#i really really hope you had a nice birthday you deserve it for being amazing
abeluser · 8 months
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happy birthday @yummycrummy 🎂
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deakyjoe · 2 years
Somebody’s Watching Me Part 2
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader (she/her pronouns used, reader is implied British and given backstory)
Category: I still don’t know but it’s coming together
Summary: On a night out with your friends, you’re pleasantly surprised to run into your secret observer.
Warnings: flirting (Ghost and reader getting some action, they deserve it), mentions of war/death, talks of scars, alcohol consumption, Ghost being normal AND weird, the mask is off again, Ghost doing domestic things almost (socialisation in a pub), sexual references, family issues, reader’s friends are intense, British terminology/slang, swearing/cursing, dialogue heavy, minute Soap slander (I love him but couldn’t resist)
Word Count: 5.5k (longer than part 1)
A/N: After the love I got for part 1, I decided to continue so Simon is still my babygirl. Please remember that if Simon feels out of character, that’s the point of this story. It’s him when he’s not being Ghost but being forced to mix aspects of his life at home and his life at work - the work aspects being reader. Also he’s going out of his comfort zone to please the sergeant (you) because he likes you but just hasn’t really realised it yet. Not entirely sure I’m as pleased with this part as I was with the first but we’re posting anyway!
Part 1 available here.
Part 3 available here.
It took weeks before your friends finally managed to convince you to join them on a night out. You'd been putting it off for a number of reasons. One being that the thought of socialising in a crowded environment had you wanting to gouge your eyes out as you'd grown used to little to no company. Another being that you genuinely thought it'd be overwhelming and you might have a panic attack.
But after they'd assured you that they'd look after you and you could all leave if it got to be too much, you relented and organised a time and place with them. Just your local pub on a Wednesday night. You'd decided on a Wednesday as you hoped it wouldn't be too crowded and that your friends might need a pick-me-up in the middle of their work weeks. They agreed quickly with the idea.
And honestly it'd been nice for the most part. You'd arrived early, you swear active duty had made you so time efficient that you spent almost no time at all getting ready, and sat down at a table in the corner, out of sights of the most of the rest of the pub. The only thing in direct eye line was the bar itself which would come in handy when you needed to go up and order drinks.
Your friends all slowly arrived, none of them being too late, and gave you big greetings as they hadn't seen you in "forever" they claimed. You returned hugs and kisses and prepared yourself for a night of bombarding questions and retelling of war stories.
A couple of your girlfriends were bought drinks by guys at the bar and you watched on in amusement as they giggled about it together. They assured you that someone would probably buy you a drink if you asked but you waved them off saying you didn't care, which you didn't.
You listened intently as they all told you what was happening with their lives - work, significant others, kids, families, pets, parties, weddings, funerals, birthdays, anything and everything you could possibly imagine. A note of envy settled in your stomach at one point but it went away quickly when you told yourself you were being silly.
Telling them about your life was slightly more complicated. You had to skirt around some of the details of your job as it was classified and would probably horrify them if they knew what you truly did. You gushed about some of the amazing people you'd met and mentioned casually that you'd actually bumped into your lieutenant in the supermarket. They all absorbed it with wide eyes of wonder and amazement, each of them having at least one question to ask.
"So, wait, you can actually shoot a gun?"
"Does it bother you having to bunk with a bunch of blokes?"
“What’s said country like?”
"Are any of them fit?"
"Isn't it tiring?"
"How long until you go back?"
"Met anyone you fancy?"
"Hang on, you have to share a communal bathroom?"
Yes, it's alright, not really, they're okay, very, not sure, oh my god, yeah.
They never really seemed satisfied with your answers and always wanted you to elaborate. Which you did if possible.
Overall, it was nice. There was no sense of impending doom or a weird feeling in your stomach about the whole thing. You let your guard down just enough for once to attempt to have a good time. Which you did. You laughed, you chatted, you drank, it was good.
Until the bar tender came over with a drink that looked exactly like what you usually ordered.
And when he placed it in front of you, you wanted to throw up.
"Fella at the bar bought this for you."
This was it. The moment in the night that you looked forward to the least and the moment your friends had been encouraging the most. They insisted that you needed to "put yourself out there more" and “try to get laid at some point”. You were "too uptight" as they put it. Little did they know that you weren't really interested in a quick shag or even a relationship with anyone at the moment. And rejecting someone was always awful. Every time they asked why and having to explain that your job made romantic entanglements extremely hard made things awkward.
"Ooh, this is so exciting!" One of your friends squealed beside you, frantically searching the bar for the culprit. "Which one?"
“Blond one.”
"Scars on his face."
Your eyes shot towards the bar and immediately landed on him. Of course he was already looking your way with his drink raised to you.
"Shit." You cursed, silently letting out a sigh of relief that it wasn't someone you'd have to reject but all the more anxious because it was him. A part of you was very excited to see him though.
"What is it? Do you know him?" Another friend asked you.
"He's my lieutenant. Fuck." You stood from your seat, grabbing the drink.
"The one from the shops?"
"Yeah. I'll be back in a minute, guys. I'm just gonna go say hi." You explained, slowly making your way towards Ghost.
"Take your time!"
You hadn't seen your lieutenant since he'd gone over to your place for tea. It was a weird experience. Weirder than the shops. You'd had a couple cups of tea each, shared his packet of chocolate digestive biscuits, which he'd kindly offered to you, chatted a little more and then he'd left. You didn't exchange phone numbers or even offer to see each other again. He didn't because he probably didn't want to and you didn't because you thought he probably wouldn't want to. So you'd gone your separate ways and that was that.
As you got closer to him, you wished you hadn't had so much to drink. You weren't drunk but you weren’t sober either. Kind of just bordering the edges between being buzzed and tipsy.
He turned so his body was facing yours, his large frame consumed the stool he was sitting on. Intimidating and alluring all at once. "Sergeant."
"You really should start calling me by my name." You sighed, stopping to stand in front of him.
"I like calling you sergeant."
"And I liked calling you lieutenant." You shot back, taking a sip of your drink despite your head screaming at you not to.
"Bet you like calling me Simon more."
Your eyes widened at his statement. He wasn't wrong but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that. "Thanks for the drink, by the way."
"It's no problem. Thought I owed you for the bourbon."
You hummed in agreement but said nothing.
"Friends of yours?" He nodded towards your table where all of them were watching the two of you interact intently.
"Uh, yeah. First night out since being home so..." You shrugged.
"Having fun?"
"I was." You regretted your words immediately, knowing that you’d been insensitive.
"Ruined it, did I?" He asked but it wasn't malicious.
"No. Just... unexpected."
He nodded. "So, which one's your boyfriend?"
You were surprised at the question. Last time he'd enquired about your personal life it hadn't gone so well.
"You live alone?"
"Yeah. Used to have a hamster but he died a few months back."
He blinked at you and said nothing so you rushed off to make tea, desperately trying to come up with a new topic to talk about when you got back to him.
"That's presumptuous of you, lieutenant."
"Just making conversation with you, sergeant." The return of dropping rank had you tingling inside. Might have just been the alcohol though.
You huffed. "None of them."
"Girlfriend then?"
You shook your head. "Nope."
"Sorry soul you're torturing with your affection couldn't make it then? What a shame." His eyes narrowed, you presumed he was joking.
"I'll ignore that insult. I'm single." Setting your drink on the surface of the bar, you leant your hip against the side but not before taking a step closer to him.
"Lucky for the world then that you're not burdening anyone with yourself."
"Jesus, Simon." You laughed out of shock, struck with his bluntness.
"Had to be said."
"Huh, you really are a charmer." You flashed him a glimpse of your teeth in a small smile, brows raising on the last word of your sentence.
"I try my best.” Pause. “Why are you single?"
"Because my affection is a burden apparently." Repeating his own words back to him seemed better than explaining your depressing void of no romance in your life because of your job. But maybe he’d understand.
"I'm serious."
"Why do you care?"
Simon didn’t strike you as the kind of person who gave a shit about the love lives of people he worked with. So why did he seem so interested in yours?
He didn't answer straight away and when he did, it seemed rehearsed. "You're my sergeant, part of my team. It's my role to care."
"To make sure I stay alive. Not to inquire about my love life." You were properly frowning at him now.
Ghost raised his hands in surrender. "Sorry I asked."
With a sigh, you relented. "The job."
"Go on…"
"Makes it difficult. The job makes it difficult to date. Especially civilians." You added the last bit on with clenched teeth. It didn’t really matter. Civilians were not on your romantic radar.
"Would you want to date a civilian?"
He saw straight through you.
"No, not really."
You wanted to avoid discussing the topic any further so asked a question to change the subject. "What're you drinking?"
"Scotch that Soap recommended."
He swished the glass around, the ice clinking against the side. "Utter shite."
"Figures." You took a long look at his drink. “You drink it on the rocks.”
“Tastes better cold. Less shit.”
“That your second glass?”
"Monitoring my alcohol intake, sergeant?” He asked and you shook your head as he looked you up and down. “You gonna take a seat or just stand there all day?"
"I'm supposed to be going back to my friends." You gestured weakly over your shoulder with your thumb, kind of forgetting they’d still been there until that moment.
His eyes flickered between the table and you. "Think we both know that isn't happening any time soon."
You hated how he saw straight through you. "Do we?"
"We do. Take a seat, sergeant." He nodded towards the stool next to him.
You stood up straighter, making a point to look directly into his eyes. "I like being eye level with you."
His foot hooked around the back of your legs and tugged you closer to him. "Think you'll find that I've still got a couple inches on you."
Your skin flushed hot, he was so close to you. You reached out and tapped his chest a couple times before realising what you were doing and removed your hand. "Think you'll find that you've had a bit too much to drink, sir."
"Simon. Thought we'd established that you can call me Simon." He leant back a little bit, relaxing in his seat. “And thought we agreed that you weren’t monitoring my alcohol intake.”
"Sorry." You squeaked.
"Sorry who?"
With a smile, you looked up at him through your lashes. You already knew what you were going to say. "Sorry... Lieutenant Riley."
He smiled. Actually smiled. It was small but it was unmistakable. "Brat."
He was beautiful when he smiled. He was always beautiful but when Simon Riley smiled… he was radiant.
You lit up at the smile but glowered at the insult. "Simon!"
"It's true." He shrugged, taking another mouthful of his drink and wincing at the taste.
"I'm stubborn. Not a brat."
"Believe me, I know you're stubborn. You've almost died like twelve times because you're stubborn. Had to save you every time." He shook his head as if it were a grievance to him.
"Could've left me behind."
"Couldn't do that. I'm your lieutenant, remember? My role is to keep you alive."
"I'm sure Price would let it slide if you had good enough reason." You thought about your Captain and wondered if he'd let you die for a good enough cause. Probably. But you held no resentment towards that fact.
Simon's head tilted to the side as he watched you think. "Don't think he'd accept brat as a reason, hm?"
You raised a finger to correct him. "Stubborn. Not a brat."
"Definitely a brat."
"Stop calling me that." You whined.
"That was the brattiest thing you've ever said. In the brattiest voice." He glared down at you. "You whined."
"You're such a dickhead, Simon." You scoffed but it was clear you were holding back a smile.
"And you're a brat. Guess we're even."
"Okay, I'm going back to my friends. To get away from this targeted attack." You paused. "Unless you want to join."
"I'll pass."
"I guessed. Do you have any friends? Maybe you could use the socialisation." You offered, wondering whether the man ever spoke to anyone when he was home or if he completely isolated himself from the rest of the world.
"Don't have friends for a reason."
That answered that for you.
"And what's that?"
"Ask too many personal questions."
He had a valid point. People did ask too many personal questions and you could understand why someone like Simon wouldn't like that.
"They wouldn't. My friends. They know we tend to be... private."
"You're a sergeant and I'm a lieutenant. Neither of us are privates." He paused to let the joke settle in. "A little army humour."
"I got it. That was good." You beamed at him, eyes crinkling in the corners at his quip.
"How much do they know of what we do?" He nodded in the direction of your friends.
You thought it over for a moment. "Very little. They know more about my teammates than anything else. Even that is limited."
He stiffened at that. "What do they know of me?"
"My quiet lieutenant with no face. Until recently." You let your eyes roam his features, taking all of him in. He was remarkable to look at really. But you'd never voice that to him.
"There's more but I won't divulge with you." It was a partial joke to mess with him a little. There was some truth behind it however. You may or may not have gushed about your lieutenant to your friends. But that was nothing really. Just friendly appreciation for the man who outranked you.
"That makes me nervous."
Playing with him was too easy and too fun. "You should be."
"I'm reconsidering sitting with you and your friends now." He frowned but wasn't completely serious.
That surprised you. "You were going to?"
"Maybe." He drank more of the Scotch and trembled. "Christ, this stuff is fucking disgusting."
"Order a bourbon, something you know you actually like." You sighed. "Please do. If they're too much we can leave."
"We?" He was always questioning we.
You rolled your eyes at him. "It's always we. Teammates, y'know?"
A level of unsureness settled over his face. "I know."
"Get used to a lot of we then."
"Don't plan on seeing you again after this." The admittance stung but you weren't going to let that stop you.
"I'm sure you thought that last time as well. But here we are. Are you stalking me?" There was a hint of genuineness in the question. There was no way this second chance encounter was pure coincidence.
He shook his head, waving the bar tender over and ordering a bourbon like you'd suggested. "You're too boring for that."
"You have such a way with words. Really know how to make a lady feel special." You said dryly.
"It's a gift." He scratched at the side of his nose, absentmindedly trailing a finger over one of his scars in the process.
"They wouldn't say anything, y'know? Or stare. If you're worried about that. I've come home with my fair share of scars over the years. They understand." You pulled the neckline of your shirt to the side to show off an old bullet wound that had scarred over on your collar bone.
Simon's eyes lingered on the mark on your skin but you couldn't quite read his expression. "People always stare."
"I don't."
"No, you don't." He hesitated. "Okay then."
"Wait, really?" You perked up.
"Yes, really. Quickly. Before I change my mind, sergeant." He rose from his seat, grabbing his drink and gesturing for you to go first.
You gazed up at him. It really was easy to forget just how big he was. "Quick question first?"
He didn't seem keen. "Go ahead."
"How long were you here watching me before you sent the drink over?" You really needed to know, to see how out of it you were.
"Not long." Lie.
Your brow furrowed. "How long, Simon?"
"About forty minutes."
Your eyes widened. You didn't expect it to have been that long. "Fort- Jesus. And I didn't notice you?"
He brushed you off with a small shrug. "You were having fun. Guard was down."
"Don't dwell on it. I was just going to leave and not let you know I was here." His eyes moved away from you, the opposite side of his eye contact problem showing.
You ducked to the side to meet his gaze again. "Why didn't you?"
He shrugged again.
You offered him a small slip of affection, just the tiniest thing. "I'm glad you didn't."
He grunted in reply, which was more than you were expecting. So, you just gestured for him to follow you towards the table of your friends where you stopped short a couple feet away. You sent a quick glance over your shoulder to make sure that Simon was still, in fact, there and hadn't pulled a Ghost and disappeared. But he was still standing there watching you when you checked. Which meant it was time for introductions... which you sucked at.
"Everybody, this is Simon. My lieutenant. Simon this is... everybody." You frowned at the crowded table in front of you. "You'll pick up names. It's alright that he joins us, yeah?"
“Of course.”
"Oh, my god, yes."
"Take a seat, mate."
"Where you from, Simon?"
"Ugh, he's a Manc! Moving on!"
You laughed as you squeezed into the booth with Simon next to you, trying not to touch him too much. "What did I miss? What are we talking about?"
"My husband is cheating on me." One of your friends announced dramatically.
Your eyes widened at the confession. "What? Really?"
"I suspect he is." She pouted, slumping forward onto the table.
"As if. He worships the ground you walk on. As he should. What makes you think he's cheating?" You debated whether this was a good topic to be talking about with your lieutenant sat right there. But then you figured that Simon needed some friends. And what was a better way to make friends than through some old-fashioned gossip?
"Late nights as work. Going to the gym a lot. He's not getting any fitter either."
You winced. "Ah, well that is quite damning."
"Yeah. I'm trying to build up the courage to just ask him about it."
"Yeah, confront him. If he's cheating then come to me. I know how to use a gun and hide a body." You winked at her.
"Sergeant." Simon's warning tone came from beside you.
"I'm kidding, lieutenant." You looked to your friend again and mouthed. "I'm not."
Another one of your friends spoke up, leaning on the table on his elbows. "God, you guys are so formal. Even during leave."
"We don't have to be. He refuses to call me anything other than sergeant. I think it's because he secretly doesn't know my name." You nudged Simon with your elbow and then, realising what you'd done, pulled back quickly. Maybe taking a break from the drink would be a good idea for a while.
"Not true." Ghost shook his head slowly.
"So you claim. Yet you've yet to refer to me as anything other than sergeant."
"It's fun watching you squirm thinking you have to be on your best behaviour all the time." He sent you a sly smirk, his eyes squinting just the tiniest bit.
Your jaw dropped. "I'm asking Price to reassign me. This is bullying."
"Wouldn't let Price do it." He countered, leaning in dangerously close.
"Who's Price?"
The both of you pulled back at the question and answered simultaneously. "Captain."
"Ah, okay. The one with the mutton chops, right?" One friend offered.
You nodded. "Right."
Simon huffed. "That's what you told them about Price?"
"It's his best feature."
"Christ, woman." He groaned, rubbing a hand across his face.
"Ooh, woman's a new one."
A friend volunteered in your defence. "To be fair, she's not allowed to tell us much. She usually gives us one identifying feature of every person she tells us about. So we can keep up."
"I'm assuming Soap is the fact that he's Scottish."
"Scottish with Mohawk. He gets two."
"What's Gaz?"
"Baby of the team."
"Fitting. Me?"
You stayed silent.
"What is it?"
You shook your head. "Can't say. Classified."
"Sergeant." His voice was harsh, demanding.
But you weren’t going to give in. "Lieutenant."
"I won't be insulted." His voice dropped to its familiar bored tone, as if trying to force the idea that it wouldn’t bother him.
That’s not what concerned you however. "Don't think you would be."
"Then why can't you tell me?”
"Just can't." Stellar reasoning, well done.
"I could ask them." He tilted his head in the direction of your friends, who were all watching you completely enraptured.
You didn’t back down, stare hardening at him. "Go ahead."
"Fine." He turned to the table. "What's my identifying feature?"
There was a moment of silence before someone gave in and admitted it. Traitors. "You don't have one."
There was a split second of delay before he replied. "She doesn't talk about me then?"
"Quite the opposite actually." One of your friends giggled.
Another stepped in. "Talks about you sooo much that you don't need an identifying feature. Just know who her lieutenant is."
"Besides, apparently you usually wear a mask. You have no features."
A raised finger of a counterpoint. "Arguably, the mask is the feature."
Ghost turned to you, almost smug. "You talk about me, sergeant?"
"Don't flatter yourself, Simon. You're good at what you do. I can appreciate that." You sniffed, rolling your shoulders back to force yourself to relax.
"Out loud? With your friends?"
You shot him an irritated look. "Get over yourself."
"Didn't say anything."
You clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth. "I know what you're thinking."
"I'm sure you do." He exhaled deeply, glancing away from you towards his drink.
Your own gaze moved back towards everyone else around the table. "Moving on! What else is happening with you guys?"
"Saw your parents a couple days ago. They said they didn't know you were home."
Well, that wasn’t the jollier topic you hoped to move on to.
A fake smile automatically set itself on your face at the mention of your family. "Fuck. What did you say?"
"Lied for you and said you only just got back. Might want to call them."
"I will do that. At some point.” Lie, lie, lie.
"Mhm, your sister had another baby as well. That's what? The fourth niece or nephew you haven't met?" There was a note of condescension in your friend’s voice.
You shrugged, knowing you had a decent enough reason. If your job counted as decent. "I've been busy. And it's only the second."
"We're not judging. Your parents might be though."
"Well, that's lovely to know." You slouched down in your seat. The relationship with your parents was… touchy, to say the least. Desperately seeking their approval for years had left the bond with them strained. And you being away from home so often definitely hadn’t helped the rockiness of it all.
"Also they seem convinced that you've met a military man and are going to come home engaged or married..."
Your face scrunched in disgust. "Oh, ew. What the fuck?"
Simon elbowed you harshly in the ribs. "We're not that bad."
