#i once tossed a snowball at his face to stop him coming outside
pastafossa · 2 years
I just know your vet brags to other vets that they get to work with Floof. Because he is legitimately the prettiest cat I have ever seen. The stereotypical airhead, but pretty airhead. Said in the most loving way.
You ain't lying. 😂 I loved when our last vet would take him in the back (for "very important reasons" and by that I mean I suspect she just liked to hold him and show him off) because you'd hear this delighted chorus of FLOOOOOOOOOOF from all the techs and vets. Apparently our old vet also regularly won the competitions she had with other vets for Cutest Pet. She was quite bummed when we left.
New vet saw him, and said, "ooooh and now we have a supermodel!" And I guess word got around because three techs came in to see him and pet him. 🤣
He's fr the most photogenic, stunning cat I've ever had.
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And yep. Also nothing between his ears but whistling wind and empty air.
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dracoxsworld · 1 year
I told you so. - Draco M. x Reader
Summary: Reader drags Draco outside in the winter time to build a snowman, but ends up starting to get a cold. How will Draco take care of you?
warnings: none!
I got this prompt from this generator
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“Come onnnnn, Draco!” You begged your boyfriend, dragging him down the castle hall.
“Y/N, it is way too cold.” Draco groaned.
“But we’re wearing so many layers! We will be fine! Pleaaaaaseeee,” You whine, clasping your hands together, begging.
“We’re going to catch a cold!” Draco exclaimed. You puckered your bottom lip, and batted your eyelashes. Draco furrowed his eyebrows at you and took a big deep breath through his nose, and exhaled. “Fine.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You and Draco ran out into the field of fluffy white snow, you kicked it up in the air, scooped some up in your arms and threw it upwards. Draco ran after you, trying to gather snowballs on his way, making them compact.
Before Draco could make his aim, you pelted one right in his face. “Gotcha Malfoy!” You laugh out loud, pointing to his snow covered face. His hands covered with dark green mittens his mother knitted for him wipe off the sparkly white snow off his now cold, red face. He immediately comes towards you, smiling from revenge. You scramble upwards and start running, but Draco is too quick. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up.
“Draco! No! Please! I’m- sor-sorry!” You say, laughing from both fear, and excitement. “Too bad, you asked for it!” Draco replied maliciously. He tossed you into a big pile of snow, you went flying with a big landing into the soft snow, like a cold pillow.
You have trouble getting unstuck from the snow, like a turtle stuck on it’s back. Draco walks up to you, his shadow covering you. “Would you like some help?” He suggests. You pout at him. “Please,” you beg. He sticks out his mittened hand and you take it, he yanks you out of the snow.
You start rolling snow into a ball. “Watch it, I’ll pelt you again!” Draco threatened, putting his hand up in defense. “Easy, tiger.” You tease. “I wanna build a snowman with you!” You huff as you continue to roll the snowball, slowly growing bigger. “It’s cold, y/n. Your nose is red, we should go inside before you catch a cold.” Draco said, watching you work. You stop rolling your snowball that is now up to your knees and look at your boyfriend who has snowflakes clinging to his eyelashes. “Draco please, I promise once we’re done with this we will go inside, I feel fine,” You plead with him. You pucker your lower lip at him, and give him the biggest puppy dog eyes possible. Draco groans and rolls his eyes.
“If you’re sick…”
“I’m not sick! I won’t get sick.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You and Draco finish the snowman with perfect pebble buttons, a potato nose (you couldn’t find a carrot) and pebble eyes. You both stand in front of your frozen admiring it. “Let’s name him… Nelson.” you decided. Draco scoffed at you. “Nelson.. please don’t tell me you’re going to name our future son Nelson.”
“Of course not.” You assure him. “I’m gonna name him Hermes.” You joke. Draco’s head snapped in your direction. “You’re joking, right?” He asked seriously. You let out a laugh and playfully push him. “Obviously.”
You both laughed until you were interrupted. “Achoo!” You sneezed. Draco’s smile immediately dropped. “Y/f/n.”
“It’s just a sneeze, Draco!” You exclaim as he picks you up over his shoulder.
Draco takes you to his dorm room and flops you onto his big, comfy bed. He helps you take off your snow boots, parka, and thermal undergarments. He gives you a big, comfy, soft hoodie of his with his quidditch number on the back. He gives you a pair of boxers to wear as shorts. “Get under the covers and stay there. I’m going to get you soup.” Draco demanded. You nod and cozy underneath the covers. You can feel your eyelids getting heavier. All of a sudden you start dozing off. Just as you hit a deep sleep, his dorm room door swings open. Your eyes shoot open and see your boyfriend come in with a tray with tea, honey, sugar cubes and soup.
“You know, I love me a good ‘I told you so.’ But you’re sick, so I won’t.” Draco said while mixing honey and sugar into your tea.
“Go ahead.” I said, congested.
“With what?”
“Tell me you told me so.”
“Nah; I’ll let you off the hook. My poor baby is sick.” Draco said sympathetically.
You insisted you were able to eat on your own, but Draco insisted even more to help you. He fed you, had you drink tea, and wrapped you in a big blanket.
You are cocooned in the blanket, laying on his chest.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Yes Draco?”
“I love you.” He said simply, his hand trailing up and down your spine.
“But I told you so.” He added, with a small chuckle.
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pippipsquirtsquirt · 1 year
Holidays Make the True Feelings Come Through
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For winter break, since Riyah’s parents had nothing to do with her, her best friend, Xavier, decided to take her home with him so she had a family for Christmas.
Once Xavier got to his fathers door, he hesitated, wondering if his father was gonna be to busy once again to bother with him.
Xavier showed her up to his old room and sat down their things. “My dad doesn’t mind you staying in here, I can just sleep on the floor.” Riyah rolls her eyes and decided to deal with that later, knowing she wasn’t going to make him sleep on the floor of his own room, besides, it’s not like they’ve never slept in the same bed.
After Riyah meets Xavier’s father, she felt bad for Xavier. He was barely acknowledged. As a way to cheer Xavier up, she grabs her coat and Xavier’s hand, pulling him outside and quickly chucking a snowball in his face.
“He should be home any minute, but we don’t have to worry about him too much, he’ll probably be on the phone all of break, so that leaves us to pretty much whatever.” Riyah smiles at this, knowing full well that she’ll be starting a snowball fight with him at some point.
Xavier chuckles and retorts back with an even larger one, but making sure not to hurt her. He’d always saw her as something more then a friend, but he didn’t want to ruin the good thing they had going.
After a few being thrown from the both of them, Xavier tackles her into the snow, laying on top of her as she giggled. He couldn’t help but stare into her eyes, and even lean in a little u til he realized what he was doing and quickly got up, helping her to her feet.
Riyah smiled and kept hold of his hand as she brought him inside, Xavier grabbing her coat and heading to the kitchen for a warm drink to warm them up.
Riyah hops on top of the counter next to him with a grin. “My family would never let go on the holidays. I can’t even remember the last time I laughed on winter break. I miss the happy Christmas’ when me grandmother was still here.”
Xavier pauses and looks up at her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Well, I’m glad you’re here with me, haven’t had a good Christmas since my mom’s been gone.” Riyah smiles down at him and rests her forehead on his shoulder, though the counter was of decent height, she wasn’t towering over Xavier so it made leaning on him very easy.
Though Xavier’s father was busy, he still loved his boy, and when he perked into the kitchen to check on them, he saw the sight and grinned. He couldn’t help himself and grabbed the mistletoe and hung it over the kitchen entry.
Xavier pulled away from her and handed her a mug of hot cocoa and helped her from the counter. He was quick to see what his father had done and tried to hide his smile. He pulled her over to the entry of the kitchen and leaned against the doorframe, acting as casual as he could.
“Lemme see your mug a second.” Riyah carefully handed it to him and he set it down on the nearby table and signaled her to look upwards.
Riyah frowned and looked up, quickly blushing, looking back to Xavier to see him slowly leaving in and placing his hands around her hips, pulling her close.
He brushed his lips over hers and whispered, “Stop me if you don’t want this, but I think you do.” Riyah quickly leaned in and connected their lips in a long, passionate kiss.
Once they pulled away, Xavier’s father clapped with a chuckle. “Adorable, honestly adorable.” Xavier blushed and stepped away a little, still holding her.
Later that night, after Christmas movies playing on the tv and Riyah snuggled into Xavier’s embrace, they headed up to his room, his father yelling for them to keep the door open.
“It should be obvious now, but you aren’t sleeping on the floor, Xav.” Xavier chuckled and took off his shirt, going into the bathroom, and changing into a pair of sweats before hopping on the bed and tossing her one of his shirts. “Wear this, you’ll look cuter in it then I ever did.”
Riyah blushes and changes into it, falling onto the bed next to him. Xavier turns on his side and smiles at her, brushing his thumb over her lips. She closes her eyes and smiles.
Nothing but silence is shared between them until Xavier shuts off the light and kisses her forehead, bringing her to sleep in his arms before they quickly fall asleep, both happier then ever.
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tbzhub · 2 years
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12 Days of The Boyz - Haknyeon
Pairing: best friend!Haknyeon x reader
Summary: A surprise snowball fight with your best friend leads to a confession you didn’t expect
Warnings: play fighting, mention of broken bone (not graphic at all)
Genre: fluff, best friend au, college au
WC: 810
Artist Note: Hi! Just a few Christmas themed drabbles for fun! I'll post one every day-ish from Dec 6th - 24th! (weekdays only) minors dni with the smut drabbles! If you want to be tagged let me know :) Submitting this for the holiday event @ficscafe
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The doorbell rang three times in succession, startling you out of your thoughts as you drank coffee by your kitchen window. You padded to the front door, still in your pajamas, wondering who could be coming over to visit at such an early hour.
Swinging the door open, you were greeted with a snowball to the chest causing you to gasp, shocked by the sudden ambush and the cold wet spot now on your shirt.
You shook your head, feigning anger as you searched for Haknyeon. He had to be hiding somewhere, he hadn’t tried to sneak up on you like this since you were kids but you knew it was him. You hadn’t seen your best friend in months as he transferred to a new university after sophomore year. “He must be back home for the holidays”, you thought.
Stepping out onto your front porch, you called out, “When I find you, you're dead. We’re not too old to go to war, Hak.”
Turning around, you went back inside, running into your room to grab your coat, gloves, and a beanie. You were hopping back towards the door while trying to shove your left foot into your boot. Looking out your peephole, you saw Haknyeon waiting for you on your porch, another snowball in hand.
A devilish grin spread across your face as an idea popped into your head. Turning on your heel, you went out into the backyard, quickly making two snowballs and stuffed one into the pocket of your coat.
Sprinting back to your front door, you checked the peephole again and confirmed that Haknyeon hadn’t snuck off to ambush you once more.
With a sly grin on your face, you opened the door.
“Y/n! He—
You hit him in the stomach with the first snowball and ran past him down your front steps. Turning around agilely, you threw your second snowball, tossing it too high and accidentally hitting Haknyeon in the face.
With wide eyes, you gasped, covering your face with your gloved hands. “Oh my god, Haknyeon are you okay? I am so sorry.”
You ran over to the man, praying you didn’t break his nose or something.
Haknyeon was covering his face with his hands bent over in pain, voice strangled as he said, “Jeez y/n. I think you broke something.”
You kneeled, trying to look at his face. “I’m so sorry. It was an accide—
Haknyeon blew snow into your face and hit you with a snowball, causing you to shriek at his clever stunt.
“You tricked me!” You ran after him, intent on getting your revenge.
The two of you ran around in your backyard for a while, throwing snowballs at each other and acting like you were ten-year-old children again. You hadn’t realized how much you missed actually hanging out with Haknyeon in person again. You were both busy with classes but you did make time to text whenever you could but it wasn’t the same as being together all the time like you used to be.
You chased Haknyeon with two snowballs in your hands, laughing at the way you were both slowly running, losing steam after goofing off outside for so long. You threw the first snowball and missed. “I give up.” You announced.
“Same.” Haknyeon stopped and fell back into the snow, pulling you down with him.
Now out of breath, you dropped the snowball in your hand and laid back to stare up at the sky, allowing the occasional snowflake to land on your face. “That was so fun, I can’t believe we did that this early in the morning.”
Haknyeon laughed beside you, “Yeah, I just got home this morning and I wanted to see you right away and I figured why not?”
You turned to look at your friend, smiling at his thoughtfulness and spontaneity. “You didn’t have to come over this early, you should go home and rest. We can hang out later.”
Haknyeon looked at you, “N-no, I— uh, I wanted to tell you something.” He seemed shy all of the sudden, something you didn’t see too often since you guys are so close.
“What’s up?” You sat up, leaning back on your elbows in the snow.
Haknyeon paused for a moment, “I have feelings for you, y/n. I thought about you a lot while I was away last semester and I can’t ignore these feelings any longer.”
You smiled at his words, “Guess, what?”
“What?” He looked up at you, curious as to what your response would be to his confession.
“I have feelings for you too.” You gave Haknyeon a quick peck on the cheek and crushed a snowball over his head, before running off to make more snowballs.
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
The Perks of Cold Weather
Hello! This is just a whole lot of fluff because I need some positive vibes this week. Feel free to send some requests my way if you’d like! They can be as specific or as vague as you want and I’ll do my best. None of my ideas are currently working for me.
Summary: Reader and Spencer have some fun in the snow in a small town in Alaska.
Words: 2996
Warnings: none I think
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When you first started at the BAU, you were quick to realize the group was more like a family than coworkers. It was clear in the little things they did for each other on case, like the way JJ and Spencer would comfort each other on particularly difficult cases to the slight bickering that would inevitably start up between Derek and Emily about anything that didn’t really matter.
 You were quick to find your place in the little family as well. Well, not find it so much as fall into it, but you didn’t mind. You were only 28 years old, meaning you were the youngest member of the BAU. Being the youngest meant a lot of teasing from the “older sibling” personalities of everyone except Rossi and Hotch. Their personalities were much more parent-esque. With how much they’d tease you, you were always quick to jump on the chance to tease them for a change. The perfect opportunity arose when a case came up in Alaska.
Penelope walked through the bullpen, calling you all into the roundtable room right before you left for the day. “Hello my wonderful crime fighters. I wish I had better news, but this case is a real whammy. Three women have been found stabbed to death in a small town in Alaska.”
 The collective groans of just about everyone in the room were quiet, but obvious.
 “I know, I know. Another freezing cold case. I wish I could send you to LA all the time, but alas bad guys aren’t deterred by freezing temperatures.” She went on to explain the details of the case before Hotch dismissed everyone with his typical “Wheels up in 30.”
 The team dispersed to collect their go bags- and winter items for the cold weather they would surely be facing in Alaska- before meeting on the jet. When you got there, everyone else was already boarded, and you couldn’t help but feel the low energy of everyone on the plane.
 “Don’t tell me the lot of you are afraid of a little snow?” You can’t stop the smirk from appearing on your face as you sit down across from Spencer and adjacent to Emily, Derek, and JJ.
 “Big words from someone who hasn’t been on a case in Alaska yet.” Derek’s reply comes without hesitation. The grin on your face only grows when you realize that everyone really is feeling low because of the impending winter wonderland.
 “Don’t tell me you’re excited for the cold weather?” JJ shivers just asking the question.
 “Of course I am! I’ve always loved the cold. There’s something so magical about watching snow fall. It feels like Christmas!” The four of them stare at you like you’ve lost your mind. “You are seriously telling me none of you like the snow?” You scan all of their faces in disbelief, eyes landing on Spencer last.
 “Don’t look at me. I’m from Nevada, it’s basically the desert. Winter in Las Vegas is comparable to fall in DC. The last time it snowed with any significance was in 2003 and that was only an inch.” Spencer nearly starts rambling about weather patterns across the US, but cuts himself off.
