#i never would've heard of or tried out this game if it wasn't for them
2smolbeans · 9 months
Imagine being the ex of a yandere who managed to get over you after assuming you had died.
Imagine how devasted you felt when you heard that they managed to find a victim girlfriend after you had cut them off from your life.
How desperate you were to protect that woman from your "ex" so that they wouldn't end up in the situation you once were.
How quick you were to find their contact, warning them about the yandere. Begging for them to cut them out of their lives before its too late.
The paranoia that followed you every day, praying that your second identity would keep you safe forever.
How you would compare your old self to your current look and new "you" in chances of reassuring yourself that they will never find you.
The feeling of dread you felt that day when you went to the public market, speaking to a vendor while you felt someone stalking you from afar.
That worst fear finally coming true.
How quick you were to pack up your belongings and run out of the place you were staying in out of fear that they were chasing you.
When you finally ran into that alleyway, hiding inside the trash for hours until realising that they didn't have the intention of finding you..Yet.
Picking up your belongings as you walk back to your apartment, crying as you realised they were going to find you - that all those efforts escaping them would go to waste.
How you swore, cursing to yourself for having those thoughts. Why did you feel relieved knowing they hadn't gotten over you? Why did you miss them? Did you really feel that insignificant to the point that a murderer brings you some sense of comfort?
How little it took for them to find you. Backing you up against the wall as they roamed their hands frantically all over you. Touching you, grabbing you, as if to reassure themselves that you were indeed alive before scolding you.
How they gave you that damned sweet smile that made you almost miss them.
Eyeing you up and down, smirking at your new appearance. Quickly grabbing you by the throat as they manhandled you out of the exit, leading you to their car as they lovingly spoke to you.
Whisking you away as you looked at your last night of freedom.
"Well, that wasn't a fun game of hide'N seek. I'm glad it's over now! Now come on, let's go home, okay? No more running away. You're not five, y'know?"
"I thought you were gone forever.. I was so broken. I tried so hard to fill..To find someone else-"
"But when I heard it from Jessica of how you randomly approached her, "warning her" about those silly lies you made up about me- I knew it was you!"
"If it weren't for her, I would've never known.. I kind of feel bad for breaking things off with her now..But you know I could never replace you right?"
"You..You lied to me. You..Ugh."
"I'll make us some dinner when we're back at the house. Also, is that a piercing? I can't believe it, haha! With the way you were dressed, I thought I had mistaken you for someone else!
"Now get in the fucking car."
"I can't wait for us to be home together again"
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pelova4president · 4 months
All eyes on you
Mapi León x Ingrid Engen x Fridolina Rölfo x Reader
All eyes on you II
summary~ Three of your teammates have an eye on you. And they aren’t shy to show you that they want you either.
!warnings! 18+ smut, making out, fingering?, explicit language
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They made it obvious, they wanted you. They kept giving you signals and hints but somehow you were just oblivious to their actions.
It started when you joined the team a few months ago. Frido started taking interest in you and helped you move in, putting your furniture together. Mapi and Ingrid took it on them to show you around the city, in the hopes to show you their bedroom eventually.
The move from England to Barcelona went a lot smoother than you would've thought. Your Spanish was still shit but most of the girls understood you and tried to talk back in their broken English. Keira and Lucy were still trying to master the language so there weren't much of use. Frido and Ingrid however were almost fluent in both so they helped with the translating. Mapi was trying to teach you some words but that wasn't going great.
Mapi and Ingrid were and item, everyone knew that and it wasn’t like they tried to hide it either. The couple almost always sat infront of you in the bus. Frido, Ingrid and Mapi took you in and offered you the empty seat in their four seater. Frido sat next to you and even though she preferred the window seat, but she’ll never admit that because she knows you do too, she offered you it.
While you and the Swede were watching a series, sharing EarPods with your head resting on her shoulder. The couple infront of you were having a heavy making out session. You couldn’t help but look up. And maybe you stared a bit too long, okay you definitely did. Ingrid pulled her girlfriend into the rough kiss, she was more dominant than you would’ve thought. Lost in your thoughts you hadn’t noticed how the couple had separated already and their eyes were now focused on you.
“You like the show?” Frido whispered in your ear. Waking from your trance you noticed how all their eyes were on you. You got caught red handed. With red cheeks you mustered a response, “Yeah- i mean like the uhh the blonde actress is really.. pretty and good right?”. The Barca players laughed at your embarrassed state.
"So you're into blondes eh?" Mapi commented looking at Frido and then you again. "Yeah- No, i like all. All women, blonde, brunette, both uh everything?" you rambled, eyes focused on the protein shake infront of you. "Good." you heard Ingrid say.
When you finally dared to look somewhere other than your shake you met Frido's eyes. And just when you ou thought your cheeks couldn't get any redder “We both know that i didn’t mean that show.” Frido smirked. You tried to hide your face into your hoodie but that only made her laugh harder.
All three of the women were getting more affectionate with you too, but that’s just how the Spanish culture is right. Frido would get you to sit in her lap on movie nights, her hands placing themselves on your thighs. Ingrid would walk next to you and place her hand on the small of your back and sometimes her hand would drop lower, to your ass. To say you didn’t like it would be a lie. All three of them were beautiful and just very hot, you couldn’t deny that. You honestly were flattered by all their attention.
When you scored your first Barca goal, all of the girls were over the moon for you. They knew you had a bit of a rough start, not scoring any goals in what felt like months. But now you’ve broken through that barrier with not only one but two goals in one game. Frido, assisting your first goal ran towards you with open arms. “You’ve done it!” she kissed your cheek.
Walking through the tunnel after fulltime Mapi approached you, her hand resting on your hip. “Scoring looks good on you amor.” she grinned. You hadn’t really processed the compliment and her seductive tone when her girlfriend joined you. “Quite a performance you put on out there. Wanna come over for a movie night later? Just you, us and Frido, you can choose the movie.” Ingrid asked expectedly. It sounded nice and you got to choose the movie, why not.
“Yeah, i’ll be there.” you agreed. “Perfect!” Ingrid kissed your cheek and took off with Mapi who sent a cheeky wink your way. With the couple still in your mind you walked towards your car.
"Be ready at eight, You just look pretty and i'll pick you up." you heard behind you. Frido was stood by her car, her hair still wet from the quick shower she just had. "Okay, thank you!" you yelled back waving goodbye to the blonde.
Frido kept her promise and picked you up. You were debating on what to wear, comfy or classy. Frido said to look pretty so a black dress would do. It wasn't exactly comfortble, it was short and tight but atleast you looked good. So good that even Frido couldn't help but comment on it. "You look fantastic. Don't know how i can keep my hands to myself all night when you're sitting next to me like that." she muttered under her breath, taking you all in. Her eyes traveled from head to toe, stopping at the hem of your dress.
"Well, thank you.. you look very good yourself" you said feeling like a some artpiece hung up in a museum. Frido hummed at that and her eyes met yours again. "Let's go beautiful." Frido placed her hand on the small of your back, closing your front door.
She walked you to her black car, one that suited Frido. It was a matt BMW and you could see that she took pride in it, she drove through the car wash atleast once every few days. Opening the passenger door for you and walking to the drivers seat she sat down. Frido wasn’t one for very loud Spanish music like the other girls in your team enjoyed, she liked background music. A little RnB or Jazz was her go to so that's what played on the background of your conversation.
“Are you excited?” she asked, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the gear stick, her eyes were focused on the road. You didn’t immediately answer and she took her eyes off the road to take an expecting look at you. “Are you gonna be a good girl and tell me or?” the Swede raised her brow.
“Uh yeah, i’m excited. I’ve already got a movie picked out.” you said smiling. Frido grinned at that and placed her hands reassuringly on your thigh, squeezing it. "I'm sure Mapi and Ingrid are excited too." she hummed and began to move her hand higher. "They've been dying to get some alone time with you, away from all the girls you know" that was new to you. "Oh didn't know that." the blush creeping up on your cheeks betrayed your cool answer.
The car ride felt like an eternity to you. Frido kept her hand on your thigh, sqeezing or moving it when you said something to her. Your teammate was wearing black trousers and a white top, showing off her abs and tits. She was insanely goodlooking, there was no denying that. But now that she's sitting next to you holding the steering wheel like that, focused on the road and one of her hands teasing you, she was beyond attractive.
When you finally arrived she reached over you, stretching for a piece of gum. You could see right into her top, not that you minded, at all.
Both of you stepped out of the car and got into the lift to your teammates apartment. Frido took your hand in hers like it was something she's always done. Leading you to the couples house Ingrid opened the door almost immediatly. "You both look very good. Come inside." she greeted you. And while you walked inside where Mapi waited for you, you saw Frido whisper something to Ingrid.
Mapi was standig behind the kitchen island pouring herself a drink. "There you are amor, been waiting for a while now" she smirked at your flushed state. "Sorry, Frido told me to be ready at eight." you tried to apologize. "Don't worry, the wait was worth it" she walked over to you. "Would you like something to drink?" the Spaniard asked taking a sip from what you assumed was a martini.
The two Scandinavian girls joined not much later, both of them opting for a glass of red wine. They let you choose the movie liked they promised and you settled down. Ingrid pulled you inbetween her legs, you head resting on her chest. Mapi and Frido were sitting to the left of you.
Everything was fine, well you were turned on by the women but it wasn't something you haven't felt before around them. Whenever Ingrid went to take a sip from her glass she bent over, hold you by your hips and her hands stayed there. About an hour into the movie she started to play with the hem of your short dress, you obviously should've wore something more comfortable.
Tracing paterns on your thighs she whispered in you ear, "You wore that dress just for us, right.". Processing her words you turned your head around. "Frido said to look pretty, so yes?" Ingrid hummed at that, mostly satisfied with your answer. Ingrid never stopped teasing you and you couldn't help but rub your thighs together. Unbeknownst to you the three women exchanged glances at the action.
You excused yourself to the bathroom. Ingrid was doing this to you on purpose. They were open about their relationship and sex life but you didn’t know they were so open.
Going back into the living room Ingrid was filling her glass in the kitchen and Maria and Frido were having a conversation. You leaned against the kitchen counter next to the Norwegian, “Can i help you?” you asked. “You can be a good girl and go sit all nice and pretty next to Frido for me.” her hands were on your hips turning you to the couch where the two were sat.
Going to sit down next to Frido you got pulled into her lap, waiting nervously at what they had in store for you. “Are you enjoying yourself bebé?” the Spanish defender asked you curiously. You nodded furiously. “I think you could enjoy yourself a bit more tonight, no?” Ingrid said walking towards Frido who she gave another glass of wine. “You definitely could baby.” Frido took a sip of her drink.
Your eyes followed Ingrid who straddled her girlfriend. Mapi leaned in for a kiss when Ingrid stopped her, whispering something in her ear. The dark haired woman teasingly kissed the Spaniard behind her ear and down to her neck, leaving marks along the way.
Yet again, too caught up with the show infront of you you didn’t see the blondes hand creeping up under your dress. “Hmm do you like watching them?” Frido breathed. She pushed your dress up and teased you over the fabric of your panties. Feeling the wet spot on them she pressed harder. “So fucking wet already, haven’t even touched you.” she kissed up your neck.
You shut your eyes, the teasing they've been doing becoming too much. The woman behind you slowed her movements. “She’s getting all hot and bothered, don’t think she can wait much longer.” she talked to the other women. “Oh, she can wait just fine. You’ll be a good little girl for us, right.” Ingrid more stated than asked. Opening your eyes you nodded.
“Say you’ll be a good girl for us.” Frido kissed your neck, her hands starting to grope your tits. Lost in the pleasure you didn’t answer, “Say ‘i’ll be a good girl for you’ or i’ll stop and you won’t get anything at all.” the blonde demanded. You whined at her dominant tone “I’ll be good. I’ll be a good girl for you, just give me something.” you begged.
Frido took that as her sign to slide her hand inside your panties. “She’s so fucking pretty like this.” you heard Mapi say. Frido didn’t slide her fingers in yet, just teasing and lighty brushing past your clit. “J-just give me more please.” you said trying to get more.
You heard the three women laugh at your state. “Haven’t even started fucking you yet and you’re already gone, god you’re desperate.” Ingrid commented from across the couch. Her girlfriend was still under her, both set of eyes fixated on you. “Can’t wait to taste her.” Mapi kissed Ingrid.
“Maria why don’t you get her ready to take a cock then. I’m sure she’d appreciate that, don’t go easy on her though. You know how we want this evening to go.” Ingrid instructed Maria. They’ve been fucking planning this.
A/N setup done, next chapter will be a bit more Mapi and a whole lot more smut so don’t you worry. Feedback would be appreciated :) Got anything you want in the next fic, let me know!
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calistrae · 1 year
silent treatment. jude bellingham
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pairing: jude bellingham x gn!reader
warnings: silent treatment, cold!jude
summary: jude after a bad match can be quite different from his usual self
notes: my first time writing something, don't be too harsh pls lol
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what started off as a great match was gradually going downhill. it was dortmund against bayern and up until the 54th minute, dortmund was in the lead with two goals, one of them scored by your boyfriend of three months.
you loved to watch him on the field - his determination to bring the win to his team was admirable. especially today. it seemed he was set on winning, his chestnut eyes flaming with dedication. having only been dating for three months, it was your very first time coming to his game and everything seemed to be going as both you and him hoped for. well, until it wasn't.
bayern caught up and you could see jude getting more and more frustrated as the time ticked. you were on the edge of your seat as you watched intensely, not tearing your eyes off the game for a second. you swore you could feel your heart drop into the pit of your stomach when bayern scored their third goal of the night. seeing as jude's jaw clenched while his eyes narrowed as the team had to admit their defeat, you couldn't help but feel sorry for him. he had worked so hard the entire game and you knew he was probably beating himself up over this. nonetheless, you were proud of him. but it was evident he was not proud of himself, whatsoever.
while jude was still showering, you waited out in the halls of the arena, entertaining yourself on your phone. it didn't take too long for him to walk out, his duffel bag on his shoulder. "hi" you greeted and attempted to press a kiss to his cheek, but to your surprise, he pulled back. in your attempt to lighten his mood at least a little bit, you gave him a gentle smile "you did well, proud of you, darling." but he was not having it. he huffed and stuck his hands into his pockets " 't was shit. don't bloody sugarcoat it." he barked back.
you were taken aback by the way he spoke to you. you had never heard him snap like that, not off the field at least. you brushed it off, heading towards your car. of course there were fans on the parking lot, waiting for jude and he did his best to put up a nice smile for them, but you could tell he wanted to get away as quickly as humanly possible. as soon as he got in, you began the drive back to his place. the whole car ride was silent, you had tried to catch his attention by attempting to place your hand on his thigh or trying to spark a conversation but he remained nonchalant, even cold. it wasn't like jude and you didn't quite know how to react.
the energy in the car was full of negativity, anger practically radiating off your boyfriend while the air felt tense. if you had a choice, you would've walked out of the vehicle minutes ago. he seemed to be withdrawn from anything but even as time passed, his jaw remained clenched, his left hand balled up into a fist. his eyes weren't warm and inviting as usual, they were dark, distant almost. while you understood, why he was unhappy, he was genuinely scaring you on some level.
"do you still want me to come over to yours, love?" you questioned as you pulled up to his driveway and put the car on park. you looked towards him when you received silence as an answer and you couldn't help but scoff. "look, i'm sorry you lost. i understand you're mad but i'm not going to be your scapegoat. i don't expect you to be in the mood for kisses and cuddles and all that, but i need an answer to know if i should stay or head home."
"come on, then" the footballer shrugged and you allowed a sigh to leave your lips before you followed him into the house. were you supposed to be more understanding? you feared so. at the same time, you were getting a little worked up yourself but you decided it would be best to give him some space. so while he was lounging on the sofa, you settled on making him a cup of tea to help him relax a little. you made it exactly how he liked - with a little bit of milk and sugar. as quiet as a mouse, you placed the steaming beverage on the coffee table before settling on the armchair across the room.
with a book in hand, you paid no mind to your boyfriend as you decided it'd be better to allow him to come to you. whenever he decided the right time was. although you didn't enjoy the way he was behaving, you understood him regardless. it was a big game after all. and god, did he feel like shit.
he blamed it on himself mainly. believing he should've done more, should've been better. if only he hadn't allowed one of the bayern guys to tackle him and if only he had tried harder. but worse were the embarrassment and shame he felt. he had invited you, a person he adored, to watch him play and you had to witness him fail. that was the worst bit of it all. it made his skin crawl with anger and disappointment towards himself. losing was a normal part of his job, but losing in front of someone he wanted to prove himself to, was so much worse. that's why he couldn't even look at you properly but he knew he couldn't keep treating you like this. it was unfair. it wasn't you that he should be punishing with a childish silent treatment.
"i'm sorry."
you lifted your eyes from the book in your hand when you heard jude speak up from the couch but instead of responding verbally, you just hummed in question.
