#i really really wish sasuke had tried that!!
hellcifrogs · 2 years
I love Team 7's dynamic in the NaruFox AU and OOOH SASUKE OPENING UP TO HIS TEAM MATES AND SAKURA AND NARUTO HUGGING? It's what we wanted but never got in canon T_T
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eskumii · 7 months
soft yandere!genin!sasuke uchiha x reader hcs
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TITLE: " BAD ROMANCE " — navi. — read part two.
A/N: i'm clearing out my drafts ,, was in a huge naruto phase when i started this blog!
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☆ genin sasuke is pretty mean. he doesn't notice you for your looks, personality, or even your prowess as a young kunoichi. you're just... you. in which, you don't cling to him like sakura does, and you aren't delusional like ino is. you're just okay at first, and there's not much he can go off of when he never really interacts with you. it's nothing personal, really.
☆ although sasuke is typically not a stranger to the prospect of romance, the reason why he doesn't indulge is simply because he fails to understand what romance is. if sasuke is anything, he's aware; of his surroundings, the people in it, and the turmoil that churns inside of him. the more he loves, the more he'll eventually hate, so he gathers that there's no room for it in his life. it's his curse to bear.
☆ genin sasuke would eventually notice you after being placed on team seven together, of course. you're pretty hard to ignore from thereon. in between the bouts of sakura clobbering him and naruto screaming in his face, his eyes are on you. both naruto and sakura wear the extent of their capabilities on their sleeves, but you're hard to read and that intrigues sasuke.
☆ it's not until much later that sasuke notices his feelings for you are much different than before. after all the trouble you've been through together (near death experiences & the dreadful antics of naruto), he feels like he's finally got a foothold on what it is that makes you so interesting. he's not a moron—yes, it would appear that he does like you beyond the "like" that he holds for the rest of team seven. however, it's such a foreign feeling that he's not even sure how to handle it, being that he's never had to deal with it before. does he tell you? does he not? would you even feel the same?
☆ in the end, sasuke shows his fondness for you in more subtle ways. it's not really his style to outright confess. sometimes he'll ask you to spar with him (alone, which he stresses), or he'll happen to have a "spare" tomato (or onigiri, if you don't like tomatoes) on him when you complain about being hungry during missions. if you get ambushed by rogue ninja on a mission, he'll instinctively step in front of you, or if you're out of kunai he'll lend you a couple of his—things like that. he's quite thoughtful when he wants to be.
☆ even under sasuke's merciful tolerance of you, you're not off-limits when it comes to his biting insults and sarcastic comments. normally he doesn't speak much but with you he becomes rather talkative, if you can even call it that. when someone else tries to butt in, sasuke's brooding and murderous glares scare them away. they should really know better than to talk to you when he's around.
☆ sakura obviously hates that you've suddenly become the apple of sasuke's eye when she's been vying after him since their early days at the academy. you're not even that pretty, honestly. but any attempt to sabotage you or make you look like a fool in front of sasuke is thwarted... by sasuke. he always thought of sakura like a whining gnat in his ear so it's amusing to see her cry when he blatantly ignores her for messing with you.
☆ when sasuke leaves the village, you're the first person he visits beforehand. you're asleep but that's just fine; actually, it's perfect because you don't see how he gently caresses your hair and how he gives you a kiss on your forehead. you don't hear him when he finally admits that he likes you. loves you, even. you don't hear him when he says he wishes he could take you with him.
☆ but don't worry, he'll be back for you...
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Fic where, in practicing to get edo tensei right, Orochimaru uses Izuna as a test subject and tries to substitute DNA to make it work, using Suigetsu's bc like it's extra flexible or whatever bc shape change
Edo tensei mermaid Izuna locked in a tube somewhere in Oro's lab,,
He's SO mad about it and has literally no information ab what's going on at all bc hes locked in a fucking tube !!
Bonus points if Orochimaru doesn't even specifically know who he is
They unearthed him w the rest of the founders on a whim but bc no one really requested him specifically, the body just kinda sat there and eventually got mixed in w the rest of the Uchiha corpses, till Orochimaru requests an Uchiha corpse and they shrug and send him over
He still has Madara's eyes too (left alone either by oversight / or bc they decided not to pull them before he got mixed in w the other bodies, who had by then already gotten scooped of their eyes so they assumed he'd already been harvested)
Ok but like. No one even tells him what happened/where he is/that madara made the village. Why would anyone?? The only one Izuna sees regularly is Orochimaru, and he doesn't know those facts would matter??
Izuna doesn't even know what Konoha IS, he isn't gonna recognize the name
From Izuna's perspective, he died in his bed and then BOOM. Tank time.
Orochimaru might tell him it's been some years since his death (thinking he died in the massacre) and even if Izuna doesn't believe him bc like, enemy, enemy territory, he sure as fuck probably won't be thinking "Ah yes it's been decades since my death and my brother went against my dying wishes to make that village"
Tho he might get nervous and start picking up those cues when he sees the tech
Oro mentions offhand that the Uchiha were all killed and Izuna immediatley assumes the Senju won the war and loses it
He'd figure it out eventually obviously (probably after being set free, most likley by Sasuke w Suigetsu) But he'd also probably keep that to himself, bc like, enemy territory n stuff
Mermaid shapeshifter Izuna terrorizes the shinobi world,, Sasuke doesn't know what he just unleashed.
Ok actually but like. Suigetsu's shape-shifting but bc Izuna has a fire chalra nature, make it liquid fire shape-shifting. Fuckin, fire mermaid Izuna. He has an awful time retaining his form and actually for the first chunk of time, him being in that tube is genuinley just for the best. He keeps turning into liquid fire with no real solid body and can't put himself back together for hours.
Izuna hears his brother is still alive and running Akatsuki and is so down to clown till he realizes THATS NOT HIS FUCKING BROTHER HOW DARE YOU USE HIS NAME
Anyways oh my god Izuna on team Taka,,
He and Sasuke would be SUCH a dynamic actually, they look alike so much?? Sasuke doesn't recognize him but he's clearly a close relation, so there's some mystery there. Sasuke is like super shaken by finding a member of his clan and Izuna, by that point aware that apparently the rest of his clan is dead, is sticking to him like GLUE. Sasuke is bitchy little brother coded and Izuna understands this is probably karma bc he is also bitchy little brother coded
They probably clash a lot, especially bc both are expecting to be in charge here, but ultimately I think they'd get along better than Sasuke does most people, and there's also that bonus vulnerability of like. Izuna is an older Uchiha boy who's trying to brother him (with a noticeably different brother-ing style to Itachi too) and Sasuke has been alone for so, so long.
Sasuke accidentally calls him nii-san then promptly has several break downs about it
Suigetsu and Izuna either get along ALARMINGLY well or they hate eachother. I think I wanna go with the first bc it sounds more fun. They couldn't talk to eachother in the tanks but they could still see eachother, so maybe they kind of developed some sort of code to communicate?
They are "cause problems on purpose" friends. They're also "wdym I can't kill him???" *looks of genuine confusion* buddies. They're giving Sasuke the biggest headache actually, someone stop them. If you leave them to "take care" of a problem, there will be carnage.
Also, like, Izuna literally has Suigetsu's DNA in him. That's a thing.
Mmm maybe some complex thoughts ab how Izuna has effectively become a bloodline thief against his will (the ULTIMATE taboo for shinobi from his era) and he's like, actually fucked up about it.
Running joke where they refer to each other as cousins, could be funny. They argue over who's the bastard child (it's Izuna obviously but he won't just take that title lying down)
Izuna is like, in his 20s, and Karin is around 16 or 17 at this time I think?? She definatley has a bit of a crush on him (which helps take the edge off Sasuke) but like, he's not acknowledging that beyond patting her on the head. She'll get over it eventually. (Sasuke hides behind Izuna when Karin is trying to flirt w him and Izuna absoloutley laughs at them both)
Izuna is actually really impressed w Karin's sensing abilities specifically. I think he'd be a bit on edge around her at first, bc Uzumaki -> Senju ally. But he'd quickly assume she's a deserter (he has no idea the Uzumaki are pretty much wiped out rip) and becomes cautiously chill after a minute or two (also when he first escapes, he REALLY doesn't have the luxury to pick and choose his allies. He's instantly attached to Sasuke and cautiously fond of Suigetsu, and Karin seems to have Sasuke's trust at least, so he'll keep an eye on it but otherwise trust Sasuke's judgment)
Izuna and Karin besties arc where they paint eachothers nails is a must. I love the take that Izuna is really into fashion n stuff and he and Karin should like, trade hair tips or smthn. Karin knows modern soap brands where as Izuna bought his soaps from clan vendors who no longer fucking exist, so like, it's definatley helpful.
Karin is the only one of them to have any real hint of where tf Izuna came from (tho even she doesn't have the full details) it'd be cool if she was the one to figure out more details ab his general mystery— maybe something about her chakra sensing gives her a hint as to how old he really is?? Or she finds the paper trail that hints towards the bodies being mixed up???? Idk but she deserves to have an "aha!" moment
Also Izuna's medical knowledge/standards are NOT up to modern and Karin is so mad about it, she's giving him hella lessons on first aid n shit and he's very, very interested in all this free medical knowledge
I know the least about Jugo so bear with me on this one pls— I think Izuna would find Jugo to be pretty fascinating as a person actually. He enjoys tentatively poking him with sticks, and comes to genuinley like him as a person (when he's calm) pretty quickly
Also cats love Izuna so he gets bonus points from Jugo bc of that, they can bond while petting Izuna's contracted cats or smthn idk
Yeah I really don't know much ab Jugo so that's all I have to offer sorry
Ok let's backtrack a bit, back to Orochimaru ->
Fun scene towards the very start of the fic, where Izuna still has no fucking clue what's going on, but recognizes Orochimaru as a member of the Orochi clan. He says as much, and Orochimaru has to pause.
No one's mentioned his clan to him in years. They haven't been relevant in Konoha since Orochimaru was born— even before that, they were barley relevant. Izuna should not know who they are.
