#i saw him yesterday bc we had teaching together the whole day
hightowres · 6 months
the crush is crushing right now
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So I finally left my house for the first time after being sick for that long.
The good news is that it was raining so fucking bad that my job called off teaching for the whole day and instead I taught yesterday's morning class in the nice good online fashion without leaving my house. Now that was good bc I had a friends meeting at the mall in the afternoon, if I would teach at the city in the morning, I wouldn't have much strength left for the afternoon.
The bad news is that, when I left to go to the mall, the bus just NEVER CAME. This specific line is supposed to pass by every 30 minutes or so. I was waiting at the bus stop for over two hours. It just never came, which meant the roads were flooded BAD. So I gave up, walked to the train station (around 2Km away I think??), took the train, then another bus and finally got to the mall. I was pretty much dying by the time I arrived so a friend rushed to pick me up at the entrance and they bought me a Whopper for my blood pressure to NOT drop like ice again.
After I recovered, I managed to enjoy the company and chat and have fun, it was the goodbye of a nice friend who's going to live in another State bc of his job. Then after that, my friend Pablo (older followers might remember me mentioning him, I think? We like to check the toy stores together) and I went around to buy some more snacks and CHECK THE TOY STORES.
This time they re-stocked the pups with their regular vehicles! All six of them, but still not so many at all. And they had A LOT OF SKYE MERCH for whatever reason. A whole shelf only for Skye. Girl power or whatever, I guess?
But we also saw for the first time a certain Mighty Movie playset which had us in hysterics bc they included that Water Zuma scene from their face-off against Victoria AND HE LOOKS SO SILLY JUST A TRANSPARENT HEAD LMAOOO
Anyway now I'm at Pablo's bc NOBODY TRUSTED ME TO GET BACK HOME ON MY OWN AT ALL if there was so much problem for me to even get there in the first place and for how dizzy I was when I finally arrived at the mall. His parents will drive me home by the end of the afternoon when they go to the church.
To quote our dear Dalmatian, "I'm good!" just tired XD Maaaaaaybe still dizzy and REALLY TIRED with all the effort and stress from yesterday but I'm good 💜
Also I may or may not have been awake yesterday for 23h and a half
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
After watching some anime, can I request the brothers and Side characters with an MC that makes really great bentos in their aesthetic with their favorite meals? MC could make Lucifer a fancy dish of steak done to his favorite temperature, side dishes are organized neatly, and the bento is red and black to match his design or she made pink/pastel treats for Asmo is a very cute bento that matches his style. I think it would make their day when they receive something so cute from the human
ABSOFRICKINGLUTELY! ANON! I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU! However, I write gn! Whenever possible, so I hope you don't mind. Also, I've only made bento once, so I did a tinny bit of research. Most of them stray from traditional bento, however I tried to make sure I had the four components, (protien, carbs, salad/veggies, and fruit) (except Asmo), and different cooking methods for each. Some of them I forgot to explicitly say what colour the box was, so I'm sorry about that. I didn't do Luke because he had a role in Simeon's, and I blanked. (Sorry) Also, some of them have links bc I started to lose inspiration and motivation to write the same thing over and over again bc brain juice went bye. Hopefully I did this justice, I may have gotten a little carried away...sorry for rambling.
MC Makes Bento For The Boys
Lucifer had been working non-stop for the past few weeks
You had barely seen him, as he was so busy going back and forth from the castle, meetings, and he had banned everyone from his office. It had gotten so bad that he would "postpone" his meals, but nobody had seen him eat in a while.
You had a lot of spare time, so you did meal prep for the whole week just for Lucifer.
It was a little past noon by the time you finished, (and made Beel swear he wouldn't touch the food because you would treat him at Madam Scream's later), so you decided to make a bento box for Lucifer's lunch today with some leftover beef and rice you had.
With your protein and carbs taken care of, you prepared some roasted asparagus to add some colour to the box as well as a couple of carrots. You also added an umeboshi plum on top of the rice to match the colour of the box. (A/N I personally don't mind umeboshi on it's own, but if anyone wants to try it, I highly suggest you eat it with rice or have water on hand 😂)(oh yeah, umeboshi is a small, sour, pickled plum.)
In the final box you arranged a couple of orange slices, strawberries and grapes.
Satisfied, you brought the box and a glass of water up to his study. You didn't even bother knocking, knowing he would just send you away anyways.
You were greeted by a low growl. "Get out."
You rolled your eyes. "No. You need to eat Lucifer, and I'm not leaving until I know you've finished this."
"I don't have time for this MC. I have to-" he was cut off by his stomach rumbling.
He blushed slightly, and continued to busy himself with work.
"Please? I hate seeing you overwork yourself like this. Have you looked in the mirror lately? When was the last time you slept? Eaten? Had something other than coffee? Have you even gone to the bathroom in the past 48 hours?"
He sighed, folded his hands under his chin and looked up at you through disheveled raven locks.
"...you really aren't going anywhere until I eat." It wasn't a question, rather a statement with a trace of relief in it.
You extended the bento box out to him once more, though this time he accepted it.
"....thank you MC.....this is quite delicious. Perhaps once I'm done my work I can take you out to Ristorante Six to show my appreciation."
You pushed his hair back and planted a kiss on his forehead.
"Once you're done your work, you're going to sleep. That's an order, sir."
He silently cursed himself as he felt himself blush again
You were planning to stay until he finished, but then you heard Mammon and Levi fighting.
"I'll take care of that love. Make sure you drink that water too. Also, I prepped meals for the rest of the week for you, so you have no excuse to not eat. I bribed Beel, so they should stay there, but as an extra precaution I got Satan to teach me a protection spell. I didn't tell him what it was for, so it should be fine."
He watched you close the door behind you and wondered what he did to deserve someone like you.
He was complaining to you because his actions finally caught up with him, and tomorrow he had to go out and repay some witches with time and favours, (being a bagboy), instead of money
He started belly-aching even more when you told him you weren't interested in joining him.
Luckily you were on dinner duty tonight, so you had a legitimate excuse to leave his pity-party
However while you were making dinner, you decided to show Mammon a little bit of sympathy, and set some rice and pork cutlet aside that you could use later.
After dinner, Mammon followed Lucifer, trying to convince him to give him money.
So you had ample time to continue working on his bento.
He had a three compartment wooden box
You scooped the rice into the box, put the cutlet on top, and two thinly sliced pieces of lemon on top.
You cut up some yellow, red, and orange bell pepper to put in the top left corner of the box
In the last compartment, you cut up golden kiwi, pineapple chunks, and a couple blueberries
You were about to put it in the fridge, when Mammon came screaming into the kitchen.
You sighed. "It was supposed to be a surprise Mammon! I made lunch for you for tomorrow, because you're going to be doing some running around and who knows when you'll get a moment to yourself? I was going to cast a spell on it to keep Beel from eating it, so it would have lasted overnight too... I just want to make sure you have something healthy to eat and so you don't have to spend money on take out. If you don't want it though, I'll just give it to Beel..."
He blushed furiously. "Ya don't gotta worry bout me, silly human. The Great Mammon can take care of himself! But-uh, I'll probably end up taking it anyways, because it's umm, it's free food! And Mammon ain't about to pass that up!"
He tried to grab it, but you pulled it close to yourself and turned, blocking him.
"You only want it because it's free? Ok. Fine. You'll have to pay me if you want it." You teased
He whined a bit. "Aw come on, ya even said ya didn't want me spendin money tomorrow! And ya said it was for me! MC, this ain't fair!"
"I didn't say you had to use money."
The next day while Mammon was out and about, trying to carry multiple bags of stuff for the witches, he happily ate his food, a light blush on his cheeks as every bite reminded him of the way you felt against his lips yesterday.
Levi had lost out on another draw despite having spent copious amounts of money on the tickets
As such, he had locked himself in his room to temporarily drown in his sorrows
You decided to make Kyaraben, character bento, for him. (Kyaraben can also refer to animals, real life celebrities, or natural settings)
(I would do Ruri- Chan but I have no fricking clue, so here's a link to a recipe for Pikachu Kyaraben because that's what you did instead)
Hesitantly, you brought your creation to his room and lightly knocked on the door.
"...I don't wanna talk to anyone right now."
"Levi, it's me. I brought something to cheer you up! At least let me give it to you if you don't want me to stay."
You could hear some scuffling and mumbling from behind the door. "I highly doubt there's anything a normie like you can do to help."
You tried to brush that off, because, ouch, but you knew he was upset so you tried not to take it to heart.
He was pouty as he opened the door, his demon form on display.
His expression immediately changed when he saw the bento in your hands.
"WOOOOOAAAHHH!!! THIS IS FOR ME??!! YOU MADE ME BENTO??!! This is something straight out of anime!!! Uh...uhm...d-do you maybe w-want to share it?"
The last part of his sentence had him blushing furiously, and he refused to look you in the eye.
"Sure. Maybe we can watch that anime you texted me about a couple days ago too."
His eyes lit up with joy as he used his tail to gently grab your wrist and pull you excitedly to his couch.
Once he had arranged everything to his liking, he sat down and bashfully accepted the bento.
At some point, he asked if he could feed it to you, however, there was only one pair of chopsticks
Blushy otaku very much enjoyed the bento, not only because it was like his anime, but also because it was you who made it.
He also got a couple indirect kisses, and could not focus on anything but that for the next few days.
You and Satan had been spending a lot of time together lately because he was helping you study for a test
Thanks to Satan's tutoring, you had managed to get a much higher score on the test than you had imagined.
As thanks, you wanted to make a kitten Kyaraben
You found him in the library at a desk, hunched over a book, studying some foreign language.
He was so engrossed in his studies that he didn't notice you right away, so you tapped him gently on his shoulder.
"Ah, MC. I'm afraid I missed you coming in. Are you alright?"
You smiled and nodded. You brought the box out from behind your back with your test papers on top, the mark clearly visible.
"I couldn't have gotten that mark without your help, so I made you some bento as thanks. I hope you like it."
His eyes widened in surprise. "Oh MC, that wasn't necessary. Spending time with you was enough for me, but thank you."
He slid the lid off the bento and chuckled when he saw what you had done.
"That's quite clever kitten. Perhaps next time you can show me how to make it?"
His pet name made you blush a bit, but that didn't stop you from agreeing.
You two spent the next few hours discussing different meals you guys could learn to make together.
Asmo had been taking you shopping lately, hyping you up and helping you destress with spa nights
In return, you decided to make a dessert bento box in a pretty pink container.
It was a square container split into nine compartments.
Across the top three compartments, you arranged a rainbow of mochi.
On the bottom three you arranged a rainbow of macaroons.
In the two outside compartments left, you put a mini Wicked cupcake in each
Finally in the middle, you arranged Hershey's kisses into a heart.
Satisfied, you made your way to his room and announced your presence at his door.
"Come in darling~ I'm just finishing up my nails!"
You let yourself in and settled across the table from Asmo.
"I brought you something. I just wanted to thank you for helping me out lately and show you how much I appreciate you!"
You placed the box next to him so he could see what you had done.
His squeal of excitement almost decimated your eardrums, however moments later you were enveloped in a very tight, heartfelt, "smooshy" hug, but his elated expression made up for your temporary loss of hearing.
"Ohh MC! You're so sweet!!!! These look delicious, let's share them!! Just let me take a picture first with my favourite snack!!"
You sat back and expected him to pick up a cupcake, but yelped as he pulled you into the frame.
"I said with my favourite snacc MC, and I meant it!!" (Yes, he still took a picture of the bento)
You wanted to plan an outdoor date for the two of you that wouldn't require you to excersize.
So you decided to try and make Koraku Bento, or picnic bento, but even bigger in hopes you would be able to temporarily satiate Beel's hunger
Because you were making so much, you needed multiple boxes, and a couple days to prepare, so you asked Simeon if you could work at PH so Beel wouldn't get to it early.
Of course, he agreed
Day one, you prepared five different fillings for the Onigiri you were planning to make: sha-ke (salted salmon),umeboshi (Japanese pickled plum), okaka (bonito flakes moistened with soy sauce), kombu (simmered kombu seaweed), tuna mayo (canned tuna with Japanese mayonnaise)
Day two you prepared three large protiens, (chicken, beef, and pork), each enough to fill about two containers each. You cooked each of them differently. You also cut up/prepared vegetables you wanted to use for tempura.