"Share a bunk with Soap and come back to me on that." You snapped back. Your fellow sergeant was a snorer who regularly farted in his sleep. He was like your brother but man did you hate having to sleep in close proximity to him.
"Fair point.” He grumbled back to you. “But why are they under that impression?"
"They know I don't date civilians."
"Or anyone." One of your friends mumbled in her drink.
"Thank you.” You sent her a sarcastic smile. “So they think I'm after a man in uniform."
"Aren't you?" The same friend asked.
You closed your eyes and clenched your jaw. "In... theory."
"Not in practice though." She carried on, loving the way you were squirming.
"We know not in practice, okay? Doesn't need to be said aloud.” You spared a glance at the man beside you before adding a harsh whisper. “Especially in front of my lieutenant."
"I'm sure Simon is loving this."
"It comes with the job. Family troubles and no love life." He offered some of your words back to you from earlier, shrugging. You were glad of the support from him, even if it was only your own thoughts.
"You got any friends for her Simon? Anyone on the team you think she'd be good with?"
He shook his head. "Nah, not good enough for her."
Wait, what? Not good enough? For you? Since when did he have such a high opinion of you?
A friend of yours cooed. "That's sweet. If it helps, she's great in the sack."
You choked on the mouthful of drink you were taking, slamming your glass back down. "And how exactly would you know that?!"
"I shared a house with you in uni, babes. I remember all those guys coming out of your room with dazed smiles looking as if they'd just had the time of their life." She grinned at you slyly.
Eyes wide. Jaw dropped. Heart racing. "Oh, my god. Please shut up."
"You asked."
"I didn't need such a detailed answer!” You were ignored.
"Although you may be quite rusty at the moment. It's been a while, hasn't it?"
You covered your face with your hands. "For the love of everything that is good in this world, please be quiet."
"I'm just saying. We're all friends here, aren't we?" She laughed, mainly gesturing towards your higher up.
"He's my lieutenant!"
"Wait, Simon, are you single?"
You cut in before it could go any further. "Nope! Okay! So... sister? Baby. Parents? Delusional. What else?"
Everyone around the table chuckled at your reaction but moved on anyway, much to your relief.
"They're hoping you’re home for Christmas this year."
Your hand tightened around your drink. "I hope I'm not."
"Thought you'd say that."
Paying little attention to what your friend actually said, you mumbled to yourself. "That's fucking ridiculous of them. What the actual fuck?"
"We said the same." Mumbled loud enough for them to overhear apparently.
Simon looked confused. "What's the issue there?"
You failed to answer so someone else did for you. "They uninvited her to Christmas three years ago. Hasn't been back since."
"Why would they do that?"
"Didn't approve of her lifestyle."
He turned to you. "Your... lifestyle?"
"Murderer daughter." You bit back, bitterly.
His body tightened with tension. "You're not a murderer."
"Tell them that." You snorted. "Why do they want me home now?"
"Beats us.” Your friends said in weird unison.
"Wish they'd make their mind up over whether they want to disown me or not. It's exhausting trying to keep up."
The table laughed at that. Simon did not. But did he laugh at anything?
“I’m gonna get another drink. Want one?” He looked down at you, pointing vaguely at your almost empty glass.
“Uhh… sure. Thanks.” You smiled at him, which he obviously didn’t return. After briefly asking everyone else if they wanted anything, which they declined, he stalked off in the direction of the bar.
Once he was a few paces away, one of your friends practically launched herself halfway across the table and lowered her voice to a hushed whisper. "He's gorgeous, babes."
You decided to play coy. "You think?"
"You don't?" Her brow was raised in disbelieving accusation.
The coy act was dropped pretty quickly. "Oh, I know he is. Just didn't think you would."
"Well, I do. And he’s definitely your type, absolutely perfect for you. Plus he so likes you."
You scoffed. "No, he doesn't."
"He fancies the pants off of you!" She insisted.
You didn’t buy it. "I can guarantee that he does not."
"He can't take his eyes off you!"
"He has a staring problem." You shrugged, it was true.
"Yeah, the problem is that he can't stop staring at you."
You thought about it. Yeah, he stared at you a lot. But he stared at everything. Didn't mean he stared at you with... feelings or whatever your friends were implying. Just that he had a staring problem.
"Lieutenant Simon Riley does not like me." It was a finalised statement, one that you believed wholeheartedly.
"Open your eyes, babes. He likes you."
"Do you like him?"
Avoid answering. "Not allowed to like him. He's my lieutenant."
"That doesn't answer our question."
"Maybe a little." You pinched your fingers together, there was no point lying to them, and shook your head. "Doesn't matter anyway."
"Because, say he did like me, he'd never admit it. And I'm not going to push him into anything. I'm just glad he's talking to me and accepting my attempt at us being friends." That was true. You were loving how he wasn’t completely rejecting your friendship. He maybe wasn’t embracing it but he wasn’t pushing you away either.
"That's so sad, babes."
"Cheers.” You deadpanned. “It can't happen anyway."
"Why not?"
"Relationships aren't allowed. Makes us a liability. My captain would reassign one of us as soon as he caught wind of it. And it would be me." The thought of Price reassigning you was horrid. You loved your team more than anything.
"Simon said he wouldn't let your captain reassign you."
That was true, he did. "He was joking... I think."
"I don't think he was. That man stares at you like he's ready to eat you. It's like listening to Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen in real life!"
Groan. "You watched Dirty Dancing again, didn't you?"
"Yes, but that's not the point. The point is that Simon looks at you with hungry eyes. And don't judge my love for Dirty Dancing." Two of your friends nodded in agreement with her.
"I'm not. I'm judging your favourite song choice when Love Is Strange by Mickey and Sylvia is clearly the superior song on the soundtrack." You said as you downed the last bit of your drink, thankful Simon was bringing you another one. Your mouth was dry and the initial buzz was wearing off. You’d need more alcohol if this interrogation was going to continue despite it probably not being the best idea.
"Blasphemy!” She declared before quietening herself. “Oop, we gotta be quiet now because he's coming back over. Simon!"
He froze in his tracks, a glass clasped in each large hand. "Yes?"
"Can you settle a debate for us?"
You froze too, wide-eyed. They weren't going to ask about him staring at you, were they?
You smiled at his unsure tone. Big, scary man who got shot at for a living was terrified of answering a little question.
"You've seen Dirty Dancing, yeah?"
You relaxed.
"I have."
"Which is a better song? Hungry Eyes or Love Is Strange?"
"Oh, I... uh-"
"Leave the poor man alone." You laughed despite being a little curious about his music taste.
"I always liked She's Like the Wind."
That shocked you to your core. "Patrick Swayze fan?"
"Used to have a mullet just like his." He placed your drink in front of you. "Here you go. You look surprised."
"I always am when you don't disappear. And when you admit to being a Patrick Swayze fan." You snorted, taking the drink from him.
"Learn to have a little faith, Sarge." He sighed as he sat down next to you again, an inch closer than before you were sure.
A burning feeling settled in your chest at the nickname. Sure, it was only a shortened version of your rank, and a common one at that, but it was something. Not sergeant. Not woman. Sarge. You decided to let it slide to see if he’d ever do it again of his own accord.
"Your name's Ghost for a reason." You sing-songed, the image of his mask flashing through your mind.
"I'll give you that. But remember, Simon here."
"Still weird."
"Still Simon."
You chewed the inside of your bottom lip before asking your next question. "Patrick Swayze?"
"He was blond."
"Like you, you mean?"
Hesitation. "Yeah."
You hummed and thought about him with a mullet. What an odd thing to admit to you. But you’d never complain. If Simon was willing to offer you little tidbits of silly information about himself, then you were going to absorb every single one and treasure them forever.
A/N: Simon with a mullet as a teen because he wanted to be Patrick Swayze when he grew up is canon to me now.
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Home | Yandere HunterXHunter x Fem Reader
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“I-I hope the next time you go away you’ll stay gone forever!”
Forcing your lower jaw not to drop any further, you called your son’s name. The sentiment was said with such malice too. It amazed you it even came from his mouth in the first place. Kimmy was such a kind and thoughtful little boy. You knew he missed his father but this couldn’t be a normal response. 
“That’s not very nice.”
Of course, Chrollo did what he does best. Antagonizing those weaker than him. Which is the worst kind of response to give to an upset kid. Kimmy puffed his cheeks and angrily used his fork to prick at the vegetables on his plate. He mumbled something with his cheeks filled but you caught it and you’re certain Chrollo did too.
“You don’t deserve anyone being nice.”
“Kimmy. Upstairs now.”
He almost looked shocked when you told him off but he obeyed, quickly shoving what he could in his mouth before putting his plate in the sink. When he looked over his shoulder at you his bottom lip quivered; you held firm even though it hurt.+ He dropped his head turning to the stairs, he made sure to glare at his father as he made his way up. Who in turn had a ghost of a smile on his face as he watched his child stomp up the steps.
When you heard the eventual slam, a muffled apology, and the softer reclosing of the door you let yourself breathe again. Holding your head in your hands you prepared yourself for the talk you needed to have. All too soon the clinking of a fork against ceramic was heard once again. Slowly taking your hands from your face you glared at the thief, who was continuing to eat. Letting out a groan you were once again reminded of why you considered Chrollo Lucilfer a deadbeat. Somehow you sympathized with your son.
“See? You set yourself up for this.”
“It’s a phase. A normal response for a kid his age.”
“A normal response? For the boy who used to celebrate you’re visiting more than his birthday? I don’t think so. ”
You stood up taking your unfinished plate with you as you went to the kitchen. Looking over at the food still on the plate in the sink. 
“What’s normal is for a teenager to express their anger this way, not a six-year-old.” 
You leaned on the counter waiting for him to turn and defend himself. Chrollo didn’t look up from his plate so you continued.
“Don’t you remember how excited he used to be to see you?”
“Of course, I remember.” He cleared his plate. “But I also remember reading that psychiatrist’s diagnosis. It was bound to happen.”
He silently stood up with the plate joining you in the kitchen, moving to wash the dishes in the sink. You glared at him to which he smiled, making you roll your eyes. Taking your plate with you, you headed up the stairs.
“I saw that you ate all your veggies. I’m really proud of you bud.”
You spoke through the door, sitting with your back to it as you played with the food on your plate. Hearing nothing from the other side, you went on. 
“But you didn’t eat your cornbread.”
“‘M not hungry.”
Smiling to yourself. You leaned your head against the wooden door. 
“You sure? Then you’re too full to help me finish?”
You caught yourself as the door opened up, closing the door behind you. You joined Kimmy sitting on the floor leaning against the wall. Playfully bumping into him you handed over the muffin-shaped bread over to him while you busied yourself with the rest of your food. 
You two sat in silence each eating on your own. Finishing first, you quietly set your plate on the ground, turning to the boy beside you who was woefully looking at his unfinished bread. Letting your head lean onto his you waited for him to playfully push back letting a small smile come on his face. 
“What was that about bud?”
He hesitated twirling the bread around in his hands. 
“It’s just hard…for me.”
You scooped him into your lap hugging him tight as you kissed the top of his head. Tenderly wiggling your fingers in his black locks and squeezing him tight. He returned the hug holding onto your arms. 
“I know it is bud. But I’m here and I always will be.”
*Smek.* *Smek.* *Smek.* *Smek.*
“Okay okay! I’m sorry for doing…that at dinner.”
“Thank you, mister. Now finish your cornbread, we have to get you ready for bed. You have school in the morning.”
The hollering and nonsensical cacophony of a children’s playground wasn’t music to many. But it was to Kimmy. For him it meant more than just time to play with the other kids, it was the perfect cover for information exchanges. 
“Hey, Kim-Kim do you want to play Cops n’ Robbers with us?”
“Sorry guys I have to go to the bathroom.”
“Oh…uh…right we’ll see you after recess.”
Kimmy couldn't help but smile as he dismissed himself back into the school building from the playground. Shaking his head, he had to come up with a better excuse. In all the comics he’s read the extras get suspicious after using the same excuse after a while. He’ll have to come up with something soon. 
“Oya Kimmy-chan you slipped away again. So naughty~”
Kimmy feigned guilt as he put his hands up.
“Uh oh, Mr. Morrow you caught me!”
Like clockwork, they both returned to the classroom where they’d have their secret meeting.
“So I heard he came back yesterday.” 
“Yeah, he even tried to win me back with the gifts just like you told me!”
Hisoka leaned his head on the back of his folded hands as he watched the little boy pace. His eyes resembled crescent moons as he smiled.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, and he was being really kissy with Mom! But I stopped it…or at least I tried to.”
His smile wavered.
“Tried to?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure when I went to bed they did more kissing! It was like no one was mad in the morning. She even hugged him before we left.”
“I don’t know what to do. How can I get him to stay away if they still like each other so much?”
Hisoka held his chin as he pretended to think hard before lifting his finger at a grand idea. Kimmy listened expectantly.
“I have an idea. How about I become your Papa?”
Kimmy’s nose scrunched and his eyebrow raised. 
“Think about it he comes back because he’s your Papa if he weren’t you’re Papa anymore he would need to be with (Y/n).”
“T-that’s a great idea!”
“Yeah! I just have to convince Mom to marry you instead. It should work! They don’t even wear the ring anymore so maybe…”
The school bell rang. And it wasn’t long before the other children came pouring in. With a final look of confidence, Kimmy made his way back to his seat. Giddy with excitement, he was going to save his mom. Chase away the thieving monster that always came crawling back. 
“Alright class, does anyone know the traits of Bungee Gum?”
“Hisoka we need to talk.” 
The chirping of birds and the distant sound of children’s laughter took away from your serious visage. Nonetheless, you kept your arms crossed and you’re tone leveled. In turn, your guest remained reclined against the park bench. 
“Oh? You didn’t come to simply spend time with me?”
“Haha very funny. Let’s go.” You silently ushered the teacher to the parking lot. Where your car awaits. Wasting no time at all he slid into your passenger seat and you into the driver’s. Turning out from the lot you made you’re way to a familiar cafe, one you both were expected guests of.
“Kimmy is at karate so we have time.” As if he didn’t already know.+
“Ah, I see. I take it you’re treating me then?”
You groaned but relented as you both walked into the building. Ordering your respective favorites you sat in your favorite booth, tucked away from the main floor. Allowing you to have some semblance of privacy.
“Look you know I appreciate you nurturing Kimmy, he doesn’t have many men in his life and it helps him a lot.”
“Well, I’m glad. I can be of help.” You didn’t bother to comment on the fakeness of that comment.
“Which is the only reason why I thought I should bring this up.” You took a pensive sip of your drink before starting,” So recently he’s been talking about me getting married again.”
“Oh?” “And to you of all people.”
“Oh really?”
His smile and eyes brought no comfort, nor did it convince you that this was some random revelation. But you had no evidence and it very well could be a new aspiration of your suddenly rowdy son. 
“Look, I just need you to tell him how that wouldn’t be a good idea.” 
“Why should I do that?” 
The gleeful smile was held up by his folded fingers. He tilted his head to the side maintaining his faux curiousity. Taking a nervous sip of your drink, you prepared for the lacking logic of a rebuttal he’d no doubt spearhead.
“Because it isn’t right. He doesn’t understand relationships well enough to have any say.”
“Then why be bothered at all?”
You groaned,” Because it’s unbecoming of a kid to claim your his father for no other reason than petty revenge.”
“Revenge? Again, who?” 
You clicked your tongue in annoyance as you focused on the wooden grooves of the cafe’s table. You weren’t planning on informing him of the state of your home, knowing Hisoka he’d be the first to pounce on the mess that had sprouted suddenly. To play with the shambles of the family you were in. You didn’t need that.
“None of your business.” You paused when his eyes stopped smiling. “Look, just tell him you’ve got a girlfriend or something…there’s Illumi isn’t there?”
He hid a snicker behind his hand before taking a long drag of his fruity drink. Putting a wistful hand on his cheek he watches you’re fluster at his silence. The lighting does no favors for anyone but under the warm lighting, you still glowed. 
To so kindly ask him was the equivalent of reasoning with a hunting lion. He’d already decided he’d enjoy inserting himself into your little home. As small and as unconventional as it was you all were thriving. But Hisoka wouldn’t call a spider’s infestation the trait of a blooming household and he’d enjoy wiping out the infestation.
“Ah, that is true.” 
The perimeter was set. A line of traps waiting for the floating arachnid who failed to see the skeleton of a gorgeous life. Too focused on weaving their webs in the next treasure trove; he’d lose them both before he even realized. 
“Hey, after this you want to go to the aquarium with me and Kimmy?”
“I’d love to~! But wouldn’t it be right to ask my girlfriend if that’s alright?”
“Please, he’d sooner smile than actually attend.”
“Want to bet?” 
The sound of glass cracking broke the hacker’s attention, only for a minute though. Looking in the reflection of his bright screen he watched his leader and friend destroy the newest model of phone.
“Another one? Leader?” 
It didn’t bother him. The troupe he was a part of had collected over ten shipments of them seven of which we’re going to a client. He only hoped to ease the fury that would no doubt be dictating their actions for the next month. 
Chrollo didn’t respond. 
A foreboding sign. 
So Shalnark had to guess. Was the next heist leaked? The loss of a client? Or was it–?
“(Y/n) and Kimmy.”
The names were familiar but heavy on his tongue. Not because he was scared of them but for whatever reason lies stung the most when reporting to you two. Was it their embodiment of homeliness? Or the sweet warmth that spread just being around you two? 
“My eyes were sniped.”
Chrollo wasn’t actually saying his eyes were gone. It was his contact. Employed solely for the purpose of watching the wife and children of one of the most notorious thieving leaders. They were gone. 
“Any suspects?”
He was already accessing the satellite CCTV of the town and home of his leader’s spouse. Only to find a formidable firewall identical to that of government intelligence. A convincing copy but the attempt to shut him out wouldn’t be met without a persistent onslaught from this day forward.
“Whoever they are, they work quickly.”
Speaking to the leader who was staring intensely at the pop-up from over his shoulder. The lack of response only promised that Chrollo’s fury would not cease anytime soon. 
“Guess we’ll be going back home soon.”
Shalnark was prepared for the coming bloodshed.  
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duhnova · 1 year
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ride slow - lee seokmin, choi seungcheol
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happiest birthday ever to the loml, the most amazingest wife ever, and to my soulmate!! i hope today is as amazing and as wonderful as you are and I’m so very happy and thankful that you came into my life and i couldn’t ever imagine a world without you. i hope you enjoy one of many presents (as you deserve it) and I hope that today is everything you wished for and more - and if it isn’t I will make the world pay. anyways to keep this from being to long and sappy (don’t worry i’ve already said everything i wanted too in dm’s) happiest birthday ever my love (my dear, my bbygorl, my sunshine, my melody)!! MWAH!!! ( everyone go wish her a happy birthday rn >:( !!!!!! ) @onlyseokmins
warning(s): smut under the cut (mdni!!), reader and seokmin are tied up, dick riding, unprotected sex, creampie, reader is called baby and princess, let me know if i forgot anything! - don’t mind grammatical errors/typos (i tried)
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“cheollie.” you gasp quietly, your head leant back against his shoulder as his fingers dig into your hips. he’s moving them in slow circular motions, helping you ride seokmin who’s currently tied to the bed frame.
“what’s wrong baby?” he coos quietly, he pushes your hips down harder drawing a loud moan from the both of you.
“more.” you manage to breathe out, your fingers twitching from where they’re tied behind your back with a soft silk ribbon that seungcheol made into a bow so that you looked like a present.
“more? is this not enough for you?” he fake pouts as he moves your hips slower than before.
“cheol it’s her birthday.” seokmin sounded breathless, the pace was excruciatingly slow and he found himself on the brink of cumming so many times but you would beg for more and seungcheol would rip both of your releases away.
“oh is it now? last time i checked it’s still eleven forty-eight.” he looks at the clock in the bedside table.
“early birthday present?” seokmin whined a little, trying to fight for both of your releases.
“early birthday present?” cheol scoffs quietly as he looks at seokmin with raised eyebrows, a mischievous smirk on his face. “do you really think i’m that nice?” you whimper quietly when he noses against the side of your head to kiss gently at your ear before nipping it gently.
“cheol,” you whimper, wiggling your hips a little causing seokmin to arch his back and moan. “please.”
“please what?” he growls and pushes your hips down hard to keep you from moving.
“please let us cum, please.” you babble as you dig your knees deeper into the bed to try and move only for seungcheol to overpower you - his hands definitely leaving prints in your hips, especially after he lands two harsh smacks to both of them.
