#i once saw a post where someone said something like 'i feel so weird writing about him (some thing like eating or sleeping)!'
guqin-and-flute · 2 years
Xichen deserves crows feet.
He deserves to smile with teeth and get those eye crusties you sometimes get from sleeping and cry and sleep in and make a privately goofy noise of surprise when his toe catches on a step and he almost faceplants and saves himself at the last minute.
He deserves to be human.
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sunflower-lilac42 · 2 months
𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝘀𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺 ; 𝘭𝘩43 ୨୧
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➪ summary: meeting luke was unexpected, but so was him wanting to come to every rehearsal and performance of hers
➪ warnings: reader has crappy parents, parents not showing up to events, lack of eating
➪ word count: 8.0k
➪ file type: fic - reupload
➪ sunny's notes: ahhhhhh the band fic that i will always remember staying up until like two in the morning to write because i was so proud of it. this is projecting 100% but this fic is so near and dear to me that i of course had to post it on my last day of high school band camp. a full circle :)
© sunflower-lilac42 ; do not copy, repost, or translate my work and designs on any other website or here
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Y/n always said she never minded, but Luke knew better. He knew that every time she looked out into those stands and saw the absence of her parents and siblings would always hurt her. She knew that marching band wasn’t the most entertaining thing in the world but the least they could do was be supportive. They sat through hours upon hours of baseball games where their sons wouldn’t even get a chance to go up to bat, they sat through hours and hours of concerts where they couldn’t even hear their daughters sing. But how come when it came to her, they wouldn’t spend even twenty minutes to see her on the field, a time they could actually see her do something?
Though, she told Luke over and over again that it didn’t bother her. She had her friends by her side who made the long Friday nights of football where their team would be getting crushed better, made basketball games where no one cared about whether or not they were there better, and made the excruciating heat better, who made the long bus rides and long days of competitions better. But who else was there to see that? No one, that was until she met Luke.
It was during their freshman year of high school, just as the football season was coming to a close and hockey season had started about two weeks ago. She was walking through the hallways on her way to the band hallway when she bumped into him, he was sweaty from gym, his curls straightening out in the slightest. As soon as she saw him she was slightly star-struck, she wasn’t in the tiniest bit prepared for this to happen, “Hi. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Luke thought she was pretty right off the bat, the way she seemed shy but talked loud, the way she fiddled with the bracelet around her wrist, the way her smile was awkward but genuine, much like his own.
The two stood in silence and then the warning bell rang, signaling that there were now two minutes to get to class. Luke and y/n looked startled by the bell, both of them had spaced out while looking at each other, “Oh, what do you have next?”
She looked up at him, surprised by the question, “Lunch, technically. And you?”
“Oh weird, I have lunch too. How come I’ve never seen you there?”
“I have band right now until the season is over. We go out for a period and a half to work on the show and then we get the last half of next period to eat lunch.”
“You only get 20 minutes to eat lunch?”
She nodded, a smile growing on her face, “Yeah. Um, I should probably go, but it was nice to meet you.”
She ran off, not allowing Luke to properly introduce himself. He was going to call after her but she was gone before he could think about the words to say. He went the rest of the day thinking about the interaction and her, and she did too. She allowed herself to be delusional for once, thinking about what it would feel like to have a boyfriend and for him to show up to her events.
The next day, she found herself rushing to the band hallway, having left her last class late. She was just about there when she heard a voice call, “Hey!”
At first, she didn’t realize it was her that the voice was talking to. She hadn’t remembered the last time someone had actively sought her out. However, once the voice called again she stopped and looked around and saw Luke standing there with a smile on his face, “Hi.”
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“You have?” She looked confused and bewildered at the same time, moving to her locker to get her instrument.
He nods, leaning against the set of lockers next to her, “Yeah. For starters, I was wondering your name and if I could get your-”
He was cut off by a group of students coming up, saying excuse me so they could get to their lockers. She looks at him as her lock opens, handing it to him, “Thank you.”
She grabs her instrument and her shoes before grabbing the lock back and locking her locker. She ushers him to follow her, walking into the band room and throwing her stuff down. Luke talked to her as they walked, explaining how he wondered what her name was and if they could exchange numbers. Once again, she was taken by surprise and then saw her friends enter the room, “Um sure. What do you have next period?”
“Uh study hall.”
“Okay, cool. I’ll meet you in the library then?” She was changing her shoes and saw her friends approaching faster and faster, “See you later.” 
She then pushed him out of the room through the nearest exit. Luke was lost as he was shoved into the hallway, watching her throw her hair into a ponytail as she walked away. He heard her tell her friends that she had forgotten a jacket and that she was going to freeze to death. He decided to wait for her, thinking about giving her the extra hoodie that he brought in case he forgot his own. 
When she came walking out of the band room a few minutes later, he caught her arm and she turned around, “Hi?”
Her friends looked at her in amusement, eyebrows raising. They didn’t say anything, just walked away and left her there on her own, “I heard you say you were cold.”
“Um yeah, I’m fine though, thank you.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind giving you this,” he held out the hoodie and she gazed at it with curiosity.
He nodded, encouraging her to take it, “I’ll give it back to you next period.”
He shrugged it off, not too worried about if she did decide to keep it. She walked away, heading outside while putting the hoodie on. She smiled at it being too big, it must’ve been one he got from his brothers or one he got in the wrong size. As she caught up with her friends, she could hear them talking about the boy she had just been talking to, still not knowing his name.
“What is it?”
“That’s Luke Hughes!”
“Luke Hughes?”
“Not ringing any bell here.”
“He’s a really good hockey player, and so are his brothers. Quinn, his oldest, is supposed to be drafted in next year’s draft, he just started college this year. And Jack, he’s a junior right now, everybody is saying he’s supposed to be drafted in two years.”
“And you all know this because?”
“Because the Hughes brothers are hot y/n/n. Actually, hockey men are hot, but three brothers? Come on.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, placing her things down on the turf, “Did he give you his hoodie?”
“Yeah…?” Her friends squealed, “Guys it’s not a big deal. He probably doesn’t like me. Do you remember the last time I dated someone, let alone someone who I liked that liked me back?”
“Yes.” Her friends said in a deadpan voice, “You talk about it all the time.”
“Well, I just think it’s worth mentioning since he thought the Earth was flat! And then the other guy I liked made me cry at homecoming! There is no way in the world that Luke Hughes, who, if he is who you say he is, would like me.”
The three friends eyed each other and then looked at y/n, “We’ll see about that.”
Band was slow that day as it usually was, they went over the one spot in song four that was troubling people the most. If they didn’t want them to struggle, they shouldn’t have given them choreography for eight counts right before a huge change in tempo and the hardest spot in the music. When it was over, she slugged her way back to the school, her legs ached and her arms too from holding up her instrument. 
She put her things away, now walking to the library instead of going to lunch. She had work to do, and a test next period as well. When she got there she spotted Luke right away, he was scrolling on his phone, laughing every once in a while. She walked up to the table he sat at, placing her water bottle down and letting her backpack fall down to the ground with a thud. She plopped down into her chair with a groan and placed her head on her forearms. 
Luke looked up from his phone from the moment the metal of her water bottle touched the table and watched the girl with amusement in his eyes, “Why hello there.”
“Shouldn’t you be eating lunch?”
She sat up, “‘M not hungry. Plus I have to study for a test next period.
He nodded, shoving his phone into his pocket, “You want help?”
“Sure.” Y/n reached into her backpack and pulled out the green folder, “Bio?”
“The actual fucking death of me.”
Luke helped her study for the next twenty minutes, stopping occasionally just to look at her. The librarian was watching from afar, silently admiring the two. She knew that the two were going to end up together, there was something about the way Luke looked at her even if they had just met the day before. When she announced that there were five minutes left of the period, y/n started packing up and thanked Luke for his help.
“No problem, now I think you still owe me your number.”
“Oh right, give me.” She held out her hand for his phone to which he placed it in her hand. 
She typed her number in and saved her contact name as ‘Y/n’ with a teddy bear emoji, “Why a teddy bear?”
“I don’t know, it was the first emoji I thought of.” Luke shrugged and texted her so she’d have his number too, “Save mine as Lukey with the honey emoji!”
“You’re a dork. No but actually why the honey emoji?”
“So that way our contact emojis are Winnie the Pooh,”
“That is the cutest and stupidest thing I have ever heard.” She stood up and immediately felt dizzy. 
She placed a hand on the table and closed her eyes, “Are you okay?”
“Uh yeah, just a little dizzy. I’ll be fine.”
Luke looked at her apprehensively, he knew she wasn’t but he let it go. He walked her to class, neither of them noticing she was still wearing his sweatshirt, and wished her luck on the test. Over the next week and a half, the two texted each other non-stop with random updates on their lives and random conversations. It was now the next Thursday, a day before the last game of the season and everyone was excited as it was the rivalry game.
Luke and y/n sat next to each other outside after school, she had rehearsal later in the evening and Luke had said he wanted to stay with her. Jack had already left and he wasn’t going to leave her there alone. They sat at the picnic table outside of the school, she was working on homework as Luke scrolled on his phone occasionally glancing up at her.
She didn’t eat lunch again today and he wasn’t sure if it was because she wasn’t hungry or because she didn’t want to. When he noticed her eyes dropping he grew more concerned, “You okay?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m good. Why?”
“I don’t know, you just look like you’re not okay.”
“I should probably eat something, haven’t been able to yet.”
“Why not?”
“I can’t eat breakfast, it makes me sick and lunch well after band and only have twenty minutes to eat, my appetite is practically non-existent.”
“You wanna walk to the store?”
The two got up and set out to the store, making jokes along the way. She was wearing one of Luke’s sweatshirts, he had given it to her earlier today when he found out she had once again forgotten her own. Luke had only met her a week ago and he was protective of her. There was something about her that just made him want to shield her from everything harmful that could come her way.
Luke offered to pay for her food as they checked out but she declined even after giving minutes of them just standing there and Luke pestering her. An old lady who was checking out next to them looked at them fondly, “You should let him pay, dear. It’s not every day that someone is going to come around begging for you to let them pay.”
Y/n felt butterflies appear in her stomach, looking between the lady and up at Luke. She finally nodded, accepting her fate and letting Luke pay. She thanked him endlessly as they walked back to the school, linking arms with him as she could feel herself getting dizzy again, “So what are you doing this weekend, Hughes?”
“Hockey probably, but I’d have to look. What about you?”
“We got a band competition, it’s kind of like state for us.”
“Oh, that’s cool.”
She shrugged, not really wanting to go, “It’s gonna be a long day and my- never mind.”
“No, what is it?”
She shook her head, sitting down and taking the food out of her bag. Luke looked at her confused, saddened by her sudden mood drop. He could tell that she didn’t want to talk about it but he was nosey, and he really wanted to know, “Come on. You can tell me.”
She sighed, “All of my friends’ parents are going and my parents don’t even bother to show up to football games. They only bother to show up for the kids that could do something successful.” 
Luke was foreign to the way she was feeling, well for the most part. He didn’t know what it was like for his parents to not show up for games, sure they couldn’t come to every game but they came to games that they could make it for and the important ones. He understood what it felt like to be overshadowed, however, not that he really was. It was more of a thought rather than an actuality. 
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“Look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you feel sorry for me. Don’t, please.”
“I’m not.” She raised an eyebrow but stopped the conversation.
“How are you getting home tonight?”
“My friend is taking me.”
“Let me take you.”
“Luke, you can’t even drive.”
“No I know that but I’ll stay here and then-”
She laughed, interrupting him, “You are not going to stay here for another two and a half hours, Luke.”
“And why not?”
“Because you have to go home, I’m surprised you even offered to stay here with me until rehearsal started.”
“But I want to be.”
“I don’t know, I just want to be there for you.”
She gave him an awkward smile, shocked once again by his actions and words. She pondered about what to do, she didn’t want him to have to stay later than he already had offered. On the other hand, it felt nice knowing that someone wanted to be there for her, to go to her activities for her even if it was just a practice. 
She carefully eyed him up and down, “Okay, but keep in mind I wasn’t the one who made you stay.”
He smiled and held his hands up in surrender. He followed her as she walked through the school to the band room, stopping at her locker to grab her instrument and other things. He followed her through the band room and out the doors to the football field, looking like a lost puppy. She sat with her friends as they waited for football practice to be over, Luke sitting behind her on his phone.
“So, why is he here?”
“Why is who here?”
Her friends gestured with their heads to the boy who sat a couple of feet behind them, “Him.”
“Oh, I don’t know. He said he wanted to come.”
“Oh my god, y/n! This means you can finally get over-”
“Shut up. He doesn’t like me and I don’t like him, it’s simple. Plus, I haven’t liked… you know who, for a while. I don’t even think I liked him in the first place.”
“Uh huh, sure. You are in delusion, my friend. And you have convinced yourself that neither of you has feelings for each other. No one wants to be at a band rehearsal, not even the people in band want to be here, and Luke Hughes wants to be here? For you?”
“It’s nothing, can we just drop it?”
“Yeah, yeah. So I heard that Sydney and Max were having sex in the practice rooms.”
Y/n spit out her water causing Luke to look up from his phone, slightly chuckling, “You what?”
“So is this what you guys do all the time before practice?”
“Rehearsal. And if by ‘this’ you mean sitting around and talking about the band drama, yes.”
“Am I allowed to be let in on it or is it strictly like ‘band kids’ only.”
One of y/n’s friends looked at him, “Don’t call us band kids. And of course, you can join us. Any friend of our dear y/n is welcome.”
Y/n glared at the girl as she heard Luke moving closer. Luke felt bold as he wrapped an arm around the girl’s waist, watching as her eyes widened. She didn’t say anything, didn’t move, she just sat there slightly terrified. She looked in between her friends who smirked at her in response. Luke sat there smug, waiting for them to start talking, “So. What’s this about who and who having sex in the practice rooms?”
Luke could honestly say this was the longest he had willingly gone without his phone, including hockey practice. He had sat in the stands the whole time, eyes trained on y/n no matter where she went. If she was backfield, that’s where he would be staring, if she was on the left side of the field, that’s where he would be staring.
He watched as she grew increasingly tired from the multiple reps of just one move they made them do, he honestly thought he could do it himself at this point. He was in awe, really, he never knew how much time and effort the band put in to do a seven-minute show for people who didn’t care about it. Everyone looked exhausted and he wasn’t sure if they were just done with band or just actually tired, or both.
There was one moment during rehearsal when he saw y/n lug herself over to where the band directors were and talk with them. A minute after that he watched as she took a seat on the bench and watched her fellow band members. He was confused and worried, wanting nothing more than to walk over there and ask her what was wrong but he promised her that he wouldn’t interrupt her no matter what.
She was embarrassed, she had felt his eyes on her the whole time. She didn’t know why he wanted to be here, it gave her an unfamiliar feeling in her stomach, one of feeling important for once. Her friends made little nudges and jokes at her for the three hours they were on the field, only shutting up when they were yelled at. When they were talking at the end of rehearsal, she couldn’t help but continue to look over at him, causing her to be startled when she realized she was picked to give the speech today. 
“Hi everyone! Um, good rehearsal tonight, this season has been absolutely amazing and I hope you all feel the same way. I don’t think there’s anything else to say other than tomorrow is game day!” She paused as everyone whooped around her, “And we have our competition on Saturday so let’s make these next few runs of the show our best, and let’s go home because I’m tired.”
They all listened as the band directors gave their final announcements, call time for Friday and Saturday, the itinerary, and whatnot. When it was over, Luke met her at the entrance of the gate and reached out to take something of hers but she shook her head, “I’m good, thank you though.”
He awkwardly pulled his hands back and nodded, walking beside her into the school, “Are you sure your brother is okay with taking me home? I don’t want to inconvenience you guys and Stella said it was okay to take me home.”
He shook his head, “Of course, you can. You’re not inconveniencing anyone. I promise.”
She gave him a genuine smile, “Thank you, Luke.”
She put her things away, saying goodbye to her friends before walking out of the school with Luke. They stood at the entrance, Luke trying to spot his brother’s car, and when he did he turned to her, “Just give me one moment.”
She nodded, confusion written on her face as she watched him run over to the car.
“Hey, I thought we were taking your girlfriend home.”
“One, not my girlfriend. And two, can you please not embarrass me or her? She’s really uncomfortable around new people.”
Jack could see the way his younger brother was panicking, “Yeah, sure.”
Luke thanked him and then ran back over to y/n, taking hold of her hand and dragging her to the car. He opened up the back passenger side door and allowed her to climb in, him climbing in after her. She looked between him and the front seat, “I thought you would’ve sat up there.”
“Trust me, I know how awkward it is to ride in the back of someone’s car when you only know one person.”
The car was silent for a minute, y/n trying to think of something to say besides directing Jack to her house. She figured she should probably say thank you to him even though everything else in her was yelling at her not to. She was never the best at making conversation with people, let alone with people she didn’t know.
“Thank you for taking me home, I’m sorry it was such a last-minute thing.”
Jack glanced up at her through the rearview mirror, “No problem, honestly.”
She gave him an awkward smile, nodding and redirecting her gaze to outside the car window. Luke’s hand slowly made its way over to her lap as he took ahold of her hand again. She didn’t move her head, simply just squeezing his hand back as a thank you. 
When they got to her house, she thanked Jack once again before getting out of the car. Luke jumped out and told his brother to wait for him as he went to talk to her, “Hey!”
