#i never used to like them but I'm giving them another shot bc I'm a lot happier with the friends i have now than i did back then
I’d like to add to the Mondstadt thing that like?? You mention it’s the USA of Teyvat and like. Yeah. Remember the Eula thing? Girl wasn’t even allowed to buy her own groceries, good hunter and the general goods store refused her service because of the Lawrence thing. Homophobic bakery vibes fr.
god you're so right............. mondstadt why are you consistently built like this...... you're rivaling sumeru in terms of fucked-up-ness...
another thing that i find very funny about the entire mondstadt situation is decarabian, and the whole misunderstanding surrounding him. like there are so very few accounts of what happened back then and so many are either entirely biased on the rebellion's side or far too divorced from what happened that it's hard to fully accept it as fact (especially given the way genshin has always presented its lore via multiple unreliable narrators).
like all the sources we have are: - a tidbit from alice, but she sounds more like she's quoting local legend than speaking from experience, so idk how much she counts. she also purposefully fucked up the ruins so like. i don't trust her when it comes to keeping a truthful record of the past LMAO - amos' very poetic very small blurb on amos' bow - weapon materials that take a more descriptive/impartial tone in describing decarabian and boreas' feud, which wasn't even like- i don't think it's ever stated who shot first beyond boreas declaring war (which could've been bc of something decarabian did but we just don't know) - venti
the only one there that even remotely suggests there was any attempt at speaking with decarabian about letting them out is amos' account, and even then you have to assume that's what's happening. from the way it's worded it sounds more to me like she's simply giving decarabian hints that she wants out by telling him she dreams of the outside, but like. girl. and even if that's just flowery prose to tell us she did actually try to ask him to let them out, that leads to another pair of problems, which are,
we don't fucking know when boreas died, so for all we know, decarabian could've still had a very good reason to keep them all in the wind barrier. bc y'know it was fucking frigid and inhospitable outside and they were all likely going to suffer massive casualties and he very much wanted to keep them safe. like the teaser implies the skies were clear when the barrier came down?? but i'm not sure that we have a confirmation of what that means (could've just been a clear day, the barrier could've been keeping that area clear, etc). and even if boreas had already died by the time the rebellion started, we still don't know if decarabian knew that, so like. in his mind, he still had to keep his people safe. and yes his idea of keeping them safe was keeping them trapped in there and very organized to the point of micromanagement but you gotta keep in mind that, 1. if it was so horrible outside that sal vindagnyr was founded entirely because of how shit to live in mondstadt it was, then of course keeping them trapped is the more sensible option. like if you complain about that, i'm not going to say you have no right nor reason to complain, but you *are* going to come across as a bit of a naive child 2. they had limited space to live and so of course you'd want to keep things as orderly as possible through micromanaging. and yes it likely came across as dictatorial and controlling but also, 3. we have no clue what the fuck decarabian was. i'm asuming not fully human. regardless, we know he didn't have the same perception of things as humans had. the more impartial accounts from the weapon materials all say decarabian did love his people, it's just his love for his people was not really understood *as love* by his people. like the way he saw the world was just Different. like elynas. it's literally just elynas all over again. this also makes the possibility that amos never said let us out outright and instead tried to just hint at it even worse, because if he's not even capable of perceiving emotions and reality and seeing things the way humans see them, how is this man going to catch your hints????? girl. nothing against amos i just find it very odd that she was dating a non-human being and didn't think there was a possiblity that he wouldn't have human-like feelings. like that sounds a bit... yikes, at that point.
so ultimately it all just seems to come down to people wanting out (even though there's a good chance it was still death and desolation out there) and having a fundamentally different worldview from decarabian. and again, i can't really blame the old mondstadters for wanting out (again, ignoring they would've possibly wanted out in that fucking hail storm), but i can blame them for seemingly never attemption to talk some sense into decarabian. like is that ever mentioned, outside of amos? i feel like i'm going crazy over this. it has to be somewhere and i can't just find it, i have to be missing something, bc are you going to tell me that venti saw a fellow non-human isolated from his people in a tower doing things in a way that his people found Not Correct (and yet not horrible either, like beyond being a bit of a micromanager and having them in the storm barrier, it's never stated that decarabian did anything tyranical) and instead of saying, oh maybe he just doesn't realize he's hurting us by holding too tight bc y'know he's not human- he just went yeah let's kill him????????????????????? without talking to him first??????????? are you fr?????? i could understand the humans assuming things bc humans dumb yada yada but VENTI?????? a NON HUMAN?????? bruh
there's also this weird bit with the gunnhildr clan that- left???? at some point???? before the barrier came down?? so like- did decarabian let them leave bc they asked nicely? did they manage to sneak out?? if it was the former all the more shame to literally everyone else for killing the guy in the first place, but it seems unlikely. and if it was the later then why were they the only ones to leave. again, if it was possible to just fuck off, why the need to kill decarabian. it just does not make sense, and it gets worse the more you think about it. even moreso bc i think we know that the gunnhildr clan must've participated in the rebellion???? so they came back???????????
if boreas had died before this all went down then it would make sense if the gunnhildr clan left, saw there was no blizzard and snowstorm and that the outside wasn't entirely fucked up, and returned and told the others this discovery. and so the rebels were like 'they why tf are we still trapped in here???' and they'd have been right to be angry about it but like,
if the gunnhildr did leave (and it seems they did), then any method they used to get out could've been used for the others to leave as well, no?? like- again, if decarbian let them leave, why not ask again and tell him hey, it's not fucking frigid outside anymore?? and if they sneaked out, why not sneak out too??
if it was some other mysterious reason, like they abused a window of oportunity that just- vanished. ....and then reappeared for them to return and vanished again (what??????), that still doesn't explain why nobody gave a fuck about talking sense into decarabian.
like yes yes amos could've been trying to talk sense into him but amos is literally one (1) person!!!!!! that seems so fucked.
no matter how i spin it i've just never been able to justify how the rebels went about it, based on the information we have rn. like if you want to tell me they started their rebellion n so decarabian got mad and tried to kill them, that's like.... doesn't sound in-character for a guy we know loved his people and that has never been stated to have ever actually tried to harm them. plus the entire thing of their rebellion was how it was all planned out in secret until they striked?? so decarabian wouldn't have known until amos was literally trying to shoot him?????????
and if you want to say that they did talk to him- first off, why would miyoho not mention that. that seems like a pretty important detail to just not mention anywhere. and again- the way the rebelion is worded implies they did it all in secret in order not to alert decarabian. having tried to talk to him about it and pretending he got mad over it doesn't fit with that idea.
so yeah! mondstadt's citizens have been fucked since before venti set them loose on the world LMAO
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in-tua-deep · 1 year
i need you to know that ever since three years ago when you posted the first part of your tua hogwarts au, i have been deeply obsessed with it. it has lived with me rent free for three long years. nonstop.
adfsSFDghASDF i'm glad !! i do really have a guilty pleasure for hogwarts aus, though it's for a version that i've built in my head based on my siblings retellings and fandom over the years! admittedly i,,, never actually read the whole series even as a kiddo
though fun fact: one of my earliest memories is going to see the first harry potter movie in 2001 when i was like, four-ish? i fell asleep and woke up during the part where the unicorn is being vampire'd which certainly made an impression lol
sometimes i think i'd like to properly write it up but that would require a deeper dive into hp than i'm willing to make tbh, though i get away with surface knowledge and quickly googled questions in my little scribbly tumblr posts ;3c
#fuck jk amiright#i did watch the movies though i never have finished the books#i made an attempt in jr high and just didn't#which is honestly shocking bc i read and finished other series i actively did not enjoy just for the completionist nature in me#but i mean i was a tiny english child so i couldn't escape the harry potter hype#the whole thing is just. marred though by everything i a) didn't pick up on as a child in the books and b) everything jk is doing now#i wonder why it managed to gain such notoriety#though i was a warrior cat kid#rather than a harry potter kid#the true tragedy is that i'm not a furry despite being in all the furry adjacent communities smh#BUT i really do like my hogwarts au for tua though despite everything#i miss what i used to think harry potter was when my sister was retelling me the plot#the opposite for animorphs though whatever the fuck is actually in the text is so much more interesting than my sister's retellings#i would love to read them again as an adult if i could#but i can't get past the kneecaps going backwards when i know too much about animal anatomy#who knows though might give it another shot one of these days#it's actually super impressive how much i know about harry potter due to pure cultural assimilation though#i know so many book specific things despite not even reading them what the fuck#in case anyone is wondering my stance in general though#it's 'fuck terfs'#viktor is a trans man and i'm nonbinary and terfs can get the fuck off my dash in general
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Yeah man I got the sleepover essentials (three dvds- moulin rouge, the mummy (1999) and gnomeo and Juliet)
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
Requests open? You don't know what you unleashed
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It's that time of the month and I've been craving reiner like a mf (side note is it just me or do you crave human touch sm but at the same time the idea of any male rats Ik irl touching me, repulses me)
Anywhooooo if you don't mind the idea of reiner being such a simp for you, showing you sm love and affection stretch marks and all after a rare (inwardly not so rare) day of feeling like shit 🥹
Or reiner throwing you around and slapping you in the face with his dick, I'm easy
(Side side note: I also been having this viral thought of Reiner having a girl And he cheats on her with you constantly, sometimes practically in front of her face, telling you how your better and he will leave her and she can't satisfy him like you can, if you don't like that kind of stuff ignore 🤠)
frennn, omg why are we just alike?! 😭 ovaries be jiggling like a mf, begging to be scrambled but I wouldn’t dream of letting those creatures near me. but ask and you shall receive! 🫶🏾 I literally love allllll of these so much, I have no idea which one to choose. I can’t stop thinking about, him more so than usual slsksks 😫😭 so ykw, we bout to combine all three LMAO! (mainly bc I love the idea of Reiner being a scumbag)
themes + such: infidelity, slight angst, rei is an asshole (not to you! 😭)body worship, pussy eating, reader has stretch marks/slight dysmorphia, body shaming, soft to rough sex, full nelson, daddy’s used, he picks reader up
“Rei…wait, we can’t do this..”
“And why not? Who’s going to stop us?”
“No one and that’s the problem..”
the constant back and forth between two lovers, ensued among the fray of dishevelment and lust..lust that had driven you both to the point of no return. Truth be told, you had no good reason to be together. Nothing good would come of this in the long run and yet, here you were…lying in the bed of another woman, with her man’s hands roaming your body. His lips latched onto your nipples and his fingers plunged deep into your aching center. Riding them to bliss as you cried out his name; echoing the walls of her home..it was a disgrace and yet, you couldn’t pull away. You couldn’t let him go..and he felt the same.
“Please..don’t try to pretend like you actually give a shit about her..” His voice seemingly mocking you..it certainly wasn’t his normal demeanor but the one thing you had come to accept about Reiner is that he was not perfect. Not by a long shot…he was certainly not some perfect gentleman that checked all of the boxes. He was handsome, successful, alluring, one hell of a lover but he wasn’t yours!..not even close. That much signified by the silver band on his right ring finger. Married to the girl you despised more than anything. You’d never hated anyone in your entire life but that snooty little blonde bitch was a shoe in for the first spot. Make no mistake, you weren’t afraid of her; more so she was intimidated by you and the thought of fucking her husband unbeknownst gave you a thrill like none other. But your conscious was heavy with thoughts of karma..how things would play out for you guys in the long run..what if he decided that one day he no longer wanted you and by some weird circumstance, decides to make it work with his wife? You’d be out and no one could feel an ounce of pity. You were the adulterer, the harlot, the side chick, mistress..but you were the only one he wanted.
“..because I don’t. Matter of fact, I hope she walks in here right now. I wanna see her face while I’m fucking you..” the deep tone in his voice rattling off into a laugh. Suddenly, he’d tug those thick digits out and shove them between your lips. Allowing you to pacify and taste yourself…watching you become so salacious for him never grew old and it wasn’t something he was ready to let go of. Not now and not ever!..meanwhile, he’d kneel to the floor, caressing your thick thighs in an attempt to quell you. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look today? Hmm?…I feel like you should know that..” that deep southern drawl feeding you those sweet nothings, curling your toes at the sound. He could stay here forever, with you and no one else. Staring into the warmth of those beautiful brown eyes...the truth was, you hadn’t been feeling your best. You worked in the same building as his girl and as one of the lead makeup artists, for the brand that she and many other modeled for, it was difficult seeing women that looked nothing like you garner all of the attention and praise. Not to mention, hearing their snide remarks on the slick about your body type..about how you and others were not a fit for the pieces; literally and figuratively. You were used to it..working in the upper echelon came with discrimination on at least five different levels. But you let it roll off of your back. However, you were having a rather off day. Honestly, the last thing you wanted to do was to be weighed down with the tension of knowing you were sleeping with someone else’s man. That was until you were gifted an anonymous bouquet of flowers..you had no question who the sender was and when he sent you a text message asking to see you, you were glad to accept. Now here you were being spoiled in more ways than one. “You know I love you too, right? You’re my everything..” “Yes, Rei..I love you too..”
Currently, his lips were latching onto your clit, hands firmly planted on your thighs and clawing into them. He needed to taste you..consume your scent and flavor until he was full. That’s the way it was with Reiner..he was a selfish man. Downright gluttonous and he’d have his cake and devour it too! “Good…because I don’t want you to take it personal when I fuck you like a whore tonight.” Smirking up at you and causing you to chew at your lip with a wide smile. Just then, he’d toss your leg across his shoulder and begin the rapid ascent into feasting on your cunt. It wasn’t long before those juices were trickling down his chin and you were trembling. You could’ve jumped from your own flesh at any minute. The way his tongue lapped at your bud, delicately navigated your folds..prodded your entrance..no one treated you better. Hence why his wife would simply have to share. “Oh fuck!…yes, Rei..right there..”
he knew that you were exactly where he wanted you..and there was no way he was letting you go until he got what he desired….suddenly, he’d pull away with his mouth only to quickly substitute your pleasure with his fingers whilst he spoke to you. Feeding you every positive affirmation he could think of…complimenting your beautiful smile down to your legs; rubbing them gently. He didn’t just admire you, he practically worshipped you. Leaving kisses on those stretch marks displayed across your pudgy tummy. He loved all of it and thought that you should do the same. He was adamant in letting you know there was nothing for you to be ashamed of. “You’re so fucking sexy. Trust me..she’s not even half the woman you are. Never could be, baby. The next time she says something, just think about the fact that you have the one thing she doesn’t..” he’d declare, proceeding to spit onto your folds and continue licking. Not once did he break eye contact because he wanted to see all of the expressions that came across your face..he was right. She’d brag and boast about her husband who loved her so much to anyone who’d listen. That was at least in the public eye..however, behind the closed doors of a dressing room, crying into the arms of her best friend, she’d confess that he hadn’t touched her in months. That he seemed distant and cold and she was worried about an affair. Your kind nature couldn’t bear harboring such a secret but the side of you that wanted revenge for watching that bully’s abuse to other girls; bragging about her appearance, wealth and everything else she could flaunt as an adolescent, up into adult hood…you were enjoying this. You wanted the bitch to suffer and quite frankly, see her man getting fucked by the very type of woman she swore she was superior to!