“you only get to cum on your birthday princess.” he starts to rock your hips while keeping you and seokmin pinned together so neither of you could move on your own.
“fuck,” seokmin hisses as he throws his head back, his long fingers wrapping around the silk rope that’s preventing him from touching you. “i’m gonna cum.”
“no the fuck you’re not.” seungcheol stops moving your hips again, the both of you gasping and whining at the loss of friction.
he waits a couple minutes, watching the clock until it strikes eleven fifty-five before he starts moving you again. both of your orgasms had died down enough for the build up to last a little longer as he stares intensely at the time, he moves you faster the closer it gets to midnight.
“you wanna cum baby?” he finally looks at you, your eyes closed and your mouth open as you babble out a quiet ‘yes’ between breathy moans. he looks back at the clock, his lips twitching up into a smile when it finally hits midnight. “you can cum.” he whispers before kissing your ear again. your loud moans overpower seokmins whines as you finally cum after hours of torturous edging.
the feeling of your plush walls squeezing seokmins cock cause him to go over the edge with you, filling you up with his cum. slowly seungcheol brings your hips to a stop, your body completely lax against his.
“happy birthday princess.” he smiles as he kisses your cheek before tilting your head to kiss your lips softly.
“happy birthday baby.” seokmin breathlessly echoes as he watches you two through hooded eyes.
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happy elv day!!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 8 months
"The Best Gift He Can Give." Mickey Altieri X AFAB! Reader.
Okay, so the amazing and fantastic @mrsaltieri-real had a birthday a while ago, and I wrote this as a gift. I edited it to make it reader insert friendly and now I am sharing it with all of you! I hope you all enjoy it.
Rating. Explicit. Length. 5.4K. Mickey Altieri X AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Your Boyfriend David Fucking Sucks. Your Boyfriend Cheats On You. Apologies To Dudes Named David Who Don't Suck. Stalking. Breaking And Entering. Murder. Blood. Gore. Violence. Making Out. Grinding. Vaginal Fingering. Eating Out. Eating Ass. Hair Pulling. Spanking. Praise. Degredation. Rimming. Vaginal Sex. Cream Pie. Confessions Of Feelings.
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There are people in this world who do not deserve anything. They don’t deserve kindness, or understanding, they don’t deserve friends, they don’t even deserve to breathe. One such asshole was your boyfriend, David. You don’t even know why he is your boyfriend, honestly you’ve had friends ask, and you are never sure much what to say. He treats you terribly, he is mean to you, rude, constantly picks fights, and it isn’t like you can say, “Well at least the sex is good-”
Because it is very much not. You’d been together for four years, and it had never been good.
Mickey didn’t know about that, though. All he knew to start is that you were cute, and he liked how you looked, the rest started to become revealed to him through watching you over time. He remembers the first afternoon he started to pick up on that very clearly. He was in the library, one table over, trying to do some actual work, sure he wasn’t paying for his degree, but he couldn’t exactly flunk out either, and he overheard an interaction, “Do you have to turn your pages so loud?”
Your head snaps up, looking over to him, Mickey’s own eyes flick up, but his head doesn’t raise, brows furrow in question mirroring yours as you ask, “Excuse me?”
“You are turning the pages of your book really loudly-” He drew out your name, focused on it, and that made your expression turn from somewhat annoyed confusion to outright disgust, a roll of your eyes. “Fuck off David.” 
His tone made Mickey’s skin crawl, “Sooo mature, this is a library, can’t you keep it down and show some class?” 
Mickey had to fight to keep his jaw from dropping, who the fuck was this guy, and why was he so comfortable talking to you like that? He thought boyfriends were supposed to be fucking nice to their girlfriends, and here he was treating you like he hated you, as if you were shit on the bottom of his shoe.
That was not the only time he saw you being treated so shamefully by David, either. Seems whenever he overheard, walked by, you were being talked down to by him or already mid-fight. 
Worse still he would complain about what you wore deriding any skin you wanted to show, and what you were into, he’d overheard him belittling your love of movies too. “How the fuck can you do that shit?”
“Do what shit, David?” You sighed, and he asked, “What the same fucking movies over and over, don’t you ever get bored?”
Your reply comes out almost bored, edging on annoyed, “Those same movies over and over are definitely more interesting than talking to you so-” 
“Woooow, is that any way to talk to me?” He’d ask, and Mickey would think to himself that you should treat him a Hell of a lot worse for how he acts.
You and Mickey had been friends in secret for a while, it had been a very quiet affair, mostly because David would be threatened and jealous, something that bugged Mickey, but he was just glad for the time spent with you and to get to know you. Small moments carved out whenever that prick wasn’t around became absurdly meaningful. 
One day he found you alone on a park bench on campus and seemingly very upset, he couldn’t leave you like that, your boyfriend isn’t around and so he comes forward until he is close enough to ask, “Hey uh, you good?”
Head raises, and you sniff, hands rushing to wipe at your nose and mouth, you nod shakily, mouth dry as you say, “Yeah, totally, so, so good.” 
He lets himself smile this kind of sad smile as he sits down beside you, humming out, “Why don’t I believe you?”
“Leave it alone.” You sigh, and he presses, “No way, there has to be a reason you’re this upset and I wanna know.” 
You slump back further into the bench, averting your gaze as you confess, “You caught me, M’ not good at all. I just found out that my boyfriend fucking cheated on me.” 
Immediate anger flares as does genuine concern for you, both emotions taking hold makes his eyebrows raise and his hand reach out to touch your elbow, your attention snaps back to him. Your eyes meet, and he says, “You can talk to me.”
“What is there to talk about?” It’s said very quietly, and his grip on you tightens by a fraction as he encourages, “Plenty. It isn’t healthy to keep this shit bottled up, what he did was fucked, talk to me about it.” 
You haven’t opened up in such a long time but right now, something in his eyes beckons you and the urge overtakes, you feel safe and think, maybe you should open up. Your stomach is churning, and you think, what harm could it do? You start to tell him, a verbal torrent that once it began it was impossible to stop, as you vent about David and the series of horrible things he had put you through in your relationship. He listens, and only when you stop for breath does he say, “You don’t deserve to be treated like this, you could do so much better than an asshole like him.”
A small shrug as you brush him off, “It’s easier to stay in this relationship because it’s all I’ve ever known. Even if I broke things off with him, he’d never really let me go.”
“What do you mean he wouldn’t let you go?” His question isn’t entirely unexpected, but you still struggle for a moment to respond, “I dunno, I just…I know he would put up a massive fight, and I couldn’t ever just make a clean break. He wouldn’t let that happen.” 
He licks his lips tentatively, an almost nervous action, “He…He doesn’t own you. Hon, you know that, right?”
You looked over at Mickey and said quietly, unconvincingly, “I know that.” 
He wasn’t sold. He hated the look in your eyes right now. Not only that, but he tried to break the tension and asked, “Is the sex that good or-?”
You laughed, head tipping back, genuine smile crossing your face, you shake your head as you catch your breath and tell him, “God no, it’s terrible! So vanilla, nothing but missionary, he never even eats me out.” You exhale and expound further, “He expects me to blow him too.” 
“Fuck off no way.��� His reaction pulled another laugh out of you, and he insists, “You’re kidding.”
“I wish I was.” You sighed. He speaks with conviction, anger but not at you, never at you, more frustration at your situation and how you seemingly have just accepted it. “Why the fuck do you put up with this asshole? Seems like you are doing all the giving with no take.” 
A shrug as you tell him, refusing to look at him any longer, “I’ve grown used to it, it’s been just so long of the same thing, you know?” 
That was fucking bullshit. Sunk cost fallacy much? Clearly you were never going to get out from under this jerk’s thumb on your own, so he was going to do something about this. It would take some work, but you were more than worth it. He started to stalk him, determined to get real dirt on him, he learns his routine and becomes far too acquainted with even the most basic and mundane things about your boyfriend. 
It doesn’t take him long, around a month in is when Mickey catches David in the act of cheating, he was fucking some girl from his film class. 
It was infuriating! Here he has you, a total fucking catch, and he doesn’t appreciate you, mistreats you, and cheats on you on top of all that. What a complete piece of fucking trash. 
He has every intention of telling you when he has the adequate proof-
What if he tells you and you still stay? You seemed so downtrodden, what if not even this is enough to convince you to leave? Fuck, that would be terrible, but he couldn’t let that hold him back. 
He just needed to stay on task, stay focused, and this could work out. He clung closer, tried to be around you more and provide more support, but that, as it turns out, only made it harder. Having to be confronted so frequently with the damage he was doing to you, how sad you were, it made him hurt in kind. He really fucking cared about you.
On top of all of this, his presence is apparently putting more pressure on your relationship. He comes across you and David having a loud and public altercation a few days later, as he gets closer he realizes it is about him. 
“You can’t tell me what to do!” You insist, and David bites back, “Oh, can’t I?”
“No! You can’t! What is the problem anyway?” You try to implore, and he isn’t having it, “I don’t like him! No, scratch that, I fucking hate him. You shouldn’t be talking to any guy, I don’t want you to even look in his direction-”
“You are so ridiculous-” 
He can’t stay. He can’t listen to this. Furthermore, he can’t stand idly by any longer. He is going to do something about this. 
Breaking into David’s place was easy, taking his time is what was difficult. He eases into his bedroom, costume on, knife already in his hand, and comes up to the bed. You were back at your own place, far away and hopefully peacefully sleeping, blissfully unaware of just what he was about to do for you, of the devotion he has and was about to display. 
He wanted to spit in the fucker’s face for what he did to you, more than that he wanted to main and mutilate him, wanted to inflict as much physical pain onto him as he inflicted mental pain onto you. He reached down, he ripped the blanket back, and with one smooth motion he stabbed the sharp blade into David’s stomach. 
The reaction was immediate, his eyes snapping open, mouth open in a soundless scream as it seems all the air leaves him, hands flying to his stomach trying to clutch at the blade but stopping short, afraid to touch the intrusion. He ripped the knife out and then stabbed it back in, immediately. He twists, David inhaled as much as he could but then breathed out, hiccuping on the air, it becomes a complete bloodbath. Mickey cuts, he stabs, he hurts him as he can’t hold back, and David chokes out, “Why?”
Mickey laughs, this cold and calculating kind of laugh before he takes the mask off, and then he starts to talk, “You are a pathetic excuse for a man, a worthless piece of trash-” 
The knife is ripped out and brought back down harder than before, the steel scrapes bone, and he sobs, “-you don’t deserve someone like her, you know that, right? You’ve been mistreating her for way too long.”
The metal wrenched free and then drove deeply inward again, the next sound of pain is a short gasp, Mickey tells him further, “That is why I am doing this, I am going to step in and take over.” 
David looked so pitiful, tears down his cheek, bloodstained and movements slowing, weakening. Mickey leaned down and told him lowly,“I’m going to make her feel so, SO much better than you ever did.” 
He is unrecognizable. Organs are laying all around him, cuts on his face making it, so his identity is basically gone, partially skinned in places. He wished he could have taken the time to skin him alive, fillet him like a fucking fish, but even that would be too good for him. He is sure that he has drained him of about half of his blood, the mattress is soaked, heavy and thick, there is a squelching sound when Mickey gets off the bed. The blood has soaked through the robe, it is staining his shirt and jeans he is positive of it, the handle of the knife is slick, he can feel coagulated blood that has gathered between his fingers, the clots are slippery and almost black.
There is one place he wants to be and it’s with you.
He goes to your place. 
It is obscenely late when you open the door, you are in your pyjamas, you look fucking gorgeous to him. 
“Mickey?” You rub over your eyes, suppressing a yawn, you ask, “What are you doing here?”
He pushes past you, comes inside as he starts to talk, “I had to come see you, I just did something amazing tonight-”
You close the door, he is talking quickly, a mile a minute, excited, manic. “I was thinking about what told me about David and I just got so fucking inspired, you know? So I decided I just had to do it, so I did but, darling, you need to tell me, what else didn’t he do for you?”
“What he didn’t do?” You repeat, softer, confused, and he nods, brows raised and eyes alight, mischievous, “Yes, tell me all the things he doesn’t do for you.”
It is then that you take him in awake enough to register, and notice what he is wearing. A black robe, almost plastered to his body, your eyes flit downwards, and you see that it’s shiny in a particular way that tattles on it being wet, but wet with what? Eyes catch red droplets on the ground coming off of the frayed edged of the black fabric, your gaze shoots back up. You smell the iron, and you see the small flecks of red on his face, and so the question tumbles out, “What is with the robe and is that fucking blood?”
This half smile on his face and a cock of his head as he tells you as if it couldn’t be more obvious, “I just killed David. For you sweetheart.”
You don’t feel angry or upset, to your complete surprise, you feel an insane and immense sense of relief that David is gone. You no longer have to put up with him. 
A sharp inhale as the feeling sinks in, you let it wash over you, not fighting it, letting it soak into your bones. Another question spills out as you ask, “What did you do to him?”
His grin is so wide you worry it hurts his face. 
“I snuck into his apartment, broke in with no issue, I crept into his bedroom and I stabbed a knife-” He brought one foot up, boot rested on the chair at your desk, hauling up the robe, careful not to get blood on more than he had already his hand grasps the hand of the knife. He unsheathes it from the holster that was strapped to his leg, his foot comes back down, he is holding the knife up, you can see the dried blood all over the blade and his hand, he continues to expound, “-this knife, into his stomach.”
He mimics the motion, smile still pulling his features tight, “He gasped and struggled, it was pathetic. I ran him through over and over, the sound was wet, the blood gushed.” 
A sigh crosses his lips, he is looking down at the blade, turning it over in his hands. You, too, are fixated on the glinting metal as it moves from one hand to the next. He keeps talking. “You’d think sound would be a concern. That he’d be screaming his fucking head off, right?”
You look up, he is staring at your face, expectant, you respond to the question, a shaky nod. He continues on, a point of his knife, “Wrong. When you stab someone right, it sucks all the air out of their lungs.” The images his is giving fills your head, of David lying there, bleeding and as Mickey put it, pathetic. He is still expounding. “I was relentless, kept stabbing him, he had no chance to catch his breath. You can’t scream if you can’t breathe.”
You listen enthralled as he describes how he cut flesh from bone, how chunks fell away, digging fingers into open wounds, manually separating cartilage and skin and muscle apart just because he could. He speaks of how much blood he drained and by the end of it you were breathing much harder as was he. Almost no space between the pair of you.
He is looking in your eyes, and he speaks, “I ask again, what did he never do for you?” 
You can’t help it, inquiring, “Why do you want to know so bad?” 
“Because sweetheart-” He sets the knife down on your desk, his hand reaches out to take yours, tacky with partially dried crimson, and he says, “-baby, darling, I want to make you feel all the things you’ve missed out on the past few years.” 
You are as explicit in describing what you’d been missing as he was when describing the violence he did to David. 
“He never made me cum with his mouth, his dick, not even his fingers. I haven’t felt a hot tongue on my clit in fucking years.” You start, a deep inhale before you force it out, speak in hushed tones, “He only ever fucked me in missionary, he never put a hand on my throat and choked me, never pulled my hair, he never praised me, fuck, Mick, he never even degraded me.”
You sigh now, “Never spanked me, never ate my ass, God do I want someone to eat my ass and above all else, he never overstimulated me-”
He cut you off. His mouth crashing into yours after far too long, he kisses you deeply, and you fall into it, into him. A moan into his mouth, hands reach out, fingers tangle in the sleeves, they feel damp, you flex your fingers, you squeeze, beads of blood squeeze through your fingers. Your tongue runs over his bottom lip, and you revel in the taste of him. Christ it was never like this with David, a simple kiss with Mickey was serving to do you in, the graze of his lips against yours, of his tongue brushing yours was sending sparks throughout you. 
Feet stumble back, you pull him with you, keep him near, unwilling to break the connection you’ve made and yet you do, a quiet mumbling of, “Get this fucking robe off-”, pulling on his sleeves for further emphasis. The contact is broken for him to listen and obey, he pulls the robe off and drops it onto the floor, the blood has soaked through to his t-shirt he was wearing, and again you are confronted with what he did. He killed David for you, the evidence of his care for you, of his total devotion is splattered all over him, plastering his shirt to him, soaked into thin fabric. 
This time, you are pulling him back to you, greedy and needy as you do so. Mouths meet again as you are moving backward, the back of your knees hit the edge of your mattress, and you let yourself fall, tugging him down with you. 
His leg slots between yours as his lips descend on yours again, you sink further into the mattress as he, in turn, sinks into you, melting into the contact, his leg presses closer, knee is tighter to you and that makes you inhale sharply. That sets something off in him. 
One of his hands moves, threads in your hair, and he tugs, it forcefully breaks the kiss and pulls a moan from you at the delicious rush of pain. His mouth moves, presses over your jaw, down your throat, and he makes your hips move on their own, grinding against him, desperate for more already. A squirm of your hips as you drag your clothed slit against his solid thigh, and the wash of pleasure makes you have to suppress a shudder, a whining moan held back as well as you bite your bottom lip. 
He notices immediately, pulling back from your neck, another tug of your hair, and he makes you look at him, “None of that shit, I don’t fucking care how late it is, I don’t care if every son of a bitch on this entire floor files a noise complaint, I want to hear you, no holding back.”
You are stunned, speechless, your hips shift, and you are drenched, underwear plastered to you and one of his hands locks onto your throat, he squeezes and says, “I’m not hearing you say yes.” 
You just cannot believe everything you’ve ever wanted has fallen into your lap, you choke out, “Yes, yes, please, fucking yes-”
He shuts you up with another kiss and that is how things seriously escalate, both of you rushing to undress each other. You hadn’t been wearing much to sleep, the tank top and shorts were removed, his shirt and shoes are off now, and he stops. You are looking up at him, admiring him the same way he is you, even with almost all his clothing removed there is still the mark of the crime he committed, blood left on his torso after leaking through his shirt, splatters on his arms, the small flecks on his face. He is looking at you like you are a full meal with nothing more in his way than damp lace, “Fucking Christ-”
He sighs, his fingers trace the curve of your breast before he fully takes it in his hand, he looks helpless in regard to what he wants to do, he follows the impulse, he leans down, and his mouth latches onto one of your nipples. His tongue circles and you sigh, arching up into him. 
His teeth graze as one of his hands slips between your thighs, he only gets one pass of his fingers over the wet material before he decides that isn’t good enough. Fingers hook in the thin garment, and he pulls, he hopes you didn’t give a shit about them because he cannot be bothered to remove them properly, he pulls until it rips and throws it aside. No chance of you complaining because his fingers are on you, strong digits press to you bare for the first time. 
Your eyes roll back with a soft, “Oh my fucking God-” which Mickey absolutely eats up as he starts to move, fingers trace slowly, dipping low, catching some mess and dragging it up, using it as lube to rub your clit. 
The increase in pleasure was immediate, your body slowly starts to tense as the feeling digs into your bones, you fully give in to what he is doing to you. 
“Do you know how much I’ve poured over this?” He asks, and you say quietly, “No.” 
“So many nights.” He confesses, his fingers pick up the pace, tight circles rubbed, and he tells you more, “I’d think about this, about having you under me, about doing-” Two fingers ease inside of you, and he moans like it’s his pleasure, breathing out, “-this.” 
“You feel better than I ever thought you could, so fucking wet, so soft.” He groans, and you arch closer, his palm presses nearer, he moves and works with you, fingers curling into that sweet spot and hand grinding over your clit. You listen, and you feel, minutes later, very quickly between his hushed words and expert touch you are shivering and telling him, “M’ close Mickey-” 
“Fuck yes, do it.” The firm command makes it impossible to stop, you tip over and cum. It feels phenomenal, it’s been ages since anyone has done this, showed this level of care and investment in your enjoyment. He doesn’t relent, keeps his pace steady and consistent, and draws out every bit of feeling he can from your high. 
He doesn’t let you rest, your body sinks back into the mattress, you are panting, and he slides his fingers out of you and right into his mouth. Not only that, but he tastes you for the first time and moans from the salt and tang of you coating his tongue. 
“You taste better than anything I’ve ever put in my mouth.” He slips down your body, drags of his lips lighting further fire in you until he settles between your thighs, his mouth latches onto your still very sensitive clit and your thighs clamp around his head immediately. Your hand shoots down, fingers in his stupidly attractive hair, and you moan loudly, just as he wants you to. 
