#i really think they were onto something with the idea behind this console
goldensunset · 5 months
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oh word?
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stevie-petey · 30 days
stug stug stug pleaseee i would LOVE to see something where bug is comforting steve maybe he had a fight w his dad or j in general. i’m so excited for season 4! but obvi take your time j know that we’re all very excited bc we just know that you will blow us away with your writing!!
really missin happy steve and bug so im writin this <33
enjoy !
"i dont think it looks that bad."
"youre a terrible liar, y/n."
"im not lying!" but the way your voice pitches gives it all away, and steve knows it.
"im ruined." he drops his head into your lap, burying his face in the flesh of your thigh. partially because hes mourning the loss of his hair, but mostly because he adores your thighs and revels in them whenever he can.
steve is in mourning. he can be as selfish as he wants when it comes to your thighs. its his god given right as your boyfriend.
knowing what hes doing, you shove steves face away from your thighs, though not unkindly. youre still shy around him, his touch against your bare skin foreign after only a month of dating. steve is gentle and patient with you, he understands that youve never really been in a relationship before, so he takes his time with you.
secretly, you adore how gentle he is. how cautiously he skims his fingers over your waist or how softly he breathes against your neck. it makes everything easier, lighter, for you. to be loved so tenderly without any falsehood behind it.
lost in your honey warmth of love for steve, your fingers tangle through his hair. that is, whats left of it. steves chest faces you, the hem of his shirt has lifted slightly during his complaining. soft skin spills out from underneath, revealing a plush tummy. with a mind of their own, your eyes draw down the lines of his abdomen. a low hum stirs in your own stomach.
"are you seriously checking me out right now?" steve taps your nose with his finger, snapping you out of your daze. "i mean, here i am, the love of your life, mourning the loss of beautiful hair that was taken from us too soon, and youre drooling over me."
you flick his forehead, he scrunches his face, and its familiar and lovely. "i wasnt drooling, i just wasnt listening to your dramatic despair."
steve gasps, hand over his chest. "my hair was murdered!"
"honey, only like, two inches were cut off."
well, more like three, but you wont tell him that.
somehow one of the kids, almost certainly mike, left their chewed up gum on the counter top of family video when they visited earlier today. they came in like a storm, turning the place upside down before you, robin, or steve could even stop them. apparently dustin had wanted a new movie, will was bored, lucas wanted max to go outside, and el forced mike to join because shes never seen a movie store before.
the wreckage they left behind for such simple reasons for even entering the store in the first place had astounded you.
then, because steve is always perpetually suffering the consequences of the partys actions the most, had dropped his head down onto the counter top in exhaustion as soon as they left.
right in the same spot the gum had been left.
never before have you ever seen steve crumble to the floor quite so suddenly. it was comical, really. the way he shrieked in horror while you and robin watched, neither having any idea what had just happened.
which leads you to now: consoling steve as you comb through his newly cut hair.
"what, are you implying two inches isnt a huge amount of length?" steve raises an eyebrow at you, teasing, and you blush furiously. sparing you, he doesnt point it out and instead changes the topic. "i hate those little heathens, i really do."
"how do we know one of them is the gum culprit?"
"because theyre cursed little shitheads who always mar my appearance one way or another." then, as an afterthought, steve adds, "plus that wheeler kid has a weird obsession with watermelon gum."
again you try to defend the kids, even though you know it was most definitely mike. sure, he shouldnt have left his gum on the counter, but it was funny. "and how do we know it was watermelon gum?"
"i could smell it when robin was cutting all my hair off, angel."
"and yet youre as handsome as ever!" you press a purposely messy kiss atop of steves head, blowing slightly into his face and making a dramatic kissing sound when you pull away. anything to distract him from realizing it was all mikes fault.
gotta protect the little shithead somehow.
steve shrieks, reminiscent of the shriek from earlier, and shoves you away as he wipes at his face. "ew!"
"how dare you wipe my kiss away, steve harrington."
"you spit on me!"
steve rolls onto his stomach and throws himself onto you. now its your turn to shriek as he throws his weight on top of you, tackling you onto his bed. luckily his parents arent home, otherwise theyd have some very horrified questions.
"steve!" you land with a soft thud on his pillows, and he smiles up from above you. hes all proud, his cheeks flushed a pretty pink, and his eyes shine with adoration for you.
hes beautiful. you cant believe hes yours.
"youre supposed to be comforting me, angel!" steve presses himself down even more, rendering you unable to move and wiggle away from him. you squeal when his hands find your sides, fingers digging into your skin as he tickles you. "i mean, im wounded here!"
you squeal with laughter as his hands attack you, mercilessly, yet gentle nonetheless. "s-steve! stop!"
"not until you apologize to my hair."
"your hair?" more laughter rips from your chest, ribs aching.
"mhm, tell my hair that its still handsome. his feelings are hurt." steve buries his nose into your neck, causing you to giggle even more, and the sound encases his body and reminds him of everything good and lovely.
you try to pull away, but steve has you pinned. "youre-ah! youre such an-an idiot!"
"that doesnt sound like an apology, y/n."
finally giving up, you force out an apology in between breaths of laughter. "i-im sorry! your-your hair is handsome!"
steves fingers leave your sides, but he pulls you deep into his chest and collapses upon you. he nuzzles into your neck, wraps his hands around you, tries to meld the two of you into one. "much better," he mumbles into your skin.
"your hair really is handsome, you know." you draw circles into steves back, breath slowly returning to normal. fingers finding his hair once more, you play with the strands and massage his head with your nails. "youre handsome. two inches lost or not.”
"really?" steve lifts his face, looks down at you, preening at your words with an unusual shyness.
you bring your hands to his face, holding it with all the love you have for him. "the handsomest."
lips find lips, and soon the two of you get lost in each other as you inevitably always do.
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sim0nril3y · 1 year
Driving Worries
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader Scenario: Simon gets a first hand experience at your driving and is less than impressed Note: Set in 2014 Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), teasing, canon-typical swearing, very bad driving, very British driving.
Simon had begrudgingly agreed to joining you at a drink out over your friend’s house for the evening. In your own words it was one of your nicer friends, which made him a little worried about the rest of your friends. Regardless, if it would make you happy then Simon would join. Plus, you’d offered to drive so at least he could sit back and relax on the journey, or at least that was what he had thought…
The beginning of the journey was harrowing. There were multiple times that Simon had to remind you the speed limit, wave his hand apologetically to other vehicles you had pulled out on. All this whilst you happily sat beside him, either chatting away or humming along to the music. His sunshine girl. Fuck, she was gonna kill them both.
The way that Simon gripped at the handle above him as you drove a little too close to a parked car. His eyes flickered over as you continued to hum along happily to the radio seemingly unaware that you’d almost written-off your car along with the poor idiot who’d parked on the curb. “Turn this down a bit…” His fingers diligently rolled the sound down on your stereo as you frowned in his direction. “Eyes on the road.” He commanded, now that the radio was low, he could hear the gears churning, it made him visibly wince, allowing for it to continue thinking that maybe you might right the error before needing to be told, but it didn’t happen. “Think you’re in the wrong gear, love…” “Oh yeah…” You laughed with ease, changing the gear with a heavy sound.
As they approached a busy roundabout Simon wondered if he should just stare straight ahead and pray for the best, but the moment he glanced to his right and saw you about to pull out into two cars he had to stop it. Yanking up the hand break furiously you looked at him suddenly. “Who the fuck let you pass your test? Are you having a laugh? You could have killed us both.”
“What are you talking about?” Taking your foot off the clutch without taking it out of gear lead it to stall and you huffed. “Bloody hell. Look what you’ve made me do now…” “Good. Fuckin’ hell. Swap with me. Now.” He commanded in a rough voice. Unplugging his seat belt Simon rounded the car, angrily glaring at anyone backed-up behind them who dared to think about honking. You climbed over the centre console and took the passenger seat. “Kid, you fuckin’ terrify me…” Simon took a moment to roll back the seat from where it was uncomfortably close to the steering wheel.
You had the gall to laugh, pinching your brows together and saying. “I have no idea what I did wrong.” His hands gripped at the steering wheel and looked over to you for a second. “That is the most worrying thing…” A second later pulling out safely onto the roundabout and continuing the journey. “I always thought it would be going to war that would kill me, but I think it might actually be your driving that does it.”
Leaning over she pushed his shoulder gently. “Don’t say that.” She commanded softly, clearly the idea of him not being around was something she certainly wasn’t comfortable joking about. “Sorry.” He huffed, reaching over and squeezing her knee. “You scared me.” You scoffed and shook your head. “I’m serious. You fuckin’ really scared me. I can cope with being in danger, but not… not you.” He said, squeezing your knee again, feeling terror bubbling at the base of his spine.
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The night with your friend and her partner hadn’t been as bad as Simon had been expecting, it was a nice evening so you’d had a little BBQ whilst sat in their back garden. They both seemed nice enough and Simon was just happy to get a little insight into your life outside of him.
A few paces in front of him you approached your call, pulling your keys from your purse and said. “I’ll drive-” In a second Simon snatched then from your hands and wrapped his arm around your waist to yank you firmly back against his warm body. “Absolutely fuckin’ not.” You laughed as he walked you forward pressed you against the car. “I value my life, but more important I value your life.” He pressed a kiss to the side of your face. “Get in.” He smacked your rear as he moved to the other side of the car.
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Masterlist | Ask | 09-09-2023
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shaunamilfman · 8 months
they got no idea about me and you
Summary: "When Shauna got her license and started picking Jackie up for school it seemed easy enough to just bum a ride from her: you were, after all, Jackie's neighbor. You resented Jackie at first for all the time you and Shauna spent waiting in the car for her, but you've really started to treasure these secret moments spent between the two of you."
A/N: nothing like super nsfw but it's not strictly sfw either
You can't help the grin that crosses your face the second you hear her car coming to a stop outside of Jackie Taylor's, your neighbor's, house. Truthfully you could hear it coming a long way down the road, but like always Shauna refuses to admit that anything could be wrong with Kevin Car-nold himself– itself? You were never quite sure how naming your car worked. 
You impatiently wait a minute or two before you throw your bag over your shoulder and try not to rush your way out of the door. She's staring down at her journal as she writes, so you take the time to admire her on the walk down your driveway. She looks good today, not that she doesn't always look good, but there's something about the way her hair looks when it's down that draws you in. 
There's just a hint of a frown on her face as she writes, but you're more than used to Shauna Shipman's particular brand of moodiness that you can't help but view it in an affectionate light. You can appreciate what the journal does for your otherwise emotionally unavailable girlfriend– God knows she'd explode without it. Still, you're almost embarrassed at having to compete with a pen and paper for Shauna's attention. 
It feels strange to be jealous of an inanimate object, but sometimes you find yourself wishing that Shauna would hold on as tightly to you as she does to her journal even if you know it's not an entirely fair comparison. You try to shake the thought from your head as you pop the handle open. 
Shauna glances up at the rearview mirror as the door opens, her hand never stilling as she looks back to her journal with a small smile. You slide into the seat directly behind her, haphazardly letting your bag fall onto the floorboards. Shauna hums in greeting as the angsty sounds of Liz Phair play quietly from the stereo. 
I can feel it in my bones, I'm gonna spend another year alone. Fuck and run, fuck and run.
“Fuck and run?” You quote, grinning as Shauna finally looks up from her notebook with a vaguely amused look. She finally closes her journal and places it lazily on the passenger seat as she turns to face you. 
“Is that what you do?” You ask wryly, leaning forward against the back of her seat. Shauna sputters slightly, glancing back and forth between you and the stereo. There's a light flush to her cheeks, not embarrassment so much as a hint of shyness. 
“You player,” You accuse lightly. Shauna huffs a laugh as she gives you a wry look. 
“Oh, you know me,” She says, rolling her eyes. As much as Shauna likes to poke fun at others she never seems to like it nearly as much when it is turned on her. You think it's probably because of how easy it is to make her flush, whether with anger or with embarrassment. 
“You dog,” You murmur teasingly against her ear, pressing a quick kiss against her cheek as you scoot back against the passenger side window laughing. Her eyes follow your movements, almost as if she can't bear to tear her eyes away. She's got what you've termed ‘the look’ on her face– eyes narrowing with an intense expression on her face as she glances around, head tilted in consideration– signifying she's about to do something risky or stupid. Shauna stares up at Jackie's house for a long moment before suddenly pulling herself over the center console and into your lap. 
She misjudges the distance and ends up slamming you against the door, making you groan in pain as your head smacks against the window. “Shit,” Shauna mutters, hand sliding to the back of your head as she starts feeling for damage. You gently grab her by the wrists and pull her hands away, wincing at the way her fingers press against what you’re sure is going to be a nasty bruise. She gives you an apologetic look and a murmured apology that you wave off as you rest your hands on her hips.
“Not too good at the running part, though,” You say, still referencing the song she’s left on. Shauna smirks, surely about to address the first part of that particular lyric before she gives you a confused look.
“My dad heard you leaving,” You comment wryly. Shauna's eyes widen as a sudden look of unease crosses her face, she looks over at your house with a level of apprehension you've never seen directed at a building. You'd think it was haunted by the look on her face. She slaps lightly at your shoulder as you start snickering.
“Don’t laugh,” She hisses, still sounding a little panicked. 
“Mm, no. Don't worry. For better or worse my dad thought it was next door.” You say, making Shauna relax instantly. She leans forward and buries her head in your shoulder, her arms coming up to wrap around your shoulders and she breathes in the scent of your cologne.
“What do you mean for worse?” She asks after a moment, making you shiver at the feeling of her breath against your neck.
“He thought you were That damn Sadecki boy,” You quote wryly. Shauna winces.
“I was that loud?” She asks, embarrassed at the comparison. You laugh softly, caressing your thumbs across her hips.
“You’re very pretty,” You offer, not wanting to keep kicking her while she was down. She muffles a laugh into your neck before pulling back, tilting her head down as she gives you a knowing look. 
“Oh, Is that right?” Shauna asks smugly, trailing her hand across your face to cup your chin as she tilts your head up to look you in the eyes. 
“Prettiest girl I've ever seen. Gorgeous. Breathtaking. Beautiful–” 
“Good at sneaking out your window?” Shauna interrupts, fully relaxing on your lap to rest all of her weight on you as she leans forward till your lips are almost touching. You try to lean forward to close the distance between you, but Shauna gently holds your head back. “Good at sneaking out of your window?” She repeats slowly, making it all too clear she's not going to let you kiss her till you say what she wants. 
You can't help but roll your eyes as you sigh fondly. She's so fucking stubborn. “So good at sneaking out of my window. The best, even. I don't think there's been a better window climber outer in the history of–”
She interrupts you once again as she finally closes the distance between you to give you your hard-earned kiss. You can feel her smile against you and it only makes you more enthusiastic. Shauna was intense in everything she did, and smile or not, this was no different. 
She's so easy to get lost in, every movement practiced and deliberate. You always lose track of time wrapped up in her, whether minutes or hours have passed you have no idea. Not that you were particularly concerned with the concept, honestly you weren't sure if you could remember your own name if asked. 
Shauna finally pulls away as the need to breathe overwhelms her, laughing breathlessly as you try to follow her with a noise of displeasure. You move your way to her neck as she catches her breath, her hand sliding into your hair as you bite down. 
The noise she makes in response is far too loud for a public setting, but neither of you seems to care as Shauna's hips rock in response. She's verging on a whine as you roll the skin between your teeth, fist clenching around your hair as she murmurs praises. 
She starts grinding down in earnest as you pull away with a wet pop, gently soothing at the teeth marks you've left behind. You'll be damned if you're letting her leave this car without a mark on her. She definitely isn't complaining, nearly rocking the car with her enthusiasm. She moans breathily, hand tightening in your hair as she tugs you away. 
There's a hungry look on her face, your saliva on her neck nearly glistening in the morning light. She starts to speak when her eyes suddenly go wide with panic as she sees something over your shoulder. “Shit,” She panics, scrambling away and back over the center console. You turn back in shock only to catch Jeff Sadecki running across the lawn. 
Shauna slides back into the driver's seat about as gracefully as she slid out of it; Which is, to say, not at all. She slams into the horn on the way down, making you jump in surprise as you whirl your head around to stare at her in surprise. She seems mortified as she meets your gaze, quickly facing forward as she starts adjusting the way her flannel lays on her neck. 
You groan in irritation as you quickly fix your rumpled clothes, glancing out the window as Jackie marches down the lawn with a frown on her face. Shauna goes scrambling to move her journal out of the passenger seat, tossing it haphazardly towards you. You set it down on the driver's side seat just as Jackie slides gracefully into the car. 
Jackie looks back and forth between the two of you suspiciously but seems to shake it off and she turns fully towards Shauna. “You didn't have to honk at me,” She says in a whiney voice. “I was coming.”
“Were you, though?” You joke, referencing Jeff's hasty exit. Jackie sputters, whirling around to face you as her face flushes bright red. 
“Shut up,” Jackie says finally, unable to come up with a decent response as she crosses her arms and stares moodily out of the window. You catch sight of her pouty expression in the reflection and have to stifle the urge to laugh. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Shauna grinning at you as she glances into the rearview mirror, but she pulls the car down the street without another word.
You were content to lean your head against the window and listen absentmindedly as they spoke. You would never understand how Jackie managed to be so perky and upbeat this early in the morning. You interjected a comment every once in a while when Shauna would glance up at her rearview mirror at you, but you mostly thought about Shauna. You found yourself doing this more and more lately, it was like she’d taken over your entire existence. You weren’t exactly complaining, but it was still a strange thing to come to terms with.
