#i remember it for them when everyone else tells them to forgive and forget
mcflymemes · 1 month
AS SAID BY JASON TODD/ROBIN/RED HOOD *  assorted dialogue from multiple dc universe sources, adjust as necessary
i did it once for dramatic effect and it just got to be a habit.
you can't tell, but i'm dozing off under this mask.
a whole night in paris... and i managed to not kill anyone. not bad.
you made the same mistake everyone does when it comes to me.
i want to warn them... but i know i can't.
don't know, don't care. i got my hands full.
do you remember the last time we were together?
looks like you guys could use a hand!
i'm looking for someone.
i'm afraid it's about to get much worse.
the angry, reckless vigilante bit is my thing.
i'm not good or bad. i'm just practical as hell.
you and i are more alike than you realize.
i get it. starting over is scary as hell.
i don't even need to turn around to know that's you.
thanks for thinking of me. i'm happy to help. honored, even.
i generally have several madness-inducing hallucinations before breakfast.
nothing in the real world can be as frightening as what we can imagine... right?
you don't think i understand what it's like to be abandoned? forgotten?
i'll be damed if my best friend is going to die... because he was dumb enough to trust me.
i'm sorry. i'm never going to be the hero you want me to be.
next time i see you, i'm going to kick your butt for this dying crap.
you have ten seconds to walk way. nine... oh, screw it.
there are better ways to spend your energy.
that looks like it's gotta hurt. well, i say that like i'm speculating or something. i know it hurts.
we chose to be a family.
if there's hope for us... there's hope for everyone.
you still haven't figured it out?
life's just a game... and this time, you lose.
i seem to have made myself an enemy of all the bad guys.
it's too late. you had your chance.
i'm just getting started.
hard to forget that night, huh?
in a way, this was the site of your first great failure.
ah... memories.
you can't stop crime. that's what you never understood.
you want to rule them by fear, but what do you do to those who aren't afraid?
i'm doing what you won't.
i'm taking them out.
now tell me... how does it feel?
is that what you think this is about?
i don't know what clouds your judgement worse. your guilt or your antiquated sense of morality.
i forgive you for not saving me.
he took me away from you.
i am no one's son.
what do you think this was all about?
welcome to planet earth, baby.
fear isn't the answer.
you son of a bitch.
we were friends, helping each other pick up the pieces of our lives.
it might not be a popular thought, but not everyone wants to be alive.
can you hear it?
funny, i actually escaped death.
the past keeps dragging me back.
they're not monsters. they're victims of programming, abuse, and trauma.
they can change.
fact is, they're just like us.
we became something else.
you hurt a lot of people.
we don't discriminate here.
sometimes you don't know what you want 'til you learn what you don't.
trust? you? i'll give it a try. but i'll tell you right now, i'm probably going to screw it up.
guys like us? the life we lead? we're never truly alone.
i have no idea who you people are.
you pompous ass.
before i kill you, i want the truth.
i'd like to think i'm an open-minded guy.
sure it was fun. but does that mean it was right?
sometimes i wonder if i'm just part of the problem.
i'm not doing one more damn mission with them unless you get me someone i can trust to watch my back.
knew you couldn't do it.
it's official. class is in session.
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luveline · 1 year
hurt/comfort for hotch
maybe he’s been having a hard couple of days at work and says something rude to reader, that he doesn’t mean, he’s just frustrated. then they talk it outttt<3
ty for requesting ♡ fem!reader, 1k
"Did you get wholemeal bread for Jack's lunch?" Aaron asks.
You wince where you're sitting at the table, closing the book you're reading over your fingers. "No. I knew I forgot something, I just couldn't remember what," you lament. You'll have to get some before the grocery store closes at nine. 
You check your watch, a little silver thing that cost too much of Aaron's money, and you're so focused on telling time you almost miss his biting remark. 
"It's fine," he says bitterly. "I'll get it in the morning. I shouldn't have asked you." 
Your first instinct is to react in a similar fashion. "Ah, but you ask so little of me." 
He flinches at your tone. You hate to see it, and regret what you've said immediately, but it's not as if he were being particularly kind himself. A weird, stringy silence pulls between you, a tightrope waiting to buckle. The first to walk will be the first to fall; with the mood he's in, he'll bite. Tonight, you're miffed enough to bite back. 
Pissed, you stand up, grabbing your coat where it's draped across the table. 
Aaron holds out a hand. "Wait a second." 
"I don't want a fight," you say honestly. "It doesn't matter. I'll go get bread and we can forget about it." 
"I don't want to forget about it. I'm not being fair." 
You let your arms hang, coat in a ball against your thighs. "Aaron…" 
"It wasn't fair. Sorry." 
It obviously wasn't fair. Everyone forgets things no matter how hard they try, but you recognise that Aaron just got back from a week away. He's stressed, exhausted, and things need to feel normal for him. He asked you for something and you let him down. 
"It's a loaf of bread, Aaron," you murmur, defeated. "I didn't mean to forget." 
"I know." He rubs his brows, melting the last of your defences as he hangs his head. 
To love someone, you have to give in. There are times where you feel hurt and you have to forgive him before you're strictly ready to do so, because he's his own worst enemy in times like this. Though it's harder now, because you're not used to his derision. Disapproval, silent annoyance, sure. 
You put your coat down. 
"Since when are you sarcastic?" you ask gently, stepping into his space. You tilt your head a touch to the side, braceleting the crook of his elbow in a loving hand.
His eyes crease at the corners, short wrinkles stark, shadows beneath them. "I haven't been sleeping well, away from you both," he says. 
You trace the surface of his rough cheek with your eyes before bringing a tentative hand to it, thumb catching against stubble as you smooth it toward his ear. He doesn't smell like anything he usually carries, no aftershave or cologne nor laundry detergent, and the shirt he wears isn't sharply collared. It's safe to say he hadn't planned to be away that long, and even though he's home, he's not home yet in his head. You don't know how else to prove it, stroking his face, cheek in your palm, your other hand climbing his arm to rest over the hill of his pec. His heart capers under your touch. 
"I didn't mean it," he says. 
"I know," you say. Aaron often makes you feel small in the best way, his height, his naturally protective instincts, he stands by your side and you trust him to take care of you. You don't have to look out for yourself when he's in arm's reach. You aren't tall, aren't half as imposing, but you can try to offer him the same comfort. 
"You just need to relax. I get that it's not as easy to leave your work at the door as you want, but you… it's hard for me too. I need your help," you say. 
He closes his eyes. 
"Sorry," you say softly. "For forgetting. And for being sore about it. You don't put too much on me." 
"No, I do. You're right, I ask for a lot." 
"I have a lot to give, Hotchner," you murmur. 
He nods and you really do forgive him, then. You know he's only tired. You don't have to take it personally. 
"Would you hug me?" you ask.
Take care of him by letting him take care of you; he's visibly and heartbreakingly relieved to be asked, wrapping his arms around you. You love the way he hugs no matter how he's feeling, like you're something that needs a gentle hand. 
"Don't hug me too long, Paula's closes in twenty minutes." 
His fingers spread over the small of your back. "It doesn't even matter. Jack asked me for wholemeal bread and turkey and I wanted to get something right for once." 
"With mustard?" you ask. 
"He's a weird kid sometimes," Aaron says. He gets a bit of pep back, giving you a sway from one side to the other. "I'll get the bread in the morning, and I won't act like an ungrateful idiot when I do." 
"I don't think ungrateful is the right word." 
"But idiot's fine?" Aaron asks, his laugh warming your cheek. He kisses it twice in succession, hands roving up, and up, before lifting his head to tuck you neatly beneath his chin. "It's right." 
"What do you want me to say?" you ask coyly. 
"Alright," he says with a laugh, his chuckle vibrating in your arms where you've curled them behind his neck. 
"You're not an idiot–" 
"No, because now I know you don't mean it," he says. Finally, some light in his tone, that playful drawl that demarcates Hotchner-style flirtation. 
"You're not!" you say, leaning back enough to kiss the dip under his jaw. "You're just moody," you mumble into his skin. 
"And you're too good to me." 
"No, I'm not," you say. "You're better than you think." 
He pats your back gently. "You're biassed, honey."
You're super biassed. "Nope. Totally impartial." 
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bellabrady · 6 months
Why many people dislike Tommy Kinard
Listen, I don't like to try and dictate what characters others can like. However, I do find it concerning how quick so many people are to forgive a bigot who didn't even get a proper redemption. So, especially for those who simply don't really remember Tommy, here's a quick recap of him:
Let's start with Chimney Begins. Tommy is one of the firefighters at the 118 when Chimney becomes part of the team. The first thing Tommy says when Chim arrives is 'Hey Eli, did you forget to tip the delivery guy?' On its own, this isn't really bad, because it could very much just be a harmless joke. But in combination with Tommy's behavior throughout the rest of the episode, one could argue the comment has racist undertones. But this one's up to interpretation so let's move on.
Although not explicitly stated, it's very obvious the 118 captain is racist which is reflected in the way he treats him: he only lets him do annoying chores, is a jerk towards him, actively isolates him, and so on.
The rest of the team, including Tommy, does nothing to try and change this. In fact, they actively take part in isolating him too, for example by letting him sit by himself at a tiny table instead of the group table while they eat. Even when Chimney attempts to talk to them, everyone but Eli (the paramedic who ends up training Chim) blatantly ignores him.
One time, Chim and Tommy are alone in the locker room and Chim says: "Hey man, let's build a bridge here." Tommy doesn't even react. Chim keeps making suggestions of things they could talk about, like movies or sports, to which Tommy still doesn't react except by rolling his eyes. Chim then asks: "You just really don't like me much, do you?" and Tommy responds: "If I thought about you at all, honestly, I probably wouldn't."
Mind you, he doesn't even know Chimney and yet he's pretty sure he wouldn't like him. What exactly is he basing that on? Race, perhaps? (Tommy is very close to some other guys on the team by the way.)
Eli tells Chim that the treatment isn't personal and that the reason everyone is so distant is because in this job, friends die and that the team isn't just gonna give Chim their friendship until they earn his respect. "You don't name a puppy until you know it's gonna pull through."
In my opinion this is absolute bullshit though. You cannot tell me every single probie at the 118 has been treated this way for weeks (maybe months? I don't remember exactly). Also, keeping someone at a distance doesn't mean you have to treat them like literal dirt. It's also worth mentioning that once the captain, Tommy and his best friend leave the 118, no probie seems to ever be treated this way again. So if it's about the nature of the job, why wasn't it like this for everyone? So, despite what Eli said, I think Chim's treatment was definitely caused by racism.
Eventually, Chimney is finally allowed out on calls and risks his life to save Tommy's, which basically makes Tommy go: "Oh hey! Maybe I could treat this guy like a human being?" He thanks him for saving his life and from this point on they're friends. I don't know about you guys, but personally I think someone who doesn't see it fit to treat you like a person until you save their life doesn't seem like a very great guy.
Let's move on to Hen Begins. The 118 is still under the same captain, who is also a misogynist. Unlike the racism, this isn't only implied but confirmed.
I've seen people argue that Tommy can't be blamed for not standing up to his captain because that's his boss. And yet, when the captain says "This is our new diversity hire" about Hen, Chimney says, "You know, Cap, there's another way to say that," which immediately proves that Tommy could stand up to him as well, and simply doesn't have the guts.
They treat Hen similarly to the way they treated Chim. Tommy, along with everyone else but Chim, for example throws some gear on the ground before Hen's feet so she takes care of it, not saying so much as a single word to her in the process.
Chim tries to make conversation with Hen and says "I would've bet money that you were from the east coast, you just kinda have that vibe." Hen laughs and says "Thank you for the compliment?" to which Tommy replies: "New York bitchiness is a compliment?"
He doesn't even know Hen and she's done nothing that could be seen as 'bitchy.' Just some good ol' fashioned misogyny. Chim also recognizes that comment for what it is immediately because he goes "woah, woah, nobody said anything like that, come on." Tommy only huffs in annoyance as a response.
The captain then goes on a rant about how training female firefighters is a waste of money and Chim once again stands up for Hen, unlike everybody else, including Tommy, who just lets the misogyny stand.
It isn't until Hen rescues someone on a call that Tommy and his friend admit they wouldn't have found in time, that they finally treat her like a person. You'd think they'd have learned from Chimney that maybe people shouldn't need to prove themselves to you in order for you to treat them like a human being, but apparently not.
Ultimately, the team submits complaints against the captain and supports Hen but if you ask me, this should've happened a lot sooner and not only after they deemed her worthy.
And that's pretty much all we see of Tommy, except for some short scenes in Bobby Begins Again in which he just interacts with his team until he leaves for a different station at the end of the episode. There's no redemption, no proper apology and, if you ask me, considering the fact that he treated Hen the same as Chim, there's also no development.
And yet there are people who will defend this man with their lives as if 90% of his screentime wasn't him being a bigot or at best a coward without the guts to stand up to his bigoted captain.
So yes, personally I think liking Tommy Kinard is weird.
