family/long-term boyfriends it sucked for us too the fans, because i know she didn't deserve that. i don't want to discuss the conservatorship time, but you can tell in femme fatale she was exhausted, and unhappy she didn't have the spark in her face or eyes, the songs were great and choreo but there wasn't that fire i love because she was tbh overmedicated. i hate infantilization and the narratives in regard to her mh. i do think that she has a lot trauma to work through from what I've seen in her posts, and her way of healing is speaking, and writing it out and I'm proud she's free to take those steps to reclaim herself and become independent and happy once again. it's gonna take time, nothing is overnight but she's doing fabulous. she's got an amazing legacy, so much talent, so much passion for her goals and endeavors, and she wants to burn that narrative too, she's spoken don't hat on several occasions at length on her Instagram posts as well as what I've seen in her book. she wants her fans to know who she is, where she stands because there's been a lot of buzzing over the years on that stuff and it's wonderful to feel validated and confirmed of a lot of things that weren't factually true.
i love the truth when it comes out. when i was little we'd play truth or dare, and i loved the truth but feared dare because i didn't want to be chicken but would much rather speak a truth even if it was personal, yes. truth > dare.
i'm not afraid of the truth. it will and has set her free. ✨💓
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bangtanintotheroom · 1 month
Make Me Water (M)
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Can you blow my mind?
Set off my whole body
If I give you my time
Can you snatch my soul from me?
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🔊 water - tyla; make me - britney spears, g-eazy; the look - ali gatie, kehlani; meeting in my bedroom - silk; tonight - dxvn., daniel di angelo; slidin' - kai and more... 🔊
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• Pairing: Seonghwa x (F)Reader
• Genre: Non-Idol!AU, Friends to Lovers, Smut, Fluff
• Rating: 18+
• Words: 14.4k
• Summary: The most unexpected topic comes up during a drinking session with your friends, leading to one of them making a rather bold claim. You declare that they’re full of shit and unintentionally make them determined to prove you wrong.
• Warnings/themes: drinking, swearing, explicit sexual content, discussion about inappropriate topics, Seonghwa and his bedroom eyes 😶, Y/N is in for the ride of her life, bickering, making out, body worship, teasing, edging, praise, fingering, squirting (it’s gon be real wet up in here 🗣️💦), dirty talk, oral (f. and m. receiving), multiple orgasms, creampie, multiple positions, unprotected sex (dooon’t do this), aftercare
• Notes: She's heeeeere~ I feel like I've been through the wringer working on this one, so I hope it was worth the wait! Thank you to @wooahaeproductions for beta'ing! 💖
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“Alright, alright, it’s my turn now!”
Wooyoung’s exclamation made you and a couple of others look around with apprehension; nothing good came from his drunken mouth ninety percent of the time. But you humored him nonetheless by encouraging, “Go on, Woo.”
You and your group of friends had gathered at your place for the weekly hang out that involved food, drinks and conversations that could either start debates or leave everyone on the floor dying of laughter. Tonight was no exception as empty bottles of soju and beer laid across the coffee table, along with plates that once housed food that everyone brought.
Now that stomachs were full and inhibitions were lessened, in came the inappropriate discussions.
Wooyoung straightened his posture, looking like the Cheshire cat as he crowed, “What’s something you’ve always wanted to try in bed that you haven’t yet?”
Reactions varied. Some immediately looked up as they searched for an answer while others took a sudden interest in their drinking glasses. You were of the former as you scanned your brain, only for Mingi to step up to the plate first.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to have sex while driving.”
Sakura quipped over her glass with, “Like road head or full on sex?”
“Road head, I guess. Not trying to wreck my car.”
Jongho couldn’t help but scoff, “Like you would have less of a chance of crashing from that.”
Mingi waved the younger man off, clearly not wanting his fantasy to be ruined.
“Whatever. Ningning, you go now.”
“Huh?! Why me?”
“Because you’re sitting next to me, we’re going around in a circle.”
Ningning didn’t seem too pleased with his reasoning, elbowing him sharply before gathering her thoughts.
“Uh…I guess—” Her pretty face scrunched up. “—I wouldn’t mind getting tied up.”
Everyone lit up with curiosity, but it was overshadowed from Jongho nearly choking on his beer all of a sudden. Seonghwa was quick to lean over and pat his back to help out.
“Easy there.”
“I’m—” A cough. “—fine, hyung, thanks.”
Wooyoung leaned forward, eyes scrunched as he stared down Ningning.
“Eh? Bondage? Our little Ningning is into that?”
“Okay, one, don’t call me little or I’ll throw something at you. Two, I haven’t tried it yet.”
“But you want to one day.”
Knives might as well have gone into Wooyoung with the way she glared him down.
“Isn’t that the point of this game? Dumbass.”
You were quick to jump in with, “Ning, I think we need to keep you away from the soju, even though Woo deserves every word you’re hurling at him.”
Ningning huffed, crossing her arms before leaning back against the couch. “Whatever. Jongho, are you alright? Sorry if I scared you.”
Jongho was under control now, although his cheeks had a slight flush to them.
“Y-Yes, Ningning…you didn’t scare me, just took me off-guard.”
She giggled, doing a complete one-eighty from her interaction with Wooyoung.
“Did I? I’ll try not to do it again, ‘kay?”
Whatever Jongho was about to reply with dwindled into a sheepish chuckle when her hand patted his.
“Anyways—” The attention was back on Wooyoung again, thanks to his obnoxious call. “—since you’re back in action, it’s your turn now.”
“Huh?! Oh…”
The way the poor kid deflated had you about to pipe up to defend him, only for Seonghwa to beat you to it.
“Wooyoung, take it down a notch, will you?”
The offender placed a hand on his chest as if he was falsely accused of a crime. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was around a bunch of wet blankets. Look, if he wants to skip, fine. Don’t need him choking to death.”
Just as Seonghwa was about to scold again, Jongho waved a hand to ease the tension.
“Hyung, it’s fine.”
“Are you sure? Don’t let him pressure you.”
The younger man gave his elder a toothy grin in reassurance.
“You heard him, mom, let him answer!”
Seonghwa sighed in defeat, shaking his head as he got comfortable in his spot next to you again. You leaned in to whisper, “There’s no winning against Woo when he’s drunk, I thought you knew that by now.”
Your friend chuckled lowly, bumping your thigh with his hand.
“Thank you for the reminder. Say it a little earlier next time, yes?”
A giggle escaped, from both his quip and the light touch.
“Yes, Hwa.”
Remembering that Jongho was about to answer now, you tuned out of your brief conversation with the man beside you and back to the group.
“I always…”
Hesitation spread over Jongho’s face as he trailed off; whatever he wanted to say must have been too much for his introverted self to admit. But Wooyoung was quick to encourage him by saying, “Come on, Jongho, spit it out! This is a no judgment zone.”
The younger man gave his friend a look of gratitude before taking a deep breath. “Okay, okay. Um…I’ve always been curious about…”
With his teeth coming on full display and his full cheeks reddening further, he unloaded.
Between Mingi spitting out his beer, Wooyoung screeching in surprise at the mess that landed on him, Sakura and Ningning gasping and your jaw dropping, the room went in an uproar.
“Yah, you got beer on me!”
“Serves you right for starting this in the first place.”
“Huh?! Jongho, are you for real?”
“Yes! What’s wrong, i-is it too much?”
Sakura waved her hands in placation, continuing, “No, it’s not! I’m just surprised to hear that from you, of all people.”
He was quick to straighten up, eyes narrowing in defense. “What is that supposed to mean?!”
“You seem so…clean-cut?”
“Yeah, not like someone who wants their mattress turned into a water bed.”
Jongho snapped at Mingi’s confusion with, “I’m not talking about a whole geyser, that’s fake! Just a little bit, you know?”
The tall man still looked unconvinced, full lips pursed.
“Okay, but, is it even possible?”
“Yeah, I heard it’s not easy to do—” Wooyoung had the nerve to wiggle his fingers in the air. “—gotta have the magic touch.”
Of course, the troublemaker himself glanced at you, Sakura and Ningning before questioning, “Unless either of you lovely ladies have experience in that area?”
Ningning shook her head swiftly. “Never.”
Sakura lifted her chin. “Nope.”
Which left you to end the interrogation with, “No, and it won’t ever happen.”
Wooyoung backed off, humming in curiosity. Just when it seemed that he was going to move on to the next victim, a voice next to you spoke.
“I’ve seen it happen before.”
Every eye in the room landed on Seonghwa, looking as casual as ever despite his controversial statement.
“Eh? What do you mean?”
He looked at Jongho casually while lifting his glass to his lips. “I’ve made someone squirt before.”
Sheer chaos erupted all at once. While everyone else talked over each other, you gawked at your friend. You did not expect something like that to come out of Seonghwa, of all people.
Seonghwa, who kept a close eye on your group during every outing.
Seonghwa, who stayed up until 3 AM playing Animal Crossing.
Prim, proper and pretty Seonghwa, who just admitted to causing an obscene act in the bedroom.
“Patience and knowing what they like. You also have to make sure they’re comfortable or you won’t get anywhere.”
It was ironic to see how fixated Wooyoung was on the topic, seeing as he was the one who started this game out of sheer debauchery, inquiring, “Was it planned? Or did it just happen out of nowhere?”
“It was unexpected but intriguing. We were just doing the usual and I could feel something different. Before I realized it, there was a huge mess.”
You could have sworn you heard a hint of smugness in his tone.
“Damn…from fingering or fucking?”
A tilt of his lips.
Wooyoung sat back, looking more than impressed at his friend’s prowess. But you weren’t on board like the others were. Squirting always seemed like something that was exaggerated by people who didn’t have much to brag about in the bedroom. Therefore, you couldn’t help but interrupt the questioning.
“You sure they didn’t pee on you?”
Seonghwa turned his head, looking unimpressed with your snark. “I’m pretty sure.”
Your brow lifted.
“It only happened that one time?”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Maybe you just got lucky.”
The ‘oooh’ echoing from your friends only amplified the taken aback expression on Seonghwa’s face.
“I think she’s calling you bad in bed, Hwa.”
“No, I’m not! I’m just skeptical, is all. Anyways—” You shot a placating smile to everyone. “—why don’t we move on to the next victim?”
Wooyoung cackled, “Now you’re speaking my language, Y/N! Sakura, you better answer with something to upstage hyung!”
“Wooyoung-ah, don’t put so much pressure on me!”
Following her whine, the group focused their full attention on the young woman, especially you as you pushed the previous topic to the back of your head. But while you were laser-focused on every single person who went next, you were unaware of the constant glances Seonghwa would shoot at the side of your head, something brewing deep in his dark eyes.
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After the tumultuous discussions finally dimmed, you retreated into the kitchen to begin washing the pile of dishes from dinner. Despite the multiple offers of help, you turned them down. You could use some peace and quiet for a moment.
The dull thrum of conversation in the background was all the noise you needed as you began working on whatever was in the sink. But then you felt someone coming up to stand to your right once you got two plates in.
You didn’t even need to look up to know who was butting in.
“Do you not know the meaning of relax?”
Seonghwa hummed playfully, reaching for one of the soaped-up dishes in your sink. “No, not really.”
A huff left as you allowed him to help. No point wasting energy in saying no.
You scrubbed each one as well as you could before passing them off to your friend to rinse. Even though you knew he should have been kicking back in the living room with the others, his assistance was appreciated. You greatly underestimated how hard dried tteokbokki sauce was to get off.
“So what are they talking about now? How to recreate positions from porn?”
Seonghwa chuckled at your quip. “No, they’re laser-focused on the game.”
“Good. I still can’t believe we even had that conversation earlier.”
“You know how Wooyoung and the others get when they drink.” A pause came before he spoke lowly, “They didn’t make you feel uncomfortable, did they?”
The way concern painted his tone made you look up, seeing his face expressing the same emotion. Leave it to him to always look out for you.
“Not at all. I was taken off-guard—” You gave a reassuring smile. “—but it definitely livened up the night.”
He smiled with relief, taking another bowl from you to rinse off and dry.
“Although I have to admit, you caught me by surprise.”
“What, because of what I said?”
You hummed as you put your muscles into scrubbing a stubborn stain, “Mhm. Doesn’t seem like your kind of thing.”
Seonghwa huffed playfully, “Well, you never expressed any interest in my intimate life, so I didn’t have a reason to inform you.”
His remark made your eyes roll.
“I mean that it doesn’t seem like something your prim and proper self would be into.”
“You say that like sex isn’t meant to be the opposite of that.”
You shrugged. “I stand by what I said. Besides, you probably just got lucky with whoever she was.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Seonghwa turning his head to lift a defined brow. “What makes you say that?”
Wanting to emphasize your opinion, you paused your hands to give your friend a matter-of-fact expression.
“Because a lot of women can’t squirt. I don’t care what ‘experts’ say, it’s damn near impossible.”
To your surprise, he frowned. “Y/N, do you really think I’m lying?”
“Not lying, just taking an inch and making a mile out of it—” You went back to giving the dirty dishes attention. “—maybe if I saw it in person, it’d be a different story.”
After that, it was silent, save for the faint cheers of your friends in the living room. You figured that was the end of that conversation.
“Why bother telling you when I could just show you?”
Your fingers seemed to lose their grip on the plate, clattering into the sink loudly.
What? He did not just say that.
You turned to gawk at Seonghwa before stuttering, “H-Huh?”
He was nonplussed as he met your eyes, repeating, “I could just prove you wrong. Actions speak louder than words, no?”
Was he fucking serious? Seonghwa offering to show you how he could make you squirt?
“Hwa, you…you’re joking, right?”
“I’m not.”
Judging by the look on his face, he really wasn’t.
Feeling a heat begin to creep up the back of your neck, you tore your gaze away to grab the plate, picking it up and checking to see if it suffered any damage from your slip-up.
“Come on, be for real right now. I can’t do that.”
“You can’t let me touch you or you can’t squirt?”
You almost threw the abused dish back down as your head whipped up to fix him a flustered glare.
“Both! One, we’re friends. Two, I’ve never squirted and I never will.”
Seonghwa gave you an equally stern look, firing back, “We’re both single and it would just be between the two of us. And have you ever even tried?”
“N-No, but—”
“So how would you know?”
You pursed your lips, feeling a wave of frustration mixed with defeat overcoming you. It wasn’t fun to admit, but he had a point.
He could probably tell by the look on your face that you knew this, yet he didn’t gloat or prod you further. Seonghwa just kept watching and waiting for your next defense to come out. But it didn’t come for a while as your mind raced with thoughts, coming up with one that took you for a spin.
Would it really be so bad to say yes?
If you had to be honest, a part of you always entertained escaping the friend zone with Seonghwa. Yes, he was an incredibly good-looking man, but that could only get you so far. It was his personality that made your mind wander, as well.
There was always something so incredibly attractive about someone who looked out for you and your best interests. It wasn’t just with you, but with others as well. The amount of times he had jumped in to assist (especially with Jongho and Wooyoung) with getting them out of messes was too frequent.
But this was your friend. And friends and sex mixed together could either end up turning into something beautiful or an absolute disaster.
You peered up at him with confusion. “Why me?”
For a moment, your friend said nothing while keeping his stare on you. But then the gentlest of smiles stretched his lips before he explained, “Why not?”
Flabbergasted. Flustered. Any word to match your current feeling was necessary.
His reason was as simple as that?
“Hwa, the TV is acting up again, can you help us?”
Sakura’s sudden shout made the two of you jump, Seonghwa turning his head to call out, “Give me a second!”
You couldn’t help but freeze when his dark eyes landed on you again, steady as if you two didn’t have an inappropriate conversation just now.
“No pressure, Y/N. Excuse me.”
And then he left you alone in the kitchen, reeling and staring at the spot he was previously in.
What the hell?
Desperate to distract yourself from what occurred, you turned to face the sink again. Cleaning up was considerably slower this time, thanks to your hands trembling. When you dropped the same butter knife for the third time, you swore under your breath and placed your palms on the edge of the counter, holding on tight. It was to try and get your nerves under control, but alas, you ended up pondering Seonghwa's offer in the meantime.
You sighed heavily, hanging your head for a moment as you reminded yourself to grab a shot before heading back to the others.
The rest of the night went smoothly with spikes of excitement, courtesy of Jongho and Ningning’s impromptu duet and Mingi’s long-winded explanation of how ants were the most useless bugs in existence. You tried your damnedest to focus on them and give your own input, but it was difficult thanks to the source of your troubles sitting right next to you.
You tried to play it cool, even though you kept stealing glances at Seonghwa, acting as nonplussed as ever. It didn’t help at all when he decided to perch his head on your lap, humming as he looked ready to fall asleep at any moment.
Mercy was granted when everyone decided to head out later on. You saw them out with hugs and promises to make plans for next week’s hangout, save for Seonghwa who decided to stay behind to help with the last bit of cleaning. You cursed his consideration, still feeling too shaken to be able to stay alone in the same room as him. As long as you avoided his eyes, you were okay.
When he finally decided to leave, you felt an odd mix of relief and disappointment. His offer hadn’t been brought up again since earlier, leaving you to wonder if he was fully serious or just taking the piss out of you.
“Are you alright?”
You broke out of your thoughts, seeing Seonghwa observing you with concern.
“Yeah, Hwa…I think I’m just ready for bed, that's all.”
“You do look tired. Let me get out of your hair, then.”
And so you walked him to your front door, the feeling still lingering inside your chest. You tried your best to stifle it as you unlocked the door, giving your friend a smile.
“Thanks for the help, Hwa.”
He gave you one of his gorgeous, toothy grins, making your gut flip in protest. “Of course, Y/N.”
And like always, he reached his arms out, waiting until you stepped into them to receive a tight hug.
A hug that made you a little giddy at times yet hit ten times harder tonight.
“Have a good night.”
Why did he have to whisper it like that? And so close to your head?
“You too. Get home safe.”
Reluctantly, you let him go, watching as he stepped over the threshold. But as soon as both feet passed, that ball of tension inside crawled up and out of your mouth.
You almost didn’t recognize your voice, trying not to mull over it too much as said man turned to look at you. Hesitation wracked you before you were able to muster a necessary question.
“Are you free this weekend?”
“I am. Why?”
Would you regret what you were about to do? Or would you be unlocking the door to something new and exciting?
There was no point in analyzing further as you gathered up every last one of your nerves to look him in the eye.
“I have a challenge for you.”
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You were a fool. A horny, little fool who let her pussy take over her mind.
As badly as you wanted to blame Seonghwa for even putting this crazy idea into your head, it was absurd to try. You were the one who accepted his offer and you were the one currently driving over to his place to see if he could put his money where his mouth was.
Just the curious thoughts you had about what he might do had you gripping the steering wheel tighter.
They came to a halt when you parked and began making your way up to his apartment, trying not to look too jumpy to the doorman who always greeted you. You were no stranger to visiting, but a silly part of you became paranoid that he’d see right through and decipher the naughty reason that you were really here. But your facade remained steady until you made your way off the elevator and headed straight for one of the doors in the hallway.
You took in a deep breath, soothing your nerves a mite before ringing the doorbell. Whatever composure you mustered dwindled when Seonghwa answered a few seconds later, looking effortlessly gorgeous as ever. Yes, even in a plain white tee and gray sweats.
Damn. You probably looked basic as fuck with your simple cami and leggings on.
The pleasant smile he gave reflected on your own face as you brought a mildly shaky hand up to give a short wave.
“I made it.”
“I can see that. Come in.”
As soon as he stepped aside, you entered, sliding your shoes off as he shut the door.
“Busy day today?”
You shrugged as you pushed your footwear to the side of the welcome mat. “Busy enough. I took it easy, honestly.”
“Saving your energy for tonight?”
The tips of your ears heated up at the ever so subtle upturn of his lips. Leave it to him to be direct.
Seonghwa chuckled as you looked anywhere but at him, leaning his shoulder against the door and folding his arms across his chest. “No need to be so awkward, Y/N.”
You groaned and looked up at the ceiling before griping, “Hwa, I just came over to your apartment to see if you could get me to squirt. How can I not be awkward?”
Your friend’s humorous smile grew into a reassuring one as he returned to his full height, reaching one of his hands out to hold yours.
“You shouldn’t feel awkward because it’s just between the two of us and we’re going to have a good time.”
The touch and reassurance from him eased your nerves a little, but…
“But what if I don’t end up doing it?”
Seonghwa’s expression became a bit serious now. 
“Then we’ll figure it out, if we hit that wall. Either way, no pressure—” His thumb rubbed the back of your hand. “—I just want you to enjoy yourself.”
Your heart couldn’t help but warm. Despite the fact that he brought this up in the first place, he gave you the choice to tap out whenever you wanted. But there was a bud growing inside you now. A bud that was determined to at least attempt to see his claim through.
“Thank you, Seonghwa. I, um, hope I don’t disappoint you.”
He grinned lightly, giving your palm a careful squeeze.
“I’m sure you won’t. Do you need anything right now?”
Considering that you did all your grooming and usual sex prep at home, you were ready to get straight to business.
“No, I’m good.”
Seonghwa nodded at your answer, letting go of your hand. “Alright. Just head to my room and get comfortable, I have to grab a few things first.”
Although you raised your eyebrow at whatever ‘a few things’ was, you let it slide and turned to walk towards his bedroom. Out of all the times you had been in there, heading past the door had you overcome with a different emotion this time. Well, three.
You were nervous, cautious and excited at the same time. Maybe there was a name for that somewhere out there, but you deemed it unimportant at the moment as you sat on the foot of his bed. 
His room was familiar, so you couldn’t distract yourself by looking around. For now, you clasped your hands and twiddled your thumbs, watching them with mild interest. The sound of Seonghwa finally entering brought your attention away from your appendages, only for your brows to nearly raise into your hairline with the things your friend had bundled in his arms.
Two water bottles.
A bath towel.
A portable speaker.
“You’re really turning this into a whole experience, aren’t you?”
“Yes. I want to make sure you’re as relaxed as possible.”
Something clicked and you made a noise of realization. “Is that why you asked me to send you a bedroom playlist over?”
You couldn’t help but laugh softly and shake your head.
“Seonghwa…it almost feels like you’re trying to seduce me.”
He giggled at the accusation, setting the stuff down on the bed before grinning mischievously.
“Is it working?”
In all honesty, it wouldn’t have taken much on his end to seduce you, but there was no way in hell you were going to say that out loud.
“I’ll give you an A for effort.”
“Hmph, good enough.”
With that, Seonghwa grabbed the speaker to start setting it up with his phone.
“Oh, I forgot to mention—” He paused and turned his head to look at you. “—you might want to use the bathroom before we start.”
His suggestion made your face scrunch in confusion. “I don’t really have to go, though…”
“Even if you don’t, it’ll give you peace of mind. Just so you know that you don’t have to go during. Trust me.”
Well, you weren’t going to keep fighting the supposed squirting expert, so you shrugged and stood up to head to the bathroom. After doing the little bit of business you had and cleaning up, you returned to Seonghwa’s room, only to be greeted by a few different things.
Familiar music entered your ears and your eyes noticed the large bath towel spread out in the middle of his bed, the dark terrycloth contrasting with the light blue comforter. Seonghwa had his back turned to you, too occupied in fussing with something at his nightstand to notice your appearance. You cleared your throat after a few seconds, capturing his attention as he looked over his shoulder.
“All done?”
You gave a nod as you walked up to him.
“Are you all put together now?”
He chuckled a little, returning your nod. “As much as I can be, yes.”
Despite his answer, there was a bout of silence between the two of you afterward. It seemed that neither of you didn’t know how to continue. Thankfully, he stepped up to the plate.
“Should we sit?”
His motioning to the foot of the bed forced you to swallow the sudden jump of nerves, moving forward to sit down, the other following suit. Your eyes remained on the carpet, tapping your bare feet on it as you came to terms with what was about to happen. It was a miracle that you could hear the music over the hammering of your heartbeat.
“You look nervous.”
You brought your eyes up to see Seonghwa giving you a sympathetic smile. It only made you clear your throat and look away with timidity.
“Can you blame me? This is an…unexpected development in our relationship.”
A quiet hum. “It definitely is.”
Both of you stayed silent, breaking when you heard him whisper, “I wasn’t sure if you’d say yes.”
You whipped your head back around, blinking at his change in tone.
“I was expecting you to curse me out completely for even bringing something like this up.”
You assumed that you were the only one internally freaking out about this, but it was clear by the way Seonghwa kept tapping his bouncing leg that he was struggling to adjust too. Endeared and relieved by his behavior, you carefully bumped your leg into his.
“Well, you seemed so sincere in your offer and knowing you, you wouldn’t risk it if you knew I was gonna flip, right?”
Your mild teasing paired with encouragement made his demeanor brighten, teeth flashing.
Both of you giggled, feeling a little more at ease now. It led to Seonghwa taking your hand in his now, the touch comforting as he gazed into your eyes with a seriousness.
“There’s still a chance for you to back out, Y/N. It’s your call.”
Seonghwa’s body language was pretty clear in what answer he really wanted to hear. The way he continuously brushed his thumb over your knuckles and looked deep into your eyes let you know how much he was looking forward to this experience.
And yet he still gave you full control over it.
A grateful smile couldn’t help but stretch over your lips as you completely made up your mind. Your palm turned over to still his wandering thumb, scooting closer until your knee touched his own.
Leaning in, you whispered into his ear, “Show me what you can do.”
As soon as you pulled back, you could see the shift in Seonghwa’s expression, one that was new to you but brought a thrill down your spine. With a firm nod, he brought up his free hand to hold your jaw with caution. His head came in, tilting before you closed your eyes. A second later, you felt his lips claiming yours for a kiss.
A kiss that was everything you thought of and everything you never anticipated.
You always expected him to be an expert at this. Which was probably dumb of you to assume, considering you never got anything more than a hug out of your friend, but what was the harm in wishful thinking? At least he proved you right with the way he let passion slowly drip into it and kept his hands touching you.
Your body slowly crept up in temperature as the minutes went by. By now, you were giving back as much as you could in the kiss, one of your own hands holding onto his t-shirt. The urge to venture underneath kept striking, yet you didn’t want to get ahead of yourself without asking. You reluctantly pulled your lips off of Seonghwa’s, only enough to whisper, “Can I take your shirt off, Hwa?”
He was quick to give a nod of approval, sitting back before taking your hand and moving it to brush against the hem. Before you could lose your nerve, you took hold with both hands, waiting for your friend to lift his arms and sliding the fabric up carefully. You tossed it to the floor as soon as it was off, breath catching at what was in front of you now.
This wasn’t the first time you had seen Seonghwa shirtless, but the current circumstances made the sight more tantalizing than usual. Although you had noticed the light definition of his lean torso prior to today, knowing that you were about to have free reign made the urge to touch him even stronger. With a burst of want, your fingers began exploring his warm skin, watching and listening as he reacted to your touch.
The barely audible hums and sighs falling from his lips were eventually silenced when he leaned in for another kiss, the intensity turned up a notch this time. Feeling your friend groan into your mouth whenever you brushed a sensitive spot was a privilege you never thought you would get.
And one you didn’t want to give up any time soon.
But then Seonghwa was pulling away, making you nearly choke on the whine you had to hold back. Your disappointment was swiftly alleviated when you saw his hands go for the bottom of your shirt now. His brow raised as he questioned softly, “May I?”
Your response was an encouraging nod. Repeating his motions from earlier as the roles were reversed, you tried to ignore the anxious, little voice in your head as your clothing came off and ended up on the bedroom floor. It was also a result of spending nearly an hour deciding on what underwear to don, which in the grand scheme of things, was stupid. But you wanted to at least leave him with a good impression.
Which may be what you’re getting, judging by the smallest tilt of his mouth as he looked you over.
“Would I sound arrogant if I asked if this was for me?”
Your nerves eased as you giggled and gave his leg a light kick.
“You would…but I’d let it slide.”
“Would you?”
“Mhm—” The attention made you push your chest out a bit. “—figured I’d wear my good stuff for a special occasion.”
Seonghwa chuckled lowly, glancing at the motion before returning to your face. “Well, I feel very grateful right now.”
His words solidified that you made an excellent choice today. 
While you were mentally patting yourself on the back, he began leaning in again, only for his lips to land on your jawline. The sensation brought a pleasant shiver down your spine, increasing when he started moving lower. Brushing over your pulse point made it come stronger this time.
You tipped your head back to give your friend more room to work with, getting lost in the sensations. The feelings gave way to a gentle warmth that crept up on you the longer Seonghwa kept kissing, spiking into a small fire every time he hit a sensitive spot or threw a bit of teeth into the mix. When the heat needed an escape, you’d let out gentle noises to let him know how he was making you feel. He’d show his gratitude with a hum on your skin or the softest of chuckles.
“You know—” A scrape along your jugular. “—I always thought you were gorgeous.”
Whoa. The sudden words made you fall out of your haze a bit as you stammered, “R-Really?”
“Mhm—“ Another kiss on your neck. “—so pretty.”
An unmistakable heat built up in your cheeks, taking his compliment to heart. To have someone that looked like Seonghwa saying that would have your ego riding a high for the next few days.