"i'm sorry for how i've been acting. jus' felt embarrassed." he admitted and you could see him fiddle his fingers nervously. "wanted to impress you but clearly, i failed. i was furious at myself, but i shouldn't have made you have to deal wit' it."
you nodded slowly as you listened and raised your eyebrow "wanted to impress me? love, we're dating. i think i've seen plenty of things that have left me impressed." your voice took a much more playful tone.
jude's face brightened in an instant and even a small smile appeared. however, he made no effort to sit up or change his position. the bitterness wasn't entirely gone, but he seemed to be talking to you again, which was a relief. you knew better than to jump onto him so you settled for the armchair for now. but let's just say it didn't take long for him to plead you to move onto his lap.
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archangeldyke-all · 1 month
hihi angel! i’m sorry tumblr keep eating ur asks 😔 i sent in a few but i don’t think you got them so here’s one!:
so, let's say that r and sevika have been married for a few years now. things have definitely mellowed out so they try something new!
every once in a while sev and reader will play a game. the rules are: go out to a club/bar, act like we don't know each other, one of us tries to seduce the other, whoever manages to get the other "in bed" wins.
how would this play out?
i love this so much.
men and minors dni
you sigh, taking another sip of the wine in front of you as you shuffle through the papers on the bar. it's finals season, and as a professor, you're swamped with grading.
you rarely take work outside of school or your little desk at home, but you needed a change of environment after grading papers for six hours straight in your apartment. so, here you are, a little tipsy and trying to keep your grading as harsh as usual as the alcohol mellows you out.
"professor?" a voice rasps out. you look up from your papers, pushing your reading glasses up to sit on your head, and blink at the woman in front of you.
you recognize her, vaguely. you teach five different classes, the average class size is close to 200 students. so you don't know her name. but as you study her face, she becomes more familiar to you. you smile.
"you're the one who's always cracking open a red bull in the middle of my lectures." you accuse, pointing at the woman in front of you.
she chuckles and nods, ducking her head in embarrassment.
"sorry. three hour lecture at five o'clock... i get sleepy." she admits. you chuckle.
"i'm not entertaining enough for you?" you ask. she gasps.
"no! y-you're very entertaining! my favorite class! i just have to get up early on tuesdays so i'm tired by the ti--"
"relax." you cut her off, giggling. "i hate the evening classes too. mostly, i'm just sad you've never brought me a red bull."
she grins. "i'm sevika." she thrusts her hand forward. you shake it, smiling at her.
"hello, sevika. i think i remember your paper." you say, chuckling.
"mhm. just graded it an hour ago." you nod.
she sits in the stool next to you, grinning. "well?" she asks. you chuckle.
"well, what?"
"how'd i do?" she asks. you smirk at her.
"well, i can't tell you that." you say. she pouts.
"no?" she asks. you shake your head no. she hums, then turns around and flags down the bartender. "another, for her. and a whiskey for me." she requests. he nods and walks away, and you raise an eyebrow at your student.
"i'm still not telling you your grade."
"what, i can't buy my favorite professor a drink at the end of the semester as a thanks?" she asks. you roll your eyes and lean back in your stool, willing to entertain this for a few minutes before you go back to grading. you need a quick break anyways.
"am i really your favorite, or are you just saying that?" you ask. the bartender delivers your drinks, and you take a sip while sevika answers.
"no, you're my favorite by far." she promises. you snort.
"so, sevika, what're you studying?" you ask.
sevika chokes on her whiskey, glares at you, and then composes herself. you have to bite back a laugh. "uh... math?" she guesses.
you burst into laughter. "'re you guessing or telling?"
"telling." she decides, nodding. "math."
you have to bite your lip to keep from surging forward and kissing her right here and now. her eyes catch on the action, and you have to kick her under the bar to keep her from doing anything stupid. "and how did you find yourself in an english class, math major?"
sevika grins, and scoots even closer to you. "i heard the professor was a stunner." she says. "wanted to see for myself. i would've dropped the fuckin' class if it wasn't you teaching. i hate writing. but... it's nice lookin' at you for three hours a week." she whispers.
you gulp, reaching forward to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. "that explains your horrible paper."
sevika bursts into laughter, then downs the rest of her drink. you do the same, sensing that your night might be headed somewhere else. "is there anything i can do for extra credit?" she asks, her eyes trailing down your body.
butterflies explode in your stomach. you tilt your head to the side, examining your student and licking your lips. "i think i could figure something out." you say.
thirty minutes later, you're back at your place, sevika on her knees in front you as she helps you get into your strap harness.
you help her stand again once she's done, and then jump on her bed and make yourself comfortable in the middle. she blinks at you.
"why're you laying down?" sevika asks, as she crawls onto bed after you. you chuckle as she hovers over you, pulling her down for a kiss.
"honey, if you want the extra credit, you gotta earn it." you mumble against her lips. you have to bite your tongue to keep from laughing at the way sevika's eyes go all wide and glossy. "now be a good girl 'n ride it."
sevika's breath trembles, and she scrambles to follow your instructions, quickly straddling your hips and lining your cock up to her.
sevika doesn't hesitate to sink down and take you in a single go. it makes you whimper. she grins, her eyes rolling in the back of her skull as she adjusts to the stretch. you sink your fingers in her hips, grinning up at her. "there you go, baby."
"f-fuck." she whines as she starts grinding small circles against you. "fuck. been dreamin' about this."
you giggle. "yeah?" you ask. sevika leans forward, planting her hands on either side of your shoulders as she starts to ride you. you both groan.
"y-yes. god, fuck, it's your voice. i re-watch the lectures you post online 'n touch myself to the sound of you." she whimpers. you gasp, pleasure coursing through you at her revelation, and start thrusting in time with sevika's movements, desperate for more.
"shit, baby, tell me more." you whine.
your eyes are locked on her tits-- swaying in time with her movements. sevika's muffling her moans against the top of your head. "ffffuck-- fuck, love those glasses you wear." she whines.
you chuckle. "yeah?"
"and those fuckin', shit, ah, those blazers." sevika whines.
you smack her ass. she gasps, pulls away to glare at you. you smirk up at her. "keep goin' baby, you got a D on your paper." you encourage. sevika rolls her eyes and flicks your forehead, and you burst into giggles pulling her in for a kiss.
"pause." she whispers against your lips. you hum, nodding up at her, waiting to hear what she needs to tell you as your real-life wife.
"you okay?"
"i'd never get a D on a paper, babe. c'mon." she huffs. you burst into laughter, smacking her ass again before pulling her in for another kiss.
"how's C sound?"
"fine." she grunts, before sitting up and starting to ride you again. "unpause." she grunts. "so, where's my grade at now, professor?" she asks.
you giggle up at her, palming at her tits. "well, you started at a C." you emphasize. sevika nods, grinning down at you. you chuckle. "i'd say you're at a solid B+ now." you say. she grins.
"yeah? how do i make it an A?" she asks. you grin.
"well, for an A i wanna see you cum on my cock, baby. for an A+, you'll make me cum too." you shrug.
sevika loves a challenge-- and it's not like either of you are too far from cumming. she readjusts, bringing her hands down on your tits to steady herself as she starts to bounce on your dick.
the new angle makes you both moan. the base of the strap's pressing on your cunt over and over, and from the way she's shivering you know it's hitting sevika's g-spot, too. you reach between your bodies to start rubbing her clit. she groans.
"professor!" she exclaims. you giggle a bit. "fuck, i'm gonna--"
"yeah? gonna cum all over my cock, baby? go ahead, honey, i know you want it. know you've been dreamin' about it for weeks. sittin' in class, watchin' me work. when you'd go home after-- were you wet?" you ask.
sevika whimpers and nods. you grin.
"good. cum on this dick 'n show me how wet you can get for me." you demand. sevika growls, bites your throat, and cums on top of you. you try your best to keep thrusting into her as she shakes, whispering encouragement to her as you do. "there you go, baby. there you go."
eventually sevika stops moving and whining, and you smack her ass a third time. she grunts against you.
"you okay?" you ask, dropping your proper professor voice. she nods against you.
"i gotta get my A+." she mumbles, smacking your shoulder with a limp hand. "take your strap off so i can eat you out."
you snort. "you gotta get off the strap before i can take it off, babe."
sevika groans. "nooo." she whines. you kiss her cheek.
"stay here, baby. 's long as you need." you say, wrapping your arms around her and scratching her head. she huffs.
"'m just gonna nap for, like, ten minutes." she promises. "n' then i'll get to you. wake me up, okay?" she asks. you snort and pepper her head with kisses.
"alright." you giggle.
sevika's just about to start snoring when she blinks back awake, looking up at you.
"i love you." she says, smiling. "this was fun and all, but. i'm glad your my wife 'n not my professor."
you grin. "i love you too, baby."
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary
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melswifeasf · 7 months
You were never mine
Fandom: Yellowjackets
Pairing: Natalie Scatorccio x fem!reader
Genre: angst.
words: 6.9k
Warnings: major character death, heartbreaking angst and slight sexual themes.
Summary: you loved Natalie more than anything, until your dying breath.
Notes: this one is a sad one so be prepared. ngl i cried while writing this.
not spell checked!
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first loves always came and went. at least that is what you had heard since your were a kid. truthfully you had never cared much when your mom said that, even when you were fifteen and you were at the age in which most fell in love for the first time. you'd never cared to listen because you weren't in love. you couldn't understand when she would tell you that your first love will be painful and it will probably make you want to never fall in love again but you would. you never understood it.
until you met Natalie Scatorccio. it had been love at first sight. it was cliche and sounded stupid to anyone else but you didn't expect anyone to understand.
you had tried out for the soccer team per your fathers request. you weren't really interested in it but he was a man that loved sports and you were an only child so he didn't have a son to share his passion with. he didn't force you, simply suggested that it would be fun. even if you weren't the greatest or knew much about it, he insisted that you were on the track team and that you would make new friends and memories that would last you a lifetime. maybe he was right about one thing. you were sure Natalie would be engraved into your memory until your dying breath.
she hadn't paid much attention to you at first, you guys weren't in the same social class so she figured you'd be snobby and bitchy. that was until coach Ben had paired her up with you to help you on some of the skills you were lacking. that had been the first time you had talked, the first time you weren't left admiring her beauty. she was nice. or indifferent, mostly. she knew you hung out with the 'popular' kids and that your parents were rich and she didn't want to tension to form on the team so she figured being quiet would be easier to deal with you.
that was the case at first. until the girls on the team started to hang out outside of practice. Jackie said it was to make you guys bond but you would've loved to be around them regardless. you were closer to Lottie and Jackie, both closer to your social status which meant you shared a lot of friends. you had thrown a party one October night and invited all of the girls on the team. all of them had gone except for Misty, you weren't the biggest fan of her and you assumed she felt the same about you considering you had caught her sending glares at you more than once during or after practice. sometimes even in the hallways which really weirded you out. you'd never been mean to her or said anything, really. whatever her deal was, you didn't care to investigate.
that night you had gotten drunk and got a little too bold. more so then you were used to. you had kissed people before during parties or even got close to hooking up but you'd always stop, not really wanting to give up your virginity to some loser or a girl that probably had a boyfriend and would ditch you the next day. but Natalie wasn't one of those girls. she didn't have a boyfriend, she wouldn't ditch you the next morning or act as if she were straight and you had somehow forced her to do something. she was Natalie.
it was two in the morning when the party was over and you felt her lips all over your body. you weren't that drunk, your thoughts and sentences were coherent. you didn't want to drink much because you had a game the next day and didn't want to slack off. Natalie seemed to have felt the same. you could taste some vodka on her but she seemed pretty sober to you. aside from the alcohol you weren't sure if she had gotten high or something but that didn't really bug you. her wandering hands were making your thighs squeeze together along with her wet lips. she left a couple hickeys on your neck but nothing you couldn't cover the next morning with some makeup.
her hands were everywhere, gripping all over and discarding all of your clothes until you were only left in your underwear. you'd never forget the look in her eyes. it wasn't just lust or hunger, there was a glimmer of something else but a part of you thought you were just imagining it. in a way it was just to make yourself believe that there was a chance. that night before things could progress any further you had told her it was your first time. a part of you expected her to feel awkward and pull away, leaving you there nude and chest heaving. she didn't. she kissed you softly, unlike all of her other kisses and asked you if you were sure. you answered by pulling her into a deep kiss.
Natalie had been the one to make you feel that bliss for the first time. she had been the one to take that part of you and you had no regrets. it didn't matter that she wasn't there when you woke up or that she would kiss you before or after practice once you were alone. it didn't matter that she'd sneak into your room at night to fuck then leave before you had awaken. it didn't matter that she didn't love you because at least you had her. in sone fucked up way you had her. you knew you were the only person she was hooking up with, she had confirmed that early one when you asked about stds and if you should get checked. that made you feel ecstatic, knowing she only ever came to you.
sweat stuck to your body as if you had just gotten out of the shower. your hair was messy and tangled and you could feel your body growing sore from the aftershock of what had just happened. her hand was holding yours tightly from under the sheets and it was probably as sore as your body from every time you'd squeeze it a little too tight. it was silent apart from your ragged breath. your chest was falling and rising heavily and the blankets were making your body feel overheated.
then Natalie popped out from underneath the blankets with a small smirk as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. it was a sight your sure you'd never get tired of. when she was at your level, you could see her bare chest and her hair was almost as frazzled as yours from when you had tangled your hands in it. the cocky smirk she was wearing made you roll your eyes and softly punch her shoulder.
"shut up," you said, a blush coating your cheeks. your face was already pink from the intercourse but even then, your blushing was more than obvious and it made Natalie stop for a second.
"i didn't do anything," she chuckled holding her hands up. you rolled your eyes while pulling the cover further up your body.
"you didn't have to," you responded. "i know what your thinking."
the blondes eyebrow rose in question and she held herself up with one hand, looking down at you. some of her hair fell down her face and you could feel it softly tickle your face so you reached up and tucked it under her ear. the action earned a small, almost ghosting smile on the blondes lips that if you weren't looking, you would have missed. "what am i thinking?" the blonde questioned in a murmur. it was the tone she'd use to try and get you to bed, the tone she'd use when she had hand down your pants or when she would want to leave you hot and bothered. the tone that made you realize she wanted more. "how hot you are after cumming on my tongue?"
almost immediately you felt your face warm up, "shut up." you whispered, very obviously embarrassed. Natalie chuckled softly and you leaned up to kiss her softly. it was always that way with you, her kisses were almost always rough and fast, filled with passion and lust while yours were slow and loving. it was something she couldn't stand, something that always made her run away.
much like she did that night. Natalie pulled away from your a second after and got up and off the bed although faster then you could open your eyes. it wasn't unusual and yet somehow it still surprised you. it was pathetic and almost comical how you'd always be left in shock, processing the way she had just made you feel euphoric and then miserable in the matter of literal seconds.
when you did open your eyes, you were met with sight of her pulling her jeans up. her bra was on by then and you could see that she had fixed her hair. and like always, you stupidly asked the same thing you always did, "want to stay? my parents won't be home for a while and i can drive you home tomorrow." you said, hope filled in your tone. hope that meant nothing, hope that broke your heart, the same hope that had no room in you after so many rejections.