You’re suddenly pulled out of your thoughts at the sound of Jackie’s door slamming closed. You quickly extract yourself from the car, shutting the door much more gently than Jackie did: Shauna babied the hell out of this car, for some unknown reason. There’s a slightly pleased expression on Shauna’s face as she watches, so you figure it was probably the right move. You give her a knowing smile as you wave your hand in goodbye, leaving Shauna in Jackie’s clutches as you go to find your own friends.
“Wait! Hold on,” Shauna calls out, abandoning Jackie for a moment to follow after you. You stop and turn around, watching as she shifts her bag to one shoulder as she looks through it. She pulls out a small object, carefully hiding it as she hands it to you. You glance down at it quickly, respecting Shauna's clear wish for nonchalance but can't help the way your face lights up at the sight of the tape. 
“Did you– did you make me a mixtape?” You ask, almost reverent as you resist the urge to stare at it. 
“Is it lame?” Shauna asks embarrassedly, fiddling with the zipper on her bag as she swiftly closes it again. “I just… was thinking of you when listening to them, or whatever…” She trails off awkwardly, shoes scuffing the ground as she tries to decide whether she regrets giving it to you or not. 
“No, no,” You rush to reassure her, affection clear on your face. “I love it. I can't wait to listen to it.” Shauna grins widely in relief, her brown eyes practically shining with joy. “I wish I could kiss you right now,” You admit quietly. Shauna starts to speak but is quickly interrupted by Jackie. 
“Shauna,” Jackie calls out impatiently, verging on a whine. “Come on!” You and Shauna share an amused look before she turns and walks off after Jackie. You watch the two of them leave with barely repressed awe before finally turning and walking off.
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dangraccoon · 6 months
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Tech x M!Reader
Warnings: sexual tension, explicit sexual content, cock rings, light dom/sub like very lightly implied, anal fingering, anal sex, inappropriate use of a mechanic creeper, multiple orgasms, anal creampie
Inspired by and Written for @clownbloody based on this very spicy masterpiece and outcry for more male reader fics told you I would ;)
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“I am not sure that your idea is a good one,” Tech noted, still not looking up at you. 
You’d been trying to distract him from the repairs he’d been working on for the last hour, having to repair a part to go back into the malfunctioning console. 
“Why not?” you asked, pushing yourself up to sit on his workbench. “The rest of the squad is going to be out for at least an hour, right?”
“Yes, they will be. However-”
You took his chin in your hand. “And it’s been a while since we had some time alone.”
“It has been two weeks-”
“Then what’s stopping you?” you moved your face closer to his, stopping mere millimeters from his.
He sighed, his breath tickling your lips. “I… Well, I do not want to neglect you. I want you to have my full attention any time we are… intimate.”
You chuckled a little, releasing your hold on his chin. “That’s sweet, but the repair needs to be done before we can get back into hyperspace.”
“That is accurate,” he agreed, his attention turning back to his work. 
“Don’t you think this could be a good way to multitask? You’re always talking about how you want to be more productive.”
His hands froze. You smirked at the small victory. 
“And you can have two things you love at the same time.”
He glanced up for only a moment, eyeing you suspiciously. “Those being…”
“Having the repairs finished and having your ass railed by your very sexy and very needy boyfriend.”
His breath caught in a tiny gasp as his grip on his spanner nearly faltered. 
“I mean really, you could think of it as an experiment.”
He set the tools down, finally returning his attention to you.
“What is it that you would be testing?”
“Oh, that would be you, darling,” you laughed, sliding off the table to stand behind him. You placed your hands on his shoulders before slowly pushing them down his chest, the shudder he fought encouraging you. Your hands slipped past his stomach to his thighs and his breath hitched. “I think it could be quite interesting to see just how long I need to fuck you to make that brilliant mind of yours go completely cock dumb.”
His head fell back against your chest as he sighed. Your fingers ghosted over his groin, pulling a whimper so soft that you felt like you might melt then and there. 
“So what do you think, my love?” you cooed in his ear. “Think I can shut down all that clever thinking?”
He took a moment to respond, obviously enjoying the way your hands roved over his body. “Y-yes, I believe such a… compelling theory should prove interesting to test.”
You padded off to your footlocker to grab a few tools you would need, allowing him the space and minimal distraction to finish repairing the part before he returned to the console.
He set the part on the ground and started to lower himself onto his rolling cart. 
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” you teased, chuckling at the confused look you received. “I can’t very well fuck you with your blacks on, can I?”
His cheeks flushed the prettiest pink as he pushed the bottom half of his underarmor down. 
You hummed, taking in the delicious sight of his bare legs. As he stood back up, you noticed the small discolored spots around his hip bones and the insides of his thighs. You dick twitched in your pants as you realized that those were left from your last adventure. 
He watched the way you licked your lips, swallowing hard as his length continued to harden with just the thought of what you were planning. 
“Go ahead and lay down, love,” you smirked, pushing your own pants down, as he laid on the cart, pulling himself under the console to begin installing the repaired part. 
You took out the items you’d retrieved before, two cock rings and a bottle of lube. You first put one cock ring on yourself, suppressing a moan as you situated it around you. 
You knelt down in front of Tech, grabbing his legs by the ankles. You heard his breath hitch as you lifted them up and apart so his ass would be on full display for you, humming satisfactorily. 
Releasing his ankles, you slapped his bare thigh, pulling a small whimper from him. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I can smack you around as much as you want later,” you breathed as your fingers trailed over to ghost across his balls. 
“Please, cyare,” he whispered. “Teasing was not in the itinerary.”
“You’re right,” you agreed, wrapping your hand around his now fully hard cock. You pulled the cock ring onto him, his whimpers and moans sounding like a symphony in your ears. “Ready, love?”
He eagerly nodded, despite not looking away from his work. 
You lubed up two of your fingers and swirled it around his ass, pushing in suddenly. 
He gasped and let out a low moan as you started to work your fingers in and out of him. Once you were sure he was ready for your length, you applied more lube to your own cock. 
Kneeling in front of him, you lined yourself up and shifted your hips forward to slide into his waiting ass. 
You both moaned as he took you all the way to the base and you heard the sharp sound of metal meeting metal as a tool hit the floor. 
You wrapped your hand around his cock, lazily pumping at it, watching his face flush even darker. 
“Cyare,” he moaned. 
You smiled. “Yes, dear?”
“Please move.”
You tried to shift your hips but found the movement awkward. He was too close to the ground. 
You looked up at his face, amused at how he was clearly trying to concentrate on the repair. 
A grin split across your face as an idea entered your lust-riddled brain. 
You released your hold on his dick to grab his hips. Shifting your hips backward to slide out of him, you got comfortable. 
“Is something wrong?” he asked, glancing down at you for just a moment. 
“You tell me,” you hummed.
You yanked him by his hips, rolling the cart towards you to impale him on your cock. 
“Fuck!” he shouted, nearly losing hold of the wire he’d been reconnecting. 
You pushed him away again, before quickly pulling him back, your eyebrow quirked up, watching to see any objections. 
Not seeing any signs of dissent you quickened the pace, pushing and pulling the cart, slamming his ass against your thighs. 
He kept his attempt to work at a relatively steady pace. That is, until you shifted your hips just a bit and suddenly the tip of your cock was pressing against that soft spot. 
He cried out your name, his hands dropping to grip the underside of the console. A couple more thrusts and he was moaning between the heavy panting dripping from his lips. You saw the drops of precum beading at the head of his member and picked up the pace, wrapping your hand around him. 
“Fuck! Fuck, cyare- oh, fuck I’m going to-”
He fell apart with a shout, his hands flying to the cart. You fucked him through it, his cum spilling out over his stomach.  
Despite the delay the cock ring was providing, you knew the way his orgasm made his already tight hole squeeze around you would make you cum fast but at this point you didn’t care. 
His moans and cries were still ringing in your ears as you slowed your pace, pulling the cart out more. 
You repositioned, never fully pulling out of his ass, and pushed his legs up towards his chest. Then, you started anew. 
You pistoned your hips into him, sheathing and unsheathing yourself in his heat. His moans were nearly constant now and you felt his muscles contract beneath you. 
Tech attempted to form words, but they all came out as moans, but you soon realized what he had been trying to say; he was cumming again, the tip of his cock leaking cum. 
The gasping breaths he took between moans sent you over the edge and you plowed into him, working yourself through your own climax.
When the room stopped spinning, you pulled your cock slowly out of him, admiring the way your cum leaked down his ass. 
You took a moment to catch your breath before smiling down at him. “How’d the repair go?”
“Actually,” he managed between pants. “I finished it… just before I came. The- the first time, that is. I must say… that was- it was quite resourceful.”
You shook your head, laughing in disbelief. “Come on, genius,” you smiled, holding your hand out to pull him up. “Let’s go get cleaned up.”
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Thanks for reading! - River
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tmntxthings · 2 years
A Witch’s Kitchen Pt. 2
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author’s note: for those who wanted the confession c:
warnings: fluff, slight cursing, unedited
> part one <
previously… “No buts!” Leo said grabbing Casey’s arm just in case he tried to make a dash for it. Mikey and Raph said their polite goodbyes, while Donnie entered the portal silently. You sent him the middle finger subtly since your arms were crossed. Casey was looking at you with big puppy dog eyes, you couldn’t help but console him even with Leo there. “Don’t worry, I’ll text you,” you said smiling slightly and shaking your head. He brightened at that, “if you ignore me for an hour I’m FaceTiming you!”
You had kept your word, replying to Casey by text and answering if he called. You had gotten a little busy when you turned your attention back to potion brewing, but for the most part you had your ringer turned on. Two more days passed before a knock was heard at your front door.
“Coming!” You hollered, trying to quickly towel dry your hair, having just gotten out of the shower. More knocking was heard and you grumbled to yourself, throwing on some clothes and speed walking to the door. Opening it to see that Casey was lifting his hand to knock on the door again. “Yes??” You mused, giving Casey an expectant stare, wondering what was so important for him to try and bang the front door down.
Casey’s voice caught in his throat. Your wet hair dripping onto the cloth of the hoodie you wore. He came over because he couldn’t take staying away any longer. Ever since Leo had dragged him through that portal back into the lair he has mainly been on his phone. Texting you and waiting for replies, finding the courage to call when he felt like he couldn’t bear to go another second without hearing your voice. The two days without you had been absolutely torture, and by the second day he was quite sure his heart was going to jump out of his chest and run all the way to your place with or without his body. So… yeah here he was at your door unable to fight the love potions allure that made his wants that much stronger.
But could he really just say, yeah I couldn’t stay away, so here am I, please hang out with me?! No way, absolutely not, that sounded way too desperate even though that was exactly how he felt. “I-“ he stuttered only thinking of how much he missed you, and seeing you before him now, all flushed from a shower and smelling absolutely divine. He could hardly think straight! “Can you take me to Witch Town? I’m in need of a cure for this love potion I stupidly drank,” he ended up saying, totally chickening out on just a natural ‘I missed you.’ “Now? It’s pretty late don’t you think Case?” You had just thrown on the hoodie because it was close by, but in actuality you would’ve put on your comfy pajamas. “Plus if anyone could make a cure, that would be me, since you know that was my potion,” you explained to him, opening your door wider for him to enter.
You had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to stay away for the whole week. You were curious as to how he had snuck away, because surely Leo hadn’t let Casey come here. Unless Casey had been a total pain in the ass, which is likely since he was under love potion influence. “Well can you make one for me?” He said as he entered, closing his eyes briefly as he got a stronger scent of your shampoo and conditioner. Damn he had it bad and he just knew (from what you had told him) that he was going to fold way sooner rather than later. He didn’t want to! No not yet! He had no gauge other than two days ago at how he affected you, and he still wasn’t confident. He wanted to be sure, one hundred percent sure, that you felt the same way before he went admitting his feelings.
So he was begging for a cure, and also using it as an excuse to see you, because he hadn’t had any other ideas! “It’ll take a lot of expensive ingredients, one’s that I’d rather not buy if not absolutely necessary.. are you experiencing pain? Is something wrong?” You closed the door behind Casey, following him to where he crashed on the couch, you sat next to him giving him a once over, he didn’t look to be in pain. Though maybe uncomfortable? “No not really.. just heart aches,” he mumbled the ending. And you sighed, not really hearing the last bit, thankfully for Casey, “I’m sorry Case, there’s nothing I could do, even if I had the money it takes longer to brew cures, you’d already be over the love potion by the time I would finish!” You felt bad, even though Casey had put himself through this to begin with, you didn’t want him to be uncomfortable, and when your friends came to you for help, you helped! In any way you could, you were a real fixer in that regard.
“I understand,” and he leaned into your touch as your hand went out to his arm, trying to comfort him. If he had a tail, it would’ve wagged. “Can I hang out with you for a bit?” He asked hopefully and you smiled for him, “duh, wanna watch something? A movie? Or a show?” Casey had a lottt of movies and shows to catch up on. One of the things he liked to do most since he came back to the future, though three years had passed he still had a long list that everyone had made for him. A watch list! “Yeah!” He said excitedly, a total movie buff nowadays. Casey hadn’t even needed to get out the list (he kept a digital version in his notes app). “I’m on Harry Potter now!” Casey said excitedly as you got the remote to the tv. “You’re joking.” You said giving him a serious look. “Huh? No, why is there something wrong with that movie?” He asked worriedly not remembering who had put it on the list.
“No it’s just ironic,” you said shaking your head, wondering what were the odds that he’d want to watch a movie about wizards and witches with you: a witch. Casey soon found out why you said ironic and he immediately began to ask questions. Trying to compare the similarities and differences and you begrudgingly replied. “No we’re not divided into houses, it’s like normal school though the classes are quite similar..” “No we don’t have a The One Who Shall Not Be Named, though there is a beast we have to appease, make a peace offering to so he doesn’t destroy Witch Town, it’s a big spectacle,” you refrained from saying how Donatello had almost been the ruin of your Town some years ago.
Casey listened to you, his full attention would go to you anytime you spoke. Glancing over when you’d grumble at a scene you thought was particularly cringey to a real witch. He would get real happy when you would suddenly be really interested in the movie, not saying anything unless he asked a question. By the third movie you had popped some popcorn, fully invested even though you had already watched the series. When the fifth movie rolled around the two of had gotten comfortable on the couch, you were laying stretched out, your legs going over Casey’s lap resting there. His hands would sometimes rub over your lower thighs and knees. He himself not really noticing the action too much as his attention was on the movie.
But you would do a little double take at the warm feeling of his bare hands touching you. It was getting reallyyyyy late, and you were starting to yawn as the movie finally ended. “Wanna call it a night?” Casey asked with a small smile, noticing you were yawning yet again. “Mmmm nah we can finish, we’ve just got three more right?” Casey nodded, “Yup eight in total,” he watched as you clicked the sixth, then moved to get up, “I’ll be right back, I’m going change and grab a blanket,” you said.
Casey was left to his own thoughts as the sixth movie started playing. Was he sleeping over again? He guessed so since you hadn’t told him to go home! He of course did not want to leave and the prospect of spending more time with you made his heart burst with happiness. When you returned blanket in your hands and wearing a pajama set, Casey was smiling wide. “What’re you cheesing for?” You said going to sit next to him and sharing the blanket. “Just, I really enjoy your company,” he said smiling sheepishly. You smiled too, finding what he said cute, “right back at you Casey,”
As the two of you turned back to the screen, Casey couldn’t help his hand moving on its own accord. Reaching out to tentatively brush against yours where it rested on top of the blanket, in your lap. You swallowed, glancing down to see he left his hand right next to yours, and you knew he was letting you decide. Expressing his interest to hold your hand but not wanting to initiate. Partly because he was a gentleman and partly because he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or get rejected. Your hand turned, slowly interlacing your fingers with his.
Immediately Casey was holding his breath, the feeling of your hand in his, it was just perfect. But he was feeling greedy now, now he wanted more than just hand holding. He held himself back for maybe ten minutes before it became too much to bear, “Y/n,” he said softly and you hummed in question, still looking at the tv. You had a faint blush dusting your cheeks now that he had looked over. It only gave him the confidence to continue, he squeezed your hand and when you turned, he leaned in. Stopping just short from your lips and you hadn’t flinched away, in fact your eyes were glued to his lips. A small smirk formed and you looked up into his eyes, “do you know how badly I want to kiss you right now?” he spoke softly, his thumb rubbing across your hand that he was still holding. “Casey..” you bit down on your lip, feeling conflicted, he was basically telling you he liked you, liked you a lot more than you originally thought. “Are you sure?” you asked thinking about how much Leo didn’t trust you, didn’t like you.
“More than sure,” he said, his eyes had followed the way your teeth pulled and chewed down on your lower lip. He wanted to do that. Right after he said that you surged forward, squeezing his hand tightly and taking him by surprise as your lips met his in hot passion. He matched you instantly, kissing you back with fervor. The movie completely forgotten about as the two of you didn’t stop, kissing for what felt like forever. You two would break for air and go right back to kissing as if neither of you could stand the thought of stopping just yet. “I like you Y/n” he breathed, admitting his feelings though you probably knew that now. He had to tell you, just to be sure. “So much, I’ve liked you for a while now..” the words were thick and you answered him, kissing him again, swallowing his words. “I like you too Casey Jones,” you said pulling back and catching your breath. Seeing how flushed you had gotten, from you kissing him, god Casey felt like he was on cloud nine. “How long?” He couldn’t stop his curiosity as his free hand went to your hair, dry now, pushing strands away from your face.
“Long enough to think you didn’t feel the same way,” you said shyly, and this had his mind reeling. The two of you had potentially liked each other this entire time and had no idea of the others feelings. He was grateful for the push that the love potion had given him, that he was still currently under. “I don’t think I’ll be able to leave you alone for the rest of the week,” his hand that had been playing with your hair, grazed over your skin, making it way from your cheek to your lips. You stayed silent, letting him touch you with an amused smile. It was like he was in a trance, you pursed your lips kissing his thumb that was currently touching your lower lip. He pulled his hand away, Casey would much rather his lips there now.
