#i need to go to sleep urhg
wdapteo · 8 months
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gif by @pinof
Phil reacting to Dan in the nun outfit the same way as someone reacts to their bride entering the wedding... I'm unwell
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Welcome home!: Hawks x Older! OC
Summary: Keigo (Hawks) age 23 pro-hero #2 and a model who can't cook for crap! so one night after patrol he's wandering back home with his convenience store dinner, and notices a lady, Tsukino Akibara age 27 occupation: Librarian; walking home by herself when he noticed a man was following her, he decided to intervene and walk her home, and as a thank you she makes him dinner, now Keigo can't seem to stay away, though a lot of people are wondering if it's the food or the pretty girl that's keeping him around.
Kino's quirk is called Push-pull: she can telepathically pull people or objects towards her or push them away, the drawback is that is she overuses her quirk can cause temporary blindness.
"Whoa! you seriously need to eat six bowls of rice for dinner?!" The brunette said gawking at Hawks who nodded downing his fourth helping of rice, he just got done telling the older woman the strict diet the commission had him on since childhood a healthy light breakfast, lunch was always his call, and end the day with a hardy dinner, they're starting to not really care what he eats so long as he does his job! Kino gawked at the winged hero in astonishment she knew Keigo ate lot... but six with every meal?
"How much food should I even cook with that much rice..." she muttered then looked at her tiny blue rice cooker that she's had for years. *The poor thing will never make it...* she mentally shuddered then snapped out of it when Keigo held his bowl out for another helping to go with his hamburger steaks, Kino complied and watched in awe as Keigo downed the half the steak in one bite. *He kind of reminds me of my old dog Poro...* she hummed having mini flash back of her late childhood pet... then was brought out of her reminiscing by the blond holding his bowl out to her. *Another?!* You smiled tightly and went to the kitchen while thinking back to how this all started...
[Tsukino was walking home late after a long day of work walking this late in the night would invoke fear and wariness over every movement creeping in the shadows... Kino however was numb to it all it had been three years since her ex husband left her... the empty silence and loneliness seemed to be her only companions... The brunette didn't even noticed the sleazy man eyeing her, from the bus stop she passed nor did she hear his footsteps coming up behind her...
She was almost in his grasp when a chipper voice called out. "Hey honey! Sorry for not meeting you at the station I fell asleep!" a blond man with red wings smiled sheepishly as he walked up to Kino who looked at the young man bemused, before his gold eyed glanced behind her and he frowned. "Who are you?" he asked briskly the brunette women turned to see her stalker gawking like a deer in the headlights, before putting his hand in his pockets and walking away with his head down. "You gotta be more careful being out this late, I saw him tailing you from the bus stop." Tsukino eyes widened as her hands gripped her bag.
"Thank you...I" she was cut off by the man's stomach growling he blushed putting he hand on his belly. "It was no problem I should probably grab some dinner now." you saw him walking away with bag convenience store bentos, and in a moment of pure impulsiveness Kino grabbed his arm."Say eating premade store food all the time isn't really good for you, um why don't you come over to my place? I'll make you something."  
She wasn't expecting him to say yes, but next thing she knew was making him homemade onigiri which the blond man who introduced himself as Keigo ate in under 30 secs and was getting ready to leave when, Kino stopped him again. "Why don't you comeback whenever you feel hungry after I've grocery shopped of course." again you weren't expecting Keigo to say yes. "All right gimme your number." and with that an odd friendship began....]
That was nearly six weeks ago...
Kino was slack-jawed as she was watching the winged hero still in awe as he asked for another bowl of rice, only to find the cooker completely empty. "I'm outta rice!" she said eye twitching, Keigo said that was fine and continued eating the rest of his food, after his plates were clear; Kino still felt guilty for losing the battle to his monstrous appetite, so she cut up some apples and sprinkled them with some cinnamon sugar and brought them out to Keigo. "Hey, I know you're still hungry sooo..." she trailed off seeing Keigo slumped over her table with his head resting in his arms as his breaths came out steadily. "Huh...ya gotta be kidding me, he fell asleep?" she said surprised putting the bowl of apple slices on the table; Kino went to get a spare blanket and draped it over Keigo's shoulders the wing man didn't even twitch.
"Hero business must really take the wind out of you..." Kino hummed patting him on the head before going back to the kitchen to do the dishes as she was finishing up she heard Keigo wake up. " mm, *checks clock* Oh crap! it’s already this late!?" he sputtered quickly grabbing his goggles and jacket. "Well it looked like you were sleeping well, I didn't want to wake you." Kino said wiping her hands on her apron. "Oh by the way I left some apples..." Hawks cut mouth full. "Aw rlawredy tate em'! (I already ate them!)" he tossed the bowl her way which the brunette caught with her quirk she gawked at the empty bowl astounded and gently set it down on her counter and went to meet Keigo by the door and the winged hero turned to her.
"Thanks for meal Kino, I'll text if I can come again?" 
"You don't have to ask my answer will always be the same."
With that Hawks took off for his night patrol, and Tsukino when to look through her mail pile for that electronic store catalog she saw earlier... 
The next day the silver eyed brunette arrived to a large electronics store, intending on buying a brand new rice cooker, but first decided to have a little fun. testing out video games, playing on the display tablets and lounging in a massage chair for few minutes, Before finding her way to the small appliances aisle.
Kino felt a little overwhelmed by the different Rice cooker brands and tried to remember when she bought her old one and how much it cost, but then remembered she was a broke high schooler living on her own bought it at a yard sale, that was like eight years ago! and she didn't know how long previous owner had it for!
 Eventually a clerk noticed her looking lost and decided to help her, unfortunately the clerk was obviously looking out for their quota and Kino found she'd gone a bit over budget with her new toy..."Looks like I'll be taking double shifts..." she mumbled to herself patting her new Rice-cooker while continuingly telling herself it was a very necessary purchase, and as it turned out it was able to meet all of Keigo's rice needs when he stopped by for dinner again that night! 
a month later...
Kino was woken up by a text from Keigo. {Hey I'm pretty busy tonight, so I won't be able to come over sorry 😞] the short woman blinked as she re-read the text. {Okay! don't push yourself to hard! 😊] she sighed before rolling over to looked at the ceiling wondering what she'll do today... Keigo told her he's interested in western cooking and has never tried pulled pork before she was gonna make that tonight! even searched the internet for a slow cooker recipe that she'd been dying to try out! she puffed out her cheeks as she got up and her vacuumed her living room, then went to do the laundry...
{not noticing the little red feather following her around.} 
"Hmm, maybe I should go visit auntie's grave." She said to herself it had been a while since she went to clean the headstone, she got on the phone with her friend Shun. "Yeah I was thinking of going this Tuesday… yeah I can meet you there, haven't been there since school!" she hung up and looking at the tv to see a KFC Commercial with Hawks flying around eating a bucket of chicken and her stomach growled. "It's lunch time!" She cheered deciding not to cook and got some cup noodles and peach juice, before sitting down to read something...
"I've already read this book." She huffed decided to go to the library (the feather from earlier snuck into her bag) and went to get a few new books and she spied a few magazines with Hawks on the cover, but decided it was too weird reading about someone that she cooks dinner for almost every night and left them alone... 
On her way back the owner of the butcher shop she frequents called to her. "Say missy those Chicken legs you were asking about are on real cheap today!~" Kino smiled at him. "that's okay I'm fine today!" the man looked at her like she grew three heads. "Hey... ya better not be cheating on me with another meat vendor!" he joked the brunette giggled and waved him off.
"Tonight dinner will be whatever I want." she mumbled as made her way home as soon she got home Kino sat down to read a book on the rules soccer as her cousin's son had joined a club was curious. "Holy crap!...I never thought kicking a ball around would be so complicated!" she sputtered gawking at all the rules and regulations. "Urhg, all this sports jargon making my head spin, think I'll take a bath." she said getting up from the beanbag she was sitting in and going over the a pink drawer and pulling a purple bottle out of it.
"Shun gave these bath-bombs for a birthday gift, never really used them before." she said getting the bath ready as Kino was opening wrapping on the bath bomb, nearly choke on her spit when she saw it was Easter themed it was supposed to looked golden chicken but instead "hehe.. it-IT LOOKS JUST LIKE KEIGO! HAHA!" the feather that was chilling outside her bathroom bristled as she burst out laughing as she put it in the water. "Oh wait... I should've taken photo, dang!"
Now that she got a few minutes to think to herself quietly Kino didn't realize how lonely she was feeling. "Spending the whole day alone like this... feels long and tiring." she sighed then noticed her arms and belly were looking kind of gummy... "Jeez... A month of eating the same meals as Hawks and without excising I'm starting to get pudgy..." she huffed getting out of the bath, later when she was getting ready for bed Kino stayed up to do a word search puzzle when she heard something on her balcony... scared she looked around for a weapon as using her quirk would be a bad call in this situation, as she didn't want to accidentally kill someone; grabbing a random object she crept towards her balcony door.
