#i quietly acknowledge you exist. i will not interact with you but you are family
and I hope all the quiet queer folks who just want to stay inside and not talk to anyone have had an amazing june doing just that! you are my people
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Spending hours trying to figure out why I feel so irritable and sensitive today and I’m only realizing now it might have something to do w being invited to a birthday party full of an entire family I’ve never met and like seven very small children and the person inviting me assuming I would love that. I want to support her bc I like her and she’s family now, but I cannot---I will not---go to another family event and be pushed into the kitchen doing dishes with the women or cooing over someone’s baby who just stares at me and whines when I try to mask and say hello.
#my period ended so it ain't that.#maybe i'm a horrible person. i just want to be left alone for seven solid days. and i certainly do not want to be forced-#-to interact with children. they scare me. real bad.#maybe this also has something to do with my readings for this week and the fact that we're going to be discussing 'womanhood'.#like the subject is 'what IS a woman to you?' and i am not really looking forward to listening to 15 cis girls tell me-#-how awful it is and how much pain they themselves endured while entirely not acknowledging the existence of trans women#or gnc women.#why am i so irritable jfc.#every time i talk like this to my partner they give me that look lol. the look that's like 'uh huh. i know a trans person when i see one.'#and i'm like shhhhhhh. no. don't say that. shhhh. i don't want to be. i hate myself okay and my family scared me out of it.#wish i could fucking shapeshift. wish i was just fucking born with a dick and a flat chest. actually i wish i was two people.#so i could decide from day-to-day and not have to worry about irreversible changes.#how much of my alleged transness is just internalized misogyny? <- this is a question i ask very very quietly to myself#because i think it's what my mother thinks. and most of the world.#how do i learn to be comfortable AS a masculine woman? i have no one to look up to who can teach me or show me it's okay.#i have transmasc friends who are elated to go on T. i'm scared that they will make me want to do it again. why tf am i scared of that...#irreversible changes. society. literally everything. fucking hell............#no one talks about this particular experience of gender. no one talks about the in-between and the immense fear. at least no one to me.#why am i even taking gender studies in university if every class is full of cis women who don't even know the terminology of transness#or of gender-expansiveness...#i think i've become a very sour person in the last few years.#need to vent through writing or something. like through fanfiction.
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
ocean eyes: chapter three ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ocean eyes masterlist
summary: widow!jake sully x female!reader, 10 year age-gap. jake is lowkey sunshine <3 reader is grumpy! arranged marriage/marriage of convenience, eventual smut, arguing, Jake being a flirt, that’s all + wc - 2,424
comments: part three lovers, reader x ronal interactions are my fav to write fr so this was fun, also i know this has been more reader!centric as opposed to reader x jake but just wait ;) chapter four is literally my favorite from the whole series i am so excited, kk bye <3
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You walked into the marui, Tsireya instantly running into your arms as she cried. The younger girl was at times too sensitive for you. Still you wrapped your arms around her, pulling her closer, “Are you okay?”
“Yes syulang, I am fine. Calm down.”
She took a deep breath, removing herself as she looked over you once more. Her ears pinned back roughly in fear as her mother entered their home. “You are so irresponsible!”
You huffed out an annoyed breath, removing Tsireya from you as you moved deeper into the home. “Yes sister, whatever you say.”
Ronal despised how much you dismissed her, her frustration with your lack of care finally reaching its boiling point. “Tsireya, Ao’nung- out!”
Both of the younger children scurried away, scared to be caught in the crossfire. “You have no regard for anyone but yourself! You are so careless! Stupid girl!”
“I am not a child, Ronal! Stop treating me as such!”
“No, you are far worse! You behave worse than any child I have ever raised!”
Your anger was rising quickly, causing the deepest throb to pound on your temple, ringing angrily in your ears. “I do not know what you want from me sister. When I was younger you wanted me to step out of my shell, now that I am happy, doing as I please you find issue in it. You find issues in everything I do!”
“Yes because you are too wild, you do not understand responsibilities because Tonowari and I have let you run amuck for far too long!”
An angry hiss left your lips, “How many times do I have to tell you? You are not my mother! I was fifteen when you took me in, I had accomplished my Iknimaya well before you began to acknowledge my existence again. I do not need you to mother me!”
Ronal was not sure when her relationship with you got this way, when had your strings tangled so horribly that neither of you recognized the other? Unwilling to see eye to eye. “You have changed so much from when you were a child. I do not recognize you.”
Despite wanting it to, her words hurt you. “You choose not to see me. Refuse to acknowledge that I want to be my own person.”
“Being your own person entails you to be selfish? You hurt the people that care for you! And if that is who you are, then no. I refuse to get to know this new person.”
Her words stung, all you wanted was the attention she ripped away from you when she left your home. You missed her terribly, and since then never found your place with her again. “You will continue to fight this, but know you will be mated. Whether that is with JakeSully or someone else. But I will make sure of it, I want you out of my home as soon as possible.”
Hot tears instantly fell from your eyes and this time it was Ronal who walked out on you.
Jake nervously made his way to his family’s marui, his palms were sweating uncomfortably as he thought of how he should bring up the subject with his children. It had been a few years since Neytiri had left their life, and though they had learned to live without her, he wasn’t sure how they’d take the news.
Worried he’d need to make arrangements for them to leave once more. He sighed quietly, nerves bubbling in his chest as he walked in. His youngest, Tuk, instantly ran into his arms. “Sempul, you’re back!”
He scooped her up in his arms, smiling as she clung to him, “Told you I would be back quickly.”
He moved deeper into the home before setting her down, “Sully meeting, fall in.”
All his kids crowded around him, curiosity filling them as they saw their father fidget with nerves. “You know back in the forest, as Olo’eyktan I needed to make decisions that benefited the clan?”
He was answered by nods, “Well-Tonowari has the same responsibility as I do. He must make decisions with the assistance of the Tsahik, to make sure the safety of their people is ensured.”
Tuk’s lower lip wobbled, “Have they changed their mind?”
Jake instantly brought her into him, flattening her hair as he tried to soothe her. “No babygirl, but they have asked something of me. And I have agreed. But-”
He let out a deep breath, “If you all do not want me to, I can back out and we will take our leave once again.”
Lo’ak was the one to ask, “What do they want, sir?”
“They need to be sure that I am loyal to the clan, that just as they are welcoming us, we are doing the same. Holding loyalty for if any issue ever came to be they need to know I will stand with them.”
“And how will you do that?”
“By taking a mate.”
He waited with baited breath, trying to memorize the micro-expressions on his children’s faces, “Oh.”
“Like I said-I can back out, and we can leave.”
“I don’t want to leave, Sempul.”
Tuk laid her head on his shoulder before she continued speaking, “I like it here.”
Lo’ak stared at Neteyam, he didn’t know how to feel but he knew his older brother's stance on the matter would be the correct one. His expression was unreadable, “With who, sir?”
Jake’s eyes fell to his oldest, “Ronal’s sister.”
Kiri laughed as Neteyam sucked in a breath, “I heard she’s more reckless than Lo’ak, sir.”
It caused the four of them to laugh, Lo’ak sulking in the corner as his oldest brother teased him. “If you believe it is the right thing sir, we do too.”
Jake let out a quiet breath, sending a smile to his oldest three. “We still have a few weeks to go, give you some time to get used to her, yes? And if any of you change your mind, say the word and we’re gone.”
The night after that slipped away comfortably, and in the quiet of the night when his children were asleep Jake made his way towards the beach. He sank into the cool sand and called upon Neytiri, asking her to give him a sign that this was the right thing to do.
He was about to head back when a small glowing figure in the water came towards him. He instantly recognized the shape. An atokirina.
Jake let out a deep puff of air, a heavy weight lifting from his shoulders as the seed swam around him, his fingers dipped into the water and the atokirina tickled his fingers. After a few seconds it retreated, floating deeper into the water.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
You spent the majority of the night tossing and turning, Ronal’s words unable to let sleep come to you peacefully. It was short circuits of bliss, being ripped away by nightmares as her words taunted you. You sighed quietly, the sun barely peeking out by the horizon and you decided it would be best to just start your day. Changing into some of your more comfortable pieces of clothing, deciding to take a quick swim before fetching the Olo’eyktan.
You tiptoed out quietly, not wanting to wake anyone. Once you stepped out of the marui, your pace increased. Your feet digging into the warm sand as you sighed quietly.
You could tell by the tides that the day would be beautiful. Your feet dipped into the water before diving in.
The coolness shocked your senses awake and you couldn't help the giddiness that nestled into your chest. You swam deeper into the freshwater, a small laugh leaving your nose as one of the ilu’s nuzzled their head against your own. You signed to the animal, ‘Hello.’
The animal clacked back at you, only swimming backup to feel the warmth of the sun. Your eyes locked on the blur of dark blue, hands on his hips as he watched you. Your eyes rolled slightly, dipping back into the water to swim for a bit.
Jake’s day had started early too but unlike you the Toruk Makto was well rested. He laughed quietly when he noticed you turned away from him, dipping into the water once again. He decided to wait, he did not have much to do besides learning whatever it is you need to teach him.
Nearly ten minutes had passed and Jake was starting to feel a bit foolish, thinking you must have swam away. He sighed quietly going to turn around and head back to his marui but you reappeared once again. “Well, come in.”
Your voice dripped with annoyance, Jake once again found joy in how he pushed your buttons despite barely knowing you. His feet were moving quickly into the water, it was cold, shocking his senses and it caused a shiver to run down his back. His teeth began to clank roughly the closer he got to you, and it caused a laugh to rip from your throat. “Is the water too cold for you, Toruk Makto?”
“Just a bit.”
“Well, you better get used to it. I enjoy getting my chores done early in the morning.”
Your jabs did nothing to his ego, he enjoyed it actually, “Very well. Do me.”
Your mouth dropped in shock, eyes narrowing in on him as you splashed him with the cold water, “Stupid man!”
“You called me a chore, so let’s get it done.”
You huffed quietly, turning away from him before clicking your tongue softly, an ilu rising from the water. The docile animal nuzzled its head against your hand, chirping happily at the attention, “This is an ilu.”
You looked back at him, throwing him an angry glare. “Go on, mount her.”
“Can we go ahead and skip to the Tsurak?”
You rolled your eyes, “No we cannot. They are very difficult animals to tame and you are not ready.”
That jab did annoy Jake, only a bit, but still. He scoffed quietly, “I claimed a Toruk, I can tame a Tsurak.”
Maybe it was your annoyance with the whole situation, with your sister and Tonowari, with the man next to you, but you wanted to see him fail. You wanted to rub it into his face that he was in fact, not ready. “Very well, Jake Sully.”
He was a bit suspicious at your willingness to oblige but decided against commenting on it, excited to show off to you. “Either way, the Tsurak do not swim by here, you need to mount an ilu so we can get there.”
You swiftly connected your queue to an ilu that was swimming by, mounting the animal with ease. Jake followed your motions, feeling the strength of the animal course through him. You said nothing else, only moving forward through the water. He was glad you were ahead of him, you missed the way his body jolted roughly as the animal began to move. Maybe he was getting a bit ahead of himself, but he was never one to back down from a challenge.
The swim to the Tsaruk was quiet, the only noise was the sound of the water crashing against your bodies. You cut the Tsaheylu bond, diving into the water for a brief second before coming back up.
“We are here. Off.”
Jake tried his best to follow your motions, but dismounting his ilu was far less graceful than yours. It was only for a brief second but he felt nerves bubble in his chest. “Since it is only the two of us, I will need your help to catch one. Which will only make this all the more difficult for you.”
“Thank you for your words of encouragement.” His words dripped with sarcasm, and it caused your eyes to roll. “I am not here to coddle you. I am here to teach.”
Jake said nothing else, just watching you swim by the animals, “Much like your bird, a skimwing will pick you. By trying to attack you, so be ready.”
In the next instant you were swimming away from Jake and he was surrounded by the large animals. The majority of them scattered away, only nipping in his direction lightly before leaving. But there was one, larger than most, that began to circle Jake, nipping harshly in his direction. Jake’s ear barely missed and his heart started to thump roughly against his chest. “Okay! Now you must grip on the handle, and use the rope to tie yourself to the animal!”
You had begun to swim towards Jake, ready to pounce on the animal to deter it from thrashing around. Jake listened to your instructions, gripping tightly onto the handle before throwing half his weight on. The animal trashed around, screeching in annoyance as Jake tried to wrap his wrist. You jumped on the animal's lower end, trapping its lower wings between your legs, “Hurry up!”
Jake grunted in exhaustion, he was not as lean as he had once been, the task proving to be more difficult than he liked. With a final wrap of his wrist, Jake threw his leg over the animal, “Go!”
You released the animal's wings and he was off in the next instant, “Let your legs fall flat against him before you dip back into the water!”
Jake tried to follow your instructions, after easily positioning himself when the animal took flight, but he lost his footing when dipping into the water. The leather strap unwrapped from his wrist as he got dragged deeper and deeper. He felt the sting as he finally released his hand, swimming up quickly to try and fill his lungs with air. “Fuck!”
He raised his hand, it was raw with cuts, throbbing aggressively in his palm.
“Are you alright?” Your voice was dripping with your amusement, you weren't even trying to hide the smile on your face.
Your face scrunched up in confusion, not understanding the word that fell from his mouth. After calming down he looked at you again, his eyes glossed over a bit as the sun glimmered off the teal of your skin.
Jake could not place what it was, but he wanted to impress you. He felt the need to prove himself to you. Maybe it was the way you were unwilling to bend the knee to anyone’s will and he enjoyed the challenge. So the words slipped off his tongue as he watched you, “Again.”
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daisygirlwrites · 1 year
Eggless Omelet (141 Restaurant AU + headcanons)
Pairing(s): Task Force 141 x Reader (Platonic), Reader's nickname is Crash
Note: heavily inspired by @bloodyknucklesforme 's 141 Restaurant AU post. it's a wonderful read, please check them out!
and also this video . (what the mini fic is based on)
a/n: still working on the next König fic, should be done by this weekend. thank you all so much for reading!
taglist: @bobfloydsgf , @warenai , @devilsfoodcake22
gif credit: @cinematv
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“Chef?” You look around the large and busy kitchen, spotting the blond man, his back facing towards you. He was talking to Price. You walk up to them, hearing the tail end of their conversation, which you choose to ignore.
“I just don't think it's fair,” Simon says, crossing his arms.
Trying one more time to get his attention, you speak a little louder. “Um, Chef?”
“Yes Crash, what is it?” Finally acknowledging you, Simon looks over to your direction. Tired eyes matching yours. Price gives you a smile before turning back to the dish in front of him.
“A man on Table six wants an eggless omelet,” You inform him.
“He wants an eggless-” He starts, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Crash, you can’t have an eggless omelet now can you?”
“Why? Do we not have any?” Your facial expression mirrors his. 
 “No, they don't exist, do they? Because there's no…” Simon lets out an audible sigh, trying hard to not run his hands down his face before speaking again. “Breadsticks, what are they made of?”
“Bread, very good, okay. Take away the bread, what are you left with?”
After a couple seconds, you replied. “Sticks?”
“No.” He wanted to cry at this point. Grabbing a clean plate on the side, he puts it in front of you. Looking at the array of containers filled with toppings, he picks up some chopped chives and drops it on the plate. “There you go, that's an eggless omelet.” 
Glancing at the plate then to him and back to the plate, you mumbled a quiet “Oh okay.” You grabbed the plate, ready to turn and walk away with it.
Eyes widened with shock, he stops you “No! Don't take the plate, Crash, what are you doing, please?”
Price, watching the interaction unfold, finally steps in, “Crash, just ask the nice man if he'd like his omelet made with whole eggs or just egg whites.” He gives you a sweet smile, which you reciprocated. You began to turn but Price's voice haults your movements. “You can leave the plate.”
They watch you hesitate for a moment, slowly turning around. You look over to Price, who was giving you an encouraging nod before clapping his hands together as you slide the plate back to them. “There you go!”
As you walk away, passing through the doors, the two men talk quietly amongst themselves again. 
“You should mention to Laswell to not schedule her during exam week.”
“And you need to tell Soap to stop giving her Red Bulls before shifts.”
As a former hostess and server throughout high school and college, I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve had similar conversations with my cooks before. That being said, if I had to put Crash in this AU, she’s definitely a new server.  
(will be basing some of the headcanons from my experiences)
Got the job because Laswell was friends with her mom and Crash’s college was nearby so it all worked out. 
This will come up later in my main fanfics but Crash comes from a well off and also influential family. She didn’t really work in the service industry before this, mostly because her family paid for everything and put her in “easy” jobs
However, after a big fight with her dad, he decided to cut off her allowance
Price was really hesitant on hiring her, even with Laswell and Gaz telling him that they’ll train her personally
Crash picks up things quickly and does a pretty good job overall. However, after the whole “eggless omelet” conversation, the team noticed how frazzled she’d get during midterms and finals week. Laswell gives her those weeks off. 
Ghost thought Crash was creepy at first. He’d find her staring at him but when he called her out, she responded with, “Watching people cook food is satisfying!”
Usually quiet between you two while he cooks but he’d always answer any questions you’d ask him.