Day three you woke up early in order to be ready to take Beel out after his game. You made rice and finished making the Onigiri, (which Luke was adamant you let him make with you).
And Simeon helped you make the tempura and a beautiful salad to accompany everything else.
However, now there was a lot of stuff to carry and you wanted to greet Beel out of his game.
So the angels took care of transporting the food to the roof while you went to get Beel
"Why are we going to Purgatory Hall? Are we having dinner with the angels?"
"Not quite. The date I wanted to take you on had a slight change of plans. We just need to get to the roof-"
"Do you want me to fly us up there?"
You considered it for a moment then agreed. If nothing else, you would be avoiding Solomon.
Once you landed, appreciation for the angels swelled as they had laid everything out so beautifully.
"...oh. It looks like someone else is doing something up here. It smells really good, so we should probably go. I don't want to eat someone else's food and ruin their night by accident....again." He tried to leave, but you pulled on him gently.
"I'm glad you think it smells good. This is for you! I made it for you, and the angels helped me bring it up here when I went to pick you up."
His eyes widened. "...All of that...you made it for me?"
You couldn't help but smile and nod at his bashful expression.
He hugged you gently. "Thank you MC. I know that took a lot."
"It was worth it! You haven't even tried it yet. Come on, I'm hungry!" You giggled.
Beel's stomach growled in response, causing a slight blush to light his cheeks. You're so good to him❤
Belphegor (this has a bit of crack energy, I'm sorry. So will Solomon's😅)
"MC....can you pass me my D.D.D?"
"MC....can you give me a massage?"
"MC....can you switch my laundry for me?"
"MC....can you pass me my pillow?"
"Belphie, I love you. I understand you're the Avatar of Sloth. But what the actual fuck? Your pillow is under your arm, just move it under your head. I've already gotten up, like six times to do stuff for you."
He groaned. "But it takes too much effort!" He smushed his cheek into his arm and attempted to give you puppy-dog eyes.
"Sorry, only Beel can pull that off. If you want your pillow moved less than a foot, you're going to do it yourself. You of all people should now how frustrating it is to get up as soon as you sit down."
He groaned again and grumbled as he moved his own damn pillow.
You tried to relax a bit. Normally your time with Belphie consisted of cuddles, movie nights, planeterium visits, or just plugging into some music and enjoying each other's company, like you were trying to do now.
Until you made eye contact with him again.
He was going to ask something-
"MC........... can you get me a snack?"
Dear God, he was not gonna like this.
"Of course Belphie. I'd love to."
You made your way to the kitchen with new found energy.
You were going to make Shikaeshi Bento (revenge lunchbox)
Basically, it's supposed to be inedible or embarrassing, and be used to convey anger or overall dissatisfaction
So you grabbed his bento box, dumped uncooked rice into it, cracked an egg and left the shell in the box. You used purple food colouring to make a heart.
You brought the box up to Belphie, who was surprisingly still awake
"That was quick."
You grunted in response and walked out
"Hey why are you leaving?!"
A few seconds later, you heard, "MC! ...WHAT DID I DO??!! I JUST WANTED A SNACK!!...MC PLEASE COME BACK I DON'T WANNA GET UP!!"
So, usually Barbatos is in charge of making sure the Demon Prince eats
However, you told Barbatos that you wanted to make something special for Dia
"My Lord would thoroughly enjoy anything you made for him. He's been very busy lately, so I'm sure he would appreciate the kind gesture."
Barbatos graciously gave you precedence over the kitchen, giving you full access to everything you could ever need or want.
You decided to make him bento with your favourite protein
One compartment you filled with rice, using sesame seeds and an umeboshi for garnish
You arranged pieces of your favourite fruits in one of the smaller compartments
Then you made your favourite type of tempura, and prepared the sauce to go in the last two compartments
You asked Barbatos where Diavolo would be, and he escorted you to his office.
"My Lord, MC has come to speak with you."
Diavolo's head shot up and his face lit up with delight as he watched you walk through the door.
"MC! A welcome surprise. How are you? Is everything alright?"
"Everything's fine! I actually just wanted to give you something." You gave him the black box.
"I made bento with some of my favourite things...you mentioned wanting to get to know me a little bett-"
You were cut off by Diavolo crushing you in a hug
"...My Lord, MC needs to breathe."
"Ah, my apologies MC. This is the most wonderful, meaningful thing anyone has ever given me. How can I adequately express my gratitude? Simply name anything you want, and it shall be yours."
Once you had regained your breath, you gave him a small smile.
"Anything? Could I trouble you for your time?"
"MC, Lord Diavolo must finish his work in a timely matter. I can clear his schedule for afterwards."
"Barbatos, could they stay long enough for us to share the wonderful meal they've prepared?"
Usually Diavolo's begging and sad eyes™ would be powerless against him, however the soft spot he had for you and your much- less-seen sad expression were enough for him to bend this once.
"My Lord, I'll be back in an hour. I'm afraid that's all the time I can allow."
He stepped out, and allowed a small smile form on his face as he heard the two of you celebrate, also knowing that later on he would be listening to a very happy prince recount everything you two talked about and how much he loved you.
You, the brothers, and the other exchange students had been invited to the demon lord's castle for another event
It wasn't for another day, but you felt your chest tighten as you remembered Barbatos
Did he even get to eat those days when everyone was there?
You didn't want to take that chance, and decided to set up a small, filling bento box.
It only had three compartments, so you stuffed each one.
One had rice and meat.
You made some sushi and tamagoyaki to go on top.
For the last compartment, you made a simple chickpea salad.
The next day, Barbatos welcomed you all to the castle, as per usual.
However, this time he stuck around once the brothers and others had left.
"I...Well you already know, but this is for you!"
He nodded and graced you with a smile. "My knowing does not take away from my appreciation MC. Admittedly, nights like this are very demanding. I will repay you later. Thank you."
He tried to walk away, but you yelled after him, "You're not supposed to repay someone for a gift! Just take it!!"
He smiled to himself as he started to eat some food.
Perhaps this night would not be as taxing as he thought
You had been experimenting new dinner recipes with Luke at Purgatory Hall; you were watching him while Simeon was away.
"If we leave these leftovers out, Solomon will get to them and ruin them."
"....why don't we make bento for Simeon? He's coming back tomorrow, isn't he?"
Luke beamed at you. "Okay!"
He went to get a small bento box divided into fifths (two large bottom compartments and three small top ones).
"Ok, so in one of the big ones, we can fit the rest of the rice."
Luke nodded. "Can I use this?" He held up a star-shaped cookie cutter.
"Of course!" You helped him mould the rice into a stable star shape.
He looked so happy designing stuff, you let him take the lead.
By the time you were finished, it was easily the most stunning dish you had seen.
"Wow MC! We should do this more often!" He was very proud of himself, and rightfully so. "I can't wait to give it to Simeon!....Is it ok if I give it to Simeon? It was your idea, so it's ok if you want to do it instead..."
You just smiled at him. "You can give it to him, you did most of the work anyways. For now though, you need to get to bed."
He pouted slightly, but complied.
The next morning you woke up to Luke speaking very animatedly to Simeon.
"Yeah! We tried a bunch of new things, and then MC suggested we make you a bento box with the leftovers, and it turned out really well so I can't wait for you to try it!!"
You leaned against the kitchen doorframe observing the interaction.
"Thank you Luke, it looks wonderful. Good morning MC. I hope you slept well. Thanks for ba- for helping Luke while I was away."
He smiled gently at you before Luke was trying to get him to try the bento again.
He took a bite and smiled at Luke.
"It's delicious. You guys must have put a lot of love into it, as always." He looked directly at you at that point, but Luke was too elated to notice the silent exchange between you too.
"Don't get mad at me! You agreed to test spells with me!"
"You asked me when I was half asleep Solomon! I also meant later, not right away!"
"Well, you're not a frog anymore, so I don't see what the problem is."
.... No, you weren't a frog anymore
That didn't mean you were happy about being a frog in the first place.
You texted Simeon, 'Who's on lunch duty today?"
"Me. Why?"
"I'll make us bento. We can picnic, the exchange students, that is."
So you spent the next little bit making normal bento for the three of you.
"Simeon said we should probably leave in five minutes" you thanked Luke and started on Solomon's.
You made Shikaeshi bento; you cracked four eggs and aligned their yolks into a rather phallic shape, added way too much fish oil, and threw a few sesame seeds on top.
However, once you made it to the picnic grounds, Solomon opened his box and gasped.
"MC, you know me so well!" And proceeded to drink right out of the box, the rest of you looking on in horror.
"I thought you were mad at me and you were going to give me something disgusting like Mac and Cheese. I guess all is forgiven. Thank you!"
At that point you couldn't even stay mad, that was just disgusting.
Aye, I hope you liked it anon, not sure if this is quite what you meant but....yeah.
Love y'all!
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. ∞
a/n: this made me tear up a bit ngl bc haikyuu always hitting us with ‘theres no next year for us’ typa bull like BLS TAKE PITY ON MY SOUL AND STOP TIME AND KEEP MY BOYS TOGETHER :(((((((
it has an infinity symbol bc this is in the future so there isnt really an episode number 
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
the third years coming back to seijoh the following year for a surprise visit, and watching over practice cuz they were in town for break. being impressed on how kyo has calmed down (a bit), kunimi actually giving a sh-, yknow the deal. just the growth of their kouhai makes them 🥺🥺 but THEN- Y O U walk in with the team’s bottles n the small gasp that comes out of your mouth when you see them. they GAWK cuz you’re maturing SO well (stfu oikawa- my eyes up are here) and just 🥺🤲
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oh god here comes the tears
it was something you knew was coming since yanno, third years and all that
but you were so sure you had more time left before it happened
didnt you just join the team and met them like yesterday?
nope love you met nearly a year ago
and they made quite an impact on you in the short term you were together
so during the day of graduation
it wasnt really a school day since it was mostly for third years and the whole ceremony but kouhais could come so they could send off their senpais
you already called each third year the night before, nearly 2 hours per boy, to talk to them and cry with them so you didnt have to cry during the day
but ofc
you were sobbing already when you saw your captain walk up and get his tube with the diploma inside
they tried to remain strong as they sat in their seats but a single glance at you and the team at the stands above, the tears were already either forming or full out slipping
i know yall finna beat me up for this but im not really familiar with the other third years in the team bc theyre not really shown in the anime or manga that much so i dont have a good grip on their character so can we pls pretend theyre not in here?? omg pls dont kill me though
the ceremony felt like a long time for the seniors but when it was finally over, they ran out of that building and yall did too and you bolted yourself into the arms of your captain
oikawa held you tightly against him and he didnt care about being seen by his fangirls, who were waiting outside for him, or the others who wanted to have you to them too
‘i love you, y/n-chan’
he mumbled and you nodded
‘mhm. i love you too, oikawa-san. i love all my boys’
iwa ripped you away from him and your face was buried into his chest
but it didnt last long since the others got a little impatient and just joined the hug turning it into a group hug
‘i dont want you to leave!’
kindaichi sobbed and kunimi sniffled, holding on tighter to the backs of his senpais
even kyo was sad but hes a tuff boy so he easily hid that behind his usual frown and glare
after seeing their parents and reassuring them they would be home soon, you started your trek towards your usual hang out spot
the second and first years were walking ahead of you while the third years fell back in step with you in between them
mattsuhana flanked your left while iwaoi were at your right
the tears were now gone but sniffles still filled the area and everyone was still down in their spirits
you held tightly to the warm big hands of iwaizumi and the soft touch of mattsun’s hand as if you were clutching your life-line
but you knew no matter how tightly you held on to them, they would still go and eventually leave you behind
the ramen shop was filled with another round of tears as everyone realized that this would be the last time seijoh og would have ramen here
kindaichi sobbed while kunimi aggressively shoved noodles in his mouth to hide his hiccups
you refused to eat because you were so sad that you were scared you might end up throwing it all up later so you settled on relishing your time with the boys
oikawa was busy talking to yahaba and telling him tips and tricks for next year while iwaizumi was consolling the others who were crying
that left you to harshly wipe off the tears and focus on the jokes that matsuhana were telling to help and lighten up the mood
‘think of it like this! you won’t have oikawa and iwaizumi fighting anymore!’