But for now, you’d focus on the way his lips started carefully trailing down to the swells of your breasts, occasionally brushing against the lace hiding the rest of them. You couldn’t help but watch the top of his head, ebony bangs swaying and tickling your sensitive skin as he continued with his kisses. Soon enough, the desire for more came.
The soft call made him stop and bring his head up to give you his attention. With a slight push of your chest, you encouraged, “Take it off.”
Seonghwa gave your bra a quick glance before returning his gaze to give a nod, sitting up to reach around your torso. You felt his hand fumble for a moment until the band around your ribs loosened. He went for your straps now, sliding the garment down delicately, eyes fixated on your skin as it was exposed.
The way he was staring had you feeling a mix of self-consciousness and assurance. Having one of your close friends seeing you in such a state was nerve-wracking, but the budding heat in his expression let you know that he liked what he saw. And if you were unsure about that, he was quick to remedy it by leaning down to pull a nipple into his mouth.
A small hiss left your lips at the sensation, head tipping back as Seonghwa began carefully sucking. Just when you were really enjoying it, he pulled off to ask, “Did you like that?”
It took a second to gain your voice before answering, “I did.”
Your friend’s mouth quirked at your affirmation, pleased to find something else that made you tick. He dove back in, returning his attention to the stiff bud with more pressure. A few sighs escaped as your eyes fluttered closed to enjoy it further. How quickly Seonghwa caught on to your body was mind-boggling. Whenever you were about to ask for more, he’d bring a hand up to tweak and play with the neglected side.
He continued to play with your breasts a little longer, leaving no inch untouched before he pulled off. The loss of the touch had your fingers tightening on the comforter, only easing up when he spoke, “We should get more comfortable.”
With a motion of his hand towards the head of the bed, you turned and crawled up to rest your head on the pillows. Seonghwa was quick to follow, watching as he ended up on top of you. He stopped when he was level with your chest, planting a few kisses before slowly trailing them down your torso. That and the little nips he’d throw in between made you melt into the comforter.
You couldn’t help but want to watch him in action at one point. Your stare must have been heavy as he eventually caught you.
“Nothing, I just…I’m surprised at how thorough you’re being.”
He let out an amused huff before sitting up between your legs.
“The buildup is part of it, Y/N. It’s not just about how you feel here—” He pointed between your hips before tapping your forehead. “—it’s about what’s going on up here too.”
Wow. Never did you imagine hearing that out of anyone you were about to be intimate with. His thought process relaxed you further, giving him a nod to show that you understood.
Seonghwa looked pleased with your reaction, leaning in to give you a short but sweet kiss. He pulled back to direct his eyes on your panties before peering back up to raise a thick brow.
“Should we take these off?”
The suggestion forced your bottom lip under your teeth in anticipation, lifting your hips to let him know that you were completely on board. He took a hold of the waistband and pulled down carefully until your underwear came off your legs and ended up on the floor. The new exposure had you keeping them as close together as possible (which wasn’t much, thanks to Seonghwa sitting in between). Your friend didn’t give you the chance to feel more shy, his hands laying next to your knees to gradually slide up and towards your inner thighs, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.
With a light push, he spread your legs further apart, revealing more of your most intimate area. Your stomach flipped at the way his eyes seemed to drink you in, feeling a thumb come up to brush the apex of your thigh.
His murmur made you want to grab a pillow and hide your face from the sudden heat washing over it. But Seonghwa interrupted your modesty by hooking his hands underneath your knees to push them back all of a sudden.
“Hold these for me.”
You couldn’t tell if it was a command or a suggestion; either way, you were quick to hold the back of your knees and keep yourself spread open. All you could do was lay there and wiggle your toes as you tried not to overthink on how exposed you were to Seonghwa now.
You peered up at him, only to be greeted with a question that you never expected to leave his mouth.
“Do you like being eaten out?”
A tremble slipped through your fingers while the grip on your legs tightened. You nodded slowly while whispering, “I do.”
Seonghwa pulled in his bottom lip before biting, focusing his gaze between your legs again.
“May I?”
God yes. Which was short for ‘god yes, eat me the fuck out like you haven’t had a meal in days’, but your nerves dwindled it down to a mini smile paired with a slow nod. It seemed to be more than enough for your friend as he grinned lightly before carefully slinking down until his face hovered in front of your dripping folds.
A conflict of emotions occurred at the view. A thrill went through you at the thought of having Seonghwa put his mouth on you, yet you were also incredibly vulnerable to him now. Did you taste alright? Did you clean up enough and—
Whatever worries you were going to stew on were interrupted, thanks to the tongue delicately running up your slit. The motion had your body stiffening at first, gaping down at the head between your thighs. For a moment, your brain couldn’t comprehend that it was Seonghwa who did that, but it was quick to realize when he went and did it again, making a light sound come out.
Your friend peered up at you through his bangs, deep brown eyes watching you like a hawk.
“Too much or more?”
“It…felt nice. Just, um, build it up?”
Why did you say that as if you didn’t know how you liked to be eaten out? Now Seonghwa cocked his head, looking a little cautious.
“You don’t sound very confident about that, Y/N. Don’t be afraid to tell me what you like.”
Right. Right. This was Seonghwa, not some person who was doing this out of obligation for the end goal. How would he know how to please you if you didn’t communicate?
Taking a deep breath, you informed him, “That was fine. Just…switch between that and my clit.”
He nodded, looking more satisfied with your answer.
“Okay. Just tell me if I need to do anything different, yes?”
Your mouth curled at his consideration. “Yes, Hwa.”
Seonghwa gave your inner thigh a gentle peck before going back to what he was doing. Now you could enjoy the feeling fully, less hesitant than before. By the third lick, a moan began building up at the base of your throat, releasing when you felt the lightest of pressures on your clit.
“Is that good?”
Your legs spread further. “You can do it a little harder.”
He wasted no time in following your suggestion, circling the bud with more strength to make your back arch slightly and your nails dig into your skin.
“Yeah, just like that—”
Seonghwa continued, egged on by your words. He seemed to develop a strategy when it came to pleasuring you, leaving your eyes to flutter shut as you enjoyed the bliss.
The only time your fog was interrupted was when you heard his voice husking from below, “Knew you’d always taste so good.”
A shiver wracked your body from the mixture of praise and the light flick he gave your clit. You sat back and enjoyed the feeling of your friend’s mouth as he worked you over. When you felt something prodding your entrance, your eyes flew open, head lifting to see Seonghwa meeting you with apprehension on his beautiful face. Only when you looked closer did you see that the tip of his index finger was what pressed against you.
“Can I put it in?”
Your nod was all he needed before sliding inside, your teeth clenching at the welcome spreading. He began thrusting slowly, lighting a different kind of spark inside at the added friction. You tipped your head back again, sighing pleasantly in enjoyment.
“You sound so fucking wet—”
You squeezed involuntarily around his digit, finding that he wasn’t exaggerating. Listening close, you could hear a light squelching, your ears burning from the noise.
Seonghwa continued moving against your walls, stimulating you to the point where you instructed him to add another finger in. With a bite of his lip, he obliged, carefully adding a second one that made you moan even louder than before. How you managed to still keep a hold of your legs was impressive in its own right. But you nearly let go when you felt a brush against your G-spot.
You were swift in alleviating his concern with a, “Right there, Hwa—”
He was clued into what he did, starting to rub and press in that area with more pressure. To give you something else to make your head spin, you felt him start to lap and swirl around your clit again. The two sensations intertwined seamlessly, leading to a familiar knot to start forming in your gut.
Shit. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine Seonghwa, your close friend, would make you about to come.
But just when you were about to allow the moment to take over, he removed his tongue and stilled his fingers, making your head throw back in frustration as you groaned.
Seonghwa was quick to placate you, “I’m sorry, Y/N, but it’s necessary.”
You brought your head up to shoot a large pout to let him know you didn’t see eye to eye. He gave you a chuckle in return, his free hand coming up to give your tense stomach a pat.
“Believe me, I’d love nothing more than to watch you come, but I made a promise.”
His admission, followed by the peck on the back of your thigh, made your toes curl in anticipation of what he had planned. You took some time to collect yourself, trying to ignore the pang that came from denying yourself an orgasm. Once you were ready, you let Seonghwa know.
It was like a rinse and repeat cycle, the way he kept edging you, only to stop when sweet bliss was about to arrive. Thankfully, after the third time of this, he sat up in front of you.
“I think you’re ready now.”
Mouth popping open in intrigue, you inquired, “So what should I do?”
“Just go along with it until you feel like you’re going to come. It’s going to feel like you have to pee also, but don’t fight it. Just push, okay?”
Hm. Simple enough.
Seonghwa smiled at your compliance, giving your thigh a gentle rub before continuing to move the hand that made your pussy its new home. It might as well have, with the way it effortlessly slid and stroked all the spots that made you quiver. A sneaky part of your brain mused on why you never thought about getting intimate with your friend sooner.
But then you were struck with a feeling that sent an unexpected shock throughout your entire system.
What was that?
And then it happened again, only to come with an unwelcome weight below your belly button.
Fuck. Was this what he was talking about?
The longer he kept going, the more that pressure became overwhelming. It was a battle to fight with your brain to let it know that you weren’t going to have an accident. But once you got it to settle down, the feeling was so close.
You had to tell him. But your first attempt at speaking was useless, mouth parting only to let out yet another moan. With the most of your strength, you strained your vocal cords to choke out, “Seonghwa—!”
The desire to make the intense pressure go away was only stoked by his deep command, making something in you snap. With a strained cry, your hands flew down to tug at the sheets as bolts of lightning raced up and down your body. You faintly notice the tension in your lower belly dissipating a mite as you shook underneath Seonghwa. Remembering his instructions, you push your lower muscles as much as possible, feeling a sudden heat wash down your thighs.
You wanted to look and see if anything was happening down there, but the pleasure was overwhelming, forcing you to ride it out until your senses started to return. After what felt like eons, your body calmed down a little, although your hips would occasionally jerk.
Only when Seonghwa spoke did you become aware of your surroundings again.
“You did it.”
Those three words, teeming with pride, brought your heavy head up from the pillow. You looked up to see a pleased grin on his handsome face.
“D-Did I?”
His smile only grew wider, motioning you to take a peek between your legs. There was a delay from your brain to your body, but you managed to prop yourself up on your elbows. When you caught a glimpse, your mouth couldn’t help but pop open in shock.
The sight of your friend’s fingers stuffed in your pussy was already something to behold, but the extra details surrounding it only made it better. His hand glistened in the dim light of the room, along with your inner thighs. You had to look a little harder to notice the small wet spot on the towel, though.
“I did it…”
A swell of satisfaction built up in your chest as you gazed up at Seonghwa with amazement.
“I told you you could.”
Gratification and a hint of cockiness graced his tone, making a breathless giggle escape you.
Your friend hummed pleasantly, his free hand coming up to give your hip a gentle rub.
“Did it feel good?”
Good? Good?
“It felt fucking amazing.”
Seonghwa laughed at your impassioned response. “Wonderful. I wasn’t going to take anything less.”
You matched his laugh, flopping back down onto the bed as you continued to get your bearings. As the shocks slowly wore off, your brain began racing. The feeling you had experienced just now was intense yet addicting. It seemed that your body wanted more of what your friend gave you, not helped by the fact that he still had his digits inside.
Feeling a little more prepared this time, you brought your head up.
He lifted a brow at your call, followed by a wiggle of your hips.
“I want to do it again.”
His face relaxed into one of understanding immediately. He waited for you to get comfortable before starting to move his fingers at a steady pace. It took less time for the heat to start building back up, making your mouth part to let consistent moans out again. The sensation built up faster than before, assisted by the suggestive words Seonghwa would throw in in between. When that urge hit again, you didn’t hesitate to speak.
“H-Hwa, I’m gonna—“
Seonghwa’s jaw tightened at your warning, clearly ready to bring you to that high point again. But rather than let you lay back like before, his other hand shot up behind your neck, cupping it with a firm grip. You were lost about his intentions until he lifted, enough to have you looking down and getting an eyeful of his fingers thrusting in and out of your cunt.
Just the sight alone pushed you even closer to the edge.
“Watch yourself make a mess, Y/N.”
And your friend’s harsh words tossed you over that cliff in no time.
You moaned loudly, making sure to keep your eyes peeled despite the urge to close them again. You’re able to push a little harder this time, getting a clear view of the small stream coming out between your legs.
“Fuck, that’s it, baby—”
Your head was unable to throw back at the pleasure coursing through your body, thanks to Seonghwa’s hold. The control he had on you was unexpected yet thrilling. You somehow managed to watch his face now, your gut flipping at the way he fixated on what was happening below. His thick brows were knitted and his lips pursed in concentration while he continued to drive his fingers back and forth.
But then he glanced up at your face, directing that heat onto you with little shame.
“Good girl. Let it all out.”
Thank God he decided to let your neck go then, because his praise made whatever control you had on yourself disappear, causing you to splay out on the bed. All you could do was lay back and let him continue to work you over and over again.
At one point, you could feel his fingers slip out and cover you, rubbing back and forth to make your mess spread out. Had this been earlier, you would have been embarrassed at the way it was getting everywhere, but the fog of the strong orgasms erased your worries. Only when one of your hands flew down to grab his wrist did Seonghwa stop, leaving you to deal with the aftershocks.
Holy fuck, your thighs could not stop shaking. And you could feel every muscle below your waist twitching.
Once a sense of relief washed over you, your fingers unwrapped from Seonghwa before your arms laid next to your head. You panted harshly as you tried to get your bearings and calm your lower half (you came this close to kicking your friend in the leg). His warm hand came up and rested on your hip, rubbing with care as he soothed you with words.
“That’s it, Y/N. You did well.”
You lulled into a sense of security, eyes lidding until your lashes brushed against each other. The temptation to drift off into sleep was incredibly strong right—
But then one of the water bottles appeared in front of your face, making you realize how thirsty you were all of a sudden. You gave Seonghwa a raspy ‘thank you’ before taking it, sitting up and wasting no time in drinking.
“Trust me, you’ll need it if you want to keep going.”
You chuckled around your bottle, bringing it down once you were halfway finished.
“I appreciate it, the last thing I want is dehydration.”
Your friend grinned in humor, taking a moment before questioning, “How are you feeling right now?”
An answer didn’t come right away because there were too many. But for now—
Seonghwa laughed, the hand still on your thigh giving a gentle squeeze. “I created a monster, didn’t I?”
“Hey, you’re the one who offered to show me. If anything, you have to take responsibility.”
“Don’t worry, I will…once you’re back in order.”
You batted pathetically at his quip, only to rest your hand on your stomach as you continued to relax. The typical post-orgasm bliss crept up, although you ignored the desire to take a nap. Especially once you noticed the state your friend was left in.
The dim light gave you a clear view of how he strained against the fabric of his sweats, washing you over with a sense of pride.
“That seems like a problem.”
Seonghwa followed your stare, only to chuckle modestly and scratch the back of his neck.
“I’ll be fine.”
Your brow furrowed at his avoidance. “You sure?”
He was quick to shoot you a grin.
“Positive. This isn’t about me, remember?”
Oh Seonghwa. Sweet, considerate Seonghwa whose actions carried over to the bedroom as well. He probably thought you were only offering out of accountability, not knowing that it was far from that. You wanted to make him feel something tonight.
“I know, but—” You propped yourself up on your elbows. “—are you not interested?”
A wary glance. “…in?”
Time to let it out.
“In me…touching you.”
As you predicted, your friend was caught off-guard, surprise on his gorgeous face. He looked away a couple of times before he could finally meet your eyes. You nearly missed him whispering lowly, “I wouldn’t say that.”
A giddiness overtook at his answer. It gave you the nerve to say something you never imagined would leave the comfort of your mind.
“Would it be bad if I admit I want to suck you off?”
The way Seonghwa jolted visibly and hitched his breath at your blunt remark was a clear enough response.
“What? It gets me going. Besides, I want to at least give you something for making me feel so good.”
You weren’t given a verbal answer for a while, Seonghwa poking his tongue in his cheek while looking at you with contemplation.
“Are you sure?”
His question was met with a cheeky smile and a nod from you. They eased his expression into something more agreeable.
“Okay. Where do you want me?”
You sat up and scooted over, moving the towel’s wet portion before pointing at your previous spot.
“Lay down.”
Seonghwa was quick to follow your order, head resting on the pillows as he watched you reach for the last bits of fabric that was holding him back from being bare. Your fingers curled under the elastic of his pants and underwear and with a glance up and a lift of his narrow hips, you began sliding the waistbands down to reveal the effects of what had been going on.
Just the sight of his flushed and stiff cock had you letting out a low yet audible ‘fuck’, ripping his clothing off his long legs before taking your spot between them. Leaning your head in towards him, you were halted when one of his hands landed and gave the back of your neck a gentle grasp. Your eyes darted up to see him shake his head.
“Sit over here.”
Seonghwa patted the space to the left of his torso, prompting you to crawl back over him to follow his instructions. You kept your legs folded underneath your body, only to feel his hand cup your ass before lifting so you were on your knees now. As if he could hear your questioning thoughts, he muttered, “I want to keep touching you.”
All it took was his fingertips brushing your inner thighs before you leaned back down to get to work. Because of the angle, you had to wrap your fingers around him in order to reach with your mouth. Channeling all of the late night thoughts you’ve had about Seonghwa, you slipped your tongue out to run along his cock, soaking in the low groan heard from above. Turning your head, you peered at him.
Seonghwa blew out a short breath as he nodded, grunting, “Yes…keep going.”
Feeling more confident thanks to that, you did as he wished, making sure not to miss an inch of him. Up and down strokes turned into swirls and flicks, especially whenever you were near his tip (the sound he made from being in that area had you squirming). As soon as you heard your friend quietly begging for more, you parted your lips and began sinking down, the hand still gripping your ass digging in with a fierceness that made you jump.
“Shit, Y/N.”
But you didn’t let that deter you, stopping just when he was about to hit the back of your mouth before beginning to bob. You earned more of those beautiful noises from Seonghwa, along with fingers seeking out your soaked core, stroking and rubbing to have you vibrating around his dick with moans.
“You’re so fucking good with your mouth, baby—“
All of a sudden, you found your hands unable to stay still. Your right one slid onto his stomach, feeling the way his abdominals would tense and loosen constantly. The left one went down to his thighs, carefully running your nails along the muscled expanse. At one point, you got daring and crept up to graze his balls, earning a sudden thrust that made you gag for a second.
“Fuck, ‘m sorry.”
Seonghwa’s apology was swift yet gruff, the pleasure you were giving him obscuring any gentleness behind it. You didn’t mind, shooting him a glance and a thumbs up to signal that you were okay. As soon as you felt his hips relax and a careful pat on your bottom, you continued. His reactions to both your hands and mouth working him up were less sudden yet consistent, groans and hisses more audible than the soft music playing in the background.
When you started to feel him twitch more often and hear his breathing become erratic, you had to ask yourself where you were going to go with this. He accomplished his main goal already (multiple times), so it was only natural to finish him off before going your separate ways.
Honestly, you didn’t want to stop here.
It was incredibly dangerous to admit it, but you’ve already come this far with Seonghwa. What was the harm in taking this to the highest level? That is, if he was on the same page as you…
Carefully pulling off of him, you felt a pang of guilt at the low whine he gave from the loss of your mouth.
You could see his throat bob for a moment before he brought his head up, bangs clinging to his forehead as he looked down at you with nothing but heat.
Sitting up, you wiped the spit off your chin as you worked up the nerve to air out your want.
“Would you mind if…uh…”
Seonghwa tilted his head as he waited for you to continue.
A deep breath. “If we…kept going.”
He processed your implication for a bit, his dark brown eyes widening when it clicked. His mouth parted into an ‘o’ as he forced himself to sit up.
“Y/N…we don’t have to go all the way. We can stop here.”
You couldn’t help but deflate a little at his answer, wondering if he wasn’t as interested in taking this further as you were.
“O-Oh. Do you not want to…?”
Your disappointment was prevalent in your voice, causing Seonghwa’s hands to wave in appeasement.
“No no no, that’s not it at all! I just don’t want you to feel obligated.”
Obligated? Obligated?
Your friend straightened up at your impassive call of his name.
“There’s no obligation if I really want to sit on your dick, now is there?”
His mouth dropped, opening and closing before he admitted sheepishly, “No…there isn’t.”
A smile graced your lips as you patted his leg.
“All I need to know is if we’re on the same page.”
Seonghwa sobered up at your remark, chewing on his lower lip as he seemed to debate his answer. His eyes went to the hand on his thigh for what felt like a while. Finally, he looked back up at your face, meeting your gaze with a conviction that wasn’t there before.
“We are.”
To say your heart did a somersault would be an understatement.
“So…you want to keep going?”
He nodded firmly. “I do.”
You couldn’t help but want to egg him on, to make sure this was something he completely wanted.
“How bad?”
What you got was Seonghwa adopting an expression that you were becoming familiar with today as he took a hold of your chin, pulling you close to his face before husking, “How bad? I don’t want you to leave this bed until I have you squirting and screaming on my cock, that’s how bad.”
Fuck. This was what you got for poking the bear. Now you were rendered speechless and even more needy than before. Your reaction brought a devious smirk to his lips.
“Does that answer your question?”
You were only capable of nodding and leaning in to say, “It sure does.”
It was unclear who started it first, but the two of you ended up in a passionate kiss, hands roaming each other’s bodies in the meantime. Only when you were desperate for air did it break, Seonghwa giving your waist a squeeze before getting up to stand next to the bed.
“Lay down, Y/N.”
You quickly followed directions, spreading the towel back out to be safe and laying on your back like earlier. He grabbed one of the pillows next to your head and motioned you to lift your hips, placing it underneath to have them at a slight angle. You welcomed the extra cushion, watching as he turned and went into his nightstand to search for what you assumed were his condoms. But he didn’t produce them right away, frowning slightly when he continued to rummage around in confusion.
You appreciated his caution, but…
“We don’t have to use that.”
Seonghwa paused, giving you a dumbfounded look.
“What…? Y/N.”
The skepticism in his tone forced you to meet his wary stare with a serious one.
“Really, Seonghwa, it’s fine. I’m clean and on the pill.”
“You are? Well…I’m safe too, I haven’t been with anyone for a while now.”
That was all you needed. Reaching out, you gave his hand a careful tug.
“Then get back in this bed so you can fuck me.”
Your direct words made him swear under his breath before climbing on and over you, slotting himself between your legs as you spread them. You brought your hands up to rest on his lower back, wanting to be as close as possible. Seonghwa reached down to take a hold of his cock and line himself up with your opening. When you felt him run his tip along your sensitive skin, you hissed and bucked your hips.
Biting his lip, he started entering. Your immediate reaction to the intrusion was hitched breathing and a slight dig of your nails. You must have had the dumbest look on your face right now, but Seonghwa had an equally dense expression as he slid into you. Only when he was mostly sheathed did you attempt to regain composure.
“You okay?”
Seonghwa’s raspy voice gave a small boost to your ego as it was clear he was struggling to acclimate to the sensation as well.
“Peachy. You?”
He laughed shortly at your strained pep. “Just try not to move for a bit, okay?”
You let out a giggle, bringing a finger up to tap his nose.
“Yes sir.”
After the light twitch you felt him give inside, you both laid still to adjust. Something about laying in Seonghwa’s bed together with nothing but the sounds of sensual music and your breathing combined made an odd warmth build in your chest. The lips that came down to plant tiny kisses all over your jaw and neck didn’t help stifle that feeling.
Soon enough, you were ready to move on.
“You good, Hwa?”
Your friend brought his head up, looking less apprehensive than before, a heat in his dark eyes.
“Yes. You?”
A nod was all that was needed.
“How do you want it?”
Honestly? At this point, you didn’t have a preference. You just wanted to experience more of your friend’s magic touch.
With your knees pressing closer to him, you breathed, “However you like.”
Seonghwa reacted to your offer with another twitch and a clench of his jaw. Giving you a look as if to say ‘you asked for it’, he balanced himself on his elbows before pulling his hips back, quickly replacing himself with a sharp exhale. The act had you making a sound of your own as well, only becoming louder when he sunk in again.
His dark eyes flickered up to yours.
Lips quirking, he continued, building up a rhythm that started sending waves of gratification throughout your body. You were glad he kept the tempo moderate, testing what made you moan and tighten your legs around him. The pillow sitting underneath you did wonders as well, allowing him to reach areas that would’ve been more difficult without it. The way he cants his hips up has you searching for breath as he was getting closer and closer to stroking against that sweet spot, having you crying out all of a sudden when he finally pressed into it.
A throaty hum sounded above you before Seonghwa responded, “You like that, baby?”
Would you ever get used to him calling you that? Probably not, as an unmistakable tremble ran through you.
“Yes, Hwa…keep doing that.”
Seonghwa was quick to honor your wish, pumping in a way that had an unmistakably lewd sound echoing from between your hips. Fuck, when’s the last time you got this wet? You didn’t have any opportunity to think further as you began to hear heavy whispers all of a sudden.
“You’re even more gorgeous like this.”
“God, Y/N— Feel so fucking good!”
“You take me so well—”
Your head was spinning with all of the stimulation and you needed an outlet for the ball of energy building up inside you, so you grabbed onto the back of his neck to tug him down into a fiery kiss. Tongues were quick to seek each other out and tangle as Seonghwa kept fucking you thoroughly. Before you could realize, the same pressure from when he was fingering you made a comeback, slowly increasing until it was becoming too much.
You tried to pull away to warn your friend, only for him to keep capturing your mouth with his. The need coming from him was adorable, but you had to let him know. When you managed to part without him diving in immediately, you swiftly muttered ‘gonna come’, hoping he heard. But when the feeling hit your breaking point and your nails scraped his skin, he still wouldn’t let up.
Just as your orgasm was about to take you over, you frantically placed one of your hands between your sweat-soaked stomachs. A push to his lower abdomen forced Seonghwa to pull out, making you spray your come all over his cock with a sharp cry. The quivers immediately take over afterward, your eyes squeezing shut as you do your best to calm your muscles down, missing the way the man above you gaped down with shock.
He had gotten so caught up in you that the sudden withdrawal caught him off-guard. Everything started sinking in the longer he stared.
You just squirted on him.
Something about watching drops of your come roll off his cock makes him go a little crazy. He’s quick to grasp himself and slide back into you, his thrusts returning with a hint of urgency. Having him stimulating your still pulsating walls pulled sharp cries from your agape mouth, fingers digging into his back muscles.
“S-Seonghwa, shit—”
“Look at you—“ A nip to your bottom lip. “—said you couldn’t do it and now you’re just gushing everywhere.”
Oh…well, he did have a point. But you simply huffed and wrapped your legs tighter around his slender waist.
“More. Go harder.”
A guttural curse left Seonghwa, who quickly did as you asked, resulting in you gripping onto his shoulders now and becoming more vocal.
“Yes yes, fuck me just like that—“
He shook his head at your encouragement, rasping, “Who would have imagined that my lovely friend would have such a filthy mouth?”
You couldn’t help but laugh breathlessly. “It happens when I get fucked well.”
And fucked well, indeed. Seonghwa kept up the pace that was making your body sing, taking the opportunity every once in a while to seize your lips into a searing kiss. You appreciated the continued thoroughness from him, meeting him with the same energy by occasionally rolling your hips up or keening your praise. The words out of your agape mouth were only halted when you felt his hand slip between your bodies to give your throbbing bud a calculated swipe or two.
Something about the way you say his name makes his hand pull away all of a sudden. But your whine of withdrawal was interrupted when you felt the Earth spinning, finding yourself perched on his lap now. The change of position had you blinking owlishly.
That and the fact that the towel he had spread out had gotten awkwardly tangled between your legs.
“Hwa, the—”
Yet he was quick to remedy it by snatching the terrycloth and tossing it to the side.
“Fuck it, that’s what the laundromat is for.”
Your hand came up to cover the giggle that wanted to escape, humored by Seonghwa’s sudden one-eighty concerning his bedding. Although your giddiness died down swiftly once you got a good look at his appearance.
You know for a fact that your brain, even at its most creative point, would never have been able to conjure a sight as breathtaking as this.
Seonghwa flushed in multiple areas, sun-kissed skin glistening in the lamp light with sweat and chest heaving as he looked up at you like a man starved. All because of you.
This was an achievement that you’d be proud of for a long time.
“Feeling good?”
There was a slight delay to his response as he blinked.
“I…of course.”
You delivered a satisfied grin.
“Good. I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
The man underneath you merely laughed and shook his head, seeing your statement as silly.
“Saying yes to me was more than enough, sweetheart.”
As if he couldn’t leave you even more sheepish, he took one of your hands and planted his lips on the back of it. The intimate touch cooled down your burst of confidence, melting into modesty now. You only loosened your hand to reach up and brush back the inky strands plastered to his forehead.
“It’s my pleasure. Seeing you like this is something that I never thought I needed.”
Seonghwa’s mouth dropped in awe at your admission and you swore you saw his cheeks become redder.
Before you could lose your stride, you leaned down, hovering above his face as you whispered, “Tell me how I can keep it up.”
What you got next was a firm grip on your hips and a low growl.
“Ride me.”
And so you do.
