#i need to write MORE
swallowtail-lotus · 6 months
For Eternity {Beelzebub x reader}
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Ain't gonna lie, but Beelzebub kinda fine tho
I know I said no angst, but I had this
Warnings: Dark themes, kidnapping, mentions of experimental work, the word torture is used once
Sobbing filled the cold, empty room. Blood was all (Y/n) could smell. Her own blood. The smell of death was all too familiar with her now.
She can't remember how long she was trapped in the room. She couldn't remember her family, friends or her home. All of that was taken from her.
Because of him.
Beelzebub. The god cursed by Satan. Lord of the flies. The god feared by humans and other gods.
A cold hand grazed her cheek, bringing her back to reality. (Y/n) felt his fingers twirl strands of her hair, his shallow breathing blowing on her face.
"So interesting..." His voice never failed to strike fear into the young woman's body. Beelzebub stood up, forcing the woman to follow him to another, where he experiments on those that caught his interest.
She may not be able to remember much of her past, but she could never forget how she met her tormentor.
It was just an ordinary day.
(Y/n) was a kindhearted woman, always wanting to help those in need, or simply become their friend. She was always seen with a smile that was just as glowing as the sun itself. Anyone around her would be stuck in an trance.
(Y/n) had met Beelzebub through one of her friends, Lucifer. She remembered how different he was back when they were happy.
"(Y/n)! Come meet our new friend!" Lucifer shouted, waving at her. The goddess rushed over to meet him, her eyes widen when she saw him.
"Beelzebub?" Lucifer nodded. She kneeled down to the man's height, giving him a smile.
"Nice to meet you. Hope we can stay friends." She said, extending your hand to the male. The male stared at her hand and hesitantly shook it.
This was the start of a friendship she wish never ended...
But it was soon taken from her the moment she found out about the truth about her friend.
When she assisted both Lilith and Beelzebub on the search for Satan. She saw what happened to Lilith.
(Y/n) was frozen in shock, not wanting to believe one of her friends was responsible for the recent murders. She wanted it all to be a bad dream. A part of her asked her to forgive him. She knew Beelzebub never meant any of this. It was all Satan's fault. There was another thing they both found out.
(Y/n) was immune. Immune to the curse.
During the time Beelzebub was losing himself, he got one of his experiments to kidnap the goddess and bring her back alive. When she found herself in his home, she was relieved at first, but that was quickly washed away when Beelzebub began his experiments on her. Or as she puts it, torture.
She knew the god she was friends with was long gone.
"Another fail. We'll try again tomorrow." Beelzebub spoke with no emotion, walking out and leaving her to cry once more.
Could you really blame him?
You're the only one alive that can't die from his curse.
The only one he can keep loving for eternity.
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jumping-joey1104 · 1 year
TicciWork headcanons 😈
OMG I'll be honest when I first joined the fandom I hated this ship. But you can blame @necroromantics and @crushedsweets for converting me to their religion.
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Ok, so we all know how Toby would be the person to drink literal battery acid if he was dared to, Clock is the one that stops him from doing that
While she's a pretty distant lover, so is Toby which balances out perfectly in their relationship
They are loyal to each other, like Toby would joke around and say another girl looks hot then go into a whole speech on why Clockwork is better in everyway
I feel like they aren't very touchy touchy in public, so a common thing they would do is have a little thing to show that they care.
Like little kuniks where they rub there noses together or back hugs, simple little things that to others seem like a little thing but to them mean the world.
They both have similar outfit choices, Clock would steal Toby's tank tops and Toby would steal her old sweaters
Definitely have matching stuffed animals, not like a big squishmellow but two tiny beanie babies that are just different colors
Even though they're both very stubborn, whenever the other is feeling really bad or going through an episode it's like the other are the only one to actually calm them down.
But when they have to fight together? Dangerous level 100. Toby is very wild but powerful when he fights, add that with someone that's good at planning through fights and someone he listens too? Very dangerous combo
Everyone knows better than to get in between the two of them, while they're very much in love with one another they're also very protective in their silent way
Clockwork definitely bullies Toby a bit, making fun of how short his nails are before painting them so he would stop biting them. Or poking at his eating habits while cooking him something to eat.
I like the little headcanon that Toby is Clockwork's kinda anchor to reality while she's his protector. Like he would let her do his hair if she's mad because he can't feel the pain of the brush in his hair and doesn't care about being made fun of
Meanwhile Toby gives her little gifts constantly. He finds a cool looking stick? Gotta give it to Clock. Shiny rock? Already on her dresser. Dude's like a crow and Clockwork is his favorite human.
