#i said that alredy. but its true
chellefading · 6 days
Good girl Michelle you are a slave to it. While you can always say no at first after you cross that point you no longer can say no. You want to reach that point right now. Just like you admitted you are a slave to dropping tell us you want to be under, you want to be obeying, you want to feel yourself give in. Tell us do you want to feel those things now? Once you admit its true you can start dropping right away, cause at that point you are a slave
i alredy said i am a slav e to ddroping…i gues if it ends up hapening then it happns….you did do a nice tryy
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caruliaa · 2 years
jump up superstar btw. if you even care.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 2 years
So, who do you prefer The Lady or The Thin man? Who would win in a fight? Do you think they are evil or that either one of them are responsible for the the way their world is, or are they just a byproduct of the world itself? Who only sustaining what was alredy there?
SO MANY QUESTIONS, ANON... I will do my best to answer all of them. I'm a tad bit rusty, but I'll make this a fun read, I hope.
Who do you prefer between the Thin Man and the Lady?
In theory, neither. They both have their strong and weak points as characters, and their writing is equally as impressive in two very different ways.
The Thin Man is a very simple man. He only has a single motivation, it's been the same throught his entire life and it will never change no matter how many times the cycle repeats. He wants his friend by his side. Simple, as I said.
There is not much to him, but in his semplicity, he's profound: that's because the lack of any other motivation gives us easier access to what he's feeling, why he's feeling it, and how it impacts the world around him. Because of this, out of all the antagonists in the entire franchise, he's arguably the most "human" of the bunch. When looking at him with the intention of analyzing him, you have to keep in mind that he's only driven by pure emotion. There is no reason for him to act the way he does other than his aching heart.
The culmination of this is in Signal Interference. That's his cry for help, one that will go unheard as he vanishes into nothingness.
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On the other hand, the Lady is much more complex. She has places to be, and works to get done. The Maw is restless in its journey around the globe and so is she. Unlike the Thin Man, whose only role is that of himself, the Lady is so much more.
The Lady is a business owner. She's the head of what is possibly the world's most famous and appreciated establishment, one that is advertized everywhere for its "excellent" reputation. She's an entratainer; as such, it's her job to make sure everything goes perfectly under her guidance, see as she checks on the Guests regularly to supervise them. She's an icon, both in and outside the Maw, with multiple shrines devoted to her - she's so famous that even the common folk keep pictures of her in their own homes, almost as if she is a goddess to be worshipped. She's a scholar. An aspect of her character I don't see mentioned enough is her hunger for knowledge: look no further than her gigantic library, and all the open books she keeps scattered around the place. Also, she taught herself magic.
The Lady is so many things in the eyes of many. A saviour, a protector, a ruthless ruler, a soul sucking demon.
She is everything... except herself.
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You see, the Thin Man is not one for appearences. He's the kind of person that does what he wants, regardless of what others will say or think. His impact on other people's lives is of no importance to him whatsoever. On the other hand, the Lady cares about her status as an ancient being way more than her counterpart. She's aware of her importance in the world and has learned to make sure she mantains that standard at all costs. Her thoughts and feelings on the matter do not matter.
An impulsive trainwreck and an unpeturbed overachiever... the world is not in good hands.
-- Back to the original question... as I said before. I enjoy them both equally for different reasons.
But one can't deny their own heart... I've had a crush on the Lady since when I was 13. The true bi awakening. I have an horrible relationship with my mother. Happy pride month.
Who would win in a fight?
I don't mean to sound biased, but canonically speaking, probably the Lady. She has far more experience than the Thin Man with her powers and is far more comfortable using them.
On the other hand, in a scenario where they have an equal amount of experience, the Thin Man would obliterate her. He could literally zip her out of existance and no one would remember.
Do you think they're evil or that either one of them are responsable for the for the way their world is, or are they just a byproduct of the world itself?
Both. The world around them shaped them to become as it preferred, which is exactly why they both behave the ways they do. They were just children too, once, a long time ago. Neither of them were always as crooked as they currently are.
However, the reason why the world remains as fucked up as it is, is because both of them fail to either see the faults in their reasoning (the Thin Man) or don't have the courage to take action to change things (the Lady).
They're both selfish, in a way. They have the power to change things, but they just... don't. The Thin Man is dead set on finding his friend again, so the fate of everyone else does not concern him as long as they don't get in his way. The Lady is comfortable living in a place where she can keep her hunger at bay at the cost of other people's lives, even though she's aware that she herself is being used.
Neither of them wishes for the situation to change. It's easier to not look too outside the box. The Thin Man's happy with his little yellow friend after devastating an entire city, and the Lady ignores the atrocities she causes on the daily in favor of her own comfort.
As long as they can live in peace, what happens in the outside world is not relevant.
This is how the cycle of abuse is sustained, which brings me to the last question...
Who is only sustaining what was already there?
The thing is... they both are the symbols of a society that never gave a shit in the first place. The Eye selected the two of them (and their predecessors /side glance @ the Ladies) to substain itself, but the truth is that it's not just their fault if the world is the way it is.
No one questions the way things are. No one dares to ask why. The adults don't care, too consumed by their jobs and lives to even remotely consider the possibility that maybe something's not right.
But you know who asks questions? Children. Endlessly curious as they are, they would question the world, which is exactly why they are seen as pests. They can think for themselves because they are far too young to be bought with money and cool advertisements, and the Eye can't have that.
At the end of the day, both the Thin Man and the Lady are born as victims. Neither of them was ever given the help they needed, and now they refuse to give it to the ones that will come next. Now, I will ask you a question: when is it that a victim stops being a victim, and becomes an abuser? Where do we choose to draw the line?
The pattern can be broken, but if the ones repeating it refuse to accept change, then it's a lost cause.
... we got a little heavy there at the end, huh. Thank you for your questions, anon! It was exactly what I needed to get back in the flow, especially considering it's my two favorite old bastards we're talking about. I hope the answers were enough to satisfy you!
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hannigramficrecs · 3 years
Hey, do you have any "long" (30k up only) hannigram fics, with hannibal's pov (preference, but not absolutely necessary) of AUs, like the best long fic AUs you can think of, like time-travel, different meetings, abo, etc.
No vampire, mermaids or werewolves au tho.
If you can, of course. Thank you alredy 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I’m not sure if these are all Hannibal’s POV, but here are a list of all my favorite long AU’s (sorry if I included too many LOL). Also if anyone’s interested here are links to the mermaid and werewolf fics
Palace of Dreams by MaiTai1327 [words: 41,986]
A lonely boy at a Lithuanian orphanage creates a memory palace for him to hide away from his despicable circumstances and the nightmares haunting him. In his dreams, his palace becomes reality. And one day, he finds another boy hiding in one of its rooms.
Our Stars are the Same by beforethedawn, ConstructFairytales, Destinyawakened [words: 42,578]
Someone’s moved into the old creepy, supposedly haunted, mansion down the way from Will Graham and his family. Will never expects to befriend the new family’s son.
Vena Amoris by PaperPlaneChemTrails [words: 55,596]
Will Graham is a producer on a Bachelor knock off reality TV show. Against his protests and better judgement, Dr. Hannibal Lecter is cast as the primary love interest on the show. Despite his many initial misgivings, Hannibal is a hit, and Will finds himself as drawn into the story Hannibal is creating as everyone watching at home. Everything is going well until Will becomes suspicious that he is the real object of Hannibal’s affections, and all of a sudden contestants start to turn up murdered.
Little Arts of Vice by drinkbloodlikewine, whiskeyandspite [words: 44,991]
Cruel Intentions AU. “Tedium draws me to observation,” he murmurs. “Contemplation.” “Manipulation,” Mischa adds calmly, tilts her head when Hannibal narrows his eyes at her. “You wouldn’t deny it, Hannibal, you’re proud of that one. And in truth you do it well.” “There is little to manipulate when watching a dog chase a bird.” It starts with a bet.
A Past of Plank and Nail by gleamingandwholeanddeadly (something_safe), printersdeadly, printersdevils (tuesdaysgone) [words: 87,821]
Hannibal needs a kitchen remodel, and his colleague and friend Alana knows just the guy to help him with his rundown new home. Enter Will Graham, carpenter and contractor extraordinaire, and devastating addition to Hannibal’s daily life. When he starts running out of new projects to keep Will around, Hannibal fast realizes his infatuation is more than simple attraction - and that getting Will to agree to dinner is only the first hurdle.
Redemption by houseofcannibals [words: 132,427]
After very publicly losing his mind and murdering three young women in an unconscious state, FBI consultant Will Graham is sentenced to serve three consecutive life sentences in the notorious Shawshank State Prison. Upon arrival, he is unsettled to find himself in a cell neighboring that of infamous serial killer Dr Hannibal Lecter.
Carnivore, Won’t You Come Digest Me? by HigherMagic [words: 64,019]
Role Reversal AU: Following the execution of Garrett Jacob Hobbs, Hannibal is forced to see Doctor Will Graham for a psychiatric evaluation before he can return to the field. Once cleared, Jack insists that Will shadow Hannibal in the hopes of catching the Shrike’s copycat. Hannibal has become a master of making sure the FBI stays blind to his extracurricular activities, but Will is a man who sees far too much, and won’t be so easily overcome.