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beom-s-author · 4 months
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🎀txt reactions-when they forget your birthday🎀
warnings: f-word, crying, loud voices,fluff,comforting
×Choi Soobin+
you were so tired with all works. The files you should set down, The essays you should read and write your thoughts and a lot of surveys you should handle with..You were almostly forgetting your birthday because you were busy also no one celebrated it. You were new in this country which you moved for your work and met with your bf Soobin. He was the sweetest. While driving to your house, You were thinking how will he surprise you. You know that he is busy with his own schedules but sometimes he can forget all of them for you and you think It should be one of the day he should celebrate and not forget. But it didn't work. When you went to home, Your house was cold and alone. You gulped and looked around. Your hope is still here and you were thinking that Soobin will come from the corner with birthday cake in his hands and he will smile at you with his biggest one. But he wasn't in the house. You searched all rooms but there is no evidence from him. You sighs and sits on your couch which is stained because of your cat's liquid food. You were looking at your hands and playing with your fingers. You heard a knock on the door and got up immediately. You opened the door and saw Soobin. He seems tired with his big hoodie and loose pants. You smiled at him. "You seem so tired,hun." You hugges his neck and he smiled. "Yes,I am. I came here,maybe we can cuddle or relax. I just want to be with you." Soobin stroked your hair and hugged you back. You sighed. He seems like forget your birthday. You and him sat on your couch and he holds your hands. You were looking at him with doe eyes and hoping that he will remember it.He looks at you back. "You seem like you want something, do you need anything?" He asked. You look at him and ask. "Did you forget?" He seems kinda curious about what did he forget. "What did I forget?" He asked. He started to think about the saten and he looks at you back. "Your birthday,right?" He asked. You nodded softly and crossed your arms and looked at him. He seems kinda sad to forget it. He looks at you and replies. "Sorry,sorry. Will you forgive me? We can plan the rest of the night. I will go and get some snacks and I will make us a blanket couch. Wait here!" He replied while getting up to grab his wallet and coat. You laughed at him and holded his hands. "It is fine. No one celebrated it anyway so Why don't we just lay down?" You asked. He sighs and nods. He holds your hands and pulls you in a hug. "I couldn't forget it..I was just too busy, please forgive me?" He replied. You nodded and kissed his cheek. He blushes slightly and holds you tightly.
×Choi Yeonjun+
You were out with your friends for celebrate your birthday. Everyone was so curious about your mysterious bf. You can't tell them that he is Yeonjun which is a TXT member and someone who doesn't have individual lifestyle. You just hide it from them. They were asking you about his surprise. You blushed slightly and couldn't say anything. He did nothing..Really nothing. Your day started really normal. He texted you as good morning and you called each other just for fun. You waited him to just happy birthday and nothing else. But he didn't. You waited his text in his work time but he didn't. You waited again and again, until you wore your clothes to go with your friends. They were telling and asking you about him. You were just telling them he is busy. You spend your night with them. Laughing at them wtih their jokes. You went to home back. Yeonjun was sitting in their shared flat. He waved at you. "Welcome honey. How was your day?" He asked to you. You sighs. "Fine,I guess." Yeonjun find out that you are sad. "What's wrong bub?" As he asked, you came near of him. "I know, you are busy but..Did you really forget my birthday?" As you asked, his eyes got widen. He gulped. "So so so so sorry..I knew it but It just went away from my mind..Sorry." he pecks your cheeks and kisses you deeply. You forgot the topic already :)
×Choi Beomgyu×
It was night. You were staying in the hospital for the night shift. You were tired as hell because the patients and their families weird needs. You were running around the floors and grabbing necessary things for the doctors. You were running blood tests and injections. You were trying to eat something without making anyone call or disturb you in the injection room until a little boy knocked your door. His parents came near of you that he has an injection. You sighs and puts your sandwich down. As you injected, he started crying. You picked him up softly. Your forgot your anger suddenly and the little boy cradled to your lap. His parents take him and they go..You started reminding him all night and went home. It was the morning when you wake up with the door sound. As you got up and reached the door, It was Beomgyu with boxes. You remind that it is your birthday and you smiled. You thought he buy you a present. As he saw you, He hugged you tightly. You kissed his cheeks and hugged back. "What is it?" You asked to him. He opens the box and it was trainers for himself. "Yeonjun hyung bought me these. Aren't they cute?" As he asked, you nodded. You sighed and sat back on the chair. You yawned softly. Your cat was purring around the room. Beomgyu pets it and he looked at you. He suddenly looked at the calendar and saw the pinning. His eyes got widen and he turned you. "I am so, freaking sorry honey. How dare I to forget it..I am a mess..Let's have a quick breakfast and I will take you to the restuorant in the night. We will visit the mall too. I will buy supplements you want for your hair too but just forgive your babe." He pouts. You chuckled and hugged him. How can you be angry towards him?
×Kang Taehyun×
It was the weekend which is going to be spented with Taehyun at the house. You planned everything, You washed your hair, wore makeup and chose a dress for the night even. But it ended up in a bad way. You and him were in the house. Taehyun was stressed about the works and he was trying to be calm. You were waiting for him to be calmer. He takes a deep breath and hugs you. You waited him to tell you something at least a happy birthday sentences. He didn't. You waited him all day and you just slept on the couch, watched an animation movie which ended up in a fooly way. You sighed when he crossed the line. He left you in your dorm , alone in your birthday. He just told you that he needs to be alone. You sighed and nodded. After an hour later, he ended up in your dorm again. He has a cake and a gift in his hands. He smiled at you and lifted you in his arms. " sorry about that. It just slipped from my mind but now we have enought time to celebrate." He kissed you deeply and made you forget about his angey side. You spent your night with him cuddling, whispering sweet songs and drinking Orange juice from the glasses which is has some doodles on it. He hugged you tightly and kissed you again in your livingroom while eating strawberries and holding his gift in your arms. A cat :)
×Kai Kamal Huening×
It was your first night in txt's dorm. The other guys are aware of your birthday and they were waiting for Hueningkai's surprise for you. They were expecting him to turn off the lights, brang a cake which is in penguen shape and a plushie as a gift for your collection. They expected him to clinged on you all night and pecked your cheeks. Singing you a birthday song with chaotic effects. But this isn't happening..You came their dorm with loose pants and a shirt (probably it is Hueningkai's shirt). You sat on the couch with Huening and started playing with Ps5. He was using all his efforts to beat you but ended uo with a lose. The all members are laughing at him. He gets up and goes to the kitchen. The all guys followed him and you were alone in the livingroom. They asked him where is the cake. Hueningkai looks at them. "A cake? For what?" They got surprised that he forgot your birthday. As he recognized, he started panicking. He got his coat and run to the outside to find a market which is selling a cake. You got confused while other members are trying to find candles and balloons. You realized that it is your forgetten birthday. You sighed and got up. The all lights turned off suddenly and the cake came to near of you. Hueningkai was smiling to you so you are. You hugged to him and he kissed you. The guys watched you behind and they were scared how will you guys be clingy rest of the night. Whatever, they were right.
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goodnightmemes · 11 months
❛ So you want me to tell you the story of my life. ❜
❛ What were you going to do? Kill me, drink my blood? ❜
❛ I'm flesh and blood, but not human. I haven't been human for 200 years. ❜
❛ I couldn't bear the pain of their loss. I longed to be released from it. ❜
❛ You lack the courage of your convictions. Do it! ❜
❛ Don't be afraid. I'm going to give you the choice l never had. ❜
❛ Your body's dying. Pay no attention. It happens to us all. ❜
❛ No words can describe it. Might as well ask Heaven what it sees. No human can know. ❜
❛ You'll get used to killing. Just forget about that mortal coil. You'll become accustomed to it, all too quickly. ❜
❛ There's nothing in the world now that doesn't hold some...Fascination. ❜
❛ The dark gift is different for each of us. But one thing is true of everyone. We grow stronger as we go along. ❜
❛ That's more like it! Anger! Fury! ❜
❛ Remember: Life without me would be even more unbearable. ❜
❛ You must know something about the meaning of it all. ❜
❛ They know about us. They watch us dine on empty plates and drink from empty glasses. ❜
❛ Forgive me if I have a lingering respect for life. ❜
❛ Perfect! Just burn the place! Burn everything we own! Have us living in a field, like cattle! ❜
❛ What if there is no Hell? Or they don't want us there? Ever think of that? ❜
❛ You're in love with your mortal nature. You resist what can bring you peace. ❜
❛ We're predators, whose all-seeing eyes give them detachment! ❜
❛ It's your coffin, enjoy it. Most of us never get to know what it feels like. ❜
❛ Kill them swiftly if you will, but do it! For do not doubt you are a killer! ❜
❛ My philosopher. My martyr. "Never take a human life.” ❜
❛ Pain is terrible for you. You feel it like no other creature, because you're a vampire. ❜
❛ Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately, and so shall we. ❜
❛ A little child, she was. But also a fierce killer, now capable of the ruthless pursuit of blood with all a child's demanding. ❜
❛ Remember, never in our home! ❜
❛ Time can pass quickly for mortals when they're happy. With us, it was the same. The years flew by like minutes. ❜
❛ More melancholy nonsense. You grow more like [name] daily! ❜
❛ Do you want me to be a doll forever? ❜
❛ Can't I change like everyone else? ❜
❛ Be glad I made you what you are. You'd be dead now if I hadn't. ❜
❛ You will never grow old. And you will never die. ❜
❛ I thought of all the things I'd done and couldn't undo. And I longed for one second's peace. ❜
❛ He will never let us go. ❜
❛ What is it now? You irritate me. Your very presence irritates me! ❜
❛ Is that supposed to frighten me? ❜
❛ I came to make peace with you. Even though you're the father of lies. I want things to be as they were. ❜
❛ Why do you say such things? ❜
❛ I promise I'll get rid of the bodies. ❜
❛ We forgive each other then? ❜
❛ Good night, sweet prince. May flights of devils wing you to your rest. ❜
❛ Should we burn him? Bury him? What would he have liked? ❜
❛ You've been a very, very naughty little girl. ❜
❛ We deserve your vengeance. ❜
❛ For what could the damned really have to say to the damned? ❜
❛ There are no vampires in Transylvania? No Count Dracula? ❜
❛ I've searched the world for an immortal and this is what I find! ❜
❛ No one will harm you. I won't allow it. ❜
❛ Vampires who pretend to be humans pretending to be vampires. How avant-garde. ❜
❛ Do you know what it means to be loved by Death? ❜
❛ You die when you kill. You feel you deserve to die and you stint on nothing. ❜
❛ But perhaps...this is the only real evil left. ❜
❛ I know nothing of God. Or the Devil. I have never seen a vision, nor learned a secret that would damn or save my soul. ❜
❛ You fear too much. So much you make me fear. ❜
❛ There is but one crime among us vampires here. It is the crime that means death to any vampire: To kill your own kind. ❜
❛ Danger holds you to me. ❜
❛ Love holds you to me. ❜
❛ You would leave me for [name] if he beckoned you. ❜
❛ Is that what I should do? Let you go? ❜
❛ If you want to save her, send her away! ❜
❛ The world changes. We do not. Therein lies the irony that finally kills us. ❜
❛ I need you to make contact with this age. ❜
❛ A vampire with a human soul. An immortal with a mortal's passion. ❜
❛ You are beautiful, my friend. [name] must have wept when he made you. ❜
❛ I knew him. Knew him well enough not to mourn his passing. ❜
❛ Your evil is that you cannot be evil! And I shall suffer for it no longer! ❜
❛ I haven't tears enough for what you've done to me! ❜
❛ Oh, God! I love you still! That's the torment of it! ❜
❛ Who'll care for me, my love, my dark angel, when you are gone? ❜
❛ Bear me no ill will, my love. We are now even. ❜
❛ What has died is the last breath in me that was human. ❜
❛ Your only company will be your screams. ❜
❛ Maybe it was to quench those tears forever that I took such revenge. ❜
❛ You can teach me this? To be without regret? ❜
❛ What if all I have is my suffering? My regret? ❜
❛ I know you regret nothing. You feel nothing. If that's all I have left to learn, I can do that on my own. ❜
❛ You've come home to me then? ❜
❛ I'm a spirit of preternatural flesh. Detached. Unchangeable. Empty. ❜
❛ That's it? No, it can't end like that. ❜
❛ What I wouldn't give to be like you, to have your power, to have seen the things you have seen. ❜
❛ You want a companion. You want a link to the outside world. That's me. Take me.❜
❛ Do you like this? Do you like being food for the immortals? Do you like dying? ❜
❛ I assume I need no introduction. ❜
❛ Still whining. Heard enough? I've had to listen to that for centuries. ❜
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goodolddumbbanana · 2 months
Ya know, this Sunrise is something different.
1.He really stands up and thinks for himself.
When Moon hurt him (not even Moon's fault) , He shut Moon inside his head and kept the light on, so Moon will never come out again. He straight up says he doesn't like Moon, and even doesn't want to recognised Moon's exists.
