#i refuse to believe such fic didn't exist yet
finitepeace · 5 months
is there any fic where somehow it's lan wangji who died for 13 years and coming back instead of wei wuxian?
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navybrat817 · 19 days
Too early, Navy. I want cuddles with Stud.
I understand that feeling, nonnie.
A Bit Longer
Pairing: Roommate!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You need to get up, but Bucky wants to hold you for a bit longer. Word Count: Over 1k Warnings: Fluff, pet names, teasing, sugary sweetness, inner monologue, established relationship, feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: I really need to stop with the cuddle ficlets, right? Eh. Stud and Smartie, deserve it. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky’s lips were the first thing you felt when you woke up, bringing a smile to your face. They grazed your shoulder as his arm tightened around your waist, keeping your back against his chest. It was a subtle way to say he wasn’t ready for you to leave the confines of your bed. Or maybe he was the one who didn’t want to leave yet.
Not that you blamed him. It was early. Maybe too early. Cuddling for a bit was always a good way to start the day, his embrace warmer than the thickest blanket. Sex also worked as a way to both wear you out and energize you to tackle the day.
Cuddle, hot sex, cuddle again. Wait, what time is it?
“Okay. We need to get up,” you croaked when you finally looked at the clock, trying in vain with a groan to break from his hold when he refused to move his arm or let you up. Any other morning, you’d wiggle back against him to give him a proper wake up call, but that wasn’t today. “I mean it. No time for sexy time. I need to make you breakfast. Feed the cats. You have to work. God, I need to look over my resume again. Work on wedding stuff. I also need to-”
The throaty chuckle beside you stopped your ramblings because how could it not? Why was his laughter so sexy? Why did his mere existence make you stop in your tracks? In what universe was that right or fair?
Actually, it’s fair because I get to marry him.
“First, there’s always time for sexy time. Two, you didn't say ‘good morning’. By the way, good morning,” he teased, turning your body to face him. “And three, hey, look at me. Let’s just stay in bed for another minute.”
Your eyes slipped shut because there would be no resisting if you stared into his. His gaze had a way of pulling you in so deeply some days you feared you'd drown. But if he ever robbed you of your ability to breathe, he’d find a way to give you air.
“Too much to do,” you muttered. You could feel the seconds slipping away and now wasn’t the time to lounge around. “And if I look at you, you’ll turn one minute into two and then three and then four and so on and so forth and such and what have you. I probably wasted a minute just saying that.”
You tried to back up a bit because no way did your breath smell pleasant and Bucky didn’t need that in his face. A hand moved to the back of your head to keep you still. He didn’t have to tell you that he didn’t care about things like morning breath. If he wanted to hold you close, he’d do just that.
No exceptions.
He chuckled again before his lips brushed your eyelids and skimmed down your cheeks. “I just want you to stay here so I can hold you for a bit longer. Is that too much to ask?”
Well, when you put it like that…
You swallowed hard when he kissed the corner of your mouth, your heart skipping a beat. You were certain an embarrassing sort of whimper slipped out when he brought his lips to the other side. He wasn't rushing or demanding anything from you or trying to turn you on. He just wanted to be there with you.
So many believed that intimacy was just sex when it was much more. It was the feeling of being close and emotionally connected. It was familiarity and even friendship. You liked Bucky from the start, but the two of you were able to build a foundation by getting to know each other. It allowed you to bond on many levels, which only grew stronger once you two became a couple.
He showed you once again, without words, that he was your other half.
“I can feel you thinking, Smartie,” he whispered, his lips trailing back to your forehead.
“Just thinking of us, Stud,” you admitted, pressing your body closer to feel his chest against yours. You breathed him into your lungs and wondered if he knew how addictive he was. Savoring the moment, you allowed yourself to stay tangled up in him before you had to face the day.
His hand moving up and down your side nearly lulled you back to sleep. “You thinking about how you drive me crazy?”
“I drive you crazy?!” You asked, realizing your mistake the moment your eyes flew open. A sea of blue stared back at you and you were too late to stop yourself from taking the plunge. Your gaze didn't have to drift down to know that he was wearing a triumphant smirk. “You made me open my eyes.”
“I sure did,” he smiled.
Well played, Stud. Well played.
The things you had to do seemed almost insignificant as you looked at each other. A minute went by as you listened to the beat of his heart and made no attempt to get up. The tips of your fingers brushed along the scruff on his chin as another minute ticked by and you reveled in the sigh he gave you in return.
Is this what living in the moment means?
“Will it always be like this?” You asked.
“Always like what?”
“You wanting to stay in bed with me a bit longer, even if we both have stuff to do.”
With a kiss to the tip of your nose and one against your smiling lips, he smiled back. “Always.”
Logically, you knew every morning couldn't be this way since life wasn't a fairy tale. The romantic part of you though, the one he helped bring to life, believed the two of you would continue to write your story together and make your own rules. If that meant the two of you cuddled in bed for a few more minutes, you’d happily help him write that chapter.
And every chapter after that.
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Where do I get a man like this? 🥰 Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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mrpenguinpants · 1 year
Overdue Bills
— He knows your fake relationship with him was made purely for beneficial reasons. After everything was said and done, you both went your separate ways. So why does he keep coming back to you?
— Alhaitham, Ayato, and Kazuha
-> Part 1: Please go out with me for tax benefits! -> Not connected but can also be read: I refuse to fall in love out of spite [ TBA ] [Masterlist]
Does this feel rushed because it is. I assumed everyone wanted a continuation but I plan on writing another fic using the original prompt but for different characters. The titles have nothing to do with the fics but I really wanted to title this, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.
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There's only so much Kaveh can handle before he hits a breaking point and this might be it. A few months ago he overheard the librarian ask a stranger how their boyfriend Alhaitham was doing, to which he nearly broke his neck in how fast he turned. From the long pause and the plain answer of, "he's fine", which Alhaitham most definitely isn't given how much work the sages are dumping onto their scribe, Kaveh came to the conclusion that you're another creepy admirer or an attention-seeking leech. While Kaveh wouldn't call Alhaitham something as close as a friend, the man at least deserved to know there was another deranged person spreading lies. He assumed Alhaitham would confront you, knock some sense into you, and that would be the end of it. But because Alhaitham operates on a level that's incomprehensible to Kaveh, instead you've both entered into a fake dating relationship that he honestly believes is a horrible idea. But Alhaitham is his roommate, not his friend, and he doesn't have the time or care to facilitate a non-existent love life. But lo and behold the next time he sees you, there's a silver-haired man is hovering nearby looking at you with the closest thing to love his stoic face can make. Things are only weirder when Kaveh brings the sight up to you, saying that you're both taking this fake dating in stride and he's honestly impressed at how Alhaitham really put his all into this performance. Only for you to look at him as if he's grown two heads. You and Alhaitham stopped dating weeks ago.
Alhaitham isn't stupid. There's only so much rationalization he can turn to and so many excuses he can make but at the end of the day, he has to admit that he never works better than he does sitting beside you. At first, he reasoned that it was because people didn't bother him as much and you knew how to be quiet. Perhaps that's why you've skyrocketed in his requirements of friendship despite the fact that you both weren't really friends. But then he couldn't sit alone without getting restless. There’s an empty space beside him that constantly makes itself aware in his subconscious. One that screams at him that he wants you to be there, not just because you can scare people away.
It's a slow realization from there starting with him comparing you and Kaveh. For as much as he and his senior argue back and forth almost every time they meet, Alhaitham considers Kaveh an excellent mirror to him that can push his thoughts to go further. But you're different. That realization turns into contemplation when you actually listen and take his advice. Every scholar is egotistical to some degree, there's a lot of pride to take into your research, and having your weeks of hard work be written off by a blunt statement gets people angry. Alhaitham would be the first to know, he's been on the receiving end of that anger multiple times. Yet when he points out a section in your thesis to be incorrect, you simply tilt your head thinking before agreeing he was right. Crumbling your paper, ready to start all over again without any fuss. Still water versus the wave that Kaveh is. While some would call that boring, he finds it charming.
The nail in the coffin is when he catches himself labeling the chair next to him as yours. He can't justify that one and he's suddenly confronted that he severely underestimated how much he's grown to like you. He originally agreed to the idea to keep his comfortable routine without any interruptions and your introduction would fix his issue of suitors but you've played your part so perfectly that he fell for it. He was tempted to stop talking to you altogether, cutting the deal off entirely and never speaking to you again. But you're not a saint and just as he realized his feelings, your thesis was done and you left abruptly before he had any time to prepare. A glaring empty spot mocking him. Only to come back with your stacks of books and a nervous smile that Alhaitham refuses to acknowledge makes his heart beat just the slightest bit quicker.
He knows you can hear the whispers that you and Alhaitham have gotten back together. Yet you haven't said anything and he politely chooses to not say anything either. The rumors certainly haven't stopped you from acting differently and he doesn't know if that's a good thing. He knows your language is touch but now he wants to be the one near you this time. That way the first person you’ll speak to is him. By now he’s fully aware of his feelings and how far they’ve developed for him to actually start feeling possessive. So the next time you lean against him to show him a particular paragraph of a book, he wraps a hand around your waist, disguising it as him shifting you to the side so he can get a better angle to read. Under his hand, he can feel how tense you become at the casual touch, how your eyes jump from him to the floor, before relaxing and continuing on.
In hindsight, he knows by all rational reasoning he should just confess to you and get it over and done with. But there's something exciting in the way you look at him with calculating eyes that he stares back at unflinching. He thinks of it as payback for you strolling into his carefully planned life and making a mess. He’s simply allowing himself to indulge in it. Now every time you greet him with a wave, he offers a smile. When you want to drag him somewhere by the cape, he slips his hand into yours stating you'll stretch the fabric too much. And when you need to whisper something in his ear? He'll practically be in your lap with how close he leans in even if there's no one else in the room. He knows eventually you'll catch on to what he's trying to do, what he's trying to say. You've been practicing for months sitting beside him. It's finally when he invites you to the pavilion that he can see the realization on your face that Alhaitham clearly doesn't consider you just a friend. The look of bewilderment goes back and forth with suspicion before finally settling into an amused huff with the smallest of smiles.
It's late enough into the day that he knows the only people lingering in the Akademiya are either passed-out students or scholars too wrapped up in their work. All consideration he's taken to make sure you're both uninterrupted for this moment. And what a moment it is. The pavilion itself is beautiful with its blue and green stained glass windows that reflect the evening sun. The yellow flowers swaying gently in the breeze add just enough color to not be irritating. Kaveh might need to retract his statement that Alhaitham doesn't know a thing about romance because it's painfully obvious what's about to happen.
"Any more and people might get the wrong idea you know," you say as you lean against the white wall. The look of confusion is gone from your eyes, replaced with mirth. It does not make him shudder.
"About what? The library is cramped with people and the pavilion is quiet," he says like it's an off-handed comment before turning around, leaning his weight against his elbows on the railing as he turns to the side to look at the view this specific pavilion provides. "Although I can understand where you might have drawn that conclusion. I can assure you nothing like that will happen. You're not my type."
He can physically feel you bristle even though he isn't looking at you before your footsteps come closer and closer until your form is right in front of him. He still refuses to look at you but he can tell the moment you see his poorly hidden smile. He hears you let out an amused huff before you bring your hands up and settle them against the railing as well. Only you've decided to cage him in between your arms and it makes him turn to you, raising a brow. He's already lost the moment he turned but the cheeky grin you have is worth it. You look really cute when you're smug.
"If I had any interest, it would have died a long time ago. You're the worst fake boyfriend I've ever had so I can't imagine how insufferable you'll be as a real one," you shake your head exasperated but there's a small entertained look that tugs at his heart. That you know what he knows and he knows what you know. A similar feeling of understanding that he's gotten so used to. One that lets him act in such an irrational way.
"You've had others?" he asks as his arm comes off the railing to settle around your waist. You don't push him away, easily following along.
"For such a pretty face you have such an awful personality," you sigh disappointed yet the arms that cage him move to settle around his neck, twirling the silver hair at the base of his neck as you lean closer until there isn't space between the two of you.
"Oh? So you think I'm pretty?" He tilts his chin slightly down, his lips brushing against yours.
"You must have selective hearing." With your faces so close, he can see the excitement in your eyes. He's sure that he is the same. So he ignores the pleased look on your face and leans in.
Ultimately, he's just a passerby. He decided on a whim to go along with some absurd act because he thought the sheer dread and embarrassment on your face was amusing and he wanted to see more. By all accounts, your temporary date wasn't too bad. It felt a bit refreshing being with someone that looked like they rather throw themselves in the nearby sea than stand next to the refined Yashiro Commissioner. But otherwise, that's the end of your relationship. With a few words here and there, he managed to spin the absurd story into his favor and reign in the disaster your little stunt might have caused. He's grateful that you so easily play along with him. Not a single complaint about how he lies through his teeth that someone was bothering you so he extended his help so this individual would leave you alone. It makes both of you, mostly him, look good. How people rush to make sure you're okay while your expression flickers between guilt and embarrassment is far more entertaining than anything he originally planned during this outing. But at the end of the day, you have nothing to do with each other and he owes you nothing. Your presence is ultimately inconsequential in the stream that is his life. That is until one day your relationship changes to stupidity and heartfelt sincerity.
It starts off as a joke. Ayato tends to latch onto small things that give him a momentary break from his busy and stressed lifestyle and duties. Plus there's something lighthearted about this situation that he doesn't want to let go of just yet. Unfortunately for you, Ayato's newfound joy is sneaking up on you and sending you into an early grave. The first time it was an accident, you just happened to be easily jumpy, but the second time though? The resounding screech of terror never fails to make a smile appear on his face and you're convinced that he's a sadist. He doesn't even have to try that hard, his steps are silent even against the crooked stone path that he can waltz up right behind you. But his absolute favourite part is bending down and whispering what exactly his fiancee is so interested in. It always leads to embarrassing talks of you politely asking him to not refer to you with that title anymore that he swiftly blocks by mentioning that, wasn't it you who called him your fiancee first? You should take responsibility.
He thinks your reactions are cute even if you're a bit vulgar in language, although to him that just adds to the warped sense of charm he finds in you. Thoma nearly chokes on his own spit when Ayato perks up at something behind him, suddenly dropping the calm facade of the Yashiro Commissioner and something more genuine before calling out to a "fiancee". Thoma whips around to see a stranger speaking with Yoimiya before their eyes lift and lock with Ayato's and their expression immediately sour. He doesn't think he's ever seen anyone show such a disgusted expression and he can't help but wonder what his lord has done this time. Before Thoma can say anything the stranger picks up a firework ball and hurls it at his Lord who easily sidesteps the attack, the resounding death threats only making the blue-haired man laugh.
It's fun. You're fun to be around. The entire situation is silly and ridiculous and it feels nice. Ayato had to grow up too fast, become an adult too fast, and shoulder the burden meant for later years. Something as small as a nickname, an inside joke, something he can bring up to spite someone just for the fun of it is nice. Perhaps that's why he refuses to let go and finds himself returning to you.
It's all a joke. There's no way Ayato can actually take your hand in marriage. Not with your differences in status. You think that's the only reason people entertain the idea, why he even entertains the idea. To get a reaction out of you that he can relentlessly tease and it's all so stupid. That is until he receives a different reaction that leaves him lost and confused.
You stumble upon him in the aftermath of another one of his assassination attempts. He was perfectly fine, not even a speck of dust on his white coat yet you were nearly in hysteria. Panicked hiccups as you sob uncontrollably into his chest, your tears doing far more damage to dirtying his clothes than an attempt on his life. He tries his best to console you but you can't seem to stop the tears and as much as he values staying dignified, he's almost at his limit. Hand already poised to yank you off until he falters in both mind and body when you suddenly turn your head up and he sees the expression that you hid away in the lapels of his coat. The feeling of the annoyance of having to wash his coat flew out of his mind at the sight of your teary eyes and downturned lips. A small, very small, part of his heart beats just a bit faster. An even smaller part that was buried under the title of Yashiro Commissioner perks its head over someone who was crying for him. Even though you've both talked multiple times, you and he aren't close enough to be considered friends, at least in his eyes. Yet you're currently looking at him as if you're the one that's been attacked because of the simple fact that he could have been hurt. It's...strange.
He doesn't say anything as you usher him into your home to fix up whatever injuries you happened to have conjured in your mind. He's never stepped foot into your residence and he's honestly glad he hasn't because your home is...disheartening, to say the least. He thinks the estate has more life than what was supposedly something you called home. It's not that your place is poor, you're not sleeping on a slab of rock, but it's empty. Like you don't have anything at all. The only thing you seem to carry is your small pile of books. Worn but well taken care of. So he doesn't say anything as you fuss over him, doesn't say anything about the horrendous first aid kit you bring, and bids you farewell at the door of your home. You smile at him widely and tell him to take care of himself. But when he turns to leave, he risks one last peek at you, just in time to see you close your door. You aren't smiling anymore. He stops walking.
It starts to escalate from there. The following months of sudden change are so abrupt that he has no choice but to follow along. He wants to see every expression you have. If that isn't enough, he'll find new ones for you to make.
Ayato's first impression of you is charming but in a pitiful sort of way. You have to be an airhead, you must be considering your shared first meeting. How you didn't realize your mistake and went along with everything is beyond Ayato. You and Itto are almost on the same level of denseness but while Itto does everything with blind confidence that the situation has changed because of him, you are the opposite. Wandering into your own mess as you ignore all the warning signs until it's too late. But you're also honest and upfront, two traits that Ayato has come to value immensely. He finds you endearing, so much that it's starting to overfill his teacup. So with a silent smile, he asks a question.
"Why don't you become my fiancee?"
The noodle slips between your chopsticks, a loud unflattering splat against the table echoing through the silence as you stare at him slack-jawed. He begins to worry that he's accidentally sent you into a stroke because one of your eyes starts twitching.