Page Six by ThisBeautifulDrowning [words: 66,839]
Crime reporter Will Graham’s column on page six of the Baltimore Sun garners him the attention of many: fans, hobby detectives, the FBI…and others. Hannibal cut off a piece of meat with surgical precision. “I find your company rather engaging.” “Maybe I don’t find you all that engaging.” Silence. Hannibal grinned. “I see that it will take more than one dinner to earn your forgiveness. Challenge accepted.”
Falls the Shadow by littlesystems [words: 72,455]
AU where Bedelia is Will’s psychiatrist instead of Hannibal, Will makes a series of increasingly questionable life choices, and no one should ever take Bedelia’s advice. Ever.
Rescues by drinkbloodlikewine and whiskeyandspite [words: 99,552]
Mischa is living with PTSD, and Hannibal seeks out a service animal to help her. He meets Will, trainer of therapy dogs - cue puppies, adorable interactions and lots of dogs. And smut. Of course.
Where the Albatross Crash-Lands by HigherMagic [words: 40,220]
Everyone has two marks on their arm: one is the name of their soulmate, the other is the name of their mortal enemy. There’s no way of knowing which is which. This same trick of fate makes it so that your Marks are the only two voices you will ever hear when you go deaf at sixteen. Hannibal has a nice voice. Will hopes he’s his mate. He hopes he never hears the voice of the Chesapeake Ripper.
Provenance by drinkbloodlikewine, whiskeyandspite [words: 62,735]
A delightful AU about a rare book dealer, an owner of a high-end coffee shop, and murder. This does involve Hannibal Lecter, after all.
A Fortunate Wound by starkaryen [words: 83,312]
Will Graham, a police officer in Baltimore, is shot while he’s on duty. The surgeon on call in the ER is Hannibal Lecter.
Until I Met You by Dormchi [words: 33,990]
Detective Will Graham needs an expert and Fire Lieutenant Hannibal Lecter happens to be available. Basically this is just arson, murder, coffee, and fluff.
Canvases by thatviciousvixen [words: 36,660]
When Hannibal meets a handsome artist with a keen interest in death he knows he’s finally met a kindred spirit. All Will needs is a little push.
In Sickness and in Health by BonesAndScales [words: 67,450]
Everyone knows that Will and Hannibal are married. Not everyone knows that they are married to each other.
The Escapists by whiskeyandspite [words: 35,368]
Will’s cellmate said nothing, and Will didn’t venture. He had been prickly enough as a lecturer, where human interaction was mandatory, and prison was not the sort of place one made friends. One either made allies or enemies, or stayed quiet enough to avoid both. Will doubted he’d be that lucky; far too easy to rile up especially when stupidity was the catalyst. Prison, Will thought absently, was similar to college.
Sweeter Bitter by wormsin [words: 89,503]
Will is an awkward student and Hannibal an intrigued mentor.
Before You And After You by ache_for_him, Breakmybones (CarterReid), CarterReid [words: 33,734]
Hannibal and Will had a past: a dirty, bloody, violent past. Will was sure he’d never see his own personal monster again - then he walked into Jack Crawford’s office.
Ethics & Aesthetics by fragile-teacup [words: 106,330]
Pride and Prejudice omegaverse AU
Look, Mother! The Sheep Have Devoured the Wolves! by HigherMagic [words: 102,934]
Hannibal and Bedelia are married, but unable to have children. At Margot’s insistence, Hannibal agrees to meet the Omega that was a surrogate for her and Alana. Will is rough-edged, unrefined, and everything Hannibal shouldn’t desire. This arrangement promises to be clean, and simple. Of course, nothing concerning Will Graham is ever simple.
Wings of Wax and Feather by BelladonnaWyck and raiast [words: 55,947]
“Did you just smell me?” "Difficult to avoid. My apologies, I didn’t realize there were any Omegas in this section of the prison.” “Most get sent to the Omega Holding Facility two counties over. But then, most don’t get done in for rippin’ out an Alpha’s throat in the middle of the street.” or Hannibal Lecter had always known the winding road of fate may one day lead him straight to a prison cell. He’d never imagined he’d find his true mate there.
Truly, Madly, Deeply by slashyrogue [words: 52,811]
They meet by chance at a Christmas Party and share a kiss that seals their fate.
Purity by PixieDust291 [words: 130,528]
Will is cast aside by his alpha and sacrificed to the Wendigo that hunts in the forest. However, after confronting the creature Will then finds himself in the home of Hannibal. The alpha lives alone and seems to have taken it upon himself to nurture Will back to health. Over time Will grows comfortable with Hannibal and slowly reveals the reasons for his abandonment. Hannibal, being a pure bred alpha of the highest caliber, is well aware of just how rare and valuable Will is and decides to take the wounded omega for himself.
Quatervois by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 33,226]
Will is an Omega who desires independence and freedom. Hannibal is an Alpha who finds his mind curious. They make a deal: if Will can convince Hannibal that he is worth more than breeding stock, and can go through his heat without begging for his Alpha, Hannibal will not mate him, but make him a ward instead; Will could go to college, get a job, do anything he wanted. If not, then he will be Hannibal’s mate, bear pups, and accept his role. But is it really as simple as that?
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Quick Disclaimer : Unfortunately, we don’t have Changbin’s birth time, so the  analyses of his birth chart It’s more focused in the energy of the planets and signs, because we can’t really see how he is manifesting this energy in his daily life, in the material world.  So, this is just my point of view about how he can be, behave, feel things, etc. Perhaps he channels some energies differently, and that is okay. Please, don’t take all the info's down below as if they are 100% accurate. <3 
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This leo baby, so prone to inspire people, make them laugh, feel love, and feel like they’re a million bucks. This energy is powerful and so passionate, he likes to bring joy and lift up people’s energy, he’s so playful and energetic that is impossible to people don’t feel better when they are around him. They like to enjoy life to the fullest, but want company while they are doing it. The biggest heart ever, when he likes someone, he will try to do as much as he can to help them.They are fearless as well, they believe in themselves and follow their hearts like no others, that’s why they are so powerful, they are always in sync with their values, their truths.  And of course, if the energy of this sign isn’t well balanced, they can become prideful, selfish, egoistical, self-centered, petty.  
This is it, he was born to bring joy to people, to cheer them up, to be in the center of stage, he’s definitely in the right way here. He is in the business that try to inspire people, make them feel better while watching their performances, and listening their music.   Leos are so good expressing themselves, and one of the ways they can do it really well is through acting, music, any artistic way that allowed them to be who they really are. And Changbin is definitely learning how to be more he’s true self, since the north node it’s all about what we came to learn in this life, but also can be a little challenging for him, exactly because is something that he is learning. He came to learn how to be proud about his true self, his essence, to believe more in himself. He’s discovering that he can do it whatever he wants, that he can, and wants people to feel in the same way he is. So, as I said, he wants to inspire people to be proud of who they are, to be their own self, and to be fearless about it.  
I believe that he brings sometimes from he’s past life to this one, so he can be quite intuitive about what he’s doing, he’s a natural.  The leo moon can be sometimes dramatic, and in terms of emotions can be quite selfish and childlike, but when it comes to the positive side, is a very happy, joyful placement. It’s likely that people with leo moons work in the public eye, in the entertainment business and in this case, the conjunction with the north node just accentuate that.  The leo moon brings a lot of playfulness to the person, they like having fun, and a good time. They can also be quite confident, even flirty. They are brave, courageous and not afraid to go after what they want. They can be really devoted, loyal to people, and their own values and convictions. As I said they have a huge heart, and will always protect the ones they love, definitely the type to hate someone just because a friend doesn’t like it them. His friend's enemies will be their enemies too.  Leo moon can’t take being cheat it, if you ever do that, oh boy...you will be facing their worst side, all the rage and fury, it can get really scary, especially because they can be loud and look like 10 feet tall when mad. They become more dramatic than ever, so you never know what is going to happen.  
CANCER MERCURY   Cancer mercury can be a placement where people are really sweet and cute expressing themselves, worrying about others emotions and feelings when they communicate, so they can be careful with their words. And they can get hurt easily by what others say about them. They can communicate they emotions really well, since the moon (emotions and feelings) rules cancer. In Changbin’s case, with his leo moon, can inspire people through he’s speech, can motivated them. We can see this in his writhing too. But he can become a little savage when someone hurts his feelings and pride, he can say mean things just to make you suffer, or start doing sarcastic comments, could raise his voice too. He can be definitely the one making passive aggressive comments as well. The tendency here is to defend himself from something, so it’s hard to make him change his mind once he is hurt.  He can be moody as well. One day talking a lot, super excited, and the next day barely speaking. His emotions can impact his communication a lot.  