 “You all are seriously killing my good mood with your bad vibes. I will change at least one of your minds by the end of this case” You say in a huff while putting your headphones on. You try to catch up on some sleep before you all reconvene to discuss the case.
 After the briefing and right before landing, everyone starts bundling up in layers upon layers of sweatshirts, jackets, coats, gloves, scarves, and hats. You pull a sweater on over your long sleeve and zip up your FBI jacket, adding a cute beanie more for aesthetics than warmth. You’ve never been one to get overly cold, so you skip a few layers everyone else put on.
 The rest of the team marches off the jet as if they would rather be anywhere else, but you don’t let it deter you. You exit the jet with a smile on your face, taking a deep breath of the cool Alaskan air.
 “You really are enjoying yourself?” Spencer asks with a small smile. You meet his eye, the look on his face giving you butterflies, before responding.
 “Of course I am. It smells like winter!” The two of you share a laugh as you get in the SUV headed to the police precinct to actually get to work.
 The case only lasted two days. You were glad to have solved it so quickly, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t going to miss the snow. After the case files are all packed away and Hotch goes off to coordinate the jet, you head outside to absorb every last ounce of winter possible.
 “I thought I might find you out here.” Spencer sits next to you on the bench as you stare at the flakes falling from the sky.
 “What can I say, I just really love the cold.” You reply without turning your head. “Maybe it’s weird, but I would pick cold over hot any day.”
 “I don’t think it’s weird at all! I think it’s kind of cute actually.” That gets your attention and you turn to see he’s looking at his hands in his lap, fiddling with his thumbs. “I like how happy you are when you look at the snow.”
 Of course, that makes you smile again. “Thank you, Spence.” You can feel your cheeks heating up, but you’re quickly distracted by the sound of Derek calling the two of you back into the station.
 “Hey lovebirds, Hotch needs us.” You roll your eyes at Derek before standing up, offering your hand to Spencer to help him up. He takes your hand, squeezing it slightly as he rises from the bench. He only drops your hand when he goes to hold the door open for you, leading you back inside. The team gathers in the conference room, Hotch walking in with a grim expression.
 “I’ll cut to the chase. We won’t be able to fly home until this evening. The snow from last night on top of the storm that’s about to pass through is too much to clear right now.” Everyone, including you, sighs before nodding in understanding. As much as you would love to stay longer, you know it sucks that everyone can’t go home to their families. “This case is wrapped up, so feel free to just explore the town or relax in the hotel. We should be able to take off at 9:00 pm, so I expect to see all of you on the jet by 8:45.” Those words were music to your ears. As everyone begins to pack up to head out, you turn to Spencer.
 “I can’t believe this. It’s like a snow day! I’ve always loved snow days! We would always go outside, have a snowball fight, build a snowman, and try to build an igloo but end up giving up when it collapsed for the third time.” He chuckles at your enthusiasm, but nods along as you both walk out of the precinct toward the hotel just down the street. “Then we’d go in for lunch, make hot chocolate and cookies, and watch all our favorite movies.”
 “Is that what you want to do today?” Spencer asks as you both walk into the hotel lobby.
 “I mean, in a perfect world, yeah. That is exactly what I would want to do today.” You smile wistfully as you think back to your childhood snow days with your siblings.
 “Well then, let’s see how perfect we can make the world, just for today.” Spencer’s smiling as he says it, taking in the confusion and shock on your face.
 “You mean… You want to build a snowman? With me?” Your heart is beating so forcefully, you wouldn’t be surprised if it flew right out of your chest.
 “Yeah, and all the other things too.” Spencer’s words are soft and unsure, contrasting the confidence of his previous statement.
 “But you don’t like the cold weather…” You simply can’t fathom why he would volunteer to do these cold weather activities when just two days ago he was talking about how little snow he experienced when he was younger.
 “But you do, and we’re stuck here anyway. So, why not?” Hearing that he would spend his day off playing in the snow simply because you want to does things to you that you chose to ignore for the time being.
 “O- okay… yeah, let’s do it! ” The two of you smile at each other for a few seconds before you each bring your things to you respective rooms with a plan to meet in the lobby in fifteen minutes.
 When you get to your room you pull out the warmest clothes you brought to Alaska. Although it would suffice for walking down the street, it’s not exactly made for playing in the snow. After getting dressed you meet Spencer in the lobby. He is dressed in warmer clothes than you, but still not snow proof.
 “I don’t know if this is a good idea…” Your excitement to start this day with Spencer has dwindled since imaging the cold, wet clothes you’d end up in. “The key to a good snow day is waterproof clothes and we definitely don’t have any. How am I going to make you like snow if you’re freezing and wet at the end of the day?” You would expect the resident genius to agree with you, but instead of a grim expression and a nod in agreement, Spencer’s smile grows.
 “Don’t worry about it. Just come with me.” He leads you outside of the hotel with his hand on the small of your back all the way down to the town store. “What needs to be waterproof? We can find snow pants, jackets, gloves, and boots right here.” He looks so pleased with himself as he leads you around the store to collect all the items you’ll need. He even picks out a sled for the two of you.
 After checking out, he leads you back outside where you pull the waterproof gear on over your warm layers, tossing the tags into a nearby trash can. Before you can say anything, he is again leading you through the town with his hand on the small of your back. He stops when he reaches the park, turning to you once again.
 “Where do you want to build the snowman?” You mirror the grin on his face as you run across the park to a flatter area.
 You begin compressing the snow in your hands to form the ball that would eventually become the bottom layer of your snowman. Spencer copies your actions, forming a lopsided ball for the middle. You leave Spencer to work on the head while you search around the nearby trees for sticks to use as arms and rocks to use for the eyes and buttons.
 After finding the perfect set of sticks, you return to see Spencer adding a carrot nose right in the middle of the head.
 “I didn’t even see you buy carrots!” He laughs at your childlike enthusiasm, moving aside so you can add the sticks to the middle. You also add the rocks you gathered for the eyes and buttons. Spencer surprises you again by pulling out a hat and scarf to add the finish touches.
 After forcing him to take a selfie with you and the snowman, you walk across the park to find a good sledding hill. You find the perfect hill, and offer to go down first since it’s going to take some effort to form the path. Spencer watches you scooching your way through the snow, forcing the sled down the hill, laughing hysterically. You haven’t been able to enjoy snow like this for years.
 Spencer was hesitant to sled down the hill together, but one pout from you and he climbed on right away. The sled picked up pace is you barreled out of control, flipping and rolling down the hill.
 You took the opportunity of a distracted Spencer to form a snow ball, waiting until he was only a few feet away to throw it at him. Of course, as soon as it hits him it’s game on. The two of you are running through the park, hiding behind trees, and dodging each other’s snowballs. Spencer, being uncoordinated, mostly missed you. That is, until the very end of the snowball fight when he hits you right in the face, the surprise causing you to fall to the ground.
 “Y/N! Are you okay! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-” He’s cut off by your laughter.
 “Relax Spence, its fine! It was powdery snow. It’s not like you hit me with a chunk of ice.” You smile at him as he helps you to a standing position. You’re so focused on standing up without slipping on the compressed snow beneath your feet, you don’t realize how close the two of you have become.  When you look up to meet his eyes, your noses are nearly touching.
 Without much thought for the consequences, you lean a few inches forward, ever so slightly brushing your lips against his.
 Spencer is so stunned, it takes him much longer than he’d care to admit to reciprocate your affection. So long in fact, that you’ve pulled away and are frantically trying to think of something to say to save your friendship when he pulls you back in.
 The two of you don’t pull away again until the need for air overpowers your need for each other. You stay close though, foreheads pressed together.
 “Let me take you on a date. A real one where we go into knowing it’s a date.” Spencer says it all in one breath.
 “Oh, Spence. This whole day has been a perfect date, even if we didn’t say it at first. But I would love to go on another with you.”
 The two of you are all smiles as you walk back toward the café near your hotel. You’ve been outside so long it’s nearly dark- granted it gets dark around 4:00 this time of year in Alaska. Upon entering the café, Spencer is quick to order two hot chocolates and cookies to go.
 “I know it’s not the same as baking them ourselves, but we don’t have access to an oven in the hotel.” He says, squeezing your hand before leading you out of the café.
 You would blindly follow Spencer anywhere, but that doesn’t stop you from asking him about it. “Where are we going now? I thought we were going to eat…”
 “Back to the hotel. We have one more thing to check off the list for your perfect snow day.” Of course he would remember your list from earlier in the day. “So tell me, what’s your favorite snow day movie?”
 “That’s actually a tough question. It changes depending on the mood.” You are genuinely trying to think of the perfect movie to end the perfect day as you walk back into the hotel.
 “I’ll tell you what, why don’t you go up to your room and pick out a movie that fits ‘the mood’, and I’ll meet you there in a few minutes?” You simply nod in response, too lost in thought to contemplate where he could be going.
 15 minutes later you have finally picked out a movie to watch when Spencer enters your room, carrying a takeout bag.
 “I finally found a movie!” You smile at him as you show him your computer screen. Anastasia is queued on your Disney+.
 “Perfect. We can now officially start our date.” He smiles, pulling the food out of the bag, he hands you a cup of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Your heart warms at the sight of it. You know Spencer has an eidetic memory, but you still get butterflies at the idea of him remembering your favorite cold weather food.
 The two of you sit against the headboard, setting the computer between you to play the movie. After you’ve finished eating you shuffle around on the bed, moving the laptop so you could cuddle with Spencer.
 “I’ve got another reason for you to like the cold weather.” You state matter-of-factly, eyes still trained on the movie.
 “Yeah? What is it?” Spencer’s eyes are trained on your face.
 “It’s better for cuddling.” A small grin appears on your face at the sound of Spencer’s airy laugh. He pulls you closer, both of you completely content.
 As much as you love the cold and snow, dragging yourself out of Spencer’s arms and into the cold air to get to the jet on time was not an exciting task. In fact, it put you in a slightly sour mood, something Morgan was all too quick to pick up on.
 “What’s the matter L/N? The cold weather got you down?” He laughs at your annoyed expression.
 “Not a chance, Morgan. I quite enjoyed our little snow day actually.” You smile at Spencer as you pull your blanket from your go bag and sit on the couch.
 “You actually played in the snow? It was only 22 degrees today!” You can’t help but shake your head. 22 degrees is cold, but nothing compared to how bad it can get in Alaska.
 “We did indeed. I think I managed to turn Spencer on to the cold weather too.” Spencer sits down next to you encouraging you to share your blanket.
 “How’d you manage that? I’ve been to on enough cases with Pretty Boy here to know he prefers the warmer ones.”
 “It’s actually rather simple.” Spencer replies, shifting his arm around you on the back of the couch. You smile as you close your eyes and lean into his touch. “Colder climates make for better cuddles.”
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gamerwoo · 3 years
[Tales from the Pack] Seungcheol: Stubborn (Bonus)
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Characters: Seungcheol x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, fluff, smut during the second half (fingering/eating out, a lot of praise, just cheol being really soft, unprotected sex [remember to use condoms friends!!!], unintentional sorta exhibitionism?????)
Word count: 4,544
Summary: You’ve heard the stories your relatives told you about werewolves when you were younger, but you always thought it was just a scare tactic to make kids behave. Well, up until you woke up in a den full of werewolves.
a/n: this part takes place further into the future during seungkwan’s part, and since it contains spoilers for the future, i recommend skipping this and reading up to part 8 of seungkwan’s series, and then coming back when you’re done!!
Previous | Stubborn Masterlist | TftP Masterlist
Maybe it was because everyone was on-edge about Seungkwan’s condition that was rapidly decreasing. Maybe it was because everybody was still a bit shaken up over Eunjin being what she was. But something was making your old habits of being a thief kick in. You hid in shadows, snuck around the house, and came and went like the wind. Hardly anybody saw you, including your mate.
You weren’t avoiding Seungcheol, not at all. You were just uncomfortable, and that made you want to stay hidden. You assumed it was the tension in the house, but you just didn’t want to be seen, heard, or noticed. Unfortunately, this also happened to effect Seungcheol who now usually had to sniff you out or simply follow the imprinting pull.
The last couple weeks, though, Seungcheol had gotten down your typical hiding places – although, he did almost trip over you while trying to find you because you were crouched down behind the counter while you sharpened the kitchen knives for fun. Today, though, he found you upstairs in Seokmin’s room.
Seokmin was a very positive person in the pack, and all he wanted was for everybody to get along. But because things weren’t working out between Seungkwan and Eunjin and there was nothing he could do, he typically hid away in his room and kept himself busy with reading or singing to keep his mind off of it. But today, you were hanging out with him while he tried to practice his weather power since he hadn’t intentionally used it before. It was only during those nights he had nightmares when it was developing that he’d used it -- but he didn’t even know it was him doing it -- and the few days he was first coping with the situation with Seungkwan. But none of those instances were intentional, so he wanted to hone in on his new power.
“Does it change the weather in town or just in our little area?” you wondered as Seokmin stared out the window, holding his hand out palm-up as his fingers slowly curled inward. Clouds started forming in the blue sky, turning it a grey color.
“I don’t really know,” Seokmin said absentmindedly as he watched the weather start to change at his own will. He suddenly looked over at you with a warm grin. “Do you like snow?”
You frowned, shaking your head. As a thief, you only had bad memories with snow. You didn’t really have a place of your own before, so you associated snow with being cold and struggling for the next few months. Sure, it was kind of pretty, but you never actually enjoyed it.
“What, really?” he asked, surprised that you didn’t like it. “Why not?”
“I was always stuck outside in the cold,” you said with a small pout, looking away from Seokmin and at the familiar grey sky that indicated snow coming.
Seokmin just smiled, “Don’t worry, I’ll show you how to enjoy it.”
“You’re really going to make it snow?”
“Just here – I think…”
Soon enough, little snowflakes began to fall from the sky. All you could do was frown as you watched, dreading when it would start accumulating. You knew you could just come back inside when you got too cold, but it was just the bad memories that were dragging you down.
You heard a soft knock at the door before you heard it open with a very quiet creak. You didn’t even have to turn around to guess who it was.
“What’re you two doing?” Seungcheol chuckled as he walked over to where the two of you were sitting on the floor, staring up at the window.
“Making snow,” Seokmin reported, letting his hand fall into his lap as he turned to look at the alpha. “You like snow, right, Seungcheol?”
Seungcheol shrugged as he crouched down behind and between the two of you, “Yeah, it’s fun – especially seeing the rest of you run around in it.”
Seokmin turned to you excitedly, “We shift and run around outside when it snows. The pack loves it.”
You just nodded, mumbling, “Good for you.”
“_____, do you not like snow?” Seungcheol wondered.
You shook your head in exaggerated movements to really get the point across. Seungcheol just smiled in amusement, putting a warm hand in the center of your back as he stroked it with his thumb.
“You can play with us in the snow tomorrow when it accumulates on the ground,” he suggested, “and if you hate it, I’ll bring you back inside and make you soup. Okay?”
You shrugged, mumbling an, “Okay…”
Thankfully for Seokmin, he didn’t have to sit there and constantly make the weather do what he wanted. Once he got it going, he didn’t have to do anything else until he wanted it to stop. 
“C’mon,” Seungcheol stood before he helped you up, “I need to get food in you.”
“Are Mingyu and Danbi back from Jiung’s?” Seokmin wondered.
“You just want to play with Jiwoo,” he chuckled. “Yeah, they’re back.”
“Finally!” Seokmin grinned, hopping up from the floor.
The next morning, you were awoken by the sound of howling and excited yipping. You groaned and rolled onto your other side, burying your face in your pillow to drown it out. You felt Seungcheol’s arms encircle you and pull you to his chest, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head.
But then you heard Yeji from downstairs shriek excitedly, “There’s snow everywhere!”
Your eyes opened, staying narrowed. You were definitely awake now.