"Huh? Are you being for real?" you ask deadpanned. He can't help but chuckle under his fingers before resting his chin on the palm of his hand. It feels nice to be able to rest his elbows against the table without someone reprimanding him for his lack of manners. He finds your dry reaction far cuter than the blushes and swoons from the ladies that the elders forced him to take out.
"Be my fiancee." he pauses before continuing as an afterthought. "For real this time."
You pick up your fallen noodle, chew, swallow, and then point your chopsticks at him. Not convinced in the slightest. "Even if you haven't picked out a fiancee you shouldn't joke about that."
"Really?" he fakes surprise, "Then how come you're on a date with me right now?"
You choke. He pushes his teacup towards you, who takes it and gulps down half of its contents in one go. The glass clinks loudly on the table when you put it down yet it doesn't distract him from the sheer disbelief on your face as your ears grow red. He thinks out of all of the expressions you've given him, he likes this one the most.
"This isn't-It's not," you attempt to say, spluttering the entire time that remnants of the tea you just drank wet your lips.
"Yes, it is. Why? Is it bad? Do you know enjoy being taken out to dinner? I can easily arrange for something else instead," He reached over with a napkin to wipe your face. It only serves to make you more embarrassed that he's treating you like a child as you push his hand away lest you combust on the spot. There's no immediate answer. He can't tell whether you're actually considering his offer, or if you're refraining from throwing your chopsticks at him.
"No thanks. If I've learned anything it's that you'll only torment me until I die. I'm starting to think I like you even less," you grumble, shoving more noodles into your mouth.
Ayato is a strange man so he doesn't wait for the water to spill, just tips the cup over and starts again. This time he waits for you to swallow before saying anything, he doesn't want you to choke again.
"That's unfortunate. I adore you, you know."
While his feelings and words were true, he resigns himself to the fact that your relationship was a one-and-done situation. Impulsiveness isn't one of his qualities but as he reflects on his time with you, he gets a bit flustered at how hard he fell. He had just met you and yet within the span of a couple weeks, you managed to fill out the empty parts of his heart. He tries to rationalize that it was just the timing. He had been on the run for so long, his thoughts always chained around Inazuma, and upholding his promise to his friend. But then you happened to crash into his life, quite literally, and everything slowed to a stop at that moment. Originally it was just to protect you from a clingy admirer but then you started asking about him. What his hobbies were, what kind of dreams he had, and whether or not he would like to learn how to fly. Every day and night sitting beside you on the crow's nest, the gentle sway of the waters rocking the boat, and the backdrop of noise down on the deck was the most serene Kazuha has ever felt since he left Inazuma. But all things must come to an end eventually and even though Kazuha knows that this might be the end, you look so hopefully at him that he can't help but try to push the end to tomorrow. He just needs to garner the strength to move.
Beidou asks if he's sure about his decision to leave the Crux and wander on his own. It's not nice to make you wait even though she knows you and when you say you'll wait, you're going to damn wait no matter how long it takes. But he reassures her that he's still not ready. As much as he wants to run over the water back to Liyue, he doesn't want to bring along conflicted and aimless feelings. But he will hurry, he's been running for so long, he can run a little further for something and someone for himself. It's a bit selfish but Beidou gives him an exasperated soft smile that lets him know it's not a bad thing. Although with each passing day Beidou's ship ports, it gets harder and harder for her to break the news that Kazuha is still not back. Beidou does her best to reassure you that Kazuha isn't stringing you along, she would have drowned him in the ocean if he was that low of a guy, but she can tell that with each visit your expression grows more and more distant. Watching how you're the first one to rush down the wooden bridges with a hopeful expression that one-day Kazuha might be there only to leave with a sad smile. It makes her want to track her problem child down and bring him back to you. Not that she has any idea where he wandered too.
He ends up in the forests of Sumeru. His keen sense of smell aids him as he treks through the wilderness until he meets a strange forest watcher and a girl in green. Their a bit of an odd pair but so is Kazuha and they become fast friends. Apparently, his calm demeanor is a breath of fresh air and it's enough that they don't pry into his history. Although there are moments when he can feel their eyes on him. Perhaps living in the forest has led them both to be aware of subtle changes far better than Kazuha can smell. It starts when they trek towards the small lakes and waterbeds to gather niloptala lotus for Tighnari that he sees it. An anemone flower. Soft white petals with a dark blue center sway in the breeze as he stands watching it move. It's Collei who approaches him and explains white anemone flowers, also known as windflowers, symbolize sincerity due to their delicate appearance. According to mythology, the anemone flower was created when Aphrodite's mortal lover, Adonis, was killed and from the spot where her tears fell to the ground, an anemone emerged. She says that he might enjoy that last bit of information to use as inspiration for his many haiku poems because he's looking at the flower as if he's fallen in love. Although she warns him that when fresh, all parts are poisonous.
When Inazuma finally calmed down and Thoma informed him that he was no longer a wanted man, it was the second time Kazuha could take a deep breath and relax. He was free from running and could focus on the future. He won't lie and say that his thoughts didn't stray back to you every night. He's been gone for months and he wonders if you still remember what he looks like. But now he has to ask himself the hard question if he's ready to see you. Unfortunately, he doesn't get to make that choice.
He sees you at Port Ormos by chance, speaking to a silver-haired man before you cut yourself off mid-sentence as your eyes lock onto his. Even with everything Kazuha has been through, he feels scared. He knew he would eventually return to you but now that you're here, is he not ready? Or is he scared? He knew that asking for you to wait was selfish, that one day he may return with your hand in someone else's. Maybe that's why you're all the way in Sumeru rather than the high mountains of Liyue. All these emotions reflect back to you and he can see it, your fists are trembling even as you gaze back at him with conviction and determination. The sun shines right behind you, creating a gold halo over your tousled hair. But it makes the shadows of your strained expression darker, your eyes gloss over your jaw tense, and everything about your posture screams please don't disappoint me Kazuha. Then it's gone. Your attention back to the silver hair man, pretending as if nothing happened. You'll wait until he's ready but you won't acknowledge him when he's not. And Kazuha. Kazuha runs away.
"There you are."
Kazuha looks up to see Tighnari sitting at the table facing the entrance that Kazuha has stumbled through. It's late into the night and because his heart has more room to bear, he feels guilty that Tighnari stayed up to make sure he returned. Before he can apologize Tighnari raises a hand to stop him, sighing before he gestures Kazuha to sit down. Fiddling with his pouch he takes something and slides it across to Kazuha. An Inazuma charm. The same one you gave him when he left.
"You dropped it when you were running through Port Ormos like you had stolen something. I had to convince Cyno that you weren't a thief but you're going to have to apologize to Collei for scaring her like that," he huffs as he settles back into his seat, watching at how Kazuha raises a wary hand to pick up the charm like it'll break under the slightest pressure. It makes Tighnari soften around the edges, the worried lines of his face smoothing out as he rests a hand on the samurai's shoulder. "Are you okay Kazuha?"
It only serves to bring a pained smile to the man's face, shaking his head. No. No, he's not alright. He hasn't felt "alright" in months. He's lived his life thinking that as long as his blade was by his side, he could continue moving. But now it feels like he's slowly dying. Poisoned from the core. He thought he would be able to approach this like he had always been. That he thought he understood what he was doing and trusted the wind to guide him. But now he's confronted with his accountability and he doesn't know what to do but run. Back into the silence of the forest until he can't run any further. Collapsing onto the cold ground as he heaves for another breath. Every moment up until now replays in his head, becoming more vivid no matter how long it's been until he can smell your fragrance. It was a similar feeling to when he lost his friend, this lingering pain. It's why he decided he needed to leave first. He always assumed he remembered because of guilt. Guilt that he asked you to wait, guilt that he wasn't the one that was ready, and guilt that even after all this time he hasn't entered the border of Liyue. Yet no matter how long he goes, this feeling of guilt only remains for you until he doesn't know if that's the correct emotion. If what remains in his heart truly isn't guilt, what is this emotion that keeps him looking back at his memories of you? He doesn't know. It's his first time feeling this way.
"You're in love Kazuha. That's it."
There's a sudden ruckus on the ship deck that has Beidou draw her head up, her letter to Ningguang momentarily paused as she listens carefully to what her crew is so noisy about. Their voices are muffled through the thick wooden walls of her office but it doesn't sound like they're in any danger. Either way as the Captain she should check out what everyone is so excited about. She shoulders her fur-lined shawl back on and slams the doors open.
"What's got you all so- Kazuha?!" Beidou nearly chokes midsentence to see her sentence when he spots that familiar white and red hair. Even though it's only been a few months, he looks so much older than she remembers. When he said he wanted to do some soul searching, she didn't think it would make him look so...mature. It's not that his outward appearance is any different, he's still got that adorable baby face, but the air around him is tranquil rather than still.
"Captain, it's good to see you again," Kazuha smiles and gives a small wave. His hand is free of bandages letting her see the electro burns that scar his skin. She politely doesn't let her eyes linger on them for long, that's all in the past anyways. So she grins ear to ear and yanks the poor man into a headlock and a giant slap on the back. Her official way her welcome a trusty companion back.
"About time lover boy, let's get you home."
Not me throwing canon personalities and good characterization out the window to push my smitten agenda.
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kookslastbutton · 9 months
Reflections ༓ kth (m) | "Stay with me until the end of the day"
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✑ Summary: As a new hire at one of the most prestigious jewelry brands in the world; Adrien & Rosamel in Paris, you've been trying to build your professional portfolio for months. So when global brand ambassador Kim Taehyung comes in for a photoshoot but his personal photographer is unavailable, the company offers the gig to you. Oh of course you take it in a heartbeat—it's a given.
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pairing: brand ambassador!Taehyung x new photographer!reader
genre/AU: fluff, angst, smut, photography au, modeling au, s2l, two part series (duology?)
word count: 11.3k
warnings: exposes "dark side" of fashion world, oc gets insulted by fashion assistants (b-word dropped once but our oc bites back), flirty yet annoying videographer!kook, angry!seokjin, sunshine!stylist!hobi, charming!makeup artist!jimin, cool manager!joonie, Taehyung is an elegant flirt and not like the others, jazz bar date🥺, Taehyung calls her darling a lot, tehyung gets jealous, talk about long distance relationship, sexual content
sexual warnings: dom!Taehyung, sub!reader, explicit sex (use of condom), big dick!tae (it takes a bit to get it all the way in 😬), praise kink, lingerie, small jewelry kink? (He f's oc with their ruby necklace on), doggy, size kink, multiple org*sms, squ*rting, oral (f. Receiving), half a hand*b, f*ngering, overstimulation, little bit of breastplay, cussing, d*rtytalk, foreplay, a little expressiveness, mention of aftercare, Taehyung just adores hers, hot car make out, mention of morning s*x
now playing: Slow Dancing by thv
a/n: first omg i never reached 11k in my life. Secondly, shoutout to anyone who has seen Devil Wears Prada...a personal favorite of mine. Also Layover is omg the best thing ever! So i decided to focus on slow dancing for this fic. Pls enjoy ❤
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How many twenty-something-year-olds can say they work at one of the biggest, most luxurious jewelry & fragrance brands in the world? And on top of that, are located in the fashion capital; Paris, France? A rare handful, and it's because of those reasons that they're given the lowest positions possible; you being one of them.
Sure, climbing the corporate ladder is possible with years of relentless dedication, raw talent, and of course, let's not forget connections with the higher-ups. But competition grows fiercer with each passing year as more eager young people gun for advancements in hopes of survival.
After all, who can afford to be stuck on the bottom rung forever?
You didn't want to believe the undertone theme in the critically acclaimed movie The Devil Wears Prada was true, that underneath the glitz and glam of haute couture are ruthless, cutthroat fashion moguls. But from the moment you stepped through the doors of Adrien & Rosamel in your coffee brown slacks and beige button down shirt, it couldn't be refuted–
No one was your friend and no one wanted to be.
Newbies must establish their professional value to the brand as early as possible to prevent being cut at any given moment. On the other hand, experienced professionals who have already earned their merit through decades of labor refuse to give up the stake to their claim and must be careful not to have the carpet swept from under their feet to a junior half their age.
It's a vicious race and despite its bitter nature, you're at the very heart of it.
As a fashion photographer, your ultimate goal is to have weeks' worth of sessions with models from all over the world; all adorned with timeless pieces from genuine gold watches to the richest of gemstones.
These are the types of photographers who are the best and brightest in the industry. They have at least ten years of experience and are booked until the very last second with modeling photoshoots.
The odd prodigy exist too; individuals who are born with an insane wealth of insight and skill which allow them to move up in rank faster.
You wish you were good enough to be considered a prodigy but no such luck. Adrien & Rosamel have insanely high standards on who is allowed to handle the jewelry, let alone be around the models who are so-called showcasing them.
So here you are day what—241? And still stuck taking photos of the same jewelry pieces day in and day out. Sure the theme of the photos gets changed slightly but it's been eight months of this generic work and truth be told, you're getting sick of it.
"__!" Seokjin, your coworker and one of A&R's jewelry polishers calls your name anxiously. He rushes to your side where you're taking close-up photos of a limited-edition steel watch. "Be gentle with this, will you? This is selling for 7,000 euros which means $8,000, 10 million south korean won, and 6,000 pounds. I also just finished polishing it so don't be getting your grubby fingerprints all over it!"
You roll your eyes and continue to move the watch around on the display table until you get a perfect angle. "Relax princess, I'm barely touching it and I have gloves on."
Seokjin's fluffy eyebrows furrow together, face scrunching at the nickname you chose for him. "That's—that's completely uncalled for! Do you know how long I spent buffering the face of the watch alone?! One hour __!"
You hate yourself from bursting out in laughter but this isn't the first time you've gotten lectured by Seokjin. Its like the tiniest detail would set him off. Seokjin's been with the brand a little longer than you; a year now, but he still has that constant need to micromanage everyone he can.
"Look," he continues his scold. "If anything happens to these priceless watches it's my head on the chopping block. I can't afford to lose my job __!"
"Yes, I understand Seokjin. Nothing will happen to these alright?" You move around the man to get more pictures of the watch lying elegantly on its side. "Don't you have about fifty other watches to shine or do you like nitpicking my every movement instead?"
Seokjin scoffs at you, sticks his hands on his hip and walks away with a disapproving shake of his head. "I have my eye on you junior," he warns.
You ignore his subtle jab and continue taking photos. "Creep," you mutter under your breath.
Ten minutes pass and you're about ready to move on to the editing process for your photos. You take a quick peek at them through your camera, clicking through the gallery with the right arrow button.
"Not bad newbie," you hear a voice come from over your shoulder that causes you to jump in surprise.
"What the fuck Jeon," you throw your best side-eye at the young man who happens to be your only acquaintance in the whole company. His role was similar to yours, but instead of photographing jewelry he films them; he's a videographer. "I'm beginning to think you like sneaking up on me on purpose."
The young man laughs with a child-like energy. "What can I say? Seeing you flustered does something to me. But actually, I was just passing by. Haven't talked to you in a while."
Come to think of it he has a point. You haven't seen Jeon Jungkook in about two weeks straight. The two of you aren't friends so you don't check up on each other constantly but you'd like to think you have good rapport.
"What have you been up to anyway? I've seen you rushing around the place like you have millions of appointments to make," you ask.
"I've become a busy man babe," he replies with a cheeky grin. "The higher-ups have noticed my talent and I'm playing with the big boys now."
"You talk about the higher-ups like they're Big Brother or something. Come on, tell me again but in laymen terms."
He sighs at the need to repeat himself. "Okay, listen. I'm working with the models now and more specifically I have a 2 o'clock gig with Kim Taehyung tomorrow. You know, our global ambassador? I'm shooting the film portion of the campaign we're running for him. Isn't that insane?!" His eyes glow up at the mere mention of Kim Taehyung who you are well aware of.
Everything about your famed global ambassador is a fashion photographer's dream; tall, lean, and tantalizingly handsome.
"Of course, I know who Kim Taehyung is. His face is plastered all over the walls of Adrien & Rosamel. Even saw his face on one of our company mugs. Anyone who's anyone will sell their left kidney to breathe in the same room with him but how the heck did you land a shoot with him this early? You've been here for less time than me!"
You're not shouting, you promise. Just extremely envious at the continuous luck Jungkook is having.
"Well," he starts drawling his words. "I might have gotten close with Park Ji-hun over the last month or so. His daughter in particular." You raise your eyebrows in awe.
Park Ji-hun has been Kim Taehyung's personal photographer for nearly ten years. And next to the model himself, he's another highly talked about individual at Adrien & Rosamel.
"Please tell me you didn't use his daughter for your own professional gain," you interject. Jungkook waves his hands around disapprovingly at your suspicion.
"I didn't, we went out on a blind date. I didn't know who her father was until half-way through the date."
"Mhm, something tells me that that's not completely true."
"Okay, so maybe her name sounded a little familiar but I swear, I didn't know they were the same person. But long story short, we started going out and I managed to win her father's approval. And now he's letting me shoot with him!" Jungkook's enthusiasm dies when he sees you doing your best to give a tight-lipped smile. "Babe, listen. I know you and I had a thing a few months back but....you're not still pining over me are you?"
You shove him in the shoulder at the ridiculous question. "We never had a thing. Stop it. I'm just trying to wrap my mind around your recent success."
Jungkook shrugs. "I guess its fate. And we definitely had a thing," he gives a wink. "Well anyway, I need to get to another appointment in ten. Jimin's gonna completely flip if I'm late."
Your mouth gapes open. "You're working with Park Jimin too? He's one of our best makeup artists, what the hell?"
"There are many colors that suit you __. Green's not one of them." Jungkook spins himself around and walks away from you. "Catch you later!"
"Goddamnit," you curse to yourself. "Is he Mr. Perfect or something?"
"__, we're gonna need the space in about five minutes." Another photographer calls from behind you, reminding you that you need to make yourself scarce.
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The next morning is absolute madness with the news of Kim Taehyung's arrival in Paris.