And even when he learns about Killcode, the first action he wants to take is to keep the light on and leave Moon to rot forever. Because in Sunrise's pov, that Moon is nothing more than a parasite, an error in Sun's system . And if he can't fix it, why bother to care. And the reason he wants to split so Moon can do whatever heck he wants and leave Sunrise alone.
To be real, that Sun has more of Moon's attitude than I ever seen. You remember how Our Moon threatened Our Sun to plug him if he can't control Eclipse? Yeah... This Sunrise's vibe is exactly like that. Because he doesn't care about how Moon's struggling, he just ignores and says: "oh well, I can't do anything so he needs to live with it. " And "it is my body, he lives inside my head so he needs to deal with it."
Sunrise is selfish, but that selfishness is so endearing I'm not even mad about it. Because Sunrise is right when he tells Francis that he cares, and he cares for himself the most. He should like that, he doesn't need or have to put up with Moon, or Moon 's attitude. If someone hurts you, cut them out of your life. And that's good.
Because we have been so used to Sun, our Sun, that we forget that not everyone is this nice and forgiving.
When Sun finds out about Moon, what did he do? He bargained Moon to split the time, for both of them to live in peace. He tried to think for Moon, and even when Moon killed people because of Killcode, he only wanted to shut Moon in because he is afraid Moon will hurt more people, and not because of the pain Moon tortured him for years. He tried his best to find solutions for them to split, for them to be closer. And with Eclipse, he tried to talk sense with Eclipse, trying to give him a chance. Even with KC, Bloodmoon... He still tried to give his hand out first, and ran away from the problems later, because Sun cares about people around him more than himself.
(that is the reason why Sun didn't tell Moon about July 16th, because it happened only with him, not to anyone else. And he thought it was him to lose control, not Moon or Eclipse or Bloodmoon. I bet if he knew someone inside his head this past, he will try to find a way to get them out too.
Because sure Sun is not as smart as Moon or Solar or Eclipse or Monty or Creator, but his sheer determination can do anything. He finds Eclipse's bunker without anyone's help, he yeeted out Eclipse v1 with some rambling spell he had no experience to do so... Even Creator said Sun could find his way out if he try hard enough.)
2. The way he deals with people bullying him.
Sunrise doesn't care. He doesn't bat an eye when Eclipse snaps at him. He doesn't feel hurt because of Eclipse's speech, because Sunrise knows nothing about Eclipse and he doesn't care as long as it's not him who gets hurt.
We can see how Sunrise interacts with different people. Puppet, Francis, Eclipse. Sure, He still easily gets bullied, but he stands his ground. He even shook his head and expressed something like 'what is his problem?' with Eclipse.
He is cold, and self perseverance.
If it is our Sun, Sun would feel hurt. He will try to find some way to undo or fix the thing he said makes people feel hurt. He will think he is the one who is wrong and try to apologize to them.
3. Attitude
This Sunrise is so optimistic. He is curious, and doesn't know about private space, and he yells a lot.
He likes running from his problem as long as he doesn't affect by it like a pro.
Our Sun... Sure he is optimistic at the start. But Sun's nature is pessimistic or realistic. He is energetic, but he never does something without permission. It feels more an act for me, the one he slowly dries out past time.
(He doesn't touch moon because he knows moon doesn't like hugging. He doesn't laugh at Eclipse in his downfall, or say anything at Nexus of how Nexus reminds him of Moon...)
There are so intriguing about how Sunrise has more care of himself than Sun, the one who is literally getting tortured since day one when his sentient wakes up.
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hongtiddiez · 2 months
my stand in final thoughts, feelings, etc.
what an absolute ride of a show. what a series of ups and downs and downs and downs and up.
i think what i find so charming about this show is that it really exemplifies what it means to be human. each character was flawed in their own way and each made mistakes that at the end of the day were just human mistakes. no one felt like a mustache twirling villain but rather a flawed human being that got caught up in something bigger than themselves, or caught up in their own ego, hubris, etc.
in a show that was clearly framed to be about second chances i really did not expect the wide array of examples of different second chances in life - the obvious being joe and ming, but then there was joe and new!joe's mother, ming and his mother, tong and may, joe and sol, etc. almost everyone experienced a second chance of some kind with one another. almost all second chances worked out towards a positive outcome but i respect that some were neutral outcomes at best; a total reset. a second chance doesn't always mean total forgiveness and absolution but rather a new slate to try again and i really appreciate that MSI made it a point to showcase that.
i am also once again grateful that the show did not fall into the evil mother trope. i was gritting my teeth waiting to see what became of ming's mom and in the end both she and joe's mom were parents doing their best, wanting the best for their children, and stumbling along the way - another perfect example of humanity.
i couldn't even come to fully hate tong by the end. the industry inflated his ego, he felt indestructible, he was able to get anything he wanted with his connections, and he allowed that confidence to turn to hubris and got involved in something far bigger than himself. a scared, cornered beast will almost always lash out and at the end of the day tong was lashing out for any chance of survival. he needed a wake up call of catastrophic proportions to get his head on straight but throughout the show they did show us reminders of how much he loved may, little glimmers of who he was behind all of that, and by the end when he was able to find peace those traits shone through again.
and with ming i appreciated that he still felt like the same person. he was still an asshole, still rough around the edges, still who he was at the beginning of the show but his efforts were channeled elsewhere, his priorities changed, and he learned what he truly values out of life. joe didn't magically change ming, but he did alter his perspective and give him so much to consider.
i still cannot fathom the pain joe has to go through every day looking in the mirror and knowing he will never see his face looking back at him. the show teased little peeks of the affect this would have on his mental health and i wish it had maybe delved into that more but mental health is always a slippery slope.
for the grit and darkness of the show the ending felt a little too fairy tale for me but i was also kind of hoping joe didn't come back. i know, horrible of me, but if i was him? i don't think i would've come back. he had to be so, so tired and he'd been through so much, that part of me wanted to see that happen as a final nail in the coffin, a message that sometimes death comes for us no matter how hard we try to run from it, and sometimes death is a kindness at the end of a long and painful journey.
idk i'm also a slut for angst so ignore me.
i wasn't mad at the ending by any means, i enjoyed the little nods to potential side couples, i loved seeing things come full circle, loved joe's realization that while HE always saw himself as a stand in or someone overlooked everyone else remembers his past self fondly and he made an impression on them. in the end, so much of joe's self worth issues were his own insecurities exacerbated by ming's emotional abuse.
that being said, don't forget to tell people in your life how much they mean to you. it can mean a lot more to them than you can imagine.
definitely think MSI is my fav bl of 2024 so far, it was something unique and a little darker, more mature, all things i've been craving for a while.
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sillyromance · 11 months
Good day everyone!
I like thinking about protective vore scenarios where both involved are two absolute, unfixable sweethearts who care about the ones around them more than about themselves... But actually, a prey doesn't know that they'll be safe in a pred's stomach. Perhaps, there was not enough time for explanations or the pred didn't have an ability to tell the prey what they were going to do; but anyways, the big guy ends up struggling to swallow their panicking friend who is quite unhappy about the situation. The pred sincerely hopes that it'll be easier for everyone when the prey reaches the destination, but, unluckily, they are wrong; the little one continues wriggling and trashing around, mercilessly squeezing and scratching sensitive stomach, making their protector suffer in pain. The latter is too kind to make any attempts to stop their friend instantly, for example, punching their belly roughly or yelling at their friend; they just hug their sickly growling, aching middle, feeling tears flowing violently from their eyes and say: "Listen... You're safe, pal... Please... Don't. You're hurting m-me..."
The prey entirely ignores the first part of the sentence; however, they stop fighting right away as they hear the last words. Like... No doubt, they want out really bad, but...They didn't mean to harm anyone, their friend in particular! It appears that all this battling was completely instinctive. The prey goes brightly red of shame; they mumble apologies all the time, sobbing because of the thought they could cause irremediable damage and stroking, kneading tender walls they're sinking in, their hands tremor as the tiny remembers how hard they were beating their comrade a minute ago... And outside, the pred, blushing too, just coos at them, reassuring that the prey did nothing wrong and they don't need to reproach themselves for the fear which was nothing else but natural.
It can be a completely opposite variant as well; the prey has done something bad - they have committed a prank or made some mess... The pred gets extremely mad for some reason and, in spite of their kind soul, decides to punish the guilty one by trapping the latter away in their stomach. With a heavy heart, they gulp small, trembling body of the prey down. The pred expects threats, screams and furious banging on their insides from the consumed friend, and they emotionally prepare for that. But instead... Their ears catch faint crying. The little one curls up tightly in noisy, wet environment, completely giving up on the all joys of life and a possibility to see daylight again. As far as it's discovered, the pred is hit so hard by this, that they immediately forget their irritation and hide their face in hands, paralysed by shame and horror of what they've done. The giant begs the tiny to forgive them for the giant's dared to scare their precious little friend with such cruelty. Meanwhile, the prey comforts their big friend, rubbing the flesh moving around which gently embraces them - and insisting that they are the only one who should be sorry for showing poor behaviour.
These small ideas are connected to Skyfire from G1 (I've finally begun to watch it, this show is literally mind-blowing!) He is one of my favourite characters from this series; and whenever I see him, I can't get a thought out of my head about what a compassionate, and soft, and loving being he is (when it doesn't come to decepticons, of course). In order to that, I think he would fit perfectly for the situations I described.
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longing-for-rain · 5 months
what do you think of the argument some people make that goes along the lines of "zuko was acting entitled towards kataras forgiveness and the betrayal at the catacombs was just a second thought to him"? According to them, zuko failed to understand that kataras anger at him was a direct consequence of his previous decisions and instead blames it on her resentment against the fire nation (the whole "i think she sees me as her mother's murderer" spiel). They also claim that he's a raging misogynist bc of the way he treated katara in the pirate episode, that he didnt remember her name when asking sokka abt the southern raiders, taunting her in the northern tribe by saying she is a big girl now that she's learned some new tricks, referring to the kyoshi warriors as a "bunch of little girls", yelling at mai and acting possessively, mocking ty lee... amidst many other things, including the toxic masculinity accusations ofc. They also condemn his selfishness in helping katara find some semblance of closure. I think a great part of this is just biased hate, but i just wanted to know your opinion. It's okay if you don't want to answer though!
Oh no of course, I think it’s definitely biased hate, because these kinds of superficial “criticisms” only seem to come up in response to people shipping Zuko with the incorrect character. I’ve seen the same people who make these arguments praise Zuko, say they love him, say his redemption is inspiring, etc. in other contexts.
There is a lot to unpack here, but I’ll touch on all these points because I find them interesting. Also, in regards to generally stupid anti Zuko takes from whiny anti shippers, a lot of those came up here which I addressed in detail.
Now, about these particular arguments.
1) Zuko wanted Katara’s forgiveness out of selfishness
Firstly, I never understood this take because in context…Zuko already has what he set out to get when he left the Fire Nation at the beginning of The Southern Raiders. Actually, let’s take a step back here: leaving the Fire Nation. Did these people collectively forget that? Zuko could have stayed in his life of luxury, watched the world burn, and inherited the title of Emperor from his father. But instead, he committed treason, risking his life in the process, because he knew in his heart it was the right thing to do. This is the character you’re trying to smear as a selfish monster?
The Southern Raiders. The scene which kicks off the conflict with Katara is when the group is sitting around the fire, praising Zuko for his heroism and saving them from Azula. He humbly admits he doesn’t feel he deserves the praise, to which Katara agrees and storms off. But the important piece of context here is that everyone else—including Sokka, Katara’s own brother—seems to be on Zuko’s side. If Zuko was purely selfish, he wouldn’t have cared what Katara thought of him. He could have laughed along with Sokka and agreed that Katara was just being dramatic. But that isn’t what happened.
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Zuko doesn’t look angry or vindictive here; he looks hurt. He cares what Katara thinks of him; he later says those words verbatim to Sokka.
I also think the fact that Zuko made a special effort to reach out to Katara above the other characters shows that he recognizes that the catacombs incident was much more personal for Katara. Zuko even acknowledges this himself.
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Zuko: Katara mentioned it before when we were imprisoned together in Ba Sing Se, and again just now when she was yelling at me. I think somehow she's connected her anger at that to her anger at me.
Zuko remembers their conversation very well. Katara’s anger towards him was different than the others because she felt betrayed on a more personal level. She shared something deeply personal with Zuko and connected with him, and felt deceived when he betrayed her.
In Katara’s mind, Zuko talking about his mother was fake. She tells herself it was just him lying to her and manipulating her to gain her trust, because that’s easier than the idea that he didn’t care. I believe this is why Zuko finds it so important to make it up to her…and specifically why her mother was involved. Obviously Zuko was wrong to side with Azula. But he wasn’t being manipulative or uncaring. He was manipulated himself by Azula, the person who knows how to control him better than anyone else.