In the beginning, you didn’t have a lot of confidence in yourself and often find yourself getting walked over a lot
You’ve been caught crying in the back storage room by both Price and Ghost. Multiple times too. 
“Can you pass me that tray over there?” *still crying* “Sure.”
They’d ask you what was wrong but you’d kindly brush them off, not wanting to trouble them.
They have seen how some of the customers would treat you. Eventually, it was Simon who came up to you.
“I’m going to ask you something and you’re going to tell me no.” “Huh?” “You heard me.”
Basically teaches you how to stand up for yourself (and to also not give a fuck)
If you had a rough day before your shift started, you’d slip Soap a couple bills and he’d supply you with Red Bulls while you worked. 
Sometimes would tag along with Soap whenever he needed to pick up a couple bottles to refill the bar since he’d get discounts on liquor. 
You and Gaz would always gossip about customers. He’d tell you who the nice regulars are and the ones you should avoid getting irritated with. 
Would take turns crying in the back storage room
Sometimes you and Gaz would switch between being a host and being a server, especially if it’s a slow afternoon and y’all are bored. 
You’d visit Alejandro and Rudy’s bakery before your classes start, always grabbing a pastry or two. 
When they find out that you work at Price’s restaurant, they playfully tease him by asking you to work with them instead
“You’d get free cheese danishes everyday if you come to work at the bakery,” Alejandro says in a sing-song voice. “That sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me,” You look at him as if you are considering his offer. Price shouts from the window in the kitchen, “THAT’S MY KID, NOT YOURS, ALE!"
This causes all of you to laugh
However, when Graves comes in, most of the time Gaz handles him. One of the few times that you did serve him, he told you, “A pretty thing like you should work at my place. You’re sure to bring in customers!” 
Personally, you took the complement, not finding anything wrong and you quietly laughed it off. But you did tell Gaz about it, which in turn he told Price
After that, you rarely see him. Though, you'd hear complaints from others, about how he "Doesn't get to see the cute waitress anymore!"
You’d come by regularly in between classes, mostly because Price would always cook something up for you, free of charge.
After you’re done, you’d talk to him. He’d ask about how classes are going and give you advice about anything and everything. And of course, he’d ask you if anyone has caught your eye. Most of the time you’d laugh and say that you’re too busy for that
One day though, when he’d ask you that question, you gave him a different answer.
“Actually, there’s this new exchange student in my Philosophy class. He’s from Austria.” “You’d better bring him over here!” “No offense, Cap, I’d rather not.” “Not for a date. So I can judge his character and see if he’s good enough for you.” “Oh!”
Honestly, not sure how you’d get your nickname Crash. I was thinking either because you crashed into a customer the first night or crashed into dishes. Or like what happened to one of my former co-workers, who got her car crashed and still managed to come to work.
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berrypockets · 3 months
Voiceless | The Unheard Language of Love
Tommy Shelby x Reader
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In the heart of Small Heath, where shadows whispered tales of intrigue, a new chapter unfolded for Y/N. The Shelby family, recognizing her proficiency with numbers, extended a silent invitation—she became an integral part of the Shelby betting shop.
Adjusting to her new environment, Y/N seamlessly wove through the intricate world of odds and bets. The numbers, once silent in their complexity, danced to her command, and the betting shop found a silent conductor in the woman who spoke through calculations rather than words.
As the typewriter keys clicked in rhythmic harmony, Arthur, with his brash demeanor, found himself intrigued by the silent efficiency that Y/N brought to the establishment. He would hover around her desk, occasionally throwing a comment about the day's bets or the city's relentless rhythm. Despite his gruff exterior, a silent camaraderie developed between them, each understanding the other in the unspoken language of their shared world.
John, with his easygoing nature, became a frequent companion during lunch breaks. The two would exchange smiles and laughter, their interactions a testament to the bonds that formed beyond spoken words. A shared understanding blossomed, fostering a connection that transcended the need for verbal communication.
Polly, the matriarch of the Shelby family, observed Y/N with a keen eye. The betting shop, once a domain dominated by numbers and coded messages, now embraced a new facet—a woman who wielded her own silent power. In the quiet corners of their interactions, a mutual respect bloomed, an acknowledgment of the strength that existed in the unspoken.
Amidst the clatter of keys and the rustle of ledger sheets, even Tommy, the stoic leader of the Shelby family, couldn't resist the allure of Y/N's silent world. A quiet understanding passed between them, each interaction a nuanced dance of shared glances and subtle gestures.
The Shelby family, recognizing her proficiency with numbers, extended a silent invitation—she became an integral part of the Shelby betting shop.
As the rhythmic clatter of typewriter keys echoed through the establishment, a meeting convened in Tommy's office. The air crackled with a mixture of coded conversations and the unspoken camaraderie that defined the Shelby family.
Around the polished wooden table, Tommy, Arthur, John, Polly, and Y/N gathered. Ledger sheets and notes sprawled across the surface, each document a silent participant in the strategic discussions that unfolded.
Amidst the serious matters at hand, Arthur, John, and Polly found themselves in a friendly disagreement. The topic? A new shipment of goods. Arthur, with his bold ideas, argued passionately. John, with a skeptical expression, offered counterpoints, while Polly, the voice of reason, attempted to mediate.
As they're little disagreement reached its peak, the trio turned to Y/N, curious about her take on the matter. With a subtle smirk, she glanced at each of them, a silent challenge in her eyes.
Tommy, leaning back in his chair, observed with an amused glint in his eyes. He knew that smirk—a silent proclamation that the ideas being tossed around were far from practical. Without uttering a word, he continued to peruse the papers on his desk.
Confused by Y/N's smirk, the trio turned to Tommy, seeking clarification. With a nonchalant expression, he looked at them and declared, "It's because your ideas are stupid."
Arthur or John, intrigued by Tommy's understanding, questioned, "How did you know what the smirk meant?"
Tommy, maintaining his composed demeanor, replied, "I just knew."
The room fell into a momentary silence before all eyes turned to Y/N, who was now quietly laughing in her seat. The silent laughter served as the final verdict—Tommy's intuition had once again deciphered the unspoken language of their interactions.
In the intricate dance of Small Heath's betting shop, where numbers spoke louder than words, Y/N discovered the unheard language of love—a language woven into the interactions with Tommy, transcending the barriers of speech and echoing through the gritty corners of Birmingham.
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For the ship ask game - Albert/Moran and Mycroft/Louis. I came across them because of the fandom and they seemed interesting.
Ship It - Albert/Moran
What made you ship it?
I definitely prefer Mycroft with Albert, but I can see the appeal of this one. Belligerent Sexual Tension is fun, so the whole bickering competitive thing can absolutely work. I could go back and forth on seeing them as being brotherly or a ship. It's take it or leave it for me, but I get the idea.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Probably the way Moran flails and yells and Albert just kind of smirkily ignores him. Reminds me a little bit of Kurogane and Fai, for those who know that ship.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't read Japanese so I can only guess from what I've observed and from looking at the official translation, but I think a lot of the basis for this ship comes from an early fan mis-translation. There's an old scanlation of chapter 4 that floats around where Moran is flipping out and says something to the effect of "Do you know what Albert did to me in India?!" Which naturally is intriguing and suggests mysterious backstory between them. But that line doesn't show up in the official translation, and probably doesn't make sense with the timeline (if the suggestion is that they served together in the military, Moran's army days ended before he met the Moriartys). Again, totally guesswork, but if it's true that that line has no basis in the Japanese, there's a lot less of a sense of "ooooh what happened between them in the past?!"
Don’t Ship It - Mycroft/Louis
Why don’t you ship it?
I'm not dead set against it, but I just prefer them as either brotherly or like...a platonic partnership? I pretty firmly headcanon Louis as aroace: the only person I've really leaned towards shipping him with is Billy and even then I don't really know if I'd want it to be romantic and/or sexual. I do like to think of Mycroft and Louis as having grown very close during the timeskip years, but I don't see it as romantic or sexual. I prefer to see it more as them quietly helping each other grieve without every acknowledging out loud that that's what they're doing. Mycroft has lost his little brother and Louis has lost his older ones, so I like to think of them sort of filling gaps in each other's lives. Not that anyone could replace their loved ones, but it helps them to look after each other.
What would have made you like it?
Hmmm, I'm not sure. Maybe more pre-TFP interactions. If they'd had a pre-existing relationship I might not have so easily slotted them into filling sibling roles for each other after The Final Problem.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I mean, just about every possible combination you could think of in this fandom has some validity as a ship. There's always interesting aspects to how any two of the characters would interact in different kinds of relationships. These two I think are very similar, and as a ship I think they'd be very...calm. Sherlock and William are also very similar, but part of that similarity is Being Little Shits. So they might not have conflict between them, but they'll seek out mischief to get into. Mycroft and Louis as a couple (or, indeed, as friends/family) would be...quiet nights in by the fire sipping tea or brandy, working on paperwork or reading, completely at ease. Comfy. (But still very Dangerous, if the situation calls for it.)
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sepublic · 3 years
The Golden Guard: Eda’s Dark Parallel?
           Does anyone else think that the Golden Guard actually reminds Lilith a LOT of Eda, specifically Eda as a kid, during the good old days before she got cursed?
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           Think about it… They’re both sassy, hot-headed teen prodigies with an owl motif and yellow attire. And the way Lilith angrily talks about the Golden Guard, it seems her feelings of resentment mirror how she felt towards Eda back when they were kids? Lilith, who was by-the-book and traditional, worked so hard… And then there’s this younger person with an Owl motif who just swoops in out of nowhere and through talent, completely outclasses her!
           If you go with the idea that Lilith wanted Gwendolyn’s approval and had to compete with Eda over that… Then for all we know, maybe Lilith lowkey wanted Belos’ approval as well, but felt like she was being cheated out of that with the Golden Guard, who kept stealing the spotlight from her! 
          Like she was afraid he’d take her spot as head of the Emperor’s Coven, the way Lilith feared that Eda would win the initiation duel back when they were kids… And lo and behold, the Golden Guard DID take that! Granted Lilith left an obvious vacancy from her own betrayal of Belos so of course he took that spot, but still; It’s quite a sore spot.
           In some ways, perhaps Lilith is aware of this, deep-down or not; She might see the Golden Guard as just Young Eda, but without any of the emotional connection, nor any redeeming qualities; If he does have them, again, it’s not like Lilith knows the Golden Guard well enough to know these traits, much less take them into account.
           LOTS of text and speculation and analyses below!!!
           The Golden Guard is even sixteen years old… Which, is very likely EDA’s age, back when her and Lilith competed for the Emperor’s Coven! That can take on a whole new, dark meaning for her… 
          Perhaps Lilith is low-key disturbed by the Golden Guard’s existence, because he reminds her too much of Young Eda? Eda, before she was cursed- So it’s like the memory of her is coming back to haunt Lilith, in the form of someone who has no concern for Lilith whatsoever to hold him back, unlike the actual Eda.
           And in a way, it’s a horrible reminder that some things never change, that some things stay the same and Lilith can’t get past them, she can’t outgrow it like she thought she did; Because even now, even as head of the Emperor’s Coven, there’s still a 16-year-old prodigy with an owl motif and yellow attire, who is sassy and playful and mischievous, who threatens to upstage Lilith’s self-esteem and sense of power. Somebody Lilith is afraid of; Thirty years later, and she STILL has to deal with this kind of person in her life, but it’s worse because she’s actually older and should be better, yet somehow isn’t…
           Who knows? Maybe Lilith even recognized the similarities to Eda, enough to actually be sympathetic to the Golden Guard at first? Perhaps she, on some level, saw the Golden Guard as a way to vicariously redo her past with Eda, but without the mistakes… Maybe she tried to be nice to the Golden Guard, but then he quickly turned out to be a snob, he’s not REALLY Eda; So Lilith settled on never cursing him like she did Eda, but then otherwise decided that she didn’t owe him any love and could just quietly loathe his guts.
          Lilith failed Eda in part because she was an older sister who abandoned her in a time of need, but there’s not really that expectation with the Golden Guard, so why bother? She’s got enough on her plate as is, and an ACTUAL Eda to worry about, to look after, to be concerned for and patch things up with.
           I’ve even seen people make the very good point that in a lot of ways… The Golden Guard is like a Dark Eda? In the sense that, he’s Eda, had she joined the Emperor’s Coven as a kid. He’s a look at Young Eda, if she didn’t reject the Coven System, and joined Belos- Reveling in her own talent and power as granting her ‘special treatment’ over the rest, so any downsides to the coven system weren’t HER problem anyway!
           Again, this adds another layer to the Golden Guard being very reminiscent of Young Eda, and even current Eda as well… Except, he never lost his magic and was never cursed. Maybe that’s another thing he unknowingly haunts Lilith over; He’s lowkey a reminder of what Eda could’ve been, had Lilith not been selfish and a coward, or had she communicated better. Yet at the same time, he’s frustrating- Because the Golden Guard is like the worst parts of Eda, the parts that Lilith hated and made her resentful…
           And this constant reminder of the past, of her own issues with Eda back then that culminated in the curse- It could’ve made it a LOT harder for Lilith to really resolve things with Eda, because this kid keeps reminding her why she was so angry, and it’s impossible for her to move on because the Golden Guard isn’t some distant memory, but an actual person who continues to threaten her, the way Eda had…
          And of course, the Golden Guard reminds Lilith of the Eda she lost; The happy, carefree Eda who wasn’t cursed, the Eda she could’ve had in a sense. The Eda that Lilith in some ways wanted, yet is forced to confront and acknowledge is a very obnoxious and terrible person that makes her unhappy…
          And this kind of rude reminder that the Eda that Lilith wanted would’ve continued to make her miserable, if not moreso, is not something she appreciates shattering her dreams and low-key denial, of a world where things had just been a little different.
          The person you’re trying to get, maybe get BACK, wasn’t so great after all- So you just have to move on, and be glad for the Eda who IS happier with her life and more mature, despite being older and more cursed. You gotta move past your guilt Lilith, and realize that Eda is in a better place- Not that she ever needed the curse, but she doesn’t quite need saving from the parts of her life she actually chose for herself, in part to be kind to Lilith no less! Because I bet Lilith believes that deep down, she didn’t deserve Eda’s kindness, so she wishes to reverse that compassionate decision of Eda’s that only resulted in Eda suffering because of how terrible Lily secretly is.
           But, back to the subject; There’s more similarities to Eda and the Golden Guard, especially at the end of Separate Tides; How he makes an ominous warning before casually, happily yelling “BYYEEEE!!!”, just like Eda when she warns Luz about trying to have a Moonlight Conjuring in Hooty’s Moving Hassle, before heading off to the Night Market. His widow’s peak even bears a decent resemblance to Eda’s, doesn’t it? Which…
           Combined with all of the talk about bird motifs being a Clawthorne thing, it DOES raise many questions about the Golden Guard’s potential connection to Eda. Is he some long-lost son? A third child that Gwendolyn had later in life, because witch biology might allow them to do that? Some homunculus, crafted from bits of DNA from Eda, and maybe even Belos? Belos does seem weirdly fond and trusting of him, the two are placed together in the Season 2 outro when nobody else, not even Kikimora, is there; And of course, the Golden Guard wields a staff, red magic, and fleshy creations, VERY similar to Belos…
           I can’t say for sure- But the idea of the Golden Guard as an alternate Eda is fascinating. An Eda who became completely arrogant, and didn’t stop to care about others; Her cockiness and mischief becoming cruel and obnoxious, essentially the worst parts of Eda, down the path she’d always dreaded. A look into another life, a different choice in such a pivotal part of her past… Personally, I LOVE this kind of dark parallel of a character, so I’m hoping these similarities are commented upon in-universe, assuming they’re not outright literal!
           In a way, the Golden Guard could haunt Eda, because he reminds her of herself… Of her carefree youth, but what she could’ve had… But also, the terrible things she’d done. And obviously Eda despises the coven system too much to really change her mind, and it’s safe to say that the Golden Guard is not at all what she wanted to ever become… But still, it’s a neat bit of character writing and parallelism. If Belos is like a Dark Luz, what Luz could’ve been had she not grown… And the same could apply between King and Kikimora;
           Then who knows? The Golden Guard could be a Dark Eda, who got by talent and continued to take things for granted. An Eda who swore loyalty to Belos and was embraced by the emperor for her skill and ability. Jovial and cheery, but without any of the actual compassion that makes this genuine with Eda. An immature brat who never grew up (granted he’s only sixteen and hasn’t gotten the chance), unlike Eda. And if the Golden Guard is an alternate Eda;
           It’s fascinating how his roles are reversed with his alternate Luz… The Eda parallel is younger than the Luz parallel, learning from them, and taking after their motifs as well! But I guess it’s not all too surprising, with how Eda and Luz both learn from one another, though I suspect Belos and the Golden Guard aren’t as mutual, but who knows? 
          It does make you wonder about Kikimora and King as potential mediators between these duos, whose placement remains consistent… How does Kikimora, the King parallel, interact with her Luz and Eda? Did she become close friends with HER Luz, while, as Dana’s art suggests, she seems somewhat irritated by and resentful of her own Eda? So it’s like Eda and King never grew to be friends and conquer differences… As well as if King never grew to respect Luz and saw her as just a “f*cking nerd”?