As one of the most iconic brand ambassadors and haute couture models, he has quite an impressive fan following from countries all over the world including France. From the moment he steps out of his plane until the minute he enters Adrien & Rosamel, the man is constantly surrounded by masses of people all standing around with their phone cameras.
The company doesn't exactly give him a break from the high intensity of the crowd either. All the assistants working today are tasked with both meeting his requests and socializing with him while the rest of the team hauls around studio equipment for his photoshoot.
"Did you see the way he looked at me Ha-rin?" You overhear one of the assistants boast to the other while passing in the hallway. "I've had such a crush on him for years and I finally have the chance to meet him. I swear, I'll do anything he asks me to do."
"Oh my god, how dense can you be? Sure he smiled at you but let's not forget who it was he asked to get water from," the second woman spats back, raising the unopened bottle of water in her left hand. "It was me. I'm the one he wanted."
You snort at how snarky the two of them are to each other. As if Kim Taehyung would give so much of a blink their way let alone "want" either of them. You've never met the man but you've seen his face enough to know he could have anyone he desired. And it sure as hell wasn't going to be anyone from the company.
"Excuse me," Ha-rin stops in her tracks and speaks in your direction. "Is there something you find funny?"
"I'm sorry?" You freeze in place, unsure of what the woman's referring to.
"Don't play coy junior. You snorted at us, kinda nosy to be listening in on a private conversation."
Fuck sake, you are getting so tried of everyone calling you junior. You weren't given the name __ for it to be ignored at will.
"My apologies if it seemed that way. I assure you I was thinking of other matters." Your Majesty, you wanted to add but didn't.
Ha-rin body scans you as you speak and it immediately makes you feel self-conscious. The way she purses her lips can't be anything but venom that's about to spit out at you. "It better be that way. And by the way, those pants don't do anything for you. Maybe wear a dress next time," she slithers.
"Oh you mean like the dress you're wearing?" you reply. "No thanks. I'm not looking to impress anyone here. I have to get back to work now so you'll both excuse me," you bid them adieu and continue walking down to your office.
"What a bitch," you overhear one of them say and you clench your fists with tears brimming underneath your eyes.
Don't you dare cry __. Not here.
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So some of your eye makeup got smudged from your incident with thing 1 and thing 2. You hate how much such a shallow jab got to you but, you're only human.
Coming into such a luxe company you expected this type of behavior. Yet your dreams are so much bigger than them. You'll push through like always.
"Hey," a knock pounds on your door. "Need to talk to you. Busy?" Its you manager Namjoon.
"No." You give him your full attention. "What's going on?"
Namjoon closes his eyes in a desperate attempt to calm himself down. "We have a situation," he starts.
"Okay...what happened Joon?"
"Our shoot with Kim Taehyung is in less than an hour and Park Ji-hun is nowhere to be found in the building. We called him up and looks like he had another shoot scheduled during the same slot. Must have been an overlook on our part, his part, I don't care whose fault it is. But we need someone to fill in right now or we're not going to have any material for our campaign." It comes out all at once and the feeling of whiplash washes over you.
"On top of that," he continues, "I don't want to waste monsieur's time. He just flew 14 hours from Seoul. So, can you do it or no?"
Oh my god...you repeat at least twice in your head before forming a response.
"I'd be very grateful for this opportunity but shouldn't this go to the next best photographer available? I only shoot jewelry on its own. I've never done—"
"You are our next best option __. All our photographers are booked with other models for the next three months. You've been here long enough to know how packed schedules get. Please, I've seen your work. It's good. And if you want an in for your career, I'd grab your camera and meet Kim in the studio in two minutes."
"Well I—"
"Yes or no __? Because I can always give the opportunity to another jewelry photographer. I'd rather not because they're techniques not as good as yours but I'll do it if I have to."
Your mind scrambles for a concise answer. You've been working towards something like this for months, doing your best to perfect your craft in hopes the higher-ups might recognize you as they did Jungkook. Yet until now it's been null; no one has made you such an important offer.
"I'll grab my equipment and meet you all in the studio," you decide. Your manager nods in approval and moves to exit your office.
"That's what I was hoping to hear. You'll be working closely with Jungkook, Jimin, and Hoseok. I'm sure you're familiar with them, no?"
"Yes sir," you reply. "Quite familiar."
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"Jung Hoseok," the man with likely the brightest and most genuine smile you've ever seen shakes your hand. "I'm Kim Taehyung's stylist for this shoot. We're going for laid-back, yet elegant and refined for the studio shoot. Tomorrow we'll go with a completely free theme when we shoot at the beach. I have some specific fashion pieces picked out that I think he'll make pop for this campaign."
"That sounds great Hoseok. I wasn't aware we were going to a location tomorrow though." You don't mean to sound naive but you really were just thrown into this only minutes ago.
He lets go of your hand after the quick shake. "Yes, we have a two-day shoot planned. I know this is all news to you as of five minutes ago. And I'll do my best to help I'm any way I can. Park Ji-hun believes that the jewelry pieces and cologne picked out for Taehyung will be best suited in two places. One, in the studio to highlight the jewelry and two, at the beach to create an atmosphere for the cologne."
"Makes sense, thank you for filling me in."
"Like I said, I'm going to do as much as I can to help. Jimin get over here and introduce yourself to __." He calls to the pink hair boy who's busy sorting through his makeup palettes.
"Park Jimin," he walks over to you and also shakes your hand. "Makeup artist. Jungkook's told me about you."
"Oh god," you slip out and everyone chuckles. "Do I need to go hide somewhere now?" Who knows what Jungkook's said about you. Looks like he really is trying to get cozy with as many people as he can here.
"No no," Jimin waves of your slight embarrassment. "He just said you're an acquaintance that's all." You want to believe him but the smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth has you second-guessing.
It's not like Jungkook has a lot of beef with you or "secrets" to spill. He just had a big mouth, flirted with everyone in sight his first three months at the company and you happened to be his first target.
But no biggie. He's dating Park Ji-hun's daughter now, right?
"Love," it's Jimin's voice again. "Don't take this as any offense but I think you need a touch-up. Half your makeup's wiped from your face. Let me fix it for you okay?"
Well if you weren't embarrassed before you are now. Jimin's a professional make-up artist, surely his eyes are fine-tuned to the human face and pick up on make-up inconsistencies.
"Sure," you give in. "That'd be great."
Jimin walks over to his pile of make-up supplies and grabs a classic black eyeliner. "Close your lids," he tells you softly. He gently draws a wing over the lid that needs the most help and then, reaches for an eyeshadow that matches the other eye. "Okay, almost there. Just a few more brushes of this and you'll be good to go."
Though your eyes are closed you can easily distinguish the sound of a third voice.
"So you said yes huh?" Jungkook nears you and Jimin with a cheesy grin. "Now who's moving up in the world?"
"This is our first time working together Jeon," you reply. "Let's keep things professional shall we?"
"Oh please, you should be thanking me instead of giving me pointers on how our professional relationship should be." Jungkook snaps back and you stiffen at his words.
"Thank you? For what?"
"Namjoon didn't mention who exactly dropped your name as a potential candidate to clear up this little mess of ours? When Ji-hun told us he accidentally double-booked I immediately suggested you. I'm hurt you didn't know." He puts his hands over his heart as if pretending to be in pain.
"Wow, well you're right. I suppose I owe you my thanks." And here you thought people only looked out for themselves. Still, it's not like you and Jungkook are gunning for the same position. Him helping you doesn't exactly put him at a disadvantage.
You do feel more pressured to do well for this shoot though. Not only is it your first model shoot, and with all people, it happens to be with Kim Taehyung but it'll backfire on Jungkook if the photos you capture turn up bad. You don't want to imagine what that'll do to both of your professional credibility.
"Alright you're good as new love," Jimin pipes up. You open your eyes and mouth a thank you but you find the words turn into gibberish as the man of the hour finally rounds the corner of the studio.
"Monsieur," Hoseok is the first to greet Kim Taehyung as he enters the space. "Good to see you again."
"How are you Hobi?" Such an endearing nickname comes from a deep, honey voice. It charms your ears. Kim Taehyung stands straight with one hand in the pocket of his loose black slacks while the other rests near the edge of his matching black blazer. It's oversized with a basic, yet clean white t-shirt. Elegant yet, relaxed.
"Doing well, thank you. But I'm afraid you'll need to change out of these clothes soon. We have a perfect ensemble picked out that'll combine well with your style and the pieces you'll be showing off." Hoseok guides him towards the dressing rooms but as he does, your eyes catch Taehyung's.
"Monsieur," Jimin and Jungkook rush to his side at once when they see him looking over. "This is __." They gesture at you with a hand. "She'll be filling in for Park Ji-hun during the entirety of the shoot."
Taehyung's chocolate eyes study your features, your posture, and most of all your lack of movement as he waits for you to say something.
You bow realizing all you've been doing is staring at his flawless face. You've seen him on social media, posters, promo banners, everything, and anything but seeing him in person is not at all the same. "Monsieur," you greet. "It's a pleasure to meet you and to be working with you for the next two days. As the others have said, my name is __."
The man takes long, purposeful strides toward you. "I promise, the pleasure is all mine," he says with a hand moving to shake yours. His long, beautiful fingers wrap around your hand and pull you into a firm grip. "Thank you for stepping in for Ji-hun. And from now on, there's no need to be formal. You can call me Taehyung."
He then flashes you a smile that makes you begin to understand why the two assistants from earlier were so adamant on getting his attention; he's breathtakingly gorgeous. You feel yourself on the brink of a cold sweat at any moment.
"I insist everyone call me by my first name," he says. "I'm an easy man."
"But Mons–" you start but he quirks a brow at you in expectation to fulfill his request. "I understand."
"Do you model as well?" Taehyung asks casually after retracting his hand. "Sorry, I can't help but notice that you have a lovely bone structure. I like to paint in my spare time and sometimes I enjoy having live models as a reference."
The question takes you by surprise. Not many people bother to compliment your physical features expect maybe a few of your closest friends. "I don't model. I prefer being the one behind the creation, like how I'll be behind the camera with you."
He chuckles at your reply. "If you ever change your mind, I'd be happy to paint a portrait of you."
"Well thank you. I'm afraid I don't do nudes though." You really ought to shut your mouth sometimes. Of course, artists don't solely paint nude portraits. What are you saying?
The man in front of you ponders your choice of words for a few seconds too long then leans in towards your ear. Not so far that it's invasive but enough that you're the only one able to hear. "Again, if you ever change your mind....I'd be honored to paint you."
"Monsieur this is not appropriate to be saying."
"I'm not the one saying inappropriate things. I merely said I wanted to paint you as any artist would. You're the one that mentioned getting undressed."
Taehyung straightens himself back up and turns his whole body around. "Hobi," he shifts his attention to his stylist. "Show me what I need to wear today."
You're left standing with a baffled facial expression.
Kim Taehyung is the most elegant flirt and tease you've ever met.
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After fifteen minutes Taehyung comes back to the studio in a shaggy grey button-down cardigan and plaid grey slacks. A gold chain necklace with a panther and tassle-like pendant hangs around his neck and on his left hand is a matching gold watch with a gold ring resting on his pointer finger.
They're all part of A&R's newest Panther collection and look nothing short of magnificent on him.
"We'll start with a few standing shots focusing on the ring and necklace separately," you say.
Taehyung nods in understanding and walks over to the studio setup that has a grey-ish purple green screen. Large studio lights hover on either side of the set to which Taehyung poses himself between.
He stands straight forward, eyes directly in line with the camera lens and jaw relaxed into a natural facial expression. It's a simple first pose to start off with but for a reason unexplainable Taehyung gives it new meaning.
It's takes you aback when you look at him through the lens of your camera. The closer you moves towards him to capture a clear shot, the more you're spooked by his intense eyes.
What makes it worse is when he decides to bring his pointer finger, the one with the ring, up to his mouth. His teeth latch gently around the gold band as it settles between his lips. You take several shots, adjusting the exposure on your camera as needed.
"Stunning," you hum in approval. Taehyung then slips the ring off his finger and again places it between his teeth. He tilts his head to the side to add to the flirtatious undertone of the pose.
"How was that?" He asks you after a few rapid flashes of the camera. "Thought I'd try something a little different this time."
"Came out perfect," you answer. "Flirty yet classically romantic. It molds well with our Panther campaign and brand. Suits you well too."
Taehyung's pleased by your words. "I'm glad you see it that way. I've always had a love for timeless themes. It's one of the reasons why I became an ambassador for Adrien & Rosamel. No other brand brings back the romantic past better."
"I agree with you completely. I fell in love with Adrien & Rosamel at a young age, around 13 I'd say. I always imagined myself to be largely integrated with the brand when I became an adult. Photography happened to help me get my foot in the door."
"Don't forget about me __," Jungkook interrupts from a couple feet away. "I got you this gig didn't I?"
Taehyung frowns at Jungkook's comment. "What does he mean?" He asks you. "Ji-hun specifically chose you to fill in for him didn't he?"
"Not exactly," you says with a flushed face. "Jungkook works closely with him and he was the one who recommended me to step in today. So I do owe him my life I suppose."
"You don't at all," Taehyung replied in a firmer tone than before. "He may have done you a favor but it's your talent that got you here. If your work wasn't good, do you think he'd take the risk of suggesting you?"
You stay silent as he continues.
"I've been in the industry for ten years, and no one lays their head on the line for you unless it benefits them in some way. Don't let him rob you of your achievements. And between you and me, I think he has an odd fixation on you." Taehyung lowers his voice. "Forgive me for being forward but he's not a jealous ex is he?"
You want to chuckle at the notion. "He's not, not at all." Taehyung laughs with you.
"So he's just a pain in the ass then," he says and you snort. "Had my share of them but not to worry. The best thing to do is to shake it off and in time, he'll realize everything you've gotten is by your own efforts and that you don't need his so called favors."
"Thank you Taehyung," you say, still a bit uneven as calling models like Taehyung was not what you were trained to do at Adrien & Rosamel. "We should probably move on with the shoot now."
"Sure, there's another pose I have in mind that I think will make the necklace stand out."
Taehyung steps away from you and turns around so his face is in front of the green screen. The cardigan he's wearing is cut to expose a large section of his back which allows pieces of the necklace to dangle against his smooth, bronze skin.
"What do you think? Does this fit the theme or does it look weird?" He rests one hand behind his head while the other raises above his head.
"Very artistic, hold the pose for me. Also, it's highly unlikely that you could ever look weird Taehyung." You focus the camera on the gold pendant. "You're a living and breathing aesthetic on your own."
"You know those are the same exact words I thought of when I mentioned wanting to paint you earlier. Seems like we see similarly don't we?"
"I guess we do, wow I never thought of myself as capable of having my own aesthetic. I feel like a carbon copy of everyone else some days." Once again you're stunned by his forwardness but you take it at face value. Perhaps he's naturally flirtatious even if he isn't meaning to be.
Taehyung looks over his shoulder at you and shakes his head in protest. "There's only one you __. You're not a carbon copy, so believe me when I say you're an aesthetic of your own as well. Which I would still like to get on canvas by the way."
"You're relentless about turning me into some kind of muse. I'm afraid I don't think I have the time, and neither do you now that I think of it. You fly back to Seoul after our shoot is over don't you?"
"I'm here for a couple of months actually," he surprises you with his reply. "Thought if I'm in Paris I might as well take some time to enjoy myself."
"That's fair. Now turn around again, I need to get a few more shots of the necklace."
"Your wish is my command." Taehyung faces away from you with a smile. He's decided he likes you. Maybe its a gift that Park Ji-hun couldn't do his photo session today.
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"Do you want to know my favorite position?" Taehyung lays on his side with one hand supporting his head while the other clutches his elbow. The angle let's light from the softbox hit the gold watch perfectly, allowing it to be the star of the show; which is no easy task to achieve when it's Kim Taehyung who's modeling.
"No talking please," you respond, bending down on a knee in front for him. Your eye peeks through the camera lens to capture a good shot.
At your request, Taehyung does his best to remain silent but he can't help but notice your grip on the camera has gotten shakier. "Are you alright?" he asks with the tiniest smirk on his face. "Do you need a break? We've been going nonstop for nearly two hours now."
"Everything's fine Mon—"
"Taehyung," he interjects softly and slowly sits up from his position on the chaise lounge. "And here I thought we were starting to become comfortable with each other. Yet watching you struggle to hold that camera in place makes me feel bad. Let's pause for a few okay?"
You flush as he nears you, a tad embarrassed at the situation. You're a professional photographer which means you should be fully capable of moving forward with today's session without any breaks.
But you're palms are sweaty and all the hairs on the back of your neck stand straight from taking hours of close-up shots of the most handsome man on earth.
What's more, is that he keeps tossing out more flirty one-liners and finding ways to compliment you. And let's not forget your earlier exchange about the whole painting ordeal–wanting to put you on canvas and all.
No one warned you Kim Taehyung was going to be like this.
"What can I do to make you comfortable again, __?" He crouches directly in front of you with wisps of his honeyed locks dangling over his eyes. As he waits for your answer, the camera shutter clicks, getting a not-so-elegant close-up of his crotch.
Fuck. You didn't mean to take that.
"Too bad Hobi didn't give me a designer belt to wear. That would have made a great photo," Taehyung teases as he watches your fingers scrabble to delete the photo from your camera roll. "Imagine the kind of awards you'd win."
Oh god. You want to slap yourself awake now.
"Sorry," you rush to say anything at this point. "I think a break might be good after all."
"How about some fresh air? Last I knew it's a beautiful day out." Taehyung stands up and offers you a hand.
"You're offering to go out together?" You hesitate to put your hand in his at first but ultimately give in.
"Why not? It's up to you but I'd like to get some air in my lungs. Gets a little stuffy in here doesn't it?" Once he pulls you up he pulls his hand back. "Let's take a fifteen-minute break everyone," he calls to the rest of the team who nod and scatter in opposite directions.
"Fantastic." You hear Jimin talk to himself. "I've been needing to go to the bathroom for an hour already!" He scurries out of the studio as quick as his legs will carry him.