“Lay back f’r me, sweetheart and put those fucking legs up..”
By this point, Reiner’s entire demeanor had seemed to shift. He was still very much hungry for that delicious nectar but he was done with the sweet, charming, innocent demeanor. Quite frankly, it couldn’t come soon enough. You needed him to take what was his! To be dominant, aggressive and pound every single ounce of tension from your body. You were sopping wet with a linear trail of slick, seeping down your slit and he had just the plan to add to the mess. Quickly standing to his feet, he’d take the place of your palms and squeeze the supple flesh of your thighs..he’d already previously undressed so when he came up, that erect cock did along with it as well. He was aching for you..so much so, the only way he’d be able to gain relief was to bury himself inside of you. That’s when you’d feel him lob a trail of spit onto your folds before rubbing that tip against you…you couldn’t handle another moment of being teased so luckily…
“You’re about to get all of this dick, I hope you know that..”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing…take this pussy. Fuck me..”
..he didn’t make you wait long! A moment later, you’d feel that tip split open your folds and enter your warmth. It felt damn near divine being inside of you. He practically trembled; cursing aloud when he was met with the sensation of your walls constricting around him. This was all he wanted, all he needed and he’d be content as long as he could have you. “This pussy’s so fucking tight…goddamn, she never feels this good.” Chuckling to himself because he couldn’t believe just how starkly different his experience was with you and his wife. Oftentimes, he found himself bored or not even remotely aroused. She’d complain that it was too much or that she couldn’t fit it all the way. She didn’t like to do any of the nasty things you preferred and when it came to giving him oral sex, she downright refused. Just recently, he stopped trying altogether and always claimed he was too exhausted for sex. Meanwhile, he was buried balls deep inside of you every chance he got!
“Mmmmph, take it, baby. Keep fucking me, just like that..”
Whimpering as you rubbed your clit..stroking that bud slowly..your gaze was fixated on his, a smile on both of your faces as he nestled every inch into you. His strokes were consistent, deep and a little fast. He couldn’t be vexed to take it slow tonight. He needed to give it to you the way you deserved. “Who’s pussy is this, baby? Huh? Tell me..” questioning as he grasped for your ankles, placing gentle kisses along your instep and growling into your skin. He wasn’t letting up for anything. Not until he was damn well satisfied..
“Y-yours, daddy. Oh my gosh..”
crying out with a frail whimper as his pace sped up. Chewing at your bottom lip, you’d push at his abs to feign him off but that only did more to fuel his desire to wreck you. Instead, you found yourself hoisted up mid air and cradled in his huge arms. Being propelled up and down on his cock as he slammed you down onto it. Reiner was a brick house of a man, courtesy of all the years he spent playing football. With the bank account to match. By all accounts, he lived the dream life that so many sought after…millions in his account, large, picturesque home and a model wife but the one thing that alluded him…the one person he desired most was right here.
“Fuck….it should’ve been you, baby. It was always supposed to be you. You’re the one that should be wearing that ring, my last name..you should have her life.”
his words becoming far more enunciated, filled with much more passion and aggression..he craved you so badly he could feel it every fiber of his soul. He’d do anything to keep you around..no matter the cost. Clawing into his back, (y/n) cried out his name and let him know that you mirrored his sentiments and that regardless of titles, rings or legalities, he belonged to you! The only one who’d truly ever love him..
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise..”
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dnpbeats · 4 days
more phagenda theories ft. analysis of dan's story bc i am painfully unemployed
hi besties it's me again. i'm reaching the point of waiting for the announcement where it's like that tweet about the plate of corn in encanto. i decided to go back and watch dan and phil's first videos to see what frames they used to see if it would reveal anything intersting and well... it kinda does, but also this theory falls apart a bit towards the end so. take this with a grain of salt this is just for fun i'm just yapping it's not meant to be that serious etc etc
so starting with phil's video blog, i believe the frame is from about 0:41 or at least very very close to there (based on the position of phil's paper):
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(side note but i don't wanna get too off track: 2 seconds after this is when phil's curtain blows which like obviously is from wind but maybe in another universe it's some kinda sci-fi fantasy spirit ghost thing idk)
this section of the video is when phil is reading off a question from his linguistics exam. we know from "teaching dan to speak" that if youtube hadn't worked out and phil actually used his degree, he was gonna be a forensic linguist. okay so now, what frame is used from hello internet? this one isn't quite as easy to pin down but my best approximation is at 0:37, or at least somewhere soon after that (going off of dan's placement in front of the door):
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this is the section of the video immediately after dan gets done saying some "really good friends" he's made recently persuaded him to "give it [making videos] a shot" which like, we all know means phil. when i say immediately i mean he finishes saying that at 0:36
i just personally find this intersting because like. for phil's video why pick a frame of him reading an exam when you could've gone with the thumbnail or him looking at the camera or something? with dan, i at first thought it was the very beginning of hello internet, but it's definitely not based on the way he comes into frame. instead it's right after he says that phil persuaded him to make videos... so this brings me to the ripple effect/alternate universe idea a lot of people have been throwing around. what if they chose phil reading his linguistics exam bc they are going to explore a universe where he becomes a forensic linguist? and of course, if he didn't do that, then dan wouldn't have made his video, because the part where phil persuades him to give it a shot never happened (this is where we get into dinok territory). ok so how does this fit with the other two shots we can see? (i'm not including something we want to tell you bc it would be impossible to know exactly where in the video that shot is from, and ofc i can't include the mystery one 💔)
(warning this is where this starts to fall apart lmao) now obviously the one from gtpwtw is from the yoga section:
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how does this fit in with the alternate universe/choices theory? well, this particular moment is right when dan is asking phil "top or bottom," which obviously in the moment is a joke and it's a really inconsequential question. however, it is a question nonetheless, with two possible outcomes 👀
for saying goodbye forever... i quite literally have nothing, the shot they chose has nothing going on it's just them standing there as priest sean walks in at about 0:35 💀💀
anyway yeah, assuming they consciously chose what shots of videos to include, it might give more validity to the multiverse idea, regardless of what medium they present it in! ofc this could also all mean nothing and i am just grasping at straws (10x more likely) i just thought it was intersting :)
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hanniluvi · 7 months
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“ this liquors got me faded, talking crazy ”
ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 spending a night with your drunk best friend makes you realize you don’t know them as well as you think you do. because, if you knew him, you would’ve known about his feelings for you.
— PAIRING best-friend!hee x best-friend!fem!reader
— GENRE angst, one sided love (or is it), friends 2 ???
— WARNINGS INSPIRED BY “KNOW ME” BY DPR LIVE, drinking n hee gets drunk (reader doesnt)
— WORD COUNT 0.8K+ ( 863 )
ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 hi guys 😊🤍 back on that angst writing grind (i may or may not have lied) bc i love angst !!! anyways i love love love know me by dpr live 😜
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Heeseung had a particularly stressful day, prompting him to drown his worries in alcohol during your planned hangout. You've observed his increasing tension over the past few days, leading to the drinking session. Hesitant to pry, you intervened as he reached for another shot, expressing concern about his consumption. "Isn't this your fourth bottle? That seems like quite a lot, don't you think?"
"No, it isn't," he hiccupped, attempting to retrieve the bottle as you evaded his grasp.
"You don't have a high alcohol tolerance, Hee," you chuckled, observing him rest his head on the table. Concerned, you asked, "What's been bothering you lately? Is it work?"
“Do you really think it’s because of work?” Heeseung raised his head, glasses slipping down, purple hair almost covering his eyes. With a flushed face, he maintained intense eye contact. Confused, you responded, "Huh?"
"Do you trust what I say?" he slurred, the effects of alcohol evident in his words.
"Of course I do—why wouldn't I?" you reassured.
"Maybe you shouldn't," he mumbled. Perplexed, you asked, "Hee, what are you saying?"
"How much do you think you know about me?" he posed a sudden question, causing you to pause. “Do you even know me?”
"I think I know a lot. I know of your favorite drink, our favorite show, your ice cream order—everything I should know. What don't I know?" you responded.
"How much I think and stress about you. How I look at you, how I take care of you, how I pay so much attention to you…If you knew me—you’d know that too." he admitted, slumping back against the wall and closing his eyes. Stunned by the unexpected confession, you froze. "I don't... I don't understand what you mean by that."
"I worry about us, mainly I worry about myself. Why? Because you're all I think about," he continued, his honesty cutting through the room. You listened, sensing the urgency of what he needed to let out of his chest.
Heeseung took a deep breath, grappling with the unspoken. Feeling his eyelids droop, he still continues on. "There are things I've never shared, thoughts that consume me. I know we promised to be there for each other when we needed anything, and I'm sorry for breaking it. But, I really couldn't find a way to tell you this. I need you to understand that I've tried my best to ignore these feelings, but I can't."
Opening his eyes, he held your gaze. "I think I like you, YN." The revelation hung in the air, leaving the room charged with unspoken emotions.
“You like me?”
“Yeah. I fell deep. I fell for everything about you–your smile, your jokes, your calmness, everything. You’re practically perfect. Just…just give me a chance you love you right.”
Heeseung's revelation weighed heavily on you, rendering you momentarily speechless. His intense gaze held yours, making it challenging to find the right words. After a gulp, you broke eye contact and finally uttered, "Wow, Hee... I'm at a loss for words. I don’t even know what to say." The room resonated with the gravity of unspoken emotions, and uncertainty hung thick in the air.
"What do you mean?" Heeseung wore a confused expression, not expecting this response. This was not like those sweet drunken confessions—had he perhaps drunk too much? You intervened, cutting through his thoughts.
"I really appreciate that you are being honest with me—and I wish you would’ve told me sooner," you expressed, your eyes slightly glimmering, your stomach tying itself into knots. Was he going to get the answer he yearned for?
"Because?" Heeseung slurred, staring at you, hopeful for those sweet words. A heavy silence descended upon the room, carrying the weight of unspoken feelings and the acknowledgment of a friendship forever altered.
"But Hee, you know I can't love you back," you whispered, the truth hanging heavily in the air.
Heeseung froze. "Oh." The disappointment in his voice echoed through the room, marking the poignant end of a hope that had lingered in the unspoken spaces between you. He was just confused. What did you both know?
Heeseung never wanted to be pushy, but the words eventually spilled out. "Did you…find someone better? Or don’t feel the same way…?" He just wanted closure.
"Heeseung, you're drunk," you frowned slightly, a sad glint in your eyes that couldn't go unnoticed.
"So?" he hiccuped.
"I’ll...I’ll tell you later, yeah? Let’s just get you home." As you were about to get up, Heeseung's shoulders slumped as he sighed, a sense of disappointment and vulnerability washing over him. "I just needed to be honest with you, YN...so why can’t you be honest with me?”
"I'm glad you're honest with me…" you said as you put his coat onto him, watching him look up at you as you did so. “And I can’t tell you right now. You just—you just deserve way better.”
"So you’re telling me that I'll just have to find someone who will love me like I do for you, right?" Heeseung managed a faint smile, though sadness lingered in his eyes. “If that’s what you want.”
"I'm sorry, Heeseung," you apologized, the weight of the moment palpable. Your vision was slightly getting blurrier by the second. "I really am."
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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leighsartworks216 · 9 months
I Come With Knives Pt2
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Part 1
I am posting this at almost 1am AND I have to get up early tomorrow to do work for class before the actual class haha I plan my time accordingly
I was going to make this chapter longer. I had an idea and I started to write it, but it just wasn't coming out like I wanted it to (bc I'm writing at 12am duh) so I'm gonna put that in another chapter
Warnings: mentions of torture, trauma, hints of paranoia, hints of self-deprecation
Word Count: 1,390
Main Masterlist
First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
I Come With Knives Masterlist
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After a grueling battle yesterday, you chose to give everyone a day off. It gave them time to rest aching muscles, repair and sharpen weapons, relax. It gave you a chance to bathe.
You didn't neglect your hygiene, but most of the time, once camp was set up, the sun would be dipping below the horizon. On those days, you'd run into the water, scrub the gunk out of your hair and get out, back to the safety of company before the first stars faded in. Now that you had the chance, you weren't going to squander it.
Once you were certain you were alone - an uncomfortable thought soothed only by the sun filtering in through the canopy above - you stripped down and waded into the water. It was cool, but not unpleasantly so. You wasted no time scraping the dirt and blood off your skin.
Once you cleaned your body within an inch of its life, you ducked your head under the water and scrubbed at your hair and scalp. It was disgusting - you could only imagine the smell your companions had put up with this last week. You were just so happy you were clean. Your hair was smooth as water soaked it through, no knots or clumps of blood to be found. As you squeezed out the excess water, you caught your reflection between the ripples. In moments where it stilled enough, you could see the scar on your neck. It was still deep and prominent, but it was beginning to heal. It'd never healed before.
"Enjoying yourself?"
You nearly shrieked when you turned, sinking into the water up to your neck for protection. Astarion chuckled at your reaction.
"Would it kill you to stop sneaking up on me?"
"I was practically stomping like an ogre, dear, it's hardly my fault you weren't paying attention." You shot him a glare, but it was half-hearted. It was your fault you let your guard down. In the day, you were safe from (most) vampires, but there were any number of things ready to attack at any moment. "Mind if I join you?"
You shake your head, but you're already wading to shore to grab your clothes. "No, go ahead. I'm done."