She stopped in her tracks at the voice and turned around, arms coming to wrap themselves around her as she shivered from the cold, “What’s up?”
“I’m going tomorrow.”
“To where?”
“You’re game.”
Her cheeks reddened at the confession, “It’s not my game.”
He threw his head back and groaned, “You know what I mean.” 
She giggled a little, “Yeah. You don’t have to Luke, I mean you came to our practice which was more than enough for me. You didn’t even have to come for that.”
He took both of her hands this time into his own, “I know but I really want to. Pleaseeeeee.”
“Okay fine. But no complaining again.”
“Aye aye, captain.”
He saluted her as she walked up the steps to her door, making sure she got in okay before even thinking of turning back to the car. On the way home, Jack made digs at his brother for being whipped for the girl he had only known for a little more than a week. When it went quiet for two minutes, Luke mulled over the idea of her competition on Saturday and what she had told him. 
“Do you think Mom and Dad would let me go to y/n’s competition on Saturday?”
“Depends on where it is.” Jack turned onto their street, not even bothering to glance at him until he said where it was. 
“What? It’s not that far.”
“Dude it’s three hours!”
“Okay, but we can see Quinn too.”
Jack eyed him carefully, “You can ask them but don’t expect a yes.”
“Can we please go?”
“Luke.” Ellen’s tone was sympathetic but stern as she talked to him, “We can’t just drive three hours, especially on this short notice to a band competition. I mean we haven’t even met this girl, have we?”
“No, but. I figured we could make a little trip out of it! We can see Quinn and you guys can hang out with him while I’m there so that way you don’t have to sit through bands because I know for a fact that you don’t want to. And plus, I know you haven’t met her but she’s super nice, Mom.”
Ellen looked conflicted but Luke’s next words broke her heart and tipped her over the edge, “She has no one going to support her.”
“Fine, we can go. But this is the last time you can ask us for stuff for a while.”
The three laughed as they heard Jack’s shocked voice echo through the house. 
Luke sat happily with a few of his friends at the football game, two sweatshirts on due to the cold. The stands were packed with parents, students, and siblings as they cheered on their football team, yelling out random chants at the other team. There was a clashing of colors as some of the rival school’s people made their way over to their side of the stands. On the opposite side of the field, the opposing team’s student section was packed to the brim, almost filling up half of the stands.
He sat on the edge of the student section, right where there was caution tape separating the band and the rest of the student population. He had glanced over there a few times, trying to find y/n but he had no look. Finally, when someone he knew was close enough he yelled out her name, “Stella!”
Stella, one of y/n’s friends turned her head quickly and her eyes immediately landed on Luke, “Hi, Luke. What brings you to this fine occasion?”
“Where’s y/n?”
Stella somewhat grimaced, “Last I heard she wasn’t feeling well and was on her way to the bathroom.”
Luke’s eyes flooded with concern, “Is she okay?”
She merely shrugged and went to say something but one of her friends came up and joined the conversation, “Hey guys!”
The two-eyed Lee who was frankly too happy to be at a high school football game, “Have you seen y/n?”
“Oh yeah! She was getting some water, and said she felt better. I think she was coming up-”
The three then looked at the girl who stood awkwardly, her hair sweaty in her high ponytail from being in the shako for too long. She looked paler than normal, her eyes looked tired and were accompanied by the dark circles beneath them, “I didn’t actually think you would come.”
He stood up, looking around him before climbing over the caution tape, “Of course I did.” 
Stella and Lee walked off, leaving the two to talk amongst themselves, “Are you okay?”
“Oh yeah, I just get nervous for games and get extremely drained.”
He nodded, watching as she flipped through her music to find the song they were supposed to be playing the next time they were able to play, “What’s that?”
“It’s my flip folder, it holds all of our stand tunes that we play during timeouts or between quarters or whenever the play stops. How come you're so interested all of a sudden?”
“I was just curious.” He held his hands up in surrender and she laughed, “Such a dork.”
Throughout the game, Luke listened to her play in awe, he could tell her voice was becoming more and more horse as she screamed and cheered. He didn’t realize how much the band actually contributed during games, they definitely did more than the student section did, that was for sure. When they left for halftime, she made Luke hold her things which he didn’t mind doing.
He watched their performance intently, his eyes moving to wherever y/n was standing. He realized that most people had left during halftime, especially during the band’s performance and he couldn’t understand why. The band was pretty good, definitely better than their football team. When they were done, he watched as she somewhat stumbled off the field, not sure if she was tired, excited, or sick.
She was hugging her friend's arm tightly, “I can’t believe that was our last halftime of the year.”
“Hey, we still got three more years of this left.”
“Ugh, I know. Don’t remind me.”
“So how’s your little boyfriend up there?”
Y/n’s eyes widened, “Not my boyfriend!”
“Okay, seriously, y/n/n. When was the last time you saw anybody’s boyfriend or girlfriend or partner that wasn’t in band go to a football game for band, let alone a practice?” She merely shrugged, wanting nothing more than to stop this conversation.
“When you realize I’m right, I’ll be waiting to say ‘I told you so’.”
She groaned, “Stop. Please. I just want to enjoy the friendship, I haven’t had one like this in years.”
After the game she found Luke standing on the steps to the school. She was shocked, she thought he would’ve already gone home due to the time. She sat down beside him and nudged his shoulder, “Hey.”
Luke looked up quickly, a smile making its way onto his face, “Hi.”
“What are you still doing here?”
“Partially I’m waiting for you but also I have to wait for Jack or my mom.”
She nodded, understanding. She was too tired to care that her head was slowly leaning to one side, ultimately giving up and letting it rest on his shoulder. Luke was shocked by the added pressure on his shoulder but didn’t mind it, truthfully.
He smiled down at her and looked for the car, “How are you getting home?”
She let out a yawn as she tried to answer, “I don’t know.”
Luke looked at her bewildered, “You don’t know?!”
She nodded, still keeping her head on his shoulder, “Yeah.”
“You want us to take you home?”
“No, I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“Too bad. You’re coming with us.”
This time she didn’t protest and just waited for him to say that whoever was here to pick him up was here. Luke debated on whether or not to tell her that he was going to go tomorrow. He decided to be quiet, formulating a plan on how to surprise her tomorrow. His mom pulled up a few minutes later, watching as he soon lightly shook the girl who was leaning on him awake.
Luke helped y/n to the car, allowing her to get in first like he did the previous night, “Hi Mrs. Hughes. I’m y/n. I’m so sorry about this, I wasn’t planning on your son being so persistent about taking me home.”
At this Ellen chuckled, “Of course he was. It’s no problem, honey.”
Y/n directed Ellen to her house, making small talk with her as a way to keep her awake, “So, Luke tells me you have a competition tomorrow.”
She side-eyed Luke before answering, “Yeah, at the University of Michigan. It’s kind of like state for band I guess.”
Ellen nodded, “Did Luke tell you we are going there too this weekend?”
“No, he did not.”
“Yes, well, his older brother goes there and we figured it would be nice to go visit him.”
“Oh that’s cool, I didn’t know that.”
She pulled into the driveway a few minutes after that and the two said goodbye to one another and Luke, like last night, walked her to the door, “Why didn’t you tell me you were going there?”
“I was going to surprise you actually.”
She looked at him suspiciously, “Well, if you have time, let me know and you should come see us.”
“Are you telling me to come watch you guys?” He said teasingly.
“Just this once.”
“I’ll be there.”
At the stadium the next day, y/n had found Luke after they performed and they sat together as they watched the rest of the bands perform and the awards. Despite having just done a 7-minute show in her band uniform, she was cold and her sweatshirt provided the least amount of warmth.
Luckily, Luke had brought an extra sweatshirt and a blanket just for this, knowing how much she got cold. She took it gratefully, wasting no time in throwing it on. Luke asked her questions about certain things in the others’ performances, what songs they were, and what moves they were doing. At one point they got bored and started writing different show names in the programs for each band. 
When awards came around, she was getting increasingly tired, “I have a question.”
“Go for it.”
“Do you wanna meet my family?”
Y/n looked at him with wide eyes, “Meet your what?”
“My family. Well, you’ve already met Jack and my mom but Quinn and my dad you haven’t.”
She held tears in her eyes as she thought over his words. Luke frowned when he noticed the tears, “What’s wrong?”
“Luke, we've only known each other for what? A week and a half at best?”
“I guess, I just don’t understand why you want me to meet them.”
“Because you’re amazing. And like you said, I know I’ve only known you for a week and a half, but you are truly one of the best friends, if not the best friend, I have ever had. You’re talented, smart, funny, and I love spending time with you.”
She looked at him shocked, not knowing what to say. No one had said this to her before, and if they had it wasn’t to this extent. Luke was truly perfect in her opinion, he was nice, charming, funny, cute, supportive, and he was everything she would ever want. However, she knew him liking her was never a possibility, she had to push that to the back of her mind, the furthest away. 
She gave him an awkward smile, unsure of how this conversation was going to continue. She was still taken aback by his previous confession, about wanting to meet his family. She loved her family, she really did, but Luke’s family sounded amazing, like heaven. She hadn’t felt a part of her family in months, maybe she would feel like family with his. That thought seemed to be a bit much, she didn’t think she would fit in with anyone, it was by pure luck that she found Luke. 
When the two had sat in silence for five minutes, Luke gave her a little shove, “Hey. Everything okay?” The desperate want to ask her what was going on in her beautiful mind was bugging him, he wanted to reach out and push the stray hair out of her face, wipe away her tears, and pull her into a death-gripping hug. 
She only nodded, using the sleeve of his her sweatshirt to wipe away the stray tear that had made its way down her face. Luke had felt his face permanently stuck in a worried look when he was around her and this moment wasn’t any different. Just when he was about to say something, the announcer rang out through the speakers, “And with that, it is time for our awards! Thank you to everyone who came out and let’s get this started with class single A!”
She turned to face the field, ignoring Luke’s eyes that she felt glaring at her on the side of her head. She listened to the awards, little to no thoughts running through her head until they got to their division. They went through the typical awards you get at every competition, best drum major, best visual, best general effect, etc., before getting into placement awards.
While she wasn’t expecting them to place in general with all the schools that were there, she was a little heartbroken when they didn’t get third or second. All of them knew that there was no possible way that they could get first, they were hopeful, sure, but realistic even more. So when they announced their high school not only first but as grand champion, everyone from the school was ecstatic. 
Luke immediately brought her into a hug, not even thinking. He was so proud of her, and the rest of them, but mostly her. She grinned when she felt his arms wrap around her, not even bothering to be embarrassed. She hugged him back with the same amount of strength that he gave her. 
They met up with Luke’s family outside the stadium, she was now tired, the day’s events finally catching up with her. Luke had to wrap an arm around her to keep her upright as they walked to the car. Ellen greeted the girl with a smile as she stepped out of the car and opened her arms for a hug. Y/n was taken aback, she had met this woman two days ago and she was now just giving her a hug so easily. 
She hugged her back nonetheless, “How was the competition, sweetheart?”
“It was good. We won grand champions.”
“Oh honey, that’s incredible! I’m sorry we couldn’t make it.”
She shrugged it off, she was used to her family not showing up and she hadn’t even met the whole family properly so why would she think they would, “It’s okay.”
“Well, we’re going out to dinner if you want to come, maybe? I know Luke said that your way back is with the rest of the kids but we are more than happy to take you home ourselves.”
Her eyes widened at the position, “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a-”
“Shush. You’re not a burden, y/n/n.” Luke’s hand squeezed her shoulder as a way of reassuring her.
“Okay then. I guess Luke’s going to kidnap me anyway.”
“Damn right, I am,” Luke mumbled but Ellen still caught it, smacking him on the arm.
Y/n grinned as she watched the interaction, trying to stifle a laugh. Luke rolled his eyes and opened the back door, “Y/n/n you already know Jack but this is my eldest brother Quinn.”
She gave him a small wave, the nerves presenting themselves once again. Quinn waved back, smiling at her, “And this is my dad.”
“Hi, Mr. Hughes.”
Jim turned to her and smiled much like his son, “Hi.”
The two climbed into the car, sitting in the back. Her head immediately found its place on his shoulder, drifting off to the sound of the family softly talking as they drove to wherever they were heading to. Luke smiled down at her, and in that moment, it made Luke realize more than ever that he wanted to be there for her forever.
Throughout their high school years, Luke went to every football game he could manage to go to, every competition he could, every practice he could, even going to the few basketball games she had to perform at. Junior year, he drove himself to her competition at the University of Michigan, being able to drive them back home without having to worry about his parents.
Luke wasn’t the only one who showed up. The Hughes family had taken a liking to her ever since they met her and Ellen and Jim had practically adopted her from the moment they took her home from the competition freshman year. Jack tagged along with Luke to the games when he was still in high school, sometimes Ellen and Jim would show up too. They all went to their graduation not only for Luke but for y/n as well, it’s rumored that they cheered louder for her than for Luke. 
Luke asked her out a month after asking her to homecoming. Everyone said his homecoming and prom proposals were a force to be reckoned with. He always had a way to surprise her and upstage everyone. In sophomore year for homecoming, he got the band to play ‘hey baby’ and he asked her with a poster that said ‘hey baby. I wanna know if you’ll be my date to Hoco.’ Junior year for prom he got a punch of hockey pucks and spelled out ‘Prom?’. 
On the flip side, y/n had made it her mission to support Luke just as much as he supported her. She went to practically every game of his, cheering him on whether or not he got a goal, assist, or just sat on the bench. She wore his sweatshirts at every game, which most of them had belonged to her at that point anyway. Admittedly, there were a few times when Quinn or Jack’s hoodies made their way into the pile because Luke had “accidentally” stolen them from them.
Much like they were there for her, y/n was also there for Jack and Quinn. She was at Quinn’s draft because they had all but begged her to come and the same with Jack. That was the first time she felt part of the family. She would go with them to UMich when they would go see Quinn. She spent the majority of her time with them since that weekend. 
They went to the University of Michigan together, where they both continued to give each other their unwavering support. He went to ‘her’ football games and she went to his hockey games, the ones that she was not performing at, which were her favorites, and Luke’s as well. When Luke realized that she would be playing at his games he had been so excited. Every time he got a goal when she was there with the band, he would point over to her and her friends would fawn over their relationship.
She was there for his draft, sitting right next to him but out of the way so he could celebrate with his brothers. She was there for the playoff games once she had finished school and he was overjoyed by her being there. As much as she wanted to be there for his debut and for his rookie season, Luke made her stay at school, not even so much as allowing her to think about it.
Long distance for them was hard, but they made it work. When they were in Detroit or Columbus, she would drive to see him play. Over winter break, she would fly out to Jersey to spend her time with him. Luke took it harder than she did, to be honest. She was used to being alone in some sort of way, her experiences and feelings with her family had not gone away. But for Luke, it was a different story.
Sure he had his brother there by his side but his best friend, his girlfriend, his world wasn’t there beside him like she had been for the past four years. It was a different dynamic not being able to see her in the stands, not being able to celebrate with her after games or pig out on food at a restaurant after practice, not being able to curl up next to her when they lost or he was in a slump. 
After she graduated, she moved out to Jersey with him, knowing that she would follow him anywhere. Luke was grateful but hesitant at first, not wanting to alter any of her plans. She insisted and said he had done so much for her that this was the least she could do to repay him. Luke asked her to marry him a year later and he incorporated his two favorite proposals of all time.
He gathered a shit ton of pucks to spell out “Will You Marry Me?” on a football field and got a marching band, who in hindsight y/n had no clue how he got in the first place, to play ‘Hey Baby’ as he gave her his speech. She was crying within seconds and Luke knew she would too. Ellen and Jim walked her down the aisle since she was no longer in contact with her own family. 
There were a multitude of things that changed with them, a multitude of fights that they got into, but one thing never changed. The way were each other’s support systems, and they would be forever and ever.
•❅ 《 𝘉𝘖𝘕𝘜𝘚 𝘚𝘊𝘌𝘕𝘌 》 ❅•
Luke was nervous, it had been creeping up on a year since he met y/n and 11 months since he realized he liked her. They had been flirting like teenagers because they were, but it was a sight to see, to say the least. Everyone had said they acted like a couple and accused the two of liking each other but every time the two brushed off the accusations like they were nothing. 
Now he was sitting with some of her friends and one of the drum majors to explain his plan. This was his only chance to do it, they only had one game before homecoming and it happened to be two weeks before the homecoming game. He would’ve done it earlier but he needed everything to be perfect, plus, y/n hated dress shopping anyway so she would probably just order something from Amazon or pull something out of the back of her closet.
Her friends agreed instantly, claiming they hadn’t seen their friend be so happy and giggly in a long time. So when the time came around, he was dressed in whatever the theme was for the game. He looked a little crazy but that was him, and y/n loved that side of him. His poster included her favorite colors and doodles, the words were as straight as they were going to get.
It was in between the first and second quarter and the drum major had told them they were playing ‘Hey Baby’ and everyone except for y/n was on edge, wanting this to be perfect. When it started, she noticed nothing different, everyone was clapping but when they started singing, she noticed everyone’s tone was happier. 
She felt a nudge to her side and she looked up, noticing Luke now standing on the drum major podium, his poster high above his head, “Y/n! Will you go to homecoming with me?!”
She stared at him with wide eyes, embarrassment flooding her whole body. Everyone looked at her expectantly and cheered when she said yes. When he got down, he made his way over to her, everyone clapping him on the back. 
“You are crazy, Luke Hughes.”