These two are one of my favorite ships in the whole CRP fandom next to Helen and Angel. And yes, maybe Angel and Toby would be able to convince their partners to go out on double dates
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Thinking about the fact there are only nine 100k+ dimension 20 fics... sickening
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menaceadored · 10 months
Is there really only just over 7,000 ronance fics on ao3?
And how many of those are actually just mistagged steddie fics?
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buckslafdhoodie · 4 months
someone please tell me i am not the only one with a folder of screenshots filled with out of pocket, wildly funny quotes from fanfics.
like, are you telling me not everyone goes “i’m sad, let me just pull up ol’ reliable—“ and these bangers show up?!
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WIP (the red means I love you)
Just wash the damn thing, Theo thinks to himself as he looks at the grey sweater sitting on his bed for what is probably the fifth time since he woke up in the morning. It's been a few days since he last saw Liam, and for reasons unbeknownst to him, Theo can’t grab the damn thing and shove it in the washing machine.
Well, he can but it’s complicated.
Washing the sweater means that it loses its warm, earthy scent—his scent. But as lovely as his lavender detergent is, it’s nowhere near as comforting as he wants it to be.
The hard part is actually getting the task done because he’s bailed out of it every time he’s tried in the last few days. He tells himself it’s because he isn’t doing the laundry that day so it’s wasteful to do so, or that it’s late and he should probably focus on sleeping and making it to work the next day.
Every excuse he comes up with is always justified with a shrug and the thought of I’ll do it later.
But what ends up happening instead, is that Theo grabs the sweater from the bed and somewhere between the few steps to the laundry hamper, he ends up wearing it and crashing to sleep before he has time to object—not that he wants to.
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written but I thought I’d do a lil something since it’s my bday or whatever. Enjoy :)
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covenantofthedeep · 1 year
small talk; you are in love ☆
feat. | childe, thoma! summary | gradually getting more comfy w them a/n | plsplspls rb :] i hope this was close to what you wanted anon!! pls enjoy!
childe |
childe's used to stunning people into silence, but you've been nothing but silence since you met. one of your common friends had suggested that you two would be really good friends--maybe even more? you had agreed to meet with childe, solely because you figured, what could go wrong?
your first date (or... meet, perhaps) is perfect, except for the fact that you say about twenty words to him in total. he frets about it later; was he really so awful?
the second date, at a coffee shop, is marginally better, where you had tried to force yourself out of your shyness and ended up word vomiting about your feelings on straight black coffee. and then you realized he was holding a cup of black coffee, and you had wished for a giant sinkhole to swallow you up.
the third date, you're absolutely determined to make it enjoyable for both you and him. you ask him if he wants to see a movie you really like, and he agrees, wondering if you'll open up to him this time. (he's completely smitten with you, as much as he's embarrassed to admit.)
after the movie, stepping out into the blinding bright lights, you immediately start chattering. "oh, did you like the music? i swear i got goosebumps! i love movie theater popcorn so much, what about you? what's your favorite candy? honestly, i'm a little hungry, do you want to grab dinner or something? what did you think about the scene where...." you trail off, embarrassed, when childe laughs.
"that's most you've ever said to me," he marvels, winking at you.
and so you continue, dropping your thoughts about anything and everything, and, for once, childe is completely silent, and he honestly wouldn't have it any other way.
thoma |
you've had feelings for thoma since you first saw him at the kamisato estate. you were really close with ayaka at the time, and had seen him nearly every day. unfortunately, you always froze up when he approached, going completely silent.
ayaka had noticed this, and tried to push you two together, despite your protests that haven't you noticed that i can't say anything around him?
and so you wind up having a picnic together, and you have never been more nervous.
unbeknownst to you, thoma had been fascinated with you too--he liked the way that you laughed completely freely with ayaka behind her door, and how you snorted when you laughed. his aim for your picnic-date was to make you laugh like that, although, it appeared, it would be a little difficult.
it's a perfect day, with a spread of foods that would usually have you digging in, but today, you're so incredibly on edge that you've managed to spill the entire pot of tea and upend the tray of katsu sandwiches. quietly cursing under your breath and dabbing in vain at the stain of tea, you wonder why you had gone along with ayaka.
and then he beams at you, and you remember.