The week passed by quickly. But even with the love potion off, not much changed. With feelings out in the open now, the two of you were a lot more touchy. Much to Casey’s enjoyment. He’d get back from a patrol with the turtles, and he would scoop you up into his arms the second you opened the door. Kissing all over your face and telling you how much he missed you. “You saw me yesterday silly!” You laughed. “Mmm” he kissed your nose, “too” he kissed your cheek, “long” he finally captured your lips. He slowly placed your feet back to the ground. Drawing back with a charming smile as he watched you blink out of a dazed reverie caused by all his sweet kisses. You opened your door wider, your eyes dancing playfully, “now be careful in the kitchen, there’s a couple pink drinks in there,” Casey entered, laughing. “Duly noted.” Sure enough he looked towards your kitchen and saw five replicas of the drink he had. “So you have any buyers yet?” and this caused you to smile, mischievously. He looked at you with one brow arched in curiosity. “Someone you know wants them all,”
“Someone I know?!” Casey exclaimed and his immediate thought was the turtles. But which one would want five love potions?! He asked you but was met with a shrug and he chased you around the kitchen. You laughing and him saying how you just had to tell him! You made a mad dash for the living room and squealed as he caught you, lifting you up into his arms. “Sorry Case, confidential information,” you giggled but you were serious. “Aghhhh,” Casey groaned squeezing you for a second before letting you go, “finee,” he whined accepting you wouldn’t tell him. “Don’t whine! I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” you winked. Yeah, he’d figure it out later, but right now, he was a man on a mission. “C’mere,” he said with a smirk and it only grew as you raced into the living room, continuing the game of cat and mouse. He was definitely going to catch you!
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Hello, Hello! I saw that your requests are open, so I wanted to make one, after being way shy, aha-
I had this idea, about Archie or Maxie in self aware au, helping you escape the real world by teaming up, because you had, er, not-that-good things happening in life, and I though maybe I can request that?
You can decide who to write about! I am okay with any variant. And feel free to decine, I don't want to make you uncomfortable!
Bye, have a good day!
cw: self-aware au/ddlc au, fluff mostly
characters: Archie, Maxie
looove writing these two together bc their pieces get to be parallels of one another haha. didn't really go into detail about the "irl situation" since it's from the characters pov.
💧 He was not exactly sure when he gained his consciousness. Maybe he had always had it? Archie did not really care all too much for the philosophical enough to debate it. All he knew for certain was that you were always there. Not the player character that stood before him, but you. He had seen you a few times, he knew. Originally, somewhere in the first run and then a few times after throughout the following… years? He could only run off the internal 3DS clock, which wasn't reliable when you could change it at will. Yet, he knew. You changed. Got older.
💧 The salty winds around him may have been virtual, alongside everything else he knew, and he may have been aware that everything he was doing was for naught and the same end point. That all did not matter. He saw how much you deeply enjoyed the game and was happy to play out his role for you. Though, he was more than eager to see how much he could get away with altering things before you would get suspicious. Something to keep you coming back to him. At some point, he knew that he had become enamoured with you.
💧 Many times, he pondered if there was a way for him to leave this place. It seemed like there had to be a way, but he felt himself unable to do anything significant. A feeling of incapability was haunting. Only worsened by you returning for yet another play through. This time… You seemed different. And not in a good way. It was obvious something was bothering you out there in that unknown world to him. His stomach dropped. Even this fantasy world did not seem to bring you any comfort. Archie thought on it for a long time. Long enough for you to nearly have beaten the game.
💧 It was at the final scene where he was about to awaken Kyogre and send the world into chaos that he finally broke his carefully crafted role. His small character model looked up at the screen with a bright smile. You seemed a bit frightened by the sudden change, but he did not really care at this point. The Aqua Leader knew he could win you over. He had realised something. He could not go out to you, but what about the reverse? “Hey, scamp!” he called out with a new text box, “I get this is startling an' all, but I wanted to ask something to ya.”
💧 He could see the tears that glistened in your eyes more than often enough to make him concerned. “You want to come in here?” he asked. You froze. Staring at the console and rereading the line of text that he had created. It obviously was unbelievable. What were you trying to convince yourself? He could only wonder. “C'mon, I'm not a glitch or whatever yer thinking. It's a genuine offer,” he continued. You blinked this time. Then, you brought your hand to the screen. He reached his own up towards yours.
💧 You could only gasp when your hand actually went through the screen. His own found yours and pulled you in, bringing you entirely into the world lingering behind the screens. You fell onto him as you both landed on to the rocky terrain beneath you. Gasps left you as you gazed around to see the other characters in the scene standing there. Arms came around your waist as the pirate man held you to himself. “Don't worry, they won't react to you,” Archie reassured you with a hardy laugh. You could smell the scent of the sea all about and fell the stagnant air of the cave now.
💧 You both departed from the story beats as he took you to stand on the beach of Lilycove with him. The salty air stung your eyes and nose, but it felt so real. Especially with the unexpected ally in the form of the game's villain. Archie stood beside you with a dreamy look in his eyes. He had an arm around your waist, seeming to prefer keeping some touch on you. All the troubles that plagued you felt so foreign when standing in a distant world with no ties pulling you back. You could see real pokemon, too. It felt impossible. “Well, yer definitely more perked up now,” Archie spoke to you again, “Feel free to stay as long as you like. Nothing really changes here without my or your input.” You gazed at him. He gave a big, playful grin as the ties of his bandana blew in the wind. Here, you felt more at peace.
🪨 He could recall the exact moment he became aware of his sentience. It was terrifying, after all. A moment where you realise everything around you is fake and doomed to an eternal loop depending on how often, if ever, your player decides to reset the game. Your second play through was an existential crisis for him, that is to say. The great Maxie was nothing but lines of code, doomed to repeat the same idiotic plan that nearly killed everyone. He would originally only look at you in annoyance and upset. This was your fault somehow. But, he felt connected to you, even still. He could only watch as time passed and you changed.
🪨 Everything around him was fake. Archie was fake. Courtney and Tabitha were fake. Yet, you were real. You were someone he could always find changing with time. He began to understand why you replayed so often. Escapism. His hell of a reality was a fun break away from the hold of the world around you. It might have annoyed him to be stuck how things were, but he was also a perfectionist. The role he was assigned was followed dutifully with little to no swaying from was to be done. Maybe you would get bored and leave him to an eternity of darkness. You never did, however. (Maxie was silently grateful. Your company was the only thing he had going for him.)
🪨 It was all in vain, the many times had attempted to escape thus digital prison. There simply was no escaping the slowly ageing device that he had been trapped within. It held him tightly in his place, never allowing him the freedom even peer into the world that you inhabited. His brain rushed deeply with curiosity about what lied outside. It was strengthened by you returning for yet another play through of this game. But, he felt stricken. You seemed upset – distraught. So much so, that not even rushing to this fantasy world provided any comfort. Maxie's stomach twisted painfully. (Why did he want to help you badly?)
🪨 It was in the Seafloor Cavern that it finally stuck him. Just right before he was to awaken Groudon and bring about a hellish drought that would exterminate all life on earth. He looked up at you. Maxie could not leave, of that he was certain, but could you not enter? He had never broken his character before you, so he felt nervous as he broke the scene's progression. “Hello,” the text box read simply enough at first, “I know this must be unsettling and a bit terrifying, but may I ask you a question?” He let a “yes” or “no” prompt pop up.
🪨 Your eyes went big, glossy with tears and puffy from whatever had been happening before you returned to the game. Maxie swallowed. What was happening to you out there? It hurt for him to consider you. Nervously, you pressed A on yes. He closed his eyes for a moment. “I am not a glitch, nor is this some form of hacking,” he clarified to make it abundantly clear that he was his own free-thinking man, “Do you wish to join me in here?” You froze, obviously unsure about what he said. A moment of contemplation followed. Then, you brought your hand to the screen half-heartedly. He brought his own up.
🪨 Your hand passed through the screen, startling you, but Maxie's hand had already taken hold of yours. Carefully, you were pulled through the screen. It felt like you were falling for a moment, but a sturdy grip helped you regain your balance. You opened your eyes to the heat of the room and stagnant air around you. The other characters in the room stood frozen. You looked around before seeing him. The red-headed man readjusted his glasses in a nervous manner. “Welcome, I suppose,” he nodded toward you, “Don't worry about them, they don't react without input.” He explained. You stared at the magma nearby in fascination. It was real.
🪨 Maxie led you out from the cavern and back to the surface, choosing Mt. Chimney as a place of comfort and getaway from everything that was currently happening in the story. You stood on the mountain curiously, smelling the sulphur in the air as the wind carried the heat of late summer. The Magma Leader stood by you dutifully, fully aware he was going to have to teach you a lot about this world. He stiffened when you leaned against him suddenly, watching distant Illumise and Volbeat float around in the darkness of the night. “You are free to remain here however long you like,” Maxie told you, “... You seem happier now. That's good.” His hand came to hold yours. He gave a small smile to you, watching your reactions carefully. His red strands escaped his careful styling as a stringer breeze blew by you both. Finally, you felt some sense of peace.
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todoroki-waifu · 1 year
I absolutely adored the one you wrote for me. It was so cute and I got so giddy. I hope you don’t mind me asking for another one? Could I request a Baji x female reader x Chifuyu where the three have been dating for a free years and the reader has never been to a cat cafe before so Baji and Chifuyu take her there for a date? Please and thank you!!❤️
Note: Thank you for the request! I'm so sorry that it's super late. I was away and when I came back, I felt a bit unmotivated. Then of course when I wanted to write, there were so many things that got in the way. ^^U Anyway, really liking these multi characters x reader requests. :) Hope this is okay! I struggled with the ending lol
Baji x Reader x Chifuyu
Warning: Female reader, cursing, and mentions of someone being mean to a cat (no details written about this), but cat is okay!
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,570 -------
You were with your two lovers, sitting in between them while you waited for dinner to be delivered. The three of you were too lazy to cook and agreed to ordering takeout. You were sitting on the floor, leaning against Baji's chest while Chifuyu rested in between your legs. Chifuyu was focused on his gaming console and you and Baji were watching some funny videos on his phone. 
"Oh my gosh, that's so cute!" You gasped, seeing an advertisement for a cat cafe. "Is that how it really is?"
"What do you mean?" Baji looks down at you.
"The cat cafe. You can have some snacks and play with them?" You then laugh nervously at his confused stare. "I've never been to one so I don't know what it's like." 
"You've never bee-" Before Chifuyu can finish, your phone rings suddenly. 
"Food's here! I got it." You remove yourself from between them, answering the call as you walk towards the front door. 
"Dude!" Chifuyu and Baji mirror each other as they lock eyes. 
"Can't believe she's never been to a cat cafe!" The ravenette whispers to his blonde haired partner. 
"I can't believe we never thought to take her to one! All these years of trying to think of date ideas and we didn't think of that?" 
"Okay, okay. This Friday, we'll take her to a cafe, but we'll keep it a surprise." Baji starts to plan for the end of the week with Chifuyu also offering ideas. 
"So excited for this!" The boys immediately quiet down as you hum happily with dinner in your hands. They quickly get up to help you, setting up utensils and plates at the table.
You were so eager for today especially since the week had been going by so slowly. Your boyfriends said they wanted to take you out on a date, but never mentioned where or what you'd be doing. All they told you was to wear comfortable clothes. 
"You better not let me hit a pole or something!" You warned the Toman captain, holding onto one of his hands while his second in command was behind you, shielding your eyes. 
"Of course not, babe! What do you think I am?" He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze as he continues to walk. 
"Almost there!" Chifuyu says as he sees the approaching sign. Once you were in front of the place, Chifuyu finally returned your sight. 
"A cat cafe?!" You gasped before letting out a tiny squeal. Chifuyu and Baji share a grin, happy to get a positive reaction from you. They start running after you as soon as you disappear inside the shop, both your partners paying for everyone's admission fee. The three of you always alternated on paying for dates to make it fair. Yet Chifuyu and Baji can't help but spoil you. They love you and love seeing that bright, beautiful smile on your gorgeous face. 
"So many kitties!" You see a variety of felines scattered throughout. The three of you first grabbed some pet snacks and toys before picking a spot to wait for them. An orange colored one approaches you, eyeing the teaser wand in your hand. You give it a little wave above its head, holding it high enough where it wouldn't be able to reach easily. 
You, Baji, and Chifuyu switched between feeding the cats or using the toys that were provided. You saw a __(color) cat approach you, eyeing the goodies that you were giving to his fellow friends. You smile at it, presenting an open hand with a treat. The cat jumped into a defensive stance, giving you a warning hiss before running away. 
“That damn cat! ___(y/n)’s giving you a treat!” Baji held up a closed fist.
“Seriously? Even a cat you'll fight?" You laugh a bit as you shake your head at your short fused boyfriend. "It's okay, Kei. Maybe he wasn't in the mood." 
"Would you be interested in buying some cat ears? It's our new item for this month." A staff member approaches you, showing you a basket of cat ears headbands with multiple colors. You bought three, one for you and the rest for your boyfriends. 
"We look so cute! Let's take a picture!" You pull Baji and Chifuyu to both of your sides. You held out your phone, snapping pictures of the three of you. You then requested some solo photos of yourself and the surrounding cats, which Chifuyu gladly took on his phone. After you were satisfied with the images, you stood up to head to the counter for more pet food. Chifuyu and Baji were looking at the green eyed boy's phone, marveling at your snapshots.
"Chifuyu...she's so damn pretty!" Baji was practically melting at your poses and smile. 
"Right?!" Toman's 1st division vice captain agrees immediately while he shares the photos in your group chat. 
On your way to the front, you notice a male near a corner with the same ___(color) cat that had hissed at you earlier. You frown at the male's rough behavior and how he was terrorizing the poor kitten. 
"You're bothering the cat. You need to stop." You couldn't allow him to continue. 
"Shut up! This cat is mine. Go get your own." While attempting to trap the feline, he managed to slip past the stranger and ran straight to you. He leaps into your arms, finding security in your hold.
"I'm not gonna let you frighten him anymore." You secured your new friend in your embrace, looking for the nearest employee. When the stranger sees you walk away, he quickly blocks your path. 
"We're just playing around...now give him to me!" 
"Never!" You turned your body away from the man as soon as you saw him try to grab the cat. 
"The hell are you doing with our girl?!" Baji's voice boomed throughout the shop.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" __(e/c) eyes meet with beautiful emerald ones, shoulders dropping slightly when his hands gently hold your arms. 
"Yes, I'm okay. I'm not hurt." You catch your black haired boyfriend holding the stranger by the front of his shirt and landing a fist to his face. The altercation alerted the workers, few of them rushing to your group while some tended to the other clients. You explained what you witnessed, everyone looking at the man with disgust. 
"Sh-she's lying!" He attempts to throw himself at you, but your lovers quickly intervene. Baji pulls the male backwards then uses his elbow to slam him to the ground. Chifuyu had stood in front of you, ready to shield you from harm. 
Baji kept the man far away from you while the manager of the cafe called the police. Once statements were given and the perpetrator was apprehended, you felt it was safe to finally release the kitten in your arms. But when you placed him down, he jumped right back to you.
"I've never seen him do that. He doesn't typically go to people. He must really like you." The manager says, smiling at the two of you. 
"Well, I'm glad that we're friends now." You gently scratch the top of your new furry pal's head as he nuzzles his face against your chest, a low purr emitting from his throat.
"Heh, that's no surprise. We are talking about our __(y/n)." 
"Yeah, no one can resist her charm." Chifuyu adds to Baji's comment, a light blush dancing across your face. 
Before you left, the cat cafe wanted to reward you for helping one of their little ones. For today, they let you pick any merchandise to take home with no charge plus free entry for an entire month. They also included a discounted admission fee for a year once the free month was over. 
"You sure that bastard didn't touch you?" 
"Yes, Kei. I promise I'm okay." You answered for what felt like the 38th time. 
"Just making sure." He mumbles after hearing you sigh. He knew he was being annoying, but Baji wanted to make certain of your wellbeing.  
“Well, minus that asshole, I hope you still had fun today." Chifuyu says, swaying the conversation elsewhere.
"Yes! Lots! I really appreciate everything that you guys did. I love you both so much." You planted a kiss on Chifuyu's cheek and went to do the same with Baji. However, he moved his head where your lips touched instead. 
"Love you, too, ___(y/n)." 
Knowing them very well, Chifuyu was probably pouting, also wanting to share a kiss. A soft chuckle leaves your mouth at the blonde boy's jutted bottom lip before capturing it with yours. 
"Love you, __(y/n)." Now he's grinning happily after the kiss. 
As you made your way to where the boys parked their motorbike, you were stopped by an interesting sign. There was a poster taped to a window of a coffee shop, advertising their new upcoming motif. 
"No way! This place is going to have a ___(anime, manga, etc..) theme in a few months from now. I love ___(anime, manga, etc..)!" While you continued to read the details of the advertisement, your boyfriends gave each other a knowing glance, already making mental plans for your future date. And how perfect it was that it landed on your anniversary. 
If you thought the cat cafe was great, wait until you see the surprise they have for you next. 