"Leaving already?" You nod, not making eye contact. "I won't look, darling, if that's what's got you so flustered."
You pause mid reach for your shirt as he removes his, placing it haphazardly on a rock by the water's edge. His pants came next and you looked away until you heard the water sloshing around him.
"Though, I don't mind if you look," he teased, sparing one last glance over his shoulder before he got to work cleaning himself.
Gods, if he could hear the way your heart raced... You peek over, just a glance, before you look back at your clothes. But then you're looking again.
An intricate scar of circles, lines, and curved symbols marred his back. You feel your throat close just looking at it. You'd been forced to watch spawn and slaves alike punished by the cracking of a whip. Forced to keep your eyes forward by a hand on your jaw as the leather snapped and tore into their skin. This was worse. This was deliberate.
"Did..." You swallow, forcing your voice not to crack with the sorrow you felt for him. "Did your master do this?"
He hummed, continuing to wash his arms as though you'd asked him about the weather. The only hint it bothered him at all was the way his muscles tensed and the disdain in his voice. "Cazador," he spat. "He considered himself quite the artist and used his slaves as a canvas." His movements slowed to a stop. "He composed and carved that one over the course of a night. He made... a lot of revisions as he went."
You couldn't stop staring. Your mind kept replaying the torture you witnessed, but it replaced their cries with Astarion's voice. You hated to be so lucky. To be so fortunate that your master wanted you to look absolutely perfect and unmarked. You never received physical punishment. You were too precious.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, shakily. "If I could, I'd..." What? Remove the markings forever? Take away his pain and suffering? Go back and change everything so he never had to be a puppet? You couldn't do anything. You can't help. You can't remove that pain. All you can do is witness the aftermath.
He sighed and ducked his head so he could wash his hair. Drops of water slid down his back, only drawing your eyes in further. “It won’t matter when we get to Baldur’s Gate. I’m going to kill that bastard for everything he did to me.”
You know you should leave. Put on your clothes and slink away. But… being around Astarion isn’t entirely unpleasant. You’re still a little scared of him - of what he could do, but you trust him enough to believe he wouldn’t do those things. He probably understood your plight better than anyone else.
So, you slide down into the water until you’re resting on your knees in the silt. It doesn’t quite cover your neck unless you duck deeper in. You want to hide the scar, the damn mark showing everyone else who - or rather, what you belonged to. But it felt wrong to try hiding it when Astarion was fully showing you his.
“I never asked who your master was.” He turns his head slightly, eyes just barely catching sight of you. He did promise he wouldn’t look, after all. “Where she…” He waved a hand noncommittally and scowled. “Rules.”
Her eyes flash in your mind, wicked and burning. You almost flinch just thinking about them. When you speak her name, your voice trembles. “Kir Parthene. I… don’t remember where she lives. It’s been years since I’ve even been outside - I must have forgotten.”
He slowly turns, giving you time to tell him to turn back again, but you don’t. You watch him through a fog of memories. “How long were you enslaved?”
It’s harder to answer than you thought it would be. Time begins to blur when you can’t tell if it’s night or day, when everything is fuzzy and incoherent because you never had enough blood to think straight. Sometimes she’d feed and then leave you for days. Others, she never wanted to stop feeding - drinking from you morning and night before you ever got a chance to recover. You were a slave to her hunger - time never mattered.
“I was… 16 when I was taken.” You wrap your arms around yourself. Safe. “I don’t even remember home. My parents… I’m all alone.”
He’d never heard your voice so small before. You weren’t the most demanding leader, but you could still bark commands when things were getting rough. You even held yourself well in conversation, shutting down lopsided deals or uncomfortable topics with all the authority of a royal guard. It was easier, seeing you like this, to imagine your life in servitude. Meek and quiet.
“That’s not entirely true.” He kneeled in the silt a few feet from you, smirking. “You have us for as long as this adventure lasts, as long as we don’t transform into tentacled Mind Flayers.”
“And then after that?” He shifts uncomfortably at the question. “Everyone will go their separate ways, and when you do I’m a sitting duck. I’ll be captured again. Used again.”
You trail off, but the weight of your words sit heavy. You’ll never be free. You could help everyone else with their quests, help them free themselves from what ties them down, help them get stronger - but the same couldn’t be done for you. Without knowing where your master lives, there’s no way to seek her out and kill her, too.
The water is too cold now. The cool summer breeze only freezes you more. Astarion watches as you get up and slink back over to your clothes. He looks away before he can see anything you wouldn’t want him to. In no time at all, your clothes are back on and you’ve pulled on your boots. But before you walk away, you turn to him. Your eyes are so sad.
“Thank you. For… showing me.” He says nothing. So you head back to camp. Alone.
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yesimwriting · 2 years
The reader seems to be really close to billy and stu , so it got me thinking , what if she had little rituals with them ... like kissing their noses or rubbing their backs , and what if she got possessive of them and in a game of 7 minutes in heaven ou something she just makes out with billy or stu ( bcs in order to be with dark murderous freaks you have to be a freak yourself ...i dont make the rules)
Like imagine billy : im mf special 😏
a/n omg?? i love this!! this concept is adorable :)) i got so excited i put off writing my lit essay lol, this became A LOT longer than I thought it would be lol 
also do y’all like first or second person narration better?? i definitely like writing first person more in chapter fics, but in drabbles/one-shots i change my mind all the time. I did a little of both here lol 
The pile of homework I've been working on seems like it'll never end. Like there will always be another packet that needs to be completed or another essay I need to write.
Something behind me shifts. The noise is soft and easy to dismiss, but my body turns instinctually anyways. After what happened to Casey, there's no such thing as being too sure.
With a sigh, my entire body eases as I realize what the source of the noise is. It's just Billy and Stu, magically appearing like they often do on my windowsill. Stu's already inside my room, sitting on the edge of my window, his feet firmly plated on the floor. Billy's leaning against it, his lower half still outside.
Normally, when they show up like this, I grin and urge them to come in faster. "What are you guys doing here?" The way Stu pauses and the look Billy gives me tells me that they weren't expecting that reaction. "I told you guys--not today. I have a ton of homework and like half my family is visiting. My cousins have no concept of boundaries because they're like seven and they barge in here all the time. They're also snitches, the last thing I need is them running to the kitchen and telling their mom that 'Y/n has boys in her room'."
Stu holds up his hands in defense as he stands. "Relax, we're just here for our goodnight kisses."
I turn, adjusting the notebook on my lap as I look at them skeptically.
"We'll leave right after if you want us to," Billy says, pulling himself up onto my windowsill.
Still unsure, I twist my pen between my fingers. "I will want you guys to." My tone is a little harsher than I want it to be. Stu seems a little tenser and Billy's expression clouds. "No, that came out wrong. It’s not that I want you gone, it’s that I’m trying to be practical.” 
"You didn't want us coming over earlier," Stu mumbles, something harsh behind his eyes, "And we barely saw you yesterday."
"Yesterday wasn't my fault. You two went out with Tatum and Sid." I adjust my hold on my notebook. "And I didn't want you guys over earlier today because of homework. Literally all I've done today is go to lunch with my family and homework." Their unease settles in my stomach like a rock. I sigh, pushing my notebook off of my lap. "Okay, come here."
At that, Stu breaks out into a grin. He crosses my room in a few long steps. Once he reaches me, he sinks into my waiting arms. I hug him tightly before he can decide that all isn’t forgiven, burring my face into the side of his neck. He's so warm and always smells so much like him. Like expensive fabric softener, a little bit of body spray, and usually a tiny bit like weed. On anyone else the combination wouldn't work, but on Stu, it makes me feel right at home.
One of my hands runs up and down Stu's back. He eases into the contact. The shirt he's wearing is soft. There's little I love more than Stu's well worn, rich kid T-shirts. I'm already plotting how to steal it from him.
I lean my head upwards, pressing a kiss against his jaw. His eyes flutter shut as I leave a trail of kisses up his cheek and to his temple like I always do.
Billy must have come in while I was distracted. He's lingering next to us, watching with a blank expression. I learned early on that while Billy hates asking for physical contact, he loves receiving it. If I had to take a guess, Billy's hesitance likely comes from his home life, but I'd never say that out loud.
"Okay, Stu," I hum, my nails brushing through his hair, "You're good." His hold on me tightens. "Stu, c'mon." With a bit of a pout, he straightens just enough to place a kiss on my forehead. He's watching me carefully, silently asking me for a few more minutes. "Billy's turn."
Stu frowns, looking like he's sincerely weighing his options. "Fine," he mumbles, placing one last kiss against the side of my head.
Once Stu lets me go, he slumps back onto my bed, laying across my mattress on his back. That does make me a tiny bit nervous because the more comfortable Stu gets, the less likely he is to leave.
I reach over, grabbing Billy's wrist. Gently, I pull him towards me. He lets me. Like always, at first Billy's slow before reciprocating with full force. He melts into my touch, pressing his face into my neck. My fingers trace patterns against his back.
"Missed this," I whisper the admission.
"We missed you, too," Stu replies, hand lazily reaching over for my extended leg. His fingers begin to trace patterns against the skin of my calf. I'd think that the motion was absentminded, but once when I asked him about it, he told me that sometimes he writes out things he wants to do to me. "Soon it'll just be the three of us."
This isn't a conversation that I love. The more they talk about the day where they feel like Sidney and the friend group are stable enough to handle two break ups, the less I believe that that day will ever come. Thinking about it makes me feel like a terrible person.
Billy, sensing that he no longer has my full attention, shifts. He moves impossibly closer, his lips grazing my pulse. I used to jokingly scold him for kissing my neck during times like this before learning that things like that aren't always sexual to him. It's just him at his most relaxed.
My fingers rake through his hair, smoothing it back carefully before placing a series of kisses across his jaw and up his cheek. My trail ends at his temple, like always. The realization that the moment's passing leads to him squeezing me tighter. There's something distinct about his touch today, maybe even a little nervous. That paired with how uncharacteristically quiet he's being leaves me wondering if this ambush visit is a result of something else.
I know he was supposed to do something with his dad this morning. Okay, I need to stop thinking about that before it starts showing on my face. He doesn't like when I worry, he's never said anything, but his hot-to-cold reactions make me think he misinterprets it as pity. If anything, what I feel is anger that I can't walk up to his dad and punch him the face.
"Okay," I hum, "You both got your goodnight kisses...and I have to finish this essay."
"It's Friday," Stu replies, his fingers moving against my skin in what kind of feels like the curve of a 'c'? I'd ask if I wasn't worried about the conversation and mood taking a turn towards something I can't control. "You have two whole days."
I exhale, nails gently scratching at Billy's scalp. "You're throwing a party on Saturday, and Sunday's our first fully free day in over a week. You two aren't going to let me get anything done."
Stu turns his hand, running his knuckles up my leg. "Not true, babe. I've got a whole to-do list for you."
Softly kicking my leg in protest of his joke, I roll my eyes. "It's better for everyone if I just get this stuff done now, especially since you can't sleep over anyways. My little cousins are never in bed when they're supposed to be."
"You can do your homework, Billy and I know how to behave." When I raise an eyebrow at that, Stu concedes, "Okay, we at least know how to entertain ourselves."
Yeah, that's not comforting.
"You guys aren't being fair. I don't remember acting like this when you guys literally went on dates yesterday." I drop my arms away from Billy, ignoring the pinch of guilt that strikes with no warning.
At the lack of contact, Billy sits up. I avoid his gaze. "Is that why you're kicking us out? You're jealous? Upset we're not giving you enough attention?"
"No, I'm kicking you out because there's a group of seven to nine year olds that are super nosy in my house. Especially when it comes to boys. Kennedy's in the third grade and in her crush phase and she's asked me about whether or not I have a boyfriend 50 times."
"Your mom lets us sleep over all the time," Stu defends, "We just need to tell her that our parents did something and she won't care."
My posture straightens in an attempt to seem more determined. "That's different and you know it. She always has you guys crash on the couch and you sneak up later. We can't do that with all my relatives in the house, and you can't show up to my house so late."
Stu doesn't normally see--or at least, doesn't care about--reason, but Billy tends to listen a little more. I look over at him, gauging his expression. I still can't read him as well as he can read me, but I know that the blanker his face is, the more emotion he's feeling.
They're both starting to seem a little weird, maybe a little hurt, and I hate it. I do miss them, I want them here, but it's risky for me. At the end of the day, if my relatives find out, they get to go home. I'm the one that will be in trouble until I graduate.
"Do you really want us to go?" Billy's voice is as flat and void as his expression.
The hollow look he's giving me hurts. "You know I don't." That eerie blankness doesn't go away. "When I lock the door, they just keep knocking until I open it. I guess that gives us time for you two to get into my closet or something."
With that, Billy eases. He's not exactly as relaxed as he was before, but it's a start. I lean forward, grabbing his hand. Stu sits up, shooting up to pull me into another hug. His grin feels smug, but I can't bring myself to call him out on it.
"That's our girl," Stu praises, kissing my cheek.
I press my lips together, fighting a grin. "Wait--there's a condition. You two need to let me finish this essay."
Billy lifts our intertwined fingers to his lips. "Deal."
"You guys are unbelievable." They both look at me expectantly. "Can't believe I'm basically risking my life because I can't go one night without having you two sleepover."
Going out with my friends has become extremely bittersweet. I love when the entire friend group's together, but there's just something about seeing Billy and Stu and knowing that things are different. Knowing that they're right there and thousands of miles away at the same time. It's not that we don't talk in public, it's that it's inherently different. And it makes me feel awful.
Each smile I share with Tate and each time I laugh with Sid adds another layer of guilt. It's so bad that both Billy and Stu have had to talk me down from breaking it off with them twice now after large group hang outs.
Whenever I freak out, Billy tells me that this is for the best, that after everything Sidney's gone through, he can't just break up with her while she's still dealing with trauma. The one stable, good thing in her life right now is our friend group. Stu and Tatum breaking up would endanger that as well. Even though keeping these secrets is morally wrong, they're always promising that this is the best way to keep everyone happy. Sid gets the support she needs, Tatum doesn't have to feel weird in the friend group, and we don't have to be heartbroken because of our right person, wrong time situation.
I'm not sure when they started taking a more preventative approach to the whole thing, but now, whenever we have group plans, they make a point of spending some time with me before. Just as a reminder about how they actually feel, I think.