You hold onto the headboard and Seonghwa’s shoulder before giving him the ride of his life. You experiment with different angles, planting your feet and leaning forward at one point or using your knees to swivel your hips quickly. Whatever would make the man underneath curse or dig his fingers into your damp skin.
“So fucking good, Y/N—“
Sinking down on his cock continuously wasn’t enough after a certain point. Between the sounds of your skin clapping against his, you croaked out, “Touch me, please— Oh fuck—“
Seonghwa wasted no time in fulfilling your wish, hands roaming everywhere on your body. From cupping your bouncing breasts to pinching your stiff nipples to grabbing your ass, he made sure to be as thorough as possible. Only when he decided to start circling your clit did your rhythm falter, your upper half bowing forward.
“Oh my— Fuck, Seonghwa!”
The gravelly chuckle he let out should have been illegal. “Like that, sweetheart?”
“Y-Yes— Don’t stop.”
And so he continued stimulating you to the point that your head was starting to spin from pleasure overload. Before you realized it, you were starting to squeeze him often, the beginnings of yet another orgasm about to wash over you. You were too occupied in making all sorts of noises with your mouth to give your friend a heads up, though he didn’t seem to need it as he called you out all of a sudden.
“You keep getting tight on me—” Seonghwa’s free hand reached around to give your bottom a smack that caught you by surprise. “—go on, Y/N. Make a mess on my cock.”
Was it what he said or the spank that triggered you? There was no point in stewing over it as either one was responsible for pushing you over the edge, a whine coming out as your body stilled and shook above him.
“There you go…that’s my girl.”
Somehow you were able to hear his praise, making your stomach flip even harder than it already was. When your tremors died down, you rested your forehead on his afterward, hoping he didn’t mind being used for support. The gentle rubbing on your hips that came eased your worries. Once you got your bearings, you couldn’t help but let your eyes trail down, not at all surprised to see the mess you left on his lower stomach.
You laughed airily, “I’m just ruining your sheets.”
Seonghwa merely hummed with a lack of offense, giving you a light pat.
“It’s worth it.”
He leaned up to steal another kiss from you, gentler compared to the most recent ones. But during the lip lock, you could feel weariness take over, making you blow out a breath after breaking the contact.
“Fuck, I’m exhausted all of a sudden.”
Your friend frowned at your words, reaching up and brushing some hair out of your face. “Are you going to be okay?”
“Mhm. Just give me a minute or two.”
Your body was quick to betray you, a yawn coming out immediately after. It didn’t help that Seonghwa laughed.
“I don’t know, Y/N, you look like you’re ready for bed.”
“Ugh, I’m not! Besides, you haven't come yet, I can’t leave you hanging like that.”
Seonghwa was quick to raise a brow, looking a little more strict now.
“So? Really, if you can’t take anymore, we can stop. I’ll just take care of myself.”
You appreciated his concern, but you just weren’t having it. This was going to end with a bang. The only way to make him understand was to hold his handsome face between your hands and give him a relentless stare.
“Seonghwa, I can keep going, I promise. I’m doing this all because I want to and this is no exception. As long as you don’t mind doing most of the work for me?“
As much as he fussed over you at times, you had to alleviate his concern so he wouldn’t worry his head off completely. Now was one of those instances and the longer you kept eye contact, the more he seemed to become at ease.
The sweet smile you gave him erased whatever lingered, his lips curling softly. He leaned up to give you a peck, sitting up and wrapping his arms around your waist. With a heads up, he maneuvered you onto your back, making sure to keep himself housed inside. To your surprise, Seonghwa didn’t begin moving immediately. Thinking he needed some encouragement, you linked your legs around his hips and gave a light tug.
A sharp inhale was all you received before he returned to thrusting again.
It became clear to you a short while in that he held off due to being closer than you realized. His breathing was more uneven and his kisses became borderline desperate, only making your stomach flip in delight at seeing this man in such a state.
“Y/N, I’m—”
Seonghwa’s sudden rasp caught you off-guard, noticing how his brows knitted together and he struggled to keep himself composed. To see that he was the one getting beaten with pleasure now had you wanting to give him a taste of his own medicine.
With a deceptively curious expression, you ran your nails up and down his sweat-soaked back before leaning into his ear to whisper, “Gonna come for me, Hwa?”
A thrill ran down your spine at the shudder you felt him give as he nodded quickly. Out of nowhere, a sinful idea came into your head. What you were about to say was so out of pocket, even for your usual bedroom talk, but Seonghwa just seemed to bring the worst out of you today.
And so you licked your lips and decided to husk, “Come inside me.”
You could hear your friend let out an audible gasp, hips stuttering in complete bewilderment. You were concerned that you had taken it too far, as you didn’t hear him respond for a moment. But then his forehead landed on yours and he locked his blazing irises with your own, looking borderline feral. His thrusts also took their speed up a notch, making you whine at the increase in friction.
“I’m going to fill this pussy up, make it even wetter—”
His growl made you tremble for a second, but you remained steady otherwise.
“Like you’ve always wanted to do?”
Your question made Seonghwa stare at you for a bit, broken by a throaty chuckle as he leaned in to brush his lips against the shell of your ear.
“You have no fucking idea, Y/N—“
With a nip to the skin, there were no more words exchanged as your bodies continued working together in tandem. You had to admit; there was a part of you that didn’t want this to end. You could honestly stay in this room and this bed with Seonghwa a little longer.
Just the two of you, indulging in each other.
But your unrealistic wish was broken when you felt him stiffen suddenly, letting out a heated groan as you felt him shake above you. The strong twitching of his cock against your walls was quickly followed by a warmth that coated them. Feeling him spill inside gave you the mildest of orgasms, manifesting in the most minuscule of tremors in your lower body. You couldn’t help but let your own come out a bit at the sensation, biting your lip at the way Seonghwa groaned from the feeling.
Once he finally calmed down, he carefully slid out to roll off of you and onto his back, leaving the littlest of spaces between your bodies. Your eyes remained on him as he caught his breath, looking over his disheveled appearance with wonder.
His lightly tanned skin reddened and shining with exertion. Eyelids shut. Chest rising and falling quickly. And yet, he still looked as stunning as ever.
Not fair.
But you smiled anyways, realizing another privilege was checked off your list; seeing Park Seonghwa looking fucked out as all hell.
“All better now that you proved me wrong?”
He gave a weak laugh.
“Much better.”
Even exhaustion couldn’t dim down his sass.
You gave his side a playful swat in return, receiving a snicker. The laugh died down, leaving a comfortable silence paired with a song that you often had on repeat. You were going to give Seonghwa some room to recover, but the more you mulled over it, the more you wanted to have some type of contact with him again.
So you rolled onto your side and scooted closer, letting your leg brush against his faintly. The touch made his eyes open, head turning slowly to gaze at you. He watched you for a moment, only for a pleasant smile to come across his lips.
You couldn’t hold back your grin.
Seonghwa kept his eyes on yours, only to bite his lip after a bit, looking less sure than earlier.
“Thanks for…entertaining me.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his sudden shyness. Where was the demon from before?
“My pleasure. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind doing this again with you.”
Your confession pulled rapid-fire blinking from your friend, his cheeks turning scarlet now.
“Mhm. Though you might want to get a mattress protector or something next time.”
Your suggestion eased his awe, laughing as he responded, “I will keep that in mind. Or we could try it at your place next?”
“And mess up my good sheets? No way!”
One of his brows raised. “And you think my sheets aren’t good?”
“I didn’t say that— Ugh.”
You went to give his chest a light swat, only to find its impact weaker than expected, thanks to the sudden wave of fatigue. The halfhearted attempt only made him giggle with mischief.
“Forget it, I’m too fucked out to argue with you, Hwa.”
Seonghwa laughed quietly, reaching out to pull you close and rest your head on his chest, making your heart skip.
“Then why don’t we just take it easy for a moment before cleaning up, hm?”
His offer was so tempting, although maybe you should get up right away. But the idea became enticing the longer you laid on him, melting into his warm touch.
Fuck it.
“Fine, but don’t let me fall asleep, okay?”
Not that you were completely against it.
Seonghwa hummed in understanding, the vibration felt against your cheek. Your eyelids lowered halfway, your body falling into a state of relaxation. Between the music, his steadying heartbeat and the breathing that slowly evened out, you could already guess that staying awake would have been impossible.
Before you could possibly doze off, you processed everything that had occurred since you stepped foot in this apartment today. Seonghwa had shown you a side that you never dreamed of seeing, only thought about while you were in the comfort of your own private space. And they were thoughts that you convinced yourself would never come true.
But here you were, naked in the same bed that you often sat on and watched your friend play Animal Crossing (paired with comments from you on how Tom Nook was the biggest crook).
The biggest thing that stuck with you was how Seonghwa seemed to want you just as much, shown in the way he took care of every one of your needs. His patience with figuring out what made you tick and making sure you were consistently comfortable was more than you expected. Should you have anticipated any less from him, though?
A pleasant ball of warmth started forming in your chest while the tiniest of smiles graced your lips.
No, you shouldn’t have.
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©bangtanintotheroom, 2024. Crossposted to AO3. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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rustedhearts · 1 year
everytime (steve harrington x fem!reader)
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summary: despite your break up two months ago, you can't seem to stay away from each other. when you need him, he's there. but how long can this really last?
uses she/her pronouns and female anatomy.
♡ the steve collection ♡
tags: steve + reader are college age (early-mid 20s), alcohol consumption, angst, hurt/comfort-ish, reader may have a bit of a substance abuse issue (it's heavily implied), accidental casual dominance? (steve really just takes care of her)
"every time i try to fly i fall without my wings, i feel so small. i guess i need you, baby. and every time i see you in my dreams, i see your face, it's haunting me. i guess i need you, baby."
—everytime, britney spears (ethel cain cover)
hawkins, indiana 1999
For your first date, Steve took you to Harvey's: a little retro milkshake diner off the interstate with the soggiest salted French fries and the smoothest strawberry shake you'd ever had in your life. He kissed you against the tin wall, right beneath the neon crimson exit sign. He held your hand on the drive home and kissed your knuckles at stop signs. You're so fuckin' beautiful, he told you on your porch.
That was senior year, three years ago.
For your last date, Steve took you to Enzo's: the fanciest Italian restaurant in town with bitter sauce and crunchy breadsticks. He didn't kiss you on the way there, nor the way back. You barely looked each other in the eye during the entire meal. When the check came, Steve slid it into his lap and turned to your hand, limp and empty on the tabletop. This isn't working anymore...is it? he asked you.
That was two months ago.
Your relationship had been on the outs for a while. All you did was fight, and not the fun, witty banter you used to have. The arguments turned explosive: doors slamming, engines revving, broken picture frames. Steve accused you of flirting with every man you came in contact with. You accused him of insecurity and projection. The pair of you made a scene no matter where you went, and soon it became exhausting just to be in your presence. You were bitter and bitchy, no longer the sweet girl he loved to make giggle. You became resentful and mean, and he became passive and silent.
It wasn't working, and it hadn't been working for a while.
You moved out of the apartment and in with a friend from college, taking the tiny spare bedroom she'd been using for storage. Most of it lived in the closet now, but the space was yours. The move was difficult—you'd lived with Steve since the day after high school graduation. You were gonna get married. You were gonna move west to California when you were done with school and abandon Indiana together. The pair of you had dreams bigger than this town, and now that you had gone your separate ways, they felt out of reach.
But you hadn't really gone your separate ways, had you?
You spoke on the phone a few nights a week, murmuring in the darkness about your days. Though it always went unspoken, I miss you bled through every phone call. When he inevitably sighed, and the receiver crackled with his shuffling, you had to bite way tears. I should get to bed, he'd say, and he'd say it like an apology. You soaked your pillow, wishing you'd told him you loved him a little more than you did when you had the chance.
Because you always loved Steve, and you were certain you always would. Nobody had ever been so kind to you, so sweet and understanding. Steve saw you for who you were, and never wanted you to change. But you pulled away from him, pushed him out when he tried to get in. Nobody bothered to stick around as long as Steve did. And that scared you.
Now here you were, crying yourself to sleep.
♡ ♡
One thing you didn't lose in the breakup were your friends. They refused to pick sides, insisting that there was no need to choose one or the other when they could easily split their time. More often than not, you found yourself waving to Steve through Eddie Munson's apartment window as he got into his car and drove off—like switching shifts, alternating between your visits and Steve's. He'd wave back, a stiff palm in the air directed your way in the windshield, paired with a tight-lipped, solemn smile.
Tonight, Eddie was hosting a party with his girlfriend, Gwen, and you knew the crowd would be absent of Steve. The only reason Steve ever attended parties was because you wanted to. He much preferred staying in and reading, or going to dinner just the two of you. He hated crowds and loud music, the 'sloppy drunks and fuzzy potheads' as he called them. He hated Eddie's other friends, and he hated you around them. You were always a little too eager to guzzle alcohol and puff a joint—it was the topic of many of your arguments.
He wasn't wrong, and that's what pissed you off the most.
Because here you were, on your third rum and coke of the night, sipping from a tiny red straw and chewing on the plastic. Eyes hazy and rimmed pink, cheeks flushed with warmth, sweating down your spine. The apartment was crammed with people like sardines in a tin can, and you stumbled through them on your way to the kitchen for some sort of snack. There, you found Robin and Gwen leaning against the sink, eyeing you pitifully as you fell between them with a sigh.
"What's up, girls?" You were out of breath and slurring your words.
They shared a look over your head, cringing. "How many have you had, babe?" Gwen asked.
You hummed, rubbing at your eye and smearing glitter across your cheek. "Uh...like two? Three. Definitely three."
"Three and?"
You huffed, tipping your head back exasperatedly. "Three and, like, one fucking hit. How many have you had, Robin?"
Your tone was mean. It always got a little sharp and cruel when you had too much to drink. The words always came flying out before you could swallow them, and you always woke the next morning with a massive headache and a ball of regret the size of Canada sitting in your throat. You felt it, a pang of guilt stabbing your gut, when you saw your friends' faces fall. You felt it, wringing your heart like a wet washcloth when Steve would stomp off.
"Hey. We're just looking out for you," Gwen interjected, brows furrowing at your tone.
Your cheeks flamed, teeth digging into the fleshy interior of your cheek to stop the tears of humiliation from springing forth. You turned around shakily and took a warm cheese cube from the platter on the counter.
"I know. But I'm...I'm fine. Okay?"
The girls sighed, and Eddie came shuffling into the kitchen with a beer and a cigarette in hand. He wrapped an inked arm around Gwen's neck, pulling her in by the crook of his elbow to plant a loud kiss on the top of her head. She fit into his side and nuzzled his neck, smiling in greeting. You swallowed, throat coated with thick warning. You were going to cry, and you sure as fuck weren't gonna do it here.
"Hey, what's up, scholar?" Eddie asked you, smacking your arm playfully.
You refused to turn around, knowing if you did the whole kitchen would see your glossy eyes and wobbling lip. But this just made you mean again, and as you plucked more cheese from the counter and poked at limp peppers, you pulled in on yourself. Eddie turned to his girlfriend and Robin, who shook their heads dejectedly.
"You okay, honey?" Robin reached out to rub your arm, and you curled away to wave her off, keeping your face angled toward the floor.
"I'm fine. I just...I'm gonna...go wash my hands."
You hurried off, refusing to meet their eyes as you went. You staggered through a sea of people, dizzy and foggy-headed, struggling to breathe. Gwen and Eddie's bedroom was the last door on the left, and you burst into the room with an urgent gasp of breath. The door slammed after you, and you had half a mind to sink onto the floor and lie there for the rest of the night until you stopped crying—but then you saw the phone.
You didn't even think about it.
You knew the number by heart. You dialed the numbers like second nature, lifting the phone to your ear to cradle the cool plastic with shaky fingers. You sniffled to clear the snot, swiping at the tears dripping down your cheeks. The dial tone droned. Once, twice, three times. You sank onto the floor against the bed, leaning your head back against the soft mattress.
You squeezed your eyes shut. "Stevie?"
It was quiet a moment, and then another soft sigh. "Honey...why are you callin' me? Is everything okay?"
His voice, so soft and smooth like it always was, felt like a security blanket. It wrapped around you, tendrils curling around your bones to hold them tight like he used to. And you wanted nothing more than to hear that voice murmuring in your ear, with his arms around you to keep you safe. Everything's been so off-kilter since he left. Since you left each other. Every day feels like finding your footing all over again. Naked and bare, you weren't sure which direction to go in unless he was there to guide you.
And as selfish as it sounded, you wanted him to guide you again.
"N-No. I'm so fucked up, Steve—it's so fucked up."
Shuffling crackled through the receiver, and you imagined Steve sitting up in bed and rubbing his tousled hair. He sounded tired when he spoke again. "You been drinkin', baby?"
You nodded, sniffling nosily. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Stevie."
Keys tinkled like wind chimes in the distance of the other line. "Where are you, honey? Hmm? Do you know?"
You sighed, snot rattling in the back of your throat. Your hand fell to the itchy carpet beneath your legs, rubbing your palm to scratch it. You hated how this sounded like a routine. Like he expected you to call, all fucked out and lost. You wished you were better for him.
"M' at Eddie's."
"Oh, okay," Steve sounded a little relieved. "Stay where you are, alright?" He was coming to you.
"Steve...you don't have t' come, m' sorry. M' sorry, just...I'm all over the place."
"I'll be right there."
The line clicked, and you carefully placed the phone back in the cradle. The tears started up again, full force and breathless. You gasped for air and hiccuped like an infant as you clawed your way onto the bed, sprawling out on your back. You were grateful the room was dark. You didn't want to see yourself like this.
You listened the songs change while you waited to calm your cries. The room hadn't stopped spinning, and your throat felt so tight. Your chest hurt with a hollow ache that hadn't gone away since your last night at Steve's. You slept in the same bed, facing opposite walls. In the morning, you slid your key across the table and kissed his cheek. He carried your boxes to the car and stroked your cheek with his thumb against the passenger door. He smelled like hazelnut coffee and sleep.
Four songs passed before you heard familiar voices murmuring outside the door.
"Jesus, Steve, you can't keep coming to rescue her," Robin huffed.
You wiped your cheeks, lips downturning. Tough love really hurt when it came from your closest friends.
"Mind your business."
"This is my business. I care about both of you, and this is just...this is unhealthy!"
"Get out of my fucking way, Buckley."
The door handle jiggled, and you turned your head to watch it open. A streak of yellow light sliced through the blue darkness of the room.
"You don't know shit," Steve muttered, and then he was standing in the room.
The thump of music became muffled by the door once more, light clamped off to return the pair of you to darkness. A strip of moonlight beaconed over his face as he stepped closer, hands in the pockets of his jeans. You could hear his keys jingling as he fidgeted. He tipped his head at the sight of you lying there.
"Hi," you whispered. It was the sweetest you’d sounded in months.
Steve swallowed, trying not to rush over and kiss you. He had to fight the urge each time he saw you, even in passing. It felt wrong to part ways without a kiss goodbye. Even when you fought, you always stopped to kiss each other before going to work or heading to bed. It became one of Steve's favorite habits. He felt empty without it.
"Hi," he murmured back.
You sniffled, carefully turning your head away to look toward the ceiling. You were disappointed to see it was still swirling. You suddenly wished you were sober. Maybe he'd see you differently.
"You didn't have to come."
Steve shrugged in your periphery. He was wearing one of those collared polos that you loved. Three buttons always left undone, tight white t-shirt underneath. You wanted him closer. You wanted to smell his cologne again.
"But I'm here."
You shuffled to your elbows, groaning softly. Something lurched in your stomach, coiled tight in your belly. You were gonna be sick, but you didn't want to be in front of Steve. Pushing off weakly on your palms, you sat upright and wiped your cheek, smearing more makeup in the process.
Steve inched closer, waiting for his cue to step in. It came when you stood and wavered on the carpet, reaching for a steady surface.
"Alright, easy, honey." He swooped in, arm wrapped around your waist to guide you toward the bathroom door.
He pushed it open and flicked on the light, propping you against the sink like a Barbie doll. With an open palm on your stomach, he kept you upright as he rummaged through the drawers for a rag. You played with the brown leather band of his watch as he ran the rag under warm water, a pout embedded on your mouth.
"Wanna hop up there f' me?"
You braced the cold counter with the heel of your palms, lifting on wobbly arms to sit on top. "Atta girl," Steve mumbled under his breath, and even in your bleary state you flushed with warmth.
Resting against the mirror, you watched Steve lather powder white soap onto the wet cloth until it bubbled, bringing two fingers under the pink cotton to wipe against your cheek. His eyes were steady on his own ministrations, watching his hand clean away the smeared mascara and tears.
Your eyes, however, could only focus on him. His big sad eyes, swampy green and brown flanked by long, curled lashes. The mocha-colored freckles grazing his cheeks and collarbone, sprinkled along his neck. The pout on his plump pink lips, taken between his teeth in concentration.
When he switched the cloth to the other cheek, you exhaled shakily and caught his wrist. His eyes flicked to yours, finally catching your gaze. He blinked, another one of those toothless, tight-lipped smiles breezing over his lips. It was painted with pity.
Wrapping both hands around the warmth of his forearm, you tipped your cheek into his palm and the soapy, damp cloth encompassed around it. Steve sighed, chest deflating beneath that handsome polo. In the fluorescents of the bathroom, he looked prettier than ever. You were smaller than he'd ever seen you, crumpled and disheveled.
"You drank too much again." He said it the way he orders a cheeseburger in the drive-thru: casual, predictable, cool. He expected this.
That's what always hurt you most.
Your mouth opened to utter a reply, but all that came was a shuttered breath. Your lip downturned, jutting out in a petulant pout that made him ache. He swiped two fingers, cool from the cloth and scented of clean soap, across your temple and into your hair, tucking it behind your ear.
"Just felt sad," you admitted lowly, rubbing your hand along his arm.
Steve placed his hand against your other cheek, suddenly cradling your face. His thumb made circles in your sticky skin—firm, tender, just the way you used to like it. Your eyes fluttered closed, head falling deeper into his hold.
"About what?" His voice was so soft, so small. The rest of the world fell away outside of his tiny, outdated bathroom.
You scoffed humorlessly, head shaking. You opened your eyes again as you fiddled with his watch. "You know what."
Steve's gaze rolled over your face, swollen and pink, stuck in a defeated frown. He wondered if you'd remember this in the morning, or if it'd be another night you fell fuzzy on.
"Yeah...yeah, I know, baby."
You huffed, breath hot and laced with liquor across his arm. "M' sorry. M' sorry I made you come out here, and...m' just...m' just sorry—"
"—hey, come on—"
"—no, Steve...m' a mess. Everyone's right about me."
The pads of Steve's fingers scratched at your scalp, and you hated how easily you purred like a kitten at his touch. Your neck craned, and if it weren't for his hand holding your head up, you might've lied down right there on the sink. Inebriation had its claws in you deep.
"Hey," he cooed, urging your head up with his wash-clothed hand. "Don't talk like that."
When you did nothing but continue to frown and sniffle, Steve sighed and steadied you upright. "C'mon, lemme finish cleanin' you up."
Your shoulders slumped, head bobbing gently. "Okay."
Steve chuckled, rubbing your other cheek with the soapy cloth. "Okay."
You were pliant to his pulling and prodding, allowing him to clean you without complaint. He tucked your hair behind your ears when your face was washed, and filled a Dixie cup with cool water for you to drink. He rested his hands on your bare knees as he watched you gulp it down, patting them when you were done.
"All done?"
You nodded, handing him the paper cup. He tossed it in the trash bin, nudging your chin up with two fingers. "Hey. You with me?"
You nodded again. "Mhm."
"I'm gonna take you home, okay?"
You grasped his hand, pushing your fingers through his. "Okay."
He helped you off the counter, but he didn't drop your hand. He held it as he guided you through the dark bedroom and into the hall, using it to pull you into his side to fit through the crowd. When you made it to the kitchen, you were stopped by your friends, and you pressed your head to Steve's firm back as their voices melded into a yell.
"Oh, fuck off, Munson, seriously, this is none of your business. Last I checked, our relationship only involved the two of us."
"What relationship? You broke up—weeks ago, by the way, in case you forgot—"
"—I didn't forget," Steve hissed, side-stepping and pulling you with him to avoid Eddie. "And for the last time, it’s none of your business.”
You peered back at the group of your friends huddled near the sink as Steve steered you toward the back door. You knew they were disappointed—you could see it in their empty eyes and pursed lips. You could see it in the way Gwen had to rub Eddie’s arm to calm him down. Because the two of you were making a mistake, and you’d never move on if you kept crawling back to each other every chance you got.
But maybe you didn’t want to move on, and maybe Steve didn’t either.
Steve took you home that night, and sat you on the end of the bed. He pulled your dress down your legs and replaced it with a big t-shirt: sunshine yellow, drenched in Steve. He tucked you under the blankets and kissed your head. And then he crawled in beside you, and held you the whole night.
He took you home, where you belonged: with him. And he didn’t know if you’d wake the next morning wondering where you were, or happy to see him nuzzled in your neck, but Steve was willing to roll the dice. For now, he could pretend this was how it always was, and that you never left.
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mysticheathenn · 3 months
Is Your Next Partner a Karmic, Twin Flame, or Soulmate?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is for my Patreon All Tiers. This pick-a-card reading is all if your next partner is a karmic, twin flame, or soulmate.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
Extended Patreon Includes:
What can you do to avoid or bring this person in?
What will you learn from this relationship?
Extra Messages
Patreon Link
Ko-Fi Donations
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Pile l: 
What label is your next relationship? Tarot: Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, 7 of Cups, Queen of Wands, 8 of Pentacles (all Reversed), The Chariot (Upright)
KARMIC. Pile l your next relationship is showing up as a karmic relationship. Now before you start denouncing the devil back to his corner office, just know that karmic isn't always a bad thing just like everything in life has a polar opposite of good and bad karmic is the same...except when it comes to this person. I hate this energy for you. I pulled a few more cards from an oracle deck and this person will disguise themself as your soulmate I'm hearing Taylor Swift "I'm a nightmare dressed as a daydream." At first, you are going to believe that this person is the one and will be over the moon but slowly over time this person will start to do the "Breadcrumb method" on you. For those who don't know what the breadcrumb method is "when you give an individual just enough morsels of attention to keep them or hooked into the relationship (or situationship), without any intention of really committing." for those who want more in-depth here's a video from TikTok https://tinyurl.com/4688bus3 . This person just wants your attention as well as the idea of being with you but does not want to be with you for a long-term commitment that goes anywhere. The Song Keep Me Hanging On by Kim Wilde is this situation "Set me free why don't you baby..you don't want me. You just keep me hanging on." I see a few of your friends will point this out to you or some of you won't mention it to your friends because you know what they will say but your guides want you to reach out to your friends and let them help you see the light to get out of this situation. Patreon Post Link
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Pile ll:
SOULMATE. I love the energy of your cards pile ll. It's very peaceful, calm, and healing about this energy. You're next relationship I don't know why but for a lot of you this is something that was a long time coming. Maybe you have been used to karmic after karmic, aka lesson after lesson and now life has seen your growth because the sun is coming out to shine a blessing over your next relationship. This next person coming in for your love life will be about healing what other people have broken in you. For some of you, your previous relationships may have broken your trust in specific genders or even the types of people you tend to go after. You can relax your head with this person coming in because that is all they want you to do is relax, trust in them, and heal what I am hearing your feminine energy. If you are the masculine reverse the role of your next partner all you want is for someone to relax and trust you without you having to apply to boot camp to even get a name out of them. Your heart chakra will be singing with nothing but pure love with this person. You may have trouble opening up at first but when you do you will look in the mirror not sure of who the person is in the mirror you're looking because this person is meant to transform your life, mentally, emotionally, and for a few of you financially.  Patreon Post Link
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Pile lll:
What label is your next relationship? Tarot:   The Tower, The Hermit, 9 of Cups, 8 of Swords (reversed), The Chariot, 10 of Cups. 
TWIN FLAME. Britney Spears - Chaotic popped in my head as I looked at your pile's cards. This energy is beautiful but also a bit intense in a way like most twin flame connections are. I just kind of hate how TikTok has made Twin Flames out to be. It's not this lovey dovey relationship, even though it can be but twin flames you are basically walking mirrors to each other. I am hearing this quote from Twilight movie: Eclipse (3rd movie) from Bella's mother when she meets Edward and she says
"Renee: The way he watches you. It’s like he’s willing to leap in front of you to take a bullet or something. Bella: Is that a bad thing? Renee: It’s an intense thing. You’re different with him. He moves you move, like magnets. Bella: I don’t know, we’re just… Renee: In love. I get it." Link to clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6bWmjbXpiw 
Twin Flames are chaotic. They show you parts of yourself that you didn't even know existed as well as the parts of yourself that you may hate about yourself because technically you are one split from the same soul. But don't let this scare you because this connection is actually beautiful overall you know this person is your 10 of cups, your fulfillment, your person, your "everything" It's going to feel as if there is no one else in the world who is meant for you and other days you are wanting space you will second guess things but not enough to where you think about breaking up for good maybe a small break but leaving each other alone isn't an option because this person is it. They are your Yang to your Meridith Grey from Grey's Anatomy. Patreon Post Link
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
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xcherryerim · 2 months
Double The Fall, Triple The Pleasure
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- Billy x Gn!reader x Derek -
“Merrier the more, triple fun that way. Twister on the floor, what do you say?” — 3 by Britney Spears
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word count: 3.6k
Warning: Threesome (this is a love corner with the reader, not a love triangle. I AM NOT shipping Josh characters together) | sexual tension | Penetration | Giving and receiving oral sex (no genitals specified for the reader) | Choking kink | Masturbation | Handjobs | Praise and degradation | Porn with plot | light mentions of vaping, alcohol and gambling addiction. | Reader is submissive btw | Derek is a possessive jealous fuck (but also a needy loser)
Summary: As you work your shift as a casino host Derek Danforth, the son of the co-owner, decides to begin a round of baccarat with a stranger named Billy. Somehow you end up participating in the game and emerge victorious, causing the two players to owe you financial compensation but, they end up repaying you in another way.