“Crazy for you.” She pushed his head away from her and laughed, “Dork.”
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@blakesbearsblog @toasttt11 @chiblackhawks @prettyjoseph @nicole01-23 @auriesphantom @pucks-goals-penalties @dancerbailey3 @quinnylouhughesx43 @petite-potato4 @thehuggybearslover @absolutelyhugh3s @kei943 @dyslecticdutchman
© sunflower-lilac42 ; do not copy, repost, or translate my work and designs on any other website or here
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jxckchxmpi0n · 9 months
can u do something where reader has a cat and ethan is meeting it for the first time!!
RAHHH!!! this is so fucking cute omg......
Cuddle Buddie
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Ethan Landry x Reader || m.list
Warnings: it's just all fluff
word count: 1.1k
the urge to write this week is so high right now!!!! (tumblr fr fr giving me a hard time while writing this)
did not proof read (im so stressed this wont save again)
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You haven't seen your boyfriend in about a week, with his classes and your scheduling time together seemed difficult. So, you both agreed that he would come over Saturday after he was done at work.
It was Tuesday and you were already done with classes, sitting in your shared apartment with Tara, Sam, and Mindy you sat on the couch mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. Your eyes landed on a post about someone giving away kittens, the post had said they would give the kitten the shots it needed and would give them away for fairly cheap.
One thing led to another, and you stood outside the ladies' house with Tara. "I can't believe I'm doing this." Tara shared the same excitement as you did, she stood next to you jumping up and down as the lady brought the kitten out.
it was a small gray cat asleep in her arms, and your heart melted the second you saw him. All curled up, what an angle. "He is just a babe" You reached in and held him yourself. "Ethan is going to flip when he sees him" Tara was right next to you softly petting the top of the cat's head.
A few days had passed, the kitten was getting used to the apartment and exploring the place. You and Tara both realized that he was in love with biting people's feet.
Ethan was supposed to come over today and meet the kitten. He actually had no idea still that you had gotten him.
He was eventually on his way; it was after his econ class so it was already late. you were getting some dinner ready for the two of you, Tara was out with Chad and Sam was out with Danny. you were excited that it was going to be just the two of you.
You had left the kitten in your room not wanting Ethan to walk in right away and see the little fur ball.
After thirty minutes the front door lock clicked, with the door opening right after. Ethan came walking in with a huge smile on his face. "hey, baby" he was towards you, his hand reaching your waist pulling you in for a sweet quick kiss.
"hey, how was econ?" you smile as you watch him set his keys, and backpack down. He comes back to you standing next to you as you stir the pasta sauce.
"It was pretty good, we got a pop quiz which I was not excited about but I feel like I passed it" you held up the spoon for him to taste it. He gladly took the spoon humming at the flavors.
"Wow, that's-" Right as he was about to speak a loud crash came from your room. Your heart picked up thinking what the kitten had gotten himself into. "What was that?"
"OH, ow you faked touching the pot which caused him to jump. He rushed to you to make sure you were okay, as you held your fake burnt hand, he took it from you to look at it. The sound from the room was long forgotten.
time had passed and you were both down with food, you were finally ready to show Ethan the kitten. "So actually, I have something I wanted to show you" you got up from the couch leaving him alone, running to your room you found the kitten sleeping in his tower.
"I honestly didn't fully expect this, but you know why not" Ethan was listen to your talk, his brain was running miles while trying to figure out what you were going to show him. Just as he had given up you came walking out with some weird lump in your arms.
As you got closer, he realized it was a kitten "Oh my god is that-" he sat up so fast, shifting his body so it was closer to you as you sat down. The kitten was awake, he was just chilling in your arms but once he was Ethan, he started to move so he could smell him.
He slowly but surely got out of your arms and into Ethan's lap, he looked at him for a moment before he started to mess with Ethan's hand as he was trying to pet him. "Yeah, I got him a few days ago, I went with Tara. I saw someone post about them and I just had to check it out."
Ethan was so lost in playing with the kitten he almost didn't hear you. "This is adorable, babe oh god I love him already" You smiled at the interaction between the two. "I just know for sure we are going to be fighting for your attention" Ethan looked at you smiling as the kitten kept biting his hand.
They played for the next thirty minutes, the kitten jumped around as Ethan threw his toys around, and moving to the floor the kitten would hide under the couch and bite Ethan's feet. Staying out of it your heart was so full seeing Ethan play with the kitten. You just knew it was a good idea to get him and you can't wait for the late nights like this to come in the future.
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xokohaneazusawa · 3 months
hello pookie i’m the anon who got injured while playing football during PE!! (update on the injury: it doenst hurt as much anymore, but it’s fucking black?? around the corners?? AM I DYING 💀)
ok but anygays i saw someone else comment on the post who also wanted another part so i can now overcome the guilt of potentially asking for too much and ask for that infirmary part 2 anyways 😍😍 (nvm it’s not working. i still feel bad.)
and ofc i was thinking of the bllk boys during PE we were literally playing football and i was thinking about how funny it would be if i pulled a chigiri and broke my leg right then and there because of how bad i was at it (i’m so sorry.)
fr tho i cannot play for shit 😭 these mfs make it look so damn easy but football is too damn difficult 💀(i don’t exercise. if i have the option to stay at home every day of my life with everything in it and unlimited supply of food and other essentials, i would. i also failed my school’s fitness test and struggle to open bottle caps sometimes.) i’m just a girl 🎀
i don’t mean to be greedy or demanding but an infirmary scene would really heal my soul (and hopefully my nose. i still dk why it’s turning a bit black. 💀 maybe it’s bruising idk 💀)
p.s. i think my nose is fine but idk. it doesn’t feel pain or anything, and the wound is quite inconspicuous. like i have to squint to see it and the weird black parts (haha 400 eye degree 😍)
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You never have to feel bad about asking for anything from me, I'm happy to really do whatever lol! I'm actually so excited to write this, I mean it's such a cute idea!!
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Chigiri Hyoma
-> Bro fought with the nurses to stay with you, so that man is not leaving your side the whole time you are there. I mean he's sitting next to your bed, or next to you if you're in a chair, and not leaving for anything.. well unless you asked for something, but that's not the point here
✮ - He sighed and watched as they started to take some tissues making sure that the bleeding was stopping, and applying an ice pack on your nose. He laughed slightly when he saw you flinch due to the cold, but made sure to squeeze your hand slightly to show that it would be fine. Once the ice was applied they made you sit and wait for a little, just to help with the healing, and came by every couple minutes at first to make sure that everything was okay and that you weren't getting freezer burn by any chance. The nurses were all really sweet, and Chigiri was making sure you were following what they said, no matter how cold that ice pack was, your ass, was not taking it off around him. Man already has a good track record of listening to what the doctors say, he trusts them, so in due turn you're following everything that they say as well. He sighs when you finally can take off the ice pack and he can already see the bruise forming under the red from the cold.
"Next time make sure you're not in dream land, because I'm gonna be way worse then these people when taking care of your stupid ass."
Rin Itoshi -> He might have left because the nurses told him to go back, but he also might have accidently put somebody else in the infirmary because he wasn't paying attention and went a little too hard on one of the newbies, so he ended up being back after only a couple minutes. Though the second he got back he was sitting next to you and making sure that you were okay, more with his actions then his words
✮ - This man hurried back over to the infirmary, he was almost asked by a couple teachers to slow down on the way there but when they saw he also looked pissed off (It's really just his rbf) they decided to just leave him alone. Assumed he was gonna like murder then if they had said something. The second he got back he rushed over to where you were, immediately asking if you were okay. Though it might not have sounded like he cared, the way that he almost plowed through like 3 teachers on the way here made up for it. The nurses were hella confused but once they saw him sitting right next to you and slightly holding onto your hand making sure they you didn't remove the ice pack, no matter how cold it was, they kinda just aww-ed and continued their work, checking up on you making sure that you didn't accidently get freezer burn and checking for bruising and things like that. He stayed holding your hand the whole time, letting you squeeze his hand whenever they tried to mess with your nose, pushing it around. He sighed when they finally walked away, looking up at you.
"I hope you know that I almost sent another lukewarm player from your team to the infirmary.. never do that shit again."
Nagi Seishiro
-> He will stay with you the whole time, mostly because he was too lazy to go back to class, and the fact that he was really only trying to impress you and since you're not there anymore it didn't matter to him. Though he will make sure to ask every couple minutes if you're okay, even if he looks like he's falling asleep against your shoulder
✮ - Was actually half falling asleep against your shoulder before you had to move him slightly when the nurse gave you an ice pack, which woke him up and that’s when he realized what was actually happening, to which he did end up staying awake to make sure that you were okay. Checking on you every couple minutes with a quick “You good?” or “You’re not dying. Right?”. He’s trying his best, but normally Reo takes care of him, he’s never been on the other side of this. The nurses will always slightly laugh at him, because he looks kinda worried but actually has no idea on what to do to help you. Is the only one who will actually take the ice pack off of you, not because he was trying to prevent healing, but you said your nose was cold and bro just fixed the problem, well that was until you laughed at him and he was hella confused. (please explain to this man about the great thing to athletes and injuries that is an Ice pack). Though he was super sweet other than that and did try to learn a bit and pay attention when the nurse finally let you leave with just some instructions on how to take care of it.
“Next time, just pay attention.. So we don’t have to go through all of this again. How I wished first aid kids that just auto healed worked in real life..”
Bachira Meguru
-> Stayed with you, but he laughed. The whole time. Man has almost been in tears twice sitting next to you, thinking about the way the ball came right in the center of your face and now it's all bruised. The nurses at this point also wanna give him a bruised nose so he can finally shut up
✮ - He was trying to contain his laugh the whole time he walked you there, plus in the office when the nurses were trying to help you, by getting tissues, an ice pack, and possibly some sort of pain medication. You probably have already given this man so many dirty looks and glares, but he just doesn’t seem to care whatsoever. Now, not to get this confused. He is concerned for your safety, but the fact that you got smack dabbed hit in the center of your face with a football is just so freaking funny to him and he’s just watching it over and over in his head. Had it been a whole different injury, one that didn’t look so funny, he would probably be more serious about it, but come on, it was pretty funny. Though, he’s probably also gotten hit a couple times with a ball so he does at least know the basics of making sure that you’re okay. So another one that makes sure that you keep that ice pack on the whole goddamn time, unless obviously, freezer burn. (I’ve had it, it sucks.) Though again, everytime he sees your nose, all red and starting to get bruised he will indeed laugh. But at the end of the day he’ll also be pretty helpful in making sure that it gets better, since his past experiences, if you can deal with the constant teasing.
“Oh come onnnn, It’s pretty funny! I mean how far out were you to get hit in the middle of the god damn face- Oh wait, here I have some bandaids so you can compress it”
Isagi Yoichi
-> Always making sure that you're okay. You move? He's asking. You made a funny face of pain? He's asking. You even looked at him? he's asking. He's really just worried and wants to make sure that you're okay and that it won't be all that bad or anything
✮ - This man has not left your side the whole time you’ve been sitting there. He’s constantly asking and making sure you’re okay and don’t need anything. Not to mention, he’s also been holding your hand the whole time, just in case. The only time he ever lets go is when the nurses come to make sure you’re okay. He’s just being cautious, hey, maybe you’ll need two hands to hold something or whatever. The only time he will keep his hold on you is when they come to move it around to make sure it’s not like broken or anything, then he’ll keep it there so you can squeeze it to deal with the pain, hey, hurt noses are nothing to sneeze at (please somebody laugh at that). Whenever your hand gets tired (or just cold) of holding your ice pack, he’ll take over. He’s just so freaking helpful and all the nurses love him for that. Though being an athlete himself does help a lot, he’s pretty good at knowing how all this stuff works. Checking to make sure that you’re following what the nurses said and making sure that it’s not getting too bad. Though once he sees that it’s all red and stuff he will chuckle a little, as worried as he is.
“Maybe next time you keep your attention on the field and not in whatever world you were in, okay?”
Reo Mikage
-> He was still laughing a little bit, and chuckled when he was reminded of the event, but for the most part was pretty worried about you and made sure that you didn't touch it too much so you didn't accidently hurt it anymore. Like Isagi, he also made sure to ask if you were okay every couple minutes, he just really wants to make sure that it won't cause anything long term.
✮ - He was sitting in the nurse's office with you, making sure that you were okay, asking if you needed anything. Water? To take off the ice pack for a second? Another tissue? He’s got it all covered. I mean he’s been taking care of Nagi for how long, this isn’t all that different. Well besides the fact he also gets a laugh or two out of it. (he won’t actually let out a laugh until you’re leaving the nurse’s office, and when he’s sure that it’s starting to get better). He just thinks it’s a little funny, watching the scene replay in his head of you getting hit in the face with the football. He knows that he shouldn’t laugh at your demise, but you can’t blame him. Though he’ll make sure that you always have everything you need for the next couple weeks, or at least until it’s healed. After the initial injury he might be a little more easy to make laugh, and by that I mean every time he sees your slightly bruised nose he’s letting out a chuckle. Was he worried at first? Yeah. But now he just sees it as a memory of you spacing out at the worst time.
“I know that I look good on the field, but next time pay attention to the flying ball and not at your amazing boyfriend~”
Sae Itoshi
-> Staying with you. No matter what. The nurses most likely hate him at this point, he's silent and he really isn't doing anything besides being next to you. Though, what they don't know is that fact every time he sees you twist with discomfort or make a face he's reaching over to ask if you're okay or you need anything
✮ - The nurses have come over a couple times at this point, once to give you an ice pack, once just to double check that you were okay, and once to give you some pain medication and water. Though on the right side of you, Sae has just been looking over at some of the other patients, and nurses walking around the office. After everytime one of the nurses walks up to you or does anything he will turn his attention back over to you and ask you a quick “you okay.” slightly looking at either your face or body language. If he ever can see that you’re lying to him, good luck to you. He’s an athlete, man has most likely gotten hurt in his career, and he knows lying and saying you’re fine isn’t doing anything, it’s actually most likely making it worse. So in turn he will glare at you until you finally say that you’re not okay. He just wants you to be honest, especially if it hurts and it’s something that can be fixed. Though also with his background he knows how to take care of things like that, and might possibly be the best one to have in this scenario, well if you can deal with him constantly not (facial) showing that he cares.
“You’re stupid, I hope you know that. And now you’re being even more stupid, don’t touch it.”
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littlemissayu · 1 year
Alr tysm!! so if its alr can you maybe write a yandere fanfic of Riddle amd Floyd regarding their Halloween wear?
Like how the reader is missing along with the students
A/N: I'm so happy I finally got a request bc I wanted to post I just wasn't sure of what. I'm also gonna assume this is gender neutrual!
Yandere!Riddle Rosehearts x Fem!Reader | Yandere!Floyd Leech x Fem!Reader
TW- yandere tendencies, unhealthy obsession,kidnapping
Side Note: I do not consent to this behavior; it is unhealthy, traumatizing, immoral, and mental. I only write for enjoyment. I would never wish this unto someone else.
How Yandere Floyd and Riddle React to the reader going missing (Halloween Event) | Headcanons
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When I think of Yandere Riddle I think of a controlling, self-aware, manipulative yandere
He absolutely realizes how creepy and overly obsessive he is of you, but he just claims it as a trauma response to his childhood from his mother; and continues his yandere ways
So when everyone starts going missing his immediate response of course is you
He starts thinking about how you could've been kidnapped, which you were
When he finds out he's FURIOUS
All he can think is "HOW DARE SOMEONE TAKE MY BELOVED" especially right when he was thinking of locking you up in his room so you could only spend time with him
he doesn't actually care about the others, he just wants you back safe and sound in his arms
and for you to never escape said arms
While their fighting ghost and trying to save all the captured people, he was thinking of ways to smoothly kidnap/manipulate you so something like this never happens again <3
Seeing the ghost bride made him want to kill her(again)
Once everything is back to normal he hugs you so close
you thought it was cause he was worried for a close friend
After that you seem to be more isolated, Riddle had seem to occupy all the time you had whether you were in of out of school
You brought it up to him but his eyes got teary and he began to go on and on about how he's sorry it just that since his mom never gave him the attention h needed as a child you seemed to be the only person who gave him their undivided always making him feel cared for
It was of course him manipulating you into spending even more time with him if that was even possible and you never questioned him again
"I'm Sorry if I'm such a nuisance, it's just after my childhood and my mom you're genuine affection pulls me in I feel less alone."