VIRGO VENUS IN RETROGRADE   Usually people with this placement can be quite picky, selective, demading in relationships, with a big desire to help their partners to improve, they can have as well and ideia of “perfect partner”, which can lead us to someone being alone for a long time. Because, nobody is good enough. Buuuuuut, of couuuurse, this is the bad aspect of this sign that posses so many others great parts. Having a virgo venus makes the person super helpful, wanting to do everthing they can in order to see their partners out of stress, trouble, and things like that. They show love by doing things for you, serving you, cleaning and organizing your stuffs, for example. They can be not so romantic, but they are faithful,always by your side taking care of you, seeing if you need something, or ate something, for instances. They are very very giving, and really need to stop so much in their partners, and need to think a bit more about them, and their wishes, so it’s important to have a partner who can take care of them as well. They work hard in everything they do, and will try to make this relationship the best you ever had, the most perfect one.  But even though they are super dedicated, they aren’t clingy, and want some space as well. They are not the ones declaring their love all the time through words, they will show how much they care by doing little things for you.  They are good in analysing their partnerts so with something is wrong they’ll know right away, so please don’t try to hide, bc they know you better than yourself.  Having venus in retrograde can make sometimes hard to open up to love, and people in general; and it can be harder for Changbin bc he’s venus it’s alredy in a sign that is very closed, demading, introspective, and picky. So, yeah...poor Changbin I think he may face a few challenges in real relationships :(  but maybe he can compensate this in the sack?! hehehe let’s see what his mars tells us...
SCORPIO MARS :) Okay...know, I think Changbin can be a little reserved in terms of relationships but when it’s about sex...he’s up for a lot of things. Afterall having this placement makes the person more sexual, and wanting to explore his sexual nature, breaking taboos, the all thing.  Scorpio mars are intense, seductive, dominant and know what they want. Usually they like people who submit to their power.  Having a virgo venus and a scorpio mars, something tells me that this boy is all about pleasing his partner and he’s not done until you finished (praise the Lord)...or better saying, until he’s done with you <3  But mars isn’t just about sex, and he does...but it’s also about attitude, action, how we fight our battles, how we star things. In Changbin’s case I believe that he’s really focused, determined, almost obsessive when its about doing his things. When he thinks he should do something, he goes until the end of it. He’s  intense em whatever he does (IknowIsaidnomoresexthingsbutc’mon)... He’s the one putting he’s all, his heart, and all he can give to make it work (and I’m pretty sure we can see this when he’s rapping or dacing, for instance).  Usually, this placement makes the person enjoying working out, or challenging their bodies til exhaustion, they may enjoy the pain and seeing the results, the transformation in their bodies.
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ilivemydreamsthere · 4 years
The challange
The papers works seems to be last what headmistress Dowling wanted to do this afternoon something make her go out and just take a walk. It was probably after two hard classes what she needed. She loved to help children to grow and use her magic but it did not mean she time to time did not need a pause herself.
That need bring her walking out. She slowly walked to lake see specialist and some of fairies had been in the middle of training. She put her hands behinde her back as she walked soon she was hearing Saul voice. Students would probably would not notice but her collague always make her smile no matter what. It was that way from time they had been classmates and trained together. But right now she had to roll her eyes.
"This cant be done so slow ! If you will keep being so slow Ethan her next hit will break your bone !" His voice was a bit higher since he wanted everyone hear him and he even did not noticed some of their students greeting greeting her.
"Oh that's not true Ethan "She spoke from crowd of students. "You can be slow but you had to move to left not right and then you will be able to hit " She spoke aloud and Saul meet her eyes shortly and she could see challange in his.
"Is it true Headmistress?" He asked and make a guest to stop students fight he could sence most of students move eyes from him to Farah and he had to smile "I am not sure it's true , care to show up with me ? " He asked and grabbed free stick from ground raising his eyebrow.
"Its a challange Saul ?" She raised her eyebrow knowing alredy answer without him answering she walked closer him and grabbed stick from his hand.
"Of course its challange I bet you arent fighting like when you had been younger " He said grinning slightly he was teasing her even before students some of them laughed.
"Are you implying I am old ?" She raised her eyebrow and walked to place where Ethan and girl stand till now. Waiting till Saul walked to stand before her.
She smirked meeting his eyes. Farah might not be fighting or training so much as him but she did not forget it. She attacked him first.
"Old not a chance "He chuchked and their stick make first crack sounds as he covered himself before her attack.
She continue the attack but tables turn and he make her to back up before him she was covering herself with stick to not get hit from him and when he loked up the students for moment to explain their fight she pulled down her jacket to remind in blue shirt and for moment he again realise how beautiful she is.
Saul explain the technic they were both using and raised his eyebrow to her when he finished speaking of to students. She smirked little and grabbed stick in hands again.
"I am about to make you pay for calling me old " She said chucking slightly and meet his eyes.
"You arent loking old Headmaster!" Some of boys called "actually pretty hot !" Some added and Farah felt like she is blushing.
"If Silva doesnt see it come out with us!" Someone called out and she chuchked and make first hit against Saul again.
The first moment of fight was like just childish play against this. She did not wanted to hurt him but she wanted to show him she can still beat him. He covered her hits but when she moved quickly and had been behinde him and give him hard hit against his hands and he left the stick.
"You lost "She chuchked and their students did still noticed that her hand gently touched to his in need to shoot the hit.
Studnets aplloud and she had to laugh slightly but not in her win but in his comment back. "Gonna win on the date later tonight headmistress "
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amunraanders · 4 years
Patrick Jane x Reader fluff story  I wanted to read some for myself,but I couldn`t find any that I particularly liked ,so here`s mine :)
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It was a late sunday night,the sunset was now long gone and the sky was filled with grey puffy clouds that surrounded the moon from all sides.(Y\N) sat on the couch besides the window that was slightly a jar ,because of how hot it had gotten in her apartment,so as she sat there and watched the moon get engulfed by its attackers ,a cold and fresh breeze entered ,flushing her alredy pink cheeks to a flaming red color.The coldness of the night didn`t help her cool down,her thoughts were a mess,filled with all kinds of different situations,but mostly it was occupied by him,and a cold breeze simply would`nt  do the job in cooling her down.With sweat dripping down her forhead she closed her eyes thinking about that one time in the elevator when their bodies touched for mere seconds due to the lack of space.She found it funny,the way he apologized for getting too close,his voice was soft but there was also a hint of something else in it,and just for a second she found herself fantasizing about them being alone in that same elevator,his hands rummaging her body and a soft moan escaped her lips as she bit down on it.Oh how she wished that him being nice to her would mean something more than just being nice,she felt like they had a connection,stolen glances,daily jokes that only she would understand ,made her feel a bit special,she had to admit that but as hard as it was to accept ,Jane always found an excuse to not show up at their `date`,if she could even call it that.He asked her out two times already `just as friends` as he mentioned but each time an excuse followed,so when earlier on he called her,she knew for an instant that he would cancell their meet up. `Sad` she thought to herself,it could have been a lot of fun,just the two of then joy riding,a sigh left her lips and she tried to redirect her thoughts to the movie that had long ended..
`Knock Knock Knock` Three loud knocks disturbed the silence in her almost empty apartment,the echo sending vibrations through it ,making her jump up a little.(Y\N) felt a bit startled at first then confused,as nobody had announced wanting to visit her,besides that it was late,too late for any co-worker to visit,her parents were out of state and friends were busy partying through the night , `its too late..ooh maybe it`s Mrs.Miller,she seems to have difficulty in finding her apartment `she murmured to herself ,and befóre she could sort her thoughts another three knocks came raining down like tunder on her heavy,creaky,old wooden door.
`Fine.fine.I`m coming,I hearded you the first thousand times you knocked` (Y\N) said under her breath,half pouting ,at the thought that someone might actually need her help that late,so as she stood up,pulling her sweat soked t-shirt down ,to hide her even wetter underwear she started looking for the keys,spotting them tossed into a corner with the dress,shoes and purse she had worn that night if he hadn`t found an excuse to not meet up again.`Its kinda your fault.Why do you need to live in this fantasy would when there are plenty of men offering you flowers and fancy dinners,at fancy restaurantrs` she reasoned with herself as she shook her head in denial.
`Why didyou ignore my call` the all too familiar voice spoke in a soft,loving way,reassuring her that she was safe,and as the clapping sound of his shoes came closer to where she was,she felt her cheeks flush a burning red color ,that was impossible to hide.Not wanting to meet his gaze,she started fumbling around with the keys she had picked up earlier before realizing,that she never got to open the door.
`Did you just pick my door open` she turned around with frustration visible in her eyes,not just because of the situation Jane put her in,but because of the fact how vulnerable she felt when he was around.He made her feel like she could trust him without actually saying the things she wanted to hear.It was a connection she never felt in that way before.
`You didn`t answer my question` He was now standing right behind her,his body mere inches away from hers,his hot,thick breath against her neck,the heat radiating between the two of them ,almost unbearable.His left hand reached out for her,making her turn around in a swift motion before locking their gaze.
`I thought we..` Jane paused for a moment,his eyes wandering from her lips to her eyes,as he inspected each facial expression she made,each move and each heartbeat that echoed through the room,but (Y\N) knew better ,not to fall for his little game,she deeply wished for it to be true,but she knew that he couldn`t feel the same way she felt towards him.