They still haven’t stopped by, which I’m trying to not stress about as I tear my closet apart. Stu’s parties are always crowded and low lit, so what I wear isn’t the biggest deal, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care. 
After Billy and Stu left early this morning my entire family headed out so that my extended family could be dropped off at the airport. So now I have the house to myself, which is a good thing for when one gets ready. 
I play my music as loud as I want while I take an extra long shower and take my time putting on a face mask. I’m being a little extra about my getting ready routine, but I’m taking advantage of the space and the free time. 
Shrugging off my towel, I pull one of Stu’s old shirts over my head. I’ve had this one for awhile but it still smells like him. I shut off my music and throw open my closet door open. 
I grab yesterday’s jeans off from the back of my desk chair. I had half a mind to wear them again tonight, but they’re a little over due for a wash. My fingers dig through the pockets as I approach my hamper. There’s no change, but there is a tube of chap stick in the front pocket and a tiny slip of paper in the back.
Unfolding the scrap paper, I fold the jeans over my bent arm. Good luck on your math test - Billy. I grin, thumb and pointer finger pinching the torn piece of paper a little too tightly. 
This isn’t the first time I’ve found one of these notes, but each time is equally exciting. It started relatively recently, the appearance of tiny notes in places I’d never expect to find them. In between the pages of books, slipped into my pencil bag, tucked into my folder next to homework assignments, and sometimes directly written into my notebooks. And now, apparently, tucked into the pocket of my jeans. 
The notes range in levels of sweetness, some of them motivational when I’m stressed over something, and others a little more flirty. The one I found before this one was about how pretty he thought I looked while walking to class. They’re all well loved, kept in a shoe box under my bed for me to re-read whenever I need a bit of a pick me up. 
I go back to my closet, looking through my clothes to find something that looks like I’m in the party mood. If I’m being honest, after such a draining week, I think I’d rather stay home and watch some movies instead of being at a party where Stu and Billy are both going to be with their girlfriends. Normally, that’s not enough to get me out of the party mood, but that paired with how busy I’ve been this week doesn’t have me thrilled for this. At least Randy will be there. 
Sighing, I start sorting through my clothes, trying to get myself into a party mood. I’m sure once I have an outfit I like and I fix my appearance, I’ll feel better about this.
I’ve just laid out a few outfit options on my bed when I hear a few familiar taps against the frame of my window. Tamping down a grin, I look up, not even bothering to look surprised. Billy and Stu are already pulling themselves into my room.
“You know, I do have a front door,” I mumble, straightening the skirt I just laid out on my bed.
Stu dramatically sigh, stomping into my room before flopping face first onto my bed. “That’s the hello we get?”
I roll my eyes. “I was just saying.” Stu props his head up on his elbow, looking up at me with criminally soft eyes. I drop my gaze, reaching for the top that he’s now wrinkling. “And you’re messing up my outfits.”
He watches me as I hold out the shirt. “You’re wearing that?” 
“I don’t know,” I mumble, ignoring his tone, “I have a few options, but I was thinking this with the dark green skirt.” 
Stu rolls onto his back before reaching over for the skirt I’m talking about. He looks at it skeptically. “This skirt?” 
“Yep.” Stu didn’t sound too thrilled. “Why? Do you think it doesn’t match? Because I was thinking about that.” 
Billy pushes away from the wall he was leaning against. “It’s short, sweetheart.” 
I look at him oddly. It’s not insanely short, I mean, I’ve worn shorter. “Not that short,” my eyes look over the fabric that Stu’s still holding, “My mom bought it for me. It’s fine.” 
Stu drops his arm. “I’ve seen the way your mom dresses.” 
“Are you slut shaming my mom right now?” 
“No,” Stu begins lazily, “I’m just saying that that doesn’t mean the skirt’s not too short.” 
I didn’t even want to wear this that badly before. “Too short? You guys aren’t my dad.” 
“Well, considering what you call u--” 
“Oh my god,” I cringe, throwing my shirt in Stu’s direction. The fabric lands against his face. Stu ignores me, pulling it off of him. “What’s the big deal? It’s just a skirt.” 
“A skirt that’s going to have people looking at you.” Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I stare at anything but Billy as he approaches me. His hand clasps around my forearm, pulling me a tiny bit forward. “Looking at what’s ours.” 
I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the possessive undertones of the words didn’t make my face feel warm. The hypocrisy, though, almost immediately dismisses that. “So I have to be all okay with you two literally having girlfriends, but the line is drawn at me wearing a skirt you guys think is too short?” He squeezes my arm. “Maybe I want a little attention, it’s not like you guys can give me any tonight.” 
Billy’s hold on me goes from casual to nearly painful. His knuckles turn white against my skin and I’m sure that if this goes on for any longer, there are going to be finger shaped bruises there. I meet Billy’s gaze. His eyes have darkened significantly. 
“So that’s what the skirt’s about? You’re throwing a tantrum because you’re not getting enough attention?” 
This is going downhill fast. I’m going to need to backtrack the hell out of this conversation. “No, I-I was just making a point. It’s a little bit of a double standard, you have to at least be able to admit that.” The lack of emotion in his expression turns my stomach. I force myself to hold his gaze. “It just sucks sometimes, going to these things and seeing you guys with your girlfriends, and then I feel bad about feeling like that because they’re my friends.” 
“They’re not our girlfriends, they’re a situation,” Billy’s voice is harsher than it’s ever been while directed at me, “You’re our girlfriend.” 
My eyes widen. Despite how close we’ve gotten, the actual ‘g’ and ‘b’ words have not been used. I know I’ve been tripping over myself to avoid calling either of them my boyfriend by accident. His hold hasn’t loosened, but I can’t help my grin. My head tilts to the side, eyes softening as I place a hand over his. “Girlfriend?” 
Stu walks up to us. I don’t realize that he’s moving until I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Of course you are, you’re our girl.” He extends an arm, somewhat playfully pushing against Billy’s forearm. “Old Billy boy here wasn’t supposed to just say it like that. We’ve been planning it out, we were gonna ask.” Stu doesn’t release Billy’s arm, “It’s all Billy talks about, might wanna ease off on the love spells, he’s obsessed with you.” Stu squeezes my shoulder, running his thumb across the skin. “All day, it’s ‘you think Y/n’s okay?, Y/n’s hair looked so soft today, we should go see Y/n.’” 
Billy throws a look in Stu’s direction, his grip on me loosening. I smile, “Really?” 
“Fuck off,” Billy mumbles, shoving Stu. “He’s the one that’s whipped. Sometimes he misses the smell of your perfume.”
I grin despite their odd tension. It doesn’t take much for play fights to turn into something else, something I don’t understand because half of it is unspoken between them. But I love this. 
“Okay,” I hum, probably a little too chipper as I step between them, “This is officially my favorite argument the two of you have had.” 
They’re both starting to move over to a different world that’s just theirs. I step forward, pulling Billy into a hug. After a second, he reciprocates. I shift, moving to press a kiss to his cheek. “I think about you a lot, y’know.” He’s looking at me calmly, but if I didn’t know any better, I’d think there might be the faintest tinge of color in his face. 
“A lot,” he echoes, tone amused. 
I grin, nodding once, “Yes, don’t make it a thing.” The way the corner of his mouth turns upwards tells me that he’d be happy to have me spend the rest of tonight unpacking what I mean by that. I tilt my head, looking at Stu, “And you.” Stu’s eyes widen slightly as he waits for me to continue, “Sometimes I miss the way you smell, too.” 
Stu’s eyes narrow jokingly, eyes soft, “Really?” 
“Why do you think I’m always wearing your shirts?” 
He smiles, pulling Billy and I into a hug that thoroughly squishes me between them. Sometimes I wish everything could be as easy as it is in our little bubble.
“Okay,” I begin pointedly, playing up my annoyance, “Watch the hair, I’m still getting ready.” Before they can make anything of that comment, I continue, “Even though I’m my own person and I hate that thing where guys are all like ‘there’s no way you’re wearing that’, I guess there’s nothing wrong with taking into consideration how my boyfriends feel.” Saying that makes me so happy I can’t even bother to hide my grin. “How about a compromise--the jean skirt I wore last week and the top I threw at Stu earlier.” 
With a dramatic sigh, Stu drops his forehead onto my shoulder. “You’re going to make tonight impossible.”
He’s exaggerating a little, which is fitting considering sometimes it feels like all it takes to get Stu going is a look that lasts a little too long paired with the tiniest bit of exposed skin. “Sounds like a you problem.” 
Stu looks up at me, half glaring at me through hooded eyes. He lethargically smacks the top of my thigh, right where his t-shirt ends. It’s a testament to his easygoing mood, but I can’t help my dramatic gasp. 
“What?” Sometimes I think Stu would be insufferable if his smile wasn’t so cute. “If you’re going to be mean, I’m going to be mean back.” 
Okay, there’s a chance I am being a tiny bit mean. Did I pick the skirt that had Stu making up a super lame excuse during lunch just so he could get me into a supply closet for a makeout session I had to cut short? Maybe. Was it on purpose? ...I’d like to say no, but honestly, maybe. 
“Alright,” Billy interjects, “I know that look in both of your eyes, and we don’t have time for that.” 
He’s not wrong. I reluctantly pull away from both of them and go back to getting ready. We’ve fallen into a little bit of a routine. I go through my getting ready to go out routine, and they casually--or not so casually--look around my room. If that isn’t entertaining enough, they patiently follow me around. 
It’s kinda cute. Especially if I decide to wear makeup and they ask about whatever it is I’m putting on my face. One of these days I’m going to have to let Stu put eyeliner on me. 
By the time I’m almost done, Billy and Stu are still content with looking around my room. I have no idea what they find so interesting about my space, it’s not like it changes often enough to warrant their curiosity. But if it makes them happy to look through my bedside drawer and leaf through whatever notebook or book are left out on my desk, why stop them? 
Now that I’m dressed and have given my appearance a once over in the mirror, I’m basically ready. All that I need to do is figure out how to get the clasp of this necklace to just...
“You okay?” 
Billy’s sudden appearance at my side nearly makes the chain slip from my fingers. His steps are so quiet sometimes. Honestly, a little more practice and he could play a killer in a movie he’d love. “Yeah, there’s just something about putting necklaces on yourself that’s impossible.” 
“Here,” he breathes, fingers barely grazing my neck as he takes the clasp from me. Billy turns the necklace as he steps behind me. He latches the clasp with surprisingly minimal effort. Instead of releasing me, he adjusts the necklace so that the charm sits perfectly centered. Billy leans towards me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
Stu, who was previously looking at a framed picture of me at some birthday party when I was little, turns his attention towards us. “Aw, how domestic, you’re like an old, married couple.” 
I turn just in time to catch Billy’s meant-to-be dismissive eye roll, but there’s the faintest touch of something else, something that might be a little flustered. It’s gone before I can be sure. 
 “We’re cute,” I agree, reaching for Billy’s hand to squeeze it once. “Okay, I’m ready, so you guys should go. I’ll show up in about half an hour, give people some time to get there so that nothing looks weird.” 
Stu frowns, setting the picture frame back in place. “It’s not that suspicious, we’re friends, you’re punctual.” 
I press my lips together. We have our rules in place for a reason, and talking about them too much makes me feel things I really don’t like feeling. “You know why I can’t.” 
Billy must notice my shifting mood because he cups my face. “You’re forgetting something before kicking us out.” When I don’t respond right away, Billy kisses my cheek. “In case you needed a reminder.” 
Of course. If there’s one thing Billy’s consistent about it’s our little traditions. At first, they were just excuses to be cheesy, especially when I was feeling a little insecure, but now, they’re more significant.
I tilt my head upwards, leaving a trail of kisses up his cheek. Stretching upwards, I then place a kiss on the tip of his nose. He then kisses my forehead. Our goodbye ritual. 
“Hey, I’m leaving too.” The fact that I’m surprised that Stu is already within grabbing distance makes me a little too aware of how tired I am. 
Pushing against the feeling that begs me to just stay here tonight, I beam at him. He lets me hug him. His hands find their way around my waist and I press kisses against his cheek until I’ve reached his nose. Stu tilts his head down to help me reach him. My body eases as he presses a kiss to my forehead. 
“Okay, you guys should go.” Shifting awkwardly and dropping my arms to my side, I tact on a half thought in hopes of making this easier on all of us, “Maybe some time alone will do me some good, help me get into the party mood.” 
There’s a brief silence, and then Stu steps back, “See you later.” 
“Yeah,” I say, a little flatly.
Billy’s eyes are trained on Stu, who just barely glances back. To anyone else, it’d come off as casual eye contact. A small feeling that’s little more than an itch at the back of my mind tells me that its the beginning of one of their exchanges. Or maybe I’m just on edge.
They approach the window, leaving like they always do.
Narrator’s POV
You never thought you’d want to kill Randy as badly as you do right now. One minute, the two of you are casually drinking, and he’s listening to a tipsy you summarize the plot of the latest show you’re invested in, and the next he’s trying to usher everyone into a game of 7 minutes in heaven. 
You swore you weren’t playing, even when Randy started complaining. No one will go for it unless they think they have a chance with someone as hot as you. Your no stood firm, even when other people started sitting in front of Stu’s guest bathroom.
All you wanted to do was be an observer. To sit next to Randy and to ignore the weird looks Billy and Stu took turns sending you from across the room as you finished off your beer. Instead, you had to watch Stu’s spin land on Tatum, and you had to watch him walk with her to the bathroom with enthusiasm. Those 7 minutes had you getting up to grab another drink that you nearly downed before getting back to your seat. 
That was what really set the night off. You had been pacing your drinks before then, wanting to keep the balance between being buzzed enough to be social and drinking enough to become messy. Stu stepping out of the closet with a grin and an arm around an uncharacteristically bashful Tatum pushed you right to that line. Billy ending up in the bathroom with Sidney next is what pushed you over it. 
It’s ridiculous, no one can fully control where their spin lands, but it was all too coincidental. Too perfect. 
And that’s how you ended up here. In a closet with Jonathan White from your second period. The same Jonathan White that’s always staring at your chest. You’re about two minutes into the most awkward small talk of your life while pretending to not notice his leering and clumsy, half thought out advances when the door opens. 