Natalie shook her head as she reached for her shirt, "cant." she said simply. as if it were the most indifferent thing, as if it mattered less than a penny on the street. because you didn't matter, not really. you were someone who she had fun with, the girl that would let her do anything she wanted whenever she wanted. it didn't matter if it was two in the morning or the middle of third period, you'd wake up or sneak out of class just for her. even if you were exhausted or taking a test. she was more important then anything and everything.
you were fun and adventurous and liked to do new things. not to mention the fact that you were pretty and had a nice car and almost always had weed, all things Natalie loved. the only things she ever really noticed. she never saw the way your eyes would always find hers in the middle of a crowded room, never saw the way youd always defend her name with your friends that she'd call snobby. never noticed what your favorite song was or the fact that you loved romcoms because they showed the love you craved. never noticed what your favorite flowers were or that you scrunched your nose when you thought something was adorable. she never cared to notice that you loved her.
it wasn't new and it shouldn't hurt by how many times she had done it and yet it still did. it still left your chest tightening and your throat burning as it would when you'd silent your sobs. it left your eyes burning as if you were having a staring contest with someone and desperately needed to blank. it still left that dread in your stomach, the one you'd feel before getting the results of a test and the one that would leave you feeling sick.
when she was fully dressed, neither of you said a word. she didn't have anything to say while you were trying to keep any emotion a secret. you didn't bother trying to promise yourself that this was just her hiding her feelings, that this was her too afraid to love you back. they were so overused they did more hurt then comfort.
your eyes never left her, not when she turned toward you fully dressed and said, "see you." before leaving without another word or a glance back. when your door closed behind her, it all came pouring out. there was no more hiding it, no more keeping your emotions at bay. you just weren't strong enough for that anymore.
a week after that night, all of your lives changed for the worst.
the plane fell on your way to nationals. what was supposed to be a quick plane ride turned into all of your being stranded in a forest with no hope of being found. at first most of you did but as the days went on all of you started to lose hope progressively. you tried to keep a positive mind but it failed you. there was no point in having hope when you'd just get let down. you didn't have any major injuries, just a couple scratches but nothing that wouldn't heal with time. three days into being stranded Taissa found a lake which followed to finding a cabin. it was nice. at least nicer than having to sleep outside with all sorts of animals.
a lot had changed. most of your relationships had at least. you grew closer to Shauna and Taissa during the short time you'd been there. you half expected to get closer to Natalie and maybe free the reigns she felt from being able to call you guys official. you hoped that without prying eyes and the need to conform to social status that maybe she could take your relationship seriously. you were wrong. so incredibly wrong and it hurt. instead of getting closer to you she was getting closer to Travis. of course she would choose him over you, it wasn't even surprising at that point.
she chose a random guy she had just met to grow feelings for rather than you. the person who had been there everyday. the person who would welcome her with open arms or needed a quick fuck in the middle of the night. you had been there as much as she allowed you to be but of course that still wasn't enough.
the night sky was littered with lights as the full moon reflected on the water. Natalie stood behind you with her arms wrapped around your waist. there were still times in which she would show you affection, mostly when she was angry at Travis or the other way around and this was one of those times. you knew it was toxic and that it was only hurting you but somehow you couldn't stop yourself. having her even just in these small moments was enough. she could never be yours but she was yours, just for that moment. maybe that could be enough.
her lips were being pressed against your neck, her hands softly caressing at your hips making you smile softly. you turned your body around so you could face her completely, your hands finding the back of her neck so you could pull her into a soft kiss.
even if you knew she'd ignore you tomorrow morning, even if you knew that she'd go back to pining over Travis as if he put the stars in the sky for her. even if you'd end up with a broken heart because at least you'd have small moments like these engraved in your memories.
the post orgasm haze was still present and Natalie was aware of that so she placed her hands on the back of your thighs which made you wrap your legs around her waist and let her carry you. her lips were hungry and hot. your lips were grazing her teeth and you could feel a bruise forming, her hands were under your buttocks to keep you from falling and her grasp was strong and rough. everything always was with her, she'd leave marks on you, ones you couldn't cover because of how dark they were or she'd leave bruises on your body. never unwanted and the pain always made you climax faster. but they were marks, ones that came from her and you hated them. what at first made you blush when you'd look at them turned into a sick feeling forming in your stomach and your chest compressing. they weren't anything to be proud of because at the end of the day, she'd never let you leave even a scratch on her.
your body was spent but when she reached down to press her fingers against you, you didn't stop her. a moan left your lips but it was swallowed by her eager lips. the feeling of it all was too much and it made you grip the back of her neck tightly. when she pulled away, it wasn't far. her lips met your neck where they began to leave wet kisses before it turned into sucking and biting. "fuck Nat," you moaned. that made her proud and you could almost feel her smirk against your skin.
maybe you should have realized that you made her feel good. before during  and after sex, you made her feel good. while she only gave you two out of three, she'd always have the advantage of knowing that you were hers while you could only have her when she was horny.
then she began to put more pressure which elicited a small gasp from you. "your doing so good," she praised softly against your neck. those words always made the hairs on your skin to rise and a wave of pleasure to corse through you. all things she knew and always took advantage of.
those words seemed to click something in you. what would once make you quiver made everything click. you were good, good to her. she liked that. she knew how you felt. it was obvious to anyone with eyes. when you'd ask her to spend the night, when you'd listen to the same music she did so you could talk about something, when you'd bring in an extra snack so she had something to eat before practice. the way you would smile at her in the hallways and how all of the sudden no one talked shit to her.
all of those thoughts made you each your breaking point. the pleasure turned numb and all you could focus on was the way tears began to fall and a sob was going to escape your throat. the feelings you had been keeping inside for so long were slowly seeping through the cracks of the border you made around your heart. every memory, every word she had said to make that wall grow higher and higher was starting to launch against it like a bomb. she had been the one to bring those walls up so high and she'd be the one to break them.
Natalie noticed right away. she felt a tear drop against her shoulder and your chest stuttered against her own. when she pulled away from your neck, her eyes met your teary ones and she stopped instantly. "what's wrong? did i hurt you?" she asked worriedly. her brows were pinched together and you could see the way her lips were pulled into a small frown. she was worried and she cared for you. in that moment at least.
yes, you wanted to say. 'you hurt me' was all you could think but you couldn't say it. maybe she hadn't meant to hurt you, maybe she never realized how you felt about her. all things you so badly wanted to believe so you could stop the horrible feeling in your chest. but you shook your head and a cry left your lips. Natalie reached up to wipe away your tears and in that moment, her touch was so soft and loving that maybe things could change. maybe she could feel the same.
maybe she was just scared to admit how she felt or to get attached so she did what everyone always did, pull away from the person you love. and so the words left your lips like acid, as if they burned so terribly she couldn't bare even touching you. "i love you."
they were said. the words you had thought about for so long were finally in the air and they had been heard by her. there was no more hiding, no more keeping your feelings a secret. there was nothing that could unsay those words and nothing that could make her unhear them. for a second you almost thought she hadn't heard you by her lack of reaction but when she pulled away from you and your body almost fell if it weren't for you quick reaction, you knew.
even in the darkness you could see the way her face flashed in disgust and the way all and any trace of worry evaporated. nothing but confusion and disgust was present.
nothing could explain how desperately you wished to take those words back in that moment.
"what?" she said almost laughing. it was a fleeting moment, a moment in which she almost thought you were joking but then she realized how hurt you looked and that thought vanished.
"Natalie-" you took a step toward but she immediately took one back, as if you'd kill her if she didn't. the action intensified the already burning sensation in your throat and the lack of oxygen in your lungs. it burned to breathe, it hurt to blink and to even think.
"why would you do that?" she shook her head, confusion written all over her features.
"do what?" you asked, just as confused.
Natalie shook her head once more and her eyes broke away from yours, "why would you say that?"
her words didn't make the confusion go away, "because i mean it." you responded quickly. because you couldn't keep it a secret anymore and because you almost thought she'd say it back.
Natalie turned away from you, her back toward you. more tears fell at her actions and you wanted to wrap your arms around her but you didn't, unsure if she'd react badly. "fuck." the blonde almost screamed but she was still loud and her tone was harsh.
"how do i not love you?" you pressed, "i let you see me in way no one else has. i've spent almost every night with you for the past four months. you are fucking amazing and if you could just see that-"
"stop!" Natalie exclaimed and finally turned around. "stop saying that, stop talking." she snapped.
that hurt like a bullet. it hurt more than anything ever had and all you could feel were more tears fall. the pain was unexplainable, indescribable. it was a cliche almost because it truly felt like someone had held a gun up to your chest and didn't stop shooting until the clip was empty. not to mention the lump in your throat that burned, especially the way in which you were trying to silent your sobs.
the blonde ran her hands down her face roughly, "this was just sex," she said motioning between you and her. "i told you that from the beginning."
her words made a laugh ripple from your throat, "are you serious?" disbelief was present in your voice. "how do i stop myself from falling Natalie? do you want me to just turn off my emotions? to numb myself from any feelings? because i fucking cant! i cant just act like sex meanings nothing! as if being intimate with you doesn't mean anything!" you yelled, careless to if anyone could hear. because in your mind it was just you and her. in that moment no one else existed and you weren't stranded in the woods, you were simply standing in front of the girl you loved most and the girl who would break you heart completely.
Natalie's face didn't change. there was still nothing but anger present on her features, "if i could do it. so could you." the blonde said finally. and that was it. that was the final bullet the blonde needed to completely break the dam and all the water to rush out. every single emotion to pour out uncontrollably and infinitely.
there was nothing left to say. there was nothing you could say. nothing that would make her love you or take back the words that she just been said. she didn't love you. that was obvious and if it weren't for that stupid hope you always carried, you wouldn't have been blinded into believing she could feel it when you admitted the words out loud.
every interaction, every time you had sex, every time in which she'd ignore the hope in your tone when you'd ask her to stay or every time you'd look at her hurt when she'd smile at Travis. they were all moments in which she was practically screaming at you to let her go but you so stupidly believed she just didn't want to get hurt. how naive can a human be when in love.
finally, you pulled yourself together as much as you could and pried your teary eyes away from her. with the back of your hand, you roughly wiped the tears away as you began to walk past the blonde and toward the direction in which your clothes were. as soon as you knew she was too far to hear you, every emotion broke loose. your sobs racked your body making it shake and you closed your mouth tightly to prevent the noise from being too loud. you didn't care to wipe at your tears and you let yourself finally feel everything you so desperately needed to months ago.
leaving with Taissa and the couple of girls wasn't a hard decision. you wanted out of there, you wanted to go back home and simply never see any of them again. you couldn't anymore, you just couldn't. Taissa had a plan, to walk in one direction until you reached something, anything and even though a lot of people were against it, they couldn't exactly argue with her logic. you weren't the only one who wanted to go with Tai, so did Mari, Akhilah, Van and Misty at the last minute. everyone going for the same reason, not being able to wait another moment for help.
you couldn't just sit there with everyone, hoping that someone would find you because the chances were that no one would. if they could, they would've already done it. you were sure your parents thought you had died, wasn't hard to think that. you'd think the same if you were in their position. at first you didn't want them to stop looking, you wanted them to try and try until they searched every possible place but slowly, as the days passed you realized that they deserved happiness. they deserved peace and if they had given up, you couldn't blame them. accepting having lost someone was sometimes easier then thinking what if. you just hoped they'd be able to move on at some point, most likely not soon but at some point at the very least.
Natalie didn't say goodbye. it wasn't surprising. she had asked, no, begged Travis not to go though. you had heard their conversation while packing your own things and suddenly the decision to go didn't sound so bad. at least you wouldn't have to see their longing gaze, see them come back from hunting with love sick smiles and you wouldn't have to endure Natalie avoiding you as if even looking in your direction would kill her.
as expected, she simply ignored you after that night in the lake. what was once her dragging you away in the middle of the night turned into silence. sometimes she'd hold your hand until you fell asleep because she knew how hard it was for you to do so. now you held your own hand, whispered to yourself that you were okay and the panic attack you were enduring would go away.
when you hugged Lottie, Shauna and Jackie goodbye, the blonde didn't step up once. she stood back and watched. watched as they held you with fear and desperation. they hugged you so tightly, it almost crushed your ribs. they found the small comment quite funny, even through their tears when you said it. then it was time to leave and the only thing you got was her eyes meeting yours for less then a second before you turned around and left.
things were complicated with Taissa and the group, the compass stopped working and there was some blood river that apparently Lottie had dreamed of. and then you ran into an obstacle. a huge one at that. after walking for so long all of you needed a break so you stopped at a certain place in which Tiassa deemed best. one of them started a fire, you were too exhausted to remember who and when your eyes closed.. well everything turned for the worst.
wolves were something you’d see on tv, something you never thought you’d see up close but then again, there were a lot of things you didn’t think you’d do and you had to in the forest. that included shoving Vanessa Palmer out of the way so you’d get the worst of a bite. if only you had known that she’d get it pretty bad anyway. just not as bad as you.
all you could feel was pain. pain, pain, pain. everywhere, on your bloody leg, your bloody arm and it ran through your whole body. what could you do? what were you going to do? you didn’t know. death seemed inevitable in that moment, death seemed like the only answer, like the easier answer. suddenly death sounded peaceful, it sounded… like home.
but neither of the girls were going to leave you behind, even when you begged, even when you cried that it hurt, even when you passed out from the pain. why? because you were y/n l/n, the girl who would make them all laugh even after a bad game, the one who always worked with the team and never showed off or gloated, the one who saved Vanessa Palmer from being burned to death. so it didn’t matter how much you fought, how much you insulted them for not being smart and simply leaving you. none of it mattered because it would mean leaving you to die and they could never do that.
it was hard. so fucking hard. Van had a gash on her face but it wasn’t anything too bad, just enough for her to bleed through the cloth wrapped around her head. she and Taissa were the ones helping you, each of them having one of your arms wrapped around their necks. it was easier to walk at first, maybe it was the adrenaline or the fact that you still had blood in you. but as the sun set and you dragged your leg for miles, that blood kept gushing, that blood kept leaving your body until you were left sickly pale and your eyes could barely stay open.
death was inevitable. your born knowing you’d die, it’s the cycle of life. but dying at eighteen wasn’t part of that cycle, it wasn’t supposed to happen. kids are supposed to burry their parents, not the other way around. everyone wakes up knowing they could die that day but you never think it to be true. just like you didn’t think that would be the day you’d die.
but what if dying is the easy way out? what if dying then is easier then dying months from then when your traumatized and starved. what if dying them is easier when you still have the memory of your parents features and voice clear in your mind. what if dying then.. is the only way out. then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. your parents wouldn’t have to bury you and maybe just maybe, if the girls are ever found, they would have already mourned you and knowing of your death wouldn’t hurt so badly.
until you realized.. you’d be dying hating Natalie. you’d be dying with the words she said to Travis replaying in your head. you’d be dying with her last words being that you were pathetic for loving her. you’d be dying with a broken heart all while knowing the last time you kissed her was also the last time you loved her.
could you die like that? could you die not knowing what being loved felt like? could you die before you healed your first heartbreak? that wasn’t fair. how could that be fair? how could you die knowing you’d never be loved? knowing you’d never love someone and be loved unconditionally. you’d never have a fairytale love, the kind that brings you flowers and chocolates or dedicates a song to you. the kind of love that hurts because of how much you both love each other. equally.
at some point, you blacked out. you weren’t sure when it happened or how it even happened, it was probably the blood though. all you knew was that one second you could hear your name along with Van and Tais being called before your eyelids grew heavy and everything went black. then you were warm.. and there was a hand holding yours tightly. there were droplets hitting your skin and you could feel someone’s face pressed up against your own as they sobbed loudly.
it was when you found the strength to wake up.
Natalie. it was Natalie who was holding you. her scent was unmistakably hers. it was always vanilla and cigarettes except this time there wasn’t much of the cigarettes but even then.. it was Natalie. your Natalie.
when your eyes lulled awake, she broke apart just a little so she could meet your eyes. “hey it’s okay. Misty’s looking at your leg.” she said. you knew. she knew too but her desperation wouldn’t let her see that. but you didn’t tell her that.
“guess i kind of lost to a wolf, huh?” you tried to joke but your sentence wasn’t completed without a couple of coughs and wheezes.
Natalie tried to smile through her tears but you could see the pain behind her eyes. “i lied.” she said quickly. you knew it then too. somehow you had each become a cliche, one you wished to never be. “i didn’t mean any of those things. i didn’t think i deserved you. your so amazing and kind and you make everyone feel safe and i didn’t deserve that. i don’t deserve you so i pushed you away because i knew i’d end up breaking you.” she continued. her tears were falling desperately, they were one after another and you couldn’t help but reach up with your healthy hand and wipe them away. when you did, her hand held yours against her face. she felt so warm compared to your freezing touch and it felt so safe.
“i thought that pushing you away would be better, that you’d get over me and find someone worthy of you.” she continued. you knew what was coming next. you knew what she would say and in a fucked up way, you couldn’t bring yourself to hear them. not like this and not then.
“don’t.” you shook your head. the color from your face was gone, leaving nothing but a pale and discolored shade. your warm and inviting eyes were slowly fading. your smile was weak and it wasnt the one that would make everyone around you smile with you.
Natalie shook her head, “i love you.” she finally said. she said it. the words you had been wanting to hear for so long where finally said and you were dying. how was that fair? how could that ever be fair? why didn’t you deserve love? why couldn’t you have a love so beautiful that when you took your last breath, at least you knew you experienced that love once in your life.
it wasn’t supposed to be like that. she was supposed to say those words in the starlit night, with nothing but water around you and the intimacy of having her nude body pressed up against yours. you were supposed to kiss her until neither of you could breathe and you were supposed to whisper in her ear to prove just how much she loved you. your love was supposed to be meaningful, your love story deserved to be longer, to be sweeter, to last. it was supposed to be for the books.
instead your bleeding out in her arms with your last moment being her screaming at you that loving her was pathetic.
the words had been said and there was nothing left to do. nothing you could do but weakly pull her down so she could kiss you. what was always rushed and passionate kisses was a slow and weak one. your warm lips weren’t skilled and sensual, they were just another reminder of your ticking time. but that didn’t matter. not to you and not her. it would be the last kiss you shared, the last time she’d feel you pour your love into it, the last time she’d feel your hand caressing her face and the last time she’d feel this.
when she pulled away, there were tears in your eyes too. you weren’t ready to die. every thought you had before was gone. you weren’t ready. you still wanted to hug your parents again, you wanted to go to college with the girl you loved, you wanted to have more time with Natalie and all of your friends. you weren’t ready to die but it was useless.
and for the last time ever, “i love you, too.” you managed to weakly whisper. the heart that would beat so rapidly when you last said those words was slow and weak. she could barely feel a hum against your chest. how could she have been so selfish? why didn’t she enjoy the way your heart hammered against your chest when she’d lay on it? after you’d have sex and you’d press your body against here? when you told her you loved her? why didn’t she memorize the rhythm of your heart? why why why?
it was time. you know it. it was getting hard to breathe and the more you tried, the more it hurt. with as much strength as you could muster, you whispered. “remember me, sometimes.” they were lousy words but they were the only thing you wanted. even if it wasn’t always, you at least wanted to be remembered sometimes. maybe when she listened to Queen since it was the only artist you shared. maybe in lillie’s, like the ones you always had in your room. maybe when she looked at the sky or when she thinks the best thing to do is to push the person she loves away. you’ll be the reminder to never take love for granted.