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Yandere Floyd is the most possessive, aggressive, time consuming, delusional yandere
He knew you were gone before anyone else did because he was stalking you
You know like any normal crush would do not
He was absolutely furious when he saw you get taken, he was going to go in there and stop it all but he was too late.
before going back to his dorm he threw some things a round and made a mess
but after his little (read as:huge) tantrum he swiftly went back to Octavinelle so that no one noticed he left
He was determined to find you(and Azul and Jade, but mostly you)
this man was ready to throw hands with anyone who got in his way of finding everyone you
The minute he seeing whom the guard ghosts referred to as "boss" he was throwing hands
5 different people had to hold this man back; when I tell you he was not playing around, I mean every word of the sentence
Everyone thought he was mad about his twin and childhood friend being kidnapped, he was more angry about them taking his little shirmpy
the moment everyone goes back home and their adventure is over he gives you the tightest squeeze (he only stopped when you began to turn blue, even then it was hesitant)
Never left you alone after that, even when he had to work he'd just bring you along
You tried to leave him once, but you felted him glared bullets into your back so you just stayed with him, where you belong
He'd always mumble weird things about keeping you forever but you never questioned him as to not put him in a bad mood
"Your Mine and you never ever leaving me, even when you try I'll break off your legs and keep you right next to me"
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lucky-clover-gazette · 3 months
prince's gambit highlights & annotations
chapter 17
indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
If Damen was rougher than he needed to be, it was because he didn’t approve of this plan. Hearing it described, he’d felt as though his body was under a weight, a hard pressure. Now he released Enguerran in the tent and watched him get to his feet without helping him. Enguerran had a wound in his side that still leaked blood. Laurent, entering the tent, pulled off his helm, and Damen saw what Enguerran saw: a golden prince with his armour covered in blood, his hair sweat-dampened, his eyes unsparing. The wound in Enguerran’s side had come from Laurent’s blade; the blood on Laurent’s armour was Enguerran’s.
lamen back at it with the strategic improv. we love to see it
He wanted no part of what was about to unfold.
support your boyfriend’s tactical theatrics, damen. let laurent get a little silly with it
‘I see. So you need me to get inside Ravenel. That is the real reason I am alive. You expect me to betray the people I have served for ten years.’ ‘To get inside Ravenel? My dear Enguerran, I’m afraid you are quite mistaken.’ Laurent’s gaze travelled over Enguerran again, his blue eyes cold. ‘I don’t need you,’ said Laurent. ‘I just need your clothes.’
i love the little moments where laurent explains his plan with like. total seriousness. but the plan itself is something that would happen in a dungeons and dragons game or animated film.
Damen was repelled by the disguise. He had argued against it. The deception was wrong, the pretence of friendship.
going crazy with that nice vs. good theme lately damen. i wonder if there’s some other reason you’re particularly opposed to the idea of disguising oneself and poisoning a friendship with deception at the moment
The brazen audacity of this was characteristic of Laurent, though dressing up his entire troop was on a different scale to walking into a small town inn with a sapphire in his ear, batting his lashes. It was one thing to disguise yourself, another to force your whole army to do it.
As the heavy latticed iron beetled above their heads, Damen found himself wanting it, wanting disruption, a cry of outrage, or of challenge, wanting it as a release to this—feeling. Traitor. Stop. But none came. Of course it didn’t. Of course the men of Ravenel welcomed them, believing them to be friends. Of course they trusted in the face of a deception, leaving themselves wide open.
this is sooooo mean (and clever) of pacat, given the interpersonal stuff between damen and laurent rn
Barrels were upended into a courtyard fountain, so that men could scoop wine out as they pleased.
love this detail
He dispatched men to take Touars’s nine-year-old son Thevenin and hold him under house arrest. Laurent was developing quite a collection of sons.
well someone has to be nice to children in this fucked up world
Then Laurent turned and saw him, and the pressure in his chest grew like pain as Laurent greeted him, half-stripped and bright-eyed. ‘How do you like my fort?’
laurent is especially fascinating as things really heat up between him and damen. it’s part cognitive dissonance, but also… i think damen has changed his mind. i don’t think laurent hates damen anymore. i think everything that seems to have developed between them, actually has developed both ways. even if laurent goes back on it later, and says mean things, damen has at this point completely changed laurent’s initial perception of him. damen is damen, who laurent knows and trusts, and not damianos. that’s where the cognitive dissonance comes in—not in any kind of false impression of damen himself. it’s, again, sad in a different way to read with the context i have. because laurent is being true here, despite the lie, and i just wish they could come by this with total honestly. but that would never have been possible for them, with their history. and the auguste thing will have to be reckoned with, eventually. laurent just has it on ice for now.
All right,’ said Laurent. ‘You see? I’m learning to take your advice.’ He spoke with an unselfconscious little smile that was wholly new.
i don’t think laurent is enjoying damen’s turmoil. i don’t even think he notices it. while he definitely respects damen, laurent still doesn’t expect him to stay past the point of his given freedom. and that’s why he flirts, and is friendly, and fucks him, despite the auguste thing. because it all ends tomorrow anyway, by damen’s choice. so laurent might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
of course, laurent underestimates damen’s devotion, as usual. even when he has sex with damen, i’m sure laurent thinks damen is counting it as just another conquest that he’ll forget about the day after. so it doesn’t matter, and it doesn’t have to matter—which good, because if it did matter to damen, it would matter SO MUCH to laurent as well. and laurent knows that his brother’s killer can’t matter to him, because that would be insane. so it’s good that damen just sees him as 1) partaking in an agreement that he (damen) will leave as soon as he’s freed and 2) a piece of ass. yep. that’s definitely it, laurent. good job.
He said, ‘What will you do next?’ ‘Bathe,’ answered Laurent, in a tone that said he knew perfectly well what Damen had meant, ‘and change into something that’s not made of metal. You should do the same. I had the servants lay out some clothing for you that befits your new station. Very Veretian, you’ll hate it. I have something else for you as well.’ He turned back in time to see Laurent move briefly to pick up a half-circle of metal from a small table by the wall. It felt like the slow push of a spear into his body, the awful unfolding inevitability of it, in front of servants, in this small, intimate room. ‘I didn’t have time to give this to you before the battle,’ said Laurent.
ohhh laurent’s going full delusional here, riding the high of his previous act. but this isn’t an act, not really. but it has to be an act, for laurent to be okay with it. just how laurent performed cruelty in book 1 with hate in his heart, he’s performing affection here with love in his heart. but it can’t be true—it can’t NOT be in some ways a performance, and laurent has made sure of that by keeping the lie going for this long. this man is in a heaven/hell of his own design. it’s honestly impressive how deeply he manages to complicate things for himself. he made his own bed and now he’s getting fucked in it
The last thing he heard was Laurent saying, ‘See to my Captain. Tonight he is to have anything that he asks for.’
HELL yeah he is
‘We are lucky the Prince’s messenger got through with his signet ring,’ Damen acknowledged. ‘What messenger?’ said Torveld.
lmaooo i think the messenger was about loyse’s whole reveal? like VERY long game?
‘I’m a Captain through your help. I owe you a great deal.’ Shyly, after a pause: ‘I told you that I would repay you. You did so much to help me in the palace. And . . .’ Erasmus hesitated, looking over at Torveld. When Torveld nodded that he should speak, he lifted his chin, uncharacteristically. ‘And I didn’t like the Regent. He burnt my leg.’ Torveld gave him a proud look, and Erasmus flushed and made obeisance again with perfect form.
eugh i haaaaaate the way the akielion slaves talk. it’s especially jarring after not having to see them for like an entire book. i know it’s supposed to be off-putting though so job well done i guess
Damen repressed another instinct to tell him to stand up.
buddy you're so close don't repress it!
He looked at Erasmus, the demure limbs and the lowered lashes. He had bedded slaves like this, as pliant in bed as they were out of it. He remembered enjoying it, but the memory was distant, as though it belonged to someone else. Erasmus was pretty, he could see that. Erasmus, he recalled, had been trained for him. He would be obedient to every order, intuit every whim, willingly. Damen turned his eyes to Laurent. A picture of cool, difficult distance confronted him. Laurent sat in brief conversation, wrist balanced on the edge of the great table, fingertips resting on the base of a goblet. From the severe, straight-backed posture to the impersonal grace of his cupped yellow head; from his detached blue eyes to the arrogance of his cheekbones, Laurent was complicated and contradictory, and Damen could look nowhere else.
As though responding to some instinct, Laurent looked up and met Damen’s eyes, and in the next moment Laurent was rising and making his way over.
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‘It can wait. You just won me a fort,’ said Laurent. ‘Let me spoil you a little.’
yeah he’s just going all out he knows it’s over tomorrow nothing matters
‘That wasn’t a play against my uncle. That was a play against Nicaise. Boys are easy. At thirteen,’ said Laurent, ‘you could have led me around by the nose.’ ‘I can’t believe you were ever easy.’
an untraumatized 13 year old laurent would have been soooooo fucking weird around damen
‘Torveld tells me that in Akielos, it’s the slave who feeds the master.’ ‘That’s right.’ ‘Then you can’t have any objection,’ said Laurent, picking up the morsel, and lifting it.
laurent i think you forgot who’s the sl—you know what it’s fine they’re roleplaying again
He took a second bite. He didn’t look at the food, he looked at Laurent, at the way he held himself, always so controlled, so that all of his reactions were subtle, his blue eyes difficult to read, but not cold. He could see that Laurent was pleased, that he was enjoying the acquiescence for its rarity, its exclusivity. It felt like he was on the edge of understanding, as though Laurent was coming into view for the first time.
laurent really just said “fuck it i’ve got one night left time to be a freak about it”
Damen’s attention was on Laurent’s ivory and gold colouring, the overfine skin, the last traces of bruising from where he’d been tied up and hit. Damen’s gaze travelled, inch by inch, taking in the proud lift of his chin, the uncooperative eyes, the arch of his cheekbone, and dropping back down to his mouth. His sweet, vicious mouth.
Everything would be simple in the morning.
‘I thought you helped them out of compassion.’ ‘No, you didn’t,’ said Laurent.
He’d never stood against his father for anything. He’d never needed to, so closely had their values aligned.
damen please keep pulling at this thread and think about why that might be
‘I never questioned the way my father saw the world. It was enough for me to be the kind of son he was proud of. I could never bring shame to his memory, but for the first time I realise I don’t want to be . . .’ His kind of King.
Father, I can beat him, he’d said, and he’d ridden out and returned to a hero’s welcome, to have his armour stripped by servants, to have his father greet him with pride. He remembered that night, all those nights, the galvanising power of his father’s expansionist victories, the approbation, as success flowed from success. He had not thought about the way it had played out on the other side of the field. When this game began, I was younger. ‘I’m sorry,’ said Damen.
the apology for auguste… ohhhhh my god. damen you’re having a character development!!!! you’re questioning things!!!!
Laurent gave him a strange look. ‘Why would you apologise to me?’
okay shut up let him have this you know why
He said, ‘I didn’t understand what being King meant to you.’ ‘What’s that?’ ‘An end to fighting.’
‘I wish it could have been different between us, I wish I could have behaved to you with more honour. I want you to know that you will have a friend across the border, whatever happens tomorrow, whatever happens to both of us.’
damen you behaved with an insane amount of honor. and don’t make promises you can’t keep
‘Friends,’ said Laurent. ‘Is that what we are?’ Laurent’s voice was tightly knotted, as though the answer was obvious; as though it was as obvious as what was happening between them, the air disappearing, mote by mote.
Damen said, with helpless honesty, ‘Laurent, I am your slave.’ The words laid him open, truth exposed in the space between them. He wanted to prove it, as though, inarticulate, he could make up for what divided them.
my reading of this line is that damen is admitting his metaphorical devotion to laurent. like forget the cuffs or whatever, he’s just helplessly down bad. not suuuure if that’s the point of the line, though. the last line also implies that he wants to be with laurent as if they're equals, despite the power imbalance, soooo badly that he doesn't even care about the power imbalance
The touch he offered was accepted as it had not been last time, fingers gentle on Laurent’s jaw, thumb passing over his cheekbone, soft. Laurent’s controlled body was hard with tension, his rapid pulse urgent for flight, but he closed his eyes in the last seconds before it happened. Damen’s palm slid over Laurent’s warm nape; slowly, very slowly, making his height an offering, not a threat, Damen leaned in and kissed Laurent on the mouth. The kiss was barely a suggestion of itself, with no yielding of the rigidity in Laurent, but the first kiss became a second, after a fraction of parting in which Damen felt the flicker of Laurent’s shallow breathing against his own lips.
all the little details of laurent’s reactions continue to really touch me. for reasons previously mentioned. the contrast of words like “gentle” and soft” with “tension” and “rigidity” is very good
It felt, in all the lies between them, as if this was the only true thing. It didn’t matter that he was leaving tomorrow. He felt remade with the desire to give Laurent this: to give him all he would allow, and to ask for nothing, this careful threshold something to be savoured because it was all Laurent would let himself have.
a kingdom or this babyyyyyyyyy
do you think laurent is thinking something similar? it seems like he’s been thinking that all evening. this is the only true thing, and damen may be leaving tomorrow, but it isn’t tomorrow yet
They broke apart at the voice, the burst of sound, of nearby footsteps. A head was cresting the stone steps. Damen took a step backwards, his stomach twisting. It was Jord.
is this a lamen hr complaint? they did go somewhere private, it’s more of a jord hr complaint, like he’s at fault here. i won’t count it.
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wavytam · 5 months
This is the most primitive question ever but isn't Nami's tatoo a windmill and a tangerine but it's obviously an S? Can you make a post about Luffy's POV regarding SaNami? I wonder how people ship him with Nami when he's fully aware about Sanji's affection to Nami they make him look like a heartless douche
Hello, anon! I don't know how long this ask has been here, so I apologize if it took so long to answer! I didn't see this message before!
Anyway, about what you said.
First, about the tattoo: sorry, but I think it's just coincidental that it has an S shape. I think Oda could still use the drawing of the tattoo for something related to Sanji, though... maybe a pattern in something he wears. Idk. But I don't think Oda made Nami's tattoo with Sanji in mind. Maybe... I can't read his mind lol. It would be really nice if it was the case heh
About how Luffy sees Sanji and Nami: first, I'm not going to say that LN is impossible to happen, honestly.
In my opinion, the interactions Luffy and Nami had feel more like that of a brother and sister than that of a couple, but we never know when it comes to how Oda writes romance. So... Yeah. I still don't see it happening, though, for a series of reasons.
First, like you said, I'm pretty sure that Luffy, in his own way, is aware that Sanji has feelings for Nami. Not only did he witness key moments where Sanji expressed how important Nami is to him, but Luffy also incentives Sanji to help Nami.
Even without caring about romance, Luffy saw Sanji:
volunteer to help Luffy carry Nami up a mountain to find a cure,
almost die in an avalanche to prevent Nami from getting hurt
get so angry over Nami being kidnapped that he lit himself on fire
talk about how Nami is important to him during Whole Cake
So it's safe to say Luffy knows there's something there. And I think that he even incentivates Sanji to help Nami when it's needed.
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You came up with an interesting point: considering the way Oda wrote things, specially how Sanji is so enamoured with Nami (again, more than any other woman) it would be weird to make Luffy end up with Nami, with him knowing about Sanji's feelings. I'm saying this in a writing perspective.
To add more fuel to the fire I remember how Oda clearly stated he doesn't care who Luffy is interested in - which is a question he gets frequently, apparently. And just like Oda doesn't care, Luffy also doesn't care about his own love life. His purpose was always to inspire people to seek freedom. I do think he might end up with someone at the end, but I don't think Oda is actively looking for opportunities to give Luffy romantic scenes in the manga.
Sanji's developement, on the other hand, always had to do with love and emotions. So the idea that Oda always planned a romantic stoyline for him is not farfetched, and the person he likes to write Sanji pursuing the most is Nami.
Again, I really don't know what is in that guy's mind, so maybe at the end he still pulls a uno reverse card and makes LN Canon and Sanji doesn't even care lol But I think it would be a really weird choice, considering the things you have pointed out and other moments we have in the manga.
Most of the LN moments can be interpreted as more of siblings growing a bond - rather than a couple having feelings. For SaNami, especially because of Sanji's side, we can't call what he does as sibling-ish at all, even if Oda calls the Strawhat a "family" and says their dynamic should be interpret as such, he was also the one who chose to make Sanji infatuated with Nami. There's also Robin, ofc, but Nami seems to be a lot more in Sanji's mind.
Once again, it all depends on Nami and how Oda writes her reacting to Sanji's pursuits or how she acts towards Luffy.
We have favorable and unfavorable moments, and every time, it was mostly because of how Oda wrote Nami. So let's wait and see.
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Hi! To preface: I don't think there's any one right or wrong answer to my question necessarily, but I value your opinion as a level-headed adult in this fandom who can probably provide sensible input on the issue I'm having, so I thought I'd ask.
If a CC asks for their character not to be drawn (specifically referring to fanart, which they likely saw on Twitter) in a sexualised way, what does that mean for written fanwork content? Is it "wrong" (putting this in quotation marks since that's a loaded word, to say the least) to write nsfw content about said character and post it on Ao3, considering the differences in visibility/CC knowledge of those platforms, as well as the general consensus/expectation that CCs don't generally read fanfic anyway? Where is the line between "you should respect the CC's wishes" (avoiding the word "boundaries" since that's also very loaded in mcyt spaces) and "you can do whatever you want forever; fanworks are created by and for fans, not for the creators" drawn? Does "just don't put it where they can see unless they go looking" (i.e. correctly tagged on Ao3, not on a CC-frequented site like Twitter) apply? Would it be better not to do it at all, or only create and share said content in private spaces like Discord? Or is this all a "there is no single 'morally correct' answer, make your own personal judgement" thing?
(Sorry for the long-winded question but this is genuinely something I'm struggling with right now, lol. As I said I value and respect your opinion and views about these kinds of things in fandom, so if you have anything to say on the matter I'd appreciate your input!)
Alright so, obligatory warning for discourse on this one right at the top, and possibly also long post. These tend to be me rambling.