           With how Luz is taking after Eda, and possibly getting a Cardinal palisman to complete the Clawthorne motif as a new member of the family… Who knows? The Golden Guard could be an intriguing character for her to bounce off of narratively, maybe as someone Luz might have, in another universe, learned to look up to and admire? How well Luz’s relationship be with the Golden Guard, if they are a Dark Eda? And how can this indirectly show us about how Luz and Young Eda would’ve interacted, what Young Eda was like, what Lilith went through as a kid…
           And, for all we know- The Golden Guard’s owl motif doesn’t hint at a pre-existing connection to the Clawthornes, but rather a future one… Maybe he’ll end up being adopted by Eda, the way Luz was? I’d love to see the Golden Guard become an evil older sibling who’s protective of Luz… 
          I ADORE that trope to death; Evil older brother with bright, younger sister, whom he cares about, and the sister cares for him too, even if it’s complicated because the sister believes in the brother to be better, while the brother doesn’t want to be better, or is at least reluctant about having to change…
           I’d love to see another Hugo and Kipo dynamic, and actually… If the Golden Guard parallels Eda, then who’s his Lilith? Could it be Luz herself? I’ve talked before the similarities between Luz and Lilith, as kids who were bullied and struggled with a lack of talent, but made up for it with hard work and ingenuity; They’ll give you a lot of trouble for doing the right thing, but then happily leap at the opportunity if they think someone is improving.
           And, as Separate Tides has also shown us; They both grapple with guilt over making Eda suffer, unintentionally to varying degrees. Luz and Lilith both learn that they’re not a burden and that it’s okay to ask for help, and come to terms with their guilt with Eda… If Belos and the Golden Guard are Luz and Eda reversed, then could Luz and the Golden Guard also be Lilith and Luz, reversed?
          With the Eda parallel being the older sibling in this scenario… An alternate timeline where Eda and Lilith were the same people, but switched places in birth, and it was EDA who ended up being the cruel and toxic sibling who left the younger feeling demeaned and worthless. I imagine if that were the case, the Golden Guard’s toxicity would occur largely in the beginning, as he acts adversarial to Luz and mocks her, taunts her over Eda’s loss of magic, and her own glyphs no doubt; The Golden Guard doesn’t seem to acknowledge glyphs as a valid form of magic himself.
           But then, if he were to get a redemption, the Golden Guard’s tune might change as he matures and learns to treat Luz more kindly… In a way mimicking how Eda really grew to care for Luz, but also the way Eda has begun to reconnect with Lilith, except with the Golden Guard as the one with the baggage and guilt.
           And, a redemption might not be too implausible, because… He is literally only sixteen, the same age as Emira and Edric, and likely the same age as Eda when SHE was cursed. Younger than Lilith, when she made the worst mistake of her life, because she didn’t understand the coven system for what it truly was –and who could blame her?- and was grappling with a likely terrible mother in Gwendolyn… The Golden Guard is literally a minor, and possibly an overworked teen prodigy.
           After all, the first glimpse of his personality Dana gave us, way back in 2020, was of the Golden Guard admitting that he was tired; And despite his usually cheery personality, all of our glimpses at his face behind the mask (symbolism!) have had him look likely serious and glum… But then again, we don’t see the lower half of his face, so who knows? 
          Perhaps the Golden Guard is abused and overworked by Belos, kind of like Amity with her parents… The Golden Guard is a child dealing with a very toxic influence, and a huge burden of responsibility no less. And with all the potential connections to Belos as maybe even a literal father, or at least a parental figure, it’s not hard to see why the Golden Guard would turn out so messed up. And the Golden Guard being ‘tired’ could be a connection to how Eda is left exhausted from her curse, too.
           So, who knows? Because of his age, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect, or at least hope, for a redemption for this kiddo. But a recent sister show to The Owl House has taught me anything, kids aren’t free from death, and Infinity Train made it clear that you can humanize and sympathize and mourn someone who deserved better, yet ultimately dug their grave and was condemned to a sudden death because of that; All because they didn’t know any better, and really couldn’t have.
           And on another note- Maybe the Golden Guard has owl motifs like Eda… Because in a lot of ways, he actually admires her? He admires the Owl Lady, or at least the certain ‘past’ version that others such as Lilith may have brought up… Maybe the Golden Guard seeks to supplant Eda the Owl Lady as The Most Powerful Witch in the Boiling Isles. Maybe he sees himself as Eda, but better, and this rebellious, hot-headed kid feels the need to prove himself by defeating someone he sees himself in.
           Maybe the Golden Guard is like Lilith, as someone who wishes Eda could’ve joined the coven system, and he’s disappointed in how all her talent was ‘wasted’ on other things. Maybe the Golden Guard was disappointed in Eda losing her magic, losing further respect for his ‘problematic idol’, and/or he felt some validation and vindication in being a successor to Eda. 
          Does he hold some grudge? Did the Owl Lady’s power excite him, give the Golden Guard a goal to recklessly challenge and defeat, so he can experience the thrill of victory and add to this feeling of invincibility that teenagers, especially the talented ones, have?
           Eda as a kid, and even now, has always been fond of spiting what others say she can’t do, or setting new precedents and accomplishments to prove herself. Maybe the Golden Guard is like that, and hopes to take on the onus of outdoing the Owl Lady; Perhaps he admires Eda, and wishes she could’ve joined a coven like him. As an outside admirer, he mourns Eda’s ‘potential’ in a way similar to Lilith, but different; Because he’s a kid who looks up to her, and not an older sibling that has an actual childhood with Eda. If so, then that’s another dark parallel to Luz;
           After all, Luz got frustrated by Eda in Adventures in the Elements. So maybe the Golden Guard is someone who grew resentful of Eda for not living up to the legend he hoped, the image he wanted, sort of like Lilith! I’ll go out on a limb and even suggest him as a past apprentice, who unlike Luz, never learned to be patient and appreciate Eda’s teachings, so he turned to the coven system and Belos for easy gratification. He didn’t want to be challenged… And in that way, the Golden Guard could parallel my speculation on Belos, as also a Dark Luz.
          So of course, it makes sense that Belos would recognize this same dilemma in the Golden Guard, and perhaps be sympathetic and take him under his wing for it. Eda might not recognize the Golden Guard because he’s changed a bit himself, is hiding his own identity –Lilith doesn’t seem to know much about the witch beneath the mask either, just the public image and façade- and Eda’s been having memory issues. Maybe this will add to the Golden Guard’s resentment, who knows? He really might just be a rebellious teen who Eda failed, unlike with Luz… And that could add to more envy, perhaps.
           At the very least; Dana’s fondness for the Golden Guard takes on a whole new meaning… What with how Eda is pretty much one of, if not THE most favorite character of hers, the one who really jumpstarted this entire show and world to begin with… Having this other character she likes essentially be a canon AU version of that beloved creation, would certainly make a lot of sense! Dana likes Eda, she likes to show us about Young Eda; So a character who IS Young Eda, just on a different path, would likely appeal to her. We’ll see…
           I think it’s worth noting that in her art of the Golden Guard, it depicts him as essentially a normal, lazy teenager who’s asking someone else to do his chore for him, while he lounges around to do something else. I could see a young Eda as occasionally fulfilling that role and asking her older sister Lily for a favor- And maybe this could allude to the Golden Guard being frequently exhausted from being overworked himself, hence “I’m tired” and wanting to extend his breaks as much as possible. We’ll just have to wait and see…
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yourmcu · 4 years
Emotional Support Mode
Pairings: Tony Stark x daughter!reader
in which the reader is the loner, antisocial daughter of Tony Stark and the other Avengers including her father never acknowledge her presence (they thought some sort of interaction made you uncomfortable) so she becomes friends with Friday instead - Tony probs finds out and it’s gonna be all cute n fluffie once he realizes -
Word count: 2,243
a/n: hi just wanted to write fluffy tony :)) also I used they/them for friday’s pronouns
Warnings: angst n fluff, friday’s a bit more advanced (not like they aren’t already but) bc they could almost act like a literal human here.
read it on ao3!
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You arrive back at the Avengers facility, shoulders slumped and just tired in general since you have a lot of homework and projects to do from school, most of them due by the end of the week. You also have exams later in the week.
“Hey, Fri,” you huff as you make your way to the elevator.
“Welcome home, Y/N. Where do you want to go?”
Yes, you're very close with the A.I that they started calling you by your first name. “To my room - and uh, will you remind me to read two chapters in my history book after I’m done with all my homework? I also have this project, I just need some measurements later, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure thing.”
“Thank you.”
It’s going to be a long night, you sigh heavily just thinking about it. Now you’re probably wondering, ‘you live with the Avengers! Why don’t you ask Tony and Bruce for help? Maybe Steve and Bucky for your History test?’
Yeah, well... you barely talk to any real person you live with. Maybe it’s you, you always thought you're making the team uncomfortable. You don’t even talk to your own father often which is kind of depressing on your part.
You love them, they’re like your extended family, but it just isn’t working out. Maybe they just don’t like you. Up to this day you still wonder why Tony took you in when you were just a baby (you were a mistake from one of his one night stands) - he had the choice not to.
“I’m assuming you zoned out again. You have arrived to your room five minutes ago.” Friday announces.
“Y-yeah sorry,” you shuffle out of the elevator and swiftly head to your bedroom, closing the door behind you.
“I also asked if I should inform Mr. Stark that you have arrived home.”
“No, no thanks. He’s busy and... probably wouldn’t care anyway,” You mutter the last part as you pile the books you need on your desk. “Can you put my study playlist on, please?”
“What time is it, Friday?”
“7PM. I was about to remind you to take a break.”
You get up from your chair and stretch, halfway through the last of your homework which is a two page essay. “You’re too kind, thanks pal,” when you walk out your room to head to the kitchen and grab a snack, the lounge is empty, kitchen empty,
“The team’s on a mission? I thought they had the whole week off,” you say before gulping down a water bottle.
“I checked the security footage: they left about an hour ago. Captain Rogers was talking about getting dinner.”
You put the bottle down. “Oh,” you try to mask your disappointment. This isn’t your first time being alone, they always left you here when they had a mission of course but... well, it’s not like they want you around them. “I’ll - I’ll just make myself something later, then. Not a big deal. I have to study anyway.”
Another hour later, the Avengers are back. They're all conversing happily as they pile in the lounge. Peter's rambling about upgrades for the Spiderman suit while Tony's typing away in his phone, nodding at everything he says. Everyone else is arguing about the TV channels and talking about the new restaurant they ate at.
Rhodey shifts, looking around. “Why do I feel like we forgot something?”
Natasha looks at him, waiting for him to go on.
“I assure you, I brought Mjolnir with me this time.” Thor butts in.
“No not that, what time does Y/N get home from school?” No one answers. It’s not like any of them know. It's natural that Rhodey would be worried about his goddaughter (even if they rarely talk). He turns his head to his best friend who’s now walking away with Peter, an arm around his shoulder. “Tony, where’s Y/N?”
He doesn’t hear since he has his full attention on his protégé.
“I’ll start making this tomorrow, I guess. I still have to buy materials.” You mumble to yourself, but you hope Friday's listening to everything you say just to make you feel less lonely. You swipe the hologram of the blueprint away and place the thick books in front of you.
“I would like to recommend a suitable study plan.” they state.
You rub your eyes, sighing, “I’m already halfway, I would’ve considered it earlier though.”
“This is only a recommendation, feel free to ignore it.”
You push yourself away from the desk and mutter a “go on,”, fiddling with your pen.
“Asking Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes would give you more details for your History examination, since the pair were originally from that time period. The same goes for Mr. Banner for your Science examination, I believe he has seven Ph.D’s, you may also approach Vision for the same topic. Mr. Stark has all the necessary materials for your project in his lab. Would you like me to-”
If only it were that easy. It should be easy, the thought alone makes you really nervous. “No, I - I appreciate the recommendation, Friday, but - I think I can do this on my own.”
“But you’re tired and it is almost midnight. I would help you myself but you specifically told me not to.”
They’re not wrong. Your eyes are starting to droop and you barely understand anything you're reading. You're also fighting back tears - why is talking to your family so hard?
“I can sense sadness. Would you like me to activate emotional support mode?”
“Yeah, okay. That sounds great right about now.”
“Crap. Guess we lost track of time again, kid,” Tony wipes his hands with a rag while he looks at the time on his computer. “You better get home. I’ll send May a text for keeping you this late.”
“Okay, thank you Mr. Stark. I’m just gonna use my suit-”
“No. Happy will drive you.”
Peter knew better than to argue and insist so he just nods and smiles sheepishly. A minute later Happy came ‘round to take him home.
Tony turns back around. “Friday, make a new project for me please, I’m adding minor upgrades to the Spiderman suit.”
“Not now, boss.”
Oh. He did not expect that. “Excuse me?”
“Y/N is currently opening up. I would like to give her my full, undivided attention. Please come back after fifteen minutes or so.”
Tony doesn’t exactly know how to feel about that. He never sees her outside her room anymore that he kinda forgot she existed tonight - oh fuck, they didn’t bring her to dinner with them.
“Well,” he exhales. “What is she saying?”
“That would be an invasion of privacy.”
“I’m her father-”
“Are you, sir?” Friday’s clever remark makes him stop abruptly.
It’s pretty clear that he’s been a shit father. Not only does he ignore you all the time but he treats Peter way better than his own flesh and blood. The Avengers on the other hand, they were nice people, but just didn’t understand so they try their best to get out of your way.
You were afraid of rejection, afraid to interact, because you had no idea what everyone thought of you. Did they like you? Did you make them uncomfortable? Did they want you around? What about Tony, did he really want a daughter in his life? Because you noticed he’d be better off with a son, yeah, like Peter goddamn Parker.
Tony sighs, walking out of his lab and heads to the mini bar to grab a drink. He needs to think: there's absolutely nothing wrong about you, he just didn’t do his job right, you thought he didn’t care, you thought nobody did. Even Friday is turning against him, doing a better job of comforting and being there for you.
“God, I’m such an asshole,” he mutters to himself, rubbing his forehead. He drinks his last shot and heads to the kitchen. “She still awake?” He calls out.
“She is.” Friday has a bitter tone.
He's hesitant to ask again, feeling really bad for not knowing this simple question - “what’s her favorite beverage?”
“How do you feel?”
You sniffle. “Well y’know, better than before. I should probably go to sleep. Thanks, Fri.”
“You’re welcome. Also, Mr. Stark is outside your door.”
“W-what?” You put away your books and straighten up, rubbing your damp eyes. “You’re serious? Okay, uh, let him in?” It's more of a question.
You turn to face your desk as Tony enters the room, holding two steaming mugs. He sits at the end of your bed, just right next to the chair you're sitting on. “Hi,” he gives you a small smile and hands you a mug.
What’s the occasion?
“What’s this?” You ask quietly before taking the mug from his hands. Tony's being gentle and soft, it's odd but you’re not complaining.
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“Green tea with honey. I... I thought I saw you make that stuff once.” He says, not mentioning the fact that Friday told him that.
“Oh, well, yeah,” you take a small sip. He added a bit too much honey but other than that it was good. “I thought you preferred coffee, though,”
Tony shrugs, his eyes glistening when he looks at you. “Wouldn’t hurt to try something new.”
“Did - did you want something, Dad?” You always found yourself awkward, couldn’t even make conversation with someone for long, always wanted to get straight to the point so it could be over with.
He looks like he wants to say something but he just averts his gaze to you, his hands, the floor, then suddenly he leans in and hugs you. Your feel your heart swell and body warm up, it’s a new sensation for you after all, you rarely get hugs from people. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “For everything. I’m such a bad dad, I don’t deserve you. I even forgot you when we went out to dinner.”
“You don’t have to be sorry for anything. I had loads of stuff to do earlier anyway, so, but yeah I was just - I just overreact, I’m sensitive. I don’t blame you and the others for not liking me, I know there’s nothing like-able about me, I’m not like Peter-” You ramble, tears now leaving your eyes again.
“Sweetheart, don’t say that,” Tony says as he pulls you closer to him, head resting against his chest while he rubs your back comfortably. “Y/N Stark, you are smart, brilliant - I was just an ass for not acknowledging that.”
“I know you’re just saying that to-”
“Oh, but I’m not,” he now places his hands on your shoulders, getting you to look at him. “Tell me who built their first engine when they were eight?”
You blush, “Dad-”
“No, come on, I wanna hear it.”
“I did.”
“Yes you did. And who made a completely functioning robot at their middle school science fair that blew all the teacher’s minds?”
You’re trying to hide a smile, recalling the memory,  “I did.”
“And who,” Tony gets up and walks to the bulky looking thing that you covered with a sheet, pulling it off, “is currently building a computer from scratch?”
“Dad! That’s still a work in progress,” he messily places the sheet back and chuckles.
“My point is, you’re a clever and talented girl, Y/N. Don’t bring yourself down. And you don’t have to be shy around your family, those idiots have been dying to get to know you but since you don’t talk much... they don’t want to force it. We love you,” he says. “I hope you forgive me ‘cause I really wanna make it up to you. I’m not calling Peter in for a few weeks.” Tony sits down beside you again.