Natalie cried at your words, those words that left a whole in her heart, the words that would leave scars and wounds she’d never be able to heal. “you’ll be the only thing i’ll remember.” she said back. her words made your lips curl just a tad.
then it happened. you took your final breath. your heart stopped breathing. your eyes were left lifeless and your touch slipped from her face. there was nothing left but your lifeless body in her own.
finally, everything she held in while you were with her was finally let out. her sobs were so loud and she didn’t care that everyone in the room could see. that everyone was silently watching with tears in their own eyes. she clutched your body so tightly against her chest, almost as if you’d move away. her cries were so loud they were like a howl on a full moon.
her body rocked with your lifeless body in her arms. crying, screaming, sobbing. her cries of pain were nothing short of heartbreaking. every fiber of her being hurt. she was in fucking agony.
she couldn’t accept it, she wouldn’t. her hand softly shook your face and when you didn’t react, she put you on the ground gently before she began to pump your chest with her hands. her tears kept running down her face and landing on your body as she continued to press against your chest in a steady rhythm. that stupid song in the back of her head. she was trying her fucking hardest. why wasn’t that enough? no one dared to say a thing, not even Travis who stood back and watched with tears in his eyes.
it didn’t matter how much she tried, you didn’t wake up. not after a minute, not after two and not after three. even when she begged, “please come back.” she whispered through her actions. until finally, she stopped. when she did, her shaky hands reached your face and she gently cradled it. she memorized every freckle, every eyelash, every little mark on your face. she memorized the way your lips felt under her fingertips and the color of your eyes. the eyes that would never look at her again. the eyes that she wouldn’t meet across the room, the eyes that wouldn’t look at her in pain, ever again. the eyes she ignored so many times. she felt so fucking stupid then.
but they weren’t your eyes. not anymore so she shakily closed them. when she did, she slowly buried her face in your chest. her arms holding you tightly as she cried softly. as she remembered your scent, as she felt your body in her arms for the last time ever.
Natalie Scatorccio was completely and utterly heartbroken.
you were dead. even when you weren’t ready to. but at least you loved her until your dying breath.
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casterousaudrey · 9 months
To have loved and lost
Word Count: 2k
Pairing: Astarion/Gender Neutral!Reader
Theme: very angsty, death of a lover, revenge.
Note: The people have spoken and I shall answer. I tried to make this as lore-accurate as I could while maintaining my main idea! Sorry if there are errors. I was initially going to write this as a hurt/comfort but angst was just calling my name 😪. I HIGHLY recommend listening to these songs while reading hehe.
Now playing: ※ Cover me in Roses - Holden Laurence ※ I want you - Mitski ※ No surprises - Radiohead ※ What was I made for - Billie Eilish ※ Video games - Lana Del Rey
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It wasn't supposed to happen how it did. Beating Cazador was supposed to be easy, Astarion had you and your other companions to fight alongside him. The difficult part was supposed to be deciding whether he would take this power for himself or let it go along with the thousands of vampire spawns with it.
So why was he frozen in place with your lifeless body an arm away, as your other companions tried to keep Cazador and his other lackeys at bay. You were always the protective type, you cared- probably more than you should for other people. He never understood how you could be so kind to people you just met, he who tried to kill you when you first met, he who takes all your offers to drink your blood, and he whose only goal was to kill Cazador, that was before he got closer to you.
He wasn't used to affection that didn't have a price, after all the times he fed on you he didn't hear a single condition on what you should get in return, all he heard was "I'm just happy to be helping you" Or "I can see in your eyes that the hunt wasn't good today, just swing by my tent if you need me ok?". He was- confused, and albeit sickened, after what he experienced being that kind only made him weak and even made him into a slave for Cazador. At the same time he couldn't help what he was feeling, how could he deny how he felt calm when he was in your embrace after particularly hard days, your skin on his with pleasure he never felt before, your kisses felt like the touch of the sun bringing back warmth into his pale and cold body, and your eyes that held no disgust for him.
But in the end, he was right, your kindness made you take a blow from Cazador for him and you paid the price. The last thing he remembered was you running to the blast that was aimed at him, gaining multiple attacks from the numerous minions Cazador had. Astarion couldn't move, he was stuck in place by Cazador and he already accepted the blast that was coming his way but if he knew that you were going to stand between him and Cazador maybe he would've fought harder, maybe your body wouldn't have been facing him with your eyes only focused on his. The moment you got hit- he swore he saw a tear leave your eye. He still doesn't know if it was out of worry for him or fear for what would happen to you.
The blast made your body fly to him as the impact knocked both you and Astarion to a nearby pillar. He was numb, even more than he was in all the years he served Cazador. After regaining his composure Astarion tried to take a glimpse at your body, but it only made him hold his breath and look away.
"Astarion are they ok? Say something!" He could hear Shadowheart screaming for him but there was still a distinct ringing in his head, he couldn't understand what was happening, he couldn't process what just happened. Shadowheart killed the remaining lackeys Cazador had while Karlach was able to kill most of them, Maybe they also saw what happened, and maybe they were also in rage. Who could blame them, You were the best of the group, and everyone's morale solely depended on you keeping it up.
He finally gained the courage to approach your body- crawling to where you were as he turned your body upright. He finally processed what had happened, you are dead, you sacrificed your life for a vampire spawn and he never felt sadness the way he did right now. Your eyes were closed, your chest not moving to breathe, this couldn't be the end. He loved you too much to let you go now, and he regretted not saying those three words earlier. "I love you" He whispered although now it didn't feel like what he imagined it would be, it felt meaningless.
In his grief he tried to find a solution, he racked his brain for any kind of answer, and in desperation, he found one. He'll turn you into a vampire, just like what happened to him when he died. Although he hoped this would happen in different circumstances he can't doubt himself now. "Hold on darling, okay? I got you. I'm here." He cradled your body in his arms as he wasted no time to bite your neck. In all his years as a spawn he has never experienced truly turning someone else, and why would he, the pain he remembered when he turned was not the pain he wanted on anyone else.
A bite and a drop of his blood was all that it should've taken. He bit his arm and had taken more than a drop of his blood in his mouth. He held your face as his blood made its way down your throat. For a moment he was glad, he knew it would work, this was how he turned! How could it not? But with the bite mark on your neck and the smell of his blood still lingering on your lips, you still weren't moving or responding at all. "What's the matter, love? Why isn't it working? I need you to live please!"
He cried and cried but through his tears, he wondered if maybe just biting you and giving you more blood would work. Frantic he started to remove the armor you had to gain access to more parts of your body.
Your wrist, the same ones he remembers so tenderly to have kissed when you made love.
Your leg, it would always tangle with his on nights that you found peace in each other's arms.
Your thigh, what he would give to hold it tight once again as you sat on top of him.
Your neck again, where he would bury his face, and suddenly all his problems would disappear.
He took in even more of his blood that once again made its way deep down your throat.
But nothing, it wouldn't work. He tried to reason with himself that maybe just maybe it would take a while for you to turn but he knew deep down that wasn't how it worked.
"You see boy, you are weak, you are nothing but a vampire spawn with no ability to protect anyone. Did I not teach you better than this?" Cazador who was already on his knees still managed to talk Astarion down.
Shock turned to grief and grief into rage.
"In all my problems and all the times I failed it was always you who was behind it..." Astarion made sure to put your body down gently whispering an 'I'll be back sweetheart' before standing up and striding towards Cazador and grabbing him by the back of his head "You just weren't satisfied with the years of pure shit you put me through were you?" Out of all the cruel things Cazador has done Astarion would argue that this is by far the most gut-wrenching thing he had ever experienced.
"Astarion, maybe if we bring them back to a church fast enough the clerics could-"
"The clerics can't do anything about this now!"
Karlach was quick to stop talking, normally she would not be easily swayed but she knew that he was right, You were as good as dead and in Astarions mind his world had also ended.
"You are a fool to believe that you could ever have a happy ending, Astarion. From the moment I turned you to the moment you lured your first victim you should've known that no Gods would ever take pity on your soul." The hand that was holding the back of Cazador's neck tightened. "You're right, No God would help me, but maybe your little contract can"
Astarion threw Cazador on the ground as the decision was set in his mind. "What do you think you're doing?" Finally, a hint of fear in Cazador's voice was what Astarion needed to continue what he was about to do. He needed to ascend to find another solution that his abilities as a spawn couldn't possibly find. "Karlach, I need your help- your eyes rather, to see the scars on my back. Use the parasite to connect to my mind so I can see the scars on my back and copy it onto his."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Oh, but I would, years of trying to push me towards the edge and today... You finally did it and I applaud you" Astarion picks up the blade beside him ready to carve the contract onto his back.
"You know I can't let you do that" Karlach tries to reason as she sees how truly hurt Astarion is.
"That wasn't a question! All the power that he's lusted after will be mine"
"At the cost of a lot of lives. It's not worth it, Astarion" Shadowheart knows nothing could sway him now, not after what Cazador did.
"My darlings' life was worth more than thousands! I'm just trying to even out the score"
Karlach debates for a minute, If she lets Astarion do the ritual thousands would die but if she doesn't Cazador would surely find a way to ascend and hunt down Astarion. In the end, she lets Astarion see the scars on his back, she could feel the blade in his hand with a tight grip and his grief covered by the lust for power that he can obtain.
"Yes, yes I see it." Astarion smiles a wicked grin as he removes Cazador's top which reveals his bare back soon to be marked with a contract.
The moment the blade came in contact with Cazador's back it was followed by his blood-curdling screams with the sound of flesh being carved out rather brutally. Shadowheart had to look away until the screams came to an end and the contract was finally set on Cazador's back.
"Ungrateful child. Wretched child."
"It's time to take your place."
Astarion picked up Cazador's staff which gave him the power to place Cazador to where he would be sacrificed. He could feel it, the power was an inch away from his grasp. All he needed to do now was plow the staff into the ground to obtain all that power.
As he raised the staff with closed eyes all he could think of was you, the images of all the times you spent together flashed before his eyes, at first he was happy then enraged after realizing that he might never see your smile again. It was all he needed for him to plow the staff to the ground as a red aura emanated from the floor and to the spawns. He recited the chant for the ritual and finally, he felt stronger and even more powerful.
One by one they all died and Astarion could feel the power flowing through him, he was high on whatever power he just received and as Cazador died the ritual was complete. Shadowheart and Karlach could only look in concern and fear as Astarion smiled.
He was free at last, but how free could he be when the chains of your death still hold him hostage? He let go of the staff as it started floating on its own and started following him. He slowly walks towards your body, still no change, but he picks you up anyway and gives a small kiss on your forehead. "Come on sweetheart, I'll get you fixed up, I promise. I'll find a way."
He started to slowly walk out of the lair, not caring if the other two would follow or not. Your body cradled closely to his chest. He looked to your lips which would feel so tender against his- now unmoving, and your eyes- he was convinced had some sort of magic in it now closed. His head filled with thoughts of the endless power and control he could have and what that power could do to bring you back to life. He looked menacing just from the way he walked, anyone who stood in his way would be destroyed. In his mind, this is what grieving felt like, an emptiness to what should be full, the weight of the world on his shoulders, and the Gods laughing at his despair.
As he approaches the elevator, the gurs stand in alert ready to confront Astarion about what he's done but for their sake, he hopes they would stand down. For a grieving monster is more terrifying than they think.
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kenlvry · 1 year
omg i just read the “getting caught making out” and was wondering if you could do it with craig’s gang aswell🙈
craigs gang getting caught making out
an: HELLOO!! i am back from vegas, my brother wasted 300 on gambling and i have never been so motivated to kill someone, also i tried wine and.... yeah idk how to feel oh also i am not making jimmy bc like i said idk how to potray him im so sorry :( also like always 16-17
hes so mad at you rn, how could you!! while he was out in the field sweating his ass off you were on the bleachers talking so gently to a boy.
he looked over to you and the boy had his arm wrapped around you while you laughed at his joke. but thanks to you he played well, out of jealousy and anger. after the game that they won, cheers could be heard and only then did you realize you literally missed your boyfriend's game. so now here you two were beside the bleachers making out, after the game he sulked and you reassured him with a kiss but one thing lead to another and you two are making out.
your back pressed against the metals while his hand hold your head so you don't feel the metal, his other hand cupping your face holding you close, it was slow and wet, he kissed so well you loved it when you maked out with him or kissed him he was always so experienced.
since you two were on the side bleachers that was far away from everything nobody could really see, stan and craig was searching for him because coach wanted to take a team photo for him to display, searching everywhere and giving up sitting on one of the bleacers. "dude where the heck is he" stan groaned leaning backwards on his seat. then they heard small pants
they looked at each other in somewhat shocked "are they doing what i think their doing?" craig said and peeked thinking it was some perv doing nasty shit but it was his dear friend making out with his girlfriend "clyde?" stan called out and you two jumped staring at the other two, stan looked annoyed and sighed loudly "just say yr jealous stan" clyde winked tilting his head to stan "celebrations can wait, coach needs you" craig said and went down pulling him by his clothing basically dragging him "call me babe!" you laughed lightly knowing if you dont call he'd show up infront of your house
you loved this moment right here, you and tolkien making out without a care in the world. it started with him asking you to come over, thinking he wanted to play games or something but when you arrived he wasn't there, checking every corner still no tolkien. then you checked the backyard and there he was in a suit standing while holding flowers and behind him a table for two people.
you laughed at the sudden surprise, him coming to you grabbed your hand and kissed it "mlady" you laughed again at the fancy name he gave you. walking to the table "if i knew we were having a dinner date I would've worn something more fancy" , he wanted to go somewhere more fancy but this town is far from fancy so he resorted to the next best thing. he pulled your chair and you sat while he slowly pushed it.
it was the cutest thing ever, you two had a nice time and before you know it you two were making out , it was so romantic his kisses were delicate. he held your waist gently and the other holding your back so you don't fall over from him leaning you downwards trying to be romantic, your hands held his face not breaking the contact. he holds you so dear and making out with him makes you feel like you two are a married couple growing old tgt
but before you could feed onto your delusions even more, you could hear a familiar voice calling out on tolkiens voice, it was his mom and dad. you both quickly broke the kiss and greeted them, tolkien said they weren't gonna come home until tmr but they stopped by to grab something and you thought you were going to be bribed 10 million dollars to break up with him but you saw them converse with smiles on their face.
leaving the house with a "invite her for dinner next time sweetie" you blushed a little "now where did we left off?" he said and pulled you for another kiss
boy oh boy does he look stressed rn, he is a cash register, waiter and the one making the coffee at the same time . every minute his twitching worsened, you laughed at how cute he was from the glass door, entering with a ding caused by the bell, tweek shouted "welcome to t-tweek bros!" from the counter while making coffee and when he saw who came he smiled so brightly
keeping professional and trying his best to not hug you tightly while crying about the shitty customers he just smiled while waiting for you to order. "just a water babe, dont wanna stress you out more" you smiled and he smiled back making the water and giving it to your table "how long til your shift ends?" you question while drinking your water "ngghh five minutes!" you hummed at the answer and he walked away
his shift finally ended so now here you two were making out in the break rooms, it was suppose to be him complaining abt the customers today but i guess he had other plans, it was sloppy, it seem as though he didnt even want to kiss you. you smiled at how rushed he was and pulled away, your current position is being pinned onto his locker while he cups your face, your hand on his shoulders pushing him. he looked slightly confused on why you pushed him but you flipped him over so he was pinned against the locker you being shorter grabbed his face and tip toeing to kiss him and he just hold your waist not knowing were else to place his hands
when it seemed like it was getting steady and he wasn't twitching as much the doors opened with a bitchy voice followed "tweek your shift ended right? lets pl- the fuck" tweek jumped at the sudden intrusion " argh! this isn't what it looks like! i mean it is! i mean!" you placed your hand on his shoulders and the rest of the boys walked in "damn tweek i didn't know you were kinky like that" kenny said making the others laugh "shut up!" tweek said as you all walked out, they continued to tease tweek abt this for a couple of days (by they i mean cartman and sometimes jimmy) until you forced them to stop, tweek always kiss at home now, specifically your house, hes too nervous someone will disturb you two.
you dont know how it lead to this but uh here you two are in his kitchen making out... i know how though. you came over to hang out with him......maybe you shouldve come a little later bc rn red racer is on and he refuses to talk to you until after red racer is over. that show is sooooooooo boring to you, you can't say that though.
and damn how long is this show on?? its been 20 minutes now and you two are halfway through the episode. attempting to talk to him again he shushes you and says "wait until red racer is over" for the 100th time you sigh knowing you have to wait even though craig knew impatience is one of your strong personalities.
you decide to go to the kitchen to relieve your thrist, opening the fridge literally eyeing it for a drink and opening and closing it hoping a drink will appear. finally you see water right infront of your fucking eyes,you drink some then put it back, closing the fridge and when your about to turn around someone hugged you. the smell of the cologne was easy to identify, craigs dad.
jk its craig , he wouldn't let go even if you tried, "craig." you said sternly in defeat "sorry, red racer is over now what did you want to talk about?" laying his head in your shoulder, his breath on your neck. you sighed and just when you were about to run he flipped you over to the counter, he picked you up by your thighs and placed you on the counter his hand trapping you in "my parents aren't coming home for awhile" he winked "so?" you said in confusion and he just kissed you so yeah now you two are making out
his kisses was lovingly, and sensual... although he doesn't seem experienced he's good at kissing, you put your hand on his shoulders and his hands now on you waist one of them travelling further down to your thigh. as you two were enjoying the moment the door opened, quietly though. you two of course didn't hear it and kept making out and you hear something drop. you two looked over at the door to see almost every boy in the 4thgrade (the relevant ones ofc) butters has dropped his book and was in shock he ran home muttering smthn abt we can only kiss after marriage.
everyone just stood there staring at each other "so are you js gonna stand there?" craig broke the silence "do you want us to come to you then?" cartman said in a sarcastic tone which made craig flip him off "leave" and they left, wow. "isn't that too rude? poor them" you said pitifully looking back at the door. "forget them, your focus is me, where were we hm?" he said as his hands gently pulled you to look in his direction.