This is a situation that I think it's fair that a lot of people disagree. Your personal comfort level with making NSFW content in general is not where my comfort level is, we can come to totally different equilibriums. And then you add in creators expressing that they don't like seeing NSFW content of their characters, and people end up in a whole lot of different places, whether that's a complete no on shipping or NSFW, or people feeling fine to consume it but not create it, or only if it's archive locked, or only specific ships or smps, or whatever. I think it's fine that we don't all agree on this, creation is a fickle beast and we are in a weird place as a fandom of being not rpf but kinda cousins, and we can get *really* close to the creators with twitch and twitter, so people's comfort level in meshing all the parasociality and roleplay and real life of it all can end up in a lot of different places.
I just think that the most important thing for the fandom being a healthy place to spend time on the internet is that we don't go aroud sending hate/abuse to those we disagree with. a) i don't agree with internet mobs or suicide baiting or anon hate in general, b) the number of times I have seen internet games of telephone happen when it comes to this subject is unreal. To use an example from literally today, I saw someone saying that Pac of qsmp pacmike was uncomfortable with shipping art and fic and we all should stop shipping immediately, and once I tracked it back to its source, it turns out that what had happened was the creator said that he wasn't a fan that all the art was of him in the jumpsuit that used to be his skin, he has a new skin now, which turned into sexy jumpsuit art was the problem, which turned into pac hates all sexy fan art, which turned into "pac is being bombarded with nsfw art and shipping and he hates it". Now he might actually also not like NSFW art, but that's not actually what he was adressing, but it was certainly what was being circulated! So like, people warning me off of certain subjects— how do I know that they're actually accurate or if twitter just went twitter on a passing mention of something someone said on a twitch stream?
So I think it's way way way healthier for us as a fandom to sometimes disagree on the subject of "what we're drawing/writing about" and when that happens we implement Don't Like; Don't Read, and we just ignore that, or block if necessary. Don't Want To See it? Simply Don't See It. It's a bad idea to start hate campaigns for sinners, and half the time it's based on bad information anyways.
But in cases that you do know that the creator doesn't want to see that, you found an accurate clip? So this is a case where I think that there's no single moral answer to this that everyone is gonna agree on. We're all coming at it from too many different cultural backgrounds and different streamers in mind and comfort levels with NSFW in general. I don't think there is a firm answer that is gonna make you morally safe. But my personal feelings is that in cases where we know the creators doesn't want to see that, I think the important part there is that the creator never sees that, not that we stamp it off the internet entirely.
I do think, personally, ymmv, that you are not necessarily doing anything morally wrong with drawing or writing NSFW of someone's character, even if they think it's weird. There's a long history of creators saying "you can't do [this] with my characters," and it happens to be you can't [make them gay] enough to make me uncomfortable in general principle with saying creator of the character gets to call the shots in all settings forever. This happened with Anne Rice and with the supernatural fandom and like— it's the internet, we get to make the characters be gay together. This is the making sex jokes about fictional characters website, and Ao3 is the making porn about fictional characters website. I think it's fine if it exists on the internet, the question comes down to one of what we're forcing the creator to see, or what we're putting where they'll stumble upon it. Like, examples from real life— if you have a friend who's vegan, it's polite to not spend time rhapsodizing about how good meat is around them, and if you know that meat makes them sick, it's polite to do a meatless meal around them. That's a human person you want to be okay around you. But that's their boundary for their life, not yours, so even when you're being polite you have no obligation to go vegan when they're not around. And they have a politeness obligation to not walk into a steakhouse and freak out because there's meat there. They have a boundary for their life, and I'm going to respect it, but my life is a different story, and they need to take reasonable steps to protect their boundaries and not just expect everyone else to conform to them.
Or walking by someone on the street and waiting till they're out of earshot and then going "jesus christ that guy was hot" to your friends— that's fine. That's normal human behaviour. What becomes rude is when you make it hot guy's problem and yell at him. Being attracted to someone in your own space is not a problem. I'm aroace, I am not going to be in a relationship with anyone. I'm not going to ban having crushes on me, as long as you don't make it my business. Talking about an attractive person in your own space is not a problem. Being sexual in your own space— and again we are talking about fictional characters, the way I see it, these are lies we're telling about folks that are not real, who live in little minecraft worlds— that's fine. The problem is if we start catcalling people about it.
When you walk into fandom spaces you are walking into a space where we all like taking fictional guys and telling stories about them and a good portion of those stories are going to include kissing. That is not necessarily baseline normal for like, all of humanity, but people talk about tv shows they watch as one of the classic work small talk techniques. Fandom takes the "I hope ted gets together with jessica" "no he needs to work on himself first" discussion and writes stories, is all, to share with each other. Privately. On our special private website where there's a button you can click to hide your work from search engines and another one to hide it from logged-out users. If you log into the website and search things up, no tags blocked, what you find is on you for saying "I will see literally anything that exists on this subject in a space meant for literally anything". You will find gore. You will find kissing. You literally just opted in to seeing it. That's on you.
So like, there's my little defense of nsfw work existing in general, I think it existing is not a problem. I do think that we should keep it FAR AWAY from streamers. They get to set the rules for their spaces, and if someone doesn't want to see sexualized fan art, I do think we should make sure that in a reasonable way, they never have to see sexualized fan art/fic.
So like me personally, I'm going to hit that Ao3 button to hide my work from search engines, and anything NSFW (or shippy, depending on the person) is not going to go into the main tags on tumblr or twitter or anywhere I'm aware that the creators ever check that tag, and I'd probably archive lock it if the creator had publically mentioned being uncomfortable with it, and if I was regularly posting NSFW I'd block the creators on social media with any account I discuss NSFW with. I want to make sure that I am talking to my friends about the cubitos, not catcalling someone.
And I would probably err on the side of caution when it comes to social media sites that creators are on? Okay so the fandom has a habit of saying that NSFW and Shipping is BAD and can't exist, on the one hand, but on the other hand it says that anything that isn't Bad Wrong Shipping/Explicit NSFW is fine, which leads to like— extremely sexy thirst trap art being drawn and then the creators are tagged. People putting family dynamic fics that really pushes that envelope in the main tag. Gahhhhhh????? No? Don't do that?
I think it would be healthier in the fandom if we did a lot more going "this is for the fandom, not the creator" and we don't tag creators on twitter, and we took our little kissing fics, or gore, or kidfic, or neurodiverse headcanons, or anything else it might be not for the creator to see, and we kept it in fandom spaces and away from creators. But Ao3 is that fandom space that you have to opt into, it's literally archive of our Own, for fans, in that space as long as you tag it you're good.
So the TL;DR of this all is that my opinion is that if you tag it correctly on Ao3 you're fine. Maybe archive lock it. Keep it off twitter. Don't make it the streamer's problem, and you're good.
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clown-friend-gt · 5 months
Here's another part of that story I'm writing. Still no name yet. This is where my characters Addie and Trevor first meet. I think I refer to something called "The Institute" a few times in this one, which is the name of the compound that superheroes operate out of in the city this takes place in, including a training compound for young supers.
I actually wanted to post a different part of this story, where Trevor meets someone who eventually becomes one of his best friends. But I'm just not entirely happy with that part yet, so I need to edit more before I post it. So instead, I'm posting this.
Hopefully I get to that one soon though. It features some action and a little bit more about Trevor's past, particularly some "problems" that he refers to at one point in this chapter.
Alright, I think that's enough out of me. Here's the story.
Addie strode down the hall, a bag slung over her shoulder and her hand stuffed with brochures given to her at orientation. She was a little weirded out by the way the lady at the front desk, who gave her the key to her room, had emphasized some of the information within.
“Remember,” the lady said, grabbing a pen, “If you ever, for any reason, feel unsafe or in need of some kind of assistance, you can talk to your hall’s chaperone in room 131,” she wrote this down as she spoke, “or call the number in your pamphlet.” She punctuated the statement by underling the number in question. Then, she handed the brochure back to Addie with a smile that came off more worried than cheerful.
The woman’s change in attitude had come after she saw what room Addie was assigned to. It was part of the gender-neutral student housing, and judging from the name of her roommate, she had been paired with a boy. Maybe that had something to do with the woman’s uneasiness?
From what she had been told during the application process, co-ed housing was the only option if you needed some sort of living accommodation for your powers. Because of her sleeping issue, she and her family had decided it was for the best. Still, she had to admit she was a little worried about sharing a room with a guy.
As she reached the end of the hall, she realized that it ended around 115, nowhere near where she needed to be. Instead of more rooms, there was a more open space with couches, tables, and a TV fixed to the wall. There were a few students lounging around, so she tried to wave. She didn’t catch anyone’s attention, but looking around more, she noticed there was another hallway joined to the first via the little common area, so she continued her trek.
The numbers continued on from where they left off, so she figured she was headed in the right direction. Still, it was a lot of walking to get to a room on the first floor. She idly wondered if she’d be allowed to use her powers to get around the facility a bit quicker once she got settled in.
After she passed room 131, her surroundings abruptly changed. Before, the walls had been the kind of painted brick you see in schools, and now they were just plain concrete. The floors were still carpeted, but there was a clear line of division where the different patterns met. This part of the building was added to more recently.
The very end of the hallway, where her room was located, seemed to be the newest addition. The ceilings were much higher, more akin to the other buildings she had seen on the campus. That almost seemed counterintuitive to Addie. She might even be worried about falling if she had a little less control over her abilities.
Finally, she reached room 142, her room. Instead of a normal door, it had a set of double doors. None of the other rooms she had seen had doors like that. Her room just seemed bigger in general. Maybe she lucked out and got assigned to some weird, fancy room by mistake?
She took her duffle bag off of her shoulder to dig out her phone from within. She consulted a note she had made for herself about her room assignment. She double checked that she was in the right room, then repeated her roommate’s name to herself one more time.
Trevor Castillo, she thought. Alright, got it. She put her phone away, took out her keycard, then put her bag back on her shoulder. She went to scan her card at the little black box on the wall, then stopped, choosing to knock on the door instead.
“Hello?” Came the response from inside.
“Hi, Trevor?” Addie called in. “It’s me, your new roommate.”
“Oh. Come on in, I guess.”
She scanned her card and the light on the box turned green. She readjusted her grip on all of the stuff she was holding, then pulled the door open and stepped inside.
She didn’t get much further than the door before she had to stop and stare. Her new roommate was a literal giant. Well, not quite “fee fi fo fum” level giant, but still, the guy was tall. She knew that by signing up for a superhero training program she’d probably meet some interesting people, but this was so far from what she was expecting.
Meanwhile, Trevor looked over the girl who stood at the entrance to the room. She was dark-skinned and had black, curly hair that she wore in twin buns. She was on the heavier side. She still had street clothes, a pair of leggings and a graphic tee, unlike the gray bodysuit the Institute gave him. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him.
He was used to the staring, but figured he’d stay seated at his desk for now. He didn’t want to overwhelm her with, well, him. He cleared his throat to break the silence.
“So,” he said, “you must be Adelaide, right?”
Addie shook her head slightly to stop herself from staring. “Just Addie, please,” she said. Was this what the lady at the front desk was trying to warn me about?
Other than his size, Trevor didn’t look too out of the ordinary. He had light brown skin and brown curly hair. Despite his size, he was kind of skinny. He sat stiffly in the chair sized for him and looked away any time their eyes met for too long. She was still a little unsure about him. Despite that, she figured she should at least try to be polite.
She walked over to where he sat, which took a few moments since it was a big room. Then, she put her hand out to shake his. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said, smiling up at him.
Instead of shaking her hand, he just stared at it and frowned. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
Probably not, Addie thought to herself. But she had to be brave if she was gonna make it at a place like this.
“It’s just a handshake,” she said casually, then added, “No harm in that.”
Hesitantly, he took her hand in his, gently wrapping his hand around hers. It was almost like he was afraid he’d break it with just the slightest pressure. He didn’t even shake it properly, so they just stood there like that for a second.
“O-K,” Addie said, stretching out the word. Trevor let go of her hand and turned back to whatever he had been doing before on the desk. She decided to take a look around the room.
It was definitely designed with someone Trevor’s size in mind. There were two sets of some basic bedroom furniture, one sized for her, the other sized for him. Her chest of drawers, desk, and chair were the kind you’d order in bulk for a place like this; his were less stylized, clearly constructed just for him. I guess there’s no need to argue over whose is whose.
The bed situation was a little stranger. The general layout was sort of like a bunk bed, but the similarities ended at having two beds stacked on top of each other. The lower “bunk” was a simple bed frame housing a huge mattress, bigger than any king size bed Addie had ever seen.
Then, attached to the wall far closer to the ceiling was a twin sized bed. Instead of rails to keep her from falling off the sides, the bed was surrounded by a chain link fence, gate and all. The ceiling topped it off, making it like a cage around her bed.
A little crude, but it should work, she thought to herself. No ladder, but I don’t really need one, anyways.
After a few minutes of silence, Trevor turned back to look at Addie. She had her back turned and was staring at the beds, giving him the opportunity to watch her. Not in a creepy way, of course. He just wanted to understand her a little better.
What kind of person would the Institute choose to pair him with? The weird cage thing around Addie’s bed almost had him expecting someone more monstrous. Someone like him. But Addie seemed perfectly normal.
Was it to protect her from him? In case he went crazy and decided to attack her? He frowned at that. He’d had some problems in the past, sure, but did the Institute really think so little of him? If so, why’d they even let him come here?
There wasn’t even a ladder up to her bunk. How’d they expect her to get up there? Was he supposed to lift her up there? That made no sense. And besides, he didn’t trust himself enough to try it.
As it turned out, Addie had her own way of getting up there. She bent her knees, then after a moment’s hesitation, leapt into the air. Instead of falling back to the ground, she hung in midair. Then, she slowly began to rise upwards.
She opened the fence’s gate and slid inside. She dropped her bag onto the bed, then landed next to it with a plop. She turned around and began to unpack.
Suddenly, she looked up and caught him staring. She offered him a small smile, but he turned away, embarrassed. He felt his cheeks warm up slightly.
So she can fly. That still left him with more questions than answers. What was she doing here with him? Why was her bed caged in?
Why am I blushing?
Addie was a little surprised to catch Trevor staring at her. However, she supposed he was bound to be a little curious about her. She had certainly done her fair share of staring when she first saw him.
She hoped it was just innocent curiosity.
Her eye drifted back to the pamphlet she’d been given. She picked it up and flipped to the page with the number the lady at the desk had pointed out. It looked like some kind of safety hotline for students. Addie mulled it over for a minute, then put the number in her phone.
Then she got back to unpacking her bag, laying everything out before going back down to put things in place. Every so often, she’d glance over to Trevor to see if he was still staring. If he was, he’d gotten better at hiding it, because every time she looked, his focus was always on whatever he was doing at his desk.
When she was done unpacking, she looked over to his desk again. From the floor, she hadn’t been able to tell what it was he was doing. From her bunk, though, she had a better vantage point.
He was hunched over what looked like a plain composition notebook. Unlike the desk he sat at, it was normal sized and thus, much too small for him. It was smaller than one of his hands. He held it open with his pointer finger placed at the top and his thumb at the bottom.
He carefully pinched a number two pencil in between the first two fingers of his right hand. The pencil itself was shorter than his pinky. He had a look of concentration on his face as he carefully traced the pencil across the page.
Suddenly, the lead snapped. He sighed and leaned back in his chair. He opened a drawer and pulled out something small and clear. Addie couldn’t tell what it was until he started to use it. He put the pencil in the sharpener and twisted it slowly. They both looked tiny in his hands.
Another snap rung out, this time a bit louder. He pulled the broken pencil away from where it snapped off in the pencil sharpener.
“Ugh,” she heard him mutter under his breath. Then he opened another drawer. Addie strained to see what was inside. It was full of more pencils, most of which were broken. He tossed the one he’d been using in the drawer. He stared at it for a while, before shutting the drawer again.
He slid the journal to the side before propping his elbows up on the table. Then he buried his face in his hands. Before he looked up again, Addie looked away so he wouldn’t catch her staring.
Poor guy, she thought to herself. Then she grabbed a few things to put away, floated back down to the floor, and began to get settled in.
(Edit: Changed the formatting to make it more cohesive)
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belli5 · 1 month
Plz write a story where ur in a love triangle with kenny and sharky
Homie hopper — Sharky, Kenny
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Pairing: Sharky xfem!reader , Kingkenny xfem!reader
Summary: in which, you’re in a love triangle with Kenny and Sharky.
Contains: homie hopping 😭 love triangle, you lmk..
A/n: I was like supposed to post this way long ago but I got lazy so 🫢😭 anyway Sharky had more votes so I’m really sorry for who voted for Kenny but I have coming Kenny fics. THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD, MAYBE LATER
“Y/n, Beta squad are celebrating hitting 8 million, you should come, we haven’t hang out all together also for a while.” Sharky says. It was true, you and the beta squad haven’t seen each other for a while. They were busy with YouTube and you were also busy filming.
“Sharky, I don’t know if I wanna go.. I wanna take a break.”
“Come on, it’ll be nice seeing everyone, or you can come to just see me.” He teased.
“Boy, I am seeing you right now,” you laughed “what are you talking about.” You stayed silent for a minute, maybe it’ll be worth it for real? You missed seeing Chunkz, Niko, Aj… and Kenny.
“Okay. I’ll go.” You said and he smiled at you.
“Good. And we can drive together.”
When Friday night came, meaning it was the beta squad party. You kinda were excited to see the guys. Sharky had came, before you even started to get ready.
“What are you going to wear?” He asked you sitting with you in the kitchen.
“Ion know.” You answered, “nothing too fancy, im not really feeling like it.” You looked at him to see what he’s wearing and saw him wearing straight leg joggers.
