#i rewatch it daily
the 00008 on his collarbone haunts me. what does it mean. am i insane? probably. but what does it mean.
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see-arcane · 1 year
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wigglesdtuff · 3 months
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crismakesstuff · 9 months
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“Just remember Mark is a seventeen year old boy, they break more easily than you think. And I don’t want a broken family.”
redraw of this one photo from the ultimate editions
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briebysabs · 3 months
Lu Guang is a hypocrite and that’s okay (great even)
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I must stand ten toes for this man because I’m noticing the slander that went on in September and I cannot allow it. I know I’m six months late but just bear with me. We are introduced to Lu Guang as a rational, stoic, sort of wise protagonist. The brains of the operation if you will (although Cheng is clever in his own right but that’s a whole other discussion). Qiao Ling and Captain Xiao describe him as more mature. Shiguang’s relationship is strong but it’s structured, especially for their work, to where Cheng has to depend on Lu Guang. Should only do as he says and not do anything impulsive.
And it gets to a point where Cheng doesn’t know what to do without him and when LG isn’t there he relies on his past words to guide him. The thing is, we’ve seen that CXS can come up with great plans and make good decisions without Lu Guang’s voice in his head. Like how he caught Min Liu or planning how save Lu Guang from Li Tianchen. But the story has built LG up so much to be a reliable character so it can’t be untrue. But then the s2 finale happens, Cheng gets shot and Lu Guang loses his mind.
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And then the ending basically tells you that he’s been winging it and gambling this whole time. Experimenting with god knows how many timelines, simply using his knowledge from the previous one to see if he’ll get lucky this time. Lu Guang has been playing a crane game. So in a story that is all about mistakes, guilt and regrets. Of showing the imperfections of people. Of showing the struggles of moving forward, of being satisfied with the present. Of sacrificing your sanity, your voice, your desires, and happiness for the people you love. How is this bad writing?
Link click has been tricking the audience to believe Lu Guang is an infallible character.
But Link Click was never about perfect people.
What he’s trying to do is no different from Li Tianchen, one of our antagonists. And I love CXS to fucking pieces but this show raises the question of a life’s value. LG is trying to save Cheng and so refuses to change the past for anyone else. Bc it may alter things and doom CXS in the process and ruin all he’s worked towards. But then you ask yourself, is CXS’s life worth more than the twins' mother? Is it worth more than Chen’s mother? Is it worth more than Emma?
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It doesn’t matter because it is to Lu Guang. It’s like the question if your sibling and a mailman are trapped in a burning building but you can only try to save one. Unless they’re the absolute scum of the earth, chances are and possibly even despite that, you’re going to pick your sibling. That don’t mean it’s objectively more valuable than the mailman or you didn’t have sympathy for that person, they have loved ones, hopes and joys too. “Lu Guang is a hypocrite, selfish, unreliable, and a liar” yes he is. Because there is something called ‘flawed characters’. It’s okay for your protagonist to not be the best person. It’s okay to write a protagonist whose trauma has defined some of their actions.
If you’ve been forced to have someone you love die in your arms over and over, why is it surprising that you would lie to them? How is it surprising that you’d try to keep secrets? That you’d set things up to be in a position to control the situation? That’ll force you to plan better so maybe, just maybe things will be different? You think Lu Guang lacks self awareness and doesn’t know what this makes him? Of all things you can call LG, he’s not delusional. He knows the weight of his actions.
Link Click has and always will be a story about people. Where our emotions and choices take us. Lu Guang isn’t a robot so why would he be an exception?
Plus everyone should’ve been knew Lu Guang was sus anyway. Idk how that’s mischaracterization, there’s proof of him lying and keeping secrets from CXS in s1. It doesn’t ruin anything it recontextualizes what we were shown back then.
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raideoarts · 4 months
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Day 13/29 AOS Spock jumpscare! That's right I'm still a trekkie and I will be till I die 🖖 I rewatched Star Trek Beyond and it got me emotional 😭
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drewstarkeyslut · 8 months
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I need this man right now, it’s not even funny anymore
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bucket-of-amethyst · 2 years
In honor of the Mumbo return i went to rewatch some of his videos and i just had to clip what has to be one of my favorites moments ever!
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dsmpdaily · 2 years
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daily-property-police · 2 months
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Day 461- Blue (they’re real)
Make sure to donate what you can to gamers outreach!
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kikikat09 · 7 months
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Why am i like this?