(if you want to go directly to the smut section look for the “✦ “ symbol.)
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There are two distinct types of gamblers. The rich make hasty decisions with their money, while the desperate lot implore and pray to the machines and chips, hoping for a miraculous windfall of riches. 
As a casino host, your responsibility is to ensure that the patrons become loyal to the establishment; however, as a bystander, when a person who isn’t a part of the one percent plays, it’s impossible to hold back the feeling of regret. While you acknowledge you are fulfilling your obligation, you know it is easy to become engulfed by obsessing gambling, and you don’t wish that on anyone. 
However, you do not care if the rich pour their monetary possessions into the abyss, and you maintained that sentiment toward Derek Danforth, the son of one of the casino’s co-owners.
He wasn’t a regular at the establishment and gambled a little, but occasionally brought his friends to indulge in excessive drinking, and smoking while toying with machines. However, now he was by himself, which was unusual. 
“Mr. Danforth, it is a pleasure to have you back. Would you like your usual?” you inquired. “Huh?” A confused response erupted from his lips, his body lurching forward with a wobbly movement. The apparent intoxication exhibited by him appeared on the edge of his consciousness as he scanned the area once more.
“Yeah, and I want a table,” he uttered the request, with minimal confusion.
“Certainly. Would the others in your group be joining us this time?”
Derek shook his head, his body appearing unsteady as he did so. “No, just me.” 
“Oh, how so?” you questioned, your tone of voice maintaining professionalism as it did during work.
“Just bored,” he responded with a shrug, unbothered by the circumstances, even as you detected a hint of inebriation.
“Oh, indeed, a casino is the ideal way to take away boredom,” you remarked with a feigned professional tone, although the sarcasm in your words was all too obvious.
“Why don’t you join me for a round?” he inquired as he seated himself at the velvety green table, awaiting your response.
“I’m here to ensure everyone’s enjoyment and prevent any illegal behavior,” you replied, concealing your hostility and disdain for a facade of civility.
“I am not a participant, but a spectator, Mr. Danforth,” you concluded, using a firm tone with a mild undertone of mockery.
“You don’t seem to have much enjoyment yourself,” Derek said as he inhaled from the vape he held, the vapor surrounding you before dissipating into the atmosphere.
“I’ve said it once, and I’ll repeat it. Drop that professional speech style. We’re around the same age, so why do you still feel the need to communicate with me like this?” he stated, sounding frustrated with continuing your formal conduct.
“If I speak like I do, I will get fired for unprofessionalism.” You retorted as you prepared the negroni and handed it over to him.
“I won’t allow that to happen,” he replied, taking in a generous sip from the glass before continuing his words. “You’re too hot to lose.”
You felt uncertain about whether to offer a genuine response to his flirtation or simply scoff at it, and you began to silently pray that he would not launch into another lecture about cryptocurrency, which had become an irksome topic of conversation during your prior interactions. 
“Thank you, Mr. Danforth. It means a lot.” You spoke, avoiding direct visual contact to avoid any implications or insinuations. While you acknowledge that he is a physically attractive man, the irritation he can induce within you is bigger than your attraction for him, or at least that is what you try to tell yourself.
“I’m assuming a solo round?” You mentioned shifting the subject. 
“Not quite...” he replied, his gaze examining the environment until he managed to pinpoint the individual of interest, a man around his same height, adorned with dark-toned hair and a jean jacket, giving an out-of-place demeanor compared to the ambiance of this prestigious gambling establishment, thus providing a vulnerable and susceptible target.
Derek walked with confidence as he had already won the game. “Hello, I’m Derek, Derek Danforth,” he proclaimed, displaying his self-assured attitude and firm grip as he shook hands with the stranger, showcasing his superiority complex.
“Billy, and yeah, I will join you.” The individual stated this with assertiveness, grasping tightly onto his gold necklace, an item he viewed as his lucky charm.
In your inner thoughts, you were fervently hoping that the gentleman with the cowboy-esque appearance would end up victorious and leave the premises swiftly and promptly. You were aware that the significant bets Derek had made in the past were so large that they could obliterate the finances of a person with the speed of light. 
“Billy would join me for a game,” Derek proclaimed as he settled into his designated seat.
“Billy, we’re delighted to have you here with us,” you uttered, the corners of your mouth rising into a pitiful smile, yet the individual seemed to have construed your gesture as a sign of flirtatious intent as he provided a subtle wink in response.
A palpable aura of awkwardness permeated the atmosphere between you and Derek, his displeasure at the sight of another man attempting to flirt with you becoming evident despite every attempt to mask his emotions on the matter. Regardless of the discomfort of the situation, it was undeniable that you experienced a certain degree of gratification and joy as you had the attention of both men.
“So, shall we begin?” you spoke, skillfully shuffling the deck with precision, as well as showcasing a few unique tricks you had acquired throughout your time spent working at the casino. You felt their eyes taking in every choreographed performance, their minds filled with various ideas and fantasies of what else someone with such masterful hands might also possess the aptitude for.
 As the game began, your eyes were filled with anxiousness as you carefully followed the steps and maneuvers that had taken place in the game of Baccarat. The interior sound of your mind urges Billy to take all the appropriate actions to win, but unfortunately, he falls short in his efforts.
Derek chuckled in mockery. “Maybe next round you can win.” 
Billy groaned in annoyance at Derek’s comment, his attention quickly turning towards you. “Why don’t you play with us?” Billy asked.
“I don’t,” you started to say, but Derek interrupted your response by uttering, “Do as I say and play.” 
The harsh look delivered by the wealthy individual in question prompted a sense of apprehension and caution within you, but you were compelled to oblige the order. 
Despite never playing, you were sure that you had a chance of winning, as you had taken the time to observe numerous matches, making you able to identify and comprehend the various mistakes and errors that tended to occur, as well as what appeared to be successful. However, the extreme bets that Derek was making and Billy’s persistent attempts to one-up them caused you a moderate degree of concern, but you tried to maintain a state of composure. 
When the game came to a close, seeing both men so sure of your failure just for you to end up winning at the end was ecstatic. Now you understand why people loved gambling in the first place. Your smirk quickly fades as you let go of the cards as if holding them down would make you more intoxicated with the high these activities had to offer. 
Derek grunted, a sound oozing with a subtle tinge of frustration as he pulled out his lousy Gucci wallet. “Is cash fine or a check?” He asked slightly annoyed. Billy, on the other hand, looked at the table, his eyes darting back and forward.
“I don’t; I don’t have that type of money.” He stuttered as he looked at you. 
“Mmh,” You leaned closer. “Maybe you could pay in another way.” You teased playfully, indicating your intent to pursue a physical means of compensation. 
 “And suddenly I have no money either. How sad.” Derek said, hiding his wallet, hoping to provide you with a similar recompense as the one you sought from Billy. 
“The expression goes: save a horse, ride a cowboy, not: save a Ferrari, ride a rich man.” You chuckled in response. 
“But wouldn’t both be great to ride?” Derek replied, his expression exuding self-assurance as he took a swig from his beverage.
You quickly looked at Billy, who didn’t seem to mind the offer. You,  on the other hand, were skeptical, but how many people win a game and have the opportunity to be fucked by two attractive guys?
“Alright!” you exhale, a hint of satisfaction coloring your voice as you reach into your pocket and retrieve the keys entrusted to you by the establishment. With a decisive click, you lock the door to the cleaning supply room behind you, effectively sealing off the space from prying eyes. 
When you turned in their direction, you felt their hands roaming against your body. Their fingers traveled the contours of your figure, triggering sensations that surged down the length of your spine, evoking chills and shivers. Billy pulls your head, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, his tongue dancing with yours in a sensual duet. His hands slide beneath your shirt, exploring the warmth of your bare skin, while Derek’s lips trail down your neck, nibbling as he leaves a trail of goosebumps in their wake. 
Derek’s hands work swiftly to unfasten the buttons of your uniform, revealing more of your body with every movement. He does this with a sense of urgency as if he cannot get enough of touching you. The sound of fabric rustling fills the air, accompanied by soft moans escaping your lips as their touches become more intimate and bold. 
With Billy’s assistance, you manage to wriggle out of your dress pants, your legs quivering with anticipation as they continue to explore every inch of your exposed skin. Derek moves lower, his lips brushing against your belly button before trailing further south, stopping briefly at the waistband of your underwear. He looks up at you, seeking permission with his eyes alone. You nod, unable to resist the intense desire that is building within you. 
With renewed determination, Derek hooks his thumbs under the elastic band and slides them downward. His eyes widen in surprise at what he sees—you’re dripping and ready for him. Without waiting for confirmation, he leans forward, planting a series of open-mouthed kisses along your inner thighs. Then, his tongue starts to trace slow circles around your sensitive flesh. His actions send waves of euphoria coursing through your body, making you squirm in delight. 
While Derek worships your body, making sure to not leave any part of you without licks and sucks, Billy takes matters into his own hands quite literally. He expertly undoes his belt, wrapping it around your neck and tightening it just enough to heighten your senses without cutting off your airway entirely, adding an edge of danger to this already erotic encounter.
Billy then proceeds to remove his red boxers, revealing his rigid erection pulsating with need. It jumps slightly at the sudden exposure, eager to be touched. He grasps your hand and places it around his twitching cock, guiding your movements as he leans in for a brief, passionate kiss.
“Get your money’s worth,” he whispers against your lips, his smirk widening as he watches you. 
With urgency, you begin to tease the head of Billy’s cock with your thumb, tracing its ridges and veins as if mapping out every inch. Your other hand teases Billy’s shaft rhythmically, setting a pace that pleases both of you. The room fills with the sounds of your whimpers and his groans, a testament to the intense fulfillment coursing through your bodies.
At the same time, Derek’s hunger grows as he feasts on the throbbing between your legs, his skilled tongue and lips working together to bring you to the brink of ecstasy. His light whimpers echo throughout the small space, punctuating the air with his insatiable craving.
“You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught,” Derek warns, concerned about someone hearing their explicit activities. With a swift motion, he yanks the belt tied around your neck, causing you to cry out in surprise and pain. 
Your breath catches in your throat as the sudden pressure cuts off your oxygen flow. When he releases the hold, you gasp heavily.
“You liked that, huh?” he asks with a sinister smirk, reading your flushed cheeks and labored breathing. 
“Maybe I should get you a collar so you don’t forget who you belong to.” His words carry an underlying threat as if claiming ownership over you. Without waiting for a verbal response, he stands up, towering over you menacingly.
Derek reaches out, grabbing your chin forcefully, tilting your head back so your eyes meet his. “Because you fucking belong to me, remember that.” 
Despite the fear and uncertainty swirling within you, there’s also a strange thrill running through you at his possessiveness, causing you to let out a whine. 
Your weak sound made Derek smirk in amusement. His teeth were barely visible. Then, he resumes to his past attitude. 
“I’m tired of you bitching and moaning.” Derek said, “Get on your knees.” His command is firm, leaving no room for negotiation. You obey without question, kneeling before him and Billy. Their cocks are mere inches from your face, and the lines between reality and fantasy blur even further.
Their presence looms large over you; their virility and masculinity are intoxicating in this dimly lit room. Your mouth waters at the sight of their hardened members, yearning to taste them and to please them in any way possible. 
Both men watch you intently, their eyes filled with expectation and fascination. You can practically see the thought process playing out in their minds: who will you serve first? Who will you satisfy last? 
With a deep, shaky inhale, you lean forward, your lips brushing softly against the tip of Billy’s erect member. Your tongue darts out to taste the salty droplets of pre-cum glistening on its surface, savoring the flavor while your hand wraps firmly around Derek’s shaft, moving up and down with increasing speed, this motion is both a show of submission and a subtle act of rebellion, aiming to push him closer to the edge. 
Derek’s moans increase in volume, his hips bucking involuntarily in response to your aggressive stroke as his eyes roll back. The pain of overstimulation mingles with satisfaction, creating a complex mix of emotions that only adds to the overall experience.
Meanwhile, Billy’s gaze is a mix of awe and hunger, his breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. The contrast between your two lovers couldn’t be more apparent—one nearing orgasm, the other waiting with bated panting for his chance. But Billy isn’t content with waiting; he wants to join in the action too.
Suddenly, he grabs the collar around your neck, tugging it firmly and forcing your mouth wide open to accept his entire length. You struggle to accommodate Billy’s girth, your throat adjusting to the invasion as best it can. Saliva drips from your chin, coating your neck and body as you fight to keep up with his demands.
“You know, for such a professional-looking host, you’re taking it like a fucking slut.” 
You want to answer back at Billy’s words but, the sensation of being mouthful by his engorged member is overwhelming, but you refuse to give up. Determined to please both men, you focus on taking him deeper, and your efforts are rewarded by his low growls of approval. Meanwhile, Derek watches with a mix of jealousy and admiration, pulsating in anticipation as your strokes become sloppier on him. 
“Touch yourself,” Billy commands. Without hesitation, you use your free left hand to explore your own body, mirroring the sensations he experiences.
Your eyes lock with his, reflecting your admiration for this astounding man standing before you, dominating and directing your every move.
Your fingers caress your sensitive skin, discovering the wetness left by Derek’s earlier attentions. You moan around Billy’s shaft, the sensation intensifying as you stroke yourself in sync with your mouth’s movements. 
Billy’s eyes darken with desire, his grip on your ‘collar’ tightening slightly. “That’s it,” he encourages, spurring you on.
“Swallow every fucking drop,” he orders, his words sending a shiver down your spine. Sweat glistens on your brow, and your gasps come in ragged as you redouble your efforts, eager to satisfy him and prove your loyalty while you pleasure yourself and bob your head on Billy’s dick.
Derek watches hungrily, his length pulsating in your hand, as he impatiently awaits his turn. His grip on your hair tightens, demanding your attention. “Please!” he begs, his voice tinted with desperation. “Give it to me!”
Your eyes lock with Derek’s, and with a nod, you move towards him, ready to grant his wish. He quickly guides your mouth towards his member, and you eagerly obey, wrapping your lips around his dick, feeling him twitch in excitement at the first touch of your warm, wet mouth. His scent fills your nostrils, mingling with the musk of sex and sweat, creating an intoxicating blend.
 “Fuck, you’re better than I imagined.” Derek cries out.
Billy watches the exchange as he searches for a condom among the scattered clothing on the floor. Once it’s located, he rolls it onto his shaft, preparing himself for what’s to come. 
Moving behind you, he gently fingers your entrance, seeking silent consent. You pause momentarily, breaking contact with Derek’s length long enough to respond to Billy with a yes. As soon as your sentence ends, Derek responds by thrusting harder, face-fucking you relentlessly. 
Your eyes water and tears stream down your face as his pace increases. In the meantime, Billy positions himself at your entrance. With a single confident thrust, he enters you, filling you up. 
As he begins to thrust in and out of you, matching Derek’s pulls on your head, you lose track of time and space. All that exists is the combined sensation of two cocks inside you, stretching and filling you. The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, grunts, and moans drowning the room, creating a primal symphony of desire and satisfaction. 
Your hands grasp Derek’s thighs, your nails digging into them as your body aches. Sweat trickles down your forehead, staining your face, and you don’t care. Nothing matters but the sense of belonging to these two men. 
Derek hisses at the sudden attack from your nails before he speaks. “I know I’m big, but you can take more than that,” Derek growls, forcing more of him into your mouth, attacking your throat mercilessly, while Billy picks up the pace, pounding into you faster and harder. 
His thrusts became more erratic, his hips slamming against your ass with reckless abandon. You cry out, your voice hoarse from the constant stimulation, feeling your body tense up, preparing for your orgasm.
Just as you think you can’t handle it anymore, Billy pulls out suddenly, leaving you panting and empty. Before you can recover, he spits on your entrance, lubricating it again. Then, with one swift motion, he re-enters you, filling you up once more. His size stretches you wider than ever, causing you to scream in both agony and gratification. 
“I love the sounds you make when I'm destroying you," Billy mumbles as he slaps your ass a few times before he speaks again. “So much better than the last person I was with.” 
Derek, sensing your imminent climax, speeds up his pace even more. His thrusts become faster and harder, hitting your uvula. His movements are deliberate, designed to send you spiraling over the edge. Billy, aware of the approaching orgasm, matches Derek’s intensity. Together, they push you to your limits, each thrust bringing you closer to the peak.
The combination of their movements is too much to bear. Your body convulses, shaking uncontrollably as you near the edge. You cry out incoherently, your voice a mix of pleas and curses. Finally, it happens. A wave of pure bliss washes over you, starting from your core and radiating outward. Your muscles clenched around Billy’s cock, which came undone, Derek following right after as you swallowed him entirely. 
For a moment, all three of you remain frozen in time, basking in the afterglow of your shared orgasm. Sweat covers your body, mixing with the evidence of your passions and dedication.
Then, Derek proceeds to pick you up, ensuring you’re okay and still able to walk, as Billy quickly goes to dress up again. 
“Wanna do aftercare?” Derek asks. This is different; this isn’t the usual Derek you’re accustomed to, but there’s something special about him at this moment.
“I’d love to,” you reply, unable to resist his newfound vulnerability. For a brief moment, you both stare at Billy, unsure whether to include the stranger in this intimate moment. But he speaks up, breaking the silence.
“I’m fine; I need to go anyway.” And with that, Billy abandons the room, leaving the two of you alone together.
Now it’s just the two of you, stripped bare emotionally and physically. You look at each other, unsure of how to proceed. Should you clean up? Talk about what happened. Or simply cuddle and rest in each other’s arms? 
“That was weird,” Derek says, slightly confused by Billy’s sudden departure but dismissing it. He’s glad that the two of you are alone now. 
“Get dressed up. We’ll go back to my place, and...” As Derek reaches for his pants, they feel unusually light. You exchange a confused glance, picking up your clothes and finding them similarly lacking.
Realization dawns on you both—your wallets are gone. It seems Billy took advantage of the situation to steal from you when you guys thought he was looking for a condom earlier on. You share a look of disbelief. 
“Fucking Billy,” you mutter.
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Hope you guys liked it, it’s my first time writing this sort of thing but I wanted to write something special for having 100+ followers 🫶🏻 Thank you so much for reading my stuff! (If you only want to see my smut writing consider following my side blog @xxxcherryerim where I reblog my work!)
tags: @freak-accident419 (hand in marriage, NOW /j) @joshhutchersonsgf @joshfutturman @jhutchismyl0verb0y @lile6969 @savvyotakuqueen
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cxrsed-angel · 1 year
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word count: 3k
Warnings: smut 18+ only (minors DNI), Daddy kink (kinda expected), established relationship, age gap (reader is between 24-25, Joel is in his 50s), oral (male receiving), fem!reader
A/N: I've always thought Joel was hot but Pedro Pascal playing him really did it for me, trying to improve my smut so I hope this is better than my last one. <3!!
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You were going through an old building as a short cut you didn't realize it at first from the decay and rubble, but the more you looked around, you could see that it used to be a mall. You looked inside a store seeing if you could find anything useful when you spot it. It was a sign from fate; you go and grab the shirt and hold it up to look at. Considering what it's been through, it was in pretty good condition, like it was saved for you. You quickly take off your backpack and put it on. It was a little small; you assume it was a baby tee from the fit of it, but you had a long sleeve under, so you were still covered. You hear Ellie call your name and grab your stuff and run over to them. Joel starts walking, leading you out once he sees you, “Took you long enough come on lets get out of here” You see Ellie looking at the shirt, trying to read it.
 “I heart-i heart, whats a DILF?” Ellie asks more so to anyone than directly to her you could see the gears turning in her head trying to figure out what each letter means. 
You wish you could take a picture of Joel's face when he heard that, he turned around so fast, “Where the hell did you find that at” “C’mon Joel you know this is my brand, my whole motto, this is me, it was fate that brought me and this shirt together and Im never taking it off.” 
“Dead I Like, Deadly I-ok I give up what is it” you both ignored Ellie trying to figure out what DILFS are. 
“I can't take you anywhere, how do you always manage to find the most ridiculous shit during an apocalypse.”
 “Hey! what is it, I don't get it.” You hear Ellie shouting at you clearly annoyed, but youre more focused on Joel at the moment. 
“Aw Joel don't be jealous you know you're the only DILF for me” 
“Can you shut the hell up.” You giggled slightly at the clear annoyance in his voice. You loved messing with him when you can, and when it wouldn't put you in danger of course, you added some much-needed fun to his life. 
You finally leave the mall and walk out onto the road; you were so excited about your DILF shirt, you had an eye for things like this. You knew you couldn't take back everything you find but if it was small or something you really liked you took with you like when you found an old hello kitty watch, it didn't work, but it was still cute. Another time you found a Britney Spears poster in decent condition that was currently hanging up in your room, but the DILFS shirt was definitely your favorite after the poster. You were happy to add it to your little collection. 
“Can someone please explain what is a DILF I don't get it and why is Joel one?” Ellie asks for the billionth time, getting frustrated at you both for not listening to her. 
“Its da-”  You were interrupted by Joel his deep voice, a little upset at you for almost telling Ellie, you didnt think it was too inappropriate but he clearly disagreed. 
“Absolutely not youre not telling her she doesn't need to know, way too young for that, Im surprised you even know what it means” he responded, looking back at you mortified at where you had learned it from. 
“Hey! I was born before the pandemic you know” you tell him, reminding him that you’re not that young. Although compared to him, you were. 
“You were what 4, 5 when it happened can’t have remembered much before.” you heard the sass in his voice but you continue trying to prove that it shouldn't be surprising that you know what a DILF is. 
 “Okay, Im not ancient like you but still I had older friends, and we would talk about-” He interrupts you again, staring at you with frowned eyebrows. 
“Please stop there I really don’t want to know what you and your friends talk about, can we just change topics please.” If they told you about DILFs, he really didn't want to hear what else teens talked about in this world. 
“Dude c’mon, why can't you tell me, Im not a little kid.” Ellie says again, trying to get both of your attention and get you to explain it to her. You know now she’s not gonna let it go since Joel told her no. But you decided you’ll explain it later, especially after the whole playboy magazine situation, and she was around the same age you first heard it from your friends so you didnt see the issue.
“Alright from here until we get to where we are headed we are quiet, no one says a word unless you're dying got it” you could tell Joel had heard enough, and considering that you were outside you told it was best to listen to him and not distract him or yourself. 
“got it” “yes sir” you lean towards Ellie. “He’s in a mood today huh” deciding to bother him one last time before you would have be serious. 
She was about to respond until you walked right into Joel, giving you a yet intimidating glare frowning his eyebrows at you.  “alright alright, i’ll shut up.” 
After a couple hours of walking, Joel found a small safe building to sleep for the night, and you had been talking to Ellie until she fell asleep; you walk over into the room Joel was in, deciding to tease him again.
 “Hey daddy whatcha doing?” you call out in his direction, watching as he rolls his eyes at the name. 
“Stop.” he responded flatly, clearly not amused by your jokes, but you decided to keep them going. 
 “What's wrong Daddy does it make you flustered?” You thought he was going to give you another flat response or tell you to shut up. But you were wrong, instead, he stands up and walks over to you, standing closer than you anticipated, you try to step back slightly, but his arm around your waist prevents you from going too far. You feel the blood rush to your cheek and ears, your mouth goes dry, not knowing what to say or how to respond.
“Oh look who’s flustered now, sweetheart.” His deep voice teases you back, having more of an effect on you than your teasing did on him. You feel yourself get hotter, your brain is unable to focus anything except on how close he was and his rough hand around your waist forcing you closer to him, though you didn't mind. You continue blinking up at him, speechless.
“Youre so quiet now what happened, thought you were teasing me baby?” 
You continue to stare at his brown eyes, the only thing you brain was thinking way, wow hes so hot. You look up into his face, taking in his features. The wrinkles around his pretty brown eyes, the scars and cuts around his face. God you always thought he was attractive but it still amazes you how hot and pretty he was. You could look at him all day. 
He wraps both his hand around your waist, pulling you to him,places his lips on yours. You loved kissing Joel. It was rare having him kiss you while you weren’t in the safety of the QZ. He usually couldn’t relax enough to kiss you, needing to be alert and focused just in case. So this took you by surprise but his kisses always made you feel warm and safe, and in that moment, you didn't have to worry about anything. All that mattered was him. 
You wrap your hands around his neck as you deepen the kiss, pressing your lips against his rough lips, closing your eyes as you melt into his embrace; his hands lower down your waist and squeeze your ass, which surprises you so much that you let out a small gasp against his lips. Joel pulls away slightly, smiling at you “youre cute” His actions confused you; you rarely ever are intimate outside the walls, but you trusted him and if he felt comfortable you knew you were safe so you decided to mess with him “hmm I dont daddy youre pretty cute yourself.” 
He guides you over to the makeshift bed, leading you by your waist, making you walk backward, as you continue kissing him, parting your lips slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside yours. 
 “You ain’t gonna stop are you” he asks he sits down and pulls you down onto his lap; you couldn’t tell iif he seriously was tired of you calling him that or if he just teasing too. 
 “what you don't like it Daddy?” you ask, trying to gauge his reaction you didn’t want to push it too far or actually make him uncomfortable. 
 “I never say that now did I, sweetheart?” again, he confused you does that mean he liked it or that he didn’t mind you joking about it? you stare at his face trying to see. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by him pulling your lips onto his again. But more aggressively than earlier, moaning into his mouth and rolling your hips against him as he gropes your ass through your jeans.
“Joel” You moan against his lips before you lean your head into his neck.
 “Aw baby what happened to daddy huh” you pull away, looking up at him with wide eyes, surprised. Did he like it? You look at his face and see his eyes full of lust, and you realized he liked it. He liked it when you called him daddy. You look down, suddenly getting shy and embarrassed about saying it. It was one thing saying it as a joke and teasing him about it, but to moan, it was different; it was dirtier. 
He saw you getting shy and flustered in his lap, avoiding eye contact with him. Unlike you, he could read you like the back of his hand; he could easily tell you were embarrassed.
“c’mon baby no need to be shy, I can tell you like too don’t you” he softly stroked your waist when one hand and squeezes your ass with the other. you take your gaze off the floor onto him. nodding in agreement with him.
“C’mon baby need you say it, you like calling me daddy don’t you” you could tell he wanted you to say it out loud, his hand rubbing small patterns on your waist encouraging you, reassuring you that you didn’t need to be embarrassed. 
“Yea i like it daddy” you mutter quietly, still ashamed to say in a serious setting. Not quite ready to admit to yourself that calling Joel daddy turned you on as much as it did. 
You didn't think you would like it or find it this attractive. Maybe it was your lack of a father growing up, and Joel being older than you. You didn't know why; all you knew is that once you said it, you felt yourself getting wetter. 
“hmm good girl” he takes your face into his hands, kissing you again; you slip your tongue into his mouth, his deep voice letting out a moan against your mouth. You couldnt help but grind and roll your hips against him, searching for any type of release. 
He goes to lift your shirt but stops slightly, rolling his eyes “Want me to fuck you in the I heart DILFS shirt dont you?” you look at him, nodding laughing a little “you know me so well.” 
He sighs and shakes his head. Although there’s disappointment in his voice, you can tell there’s also amusement. “ I do, dont why I tolerate you” 
 “You love me, cant live without me, I bring adventure into your life you’d be so bored without me.” you remind him why he puts up with you.
“Shut up” he mutters, though you sensed the amusement in his voice because he knows you’re right. As much as you annoyed him, he couldn’t imagine living without your teasing and antics. 
You unbutton his shirt and take it off, lightly grazing your fingers across his chest, admiring his chest and body, you see more scars and healed wounds but you also see his muscles. You’ve always loved his body. You remember the nights in your apartment placing, kissing along his waist, his chest, his stomach. 
You thought about placing marks on his chest but were interrupted by him unzipping your jeans and lifts your hips up to slide your pants off, you get off his lap, taking off the rest of your pants.  You unzip his pants, pulling them down, you stare at his bulge through his boxers and press kisses onto his dick, teasing him through his boxers. 
“Wanna suck you off” you mumble quietly, focusing on how much you need him in your mouth. You weren’t even sure he heard or understood you until you hear his deep voice speak to you, breaking you away from your thoughts. 
“What’d you say darling couldnt hear” You know he heard you he just wanted you to say it louder. 