(The only reason he does know is bc they had a neutral to positive relationship w the Uchiha back in the warring era, and Izuna had visited them once before)
Immediatley, Orochimaru is squinting at this guy. He's giving Danzo a ring asking who exactly he got sent over, but Danzo doesn't actually have anything to offer him??? The paperwork is a mess and there were a LOT of Uchiha. He's not registered as a shinobi tho.
Hmmmm.... ok.
Orochimaru is suddenly aware there's some kind of mystery here now, which is dangerous for Izuna. Izuna is, again, in enemy territory, and he's able to pick up on the fact that Orochimaru doesn't actually know who he is. This ofc means that HE sure as hell won't be telling him.
Maybe he bares his teeth and sarcastically says he's the second coming of Uchiha Madara (not even that big of a lie when u think ab it)
Pivoting time ->
Izuna is listed in the data books as like, being equally as talented as Madara and I think we should talk ab that more actually
I love Tobirama but he really did get him by surprise
Izuna just got cocky and taken by surprise!!
Then he went down in the history books both in canon and out of it as the weakest of the 4, that's so tragic
Izuna gets mermaid edo tenseid and (once people know who he is) everyone is like "Ok well at least he's uhh. The weakest of the 4 right?? I mean tobirama killed him when they were like only 19/20 so we'll probably be fine???"
Then he just fucking bodies them all bc hes a nightmare actually AND on whatever special test trial edo tensei steroids they gave him
Izuna is fueled on rage and spite and he's full up on both
Imagine he gets the full story of everything that happened while he was dead too, like.
Ok so Madara goes against his EXPRESS dying wishes and makes his village. (what the fuck!!) Then backs out (yay!!) but in an awful way that effectively fucks over the entire clan for years to come (nii-san what the FUCK)
Then gets literally backstabbed by Hashirama (HE FUCKING TOLD YOU!!! WHAT DID HE FUCKING SAY!!!!!)
Then the Uchiha seem to thrive and like. Ok. He's still mad about it, but at least something... kind of nice came out of it.
Izuna is SO mad at literally everyone, holy shit. The only one safe from his rage is Hikaku, god rest his poor, poor soul
Actually, I think it'd be funny if Izuna was like, indescribably extra awful mad at everyone— but then is like. Normal mad amounts at Tobirama, who was a bitch but at least didn't seem to carry on a personal fucking vendetta against the Uchiha like EVERYONE ELSE INCLUDING FUCKING MADARA FOR SOME GODDAMN REASON
Izuna is going like, "FUCK you, FUCK you, OH, EXTRA FUCK YOU—" then squints at Tobirama and goes "...fuck you." Then goes back to screaming
To be clear, Tobirama absolutely contributed to the end of the Uchiha, but like. A) it'd be funny, and B) at least his seemed slightly less on purpose than literally everyone else
There's also I think a difference of like. Izuna never expected Tobirama to suddenly turn around and be pro Uchiha
Where as everyone else (again, including his brother!!) Was like. A genuine betrayal
Tobirama fucking over the clan was never a surprise
He never pretended to be on their side (like Hashirama lowkey did)
Tobirama vs Izuna but it's them getting to relive their rivalry where as Izuna vs literally anyone else is emotionally charged as hell and filled with demented screaming
Leaving it there for now, I might actually try to write this one but who tf knows
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yu-huuuu · 4 months
Hello dear! I saw that your requests were open & you take requests for Naruto, could you write headcanons of Itachi with a girl who’s just as admired as him? How would he take that situation especially when he has a crush on her as well? 👀 Please take your time with it & if you don’t wish to write it or it doesn’t spark the interest, feel free to discard it <3 have a great day!
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[ 🌸 ] hi sweetie 🤍 hope you are good too
characters: itachi uchiha; other characters mentioned
genre: fluff, a romantic comedy maybe (?)
warnings: none, a nervous itachi feat; two meddling fools (shisui and sasuke)
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—What a funny situation!
—No, but seriously
—Maybe his attention focused on you the moment you were promoted to Jonin, or maybe when his own Jonin colleagues and retired ANBU companions were talking about this lovely medical ninja.
—Don't get it wrong, but how could he avoid feeling intrigued when his own retired ANBU colleagues kept talking about this person, always commenting on how careful and beautiful you looked when you were healing them?
—But, of course, it wasn't until you were paired with his team for a mission that split into two missions that he really got interested in you.
—You were put on his team by the Hokage, all because they needed to escort a medical ninja from Konoha to the Sand Village to see the Daimyo, who had been poisoned with a strange venom by one of his servants who turned out to be an infiltrated spy following the orders of a missing ninja from Konoha.
—His team, on the other hand, was sent to find both.
—He didn't think much of you, more like another member of his team. Of course, that was until on the way back (surprisingly) he got hurt by a venomous kunai from a rogue ninja who attacked them.
—You extracted the venom without complications; however, what you didn't notice was that he was watching you while you did your work.
—And that’s where the magic happened.
—Maybe it helped that he was already interested in you long before meeting you in person, or maybe not.
—Itachi wasn’t foolish; he had already heard about you before, but seeing you up close, he could understand why so many people talked about you.
—When they arrived in Konoha and he had the chance, he thanked you for taking care of him.
—It was when you reassured him saying there was no problem that he fell.
—He fell HARD for you.
—I think I already said it before… but I'll say it again!
—For some reason, Itachi tries to find more information about you, you know, the usual: parents, friends, likes, secrets, though he wouldn’t go as far as stalking you (or maybe he would, who knows).
—Poor Itachi.
—In love and being teased by Shisui about it, who encourages him to confess.
—Sasuke joins in too for some reason (little brat)
“Sasuke, what are you...?”
“You should go and confess to her or at least ask her out, you know? You finally look interested and happy with someone, and you don’t look so bitter anymore-”
“Ouch! What was that for-?”
—He tries!
—He really does, but whenever he tries to approach you, you are talking to someone.
—He doesn't want to intrude on your conversation and look like a fool (poor thing).
—It wasn't until one day, while you were walking through the streets of Konoha, that he appeared out of nowhere (boy, he was literally thrown towards where you were by Shisui).
—You two almost collided if it weren't for Itachi's good reflexes.
—Despite his nervousness, he manages to invite you to eat (please say yes, the poor guy's heart is about to burst).
—To his good fortune, you say yes (he swore his soul left and returned to his body).
—Slowly you two begin to spend more time together.
—Whether it's for missions or their unexpected encounters to go out to eat.
—Itachi starts suggesting the idea of training together.
—Gradually realizing that his little crush turned into something big when he really gets to know you for who you are.
—Constantly trying to find signs that maybe you feel the same way about him.
—Itachi realizing that maybe he's not as careful as he thinks he is when his mother and father find out about his crush.
—It wasn't until he found out that Shisui and Sasuke spilled the beans to his mother and his mother to his father.
—He swears he wants to disappear at the happy and constant questions and teasing from his mother about his crush in front of his father’s amused gaze.
—Now his family wants to meet you, ay.
—He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
—He really doesn't want to.
—Especially making you think that he’s just another one of those admirers who don't see beyond your looks.
—*sigh* If only instead of constantly thinking about how beautiful you look, he noticed how you look at him and how your eyes shine, he would stop thinking that he’s going to make you uncomfortable.
—All this is a time bomb though!
—In the sense of who knows which one of you will confess first; you or him.
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venerawrites · 5 months
THANK YOU wonderful lovely person for writing for this fandom 😍 so glad you're here!💐
if you feel inspired, may I request some hurt/comfort Sasuke goodness? can be modern au depression or dealing w the aftermath of the truth behind the Uchiha massacre...are there any ways to help him out of a bereft slump or have faith in the future again?
also, your theme and artwork choices are simply gorgeous 🙌🏻 and the delicious angst 🤤
author's note: thank you so much for your beautiful words! I have been waiting to be in the right mood for this one, so I am really sorry you had to wait this long... I really hope you like it, because I always feel like comfort is the hardest for me to write. Thank you for requesting and for the idea! <3
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Some people leave your life just as unexpectedly as they show up. They offer nothing but distant memories of shared late evenings and cold tea, which soon make you question your sanity and if they were ever real at all.
Such person was Sasuke Uchiha.
You met him years ago, while he was working for a shady man called Orochimaru and was in pursuit of revenge against his brother. He was not like any boy you've met before: arrogant, proud, constantly tense, and untrusting. Rarely talked about himself, and much preferred to sit in silence, dwelling on his own thoughts, than to voice his feelings and opinions out loud. He always seemed in a hurry, constantly telling you he could stay no longer than an hour before he had to leave again.
To this day you never learned the true intentions behind his visits. The first time it was a simple call for help - sitting on a lone hill between the borders of the Land of Wind and the Land of Rivers, he easily mistaken your cottage for an abandoned house where he could seek refuge after being badly wounded.
A terrifying surprise was written on both of your faces once you came back home later that afternoon only to find the black-haired ninja bleeding heavily on your bed. You were no medic, but you used your limited knowledge of herbal medicine to help his recovery as much as you could. In return, he spared your life.
He visited irregularly, but often after this. Sometimes he showed up three times per week, and sometimes months passed before you heard from him again. Sasuke never offered any explanation about where he was or what he was doing, instead often justifying his random appearances as his need for alternative treatment for his scars and wound.
The first few times it made you raise your brows in question - you were not an expert healer, all you knew being tales passed down from your grandmother about the properties of a handful of plants. Yet, you never spilled your suspicion out loud to him, instead quietly finding comfort in his presence.
It was strange how well you got along, your shared love for silence and solitude somehow bringing you together. Most of the time you just sat there, next to each other, quietly sipping your tea and staring at the sky.
Sometimes you caught him glancing at you or curiously inspecting all the pictures and books you had on the shelves around your living room, his lips pressed into a thin line of concentration, while he tried to put the pieces of your life story together in his mind. He never asked you for more other than your name and your age. You never offered anything more either.
