#i really am doing surprisingly well despite all that and im proud of myself for that. its just also
lunar-years · 8 months
Sending you hugs from the absolutely terrible to be in "parents dying from cancer club" that I wish no one was joining.
yeah. yeah. thank you and right back at you. ❤️ sending you lots of love.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Collei. Dear. My little leaf. Im so sorry about everything. I genuinely cannot apologize enough for all you were put through. And Im sure there are some versions of you out there who wont give me the time of day, write me off as a terrible father and not hear me out. I can't say its not a fair choice. But.
Just give me a moment.
If I could have changed everything, and kept you alive in doing so, I would have. You were so young. You were our only child to live to 8. Our only child who got to live at all, really. Even though you were incredibly ill. Your mother and I worked so hard to try and find SOMEONE who was willing to treat you. But. Well- You know.
The fatui was our only option. It was a terrible option and we didnt trust it but we were desperate to keep our child, you, alive. It was this, or watch another child die. Stuck between a rock and a hard place as they say. Of course I know now they had alternative motives for why they were willing to treat you. It wasnt hard to figure it out not long after back then too.
Despite all of that your mother and I were dragged into being their soldiers. To "repay them for their generous medical care". When they wouldnt even tell us where you were, or how you were doing.
The work killed your mother, I doubt you would remember because of your age, but she was ill like you. Just not nearly as bad. I suppose thats where you got it from. She was declining for quite some time, it wasnt a surprise that getting the news you died did her in. I tried so hard to convince her they were lying. I convinced myself they were. Im still glad I did. Because I was right. But your mother never did like to believe in uncanny fantasies.
I wish I could have head out right then. I wish I could have told the fatui I was done and walked out the door to go find you immediately. I had a promise to fulfill. Even if it ment we'd meet again with you in a body bag I didnt care. I wanted to see my daughter again. But I couldnt get out. Not for several more years. The fatui are.. surprisingly good at keeping an eye on their soldiers. But I didnt give up trying and it worked eventually. I got out. Just like you did.
It was a long road to finding you. It was never going to be easy. A single old faded picture of you was all I had to help my search. That and a small spark of hope that the regions outside of Sumeru wouldn't have turned you away.
I'm so grateful I made it to mondstadt. And ran into Amber. That outrider sure does know how to do her job. She knew exactly who I was looking for from seeing the picture, didnt even tell her your name. She cared about you a lot. I'm glad you made some life long friends. Though I dont think I'll ever forget her face when Jean pointed out the possible malice in our seperation. Explaining my story to them wasnt something I wanted to do. But I had to if I were going to find you.
I shouldn't have been surprised really, from your perspective it likely did look like abandonment. I wouldn't have doubted for a second if the Fatui told you thats what it was to. But I promise you Collei. I never abandoned you. Your mother and I were lied to, and used for the fatuis goals just like you were (well not exactly like you, but you get my point Im sure).
I wish I couldve taken it back. But. I really cant. Not when I know you wouldn't have made it to 9 if we didn't beg the fatui for help. But Im not sure how much better a decade of seperation is.
But you were alive. You found happiness. And I am so proud of how much you've grown.
And hey at least this go around I can say all of this without breaking down into tears, right? Not that cool of your old man to cry that hard in front of his daughter as soon as he finds her.
~Collei's father. I believe my name was Malyk? 🕯♟ (Source is Genshin Impact)
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spookybreadstick · 4 years
hi, im new :) Dont worry abt what u write its rly good and ily💗 i came 2 stay and hope ur doing well!
I was hoping if i could get some fluffy™ headcanons or a scenario -whatever ur choice is- with a female reader and L.J? The reader has a strong sense of justice but is extremely compassiomate, wise, quiet/shy and like touch starved🥺🥺👉🏻👈🏻 sorry if im crinGe i need more content of him on this site-- Im not sure what else to add 2 help u w this since i just woke up lolol but yeah thank u sm in advance, i wish u all the best💌💛💋
hello newbie! thank you for stopping by and i’m glad you want to stay! i am doing pretty well (i took down my x-mas decorations today and there are a lot of them bc decorating is fun, so i had mini chocolate santas as a reward lol) i hope you are well, also! and thank you so much for the writing compliment, it means a lot to me!!
🍬 LJ x Reader (compassionate, wise, quiet/shy, touch-starved, strong sense of justice, female) Relationship HCs 🍬
🍬 LJ thinks you’re the cutest girl in the whole world!!
🍬 He adores your compassionate nature, it makes him feel very happy to have such a caring girlfriend 
🍬 He also likes that you are wise. It makes him feel very proud to have such a smart girlfriend. 
🍬 You will have to step in to keep him out of trouble, and he'll listen to you.
🍬 If you tell him that telling that joke at the dinner table is a bad idea, or that you shouldn't trap a bunch of bees to launch at Jeff's head because he won't find it too funny, then he won't do it. 
🍬 Which is saying something, because LJ usually just does what he wants despite other people's opinions because he thinks his bad jokes/pranks are funny. 
🍬 But also, if you'd like to have some fun with him, you could tell him literally anything in a serious tone and he'd believe it 100%. 
🍬 He trusts whatever you say because you are wise (especially compared to him lol, he's the opposite of wise) 
🍬 If you have a strong sense of justice, that can mean a couple of different things: 
Situation One: You're really into criminal justice and the law. This can be sort of a problem because, you know, LJ's "line of work". But LJ is totally justified in his actions IMO (remember, he 'deals with' those who have hurt children) so hopefully you understand. It's his personal way of dishing out justice, and if you get behind him on that, it'll make him feel even better about what he does. He'll be sure to keep you away from people like Jeff though, who don't dish out justice. 
Situation Two: You're really into justice as in people being fair and treating others well, with those who don't getting what's coming to them in the end (like karma). LJ would love this, as he believes that being nice and making others happy is the key to your own happiness. Again, he would keep you away from Jeff who is kind of believes the opposite.
Situation Three: You're really into social justice (LGBTQ+ rights, equality, racial diversity, etc) which LJ adores about you. You correct him on his outdated language (he was created in the 1800s, and obviously times have changed since then). He would never want to offend anybody, but he often genuinely doesn't know because society has progressed past when people considered certain things appropriate in the 1800s. So if he says something outdated, please gently correct him, he wants to know and he'll refrain from using that word/phrase in the future. LJ also finds social justice topics very interesting, he could listen to you talk about them for hours.
🍬 LJ is easily excited by the small things. 
🍬 "LOOK, LOOK!" 
"What is it, LJ!?" 
 "T-that's it? Why are you shouting then?"
 "He's like me :)" 
🍬 Honestly, he finds joy in little things like that. Seeing a fellow clown on TV. Judging by the way he talks though, you would have thought that something incredible was going on. 
🍬 LJ's also very loud in everything he does. 
🍬 This fool has no concept of "using your indoor voice". 
🍬 He's also extremely outgoing and extroverted, and he loves talking to people about anything and everything. 
🍬 Ah, but you're quiet/shy? 