You’d be lying if you said that you weren’t staring, because God damn he always looked good in them. You went to your room to change into something casual, and left with Sharky to go to the party.
When you arrived there you went inside and first one who you saw was Nella, “Oh, my days, isn’t that the Y/n” she exclaimed pulling you to the table where everyone else was and Sharky just following you both.
You smiled at her, honestly you missed Nella even more than the boys. Finally making it to the table, you saw everyone and couldn’t help but hug each one of them.
Kenny wasn’t there at the time, but when he walked up you could see him staring at you.
“Hey y/n.” He smiled, him acting like nothing happened before made you feel better, but it wasn’t. Especially now that you were starting to like Sharky, and if someone found out, they probably consider you as a homie hopper.
“Hi.” You said awkwardly. You didn’t know if you just made it awkward or it was just awkward, but if Kenny really forgot about you two then it was good, you could just move on like nothing happened ever.
Nella saw the awkward silence and broke it, “y/n did you and Sharky came together?”
You smiled at her, “yeah we did.” You sat in between Sharky and Nella, Kenny on left side of Nella and rest of the beta squad next to Sharkys right.
“Do you want something to drink y/n?” Sharky asked you.
“Uh,” you thought about it, “not really right now. Do you?”
“No.” He said and everyone continued to chat, while you just avoided looking at Kenny.
“Y/n,” you heard your name being called once again, you looked up and of course it was Kenny, “do you wanna go somewhere talk?”
You didn’t know what to say, maybe it’d even better if y’all didn’t talk, there was nothing to talk about and if there was, it was that you both needed to forget about the past.
“Uhm.. I need to go to the bathroom.” You said, avoiding his question, getting up to go to the bathroom.
Into the bathroom you just thought of what he said ‘do you wanna go somewhere talk’ yeah what could he possibly wanna talk about right now.
Why was he being so confusing? You kept questioning it, walking out of the bathroom you saw Kenny standing there, waiting for you.
“I’m sorry if I made it weird.” He apologises.
“It’s fine.” You say not wanting to talk, but finally looking him in eyes.
“Okay, good.” He says. “We haven’t seen each other for long..”
“Err yeah, not only you, the whole beta squad.” You say rubbing your neck “I missed seeing everyone.”
“Why are you acting like this?” You ask him, you just wanna know why he suddenly wants to talk to you.
“Like what?” He asks.
“Like nothing has happened..” you tell him, “you suddenly wanna talk things out, if we didn’t work out before, what makes you think that things will change now?” You seriously didn’t know if you and him could be more than friends.
“I’m not. I promise I wanna fix things.” He promises.
“No Kenny. I think it’s gonna be better if we just stay as friends.” You say, ‘but what if he’s actually willing to fix things’ a thought suddenly crosses your mind.
“I’m not here to play, y/n.” He sighs.
“This is not happening, Kenny.” You say, and saw Sharky coming to look for you.
“Oh hey Kenny, I was just looking for y/n.” You were glad Sharky came, cuz now you could avoid this conversation. “Do you wanna get out of here?”
You nodded at him, and walked up to Sharky leaving Kenny just standing there and probably follow you both to the rest of the guys and Nella.
You both decided to leave, “I think we’re gonna leave now.” You say first going over to hug Nella, you saw her wink at you after looking at both of you and Sharky.
“Don’t have too much fun gal.” She laughs at you.
“Shut up.” You laugh into the hug, finally letting her go and hugging rest of the guys.
Sharky also said his goodbyes to everyone and you both finally left to his car. “What were you and Kenny talking about?” He asks.
“Nothing much.” You didn’t wanna talk about it, “just stuff how we haven’t seen each other and blah blah blah..” you laugh.
“Really? I don’t think you and Kenny are match..”
“What does that mean?” You can’t help, but smile, maybe you were being delusional, but this definitely calls jealousy “this isn’t love island to be a match or something.”
“That’s not what I meant..” he says seriously.
“I know that, but is that all?” You asked.
“No, he’s seriously needs to let it go.” He bagan, “it’s been already a while since you both happened.”
“I know.” Was all you could say, honestly you couldn’t care less about this now, you just wanted to focus on something else right now. “Thanks for noticing, I really appreciate you Sharky.”
“It’s okay, do you wanna go somewhere fancy?” He assured you.
“I’m not dressed fancy tho..” you say looking at your outfit.
“I think you look nice and I’m literally wearing sweatpants.” He laughs “we can go change or we can just go to store and buy something?”
“We can just go change, you don’t have to spend your money.”
“That’s alright.” He says, knowing there’s no problem buying you things, “Y/n I-“ Sharky began before I cut him off.
“Me too.” I blurred out, I know he wasn’t gonna tell me what I was gonna, but this could be my chance to do it.
“What?” He asks confused.
“I like you. And I like you more than friends.” I said.
“Really?” He asks, now he was definitely not about to say something like that, but he was glad you did. You just nodded at his question.
“I’ve liked you for a really long time.” You say, he didn’t say anything back, maybe he didn’t feel the same way and it was all dumb to say this.
“I don’t know what to say, y/n.”
“Don’t say anything.” You should’ve known better than that, ‘why would he like me after all that happened between me and Kenny’ you thought to yourself.
“I like you too.” He smiled at you.
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Sonic and Infinite are so fucking GRAUGHHHHHHHH I want. To study them in a lab. I don’t know how to convey the emotions I feel for this dog and hedgehog so please bare with me
Before I start my bs I just wanted to say this post actually goes out to @neurotypical-sonic and uh @beloved-user (and maybe a few other people but those were the only 2 that I saw had said anything at the time of writing this) because they wanted to see this content in the world so shoutout to them for giving me the courage to post about these cringe fail mobians (I am the sonic and infinite psychoanalysis anon btw)
there’s so much under the cut please be careful also please be nice it’s 2 am and I’m very emotionally fragile
The fact that sonic and infinite are 2 sides of the same coin yet also thematic foils to each other is just sending me over the deep end I can’t take it ARGHHHHHHH (I am willingly taking it)
You’re probably asking “what the actual fuck are you going on about dude” and to this I raise you all of this entire post (you’re gonna regret asking)
A few things before I start, this is obviously gonna be Forces bullshit because I Bear The Curse™️also I’m only gonna be talking about the English version of the game because sadly I have not been able to play or see the japanese dub yet, I’ll do that later though 
Also if there’s photos with shit quality, sorry, that’s on me
Ok autism activated let’s go
Let’s start with our obvious main man Sonic, the blue blur. I’m gonna start with something that irked a lot of people, and that is the fact that Sonic seemingly came out fine after being tortured for 6 months.
The thing is, he was absolutely not fine, at all, it was just so subtle that it was genuinely hard to tell, but once you notice, you continue to notice. The first thing you can see is that he is acting a lot more brutal I guess I could say??? 
I mean, look at the end of the Zavok fight, he beats the ever loving shit out of Zavok with his hands, not a few homing attack or spin dashes, his fucking hands, I don’t know how often that happens outside of games where the actual gimmick is hand to hand combat, but it seems pretty weird to me how he just keeps hitting Zavok and he just stares at him as he falls, panting and out of breath from how relentlessly he was attacking him
Second, he’s constantly talking about how he wants and will get revenge for what happened, he doesn’t let up that he’s going to get revenge, and I was actually kind of shocked when he started saying that I was kinda like “woah calm down buddy” (note, one of these screenshots is from the wiki because I couldn’t get the image from the game, also, these 2 are just from the cutscenes I could find, there’s so much more, this hog can hold so much malice and rage)
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Third? Now this one is my favorite to talk about, because it really shows just how drastic Sonic and Infinite really are, the scene it occurs in is during the infinite fight with sonic and the avatar character, during the first stage where it’s just sonic
You may say “ok what’s special about the reskinned metal sonic fight?” sarcastically but this is a very important fact to me, and the fact is that Sonic just straight up implies to Infinite’s face that he’s gonna murder him!
 The line he says is played off as a kinda joke, but the way Sonic says it is so genuine that it’s a little bit disturbing, it’s a fridge horror kind of moment where you look at the line, maybe giggle, but after a quick google you realize just how fucked the line is because of the inclusion of one word, one single word.
The word being “Epitaph.” An Epitaph being the phrase or words written on someone’s tombstone in memory of them.
Now, you may know what line I’m referring to if you’re like me and reply that fight alot, but if you don’t know the line that’s fine, I’m gonna explain it either way because it’s very important to me!
So the fight starts and the first lines said are these;
Infinite: What would you like your epitaph to read? How about “Here lies the blue buffoon”?
Sonic: Why not “Here dozes the masked clown”? Might as well make it for the person who needs one, right?
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I think you can see where I’m going with this point, let’s move on now to the other point I wanted to make, which is also kind of a major tone shift from the point above
This point ties in with the “2 sides of the same coin” bit, but the point I want to make is that Sonic needed companionship to win. (Take a drink of water every time I write the word “companionship” or anything similar starting now, see how hydrated you get)
He needed the avatar character to support him throughout that fight, he needed the avatar & classic to help him defeat the eggman and ruby as well, he needed companionship. 
This theme of him needing support and a companion is echoed through the very song that is the theme of forces, I am, of course, referring to Fistbump
AGGHHHH I LOVE FISTBUMP SO MUCH IT’S SO GOOD THEMATICALLY AND IT’S ALSO JUST A GOOD SONGi want you to know I’m snarling and biting and growling like a rabid animal but in a good way I’m sorry I just needed to say that real quick back to the point I was trying to make
Now, the first indication that Sonic needs companionship is that Fistbump is literally him “speaking” to the avatar character, the lyrics portray this perfectly, but I am going to stop myself before I go on a tangent about this song for too long, so next um dot point
The second indication he needs companionship using Fistbump is that it plays whenever he double boosts with the Avatar and during the level Null Space, the double boost is self explanatory, it’s them working together, they’re being friendly friends!
What people may not completely get is me bringing up Null Space, because, once again, there’s seemingly nothing special but there is. There is to me. In my heart. I love Null Space as well as the other stuff mentioned here because it ties into this insane bs I’m concocting for my viewing pleasure that just so happens to get to be on tumblr too!!
Null Space is a level where Infinite sends Sonic and, accidentally, the Avatar character to the level’s namesake, Null Space. Null Space is devoid of substance or life, it is the loneliest place you could ever be, but here Sonic and the Avatar are, the complete antithesis of such a concept, they are together, they are safe with each other, they are going to get out of there together.
And so they escape, and what is playing in the background as they do so? A version of Fistbump dedicated specifically to that level.
Before I can make the rest of my points, we have to talk about the elephant, er… jackal, in the room; Infinite.
Let’s start with a general thingy like we did with sonic, now, I’m not gonna go over his actions in game, they speak for themselves, I will, however, be talking about the implications of his actions; his morals, his values, all of that
First off let’s collectively discuss and by discuss I mean go ‘what the actual fuck is wrong with this dude’
It’s very clear that he’s just not a “good” person, he does morally frowned upon things like being a mercenary, of course, that’s one of the big ones, but the one that really fucks with me and makes me really wanna pick his brain is that despite Shadow being the one who hurt him, he immediately clicks to Sonic and the best way I can describe it is him going “i NEED to beat the ever loving shit out of that kid right now.”
Like, even during Episode Shadow, he still mentions Sonic with this personal malice that you don’t expect, stating that Sonic won’t be able to stop him, and it’s honestly just kind of weird tbh??? 
So he hates Sonic from the start, he gangs up on him, beats him to the point of unconsciousness, kidnaps him, is indirectly (at least) the cause of 6 months of torture, beats him again, tells him he’s not even worth killing, tries to kill him and the entire resistance by throwing the sun at them and then tries to kill him personally before Sonic can finally get the revenge he wanted.
So I’m sensing a lot of initially one-sided hostility between him and Sonic.
Another point is that his theme seems to be directed towards Sonic, it is mocking him, trying to tear down everything he establishes in Fistbump, stating that friendship will get you nowhere when you rely on it too much, asking who is going to save Sonic from Infinite when he is alone?
This is once again shown with how he interacts with Sonic, using Silver and Infinite’s little tussle as a comparison, yeah, Infinite throws an insult, but it’s as a collective, he says he’s happy to crush a hero to keep the “rabble” (the resistance) in line, but when Sonic appears it becomes very personal
He’s immediately on him, stating that Sonic is “back from the dead”, calling him the “little blue savior” and insisting he can smell Sonic’s fear, glad he’s left an impression, noting that Sonic is “still thrashing around”, in his own words.
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He speaks to Sonic so personally, hell, he waits for Sonic to quit talking before tossing Sonic to another part of the jungle to fight him alone. He very well could have gotten rid of Silver and then dealt with Sonic, but he instead decides dealing with Sonic immediately is more important than Silver is. He even says that he will meet Sonic again after that fight.
he also threatens to smash Sonic into blue jelly. I just wanted to mention that because it’s funny that he specifically said he would smash him into BLUE JELLY
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So it makes me wonder, what is this dude's issue??? Why is he so obsessed with Sonic? And then it kind of hit me. Sonic is the antithesis of everything he values and believes in, of course he’d be intrigued.
Or, alternatively, he’s intrigued because Sonic is just like him.
Yep, It’s the moment we’ve (me) all been waiting for! We’re finally discussing the “two sides of the same coin” point!
Sonic and Infinite are exact opposites but they are also the exact same! They both so desperately need support and companionship (I’ve covered Sonic’s need, but we can see how Infinite needs support and companionship with how he handles the loss of his squad), they both have the same kind of goal (change the world to be a place they would want to live in, good or bad), they’re both associated with the same people (Shadow and Robotnik)!
They are the exact same but they are exact opposites! They are each other’s foils but they complement each other so well, they are two sides of the same tarnished, damaged coin!
Sonic and Infinite are what they could have been based on how they responded to their own struggles. Infinite could have very well been just like Sonic, dedicated to helping people because of what happened at Mystic Jungle, and Sonic could have very well been just like Infinite, lashing out and hurting everyone in his way because of any of the copious losses he’s been forced to deal with.
But they don’t, they become the person they are because of how they respond to their own struggles, trauma, losses and wins. And that’s the beauty of their characters. 
Sonic and Infinite are foils to each other, it’s a point you can’t argue, but the reason they are foils to each other is because they are the same in some weird, messed up way.
But I wanted to add one more thing before I finish this off.
Infinite very well left an Impression on Sonic. Like it or not, somehow, someway, Infinite’s concepts and ideals imprinted on Sonic and it made him and his own problems worse. So much worse.
I won’t go into too much about that because that links to other things outside of solely Forces, so yeah, tangent done. Thank you for listening
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simp41ida · 2 years
Hi I love your work! iida is so underappreciated you truly are team carry!
If you have the time, I'd like to request an iida x fem!reader who (tw. sh) used to self harm on her thighs so no one would see, and she's been clean for a year but she found out she was failing a class and went back to old habits and iida walks in on her treating the injuries so they don't get infected and when he asks, she tells him and asks him not to tell anyone, and the reason she didn't ask for help before is that no one helped her when she asked, so eventually she stopped trying. the rest is up to you! if you don't want to do this request I fully understand and it's okay!
i hope I did this request thing right, once again, I love your writing and you're such an amazing person! love you!!
warnings: self harm (fem!pronouns)
notes: as someone who struggles with this too, i’d be more than happy to write this for you <33 love you too!!
⚠️trigger warning under the cut⚠️
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one day after class
(wow what a great post starter)
present mic pulled you out into the hallway after class
he wanted to let you know that you're not doing so good in one of your classes
since the only voice he knows is his loud one, he kind of said it a little loud
nobody else heard, but it didn't make you feel very easy the way he said it so loud.
after the four words he said to you, you felt all of your emotions crumble into a little pile of dust right where your feet are supposed to be
and then you still had to do all of the other classes for the day with that feeling inside of your stomach and in the back of your throat.
iida definitely knew something was up because he's observant over the people it wouldn't be weird to watch over like that
like he wouldn't watch bakugou he way he watches over you
it makes him feel funny (trust me he's tried it just to make sure the whole class was safe in his explosive presence)
but this isn't about him.
it's about you <33
when you went back to the dorms for the night, it was the last they saw you until school tomorrow
except for iida because he tried bringing you dinner just because he loves you that much.
you told him you weren't hungry and he didn't want to pressure you into opening the door so he just left you be
why you were in your room for so long, oh, that's a whole different story
when you got into your dorm, you tried to see if there was anything you could do to boost your grade
when you saw that there was no other assignments incomplete, you were upset
so upset for so many reasons
you failed something, you can't fix that said something, and you're just so tired of doing as much as you can do and it's still not good enough
later that night, you relapsed
it's an awful feeling, really
but that awful feeling made everything else go away, if only for a minute
after everything, you knew that you needed to take care of the small, line shaped injuries on your thighs.
the shorts you had on made them easy to access to it would be quick (plan is to just pour some hydrogen peroxide on them, wait for them to bubble and stop bleeding, slap some band-aids on them, and just go)
this would've worked out just fine if you weren't hesitating because you were scared someone would walk in on you.
as soon as you started peeling open the first band-aid package, a familiar face makes himself known by opening the door
his face drops at the whole scene
"please don't say anything to anyone, iida"
as soon as he heard those words, he knew what was going on
there are keywords that hint out how stuff went down.
he also knows there is no other way for you to get that many injuries on the same spot on your thighs in just one day
he may seem oblivious, but he is far from stupid
he'll help you with the rest of the bandaging (only after you say it's okay, of course)
and then he'll ask you to talk to him about it
like "do you want to tell me what happened and why it ended up like this?"
if you told him about last time, it would make sense to him why you would default back to it
if you didn't, he's going to try to understand as much as he can
he refrains from asking questions just in case they're rude
when you tell him that you have asked for help before, he will be so mad that nobody decided to get you the help that you were so bravely willing to get
he lets you know that no matter what time it is, or the day, or the month, or the year, he will stop everything just to help you
he loves you so much more than you know
he won't tell anyone unless you want him to in the instance of getting help
he'll lay with you even if its against the rules because your happiness is worth way more than one scolding from a teacher
then again, how would they know he's in there anyways?