It took a few months after his last visit for you to realize he wasn't coming back and that in the end, he was no more than a stranger to you - you didn't know anything about him other than his name, his birth village, and the fact that he wanted to kill his brother. His motives were never revealed, and his ambitions for the future - never shared.
Despite this, it always felt like he was some form of friend to you. There was a silent understanding that both of you carried too much weight on your shoulders and you did not wish to revisit a painful past by re-telling it, instead finding peace in watching the beauty of the stars up the sky or the birds, who migrated to their new home in the late summer afternoons.
Years have passed since then. What you cherished as meaningful moments soon turned into dusty memories, that never reminded you of him outside your dreams. Life continued, despite time staying still - time always felt frozen when you lived a life by yourself, away from all humanity.
So when you found him one day, glaring at you with red eyes, you were both dumbfounded and terrified. He looked at you in a way that screamed hatred, rage, sadness, and pain. For a second you wondered if they were directed at you.
"I didn't know where else to go."
His voice was the total opposite of how he looked - it was small and weak, almost on the verge of breaking.
You quickly stepped aside, an unspoken invitation for him to come into your home. His feet hurried past you and you closed the door after him, immediately walking toward the kitchen to prepare jasmine tea. His favourite. Sasuke didn't like tea, but there was something about the way you prepared it that always eased both his muscles and his nerves.
After a while you came back, holding two white mugs in your hands, only to find him with his head buried in his hands and his knee shaking violently. You quickly sat next to him, before placing the drinks on the table and turning toward him, instinctively placing your hand on his back, rubbing small circles.
"I did it", he said with a hoarse voice, his head still hanging low, his black locks covering his face from you. There was no need for him to say anything else - these three words were enough for you to understand that he has finally achieved his goal. The result, however, seemed not to be what he hoped for.
"I am sorry."
Sasuke finally raised his head, looking at you with narrowed eyes. You could see the trail of dry tears covering his cheeks and you easily assumed he must have cried while you were in the kitchen. His lips were twisted in a scowl and he let out an angry breath through his nose.
"I don't need your pity!"
Despite the aggression in his tone, his eyes started to tear up again and he squeezed his eyelids shut in a poor attempt to stop them from falling.
"I have finally learned the truth", he hissed through gritted teeth, "I finally learned why my brother really did it."
The mention of the word "brother" seemed to trigger something in him and the tears started flowing freely from his eyes, while his lips started to mumble incoherent sentences about the Uchiha Massacre, Konoha, and the orders the elders gave to his brother. It was a mess - he kept referring back to his talks with a man named "Madara" while jumping back and forth between the memories of that bloody night and his plans for destroying the Leaf. It took you a while to piece the chronology together, while the feelings he kept bottling for years just kept erupting, reducing what you once knew as a stoic and controlled man, into a sobbing, raging mess on the floor.
It took around an hour for him to finish his story and for you to quietly absorb every detail, while he poured his heart out to you. The hand that was first rubbing soothing patterns on his back, was laying flat in his palm, while his fingers squeezed it for dear life. It almost looked like he was afraid that you were nothing more than a fruit of his imagination and if he let go, you would disappear into thin air and leave him by himself.
"I will destroy them!", the vow was made once there were no more tears left for him to cry, "They will all pay for what they did to my clan! To Itachi! To ME!
Taking a sip of your tea, you hummed under your breath, before turning towards him. For the whole time he was here, you didn't comment on anything he told you, but you also didn't have the chance to do so, as Sasuke left no time between his voiced thoughts for you to mutter even a word.
"And then what?", the question surprised him and he turned to you with confused expression.
"What do you mean "then what?"
Pulling your hand away, you tilted your head to the side.
"You are going to destroy your village, sacrificing the innocent lives of many, including your old friends, teammates, and teachers", you thought out loud, moving your eyes toward the old map of the world that hung framed on the wall opposite you, "And then what? The Leaf's allies would without question turn against you, and then you are going to have to destroy them too. A bloody path, that would eventually end either in your early death or in pushing someone else to take your path and seek revenge on you."
The more you talked, the lower his brows were furrowing to the point he was staring at you under the dark shade of his frowning face. His face was almost distorted - switching from extreme emotions of sadness and grief to anger and aggression, his whole expression was now twisted in an almost inhuman grimace, a mixture of all.
"None of them are innocent", he huffed, his jaw working, "They were all enjoying a carefree life, because of the sacrifice of my brother... and even then, they still called him a traitor."
There were no words of rebuttal you could offer. You didn't know his life in the village, nor how the people there behaved. Perhaps, the people living there were monsters, who lacked both heart and soul. But weren't they like that everywhere? You may have lived alone and detached from society, but you had enough contact with traveling ninjas - both rogue and village warriors - to know that they were all often fighting for the same cause, it was just their ideas of how it could be achieved that differed.
"And is that something that he would wanted?"
The man lifted his knee and rested his arm on top of it. He seemed to contemplate your question, the muscles on his face twitching every few seconds.
"No", the truth came out as a disappointed sigh. His fingers clenched and you could hear his teeth gritting, before he looked at you with cold eyes.
"But I am not him! I won't repeat the same mistakes!"
Holding his gaze felt almost like staring into the eye of a brewing storm. The determination that he radiated hinted that this is was just the beginning - he still had more hate and more anger to give to the world.
"Yet you seem to repeat your own mistakes over and over", the challenge was bold and even he seemed taken aback. Sasuke rarely got people opposing him - other than Naruto, who always had to have a contrasting opinion - but usually his ideas were met either with encouragement or with silence. His own team was either too scared or too busy with their own worries to question him and his motives, often just nodding their heads at whatever he said.
A dry chuckle left his lips before he rubbed his eyes with his fingers. Every time he came he was met with the comfort of silence, your bond built entirely on the feeling of the safety he felt every time he visited. Now he wondered if that bond was even real - never had he expected that you would actually talk so much, let alone NOT support him.
He imagined that he would just come here, you would make him his favourite tea... and he didn't know what he was thinking when he came here. He didn't plan to tell you any of the truth he learned about his clan's death and Itachi, yet the sentences just kept spilling out of his body, almost like he had no control over it.
"What do you know?", he scoffed, giving you a mocking look, "You live here alone in a cabin in the middle of nowhere."
Sasuke suddenly leaned forward, his eyes narrowing.
"What exactly do you know about the world or even about living? The gravest mistake you probably made was to put too much water in your stupid tea. You know nothing about pain or the real world out there! You know nothing about having everything taken away from you!"
Your expression hardened. You held his furious stare, bravely accepting his poisonous words, which cut deeper and deeper into your soul. Once he finished talking, his breath was rigid once again.
"You will be no different than them", you stated blankly and the man grumbled in response, "The people who pushed your brother to commit these crimes. And I know deep down, you realise that too... Because somewhere out there there is a little kid, who just like you will one day waste his whole life chasing you, dreaming of punishing you, till they become just like you. And the cycle will continue."
His eyes were now back to his original onyx colour, yet the burning sensation they brought to your insides was just the same.
"I didn't come here for you to offer me lessons of morality."
"Why did you come then?"
No answer.
"I offer you nothing, but my honesty", you continued, standing up from your seat, "If you are here to seek support and encouragement for your plans of destroying the lives of thousands of innocent people, you are in the wrong place."
It was definitely a mistake visiting you. He should've known better. Why you, of all people, would understand him?
Grabbing his stuff, he followed your figure into the kitchen. You seemed unbothered by his looming presence behind you, instead focusing on washing the two empty cups. Once you were done, you just rested your hands on the counter, facing the big kitchen window that overlooked the forest. If it wasn't for the faint breathing sound, you would have thought he had left.
"There is light inside you, Sasuke", you finally said, "And no matter how hard you try to fight it, it is there. Don't try to kill it! Use it and spread it in order to bring the change you want to see."
"You don't know me!"
"Maybe not as much as I would like", you shrugged your shoulders, your eyes still gazing at the trees whose branches danced elegantly under the wind, "But I know if you were really that heartless, as you like me to think, you would've drawn that katana you rest your hand on a long time ago."
Sasuke moved his fingers away as if the handle of his weapon suddenly burned his skin and his head dropped low. How did you know, when your back was facing him the whole time?
Before he could raise his question, you started walking toward the door, waving your hand after you.
Not leaving any time for an answer, your form was already outside by the time he could register your simple command and follow it. He was not one to do what others told him to, but his body seemed to act on its own, his steps echoing after yours before his mind could protest.
The man found you sitting on your front steps, a place where you and he have shared countless late nights, just gazing at the sky above you. Like a habit, he sat next to you, easing into the comfort of your old routine without further questioning.
"This area was a village back when my parents were children. It was a small one - only a handful of farmers and herb gatherers", Sasuke looked at you in surprise, before scanning the area. He had never paid attention to the surroundings of your home, noting only the existence of a forest on the right and a large meadow on the left. Now, on a closer inspection, he could see the remaining stones and paths, which were half-covered by moss and too strategically placed around to be just random rocks.
There were remaining memories of buildings now long gone.
"My grandmother always said that our ancestors were tasked with the responsibility to restore what the Great Nations destroyed", you continued, bringing his attention back to you, "Where the ninja waged war, we followed to take care of the land and bring it back to life. Where the villagers left burned forests after they sought new places to build, we moved to these places to protect the balance between the human world and the natural one."
Sasuke listened patiently, his brows furrowed in confusion. Where were you getting with this story? And more importantly, where were all these people you talked about?
Almost like you've read his mind, your head turned toward him with a small sad smile on your lips.
"Our communities have been destroyed dozens of times and they rebuilt themselves just as many. This village was destroyed before I was even born by a conflict between the Land of Wind and the Land of River, one which had nothing to do with the hard-working people who were guilty only of trying to take care of the forest and wildlife", you looked towards your crossed fingers in your lap, suddenly overwhelmed of the sad destiny your family must have suffered.
"There is no greater sin than the arrogance of a man blinded by revenge. Shinobi keep waging wars with each other, each drop of blood they spill being with price of at least one innocent life. And they keep destroying, blinded by their hate, claiming that they only want to "save the world"", suddenly grabbing his arm, you pointed at the trees with your other hand, before dragging it across the air to the meadow, "But look!"