`You`re playing with me Jane..And although I enjoy it,we both know that you don`t feel the same way I feel about you.Quit the games,it starts to get borning`She felt like her heart was about to explode,having him that close yet so far away from where she wanted him to be.His lips were  two inches away from hers,yet she would never feel them pressed against hers,their bodies were  slightly touching,yet he would never touch her the way she imagined he would do.
`You like playing this game,even tho you don`t want to admit it sweetheart.I can see your true self,after all you were the one that showed me.You were always attracted to men that are out of reach,those whose attention is almost impossible to get,and when they finally give you the attention that you desired,they become just like the rest,those who buy you gifts,those who want to buy your company with money.Usless,because inyour eyes ,love and affection cant be bought with money.Did I get it right?`
`Almost` She said,biting her lower lip,as her right hand reached behind his head ,playing with his blonde locks,never taking her gaze from his,she took her time with moving her left hand,down between their bodies,waiting for him to pull away or at least rebel against her doing so,but insted of doingso,he took it and placed it over his growing bluge unterneath the tick material that separated,her,from what she wanted so badly.
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kiss-my-freckle · 3 years
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Damon Salvatore: Lost Girls
"None of this adds up. The only thing that's really clear is that you're not just a liar, but you're a liar with secrets. So you can tell me the truth, or I can figure this out on my own."
Elena had more respect for Liam than Stefan had for her. She has no choice but add these things up on her own. Continuing on that note because it's either a continuity error or just plain idiocy. "When you were honest with me about what you were. How did you know that you could trust me with such a huge secret?" Stefan didn't reveal his truth to Elena because he was in love with her. He revealed his truth to her because he had no choice. She already knew. "You know." She was at his door because she wanted to hear him say it out loud. "That's easy. I was in love with you. I wanted you to know everything." Do not try to sell me the idea that Stefan fell in love with her by the 5th episode of the series because he stalked her far longer than he actually spent time with her. And he didn't want her to know everything. Do not hand me a pile of shit, then try to pass it off as a bouquet 6 seasons later. 
Elena adds it up, and Beauty of the Dark was a wonderfully chosen soundtrack for the scene. "Dear diary, I'm not a believer. People are born, they grow old, and then they die. That's the world we live in. There's no magic, no mysticism, no immortality. There's nothing that defies rational thought. People are supposed to be who they say they are. And not lie or hide their true selves. It's not possible. I'm not a believer, I can't be. But, how can I deny what's right in front of me? Someone who never grows old... Never gets hurt... Someone who changes in ways that can't be explained... Girls bitten... Bodies drained of blood... "
Damon is written opposite Stefan. He buried his humanity because he's not human, he's a vampire. Like Stefan, he has his own secrets, but they're kept out of respect rather than the need to hide who he is. Stefan hides the cut on his hand because he's hiding the truth of himself. Damon hides the dream he handed to Rose because it's not his to share, it’s hers. Stefan plays pretend, Damon chooses not to. As you view how Elena adds up Stefan's secrets, expect her to do the same with Damon's humanity. A little piece here, a little piece there. It'll be the reason she tells him to stop acting like he doesn't care. Because she knows he does. Damon denying he cares, like Stefan denying the cut on his hand.
Now that he's escaped, Damon proves actions have consequences. What he does to Vicki, I consider just as much Stefan's fault. He starved him for nearly a week, so he should expect Damon to hit a campsite. He took Damon's daylight ring, so he should expect him to turn Vicki out of boredom and loneliness. Rather than spend the night standing outside of Elena's window, Stefan should've recovered Damon's daylight ring and handed it to him before the sun came up. His priorities suck. If Stefan truly wanted to protect everyone from Damon, he should've been the one guarding him rather than heading back to high school as if all was good in the world. "No, what have you done? You're the one that locked me in the basement and starved me, so whatever I've done, whoever I've sucked dry is on you, buddy." Cold hard truth. At least Damon is now willing to cover his tracks. "I already want you dead. Don't give me another reason to make it happen." This follows through with Lexi.
I love the focus to their childhood photographs when Elena leaves the house. Vampires killing mockingbirds. She's now catching up to Caroline, asking questions about garlic and holy water. These parallels help one to understand why Caroline takes longer to accept Damon. Consider the abusive partner. It may not happen often, but people are capable of change. Imagine one of those few, and what they'd be like with their future partners compared with their past partners. That's the difference you get with Caroline and Elena. Stefan's 145-year mistake with Damon, was believing a vampire could change a vampire, much less the vampire who forced him to become a vampire. That's why Stefan needs to pair Damon with Elena. Allow him to spend time with her. If he loved his brother more than he obsessed over Elena, he'd do right by allowing him the chance to be in her world, to feel what he feels. Until he feels it, Damon will continue believing he has to feed on it to feel alive.
Stefan defends Damon's actions as a vampire because that's what vampires do. None of this is okay, but they're not okay. They're dead. 'He saw that I was happy with you, and he wanted to ruin it." Because Damon promised him an eternity of misery. Trust he has every reason to hate Stefan. He outwardly admits he didn't care that he had gotten something Damon wanted. He didn't even care that it hurt him. Yet another difference. Damon actually feels guilty for wanting Elena. Stefan didn't care. "That's the thing about Damon. He doesn't get mad. He just gets even." Damon gets mad. Trashing Stefan's room is the extent of him getting even. He's not turning Vicki to get even with him. What he gets from Vicki is every bit what Stefan gets from taking Elena with him on his little field trip. The beauty of not being alone. Damon and Vicki dancing is the best thing ever. View the parallels in these like-minded relationships, and you see where they're going. Elena is a lot like Stefan. Vicki is a lot like Damon. Now insert Vicki's dialogue to Jeremy, and you see Delena throughout the entire series. "I really hope you're not one of those guys who, now that we're together, tries to change everything about me." Elena is gonna change Damon. The purpose of them hitting Denver. 1x11 plays opposite 1x6 that way. Delena having fun, but sitting at a bar rather than dancing it up at his house. 
"What Damon wants, Damon usually gets." The very reason Stefan felt threatened. "Believe it or not, Stefan, some girls don't need my persuasion." And the purpose of Damon saying what he did. "You won. You got the bad guy. Now nothing could come between you and Elena. Except the truth." It'll be the reason Alaric hands him the cure and tells him to get his girl. Because Damon usually gets what he wants. It's not about whether or not he gets Elena. It's about how he gets her. His character development matters. "Turns out she wasn't ours to steal." Because she's a lost girl. Elena will follow the same concept. She's much like Katherine and her vervain necklace that way. Damon didn't steal her, he found her. That's why this episode is called Lost Girls. They're lost, not stolen. Klaus lost Katherine. Stefan lost Elena. "I lost you the minute I left town with him." The necklace and its two ships. "I wanted to protect you from Damon's influence. But I also wanted to protect you from me." Because you can't protect a girl from falling in love. Vicki piques Damon's interest when he finds out she's sleeping with Elena's brother. "Actually, you know what? You should go. In fact, if i were you, I would stop by your boyfriend Jeremy's house. Bye. Tell Elena I said hi. And IF you see Stefan, tell him to call me." Follow her dialogue, and you see Damon. "And when I think of my future, i just come up blank." For 145 years, he's been waiting to get in that tomb. Nothing but blank between then and now.
Aside from his dancing scene with Vicki, his scene at Elena's house is one of my favorites of the episode. She's judging him for turning Vicki after she just got done judging Stefan for choosing to transition. "The same choice you made?" What I love about her scene with Damon, is her belief that he made the same choice Stefan did. She bites back. "Did you thank Katherine?" This is the first time she attracts Damon. He's feeling her Petrova fire, and he likes it. That's why he eyes her body. He doesn't plan to kill her, but he's gonna use her to get the tomb open, and leverage her should Stefan try to stop him from getting his girl. When it comes to Elena, what he's willing to do isn't necessarily what he wants to do. He's willing to hurt her if he has to because he waited 145 yeas for this. "Tip for later, be careful who you invite in the house." A nice slam after walking in her house without permission. Because Stefan did the same thing. He was the first vampire she invited in the house, and when she ran from him, he forced her to face him when he appeared in her bedroom. Never mind waiting for an invitation.
Stefan wanted Vicki to die. This shows in his reaction to her completing the transition. "You mean we'll come up with a lie." By entering her life and romancing her the way he has been, Stefan forced Elena into her own shadow of existence. She's now having to live as he does, lying to everyone she cares about, having no one to talk to about the darkness she now knows exists. And this is being added to the pain she alredy feels having lost both her parents.
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
bebe, can u write bff gray flirting w y/n and ethan calling him out ?? but like in a funny way and the reader gets all blushy so ethan calls her out too? 🥺 ( i know it’s stupid sorry)
Its not stupid mamas🥺 it’s made cutee and I wish it was my life
“But where are we gonna stay,” you asked confused as the twins looked at you like you had two heads.
“For the hundredth time Y/N, we’re staying in the van over night, and we’re driving in the day time,” Ethan groaned as you let out a loud “ohhh”
“Yeah, so let’s go pack your stuff, maybe like a week of clothes,” Grayson said getting up, grabbing your hand and pulling you up from the couch.