🍬 That's okay, he'll do the talking for the both of you :) 
🍬 He'll also try to take the spotlight from you if you're uncomfortable with being the center of attention. LJ adores being the center of attention, so it's the opposite of a problem for him. 
🍬 Everyone kind of thinks you make a funny couple; the sweet, quiet girl and the obnoxiously loud clown. 
🍬 But those kinds of pairings can be the best ones. Opposites do attract, after all.
🍬 Also. You're touch-starved? Well.... 
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🍬 This is literally what happens. (I made this meme myself because I had a stroke of inspiration lmao) 
🍬 Girl, he was trapped in a BOX for YEARS.
🍬 Also like, he's spent many decades without any romantic partners, so now that he's got a girlfriend he's eager to be all touchy-feely 
🍬 He really likes that you are touch-starved as well, so you won’t mind his abundance of affection. 
🍬 LJ loves to give hugs <3 He gives surprisingly great hugs with his noodle-y arms
🍬 Loves to cuddle as well. Major cuddle-bug. You are small compared to him, (no matter how tall you are, he is taller) so you're like a lil stuffed animal for him to snuggle up to. 
🍬 All in all, LJ loves you and you would make a perfect couple <3 
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also, don’t worry about being cringe/self-indulgent! that’s what this blog is for, essentially!
- breadstick 🥖
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janetbrown711 · 5 years
“Does it get lonely?” Eva and Lena?
Eva and Louie teleported to the familiar part of the underworld, right in front of a gate where Cerberus waited, wagging his tale when he saw them. Eva smiled and ran right toward him and started petting him.
"I almost didn't believe her when she said Cerberus liked you. Guess i see that now," Louie said.
"Well who could resist such a handsome and good boy," Eva said as Cerberus barked happily.
"Usually everyone. C'mon. Do you want to see your girlfriend or not?" Louie asked, opening the gate.
"Right... right... can Cerberus come along?" Eva asked. Louie looked at them to ponder a moment.
"Plleeeeaaaaasssseeeee?" She begged.
"No, no. He has a job to do. He needs to guard the gates," he decided.
"Awwww," Eva lowered her head as Cerberus whined.
"Oh you'll get over it," Louie rolled his eyes and summoned a bone for all three of Cerberus' heads, which kept him happy enough for Eva and Louie to leave.
"Sooooo... we're just gonna walk dorectly to Lena and say 'surprise I snuck away from my mother so she's gonna be pissed as heck, but hey at least I'm here now'?" Eva asked.
"If that's what your plan is," Louie said.
"Right... that sounds good. I don't need to stall," Eva nodded.
"Right. Here we are," in the blink of an eye it seemed they appeared at a giant black door. It looked as if it were made of obsidian and at least 10 feet tall.
"Do we knock or...?" Eva asked, but Louie had already put his hand on the door and they slid open slowly.
"Louie, aren't you supposed to be killing people?" Lena called from the other room, "and you can teleport. When have you ever used the door?"
Louie didnt respond, letting himself in and Eva follow. He took her to the room where Lena sat on her throne looking over papers, but the moment Eva entered the room Lena shot up and looked at her.
"I thought I smelt life. Eva, what on tartarus are you doing here?" Lena got up and went to her.
"I ran away again, but this time to stay much, much longer. Maybe forever. I'm really mad at my mom. I just cannot stand those stupid gardens. I want to be here, with you," Eva grabbed Lena's hands, looking her in the eyes. Lena blushed.
"Mariella will be begging for Webby to strike me down or to drown me in the river Styx," Lena said.
"She doesn't know where I am. Trust me," Eva reassured her, "besides, it's not like she can stomp her way in here. She'll need to get past Cerberus, who i am one hundred percent sure is on our side," she smiled.
"Well when you put it that way... Llewellyn, I'm going out for the day. That doesn't mean you can slack off, now I'm requiring you do your job plus at least half of the paperwork," Lena commanded, to which Louie nodded and disappeared in his familiar smoke.
"So shall we?" Lena offered her arm in escort.
"Oh of course!" Eva gladly accepted, but frowned when she discovered she was just too short to make it really work. Lena laughed.
"We don't have to walk like this if you don't want to," she suggested.
"No, no. I got this," Eva said. She thought hard for a very long time when suddenly vines burst through the ground, lifting her up to be the proper height.
"How on earth did you do that? This is the underworld. Plants don't grow here. Except for that one garden, but still," Lena baffled.
"I'm a plant goddess. I want plants to make me taller, i get plants to make me taller," Eva lifted her head up proud.
"You're so adorable," Lena laughed.
"Why thank you," Eva nodded, and they started walking together.
"So how long do you think you can stay here without your mother finding out and making her way down here?" Lena asked as they strolled.
"Forever hopefully. I'm tired of her treating me like a possession. I just want to be here. With you," Eva smiled. Lena couldn't help but smile too, but a though occured to her that made it waver.
"Does it get lonely?" She asked.
"Yeah... it does. The flower nymphs are great and all but they're just... so... annoying," she laughed.
"Oh you're telling me? Deal with them when they're dead," Lena chuckled.
"Oh i can believe that," Eva agreed.
"But to answer yeah. It does. Dewey stops by every now amd then with a letter but mother doesn't leave me alone with anyone for more than ten minutes," Eva said.
"Geez, you should see her on the council. And the way she runs spring ugh, she is so uptight," Lena said.
"I know right?! It's psychotic, how organized it is. I'm so glad she's given me the reigns in recent years. Only for a bit though, but hey, its nice," Eva shrugged.
"Sounds like it," Lena agreed.
"Gah, you know in some ways i envy your family," Eva said.
"I'm sorry- what?! My family?" Lena cackled.
"What? What's so funny about that? At least you have sibilings," Eva put her hands on her hips.
"Well yeah, but have you met my parents? They're crazy. My dad literally ate me and my siblings. The titans are absolutely bonkers," Lena said.
"Well true... but they're gone now. So, isn't everything good now?" Eva asked.
"Depends on your opinion on good. I mean we tolerate each other but the pantheon never agrees on anything. Heck, the only reason i got this underworld gig is because the only way we could decide was pulling straws. Webby won, Violet sorta won, and I lost. But hey, fair is fair. We barely talk about that anyway. If you consider that good, then hey, that's good," Lena said.
"So you never wanted to be queen of the underworld?" Eva asked.
"Well... i never was too fond of all the other gods. They were always so loud and obnoxious. I always liked to imagine myself on the sea, all alone on a boat of my choosing. It'd be nice is all I'm saying," Lena sighed as she shook the idea away.
"So why don't you leave?" Eva asked.
"I can't just shirk all my duties. The underworld would be in chaos without me and ghost would probably leak into the overworld and it'd be a mess. Trust me when I say its better this way. I find some joy in my work anyhow. If i wasn't queen of the underworld i wouldn't have Cerberus, and he's my best friend," Lena said.
"Well what about Louie?" Eva asked.
"Llewellyn? Well he works for me. I don't know if i can exactly call him a friend. Him being a friend would just... distract me. And him," Lena stated.
