#i read the manga tho so ik what happens
whoreditary · 1 year
Mob psycho is finished right?
Yep!! Both the anime and manga are done
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nerice · 2 years
chensoman anime is so overproduced....
#this is a salt post abandon reading here if ur alrdy annoyed#//#went back to look at jjk and jjk just looks amazing. it looks very polished. it goes hard but also holds frames and let's them breathe#cs/m is moving too much somehow in a suffocating busy way#& im not bashing the cgi here. yes it's clunky but anything that can take the crunch off of animators lol#like some of the awkward angles and rotoscoping is the fault of being too close to the cgi they obviously used#they somehow managed to make an anime equivalent of AAA hyperrealistic games that feel bland bc of it#not always!!! ofc!!! but im saying the hyperpolish doesn't add anything of value esp to a property just as cs/m#& i know fujimoto is a movie buff n this is probably his dream adaptation n whatever#& i know anime will never look like in the olde days again#but i am thinking of akira animating on 1s and making the busy look work#i think of the hyperreal movements in satoshi kon movies and how he makes it work#chainswman wld have been better off looking like klk this is the hill i die on#not saying it needs imaishi's animation style and sharp chins and yelling. but the feeling klk had#of dark and grimy fights that went with scratchy and decidedly drawn lines in their fights & copious amounts of blood#& i do like the stark contrast red blood in csm! it just does nothing style wise since the rest is so Realistic. it's just red#in the end its an adaptation but i would have liked it to stay closer to the feel of the manga. the endings Get It#& on that note i also don't like the soundtrack that much. ik the discordant stuff Fits but vs katanaman was the first time#that it actually integrated well with what happened on screen. (again compared to jjk or klk that had impeccable osts)#bg music not op/ed ofc. tho none of the ending songs have been all that stand out either#anyway!! this has been my salt!!#csm blogging#still preferable to a bad adaptation i guess (sighs at fnae...)#but i do hope jigokuraku next year will look worse (lol) bc nobody cares abt that show/manga so they'll not go all out#and i do hope they will not Improve On (tm) jjks current style bc i need my toji moment to fuck me raw#good morning and goodbye
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astrxealis · 2 years
i sometimes forget some stuff i’m into that i didn’t put them in my fandoms list oops ... i have a lot more i have yet to add
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legodamianwayne · 9 months
BATMAN AND ROBIN 2023 #1 (Take 6 (yes))
(im not writing this as i go since ive already read the issue before. ill also be mentioning gotham war since this takes place during it (just a warning for spoilers!))
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i just noticed the bat and robin on the cover! so cute
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OH........(just noticed this too) that doesn't look good
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look at them goofing off n having fun
this is cute but the way bruce acts here and in gotham war is so jarring its kinda funny
bruce in batman #137: can't stand my fake ass family
bruce in b&r: me and my son damian 🤗
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bruce is in his "local dilf in the area" era rn
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damian having talia's mannerism that bruce noticed is so <3
and here its confirmed that this takes place during gotham war. not sure how to feel about that
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STILL INSANE OVER THIS baby first self insert fanfic
damian went from drawing hyper realistic gore vent art to anime eyes in the corner
i think it'd be fun if we see damian write more as the story goes on. like him daydreaming n doodling in class
wonder if theres any meaning with damian putting talia as a hero n bruce as a criminal here...or maybe its just a "totally original character do not steal" thing
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you dont say bruce 🙄
"the last few years"?? pretty sure the events shown there all happened not even in 2 years since damian turned 14 around the start of the lazarus tournament
also why are alfred n talia not shown there? alfred's death has huge impact on damian (he literally hallucinated him) n talia was there as much as ra's
i dont like how damian looks here but that white connor should be a crime
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"thats enough emotions for tonight father" [slams door]
i wonder why damian is staying with bruce tho (outside of making this book exist) didn't bruce n talia had a custody battle moment™ n damian's like "nah i have my own life (is literally 14)"
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he's quoting alfred ohhh im gonna sob
this is kinda embarrassing for bruce...like ur son is finally living with you again n he's the one up early cooking?? sir u better step up
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aw he's making tea the way alfred did
*squints* did bruce get his hand back? thats a pretty normal looking hand to me
did damian's comment on it in batman #137 made bruce think "shit i cant give damian any ideas of getting a robot hand" n he just. magically grow it back
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gotham...heights? n. not gotham academy? no maps? no damian joining her dnd team?? no detective club finally hanging out with damian??
ik damian got expelled from gotham academy BUT. WHY
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okay? whats the point if he's not going to the same school that his friend went to?