“Guess the pack saw Seokmin’s little surprise,” Seungcheol said, his voice raspy and deep from sleeping.
Everyone had obviously noticed the snow falling the day prior, but about a foot or two had accumulated quickly on the ground around the house. A few of the wolves had already run outside to play, but apparently some people had just woken up and noticed – and by some people, you meant your overly-excited sister.
Soon enough, you heard feet bolting down the hall before throwing open your bedroom door.
“Seungcheol!” Mingyu was panting. “Seokmin made it snow yesterday, and look outside!”
“I didn’t realize snow on the ground meant everyone forgot how to knock,” Seungcheol said as he sat up and stretched his arms above his head.
Mingyu blushed a bit even though he knew he wasn’t interrupting anything, “Sorry. Are you gonna come outside?”
“In a bit. Let me bundle up _____.”
“_____, we can have a snowball fight!” Mingyu gasped excitedly. “I bet you’ll be really good at it.”
You rolled over, looking up at Seungcheol, “Is that the thing kids do?”
Seungcheol chuckled, nodding his head, “Yes. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re all just very big children.”
After being put in five sweaters, two pairs of pants – one pair being yours and the other being Seungcheol’s just because he thought they might somehow be better for you – and a hat, Seungcheol brought you outside with him while he wore just a sweater and a pair of pants. You looked up at the sky, scrunching your face as snow hit your skin. Seungcheol chuckled as he watched, taking note of how beautiful you looked with fresh snow falling into your hair.
The entire pack was out in the yard, even little Jiwoo who was bundled up in multiple blankets and was being held on Minghao’s hip while her father was enjoying the snow. Most of the boys were in their wolf forms, running around, rolling in it, or trying to catch snowflakes in their mouths. Mingyu was rolling a ball of snow with his muzzle while he helped Danbi make a snowman. Minghao was softly talking to Jiwoo about how pretty the snow was as her large eyes looked around in wonder, it being the first time the young child had seen the white, fluffy stuff. Those of the pack in their human form were tossing snowballs at each other and others while they laughed loudly.
The only person who wasn’t playing in the snow – that you could see – was Joshua. He just said the last thing he wanted was to be pelted with cold things. You couldn’t say you disagreed with Josh.
“How is this fun?” you grumbled, looking back at Seungcheol as you blinked snowflakes off your eyelashes.
“Well just staring at it isn’t fun,” he told you. “Go make a snowman or a snow angel or–”
“_____!” you heard Chan call. You turned your head just in time to catch a snowball to the chest. You froze, staring at the same spot while the youngest giggled. “Come play with us!”
“Ah, maybe after she gets used to the snow, Chan,” Seungcheol told him pointedly as he grabbed your arms and pulled you over to where Wonwoo and Danbi were now making snow angels together. “Why don’t you stay with Wonwoo while I go get changed. He’ll make sure you don’t get hit with anything.”
Wonwoo nodded up at you from where he was squatting down on the ground, not even looking as he put up a hand to block the stray snowball coming his way. As soon as it splattered against the side of his arm, he let it down and looked back down at his sister on the ground.
“See? You’re in good hands,” Seungcheol grinned as he pressed a kiss to your temple before he went back into the house.
Mingyu, who was watching the siblings make snow angels, pressed his snow-covered nose against your cheek as he sniffed your face. Even that made you make a face and recoil away from him, shoving his furry face away.
“So,” Danbi sat up with snow in her hair, “you really have never played in the snow?”
Wonwoo chuckled at his sister as he began to brush the snow from her hair, saying, “Not everybody likes snow, Danbi. Lilly was allergic.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “How can somebody be allergic?”
“I believe the doctor in town called it cold urticaria.”
“Excuse me?”
Wonwoo just laughed softly, shaking his head.
Seungcheol came back outside quickly, but he was in his wolf form this time. He ran up to you and nuzzled into your hair happily, excited to be able to play outside with his brothers. You couldn’t help but laugh at how happy he was, but it stopped when he moved his nose to nudge you in the side, moving you closer to the chaos of the pack.
“Whoa, what?” you asked as your legs were forced to move forward. “Seungcheol, I didn’t agree to this!”
Still, your mate continued to move your forward so you could properly experience the snow. Of course, the pack noticed this and started to get even more excited. Soonyoung bounded over to you, skidding to a stop and kicking up snow. 
The first thing Seungcheol tried to get you to try was making a snowman. He started by poking a snowball on the ground with his nose, nudging it around until it started to roll into a bigger ball. He looked up at you expectantly before he gestured to the growing ball with his head.
You huffed, “Seungcheol this shit is cold. I don’t want to touch it.”
He let out a huff of his own before pointing at the ball sharply with his nose.
You grumbled to yourself about how you didn’t want to, but you did it anyway. You bent down and began rolling the ball around until Seungcheol decided it was big enough to be a snowman base. Then he helped you make the middle and managed to maneuver it on top of the first ball with his muzzle. Then he let you make the head and put that on as well.
Yeji had ventured into the woods earlier with Hansol and Junhui to find pebbles on the ground since the property was completely covered in snow. So she gave you a few from her pocket for eyes and buttons. Then Seungcheol trotted over with a stick in his mouth and handed it to you. You very un-enthusiastically jammed it in the poor snowman’s face. Your fingers were numb, your nose and cheeks were red, and you just wanted to go inside and curl up under some blankets.
To add insult to injury, the wolves were playing too rough with each other, and Junhui skidded straight into your snowman, knocking it over and causing its snow body to splatter on the ground. Seungcheol looked down at the dead snowman body before he growled and leaped at the younger werewolf, wrestling with him for ruining your hard work.
You wished you were the snowman.
You walked into your bedroom with a towel still between your hands as you dried your hair, damp from the snow. However, when you walked into your room, Seungcheol was in there, still without clothes on. He had shifted back downstairs while you went to go get a towel to dry your hair, and now he was digging through drawers to find new clothes for the both of you.
This wasn’t the first time seeing Seungcheol naked. You’d taken showers and baths together plenty of times. But for some reason, your cheeks were heating up – and not just because you had been playing out in the snow.
You walked over to your mate – you knew he could hear you enter – and wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your nose into his back to warm it while your hands clung to his toned stomach, making him shiver from how cold they felt.
“I feel like an ice cube,” you whined.
“Yeah, you do,” he chuckled. “Do you want me to warm you up?”
You nodded, your nose rubbing against his back. Except, you were thinking of other means of warming up than he was. Most of the pack was still playing outside anyway.
“Alright, let me just find some–”
“Seungcheol?” when you spoke this time, your voice was a lot smaller than it had been. 
“Y-you don’t have to, like…put clothes on if, y’know…this is more comfortable…”
Seungcheol laughed softly, turning in your arms to face you. He cupped your face between his hands, eyebrows raised, “Is this your way of telling me you want to do something?”
You’d done things with Seungcheol before, sure. But you’d never actually had ‘proper’ sex with him before. It wasn’t that you were scared or didn’t know how, you just always felt a little uncomfortable knowing that the rest of the pack would be able to hear you. But now that they were all preoccupied outside…
You nodded, “I’m cold, it’s for my health.”
“_____, you’re not going to get hypothermia,” he laughed, rolling his eyes playfully. “What do you want me to do?”
“Well…” you began slowly, trying to ignore the heat that was now crawling to the tip of your ears, “I-I think I’m ready for marking.”
Seungcheol’s eyes widened, though he looked more surprised than afraid. The statement just took him off guard. You’d never even mentioned marking other than when you asked about how it worked and if the pain was bad, but you hadn’t mentioned it in a while.
“Are you sure?” he asked, his hands stroking up and down your arms. “You don’t need to feel pressured or anything.”
“Seungcheol, I really want to,” you insisted. “I love you and I want to be yours.”
“You are mine, with or without a mark,” he promised, a soft smile on his face as he placed the bend of his finger under your chin. “Look at Danbi and Mingyu – she wasn’t marked for a long time.”
“I promise, Cheol, I’m asking because I want it.”
Seungcheol nodded, “Okay. Then I’d be more than happy to mark you as mine.”
He smiled as he leaned down to press his lips to yours, softly and playfully at first but slowly growing in intensity and desperation. Your back hit the mattress, making both of you giggle as he toppled down on top of you, making sure to catch himself with his hands as to not actually crush you. But still, his lips never left yours.
“Guess it’s a good thing you don’t have all those layers on anymore,” he chuckled against your lips, one of his thumbs stroking your cheek that was still flushed from the cold.
Seungcheol sat up just enough to pull your shirt off over your head. He let his eyes scan over your body, a warm grumble resonating in his chest as his hands wandered over your soft skin, “You’re so beautiful, you know that?”
“Only because you never stop telling me,” you laughed softly, rolling your eyes.
“And I’ll never stop telling you,” he insisted before he was leaning down again to meet your lips.
His lips moved feverishly against yours like he couldn’t get enough of you. One hand cupped your cheek while the other held him up, his tongue pushing passed your lips to explore your mouth. Your arms were around him, fingers tangled in his hair to keep him as close as possible. 
Seungcheol’s lips began to trail downward, leaving open-mouthed kisses down your neck, nipping and sucking on your skin on their way. His hands moved to take your bra off, unclipping it behind you before sliding the straps down. That was tossed off the side of the bed, Seungcheol not even paying attention to where he threw it.
His lips went to one of your nipples, one hand massaging the other and brushing your nipple with his thumb. You moaned out his name softly, arching your chest up as your eyes fluttered closed. His tongue flicked over the hardening bud, looking up at you as he did so to watch every little movement from your face.
Seungcheol’s mouth continued its decent, his hands also moving downward to pull off your bottoms and underwear. You lifted your hips to help, and then he tossed those off the bed to join your bra on the floor.
Now, Seungcheol was laid down on his stomach between your thighs, pushing your legs open to make room for him. Seungcheol had seen you like this before already but it didn’t stop the heat rushing to your cheeks or the urge to close your legs and hide from his eyes that were locked on your heat as the yellow began to dot red.
“So beautiful…” he whispered, brushing his index finger through your folds before teasing your slit.
You whimpered softly, covering your face from embarrassment.
Seungcheol chuckled seeing your expression, dipping his head closer to you, “You’re cute when you’re shy.”
You felt his tongue lick a stripe from your slit to your clit, and you bit your lip to keep from moaning. Your hands went to his dark hair as his lips wrapped around your clit and sucked lightly, flicking his tongue over the bundle of nerves. You already knew what Seungcheol’s tongue was capable of, and yet, it still took you by surprise.
“Don’t keep in those noises, baby,” Seungcheol cooed as he teased his finger at your entrance again. He slowly slid it in, smirking a little at the way you said his name in a quiet moan. “The pack is outside and they’re not paying any attention – nobody will hear you.”
He began pumping his finger slowly, curling it to reach all the spots he’d learned you liked while his lips and tongue worked on your clit. You let out a moan that was a little louder this time, your hips starting to grind up into Seungcheol. 
He added a second finger, curling them the same way as he pressed his tongue flat against your clit and let you grind against his face, growling softly as your hands tugged at his hair. He started scissoring his fingers in you, stretching you out for what was to come once he decided you were prepped enough. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the soft moans and mewls that fell from your lips.
You felt a knot starting to tighten in your lower abdomen, so you started rocking your hips faster. Seungcheol noticed the signs of your incoming release – your hips speeding up, the way your eyebrows knitted together, the way your whines started to get higher – and removed his fingers, sitting up and away from you. Had you not known Seungcheol planned on giving you exactly what you wanted very soon, you would’ve never let him hear the end of your complaining.
You watched as Seungcheol stuck his two fingers in his mouth, lapping up your juices as he smirked at you with red eyes, “You taste so sweet, princess.”
“Cheol…” you whined, covering your face with your arms.
He just chuckled, leaning down above you to move your limbs away from your face, pressing a kiss to your lips. He kissed you softly for a moment as to try to get rid of any nervousness you might’ve had before he gripped his member, stroking it a few times to get it fully hard before he was teasing your folds with the tip. He smirked at the way your hips wiggled and bucked up slightly.
He pulled back just enough to look at you, all of the playfulness melting away, “Are you ready?”
You nodded, moving your hands to grip his shoulders.
“Just tell me if you want to stop, okay?”
You nodded again, so Seungcheol lined himself up with your entrance. Then he was slowly pushing into you, letting out a soft groan and an even softer “fuck” as his head dropped into your neck. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as he stretched you out, your eyes squeezing closed. It definitely hurt a little but but not enough for you to want him to stop.
Once he was completely inside, he stilled, his lips brushing across your neck in small kisses to help you relax. When you finally gave him the okay, he moved at a slow pace, trying to make sure you weren’t uncomfortable in any way. You’d done other intimate stuff but he’d never been inside you – and he knew you’d never had sex before – so he didn’t want to hurt you. He was even honored you trusted him with this.
“You’re doing so well, baby,” he hummed, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss as his hips continued to rock at a steady pace. 
You let out a quiet moan at his praise, your arms wrapping around his neck to keep him close to you. He smiled against your lips, the happy grumble in his chest vibrating against yours. One of his hands moved down your body, raising goosebumps until he reached your clit. His fingers worked circles into it, drawing soft mewls from you that were music to his ears.
“Do you feel okay?” he asked quietly.
You nodded, biting your lip softly. The pain had slowly gone away, leaving you with only pleasure that was slowly building the knot in your stomach back up. The look you gave him with your eyebrows knitting together in pleasure but your eyes almost begging him to do more was enough to almost send him over the edge, especially with how amazing you felt around him.
“You’re so pretty,” he whispered, using his thumb to gently tug your bottom lip from between your teeth. “My beautiful little mate.”
He sat up as his own orgasm began to approach, determined to get you to cum before he did. He knew it would distract from the pain of marking and that was his biggest priority. Seungcheol wanted to avoid hurting you at all costs, at least for your first time. 
His fingers started moving quicker as he started aiming his thrusts into a new spot, making you moan out his name and grip the sheets beneath you.
“You’re doing so good for me, baby,” he moaned, his dark bangs sticking to his forehead with sweat. “Fuck… You take me so well; you’re so amazing.”
Your orgasm started to approach a lot faster than you thought it would, your moans and whimpers growing louder and more needy. Seungcheol could tell you were getting close from the way you clenched around him, but he couldn’t have you cumming just yet.
Seungcheol removed his fingers from your clit, placing both hands on your hips as he rolled his hips into yours. You whined, the quickly building high dying down a little bit because of the loss of stimulation.
“Just hold on a little longer, love,” he grunted, trying to get himself closer to his own high. His eyes closed as his head dropped back, the sight of his toned body shining from the light sheen of sweat on his body making him look godlike. “You feel so amazing, I’m almost there…”
Your high was still building with every thrust of Seungcheol’s hips, though. You pulled him back down to you, trying to distract yourself by leaving little kisses and love bites along the column of his neck and across his collarbones. Seungcheol groaned at the feeling, his hips suddenly sharply thrusting forward into you. With the burn of your orgasm approaching, you bit on Seungcheol’s shoulder – not enough to break skin or anything – to hold yourself back, clenching around him.
That was enough to tip him over the edge, one hand going back down to your clit and rubbing into it quickly. Your eyes squeezed shut as your body tensed with your orgasm.
“Let go, baby,” he said softly, but his voice was a growl.
It hit you harder than any other high you’d had, but it was the second wave that really got you. It came with a sudden sharpness in the crook of your neck, but it had you crying out Seungcheol’s name as your toes curled and your thighs locked around his hips. It felt amazing.
After riding out both of your highs, Seungcheol took his teeth out of you and dragged his tongue across the wound to help it heal. You whimpered at the feeling of him pulling out of you, his release and yours dripping slowly down your thighs.
“It didn’t hurt too much, did it?” he wondered.