The short woman swallowed hard as she opened the door only be greeted by Hawks sitting on her railing sipping a can of coffee. "Keigo?" Kino blinked bemused as the blond turned to look at her. "Oh hey you are awak...why are you holding a toaster for?" he asked brows scrunched up in confusion, the silver eyed brunette looked down at what she was holding, sure enough! in her frazzled she grabbed the toaster to defend herself with. "Uh.. I was just putting it away..." she said using her quirk to put it back on the counter, the wing hero hummed as the brunette cleared her throat.
"So what are you doing here?" 
"I'm taking a break from mid-night patrol, figured I'd see if you were awake.."
"Oh, so you going back out?"
"In about five minutes, why?"
Hawks cocked a brow as Kino was quiet for a moment he frowned mentally preparing for her to try and kiss him or try and drag him to bed with her, (like all the other girls that just wanted to be friends...) instead he was confused when she told him to sit tight for a second, and disappeared in inside she came out couple minutes later. "Hold your hand out." she said Keigo complied and Kino grab his hand the blond felt shock go through him, and his wings fluffed up a little as the brunette woman gave him this a small bundle wrapped in a cloth. "A bento!" she chirped as Keigo's jaw dropped slightly he looked down at the bento then back at her stunned.
" I don't have anything warm other than onigiri though..." she said apologetically as Hawk kept looking at her wide-eyed then shook his head. "Urm, it's fine thank you...I gotta go." he muttered avoiding eye contact his ears were burning as he took off into the sky. "Goodnight Keigo! be safe!" Kino called after him before turning in for the night.
{Meanwhile the head of the commission received pictures of Hawks frequently visiting as certain brunette and did not take kindly to this one bit. and decided to put an end to to these little trysts at once. "I look forward to meeting you miss Akibara." she smirked confidently... Not realizing just who she was threatening.} 
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sarah-writes-marvel · 4 years
Patchwork: Avengers x gn!Reader
S.S: Hey! Ive been pumping out stories today so I hope whoever reads them are enjoing them! Im not sure how I feel about this one... it was kind of just thrown together so please let me know what you think about it!!
The only refernce that may not be GN is Bucky’s nickname ‘Doll’, hope thats ok!
Warnings: blood, mentions of surgery, wounds, passing out.... idk what else... 
Word Count: 1849
I stumbled into the opened gate of the quinjet, falling to the ground, rolling over just in time to put a bullet through the head of the last Hydra agent that had been chasing me through the foliage.
“Jarvis, close the gate.” I command, letting my head fall back against the metal flooring. The ache and exhaustion taking over.
“Gate is closed Miss. Should I pilot home?” 
“Just give me a second and I'll be up to the seat. Gotta catch my breath.” I closed my eyes trying to keep my head from spinning, taking in deep breaths.
After a few minutes I moved to sit up only to feel a sharp pain shoot through my middle. I thud back down, my hand moved to the affected area feeling the sticky substance that coated my suit around the open gash traveling from my stomach to my ribcage.
“Oh ya, some bastard tried to filet me. Forgot about that.” My head lulled back, realizing that I’d have to do some patch work on the ride home just so I didn't lose more blood than I already had. “Hey Jarvis, can you take the wheel and get to the compound asap.”
“Of course.” With that the quinjet roared to life and jerked into motion.
I carefully rolled over, using my elbows to prop me up as I moved slower than a sloth to my feet. Managing to use the walls of the jet for support I made my way to the medical cabinets, taking out one of the various first aid kits, hydrogen peroxide and a few towels. I opened the cherry red box pulling out the sterile packaging containing a needle with medical thread connected to it and plenty of gauze and bandages. I grabbed the pair of scissors carefully gliding them through the fabric of my suit to get to the gash.
I grabbed the bottle of peroxide and haphazardly poured it over the gash soaking my skin. The stinging sensation was overwhelming, causing me to stop and lean against the table to regain some stability. The blood mixed with the hydrogen peroxide as it bubbled with in the wound, stinging sensations tickling the area.
“Alright, uh, if I pass out call Tony or set off the sprinkler or something.”
“The quinn jet doesn't have sprinklers.”
“Well damn. Nevermind then.” I look down at the sterile needle and thread that were encased in the package. “Here goes nothing.”
Getting stitches was never a problem for me. It didn't bother me at all, however I have never given myself stitches nor done it without any numbing medication. My heart was racing and the cut throbbed with each shaking breath I took.
“I suggest you sit on the medical table so that if you faint, you'll have less chance you'll injure yourself more.” Jarvis' voice breaks through my nervousness.
“That's probably a good idea.” I nodded taking a deep breath as I hopped onto the table. My shaking hands moved back to their previous position and pierced through the tender skin. 
“Urhg! Son of a bitch!” I cursed, letting out a guttural cry, tears stinging my eyes. I pierced through the other side of the wound letting out the same guttural cry as I tied and pulled the stitch tight. I continued with another two stitches before Jarvis interrupted my panicked concentration. 
“Mr. Stark and few of the Avengers are wishing to be patched through.” the A.I.’s voice broke through the overwhelming pain coming over my senses.
“Seriously right now?” I sniffed looking to the ceiling of the jet, holding the curved needle as still as possible, each movement tugging at the skin I had just pulled through. “Fine patch them through.”
“Hey Kiddo! Saw you were heading back. How’d things go?” Tony’s voice asked through the sound systems of the jet.
“Oh  you know…. Fine.” I replied hesitantly as I positioned the needle to pull another stitch through. I bite my cheek trying to keep down the pained yelp as I pull the needle through.
“Glad to hear it! I assume you got all the files and information needed.” Steve inquired.
“Ya, ya got it all.” I could tell that my voice was shaky as I began to pull another stitch through. I let out a shaky breath as I tied the knot, taking a moment to regain my fading consciousness.
“You gonna need any medical care when you get home?” Bruce questioned.
“Uhm, ya, ya probably.” I replied pulling another stitch through, letting out a small pained cry as it tugged at the sensitive skin.
“How bad is it?” Bucky’s baritone voice reverberated against the jet walls.
“I’ve got no clue what you're talking about.”
“Y/N.” Bucky’s voice was stern, a no-no-joke- voice. “Tell the truth. How bad is it?”
“Uh Jarvis?” I asked, pulling another stitch through the skin, biting my lip to hold in the cry.
“Agent L/N has sustained a few minor injuries, however, managed to be on the receiving end of a knife. They enduring a severe cut along her abdomen reaching from their navel to the bottom two ribs. No internal damage, however the wound is bleeding profusely.” Jarvis read off my injuries.
“Why wasnt that the first thing out of your mouth?” Tony yelled, concern laced in his voice.
“Cause I’m doing my best to take care of it right now.” I replied, allowing the pain of pulling the thread through the skin resonate in my voice.
“And how are you managing that?” Steve asked in his serious Captain tone.
“I’m stitching myself up.” I replied meekly “You know we should really put some morphine into these first aid kits.”
“You’re stitching yourself up?!” Bruce exclaimed “Just put pressure on your wound, stop the bleeding. We’ll stitch you up properly here!”
“Yes sir.” I replied by pulling another stitch through, moving a little faster, eliciting more pain. I let out another guttural cry.
“Jarvis, how far out are you?” Tony asked quickly.
“20 minutes sir.”
“How are you feeling?” Steve asked, obviously concerned.
“Peachy Keen” I snap trying to take a few deep breaths keeping my head from spinning. Closing my eyes had little to no effect in calming my spinning vision. “So uhm there is a slight chance someone will be picking me up from the floor when I get in.” I stated hoping that one of the Avengers heard.
“Do your best to stay awake. We don't want to risk anything.” Bruce pleaded.
“I'll try doc but right now it's not looking too good.” 
I continued to pull a few more stitches through, despite the protest from Bruce earlier. The pain rushing through my body, causing each and every sore area more pain.
“Jarvis, please tell me we’re close. I can't do any more.” I asked tiredly, the pain overwhelming my senses and darkness playing along my line of vision.
“Landing in 2 minutes.”
“Thank god.” I said moving from the table and standing, using the edge to balance as I waiver in my step. The wave of dizziness hit harder and the lightheadedness took over. My knees buckled as I held myself up against the metal table. The jerk of the jet landing caused me to stumble slightly and bump into the table, sending a wave of pain through my system.
Bucky and Steve were the ones to enter the craft quickly. Bucky was the first to get to me, Steve looking over his shoulder watching me. 
“Jeez Doll. You really got banged up.” His words were incoherent as I started to drift out of consciousness.
“Mhmmm.” I murmured, too tired to talk. My eyes closed for a millisecond.
“Hey stay awake. I know you're tired but you gotta stay awake.” Bucky squeezed his arm around me coaxing me awake.
“Sorry.” I mumbled “You're just so comfortable. And Hot. Im freezing”
“It's because you lost so much blood. And because of that I need you to stay awake so we can avoid you going into a coma.” He insisted as he pushed through the lab doors.
I felt the cool metal of another examination table underneath me and the lack of heat caused me to shudder. Tony’s blurry face came into my vision as he looked over me.