interesting how damian fantasize for a normal life in robin 2021 (with him liking the mundanity of shoujo manga) n now that bruce is offering him that he's rejecting it (or maybe he just rly don't like school which is. fair enough)
wellll just cuz we're not getting maps n the detective club doesn't mean damian's other friends arent showing up right? RIGHT? (maya plz come home)
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THE ROBIN MOBILEEE it looks so ridiculous i love it
ik that thing is rly loud too damian waking up the whole neighborhood here
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not rumors abt the batfam fighting getting spread around?? this is so embarrassing omg
am i the only one getting gotham academy flashbacks here? with killer croc n the trio with the fox shark n bird masks
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they're very comfortable with calling eachother father n son while in suits huh. ig everyone in gotham knows that batman is a dilf (who's beefing with his adult children) now
not much to say abt the rest: bruce got shot with something n now bats are attacking him
end thoughts: i hope with all the focus on animals here means that we're getting damian's pets back soon n that gotham war wont affect this book much since i rly want to see damian interact with his siblings again. also is it just me or does the day scenes looks very bright? saturated? it kinda hurts for me to read idk. the night scenes r pretty tho
next issue is damian's first day on his new school that is not gotham academy but im still excited for it! (coping)
bonus bestie corner
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nyashykyunnie · 9 days
no cuz isekai reader WILDING in a level we don't tend to think about... (fanboy jin woo anon here again HOPE UR TAKING CARE)
like reader who has read solo leveling....has seen all the action pages, has felt the excitement an amazement into jin woo's journey has seen him pulled sum crazy ass jumping (terms of fighting) and has camed to understand why he's at the top of the chain
but the thing is that......they read it....have went thru the pages over and over...enjoying the art.....catching lil details they didn't get to see in the first few times
but....experiencing that irl????????? like really think about it...
reader seeing jin woo pull up his shadows right Infront of them...imagen the way their body would tense or go into shock or heart almost stopping at the sight of jin woo annihilating a giant with ease that cannot be comprehended...seeing dungeon portals opens up and feeling the strong wind of the portal almost pushing their body away...
like seeing the manga and ACTUALLY LIVING THE MOMENT are just different things....ik we seen many isekai stuff but like....i just can't stop imagining what reader must felt in those moments
so much excitement...fear...shock...confusion everything hitting all at once, heart pounding their ribcage as they see everything they can only imagen in books and movies to only happen....
even tho reader has read the manga feel like the emotions would sorta make their brain go blank and then get the hit with familiarity later or after the event...maybe remembering glimpses cuz their brain's just so busy taking everything in....
omg i need to shut up lmao BUT ANYWAY thank u for hearing my babbling here TAKE CARE BYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
"but the thing is that......they read it....have went thru the pages over and over...enjoying the art.....catching lil details they didn't get to see in the first few times" Me who repeatedly read the manhwa 2-3 times a month for two years: **CHOKES** my god ur right I NEVER WROTE ANYTHING ABT READER ISEKAING BEFORE IM GONNA KEEP THIS IN MIND AND USE IT FOR A FIC MAYBE IF UR OKIE WITH THAT MAYHAPS:DDD???
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niinnyu · 9 months
A little rant about leaks because I'm lowkey dreading them. And I'd appreciate it if you'd read it (and if not... 👁👁).
I find the jjk fandom's (though it's true for others too) reliance on leaks very off-putting. I know people want to look forward to something in the middle of the week and talk about it, but this just feels disrespectful, while also being at the cost of other people getting to enjoy it as they want to whether you care about getting spoiled or not.
So many people just don't tag leaks and spoilers properly (forget places where tagging doesn't even make a difference). Seeing things trending with the context of previous chapters explains everything. Not to mention people mis-tagging spoilers and leaks interchangeably (you can remove leak tags after the chapter is officially published but not spoiler tags!!) And no, you're not subtle with your 'out of context spoilers' to someone who has all previous context.
But what boggles my mind is why would you want someone to shout the punchline of a joke in your face before any of the setup has been done. You'll have a bunch of deepfried 2 pixel screenshot of screenshot quality manga panels of crucial moments with none of the build up and pacing. Paired with the most lacklustre explainations of what's happening (the phrasing of which can be biased to the leaker's opinions). Translating isn't easy. To convey what exactly something means from one language to another in an effective and in the intended way isn't easy (shoutout to fan translators tho y'all are amazing thank you for your time and effort)
And whether you care about the story or not, heck even if you think the mangaka themself doesn't care about it, it is just so disrespectful to the content that you're consuming. Making comics and manga isn't easy (churning them weakly is insane imo esp when a lot of mangaka aren't even full time artists) so why wouldn't you allow yourself to consume their story the way they've themself laid it out. Where one panel comes after the other. Where one expression has context in the next page. Where a dialogue has weight only when placed with another dialogue. Give the creator(s) this little grace too, because whether you like a story or not, there is still a huge amount of effort and skill, by multiple people, going into it.
And I personally love interacting with the fandoms I'm in, literally sometimes the only source of joy I have (yes ik leave me alone) is interacting with other fans and having my mind blown over their art and writing and theories. And I'd rather not be spoiled unless I'm myself seeking them out or just reading the actual chapter. So this involves me either spoiling it for myself before someone else does it, or spoiler dodging for 5 OUT OF 7 DAYS A WEEK EVERY WEEK.
I'm not even saying you should only look for official sources or whatever because I know not everyone has access to legal places to read (tho the shounen jump app is there for those interested, but yeah i get it for other publications), but there are better ways to read/hate-readyour fav/least fav manga out there without ruining it for someone else. The wait is juuust a couple of days more. There is absolutely no dearth of fan made content that can't help you last another few days, maybe your new fav fan creator is right around a little wait (ahem check my bs out if you'd like ahem ahem).