The onyx eyes followed the movement of your finger, before they rested on your face unimpressed.
"Look at what? Trees and grass?"
You huffed at his words, rolling your eyes.
"You are blind, Sasuke!", your forefinger poked his temple a few times and you could feel him stiffen under your touch, "You watch, but you don't see! It is not just trees and grass!"
When he offered no other reply than a small curling of his lips downwards, you gently grabbed his chin and forcefully turned it ahead again.
"It is life! A life born out of destruction, out of pain", your hand gestured around you once again, "The truth is the world doesn't need saving! It has existed for many, many years before us and will exist for many, many years after us. It is us, humans, that need saving... and not by more blood spilling or fear, or hate, or whatever other false values they try to teach you in your ninja academies."
His muscles finally started to relax under your touch, while he kept staring ahead, finally understanding the meaning of the words that you were saying. The slow realization that destroying Konoha is not the medicine for his bleeding soul was slowly creeping into his mind, suddenly making him confused and unsure.
"What if we can't be saved?", the heavy doubts that kept holding him down finally came to the surface, "What if we just... keep destroying?"
You looked at him in silence, before finally letting go of his arm. The sudden removal of warmth made him involuntarily shiver.
"We will keep destroying", you finally answered, pressing your tongue inside your cheek in thought, "I guess it is in our nature! But we will also rebuild. And we will learn from our past mistakes, making sure that we will not repeat them again."
Signing, you turned toward him, before reaching out for his hand again. All his life, Sasuke always thought he hated physical touch, but now it felt right. It felt like it was a silent promise that everything will somehow be alright.
"Do not go down the same path of hatred, Sasuke. Your destination will keep being the same, no matter how hard you try to avoid it", the corners of your lips curved slightly upwards, "Your pursuit for a better world is noble, but you can't do it alone! The same way this forest and meadow did not just pop in one day by themselves - it took years for them to grow, helped by bees, the birds, and even the wind and the rain... They all did their own part. The same way you need to do yours, alongside your friends."
The silence that followed was long, yet comfortable. His fingers wrapped around your palm, keeping your hand in his, while his mind considered the truth you just spoke. There was a part inside of him - the one that was still hurt and crying - that wanted to convince him that it was all just an empty talk. That he should not give up what he already started.
Another part, however, what seemed to be a louder one and for some reason sounded a lot like his brother's voice in his head, was agreeing with you, shifting the perspective he was looking from.
A long time passed till he spoke again.
"Promise me", there was no trace of anger on his face anymore, just tiredness, "That you will always be clear and honest with me."
You couldn't help the small smile that formed on his lips.
"I promise."
Two years have passed since the end of the war and Sasuke was once again on the road, this time accompanied by Sakura. Their final destination was unclear, but the first stop was already set in his mind - the cottage sitting on a hill between the borders of the Land of Wind and the Land of Rivers. He has not seen you since that night you opened his eyes to what is really important, but the thought of you never left his mind.
The woman next to him, who still had an unclear status between a teammate and friend, kept trying to make him share where were they going, but was often met either with just silence or with the simple explanation of "someone important". The description make her a bit uneasy, wondering who could have such an impact on Sasuke to want to check on them first thing after he was allowed to leave, but she did not question further, still unsure of how far the man's boundaries lie.
Once they got to the hill, however, her uneasiness grew.
"Sasuke, there is nothing here", she said, looking around the vast field that bordered a forest nearby, "Are you sure that person lived here? Maybe they moved?"
The man did not reply, his body being frozen in place. You were gone, the house was gone, it was just wild nature. He suddenly tensed, once he felt Sakura's hand laying flat between his shoulder blades and running small circles on top of the clothed skin.
Just like you did that night.
Sasuke made a few steps further, before kneeling and touching the ground. While looking the same as the rest at first glance, the grass covering the area where he vividly remembered your house being seemed different... almost greener, yet smaller.
A small parchment of paper poked out of the dirt next to his fingers and he carefully lifted it, revealing a burnt part of the world map that hung on your wall once. The majority of it was gone, but he could clearly make out the names of the Land of Wind, The Land of Rivers, and the Land of Fire. Right in the middle, was a small drawing of a few houses - an indication of where your community once resided. Where you once were.
Sakura peered over his shoulder, looking at the piece of paper with interest.
"There still don't seem to be any indication for a building being here", she noted, before kneeling next to him and caressing the grass with her fingers, "This part of the field was grown by someone. Look, it is a different shade and size from the rest! It is like someone tried to cover the area."
Sasuke stood up, eyes still focused on the piece of paper. There was one, just a brief pencil line, that started from the drawn houses and continued up, till it ended at the burnt end. The man has stared at least a hundred times at the map in your house and he could swear he has never seen this line on it.
"You must have used it to plan where to leave next", he thought to himself. Because deep down he knew you were not dead - everything was left too perfect, including planting seeds in the place which you used to occupy, for him to believe you had met your end.
No, you had to be somewhere out there, rebuilding what shinobi like him have destroyed during the war.
He turned his head toward the sun, watching it slowly dip beyond the horizon. His fingers put the paper in his pocket, before he turned to Sakura, informing her they have to go and find an inn before it gets too dark.
Some people leave your life just as unexpectedly as they show up. They offer nothing but distant memories of shared late evenings and cold tea, which soon make you question your sanity and if they were ever real at all.
And for Sasuke, such person was you.
cc artwork: Clement Tingry
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happypanda101 · 7 months
Apologies for yet another Naruto rant, I’ve just been overthinking about things lately lol.
The fact that people continue to argue that Sasusaku got no development at all or came out of nowhere honestly boggles my mind? Granted, I know a lot of people watched the anime rather than read the manga. But looking at the manga, it’s made more obvious that Sasuke had a crush or at least had soft spot for Sakura in part 1. Things get more complicated in shippuden, but they are also able to have their moments too.
Now, am I saying it’s the best developed ship ever? Heck no. I, like a lot of people in the fandom, wish they could have gotten more development. Also maybe an explanation as to why they had feelings for each other. A lot of people like to say that Sakura’s love was shallow becasue she only liked him because of his looks, but when you actually look over everything, looks are never mentioned by Sakura at all. She’s either worried about her own or commenting on Sasuke’s skills.
Also, despite what some fans like to say, Sasuke never out right rejected Sakura’s feelings. When he knocks her out and plays the “I have no reason to love her or be loved by her” line, he’s talking to Kakashi. Sasuke is a very traumatized character, he’s not going to openly admit he loves someone.
However, what really has to irrates me is when people try to argue that NaruHina got more development, which like? Bro, a whole ass movie had to be made to get them together. And as much as a soft spot I have for the Last, it wasn’t even that good! They had to bring the space aliens in again! I like NaruHina, but it’s obvious that the simps over at SP had a role to play in why the ship actually became canon.
Anyway, you don’t have to like the pairing. I know I don’t like a few ships that ended up becoming canon. However, it would be nice that whenever a Sasusaku fan tries to explain why they ship them an anti doesn’t comment: “lol Sasuke never liked her he hated her she sucks.” The amount of times I’ve seen these fuckers on a good Sasusaku analysis is tiring.
Just leave people alone. The worlds not gonna end over people shipping a ship you don’t like.
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lizajane2 · 24 days
Naruto: The Will of Fire - I have seen this movie so many times. And I never get tired of it.
How did Sai survive that fall? You know what, it's anime I'm not even gonna question it. I say that even though I have the same thought every time I see it.
Kakashi: "We need to continue the mission." Darlin, i love you, but you constantly preach about never leaving someone behind. MAYBE YOU SHOULD PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH, IDIOT!!
Poor Sai. Naruto drags him into everything. lol.
Hiruko is annoying from the get-go. Like "a perfect, immortal ninja" boy, you need to go back to whatever dark, depressing hole you crawled out of.
Not Naruto falling asleep after Hiruko threatening to throw the world into war. He's completely unbothered. Lmao.
I really hate that the animators didn't include bookshelves in Kakashi's apartment. That man reads more than just porn.
Tsunade: "Kakashi are you saying you want me to go down in history as the Hokage who sacrificed her subordinate in order to protect the village?"
Kakashi: "Yes, I do."
My reaction to this every time:
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Again, further proving my point that he sees no value in his life whatsoever. If I could, I'd jump through that screen and slap him. And here's another problem I have with that, Kakashi really thought that Naruto would just sit back and let him sacrifice himself. What? ARE YOU STUPID?! DID YOU JUST FORGET WHAT YOU TAUGHT THEM?!
Naruto: "This time, no doubt, I'll protect him." Kakashi needs more of that in his life rather than going on a suicide mission. Which he's done repeatedly, by the way.
Tsunade: "What are those idiots doing?" Uh, to save someone from themselves and keep them from being an absolute martyr.
And Shikamaru kinda pisses me off a little bit in this movie. "I want to save Kakashi-sensei too, but I can't sacrifice everyone in the village for that." I'm sorry that's not... why are you talking like giving up Kakashi's life to the enemy is the only option here? I see the logic in Kakashi's plan, but this is NARUTO we're talking about. Have faith in him if anything else.
LMFAO! Sai really only acted because of what a book told him to do. I love him so much!!
Shino was perfection. "Do you think that's all I have?" Where's his crown at? He's an absolute king.
I'm even more surprised that Gaara tried to stop Naruto. He should know better than anyone that Naruto has always cared about others and would never sacrifice the life of anyone in the village to save it. The only one who had faith in Naruto was Jiraiya.
"That would go against Kakashi's wishes." No, Kakashi is an idiot who feels guilt-ridden and is trying to make up for his mistakes. Nothing more.
Gaara: "I won't be swayed by your ideals" *a minute later*
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Shikamaru: "I'll stop Naruto. Even if I have to kill him." See, now that's where he loses me entirely. That's where his beliefs become moot. He's being incredibly ridiculous and narrow-minded at this point.