"Well then I guess I see why Louie wanted me to be his friend so bad, since the only person who can would think it a distraction. I bet you two are friends but don't consider yourselves friends because you aren't buddy buddy," Eva crossed her arms.
"Maybe you're right... c'mon. I know a place where we can go," Lena gestured for Eva to follow and they started walking again.
They walked a bit in silence, turning corners here and there in the dark hallways that were lit by blue torches along the wall. Despite the underworld usually being really, really hot the temple was surprisingly chilly. Eva wished she brought a coat.
"We're here," Lena said when they arrive to a dark blue door with a warning sign written in a language Eva didn't speak.
"What's it say?" Eva asked.
"'Warning: hot lava. No living souls entry' in Fury," Lena stated.
"Uh... are you sure i should be here then?" Eva questioned.
"Don't worry, I say that to keep the furies away. You'll be fine," Lena winked as she opened the door to reveal a garden unlike any Eva had ever seen, even the one she had visited earlier.
The trees were grey and twisted about, but they had beautiful orange blossoms springing out of it, indicating it was still alive. Looking closely at the bark she could see lava running through it. The grass was grey and felt soft under her bare feet. There were plenty other plants and trees growing about, and not to far off was a stunning waterfall but made of lava. A lavafall if you will.
"This is so pretty! How did you make it grow?" Eva asked.
"This garden is my own secret project. It isn't like the garden of souls where the dead are put into the plants, but rather I used the seeds your mother gives me in the cornucopia and mutate them with the lava so they can grow into the fruit of the underworld. I never was too fond of the way above world food tasted. This is where it's at," Lena said.
"Can I have some then?" Eva asked.
"Eva... if you ate one of these then you become part of the underworld and can never leave. Are you truly ready to make that kind of commitment to never leave this place and never see the overworld or most of your friends, even your mother, thereof?" Lena asked. Eva sat on a marble bench.
"Well when you put it that way, it doesn't sound so easy, heh..." Eva tried to laugh, but it fell flat.
"Well... doesn't hermes stop by and every now and then?" Eva asked.
"He sometimes helps lost souls find there way to the underworld and has a small room in here, yeah," Lena said.
"Well... then yeah. Im okay," Eva nodded.
"What about your mother? Are you positive you never want to see her again?" Lena questioned. Eva had to pause to think.
"I think she needs to learn that i don't belong to her the hard way. I'm ready," Eva made up her mind. Lena nodded.
"Which do you want to try?" Lena asked.
"Oooh they all look soooo good! Hmmmm," Eva wandered through the garden a bit before picking a pomegranate from a silver tree.
"You and your pomegranates," Lena rolled her eyes.
When Eva took a bite out of the juicy purple fruit, Louie teleported into the room with a message.
"Lena, Mariella is here, and she wants her daughter."
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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mahbonesmccoy · 6 years
Valentine's surprise (Severus/reader one shot)
So sorry. I know Valentine's day is over but naaah. Better late than nothing. Here's my one shot of Sevy the bean queen.
In February 14, 2012, I forced myself to work during midnight. I am a professor and I sadly have no time for Valentine's day. I dont even have a partner anyway! During that time, I risked my health just so I could finish my unchecked papers. I've been procrastinating for the past few weeks because of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows! I was sort of... Not satisfied. Voldemort's death is rendered differently and it frustrates me but Snape's death made me weep like a babe.
As I finally finished my work in 2 A.M, there's an odd noise coming from my Garden. I suddenly felt strange and scared and so I grabbed a kitchen knife and sneaked out to my garden. To my surprise, I saw a figure laying down on the grassy ground. He was clad in black and... So familiar. I immediately dropped my knife elsewhere and rushes towards the man to help him.
I accidentally touched his neck and I heard a little noise coming out from his mouth. "Sorry." I muttered and I suddenly realised that my hand was stainted with blood! Panicking, I slowly roll the man to lay him down on his back properly for me to check his wounds and.... I went silent. Am I dreaming? What is this?! I slapped myself so hard that it hurts so much and enough to wake me up but I didn't!
After my self-realization, I immediately and carefully guide him inside my house and put him down on the couch. I can't believe it's Alan Rickman in my Garden dressed as Snape! I rushed to my bathroom and took my medical kit to tend his wounds on his neck. Again, with sudden realisation, he was bitten by a snake. His chances might be thin and I'm no doctor. But I also can't risk to let anyone or the public, in general, see him!
I crossed my fingers during the days I took care of him and hopefully he will be fine. He slept well after 3 days of suffering yet he was still pale and sick. 4 days later, I decided to abandon my sleep schedule again so he can rest on my bed and I can do my work all night long. Unfortunately, I was very sleepy and I nearly slept on my desk if Mr. Rickman or Snape didn't appear behind me, pointing his wand at me with a threatening look.
"Who are you. I dont wish to sound ungrateful but I want answers." He said with his usual deep voice. Panicking, I jumped out of my chair and raised both of my hands.
"Im no threat, believe me. You just suddenly appeared at my Garden!"
"... I see. But you haven't answered my question yet."
"Interesting... A muggle. Where's my cloak? I need to go back to Hogwarts." He rushed back to my room and then headed towards my garden and before he could even set foot outside, I immediately put myself in front of him and pushed him away gently.
"Nope. You are not going outside. Besides, the war is over and you can't go back! Everyone thinks you're dead."
"...." He went silent and pointed his wand at me again. "How.. Did.. You.. Know.. About... Me being... Dead?"
Oh fuck.
"Look I have so many things to explain and please.. Dont avada Kedavra me. Im telling the truth. You can even use Legilimens on me!"
"And how in Merlin's beard did you know all about this.. When you're a... Muggle?"
"I told you I have lots of things to explain.. Sit down."
And so I told him that night and he was... Utterly silent. He was trying so hard to let everything sink in. I showed him the movies and the books and I can see he was very angry, but then he bottled it all up.
"It make sense." He said.
"Make sense what?"
"I can't see what's inside your head and its completely black."
He stayed in my home for a year. I enjoyed his company and he surprisingly enjoyed mine too. I was blushing secretly every night time, remembering how he looks good on a white shirt and pants. March 15, 2012, we were sitting together on my couch whilst he was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. Meanwhile, I was reading a textbook about histories of Russia. I still need to study more of it..
Snape dropped the book harshly on the table and he suddenly.... Snapped. His emotions devoured him and he cried in front of me. Quickly, I sat beside him and gave him a tight hug which he gladly took it and sobbed on my shoulder. He repressed many emotions and I couldn't comprehend how much it hurts to be isolated and abused.
"It's okay now.. You're fine." I whispered, caressing his jet black hair with my hand as I held his head gently.
"That damn author. She made my life miserable... " He mumbled.
"Shhh. Despite all of it... Harry Potter appreciates you in the end. All is well."
After his outburst, he doesn't look like stressed anymore. Instead, he looked well and finally at peace. He actually smiled at me everyday whenever I talked about theaters, history and what ever interests me. I even convinced him to let me tie his hair and he surprisngly loved it. He didn't really mind staying all day at my house while I was at work. We read and eat together as well and I suddenly had a mission every day to make him laugh which I did successfully. And during christmas eve, we were enjoying our moment together by singing along with christmas songs!