He was ravenously hungry but still taking his time with this, he forces himself to slow down just a touch, he knows you haven’t had this in years thanks to that douchebag of an ex-boyfriend. He laps at your leaking slit, from hole all the way up to your throbbing clit, he swirls his tongue around the boarders once, twice, three times before passing over it again, making you gasp out his name. 
Mickey luxuriates in the act and does his best to ensure that you do as well, sucks with purpose and is quickly rocketing you to another orgasm, you can barely string together a sentence to warn him of that, but he knows, fingers twist further in his hair, and you pull with a cry of his name, in another two short minutes you are cumming again, it’s stronger than the first, you are louder than you were last time, but he continues. He doesn’t stop on your come down, he just slows, goes lighter, his licks are running up the length of you, between your lips and on top of your twitching bud, over and over, methodical, and you can’t stop shaking. 
Somehow through the haze of pleasure you manage to speak, calling out to him, “Mi-Mickey, oh my fucking God-”
He lifts his mouth, you expect him to give you a breather or to give some pithy response that will turn you on further and make you leak more, but instead his hands are on your hips, he tilts them up and his tongue dives lower. His tongue circles over your asshole, and you actually sob, shocked and broken from the sudden stab of ecstasy that hits your gut, your hand leaving his hair, instead gripping at the sheets. You can’t stop from squirming, which makes his job harder, you hear something that sounds akin to a mildly annoyed growl. 
One of his hands lifts off your hip, and he lands a firm smack on your ass as he grits out, “Stop squirming so much babe, let me make you feel good.” 
He gets back to it and your head is thrown back against the pillows, you try, you really do, but his tongue flicks just so and your body bucks. He instead flips you over onto your stomach roughly manhandling you, one hand pulling your hips up, and he dives back in tongue first. He eats your ass with passionate fervour, whenever you buck too much he reminds you to behave with another hit to your ass cheek. His hand that wasn’t on your hip slides under, and he circles your clit with fast and clever fingers. 
The sharp slaps of pain and combined with him being tongue deep in your ass and rubbing your clit makes you cum embarrassingly fast yet again and harder still, legs trembling so much you almost fall on your face, with an ample gush onto his chin while sobbing his name into the pillow.  
When you stopped shaking he came up, another smack to your ass, his chest to your back as he leans down and praises right in your ear, “Oh good fucking girl.”
You start to babble out into the damp pillowcase, “Mi-Mickey, ‘lease, fuck me, need you-”
He hums, and you hear his belt open, finally getting his pants open, he inhales sharply in relief, the pressure easing from him opening his pants. The rest of his clothes are discarded, and he pauses. His hand on your sore ass, right on the spot he kept hitting over and over, his thumb traces down, spreading your lips, over your hole, and he sighs, “I have been dying to get inside this cunt.”
He lines up, he pushes his hips forward and sinks deep inside you, in one swift and smooth motion. The moan you share is like music, beautiful, melodic, passionate collaboration. His hand goes into your hair, he fucks you like that, face down ass up, he starts a quick pace initially, rough, needy and you love it. His body is covering yours as he breathes into your ear, “You feel incredible, oh my God-” His head tips back with a loud moan, he drives into you over and over, “-fucking stunning too, you are so gorgeous.” 
It has been entirely too long since you’ve been fucked in any position other than missionary. The sensation, his weight on your back, the sound of skin on skin, his breath in your ear, it’s fucking perfection. You rock back with him, meet him in the middle, you were giving back, showing just how desperately you want him in kind makes Mickey let out this sound, caught between a groan and something more possessive, not explicitly words, but it hits you low in your gut. 
He starts to slow down, takes a little more time, and you are moaning louder and louder, you are so worked up, so sensitive, you feel alive and electric. On one level it feels like you can feel every ridge and vein of him and on another like you can’t determine up from down, completely drunk on feeling. 
You completely lose track of how many times you get off that night, the pace will switch on a whim, from hard pounding and him calling you every name in the book to more easy and sensual, a writhing joint movement instead of an aggressive pounding. 
You ride him, grind one out on top of him while he cradles your breasts, thumbs passing over your nipples as he calls you a beautiful fucked out angel. 
He fucks you spooning, hand around you and between your thighs, strumming your clit with one hand, the other locked on your throat as he is fucking in and out.
The only thing that seems to make it stop is you literally sobbing for it to. Your cheeks are wet, you are babbling his name and the word stop, you have one leg over his shoulder and the other is pinned down near your knee by him. His stamina was impressive, he’d already cum once when you were riding him, had filled you up, but instead of that stopping it, he just flipped you over, still hard, and kept fucking going, his own cum providing even more lube.
That was a while ago, you could tell that he was near again, sweat down the side of his face, movements of his hips sloppy, panting your name over and over. You know you can’t again, you are too fried, too overstimulated and finally, just as the soreness is starting to teeter on the other side of being more unpleasant and painful than pleasurable he holds deep and cums again. 
You feel totally boneless, your arms feel heavy as you wrap them around him loosely, his head dips down and rests on your shoulder, you are just trying to catch your breath.
He gets his back faster than you. 
He is still inside of you when he comes back up, fingers push some of your hair aside as he looks down into your eyes. Your chest is still rising and falling rapidly as he confesses, for what must be the third time tonight, telling you, “I fucking care about you.”
A strong belief that is nothing but the truth hits, “You deserve way better than him, I wish I could have met you sooner so you could have had those years back of someone who actually gives a shit about you instead of that asshole.” 
You want this, want him, damned what that says about you or your morals, you don’t care as you tell him, “Fuck that selfish cunt, forget about him, let’s just make up for lost time.” 
He has every intention of doing just that.
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
First Birthday (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, rom-com
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: Pov: You and Joel prepared to celebrate baby Sarah’s first birthday together.
Words count: 1.5k
A/N: I’m trying to make this as a rom-com, hope you like my new series! This is part 6 of Where It All Starts. But it can also be read as a standalone. I'm beyond happy that many of you liked it so I hope you enjoy the next parts. Stay tuned and love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Thank God Joel still treated you the same way before he confessed his love to you that night. You acted like nothing happened and he did the same. 
“Thank you for walking me home, Joel.” Joel always walked you home even though your house was exactly next to his.
“Anytime, darlin’.” This was the second time he called you darling. Your heart jumped.
“I-uh-I forgot to tell you. Sarah’s birthday is coming. I was wondering if we could celebrate together.” He put his hand behind his neck.
“Oh really? It’s her first birthday! We should hold a party!” You jumped excitedly.
“A party? I don’t know (y/n). I mean-I don’t have anyone to invite beside my brother.” Joel put his hands in his pocket.
“I can invite my friends from the cafe. Let’s give Sarah the best first birthday ever. She deserves it.” You bumped Joel on the upper arm.
“Yeah, she deserves the best.” Joel nodded.
“So, what should we do?” He crossed his arms.
“I’ll think about it and we can talk about it again tomorrow.” 
“Okay. Thanks. Good night, darlin’.” Joel kissed your cheek.
“Good night, Joel.” You kissed him back.
You shrieked as you closed the door. Joel Miller just called you darling. After what you said to him and he still called you darling? His words made you sway. And the kiss on the cheek felt different. Joel kissed your cheek every night but today definitely felt different. It felt more loving if you had to describe it. Was it because he called you darling? Was it because he was still nice to you even though you broke his heart? Then you remembered you told him that you weren’t ready for a relationship. You were the one who asked him not to fall in love with you but why were you swayed now? You hit your head to get a grip of yourself. You spent your night thinking about how you could make Sarah’s birthday special. You took out your notebook and wrote your ideas about the cake design, colors, decorations and everything. Trying to neglect your thoughts about how perfect Joel was.
It was another day and you prepared dinner at Joel’s house just like usual. You and Joel had dinner together almost every night since you babysat Sarah. Either you cooked for the two of you, ordered deliveries, Joel brought takeouts, or ate out. But tonight you decided to cook. 
“You’re home early.” You turned to look at Joel who just got home from work.
“Today was peaceful.” He chuckled.
“Dinner will be ready in 10. So you can take a shower first, sir.” You bowed, acting like a maid.
“I’ll be back.” Joel chuckled as he shook his head at your joke.
*10 minutes later*
Joel went down the stairs looking fresh after a shower.
“Smells good.” Joel sniffed.
“You always said that.” You scoffed.
“I’m being honest.” Joel glared at you.
“Well, thank you.” You smiled.
You and Joel dug in and ate the meal you cooked.
“So, I’ve got some ideas for Sarah’s first birthday party.” You took out your notebook.
“Uh-huh. What do you got?” 
“I was thinking of a pink themed kind of birthday party. What do you think?” You squinted your eyes.
“Hmm, how about purple? I’m seeing Sarah as a purple girl.” Joel voted purple.
“Yes sir. Purple it is.” You wrote purple on your notebook.
“About the cake, I have talked to my baker and he has this amazing design in mind. You’ll love it.” 
“I’ll leave it to you, miss.” 
Sarah’s Birthday D-1
You and Joel decorated the house with purple flowers and purple balloons. You used helium for the balloon so it could fly to the ceilings. 
"Never meant to cause you any sorrow~"
Joel sang as he held the balloon pumper as a microphone near his mouth. 
You turned your head right away as you heard a high-pitched voice singing. 
"Seriously?" You put your hands to your waist staring at him. 
"Never meant to cause you any pain" Joel closed his eyes and continued singing.
You inhaled some of the helium and jumped to the couch. 
"I only wanted to one time to see you laughing.."  
You sang and Joel stopped because he was impressed by you.
"I only wanted to see you in the purple rain" 
You started to sing like a real singer on the stage but you were just on Joel's couch. 
"Purple rain
Purple rain" 
Joel inhaled another helium and sang with you together. The two of you burst into laughter. You couldn't stop laughing, your stomach hurts.
"Okay, okay. Stop it. My stomach hurts from laughing." You pressed your stomach. 
"I didn't know you like Prince." You bumped Joel's arm.
"Purple rain is like my jam." Joel squinted his eyes.
"Wait, did you choose purple because of the song? Purple as in purple rain?" You furrowed your brows confused as you joined the dots. He shrugged.
"I..may have chosen purple because of purple rain." He admitted. 
"You're sooo predictable." You shook your head and poked his chest with your index finger.
The birthday cake was big and purple. It was a two tier cake with pearls and sparkly butterflies around it. You thanked your baker for making Sarah a beautiful birthday cake. 
Sarah wore a purple dress with a purple bow tie bandana headband around her head. You and Joel had bought them a few days ago at the mall. 
"Happy birthday, you cute little girl!" One of your employees from the cafe shook her little hand gently. 
"Whoaa, who is this pretty little girl here?" Another friend from your cafe came to her while baby Sarah was in Joel's arms. 
"Happy birthday, purple girl." Flo came and stroked her head. 
"Say thank you, babygirl." Joel bounced Sarah and she babbled. 
"You're welcome." Flo gave you a gift box for Sarah and you put it on the table piled with presents. 
Everyone was happy to celebrate Sarah's birthday. They were like a second family to her. She spent every day with them and you at the cafe. And they loved her too. 
“Hey, you old fucker. And hey there you, babygirl. Happy birthday, my sweet little niece.” An unfamiliar man approached the two of you and kissed baby Sarah’s head.
“Tommy!” Joel hugged his younger brother.
“(y/n), this is Tommy, my younger brother. Tommy this is (y/n). She’s uh-she’s my neighbor. She’s the one who came up with all of these.” Joel introduced you to Tommy and pointed around the house.
“Hi, Tommy. I’m (y/n). Nice to meet you. Joel helped a lot too.” You shook Tommy’s hand.
“So you guys-uh-together?” Tommy asked.
“We’re neighbors.” You answered and Joel nodded.
“Okay. If you want to say it that way. I’m sure you guys are more than that anyways.” Tommy raised both of his opened palms in the air. 
“Okay, now I’m gonna mingle and see if I can talk to that pretty girl.” Tommy walked away and talked to a girl, who was apparently to be Flo. 
“I didn’t know you had a brother.” You chuckled.
“Well, you know about it now.” Joel kissed Sarah’s cheek.
“He seems..” You pouted as you were looking for the right word.
“Friendly. Very much friendly.” You smirked.
“Yep, he is.” 
“Why don’t we gather everyone and sing happy birthday?” You rested your hand at Joel’s shoulder then to Sarah’s head.
"Everyone! Joel here has something to say." You gathered everyone's attention.
"What? I thought you were the one who-" Joel whispered to you and bumped your arm.
"Shh.. come on do the speech." You whispered back to him. 
"I didn't prepare anythin'." He panicked.
"You can do it. Come on." You patted his back. 
"Hi-uh-I'm Joel. I'm sure you all know Sarah. She's turning one today. Thank you for takin' care of her every day at the cafe. I really appreciate it. You are all a second family to her. Why don't we-uh-sing happy birthday to my little girl?" Joel was sweating. You could see it dripping to the back of his neck but you just chuckled. You found him cute this way.
*Everyone started to sing*
Joel sang half way and he stopped singing so you turned to him. His eyes were locked to a woman who just came into the house. She was his ex-wife and her current boyfriend. 
"Joel.." You stroked his upper arm. 
"Hold Sarah for me?" He passed Sarah to your arms. 
"Okay." You took her from his arms and held her, bouncing her a bit. 
Joel sighed as he walked towards his ex-wife. He didn't let her see Sarah. He dragged her outside the house avoiding everyone to see the drama that would happen. 
"Everything's gonna be okay, baby. Your dad got this. Let's just be happy and celebrate your birthday. Today's your special day." You talked to baby Sarah and kissed her forehead.
To be continued…
@lovelyygirl8 @skysmiller @moonlightdivine @crocodiile @angie2274 @pulchritudinousrogers @peqchsoup @msecho19 @happinessinthebeing @nyotamalfoy @nakedmoondiaries @dzaga890 @pa1g3-t0mm0 @prettysbliss @wanniiieeee @one-sweet-gubler @x-ap0llo-x @feministfanboi @ordinarylokix @afterglowsb-tch13 @padgraysonssram8re @tomorrowseverything @hummusxx @iranispunk @mrsyixingunicorn10 @likeanimagepassingby2 @mediocrewallflow3r @pedr0swh0r3 @mxtokko @dorck26 @cascactus28 @cheyxfu @stupidthoughtsinwriting @undermoonlightwalk @bigmoodyjoody @humanbug @sarahhxx03 @krisviciousx @quixscentsposts @dgct2 @dgraysonss @heybabyshae @fluffyspaceprincess @toottmblr @avengersfan25 @xixxala @dianaffddz @onzayhe @violetwitchmcu @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @kelh27
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i-loveoldermen · 1 year
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MPV: I really love the Knight x Princess trope it's just so beautiful and adorable! And I thought, why not write about it with our favourite giant?
🎀Warning: angst (good ending)🎀
The sun shun brightly through the young princess room, lighting up the big bedroom and shining right on the princesses face, emphasising all her cute features. The young 10 year old felt bored and she quickly turned around on her bed making her lay on her back and looking straight at her desk that had been cleaned by the maid earlier. The princess blew on the hair that had gently fallen on her forehead to move them away before sitting up.
Jumping down from the bed, she quickly ran out of the room and started looking for something fun to do. She sneaked pass all guards and maids, and made her way towards the flower garden which she had planned to plant anything she wanted when she grew up. Running around in the guard she giggled through the whole place chasing butterflies and admired their beautiful wings.
The young princess did not notice certain blue, grey eyes observing her with his head tilted to the side. His lips was slightly parted and his eyes wide and curious. He had never actually met the young princess and was shocked by her enthusiasm and beauty.
The young boy accidentally stumbled back breaking a branch underneath his feet causing the princess to still her movement and look towards his direction. The princess smile widened and her eyes brighten up.
"Hi there!" She yelled joyfully making the young boy freeze and not blink once. The princess walking slowly towards him with her same sweet smile and waved her hand.
The young boy gulped down the lump in his throat and with broken voice he replied back a squeaky 'hi' causing the princess to let out a soft giggle.
"Are you new here? I've never seen you here before!" The princess asked smiling brightly as ever.
"Well yeah actually.. my dads a cook here and he asked me if I wanted to come so I joined him and may have sneaked pass him to come here, its really pretty in the guard." He replied softly looking down at her.
The young princess looked up and had now realised he was quite tall but ignored it anyway. "Oh! I agree! It sure is a sight here. Lovely flowers never failed to amaze me. I've always loved the beauty and the smell of them. The maids always come by and noticed my love towards flowers so the always bring me books about plants and they always me so calm and happy" the princess spoke not noticing the boy admiring her.
"O-oh yeah! Flowers sure are fascinating" he spoke still looking lovingly at her.
"Oh my! How rude can I be! May I know your name?" She asked tilting her head.
"König" he replied short.
"I'm y/n! Nice to meet you könig! I hope to see you again, for now I need to return before guards notice my absence." She said waving and leaving back the flushed boy.
Weeks pass and the both grow quite close, königs father was quite shocked at his sons enthusiasm as he was a shy boy and never dared to talk to anyone especially because of his height and how boys his age make fun of him. So könig avoided making friend, but when he noticed the young princess he grew fond and actually felt happy being with someone.
Many boys eyed him jealous as they believed he did not deserve the princesses attention and he should stick to girls as tall as him.
Y/n had gotten to know königs father and complimented deeply about his wonderful cooking and mouthwatering bakings.
His father quickly understood his sons change in behaviour as the princess was leaving wonderful influence on his son.
One sunny day, the princess sat on the grass next to könig with a wide smile and hummed sweetly to her self before gasping happily causing the boy next to her to turn his head towards her.
"I have an idea in how we can be more closer!" She yelled throwing her arms in the air.
"What is that?" The young boy asked excitingly.
"You can become my Knight at my 16th birthday and then we'll always be together.!" She placed her hands on his shoulders and gently shook them in excitement.
König smiled brightly and nodded his head, as a naive 12 year old he stood high and placed a hand on his chest towards his heart.
"And I promise if you do make me your Knight, that I'll shall forever guard you and make you safe from harm" he said proudly causing y/n to giggle.
Smiling brightly, y/n jumped high and wrapped her arms around könig making him frozen in place. She gently turned her face towards his red face and smiled while tightening her arms around his neck more pulling him closer, his breath hitched but after time he slowly wrapped his arms around her more softer form.
Years pass and time flew quickly to y/ns 16th birthday. Men all around the village gathered around, hoping to be the chosen Knight, but the bored princess had already chosen her only one. She gently placed her arm on the reel of the balcony that had the view on the whole area and her other arm rested underneath the bored princesses chin, it had been months since her last encounter with her chosen Knight and all his excuses were about how he was training for her and she believed them leaving him alone for concentration.
Her eyes looked around and she met the familiar blue ones that brought her joy making a huge smile form. Her lips slightly parted when she noticed how more matured he looked. More physique and his face looked more serious. But as soon as his eyes meet her beautiful ones that he believed brought him calm and peace made him smile and give a small wave. The princess quickly waved back and sat straight now more excited knowing her true Knight had entered.
The battle begun and many men were quickly eliminated making könig more relaxed knowing he was making it to the finales.
Hard challenges were past until the very last was left. A young fine men with bright green eyes and blond hair smirked at könig and chuckled. "I shall warn you now, that you will not win, as I'm certain I'll win, and even if I did not pass, the princess with surly chose a more bright looking man then a... well beast" the man said motioning towards könig height.
Only did this not bother könig, but also motive him into believing in himself knowing he'll win, and that surly you would chose him.
The finale begun and the two opponents were having a sword fight. König almost dogged all hits but due his massive size, he had accidentally been his a few times. But even so, könig successfully hit the blond many times. The fight was intense and the princess stressfully bit on her nails parying for könig.
The game ended in tie and had come to the final round. After many hits könig took advantage of his size and quickly jumped on the man and brought him down. The blond quickly gave up being frightened and ran away. König was quickly announced winner and the princess quickly ran down the stairs having a bright grin.
"König! Oh könig my great friend! How shall I describe my happiness for you? I'm more then proud to call you my Knight!" She yelled jumping into his arms ignoring all the gasps and weird looks that were given the princess.
The shy Knight quickly noticed the weird glaces but chose to ignore them and wrapped his much bigger arms around her chubby form.
Looking up to him she had her sweet-honey smile and let go of him stepping a few steps back giving her father space to announce him Knight.
The day went amazingly and she quickly dragged könig into her bedroom happily and jumped on her bed while könig stood by her side.