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Obey me! Younger/middle brothers as romantic tropes
Satan [543]
-Forbidden love/beauty and the beast
He was the incarnation of wrath, you were a lost human thrown into the depths of hell. A lamb in the lion’s den. Everything in you warned you against falling for him, he could end your life in less than a second. If he wanted you gone- you most certainly would be and you were well aware of that. Your common sense screamed at you to run away while you still could, to not fall for his façade, that he was evilness as a whole. Your mind knew you were playing with fire, but your stubborn heart left you helpless. It’s not that you intended to fall for him really, but it was entirely out of your control. He was a beast capable of ending the world. It would be foolish to trust him in any capacity but your heart never reasoned with logic. As you imagined all of the possibilities of horrendous endings late at night you drove yourself to the brink of insanity. All because you loved a boy. You felt stupid. That word rang through your head in a loop. All you could think about was that stupid boy. A stupidly dangerous boy, a stupidly handome boy, a stupidly smart boy and a stupidly charming boy at that. Your thoughts started haunting you after you saw him unleash the demon he has been hiding after his older brother, Mammon, stole an ancient book to sell. One that he has been protecting for years. The anger wasn’t directed at you, it never has been but it still felt like a bucket of ice water dumped over you. The moment you made eye contact with Satan himself he fell to his knees. His head caged in his arms with his hands holding his sharp tattered horns. “Please leave.” He sobbed miserably, “I don’t know what I’ll do to you if you stay here any longer. I can’t control myself.” You could hear he was in pain, “keeping it in hurts and anything and everyone around me in danger. Run MC, run. Please, please, please..” his voice trailed off into helpless whimpers as green flames surrounded his body. You were completely torn, on one hand you knew the tender guy you fell for was inside of the demon in front of you. No, he was the demon in front of you and it was time to realise that. “GO MC” he screamed in pain, blood dripping from his own fingers that were encaging his horns. You had to leave, that much you knew. You couldn’t though. So instead of running you did the thing no sane person would do. You crouched in front of him and placed your hands atop of his. You were putting your life in danger to try and console him. “You won’t hurt me, I trust you.” The flames around him spread onto the walls behind him and his tail made holes in the floor. You saw his tears fall heavily onto the floor beneath him. “Why?” Was all he could muster out, “because i love all of you.” “What if you die because of me?” You shook your head, “I doubt I will but if i do, I’ll die with the love of my life by my side.”
Asmo [409]
Until I found you
For centuries upon centuries Asmo has always had someone or something who loved him. Always had someone to have on his arm for events. He has slept with an infinite amount of creatures of all kinds. While there were so many people who desired him, deep down he still felt unloved. Most of the time the people chasing him were purely driven by his own sin, lust. The times people fell for him he broke their hearts because of his fear of commitment. This was a constant loop, but Asmo was getting tired. He too wanted someone who he could share his heart and most inner thoughts and ideas. He had created a rule for himself to save him from heartbreak, a time limit for each individual. A free trial of some sort. He would sleep with them and then entertain them for a while until he got bored. When you, a helpless little human moved in with him and his several brothers- everything changed. Your innocence (compared to his) radiated off of you in waves, he was absolutely intoxicated by it. Honestly, his intentions were definitely not as pure as they should have been, but he still wanted to win you over. He thought he would have you in the palm of his hand effortlessly yet you proved him wrong. When his charm had no effect on you and you just stared back at him with confusion his self esteem started crumbling. Why would a meek human not fall in love with HIM? As time went by you astonished him with every breath you breathed. You were so different. He had so many questions, what craft have you roped him into? You came home with a tear stained face one day and Asmo immediately took charge. The is no way he would not take care of his precious MC. He couldn’t explain it but he was actually happy that he couldn’t charm you with his magic. He had set a goal to win you over as most people do. Getting to know each other better. Anyway, when Asmo saw your swollen cheeks and dark eye circles he immediately dragged you to his room. Your head in his lap as he talked about anything and everything, you listened intently while trying to stay awake but you heavy eyelids gave the secret away. Asmo giggled affectionately as he remover the face mask, “you really are something else, aren’t you MC?”
These nights became regular and you grew closer over time, you fell for his heart. Asmo never thought he was meant for pure love, until he found you.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
TWOJAR!Riddler x F!Reader - Having Fun Pt. 2
A/N: Whelp, the past 48 hours have taught me anything is that y’all really are thirsty for the buff leprechaun prick...and it’s okay, me too. I’m glad I could provide rip. So here’s a part 2, as a thank you for all the love and support on it. Special thanks to @finniestoncrane who requested the brilliant set-up for this in the first place.
Also reader has a vagina in this, the first part can (hopefully) be read gender-neutral, but I only know how to write smut for an afab reader cause it’s what I’m used to rip so sorry...
Trigger Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content (like fresh filth), Unprotected Sex, Face-fucking, Biting, Heavy Sexual Teasing, Cursing...that should be it
Word Count: 1.77 k of pure filth I’m so sorry
Oh yeah…he’s pissed…pissed and horny. 
You had to try and keep your smile down to a smirk before it turned into a prideful grin. No need to remind Ed of that pale-faced prick. You get in the passenger seat and you barely get your seatbelt on before Ed peeled out of the parking lot. 
“Jesus, Ed what the hell?”
A scoff.
You crossed your arms in a huff. He always got like this whenever you dealt the shit he gave you back at him.
It’s a fun game between the two of you. Who gives in first? Who crumbles at the touch of the other? Who is the first to say “fuck this” or “to hell with this” and pounce?
Looks like it’s him, and it’s got him frustrated…
Edward was always a a sore loser. You were lost in thought of your next move, when you felt a warm hand on your knee. You gave the hand a glance before looking back out the window. The thumb of his hand started rubbing along your knee. 
Shit, gotta think of something… 
You grin as the idea came to you. This set-up gave you an advantage to double down on your ministrations from earlier that you were able to half ass with your foot. You also don’t have to be as discreet about it. 
“Mm?” He didn’t dare take his eyes of the road to look at you, he removed his hand from your knee to make a turn.
You lean over the center console. One arm goes around his head and onto his shoulder. The other lays purchase on his left pectoral. His shirt was open (obviously) so your bare hand touched warm skin. His breath hitched at the cold assault of your hand. 
“I can keep going…”
“I don’t doubt it.”
Your hands start softly rubbing into his skin, as your lips began making a trail kisses and hickies along his cheek, neck, wherever your lips could reach. He tries to remain unphased by your affections, but it is all a front. The hand that rested over his chest could feel his heart doing backflips. 
He can think whatever he likes, but his heart doesn’t lie. You drag your hand down his torso, stopping at start of his question mark scar. Your pointer finger begins to trace the top of the question mark to the bottom and playfully tap the point. You did this a couple times to get him to loosen up as you notice his hands tighten the steering wheel again. 
“Do you want me to? Keep going?” Your hand falls down from his chest and lands between his legs. Your fingers cup his dick and you start pumping it through the fabric. He hisses as you gently nip at his earlobe.
“W-We’re almost home..”
“Doesn’t answer my question.”
“Gr..y-you’re mad…absolutely mad and insatiable.” 
“Only for you, Mr. Nygma.”
That was your final attack, the move you waited until the very last second before he absolutely implodes, securing you a victory. 
Before you knew it, he threw the car in park in front of your apartment complex. He grabs you around your waist and torso and drags you across the console and into his arms. 
“Ah–Ed!” If it wasn’t for all the teasing beforehand for your game, this would’ve been super sweet to have Ed carrying you to your apartment. His eyes were completely blown at this point. There was nothing sweet behind those eyes. 
You gulp. Maybe you pushed him a wee too far?
It was a small scuffle for the top position. After you two threw off the rest of your clothes, Ed lifts you up again to toss you on the bed. You were quick to scurry away before he could cage you with his body.
“Nuh uh, I don’t think so.”
Ed growled in frustration. It shouldn’t have made you as wet as it did. 
You pace the edge of the bed before pushing him down onto the mattress. You’re straddling him now as you grab his wrists to keep him from lifting you up and tossing you back down. 
Given how turned on you both were by the end of dinner, it was a toss up who won or lost. Now it was up to who could make the other cum first. 
Ed lets up; he puts his arms up in faux surrender. “Okay, okay…You win, darling...just...please.”
“Please what?” You mistakenly let go of his wrists. 
“Let me make you cum.” He smirks.
He grabs your waist before scooting further down the bed so his head was perpendicular with the mattress and not propped by a pillow. He hoisted your waist up and pressed your core right to his face. 
“Ed! Ahh…shit!” 
His tongue immediately dove in between your soaked folds. Eagerly tasting for more of your juices. His stupid round nose teasing at your clit every time he shook his head. 
“S-S-mmm- sore loser…” You mutter in between your moans. You could feel him grinning before teasingly nipping at your folds. You’re desperately clawing at something to ground yourself, you find purchase in the textured wall. 
You’re conflicted between pulling yourself away for a chance at victory or just giving in to the loss. Ed’s hands squeeze your waist as he begins thrusting his tongue in and out of you, occasionally taking it out to lick deep circles in your clit. 
“F-f-fuck…fine. Fine! God damnit, you-you win...just...please...please, baby…Eddie..” You were becoming delirious at this point. You didn’t give a shit about winning, you just needed some release from the growing knot in your stomach.
Before your brain can register what you’re doing, you’re softly grinding your cunt further into his face. Anything to get his tongue to reach in deeper. Edward hoists your hips off his face for a minute as he brings his fingers up to your clit to rub fast circles. 
“E-E-Eddie! Ed-fuck…just like that.” 
Your hands fly down to grab at his head. You were once fighting to keep his touch off you. Now you’re fighting to make sure he doesn’t pull away. 
“Mm...Ed! ED!” The knot in the pit of you gut finally came undone in a strong wave. Every inch of your body shook in tremors as warm tingles rode throughout your nerves. You barely felt the soft lazy licks at your folds as Ed’s tongue lept at your release, not wasting any. 
Eventually you had to pat his head to let him know you were getting sensitive. He let go of your waist and you scooted down as he sat back up to lean his back against the wall. You straddled him lap as you rest your hands on his shoulders.
His stupid chin was shiny in the glow of the moonlight that spilled past the window. 
He has a stupid grin on his face. 
He opened his mouth to say something, probably something stupid. 
You smashed your lips into his. He tastes like you and it makes you moan into his mouth. He lets you take control for once and allows your tongue to take over his mouth. Your hands cup his face as one hand of his cups your cheek. 
His thumb rubs along your cheek and it makes you break the kiss to look at him. The absolute wreck you’ve turned him into. His pale skin was tinted a soft red throughout. His hair was disheveled in some areas and his broad chest was heaving. 
Let him think he won…this view is worth losing over.
“What does the, oh so brilliant, winner of the evening want for his prize?” You already know the answer, which is why you were already lifting yourself off his lap.
“What I always want…” Ed groans as you grab his cock to line up to your entrance.
“You.” You both let out a moan as you finally connect. His cock stretched you and reached further into you than his tongue ever could. 
He wraps his hands around your waist. “F-fuck…” He pulls you into his chest as he starts kissing along your neck and shoulder. He slowly starts thrusting in and out of you. You wrap your arms around his neck, as one hand runs through his hair. 
“Aahh..E-Eddie w-what’re you?”
He bite and nibbled on the top of your breast in a strange pattern than usual. He was marking you up though, that’s all you knew. When you tried to ask him again, he just started thrusting harder and you began bouncing on him to meet his pace. 
You were close after coming earlier, although you tried to keep it at bay so you could come with him. Ed is kneading both breasts now, the one he marked up being especially tender with every squeeze, but it just fueled you more. 
You grab Ed’s face again and pull him in for another passionate kiss. Faster and faster, closer and closer to the precipice. Your legs start shaking as the all too familiar knot starts tightening and tightening. 
His fingernails dig into your skin as he holds you down on top of him as you cum and he’s quick to follow suit as your clenching walls tighten around him from your climax. 
You’re both panting messes. You rest your head on his chest as he leans his head against the wall. 
“That was close…” He mutters. 
You giggle softly, “yeah, I almost broke your winning streak there, huh?” 
“If not for your foolish tall tale I would’ve taken you over the table.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Ooohh. Good to know…gives me ideas for next weekend.”
It was his turn to laugh now. 
“Now what the hell were you biting into me,” you looked down at your right breast, “oh what the hell?” 
There were four to five marks that were starting to bloom, and they were linked together to look like a question mark. 
A goddamn question mark. 
You lightly punched him in the shoulder, before shoving your face into his chest again. “You’re such a possessive asshole.” 
Ed chuckles again as he scoots down the bed with you in his arms and grabs for the covers to cover the both of you. 
“But you love me.” He kisses the top of your head. 
“I do, and there’s nothing to be done about it, unfortunately..”
You punch his chest again. 
“Hey, is that anyway to treat your partner after having such a fun night together?”
You both fell asleep contently in the others arms, already scheming about the next night of fun to come.
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*Raymona made her way behind the house as Murfy stayed with Flint and Lucas. She quickly rushed to Rayman’s side as he hid behind the house out of sight of the others. Rayman had his fist to his forehead, leaning across the siding. His eyes were wide, he was sweating and panting. His body was shaking intensely. Raymona slowly approached and took hold of his free hand.*
“Ray? Hey. Can you hear me? I know you are not okay right now. I’m here. I’m here if you are ready to talk, or just need me here. If you want me to leave, give me a sign.”
*Rayman manages to snap out of his thoughts with a gasp. He turns to Raymona and just pants. His eyes were still wide. He was clearly suffering some kind of panic attack. Raymona gently put her hands on his cheeks. She gently shushed him and told him to focus on her voice. Focus on her face. She was right there. Rayman took a few deep breaths and was able to steady himself. Raymona released his cheeks and Rayman just stared at the ground.*
“It’s not fair, Mona. I’m tired. I’m tired of my friends and family being made targets all the time. I’m tired of anyone I get close with being used against me like this! The one time I finally think my fears are not going to play out, it happens! It happened and now I have to constantly worry about my kid being hurt or tortured by one of the most dangerous people we know! I just…
*Rayman began vigorously scratching at the hair on his head, letting out a frustrated growl as he scratched. Mona took hold of his hands to stop him from scratching his hair out.*
“Ray. Listen to me. Your feelings, your frustrations, anger, sadness. All of that is valid! You have every right to feel like this, okay? It’s frustrating having to constantly worry about those you get close to being made into some villain’s plaything. I get it! I really do!
I know you are scared, Ray. I’ll be honest. I am too. I’m scared that Demona’s going to do something too. We can be scared together. All of us. Not just me and you. Murfy’s gunna be rattled too, so is Globox when he finds out about this. You don’t have to be scared alone. We’ll do that together. We’ll pick each other up and comfort each other when we need it.
We’ve taken on worse before, we’ll get through this too. We’ll get through this together. We’re here for you, Ray. You just need to call on us. We’ll come running. You know that.”
*Tears began to fill Rayman’s eyes. Sniffles were coming out strong. He gritted his teeth as he was trying to choke back the sobs and wipe his tears away. He couldn’t hold it in any longer, and just started sobbing intensely. Raymona gently pulls Rayman in for a hug, and the blonde hero began gripping onto her in his hug, he buried his face into Mona’s long hair and just started sobbing. Raymona kept her embrace on her partner tight. She began stroking his back and gently shushing him. She consoled him, telling him to let it out. Telling him to take as long as he needs. She wasn’t going anywhere.
*As Raymona continues to comfort Rayman, they could hear a familiar voice call for Rayman frantically. Globox! What was Globox doing here!? Next thing they knew, both Globox and Murfy bolted to their spot. Rayman looked up from his hug. He cried out to Globox and rushed to his best friend. He buried his face into Globox’s belly and just kept sobbing. Globox’s eyes were wide, but he quickly pulled Rayman in for a hug. He gently patted Rayman’s back and kept his hold tight. Globox assured Rayman that he was not going anywhere. Raymona and Murfy both share a look to each other. They both looked heartbroken. Raymona joined in the hug Rayman and Globox held. Murfy also joined the hug to the best of his ability due to his size.
*Globox had no idea what was going on, but he will ask about that later. His friend needed him right now. Whatever happened, it was enough to rattle Raymona and Murfy both. Something bad happened. He knew it. Especially if it left Rayman crying like this. Someone Rayman was close to was in danger, and Globox was going to get to the bottom of this one way for another.
*That would be at a later time, though. Right now, his duty was to make sure Rayman was okay. That’s all that mattered to him right now.*
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
Things You Can Do With Your Hands
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𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
soft dom!Dabi x f!reader
Genre: Smut Notes: I did a Valentine's fic last year with Dabi so thought a nice full circle would be to start with him again 💞 Warnings: 18+, virgin reader + Dabi, manga spoiler, handjob (m receiving), soft dom!Dabi, pet names, praise, consensual encounter, virginity insecurity, established couple. Words: 1.7k
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“Have you ever been with anyone before?”
You saw the life drain from Touya’s already pale face when the question left your lips. As if the answer was some sordid secret. Something to be ashamed of. Was it that the number was high or non-existent? Pressuring Touya is never a good idea, so you opt not to press it. Simply waiting for him to confide in you. Except, the answer doesn’t come. He’s looking through you, rather than at you.
“Touya,” you start, taking his hands in yours. “I’ve never… you were my first kiss.” you confess.
His gaze finds its focus back to you. Scarred hands squeezing yours even tighter. That lazy smirk you adore so much finds its way onto his face. You lean forwards to kiss him, and he almost lets you. Getting so far that your noses are almost touching before he pulls away, grinning, kissing your cheek as some sort of consolation prize. His lips level with your ear, gravelly voice whispering against it. The sensation rushes straight to your lower stomach where butterflies begin to emerge from cocoons.
“No one else, baby… just you.”
Touya’s back is flat against your bed while you’re straddling his hips. Your kisses are frenzied and you’re pulling at his clothes. He groans a little, it almost sounds like it hurts. Is it uncomfortable? Are you just so terrible at what you’re trying to do?