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You and Taehyung find a quiet spot on the terrace above the company's enclosed garden. It's a recent edition the executives thought might give employees a small escape from the chaos of the day. And so far, it's been much appreciated. Being an unconventional hour to take a break, you're the only ones currently using the space.
"Can I ask you a question?" You cross your arms on the metal railing of the terrace and look at Taehyung beside you. He's standing calmly by the railing too with his hands in his pocket.
"Ask me anything," he replies.
"I haven't been in the fashion world nearly as long as you have but I know enough that people aren't as open as you are. You're much friendlier than most and I was wondering if you've always been that way. Even with Hoseok you call him Hobi, an endearing name."
He looks out into the distance at the perfectly trimmed bushes and trees, all square-shaped. "I became a model when I was 17. I hadn't even graduated high school yet when an agency recruited me. I thought it was a great opportunity until I saw the hunger for fame in my peer's eyes. Due to my appearance, I was given more chances to be on the cover of serious magazines like Vogue and Louis Vuitton but models who were there longer than me didn't. They were given shoots too but they were on a lower scale. Long story short they would scheme to get me in some kind of trouble so I'd get fired so they could take my place."
"I'm sorry that happened to you. I didn't want to believe that the industry was as vicious as I was told prior to entering it myself, but it is. So many of my coworkers can't wait to see someone fail so they can be promoted."
"It's a shame that it's like this __." Taehyung looks at you now, a serious expression on. "It doesn't have to be this aggressive cycle of stepping on the next guy to get to your ideal position. That's why I've decided to go against the current and make as many friends as I can. People I genuinely like tend to be my closest connections." His eyes soften at this as he scans your face.
"That's a nice sentiment but doesn't that open you up to being taken advantage of?" You think back to the two assistants from earlier this morning in the hallway. Seemingly friends on the surface but actually yanking on each other's hair below.
He shrugs and pushes a couple of loose strands of his hair behind his ear. "Sure it might but, I couldn't sleep peacefully knowing I earned my achievements by cheating everyone else out of theirs. Life's too difficult to not have a good night's sleep do you think?"
"True," you agree. "I wish more people had this sort of mindset."
"Well, luckily we can lead by example. I assume you run against the current too?"
"I try but I still have a lot of ambition so I can't say I've made any friends so far. Other than maybe Jungkook."
"Ambition is good, distinguishes the serious people from the non-serious. Friends aren't easy to make in our world __ and pardon me but that Jungkook guy isn't your friend. At most he probably has a crush on you."
"Jungkook has a crush on anyone with two legs and boobs," you chuckle and Taehyung does the same. "But he has a girlfriend now I think."
"Well, that's a relief." His tongue darts out to wet his lips. "I don't have to worry about him being a threat anymore."
You snicker at his comment. "What threat?"
Taehyung breaks into a shy grin and looks towards the ground. "Forget it, I'm just kidding around. We should head back inside. I think our time's about up." He moves to walk back inside the building but you stop him.
"Wait, no." You step closer to him. "I didn't get that joke."
He flickers his eyes up and down your body, taking in your curiosity. "You need me to spell it out for you __?" He pauses and takes a breath. "You're beautiful and I find myself extremely attracted to you. I'd–god forgive me if this makes you uncomfortable– I'd like to take you out while I'm still in Paris."
"Taehyung, that's....not a joke. Are you asking me on a date?"
"Yes, I'm asking you on a date. If you don't want to it's okay. Just say the word."
You smooth your hands down the side of your pants nervously. "Okay, what time and where?"
Taehyung's as shocked as you are by your response. "What are you doing tonight at 7 p.m?" he replies.
"Nothing, what are you doing?"
"Taking you out on a date I think. How's your dancing?"
"Oh I...I don't know. Depends on the type of dance. Why?" You know why. Of course, someone like Taehyung will want to take a slightly unconventional path for a first date.
"I want to take you to Le Duc des Lombards, you know that private jazz bar in town. So, if you can sway and don't mind being close to me we'll be in business."
"Alright." Don't overthink it, you think to yourself. It's just dancing. No biggie. "7 it is. I'll meet you there I guess."
"I can pick you up, actually, I'd really like to pick you up if I can. I know I'm such an old soul aren't I?"
"No problem," you can't contain your beaming smile. "We can exchange numbers and I'll text you my address."
"My phone's back in the studio. Let's do that before the end of the shoot."
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"Shut the front door __!" Your best friend Elaine screams over the phone. "You're definitely wearing the sexy red dress I bought you for your birthday if you going to a jazz bar with, oh my god I can't even say his name. I'm so excited for you babe!"
"It's one date, Elaine. It'll probably not go anywhere either. I'm going into this as a fun night out with a very handsome man and that's all." You browse through your closet for something to wear. You've already showered and touched up your make-up. "Damn it, I have about twenty minutes before he gets here."
"I'm telling you __, wear the red one. Even if this will be a one-night thing it doesn't mean you can't look drop-dead gorgeous. Also, one more thing. What are you wearing for underwear?"
"What? If it were me I'd be looking as hot as I can tonight. Gives you a boost of confidence."
"Maybe," you say and pull out a black dress. "I'll think about it."
"Well think fast, because you're down to fifteen minutes now."
"Uh, shit." You toss the dress when you see there's a small tear in the strap. "Please tell me how I'm in the fashion industry and can't find anything to wear without holes in it."
"This is the last time I'm saying this __. Put on the red dress. It's more of a maroon so it'll make you blend with the mood of jazz but you'll pop out as well. And you'll look elegant with the silk sleeves and it's above the knee so you'll stay cool when you dance."
You card back the hangers until you get the dress Elaine is talking about. It's never been worn and it really is beautiful. "The neckline's kinda deep though," you say.
"You're boobs aren't gonna fall out if that's what you're worried about. I've seen the dress and it'll be great on your body. Plus, worst-case scenario you get laid by the hottest man in the damn universe."
"I'm not having sex with him you know..." you feel a blush creep on your cheeks. "This is a–"
"Fun night out. Yes babe, whatever you want to think." Elaine snickers over the phone.
"Fine, you win but I have to change now okay?" You set the phone down and start untying your robe. Are you wearing a transparent black lace set underneath? Yeah, but it's not like anyone's going to know about it.
"Don't forget to call me later! Or tomorrow depending on how tonight goes," she snickers again.
"Goodbye Elaine," you shake your head and end the call.
"You know what might look great with this dress is that ruby necklace I bought ages ago," you say to yourself. The necklace you're referring to is dainty yet never a let down no matter what you pair it with.
Satisfied, you head to your jewlery case in search for it.
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"I see you found the place okay." You say once you hop into the passenger seat of Taehyung's Porsche. Man does well for himself.
"I did, and you look like a million dollars darling. Aphrodite herself couldn't even compare. I'm going to have the worst time trying not to stare at you tonight." Taehyung stands on the other side of your door and waits for your feet to be tucked in the vehicle before letting the door shut.
He insisted he come around and open it for you when he saw a glimpse of your figure walking towards his car.
"Darling?" you repeat inquisitively when he jumps in the drivers seat.
"Do you not like it? It's kinda old I know." Taehyung starts the car and puts the car in gear. He turns the wheel single-handedly and pulls out of your driveway.
There's something about seeing a man do this that always lights a fire inside you. Especially when said man is currently in a white, freshly pressed dress shirt, unbuttoned at the top, and dark grey dress pants.
"I like it," you say. "Darling. It fits the night well, since we're going go the jazz club. I like this look on you by the way."
Taehyung smiles at you briefly before focusing back on the road. The hand that rests on his knee shakes a little and his grip tightens on the wheel. "Hearing you compliment me makes me a little shy, sorry. But by the way, I like that ruby necklace you have on."
You smile and play with the chain. Always a hit.
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The club is moderately crowded when you step foot in the building. The atmosphere is warm and inviting with the creme tones, bright white ceiling lights, and soft purple strobe lighting that shines from the stage. You and Taehyung are lucky to find a free table to claim on the end of the second row of seating.
"Have you been to Le Duc des Lombards before?" He asks, letting you take the inner seat.
"I came once but it was a long time ago when I was in college," you answer.
"Really?" Taehyung takes the seat next to you. "Where did you study?"
"Spéos photography school. A lot of wanna-be professional photographers attend there. I'm fortunate to be able to go."
"I'm glad you got to study there. I assume that's how you got a job with Adrien & Rosamel right?"
"It was definitely the main reason but," you sigh. "I did have some gracious references who help me get in, including Jungkook who went to the same school. As a videographer we were project partners a few times so he was a good person of contact. Along with a few professors of course."
Taehyung snatches the bar menu placed at your table, more aggressively than expected. "No offense but I'm really starting to not like that guy," he grits, jaw clenching. "From now on you can put me down for any further references. The photos you took look wonderful and you know I have some solid connections with some very important individuals."
"Taehyung..." You're amused by the peek of jealousy. "Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself? The photos need to be approved by our campaign managers first before any merit is given. Plus, you're not my boyfriend."
"Could be your boyfriend," he quips back and you whip your head in his direction.
"Hm what? You heard me."
"I thought you said you were shy tonight," you accuse and lean over his shoulder to scan over the drink menu with him. When you do you get a strong whiff of his cologne. God, you love the smell of cologne. Would it be too far for you to grab him by the shirt collar and throw your face into his chest?
Yes __, too far. Don't do that. You waive off the thought.
"What do you want from the bar?" Taehyung asks and you give him your response. He heads for the bar in the back of the room as soon as you tell him, not even giving you any time to grab your wallet.
"Tae–" you jump up from you seat. "You don't have to pay for me. I can get my own."
"As my date, I'd be my honor to buy a drink for you __. But you can keep calling me Tae, it sounds nice coming from your lips." He turns around and continues to the bar.
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Nearly two hours of live jazz music later and a few drinks later, you find yourself in a pair of long, sturdy arms. One of Taehyung's hands curls around your waist while the other laces in your fingers.
"You sway well," he drawls, pulling you closer to his body. I'd make you squirm more than you already are if it weren't for a bit of liquor in your system. "In fact, you're a natural. Makes me wonder what other areas you have a natural talent for."
"Okay monsieur," you playfully joke and continue to let him dance you in small circles. "We're getting a little close to the hot zone now."
"Are we? Must be because you're so unbearably hot. Did I tell you to look like Aphrodite in this dress?" Taehyung slips his hand from your waist. "Can I spin you?"
You nod and distance your body from his to prepare to spin into him. "If my memory serves right, you told me Aphrodite couldn't compare to me. Not that I look like her," you respond to his prior question.
"Ah that's right," he hums. "That's even better."
Taehyung's slender arms wrap around your waist when you get to the end of your twirls. Your back presses tight against his chest as he brings his lips near your ear. "You remember when I asked you if you wanted to know my favorite position? Well, this is one of them, darling."
Your breaths get shorter as you take in his charm and you're forced to look into the crowd of people in front of you. Most are busy dancing with their own partners but a few stragglers smile in your direction.
"You make a lovely couple," one older woman says to you both. "You'll make beautiful children."
"Oh we're not–"
"Yes, we will. Thank you, madame," Taehyung cuts in and you pull yourself from his hold to face him.
"Tae, what the hell are you saying?" His face sculpted from the gods themselves stares down at you in a devilish smirk.
"Is it too hot now?" He teases as he refers to your comment minutes ago about it getting too close to the hot zone.
"You're drunk aren't you?" You gently accuse with your arms crossing over your chest.
"I'm not." He snakes his arms back around you smoothly. "I have to drive you home tonight. What kind of man would I be if I got drunk?"
You let him pull you into himself again and this time when he does you feel the outline of an erection forming in his trousers.
Fuck, you curse to yourself, he's not small that's for damn sure.
"How are you feeling __? Getting tired or you wanna stay longer?"
You smirk. "I should be asking you that seeing you have a situation down there."
"Shit—" he quickly retracts his hands on your waist and backs away from you. "I'm sorry, I know we've been flirting around but I don't want to you to think that's all I'm here for."
"Its okay Taehyung, it's just a biological response," you try to soothe. "Don't worry about it."
"Yeah but it's because of you," he stresses. "I want you to know that I'm into you romantically and not just horny with lust."
Your heart clenches and your feet move to approach him on their own. You cup his cheeks with your hands and stare deep into his coffee-black eyes. "Taehyung, I've had my share of male suitors who have all been horny with lust and nothing else. I never thought for a second you were one of them okay? Plus, you're not the only one worked up tonight." You bite your cheek, unsure what'll come from admitting to the following.
"I like you too Taehyung," you finish.
"You do?" He asks with stars in his eyes, same blinding smile as usual.
You nod in affirmation.
"Is this the part where I get to kiss you?" His lids relax as he waits for your response.
"I suppose you can. Are you a good kisser?"
Taehyung snorts lightly and surprises you with a quick peck to your lips. But when he tilts his head back to look you in the eye again, you pull his face back to yours and press your lips fully on his.
Taehyung finds your waist with his fingers again the longer and deeper the kiss gets. He moves his soft lips on yours firmly then sucks on your bottom lip until his tongue is granted access into your mouth.
"Tae," you moan his name quietly. "People are starting to stare."
You reluctantly break the kiss. "We should probably finish this in the car."
"I'd much rather have you finish in my bed though," he says before thinking it through. "Shit—sorry I did it again."
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Taehyung's lips move against yours roughly as he makes out with you in the back seat. You decided I'd be easier to kiss without the center console getting in the way.
"You know I don't like putting out on the first date but...how long until you have to return to Seoul?" You tug his blonde hair as his hands wander up and down your torso.
"Two months," he replies, slightly pained. "That's actually something we should talk about if this is going where I think it is."
"Do you not do long distance relationships?"
"I don't know." He brings his lips to the side of your neck, sucking on the delicate skin. "I've never done it before. Have you?"
You shake you head. "No but I heard it's not easy."
Taehyung moves away from your neck to take your hands in his and presses a kiss to them. "I guess we have a few choices then. One, we stop here and sum it up to a nice evening out where I got to steal a kiss the most beautiful woman. I might cry myself to sleep later," he jokes but you wouldn't out it completely past him.
"Two, we make the best of it while I'm here. I'll take you out every night possible until I have to leave. We call it a temporary relationship of sorts. Or my personal favorite, we date with intent and I'll visit you every chance I get. I'll even relocate if necessary."
"God Taehyung, I don't even know. How can you decide so soon?"
"The moving part was too much, I know. I just meant that I want to be serious. Or at least give it a shot. But if that's something that doesn't work for you then we should probably stop here."
"I want to go out again though. I don't want to stop."
"So what?"
"Call me crazy but let's be serious. You're an adult, I'm an adult. Let's fucking do this." You go to kiss him again but he doesn't let you.
"Wait, __. You sure you want to go through with this?"
"I know there's a lot of grey areas to consider but I'd hate to miss out on something amazing because of a potential threat. We go out and if it works out well, then maybe...one of us can relocate. And if it doesn't then we gave it our best."
"Alright," he slowly leans his face towards you again. "If you're on board then I am too. Since we're doing it this way....do you want me to take you home?"
You shake your head in rejection. "Take me to your bed Taehyung."
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"Just when I thought you couldn't get more beautiful you always make a fool out of me."
Taehyung traces down the curves of your body with cool hands as you stand in front of him in nothing but your black lingerie on. He's asked that your ruby necklace stay on too which did throw you off guard a tad.
His shirt is off himself, revealing his lean, tanned torso. His pants are off as well, showing off his his muscular thighs. No wonder he's one of the most wanted models in the world.
He's absolutely breathtaking.
"Is this designer?" He asks and you nod. "Of course, only the finest lace should be allowed to touch your body." Slender fingers dance across the cups of your bra, feeling the fabric carefully. He's not gropping at all.
"You're a flatterer aren't you?" You look him in the eye and your heart skips a beat. He's staring back at you with a similar intensity as the shoot earlier. Just like a panther, you think —alluring, dangerous, and incapable of escaping.
"Not flattering darling. Admiring," he responds lowly. "Can I remove it?" He leans forward to reach behind your back and graze across the hooks of the bra. His lips press a kiss to the space just below your ear as he does.
"Y-yes, please do," your voice hitches.
Taehyung unfastens the material from your body and you shake it off your arms and let it fall on the floor.
"Fuck," he swears and nibbles the edge of your ear while he palms your bare breasts. He thumbs at your nipples a little until their pebbling to his satisfaction. "Are you sure I can't make you my muse for my next painting?"
You chuckle and let him mouth at one of your breasts. "Maybe in time—oh god that feels good," you moan his tongue licks across you nipple.
"In time? Seems we've made some progress. You gave me a flat out no this morning." Taehyung lowers himself on his knee and presses a kiss to your bare waist. Its gentle and featherlike. He then fiddles with the edge of your lace panties as he did with your bra.
"That's because we were strangers, coworkers. However you want to call it."
"Mm, you have a point. May I?" He asks for permission and you nod with a small whine. His fingers brushing around your hips, nearing your ass only hightens your arousal.
Once he drags the thin material down your legs you step out of them and kick them to the side. Taehyung groans deeply when your center is exposed to him.
"Gods I want to lick this pussy so much. Will you let me eat you out tonight?"
"Fuck Tae," you card through his blonde hair. "Yes."
"Lets get you on my bed," he grunts, getting up from his kneeled position. He leads you to the edge of his bed where you crawl on top of his rich comforter, ass in full view as he follows behind you.
Once you're settled on your back Taehyung pushes your legs up and spreads your thighs wide open. He then crouches between them and kisses you inner thighs.
"You're very wet down here," he mumbles. "Do you want fingers first?"
"Three please," you request, already clawing at the sheets.
"Three?" Taehyung lifts his head to look at you. "You're certain you want to start with three?"
You chuckle. "I have the feeling that I'm going to need to take at least three fingers and your tongue before I can take your cock wholely. Correct me if I'm wrong."