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whumpshaped · 7 months
happy all saints day
tw vampire whumper, past trauma, buried alive mention, abandonment, emotional whump
"Um... where are we going, exactly?" Beck asked timidly, looking around the dark streets like the biggest threat in the area wasn't walking right next to him. "I don't mean to be rude, I just... I'm just wondering..."
"The cemetery."
His breath caught in his throat as he tried to think of any reason why Helle would bring him there in the middle of the night. All he could come up with were terrifying crimes and death. If he was lucky, that is — what if Helle wanted to bury him alive?
"N-no, Helle, p-please–" He stopped walking and waited until the vampire turned around, then began begging in earnest. "I don't know if I've done something wrong, or, or if I've just been boring lately– I'm sorry, okay? Whatever it was, I'm sorry, please, I'll make it up to you somehow, I'll, I'll do anything–"
They frowned. "What?"
"Y-you just want to scare me, right? You don't actually want to kill me! Right...? You don't need to, um, m-make me dig my own grave, or, or pretend you're about to bury me alive– You can just tell me where I fucked up! I'll remedy it! I'm scared enough as it is–"
"What exactly do you think you did wrong?" they cut in, and Beck almost whimpered. He hated this game. He could never guess the correct answer.
"I... I d-don't... I don't know, I thought– I thought I was... I was being good..." He resisted the urge to take a step back, knowing it would've just been yet another offence stacked on top of whatever he'd already committed. "I'm sorry, I don't know, but I can learn, I can do better..."
"Come on, now. You are shaking like a leaf, there must be a reason you are so scared."
Oh god. So this was about making him confess to something. But what? What did he do? What was so egregious that Helle was willing to go so far? "I don't know," he repeated quietly. "But I'll admit whatever you want me to! Just ask! I won't lie, I'd never lie to you, I'll tell you whatever you want to know! And whatever it is, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry."
"Those apologies ring awfully hollow when you have not a single clue why you are apologising, hm?" They walked back to him, tucking a strand of loose hair behind his ear. "That is quite alright, dear. You are panicking for no reason."
"Huh...?" What was that even supposed mean? There was no way Helle would let some transgression go unpunished. Not one that was horrible enough to be the cause for taking him on a midnight walk to the cemetery.
"I did not bring you here to torment you, Beck. Do you know what day it is?"
What the fuck were these questions? "W-wednesday?"
Helle grinned. "Yes, quite. But I was thinking more about the date. And please, do not say Halloween."
"All Saints' Day...?" he asked, a little uncertain. And then he finally understood. Of course. All Saints' Day, immediately followed by the Day of the Dead... of course they would go to the cemetery. The tension slowly left his body, and he let out a small sound of relief and understanding. "O-oh... I... sorry. I didn't... think about that."
"Thinking is not your strong suit, is it?" They turned around and started walking again, and Beck hurried to catch up.
"Do you have someone buried here?" he tried, hoping to keep them talking. Even though he now knew he wasn't about to be murdered, cemeteries creeped him out even in broad daylight.
"We could say that."
Beck was confused only for a moment before he realised what that meant. He was with a vampire, after all. "Are we... visiting your grave?"
Helle huffed out a laugh. "Maybe he can think."
They walked along the concrete road for a while, passing trees, statues of Jesus, and the final resting places of several strangers Beck had never heard the names of. There were candles on almost every grave, illuminating the text and art on the tombstones. Some of the smaller ones had already burned down, or they'd been snuffed out by the autumn wind, but a big chunk of them were still going strong, giving the whole cemetery a dim glow.
Beck didn't remember ever having come to the cemetery on All Saints' Day. He didn't have anyone buried, really — the ashes of his grandparents were in her mother's living room, safe from being forgotten and sparing all of them the hassle of removing weeds from the base of mossy stone slabs. Or trudging through the mud after some nice, November rain.
"Do you come every year?"
Helle glanced at him. "Awfully interested, hm?"
"Well, I..."
"We can walk in silence, you know."
"I, I'd prefer if we didn't," he muttered.
"Do not tell me you are scared of a couple crosses and some statues. I am the vampire, I should be the one shaking in my boots at the sight of such holy imagery."
"I just don't like it... And, and especially at night..."
"Well, you are in luck. I happen to be scarier than whatever goth teenagers are conducting a séance here. Not by much, I suppose, but my point stands."
"It's not funny!"
"Oh, come on. It is hilarious. I did not take you for a believer in the paranormal. A coward, yes, but this? Relax." They took a right, walking onto a section Beck couldn't even pick out the number of in the dark. He almost tripped over several decorations and wreaths while trying to keep up with Helle, and he was borderline out of breath by the time they finally stopped.
He straightened his back and let out a sigh, trying to find which of the graves could belong to Helle. They all seemed... kind of neglected. They were simple mounds of dirt with wooden crosses stuck into them, but some of them didn't even have names carved into them. "Um..."
"That one." They pointed to one of the nameless crosses. Beck could pick out the faded outline of some words, but not the meaning. "It used to be less crowded around here. When I crawled out of the coffin, there were only a couple more graves in this area."
He shivered. He couldn't imagine waking up six feet underground. "I'm sorry that... that you went through that. That's messed up." Helle hummed, taking out a little tealight and a box of matches. "When, uh... when was that? This cemetery has been here for... a while."
"1732. I think, anyway." They placed the candle on top of the dirt, then began fumbling with the matches. "I mean, I looked up the year of... Well, it holds little significance, really. It is not as though I am still down there. No, I was quite an ill-behaved corpse, ruining my own coffin and then leaving it behind."
Beck could hear the bitterness behind the casual tone. There was no making light of anyone's death, much less their own — the weight of it seemed to drag their words down to a place they rarely ever visited. Somewhere genuine. Vulnerable.
"What did the cross say?" he asked gently.
Helle struck a match, once, twice, three times before it finally lit up, and the newborn flame soared for just a split second before settling into a more managable form, docile and ready to be of use. "Oh, something silly. 'Our beloved child', maybe. Nothing that made remembering any easier. Nothing that made finding it any easier later on." They crouched and lit the tealight, then stuck the match into the soil. "I should cross it out one of these days. It is not very... accurate anymore."
They stood up and stepped back, watching as the flame danced in the gentle breeze. They took a deep breath, then groaned.
"I have no clue why I keep coming here. The wind will blow out the candle, too. So stupid."
Beck couldn't explain the sadness that came over him at the sound of that. It was a horrible fate, wasn't it? To be forgotten. To be the only one to visit your own grave.
He glanced around, reaching into his coat pocket for a tissue. He didn't allow time for his rational mind to talk him out of his dumb mission; he briskly walked over to the road and plucked a couple daisies, careful not to get his hand dirty. Without looking at Helle, he brought them back over to the grave and set them down next to the tealight, then folded up the tissue and put it back in his pocket.
He tried not to think about how stupid this all must've looked. Helle was about to burst out laughing any minute now, mocking him for placing little roadside flowers on–
"Thank you." Beck hesitantly lifted his gaze from the ground, surprised to find no trace of cynicism or mockery in Helle's expression. "Truly. I appreciate it."
"Oh," he breathed. "I..."
"Even though you unironically used a tissue to pick some flowers."
There it was.
"I just didn't want to–"
"I know, dear," they interrupted, much warmer than before. They stepped a little closer to him, and he involuntarily flinched when they raised their hand — only to put an arm around his shoulders and pull him towards themself, kissing him on the cheek. Beck hoped the vampire's vision wasn't good enough to see him blush. "But what was I supposed to do? Have a moment of sincere love and bonding? In front of my own grave? I had to make a joke."
"Right," he mumbled. "That's fair. I think."
Helle laughed a little, then turned him back towards the road by the shoulders. "Alright, enough sulking for one night. Let us return to your lovely home and watch a movie or something."
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump @d-cs @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @tauntedoctopuses @blueyellow8green @typewrittenfangs @whumpsoda @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @auroragehenna
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jisunghannie · 7 months
Jealousy Wins
PAIRING: Felix x fem!reader
WARNING: minors DNI with this post. This post has explicit content. This is written for entertainment purposes, and I cannot predict every interaction with this post.
SUMMARY: You were jealous that Felix was gaining more female attention by each song he sung in (literally every song they post), and wanted to make your mark on Felix so that way the next time anyone saw him they would think twice.
`○°.• ✿ •.°○` = Timeskip
-ah is used to describe someone younger
This is my first attempt at writing smut. I apologize if it's not good, but I will work on it!
This story contains swearing, praise, reader who is Han's younger sister, pet names, etc!
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You were Jisung's younger sister. You guys were a year apart, so not too far apart in age. Your older brother had joined a kpop group when he was 13 or 14 when he became a trainee, then debuted at age 17. After your brother's 2nd year as a trainee, you met Lee Felix. Soon, Seungmin and Jeongin or I.N came as well. Who were all incoming trainees as well. Over time, you got used to having Felix around as he was closer in age with Jisung, given they were only a day apart.
You remembered vividly on your brother's 17th birthday, it was 11:58. After singing happy birthday, he blew out his candles. Then the clock struck midnight as you lit Felix's candles. After singing happy birthday, he blew out his candles. They were both now 17. The laughs you 3 shared that night were wondrous. Also, you would've never forgotten that night because that was the night that you fell in love with Felix.
As you looked at him with adoration in your eyes he smiled and looked at you, "Is there something on my face?" He asked as you shook your head. "Sorry, no, just admiring this moment with you two." You said as Felix laughed. "Just wait until your birthday angel." He said as you felt butterflies in your stomach flutter as he called you that. You weren't one for pet names ever but Felix was an exception.
`○°.• ✿ •.°○`
It was your 19th birthday and after you blew your candles out. Felix told you to wait as he walked out to get your gift. When he returned it was a poster that said, 'Happy 19th, Let's celebrate 2 things tonight. Be my girlfriend?' You covered your mouth in awe at the poster as you gave him a hug.
"Yes! Yes! I'll be your girlfriend!" You said as you guys finally shared your first kiss. As you kissed, you heard Jisung make a disgusted noise. "Warning next time!" He said, his hands covering his eyes now as both you and Felix laughed.
`○°.• ✿ •.°○`
It has been a long 3 years in your relationship with Felix. Of course you guys had your ups and downs in a relationship. But that wasn't your main concern. After he was given lyrics which caused him to use his deeper range of vocals, he gained a large media following and a bunch of personal stay fangirls.
You were used to seeing a bunch of girls in his message requests, but he always reassured you that he only had eyes for you but some of them were just too pretty for him to just ignore. You knew that. Maybe you were just insecure but you wanted to somehow prove that you were better than those girls. After all, it was a competition.
You saw how some girl tried getting all touchy with him at their most recent event and you were upset. So you wanted a way to get back at her. You were petty to say the least but that was your boyfriend and you were going to enjoy it. You don't know what came over you but you really wanted to make a bold move on your boyfriend. It had been a full 3 years in your relationship with Felix and you guys haven't engaged in anything serious. The most skinship-like thing you guys have ever done was most likely the time you made out in a game of seven minutes in heaven. You wanted more than that. You won't lie that in previous years you touched yourself to the thought of your boyfriend but never brought yourself to talk about it because you were genuinely embarrassed. So that became your dirty secret.
However, wanting to take it to the next stage in your relationship you knew you had to take the initiative and act first in order to get what you wanted. You wanted Felix. A night of passion but you didn't want to be too blunt about it so you came up with a plan. A proposal. That would've changed everything between the two of you. After all, he was your first love and you were his. This plan would have made you his first time too and vice versa with you.
"Lixie. Let's have a game night tomorrow, you and me. Loser has to do whatever the winner asks." Felix smiled. "Anything?" He said with his deep voice as he wore a mischievous smirk. "I don't like that smirk nor that tone of voice. But yes anything." You said as he looked at you. "What game love?" He asked, innocently enough. "Hmm I'm debating between strip poker or truth or dare." You said as Felix looked dejected. "Please do truth or dare... I'm horrible at poker..." He begged. "And if I don't..?" You said as he walked over to you leaving small kisses on your neck. "Please.. for me angel..?" He asked, his face relaxed on your shoulder. How could you say no to that. "Fine..." You blushed, "Only for tomorrow." You said as he smiled, kissing your head.
The next day you spent the whole day trying to pick out a lingerie set that you thought Felix would like. You settled for a white and baby blue lingerie set. You genuinely hoped Felix would've liked it.
When you got back home it was 7 pm. You didn't realize that you took the whole day picking out 1 set of lingerie, you left at 10 am. But to be fair you had to run errands to get makeup, get groceries, buy new sheets because you were hoping that they were going to be ruined by the end of the night and a few other things.
You had done your makeup so now it was time to wear the lingerie. You put it on. But it was squeezing you like crazy. Did you grab a size too small? When you looked in the mirror it shaped you out well but you could hardly move in it. As you walked back to your shared room. You walked in and saw a very surprised Felix.
"Wow... love... I... is that for... woah..." Felix couldn't even speak. He eyed you up and down as if you were some eye candy. "Y/n is that... is that for me..?" He asked as he looked at you with needy eyes. You realized that the game night idea had failed. Miserably.
"Not until later but yes..." You said embarrassed that he caught you looking like that. "Can it be now..?" He asked, walking over to you holding your hips. "It's been a long day..." He said almost whining. "Not yet love, I said later." You said as he clung onto you, kissing your exposed shoulders up to your jawline. "Please..?" He begged, "You look so pretty in that..." He praised.
You kept telling him no as he begged you over and over again.
"Besides I have to change, it's not comfortable." You said your back facing him as he hugged you from behind. Whispering in your ear. "I can take it off if you just give me the okay angel..." He said huskily as you felt your ears burn red. "Lixie!" You said embarrassed smacking his head that tested on your shoulder.
"I'm serious y/n..." He said, grabbing your wrist, "Please... I want you.. no, I need you..." He whined, kissing your hand, practically making out with your hand. You blushed at the sight trying to pull your hand away but you knew it was pointless. You were going to have to give in at one point but didn't think it would be so soon.
"Felix... stop it..." You said quietly as he picked up on your tone he was satisfied. "Please angel..? Can I see your pretty body..?" He asked you.
You guys had spent 3 years in a relationship and not once have you seen each other naked, you've seen him shirtless and he's seen you in a bikini but fully naked? Never. Not once have you guys showered together or have had any sexual experiences. The most you guys have done is left hickeys on each other and made out. You touched yourself to the thought of Felix and maybe he has touched himself to the thought of you but of course, even if he has why would he tell you because you sure as hell wouldn't have told him.