that kinda made things worse
geez makki stfu!!!!
you bursted into full tears and you sobbed, loudly and freely
you wheezed and then continued to cry
everyone flinched and got startled at the sight of you crying
theyve seen you cry before but not this intensely and sadly 
you wailed
everyone is so used to seijoh antics that they didnt even bat an eyelash when everyone started crying
‘damn it, i was trying not to cry!’
iwa growled and buried his face into his hands to hide the pain in his eyes
‘come here, y/n-chan’
mattsun cooed while sobbing and you went straight into his arms and his arms tightly wounded around you
he pressed kisses on your neck to calm you and he whispered promises to keep you from thinking that you would be alone
the boys were all still crying even when you paid for them and at the exit, everyone wouldnt let go of each other
ngl it was a weird sight of seeing these boys just hanging on and hugging the others and you were tightly pressed against makki’s chest 
‘dont cry, y/n-chan. we’ll be here, always. just a 4-hour ride to tokyo’
he promised but you shook your head
‘--too far’
you mumbled and he was able to make out a few words and he laughed
‘i swear you’ll see us in a few hours’
it took a few words of assurance from makki and eventually mattsun and iwa joined
oikawa stayed back because he already wanted to walk you home and iwa knew you were the one that was the hardest for oikawa to tell his plans to
waving them good bye, you fussed and made sure everyone was not crying anymore
‘you text me the moment you get home, all right? and kyo-san, let the food in your stomach settle before-’
‘before i take a bath-yea i know’
he rolled his eyes but he smiled lightly before hugging you
‘go home now, y/n’
he pushed you towards his captain but you pulled away one last time to give each boy a kiss on the cheek
their lips trembled, especially the third years, and wanted to keep their tears in but they rocket launched to space
yanno that one part in season 1 when kiyoko told them to work hard and then they just snot-rocketed and cried
oikawa interlaced your fingers as you both walked towards your house and it was quiet
you were sus bc it was too quiet and oikawa would usually be either skipping, humming a tune, or just yapping his ass off
but right now
he was quiet, slouchy, and,,,, not oikawa
you looked up to see his face and you knew it wasnt just the graduating part
it was like,,,, he was nervous
you squeezed his hand and that got his attention
‘oikawa-san, whats wrong?’
he suddenly stopped and your linked hands caused you to also stop so you watched him stare down at his shoes and you blinked at him in confusion
‘y/n, tell me to stay’
he,,, sounded like he was begging
desperate to hear you say it
‘why should i?’
you asked and he finally lifted his eyes to stare into your eyes
he gulped before further explaining himself 
‘coach got me a volleyball scholarship’
he whispered and your eyes widened before you launched into him for a hug and pulled back to cup his face
‘oh my god! tooru! a scholarship?! im so proud-’
‘in argentina’
he finished and your eyes dimmed, the lifted corners of your lips falling into a frown
you stuttered and pulled your hands away but he grabbed them, placing them back to his face 
‘but if you dont want me to go, i wont-’
‘NO! what?! tooru, its your dream! you and iwa-san wouldnt stop talking about that match with argentina and-and you want to go there! dont you dare let that slip away!’
you scolded frantically however oikawa’s face scrunched before he started crying
‘i-i can’t! y/n, i’ll be alone! its so far away! far from iwa, far from you-’
then you reached to your tippy toes and kissed his nose then leaned back with a big smile
‘no matter how far, ill always be right here. im always going to be here, waiting for you’
you mumbled and oikawa hiccuped then leaned his forehead against yours, eyes clashing that was so full of love and fear
‘then dont you worry, y/n-chan. oikawa-senpai will work really hard and he will come back and make you happy’
he whispered and you pulled him even closer to give him the biggest hug
‘im looking forward to it’
truth to be told with guilty conscience, the third years havent really been in touch
yes theyve called and messaged but there wasnt a normal kind of communication, especially with oikawa
but they decided to go over there during a simultaneous week break for universities in tokyo and iwa, makki, and mattsun pressured oikawa to fly back to japan just for a week to visit
‘iwa-chan im so broke righ-’
‘fine, we’ll see y/n ourselve-’
bahahaha im sorry i love oiks so much its not even funny
they agreed to not tell anyone, even coach, to surprise you all and to see your faces of surprise bc mattsuhana are little shites and they love to mess around
it was a normal day during practice
yahaba was teaching some first years how to serve while watari was giving exercising tips on how to bend their knees without shrieking in athritis
kyotani was doing jump serves while kindaichi and kunimi tried to block him
it was a normal day
the former third years knew the ins and outs of the place and oikawa still had his keys of the gym since he never gave it back so they were easily able to sneak in
they sat on the bleachers and observed everyones growth which really blew them away and took them aback by how much they improved in little time
like kunimis actually huffing and throwing a mini tantrum bc hes so into it and hes mad he didnt get that block right
they also noticed the larger amount of new recruits and based on their practice, it looks like they would be in good hands for the next few years
however, the true shock settled in when this happened
kyotani cursed loudly when the ball hit out but yahaba scolded him for saying a bad word in front of the first years
‘kyotani, dont say that anymore! its not good to teach the babies bad words!’
he ranted and the college boys shared a look of caution and fear, bracing themselves for kyotani’s normal screaming and tantrum for being called out
but they were the most surprised when the bleach-haired boy simply glared at him and turned away to go pick up another ball to hit
‘did,,,, did kyoken-chan-’
‘was he just calm right now?’
‘oh my god iwa-chan kyoken-chan got abducted by aliens!’
their eyes were wide and their attention snapped towards the bleachers where indeed, their 4 fathers sat
kindaichi screamed and he NYOOMED towards the stairs but kunimi grabbed him by the collar
‘come down here, senpais!’
yahaba urged and coach and naoi shared a look of initial shock but then transformed into happiness
it was nice to see the family together again
they quickly turned into a dog pile with the hugs that were given around like kyotani actually giving iwaizumi a hug and makki and mattsun affectionately ruffling everyone’s hair
the other first years were just staring in awe at the legendary third years of seijoh that theyve heard so much about
‘everyone, these are your seniors!’
yahaba presented and the 3 third years became very flustered but ofc attention whore oikawa soaked it up
‘yes, hello, my little disciples! you are my legacy so work har- IWA-CHAN!’
he was cut into his famous line when his best friend bonked him for being too self-absorbed again
‘waaa, l/n-senpai was right’
some first year mumbled at the scene and their ears perked up at the name
‘where is she?! y/n-chan!’
oikawa shouted and looked around
okay no but you actually walked in just in time, carrying the crate of water bottles, focused on not dropping them so you didnt really see the others
they were silent not because they wanted to mess with you and see how long youd figure out that they were there
they were silent because of how BEAUTIFUL you became
you gained a few inches and your hair is now longer with your baby fat slowly melting away and you were also finally showing your growth with your body
the eyes that used to gleam with childish innocence was now mature and poised like a perfect lady
even the way you walked with a crate made it seem like a ballet performance with the grace at every step and the flowery aura you exuded
you have turned from a ridiculously cute and pretty girl to a beautiful goddess
‘my god’
iwaizumi mumbled, flushing red and turning away to hide his fluster
oikawa whispered and he gulped, not remembering how strikingly attractive you are
‘have mercy’
makki whined softly, clutching his heart as it started beating fast and made his stomach feel all funny
did they act like this back in the day?
mattsun doesnt have control so he ran forward and you were just putting the crate down when you were lifted off of the floor and twirled around
so like yahaba waved off the others to go back to practice so its like not awkward to be standing around and see this happening
there was only one person who did this to you
you shrieked and you giggled happily as he put you down so you were able to hug him properly and eventually, catching sight on the others behind him
your gasp made them smile widely and you pressed a hand to your mouth to hide the shock and your overjoyed laugh
if they could take a picture of this and remember the amount of love your eyes held and the pure unfiltered happiness that swirled in those orbs
it was like they felt themselves falling in love with you all over again
‘oh my god everyone’s here too!’
you ran to them and jumped at the awaiting arms of iwaizumi and he was still the bara arm babie you remembered
‘i missed you, doll’
he whispered
‘hmmm,,,i missed you more’
he let you go and you skipped over to makki who engulfed you in his arms and you felt his soft brown hair because you remembered he loved it when you ran your fingers through his hair
‘youve grown! so much! you got even more beautiful!’
he exclaimed and you giggled, bashful at his compliment
‘hmm~, no i didnt’
he gave you a deadpan look and you chuckled before scurrying away towards the one you wanted to hug the most
he definitely got more toned and he got taller too
you didnt have any time to react since he grabbed you and squished you against him
‘youre here, oikawa-san’
he nuzzled his head against your neck
‘mhm, im here now, y/n-chan’
he placed a kiss on your nose and you scrunched your face but there was a big smile that was clear
then oikawa’s eyes trailed from your face to your,,, ahem,,, girls
‘jesus, y/n-chan really grew, huh’
he complimented and you blinked confusingly before trailing after his eye’s gaze and it landed on your chest and you punched him
‘urusai, oikawa-san! my eyes are up here! youre so perverted. pervert oikawa-san’
you pouted and moved to seek comfort in the arms of makki
‘hmm, oikawa’s perverted as usual. i think it got worse with all those argentinian women’
makki teased and mattsun joined to poke fun at their captain
oikawa whined and told iwa they were making fun of him to which his own best friend betrayed him and starting teasing him too
you simply watched on and your eyes watered, your sniffles catching their attention
‘eh? why are you crying, y/n-chan?’
oikawa asked while approaching you to wipe your tears with his thumbs
but you shook your head with a teary smile
‘n-nothing-just,,,, i missed you guys. an-and im so happy because its like our f-family’s back together and i just-i-’
you cried but it was out of happiness and their hearts warmed
ofc they felt guilty because they were aware that they werent as in touch as they shouldve been so you probably felt lonely and casted aside without any contact from your boys
but they know now to make sure you feel loved and cared for because as you keep saying, they were your boys
they were a family
seijoh is a family 
and you love them 
but they love you more
a/n: okay im sorry this is probably trash and all over the place and im crying and stressing but ive been writing in between my college alg homework and its been so hard like WHY IS NUMBERS SO HARD LIKE WHAT-?! but this has kinda been the baby of my break time and relaxing few minutes bc i procrastinate too much and i want to do something i like before i actually go insane and i promise PROMISE that once everything is cleared up i will edit this and im already working on the other requests so expect a few to be out by the end of the week or something like that!!
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piecesofmicorazon · 2 years
one thing i'm sure of...
bj and i have recently started a new bible plan together called, "when disappointment strikes." i've wanted to know more about her faith and i was glad she decided to start it with me.
as we were talking about day 2 (really good and pls read for reference) and the topic of even if came up.
she asked me about when the term even if first came up for me..
so naturally and perfectly, i had to tell her about my tooth story. every time i tell that story... i feel it all again. the pain, the doubts, the numbness, the fear, the brokenness. the tears i shed in the shower, the bruised knees from begging, and the small mustard seed of faith as i said "even if... i will trust that you are good.."
and who would've thought that in 24 hours, my problems would've vanished. my situation would've been handled, and i would be healed.
i am reminded at how God asks for all of me, not just the parts of me that i think are good.. bc well-- nothing is good.
i wasn't sure what she was thinking when i told her this story. is she interested? does she understand the weight of this?
but after i told her the story, she just looked at me in awe. she told me perhaps the most wonderful thing i've ever heard... that i just radiate God. while i was telling the story, she said she was being blinded by God's light and she could feel the warmth of it. that it was like being in a dark cave and being blinded by the light.
my heart... was beaming.
because isn't that the goal of our lives? of my life? i used to think i radiated God. but now, i wasn't so sure. i wasn't leading a bible study, wasn't in the word as much, barely journaled. and yet, this girl is telling me she saw it from the start. that there was something about me that was "too nice," "too good," and it was God all along.
i mean, is that not the most extraordinary thing someone could tell you? and that she could see it so clearly.. and how she meant it with her whole heart.
it was SUCH a special moment. to be sharing You with her, to swap stories, to understand each other in such a deeper way, to feel even more connected than before.
and then she said one more thing..