"Oh by the way my lovely Knight, your uniform his on my desk." She smiled lovingly at him causing warmth to surround his heart. A small smile find its way towards the quiet Knight and he made his way towards her desk picking up his armor. Its looked so shiny he noticed his reflection on it. Rising the armor he also saw your reflection. The sweet smile as always.
"How do you like the armor my Knight?" She asked her eyes closing gently before reopening and watching him admire her beauty through his armor.
"Oh I truly love it princess, beautiful, but not as you" he said not realising the affect of his compliment on her. Her face reddened and she giggled before standing up and walking towards him.
"Oh könig, you never fail to flater me" she said while gently caressing his chest earning a soft 'hmm' for responds.
The day ended with the young princess sleeping peacefully in bed while könig stood outside guarding her.
Days pass and y/n and könig grew closer of possible, not a second apart. Her father noticed it aswell but also realising she needs distance as her age for marriage was nearing and he could not handle a Knight for a groom.
Once when y/n was softly planting flowers in her garden her father took a hold of könig and walked with him out. König looked confused and politely asked for answers.
"What is it your highness?" He asked slightly bowing and standing straight again towering over the father.
"I need you to keep distance with my daughter, enought of attraction. I do not want any feelings connecting you two. Is that clear gaint?" He said the last part as a insult causing a small crack in his heart and könig swallowed in a lump before replying gently.
"But your highness-!" "No buts! You obey as I say, I am your king and you're my Knight, and that is your duty!" He said throwing one of his arm dramatically while the other was behind his back.
König did not complain but just nod making his way back to the garden where she was smiling brightly as her eyes caught him.
"Oh könig dear! I looked for you, see my beautiful dahlias! Look how wonderful they've grown!" She said gesturing towards her newly grown plants.
"Yes princess, you're quite right." König replied not showing a single emotion.
Y/n took a notice in this and decided to ask.
"Is everything alright Knight könig? Something seems to be bothering you." She asked placing on hand on his chest.
König gently took her hand and brought it back towards her side sighing.
"No princess, its nothing that concerns you, carry on with you planting." The words came out more harsher then intended causing the young princess to grimace but ignore it feeling small shattering of her heart.
"W-well alright then" she stuttered feeling upset.
The knight quickly noticed her change in tone but could not say anything but let her be.
Days past and könig kept his awful behaviour towards the princess but spoke kindly once in a while, behind the Kings back as not to worry the princess.
Y/n started believe he might have mood swings so she let it be, being blinded by the love she bad for the shy giant.
One day, as both Knight and Princess hung in the garden, the princess chose it'll be the perfect time to confess her long going feelings for her lovely Knight.
"Hey könig, you do know about my age in marriage is nearing correct?" She asked still keeping her eyes on her roses she planted months ago when being ignored by könig to distract herself.
The knight only hummed in responds and the princess quickly turned around with a huge smile.
"Well! My sweet Knight, how to you feel by becoming my Prince instead" she said tilted her head with a worry smile on her nervous face.
Königs eyes widened and his armor suddenly felt more hotter and heavier against his skin.
"Princess i-" before being able to respond he realised the words of her father and decided to keep his promise to the king.
"My apologies princess, but I'm a afraid I have to refuse such a stupid offer. I'm a Knight for you, and that's something you have to live with, but I'm more then happy to help you to chose your Prince." König replied with a smile in the end hoping to smooth her.
But his smile soon faded when he noticed tears running down her chubby cheeks.
"Oh well, didn't know my offer was stupid, you could have just refused kindly." She sniffled as she picked up her gardening tools and left the garden with a guilty Knight.
"Wait, my princess I didn't mean-" "save it könig, I heard quiet enough" she cut him off walking back to the castle with small sobs escaping her.
The day for her chosen Prince arrived and once again, many men and surrounded the castle, even the blond from before.
König stood by y/ns side the whole time stealing glanced time to time and felt guilty and wished he could become the Prince, but he couldn't, especially because of the father.
He noticed that the princess had not once even knowledge the knight, and after the little argument had been avoiding him.
The knight gulped down his sadness and kept his sight on the war between the men.
The fight was intense and once again the blond was left with some random man.
The fight ended with the blond smirking down on the man before waiting for the Kings family to come down.
The King's family came down and congratulated him. The princess sharing a forced and fake smile with him and watched as he bowed slightly and placing a small kiss on her hand causing her to shiver but calm down eventually.
The day ended and the wedding was planned excitedly by her father leaving the sad Princess alone in her bed. She was interrupted from her sorrow when könig barged inside her room with not his usual armor but a pair of regular cloths. He panted as he ran towards her bed and looked at her with pleading eyes.
"Y/N, please my dear listen, I'm so awfully sorry with my behavior with you these past time. But I could not avoid the command as was force to obey by your father by distancing myself from you. So my dearest princess, I ask of you for forgiveness and the kindest of offering me the same offer as before. I promise when becoming you Prince, I shall take care of you with love and protection, and vow to protect you from everything" he said as he leaned closer placing his forehead against the shocked princess
"I... Yes könig! I do want you as my Prince! Oh please do not scare me like that again! I'd be damned if I ever lost you and if I were to marry another, please könig, don't ever leave me" she sniffled as she took ahold of his collar nearing his face towards hers before gently placing her lips against his causing him to freeze.
His eyes soon closed and he gently put a hand on her chin bringer her face closer.
After the affectionate kiss, the pulled apart slightly panting and looking lovingly at one another.
"Oh dear princess, we can't stay her, pack you bags quick, and we shall run and go to my hometown where we're both protected and will love one another without having barriers in between us he said pecking her forehead and standing up helping her up. She quickly rushed and packed everything needed and he hugged her as he jumped out of the window along with her after she placed a note on her desk for her father.
Running away they joked and laughed all awhile kissing and finally being able to love each other as they wish. When reaching home, könig told her that he had planned a garden for her already and said its near a cottage where they both and live and plant as much as they want.
Hearing this, the princess felt blessed and could not have kissed könig harder as they both watched the half planted garden which made the princess happy.
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bedoballoons · 11 months
Hii! My b-day was on 8 of oct but I had to celebrate it today (2 weeks later). I threw a party, and invited 9 people, yet nobody showed up. Not even my closest friends. So, I would like to request if possible a hc with yandere Venti, Xiao and Ganyu and reader threw a party yet nobody showed up. If u cant do the request dw, I perfectly understand. Have a nice day and ty for reading my request!
Awwe I'm so sorry to hear that, I can only imagine how heartbreaking that was. Usually I don't write requests right after I get them (I go from oldest to newest.), but I wanted to get this out for you while it was still your birthday.
I hope it makes the day a little better! Happy belated birthday as well!! 🎁🎂🎈🎉🎊❤️
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎉𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎉
{༻~Happy birthday~༺}
CW: Yandere themes, slightly angsty with fluff at the end!
P.s. I haven't written Ganyu before so I hope she's not to ooc!
(Includes: Venti, Xiao, and Ganyu!)
You sighed quietly, watching as droopy streamers started fall from their places and brightly coloured balloons deflated by the second, even the cake looked depressed. It was your birthday and no one even bothered to show up..."What a great day to have been born..."
"Oh ho ho, someone has such a frown! Perhaps I can aid you in turning it upside down!" You perked up slightly upon hearing Ventis familiar happy go lucky voice, maybe no one else had shown up...but he had and you couldn't be more thankful, "Venti! You made it...thank you!" He chuckled sweetly, pleased beyond belief that he could make the most beautiful person in the world smile, "Of course I made it! It's your birthday and I want it to be a very happy one! Speaking of which, it's not much because...ehe I'm not the best with mora but..."
Your cheeks blushed a pink tint as the bard held out a small gift for you,...the first one you'd open. "You really didn't have to you know..."
"Of course I did! What kind of person doesn't bring a gift to someone's birthday, especially when that someone is as amazing as you!"
You bit your bottom lip, feeling slightly flustered as you opened the box...lifting up the lid to reveal a quill pen and ink, along with what seemed to be a small handmade notebook. The feather of the pen was what caught you eye as it was a bright sky blue decorated with small jewels of your favourite colours, "It's goregous Venti..."
"I figured together we could write fun memories in it and then one day after its full, I can use it to write songs for us both about our favourite moments."
"Are you...alright?"
That question seemed to sting more than it normally did, not only because the answer was a painful one...but because it was being asked on a day that should have made you happy...one that should have been all about you, if only people had actually showed up. "I'm...as alright as I can be. At least your here, I think if you hadn't appeared, I truly would have had to of celebrated all alone."
"Normally...I don't show up for birthdays, I find them crowded and feel that you should celebrate ones birth everyday, but your birthday is a special one. Someone as wonderful as you... deserves to be celebrated. I...even got you you a gift...though it may not be anything you enjoy."
You smiled slightly, watching as Xiao sat down beside you...setting a messily wrapped gift in your lap, "Xiao...I am going to love whatever you may give me, because it's from you."
His heart raced in his chest and as you began to open his gift he silently prayed to the geo archon you'd like what he got you, he'd spent hours choosing it.
You gasped, shocked to bouquet of Qinxing wrapped in adepti sigils, each of them were beautiful and smelled of the mountain tops..you couldn't even begin to imagine how long it took him to gather them all, "Xiao I-"
"The sigils will make it so they never wilt, they will always remain how they look right now...a symbol..of how I feel for you. A love that will never cease."
Ganyu pulled you close, resting her head on top of yours while she hummed a lullaby and rubbed your back, hoping she could at least ease the pain you were feeling. Not even in her wildest dreams could she imagine how anyone wouldn't want to attend your birthday, she thought of you as the most amazing person to ever exist...a star roaming amongst a sea of darkness and a day to celebrate you to her...was something incredibly special.
"I'm so sorry no one else made it...perhaps they all got caught up with work or other things and just couldn't get out of it?"
"Ganyu...I highly doubt everyone just somehow got busy on my birthday...thank you for trying though. I'm sad I didn't get to have alot of people, but having you here, it's enough to make my birthday perfect." Your words left her speechless, she loved you more than she could truly handle and hearing that she could still make your day perfect after all that had happened...
"I have a gift for you, I thought long and hard about it, made sure it was absolutely perfect for you." She moved away from you just long enough to retrieve the gift, it was wrapped in a pale blue paper and scented like flowers, you hadn't even opened it yet and you could see how much effort she'd put into it, "Awwe Ganyu this is to much, you didn't have to.."
"Oh but I did...please open it, I think you'll love it."
You smiled at her, carefully peeling back the wrapping paper and opening the box just enough to see what was inside. "Oh my gosh...it's a plushy and it's handmade, Ganyu did you-"
"In between shifts I learned the pattern for you and made sure it was sewn the absolute best I could. I've never made anything like it before and I was worried I wouldn't finish it in time...but I wanted you to have something that showed my determination and attention to what you like. I also figured it could help you sleep."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚*⁠.⁠✧Happy birthday~
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Bɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ Tʀᴇᴀᴛ (Pᴇᴅʀᴏ Pᴀsᴄᴀʟ)
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Pedro Pascal × Male Reader.
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 3,2 k.
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: As a good boyfriend, you plan the best birthday possible for Pedro and you make sure he enjoys every second of it.
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: teeth rotting fluff, pet names, flirty joking, smut, switching (like, positions?), licking a stain (if you know what i mean), praise kink, teasing, masturbation, riding, a-fingering, blowjob, rough sex, biting, mentions of marking, no physical descriptions of reader, no use of Y/N. (lmk if i missed any).
𝔸/ℕ: OKAY HEAR ME OUT ITS PAPIS BDAY AND WE KNOW IT SO HERE YOU GO YOU THIRSTY CREATURES. i dont really like to think of pedro himself in a sex way (like yeah i do think hes hot and sexy and all but i just dont feel fully okay with writing these kind of things for him) so you wont see smutty fics of pedro very often BUT TODAY IS HIS BDAY LETS ENJOY A LITTLE TREAT. i feel like i wrote two different fics here HAHAHAHAHA its just-- the sweet part and the smutty part seem to happen in very different timelines-- i know what i mean (: enjoy <3
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"Happy birthday", was the first thing he heard when he woke up. And when he opened his eyes, there you were —still in your pajamas but holding a small cupcake with a lit candle on top. What he loved the most was the wide smile displayed on your lips.
"Good morning to you, too", Pedro chuckled and sat up to press a soft kiss to your cheek. "What's this?".
"Just blow out the candle, old man!", you laughed. He did as you commanded. As soon as he was done, you took the candle out and shoved the cupcake in his face, leaving it stained with chocolate.
"Oh, you wicked thing!", he growled with a chuckle, then started licking the chocolate frosting around his mouth. "Did you make it?".
"Yep", you smiled proudly. "You deserved the best cake... cupcake", you corrected yourself. "The cake comes later today", you quickly added.
"I see", he pretended to think for a moment. "Well, in that case, you should have a taste of your cupcake!".
Without giving you any time to react, he pressed his chocolate stained cheek into yours, leaving some of it on your face. You groaned loudly, but still smiled. Then he licked the chocolate off your face before kissing it.
"That was a nice birthday gift", he whispered, then kissed you softly on the lips. "I hope it's not the only one", he grabbed your hips and pulled you close. You put your hands on his chest to keep him at a safe though short distance.
"That comes later today as well", you kissed his nose, your eyes giving him an apologetic look. "You're gonna have to pretend to be patient today, baby".
"Oh, whatever will I do now?", he tilted his head dramatically and kissed you one last time. "Is it a part of my gift?".
"Honey, if you can handle the whole day without being slightly horny, it's gonna be an entire gift in itself".
"Well, that sounds promising", he chuckled, then pulled away, starting to take his sweatpants off to get ready for his morning shower. "Not even a shower quickie?", he turned his head before getting into the bathroom.
"Nope! Patience, I said", you stuck your tongue out to him. Pedro groaned.
"Had to try", you heard him mumble.
You enjoyed a quiet though nice birthday breakfast. Everything was decorated to Pedro's liking —"You know me way too well", he said when he saw it all. And he made sure to kiss every part of your body you allowed him to as a way to thank you. You could tell he was enjoying himself, even though the day, his day, was just starting.
As soon as you both were dressed —needless to say you were left stunned by Pedro's amazing though casual outfit—, you drove to a Mexican restaurant nearby to treat your boyfriend with his favorite meals, which he also thanked you for. You were barely able to solve your "I pay" argument in a while, but you finally convinced him that it was his birthday, and that the food was part of his gift. Still, you could see how he was most likely planning some kind of revenge.
After a while of wandering around in the streets and buying your boyfriend a nice black coffee, it started getting dark and you decided to stop at an Italian restaurant for dinner. He didn't dare to argue with you over who was the one to pay, given the almost endless fight you'd had at lunch time. He had already decided he would let you have that, but he would get back at you for it.
The first thing he did when you got back home was take you in his arms and spin you around in the air as he left small kisses all over your face. And when he put you down, he pulled you in for a nice, tight hug.
"Thank you for today. I loved it all", he whispered in your ear, making your heart swell at the sweet tone of his voice.
"It was nothing, beautiful", you returned the hug. "But it's not over yet", you pulled away, giving him one last kiss before walking into the kitchen. Pedro stood there for a moment just looking at you confused, but he followed you into the kitchen. "No! Stay outside for a minute!", you pushed him out of the room. "Gimme a sec", you closed the door on his face. Once again, he stood there a bit confused. But he shrugged and laughed at your attitude, remembering once again why he was so in love with you. "Okay, you can come in!", you shouted from the inside, still not opening the door. He did.
He was surprised to find the kitchen dimly lit. The only thing that allowed him to see anything was the small flame of the candle on the cake you were holding, a big smile on your face. Pedro found himself having a déjà vu of that morning —but with a bigger cake.
You sang happy birthday for him. His first reaction was to cover his face. Truth be told, he hated to be sang happy birthday, but once more, he just laughed. If it was you singing for him, he didn't hate it as much.
He blew out the candle and searched the light switch before putting the cake on the table, freeing both yours and his hands to pull you in for another hug. You couldn't help but laugh loudly at the way he told you how much he hated being sang happy birthday and how your voice made it suck even more, all while he left kisses all over your face and neck. He laughed as well.
You sat on the couch in the living room to eat the cake. You kept laughing about whatever it was you were talking about while the TV buzzed in the background. At one point you dropped frosting on your shirt and got up to go change clothes. Pedro just grabbed your wrist to keep you from going away and stared at you with puppy dog eyes.
"I can clean it up for you", he pulled you back to sit on the couch. You looked at him confused, but you stayed still in curiosity, wanting to see where he was going with all that.
His hands undid the first buttons on your shirt gently, slowly. You saw how he was frowning deeply, as if it was taking every ounce of his concentration to get the task done. You smiled down at him, letting out a soft chuckle in amusement at his expression. He looked up at you with hooded eyes, but he didn't smile, do or say anything. Instead, you notice how his eyes went dark, and suddenly he was ripping the shirt off of you.
You didn't have any time to process the way he was throwing you on your back onto the couch before he started licking the small stain of cake on your chest. He soon moved down to kiss your stomach, and then undid your pants.
"Hey! I told you to be patient", you grabbed his hands before he could go any further.
"Aw, haven't I been patient enough today already?", he pouted. "We've been outside all day, and we already ate the cake!".
"I mean... There's still like half of it on the table...".
"C'mon, babe, y'know what I mean", he tilted his head, giving you those puppy dog eyes of his once again. "It's my birthday! Don't you think I deserve a treat?".
"Another one?", you chuckled. "I've literally paid for everything for you today".
"And still, here I am, aching for you like never before", he posed dramatically. You both laughed. "You know I'm a greedy man. Pretty please?".
You looked him in the eye for a little while. All you saw was love and lust. And his puppy dog-like expression made you think how cute he was. How were you supposed not to give in? You were so in love with this man. Perhaps too much for your own good.
"Fine", you let go of his hands and crossed your arms. "Unwrap your gift, birthday boy".
He didn't waste a single moment and just started stripping you of your shoes, pants and underwear. A loud gasp escaped your lips when his hand grabbed your shaft with great steadiness. He looked up at you with a wide smirk, then started pumping his hand along your dick. You threw your head back in pleasure, your hips bucking up involuntarily.
"Wait... It was your treat...", you managed to say between moans.
"Baby, I'm having my treat right now", he pressed a soft kiss to the tip of your member, not taking his eyes off of you. "It's my birthday and I get to choose whatever my treat is", he moved his hand faster.
"You're such... Oh god...", your hands held tight onto his shoulders.
Pedro laid beside you on the couch, keeping you between his arms as he continued to please you. He allowed himself to enjoy your sweet sounds as he whispered praises into your ear. The more he did, the more it made you shake in pleasure. And he couldn't help but grin at your attitude. 
"So beautiful for me. So pretty. Such a pretty little boy. My cute little thing", he kept whispering. "Little boy likes me doing this, don't you?", he moved down to kiss the side of your neck, not stopping his little praises. "You love when I do you like this. You love my hands. You love my hands on you, don't you, beautiful?".
He kept going back and forth for a little while. Much to his disliking, you didn't last long with him touching and talking to you like that. Still, he complied and let you have a small break, wrapping his arms around you and covering your face in kisses.
As you tried to get your breath back, you found yourself overwhelmed by his kisses, your heart skipping a beat. Your only answer was a giggle and you hugged him back.
"Enjoying your treat so far?", you teased. He looked at you with a smirk.
"Best birthday gift ever", he nuzzled your neck. "And you know what the best part is?", he stared up at you. You stared back in slight confusion. "That we're not done yet", his grin got wider.
He took you in his arms and carried you to the bedroom. As soon as he left you on the bed, you sat up to start unbuttoning his shirt. He pushed you back down almost immediately, sitting on your lap so you wouldn't get up again. You frowned and pouted in response.
"Come on! It's your birthday, I'm the one supposed to be giving you head!", your words made him laugh.
"I like your boldness", he chuckled. "How about this, if you lemme have my fun now I'll let you do whatever you want to me later", he lifted one of his eyebrows. Your eyes lit up.
"You're on", you felt your cock getting hard instantly.
He quickly finished undressing himself, eager to keep going. As soon as he was left naked, he leaned down to kiss you decently, passionately, tongue deep inside your mouth. You couldn't help the moan that escaped your mouth, nor the way your hands gripped his shoulders, nails digging into the skin and leaving small marks. 