He smirks and brings a slender finger up your slit. "No, you couldn't be more right." He pushes the finger all the way in, sinking between your velvety walls.
"Ohh," you moan.
Taehyung adds another, pumping and curling both fingers before adding the third. "So wet baby, do you hear yourself?"
The squelching sound of his fingers working in your pussy causes your core to clench and a streak of pearly white liquid to run down your thigh. Taehyung grows feral at the sight and starts pumping into you at a faster pace.
"Goddamn you're a sensitive one. When's the last time you were fingered?"
"Uh, I'm not sure. Probably two years ago?"
"Well allow me to reacquaint you with such pleasure."
Taehyung continues to work in your pussy with his fingers, hitting your g-spot with every push and curl. Strings of profanities leave your mouth as he does this and when he licks his tongue over your folds you scream in pleasure.
"Fuck Tae, don't stop! So good, oh my god," you moan and sink your fingers in his hair.
He doesn't stop at all, he doesn't slow down either. His fingers eventually pull out of you after a dozen more pumps to make room for his tongue to dip in your pussy. He teases your clit too which is all you needed to send you over the edge.
"I'm coming Tae," you say as your come on his tongue. He groans at the act and cleans up as much left over spillage as he can before moving away from your center.
"I love the way you taste," he licks the corner of his lips and makes his way up your body until he's hovering over your face. Taehyung presses a hard kiss to your lips after with traces of your come still on his tongue.
"Don't you agree?" He asks when he gives you a breath.
"I think I'd prefer the taste of something else instead," you respond with eyes flickering to his crotch.
He smirks and brings a hand up to graze the ruby necklace that's still around your neck. "You want my cock in your mouth baby? Wanna suck on it nice and firm between those pretty lips?"
"I do. Want to make you feel good too and taste your come."
"Mm," he groans. "Don't temp me darling. I'd really much rather come in your tight pussy."
"In a condom," you remind him.
"Yes of course, but still, in your pussy," he replies. "But who am I to deny you of what you want. Pick one, in your mouth or in your cunt?"
Your pussy clenches at his casualness. "Do I have to pick just one?"
"Fucking hell," he seethes. "You're a little greedy for our first time together aren't you?"
"I just want to suck your cock," you repeat. "But if I had to choose I want you to fuck me."
Taehyung gets off the bed hearing your words and sticks his thumbs in his briefs. "I'll tell you what," he pushes his underwear down to let his cock bounce free. It's huge, vein tracing up the underside, and leaking with pre-cum at the tip.
"I'll let you suck me off any other time because as you can see, I'm inches away from blowing my load already. But to make up for it, I'll let you have your pick of any position you want."
Your eyes train on his throbbing length as he crawls back to you on the bed. You know you should control yourself but you can't help but reach out and touch it.
"Oh fuuck," he clenches his teeth as your hand tightens around him. Your thumb traces his slit, rubbing circles on it. "God your fingers feel heavenly on me. But I need you to stop and tell me what position you want to be in, please."
"Doggy and can you make me squirt?"
"Yes fuck," he moans as you keep teasing his slit. "Face the headboard and get on your hands and knees."
You do as as he says and thank god you did because he was seconds away from thrusting up in your hand. Taehyung grabs a condom from the drawer by his nightstand and rips it open with his teeth. He then rolls it down his think length until he completely covered.
"Ready?" He asks you.
"Put it in me Tae. Need you inside me, please."
"I'm going to ease in alright? I'm pretty fucking big and I don't want to hurt you." At that he clamps his hands around your waist and starts nudging his cock into your entrance.
"Oh fuck—" you screw your eyes shut at the stretch. So good but he's right, he's too big. You don't know how he's going to fit himself all the way in you.
"Keep breathing darling and relax your muscles. We're taking this really slow until I can bottom out."
You do as he says as he continues to sink his length into you. "Taehyung, Taehyung fuck it feel so good but god you're a beast."
"I know and you're doing so good for me," he coos. "We're about halfway there. You're pussy feels amazing around me. Still wet with your come."
You grip the mattress and let out moan after moan. "You're only half-way in me? God I feel like I'm being split in half."
Taehyung pulls himself out of you then thrusts back in, gently but firm enough to jolt your whole body forward. He repeats the motion with each thrust going deeper than the last.
"Shit!" He groans as he beats himself into you. "So close baby. I'm almost all the way in."
"Taehyungtaehyungtaehyung," is the only word coming from you. All you feel is pleasure as he thrusts himself into you. It's been so long since you felt this good, and who the hell would have guessed it'd be Kim Taehyung to remind you of such feelings.
"There we go," he grunts as he finally, finally bottoms out. "There we fucking go baby, how are you feeling?" He asks as he picks up his pace.
"Fuck me—harder Tae," your moans are incoherent as your whole body to Taehyung.
The next ten minutes are nothing but skin slapping against skin as his cock beats inside of you, desperately working you up to another orgasm.
"Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck," Taehyung pulls himself all the way back then snaps his hips back in, making you dizzy with arousal. "Look at you taking my big cock all at once. Just so eager to please huh? Like the way I fill you up?"
"Yes, yes I do," you pant, sweat dripping from your forehead. If you looked over your shoulder you'd see Taehyung doing the same. "I'm getting close Tae!"
"Go ahead and play with your clit for me then," he growls. "You must be so sore down there."
You quickly reach a hand down to your clit, circling it while Taehyung thrusts himself into you wholeheartedly. "Oh god, I'm almost there. I feel it Tae," you moan as the cord inside you gets tighter, threatening to break any second.
"Go on, coat my cock with your slick darling. Show me how good I'm making you feel as I rearrange your guts. You feel it deep in your stomach can't you? Fuck, I'm close myself!"
You grind your hips on his cock a few times and with that you reach your high, releasing all over Taehyung. But despite your second orgasm, his cock keeps thrusting into you.
"Can you give me one more? Need to make you squirt."
"Uh I don't know Tae, I'm not sure if I can c-come again."
"Yes you can and you will." He fucks into as hard as he can at that, no other words come from him other than deep groans. You on the other hand can't stop screaming.
"Too much Taehyung, I can't, please, need you to come. Fuck!" Despite your protest you are indeed close to a other orgasm; the third one of the night. You pussy uncontrollably clenches around Taehyung as his cock starts twitching inside you.
"Just a little more darling, getting so close. Gonna make you feel so good," he promises as his thrusts get sloppier.
"You already made me feel good Tae, want you to come too."
"I am," he replies, finally releasing. "Oh shit!"
"What? What is it?"
"You're squirting baby. Making a mess all over me and my thousand dollar sheets."
"Oh god, I'm so sorry-fuck. I'll replace them!"
"Like hell you will," he pulls out of you, ties his condom off and tosses in the trash next to his bed. He then flips you on your back and captures your lips roughly. "These sheets are mine and they'll stay mine just like you will from now on. As long as I can help it at least. Sound good?"
"Okay Taehyung," you nod. "Yours."
"Good, now how does a bath sound?"
"Fantastic," you exhale and close your eyes.
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"Taehyung, Taehyung wake up." You shake the man by the shoulders next to you with both hands. "Get up get up get up!"
"What's the emergency?" He rubs his tired eyes as you move to leap up from the bed. You have the sheets wrapped tight around your body.
"We have a shoot at the beach with the team in half an hour! Hurry up and put your clothes on, you have to drive me back to my house so I can change into proper clothing."
"Why don't you wear one of my shirts or something?" He yanks your wrist towards him until you're forced to loosen your grip on his sheets and are forced atop his chest.
"Seriously? Why don't we just tell them we slept together at that point? You're crazy Kim Taehyung."
"You're making it sound like we had a one night stand," he pouts for the first time and you chuckle at how cute he looks.
"Of course it's not that Tae, it's just we still work together. We can't have them knowing we have a thing this early."
"Can we at least tell Jungkook?"
"No!" You playfully slap his shoulder. "Stop being so obsessed with him. He's got a girlfriend. Now get up, we really need to go."
"Alright, but give me a kiss first." He puckers up his lips and you concede by pressing your lips to his. "Are you a morning sex person?" He asks.
"No, we need to leave." You hop out of the bed and race to his bathroom.
"Goddamn it," he curses by himself. "Day one of being your girlfriend and she's already leaving you high and dry."
Taehyung throws the covers off his naked body and walks to the bathroom to join you in the shower—nothing but a big, happy grin on his face.
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a/n: oh my gosh guys, this took me a long time. But I hope you enjoyed and lmk what you think 💞☺
@faiyh @brieeoche @lovemeforeternity @daughterof-aphrodit @daughterof-aphrodit @jjkluver7 @mystaerytete @sparklingocean @main-bangtansmauyeondan @ahgasegotarmy116
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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deadpool15 · 7 months
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Million Dollar Baby- Pt1
Aerin Creer shall be the OC for this fic. It will be in parts.
The outfit that she is wearing will always be in the pic above. the character is 23 years old, while Byeon is about 25.
All repressive characters will be the same as before.
So, you guys won her powers, which will be telekinesis
There will be russian in the story and maybe even korean, but I will limit it to little things.
I'm using a translator, so I'm sorry if it's incorrect
Age 9
"You all need to realize there are privileges in this world, and eating is one of them. So, hit harder, or you will starve." A man yells over all the chaos of the fighting children. I never learned their names except Alexi. My torment and pain were caused by him. Though, my entire existence was purely for kicks. Apparently, my overly obsessed mother believed she could create the perfect child for her husband or, more so, my father. He was a powerful man in a country where the only law to exist was his own. Some say he was the devil himself, but all my mother saw was the love of her life. Drugging herself with experiments and foreign concoctions to make the perfect soldier. She died during childbirth, or that's what I like to think. My mother died that night, and some women took care of me for 4 years. Eventually, she had a deal with some goons, taking money she couldn't afford. And in turn, they took her child.
A living nightmare, one way to describe my current situation. We are trained day in and out to be the obedient warriors that will be the next generation for Pavel. It's where I met Ryu Shi-oh or he met me. "Get up and fight. Or your a worthless fucking nobody and we aren't investing time in that bullshit." Alexi screamed at me, after being hit so many times I couldn't get back up. Everything hurt. They had gathered us all around to fight as a presentation to the leaders. Alexi told me if I embarrassed him, he would beat rhe shit out of me. What else was new, though? "Get up right fucking now!" I stared at the ground before something clicked inside of me. It's like I didn't give a single fuck about the outcome. "Shut the fuck up." I stared up at him as if looks could kill hoping he would explode right there before my eyes. All the children turned around, shocked, while stopping. Alexi laughs out loud before shoving me. "Get your fucking hands off me you little dick asshole!" I yelled at him. For the first time in my life I yelled. I was fighting back. Usually, I'm pretty sure he would love this, but since he had thr higher ups here, he was beyond pissed.
I could see Shi-oh in the corner of the room, motioning for me to stop. But this time, I wasn't backing down. Before I could think he punched me. Rocking my body all the way down to the floor. "The fuck did you say, say it again bitch. Go on, I dare you. I'll fucking chop you into pieces and feed you to rhe dogs!" The old me would've sat there in tears, fearing for my life. The silent room was shaken by my loud, obnoxious laugh. If there was one thing I had learned in my lifetime, men wouldn't like to be challenged. He stormed over to me and punched me yet again. Then, I started to kick me in the stop over and over again. Though, I kept laughing, refusing to give him the satisfaction. My ribs were sore, some probably broken before I grew tired of it. I started to cry while laughing, I'm pretty sure I looked like a manic to everyone in the room.
I started yelling stop, I just wanted in to be over. I was done with the pain and suffering. But he kept going, like always no one ever listened to me. Before he reaches to kick me again, a force pushes him back, clasing into the wall. A crack had been heard, and anyone could tell his skull had been split open. Though, he wasn't dead yet, no, not quite. I continue to laugh as everyone backs away from me, I see the higher ups standing from their chairs in amazement and slight fear. I push myself up off the grown and see Alexi. He looked like shit, maybe even worse than me. I turn to look at my broken finger and move to crack it back in place before it does it on its own. I hear whimpering, I turn to the crushed in wall. "Are you fucking crying, you have to be fucking with me right now." I laugh out loud holding my bruised ribs while staring at him. "H-help me." It looked like its body had been piered into the wall, I saw some of his insides. I went to turn until I realized he wasn't going to shut up. The constant whining from the man who loves man. How ironic.
I had no idea what was going on, yet for some reason, my body felt like it was on fire. Everything was so loud. My skin felt itchy, and my head was pounding. My senses felt hyper, and I was overwhelmed by everything around me. What the fuck was happening? "Be quiet....Be quiet." I just wanted it to stop. His cries felt like they were drilling into my skull. Yet he wouldn't stop. I didn't even realize I had thrown my hands up in rhe sir to cover my ears before I screamed out, "MAKE IT STOP!" The lights shattered to the floors, and some of the children dropped dead, with their eyes, nose, and ears leaking blood. Brain particles were scattered across the floor. Alexi was dropped from the wall, yet his head was still inside of the wall. Decapitated completely from his body with pieces of his spinal cord attached to it. I was so exhausted. I only remember myself falling to the ground while seeing Shi-oh running in my direction, screaming.
The Pavel leaders stood up immediately at the sight of everything around them. Some were in complete distress while seeing the future soldiers laying across the floor dead. Yet, the man in charge was only thinking one thing. Magnificent. He couldn't believe his eyes. That child had killed approximately 10 people in a room with so much as moving a muscle or a weapon near. He was used to good fighters, but this was a whole new level. She was the future, and seeing Shi-oh walk right up to her and help was just simply the best. The young boy whole showed promise faithfully in love with the girl who had mysterious abilities all in his hands. Seems everything would work out. "My precious дети." Oo, did he have plans for them. They would take everything, their futures were so bright. He would make sure they stayed on the path.
Present time
I stepped out of my car, grabbing my cat. All gifts from a certain someone whom I was visiting. Noticing a black jeep trying to be secretive, yet I paid no mind to it. Making my way inside of the building. Needing no introduction considering everyone knows who I am. Or just my status, one would say. "He is right in his office ma'am though he is busy with a worker." His secretary tells me while looking around nervously. "Never too busy for me, though, right?" He just nods and leads me to the door. We make it there with him trying to knock before I feel like this is all taking too long and pushing the door open. I hear him telling me to wait a moment, but it falls to deaf ears. I walked in, noticing now while he wanted me to wait. A girl around my height is sitting down, talking to Shi-oh. They haven't noticed me yet, so I sat there and waited in silence until she passed him her phone and he put his number in. Eventually, she leaves while she notices my presence and smiles at me while saying hi. I give her a fake smile and walk father in the room.
"The fuck was that, huh?" He turns around finally seeing me. Walking over and hugging while lifting me off the ground. Still holding me the air, which is easy due to our size difference. "My beautiful лепесток. What are you doing here?" I stared at him. He always had a habit of making it difficult to angry at him. "I was coming to see you." I motion for him to lower me down, and I sit my cat on the floor. Watching it walk around the office, I get startled again when he picks me up and sits down in his chair at his desk with me on his lap. "Before you get ready to hurt me, I was simply recruiting her to a higher position." I poke my finger deeply into his chest. "Why you wanna fuck her?" He slowly looks up, as if he is thinking about the question. While he is doing that, the objects start to lift around the room, and he takes notice. "No,I don't want to fuck her or anything like that. But she is strong, very strong. I've seen it first hand лепесток. She will be uselful." I simply smile at him before I peck his lips.
Moving closer on his lap, I start to slowly kiss his lips again. Getting lost in the plump lips I love so much. Before he reaches my face to take my shades off. He lowers his hands and grips my hips. "You are so fucking beautiful, baby. Why the fuck would I want her when I have all this." I start to grind on his lap, while the desk moves backward. Needing more room. "And don't you forget it. Gonna change the world, baby."
I'll post every Saturday for this story.
Taglist: @seonghwaexile
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nunalastor · 1 month
Appleradio Secret Marriage au part 6:
(I will be signing most of my asks with (~☆) since though I love being anonymous, I also need to be known since I'm an attention whore. And yes, I am also writing a Radioapple "Partners in Crime" au.)
(Let me thank Entropyatropa (hope I got the user right) for the kind reblog! I don't think I could write a 100000 word fic, but I do hope you enjoy this little au!)
Vaggie had previously hated the radio demon. Being raised as an angel taught her prejudice against demons and through her time in hell her opinions against him only solidified continuously.
She was fully prepared to fight him when he'd first arrived in the hotel, since she was probably the only always battle-ready one there and she needed to protect her family – even if the only one she actually cared for was Charlie, and maybe that pig of Angel's.
But for some reason he was somewhat kind? Offering his help with little to no things in return because he "wanted entertainment"? Unbelievable. It would be easier to believe that Angel hated sex – which, for Vaggie, was terribly hard to believe.
It was so unbelievable she almost burst into laughter, patting the radio demon on the shoulder and saying "Good joke." Which she stopped herself from doing. Lucky she had a lot of self control, especially so since she used to be an angel – she'd literally been raised holding back all her desires, even the innocent ones.
But it was visibly true that he wanted to help, irrefutable when he brought two more demons – Husk and Niffty, he called them – and volunteered their help. Kind of him, despite the fact that both of them were forced; Niffty was questionable though.
It was the way the radio demon treated her more as a daughter than an actual demon, or rather, someone he owned. It was the way he seemed fond of her. The way she seemed psychotic, almost yet not quite like him.
Now don't get Vaggie wrong, Husk was also suspicious. But less so. He visibly hated the radio demon, calling him every insult in the book but even Vaggie could tell there was an established line he wasn't crossing. She could see how he'd sometimes stand too close to the radio demon, the way he would sniff the radio demon – always a metre apart but he was smelling something and he liked the scent.
It was just different with Niffty and Alastor, since with them it was clear they were some sort of a criminal duo. Yet with Husk it seemed more like Stockholm syndrome, or something like that.
But of course, she didn't voice these concerns out loud. She didn't want to diminish the light in Charlie's eyes when they'd gained three more members to the hotel. It meant more chances for redemption and so on. Vaggie didn't really believe in it, but she wanted to support her girlfriend through everything.