You couldn’t believe he’d do that for you. “You don’t have to, if you need him for something then-”
“-then you could help me instead, if you’re up for it.”
“I’m really sorry for being such a lonely freak,” you yawn, getting back into Tony’s open arms. “I love you.”
Tony tucks you in and lies down beside you, “I love you tons, kiddo.”
You snuggle into his chest, feeling his steady breathing while he rests his chin above your head.
It's morning. The Avengers are gathered at your open bedroom door.
“Are you getting all of this, Friday?”
“Yes, Ms. Romanoff.”
“Steve turn that shuttering sound down!” Natasha hisses at the super soldier who's doing his task, taking pictures.
Steve almost drops the phone and has Bruce fix the volume for him.
They’re all watching you and Tony cuddle together, still fast asleep.
“Do we have to stay here until they wake up?”
“Unless you have a great way of waking them up, yes. Now shut up.”
“If you think about it we definitely look creepy right now.” Sam comments.
“It’s their fault for having the door wide open all night!” Clint says.
Tony's actually awake the whole time, listening to them bickering. “You have three seconds to get the hell out of here before I make all of you polish my suits.” With that, the team races down the hall, pushing each other to get away first like literal children.
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Dimitrescu Daughter HCs
I thought this would only take a few minutes. I was so, so very wrong. Anyway, some of these are somewhat exclusive to my fic (Serenade), but they’ll make sense even if you haven’t read that.
Others have already talked about how Daniela reads a ton of romance novels, so I’m not really going to go into that very much, just saying that I agree 100%, I mean c’mon, it’s practically canon.
While she mainly sources books from her family’s library, there are a few she’s “acquired” over the years that she keeps locked away in her room. These tend to be a bit, ahem, steamier than her mother would approve of/let her read under normal circumstances.
How did she get these? Well, there has to be someone who delivers goods to Castle Dimitrescu (Duke, perhaps?), seeing as the Maidens need, like, actual food to survive. Sometimes Daniela manages to convince them to order books for her, usually just asking for books by authors she likes, or ones she’s heard maidens whispering about.
No, the delivery person does not read the book’s summaries or reviews, they have a feeling (based on titles and covers alone) that they don’t want to know.
As for her experiences with actual romance… she’s so very, very excited about it, all the time. Wants to kiss every cute Maiden she sees, and sometimes daydreams about a beautiful woman fleeing from lycans who comes to the castle for shelter, clinging to Dani for warmth and protection, and it’s love at first sight, and they kiss and kiss and right as it gets to the good part-! Someone interrupts her daydream (usually Cassandra).
However, her actual experiences are fairly limited. Sure, she has kissed Maidens, but she tends to get over excited. Like in Serenade, she starts to rush the process, and usually ends up draining her “lover” aka victim before anything more intimate happens.
She’s definitely done sexual things, just, well, not with other people. Private things. Usually during or after reading one of her special books. You get the picture.
Because of this, and her aforementioned love of romance novels, Daniela has become somewhat obsessed with the idea of her first time. She wants everything to be perfect. The setting, the timing, who she’s with… Hence her reaction in chapter 3 of Serenade. It’s not that she didn’t want to continue, just that the circumstances didn’t feel right. She’s very particular!
Favorite Music Genre: Girl goes wild for an emotional, gut-wrenching love/power ballad. The type to lie in bed and cry while listening to Hozier or Lorde (not that she can hear either of them, considering her limited music options). Doesn’t admit it, though, and mostly listens to indie pop when other people can hear. That and whatever the Maiden plays on piano ;)
Okay it feels weird to joke about her loving music I wrote, anywayyyy
Hobbies: Other than reading there’s not too much I can see her doing, really. She’d be sure to get into anything that her s/o enjoys, though, even if it’s something difficult or time-consuming. Writing is something she’d love, but it’s difficult for her to keep her focus on just one project at a time. Ideally she’d write short stories, romantic ones obvs, and have someone else proofread/edit them. For the most part she’d write within fantasy and historical setting (seeing as she’s got experience in both of those departments).
ADHD, BABY. Bigtime, seriously. Maybe this is just my adhd ass projecting, but I can’t not see her as having it. For her it mainly manifests with hyper-focusing/difficulty staying on task. It’s like a switch with those on either end, flipping back and forth every once in a while. She can spend six hours reading two different books in one sitting, but if someone just breathes too loudly it disrupts her completely. Because of this she’s somewhat prone to abandoning projects. It’s a sore subject for her, and her sisters are aware, normally only bringing it up if they’re really angry with her.
Opinions on the four lords: Thinks Heisenberg is a tool (pun intended), also thinks that he secretly reads super erotic novels. She doesn’t have any proof, though, and would never say anything about it out loud. Just makes fun of him in her head. Doesn’t actually judge him for what she thinks he reads, just judges his personality and the “need he feels to hide his secret”. Loves Donna, and low-key thinks she’s attractive. Daniela mostly bases that off the portrait she’s seen, but, like many fans, also thinks the hands are nice. The puppets don’t bother her, though she also doesn’t really care about them, other than thinking that Donna interacting with them is cute.
Opinions continued: Moreau is… uh… fish boy. Daniela thinks he’s weird, kinda gross, and hardly considers him a “real” lord. Poor boy :(  At least she doesn’t actively make fun of him?... Even if that’s only because she kinda forgets about him most of the time. As for Lady Dimitrescu, well, obviously Daniela loves her mom. The whole family is very close, and as the “youngest”, Daniela gets a lot of attention. Sometimes she thinks her mother is too strict, but at the end of the day there’s no love lost.
Cleans up after her sisters a lot, but still nowhere near as much as any of the Maidens do. Often agrees to help with messes in exchange for blackmail material. “Oh, Daniela, what a shame you broke mother’s favorite dish… I could help, but you owe me one.” At the end of the day, though, there’s plenty she would slide.
Being the “oldest”, she’s expected to behave the best, and often feels more restricted than her sisters. Being an example is hard! Occasionally she’ll have the impulse to rebel, but this usually only manifests in scenarios like the one mentioned above, aka she’ll simply be more lenient of her siblings for a bit.
Overall far less sadistic than her sisters. Cares more about the quality of pain then the amount of it. Only ever goes overboard if someone full out threatens or hurts her family. Insults towards them still earn her ire, and will get her to punish someone, but it’s not enough to make her resort to torture. Usually.
Gets the most restless out of the three. As cool (and large) as the castle is, it’s all she’s ever really known. If not for her weakness to cold, she’d go out on hikes a lot. Nature interests her, fascinates her, but she’d be a little less fond of most of it in person. Like, oh, waterfalls sound so cool, followed by a hundred complaints about the noise. Thinks deer are the cutest shit ever (second only to humans, maybe).
Unlike Daniela (though that HC is relevant almost exclusively to Serenade), Bela has actually slept with a Maiden before. She doesn’t really care for them enough to consider it a relationship, instead admiring them for their entertainment value. Definitely could fall for a Maiden, simply hasn’t yet. Of the three I feel like she takes the longest to fall in love, and even longer to actually act on her feelings. Sometimes resents her siblings because they unknowingly “claimed” a Maiden that she was starting to be interested in. However, she fully acknowledges that she should have said something if she didn’t want to lose the girl, considering the situation they live in.
Favorite music genre: Classical, full orchestra style, with a soft spot for swing/jazz. Enjoys having music play softly while she reads, and is very particular about the volume. Absolutely would argue with her sisters if they tried to change the music or turn it up.
Hobbies: Reading, duh. Less interested in romance than Daniela by a considerable amount. For the most part she reads non-fiction books, enjoying learning about history and the sciences. Astronomy is at the top of her favorites list, followed by biology, then obscure (and often bloody) pieces of history. Niche=perfect. Also enjoys music, even if she had to rely mostly on self-teaching books. Knows the basics of piano, but doesn’t actively play, much preferring both the violin and harp. Most of the time she’ll only play if she knows her sisters won’t bother her, or if her mother asks her to.
Opinions on the four lords: Admires Heisenberg’s work/his edgenuity, but thinks the actual man is a temperamental child… who smells like wet dog. He’s only been at Castle Dimitrescu a couple times (per Mother Miranda’s request), and both times Bela moved to the other side of the house so she wouldn’t have to acknowledge his existence. While she would never admit it, she’s low-key creeped out by Donna’s dolls, and really only tolerates Angie. However, she would never act on her nerves, out of consideration for Donna’s feelings. She knows that her mother gets along well with the dollmaker, and keeps this at the forefront of her mind.
Opinions continued: “Moreau who? Oh, the fish guy? He’s still alive?... Good for him.” Wants to make Lady Dimitrescu proud, but not as desperately as Cassandra. Unknowingly mimics a lot of her mother’s little habits and ticks, and would be quietly embarrassed if someone pointed it out to her. As mentioned previously, she feels like she has to be an example for the others, and somewhat resents the pressure this puts on her. On the other hand, she does enjoy being “responsible for” (read: in charge of) her sisters. Additionally, she is the most likely to get away with lying to Alcina, though she does not often do so. This isn’t because she’s the most manipulative (that’s Cass), or the best liar (that’s Dani, if she’s trying), but simply because Alcina doesn’t think her oldest daughter would lie. Even if she doubts something Bela says, she’ll usually give her the benefit of the doubt… as long as it doesn’t happen very often.
Sleeps the most of the three, if only because she’s the most active of them. Not as fast as the others while in swarm mode, but the fastest on foot, partially because she’s more likely to simply walk places. She knows the sound of feet on the floor scares the Maidens, and she drinks their fear with utter pleasure. Additionally she claims that it just feels nice to “stretch her legs”. But she will not hesitate to enter swarm mode when chasing someone. As fun as it is to smell their fear, she can get impatient, wanting to get close and personal to her target.
Tends to hide most of her feelings, sometimes even opting to “convert” them into anger. In other words, think of her emotional state as an ever-filling bottle of water. As things happen, she feels emotions, and the rate at which water pours into the bottle increases. Ideally if the water level started getting too high, she would address whatever is increasing the flow of water. Instead of that, she often uses anger, which is equivalent to shaking the bottle a bit and letting water messily spill out of it. Doesn’t address the actual problem, but let’s her release some pressure/free up some room.
Goes through Maidens faster than her siblings (yes, even Daniela “draining you of blood is romantic” Dimitrescu). Not all of them even die in the basement, sometimes what was supposed to be a “warning” turns into “oh shit the blood won’t stop coming out, this is how I die, in this accursed castle, no friends or family to mourn me, just the painful knowledge that I will not be the last, I will die for no cause, no glory, just the bitter whims of a blood-soaked mistress” or something along those lines.
While more likely to get attached to someone than Bela, Cassandra isn’t one to do much about it. She might flirt, might even try to kiss (or, uh, kiss while also not wearing clothes wink wink), but she won’t (usually) claim someone as her own, or protest if one of her sisters wants to have some fun with them (even if it’s the bloody kind of fun). Technically gets over breakups and “breakups” (i.e. death) easier than either of her sisters. To be fully accurate, Daniela still goes through lovers faster, but she also remembers them and cares for them for longer post-breakup.
Somewhat of a blood kink. Like, more than vampires automatically have. In intimate settings she cares more about the quantity of blood and what she can do with it (loves bloodstains) than what causes the bloodshed.
Favorite music genre: Rock ‘n roll. Leans towards older stuff, as well as heavier songs. Soft spot for symphonic metal, but doesn’t admit it out of the fear that some might consider it a “weaker form” of the genre. Almost exclusively listens to bands that have female vocalists, and gets crushes on them more than she’d ever admit.
Hobbies: Art! Painting, mostly, but dabbles in sculpture from time to time. It’s been too long since I took an art class for me to suggest a style for her paintings, but I imagine her sculptures would be somewhat abstract. Her art would revolve around emotion, the stronger and rawer the better, with viewers often being left uncomfortable. While Alcina buys plenty of art supplies for her, Cassandra is fond of improvising, especially by creating her own “tools” (of questionable efficiency) out of items she has laying around. She is absolutely the one who took her mother’s lipstick. If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry, it’s just mentioned in one of the RE8 notes that Lady Dimitrescu’s valuable lipstick is missing.
Opinions on the four lords: Tolerates Heisenberg more than the rest of her family by a considerable amount. She’s seen glimpses of his work, his steampunk-adjacent style, and actually kind of digs it. While Bela cares more about the science behind his work, Cassandra just digs the aesthetic. Sometimes for her art she also needs things she can’t get from the castle, and are too obscure to get from a merchant, so she trades tools/ideas with Heisenberg in exchange for him making something for her. “Can you make a battery but whenever it’s in use it makes a horrible screaming sound?” “Yes. PS I hate your mother and Miranda.” “I didn’t fucking ask.”
Opinions continued: Doesn’t really care much about Donna, but acknowledges her as a fellow artist, and would be willing to consult her if she talked more (and talked without Angie). Cassandra hasn’t met Moreau, thankfully (he would cry). Knows about him from her sister/mother, and as a result doesn’t care about him. Internally whenever someone mentions him, she pictures, like, a Goldfish Cracker (the snack that smiles back) with legs except also it’s green and moldy.
Opinions cont.: Loves her mother so much. Determined to please her, to make her proud, but often left feeling less loved than her sisters. This strains her relationship with her family, not that she’d ever voice her feelings and talk through the issue. Let’s be real, Alcina would probably feel guilty for not realizing how Cass felt. Nonetheless, Cassandra probably spends the most time with her mother, often offering to assist her with tasks, or trying to get her to appreciate her art.
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years
ML Fic Recs - Angst
I’m back with another Miraculous Ladybug rec list! As before, I’m trying to rec fics that readers are less likely to have read, generally trying to keep to under 500 kudos on AO3. You can find my other rec lists on my blog under #jennarecsml
If you enjoy these, please reblog so more readers can find these awesome fics!
I’m a sucker for fics that hurt me. The sting of rejection, the pangs of unrequited love, the hurt and the suffering yesssss, give it all to me!! Read these fics and come suffer with me! (Most have happy or at least bittersweet endings.)
Persuasion by InkyCoffee
Of course, she probably wasn’t going to be there in person. And if she was, she may not even remember him. And if she did, she would probably throw him out without an interview.
She would be well within her rights.
He didn’t deserve to be in her presence.
Still, he hoped.
She was why he was back here, after all.
One-shot. Adrienette. Post-relationship (i.e. they were together but they’re not anymore.) and post-Hawkmoth defeat. Adrien knows. And worse than that, he knows he’s responsible for breaking her heart. My hearttttttt, it breaks. The tension between them just hurts in the best way. But this is seriously beautiful.
Alone by plikki
Adrien thought he knew what it meant to be alone, but he had never felt like that before in his life.
One-shot. Set after S4 Gang of Secrets, this fic just HURTS because Adrien is hurting and it’s even worse because we know that something like this is probably coming. Plikki’s Adrien characterization is perfect. There’s no comfort to be found here, but you should still read it.
our hands would not be taught to hold another's by @ladyofthenoodle
Adrien knew that wasn’t fair to blame Ladybug for this. There were rules, and now that Master Fu was gone, it was her job as the Guardian to enforce them. There were rules, and he knew the rules, and he broke them. He hadn’t meant to, but he did.
That didn’t make losing the ring hurt any less.
Plagg shot Ladybug a skeptical look. “And you really think you can do this without him?”
Ladybug bit her lip. “I… I don’t know. But I have to. It’s my job, I shouldn’t need… I should be able to do it with anyone."
But… maybe there couldn’t be Ladybug without Chat Noir. Ladybug by itself didn’t sound nearly as cool.
Multi-chapter. I put off reading this fic for the longest time because I didn’t know if I could handle the angst of Ladybug taking the ring from Adrien, and I really regret that because it’s SO FREAKING AMAZING. Missnoodles does a fantastic job of exploring their relationship and their characters and really does the work of exploring all the feelings. I really can’t sell this one enough.
Anhedonia/When Adrien Met Marinette... by @mikauzoran
Chat Noir hadn’t been lying when he told Ladybug he’d moved on. It was only when he found out that Ladybug was Marinette that he realized he was wrong. Meanwhile, Marinette thinks that she’s missed her chance when Adrien insists that he’s gotten over his feelings. Now, they’re roommates and making themselves miserable as they pine for one another, thinking the situation’s hopeless. Things finally come to a head, and they’re forced to sit down and have an honest conversation about their feelings.
One-shot. Adrien is pining and feeling unlovable, and wow, do you ever feel all of his pain and anxiety seeping out of every word. This is just so heartbreakingly beautiful with a happy ending.
when you weren't mine to lose by @bugsandchatons
Change is a scary thing, especially when it feels like nothing has stayed the same.
It's been a year since Marinette became the Guardian of the Miracle Box - a year of struggling beneath a burden she never asked for, a weight that has her leaning on her partner more and more as the hours fly by, of letting him come to her, too, when he needs a soft place to land. A year of falling for the boy who takes on the world by her side with a smile made of sunlight, and fighting the growing urge to tell him what he means to her.
After all, they'll have time enough for that when Paris is safe.
But when the unthinkable happens, Marinette learns the tragedy of loving someone quietly, and the lines she'll cross to save him.