"here," he says, ever the gentleman, "leave that alone. it's fine, we can just cover it up with the sangayaki." he shifts the sangayaki onto the stain. "see? it's perfectly fine."
you shake your head at him and smile, reaching for an egg roll, when suddenly, the ridiculousness of it all shocks you, and you drop the egg roll and laugh. then you start wheezing, and snorting, and thoma looks so utterly befuddled that it gets you going again. a minute later, he joins in, holding onto his taiyaki with one hand.
he drops it into his lap, the chocolate spilling out onto his pant leg, and you realize, laughing at him, perhaps all you needed with him was a little push in the right direction.
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Lance is a handy man
Keith is tired, he just wants to sleep, but there is a freaking rumbling noise coming from his bathroom, if this was an earth bathroom he could easily just cut the water until the morning and forget about it, but of course it isn't, and of course Altean pipe system its completely different and he has no idea how to fix nor make the noise stop. And he tries, oh gosh does he try to remain calm, but he can't, he's tried everything, covering his face with the pillow, listening to music, headphones, COUNTING SHEEP. Nothing, and he's sick of it, for once he wants to actually get some rest and the castle won't let him, so the only logical thing that his sleep deprived mind can think of right now is go in there, find whatever it is that's making the noise and MAKE IT STOP.
That was... a bad idea. He found the source of the rumbling noise, he made it stop... but he broke the pipe somehow, and now there is water flooding his bathroom and going into his room at a dangerously rapid pace.
He hears a knock at his door, and in the middle of panicking he just opens it, and finds Lance standing there, with slippers on and his bathrobe in hand.
Keith is standing there, soaking wet from head to toes. There is water coming from the bathroom and he still has the piece that he broke in hand. Lance simply looks at him, looks at the room and makes his way to the bathroom, leaving Keith confused behind him, he watches him disappear into the flooded bathroom and before he can react and stop him, Lance comes out, sleeves rolled up, shaking the water off his hands.
"... just closed your water supply. I'll help you fix that tomorrow, I needed a shower and your little problem was using up all the water from our rooms"
Lance leaves just as quickly as he came, and leaves Keith stomped there in the middle of his room. "... what the hell just happened?"
Just as promised, Lance does help Keith fix his bathroom, but it does take them a few days to do it, and it ends up becoming their little project. That's how Keith finds out that Lance knows the basics of plumbing thanks to his brother. And he doesn't know if it's because of the way Lance looks so serious explaining everything to Keith, or the fact that he actually understands how the altean water supply works, but he is mightily impressed and a bit more attracted to Lance than he was before.
Hey... so yeah I wrote this right after I broke my bathroom... in my defense it made me really mad and i couldn't control myself.
I just love the idea of Lance impressing Keith with something so simple, my boy it's just good at everything.
Btw, I've been gone for a couple of days because I got my phone stolen last week :/ so yeah...
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zephsthings · 1 month
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the same stardust ...
for @spaced-out-cosmos 💜
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beetleye · 8 months
uhm erm kiki nation u guys should send me fic ideas maybe
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datawyrms · 1 year
Flightless Dead
Everyone is born with wings unique to them, a reflection of themselves. But that means the wings all have one thing in common - they disappear when a person dies. For Phic Phight 2023 c:  Also on Ao3!
If she had been flying, there was a chance Maddie would have missed the slight change of weight. Movement made it easier to miss something so subtle, especially when the braided necklace wasn’t heavy to begin with.
It was strange, to tense up so much. Yet Jack had stiffened as well. She hadn’t dropped a wallet, or mislaid a blaster. Yet today had been distressing, the portal failing completely with almost no lead as to why. Perhaps she was imagining things.
Jack could also just be imagining things. She didn’t want to look down, to open her hand to see the necklace her hand had automatically cupped gently. The store had fallen away as her world centered in on that slight change of weight. The protective material of her gloves was both a blessing and a curse- blocking her ability to feel the feathers to confirm her worries, but also denying her the comfort given by the soft plumage of her family always being partially ‘with’ her.
“Mads-” Jack’s voice cracked, his hands blocking his own family heirloom from her sight. His confident posture was gone, massive wings hunched inwards and doing their best to make the giant of a man look small. He also suspected- feared- prayed he was wrong.
She didn’t want to make him be the one to confirm it. She did not want to be the one to check either. The thin leather strap felt like a blade against her neck as she carefully- so carefully uncurled her fingers to see the feathers that hung from the flock charm. The massive black feather with slight white stippling  at the tip, the thicker reddish one right beside. The short red and brown striped one at a funny angle. All fine, all there. The thin and narrow feather, bright orange like a flame was nested between her own and Jack’s. Yet it was wrong. It was alone. The short coal black feather, the sibling, her brother’s, her son-
An empty leather loop instead of the proof of her baby boy’s life. 