“Can I please suck your dick daddy” you look up at him batting your eyelashes while you rub your hand against his hard dick. You feel his dick twitch against your hand while he bites his lip, suppressing a moan. 
“Goddamn darling you’re killing me” his texas accent getting stronger as he gets harder in his boxers, you loved hearing his deep texas accent come out as he gets more turned on by you. 
He pulls down his boxers, and no matter how many times you’ve seen his dick, you’re still in shocked at how big he is. You can’t help but to stare for a couple of seconds taking it in, you smile up at him before teasing him licking the tip gently as you lightly stroke him, you continue placing kitty licks on his dick. He shivers against your tongue, and you love it, love watching him fall apart because of you and seeing how much your mouth affected him. 
 You gather some spit in your mouth before you drool some onto his dick. He rolls his eyes back as you slowly stroke his cock in your hand, using your spit as lube. You hear his deep voice moaning as you lean down and lick the tip while still stroking him. You start to slowly speed your hand when you feel his hand lightly tugging your hair making you stop and stare up at him.
 “you’re gonna have to speed it up sweetheart.” 
That was all he said before his hand grabbed the back of your head and forced your lips onto his cock. You hollow your cheeks and take him in further, feeling your nose brush against his hair at the base of his cock. He moves his hips gently fucking your throat 
“Fuck you feel so good” he murmured under his breath, his voice deeper than his usual tone. You closed your eyes as you felt yourself starting to choke on him,he started to thrust his hips faster into your mouth. 
“C’mon baby look at me, look at daddy.” 
You couldn’t help but moan around him at his words, feeling yourself getting more turned on as he called himself daddy. You listen, looking up at him through your eyelashes as you continue taking him down your throat. 
“Atta girl, so pretty looking up at me like that.” you feel yourself getting warmer from his praise, loving how vocal he was, you wish you were back at his apartment so he could be louder without the risk of drawing unwanted and dangerous attention. 
He moves the hair that was falling in front of your face behind your ears “you look fucking gorgeous sucking my dick darling” feeling butterflies in your stomach as he compliments you.  
You take him out of your swollen lips when you start feeling dizzy from the lack of air; you continue to stroke him in your hands as you catch your breath until he puts his hand on your head, guiding your mouth back onto his cock. His deep voice moans out your name under his breath as he gets closer to his release. 
“fuck darling i’m close keep on-yes like that baby god you like this huh like having daddy’s dick in your mouth sweetheart?”
You nod as best you could, trying to agree, but all that comes out is your moans against his dick. You could tell he was close as his started to get slightly louder, but you could tell he was trying his best to be quiet. His deep voice, making your head go fuzzy in arousal. He start making you gag as he thrusting into your mouth faster , sloppy fucking into your mouth as he closer to his release. After a few more thrust you hear him moaning your name as he cums into your mouth. You feel his cum shoot into your mouth and down your throat.
You held your head onto his cock until he finish before you slowly took him out your mouth. He holds your cheek in his hands, lightly caressing them. 
“Open baby girl let me see.” you happily open your mouth, showing how you swallowed his cum. “Good girl baby c’mere” he pulls you onto his lap again before placing a kiss on your lips , softly biting your bottom lip before pulling away. He holds you in his lap for a couple of minutes. you lay your head on his shoulder as he softly rubs his hand up and down your back.
“if we were at home you know i’d take care of you right baby” his deep voice makes you lift your head off of him, looking into his eyes. Before you met Joel, you thought older men didn’t have much of a sex drive, you didn’t know if it was just Joel or all men in their 50s but he proved you wrong. There have been many nights in his room where he would fuck more than one time; the first time caught you by surprise. Of course, you both paid the price in the morning; both sore, aching muscles had to spend the next day in bed, not being able to do much. So you know he would have fuck if you were back at home. 
“Of course i do” you play with the hair at the back of his neck for a little while before getting off his lap so he could put his clothes back on, and you do the same. You didn't mind; you knew sucking him off was as much risk as he could take, and you didn't really feel comfortable enough to fuck out in the open like this. After you both have your clothes on, you lay down with Joel, wrapping your arms around his waist as he turned, pressing your back into your chest, falling asleep. Trying to rest before you’d have to walk back to the QZ in the morning.
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tarotwithlove · 8 months
pick a card ⋆ what do you bring to the table?
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reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · LINKTREE · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips and feedback are highly appreciated!
cards ⋆ two of wands (reversed), five of cups, six of cups, four of wands, two of pentacles (reversed). spellcasting oracle · beauty, lighten your load, strength.
songs ⋆ all the man that i need by whitney houston. weak by thando. the kids don’t wanna go home by declan mckenna. 
hey there group one ♡ you may not be financially well off, especially when compared to the people by whom you are surrounded; or when compared to the people you date or with whom you enter relationships.
the people around you may often have to shoulder your expenses and financial needs as their own - parents paying your rent or friends paying for your meals when you go out, for example. this may make you feel self conscious, and may keep you from dating, spending time with loved ones, or going out with friends and family. 
you may feel that you bring nothing to the table, but that is not true. you are a beautiful ray of light, and the people who want to spend time with you want to do so because of who you are and what you can do - not because of what you have. 
you are a shoulder for people to cry on. you are pillar of strength. you are sunbeam that makes people feel better about their own pain, suffering, and challenges. people don’t mind going above and beyond for you, or covering for you financially, because you make up for it by being present and carrying your weight in other ways. 
if someone were to make you feel less for your current financial status, that is a person who shouldn’t be in your life. the people who deserve to be in your life know and recognise that what you bring to the table is more than money can buy. they know, too, that once your financial situation turns around you will be as generous with your money as they were with theirs.
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cards ⋆ six of swords, nine of wands, ten of wands, queen of cups, the moon. spellcasting oracle · home, dreams, happiness.
songs ⋆ needy by chanmina. long flight by taeyong. solo by frank ocean.
hey there group two ♡ what you bring to the table is your intellectual ability. you are an intelligent, well-read person, and what you bring to the table is both your intellect and your level-headed nature. people feel as if they can rely on you, especially when it comes down to making difficult decisions; they feel as if they can ask you for advice on anything and trust you to give objective input that will help them make the best possible decision.
this holds true even in small instances, and you may find that people ask you to make day-to-day decisions for them too - such as, what should they eat, what should they buy, what should they spend their day doing.
when people are in your company, they feel as if they can completely turn their brain off and put all their trust in you. they know that they can rely on you - for some, this is with regard to their financial future, especially if you have a career in financial planning, financial advising, or accounting, or if you are someone with a lot of investment or financial knowledge.
even if not, for all of you, people know that they can confide in you without judgement and put their lives in your hand without any fear.
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cards ⋆ the world (reversed), nine of cups, the tower, eight of pentacles, seven of cups, the hermit (reversed). spellcasting oracle · protection, new beginnings, beauty. 
songs ⋆ matches by britney spears & backstreet boys. crush by yuna & usher. instagram by dean. 
hey there group three ♡ you may be on a journey of self-discovery or personal transformation. and while you may have started this not trying to be an inspiration to anyone that is what you have, eventually become.
what you bring to the table is your own passion that you rub off on the people around you. your passion for self-improvement and for life. this, and your beauty that makes people want to improve themselves physically to be “worthy” of being in your presence, or getting even a little bit of your attention.
you push people to change and make better choices. by seeing how you carry yourself and the standards to which you hold yourself, you make the people around you want to follow your lead. people feel as if by just being in your presence, they can start to live better lives. if only to start seeing their lives in a better light and want to start improving for not only themselves, but for you.
you make people want to do hard things to not only  make you proud but to make themselves proud. 
what you bring to the table is your purpose as a sort of trigger. you trigger people through your actions and behaviours and push them to live their lives to the fullest. you make people care about their health and physical appearance, because of how much you care about your health and physical appearance.
even while you don’t mean to do this, you push the people who meet you and who are around you to push themselves physcially and mentally - whether by exercising and working out regularly, eating a specific way, or doing the hard work of going after their dreams. 
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cards ⋆ ace of cups, four of swords, eight of pentacles, eight of cups (reversed), seven of wands, three of wands. spellcasting oracle · healing, travel, transformation. 
songs ⋆ my journey by brown eyed soul. up by cardi b. on my mama by victoria monet.
hey there group four ♡ what you bring to the table is first and foremost your confidence!
you may have had a difficult upbringing and faced many other challenges in your life, often feeling like an outsider or like you have to work twice as hard to be accepted or to even just be acknowledged. this may be because of your race or gender, or because of your role in the home as a middle child or stepchild. 
whatever your circumstances, they have time and time again pushed you to go above and beyond. but you have overcome and, in overcoming, you have become a confident and self-assured person.
however, you have remained humble and down-to-earth, thus making other people feel drawn to you and comfortable in your presence instead of intimidated and put off.
your confidence in yourself, the way that you speak and carry yourself… these are things that will get your foot in the door and that make people want to put their faith in your. people see you as incredibly successful. and if you are not currently successful, people see as you someone who will one day eventually be. thus, they want to keep you in their corner and want to make sure you are aware you can rely on them in any situation. 
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choclodox · 1 year
Lyle’s IQ score Head Canon
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HEAR ME OUT: as much as Lyle def gives me himbo™️ energy, I also feel like he’s supposed to be…PRETTY SMART? he’s just also goofy. Like, I feel like he’s one of those friends that’s the smartest but also the dumbest person you’ve ever had at the same time.
Here is my evidence (dons glasses and grabs a laser pointer)
1. First and foremost, I’m pretty sure Quaritch wouldn’t let a dumbo be able to advance to the rank of Corporal, so Lyle needs to have SOME level of competency (but there’s still some room for his goofball nature lol).
Side note, studies show that people who are comical tend to have higher IQs since it ranks critical thinking to understand humor and make jokes. So Lyle is at least smart in that department.
2. In the first movie, we can see that Trudy trusts him enough to work on her Samson. We all know how much Trudy LOVED her Baby, so she must have had some serious trust in Lyle (someone who wasn’t an RDA mechanic) to let him even TOUCH her Rogue One’s equipment.
3. Also in the first movie, Lyle actually knows his stuff about combat theory and the AMP suits. When Quaritch has Lyle survey the aftermath of the Omatikaya’s retaliation for the destruction of the Tree of Voices, Lyle is able to describe in detail what the damages are. He’s able to tell that the arrows were fired from Ikrans based off the angles of the arrows in the damaged equipment and dead bodies, he can say for a fact that the AMP suits are not just damaged but what exactly is damaged (the Driver in this case).
4. Now in the 2nd movie, we actually get to see more of his smarts come into action. Lyle actually gets promoted from Corporal to Lieutenant and becomes second in command to Quaritch. The RDA wouldn’t let that happen if he was purely a trigger happy soldier; you needs some gray matter for that position.
5. Next, Quaritch looks to LYLE to pull the security feed off of OG Quaritch’s AMP suit. And Quaritch is a smart guy too, but it feels like Big Curly Q knows he’s out of his depth on this one and just hands it off to Lyle because he knows that he actually knows his stuff.
But ya, thanks for coming to my TedTalk :)
Also, a few other hcs I embrace
Lyle is that ONE gringo friend that knows FLUENT Spanish (and possibly knows other languages as well). And when I say Gringo, I don’t mean he’s white but is still Hispanic, no. There is a reason why JamCam named this man after Wainfleet, Ohio (the Ohio of Ohio). But nobody questions his ability to speak Spanish. You leave him alone in any Authentic Hispanic setting and come back in 20 minutes, they’re running to the liquor store because they already ran out of Tequila/pisco/etc. TEAM LATINO LOVES HIM
*side note, Jake probably knows some Spanish too since he did his tours in Venezuela. Who knows, maybe he taught some to Spider because he knows he’s team Latino. A
*and Quaritch probably knows some of Nigeria’s native languages (Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, etc) since he did 3 whole tours there before coming to Pandora
Lyle likes 90s music (Britney Spears, Mariah Carey) but mainly SHAKIRA. I could see him just dancing alone to Hips Don’t Lie and someone walks in trying to get his attention, but he doesn’t notice and they have to clear their throat and he just screams when he finally notices them
He can dance Samba, Cumbia, Tango, Flamenco. ANYTHING in that family HE CAN DO IT FLAWLESSLY ASU PAPI
Might come from a family of mechanics and worked in a mom and pop mechanic shop (I embrace that one HC where he has a love for cars and just engineering in general). Maybe he wanted to be a more refined engineer but just couldn’t pass the tests since he was more of an intuitive thinker and tests favor more of the technical thinkers.
Likes DragonBall Z but will never admit it
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plzfeedmebread · 1 year
What Do I Tell My Friends Family? Pt. 4
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word count: 8212
Pairing: Recom! Miles! Quaritch x Female! Sully! Na'vi! Reader Tags/Warnings: slight violence, swearing, fluff, reunion, so much crying
Author's Note: Man. Partway through writing this, I realized it was gonna surpass 10k, so had to break it up into more parts lmao. No smut in this chapter folks, sorry! Next chapter I promise bb xo
<previous chapter> | 4 | <next chapter>
You could lay there forever, you think. Tightly pressed into your mate’s side, bonded. Body aching from love making. But such bliss cannot last, not while you’re still a prisoner.
Quaritch feels your unease through the bond. He knows you’re right. He looks to the holo-clock on his bedside. It’s the early hours of the morning, still have a few hours before sunrise. He starts rubbing slow soothing patterns on your back. You hum softly.
He thinks about what’s going to happen to you in the morning. The General said she wanted you ready in a few days, get you back in that machine. He has no doubt in his mind that she’d be willing to push you to the brink of death again. He’s grateful the machine broke when it did. He swears he heard Her voice when it did. Did She intervene? If so, he resolves to thank Her properly when he can.
First and foremost; he needs a plan to get you the fuck outta here. Now with his memories fully back in place, any allegiance he once had to this place, to the RDA, has gone straight out the window. He spent a lot of his afterlife in quiet contemplation. It was a painful thing, to come face to face with one’s own past. To truly delve into the things he did. The guilt, regret and sorrow was almost overwhelming. But he got through it. And after all the years he spent seeing you, then those months spent together intimately, you were the only thing he cared about now. Well, besides his son, but he cared for the boy in a different way.
Sweet Spider. He wondered if the kid would ever forgive him. No doubt everything that has happened to you will come to light. He wonders how much you’ll actually tell him. You feel his uncertainty through the bond.
He sits up suddenly, a renewed sense of determination floods your senses coming straight from him.
“I gotta get you the fuck outta here.” You stare wide-eyed at him, but smile when you see the sternness of his expression as he looks to you.
“Wait here.” He orders, unlinking your queues. He rushes to dress himself in his black tank top and camo pants. He comes back to the bed and kisses you hard; leaving you breathless.
“I’ll be back.”
And so you wait.
Quietly you sit in that bed, in the dark. You decide it’d be best if you got dressed yourself. You rummage through his clothes till you find a large black t-shirt you like the smell of; his scent is heavily woven through the fabric. The shirt sits just above your hips; no doubt it would look comically big were it not for your proportions. Least it is somewhat loose. You’re thankful then, that his pants sit comfortably on you thanks to your wide hips.
You sit yourself back on the bed once satisfied with your attire. You’re anxious now, nervously playing with your loose hair. How were the two of you going to pull this off? Even if it was the early hours of morning, surely not everyone in the base was asleep? And what of Spider? Could the 3 of you really escape so easily?
You’re not sure how much time passes when the door suddenly opens, startling you. You’re taken aback by the sight before you.
In walks Quaritch, flanked by 3 other recoms, and pushing through their legs, is your beloved brother.
You gasp.
It feels far too long since you saw him.
“SPIDER!!!” You yell, unintentionally, but the joy and relief of seeing him alive and unharmed overwhelms you. Quaritch luckily had closed the door before your outburst.
“[Y/N]!!! You’re okay!” He yells and runs to you. You drop to you knees and grab him in your arms. He wraps his arms around your neck and hugs you tightly. You feel as though you could weep.
He pulls back, grabbing your face in his little lands, turning you side to side. His face contorted with worry. He’s inspecting you, as if to make sure you are real, are unharmed.
“What did they do to you? Did these assholes hurt you? Did…he hurt you?” You see Quaritch flinch in your peripheral. Of course. Spider doesn’t know he has all his memories back. And with that, he is fluent in Na’vi; something you spent months teaching him when the two of you weren’t in the throes of passion.
You place a kiss on Spider’s forehead.
“I’m okay now. I’ll explain everything once we’re safe and out of here. Unless…?” You trail off as you look to the others in the room. Two men and one woman.
“[Y/N], this is Lyle, Mansk, and ZDog.” He points to each one of them as he introduces them.
You greet them with the customary hand gesture. They do not reciprocate, and you do not begrudge them. They instead greet you in the human way, holding up a hand with a “hi” or a “hey”.
“Sooo…You’re the reason Colonel here’s about to go AWOL?” The bald one, Lyle, comments with a smirk.
“Wainfleet…” Quaritch growls out a warning. Lyle holds his hands up in defence.
“Hey I don’t mean nothing by it!”
ZDog and Mansk snicker at the two, you wonder if this is sort of exchange is an often occurrence. Quaritch sighs in annoyance, but he sees the slight worry in your eyes.
“You don’t gotta worry about these 3, darling. Their loyalty is to me, not the RDA. Ain’t that right ladies?”
“HOORAH!” The three of them yell with wide smiles. You breathe a sigh of relieve, hand on your heart. You get to your feet, keeping a firm hold of Spider’s hand in yours. You sure as shit weren’t letting him go again.
“So…What is the plan? Surely they wouldn’t let us just, walk out?” You ask.
“Actually…That’s precisely the plan.” You’re taken aback by this. That wasn’t really so much of a plan, as it was a complete gamble.
“I can see the gears turning in that pretty little head of yours, lemme explain.” You hear the quiet giggles of the 3 recoms, and see Lyle playfully jab his elbow into Quaritch’s side. Your mate scoffs and scowls at him, but doesn’t retaliate. He clears his throat and continues.
“I’ve left a message for the general when she eventually wakes up explaining our absence. Night Training we’ll call it. See, Spider here’s been teaching us some of your Na’vi way during the day. But your forest ain’t entirely asleep at night right? So I figured, we should be taught how to survive its dangers at night, should we ever find ourselves in such a situation. Said we’d be back by sunrise. ‘Course we ain’t plannin’ on returning. But by the time they catch on, it’d be far too late, and we’d be long gone.”
By Eywa this was such a gamble. An incredible risk. And what of transport? You’ve seen the base before, from the safety of the skies. Its size was nothing to scoff at.
“And what of transport? Are we to take one of the flying machines?” Quaritch smirks at your question.
“I got a much better idea.”
Dressed in full gear, the 5 recoms lead you and Spider through the base. It is far emptier than you would have expected, barely any humans awake at this hour. What few scientists you see look far too sleep deprived to even pay you any mind. You pass the room housing that awful machine and visibly recoil.
You feel Spider squeeze your hand tight, your nerves calming slightly. Your hands had been cuffed at your front, with Spider pulling you along. They had to keep up appearances, and you understood. Least the orange restraints weren’t secured too tightly like the first time.
When you pass a window you look into the room and see the machine’s interior exposed, a few humans fiddling with the contents.
‘Good that it’s fucking broken. Eywa curse that awful machine.’ You think bitterly.
When the cool night air first hits your face, you all but whimper. Quaritch turns to you and catches you with one hand under your arm as your knees buckle. Although there is a big smile on your face, eyes closed in bliss as you breath deep, he can’t stop the guilt that hits him. You’ve been without fresh air for so long, living off of their masks and gas canisters. Seems as though there was still more he needed to atone for with you.
You stand up straight and take one final deep breath before you look to him.
“I’m okay…I’m okay, promise.” You reassure him. He nods, and the group is on the move once more. He’s nervous, you can tell. There is a tension in his shoulders when he walks. You feel it radiating from the two at your side, and ZDog at your rear. But once again, you aren’t met with any resistance as they lead you to an open area off to the side.
You can’t help the shocked gasp when you see them.
Ikran! And four of them! Beautiful mountain ikran. Is this what they were up to when they said Spider was teaching them? You’re almost giddy with excitement. The prospect of escape growing with each passing moment. You push hard on the underlying feeling of resentment that curls deep within you; knowing that they all were enjoying with gifts of the Great Mother while you suffered deep within their base. You have to remind yourself your beloved wasn’t truly himself. You haven’t completely forgiven him; such things would take time. But getting you and Spider out of here was a nice start.
You half expected one of the human security personnel to question where you were all going at such a time, but once again, those that were patrolling, and there wasn’t a lot of them in the first place, paid you all no mind. Perhaps Quaritch and his team answered only then, to that woman; the Admiral. You shiver at the memory of her cold stare. Never had you been confronted by such indifference.
“Alright, [Y/N] with me. Spider, with Lyle.” You nod and he brings you closer to his ikran; a beautiful dark blue female with golden accents on her wings. He smiles proudly at you as he pets her neck. “This here is Cupcake.”
“Cuz it was just so sweet of her to try and kill me,” he again smirks at you, and that raises more questions than it answers. But no matter, you’ll ask him to explain properly another time. He bond with Cupcake first, calming her and letting her understand just who you were to him. He helps you first up onto the saddle, you shuffle forward as he gets up and secures himself behind you. You grip the front of the saddle tightly. He pulls you back into his front, holding you tight with one arm around your waist. His other hand holds firm onto the reins beside your hands. With a kiss to the side of your temple, he commands his ikran to take flight.
And with that, the six of you take to the skies, uninhibited, and unbound, toward the forest.
Once you’re in the air and a bit away from the base, Quaritch undoes the bindings on your wrists, letting the cuffs fall to the forest. You immediately lift both hands into the air, giggling at the feeling of wind brush over your skin and through your hair.
You fly for a while, you think about 30 minutes from the base, when Quaritch calls for his squad to land in a nearby clearing. You’re impressed by his graceful landing. He hops off first, then holds a hand out to help you down, which you accept graciously.
As soon as your feet touch the ground, you hear the cry of an ikran coming in to land, and it is all to familiar. The recoms immediately have their guns drawn and pointed at the creature as it lands a few meters away. It is screaming, calls you recognise as threats. The other ikran clack their jaws together, not entirely rattled by the display. But you don’t care about that. You sprint towards him, and scream at the top of your lungs.
Quaritch calls for you, worried of course, but orders his team to stand down. The ikran bounds closer to meet you half way, its threatening yells exchanged for high pitched bellows. It places its head on your shoulder, tilting its head to bump yours, chuffing all the while.
“My sweet boy! I’m so happy you’re okay!” You gently rub under his chin and along his neck. Thank Eywa he is unharmed. Poor thing must have been waiting just outside the base all this time for you, then must have followed the moment he caught your scent leaving.
You guide him back to the group, smiling brighter than before.
“Everyone, this is Paskalin; my ikran.” You introduce him, and Spider bounds close without a second thought. Paskalin bends over to let the boy pet him.
“I thought I recognised you! Good choice not approaching this lot though.” He says to the ikran, and you give Spider a puzzled look. He notices your confusion.
“Saw him a few times when we went flying. Thought he looked familiar. Thought maybe he was following us ‘cuz one of them bonded with his mate or something.” He offers as an explanation. You feel a small twinge in your heart at the thought of your poor boy trying desperately to find you. He must have either recognised Spider, or perhaps even more saddening, your smell may have lingered on Quaritch. No matter. He is with you now.
You turn to the others, noticing then that they are in the process of removing all their gear. No vests. No comms. No guns. Leaving only their clothes. So they were really doing this. They were really going to follow you, Quaritch and Spider. Give up their lives with the RDA and embrace whatever Eywa would throw at them. They all start digging holes to bury their equipment.
“Hey…[Y/N]?” Spider pulls your attention. When you turn to look at him, you see his expression is one of contemplation, perhaps even confusion. There is a slight scowl to his brow.
“What’s wrong, Spider?”
He takes a moment to answer you, as if trying to think of how to broach the topic with you.
“Are…Did you and da—…Quaritch—did the two of you…” ‘Oh sweet Mother, he knows.’ Your ears pin back at the realisation of what he’s trying to ask you. He takes one big breath to calm himself.
“It’s just…I noticed the way he was holding you when we were flying, and the way he keeps looking at you too. It’s just how Jake looks at Neytiri.”
You press your lips together in a fine line. You’re not sure how to feel. Shame? Pride? Love? All of it washes over you. You have loved Quaritch before you even knew he was Spider’s father. That young silly crush of yours. And even when you learnt the truth, of him and his crimes, that did not deter you. And even when he seemingly vanished into thin air, your love for him did not waver.
“It is as it seems…We are mated.” Spider’s eyes widen with your confession. He is shocked. He then makes a face and sound of disgust.
“Does that make you my step-mom now?” the lilt of his voice is laced with teasing tones. You laugh suddenly, and playfully push him. He does the same.
“No way! You’re my brother first! But you have to admit—I’ve definitely been mothering you all since all of you could walk,” you are of course referring to all your younger siblings.
“Pssh, whatever!” he pulls your tail and laughs at your shocked expression. You hiss playfully and he hisses back, running when you start chasing him.
Quaritch watches the two of you giggle like a bunch of children, chasing each other and carrying on. He smiles to himself at the sight. A delicate warmth spreads from his chest and envelops him. He feels grateful to have the two of you in his life.
‘You watchin’ Paz? I’m gonna take good care of that boy. Do right by him, just like I promised. And I won’t be alone neither.’
Once everyone is finished burying the last of their gear, you all gather around one another.
“Ok sir, what’s the plan? Where we goin’?” Lyle asks Quaritch.
“Well, that depends on dear [Y/N].” He turns to you, “where we goin’ sweetheart? You know this forest better than any of us.”
You contemplate for a moment. Your first thought is to go back to High Camp. You miss your family something fierce, and it is the safest place you can think of right now. But you are afraid. What if the RDA had a way to track your movements? If they did, you’d be leading them straight to your clan, your family. Thus putting everyone in danger. Quaritch sees the worry adorning your face. He cups the side of your face, pulling you from your thoughts.
“You don’t gotta worry, sweetness. They won’t be able to track us. We ain’t takin’ a damn thing with us they can track. No guns. No coms. Nothing. Even took off the gear they made for the banshees,” he gestures behind him and look to see all their ikrans are bare back now.
You look back to him, and stare up into his golden eyes. They shine so beautifully in the moonlight. You become lost then, as you intently study the specs of light framing his face; committing each one to memory. Gently he rubs his thumb across your cheek, the gently motion soothing you. The two of you become lost in each other’s gaze, to the point of forgetting you weren’t alone.
“Soooo…where’re we going?” Spider speaks, again a hint of teasing in his voice, and the spell is broken. Quaritch seems unbothered though, seemingly not embarrassed to show you affection in front of others; let alone his son and squad.
“Well, darlin’?” you smiles oh so sweetly down at you, and you melt all over again.
“We go home.”
When you had said home though, you meant instead, the Tree of Souls. Although you trusted Quaritch with your very life, now that he remembered who he was, you still had reservations about the other 3. You do remember his squad being sizably bigger than this, and wondered where the rest of his team was. Would they follow you all? Did they themselves have ikran? But before taking flight he explained; this really was all that was left.
When he had first captured you and Spider, he lost a few to your family. Then after your capture, the attacks from Sully had increased tenfold. It was during these attacks that he began losing teammates, and slowly, he was left only with his 3 most loyal and trusted.
The attacks had become more frequent, ruthless, and bloodthirsty. And each time, a message was left in blood ‘GIVE HER BACK’. You cried openly at that. Your family had been fighting all this time to get you back. You felt a little saddened that it perhaps didn’t say ‘them’, to include Spider, but you didn’t fault your father. You couldn’t even fathom how he and mother must be feeling. Knowing where you were, but not be able to reach you. To them, you were caught in the arms of their greatest enemy. And that remained true, though in a completely different context now.
‘Oh great Eywa, how am I even going to explain this to them?’ A renewed sense of worry takes over you.
“[Y/N], you okay?” Spider asks you. He’s in front of you, riding with you on your ikran. You nod and force a smile. Everything will be fine. It had to be.
You laugh cry when you see the Tree of Souls. There was a time down in that prison where you truly believed you would die; locked away from all that you loved and held dear.
When you come in for a landing, it is barely sunrise. The few people that are there making early morning prayers to Eywa hastily move out the way. The sight of unfamiliar ikrans causing the nearby warriors to draw their bows on you all.
But then they see you and Spider.
“[Y/N]…? Is that you??” One of them calls out, he moves his bow to instead aim at one of the unfamiliar Na’vi.
“Ka'ani!” You smile big and wide at the warrior; a friend of the family, one of the people who had completed their iknimaya alongside your father.
“Who are these Dreamwalkers?”
“Peace, Ka’ni. They helped me escaped.” You move to stand in front his line of fire. A tense moment follows. He studies their faces, their body language. Alert but non-threatening. He verbally signals the surrounding warriors and they all lower their weapons. You breathe a sigh of relief and run toward the hunter, greeting him traditionally. He returns the gesture.
“You’re family has been rife with worry. They will be relieved to know you are unharmed.” He says and puts a hand to your shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze.