Multi-chapter. This is what happens when Ladybug loses Chat Noir. It hurts in all the best ways and the writing is absolutely gorgeous and somehow we still get a happy ending!
Echoes of You by @kittinoir
In the day time, she's Marinette - a normal girl, with a normal life. A normal girl, with a normal life. A normal girl, with...
Multi-chapter. You know the angst train everyone’s been riding since we learned in Miracle Queen that renouncing the miracle box costs the guardian their memories? Kittinoir murders us with it. Marinette’s got giant gaps in her memory she’s struggling to understand while Adrien is desperately trying to figure out just what the hell happened to his lady. Lots of angst and a mystery and this fic is one hell of a ride from start to finish! (There’s also a sequel that’s a WIP but I haven’t started reading it yet.)
balancing act by @fictionalinfinity
“Besides, being Ladybug always came first. It came before school, friends, and sometimes even family. Now it had to come before her health. Marinette had a duty to Paris. She wouldn’t let them down.”
Or, being both Ladybug and the Guardian starts to take its toll on Marinette.
the epilepsy au literally no one asked for
Multi-chapter. Oooh boy. Fictionalinfinity does an amazing job of weaving these new symptoms into the existing canon in a way that feels completely organic and believable. The characterizations are AMAZING, and the conflict is just so completely believable and absolutely heart-wrenching.
I swear I’ll let you go in the morning by plikki
When you lose all certainty in your life, you hold onto the only person that keeps you from falling apart.
One-shot. Hawk Moth’s identity is revealed and as a result, Ladybug and Chat Noir share their identities with each other. Not nearly as angsty as some of the other fics on this list, but have some sweet hurt/comfort after all of that.
When Push Comes to Shove by @thatanonwiththeoc​
Adrien had lost everything after he ran away from her in that sewer. His miraculous, his kwami, his Lady.
However, little did he know that she caught a glance of him without him knowing it, and she wasn't about to let him leave just yet.
One-shot. Set after the NY Special. Once Marinette realizes who ran away from him, it changes everything and the way they interact is just sad and sweet and lovely. The happy ending makes up for all the hurt!
Cut here because of spoilers for season 4 below
Behind the Masks by @mikauzoran
Ladybug’s announcement that she revealed her identity to someone and her insistence that she and Chat Noir still have to keep their identities secret from each other leave Chat Noir in fear of akumatization. When he goes to Marinette for help, she realizes just how badly she’s screwed up and becomes determined to make things right between her and her partner.
One-shot. Set after S4 Gang of Secrets, this was exactly the kind of angst-fest I wanted. Adrien has a lot of buried issues and we’re seeing that explored more in season 4. But Adrien doesn’t seem to want to acknowledge any of that. But here he does and it’s beautiful and the ending asdfghjkl please read!!!
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tribus-mantodea · 3 years
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[ Memories of the discarded. ]
I’ve been holding onto these but uhhoohogh it’s time for some awkward headcanons again!
Today’s session brought to you by: tentative thoughts centering the Mantis Child.
(In which for me, she was born pre-traitor arc.)
With mutual respect and consent came her^TM, but it was an ultimately loveless cause. Nothing more than a simple bond between two strong(?) mantids. Well. That said, he’s not a bastard and had taken due care of both partner and child when the time came (where the sisters had also doted and loved her).
I will add that while he did betray his tribe at some point for various reasons while still keeping enough of his mind, she had the choice to either stay or go. Feeling it wrong to do otherwise, she had reluctantly left with him and the defectors on her own volition. In part to see it through, and in knowing and being warned that the associations would be... gray, so to speak, if she did stay. So she couldn’t really be considered part of them anymore after choosing beasts over the village.
(...and the phrasing is the Traitors’ Child, rather than Traitor’s.)
Thereby, I enjoy implying that the mantises are fairly cool-knit with each other internally — at least up to an extent, or perhaps in some idea that any offspring of a Lord would be considered part of the tribe/everyone’s.
In turn. Though she did not take the infection like the outcasts had (they respected her will, at least — it was more than enough that she came with them anyhow), they treated her just like how they did when they were not traitors: as if she were their own.
And it’s quite the fun thought, really, to imagine her tiredly and quietly watching her kin slowly accept more of this sweetly foul thing and be more aggressive than they normally would be. Though they held familiarity and a degree of kindness in the initial phase of their exile, she still felt an uncomfortable uncertainty she couldn’t place. Where interactions grew a bit more sternly, hinted with resentment at the existing reminder that they all chose to take the infection even when the Daughter held on her own (albeit not without struggle).
It’s equally fun to imagine that as soon as she died, they started their downhill collapse into the unhinge.
Rather than have her die at her own father’s hands by some whacky rage/misunderstanding, I like to think that at some point they kind of... well, being influenced by the Radiance, I’d like to think that their disdain for anything regarding Hallownest intensified, resulting in them defiling and ransacking the gardens of the Queen since Man She’s Right There (and if not that, then just a hint of a whisper directing them to said area that so happened to be her domain) and their thoughts had grown more swayed.
So she didn’t have to accompany any battle, really, and she especially had some conflict when her own lover admitted her allegiance to Hallownest and here she was trying to keep things under wraps. But she still remembered how fondly she was treated, and so came the feeling of obligation to go.
One thing led to another, and she fell by Dryya’s nail, quickly noticed by the Traitor Lord after she was thrown to the side like she were any other mantid that had clashed with the fiercely loyal protector. And she does remember the brief tell in passing from the other knight, “Che’ found fondest affection for a mantis, different.” Remembered after hearing the roar that halted their fight, where the Lord swung back one of his own kin when they did not seem well enough to heed the order out of both insanity and rage.
The traitor tribe had a screaming headache that they were to kill and continue onwards, but their Lord held on enough to deny them of that. Had managed to get across to the despicable knight following lies that he would — will — bury their beloved Daughter before returning to conclude. It was in no way advantageous to say this and actually follow through in a brief retreat, but he did brush off the hint of appreciation that her corpse wasn’t outright dismembered (somehow).
So right after they could complete said burial in a place they suspected to be most frequented by her (and perhaps another) alongside the surface precaution of thorns, well...ya know. They lost their reminder, their reason; at that point, it was easier to mentally influence the traitor tribe with all the nonsense that came along with the infection. Hallucinations, loudening suggestions, muddled thoughts, the works.
They are led to believe at this point there was no going back and that their tribe would certainly not take them back, so they gave in entirely and lost rationality where not even the Lord himself could remember where the grave they made was at some point (aside from a memory that it’s within these very gardens).
(Miscellaneous | Mantis Lords)
I’d like to also think that the sisters had kept some sort of tabs on the traitor tribe, though they did not directly see to them. A group of scouts here, a hunt to check there; they at least had a vague understanding of where the mantid and beasts had taken territory to. 
Concerning the grave, I would like to assume that they do know, but as for how they know... I’d want to say either by word or by an unfortunately-timed and poor impression of meeting Ze’mer, stuck in mourning. It isn’t as if all of the Lords could go and see it, so it’d be a rather one-by-one basis just to acknowledge the fact, if at all.
Also I double-like to think that they could demolish the fourth throne entirely if they so wanted to, but they kept it to serve as a reminder of failure/what could come to their tribe (and in an unspoken yet vain hope). Fun memories/regrets for the whole kin! :D
or something. um
okay listen I already said my interpretations might be a bit too indulgent on the family-loving side, but I hope that makes sense enough? haha ooohg...
I just want a bit of happiness here and there before it turns outright Bad. I figure the dude’s got good intent and lots of thought behind his decision(?) in being infected rather than the straight up “you know what’s sexy? strength. alright. i think i’m going to go batshit now.” and while I love, I would also spontaneously combust at the thought of him killing his daughter (at least for my interpretations), especially if it’s over just somethin’ small like “you love a NOT-A-MANTIS?!” due to that one outsider-honor dream dialogue from a mantis warrior makin’ me wonder otherwise.
(for that my thoughts is more Ze’mer: the Hallowed-of-nest Knight? -> Radiance as Infectious Influence: “Oh. That bug sucks. You hate Hallownest? That bug’s going to totally leave your daughter to rot.”)
I can explain about this stuff more but maybe... maybe I leave that for another post before I babble on hsdflkhj
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staytinyzen01 · 2 years
SKZ Talker EP.01
SKZ 9th/10th member au
Stray Kids X Jiah
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Jiah was sat with Hyunjin on the floor, stealing part of his food, whilst Seungmin and Jeongin were playing with stickers. They were talking to the camera about how the stickers were to be used for the attendance sheet. She watched them intently before she grabbed one and stuck it on Hyunjin's forehead, he then did the same for herself, Jeongin and Seungmin.
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The camera cuts and she heads to find Felix, deciding at that moment to annoy him. She could hear the others making fun of Jisung in district 9 so she and Felix did it quietly to themselves, giggling at the exaggerated facial expressions they created whilst doing them. It was like the giggling summoned Han because once she looked up she saw him staring at the pair of them, saying that he 'will be watching you!' which caused them to laugh more at the absurdity of the situation.
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The camera cuts again and this time she is sat next to Minho whilst the others did a brief run-through of My Pace. She was doing the whole fan chant to the song and when they finished she looked at them and applauded. They soon began to mess around which caused Woojin to wake up. She looked at him and stayed silent, she had nothing to say to him and instead turned to Jeongin to stay out of his way. The only time they seemed to speak to each other was when they were both on camera together, otherwise, he avoided her like the plague.
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After the pre-recording for 'M Countdown had finished' they headed back to the dorms. Jiah was in the car with Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin. She was reading fan letters and she smiled at them. They were all so sweet. They soon arrived at the dorms and Chan hung back to speak to her, making sure the camera was out of earshot.
She glanced at him and made a noise of acknowledgement.
'What's going on with you and Woojin. I noticed that you aren't interacting with each other. Has something happened?' He frowned as he spoke. His leader instincts had kicked in and he wanted to see if he could help with anything.
Jiah shrugged. 'Honestly? I have absolutely no idea Roo. One day we are having a conversation and it was kinda fine, I mean the conversations were rather one-sided but at least they happened, but then the next day he ignores my entire existence. I don't know what is going on. As far as I am aware I haven't done anything wrong. It started from the day we were building the furniture for the dorms. He slowly withdrew from speaking to me. I'm just letting him get on with it though. I'm not going to let it affect me or anything that I do. I'm sorry if this is causing you issues though. I really don't want for that to happen.'
Chan nods and looks at her. 'That isn't anything you can control I'm afraid. I will speak to him and see if I can find out what the problem is, as you haven't done anything different to cause him to act like this. You are the same with everyone. Don't worry about it, for now, I will handle it. On a different note, how has your family reacted to the whole being an idol thing? I hadn't gotten around to checking up yet so I might as well do it now.'
Jiah froze. Her parents disowned her the moment it became apparent that she wasn't going to become a doctor. They only contact her when they need her for an event. To pretend they are a loving happy family and that they are proud of their child. Jiah looked at Chan and shrugged.
'I don't think it has set in yet for them. We must get back inside though, everyone will start to wonder what happened to us otherwise.' Chan nods and they head into the dorms.
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The camera cuts to them getting ready for a show. Jiah is messing around with Jeongin and Hyunjin once again. She jumps onto Hyunjins back and he catches her with ease before she looks around, keeping a watch for the stylists and ruffles his hair. He lets out a teasing groan.
'If you keep that up I will tell the stylist noonas what you did.'
She lets out a squeal of repeated no's. 'NO!!! I'm sorry I won't do it again.' Giggles escaping her as she said it. Hyunjin gave Jeongin a glance before Jeongin nodded and helped carry Jiah to a seat where they began to tickle her. Her laugh resounding causing everyone to smile. A stylist walked in and saw her hair getting messed up and scolded the three of them before going to fix it. They continued to let out little laughs.
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The camera cuts once more and Jiah is in the car with Chan, Minho, Changbin and Woojin. She had fallen asleep already and was resting her head on Changbin's shoulder. The boys were talking to Stay about the show and about other events that they will be doing, such as ASMR.
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The camera cuts for a final time to them all getting ready for a 'Music Bank' performance. Jiah was getting ready before she emerged from the changing rooms and sitting with Changbin as he was messing around with a camera.
'Ooh, ooh! take a picture of me and I will take a picture of you!' She says excitedly. Changbin complies and takes a picture of her. She then took the camera and did the same for him. She found a pen and drew little decorations on his photo. Chan soon came along, putting his finger in the way and saying that they shouldn't be doing that. Changbin did a close up of the camera, looking into stays eyes before they end the video.
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jlalafics · 3 years
"The Long Weekend"-Part One
Happy belated birthday @keelaree!
Hope you enjoy this first part. Thank you for being such a wonderful part of my writing life, and an even better friend. Can't wait till we can reunite in SF, so we can tea time together and eat soup dumplings.
Love you!
Summary: Two assistants who barely tolerate each other. One snowy cabin. One very long weekend.
Oh, and one bed.
“I’m making the turn now, Haymitch,” Peeta told his boss as he navigated the icy road. “Should have everything prepped and ready by the time you and Effie arrive.”
“Thanks,” Haymitch replied over the speakerphone. “I should tell you that I did ask for someone to help you out. Someone who knows Effie better than I do sometimes—”
Peeta slowed his car as he spotted the cozy cabin in front of him. However, he grimaced seeing the red Jeep already parked on its side.
“You didn’t.”
“Peeta, Katniss knows Effie very well,” his boss said calmly. “Just like you know me. I know that you two don’t get along—”
“Understatement of the year,” Peeta replied as he parked roughly.
“This is important. I’m proposing to Effie and I want it to be perfect,” Haymitch explained. “Katniss knows all the foods she likes to eat, and how to decorate the place to make it comfortable yet romantic. Effie and I are finishing up our meeting with Mr. Snow then we’ll be making our way up to the cabin for the holiday weekend. I’ll call you when we’re on our way so you and Katniss can take off—that is if you haven’t murdered one another by then.”
“I’m only doing this because I’m your assistant,” he called out.
“You could at least like me!” Haymitch joked. “I pay you an obscene amount for an assistant.”
“Katniss probably gets paid more.”
“Well, she picks up tampons for Effie without being asked so probably.”
“Everything will be ready by the time you get here,” Peeta promised. “And I’m doing this because I like and respect you.”
“Thank you, Peeta. Call you soon.”
Peeta Mellark sighed as he stepped out of his car, bags in hand. The snowy wind picked up and he wrapped his parka tighter around himself before rushing up to the porch. It was getting worse up here, and he hoped that the soon-to-be engaged couple would make it safely.
Getting out the key that Haymitch lent him, Peeta unlocked the door and quickly stepped in to keep the cold air from entering with him.
“Oh, you’re finally here.” Katniss Everdeen sailed into the room, placing a charcuterie board on the coffee table in the center of the sitting room. “I thought you died or something.”
Peeta gave her a wry smile, placing the bags on the floor before shaking off his parka and hanging it on the hook by the door.
“Thought or hoped?” He searched his bag before pulling out the champagne that Haymitch asked along with the two glasses. Going to the table, Peeta placed them on the table before going back to the bag for the champagne bucket. “Is there ice?”
“The fridge has an ice machine,” Katniss informed him tersely, nodding her head towards the left. “I’ve already gotten their dinner started.”
“Not surprised.” Peeta walked into the kitchen, heading to the stainless-steel fridge. “You’re so anal that you’ve probably carved those little radish flowers for garnish.”
“They’re in the fridge so they’ll be fresh.”
Peeta wasn’t sure why they didn’t get along.
For one, Katniss was admittedly attractive with her long dark, and almond-shaped grey eyes. The first time he saw his stomach had definitely done a little flip. She had been walking alongside Effie, notebook in hand, wearing a fitted black dress with a peter pan collar and paying scant attention to anything else around her.
She literally knocked him to the ground.
Katniss had apologized, holding out her hand to help him up.
And Peeta had fucking tingled at her touch.
Over the next few days as he learned the ropes of being Haymitch Abernathy’s assistant, Peeta noticed her across the hall. Effie Trinket’s office was directly adjacent to his boss’ and Katniss’ desk was in the same spot as his.
She kept her head down, never acknowledging him, so wrapped up in her work or answering her phone.
So, Peeta asked around.
“She’s an ice queen,” Cato, who was in Marketing, informed him. “Never wants to hang out with anyone or even join in during happy hour. It’s important here to form relationships with everyone. Panem Industries is all about workplace harmony and Katniss embodies none of that.”
“Yeah, she’s snooty, too,” Clove from IT added. “I once asked her something about her family and she replied that it was none of my business. Like I was just trying to get to know her!”
“Wow. I guess if Katniss is that much of a head case, then I shouldn’t bother to ask her for help,” he told the two.
After that, during any interaction, she treated him indifferently…cold even. Peeta couldn’t help but be disappointed that Cato and Clove’s words were true.
And that was the end of his fascination with Katniss Everdeen.
“You want to get out here and help me or was the ice machine too hard for you to maneuver?” Katniss suddenly called out.
Peeta quickly filled the bucket and stepped out.
Katniss was bent over the couch, arranging the pillows, and he felt a heat rush through his skin.
There was also the slight twinge in his crotch at seeing a firm apple-bottom in tight ski pants.