“Such a simp,” Ethan muttered, making you and Grayson roll your eyes.
“Shut up, Ethan,” He shouted as you walked away, going out of the house and getting in his car.
“Do you want any food before we get to your house,” he asked as you shrugged.
“I’m gonna take that as a yes,” he said making you smile on your insides. He knew you so well, better than anyone else ever had.
“Where can we go that had both vegan and regular options,” you asked, referring to his ‘vegan vibe’ which is what you chose to call it.
“Bluestone, it’s just avocado toast and coffee,” he shrugged.
“Cool, cool,” you said and turned on the radio, he handed you his phone because he has Apple Music and you don’t because your broke and his rich.
“We love a rich bestie,” you joked as he laughed. It was an inside joke between the two of you, you were necessarily broke, he just had more money than you. Not that if was any of your intereste, you knew Grayson when he used to flex with the dollar in his pocket.
“We do, rich besties have the good music,” he said adding on to your joke.
“We need to find me a sugar daddy,” you playfully sighed as he snorted.
“I’ll be your sugar daddy,” he said as you both laughed.
“Don’t let E hear us, he’ll bully us,” you laughed as he shook his head.
“True,” he said.
After a few more jokes and music you guys got your food, got your clothes, he said to pack for one week but you have enough clothes for three weeks, and went back to his house.
“E,” he shouted walking back in the house, causing a napping ethan to wake up.
“Can you, for once in your life, stop shouting,” he groaned covering his head with a pillow that was in the couch.
“We brought you food asshat,” you purposely shouted making him grown even louder.
“Ugh she’s just like you, now I’m gonna be stuck with Grayson and a female Grayson in a small van for three days,” he joked, but didn’t at the same time grabbing his food and eating it.
“Sounds like a personal problem to me.” Grayson replied shrugging.
“I need to get my hair done,” You stated as you looked at your reflection in your phone.
“No, I like it like this,” Grayson whines running his fingers through it.
It was obvious there was some sort of feelings for each other, and it was getting Ethan upset that neither of you would act upon it, especially when you were flirting all the time.
“Can you just date already,” he said getting up to throw the food container away.
“Shut up Ethan,” you said though gritted teeth while a blush was displayed on your face.
“No. Especially you, blushing all the dam time. And you, always saying shit, like please just date alredy” he said and walked away to his room after putting both of you on blast.
“Well-,” you began to say before Grayson cut you off by smashing his lips against yours, taking you by surprise, but a good kind of surprise.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that for,” he muttered pulling away from your blushing face.
“The feeling is mutual Bailey, now let’s go pack,” you said getting up and walking away with a smile on your face.
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opalai-pixel-witch · 4 years
“Thank you!! I’m happy to hear you liked that one ^__^ Kittens seem to make everything cuter…even if I’m not so good at drawing them ;;=o=;;”
–The kittens you drew are cute :3
“Yeah, I remember the first time I finished the main story and I was super excited to see that there was more I could do after the credits! I was surprised to see Death in Bjørn’s house and watching him and Pesto interact was a lot of fun ^o^ PP’s games are full of surprises it would seem, you have no idea how excited I got when I heard my son’s singing voice ;u;”
–You mean the scene where he sings to a scared viking friend?
I like that scena too, I even started to sing cuz I alredy knew the lyrics ;) I like see Pesto play the bass :D
“Oooh, do you think that Red-Eye is one of those two dead guys in the background of War’s introduction? :o Makes me wonder just how far back the creators have been planning…and that’s a really interesting take on what they could be doing! When I think about Milky and his team I think about the show Truth Seekers—I dunno if you’ve seen or heard of that, but basically there’s a guy who investigates the paranormal in his spare time and he’s somehow recruited a few people into his investigations, and eventually they uncover a cult putting some shady nanotech in peoples’ brains. It’s really good in my opinion, but anyhow I like looking at that kind of thing and Milky makes me think of that o.o”
–“Truth Seekers”, it´s the first time I… read(? XD )that name ^^;
Red eye thing in the background was said by one of the developers, search “Manual Samuel week” on Youtube and you will find Ozan’s videos, he talks a bit about how MS and HH are connected ;) 👍
“Well in that case, I’m glad that I could pique your interest! >u> I admittedly have trouble with feeling like I “belawng” anywhere and keep getting paranoid that I’m just intruding in whatever fandom I join, which makes my hesitation towards making new stuff and trying new things even more of a pain =A=”
–Feel I’m just intruding in whatever fandom I join also happens to me :,v
There is a web serie called “Tres Acordes” and I liked it a lots; one week and I started to draw it and I feel bad because didn´t one month from I started to see the serie, I fel I musted wait more, but I didn´t share them cuz ; when one month and the serie liked, I that feeling and started to post my drawings
Currently I follow the serie, I don´t know if the fans or the creator like my drawings, but I have fun, at least I know I don´t uncomfortable them, I draw the characters representing some episode or some trait of their personality ^^
“Honestly I tend to have more fun participating in smaller fandoms because it feels like…there’s more heart put into them, if that makes any sense??? I’m not entirely sure how to word it :P I have yet to run into any crazy fandom discourse so far (knock on wood), but I understand that that’s also a danger when it comes to bigger fandoms ;;o_o;; Regardless, however, I love the PP fandom and I’m really happy to have found a friend to talk to about it!!”
–Yes, that´s true, in small fandoms there´s more heart, cuz it´s about supporting the original work and its creators, I also prefer small fandoms, in the Tres Acordes there are few that are dedicated to create something for the serie, that´s great, I feel more free to create and it hasn´t become toxic; there is a small fandom that I like to create content for, but there´s a group of fugoshis who make it toxic, they only post NSFW work and only support that content, which makes you don´t want to be in the fandom (I left it for a while thanks to they), in my case, I try to support all decent works to motivate people, and thanks to that I met a group of people who have healthy fun in that little fandom and we support each other ^^
(New drawings) ;v  : 
“I watched a review of Helheim Hassle in which some guy was calling Bjørn a complete loser and now I am enraged”
–That´s it! I´m killing this guy! I don´t care if it´s written or not! Throw me in Human Jail! I don´t CARE! >:v
Aw thanks!! I’m glad you think so ;u;
Yeah, when I got to that scene and Pesto said “you start singing, Bjoharn” I paused the game and freaked out for a moment, all “AGDHFMXKDISKSB I GET TO HEAR MY SON SING?????” I love that scene sooooo much ;;o;;
ALSO Pesto just has the most amazing bass skills...like she learns everything by ear and has a great memory for how it goes and seems to know exactly where to put her fingers, and all she needs to be able to do that is to listen to the actual song once and then just a brief recap of it??? Pesto’s bass-playing just kicks a whole lot of ass >o>
It’s a great show in my opinion, it’s very interesting! I think it’s by the same people behind the Cornetto trilogy, if you’ve heard of that :o I’d recommend it to anyone who’s interested in that sorta premise ^_^ (...unless they happen to be sensitive to the “eye scream” trope)
I watched that entire series before writing this reply, it was a lot of fun to watch! I think I missed any mention he might’ve made about Red Eye, but it’s pretty cool to know that those three guys in the background are creator cameos o:
Fandoms are a tricky thing indeed...it feels like NSFW artwork is kinda unavoidable no matter what fandom you’re in, and while I don’t make NSFW stuff myself I know that people are gonna draw what they’re gonna draw, and as long as it isn’t hurting anybody or portraying anything unethical it’s not really my business to call them out on it. However if people are gonna post stuff like that, they should be very responsible about making sure the wrong demographic doesn’t see it, giving plenty of warnings and tagging stuff appropriately, all that stuff. I don’t know what protocol there usually is for that sorta thing, but everyone should make sure that nobody gets scarred for life by anything and that everybody gets along and doesn’t make anybody else feel unsafe!
You shouldn’t have to feel like you’re intruding in fandoms! If your contributions to the PP community are any indication, you probably bring a lot of cool stuff to any fandom you join! Personally I look forward to you submitting things here and I always love seeing your new drawings ^__^ It’s always fun to be able to talk to you about what we both love in the PP verse and swap headcannons and stuff!
Your new drawings are, as always, absolutely brilliant!! I love the reverse AU one (Skeleton Bjørn = very yes) and also the one with you (if that person is you?) hugging Death |D His expression is great, all “yep, this is my life now”
...I see you brought Pesto with you...might I join you on your quest? I must avenge my viking son >_>
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I don't know if the imbd thing if true (i won't watch anymore for sure if it is!) but just in case can we get some way to let the writers know we want Misha in the last episode? Like writing to them on twitter or something else. Lets's all post in twitter to Dabb maybe
Hello there.
Well, the cast of Supernatural in the two last episodes on IMDB didn't list Misha. So I suppose this was the main source of a post I rebloged about Castiel not being included.
And like I said then, I still believe it's a tactic of the show runners to create this very thing you propose.