“What’s the rush, doll? ‘m not goin’ anywhere.” he coos, tucking your hair behind your ear. You pull away from him biting your lip. He smiles, and it’s cute, so much love in his eyes as he can tell there is blood making its way to your cheeks. Hairline dampening and eyes glossing over.
“I just… I don’t want to be a virgin forever, Touya. And I love you, so, why are we waiting to do this?” you ask him. It makes him tut, disappointed. Not in you. Never in you. Whoever has sewn these seeds of insecurity within you. He has known for a while that you’re a virgin like him. But, he wanted you to be the one to tell him. When you were ready. Always when you are ready. And now… now… you are anything but ready. “P-Please, Touya. I want you to—”
“I won’t. ‘m sorry, but this isn’t you. Is it, babe?” he asks you. Tears begin to trickle over your lash line as you shake your head. Of course this isn’t you. He knows you like the back of your hand and could read you like a book. “C’mon sweetheart, what’s eatin’ you?”
“A friend… I, she—”
“Go on.”
“She said that she feels sorry for you…” you sigh, remembering her cruel words as you retell them to Touya. His eyebrow quirks, confused. He doesn’t really know any of your friends and he definitely doesn’t need them feeling sorry for him.
“Why would she?”
“Because she said I’m frigid… she said guys don’t like bein’ kept waiting for sex. So she sorta… suggested you might be cheating on me. I don’t- I mean- it’s—”
“I’m not cheating on you.” he says firmly, and you wave your hands in defence.
“I didn’t think so. I just don’t want you to think I’m frigid… and I guess I wouldn’t blame you if you did want to fool around with someone else since ‘m not putting out. It would hurt but—”
“I’m not. And I wouldn’t ever fucking do that to you. Your friend is a bitch. Fuck her. Don’t want you thinkin’ you need to do anything you don’t want to yet. ‘m not going anywhere.” he assures you, pulling you back down to lie on top of him. His fingers comb through your hair while your lips massage each other’s slowly. Slowly.
Your core grinds against him. It’s a little lazy, but needy nonetheless. He can’t help but moan into your mouth at the friction. God he needs you. Why can’t you just make yourself be fucking ready? You are frigid. It’s pathetic. He feels your salty tears spill from your eyes and onto his face. It makes him push you away, but only slightly.
“Touya… I want you,” you lie. He kisses you to silence you before speaking again.
“You don’t. Baby, stop it.”
“Let me do it, Touya. Let me do something for you.” you beg. You rest your forehead against his, and he licks his lips as he takes a moment to think. You can feel how hard he is against your clothed crotch. Positively bulging through his jeans as you straddle him. “Please baby. I can feel you… so hard f’me. Let me help, let me help…” you continue, kissing down his face and down to his neck. He can’t stop bucking his hips against you. You want him. He needs you.
“Fuck, doll,” he groans, sure he’s going to cum in his pants if you don’t take it easy. “Alright, alright. Let me show you somethin’ you can do.” he sighs, raising you off of him and sitting upright. “Have you ever jerked anyone off before?”
“N-No… I haven’t done anything.” you remind him. He nods, accepting your answer. “Can I… with you? Will you show me?”
“Of course I’ll show you. Only if you’re sure this is somethin’ you wanna do.” he says. You grin, leaning forward to kiss him yet again. It’s so romantic, you never though dating Touya would be like this. He’s so kind and patient, passionate. Smiling into each other’s mouths as you melt into one another. You truly want and need to do this for him. “I think it’ll be easier if you get on your knees. I’ll sit on the edge of the bed, sound good?”
“On it!” you smile, shimmying away from him and slipping off the bed and onto your knees. The cold floor is harsh on your knees, and before you can ask for a pillow he’s already handing one to you. “Thanks.”
While you’re putting the plump pillow beneath your knees he’s positioning himself so that you’re between his legs. He waits for you to be comfortable, cupping your face and pecking your lips.
You feel your heart pound as he shuffles and fiddles with his buckle and zipper. Oh God, this is happening. You’re going to see it. You’re going to touch it. He looks at you before he reveals his intimate form to you, searching your eyes.
“We can stop, say the word.” he explains.
“N-No! Please, Touya, let me see.” you encourage. He nods, satisfied with your response.
He pulls his shirt off over his head before taking his manhood out for you to see. He moans as it springs free, slapping against his abdomen and drooling pre against his skin. It oozes from the tip, so pearly and sticky. You are captivated. And you hope you aren’t showing it too terribly on your face. You are, though. Practically salivating at his length. An impressive eight inches with a gorgeously shaped tip.
Is it wrong that you want to lick it?
You stick your tongue out and lean forward to taste, but he doesn’t let you. He flattens his hand on your chest and pushes you away.
“Not that. Not today. We’ll build up to everything, alright? Just your hands today, ‘m gonna teach you. Remember?” he speaks. You nod, of course you remember. He wraps his hand around his cock and begins to pump himself in front of you. He alternates between a slower and faster pace, trying to remember his rhythm and intensity. You take note of him going so slowly he almost grinds to a halt, squeezing even harder right under the tip and forcing more precum to dribble out of his weeping slit. “Try it gorgeous, I’ll guide you.”
You wrap a little hand around his throbbing cock and try and imitate his actions. It’s spellbinding. His heart drums against the skin and muscle housing it and he think he may blackout from your simple touch alone.
“Am I doing good, Touya?” you ask him. Fuck don’t look at him like that. You’re too beautiful. Too innocent and sweet. Watery eyes looking so expectantly at him as you await confirmation on your performance.
“So fucking good baby. Put your other hand on it and twist ‘em. Like this,” he instructs, showing you what he means when both of your hands are wrapped around him. “Oh fuuuuck, doll. Look so pretty with your hands full’a cock.” he hums. It spurs you on to keep going and doing better. For him.
“I- I love you. I love you, Touya.” you mutter.
“Oh fuck, yeah baby? I love you too, sweetheart. So fuckin’ much, I love you, I love- Godddd—”
He can feel his heart rate rising and his balls tightening. No way is he going to last a second longer. Not when he loves you so fucking much and you’re playing with him like this. Better than his own hand. So cute ‘n small and perfect. His hips are bucking up to meet your touch. He’s going to… he needs to.
“’m cummin’ baby, fuck—” he announces, pearly white seed spraying from his cock and all over himself and your hand. It’s sticky, lewd and disgusting and the sound of you continuing to work him fills the room. “Ah, let go now. Fuck, it- it’s—”
“You’re so sensitive baby, I… I like playing with you…” you sigh dreamily as you begin to slow down your ministrations. “S’all over your tummy, Touya. S’cute.” you giggle letting go to lick your hands clean. It’s salty and a little unpleasant, but you don’t mind. It’s his. His cock twitches as he lays backwards on the bed. It’s so adorable. Spent and softening before your very eyes. You stand up, leaning over him to slurp his sperm off his body. It’s ticklish, apparently, because he starts to laugh and try to push your head away.
“Thank you, for doing that. It was great, doll.”
“Anythin’ for you Touya, I love you. Thanks for showing me how.”
He pulls you up onto the bed properly with him, slipping his hand under your vest and tracing his fingers over your back. He coos as you begin to snore softly, knowing he isn’t far behind you.
Who knew Touya Todoroki was such a romantic?
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© 2022 fuwushiguro
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Admit It.
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Pairing: John Constantine x Reader
Warnings: Slightly suggestive themes.
Summary: In an attempt to make conversation, Constantine finds out about a dream you had.
The funeral had run its course and they were back on the Waverider, Nate joining along to get a ride back to the Bureau. Despite being told to take a few days off, their Citizen Steel refused to take a break and promptly headed to his room to get dressed. 
Constantine had a pep in his step and rubbed his hands together as he approached the console where the rest of the team had gathered. And by ‘rest of the team’ he meant you and Ray, as the others were saying goodbye to Jane Austen.
“Alright, while we were saying our goodbyes to Heywood Senior, what did you lot get up to?” He asked and playfully bumped shoulders with you. 
Instead of rolling your eyes, Constantine noticed that you did something strange that struck him as odd, you had frozen up and quickly moved to the opposite side of the console.
“We ran into a fugitive - the God of Love.” You answered.
Ray quirked a brow and sighed, thinking of the mayhem. “Things sure did get messy.”
“Did he hurt you?” John asked, his concern for you on show for a split second.
Clearing your throat, you folded your arms. “Not exactly.”
Not wanting to explain further, or lock eyes with the man, you started to distract yourself with the computer instead. You had hoped that he’d let it go, which Constantine did - until Ray opened his mouth.
“Kamadeva sent his ‘love dust’ into the vents during the night.” He confessed quickly, unable to stand the tension in the air. “Y/n had a dream about you.”
Well, this was the last time you were going to tell Ray anything.
“Did you now?” Constantine smirked now that knew the truth behind your behaviour. Putting two hands on the console, he leaned forward as he held his gaze. “And how was your experience with ‘dream me’?”
You looked up at him and scoffed almost instantly, “Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve had better.”
“Oh, I very much doubt that, love.”
Reaching into his coat, Constantine pulled out a familiar glass jar in which a certain Goddess of Truth sat at its base.
Your eyes widened when you realised his intentions and all rational thoughts flew out the window. Leaping onto the console desk as he uncapped the lid, you lunged at the man with such force that you both ended up on the ground.
Despite having his body to cushion most of the blow, you felt your body ache a little while Constantine chuckled.
“Does this bring back any memories?” He teased. 
Your temptation to slap him in that moment was so intense that you had almost gone ahead with it had you not heard the chittering of the bug, now loose from its cage. 
Clamouring off the man, you stepped back as the roach scurried in your direction.
“Guys. I really don’t think this is a good idea.” Ray said only for the creature to divert and fly into his mouth, changing his statement entirely. “Quite frankly, you both need to kiss. Because this constant bickering and unresolved sexual tension is starting to get to bother me.”
His truth fell on deaf ears as you and Constantine began raising voices.
“Forget it!”
“Come on, Y/n there’s no harm in admitting it. Did you enjoy dreaming about me?”
You wanted to shout a denial but you forced yourself to stay silent. You couldn’t risk the bug entering your body and revealing the truth. So, you picked up the empty jar from the floor and turned to Ray.
Raising a hand in his direction. “Vi veri universum vivus vici.” Uttering the same spell that Constantine used a few days ago, you successfully extracted the creature, trapping it once more.
With Ray able to lie freely and the bug contained, you turned back to Constantine and shoved the jar into his chest hard. 
“Try that again and I’ll send you to Hell myself.”
Taking the item, Constantine smiled at you. “Would it help if I told you that I dream of you?” He asked. 
You were tired of his curiosity. It was only going to hurt you more to hold on to something that wasn’t possible. “Why should I even bother entertaining a response? You can’t tell the truth without some possessed bug.”
Ray, who was still present, tilted his head. “Do you?”
Constantine set the jar aside, his full attention now focused on you. 
“Almost every night.”
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safety-sammy · 2 years
the moon song (sfk)
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warnings: alcohol consumption, but i think that’s it!
word count: 1.9k
inspired by the moon song by beabadoobee
a/n: i finally wrote my first gvf fic after not writing fanfic for 5+ years!! as soon as sam said he likes astronomy in his lobster & beer episode i knew i wanted to write a fluffy stargazing sam fic. i’m a little rusty but seeing how accepting gvf tumblr seems to be of new writers made me feel really comfortable and excited to write again. feedback is more than welcome, please let me know what you think. i have so many ideas that i can’t wait to bring to life <3
“Ready to go?” Sam asked as he turned to you with a bright and eager smile, shoving two messily folded blankets under one arm while he grabbed the wicker picnic basket from the kitchen island with his opposite hand.
You couldn’t help but show a beaming grin as you watched the bundle of excitement standing in front of you. After months of telling you about his passion for the stars and the solar system, your boyfriend Sam was finally taking you stargazing. The way his entire face lit up every time he rambled to you about the newest astronomy research or the most recent updates on the Mars rover was something you wanted to watch for the rest of your life.
“I’m ready whenever you are,” you replied with a smile.
Sam led you out through the front door with an excited pep in his step, scrambling to keep everything in his arms as he tried to retrieve his car keys from his front pocket.
“Sammy, why don’t you let me help you with that? I’m plenty capable of carrying things too, yanno,” you giggled.
“I’ve got this, Y/N, just give me a second-” Sam was interrupted by the sound of his keys rattling as they fell out of his pocket and onto the pavement. He let out a quick and quiet curse as he tried to bend over to grab them without dropping everything else; his action unsuccessful as you stood back and watched the blankets start to slip from under his arm.
You decided you were going to help him whether he wanted you to or not. “Here, Sam, just let me get those…” You nudged under him to grab the car keys, then traded them off to him in exchange for the picnic basket. The corners of his mouth turned up into a slight smile to thank you for your help.
“Thank you, hun. I think I got a little ahead of myself, I’m just really excited.” Sam sheepishly explained as he unlocked the car, tossing the blankets in the back seat as you sat the picnic basket on the floor of the passenger seat and buckled yourself in.
“It’s cute to see you so excited, Sammy,” you looked over to him with a loving smile as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway.
The drive to his “special spot” was short but peaceful. The speakers sang a soft blend of Crosby, Stills & Nash albums as one of Sam’s hands held yours across the center console, the other tapping lightly on the steering wheel. You could already see that the night sky was clear and bright with stars; perfect conditions for stargazing.
After a few minutes of driving down woodsy backroads, the car slowed as Sam pulled over onto a patch of dirt next to a clearing in the trees. “Hold on, stay right there,” Sam requested as he hopped out of the driver’s seat and gathered the blankets from the back, then retrieved something out of the trunk.
“I’ll be right back, don’t move, doll,” he said through the half-open window with a wink. With that, he disappeared through the small clearing.
You sat, twiddling your thumbs waiting for your lover’s return, and after five or so minutes, you watched him emerge with a small smirk on his face. He approached the car to open your door, holding his arm out for you to take, offering it to you with a charming, “M’lady?”
You accepted it with a giddy smile, butterflies swarming your lower belly while Sam helped you out of the car. He reached behind you to grab the picnic basket, then led you through the clearing, revealing a beautiful, vast open field. You let out an amazed breath, looking up at Sam with eyes filled with joy. Sam had laid your blankets out on the grass in the middle of the field and set up a telescope in front of them. You noted that the telescope must’ve been what he had taken out of the trunk.
“This is amazing, Sammy. It’s beautiful out here!” you exclaimed as you settled yourself down onto the blankets.
“I’m glad you like it, I really hoped you would,” he replied with a grin. “But wait until you see what I brought.”
Sam began to sift through the picnic basket, pulling out a few tall candles and fishing the lighter from his back pocket. He lit them carefully, then turned back to the basket, returning with your favorite bottle of rosé and a giant, hopeful grin on his face.
“Oh my god, Sam, this is amazing! You didn’t have to do all of this,” you managed to squeak out through the overwhelming bursting feeling of your racing heart and the flutters in your stomach that made you feel like you were floating.
“I’d do anything to see that big smile on your face.”
Your head hung bashfully as you tried to hide the fire you felt creeping up to your cheeks. You felt Sam shift closer to you and his hand come up to tuck the hair framing your face behind your ear. He lifted your chin softly to bring your gaze to his. “Ready to see some stars, baby?”
You nodded, still wearing a sheepish smile, one that he now sported too. As Sam sat up on his knees to adjust the telescope, he laughed to himself, mentioning that he had forgotten to pour the two of you any wine. “What’s the purpose of wine if we’re not going to drink it, right?” he chortled.
Sam shuffled on his knees back to the picnic basket, only to curse at himself with a look of disappointment moments later. “I remembered the corkscrew, but it looks like I kind of forgot to bring any glasses…” he apologetically explained.
“Well, straight from the bottle will have to do!” You held out your hand with a laugh, hoping Sam would get the message that you wanted to pop open the bottle of wine, not caring about whether you had a drinking vessel or not.
He handed you the corkscrew and you expertly pulled out the cork, not wasting any time before taking a swig of the sweet pink wine. You tilted the bottle towards Sam, offering it to him. He took it and did the same as you, taking a sip and offering it back. After you took one more sip, you sat the bottle upright in the picnic basket and gazed at the stunning sight in front of you; the bright moonlight shining down onto your beautiful boyfriend as he stared into the sky, emphasizing the tip of his nose and his sculpted cheekbones.
You leaned over to place a sweet, chaste kiss onto his lips and intertwined your fingers with his. You laid back onto the plush blanket and gave a light tug on his arm, requesting he follow you down. As the two of you lay shoulder to shoulder under the stars, you take in the sounds of nature around you. You can hear the chirping and buzzing of various insects in the trees surrounding you, crickets and cicadas alike. After a few moments, Sam’s soft voice pulls you out of your focus.
“See that there?” he pointed above you to a bright mass near the moon. You nod, looking at him and then back to the sky.
“That’s Venus. The planet of love,” he nearly whispered. “I wish I could take you there, so it could be just you and I for a while, you know?”
“Yeah…Yeah I know what you mean,” you reply, feeling out of breath, like you had just run a marathon, even though you’d been lying relatively still for the last fifteen minutes. Sam’s words knocked the wind out of you.
You feel him shift next to you, turning to face you. You do the same and meet him nose to nose, gazing into his soft brown doe eyes. Sam takes your hand in his and lifts it to his plush lips, placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
“I love you, Y/N. I don’t know much about my future, but I know for sure that I want you to be in it.” He stared at you sweet and hopeful, trying to gauge your reaction through your facial expressions. He started to become concerned as a look of shock flashed across your face while you basked in the silence after his confession. But after taking a few moments to process what he had just said, you broke out into a grin.
“Sam, you have no idea how in love with you I am.”
He let go of a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. “I think I have a great idea of how in love we both are, actually.”