There’s no way that 7 minutes are already up, but you’re too relieved to question it. The calm feeling settling in your chest quickly disappears when you look towards the doorway. Stu’s leaning against the wooden frame, eyes cooly locked on you. 
“Dude.” Jonathan’s complaints die down at the back of his throat when Stu turns to look at him. You can’t fully see his expression, but despite how buzzed you are, you don’t miss his unexpected edge. 
“It’s my house, dude.” Stu’s reaction isn’t harsh in the way you expect it to be. It’s the calmness of his voice that cuts straight through you. “I can do whatever I want in my house, and you’re not going to stop me.” 
You’re not convinced Stu’s talking about his house. “Stu.” You have to bite your tongue to avoid blurting out that nothing was going on. Why should you clear the air? You and Jonathan were far apart, which is more than you can say about him and Tatum. “You’re drunk.” 
Stu ignores the touch of warning in your voice. He doesn’t even let himself look in your direction. It’s the only thing he can think to do to associate his anger with someone that isn’t you. 
“Whatever,” you breathe, deciding that the best thing you can do to diffuse the tension is to remove yourself from the situation, “I’m getting another drink.” 
You skirt past them, practically holding your breath until you’re fully out of the bathroom. No one’s sitting in that lopsided circle anymore. Whatever happened in those few minutes you were in the closet must have killed the mood just enough to end the game. Oh, well, you can’t say you’re too torn up about it. 
The alcohol isn’t settling in your stomach as comfortably as you’d like, but you meant what you said. You’re getting another drink. Maybe that will make you feel less like you’re balancing on the edge of a knife. 
You walk into the kitchen, frowning when you realize that the big cooler’s empty. It’s probably a sign from the universe to quit while you’re ahead, but you choose to ignore it. Instead of going back to the party and finding either Randy or one of the few familiar faces from some of your classes, you decide to go to Stu’s garage. You know for a fact he keeps extra beer in there. 
You step into the space, shutting the door behind you. The separation from the party is refreshing. A part of you regrets coming. Parties suck when you’re not in the specific mood for them. Why are you even here? To sit outside and listen to music that’s too loud while Billy and Stu hook up with their actual girlfriends while you down beer? You don’t even like beer that much. 
An idea latches itself onto your mind. You could leave. You could go home, change into pajamas, and pass out in bed. Sure, Billy and Stu wouldn’t be happy with it, especially considering the looks they gave you during spin the bottle, but you’re not happy with them. And why should you stick around in a setting you’re not in the mood for when they’ve been actively ignoring you since you got here? Obviously, they can’t get away with being all lovey dovey, but they could treat you like a friend. Or at the very least, not keep Sidney and Tatum away from you like you’re the plague.
Besides, all you’re going to do is go home and go to bed. If that makes them mad, then that’s their issue. Especially since they want to act all cute when they’re in your room, claim that you’re their actual girlfriend, and then treat you like you’re repulsive in public.
You’re interrupted from your fantasies of just walking out the front door by the sound of the garage door creaking open. You snap your gaze towards it and fight the urge to roll your eyes when you see that it’s Stu. You’re annoyed and tipsy, but still sober enough to know that the last thing you want to do is add any additional fuel to the fire. 
He walks towards the refrigerator without looking at you. The silence is starting to get to you as Stu opens the fridge. After a second of him looking around in there, Stu turns towards you. He’s holding your favorite drink. Wordlessly, he twists the cap off before extending an arm.
You blink once, slowly moving your hand to accept his offer. “I didn’t see these.”
Stu casually shrugs, shutting the fridge behind him. “Got them for you, Billy hid them in the back so no one else would grab them. Guess he forgot to tell you. 
The ‘forgot’ nearly makes you scoff. They both purposefully ignored you when you first got here and waved at them, and they’ve only looked at you to make you uncomfortable since. But you can’t say that right now. You’re tired and probably more drunk than him. Starting a fight isn’t something you can afford right now. 
“Oh,” you mumble, “Thanks.” You bring the drink to your lips, taking a slow sip. “Think I’m gonna go after this.” 
“Go?” Something flickers behinds Stu’s expression. “I thought you were staying over.” 
A sarcastic comment rises up your throat. After the way they’ve been acting, there’s no way he can think that your ideal ending of tonight is crawling into bed with them. Any bite in you dies down the second you meet his gaze. There’s no way to describe it. Unfeeling. 
“I uh-” You tilt your head, playing into your inebriated state. You shift back, which is all the excuse Stu needs to take two steps forward, practically caging you between him and a wall. “I had a little too much to drink and I’m not feeling great. I don’t think I’ll be a lot of fun, I just need to pass out in a dark room before everything starts spinning.”
He doesn’t look convinced or angry or anything. There’s something eerie about the cold indifference he’s radiating. “You wouldn’t lie to me, right, sweetheart?” 
You let your eyes drop to the glass bottle in your hand. You take a quick sip. “Was gonna ask you the same thing.” The mumble escapes you before you can think through your slurred words. 
Stu takes a step forward. You squeeze the bottle between your fingers a little tighter to avoid shrinking back. “What was that?” 
You look up just in time to see Stu tilt his head in order to regard you a little more cautiously. The last time you had a sub in your science class, they played a video about the structure of a predator’s mind and how they prepare to catch their prey. The way Stu’s eyes darken sends you straight back to that classroom. 
You can’t tell if the heat that rushes to your face is a tang of fear or something else. Or maybe it’s an uneasy combination of both. 
The door squeaks open again. Your head snaps in that direction, but Stu doesn’t look away. He doesn’t even bother putting a less conspicuous amount of space between you. 
“You two okay back here?” You let out a breath. It’s just Billy. 
“All good,” you manage just as Stu says, “She wants to go.” 
You keep your eyes focused on Billy, not wanting to think about Stu that way again. “I’m not feeling great and I’m tired.” The defense is weak, made even more pathetic by the slight pout of your lips. “Plus it’s not like you guys would notice anyway.” 
“What?” Billy’s question is oddly gentle.
The whiplash that gives you is nearly enough to make you drop the glass in your hand. You shut your eyes for a second, resting your head against the wall. Everything’s starting to feel a little too fuzzy. “You know what I’m talking about. At my house, it’s all talk about liking me, calling me your girlfriend, and then I get here and you don’t even want to be friends with me.” The blow up doesn’t make you feel better. The room is full on spinning now, you lean completely against the wall so that it can support your weight. Ugh, you know you won’t be able to handle their reaction. “’M tired, and I-I’m feeling weird. I think I should go to bed.” 
The quiet that follows has you fighting to not push past both of them in order to get to a bathroom. It’s shattered by Stu’s humorless laugh. His breath is hot against your jaw and it’s too much. “Aw,” he hums, his tone so sweet it circles right back to bitter, “She’s jealous, isn’t that cute?” 
You squint your eyes open. “Shut up.” 
“Why?” Billy asks, stepping further into the room, “He’s right. You think I didn’t see the way you were looking at me and Sid when we came out of the bathroom?” 
You sigh indignantly. “I’m too tired for this.” 
“But you weren’t too tired to be all over Randy or Jonathan White?” 
Your glare turns into something meek once you see the way Stu’s looking at you. “I wasn’t all over Randy, he was just the only person that was talking to me tonight because of you two. Neither of you even said hi to me and every time I tried talking to Sidney and Tatum, you’d come by and take them away.” The thought of Jonathan makes you sick all over again. “And I was nowhere near Jonathan White, and I’d never be willingly. He’s a total perv, and he made Shannon Walton cry before class the other day. And Shannon Walton’s the nicest, she always has gum and gives everyone her notes if they’re absent.” 
Stu doesn’t ease. “Don’t change the subject, you didn’t need to play.”
“You didn’t either,” you counter, “And I-I wasn’t even playing at first. I was just gonna sit in the room so I could keep talking to Randy, and then you two--” 
“So you only played because you were jealous.” Billy’s voice has taken on an edge that you don’t like. He continues, walking towards you with even, practically bored steps. “That’s not very nice of you.” 
They haven’t been very nice either, you think bitterly. “You started it.” 
The childish defense leaves the corner of Billy’s mouth turning upwards. “I’m not all over you for for 5 minutes and you get like this.” 
The dismissal makes your face feel warm. “Maybe we should give her a break.” The mocking in Stu’s tone strikes a nerve. “She’s just jealous.” You draw your eyebrows together, and Stu grins meanly. “You’re lucky green’s a pretty color on you, babe.” 
Chagrin fuels your reaction as you burst out a too confident, “’M not jealous.” 
Stu’s laugh is harsh, “You’re not?” 
Pushing down your instincts, you tilt your chin up a fraction of an inch in order to hold your ground. “Can’t be jealous because I know you two are mine.” 
At that, they both seem to still. You hold Stu’s stare until you no longer feel like you’re the one that’s trapped. The confidence is likely in your head and a byproduct of all you’ve had to drink, but it gives you the assurance you need to straighten your spine. Stu angles his head to the side and you’re not sure if it’s a good sign or not. To not panic, you extend your arms, resting them around his neck. The nails of the hand that isn’t holding the bottle trail down his neck. 
You can’t back out now. The way he’s looking at you changes. You can’t interpret his expression, which only puts you on edge more. He wants to be quiet, to dismiss you in one final, petty jab, but the more your nails dig into sensitive skin, the more he struggles. The nail thing’s a habit you developed after realizing how much it affects him.
“Watch the nails, sweetheart.” It’s meant to seem like a warning, but it slips out of him a little too low. He’s overcompensating to cover for what was almost a whine. 
You blink up at him through your eyelashes with maliciously soft eyes. “Starting to hurt?” He’s quiet, you scratch at his skin, hard enough to leave the kind of red marks that disappear almost as soon as they appear.
“This attitude’s cute, but don’t push it.” 
Everything from tonight hits you all at once as you tilt your head innocently. “Or what?” 
Billy knew that you were treading on ice so thin that even Stu couldn’t see the cracks since before you got here. That one comment you made before they left your place had been harder to deal with than Billy would ever admit. Stu pretended that he was fine with it, that he didn’t feel the strain of panic that comes from feeling like they need you more than you need them. And then you showed up here, as pretty as ever, and basically fine when they started ignoring you. And now this. 
It’s a slippery slope. The line between the amount of attitude that gets Stu going and the amount of attitude that pushes him towards something he can’t control is thin.
Billy steals the bottle from your hand and leans forward, grabbing your jaw with his free hand and pulling you into a kiss. It’s so sudden it takes you a second to relax into it. Once you finally do, a small sound escapes you. Billy deepens the kiss with no warning. You clumsily follow his lead despite how much they’ve annoyed you tonight.
He pulls away quickly once he’s sure that the energy in the room has been redirected, resting his forehead against yours. You don’t get the chance to recover. You’re still panting when Stu’s hand finds its way into the roots of your hair. He yanks on it, forcing you towards him. 
Stu’s kiss is hard and disorientating. You know that he has a way of being all consuming when he wants to be, but this is something else. You can’t take a full breath, but Stu doesn’t care. He doesn’t let you go until he’s done, and even then he takes his time releasing you, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth. 
You’re dizzy and somehow even drunker than before. You reach for Stu unsteadily. He looks you over slowly. “You get her in bed and I’ll figure out how to start kicking people out.”
Billy places an arm around your waist. His lack of protest surprises you slightly, but you’re not complaining about it. You need his help, and Billy knows it. That, paired with the fact that this is the only time he has an excuse to publicly hold onto you, makes him love when nights end like this. 
He always has an excuse ready in case Sid or someone else notices. Y/n can’t handle her alcohol and she’d kill all of us if we let her go home like this. She’s gonna sleep it off in Stu’s room for a little. It’s basically true, and it also gives Billy the excuse to linger around you. There are a lot of people that’d take advantage of your situation. Sid can’t be mad at that, if anything, she’d be mad at him for knowing how vulnerable you were and not doing anything.  
Billy leads you into Stu’s room, abandoning your last drink on the first surface he finds. He sits you down on the edge of Stu’s bed before opening one of Stu’s drawers. “Here,” he tosses one of Stu’s T-shirts towards you, “You got it or you need help?”
Shutting the drawer, Billy turns back to you. You’re laying down now, not even under the sheets. “You can’t fall asleep like that.” 
“Mhm,” you mumble, face half buried into your mattress. 
With a sigh, Billy walks towards you. He grabs your arm, pulling on you until you’re finally sitting. With a bit of prompting, you stand. Billy watches you struggle for a second before sighing. He keeps you steady as you get out of your clothes and pulls Stu’s T-shirt over your head. 
You’re too tired to care about the fact that you’re supposed to be mad at him. “Bed now?” 
Billy cups your cheek, his thumb soothingly brushing against your skin. “Last time I let you pass out before washing your face, you made me promise to never let it happen again.” 
You don’t know how long you’ve been asleep when an unexpected pressure stirs you awake. Ignoring the feeling, you try rolling over in order to pull the covers up to your neck. Something doesn’t let you. 
“You’re up,” Stu whispers against your hair, “You’re up, you’re okay.”
Twisting so that you’re flat on your black, you squint your eyes open. It’s still dark, so you know it’s still night time. You don’t remember exactly how you got here, but you know that you were comfortable. You also only vaguely remember the weirdness and your anger from earlier. 7 minutes in heaven thanks to Randy, a bit of confrontation in the garage. It feels less important now. 
Smiling, you slowly extend your until your knuckles are brushing against his cheek. “What time is it?” 
“Late,” Stu answers. 
“Then wh--” 
“Need my goodnight kisses,” he breathes, pressing a few, quick kisses to your temple. 
You smile, “Thought you were mad a--” 
Stu’s fingers squeeze your hips. “Don’t want to talk about that.” If you were less drowsy, you might have jumped a little. “I just want to go to sleep.”
Nodding you reach for him a little steadier now. Stu relents, leaning into you as you start to kiss his cheek. 
Billy’s hand finds your waist just as you start relaxing again. “What about me?” 
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ghouljams · 10 months
First of all pairing Gaz with Luck was genius
But the way you told the story??????
Luck being so enamoured for Gaz that they would risk everything and rationalising it as their selfish demon nature even as every act of luck they perform is above and beyond
I know that all the demons are slightly yandere-esque stories but the way Luck is besotted with this man gives the vibes of those cheesy supernatural media where the fem mc has a bad boy swooning over her that would burn the world down for her - except Gaz is the mc!!!!