“You should really work on your stitch work.” He joked.
“Sorry, was too busy trying not to pass out in between pulling the needle through my skin.” I said back, trying to be more joking then a snapback.
“Fair enough. But I hate to break it to you that we're gonna have to take them out and redo them.”
“I figured. But can you hurry up. I'm starting to see the darkness and the light at the end of the tunnel.”
“Don't go towards that. Its a lie.” He retorted as he moved into action, Bruce following in his footsteps.
The pressure of a IV being placed into my arm turned my attention to Bruce standing next to me, a grim look across his features. A bag of blood hung above me as it traveled through the tube into my veins.
The slight tug at my skin around the wound made my attention wander to see Tony cutting away the stitches that I had previously done. The sight made me nauseous and I turned my vision to the ceiling, focusing on the speckled design of the tiles. My vision blurring in and out, the noise of voices were muffled as tears slid down my face.
A cooling feeling drifted over my wound. I looked down to see perfect stitches and Tony spraying a white substance over the gash.
“What’s that?” I asked, my voice cracking as I watched the foam soak into my skin.
“It's a multipurpose antibiotic.” Bruce began.
“It’ll decrease infection and inflammation and increase healing!” Tony exclaimed, clearly proud about the invention. I just nodded my head as all the words jumbled together into an incoherent sentence.
“I think you're out of the red zone, so if you want to sleep you can. We’ll keep and eye on you.” Bruce spoke quietly.
“Can I be moved to a different bed, this one hurts.” I whispered as my eyelids feel weighed down.
“Ya, ya we can do that.” Bruce smiled gently. “Bucky do you mind carrying her into a different room?”
  I saw Bucky nod curtly and he gently slid his hands under my back and knees, picking me up from the metal table. Bruce followed close behind with the IV stand holding blood and medications.
Bucky gently placed me onto one of the sterile beds of the medbay, tucking a warm blanket around my chilled body. Bruce situated all the machines before leaving the room. Bucky had his hand intertwined with mine as I drifted to sleep, moving his thumb in a rhythmic pattern over my knuckles.
“Thank you Buck.” I whispered as I drifted off.
“Not a problem doll. Get some sleep, you deserve it.” with that I gave him a small smile as I dozed off to sleep.
S.S: As always let me know what you think!! Thanks for reading!!
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PPOYH Request: You helping Jimin during his first heat
This one-shot takes place in the 'Paw Prints On Your Heart' universe, based on a hybrid fanfiction I made. To understand this request, you can read Paw Prints On Your Heart here!
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Jimin was annoying. Well, annoying is an understatement. Jimin was downright a brat. Why? You had no idea, but his behaviour was driving you crazy.
"JIMIN!" You yell, pushing Jimin away from you. "I'm trying to watch a movie and I can't follow it if your keep licking my neck!" You say annoyed, turning back to the T.V.
Jimin let out a groan. "Urhg, it's always you and your stupid T.V." He says, crossing his arms.
Your head snaps in Jimin's direction. "Excuse me? I've been working all week, early morning to late night, I'm sorry I couldn't give you any attention. But can I just watch a movie and relax?"
Jimin smirks, leaning over to you, placing his head in your lap. "I can help you relax." He says in a deep voice before he takes a deep breath. "I can smell how wet you are for me, Y/N.."
You again push Jimin away. "You must be getting a cold, because I just want to watch a movie." You say, not even looking at Jimin.
"Y/NNNNNN.." Jimin whines, again leaning over to you, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. "Come on.. You're driving me crazy.." You hear Jimin say as you feel his hand sneaks underneath your pyjama shirt.
"JIMIN." You slap away Jimin's hand and stand up from the couch." "BAD BOY." You say with a raised voice, giving Jimin a little tap on his head.
Jimin growls, flashing his canines, something he had never done before. Infact, Jimin's behaviour is something completely new for you.
Your eyes widen. "Excuse me?" You say in disbelief. "You know what? You can sleep on the couch tonight. You've been acting like a little kid who won't take 'no' for an anwser. I'm your girlfriend, not your mom!" You say. "You calm down and get your hormones in check." You say before you turn around to the bedroom. "Goodnight." You say harshly as you slam the bedroom door shut.
You walk over to the bed and sit on it with a sigh. Your brows furrowed and your arms crossed. Stupid Jimin, you think. Having a hybrid is harder than you thought. Jimin lived with you for 3 months now and everyday you learn something new, but this.. This was really new.
You grab your phone and decide to call Jin. He has Taehyung for almost 7 years now, maybe he knows what to do.
Your call get's picked up immediately by Jin. "Y/N? Hi, can I help you?" He ask.
You sigh. "Hi Jin, I kinda have some problem with Jimin.." You admit.
"Relationship problems?"
"Hybrid problems."
"With that I can help." Jin laughs. "Tell me, what's wrong?"
You giggle at Jin's small joke. "Well, Jimin has been acting up alot the past days. He's more cuddely than usual, very touchy and normally I don't mind, but he's also a real brat. Not listening anymore.. Oh!" You remember. "He even growled at me, showing me his canines!"
You hear Jin think on the other end of the phone. "Looks like he wants to dominate you, by showing his teeth."
"But what does that have to do with being all touchy all the time? He's hormones are out of control!"
"It all ties together, Y/N." Jin starts. "I think Jimin is having his heat."
Your eyes widen in shock. "H-His heat? Hybrids can get in heat like real animals?!" You question. You hear Jin hum. "Even Taehyung?"
Jin chuckles. "Even Taehyung." He sighs. "I got used to it now if it happens. For a few days his child-like personality dissapears and he tries to dominate me in my own household."
"W-What can you do about it?" You ask.
"Well, basically, they need to mate with someone. Have their release. In the animal world the females are also in heat at the same time." Jin pauses. "Female dogs for example walk around with their tails up high, showing their asses, letting males know they're ready to mate and..- I'm getting of track, this is about hybrids.."
You giggle. "Thanks for the lesson, professor Jin.."
"Hey, I'm just trying to help!"
You laugh. "Sorry, sorry!" Your smile fades. "But.. What do I do now? I know you can't spray hybrids.."
"True," Jin replies.
"W-What do you do when Tae is in heat?" You ask quietly.
It stay quiet on Jin's end.
"Never mind." You quickly say.
"N-No Y/N! It's not like..- Usually, if a dog or hybrid are in heat and can't mate with.. Well, their mate, they resort to masturbation."
You bite you lip. Shit, but YOU are his mate and it explains why he has been so grumpy. You've been so busy this week, working overtime since one of your co-workers is sick, you barely had time for Jimin, let alone to have sex.
"I-I gotta go, Jin! Thank you!" You quickly say as you hung up the phone, not even giving Jin the chance to say anything.
You hop off the bed and wiggle out of your panties. Making you now only wear a T-shirt, that barely covers you ass. You're gonna be his perfect mate. You bite your lip and walk the door, opening it slowly.
The door opening catches Jimin's attention as he looks up at you, clearly unamused. You walk towards the dinnertable and bent over it, showing yourself off, pretending to read the magazine that was laying there.
You hear Jimim growl behind you, a low and needy growl. You look behind you, over your shoulder and see Jimin staring you down, palming himself through his jeans.
You look away from the lewd sight and feel yourself heating up. You bite your lip and wiggle your ass a little, trying to invite Jimin over.
"Fucking hell." You hear him cuss. You hear the couch creak a little, indicating that Jimin is moving towards you. You want to look behind you, but before you can, you feel your ass being slapped so hard, it starts to sting, sure to leave a mark.
You feel Jimin press his buldge against your bare ass as he leans forward, only a few inches from your ear. "I could smell your arousal from the bedroom," He whispers as he grabs you by your hips, his nails digging into your flesh. "Fuck." He breaths taking your earlobe between his teeth.
Your legs start to shake already, your knees feeling weak. You never heard Jimin curse. Jimin is always really timid and submissive to you, always giving you the lead, but now you know his heat is taking him over and you have no control.
Jimin's hand slides from you hip, over your ass, down to your core. With one finger he graces between you folds. He chuckles as he stands up and licks his own finger clean. "You're so wet for me, so ready for me. Like a bitch in heat."
You breath hitches hearing Jimin talk to you like that.
"Y/N.." You hear from behind you, it was softly, barely audible.
You look over your shoulder and see Jimin standing there, biting his lip, his eyes piercing into yours. He looks worried about something. You stand up and turn around towards Jimin, giving him a confused look.
"I-I.. I need you so badly, for days now. But, I know I can't stop if I start.. I won't control myself. I don't wanna hurt you.." He says, looking down at his hands on your hips. "But.." You look at Jimin and can feel yourself starting to drip at the idea to have Jimin be a little rough with you.
You cup Jimin's face with your hands and lean forward. "Jimin," You start. "Mate with me." You whisper.
Immediately after the words left your mouth, Jimin spins you around, putting his hand on your shoulder and forcefully bending you down on the table.
The action makes you stomach turn in excitement. You bite your lip down hard when you hear Jimin unzip himself. You take a deep breath.