Hiruko's outfit in this movie reminds me of a straitjacket. He should be in one, given how insane he is.
Kakashi: "What the hell are you doing here, Naruto?" Oh, you know, out for a walk... HE'S THERE TO SAVE YOUR ASS FROM YOUR OWN STUPIDITY!! WHY DO YOU THINK HE'S THERE?!
See, no, it just looks wrong when someone else uses Chidori. It's gross even (this excludes Sasuke).
Kakashi: "I'm the loser here." Ya, think? Such a stupid, lovable man.
"I knew it. You're just like him." TALKING ABOUT OBITO! Literally crying, screaming, and throwing up.
I love this movie. Never get tired of it.
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osamusbigtits · 1 year
"he never..." sakura trails off. the way ino is looking at her makes her blush. it's embarrassing to talk about. sakura clears her throat and tries again. "you know. went down on me, i guess."
ino blinks. "he what? never? not even once?"
sakura knew she was going to regret this conversation. "well, I mean. he was never really home. and after we had sarada there was never really time and it just never happened-"
"sakura, honey." ino places her hand on sakura's thigh and sakura's heartbeat jumps. "that is no excuse."
"well, things didn't work out with him anyway," she mutters and looks away. maybe they should have stayed in the living room. but when ino took her hand and dragged her up into her bedroom, and practically threw sakura onto the bed, sakura couldn't argue.
actually. sakura had long ago become the stronger of the two and could have easily fought ino off. and, well, maybe she didn't want to.
she had always liked the attention from the pretty girl. and her original crush on sasuke was an attempt to keep ino's attention. but where had the whole relationship and even marriage of sasuke gotten her? it was a pathetic, unfulfilling relationship. naruto always held sasuke's full attention. sakura doesn't know why she tried to compete. why had sasuke even agreed to anything with her in the first place?
a soft hand on her cheek pulls sakura out of her thoughts. "hey, stay with me, darling," ino says softly.
when did she get so close? sakura's face flushes bright red. "it's just hard," sakura mumbles. she always feels the need to explain herself when it comes to sasuke.
"i get it," ino says, her thumb gently strokes sakura's cheek. a softness sakura never knew she craved until this very moment. "i get it. don't worry."
sakura doesn't know what washes over her. doesn't understand the intense urge to lean into ino's every touch, doesn't get why she keeps glancing at ino's lips. it's not a want, no, its far stronger than that. a need, a necessity.
she wants ino's hands all over her, to touch and feel. she wants ino's lips on hers, on her neck and chest.
instead, sakura just stares wide-eyed at ino. a little dumb. a little naive. she's been missing out on so much for so long, all over a childhood crush she didn't let go of.
"ino," sakura says softly. there's a desperation in her voice she's never heard before.
ino blushes. face going bright red. it's pretty. it looks good on her. "yeah, sakura?"
sakura doesn't know where she finds the confidence to say it, but she's glad it was there.
"i need you."
and like ino has been waiting for sakura to say those three words for her whole life, she kisses sakura deeply.
sakura wishes she could say she's been kissed like this before. she wishes she could say she's been held like this before. ino's hand on her hip and holding her cheek is all sakura can focus on.
and god, her kisses. intense, yet soft and gentle. slow and careful. it's all sakura can do to follow. she feels a little inexperienced, despite having kissed people before. yeah, people. there was that one drunken night with naruto before he had gotten married. things didn't go far, but... it had definitely awakened something in her. not for naruto, definitely not. but something that had lied dormant, something that needed to be sparked awake.
something that roars inside of her when ino slips her thigh between sakura's legs.
"ino," sakura breathes. she puts her hands on ino's shoulders, needing to pull her closer. she can't let this moment go away, not yet. "ino, please."
"i'll make you feel good, sakura," ino whispers, her voice rough. it shoots to sakura's stomach, heating up. igniting something she's only felt a few times before. "you trust me, right?"
sakura nods, desperate. she brings one hand to the back of ino's neck, pulling her back in.
it's nothing new, but it's all so new. the touching, the warmth, the need, the electricity in her skin.
sakura moans when ino's thigh presses closer, rubbing just right. and sakura can't help but move her hips, desperate to feel that again.
ino breathes out against sakura's lips. "you're making it hard to go slow," she whispers.
"then don't," sakura replies, looking up into ino's beautiful blue eyes, desperate to make her understand. to see what she needs.
ino giggles. "I need to. trust me. you'll thank me for it, babe."
ino gently pushes sakura's shoulder. "lay back, gorgeous. just relax, okay?"
sakura is ready to kiss ino once again, ready to kiss her for hours, and instead ino places a gentle kiss to her chin. a kiss down her jaw, to the sensitive, ticklish skin of her neck. ino has to be able to feel sakura's quick pulse, her quick breathing. its all so much, all feelings she's never felt in such an intense way before.
ino's tongue touches sakura's neck and sakura's body twitches, her legs close around ino's thigh. sakura laughs nervously, a little embarrassed by her reaction.
ino rubs sakura's thigh. "relax, baby," ino whispers against sakura's neck, making the latter shiver. "can i touch you?" she asks.
sakura nods. "yes. yes, please."
sakura's touched herself a few times. a few awkward times. never really understanding what to do, but wanting make herself feel good. but in the end, she didn't get why people did it.
ino sits up and pulls her shirt off. sakura can't help but stare. ino's always been blessed. she's got the perfect body. perfect boobs that seem to defy gravity, a slim waist, wide hips. pale skin laced with scars and stretch marks.
"god, sakura, if i knew you would look at me like that, i would have done this sooner." ino's blushing. sakura made the ever confident, ever loved, perfect ino blush.
"i'm just looking at you," sakura mutters, unable to pull her eyes away.
"come on, don't leave me hanging." ino gently tugs at sakura's shirt.
flustered, embarassed, and feeling way too many feelings, sakura sits up. she looks away from ino as she takes her shirt off. she's never been as pretty as ino. her small boobs sit wide apart from each other and hang sadly. her body is straight, not curved elegantly like ino's. nasty scars tear at her skin, constant reminders of all the things she went through. the horrors she's seen, the battles she's faced. she's never had the same natural beauty the other girls around her have.
not to mention the bit of pudge in her stomach after being pregnant. everything about her is a bit thicker, a bit wider.
and yet, ino beholds sakura like she's a goddess. hands gentle like she's touching an ancient statue. sakura blushes as ino fingers touch the scars and faint bruises.
"you're gorgeous," ino breathes the words like a prayer. "you always have been."
sakura laughs nervously. "you're just saying that."
"I wouldn't lie about this, sakura."
and that intensity, that seriousness, the being worshipped as a holy being, makes sakura feel a hunger she's never felt before. a need that she's needed filled this whole time yet only now is aware of it.
ino leans forward and kisses sakura with a soft intensity. ino pulls sakura's hips closer and pushes her back. and all sakura can do is follow. all she wants to do is follow ino unquestioningly.
so sakura lets herself be kissed, and loved, and cherished in a way she's never felt before. her skin burns where ino touches her and sparks fly when ino's lips touch her skin.
ino kisses soft but reverently. she kisses sakura like a whisper, a prayer, and a bold declaration.
ino's hands slip down sakura's waist, dipping into her leggins. ino returns to take sakura's lips. and sakura gets distracted in the kiss, grabbing onto ino like it's the only thing grounding her.
sakura gasps when ino touches her, where all of the pleasure has been resting, needing, waiting for this. gentle circles make sakura throw her head back. fuck, how has she never figured this out.
"good?" ino asks softly and kisses sakura's neck.
sakura only nods, but good is not a good enough word to describe it. she tries to squeeze her thighs together, only to be stopped by ino's body. she grips the sheets in her hands- ino's pretty lavender sheets.
ino kisses sakura's chest, those soft, sweet kisses. sakura gasps when ino takes her nipple onto her mouth. ino nips lightly and then sucks. sakura arches her back, her hips move of their own accord.
the noises she's making are embarrassing. soft, desperate gasps and moans. but the sounds only seem to increase the hungry look in ino's eyes.
ino's fingers suddenly stop and she pulls away to look sakura in her eyes. the intensity makes her nervous, but her cunt seems to think otherwise.
"let me eat you out," ino says, voice rougher than sakura's ever heard it. it makes her pussy throb. "please, sakura."
sakura needs to keep feeling good. needs to keep this going, to reach that delicious peak she's been hearing of.
and she wants to make ino proud. she wants to keep that look in ino's eyes. the hunger feels so good. but there's also a fondness, a softness in ino's eyes.
if sakura's being completely honest, she brought up sasuke's lack of performance for a reason.
she gets nervous as more clothes get removed, leaving her exposed to the world.
ino gently rubs sakura's thighs. "you can put your shirt back on, if it makes you more comfortable." sakura hesitates. "really, sweetie, I don't mind."
sakura instead grabs the oversized t-shirt ino was wearing and puts it on. ino's eyes flash with an emotion sakura's never seen before.
wait. yes, she has seen it. between sasuke and naruto. when someone else says something about either of them. that intensity, that need-
it's possession.
and maybe it's that look that gives sakura a little confidence. maybe it's what makes sakura spread her legs and give ino a little pout.
and then ino's mouth is finally on sakura's cunt and sakura feels so good.
her tongue is even better than her fingers felt. ino's hands hold sakura's thighs firmly, fingers digging into the toned muscles there.
sakura throws her hand into ino's soft blond hair. sakura feels like she's unable to control herself. she tugs at ino's hair and moans loud and unashamed.
it feels too much and not enough at once. sakura begs, but she doesn't even know what she's begging for.
ino gives a breathy laugh against sakura's soaking cunt and sakura shudders. ino places an open-mouthed, wet kiss against sakura's cunt and sakura's hips jerk. "feeling good?"
sakura groans. "don't stop, please."
ino licks sakura's pussy, like she's savoring the taste. "you're doing so good, sakura," ino says softly and takes another lick. sakura thinks she's forgetting how to breathe. "sound so pretty for me."
sakura swears as her pussy clenches around nothing. she wants something to fill her up, but she doesn't know what or even how to ask. all words in her brain turn to syrup. every word she tries to form just turns into a moan or a whine as she begs.
as if knowing exactly what sakura wants, two fingers delve into her cunt and ino's back to suck at sakura's clit with no warning. sakura cries out at her back arches away from the bed. all she can do is hold on to the sheets for dear life, like it's the only thing keeping her from floating away.
the pleasure is building and building. she feels like a volcano about to erupt.
ino curls her fingers and sakura explodes. her body shakes, moaning loud. she feels new again, whole and complete.
sakura tries to push ino away but ino doesn't stop until sakura's nerves stop tingling with pleasure.
sakura gasps, trying to catch her breath only for ino to shove her tongue in sakura's mouth. and sakura moans and kisses back.
she feels fuzzy around the edges. a little dizzy with the lingering electricity.
sakura manages to meet ino's eyes. "why haven't we done that sooner?"
ino giggles. "I think you, sweetie. let's take a bath, yeah? I don't want to be done with you yet."
sakura is quick to follow ino's lead. just as she always has been.