I could not forget the smile on his face while we sing. Then the music changed into a slow, melancholic tone version of 'Let it snow'
"May I?" He said, offering his hand.
"Thought you hate to dance?"
"Not with you at least." He smiled.
I bit my cheek inside as I took his hand and then we start to dance slowly. Goodness, he's out of character and I'm kinda proud that I'm the reason of his sudden change. Out of height difference, we were embracing eachother instead of doing the proper position of waltz. We just danced together as silence engulfs us.
Little did I know... It would be our last moment.
Next day, 10:00 PM, he was standing in front of me, fidgeting his fingers.
"My neck wounds are reopening itself."
"What?! Since when? I can heal it!"
"No need... Im going to be fine. I'm sick of living but you taught me how to live my life rightly. But now... We must part for I dont belong in this world."
"No.. No no no.. You're staying here.. I dont want you to die." I said, standing so close to him that I can feel his breath.
"I will always die in the end. It's what the book says. I know you hate it so much but you can just... Open the book and read all over again. And I will be with you. Not in front of you.. But here." He said, pointing my heart. "And you have Alan Rickman." He chuckled.
"Oh for god's sake, he doesn't know me." I giggled but I still can't repress my sadness.
"Well at least he will remind you of me."
I'm on the edge and his words are pushing me off. Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed on his chest. "Please don't go... "
"I have to.. " He whispered weakly, his jaw resting upon my head and his arms protectively wrapped around me.
We sat down together on my couch for the last time while I leaned against his shoulder. I felt like I'm such a sissy for being silent but I still managed to say something to him one last time.
"Leave a souvenir for me.. Will you?" And I, sadly, fell asleep. And the last thing I heared from him is,
"Sleep well.. "
In the morning, I was cuddling a pillow on the couch and I was holding something, tightly and unconciously. Slowly, I sat up and look around. He's definetly not here anymore and it's probably a very long dream of mine. I look at the thing that I was holding and... My heart skipped a beat. So he's real.
His wand.
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manabingu · 6 years
So to summerize, today I....
1. Had a photoshoot that will show my TMR and weeb lovin self all over the county in libraries xD 📚
2. 🎧I managed to voice act for a script that was released today so woo! Bonus points to me for being punctual af™ and maintaining my record of turning in my lines the fastest. 💨
3. Thanks to bae, I have the instrumental for a song parody I'm helping with....I should proly tell Marcos eheh. 🎼🎶🎵AND I have the PEOPLE GAME instrumetal that was commisioned! So I should be recording that AFTER I turn in all my lines to the 3 scripts that Marcos gave me.
4. I judged the semifinal of YT Idol with the judges and surprisingly survived having an anxiety attack xD! I was so nervous around them but they did say they missed me and they were glad to see me again ;w; despite all the things that happened with this season I think they still like me?? We all had different opinions on every contestant but honestly we all came to the best conclusion and I hope that the two finalists will take our critiques to heart & give us some showstoppers at the finale because I WANT to hear them at their best. They invited me to judge the finale as well soooo, I will be hoping for some good performances! Also I sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star ⭐️ in Swedish today eheh. But I wanna try to PROPERLY record it cuz honestly I wanna try singing in more languages just for funsies.... I dunno why "sdj" makes an F noise tho??? Swedish is hard tbh. Might post it here... who knows lol. Honestly, the judges WERE really encouraging to my singing stuff and they wanna hear more of my work, honestly ;////; I felt so happy and appreciated and it felt good to know that they wanna hear more from me.
5. I was able to get a hold of Ceonn today! And Phoebe contacted me like yesterday to FINALLY (after 10 Months) turn in her takes for our duet of "Get in On, Flying Rock" from Macross Frontier ^.^ 💕🌸 ! And she seems excited to sing CLEAR from CardCaptor Sakura with me afterwards so EEE! My dream will be real TTwTTo I miss Phoebe, she is so kind and talented and humble and sweet! I'm so proud of her! This year she released a mini album with a record label and she is in an Idol Academy in California ^.^ she has an idol duo called PhEri 💕 and seeing her sing in concerts at cons with her duo is just - aaah I can't express how happy I am for her ;w; I hope one day I can see PhEri in concert and give Phoebe my full support. I want us to meet in person SO BADLY TTwTTo If I ever visit Cali, I have so many friends I wanna meet♥️
6. Speaking of singing, I have fully adapted the English lyrics for Over Quartzer so that hopefully can get down soon.(but PEOPLE GAME needs my attention first) I need to get a hold of Shion so he can mix my STEALTH cover cuz when I told Petri I was contemplating to sing it for the finale to show how I "started from the bottom now we here" sorta deal, he got excited. Plus I need Shion for help with mixing in case Ceonn isn't available meep ;w; ! I should make a list on a sticky note tomorrow to keep myself on task....
Also MAYBe I can just use STEALTH as my Abingdon Boys School tribute to celebrate their big comeback to play at Inazuma Rock Fest this month after so many years on hiatus. ((Also cuz Takanori's Birthday be swiftly comin!!))) Abingdon Boys School means SO much to me and I wanna make a cover to just thank them for their music. Because without it, I honestly wouldn't be alive right now. Their music helped me get through so much and is still one of the only things that cheers me up even on my saddest days. So I will do my best to make em proud ♥️🎤🎼🎵🎶
Tomorrow while Panda records her ArcVridged lines- I should write down all the upcoming events Im about to attend cuz the holiday season is gonna be HELLA busy for me. RangerStop, Lumicon, Holiday Matsuri, The Japanese Festival, The Korean Festival Wonderworks....dang we planned a lot the next few months... I better get organized. IM SORRY I RAMBLED TODAY BUT I JUST NEED TO GATHER MY THOUGHTS SO I DONT FORGET WHAT TO DO TOMORROW.
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jibunjishin · 7 years
just droppin by to say i’m doing surprisingly well!! every time I have a burst of good feels, i’m really worried for my next crash, bc it’s bound to come eventually. but i’m just appreciating this because i haven’t felt this good in a long time. things are better in ALL my relationships, i’m finally not sick anymore, my studies are actually ok, i won the exec sec election, i’m a little poorer rn but still able to eat and survive which is what matters, things are ok!!
i think i’m at a place in my mental health where i am able to climb out of holes myself. it’s been a rocky 6 years and there were really bad times with professional intervention. but after the AWFUL 2017 i had, i think i proved to myself that i am strong and i know myself well enough now to pull myself up and git gud!! and that really reaffirmed my ability to know and help myself and just be a stronger person overall.
of course i’m still pretty anxious, but i’m trying to accept it and work with it. especially now that i’m on ex comm and i have bigger responsibilities and people are going to complain about my job or talk about me in general, i can’t let that bother me?? i accept that my position is very visible, so i can’t help that i’m going to be talked about sometimes?? not in a conceited way. but like it just is what it is. and yeah people will always have something to say, but i just have to keep trusting that i know what i’m doing and am doing my best work, so the criticism can’t really affect me too personally.
anyways, despite the shitty events of this semester, i’m doing pretty well, and i’m proud of myself for that and nobody can take that away from me!!! UGH OK I GOTTA STUDY NOW BUT IM IN A GOOD PLACE WOO go positivity ok bye
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sakuurae · 7 years
8 questions tag
tagged by the lovely @jaetennys ^~^ thank you, darling 💖
1) What are your favourite mvs?