I just want to be able to interact with the fandom for more than just 2 days a week, and I don't like my accounts dying because i dissapear 5 days either, and is that a such a bad thing? I come online to have fun, not run an obstacle race y'know?
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thatdesklamp · 6 months
hey! i’m the anon that once asked you about ur english a level if you even care to remember lmaoo. I JUST SAW THE REBLOGGED POST WHERE ANOTHER READER SAID THEY HATED SATORU FROM IW AND I’M???
obviously everyone’s entitled to their own opinions. i think that’s the point of reading anything tbh, form your own opinions and decide whether you like something/someone or not, bUT I LITERALLY CANNOT HELP BUT DISAGREE SO STRONGLY 😭 i’ve literally never felt this strongly about a person’s opinion on a fictional character let alone how the fictional character was written in a FANFIC 😀
and obviously, no hate to them or whatever. as i said, their opinion is theirs, i just randomly felt the need to tell you mine (ik you never asked, i’m bored and my student finance situation is pissing me off so here i am lol). i think the reason why i feel so offended (jokingly haha) about any hate towards satoru in ur fic is bcz you’ve written him identical to how satoru in the actual anime/manga is, so i felt like it was a well aimed punch to canon!satoru and as his certified wife, i can’t stand by and watch this happen 😟
he makes dumb decisions sometimes but i think that has a lot to do with the fact that hebi is quite literally his oldest friend and allowing whatever feelings he has to get in the way of that (without knowing whether she likes him or not from his pov) is risky in terms of their friendship and where that’ll take them. like in the chapter where they had their first kiss, ofc, we as readers know why she backed off and what she meant by how she couldn’t “do this anymore” (or something along those lines), but he was never aware of her NON-PLATONIC feelings towards him, so i think (i say think bcz i’m the reader and you’re the author so what you say GOES) he was just confused by what she meant.
like if i were to randomly start telling you a story of my life with no context, and you hear me say names of my friends somewhere along that story, but i never TOLD you they were my friends, you’d think “oh who’s that?” until i clarified who they are to me. quite like how he was probably confused when she was explaining how she couldn’t allow herself to indulge in something that she thought wasn’t reciprocated. he had no context and was therefore just… stupid lmao 😭 he was criticising her for leaving even tho she promised to stay bcz he just didn’t understand (not saying it’s hebi’s fault in ANY way, she is MOTHER, i will defend her till the day i die).
yeah i have a lot of other reasons why satoru is not a bad person in ur fic (he’s literally a copy of himself in canon, kudos to ur BRILLIANT writing and characterisation of him) but ik you’re probably bored and i have to go turn the house heating on bcz uk weather is no joke 😀
This is so so funny and lovely to hear—I’ve heard so much variety in opinions on Gojo in my fic, mainly through the comments, and so it’s so lovely when people genuinely take a proper big opinion on either side of the ‘debate’. I fully get why people would be anti-Gojo just because we’re so invested in Hebi’s perspective and when she’s treated poorly/feeling shit, it does reflect poorly on him. I think that’s why I found it fun to write the Satoru-pov oneshots; IW is such a case of ‘unreliable narrator’-ism in a way that’s not always immediately evident, and so taking yourself out of Hebi’s perspective and immersing yourself in someone else’s can really help to get a more well-rounded view of all the characters, I guess.
But yeah, I’m glad you think IW Gojo is similar to canon Gojo! I used to struggle so much with his characterisation with him as a kid, which was I think partly because he was a child and that’s difficult anyway, but also because IW was one of the first things I’d written in… like, actual years, and I wasn’t that good at writing at that point.
I do think a lot of Satoru’s dumb actions come from ignorance, in whatever aspect, and I think it’s up to the reader as to how much they ‘blame’ him for that. Especially in the later chapters: should he have noticed Hebi’s degredation in mental health, and should he have done something about it if he did, even if she had never reached out to him? She did, after all, never actually confide in him about anything troubling her: I made it a point to state it multiple times. That, I guess, is where people’s opinions will inevitably differ, as to assigning both blame and responsibility. The idea will come up a lot next chapter, but—perhaps it’s almost similar to the Geto/Gojo situation. Yes, Gojo noticed a change, and yes, he tried to talk to Geto about it: but did he do enough? Should he have tried harder? Would it have even made a difference? People have different opinions on their split, too, because it’s not so set in stone. I think that’s the main reason people would dislike IW Satoru.
More about ignorance: you’re right, I can’t see him knowing about Hebi’s feelings. Satoru’s so much more of an active character than Hebi, who is intentionally very passive (if only ‘intentionally’ so I can have the slowburn make some degree of sense, lmao, but hey!). If he knew, I’d have to have him confront her about it. Like, I cannot see Gojo *not* pushing for something if he ever thought there was a possibility of her reciprocating. So, in my head, it can be concluded from his lack of action pre-kiss, that he absolutely doesn’t think she likes him back, and he also absolutely doesn’t want to fuck up the friendship. Again: it’s so, so, so important to him. I try to justify it in the oneshots—I know so much of this is #miscommunication, but controversial opinion, miscommunication adds to the drama and is fun under CERTAIN SITUATIONS, it’s not always a bad thing. LOL.