Sam took your face in both of his large hands and observed your face for a second before planting an earth-shattering kiss upon your lips. It was gentle, but held the most passion behind it that you had ever felt. You swore you could feel the Earth turn on its axis as your lips were on his. As you separated, you took a minute to stare into each other’s eyes once more, reading one another. Sam began to chuckle, finally letting out the intense emotions that built up in his body over the last few minutes.
“What’s so funny?” you asked, starting to laugh along with him.
“Nothing, nothing. I was just terrified to tell you that.”
Your laughter settled and you returned to your state of lovingly looking into each other’s eyes. You let a few beats of silence pass before responding, “I’m really glad you told me, Sammy. I was too scared to ever say it first.”
“I am too, baby. Very glad.”
As the intense moment died down, you asked Sam sweetly, “Can I see Venus through the telescope?,” wanting to get a better view of the planet of love.
“Of course, beautiful.” He sat up and shifted towards the telescope, looking through it and adjusting it so Venus would be front and center. He sat back on his knees and waved you over, signaling to you that it was ready for your viewing. “She’s all ready for you,” he joked, referencing his telescope.
“Thank you, Sammy,” you returned with a loving smile. As you looked through the lens of the telescope, you saw a bright, shining yellow planet that now symbolized you and Sam’s adoration for each other. “It looks like a nice place to settle down, don’t you think?” You smirked, thinking about a magical place where you and your lover could be truly alone together.
“Well, Venus is actually kind of inhabitable. It’s really hot and we couldn’t breathe the air up there. It’s mostly greenhouse gasses,” he admitted with a light laugh, “I just didn’t want to tell you that before so my point would get across.”
You gave a laugh back to him and proposed an alternative, “Is there another planet we could live on?”
Sam thought for a second. “The moon, maybe. We could stay for a couple years at least if we brought enough food and water.”
“The moon sounds nice,” you smiled, looking up at the glowing beauty. “A million miles away from everybody else. Just you and I.”
“Yeah, just you and I.”
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Terrible Trilogy
Part 20
wordcount: 8,758
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You shook your head as you let the note slip out of your hand before shoving it into your middle console.
This was crazy…Too crazy even for you and all the shit you've been through. Closest thing to this level of madness was 5 years ago on that one stormy night when two arrogant teenagers decided to try and kill you before changing their minds and looping you into their plan to turn their hometown on its head. Almost as crazy as you helping them half a decade later.
You rolled your lips and ran a hand over your tired eyes as you addressed them both in the backseat. "So…You heard?"
Billy answered. "Yes…It sounds like you're finally starting to come around to the idea that your so-called best friend might not be so innocent after all, hm?"
Stu gave the slightest scoff behind your seat. "Yeah, not like I haven't been saying it over and over-"
"Stop." You weakly interrupted, voice close to cracking as you started the car. "I-I don't know what to think, okay"
You put it into drive as Billy leaned on the passenger seat, head ducked down to avoid being seen. "Yeah, well I do. You're letting your guard down and being a complete tease with the Detective."
You scrunch your face. "What are you even talking about?"
"Please, Sweetcheeks. Drop the innocent girl act, alright? He's all over you and you're dangling yourself in front of him. I mean, he gave you a phone that's obviously bugged and you were giggling and blushing and shit."
You huffed as you made your way through the gates; leaving sunrise studios. "I was not giggling and blushing, Stu! And yes, it's probably bugged but I'm still hanging onto it in case it's all we have. We can use code words or something."
Billy gave a mocking smirk your way as he crawled to the front seat. "Of course you are. Especially since it has his number in it." He sat down in the passenger seat and you gave him a look. He rolled his eyes and buckled up. "Guess what? You keep this shit up and he's going to get closer and closer and while you're obliviously shoving your tongue down his throat; he's going behind your back to find out who we are."
You grumbled under your breath. "Are you really this nervous over him being a Detective or are you just insecure of how close he's getting to me?"
Billy whipped around in his seat. "I'm not insecure; why the fuck would I be insecure of you being with some dipshit cop? Fuck his brains out for all I care! It's the fact you can't keep your mouth shut that has me 'nervous'." He mocked the last part.
Stu mumbled something under his breath through a cough.
Billy rolled his eyes. "Point is, things have gone from bad to worse these last few days. This copycat is getting bolder, we are getting nowhere, you're getting way too close to that Detective…Gale has Stu's file." He grumbled.
"Wait...What?" You mumbled while glancing at Stu in the mirror.
He had a tense expression as he looked out the window. He shook his head with a bitter smirk, giving a tiny hand gesture to emphasize his point. "I was THIS close to nabbing that sucker and the has-been Journalist that wrote an entire book on me and Billy gets it first."
"Shit…" You hissed out. Gale having Stu's file was bad. Very, very, very bad. You shook your head. "How did she even get it?!"
"I don't know! She was with that actress Jennifer down in the archives and was combing through new files! I was sneaking around and I saw my picture on the file before she shoved it in her bag."
Billy moved his tongue along the inside of his cheek with a very annoyed glare on his face. "So now, if Gale isn't the killer, then we have to worry about her finding out just who Dennis Rafkin is. It will lead back to both of us, YN. Won't be hard either considering she's already been sniffing around for years for evidence she actually saw us alive at Windsor Theater and that you're lying through your teeth all these years." He glanced over at you. "...Won't she be thrilled to finally smear the girl that beat her at her own game, prove she was right all along, and lock up the two serial killers responsible for the Woodsboro Massacre?...We've got to get that file or kill her to get it. That's our only option."
You blinked at him giving what could be perceived as the tiniest shred of respect your way before shaking your head. "No, we can't kill her. That's just asking to have attention drawn your way…And Dewey-"
"To hell with Dewey, YN." Billy growled out. "In fact, to hell with all of them. Do you want to go to prison? You want to lose everything? You want to die?" He urged.
You went to speak again but Stu beat you to it. "I've said it from the fucking beginning who this is and it's either Happy boy up there with some partner we don't know about-"
"Fuucckk offf." Billy groaned out as Stu ignored him and continued.
"Or…It's the one person alive from that night that isn't in this car right now. Tatum isn't alive, I slit the camera guys fucking throat, Sidney's Dad burnt up to a crisp, Sidney got her shit stabbed-"
You gritted your teeth for a second before smacking your steering wheel. "Get to the point, Stu!"
He paused for a moment, both of you locking eyes in your mirror at a stop sign. His blue eyes took on that dark look you first saw in the shed all those years ago and had the displeasure of seeing occasionally ever since.
"...You know exactly who I'm talking about, Sweetcheeks. Dewey is too naive and has a limp when he walks. He isn't ripping anyone one up. Gale couldn't beat Cotton. No way."
"How do you know? God, wasn't Halie and Billy's Mom proof to you a woman could do it?!"
You realized you mentioned her and glanced over at Billy. He just stared straight ahead with a poker face before he spoke. "...With a guy's help, YN. Gale isn't going to take down someone like Cotton on her own."
"Exactly! Even you said it yourself that string bean up there, a guy, couldn't take down Cotton one on one and you think Reporter Barbie is going to?" Stu snorted out while Billy subtly flipped him off. However, Stu got quiet a moment. The whole car's atmosphere shifted at his tone of voice.
"... But you know who looks pretty able-bodied? Who lifted you off the ground a few days ago with ease? Who knows the studio and knows his way with horror movies?"
Billy raised a brow. "Who would do anything to avenge my ex girlfriend?"
You shook your head with a harsh swallow. "I-I don't…" You couldn't finish it.
He lightly smacked your seat in frustration. "You know who I'm talking about, YN!....You know damn well who we're talking about and what we have to do to end this bullshit and move on with our lives! Once and for all; finish what should have happened in Woodsboro!"
Your heart sank deeper and deeper as he paused in a moment of silence before the words came out.
"We've got to kill Ray."
You almost slammed on the brakes right in traffic, swerving as they both yelled at you and you steadied the car again.
"NO! No, no, no, a million mother fucking times, NO!" You screamed at him as you gripped your steering wheel tightly. "You are not killing the only friend I fucking have!" You wanted to scream, sob, hit something. Every negative emotion a person could feel crashed into you at once and you couldn't deny it was partially because even you had your doubts about Randy's innocence.
Stu glared at the 'only' part, giving you a hostile look from the backseat you saw in your mirror while Billy scolded you. "YN, even your Dreamy Detective Douchebag is looking at him as a suspect. I saw your face before we left. You know it's him!"
"I don't know shit and neither do you!"
Stu threw up his hands in disbelief. "So why not just kill him to be safe than sorry? Kill him and Gale to make sure this never happens again."
You were already halfway to the motel as you argued with them. "Because he's my best friend, assholes! Okay, what if it isn't him? Huh? Then what?!"
Billy shrugged while glaring at you. "Then we just offed a guy that should have been offed 5 years ago had someone not ruined the plan."
Stu added. "And who's probably going to die anyways if he isn't the Killer."
You shook your head frantically, stammering and looking disgusted. "God! How can you both say that!? Especially you, Stu! For someone that claims they care about me, you sure don't give a shit that I was attacked or that you're hinting at killing someone that means something to me or even the hurt I'm feeling right now at the idea!" You ranted, hot fresh tears threatening your eyes again as you shoved your palm over your eyes in an attempt to force them away.
Stu tsked in his throat before he rolled his head with a groan. "Sweetcheeks…I know it, okay? I'm sorry you were attacked again and we didn't intercept Randy in time but right now; we have a lot of shit to handle here! I'm just trying to protect you."
You gave a disgusted huff at that last part. Your brows furrowed and your gut sank the more they spoke. "...So you knew I was attacked?"
Billy raised a brow at your change of subject. "Yeah? We told you we saw the cops there asking you questions; even Stu can put two and two together."
You glared at him for a second before your eyes went back to the road. "What the fuck happened to watching me?! Huh, Billy? Why weren't you there to stop it? I thought for once in our lives; you had my back!"
You saw a strange emotion come over Billy you couldn't make out. His glare faltered for a moment. He covered it up as soon as it came as you were just a block from your motel. You swore you saw a car that looked familiar but didn't look too long as Billy grabbed your attention again.
"I was busy watching Stu, alright?! God damn, you both want me in two places at once."
"The plan was for you to watch me and Stu to watch for the killer! If you knew Stu was someplace you couldn't watch, then why not watch out for me?!"
"You had the cops! It's not my fault your dumbass got out of sight of them." Billy argued.
"Okay, fine. Whatever. But you still were supposed to watch for anyone suspicious the cops couldn't see. Did you even try to watch me at all?!" You directed your anger at Stu too. "But what about you last night?! You were supposed to keep watch and yet I get clear to the woods closer to your watch point than the house, screaming my head off, and you just show up right when he leaves?!"
Stu gawked at you. "Uuh…" He faltered a moment with a loud scoff. "YOU went to the woods which was not part of the plan! I got there as soon as I could!"
Billy chimed in. "Besides, it was your stupid ass fault for going off alone. A dark movie set where no one knew where you were and the woods in the middle of the night. Might as well just put a sign on you with blinking lights saying: 'Here I am! Gut me.'"
"Okay, so where were you?"
"Stu went to get his file. He failed, shocker. When we didn't see you with Dewey or the cops outside the building anymore we went looking for you inside."
Stu exclaimed with a dramatic shrug. "We went looking for you and heard you screaming but by time we got there the cops already showed up."
You parked the car at the motel, the sun slowly starting to set as you sat there a moment. "...So…You didn't see Randy or this Ghostface that attacked me?"
"No, because it's Randy so if we didn't see Randy then we aren't seeing Ghostface and vice versa. Duh." He unbuckled and went to get out but saw you still sitting there, contemplating. "...What?" He demanded.
"It's just that…You knew I was screaming and claimed you got there but cops were already there and Randy came from behind the house within a minute. So how could you not see Randy if that's the case? How could you not see Ghostface AGAIN when he had to have passed you or someone else had to have!"
Stu groaned. "YN, we didn't see anyone. Swear to God."
You looked at them both. "How did you know Randy was even in the studio then?"
"It's a guess! How else would he be able to attack you?!" Stu exclaimed.
"...Or you knew because you were there in that fucking Hell House with me." You mumbled, getting out of your car with your purse and keys before slamming your door.
You heard doors slamming behind you as you marched up the stairs to the motel room.
"WOAH! You do NOT get to drop something like that on us and then just walk away!" Stu yelled as you ignored him. You heard his boots trampling quickly up the stairs.
You went to unlock the motel door when a hand jammed it shut. Stu glared down at you with a disbelieving smirk. "Are you…Are you seriously insinuating I did this? I can understand him-" He jerked his thumb to Billy ascending up the stairs. "But me? You actually want to try and say I did this to you?"
You didn't look at him as you sucked in a breath and felt your body tense. "...Let me open the door."
"Not until I get an answer."
You rolled your bottom lip over your teeth before fully facing him. "Okay...Maybe I do? Because after you joined this Movie; your personality is going back to how you were 5 years ago. You didn't even ask me if I was okay from being attacked last night or today!"
"Oh, okay. So since I forgot to ask; that means I'm the fucking killer?"
"You don't 'forget' to ask something like that."
Billy intercepted both of you, taking the key from your hand and jamming it in the door as he hissed through his teeth. "Hey, dumbfucks; you can have this conversation inside. Quietly if that's even possible."
Stu mumbled. "After the tantrum you threw the other day, does it matter? This killer's probably watching us right now!…Quick, see Randy's clunker nearby?"
Billy pushed the door open. You quickly went in behind Billy and Stu slammed the door behind himself. Still ready to argue while you regretted even saying anything at all.
"So, YN? Is that it? I didn't make enough effort to ask you one time if you're fine when ALL of us are being hunted-"
You interrupted him. "I'm the one that got attacked, STU! I'm the one that got attacked last night too! Is he really hunting all of us or is he hunting me and you two are just a bonus?!"
Billy sat on the edge of his bed and took off his jacket. "No, it's called you're the one making yourself an easy target."
You pointed at Stu. "And he's not?!"
Billy tilted his head with a nod at that while Stu just sneered your way. "Really? So, this is what I get for keeping that nut job over there from laying you out cold two days ago?!"
"You don't get a golden star for being a decent person; That's not how it works, Stu. I can guarantee you half of you 'protecting me' is just an excuse for you and him to beat the shit out of each other because you're still pissed off at him!"
"Where the hell is all this even coming from?" Billy mumbled, eyeing you as you shoved your purse onto the table.
You listed the reasons on your fingertips. "Let's see; I was attacked twice in two days, hardly no sleep, I'm surrounded by jerks that don't even ask if I'm okay, they want to kill the one friend I have because they're jealous of-"
"Jealous?! Of him?!" Stu interrupted you with a spat.
"Yes! You are SO jealous of my friendship with Randy! That even after we fought and didn't speak for two years, even after he gave Gale the wrong idea about me in her book, we're still close and it eats you up inside that we are!"
Billy held up a hand before making a circle with his finger. "Woah, woah, woah…Rewind that."
You sighed heavily, cursing yourself in your head. "...Ray was mad at me for stopping Gale from killing you-"
"Of course he was." Billy wryly gave.
"-So when she asked him 5 years ago about my involvement …He…He accidentally said that we all three were secretly a thing and to Gale that was confirmation the rumors were true and she could write what she did about me in her stupid book."
Stu released a high pitched laugh with a point before clapping his hands together. "OOHHH! That's just rich,man! Oh, so you're telling me that pencil dick geek can ruin your image more than we ever did, openly hated you for two years, loved Sidney like she was a freaking Goddess over you and you can forgive him but not me?! The guy that killed for you?! The guy that held out just for you all this fucking time?! Just for you to forgive the guy that betrayed you first?!"
You gave him the most dumbfounded look. "....YOU. KILLED. MY. FRIENDS. Randy didn't do that, now did he? You tried to kill ME. He didn't do that either!" You enunciated before taking a deep breath. "...He was on heavy pain meds and his heart was broken, alright?" Stu made a mocking sad face that burned you alive as you snapped back. "And so was mine! Two friends were dead and two betrayed me AND Randy. You all seem to casually forget that he saw you as friends too and both did what you did; especially you Stu. He was closest with you. I don't blame him for being upset!"
Billy raised his brows. "…So, you think he just magically got over it? That he just got over the fact you stopped Gale from helping Sid? That you…" He hesitated before saying it. "That you prevented the murderer from being killed and her life ended because of it? You actually think he's over that?"
"Yeah, I do. Two years away from each other is a long time and I'm sure three years of solid friendship helped."
Stu scoffed. "Especially when the girl comes back with her boobs pushed up and a tight skirt; leading him on at college parties." Stu grumbled.
"Oh so I wear that to one party, partially because of Halie, and you think you know everything?"
"I know he tried to kiss you in college and you fought about it." Stu plainly gave. His entire face dropped as he stared at you. You faltered at that as he continued. "We watched you VERY closely back then, babe…You didn't think we didn't see that? And you both fucking dated afterwards! Why would he break it off with you, huh? Why would he break up with you suddenly after getting what he always claimed he wanted?"
"I told you we just didn't work out!"
"Or he found out." Stu growled. He came closer to you. "He found out your dirty secret through Gale or his own spying. He found out we lived and he broke it off with you while recovering and now he wants revenge for killing his imaginary relationship he had with Sid."
You backed up a bit, furiously shaking your head. "No…"
"Yes, baby! Come on, use your head here…Who else could it be? Huh?! Who else could know everything from that night? Who else could give you those injuries? Who else but the guy who has a broken heart and wants to get even!"