Oooo, my favorite music videos. Hmmm... I really like ‘don’t fight’ by ants, ‘사랑해줘요’ by mind u, and ‘take you home’ by baekhyun. Im not really a fan of busy (if that is the right word to use) mvs, ahaha. I like them simple with nice lighting, and telling a short story.
2) do you have like a to-do-list before you die?? (like a bucket list) if so, can you list them down? (im really curious)
Ohhh, yes i do!! Haha, i actually have one written down in one of my notebooks, and its quite long so ill just name a few things. Some things id like to do would be going to tokyo with my friends, go on an endless shopping spree with my friends, have our fashion blog be eminent, and to finish writing an entire novel one day (this would be a dream, ehehe).
A lot of the things in my bucket list include activities my friends, haha, because, for me, the best things in my life are never done alone *~*
3) which one do you prefer; romantic love or platonic love? why?
Hmmm...  honestly, romantic love. In my opinion, of course, its more fun in my opinion and i enjoy the whirlwind of emotions that come from it. From being physically close and cuddling, hand-holding, the narrow focus to them solely in a specific admirable perception—just being intimate and having the deep feeling that is created form romantic love—piques my interest more.
 Though, there isnt anything wrong with platonic love either! I enjoy that as well, but i prefer romantic love.
4) who is the person you look up the most? why?
Prepare for absolute cheese, lmao. I look up to taeyong a lot—no surprise here. But its because of what he went through and how he dealt with it. He went through a lot of fire when he finally debuted, and witnessing the crumble of the pillars that held him up confidently made my heart break. I really admire how he handled the drama. It exhibits a growth he has gone through amid that arduous time period. And, honestly, i related to some fractions of it—of him as a person.
But it is not only that factor alone that makes me look up to him; it is also his drive to become a better dancer, rapper—person. I also enjoy how he takes care of all of his members ;~; he makes it so prominent that he cares for his friends and its very respectful. Hes just always thankful for his members and for everything, its aksdjgfh aghhhh.
What always sticks with me about him is the episode (i dont remember which) in ‘nct life: pep rally’ to which he talks about the controversy that surrounded him. What he says really sparked something in me—dunno, i think im just rambling at this point so ill cut this off here lmaoo.
5) favourite songs of all time?
Aaaah, this really is a difficult one. My favorite songs probably are ‘icarus’ by jj project, ‘what i want to say’ by acourve, ‘i smile’ by day6, and ‘the lovely song when we parted’ by mind u.
I wonder if i make it obvious enough, but i really love listening to k-indie/k-acoustic :) my true list of all-time favorites are on my spotify playlist thats filled with them, ahaha.
6) who is/are your bias? why?
Oh boy... My biases are taeyong and sicheng—as if this information is not written on the walls already, haha.
I literally dedicated a huge passage to a fraction of my love for taeyong earlier, and that heavily contributes to why. But pushing that to the side, i admire him for his talent in dancing, rapping, and everything. He is so resilient and that is a favorable quality in my eyes, aaah. His personality is really laudable as well :)
Sicheng... because he is equally meritorious. He traveled over to korea and had to learn an entirely new language, try his hardest to debut, and so much more. He is doing is best and, just like taeyong, he is putting his best effort out there and is growing :’) i also love how he treats his members too; he is just so lovable to everyone, its almost unbelievable.
7) list of things/people that makes you happy?
- Writing is an obvious answer for me to include, haha. Its a great way to start off my day and a good way to calm myself down from a taxing day. I also enjoy sharing the content i create with others, ahaha;
- Reading is also another element. Every morning i read for a good hour or two before i begin writing. I just sit there with my coffee and leaf through my book. It would be an even more perfect day if the weather is nice and warm;
- Going out with my friends. To be honest, i used to never leave the ensconcement of my bedroom; i would say inside and read, write, or just organize my books and closet. It isnt until around a month and a half ago (i think) where my friends have finally egged me to go out with them (i also believe i posted pictures on this blog of it ahaha) and i enjoyed it wholeheartedly. Now, i go out almost every single day with them, and sometimes on my own. I feel like the complete opposite!!! But it makes me really happy, huhu;
- The friends i made on this website makes me really happy. I mean i dont have much but i appreciate the couple that i do have with my entire heart. Knowing them for a short amount of time is unbelievable because it feels like ive known them for years, and everything has been compacted within the month or two we all started to talk. The closeness is really astonishing, but extremely refreshing! I can go on for a while about how appreciative i am and how happy they make me, especially on days where i feel a little down and talking to them normally uplifts my spirits, but i think this will suffice;
- Coffee. The root of my energy tbh. Keeps me going throughout the day and keeps me on my feet during dance, even though i might be too off-the-walls.
8) what are your fondest memories? (it can be anything! about your pet or your friends etc)
Oh boy, this can go on forever too so ill just write the first one that came to my mind.
It was thanksgiving night with my cousins and we snuck out. Skipping over the minor, stupid particulars, we were being chased by one of the neighbors and we started running away for a good five minutes, which resulted in us becoming lost (because we were at our uncle’s city [and we never visit that town]) at a park.
Afterwards, we sat around on the grass for a long while and started to talk for a long while. It was strange at first since we were never really close to one another, but that night was such a table turner. It was one in the morning and we were all sitting or laying on the grass, talking as we stared at the stars—surprisingly, because i havent seen a clear night sky in the city since i lived over at the country side—and we learned a lot about each other and why we differed, which made us argue a lot. Talking it over for hours, our relationship with each other substantially changed and it was like there was never thick air between us to begin with.
Im not sure if this is adequate enough to be an extremely fond memory; but in my book, it is :D i frequently recall this moment despite it occurring many years ago—because it is that life-changing for me. It sort of made me think that despite the negativity i face with others, the other party always has their own reason to why.
I hope this tag is okay! ^~^ i feel like i revealed a larger fraction of myself than what i usually do, ahahaha //profoundly sweats//.
Im tagging @urbanjohnny @writenct @heartachetosing @hey-uta @thenctcults!  I hope its okay to tag you guys, please dont feel obligated to do this if you feel zero desire to ^~^  
My questions for you:
1. Whats your favorite book, and why?
2. What is a good, life changing moment that always sticks with you?
3. Do you believe in astrology? Why?
4. What’s something you have been forced into (like an activity or class) in the belief you would hate it, but actually love it to this day?