It didn't take long for him to get desperate. He grabbed one of your hands and guided it to his hole. You felt your face get awfully red as he started pumping one of your fingers in and out of himself. Still, you gathered enough bravery to take control and thrust your fingers for him. Soon enough, he turned into a whimpering mess, bucking his hips back and forth at the pleasure. He then pulled away and pinned your hands back down onto the bed, his eyes staring into your soul.
Without saying another word, he aligned his entrance with your dick. A quiet, soft breath left your lips when you saw his intentions. You fought the urge to grab him as he sank himself down onto your hard member. His eyes never left yours, just like yours never left his. Once you were fully buried inside him, he leaned back down to press a soft kiss to your forehead, his eyebrows knitted together. You nodded to give him green light one last time. Pedro nodded back, and then he started to ride you. Slowly at first, still he didn't take too long to increase speed. His hands found yours in a desperate attempt to find something he could squeeze some strength out of. He entwined his fingers with yours, fighting the urge to drop all his weight down on you.
His heavy, ragged breathing turned into desperate moans. Never in the years you had been together had you seen him whimper in such a high-pitched voice, huge drops of sweat running down his temple. The movements of his hips grew sloppy, allowing you to start thrusting up into him just as desperately. He left one of your hands free just so he could use his to please himself. Overstimulation soon got over him, and before you could process any of what was going on, he was spilling his release all over your torso. And before you could process any of that either, his walls were squeezing your cock so deliciously hard that you emptied yourself inside him.
Pedro collapsed on top of you, still trying to recover his breath. He wrapped his arms tightly around you, making you let out a tired giggle. His lips kissed your forehead tenderly, then your cheek, then your lips.
"That was good", you whispered in is ear. He chuckled breathlessly and hugged you tighter.
"It was", he stared into your eyes once more. "Bet you've been enjoying my gift better than me so far", he winked in your direction.
"Well, not gonna lie, I've had so much fun until now", you rolled on top of him. "And now I'm gonna have even more fun".
You positioned yourself between his legs, your face almost touching his groin. You looked up at him before grabbing his still softened member and teasing it all along. His eyes flew shut at the sudden pleasure, immediately getting hard again. You couldn't help the smirk that automatically displayed on your lips.
You approach your tongue cautiously to the tip of his shaft, then started giving it slow, kitten licks. Pedro hissed in pleasure, propping himself up on his elbows to look down at you. Your smile got wider when you saw the way his pupils dilated. You wasted no more time to put his dick fully in your mouth, making your boyfriend gasp loudly and throw his head back. Your chuckle sent shivers up his spine, his fingers buried in the sheets beneath you.
After making sure Pedro was okay and used to being in your mouth, you started bobbing your head back and forth with your tongue drawing wet, warm circles all along his shaft. And like some minutes before, his breathing went from short pants to loud, long drawn out moans. You even allowed him to calm his desperation a little by letting him grab you by the hair and thrust into your mouth. 
He came undone once more shortly afterwards. He held your jaw softly as he gave a couple more thrusts, painting the back of your throat with his seed. His legs shook uncontrollable and right then, he collapsed on the bed with unsteady breathing and trembling limbs. A heavy, loud sigh left his mouth as he tried to calm his heart rate. The whole situation made you chuckle, and you laid beside him with your arms around him.
"You okay?", you nuzzled your face in his neck. Pedro laughed back.
"Yeah...", he left a chaste kiss on your lips. "I just need... a little break... You left me fucking dry", he giggled and pulled you in for a tight hug. "I knew I loved you for a reason".
"Because I give you amazing blowjobs?", you forced a smile.
"Well, that, too. But no, silly!", he left small kisses all over your face.
"Is that break gonna take much longer?", you stared into his eyes, your own filled with lust. He just looked at you in slight confusion. "Because I need you to help me with this thing", you pointed down at your reappearing hard-on. "And I know just the thing to leave us both satisfied", you grinned. "That is, if your old man body can still keep up with me", you lifted your eyebrows. Pedro laughed.
"Oh, I'm gonna show you just how much this old man can keep up with you, mister", he grabbed you to keep you steady and rolled on top of you. "What did you have in mind?".
"I want you to fuck me", you looked him in the eye, your expression serious but with a hint of playfulness. "Hard, rough, like you usually would", you shrugged, letting the beginning of a smile be shown on your lips. "Just indulge yourself. It's your birthday".
"Oh, okay", he lifted his eyebrows in surprise. "Get ready, then. I'm not gonna go soft on you".
"I wasn't expecting you to", you rolled onto your stomach. "Just do your worst", you turned to him one last time. One second afterwards, he was burying his cock balls deep inside you.
He did as you asked. He fucked you hard, like he usually would, grabbing your jaw with one hand and your hips with the other, his own slapping forcefully against your ass every time he thrusted inside you, his mouth whispering dirty praises in your ear throughout it all. Your loud moans —if not screams— only worked as fuel for his desire, and he could only enjoy the way your hands gripped the sheets and your teeth bit the pillow. He also made sure to leave marks. Bites, scratches, hickeys, every part of your body he could reach while pounding relentlessly into you, he made sure to mark them all.
Both of you reached climax sooner than you would have expected. But truth be told, it was only fair, given the way he was fucking you.
You collapsed on the bed while Pedro rolled to lay on your side, making sure not to leave you breathless under him —more than you already were. He wrapped his arms around you with a contented sigh and pulled you tight against his body. You hugged him back, still shaking from the rough orgasm he had given you, and closed your eyes with your face hidden in his chest.
"That was great", he whispered in the top of your head before leaving a soft kiss. You smiled. "It was the best birthday gift you could've given me".
"Horny old man", you snorted, your voice muffled by the skin of his chest. Pedro chuckled. "Shit, we left the cake in the living room—".
"We'll just eat it for breakfast, don't you worry, my pretty little thing", he kissed your forehead sweetly. You giggled involuntarily and hugged him tighter. "I love you".
"I love you, Pedro", you left a small, tender kiss on his chest. "Happy birthday".
He looked down at you with a smile, waiting until he felt your breathing steady enough as to consider you soundly asleep. He then closed his own eyes, and fell asleep at the memory of you singing him happy birthday the beautiful way only you knew how to sing it.
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littlespacereader · 3 months
It’s my Birthday!!🥳🎂🎉🎈🎁
It’s official I’m 3 years old today😂😂 Big year for me!😂😂 I’m really 24 and let me tell you, I’m still tired😂😂😂
Thank you to everyone who voted on the Birthday poll! I really really hope you enjoy this fic as much as I did writing it! The idea came to me while I was working and I couldn’t stop writing it after it won the poll! (Also I know the gif is the 14th Doctor but I like his smile in it😄)
Please enjoy and have a great weekend!!🥳🎂🎈🎁
A Birthday Wish💫🎂
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Caregiver! 10th Doctor & GN Little! Reader (SFW!)
Tags - cupcakes, stuffies, surprises, happy tears, hugs, forehead kisses, the birthday you deserve!, presents, party games, the Doctor being the best cg ever, bops on the nose.
I closed the door and locked it on my way out of my apartment. Even as I walked up the stairs of my building I could hear my loud roommates and their friends yelling and shouting about some stupid ball game.
I shook my head and continued up. If there’s one thing I was going to have on my birthday, it was peace.
Once I reached the top of the building, I pushed the door open and walked onto the rooftop. Here, I got the best view of London and all the stars above.
I would come up here often, after a long day at work or to escape my loud roommates. It was nice, my own little hideaway. Just me, the stars and all of London.
I walked over to the little plastic table I had set up for night like these. I put my backpack into one chair and took a seat in the other.
Then I carefully pullout out the cupcake from my backpack and put it on the table. The icing was a bit messed up from its journey up to the roof, but it didn’t matter to me, a cupcake was a cupcake. I grabbed the candles and put the numbers onto the cake.
Then I just sat there, and stared at the number for a second. I hate getting older, the little side of me hates seeing the age I was actually turning when I felt much younger than I actually was…
I felt like screaming out loud, “I’m not older! I’m just a kid!” But who would listen? Who would care?
The sad answer is no one. My regression was kept hidden from everyone. It was just between me and my stuffies. Speaking of…
I grabbed my stuffed animal elephant out of my bag and and held her in my arms. She’s, of course, is invited to the party! Wouldn’t be one without her.
Then I grabbed my sippy cup and placed it on the table along with some plastic silverware for the cupcake. Once settled I looked back at the stupid numbers.
I mean, who needed a reminder of how old they’re turning? I picked the candles off the cupcake and threw them off to the side. I dug through my bag and found only one last candle left, one regular candle for my birthday wish.
I placed the candle into my cupcake and lit a match, lighting the candle up. A small glow from the fire illuminated me.
Truth was…I didn’t really know what to wish for at first. I didn’t really know, or believe anything would actually come true.
Looking up at the stars again, I took a deep breath and sighed. I guess it didn’t hurt to just wish for anything right? Even the impossible.
So with my eyes casted to the stars above me, I made my wish, “I wish I wasn’t alone, that someone knew and understood my regression and accepted me for it. I just don’t want to be alone anymore.”
With big breath in, I blew out the candle.
And nothing happened. As I expected. Just same old me, another year older.
I began peeling the small paper from around the cupcake, and began digging into the sweetness. That cupcake tasted amazing! But something caught my eyes from above.
I looked back up to the stars, back up to the one I had my eyes on when I wish. And it…moved?
I stood up, stuffie in my hand as I walked closer to get a better look at the star. It looked as though…it was spinning. Is that possible?!
For a moment I looked away, thinking maybe I was just seeing things, but then I looked back and sure enough that star was spinning. How is that happening?
Then I realized something else…that star was getting closer and closer. I couldn’t help but watch in wonder as the star spun and moved closer and closer earth, then to London, then…
That Star was coming straight for me! I snapped out of my wonder and ran! Dodging off to the side as the star slid onto the rooftop, coming to a stop on the other side.
I cautiously walked out of my hiding spot and looked over at the star…which I realize now isn’t a star…it’s a…box?!
A blue police box flew onto the roof and slid across it? How’s that-.
I slowly approach the box, looking at it with wonder. But just when I was about 2 feet away from it, the door flung open.
A man stepped out. Big smile on his face and a party hat on his head. All at once I realized something…
I’ve seen this man before.
**Flashback to this morning**
I stood and stared at the tall shelves of stuffed animals infront of me. The toy store wasn’t that busy in the morning hours which made it a nice peaceful visit as I chose my first ever birthday stuffie.
Of course I have plenty of stuffies at home, but this one would be special, it would be a birthday stuffie!
Problem was…there’s a lot of options. Every animal you could think of sat on the shelves infront of me. The choices were endless.
“Hard to pick huh?”
I turned around and saw a stranger walk up to me. He wore a long brown coat and a blue suit, and on his feet converse. He had a friendly smile as the walked over and admired the shelf with me.
“Yeah definitely hard to pick.” I replied, looking back to the shelves.
“Grabbing a gift for someone?” He asked.
“No, for myself actually.” I thought about it then added, “it’s umm, my birthday.”
“It’s your birthday?!! Happy birthday!!” The man lit up hearing me say.
“Thank you.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the man’s enthusiasm.
“Then this is going to have to be a very important plush after all.” He focused back on the shelf. “Which one are you thinking?”
“I think I’ll get….this one!” I grabbed the elephant off the shelf and held her in my arms. She was perfect! Soft and a little weighted in her feet.
“Now that is a great choice!” He smiled back at me, the praise making my little side scream on the inside.
“What are you going to name it?” He asked.
I looked down at her and thought long and hard about it, “Lucky! Since elephants are lucky.”
“Lucky is a great name! Good thinking.” He praised again.
“Any other one you thinking of getting?” He liked back to the shelf.
I looked back too, my eyes settling on a particular lion stuffie. But then I realized I didn’t have enough money. I looked away and back at the man. “Not today, just her for now.” I smiled sadly.
“Well she will do fine! A nice strong elephant to keep you company.” He smiled back, shaking the elephants hand in my arms.
He looked at his watch before saying, “Oh, I’ve gotta run. I hope you have a great birthday!” He smiled before walking towards the front of the store.
“Wait,” I called back to him, stopping him in his tracks. “Thank you for the help picking a stuffed animal Mr…”
“Oh no Mr. It’s just The Doctor.” He replied with a smile. “And it was no problem at all. I rather enjoyed helping. You and Lucky have a great day and a happy birthday again to you kiddo.” And with that he turns and walk towards the cashier.
I stared back at him for a moment before turning back to the shelf. Did he call me kiddo?
He did…didn’t he….why? Maybe cause I’m younger than him? Or maybe…no. No. There was no way he could’ve known….
As I continued walking around the toy store I heard him talk briefly to the cashier before the bell at the door ding meaning he left. I looked around for a moment more, before I went to the cashier to pay for my elephant.
“Just this please.” I said, putting my elephant up on the counter and grabbing my wallet.
“No need, that gentleman in the long coat bought it for you.”
I stared at the cashier in shock. “What?”
“The man that was in here before. He paid for your elephant already. You’re good to go.”
The cashier turns to go do something else while I stand there frozen with shock. I took the elephant off the counter and walked out of the store.
I looked around for the kind man but didn’t see him anywhere. That was so nice of him to pay for my gift. I hadn’t even realized he went to go do that. What a Lucky Elephant my stuffie is!
I smile and give her a hug before I walk away, off to the next stop.
The next stop happens to be a bakery. I browse through the cake window at all the different cupcake selections they had on display. All of them looks sooooooo good.
“Order for Y/N.” The bakery woman called.
I stopped and lifted my head. That’s strange….maybe someone has the same name as me?
“Order for Y/N.” The woman calls again. “Birthday cupcake.”
I froze again in utterly shock. I raise my hand awkwardly. “I…I think that’s for me.”
I walked over to the counter and the baker read the description. “It says, Order for Y/N’s birthday. They should be wearing a red cardigan.”
I looked at myself as if I forgot I was wearing a red cardigan…because I did forget. “Oh…that’s me.”
She wraps the cupcake up and hands it to me. “Happy birthday!”
“Thank you, just one thing.” I stop the baker. “I didn’t order this.” I say honestly.
“A man came in here just a minute or two before you and he ordered it for you.” She explained.
“Did he have a brown coat and spiky kind of hair?” I ask again.
“Yeah, yeah he did. And he wore converse. Crazy looking dude.” The woman joked, “Enjoy your cupcake dear.” And with that she walked away.
I walked out of the bakery and took a deep breath. First the stuffie and now the cupcake. Who was this mystery man? And why was he being so extra kind to me? Most people just wished me a happy birthday but him? He went above and beyond.
The cupcake came with a note that read simply,
Make a good wish tonight!
- The Doctor
The Doctor? Was that seriously his name? I thought he was joking.
There was also something different about him. As I walked back to my apartment the man played on my mind. He felt like how a Caregiver should feel. Compassionate, gentle, patient and kind, amount other things, He called me kiddo and bought me a stuffie and a cupcake.
But now it was over…there was no way I was ever going to see him again after this…
Until now.
I stared back at the man in utter shock of the today’s events. But more so because a giant flying box almost hit me as it landed on the roof.
He leaned against the box and smiled back at me. “Y/N!! Happy Birthday!!”
“It’s you!” Was all I was able to say at the moment.
“It’s me!” He smiled back.
“You-You’re from the toy store…and the bakery…” My mind keeps racing through the thoughts. “And now…the sky?”
I could help but smile at everything. It was so impossibly crazy! There was no was any of this was real, yet here he stood in front of me. “How did you come from the sky? How doesn’t your box fly? How is any of this possible?!”
The Doctor smiled, slowly walking over to me. “Well when I realized a certain someone was celebrating their birthday alone. I couldn’t stand to see it. So I thought I’d come and visit.”
“I guess you could say I’m someone’s birthday wish.” He added with a smirk and a wink.
Birthday wish? I thought back to it: “I wish I wasn’t alone, that someone knew and understood my regression and accepted me for it.” The realization hit me.
“You’re a Caregiver too?”
“Yup.” He said popping the P at the end. “Isn’t that what you wish for? Not to be alone and for someone to take care of a certain little one?”
“Yeah… I just…I never believed it would actually happen.” I say back to him honestly.
“Well now, if you like it to happened, it can.” He starts to say. He takes his hands in mine and looks into my eyes, “I know we are still learning about each other but, I’d be happy to take care of you. Especially on a day like today.”
I stare back at him at first in complete disbelief, “You want to me my Caregiver?”
“I’d be honored to.” He smiles back.
I squeeze his hands in mine and nod, “I love that too.”
I let go of his hands for a moment and give him a hug. He immediately reciprocates, hugging me back with a tight protective hug. And all at once it feels as though all my issues and problems start to melt away as my regression takes the wheels.
The Doctor immediately sees the slight shift, his careful Caregiver eye catches it. “There you are sweet one. It’s time for you to relax and have the best birthday ever.”
He grabs a party hat from his pocket and leans forward putting it on my head. “There we are! Perfect for the party!”
“Party?” I ask confused. What party?
“I have everything set up already. All I need to do is bring Lucky of course and the most important person of all you!”
I stared up at him in disbelief, “You’re throwing me a birthday party?”
He took my hand in mine again, bring it up to place a kiss onto. “I’m so sorry you’ve had to celebrate any one of your birthday’s alone, but never again. Never while I’m here.”
“From now, you get the birthday you deserve.” He looked into my eyes and lead me by the hand to the blue box.
I followed along, holding onto his hand tightly as he lead the way to the flying blue box. “The party is in there?” There’s no way we’re fitting in there.
“You’ll see.” He winked before unlocking the door and pushing it open. He guided me to go first.
The moment I stepped inside my breath was taken away. “It’s-….I mean how is it? It’s smaller on the outside than inside!” I smiled, looking around the place on pure wonder.
“That’s…” The Doctor started to say, “I haven’t heard that one yet.” He chuckled.
Inside the main Tardis area had balloons and streamers all about. I turned and looked at The Doctor. “This is all for me?”
“This all for you!”. He smiled seeing my enjoyment.
I looked at the center console with wonder. “Does that fly the box?”
“Well it’s not actually a box. Think of that as a disguise. This is actually a space ship and Time Machine.” He explains on.
I looked at him baffled. “No it isn’t. Really?! That’s insane!!” I scream look back at the Tardis interior with wonder.
“It is a lot to take in isn’t it?” He jokes, walking back over.
A small wrapped box catches his eyes, “Oh I almost forgot!” He runs over and grabs the box.
“This, is for you darling.” He hands the blue wrapped box over to me.
“You got me a gift?”
“Of course I got you a gift! Why wouldn’t I?”
“But you bought me my elephant and the cupcake and this, this is enough of a gift in itself.” I gesture to the Tardis. “You didn’t have to...”
He caressed my face, holding my face in his hands, “Y/N, I wanted to. You deserve the universe and more.” He makes a point of saying before placing a kiss on my forehead.
“Now what are you waiting for?! Open it up!” He smiles.
I look back at him with tears in my eyes, before I go to unwrapping this gift, and its…..
“It’s the lion from the toy store.” I hop the stuffie up and look at the Doctor in disbelief.
“We couldn’t have Lucky go on without his friend now could we?” He wraps an arm around my shoulder and looks down at the lion. “Do you like it?”
“I love it!! Thank you!” I turn and give him another big hug, tears falling from my eyes.
“Awwww! You’re so welcome Y/N.” He hugs back, gently rubbing my back.
But the tears don’t stop coming, the day full of surprises starting to catch up with me. Immediately he looks worries and silently ask to pick me up, which I give a nod yes in reply.
He picked me up and holds me on his hip as if I weight nothing. “It’s a lot all at once isn’t it?”
I immediately rest my head on his shoulder, nodding and wiping my tears away.
“A lot of big things and a lot of new things. So why don’t we take a moment to just take a breath before we go on with the rest of the party?” He offers and I immediately nod to. That sounds nice.
The Doctor starts to walk around the Tardis console room holding me in his arms, lightly bouncing and rubbing my back. The gentle movements start to relax me more and more. It’s been a long day and now? I think I just had too many shocks at once.
But it was amazing that he right away recognized that and went to help me. He’s a great Caregiver. And he’s also my Caregiver. But I had to ask…
“Why me?” I asked softly.
“What’s that sweetheart?”
“Why me?” I lift my head and look into his eyes. “You said this is a spaceship right?”
“That’s right.”
“So in all of the Galaxy and all of earth and all of London you chose me. To not just be my friend but my Caregiver? Why me?”