“[Y/N]…?” You look up toward the tree and see your Grandmother making her way from the trunk and down its roots. You don’t even yell, just run at her, tears streaming down your face. You try to say the greeting, but all that comes out is a warbled mess of a cry. She holds you tight in arms, swaying back on forth, giving thanks to Eywa over and over again for your safe return.
“[Y/N]!!! SPIDER!!!” You look behind Mo’at and see Kiri racing toward you. She must have been up early with Mo’at for Tsahik training.
“KIRIIIII!!!” She all but tackles you and Mo’at, the older woman letting out a ‘Oof’ as she braced herself from the impact. Spider comes bounding up and Kiri grabs him and pulls him onto the fold.
Kiri moves from you, all smiles and teary eyed.
“I’m so glad you’re safe sister. Did those guys bring you here?” She looks behind you to the group standing awkwardly with the ikrans. Her expression falls almost immediately, blood running cold. Recognition adorns her face. She looks up at you, then back to them, a quickness to her breath.
“That’s…that’s…” she can’t get the words out.
“There’s…a lot to explain, Kiri. Can…can you get mom and dad? I… I don’t want to bring them to High Camp. Not just yet.” You turn to gaze at the others, your eyes fix onto Quaritch as he meets yours. He gives you the faintest of smiles, and you smile back. He breaks eye contact to address the others. They are too far for you to hear what they are saying; drowned out by the whispers of your clanmates in the vicinity.
Kiri is staring at you. Shock and fear all over her face. She doesn’t catch to whom you smile.
“[Y/N]…don’t tell me…”
You turn to her again, and smile sadly. You know full well that this revelation will disappoint your parents. Kiri doesn’t say anything else; your expression was answer enough. She rushes down to her ikran, and takes off for High Camp.
You watch her go with a heavy heart, anxiety building up all over again.
You hear Mo’at behind you, praying to Eywa for guidance, and to keep you safe.
When you see the familiar ikrans of your parents and siblings land, you waste no time and rush to meet them. They even brought little Tuk.
“[Y/N]!” Your mother is the first on you, hugging you tightly to her, holding your face in her hands, checking all over you, making sure you are unharmed. All the while she weeps, he tears breaking the painted patterns on her face. When you see your father you pull him in with one arm and hold both of them so close and so tight, the strain in your arms almost burning.
You see little Tuk running at you as she calls for you. You release your parents and bend down to pick her up. She cries in your arms. You hush her with gentle words, rubbing her back and whisper comforting words, just as you have always done when she cried.
You look behind your parents to see your two brothers standing their trying to act cool and nonchalant.
“Come here you idiots.” You say with tears still streaming down your face but with a smile. That is all the invitation they need and they run you, unceremoniously pushing your parents aside to get to you and hug you tightly. Your folks merely laugh at their antics.
“How’d you escape, kid? Did those guys bring you here?” Your father looks up from you to the group they had ignored, so focused were they on seeing you when they landed. You tense at his question, and carefully hand Tuk back to mother. When you turn to your father you see his expression is anything but pleasant. He’s downright scowling. There is murder in those eyes.
“Is that fucking Quaritch…?” His voice is low and threatening. You swallow your fear. Slowly you move from your family toward the recoms, keeping your gaze on your family. When your mother turns to them, she clutches Tuk closer to her, turning her away from them, letting out a threating and scared hiss.
“Demon!” she spits venomously.
“Hey there Mrs. Sully. Jake. Fancy seeing you here,” Quaritch says, not an ounce of fear in his voice. You inwardly cringe, now was not the time for bravado.
Tentatively you place a hand on his chest, and in a low voice whisper, “peace, my love. Play nice.” He looks to you and nods. He moves to place a hand to your face.
“DON’T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH HER!” You here your father yell at the top of his lungs. Before you can even turn, you feel Quaritch grab you with both hands and throw you to the side. Caught of guard, you barely catch yourself with a roll. When you look up, you see your father and mate in a fight. The ikrans, startled, fly up and out of the way, perching themselves elsewhere. All the while they cawing loudly at the sudden excitement.
You watch in horror as the two men fight. Hand to hand, bloody fists flying. You notice though, it is only your father throwing punches. Quaritch dodges what he can, but keeps his arms up to block. Never does he retaliate. It sometimes almost looks like he lets himself get hit.
“YOU FUCKING BASTARD! WHAT DID YOU PEOPLE DO TO HER, HUH?!” When father yells that, you see the falter in Quaritch’s step. He pauses, and lowers his arms. There is a guilty look on his face, his stance almost one of defeat. Jake sees, and doesn’t care. He goes for him then, blade drawn. Immediately you’re on your feet, racing toward them.  Just before your father can bring his blade down into Quaritch’s chest, your on his back, and pull with all your might, bringing him down with you. When you’re on your back, you push as hard as you can, forcing your father to tumble away from you.
He jumps to his feet immediately in fighting a stance, blade drawn.
You stand protectively in front of Quaritch, crouching defensively and hiss at your father. He’s completely taken aback by that, and looks at you confused.
You don’t say anything, but stand up and open your arms wide.
“Don’t hurt him! He’s the only reason I’m even here right now!” You hear an angry growl come from your mother.
“He’s the reason you were taken in the first place!” She hisses, and you see she’s drawn her bow, aiming it straight at Quaritch. The rest of your siblings are behind her. You see Tuk cowering behind Kiri’s legs.
You turn then to stand to block her arrow, holding your arms out as far as you can, and you meet your mother’s stare. But she’s not looking at you. Her eyes are fixed solely on the man behind you. You can’t see, but you wonder where he’s looking. Her eyes fall to you, then back to him. You can see her shaking slightly, her face scrunched, conflicted.
“Daughter. Lower your bow…” You hear Mo’at approaching. She stands beside her daughter, her back to you.
“Mother…?” Neytiri is confused. Surely she understands who this Demon is. Slowly she lowers her bow, still gripping it tightly, arrow still knocked and ready.
“That…is your daughter’s mate…”
When she hears that, your mother let’s out the most blood curdling scream you have ever heard. She doesn’t think, only acts on instinct. She lifts her bow, pulls back and fires an arrow aimed straight at his head.
“NO!!!” you screamed as she let the arrow loose.
A powerful wind suddenly sweeps through the area. The force of it enough push you and everyone else to their knees. The coldness bites at your skin to the point it burns. The sting causing your eyes to water, so you squeeze them shut. The force is unrelentingly, assaulting from every direction, causing your hair to wildly thrash around you. You don’t expect it to be so loud either, moving your hands to cover your ears. Barely can you hear the confused cries of everyone around you, all in fear. You faintly hear the sounds of the ikrans above you; all scared caws and bellows.
You try with every ounce of strength you can muster to open your eyes, and are only able to open them but a fraction.
You are surprised then, to see someone standing in front of you, though you can barely make out her profile. When you look up, you see she is staring down at you.
Her skin is so light, it is almost shimmering. The dark gold of her hair remains still, even in this windy assault. You can’t see her eyes. And when you blink, she’s changed. Skin darker than night, but in the early morning sunlight, it is almost iridescent. You think you can see tiny swashes of rainbow dance across her skin. Her hair, still unmoving, is now brilliant white, like the stars in the sky. It is only then that you notice she has one arm raised, and in her hand she holds your mother’s arrow. When you blink again however, she is gone, taking the wind with her. The arrow falls before you, broken at the shaft.
Slowly you move your hands from your ears, wiping the tears from your eyes. You hear the groans and scared cries of the people around you.
“[Y/N]! You alright?!” Immediately Quaritch has his hands on you, turning you to face him. He searches your face, and once he’s satisfied, he pulls you to him in a tight embrace. He sighs in relief into your hair.
Neytiri can only sit and stare. She has no words for the sight before her. And she weeps. Weeps at her daughter in the arms of her sworn enemy. Weeps at the shadow she saw in the wind. She is no fool. She understood, and she weeps; for although she will never question the Will of the Great Mother, she cannot stop herself from feeling great sadness.
It is so unbearably awkward.
After what happened at the Spirit Tree, Mo’at insisted all of you, the recoms included, return to High Camp. Eywa has made her stance on the matter quite clear.
So here you sit, in your family’s tent, Quaritch at your side. Your parents sit across from you, staring daggers at the man. Your father has his arms crossed. Their gaze flitters from him to you. You to him. Your eyes are cast downward, unable to meet theirs. You fiddle with the hem of the shirt you’re wearing as you sit on your knees.
The rest of Quaritch’s squad was sent to where actual Avatars were kept, told they weren’t allowed to leave the barracks, and if they did, they’d be shot on sight.
Your siblings where given strict instructions to not disturb any of you until this, meeting, was complete.
“Explain.” That is the only word you father says. Only thing he needs to say. You open your mouth to speak, but father cuts you off. “He can speak for himself.”
Like you, Quaritch is sitting on his knees. He feels humiliated, being forced into this submissive pose. He remembers clearly how he was Jake’s superior. But he has to remind himself, he is on Jake’s territory now. And Jake is quite literally the Leader.
“What’dya wanna know, Sully?”
“Start from the very beginning. How the fuck are you back, for a start. Pretty sure that’s your arrow riddled corpse down there on the old battlefield.”
You see Quaritch’s tail flinch at that. You consciously bring your tail and wind it around his, calming him. Your mother sees this, and you hear her curse under hear breath at him, calling him all manner of profanities. You don’t untangle your tails.
You listen intently as Quaritch explains then. How he and his squad were subject to having copies of all their memories up to a certain point made. How they had to record videos for their resurrected selves, to explain the situation. He didn’t go into detail about what he recorded.
He explained how he remembered Spider’s birth and his mother. You tighten your tail around his as a tightness in your chest forms. This was before your time, yet you can’t help the coil of jealously in your gut. This was your mate. It is you who should have given him children first.
He talks about how he remembers the assault on home tree, the death of Spider’s mother. But that’s where his memory ends. He has no recollection of his own death.
“That’s how it was…until I got my memories back. All of them.” He looks to you as he says that, his expression soft and loving.
“What do you mean?” Father asks, confusion on his face.
Your mother makes an angry growl at that.
“You do not speak her name! You have no right!” She spits at him, pointing at him accusingly.
“Wait a minute now Mrs. Sully, I’m only here because of Her, alright?”
“Are you saying, this, is Her fault?” She points between the two of you.
“Well kind of, I mean, but not really—well?” Quaritch is struggling for the right words. He doesn’t want to outwardly blame Eywa, but she didn’t exactly stop either of you.
“Mother, let me explain.” You try and use your most diplomatic voice, soft and gentle. She looks to you, hurt evident in her eyes. But she sits back and lets you speak.
You start from your beginning. The Dreams. How, as a child, you met a human man, not the friendliest of sorts, but happily indulged you when you asked about humanity and their Home. How he took every opportunity to brag about his people and their accomplishments. How over time you came to learn he was a dead soul, kept by Eywa, and he knew it too. There came a time, years on when you were much older, that when he gave you his real name, (you had been addressing him by title only), you knew who he was.
The two of you never spoke about it, but you know who he was then. And when you gave him your full name, the implications of who you were became known. For reasons you cannot explain, you kept approaching him in your Dreams, after all the years you two had a sort of friendship.
You then spoke of how you couldn’t stop yourself, but you developed a crush on this older man. He didn’t treat you like a freak, not like the boys in the clan. Sure he may have treated you like a bit of a nuisance as a kid, but warmed up to you as time passed, especially when it was clear you weren’t going away.
“And so um…You remember, a few years ago, when I had…all those…marks?”
You watch with baited breath as realisation dawns on both your parents features. A strangled cry leaves your mother and she lunges for Quaritch. Jake grabs her around the waist, holding her steadfast to him. She fights to free herself from him, but she has little fight in her. She isn’t crying, but she is yelling and screaming at Quaritch, calling him all manner of vile filth she can muster in English. Your father whispers in her ear, trying to calm her, holding her head to his chest. She relents eventually, an almost cry escapes her lips as she buries her head into his neck, holding him close.
You lips quiver as you struggle not to cry. You have never felt such shame in your life. You start to question every choice you have ever made. Before you can fall into a descent of self-loathing, you feel a hand slide into yours, entwining your fingers. You look up to your mate, tears threatening in the corner of your eyes.
The look he gives you washes away any doubt. Spider was right. He looks at you just like father looks at mother; like you yourself hung the stars in the sky. Reverence.
“I don’t understand though…You were dead. How were you able to, interact?” You father has a confused and disgusted look on his face.
“We figured that, whatever happened to my soul in the shared Dreamscape, must get reflected onto my body in the real world.”
Father nods, not questioning further, he didn’t want the details.
“Colonel…You know that’s incredibly fucked up right?” Jake directs his ire to Quaritch. The man has no response. He knows what he did was wrong. He lowers his head in shame.
“I’m sor—”
Everyone jumps at your sudden outburst. You gaze is fixed solely on your mate, hurt and anger in your eyes. You turn to him, grabbing both his hands firmly in yours.
“Don’t you dare say those words, you here me? I’m not sorry it happened. I was not some ignorant child. I knew what I was doing was wrong. And I knew better, I simply didn’t care! You made me happy. Really happy! Happier than I had been in, months, years even. And I was already falling hopelessly in love with you. And Eywa be damned, I would do it all over again.” You place a soft kiss to his knuckles. You see his lips press into a thin line as he tries to hold himself back, ears pressed back. He breaks eye contact, looking down at your joint hands instead. You understand the things he cannot say in front of your parents, and gently squeeze his hands. You feel him squeeze back.
“Ma Jake, I—I can’t,” You mother says and abruptly gets to her feet and hastily leaves. He calls for her, but she doesn’t come back. It breaks your heart, but you swallow the lump in your throat. You’ll cry it out later.
“Dad, it’s okay…It’s a lot for her to take in…” He sighs heavily.
“You can say that again…I remember though. Your attitude changed. Seemed like you had a falling out with the person we thought you were seeing.”
“Ah well, he kinda disappeared.”
“Disappeared?” He looks to Quaritch, confused. Said man clears his throat.
“Like I said before. Eywa. She came to me. Said She needed me for a purpose, but was gonna put me to sleep. Said when I wake up, it’d be in a new body. Thing is, none of us that made these backups, even knew we were gonna get resurrected in Na’vi bodies. But She did. Said, the memories would never be enough. The bodies wouldn’t work. Think She said something like, ‘These Na’vi bodies will exist because I allow it. And they will end, because I demand it.’ Then She knocked me out before I could ask more.”
You father nods and huffs, taking it all in. He’s quite for time, contemplating, thinking.
“So, you’re really Quaritch then? Not some, fake with memories?”
“In the flesh.”
“I’ll say.” You slap a hand to your mouth, unexpectedly chiming in with a flirt. You father frowns at you and you look elsewhere.
“Fuck man…FUCK.” Your father rubs the back of his head in frustration. “This is serious bullshit!” He gets up and starts pacing back and forth, muttering to himself. Eventually he stops, a deep aggravated sigh leaving him.
“Look…I’ll talk to your mother. Try and calm her down. I can’t promise you guys anything. Quite frankly I’d have been happier just killing YOU,” he points at Quaritch, “but if Eywa wants you alive then so be it. I can’t guarantee the rest of the clan is going to be keen on the idea of you staying, and I’m not about to risk unrest to make you comfortable.”
“I understand…”
Quicker than you’re able register, your father has a blade pressed to Quaritch’s neck. You gasp but make no move to stop him this time.
“If you hurt her...There is no place on this planet, no place that the Great Mother can protect you. I will find you. And I will kill you.”
“I’d sooner die than hurt her.”
“Good. Then we finally agree on something.”
You father pulls back and holsters his blade.
“Get out of here. I had the kids set up a tent for you to use.”  He dismisses Quaritch with a wave of his hand. Suddenly Spider is there, and you wonder if the entire little entourage had been eavesdropping this whole time. “Spider show him where his tent is.”
“Yes sir.”
Quaritch gets up and follows without another word. You get up to follow but your father stops you.
“Wait, [Y/N]. I want to speak with you in private.”
Quaritch gives you one forlorn look over his shoulder before he exists the tent.
You stand in silence as you wait for father to address you. He doesn’t, and instead, grabs you and pulls you into his arms. He holds you tight, pressing your head into his shoulder. You bring your arms up around him without a second thought.
“I’m so glad you’re safe, baby girl…I—we really got worried there. Thought we weren’t gonna see you again…”
You pull back and wipe a stray tear from your eye.
“Heard you turned up the heat.” He lets out a laugh like huff at that.
“Yeah, I may have gotten a little over zealous…But I’m glad you’re back, safe and sound.” He kisses your head and hugs you tightly again. “I love you, [Y/N].”
“Love you too, Dad.”
There is a beat of silence that passes between you two, just holding each other tight. You’re reminded then, of how this was the safest place to you as a child.
“Is…is this what you really want? Does he really make you happy?”
“Yeah Dad…he really does.” You say, not a hint of shame in your voice. You father sighs in defeat again. Poor man’s been doing that a lot lately.
“Alright… I sure as shit don’t like it, in fact I’m pretty sure I hate it. But, I wonder if this is what Neytiri’s parents felt like when she chose me, kinda. Well, not really the same, cuz ya know, it wasn’t directly me that blew up—”
“Dad please. You’re rambling.”
“Right, right, sorry. Just…Give your mother and grandmother time, yea? It’s gonna take a lot more time for them to come around to this idea. Hell, I’m not sure I’m entirely on board here. So please, please, be patient with them. With us.”
“Of course father. Without question. Thank you,” you hug him tightly one more time before you make your exist. You want nothing more than to fall into your mate’s arms.
When you exist the tent, you aren’t the least bit surprised to find your younger siblings scrambling to their feet. Of course they heard everything. Awkwardly they stand around, avoiding your piercing gaze. Well, everyone except Tuk. She runs to you and demands to be picked up. You do so without question, hugging her tightly.
“I’m pretty sure we were all taught how rude it is to eavesdrop,”
“It was Lo’ak’s idea!” Tuk tattles without a second thought.
“Tuk?!” He yells at her. She merely sticks a tongue out him. You simply laugh at their antics. Neteyam clears his throat and moves to take Tuk from you. She moves without a fight.
“So…Spider’s dad? Really?” Lo’ak speaks up and you cringe at the phrasing.
“Yep,” you say with a load pop to the ‘p’. You look to Kiri and see the angry and confused look to her face. Understandable, you think, knowing that he’s the reason her mother isn’t around.
“Kiri—” she holds a hand to you, stopping you from continuing.
“Don’t [Y/N], just—don’t. I don’t know how to feel about, any of this…But I felt her, Eywa, when we were down at the Spirit Tree. She saved him. For reasons I will never truly understand. So…Urgh. I don’t know. I’m happy for you, I guess?” There’s expiration in her voice. You know she’s trying her best to be supportive. Finding ones mate was always supposed to be a beautiful thing. You give her the best smile you can muster under the circumstances.
“Thank you, Kiri…” She gives you a curt nod, then takes Tuk from Neteyam.
“I’m gonna go help grandmother, I’ll talk to you later,” and with that she makes a hasty exit.
Lo’ak pats you on the back, sensing your sadness.
“It’ll be alright sis. She’ll come around.” You smile appreciatively at his words.
“Heh…aren’t you guys, disgusted in me too?” Lo’ak merely shrugs at you.
“It’s nice to know I’m not the only screw up around here.”
“Oi!” You punch his arm playfully, he hisses at the pain but laughs all the same, rubbing the tender spot.
“Regardless…” Neteyam breaks his silence. “Just, be careful [Y/N]. I don’t want to see you get hurt.” You regard him with a solemn smile.
“Bit late for that I’m afraid,” Your two brothers share a look but don’t press you for answers. “Anyway, can you show me where his tent is set up?” Lo’ak gestures you to follow him, and Neteyam goes off on his own, having other tasks to do.
When you enter his living space, you're surprised to see Spider still there. They both look up when they sense your presence.
“We’ll finish this later, son.” Quaritch says and gently pets Spider on his shoulder. The boy smiles at him and goes to leave, not before hugging you. Once he's left, you go about closing off the tent, ensuring the two of you have the utmost privacy, all the while Quaritch watches you silently.
Satisfied all is secure and there should be no interruptions, you walk straight over to where he is sitting. You drop yourself into his lap, legs wrapping tightly around his mid. You press yourself as hard as you can to him, as if he could swallow you whole into his very being. Head pressed into the bottom of his throat, your arms go around his neck, gripping tightly at his hair. It hurts but he doesn’t mind, doesn’t voice a single complaint.
Strong arms wrap around you, warm, secure, and tightly. You cry then; you’ve been doing that a lot lately. But you don’t care right now. You break down in your mates arms.
Every fear, regret, guilt, and sadness pouring from you all at once.
The meeting with your parents perhaps didn’t go as disastrously as it could have; no one died at least. But you wish it could have gone better. You feel terrible for what your mother must be going through. She must feel like the whole world is against her.
To bring her worst enemy, the very man that caused the death of her father, and then to have said man be mated with you? The thought causes you cry even harder. It is an ugly cry, nothing but tears and snot.
Quaritch doesn’t give a damn though. He rocks you back and forth in his arms, one hand goes to the back of your head, the other starts rubbing up and down your spine in a soothing motion. He starts humming then, a song you don’t recognise. The low vibrations of his voice gently bringing your crying to but a whimper.
“It's alright baby, I got you. You’re safe with me.” He whispers in your ear, and suddenly exhaustion sits heavily on your shoulders. You feel so drained from everything that’s happened. You close your eyes and let sleep take you, lulled by his continued humming.
Tag List: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @lvangel98, @rsclopez, @onlyreadz @manymaria111, @kristeen31xxx @mechformers @olivia-the-weirdo @essenceinpink @villirios @rededfoxy @brutecuteness
Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who's been following this story! If I missed you in the tags please let me know! I think there might only be 1 or 2 more parts left to this short story! Hahaha this was initially started with the intention of being a oneshot; with the excuse to write smut. Yet here we are on part freaking 4.
MFW I thought this was a oneshot:
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LMAO SUPRISED MYSELF--! Anyway big thank you to everyone who enjoys it so far! Will get back to my main fic once I wrap this baby up xoxo Also thank you again for the likes, comments and retweets! Any engagement really motivates me to write more! <3
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chezzabellesworld · 5 months
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So the Sagittarius, Venus, what I like to do is look at celebrity style points, but off the red carpet and more of the street style, I mean if you look at Katie Perry and her down the street style it’s very different to her dressed up at red carpet, so I tried to think perspectively on the fact That she is being styled by people and it might not necessarily be style so I go for that every day look I mean great example of this Britney Spears is, is a Sagittarius son and she’s a bit slobbing too. I feel like Sagittarius and any fire sign actually like this sort of like baggy look, but they feel like they also need to dress up so what Sagittarius is doing here is they putting on their casual gear like the big trousers and the big top to hide their lack of confidence that people don’t think they have, but they do.
Leah started this fashion in the 90s along with other girl, groups black girl groups who were wearing the Tommy gear so we Destiny’s Child but Aaliyah was the one who like forefront it and also with her Aquarius rising and Capricorn Sun emphasises that more like I said look at your sunshine, look at your rising sign and see if they like go together now all the people I’ve put in this video are Sagittarius bar Katie Perry because a lot of Venus and Sagittarius is next to each other I have a friend who is a Venus in Sagittarius and she always comments on my clothes but not always in the best way because I dress quite out there is a Leo rising what I’ve noticed is, they have some sort of like casual style, but they feel like they wanna be feminine at the same time but they have to stick to a code that may not even be their code but a style I mean Alexa Demi, I don’t know it’s almost like the Libra thing where they don’t feel comfortable in their clothes, but they pull it off more and they pull off that tom boiler and I love it and they they are these ultra feminine girls with gorgeous figures and they don’t even know it a lot of the time and they rock they rock the boiler suit. They look good in that because they think they don’t wanna do societies expectation of them it’s Sagittarius, they want to rebel against things they are bigger than that they are bigger than what their clothes and their clothes are even bigger and I love you for it guys and don’t ever change like keep showing me your outfits cause I’m obsessed and now I’m just decided, I think I’m gonna dress like that since , even even looks good for a bigger woman, so you’re representing that and I love that 🧚🏽‍♂️🚬🗡️🔪🧨🛍️👢👕👚
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goldengleams · 1 year
torn - jamie drysdale x reader
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In which Jamie doesn’t have to navigate an injury alone.
Jamie Drysdale x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: medical inaccuracies, mentions of injury/surgery, please pretend the game where Jamie got injured was a home game !
You swirled around your drink, staring at the television behind your friends’ head. Your best friend and roommate sat around you planning which house would be the first stop on the Halloween weekend party circuit.
“Y/N, are you even listening?” Your friend Meredith pulled you out of your trance.
“Uh, no, what did you say?” You asked, meeting her eyes just as she rolled them and looked back in the mirror to keep getting ready.
“I said we have to leave in forty-five minutes or else we won’t get to Sigma Chi in time,” she said. “Allison and Chelsea are already in their costumes, too, so you’ve got to get ready!”
You made a move to stand up and pull your costume on, but didn’t totally shift your focus from the game. The Anaheim Ducks were playing the Vegas Golden Knights and were down by one goal. You searched the screen for number 6, and hoped that things would end up good for your team.
It had been a long week of receiving midterm grades back and trying to adjust your focus to the second half of the semester. Your research lab gave you more hours, which was great for experience, but had significantly limited the amount of time you had to do other things. The last place you wanted to go was to a frat party on Halloween weekend.
“Is this party even supposed to be good? The last one these guys threw was trash, Mere.”
Meredith turned from her desk to give you a death stare. “You’re going to put on your Britney Spears “Oops!….I Did it Again” outfit, and you’re going to turn off the Ducks’ game, and we’re going to have fun, okay?”
“I feel like you’re going to have more fun than I will,” you sighed.
“Well, duh! You’re only half a drink in and I’m trying to get psyched for our matching Britney costumes!”
Meredith was dressed like Britney in the "…Baby One More Time" video and you were her counterpart in a tight red one piece. You both loved Britney, so the costume was a no brainer. She downed the rest of her drink and made a move to pour you a shot to take with her.
"We haven’t hung out in forever and this is going to be fun, I promise, Y/N.”
“I know, I’m just a little exhausted from this week,” you said. You rubbed your eyes and tried to get a little energy.
“You want me to make you a vodka Red Bull? That got you excited last time Trevor and Jamie came down."
“I think the last thing I need is that, Mere,” you chuckled.
“Okay well finish your High Noon and loosen up! You know Jamie wouldn’t want you sitting here having no fun!”
You guessed she was right. Jamie Drysdale, your boyfriend of a year, was over an hour away, doing exactly what he loved. You never expected that you would find someone and date them throughout college, especially not someone who didn’t even attend your college, but here you were. Jamie had swept you off your feet and you hadn’t looked back since. The two of you met during your summer internship as the social media manager for the team. After lots of nudging from Jamie's teammate, Trevor Zegras, you had hung out with Jamie alone and next thing you knew, you were dating a professional hockey player.
You were always so proud of him for doing his best out on the ice. Your friends thought your relationship was so cute and hoped for the best for both of you.
Jamie had gotten you to leave campus and come to a few Ducks games with your friends, but when they were during a busy week, you typically turned him down. Now, you hadn't seen him face to face in almost two weeks. You watched his games as much as you could, even when it interfered with coveted Halloween plans.
"Okay c'mon, no more hockey," she chided, pushing a shot into your hands. "Let's cheers to the fact that the basketball team is supposed to be there and I’m not missing my chance with one of those cuties!”
You groaned while Meredith clinked your shots together and threw hers back. You were about to drink yours to really get your night started when the sight on the television made your breath hitch.
A slow motion replay had just ended on the screen and you could see Jamie stepping off the ice with a trainer holding his jersey. You must have missed the actual moment.
"Mere, where's the remote?" You frantically looked around the room until you spotted the white rectangle.
"No, we're not watching this again, Y/N!"
You rushed to rewind to see what had happened and why Jamie had left, looking so unsteady. Meredith came to stand next to you and put a hand on your shoulder. Once you felt like you had gone back far enough, you pressed play.
"...Jamie Drysdale shaken up here, kinda favoring that left arm," the commentator trailed off and you were left with the slow motion replay.
Jamie had been shoved up against the glass by a member of the opposing team and crumpled to the ground. The commentators spoke about how the hit wasn't anything that deserved a penalty but their words started to fade into the background. Your eyes were glued to the screen.
"And that's not good," the commentator sighed.
"Holy shit."
You felt the remote slowly start to fall from your hand as your body trembled with the weight of what you just watched sinking in. Jamie was hurt. You'd never seen him hurt. The remote clattered to the floor.
"Y/N," Meredith started.
Your body started to move before your mind did as you grabbed your phone and opened it up to Twitter to see what people were saying.
"Hey, no, no. You are not wasting your time on social media, Y/N," Meredith said, taking your phone and setting it down. "Look, I don't know for sure what happened, none of us do. But it's up to you what you want to do next."
Meredith seemed to have sobered up and you instantly shook off the few sips of a drink you had. In your haste and confusion, you forgot that Meredith was probably the best person to have in your corner. She was studying physiology and sports medicine and had worked with a minor league baseball team.