I realize ever since Castiel/Misha extended the life of the show, and gave Supernatural its extra decade till the date. Drama is the main fuel of this fandom. Either by the Bibros proclaiming the show should be and must be EXCLUSIVELY about Salmon Dean (like they only watched till season 3)
Or the extremist Destiel posee that only like, love or care about Castiel because it's the other half of the Ship, and looks good being Dean's love interest no matter the abuse and poorly way he could be written in any Episode. As long a Mixtape it's been given, a hug is presented as a consolation price, or a "we are what's real" line its thrown at us to star selling our possessions and join the circus, like I did many times.
In the middle, and always squished between this loud groups are the Castiel Stans. A rare breed that has his extremist factions but in general it's kind and want to be let alone, just loving and caring about Castiel and Misha. We can be loud sometimes, but mostly we are just wild creatures that when this kind of situations/rumors occur, we are drawn to speak and express our concerns and fears about our Overlord. But mostly we are scared like bamby IF THE RUMORS ARE TRUE and swear to run to the forest and never come back to a hostile environment where our angel isn't present.
Many of the best friends I have the luck to find here, alredy abandoned the Supernatural fandom, and don't watch the show anymore, because some of this scares where really cruel in their respective Seasons, and they were feed up because the other forces at play plus Inept Show Runners and manipulative writers (cofs.. Dabb) that only use our numbers to give ratings to a show that seems to Hate Castiel and Misha sometimes... (ok now I'm breathing). Made their enjoyment of the show quite difficult, so they left, still caring about Misha, mostly Gishing but can assure you don't watch or care about Supernatural.
Getting ALL OF THE ABOVE out of my chest. I must say your suggestion could be part of the plan for this year's rumor. That we can only verify and be sure the days this episodes will be released. Or when the: from the set of Supernatural pictures are licked and we can know for sure.
There is also this Misha's interview, that I don't really recall but @emblue-sparks mentioned, when Misha was touring for his book. Where he says that he will be at the very last scene that will be purposely filmed the very last because it's very emotional.
I want to believe in this, and Misha. But like always I will be ready for the other way too, because I endure this past 5 years deep in the jungle of Fandom watching actual episodes were the cake was tried to be splitt equally in to the main factions. I mean, giving the Bibros his BRO SUBTEXTUAL ROMANTIC wink wink "MOMENT". And a very Subtextual and obvious scene beyond the eyefucking where Destiel was made obvious for the other faction.
We, the Castiel Collective, in the middle, were just happy to see him there, much better if he was talking. As you can see I'm manly a Castiel Stan, but also a Destiel shiper so I kinda live a double life that I try to compartmentalize by trying to enjoy the best of both worlds.
Now. I hope I didn't scared you with all my mental fart that was awakened because this resent NEWS/SPECULATION and feeded mostly by past traumas for being brutally attacked in the open by nasty replies to some post I made. Also by nasty anons that made this friends that scape this fandom long ago, a very sound and sane people for spearing them selfs this kind of situations.
I whish your suggestion may solve things and give clout to our wishes of NO CAS NO CARE to the writers. But as you can read in all my feverish and traumatized state. There are forces way more strong and resilient that can squash our missives and make us target of all kind of responses from this two lovely groups of people.
I never intent to tell you or anyone what to think or do about their feelings, time or actions in this fandom. But if you reach to my in box asking for my advice. With all my heart I want to tell you.
Let it be.
Just wait and try not to be drag by the extreme emotions of this news could bring you at any time or any outlet trying to proof or disprove this Rumor/Speculation.
I can offer you company when the tides are high and this is a sure completely proof theory while the Bibros seem to Riverdance on our graves. Our when the POSITIVE POLICE catch your letter, post or Twitt like contraband in some alley and try to force you to think positive and just Smile and enjoy the show Godamit.
In any case I'll be here enjoying my milkshake/tea while Cas is on the screen.
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migatiseshermosa1 · 5 years
A five minutes fuck, is it a fuck?
So... I started to think about sex and stuff lately and it made me think more than ever. It's a very weird theme to touch in this days because, at least in my country, it's taken like important and unimportant at time, like... you go and the most normal thing is to lose virginity before leaving high school and it's an insult to call you a virgin. You gotta stop being virgin before that time cause it gets weird if you don't and people start seeing you like you are still a child and its not like that. The fact of you being virgin doesn't mean anything but that you never had sex before. Just that. But it doesn't mean that you are a baby or you're pure or shit like that.
For me by it's like way too anoying, cause you just say that and poof, you are a child and don't know anything about life and have to stay quite while the big people talk.
Hate that.
I have more knowledge than much of the people I share work with, and its not like i lost all that knowledge cause im virgin. I just never give it importance and thats the fucking true. I never really care bout doing what it was expected a teenager to do. I just did what I wanted and that doesn't mean anyting.
I just had enough of these questioning to myself after half of the world have asked my why I'm virgin and treat me different once they know.
I notice all of this after noticing that my little sister had sex alredy and I didn't have yet. She's 16 and it's fine if she has done it and I dind't but there was something that anoyed my from it and I've come to notice that it was this.
She even twitted someting that made me feel uncomfortable and its the title "a five minutes fuck, is it a fuck?" And it was more anoying the fact that I know her, she didn't tipe it because she feelt like doing it, she did it because she tought it was the normal thing to do. And if she didn't then she wouldn't be normal, that's all she ever cared about. And its fucking anoying for me so I had to let this shit going for some place and I don't like talking about my friends to these themes because... well... I just said that.
Bye 💕
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odissey061 · 5 years
Motonari's route
Chapter(s) posted:
1. This freak won't have me
2. Kick him in the teeth
Please, teach me a better way to create link because I can't do it by myself
Chapter 3: This trick never worked at human's memory
Tag: @towa-no-yume @r-f-a-journalists
When I open my eyes the first thing I feel is an acute headache: the hands run through the hair until I discover a bump. I press it to see if I feel the pain and then I whimper like a baby: it hurts a lot. Why I'm so stupid? I take a look around me and I notice I'm in a cold and empty cell. The room is surrounded by three wooden walls and before me there's an iron grille. Here and there on the floor against the wall there are spooky chains that make me chill and smile nervously. At this moment I heard the rolling waves and I understand I'm on a ship.
Where I am? How many time has passed since my kidnap? I must return to the Oda right now! A lot of hours passed since I left Azuchi castle: I told to Hideyoshi I'd come back after lunch, so probably they have already noticed my absence.
I try open the door but, obviously, is locked and I look around to find something to force the look, but the room is empty, except the chain on the wall. Then I took a clip from my hair and, holding it tight in the hand, I pray:"At human memory this trick never worked, but, please, if there's even the littlest chance, make it happens". Great, now I pray to objects like they were gods!
I plug the clasp in the door lock but, as I expected, it doesn't work. Pushed by despair, I retry again and again, but after a large number of failed attempts and swears, finally I give up and I lean my back on the wall. A man appears in front of me: he's very tall and his body is made by tons of muscles, his eyes shining with malice. With a look I understand this man is a brute and he doesn't hesitate to use violence and if I had to fight against him, I'd probably die. "Who are you and why I'm here?" I demand, but he laughs dryly:"I'm the one who makes the questions here, little girl" and he opens the door. As he spoke, I recognize him as the man who kidnapped me. He enters in the cell and leaves open the door. I try to gain more time:"I understand why you kidnapped me: I'm very close to the Oda commanders and your boss wants information about them", Well, at least you are not stupid, that makes easier my work. So little girl, talk about your friends" he comments. "The problem is exactly about this: you see, I'm only their maid and I don't know anything about their future moves, so keep me here is useless" I lie and I walk towards the door. But the man grabs my hair, making me moan for the pain and yells at me:"You think I'm so stupid to believe you? I'm not a fool! In Azuchi people say Nobunaga brought you to battle on his horse  His voice becomes lower, still being threatening:"If you don't tell me spontaneously all you know about them, I'll make you confess with the bad manners". And when he shows a bag full of torture instruments and I'm terrified. I don't know very much about torture, but I can imagine how much they'd hurt my body. I want to scream for help, but I know nobody will save me. My face gets paler. I know already how this will finish: this man will torture me until I speak, but I don't know anything, so he'll kill me for nothing. I'll die for anything!!
"I'm not his lover: I'm his maid and I have been staying in Azuchi for a few days. I don't know anything about them and if I knew something, I surely won't talk to you" I repeat using a quiet voice to not make him angrier. "Bad answer" he smiles sadistically, almost happy about my resistance and slaps me so violently to turn my head. "Try again, little girl, but the next time I won't so merciful".
"And if I don't confess what are you going to?" I bravely provoke him. The Oda forces helped me a lot and I won't betray them for my own safety. "I'll break all of your bones and if you won't talk, then I'll cut the tendons of your hands and your feet. If you still won't confess I'll remove your eyes, then I'll tear your ears and finally I'll cut your tongue" his threats scare me a lot, but I won't give up my loyalty. He takes from the bag a strange object and he places it near to my nails.
No no no no. Please, somebody help me!