“No,” you sighed, letting your fingers drag through Seungcheol’s dark hair. You smiled up at him softly when he pulled away to look at your face. “I love you.”
He grinned, bumping your nose with his own, “I love you, too. Thanks for letting me do this – it means so much to me.”
Your sweet moment was cut off by a knock at the door, which had Seungcheol’s head whipping around to look at the door.
“I want you guys to know,” Joshua’s voice came from the other side, “that I didn’t go outside, and I heard everything. Also, you’re lucky Seungkwan’s on his deathbed or you’d have two disgusted wolves here.”
Your face turned completely red as you hid in Seungcheol’s neck while he laughed at you.
“You said nobody could hear!” you whined.
“Yeah, well,” he shrugged, not seeming to care if his brother heard or not, “I guess I forgot about Josh.”
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padfootagain · 3 years
Hi everyone! I'm back with a very cute little drabble for Christmas! We're one week away from Christmas, and I'll try to post a few of those little drabbles before the 25th!
This is a very cute, grumpy Ben with a cold! I hope you like this!
A little comment is greatly appreciated, if you have a second to spare!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x Reader
Word Count : 1672
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Ben was grumpy.
It wasn't in his nature, and it wasn't in his character at all. He was a rather shy, goofy and quite adorable man with a mischievous sense of humour most of the time. There were only a few instances that brought him to a more bitter state of mind: the remnants of a hangover in the early morning, being stuck in traffic for a long time, and being sick.
And now, Ben was sick.
Nothing dramatic, but a seasonal cold that would have disappeared in a few days. But for the moment, Ben was in the dark phase of the disease.
A runny nose, a sore throat that was sometimes scratched with a rough cough, fever and a migraine that made him feel like someone was piercing his skull with needles. He had no energy for anything and was stuck in his bed, under a pile of blankets and pillows you had brought for him.
And it would have been bearable, had you been there with him to distract him from his miserable state, give him cuddles and bring him regular doses of his favourite tea. But you were at work, and he had to survive four more hours without you. And the more time he spent on his own, the grumpier he became.
It was snowing outside upon London, large snowflakes brightening the days of children and turning the old city into something a little enchanted, a little magical. Low clouds almost as white as the snowflakes they released hovered lazily above the tall buildings and worn-out stones, businessmen hurrying under the cold weather while the more innocent kinds carved faces for snowmen and threw snowballs at their friends. Cars of those reckless enough to try to drive through the city under this weather honked loudly, punctuating the rhythm of the city that never slowed down, especially at the approach of the holidays. And Ben would have loved the spectacle it offered, had he moved to his window to glimpse at the outside world. He would have dragged a chair by the window, and enjoyed a warm cup of coffee while watching peacefully as the snowflakes fell in his garden. Or perhaps, had you been there, he would have enjoyed looking at strangers running down the slippery street, imagining with you crazy lives for these people he didn't know. You would have found an astronaut in their midst for sure, you always did, for some reason. Ben's theory was that it was because of how much you loved the stars.
But again, you were not there, he was alone in your shared home with a buzzing brain that was slowly turning into jelly, and sore limbs, and a nose that wouldn't allow him to breathe. And now, the snow annoyed him, the cold weather the cause of his pain, after all.
He checked the time again, and heaved a desperate sigh as he counted – with much difficulty – how many more hours he had to survive through without you. He had never cursed your job more than now, as he grumpily mumbled a string of curses under his breath, wrapping himself even more in his blankets until the only part of him still visible was his forehead and messy dark hair.
He counted the minutes till you'd be back to fall back to sleep, and he spent most of his afternoon tossing around, somewhere between sleep and reality, in a daze that wasn't peaceful and didn't bring to his tired frame any rest. He reached for a book after a couple of hours, but the words written on the page required from him way too much concentration and his migraine got worse after only a couple of pages, so he discarded the item once again. He checked the time one more time.
He had two hours left.
He made an almost-unbearable effort to extract himself from the covers and finally head for the shower, figuring that some warm water would help.
And it did. The shower gave him enough energy to carry his set of pillows and blankets to the sofa instead, moving his mess to the living-room so he could watch some stupid things on the TV.
He spent most of the rest of his time alone watching some old episodes of Columbo, keeping an eye on the time while he waited for you, hoping you wouldn't be delayed by the snow on your way home, his mood darkening some more at the mere thought.
And when you finally walked in your shared home, Ben couldn't refrain a relieved sigh.
He waited for the sound of your keys to drop on the little bowl by the door, for the sound of the shuffling of fabric as you took off your scarf, beanie, gloves and coat, and finally the thud sound of your shoes being kicked off. Finally, the muffled thumping of your footsteps on the wooden floor echoed through the hall, and you appeared by his side, your hair a little wet because of the snow, but you still seemed warm and cosy in your warm jumper.
"How are you feeling, baby?" you asked in a soft voice, tilting your head in wonder, and Ben swore that he had never seen anything cuter in his life.
He let out a groan, pouting dramatically.
"I feel awful," he mumbled, letting out a grumpy growl and holding his cover closer to him.
You sat down by his side on the sofa, and rested the back of your hand against his forehead.
"You still have fever, babe," you told him in the softest voice you could muster, your fingers sliding from his forehead to his hair, soothingly travelling through the dark strands. "Have you taken a shower?"
He nodded, before sneezing very loudly, the noise echoing throughout the room, and letting out a frustrated groan.
"I hate being like this," he pouted.
"I know, love. But you need to rest to get better, that's all we can do. I'm gonna make you some tea with honey, it'll help, okay?"
You were about to get up when he quickly grabbed your wrist, pulling you back to your seat gently. The quick gesture seemed to exhaust him even more, but he didn't mind, for once.
"No, stay. You'll do that later."
"It would be good for you…"
"No, please. Please stay with me. I've waited for you all day. Just… stay."
His eyes were watery because of his cold, and his nose all red, and his cheeks flushed with fever, and he was poutier than ever, buried under three blankets. There was simply no way for you to say no to him.
And it was unsaid, right now, but it wasn't hard to read in his eyes that he meant to add I love you to his plea.
So, you settled properly in the sofa, opening your arms for him to snuggle into your side.
He heaved a sigh, finally relaxing, as he tucked his head in the crook of your neck.
"I hope you don't get sick holding me like that," Ben mumbled into your skin, his voice muffled and barely audible, but you were so used to his voice by now that it wasn't hard for you to decipher what he was whispering.
You smiled a tender smile, that he couldn't see and that you barely noticed yourself as it formed across your lips, but it didn't matter. It wasn't aimed at anyone in particular anyway. It was just how he made you feel all the time.
"Well, if I do catch your cold, you'll have to nurse me back to health too, then," you replied, making him chuckle, his first laughter of the day.
"That's a deal. Besides, I'm gonna be a little selfish here, but I need you too much now to really care if you get sick or not."
It was your time to laugh, and your heart was filled with love as you did so, the bright sound illuminating the whole room.
"Well, you're feeling very bad, so, I won't hold that selfish act against you," you reassured him, and Ben closed his eyes as you started running your fingers in his dishevelled hair again.
"Thanks. Because I really do feel awful."
You hummed, focusing on the TV before you, but only for a moment, as Ben spoke again. He had missed your voice too much during the day, after all. And if having you in his arms was already working wonders on his mood, still, he wanted you all to himself, and you seemed to give way too much interest to the crime show on TV.
"How was your day, baby?" he asked in a hoarse voice, before he would be shaken by a cough.
"It was okay, a bit long," you admitted as Ben settled back into your arms.
"Tell me everything that happened, please?" he asked, looking up at you with puppy eyes, and you could only let out a fond chuckle as you kissed his forehead and proceeded to tell him everything about your day at work.
"Well, Marjorie broke the coffee machine this morning, which was undoubtedly a good odd for the rest of the day!"
You went on for a long time, sometimes slowing down to a stop when Ben's eyes remained closed for a while, and you thought he had fallen asleep, but he kept on asking you to continue then, his eyes still closed, so you did. He did fall asleep though, once you had finished your story and settled back in a comfortable silence with him nestled in your arms. You didn't mind, despite your position growing a little uncomfortable after a while. You watched TV while Ben caught up on some most needed sleep, a soft snore coming out of him once in a while making you smile fondly at him.
Yes, Ben was grumpy when he was sick. But then again, sometimes, he wasn't that grumpy, even if sick, for as long as he had you.
Taglist :  @ponycake27 @horsesreign @xinyourdreamsx @jbluevelvet@notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss @stuckupstucky@snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity@i-padfootblack-things  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​@jigsawlover10 @emyyjemyy @addictedtofictionalcharacters @staringmoony​@geeksareunique​ @giggleberts​ @sad-orange-thoughts​ @aylinnmaslow @benbarnes-world @ladyblablabla​ @madamrogers​ @drinix​ @joelynnp @mxrihollxnd @rockintensse​ @newtstarmander​ @iammadeofstarsandlazyness @shinebrightlikeafanbase​ @wangmangagavroche​@presstocontinue @ilmiopiccolounivers0​
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slasherheadcanons · 3 years
•What is Christmas like with them•
Michael Myers: •Michael doesn't understand Christmas. Why get all festive for it? It's just some holiday. He just doesn't get it and won't get in the holiday spirit. •He will watch you put up the decorations and the Christmas tree. He is tempted to kick the stool right out from under your feet as you put on the star on the tree. Sometimes he will other times he won't. But he will remind you he can if he wanted to. Just placing his foot on the stool you stand on and push it slightly all while keeping complete eye contact. silently telling you, 'I can do it at any point and you can't stop me.' •Michael will also occasionally knock down some of your decorations or break one of the ornaments on the tree. He is like a big cat. •Also just a warning never light a scented candle that smells like a delicious treat. Because the second he smells something sweet he is coming to the kitchen. If you don't have any sweets baked for him he is going to be furious. He will trap you in the kitchen by standing in the doorway with his knife. 'Bake some goodies right now S/O.' •Oh, you don't have anything to make the baked goods. Well, he will just throw you outside, quickly followed by him throwing your car keys at you. 'Go buy some then and don't come back unless you can make the cookies.' It's best to just buy the stuff and bake the cookies he wants.
Bubba Sawyer: •Bubba adores Christmas time. This adorable boy loves to decorate for the holidays. He would be so excited if you helped him. •Bubba will still have to get meat though Dayton isn't going to let him slack off just because it's the holidays. Someone needs to bring in the food. •But while he is busy if you bake him some cookies you will receive a big hug and happy squeals. He loves eating baked things and gets so excited if you made them for him. •Since they live in Texas they rarely get snow. So if you have stories of playing in the snow from your childhood, please, tells them to this adorable boy. He would be so amazed. He loves hearing about your childhood memories of Christmas.
Jason Voorhees: •Much like Bubba he loves Christmas time. He has so many memories of the time he spent with his momma during the holidays. •I picture it does snow during the winter by the lake. Not that the cold bothers Jason. He is an undead zombie after all he can't feel the cold. But if you bought or made him a sweater he would never take it off. Unless he had to kill someone. He doesn't want blood getting on it. •Now Jason doesn't need to eat either but if you made him any baked goods he will tear up. His mother used to make him baked goods and now you are making him some too. He will of course eat them. •Now if you want to go play in the snow being the worried boy he is. He will make sure you're bundled up with warm clothes. He doesn't want you to freeze and once your cold he will rush you inside to sit by the fireplace. He will help warm you up. Don't you worry S/O. Jason's got you.
Asa Emory (the collector): •Again, like Michael, he doesn't understand the big deal about Christmas. So if you want to decorate his house go ahead. Just don't expect him to help you. He will watch you work. •Bug boy isn't a fan of Christmas so he won't understand why you're getting into the holiday spirit. Though he does secretively like seeing the decorations you put you. But he won't tell you that. •Asa isn't one to enjoy snow either. It's too cold for him but if you ask him to join you on a walk he will reluctantly agree. He will bundle up with warm clothes before he joins you outside. He only agrees to walk the but the moment you hit him in the face with a snowball. Challenging him to a snowball fight. You can tell from the shimmer in his eyes and his shoulders straightening. He is in the collector mode. He can and will have a snowball fight with you. He isn't one for childish games but you started it and he will make sure to remind you he is in charge. There is no winning against him when he is like this. So when he wins he will toss you into a pile of snow. •Once you both are inside again. You both sit on the couch warming up to some hot chocolate. Then you will receive a small and rare head kiss from him. Don't tease him otherwise he won't do it again.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull): •This man likes Christmas but he isn't overly filled with the Christmas spirit. But he won't let you decorate his house. Your tire your arms out dear S/O. Let him handle it and when I say that I mean he texts Preston to 'ask' him to decorate the house for Christmas. He may or may not have threatened Preston but he won't tell you. So while Preston is on decoration duty Jesse takes you shopping. •This man will spoil you even more than normal. He would buy the whole store if you wanted it. The man is rich as fuck so he doesn't worry about the price of things. Seriously if you want something just tell him and it's yours. Jewelry, Clothes, Bags, etc. You got it. Jesse will buy it for you. •He will also spoil you with affection. Cuddles? Check. Christmas sex? Double Check. Make out sessions? Triple check. He loves spoiling you in every way. Your his princess/prince and he will treat you like one. •If you bake him some sweets. He will end up eating most of them and then complain about the stomach ache he has. He may be a behemoth of a man but at times he can be like a big child. So be prepared because he will want you to take care of him. •If you want to get him a gift either get him some tapes for his camera or you could get dressed in a sexy outfit and surprise him. Either one will make him very happy and of course, will lead to some steamy Christmas activities. But that's the best way to end the holiday. ~~ A/N: wanted to do something for the Christmas season. Hope you guys enjoy it.
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salty-sith-bitch · 3 years
Here's a little prompt for Din and reader! Hopefully it can spark something 💙
Maybe Din takes Reader to a snowy planet and they haven't seen snow before or in a really long time, so their just mesmerized by it and just amusing him.
I hope you enjoy! As always my mind just sort of takes off when writing so I’m hoping this is close to what you asked for 😘
Cin'ciri (snow)
Rating: G
Genre: fluff, angst
Din stood over you and your cot, a wicked grin under his helmet. He watched as you snored peacefully, oblivious to what he was about to do. He almost felt bad for disturbing your slumber.
This was worth waking you and definitely worth the brief moment you'd be upset at him. He knew as soon as you awoke and discovered the reason for being ripped from your lazy dreaming you'd be overjoyed.
Chuckling to himself Din packed the snow that was in his hand into a soft ball. Taking a step back from your cot, he chucked the lump of snow. The ball hit you squarely in the chest and upon impact disbursed Into a flurry of white powder causing you to shudder and startle awake.
Confusion filled your cloudy mind as you woke. You felt something cold spread through you as the air was ripped from your chest. The frostiness quickly turned wet making you uncomfortable and displeased. Still gasping for air you heard chuckling that quickly turned into full hearty laughter.
Sitting up you found Din standing at the end of your cot doubled over in laughter. Shrieking, you pulled the blankets over your head and flopped back down.
"Daaaaaaaad! It's too early. It's my day off." Your voice was agitated and muffled by your pillow.
"Ad'ika," Din said between breaths as he recovered from laughing. "Come look outside."
"Whyyyyyy," you wailed into your pillow. It had been a while since you got a good amount of sleep and were simply not pleased your father was trying to drag you out of bed on your day off.
Clicking his tongue at you, Din squeezed one of your blanket-covered feet. "Fine then. Grogu and I will go and enjoy the snow by ourselves."
Your brain kicked into hyperdrive at the word. That coldness you had just felt was your father throwing a snowball at you. Your heart fluttered in your chest. Din wouldn't admit it but he has a soft spot and could be silly at times and it made your world oh so bright. And now it was even brighter as you thought about the snow outside.