Jimin runs his leaking member up and down your slit, wetting his tip. He smoots his hands along your sides, firmly grabbing the skin there. You arche your back, your body humming in wait. Jimin places a kiss between your shoulder blades and hugs you around your middle.
"Good girl," he whispered into your skin.
Before you can respond, Jimin draws himself up to his full height and plunged into your tight core. You gasped; he stilled. Jimin groans as your tight walls clamping down on his cock.
And without any warning, he begins to thrust madly. His hips slap against your ass, colouring them red. Stretching you open after a week of neglect. Sliding along your walls, reaching your spot over and over again, never missing one hit, making you throw your head back. You cry out as he ravages you with abandon.
"Fuck," Jimin breath, his nails scretching over your skin. "Y-You feel so good." He says leaning forward. You feel his breath against your shoulder, making you whimper. "Taking me so well, the perfect mate." He continues before he sinks his canines in the skin of your shoulder.
You gasp as you feel Jimin add more pressure in his bite, his teeth almost piercing your skin. However, this only adds to your arousal as you let out another moan. His thrust become quicker, harder. He pulls back and licks the mark he just left on you.
The action makes you clench down on him. Making him hiss. "Fuck, that's it baby. Clench down on me so you won't spill any of my cum." He groans against your ear.
"A-Ah, J-Jimin.." You moan as Jimin's hot breath hits your neck.
Jimin feels his impending release building up and reaches around your waist to your clit.
"Ah!" You cried as his fingers swirled against you. Your legs shake and buckles with his manipulations, Jimins rides you wildly, his deep animalistic nature surfacing and governing his actions. Your muscles clenches around him, tighter in this position, and he hisses as your cunt rubs his cock up and down.
Jimin thrusts become uneven as he rubs your clit even faster. "Cum for me, be a good girl now," He breaths, his head leaning against your shoulder, trying his best not to cum before you as he gives your ass another slap.
You bite your lip trying to silence your own moan as you feel a fimiliar knot build up in your lower stomach, you're close and Jimin notices too. He thrusts become slower, but harder, making your whole body move.
Just a few more thrusts and you feel your high crashing over you, making you moan Jimin's name like a prayer. Your legs shaking and knees almost giving out.
"Fuck Y/N, Y-You're so tight, I can barely move.." He groans, standing straight up again. Jimin's hold on your waist become thighter as he keeps you steady. Hearing you moan his name and clench around him so fuckin' tightly was his cue to let go.
His hand quickly grabs your shoulder, Pulling your back against his chest. You let your head fall back on his shoulder.
"Ah Y-Y/N.." Jimin breath in your ear, his arm sneaking around your neck. Pulling you even closer to him. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..-"
And with a few more hard and deep thrusts, he cums, holding you still, trying to cum in you as deep as possible. Hiding his face in your hair as a string of curse words leave his mouth.
You moan again too, finally coming down from you high as your body starts to become oversensitive and tremble.
You hear Jimin trying to catch his breath. His breathing is slow, but hard. He let's go of you and your knees give in. Making you fall back on the table. You hiss when you feel Jimin pull out after a few minutes, making you feel his cum dripping down your leg.
"I thought I told you.." You hear. You look over your shoulder, seeing Jimin looking at your pussy. "To not spill anything." He says in a deep voice. His finger trailing along your inner tighs, collecting all the cum that is dripping, making you shiver.
"J-Jimin.." You manage to say. "P-Please, I can't anymore.." You whisper, squirming under him, your legs unable to carry you anymore.
"Hey, Y/N?" He asks, his hands moving to your hips, helping you stand up and turn facing him. "You are o-okay, right?"
You smile. "I'm fine," You look at him, the hunger and dominance in his eyes being gone. "I'm more than fine." You say as you wrap your arms around Jimin's waist, resting you head on his chest.
Jimin sneaks his arms around your waist too. "You sure? I didn't hurt you?" He feels you shake your head. "I'm sorry if I did.. I.. I really couldn't control myself anymore, this has never happened before.." He says against your hair.
You look up. "Y-You've never been in heat before?" You ask.
Jimin shakes his head. "I have. But I kinda pushed it aside, since I never liked having sex," He looks down. "But now I have you.." He looks back up again. "A mate.. I'm just really sorry for my behaviour.. I didn't know how to tell..-"
You smile brightly. "Jimin, being in heat is perfectly normal!"
"Is it?" Jimin questions. "You're a human. I can't get you pregnant anyway.. I..-"
"It is, Jimin." You say, poking his chest with your finger. "You should tell me when you're in heat, so I can help!" You demend.
"Y/N.. A heat can last for 15 plus days.."
You smile brightly at Jimin. "So be it. I'll help you everytime. That's what a mate is for!"
You hear Jimin sigh in relieve. "Okay, I will tell you from now on.." His tail slowly wagging behind him as his ears are flat on his head, making him look like a submissive puppy again.
You smile to yourself at the drastic change in Jimin's personality. He went from an alpha to an omega in a split second. "Good boy." You coo.
Jimin presses a kiss to your forehead. "Good girl." He whispers.
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soujun-arts · 6 years
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Case 4 : Cupcake Madness
Reginald’s 4th Case ! English isn’t my first language so bear with me.
You can read the previous cases @ /~SilverBaron
Neovia, 15:30
I'm laying in my bed, staring at the roof of my room. I've been stuck in there for 3 long and boring days already and it doesn't look like it will be over anytime soon... My name is Reginald Acorn, I'm 20, a grey gelert and I'm currently fighting a cold. I'm a detective working for the police force of Neovia. Three days ago, the boss and I had to hide in front of the abandoned asylum to catch all sorts of thieves, including the most annoying one you can think of. And by the looks of it, thieves aren't the only things I caught that night ... But, the good news is, we were able to recover a stolen locket and give it back to Vincent Von Verzweiflung. The look on his face when he saw the "treasure" inside was well worth this nasty cold. I'm getting all emotional just by thinking of it !
It reminds me of how I miss Mama ... When I was young and sick, she would make me the most delicious of cocoa with some marshmallow floating in it. It was delicious and helped distract me from whatever sickness I was suffering under at that time...
A loud knock on my door makes me go back to reality. The doors opens to reveal an enormous darigan skeith, engulfed in tightly fitted trench-coat. A hat is deeply screwed on his head, letting only small tufts of grey hair around the sides of his head show.
_"Oh good, you're still alive kid !" he says, laughing loudly and slapping his stomach.
_"My wife made this soup for you. It's extra spicy but it should help free your stuffed nose." he grumbles as he lays down the bright red tureen on my table.
This tall and heavy Skeith is my boss, "Big Skeith". His name is actually Marcus Worsley but everyone calls him Big Skeith at the station so being the new guy, I just went with the flow. He's a bit rude, has a very loud mouth but I assure you that you could never hope for a better chief of police. He also kind of became a father figure for me since I've never met my own father... I respect him a whole lot ! _"Oh, almost forgot, I also got you this, kid." he says as he puts down a small green bottle on my night-stand. "Should help fight the cold, at least, that's what the pharmacist told me. And if it doesn't work, I can always arrest him!" Big cackles at his own joke like it was the funniest thing he ever said. I smile, not because of the joke, but because I'm genuinely happy he's there for me.
_"Okay, I must leave now, I have a job to do yaknow. I'll stop by later tomorrow to check on you kiddo, so sleep well and eat like there's no tomorrow. See ya !" he yells as he storms out of my flat. Big's appearances are always something.
I taste Big's wife's soup and it's absolutely delicious. No wonder he keeps on praising her cooking everyday ! I'll have to ask him to thank her for me, when he comes back to check on me. It really is spicy though, I thought, fighting the tears coming in my eyes. I glance at the medicine bottle ... I've always hated medicine and mama had to trick me with cookies every single time to get me to take them. The bottle is really pretty and the liquid is bubbling inside. The eagerness to go back to my cases is stronger than my disgust for medicines. I drink a spoonful of it and promptly go back to sleep.
Neovia, 7:15 am
I let out a big yawn and stretch while still laying in bed. The pharmacist kept his promises as I really feel fresh and ready to tackle whatever challenge comes my way ! The only weird thing is that I don't feel hungry at all, and if you know me, you know I always crave a huge breakfast. Thinking nothing more of it, I jump in the shower and let the warm water drench my fur. I wash my grey hair that is a bit sticky for some reason, plus it really needs a trim, they're getting way too long...
Once I've dried myself, I dress with my usual work attire and feel tremendous joy at the thought of finally being able to get back to work. I step outside and let the freezing air fill my lungs. Yes, to another awesome day of investigation !
Neovia, 8:00am
_"Oh hey kid, you're back !" shouts Big as I enter the police station. "Guess that potion and the soup worked well uh ?" _"Yes, they did ! Thank you for taking care of me boss ! And please thank your wife for me, she really is a talented cook !
_"Ahaha, I know, right !! Well, since you're up and ready, how about you join Lenny. He's going to investigate a theft and break-in at the Crumpet Monger.