“Why not you?” He smiled back. But he could tell I wanted more of an explanation.
“Alright, you want the truth? The truth is, I was back in London after traveling a while by myself and that’s when I stumbled upon you in the toy store. Seeing you so happy just picking out a stuffie made me forget for a moment all the loneliness I had. And hearing it was your birthday was just icing on the cake.” He ends with a wink, happy with his cleaver pun.
“The truth is, I’ve also never had anyone to celebrate my birthday with. I’ve always been a lone too. And I didn’t want you to have to go through that feeling, that pain.”
“So as I started to run around making a happy birthday for you, I realized something. This wasn’t just my normal self taking over, I could feel a side of myself that I haven’t felt in a while come out, my Caregiver side.”
“I haven’t seeing a little rascal like you in a long time.” He boops my nose, “So I knew I had to make it extra special. And by the end of it, I couldn’t think of my life without having you in it, to take care of, to joke with, to do anything with!”
“So that’s why, out of all the people in the galaxy, I chose Y.O.U.” We both smile.
“Now, the party has just begun! Are you ready?” He looks me in the eyes and I nod my head excitedly.
“Good! Let’s gooo!” He runs down the hallways with me in his arms. I giggle the whole way.
There’s a room in this Tardis that’s decorated to the T with party supplies and decorations. There we spend the rest of the night together. First we play party games, then we eat more cake, then we play even more games, all while I start to learn more about him and he learns about me.
He’s an alien….but he doesn’t look it. And he’s from another planet. He’s always known about age regression because on their planet it was something people did without judgement…unlike earth.
He’s always been a Caregiver and he’s used to have Littles who were his companions but they sadly left. And now he has me!
The night slowly starts to settle down. His long coat and jacket are off as he sit on the couch with me in his arms. I cuddle up close to him, half asleep with both stuffies in my arms.
“I don’t want it to end.” I whine, trying to fight off sleeping.
“Well this is a Time Machine…tomorrow we can go to your next birthday.” He suggest chuckling.
I smile to the idea but shake my head, “Maybe tomorrow we celebrate your birthday!”
“My birthday?”
“Yeah! That way you’re not alone.”
The thought brings a sad yet happy smile to the Doctor’s face. “I would absolutely love that Y/N. Thank you.” I swear I could see a tear or two in his eyes.
Together we stayed like that. Me relaxing in his lap, head pressed against his chest, stuffies in hand. While he held onto me tightly in his arms, as if he was going to lose me. But I was going nowhere, and nether was he.
The Caregiver and the Little. Or maybe a better name for us, the birthday Little and soon Birthday Caregiver. Together at least and for as long as time itself.
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pinkhoneydrop · 1 year
Its A Game pt. 2
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[ A/N ] - Part 2 is here!!! i love it i hope you love it please let me know what you think or if you have an idea for this story let me know otherwise enjoy :)
[ Pairing ] - Harry Styles x Reader!
[ Genre ] - fluff, smut future angst
[ Word Count ] - 2.5k
[ Part one ]
[ Masterlist ]
As much as it may seem, neither of you truly belonged to anyone. You hadn’t had a boyfriend in a long while and Harry was known to have a few flings here and there. You just hoped that this thing between the two of you was more than that. In truth both of you were scared to take that step but Harry seemed do unserious about it. You decided that after the amazing gesture he made last night for your birthday meant that you should give this a real try. Really put your heart out there.
You were spent the next morning when you woke up. Legs sore and heart happy, as well as other parts of you thanks to Harry and his many talents. Your impromptu late birthday celebration lasted well into the early hours of the morning. Cups filled with vodka and mixers swirled up in the passing time. Body parts tangled up with sheets and fabrics and here you were in Harry’s bed just waking up for the day. Peaking one eye open you saw the piled-up duvet and blankets on the opposite side of the bed. You reached your hand out and felt the material with your warm hand and found it to be cool to the touch. A small coy smile played on your lips. The sound of the elevator door opening meant Harry was just arriving back at his flat after leaving for a well-deserved run.
Taking a deep breath, you stretched in the bed. Bones cracking and lengthening all together.
“Ahh there’s the Birthday princess, sleeping beauty herself.” Harry spoke softly as he entered the bedroom. The large bed was being drenched with sun and you looked beautiful. Harry smiled to himself as he sat on the edge of the bed you were laying in. you pushed the duvet down to greet Harry with a proper good morning. Your top half was bare, smooth skin left to ruminate in the bright morning sun. nipples soft and peeking out of the sheet falling from your body.
The two of you shared a sweet good morning and decided it was time to replenish from the night’s activities. The kitchen of the penthouse was exactly as you would expect, eclectic but still modern and earthy, just like the man stood across from you making you eggs. The pan sizzled as he added ingredients, and you sat on the counter next to him. Your legs dangled above the floor and your hands were busy holding your phone.
Social media was no stranger to you. The world of the rich and famous knew you well and you had many friends in the industry. Harrys fans have known you to be spotted with him a few times in the past, but the photos were few and far in between. Like the one a fan account just posted of you and your close friend in your hotel room just a day ago before Harry’s show last night.
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@/harryflorials @yyY/nn3 and her friend @/assa22 before Harry’s show having a dance party.
Harryfan_1 aww so cute!
Harryfan113 wait…do they know each other?
y/nharryshipper @harry fan113 yesss they’ve been friends for quite some time now. Hopefully more in the future.
You laughed a bit as you tapped the screen to leave a like on the picture. A few seconds later and your phone buzzed for a while as people mentioned you more in the comments. Most comments were nice but of course some people didn’t have nice thoughts about you hanging around “their man”. It made you laugh a bit harder, catching the attention of harry as he finished up placing eggs on a couple plates for the two of you.
“Who is it I have to thank for blessing me with that cute laugh of yours? hmm?” harry moved to stand between your legs and nudge his nose against yours as you giggled again.
“Your fans found me again.”
“Being nice I hope.”
“As nice as fangirls can be I guess.” You looked down at the food and your stomach growled. Harry helped you down from the countertop and sat down with you at the table to eat.
“You don’t have to worry darling I’ll be nice to you.”
The day was simple. After finishing breakfast, you lounged around the penthouse until Harry had to leave for soundcheck. Around 2 you left his penthouse. Your heels were forgotten next to his bed, and you wore a pair of his slippers to drive back to your hotel. You also stole a hoodie but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hut him. You had planned to get ready for the night with some friends of yours. Asara and Penn. Asara has been your friend since diapers the two of you are thick as thieves and don’t do anything without telling the other. Your other friend was Penn, short for Penelope.
The fangirls in your phone were still talking about how you intervened in their relationship with the star. You looked at some of their posts and liked a few tweets. You even shared a selfie to your Instagram story of the buildings moving in the window. Arriving back at the hotel you received a text message from Melissa, well Lizzo as her fans knew her. You met Lizzo about a year and a half ago through Harry and were fast friends. Often times the three of you will meet for dinner. You had seen each other in passing but it was at an award show you did some interviews for where you were introduced to her. The conversation the two of you carried on was short but you learned she would be in your section along with your friends.
Excitement buzzed in your chest as you and your friends threw clothing around the room trying to find outfits for the show. Make up hair supplies and shoes littered the room. Your friend Asara helped you sift through your luggage and soon enough you were in the shower getting ready to doll yourself up for the show. Penn arrived a bit later with more goodies in the form alcohol.
“She wants to ditch us for her man and then spend hours in the shower Asara. It a shame.” Penn joked as she walked past the bathroom.
“Ha-ha. I’m just taking your advice Penn. Weren’t you the one who said I should come on this trip?” you yelled out from the fog that covered the air in the shower. It actually was Penn’s Idea for you to come out here. You probably would have said yes to Harry either way, but Penn made it seem like a life or death situation. Both girls knew about your feelings for the man. How you wanted nothing more than to pleas your deep personal desires and live with him for the rest of your life like a princess. It wasn’t that simple though and you knew that. Harry was complicated but so were you. His list of exes was nothing compared to yours and you guessed that sometimes you could blame that on age.  
The girls on the other side of the wall laughed loudly and it made you smile. Spending time with them like this was your favorite past time. Besides spending time with harry of course. Pretty soon you were out of the shower. A speaker sat on the nightstand near your bed was blaring Asara’s playlist. Lil Wayne, 21 Savage and The Weekend serenaded you as you all dressed. The three of you looked hot. Your outfit was red from head to toe. You wanted Harry to spot you from the stage as you wouldn’t be in the pit tonight.  Asara was wearing an over sided shirt as a dress with black thigh highs. Penn had on a denim miniskirt and matching top with black heals. By the time, all three of you were ready it was time to head out to the venue.
“Okay ladies we need some shots before we go.” Asara was the first to crab the bottle of Casamigos from Penn’s bag. Penn lined up three shot glasses she brought, and you readied your camera. Once the song changed you started recording and the three of you did a cheer and downed the liquid.
“Fuck!” you groaned at the burning sensation and smiled at the warm feeling in your chest. Looking down at your phone you texted the video to Harry. The file sent with a swoosh and almost immediately a chime came back.
“I’m jealous.”
“Lmao you’re going to have some catching up to do after the show tn.”
“Wahh you say that like I’M the light weight. We both know that’s not true.”
“Well then, we’ll settle this later at the bar!”
You giggled at the messages rolled in. swiping out of the conversation you posted a quick photo of the three of you pre showtime fits.
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Liked by @/harrystyles, @/assa22, @loopy and 500,556 others
@yyY/nn3 the girls are back in town!
Photo credit to @/assa22
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Liked by @yyY/nn3, @/assa22, @loopy and 100,564 others…
@/harryflorals paparazzi caught @yyY/nn3 heading to another one of Harrys shows tonight with two of her friends!
y/nharryshipper wtf she’s so hot!!
Harry_fan33 Harry really has some good taste I see why y’all like her frr!
Harryisbae_ hmmm little sus that she gone to two shows in a row…did she even pay for tickets???? Its givingggg desperate for attention.
The rest of the night was a bit of a blur. The show was amazing you and your friends met up with Lizzo and Sza in your section of the crowd. You all chanted along with the music and even caught Harry’s attention. Madison Square Garden was hue and you felt so proud of him for accomplishing this goal. After the music ceased and he did his first round of talking with the fans he got a question about you from a girl in the crowd.
“what’s your name sweetheart?”
“Emma, what were you asking just a minute ago?”
“Can we say happy birthday to Y/n?” the girl’s question was met with roaring cheers. Fans screamed as they turned to find you. You giggled and hid behind your friends trying to avoid the attention.
“Absolutely, because I know it will embarrass her. For those of you who don’t know, Y/n is an important friend of mine and it was her birthday a few days ago. So, on a count of 3 we all will scream a big happy birthday.”
“1…2…3! Happy birthday!”
You smiled so hard your cheeks hurt. You couldn’t believe this man. Forcing his fan to wish you a happy birthday. But you had to admit it was a happy birthday. The only thing that would make it better was if you could thank him personally. The grin never left your face the whole rest of the show. Secret waves and words were exchanged between the two of you.
On your left Asara was singing along. Her body catching the beat to Cinema.
“Something in the way you move.”
And you sang back even louder as you turned to dance on her.
“I like it when you dance for me.” Asara placed her hands on your hips and swayed along to the beat with you. Little did you know harry saw the whole thing. Seeing the two of you like that reminded him of when he used to joke about the two of you being lovers. It was innocent he never went too far but the two of you have done everything but be intimate with each other. The sate lights were already hot, and he wasn’t doing himself any favors by watching you grind against your friends. Taking another lap around the stage he was able to conceal his much-needed adjustment of his pants.
 Thankfully for the both of you, you got your wish to thank him in person soon enough. Your entourage was being escorted to a car service ready to take you to a club for an after party. Ny was probable the best place you could think to party. The DJ’s are better than Miami and the people were hotter too. You and your friends arrived at the door before Harry made it. The three of you walked to the door along with Lizzo and she helped you get in. she didn’t stay for long but you do remember after several shots she appeared with Harry at her side. Leaving with a quick goodbye you were left standing in front of a gorgeous man who had no drink in his hand.
“We need to fix that immediately.” You said and pulled him towards your table. The bottle service came fast and left even faster. The music seemed to get louder as ore people joined you. Hid band made an appearance and a few other celebrities you couldn’t remember. Heat was on the rise as harry lead you out to the dance floor. You didn’t remember what song was playing all you knew was that a pair of hands were on your hips. The rings on his fingers gleamed in the sparce lighting.
“Angel, I saw what you did to Asara at my show. Do I get a taste too?” harry whispered in your ear. After 3 rounds of shots and nursing a vodka on the rocks his voice went right between your legs. The bass was beating in time with your heart as you pushed your ass into his hips.
"Tell me, were you always this pretty?" harry asked you as you turned to face him again. You looked perfect. Your corset top pushed your breasts up just so wonderfully and Harry thought he could dive into your cleavage. Your neck was laced with jewelry and all he thought about was how his rings would look next to the silver.
“You think you’re hot shit, don’t you?” you challenged him with those words but your eyes remined playful. “Complementing a girl with that stupid James bond voice.” You poked fun at him but secretly you enjoyed it. How he showered you with his thoughts and even when he did that dumb impression.
“Oh, hush I do it cause I know you like it.” He pulled you closer as he laughed. And he caught your eyes as he held you chest to chest. Harry almost whimpers at the thought of you. How soft your lips would feel on his. How warm your skin is. His mouth almost drooling at the image of your legs in a vice grip around one of his hands. Your body trembling from how hard you’ve came. His fingers wet from touching you. Leaning forward he dips you slightly and locks you into a deep kiss.
As the night progressed after the kiss things did get a bit wild. The alcohol was flowing and little blank pills started floating around and the appeal of white lines crossed both your minds briefly.
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@/harryflorals Harry kissing on a lucky girl last night after the show!
Harryfan45 wait a minute who is thisssss
Harry_fan33 OMG IS THAT Y/N!!
y/nharryshipper  @yyY/nn3 miss gurl you got some splainin to do!
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hypnotisedfireflies · 7 months
hi. I’m obsessed with you 💓 you’re incredible. Just dropping in to remind you.
My birthday is on March 4th and I have a Drabble request/prompt/please ramble on about this idea in the lovely way you do with all them bullet points and angst that’s so romantic.
Tess as a Black Widow. Killer of men. Lures them in… murders them *during*.
Can you imagine?! The one guy she can’t bring herself to kill because they ✨see each other✨ AHHHHHHH
love u bye
You are so unhinged and ilu for this.
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No seriously, ilu.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my dear friend! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and are spoiled rotten by your beautiful loved ones (and avoid bites, haha). 
I am not organized enough to write anything for this but I can freestyle some ideas so – birthday hats on everybody, streamers and cake:  let’s go with some Killer of Men Widowisms.  Um, proceed with caution I guess, but it’s probably pretty tame.
Okay so who is Tess in this scenario and why is she doing it?  A contract killer or out for her own kicks?  I like the sound of the latter to differentiate from anything else I’ve done.
So let’s go full serial killer with this one.  She’s organised, in control of her desires and travels for work, so she never chooses marks in her own backyard.  She aborts more kills than she follows through with because she’s so meticulous that her marks meet very specific criteria and things can’t be traced back to her.
She likes to drug them before they get started as  physical advantage but changes up the method of actual murder to try and eliminate falling into traceable patterns.
Sometimes she goes years between kills and as a result, when she picks Joel up in a bar she’s feeling particularly itchy.  This guy seems kind of nice.  She might ordinarily let this fish go, nice men don’t deserve messy ends.
But as their time together progresses she starts to get another vibe off him, and thinks maybe he’s not quite so nice as she thought.
So just as she’s about to unhook him she decides to go through with it, even though her instincts are undecided about what is actually going on.
They go back to her motel room, she drugs his drink but she’s still not sure, something’s off.  They get it on and he doesn’t really seem to respond to the effects of the drug she gave him, but she’s so intrigued by being unable to figure him out that she doesn’t pay it the attention she should. 
He’s rougher with her than she’d normally tolerate but she likes it – it’s exciting not really knowing if she’s in control or not, she’s always in control, and this uncertainty really thrills her.
They have ~amazing chemistry ofc
She doesn’t try to kill him when she normally would at point of climax.  She tells herself she’ll give it a few hours and maybe try again.
While Joel’s in the bathroom she examines his drink and the bottle of pills in her bag.  Counts them, she definitely gave it to him but … what’s that?  These pills aren’t hers.  These are not her drugs.
Joel opens the door and he’s like, “You think I didn’t see that comin’ a mile away?”
Tess:  “Did you go through my purse?  Those are my motion sickness pills,” blah blah lie lie.
And Joel tosses the pills on the bed.  “Those are cheatin’, sweetheart.  Where’s the fun if you don’t have to fight for it?”
Serial Killer Tess, meet Serial Killer Joel.
For his part, Joel was preying on her in turn and cottoned on when he caught her spiking his drink, which he then dealt with with some slick sleight of hand and swapped the rest of the pills while she was distracted on a phone call or something (idk)
Joel considered playing along and pretending to be drugged - he thought she was just going to rob him and liked the idea of turning the tables on her at some critical moment (surprise!serial killer, baby!)
But as it went on he realised she had no interest in robbing him, and he started recognising himself in her, and realised what was ACTUALLY her game
And yeah he liked that
Quite a lot
Very much actually thanks
So he let it all evolve but while she was courting the idea of killing him, as was he with her
So when he announced himself she finally got it and she was like, "Who the fuck are you?"
And he's all, "who the fuck are YOU?"
Sick professional meet and greet, each very impressed they've never even heard of each other
But they're successful because nobody knows their secret ... so only one person can leave in the morning, right?
... right?
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invisibleraven · 3 months
ooh double date, rulie + couple of your choice
Ahhhh it's down to the wire in prompt fills today, but I was determined to get this done as a little present for the gorgeous, lovely, wonderful @bananakarenina on her birthday! Love you sweetie, hope you had a day as amazing as you!
“Flynn just texted me,” Julie said, looking up from her phone.
“Like that doesn’t happen with shocking regularity,” Reggie snaked, causing Julie to stick her tongue out at him.
“She met this girl and wants to know if we would double date to give her the best friend seal of approval.”
"Didn't think she'd ever do dating again after the disaster that was Roxie," Reggie commented. "But I'd be down for judging them worthy."
Julie snorted at that and send the text off to Flynn. "Tomorrow night at Rita's Diner?"
Reggie gave her a thumbs up at that and went back to the 3D puzzle of the Millenium Falcon he had been working on.
The hext night, Julie and Reggie got to the diner first, and decided to grab a booth. "You know anything about this girl?" Reggie asked.
"Nope," Julie said with a pop. "We get to be surprised."
"I hope she's nice for Flynn's sake," Reggie sighed. "She's had a lot of stinkers."
"You mean Mari, or Angelica, or Stevie, or just fine Bex?" Julie listed off. That last one they had to intervene with because it was obvious that Flynn was settling and she deserved better than just fine.
"Or the time she tried dating Kayla?" Reggie replied. "It was just weird and awkward because they were friends for so long first."
"I mean so were we and we made it work," Julie replied.
"Damn straight we did, but we're also amazing," Reggie said, nuzzling their noses together.
"Told you they would be here being disgusting," Flynn joked, causing them to pull apart.
"You weren't wrong," her date snarked, but gave them a kind smile. "You're also adorable, so I'm not going to complain like miss allergic to PDA here."
"You're Carrie Wilson," Julie stammered.
"Holy shit you are!" Reggie said with an inhale. "We're both huge fans."
"Why do my friends know of you?" Flynn asked as she slid into the booth.
"I may be in an odd Hallmark movie or two?" Carrie said with a faint blush and a shrug.
"More like a half dozen plus you were hilarious in that limited series about the star incognito," Julie spoke up. "Did you do your own singing for it?"
"I did!" Carrie beamed. "I'm actually in the process of being signed by Capitol to put out my EP."
"Okay, hold up," Flynn said. "You never told me you were famous. I thought you worked at the TV studio."
"I mean, I do," Carrie stated. "I started there as an intern, got pulled in to do background work, and the rest is history. I still do the odd intern job between gigs, but it's helped me make connections and grow. Are you angry?" Her face turned remorseful then, like it would really upset her if Flynn said yes.
"Are you kidding me?" Flynn exclaimed, "It's super cool! Plus it gives me something else to add to the long list of brags I have about you!"
Carrie blushed and smiled softly as she buried her face in Flynn's shoulder.