So, in this episode, Zuko is not setting out to prove that he’s “good” (he’s already done this); he’s setting out to show Katara that he does respect her trauma, he does understand and respect the weight of what she told him about her mother. Zuko can tell she’s deeply hurt and that he’s part of that hurt. That’s why he wants to demonstrate that his care for her was and is genuine. He never lied to her. And that right there is the opposite of selfishness. This is once again Zuko acknowledging his own faults and taking responsibility for fixing them. He doesn’t even seem to demand or expect forgiveness in the end.
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Look at his face. He’s surprised. He did not expect this gesture, although he graciously accepts it.
If Zuko was this selfish, entitled monster people want him to be, he wouldn’t react this way. He wouldn’t even care about any of the points I just went through.
If you honestly believe that Zuko’s motivation was selfish and he was just manipulating Katara’s feelings this whole time, you fundamentally missed the point of one of the show’s most critically acclaimed episodes.
2) Zuko didn’t know Katara’s name (?)
This one is just stupid. I’m sorry. I didn’t know people actually used this argument because it originated as a joke post and you should be embarrassed if you genuinely think this is canon. It comes from the scene in The Southern Raiders where Zuko says “your sister” rather than “Katara” when asking Sokka about their mother.
There is absolutely nothing about this scene indicating that Zuko doesn’t know Katara’s name. The word choice is most likely to emphasize the sibling relationship between Katara and Sokka to explain both to Sokka and to the audience why Zuko sought him out specifically.
And think about it. Zuko has been hanging around 24/7 with them for probably two weeks at this point. There is no way he didn’t catch Katara’s name, if he didn’t already know it. And given how diligent he was in his Avatar hunting days, he most likely did already know it.
3) The pirate episode
Okay I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again…I’m so tired of people projecting some weird, creepy sexual undertones onto this episode. There was absolutely nothing abusive or misogynistic about the character interactions here. It was a very standard (and honestly a bit cheesy) example of a cartoon villain and hero interaction. The fact that you see a female character in any kind of distressed situation and immediately project sexual implications onto it is the real misogyny here. I never see people complain about similar scenes involving male characters:
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I could dig up even more examples but can you see my point? The argument that there was any abuse or sexual misconduct on Zuko’s part this episode is absolutely misogyny—but it’s audience misogyny; not Zuko’s. The canon scene would have gone exactly the same way if Katara was male. The only difference would be much fewer disgusting sexual over-analyzations of it by fans.
4) “Little girls”
For this one, an important piece of context to keep in mind is that this script was written in 2005 by a creative staff of mostly men. So we need to ask the question, is this meant to reflect misogyny on Zuko’s part, it is it the bias of the writers?
Another prime example of this is Iroh’s interactions with Jun. Obviously, that was severely creepy behavior and absolutely misogynistic. However, most fans (including myself) tend to overlook that. Why? Because it’s jarringly inconsistent with the rest of Iroh’s character and his purpose within the narrative. In context, it’s pretty obviously something the writers thought was “funny” at the time but aged like rotten milk.
Also, in regards to sexist language during fights, consider all the stupid lines like…
Azula: Who are you? The Avatar’s fan girls?
Ty Lee: You are not prettier than we are.
…in the Kyoshi Warriors vs. Dangerous Ladies fight. Seems like this is just a writer bias issue, personally. When have men ever been normal about teenage girls? Right—never.
I get this is a slippery slope, so my approach is to compare Zuko’s lines like this to everything else we know about Zuko and ask the question: is there anything about Zuko’s character that indicates he views women as inherently inferior or lesser?
Well, no.
You know what is a trend for Zuko? He focuses on putting down his opponents by acting like they’re younger and weaker than him. His first reaction to Aang is “you’re just a child.” This is consistent with his attitude towards Katara and the Kyoshi Warriors. Zuko canonically treats male and female opponents no differently. He fights and moves on. No creepiness, nothing like Iroh and Jun, etc. If they were male, it wouldn’t have gone differently. That’s why I think it’s a reach to say these comments by themselves indicate a misogynistic attitude.
Besides, why would Zuko see women as weaker and lesser when this is who he grew up with?
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That’s another thing. For as much anger and resentment Zuko harbors for Azula on the basis that she’s Ozai’s favorite and born lucky—not one comment is made about her sex. If Azula was male, nothing would inherently change about this dynamic. So yeah, I’m not really buying this whole “Zuko is a misogynistic incel” narrative. If you’ve ever dealt with incels in any capacity, you know they’d absolutely jump at the opportunity to whine that their (female) sister is so much more lucky and privileged and loved compared to them.
5) Zuko, Mai, and The Beach
I’m working on a longer analysis of this but to summarize…people on both sides blow this issue way out of proportion. Mai wasn’t abusive. Zuko wasn’t abusive. They were a pretty standard angsty teenage couple having angsty teenage drama. Zuko called Mai a big blah and shoved some dude into a vase. Mai told him he was out of control. That’s literally such a minor issue, that they resolved by the end of the episode.
But to dig into this more, consider the point this is in Zuko’s story. He’s at rock bottom. The premise of the entire episode is to show how abnormal and out of place Zuko feels among people who should be his peers. His issues with Ruon-Jian aren’t even about Mai to start. Zuko was beefing with this dude before the party even started, remember?
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Why is Zuko mad at him? Because he’s making Zuko feel freakish. He’s making Zuko feel like he once again is an outcast, and Zuko hates that. He’s insecure. That’s…the point of the episode.
I’m not going to excuse his tantrum over Ruon-Jian talking to Mai, because that was toxic, but consider the context. Zuko isn’t some crazy possessive freak. In his mind, this is just icing on the cake, another example of why he’s an antisocial freak compared to other Fire Nation teens and he hates how it makes him feel.
But interestingly enough, I do think Mai and Zuko’s interactions in that scene give some insight into their dynamic and Zuko’s character—believe it or not, in a positive way. Just consider the context and body language.
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I’m just stating facts here. Zuko is more physically threatening than Mai. He’s bigger, stronger, male, and he’s a firebender while she isn’t a bender. And yet, Mai has absolutely no trouble getting in his business to tell him off. Why? You can argue that it’s just because she thinks she could knife him—but we’ve seen how she reacts to an actual physical threat (Azula) and it isn’t like this at all. Mai is confident because she knows Zuko wouldn’t physically harm her. He’s angry, but he never once uses his figure to physically intimidate her. He clearly doesn’t make a habit of this behavior either judging from Mai’s reaction. Also think about the fact that the only physical altercation here is between Zuko and another man. The primary target of his anger isn’t the woman he’s allegedly acting possessive over unlike another character in the Ember Island Players and several comics…
Not to mention the way they reconcile around the fire. Zuko’s behavior doesn’t at all reflect an angry, entitled misogynist who thinks he owns his girlfriend. Quite the opposite. He clearly holds a lot of love and respect for her. It’s just that…this episode is literally displaying Zuko at his most tortured, his most self-hating, his most insecure as he realizes he no longer has a place in the home he’d desperately been chasing for years after being brutally mutilated and banished. With that in mind, I think he actually handled himself very well.
The thing about Zuko is that he takes accountability for his wrongs and works to improve himself. He has flaws and even when they’re understandable, he still takes responsibility for fixing them. That’s the trait of his that sets him apart from…certain other characters.
6) Zuko being rude to Ty Lee
Again, see above. Yes, Zuko was mean to her. But again, this is Zuko at rock bottom. This is Zuko venting his frustration about nobody being able to understand what he’s gone through and how isolated and freakish he feels. None of them had their faces burnt off in front of an audience. None of them were banished and forced to live as refugees. Zuko blew up at Ty Lee in the first place after she made a comment about bad skin.
Like yes, he’s rude, but did you miss the point of that episode? If you think this has anything to do with misogyny you’re just delusional, sorry. That interaction had nothing to do with Ty Lee being female. It had to do with her (and every other character that episode) living a privileged lifestyle while Zuko is (literally, too) feeling the weight of the scars his trauma has left him with.
So in conclusion, yes, I really think these takes are all shallow and unfounded jabs at Zuko’s character that either don’t understand or outright ignore critical parts of his development and story. And considering I’m #canceled for my based misandry in many circles, it should say a lot that I’m defending a man of any kind ✌️
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imraespace · 7 months
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"No way.." Nobara mumbled.
Both Yuji and herself had just seen the same person in the file.
"It's him." Yuji replied.
"It's who?" Maki entered herself in the conversation.
"It's Mahito."
Your eyes made its way towards the small group your friends made and randomly disappeared.
You sighed, realizing you're all alone.
That is until a certain voice spoke up.
"They just left..?" Megumi mumbled.
You both stared at each other for a while then he scuffed, turning his head in the other direction.
They left you with Megumi.
You made your way towards the sand, taking off your slippers and found a space to set up your items, since you're all alone you decided to just nap or enjoy the view.
Though the boy who stared at every movement you made had a sour look on his face.
"Maybe you should go catch up with your friends." Satoru suggested.
Megumi only rolled his eyes and made his way towards the sand, a few feet away from you.
Now it was Satoru's time to roll his eyes, mumbling something about "Kids these days..".
All that was on Megumi's mind was his visit to his sister.
"I still don't understand why you forgive her." Megumi started.
Tsumiki just stared at the boy then smiled.
"That's your fault for not believing me." She simply said.
"Then tell me the full story, what actually happened." He pleaded.
"It doesn't matter anymore it's in the past, I don't remember it all anyways.." She mumbled.
Megumi just sighed.
"The only way you can find out is if you asked Y/N herself." She said.
Megumi shot her an annoyed stare.
All this time he was only staring at the girl, until his sister's words hit him again.
Ask you? No way he's gonna ask you anything for all he knows you might lie to him.
He sighed, ruffling his hair.
He took one last look at you then let his mind wondered somewhere else yet again.
It was Sophomore, some days before the incident.
He remembered it, only because he was so happy at the time.
You got invited to their family hang out at the beach, all three of you together as always.
Megumi sat in the sand, staring at both you and his sister playing in the water.
No way he could think that you will ever harm her, in any case you always defended her in any way.
So why does he only feel hatred for you who always protected her.
This time around you caught him staring, causing you both to gasp in surprise.
He looked away, staring off into the sea.
You always protected her..
His face lit up.
The one day that almost everyone in that time will never forget, when you stood up to him.
He picks on the younger years for fun.
But this time around you got so upset that he always targeted Tsumiki that you burst into tears while telling him to go away.
Megumi was surprised that you spoke up, shaking in your boots yet you did it to make sure Tsumiki wasn't harmed.
"The only thing I remembered was that there was a third person there." She told him.
Megumi looked at his sister for a bit then sighed.
A third person up there with them, Y/N always protected her from them.
Megumi gasp a bit, he had a small hunch on who was up there with them but the only thing he can't figure out was why you pushed her.
Just then your friends came back running with speed.
"HE'S COMING SOMEONE HELP!" Inumaki yelled.
"Who's coming?" You asked.
All you got in response was a bunch of gibberish with a side or huffing and puffing from him.
"Yeah I totally understood that.." You mumbled.
You turned your head in the direction they came from and saw a certain white haired male from your past.
TAGLIST: @deezy12299 @polarbvnny @bxrryvie @mentallyunstablemanlover @baku-boneless @evinvevin @zhochikennugget @hhoonsbaby @k1y0yo @frumira @nylories @jayathelostdragon @ashfrommyfire @br66klynbaby @luvkvni @we-loveebony @ire-exe @pompompuriina @vivi-loves-penguins @starszns @iluv-ace @fuyuzemi @samutoru @rzcnlb @r0ckst4rjk @nyxlai @widnejdjhshusja @mixzimi @cookie-mist @maya-maya-56 @helix-frscr (OPEN)
(if not tagged, your profile didn't show up☹️)
note: megs is thinking abt you awww!!!!
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
HI HI it’s me (i’m the problem, it’s me) the sugu romance is dead anon back craving more angst 🥺
Can I have some Suguru, Insecurity, “We’re better off as friends.”
I’ve been in your blog since your birthday and I just wanna thank you for writing all these, they have become my bedtime stories. Love, sugu anon 🫶🫶🫶
HAI SUGU ANON HOW ARE YOU?! I'm so sorry this is so late, I got preoccupied with Better off as Lovers and the page refresh, along with trying to survive in capitalism (boo, lol). But I didn't forget about you! And I am so excited to present you with this!
now loading...
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featuring: an insecure Suguru Geto, making the worst mistake of his life.
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Suguru loved you more than he thought was possible to love another human. He didn’t even love himself as much as he loved you. And it terrified him. You were everything he wasn’t, but tried to be. You were caring, considerate, creative, and so warm to everyone you ever met. He tired to embody those traits with you, but he just..couldn’t. It was like you were golden, but he was just golden plated.
He’d spent the last six months trying to get over these feelings of inadequacy. To remind himself that it was all in his head. You had to see something in him, right? Some shimmer of something good. You wouldn’t be with him otherwise, right? That thought would comfort him for all of two seconds before he would remember he was a con man at heart, and that he simply had you fooled; the same way he had everyone else fooled. 