"No Felix... what if you regret it..?" You said slightly insecure. As you said that you felt something against you. You blushed and made a sound of surprise. Felix smirked as he whispered in your ear, "How can you say I'll regret it when you have me reacting like this..?" He was getting too needy and wanted you badly. You blushed, speechless at what he just said as you were still trying to process everything.
"Please..? I promise I'll be a good boy and be gentle. I've watched enough videos and done my own studying to know..." He said as you blushed and turned to him. "God Felix, how horny can you get?! I don't even think I'm as bad as you..." You said as he gave a deep chuckle. "Let's just say I know a few more things than you'd expect." He said.
Your so-called innocent, angel-like boyfriend wasn't as sweet and pure as you thought. Matter of fact, he was a horny and sure as hell sexy male. You didn't want to admit it but desperation was a good look on him. Seeing him beg and want you was definitely something. You enjoyed the show but it was definitely shocking.
"Fine, but you need to lead me through it, I don't know how to do anything." You said embarrassed, not believing you guys were actually doing this. "With pleasure." Felix said with a seductive tone. Next thing you knew you were kissing on your bed with him on top of you. He was shirtless and you were still in full lingerie.
"You're so pretty... all for me too..." Felix said admiring your state. You were embarrassed and tried to cover up. He chuckled and grabbed your hands and interlocked your fingers with his. "Don't cover yourself please... you look so pretty..." He praised. You didn't know why but whenever he called you pretty you felt yourself go crazy.
"Lixie... this is so embarrassing..." You said still not processing your guys' situation. He caressed your cheek. "I can always stop if you want. Just tell me okay love..?" He reassured you as he went back to kissing you. You knew dressed like this that it was pointless to fight against him if he wasn't expecting something out of it.
Noticing you were still embarrassed he moved his hands and kissed down your body until he reached down to the piece of fabric covering your most sensitive spot. Felix looked at you for confirmation if he could take it off. You nodded slightly as Felix hummed. He took it off and placed your legs on each of his shoulders.
"I'm going to start so let me know if I should stop or where you want me to go." He said as you felt his tongue against your core, you felt your breath hitch as he started to eat you up as if you were his favorite meal. You grabbed the sheets not knowing why it felt so good.
As he began to lick and suck your clit he thrusted his finger inside you which caused a whiny moan from you. Felix loved that reaction you had as you could feel him smile against you. "God Lixie... your finger are... their fucking... oh my god..." You moaned out, tightening against his fingers.
Hearing that he started to increase the pace of his thrusts. Which caused you to moan and squeal.
"Felix..! Fuck... wait... wait..!" You felt something in your stomach being built up. "Hmm?" He hummed in response. "My stomach... it feels funny..." You said as he smirked and began to go even faster. "You're close then baby..." He said kissing your clit.
He continued with this as you felt immense pleasure rush through your body. Once your orgasm came you felt your whole body give out as you came. Felix smirked as he felt your climax around his fingers. He pulled his fingers out, licking them in front of you.
"You taste amazing..." He said as you panted, out of breath. He then took off his pants and threw them to the floor. You looked at his bulge through his boxers. To say the least. He was endowed down there. He then pulled off his boxers to reveal his hard cock. You couldn't pull your eyes off of it. He shyly smiled at your face looking at him.
"Can I take off the rest?" He asked as you nodded. He proceeded and took off your bra and stockings. Leaving you completely naked along with him. He admired your body as he ran his fingers along your stomach. "You're so pretty..." He said kissing your breasts gently. "And this is all mine..." He said smiling. You were even more embarrassed as you covered your face. He moved your hands and kissed them. "Don't be shy, you're just such a sight for sore eyes, I can't believe I didn't see you like this sooner..." He said as you blushed even more. He chuckled at your reaction.
"Don't say things like that Felix..." You said quietly but he loved it. He kissed your neck and slowly up to your jawline until he reached your ear. "Can I put it in now..?" He whispered, sounding incredibly needy. You felt your core pulsate as you looked at him. His eyes are full of desire and lust. You felt so weak when he looked at you like that. "Just be gentle..." You requested as he kissed your cheek in response.
He positioned himself as you looked at him waiting. He smacked his hard cock against your core, feeling it hit your clit a few times earning a few whimpers. "I'm going to put it in now..." He said as you nodded. "If you feel any pain, tell me immediately. You hummed in response as he slowly thrusted inside. You felt him slowly enter inside you as you gasped at the feeling. "Only the tip is in, is it too much..?" He asked worryingly. "No... k-keep going..." You said clutching onto the sheets. He continued to thrust inside you. You felt yourself get more and more full. "Everything is in... you're doing so good baby..." He praised as he saw your eyes closed and you biting your lower lip to keep quiet. He went down to you and kissed your lips. "I won't move until it feels good for you too... so let me know when it's okay to move..." He said as you nodded.
As you guys kissed the time away he enjoyed playing with your breasts and after a while you felt yourself get used to his length. "I'm ready... you can start moving..." You said as he nodded, holding your hands to the side of your head as he began to thrust slowly and overtime getting faster and faster.
You felt so good as he kissed you and felt pleasure throughout your whole body. You didn't know that Felix was capable of making you feel this much pleasure. And just then he hit a certain spot which made you give a high pitched moan while kissing. "Right there please Lixie..! Oh god..!" You moaned as Felix listened and kept hitting that spot. You felt your body get shock waves all over from just him hitting that one spot.
You started to tighten and that's when he knew you were close. "Come on baby... show me how I make you feel..." He whined as he began to thrust even faster. After a few more thrusts you came on his cock. You scratched his back leaving deep marks. He pulled out and came on your stomach.
"Holy shit y/n you were so tight I didn't even know if I was going to be able to pull out." Felix said as you blushed and looked away. "Don't say things like that!" You said, full of embarrassment.
He smiled as he picked you up and placed you in the bath. "I'll clean up, just take a bath and once I'm done I'll join you." You smiled realizing that this will be your guys' first time bathing with each other.
After a few minutes. Felix came in with 2 towels and 2 changes of clothes as he joined you inside the bath. "I'll wash your hair, turn around." He said as he washed your hair. No wonder why his hair was so nice, the way he scrubbed your scalp could've made you fall asleep right there. He then rinsed out the soap and after you washed his hair. You guys emptied the bath water, dried yourselves, and changed for bed.
"Good night angel.." He said kissing your forehead.
"Good night lover.." You said looking into his eyes as you both slowly drifted off to sleep.
`○°.• ✿ •.°○`
He had to perform on stage within the next week. But because of the back scratches being so deep they barely healed when he came back. When he changed everyone saw them and of course not being able to see his back, he thought they healed.
"Holy crap Felix, what did you and y/n-ah do..." Changbin said, looking at Felix's back.
"That looks nasty... it looks like it hasn't healed yet..." Chan said as a very angry Jisung arose.
"I expect that you were aware of the situation you were in when or if I found out?" Jisung said with a stern tone which scared the crap out of Felix.
"Yes, yes..." Felix said as Jisung sighed.
"Just make sure she's happy and I won't come for your throat." He said walking off.
Felix's outfit barely covered the marks and when the stays saw it they went crazy.
'Good. That'll show them.' You thought.
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vibingandwriting · 1 year
Demonic Courting Rituals
Synopsis: The demon brothers try to woo you with little bloody gifts. It works far better on you than it should on any human in their right mind.
Genre: Horror, I guess?
Characters: GN! MC, demon brothers
TW: Blood, severed body parts, dead animals, MC is very not normal
Word Count: 1,368
A/N: I had no idea what genre to put this under. I finally decided on horror just cause there were some traditionally scary themes in here. If you have a better genre for this to be classified as, please let me know.
The first gift was innocent enough. It was a somewhat cute, somewhat ugly stuffed voodoo rabbit that you had been eyeing later. The demon who gave it to you was blushing, going on some rant about how it didn't mean anything, but as your first man he should be the one who makes you happy and so on. You appreciated the gift and made sure the flustered demon who gave it to you knew that.
The second gift was as unassuming as the first. It was given to you by Satan this time. He had come to your room one afternoon with a book in hand. Satan had insisted you read it. The main character had reminded him of you, he said. You were intrigued by that. Satan hadn't yet opened up to you much, so you were curious as to what kind of character would remind him of you.
The third gift from one of the demon brothers was when you remembered that your demons are, in fact, demons. You were sitting in an empty classroom at RAD, frantically finishing an assignment while the others were at lunch before you had to turn it in next class. You had foolishly chosen to game with Levi the night before you had a big assignment due, telling yourself you could finish when you were done.
Now here you were, facing the consequences of your own actions. You were definitely rushing as you tried to finish this before lunch ended but you figured a bad grade was better than no grade.
You were almost done when you heard footsteps entering the classroom. You looked up to see a demon you were vaguely familiar with. You knew you had a few classes with him but you never spoke to each other. Honestly, if it wasn't for the big hideous ring he always wore, you probably would've forgotten about him entirely.
You paid him no mind, turning your attention back to your unfinished assignment. You figured he probably forgot something in the classroom and would be heading to lunch as soon as he got it. It wasn't until you heard his footsteps stop right beside you and you could see him in your peripheral vision did you look up again.
"Can I help you with something?" you asked. Although the demons outside of the brothers usually had nothing nice to say to you, you still wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. After all, if you managed to find your way into the brother's hearts, it wasn't impossible that you'd grow on others as well.
"You're awfully cocky, aren't ya little human?" he responded, and just like that all your faith flew out the window.
For a moment you were too unsure of what to say to come up with an answer. The demon before you took your silence as an invitation to continue speaking, going on to say, "Sitting in this classroom all alone. It's almost as if you're begging for some demon to come along and eat you up."
The demon took another step into your personal space with a big smile on his face. You were beginning to worry you'd have to summon one of your pact mates when another set of footsteps entered the room. You looked toward the door to find a very unhappy looking Beel standing there. The threatening demon's expression suddenly shifted from one of pleasure to one of worry.
The demon tried to come up with a decent lie to explain that it wasn't what it looked like, but before he could get out a coherent sentence Beel interrupted with, "I heard enough. Get away from them. Now."
The demon didn't need to be told twice. He left without a word, obviously trying not to make eye contact with Beel on his way out. As soon as he left the room, Beel came over to make sure you were okay. You assured him you were uninjured just as the school bell rang, signaling lunch was over and you still haven't finished your assignment. Oh well, that's what you get for gaming when you shouldn't be.
The next morning you found a small box outside your door with a sticky note attached to the top. You picked the box up. It didn't weigh much, but it smelled. It was a smell you grew familiar with the more time you spent in the Devildom.
You picked the note off the box. It read, This is for you. I'll make sure no one bothers you like that again.
Bubbles of anxiety popped in your stomach as you opened the box. Inside was a severed finger, still wearing that ugly ring.
You felt several things in that moment. Surprise, for one, because who wouldn't be surprised to find a finger gifted to them? You were also concerned that Beel may get in trouble for this, but above all else you found yourself feeling oddly thrilled.
You knew you shouldn't be. This sort of thing may have been normal for demons, but for humans like yourself it should've been frightening. You just couldn't help, however, the giddy feeling it gave you to know a demon (one of your demons) would do this for you.
A few days later you were lounging around in Mammon's room and Beel's present was still on your mind. You ended up telling him what happened, admittedly without really thinking it through. Mammon nearly choked on his own spit when you finished your story.
Though Mammon's jealous rambling was hard to discern, you were able to make out the words, "Damn Beel, trying to court you behind my back. . ."
You stopped listening after that as blood began to rush to your face and your heart picked up the pace.
He was trying to court you.
You were so flustered that you almost didn't notice the way Mammon looked at you when he finally stopped talking, as if considering something.
You asked him what he was thinking, to which he replied, "I thought humans were supposed to be weirded out by demon courting rituals."
"Oh," you said, "yeah, I guess I'm just built different."
Within the next few weeks, you would receive several more gifts from all the brother's except Lucifer. You got a few mutilated animals and several body parts from demons you didn't know the names of, such as their horns and tails. Each present was given to you in progressively more elaborate ways. It started with Levi presenting you a hydra skull under a Death Blossom tree, and ending with Asmo hosting an extravagant party where he handed you a box with two gorgeous emerald eyes in front of hundreds of demons. Each gift left you as speechless as the one that came before it.
Eventually, Lucifer stepped in to put an end to all the gory gift giving. As much as you absolutely adored the things the brothers had given you, you were grateful that Lucifer stopped them. You were running out of places to put them and it was starting to cause your room to smell. The brothers, all clearly disappointed, had no choice but to stop or else they'd spend the rest of the week hanging from the ceiling without food.
Life went on as it did before the severed finger incident. Just as you started to think you'd (sadly) never be given another bloody animal carcass again, you found something special on your bed.
It was the decapitated head of a demon with mighty horns quite literally served to you on a silver platter, paired with a note from Lucifer that read, I've always felt these superficial courting rituals to be unnecessary, but being near you awakens certain instincts in me I can't resist. I hope you know what is means to be able to do that to the avatar of pride.
Once again it occurred to you that being ecstatic over receiving the head of a demon you didn't even know was not normal, but you simply couldn't bring yourself to care. You loved your demons and the extents they were willing to go to prove their devotion to you. If that made you odd, you didn't want to be normal.
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baldursgat3 · 5 months
Part 2 of my Enemies to Lovers. 3.1k words this time. Once again. Got away from me. This chapter literally doesn't even contain Astarion physically it's all just Karlach. I just love her I'm sorry but I said slow burn and I fuckin meant it
Part 1
“You mean Astarion?” She looked sadder now, glancing back towards the camp outside your tent. “He's not a monster any more than you are. Being a vampire doesn't just make you a monster.” “Luring countless people to their deaths does, though.” You could see the way it hurt her when you spoke about him that way, but it was true. He'd probably just won her over with his fancy words and pretty lies. “And you're all letting him tag around and play hero! As though he deserves any of it!” Your voice was rising in volume, you could hear it. You couldn't stop it though. It was hard not to let your emotions control you after everything. But you could see the sadness in her eyes at your words and that hurt.
At some point, the comfort and warmth of Karlach’s body as she carried you close to her chest wound up putting you to sleep. You'd tried to stay awake, hoping to scope out how your city had changed but you barely made it out of the palace before her warmth consumed you completely. It had just been so long since you'd felt comfortable and safe like this.
Safe? No you didn't feel safe. Not exactly. Well maybe a little? No! No not at all, you weren't safe with these people. They were all friends of Astarion's, they couldn't be trusted. How foolish was your exhausted mind that you allowed that vile man to convince you to be taken away again? Just because his warm, soft, beautiful- just because his friend said a few nice words?
Your mind tried to reconcile your conflicted thoughts as you slowly woke up. You were in some kind of tent. Nothing fancy, just some blankets and a bedroll, but it was far softer than the floor of your cell. It seemed to be daylight out, though it could've been absolutely any time. All you knew was that it was night when you left Cazador's palace.
Was this their game? How cruel. You were trapped in this little tent. There was only one exit and it led directly to your death. You were stuck in there, at least until nightfall.
You sat for a while, fuming about your new brand of captivity before your eyes fell on a small stack of books near the head of your bedroll. Books? Did you even remember how to read?
You hated the way your fingers trembled as you picked up one of the books. You still hadn't eaten anything, you didn't really feel like holding it, so you sat cross legged and rested it in your lap.
It had been so long since you'd held a book. You had always loved reading, it was the reason your old friends had pressured you into trying to go out more. You spent too much time reading. Well, reading never got you kidnapped and locked away for 200 years.
They weren't books you would've picked, but they were acceptable. Two of them were cheesy romance novels that you read sometimes and only in secret. The one in your lap was some adventure fiction about a dragon slayer or something. Not your cup of tea, but it was well written. And it wasn't like you had anything else to do.
Besides, the more you lost yourself in the book, the more the anger and fear of the day began to fade. It was easy to get lost in a world of grand heroics. You'd finished nearly 100 pages by the time you were interrupted.
The tent flap swung open abruptly - you'd been too engrossed in your book to hear anyone approach. Though it was largely blocked by the figure standing in front of it, several rays of sunlight struck your skin as you hissed and recoiled. You heard a soft “Oh shit!” before the flap closed and the sun was kept at bay once more.
You had never been burnt by the sun before. You hadn't seen daylight since before you were taken away from the world. It had only touched your skin for a moment and you could feel exactly where it had, like an awful sunburn. But still, your heart ached for the light. It was so close and completely out of your reach.
Karlach sat in front of you in your tent, an apologetic look in her eyes. “Sorry, I… kinda forgot you can't be in the sun.”
You were so torn. If it was anyone else you could've been nasty to her without a second thought. But she seemed so much kinder than anyone else you'd spoken to. The part of you that ached relentlessly for companionship, to not be lonely anymore, it begged you to ignore the other part of your mind that didn't trust anyone that was even remotely close to Astarion. You couldn't trust her.
But you still couldn't be mean to her. So you just sighed, throwing her a quizzical look, rather than a bitchy one. “Don't you live with a vampire right now?”