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do you wish to talk about naruto… like I’d love to hear your thoughts on sasuke’s characterization…
oh my god someone asked me about sasuke's characterization. holy shit my time has come. i hope you don't regret this because i'm about to be very annoying
it's such a broad question i didn't rly know where to start so i think i'm going to go through some popular misconceptions people have on various aspects of his character uhhhh
loyalty: not to be all 'sasuke never did anything wrong' but he didn't really do anything wrong. leaving the village and his friends behind was out of a belief that in order to avenge his clan he had to be far more powerful than he was as part of team 7. he was manipulated by itachi (love him tho) and orochimaru who deliberately exploited him as a very young child. he was also given absolutely no support to counteract these influences. kakashi tried to give him a speech, but it was far too little too late
sasuke coped with the loss of his clan by telling himself that being alone made him strong, and being around people made him weak-- because if he had bonds, he would have something he was afraid of losing. and to go after itachi he would have to have nothing to lose. it's not that he didn't care about his friends: it's that he cared so much that he knew they would get in the way of his goal
it's worth remembering that goal was the only reason he had survived up until that point, as he says when facing itachi at the hotel. i have a headcanon that he would have become suicidal if he hadn't fixated so hard on this goal and lived for it, and think itachi also thought this which is why he insisted on getting sasuke to hate him and have something to live for
friendships: a lot of people say sasuke doesn't care about his friends, mostly because he has tried to kill them (specifically naruto and sakura, also karin and he left the rest of taka/hebi behind). again, he does care, to a painful extent. during the fight against gaara's ichibi form, he says 'i won't let anyone else close to me die'. from their very first mission in land of waves, he's extremely protective of team 7 despite convincing himself that caring about people again will be his downfall
although he's already depressed and traumatized by the time he joins team 7, he grows fond of them very quickly and protects them with his life. he also indulges in their shenanigans even though he usually acts like he's above them... but he's just a child too after all. same with taka/hebi: sasuke is supposedly colder than ever by this point, but he helps his teammates and builds a dynamic with them despite always keeping them at arms length
yeah basically people mistake sasuke's quiet exterior and snarky comments for him not caring and use his darkest moments as proof of that. but he's just very introverted, naturally sarcastic and afraid of connecting with people due to his trauma and when he does snap it's because of how much he cares, not because he's a crazy violent murderer
morality: for the vast majority of the show, sasuke is vehemently against killing anyone and even ensures that no taka/hebi members kill either. kage summit arc sasuke is at his very lowest point: konoha had led him to kill the only family he had left after killing an entire clan and traumatizing him for life. it makes sense for him to have a breaking point
it's also worth remembering that here everyone (except naruto) had given up on him and were aiming to kill him. i'm not going to go as far as to say that sasuke fought out of self-defense, but it is clear that he was fighting not in his right mind
sasuke was right to kill danzo, who orchestrated the genocide of all of his people and allowed him to kill his brother who was also a victim of that system. he was also right to want to kill the elders who were similarly responsible. the only goal of his i don't agree with is wanting to destroy konoha which he states at final valley but i'm honestly not even sure how much his heart was in this. i think he just wanted naruto to fight him but that's a topic for another post
basically sasuke did nothing wrong umm anyways on to lighter (?) topics
personality: there's a common trend in this fandom that sasuke's quiet and tough exterior is entirely an act and that he's secretly very soft. i do agree that he's silly (dumb sense of humor similar to naruto's in a lot of ways) and obviously very caring, but i also think that he's genuinely very pragmatic, calculated, and introverted. i think that in a relationship though he would have moments of vulnerability, he still wouldn't be a desperate or submissive type. he shows affection by doing concrete things for other people and helping them even when not asked
his cold demeanor is partially a defense mechanism since he doesn't trust people after the massacre. but it's also because he doesn't place value in pleasantries or hierarchy, and (lovingly) has supbar social skills.
emotional intelligence: sasuke is more emotionally intelligent than people think he is. i think it's easy to see this from the few monologues we get from him, where he's very aware of his own emotions. i think his main issue is putting things into words and communicating his feelings, not that he doesn't understand them
bonus - sexuality: vaguely related to the last point??? but mostly silly, i think because of this emotional intelligence sasuke figured out he was gay pretty early. i mean... he never shows even feigned interest in any women, and no straight person dresses like that COME ON. i think he felt some guilt due to being the last uchiha with a duty to revive the bloodline, but that he also didn't imagine himself living long enough to have a relationship so it didn't really concern him
tldr sasuke is an extremely caring character who loves deeply and desires justice for those people. he's very mentally ill, mainly as a result of a government-sanctioned genocide against his people and being given absolutely no resources to cope with that. he's also incredibly gay. and i love him so mmuch god please put me down before i write anymore
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Hiruzen and Minato never tried to teach their students teamwork, or at least never made it a main teaching point
A main reason Kakashi focus’ so much on teamwork is because he recognizes it as a failure of his team that he blames for the death of Obito, and although he fails to recognize this as a failure of his sensei, it is
Minato never taught Teamwork
He allowed Rin to praise Kakashi endlessly and Obito and Kakashi to fight in every instance until he stepped in when it became ‘too much’
He never stepped in and told them they needed to work together, and this is largely because Minato is a solo fighter
He doesn’t really need teamwork in any battle we see him in, and due to that he fails to teach teamwork
His bell tests are simply a test of his students skills, which is why Kakashi gets a bell and neither of his teammates do
And same for Hiruzen
Both Tsunade and Orochimaru get the bells while Jiraiya is tied to a poll, and Tsunade is even allowed to taunt Jiraiya with the bell she got
Teamwork is only a teaching point for Kakashi from what we see, and it works. Just becquse Sasuke leaves due to completely outside forces (itachi and his desire for revenge) doesn’t mean it didn’t work
Before he left him and Naruto were a solid team
Sakura, Him and Naruto all moved to protect their customer during the land of waves arc
Sakura protected Naruto and Sasuke with her life while they were unconscious in the chunin exams
Out of the three, Sakura is the only one who never really learned the lesson of teamwork and i wish she had been talked to about that because it was a really weak point for her at times
But Sasuke actually learned it the best, even making a team of his own after killing Orochimaru when he could have 100% sought out Itachi on his own
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Ikemen Sengoku reaction when MC is a neko?
Hi Anon!  Thank you for sending an ask. NGL, I misread that at first and thought it said “necro”… I thought, ‘oooh wrong Otome there.’ Luckily I re-read it, and this is totally my kind of chaos…
So MC is a Neko… here we go….
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Nobunaga – On that second game of GO when he conquers her ears, he gets a mouthful of fur. Legit baffled as to whether or not to conquer her tail. Hideyoshi becomes concerned when Nobunaga starts hacking up hairballs.
Masamune – Why is she trying to bury the food he makes for her? However once she starts bringing him freshly-killed mice and birds, it opens up a whole new realm of cooking. Races her all over Azuchi when she gets the zoomies.
Hideyoshi – As much as he adores her, he really wishes she would stop batting his papers, brushes and ink off the desk.
Mitsuhide – Discovers the hard way that she really hates the nickname “Little Mouse,” but loves to tease her by dangling string over her head.
Ieyasu –  Relationship ended before it began when she shed on his sourdough starter.
Mitsunari – They snuggle. A lot. He…. hasn’t actually noticed the ears and the tail. She won’t eat his carrots either.
Keiji – Likes to serenade her with made up songs about cats. She loves sleeping on him – his chest is the best pillow. His biggest regret though is that so far, has not been able to defeat her in a stare down.
Ranmaru – Are the absolute BEST of friends. They groom each other. Hideyoshi becomes concerned when Ranmaru starts hacking up hairballs.
Kenshin – Once he got her to stop chasing the bunnies, they got along fine. He discovers that he can initiate a great sparring sequence whenever he touches her belly.
Kanetsugu –  At first, her curious prowling into his things got on his nerves, but then he discovered he could get her to stay put by placing a box in the middle of his floor. Their nights are incredibly passionate. He bites her. She bites back. Good thing he has an endless supply of turtlenecks.
Shingen – Sweet talks her, gives her presents, instinctively knows exactly how she likes to be touched. She reciprocates by kneading his sore muscles after a long day of strategizing. It’s a purrfect relationship… although everyone becomes concerned when Shingen starts hacking up hairballs
Yoshimoto – He thinks she is beautiful. She accepts this worship as her due. Now, if he could only get the cat fur off his favorite clothing…
Yukimura – He stepped on her tail. She left a present in his shoes. Now they practically spit when they see each other.
Sasuke – He wooed her with cat puns, and then won her over completely by rigging up a sengoku era laser pointer powered by a potato.
Kennyo – She LOVES Kennyo. She follows him everywhere, even if he tries to shoo her away. In other words… nothing has changed from his actual route.
Motonari –  Putting a collar on her? BIG MISTAKE. For the next three days, she would stealthy sneak in front of him and trip him. THEN. He added a bell to the collar. BIGGER MISTAKE. Hiroyoshi is currently fumigating Motonari’s quarters.