It seemed that Katniss Everdeen had a bigger effect on him than he realized.
Peeta Mellark had a huge effect on her.
Katniss struggled to keep the heat off her cheeks as she fixed the pillows that she bought for the cabin. Effie loved those cheesy sayings, so she went on Etsy and ordered custom-made pillows with her favorite quotes.
No one should spend so much time arranging pillows, but Katniss could feel his stare on her. It made her nervous…and tingly.
However, these feelings didn’t belong—especially in a work situation and she needed this job.
Taking a breath, Katniss turned…to find Peeta right behind her.
He jumped back, startled by her abrupt movements.
Whoa—was he checking her out?
“Why were you so close?” she blurted out.
“Sorry. It looked like you were confused about how pillows worked,” he replied, rolling his eyes. “You were there for a millennium.”
“Funny.” She sighed at the amusement in his gorgeous blue eyes—stop it!—and steeled her expression. “Do you think you could help me set up this romantic dinner for our bosses instead of standing there like an ass-licker?”
“You mean asshole.”
“I stand by my words,” Katniss replied and was surprised when he chuckled, his eyes crinkling as he did. She couldn’t help but let her mouth rise. “The table is in that closet next to the door. I got some table linens from a vintage shop that Effie likes last week.”
“Wow, you’re really on top of it,” Peeta remarked, going to the closet. “How do you have time for a life?”
She didn’t.
As in, Katniss didn’t have a life.
She had work, she had a home, but a social life was non-existent. Katniss knew what everyone said about her; that she was cold and distant, never wanting to be part of the team. It never bothered her because she did have her reasons.
So, she was surprised at how hurt she was when she heard Peeta call her a headcase.
Katniss hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, only passing the breakroom to get to the copy machine. However, she stopped at the mention of her name.
Cato’s words were no surprise, though he failed to mention that her iciness was due to him inappropriately putting his arm around her and telling her that they should get to know each other on a personal level. Katniss also didn’t trust Clove for shit; she was the office gossip.
It hit hard to know that the one person who had made her tingle was so easily influenced by two douchebags.
Katniss had decided, then and there, that if Peeta didn’t see past her exterior, then he must be like the rest of them.
“I’m very organized,” she replied. It came out harder than she intended. “I have to be.”
Peeta had already set up the table in front of the fireplace.
“Well, it’s in your favor,” he told her. “You’re a good assistant.”
Katniss looked up in surprise. “You think I’m a good assistant?”
Peeta snorted. “Like you didn’t know it—where are the tablecloths?”
She handed him a beautiful fuchsia tablecloth followed by a cream lace one.
“Fuchsia first then layer it with the lace,” she told him. “I always hope I am. Effie is a great boss and she’s so supportive about work-and-homelife balance. I want to make sure this is all perfect for her.”
Katniss helped Peeta straighten the cloth, smoothing it down and making sure that there were no wrinkles. They settled into a light conversation about working with their respective bosses while setting the rest of the table. While Peeta worked on the place settings, he told her about how he admired Haymitch’s down-to-earth attitude despite being one of the most successful people in the company.
She arranged the florals in the center of the table while telling him how she had worked two jobs prior to getting this one.
“I was a waitress and housekeeper before this,” she revealed. “I was working a crazy lunch rush when I met Effie. We got to talking because she noticed how I met her coffee exactly the way she liked it despite my ragged expression—her words not mine. Effie kept on coming in, and a month after we met, she offered me the assistant job. Said she like my gumption.”
“That’s really cool,” Peeta said. He set down one of the forks he was cleaning and met her eyes. “You know, this is the first time we’ve really talked. I kind of believed you thought of me as your enemy.”
“I thought the same thing.” Katniss placed a folded napkin on the plate in front of her. “You called me a head case.”
His blue eyes widened, shocked at her words. Slowly, she could see in his eyes, the memory of his words.
“I didn’t know you heard that,” he said quietly. “I didn’t mean it and I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine!” Katniss stood up abruptly. The pain of his words churned in her stomach. “I know that everyone talks about me. In my defense, Cato was completely inappropriate when we first met. I thought acting like a bitch would stave him off. Clove has no filter—”
Peeta’s brows furrowed at her sudden coldness.
“I realize that now—one year later…is that why you completely ignore me? Why you act like the sight of me makes you sick?”
“I do not!” Katniss cried out into the room. “You avoid me at all costs!”
“Because the one time that I attempted to ask you a question—you brushed me aside!” he shouted. “If you had bothered to talk to me, I wouldn’t have believed what people said in the first place—” Peeta’s phone rang, and he quickly picked up, seeing his boss’ face on his screen. “Haymitch? You on your way? What? No, I haven’t looked outside—”
Katniss rushed to one of the front windows, pulling back the curtain.
White everywhere.
She couldn’t even see her car and it was bright fucking red!
“They’re not coming.”
Turning, Katniss found Peeta putting his phone in his pocket as he approached.
“The snowstorm came unexpectedly, and the roads are blocked. They’re staying at Effie’s to wait it out while we…are stuck here until it passes.”
The good thing was that the house was fully equipped. Food was stocked in the fridge since the couple had planned to stay for the long weekend. Both he and Katniss had even brought Haymitch and Effie’s luggage so there had clothing.
“Well, dinner must be ready,” Katniss informed him with a sigh. “If you want to get more comfortable, you can probably change to something of Haymitch’s. I have a call to make before my phone dies and then I’ll pull the food out of the oven.”
Peeta nodded numbly, grabbing Haymitch's duffle and going to the opposite open door where the bedroom was. He tossed the bag on the bed—
The one bed.
Turning, he rushed out of the room to look for his female counterpart. “Katniss!” He found the sitting room empty and headed into the kitchen.
“Yes, I’ll be fine,” she spoke quietly into the phone. “Just be nice to Johanna, okay? I’ll be home soon.” Her voice sounded completely different, light and happy—even affectionate. “I love you, too. Good night.”
He knocked on the archway and she turned to him.
“We have a problem,” he told her. “There’s only one bed.”
“And the couch is really just a loveseat,” Katniss mused as she pulled the food—steak with roasted asparagus and potatoes. Her expression was pained, and she blew out a breath. “I don’t really want to think about this right now. Why don’t we just eat?”
Peeta quickly nodded in agreement, rushing to the sitting room, and grabbing their plates.
“Why don’t you let me set this up?” he told her, seeing how frazzled she seemed. “Have a seat. Open the champagne—”
Katniss laughed and the sound of her lightened the load on his chest.
“You trying to get me drunk, Mellark?”
Peeta smirked. “If it makes you like me, then yes.”
“Fine, fine…” Katniss sauntered off towards the doorway. She stopped at the archway and their eyes met. Her gaze was nervous, but he could see the warmth in her greys. “You’re not my enemy, Peeta. And…I like you more than you think.”
Katniss disappeared, but not before he spied the blush on her cheeks.
Peeta felt another twinge. This time—in his chest.
Instead of sitting at the table, Katniss grabbed Effie’s luggage, a classic Louis Vuitton that cost more than her old Jeep, and brought it to the bedroom.
The one bedroom. With the one bed.
A sudden image of herself spooned contentedly against Peeta in that very bed rose in her mind—
“Stop tripping off him!” she chided herself.
Distractedly, Katniss opened the bag, sorting for something remotely comfortable in her boss’ luggage. However, it looked like Effie was expecting some sort of kinky weekend. The only sleepwear she had was a tiny red number that Katniss would probably bust out of; Effie was a tiny but fierce woman.
Maybe she could borrow something from Haymitch’s pile—
“I’m coming!” she called out before stuffing Effie’s lingerie back into the back.
Walking back into the room, Katniss saw that Peeta had already placed the plates on the table. He stood waiting for her, looking obnoxiously handsome as he had the day they met.
That first time, she had knocked him to the ground so caught up in following with Effie’s rapid pace. When Katniss held out her hand to him, she was caught up in the open smile he gave her. Then it was the gold waves along his forehead, which Katniss desperately wanted to brush back and the blue of his eyes—they had a tinge of grey in them.
For a moment, she was just a girl, and he was just a boy. Peeta didn’t know anything about the rumors of her iciness or how someone like her, with no college degree, managed to get a position like hers.
In that moment, Katniss was pure.
“You alright?” Peeta asked, interrupting her moment down memory lane.
“Yes.” She let him help her into her seat. “I was just thinking about something.”
“Was it the one bed thing?” he joked. “I’m fine with sleeping on the floor—”
Katniss held her hand up. “Let’s be grownups. It’s a big bed and we can put a pillow between us.”
“Very to the point,” Peeta replied, holding up his champagne glass. “To being grown-ups.”
“To being grown-ups.” She clinked her glass to his and took a full gulp. The liquid bubbled through her, making her laugh. “Wow, that’s some good shit.”
Peeta guffawed. “We’re going to have some fun.”
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mochegato · 3 years
An Irrevocably Gone Heart
Tim tugged on her arm.  “You’re coming with me.”
“What?” Marinette exclaimed a little louder than she meant to.  She immediately looked around to see if any of the other party goers had noticed them and cringed at the eyes on her.  She gave them a weak smile and moved closer to Tim, who was still pulling them toward the stairs. “No, no, no, no.  This is a family thing.”  She tried to pull away discretely but Tim had her arm in a firm lock.  Damn vigilante training.  She could break out of it of course, but not without making a scene in front of a growing audience, which was starting to include his family.  
They were all moving to the stairs like Tim was, and unwillingly her as well, to stand behind Mr. Wayne as he addressed the crowd at his New Year’s party. She briefly looked over to them to see if they had noticed her yet.  One of the brothers in particular, Jason, had observed the interaction between her and Tim and was watching her carefully.  She accidentally met his eyes and couldn’t look away.  She saw a flicker of interest and amusement in his eyes and blushed at the attention.  She was so caught up in his eyes, she stumbled slightly, giving Tim the advantage in dragging her the last few feet to the stairs.
“You’re like family.  In fact, I like you more than most of my family so… You’re coming.”  Tim grinned at her mercilessly.  She couldn’t get away now without causing a stir in the crowd, drawing all eyes away from Mr. Wayne and to her.  She was caught and they both knew it, trapped by societal convention.  He pulled her onto the stairs next to him and the rest of the family, facing the crowd of party goers and reporters.
“Okay first, I hate being in front of a lot of people.  Second, this seems incredibly counterproductive,” Marinette hissed quietly at him.
“Depends on your goal,” he said with a polite, fake smile, keeping his eyes on the crowd.  “Now smile for the cameras, Love.”
Marinette groaned quietly at him and turned to face the crowd with the practiced, PR worthy smile Adrien had taught her.  She stood a polite distance from Tim, making it clear that although she was here with him, she wasn’t here with him.  Tim chuckled devilishly and pulled her closer to him, slinging his arm around her shoulders. “I’m going to make you pay for this.” She threatened through gritted teeth and a beautiful smile.  “You know who I am but you won’t know where I am and you will never see me coming.”
“Calm down, Trevor.  And you’re welcome.” His smile turned real and his eyes glistened with mirth. “Tomorrow our picture, and more importantly your clothes, will be everywhere in Gotham.”
As soon as Bruce was done with his welcoming speech, they bolted from the stairs to escape his family’s and reporter’s questions.  Tim guided her as they ran through the maze of the manor. They finally stopped running in a back hallway, doubling over in laughter and out of breath.  “Oh man, my family is going to drive themselves insane trying to figure out who you are.”
Marinette closed her eyes and groaned.  “How did this help?  It’s only going to make Bruce more curious about me to make sure I’m not a gold-digger or using you.”
“Marinette, calm down.  You aren’t using me or abusing our friendship to get your name out there.  It was my idea and as I recall, to get you to let me commission you for the suit and come with me, I had to blackmail you int...”  She lunged at him to slam her hands over his mouth.
She glared at him as she looked around to see if anyone heard them.  As soon as she was sure nobody was around to hear them, missing the body listening to them around the corner, she batted at Tim with a pout.  “They don’t know that and how are you going to explain it?”
“I’ll figure it out without saying anything important.” He looked back in the general direction of the party.  “We should get back though.”
“Ugh, fine, but I’m not staying until midnight just for some trust fund prick to try to ‘slum it’ for a night with me. And next time, you come with your boyfriend, not me.  And I can design both of your suits instead.” She adds with a smug grin.
“If you can get him into a suit, deal.” Tim scoffed.  “Good luck with that by the way.  Come on, give me one dance as a reprieve before I have to be sociable. And if any other trust fund pricks try anything with you, I promise to destroy them.”  He gave her a wink.
“Like I need you to do that for me.” She snarked at him.
“Oh definitely not, but it would give me an acceptable excuse to leave the party.” Tim shrugged with a smile.
Jason watched them walk back toward the party from his spot tucked away in an alcove.  Well, this night was certainly more interesting than he had anticipated.  He followed them back to the party and kept an eye on the friends as they danced.  The woman, Marinette, seemed to be having an awfully good time dancing and joking with Tim considering he was ‘blackmailing’ her, but then again if they were friends, like it seemed they were, it was likely to be more embarrassing than damning.
As far as Jason could tell, despite how much she had complained to Tim earlier, Marinette was handling the crowd brilliantly.  She managed to make the rounds at the party talking pleasantly with quite a few people.  A few of her conversation partners had been attending Wayne parties for years and tonight was the first night Jason saw them give a genuine smile.  But, if anyone made the mistake of trying to touch her a little too intimately or make a comment that was a bit too suggestive, or just flat out insulting, she sent them a dark glare that would make Batman proud and crowded their personal space in a way that had the aggressor backing away intimidated and Jason impressed.
Jason tore his eyes away from Marinette and moved to the bar to get some liquid patience.  Tim might be a natural at mingling but he needed a little help to deal with this crowd. The only interesting part of the entire evening had been Tim’s friend.  She had wandered around the room with an effortless grace and stood up for herself with just as effortless strength.  It was a hard balance to maintain and she pulled it off beautifully, just like the rest of herself.  
Jason set his empty drink down and looked down the bar for the bartender.  He didn’t find the bartender, but he did find the stunning woman herself sitting alone with an empty seat next to her.  He moved quickly, seeing a few other men eying her with interest as well.  “Is this seat taken?” He asked with a charming smile.
“It is not.” She said tiredly, not even bothering to look up.  “My date isn’t using it right now.”
“Smooth.” Jason nodded in approval.  “Timbo would just push me out if he wanted the seat.  Well, he’d try anyway.” He took the seat and ordered another drink from the newly appeared bartender.  “Want a refill?”
“I’m good thank you.”  She continued staring at her drink.
Jason grinned at her.  She wasn’t remotely interested in playing nice just for the sake of propriety.  She wasn’t rude, just not easily impressed.  “I’m Tim’s brother, Jason.”
She looked over at him in surprise and immediately cringed internally.  He was the brother she had embarrassed herself gaping at earlier.  “Oh, I’m sorry.  Hi. Nice to meet you.  I’m Marinette.”  She reached her hand out to him with a smile.  “Sorry, I thought you were another… never mind.  Hi.”
He gave her a disarming smile and shook her hand.  “Don’t worry about it, I understand.  The kind of people who come to this are… rich is the nicest thing to say about almost any of them.  And you know what they say, eat the rich.”  He dropped her hand but kept his eyes on her.  
She raised an eyebrow at him.  “Aren’t you rich?”
He chuckled.  “No, Bruce is.  I make my own, significantly less red carpeted, way.”
She looked at him skeptically then eyed his tuxedo.  “Awfully expensive tux for someone who isn’t rich.” She commented wryly.
“Bruce’s party, he wants me here, he pays.  I don’t normally wear suits, let alone ones that cost more than six month’s rent.”
She studied the tuxedo again.  “Six months, huh?  That still affords you a pretty nice apartment by Gotham standards.”
He bobbed his head to the side in acknowledgement and studied her again, trying to make sense of her.  “So, what does he have on you?”
She cocked her head to the side and stared at him in confusion as she tried to figure out what he meant.  Her face scrunched in annoyance and her entire posture stiffened once she figured it out.  “If you think Tim has to blackmail me into being his friend, you vastly underestimate your brother’s charms.”
“No I don’t.” Jason scoffed at her.  “I meant bringing you here.”
She raised an eyebrow at him and set her mouth in a firm line.  “You think he has to blackmail me to spend time with him? How is that better?”
“I think he blackmailed you to get you to come to this specific event.  And I think that because I heard him say it to you in the hallway a little bit ago.” Jason responded matter-of-factly, taking another swig of his drink.
“Ah…” She looked back down at her drink and took a long sip trying to figure out how to respond.  Well on the bright side, he wasn’t insulting Tim with his question, he was trying to understand if she was a threat.  But, she wasn’t going to make it that easy for him.  She looked back over to him and gave him a pointed look.  “If it was something I wanted to share, it wouldn’t be blackmail material.”  
Jason grinned at her “True.” Still staring at her expectantly.
“Let’s just say there are things I would rather… uh…” she looked around cautiously, “Bruce Wayne, not know about me.”
Jason raised an eyebrow at her. “Is that so?”
“Yeah… Oh! No.  Nothing like that.  I’m not like Catwoman or one of the sirens or anything.”  She waved her hands frantically in front of her.