You bolted upright in bed and quickly threw the covers off. Frigid temperatures greeted you as soon as you climbed out of your little nook and bolted for the open ramp. Din watched as you ran toward the ramp and slid across the slick floor of the Razor Crest in your warm socks; almost causing you to collide with the wall.
Squealing you jumped up and down pointing outside as you turned to look at Din.
Having removed his helmet, you could see the gleaming grin on his face. And even swore you could see his excitement at the thought of a day off playing with his family.
Giggling and shrieking you vibrated with energy as you danced around on your toes.
"Snow!" You exclaimed, pointing outside.
Din chuckled, coming up to you and ruffling your hair.
"Yes, ad'ika. Now go get dressed. Grogu has been waiting impatiently."
Running across the hull floor once again, you were unable to stop yourself from sliding into the wall where your pack was. Smacking into the wall with am 'oomph' you picked up your clothes and high tailed it for the fresher.
Shaking his head, Din set his helmet back on his head and went to finish bundling up Grogu.
Snow has a special place in your heart. It brought back memories of your family. Your blood family.
It brought back memories of snow days when you were younger and a true child, so innocent and not having to worry about anything in the galaxy. It brought memories of warm cocoa mother would make and build snowmen with your brother.
When it would snow back home your father would have the day off, closing his shop due to lack of safe travel, and your mother, being the caring woman she was, would still head into town and work a partial day at the cantina, making sure everyone who needed warm food was supplied with it. You'd spend a good majority of the morning playing in the snow with your father and brother, tossing snowballs, building forts, and occasionally making snow angels here and there. Your mother would always arrive back around noon with cocoa and soup to warm you. Snow boots would be shuck at the door and fresh clothes put on after a warm bath. You'd eat and laugh by the fire the rest of the evening playing games, reading to brother, and watching your mother scold your father every time he would chuck a snowball at her that he snuck into the house.
 Even as the years went by and you got older you'd still find yourself outside enjoying the blissfulness of having nothing to worry about. You'd make forts and battle your father, pelting him with snow. You'd find yourself melting into the floor as you and your mother sang songs in your native language by the fire. And you would always still try to suppress that giggle when your father snuck in the snowballs helping him on occasion.
Now it was different. But also not.
Looking out towards Grogu he saw him waddling around collecting snow and making little people reminding you of your brother. And Din, who surprisingly was enjoying the snow, tossing snowballs at you ever so often reminded you of father.
But this was not your brother nor father. And mother wouldn't be there with soup to warm you or sing songs in the evening. The snow people Grogu made were smaller and Din was sneakier with his ambushes.
You, yourself were also not the same. Being older and now constantly worrying about losing your family again reminded you of just how much your life had changed.
Huffing you shoved your hands further into your coat pockets, continuing to watch Grogu as he waddles over to you, snow in hand. Tilting his head he extended the lump out to you and cooed as if trying to ask you to shape it for him.
Chuckling and nodding you squatted and took the snow from him, gently packing it. When you stuck out your hand to give it back the ball went flying from your hand and zoomed past you. Turning your head you watched as the ball made an impact with Din's chest.
Snowball in his hand, Din waggled his finger.
"Grogu," he said with a bit of laughter.
Grogu's ears dropped as he made a noise and looked at his father.
"That's cheating you little womp rat. I was gonna ambush ori vod."
Rolling your eyes you smirked at Grogu and swiftly picked up and packed your own lump of snow. Quickly standing you turned and launched the ball of snow at Din.
Both you and Grogu cheered when it hit Din's pauldron. Grogu threw his hands up and parked his ears as you did a little victory jump.
Stiffening Din looked at his shoulder then back to you. Placing his hands on his hips he nodded his head slightly.
"So that's how we're gonna play. Two against one?" Kneeling Din picked up more snow. "You get a ten-second head start. Ten, nine, eight-"
Eyes widening in horror you looked down and made eye contact with Grogu.
"Ready little buddy?"
Grogu cooed at you again, also wide-eyed, and reached up.
Scooping up the youngling you took off running for the snow barricade you had made earlier, leaving a trail of laughter behind.
You played in the snow for countless hours. Together you and Grogu kept sneaking up on Din and pelting him with snowballs. And on occasion - despite Din thinking it was cheating- Grogu would use the force to nail mando in the back.
At one point you looked at your father gleefully, sticking your tongue out.
"For a Mandalorian, we’re taking you down pretty easily with these snowballs."
You couldn't hear his laughter but you could see his frame shaking as he stood with his hands on his knees.
"You good old man?" You teased.
Looking up at the sky for a moment Din took in a deep breath. Pointing a finger at you Din lowered his head and you could feel his piercing gaze through the visor of his helmet.
"If I went any harder on you kid there would probably be crying."
Gasping you scooped up more snow and packed it into a ball.
"You calling me weak?" You stared at him through squinted eyes.
"You called me old!"
"And only one of those statements is true!"
Shaking his head Din started packing snow into a ball.
"Oh, it's on now."
Screaming joyfully you took off running, Grogu at your heels
Out of breath and cheeks sore from smiling, you collapsed in the snow, arms and legs spread out as you soaked up the sun. Grogu trudged through the snow to stand but your side. Looking down towards him you watched as he flopped over into the white powder next to you. Giggling you reached down and strokes one of his ears lovingly, causing him to smile and coo at you.
In the distance, sitting on the ramp to the Crest Din watched as you made snow angels with Grogu, a smile hidden underneath his helmet. He was practically glowing with joy and warmth seeing how happy the two of you were. Feeling as if his heart might burst out of his chest Din wondered what his own childhood would have been like if he hasn't lost his parents.
He wondered if his parents would have ever taken him out for a snow day much like he did for you and Grogu - his own children. Longing and wishing for what could have been his life only filled the hole in his chest so much though. What he has in front of him is what brought him true bliss. You ana Grogu were his world - literally and figuratively.
He should have been hunting for a bounty today, planning his next steps and heading towards whatever planet that resided on while you took the day to rest and have downtime. That was the responsible thing to do, but when the snow started to fall not long after you and Grogu went to sleep be couldn't help but enjoy the idea of a family day. A day where you could be young and have nothing to worry about. A day to stretch your legs and bond.
Crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall Din continues to watch the two of you laughing and rolling in the snow in the distance. When you turned to wave at him at stick out your tongue his smile grew.
Lunch was later than usual but you were ok with that. You had enjoyed your time in the snow even if it meant dealing with a slight butt hurt Din Djarin who didn't want to admit he lost I'm your snowball fight. Non the less the soup you ate and the cocoa you sipped still warmed you. Not as much as the unexpected family time had warmed your soul, however.
You watched as Grogu fought sleep in his father’s arms as he sipped his cocoa. Eventually, his eyes fall shut and light snores filled the silence of the Crest hull. Din rose from his seat quietly and made his way towards his and Grogu's sleeping quarters. Sighing heavily you rubbed your own tiredness from your eyes. Standing you collected and discarded your dishes then made your way to your own cot.
It was chillier over here than by the heater so you opted to instead grab your blanket and a pillow and made your way back to the heater.
Sitting against the wall you let your eyes drift shut. Pulling your blanket up towards your face you nuzzled your nose into the worn fabric, smelling the lingering scent of your old home. The world around you disappeared as you drifted off to sleep
Half asleep you heard gentle footsteps approach felt a hand gently nudge you.
"Mm?" You looked up lazily at Din squatting next to you.
"You were humming in your sleep."
Yawning, you rubbed your eyes again and looked at him. He didn't have any of his beskar on and you could smell fresh soap; a telltale sign he must have been getting ready for bed.
"’ M’sorry," you mumbled.
Turning and sliding down the wall next to you Din smiled. "It's ok. It was nice. Reminds me of-"
"Home," you said weekly.
Din's face fell slightly. "Yeah."
"My mother and I used to sing around the fire every night it snowed. She would rock my brother to sleep as I sewed. Before my brother, she would sing and I would dance with my father." Swallowing the lump in your throat you swiped the blanket across your face to rid the fallen tears. "Snow days were special for us. It meant family time and getting to just be with each other. No other worries. No chores or worrying about mother making it home safe from the cantina. Sometimes I feel like I can still hear my brother's giggles or my father's feet crunching in the snow as he tried to sneak up on me."
Letting out a soft sign Din pulled you into his side.
"My mother used to sing to me too. When I couldn't sleep or when she would give me baths. My father would sometimes join in and my mother would scold him teasingly for ruining a beautiful song with his garish voice."
You both chuckled at the thought.
"I wish I could remember what her voice sounded like."
Frowning you looked at your adoptive father. "I do too."
Sighing heavily Din pulled you in tighter to his side and kissed the crown of your head.
"Get some rest ad'ika."
Shutting your eyes you rested your head on Din's shoulder and let sleep wrap you in its warmth.
You hadn't been asleep very long when you heard a deep humming filling your dreams.
Tag List:  @g0ldenlush @sweet-silver @piscespussybabe
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iamwhoami · 4 years
Accidental Instigator (Chicago Fire)
25 Days of Christmas - Day 4
Chicago Fire
   Y/N Casey accidentally starts a massive snowball fight between everyone at the 51, all because of a simple toss.
Warnings: None besides the fact that it turned out pretty crappy.
Requested = No
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   You had always been mischievous. You couldn’t help it, it was like it was just in your blood.
   What fueled your mischief though was being able to mess with your older siblings. According to them, that started the moment you were born. 
   With that in mind, of course you plus snowballs was going to be the recipe for disaster. 
   The day that Chicago got its first “real” snowfall where the snow was wet enough to be packed into snowballs, you and your brother happened to be on shift. 
   While Matt was filling out an incident report, you had asked him to meet you outside when he was done before quickly ducking out of the firehouse.
“Uh oh...” 
   You had bumped into Cruz on your way out and he had stopped you, pointing a finger at you.
“I’ve seen that look in your eyes before,” He raised his eyebrows.
“Really?” You tilted your head, “When?”
   Cruz made a face, “Right after you dumped a bucket of water on my head while I was walking out of the apparatus floor. Remember? You had climbed up onto the roof just to soak me with water.”
“Oh...yeah,” You grimaced slightly, “That was only once...and plus, I thought you were Matt.”
“Is whatever you’re planning now also intended for Casey?” Cruz asked you and you nodded, “Good, well make sure that it actually happens to Casey this time.”
He then walked off dramatically.
“Okay then...” You turned on your heels and continued to make your way outside the firehouse.
   Matt must have had a lot more paperwork than you thought because it took a while before you saw him walk out of the apparatus floor from your spot behind the wall.
   Forcing yourself to stay quiet, you bent down and scooped a fistfull of snow before molding it into a ball.
   Then, making sure that you stayed unseen, you flung the snowball at Matt while he was turned away from you.
   You silently cheered as the snowball met its target, splattering against Matt’s back. You tried to stay silent but when you saw Matt’s confused face, you burst into a round of giggles.
   You were now laughing so hard that you didn’t notice Matt sneak up on your hiding spot, a snowball in his hand, until you felt the cold mush smash against the side of your face.
   Now it was Matt’s turn to laugh, but you couldn’t help but chime in, knowing that the face you made must have been priceless.
“Oh you’re on!” You grinned before bending over and quickly making another snowball before throwing it at Matt.
   It hit him on the shoulder and while he was preparing to get even with you, you hurried away onto the driveway, trying to get away.
   You kept your eyes closed while anticipating for something cold to hit you but it never happened.
   Cautiously, you opened one eye, only to see an unamused Joe Cruz standing still, wet snow sliding down the side of his face.
Poor Cruz.
   Somehow, he became another accidental victim in something was supposed to be between you and your brother.
“Y/N...” Cruz gave you a glare.
   You put up your hands, “It wasn’t me! I swear! It was Matt!”
   You pointed over at your brother and Cruz’s eyes followed to see Matt doubled over with laughter.
“Well, then in that case...” Cruz bent over and packed together a snowball before flinging it at Matt who had let his guard down while laughing.
   The look on Matt’s face when the snowball collided with him was probably very similar to the face you made when Matt nailed you with the snowball.
   You were laughing so hard now that your stomach as well as your cheeks hurt. You were having a hard time staying upright but managed to see Matt prepare a retaliation hit aimed at Cruz. 
   He flung the snowball at Cruz but Cruz saw it coming and ducked. That snowball ended up smacking Severide right in the face, who was coming out to see what all the laughter was about.
   Whatever composure you had was now gone as you fell into the snow, laughing so hard you could hardly breathe.
“What’s going on here?” Herrman walked out, probably also intrigued by the amount of laughter that was going on.
   In response, Severide scooped a fistfull of snow and shoved it down the back of Herrmann’s shirt.
   Everyone was shocked and for a moment, nobody moved while Herrmann’s face turned red.
“Did you just...”
   It wasn’t long before others started getting roped into the snowball fight. Kidd, Brett, Mackey, Capp, Tony, Gallo, Ritter...everyone!
   What started as just a prank on your brother soon involved practically everyone in the firehouse.
   Everyone outside was throwing snowballs at each and there was so much chaos going on that it was at the point where you couldn’t even really see and was just blindly throwing them, hoping it would hit someone.
   The fun was interrupted by a loud cough and everyone froze to see Chief Boden standing by, watching the scene in front of him.
“I can explain Chief...” Herrmann started to say, “Y/N started it.”
   Your jaw dropped and you put up your hands, “What?”
“It is kind of true...” Cruz trailed off when you shot him a glare.
“You better have a goddamn good explanation,” Boden said and everyone prepared themselves to be chewed out, “Why did nobody invite me to this?”
   A smile broke out onto your face when you realized that you weren’t in fact going to get in trouble.
“Well, then in that case,” You grinned and molded a snowball before bravely chucking it at the Chief.
   You watched as everyone either grimaced or went wide-eyed as the snowball splashed against the Chief’s face.
   Slowly, Boden wiped off the wet snow from his face and for a moment, you started to regret your actions.
“Oh it’s on.”
   The snowball fight resumed, everyone clobbering everyone. Some weren’t even bothering anymore to shape the snow into balls, instead, just dumping armfulls of it onto unsuspecting victims.
   It was like having a whole firehouse full of siblings and you immediately smirked at that idea.
More people to prank.
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
war paint | 4 | encounter
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pairing: Bakugou Katsuki / Reader
length: 27,765 words / 10 chapters
summary: Desperate times force you to disguise yourself and join the kingsguard. When a suspicious string of crimes strike the palace, however, Captain Katsuki Bakugou starts paying extra close attention. (spin off of in cinders)
tags: mulan AU, secret identity, romance, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, some violence, eventual smut
After that, Nishimura wouldn’t stop antagonizing you.
He seemed to blame you for his loss on the training pitch, growling loudly to Hasumi about how slow you were, how you stumbled around like a defenseless lamb, how you refused to meet Bakugou’s blade with your own until threatened with discharge. He wasn’t wrong, but you still felt like his loss was his own doing - if he were as good at swordwork as he claimed, he wouldn’t have needed a partner to best the captain.
This didn’t stop him from ratcheting up his hostility, however. The bugs in your bed soon became small animals, and it seemed that every time Captain Bakugou’s back was turned, you found yourself tripping over an ankle or stumbling from an elbow in your back.
You’d borne his antics quietly up until now, for fear of Captain Bakugou finding you out and delivering on his threats from the mess hall. But when Kaminari and Sero began tossing you anxious, worried looks, you knew that Nishimura’s actions had to stop. If other soldiers were catching on, it would only be a matter of time until Captain Bakugou took notice, and then both of you would be done for.
One evening, you pulled back your covers to find a rat splayed in your sheets, and that was the moment you snapped.
“Nishimura,” you growled, using a shirt to grab the rat and throwing it at him in disgust. “Outside, right now!”
You stalked out of the dorms, out into the still evening air of spring. A warm breeze blew around you as Nishimura exited the dormitory after you.
“This stops now,” you said, seething.