They'd shared a gaze, communicating silently on whether to allow this but Charlie was too excited for Vaggie to refuse. So they were added and Vaggie was almost jealous at how quickly Charlie and Alastor got closer.
Alastor seemed to know too much about her, and even Charlie felt this way. Especially since they'd even talked about this at dark, on a weekend where Alastor would mysteriously disappear without warning or explanation.
And when Lucifer, or Sir Lucifer, or the King of Hell, or her future father-in-law, or Sir King of Hell, or Charlie's dad, or Lilith's ex-husband, or Father, or maybe just Lucifer in the end visited, things made even less sense. The way he'd almost forgotten that time existed when he stared at Charlie and Alastor for what could've been minutes with a dumb smile on his face. It was even more sweet than the way Charlie looked at her, and that was saying something.
And it made even more less sense when they seemed so domestic together, forgetting their rivalry in mornings when they'd tiredly prepare breakfast making their food exactly how the other wanted it without even a request, like telepathy. Vaggie also would wake up earlier than Charlie so she would see Lucifer tiredly latching on to Alastor as they'd prepare things and then after about ten minutes he'd slowly let go, whining as he did but still letting though. And then ten minutes after that Charlie would be down and the two girlfriends would just watch Alastor and Lucifer being sickeningly sweet together.
It was obvious they both could care less about Vaggie knowing. And she didn't know what to feel about it. Was this them saying they couldn't care less about her existence or something.
No, was Alastor manipulating her future father-in-law? It could, but then she'd see the look in Alastor's eyes and it reminded her of the way she and Charlie would look at each other. So she decided to keep their secret, it was their unspoken truce.
Vaggie didn't know what to do with this, though.
(Yes it is Chaggie. They're just too cute for me to take it away.)
(Clarification with Vaggie. Alastor and Lucifer would forget she was with them. In the beginning they were wary, didn't make much mistakes in the morning with her watching but soon the mornings would become habits and they'd forget about her. Lucifer would allow his clingy side to show and soon it was just a morning routine for them. Alastor would still prepare Vaggie's breakfast and give her some but he would forget she's watching. He did eventually remember but couldn't be bothered to stop the routine. Vaggie doesn't like nor hate Alastor but in the future she will think of him as family and will eventually call him mother when she gets married to Charlie. Charlie, when Alastor reveals the relationship to the whole hotel, will begin to call Alastor mother too. Yes, Vaggie likes Angel's pig more than she likes Angel himself.)
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sturniolowhore · 4 months
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summary ⎯ a biology project; that's all it is intended to be, a matter of communication amongst classmates in order to succeed yet the more time chris and aluna spend together, the harder it becomes to distinguish the line between requirement and want. they are required to work together, to spend time with one another and to exist beside one another until suddenly it doesn't feel forced. what is supposed to be simply completing a project turns into an unmistakable connection of hearts.
part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
warnings ⎯ chris x fem!poc!oc, cursing, fluff, grumpy!oc and sunshine!chris, eventual smut, not proofread, mentions of anxiety, toxic homelife, mentions of selfharm, angst, hurt and comfort, etc.
A/N ⎯ another series baby! i know i said it would be one long fic but i wanted to get some writing out soon. i've written a few parts so i'll post them all rn but there's more to come eventually!!
i hope you enjoy <3
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
there's a saying that claims there's always light at the end of a dark tunnel. aluna used to believe in it when she was a little girl, sneaking onto her rooftop and wishing on the shooting stars for it to become a reality. as she grew older, she realised there wasn't actually a light and the illumination she craved was merely that, a craving that the universe was refusing to fulfil. the wishful thinking soon turned to detest and she learned to despise the idea of something or someone pulling her out of the god-forsaken pit she had fallen into as a mere child.
so now, she stuck to herself. she could not find the light in others if there were no others. it was simply her against the world and every little thing inside of it. people did not recognise the name aluna nor care to try. she walked the hallways alone with her head low, never attended any school games or functions and stuck to the back of the class as best as she could. the very few times she had been partnered with someone to work with, she managed to get herself out of it and the individual was granted a new partner, thus allowing her to work alone. the way she preferred.
yet here she stood, a pleading expression capturing her features as she tried to convince her teacher to work alone for what felt like the millionth time that year. a brief sigh escaped her lips at the sympathetic refusal, something along the lines of the project showcasing an element of communication that was apparently required for the final grade.
"i'm sorry miss sanchez, i normally make exceptions for you but this is one time i can't. i'm afraid you'll be assigned a partner just like everyone else," her teacher's smile was supposed to be reassuring but it just made her heart feel heavier than it already did.
aluna dejectedly made her way to her seat, all the way at the back, and waited around for the rest of her class to arrive. she observed the way she always tended to as each individual walked in, some alone and others accompanied by people. her eyes landed on all she could including the set of triplets that she had always felt a little taken aback at, no matter how many times she saw them. they were laughing, they often were if they were not bickering, and the one she had identified as chris rolled his eyes at nick but it was paired with a fond and unavoidable glimmer.
"okay we're all here, excellent! i know you've all been awake late at night excited for this moment, that's right, it's time to assign partners. remember, absolutely no switching and i have a zero-tolerance policy for lack of teamwork. i want both of you working on the project and putting your all into this. the project as you may recall counts towards your final grade," mrs david rambled, an eager grin on her face that aluna could seem to understand for even a moment.
aluna didn't pay attention to her teacher again until she started assigning the partners and she stumbled across her name, "so miss sanchez and mr sturniolo, chris that is."
aluna pressed her eyes shut for a minimal second before she opened them, meeting chris' gaze across the classroom and trying her hardest to return the bright smile he offered her. then, her eyes dropped to the desk in front of her, shutting the world out until she heard the scraping of chairs and realised everyone was either sitting with their partners or making their way.
chris approached her with a smile, too large of a smile for her and she groaned internally before picking up her bag from the seat beside her and dropping it to the floor. he situated himself in the now vacant seat instantly and turned to her as he ran his dainty fingers through his mess of brown hair atop his head.
"aluna right?" he asked her easily and she nodded her head in response, not finding it within herself to verbally reply.
"so i think she said our focus was on DNA and RNA, shouldn't be that bad," he shrugged, ignoring her lack of enthusiasm without so much as a slight shift in his demeanour.
"mhm," aluna hummed softly, mentally cursing herself.
she wanted to respond like a normal fucking person, to engage in the conversation and appear as though she wasn't a complete and utter loser but she was already struggling. she genuinely didn't remember the last time she put effort into another person. she had always been closed off and speaking to others was just not her forte, if anything it was quite the opposite. normality for her was her own company, not having to make small talk with people when it was obvious they had very little to nothing in common.
"so would you like to work on the project at my place or yours? i don't mind either way but if it as my place, just know my brothers will probably be annoying as fuck," he laughed as he glanced at his brothers yet aluna didn't so much as laugh for the sake of courtesy.
even with her silence, chris' smile didn't seem to falter. if she was being completely honest, she didn't know how to feel about this joyous persona. it was too much happiness for her all at once and he wasn't even put off by the way she was giving him practically nothing.
she did however agree with one thing and felt the need to voice it, "your place works."
the very last thing she wanted was for someone to come to her house, school project or not. she had never had anyone come over, too afraid of what they may think of her based on what they see. it was easier this way, giving them nothing to work with so they were not disappointed or alarmed.
"can i get your number?" he pulled out his phone as though he didn't just ask what he did, as though it was normal and she raised her brows at him.
"what did you just say?" she questioned, a sudden sense of unease swarming through her at his words in a way she knew wasn't healthy but was too far gone to bother caring about.
he shook his head with a laugh, "your number, for the project, you know?"
oh. right. that made a lot more sense. she nodded her head and he handed her his phone so that she could enter the number. she saved it with her full name and he furrowed his brows a little.
"are you always this formal?" it was meant to be lighthearted but something inside of aluna snapped and she rolled her eyes at him.
"you asked for my number and i gave it," she deadpanned and he raised his hands in surrender, a curious look taking over that made her skin crawl.
she felt like she was being scrutinised and she hated it. she felt too involved in something and it had barely been a few minutes. she knew it sounded ridiculous but she just could not help it. she shot her eyes to the ground, picking at her nails to surpress her discomfort.
"you shouldn't do that," he placed his hand atop hers and moved it away from its prior spot, making her jump and remove her hand from his sharply.
"don't fucking touch me," she said with a glare without meaning to and he widened his eyes at the tone, making her sigh inaudibly.
"shit i'm sorry, i wasn't even thinking. i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable i-" he stopped himself from going on, looking to the floor to save himself from the awkwardness.
and here she went again, ruining something else. stopping illumination before it became too bright for her to maintain. she didn't apologise for her tone even though she wanted to, the apology sat on her tongue but it tasted bitter. it reminded her of the countless, meaningless apologies she had received in the past and it made her tongue almost burn strangely. here was this boy who was trying to make her feel normal and treat her like a friend but all she was doing was shutting him out. she was closing the curtains to the point even the smallest bit of light couldn't seep through the gaps.
she looked around the classroom, watching as others conversed with their partners easily, without the fear of things going wrong before they had even begun. she turned to chris, the boy scrolling through his phone with an unreadable expression across his face. she did that to him. and she didn't even have it in herself to fix it. she instead waited as the seconds on the clock ticked by and turned into minutes before the period was at last over and she didn't have that repeated pounding in her head.
"i'll text you my address, does tomorrow work for you?" chris' voice came out of nowhere and she had to mask the surprise she felt, replacing it with a small nod of her head before rushing out of the classroom.
stay in the dark, don't let the light in.
it was almost a mantra, her life moto now and she sighed at the thoughts circling her head. she walked to the next period with a heavy head and a discomforting sensation tingling through her nerves. she had no fucking clue how she was going to survive an entire project with him.
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
TAGLIST: @mattslolita @mattsleftnipple03 @sturniolololover @hearts4chris @sturniofilmd @luvsturns @that-general-simp !
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Hiii! I saw ur account is open to Twisted Wonderland requests and I do hope I can make one request!
Maybe a request for Mozus Trein with an S/O(ofc they’re the same age as him) that is shy and timid but was once an outgoing teenager when they were young and how the two bond now that they’re seeing each other again with both of them knowing that both of them obviously had a crush on one another since teens but separated due to familial circumstances(def didn’t inspire this by an oc of mine, hahahahahaaa-)
Thank you so much for the request!! and yeahh, many of my ideas are based of OC's- Since you didn't specify, I decided to write this as a short fic, since i've been wanting to write one for quite a while now, i hope that's okay!! (tbh I'm so used to writing headcanons, that if you really want to, you can also read this as headcanons) Hope you enjoy :) Also, i refuse to take Treins girl dad privilege's so i simply turned his marriage into an arranged one-
Trein and Childhood crush!Reader reconnecting after years apart
Characters: Mozus Trein
Format: Short Fic (972 words)
Warnings: None that i can think of
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Trein was rummaging through some old stuff, with his wife's death a few years ago, he decided to declutter, when he stumbled upon an old box. An old box, filled with memories of his time as a teenager. Many of them included pictures of the two of you, how could they not, when he used to spend most of his time wishing he could spend every waking moment with you. Trein has always been an orderly person, perhaps that's why he loved you, you and your outgoing personality, never shying away from anything. If he was completely honest, he still does, and there is nothing he regrets more, than not marrying you.
He still remembers the day like it was yesterday, when his parents told him he was to be married, to a woman he didn't even know, once they were both eighteen, how it broke his heart. Of course, it had to be the same day he planned to finally confess to you. So, when you met him at your favorite spot, instead of a carefully planned speech about his feeling, one he knows he would have messed up anyways at the sight of your smile, he blurted out that he's engaged. He had never felt more pain, than as he watched your heart break, seeing the pain in your eyes. He only wishes that you were able to see how it hurt him too. And the two of you coming from a generation before phones existed made it hard to stay connected, so, in the end you lost sight of each other. Oh, how he wished he could have rebelled against his parents, he still wishes he did, but he always followed the rules his parents set, believing they only wanted the best for him, so how was he supposed to just stop? He is truly happy with his life, there is nothing he loves more than his daughters, and yet to this day, you have never left his heart. To this day, it wishes it were you with who he lived this life.
And it seems that his wishes were heard for once, as the doorbell rings. He is confused at first, the person at the door seems familiar to him, he just can't quite pin point it, at least not until the familiar stranger speaks-
"Long time no see, Mozus"
No matter how much you've changed over the years, the way you speak his name as you smile at him is something that remained the same, something that he could never forget. He invited you inside, the shock of seeing you so long painted clearly on his face. The two of you sit down at the coffee table, as he hands you your drink. He has many questions, and he can only assume you do too. It doesn't take long before you two are talking as openly as you did when you were younger, reminiscing about the older days, discussing what each of you did during your time apart; he tells much about his lovely daughters, talking about each of them as if they're a piece of art, before asking what you did during your time away. He noticed rather quickly that you spoke much quieter than when you were young, holding yourself back during stories instead of making them as big as can be, where he wouldn't have gotten a word in when you were young, he was now leading the conversation. But he couldn't say that he minded, it was only normal to change with age, and he's afraid his aged body wouldn't be able to handle the adventures attitude you had as a child; the change is welcomed with open arms, just as you welcomed everything that changed about him. The conversation lasts well into the night, it is already dark out when the two of you finally become tired. Being the gentleman that he is, and always was, he invites you to stay the night, perhaps even a few more if you have travelled from afar to meet him. As he goes to sleep, he feels a warmth he hasn't felt in years.
It was an early morning, when the sound of meows awoke you. It seems it didn't take long for Lucius to warm up to you either, as the tuxedo cat lets you pet him, albeit only for a few minutes, before elegantly walking of to eat breakfast. Deciding to follow suit, you get dressed and make your way to the kitchen. When you arrive, Trein is already making breakfast, wishing you a good morning, before returning his attention to the eggs. He is already dressed to a tee, you can only imagine how early he woke up. You decide to help him, carrying the finished food to the table, as you started to properly wake up. "Didn't you say you work at a college? don't you have to go to work soon?" you ask as you both sit down at the table. "Luckily, you visited me during the holidays, I have three more weeks before i need to return to work." He responded, a smile on his face. Very quickly the two of you made plans for these weeks, to reconnect.
And reconnect you did. Your plans very quickly turned into dates, as the two of you realize that neither of you ever got over your feelings. You finally do all, or rather all the things that you can do at your age, that you wanted to do as teenagers. Eventually, you even meet his daughters, who luckily seem to like you. They know their parents marriage was arranged, and seeing their father happy with you, makes them happy.
It may have taken many, many years of longing, but it seems that, in the end, fate still had a happy ending in mind for the two of you.
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Very fun to write, very happy that i finally had the chance to try and write a proper fic!!
Feedback is welcomed, just be nice please :)
Hope you have a nice day/night!
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beelmons · 1 year
A/N: A little something i whipped out for the lovely @ssahotchnerr , i wish you can find comfort in this after a long day! A/N 2: this fic is not meant to tell any of y'all to actually quit your jobs BUT if that's your jam then yassss. and a lil aaron gif because he's that handsome.
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A fucking break. That's what you needed. One. Fucking. Break. And maybe, just maybe, you could survive the week. Your office had been chaos, problem after problem dropping on your shoulders, weight that shouldn't even be put on you was laid without care or purpose by careless employees trying to avoid the consequences of a work sloppily done.
You weren't sure when you turned into the firm's escapegoat, but everyday your coworkers found a way to make your endless patience actually reach a limit you believed unknown. Daily, your sole motivation to get through the day was getting home to your loving, attentive, and ridiculously attractive boyfriend. Hence why this week, with him stuck in a no-name-town in the middle of nowehere, mind you the cell service being non-existant, was proving particularly trying.
The frustration was building past a level you could handle, and yet you refused to allow the people who had caused it to see you break. You excused yourself and headed to the bathroom, hands shaking from a mixture of anger and desperation. You attempted to wash your face in order to calm down, and it helped to a point, but it wasn't going to fix it. There wasn't much that could fix it, honestly.
Your lunch break was coming to an end, and you couldn't spend it feeling sorry for yourself by the toilets, so you decided to head back and actually eat the food you'd brought. On your way out, you had just the fortune to run into the worst of the omens: your immediate superior. "Hey, you look sick." they said without care.
Just what you needed, sarcastic observations about your appearance. "Just stressed out. Lots to do." you replied without a particular tone.
"Go home and rest." they mentioned again.
You had to take a second to double check your ears. "Pardon?" you tried to seek for confirmation.
"Before I change my mind, gather your things, I will see you tomorrow." without even waiting for an answer, they were out of your sight. You weren't in a position to hesitate, so you headed back, gathered your belongings in a hurry, and bolted out of the building like a frog into a pond. You were going to figure out what God had taken pity on you later.
Without looking back, and certainly not minding the pile of files that someone else was going to begrudgingly have to finish, you made your way to the entrance doors. To be honest, you weren't big on fairytales, and rom-coms were just, well, fantasy. But there were a few good men out there, few that would do whatever they could to make your cheesiest dreams come true.
Aaron Hotchner was one of them, and the way he stood there, suit still on, your favorite flowers in his hand, reminded you princes did exist, and God was merciful enough to save the best one for you. You believed to be dreaming for a moment, but the way his smile shined reminded you no dream could ever be so beautiful.
Your attire didn't quite allowed you to sprint, but you directed yourself to him as fast as you could, your body practically swinging into his. His arms welcomed you oh with so much familiarity. He could make a hellish place feel like home with a mere hug.
"What are you doing here?" you asked while pulling back to look at his face, your hands refusing to leave the sides of his torso.
"Wrapped up the case early. I've missed you." he leaned down to press a gentle peck to your lips. He had noticed prying eyes from behind the glass doors before, and so, for your sake, he didn't want to make a scene.