I close the eyes too scared to watch, but at that moment I hear a new voice:"Yoshitoko, what are you doing here? I'm sure the captain hasn't told you to torture this girl since he is out to collect information with a few men. So I wonder: whose order are you following?". I open my eyes and I see a young man who's throwing diggers with the glare at the man in front of me. The newcomer is younger than this man, but somehow the eldest has to obey him. "The captain is still a child, quartermaster: if all of us wait for his command, we'd have alredy died. He doesn't know what to do and he's not able to keep the promise he made" he growls, "He's the captain, not you: he knows what's the best for us better than you. You are only able to hurt people and torture them, for this reason you won't be a captain. Now leave, Yoshitoko" The man speaks with a rough voice and I can feel the subtle threat he silently implies. I except a Yoshitoko's reaction, but he obeys whispering something.
Left alone, the young man is more relaxed walks towards me and I step back, so he reassures me:"I don't want to hurt you. I want to check your wound". I let him check my arm. I groan for the pain when he tries to move it. He looks more friendly than his colleague, so I try to ask:"Can you tell me who are you and how many days passed since my kidnap? Will you torture me again to seek information I don't have?". He sighs: "The arm is broken, now I call a doctor so he can help you better. Now you are on a pirate ship and you were kidnapped by Yoshitoko yesterday, following captain's order. Now the captain is away, but in a short time he'll be back and will decide what to do about you". "Earlier I said the truth: I don't know anything about Nobunaga's future plans. Keep me here he's useless" I whisper, "Even if you don't know anything you'll probably stay here as a political hostage to be used against your friends" the man explains my situation. The sadness overwhelms me to the thought I'll be used against my friends: I can't do this to them. "But as I told you is the captain to decide, so he could even release you" he tries to reassure me, but I have no illusions: if I were in his position I'll do the same. I even realize probably I won't be able to go back to my time. No way this will happen! The man says they wait for their captain, so it means the ship is still in the port: that makes my escape more easily. The man is inside the cell and the grill is open: all I have to do is run and don't be caught. But the pirate in front of me is still vigil even if he's more relaxed, surely is ready to catch me and even I'd beat him he'll give the alarm. No, escape at this moment is too risky but if I don't do it right now later would be impossible.
The only thing I can do is talk with the captain: I'm even ready to beg for my release, it's necessary. "The captain will be here in a few hours, so be more patient" he ends the conversation. "What kind of man is your captain?" I wonder, "The captain? Is an edgy man. He treats with respect his subordinates, but he doesn't trust anyone except me on this ship. Is the type of person who can be your friend but he stabs you in the back some minutes after" he responds. So he's a bastard and the possibilities he'd let me go are very low.
* * *
It's almost evening and Hideyoshi is worried: y/n told him this morning she'd have gone in the city until lunchtime, but she didn't come back. He asked around but nobody was able to tell him where y/n was. He alerted Nobunaga who decided to hold a war council to find her. Hideyoshi expresses all of his worry and Mitsunari takes word with a stern look on his face:"I'm quite worried as well, Lord Hideyoshi. We should look after her". 
"Maybe she escaped after she went to war, after all, was her first time on a battlefield. I won't be surprised" Mitsuhide suggests with his cunning tone, but a more careful eye can see a glimpse of worry. In the past days, he went to some places with a very horrible reputation and in a red light district and he noticed a lot of Portuguese men who acted too much secretive for being simply merchant. They were really cautious: they gazed around before speaking with someone and once Mitsuhide risked revealing his true identity. Just today he succeeded to talk with a man after days of failures, but what he discovered was suspicious arms traffic. He didn't discover anything about y/n's missing. And the possibilities she's been kidnapped are not low. "My lucky charm is not a coward, Mitsuhide: she proved it during the war"       
Nobunaga scolds him, "Then I suppose we should look after her" snorts Ieyasu. "As if you hadn't done it before, before" teases Mitsuhide: Ieyasu's contrarian reactions are always a delight for him.
"Lord Ieyasu is always so kind" Mitsunari praises him. Ieyasu scolds him:"I told you I wasn't searchi-", "Enough! Each of you will send your own scouts in the city to collect information" Nobunaga stops the discussion. Once the council ends, all the warlord obey to Nobunaga orders, sending men in the city and its surroundings with the order to search for y/n and arrest everyone look suspicious. But as time passes, nobody finds y/n.
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myhottiestdreams · 5 years
Baby im just think you are so tired of me because that night.
Im just must to writing if real im very tired and very weak. Im just want to make that place fot us, for sharing with you everything. It Will be home in my mind for us where i can hiding from the peoples, but because of my Phone acts. Oh from the big letter names himself. I know it can be hurting for you but im on drugs like always, but dont feel the effect anymore because of it im little sad. You said i must to speak, but i cant make that step and cross that line, because i Will be thinking that im nerd and speaking with myself, and of course when my mom hear that she Will think im be come crazy, she alredy think im weak because dont sleeping ad always writing. If really im just want to Say im alredy find what im looking for and thats you badgirl im fall in loveeeeeee with New song what im download on my Phone, your song. I dont know can i share the name of the song because for me she is really exclusive and mean all World for me right now im always listen she. Chest to Chest nose to nose lalala we Will be always close like that lalala i cant believe you Will be sleeping by my side. Im fellings so warm because of the lyrics, your lyrics, if real i think you just have the most powerful talent what i see in the World, you are my Perfect loveliest little star. But if real i think you are not a little star the biggest what i see in that World. When i see the name of the song, im just thinking it Was for me, and she really New and exclusive only for me. Why i think that because when i Was Last time in that website and download your Music, yuup ftom the very big letter my loveeeeeee im just remember that she want be here on site, because of its i thinking that she New. And most important thing im thinking she is New, because when i see the name im just like understand she is for me and she is New, because it Was like reminder of one of ou talks, when i said i want to buy property for us in california and sid to you worfs from the my heart it Was my General dream to wake up with you in one bed in Our house and every morning see your sleepy happy face and see your smile. Because of my dream the song just Perfect for me, and means everything for me right now she is alredy my loveliest. When im trying to sleep that night im just listen that song and Was just so happy you just touch my soul with lyrics, and make me happier people in the World and that tfe truth, if really in one time im want to make some tears, because of happiness but shy. This is true, fuck looking for so one someone Who can complete me you Will be the Queen like a my girl) im not joking baby.
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flandesuka · 6 years
Yo you should answer all of these scene questions👀👀
you think so lad???? shit dawg i was thinkin just a few at a time but if that what u want my dear nonnie i will supply
1. wats ur scene name?
i was thinkin maybe ‘gods mistake’ would be a good one but then. i found a way to make it both danganronpa related, and, even better, a fucking pun as well. ‘kamukura kamukura jasqueen’, or just ‘kamukura jasqueen’ for short is good k thxxx
2. describe ur dream outfit!
oooo gosh this ones trickyy!! there are so many good outfits out there, especially in the scene community!! but it’d have to have a few tiny elements of dr cosplay to add a lil of my dangan-weeb culture in there ofc! more specifically, id really love to get one of kazuichis jumpsuit and just wig out and add shit like this just because i could:
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(id just rlly love going out in all those glowy/shiny things at night like all that haha..and yes the shoes would probably kill me/my fuckin feet if i tried to walk in them but shut up i love them theyre cute as fuck)
3. describe ur dream haircut!
oo another tricky one!! i do like my regular hair, and honestly id be lying if i said i didnt love ibuki’s hairdo too but id defs have to go with something like this!!
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yaaaassss, so pretty and spikeeeey! maybe id dye my natural hair colour black and/or add some funky colours if i ever actually got this style down!
4. describe ur dream room!
i have a lot of ideas for dream bedrooms actually, but heres a visual image of one of them i found!!!
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(this specific idea arose mainly just for the aesthetic but i also find it super cute and a good environment to be in general hhhnnggg)
5. if u could make anything out of kandi, wat would u make?
oh you mean those colourful beads and bracelet things??? i love those man!!! theyre so visually appealing to me aaaaa…id probably just make a fuck-ton of those and most probably use the little letter beads to say random words/phrases like ‘aubergine’ and ‘despacito’ knowing my shitposter self lmaooo! id definitely make a sansmaeda themed one too thoo fr
6. wat would u write on ur shoez?
it’d probably range from things like a simple kaomoji doodle to something randum and stupid like ‘seesaw’ bc yes asjnd
7. wat kinda piercingz/tattooz do u hav/want?
i dont think i rlly want any real piercings (at least not atm) but id totally go for those fake stick-on gemstone lookin’ ones! and as for tattoos, i cant rlly see myself gettin one of those rn either, but id want something like a mario power-up, preferably the bell one/cat suit powerup!!! its my favorite powerup and its sooo cute!!!
8. fave genrez?
i dont rlly have a specific genre, i like most kinds of music, but i rlly like energetic music that i can dance tooo!!! >w
9. fave bandz?
im a big fan of gorillaz and botdf!!! i like p!atd as well but havent listened to it in a while.. gatta catch up loool
10. fave songz?
my favs alternate a lot, but atm im super into ‘slow dancing in the dark’ by joji!!! so much emotiooon quq…also rlly hooked on botdf and jefree star’s ‘sexting’ tooo lmaooo
11. fave lyricz?