But also low-key I get why people wouldn’t like him. But also I get why people would, and would be more than fucked off with Hebi. And why people would be somewhere in the middle. Idk where I stand, they’re just both my lil pooks, yk. <3
But hell yeah! I love ur Satoru defence squad. And enjoy your heating (😀) and respite from student finance—I wouldn’t wish that process on my worst enemy </3
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chuluoyi · 6 months
noooo 😭😭 who you gonna use the s-chips on then 😭
UNHOLY BLOOD!!! It's my 1st Vampire-related manhwa and it's so good!!! Hayan is such a GIRLBOSS! I LOVE THE MAGICIAN DUDE AND HIS LION 🥹🥹🥹 But yes Euntae and Hayan's relationship was too slow I couldn't take it... But at least they had such a cute relationship at the end 🫶🏻
do you know the manga artist has a new webtoon? I'm not sure what it's called but I heard it's good! I've yet to read it myself... On another note, I love the art so much it's so unique and different from other manhwas!
And hmm few of my faves are "Death is the only end for the villainess", "No longer a heroine!", and "The Couple breaker". The last 2 are by the same artist! The 1st is a regular "I died and was reincarnated as a villainess" kind of story, BUT It has a twist! It's in an otome game instead of a storybook! Quite interesting... The 2nd is based on the life of an actress. It's pretty realistic and is a little dark... Not much romance tho...The last is really drama HAHAH It's crazy like the name says it all. As for childhood friends to lovers, I recommend "The Secret Bedroom of a Dejected Royal Daughter". It's a little bit enemies to lovers too. And it has 18+ Scenes 😁🤭 That's a bonus.
For status?! Honestly I don't get how that works LIKE you don't feel anything for him? And yeah! I agree that we definitely want the real thing. Woahh but 23 isn't that bad! Exactly I don't wanr boys I want men.
And HAHAHA don't worry bae you're not lecturing at all! I kinda like it when people give me advice.
It's not hot but it's too rainy 😭 I love the rain but I'm on school break now and I wanna go out with my friends 🫠
HAHAHAH I FEEL YOU OMG! Like its so gut-wretching and painful but IT FEELS SO GOOD TO READ!
Impulse buying HAHAH Makeup ain't Impulse buying it's a necessity 🫶🏻 WOAH 10 EPS IS A LOT- My best was like 4 eps maybe HAHAHHA
Omg You're so right my Twitter was always untouched until I started receiving notifs of Gojo being alive theories... And Gege continues toying with us till the very end...
AHHAHA To be fair I started Aot cause of Levi like PLS HE'S SO HOT idc if he's like 8cm shorter than me- But it's really ... complicated.... Too complicated for my liking...I understand where your girl friends are coming from ...
HAHAHAHA Karma hitting him hardddd
Also Karma is the guy on the screen (Gojo) coming straight home to youuuuu [If you listen to Taylor Swift you'll understand haha]
Also I flunked my excel exam... Idk why I have this module it sucks cause I'm not tech savvy... I think I aced my accounting test tho so that's good! Thanks for believing in me tho 😭😭😭 so touched rn..
We'd PAY to be Suguru's monkeys 🐒 🙈
Lmk once you read it omg I wanna know what happens I LOVE this AU it's so cute!
And hang in there, Chu!!!! You can do it!! Ik its already Saturday but still!!! Atb for next week babe!!
p.s. so sorry I took so long to reply, I'm overseas now...
hii disco anon!! sorry for the late reply too i was just back from my weekend break!🥹
for christmas event?🥹 there must be a christmas event… right? i haven’t checked the chinese server yet but there must be! (#trust💁🏻‍♀️)
RIGHT it was so good and i’m glad i found people who also like them bcs my friends don’t seem to be interested😭 i know it’s so slowburn but the story is so great too. I KNOW I LOVE HIM TOO but wait i also forgot his name😭 but euntae is so hot i can’t—
really?! i’m looking into it now!! i really love her story and art so it must be good🤭
oooh i never have much affinity for isekai manga but now that you said it’s good then i’ll def check it out!!👀 i read no longer heroine too!! aaah that was so good i was on the edge of my seat every chapter🤧 and hey couple breaker seems interesting?? i’ll eat that up this weekend and oooh what’s that in the end👀👀 okay thank you sm for the recs!!🫶🏻
i have a rec too!! must be a happy ending! have you read it? the art is soooo majestic and the plot got me like 😩🥲🫣🤭 many times i love it so much from the start to the end!!
honestly i don’t really understand to till this day actually, but yeah she didn’t seem to like him that much because as she said it herself it was all out of “curiosity” which is a big red flag in and of itself💀 mind you not even a year later they broke up 🙄
(aww i’m glad you feel that way <3 when we’re close i tend to run off my mouth so…)
ahh school break!! i used to sleep in most of the time🤭🤭
it’s necessity for us but some boys are just too nosy *sigh* they be like “i love natural look!” and then be 🙃 when they see our bare face 😩 HAHAH yeah back when i had so much free time i spent it all on binge-watching🥲 do you have any show recs?? can be anything, even anime too!!