_"Sure boss ! I'll be going !"
I've never had the occasion to work with Lenny before. Lenny is, well, a Lenny. He's a weird mix of faerie and grey colours and looks always completely depressed. Maybe it's the fact that he is bald that makes him so upset ? He's very nonchalant and walks as fast as snail. He also speaks in a monotonous voice and I always feel like sleeping when I hear him talk.
Neovia, 9:00am
Finally, I can see the Crumpet Monger ! The shop is actually only 20 mins away by foot from the station but Lenny being so slow, it almost took us a WHOLE hour to get there. And since I'm still the newbie, I can't say anything. The Crumpet Monger shop is relatively small but it sells the best baked goods in all Neovia ! A cupcake is drawn right over the porch roof, and just underneath, an elegant door that opens upon a world of delicious treats ! As we get closer, I can see that the door was fractured but the frontage is thankfully intact. Lenny pushes the door and a bell rings inside. We were standing in the entrance when a mountain of hair came rushing out of the kitchen like a storm. Underneath all that hair, a meerca.
_"Oh so yer finally here ! Thank goodness ! As yer can see, we were robbed last night. All ther cakes, scones, pies, tarts and everything in between, gone !" she shrieks, visibly upset.
_"I see." ponders Lenny, completely out of it. _"Did they steal anything else, like the cash register ?" I asked, ready to do my job.
_"Well, yer see, no they didn't. They only stole and ate whatever we had in there.
But ... shouldn't the shop be empty of pastries during the night since you make fresh ones everyday ?" I say, pointing at a small sign saying so by the counter.
_"Oh yer, we do ! In these kind of jobs, we work at lot at night. My main baker was working tonight, made a whole storm of pastries yer see to set the shop for ther morning. He then left for a short while to see our supplier as per usual yer see. It was during that short time ther shop was ransacked." she lets her arm fall flat on her sides. "We lost a lot of money tonight yer see...
_"I'm very sorry Mrs Crumpet. We will do our best to wrap up things quickly so you can re-open again. Would it be possible to talk with your main baker ?"  I glance at Lenny as I speak, hoping he would step in to take the reigns but he was busy dozing off with a bubble popping out of his beak. Charming.
_"Sure yer can darling ! Aaron please come yer !" she shouts.
Coming out of the kitchen, wiping his hands covered in flour on a towel, a young Maraquan Gelert. He's of average height, has a long and weird tail with a, what, fin on it ? He is purple and his hair, which kinda look like algae, is greenish. He wears a big cooking hat on his head and a fancy looking uniform with a star on it. Around his neck, a red neckerchief.
He holds out his hand and I shake it amicably, this guy seems to be really friendly.
_"Hello, name's Reginald Acorn and here's my colleague Lenny Dot. We're here to investigate and we'd like to hear what you have to say please.
_"Thanks for coming, both of you. My name is Aaron Watson, I'm the main baker here. I think you won't have much trouble finding the culprit.
Really ? How so ?" my ears rising up in surprise.
_"Look at this, they left their prints all over the display cases. Should be easy enough to find, no ?
I get closer to the case and indeed, Aaron was telling the truth, you could see distinct prints all over it. I glance at the few leftover cupcakes there, suddenly feeling hungry.
_"Hmm yes, this is all very importance evidence...
_"Hey Regie, I hope you're talking about the prints and not the cupcakes" cackles Lenny, suddenly awake.
_"Of course I am !" I yell angry he found me out. "Dust for the prints instead of dozing off, that'd be helpful" I say, still sulking.
Alright, alright, let the pro do his job baby." he shouts proudly while holding a weird pose, showing off.
_"I really hope you catch that thief, but in all those short years I've worked here, it's really the first time this happens.." adds Aaron, rubbing his chin with his hand, still in disbelief.
_"No offence here, but you seem really chill for someone who had all his hard work eaten without being paid for...
_"Oh, that's because he took out his anger on yer poor innocent dough sweetheart" giggles Mrs Crumpet.
_"Boss, please !"
_"Okay I'm done dusting the prints and taking pictures here" says Lenny, striking another weird pose. "We will have the results tomorrow or so, so you can get cleaning your fantastic shop my beautiful darling." he adds, kissing Mrs Crumpet hand in a what I assume was supposed to be a gentlemen like gesture.
_"Oh, Oh, my, my, what a charming gentleman you are Mr Dot !" says Mrs Crumpet, blushing.
_"Urhg, disgusting." whispers Aaron while laughing slightly. "Then, I'll get back to work, thank you for coming."
Neovia 13:30
I'm sitting at my desk, eating my sandwich. It took us forever to get back here, as Lenny took his sweet, sweet time. Sometimes I really wonder how come this guy still had a job considering how slow he is in everything he does, but Big told me that he's the best when it comes to little details and all the other stuff we tend to overlook. He's currently studying the prints we found and comparing them to the files we have. Whenever someone decides to move in Neovia, they're obligated to give their prints as well, I'm not really sure why, but I guess after being a cursed town for years, they prefer to use some caution. I had to do it too when I filed all the paperwork in the City Hall. I swallow the last bite of my meal when Lenny comes rushing out from the lab and sprint right into the boss's office. How weird it is to see someone as slow as a snail go as fast as a cybunny ... I guess he did find something. Not two minutes later, Big yells for me to come to his office right now. Why do I feel like I'm not gonna like this ?
_"Kid, we have a match for the prints you guys found." says Big, dropping the file on his desk. He turns around to face the window, turning his back to Lenny and I. "The culprit is a Gelert.
_"Oh, really ? Is it that annoyingly annoying jewel thief ? Though, I wonder why he would steal cupcakes..." I say, rubbing my cheek.
_"No, praise Fyora, this guy is innocent for once. Though, I wish it was him right about now...
Knowing how Big despises that thief, I feel the anxiety rushing through my body.
_"That thief never leaves any prints behind, that's why we have so much trouble identifying him... Reginald, don't you have anything you want to say to me ?" he says calmly, turning back to face me again.
_"No.. I don't understand, I haven't done anything wrong..
_"Kid, the prints are yours. Your prints are all over the display cases of the Crumpet Monger shop. Lenny even found some grey hairs that belong to you on the scene, hair that were covered in frosting. You are the cupcake thief." he looks at me, visibly disappointed.
_"But ... I haven't left my flat yesterday.." I cry, upset I could tarnish my reputation this way. "I ate the soup you brought me, took the medicine as well and went to bed. I swear I didn't do anything wrong..."  I state, still sobbing. Disappointing Big is one of the last things I want to do...
_"Look Kid, I know you, I know you're not a thief nor a liar. There has to be an explication, and we will find it." he says, putting his clawy hand on my shoulder. "Oh and wipe your nose, I don't want any snot on my desk!" he adds, smiling snarkily. "Let's go on a walk, I think you need some fresh hair. Thanks Lenny for your work, you can go back in the lab work on whatever you have left to do."
Neovia 14:00
_"Okay, let's go to the pharmacy and see what the guy has to say. I don't feel like you're lying like I said, but how come every evidence found incriminates you..." he grumbles as we walk in the main street.
_"I don't know, I'm really lost here... I don't remember a thing, but I do recall not feeling hungry this morning and my hair being sticky when I woke up." I follow him, looking at my shoes, still feeling shameful.
_"We're here." he says as he pushes the door open.
_"Oh hey it's you !" points a young Zafara with his head full of blond and spiky hair. "How is it doing man ?
_"I'm not your man, kid.
_"Yeah, yeah, what can I do for ya ?
_"I want "ya" to tell me more about this medicine I got from you yesterday. Are there any side effects I should have been told about when you gave it to me ?" asks Big, pushing his finger into the zafara's coat.
_"It was groovy eh man ?!" he says, still pointing his fingers at us. "I think I'm gonna slap some sense into this idiot, if you know what I mean." whispers Big in my ear.
Oh, Oh...
_"Stop being such a moron Arnold !" yells a middle-aged Kacheek, hitting his head with a stack of paper. "Ugh, I swear to Fyora, you're really an idiot. Please excuse my employee sirs. What can I do for you ?
Big Skeith, after a glance at my pathetic face, decides to explain the situation to the Kacheek himself. She closes her eyes as she listens to him. _"Uh, Uh, I see. I do have an explanation for you, I believe. Did you wife happen to add some clawmatoes in her soup ?
_"Yes, it's one of her favourite things to put in there. Why ? Is there an issue with it ?
_"As stupid as it sounds, yes actually. I do not know the full details, but they contain some enzymes or something that react quite badly with the cold medicine your friend here took. They can induce sleepwalking tendencies and cravings when mixed together. Since the poor guy doesn't remember a thing, I believe that's what happen. What were the odds though ?
_"I see, thank you Ma'am ! Please keep slapping some sense into your apprentice.
_"I will good sir, have a nice day, sorry for the trouble !
Neovia 14:30
_"Wait for me here, I won't be long kid." says Big gently slapping my shoulder as he opens the door of the Crumpet Monger shop.