"I missed you, too, baby, you have no idea how much." you melted in his arms to engulf the smell of his cologne. He had applied it fresh for you in the car, something you would notice later. However, a strange idea hit you in the middle of enjoying your boyfriend's presence. "Hold on. How did you know I was going to go out early?" you inquired, and he smiled mischeviously at the question.
"I wanted to take you to lunch, so I had a little talk with your boss and convinced them to let you free a bit earlier." he explained.
"Convinced?" there was disbelief in your questioning.
"Mhm." he hummed "Turns out people do whatever you want when you give them a hundred dollars." he let out a cocky chuckle.
"Aaron!" you hit his chest as you laughed. Whatever. The gossip that would run around the next day was a low price to pay to see his handsome face again.
He guided you gently to the car, and the entire ride to the restaurant was filled with domestic chat, things you needed to buy, funny things the pets had done, the ruckus the team had caused, the two new frown lines that had appeared on his forehead because of it. He surprised you by taking you to your favorite place, and he even went as far as to reserve a private area, where the two of you could be alone.
You ate accompanied by further small talk. From time to time, when the table got quiet, you would simply stare in awe at the delight that was him. You were lucky, oh, so lucky. So, then, what was the pressing rage that you seemed to hold within you whenever he smiled a little too bright?
"Hey," you broke the silence in one of moments "is there anything you envy me for?"
Your question was oddly formulated, and the intention behind it seemed a mystery to him. His eyebrows furrowed together, his chin slightly raised as his eyes scanned you over, your face, the shape of your shoulders, the fall of your chest.
"Okay, stop, get that profiler face off my sight" you said jokingly, and he chuckled along, a little embarrassed of having been so transparent.
"Then, care to elaborate?" he answered as his expression relaxed once again.
"I'm envious of you." you admitted "I can only wonder what it feels doing what you love, in a place that you love; to feel so driven to do what you are convinced is best for you"
"I thought you liked your job?" Aaron dropped his utensils by his plate, his attention turning to you.
"What I do, yeah, but that place. It just feels like little by little it's crushing parts of my soul I didn't know were there." you dropped your sight with melancoly.
"Then quit." his eyes fixed on you, his sight stern.
"What?" you raised your vision again with surprise.
"If you're unhappy, leave that place. I can handle the bills until you find somewhere you can truly feel comfortable working at." he reassured.
"And you won't be disappointed?" Bottom line was that your boyfriend was always so clear about what he wanted, what he did, and why he did it, that you couldn't help but feel like a failure from time to time for having so many doubts and struggles. You didn't want to let him down. He worked hard for you, for the family that you were aspiring to form.
"Sweetheart." his hand slipped forward, palm inviting yours to land into it, which you allowed. He gave you a light squeeze, and his eyes once again landed on yours "Leaving the comfort of a steady paycheck to embark on a journey to find happiness can be terrifying, and to do so, or even ponder so, requires great bravery. How could I be anything but proud?"
There he went again, making everything feel like a Drew Barrymore movie. You swallowed back a knot in your throat to prevent the tears from falling down, in return you squeezed the fingers that remained by yours.
"I love you infinitely, Aaron Hotchner, don't you ever forget that." was all you could let out.
He drew a gentle smile on his face, soft, adoring eyes admiring your expression from his seat. After a couple of seconds, he leaned back to be able to cut his food back up. "Your quick wit." Aaron said out of the blue, and you raised your eyebrows questioningly. "You have a wit and a capacity to create that I have yet to encounter in someone else. The ability to see beauty and joy in places no one would even think to look at. You bring laughter and fun to those around you, and you do it without expecting anything in return." he took a second to catch his breath "The vilest of horrors I see on the daily turn to a summer field when seen through your eyes. That's the only reason I can keep doing what I do."
You felt like he was giving you too much credit, but for once you let yourself drown in the adoration of his words. He made you feel safe, confident, powerful. Angels, princes, knights, who cared about any of them? When you have Aaron, you have it all.
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hiorisgf · 1 year
Hii !
can I request enemies to lovers with sae itoshi?
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↪Or in which, you become friends with the Sae Itoshi. Maybe even something more in the future
↪ft. Sae Itoshi
↪What's on your mind: It's the effort that counts. Right. Also also ooc Sae. But I digress, it is because the fic is in reader's viewpoint. And if you don't know him well you'd see him as a scumbag too. (def not me trying tonreason out his ooc behavior)
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Itoshi Sae was a insufferable bastard who only knows how to ruin a person's day and play football. A bastard who has nothing good to say—a sadist that enjoys seeing the hurt that dances on people's faces as he cruelly roasts them alive until they became charred. You'd know because you yourself experienced it first hand. You hate him, from the bottom of your heart, you truly do. And you're sure he feels the same way too. Atleast, you think he does.
But if so then why. Why is he offering you a juice box. What. Why. 
"Is that spiked?" 
You eyed the juice box with a scowl. Untrusting of whatever it is. Even if it was your favorite flavor of juice, if it came from him, you'd be sure to doubt it.
"No, are you really stupid enough to believe I'd poison you in the middle of a shooting? Even an idiot with an iq of 5 would know better than that"
You flinch at his words, taking the juice offered to you and then stabbed it with the straw using a very much unecessary strength. Why does he need to be so rude? 
"Well I'm sorry for being an idiot and thinking you weren't above actually doing that. It's not my fault you decided to exist just for the sake of spiting me and making my life miserable." You agressively sipped on your drink, glaring at him and his indifferent exterior. Would it kill him to show atleast something on that furstratingly pretty face of his? 
Well, not like you cared. You shook your head around, wanting to shake off any thoughts about him or remotely about him. You couldn't be bothered enough to think about him;especially if he always acted this bitchy towards you.
A undefined silence blanketed the atmosphere. Only the occasional sounds of the manager and their staff could be heard in the background. But even tht too, quieted down as time passed.
"Why do you hate me so much?"
You never turned your head so fast in your entire life. Infact, you were worried you'd get a whiplash with how fast you turned around.
What. Just, what. Is he seriously asking you that?? What is this fever dream. Scary. 
"Creepy. Why are you of all people asking me that?"
A deadpan is what you recieve from him. Along with, "Shut up and answer my question you pillock." 
You're about to retort when you catch sight of the seriousness in his glance. His expression didn't change much, but the mood sure did. You look away, thinking of the many reasons you hated him in the first place.
"Well, to start—do you remember our first meeting? You said I dressed ugly, that it didn't suit me at all"
You began, and Sae listens. "Then eversince then you kept hurling insults at me. Even calling me a simpleton and stuff.. It was really hurtful you know! I tried to cater to your tastes since we'd be working more from then on but everytime you only kept insulting me.. How do you think I'd feel after all that?!" 
By the times you finished your rant, you're out of breath. But your chest however, feels lighter now that you've let your negative feelings out.
Sae hums, as though in thought; and yet another undefined silemce overtakes the two of you.
"My bad" Sae speaks, cutting the silence with his word you refuse to believe he just spoke.
"Huh? Am I high?" was your only response. And Sae feels the same.
He doesn't know why he's doing this either. Why did the way you act earlier—when he hurled yet another insult at just right after the photoshoot bother him this much? Sae meant to push you away with those words. You were too nosy for his liking, so he tried to shut you out, similar to the ways he'd shut down the hundreds of reporters that would buzz around him like flies. But why did his heart clench when it shouldn't. Why is it that when it's you who acts that way he feels like he's just done something wrong. It bothers him. The way how you reacted kept replaying in his mind, practically begging him to make things right. And now, here he is.
"My bad," he says yet again. This time more heavily. Like it's a struggle to say those words
"What. Is this. Is this real? I'm not being delusional aren't I?" you gasp when you hear his words once more.
"Shut up buzz off. You're annoying" he says, but this time—you don't take him seriously
"Oh my gosh. You just did! Is the world ending? Did hell freeze over?!"
Sae plans to throw another insult your way—although much tame this time. But when you look so happy, he doesn't continue and leave you be. To be honest, it still confuses him. Why it's someone as insufferable as you his heart grew soft for, but oh well. Life is unpredictable like that.
"Itoshi, [Name]! Get back here! Break's over!" 
"Ah. Alright sir!" you replied, waving a hand over
Standing up from your seat, you stopped when you now stood beside Sae. "Itoshi, does that make us friends now?" you ask, and the sparkle in your eyes makes it hard to say no. 
"..Think whatever you like, you doormat"  he merely replies before heading back to the photoshoot
You pout as you promptly reply, "Oh come on! Friends don't call each other that, Itoshi!" you act offended, but the smile on your face tells him otherwise.
A grin is plastered on your face as you run to walk by his side. This time, livelier than earlier. Honestly, it's ridiculous. How easily you forgave him—it's comical even. But even so, you didn't care. You were just happy he made an effort than it usually being the other way round.
Maybe with this, you could take the first step in understanding him. 
Alright, you were fine with being his bestfriend but you didn't expect to become his lover in the very near future. Wow.
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silmawensgarden · 11 months
Stages of acceptance
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Maedhros x reader
Prompt: Hi! I loved your young Maedhros request/fic and I was wondering if I could request Maedhros x reader and they are reunited in Valinor after the destruction of the Ring and Sauron (e.g. reader had remained in Middle Earth and only left with Elrond once the ring was destroyed)? Thank you!
Requested by anonymous
A/n: I know it's taken long for me to get this one out. Though I tried my best to imagine a good scenario for this one so I hope you enjoy it! → It has some hurt/angst in it but its hurt with comfort. I hope the end is sweet enough to make up for it. ❤
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: angst/hallucinations/mentions of death
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The time has finally come for you to return to valinor. Three ages have passed and the fourth was about to begin. The reign of the elves has waned into nothing. You are standing at the front of the boat, greeted by the salty air of the sea. This is the last ship to depart from the grey havens. You feel a mixture of joy, anticipation and fear. Your stomach churning uncomfortably from the feelings.
Your arrival in Valinor means that you must face someone you haven't seen since the earliest age. He's bound to be there, watching by the shore like a hawk for a sign of your existence. You don't know if you even want to face him after all these years. His death was like a poorly aimed arrow to the heart; a supposedly fatal blow, but instead turned into a curse you had to live with for the rest of your life. The nightmares made his death seem like it happened yesterday. The hollow look in his eyes as he fell into the flaming inferno remained fresh in your memories. The nightmares have subsided to some degree these days, but occassionaly you would still need the help of Elrond to be grounded into reality. Those days are the worst, in those moments dream and reality fuse together into horrible hallucinations that take days to recover from.
It took some convincing from Elrond to get you aboard the ship. Your hesitance was peculiar to them because you hardly ever divulged any information about your past. From the time you spent fighting in the first two ages of the world to a good while before your impromptu arrival in Imladris. They only know that you are one of the elves who left valinor in the first age. Not exactly an ideal amount of trust you gave them, but at the time it felt like the safest option.
What else could you have done? Tell them you'd been the ever faithful companion to a kinslayer? It would've been a far too harsh pill to swallow for a first meeting. Occasionally your story would fray at the edges, it made you wonder if any of them ever noticed the minor discrepancies between each recollection of the tales you told them.
Now that you thought about it, you haven't been truthful with him either. The one person you felt like running to and from at the same time. Especially now..... the thought of facing him was excruciating. You hadn't bothered to write to him, let alone use osanwe....the spiritual link between your fëar had remained all these years. Yet you refused to participate in the ages long tug-of-war your souls had been playing. Was it better this way?
You felt a firm hand on your shoulder, drawing you out of your spiralling thoughts. "Y/n, what is the matter? You have been completely mentally unavailable during our journey."
It was Elrond. A deep frown etched into his face. You felt a bit guilty about all the silent stewing but you weren't so sure if you should come clean right this instant or not. You were willing to take the bait in the end, after all you'd be spending quite some time together in Valinor. Even more so, Elrond was a trusted friend and companion to you, one you didn't want to lose.
"Elrond....I believe it is time for me to have a lengthy conversation with you. I have not been 100% truthful with you these past years."
You turn around to look at him and see an expression of surprise with thinly veiled concern on his face. Elrond nods and the both of you sit down a little further away from the other elves for privacy. "What is it that you wish to tell me y/n?" He asks.
"I have not told you the full truth of my identity. I believe you are aware of the Fëanorians? Specifically Maedhros...."
After a good hour of talking it had become clear that you had been involved with Maedhros quite closely. In return Elrond had shared with you his own interactions that he and his brother had with the eldest Fëanorians. Fond memories, but also the hardships that came with the turbulent times they had to live through. Elrond was not happy with you keeping the information to yourself all these years, it upset him that you never gave him any insight on your horrible hallucinations. Because now he also knew the reason behind them, had he known sooner he could've helped you earlier and easier.
However despite your silence he was not angry at you. Most of the upset had come from a place of wanting what was best for you, not because he had felt cross about your involvement with Maedhros. In the end you and Elrond remained good friends if not even better friends now that he knew who you were.
It wasn’t long before it was announced that the shores of Aman were in sight. The news made you freeze up. You knew that you would now have to face Maedhros face to face. So you braced yourself for the conversation ahead of you.
The moment you stepped onto dry land your soul felt like it was being squeezed tight by something, a tight grip that told you it wouldn’t let go. Within seconds after you felt this feeling you caught a sliver of fiery red hair in the back of the crowd.
Anxiety pooled into your stomach as you felt yourself being pushed forward by the people behind you. It seemed like every sound around you had become dull, save for your own heartbeat. The fast paced thumping in your ears was the only thing you could hear. You saw Elrond speaking to you for a brief moment, but your mind did not register what he said. You set out towards the last spot you had seen the tiny speck of red hair. Partially hoping for the confrontation.  
When you arrived at the spot there was no-one to greet you. He had apparently already left. The thumping had alleviated some but you were still processing your surroundings as if through a blanket of thick fog. Everything felt slow and dull. Your feet dragged you over towards a pathway that was all too familiar. You followed the road towards a familiar place mindlessly. Your feet stopped short by a riverbank. There he sat on a rock, his copper hair now long and swaying in the wind.
“So you have found it in you to return home, y/n.” He spoke slowly. It was deeper than you remembered and a little bit raspy, as if he had been screaming the night before. You stepped closer to him, now standing right behind him.
“Let me then simply state what is on my mind, why have you never bothered to send me letters y/n? You even refused to use osanwe with me, despite our status…….” He said solemnly. It was clear he was unhappy with your lack of communication.
“Maedhros….. I was so caught up with the destruction of the one ring and finding a way to defeat Sauron that I haven’t paid anything else any thought…..and I was also deeply wounded by your death. I was unable to respond to anything properly since. Including your bids for connection.” You fumbled over your words here and there during your explanation, partially knowing that it was a rather weak excuse that he may not accept. After all he was known to carry on until he could no more.
“Was it worth it?” His words stung like a papercut. You knew by the tone of his voice that it was meant to sound cold and removed, but his true feelings shone through underneath the façade. Saltiness. Maedhros the tall was feeling salty.  You pondered for a moment on what to do, you still loved him dearly and didn’t want to give him up. So you made up your mind.
“Maitimo….I am sorry for my lack of heartfelt response in those times when you reached out to me. I was unable to move past my own issues to reciprocate what you had given me all those years before and I am ashamed of it. I hope that you are perhaps still willing to give this another chance….I would be most grateful, if you’ll have me…” A lone tear slipped from your eye. You felt cross with yourself for your cowardice, maybe even your horrible dreams could’ve been eased if you had leaned into him back then. Unfortunately many things we only realize once we have been pushed onto the end of the road.
Maedhros’ form stiffened up at your confession, slowly turning around to face you. His face was stoic. Forcing yourself to make eye contact with him you saw the slightest flash of a deep heartfelt emotion in his eyes. You were now so close to each other that you could feel his breath on your face. In a moment of madness induced confidence you threw your arms around him into a bone crushing hug, refusing to let go. The lone tear now turned into full fledged waterworks. You felt your body being slowly pulled closer to him, a soft kiss was pressed to your cheek. In that moment your fëar had finally reconnected after two ages of separation.
A relieved smile graced Maedhros’ face as he whispers close to your ear; “Welcome home, melda…”.
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mannatea · 11 months
Fanfiction writing and posting culture has shifted so much over the last 20 years. Every time I read anything on r/fanfiction, not only do I lose brain cells, but I feel like a huge, huge part of fanfiction culture has moved toward reading only completed works and avoiding engagement at all cost, but particularly until a work is finished. There was a post yesterday by someone celebrating the fact that a fic they had on alert updated because it had "been so long" since the last update: it was a wait of one and a half months.
That isn't that long for a writer with a spouse and/or children and/or a busy career and/or someone busting ass at school and/or a life outside and off the internet.
While a lot of comments did chastise this person for their perceived idea of a long wait for an update, there were also a few comments from readers proclaiming that this was why they never read incomplete works.
Heck, there were one or two (upvoted!) comments about how writers should simply pre-write everything if they wanted feedback.
Don't get me started on the posts by people that read hundreds of fics a week and yet never comment. "Gosh, I wish I there were more fics for xyz." As if there's not something they can do about that by simply commenting on the works that do exist to show the authors the content they made has an audience!
As a fanfic writer specifically, I find this weird attitude toward the creative work of other people more than a bit discouraging (and sometimes deeply uncomfortable). Fanfiction, like fanart, is a social experience. I create a thing and then others engage with it to encourage me to do more of the thing. I am not a machine and I do not exist for your entertainment or pleasure, but the way fandom leans these days would lead you to believe authors and artists exist for the purpose of consumption.
I am a whole person and doing this costs me my time. For a long story, many many hours of time.
I don't think it's asking too much for people who took the time to read a story (and in particular those who enjoy it) to engage with it.
This doesn't even touch the weird "I only read completed fics" mindset and how it feels to see that sentiment echoed as an author.
"Just write it all in advance before posting it then." Do you even know how long it takes to write a story—to write a longform fic with a plot to completion?