"esther. there are few things i’m sure of in this world. and one of this is… you are so blessed."
oh how that statement made my heart burst! because it's true. and i don't understand how or why it's true, because i am truly the most undeserving soul ever.
my life is literally a walking miracle and the every single day something happens where i am so blessed. and even though it's brutal and it's painful in the moment, look at my stories. look at my testimonies, and wow - look at God! -- why wouldn't you want to get to know Him?!
yesterday was so special to me. to be able to share these things with bj, and to feel seen.
sometimes i wonder if she'll understand what i'm saying or if she'll ever fully understand me -- but i want her to. and i am learning that i have to teach her these things. i hope it will always be like this, always be like yesterday. whenever i feel uneasy about something, the issue always gets addressed somehow without me having to bring it up. i always found that so significant... like "someone upstairs is rooting for me..."
thank you Jesus. for the trials, tribulations, and everything in between. for you are helping me radiate more of you, the very goal of my life. thank you for my sweet bee who sees me in this way, and for your unfailing love that has carried me through it. help me to share it with the world.
i pray she'll always be someone in my corner, and me in hers. this seems SO good-- and as jordan said.. "you guys sound like for lifers." and today i will rest in that. x
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bangtansfavwriter · 4 years
💘bangtan as boyfriends: namjoon💘
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(this cutie tho💕💗💞💓)
- the touchy kind of bf, your relationship can be described with one word: sensual
- bonds with you mentally and physically (👀)
- at the same time, very awkward with you when the guys are around
- but whenever it's just the two of you... oh my ..... you're in your own personal and highly intimate bubble
-a man of ... dualities... will talk about Aristotle with you and then ask you about your favourite pokemon
-will teach you about the richness of the finest wines while he's sipping on his capri-sun
-very passionate about your relationship and highly protective of you
-helps you deal with life in general, mostly with some daily tasks, will be ur mental support when actually can't be with you
-sends you pics of everything he finds interesting when he's away, there's a "joon on tour🌏💕" folder on your phone with pictures of unique statues, selcas, amazing food and loots of photos of landscapes and the sky. and of course.... 🦀☺️
- you cry at over trivia: love at least once/month, as it is the one song that always lifts your spirits, you once had an awful day where absolutely nothing was right and you crawled into bed in hopes to just fall asleep already (at 6pm smh) just to forget how shitty life can be sometimes. you listened to music, hoping that this would help you fall asleep, but no avail, you were just laying there, trying to keep yourself from crying. you didn't even notice that namjoon slowly snuck into the bedroom, until you felt the weight shift in bed and him pulling you into his chest. he knew. you knew by the way he held you and caressed your hair. "y/n?" he whispered and lifted your face to look at him. your teary eyes couldn't avoid his, but you couldn't complain. He smiled at you warmly, hugged you again and then softly sang the chorus of trivia: love, reminding you of his love for you (and laughed/cooed when you finally started sobbing)
-he took the supporting thing to a questionable level when he tried to cook for you and almost burned the house down and you reminded him of that incident everytime you saw a fire extinguisher, it became a running gag between you two
fire extinguisher:
you: oh, reminds me of the time you almost turned the kitchen to -
joon: i did it in good will and this is what i get
- manliest man in every other occasion, babiest baby when he's drunk, one loud mf tho (you once took scissors away from him when he was shit-faced drunk and he got emotional bc "you love me that much huh y/n, you protect meeee~, love you so so so much, y/n~", and you have to remind yourself why you signed up for this)
- very soft for you, will try to initiate cuddling but gets shy very often, you're his reminder that being soft and gentle is indeed something good
-will get inspiration to write when you guys are together, whether you are cuddling, going out somewhere or even fighting
-you cussed the shit out of him once when you trusted him to hand in an important paper for you, as you had fly to another country for urgent business and .... he forgot. he literally has no reason, he simply forgot and this was the only time you actually cussed at him and it was, well... believe it or not he wrote his cypher pt.V verse based on that
-and a heart-wrenching ballad after that because you were so mad that you said you needed a break, said break lasted 2 days after maknae line was at your doorstep and asked you to take namjoon back bc "he literally didn't sleep ever since your fight and barely leaves his studio" (jimin) and you knew that over working himself like this was a very obvious sign that he's not in his right mind, so you gave him a call and you two met up and reconciled ("your hook in cypher seemed awfully familiar tho" - "....i wrote a ballad for you" - "cypher always wins, joon" --- 2 years later it turned out said ballad became spring day pt 2, it wouldn't leave the charts --- "y/n, even the charts won't let me forget the one time i screwed up" - "and neither will i" - "petty lil shit")
- your thighs have become rock-solid bc this man would take u biking every damn weekend, "why are you wheezing like that?" - "idk, joon, maybe because my lungs are failing" - "don't be so dramatic, y/n" (proceeds to laugh about your misery)
-but he'd make it worthwhile with a nice picnic during the day
-makes it even better with a candle-lit dinner at a cozy restaurant near his place, that had fantastic pasta aglio e olio ("joon, this is the best food i had in a while, but you may have to carry me home" - "same, I'm so full but it was so worth it" - "hell yea, but...I'm serious about the carrying part" - "??" - " I can't move my legs" - "oh my god" - "this is what happens when im forced to do sports")
- you spent many cozy nights with him where you just pampered yourselves and talked about all sorts of things
-he could listen to you for hours, no one fascinates him as much as you do and he's convinced that you're the most hilarious person he's ever met, although you can't quite understand why he thinks that, he never really explained it either
-you have discussions about all sorts of things, he loves it when you challenge his views, bc that keeps the fire alive ya know
-tbh he's quite possessive , ngl there.. he once saw you joking around with jungkook who smiled and stared at you with heart eyes (!his opinion!)
- namjoon was very disgruntled but didn't say anything bc jungoo is babie and so are you, but it was a whole other thing when jin drunkenly flirted with you one day but it wasn't anything harmful tbh, yet namjoon was FUMING
-jimin was so kind to drag his hyung away from you, since you were too polite and too awkward to tell bangtans oldest off, but you knew how chaotic jin could be, especially when drunk, so you didn't bother much tbh..... but namjoon did. the following day, when you went over to theirs, a very distressed jimin opened the door. you shot him a quizzical look to which he simply said: "yesterday's aftermath". jin stormed towards the door when he saw you, which startled you, but jin grabbed both your hands and profusely apologised for his behaviour the day before. you noticed namjoon glaring in the back, while you listened to jin, who was unaware of namjoon in the back. "so are we good? we have to be good or namjoon's gonna kill me". you started laughing and reassured him and all of you were ok again, jimin took a deep sigh in relief.
- very loyal to you, almost fought a staff member who bad-mouthed you when your relationship became known to bighit
- that was the time you knew namjoon would always have your back, and you knew that this man was worth every kind of hassle that could await you and your relationship (like a unintentional arson by a clumsy man who just wanted to cook)
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chonisbestmistake · 5 years
Idk why but a TeacherxStudent type of oneshot with any member of BLACKPINK if not that’s Gucci. I love your content btw💙
I...have no idea what this is, but i`m all soft. Also, i`m too busy to even breathe so it`s small, but like...enjoy. I chose Rosie bc i still have Chu and Nini requests to write. 
“Y/N, did you see the new professor i was talking about last week?” Your friend elbowed you and you huffed in annoyance.
“No. And that actually hurt, you know.” You rubbed your arm and looked around the room full of students. They were chatting loudly and it was giving you a headache.
“Oh, you`re going to love her! She`s so hot, i swear my jaw dropped the minute i saw her.” She stucked her tongue out and wiggled her eyebrows. You couldn`t help but sigh, trying to organise your things on the table.
It was getting late because the class should have started ten minutes ago, but the so called new teacher was nowhere in sight. Everyone was getting impatient.
“I don`t know, really. She`s already late on her first day. You know how i feel about those teachers.” You rolled your eyes and opened one of the notepads, starting to draw some flowers in the corner.
“But she’s a blondie! And she was really sweet when i ran into her yesterday. You like blondes, don’t you? Wait, i think she has some pink color mixed there. It`s strange for a professor to have pink hair, if you ask me, but whatever floats her boat, you know? And she’s a girl, so you’ll love her.”
You sighed once again, covering your notes with ink without much thought.
Oh, she’s here!” The door to the class room opened and everyone went quiet finally. Ah, such a blessing.
“You know, with girls it doesn’t actually work like that-”
Your eyes went up to see the human standing in front of the white board.
Your jaw nearly hit the table.
Damn, she was hot yet so sweet you swear you were lost for a moment, appreciating the view in front of you.
“Ha! I told you, you’d love her. But stop drooling before she catches you.”
She giggled and her voice sounded too far away to pay attention to.
The beautiful flower, i mean professor, looked around the room and smiled sweetly.
You melted under her gaze, too scared to look away and lose the sight of her.
“Hello everyone! My name is Miss Roseanne Park and i`m gonna teach you this whole semester. I hope we`ll get alone well and you`ll put all of your effort into this class so we don`t have any problems to solve in the end of the course, yeah?”
You nodded silently without even thinking and your friend let out a giggle.
“Oh, she`s been here for a whole minute and you`re already whipped.”
“Shhhh!” You shushed her, not taking your eyes off the beautiful creature.
Miss Park started the introduction for the course and you couldn`t help but catch her every word, while eyeing her up and down every two minutes.
She was really beautiful - long blonde hair with pink strands, delicate figure, long legs, bright blue orbs. Was she wearing lens?
You`ve been admiring her for half an hour when the quiet murmurs behind you started getting on your nerves. She was lecturing for fucks sake, what can you even talk about right now?
“She`s. So. Hot. I swear, Nick, i`m gonna be an A`s student from now on.” The guys snickered loudly and you huffed angrily, trying to focus on her soft voice.
“Yaaah, look at her legs. I bet they`d look even prettier around my neck.”
You closed your eyes, trying to tune out their mumblings. The urge to defend her honour was rising within you and you gulped, biting your tongue sharply.
Miss Park made a comment about the noise and they finally made an attempt to shut up.
But as soon as she turned away and continued the lecture they started to snicker again.
“Hey, buddy, what are you thinking about?” One of the guys punched his friend and you tried to hold yourself back.
You had a great desire to punch someone`s face.
“I`d bang her.” The sentence was short and told quietly but it made your blood boil.
"You`re such a dick, Tomas!” The fuck he was talking about her?
“Excuse me, young lady, but i`m still here.” Miss Park was looking at you directly now and you had to realise it was you who yelled a curse word out loud in a class full of people.
Well, shit.
“What`s your name?”
“I, aah... Y/N.” You blinked, feeling small and stupid. Your friend was holding back a laugh.
“Well, miss Y/N, can i please have a word with you after the class?”
You felt like drowning in her eyes.
You nodded, a blushing mess, and she continued her speech like nothing happed.
You were a nervous wreck, avoiding her eyes like a plague when she asked questions, not daring to raise your head until the end of the class. Means - for a whole damn hour.
Now everyone was leaving the room and you started to collect your things in a hurry.
“Good luck, babe.” Your friend kissed your cheek and winked on her way out, closing the door behind herself and leaving you alone with the beautiful professor. You looked at the door, trying to think about your excuses to run away.
“Y/N? Hello there.”
Her voice rang in an empty auditorium and you turned around to face her finally. She caught your tired eyes with her own and you wondered about how pretty they are for a moment.
“What`s your major? Are you a freshman?”
She didn`t look pissed at all but somehow you still felt the tension in the air. Her smirk was making you dizzy. Or maybe it was just your imagination?
She nodded, but still looked at you expectantly and you realised you didn`t answer her second question.
“And, uh, actually, i`m a senior... I know, I look young.” You blushed and lowered your head, breaking the eye contact.
“Hmm.” She hummed and you looked up again, amazed by the sound.
She was young too, to be a teacher at least, and you wondered how old she was.
But, of course, you didn`t ask, wishing for the opportunity to come someday in the future.
“You seem like a good student, Y/N.” She smiled sweetly.
“But I still won`t tolerate such language in my class.” Her voice went lower and your stomach made a flip.
“I`m sorry. I swear, i`m sorry! But...” She raised her eyebrow and you clenched your fists, trying to hold your thoughts together.
"I was defending your honor!” You let out stubbornly.
“These guys were awful and i couldn`t just sit there and listen. Besides, they were talking loudly. And they were interrupting you constantly.”
You saw a strange glint in her eyes that you didn`t understand, so you just smiled at her shyly, hoping she wouldn`t be sad because of some stupid boys` gossips.