HAHAHHAA omg there’s this one twt account that always makes points about how gojo will live until this day 😭😭 i have accepted it by this point but evidently twitter nation is still going strong🥹
OMG SAME like i know levi but i didn’t know eren at firstt🤧🤧 he seems so cool and so fine (my bf 🙄 again at me when i mentioned that) even with one eye missing in the recent last part of aot too!!
OH YEAH I LISTEN TO HER THESE DAAAYS omg i must make a confession; her songs are the inspiration for my fics these days🥹🥹 like everything is so relatable and the tune are so easy to remember i love her songs 🫶🏻
ohmy i’m sorry🥺 i used to be sooo bad at excel (esp macros) too but ever since i’m following some yt tutorials i started getting better! and let me give you some shortcuts too:
chat gpt. believe it or not it works on codes! my friend who is a programmer cheats from chat gpt sometimes🥲 not totally recommended but it can be your last resort
excel forum. whenever i get confused regarding codes or formulas, i drop by the forum to ask. there are many kind people there! and most of their codes and formulas work too
whaa accounting!! i used to be so bad at it like i would tear my hair out to find “why are they not balanced?!” 😭😭 i love science subjects better🥹 and aw you’re welcome!!
i haven’t read the bakerlon card yet but i will tonight!! will update you once i do!!🥹
awww thank youuu disco anon!!😭🫶🏻 you’re so sweet thank you for interacting with me!!! and it’s totally okay! waaa i hope you enjoy your vacation!!✨
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primordialangels · 2 years
Hey there everynyan....! I just wanted to say, I'm moving accounts...!!
Yes, you read that right! I have had this tumblr for 10+ long years, and I've finally decided to live my true 90s/00s dreams and disconnect almost completely from social media, haha. Here are some reasons for this shift under the cut. Thank you for reading if you do, and peace out! ☆
I realized recently that I have never taken a real true break from tumblr, and that I've been on here now every week of my life for a literal decade-- Since I was like 13 or so! Which is just, like. Crazy. I just think my brain deserves a break, yanno what I mean?
Because while I was on this road trip away from everything online, I realized just how wonderful the world can be when you're not constantly comparing yourself to everything online-- Especially artistically!! And I wanna say this too-- even if you tell yourself, "I'm not comparing myself to all these other artists/sexy people!" Yes. Yes you are. You're doing it even right now I bet. Because it's a subconscious process human beings can't just turn on or off! It just happens on it's own wether we want it to or not! And I realized that becuz the ONLY time I felt artistically shitty on my trip was when I visited a comic book shop, lmao!! I thought "oh god I gotta get better, these guys are so fucking good" but like, I didnt even mean to! I didn't think I was comparing myself at all! But it was like, AS SOON as I saw other cartoonists. BOOM. instantly felt bad haha. So? That told me that I've been feeling that way near CONSTANTLY by being on social media ever since I was 13 years old!! That's literally insane. No wonder I can't "see myself" while others can! I've constantly been (subconsciously) putting myself down for not "being good enough" when in actuality, I'm perfectly fine just how I am! It was hugely eye-opening for me and made me really rethink my reason for using social media, and tumblr in particular since it's, ofc, been my favorite for such a long time...
And so when I started wondering what reason I have for using tumblr, n I realized that I've been telling myself, "I'm using it to gain artistic inspiration!"-- But like..... How much inspo do you need to gather until it's enough? I think I have enough inspiration on this account to use for the rest of my life, really!! lmao! So I want to actually start using the inspiration i've already gained instead of acquiring more n more n more of it, yanno? I just think it's like, lol... My head is full enough! Time to use what i've gained rather than continue to squander it! It's that sort of thing...!
And Ik we like to joke that tumblr is the anti-social media-- But... The sad truth is, it really isn't! I realized when I was meditating recently that all social media acts just like a slot machine. You pull down the screen and refresh and new fun stuff to look at pops up. And even tho yes, followers aren't a big deal here like they are elsewhere-- Tumblr is still no different, becuz it uses that same exact model, yanno? And so.... Yeah....! I just... Haha, idk. I wanna try n use the internet in a more classical way, is all.
So... Yeah! I just wanted to provide a bit of insight into my mindset rn idk, lol.