He held these feelings since the two of you started this relationship, but he had them mostly under control. He had himself convinced that while he had these feelings, it ultimately didn’t matter because you two were meant to be together. It was why the two of you clicked to easily when you first met, why it felt so right to hold you in his arms, why the two of you were put into such close proximity in the first place! The universe had put the two of you together for a reason. Who else would you even be with?
Then Gojo just had to go and open his fucking mouth. Drunken one night in “Casa Gojo” while the two of them watched some shitty movie. Suguru didn’t even remember the name of the film anymore. But he did remember the glassy haze in his best friends eyes as he slurred his confession, like a sinner begging for forgiveness. 
“I think I’ve had a crush on her since I first looked at her,” Gojo mumbled, looking at Geto with sad, sleepy eyes. “But, you guys got along so well, and she seemed so into you, I just…I didn't pursue anything. I didn’t want to steal her from you, I guess.” He laughed, but there was no humor. Suguru wasn’t laughing.
“Why are you telling me this?” he asked, voice coming out as more of a forced whisper than much else. Gojo just shrugged.
“I don’t know. Get it off my chest, I guess?”
That night hadn’t left Sugurus head. He had justified your relationship by it all being fate, something that was inevitable; it had to happen. But what if he had gotten in the way of his best friends fate? Gojo was better than him in every conceivable way, and he got along with you just as well. Who’s to say Suguru wasn’t the one holding you back all this time? He was an anchor for everyone he had ever loved, and it wasn’t fair for him to keep insisting you drown with him. Something had to give. 
All of this had led him here: sitting back to back with you on opposite sides of his bed; trying to pretend he didn’t hear the sobs wreaking your body. Pretending like he wasn’t fighting off his own tears.
“I’m sorry Y/n, I just think were better off as friends-” 
“Yea, I heard you the first time!” You snapped at him, shutting him up instantly as you wrapped his hoodie tighter around your shoulders. You hated the comfort you found in it now. “I’m still waiting for your real reason. Did I do something wrong?” You begged him for explanations he couldn’t give, explanations he didn’t have.
“No!” He sighed, “No, it’s not you, you’re perfect. I just…I’m not in love with you anymore.” He forced himself to say. The words tasted bitter on his tongue, like vomit and battery acid. Truth be told, he was sure he’d love you for the rest of his life. As far as he was concerned, the sun rises in the morning just for you, and the stars dazzle the night sky solely in the hopes you’d glance at them. Knowing he was holding you back from those stars made him feel like he was made of sludge. He couldn’t keep holding you back like this.
“What do you mean you’re not in love with me?!” You sobbed, feeling your heart shatter into a million more pieces, “How do you just fall out of love with someone Suguru, I don’t understand! Is there someone else?” Is that what you needed to believe to accept this? Fine. He could be the villain.
“I didn't mean for it to end up this way Y/n.” He muttered, his voice little more that a choked whisper, “It’s just…we met for drinks one night, one thing led to another-”
“Oh my god.” You cut him off, looking as sick as he felt. “Who is she?!” You demanded.
“No one you know.” He couldn't give you the name of someone who didn’t exist. He could give you someone to blame for all this, some tangible reason why it was happening, but for some reason his heart drew the line at naming the imaginary woman he gave up everything for.
“How long?”
“Three weeks I think?” He mumbled, running a shaky hand through his hair. He hated lying to you. You suddenly stood up, taking his hoodie off and throwing it at him with enough force for it to hurt. You walked to stand in front of him.
“You fucking disgust me Suguru Geto,” You hissed, letting your rage overtake your heartbreak.
“I know.” He disgust himself.
“I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking letting myself fall in love with you! I don’t know who I’m more mad at, me for having the gaul to imagine a life with you, or you for throwing it all away. You are so fucking-” sobs cut off your words, you covered your mouth as you took your time to try and regain your composure. “I can’t believe you’d so this to me..”
Suguru felt his soul crumble. He wanted to wipe your tears away, hold you close and tell you about his lie. To tell you there was no other woman- just him and his insecurities- through a myriad of apologies. He wanted to fall to his knees before you and beg for forgiveness, some way to make it right and go back to how the two of you were an hour ago.
He couldn’t do that though. He couldn’t keep asking you to drown with him. You were meant for stars, not the bottom of the ocean. “I’m sorry Y/n.” was all he could say.
“Like that does shit now.” You scoffed, “Thanks for ruining me asshole.” You hissed, the vitriol in your voice hurting more than any physical attack ever could. You stormed out of his apartment, slamming the door hard enough to shake his walls. He fought the urge to chase after you. To hold you again. He took a deep breath and mentally tried to end the best chapter in his life. He called Gojo.
“Geto? It’s like 2 Am dude, what’s going on?” He asked through a tired yawn.
“Y/n and I broke up. She probably shouldn’t be alone. I hope you two are happy together.” That last part came out with way more disgust than he meant it to.
“Wait, what? Du-” Geto hung up before Gojo could finish his sentence. He ignored the next 5 calls that came through before finally just turning off his phone.
He laid in bed staring at his ceiling. In his soul he knew he had just made the biggest mistake of his life. His bones already ached for your familiar comfort, and his heart felt like it couldn’t find it’s rhythm again. Still, it would be worth it if the two best people he knew could find happiness together. He sighed, feeling his lungs collapse with the breath. He could swear he felt his gold plating rubbing off.
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
Hello! This is my first mysme ask so I'm very nervous haha.
I wanted to jump in on the VAE talk, but it has nothing to do with Saeran! What I don't like about the VAE is...the difference in V himself.
I don't think I have a good grasp on his character. It's difficult for someone like me to want to even try to understand him after some of the things he's done! It feels as if the VAE forces us to be in a position of being forgiving and understanding of Rika and her abuse towards Saeran for him to be happy...and that's very strange to me? Because, V, in VAE works to help Saeran while simultaneously you only get the good ending with him if you're explicitly "okay with" what she did to him?
I think either version of Another Story V is a frustrating character to delve into! Its easy to look at him and think "wow he spouts off about caring about his friends and caring about saeran but when it all comes down to it, he only cares about this one person that hurt everyone else he claims to care for"
Ray AE V and VAE V are very hard to adapt to because of this, I think? :/ Character analysis for these types are not my strong suit clearly. I know there's more to V than this, but it's hard to look past his "be okay with forgiving an abuser for me to be happy with you (VAE) or be okay with me going alongside this abuser while guilt tripping you to understand her (Ray AE)" type thing.
I think I at least understand Rika as a character better than him to be quite honest.
Let me preface this by saying that V's After Ending is a mess. It's a hot mess and it does a major disservice to Jihyun Kim in more ways than one. A lot of people really don't believe this because Saeran is my favorite character, but Jihyun is my third favorite character right behind Saeyoung. His After Ending hurts in more ways than one due to what happens in terms of forgiveness and judgement.
The game forces you into a corner and shames you if you decide to judge Rika Kim for her actions. I cannot tell you how triggering the Judgement Ending is, not only for myself, but for many others who played it. I don't suggest anyone play that ending if they don't think they can stomach being told it's "their fault Rika is suffering for them not forgiving Rika."
It's not our job or obligation to forgive Rika Kim.
If you choose to forgive her, great, but why are we, as the players, being told that the only way to achieve the Good Ending, because, let's face it, the forgiveness ending is the real GOOD ENDING, is by being told to forgive Rika no matter how you feel about it. Cannot tell you how angry I was when that happened, and I know plenty of other people were just as upset.
When the VAE first came out, I can remember people emailing Cheritz and telling them why telling people they need to forgive another person isn't okay. I can't believe that's something that's gotta be explained. But, we live in a world where people tell us we need to forgive, forget, and get over our pain, no matter how large or small very often, and people don't think about those who don't want to ever forgive the people who hurt them or the people they love.
That's the one thing I love about Saeran's After Ending. The RAE doesn't mince words with anyone about affirmed choice. You get choices in the RAE to decide what you want in terms of forgiveness, and by God, the other characters do, too. You get to decide what you want, Saeran gets to decide what he wants, and the RFA gets to pick what they want, and you know what's great?
You are not being forced to forgive Rika in the RAE. I don't know where people get that thought. If anything, you get to tell her the truth of how you feel her for her multiple times, and the only time that the player is "nice" to her is near the end of the RAE where you speak to her to find out where Saeran is, and honestly, you can read into that as "I'm pretending to be nice because I need to find Saeran before he dies" or, if you decide to embrace Rika and forgive her on your own, you can do that and then find Saeran.
But, you're not being forced one way or another to forgive Rika here. But, in Jihyun's After Ending, you are baited into forgiving her to not get the ending that tells you that you're to blame for Rika suffering in the hospital for not forgiving her. That's being kicked for choosing to do what you want, and that's WRONG.
Jihyun himself confesses that he knows he's in the wrong with Rika in the RAE. He's given up on himself, though. He decides he has to keep his promise no matter what. That's the difficult part for most people to swallow.
His mentality is: "I need to save her because of my promise, but I also made a promise to Saeyoung, so I need to keep both of my promises even if that makes my a villain." This is not okay. This isn't healthy. It's not ever going to be okay and he knows it's not okay. He just... wants to be a savior even if it's self-destructive.
I don't like that Jihyun is hardly in his own After Ending. It focuses on judgement and forgiveness of Rika. I would've preferred to spend all my time focusing on Jihyun instead of playing a losing situation with the RFA. We had to face Rika no matter what because she is more or less the main reason why the game exists, but V's After Ending had no business being as focused on her as much as it was.
Because, in moments we do see with V, I enjoy those, because I see him reflecting and growing in as a person, not perfect, nobody's ever going to be perfect, but he was trying, and for someone who stopped trying a long time ago, it's hopeful to know that he's decided to try his hand at life once again without succumbing to self-destruction as we often see him do.
Jihyun Kim is a character that a lot of people have a hard time understanding, so if you feel like you haven't gotten a grasp on who he is as a person, I think that's understandable. Rika Kim is up there, too. I like to understand what brought them to the point they're at in the game, and sometimes, there are people who think that I do that to find excuses for their actions. I don't.
I don't find reasons to explain their actions because I want to excuse them. I want to understand as best as I can why they got to that point in the first place. Understanding someone doesn't mean you excuse their actions. It means you have better insight as to why they do what they do, and even then, understanding why someone got somewhere in life doesn't mean you'll understand their choices. It just means you see their explanation, their excuses, their reasoning, and knowing the in's and out doesn't mean you condone what they did.
It just means you learned who they are and how they feel. I know why Jihyun and Rika react the way they do at times, but I don't agree with it or excuse it. I get angry because I see them walking down a path of torture, hatred, and pain. I see them stand at the precipice of choice, and chose to ignore reality in favor of another route, and I get angry, and disappointed. Because, especially in the case of Jihyun, he was so close to making the right decision in Ray Route, but he decided to turn away from it.
Jihyun Kim regressed from making any personal progress because he saw Saeran and MC do what he and Rika seemingly did not. That is that, it's important to understand that V/Rika and Saeran/MC are narrative foils. If you want to see toxic, unhealthy codependency as it sinks deeper and deeper into a pit, look no further than V and Rika. If you want to see a couple who're trying to be individuals but also value communicating with their partner before they leap, that's Saeran and MC.
V and Rika make choices that feed into the worst parts of each other and they don't stop even when they know they could. Jihyun admits it himself in the RAE. He thinks that he has no choice but to keep his promise he made to Rika, even though he knew it wasn't healthy for him, or Rika, for that matter. Jihyun believes in his heart that he can't abandon Rika even if he wants to, because he hasn't overcome that grief in his heart over his mother's death.
He hurt his mother when he was a teenager, and he never had the chance to make it up to her or apologize. His mother died protecting him. She gave her life to save his. He thinks that love requires a sense of selfless sacrifice no matter what, that he needs to a Savior or even God to make up for his mother's death. He sees beauty in Rika's pain, she's his muse, and she looks upon him like a God for very long time. He relishes in that, because it helps him feel better about his trauma.
Jihyun was everything she wanted to be because she didn't want to be herself. She idolized Jihyun Kim. She was obsessed with him. It's just that her obsession was different than his. She wanted to become him, in every sense of word, so she would no longer have to Rika Kim. It's written in her diary that you can get from the Special Believer box.
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Rika and V's love was built on infatuation, obsession, and the hurt two people had from their childhoods that had not yet healed. They helped each other "cope" but the way they "coped", was only further serving as a means to destroy both of them. I think the visual novel on Day 9 does a good job of having V express his clarity on this fact, and Rika's vehement denial of it, though, it's still messy since V isn't out of the thick of it.
This is just the start of his acceptance journey and he stills chooses to protect Rika after she stabs him at the end of this scene. It's not perfect, but... you can see the lightbulb going off.
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Rika herself lives in denial within the confines of the game, and she can only face reality there is when the truth about Mother Choi is revealed. I don't know if people really grasp this at first without sitting down and looking at all the details, but Rika killed Mother Choi in self-defense. The scene is shown to us as Rika would've imagined it, and given that Rika thinks of herself as the devil, it's easy to think she did it without a second thought.