"I appreciate it, Y/N, but it`s still not okay to curse. Are we clear here?”
She was scolding you, but her smile made you all soft inside.
"Im sorry.” You said again and nodded.
“Next time I`ll just beat him up silently, Miss Park.” You smirked at her, owning a playful glare in return.
"Don`t...do that.” :)
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
me n a friend have been talking abt how to make a happy au where everything works out for the best and tbh my proposal is: that last time five time travels he doesnt make it to the apocalypse, he jumps right into reginalds funeral and just the fact that their annoying rebellious preteen brother who needs people to look after him is there, they collectively pull their heads out their asses and the apocalypse doesnt happen thru the power of sibling love (+being made more responsible), ur thoughts?
OOH curious, an au where Five travels straight from when he was thirteen to his dad’s funeral? 
Five absolutely doesn’t believe that Dad is dead or that his siblings are his siblings until they PROVE it and then he basically is like what the fuCK luther you’re HUGE and allison your hair!! klaus you got so tall!! why is everyone except vanya tall as fuck!! 
“Hey where’s Ben?” Five asks, all excited and wide-eyed and the rest of the squad is like surprisedpikachu.jpg
When he finds out that Ben is dead he tries to travel back in time to prevent it and that’s when he comes to the realization that moving forwards in time is a whole different kettle of fish than moving backwards in time which sparks its own little breakdown because until that moment he was treating this as sort of a fun vacation with his cool older siblings and didn’t realize that he was stuck there
So the whole squad gets to find out via breakdown that Five hadn’t really meant to run away and was always intending on going back to them and that he just got stuck
Five calls them out on their bullshit regarding Vanya because he literally just came from a time where Vanya used to sneak into his room in tears after Reginald called her useless and ordinary for the nth time so maybe he’s a little protective and he’s just like “holy shit dad is DEAD and y’all are STILL spouting his same bullshit regarding Vanya”
Diego, who hates the fact that he was just compared to Reginald, decides to be a contrary bastard and immediately start treating Vanya nicer because honestly sometimes spite is the best motivator
Seriously how do the siblings not cotton onto the fact that their brother who sees the dead can see their very dead brother?? whatever, Five is from a time where Klaus was just doing weed and not heavy drugs so as soon as he finds out Ben is dead and after he has his subsequent breakdown he turns to Klaus like “hey hey ask Ben where the fuck he put my book on interdimensional theory I need it for reasons” and Klaus is so surprised he just automatically relays the information and then the rest of the family are like “what” as Five jumps to go retrieve it
Five is still conditioned by Reginald to like. Be a good little child soldier. And I’m gonna say the running out wasn’t a common occurrence, so instead Five gets to bug his siblings to take him places because also he’s thirteen and can’t drive
“Dad is DEAD” five says, wide eyed with possibilities, “holy shit. Is griddy’s still open? can we go to griddy’s? in DAYLIGHT? without sneaking out? holy SHIT”
in the face of this excitement over something as small and simple as being able to go to a diner when he wants, it’s not like they can say NO. even luther wavers because honestly griddy’s is a nostalgia trip and a half and he’s been on the moon for four years and… dad’s dead it can wait for like, an hour right?
The commission is like “hmm. fuck. better send some people to get the timeline back on track” except now it’s the whole squad who deal with the Griddy’s Assassin situation and Five helps because this is what’s he trained to do!! taking down armed gunmen! look at them doing their job as a family
meanwhile the others are freaking out internally because five is a BABY and he’s in DANGER also looking back they were ALL BABIES WHAT THE FUCK DAD and five is just smiling while warping around bashing people on the head with diner mugs
Klaus and Vanya are ducked under a table bonding about not being super helpful in fights and Klaus is like “tbh idk why dad let me go on missions and not you like i remember when you got allison to teach you that highkick p sure you’d be more useful than me” and vanya is touched
they don’t come out unscathed and Five is bleeding and everyone is freaking out over it and five is just like “dude i’ve had worse lmao like literally dad has given me worse than this” and everyone is reminded that their dad was a dick and even luther finds his faith shaken because five is so little and he doesn’t remember them being that little,,,
they still make Five get patched up when they get back home as they try to figure out Hey What The Fuck Was That and five is literally getting stitches and he’s still excitedly asking them questions about their lives
and he’s thirteen and so sheltered i cry so he’s very impressed by like, everything
“we should watch some of allison’s movies!! we can watch movies together now, right?? i mean even dad would let us watch a movie if it had one of us in it surely! i want to see!” “!! Luther you went to the MOON? what was it like? were there aliens? did you see the flag? did you bring back moonrocks? can I have one?” “klaus your skirt!! i know dad never let you wear the stuff you wanted and now you just can! you can wear whatever you want! that’s so cool. can i do that? can i wear whatever i want? klaus klaus can you paint my nails? can ben pick out the color?” “vanya you’re in an orchestra!!! and you have a concert! that’s soo cool! does it matter that you aren’t first chair? you’re in an ORCHESTRA. i knew you were gonna be great with the violin!! can we go to your concert?? please? how much are the tickets? I probably still have my piggy bank in my room if no one’s touched it”
(Klaus touched it. Klaus 100% stole that money a long time ago. Allison cuts in and decides that as the wealthiest sibling and the currently most maternal and she is just melting at all this she will buy the whole family tickets to Vanya’s concert and they’re all going to attend as a FAMILY even if she has to drag everyone there by the ear)
everyone is immediately like “i am going to give this child the world and do all the things that we never got to do as children holy shit also now that i’m more distant from the events i never realized just how little autonomy we had and the fact that Five is so excited about being able to wear non-uniform clothes is a little depressing”
luther out here like “but,,, but the murder mystery”
and they all consider that and think that hmm. maybe those mystery griddy gunmen actually had something to do with dad’s death? okay okay, maybe just maybe luther isn’t being an idiot about this
if you think thirteen year old five doesn’t JUMP at the chance to be a part of uncovering a murder mystery you are incorrect and the siblings are immediately like “hmm. five has already gotten hurt. he is child. we should be,,, protective.”
vanya goes back to her apartment and still meets leonard peabody sorry guys but it’s kind of her job and i don’t want to take that away from her
she does still end up going to leonard’s house except five gets really bored of being smother by the rest of the squad (and they’re all WEIRD about the oddest of topics it’s stupid) so he goes off to find her and ends up ALSO at leonard’s house except he find reggie’s notebook and is like “hey i recognize this!! this is dad’s! i saw him writing in it yesterday!” and instead of letting anyone know he just kind of stuffs it up his shirt and steals it (it’s not stealing if it belongs to dad) and bugs Vanya into going home with him
he looks at the journal (he was always too curious for his own good that’s what got him into this situation) and so he reads about vanya’s powers
and immediately busts into the kitchen for family dinner like “GUYS HOLY SHIT”
and so that’s how the family finds out vanya has powers, it’s a big revelation, five is super enthusiastic because now vanya can come on missions with them suck it dad!! because he 100% isn’t aware yet they don’t still go on missions together and five is already like “we gotta train this!!”
idk pogo probably comes by and reveals the whole nanny situation and allison makes that reveal and vanya is fucking DISTRESSED and tries to leave but five latches onto her wrist and is like “vanya’s never been ordinary a day in her life!! have you heard her play the violin!! your rumor didn’t even work!” which is v touching to vanya and calms her down at least to continue the convo
luther is like “clearly she’s on the meds bc she’s dangerous so we can just continue those it’s fine” because it’s not like she’s hurt someone he cares about in this timeline tbh
allison meanwhile is trying to be a better sister in general so she counters back with “she was FOUR she didn’t understand the concept of death, now that she’s older and past the toddler tantrum phase i think it would be fine for her to actually learn about her powers”
but it’s klaus who’s like “hey, maybe we should ask vanya what she wants??”
and vanya is like,, i want to know. it wasn’t nice feeling like a burden back during the diner shootout, and i think i’d like to maybe try and explore this - and if it’s too much then there are always the pills (bc at this point vanya is still on those and doesn’t realize they inhibit her emotions, when she does she ends up not wanting to go back on them)
vanya gets the love and support she needs!! luther gets some validation for his dad was murdered theory bc the squad investigates with him and they find out about reggie faking his murder a lot earlier! allison doesn’t get her throat cut! klaus gets the love and support HE needs!! and decides (with ben’s input) that he needs to at least attempt to be a good role model bc five has already asked him if the drugs are more important than family when klaus tried to duck out of an allison movie night! diego gets to leak his protective instincts all over five and also take out his anger issues on the commission agents being sent after them! five gets to have an actual childhood even if he does chafe sometimes at his siblings being weird and protective!
literally the apocalypse is ended by five gasping and saying “WAIT can we go to the ZOO?” and making them all go on family trips together where everyone is included because!! they’re his siblings! he wants everyone to be there! he’s gonna see a lion motherfuckers! in person!
also a lot of the things five thinks of are things the siblings just,, never had time for. so it’s a first experience for a lot of them, and so no one really has a good reason to say no?? because they kind of want to go, too?
five, literally vibrating in excitement: i want to go on a roller coaster
like i know you said about preteen rebellion but look he’s come out into a world where his dad is dead and so there’s the potential to do ALL the things he’s always wanted to do but knew dad would never let him like holy shit!! family laser tag! paintball! let’s take a roadtrip to the beach guys i’ve never seen the ocean!! let’s go ice skating! go on a ferris wheel! eat ice cream on the couch! throw popcorn at the tv! lets blast abba songs through the house and make a blanket fort!!!
like it’s gonna take a while to get through the exhausting excitement of “LOOK AT ALL THESE FORMERLY FORBIDDEN THINGS I CAN TRY”
and just throughout this they’re dispatching commission agents and fighting hazel and cha-cha and trying to figure out what the fuck is going on with that as well as teaching vanya how to control her powers which everyone is trying to help out with and also dealing with five literally bouncing off the walls one half of the time and the other half of the time being passed out somewhere due to running out of energy
“klaus i want to get a puppy” “we are absolutely doing that, no ben we don’t need to consult anyone else about this” “i’m gonna name him mr. pennycrumb” “you do that buddy why the fuck not”
but yes. what an absolutely blessed and happy au. i love u and tell ur friend that i love them, too
prevent the apocalypse through the power of reconnecting with your inner child and dragging your family along behind you
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robinskalechip · 5 years
home - chapter one
robin buckley x reader
not really reader bc i put a name in place of it but its a robin x character that doesn’t actually exist
a/n: this is my first fic so bare with me, im also taking requests for mostly hcs and oneshots
not my gif!
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chapter one - the first meeting
robin was into her second week as a high school senior and she was already ready to be done and over with the school year. everyone was moping around and pointing out all of their precious “lasts” of their high schools years while robin didn’t care much. band was the only thing that came to mind that she would miss.
after school, robin worked at the video store with steve and it was as if nothing had changed. she still kept count of how many times he failed at picking up girls. the kids still rushed in to see them, minus will and el who would have loved the discounted movie rentals. most of the time the kids didn’t even buy or rent the movies. they just had steve or robin put the movie of their choosing on the television in the store and they would sit there and watch while robin would keep on eye out for keith so they didn’t get in trouble.
robin was currently in the back of miss foster’s second period advanced english class, her head buried in a book she had been dying to read for a while that foster had gotten her hands on specifically for robin. miss foster could see robin perfectly and didnt mind that she didn’t have her eyes on the board because she knew robin was at least 60% listening and she probably could teach the class for her.
robin’s head shot up when she heard a subtle knock to her right. she looked up to see a girl in denium pants with a matching jacket that seems sligtly oversized. underneath she wore a simple pink tee shirt that was almost a peach color and a pair of black combat boots to tie the whole outfit together.
robin was always one to notice the details.
on her hands, she sported multiple simplistic rings and robin could barely see the leather bracelet that was being hidden by the jacket sleeves. her hair was messy, but in a way that made her seem put together if that makes sense. similar to robin’s, just darker and a bit fuller.
the stranger had her head peaking from the slightly opened classroom door and knocked once more.
“is this a bad time?”
robin had never seen miss foster’s face light up so quickly. she hurried her way from behind her desk to approach the girl.
the girl met her half way, her face now as bright as the sun with a smile as she received a tight hug from miss foster. foster then turned to the class, hand still on the girl’s back, and said “this is one of the good ones ” as she pointed to her, still smiling.