Break Open the Sky was 102,000 words long (and this is short compared to a lot of longfics, so keep that in mind). Even if you assume a writing speed of 1,000 words an hour (generous, because some difficult passages will be much slower to write), that is a whopping 102 hours. That doesn't include the time I had to spend to go back and re-read to continue the story. That doesn't include outlining. That doesn't include note-taking. That doesn't including mapping out locations and distance for travel. That doesn't include editing or formatting to post, either, which took hours per chapter.
I have to sacrifice something else to be able to write. No video games, no movies, no books, no television, no nap, no goofing off online.
Comments become a big motivation, especially on a WIP. It doesn't feel like a waste of time then, to get a little less sleep or take a little less time for yourself; it gives the writer something to look forward to: interaction and socialization with fellow fans. And I don't think the cost is that high for a reader compared to the hundreds of hours it might have cost me to be able to show it to them in the first place.
But nope, r/fanfiction is really out there complaining that fics don't update (even though they didn't bother to comment) and that longfics aren't finished before they start being posted (even though they still don't comment as the story is being posted) and then complaining that there aren't enough fics for [ship]/[trope] even though they are really out there refusing to engage in fandom in a meaningful way that might encourage authors whose work they enjoy to continue to create.
TL;DR: creation costs time.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Hey, I commented on your fic but I just wanted to let you know that lemonwrap on AO3 wrote a fic that was pretty similar to yours, like point by point. When I looked through their account, it looked like they'd written another fic almost exactly like another of yours... A little death, I think. I just wanted to make sure that you were aware of it
Sorry this took me a couple days to answer!
I am aware of it, yes. They came to me and asked me if they could and I said I was uncomfortable with it both for myself and because of the anon who asked for it.
They went and asked the anon, who apparently commented on the oneshot, if they could. When they said yes, they came back and asked me, again.
I once again said I would rather they not.
I saw the day they uploaded it, but I wasn't sure how I wanted to handle it, yet. I wasn't even sure if I could handle it.
I am incredibly upset by this, for reasons I will state below.
I have read (I believe it was your comments) on their fic, and you are correct.
My wife, Bunnie, has an entire shifterverse. Shifter content exists on a multitude of scales and I do not need anyone to ask me permission for use of shifter content. However, they came and asked me first, said it would be fine if I said no, and when I said no, they wrote it, anyway.
It is also the same exact concept. It is about a wolf shifter, Ghost, in a fighting ring that Soap rescues. They even use the same plot point of Ghost refusing to shift back. There is also a few lines that are, while not being completely verbatim, just rewords of my own lines.
And, if they had never asked for permission and just did it anyway, it wouldn't really be the same level of a big deal. Yes, it would have sucked, but I honestly would have just let it go because, at the end of the day, it's fanfiction. Inspiration is the whole point of fanfiction.
However, the fact that they came and asked me first, then when I said no, I wasn't comfortable, they didn't take it as a full stop and instead went and asked the anon and then asked me AGAIN and when I AGAIN said I was not comfortable with it, they ignored me, wrote, published it, and if I remember from their A/N correctly, they lied about where they got the idea from.
I might be fuzzy on that one, I will admit.
I don't know if their fic is similar enough to A Little Death to really be concerned about it. There are also plenty of fics that are similar in concept, enough, for me to be willing to take that at face value.
Bunnie has a saying that goes; Once is a Mistake, Twice is Coincidence, and Three Times is a Pattern. Since we're only on the second one, I'm going to take it as coincidence.
However, as such, this situation has left me with a deeply icky feeling, and I'm going to be taking a step back until I figure out if I want to keep doing request based writing.
(And, once again, this is not about them drawing inspiration from my writing. This is about them asking my permission, me stating I was uncomfortable, and them squashing that and doing it anyway. So do not try to twist it to be about the first issue when it is not.)
[This was ghost-written by @callsign-bunnie because she articulates better than I do.]
Aside: The only person I am upset with in this situation is lemonwrap. They are the one who pushed down my boundary. I am not upset at the anon who said it was okay, and I am not upset at any of the comments defending them.
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sapphicsmaximoff · 2 years
the heir - daenerys targaryen x oc
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Summary: when a descendant of the blackfyre name makes a deal with the true heir to the iron throne, she only wishes to kill the current king, not fall in love with a future queen
a/n: I have found a new hyperfixation, and this is a new asoiaf fic im writing on ao3
Pairing: daenerys targaryen x blackfyre oc
i ii iii
Daenerys never liked the life she came to live. She and Viserys were in exile. He spoke of taking back his rightful kingdom, and it was hard to hear him speak of her as nothing but a pawn. But one day, she felt a shift. It was when the Magister had introduced Viserys to a woman. Daenerys wasn't invited to listen to their conversation, but she was there, and she remembered her name.
Calla Blackfyre, second of her name.
She'd never seen Viserys so excited to hear the name. "She is one of us, Daenerys.." Daenerys didn't know much about the Blackfyres and their relation to the Targaryens except that they were said to have died decades ago.
"I know you seem skeptical of my origins, but my mother had me and my brother with Maelys Blackfyre before his death in the Stepstones."
"And who is your brother?"
"Daemon Blackfyre, fourth of his name. But he is no longer with us." Viserys nods, noting that yet again the male Blackfyre line ceases to exist.
"And why do you wish to fight for me, Calla?" Her eyes drift to Daenerys, who silently watches, and back to Viserys. "I wish to put Robert Baratheon's head on a spike." The man is so shocked by the answer that he smiles wildly, bursting out a laugh. He roughly pats her shoulder. "Great minds think alike. But I must inquire," Calla nods, watching his eyes drift to the sword.
He looks back up quickly and smiles wider. "Why do you hold such a grudge?"
"King Robert wishes to wipe us all out. I begged my mother as a child to let us have her name, but she refused. Despite my kinfolk, Daemon I, being a bastard, he believes we carry the spirit of the Dragon through our veins. My brother and I are bastards ourselves." Viserys hums.
"I know of a man with 100,000 men. An army that would crush the Baratheons and the Lannisters."
"Is that so?" Carra nods. "Khal Drogo, owes me."
"What will he bargain for?" The prince was desperate to make it back to King's Landing, and he will do anything to get there. No matter how desperate the way may be. Carra's eyes drift to Daenerys once more. "A wife." Viserys follows her gaze and looks back at Carra.
"Can I trust you?"
Not much more needed to be said when her leather-gloved hand shook his. Daenerys didn't appreciate being sold off in front of her, but it would take quite some time for this marriage to be arranged.
In the coming moons, Daenerys watched Carra. At night she'd look at the Narrow Sea, or simply sit anywhere and stare at the setting sun. One night, she became curious and went outside after her. "What is so compelling about the sunset that you wish to see it every night?" Carra didn't jump at the princess's soft tone, but smiled lightly and turns to look at her.
"When I was young, I lived in Winterfell. It's where my mother was born. She was visiting my grandmother when she met my father. Up until my 15th name day, I'd never seen the sun. It was either gloomy and wet, or snowy and wet." Daenerys chuckles, walking over. Carra scoots over so she can sit on the bench.
"I watch the sunset now because it brings me peace. Before I was told my birthright, I was a blacksmith in my younger years. That sounds insane, right? Six-year-old forges weapons fit for the Stark boys." She scoffs, looking back out to the sea. "Starks. If I were born Carra Tiren as I wished, my life would've been so simple."
"You don't know that."
"Oh, I do." She looks back over at her. "But you will never know. You are a Targaryen."
"And yet, you wield our weapon. Doesn't that make you a Targaryen, too? By default." She smiles, and Carra smiles back. "Blackfyre was wielded by Aegon the Conqueror and has been passed down for 200 years. It was hidden until my brother died at the hands of the King himself." The girl's hand drifts to Carra's knee.
"I'm sorry." Carra covers her hand with her own. "Don't be." She retracts it and leans back. "That oaf is paranoid. So convinced that even the bastard kin of a bastard would ever wish to rule."
"But I heard it was your birthright." Carra chuckles, nodding. "The Blackfyre Pretenders. Jaehaerys made sure that never continued." She sighs. "But enough politics. You asked me about my interest in the sunset?" She receives a nod in response.
"Well, when we moved to King's Landing, Daemon would climb onto the highest of buildings and watch it. We were there for my uncle, and there was nothing for us in Winterfell. We'd sneak into the brothels as we became grown."
"Brothels?" Daenerys smirks.
"We only watched. Daemon found a strange interest in larger women with humongous breasts." The girl beside her laughs. "My Gods, they were, just-" She chuckles, and the girl watches as Carra gains her mental image. "You'd be amazed."
"Would I?"
"Yeah." She pauses, a thought on her tongue. "God, I was knighted under my mother's name. Ser Carra Tiren."
"I thought you didn't use her name."
"We did, for a while. It was because of where we were. As I said, the oaf is quite paranoid. We were exposed as Maelys' children. My brother was no fighter, simply a butcher, and my mother helped my uncle with his tavern. They were executed, and I watched in disguise. "Anyone with the blood of a Targaryen, whether thick or thin, will die before me." He said. Takes the throne, and kills the ones who have the right to be on it. Spoken like a true king, a true usurper." The girl silently watches as Carra's eyes fall to the ground.
"Your family did not deserve to be executed, and it is not your fault." Carra clenches her jaw.
"He thought we would challenge. How? My brother was not fit to be king. He was no warrior—a skinny boy with bad eyes, and frail hands. I was taller and stronger, he was nothing but a sweet man. How could he look at him and think he'd even want to be on a throne? It should've been me."
"I-When this is all over, and Viserys drives a sword through Robert's heart, I will live on a beach. Daemon wished to live on a beach."
"Maybe I could come with you." Carra scoffs playfully, and she looks at Daenerys. "You? The delicate flower? You'd leave your brother to be on your own?" The girl wanted to be offended, but Carra's smile was making it hard to.
"Yes! I am my person." Carra nods with a smirk. "Yeah, sure. But, I must warn you, princess, I am boring." Daenerys scoffs. "After all you've just told me, you think yourself boring spilling out your life story?" Carra shrugs.
"My brother had fun. He was handsome enough, so the young girls would fawn over him. He had friends and went to parties in the woods. I sat at home, and read. No boys liked me, although that never mattered much to me. Aside from my knighthood, I was pretty quiet, I had one friend."
"Well, tell me about them." Carra chuckles. "Her name was Alise. She was so smart, so cunning. We met when I first moved to King's Landing. I was ten, Daemon was twelve. One day a lord came and asked for me and my boss, Geron, to forge a sword fit for a warrior. For a fortnight we worked. He paid extra, and on breaks, while he spoke to Geron, Alise, and I played. We were friends until my family's execution. We saw each other one last time before I fled."
Although Carra didn't believe Daenerys to be completely idiotic, she just didn't want the princess to know of her dalliances. "I hear she is married to some pig in Casterly Rock." She turns toward Daenerys fully. "Why did you come out here? You should be asleep."
The blonde stares into Carra's brown eyes. "I don't know. I was curious as to why you spend your nights out here."
"Well, I'm glad. I've never told a stranger my life story." The girl smiles, holding Carra's hand in hers. "You are no longer a stranger, Carra. You are a friend."
"I don't have many of those."
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welcometololaland · 1 year
All Austin Everything???
I didn't see it yet and I'm really curious about how they would be connected ^^
This ask is from...February 19th. I'm so sorry. I have no excuses. Literally my inbox is a mess of stuff from ages ago that I never got around to answering and I apologise profusely for my crimes.
I think this was an ask about the RWRB/LS crossover that has been LANGUISHING in my Google Docs for months now. Actually, a lot of fics have been languishing at the expense of ALTA which fights me and my sanity constantly. Every second day someone has to convince me not to set fire to it. But anyway, that is not the point.
I have thoughts about 911 Lone Star and RWRB and none of them are coherent but let me set them out for you:
I think a lot of people take a look at the characters in RWRB and Lone Star and think: Alex Claremont Diaz is to TK Strand what Henry FMCW (sorry Henry i'm not typing your full name) is to Carlos Reyes. Certainly, I see similarities there. Alex and TK both have personalities that are a little chaos demon (and are children of divorced parents), whereas Henry and Carlos are more cautious, considered and have a love of their life that is also somewhat the bane of their existence.
So this fic was always intended to be a bit of a fun character study more than anything. I can kind of see Carlos getting a little like ??? over a real life prince and I can see TK and Alex running off into the sunset and doing something unhinged like bringing home several lizards for their beloveds (on second thoughts, maybe not Alex - he was scared of those turkeys). ANYWAY.
The real point of the character study was to actually look at the alternative interactions, because I think if we scratch the surface a little deeper, more similarities appear.
Alex and Carlos have obvious similarities - in that they're both Mexican-American, born and raised in Austin and can cook. But they're similar in other ways too. They're both a little perfectionistic, overachieving types with a fear of failure. They're also both a little anxious and can bury themselves in a task to prevent confronting their emotions.
Henry and TK...oh my god. Do NOT get me started. Let's go with the obvious first: they were both very close with a parent that died young. They've both suffered from poor mental health and either experienced or been very close to someone experiencing difficulties with substances. They both historically believed themselves to be undeserving of the love that someone else was trying to give them and have both run away from expressions of that love when things got too real. They both (at some point) felt trapped in an identity that felt pre-determined (I see this for TK as his career as a firefighter given that his father is one and he had serious questions about it in s 1 and then obviously changed in s 2).
ANYWAY I think I had better points once upon a time and it's very late and I'm sleepy so sorry this is the best you're getting out of me tonight.
One day this fic will get finished, but in the meantime let's all just pray that ALTA writes itself and I am freed to stop stressing about a 110k piece of writing that just refuses to co-operate.
Thanks for the ask!
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silverloreley · 1 year
What are your headcanons on Hadie from Descendants
This is going to be a bit long because I have lots of ideas! Three versions of him, to be precise, I can't really choose which one I prefer from a narrative standpoint so I'll expose all of them.
The only thing they have in common, aside from the canon bits (Hades' son, part of the Anti-heroes club, quite laid back, and not particularly evil-inclined to begin with) and the name (Zagreus Hadeides, that's the one and the only name I have for him) is that he's not Persephone's son. No, really, I fully believe you have to forget most notions of Greek Myths when it comes to Disney. As a (former) classicist, I'd go insane if I didn't. Hades is simply too different from his myth counterpart to be the same deity and Hercules' story is too so different that it's just not the thing I grew up with and studied for years. So, forget the myths. Persephone, if she exists in the Disneyverse, still lives with her mom and was never the Queen of the Underworld (that doesn't mean she couldn't become so after D3, perhaps of her own volition. That's another story, though)
So, Hadie, nickname of Zagreus Hadeides, either is:
Mal's younger half-brother, born from a random fling Hades had with a woman who decided she wouldn't keep the baby and left it to Hades to raise.
Mal's younger brother, by just a year. When Hades left Maleficent, he took his son with him. Maleficent had no use for a son anyway.
Mal's twin brother. In this case, when Hades left, he and Maleficent agreed to keep a child each, based on which one they could raise with the least suspicion of who the other parent could be. It's pretty much canon that Mal looks enough like her mother when she was young that Maleficent called dibs.
That means, in any case, Hadie has no idea who his mother is, just like Mal had none about her father (canon, according to the first book. D3 can disappear in a vacuum with its plot holes, we never knew how Mal found out, but oh, one day I'll write a fic that explains it, just wait).
Other things about Hadie (I'm putting a read more because it got rather long indeed):
He's a demigod and that, even on the Isle, came with a few benefits. Biologically, he's stronger, healthier, and, in general, he needs less than humans do to survive. This led him to be a little more careless but also less bitter about the life he has to live as an Isle kid. Sure, he knows he should have better, he's the only heir to the Underworld (as far as he knows) and a demigod, and the living conditions on the Isle are pitiful, and yet he's not one to give in to resentment. Yes, it's a big surprise given his parentage. Hades can't decide if it's endearing or a sign of naivety, but he'd never think badly of his son for being a bit optimistic.
Also, Hades was dead set on being a better father than his own at least for one of his kids (not that it's hard, I mean, Cronus! *gestures vaguely at the myth books all around my room*) so he did all he could to give Hadie a semblance of a good life. Their house is more of a man-cave mixed up with a rockstar's room, but they like it as it is. He also taught him lots of tricks, other than their birth language and other stuff. In fact, Hades had the feeling one day or another they'll get out of the Isle and he'd subtly started teaching Hadie everything about the Underworld and its administration in hopes, should Zeus refuse to reinstate Hades himself, that Hadie could take his rightful place as the King of the Dead.
Despite so, Hades tried to be a distant father, to make everyone think he doesn't care about Hadie (and Mal) so no one could hurt them to get to him. Hadie figured that out on his own and doesn't resent him, although he wishes things were different.
Hadie has no idea Mal is his sister, of course, but the two of them always had a kinship of sorts. She never treated him bad, not even by accident, and he implicitly trusted her. Neither of them realized that until later on, once they'll find out their tie.
He's a little small for his age yet much stronger and resistant. This is due to the fact he's a demigod, hence his growth is different from that of humans (pretty much like Hercules).
If he focuses a lot, he can light fires on his fingers. Not on his hair which, colour aside, is normal and wouldn't turn into fire like his dad's.
Due to the fact he wasn't raised to fear his father, nor he was mistreated, he's pretty well-adjusted. At least, as much as he could be, between being an Isle kid and not knowing who his mother is, that is. Yeah, he has abandonment and mommy issues, who am I trying to kid? But he handles them well enough, all things considered.
He has unpredictable anger fits. No, he can't tell what triggers him, but he can reign himself in quickly enough not to go overboard. So far, he never killed or permanently injured anyone, at least.
He likes rock and metal music (no big surprise) and is part of Diego de Vil's Bad Apples, he's the drummer but can also play bass.
He grew up thinking he'd love dogs, if he ever met one (as there are none on the Isle). Once in Auradon, he figures that yes, he likes dogs, but much prefers owls and horses. This makes him bond with his uncle Poseidon and cousin Athena a tad easier. (Kerberos prefers Mal anyway)
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