#i said too much
marshmcore · 6 months
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Sniper has primitive-dog-breed energy sorry
and spy is liking every bit of it
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takeyourcyanide · 28 days
Are diagnoses not life ruining? /gen
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v-via-a · 11 months
Me telling a funny ass story of what happened to me but the response is
“Oh my - i’m so sorry that happened to you”
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yumenofude · 10 months
I had found you on Twitter and saw in your linktree that you have webcomics, I had just got done reading them all (I really love them btw especially the one piece x greek mythology (greek mythology is my fav)) and was wondering when you'd pick them up again. And I'd love to support you on patreon but I'm a broke college student who needs a job but school is too much rn😭.
Oh my 😭 thank you so much for this, your message is so nice 🥺
I honestly cannot tell you when I will update, I have been drowning in the past couple of years as a college student too and am only starting to get out of the water, so I need time to get back to feeling comfortable. I was stuck with artblock in addition to lacking time which makes me feel a bit alienated to my work, but I also miss all of this dearly and getting comments such as yours are literally the best motivational boost ever 🙏😤
So what I can say is the following: I'm not giving up on my works ESPECIALLY NOT the Greek Mythology AU (I'm too much in love with myths), so I'd say... at worst I'll update in 2024, and I'll try to keep my word 💪
Thank you for your kind words and thank you for taking into account financial support (although I totally get where you come from!!)
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emzular · 2 years
I really need you as a full grown white adult to analyze why you think a character that hates black people is fun to ship at all. Like I could just make fun of you but just think with your little peanut baby brain for five seconds WHY you think it's okay to "go deeper" on an abusive racist's character at all. Lol
i mean, i shouldn't give you the benefit of a response because you've been rude but i will.
before reading: abuse is never an excuse to be a bad person, but it does help to explain why people act in certain ways. tldr: i could talk about this for hours but at the end of the day if a non-white person says "he's a racist" then i say okay and i won't argue with you,
but as you've asked for me to analyse it i will. the second his dad hit him, i got it. if you've been in that situation or a similar one, you get it in that second. does it excuse any of the shit billy did? no. but does his character suddenly have more depth? yes. so that's why it's okay to "go deeper", because the duffers made him deeper. sorry, complain to them for making a character with an abusive homelife. because the way i see billy is that he's been raised with abusively strict rules, to respect his dad's wishes. he has to do everything by the way his dad lives. dacre said he didn't see billy as racist and didn't play him as such, and though the duffers have said contradicting things (they've said both he is AND he isn't), they removed all of the racial slurs. but the implication in those scenes with lucas is that he is racist, yeah i'm not denying that.
because then you see the scene where billy's dad abuses him. and for people who've been through shit like that it clicks. i'm not saying abuse is an excuse to be racist and i'm not saying i want everyone to love the guy, hell i don't love the guy all the time, but i understand him. at the end of the series, billy doesn't give a fuck that max is going to the snowball with her black boyfriend - he knows she'll see lucas there and he doesn't say a word cos he doesn't care, because max has already made it very fucking clear that she's tough and she can handle it. but at the start of the series, when the pressure from his dad is high, he does care cos he's selfish as fuck and he's scared, and if his dad finds out that billy is letting max hang out with a black boy, he'll lose it.
that's how i see billy. is he a cunt? yeah. but he is a cunt because he's been abused, and that makes sense to me. being abused is never an excuse to do bad shit but the character is seventeen and no one's ever intervened, and that's where the fics and the shipping comes in. we don't write the billy direct from the show, we write billy as if someone had intervened. a billy that gets called out for his attitudes, a billy that realises the way things are is wrong, a billy that realises an apology will never be enough: an au billy. and i've done shit (nowhere near as bad as he has) that i had been raised to think was right, that has been ingrained in me from shitty parenting, and it's only in adulthood when someone sat me down and called me out on it that i learned. and mate i'm not sitting here stanning the guy who beat up black kids - i'm stanning the character potential. they could've given this abused angry kid background to robin and she'd have been the one i stanned. hell, if they'd developed johnathan a bit more, i'd be over there in byers-ville.
and abuse isn't an excuse to be racist, no fucking way, but does it explain/shed a light on why he's acting a certain way? yeah. but again, i'm not going to sit and tell you that he's not racist because if you see him as racist, then you have every right to and i'm not gonna convince you otherwise. i just think that the billy you see vs the billy we/dacre see is different.
if you ever read a harringrove fic, chances are the first thing they write him doing is apologising, leaving his abusive dad and explaining this shit. we're not writing and headcanoning an abusive racist billy, we're not sitting around rejoicing in him being racist. that's not the billy we see. we've basically made up our own billy, because the billy in the show is a dick, but the potential future billy could've been less so. and that's the truth.
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I'm really sorry, hope you feel better soon
There's goin to be a lot of things that'll make me think of him, I won't lie, but I just keep in the good memories of him.
He did a lot to hurt me and the ones close to me, that I COULDN'T forgive him for. He still didn't deserve to die. Not like the way he did.