It's perfect! Let him be a damsel!!!!
Idk how much he knows about Luck's influence BC he's not stupid and once he knows their powers there's only so much "oh whoops looks like they have bad aim" you can rationalise away, he might not know exactly when he started getting more luck tho if (from how you described it) the powers of the universe seem to let him absorb the natural well of luck that exists.
It might be harder for him to pinpoint exactly when if Luck is the type to take credit for stuff just for the possibility of praise and attention - which they clearly adore coming from him. "A miracle - your heart swells, that's you!" And "he jokes about a lucky streak and you beam with pride"
I just wanna make him my baby girl. I wanna protect him, let him give me his little neck tie thing like a Princess gives her Knight a favour
I truly love the demon au bc it somewhat feels like a role reversal from the fae au where now the characters are the darlings
(also I think I've sent asks before as myself or as anon I can't remember but Tumblr likes to eat my asks for some reason)
Gaz as the damsel lmao yeah kinda. Gaz gets a demon handbook, and reads it, but I don't think he fully understands how Luck's powers work... Luck isn't hiding from him, let's be clear on that, but it's very much the sort of vibe of "luck isn't really a power, I'm not trying to win the lottery" while Gaz figures out how to make Luck useful.
Anyway here's Luck performing some truly spectacular magical luck and Gaz trying to explain it away because he's not supposed to tell people he has a demon looking out for him.
Little things are easy, you don't really need to exert any energy for them. An enemy comes around a corner before Gaz can spot them and you make their gun jam before they can take a shot. Someone throws a knife at Gaz, you make sure it flies over his shoulder and lodges into another AQ's head. Extra bullets in a mag, extra mags in the rubble when he's running low, passwords on paper next to computers, unlocked doors, keys left in cars. All of it is lucky, but nothing spectacular. Nothing combat worthy. Then again you're not technically a combat demon.
"Certainly make life easier," Gaz mumbles as he slinks through the tunnels under the city.
"I know, but-" You're picking up bad habits, draping yourself over his shoulder as he moves, "-I guess I just want to give you a miracle, y'know."
"You've given me plenty already," He tells you. You suppose you have, but nothing that deserves any praise. You want him to tell you, you did something spectacular. Not that you can tell him. It's already heaven enough being able to sit and talk to him like this, you don't want to taint it with false compliments.
You sigh and content yourself with just touching him, something you never could've enjoyed before. Every breath he takes is a small reward for your work. You could never regret contracting yourself to him, not when he's so warm and sturdy under you.
"Tell me about that book you've been reading," Gaz whispers when you've been silent too long. You smile, and duck your head against his shoulder, shy even though you know he can't see you.
"You'd like it," You tell him, murmuring the most recent plot points you've read until you see him smile in the low light. You like how well Gaz seems to have adjusted to you, you hope that means he likes you too.
He holds up a hand and you quiet down, sinking into the shadows so he has full range of movement. You can hear the buzz of radio in his ear. He and Soap are supposed to be sweeping the city for weapons caches, sabotaging what they can before they meet in the middle. So far Gaz has been lucky enough to destroy the caches he's found without being detected. More easy luck, nothing worth kicking up a fuss over.
Gaz keeps his gun at the ready as he goes up a flight on concrete stairs. Back to the fresh air of the city. The night is thick with dark silence.
You're starting to get a little itchy, things are going almost too well. You've been keeping enemy combatants away from Gaz, eager to not have a repeat of the IED that bound your contract. You think it's starting to make him a little nervous, because he lets out a held breath when he spots Soap. It's a short reunion, a solid bump of knuckles between the two men.
"Easy," Soap tells him, "Barely saw a soul."
You frown, you don't like the sound of that. That was supposed to be your luck. Unless those caches were meant to be found. A spotlight clicks on, marking Soap and Gaz's position. Around them guns raise, and safeties flip off.
They both freeze, surrounded and in open air. It's lucky they haven't been shot yet. Must be looking to use them for intel. Soap swears under his breath. Gaz grits his teeth, you can see his jaw clench tight. Overhead a helicopter hovers, the spotlight on the back focused on the two sergeants, keeping them visible.
You feel yourself tremble a little, such a clear and serious threat to Gaz's life making you uneasy. You're really not used to combat, it's unfamiliar to you, a thing you used to watch with no dreams to ever experience it yourself. You don't know what to do, all you know is that you have to protect Gaz. You can't shoot knives out of the shadows, or remove organs with surgical precision, you can't do anything that would make you useful to a soldier. What you are though, is lucky. Miraculously so.
One of the enemy's guns misfires, knocking them off balance. They bump into another combatant, who's itchy finger pulls the trigger on an automatic that swings its spray of bullets skyward. Gaz glances up and watches a few stray bullets hit the helo with precision aim he wouldn't even dream up. Making the hovering chopper smoke and spin out, crashing into a church steeple.
The helo explodes, the noise loud enough to draw the attention of the men who still have their aim on him and Soap. Suddenly, miraculously, the blades of the helicopter fly from the explosion and spin towards the AQ agents. Gaz grabs Soap to duck just as the blades chop off the head of every man still standing.
"Steamin' hell," Soap breathes, as the blades thunk into a wall and stick there.
"That was-"
"A fuckin' miracle." Soap finishes for him, standing back to his full height.
"Luck," Gaz grins, "You are a fuckin' wonder." You preen as he glances down at his excitedly bubbling shadow. You can't help the little popping hearts that rise to the surface, quick bursts of your affection before you can rein it in. He presses his fingers to his lips, then to the dark shadows at his feet before standing.
"No one is going to believe this," Soap looks around at the carnage, blissfully(luckily) ignorant of the demonic activity at Gaz's feet, "Shit I don't even believe it."
"Gonna be a hell of a report," Gaz tells him. He glances around the scene as Soap radios position back to Price. The absolute absurdity of the entire situation making him laugh a little. "Bloody hell," He shakes his head, lets out another bark of laughter, "How'd you even manage this love?"
"Just lucky I guess," You mumble, trying to keep from blowing out every light on the block in your excitement. Love... You could scream.
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This is What Makes Us Girls
Pairing- Tsireya x reader
Pov- When courting season begins and suitors come around every corner, you realize your in love with your best friend.
A/N- also I restarted skins bc I saw an edit so I am gonna use a line from skins in this one cause 🤭 this is not prof read. I am also high right now as I was half way thru it so I'm am sorry if it is horrible
Warnings- underage drinking, kissing, drunk Neteyam and Y/N has to be a warning in itself
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It was courting season the most dreadful time of the year. All the unmated men try to swoon the unmated women, if anyone asked you it was just an excuse for men to entrap women into marriage. But that just your opinion.
So you watched as young men brought flowers, asked father's permission, take strolls. All fake. And you thought you were safe from this hazardous part of the year. You weren't. Three guys surrounded you one holding a bouquet of flowers, one with a necklace his mother or sister made, and one holding a pile of fish, charming. "Hello Y/N." One of them said. "Hello Tu'val." You say stepping into a path that led to the ocean. "Here I made you a necklace." He said before another one I think his name was Rovn. "A necklace like she would want that here like a real man I caught you fish." He said obviously throwing shade at the other one. "Oh fish so special, a necklace, I picked these flowers just this morning for you." The last one said you didn't even know him.
You stop tired of their bickering. "Hello I appreciate all of these gifts but you may go give them to any other girl that is waiting to be captured into a unfulfilling marriage." You say before walking off from the three men.
And that's how it went, anytime a suitor stepped up you shot him down. It not like it's your fault that you weren't brainwashed by your mother to think the only thing that will make you happy is mating with a man. You stepped into the beach and your heart stopped for a second, that Lo'ak kid from the forest was giving Tsireya a shell, was he courting her? You couldn't help but feel this sickening feeling in your lower body, it made you want to kick, scream, and cry.
Tsireya had been your best friend ever since you learned to walk, you did everything together, from swimming, to hunting, fruit harvesting, you even had your first kiss together for experimenting purposes you told each other. So why, why did you get this feeling as if he was stilling something that was yours.
So the next few days you avoided everyone, stayed in your mauri. You were going crazy, Tsireya never told you anything about being courted this season, was she going to leave you. Leave, she wasn't even with you. You held the necklace she gave you the day you kissed each other. Though it was your first and only kiss it light a fire in you, she light a fire in you. And then all the pieces of the puzzle started to fit, you loved your best friend. You loved Tsireya.
The next day you walked out of your mauri and some people were shocked to see you, especially Tsireya. She walked up to you and gave you a big hug and your face flushed instantaneously. "Where have you been." She asked concerned. "Oh I wasn't feeling the best and did not want to get anyone sick." You lie. "Oh." She says eyes going to the ground. "Yeah." You whisper you felt bad for lying but you couldn't say that you were avoiding everyone cause you found out you loved her. "Well it is good you are okay, also a few of us are going into the first around us tonight and I was wondering if you would like to come." She asked. "Yeah sure." You replied without even thinking. She squealed.
"That is good, I wish we could spend the day together but mother wants to train me more so see you later." She says. "See you later." You say before she walks off.
You were freaking the entire day, you found out you loved your best friend and now your going to go to a party with her.
It was an hour past eclipse and you snuck out of your mauri and saw Tsireya she looked amazing. You walked next to her as she interlocked her arm into yours she smiled before walking into the forest. It wasn't long until you guys made it, it was deep enough to not be heard by the adults but not to far. "Oh there's Kiri I gotta ask her something." Tsireya says you only reply with a nod before you go get a drink wine it looked like, you take a sip and internally cringe at the taste before chugging it and getting two more cups.
You sit down on a stool someone left unaccompanied and it wasn't long until Neteyam sat next to you. "Hey Y/N." He said, "Looks like your having fun." He joked looking at the two drinks in your hand. You take a swing of one of them. "Yup," you say giving the cups a little jiggle. "So, you know my friend Tu'val," as soon as the words left his mouth you felt dread fill you, not this again. "He told me that you didn't want to be trapped in a unfulfilling marriage bruised his ego a bit." He laughed before taking a drink from the cup in his hand. "It is true I do not." You reply finishing up one of the drink already feeling fuzziness take your body, Eywa these drinks were strong.
"I get it, but you always deny any suitor that asks to court you, why?" He asked. You took a deep breath another drink, and then another should you tell him the reason why? That the reason is because you have fallen in love with your best friend and can't tell her. "Y/N." Neteyam's words pulled you out of your trace. You take one last drink you were to drunk to care what his reaction was to what you were about to confess.
"I like girl." You say his eyes widen, "No." You say again smiling eyes traveling to Tsireya. "I like a girl, no." You laugh bitterly. "I love her." You say eyes traveling to the sand, ashamed you look down. "So, who is it." He asks taking another drink looking at you. You pick your head up as fast as you can, he didn't care. "Tsireya." You whisper to him and he gasp before laughing. "Oh my fucking Eywa." He was drunk off his ass as were you. "Sh sh sh." You shush him before taking the last bit of drink from you cup and discarding it. "Go tell her." He blurts out making your eyes go wide as he finishes up his drink. "You are insane." You laugh at him.
"I am being serious." He says to you again. "Neteyam I can't what if she says no huh what am I to do then I'll be out of a best friend and have a heavily bruised ego." You say to him laying you head on his shoulder he lies his head on your head. "Y/N I know you are usually the one rejecting people and you probably have a deep fear of rejection but-" "hey-" you interrupt him. ''But,'' he continued. ''you should see how the girl looks at you as if your the most precious thing the great mother has and will make.'' Your ears perk at the words left the omaticaya boys mouth and it lessened your worries. ''No, no you are just saying that.'' You say as the fear of rejection he was talking of earlier sunk into me. ''I am too drunk to lie to you.'' He says draws his hand up in the air. you think, really really hard and then you begin to shake your head.
''Yeah cool cool I'm gonna confess.'' You hype yourself up as you pick your head up from his shoulder. "Hell yeah you are." He said hiccuping afterwards. "Who wants another drank?" Someone yelled, you stood up and started to walk to Tsireya. "Me!" You heard Neteyam yell back at the guy making you shake your head. And before you knew it Tsireya was in front of you smiling and you heart dropped to your ass. "Hi! Y/N can I take you somewhere private to talk." She said and to drunk to realize what you got yourself into you shook you head up and yes.
She guided your unwarranted movements feet dragging everywhere. Until you reached a secluded part of the forest just north of the party. "Y/N." She said pulling your eyes and focus to you. "I've know you for a really long time and you've been there for almost everything, first song cord, even first kiss," she said bashfully making your already flushed paint a deeper shade of indigo and she grabs your hands into her own. "And I wanted to tell you I love you, Kiri helped me get the courage to ask you to be mine." She says eyes averting to the ground next to you. It was silent for a moment as her words actually registered and a huge smile plastered your face. She looked at you confused as you wiped your face with your palm. "Oh Eywa yes, yes yes." You say laughing a little afterwards. She giggled at your drunken state. "Oh great mother thank you, oh Tsireya I've loved you for years." You say stumbling forward catching her lips into a kiss. Passion was in it, everything loved standed for was in the kiss.
She pulled away smiling, she looked into your low-lidded love blown eyes, and drunken smile. You hiccuped as you cupped her face. "Oh wow didn't know you had it in you Y/N." A familiar voice said in the distance. "Came out here to pee and I find you kissing good job." He smiled giving you a thumbs up. "Come on let's get the both of you home." Tsireya says guiding both of them back to the village. "But pee-" Neteyam true to go back to pee. "Nope." Tsireya pulled him back. At least she was yours now even though you would regret how you accepted her confession.
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sixpennydame · 1 year
Hey, can I get something with 28, bc they ain't enough drunk Levi on my life °^°
Hello there! I am so, so sorry this took so long - life has been...well...life, and I wanted to give this the attention it deserves. I hope you like it, and feel free to drop an ask any time! <3
Never Have I Ever, Part 1
Part 2
No. 28: How drunk was I?
Content: Levi’s early Survey Corps years, alcohol, drinking games, fluff
You all have one goal tonight:
To get Captain Levi drunk.
You, Eld, and Hange knew it wouldn't be easy, but you all had a few days off in Trost and wanted to make the most of it. And none of you had ever really seen Levi let loose.