He ran a hand through his dark hair and pinned you with a disinterested look. “Or what? You’ll run to Captain Bakugou?”
You gritted your teeth. “Bakugou is the last person we need finding out about this, which is why you need to knock it off. What happens if he conducts a random bunk check and finds those?”
Nishimura smirked and your temper flared. “Scared, L/N?”
Your hands balled into fists. “Nishimura, you’re going to stop this right fucking now or I’m going stop it myself.”
Nishmura raised a dark eyebrow. “I look forward to you trying. You do anything to me, and I’ll do much worse to you.”
A frustrated noise escaped you and you opened your mouth to reply, but you were cut off by the soft tread of a boot nearby. Swearing, you shoved Nishimura back through the door, following him quickly and pulling it closed behind you. Soldiers weren’t allowed out of the barracks after hours and you had no doubt you’d be subjected to a punishment worse than extra training if you were caught out fighting with Nishimura after dark.
Nishimura scoffed and turned his back to you, striding back down the hall to your shared bunkroom. You lingered near the door, listening closely for any sound of the person outside. Silence rang in your ears, and as long moments passed, you finally felt yourself relax. You took a steadying breath and leaned heavily against the wall.
Suddenly, the door handle was ripped from your grasp, swinging wide open.
“Going somewhere?” Captain Bakugou smirked down at you, his crimson eyes bright even in the dark. Even a step down, he still stood half a head taller than you, and again the power of his presence rolled over you like a thunderstorm.
You felt your mouth drop open and you scrambled upright. “N-no, Captain! I was just...uh…”
He raised a blonde eyebrow, and the shift of his features distracted you. You were suddenly struck by the ridiculous thought that he was so terribly handsome - or would be if he wasn’t so utterly terrifying. You wondered dumbly why this man was unmarried, shouting after a battalion of guardsmen when he could just as well be tucked up in his marquisate with some count’s pretty daughter.
You doubted he could be so horrible to his fellow noblemen, not if he didn’t want to start an armed conflict, so surely his personality wouldn’t be such a deterrent to the ladies of the court…so why then was he here?
“Sure are taking your sweet time to come up with an excuse, pretty boy,” Bakugou leered down at you. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about two people arguing outside just now, would you? Something about not wanting Captain Bakugou to find out.”
You gaped at him. “S-sir?”
Bakugou leaned down, smirking, his mouth hovering by your ear. This close, you could feel the heat of him, and smell something sweet and smokey. Your brain emptied in a combination of fear and, stupidly, the thrill of a man so close.
“You have five seconds to get back to your bunk, soldier,” he said softly, his breath whispering over the shell of your ear. Your thoughts slammed back into you with a sudden urgency and you scrambled back from him.
“Yes, sir!” you yelped, turning tail and sprinting back to your room. You stumbled over to your bed in the dark, climbing into it with your heart hammering. Your mind raced and you strained your ears to listen for him, wondering wildly if he would follow. He’d overheard your conversation, or part of it. He couldn’t know what you were hiding from him, though, could he? Otherwise he would have followed up on his threats from the mess hall, wouldn't he?
Silence settled over the dorm, however, and you sat there, staring into the dark. The only sound was the puff of your own nervous breaths, and after what seemed like hours, your heartbeat began to slow again. Minutes more and you finally released a sigh, letting your body relax into your sheets. Exhaustion washed over you like a warm wave, and despite yourself, your felt your eyes flutter shut. You turned your head to the pillow, and let yourself be tugged carefully into sleep.
As you finally drifted off, you thought you noted the soft snick of a door closing.
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You left the barracks late the next evening to begin your patrol, glad to see Sero’s friendly face waiting for you in the palace courtyards.
If anything, Nishimura had been more unbearable the day after, hovering over you incessantly and tracking your every movement with a hawkish eye. Similarly, you felt like Bakugou lurked behind every corner, ready to spring closed like a trap over you and Nishimura, a discharge on his lips and an explosion building in his hand. As the day passed, you felt the tension mounting at your temples, and when evening finally rolled around, you were unbearably relieved to finally be separated from Nishimura, both of you assigned to separate patrol routes within the palace.
“Why do you look like this patrol is the happiest moment of your entire life?” Sero wondered as you approached, grinning widely.
You scowled up at him, knocking into his gangly arm. “I can’t be happy to walk the castle with a friend?”
“Aww, we’re friends,” Sero cooed, patting your head condescendingly. “Thanks, little guy.”
You brushed him off. “Ugh, I take it back. Don’t talk to me for the rest of patrol.”
He chuckled, falling into step beside you. His choppy bangs fell over his forehead in dark spikes. “Something on your mind?”
You sighed, fingers picking absently at the end of your sleeves. “Nishimura’s been more awful than ever and Captain Bakugou’s on to us. I think he overheard us arguing outside last night.”
Sero nodded thoughtfully. “He hear anything specific?”
You bit your lip. “I’ve been running the argument over in my head. We didn’t explicitly talk about fighting. I think he just overheard that we didn’t want him finding out,” you let out a heavy breath, “which could be worse…”
Sero gave you a sympathetic look as you rounded the corner into the castle proper. “You’re still here, though, aren’t you? Maybe he’s giving you a final chance.”
You snorted. The day Katsuki Bakugou gave anyone a chance, you would strip naked and announce your gender to him yourself. A snowball had better chances in the inner circles of hell than you did of receiving Bakugou’s mercy.
“He’s probably waiting until he can think of the most painful way to slowly torture a confession out of someone,” you said and Sero winced.
“It was nice knowing you, L/N,” he said. A silence fell over you after that, both of you contemplating your unfortunate fate at the hands of your captain. You trudged companionably through the halls, peering into offices and saluting nobility as you passed them.
You couldn’t help but notice the nobles within the castle looked a different class from Bakugou altogether - their clothes bright and their faces round with good food and easy living. Bakugou, however, seemed to live in well-worn boots and the starched collar of his captain’s uniform, and the angular planes of his face spoke to years of hard training and meticulous service. The only thing that seemed to put him on equal footing with these nobles was his natural aura of incredible command.
You were wondering again what drove him to become the commander of the castle forces when you and Sero peered into a darkened office. The room belonged to the master of coin, and even in the dim light you could see it was lavishly appointed, with a huge oak desk that dominated the center of the room, vaulted ceilings, and ornate gold molding creeping along the walls.
You gave the room a cursory once over, then turned to make your way back to your route, until a quiet rustle disturbed the silence. You halted, grabbing Sero’s lanky arm.
He gave you a wide-eyed look, and you both turned back to the desk. There was a quiet sound, like a careful breath.
“Hello?” Sero said. “Is anyone here?”
Silence pressed down on you.
“Come out and we won’t hurt you,” you tried, feeling your hand sliding over the hilt of your sword.
There was another rustle, and a dark shape materialized from behind the desk. You bit down on a swear.
“Who are you?” Sero asked, but the figure stayed silent, simply standing there.
You unsheathed your sword, wincing at the loud ringing slide of the metal cutting through the ominous silence. “It could be the spy. Get the captain, Sero.”
Sero looked at you nervously. “I’d rather not leave you.”
You brandished your sword. “You’re faster, and we need to take them in. Be quick.”
He regarded you for another moment then took a step back, slipping out of the room. You heard the loud slap of his boots as his pace picked up in the hall, leaving you alone with the figure.
You peered closely at them, noting the way their dark hood fell over their face. It completely covered the figure, revealing no detail except their height and general shape. They were reasonably tall, and you thought they must be a man, judging from their square shoulders and imposing stature.
“Who are you?” you asked again. They stayed silent and still before you.
“Why are you here?” you tried again. They said nothing, but they took a slow step out from behind the desk, the dark fabric of their cloak swishing softly.
You took a step back. “Stay where you are.”
The figure paid you no heed, taking another step toward you. You held your sword out in front of you, feeling your pulse jump in your throat.
Almost faster than you could see, the figure’s cloak moved. There was a flash of something bright red in your vision, and then they were whipping out a sword, striking out at your own blade.
You gasped as the shock of their strike rang up your arm and you pushed them off with all your strength. They took a step back then raised their arm overhead for another blow, coming down on you fast. You parried, ducking out of the way.
You tried to force them onto the back foot but they were just slightly too quick, catching the swipe you aimed at their side. There was a clatter from the hall outside the room, and the figure’s head raised, angling towards the door. They whipped their sword up, slamming into yours with unbearable strength, and knocked you clean to the floor.
You scrambled onto your hands, grasping at your sword to defend yourself, but they were already whirling around, the tails of their cloak snapping the air behind them.
“Stop!” you shouted, but they had already raised themselves onto the desk, leaping onto the sill of the large window behind it, kicking it open and breaking the lock. Then they leapt, disappearing off the ledge into the dark night.
Swift footsteps sounded in the hall and Sero’s gasping breaths came at the doorway.
“L/N!” he said and you whirled around, breathing heavily yourself. A head of unruly blonde hair appeared at Sero’s shoulder, and Bakugou's eyes darted quickly around the room before narrowing in on you.
“The window!” you shouted, gesturing at it. “He knocked me down and jumped out.”
Both their heads whipped up to look at the clattering window panes, the latch hanging loosely from the left side, flapping limply in the breeze. Bakugou crossed to the window, planting a foot up on the desk to push himself onto the ledge and peering outside.
You tried to ignore the way his thighs bunched powerfully in his breeches as he did so. Now was so not the time.
“You okay?” Sero asked kindly, helping you to your feet.
You nodded. “Yes. He didn’t have enough time to hurt me, just pushed me over and ran.”
Bakugou turned back to you, fixing you with an unblinking crimson stare. The hair on your arms stood up at the intensity of his focus. “What did he look like?” he demanded.
You shook your head. “I couldn’t see. He wore a cloak and it covered everything. He was tall, maybe just shorter than you, but that was all I could tell.”
Bakugou’s mouth twisted in a scowl. “How did he move?”
You thought for a moment. “He was faster than me - trained in basics, I think. He used a lot of the standard strikes we go through in drills. And he was notably...violent? He put tons of power into each blow, he was definitely trying to kill.”
You could feel Sero shudder behind you.
Bakugou regarded you impassively, eyes flicking up and down over you. “Every time something happens, it seems like you’re involved, pretty boy. Want to tell me why that is?”
Your heart leapt into your throat. “What? No, I didn’t--! Sero was with me, I--!”
Bakugou leapt down from the desk, prowling over to you. “Not the whole time he wasn’t.”
Your eyes widened. “Captain, no! I didn’t--you think I let him escape?”
Bakugou leaned into your space, his face inches from your own. Your breathing shallowed and you froze up, locked in place as if by some unseen force. His eyes were so, so red, burning into you like hot embers. You felt like he could see straight through you to your skeleton, the ferocity of his focus carving through you like a hot knife through butter.
“You tell me, pretty boy,” he said, so quiet that you could barely hear it, even scant inches from him. It was a disturbing turnaround from his usual violent screaming. “I hear you begging your little heart out to keep me from finding something out and then this happens?”
Your stomach dropped. “Captain, I swear I wouldn’t.”
He smirked. “Or maybe, you’re just so incapable a soldier that you couldn’t help but let him escape. Which is it?”
Anger crashed over you like a river breaking through a dam. “I did my best, sir," you said slowly, meeting his eye. "I didn't choose to let him go.”
Bakugou considered you for a moment, scarlet eyes darting over your face like he was cataloguing your every feature. Finally he drew back from you, pushing you into Sero’s chest.
“Take the shrimp back to the barracks,” he said dismissively, turning back to the room. He scanned over its contents with a keen eye. “I’m done with you.”
Sero saluted, gently taking your elbow. “Come on, L/N,” he said quietly.
You bit your lip and let him steer you towards the door, trying to quell your anger. Before you could exit, however, Bakugou called back over his shoulder.
“Careful what you do next, pretty boy,” he said, the hint of a sneer in his voice. “I’ll be watching you.”
With that, Sero tugged you from the room and you followed him closely back towards the barracks, Bakugou’s threat weighing heavily on your shoulders.
Fucking great.
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atsukashii · 4 years
❝snow day❞  // k. bakugou
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SYNOPSIS: ➛ You and your boyfriend make the most of the first snowfall of winter - but both of your competitive sides makes it a disaster.
» CHARACTER PAIRING: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
» GENRE: @bnhabookclub​ bingo slot snowball fight
» WARNINGS: swearing, mentions of broken bones & fluff to the max
« masterlist || ao3 »
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“Oh my god!” You cry out, excitedly springing from your bed as soon as your eyes lock onto the white flakes fluttering down from the clouds outside.
Its finally snowing!
You run out of your dorm room, still clothed in your pyjamas and sprint towards Bakugou’s room, only stopping when you pass a window and you notice the world outside. The snow-covered world outside. It hadn’t just started snowing it had been coming down all night. Because outside of the building, the grounds of U.A had become a winter wonderland. 
You don’t hold in your squeals of excitement as you charge down the hall, your fluffy socks skidding you to a stop outside your boyfriend’s room. 
“Katsu, Katsu, Katsu!” You sing as you barge into his room. You don’t even give him a chance to reply or wake up, before you throw yourself on his bed, next to his sleeping figure. 
“What the hell?!” He snaps startled, his hair matted to his forehead, and his ruby eyes still slightly glazed with sleep. Once his brain catches up with the sudden awakening, and he realises it’s you, Katsuki lets out a groan and flops back down onto his pillow.
“What do you want?”
“It’s snowing Katsu!” You squeal unable to hold in the excitement any more, pointing to the curtain covered window above his bed. Rolling over onto his forearms, the blonde practically hisses as you yank back the curtain, letting the light in. Squinting at the outside world, he has the audacity to turn back to you with a raised eyebrow.
“So? It’s winter dumbass. Of course it’s snowing.” He says, laying back down and placing an arm under his head and closing his eyes. You pout at your boyfriend and look back out to the snow. 
Winter has been your favourite season since you were a child. It could be partially due to your quirk being the ability to manipulate ice and snow, but it also stems from the memories you and your parents created when you were a child. Building snowmen, making snow angels, having snowball fights and then there’s hot cocoa, warm mittens and beanies… What wasn’t there to love about winter?!
Glancing back at Bakugou again, your eyes can’t help but be drawn to his bicep that’s just right there for you to appreciate due to his love of singlets, even in winter. Okay so maybe there is one bad side about winter - the fact that he can’t wear that outside. Summer was also right up there with your favorite season, but that favoritism probably had more to do with your boyfriend’s infinite amount of tanks and his drool-worthy muscles. Thank god for summer.
No y/n, focus! Winter, and snow... Snow!!!
Looking back outside, childish giddiness floods your bones at the view. You need to get out there. Now. Suddenly an idea pops into your head and you lean down over your boyfriend who is currently faking to be asleep.
“Hey, Katsu?” He groans in response, but opens one ruby eye, just enough to show you an expression of pure annoyance, but you also see the warmth that is there when you’re with him. “Do you want to build a snowman?” The question earns you a pillow to the face before his warm arms wrap around you, pulling you to lay on his chest. Okay, this isn’t too bad either.
“No.” Is all he says, closing his eyes and letting out a relaxed breath. It is a Saturday after all, and is the one day of the week that he lets himself sleep in late - not that 7 am is late by any means.
“What about a snowball fight?” You say, trying again. You really really want to go outside, and to have Katsuki there too would just make the memory so much sweeter.
“I’m not having a fucking snowball fight with you y/n.” Placing your hands on his chest, you push up from him, pouting and giving him the harshest glare you can muster. The amusement flickering to life in his eyes suggests that it’s not intimidating at all, but he’s also Katsuki and hence can be an asshole so his opinion on the matter is bias.