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bloomvalyria · 4 months
Before I beginn: ERENDOR?! Oritel how did you allow this?! I just cannot picture them together and I totally get why you said we would be shocked.
Anyways, I LOVE the latest chapter!
I love seeing Bloom and Daphne together and I feel like there aren't enough stories where we get to see them interact together like normal sisters. I hope there're more moments with them together, but I'm not sure since the ascension ceremony is about to begin and I'm not sure if one of them is gonna come out of it unharmed.
My theory is that this chapter is a scene from the past. The main reasons being:
Bloom's family still being alive
Her growing up as a princess
Darkar still alive and wrecking havoc in Ohm
Erendor just got married to Samara
Faragonda is not mentioned as the headmistress but as part of the court
Bloom doesn't appear to have the Dragon Fire yet
Maybe Sparx is going to be attacked and the whole family is gonna die/ be captured in Obsidian. As a last resort the dragon fire is going to choose Bloom as the keeper of the dragon fire and she will be reborn/ send to earth in form of a child, so she can grow up and resurrect her homeplanet in the future.
However, I could be reading to much into it. Since we don't know if the Bloom we saw on Solaria is the same one as on Domino or if it is a resurrected Bloom who grew up on earth.
My guess is that Valtor is gonna make an apperence in the next chapter and maybe save Bloom from doing something stupid to try and save her sister.
I'm super excited to see where the story is heading, especially because I feel like it is heading in a way that I haven't read before!
Thank you so much!!! It sounds weird, but I was worried people wouldn’t be too into this fic because it’s a plot that hasn’t really been done before. Probably just my anxiety getting the best of me, per usual.
I will confirm now that it’s posted: yes, chapter 2 is in the past! This fic will primarily take place in Bloom’s perspective in the past, with the occasional chapter in Baltor’s perspective in the “present day” (and one chapter near the very end that’s in someone else’s POV!).
I love reading your theories on where it’s going! I won’t confirm or deny specific plot details or anything, but it’s so fun to read everyone’s guesses.
I enjoyed writing Daphne and Bloom together more than I anticipated I would. Writing Daphne is a bit intimidating for me because I’ve never really written her before, but once I sat myself down and remembered she wasn’t always a cryptic Nymph, but a teenage girl it made it a lot easier. Especially being a sister myself. So I promise we will see more sisterly moments, no matter what happens in the next chapter lol.
And now that the cat’s out of the bag: please believe me when I say, I did not pick Erendor for shock value. I specifically picked him with a purpose. And that purpose is to make canon make sense.
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hi! I want to familiarise myself with John Robins's work, I was wondering if you could recommend a good starting point? the radio show? standup? just thought to ask you, my favourite comedy connoisseur! thanks :)
Oh wow, I thought you’d never ask! By which I mean, when you spend as much time as I do putting completely unsolicited screeds into the internet that I’m pretty sure are of interest only to me, it is rather fun to write one for someone who has specifically said they want to read it. Though I don’t know if you’ll feel the same way by the end of the post, given my penchant for detail and the multiple unnecessary caveats that I’m already planning for this. I will add a cut to spare everyone else the unnecessary detail.
Okay, so. Weird thing about me, given the current state of my blog, I actually disliked John Robins for the first few years that I knew who he was. That is because the first time I saw him was on Mock the Week, where he appeared alongside Sara Pascoe just as their relationship was about to collapse, and he was an absolute dick about it. So definitely don’t start with that. I mean, Sara Pascoe also wasn’t great in that episode, but I already knew and liked her, so I forgave her. I had no such goodwill toward John Robins, and it completely turned me off him for a long time. After that I saw him pop up on other shows once in a blue moon, but found him annoying because I’d already decided I didn’t like him based on Mock the Week. Definitely do not watch him on Mock the Week.
What turned me around was in November 2022, when I came across a copy of The Darkness of Robins, his 2017 stand-up show that won the big Edinburgh award and was made into a Netflix special. I really, really loved it. I remember making a post at the time when I said this is the fastest I’ve ever turned around on any famous person, the biggest swing from disliking them to thinking they’ve made one of my favourite stand-up shows ever.
After that, I did exactly what you’ve done here, which was ask around on Tumblr for where you can go if you’ve just decided you want more John Robins if your life. Because I knew he had a radio show on one station and then another station with that guy who’s (not) married to Isy Suttie, but I also knew those had about 150,000 hours (slightly exaggeration) worth of episodes and obviously no one has time to listen to all that, that would be absolutely ridiculous, what sort of fool would take that on? Obviously I could have just jumped in at the most recent episodes of their radio show, which is something you could do as well if you want, but my brain’s relentlessly completist nature wouldn’t let me do that. I needed something I could watch/hear all of, but have that be under 150,000 hours.
I asked Tumblr about this, and the best recommendation I got was to check out A Robins Amongst the Pigeons. This started as a feature on his radio show in which he read out loud from the autobiography of broadcaster Tony Blackburn, which was meant to be a serious book, but it’s so self-important and unintentionally hilarious that John got quite a few good weeks worth of content from reading out bits to make fun of them (if this seems mean, it helps to know that one of the passages he read said women working outside the home is bad for children, so I don’t feel bad for the guy). Later on, John Robins mentioned that he’d learned the writers of the Alan Partridge autobiography – I, Partridge – had based it partly on Tony Blackburn’s book.
After he finished reading the Blackburn autobiography, John Robins started to write his own autobiography, “in the style of Tony Blackburn”, and read out a chapter each week on the radio. Basically, John Robins is a huge Partridge fan and took the opportunity to write out his own life story the way Alan Partridge would tell that life story, and it’s really, really funny. It’s a good introduction to John because it goes through his life and lets you know what he’s like, and that gives you an idea of what sort of things he’ll say if you get into the rest of his work. And it’s also a good introduction to John because it’s really, really funny. If you listen to that and don’t find it funny, you probably won’t like the rest of his stuff.
Someone on YouTube compiled all the clips of John reading chapters from A Robins Amongst the Pigeons, and put them on YouTube so you can hear the all as one long string:
I downloaded that YouTube video, converted it to mp3, put it on my phone and listened to it like an audiobook. My biggest recommendation for someone who wants an introduction to John Robins would be that you do the same. He’s also released it as a paperback book, and did a few live performances where he read it out loud to an audience back when he first wrote it (2015), which is good because it’s too funny to have remained just a feature on a weekly radio show.
The next thing I did when getting into John Robins was go to his Bandcamp page, where he’s released three of his old stand-up shows:
They’re his 2013, 2014, and 2015 Edinburgh shows, with the dates listed on Bandcamp all being from a year later because they were recorded on tours the following years. I think they noticeably get better with each year, and his writing and delivery skills improve. Speakeasy is objectively the best one, Where Is My Mind not quite as good but still made me laugh more than a lot of stand-up hours do. This Tornado Loves You is, I think, not quite objectively as good as Speakeasy. But might edge Speakeasy out as my favourite of the three because it hits some things that I subjectively really love in stand-up.
He did a stand-up show in 2019 called Hot Shame, which I'd really really love to hear, but he's said he never recorded a version that was far enough along, with high enough audio quality to publish (though personally, I would happily take a version with shit audio quality and/or early WIP). In 2023, he did a stand-up show called Howl, which he's recently said he has on audio recording and is planning to publish on Bandcamp at some point, but it's not there yet. I am very much looking forward to hearing that one when it come out.
(Disclaimer: This Tornado Loves You has a routine about PMT/PMS where I see what he was trying to do, it’s not just an average “women be crazy on their periods” routine, he says it with an understanding that the victim here is the woman suffering from painful symptoms, and has said similar things at other times. However, I don’t think the stand-up routine does enough of that to make up for the inherent shitty-ness of a cis man making a joke about his girlfriend getting disproportionately emotional on her period, and I just want to clarify that, because I don’t want anyone to listen to that stand-up show, hear that routine, remember that I said that stand-up show is my favourite of all the Bandcamp releases by one of my favourite comedians, and therefore, I must think cis men telling jokes like that is a good idea. I don’t, I think that was a misstep in an otherwise great show.
The reason I add this caveat is because in the last months, I’ve had three different people watch The Darkness of Robins at my recommendation, and all of them came back with the comment… so this thing that you’ve been calling one of your favourite shows ever – did you mean to go so hard on endorsing a show that ends with a really inappropriate amount of sexual detail about Sara Pascoe, a woman whose name the audience knows, and it’s probably not cool for him to be saying that about her in public? Because this has happened before, I feel the need to say, again, in case anyone watching Darkness of Robins as a result of this post: I don’t love the part at the end where he describes sex with a person the audience can identify in an inappropriate amount of detail. When I endorse the show, I do not endorse that. I hope he asked her if it was cool to talk about that on stage before he did so, but I don’t know if he did, and I have a feeling he probably didn’t. Having said that, I recently watched a bunch of Sara Pascoe’s stand-up from across the years, and I hugely enjoyed it because she’s very funny, but I also learned more sexual details than I wanted to know about John Robins from her stand-up, so I would argue that they are, at best, even in terms of inappropriate talking about each other on stage. Also, for anyone who’s reading this but hasn’t seen the show, I’d like to clarify that it’s not like he goes on some misogynistic rant about her, he just describes sex with her in detail that gets a bit graphic for a couple of minutes.
While I’m caveating, I’ll just throw all my disclaimers in together, I did also have someone watch Darkness of Robins and say they were surprised I liked it so much because the stuff near the beginning, where he talks about how his relationship fell apart, feels a bit like the misogynistic stand-up trope of Man Complains About His Girlfriend For Being Less Logical And Rational Than Him. I’d like to say I actually stand by that routine, he’s built quite a bit of his comedy on talking about how he is compulsively and maladaptively meticulous about everything and is therefore more logical than everyone, he spends half his radio show complaining about how Elis James isn’t logical enough and doesn’t put enough thought into planning and organizing and getting everything right, that’s not a gender thing, that’s just his thing. A lot of his comedy is about his obsession with being precise about everything to the point of overthinking that ruins his life, and if you are reading this post in which I’ve just spent three paragraphs adding unnecessary caveats because I get paranoid about anything I say being misinterpreted, you might understand why that appeals to me so much.
Summary: I do not endorse the menstruation routine of 2014 or some of the sex details of 2017, but I do endorse the many parts of his comedy in which he comes off as an exhausting nightmare, that is very much part of the appeal, though it may not appeal to everyone.)
Besides his stand-up, he’s done some guest appearances on TV, radio, and podcasts. I was about to start listing the ones I’ve found, though it’s probably easier to just give you a screenshot of my folders of his audio guest spots:
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and TV guest spots:
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I've watched/listened to everything in those folders up to October 2018, since I'm currently working through the radio shows and going through all those other things chronologically alongside it, so I haven't seen the things past 2018 and can't speak to what's in them. Technically, it's possible that he became a flat Earther. So there's another disclaimer: any views expressed by John Robins after October 2018, I haven't heard and cannot endorse. But there's definitely some good stuff in the earlier years.
If any of the shows in the above screenshots are one you already like, then tracking down John Robins' episodes of them is probably a good intro to John Robins (or send me a message if you want a link). Except that second Mock the Week one - don't watch that no matter how much you normally like Mock the Week.
Of his guest spots on TV and audio, a lot of the best ones are better if you're already familiar with John from his radio show or at least from his stand-up, but some hold up pretty well even without that context. His Live From The BBC episode is a shortened (half an hour instead of an hour) version of his Speakeasy show, if you want to see a (shortened) video version of that instead of hearing the audio (and if you are a completist like me, it has a bit of material that's not in the Bandcamp version so it's worth watching). His other TV stand-up guest spots are mainly just little repeats of stuff that's in his longer published shows, except the Russell Howard's Good News extra, which has an older routine that's not in his Bandcamp shows.
I'd say his episodes of Alan Davies' show are particularly fun, though warning that there is a story in the episode he did with Russell Howard that's really weird. There's also another story that he either stole from Adam and Joe, or he was the person who sent that story into Adam and Joe, and I fear it was probably the former, but he wouldn't be the first to steal someone else's story on As Yet Untitled.
On the subject of people who steal other people's stories on As Yet Untitled, I found him very very funny on Isy Suttie's podcast, though he was quite drunk and I can imagine a person with less tolerance for drunken shoutiness could find it annoying. He's good value on Pappy's, a lot of fun and usually drunk (pre-2023, at least). He has a nice rapport with Richard Herring. He played a really weird song on Jon Richardson's old radio show. He told us about a sex dream he had on The Horne Section podcast. And he bickered with his girlfriend on Do the Right Thing. I also thought the Robins/James episode of Comedian's Comedian was excellent (Robins and James both did individual ones that were also both good, but the one they did together is one of my favourites out of the 76 episodes of that podcast that I've heard (I almost wrote ~75 there so I could pretend I don't have a spreadsheet to know the exact number, but why pretend that at this point?)), but it gets pretty deep into stuff from their radio show, so probably isn't worth a listen unless you've heard that show.
John Robins also released a book in 2018, called The Holy Vible, co-written with his radio buddy Elis James. I'm currently nearly done listening to the audiobook of that, and to be honest, there's a lot of filler that will be of interest only to someone who's already very, very interested in whatever John and Elis have to say. Which I am, so I'm enjoying the book, but I definitely don't recommend it to anyone who's not already very much into the radio show.
And that brings me to the 150,000 hours of their radio show, since that's pretty much the only place left to go. It was early 2023 when I listened to his Bandcamp stand-up shows, said I love these and I loved Darkness of Robins and I loved A Robins Amongst the Pigeons, I guess the next step would have to be the radio. But I don't have 150,000 hours to spare to listen to all that. So I guess that's as far as I'm going with the Robins fandom. I even made a post in which I said "John Robins is dangerous - not in general, but to me", because I like him so much that at any moment I could slip down the radio rabbit hole, and then I'd lose 150,000 hours of my life. I held out for nearly a year after I wrote that post, but here I am now.
The radio show with John Robins and Elis James started out in February 2014 on the indie music radio station XFM. XFM rebranded as Radio X in 2015, and they continued to make the same show on Radio X until they left in February 2019. In May 2019, they began broadcasting pretty much the same show (I think, haven't heard it yet, he might be a flat Earther) on BBC Five Live. They continued to do that until the end of 2023, and in 2024, they started doing some other thing that I don't understand. They record it as a podcast first (as opposed to live radio that gets edited and released as a podcast, which is what they did from 2014 to 2023), and then highlights from the podcast get broadcast on the radio, and it's released twice a week, also there are videos, I don't know, I haven't got that far in the chronology. I'm still on October 2018.
I can say that the XFM/Radio X episodes they did between February 2014 and October 2018 are fun, engaging, very funny, often interesting, and I think have been worth the several months of my life it's taken me to listen to them. They go up and down, like anything else that's produced that many hours - there have been a few times when I've thought the show was in a bit of a slump and hasn't been that funny for a couple of months, but just as I'm thinking that, they'll pick it up and do a run of like eight great episodes in a row. Overall, in my subjective opinion, they've had far more strong periods than weak ones. They have a great dynamic with each other and with the features. They spend too much time reading out emails but that's going to happen on a radio show. I'm not particularly into their food tasting segments but that's just because food shows don't generally appeal to me, I love their running quiz segments because competitive features do appeal to me. Your mileage may vary. Also, you don't have to do the relentless completist thing that I do. You could just jump in now at the latest episodes of whatever the hell their BBC show is now.
Oh, and he plays golf on YouTube with Alex Horne. I haven't watched that because I dislike golf and I haven't got there in the chronology yet, but I'll probably end up watching it at some point. A lot of people like it and I think it's probably funny, but I haven't seen it myself so I can't speak to that. It's called Bad Golf and you can find it on the internet.
To give a proper shot at answering the original question, which I now feel like was asked 100 years ago: I think the best introduction to John Robins is a Robins Amongst the Pigeons, linked above, that I recommend listening to like an audiobook. I did Darkness of Robins first, but I think the best order for a good introduction would be Robin Amongst the Pigeons first, to get a good overview of what he's like and what you're getting into with him, and you'll get that overview via 100 minutes that you'll either find very entertaining, or you won't and you'll know not to bother with the rest of his stuff.
After that, I'd say, if you have any completist tendencies, or tendencies like mine toward doing things in chronological order because I think everything is better if you have all the context for it first, then I would recommend listening to his Bandcamp shows in order (Where Is My Mind, then This Tornado Loves You, then Speakeasy), and then watching Darkness of Robins. If you're not bothered about that, just skip to Darkness of Robins because it's the best one. If you do all that and are still interested in finding more John Robins content, then I'm afraid you may have to set off on a journey to give up 150,000 hours of your life the way I have.