And it wasn’t for lack of trying. You’d joined the Corps not long after Levi, and were intrigued by the quiet, stoic man. You wanted to see him relax, to smile and laugh..
Actually, you wanted more than that, but Levi didn’t seem like the kind for romance.
You were surprised when Hange said he would be joining us tonight; he rarely, if ever, drinks and prefers to spend his nights off by himself.
"I basically annoyed him until he agreed, just to shut me up," Hange triumphantly announced.
By the time Levi arrives, there's a good group assembled. Levi can feel everyone looking at him. "Ok...I'm here..so what are we drinking?" He sits next to you and you feel nervous all of a sudden. Seeing him out of his uniform, his shirt unbuttoned just enough to be able to see his collarbone..
Hange immediately speaks up and jolts you back to attention. "Well we could just get a few beers and talk," they smirk, "But I think we should make this night a bit more...challenging."
"Oh shit," Levi interjects, "another one of your crazy ideas?"
"Crazy? No way, it's fun! Have you all played, 'Never Have I Ever?'" they ask.
A few nod their head. Hange continues. "So I'm going to pour us all a shot, and we'll take turns sharing a statement of something we have never done. But if you've done it, you have to take a drink. Got it?"
You look over at Levi, who's cocked an eyebrow. "And we have to be honest?"
"Of course!" Hange pours shots for everyone. "It's no fun if you're not honest. I'll get us started."
They clear their throat. "Never have I ever...been late to training."
Eld takes a shot, along with Nifa and Moblit. “And Levi made sure I was never late again,” Eld laughs and grimaces at the strong alcohol.
“Damn right I did. So that’s all this game is? Easy..” Levi scoffs.
“Ok, Eld, your turn,” Hange give him a look and he smirks.
Eld looks around the table. “Never have I ever beat someone up.”
To noone’s surprise, Levi picks up his drink and takes the shot, but so does Hange. Everyone looks at them. “It was when I was a cadet and the guy was such an ass. Moving on!”
Levi doesn’t usually drink hard liquor, and his eye twitches a bit. The liquid feels warm as it slides down his throat and into his stomach.
Moblit raises his glass. “Never have I ever disobeyed one of Commander Erwin’s orders.”
“Oh come on..it wasn’t that big a deal.” Levi shrugs as he takes another drink.
The game continues, and it seems to Levi that every statement leads to him having to take a shot. By the time it was his turn, he was already starting to feel a little fuzzy.
“Never have I ever…left the kitchen a damn mess when it was my cleaning duty.”
You and Nifa look at each other then raise your hands. “Guilty!” You both laugh as you down your drink.
Levi smirks. He loves seeing you laugh. Your eyes squint a bit and it’s the cutest thing…
…Wait, what the hell is he thinking?? Maybe the alcohol is effecting him more than he thinks.
“Oi, Levi, what are you smirking about over there?” Hange breaks his chain of thought.
“N-nothing, Four-eyes,” he defends. “Here..” he hands the bottle to you, “you’re next.”
You smile at him as you take the bottle and you could have swore he cheeks were blushing just a bit. “Never have I ever killed three titans in a single blow.”
Everyone looks at Levi. “Dammit..are you trying to get me drunk?” He takes a drink.
“Maybe..” you lean your head on your hand and smile, clearly and unabashedly flirting with him. And you see it for sure this time: a flush of red across his face. He looks away quickly.
The bottle gets passed and more statements are said. You start to notice slight changes in Levi. His shoulders don’t seem so tense and he keeps running his hand through his hair. You also thought you might have heard him give the quietest laugh.
It’s happening.
Hange notices it too. “My turn again! Alright..Never have I ever”, they look at everyone at the table, “had a crush on someone in the Survey Corps.”
Nobody moves for a minute, and then everyone takes their shot.
Even Levi.
Everyone’s questioning Levi at once. “What?” “Who?”
“None of your business,” his speech is a little slurry, “Just…who’s next..” He grabs the bottle and pours everyone’s drink, spilling a little on the table.
Moblit sits up a little straighter, looking a bit nervous. “Never have I ever wanted to kiss someone at this table.”
Two glasses lift up and are drunk.
Yours and Levi’s.
The whole table is laughing, gasping, yelling out questions and comments. You can feel your face getting hot. Levi could like anyone here at this table, it’s probably not you. And he probably doesn’t suspect it’s him that you have a crush on.
You can’t really think straight, you’ve had way too many shots. Then you see another glass lift up.
It’s Moblit.
Now all eyes are on him. “You can’t drink - you’re the one who made the statement!” Someone yells. Everyone laughs as Moblit hides his face in his hands.
Then you look over at Levi. Not only is he smiling, but he’s laughing. Suddenly, you feel his hand grab yours under the table. Your fingers interlace as you both look at each other, your eyes saying what your words can’t. Eventually, you both join the others in teasing the shrinking Moblit.
Levi wakes up sprawled across a sofa that isn’t his. He sits up and winces, his head pounding.
“Oh, good morning, sunshine.”
It takes him a while to realize that the voice is Hange’s. They come into the room with a toothbrush sticking out of their mouth. “Had a fun night, did we?”
He has no idea how he got to Hange’s room last night. He rubs his temples. “How drunk was I?”
“Drunk enough that you and Reader snuck off after our little drinking game. Where did you two go?”
Hange pulls the toothbrush out of their mouth and raises an eyebrow. “What did you two do?”
It’s too bright in this room and Levi can’t think straight. Him and you…
Then he remembers: him pulling you into a dark hallway outside the bathrooms. His hands roaming all over your body. Your soft lips, kissing his mouth, his neck..
He stands up and charges out the door without a word and heads straight to his room. When he gets there, he stands in front of the mirror and pulls down the collar of his shirt. There, right above his collarbone, is a deep purple mark.
He doesn’t see you until later that day when you’re all headed back to Headquarters. You ride beside him, as he tightens his cravat. Beneath the fabric, a mark that he’ll never forget.
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alexxncl · 1 year
how the obey me characters like their coffee
brothers, dateables + luke, and side characters
resurgence of my coffee obsession has me thinking thoughts
and i'm right bc they all told me this themselves
masterlist | more drabbles/hcs
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i feel like he likes his shit sickeningly sweet...like you can barely taste the coffee
so much creamer it almost looks like milk, so much sugar that your teeth will fall out just by looking at it
it used to help him stay awake, but he's immune to it now. he just drinks it to drink it
he doesn't care for iced coffee that much. he had a sip of mammon's and almost gagged
the blackest coffee you've ever seen, extra espresso shots, whether it's hot or iced
y'all know how pedro pascal and jaemin from nct like their coffee? yeah...nasty
if he hasn't had his coffee, don't talk to him
unless you're mc or luke. then you have a pass
he drinks it before he leaves the house, while he's walking to RAD, while he's in class, while he's at lunch, while he's in detention, while he's-
you get the picture
but he won't admit that he's addicted
he likes chai tea 🫶🏽
coffee never sat well with him, it made him more anxious than he already is
he likes the taste but he can live without it
he drank a bunch of it once while pulling an all-nighter with mammon before an exam...never again
luci and mams keep a very close eye on his caffeine intake
no cream or milk, but a shit ton of sugar
"bitter like my soul" headass
he doesn't drink it often, but he's particular when he does
doesn't like hot coffee because he can't drink it right away
either makes it himself or asks asmo to do it when he's too tired
more milk than sugar with a pretty design on top
an oat milk girlie
strongly prefers hot coffee but will drink either
he just has a knack for creative stuff, y'know?
i feel like he worked as a batista for a while and does little pop up shops for his fans :(
he doesn't drink coffee like that. it doesnt do anything for him
but he likes sweet things, so he asks belphie to put flavored creamer or sweetened almond milk and a lot of sugar in it whenever he does drink some
he started drinking it to get closer to luci and mams, but he never made a habit out of it like the two of them
asked asmo if he could learn how to make it so that mammon wouldn't run out during the day and is actually really good at it
do NOT give him coffee
he hates it
it's nasty and it makes him jittery
he'll make it, and he's almost as good as asmo, but he won't drink it. absolutely not
never really got the hype until he had some of lucifer's
only drinks his coffee that way now
he still prefers tea, but a little caffeine every now and then won't hurt
he tried black coffee and hated it. you know he loves his sweets
drinks it on occasion but will lie if you ask him about it
he's THE tea demon, yk? can't let the title be for nothing
if he makes some for diavolo, he'll drink it however dia likes it
if he's just making it for himself, he likes it with a little sugar and no creamer
spiked (sometimes, when he's not writing) and black
mainly because he doesn't want luke to drink any and thinks this is the best course of action
also because it keeps him awake
(he's like lucifer, coffee doesn't do anything for him anymore. it's a habit atp)
spiked and sweet
he's too old and too tired
but it's only ever spiked with top shelf, aged, hard shit bc he's extra
tried it black and spiked and hated it
please don't give the baby coffee
11 year olds don't need coffee
he kept asking to try it, so mammon gave him some of his (much to simeon's disdain) and he quite literally almost died
he'll never touch it again bc why is it so BITTER
he won't admit to it but he cried
mammon has proof - videos and pictures
tried it once and threw it away
likes his black like mammon, but way less espresso
only likes iced americanos
also likes them extremely watered down ??? idk man he's weird
another tea drinker but he likes his caffeinated
can't stand the taste of coffee, he doesn't know how simeon drinks it so often
tried some of simeon's - before he started spiking it, mind you - and threw it away bc he thought it was disgusting
simeon did not in fact cry (yes he did)
it depends on the day, but she's a mocha girlie 99% of the time
when just wants coffee or she's having a really bad day, she gets her usual
if it's a really good day, she gets something different
iced or hot, she doesn't care
a very specific order and only gets hers from a very specific mom and pop shop in a run-down area of the otherworld
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tellnotalespod · 2 months
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TNT S1 E1 - Not For Long came out on 2nd May 2022, which means Tell No Tales turns two today!
(and if we're being honest, TNT being in the terrible twos explains a lot about how emotionally fraught it's been recently)
Going ahead with this show is the best decision I've ever made, and it changed my life for the better. I'm so incredibly grateful for this community for welcoming me in 💜
I got a little nostalgic and found an old voice note (from almost three years ago!) that's posted under the cut. I sent this to Michaela (one of our ghostie VAs) almost immediately after having the idea for the show. It's edited a lil to keep it down to a reasonable length, because much like Leo Quinn, I sure can Yap.
[Image ID: A whatsapp voice note sent by me, followed by another message by me that reads "oh I think I've decided the name of the main character is going to be Leo, bc hell if I'm going to do this completely self-serving project for no other reason than the enjoyment of creating it then I'm damn well gonna use the name I'd use if I ever decide to change to a more masc sounding name." The following messages sent by Michaela on 4 July 2021 are sent in quick succession, "omggggggggg yesssss" "I want to listen to thisss" "I am 100% happy to help" "I love this idea" "so much" "pls do it" /.End ID]
Note: audio quality changes around a lot because I was, I think, dyeing my hair at the time
Voice note transcript:
 I have a… an idea. And it might be really stupid and it will probably never come to anything. However, I'm really excited about it. So... hear me out (LAUGHS). My idea is, uh, I want to write a podcast about an ex-employee of a ghost hunting company, and the- the basis of the podcast is... I literally just had this like half baked thought like five minutes ago, so bear with me while I talk this through. This character works for a quite renowned institute, company, whatever, organization that hunts ghosts. Uh, they destroy the ghosts whenever they're called to it, but the main character is starting to get suspicious of the fact that some of the ghosts that they're called to don't necessarily seem violent, and some of them are completely harmless and they just want to exist and so they have been working on a recording system that can capture the voices of ghosts. And they start off as an assistant to like the head of this company, but they're already starting to feel complicit in what they're becoming kind of more and more aware is potentially a very evil operation. And it's gonna alternate between like their their notes and the recordings of interviews with ghosts that they are sent to hunt, but don't. They sit down and they get their life story instead and then either leave them be or try to help them move on peacefully or whatever. And there's gonna be a bit of a, like a, an overarching plot in that the organization that they work for is corrupt, but not in the way that they think. And I'm thinking the main character is trying to, like, capture enough evidence, basically, before they can quit this organization- t hat's, that's, that's their intention, is they want to make sure that this recording system is completely functional. They want to capture enough evidence of completely harmless ghosts. They want to have like a huge backlog of stuff to use against the head of this company, and to do that, to have access to ghosts and all of that kind of stuff, they have to continue working for it, which they hate, but that's the only way that they see themselves being able to achieve good in the long run. So, the first season is going to be them, like, trying to work on this project in secret while you get glimpses of the boss doing some, like, shady shit. And like... who's to say that I need to finish my novel this month anyway? You know?? But fuck it, this is... I'm really excited about this, so I'm gonna give it a shot.
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maren-gvf · 1 year
Jake One-Shot
jake kiszka x f!reader
Warnings: 18+ MDI, smut, cursing, a little bit of drinking, general foreplay, !protected! p in v sex, teen Jake (18 give or take) (I know this isn't what teenage Jake looked like, but I don't feel comfortable using those pics)
Lemme know if I missed any warnings 😙
A/n: writing bc of writer's block! anyways, I really love this type of Jake fic so I wanted to make my own. I hope u enjoy!
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Your phone buzzes as you pull into the Kiszka's driveway.
Josh: are u almost here?
You take out your phone and text him back.
You: Yeah I just pulled into ur driveway
Josh: k u can just come inside
Josh: the door's open
You: kk
You get out of your car, grabbing the Walmart bag full of supplies and your backpack. He was right, the front door was unlocked. You felt weird just letting yourself in, but it's whatever.
Josh is sitting at their dining room table when you walk into the foyer. He's drawing something on the huge piece of white poster paper he got for the project.
"Hey!" He greets you, looking up at you.
"Hey!" You say back, setting the bag on the wooden table. You start taking out your computer.
"How's the research coming along?" Josh asks, continuing to draw what looks like plants.
"Well," you start, pulling up the shared Google doc, "I found a lot out about the different organisms you'd find in a rainforest, but that's about it," you say, letting him scroll around.
"It looks good," he compliments. "Very informative."
"What about you?" You ask, grabbing a blue marker and walking over to the other side of the table to start on the fonts.
"I've done a couple things," he says.
"By that you mean you've done nothing," you say, giving him a look.