“Fine.” Standing up from his bed, you head towards the door. “If you won’t, then I suppose Kirishima and Kaminari will be more than happy to join in.” You call out over your shoulder. The two boys in question having become your very close friends since even before you started to date Katsuki not even a year ago. And that friendship was a tool you used frequently to make things go your way when it came to your boyfriend. That was not to say you were manipulative, not at all - for he did the same thing to you, but he could just lift you over his shoulder and carry you wherever he wanted to. Seeing as you weren’t close to your boyfriend’s height, or anywhere near as strong, picking you up and leaving was his best tactic to get you to do what he wanted. And this was yours, along with using his competitiveness against him, but seeing as you were both very competitive, this often backfired.
You hadn’t even made it to the door when you heard him grumble.
“Fuck those too shitty haired bastards. I’ll meet you downstairs in five. If you’re not there I’m leaving.” He says, rising from his bed, already walking to his ensuite. You are grinning and he points a finger at you accusingly, his still sleep crusted eyes narrowing.
“No squealing, it’s too fucking early.” So instead, you hop up and down before interrupting his walk to the bathroom and placing a kiss on his cheek. He grumbles in response, but the smile on his lips says otherwise about his “displeasure” of the surprise kiss. You don’t wait another second before running out of his room and back towards your own, knowing full well that if you’re late, the opportunity will pass. 
❄ ❄ ❄
Both you and Katsuki were very competitive people, which was a reason that you two got along so well. You were constantly pushing yourself to be better, not just than the other, but you were nurturing in your ways that helped the other be better. So really, when it came down to things like a normal snowball fight, they didn’t exist.
It was a match to the death.
“No quirks,” Bakugou says, calling out across the front yard of your dorm building. You gape at your rugged up boyfriend and his crappy rules, as he is currently using his quirk to warm his hands.
“That’s a crap rule Katsuki!” You argue, bending down and finish an extra layer of padding to your ice wall that you will most likely have to hide behind at one point. These matches were going to be full-on, there would be no prisoners and no giving up. 
“Deal with it, princess.” Your face flushes at the nickname, and in your moment of weakness from the surprise pet name, you almost are unable to dodge the snowball aimed perfectly at your face. Pivoting just in time, you glare at your boyfriend who stands there, tossing another snowball carelessly in his hand - a feral grin on his face.
“I wasn’t aware that I was dating a cheater.” You growl, grabbing a snowball from your small already made pile, pretending to aim it at him.
“Didn’t know I was dating a coward. You going to just hold it there, or throw it, princess?” Katsuki teases. The smug smirk on his face has your blood boiling in the best way, and the urge to make his snowball hit him in the face is almost too much. Maybe later.
“Oh, you’re on cheating bastard!” You shout before sending a snowball his way. 
You two are ruthless, and your battle almost lasts an entire hour. At one point, Kirishima comes out of the dorms, asking to join in, and only gets a snowball to the face from Katsuki in response. The redhead retaliates by ‘accidentally’ stepping on part of Bakugou’s snow wall, earning a squawk of outrage from the blonde, and then a snowball to the face from you.
To be honest, at this rate, you’re not even sure who’s winning, all you know is that that you’ve been cornered by Katsuki’s relentless fire for a few minutes. How the hell does he make snowballs so fast? You know you need to make more and fast before he walks over here and forces your surrender.
No. I will not surrender, it is victory or death!
You scramble to make a small pile of snowballs when a villainous chuckle comes from behind you.
“Any last words princess?” Bakugou whispers into your ear, and your heart is thundering so loud you barely hear him.
“Kiss my ass!” You say the adrenaline making your mouth move before you can think, but your response only earns another smug laugh from the looming figure behind you. 
“Very well. Now die!” Spinning towards him you watch almost in slow motion as he raises his arm, ready to peg the ice-ball at your face, but the second it leaves his hands, you throw your hands up instinctively in front of your face to protect you from the incoming slaughter. However, the impact never comes, or at least to you. 
“Fuck!” Looking through your fingers, you see Katsuki wiping snow from his face and you realise almost too late that you accidentally...may have used your quirk... Katsuki looks at you with a deadly glare, and if you weren’t already sitting down, your legs would have probably turned to jelly. What is normally a look that you find very attractive on your boyfriend, now successfully has you fearing for your life.
“Did you just use your damn quirk on me y/n?” He used your full name. Yeah, you’re screwed. You don’t even respond before using your hand to flick snow up at him as a distraction, before sprinting away from the grumbling blonde like your ass is on fire. “You’re dead princess!” You are running as if your life depends on it. Because with Katsuki, right now it does. Your arms pumping, heart-pounding in your ears, but you know it’s all for nothing when you hear the familiar pops of Katsuki’s quirk.
Jesus Christ you’re going to die! 
You make the typical horror movie mistake and look over your shoulder, to see Bakugou approaching quickly, using his quirk to fly him through the air towards you. It’s not the fact that you look over your shoulder that makes you trip, or maybe it is. But you’re going to blame it on the grin that covers Bakugou’s face, that is full of so much happiness, it has your brain short-circuiting for a second long enough for you to forget how to run and for you to hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.
“Y/n!” Is all you hear before a resounding crack echoes through your ears.
Oh crap.
❄ ❄ ❄
You sit on the bed in the infirmary, Katsuki next to you, who glares at the bandage on your arm as if it has physically harmed him. You want to laugh, but the second the door opens and your homeroom teacher walks in, any source of amusement leaves the room so fast.
Mr Aizawa looks between the two of you before letting out an exhausted sigh. This wasn’t the first time that you and Bakugou’s competitive natures resulted in one of you ending up with a visit to recovery girl. But normally it was just a scratch or a cut - so a compound fracture was a new escalation.
“To say I’m surprised would be a lie.” Your teacher says before frowning at you two. “Rest that up, and next time you decide to have warfare on the dorm lawn, please refrain from injuring each other. Recovery Girl is not here to heal wounds created from stupidity.” Mr Aizawa finishes before sending you on your way.
Side by side, you and Katsuki walk back towards the dorms, the dull throb of your now recovered arm forgotten when he slips his hand into your uninjured one. “You’re a real dumbass you know that? What idiot trips over their own feet and breaks their arm?” Katsuki huffs at you. “I was blinded.” You shrug, the adrenaline from earlier is still pumping in your blood, as well as your pure happiness from the day so far. Suddenly your arm is pulled until it almost pops out of its pocket as Katsuki draws you towards him.
“What the fuck you talking about?” He questions, thoroughly confused. The giddy smile and bubbling excitement of the day’s events emerges back on your face as you look up at the blonde.
“I was blinded by your smile.” It’s corny and cringe and you know he’ll act as if he despises it.
“I’m breaking up with you.” But the smile that covers his face, one that he shows when he knows that no one can see his reaction, tells you otherwise -  he loves it.
“Who would put up with your homicidal tendencies then?” You reply, placing your injured hand on his cheek, the small movement not causing it any pain. Katsuki watches you for a moment as if assessing whether that hurt you, before he tilts his head and places a gentle kiss to your wrapped palm, then cups your jaw and places a soft kiss to your lips. Sparks flush down your spine at the contact, and you can’t help but place an extra chaste kiss against his pink lips when he pulls back ever so slightly. “Thank you for today,” your voice is a whisper against his lips.
“You’re lucky I love you, princess.” Katsuki sighs, tucking you under his arm as you finally reach the front doors of the building, trying to protect you from the cold outside.
“I love you too Katsu.”
The broken arm was worth it.
Best snow day ever.
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©️ 2020 all rights reserved to atsukashii, do not change, edit, translate, or repost any works on any platform.
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scarabiaa · 2 years
anyway, for the winter ask game (also yes i believe in winter supremacy), how about ⛄(unexpected, i know) for lumi and allen and ❄️ for vance and astro?
listen. i even had to pull up his profile to make sure i wasn’t imagining things. past me is definitely smacking present me. OMG VANCE AND ASTRO INTERACTION YAYAYAYAYYAYAYYAY
also the first drabble is actually a true story of me not making a snowman, but squidward when i was like ten
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[  ⛄ our muses make a snowman ]
It wasn’t supposed to be snowing outside. Allen groaned as he sneezed underneath the cold snowflakes entering his room. Wait a minute, snowflakes don’t go inside rooms like that. They don’t dance in sideways and they most definitely do not squeak. He sat up, hugging his blanket, only to see Lumi leaning against the door frame with a big smile. 
“Lumi? What are you doing in RSA?”
“Figured that since it’s boring here, we should do something we did before. Come on. Let’s go build a snowman.” Her tone of voice had slightly changed ever since she found where her power came from and why. She definitely changed too, no one could deny that, but with that change came the return of their friendship. He piled on a bunch of warm clothes, knowing that even if it was spring, Lumi’s magic would make it as cold as the dead of winter. The snowgies pushing him out the door were also like little bits of snowcones.
They were outside and Allen could see a bunch of students squinting at them. It was a strange group: a girl producing snow, a very much bundled-up boy, and a crowd of tiny snowmen warbling and squeaking. He was going to glare at them but Lumi stopped and said, “Okay, here it is. Brace yourself.”
Something swirled around all of them, making the temperature a lot colder yet he didn’t have the heart to say anything. He wanted to go back to the way they used to be, when they would play with each other. Now they were in a frozen space. All around them was the white of snow, maybe a few trees and fallen logs. The perfect place to make a snowman. 
The snowgies were cheering at the sight and they were off. Lumi grinned at Allen and said, “Let’s do the body first, then we can build up from there.”
Needless to say, building a snowman was harder than it looked. They gathered  a lot of snow, ready to make a pure, no-magic-used snowman but it all just fell into a clump. There was one big snow boulder that they both pushed, but because of the angle that they were at, with one accidental move, the boulder was falling down the hill. Both of them were screaming out of sheer fear of the boulder cracking open, which is exactly what happened. The snowgies were now helping out, even though they would just fall into the snow and trip over their own two feet, eager to help Allen most of all.
“I think they like you a lot.” Lumi said, heaving a giant mound of snow onto another pile of snow. “Also, does this look like a snowman to you?”
Allen blinked. These were the times where he had to be brutally honest with her. “It looks like, what’s that one character Eureka and Gale talked about? The guy from the sponge boy?”
“Squidward? Are you comparing our masterpiece to Squidward Tentacles?!” Lumi only knew about this because Gale constantly showed her memes, but that was something she didn’t expect Allen to bring up. She found a pinecone that sat at a curve and shoved it into the snowman’s face. “Find stones.”
Allen only found two stones and sticks for the body and once they stepped back to admire their work, they were satisfied. No, it was not a snowman and they both knew it. But the fact that they both got together to work on it was more than enough. The time they spent together was dear to Lumi and Allen, even if the cold did bother him.
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[ ❄️ toss a snowball at my muse ]
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The snow outside was a sight to behold. Even more so in the Heartslabyul dorm, where everything outside became a winter wonderland. The roses were dusted with the snow, slowly hardening as the day got colder and colder.
Trey had said that it was a bad idea to go outside, but Astro distinctly remembered seeing Miles sneaking out. For what reason, he did not know. The snow gave him nostalgia of the snowball fights he had with the other members of his group. So, he went to Vance's room and knocked harshly. "Vance! Vance, come on, let's go outside!"
Vance opened the door and smiled at the sight of Astro. "In the snow right now? You're so on. But what about Trey?"
Astro scoffed. "That nerdling? Follow me, I have a more fun way."
They snuck back to Astro's room and opened his window. It was not that high, there was a pile of snow waiting for them once they jumped. Vance knew that as a skater, he had to jump from certain places. This was nothing. Astro went first though, just to make sure Vance did not injure himself. Once he landed, he yelled, "Your turn!"
Vance launched himself out, immediately getting deep into the pile of snow. Somehow, Astro had piled more so that he could sink in deeper and bring him amusement. Sure enough, Astro was laughing hysterically at the sound.
"Very funny, take this!" Vance threw a snowball at Astro and it landed right in his face. He armed himself with another one and Astro had a wicked grin on his face.
What happened next was a flurry of snowballs, hasty making of them, and the dodging of them. Vance set up a system, thinking of this as a video game whereas Astro was just enjoying himself. They even took a break to construct their own headquarters.
"Fellows and fellas and fellees, welcome to the amazing Snowball Battle I, where Vance and Astro will now go against each other." Astro said dramatically, speaking almost to nobody. Vance, however, heard him and was laughing. "Should one of them fall, the other wins! All right, men, prepare your battle stations. Ready, men?"
Vance yelled, "Aye, aye, captain!"
Needless to say, Astro and Vance forgot that they did not have a way back into a dorm without making it clear they disobeyed the vice house leader. They had to trudge through the dorm, snow in their hair and shivering furiously, as the others covered snickers.
Ace was the one that yelled, "TREYYYYYY, COME HERE!"
Yes, Astro did send a bit of dark magic to whack his head. No, he didn't see anything. He made sure Vance got to his room safely and then plopped into his own room. The snowball fight was fun, he had to remind himself to take Vance out for more adventures another time.
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decks-writing-blog · 3 years
I am the King!
The Hand of the King stood across the way, looming large and intimidating in front of the smoldering remains of the throne. He wouldn’t move from there no matter how long Behead hung around out here. Or at least his patience for standing around was always far greater than theirs. Even during the instances they’d done their best to taunt him, he hadn’t responded. Like the real pain in the ass he was, he’d only move once they entered into his arena trap. Where he’d ‘kill’ them again as he’d done many, many times before.
Beheaded had killed him a few times before too but not in a long while and they didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell this attempt either. Their health flask was empty and their body was far too damaged to survive more than a blow or two from his massive blade. It was annoyinglosing so many times to him, especially in a row. Did he even remember any of it though? No one ever seemed to comment on the fact that the island was stuck in a time loop so was Beheaded the only one who remembered or knew? Other than Time Keeper anyway, presumably the one responsible for the looping and thus had to know by default. Or was it common knowledge and thus not something worth mentioning? … Perhaps they should try to ask someone sometime.
Speaking of asking about things though, a handful of runs ago they’d finally managed to defeat the Giant. He’d called them ‘King’. It had been odd but they’d quickly put it out of their mind. In part due to their frustration with losing to the Hand again, ruining their good mood gained from beating the Giant. But now that they were thinking of it again as they sat on the ground in a small pool of their current body’s blood, staring across at the impassive Hand, why had he called them that?
They had no memories outside of this time loop but they’d already determined they’d probably once upon a time been human – or at least created from a human body – based off stuff they’d found in the Undying Shores. But the King? How likely was that in truth? Impossible for them to say for sure since they didn’t know about what might or might not have happened to him before everything completely fell to ruin. But it didn’t really matter to them much either way. Except for the fact that if they hadbeen the King that would mean the Hand of the King had been their Hand. It would also explain their irrational anger at the sight of the ‘King’ on the throne. … But wouldn’t having seen him there contradict the Giant calling them ‘King’? … He hadn’t seemed very alive though, not reacting at all to anything so clearly something was up there. Plus the whole time loop thing made for some pretty weird happenings. So it was still possible Beheaded was the King and thus the Hand was theirs.
It’d be pretty neat to have a big strong fellow like him be at their beck and call. Or at least firmly in their command. … What did hands of kings even do? Were they some kind of special servant guard, second in command, or something else? … It didn’t matter, there’d be no killing him this time no matter what so maybe reigning him back into their control – even if it was only for this loop if he didn’t remember in future loops – would be a fun alternative. It would certainly be something different to do anyway; a brief break from being sliced to bits and slicing monsters to bits in turn.
Carefully, Beheaded, stood back up. They took one step closer to the Hand but stopped. How would they reign him back in when they couldn’t speak to tell him they were the King he was supposed to be the Hand of? Did they have something to write on that they could toss his way? … No. Nor did they have anything to write with other than perhaps their own blood. So how would they communicate? …
Well if they trying to be ‘friendly’ anyway… They took another couple steps closer, putting them near the edge of where his arena would start. Then they lifted a hand in their best attempt at a friendly wave. A foreign gesture to them, probably from even back when they’d been a human, if what they’d surmised about what kind of person the King had been was true.