5. Name three things you’re proud of in your life and why :D
6. What is the root of your happiness? How did you discover it?
7. Do you prefer clear, serene starry nights within a forest, or an ocean view during golden hours?
8. What’s one thing that not many people know about you?
Again, you dont have to do this if you have zero desire to!! Ehehe
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Where are you from? Paris, France
How would you describe your race/ethnicity? I would say i'm mixed white and asian, or eurasian.
Do you identify with one particular aspect of your ethnicity more than another? Have you ever felt pressure to choose between parts of your identity? Being born in France, with a French father, a french nationality and a french mother tongue made me consider my asian heritage first way less important. But many people tried to reduce my chinese heritage (even my father didnt realise how important it was for me) so i guess theses comments "well you're not really chinese tho" plus my own doubt made me consider it then way more fragile and someting to "defend" against my french identity, which i don't want to become too important and diminuate my chinese identity, as if i was a bath and i wanted to have as much hot water than cold water, but one water is running faster than one and i have struggle to keep a balance. This is a feeling i had a really long time, now i understand how not-relevant is it, i am not a bath and culture is infinite, i now accept that i am in fact more french than chinese, but because my chinese identity is "smaller" doesn't mean she's less important.
Did your parents encounter any difficulties from being in an interracial relationship? The concept of races is, i suppose, less strong in France than in US, and i don't even think that my parents or their friends considered them as "interracial couple" but mostly two people with very different cultures. So the issue was (using "was" because my parents are divorced now) mostly understanding the difference in culture and education. For example, my father couldn't really understand about the importance of religion for my mother (buddhism and traditionnal chinese religion) because as many French peoples, he was raised very anticlerical. But mostly they were both very open to each other so it was not the biggest struggle in their relationship.
How has your mixed background impacted your sense of identity and belonging? When i was very young, my ethnicity was in nothing relevant but the older i get, the more important it became. I really feel the need to put words on what i am, as about my gender or my sexual orientation, and if i am more than my gender, orientation, ethnicity, these things are defining me, at least in a small part, and not being sure of it really made me doubt of myself. I joined a french facebook group of asian engaged people, hoping to find some answers but it was very political about races when my struggles are more about countries and cultures. I often felt a bit left alone with all my questions about having a mixed background, i could have a real talk about this only with my mother.
Have you been asked questions like "What are you?" or "Where are you from?" by strangers? If so, how do you typically respond? All the children at school always came to me asking "are you chinese ?" (when i was 5) or more politely "and so, where do you come from ?" (when i was 13), and then i responded that i had chinese origins, or that my mother was chinese, but that i was french. When i became a teenager, i was so pissed of about everyone focusing on my ethnicity so i just responded "I'm French" or I'm 'Bretonne' " (my father is from Brittany wich is a French region with a very strong cultural identity). Then my high school was in the chinese district of Paris, there were a lot of french-asian people so i introduced myself as french and chinese, or "my mother is chinese and my father is french"
Have you experienced people making comments about you based on your appearance? People were sometimes surprised when i referenced to my chinese origins but compared to the comments i received about my style (went through a punk phase with blue hair and heavy make-up, now i have a buzzcut cut and piercings), i don't feel that my ethnicity have been an important subject for comments based on my look.
Have you ever been mistaken for another ethnicity? Many people wanted to classified my as only asian, or mostly white, or not a real chinese, but now that i now myself better and be proud of all my origins, i always insist i am french AND chinese and really both.
Have you ever felt the need to change your behavior due to how you believe others will perceive you? In what way? I don't really think so. Maybe i at some moments i tried to insist about how much i was chinese because i am don't want people to "forget it" (i know how absurd it seems now i am writing this), always this thing about being scared that my chinese heritage disapear.
What positive benefits have you experienced by being mixed? I surprisingly don't really know. The struggle has always been about to know who i was, that i didn't ask myself about the benefits of being me (i am not sure if this make sense). I think sharing different cultures give me a kind of 'hindsight' on each. I understand how things that seems so important in France might be not in China, or the opposite (we could talk about France or China's differences about relationships with love and passion and sexuality, family, religion, indivuduality, politics, belonging, arts, etc), so that make me understant that many things we thougt are necessary for all humans to live happily are actually inherent in being from one culture. In all modesty, i would say it made me more open to difference, more benevolent, and wiser.
Have you changed the way you identify yourself over the years? When i was a child, i looked i myself in the mirror and couldn't understand wy children at school call me chinese: for me, i was only a bit chinese because my mother was but i thought my face was the same as every french children. Then i accepted i had obvious chinese origins, but it didn't seem very important to me. It was just my face, and the family dinner but i always lived in France so i was French, mostly. Since 1 or 2 years, i really embrace my chinese culture, understood better how my mother ethnicity and culture impacted the education she gave me. Im buddhist, i learn chinese and feel closer to the chinese culture. Now i try to understand the Britain culture of my father, wich, compared to my chinese heritage, always seemed minor because Britanny is part of France, because people laught at me saying that i'm britain too. But i realized my father was really attached to his region and i will try to understand in which ways i am attached to it too. I am still processing all this, i still have a lot of question but i feel more confident thant in the past so i guess all of this can only get clearer.
Are you proud to be mixed? Yes
Do you have any other stories you would like to share from your own experiences? I will use this space to apologize about my english. This is only my second language and it was a complicate subject to write about, i hope than despite of many mistakes i'm sure, it is still understandable.
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recognizing an abusive relationship before it starts
i realize i haven’t properly posted in years and i do regret that. its nice for me to be able to personally refer back to this blog for a timeline of events during my ~younger years, but i really wish i kept it going but i guess i was too busy getting donkey punched repeatedly by life i just had an experience a couple days ago that i would like to share so i was talking to this gentleman, it had only been a few weeks and we hadn’t met in person yet. we both flaked out on each other 1:1. all other signs pointed towards having good chemistry, emotionally and sexually, despite the massive 18 yr age difference. i mean, there’s an adult in our age difference. he could be my father, in fact, he has a daughter four years my junior. it didn’t bother him. i wasn’t letting it bother me either, because we hadn’t even met yet, plus i was envisioning a purely sexual relationship with this guy anyway - if all went well.  then one day we’re texting back and forth (ugh) after i finish work, and when i get home i have a bong toke. i already broached that subject and he was fine with it. all of a sudden he texts me, “its a turn off that you’re high as a kite all the time. goodnight.”    holy buzzkill right, it felt so gross. i call him up and im already kinda struggling to find words, but what was left of my buzz wasn’t helping any, and he just keeps going “listen to you, you can’t even speak. you can’t even form a thought. you’re stoned as FUCK. you’re high as FUCK. you’re high as a kite.” and he just sounds so mean and nasty. i think i manage to redeem myself throughout that conversation, we get talking again and he apologizes. my reticence returns and i feel like i can no longer really be myself after that confrontation. i tell him this. he assures me i can. fast forward a few days, i had spent the day with my brother. my texts were going to be sporadic if not nil. i told him this. i didn’t feel like texting him at all, so i used my excuse not to. he was good for like 8 hours and then i get the message “you can’t come over!”  i hadn’t even met him yet, right. not immediately, but i send a photo of a pan of brownies i had just finished baking.  “you can’t have any of my brownies then,” i text him back. then i text him that i don’t really want to receive an elaboration, and that i wish him and his children all the best. he calls me and acts like nothing happened, he’s asking me how my day was, etc. i ask him about the “you can’t come over” message. he pretends like he never texted me anything, and that i must be HIGH AS FUCK and sometimes when people get high, you know they get paranoid and i must be getting paranoid.  i tell him i am going to send a screenshot. he says he doesn’t need no screenshots. he doesn’t need a screenshot. doesn’t need a screenshot. doesn’t need a screenshot. i’m just high as fuck. he didn’t say anything.  i get off the phone and send him a damn screenshot of my response with the brownies and what i said afterwards.  he calls back laughing.  “i don’t want your brownies” he says, totally disregarding everything else. he’s rambling mostly about how he’s a good guy. his voice is breaking and he tells me he has to go. he-he-he just has to go. and abruptly hangs up. i call him back, he answers surprisingly.  i ask if he is okay, his behaviour is concerning, i strike an obvious nerve by saying he sounds like a ‘convoluted man’ he explodes! “I DONT NEED ANY INSULTS FROM ANY STUPID FUCKIN CUNT” like something within me was totally activated at that moment, i was fuelled with so much anger and adrenaline. i dont quite know what i deserve yet, but i do not deserve this shit. especially from someone eighteen years my fkn senior. if i’m going to be with someone that age, its going to be because they’re MATURE not because my age group is easiest to manipulate.  i text him one last time.  “i realize you have an inability to take me seriously due to my pot use, but gaslighting someone and calling them a stupid fucking cunt when they call to have a heart to heart is not okay.” i didn’t wish him all the best, i wasted all my wishes on him earlier.