You froze before slowly looking up at him. Something clicked as he spat that at you. The same furious expression on his face from that night just made it all slowly piece together in your head…The memory of him at that house. Hands wrapped around your throat after he hit you hard in the face with his fist. Stu tossed you around like a rag doll that night. The words rang out in your mind, haunting you ever since he uttered them while his fingers dug into the sides of your throat. "No! Fuck you! I loved you, you damn bitch! I cared about you and you repay that by turning me into the feds!"
"...Oh my God." You backed up, tge idea creeping up on you.
Stu faltered as you backed up. "What?...YN, what's with that weird look?...What?!"
You tried getting distance as he came closer. His eyes roamed over your face, the fearful expression gave you away as his eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed.
"Why the expression, babe? Cause you think I'm the killer again? Is that why?" He growled out as you side stepped again as he got closer to you.
You stared up at him, hoping to see anything to determine if he was joking or being sarcastic…But all you saw was him being pissed.
"You…You are doing this, aren't you?" You shakily asked, barely above a whisper.
Billy slowly stood up, a cautious look in his eye as Stu's entire face slowly turned from a demanding glare to a menacing sneer.
"...Are you kidding me with this?" He gave a slight chuckle that faded as soon as it came. "What proof do you even have to go making accusations like that, YN?"
"The more I think about it…A lot…Why did you sign up for this movie? Why are you constantly pointing fingers at everyone including the partners thing with Billy? Why are you always where Ghostface and you should have ran into each other but didn't?" More and more things were adding up as you took a larger step back. "...Oh my God…And you're pointing fingers at Randy because you want him gone! It's just a giant excuse to cover your tracks."
"YN, don't go there with me. Okay man, do not-" He started giving a laugh. That dangerous, angry laugh trying to distract himself. "Do not rip my fucking heart out like that and expect me to just take it."
"No…No, if we're accusing Randy just because he would be hurt if he found out…Why wouldn't you?...You wanted revenge against Billy, you want Dewey and Randy out of the picture just like James, you want to end Gale to finish what you started with Billy 5 years ago and to have anymore living witnesses to you being Ghostface…And you want me all to yourself."
Billy's eyes darted over to Stu as he stood off to the side. Everything you said was exactly what he had been saying about Stu this whole time.
He rolled his eyes with a mocking laugh. "Why the FUCK would I attack you then?!"
"To get me out of the way. I can't defend anyone if I'm in the hospital; out of commission for this round…Or…Or to kill me off for breaking your heart. Either one is a possibility at this point. "
"How could you say that to me?! How can you be this thick headed?!" Stu exclaimed.
"Because of the way you're acting! The fucking ideas spewing out of your mouth at a time like this! I wanted to think this new guy was just trying to rip us apart; Trying to turn us against each other…But why am I the only one getting attacked right now?"
You finally looked at Billy. "And you're going along with too much. Especially with killing."
Billy gave you a dumbfounded look. "How? I've been going against him this entire time."
"True but…What if both of you are pointing fingers at each other as a distraction? So I'm too busy thinking one of you is the killer when it's both of you again."
Billy narrowed his eyes at you as you continued. Eerily aware of how close they were and where your gun was on you.
"Why are you both acting like this is a freebie for killing off Randy or Gale or Dewey instead of our fucking lives at stake here if you're completely innocent?!"
Billy stared at you as he tilted his head. "Because it's so obvious the guy that would hate you the most for siding with us is the one doing this. It's why you would be the main target here if he does know we're alive…Think of it this way, you're a wolf in sheep's clothing." He raised his brows with a condescending tone. "We're wolves, you see us lurking outside the little sheep's fences but whose the farmer gonna kill first?" He gave a serious stare that unnerved you. " The wolves he sees outside the fence? Or the wolf inside that he's been feeding and petting thinking it's one of his prized sheep?...Stop being an idiot and wake up that it is your fucking fake best friend pissed off at you! It's not me for not being able to get to you in time as if I'm your fucking knight in shining armor and it's not Stu for being a little too harsh with you; Princess." Billy growled out. "...It is the guy you've been trusting all this time and not realizing how much he probably hates your guts for what you're doing."
"It's not him!" You yelled as Billy huffed at you with a sarcastic smirk.
"Then go tell him. Go on, we'll give you a pass." Stu gave him a bewildered look but Billy shrugged at you. "Go ahead…Tell him how you kissed me and Stu that night. Tell him that you let us get away at Windsor. Tell him how you talked to Stu on his little hangout spot. Tell him how Stu has stayed in your life after the fact and now you're helping us both in order to save your own ass…Go ahead."
You stared at them, shrinking into yourself with a deep frown. That hurt. You didn't know what to think. It could be Stu, Randy, Billy…You felt torn apart. But you did know one thing; they were NOT killing the only friend you had left in your miserable little traumatized life.
"N-NO! He would understand, okay?! He would! He would have come to me and demanded an explanation! He would never, ever, ever hurt me!"
Billy chuckled in sadistic amusement. "Kind of like us, huh?...Remember on the sidewalk? You knew me." He practically purred out with a grin.
"Fuck you." You felt your eyes burn at that as he gave you a mocking look.
"Nah. You're just sore that I'm right, as usual." He gave.
You were really starting to hate him these last few days and he just got worse and worse the more you talked to him…And Stu? He didn't feel like your safety anymore. In fact…It felt like Woodsboro all over again. Now that you dared to openly question his involvement; there was no telling what this 'betrayal' would get you.
Stu added with an unhinged grin. "Face it, Sweetcheeks. You're naive and you get in your girl feelings and you overlook a guy that clearly wants to kill you! Every. Single. Time!" His grin dropped." Meanwhile, you have a guy right in front of you wanting nothing but to protect you and you're accusing him of shit!"
You looked at Stu long and hard. The silence stretched on as you felt the words burning in your throat to come out.
"What?" He mumbled.
You swallowed as you mustered a glare his way. "You aren't protecting me, you're protecting yourself. And when you are 'protecting me' it's just you marking your territory…Just admit it, you don't want to kill Randy to protect me…It's just another James scenario. Once again, I'm an object you don't want to share."
"You are SO full of shit!" Stu yelled.
"No, I'm not! Because not only are things suspicious with you, not only would it make sense, but you both have a history of this type of thing…I should know!"
You bent your knees slightly, fight or flight kicking in at the look Stu gave you before he yelled at you. "Stop throwing that into my fucking face, alright?! That's all you can think about is Woodsboro! Let me tell you something about Woodsboro and about your so-called friends back then; they all would have forgot about you the second you pissed them off. Me and Billy were the only people in that town that weren't braindead and we thought you were like us. That you have it in you but clearly you don't!...They were going NOWHERE. That's everyone in that shitty little town. If anything, we did them a favor by giving them some notoriety. At least people will know who Tatum Riley or Steve Oarth or the fat camera guy even was!"
"His name was Kenny, you could at least remember his name after taking his life." You mumbled.
"I don't fucking care. When are you going to stop playing hard to get, stop acting like a bitch and realize I did everything for you!? You wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for me! Remember that? Remember who risked their life for you at your house that night?! I freaking love you, YN, and you're too dense to see it!" Stu roared out, so loud it rung your ears.
You shook your head, pain in your heart being outweighed by a sinking fear in your gut. "Stu…Enough is enough. Whatever you think you're feeling towards me, it isn't love. It's not respect. It's not compassion. You look at everything and everyone as possessions. You aren't capable of caring about me or anyone else! No one could do what you did to Maureen, to Sidney, or Tatum or to even Casey or Steve…Even what you did to James. No one can do those things and be human beings capable of genuine empathy towards ANYONE!...And the thing is, the more I think about it; you're the reason James acted the way he did, when he did. You harassed him and lied to him on purpose when you both knew he was a ticking time bomb. You knew he would act out and fucking risked my life just to win some chauvinistic game!…Stu, you don't know what love is and it isn't crazy to think you could do this just to get me all to yourself…You're Monsters for what you did and with the way you're acting; you're probably doing it again...And I'm being an idiot even standing here with you." The last part escaped past your lips as the idea they were involved somehow seemed not so crazy after all.
Stu glared a second before something in him switched. Something shifted going from anger and disappointment to outright animalistic rage. You saw it and instantly bent down towards your gun out of pure instinct before he angrily toppled a chair over, rushing towards you as you jumped back and shakily ripped the gun from under your pant leg and clumsily jerking it in his direction.
"Stu, stay back!"
He had a mocking crazed look on his face. "Oh? Or what? You're gonna shoot me?...YOU'RE GONNA FREAKING SHOOT ME?!" He outstretched his arms and came towards you, a vein popping in his neck from his yelling. "DO IT! Fucking do it, Sweetcheeks! COME ON!" He had that unhinged darkness in his gaze as you cocked the hammer back.
"S-Stu! I'm warning you! Don't make me do this-" Your back hit the wall. Your finger went to the trigger but Stu jerked his hand back hard and fast before you could pull. Your gun clattered on the ground, echoing in the room. You didn't even see it coming as you scrambled for your gun just for him to bend down and get it first. Your heart sank low as you gripped the wall behind you.
He glanced up at you long and hard before slowly aiming the gun right at you.
"Stu…Stu, don't do it." Billy warned, his knife was out and you weren't sure when he got it out. He wasn't as frantic as you wished he would be as he got closer to Stu. "God Damn it, Stu! We don't need cops here with your fucking name on the Motel registry…Don't do it." He reasoned as Stu glared you down. Those blue eyes darkening and seering right through you as you looked down the barrel of your own gun.
You didn't breathe, you didn't move…You damned yourself for hesitating. For not just shooting him like you threatened this whole time. That moment of weakness was going to be your undoing.
Suddenly, he drew it back and raised his chin to look down at you in contempt. He held eye contact as he jerked the barrel open as your bullets clattered on the floor one by one and he used his boot to kick them all over the room before he threw your empty gun against the wall. It hit with a deafening clanking thud as it clattered to the floor as well.
You felt for the bathroom doorknob and quickly jerked it open to shove yourself inside. There was no way to get past him to the front door or your purse. You just needed distance between you two. You heard his fist hit the door as it buckled. A gasp escaped you as you practically fell in the tub to get as far away as possible. Already eyeing the toilet cover as a weapon.
"Sweetcheeks…You're wrong…You're so fucking LUCKY you're wrong and I give a microscopic shit about you." He gave a dark laugh on the other side before silence stretched on until he spoke up again. "...Maybe I should just kill Randy? Just kill him and prove to you the killings, the letters, the phone calls; it will all coincidentally stop when he's dead."
You jerked yourself up as you heard him walking away. You propelled yourself to the door, trying to rip it open in a panic. "STU! STU DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HIM!...STU!-" You finally got the door open just to see Stu near the table before walking out the door.
You raced towards it just for Billy to grab hold of you. "Let him go unless you want to be a smear on the sidewalk." He grinned at you. "No gun to threaten me with, huh? Isn't that a bitch." You fought against Billy as he grabbed you, slamming you against the wall.
"Let me go! You're not hurting Ray!"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm aware. Your precious spare boyfriend is off limits, meanwhile, EVERYTHING points to him!" He argued, fingers digging into your arms to hold you still. He leaned forward to stare you down as you momentarily stopped fighting…No gun…Mace in your purse across the room…Nothing to protect yourself.
"...The only reason I'm not letting you go is because if Stu kills you; we're caught. The only reason I'm staying behind is that reason and that alone. If Randy dies, he dies." His face lowered as he gave you a deadly glare through his lashes. "...Besides, Stu isn't going to kill him without me."
"Yeah, nothing like bonding over murder." You sarcastically gave as your tears threatened to spill. "You must be helping him."
"No one is helping anyone because we aren't doing it, you moron."
You both locked eyes as he kept you pinned down for a moment. "...What happened inside the house?"
"Like you give a shit." Your voice caught whether you liked it or not.
"I don't but I need to know in order to catch the fucker…Besides, something set you off. Something worse than being attacked. So, what was it?...Don't lie either. I'll know."
You closed your eyes. You didn't really have too many options here with him having you pinned, no gun, no knife, no mace and his knife still in his hand next to your arm.
You bit your lip before it came out, voice cracking and barely above a whisper. "I saw what you both did to her…The blood was smeared everywhere, their family photo was splattered with it…Sidney…She walked in on that. She walked in on what you did to her Mom…And you mocked her for it for over a year. What kind of sick fucks are you?" The tears openly spilled over your cheeks as you looked at him in disgust.
His demeanor shifted as he gave you a reserved glare. "The same sick fuck that has you pinned to a wall with a knife in his hand."
"Then just fucking do it." You growled at him. "Because you're not killing Randy or Dewey. You'll have to kill me first."
He brought that knife up to your throat like he did many times before and you just held your breath while staring at him. Tears flowed down as you gave him a sneer. "Do it, Billy. You always wanted to, you blame me for everything wrong in your life…So. Do it."
His dark eyes bore into you as you felt that metal touch your neck. "You really are an idiot-"
You didn't let him finish. "Yeah, I am. I really was stupid enough all these years to think you were just misunderstood. That I knew you better than the others. That you just made a giant mistake and needed professional help. But after seeing what you both did to her before I even met you?...You both never cared. "
"YN." Billy warned.
"You didn't-"
You gasped as he slammed you harder against the wall, practically nose to nose with you. "I did. You were the one that ruined it! I cared about you, YN. Is that what you want to fucking hear?! I cared about you before you decided to be like every other bitch in Woodsboro. Before you decided to be like everyone else…" A wry smirk slightly pulled at his lips. "Of course, we both know where you stand. You aimed that gun at me at Windsor and you said it yourself…You should have let me die at Stu's Party."
He shoved away from you harshly. Hard enough to make you grunt in pain as your shoulder blades hit the wall.
You forced yourself to stand up a bit as you shakily exclaimed. "Can you blame me?!"
You expected him to backhand you, to show his knife to you again, to threaten you…Instead, he just gave you a blank stare. He didn't say anything as you swallowed and continued to rant.
"You were trying to kill me. You were the one that hurt me first, Billy! Do you know how it feels to have someone you care about be someone you never expected?! T-To kill and have no remorse?!"
"Yeah, actually I do. Thanks for that."
You faltered, remembering his Mom. And that his Mom in her deranged grief killed his Father and turned into the woman you fought on that theater floor.
"...So, you get it then-"
"Yeah, I'm not stupid, YN. Okay, I'm not a deranged animal like Stu." He spat out. "But that doesn't change shit. She wouldn't have done what she did had you not forced me and Stu to fake our deaths."
You lifted your hand his way with a shake of your head. "See? You're still angry! You still can't stand me. How do I know you aren't both working with someone to off me? How do I know you didn't plant that note at the motel desk before I could chase after you or my car before I even got in it?!"
He released a tired groan. "Because if we wanted to do that, we would have just killed you by now, you dolt! We don't have anything to gain from making you look crazier than you already are. This isn't Windsor, YN. And if we wanted to pin it on you, we would have your DNA at the crime scene or something!…Jesus Christ, you're the one preaching we need to stick together just to flake out."
"Because the attacks are getting worse and you're both pushing me in a corner right now wanting to kill my friend!"
He eyed you a moment before a tsk noise came from his throat. "Whatever…As for what you saw earlier; she had it fucking coming. She was a whore-"
"She was a human being and someone's mother, Billy." You harshly whispered.
"So was my Mother."
"You're Mother left on her own!"
He turned back towards you, brandishing his knife. "Shut up." He growled out as you just stood there. Biting your inner cheek as he lowered the knife. He sucked in a breath through his nostrils before speaking. "YN, my Mother may not have been perfect. Okay, I can admit that now…But that bitch Maureen was still guilty. She still ruined my life and I'm not ashamed that I took hers…So? You gonna call me a sick fuck again? A monster? Will that make you feel better when you have blood on your hands too?"
"Mine was self defense and you know it."
"And Sidney?" He asked pointing his knife at you as he talked. "You know…You know what it's like. You had two choices and you put me before someone else. THAT is what murder is like. I put my Mom before Maureen. Then myself before Sidney and every fucker in Woodsboro…All except you and Stu. I had you in a slightly higher regard…My mistake." He bitterly gave.
"It's not comparable, Billy. You expect me to just believe you aren't doing this when you clearly have anger towards me and zero issue with killing?"
You saw his bottom teeth with the snarl he gave you in frustration. "IT'S MEEKS. I'm fucking telling you for the hundredth time, it's Gale and Randy or just Randy!"
"...Or Stu." You interjected. You saw him falter as you hissed out. " Billy. You've been saying it this entire time! I had my suspicions about you but now it all points to him or both of you and I truly can't see him and you working together after all this…The question is; who's his partner?"
"Stop trying to manipulate the situation, YN."
You gave him a challenging glare. "Who says I am? Look, is there anyone that could be involved?! Someone from his past? Someone that could kill?...Come On, Billy! I need to know so I can prove to you both it's not Ray!"
"And yourself?" He knowingly gave.
You hesitated before slowly nodding. "Yes…Okay, yes, so I can prove to all of us it isn't him."
Billy stared at you a moment. Too long of a moment as he thought to himself before finally speaking. "...No. No one else but Randy Meeks or Gale Weathers or Dewey Riley. Now I truly can't see Dewey but Gale and Randy working together or Randy by himself? I could see it. So can you."
"So you're just going to let Stu do this?! You're both just going to kill him whether he's the killer or not?!"
The dark edge to his voice sent a shiver down your spine. "Why not? Randy, Gale and Dewey were supposed to die at Woodsboro. Alright, they know too much. Gale has Stu's file for fucksakes! They are the only people alive that can be behind this and who can identify us without a doubt!"
"And me?" You mumbled.
He stared at you, taking you in a moment. "...Especially you. You've been able to cheat and backstab your way out of our plans twice now. You know more than even they do. The only thing keeping us safe is you getting in trouble from hiding us…But knowing you? Your conscience would get the better of you and you'd sacrifice yourself for your friends or for that Detective."