"Is it bad?" Your whisper was barely audible.
"Shoulders are tough, it could be a tear or a separation," she sighed. "The way his shoulder was in a dead hang, it's probably a tear or a separation."
"Does he need surgery? A tear doesn't sound like it needs surgery."
"It depends," Meredith shrugged. "If it's bad enough, athletes are almost always recommended for surgery to speed up the healing process. It's hard to know from only seeing it that quickly."
You nodded.
"Well, I don't know which hospital he's at, I can probably call someone to give me the number of the trainer," you sighed. "I, uh, I feel like I should try to see him.”
She pulled you into a hug and gave you a light squeeze.
"I think you should, too. He's going to be so glad you're there."
The next few minutes were filled with you packing a bag with all of your necessities and a few pairs of clothing. Your school had given you Monday off, so you quickly planned to be in Anaheim for a few days.
Meredith made no attempt to leave you, even when you knew she was supposed to be ready to leave. Thirty minutes later, you had everything you needed packed and were in contact with one of your old coworkers who knew the trainer for the Ducks and gave you his number.
"Love you so much, Y/N," Meredith said while hugging you. "Give Jamie lots of TLC and text me when you get there, okay?"
You wiped your eyes before promising her you would. She shooed you out the door and you climbed into your car to begin the drive to Anaheim.
You played light music during the ride to calm your nerves. Heart pounding in your chest, you dialed the number for team trainer.
A long phone call later, you learned which hospital Jamie had been brought to. You learned from the trainer that they believed he had torn his labrum in his shoulder and was waiting to be brought in for scans.
Before you knew it, you had pulled up to the hospital. The bright lights blinded you in the wake of your destination. Once you parked, you exited the parking garage and texted the trainer to meet you outside.
"Y/N?" A voice called out to you. You turned to your right and saw a man in a black track suit waving to you.
"Hi, it's Chad, right?" You said, offering your hand.
"Yes, it's nice to meet you," Chad shook your hand and turned to walk into the building. You steeled yourself and followed him in.
"He's just finished his tests and it confirmed the torn labrum, like we suspected. Luckily, the orthopedic surgeon that's on tonight will be able to do his surgery before the night ends." he said, guiding you through the hallways. "His parents are trying to get on the earliest flight to come see him, they're hoping to be here by Sunday at the latest."
You tried to keep up his pace and take everything in as you chatted in the elevator.
"Jamie's on the third floor. They've got him on some meds to ease the pain now but they'll get him prepped on anesthesia and a block when they're ready for him."
Chad abruptly stopped in front of a door that he pointed out to be Jamie's room. "I'll leave you to it, I'm sure he'll be excited to see you."
Chad left you there alone, promising to be in the waiting area to keep an eye out for the doctor who would be performing the surgery.
You braced yourself as you gripped the handle of the door. Should you have texted Jamie beforehand?
You slowly pushed open the door handle and peeked your head around. Sitting in the bed in front of you was your boyfriend.
Jamie was dressed in a hospital gown with a blanket covering his legs. The bed was propped up and his arm was in a white sling, resting on some pillows to keep it in place. An IV was placed in the crook of his right elbow to keep him comfortable as possible.
“Hey,” you said quietly, trying not to startle him.
Jamie’s eyes left the television screen in the corner of his room and came to rest on you.
“Hi babe,” he said, a sad smile starting to take over his face. He tried to push himself up a little to greet you but he fell back to the bed in a groan.
“Don’t move, it’s just me,” you reminded him. “I’m right here, J.”
You walked over to his right side and set your bag down on the floor. Your heart melted at the sight of him looking so vulnerable in the hospital bed. You leaned over to run your fingers through his hair to give him some comfort.
“How are you feeling?” You asked, knowing the answer wouldn’t be ideal.
“I’m alright,” he let out a soft chuckle. “Been better, I guess.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” your hand trailed down his arm to meet his hand on the bed.
“We lost the game, too.”
“Shit,” you sighed.
You hadn’t checked the score of the game since you left your dorm. You were solely focused on getting to Jamie as quickly as possible.
“I’m sorry you had to drive down here on Halloween weekend to sit in a hospital with me. You shouldn’t have had to come,” he trailed off, closing his eyes as a wave of pain erupted in his shoulder. His right arm reached to pull his right closer to his body.
“Don’t say sorry, I wasn’t gonna have any fun this weekend anyways, not without you. Meredith was gonna get sloppy and then I’d have to wrangle her back to our dorm,” you mentioned, which was true. The whole weekend was going to consist of you following around Meredith as she got as drunk as possible. You got Jamie to let out a soft laugh. He knew how you and Meredith liked to go out and have fun, even if you went overboard most times.
“You have to have surgery, right?”
Jamie nodded, letting out an exhale as you mentioned the word surgery. You knew he wasn’t a big fan of needles or anything to do with hospitals, so you felt bad for him that he had to undergo emergency surgery.
“They said it‘a a quick surgery, thank God,” he breathed out a sigh. “Feels like my whole arm is out of place and it hurts like crazy."
For the first time since you walked in the room, you really looked at Jamie’s left side. He was trying to keep his body as still as possible so he wouldn’t jostle his arm. You could see faint bruises forming right at the neckline of the hospital gown. You didn’t get squeamish very easily, but the reality of Jamie’s injury was starting to make your stomach hurt.
“Missed you, been forever since I saw you,” he mumbled. You could tell Jamie wanted to change the subject and you couldn’t help but go along with him since he needed the distraction. You tore your eyes away from his shoulder with a shaky breath. Jamie needed you to be here with him.
“I missed you, too,” you said, smiling as he looked you in the eyes. His big blue eyes were clouded over and you wiped a tear from his cheek. “We have Monday off so I can stay with you until then if you want. I can tell you all about midterms and my research lab.”
“Of course I want that, are you crazy? Any Y/N time I can get is appreciated,” he laughed and grabbed your hand to kiss it.
You continued to chat with him until the doctor came in and told him they were going to prep him for surgery. Jamie tensed up but you reassured him that everything would be fine.
“It’s super quick and then we get to go home,” you told him. You leaned down to give him a kiss which he eagerly returned. You pulled back before he could deepen the kiss and make you flustered in front of the nurse who was checking his sheet.
“More of that at home?” He mused. You couldn’t help but smile at Jamie. He was a quiet guy, but around people he knew, he could be outgoing and playful.
“I probably shouldn’t say no to an injured guy,” you teased.
“I'm not just some guy,” he poked you in the stomach and made you laugh. You gave him one more quick kiss before turning to head out of the room.
Chad was sitting outside the room and you sat next to him. He told you he was planning on staying until Jamie was ready to head home, which would be shortly after he woke up and was able to get dressed. The surgery was an easy outpatient surgery, so you figured you’d be home right around midnight.
You got the rundown on Jamie’s recovery and what you should do to help him in the next few days. Chad warned you that he might not get much sleep due to the pain but that he should get some relief from the strong pain medication he would be taking a few times each day.
“It’ll be a little rough, but he’ll be in good hands with you and Zegras. He’ll bounce back quickly with PT,” Chad reminded you.
An hour went by and next thing you knew, a doctor was coming out to tell you that Jamie had woken up and could go home whenever he was ready. The doctor had cleared him and said he would be on the mend.
You went back into Jamie’s room, where you found him chatting to a nurse who was helping him sit up.
“Hi there, he just woke up and was asking for you,” she said sweetly, looking at you.
“He’s a little disoriented but he shouldn’t be in too much pain, the doctor uses a nerve block that will wear off within the day.”
Jamie lifted his head to see you standing there in front of him. He looked at you through half lidded eyes. He looked a little pale from waking up from surgery and moved slowly to get up with the help of his nurse. You took in how soft he looked as the nurse helped him zip up the Ducks sweatshirt that Chad had brought for him.
He now had on a black sling that would keep his shoulder in place and protect him from knocking into anything.
“Hi J,” you said quietly. “The surgery is all done, babe.”
He nodded and mumbled that he was ready to go home as you helped him into the wheelchair that would bring him to your car. Chad said goodbye to you as you left the room, telling you to call if you needed anything from him.
“He said he was ready to spend the weekend with you, what a sweet guy,” the nurse said, wheeling him out of the room.
“Yeah, he’s the best,” you said, blushing. “I got lucky with Jamie.”
You parted ways momentarily to go bring your car down so Jamie could get in easily. With some help, you got him sitting and thanked the nurse before she shut the door. You were really on your own with Jamie now. This didn’t usually worry you, but you wanted to keep him as comfortable as possible.
“Hey, it’s finally just me and you,” you said, looking over at him as you pulled away.
Jamie was leaned back in your front seat with his eyes closed, his head hanging down a little. He looked pretty comfortable, if the content look on his face was anything to go by.
“I told the nurse that I’ve got the best girlfriend in the world,” he muttered. “I told her that I wanna say ‘I love you’ soon. I don’t wanna take too long and miss my chance.”
“I bet she’ll be really excited to hear that, J.”
You couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face. You and Jamie had agreed to take it slow when you started dating. At the time, he had really just begun his professional hockey career and you had a few more years left in college, so you weren’t looking to rush into anything that you couldn’t keep up with.
Neither one of you had said I love you yet, but more and more you were finding the words on the tip of your tongue. You were scared that saying it first would result in heartbreak, so you refrained from letting the words slip out. Even in his disoriented state, you knew Jamie would never say something untrue. His honesty was reassuring to you and you knew you could tell him how you really felt when he was feeling better.
You filled Jamie’s prescription and headed back to his and Trevor’s apartment. A text to Trevor let him know that you were on your way back so he could help you bring Jamie inside.
Once you pulled to a stop, you sent Trevor a message and waited until he came outside.
“Jamie? We’re home,” you said, not trying to startle him. You placed a hand on his thigh in an attempt to wake him up.
Jamie stirred, opening his eyes and looking around blearily. He let out a huff of breath as he took in the sling he was sporting. You figured he was truly seeing it for the first time since you had left the hospital.
"Why does my shoulder feel numb?" He questioned, dragging his eyes up to meet yours. You could tell he felt uncomfortable in the sling and felt sorry for him.
"It was from the surgery, J. Does it hurt?"
Jamie seemed to think about it for a minute before he shrugged. You flinched as he did so and he let out a groan. "Can't do that anymore."
“Trevor’s about to come down to help you walk upstairs, okay?”
Jamie seemed to acknowledge you and looked to see Trevor approaching the car. Trevor was sporting a hoodie and shorts and looked a little rough. You could imagine that the team was taking Jamie's injury pretty hard.
Trevor opened the door and you could tell he was trying to smile as he took in the state of his roommate in the front seat.
"Hey Jimmy, you made it home, man," he said quietly.
Jamie, not in the mood to talk, sleepily nodded and allowed himself to be gently manhandled out of the car.
"You didn't win, Z," Jamie mumbled as Trevor wrapped an arm around his waist to walk him towards the door to the apartment building.
"Couldn't focus without you."
You let Trevor bring Jamie in as you grabbed your bag and locked your car. You couldn't help but whip out your phone and take a picture of the two of them from behind. Trevor and you had similar personalities, both extroverted and ready for fun. You bonded with him immediately.
"Yo roomie, you coming or what?" Trevor called, turning back to see you behind them. "I might just steal your little boyfriend for the night if you don't hurry."
"You wish, Zegras."
By the time you trekked up to Trevor and Jamie's apartment, Jamie was absolutely wiped. Trevor gracefully deposited him on the couch while you set your bag down.
"Thanks for your help, Z," you acknowledged. "Sorry the game didn't turn out well."
"No problem, and no one cared about that after seeing Jamie down. I think I'm still in disbelief," he chuckled. You knew Trevor was probably tired from the game and most likely had practice in the morning to regroup as a team.
"Was he in a lot of pain?" Trevor whispered to you. Jamie was half asleep and the news was playing on the television but you assumed Trevor was trying to be cautious around him. Trevor and Jamie loved each other like brothers and it was hard for him, too.
You nodded, swallowing hard. "Yeah, it sucked to see him like that."
Trevor wrapped you in a hug before you could say anything else, assuring you that you would both get through it together.
"And when you go back to school to be all smart next week, I promise I'll take good care of him and give him lots of cuddles," Trevor assured you.
You laughed as he held up a salute towards you. Trevor had easily become one of your close friends within the past year. You always felt comfortable around him.
"That would be perfect, Z," you said, a genuine smile reaching your cheeks. "Go wake my boy up so he can eat something."
"Eat? He's dead to the world, Y/N!"
"And when the block wears off and he's in pain, he'll wish he took the medicine early to minimize it," you said in retaliation.
Trevor looked at you as he tilted his head sideways, eyes narrowing.
"Does Jamie know he's dating a know-it-all?"
"Yup, and he loves it, Zegras, " you responded teasingly.
Trevor followed your lead, waking Jamie up as you made him some toast so he could take a dose of medicine.
"She's making you toast right now, dude. She'll be back in a minute," you heard Trevor say as you approached them with Jamie's food.
"He was wondering where you went, y'know, since I'm chopped liver," Trevor joked.
"I'm right here, J. I brought you something," you said. You helped him eat some of the toast before taking some medicine. Trevor assisted you in getting him out of his jacket and into his bedroom as you cleaned up. Waves of exhaustion were just starting to hit you. A text was sent to Meredith to update her on the night to which you received a jumble of letters in response. At least someone was having a fun night. You brought your bag into Jamie's room to get changed and go to bed.
When you entered the room, you were surprised by the boys in front of you. Jamie was propped up on pillows, sitting half upright in bed while Trevor made sure he was comfortable. Trevor had helped him change and got him ready for bed. It was a sight for sore eyes.
"Your boyfriend ready for bed, Z?"
"Oh yeah, minty breath and everything. Hey, I work wonders, Y/N," Trevor quipped, always able to make a joke, even when he was tired.
You and Jamie said goodnight to Trevor. He told you he'd be back around noon after morning practice.
Once you had changed and washed your face, you took a deep breath before walking back into Jamie's room. Jamie had woken up a little in after eating something and had turned on Friends to watch.
"Need anything?" Your voice cut through the quiet hum of the television.
"Just you," he mused. You rolled your eyes as you turned out the light and joined him, but he knew you didn't really mean it. His teammates had always teased him about being whipped for you, but he never cared. Jamie loved to take you on special dates and show you around California since you were both still pretty new to the state. He thought you were such a smart girl and you kept him in awe every time you hung out.
"Thanks for tonight, Y/N. I know it wasn't really ideal," Jamie trailed off as you climbed into bed next to him. "I'm sorry I put you in these situations."
"You know there's nothing you need to be sorry about, right? It's not like this was your fault, J."
Jamie didn't meet your eyes as you inched closer to him. You were on his injured side, which was right at the middle of his bed on pillows to keep him steady in the night.
"Hey, look at me," you whispered. "I know what I got myself into when I started dating you. I'm not scared."
He could hear the reassurance in your voice and felt hopeful for the first time that night. You moved a little closer so you could hold his face in your hands.
In the soft light of the television, Jamie met your gaze. "I don't want to stop you from your future, Y/N."
You huffed out a sigh, kneeling and climbing onto Jamie's lap. He reacted in surprise, right hand coming to find your waist as you made sure to give him space for his sling.
"I'm gonna smush your face if you don't listen to me, Drysdale," you attempted, threateningly.
"I'm in for the long haul, okay?" You were now holding Jamie's face in your hands, staring into his eyes. "Y'know, if you want me to be."
Instead of answering you, Jamie leaned in to kiss you. You allowed him to push his tongue into your mouth, sinking into his touch.
"I want you forever," he mumbled into your mouth before pulling away. "I, uh, I know I'm not the best at telling you everything, but I love you, Y/N."
You could practically feel your pupils dilating as a wide smile broke out on your face. "And I love you, Jamie Drysdale. Took you long enough, you dork."
You finished your makeout session and settled into bed next to Jamie. You wrapped a hand around his stomach as you settled in to sleep on your stomach. You were almost asleep before you heard Jamie whisper something above you.
“Shit,” you heard Jamie say.
“Are you alright?” You leaned up, fearing that he had hurt himself, but instead he had his right hand dragging over his face.
“I won’t get to see you in that hot Britney costume.”
“Oh my god, I hate you."
"You said I love you, actually."
"Don't get smart, Drysdale."
"I love you too, babe."
A/N: Hi guys!! Thanks so so much for all of your likes and everything! I've been thinking of writing this one for a while, so I hope you enjoy!
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xkaidaxxxx · 1 month
Villain's Love
Dabi x reader
mentions: Contacting Dabi, friends reveal, the truth, Menstrual, New place.
1.8k words read part 1 ( Masterlist)
No proofread.
You attached the letter onto your bird and said, “ You know where to go.  Love you Niki.” He went flying away quickly. Mirio pushed open your door. “ You’re here!!” Neijire yelled, attacking you with a hug. You weren’t in the mood for a visit but they’re your best friend so who cares? She let go of you since you were so tensed up. “ Did the villain you were with threatened you?  How did it go?Did principal Nezu get angry and yell at you? They’re not expelling you right?” she asked. You looked angry. “ You told them I was speaking to a Villain?” you asked. She nodded. “ He was probably going to hurt you! But then I saw him leave so I thought he was telling you to warn the heroes about war or something?” she replied. “ ARE YOU STUPID!? WAR STARTED EVER SINCE THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS 1ST SHOWED UP AT UA!! YOU SHOULD’VE KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT,BUT YOU CAN’T YOU LOUD MOUTH!!” You yelled wanting to slap her in the process but you held back. Neijire frowned. “ Why? He could’ve hurt you y/n. I care about you.” she replied. Tamaki closed the door and locked it. “ She had to tell the principal. It’s crucial.” Tamaki said. “ Since when do you ever comment about my decisions?” you asked. Defensively. “ What’s your problem? We want to make sure you’re doing alright. What’s going on with you? You leave the city early in the morning and come back late at night? What the hell have you been doing? Oh then suddenly you’re stuck at the hospital for 2 weeks and there’s no fucking visitors allowed?” Mirio asked. “We care about you," Neijire said with tears in her eyes. “ I’ve been great, actually Neijire ruined everything! I was tortured for god knows how many fucking hours!” you replied kicking a soccer ball you have. “ How is that my fault? I didn’t do anything bad.” she replied. “ That villain you caught me with is my boyfriend. Dabi.” you replied. The three of them were shocked as fuck. “ w-what since-what the fuck?” Tamaki said. “ We've been together for 6 months. Won’t tell you the details on how we met..it will make me relive the trauma. All I can say is he saved me from something horrible.” you replied. “You’re in love with a criminal. Y/n I think you took “ Criminal”by Britney Spears seriously.” Mirio said concerned as hell. “ Okay hold the fuck up. He treats me correctly, if he didn’t he would’ve been dead by now. I know my worth. Don’t play with me. I’m powerful, smart, kind and I have killer instincts. Our love is rational..beside the fact im a hero's daughter, hero in training and he’s a villain.” you replied. “  Cause,he’s a bad boy with a tainted heart and even I know this aint smart,but mama I'm in love with a criminal.” Neijire sang, You smacked her head. “Don’t try to be funny. I’m still mad at you. What they did to me 2 weeks ago..was painful. I could’ve died at any moment with my body being overworked. Being in excruciating pain.” you replied sitting down on your chair. “I’m sorry I ruined things. You really love him.” Neijire said. “ We won’t tell anyone just between the Big 4.” Tamaki said, smiling. “ Big 4.” You replied smiling. 
Dear Haru,
I’ve been missing you. Seeing Niki land on the fence in front of me made me feel joy and relief. I love you. I love you. I love you. I’ve been desperate to meet with you or even receive a letter. I got you a phone. It's for us to text..if anyone else touches it, it will self-destruct along with everything in it, so take great care of it. If it does happen I can get you another one as many times as I need. 
I’ve had love of fire within me. I won’t forget it. It’s burning brighter.
I’m upset that you had to experience that. Thanks for letting me know. I want and need to make sure you’re okay. I’m glad you’re doing better. The next time we meet I’m holding you closer than ever before. I love you my flame, more than anything. I’d do anything for my girl.
I’m doing well. Nothing has come up my flame. I’m safe. I have no kind of sickness, silly girl. I’m so honored you love and care about me, my queen. ;) I love you very much. My friends know to not mess with me. You know I’ll defend myself from those idiots. 
Hey…I know you want to know more about my past. I’m ready to tell you. It’s better to meet up. I need to do it face to face. I know you’ll understand. I’ve come to reason that there shouldn't be anything hidden between us. It’s about time isn’t it. Haha.
Also The show you told me to watch, I’m mid way into it and it's still boring, but as promised I’ll watch the entire thing! The main character is whiney as fuck. He needs a rude awakening. Does he really think he can get by that easily? He’ll be one stupid King. I swear if the ending is shitty I’m spanking you when we meet again. 
I love you baby.
Love, Dabi
“ I’m sorry…for dragging you into this..If anything happens you guys know nothing. “ You said. “ We have each other's back no matter what Y/n.” Mirio said. “ Does anything seem out of place here?” you asked. They examined the room. Every corner. “ No. It’s all clear. Why do you have some stuff of his in here?” Tamaki asked. “ You guys need to be more observant. That's totally her boyfriend's hoodie. The beanie too. Holy shit did he get you the album set?” Neijire asked. Mirio checked out the hoodie. “He’s into emo music?” he asked. “ Yeah mostly but he listens to other genres as well. I got him to listen to Taylor Swift. Cool right?” you responded smiling . “Ugh I’m dying for a boyfriend who listens to Taylor.” Neijire said, flopping onto your bed. “ You guys in all seriousness..I really am in love with him. I never thought I’d ever fall in love.” You said putting on his hoodie. “ Do you love him that much y/n?” Neijire asked, holding your hand. “ Yes. We learned so much from each other it's insane. He made me a bit of a rebel. I won't deny that. He’s maken me feel free. He made me realize I do have more choices than the ones given to me. That it’s alright to feel good after doing something bad. I felt great kicking that rude ass, annoying, asshole of a 1st year. I know fighting with him wasn’t allowed but it felt so good, ya,know. Yes, he ended up with recovery girl but it felt good. He disrespected my and I” you replied, hugging your pillow. “ You really didn’t have to go too far.” Tamaki said. “Mhm all heroes in training need to behave but someone like him needs a rude awakening.” you replied. “ We support you if you love him that badly.” Mirio said. Tamaki agreed. Neijire smiled and nodded yes. They said their goodbyes and left. About an hour later Niki came back. You opened the window allowing him in. “Good boy. Thank you.” you closed and locked your window. As you read the letter you felt relieved that he got the memo for the LOV to relocate. You cherished all the I love yous and how he was safe. You smiled throughout the entire thing. You grabbed the phone attached to Niki and Immediately called him. 
Phone call 
He heard his phone ring and pulled it out. Answering. You both were nervous for some god apparent reason. 
Y/n: “ D-Dabi?”
Dabi: Hi my flame. I’m glad to hear your voice. I thought you'd respond in 3 days. 
Y/n: Yeah fuck that. Also don’t tease me. 
Dabi: I love you.
Y/n: I love you too. 
You started crying. Happy to hear his voice knowing he’s okay. He started silently crying. 
Dabi: Y-you okay? Wh-y are you crying?
Y/n: I’m happy to hear from you. . Why are you cr-crying?
Dabi: Same reason as you. I’m happy to hear from you. You have no Idea how worried I was about you. I couldn’t even do my job right when Shigaraki sent me out. He eventually made me stay with him at the hideout. We’re getting ready to leave. He told me to tell you he says Thank you once we got in contact. Are you really okay now? Your body doesn’t feel drained or differently?
Y/n: I’m good, okay. I’m just pissed I got my period an hour ago. It totally sucks. I know my cramps will come soon. I still have tea to help.
Dabi: Damn that does suck. If the tea doesn’t work, take Midol. Do you have some?
Y/n: I think so, If I don't, I’ll ask the girls. I need them. My breasts are swollen and it hurts a bit and back pain sucks. I don’t get fatigued so that's good.
Dabi: Yes, flame, that's good. Please get some Midol. I wish I were there. I could be your personal heating pad. Hey, do you have one of my hoodies? I can’t find one. 
Y/n: Yes I do and a beanie. Hehe sorry. 
Dabi: Sneaky girl. How did you do it?
Y/n: You made me sneaky, babe
Dabi: Mhmm yes I did. Good girl. 
Y/n: That’s me! Don’t hang up, I need to use the bathroom real quick. 
You put yourself on mute. Doing your business. He stayed on the line waiting for you. After 5 minutes you were back unmuting yourself
Y/n: I’m back. First two days are  always heavy. 
Dabi: I’m highly aware those days you’d stay over with me. You’d get up like 3 times in the middle of the night to change. We’d both ended up restless. 
Y/n: I know Hehe but you loved having me over regardless. 
Dabi: Obviously maybe soon you’ll be able to sleepover with me.
Y/n: We can sleepover at my vacation home. It’s about 3 hours away. You have to agree this time okay.
Dabi: Okay let's do it. Anything for you. 
You got into bed turning on the heating pad to help with the cramps. 
Y/n: Babe… can you stay on the line until I fall asleep. Please. I don’t want to be alone tonight. 
Dabi: Anything for you my flame.
That night you guys talked for hours. They reached the hideout and eventually everyone went their separate ways within the building. He heard your snores, even then he didn’t hang up. He slept comfortably hearing you. It’s like you were there with him.
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emocl0wnpp · 9 days
Because i'm in a fankid frenzy again,time to properly introduce my babies!!(part1)
(Also in the current canon they're all adults-)
Also they're all in the same friendgroup-
So first we have Claws' and Jack's kids,Liam and Lau
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A little about them
He was adopted when he was 7(he died as a human and due to a mistake,ended up in hell where Claws found him as a little ghostie creature-)
The doll he "uses as his body" was made to look like Jack(duh) because he looked up to his father as a child
Though as he grew older he looked up to Claws more and more
The doll is made out of porcelain btw-
He knows how to play the piano :D
He was in his school's sport team(main reason why he's buff as hell)
He's very much..expressionless,and has trouble expressing his emotions in general
He's kind of like a mime
But he's a very sweet guy tho!
He's gay..very gay #manlover
He owns a casino in the underworld and is kind of a maffia leader,but still works under Zalgo
Lost some of his colors :((
Mama's boy(the good kind-)
His best friends are Floss,Jay,Corn,Berry and Alan(they'll be mentioned later)
Absolutely spoils Alan(his bf) even if he can't show affection/love properly
Knows his way around guns
If you need a gun he knows where to get them(from him)
Very much overprotective of Lau
Jill's favourite (and only) nephew
Now Lau!
Same story as Liam,except she was adopted when she was 6(Liam was 12 by that time)
The pretty pink princess of her family
Very much a daddy's girl
Jack spoiled her rotten when she was a kid
But thankfully Claws didn't let her to become a spoiled brat
...she's still a brat though,but a likeable one
She was the pretty cheer captain of her school :D
And she was in the theatre club too
Pretty much a Draculaura, Regina George, and Heather C. kind of gal
She works as a model in the underworld (she rich rich)
Loves having girl's only days with Claws(we love a wholesome mother-daughter duo)
Her besties are Cheryl,Jenna and Floss(will be mentioned later)
Makes Jack carry her stuff when she goes shopping
Actually she makes Jay(her husband),Liam AND Jack carry her shit-
Biggest girl's girl out there.
HUGE Millionares and Britney Spears fan
Despite her "bimbo" persona,she's hella smart
Jill's favourite (and only) niece
Next up are the trouble trio..Vicky and Candy's sons Candy Floss(just Floss or Flossy), Candy Corn(or just Corn) and Jay(the pics are in this order)
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First, Floss:
The oldest twin
Takes a lot of pride in being the oldest twin
He's a loveable jerk
Trans guy!! (Still dresses kind of feminine to break stereotypes)
Has a deep ass voice
His hair is dyed. Non if it was his real hair color(his og hair is the same color as Jay's)
He takes after his dad Candy a lot..like a LOT
But he's a momma's boy like Liam-
He had to do cheerleading instead of being in the sports team bc his coach was an asshole,but during his senior year he was allowed to play in the team :D
Bullies his brothers as a form of love
Ngl he's kind of a jerk to everyone but it's his love language
Pretty boy™️
Does modelling with Lau :D
His best friends are Liam,Alan,Jenna,Cheryl and ofc,his brothers
Has a ferret named Noodles
Despite his jerk personality,he's an absolute loverboy when it comes to his lovely wife Jenna
Next up,Corn!
The middle son of the 3
Pretty much the quiet artsy kid
Who knows how to make bombs
Half of his face is burned,but he covers with it makeup
He has a strange shape-shifting ability that makes his colors change according to the seasons(will post it either here or in a p2 post)
He's probably the closest to Candy from his brothers
But he learned witchcraft from Vicky and very much enjoys it
He has a prostetic leg because of an accident(same as his burn marks)
He usually wears funky clothes
His wife is named Halloween :D (she's not my oc but one of my bff's,and idk if he has tumblr or no so i can't show her-)
Even tho he's quiet,when he snaps it's over. He can be a big bitch let's just say that-
But i swear he's a cool guy
His best friends are his brothers,Berry and Liam
He was also in the sports team alongside Liam
He stores stuff in is hair (his hair genuinely works as a portal-)
And last but not least, Jay and his assistant Opal the snake!