Well, there might be one other option. There are other clips and clip compilations from their radio shows, and while I personally have difficulty doing anything in clip form if I haven't gone through the full-length version first (Robins Amongst the Pigeons was an exception because that was its own thing, it was a collection of radio clips but they've also been released as their own book), some of those may be fun in isolation. You can flip through this playlist to find some of them (you can CTRL+F the word "complete" on that page to find compilations of their features and running topics):
One time, in a fairly early XFM episode, Elis informed the listeners that someone had written an email to the show that asked what their five favourite albums were, and John had written a reply that was an essay of several thousand words, and then apologized on the radio by saying there was no way this person wanted their inbox taken up by that much rambling. That may be what's happened here, the difference being that I don't have the status of a (then-future) Perrier-winning comedian to justify why anyone wants to read this many of my words. But still, I'm glad you asked.
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mikestoklassa · 8 days
My time at the Zak Bagans Haunted Museum
This ghost hunting episode has compelled me to share my own experience with Zakary Bagary's Spooky Emporium, mostly because I've only shared this story orally and also because I want to flex that I've been somewhere Mike Stoklasa has been. Mayhaps it will inspire one of you to write a Fanfic (gentle persuasion). But truly this is mostly a diaristic blog post for me so that my memory of the Zak Bagan's Haunted Museum never truly slips from my grasp. Facts may not be totally accurate because this is months later and I have a shit memory. Anyways read more if u even care
So my boyfriend and I went to Vegas this past year so that I could see my beloved Vegas Golden Knights <3 Of course that couldn't occupy the whole weekend, and my boyfriend and I aren't gamblers, so we had to find other things to pass the time. When we realized that Zak Bagans' Haunted Museum (which I will refer to as ZBHM) was in Vegas, we had to go. To be honest, by boyfriend and I have only seen a few episodes of Ghost Adventures, but we love spooky stuff and people whose reputations proceed them, so we knew we had to go.
We were staying on the strip, and ZBHM is located more in their downtown, so we had to Uber there. NGL I was expecting some spooky old Victorian house painted in all black, but truly it is just a pretty historic home in a residential neighborhood.
To my shock as a North-easterner, the check in for the museum is outside. So we're greeted by a lovely person who asks if we have tickets. We said we didn't and they told me the wait can be anywhere between 15 minutes and 3 hours, as we'd essentially be hoping that someone who bought tickets didn't show up to their tour. We didn't feel like waiting in the Vegas heat, so said we'd come back. Out of nowhere a man who looked like Guy Fieri if he shaved his head came up to the desk and said we were making the right choice, and to come back tomorrow with tickets. The workers were really nice and let us peruse the gift shop before we left.
My BF and I ended up going to the Mob Museum which was in the neighborhood. It sucked. Don't go.
That night we purchased tickets for after lunch the next day. They were a whopping $54 dollars each, meaning two tickets was already over $100. There was something called an "RIP Access" ticket, but all I saw was we got to go to a basement and got a shirt and I thought that was dumb as shit so we didn't get it.
So we return the next day and have to wait outside for the next group to enter the house. Most importantly, we're asked to sign wavers stating we WILL not sue Zak if a ghost follows us home. I'd never hold Zak to that, so I gladly signed. Once we're informed we can head inside, I assume the tour is starting but no, we're being led to a lobby with a ticket booth. I thought that was weird, because we already had tickets, but I figured they had to give us badges so they knew we were on the tour. There were pictures of people who had come to ZBHM before, including One Direction's very own Liam Payne. No photography was allowed on the tour, so this is the only photographic proof I went.
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So in this lobby, we're basically lined up to a ticket booth where I think we're getting badges. But no, when you get up to the booth, a lovely worker asks if you would like to give Zak Bagans additional money to do the "RIP Access", which includes extra experiences and rooms, as well as free T-shirt at the end. I still think that's dumb as shit, so I say no. But then my BF and I realize we are the ONLY people on the tour who don't have RIP Access, and we don't want to have to stand like dumb dicks outside of certain rooms while everyone else got to go inside, so we let peer pressure get to us. We upgraded for an additional $32 each, meaning now instead of giving Zak Bagan's $108 dollar, we gave him $172. Truly a low point.
So once Zak swindles you out of your money, you're guided out of the lobby, through a yard, and into the museum proper. The first room is truly, deeply, honest, the most censory overload I have ever experienced in my life. Every breath you take will contain 0% oxygen and 100% smoke machine gas. The first room was just an oddities room, filled with haunted items and general cool things that Zak has found along the way. There were human skulls on an old church pew, and as a museum worker myself, I so desperately needed to see the provenance of those. I'm still waiting, Zak. Anyways, our tour guide then proceeds to uncover a machine which is an old Zoltar machine, but instead of a Zoltar animitronic, it's a Zak Bagan animitronic. Then, after each person on this ten person tour gave Zak Bagans $86 dollars each ($860 total), the tour guide asks if anyone would like to "spare a dollar" for the Zak Zoltar machine so Zak may give our tour a fortune. I thought everyone on the tour would feel just as indignant about this as me, but no, people were desperately reaching for their wallets so that they may be the person who blessed our tour with a fortune. I can't remember exacts, but it has something to do with bewaring stairs. Spoiler alert: the fortune did not come back up.
So from the main room, we enter a haunted doll closet, our first RIP access experience! It was a hall filled with old dolls. I think old dolls are cute not creepy, so this was a pretty lame experience for me. Next we entered a room that looked like a chapel, and we are for the first time greeted to Zak's lovely presence. Zak in a voice over begins to tell us the story of Anneliese Michel, the German woman who underwent a bunch of exorcisms. Now I am very much like Jay, in the sense that ghosts are most interesting to me when they're presented as amorphous fields of energy. I do not care for demon stories, especially when it's obvious that the "demonic person" is just severely mentally ill. So needless to say, I was not about this room. After the voice over, Zak invites RIP ticket holders to the spooky crawlspace tunnel below a mantle holding a chalice the Michel family owned? Idfk. I was NOT crawling through some damn tunnel with someone I don't know's ass in my face, so I declined and walked in the hallway with our tour guide to the next room. My BF went through and said the scariest thing was the idea of the person in front of you farting.
I won't lie, it's about here where my memory gets murky, so I apologize if this is out of order. ("But isn't this just the second room you went in??" Girl idk!!) What I remember next was entering a room with a large bed in it. In the room we are greeted to another voice over from Zak explaining that this bed came from Love Ranch. Zak spends a long time explaining that this is the bed that NBA player Lamar Odom OD'ed and almost died on, and that the Love Ranch owner Dennis Hof died on. I was like "Okay I guess that's a little creepy and sad but is it haunted?" And then Zak on the voice over was like "Oh by the way here's a picture of Hof on the bed with a creepy face in the back that may be a ghost" and then we were PROMPTLY ushered out of the room.
Next we're taken into a room that looks like a medical office. We're told the drawings on the wall and the items in the room belong to Jack Kevorkian, who was a doctor and proponent of euthanasia. The Zak Voice Over spent a lot of time explaining how people would faint in this room after feeling very emotionally overwhelmed. I was like okay....it's the Vegas heat, we've been standing for awhile now, every square inch of this place is nothing buy fog machine smoke, and now we're talking about euthanasia...yeah that'd probably make me pass out. Anyways we go into a room which has Kevorkian's van where the euthanasias were performed. To me, this stuff isn't spooky like at all? IDK I don't know a lot about Kevorkian but from what Zak said he just sounded like a doctor who wanted to give people a chance to go with grace.
So with all of that leaving a bad taste in my mouth, we were taken to a room full of serial killer memorabilia. Personally, I don't like the idea of serial killer's being tortured souls who must stay on this mortal coil as ghosts, but I guess it was better than Zak exploiting the deaths of their victims so whatever. It was a little cool to see the artifacts in the room but honestly now as an adult who understand serial killers aren't complex and fascinating psychos and mostly just guys who hate women, I didn't really feel compelled by this room. There also weren't really any ghost stories in this room. I think Zak just wanted to flex he had a John Wayne Gacy painting.
We were then taken to a room that looked with a barn with a big cauldron in the center. I IMMEDIATELY clocked it as an Ed Gein room. The Zak Voice Over once again comes on to explain a little bit about Ed Gein and how the cauldron in the room is the one Gein used to drain the blood of victims. Again, I'm not into this stuff, but was snapped back into it when Zak explained that on a paranormal investigation of the museum, two English witches were performing a seance in this room and one became possessed by Gein and tried to attack the other. I was so onbroard. Zak please if you're reading this pay those English witches whatever they want to explore your museum more.
So the English witches had me so unbelievably hype and the next point in the tour was so fun. We're taken to this carnival themed room where a man introduces himself and then promptly sticks a drill bit up his nose. He then swallowed a sword and explained he'd been working there for awhile. I asked him how you learn you're good at something like that, and he actually explained the process by which he trains. It was genuinely interesting. Next to him was a caravan which apparently was haunted by a little girl, so the group was split in two to investigate. My group was second, so we had a moment to talk to this guy and ask questions. I am of course annoying so I asked how often Zak is bringing objects to the museum, how he decides where to place them, where does he get them from,etc. I think the guys wanted us to ask if Zak was like cool and nice lol but he played along and answered as best he could. Anyways we went in the caravan next and nothing happened.
After we departed from nice carnival man, we were made to walk in a hallways with scary clown animatronics, only some of them were real people. I don't hate clowns, but I do not like haunted attractions with real people, so I spent the whole time just staring at the ground. I couldn't tell you what anything looked like.
Then we were in a normal hallway with two doors. Our tour guide informed us that we'd be going to the left, which was the "torture room". I had my fill of human suffering, so I asked if I could wait in the next room. My tour guide was kind enough to let me do so. My BF went in and informed me it was a serial killer who prayed on male sex workers and they had the bed he would torture them on. I did not mind missing it.
The room I waited in was next, and you guessed it, we were greeted to the Zak Voice Over. Zak explained we were in the antechamber for the Dybbuk Box. I was hype, because this is something I definitely know Zak for. All was well until the Zak voice over started explaining to terrifying night Zak had with the Dybbuk Box while investigating with his "friend, Post Malone." Something in me just snapped, I started crying laughing. I thought it was so fucking funny. But you need to understand, everyone else on my tour was SO into this stuff. I didn't want to be the asshole yucking everyone's yum, so I turned to the corner. I then noticed our tour guide looking at me and realized he was assessing if I was crying or not. Not wanting to be used as a story of "a woman who started having an emotional breakdown right outside of the Dybbuk Box room", I pulled it together. We finally entered to see.....the Dybbuk Box behind four giant wooden walls. Apparently Zak had a vision of someone stealing the Box, so he added the walls for good measure. I was whelmed.
After this, my memory gets REALLY murky. I know we went to the basement where the previous owner claims her dad would perform satanic rituals on her. Very sad, but Zak made a point to note that she stopped texting him eventually. Take a hint Zak.
I remember a spooky doll named Peggy, who we were told NOT to disrespect as she was SUPER MEGA HAUNTED. Even Zak apparently wouldn’t go in alone. We entered, and Peggy was just a doll from the 70s with a page boy haircut and a prairie dress. There was a spirit box in the room and we were told we could commune with Peggy. NO ONE spoke for the longest time so eventually I said “…I like your haircut Peggy!” No one laughed and Peggy did not respond.
The most exploitative room undoubtedly, was the celebrity haunted memorabilia room. Inside were such respectful object such as Brandon Lee’s coat from The Crow, which he died in, Paul Walker’s sunglasses, which he died in, Truman Capote’s summer clothes, which he died in, and for some reason, Patrick Swayze’s tooth. Nestled in the corner was an object which I was immediately drawn to, and which I paid the most attention to throughout our time in this room. It was Sharon Tate’s wedding dress. I don’t exactly know how this object was supposed to be haunted, as she didn’t die in it, but my God did I want to deck Zak Bagan’s in his fucking face because something like this genuinely belongs in a real museum and not Zak Bagans’ Misery Porn Tour of Horror.
I also remember being taken to a nautical themed room which had some Titanic objects, but was mostly a Natalie Wood room, as it had items from the boat she was on when she died. Voice Over Zak explained that he was doing a separate paranormal investigation and placed some objects in the room. At the same time, the captain of the ship Natalie died on texted Zak saying, practically verbatim, “OMG!!! All my books just flew off the shelves. It’s Natalie, I know it.” All I could think was, “For the love of God, let this poor woman rest.”
At this point, the tour was just throwing everything at the wall and seeing what stuck. We went into a room with a rocking chair that supposedly possessed a child. I asked our tour guide what happened to the kid and he was like “Oh the demon left him and he’s fine now.” Oh, good! We went into another room with artifacts from an occultist with a specialization in EVPs. I LOVED this. Again, I love the idea of ghosts being energy who can speak through radio waves. What I didn’t like is Zak being like “Oh by the way, listening to EVPs infected her with demons and she went crazy and wasted away.” I’m sorry, what is it with Zak and demons???
Lastly, of course, was the house from Zak’s wonderful documentary. You’re led a dark room where Zak explains the portal to Hell resided in the basement of a home in…Gary, Indiana. The the walls lifted and from behind a fence you could see some dirt from the basement with a pentagram in it. I’m sorry, how did they transport that? Everyone has to understand they redrew/drew that pentagram in there, right? Anyways, super anticlimactic way to end our tour.
Then of course, exit through the gift shop. I was offered a shirt for buying the RIP access ticket. I declined. My boyfriend did get one, though. Still trying to convince him to do a Mike and Jay Halloween costume with me.
TLDR, the ZBHM had none of the fun campiness of Zak’s personality and was full of human suffering and very little ghosts. I cannot stress enough, though, how awesome all of the employees there are. I truly, TRULY hope that a good portion of the ~$860 Zak is getting form each tour is going to them, because they sell you on it.
Anyways Mike what if we kissed in the Creepy Demonic Crawlspace of the Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum 😳
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rjwhite · 1 year
That's the Day I Throw my Drugs Away
The Morphine album Cure for Pain came out 30 years ago, on September 14, 1993. A few years back, I was on this music review mailing list, where each member had to take a turn writing about an album of great importance to them. This was mine.
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Ever since I was a kid, cities always held a fascination for me. I was not well-traveled, growing up in the middle of Michigan. The idea of being in some cosmopolitan, dense, East Coast metropolis was amazing to me, yet it took until well into college to even head out there, for a college television conference in Providence in 1996. We made the drive from Michigan State University, cut across Canada in the dead of night to spend a day in Boston, then head down to Providence in rush hour traffic. Checked into the hotel and one of the people in our group asked who was playing in town. Morphine at Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel. A friend said we absolutely had to go, as the band was amazing. I’d never heard of them, but went along because, hey, a concert in an actual, real city and everything, you know?
A loud club with cheap beer. Lots of people crowded in. The band came on. It was one of those weird things you always remember. These guys were on stage- not young, one of them playing a bass with only two strings? The one guy playing two saxes at once? The lead singer going into some beat poetry? What was this? I’d never seen or heard anything like it. My mind exploded. The band, the crowd, everything was in sync. Leaving the club, being downtown in an old, established city- the whole weekend of experiencing something I’d built up for so long … it just cemented that I needed to be in a place like that. I needed to live somewhere with history, vitality.
We got back to East Lansing and one of the first things I did that week was go to Flat, Black and Circular (still one of the best record shops I’ve ever been lucky enough to shop) and pick up Cure for Pain. It wasn’t even the album they were touring for (Like Swimming). I think Cure for Pain was the first one I saw in the rack? But it grabbed me and entranced me and hooked me for life. I listened and listened and listened. This incredible, smooth, wonderful mix of I don’t know what- jazz? Rock? Stories of cheating and sleaziness and sadness and loss and regret?
It’s just a wonderful thing to just discover a band you had no idea existed and instantly be taken with them. To feel that connection you never knew was there and somehow know you’ll be listening to them for a good, long while. It’s almost like falling in love with someone, you know?
I just always associate the album with that time and it’s all smashed together in my head, making that absolutely certain decision that, someway, somehow, I was going to live on the East Coast, in an honest-to-god city where I could go to places like Lupo’s and see bands like Morphine for the first time.
Now, I live in Philadelphia and never go to shows!
Though the odd, strange miracle of the internet, I’m able to hear a bootleg of that very night, knowing that 21-year-old RJ is in that crowd somewhere, just happy and dumbfounded by what he is hearing and utterly enjoying being in that moment.
I don’t know if I can hear myself in there, though. That might be too strange, like thinking of the dead people in the repeated laugh tracks of old sitcoms.
But, the record! Just a pleasure to listen to, front to back.
“Dawna” and “Buena” kicking it off… “I’m Free Now” as a sad, incredible post-breakup song where you feel like that terrible jerk who’s made a bad mistake (I'm free now to direct a movie/Sing a song or write a book about yours truly/How I'm so interesting I'm so great I'm really just a fuck-up/And It's such a waste to burn down these walls around me)... That delicate mandolin of “In Spite of Me”... The barrelling train of “Mary Won’t You Call My Name”... That jazzy, smoky rambling of “Let’s Take a Trip Together”... “Thursday” is almost a short film, with the wenching title track slamming you right after… all of it...
July 3 will mark the anniversary of Morphine frontman Mark Sandman’s death from a heart attack in the midst of a 1999 concert in Europe. If you could throw this (or anything from their wonderful catalog, really) on, I think that would be nice.
Anyway, that's why I love this 30-year-old record and this band. Listen to it wherever you can, it's a hell of a beautiful thing.
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