That scene plays out as Rika viewing herself as a devilish murderer who killed in cold blood.
But, that moment when she killed Mother Choi was the moment she gave up on trying to ever see herself as anything but the devil. Do you know what the strange thing is? I never once considered over all the years I've played this game that Jihyun was there with her that night, but he was. He confirmed he was there that night.
That means both he and Rika are bonded with the agonizing fact that Mother Choi is dead because of Rika, self defense or not, and they're the ones who likely had to get rid of her body or even tamper with the crime scene to protect the twins. Murder is a heavy act to carry and I know it's easy for us to joke about wishing harm onto others, but to be a person who has taken another person's life is... I cannot begin to imagine what that feels like.
I know some people feel guilt for the rest of their lives, even if the person they hurt was a bad person. Because, a life is a life, and even if you protect yours and the people you loved, you feel shameful for what you've done. My trying to understanding how that effected Rika is in no way condoning the creation of Mint Eye or the abuse of not only Ray and Saeran, but countless others, it's just another piece of the puzzle to understanding why Rika is the way she is.
Because, hey, cool tragic backstory, still murder!
But, knowing how that fact really bleeds into Jihyun's Savior complex gets you a much broader understanding of why he won't leave Rika in most situations even if that's the correct and right choice for not only him, or her, but quite frankly, literally everyone else.
Jihyun wanted to save his mother from death. He couldn't do that. He wanted to save her because she saved him, and he's wandering life with this idea that love is built on selfless sacrifice no matter the circumstance because he thinks that's what love is. Love is throwing your life away to protect the people you care about. Which, that's not what his mother's sacrifice was about. She died protecting him, but... she never would've wanted him to believe that love is about sacrifice.
She died protecting him of her own accord, that's correct, but that doesn't mean Jihyun has to spend the rest of his life trying to prove to himself that his mother's sacrifice was worth it by sacrificing his mind, heart, body, and soul all the time.
That's what he has to learn to heal.
I sometimes think the game isn't as heavy-handed as it could be to help people understand that this is what's going on inside his head, because a lot of this detail work comes from venturing out into every piece of media you can own from this game and really sitting down to put your head into what you're reading. 
It can be hard for people to understand him or to even want to understand because you get frustrated with his choices. After all, they are so self-destructive. Not only are they destructive to him, they end up being harmful to everyone around him, and that's not okay. Watching him is like watching somebody shoot themselves in the foot.
He doesn't always make the best decisions, and as you get to learn more about him, you realize that he knows he can do better but he doesn't do better for himself. I think that's an aspect of his character that makes him very human, but because it makes him so human, it's easy to be upset with him. You know he can do better and you want him to do better. It leads to a sense of disappointment in him.
People like him do exist, to an extreme degree and to a lesser degree, and I can relate to him in many ways which is why I think it's easier for me to empathize and relate to him as a person. But, it's because I do understand him so intimately that I get angry with him. I get so angry because I know he can do better than what he's doing, and it places a mirror in front of me when I make poor decisions.
As frustrating as he can be at times, he's helped me a lot as a person, and in some regard, I want to help people understand what he's like beyond being upset with him if anyone ever wants to learn about him in any way.
Understanding him will never mean I condone his choices. I can't believe I have to say this so many times, but if I don't reiterate this simple fact, people seem to misconstrue what I'm saying. I like to understand and learn why people do the things they do, but I am right there with everyone else here who is judging and holding them accountable for their actions. I want to have some answers, and even if having those answers doesn't explain anything, I feel better being able to have them.
You know how Saeran feels a little better once he's able to talk to his abusers? He needed to be able to hear what brought them to the point they are standing at today. He needed to know why they were the way they were so that he could learn how to forgive himself. He copied Rika, his Mother, and Saejoong specifically to make himself feel powerful in Mint Eye because that's what he was told to do, he invoked their words and actions against innocent people, believers and even the MC.
He feels better confronting them and having an explanation from their lips even if it's not an answer that explains why people would be needlessly cruel to an innocent person. He's not looking for excuses, he's not looking for them to give him some tragic backstory that makes everything okay, he's looking into their eyes and choosing kindness when they themselves never choose kindness towards him.
He is facing them so that he can face himself. 
Forgiving them is about learning how to forgive himself. It's not about making them feel better, and it's certainly not about letting them into his life. He has those conversations with them as a parting gesture. He's never going to meet with them ever again, but that was how he decided he would find peace for himself.
Would you do the same if you were in his shoes? I don't think I would, I don't think I can ever forgive the people who hurt me, no, I know I'll never forgive them, but Saeran chose what felt right for him and I will not fault him for that.
I will never shame him for choosing what felt right for his healing journey. He forgave them so he could forgive himself and I'm glad that he had the opportunity to make that choice and not a damn person told him not to do what felt right for him. I don't forgive Rika, and I don't forgive V for what happened in the RAE, but, I'm glad to know Saeran got his peace and that he won't judge me for what I feel.
Sometimes, you want an explanation, even if it only proves that those people don't have remorse for what they did. At least, for some folks, having that proof can he helpful. It helps you feel like walking away is the right choice for you and you did what felt right. If you don't want an explanation, if you don't want to hear it, don't seek one.
Walk away and find peace another way.
It's your life, choose what feels right for you and find peace your way.
Wow, I went off a little here, but... I think it's important to note that these characters are complex and it's easy to take away one thing about them when there is so much going on... especially with Jihyun who hasn't always been favored by company and ends up getting the short end of the stick even in his own route. He and Rika can be very frustrating for most players because nobody wants to deal with their back and forth.
I hope this helped give you a little more insight on him. It's always fun to talk about him, contrary to popular belief. Thank you for your question! I hope you feel comfortable asking more!
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sehodreams · 8 months
Hey guys, so I saw @///gyuvision doing this and I thought it was the cutest thing ever, she did it so well I couldn't stop thinking about them when I heard music, to be honest I wanted to assign an era to each one but I couldn't decide (except Shotaro, he's definitely 1989, and Anton, he's Lover), so if you like it I’ll try to do that one.
These are songs that make me think about each member when I listen to them, I had so much fun doing this, hope you all enjoy it too!
TW and tags: fluff (?), a bit of toxic!Eunseok, a touch of angst, mentions of first time with Anton but nothing explicit (by the way they’re 18/19), fwb(?)!Wonbin.
WC: 2.1K
Note: This is not dark at all, if you don’t like that kind of content, I don’t recommend you visit my blog.
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SEUNGHAN - The Archer
He's been so hurt, and it's even more painful because the people who have been trying to sabotage him are mostly friends, ‘cause all of my enemies started as friends, this song always makes me think of him, and how vulnerable he must feel seeing pictures of his past all around the internet, ‘cause they see right through me, can you see right through me? I see right through me, also, how much he must have felt responsible for the group's reputation, scared of being an obstacle to all the boys and regretting his past, I never grew up, it's getting so old, I'm sure he'll always remember these hard times, I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost, the room is on fire, on invisible smoke, but I hope he learns how to be stronger from this and comes back safely to the group with the same, or a better, energy, combat, I'm ready for combat.
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EUNSEOK - False God
Eunseok would give you the most intense love story of your life, with an energy that makes you forget about anything else that isn't him and you two together, I know heaven's a thing, I go there when you touch me, honey hell is when I fight with you, however, I don’t think it’s a love that would last forever, you know it, he knows it, everyone knows it, they all warned us about times like this, they say the roads get hard and you get lost when you’re led by blind faith, and it doesn’t necessarily ends because you two don’t love each other anymore, but because of life circumstances and personalities, and I can’t talk to you when you’re like this, staring out the window like I’m not your favorite town, still, a love like the one you two had was impossible to get over, it doesn’t matter how much you two have tried it, you want to be together again, but we can patch it up good, make confessions and we’re begging for forgiveness, got the wine for you, but you're not good for each other anymore, and you can’t talk to me when I’m like this, daring you to leave me just so I can try and scare you, so it becomes unstable, hard to maintain, a secret embarrassing to say out loud to others, but we might just get away with it, religion’s in your lips even if it’s a false god, at least, you two feel satisfied with what you have, because the thought of not being together is more painful than proudly living alone, we’d still worship this love, still worship this love, even if it’s a false god.
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SUNGCHAN - You Belong With Me
Sungchan makes me think of friends-to-lovers and mutual pinning, knowing each other all life, you two had to be friends first to start having feelings for each other, I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry, and I know your favorite songs, and you tell me 'bout your dreams, but not daring to ruin your friendship, you try to forget it being with other people, hurting each other in the process, If you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along, so why can't you see?, both of you have unfulfilling relationships with people you don’t love and that do not love you, and you've got a smile that can light up this whole town, I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down, you say you're fine, I know you better than that, you two know it’s not going to work out because you two need each other to feel really happy, I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be, laughing on a park bench thinking to myself ‘’Hey, isn't this easy?’’, so after much time, none of you can deny what you feel anymore, have you ever thought, just maybe, you belong with me?
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SHOTARO - Shake It Off
My sweet boy reminds me of this song because he always brings positivity to whenever he is, But I keep cruising, can’t stop, won’t stop grooving, it’s like I got this music in my mind sayin’, ‘’It’s gonna be alright’’, his pretty smile makes you smile too, and even when the others say he can be scary while dancing, he works hard because he wants to give people the best out of him, and his skills are not just from talent, but from effort and passion, I never miss a beat, I’m lightnin’ on my feet, and that’s what they don’t see, he’s actually a pretty brave boy, grabbing every opportunity that appeared in front of him, following his love for dance and moving alone to Korea, I’m dancin’ on my own, I make the moves up as I go, and that’s what they don’t know, he got to work with NCT to then go to Riize, a risky decision that maybe wasn’t a choice to start, just think, while you’ve been getting’ down and out about the liars, and the dirty dirty cheats of the world, you could’ve been getting’ down to this sick beat, he's a strong boy, and doesn’t matter the obstacles that he sees, he’ll always overcome them and appreciate the process, ‘cause the players gonna play, and the haters gonna hate, baby I’m just gonna shake, shake it off, I shake it off.
Extra: And to the fella over there with the hella good hair, won’t you come on over, baby? We can shake, shake, shake, is Shotaro calling Wonbin to dance together, lol.
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SOHEE – Fearless
We all know the comments about Sohee growing up in a family that wasn’t as well positioned economically as the other members, I don’t want to confirm it, but taking that into mind, it makes me think that he comes from a place that, if he hadn’t worked so hard, would have made his dream stay just like that, a dream, there’s something about the way the street looks when it’s just rained, there’s a glow off the pavement, and that, apart from liking to sing, his dream of being a start was pushed by himself with the goal of helping his family get a better life, we’re drivin down the road, I wonder if you know I’m trying so hard not to get caught up now, but you’re so cool, run your hands through your hair, absentmindedly making me want you, always remembering where he comes from and all the support he had, he has values not many do, in this one-horse town, I wanna stay right here, in this passenger’s seat, you put your eyes on me, in this moment now, capture it, remember it, he already met his first goal, debuting, and he’s slowly getting used to a different lifestyle, you pull me in and I’m a little more brave, it’s the first kiss, it’s flawless, really something, it’s fearless, he took a hard decision for anyone in his circumstances and he’s finally seeing results, but he doesn’t take it for granted and continues working hard every day, ‘cause I don’t know how it gets better than this, you take my hand and drag me head first, fearless, showing how courageous he is and how he’ll never stop improving, because fear is not an impediment for him, and I don’t know why but with you, I’d dance, in a storm in my best dress, fearless.
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ANTON - Cruel Summer
Anton is summer love, seeing each other again after many years, you two can’t remember how you used to look when you were younger, enjoying meeting as if it was the first time again, but this time, you can’t just be friends anymore, killing me slow, out the window, I’m always waiting for you to be waiting below, doing new things, things you never imagined before, you enjoy exploring a different side of yourself, devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes, tanned skin, friendship bracelets, the ocean and ice creams in the middle of the night, everything is pure pleasure around you two, what doesn’t kill me makes me want you more, everyone tells you to be careful, because summer will have an end, and you know it, so you decide to get the best out of it, sneaking out and having as many experiences together as possible, It’s cool, that’s what I tell ‘em, no rules, in breakable heaven, stealing cheap beers and whisky from your parents to then get sick because you two are too young to know how to hold your liquor, I’m drunk in the back of the car, and I cried like a baby coming home from the bar, you don’t want to admit it, but you think you’re the one who is more in love between you two, which hurts, said, ‘’I’m fine’’, but it wasn’t true, I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you, you believe you’re the one who is making most of the effort, risking things you never thought you’d before, and I snuck in through the garden gate, every night that summer just to seal my fate, and you thought he didn’t know about your feelings, but of course he did, who else would give as many things as you did? and I screamed for whatever is worth, ‘’I love you’’, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?, however, to your surprise, you find out you weren’t the one who was more in love, he looks up grinning like a devil, and, even if it ends, you two give each other all the first times anyone could ever wish, and It’s new, the shape of your body, so it’s cruel, but it’s the best summer, it’s blue, the feeling I’ve got, and it’s ooh, whoa, oh it’s a cruel summer.