The youngest of the twins
And probably the oddball-
The sweetest guy alive
Literally THE husband material
But his heart already belongs to Lau :3
Matching west and bowtie with Liam!!
The patches on his shirt represent his brothers and friends
He owns many snakes,but Opal is his baby
Again,best husband out there,also spoiled Lau rotten
Got bullied by his brothers but loves them regardless
He's has a dad bod!
He has a little portal in his hat
He got Vicky's thick german accent-
Unlike his brothers,he learned a lot from Jason actually
His best friends are his brothers,Liam,Berry and Alan
Lau made him dye a pink strand in his hair-
His dream is to make his own circus and he works HARD to achive that
He's very The Greatest Showman coded
He'd probably love that movie too
Next iiiiis Jenna! The daughter of Jason the toymaker and Jade(i STILL didn't make a post of her-)
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Prettiest doll out there!!
Looks a lot like her mom :3
Her eyes are made from glass
The sweetest girl out there
Daddy's girl,learned a LOT from Jason
Literally just a ray of sunshine
The kindest killer out there if there's a thing like that-
Besties with Lau and Cheryl <33
She did cheerleading too
But she loves all of her friends equally
Also an art kid like Corn-
Even though she's a sweet and well mannered girl,she got her anger from her dad-
She has a slight french accent because of her mom
Her parents did not approve of her relationship with Floss but she didn't care
She's pretty rebellious ngl
But other than that she's just a bundle of joy
Despite all these sweet things i listed for her she's lowkey like Jecka from Class of 09-
Also she's very much a Heather M. and Gretchen girl
Next up,Cheryl and Alan :D
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First Cheryl:
Alan's twin :3(the older half)
She's mute and uses her mask to talk
Modded her mask to sound like Hatsune Miku once
Both of her arms and legs are prostetics(lost them in a fire related accident,along with her voice)
She's a proxy for Slendy
She usually hangs around Clockwork and Kate the Chaser when she's with the other proxies
But her besties are Lau and Jenna of course<33
But she's also friends with BEN and Toby
Both her and Alan are raised by their older sister Natasha
Lesbian women kisser woman lover♡♡♡
Heather D. and Karen kind of gal(she ain't dumb she just loves Karen with all her heart)
Girl failure but it's okay I love her
Did cheerleading with Lau and Jenna as well
Very good around tech and hacking
Her and BEN make a great duo when comes to tech
She learned sign language just to cuss people out
Now Alan:
Cheryl's twin(the younger half)
He gets bullied by Cheryl for being 0.1 second younger
He loves her with every fiber of his body tho
He's dyslexic
He's also a proxy for Slendy
He usually hangs around Masky Hoodie and Toby,they're like the brothers he never had
He looks up to Masky a LOT
But his best friends are Liam,Cheryl,the trouble trio and Berry
And Liam's biggest fan(we love a supporting boyfriend)
He used to be scared of Liam's family,especially Lau since they are in the same friendgroup
He got his burn mark in the same accident as Cheryl
Ngl he's kind of a jock himbo
Unless Liam is around then he's just a simp
Borrowed Hoodie's old,well,hoodie-
Helps Cheryl with tech stuff
Now time for the oddball of the group,Berry
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Zalgo's son
No his full name isn't Berry i just forgot his actual name
Berry is just his nickname
Yes Zalgo got himself a son
Though Berry ain't nothing like him
He's canonically autistic btw and his special interest is humans+human biology!!
Let's not count how many humans Zalgo got killed for Berry
He surprisingly gets along with Lazari
Claws had to babysit him when he was little
Till this day he calls her mom by accident
His bestfriends are everyone in his friendgroup but he's the closest to Liam and Lau
He can be hella scary ngl
When he's mad or just really overwhelmed all hell is unleashed
He's over 5 meters/16 feet tall damn
He's fluffy unlike Zalgo
He made a lot of comments about his dad being all bones AND being bald
Zalgo babies him to death and he hates it a lot
He loves his dad tho
The person in the back holding him is his wife Y(who also belongs to the same friend as Halloween does)
He's a pretty sweet guy who can and will do wrong,but usually he's very friendly to those who are friendly to him
Corn's different season looks along with some other kiddos will be included in another post bc i can't add more pics</3
Hope you enjoyed this tho!!
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omgkatherine01 · 6 months
Moonlight Beta: Chapter 1 - New Girl, New Werewolf
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Series Masterlist
Prologue, Chapter 2
Pairing: Scott McCall x Fem!Liam Dunbar
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Stiles and Scott made their way to the lacrosse field for practice before tryouts, both too wrapped up in the supernatural world to notice the new players on the field.
"Now what the hell are we even doing here anyway?" Stiles asked, "We got like 117 million problems, and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them!"
While Stiles was ranting to Scott, the teen alpha had his eyes fell on a lacrosse player. They were perfect at the goalie position, something that made him realize that they were gonna have to step up their game.
"It is now," Scott said, gesturing to the player.
Stiles watched, upset, "Who the hell is that?"
The player took off their helmet, showing that it was just so happened to be a freshman girl.
Garrett whistled and stepped closer, smiling, "Nice, Lia! You might just be our first ever freshman captain. And the first female captain. Finally a good change around here."
Lia smiled brightly, "Thanks. That's pretty much the plan," she said, fist bumping the other guy who threw balls toward her.
"Okay, maybe we should just practice a little bit," Stiles admitted, still gawking at the blue eyes girl with Scott.
In the girls locker room, Lia was changing her clothes.
After she changed into her jeans and tank top, she texted her step father and told him what happened in practice.
She had been extremely proud of herself. She had not only kept her anger in check but managed to impress the team. After having to transfer after being kicked out of her old school, Lia was worried that she wouldn't be allowed on the team. Luckily, however, they seemed to not care.
She had a new start at a new school that her best friend Mason went to. She even had more friends like Garrett and Violet. In Lia's mind, things were starting to look up already.
I'm proud of you, kiddo. Keep it up!
Lia chuckled softly at her father's text, and placed her phone in her jeans pocket. As she put her shirt over her tank top, she heard two people enter the locker room, two boys she knew were juniors.
The team Captain Scott McCall, and Stiles Stilinski.
Lia raised an eyebrow at the two, "Uh, wrong room, boys."
"Hey, Lia," Stiles said, ignoring her comment, "You want to explain what that was out there?"
Lia looked at Stiles with a clear look of confusion, "What do you mean? And, can't you get into trouble with been here in the girls' locker room?" she asked, taking her hair out of the ponytail it was previously in.
"That little display," Stiles said, "Your little circus act."
"Circus act?" Lia asked in confusion, "Like the Britney Spears song?"
"I meant that you caught every shot," he said.
Lia frowned, "I was in goal."
"Yeah, but nothing, not a single shot got passed you," Stiles said. He wouldn't give up, no human could be that good, not a fifteen year old, anyway. Especially one who didn't look like she had much muscle.
"Yeah, I was the goalie," Lia pointed out, "You guys played this game before?"
Stiles grunted, gesturing his alpha-best friend to step in.
"You're a freshman, right?" Scott asked. Lia nodded in response, "Yeah."
"But you weren't here last semester," Stiles said. Lia shook her head, still confused. She shrugged and looked between them, "I transferred from Devenford Prep."
Scott heard the tiny skip in her heartbeat, frowning when he realized she lied, "You transferred?" Lia nodded, "Yeah," she said as Stiles and Scott exchanged a look.
Scott looked at her, "No, you got kicked out, didn't you?" Lia tensed at Scott's words, squeezing her hand into a fist, and she gave a small scoff.
"Alright, look," she said, "Kicked out, transferred--what do you guys care? You aren't even supposed to be in here! I came here to play lacrosse. This team could use a few good players, right?"
Stiles quickly shook his head, "No, no. We don't need any more good players."
Scott realized she wasn't a supernatural threat, smiling at the freshman, "Actually, we could sort of use a couple."
Lia looked at him and smiled more brightly at him. Stiles glared at Scott before turning his attention back towards Lia, taking back her and Scott's attention.
"Okay, how'd you get this good?" he asked, "Have you always been this good? Or did it suddenly happen just once overnight?" Lia frowned while Scott's eyes grew wide.
Stiles continued, "Have you ever been out in the middle of the woods during the night of a full--" Scott cut him off before he could continue. "Stiles."
The two boys stared at each other before Lia answered, "I learned from my stepdad, alright?" She looked over at Scott. "He made team captain when he was a sophomore. Like you. And I want to make team captain like the two of you... just, you know, more female."
Scott let out a chuckle, and he smiled. Lia smiled softly and then turned to Stiles, her soft smile turning to a smirk, "And yeah, I guess I'm just that good." She grabbed her backpack and left the room.
Stiles and Scott watched her leave. Stiles was annoyed while Scott smiled softly, "She wasn't lying that time."
Coach walked into the boys' locker room with Lia. He called out to everyone, "Let me remind you it is an open try out today. All positions available. This is a rebuilding season people," he said in fake enthusiasm.
Lia leaned against one of the lockers with Garrett as Coach continued, "Jackson's gone, Lahey's gone, Greenberg the one guy I actually wanted gone, was held back... again," he said sadly at the end, "Get your asses on the field!"
Lia put on her pads, when Scott went up to Coach asking if he was still Captain. And he repeated what he said earlier, "All positions are open."
Lia glanced over as Scott walked away, looking a little worried. She felt bad for him, but it also meant she had a chance at being captain and she was excited to say the least.
After everyone got into the field, Coach blew his whistle as people crossed the finish line. Lia was first to finish, and then she heard Coach speaking to the rest who came after her, "Terrible! Horrifying! Pathetic! Unbelievably pathetic... Is that everyone?" he asked as Stiles walked past him, panting.
He was breathing heavily as he fell down, and Scott came to help him up. "She came in first," Stiles told Scott as they watched Lia doing push ups. "She isn't human. What is she? Like a Were-Cheetah? Does it even exist, is that a thing?"
"I think she's just that good," Scott said. Stiles and Scott weren't naturally strong just from sports. Scott has his werewolf strength and Stiles built a lot of strength as he battled monsters. But neither of them had been that strong before, not like the freshman.
Stiles panted, "I'm gonna puke, take me somewhere."
After everyone were done, Coach was going to have them throw shots.
Stiles was first he couldn't roll the ball into his net which made everyone laugh, Lia couldn't help but giggle a little. He throw it and it landed right in the goalies net.
Everyone laughed more, Lia was next.
She was smiled lightly at Stiles, as he walked past her. And Stiles puffed out his chest to her in a whatcha-gonna-do-bout-it kind of way.
Lia put the ball into her net and got ready to throw. Stiles said from the back of the line to Scott, "Maybe she is only good at goalie and is totally useless every where else."
Scott just nodded his head as Lia concentrated. She took the shot and it went into the goal. People cheered as Coach called in a cheer, "Yes!"
Lia smiled, spinning her lacrosse stick in her hands. Stiles glared, jealous, saying quietly, "Or maybe she's just perfect at everything. I hate this kid."
"You don't have to hate her," Scott said, defending the girl, "The team needs new players."
Stiles glanced at him as Lia and Garrett high-fived each other, "What about a new team Captain?"
Scott looked back at Stiles in shock; he was right, Lia could take his position as team Captain.
It was Scott's turn and he walked up and put the ball in his net. He threw it and it went too far right and hit the pole of the goal and bounced off.
The team laughed while Stiles bit his lip and Scott looked confused. "Nice McCall," Garret said sarcastically.
"Hey, Garrett... shut up," Stiles said as Garrett smiled.
Lia continued to throw good shots that went into the goal, while Scott threw them too far left or right or even to far up. Every time Lia sincerely said, "Better luck next time." She smiled nicely at him, but Scott ignored her, frustrated.
Scott walked to where Stiles was, throwing his gloves down frustrated. Stiles raised his arms in a what are you doing? kind of way. "Dude, what is going on with you?" Stiles asked Scott mad.
"I don't know I'm having a really off day," Scott said really disappointed in himself.
"Off day?" Stiles repeated, "You were dying out there. I feel actually pain watching you."
"I didn't see you making any shots," Scott replied.
"Yeah, that it because I am terrible, though, Scott," Stiles told him. "You... You are the Alpha."
"Not on the field," Scott told him. "I'm human on the field."
"Well, human you is kind of sucking at the moment," Stiles told him. "So do you think there is any way you could use just a little tiny wolf power?"
Scott sighed, shaking his head, "It's cheating."
"I know it is," Stiles told him, "I just hate seeing this little freshman girl come in and steal all your glory after you worked your tushie off. I hate it."
"She's not gonna steal all the glory," Scott said and Stiles scoffed, as everyone cheered as Lia got another goal.
"Yes!" Coach cheered as the team congratulated the girl. "Hot damn! Yeah!"
Scott's eyes turned red as he started to use his wolf powers. Coach blew his whistle and everyone gathered around him.
"McCall and Stilinski. Grab a long stick. You're covering the goal for two-on-ones. Let's go! Line it up!"
Scott and Stiles got ready in their spot. "We still don't know if she's a werewolf, too," Stiles said, "And if she is, she'd just be cheating. And we'd just be cheating the cheater."
"But she's not," Scott said, shaking his head as he looked at Lia while she talked to the guys around her, "I'd know. I'd be able to catch her scent or something."
"Maybe you need to get closer," Stiles said in hopes that the girl was a werewolf so he didn't feel so bad about himself.
"I think I'm about to get my chance," Scott said as Lia got in line and put her helmet on.
Scott and Stiles got ready.
Garrett stepped forward, getting the ball, running toward Stiles and Scott, spinning around to try to get past them. Scott hit his stick against the Garrett's, making him fall and drop the stick and ball.
Everyone clapped, and Coach cheered, "That's my boy!" He pointed at Stiles and Scott, "Those two are like sons to me!"
Scott and Stiles smiled at each other as the next person was about to come. Lia clapped the boy on the back giving him a little confidence.
The boy ran toward Stiles and Scott, and they ran toward him. They pushed him down, and everyone cheered.
Scott and Stiles bumped heads and Stiles shook his head at the pain he felt. Another guy went and got knocked down.
"That's how you do it!" Coach cheered. "That's how it's done!"
Lia was starting to get nervous a little, but she was going to use her smallness to her advantage.
As Scott and Stiles chest bumped and Stiles fell from the force. Scott went to help him up but he jumped up before he could make it to him.
Lia was up next, swinging the stick back and forth. Scott and Stiles looked at each other a little nervous. Lia got the ball as Coach blew his whistle, and they took off. But Lia dodged both of them and she swung the net around her and through.
The ball went in the goal and everyone cheered as Lia muttered, "Yes!"
"That was luck!" Everyone's eyes snapped over to the werecoyote in the bleachers. She stood up, clearly not understanding how it worked. "Oh no Malia, don't get involved" Stiles mumbled.
Lia's eyes grew wide, she barely got it last time, Coach wouldn't make her do it again would he?
Coach turned towards Malia, "Sweetheart, there are no do-overs. This is a practice." Coach was going to ignore her until she decided to gamble. "Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles." This made Coach interested, "I'll take that action. Hey! Get back in there, Lia!"
Apparently he would Lia thought as she went back to the front of the line. "You got this, Lia," Garrett said as he placed a hand on her shoulder before backing.
Lia nodded lightly and took a deep breathe nervous, as Scott and Stiles got ready.
Scott was angrier now and his wolf was out more. Coach blew the whistle and Scott growled as they started to run. Lia dodged Stiles but Scott was right there and he hit her harder than he had the others, flipping her over his shoulder.
Lia landed hard on her back and her feet. There was a loud snap and she gave out a loud cry of pain. Everyone said ohh and the whistle fell out of Coach's mouth. Scott and Stiles took off their helmets and looked at Lia in shock as she cried out when she tried to get up.
Scott instantly regretted for using his powers.
The team ran to her side as Scott watched in shock and remorse. Coach, knowing of her disorder, ran over. "Don't move! Don't touch her!"
Garrett quickly kneeled down next to Lia and helped her take off her helmet. Lia hissed in pain but quickly tried to cover it, "I'm okay, Coach. I'm good."
Scott heard her heart skip a beat, feeling even worse for what he had done. The two boys helped her up, wrapping their arms around her to help.
"I think we better get her to the nurse," Stiles said. Coach nodded, gesturing for them to leave, and Scott and Stiles helped Lia to walk.
The nurse couldn't do anything about her injured leg, so they had to drive Lia to the hospital. The entire time Scott and Stiles tried to talk to her but she didn't respond.
The two boys helped Lia into the hospital, Stiles had the teen use him as a crutch when Scott went to check in.
Melissa McCall, Scott's Mom and a nurse at the hospital, showed up to see Scott checking in. "Uh, hi Mom," Scott greeted and Stiles waved with his free hand.
Melissa got Lia a wheelchair so she didn't have to walk, "Don't worry, Lia. We'll take good care of you." Melissa wheeled her off, leaving the boys behind.
Stiles turned to face Scott, absentmindedly playing with his keys, "I got to get going. I promised Malia I'd help her study."
Scott nodded, still feeling horribly guilty, "Sure. I want to check on her anyway."
Stiles noticed his expression, "Hey, I don't need to say that wasn't your fault, right?"
Scott shurgged lightly, "I don't know."
Stiles placed a hand on his shoulder, "Scott, if you had used any wolf power that kid wouldn't be limping, she'd be crawling, back to the other half of her body."
Scott continued to stare down the hallway, "If I hadn't been so worried about being Captain she wouldn't be hurt either."
"It's okay to want something for yourself once in a while," Stiles said, "Team Captain, Alpha werewolf. You're still only human." Scott turned and watched his best friend walk away.
He knew Stiles was trying to help but that was the thing, Scott wasn't a human anymore. He was a werewolf. Lia, she wasn't a werewolf. She was human.
Lia's (step) father was extremely kind person to her and her mother, something she was always grateful for considering her biological father wasn't in her life.
Her father made sure she will get a room quickly and he was there to personally check on her leg.
Lia winced slightly when she felt pain, "It's broken, isn't it?" she asked softly in sadness.
Sam sighed softly, "It's definitely going to need an X-ray." Lia looked down sadly at her hands, "It's all my fault."
Her Dad looked at her sympathetically, "You want to tell me what happened?"
Scott was outside the room because he was coming to apologize, but slowed to a stop near the door and listened in with his werewolf hearing.
"I went up against two juniors, one was the team captain," she admitted, "I thought if I could just prove that I was just as good as them... that I might not feel like I don't belong."
"Remember what we always say, play smart not hard," Sam said.
Lia looked up at him sadly, "Are you mad at me?" The sadness and fear in the girl's voice made Scott feel even worse.
Sam shook his head, "No. Of course not. Your Mom might be mad at me for getting you into Lacrosse, but maybe we can wait for the x-ray before we panic."
Lia looked at him in panic, "We can't tell her, Dad. She never liked me playing Lacrosse, she said it's not for girls. If she finds out about this, she will make me quit." She looked at her leg sadly, "On second thought if it's broken, I won't be able to play anyways will I?"
"Trust me I have more of a reason to panic then you," her father said, trying to light her mood up. "It's not over yet. Wait for the x-ray."
Lia nodded slightly and Sam kissed the top of her head before walking out of the room.
Scott turned and lowered his head as Sam walked out of the room and past him. Scott let out a sigh and shook his head, disappointed with himself.
Scott took a deep breath before he turned and he walked to the door. He stepped into the room as he knocked on the door softly, making the girl look up to him in surprise.
"Hey," he said softly, "I, uh... I wanted to apologize for what happened back then."
"Thanks," she muttered and smiled a small sad smile, "Not a good impression back there huh?" Scott looked startled a little but quickly shook his head, "No. No, no, you definitely impressed me and everyone else on the field, that--that's for sure. I was the one who got over reacting."
"Nice hits, by the way," Lia said softly. "Thanks," he muttered as he walked closer, "Uh, look, I--"
"Don't worry about it, Scott," Lia said with a shake of her head, "Thanks for been here, I'll be okay."
Scott nodded his head lightly as he glanced at her ankle. "Is it still hurts?"
Lia shook her head, "No. It doesn't." Scott listened to her heart and knew she was lying so he wouldn't worry. He hesitated for a second before gently placing his hand on hers as he asked about Sam, "Hey, uh, that Doc that came out--" Lia glanced at his hand on hers in surprise before quickly looking at his face, "I couldn't help but listen in a bit, was that your--"
"That's my step father, yeah," Lia answered. As Scott distracted her, black veins trailed into his hand, signaling that Lia was in pain because of her ankle.
Scott took a deep breath and nodded before gently letting go of her hand. He sat down next to her bed on the chair.
Lia looked at her ankle with a frown, moving it slightly. "Huh," she said out loud, it doesn't hurt anymore, she thought in surprise.
"What it is?" Scott asked, acting confused. Lia looked at him and shook her head, smiling softly, "Nothing," she said softly, and he couldn't help but smile softly back.
Scott didn't knew why, but he felt the need to protect her for some reason. He never felt the urge so strong like that before, not even with Allison.
His thoughts were interrupted when he felt his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and saw it was Lydia. He looked at Lia, "Hey, uh, I got to answer this, but then I will come back, want something to drink? Eat?"
Lia smiled softly and shook her head, "No, thank you."
Scott nodded and stood up. He glanced at the girl with a small smile as he answered the phone as he walked out, "Hey, Lydia."
Lia looked to the door even after Scott left and smiled lightly.
Lia was waiting in her room alone when she heard some loud and scary noises. She frowned and slowly got out of her bed. As she limped out of the room, she noticed the hallways were suspiciously empty. "Anyone hear that?" she asked.
As she looked around, she saw a young man covered in blood walking towards her maliciously, and she gasped in shock as she backed away.
Scott heard screams and followed it up to the hospital's roof, his face was formed to his werewolf side, and his eyes were glowing red. "Get back!" the Wendigo yelled at Scott, holding Lia hostage on the edge.
"You don't need to do this," Scott said as Lia managed to look over at him, "Whatever it is, whatever you are, we can help you."
"No, you can't!" the Wendigo said.
Scott's eyes stayed on Lia for a moment, beyond scared that Sean would end up killing her. "Let me help you."
"Wendigos don't need help. We need food."
He turned Lia around and about to bite her. Lia scream and Scott jumped up toward them. Scott roared as the Wendigo pushes the girl off the edge. She screamed but at the last moment her fingers caught on to the ledge.
Scott pushes the wendigo away and he grabbed her arm. But the wendigo grabbed Scott's arms and pull them behind his back. Lia looked from under her to up to Scott, scared, "Scott! I can't hold on!"
She started to slip, and Scott roared before he bite her arm, piercing the skin drawing blood. He bit down hard and she screamed in pain.
Suddenly they heard a loud slice, and a gasp, and Sean released Scott, falling back dead.
Scott let go of Lia's arm with his teeth and quickly grabbed her arms with his hands. Scott set Lia aside and looked to Sean's body before to the door.
Lia's gasping and groaning in pain brought his attention back to her. She was holding her now bleeding, bit arm, and she looked up at Scott in confusion and shock.
Scott stared at her, slowly shifting back to his normal face, and he let out a shaky breath.
He bit her.
She was now his Beta.
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hooked-on-elvis · 5 months
"Cotton Candy Land" from "It Happened at the World's Fair" movie soundtrack (1963).
Every time I see Elvis singing to children in his movies I picture him singing to Lisa Marie Presley. What would Elvis sing to his baby girl, I wonder. Either it was his own songs, one of those he sang in the movies, or traditional children songs, that would've been so cute to watch! 🥹
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But... Elvis' love for children is dated way back to when Lisa probably wasn't even a dream to Elvis.
Elvis' love and affection for his young fans was visible. Any time he met with his fans and there was a tiny new born/infant, a toddler or a child among them, the little one immediately caught Elvis' attention. He is seeing in many, many moments, holding his fans' babies in his arms. Not only his fans babies - I have to say this because you can think he used to hold his fans babies just to 'put up an image' and make himself more likable to his adult audience but it wasn't the case, believe me. Since the 50s (at least, as we have photos to attest only after he begun his music career), Elvis loved children. He was so tender towards any children since always! There's pictures of him with his friends' babies, his family's babies, his coworkers' babies and even playing with his children costars between filming his movies. He was a natural with them. Elvis loved kids and the kids loved Elvis back. ♥
By the way, Elvis also did stand for such vital, important causes for children, over the years! Talking about the Polio vaccine and the 'March of Dimes' campaign, to which EP was one of the voices to, a supporter and a great asset to this cause since the 50s.
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Elvis is pictures with Mary Kosloski (photos 1 -2), Joanne Wilson (3) and Robert Marquette (4); all three children victims of the Polio disease and the faces for the March of Dimes campaigns over the late 50s. But that's another story (an excellent and specially lovely one chapter in Elvis Presley's and the world's history).
Is that clear yet? ELVIS LOVED CHILDREN.
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Look at how he mimics his little fan's expression. This is a guy who was genuine interacting with people. 🥹
That being said, did you know there's Elvis albums specially made for children?
Previously I already knew there was (at least) one Beatles album for children ("All You Need Is Love: Beatles Songs For Kids", released in 1999), but now I found out Elvis too has albums specially for his young fans. That is what I truly intend to share with you today. ♥
There's at least two of them: "Elvis Sings for Children and Grownups Too!", released by RCA Victor in 1978 — You can hear the '40th anniversary edition' full album here (Youtube); and "Elvis Sings for Kids" released in 2002.
"Elvis Sings for Children and Grownups Too!" (CD):
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"Elvis Sings for Children and Grownups Too!" (Vinyl... way cooler!):
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"Elvis Sings for Kids" (CD)
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There must be more of these "Elvis for Children" albums, but there you go. You got the picture. ⚡
One thing's for sure: If you have a children's birthday party to attend or you're a happy parent or at least has a child in the family (or close friends group) and wants to give them the best gift they will be thankful for, specially when they grow up — believe me, the first CD/VINYL a child is gifted with is unforgettable for them (mine was a Britney Spears' one, 90s child haha, and I love it but I'd rather it have been one of the King's ones, sure) — you can take the opportunity and gift that lucky child with an Elvis Presley album specially designed for them. ♥
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To end this special post, look our baby Elvis, that cute precious little thing! 🥹
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cleolinda · 14 days
Weekend links, May 19, 2024
My posts
I’m writing and drafting, but haven’t posted much per se. I have gotten through both a hypomanic episode and a sinus infection; I’ve been doing a lot of gardening and may post some pictures soon.
Reblogs of interest
Alice Munro, Nobel Prize winner and ‘master of the short story,’ dies at 92
Artist lawsuit against AI reaches milestone; discovery phase could unmask hidden practices of 'exploitative Goliaths'
Hot Vintage Lady Bracket: Quarterfinals. Somebody finally said something nasty enough that I need to step back. Eartha Kitt Nation, see it through to the end.  
That said, please enjoy the Diahann Carroll Barbie and back story that I posted. She’s currently up against Lauren Bacall, who I am named after.
(A story I’ve always liked: how Marilyn Monroe showed up for Ella Fitzgerald.)
Cousin Bartók is here to vanquish your bad day, and I needed it.
Also coming to help: This huge cat has been assigned to you. You must accept this situation and find joy in it.
Choices were made for King Charles’ official portrait: “that painting is going to weep the sequel to blood. after he dies charles is gonna crawl outta that thing like sadako”
Eduardo Valdés-Hevia’s photomanipulation art (read: unreality levels of spooky): the folklore of Asturias
Did you have an imaginary friend as a child, and what type? I had imaginary friends that were Type 1, and... well, I told you that story about my haunted childhood house, so... Type 5. 
How old were you when the first Twilight film (2008) came out? Understandably, I was tagged for this: 29 and recapping it. 
“were you alive when britney spears released ‘…baby one more time’? (september 29, 1998)” 42.1% of respondents: No. (19 and downloading it on Napster.)
“how many times will you loop a song if you really like it?” DAYS. (I can go weeks if I have a couple of songs to alternate in loop sessions). No, I did not realize I was on the spectrum until my late 30s, why do you ask.
AirBNB Host Cat guides you on Appalachian Trail hikes, or else
I think I joined the wrong Khan Academy
A cat being scuncht about it
Quackulets and Flamontagues
Do you have a cleaningsona? Are you a 400 year old vampire?
“I told her that no, I didn’t have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again”
The real purpose of the small talk that people hate so much: ritualized “I’m a human too!!” contact calls.
It’s cool that someone drew a cat using musical notes. It’s ASTONISHING that it’s real music and actually delightful.
This restaurant staff wants this orange cat to stop sleeping in the aisle. This orange cat wants food and also two cat beds for himself and his girlfriend. Guess who wins.
Tiktok jams: Counting to 100 in Vietnamese.
Do You Like This Song? #219: “Freedom! '90” and its iconic video. 
The sacred texts
The Big Night Cat
Personal tag of the week
To celebrate orange cats this week, one orange braincell, except that I think the Restaurant Cat and the Trail Guide Cat are the only ones sharing it. 
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