He chuckled.  “Honestly I don’t think that would be considered an issue for him.”
She cocked her head to the side, “True.  The most bizarre relationship ever.”
“Not when Joker and Harley once existed.”
“Most appalling relationship ever.”
Jason chuckled and looked into his glass until he realized what she had said. “Wait, how did you know…”
“Catwoman and…” he motioned vaguely with his hand.  She hadn’t confirmed she knew Bruce was Batman and he wasn’t about to out that particular secret if she didn’t know.
“Ohh,” She nodded in understanding and gave him a grin.  “Your family isn’t as slick as they think they are, Red.”
Jason stared at her dumbfounded for a few seconds.  She knew their secret and apparently Tim, the one person that matched Bruce in paranoia, wasn’t worried about her in the least.  “And he’s blackmailing you?” Jason asked incredulously. “How bad is your secret?”
“Not bad just… I don’t need someone critiquing all my life choices, you know? It’s a threat of annoyance, not retribution.”
“Mood.” Jason said lifting his glass to hers.  She clinked hers to his with a sardonic smile.  
She was beautiful, smart, elegant, tough, funny, judicious, cautious, and far out of his league.  But he was here now and they were having fun and he wasn’t stupid enough to blow a brilliant opportunity.  Jason gazed over his shoulder toward the dancefloor and back to her.  He looked her up and down and gave her a roguish smile. “Care to dance?”
“I didn’t take you for a dancer.” She responded as she moved toward the dancefloor and held out her hand for him.
He grabbed her hand, holding it close to his chest and wrapped his other hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him.  “It has its advantages.”
Marinette looked up at him with wide eyes, a light blush dusting her cheeks. “I see what you mean.”  She ducked her head trying to collect herself.  He wasn’t the first handsome man she’d danced with, why was this one making her lose her composure?  She wasn’t 15 anymore, damn it!
“So how did you figure it out?” he asked casually.  He clearly wasn’t upset, just curious.
“How does everyone not?  Seriously, Bruce admitted it under oath.” She scoffed.  “Plus you guys are terrible at hiding it.  You don’t even try to act or look different.  Oh look Bruce Wayne has a new ward or person who hangs out with the family all the time.  Oh look, there’s a new vigilante with the same build and hair color.  Pure coincidence surely.  Then there’s the whole butts match thing.”
“Wow, been studying Bruce’s butt that closely, huh?” Jason raised an unamused eyebrow at her.
“Who said anything about Bruce’s butt?” She asked without thinking about it.  Jason spluttered at her.  Her eyes widened and her face paled as she realized what she had just said.
“Forget I said that,” she pleaded, her face turning bright red.
“Oh fuck no.  That’s the best compliment I’ve ever gotten.  A gorgeous woman has been studying my ass so intently she was able to identify me by it?” He gave her a brilliant smile so wide, his cheeks would surely hurt the next morning.  “My ego will never come down from this.”
Marinette groaned in embarrassment and buried her head in her hands and then buried her head and hands in his chest, trying to erase all evidence of her existence. Jason wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly as he roared with laughter.  Marinette could feel his body vibrating with the sound.  The movement calmed her enough that she was willing to remove her hands from her face but not her face from his chest.  “I hope you’ll let me return the favor someday.” He whispered in her ear.
Marinette jerked her head back to look at him, her eyes wide and cheeks a deep crimson.  When her eyes met the wicked glint in his, she narrowed hers, a hint of a smile on her lips.  “Good luck with that.  Magic is a hell of a thing.”
Jason looked at her confused.  That was not a response he was expecting… or understood.  They stared in each other’s eyes for a few moments, both trying to figure out something about the other.  Marinette finally broke the silence with a teasing smile.  “So, you’re Jason, huh?  I’ve heard a few things about you.”  She chuckled lightly when he rolled his eyes at that and groaned lightly.  “Did you really do a flip off of one building to crash through the skylight of another and beat up a bunch of henchmen then set their drug room on fire all while quoting Shakespeare?”
He barked out a loud laugh and smiled brightly at her, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “It was Austen.”
She smiled back at him but quickly narrowed her eyes and quirked her head to the side.  “Prove it,” She challenged him, a playful lilt in her voice.  He looked at her questioningly not sure how exactly he was supposed to crash through a skylight when there wasn’t one here.  “Quote some Austen to me.  I have a hard time believing the formidable… you, is secretly a book nerd.”
A delighted smile creeped onto his face.  Marinette was the first person to ask him about his love for literature and encourage him to indulge in it.  He tried to remember all the many Jane Austen quotes he’d memorized through reading and rereading her works so often.  What would be the most impressive quote?  Which one would wow her the most?  He ransacked his brain, but suddenly his mind was blank.  He couldn’t think of anything.  The harder he tried to remember, the harder it was to think.  He opened and closed his mouth a few times.
Marinette watched the panic flit across his eyes.  She cringed internally.  She got anxiety when she was put on the spot.  Jason must be the same.  It was one thing to do it in the heat of the moment, without thinking about it, but being asked to perform on demand, was a different kind of pressure. She gently cupped his cheek and brought his eyes back down to hers and gave him a soft smile.  “Maybe you can show me later.  I’ll still be impressed tomorrow.”
He looked in her eyes and instantly felt himself calm down.  Her eyes were shining with compassion, like she understood exactly what was going on in his head and believed in him.  He pulled her closer and gave her a tender smile in return. He ran his fingers slowly up and down her back, “The very first moment I beheld you, my heart was irrevocably gone.” He quoted quietly.  
Marinette gasped at his frankness.  She leaned her head against his chest, trying to hide the deep blush that enveloped her cheeks and spread to her ears.  After a few moments of silent swaying in his arms, she cleared her throat and weakly spoke, “That… yeah, uh… that works.  Point proven.”
He chuckled lightly, a proud smile working its way onto his face.  He moved his hand so they were both wound around her waist, holding her close to him.  She settled further into his chest, causing him to sigh contentedly.  They danced together for a while, refusing others that attempted to cut in with either one of them, Marinette doing so significantly more politely than Jason did.  After a while, Tim tapped her on the shoulder.  “I thought I was your date.” He stated with a suspicious smile.
“Oh fuck off, Timbers.” Jason grunted at him, twirling Marinette so she was on the other side of him from Tim.
Marinette poked her head out around Jason’s side to give Tim a sheepish look. “Sorry, Tim.  You were busy.  Did you need a break from socializing?”
“Uh huh,” he responded sarcastically.  “No, I’m good.  And I thought you weren’t going to stay until midnight?  Something…” he eyed Jason meaningfully, “come up?”
Marinette looked at him in surprise and searched for a clock.  Surely it hadn’t been hours.  If felt like it had just been a few minutes with Jason.  She finally found the prominent clock that had been hung to countdown to midnight and gaped at it.  “Oh my God.  It’s almost midnight!”  She looked back to Tim in time to see him pulling back from whispering something in Jason’s ear.
“Well, I’m going to go call Kon so we can ring in the New Year together in some way.” Tim said tightly.  He leaned over and kissed Marinette on the cheek. “Happy New Year, Marinette.  I hope it’s a happy one.”  He gave Jason a pointed look.
“Happy New Year, Tim.  I hope it is for you as well.”  She smiled at him.  As soon as he left, Jason pulled Marinette back into his embrace.  “What was that about?”  She asked him.
“What?” He asked innocently.
“The whispering.  There isn’t a problem is there?  You’re not going to have to run off 2 minutes before midnight?”
Jason chuckled at her.  “No.  No, that was him warning me to treat you like you deserve.”
“Like I…” she thought about it and gave him a half-hearted smile before muttering. “Not sure if that is a threat to you or me.”  
“Threat for me, blessing for you.” Jason answered softly.
“You think too highly of me.” She shook her head with a small smile.
“Doubt it.” He answered back quietly.  “And it sounds like I’m going to be held personally accountable if your year isn’t amazing, so I better get on that.”
“Sounds like you’ll have to keep a close eye on me.  I can be a handful.” She said quietly, looking up at him from under her lashes.
“Rough job, but amazing work environment.”  He answered just as quietly, pulling her even closer.
“And what are the benefits to giving you the job?” She gave him a playful smile.
“You get to see my roguishly handsome face and get Austen and Shakespeare quoted at you daily.”  He grinned back.
“What if I prefer Verne or Hugo?” She asked with exaggerated innocence.
“Then I’ll learn.” His eyes turned serious and his voice husky.
Jason slowly moved one of his hands up her back, around her shoulder, and rested it on her neck, stroking her jaw with his thumb.
Marinette parted her lips in surprise and leaned into his hand.
Jason leaned down toward Marinette, stopping a bit short of her lips, giving her the chance to pull back if she wanted to.
Marinette rose up to close the gap, meeting his lips in a soft, tentative, hopeful kiss.
The room erupted into cheers and applause at the clock striking midnight. Balloons dropped from the ceiling all around them, but the only thing Jason or Marinette noticed was each other. The feeling of the other’s lips against theirs.  The feel of the other’s hands on their bodies and the feel of their own hands on them. The warmth of each other’s bodies against their own.  The deep need that grew the longer they kissed.  When they finally broke apart, it was just far enough to catch their breath and stare in each other’s eyes.
“This was a great way to ring in the New Year.” She whispered against his lips.
He nodded absentmindedly, still in a daze from the kiss.  “There’s still a few more time zones that need to be rung in,” he said leaning down to capture her lips again in a passionate kiss.
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lilylilym · 3 years
Jeankasa also makes sense so far as we want to think about it
Anticipating the possible Jeankasa ending leaks, I wrote a quick Drabble that imagines how Jean and Mikasa feels about themselves and their relationships in regards to Eren’s disappearance during the time skip.
I really appreciate the subtlety of relationship hints in AOT, just like Levihan, I think Isayama really doesn’t dwell much into the affective lives of people in this world, but still establishes enough for readers to extrapolate. I will probably make another post about what I think is Jeankasa relationship as canonically intended to be interpreted, but for now I’ll just say this. A lot of people seem to be upset at the possibility of Jeankasa or think that it’s cheap because he wasn’t Mikasa’s first choice or that she has never been into him. I’m not arguing with that, and not trying to force people into thinking that there are some kinds of interpretation that dominate others. But again, as someone who has lived quite a while, have seen adult relationships and how people make decisions regarding marriage, building families, and whatnot, I think the fact that Jean was still able to imagine his life with Mikasa all the way into the Marley act, like this moment
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as well as this
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tells me that Jean has a legit friendship and mutually respectful relationship with Mikasa. This is a relationship in which they both recognize and respect the fact that he’s into her and she’s into Eren, and that they do not feel entitled to change the other’s investment. I don’t know about other folks, but I have been in a couple relationships like that, where we were not quite dating but still have a romantic friendship and each respects the other person for the affection that they have for another person. I think that’s the kind of relationship that Jeankasa have. Mikasa knows that Jean is into but not actively pursuing her nor trying to convince her to drop Eren for him, and Jean is dignified enough to not apologize for his feelings for Mikasa but also not creepily trying to make Mikasa his. This type of one-sided romance/courtship is not surprisingly very popular in Asia, Japan in particular, for how it honors the people who are involved. I think Mikasa’ love for Eren is also complicated by the debt she feels toward him, but all in all, I think what is similar between Jeankasa is the fact that they both understand that the best they could do is to be there for the other person and ask nothing in return. 
That’s what makes the interaction above interesting; Jean’s insistence on “no, tell me, tell me how he hurts her” signifies that he feels that it’s appropriate to do so right in front of Mikasa. If Mikasa feels burdened by Jean’s attention, his action would have been deeply creepy because you don’t get to stick your nose into your crush’s love affair/business. But that this is OK for him to discuss means that he has always been there as a good friend with no ulterior motive, and Mikasa probably has discussed with him her feelings of Eren. If a woman like Mikasa feels bothered or feels creeped out by Jean, trust and believe, she would draw a line really quick, and Jean wouldn’t even be able to mention Eren’s name around her. So that, for me, is a narrative cue of how Jeankasa definitely has mutually respectful exchanges about their boundaries and relationship regarding the crushes, like “how would you like me to act around you?” and “I know you have a crush on me but sorry I don't” and “it’s okay, I know you don’t but I still care about you but I won’t make you uncomfortable” that type of thing. 
Anywho, for whoever is interested in my little drabble about Jeankasa and their contemplations on love and future, keep reading.
Dreams of Faraways
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by lilylilym. Paring: Jeankasa, Eremika. Rating G.
One day, while standing guard at the Forest of Giant Trees, Jean asks her, “What are you gonna do if we can’t find him again?” Mikasa glares back at him without saying a word. He wouldn’t divert his eyes, and she knows he isn’t one to budge. After all these years, Jean is no longer the boy who admires her in secret. Both of them know, quite literally, that Jean would die for her. But they both know that in the uncertain time that is coming, they need to be able to do that — to die for one another, regardless of who they are, so long as they are comrades.
“We will. He is not the kind who disappears without having a plan.” Mikasa softens her gaze and turns away.
“Did he tell you his plan?” Jean asks. “I would be very worried if he doesn’t tell you or Armin anything and just disappears like that.”
Mikasa looks down from the branch where she sits. Eren never quite tells her everything. The boy keeps so much secret within him. She sees it; she could feel it sometimes when his attention just fades away from this world and enters one of his own. It has always been like that, since they were kids. Eren doesn’t look at you, his eyes go pass your shoulders, through you, into the faraway that he tells you exists but you can’t quite imagine.
“Mikasa, why do you love Eren?” Jean burrows his eyebrows and decides to ask. In front of Jean, Mikasa doesn’t pull her usual act. She knows that he knows. As cold as her how she’d like to be perceived, it is freeing to have your feelings seen and acknowledged, even to a person it shouldn’t be.
“Jean, why do you love, no, like me?” Mikasa answers as she slowly looks at Jean. Jean looks up while letting out a soft sigh.
“Do you really want to hear that, of do you just want to get out of answering my question?”
“I will tell you once you tell me.” Mikasa quietly smiles. Jean switches his standing leg; his back leans against the big tree.
“I’m a simple man, Mikasa. Superficial, even.” He swipes his nose with the back of his hand, feeling a little flushed. “The first time I saw you, I was amazed by how pretty you look.” Mikasa lets out a soft giggle. Jean feels less tensed as he notices her smiling. “From where I come from, that’s enough. People find each other pretty, pleasant. My mother was seventeen when she met my dad. He courted her for two years before she said yes. And then they have me.”
“I am pretty, huh?” Mikasa repeats to herself. She had wondered this before, about how and why people come to love each other. How they find each other, and belong. She had lived her entire childhood in isolation, on the mountain where the likes of her parents live. They both were chased away from everyone else because of a surname. Even themselves didn’t quite know why; perhaps they did, but were trying to protect her from the truth. Did they find each other only because they’re all there is in that mountain? Sometimes, if she hasn’t exhausted herself during the day, when night falls, she wouldn’t be able to rest. She would lay awake all night, feeling the inside bursting with things she wouldn’t tell anyone. Even Eren. She misses her parents so much, yet they seem like a dream from another life. If they lived, how would her life change? Would she have learned more about them? What kind of memory would she inherit? Would she have married by the time she is eighteen like her mother? Would she hunt like her dad? Would they even let her enroll in the Scout?
“See,” Jean, upon watching her from his branch, scoffs, “You totally didn’t want to answer.”
“You didn’t say the whole truth either.” Mikasa looks up. “You are not simple, or superficial. Maybe you were back then, but you are a good comrade and a good guy. You saved my life.” 
“Is that how you see people, Mikasa?” Jean scratches his head. “Good or bad depending on whether or not they save someone’s life? Is that why you and Eren are such suicidal blockheads?”
Mikasa doesn’t answer. Jean continues, “See, this is why I don’t even know if I admire, pity, or like you. Because I, too, want to be able to protect you. But you are so strong, Mikasa, so powerful and efficient, and your loyalty to Eren is so fierce, sometimes I…”
He stops to glance at Mikasa, who is attentively looking at him with an ambiguous look.
“Sometimes I feel unworthy of your presence and that suicidal blockhead’s ambition to something so big that I can’t fathom. It fucks with my head.”
“Why?” Mikasa looks confused as she asks.
“Because,” Jean bursts out in disbelief, “some of us are just human, Mikasa. We just want to live a good life, carve out some space in this nightmare to spend time peacefully with our loved ones, eat good food, drink good drinks. We have seen more than anyone inside the wall could ever ask for, and yet here we are, keep fast forwarding into something we don’t know.” Realizing how harsh he sounds, Jean turns away, avoiding Mikasa’s unflinching gaze. 
“Do you ever wish that you remain ignorant of all things, Jean?” Mikasa softly speaks. “I do.” Jean looks at her, anticipating. She continues to look straight into his eyes, “There is a world, many worlds in which all of us have never met one another. You would be elsewhere, eating your mother’s homemade food, and I tend to my family’s garden up in the mountain. Armin probably is reading his book. Eren wouldn’t join the Scout because his mother is still alive, but he will try his damnedest to. I would never stick to him the way I do now, Jean, if that’s the case.” 