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WONBIN - I Think He Knows
Falling for Wonbin is easy, he draws people to him without even trying, so of course you’re one of his victims too, his footprints on the sidewalk lead to where I can’t stop, go there every night, just to have him near you was enough to enchant you, following him with your eyes all night, you can’t help but go to him, his hands around a cold glass make me wanna know that body like it’s mine, you’re the one who has to start the interaction, and even if you weren’t used to it, you did it, pushing the fear of rejection aside, seeing a man like him was unusual, and you had to shoot your shot, he got that boyish look that I like in a man, it wasn’t as hard as you thought, with confidence, and a weak strategy, you caught his attention too, I am an architect, I’m drawing up the plans, a bit awkward at first, you being the one getting close first made you feel like a young kid running behind her crush again, it’s like I’m 17, nobody understands, no one understands, but you liked it, the nervous eyes, the heart beating, the hands sweating, it was something exciting that reminded you of good times, he got my heartbeat skipping down 16th avenue, but you weren’t a child anymore, that interaction wouldn’t end with you two holding hands, and with him reciprocating the energy, you felt it coming, got that, ah, I mean, wanna see what’s under that attitude, like, I want you, bless my soul, and I ain’t gotta tell him, I think he knows, and unlike the meeting, the touches weren’t awkward at all, both of you perfectly knowing what to do to satisfy each other, when we get all alone, I’ll make myself at home, and he’ll want me to stay, but you knew his type, and he knew yours, or so he thought, because after a couple of meetings and getting to know the real you, I think he knows he’d better lock it down or I won’t stick around, ‘cause good ones never wait, he didn’t want to let you go anymore, he’s so obsessed with me and boy I understand, boy I understand, he was new to approaching someone, always being the approached one, but again, with a bit of your help, everything was possible, lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh, we could follow the sparks, I’ll drive, and just like falling for him, being with him was easy too, because after you showed him the path, he knew what to do, ‘’So where we gonna go?’’ I whisper in the dark, ‘’Where we gonna go?’’ I think he knows.
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shiny-jr · 1 year
Hi! I just want to say that I've read all of your takes on how the overblot crew don't get held accountable for what they've done and I am so happy to find another person that agrees with me.
Listen, I understand that we're dealing with incredibly traumatised teenagers who were pushed into it and overblotting was what ultimately lead them towards their healing but put aside the damage that they did during their overblot and think about how awfully they treated yuu beforehand.
Azul: took away their home and the only comfort family they had in twst (the ghosts), and sent the tweels to attack and harrass them during their attempts to get back their home and free their friends from servitude
Jamil: Kidnapped them, locked them up in a room against their will, again took away their home, isolated them from their friends/adeuce and prevented them from contacting anyone, hypnotised them and manipulated them, forced them to participate in long marches in the desert and literally turned a blind eye during their clear suffering
Vil: (he is literally my least favourite character - and yes, I do understand that he has just as much trauma and issues as the others due to his past and the pressure he puts on himself to be perfect - but I just don't like him) he was downright cruel and needlessly awful to not only Yuu but everyone else. He not only was horrid to poor Epel but he was dismissive and uncaring to the point of upsetting Deuce and making him run off so that no one would see him in that state. And that was before he tried to murder an innocent teenager in cold blood pre-overblot.
Yuu has gone through so much because of them and not once do they ever actually acknowledge the damage they've done to them. No one ever thinks: hey, maybe we should check up on that traumatised child that we've most definitely emotionally scarred and try to make amends instead of brushing their feelings under the rug.
You know why I love Ace so much? He actually calls people out for what they've done. He rightfully admonishes Trey for being a bystander during Riddle's reign of terror whilst Heartslabyul was suffering, he rightfully tells Riddle that crying won't erase the way he treated them before he overblotted (I was shocked that he had the guts to say that but I agreed with him - I stan a real one), he punches Riddle when he maliciously insults Yuu for no reason (that was the moment I fell for him. Yes I have a 5% hunch he did that also because he just wanted to punch him but the fact that it was Yuu's feelings getting hurt that made him actually lose it after everything else Riddle did to him is just everything to me), and he rightfully gets mad at Malleus when his prank made him think that his friends were dead.
I actually have a Yuu/OC that's so traumatised by the overblots that the only people they fully trust are Adeuce and Grim. They don't know if anyone that's nice to them are actually manipulative or will just use them in the future so they've developed serious trust issues and have PTSD from the actions of the overblots that they don't even look at them or greet them in the hallways. This is a Yuu that will forgive and never forget. It sounds petty and vindictive but I want them to suffer in their guilt whilst Yuu gets the support and help from Adeuce that they need.
Okay, I held off on responding to this because goddamn is it a long ask. Hold on, I gotta put this under the cut because it's too much, and my responding just makes it longer. Also, you read all the takes? That's impressive, considering I don't remember half of what I said. Spoilers for all overblots, including from the diasomnia chapter.
I'm just gonna summarize this in one simple statement. I know people aren't gonna agree, but here it is. The overblotted students deserved more punishments. As you said, yes, they're traumatized, but they were still conscious of their decisions before they overblotted. And they all did some questionable stuff before overblotting.
You literally said everything I was going to say. None of them are innocent. Even if they didn't overblot, their actions before the disaster were bad.
Idk, I feel like Yuu should be a little more acknowledged sometimes. I mean, yeah, ultimately, the characters do get close to Yuu and help them out. (1) Riddle helping Yuu investigate against Leona, (2) Leona helping Yuu get rid of Azul's contracts to free everyone, (3) Azul stepping in to help Yuu while they were stuck with Jamil, (4) Jamil getting them out of that dangerous overblot situation with Vil, (5) Vil helping fight against Idia and giving Yuu and co. a kiss, etc. But half of these felt like they had ulterior motives when they did this, and yeah, they treat Yuu differently, but we don't see that too much.
Ace is like one of the only real ones. The realest. Yeah, he was a massive jerk in the beginning, but that character development? In the beginning of the prologe, he was just being rude for no reason. But then, by the end of the prologe, he's actually begrudgingly friends with Yuu, and then towards the end of chapter one, as you said, he defends Yuu after Riddle made that unnecessary comment. Find yourself a bro like Ace (also because, as mentioned in other posts, he did not stand for Malleus' and Lilia's bs prank).
Honestly, Yuu should be super messed up mentally and emotionally by now. Probably even physically. Because of all the stuff they've gone through.
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amix1982 · 2 months
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My first Elvis fanfic. I used to write a lot a long time ago, and kind of stopped doing it. I find myself obsessed with Elvis lately, and this is such a great community. Everyone who writes fics have inspired me to write my own. Please forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes. 
Not sure how to do the Discretion advisory. I just kind of copied from how everyone else has been doing it. :)
Rating: NSFW
Relationships: Elvis Presley/Original Female Character
Warnings: NSFW, smut, cursing.
Summary: Your are a dancer in the 68 come back special who helps Elvis with his stage fright.
It had already been a few weeks since rehearsals started for Elvis’ television special. Your agent had gotten you an audition as a dancer in the production, and you were one of the lucky ones selected. You had been dancing since you were a child, and showed great potential, enough that your parents agreed for you to enrol at Juilliard Dance Division in New York City. Your family was not rich by any means, but with the help of your devoted family and working after school and summer jobs, you were finally able to earn enough for your tuition. 
Going to school in New York with no family or friends meant that you had to learn to get by on your own. Your parents helped when they could, but this experience forced you to grow up pretty quickly. Competition was high, and you were not the top of your class, but you were still among the best dancers in your year. 
Honestly, you had no desire to become a super star, you just wanted to dance. It brought you joy. It made you forget all the awful things happening in the world, and in your personal life. But, you did have to eat after all, and your parents didn’t send you to school for nothing. A career was expected of you after all.
June had been particularly hot in California that year, and while you were no stranger to hot, muggy, city summers, LA was just on another level. Luckily, the studio had air conditioning. Things were modernizing, but not fast enough when it came to AC, in your opinion. You could remember going to see movies in the summertime as the cinema was one of the few places with A/C to get any relief from the heat. 
Your first day on set was mostly just meetings, finding out the itinerary for rehearsal and filming. Getting to know your coworkers, and crew. You found out that you would be dancing in the gospel production number. You had wrinkled your nose up upon finding out, hoping for a sexy part in the bordello act. But as you stood looking in the floor length mirror in your hotel room later that night, you couldn’t blame them. You were just an average hight, plain faced brunette with big eyes and a round face. You sometimes felt like a big eye Margaret Keane painting.
You wouldn’t meet Elvis until just before rehearsals started, you were not sure how a big star such as him would be like to work with, but you were pleasantly surprised at his professionalism and friendliness. You had seen some of his movies with your friends, and his hits were always on the radio, so you were familiar with him and his career. But, you felt you couldn’t call yourself a fan, not really. Not like some of your crazy friends, who nearly knocked you out of your chair the night you told them you would be working with him.
But, now as you sit reading the same page over and over in the stupid airport romance novel you bought while travelling to LA, you realize you can’t stop thinking about him. It’s only been a few days now! You really had it on for him. 
“Just a crush. Everyone has a crush on Elvis. You’ll be fineeee” You tell yourself outloud, tossing your book to the side of the bed. 
Tomorrow was the final rehearsal for your number, and then that evening Elvis was to start the live sessions. There was a problem, apparently tickets didn’t get sold as they should have, and the team was scrambling get an audience. You had been asked to sit at the back to fill some space, along with some of the other women dancers. Not all took the opportunity, which you thought was foolish, but not all the girls you worked with were particularly nice. Some thought themselves better than being an audience member, but you didn’t care. You had never seen Elvis live before, you were too young when he first came into the scene, and he had been doing movies for so long. Even though you were stuck in the back, it was going to be amazing. You just knew it!
The next morning was rough, you hardly slept, your mind on Elvis all night. You were sure all the other women were thinking of him too, especially the lucky ones who got to dress in sexy clothes and rub up against him. You were stuck in some virginal white dress, your long brown hair brushed out so that it rest on your shoulders. You looked and felt like a doll. Elvis probably wouldn’t like this look, and he’s spoken to nearly all the women except for you. Of course, you were too shy to say anything to him, so why should he interact with you? Which is why you were not expecting it when he finally did.
You stood in your starting position, staring hard at the flood with your thumbnail between your teeth. You were concentrating very hard at not looking at Elvis, that when he approached you and started to talk you completely tuned him out.
“Aw, I think somethin’s wrong with this one, man” Elvis pointed to you, your head still down in deep thought. 
“Ah ah I mean, she looks like a baby doll, maybe if I crank her up she’ll walk and talk like a real girl” Elvis ran his hand along your back, probably a little slower than he really had to, pretending to find the crank.
This woke you up out of your thoughts, not knowing what was going on and your brain telling you danger, you foolishly moved to go forward, face planting into his chest. In a blind panic, you backed up, tripped over part of the set, and flew ass over tea kettle. 
Next thing you knew you were laying on your back, with Elvis at your side, hand sliding underneath your head, looking down at you with concern. 
“I’m sorry, honey, I didn’t mean ta scare ya. You were far away my darlin’, what in the world were you thinkin’ of?”
“H-how to not look at you.” You stammered, before wincing at your words. Why did you have to be so honest all the time?
Next thing you heard was a loud bellowing roar of laughter, with little hiccuping gasps at the end. The laughter was so contagious you found yourself laughing along with him.
“Now why would you be doin’ that?” He asked, now helping you to sit up.
You allow him to assist you to stand, your laughter dying down to just a small chuckle as you look down at your feet. “Because I can’t keep my eyes off of you, that’s why.”
This seemed to please him as you could see the fine lines of crows feet appear next to his eyes. Elvis reached out and drew a thumb along the bottom of your chin, tipping it up so that you were forced to look at him. 
“I better have a good look at you, since you’ve had all this time to look at me.” 
You chewed on your lip. Wow, he really knew how to put the moves on. You wanted to believe that you were the only one, but he had been flirting with almost the entire cast and crew. Up until now, he never even noticed you before. It was hard to control your excitement, even if you knew better. 
“Elvis” It was Steve Binder on the PA. 
“Uh Yeah, Steve?” Elvis let go of your chin, twisted so that he was looking backwards and up at the control booth. 
“We need you to start off from the ….”
Steve’s voice faded away, as you watched Elvis listen intently to the director. You found your eyes moving towards his ass, then realized you were in public and quickly glanced sideways to a cast of women who were staring at you like you were the villain. You jump to attention, give the girls a sheepish grin, then shuffle back to your starting point.
“Wow, that girl is weird.” You could overhear one of them say. You didn’t do very well of making friends on this job. But then you never worked with Elvis and a group of young women before. Almost the whole cast looked a shade of green.
“Hold on Steve, I’ll be ready in a second.” Elvis turned back to you and saw that you had moved back to your position. “Will you be at the filming tonight?”