he has been apologizing ever since. wants to salvage shit, blah blah. but i can’t. i have to nip this in the bud and i am so fortunate to have caught a glimpse of this shit beforehand and from experience, recognized it for what it was: something that was going to become a BIG problem if i didn’t break it off.  so i need to share some resources with anyone that might be reading this and hopefully it can help anyone recognize this shit and do what i am so proud to have done. i acknowledge this is not the only type of emotional abuse, there are many, as there are many types of abuse in general. most are not as obvious as this was, and even then so, you can see i forgave him a few times before i saw it.  You’re Not Going Crazy - LonerWolf 10 Ways to Tell if You’re Being Gaslighted - Psychology Today 10 Signs You Are a Victim of Gaslighting - David Wolfe
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belladxne · 8 years
i’ve been so anxious for the past 47 minutes i thought i was past this
i actually made it through the entire opening without it stopping to buffer even once so this might bode well for being able to watch the episode without constantly being forced to pause
someone made an interesting point about nucklavees being from norse mythology, kinda interesting that the major attacks we’ve seen have involved nora (thor) and qrow (huginn or muginn) as its victims.
i don’t... actually get what qrow grabbing jaune was about there? i just saw a lot of eyerolling and glaring. can you two chill.
i mean i know i agreed with crystal that the rider’s name is tom and the mount’s name is tim but actually like. i mean. look at this fight. his name is absolutely Fuckarms McMike.
nice to see ren as panicked and determined as i am
fuck ren your determination to save your girlfriend got you fresh out of aura what a backfire (NO BUT IM CRYIN HE WAS JUST SO DETERMINED TO NOT LET THIS THING TAKE THE LAST FAMILY HE HAD LEFT AFTER IT KILLED THE REST)
tbh yes slap some sense into him babe
skjgbskjghjsgh the fucking. him seeing her as she was all those years ago, and then blinking to see her now IM HONESTLY GONNA DIE.
I’m really happy to see Ruby calling out the strategy. I liked that they decided to emphasize Jaune’s role as a strategist by having the others regard him as one, but I do miss Ruby calling the shots, because she’s very good at it.
Nora is genuinely the cutest thing I’ve ever seen her smug grin as she just FALLS OFF A RIDICULOUSLY HIGH ROOF WITH NO AURA.
“For myself.” !!!! I !!! AM !!! GOING !!! TO !!! DIE !!! I !!! LOVE !!! REN !!! MY !!! SON !!! AND I’M SO PROUD OF HIS DEVELOPMENT !!!
Qrow I’m gonna have to ask you to stop talking because if you’re conscious enough to talk you’re conscious enough to have some last words and I’M NOT GIVING YOU PERMISSION TO DIE
She’s so proud I’m crying.
WAIT A SECOND TIM AND TOM BEEN OUT DESTROYING EVERYTHING EVERY CITY EVERYWHERE FOR LIKE AT LEAST A DECADE, EVEN RICH PEOPLE CITIES, AND NO ONE HAS KILLED IT IN ALL THAT TIME, ALL THE FULL CITIES COMBATING IT, BUT FOUR KIDS JUST FUCKED IT UP? I’m sorry but where is their trillion dollar reward. Where is it. This Nucklavee has the blood of probably hundreds if not thousands on its hands at this point, no one could stop it, and these four just saved countless more cities. Pay them.
Okay guys this is a real happy moment and I have some hope that my husband might survive but let’s just consider what’s going on here:
Hopeful moment.
Episode’s only half over.
They have reached Haven.
Episode title is “No Safe Haven”
How wrong are things going to go?
last time one of my otps held hands and cuddled it was a precursor to one kissing the other and dying so like. this is a little weirdly reminiscent.
I know that when I’m with you I’m at home.
Omg is Weiss stowing away. My video stopped loading at “but if we get cau---”.
Honestly? I’m so happy that she’s choosing to seek out Winter. Just... the notion of these two girls getting out of an abusive situation and finding each other outside of it and learning how to heal and have a healthy family relationship together is so important to me.
Honestly? Jaune’s tiny smile when he looks up at Ren and Nora is everything to me.
BLAKE’S LITTLE SMILE AT SUN I’M GENUINELY GONNA CRY. Also, the way she pulls out the old flag, lowers it, and he’s behind it. Like, he’s what the old Fang was always supposed to be. Good, and kind, despite not putting up with any shit and always, always pushing for what was right and what he believed in.
God, Cinder, you’ve got issues.
The people we haven’t lost yet. c’:
“Hey... aren’t I normally the one saving you?” PRECIOUS
Yang was definitely facing Mistral and didn’t seem to turn, so that’s probably where she’s going, which is good, but I don’t think seeing her mom would have delayed her that much.
“I really think things are going to start going our way” YOU SINGLEHANDEDLY JINXED EVERYTHING GOOD JOB
I haven’t yet seen the after credits scene but, all in all, this was a surprisingly good finale for a season I’ve had plenty of issues with.
Listen not to detract from lil homie talking to Qrow but like. Where is the bartender in this place?
omg he smiled so immediately. I’m gonna assume Ozpin must have given him the lowdown on everything, then?
“It’s good to see you again, Oz.” I hope it’s a legitimate plot point for Oscar that he doesn’t want to just be treated like Ozpin. Just bc the dude’s in his head and they’re literally fused as in share-the-same-soul fused, he’s still an individual, still a kid, and he’s got a right to go about this on his own terms.