My new account is > AncientMachine (yes same name haha, I love it!) And on there I won't be reblogging much of anything. It'll just be text posts/my thoughts and feelings, maybe photography n doodles, manga caps, etc etc that sorta thing. A truly personal experience, I would say. So, if you don't feel like following a diary sort of blog, I totally understand, and I just wanna say thank you so much for the time you spent together with me here, especially within these past 2 years. Tumblr has been there for me when often times, no one else has. I've learned a lot by being here. And I think that's truly special, and I cherish this account with all my heart. I won't be deleting it, it'll stay up and act as my own personal archive-- but yeah...! I think it's time I finally move onto new horizons. I hope you'll join me on this brand new personal journey, but even if you don't, that's alright, and so long!! Have fun and good luck out there-- I'll see ya around! ☆
-- Lucky <3
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seoafin · 1 year
YOU DIDNT LIKE AO HARU RIDE??? KOU THO?? OR DANGEKI DAISY??? tbh the plot was kinda ass and super convoluted n i think i remember the ending letting me down BUT THAT MAIN GUY WAS SOOOO CUTE THO???? the fact that u liked soredemo sekai wa utsukushii is so funny tho because i feel like not a lot of ppl have watched that one and liked or just watched at all!! i don’t even remember the ending did they end up together?? he was like some middle schooler wasn’t he? whjwkeke but yea i get where ur coming from i think i just kinda have tunnel vision when i see a hot guy😔 did u at least like maid sama?? ALSO i’ll def check out the recommendations u gave out i saved them up in my notes already i’m excited to start reading them and i’m glad u ended up liking kamisama kiss too!!! btw i was reading a webtoon which i think u might like ‘after school lessons for unripe apples’ i saw u mentioned smt about not liking a sugar apple shojo n i freaked out thinking u meant this one wiwjejek it’s SUPER SUPER sweet like yamada one vibes but like a lil bit (a lot) more wholesome check it out if ur ever interested!!
also i wanted to ask u about howd u like the succesion finale but i didn’t wanna bombard u with asks WHATD U THINK!!
i knowww my friend was obsessed with ao haru ride but i thought it was BORING. and i know we were in that era of having quirky heroines but all of them were quirky with no substance. i just never got into it. and as for dengeki daisy i dont think i liked the art lmaooo and i am very particular about my shoujo art. but i do like the mangaka's new manga queen's quality a lot!!!! definitely a jump in quality from dd. i did rlly like soredemo sekai wa utsukushii but it wasn't really for the romance. like yes the ML was a child but im pretty sure they were only like 3-4 years apart? both children tbh. but i think i liked the plot more than other shoujos at the time and nike was actually interesting. i DID like maid-sama....ik it's problematic but my nostalgia lenses are ON.
I LOVE AFTER SCHOOL LESSONS FOR UNRIPE APPLES. THEY ARE SO CUTE. i haven't been able to catch up yet but i am on like chapter 20. i loveeeeee them.
okay im glad shiv ended up breaking the cycle (for roman and kendall) but it's heartbreaking how she got mom'd. like.....i know she made tom into the man she wanted him to be so that's technically a W but she's been relegated into being a wife. she's pregnant!!! standing behind a man!!!! but let's be real like shiv was never going to get it lmao and it KILLS me because if she had been a man it would've been her. like 100%. shiv overcompensates and talks too much and it's all stems from her never being taken seriously as a woman. like had she had the privilege of being a man in a male dominated world it would've been her!!!!!! she's logan's favorite. mattson wouldn't have wanted to fuck her (who knows). all three of the roy siblings self sabotage in different ways, but the fact that shiv's comes from her insecurities is so heartbreaking. also i watched the ending commentary and one of the directors (i think) talked about how in the end none of them would ultimately be logan's successor because they'd never be able handle it. it was never going to be them. succession is a tragedy because when something happy and lighthearted happens you know something awful is going to follow. AND GOD. the scene where they swim and everything's happy that's when I KNEW it was going to end terribly. the roy siblings all united. it never would've gone well. it was never going to end well.
and kendall KENDALL. the poison drips. yes shiv was right kendall would have never been able to handle but if u think about the fact that he's been groomed into this position to continue the cycle of abuse (by logan who told him at SEVEN he was going to take over) he has nothing now! there's literally nothing for him anymore. this is what his life had been culminating towards and to have it all taken away. the part in the episode where shiv refuses to vote and kendall is literally like 'i might die' and then him denying point blank that he killed a man (DELUSIONAL). but also kendall recanting that confession a confession that bonded the siblings together in the last season. brought them together in a moment of genuine comfort and bonding. gone. gone. gone!!!!!
rome never wanted it in the first place but he just couldn't say it. he didn't want to be CEO he wanted logan's approval but logan's gone. he doesn't have logan's approval. the next best thing is being CEO but roman can't bring himself to admit it's anything other than poison for himself and the family. like.......the director's commentary talking about how this has just been one long thing that happened to roman and now that it's over he's back to where he was s1.......ughhhhhh. and him ordering gerri's drink????
anyway i thought for sure roman or kendall were going to kill themselves. i was on the edge of my seat thinking kendall was going to jump off in the last few seconds of the show. whewwwwwww
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yukisdomain · 1 year
1, 2, 12, 20 for Yuki and Choso (if that's too much, just one or the other)
Thank you for the ask!
1. My first impression of them
Yuki: Cool. Yeah, beautiful too, but cool. The cool tall lady, in her cool clothes, on her cool motorcycle, with a cool shikigami. That scene in which Maki explains why she is a sorcerer and the way Nobara looks at her? That was me seeing Yuki for the first time (I watched anime first).
Choso: An interesting design. His and his brothers' attitude towards the curses they worked with was intriguing, so he was already more interesting to me than some other characters
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
Yuki: Like I said in the previous ask, I binge read the manga so I could only fully process everything that had happened so far while I had to wait for the new updates, which was a little before her fight with Kenjaku I think, so around that time. Her worldview, her attitude, her skill, lack of conformity - all that made me really like her. Also this might be a stupid reason, but after I found out she's 1,88m/6'2ft, I iked her even more if that was possible.