Jean has never heard Mikasa says this much. He understands to the bone what Mikasa is implying. In the world they live in, the fact that they are brought together, a bunch of kids fighting an ancient battle, it is not something that any of their childish plans could have changed. It was not up to them, since the very beginning, to decide a life for themselves, if the wall would still have been kicked out and humanity’s threatened by outside forces.
“I wouldn’t have been here without Eren. I would still be alive, maybe, but violated, abused, wishing I was dead.” Mikasa continues, her eyes blanking. “I don’t know how much else I owe him, and how far do I go to return the debt, but…” She shakes her head lightly; from Jean’s eyes, he saw her black hair glistening in the sun. “Sometimes I feel unworthy of him too.”
“Mikasa…” Jean gasps. From where he stands, Mikasa looks so vulnerable. Her head tilts down, her shoulders tremble, both hands pressed against the branch where she sits. Jean wonders if she’s shedding tears too, but he’s too afraid to ask. He can feel the sorrow in her voice, and desperately wishes that his urge to embrace Mikasa would be of any comfort to her. But here he is, incapable again, can’t do anything but witnessing the girl he likes going through a heartache. A part of him feels needed, but mostly just sorrowful. He is not big enough to change any of this — not her past, not their life, nor the constant fear of attack from an enemy elsewhere like the last time the Wall fell on them. They have come to know that they don’t know anything, and for that they could never rest again. 
“I would get you flowers though.” Jean dazedly speaks. “When the war is no longer and we get our hero salary package and buy a house, I’mma grow so much flowers in our garden. If you grows your hair out again, I will braid it every morning. I will make you eggs for breakfast, from our own farm. You smile so brightly at me, and I would be the luckiest guy in the world. This is what I think to myself all the time, Mikasa, when I feel like dying.” He laughs quietly, like feeling ashamed. “You saved me too, many times, just by existing. So tell me, what beyond dying for Eren do you think of when you think of him? Once all of this is over, what are you gonna do with him?”
Mikasa looks up in disbelief. Jean’s eyes pierce hers, without a hint of reluctance.
“C’mon, Mikasa. You said you love the lad. Surely you must think to yourself some happy scenarios. That’s what we all do.”
Mikasa looks past Jean, into the green forest behind him, where sunlight dances through the tingling leaves. She imagines a sky, blue as clear water. That day, her feet feels the finest of earth sticking inside her toes; sandy beach pulled by the foamy waves. The water falls and rises, over and over again. She had stood there and looked to see if they ever rest. The waves, the ocean, the sand, they seem to have been there before she was born and will still stand after all of them are gone. These organic movements that she never knew existed inside the wall. She never feels so small, so insignificant, and yet so important, for being able to witness things that be. That day, after Eren drags his arm and pointing toward the other side of the sea, Mikasa has pulled him down into and made him taste the salty water. She saw Jean doing it and thought it would be funny. Eren absolutely hated the taste, but for one second, his eyes opened up so brightly. Those green eyes that she adores so much. She loved it when he found things that excite him; it makes standing next to him less unbearable. He had turned around and sought revenge by trying to make her drink the water too. But she was much stronger, and easily disarmed him. Jean has laughed the loudest when Eren was humbly reminded of her strength. Connie and Sasha and their shocked faces made her feel so superior. In the corner of her eyes, Levi and Hanji both snickered at the turn of the event. In those moments, her gaze briefly left Eren and everything else was equally bright. As Armin pulls Eren up from the shallow water, Eren looks at Mikasa attentively, and said with a smile: “I’ll get you next time.”
“We travel the world together.” She says, half-dreaming. “Armin tells us of hot air balloon, so we get on there. Eren holds my hand, and I rest on his chest, and we fly over many, many walls, looking at the people behind us and their busy little lives. I see children running across hills, farmers tending to their crops. I see herds of cows and sheep in open grass. Rivers wrapping around town. Colorful shades of flower fields under our feet. Some people see us and wave. Eren put his arm around my shoulders as he waves back. He kisses the side of my forehead. It feels really nice.”
Jean looks at Mikasa, now fully meeting his gaze. Her eyes seep with tears, as she keeps going.
“We will make friends in strange towns. Eat ice-cream and other sweet pretty things. Drink with people in their homes. Visit water holes where it’s always steamy and hot. See high mountains with water falling down. We will go as far as we can, see as much as we want. We will have our lives to ourselves.”
Mikasa slowly gains consciousness. She blushes, amazed that she just says all of this out loud. Jean nods at her, and she nods back.
As time seems to stand still between them, each following their own deep thought, Connie yells out to them from one of the tents on the ground.
“Hey, you guys, change shift. Come down and eat some food.”
“On it.” Jean yells back. He waves at Connie. Mikasa raises her hand to acknowledge that she hears him. Jean jumps from his branch, landing near where Mikasa sits, and offers his hand. She takes it, and stands up. As they’re about to use the ODGM gear to get down, Jean suddenly says:
“Promise me, Mikasa.” 
“That you’d let at least one of our wishes come true.”
Without waiting for Mikasa’s answer, Jean flies down. From behind, Mikasa looks a bit surprised. She exhales, watching Jean joining the group. All the friendly faces would look up, their hands waving at her to come join them. She turns around and looks at the faraway sky one more time, then fling down as her comrades who let out another collective “ohhhhh” at her incredible speed.
“See you again, Eren.” She thinks to herself as she walks toward her friends.
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joontier · 3 years
Subliminal in Scrubs | V1; report vii
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pairings: dr. jeon jungkook x female reader
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: humor, romance
warnings: FINALLY~ we get to see a little bit of JK’s pov heh 
word count: 2.4k
g/n: Send me your thoughts?
[taglist] @nottodayjjk @ditttiii​ @zeharilisharaban​ @btsbunny07​ @turquoiseandplaidinautumn  @aamxxrii @codeinebelle ​
Subliminal in Scrubs (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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“I hope you don’t mind us picking up a friend first then a drive thru afterwards... we did promise  someone a ride to the ceremony as well.” Chohee eyes Jungkook through the rear-view mirror. “Plus, we haven’t had any breakfast yet sooo…” Your new passenger uncharacteristically nods with unbridled enthusiasm. Huh.
“Totally not an issue at all. If you don’t mind, breakfast is on me,” he announces, sitting up a little straighter in his seat. You raise a freshly threaded eyebrow. There is no way this kid is actually offering to pay for your food. Jungkook clears his throat quietly, “Um...since you guys offered me a ride...you know…” 
Without even having to look at each other, you just know you and Chohee have similar smiles plastered on each of your faces. “Well,” Chohee makes a quick glance at the man seated at the back, “if you insist, Jungkook-ssi. How nice of you to do so.” 
You’re positive Jeon Jungkook will regret he even offered - in half an hour. Probably less. 
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Just recently, Chohee has decided to relive an old hobby of hers: teasing you relentlessly with men clearly way out of your league until you actually end up investing much more time than intended (just as planned by Chohee) - until you come to the realization that there wasn’t going to be even the slightest chance of them even liking you back. End point is - you end up getting heartbroken for irrational reasons. 
Chohee, whose eyes sparkle with mirth with every mention of the Jimin, continues her teasing, despite your constant reminders to have her energy and time diverted to another subject, instead of poking her head through your currently non-existent love life. 
It’s an undisputed fact that Jimin is a cutie and quite the charmer, especially with his heroic deed of saving your sorry ass from getting your drinked spiked at the bar. However, there is a part of you that knows the slightest bit of infatuation you might feel or might have felt for Jimin was probably caused by the lack of interaction with men for the majority of your collegiate life. Of course, you always came back to your principles, that of which is prioritizing your career to shun love interests. 
Admittedly, you might have gotten distracted once, but you won’t ever let that happen again. 
In line with your best friend’s attempt to have you score a date and a boyfriend eventually, (her timeline, not yours!)Chohee had even gone so far as offering Jimin a ride to the oath taking ceremony that’s going to be held today at the Coex convention center at Gangnam. 
With Jimin’s apartment just a couple of blocks away from the gasoline station, you spot him right away when Chohee turns right into the corner. He’s stood by the entrance of his apartment building, looking effortlessly attractive as he scrolls through his phone while waiting. 
Chohee presses her fist lightly against the center of the wheel, the car emitting a soft honk to get Jimin’s attention. Jimin gives a curt wave in acknowledgment and reaches between his legs to grab his satchel. As soon as Jimin opens the car door, his head jolts slightly backward in surprise when he sees another passenger already inside. 
Chohee does the ice-breaker, introducing Jungkook to Jimin while she drives off. “Just before we got to your place, we had to fill the tank first and whaddya know? Met Jungkook at the gas station too! His bike broke down and I’ve offered him a ride - ergo, your new seatmate.” She adds a thumbs up. “Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin.” 
Contrary to Chohee’s cheerful voice mere seconds ago, awkward silence ensues after the two men bow to each other in greeting. The only subject of sanity the car was holding onto was the soft voice of Chohee’s navigation app coming from her phone on the dashboard. 
Why was it so hard to talk when you’ve all got at least a few things in common? 
Right, maybe it’s the fact that Jimin may or may not have known about your beef with Jeon Jungkook. Chohee’s doing, obviously. 
Thankfully, you spot a Burger King joint along the way and propose getting a greasy breakfast instead of looking for other options. There are murmurs of agreement heard in the suddenly cramped space of your best friend’s car. “Jungkook-ssi, breakfast still on you, yeah?” Chohee asks, joining the queue. 
“Perfect! Just making sure because _________ and I are famished!” Okay - that wasn’t exactly the word you were looking for, but if it gets you the free meal, then you’re absolutely ravenous. Chohee’s eyes briefly pass yours before sending a wink in Jungkook’s direction. “How ‘bout you Jimin-ssi? You hungry?” 
He looks at you, then Chohee, then at Jungkook. “I’m fine, I’m not hungry.” You see Jungkook trying painfully hard to not let his eyes dart around too much. Just then,  a low rumble erupts from Jimin’s stomach. Woops. Your brain can dictate your emotions but tummy would never lie outright. 
“Jimin-ssi!” Jungkook clasps a hand on the blond’s shoulder. “It’s fine! Breakfast is on me. Order up, bro!” 
With Jimin still looking hesitant, Jungkook decides to add a little fairy dust to his encouragement, “think of it as a mini celebration of us finally getting to be licensed doctors in a few hours!” Jimin gives in with very evident reluctance, even offering to pay for the whole group instead at one point. 
Your swear you see hesitation cross Jungkook’s eyes briefly, but you’re glad he’s a man of honor, even if it be for this particular instance only, firmly dismissing Jimin’s proposal. Which is perfect, honestly, because  this time you get a chance at revenge and a very hearty breakfast. 
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“No crumbs on the floor, please!�� 
From the backseat, you see Jungkook eyeing your paper bags on yours and Chohee’s laps, face stoic as ever. Emphasis on bags. A little more concentration and Jungkook can pretty much send lasers blasting through his eyes with the way he’s scrutinizing your orders. 
As shameless as it sounds, you and Chohee were never ones to back out of a free meal - and make the most out of it, especially when one had offered so nicely. So imagine Jungkook’s reaction when he and Jimin only got a Whopper meal and you and Chohee get upgraded full meals. 
“Doesn’t seem like we’re the ones who should be worrying about crumbs…” Jungkook mutters, taking a bite of his fry that’s a little too harsh for a slice of a poor fried potato. 
“You say something Jungkook?” Chohee queries, unabashedly letting out a small burp after taking a sip of her chocolate flavored milkshake. Bowing his head, Jimin tries to hide his smile as he takes a bite of his burger. You decide to step in, wanting to add a little more MSG to your breakfast menu this fine morning. 
“Hey Chee, heard of the news last Monday? There had been recent occurrences of drivers kicking out their passengers in the middle of the expressway, especially this road in particular… talk about some zombie apocalypse shenanigans...I wonder why though…” 
Jungkook clears his throat, addressing you this time. “Your strawberry milkshake...good, yeah?” With cheeks flushed, Jungkook dares not to look forward, murmuring his regrets over ordering more food next time. 
You nod with genuine gusto, throwing him an additional thumbs-up, which only causes Jungkook to sulk slightly in his seat. You eat the rest of your food with a bright smile. Ah, free food - what else is there to say? 
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“If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.” 
After reading the Hippocratic oath, the newly declared licensed medical doctors collectively put their hands down and take their seats. There is an immediate sense of fulfillment heavy in the air. Nobody can blame them - not when one has gruelled through six years of medical school. 
Jungkook inhales deeply, yet he still feels like he’s out of breath. 
He draws in another long one, savoring each second of exhale afterwards. From his peripheral vision, Jungkook watches you as you wave endlessly to the someone on the far right where the family and relatives are seated. Though he can’t see much from afar, with the way your hands are moving slower by the second, he figures you’ve already managed to catch the attention of whoever it is you were waving at. 
Jungkook diverts his eyes somewhere else, eventually landing on the stage where he sees his own father, standing behind the podium as he gives - what people beside him would consider - a ‘motivational’ speech in front of all the new doctors of Korea. 
He wonders if he could even see him, if he knew that his own son actually made it through college, if he realized that they were under the same roof at this very moment - an occurrence he never thought would happen again. 
Jungkook reverts his eyes back to you, watching you in secret as you talk to yourself while trying to address someone else. So you were waving to your parents after all. Cute. The man couldn’t fight back the small smile etching onto his face.  
He was happy for you - a genuine statement, even though majority, if not all, your encounters consist of you both bickering like small kids… And yet, he can’t deny the strong feeling of envy brewing at his heart, knowing that he could never have the same type of interaction you had with your parents, with how tight you all seem. 
Jungkook felt sick. Even though you ordered twice as much as he did, he felt like throwing up. He wanted this ceremony to be over with already.
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Much to Jungkook’s relief, the program ends shortly after that. Excited to greet and congratulate the new batch of doctors, people from all sides of the venue rush to the entrance. With literally nowhere else to go, Jungkook decides to follow you through the crowd, in the hopes that you’ll lead him to Chohee and Jimin so he could properly thank them for the ride and he could be on his way. 
He’s surprised to not see you the least bothered by it, but then again, the convention center is packed with both the oath-takers and their relatives, so you might have really not known that he’s been following you all along. 
Like usual, it’s Chohee who notices him first. This girl is everywhere, all the time. 
“Jungkook, you’re here!” 
Chohee's acknowledgement of his presence causes you to turn in your heel quickly to verify it. You stare at him briefly, opening your mouth as if to say something when someone calls out your name.  “Mom!! Dad!!” 
Your English call causes a few onlookers and Jungkook recalls somebody once pointing out that you were a foreigner - and that you were also the first one to finish at the top of the class at SNU. 
With Chohee’s parents tailing yours, they rush to their own daughter, congratulating her with a hug and a cute bouquet of tulips. As Jimin appears with his own party not too long afterwards, Jungkook figures it’s his cue to leave. At this rate, none of you would have noticed if he actually left. 
Just as Jungkook was about to take off, a small hand grabs his wrist. You’re looking up at him and he swears he sees your lips curve upward a little before dragging him back to your little group. Stunned as ever, Jungkook wonders if he hinted on a little bit of concern in your features… and you smiled at him! For the first time! At least that’s what he thought he saw. 
Admittedly, all interactions between you and him were not the most friendly. Jungkook knew he acted like a dick a couple of times, but it’s the only way he knows that might allow you to lower your guard because the only thing he was certain of was that you get worked up every time you see him. 
Regardless of whether or not it really was a smile, Jungkook finds himself standing in the midst of this gathering of some sort. “Moms, Dads, this is Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin.” 
The moms suddenly gush over them, while their fathers eye the two younger men warily. “Are you?… you’re not…” Chohee’s mother nudges her husband a little too obviously. “If they are, that wouldn’t be such a bad thing, would it?” she grits, a bright smile plastered on her face. Jungkook wanted to laugh at the uncanny resemblance with her daughter. 
“Oh what young fine men you are! Mrs. Park, you must be very proud of your son!” Your mother exclaims, resting her cheek on her palm. “But Jungkook-ssi, your parents must be lost then… my husband and I couldn’t figure out how this whole convention center works either…” 
Jungkook shakes his head slowly, lips pursed. “Oh. Um, my parents won’t make it today. They’re very busy people…” Jungkook drags his words, hoping they’ll drop the subject. 
Well, they did, but there was an inevitable pregnant pause after that - one which Jungkook was avoiding in the first place. Chohee’s mother clasps her hands together, breaking the awkward tension. “Uh - would you like to join us then? A little celebration for a memorable day?” 
Jungkook bows his head curtly and declines the offer. He wanted to, but he knows it’ll only do more damage to the wound. “It’s okay, Ma’am. I still have quite a lot of things to do today, like getting my motorcycle fixed.” Jungkook nods to Chohee and the girl briefly recalls how they got to the venue together. 
Jungkook doesn’t take long after that, bidding his goodbye to everyone and thanking Chohee for the ride that morning. “Well, I’ll be going now. __________-ssi, Chohee-ssi, Jimin-ssi, guess I’ll….see you when I see you.” 
“See you when we see you then,” you reply and Jungkook swears it’s an actual smile on your face this time. He returns the action and gets on his way, hoping that he really does get to see you all another time.
© joontier 2021
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