“Oh, well yeah… but…” She seemed hesitant to continue, though you only looked at her, blankly, leaving her no real choice. “Well he doesn't… okay so this is complicated.”
Over the next several minutes she laid out exactly what had been happening, the mind flayers, the cult, the tadpoles. Cazador had just been a pitstop on their world saving mission. It was difficult to imagine someone like Astarion trying to save the world. Karlach? She was hero material. Not that slimy little twink.
More importantly than anything, though, she very cautiously told you that the parasite they shared gave Astarion protection from the sun. Of course it did. He got everything, didn't he? Wasn't he lucky? You only stared longingly at the glow that came from outside your tent, and he was free to frolic about it in however he wished.
She must've seen the anger that flooded your face, as she reached out to try to comfort you. You didn't stop her as she placed a hand on your shoulder. “I'm sorry… For what happened to you. With him. I'm sure it doesn't mean anything from me, but I am sorry.”
“Why does he get to be in the sun? Why does he get to kill Cazador?” You were angry and tired and still so very very hungry. “He ruined my life. He ruined so many people's lives. He deserves to rot in the ground.”
“I… I don't think this is a conversation we should be having. You deserve to talk to him about this. I think you deserve to talk to each other, actually.” Her words were soft. As much as you never wanted to look at him again, she was right. This wasn't her issue, you wouldn't get the answers you needed from her.
You took a deep breath, trying to collect yourself and reign in your anger. When you spoke again, your voice was much calmer, more even and less distressed. “So, then… why did you come here?”
“Oh!” Her eyes lit up and you suddenly realized how much warmer it was in your tent with her in it. “I came to offer you a snack.” She grinned, holding out her hand out to you with a closed fist.
You simply stared at her, looking between her face and her hand, mostly confused why she was taking so long to open her hand and actually give you something. “Um…”
“Sorry, did you not want it?” She pulled her hand back, just a bit. A confused, sad look crossed her face as she looked back at you.
“No, no!” It was the first time you ever managed any kind of excitement as you shook your head. “I do, I just… what are you… giving me?”
“A… drink…?” She seemed just as confused as you were. “Do you not drink blood, like Astarion? I'm sorry, I guess I just assumed-”
“You'd let me bite you?” Your heart lept into your throat. You'd never had anything but a couple rats in your miserable life as a vampire. Even then, that was so long ago and they had been given to you only as such wonderful gifts.
Karlach chuckled, a warm, comforting sound. “If you want to. But I will pull you off if you don't stop yourself and I super promise I'm stronger than you.” She grinned at you and you felt your lips twitch upwards in response. It was the closest thing to a smile you'd managed in over a century. How odd.
You very gently took her hand in both of yours, staring at her as though you were waiting for her to jerk away at any moment. She didn't though, she just smiled back at you. “Might be a little warmer than you're used to.”
Used to. She thought you were used to drinking blood of any kind. It was still a strange concept to you but… if she was offering, it must not be an issue for you to worry about. Not morally anyway.
Ever so gently you sunk your fangs into one of her veins, piercing her warm skin as her blood dripped onto your tongue. It was definitely warm. Almost hot like coffee. It was… sweet though. Not like coffee. Like hot chocolate. A perfect cup of hot chocolate after too long spent outdoors in the cold.
It didn't really occur to you to think about how strange it was to compare someone else's blood to a children's drink, you were too consumed by your hunger. She was delicious, far different than any of the rats you'd eaten. You could feel her warmth as it seemed to radiate through your body.
You really didn't mean to lose yourself, you were just so hungry. Besides, you believed her when she said she was stronger than you. You only hoped she knew when you'd had too much because you were accidentally set to drink her completely dry
She might've been telling you to stop, you really couldn't hear anything over the fireworks going off in your head as you finally ate something. Or - someone maybe.
Still, you suddenly felt her palm against your forehead as she pushed your head away from her wrist. You barely had the strength to instinctively resist her. You were still starving.
“- make yourself sick, mate.” You heard her voice come into focus as you wiped your mouth. It took a moment, but you shook yourself out of your frenzy, glancing up at her with frightened eyes.
“Oh, I- I'm sorry.” You whispered. “I didn't… I really didn't mean to-”
“Hey, it's okay.” Her voice was bright as ever. “Might've been a lot but I doubt they'll need me to whack anything too big tomorrow.”
What was wrong with this woman? Why was she so kind? So happy? How could she smile so easily like this? It didn't seem like her trust even wavered in you at all, despite you barely even trying to resist your hunger. “Why are you doing this?”
Her eyes softened, though the smile always remained on her face. “There's a lot of shit in this world. We've both been through hell, we know what it's like. Why would I want to cause more of that? Especially when I can help, instead?”
You wanted to laugh at her, a part of you was almost angry that she acted like she knew what you'd been through. She was so kind though, you just couldn't find it in your undead heart to be mean to her. Still, you sighed and looked away. “I don't think you understand what it's like to go through hell.”
She laughed. She was laughing at you, why was she laughing? You straightened up, a bit startled and a little irritated that she would do that. She must've seen it on your face, too, because she held her hands up in defense as she stopped laughing.
“I'm sorry, that wasn't nice.” She still smiled. “It's just- it's not your fault but gods, you couldn't be more wrong. I mean I literally went through hell. A personal attack dog for Zariel for ten years. I know you've got time on me but, I mean… front lines of the Blood War? Maybe we call it a draw.”
You stared at her quizzically. There was no way this woman survived ten years in the hells and came out like this. She was so… friendly? “You can't be serious.”
“Dead serious.” She thumped her chest, a loud banging sound echoing out as though she was hitting steel. “Gave me this to remember them by. An infernal engine right where my heart should be.”
It made sense, she ran hotter than anyone you'd ever known. If she had fires from the hells roiling in her chest, that'd explain it. Still, it baffled you. Devils stole her heart from her and she still smiled at you and laughed and bantered.
Her smile softened just a bit, taking on a sadder undertone. “So trust me when I say I know what it's like to deserve better. I understand a lot more of what you're feeling than you might think. You're surrounded by good people, though.”
“I find that hard to believe.” You scoffed, pulling your knees in. Karlach was the exception, but you were positive every other person in this camp was just as vile as Astarion. “You've been harboring a monster with you this whole time, someone must've okayed that.”
“You mean Astarion?” She looked sadder now, glancing back towards the camp outside your tent. “He's not a monster any more than you are. Being a vampire doesn't just make you a monster.”
“Luring countless people to their deaths does, though.” You could see the way it hurt her when you spoke about him that way, but it was true. He'd probably just won her over with his fancy words and pretty lies. “And you're all letting him tag around and play hero! As though he deserves any of it!”
Your voice was rising in volume, you could hear it. You couldn't stop it though. It was hard not to let your emotions control you after everything. Especially now that you've actually got a bit of energy from feeding on Karlach. But you could see the sadness in her eyes at your words and that hurt.
“Astarion was a victim. Just like you were. It was just… in different ways.” She bit her lip, glancing down at her hands awkwardly. “This really isn't a conversation I should have with you. It's not my story to tell. All I can ask is that you give him a chance. Cazador controlled him too. He knows, more than anyone, the anger you feel.”
That was true. It didn't take a genius to figure out what Cazador had been using Astarion and his “siblings” for. It was hard to care how little say he might've had in the matter when your life was still over. It wasn't like you didn't blame Cazador but “Astarion still chose me.”
Your voice was soft now, tears welling up in your throat as you spoke. She wasn't hitting you with any new revelations. You had assumed Astarion had been manipulated or even controlled into fetching prey for Cazador. Various stories of him from your cellmates painted the picture of a man who didn't exactly want to be sacrificing strangers to an evil man but the point remained. He could've picked up any number of people. And he chose you.
Karlach didn't seem to know how to respond. You didn't know the woman too well but you got the feeling she wasn't speechless very often. Not that you minded when she was so friendly. Now though, you both just sat awkwardly in your tent, neither of you quite sure what to say.
Finally, after what was likely only about ten seconds that felt like a year, she spoke again, her voice quieter than you were used to. “He did.” There was no point in trying to make an excuse. There wasn't much sense in arguing. Obviously if he hadn't chosen you it would've been someone else, but what comfort would that be?
You had been miserable, starved and isolated for nearly two centuries. Stripped away from your family and friends, your home, every plan you ever had, everything. You were keenly aware it was selfish to wish such suffering on anyone else but, at a certain point, you stopped caring about your morality. You would've given anything for him to have chosen someone else.
It didn't feel good, when you first realized you felt that way. The recognition that your suffering had worn away at the very core of who you were. Thoughts and feelings you would've never imagined happening filled your mind. Violence and anger and bitterness. A deep, boiling hatred and a desperate longing for revenge. All emotions that you had never been terribly familiar with before all this, not really. Now they consumed you.
“I'm sorry.” Karlach's voice was gentle. Though her eyes displayed a kind of sadness, she still smiled. She still seemed so optimistic. You didn't understand. “Look, I'm not gonna make you do anything, but I think you should talk to Astarion. I'll be there too, if you want, so nobody kills anyone.”
You laughed. It was a short, somewhat bitter laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. “That seems smart.” You didn't want to talk to Astarion. He didn't deserve anything from you but… maybe Karlach did. She was the reason you were out of that shitty dungeon. Even if you were stuck in a tent, you hadn't realized how desperately you'd missed the fresh air. “Fine. I'll talk to him. But only if you're there too.”
Her eyes lit up and you could see her body move instinctively for a moment before she pulled it under control. She had nearly lunged out to hug you, before thinking twice about it. You would've let her. “Oh, awesome! Okay that's exciting. I promise, I think you'll feel better after this, I really do. I'll talk to him, maybe you can chat tonight. You know. When you can actually leave the tent without roasting.”
She smiled at you warmly. Clearly she had been banking on you agreeing to talk to Astarion, though you weren't sure why. Her excitement was contagious, though, and you found yourself smiling in spite of yourself. You wanted to hug her, you wished she'd gone for it and hugged you. It wasn't the sort of thing you felt you could go asking for yet though. So instead you just allowed the smile to remain on your face as you spoke. “Thank you. For- for being kind to me. Even though I'm… kind of a bitch.”
“Eh, you've got reason to be a bitch.” She gave your shoulder a playful shove. “Anyway, you need to rest. Finally had something to eat again after all this time, I'm sure you could use a nap.” She chuckled, rising from the ground in front of you.
She moved to the tent flap, carefully opening it this time to keep the sun's rays off your body. You couldn't help staring longingly at the beam of light on the floor, though. You glanced up as she spoke again, haloed now by the light from outside. “I'll go talk to him, you get some rest, yeah? Later!”
And with that she was gone. But still, you smiled. Her warmth still lingered. Besides, you knew she'd come back.
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fantasy-mixtapes · 3 months
Gorgug Thistlespring Junior Year Playlist: Side A
Heres Gorgug's playlist! Literally the sweetest ever, deserves the world and more. Spoilers for Episodes 1-10
Genres Include: Alt Rock, Anti-Folk, Punk, Metal
1. Dashboard, Modest Mouse
Well, it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know Oh, the dashboard melted but we still have the radio Oh, it should've been, could've been worse than you would ever know Well, you told me about nowhere Well, it sounds like someplace I'd like to go
Ok nothing made me laugh harder than the image of the Hangvan beat to shit and Gorgug still having to drive it back for two days straight. TWO DAYS STRAIGHT. Despicable. Deplorable. Hilarious.
2. The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton, Laura Jane Grace
When you punish a person for dreaming their dream Don't expect 'em to thank or forgive you The best ever death metal band out of Denton Will, in time, both outpace and outlive you Hail Satan, Hail Satan, tonight Hail Satan, hail, hail
This song is less of a 1 to 1 representation of Gorgug's situation and more like a song that, if he heard it at this specific time in his life, would utterly destroy him. I am really never gonna forgive Porter for the way he treated Gorgug, and as an educator, I never ever want to make anyone feel the way these fake people felt in their fake game. While this song is originally (and famously) by The Mountain Goats I really like the Laura Jane Grace cover. And I love it for Gorgug as a kind of wink to @rabdoidal 's transfem Gorgug hc, which is another thing I absolutely love.
3. Overbite, Sincere Engineer
Could have been a doctor if I really cared enough But I didn't have it in me I got distracted by a bunch of stuff I'm so stupid and empty My mind just wasn't in it And neither was my heart ... I'm not basing my intelligence on some fucking letters And now that it's over I did what I was told I had to do But I still feel just about as dumb as I used to I still feel just about as dumb as I used to
Gorgug Thistlespring took FOUR YEARS of classes. He did that. He did it and he fucking crit. He fucking got straight As on Artificer and didn't flunk Barbarian, which is basically a genius-level thing to do. Fuck Porter, and honestly? fuck Henry Hopclap for letting a 17-year-old do this to himself when he could have just confronted Porter himself LIKE HE WAS SUPPOSED TO LIKE AN ADULT
4. Dragged Across the Finish Line, Sincere Engineer
I'm not trying to win I'm just trying to finish I don't know when it ends But I'm counting the minutes And I'm counting on you Yeah, I'm counting on you I remember when I knew it 'cause I saw it in your eyes And I did what I had to, I dragged you across the finish line It would be so nice If you could do that for me this time
Is this the second song in a row by Sincere Engineer on this 6 song playlist? Yes, it is, and I am not apologizing for it because it's perfect. Also, Sincere Engineer sounds like a band name that Gorgug would think of because that's what he is. Also I really like the way this kind of makes a parallel to Gorgug helping his friends (it's gorgug keep going) and them helping him do well in his classes with studying and everything.
5. Terrifyer, AJJ
Then it got personal, I saw my rage I just wanted to rage, but all I got was tired I tried to walk to the building, but the beauty it brittled me I tried to talk to the waiter, but the beauty gentled me I ran away from the security guard Because security guards dishearten me I said goodbye to my dignity Said goodbye to my dignity
I know that the structure of an adventuring school is different than something in the real world, and if we were to apply the current utilitarian models of education towards a system that prioritizes people who freak out and fight stuff and not just people who can churn out content and do services, it would make sense that teachers in this system can freak out on students and that's like normal, but I'm gonna say the most lukewarm take ever and say it's fucked up that Porter kept bending the rules for Fig and didn't do fucking anything for Gorgug, just to say that it was to "make him embrace his rage"
Like if we're gonna prioritize class excellence, then Porter should have been more than happy to help Gorgug find a class in which he felt more comfortable, even if, at the end of the day, Porter thought Gorgug should ultimately drop Barbarian.
6. St. Anger, Metallica
And I want my anger to be healthy And I want my anger just for me And I need my anger not to control And I want my anger to be me And I need to set my anger free And I need to set my anger free And I need to set my anger free Set it free
I have mixed feelings about the way Gorgug finally got his MCAT signed, because, like - yes, anger and rage aren't necessarily bad, and while Gorgug initially was repressing his anger in season 1, I really think that isn't the case anymore. And yet we have Porter pushing rage so hard in the "corrupting rage" season.
I truly believe that anger can be a beautiful and natural thing, that it keeps you safe in certain situations, that it shows you when you are being mistreated and lets you advocate for yourself. And I think that that is a lesson that a lot of the bad kids need to learn, specifically Kristin, Riz, and even Adaine (with the transition to using a sword and also the whole deal with Adaine's furious fists). But Gorgug already learned that lesson. Sometimes you don't have to be angry????
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magnoliacharmed · 1 year
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(not my gif!)
Shawn Michaels x Fem!Reader one shot
[Also available on Archive of Our Own!]
Word count: 964
Tags: Romantic gestures, champagne, the heart shaped hot tub!, Loverboy Shawn
Prompt: Bubbly | A romantic night with you and Shawn.
Author’s note: Prompt from @fluffyfebruary​! I’ll be posting various stories using their prompts throughout the month.
Shawn sure enjoyed playing up that loverboy persona of his.
You were awoken that morning with a loud knock on your door. Rushing down the steps to see what the problem was, you flung open the door to be greeted by a gigantic bouquet of blood red roses. Your eyes widened at the delivery boy who struggled under the weight of the beautiful flowers. The note was printed on hefty cardstock with gold foil surrounding the edges. Shawn certainly was sparing no expense on this night of romance.
There won't be any heartbreak at the hotel tonight.
You rolled your eyes playfully at the card. The rest of your day was a blur as you tried to keep focus on the errands around the house. Shawn had decided to call you a couple of times while you took care of your chores in an attempt to distract you. You fell for it after the second call, leaning against the wall to hear his smooth voice tell you how much he missed you. A fuzziness built at the way he called you honey, the word just skirting the edge of lewdness. After the call ended you ignored the constant ringing that followed it up. Shawn loved to play his little games with you.