“what have you been up to”
the girl still carried her bright smile as she spoke, “i’m actually a junior journalist at the times”
somehow foster became even happier but was cut short when a student at the front of the class cleared his throat.
“can we get back to the lesson please”
robin didnt know the kid, not even his name. but she knew she didn’t like him. he was one of those kids that took high school way too seriously. as if he would die if a couple of minutes of the lesson were taken out. maybe he’s not as smart as he thinks he is because robin is doing just fine and she’s barely paying attention half the time.
the girl was polite about it, not showing any negative response. “i have a few other stops to make but i should be in town a while, i’m sure i’ll see you the next time i go to get a bagel or get gas”
foster smiled, “okay miss milani, stay out of trouble”
robin felt the name was familiar. she could see some students from the other side of the room whispering amongst themselves.
the girl started to make her way back to the back of the room. robin watched her closely. she saw her smile drop slightly as she saw the students whispering and she guessed they saw her because the noise came to a sudden stop.
on her way out, her and robin’s eyes met for a brief moment. a small smile appeared on both of their faces as the girl exited.
robin had never felt more vulnerable yet more as peace then she had in those three seconds.
about ten minutes later the bell rang and robin quietly gathered her things and headed upstairs to mr. andrew’s advanced biology class, aka the one class she was struggling with this year despite it being one of her best subjects in prior years.
as she stepped through the doorway, her heart began to beat a little faster.
the girl who had previously interrupted miss foster’s class was now sat on mr. andrew’s front lab table. the two were talking and laughing. robin thought to herself, i guess she got on with a lot of the teachers here.
robin tried to remain calm as she searched her folder for her lab report she was meant to turn in yesterday. she decided to take care of dustin while he was home sick, today was steve’s turn. we love parenting. robin didn’t know why she was feeling so hectic but she tried her best to calm herself down as she walked to the front of the class, directly to mr. andrew, whose back was towards her as he spoke to the girl.
“andrew you got a patient”
mr. andrew turned around, arms folded and still smiling as he looked at robin. “ah miss buckley, we missed you yesterday.”
robin could feel the girl’s eyes on her as she tried to maintain eye contact with her teacher.
“im sorry, sir. i would have turned my lab in the day before if i had known i was going to be out-“
mr. andrew cut her off, “it’s no problem, really. i havent even started grading any of the labs yet.” he gave her a warm smile.
robin wondered why he was in such a good mood and her mind only went to one place; her.
mr. andrew took the paper from robin’s possession and went to his filing cabinet to place it in the current period’s file. in this process he was approached by another student as robin started to turn around to return to her desk until she was cut off once again, this time from the body on the lab table.
“you were in foster’s class, right?”
robin turned around slowly.
“yeah, you were the one who interrupted the class and made that imbecile have a cow”
the girl laughed, causing robin to as well. robin liked her laugh. it reminded her of the way the smith’s music made her feel; euphoric, even if for a short while.
the girl jumped down from the counter and extended her hand, “i’m sofia”
robin smiled as she took her hand, “i’m robin”
why does robin feel like she knows this name
“you’ve got two of the best teachers in hawkins, i hope you know that”. it seemed like no matter what this girl was saying she had a brightness to her, robin felt like she was going insane but in the best way possible.
“yeah i’m really enjoying them so far, it’s only been a couple of weeks but i think we all have a mutual understanding of each other. foster knows i don’t directly pay attention but i know what’s happening and andrew knows i am only a unit in and i’m already lost”
she laughed again
“biology was a bitch for me too. try asking for mrs. samuel in the library, she helped me out loads before i left. that was just for regular bio but she seems to know what she’s doing.”
“how long have-“
robin was cut off by the mr. andrew telling the class to take their seats as he wrote down the days objectives.
the girl had briefly turned her attention to him to say goodbye and then followed behind robin as she went to leave, stopping once she reached robin’s desk.
she picked up the book robin had accidentally left on her desk as she was searching her bag and read to quietly to herself, “the price of salt”
robin was still standing by her chair as she looked at the girl staring at the novel, feeling slightly uneasy about the reaction she might recieve. but all that anxiety was quickly whisked away as the girl smiled at her, book still in hand.
“it’s one of my favorites. its an absolutely beautiful love story”
her face seems even brighter somehow, perhaps she really liked the story.
the two looked at each other a little too long, but surprisingly, despite just meeting, had no “awkward silence” between them
“i’ll leave you to andrew but um..check out mrs. samuel and i’ll hopefully see you around”
the girl headed out of the door and turned her head slightly at the last minute to give robin another warm smile that which robin returned as if it was almost instinctive.
robin thought about that smile for the rest of the day.
next chapter
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smiling-at-the-sunn · 4 years
Life Update / Vent
Welp... I don’t even know what this year is. My mom is convinced it’s the apocalypse and like... sometimes I don’t think she’s wrong.
Okay I’m gonna start with my vent because it’s been bothering me.
My family got a puppy at the end of March. It’s a mini golden doodle, unfortunately named Grady. Barf. He is the cutest little thing, though. We love him to death.
Background: My family (except my dad) is not an animal family. We have bad allergies, so the only pets we’ve had are fish and birds. This whole dog thing is new territory. We really got the puppy for my brother. He’s been depressed lately, but lit up around his friend’s puppy. My mom saw this as a sign to get our family a dog. The rest is history. (Ironically, my brother has done the least amount of bonding with this dog. It’s very sad.)
My family bought the books and did the research about training a puppy, but I feel like lately they’ve been slacking. I read parts of the book and do a lot of research online, and any time I mention something to them, it seems like brand new information. So no bueno.
My dad grew up with dogs, so he LOVES Grady. He is also very clearly Grady’s favorite human. HOWEVER. My dad has a bad temper. So when he plays with Grady and gets him wound up, he loses it when Grady bites him. He’ll roughly toss him to the ground, hold his mouth shut, pin him against the floor, etc. It’s heartbreaking. I’ve told him so many times that that’s not how you train a dog, it’s just going to make him react more, etc etc. I offer alternatives, like walking away, shoving a toy in his mouth, making sure to show you’re hurt, etc etc. Nothing works. I’m sort of at a loss of how to move forward. IF Y’ALL HAVE DOG TIPS, HIT ME UP.
In other news, I lived with Matt in Arkansas for 2 months. I taught virtually from Arkansas and we spent every second together (bc quarantine). Best two months ever. I also gained a ton of weight because 90% of our time together we were eating. I literally had to borrow Matt’s clothes to travel home because my clothes didn’t fit anymore. When I came back to VA for the puppy (and to clean out my classroom), I started a diet. I’m down 32 pounds from my absolute heaviest, so I’m very happy right now.
Yesterday marked the one year mark of my abortion. I’ve been realizing I think about that decision nearly every day, so even though I don’t feel guilty, I clearly feel something to be thinking about it that often. It was a strange day.
A lot of other shit has happened, like:
I found out I’m going to be a special ed-focus room next year instead of EL
I’m doing a girls’ beach trip in August that I’m excited about
I was a part of the county’s first summer virtual training
I hand made and delivered gifts to each of my amazing students
Matt came to visit and meet the puppy. My family loves him.
I officially finished my first year of teaching and cleaned out my room for the summer
I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in NOLA and had Fireball for the first time
It’s been a crazy few months for sure. The end
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jq37 · 5 years
well. that was it.
**spoilers for prompocalypse  part 2**
Y'all this is it. The end-end. The last recap, at least for Fantasy High.
I honestly could have gotten this up yesterday but I wanted to give myself a hot sec before it was really over. 
But, no way out but through. Let’s get to it. 
We start back up right where we left off with no break in between. Cast still freaking, Brennan still gaping. 
“What the Fuck.” –Brennan 2019
Anyway, Kristen once again appears in corn heaven and she’s very not chill about it. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. On the plus side, she runs into Doreen in heaven who is young and hot again (which I’m sure Fig would appreciate knowing) and also apologizes for her traumatizing speech to Adaine during her death.
Helio playing beer pong. I wonder if that was always a facet of his personality or if Brennan just decided to yes-and all of Ally’s suggestions of him being a frat bro.
The angels being like, “Please be nice to God. He’s our dad,” was kinda adorable. 
“Why are you dressed like a weird stripper?”/“It’s too hot in here. He’s the sun!”
So while the gang has been living out Breakfast Club + Stranger Things, Aguefort has been Weekend and Bernie’s-ing Heaven apparently. I want to say wild, but tbh that’s pretty on brand for him. The wild part is that he was able to knock out GOD. Like, how even?
Aguefort tells Kristen that Sol is one god of many and she says, “Cool, I always thought that,” as if this is new information but, living in a D&D world, shouldn’t she definitively know that already? Like, the gods in fantasy worlds are pretty blatant about letting their presence be known and there are clerics/paladins who aren’t Heleoic but still have powers. 
OK I have a bone to pick with Ms. Kristen Applebees. You get a chance to talk to the primordial source of all divine power and magic and you (1) ask who you’re allowed to bone and (2) create a TERRIBLE god. Just truly TRASH. She created a reaction gif god. It’s not even a physical representation of the concept. Like, I thought she meant something like Yass from Wreck it Ralph 2 but no. Just a literal Yes! Like, you can trash talk Helio when you come up with something better, girl. Also, wild that you can just…walk into a room and do that. Like you have to knock out Sol first but still. Wild.
“You’ve created a new deity and already you’re fed up with it. I would say that’s par for the course.”
I low key thought Kristen was going to get the option to deify herself. I think because I had just rewatched The Gamers: Dorkness Rising and that figures in to the plot. But, thinking about it, she wouldn’t have gone for that I don’t think.
Aguefort flipping out at Kristen saying that friendship is the greatest magic of all, and rightfully so. That’s BS.
Since when does Kristen have dog tags?
Anyway, as we all suspected, the chronomancy line from episode 1 wasn’t a random line of dialogue, it was a chekhov’s gun. 
I mentioned this in an earlier post. Brennan didn’t seem too concerned that the party was wiping and I think this is why. I think he had two paths for this fight to take. In one, Riz successfully rolled for police and like 6 helpful NPCs plus his mom show up. That’s enough to beat the dragon without dying and Aguefort shows up having Die Hard-ed his way out of heaven. In the other, Kristen dies, goes to heaven, and basically that same series of events happens. Chronomancy saves the day. I think he was shocked because the roll dovetailed so perfectly with the story beat. 
“Is Arthur Aguefort black? Hell yes. My brotha.” Gonna be honest, I basically had that same reaction when they showed his character portrait in ep 1.
Kristen and Arthur jump back into the battle and Arthur gets possessed by Mr. Gibbons. I guess he’s just been hanging around as a ghost this whole time? Because this seems to lend credence to the theory that that’s who possessed Fig in the arcade but didn’t we see him go to the afterlife (which, I have a question about that too later). But I feel like that must have been Brennan’s way of sidelining him for the fight so they didn’t have like a level 20 wizard making it too easy.
“Oh, and Jawbone!” Murph loses it. 
Jawbone stuck in Goldenhoard’s mouth like that meme of the dog smiling, stuck in a fence.
Gorthalax is like, “I don’t feel great sleeping next to this dude.” Fig meanwhile is all, “I wanna sleep between his legs.” She says this at least twice. 
So everyone just have a freaking picnic and takes a nap in the middle of this fight. Can’t say I saw that coming exactly.
Fabian tries to stab Dayne, who is already dead, during the time stop.
“What the fuck do they teach you at this school?”
“Are you talking about the time thing or–”/“Yeah Gorgug! The time thing!.”
“We’re gonna kill this motherfucker, sweetie.”
I love Sklonda so much.
Jawbone is a salad guy.
OK so I know people were shipping Sklonda and Gilear and it was like, “But how would that work with the height difference?” so Brennan, the absolute madman, decides to pair her with the GIANT DEMON???
Adaine about Gilear: Cucked again.
Everyone treating the DRAGON like a JUNGLE GYM.
“It’s basically Jeb Bush’s Campaign.” Ally, with the fury of 1000 suns: EXCUSE ME?
“I bless, [Riz], your mom, and [Fabian.] Are you the only ones with vendettas?”
“I think we’re all pretty blessed.” Gorgug/Zac is so good.