I'm leaning against the façade, still unsure about what's going to happen. Am I going to got to jail ? How are Mrs Crumpet and Mr Watson going to react ? They seem really nice to me and I really don't want them to hate me. As I'm wondering what's going to happen, I hear the bell and the door opens. It's Aaron.
_"Rough day, eh ?" he says as he leans against the shop next to me.
_"Yeah, pretty much. I assume you know everything." I whisper, still full of shame.
_"Yes, I do."
The sharp answer makes me shiver, but I didn't feel any anger in it. _"Look, as upset as I am, we know it's not your fault. Your boss said he was going to pay for the damaged door.
_"Really ? But what about the cupcakes, I mean, I ate all your stock...
_"You sure did!" he cries in laughter. "I can't believe you ate all that without feeling sick, you have some strong stomach kid !
_"Hey, don't call me kid, you're barely older than I am !" I manage to utter as I start to laugh with him.
_"Now that's better ! We have agreed on something with your boss. We're not gonna ruin a promising career, so hear me out. When you're not working your usual job, you'll come and work part time with us, that includes cleaning, deliveries, tasting my new recipes and other little things. That's how you're going to pay your debt to us. Does that sound fair to you ?" he grins.
_"You bet, thank you so much !" I say sobbing, finally relieved from the tension in my shoulders.
Neovia 21:30
I lay down my pen on my desk. I desperately needed to write a letter to mama to tell her everything. After that chat with Aaron, we came back inside the shop were Mrs Crumpet gave me a delicious crêpe to cheer me up. We ended up having a good laugh over this unlikely story and I'm going to start working part time with them tomorrow. I'm really eager to make it up to them. Once again, Big Skeith was there for me, and I can't thank him enough. He talked food with Mrs Crumpet during what felt like an eternity but it was a peaceful moment. As for Aaron, despite him being rightfully angry for his destroyed goods, he opened up to me and showed me how passionate he is about his job. I felt like we were the same on that point. I really wish I can become his friend because I really enjoyed his company. I better go to bed now, I have quite a doozy of a day tomorrow !
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Bloodlines: Vampire! Dick Grayson X Reader 4/4 Finale
The following is a non profit fan based story Batman, Red hood, Nightwing etc. belongs to DC Comics please support the official release.
I gain no profit from this nor do I own anything other then OCs  and whatever sprouts from my imagination. Thanks for reading!
Y/n stared stunned at who was at the window he climbed inside the bedroom, Dick was staring at her belly trying figure out how to words, While the h/c did the first thing that she vowed to do if he ever came within three feet of her. "N/n--..." before he could even get it out she punched Dick Grayson right in his pretty boy face, he fell to floor clutching his jaw stunned at how strong her punch was and that she managed to knock him off his feet.
Till he noticed the glowing red eyes, heavy breathing and how she was clutching her stomach and realized it was the baby's doing. He's heard about how dhampire children would protect their human mothers while they're pregnant by lending them their power for brief periods time, But only if the mother was in a situation where she feels like she's being threatened in anyway, Dick felt his heart breaking thinking Y/n and his unborn child saw him as a threat.
"I deserved that."
"You ass! do you like playing with my feelings?!"
"It's not like that...Y/n I'm sorry!"
"Sorry doesn't cut it Dick! you left! you just...*urhg*"
Y/n's face went pale she threw her hand over her mouth and ran to Dick's bathroom so her face can make friends with ye' old porcelain throne, with the baby's power heightening her senses she felt Dick's presence move around the room to the bathroom, he crouched down and held back her hair while rubbing circles on her back. The h/c sobbed when she finished heaving Dick pick her up off the floor and placed her on the bathroom counter he turned on the sink and gave her cup of water.
The e/c was still crying as she rinsed out her mouth and drank the rest of the water. "I know, I fucked up royally." He ran a hand through his hair "I shouldn't have left, I should've talked to you instead of running away." He went from her tear stained face the down to her belly he could hear the frantic little heartbeat they created. "And then Tim sent me some of your blood...it tasted off," His lips quivered Y/n noticed the bags under his eyes and how he was restraining himself. 
"I thought..." Y/n gasped suddenly cutting him off causing the blue eyed vampire stand up straighter. "What is it?!" Dick asked frantically scanning her features for any pain or discomfort, the h/c rubbed her belly and sniffled "they're moving." she grabbed a roll of toilet paper and used a few sheets to wipe her eyes her while taking a few shaky breaths.
Dick was confused the moms he's seen on TV or real life are usually happy when something like that happens. "Isn't that good?" He asked resisting the urge reach out feel his..their child kick. Y/n sniffled "You don't get it, six months, they don't move." She took a breath "now you show up and they're flipping around like.. like.." Dick cut the e/c girl off.
"An acrobat?.." He joked then coughed immediately regretting that, Y/n sent him a look that chilled his insides. "I'm going back to bed.." She huffed and went to climb off the counter Dick went help her but, paused when he noticed her scarred hand. he took her hand pulled up her sleeve up and examined the scars these were defense wounds...
Dick eyes went red a growled rumbled from his throat his teeth elongated into a snarl someone attacked Y/n...his mate... his pregnant mate?! "Where's Bruce?" he hissed Y/n flinched at his tone a pulled her arm away from him. "It wasn't his fault..He told me stay in her--" Dick punched the mirror out causing the pregnant woman gasp and cover her belly, that seemed to bring him out of it partially.
"I'm sorry... I trusted him to protect you and he let someone attack you." He growled bringing his cut up hand to his mouth and started lapping up his blood, but froze when he saw the familiar hunger in Y/n's eyes or rather their child's hunger, Dick brought his bloody hand up to her lips "go on N/n..." he coaxed rage slowly simmering away and being replaced with paternal instinct and curiosity whilst trying to get Y/n to feed off him.
The h/c grimaced in disgust, but the baby's hunger was was chipping away at her resolve, she latched onto Dick's knuckle started sucking. She moaned in distaste at the bitter copper taste that touched her tongue. Dick sucked in a breath as he felt his mate's tongue run along his knuckle drinking his blood, he felt a burst of warmth in his chest as the child's energy perk up...that's his kid alright! The vampire found himself leaning close to her neck and started sniffing her Y/n hummed in annoyance at his proximity and chomped down on his fingers.
Dick yelped and pulled away from her and retracting his hand from her mouth. "Still mad?" he frowned the h/c cocked a brow. "What do you think?" she said licking his blood off her lips, the raven haired man would be lying if he didn't find that little hot. She went to climb off the counter only for Dick to suddenly pick her up and carry her to the bed. "I could've gotten down myself." she huffed crossing her arms trying not to look at him.
"Are you ever going to forgive me?"
"I don't know Dick, You weren't the only who lost Wally y'know..."
I Know, It really fucking hit hard and I couldn't coupe--"
"And what about me Richard? did you even think how I felt? Hell it didn't even register with me that he was gone, until I had a breakdown in my bathroom room.... Tim found me because I didn't show up to the funeral and wouldn't answer my phone, he thought I killed myself because I left my bathtub running, the first thing he saw when walked in my house was a locked door and a flooded hallway." 
She felt the baby starting to overtake body again, her eyes were turning red, Y/n took a deep breath while mentally counting down from ten, the grip she had on the side of bed was loosening up and her heart rate slow down, 
"Damn it, how the hell do you live like this." she hissed biting her lip Dick frowned knowing what she's talking about the rage,lust,hunger and the need to hunt...
That was the darkness, a primal instinct that whispers in the back of every vamp's mind. a darkness that he almost embraced on that day a the mall. "Don't try and resist it for one." She looked at the Vampire confused as he sat on the floor next to her legs. 
"that force is part of you, learn to accept it and go with the flow,and overtime control becomes easier." H/c cocked a brow and thought this over then groaned in displeasure burying her head into her hands, how do you control something, without controlling it? Dick chuckle at her reaction.
"that made your head hurt didn't it?" She nodded he rest his head against her knee while his hand rubbed her thigh, causing Y/n to shove him off, he frowned "Don't get fresh with me mister, you're still in the doghouse!" she huffed before grabbing a pillow and tossing it at him. 
"You made your bed Grayson, but you sure ain't sleeping in it..." she jeered before pulling the blankets up and going to sleep. Dick went to the couch in the corner of his room curled up listening to Y/n and their kid's heartbeats as he drifted off.        
Y/n knew that Dick wasn't one to give up so easily, he followed her around all week like a puppy helping H/c at her appointments, since she was carry a half blood she had to go to specialist. Where Dick learn that the kid was underweight from not having it's father's blood to feed off of, but that should change with a proper diet schedule.
The doctor pulled Dick aside and suggest he mix his blood in pudding or jello because most human woman aren't too keen on drinking blood and knowing they're drinking blood best to mask it, Like Tricking a dog to take it's pills by wrapping in cheese. Dick frowned and looked the doctor for a good solid. "Did you just compare my wife to a dog?" He growled eyes narrowing, The doctor looked surprised when the younger vamp say that.