"Disgusting," Reggie teased.
"But adorable," Julie echoed.
Soon enough they ordered, with Carrie finding the most vegan friendly item, explaining her dad had raised her not eating animal products and she had no desire to change that. Luckily the diner had a large and delicious section of vegan options, with Reggie suggesting the few he had tried, and Julie telling Carrie that they had great vegan milkshakes here, and their friend Willie was always raving about them.
"So how did you two meet?" Julie asked at they were munching away.
"It's funny actually," Flynn replied, her fingers lacing with Carrie's. "You know that exchange program I did senior year? Well I met Carrie there."
"I was not a nice person back then," Carrie admit. "Major diva, with a chip on my shoulder and thought the world was out to get me. But Flynn saw past that, and we formed a weird friendship."
"We lost track of each other afterwards," Flynn added. "Until the other week when we bumped into each other-quite literally-at the coffee shop."
"That is too cute for words," Julie said.
"Straight out of a rom-com," Reggie interjected.
"What about you two?" Carrie asked.
Julie and Reggie exchanged soft glances, leaning their foreheads in. Explaining how Julie caught Reggie and the rest of his band squatting in her garage after all of them ran away. How her dad fostered them and gave them a home and a family who loved and supported them.
"We formed Julie and the Phantoms after that, became really good friends...but then we both developed feelings," Reggie said with a chuckle. "It was a bit weird, because we were friends and her dad had pretty much adopted me, but we couldn't help how we felt."
Julie went on "So one night, Reggie was hiding out in the studio, and I went to have it out with him since he had been doing this avoidance routine. Only it was pouring, and the power went out, so we were trapped-so we had to talk. Finally confessing and getting together as the lightning lit up the sky."
"Wow, that is adorable," Carrie commented.
"And disgusting," Flynn teased. "We all knew it was coming of course. And if there was any guy I trust my bestie with, well Reggie tops that list."
"Love you too Flynnigan," Reggie stated, teasing but sincere deep down.
The meal passed all too quickly, with the four of them getting to know one another, and lingering over dessert to prolong the evening.
Finally, the knew they had to leave, so after a brief fight over the bill, which Reggie and Carrie agreed to split, they wandered out into the night.
"So?" Flynn whispered as Carrie stood off to the side, ordering their car.
"She's lovely," Julie stated. "And she seems to really like you."
"The feeling is mutual," Flynn assured her.
"I like her," Reggie stated. "I mean, we were already fans, but the real her is a delight. I hope we get to see a lot more of her."
"That's the plan," Flynn confessed, then brought them in for a hug. "Thanks for doing this for me."
"Anytime babe," Julie replied. "Now go enjoy the rest of your night."
"Did I pass?" Carrie joked as the Uber pulled up.
"With flying colours!" Reggie replied.
Carrie did a little happy dance at that, then beckoned Flynn over to get in the car. Julie watched them as they came together, looking natural and sift in each other's presence.
"We used to look like that," she whispered.
"Darlin', we still do," Reggie assured her. "I'm still in love with you just like I was all those years ago-maybe more. Never doubt that."
Julie turned and nuzzled into him. "I never do."
Reggie grinned and spun her out, the two of them dancing in the moonlight to the strains of some distant band, and the sound of LA ringing out around them.
"You wanna go finish this date at home Mrs. Molina?" Reggie asked, tucking Julie into his arms after their dance was over. "I think there's a pint of Chunky Monkey and a bed calling our name."
"With you?" Julie teased. "There's no where else I'd rather be Mr. Molina." She pulled him in for a kiss then, the street lights making their wedding bands shine as they embraced, and then linked hands to head on home.
And laughed when Flynn texted her a picture of the two of them nuzzled together in the booth. "Disgustingly Adorable <3"
Julie couldn't help but agree, and saved the photo to add to her collection-every single one showing the two of them being disgustingly, adorably together and in love-a state she hoped would never change. And given how Reggie looked at her as they got home that evening? She doubted it ever would.
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bellaxgiornata · 5 months
First, I want to wish you ( a little bit late however) a happy birthday!!! 🎂 🎂🥳🥳🎉🎉
I was busy and was only reading on your ao3 account, just got here and realized!
You are one of the two accounts that made me do a profile last September or October ( I don't remember exactly which one of these two months it was). I hope you're having an amazing pregnancy ( are you having nausea, did you have it already and it passed on the next stage or did you not have this effect? 👀, if you don't feel comfortable answering, that's totally fine, I understand) and I hope your hubby gives you princess/queen treatment like you deserve! 😌✨
Could I ask you how you post on tumblr? I want to post things like pictures or blurbs, but I have no idea how.
Do you also have tips on organizing time? I have a lot on my plate between uni stuff, looking for scholarships/opportunities and trying to have a life, that I have no stability and am very stressed.
To conclude this, I wonder how would traveling abroad on another continent be with either Matt or with Frank?
I definitely imagine that with Frank it'll be really nice. He'll always have everything planned and I see him informing himself as much as he could with knowledge to the max. He'll bring reader to museums or historical places. However, he could sometimes be paranoid or really almost always on alert. He's definitely a bodyguard boyfriend!
With Matt, I think I'll be hard on the way to go there ( either by plane or boat, it will be really noisy for him) . He could also be always stressed since he won't be able to understand the language spoken and might misinterpret things as threats. :( I don't see how reader and him could have a great time together...
What do you think?
Ahh thank you, friend! 💖 My birthday was actually back in October, but this celebration is sort of like a tumblr birthday! I've been here for just over a year now and it seems like a good cause for celebration! And I'm glad to hear I could play a role in you coming over here to tumblr as well! It's definitely fun being able to interact a lot more than on AO3!
Thankfully most of this pregnancy has gone pretty well in comparison to my previous with my first son. That one took place during COVID so it was isolating and I had 24/7 nausea and sickness. This pregnancy has had its issues, but thankfully everything has been working out in the end. I've only had a bit of nausea in the first trimester and then it comes and goes lately now, but honestly I'm just forever exhausted and uncomfortable being almost 36 weeks along now. And my husband is doing his best! We've got a toddler so this time around it's not always do-able to have quite that level of treatment, but he's very helpful and attentive!
For the rest of your questions, I'll answer them below the cut! Because this is quickly becoming long 😆
It's generally pretty easy to post on tumblr, whether you use mobile or a PC. There's usually a button somewhere that says create or something along those lines. And there's options to just write text or add in images or make polls, etc. If you sort of play around you should be able to see the different things you can do! You can always test out a post and see what it does and then delete it afterwards, too! I was a bit confused when I came here at first, but just playing around with everything had me realizing that it's pretty straightforward for most things!
As for tips on organizing time, I can share what helped me during the busiest phase of my life in my late 20s. I was in grad school for a couple of years while also running a wedding photography business while also planning my own wedding and trying to maintain my own social life and sanity. So I get the stress! What I found helpful was using some sort of calendar or organizer. I wrote down deadlines for things that were non-negotiable so that I could visibly see what was going on--days I needed to go photograph a wedding, days wedding photos were due to couples, when homework was due, what days exams were, or when projects/papers were due for grad school. Things like that that cannot be changed. Then I usually plotted out time to allot to each thing throughout the week and prioritized each one depending how long it would take/how soon I needed it finished. So I made sure I had time to work on editing photos every day to keep making progress on weddings (because I usually had a new one piling up more work about every weekend), and I usually allotted so much time throughout the week to work on schoolwork (because I was reading well over a thousand pages a week every semester). I felt like having the visual of a calendar allowed me to actually see where my time was being spent and how much time I actually had to get things done. And it made things feel a little less overwhelming and like I was more in control. And any extra free time outside of getting my work done was reserved for wedding planning of my own or doing something fun with friends or my now husband.
So for you, I'd say plot out when school things/homework/exams are due, when scholarships are due, and what days you have work (if you have to go into work). Then try to allot how much time you would need to get everything done and plan that into your days every week. Some weeks you may find that you don't have a lot of social time (I know I certainly didn't and that's rough), but unfortunately that comes with going to college. Unless you're like one of my friends who somehow skipped every class, winged every assignment, went out always partying, and somehow still got her degree. Still baffles me to this day... But generally, school is going to take up a lot of your time until you finish it. It's rough and I feel for you though ❤ Just make sure to take some mental breaks and don't overwork yourself. Allow yourself to say no to things you don't actually need to do as well.
Now onto the bit about Matt and Frank abroad!! And of course, these are just my thoughts on how I picture the two of them.
I do think of the two, Frank would be easier to actually travel with just for the fact that he wouldn't need as much accommodation since he does not have Matt's heightened senses or a disability, which would obviously add a layer into planning that a Reader/significant other would have to keep in mind when planning things with Matt. But to me personally, I still think experiencing traveling abroad with either man would be a fun experience for different reasons and I don't think Matt's need for extra accommodation would ultimately have a negative effect on a vacation, especially because I imagine he'd travel with a partner who makes him feel comfortable with who he is as a blind man dealing with the extra sensory input. Personally I think experiencing anything through Matt's senses with the way he 'sees' the world would fascinate me because I don't experience the world even close to the way he does.
That being said, with Frank I could see him having some things planned out, and in my mind I picture it being from his time spent in the military. He seemed to spend quite a few years in the service, which means he's done multiple tours to many different places worldwide, even if that means just passing through a country. But I'm sure he's visited a couple of interesting places on his own when he had free moments, whether alone or with his buddies, and I could picture him having a few places in mind he'd want to show Reader. But I could also see him having places in mind that he had heard about but never had the opportunity or time to go visit while he was abroad in the past because the military tends to keep you busy. So I'm sure there's places Frank would love to really explore. I could also see him being interested in the historical places, having read up on something that really stood out to him, but I could definitely see him interested in adventuring outdoors if Reader/his significant other was open to that. He definitely seems like he'd want to get out and explore the scenery and the sights and he probably wouldn't want to sit and relax too much on a vacation. And I agree, he'd have times where he'd absolutely be on alert. I think that's just how Frank is wired at this point, especially with loved ones.
As for traveling abroad with Matt, the actual getting to a different destination would be rough on him. Though we know in the MCU he's traveled to LA now because of his appearance in She Hulk, so canonically he's managed what I think is around a six hour flight. And from a brief check, it seems New York to certain cities within Europe would be a little bit longer of a flight by an hour or so. So, I think he could manage it, but I think it would be vastly unenjoyable because of his senses. And he'd absolutely need to accommodate for those. I also imagine he'd need time to decompress and recover after a flight like that before getting out and enjoying the vacation. Though I do think he'd have fun exploring restaurants and finding really great food to try, and I think he'd enjoy experiencing museums or art galleries whether there was a guided tour set in place for someone who is blind or visually impaired, or whether he got to experience things through Reader's descriptions. I think he'd still like to explore the city and visit historical sites, but I think Matt would really enjoy experiencing places that are probably a little less overrun with tourists and people that might overwhelm his senses. But also, getting Matt to stop being Daredevil for a bit and actually leave Hell's Kitchen might be hard 😆
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bluelolblue · 5 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @tobytheeggo
I wish you all the best for your birthday! I really enjoy talking to you and being silly with you :3. I'm sooo glad I got to meet another Santino (and Riccardo) enjoyer, like that's really rare, and you're just so silly and fun and amazing! We're far away from each other, but it's like we share the same brain cells most of the time HEHEHE! I hope all your wishes and dreams will come true and continue being amazing and slaying every day! 💙🩵💙🩵
I appreciate you a lot and I made this fic for you as my little gift for you! :3
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It's Santino x Chidi because YES! I hope you'll like it <3 🩵💙
Early Mornings
Everything seemed so peaceful and warm, not a sound other than soft breathing. And it seemed too good to be truth. Living life in constant rush and danger of getting killed is exhausting. A good sleep feels almost unreal.
Until... waking up to a high pitch beeping noise.
Santino groaned in frustration, burying his face into the pillow and pulling the heavy silk sheets over his head, waiting for the sound to be shut off.
Chidi reached for his phone to turn off the alarm. It was 5 am. Just like every morning. Being a bodyguard means getting up at 5 am every morning because that's your job. Protect rich, powerful people. Although, in this situation, Chidi is not Santino's bodyguard. He is Vincent's bodyguard. Santino's ex.
"What time is it?" Santino muttered tiredly, now lying on his stomach as he hugged the pillow, still not opening his eyes.
"5 am." Chidi replied, his voice a bit husky in the morning. Santino sighed into the pillow, finding all this too difficult to handle at 5 fucking am.
"Are you insane?" Santino asked, finally opening his eyes enough to glare at Chidi, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, his back facing him.
Ah. His back. It almost looked like the red scratch marks were painted, but they were indeed real and were left by this moody Italian. "Maybe I am. Not as insane as you, though." Chidi said, looking over at his shoulder with a small smirk.
Santino made another annoyed noise and turned over, pulling the sheets with him. "You know, my back still kinda burns." Chidi complained jokingly. Well, half jokingly. The scratches still burned a little. "You deserved it." Santino muttered.
"Did I?" Chidi asked, leaning over the bed to press a kiss on his lover's neck.
"Either go to the bathroom or stay here..." Santino said tiredly, but he let Chidi kiss his neck. "Oh, so you want me to stay after all, huh?" Chidi teased, admiring a love bite he had left on the Camorra prince. "You're just good in bed." Santino said, switching with some effort onto his back to cup Chidi's face and to press a lazy kiss on his lips.
He's still so tired. And sore from their night together.
"You were loud." Chidi said after the kiss, looking into Santino's beautiful, tired green eyes. He looked even more handsome like this, with messy hair, sleepy eyes and still exhausted. Santino hummed and smiled halfway, one hand tracing down the scratch mark. "And you were so stubborn." Santino said, slightly digging his nails into the marks to tease him.
"You liked it. Loved it even." Chidi pulled back with a soft chuckle. He was not gonna let Santino have his way now. At least not at 5 am. Santino hummed again and turned into a small groan as he tried to stretch. He's gonna feel this for a week, if not longer. Week if he's lucky.
"I won't be able to walk." Santino breathed out, sagging on the bed, looking up at the ceiling as Chidi made his way to Santino's luxurious bathroom. "You wanted it that way. Begged me for it as far as I can remember." Chidi smirked at him, leaning against the door.
"Shut up." Santino murmured and rubbed his face with his both hands.
Santino hates that he got woken up at 5 am, and he wanted to take a nap while he waited for Chidi, but now he couldn't.
In the bathroom, Chidi took a nice warm shower that helped him feel relaxed and relieved. And it felt so good on his scratch marks on his back. Santino can really get wild when he wants to. Or when someone drives him insane to that point.
The room was still somewhat dark which just made him sleepy again but just as he closed his eyes again to nap, Chidi returned.
"I have to go now before it gets too suspicious." Chidi said as he put on his shirt. "Not gonna stay just a little longer?" Santino teased, now lying on his side with a smirk and watching Chidi. "You know I can't do that." Chidi told him, knowing what Santino wanted.
"Mm... fine. It's too early for anything. You're just crazy like your fucking boss." Santino couldn't hold himself when he mentioned his boss. Vincent.
"Bodyguard's life, what can I say." Chidi was just doing his job really. Although, his job wasn't Santino last night but he's gonna keep that a secret. Because it is a secret.
How to make life more difficult for your toxic ex?
Sleep with his bodyguard.
Santino watched as Chidi put on his clothes, his tie, how he looked more serious again. Fuck. He looked so hot in that suit. Good thing Santino didn't tore it off him yesterday.
Just as Chidi got fully dressed and was ready to leave, Santino got up and tugged on his tie, face to face with the assassin. "Tell your boss to keep his distance... otherwise, I'll have to steal you again." Santino's voice made Chidi almost shiver. This soft, gentle, and attractive voice he used was enough to make him kiss him again.
Humming in agreement while kissing the Crime lord, his soft lips felt better than anything right now. "I will." Chidi said after the kiss, admiring him in this position.
No one really gets to see Santino this way. Relaxed, calm, submissive but still having control. It's rare but beautiful sight.
"Now go back to him like a loyal dog you are." Santino patted his shoulder, turning away with a smirk and getting into his bed. "It's almost 6 am, I want to sleep while I can." Ah, of course, Santino has to be a bit bitter in the morning.
"I'll see you again soon. Mr. D'Antonio." Chidi gave him a smile and nod before opening the door to leave.
Santino felt like he won. Sleeping with a bodyguard of his ex to spite Vincent. But still, Chidi is hot and so fucking good in bed. He barely stood up to hold his tie and kiss him, his legs and hips hurt. He's going to feel this for a long time.
Santino D'Antonio gets what he wants no matter what. Even things like this.
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lavenderjewels · 9 months
JJK season 2 episode 21 thoughts! ✨
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Went into this episode expecting the iconic “I am you” scene to be animated, left with two incredible works of art now ingrained into my memories (todo and takada-chan beating up mahito)
All this about Todo wanting to imitate All Might from MHA last episode, but I’m thrilled that the animators confirmed that Todo is actually living the magical idol anime dream that Gege Akutami initially was going to write before starting JJK. AND managed to make the volume cover I never really liked into a beautiful and hilarious moment 💗✨
Music / ost worked the entire episode and went silent when it was needed. Some of the previous eps had parts with their pacing or music that lessened the emotions of the scenes (e.g. right after Nanami died), but everything here flowed well!
As much as I like talking about JJK, sometimes, at my core, I just like watching a good and entertaining fight scene, and that was a majority of this episode until the end. It battle shonen’d in the best way a battle shonen can be. It’s a satisfying feeling to have snail mahito, a birthday, a magical girl segment, and a metaphorical rabbit wolf clashing of truths all in one fight.
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The voice acting still amazing with every episode—Mahito and Yuuji being the highlights. I’ve said this a few times, but Mahito’s VA captures the (literal) childish personality and mindset of his character. Last episode, it was how he threw around and yelled at Yuuji like a kid throwing around a doll. This ep was along the same lines, with him immediately crying and throwing dirt at Yuuji. It’s not the exact same, since he is a curse, but it shows how he just came into being and was constantly learning and curious about the world. And the second Yuuji actually badly hurts him, stops him from running away, and repeats similar beliefs back to him, he breaks down. They really are the “same.”
Now Yuuji!!! His new conviction, if it can be called that, about being a cog made to kill curses until he’s worn out. Not exactly the healthiest mindset, but it’s an unsurprising progression after losing control of his own body/autonomy, losing his mentor and best friend (both figures of reassurance and hope), having his entire foundation for living and abiding by his grandpa’s dying wishes be challenged—all while needing to keep moving forward, to not fall into complete despair.
The voice acting in his speech back to Mahito sounded lifeless, but authentic to what he now believes. I appreciated how little the VA gave emphasis to any words and spoke it all in one similar tone. Some of the way it was spoken also sounded like it was affected somewhat by his mouth wound, which was a nice touch.
Manga spoilers for the points below‼️
Continuing: Yuuji’s new mindset is faulty and I love how much the episode shows the flaws of how Mahito and him thought, and how they’re both still incredibly young with their views constantly challenged by their new experiences. We get what’s supposed to be a cathartic scene of Yuuji killing Mahito and stalking him like a predator towards a prey animal, only to have the final killing blow be taken by Kenjaku, another predator (when your mom steals your deserved murder 🙄).
I’ve always appreciated how this moment was not presented as this great turn of beliefs that leads to success, and instead immediately gives him this unfulfilling and destructive outcome. Like, I’ll take Yuuji beating Mahito as a momentary win, but it’s not going to work out in the long run for himself or anyone. Which makes me interested in where his character is headed for the rest of the manga. There’s probably more to say with him regarding the story’s themes on strength/weakness, enlightenment, hunger, etc., but I love what we are given here.
His entire cog in a machine (of war) also reminds me of the series’ title emphasizing endless repetition of fights and everything looping (got the translation from the blog at kylescooter.com). JJK has constant examples and themes of past generation vs new generations, traditional vs unconventional, etc, but also repeating history and being stuck in the same ways. This post is already too long, but I wonder how Gege will conclude all this and if anything will change.
Said up there that there wasnt anything I disliked about the episode, but I do wish wolf Kenjaku was added! Not just because I adore the scene (for its imagery and hinting at them being related), but also because it would’ve been cool to transition out of that scene by having wolf Kenjaku show up.
Next ep will have Choso, the Kyoto school, Kenjaku, Uraume, and Yuki!! Also that Mei Mei scene which I am absolutely dreading.
Also the next ep preview with Kenjaku was fun
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