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saneabandoned · 5 days
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You weren’t loyal to me.
Oh, but they were. That’s why they never questioned you, they know how loyal you are, how you pride yourself in that, and never thought you’d actually leave. That’s why they never went after you, they just couldn’t believe you’d really left, left them, they didn’t know how to search for somebody who made it clear he didn’t want to be found. They were loyal, they just never expected you not to be.
I was one of you.
They know. They remember, and how couldn’t they, when they are not the same without you, they don’t see things the way they did with you standing next to them. They lost their balance the day they lost you, there is an empty space now where you once were and it’s just not the same anymore, not without you.
You still are. A brother, a friend. You are standing in front of them, and they’d take you back in a second, you need only ask.
You may have forgotten, but I haven’t.
Believe it, they can’t either. They just can’t wrap their minds around the fact that you’re not there anymore, that you chose to leave them, after everything you’ve been through together. They never looked for you because they didn’t know it was possible you didn’t want them anymore. They thought you’d forgotten, they never could.
And it’s why I’m going to give you what you never gave me: a chance.
They never gave you a chance because they didn’t think you needed it. They would never presume you’d wanted it, that you were ever even thinking of betraying them, that you needed something else other than them, than what you had together. They gave you a chance, don’t ignore it. They’re giving it now too. They’re here, aren’t they?
But you’re too proud, too stubborn, too insecure. How could they want you when you left? You can’t admit the mistake you made because you don’t think they’ll forgive you, and what then? You’d have lost your purpose, you’d be left alone, again. The kind of loneliness you never knew existed, the one you felt for the first time when you left them, only it would be worse because you’d know they don’t want you back this time.
You can’t bear to hear their refusal, which is why you prefer to have this on your own terms, you won’t beg, you want them to beg. Beg to join you, beg for you to come back.
Just a bit more, and maybe you’ll yield.
You want to feel that they’d missed you, and to be able to have someone watch your back again, someone to care enough for you to risk defending you. You weren’t made to be on your own, not like this, and you know it.
But you won’t break, why won’t you break?
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kyouka-supremacy · 20 days
Hi. I've calmed down a bit, and I think it's better if I just take a break from Tumblr for a while. Right now, I don't feel the fandom to be the same chill and safe space as I felt it to be, so I'd rather take some time until I can feel comfortable again with posting. All my side blogs will be on hiatus too. I'm terribly sorry for any discomfort this may cause.
A deep, wholehearted thank you to anyone who reached out in the last hours in replies, asks and dms to share their support and love. Seriously, you can't imagine how much it meant to me, how meaningful every single message I got was to me. Yesterday I was really believing my blog didn't bring anything but negativity and hatred to the community; thank you for reaching out to tell me I was able to share a little happiness, too. Words cannot express how indebted I am to you; you made me feel again like the posting I made on my blog was worth it, for you alone.
I don't think I'll deactivate for the time being. The temptation is still very strong, but I've poured so much time and dedication and love on this blog, I don't think it'd be fair to delete it. I hope in the future there'll still be people who my posts can make happy.
Lastly, I want to apologize once again to the people for whom my posts evoked so many negative sentiments. I know it's impossible to avoid, but I'm still sorry that happened. I apologize to you.
Please, be kind to each other. Make some ss/kk posts on my behalf while I'm away :)
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catboy-a-day · 2 months
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catboy 71!! A teeny meeny wittle guy
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dailydegurechaff · 9 days
I had a fun idea for an au Tanya:
Mech pilot Tanya. She is trying her hardest to stop being a mech pilot, at least become a handler so she doesn't have to go out in the machine herself, but guide them from behind a desk. The problem is she is so good at it that there is no way she would be allowed to be anything else.
I don't watch much of the Mecha genre, so I'm not sure I can add much to this, but what I can say is that in all universes Tanya fails to realize this one thing: Doing good work only gets you more work. It's extremely in character for her.
In canon, Salaryman was a war otaku and that's why he has so much knowledge about it right? .... It'd funny if in this AU he was really into Gunpla or something...
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figscigfigs · 5 months
the way emily axford plays dnd is the most beautiful thing in the world to me.
it is literally such an inspiration in every aspect (she is the reason i started playing dnd). the idea of being a support system for the people around you, and being so intelligent and strategic, that not only do you lift up every single person so they can have their moments but you’re also the funniest and raddest characters is brillant.
i am truly an emily axford enthusiast forever.
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