"Okay it's not my fault," he starts, putting the cap on the green marker he was using, "Jake needs me to sing for his band, so I haven't really had the time to do anything."
"Jake has a band?" You ask, looking up at him.
"You talking about me, Josh?" That familiar voice says. His familiar raspy tone crackled through your ears.
"I was just telling Y/n about your band," Josh says, grabbing another marker, "and how I never have time for school because of your ass."
Jake laughs to himself which makes you go momentary blind. You breathe in deeply, trying to ignore him even though his presence looms over you like a thick blanket.
He's not wearing a shirt, only some long pajama pants. He pops the cap of his beer on the edge of the table and takes a seat which makes his bicep muscles come out a bit. He wasn't very muscular, but leaner. You could see a faint outline of abs when he walked over to his seat.
Fucking hell.
"You interested or something?" He asks you, his stare burning into the side of your head.
You knew Jake only because of Josh. You weren't necessarily close with either of them, but your parents were good friends. You saw Jake around school and only had one class with him in Junior year. Josh was in your biology class which got you paired up together.
"I didn't know you played," you say, continuing to write, unable to look at him.
"Hm," he takes a swing of his beer, "well maybe you could come watch us some time."
"Maybe..." you say, nervously coloring in your letters.
Josh's phone dings, "Oh shit! I'm supposed to go pick up Sam from Danny's," he says. "Are you good to hang here by yourself and work on it?"
I have to stay here with Jake?
"Um, yeah, I'll be fine!" You say, watching him gather up his keys.
"Okay, and Jake leave her alone!" He yells, exiting the house. The front door slams and you're left there alone with Jake.
You continue your work, ignoring Jake who's very obviously looking at you as he drinks his beer.
"Do I make you nervous or something?" He asks.
"Why would you think that?" You ask, finally making eye contact with him which was a clear mistake.
"Well for one, your face is all red, and two, you're obviously trying to avoid me," he says, leaning back on the chair. His legs open a little.
"You definitely don't make me nervous," you say, your voice a little bit shaky because he does actually make you nervous.
"You're such a bad liar," he says, laughing to himself once again, a stupid smirk on his face.
"What are you doing here anyways?" You ask, now looking into his eyes.
"Uh, this is my house," he says, crossing his arms with a slight tilt of his eyebrows. You ignore his comment, feeling a little embarrassed.
He gets up from his chair and walks over to you. He's standing so close you can smell his body wash and the slight lingering scent of his shampoo. You feel like you're going to faint any second. He's so overwhelming to look at, you wanna burst into dust or flames or something!
"I've always had a thing for you, you know?" He says, reaching across your line of sight to grab a red marker.
You stand up, looking directly at him, "What?"
"Yeah," he leans on the table, twirling the red marker in his hand, "I've always thought you were beautiful and you have a cute personality." He tilts his head towards you a little bit.
He's so casual about it, you think you're dreaming. He moves a little closer to you. Your heart races uncontrollably. Your hands instinctively land on his chest. His eyebrows raise in satisfaction like that was his plan.
"Can I?" He says in a low voice, putting his hands on your waist as he walks you backward out of the dining room.
You gulp, nodding your head as you maintain eye contact with him.
He stops you in the dark hallway, pressing you gently against the wall as his hand slides up your shirt. His other hand holds your jaw, lifting your chin up slightly.
Please don't let this be a dream!
He brings his lips down to yours, kissing you gently before adding more pressure. His lips are so soft, you melt right into them. His tongue parts your lips, slowly sliding into your mouth. He tastes incredible. The kiss slowly becomes more needy, your hands going into his hair.
His lips disconnect from yours, traveling down your jaw and latching on your neck. He gently sucks at the skin enough to give you pleasure but not enough to leave a mark.
"Fuck me," you barely say, your hands traveling down his warm, tanned skin to reach the waistband of his pajama pants.
"I will, baby, I will," he breathes, kissing your lips again.
He moves you down the hall and into a room that you could only assume was his. He strips you of your shirt before you lay down on the bed. He takes your shorts off, tossing them to the floor, leaving you only in your bra and underwear.
What am I doing right now?
He separates your legs as he lays himself in between them. He kisses your lips before undoing your bra and adding it to the pile of clothes.
"You're gorgeous," he says, breathing heavily. "I need you."
"I've needed you more," you breathe out.
He slides your underwear off, leaving you completely naked under him. He slides two fingers into your wetness. He slides his fingers inside of you. You immediately hold onto him, your mouth open a little bit. He pumps them in and out of you.
"Holy shit," you moan, connecting your lips to his. His tongue distracts you from the amazing feeling he's building up inside of you.
"Jake-" you tilt your chin up.
"Come for me, baby," he says, continuing his motions as he plants kisses over your breasts.
Your orgasm hits you like a truck. He takes his fingers out of you.
"Jake, I need it, I need you to fuck me," you say, breathless.
"I know," he says, opening his nightstand and taking out a condom. He strips himself of his pajama pants, slipping the condom around his dick. He crawls on top of you, your legs wrapping around his waist. He situates himself in front of your entrance before slipping inside of you.
"All this for me?" He smirks, lightly thrusting in and out of you. Your arms wrap around his back, your fingers digging into his skin. Your breath hitches as he pulls in and out.
How'd I go from doing homework to being fucked?
He rests his head on your shoulder, his breath hitting your collarbone.
"Fuck, Y/n," he sighs, "you feel so good."
Your hands wrap around his biceps as he continues thrusting, "I'm almost there, Jake." You tightly shut your eyes, your hand flying down to grip the sheets. Both your bodies produce moans of pleasure that surround the room.
Your second orgasm approaches. Jake fucks you through it as his own takes over him. He releases himself, “Fuck,” he moans into the crook of your neck.
He pulls out falling to the side of you.
“Holy shit,” you laugh, covering your mouth. Both your breathing is rapid.
“Y/n!” You both hear Josh shout from the living area.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you say, scrambling off the bed and getting yourself dressed. Jake puts his pajama pants back on.
“Wait,” he says, holding the door closed, “I meant what I said in the dining room. I do… really like you.”
You smile, tucking some hair behind your ear, “I really like you too, Jake.”
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agaypanic · 10 months
I'm not really good at requesting stuff but can you do more malcom smut stories kinda like the ones you did with reese
Stop Talking (Malcolm Wilkerson X Reader Smut)
Request Something!
Summary: Sick of your boyfriend’s complaining, you make an offhanded comment about his mouth. He takes it seriously.
A/N: i have another malcolm request for a first time smut, so this one’s gonna be malcolm giving reader head bc i dont have any other smut ideas lol btw characters are of age obvi and also kinda ooc malcolm i think ?? idk man
CW: oral sex (fem recieving), fingering, slight praise kink, edging, begging
Malcolm was always one to run his mouth about anything. Whether it was about some new book he was reading or some new problem he was having. You learned it was best to just nod along and hum in understanding, even if you didn’t have a clue what he was saying. Most of the time, Malcolm wanted an ear more than advice.
But sometimes, your ears would get tired.
“Reese is being such a dick!” Malcolm ranted, pacing around the room while you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.
“Uh-huh.” You said tiredly.
“He’s always wrecking my stuff, and he doesn’t even care. And no one does anything about it!”
“Very true.”
“Mom and Dad should’ve sent him to military school instead of Francis. It would’ve been less of a waste of money.”
“Reese probably would’ve unionized the cadets in a week.”
Malcolm turned to you, looking betrayed and angry. If you weren’t growing annoyed, you probably would’ve laughed.
“Malcolm, baby, you have got to learn to loosen up. Look at yourself; you’re working up a sweat over Reese breaking your pencil when any other day he would’ve broken your face.” You sat up, staring your boyfriend down. “Plus, I’m getting sick of this rant of yours. I’ve heard it hundreds of times.”
“Oh, so you’re on his side?” Malcolm asked incredulously, putting his hands on his hips and tilting his head. You whined, tossing yourself back onto your bed.
“Oh geez, suck my clit, Malcolm. It’d be such a better use of your mouth.” You shut your eyes, clearly done with the whole conversation. Malcolm didn’t say anything, so you assumed it was the same for him. Finally, you had peace and quiet.
Until you were suddenly yanked down your mattress by the ankles, stopping when your legs were hanging off the edge of the bed. Your eyes shot wide open, coming face to face with your boyfriend.
“What do you want me to do?” Malcolm asked. His hands left your ankles to drag up the length of your legs, stopping at the sides of your thighs to squeeze at the flesh. Based on the tone of his voice, it was like he was challenging you. 
“Excuse me?” You asked. But then you noticed his expression. Malcolm had a slight smile, and despite the color being icy blue, there was a certain darkness to his eyes.
“Say it again.” You’ve had sex with him before, but you’ve never seen Malcolm like this. Maybe it was the anger that had been boiling inside him, and you saying what you did was pushing him to relieve that anger differently. “Say it again, and I’ll do it.” Malcolm kneaded your thighs as he waited for a response, and if he wasn’t kneeling on the edge of your bed in between your legs right now, you’d clench them for some relief.
“Please.” He tsked in response, shaking his head slightly.
“Gotta say it, Y/n.”
Part of you was embarrassed to do so. Saying it as a joke or little insult was one thing. But saying it as a request, especially while Malcolm looked down at you like this, was so much harder. 
“Suck my clit.” Malcolm kissed you deeply in response, an arm moving to hook under your waist while the other pulled a leg to wrap around his hips, making your skirt ride up. You eagerly returned the affection, moaning into Malcolm’s mouth as his growing erection grinded against your clothed clit.
Malcolm’s lips left yours, kissing down your neck and chest until he reached the bunched-up fabric of your skirt. His fingers went to slip under the waistband of your panties, pulling them agonizingly slow down your legs as if he knew the anticipation was killing you. When the fabric was completely off of you, Malcolm started kissing up your thighs, stopping at the apex where he ghosted over your eager core.
“Malcolm, come on.” You begged, wiggling your hips towards him. He gave into your plea, burying his face into your pussy and dragging his tongue through your slit before circling your clit. You jolted at the delicious contact, letting Malcolm manhandle your lower half so your legs were now dangling over his shoulders.
Your back arched off the mattress as Malcolm sucked on your clit. You were entirely correct; this was such a better use for his mouth. You two would probably do this every time he wanted to unnecessarily complain, but then you’d never come out of your room.
“So good, Malcolm, you’re so good.” Malcolm quickly became drunk off your mewling praises, gently nipping at your bud before sucking again. You planted a hand in his hair, pushing his head even closer, if that was possible.
Your grip had him groaning into your pussy, vibrations coursing through you while you tried not to squeeze his head with your thighs. Sensing you were quickly getting to the edge, Malcolm released one of your thighs to ease a finger into your quivering hole. Then he added a second, making you try to rock your hips in time to the quick thrusts of his digits.
Right when you were about to come, Malcolm pulled his mouth off of you and slowed his hand’s movements. You whined.
“Malcolm, please.”
“I dunno, Y/n. I don’t think you deserve it; you were pretty mean to me.” He was teasing you and enjoying the hell out of it. Malcolm gave a quick lap at your clit, not enough to send you over the edge but enough to make your breath hitch, wishing for more. “Maybe you should beg for it.”
“Malcolm, please, I’m so close.” That wasn’t enough for him, as he shook his head in false disappointment.
“Oh, come on, Y/n. You can do better than that.” He pressed up into that spongy spot inside of you, making you moan loudly. 
“Please, fuck, please lemme come, Malcolm. I promise I’ll be good. Just let me come.” You ground yourself down on his fingers, hoping that that plus your words would be enough to convince him. It was, and in a flash, Malcolm was licking and sucking on your bud again, finger moving at what felt like lightning speed.
He didn’t let up as you climaxed, instead riding you through it while your eyes rolled back and you made incomprehensible noises. He continued the rough pace until you came down from your high and started jolting from the oversensitivity. Then he slowed to a stop, giving your clit one last kiss that made you shutter before coming up to be face to face with you.
You kissed Malcolm, tasting yourself on your tongue. It almost made you want to shove his head back down. But you pulled away, feeling something hard against you. You looked down and smirked before looking up at your now rosy-cheeked boyfriend.
“Want me to return the favor?”
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httheturtle · 6 months
Those images in Undercover
Okay someone stop me if yall know this already but. i did see someone wondering about it (in relation to another, cooler theory). Those still images in Undercover
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these. ive seen people trying to match the stills to each prisoner (i believe ive seen several folks attribute this one to haruka)
i haven't quite cracked the code on it but i found something while rewatching undercover in 1080p60 as one does
see this?
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reflected in the quick shots of the prisoners is part of the still image (with haruka here it is the same as what i have copied up above, seeming to confirm that this still belongs to him)
this is going to get long due to the images but let's try and spot the matches
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Yuno's is also fairly evident already- it's this shot of a girl on a balcony
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fuuta's is a little harder, but between existing speculation and what i'm pretty sure are hands in this image im going to call it this still
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muu's also seems clear- pretty sure those are desks in the reflection and only one still has multiple desks
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shidou's is hard because this bastard (affectionate) has his reflection all on the white background but i think i see some kind of pen or scalpel (something with a long and narrow handle) and that seems to match
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...this one. which is also the most terrifying one so far, thanks shidou i hate it.
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never mind shidou being hard to determine my sweet daughter mahiru is completely incomprehensible (which is also how i feel about her normally). the only thing i think i see is a somewhat spiky shadow in the corner. she's maybe this one?
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but i'll be real I just picked it because of the folded hands seeming like a Mahiru Thing (and as you'll see, process of elimination)
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kazui is also hiding from us but i can see a color pattern in the reflection which makes me think
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see? same dark bluish-purple on top and orange shade on the bottom.
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amane's is hard because she is so tiny and her reflection is sized accordingly but i do think that's a hand at least which should help
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that looks like a hand curled in approximately the same manner
that just leaves kotoko and mikoto which. i'll be real. theyre pretty obvious bc of their haircuts but i'll include them anyway.
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wow i wonder who this is surely not the office worker with fluffy hair
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also yikes mikoto is overworked someone save that boy (not you orekoto i love you but its not working)
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again, the sharp bob(?) makes it pretty obvious. also pretty. kotoko i want your style
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if you stayed here this long conga rats. also give amane and shidou hugs for their terrifying still images
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