The Hand didn’t respond of course but that was expected. However his stance seemed to finally change a little as Beheaded lifted up their crossbow and made of show of putting it on the ground. Next, they pulled their backpack off and made another show of taking out their shield and traps and placing them on the ground next to the crossbow. And just for good measure, they dropped the backpack too before splaying out their arms, palms open, as they strode closer.
This was a stupid idea, disarming themself like a fool before approaching such a dangerous foe. But they’d have ‘died’ even if they’d gone in ready to fight like they usually did. So really the only thing at stake was their pride and dignity, which, considering how many times the Hand had ‘killed’ them with seeming ease already, wouldn’t be thathurt by another such event anyway.
Proving once and fall all that the Hand was still sane, he allowed Beheaded to slowly stride close to him without jumping out to attack like he normally did. He finally moved when they were about three quarters of the way across the arena towards him, lifting a hand in a gesture to stop. It grated on their nerves to do so but they obeyed, dropping their arms to hang limp at their sides as the Hand now started slowly approaching them.
He stopped a foot or so a way, within striking distance for him but safe from them, as if they could actually do anything to him anyway. “What?” His voice was deeper than they would’ve thought but understandably full of suspicion and anger as he glared down at them. Interesting how even though his eyes were hidden beneath the shadow of his helmet along with the rest of his face, his gaze could still be felt.
Beheaded bristled under it because who was he to look so disdainfully down at them? Only because they’d already come this far, they refrained from lifting a hand to flip him off, instead they lifted their index finger in a ‘wait a moment’ gesture. Then, fighting every instinct they’d gained during these many, many and increasingly more dangerous and violent run throughs of the island, they turned their back on him and crouched down. They were bleeding freely from multiple wounds, their clothes stuck uncomfortably warm and wet to their body with it, making getting enough on their finger tip to write on the ground with easy.
“I was not aware you were even capable of trying to communicate,” the Hand said as they wrote. Again, they were tempted to snap around and flip him off, with both hands this time, but they refrained once more, hating it and kind of regretting attempting this. But it was too late to back down now and he should apologize profusely to them once he knew the truth. … Or if he believed their lie, assuming the Giant had been incorrect in addressing them as ‘King’ or straight up lying, either was possible.
As they finished dotting the exclamation point, they looked over what they’d written so far. ‘I am the King!’ Perhaps they should’ve gone with all caps to make it more impactful, too late now though. Now should they write more and offer an explanation? … They didn’t really have an explanation though other than the Giant had called them ‘my King’ a grand total of once. Which wasn’t a lot to go on and they weren’t sure it was true themself. So their message was fine as it was.
They hopped back up to their feet, turning to face the Hand again. Taking a step to the side, they gestured for him to come closer and read their message. He hesitated for a second or two, just glaring at them before stepping closer to look down.
Immediately his stance shifted. Beheaded began moving before he’d even started lifting his lance but was still a bit too close and not quite fast enough to get out of its range before its end was slicing diagonally through their chest.
As always the ‘death’ blow was the most painful. They started disconnecting from it and the now useless body even before hitting the ground. The thud of the body landing in the dirt helped jostle them the rest of the way out. They pulled the last of their tendrils out and…
An armored boot stomped down on them, flattening them into the dirt and blocking out their vision. Then, adding insult to injury, the boot ground roughly down into them. Rude and utterlyuncalled for! Seriously what kind of asshole did that kind of thing?
There was nothing Beheaded could do about it though. So for now, they used the bits of themself smooshing out around the boot to pull the rest of themself out. A task made more difficult by his weight pressing down on them but they were slippery enough that they could still do it rather quickly. They naturally sprang back up into a blob.
They glanced back at the Hand, glaring down at them and holding his now bloody lance at his side. Even just being able to flip him off would be nice. But they couldn’t so before any more harm could be done to their dignity, they turned their gaze away and quickly rolled off. They’d be back though. And when they returned, they were going to make him pay for being such an ass.
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Snowy Mornings
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Word Count: 860
A/N: Alright! So I wrote this for @slytherinbarnes for Secret Santa! Bby, I am so sorry I was like the worst SS of all time, like I just forgot that things existed, but I hope you enjoy? (Catch me getting nervous kjdskjsdkj) Tagging @johnmurphyisqueer and @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis our lovely Secret Santa hosts! Thank you both so much for this! 😘
Bellamy had been in love before. At least he thought he did, but he quickly learned that what he felt for you went beyond. He never once questioned his love for you. For him, it was you. It would always be you.
He was pulled out of his thoughts as your hand caressed the side of his face and he turned to look at you laying on the bed next to him. The blanket was pulled up under your chin as you smiled at him. “What are you thinking about?” You whispered and he could hear the softness of your morning voice, causing his own smile to tug at his lips. You shivered quietly from the cold air outside the ark making its way inside and Bellamy’s hand encircled your waist slowly before he pulled you into his side and tucked his arm under you. You laughed, that bright laugh that Bellamy was certain was magic.
“I was just thinking.” He mumbled and let his eyes glance down to your lips. You quickly caught on, biting your lower lip before inching closer into him.
“Just thinking?” you questioned and he nodded. “Does this thinking have anything to with me?”
It was Bellamy’s turn to laugh as your stomach fluttered with the butterflies that lived in there permanently thanks to him. “Always does.” He whispered as you grew closer and his eyes never left your lips until they were on his, pressed so delicately that he felt his body relax quickly, his hand on your back pulling you closer until your bodies were pushed together with your legs tangling.
You pulled away before the kiss could get father than that and ran your hand through his curls before you pushed away from him. “Where are you going?” Bellamy asked, obviously disappointed that he lost your kiss and your warmth.
You shot him a smirk as you stood up and threw on some warmer clothes. “Did you forget that we had responsibilities?” You asked him, tossing him a heaver shirt when he groaned and fell back into back. “Come on, Bell.” You giggled, reaching a hand out that he accepted. “The faster we can get to work, the quicker we can get back to-“
“Making out?” He interrupted as you rolled your eyes.
“I was going to say cuddling, but I’m not opposed to your idea.” Bellamy threw his head back in laughter as you smirked, getting dressed before he was even out of bed. He finally stood in front of you, barely dressed enough to leave the room, let alone go outside in the snow. “Okay, fine Mr. Blake. When you’re ready and dressed, I’ll be outside. Come and join me and maybe, just maybe, you’ll get another kiss.” You gave him a playful smile before leaving, hearing the ruckus of Bellamy scrambling to get dressed as you took off down the hall and outside as fast as you could.
Bellamy hurried as he got clothed, not wanting to leave you waiting and also wanting that kiss. He hardly paid attention to people as he passed them in the halls, hearing his name said by multiple people who only received a distracted wave and a glance their way. Snow crunched under his feet as he made it outside, pausing to look around but he didn’t see you. “Y/N?” He called out, thinking you would’ve been waiting nearby.
“Over here!” He heard your voice and turned to see you, only to get hit with a snowball. There was a silence in his ears before your laughter broke through. “Right in the face!” You laughed out, bending over to support yourself. Bellamy, despite the snow sticking to his face at the moment, chuckled with you and wiped it off. At least enough to see you. Your head perked up to see him walking to you and you stuck out your lip in a fake pout. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, I’ll be better in a second, I think you owe me a kiss.” He said and you started backing up, seeing most of the snow you threw at him was still all over his face.
“Wipe your face first-“
“Bell!” He didn’t reply, only managing to keep you from backing up when his arms went around your waist and he lifted you into the air. You squealed although the sounds seemed more like laughs as you wrapped your legs around him to keep you up.
“You’re so in love with me.” He mumbled when you stopped laughing, arms draped around his neck to play with the curls hanging off the back of his head.
“I am.” You happily admitted. “What are you going to do about it?” You cocked a brow.
Bellamy’s laugh rambled in his chest. “First, I’m gonna be happy you love me back.” He said and your strong demeanor softened. Leave it to Bellamy to always make you weak. “Second, I’m going to do this.” He leaned in quickly and despite your protests against kissing him with snow on his face, most of it had fallen as he spoke, leaving his lips nice and open for you to kiss. Which you had done happily.
Sorry if I forgot anyone! 
Permanent: @literal-fand0m-trash @nathaliabakes @colored-confetti @btsiguess-kpop @galacticstxrdust @independentgirl @hollymac79 @emcchi @rauwz @chewymoustachio @smilexcaptainx @faith-quake @johnmurphyisqueer @kettnerjanea @teenagereadersciencenerd @ladykxxx08 @annasofiaearlobe @mytreec @ananad1 @agentnataliahofferson @the-unmanaged-mischief @wonderful-writer @theonly1outof-a-billion
Bellamy: @jodiereedus22 @mysterioustruffle @danielabetancourth @a-sweet-little-fangirl @werosies @brxghtlelune @gxvrielle
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fatiguing-thoughts · 3 years
“Natural” - Chapter 11 - Embry Call x Reader (1 of 2)
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Victoria vs Edward 
             Reader’s POV
I wake up to Embry slightly sitting up, whispering “Please.” 
“You gotta wake up.” 
I mumble an okay, sitting up with him. Happy to be in his arms. 
“Seth is outside.” Embry’s morning voice brought chills to my spine.
“Alright, let’s go out.” I get up and lead the way out of the tent. 
I notice the snow and immediately feel happier. Oh how I loved the snow far too much. 
“We’re playing in the snow after this shit-show.” I giggle, looking back at him. 
I thought about all of the play fights we’ve had in the snow. All the igloos we’ve built, the snowmen, the snowball fights. Everything I wanted to do with Embry again. 
“You got it, bean.” Embry smiled at me, his hands finding my lower back.
“Hey Seth.” I reach out a hand to pet his soft, sand colored fur. 
“Hey Jake.” I softly smile.
“Hey.” He says, slight attitude coming out. 
I ignore it and attribute it to his night last night, which I assumed to be not so great.
“It’s time to go.” Edward states. 
Embry looks me in the eye, holding my waist. 
“Alright, I love you, okay? Be safe and I’ll be right back by your side as soon as I can. You got this, bean.” He pulls me into his chest, kissing the top of my head. 
“I love you, Em. Please be safe, kick some ass.” I smirk.
He kisses me one last time, pulling away was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Letting go was hard.
I say goodbye to Jacob before he and Embry go behind the bushes to undress and phase. I pick up their clothes and shove them into my backpack, taking my pocket knife out and putting it in my jeans pocket. I took the hoodie off and put it in the backpack as well, wanting to prevent it from getting damaged or stained.
Seth and I walk over to the significantly larger wolves, Jacob and Embry. 
“I love you, Em. I’ll see you later.” I kiss his snout and rake my fingers through his soft fur. 
Jake and Embry nod at me once more, before Embry exchanges a look with Edward.
“She’ll be safe.” Edward comforts Embry’s nervous thoughts. 
Jacob and Embry bolt down the mountain, faster than my eyes could barely make out. 
I sit and wait with Edward, Seth, and Bella. 
“She’s close. I can hear her thoughts.” Edward gasps, looking around for her. 
I lean closer into Seth, fear setting in. However, Edward grabs me and pulls Bella and I close to him.
“Seth, go.” Edward says quietly. 
“She caught my scent, knowing you would be with me.” Edward breathes out. 
I felt my heart beating in my throat, I clutched Edward’s arm tight enough that it hurt my own. 
“She’s not alone.” Edward whispers, looking around.
A tall, pale man with red eyes comes out from behind the trees. 
“Riley. Listen to me. Victoria is using you to distract me. She knows I’ll kill you. In fact, she’ll be happy she doesn’t have to deal with you anymore.” Edward begins. 
A redheaded woman lands on a rock nearby, shaking the ground below us from the force. 
“Don’t listen to him, I told you about their mind tricks.” Victoria manipulates the tall boy, Riley. 
“She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. She doesn’t care about anything else. You know the area, that’s the only reason she chose you. She doesn’t love you.” 
“Riley, don’t let him do this to us. I love you, you know that.” Victoria looks at him. 
We stand in silence for a moment, I felt my heart about to leap from my chest. 
“You’re dead.” Riley whispers, lunging at us. But after a step at us, Seth jumps from the side, taking him down. He tosses him like a ragdoll, ripping Riley’s hand off.
Riley’s scream echoed in my eardrums, full of pain. 
Victoria begins to run away, abandoning Riley to die alone. 
“You won’t get another chance like this again. You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James. When I turned him to ash, when I turned him to nothing.” Edward taunts, Victoria turns around shaking. 
I hear Seth and Riley, some of the most unpleasant sounds ever. 
Victoria’s horrific growl, no scream, frightened me as she lunged over to Bella and I. Edward grabs her, taking her down. He flings her into a tree. She climbs up faster than I thought as Edward ushers us out of the way. He pushes the tree down, Victoria lunges at us once more. 
I look at Seth and Riley once again. Riley was kicking Seth away, in which he succeeded. Hitting his head against the rock, Seth falls unconscious. 
“Seth.” I cry out in a whisper, tears coming to my eyes. 
Riley comes over and helps Victoria out of Edward’s hold. Edward gets ahold of him, almost killing him before Victoria grabs the back of his head, ready to kill Edward.
Bella’s breath hitched, panic filling both of our brains. 
“The third wife…” I whisper.
“What? Right now? Quileute legends right now?” She yells at me.
Of course she forgot this one.
I took out my pocket knife from my pocket, slicing a line in my arm. I felt the warm blood drip down my arm, dripping onto the snow. 
I heard hissing, Bella’s eyes widened as Victoria and Riley look at me, ready to come for me. 
It distracts them enough for Edward to break free, sending Riley flying. 
I see Seth come out and drag Riley away, begging Victoria for help. She ignores his pleas and sets her eyes on us. 
Edward stops her from getting to us, killing her. I heard her skin cracking as Edward took her head off. 
Edward’s face, one of shame, disgust, and relief stared at her body. Bella and I looked at Victoria’s lifeless body on the ground.
Edward rips my shirt and ties it around my arm to stop the bleeding. He thanks me and grabs Bella, pulling her close into his side. 
Seth returns and I walk over to him, leaning into his warm body. 
“We have to go, now.” Edward says, disgust in his face, throwing a zippo onto the bodies-- them bursting into flames.
He carries Bella down as Seth carried me down to the field where we were met with the pack and the rest of the Cullens. 
I see Embry, flinging myself off of Seth I run over to him, pressing myself into his massive body, Seth following close behind. 
“Leah, don’t!” I hear Edward yell. 
I tear my eyes away from Embry to see Leah with a vampire’s arms wrapped around her neck. The sounds of her struggling and snapping caused me to squirm. Not Leah. 
Jacob lunges, ripping the newborn off of her. The vampire crushes Jacob in his arms, letting him flop onto the ground, Leah still shoving herself away to get herself together.
“No!” I yell, running to Leah, stopping myself in my tracks as I hear Jacob’s yelp. 
Before the man went back in on Jacob, Paul and Sam tore him to shreds.
“His bones on the right side of his body are shattered, they’re already healing.” Carlisle explains, holding Jake in his arms to examine him. 
The rest of the pack phases, except Seth, and they pick him up-- carrying him to Billy’s as Sam promised. They would wait for Carlisle to come help them. 
I was in shock, I just watched two of my best friends almost die. 
I look up at Embry, wave and mouth and “I love you” so he wouldn’t worry about me. 
“I love you, too.” He mouths back. 
I get back onto Seth’s back, speeding off into the treeline to get out of there before the Volturi showed up. I watched the pack carry Jacob’s body back to Billy’s. 
I just wanted to hug Embry, I need to be in his arms. I need to talk to him. I see that he’s okay, but I want to hear his voice. 
“Just a few more minutes.” I whisper to myself. 
Word Count: 1370
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