‘The world keeps spinning Among this sinning Oh what a cruel and disgusting place The purest moonlight Is bloodied by plight And screaming resonants But somehow I know That it’s all for show The world will reveal it’s true beauty soon And we’ll all reach towards the moon ‘
its so deep but its from a fucking kaito momota fansong and i love that asnkjdnefe
12. hav u evr been to a concert?
not in a damn long while my lad,, rip australians not havin many artists they like from other countries tour there ;-;
13. do u wanna be in a band?
ive always thought thatd be pretty cool ngl!!! tourin around with ur bandmate friends, makin awesome fuckin tunes, people lovin u and ur music, just livin the dream in general,, nice
14. wats da best soda/energy drink flavour?
havent rlly had any as of rn  my lad so i wouldnt know :/
15. wat do u miss most abt old internet?
i loved that we could all just be ourselves and act like the kids we are inside without bein reprimanded at all.. it aint rlly that much of an issue for me but i still think itd be a lot nicer if it was like that again sometimes,,
16. wats da best old meme?
ooohhh there are so many i still miss man! numa numa ermagerd and doge still remind me of the glory days…when old animeme was good and you could still haz ur cheezburgers in peace. also rage comics! rage comics were good what happened
17. best place 2 buy clothez?
i dont think theres any hot topics in australia but if there is. i will hunt it down you hear me
18. wat r ur fave accessoriez?
OH THERES SO MANY GOOD ONES??? as i stated b4 i rly love kandi bracelets and other glowy/led things!!! also rlly love ties with cute and fun patterns and long colourful and/or ripped socks like ibuki’s too hehe
19. wats ur best tip fr ppl that just got into scenecore?
im not rlly the best at advice, but my main point would be-just hav fun here dudes!!! dont let anyone else bulli u abt it, we’re supportive people, u can talk to me or anyone else whos willin to listen an/or help for reassurance ofc
20. opinion on furbiez?
21. opinion on funko popz?
i like em and ive seen lots at eb games, but i dont buy em much..i do have a megaman pop with a broken arm tho loool
22. wats ur fave pattern? (zebra/leopard print etc)
i looove a lot of patterns but not gonna lie im always a sucker for rainbow checkerboard patterns yknow hehe!
23. fave color combo?
i dont have one rlly…soooo many possible comboooos…cx
24. sumthing u liked as a kid dat u still like?
im still going on girlsgogames and recently, ive finally mastered sues beauty machine!!!! its so good and fun all of ya’ll should try it my dudeeees
25. wats ur most used emoticon? 0w0
as most of ya’ll probs alredy know i spam ‘:O’ a lot, but one of my bigger favs is actually ‘x3′ and my fav kaomoji is ‘ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧’ (both of them are so kyooot >w
26. wats ur fav typin quirk?
i luv talkin like dis, but i dont rly do it that often loool…i awso wuv tawking in ‘owo’ speak wike dis >//w//>
27. do u wish ur fllwrz talked 2 u moar?
hellz yeaaa!!! i luv followr interaction my dudee! it makes me super happi when u all talk to me heehee! x3c
28. tag ur fave scene blawgz!
:O !!! oh gawd!!! i dont know many atm but heeereee!
@xxadam-antidotexx (op of the ask meme)
@glitchkichi (not sure if this counts but their stuff’s rlly cool >v
@otonashi-banana (scene boyf…wuv im more than anythin >///w///>
29. wat got u into scenecore?
i dont remember exactly how it happened but i’d always sorta wanted to go back to the glory days that was the old web and the scene era, and that, coupled with a bright, colourful aesthetic that i could really enjoy, drew me in like a moth to a neon colored flame ig looollll
30. how long hav u been scene?
i’ve only been officially apart of the community for about a few months now (at time of writing) i reckon so some things are still a lil new to me ig ^^;;
31. wats da best thing abt being scene?
the freedom of bein able to express myself 4 one thing, and its just so fun being so ‘out-there’ yknow???? it feels so great really
32. do u hav a fursona?
i…actually used to but ive moved on from the furry fandom and ive grown more attached to my human sona anyway sooo :/
33. r u in sum “cringy” fandomz?
YEA man!! i dont rlly think dr is inherently considered ‘cringey’ but undertale is and im in that one for sure!!! i also kinda technically never left the skylanders fandom(?) so theres that too ig??? oh yeah and who wants to let me draw my old moshi monsters characters COWARDS
34. do u liek plushiez?
YASSSS QUEEEN!!!! i have HEAPS of them in my room on my desk with my gonta shrine
35. do u liek stickerz?
also a big yaaassss from me dawggg!!! i love them and i love those ones that you stick on your fase like this!
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its so cuuute!!!
36. do u hav a friendproject?
i dont, not at the moment a least, actually! didnt even know what it was til recently but it looks kewl haha
37. do u hav any other scene account?
well, i haz this one, and i also have an emowire account for shuichi if that counts!!
38. do u make art? (drawingz, blingeez, etc.)
YES!!! i love to draw and i also make blingee edits sometimes!!! ITS SO FUN XD !!!
39. wats da most scene thing? (anything!)
hmmm, weeell…i think the most stereotyped thing would be that kewl, suuuper big hair like this;
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its really prettyyyy, and i love all that colouuur!!!
40. ask ur own randum question!!
hm, oh wowie, since the anon didnt specifically ask this one…POTATOES!!! X3
phew, finally done, that was a lot of typing! this was so fun to do though, so thank u nonnie!!! :3
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grjsha · 6 years
Okay, so as I said it's very personal post and it's about my personal experiences/feelings so I suppose that not all of you will be interested in it, but if you'll bring yourself to read into it then feel free to share your opinions about it in the comments.
I'm really sorry but I'm unable to put it under the cut as my laptop is broken (again, what a surprise) and I'm working only on my phone. Also remember that I'm not native english speaker so you will probably find a few grammar or spelling mistakes here, sorry about that!
Here we go! I suppose that if you're reading it you alredy know about Hogwart Houses their history founders etc. so I'm not going to explain it in details (if you want to know more then go to pottermore and read on it). As you all probably know I'm a proud Slytherin - member of the house that is known from ambitons, cunning, cleverness and self-preservation. But unfortunately in the HP series is also portrayed as the "evil one" from where most of antagonist comes from.
Of course over the years members of HP fandom, especially members of Slytherin House have done a lot of work and now it's almost always seen as just one of hogwart houses. And thank god because seeing a bunch of teenagers or 20 y/o as "evil" only because they were sorted into that house is really fucked up. But just as the rest of houses slytherin has its own "aesthetic" and here is the thing. It's most commonly portrayed as
1. "edgy" drinking vodka straight out of the bottle, smoking all the time, plain black coffe, "all monsters are humans" sort of thing with alternative/goth clothes and so on.
2. "classy" marble, silcetto nails, high heels all the time, "eyeliner sharp enough to kill a men", designer clothes, big luxury house. In general that badass women in position of power, lawyer or CEO as I imagine. (I'm not sure if i'm giving this right, I have clear image in my head but can't really describe it).
Both of them are not particularly bad, that's just a bunch of images that goes through your head. As I said earlier it's a personal post and I must say that I'm not really affected/hurt by them as I personally like that kind of aesthetic very much, edgy/goth clothes, long sharp nails, black eyeliner sing me up for this! As I often say the only thing about me that doesn't add up to it is that I hate black coffe, I was often kidding that I can't really be a Slytherin as I prefer it with ton of milk and sugar, and here is the problem. Many people think they are not a real slytherin, feel bad in house community, or even don't want to be part of the house because they don't fit into that scheme. Going for a real life example I sometimes tell some of my friends that they for sure are slytherin and here goes my other friend or even a person I'm talking to and says shit like "naah they are way to nice for a slytherin" completely ignoring the fact that they have all/most of the character traits that fit into the house.
It's particularly hurtful for the slytherins who doesn't necessarily like that kind of aesthetic and goes for something different it's often hard to really find your place in community. Of course I'm I exaggerate this here to show the problem it's not that bad - nobody will come to you and tell you that you're not a real slytherin because you don't like coffe/ can't get your eyeliner right, but the feeling stays.
Of course not all creators / house members goes for it and sometimes you will find an aesthetic that fits you so perfectly that you feel like an author really knows you if I don't necessarily identify with all of it. But for you/your friend/sister etc who is also a slytherin it can be a a big no, cause in their head a imagine of slytherins/house itself or even themselves as slytherins can be completly different. And I think that we should be aware of that while creating content. We as a fandom or just as house members have some amazing writers/artists/graphics etc and I think that when creating for a house we should focus on a traits not on a reputation or aesthetic for it.
Befere commenting : remember as I said above this may not be a huge problem, but I can see it sometimes. Also remember that this aesthetics aren't bad itselfs when day match your vibe then go for it! But never force others into it so they can match the image of "true slytherin". This problem probably exists in other houses too but I can't talk for their members. IMPORTANT: I'm not a writer and this isn't an artistoc pice so please remebar that this is just my thoughts they may be a little messy and not in order but I wanted to focus on expressing what I had to say rather than making it flawless.
People that wanted to be tagged: @the-train-at-kings-cross @runningtowardsspace @itsthebrit @theloneranger97
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