Look, I'm 1,83m/6ft . I'm a tall girl, although there are taller girls than me (5'6-5'7 is about average height for a woman where i'm from). So like, thank you Gege, finally an actually tall girl (at least in the media that I consume)
Choso: His devotion to his brothers made me sold my soul to this man. So even while binge reading he stood out to me. He's a character that can perceive the world from both a human's and a curse's perspective (I can go into what I think are humans and what I think are curses and why I believe Choso is a human, but I'll save that for another time). Also he doesn't seem malevolent at all, like he's less bloodthirsty than a lot of jujutsu sorcerers. The only interest he has is keeping his brothers safe, other than that he doesn't give a fuck about the rest of the world (that panel where he sort of snoozes off and Mahito had to snap him out of it made me chuckle; also Mahito nagging him to go do what he was supposed to do in Shibuya). I think you could drop the weirdest thing in front of him and he wouldn't judge it (at most he'd be confused and curious).
In my opinion he's a very capable fighter too. Seems to me that people forget that because of his latest fight against Kenjaku but like, Yuki lost against them, so what did ppl expect from Choso? In conclusion, I love him your honor.
12. Sexuality hc!
Yuki: She had her fair share of experimentation, alright, but I think that she's concluded she's into men, like cannon suggests.
Choso: Asexual. Idk why, but I can't imagine him as anything else. He's curious, he can enjoy sex, he will definitely do whatever he can to make his partner have the best experience. But I think that he sees having sex only as a way to connect with somebody who cares about having it, and Choso would definitely only have it with someone he's serious about. He wouldn't care about his partner's gender tho
(I ship those two)
20. A weird headcanon
Yuki: had a wild fight with a goose that wanted bread from her sandwich. Don't ask, it just happend. Todo filmed the chaos
Choso: cheated whenever he played games with Mahito because the latter was annoying as hell. It was a "winner makes loser do whatever they want" deal anyway
Sorry for the wait, have a nice day :)
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wolfcrunch · 2 years
I FORGOT ABOUT VOL 29 UGH I JUST SAW A GIF AND MY BRAINROT FOR THEM IS RUSHING BACK I MISSED THE VOL 29 HYPE also this is so dumb bc I don't watch the anime (the last and only time i did was at the start of season 4 for like 4 episodes and. WOW its already been 3 years 😭) and just read the manga but oof I feel like I'm missing out lmao even tho ik what's happening
bro seeing that the ED had new cuts to involve vol 29.... my heart. lets say thank u haruka iida for the treat
but im on the same boat hdksdks i stopped watching in s5 cuz i just never have the patience to sit down and watch anything, but i get the feeling of missing out. its different seeing something w animation, ost and voice acting compared to just reading it and having a bunch of detailed, but still images.
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moomoomooing · 2 years
AAA I ALSO wanna ask for the get to know me !!! perhaps 22 + 27 + 28? or if u dont have a fav maybe a good rec? :3c
mhmhm! i actually answered 22 here!
27. Favourite anime(s)
I don't actually watch anime very much anymore -v-;;; commitment issues got me bawling on the floor man
but ones i adore is ouran highschool host club (a comfort show for me at this point)
bungo stray dogs (pain incarnate)
and its been a while and ik theres a second season i should really watch- but i really like the ancient magus' bride!
oh and how could i forget k-on! and horimiya !!
28. Favourite manga(s)
i read even less manga,,, but!!!
read witch hat atelier!!! its so damn pretty and i seriously need to catch back up on it
i stopped bc the translation i was reading wasnt caught up but DAMN i gotta know what happens to my children!!!
also i really suggest watching this video by lines in motion that talks abt how stunning with hat ateliers panneling is (im a nerd for technical stuff like this- even tho im incapable of doing it)
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csbnova · 10 days
My Personal Blue Lock Writing Habits and Drabbles
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someone asked if i write with a specific mindset for each character but erm…idk what happened to the ask bc my phone hates my guts and wants me to die so im just gonna explain it here. (also an excuse for me to yap abt my pookie bears)
so obviously there are different character types and different personalities duh duh duh but to me i always have to immerse myself in the way they think. I read the bllk manga (haven’t caught up yet get off my case) but i do like to do character analysis based off of what we get in the anime/manga, the official art, and the little facts we get from the author/on bllk wiki.
i guess it wouldn’t be too far fetched to say i do indeed do my research on the guys that i write for and it doesn’t help that i actually enjoy it💀 but to me seeing chars getting mischaracterized CONSTANTLY is one of the most infuriating things EVER especially if it’s a character that i’ve been a die hard fan of. (partially why i decided to start posting my writing) like bachira’s mischaracterization is wild to experience. no, he’s not always yelling or goofing off but it is often. no, he’s not a freak(like at ALL) who constantly talks about his monster in every conversation he has. yes, he IS a sweet little guy who would probably ask to hold your hand in a romantic way even tho he wouldn’t be scared to hold it earlier in your friendship.
idk i just think it’s weird when people write the most insanely off putting personality for characters that they probably have only seen hc’s of or misinfo for.