Anyways actually I’m pretty excited for his arc?
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4sterizel · 8 years
Summing up 2016
Seriously before I start, tumblr please step up your game. You are a blog and you don't allow people to post text with multiple photos in between? While I was looking at my photos to recall 2016, I realise I didn't blog about 2015 either :( there goes the memories. January 2016. January was a really special month to me. Those who know me would know that it's not only my birthday, but also where my golden retriever, Iris, came into my life. January was also the start of my year 3 life which is also my Alvl year. I guess I started 2016 with full of hopes, with happiness and everything. I wasn't dating anyone at that time and I was enjoying the freedom from 2015 Nov-Dec whereby I ended my h1 Alvl. I really wanna blog about 2015 because I was such a great and happy year for me. The 18 years old zel was so carefree and so driven. I think I side tracked, so lets go back to my january 2016. It was the first time I went to a bar with my clique as well. The bar played chinese songs which I greatly enjoyed. January I celebrated my 19th birthday. My clasmate and clique gave me a birthday surprise. I was never the type who liked to eat cakes but those who know me will know I love Ikea cake. Surprisingly, the cake that strawberries gotten for me was a blueberry yoghurt cake which I still remember up to today. Whereas for my clique, they obviously bought my favourite ikea cake (knowing how much I love it even though its not supposed to be a birthday cake + ikea is pretty inconvienient honestly and getting the cake seems difficult) They got me a lens and free kbbq for that night. A simple yet happy celebration that I'll keep it close to my heart forever. At that time, me and J tension was still pretty high. But I'm so glad that he bought me tokyo banana. He was unhappy with the fact that I hid a lot of things from him... and as a friend, I wanted to explain but i coudln't bring myself to do so.. It was also when he was elected for house master. Immensely proud friend over here. And I got iris, which came to my house one day after my birthday. 30th January. January, was a month full of laughter. February 2016. February zoomed past, like the wind. I can honestly say I barely remember anything for. I guess it was a month where I tried to juggle school and everything. It was also new year which I celebrated with my clique yearly. I think I was pretty carefree, I didn't had any guy at that point in time. I was also shocked at one point in time whereby I no longer have things to share. I think I was pretty proud because I seemed focus. I was also handling my CCA, NMC. Which I held the secretary position and took up several leadership role for events. February was a bundle of joy. Trust me, it gets worst. March 2016 March was a month of break through. I got my alevel h1 results which I cried because I got a B for my maths which I worked so hard for. I was quite determined to get the A seeing that 18 yearsold zel. But nevertheless, I got an A for project work. I got ABB in the end for my h1 cert. March was the month where I got together with ys, a friend of mine that I knew since 2013. But it somewhat all ended in a blur because of our conflicting personality. I also waited for the arrival of march holidays which I enjoyed much with strawberries as well as my clique. April 2016 I guess april is where things starts getting busy. I can barely remember what happened. (I'll post photos later) just to flash a little of the memories. May 2016. May was the month I spent with books, almost all the time. To look back, I really spent a lot of time with Jena. HAHA. Thanks for being a big part of my year3 life girl :) June 2016 June holidays I barely spent my time outside of the house, till the extent whereby I feel like I'm isolated from the world LOL. But it was the month I prepared for prelim 1 and also for my alvls. My history notes was thick as fuck and I tell you that's probably the proudest thing I've done in my life. July 2016 July, was the highlight of the year to me. It is. You can call it worst, the best, the most life changing one that have changed who I am today. July was the month I met C. Someone whom I adore a lot.. :) It was also the first time I went to club. Before I met C at the end of the month, I liked someone a lot. Y'all who know me will know he is double L, who is still a special person to me right now. :D He have been nothing but nice to me and he is one of the greatest greatest person I've known. He cares for me and tolerates my nonsense. (But i'll update a little more in the later part hehe) July was also the month whereby I broke down because I don't know what the fuck I was doing in school. I was lost, I was unmotivated.. I somehow just lost every single momentum I had. I broke down so hard, and I found comfort in the arms of my MI girls. August 2016 July and august was the month that really started my life changing experience. india lima yankee too good to be true http://iridizousa.tumblr.com/post/154038604050/the-relationship-that-never-started-c You can click here to read more about me and C. I would say, i had high hopes about me and C. only to discover many things that involves many complications, many things that can't be solved. The stubborn me wouldn't have let go of you. Up till today, we are still having this really complicated relationship. I don't know man. I wouldn't want to give up on you. Yet, August wasw a month I had so much tears. I lost my focus. I changed. I also finally understood how my clique wanted to shield me from all sorts of this bullshit. Thank you guys. September 2016 September was a month that I got closer with my team, #stayinthetrees. They are the group of boys that have accepted me for who I am despite my bad skills hehe. The ones I spent study session with. They were the ones I spent my heart 2 heart talk with, my night study with. My dota sessions with. They listened to me rant, made me felt better even though september was a tough month as we were preparing for prelim 2. I still had to juggle with my bad relationship with C. It was also a great month for me because Max was always by my side protecting me. I clubbed quite a lot, drank quite a lot. I enjoyed the supper dates with max derrick yj they all. It was a month I realize, many people loved me for who I am. I am immensely grateful that you guys lend me a hand. You would have no idea how painful it was but I survived, thanks to you guys. I ran a high fever that night and it was a night I would never forget. I was running high fever and I kept checking my phone to know whether you replied. You ignored my message for 3 days... and I was burning at 39.5degrees. I even thought my phone spoilt. How silly isn't it. I also got closer to Zenn which I really enjoy being with!!! September was also the month me and my bestfriend always seems to have the time for each other.. October 2016 October was the month I painted my room hehe. It was my last month in MI officially. It was my graduation tea, it was the month I met sylv and he brought me to the zoo. It was a happy month despite the pain I was feeling. It was mugging session, missing you, making gift for you, sewing a cat and always having you at the back of my head.. November 2016 It was the start of my alvls. I remember I argued with you one day before my GP paper. Well done c. Your words still echo hard in my head but god knows why I am still here with you. November was also the month we broke up. It was the month I spent everyday studying for my alvls. Nothing much but just stress and pain. December 2016 And lastly, december... I would say december was the happiest since I ended alvl. I went to altimate for the first time, cried my tears out like alcohol LOL. Spent more time with my clique and I met A all over again. Dated him for a week and things ended before he went into ocs. Mistaking salt for sugar again huh zel? You can read more about me and A in my Summing up 2014 post. I also went to national museum for the first time with my Acup girls! Experienced the shitty dota2 7.00 update HAHA I guess the greatest highlight for december was meeting T,M,J. I had the happiest countdown where I felt like I was out of the world... Dec was also the month where im back into your arms C. And it was where double L finally told me that he's actually jealous. :P - I must have missed a lot of stuffs and also seems boring without photos. But guess what I'm heading out to see doctor because I'm running a fever. And C was telling me that he would take care of me and spend the day with me. Silly boy. I'll edit again when I have time! hehe
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