All I can do is ‘member the good, acknowledge the bad, move on with life and don't have those “what if” questions or “I wish” comments we all make when someone dies. It's not good to ask the questions and ponder on what would happen if “things were different”.
A lot. A lot would happen. But it's nothin we can do. This year, even last year, hasn't been the best since bein in a new region away from where you grew up and thousands of miles away from my family (that I have left) and friends.
I wish solace for his family, especially his mother, durin this time. (Even my twin in the mix, since they dated for seven years and known each other for a decade.)
In the end, he's still my bro bro. And I'll honestly miss the good of him that made him my bro bro. If that makes sense..
But, thank you, Anon. I do appreciate you.
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icharchivist · 11 months
So that's the way to fluster Icha, I see...
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he peeks out his window and gazes with love and adoration at the dawn sunlight shining off the trees.
he wakes up every day smiling.
he sees the beauty in everything and everyone.
he loves life and is overwhelmed with appreciation for all the things earth has to give.
and someone takes that away from him.
whether he is left abruptly dead or a soulless shell, he is suddenly stripped from his joy and his peace and his laughter and his emotion.
the things he used to laugh about with his friend while they strolled through the park, all the precious memories they have and their bond and his love for his close ones and all of the new explorations and experiences he is gifted with are now gone and completely forgotten as if they had never existed.
an unexpected, unwarranted, unjust but cruelly fitting end to his life that was just turning around.
what a beautifully ironic scheme.
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hopesanddreams15 · 1 year
somebody euthanize me
when that one person said I already said too much, and I want my secrets back and when Henry Barbusse said my heart has no pity on me and when Radiohead said you do it to yourself, you do, and that's what really hurts, and when frank bidart said I care if I am guilty! I care if I am guilty!
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sweetpxxches · 2 years
Oh well what can I say I’ve been Connor simp for 2 years yet he make me f-..feel 🫣😳
Can you imagine it? Connor can learn so quick and understand your body with a whim of his hand. All he'd have to do is put his hands on you, kiss your skin, trail them down below...
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seanwinchester · 1 year
help i said to my friend who i know is also on tumblr but we agreed not to give each other our urls that i've received notifications all day because of my post that blew up on main and now they want to see the post 😭
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quarkfcker · 2 years
i definitely fucked up in my beit din conversation but we are moving Past It
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
grand wizard stephen is gonna be like that one mean and infuriating boy that we all had a crush on back in middle school lol
Idk man, the last boy from my grade school that was mean to me was like my bully, and I made him cry when I had enough, so I’m not sure 🙈
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podcastwizard · 4 months
because here's the thing here's the thing the question was not "would you be more surprised to run into a fairy or a walrus" the question was "would you be more surprised to find a fairy or a walrus AT YOUR DOOR" and while no, i do not believe in fairies and would be surprised to know they EXIST i would NOT be surprised to find one at my door. HOWEVER, if a WALRUS shows up at my door i have to contend with the fact that a walrus somehow made it to my apartment specifically and knocked on my door for god knows what reason. i would be more surprised to know that a fairy EXISTS, of course, but NOT that they're at my door, do you get me?
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mynnthia · 19 days
was talking with a friend about how some of dunmeshi fаndom misunderstands kabru's initial feelings towards laios.
to sum up kabru's situation via a self-contained modernized metaphor:
kabru is like a guy who lost his entire family in a highly traumatic car accident. years later he joins a discord server and takes note of laios, another server member who seems interesting, so they start chatting. then laios reveals his special interest and favorite movie of all time is David Cronenberg's Crash (1996), and invites kabru to go watch a demolition derby with him
#dungeon meshi#delicious in dungeon#kabru#kabru already added laios as a discord friend. everyone else in the server can see laios excitedly asking kabru to go with him#what would You even Do in this situation. how would YOU feel?#basically: kabru isnt a laios-hater! hes just in shock bc Thats His Trauma. the key part is kabru still says yes#bc he wants to get to know laios. to understand why laios would be so fascinated by something horrific to him#and ALSO bc even while in shock kabru can still tell laios has unique expertise + knowledge that Could be used for Good#even if kabru doesnt fully trust laios yet (bc kabru just started talking to the guy 2 hours ago. they barely know each other)#kabru also understands that getting to know ppl (esp laios) means having to get to know their passions. even if it triggers his trauma here#but thats too much to fit in this metaphor/analogy. this is NOT an AU! its not supposed to cover everything abt kabru or laios' character!#its a self-contained metaphor written Specifically to be more easily relatable+thus easy to understand for general ppl online#(ie. assumed discord users. hence why i said (a non-specific) 'discord server' and not something specific like 'car repair subreddit')#its for ppl who mightve not fully grasped kabru's character+intentions and think hes being mean/'chaotic'/murderous.#to place ppl in kabru's shoes in an emotionally similar situation thats more possible/grounded in irl experiences and contexts.#and also for the movie punchline#mynn.txt#dm text#crossposting my tweets onto here since my friends suggested so
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Kabru getting a taste of his own medicine
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