"That thing's your wife? I thought she was just some Scarlet you knocked --ack" Dick had him by the neck and snarled in the doctor's face, before remembering Y/n was in the other room and this guy was going to deliver their kid...or rather was.
Dick dropped him before walking into the waiting room."Y/n ask for your medical records, we're going to a different doctor...." He sneered looking over his shoulder at the doctor who ducked under his desk. "What about Dr. Hu Jass?" She asked bewildered Dick muttered not to worry about it and helped her out of the office.
[Scarlets or rather Scarlet harlots: Are women who purposely let Vamps drink from them in exchange for. Money, Drugs or Sex. Their basically prostitutes who cater to Vampires, It's not uncommon to find a Scarlet pregnant from one-night stands or dead from over drain.]
Dick was in a sour mood as he helped Y/n with her shopping he can't believe the nerve of that doctor! thinking that Y/n was some hooker...It should be obvious that was his! she smells like...His eyes widened realized he had been gone for 6 month, that was more than enough for his scent to wear off, Dick silent walked closely behind Y/n eyeing anyone who so much as looked at her funny, he fluctuated his K.I. field every five minutes, which pretty much warded off any nearby vamps.
Humans however don't have the senses to detect these fields. They were currently looking at clothes when an annoyed masculine voice called to Y/n "Hey! hey you! H/c!" the pregnant let out an annoyed sigh "Not this jackass..." she muttered under her breath and tried to move somewhere else as Dick's eyes narrowed at their uninvited guest.
"Why the hell did you ditch me at the restaurant."
"Don't you fucking ignore me, I'm talking to you."
"I don't have to explain anything to an abusive ass like you."
"what was that?" Glenn snarled taking a step forward Dick immediately put his arm out and said "Hey back off..." causing the man to stop and glare at the raven haired man standing behind the e/c girl. "Why don't you fuck off pretty boy, this doesn't involve you..." Glenn hissed as Dick's eyes had a faint red glow to them causing the human male to hesitate Glenn then looked over to Y/n noticed her stomach and snorted "Y'know what? keep the whore she ain't even pretty."
He spat as and stomped off, Dick took a step forward Y/n put her hand on his chest. "Don't, he's not worth it..." Needless to say the rest of that trip was tense...They finally took a break at the food court where Dick finally asked "I take it that was one of the men you dated from last year?" He asked sipping a chocolate shake while picking at his fries, the H/c nodded swallowing a mouthful of stir-fry that had chocolate sauce,relish, and pineapples mixed into it.she swallowed before taking a sip of her blue-raspberry slushy.
"Yeah, he was blind date we were together for a month. He was Okay the first week...then he started get pissy at the littlest things." Y/n felt embarrassed she hadn't noticed the signs right a way she was studying to be a criminal profiler for Pete sake! 
"Long story short he tried to break me, I broke his jaw." she smirked reliving the event he tried to jab her, she blocked and did a reverse punch then wheel kicked him as he tried to catch his breath. "Best part was while he was in the hospital getting his jaw wired shut, I found he's mar... or was married"
She said taking another bite of her monstrous stir-fry. Dick couldn't hold back the bitter smile that played on his lips. Don't get him wrong he was proud that Y/n was able to defend and get herself out of that situation, But the vamp was upset that he wasn't there to help her.
His eyes zeroed in on her belly he could feel the little one's aura buzzing happily about, the bitterness soon morphed into tenderness and determination...well, not anymore! for their child's sake it was time for Dick Grayson to grow up, and be a man for the two important people in his life.
When they got back to Wayne manor Alfred had already taken the bags from Y/n despite her protests Bruce greeted her with kiss on the forehead, and asked how his grandchild was doing, as he sent a cold look towards Dick, he's been giving him the cold shoulder since he got back, "I trust everything went alright." He asked pointedly at his adopted son who challenged his glare. "You already know what went down with Dr. Jass why bother asking?"
Dick hissed Bruce went to snap back but, Y/n who wasn't informed of that her ex-doctor was prejudiced towards humans, looked between them confused "What about Dr. Jass?" Both men scoffed  and snapped "Don't worry about it!" before stopping off to different wings of the manor, 
Both Y/n and Tim just looked at each other "What was that all about?" the h/c asked "Bruce thinks Dick is gonna run off on us again." the teen said with shrugged and followed after Bruce while Y/n followed after Dick who had stopped back up to his room.
It was a tense night for Y/n she could hear both Dick and Bruce argue through out the manor eventually she got tired of it, Her eyes turned red and with a snarl she slammed her hands on the dinner table "ENOUGH! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" 
This caused both men to jump as look a her surprised. "I'm going home! come find me, when you're ready to put this whole thing behind you and act like adults!?" She stomped up the stairs Tim looked between the two men embarrassed and disappointed in them "I'm gonna go with her make she gets there alright" He said following after the h/c woman, While Bruce and Dick were left alone in tense silence.       
Y/n and Tim sat in her old house watching Netflix and eating egg-less cookie dough, "Don't get involved with Vampires Tim, they're a prideful stubborn bunch." The human hummed with a mouthful of red-velvet flavored dough.
"I'm dating a dullahan." he said as he swallowed his treat, The e/c cock a brow and smirked "Oh?~ are they cute?" she asked her little foster brother who perked up at the chance to talk about his girlfriend, 
Her name is (T/r: Tim's reader) she can control smoke and shadows, and likes to cook They met after she saved him from falling off a roof by making a slide out of her shadows, they've been dating since then. "You sly dog, bring her around I'd like to meet her sometime!" Y/n said smiling and nudged him with her elbow.
Soon it was time for Tim to go on patrol like Dick he'd also started leaving back-up suits at her house, the place acted like a safehouse for the family to crash in if they were too tired or hurt to make it back the bat-cave. Y/n didn't mind just so long as they cleaned up after themselves. "Hopefully it be slow night, do you want me to get anything while I'm out?"
 the raven haired teen asked. "No thank you sweetie, You just be careful out there alright?" Tim nodded and jumped out window, an hour after Tim left Y/n was getting ready for bed when there was the was a knock at the door. Y/n gulped and went to check the peep hole and sighed in annoyance when she saw it was Dick.
"Y/n let me in."
"Did you and Bruce settle your argument?"
"...In a sense."
"So, no? Well then you're ju--" Y/n was cut off by Dick voice call out to her from behind the door in a calm but authoritative tone he rarely uses unless he's serious. "[Full name.] I Richard Grayson am selfish a coward." His sudden admission caused Y/n to whip her head around and look at the door before opening it to find the vamp on his knees and his head bowed to her, Which stunned her no Vampire would ever bow their head to a human. 
"I ran away from my grief, problems and responsibilities. without even thinking about the consequences, I don't deserve your forgiveness, I wasn't here to take care of you to protect you...I hurt you badly. I understand if you hate me, Or don't trust me anymore...." The h/c frowned as she felt her walls cracking as Dick raised his head to look at her.
"But, I'm not sorry that I met you or that I love you...and I sure as hell don't regret taking you that night. So, I'm begging you; let me take care of you. Both of you." His voice was hoarse Y/n could see tears threatening to spill from his eyes. She swallowed her face felt hot and took a breath "It's gonna take while for me trust you again, but for our son's sake," The Vampire looked up at her hopeful.
 "He needs a father Dick. and if You leave again that's it." Dick sprang to his feet and pulling her into a bone crushing hug being mindful of her stomach. "I won't leave again I promise." he buried his face in her hair drinking her scent and carry her to her bedroom and falling asleep next to her hand resting on her belly feeling their child move about.
That's what Tim walked in on when he got back from patrol. he decided to check in on Y/n before he went to bed. "Hey Y/n---" The raven haired boy a chill go down his spine as he felt a monstrous aura pushed him backwards with terrifying force, the teen looked into the bedroom, and saw Dick holding Y/n close while glaring at him eyes glowing red.
 "Get out..." the older male hissed baring his fangs at the boy, Tim didn't need to be told twice and slammed the door and ran to the guest room. Y/n jolted awake for few seconds and looked around confused "Go back to sleep N/n.." Dick cooed snuggling her close the girl did as she hummed and drifted off again.
Needless to say it was tense morning when they got back to Wayne manor, The tension could be cut with knife as Dick and Bruce glared at each other from across the kitchen counter. Y/n, Tim and Alfred sat awkwardly to the side. "So, you want to move her to Bludhaven?" Bruce said glancing up from his newspaper eyes narrowed skeptically, 
which was pissing off Dick whose mouth tugged into a tight smile "Yeah, that's the plan got a problem with it, dad?" The two raven haired men glared at each other. "Yes, you ignored everyone's feelings and ran away from your responsibilities..." he put the paper down and glared at his son.
"How do I know you won't do it again?" Dick was silent and reached into his coat a toss a small box on the counter Y/n knew what it was since she was already wearing the ring. "I asked this morning, she said yes. think what you want. but I'm staying, you can stop talking to me if you don't like it." 
Bruce eyed the box then Y/n's finger her belly and then Dick who kept his eyes trained on his adoptive father said man sighed."Break her heart again? and I will send Y/n and the baby somewhere you can't find them." He was dead serious and Dick knew it, Bruce could make it happen he and the other sighed in relief as the two shook hands.
few weeks later.