Kicho – Has Had a pet bird.
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hirazuki · 28 days
For Now [Chapter 13 snippet]
Sasori/Haruno Sakura, Sasori & Haruno Sakura | T | Blank Period | canon divergent | angst, hurt/comfort, enemies to friends | ongoing [AO3]
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Sakura walks back into her apartment to find Sasori sitting on the couch, his nose in a book, and the tea cups that had been on the living room table nowhere in sight. 
She studies him for a moment – she supposes that, after years of Ino, and Naruto, and Sai, and Sasuke-kun, a non-irritated Sasori would seem polite company, in comparison.
“You were nice to my parents,” she says, frowning, leaning back against the door until it clicks shut.
He looks up at her and blinks. 
“Your parents are nice people,” he replies, and goes back to his reading, as though that explains everything.
“I hope you’re not offended that I checked them.” Because there’s absolutely no point in pretending that she didn’t; not with him.
“I would be offended if you hadn’t,” he returns with a smirk, and there’s a sharpness that glances across his eyes that she hasn’t seen since the time he covered the sky in puppets.
Sakura smiles at that, both at his manner and at the memory.
“They think you’re a civilian,” she comments, walking into the room and dropping down into the armchair, propping her chin with a hand.
Sasori hums, closing the book and giving her his full attention. “Did you correct them?”
She snorts, a loud, unrestrained sound of mirth that she'd be embarrassed to let out in front of most other people.
“No,” she states, and the single syllable is packed with all of her disbelief that he would even ask that. “What would I say? ‘Actually, mom, he’s almost forty, a missing-nin, and was part of that criminal organization that tried to end the world a couple of years ago. In his spare time, he enjoys turning people into puppets, which involves killing them, removing their organs, extracting their blood, and embalming their bodies. Oh, and he killed me once.’”
He laughs – an actual laugh, not a derisive snort or an ominous chuckle or something that barely passes for an expulsion of air; it's bright and open and it makes her think of sun-soaked sand under clear skies, and she finds herself wishing that he'd do more of it. Much, much more.
“I see my process left an impression.” There is amusement in his gaze, and interest – his interest is always there, with her, burning and biting and ever-stirring – but there are other things, too; Sakura can't quite make out what they are, however, though she can see their shapes. “Do they know you died?”
“Of course not,” she answers. “They don’t know about most of my battles.”
Sasori quirks his head at her, silently. It's his way of extending an invitation without expectation or obligation, she has learned; of indicating that he wants to hear more, only if she's inclined to share.
It has quickly become one of her favorite mannerisms of his, warming both her skin and her blood, and, as usual, she pounces on it, with the kind of speed that Naruto would pounce with on any form of ramen.
“I’m lucky,” she says, and looks down at the floor, incapable of meeting his eyes. Family is a difficult topic with him and, as much as she wants to tell him all that he wants to know, she worries about misstepping. “Both of my parents are alive and well and, now that I’ve moved out on my own, we get along for the most part. I’m really lucky. I know that. I know that, but – ” She struggles and then shrugs, unable to find the right words. “It’s a different type of loneliness.”
“I never would have thought that you come from a civilian family,” he states.
Sakura blushes, fiercely – normally, any dismissal of her civilian background would be something she'd immediately take offense at, but this is Sasori and she's familiar with his abrasiveness, with the gruff nature of his honesty; she knows it is meant as nothing but a compliment.
“Why become a shinobi?” he asks.
She chews her lip – he most likely will think it stupid; but she has a long history of making a fool of herself, so what’s one more time?
“I found the shinobi classes interesting, as a kid at the Academy,” she confesses. “And I wanted to become strong.”
He considers this, for a moment. “What for?”
Her first thought is ‘for Sasuke-kun,’ of course. But now, having grown up, she knows it never really was about Sasuke-kun; not entirely. He was only a manifestation of it – her desire to be self-sufficient, independent, noticed; to not be bullied; to not be left behind; to matter. Not that different from Naruto’s motivation, honestly, when she allows herself to think about it.
“For me.”
Sasori smiles at her, book entirely forgotten somewhere beside his legs, and it straddles that alluring line between soft and stinging.
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sasukesun · 2 years
Hey, how are u?
Also, I wanted to ask what do you think about Naruto and Sasura’s relationship nature. I mean, do you think he ever truly loved her? His speech in shippuden about his feelings for her seemed really genuine, but except that I don’t really see love in his behavior, more like a childish crush? I don’t buy what was said in The Last about him trying to hit on her only to win with Sasuke, it doesn’t really makes sense to me. Anyway, what is your opinion? Thanks for answering xo
hello anon, i’m fine.
naruto’s behaviour towards sakura and overall attraction to women is inconsistent. we can easily tell that he truly never had romantic feelings for her, but a crush is, in my opinion, debatable… and really a crush in the sense of “she’s cute, i like her” kind of thing, which is basically what we see when sakura is introduced
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now what is interesting is that the last wasn’t wrong to show that maybe it was about sasuke, it just definitely wasn’t so naruto could compete with sasuke
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“i feel like i finally understand why i like her” right after sakura said she wants to be acknowledged by sasuke because she likes him? really? we know that naruto wants to be acknowledged by everyone, that’s the core of his character, but in this context, this just seems kinda ambiguous… he doesn’t wanna win over sasuke, he just wants his acknowledgement. when you take naruto’s interactions with sasuke and sakura into consideration after this quote, as well his behaviour, you see that basically naruto mimics heterosexuality by pretending to like sakura, while actually focusing his attention on sasuke, he mistakes his feelings/attraction for sasuke for a rivalry at first and a friendship later. i’ll give you some examples.
he doesn’t have much tact to compliment sakura. i know this is what she wanted to hear, but i just find it so funny honestly.
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there are also a few more moments involving sakura’s appearance and naruto, in which a) naruto says haku is prettier than her b) naruto says after two years that they haven’t seen each other that she looked the same even though it seems by her body language that she wanted to be complimented and c) when other people called sakura ugly and naruto didn’t even comment about it or tried to defend her. now let’s look at this
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is there some need to defend sasuke’s honour or something? no one is even insulting sasuke here, just comparing him and sai. the japanese word naruto uses here can be used to compliment someone’s looks btw and he not only says it, but he emphasises it at the end. there’s pretty much a huge gap between “the cute girl” he’s supposed to like a lot and sasuke, who is above it.
how about when naruto is just doing absolutely nothing but thinking of sasuke
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until he gets interrupted by sakura… so he says he was planning to go on a date with her. are you for real?
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this one is even funnier… sakura is taking care of naruto after he hurt his arm with rasenshuriken. someone in love would surely be happy to be closer to your loved one while they are healing you, and it’s what it seems that naruto is gonna say
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until you turn to the next page
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he’s just really happy they are in this together… for sasuke. you really can’t make this shit up.
i’ve also pointed out that in the chapter in which sakura decides to fake confess to naruto and go after sasuke to kill him, sakura says “that fool’s got such a crush on me” about naruto, and yet the only appearance naruto makes in the same chapter is him lying down and pining over sasuke. yikes.
the only “narusaku” moment during war on naruto’s part is when minato asks naruto if sakura is his girlfriend to which he reacts like
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it’s not only that this is comic relief and it just seems like he wants to look good in front of his father, because he already knows about his mom’s speech and wishes when his parents died, it’s also that he hesitates to answer it.
but when he’s saying goodbye and really referencing the whole speech topic by topic and talking about important things…
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he deflects the subject. very convenient and smart of kishimoto when he’s not allowed to explicitly say what he wants to, such as homosexuality.
and of course, there’s the infamous fake confession
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in which naruto basically looks annoyed... not the reaction of someone who is in love, i would say.
and the cherry on top
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the promise he made to sakura hasn’t changed anything, he would act the same with or without it.
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narusaku dead and buried.
those inconsistencies happen over and over and they always involve sasuke somehow… like i said, projecting his real feelings for sasuke onto sakura. now if you think he thought she was cute and all, i can give you the benefit of the doubt, but being in love with her? no way. naruto has never loved her like that, and i honestly can’t even tell that he loved as a friend either when he pretty much treats her the same way he treats his other konoha comrades: takes responsibility for everything and doesn’t let anyone get involved…
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…unless it’s sasuke, obviously, then he will bear his burdens and see so much pain that he just can’t leave it alone.
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tamelee · 2 years
What do you dislike most about naruto (manga) besides the ending?
Hi Non.e ♡
I don't know if it is a dislike as much, it did bother me though. And that is how dismissive Naruto has been about his own trauma. Don't get me wrong, it is realistic in a way- but for storytelling considering how much it has impacted further conversation, I wish this was explored more.
In the real world Naruto's behavior towards himself as he gets a mirror thrown in front of him (his 'Dark' self) is explainable (yk what I mean), yet in this story, in the world of Shinobi, it doesn't make much sense. Naruto has been extremely hurt. He says that Sasuke and his roles could've easily been reversed. Which I have no doubt about. At times we see Naruto suddenly bursting with anger. When he thought Gaara had died he showed anger too and cried, for him, but also for himself.
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Sounds to me like he wasn't just talking about Gaara. And I don't think I'm the only one if you look at those faces.
Although he was happy to finally meet Minato.. his dad, he punched him in the gut. Opinions aside, this is how Naruto felt at the moment.
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Naruto had been in distress for a while, yet thinking about an afterlife with Sasuke but not carrying the burden of being Uchiha or Jinchuuriki makes Naruto look somewhat relieved.
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Anyway skip to the 'Waterfall of Truth' and Dark Naruto.
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Gerotora the scroll toad, confirms to Naruto that Dark or Evil Naruto is connected to Kurama. The hatred within Naruto's heart or as Motoi describes it 'a reflection of Naruto's true self'. He tries to fight it to no avail.
Motoi voices that Naruto would not be able to use the Kyuubi’s powers if he can’t beat his hatred. He also tells Naruto that despite him and Bee both being Jinchuriki and having similar pasts, Bee passed the Waterfall training in a blink of an eye.
