#i need to get back to work
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Why must cats always look the cutest right when you need to get up?
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november-rising · 8 months
I attempted to read a Carmy x Reader fic. I barely made it a paragraph before I felt dirty.
I felt like the other woman.
I was pissed that Carmy dare cheat on Sydney with me.
The absolute gall that I showed thinking I could read a Carmy x Reader fic. I've never been so bold in my life! LOL!
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rythmicjea · 2 months
Do you ever get a realization that makes you just sit up in your bed when you should be sleeping?
Here's the thing for me... To those who say Jeronica doesn't make sense - In 7x19 they get their memories back (Jughead everything and Veronica supposedly only the good - but we know she remembers more than just good because she remembers having superpowers, something I guess she wanted to forget). In 7x20 Betty tells Reggie "But Jughead and Veronica had just started a thing". Which means, after getting their memories back THEY STILL WANTED TO DATE EACH OTHER. Think about that for a moment. All of the Hiram shit, the class divide, the superpowers, Tabitha, Archie, all of it. They looked at each other and went "yes, this works. I want you."
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I'm utterly speechless. Or there's too many words in my head to explain everything that I'm thinking. I guess that's why I'm writing my series lol. But... Like that's GROWTH. That's proof that something has been there the WHOLE TIME.
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len-art · 5 months
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Wip of Hermes cus even if I have a deadline in 3 days the HadesBrainworms™ are big
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genderflouiid · 5 months
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speaking my truth
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alteredsilicone · 2 months
Albrecht is stranded in the Deep Void. There is nothing. Just sand, falling from the sky. Like a peculiar device from old Earth, meant for recording the passage of time.
There he meets the Other. Himself.
At first he is afraid, another trick of the Indifference. He tries to avoid the Other but there is really no respite in the Abyss. He must face himself.
His other self first seems like an echo of a long, distant past. Still a full-blooded Orokin, wearing his hair in coils. Albrecht soon learns to despise him.
The other is not an echo, not a trick, but he truly is himself. Another Albrecht, stranded in the Void for an eternity. He is an Albrecht whose story is that of triumph, and loss.
There was an Albrecht who did not need anyone, who truly shone in his genius. He did not need Euleria, he did not need Loid, he did not need the Empire. He stepped into the Void, he embraced it, he discovered that which the Empire thought to be nothing. And he too, became nothing.
The Other was stranded in the Void, for his success meant that there was no way to return. Albrecht spoke to him and he discovered a facet of himself that he never wanted to acknowledge. Proud, arrogant, truly Orokin, thoroughly gluttonous.
"What of Euleria?"
"What of her? I do not need a daughter, my equations stand on their own."
"What of Loid?"
Silence. He was just one of many. A servant who fulfilled his purpose and was forgotten to the sands of time.
Albrecht could not stand the Other, for the Other was himself. The Other's arrogance was his arrogance, the Other's cruelty was his cruelty.
Disgust did the work of courage. Albrecht walked away. The Other did not pursue him, did not call after him. Albrecht was not going to become like him, so he walked. He walked and walked and walked until he found the edge of the Abyss.
A door, slightly ajar, with a soft light coming from the other side, greeted him. Albrecht pulled it open and stepped into the light.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
on saturday night i had an excruciatingly realistic dream that i had taken the car to the mechanic to get it checked out but we'd shown up at 13 minutes to closing so we got a quote for a range of services and i scheduled an appointment. then i was just sort of living with this in the back of my brain as a thing that had actually happened in real life until monday morning when something clicked and i went "wait a minute"
this happens to me on a semi-regular basis. i will spend several days living in a world where a dream i had actually happened before realizing it didn't. there are probably also things that i genuinely believe happened and didn't, but the click of "wait that wasn't real" was just never there. probably i will never know, since 90% of the dreams like this are incredibly mundane and about normal things.
i don't have sleep deprivation hallucinations anymore but i'm not completely sure this is an improvement
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astral-from-afar · 10 months
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Dont know if there is a tobari version but here ft. The ibuprofen I buy from the store
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suashii · 7 months
stop my boyfie sent flowers and strawberries to my work 🥺
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guess i have a good reason to take stabs at sfm again now
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xannerz · 10 months
gonna ramble but-- infinite painter ($10) and artstudio pro ($10/yr or $40 for life) are so much better than procreate (~$13). if their UIs were as intuitive as procreate's, im p sure they'd be more popular. that's honestly the only thing procreate has on the other 2 - it's not feature-rich, but v/ lightweight and easy to pick up. idk, it's kind of a shame.
i've always struggled with procreate - no matter how i mess with the settings, no matter what brushes i try out, the brush engine still feels incredibly stiff. but when i doodle in ip or artstudio it almost feels like i'm back on my desktop with csp, where i'm most comfortable. it's sad, man. procreate makes everything so crunchy when you resize it. it has restrictive layer limitations depending on your canvas size. i was doing a 3kx3k in IIRC IP the other day and the layer cap was like 100+ LMFAO. idk! i have immense respect for procreate and how it's made art more accessible to tons of artists (--once you buy an ipad ☝🤓), but if you can, give the other apps a shot. idr but im p sure they have free demos. artstudio pro's UI isn't the most mobile-friendly but i enjoy drawing on it wayy wayya ywyaywyYWYAYYY more.
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goldkirk · 2 years
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mintiestcrystal · 1 year
I'm supposed to be working but I wanted to share something with the people who live in my phone (all y'all).
I was working on some stuff that needed me to do some math, and i grabbed the first pen I saw. I realized after a second that this was The Good Pen™. Y'know, the one pen that writes like butter and gives those crisp lines?
Well, I never really use it. I tell myself that I want to save it for a special occasion. It's been a few years now and that special occasion hasn't come. And it just sat there in my pen holder, not doing it's job.
So I thought for a second, and used The Good Pen™ for my scratch work. It was pointless, and i knew the paper would be shoved somewhere in wait for the next time I need to jot down an equation.
It was WONDERFUL. I was all oooooooo pen, so smooth, so crisp, so dark and bold. I took immense joy in using The Good Pen™.
So fellow Tumblr users, go use The Good Pen™. Or use that nice soap you got. Use the fancy thing that you're constantly saving for a special occasion, because it feels just as good writing with a nice pen while writing scratch math as it does writing something important.
Go use The Good Pen™.
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dxllhcuse · 1 year
/ / Inosuke 🤝 Ichimatsu
About to kill this man cause they had enough
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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maprron · 2 months
Oh nice Chendy art I wonder when it is fr-
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