Bruce had gone to work and Tim was at school. while Dick was helping Y/n sort and pack her things. The vampire figured that since they were alone now would be a good time to ask the real big question he'd been avoiding for two days would she like to become a Vampire..."Hey, Y/n you love me right?" He asked packing a little baby clothes.
 "Kind of an odd thing to ask your pregnant wife don't cha think?" she eyeing him suspiciously was he planning something? Dick cough and scratched his neck and cleared his throat "Ye-yeah,well  would you ever consider--" He was cut off by was a knock at the manor doors, 
They heard Alfred answer the door "Oh dear..You aren't welcomed here! ...now see here!" they heard the butler arguing with someone, whoever it was sounded drunk. "Don't touch me servant! where's that bitch? I gonna drain her dry!"
the visitor roared someone else was talking to Alfred apologizing, Dick tensed up there was only one female in this manor and he was looking at her and Y/n was terrified holding her scarred hand while staring out into the hall, it took a few seconds for Dick to put two and two together and he saw red. "Miss Y/n isn't-" there as a crash and the same enraged voice.
"Bullshit I can smell the whore, if you don't hand her over I'll snap your neck!" Beaumont snarled pinning Alfred to the wall while what appeared to be his lawyer tried to pull the intoxicated vamp off the old man. 
"Mr. Beaumont please! this isn't going to-..Mr. Beaumont?" The balding man suddenly looked scared he let go of Alfred who ran the second he felt it as the air felt cold and thick as a monstrous force caused the windows to shake and the manor's foundation to groan in protest.
Beaumont's eyes searched around frantically for source of this rage and there standing at the top of the stairs was young man with raven hair and blood red eyes and fangs that looked ready tear his throat out. "You..." the man hissed in a blink of an eye he was in front of Beaumont who fell on his oversized ass while his lawyer remind frozen in place.
"An Elder..blood.." the balding stuttered out terrified as Dick yanked him off the floor by the collar of his shirt "You think you can come here and threaten my wife and think I'd let you get away with it?!" the younger vampire spat venomously Beaumont was sweating bullets as he tried to say something, his lawyer managed to find his voice.
"She attacked m-my client sh-she..." He stuttered out Dick snarled causing the guy stumble back "I saw the security footage....He attacked my pregnant wife." he said through gritted teeth the twig looking man processed this and muttered "I knew this sounded too good..." then held up Beaumont's papers and tore them up before running away, leaving his ex-client to his fate.
"I didn't know she was yours! I was just so hungry--ack!" the old man gagged as Dick let go of his collar and started strangling him Beaumont struggled and clawed at the younger vamp's hand, but he was stronger and more fit then the old balding man was. Just when he was about to feel his neck snap a voice that sounded like an angelic chorus to Beaumont called out.
"Dick! Dick! stop it! don't kill him please." a pair of arms wrapped around the raven haired man's waist, a growl rumbled from Dick's chest and he threw the fat man to the floor, the old vamp wheezed and coughed as Dick kept his eyes trained on him "She just saved your life..." he hissed and watched as the old man ran out the front doors.
And to Beaumont's horror he ran right into Bruce Wayne who looked very displease to see him, his blue eyes turned red and his face contorted into a snarl the second he recognized the old man. "What are you doing here?!" Bruce demanded only for the old man to wheeze out an apology and run.
 the raven haired man watched the balding man run whipped his head towards the manor doors, he felt his stomach drop and he ran up the steps "Y-.." he was about to call out only to sigh relieved to see the h/c sitting on the floor with Dick who was shaking in rage as Y/n talked him down from going after Beaumont.
"I'm alright...the baby is alright." the young vamp pulled her into his lap and held her close, Bruce left them alone to go check on Alfred who filled him in on what happened; he of course was livid that the old man had the gall to step into his home. and threaten his family! now, that didn't sit well with Bruce who was already working on his revenge.
He paid off the lawyer to not go to the media about Y/n and Dick's relationship, had Tim pull out any old skeletons Beaumont was hiding in his closet, and then he got to work on buying out the Beaumont share holders forcing the pharmaceutical company to declare bankruptcy allowing Bruce to step in a buy it out from under them, during the coming months it was a media shit storm when word got out:
7 months later...
[ Henry Beaumont forces step-daughter into relations, hid pregnancy forced abortion, His son in laws sexual harassment covered up, and siphoned money from company account for years.]
Needless to say Y/n was disgusted as she read the paper that morning, while her and Dick's son Jonah sat in his swing starring at the TV peacefully, Dick heard her snort in disgust and peeked out of the bathroom while fixing his uniform tie. "What is it?" He asked his wife showed him the headline and the raven haired vamp grimaced like he ate something sour.
"I knew he was trash didn't think he was creepy trash." Y/n shook her head and tapped a photograph "Look who his daughters married to..." she said unsure if she wanted to laugh or throw up, Dick got one looked at the picture and immediately wadded up the paper and threw it into the trash. "Nigel..." he spat under his breath then looked at his wife warily.
"By the way are his little groupies still bothering you?" his eyes narrowed she transferred to a small community college in Bludhaven apparently one of Nigel's fans flunked out in Gotham and moved here she recognized Y/n and tried to pulled the same crap again, what the girl wasn't expecting was the fact that Nigel had no fans in Bludhaven as he had apparently assaulted a girl a few years back. 
So, She had no back up instead the girl stalked and insulted Y/n and flirted with Dick (which he of course ignored.) every chance she got and then girl did the mistake of trashing Y/n's car in the police station parking lot.... front of Dick and two on duty police officers. Needless to say she was dragged kicking and screaming into the station and her fed up parents wouldn't bail her out this time.
"No, Thankfully..." Y/n said cringing at the memory of Dick coming back from training with her car all scratched up to hell and LYING SLUT spray painted in puke neon-green on the side passenger side. The girl's parents apologized profusely and offered to pay for a clean up and repairs.
Dick hummed seemingly satisfied with that answer, while getting the baby bottle out of the warmer and vial of blood from the fridge. he poured the vial into the formula and shook it up, before settling down in front of Jonah who's e/c lit up and babbled happily as soon as his dad came into view.
"Hey, Jonny hungry?" Dick cooed the baby was practically bouncing as soon as the bottle came up to his mouth "Oh ho, yes you are!~" the vamp teased as the baby sucked up blood/formula mixture while his parents admired the tiny little white baby fangs that tract and retract out of his gums causing Y/n shudder and hug her chest when she found out Jonah was already teething.
Gave his mom quit the wake up call at a 2 am feeding only to find one of her boobs looking like a pin cushion, and then Dick as Nightwing burst into the nursery thinking his wife had just gotten attacked, Instead he found a panicked Y/n trying to stop her breast from bleeding and a crying teething hungry 5 month old.
they eventually weaned Jonas off his mom and onto bottles But damn if that baby didn't give them the evil eye, for the first couple weeks eventually he got used to it, the little family moved on with their lives, 
They went to see Barbra about arranging N/n's transition into a Vampire, and were told to wait at least 8 months to a year after Jonah was born so her body was fully recovered.  
They were going to Dick’s police academy grad,Y/n hooked her arm around Dick as he pushed the stroller to the elevator "So, are we still on after your graduation, Officer Grayson?~" Y/n purred kissing his neck as smirk slowly tugged on Dick's lips "Depends, Bruce still willing to take the mini-me?" he voice dropped few octaves if it weren't for Jonah he'd jump her in this elevator right now.
"He turned down a date with Selina, the Silena Kyle for his grandson and he never turns down Selina." The raven haired man chuckle it was no secret Bruce loved Jonah he turned Gotham upside if anything were to happen to the little bean, The couple were so caught up in the plans neither had noticed the girl speed walking down the street. until she bumped into to Y/n causing her groceries to scatter causing her to quickly gather her stuff.
"Oh shit! I am so sorry!"
"Oh no sweetie, it's fine I really should paying attention let me.."
"It's okay I got this you two seem busy..."
"Are you sure I'd feel bad if anything happened t...That's a lot of meat."
Y/n said picking up three of the Styrofoam packages incredulously, The girl who was holding six more packages coughed awkwardly and snatched the package away from Y/n who blinked surprised then looked at Dick confused, as two watch the girl scurry away across the street and into an alley. 
The two continued on to parking lot still reeling over the odd encounter. "Well that was weird." The h/c looked at her husband nodding over her shoulder Dick hummed like he was deep thought. "Something you wanna share with rest of the class, Mr Grayson?"
She teased as her husband looked over his shoulder. "She smelled..." he trailed off trying to place the scent. "...Hinky?" Y/n chimed in trying to help Dick shook his head. "No, like wet dog and... Gunpowder?" The couple where brought out of their analyzes by Jonah crying because he dropped his pacifier they immediately tried to calm their boy down. Not noticing the tall red hooded figure glowering down at them from the nearby roof before quickly bolting away from the ledge. 
~::The End::~
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