You smile and nod. 
“Great, I’ll see you then…..?” Elvis trailed off, raising his brows with a questioning look on his face. 
“Y/N” You tell him your name.
“I’ll see ya then, Y/N”
Rehearsals went well, you didn’t make any mistakes and found yourself feeling a little pompous when the girls who had called you weird flubbed up their steps. You all had to do the scene over again, which you could tell was annoying Elvis. Although, he was still polite and gracious to everyone. The whole time Elvis was sneaking peaks at you, making the other women distracted and jealous. It started to make you feel uncomfortable, and it was like he could sense it, because he stopped doing it. You hid your smile, feeling grateful that he could tell how you were feeling, and respected that.
Rehearsals came to an end, and Elvis left almost immediately. You figure he was probably going to get dinner, and get ready for the live show tonight. You, on the other hand, had no plans whatsoever. Figuring there was no point in going back to your hotel, then back here again you hung around the studio. Still wearing the white dress you wore to rehearsals. It was close enough to filming that you and the other cast started to wear your costumes, and you are glad you did. It meant you wouldn’t be in the audience wearing your dance tights.
You found it quiet ever since Elvis’ entourage was kicked off set for being too loud. You kind of liked them, always laughing and fooling around. You were so surprised to see how eager they were to serve Elvis, it was like a King and his subjects. All vying for his attention. You thought Elvis seemed cool about it though, it didn’t appear to you that he was taking advantage of them or anything. What a strange life, you thought.
After a while you notice people starting to fill into the seating area, which circled a raised stage in the middle. You get up and make your way to the spot you had your eyes on, in the back, near the doors where you knew Elvis would be coming from. You plop yourself down and wait.
Backstage a million questions were going though Elvis’ mind. “Am I good enough?” “Do I still have it?” “Will I screw this up?” 
“God dammit” He huffed, sitting back on the sofa, the stiffness of his leather suit making it impossible to slouch. “No one is gonna come.”
He had been delaying going out for a while now and knew that soon someone would come looking for him. What was he going to do? He couldn’t just not do the show, but he also just couldn’t get himself to go, it was like he couldn’t move his legs at all. 
Elvis had always felt some form of stage fright thought his career. Some worse than others, but nothing compared to the anxiousness he was feeling right now. His leg started to bounce, and his breath started to come faster. Little beads of sweat began at his brow line, threatening to fall. The panic would rise up, and he would push it down, then rise up again, only to be stuffed back from whence it came. 
He began to wring his hands when he heard a tiny knock. Elvis looked at the door for a long time before willing himself to get up and answer it. He figured it was someone coming to check on him, but the knock was so light that he couldn’t imagine who it could even be. Dabbing himself on the head with his towel, he opens the door a crack and sees you standing there. For a moment his fears vanish.
“Oh, hi there doll face. What are you doing here.” He steps aside to let you inside, then closes the door behind you.
You look around the dressing room, surprised that Elvis was all alone. He is still behind you and you turn to face him, not expecting him to be so close behind you.
‘Well, its just…’ You bring a finger to your lips, you know you look super innocent and for some reason you are compelled to flaunt it. “That comedian is fishing at the bottom as his barrel right now, and you’ve been longer than anticipated. I took a chance, and thought I’d check in on you.”
“Aw, that’s sweet honey” Elvis sits back down, the anxiety starting to bubble up again. He leans forward with his elbows on his knees, and his chin in his hands. He gazes at you and clenches his jaw.
You knew that faraway look, because you got it too. Before every performance you got butterflies in your stomach, but once you were on stage and dancing it all faded away. But, this was on a different level. You could sense he was on the verge of real panic, but was masterfully keeping it all together.
“Hey…” You say gently, walking up to him and kneeling down. You had this overwhelming feeling to take care of him. “It will be ok. Once you start singing it will all fade away.”
“Hn..?” He lifted his head off his hands to look at you as if he wasn’t paying attention, even though he knew exactly what you had said. Once the words processed he nodded. “Hmm. It’s just that I haven’t performed live in .. 8 years”
Forgetting yourself you lean forward, placing your elbows on his knees now, chin in hands. “You’ll be fine. Trust me. It’s just like a jam session, and your friends are here, and family.” You felt a pang of pain when you said family, having forgotten that this man did have a wife, who was probably around here somewhere. Although, if the rumours were true then they weren’t doing so well. Of course, if the rumours were true then that dancer named Susan was already close with Elvis. Thinking this lowered your confidence, and you began to pull away.
Looking down at you, all Elvis could see were big blue eyes, pouty lips and a white dress that was so pure and innocent it was intoxicating. The way you propped your elbow on his knees was cute, and he wasn’t going to let you get away so easily.
‘Hang on there,Doll” He placed his hands on your arms, moving them back to where they were before. 
You smile at him, wiggling a little so that you’re more comfortable kneeling on the floor in front of him. He coughs and shifts in his seat a little, your squirming was starting to do something to him. 
It was all happening so fast, yet so naturally. You didn’t come in here with a plan to do this, and you know you should stop what you're doing immediately, but you can’t. All you can do is just give up and let the moment take over. Your hands slide around to his outer thighs, you feel your cheeks start to burn, and find you are a little too afraid to slide them to the inner of his thigh just yet, although you really want to. 
Elvis leans back, as best he can with the leather suit on, and spreads his legs. He is so turned on, but the pants are so tight it holds him in, a little painfully. You can still notice a bulge though, but the pants do a good job at hiding it. 
When he spread his legs, it gives you the courage to slide your hands to his inner tights. Once there you felt that there was no stopping you. You bite down on your lip gently, your hands moving up, and up ever so slowly, until you're cupping his hardness in his pants. His hips buckle just a little, he wasn’t expecting you to go this far, with your innocent pretty blue eyes, and white dress. 
You slide up in front of him, pushing off his knees, getting in close so that you are face to face. Immediately he grabs the side of your head, pulling you to him, kissing you with urgency and need. You crawl onto his lap, while his hands slide up through your hair, messing it up, as you roll your hips. You quickly wonder what has gotten into you, you’re not super inexperienced or anything, but you’ve never behaved in this way with a man before. But it was coming so naturally, it felt like your heart was full, this was the passion you were looking for. 
“Oh baby, we gotta slow this down” He says, finally breaking away from your lips.
“But…” You begin to protest, as he places his hands on your shoulder. You could see the beads of sweat sliding down the side of his face, his lips all puffy. You both sit panting for just a few moments before Elvis starts to explain.
“These pants took forever to get on…” He leans in and nuzzles your neck.
“Are they easy to get off though?” You turn your head so that his lips are now brushing yours. 
With an amused expression on his face, he rubs his lips against yours and mumbles “yes”
Just then there is a loud knock at the door, which startles you both. You jump off his lap, smooth your skirt of your dress down and step back, allowing Elvis to stand up. He looks just a bit uncomfortable and you know why.
“Elvis, it’s Steve, can we come in.”
“Yeah, sure, come on in” Elvis places a hand gently on your arm, asking you with his gesture to leave. But not without flashing you a beautiful smile and whispering. ‘I’ll think of you on stage.” 
You leave the room, and find your seat once again, knowing with full confidence that Elvis would soon be on that stage. Within minutes, there he was, walking out onto the platform, looking so amazing in his black leather suit. It was hard to imagine how anxious, and how horny he was just a few minutes ago. He oozed sex, and confidence. 
You sit knowingly, occasionally your eyes wander down to the front of his pants, you know exactly where to look. He was still hard, so, so hard. You remembered some of the girls talking about how he told someone how he didn’t like to wear underwear, or something like that. You squeeze your thighs together, imagining how the friction was probably feeling for him right now. 
You didn’t know exactly when he came, maybe it was even more than once. Those groans and grunts worked well in the show, but you knew better. While the others all thought it was part of the show, you were studying him so hard that you could see it was for real. It was shocking, but fucking hot and exhilarating to see. 
He had thought that his desire would just go away when he hit the stage, but the thrill of being back in front of a crowd actually turned him on even more. It was the energy in the room, the cheering girls, the friction in his pants and most of all you, sitting there, watching him. It sent shivers throughout his body, and every time he moved he felt closer and closer to going over the edge. Nothing like this has ever happened to him before. 
He could remember times, back when he was young and on tour in the late ‘50s, getting all riled up and having to relieve himself after a show, or have some pretty girl do it for him. But never, ever, to the point of having an actual orgasm on stage. Both times caught him by surprise, and he growled, releasing his pent up energy. All the anxiety that he felt before the show, melted away after the strange experience, replaced with a feeling of ease, especially since he could see that no one took notice of what had just happened. Except for one.
The crowd just loved him, every single person focusing on him right now. You worried for a moment it would be hard for him, having all those eyes staring, but it looked as if he was revelling in the attention. No one noticed you squirming in your seat, wiggling and rubbing your thighs together, while cheering and clapping as if were were not close to orgasming in public. 
He turned to glance back at you, and you could see his jaw slack for just a few seconds before correcting his expression. He could see you wiggling, and let out a groan, before whipping back around with his guitar to finish off the song. 
The brief eye contact sent you over the edge, you grip your seat to hold your hips down, and to hide your moan you yell out his name, screaming like a fan would.
“Hello to ya too, Darlin’” Elvis joked, trying to play along, that you were just screaming like another crazy fan, rather than a woman who was riding out an orgasm in his studio audience.
Damn, He thought to himself. I need to make sure I catch her before she leaves. He gives you a longing look, he had perfected this over time, it was a way of communicating without words. He wanted you, and he wanted you to know it. 
I kind of want to continue somehow, but not sure. LOL. IDK if this is even any good.
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Hi Rose 💜 Weird question time! Do you have a favourite quote(s) from the series you've watched? Like, some sentence that got stuck in your head. I am looking at the empty wall in my room and feeling a very adult urge to just write something on it so I'm looking for inspirations.
No pressure though, it's just my head is completely empty and my memory is bad 😅
Hi Kat💜
So my memory is also terrible. A lot of the times I forget quotes really quickly. But I was thinking about this and going through the rolodex in my brain, and realized that I do remember lines from shows, but usually they aren't significant by themselves. Like for me it's a quote that brings me straight into the show again, like I'm seeing in my head and it's invoking the same feelings that I felt during the show. (also there's also the language thing, where I'm not always sure if I know exactly what they're saying so I'm always afraid of giving it weight for some reason)
Like for example. If I'm thinking of WDYEY, I think of onions, and chicken thighs. Specifically "I think I should use two chicken thighs", as said by Shiro. Because it makes me remember them instantly, and have the same feeling I had when I watched. Also lot of the times I think of bits of dialogue and not necessarily lines by itself. Like for instance in ULS when Hotae is talking to Donghee while cleaning and he says a bunch of things ending with something like "But that's all bullshit. Because when you can't endure something, then you just can't endure it."
So I don't know if these will help you, because although I think I could maybe put them on my wall or something, and it would be meaningful to me, I don't know if it would be the same for you.
But anyway, you asked and I will tell you some of my favourite lines, that I think of, when I remember certain shows. (these are from memory, so they might not be verbatim)
Light on me "Yesterday, today and tomorrow. I'll still be thinking about you" Shinwoo - this is of course an all time favourite.
Love Sick "It barely takes any time to fall in love, so why does it hurt so much to say goodbye?" Noh (I'm gonna stop at one with this one because I'd be here all day)
Gaya Sa Pelikula "Tell me a story Karl." & "I refuse to be a plot device that triggers somebody else's identity crisis only to be left alone in the end" & "Jesus is too forgiving to be a Capricorn" Vlad (yeah this show also had a lot that I like)
Kieta Hatsukoi "We don't have to be like everyone else" Ida
If it's with you "I think liking you might be good" Ryuji
Old Fashion Cupcake "Don't just be a part of my life. Please be my entire life" Togawa
To My Star "If it's too hard for you. I'll go to you." Seo Joon
We Best Love "Am I still the lucky one?" WBL 2 "You wanted to stay with me forever, but you didn't believe in my forever" Shu Yi
Theory of Love "Why Khai? Why are you still waiting" "I don't wanna love you anymore. It hurts" < I can hear this one in my head. Third
The Eighth Sense "I'm getting sick of wearing a mask" & "Let's try it together even if we're afraid" Jae Won (this one is another I'd have several)
Unintentional Love Story "I'll love you instead." Ji Won Young
I've not been able to really go look, because life, but I know I have more and if more come to me I'll let you know. I know there are a couple from kdramas I really like but for the life of me I can't remember them right now. The only one that comes to mind is from Navillera that it's just "Did you soar?" cause I get emotional just thinking about it.
Anyway since perhaps I'm not the best person for this particular thing, because I have a terrible memory and maybe because I'm more of a visual person when it comes to tv, I thought I'd open the floor to some people that might be able to help. So tagging some folks that might be able to contribute to your endeavour.
@lurkingshan @twig-tea @wen-kexing-apologist @bengiyo @hyeoni-comb (no pressure of course)
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