when i wrote barou’s texts, i had to think rlly hard abt it bc i know he seems like an arrogant guy (which he is ngl) but i think that’s only when it comes to soccer. in both the anime and the manga barou could be seen multiple times having calm conversations about growth and how his abilities affect the way he plays. he’s also got two younger sisters which i personally believe could make anyone become more mature (said with experience). ive done the same with multiple characters, even with smaller details. like, in my rin fic that im writing, there’s a small detail about his favorite drink. i couldn’t just say a random beverage bc i got so upset that i couldn’t come up with a drink for him that i looked up what his favorite would be😭
yk another small thing i did was make the itobros texting styles similar to each other. sae’s includes both capitals and correct punctuation while rin’s doesn’t capitalize anything and just uses accurate punctuation (at least i hope it’s accurate). i did that to portray how similar the brothers are despite their respective differences. i also happened to know that rin would rather die than admit that and that knowledge has to be shared somehow.
idk i just hate seeing my favs being mistyped especially since it’s been happening even more recently (cough gojo fans cough) but im also a stupid nerd(yes ik those contrast each other) who’s very passionate about this so i don’t really care what anyone has to say i genuinely enjoy producing content abt characters that isn’t inaccurate or rage inducing and my one and only hope is that i get it right 🙏
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anyways that’s it basically. shout to anyone who actually read this bc i probably wouldn’t have 🔥
should i start a series? i have the urge to but idk💀
no! i am NOT posting this instead of finishing my writings… 🤥
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azamonvoid · 2 months
Y'all think if I were to reread Stormbringer it would smh make me obsessed w bsd again?
Like, I not leaving the fandom but ever since the end of s5 was released months before the manga caught up, I haven't been as excited abt bsd. Still get excited abt new chapters and definitely excited to know more abt Bram, but I don't even draw Chuuya anymore, even tho I used to draw him A LOT ;_;
I gotta find smth abt bsd to get me hooked again oof-
Literally only missing like 3 light novels (dead apple, dark era & the day I picked up Dazai) I've been postponing to get so I could get new cosplays and get the Yukito Ayatsuji vs Natsuhiko Kyougoku manga volumes (only got the 1st one)
Also doesn't help I smh always manage to remember the content of what I read, so it's actually harder for me to decide to reread smth cuz ik my brain it's gonna be like "oh yeah, then x things happens cuz of y thing" yadda yadda 💀
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abcdosaka · 9 months
media time
im soo excited for the jjk anime. the manga is really good rn too the fight is so interesting. when gojo dies >>
ive also been reading hiroyuki nishimori manga lately. i started w i'm doshiro bc i was high and i read the description and it sounded funny and i read like 25 chapters and it was actually a knee slapper especially high it was really really good. it started getting a little serious after that so reading it sober i was like ._. but it was still fun. i might reread the beginning bc i really forgot
then i read all of cheeky angel and now i'm watching the anime. im kinda obsessed with it like idk its really really good and same thing happened where it was funny but then shit got really serious toward the end but i think it worked better here. its interesting bc its kinda dated (obviously since its 20 years old) but also very progressive in its view of gender roles.
like since the audience thinks that megumi is a boy and has the mind of a boy she is right to think the way she thinks/behaves, i.e. her want to be cool and reliable and strong is taken seriously but even given the spoiler that doesn't change she's still a serious character which i really appreciate. obviously bro did not have trans people in mind when creating this manga but it’s interesting to see the idea of changing genders taken seriously when normally genderbending is like a fetish thing in manga. and literally every character is bisexual as a result thats crazy. even keiko. i love keiko she's so much funnier in the anime idk who they got doing her voice but she's a star. anyway point is its nice that in the end, even though her identity is important to her, equal importance is given to her as a person
oh also abt the manga. the viz translation is really... like idk who was translating it but anime fans in the early 00s were not real bro nobody talked like that not even in american comics or whatever they were trying to emulate to make them appeal to western audiences. they were doing way too much esp in the early chapters. it got better later on but overall the anime delivers the comedy way better
ig the one thing thats like ermm is that the gender roles are sooo enforced in the society depicted in the manga like ik its how it is/was but damn. my parents go easy on me like i haven't done anything feminine (that was forced on me and wasn't out of my own desire to act feminine) basically ever. and i was never really all that feminine anyway. maybe its bc i was pretty passive too so they let it slide
the early art style was so pretty im kinda sad it changed but ig its nice how stylized it became toward the end. also the 2nd ending is SO good
anyway i will be reading kyo kara ore wa after. reading these made me realize i love delinquent manga. oh i might finally continue reading slam dunk too i'm in the mood for some old shit
what else. i watched paul high. that shit was ASS truly terrible idk wtf letterboxd reviewers are on there was maybe 2 funny lines and im surprised bc some really good comic actors are in that like they couldn't have spoke up and been like hey maybe we should stop embarassing ourselves. points for the lesbian tho i forget her name but its sue sylvester. but anyway i was high and that movie had me completely stone faced like WHAT
last thing. im looking forward to hwasa cb. she released some of her greatest hits when she had auburn hair so i am ready for her to serve
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