Adaine, who has all the wisdom and intelligence points of the entire party at the moment: You need to stay safe because the reason that we died is that you died. 
The shot that shows everyone on the giant dragon and then the foreground fuzzes out and shows Adaine a safe distance away in the background is hilarious. 
Ice guitar pick. Sweet.
Yeah, Siobhan really shoulda got healing potions out of her jacket, not the freaking wand. Hilarious. The only thing helpful about that was it hinted he was vulnerable to frost damage which they could have guessed. 
I wonder what Brennan had in his notes about the freaking city in Adaine’s jacket. It’s wild they weren’t more curious about that.
I low key loved Emily buffing Murph the whole fight.
“Hell yes Sklonda!”
Ragh: Giving a gay pride speech./Adaine, who doesn’t want to get knocked out again: STAB HIM IN THE DICK DUDE.
And, speaking of, OWWW.
Fig shapeshifting to Dayne. The hell Emily!
And another eye gouging.
Fabian is incapable of doing a single thing without doing some ridiculous parkour stunt first. 
Kristen,not twenty minutes after Riz said it would be crazy to go inside the dragon: Can I climb inside the dragon’s mouth? (Adaine: KRISTEN!)
Gorgug saving Skonda and Riz going, “Thanks for saving my mom!” from across the room.
Brennan is narrating the epic final battle and what cool thing everyone is doing and Kristen is just being digested. 
Riz was my second choice for the coup de grace until it turned out that Kal ate his dad and then he was my first choice. Riz!!!!
What a badass moment for him. The image of him casting a shadow on the wall is super dope.
Everyone flipping off Kal as he dies.
Riz and Sklonda are making dragon casserole bay-bee! 
Aguefort. What a chaos monster.
“I fucked that bird! It is my paramour!”
Hold up, hold up, hold up. Did Kristen’s freaking Yes god kick Sol out of his own freaking heaven? WHAT?
I love that what Adaine got out of this experience was, “Wait, so my powers are bullshit?”
“Everything in this world is bullshit, Ms. Abernant.” Preach.
“So is the sun just a yes now?”/“Maybe.”
Literally 6 cop NPCs. Like they all seem like they’re morons but I’m sure it would have helped!
“Fuck it dude, it’s worth asking.”
“Are you my dad?”/“I was about to ask you the very same thing.”/“What?”
Brennan really likes the word bud.
Freak the fuck out all the time and just fuck things up. 
They got their ice cream later! And Adaine says thank you to Basrar, even though he’s not even there.
Adaine as the 7 freed maidens (way to go Sandra-Lynn) are re-killing Goldenhoard: Us and them are the only good students.
Gorgug’s nat20! What a WILD time for the dice to give that to him.
“You gotta ask. I ask everyone if they’re my dad.”
Gorgug’s dad (Gorbag) has just as low an intelligence score as his son. It’s hilarious but also sweet.
I thought that Digby and WIlma just found Gorgug in the woods? Maybe I’m not remembering right. I would guess that was their version of the stork story but they straight up told him what docking was so…
“Do any other federal agents want to step to Arthur Aguefort on the grounds of his school?”
The Aguefort way!
I wonder what Sam has to say about her former BFF selling her out like that and also getting murdered.
It seems like Gorgug was put on the guest list for hell by accident (his relieved reaction was adorable) but I thought that was orc heaven?
Interesting Gorthalax still has pull in hell when he’s a high school coach now.
How did he watch the fight? Do they have pay per view in hell?
“I doubt Cathilda will end up here.”
Bill is just such a maniac. I love him so much. I wanna say I can’t believe that killing the devil dril tweet was serious but I can. It’s Bill.
Bill and Fabian having a casual convo in HELL.
Oh my God, Fabian’s mom stabbed Bill’s eye out and he proposed on the spot. No wonder Fabian is so into Aelwen. It’s in his DNA.
What a dope ship.
I can’t believe Emily tricked me into thinking that her end speech wasn’t in service to some nonsense. She held it together for so long but I should have known bc it’s EMILY.
“Young lady, I have no idea who that is and I’m telling you right now yes. I will make whoever that person is vice principal.”
Adaine: Uhhhh….we should find Zayn.
Aww, Zayn’s parents were also terrible elves. 
Unwanted Wingwoman Kristen Applebees
lol at Adaine casting Ray of Sickness on everyone suggesting she date ghost Zayne. Great callbacks to the early eps all around. 
Don’t @ me, but Adaine w/ a ghost boyfriend who also had terrible elf parents might be kinda sick.
“Tomorrow, we’re gonna start training you on how to actually swordfight.” Uhhh, I kinda love Fabian’s mom now?
She literally hasn’t been sober in 15 years. Icon.
“I didn’t know you spoke Tornado.”
Siobhan’s late season tendency to just flip things/people off is hilarious.
Wild that Adaine’s parents just legit DITCHED her that hard and she was like, f ‘em. Clean break.
“She’s helping me spread something.”
Gorgug has so many friends now!!!!!
Lol, Fabian’s whole journey has just been about becoming captain of the Owlbears.
Riz got his PI License. 
Lou and Fabian immediately being so mad at the idea of his mom (Hallariel?) getting with Gilear. Emily/Fig having an equal but opposite reaction. 
“Mama, I will kill this man.”/“I’ll kill you first, it’s not up to you.”
Sandra-Lynn gets with Jawbone. Did Brennan just roll to pair up everyone?
Also, the group is almost all related or quasi-related now. Gorthalax got with Sklonda which makes Fig and Riz sorta siblings. Gilear got with Hallariel making Fig and Fabian sorta siblings. Jawbone sorta adopted Adaine and he got with Sandra-Lynn, again making Adaine kinda siblings with Fig. Plus Fig claimed Gorgug as a sibling a lot of eps ago and if Kristen sticks with Tracker then she’ll marry into this mess. Crazy!
Fabian totally dipping on the sequel hook because he’s gonna be busy trying to break Aelwen out of jail.
I’ve been keeping up with the fanart but there was some in here I hadn’t seen and it was super dope!
I’m so glad we had the after epilogue-epilogue. It was a very nice send-off.
Adaine using her oracle authority to get Zayn back into school! She’s so good. 
Lol and she helped Basrar so he can grant other wishes. I love that this is the NPC that she decided she was going all in for.
Riz and Adaine join AV club! Idk why I love that detail.
Riz cutting off Adaine’s very good question about her jacket w/ his PI talk.
“They’re our rivals.”/“Into it.”
“Is ‘The Ball’ not your real name?” I love Fabian so much.
Zac doing Gorgug’s excited crack-y teenage voice when he’s just concentrating on that and not playing the game is so adorable. He’s just so sweet and enthusiastic and a good kid.
“Guess that tin flower worked, huh?” I cry.
I love that Gorgug’s happy ending is basically just that he has friends now. And that’s literally all he wanted starting out. 
Aww, Ragh and Gorgug are friends now.
I knew it! I at some point pitched the idea of Ragh ending up with one of the AV guys so he would be w/ someone who had enough intelligence to keep him from dying and I’m 90% sure it’s somewhere on my blog but I can’t be bothered to find it right now. But anyway, he’s in the lgbt club w/ Ragh and Kristen so it’s def a possibility! 
“My bitch sister? Don’t you fucking dare.” (lol, if that happens then the group will be even more related)
Fabian considering recruiting the Cubbys for his rescue attempt of Aelwen.
“Gilear!” I love that Fig loves Gilear now but still calls him by his first name.
And that was Fantasy High! 
I have at least two more posts in the hopper: And epilogue retrospective type deal and also the official JQ37 ranking of all the adults in Fantasy High.
Thanks for sticking with me this far you guys. I can’t draw to save my life and I don’t really do fic so this is the one little way I can contribute to this thing I love so much. 
It’s been real and I’ll see you all soon for an epilogue because, no surprise, I have more things to say. 
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saitamastamaticsoup · 7 years
Bnha boys with a poc!(black) s/o Bakugo
I am too scared to ask someone who can actually write to do this so I'll try myself
👋🏿 roasts are legendary like he's in shock EVERYTIME you clap back with some wig snatching stuff
👋🏿 he loves when you are so carefree with yourself (especially dark skin) and just feeling yourself like you guys are a total power couple
👋🏿 you teach him everything about natural hair he got scared when he saw you doing a sew in for the first time "Babe what the fuck"
👋🏿"why the fuck did you cut your hair?"
"I didn't I just washed it it's called shrinkage boo"
"Bullshit you had it braided down to your shoulders yesterday"
*streatched hair with finger to show it's long* "those were braids my hair is still somewhat long"
👋🏿 he's a little overwhelmed at first because there's so much to learn but he loves the glint in your eye when you teach him "why the fuck would anyone even use a relaxer" "oof that a whole 'nother subject sweetheart"
👋🏿 you stop him before he can watch the movie good hair you give him the barbershop instead
👋🏿 if you're souther with any type of accent he'll nut on the spot like he's so shook like???wow you got him addicted to sweet tea
👋🏿 he laughs as you talk shit about America like wow all might is in for a surprise "like I might die mid battle of deku ever says Detroit smash again like they do that regularly"
👋🏿 you guys watch the shade room and funny Worldstar videos together he's so shook from all the drama like the tea is piping hot
👋🏿enamored with you completely he loves you and can appreciate the complexity of your life and won't hesitate to put anyone in their place if thy say any ignorant things about you
👋🏿 he ownes like 5 black lives matter shirts he supports all of the black business. All. Of. Them. Toothpaste silklined beanies skin products all of them it doesn't matter how long it takes for them to get delivered.
👋🏿 you teach him about his own poc status (I don't think they experience racism on such a high scale as we do in America?? Bc of the divide with Asians and Asian Americans idk don't @ me on that) he unlearns his problematic behavior immediately bc how tf is he gunna be a hero if he can't help everyone especially the one he loves
👋🏿let's be honest grape head ass is gunna say some stupid shit class 1A will roast him so hard like you're so a proud. They don't let him even breathe before they expose him bakugo and idaboy have a whole PowerPoint presentation ready
👋🏿all might is the hero we need like he's gunna set a good example for us all he roasts tf outta trash bag in the daily like it's so great like you've never seen him be so savage he's ready to destroy the American government as we know it
👋🏿 wash day is like a whole event in the dorms like bakugo (everyone honestly) will cater to you like they have a bathroom specific for that
👋🏿 "omg (name) I'm loving you box braids!" "your twist out is amazing how did you learn to do that" Compliments from the whole class
👋🏿you and bakugo have matching rags tbh red durag and bonnet
👋🏿 speaking of hair the whole class has bonnets n stuff they have silk pillowcases too
👋🏿 anything resembling a perm is burned anything that has bleach is thrown out. Lotion,creams,anything.
👋🏿they mourn Shea moisture with you but deku has a whole list of other business.