Being trapped under a boulder would have been an easier weight to bear, the pain and horror that shoved her breath from her lungs in a pained shriek. Misery, a horror she never wanted to see. A pain that didn’t lessen even as Jack pulled in close and both of them tried to block out the rest of the world with their wings, ignoring how others turned to look or stiffened at the awful sound.
Their child had died, feather gone to the beyond with the rest of his wings, and they hadn’t even been nearby. The world should hear of such a cruel, unfair loss.
They’d need to go to Jazz- to hold her and comfort her and to mourn. Her only brother suddenly stolen away, with no reason. That the weight of her whole world had lessened today, in a way that could never be repaired.
Someone was speaking, trying to get their attention, or trying to help, but neither of them really heard it. How could they? When Danny was gone?
There was no mistaking how horrible the accident had been- that their playing around in a dangerous laboratory had been the last bad decision one Danny Fenton would ever make. Flat on his back against cold tile, arms and legs twisted and limp. Something that should be impossible, an emptiness that made both Sam and Tucker recoil back. Away from the wingless corpse that was their friend.
“What do we do? What can we do?!” Tucker was already hovering from sheer agitation, clutching at his glasses as if they might be lying to him, like Danny would be himself again if he only removed them.
Sam didn’t have an answer, instead staring in mute horror. Danny shouldn’t look like that, shouldn’t be so badly hurt, shouldn’t be dead. It couldn’t be that unsafe here! 
The green portal was more like a rocky throat- jagged stones and unwelcoming spikes bristling from what had been flat steel before it had powered itself on and killed Danny. Even if it hadn’t killed him, the claustrophobic walls would have snapped his wing bones in seconds for daring to exist in the same space. Absolutely destroy him. Or maybe the shock of that pain had been what killed him.
They wanted to escape, to flap hard and push past the loose roof panel and pretend the world wasn’t so awful with the wind in their feathers and sun on their backs. To pretend the little flock of three was not suddenly only two. Part of them almost did- but a low, awful noise kept them still.
Danny Fenton was not dead.
He hurt- oh man did everything hurt in a way he did not think was even possible, but he managed to keep breathing.
The ache was bad enough without the awful cold that clawed at his back, a weird and unwelcome sensation. Cramps in his back muscles or wings was one thing. The cold emptiness felt worse. He wanted to curl up a little and let his feathers help warm him up, but moving felt impossible. His parents weren’t kidding about their weird ghost portal being dangerous, apparently. What kind of person should actually be afraid of ghosts? They were just sad little dead things- most couldn’t even fly. It was like being afraid of worms.
Sam and Tucker were still here. So they should help instead of leaving him on the ground while he figured out how to make his brain move his limbs again. Stupid portal and it’s dumb painful shock.
His best attempt to talk was just a weak groan, but at least he could see a bit better now. Tucker was flapping so recklessly that black feathers were falling everywhere one even on his face. Normally he’d laugh about it, but he couldn’t manage it.
“Is he a zombie? Did we make my best friend into a zombie?”
Oh ha ha Tucker. Super funny, calling him a zombie because he got a bit of a shock. If only he could get his mouth to actually say that instead of just making some pathetic grunt.
“No- he’s breathing. I think.” Sam’s eyes were watering, her normally confident voice small and uncertain. “I think he’s alive-“
“But he’s-“
“I know! Just get down here and check if you feel his pulse too okay?”
Why wouldn’t they feel it? What were they going on about anyway? Danny tried to move again, really pushed against his stiff muscles but only made the world go dark, a wave of exhaustion shoving his consciousness back down before he could hurt himself further.
Danny Fenton may not be dead- but some might argue it was crueler that he was not. A lost life is a tragedy. A continued one can be a tapestry of tragedy, constantly marked by the loss suffered.
After all, only the dead lack wings.
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draconicscreaming · 4 months
Never Forget
TW: Mentions of death. Blood in images under the cut
Despite the normalcy of death in the dungeon, it can't be ignored forever.
notes: This was meant to be a hurt/comfort thing, but... It just turned full hurt. Something short to shake off the rustiness of not writing
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It wasn’t a common occurrence amongst adventurers to speak ill on their deaths. Death in the depths of the dungeon was normal. It was a part of the job. Yet, no one seemed to utter the effects such a thing had on the psyche. Perhaps they were too afraid to do so.