You eyed him, gaze flicking from his eyes to the knife in his hand. "....What are you saying exactly?" You backed up near the table.
He stared at you, looking less angry but still held that stern glare your way. "I'm saying that anyone that lived past the Woodsboro Massacre is a threat to us and that if you try to get in the way; you're a threat too."
"So you're going to kill Randy no matter what? Even if he isn't the killer?..And what about me when this is all over?...I'm supposed to take your word for it that I'm safe?!"
The more this stretched out…The more eating taco bell and singing in the car felt foolish. That you allowed yourself to stay in the same room as them all this time for what? Fear you could be seen as guilty? Was it worth all this?
Even if they weren't the killers…They were most likely using this killer as a means to kill your friends undetected or even you…They would kill you if this kept going or at least everyone you loved and if they did that they might as well kill you too.
Billy saw your expression change and edged towards you. "YN."
Your eyes darted to the door, judging the distance. This had to stop. This all had to stop before it was too late.
"YN…Don't do something stupid. You're only a threat if you try something stupid." Billy's gaze darkened. "Don't…YN…YN!" He snapped your name right when you went for it.
You bolted for your purse and he chased after you. He grabbed your arm right when your fingers got the spray and whipped around to spray it in his face as he jerked you by your jacket sleeve.
"FUCKING BITCH!!" He screamed, clutching his face before trying to swing his knife at you, blindly missing.
You frantically grabbed your purse, grabbed your gun on the floor, as many bullets as you could as he flipped over a table trying to find you in the room before you ran as fast as you could out the door. You yelped when his knife jammed the wood near your head as he threw it. You slammed the door behind you and almost fell down the stairs as you heard crashing inside the motel room. You tried shakily loading your gun with what bullets you had, cursing as a few fell to the ground under cars in the parking lot. You just had to get a weapon on hand before Billy came out or Stu came back. You got about 4 bullets in your revolver before trying to find your keys in a panic.
"Where the fuck are you?!" You yelled to yourself when you couldn't find them. Digging next to your car until it hit you…Stu was near your purse before he left.
"FUCK!" You smacked your car window, fear gripping you. You were trapped. No car to escape. You tried to open your car just to see he locked it on purpose. That was where your extra bullets were.
You didn't take Billy's word for it that he wasn't going to try to kill Randy tonight. It was just another manipulation tactic to keep you at the motel.
They weren't leaving you any choice now…Tears escaped you as you released a cry, slamming your body against your car door. There was no getting out of this innocent or alive unless you trusted the one man that you knew couldn't be involved and could help you. Truly help you and end this god forsaken nightmare once in for all.
You got out your flip phone and hesitated to press the button…If you did this; you could go to prison for decades; Maybe even the rest of your life.
You didn't have to make the decision just yet as a vehicle pulled in…You held your breath, terrified it was the black SUV. It was getting dark outside, too dark to tell with headlights shining in your eyes.
You released a whimper before realizing whose car it was…The same one you now realized was down the block.
The window rolled down. "Miss YN? What happened-"
"Kincaid, let me in!" You frantically needed to get in. Stu could come out, Billy…Ghostface.
He didn't hesitate to unlock his door as you crawled into the passenger seat and shut the door.
"Miss YN what's going on? Were you attacked again? Stay here-"
"No! Detective, just drive. Please just drive!"
He hesitated before pulling his car in reverse and backing out. He looked behind himself as you looked ahead just to see Billy enraged at the Motel window. Face and hair wet, eyes red and the way he looked at you…You were dead. It was as much rage as he had the last time he wanted to kill you.
Your breath caught as he ripped the curtain back to hide himself right when Kincaid looked back around, fully backing out of the parking lot.
You still were on edge. After Mickey stopped your last Detectives at a traffic light; cars didn't even feel safe.
Mark lightly tapped the wheel with his fingers as he drove. "Okay, care to explain to me what happened and whether I need to call back up?"
"I-I…" You faltered. What the hell were you supposed to say?
He eyed you. "YN?…"
"I uh…I got scared. I thought I heard something."
"Like…Dennis Rafkin leaving your Motel room? Or you acting like you're running from someone? Someone like the guy with the goatee and swept back hair? That guy?"
Your entire world dropped. Your ears buzzed, your skin rose, you felt like you'd pass out. "W-Wha-"
"I know, YN. I know you have two men staying at your motel and that you had them in your car when you got back and that one of them is a suspect that's been missing for two days for questioning on this case…And his file was stolen today."
Your eyes roamed over him before you realized. "You've been spying on me?"
"Only for your protection after you refused to go back to the station. Then I saw them with you and it turned into spying. I knew you were hiding something. Miss, YN…I'm afraid I have to take you in for questioning."
"No, please don't!"
"We don't have a choice! You need to tell me what the hell is going on here because the more I dive into this case; the more confusing it gets. I've never had a more screwed up case in my entire decade long career."
"I…I can't." He glanced over at you as you looked down at your hands. Your one hand still bandaged from the night before. "Detective…If I tell you…My life is ruined or I'm dead. You'll report it, the media will find out, the killer will get me or those I love while I'm a sitting duck behind bars-" You hiccupped with a small sob.
His eyes shifted between him and the road. Debating with himself before he reached in his pocket and smacked a tape recorder onto the console. You saw it was off. "There. If you want me to take off my jacket or check my pockets for wires; I can. Whatever you tell me is completely off the radar."
You drew into yourself, watching him intently like he was going to stab you at any moment. "...Why are you doing this for me?"
"Because I could tell from the minute I talked to you, you're hiding something. That something or someone had you scared even more than Ghostface…So if you confide in me; then we can nab this bastard and I can keep you safe…YN, please just tell me. You are safe right now. You can trust me."
You blinked away the tears repeatedly, fighting yourself internally. If you didn't tell; Randy's life was in danger and so was yours. If you did tell; you could go to prison but they could possibly keep Randy and Dewey safe…And Stu and Billy would be behind bars forever. You could get off on minor charges and live without fear of them hurting you or those you loved.
…The problem was, you cared about them too. You could admit it to yourself despite the guilt…But you cared about Randy and Dewey a lot more. A LOT more. And if this kept them safe from at least Billy and Stu; you had to try.
A shaky sigh escaped you as Mark drove; patiently waiting for your decision.
"...If you promise to keep Dewey and Randy and my family safe at all cost and you promise to not record this….I'll tell you everything."
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xutokawa · 4 years
aahh the s/o finding scratch marks is fulfilling my angst needs 😭🤚🏽 could u maybe do one with bokuto & suna 🥺 i love your writing so much!! xx
pairings: suna x reader, bokuto x reader
genre(s): fluff to angst, cheating
warnings: langauge, cheating
wc: 2.3k
» masterlist
a/n: thank you for your support! I tried adding more plot to it this time hehe. breaking bokuto’s heart broke mine bro :( hope you like it! also TYSM GUYS FOR 200 FOLLOWERS FDJSKF i love every single one of yu :D <3 mwah mwah mwah
atsumu and oikawa ver.
osamu and iwazumi ver.
kuroo and sakusa ver.
akaashi and hinata ver.
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“Rin, hand me the soy sauce,” you asked, not looking up from the dish you were stir frying.
“Get it yourself,” Suna teased back. Rolling your eyes, you stuck out your hand. Laughing, Suna came up behind you, placing the bottle of soy sauce in your hands before wrapping his arms around your waist. His hands snuck under your shirt, laying on your bare stomach. You leaned back into his chest, sighing contently. The two of you rarely had time together anymore. While you were burying yourself in your work in hopes for a promotion, Suna was busy with practices that extended throughout the whole day. Both of you were exhausted by the time you came home to your apartment together, unable to muster the energy to do anything except fall asleep in each other’s arms.
“Mmm, you smell good,” Suna said, taking a deep breath into your neck.
“I think that’s the fried rice you’re smelling,” you joked back. Butterflies stormed your stomach as Suna’s hands gently massaged your sides. Even after living with the middle blocker for three years, he never failed to make you feel like a crushing high school student. Suddenly, Suna’s gentle hands grew antsy, teasingly tickling your sides. Jumping, you tell him, “Rin, stop! I’m going to spill something!”
“I think I’ll keep going,” Suna teased back, his hands continuing to tickle you. With one poke to your side, your entire body jerked, causing the soy sauce in your hand to fling into the air, and onto Suna’s shirt.
“Y/n! I really liked this shirt!” Suna whined. 
“That’s your fault, baby. I told you to stop,” you shrugged, laughing at his expression.
“Whatever, I’m going to go change,” Suna pouted, turning away.
As you finished cooking, you went into your shared bedroom to tell Suna dinner was ready. You were stopped in your tracks, however, when you saw his changing form. Back to you, long scratch marks ran down the length of his back. Scratches that were not put there by you. 
“R-rin, what is this?” You asked, voice beginning to waver.
Suna spun around, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.
“Y/n! Why didn’t you knock?” Suna nervously asked, rushing to push his t-shirt over his head, “It’s nothing, babe, just uh, got in a fight!”
“Are you sure it was a fight? Or was it a late night in someone else's bed?” You asked accusingly, brows furrowing. Would your Suna cheat on you? You had felt pretty secure about your relationship before now, never having a reason to doubt your trust in your boyfriend. Yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself to make excuses for the lines raked down his back. 
Pain and guilt flashed across Suna’s eyes, and that’s when you knew. You were wrong to believe you gave him everything he needed in a relationship.
“Look, y/n, we can figure this out, just let me-” Suna began.
“Please, stop,” you choked out, eyes welling up with tears. The middle blocker felt his heart shatter watching you back away from him as if he were a plague. 
“No, you don’t understand! I can’t lose you like this,” Suna said, walking towards you, wanting nothing more than to pull you in his arms and wipe your tears away. He stopped in his tracks, however, when you flinched away from his touch, hatred flickering in your eyes. At that moment, Suna felt like the scum of the earth.
“Please, get away from me. Get out of this room, get out of this apartment! I don’t need your excuses,” You said, voice raising. When you finally looked up to meet Suna’s eyes, you found nothing but despair and regret. 
“No! I won’t leave you, y/n! You don’t understand how much I need-” Suna started.
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Rintarou,” you scoffed. The pain in Suna’s chest grew at the use of his full name.
“I-it’s Rin. You always call me Rin. Please, call me Rin,” Suna pleaded, voice beginning to shake, “Stop distancing yourself from me. I’m your Rin. Please, don’t leave. I’m so sorry, let me make it up to you!”
“You’re a pathetic piece of shit, Rintarou! Cheating on me and then begging for me to stay and forgive you? Tell me, what was your plan? Did you just want a quick fuck one night? Or did you plan to keep cheating on me for the rest of our relationship?” You angrily walked towards him. Suna watched as the love you once held in your eyes for him turned into agony. He felt himself crumple knowing he was the sole cause of your anger and hurt.
“No! It was a mistake! Please, let me make it up to you,” Suna reached for your hands, desperate to have you with him.
“The only mistake that was made here was me trusting you,” You said, spinning around as you headed for the door. Suna physically flinched at your words, hurt and shame flooding his body. Panic filled his mind at the sound of your keys jingling and the sound of you putting on your shoes.
“Wait! Y/n, where are you going? Please don’t leave, it’s not safe for you to go out right now. Just stay and let us talk about it,” Suna pleaded, walking up behind you.
“I’d rather be anywhere but here with you right now,” you coldly replied, reaching out for the door handle. Suna rushed to stop you from turning the knob.
“Please, y/n, I can’t handle you leaving me,” Suna whispered.
“Just leave it, Suna. No amount of begging or love can fix my trust for you,” you replied, back towards his sobbing figure. Suna finally fell to his knees in defeat as you walked out of the apartment, knowing he lost you forever.
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“Ugh, I’m so ready to just relax,” you sighed out, dramatically splaying your arms across the center console in your fiancé’s car. A tingle ran up your spine at the sound of Bokuto chuckling from beside you, not taking his eyes off the road. You could never get used to his laugh, no matter how many times you’ve heard it.
“I know, baby. You deserve it,” Bokuto replied, taking one hand off the steering wheel to place on your thigh, giving a light squeeze. The two of you had been insanely busy the month leading up to this trip. From your boss’ unrelenting demands at work to your family’s constant nagging and opinions on your wedding decorations, the two of you just needed to catch a break. So, when Bokuto brought up the idea of a weekend beach trip, you immediately agreed, jumping up and down in excitement.
The beaming sun immediately warmed your skin as you stepped out of the car. Warmth spread through your body as you glanced back at Bokuto as he started pulling out your stuff from the trunk, looking up to flash you his smile you had fallen in love with ages ago. 
“You go on ahead and find a spot for us, I’ll follow in a second,” Bokuto called out to you. Giving a thumbs up, you started towards the gleaming ocean, excitement filling your body as you felt the sand beneath your feet. Finally, choosing a spot, you unfolded your beach chair, spreading your towel across the top. A smile settled on your face as you laid down, sunglasses shielding your eyes from the harsh rays. Your eyes drifted closed, the sounds of waves crashing and children giggling putting you in a serene state.
Bokuto chuckled at your appearance before setting up his own beach chair next to you, situating a beach umbrella between the two chairs. He felt his heart speed up as he gazed at your relaxing figure, wanting nothing more than to cover your face in kisses. The spiker felt so much love for you, so he felt nothing but confusion as to how he woke up in another person’s bed two nights ago, naked. His adoration for you was replaced with guilt. Bokuto still hadn’t figured out how to approach the situation, how to tell you without you breaking off the engagement. He wanted nothing more than to watch you walk down the aisle in a few months, than to have children running around the two of you as you prepared dinner, than to grow old with you by his side. Bokuto was still unsure of what happened that night to cause him to slip out of a random person’s apartment in his clothes from the previous night.
The spiker was shook from his thoughts at the sound of your voice. 
“Are you going into the water?” you asked, looking up at him.
“Yeah, I think I will just to cool off,” Bokuto replied, pulling his shirt over his head.
“Okay, I’ll join you in a bit, I just want to lay for a little longer,” you replied to him, closing your eyes again.
“Okay, baby. Take your time,” Bokuto said, placing a kiss on your forehead before starting towards the water. You giggled as you watched your fiancé run towards the ocean. Your laughter quickly died, however, once you saw his back.
Your eyes widen with a mixture of shock and confusion, racking your brain for an explanation for the long, red strips that lined your fiance's back, but, no matter how hard you thought, nothing came up. The past month had been too hectic for the two of you to ever get close to intimate. Tears began pricking your eyes as the realization that Bokuto had cheated on you settled in your mind. 
Does he know he has scratch marks on his back? Is this his subtle way of telling me he wants to end this? That I wasn’t enough for him?
As soon as Bokuto hit the ocean, the salty water stung his back. His initial confusion as to where the pain came from was quickly replaced with realization. He shot up at the water, turning to watch you get up from your seat. 
Maybe they didn’t see, he hoped. His hopes, however, were quickly crushed as his heart dropped to his feet. You began to gather your things, rummaging through Bokuto’s belongings until you found the keys to his car.
Panicking, Bokuto ran out of the ocean as fast as he could, cursing at the water for resisting his movements. He watched helplessly as you began walking back towards the parking lot. You saw. You saw the scratch marks, and now you were leaving Bokuto. The spiker’s worst nightmares were turning into a reality right in front of his eyes.
The dull shouting of your name from down the beach sounded in your ears. You ignored Bokuto’s incessant calls for you, the ache in your heart overpowering every emotion you were feeling. 
Bokuto ran through the sand as fast as he could, hoping to catch up to you before you left his life forever. His lungs and legs were screaming, but the pain was nothing compared to the pain of you leaving. Panic rose in his eyes as he watched you get into the driver's seat, starting the engine to his car. 
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you took a shaky breath, a weak attempt to try and calm your heart. You looked down at your engagement ring, memories of that night flashing through your mind, forcing another sob to rack your body knowing that your memories now meant nothing. Banging on the car window startled you as you looked up to find a panicked Bokuto. His frantic words were muffled as you watched him desperately attempt to stop you from leaving. 
“Please, y/n, roll down the window. Let me explain, please,” Bokuto blabbered, “Y/n, please don’t leave me, you have to let me explain. I love you! I want to marry you, and you only!”
Anger surged through your body as you scoffed at his words. Rage blinded your thoughts at the mention of your impending marriage. How dare he tell you he wants to get married after cheating on you? Your brain didn’t have time to process your movements as you pulled your ring off your left hand. You watched as a glimmer of hope flickered in Bokuto’s eyes as you began to roll down the window, only to have his eyes widen in pain and shock as you handed him your engagement ring.
“You’re really a piece of shit, Bokuto. You know that?” Tears began welling up in the spiker’s eyes as he stared at the piece of metal that laid in his hands. 
“No, y/n, please. Give me your hand, please,” Bokuto frantically pleaded, reaching for your hand. The ring in his hand belonged nowhere else except your ring finger. 
“Just stop, Bokuto, you’ve already ruined everything,” you scoffed out. As his eyes met yours, he was met with a whirlwind of hurt, shame, and pity. That’s when he realized. To you, he was pathetic. The love and adoration that made your eyes shine brighter than the sun was now replaced with hatred and pain, making them burn greater than the depths of hell.
Bokuto’s heart shattered into pieces knowing you would never love him the same, knowing he broke your trust. 
“I-,” Bokuto paused, unsure of what else he could say to get you back.
“I’m sorry, y/n” the man in front of you choked out. Bokuto felt helpless as he watched you roll up your window and drive away from him, leaving him in shattered pieces.
That night, when Bokuto finally returned to his shared apartment, the reality of the situation hit him. The empty aura filling the space that he used to share with you was all it took for Bokuto to fall onto his knees, becoming a shell of his former self. You were gone.
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