As the night approached you, butterflies fluttered in your stomach. A car would be coming to drop you off at a hotel on the outskirts of town. You were completely awash in Shawn's all encompassing feelings of passionate love for you, and you for him. Memories of past rendezvous left you in an intoxicating daze while you applied your makeup and chose your outfit. When you heard the car horn beep outside, you looked down at the dress you wore in confusion. In your zoned out state you didn't even realize what you grabbed out of your closet! It was sexier than you were going for, but as you left the house you figured it fit the mood of the night better than whatever your original plan would be.
Your nerves were completely bunched up at the sight of the hotel coming closer and closer. The building was relatively inconspicuous, causing you to become more alert. Shawn never did anything on the small scale and this place felt absolutely miniscule. It was tucked away amongst the beginnings of a forest that seemed to go on for miles. Shawn met you at the door of the lobby dressed in all black, his blond hair waving down his shoulders in contrast. You couldn't help but to run into his arms and squeal at seeing him again. It just wasn't the same seeing him on TV bouncing around into the ring like an overgrown golden retriever puppy. Your friends were getting sick of the way you grabbed them in excitement every time Shawn won a match. He called you like clockwork after each show no matter how it ended. When he won you showered him with compliments, and when he lost you babied him beyond all belief. Sometimes you swore you could hear him pouting over the phone, his bottom lip poking out just the slightest. Now that you were back in his arms, he squeezed you as tight as he could without hurting you.
"Miss me, honey?"
You nodded against his chest as he rested his hand against the back of your neck. "You know I did."
He hummed and began to move his hand up and down your back lovingly. With a deep breath he led you to the shiny gold doors of the elevator. The exterior of the building was very misleading to what was on offer on the inside. The gold and marble patterns covered every free inch of space to the point of making your eyes hurt. Shawn's hands roamed all over your body in the short time it took the elevator to reach the top floor of the hotel. You melted under his restrained touch. The flowers were gorgeous and the hotel was campy fun, but you would've been happy in a rundown old house as long as you were spending time with Shawn.
Entering your room, your smile spread so wide across your face that your lips started to hurt.
Hearts, hearts, hearts…
The vanity mirror, the bed, even the large window facing out into the trees was heart shaped. The real pièce de résistance of the suite was the huge, candy red heart bathtub in the center. Two glasses of champagne bubbled away by the edge of the tub as Shawn reached down to make sure the water was still warm. He seemed especially proud of the massive amount of bubbly foam that filled the heart. Shawn scooped up some of the bubbles and blew them out at you playfully. His clothes flew off of him with a grace that took quite a bit of control. You could see the effort he exerted painted plainly across his face and your heart floated. Even in his excitement he still wanted to look as sexy as possible for you.
Your own clothes fell beside you slowly. You took even longer to actually get in the tub for Shawn's benefit. There was something about the look in his eyes that made you feel like you were on top of the world. His soapy hand held onto the other champagne glass carefully to hand it over to you. You took a sip of it and floated over to him to plant a kiss on his lips that felt exceptionally chaste  in contrast to the lovey dovey theming surrounding you.
"I hope there's more of that coming." Your golden retriever of a man winked a blue eye at you, the charm incapable of being turned off.
"That and more, sweetheart."
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diacripticcomplex · 5 months
I saw your yandere fic and I was wondering if I could request the same but this time with Shu but like no smut I prefer more blood and gore if that's oks w you. Thanks!
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Shu’s POV:
Sigh...I did not want to be in the game room with all these loud idiots but I was dragged in. I sat back on the chair, I closed my eyes but even with my eyes closed I could envision everything perfectly. It was Subaru's turn, throwing darts, he wasn't too bad at it..if he worked on his form he would've done better, I opened one of my eyes for a brief moment to observe his form..good, that was much better. He got a bullseye in one shot. I close my eyes again. I didn't care much to play or even watch but sometimes I like to observe. "Since we're all here, maybe we should play a game together?" even with my eyes closed I could tell which annoying mouth that came from, Laito of course. "What do you say Ayato?" he asked his even more annoying triplet. "what will I get when I beat all your sorry asses?" he asked with much confidence in his voice, he's so irritating..."The prize will be Little bitch~ You don't mind right Shu?" Laito chirped, he said my name but I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying. I just stared blankly at him. "What? No way, I'm with Shu. I can't be the prize." The prey said, 'I'm with Shu." How hilarious, she's not with me. I haven't even defiled her man eater lower body yet...
"So are you in Shu?" one of them asks me I don't even care to acknowledge who. "No, it's a pain I can do without.." I mumbled. I heard a scoff from Reiji. "I figured you would postulate that sort of statement, he's a good for nothing deadbeat, if you look up the word spineless in a dictionary you would see a picture of him right beside the definition." ouch, Reiji always says such hilariously crude things, regardless I have to show him who's the eldest after all. I get up. "Fine I'll play.." I say. Much to everyone's shock, they're so dramatic it's not that serious, just doing some humbling to my younger siblings. I get in my form, I've always been good at darts...even taught my old human friend how to play..great times. I focused and landed 3 darts into the bullseye. "No way, this bastard actually won??" Ayato whined, Laito awed in amazement. "No fair!" Kanato cried, "Well I guess he is the eldest after all.." Subaru commented. Reiji said nothing, what could he say..? Losers can't talk.
"Shu I'm so glad you won, congra-" she began to say, what a slut..she wanted to be the prize afterall, she wanted me to fight for her, it's rather pathetic but I will make my point clear and instill this into the minds of all my annoying brothers. I grabbed her wrist and turned her, pressing myself up against her back. Of course she began being problematic and moving around so much trying to break free, but I held her firmly, I took one of the darts and held it to her eye. "Make another move and I'll poke your little eye out.." I gently tell her, meaning it. I wouldn't mind gouging out her eyeball and crushing it under my foot..."You were excited to be made the prize for this, weren't you..?" She squirmed and tried to deny it, its honestly pointless. "Shu what are you doing?! Don't engage in such filth down here..!" Reiji nagged, I smirk at all of them. "Hush now, losers can't talk.." I remarked, then glided my tongue on her nape, she was so hot her skin was practically steaming, she was getting turned on by this..? Dirty girl. I won't complain. "No..please let go..!!" she kept panicking, well it was now or never, I bit into her flesh. And it tasted like nothing I have ever tasted before...it was like a hot meal on a cold day, it felt life changing.
I think it was the fear and embarrassment she felt, that's why her blood tasted so good, she definitely wasn't like other prey. I understand now why she was brought to us. Well brought to me. After tasting this blood, I don't think I will be passing her to my brothers, I don't understand why I feel this way..I couldn't care less about any of the sacrificial brides before, but this one...I want to defile her, break her body and suffocate her in a world of pain and despair. I noticed her clenching her silly little rosary. "No ones coming to save you." I whispered in her ear, then teleported us into my room. Her blood is like a drug, I want more and more of it.
This blood was giving me energy to do so many things to this body of hers..I take the knife from my nightstand and press to her cheek. “Take off your clothes” I tell her, “no..! I can’t do that!” She yelled, her disobedient yells were irritating me. I took the knife and sliced her clothes off. She quickly covered herself with her hands, her undergarments looked pathetic, lacked so much sex appeal, you’d think she’d have better undergarments, being the slut she is.. “Please Shu…don’t do this..” she cried, that wasn’t a bad face, I liked her crying face it was contoured with a hidden lust. I slice her chest, lightly and so much blood poured out, I lapped it up. She kept trying to fight me so I took the knife and stabbed right through her wrist and the scream that came with it was delightful, I could listen to her screams all day…she let out her tears and cried uncontrollably at this. “Take it out..! Please it hurts so much..!” She panted out. I rip the knife out her wrist which gave her even more pain but I did what she wanted. I lick the knife, then proceed to drinking the blood from her impaled wound on her wrist. Yea she’s not going anywhere…
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darthpastry · 8 months
Michael and Elizabeth headcanons/rambling
Somehow these two have become my comfort characters and now I have headcanons and AU ideas and I just want to ramble about them.
TW: Child abuse, death, crap William Afton pulled.
Pre-Murder Death Stuff:
Honestly, I see Michael and Elizabeth not being very close at this point. Like, yeah, they're siblings so they still interact and stuff, but Michael is the troublemaker who bullies CC and Elizabeth is the people-pleasing golden child. Since I don't think Mrs. Afton was a great mother and possibly even around, I do think Elizabeth tried to take on the role of keeping everyone in line when William wasn't around and would scold her brothers a lot. She wasn't exactly very nice herself either though, probably not full psychopath but since she was an impressionable child, she did pick up some of those kinds of behaviors from William.
For the most part, Michael would avoid Elizabeth. Since I do agree that The Immortal and the Restless is about the Aftons, I think William rejected Michael for at least the majority of his childhood. Possibly often told Michael that he was never even wanted, which Michael ended up taking out on CC. Maybe William even called CC 'his first wanted child' or something.
Maybe they had some moments together where they all got along, perhaps watching cheesy telenovels?
If The First Death Was CC:
Since the main reason I believed this one was because William needed a motivation to start experimenting with Remnant and thanks to Dittophobia, we now have one, I think Elizabeth died first, but since I still have headcanons about it, I'll blather on, nonetheless.
Elizabeth would've been pissed at Michael. Obviously, she would've blamed him for CC's death. Probably ignored him even more and never let go of her anger. Michael tried to talk to her, but she would either shut him down with a snarky comment or yell at him. I do kind of headcanon that Elizabeth and CC were twins so that would've made it worse. Either that, or Elizabeth never found out how CC died.
Oh boy... Michael spent a very long time trying to apologize for it, begging for forgiveness from his family, maybe taking some of CC's plushies and crying himself to sleep at night. Either that or he went numb for a while. After Elizabeth died, he full on suppressed everything until becoming the sarcastic, vengeful night guard he is in the games.
If The First Death Was Elizabeth:
Michael was supposed to be watching his younger siblings while William was working, it was after school, and they were at Circus Baby's Pizza World. Michael was ignoring the two and chatting with his friends instead. Elizabeth convinced CC that they should go see Baby despite William's warnings.
I know Baby says there was only one child, but that's why it's a headcanon. Who knows, maybe CC was hiding, and Baby couldn't detect him?
Elizabeth gets closer to Circus Baby, though CC gets scared and stays back. Elizabeth then gets killed by Baby and CC ends up running off in fear, eventually William finds out what happens but CC keeps his knowledge of it a secret, feeling guilty for allowing his twin to get so close.
William never finds out CC knows and refuses to tell both kids how Elizabeth died. Michael gets a hunch that CC knows and ends up bullying him while CC just turns into a sad, traumatized mess. As one does after watching their sister get killed by an animatronic.
This leads CC to being terrified of animatronics and... yeah. When Michael accidently kills CC, perhaps William ends up yelling at him and telling him how Elizabeth died.
By The Time Of Sister Location:
Michael ended up moving to a new neighborhood where no one knew him, they'd heard about the events, but didn't connect Michael to them since he never gave out personal information. He ended up making a lot of friends, having a certain wit that comes from suppressed trauma. William/Springtrap contacts him, telling him to go work at Circus Baby's Pizza World. Michael doesn't trust his father, but ends up going, nonetheless.
Now, if he knew about how Elizabeth died, he was probably terrified of Circus Baby, but ended up trusting her after noticing her eyes were now green.
Getting scooped definitely hurt a lot more emotionally than physically. Maybe a part of Elizabeth that was still in there hesitated.
One of my favorite parts of Sister Location is that Michael got scooped and just went home to eat popcorn, display his butters, and watch his dramatic telenovelas.
As mentioned earlier, I like to think it was one of the few bonding experiences he had with his siblings so was very attached to them. Maybe The Immortal and the Restless in particular was cathartic to watch.
Despite seemingly rather apathetic, two things made Michael cry, his siblings' deaths and telenovelas.
Elizabeth and Charlie were the best of friends while they were both alive, though I do think Charlie was a year or two younger. The two of them always thought The Security Puppet was cool, and Elizabeth would often talk to it after Charlie died, asking if it was crying about Charlie's death as well, since she didn't know about it being possessed.
Also, I love the fact that the fan wiki for Michael specifically calls out that his SL reflection post-scoop looks like Rick Astley.
This may be awful, but the way Michael was animated vomiting up Ennard in the 8-bit section of SL is hilarious to me.
I support the theory of GlamMike. Fazbear Entertainment was destroyed by the Afton siblings and that's that.
AU Time:
Probably my favorite is the one where Elizabeth didn't die, it was after CC's death and Michael managed to find her and pull her away right before she got snatched. They never really talked about it afterwards, but they became closer, and Elizabeth finally forgave him for CC's death. She grew up to work as an engineer for Fazbear Entertainment under an alias, much like Michael becoming a night guard. Baby ended up possessed by another child, but Elizabeth managed to save Michael from getting scooped. The two of them ended up at the PizzaPlex. Elizabeth was still an engineer and befriended Vanessa, but once she realized something was wrong, she snuck Michael in.
First sentence is just one I've seen before on here, but Michael getting an "I don't want to die" moment at the end of Pizzeria Sim and using the escape route Henry planned for him. He feels guilty for a while, but once the PizzaPlex opens, he's relieved that he has a purpose again. But maybe this time... he'll burn with it.
A continuation of the last one but since it gets completely nonsensical now, Elizabeth somehow returns from the dead. Because hey, if William can do it... Only now she's her child self again, but the AI from Circus Baby is still in her head and occasionally takes over if she gets too emotional.
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yan-sideblog · 2 years
How about:
In the STT AU (Sunny Time Town AU), how would Jack introducing MC to his family go?
I wanna see that! 🌸😃🌸
Ok HCs for now but I'm 100% doing a fic of this later. Seriously anon i LOVE Jack's parents & his sister, as you may be able to tell by the lwngth of this 😅.
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When he first told his family he was seeing Y/N they were all elated.
Especially considering he'd always talk about them since their first meeting so his feeling were pretty obvious, especially to Papa Rise.
After all he inherited many of his own ways of obsessing over loving his significant other from him so Rise knew the signs when he saw them.
Mama Shine dramatically lamented over her "baby boy" growing up to fast.
"Shine our son is a grown man with a house and a job." Rise will sign with a fond eyeroll.
Jane, who wasn't in town when he called and told her, could be heard stumbling over various items in her excitement.
But that pales in comparison to how happy they are when he says he plans on bringing them to dinner when Jane is in town next.
They'd been dating a few months already and it seemed like a good a time as any to him.
Shine is immediately thinking up a million different plans because it HAS to be perfect, it's her first impression on her future in law after all.
Jane, while not AS high energy as her mother, is also all aboard the hype train.
Meaning it's up to Rise to help reign his wife & daughter in to a more reasonable level.
"I know you're both excited but we don't wanna scare them off or make them uncomfortable".
He's by no means any less excuted but as a non-verbal person with a very vocal high energy family he knows that different people have different thresholds.
So the three compromise on the more reasonable idea of a relaxing game night.
It's something fun most people can enjoy and takes some of the pressure off of having to come up with conversation topics.
As for the food Rise is in charge of that full stop, he made sure to ask Jack for Y/N's favorites.
So with the activities and the meal planned out they all wait for the day circled on their calanders to approach.
When they finally meet Shine can't help but scoop them into a tight hug and exclaim how happy she is to finally meet them.
"Jacks told us so much about ya! You're more adorable in person, don't ya think so Rise?" she beamed at her husband with a smile exactly like her son's.
Luckily Jack told them how excited his family was so they were prepared for the energetic welcome.
By comparison Rise gives them a much calmer welcome before excusing himself to go finish dinner.
"Come ooon Jack you see them literally all the time, give the rest of us a turn." Jane pops up to their side and hooks her arm around theirs to drag them off to the living room.
Anyone else and he would've reacted quite negatively but this man absolutely LOVES his family and is just so happy things are going well.
"So wanna hear some embarrassing stories 'bout my baby brother? I've got tons." Jane teases looking back at Jack & their mother as the twi follow them.
And so they all started chatting over a few funny childhood stories.
Though Jack was mildly embarassed when his sister chimed in with "Bet you would've never guessed the big guy here was a crybaby wgen we were little huh?".
Not much time passed before Rise came back in to let them all know dinner was ready.
"I hope you like everything. Jack told me what you liked so i tried going off of what he told me." Rise signed as they all sat down.
Dinner consisted of much of the typical "meeting your child's partner" conversation.
Them asking Y/N about things like work, theur life and how they met.
Even though Jack most certainly told them most of it already they wanted to hear Y/N's perspective on things.
Once dinner they finished the returned to the living room for a few family favorite board games.
Teams would rotate with someone occasionally sitting out a round to play commentator "Ooh looks like Dad has to go straight to the clink.".
They all had a great time as the night wore on and Jack couldn't help the adoring look that came over his face.
He already knew he wanted to be with them forever but seeing them here, with his family, further cemented in his mind that they belonged together.
And he'd do whatever he needed to make sure they stayed that way, nobody would take his sunshine from him.
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