For Laois, he barely felt troubled about his moments when he’s fallen. He’d make lighthearted comments about it, exchanging his “final” moments with vigor and detail (sometimes to the dismay of others). Normal. This was… Normal. Something that was extremely abnormal to the founding laws of nature in the above world. One day the reaper would rear its ugly head to defy the impossible laws of the dungeon itself to right the wrongs. He didn’t want to think about that day. In fact, Laios tended to not think about it at all.
Until he was reminded of it in his dreams, or rather, his nightmares. When he closed his eyes, his mind was a fickle thing in the dead of night. It betrayed what he subconsciously attempted to bury deep down. It would come crawling back, festering and hideous, in the quiet of his dreams to upheaval it into dismay. The echoes of pain from his first death ringing through his chest like a bell with each beat of his heart. Don’t forget. It seemed to whisper. Never forget. And each subsequent death after would reappear, one after the other. Building, tightening, straining. Until the tether became too taut and snapped. He’d startle awake, drenched in a cold sweat, heart hammering wildly in his ribcage. The nightmare felt fresh in his bones as he trembled, lifting his hands and rubbing at his face to try and wipe away the memories. Bury it. 
Laois’ gaze drifted over to his other slumbering party members, their sleeping faces faintly illuminated by the low burning embers of the fire. He swallowed, his throat feeling scratchy and dry. He couldn’t bring himself to think about what would happen if he lost any of them. Permanently. Did their past demises haunt them too? He drew in a shaky breath and slowly laid back down, pulling his blanket up to his chin and tucking himself underneath the scratchy material. His eyes stared upwards, transfixed on the ceiling as he willed his thoughts to calm from the storm that was brewing in his mind.
Eventually, the lull of sleep beckoned him once more and Laois drifted back into a dreamless rest. Hoping to forget again. To keep forgetting until his time officially came.  
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Bart's speed and ability to vibrate himself at the atomic level vs Kon’s tactile telekinesis is an area explored by very few.
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flojouno · 5 months
guys i’m sad to announce im thinking about c clingyduo again
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sparrowmoth · 6 months
I was tagged by @waterloou to share the first lines of my ten most recent fanfics so yeah this is all going to be Wesper not sorry djkjkd
i feel like i've known you (but we've never met)
nearlyfashion (he/they) You know, Wylie, I’ve decided… it’s not enough to hear your voice. Not that I don’t like it. I like it very much, I think you know.
My Kingdom for Your Kiss
The water, at these depths, looked all shades of black and dark blue. It felt heavier to breathe, and Wylan’s gills were burning for it.
Soul to Burrow (Little Rabbit) — and other poems
Guns bloom cherry blossom pink stains; sounds fade out to brown noise.
les fragments de la nuit
The first time is dirty, with a boy six months his younger, but built just like a tree trunk.
the perfect genius of our hands and mouths
JESPER, Sunday, 10/01 — quiz tomorrow. pick up meds. call da (you’re fine, just say you’re fine). meet matt for breakfast. do NOT text dima. do not. do not. it’s over. gods.
Leather Collar Prayer
There were days like this, rare and precious—quiet, rainy afternoons when the door to the Crow Club was locked to outsiders and the six of them withdrew to the spaces just their own.
The Only Hope For Me Is You
Even in summer, the night air was cool. They kept the window open, anyway, on the days it wasn’t raining, to get what fresh air that they could.
Armor and Amor
“Your highness, I urge you—and with all due respect—but you must reconsider! The boy is illiterate. His mother is mad!”
My Little Pony: BDSM is Magic
“Pleasure Point Stables,” Jesper’s therapist had said. “It’s a—” He’d interrupted, already shaking his head as he went to remind her he’d grown up on a farm. Already knew how to ride. And hadn’t she told him he should be trying something new? Something stimulating—
Yours, Mine, Hours
The night had started well enough, hand in hand with Jesper on the bustling streets of the Barrel. Wylan had borrowed some of Jesper’s flash to better fit the scene they were heading into.
Tagging (no pressure): @finitevoid @jazzythursday @wespertilionidae @stormkpr @oneofthewednesdays @kindness-ricochets @fizzysugarwater and anyone else who wants to do this!
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ayyy-pee · 1 year
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OMG!!!! I'm not really on here much anymore but I just logged on to see I hit over 2k followers!!!! Ahhhh I'm so lucky to have yall take interest in my work so thank you for enjoying it enough to want to follow!!!
Love each and every one of you even if we've NEVER talked and I'm kissing you all on the foreheads mwahhhhh ♡
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