But, both characters are simply not the same, despite being Jinchuriki with similar pasts. They have different things that impacts and challenges them. As Naruto stalks off he thinks about his own past.
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About the similarities between Bee and Gaara, how the villagers went from shunning the boys to treating them as heroes. And that is exactly what happened to Naruto as well- which is what ‘Dark Naruto’ hates. Uh, he who lives deep within his own heart hates. But instead of addressing that issue, Naruto starts to worry whether the villagers really trust him yet or not.. what...???
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No. Trust me, I get the point. Doesn't mean I have to like it.
So with that in mind, Naruto goes back to confront his Dark self, but then I wonder, who really is the 'Dark' one anyway? I talked about this before but manipulation can be as simple as telling another you are “fine” when, in a real sense, you are depressed.
What Naruto then does is a form of manipulation.. to himself because it controls the perception of the other, “Dark-Naruto” and how they react to you. Other times, manipulation also has more insidious consequences, and most times, it is associated with emotional abuse, especially in intimate relationships. And you can’t really be more intimate if it literally is you. When the practice is prolonged, a manipulated person usually ends up with physical, emotional as well as mental health issues if they do not realize the situation sooner and save themselves from it.
“Dark-Naruto” is the part of Naruto that is honest, that sincerely tells Naruto how he feels and questions him when he doesn’t understand something “No.. I don’t know what you mean!” (Please, elaborate further, I want to understand.)
Whereas Naruto just responds with: “Don’t play dumb with me.”
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And how was Dark Naruto supposed to know if you ‘just thought about it a minute ago’. Naruto completely disregards whatever his ‘hatred’ shouts at him to make him truly understand. Now that he has the chance. But instead of working through it, understanding his emotional baggage as he does with everyone else, friends and foes, (Talk No Jutsu) he uses tactics to temporarily control his environment. How he feels. Aka his heart.
Naruto literally manipulates himself.
Naruto: “I’ve only become strong, because of your help, you MIGHT even be the reason I’m here now.”
“Dark” Naruto: “Then why? What am I supposed to do now?” (Genuine confusion.)
Naruto: “What do you think?” (“You’re overreacting.”)
Naruto: “You be like me, because you are me.” (The hell does that even mean?) - (“My hatred seems to be not worthy of any emotional response, it’s dramatic and silly. I’ll make it question it’s own maturity and mental health and damage it into shock for the moment so it disappears for now.”
He didn't overcome his trauma/anger, he didn't "love" it or erase it by hugging it for a moment- nothing. Yet it worked enough for him to "believe it!"
And that was all that he needed in order for it to go into hiding.
So.. my Headcanon is that Dark Naruto actually still exist. A few words and an autograph won't sign him away- I, for one do not "believe it!" (In theory, I do know that it is true, cuz: Manga.)
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happypanda101 · 7 months
The Sakura/Hinata Hypocrisy
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So, this post was inspired by a brief conversation on discord. And before anyone tries to pull the anti card, no. Just because I love Sakura does not mean I hate Hinata. I like Hinata. I think she’s a sweet character who had a lot of potential. And I really with the SakuHina friendship was explored more, their very cute.
But anyway, onto the post!
So, I have honestly thought about making a post about this for a long time, but was nervous to. Cause well… look at the Sakura/Hinata stans. Those guys will go for the throat for their girls.
But can you all just acknowledge the hypocrisy in this fandom?
Sakura tries, she fails: “what a useless bitch!”
Hinata tries, she fails: “She did her best! What a queen!”
Are you guys hearing yourselves? Do you not hear the utter hypocrisy of what you just said?
And it can be the other way around, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that I’ve mostly seen it go down this way.
SP’s favouritism for Hinata really didn’t help either. I know a lot of Hinata fans call her fight with Pain her best moment, but canonly, this happened.
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Her fight was all but one page.
Just about one page less then when Sakura jumped in front of Sasuke to protect him from Gaara.
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(Can’t find the other part sorry)
But despite the fact that these two situations were basically similar, Sakura is hated on while Hinata is endlessly praised.
Can we all just accept the fact that these girls were done dirty by the story?
Sakura’s development wasn’t as drastic as Naruto and Sasuke’s, but it was there. But that all gets thrown away for her love interest.
Hinata’s development and arc in part 1 was very interesting and I was excited to see her grow. But again. That all got thrown away for her love interest.
Because apparently women can’t have any goals outside of men, and if they dare move on from a gut they liked, that makes them a “bad person.”
And whenever they do get big moments, it’s quickly thrown away, for what? The men. And you know what part gets me the most? If Sakura and Hinata were written as men, they’d be better developed, better written, and everyone would love them.
I love Naruto, but I unfortunately can’t read the story with rose tinted glasses like I did when I was younger. The women in this series deserved way better than what they got.
Anyone, Sakura and Hinata’s friendship is adorable. I wish people would stop putting them against each other. Look how cute they are!
Anyway, thats it. Thanks for putting up with another Ted talk of mine.
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thunder-point · 2 months
I've just read all your fics in one go I can't believe I stumbled upon such wonderful writing when I was just mindlessly scrolling through pages. Thank you for your works! I especially love how you characterised izuku, his presence in your fics is top tier. I love I'll let it grow wild in my veins too, can we have any sneaky spoilers?🤣🤣
Aw, thank you so, so much! Sorry for the late answer. I don't even know if you'll see this because from what I remember we don't get notifications when our anon asks are answered :((( I hope you do, lovely anon!
My Izuku is truly an indulgence. I always try to explore other sides of him that perhaps aren't that shown in canon. I'm so glad you're enjoying him so much <3 Currently, I'll let it grow wild in my veins is in hiatus due to several reasons, but I've been working on the 11th chapter regardless of its state.
So here, dear anon. A hefty sneak peak: -----------
“Cuddling.” On Sasuke’s tongue, it’s almost a rasp. Naruto fists the fluffiness of their blanket under his chin, exhales slower. “You want me to tell you what I feel about cuddling, or do you want to cuddle?”
“More of the latter, not gonna lie,” Naruto mutters, and the fact that it yanks an immediate snort out of the Uchiha makes something throb, right behind his ribs.
The bed bounces with movement, and Naruto tries to be less aware of it, but it’s a loud thing. Crisp under his attention - even more so when he’s faced with Sasuke’s front towards him. With a warm, big hand cradling the dip of his hip through their blanket.
“You need to come closer for it to be a cuddle,” comes the whisper. And Naruto - he wished it would hit his lips, minty and hot in a breath. “Why are you so clenched?”
Something ugly, different escapes out his throat. A laugh, but not really. Foreign. Naruto gives in, closes his eyes with a flutter when he slides closer and feels it - Sasuke’s puff of breath breaking against his mouth, his nose. The hand on his hip becomes a whole arm, draped over his waist like a tentative thing.
“You’d think this is your first time ever cuddling,” Sasuke goes on, and his voice lowers even more. It becomes a single string that you touch with your finger, just to hear its quiet response. “Unlikely, with how many friends you have.”
“You consider cuddling a friend activity?” Naruto asks, loose with amusement. He’s honestly happy that he can get it out in such a simple way. Casually.
“I think you consider it like that,” Sasuke murmurs.
“I think so too,” Naruto says, matching his tone. And he thinks it true. For all his life, nuzzling up with someone was just something to feed his touch-starved moments.
Cuddling is platonic.
Same as with a hand on someone’s thigh, his hand in someone else’s. A soft scratch at his nape, a ruffle of his hair. It’s a simple thing, it had no label on it. Nothing to separate it in a little box, to deprive him of it. For others maybe - for others, they might be signs of different affection. Little, intimate indulgences that signal to them that the other person gives love, owns, takes.
But- But tonight, maybe, he gets it. As Sasuke continues to look at him with the softness of a person looking to rest, and trails his hand up Naruto’s spine, fingers tracing the line of his spine idly, he kind of starts to understand how it could be treated as such an alluring sign.
It’s not because of the gesture. Or for others, perhaps it is. But for Naruto, it’s becoming something along the lines of it’s Sasuke. His hands are doing it, him. His gesture, his intimacy spread across Naruto’s skin, his body. It has him curling his legs, it has him unstable in the breath, in the heart. Naruto can’t close his eyes, can’t sleep, for all he feels is a bubbling want, and he’s selfish about Uchiha Sasuke.
A few nights ago this would have been only an intriguing thing to try, something uninhibited and easy, a wonder about how Sasuke cuddles. But now, it’s a mounting need, and he knows he can’t truly have it.
Because Sasuke thinks Naruto’s way of cuddling is purely platonic. It would have been. It truly would.
If it wasn’t fucking Sasuke cradling his back with those nimble fingers of his. Him breathing against Naruto, relaxed and so at ease with entertaining the blond. If it wasn’t this shift in him, something captured only the Uchiha.
He’s the only one daring to step on the cracked bridge that makes all of Naruto’s romantic nature, and he looks to also be the only one to make it hold stable under his feet.
Naruto grits his teeth, and through the buzz of stupid decisions, of selfishness, he nuzzles his nose against Sasuke’s cheek. Holds there for a second, eyes closed tight, aware of the hand on his back stilling in an instant. Even this, even this may be taken as a gesture to be discarded in the casual pile, for Sasuke truly thinks that Naruto is doing it for platonic reasons.
He exhales into Sasuke’s skin, feels the corner of his mouth right against his own, and with a painful beat, he lowers his face until he’s hiding it into his neck. The hand on his back shifts to his nape to accommodate him, just like that. Nimble fingers already tangling into the short hair there, and Naruto’s self begins to shake anew. Harder, harder, then softer. Steadier.
“This is nice,” he says, ignoring the crack of his voice, spoken right into Sasuke’s jutting collarbone. The Uchiha doesn’t seem to mind it either, for he only gives a husky, slow hum. Sleepy, calm.
Yeah, it’s nice, Naruto thinks again, and then it finally, truly settles. But it’s not platonic for me anymore. 
Not anymore.
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