👋🏿bakugo praises you often kisses to the scalp and your skin saying how much he loves all of you
👋🏿he helps you with your clothes(if you wanna be masculine that dayI didn't forget my queer kids) he helps you with your hair styles
👋🏿 Will always hold your hand in public no questions asked especially if you're feeling insecure not anybody is going to approach you
👋🏿 master of doing a twist out or Bantu knots once you teach him he'll want to help with your hair all the time
👋🏿 bonding over spicy food and laughing at people who can't handle it he starts carrying hot sauce all the time
👋🏿 you are in charge of the sex songs playlist like some of those songs will have him a blushing mess tbh like wow the weekend has given him some ideas
👋🏿 will never let you feel inferior like n e v e r he loves to uplift you and he wants you to love yourself like he loves you
👋🏿 you are always ready to shut his ass down when In the wrong or he tries to pop off "sit yo ass down before I beat yo ass sparky"
"Deku you-"
"I wish you would continue with the sentence I dare you do it watch whats gonna happen"
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trubilee · 3 years
so as everybody knows, quarantine life eliminates a lot of the usual buffers in our everyday and so that can start to make all the days blur together into one squishy mass.  
but yesterday and today--well, i think i would like to try to remember yesterday and today.  so i’ll go ahead and jot.
woke up to drive to my 8 am regular doctor appt so i could get a referral.  went there, she was really warm and kind and it went smoothly and i came home to wes and somi playing in the front yard with nanny and after i parked they both ran up to my car door like giggly eager puppies rolling around and i can’t think of a much better way for someone to arrive at one’s driveway than that.  oh but on the way home i was listening to worship music and c’ed a lot bc probably the pregnancy hormones but also a lot of the emotion from praying for P and A this past week, thinking of P and A a lot this past week.  c-ing and praying in the driveway.  did work and ate fish tacos (i am all about tacos and tons of salsa this trimester it seems) and got update text from A about how P’s surgery went.  after dinner and playing with wes got on the phone with P and J to pray for P and A and as soon as P started praying the floodgates opened and there was a release and c’ed a lot as we all prayed for P and A.  kept thinking of A and what she means to me, and how much i love her and how much she has loved me.  praying for A and P means remembering how much A has done for me, what she means in my life, how my life would not be what it is today without her friendship and love.  had a hard time praying much beyond _________ to be honest.  if i prayed much beyond that i don’t know if it would’ve been honest of me.  i think God understands.  read and slept.  
sarang came to babysit wes today and for some reason he took to her immediately and told me to leave so he could play with her, ha!  no meltdown there.  cut some papaya to eat with lots of lime.  left for ob gyn appt--the first--and while driving ate, with great satisfaction, the TJ takis that C bought me last week (thank u, C!).  played worship music in car and got teary.  felt nice knowing that the baby was being bathed in those worship songs.  words like “hallelujah, praise the one who set me free” and “there’s salvation in your name.”  got to ob gyn and had first ultrasound and saw the 2.1 cm blob and even briefly heard the heartbeat--”really great heartbeat”--and had my glasses fog up a little from my damp eyes because a couple weeks ago i had had that moment of fear when the morning sickness went away for a day.  she had to do a D&C surgery after her appt with me though so i just thanked her and didn’t ask many questions, not that i had very many, and she was really lovely.  sent the ultrasound pics to paul and my family.  after ob gyn went to whole foods and bought an avocado brown rice roll and random groceries that u could only indulge in at wf like muscat grapes and lime cassava tortilla chips and dairy free frozen pizza.  ate the overpriced avocado roll in the car with my hands and it was worth every dollar.  played worship music on the way home and started c-ing a lot again.  i guess words like “nothing is better than You” and “all my life You have been faithful” and “all my life You have been so so good” and “Your goodness.”  more crying and praying in the driveway.  hung out with sarang and wes for a bit and went to work.  after work, played with wes a little and got dressed and left wes with paul and went to weho to meet Em (visiting from indiana) and Ad and Pe at pump for dinner.  on the way there, thought about all the things i’d want to write about not knowing about.  thought about 2.5 years ago when wes was born and Y first got diagnosed and finding out and holding wes and looking down at him and crying bc it somehow was connecte to what i could and couldn’t tell wes, what i could and couldn’t protect him from even if i would give my life to, what i could and couldn’t explain or teach or tell him about our God and his goodness and the light and the darkness and the joy and the pain and loss and sadness and things i just would never want him to know if i had the choice.  at pump, beautiful olive trees and loud fun atmosphere.  everyone was out tonight, it seemed.  kept meaning to leave early-ish but found myself feeding the meter over and over again.  stood in line outside the abbey with Em and Ad and they asked the guys behind us to take a photo of us and the guy took 50 and directed our poses and facial angles and he ended up in the sidewalk trees and i was laughing so hard as he took all those photos and Ad gave side commentary.  opted to get a table at the chapel dance floor and got a virgin mint mojito and talked over the loud music until bobbi joined.  she’s still one of the coolest funniest warmest girls i’ve ever met, and she has 4 kids.  still don’t even know how that’s possible.  got tired (and frankly a little bit gassy--pregnancy hormones!) and finally left and passed a couple leather underweared male pole dancers on my way out.  did not c on the drive home.  showered.  
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shuakkinda-blog · 7 years
Soonyoung crushing on you !! // scenario
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A bullet-point scenario highlighting our bright star, Soonyoung/Hoshi !!
Send requests for scenarios and reactions on my page if you wish :)
- special shout out to our hosh rn bc this poor boy is sick and he could use all the healing time he can get (stay healthy and rest, love <333)
- this sweetie is honestly one of the most hard working people e v e r
- he pushes himself so much
- and we know that he’s tough on the members when practicing but I’m sure that’s only because:
- 1. he knows the potential of his friends
- 2. he cares about the future of svt
- Soonyoung is just so caring to the point that it hurts him sometimes???
- I’m glad he’s resting because we all know he needs it, as do the rest of the members (especially with this crazy tour schedule they’re in the middle of)
- so really, I honor Soonyoung for everything he does, and he deserves only the best out of his career ;u;
- and with this I’m sure he’d only want to be the best version of himself for the girl he likes as well
- his determination in furthering his career would be the same when it comes to pursuing his crush
- with that said, let’s get right into the scenario !!!
- as an intern at pledis entertainment, you find yourself becoming close friends to 3 specific members of a particular svt unit:
- Channie, Savhao, and Junnie ! 
- you get to know these three performance unit boys individually, but you never get to hang out with them altogether
- so one day, your little friends tell you that it’s about time all four of you meet up once and for all
- but because of your crazy schedules, there’s really no other time to do this besides the performance team practice time
- at first you think, “hey it’d be kind of cool to see them choreographing n practicing n whatnot!”
- thing is
- there’s one member you haven’t exactly bonded with/talked to like you did with the rest of the performance team:
- Kwon Soonyoung
- thinking it would be awkward for the team leader to see you hanging out with his team, you often pushed off the idea of visiting their practices
- no matter how many times the three boys begged you to come
- you just couldn’t say yes
- you’d feel bad but you’d try to convince them that it’s for the best
- and besides, the practice is meant for them to practice, not to chat around with some intern (not like they would mind tho lol)
- imagine pouty chanhaojun @ you bc iSN’T IT JUST THE MOST ADORABLE THING???
- ANYWAYS, after much thinking, the three guys figure that there’s really no way they’d be able to hang out with you as a group unless they invite you over to practice
- so they get s n e a k y
- kind of
- okay not really
- during one of your shifts, Chan texts you:
- “y/n!! are you free right now?”
- “yeah, what’s up?”
- “can you come down to the practice room rn?”
- “you guys aren’t having practice right now, right?”
- “*suspicious eyes emojis*”
- “Chan, how many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want to intrUDE??” “I’m sorry, but I won’t go if you guys are busy.”
- “WAIT LISTEN LISTEN” “we actually need someone to give their opinion on this part of the choreography we’re coming up with... and we were wondering if you could take a look?”
- “uhhhhh... don’t yall have a creatives director... and an assistant choreographer LMAO”
- “yes yes but we want to know what girls like you would think of it you know :(”
- “sigh”
- “come on, just do us a favor” “and doing us this favor means you’re technically not intruding :3″
- “... fine.”
- so you head to the practice room, and as soon as you walk in:
- “Y/N-IE~” the boys greet you in excitement
- well except Soonyoung but
- he gives you a smile and a curt bow at least
- you give him a bow and a formal greeting as well, but that’s just about as much interaction you’ll have with him
- at first :3
- your three friends honestly just wanted you to be with them, and they finally found an excuse to bring you over to practice
- but you proved to be more helpful during their practice than they had all expected
- you gave pretty good constructive criticism on some of the dance moves and even gave a few suggestions for formations
- and your little trio LOVED IT
- but you know who appreciated your help the most?
- it was very nice to have another person give their opinion on the team’s choreography
- and it’s not just another professional choreographer or director doing it either
- it’s a normal person (I mean this in a good way :)
- and he thinks you’ve got a good eye for things that even the pros couldn’t catch themselves
- Soonyoung also realized how much nicer/less stressed he was when you were there helping out
- so all in all, he was really glad you came
- in fact:
- “hey, Jun, Minghao, Chan,” Soonyoung calls the rest of the team as they convene for practice the day after your visit
- the three boys turn to him
- “do you guys think... we could have y/n down here again? You know, just to help out again?” the leader looks down and paces shyly back and forth, but his face is blank
- “WAIT ARE YOU SERIOUS?” Jun says as his eyes widen in disbelief
- “yeah, of course,” Soonyoung is trying to keep his cool composure
- so they call you up to invite you once again, and since your three friends had expressed their gratitude for your help after practice yesterday, you agree to go
- you arrive at the practice room and are greeted warmly not only by your little trio
- but also by Soonyoung, who flashes a wider smile than the day before
- and it goes like this for almost every performance team practice you can attend from then on
- over time, Soonyoung would start to notice that you’re not the average, serious intern who’s just doing her job (and a little extra for their team)
- there’s a reason why his fellow team members have become so close to you
- they’re all so fond of your positive nature, understanding, honesty, and ofc your fun personality
- and these things are what draw Soonyoung to you
- if he’s being honest, he’d say he’s been attracted to you since he first saw you walking around the company building
- but your whole personality confirmed how much he was beginning to really like you
- he’s honestly not like the rest of the members when it comes to crushing
- he’s kind of a mix of flirty and shy but you won’t be able to tell when he’s gonna be which???
- it can be confusing tbh
- like if you give him a compliment on some solo dance he made for himself, he could either go:
- 1. “oh reAlly??” *smirk* “was it... attractive? ;)”
- 2. “oh... really?” *blushes* “thank you~” *smiles at floor*
- but I’d say he’d be pretty shy 70% of the time at the start, and then he’d slowly get more flirty as you guys become closer friends
- speaking of being close friends, Soonyoung would also put so much effort into becoming your best friend
- because he wants to confess to you knowing that you’re close to him
- so even if you reject him, he knows there’s a chance that you guys can still be friends at least
- the last thing he wants to do is lose you altogether :(
- ALSO, ONE SUPER DUPER BIG THING that Soonyoung would do with his crush is force her to dance with him
- yeaH that’s right, get your dancing shoes on bc this boy will beg and beg until you agree to dance something with him
- even if you can’t dance, he’ll still really want you to do it
- it’s just a way for him to get skinship moments with you tbh slick shit hosh, real slick
- he’ll teach you the basics first and then progress into harder and more partner-based choreos ;);)
- so you’ll be slowly building up a whole dance routine collection with your bestie !! how cute :’)
- when he’s on flirt mode, Soonyoung is a huge tease we all know this
- the cute things he’ll do to get you flustered during your dance routines would either make you laugh or make you super weak omg
- he wouldn’t hesitate to take any opportunity to suddenly pull you close while dancing, and he’ll probably charm you with a smile while he’s at it
- and as he gets used to meeting up with you to dance,
- Soonyoung would want to spend time with you A LOT MORE OFTEN
- but only with you
- so oftentimes, after performance team practice, the other three dancers would hang out for a little bit in the practice room
- but Soonyoung would be itching to hang out with you and work on your dance routine alone in the room
- so he’d be awkwardly standing to the side as the trio plays around before he musters enough courage to say:
- “uh, hey guys,” he’d clear his throat. “I kinda- I mean, y/n and I- we want to... you know...”
- “oH, do whAt?” Jun wiggles his eyebrows. Chan and Minghao laugh along
- “Soonyoung’s making me do a dance with him again,” you’d explain
- “Wtf Soonyoung, you didn’t tell them?” you say
- “hey hey, you didn’t tell them either,” Soonyoung would laugh nervously
- and when the three boys finally get kicked out by Hoshi, the trio would probably tell the rest of the members about this out of saltiness lma0
- a few members would start to interrogate him about his crush, and he’d probably deny it every damn time it’s so obvious you ain’t fooling anyone buddy
- but when Soonyoung starts getting the feeling that you might like him as well, he’ll probably openly admit it to the group one day
- he’d show up pretty late to an svt meeting that Seungcheol is holding in the practice room
- “Soonyoung, why are you always so late nowadays?” Seungcheol would say in an upset tone
- “he was probably just hanging out with y/n again,” Chan would say bitterly
- “yeah, what a best friend stealer,” Jun would pout
- “hey man, y/n is my best friend,” Minghao would hit Jun in the arm
- “okay but who became her firST friend?? Das right, it was mE,” Chan would join in the fight
- “alright alright, that discussion can be held somewhere else at some other time,” Seungcheol would stop them. “Soonyoung, seriously, what’s going on? Is this about y/n?”
- “yeah dude,” Seokmin would say. “If you really like her, just admit it already.”
- “no one’s buying it when you say you don’t,” Wonwoo adds and the rest if the boys nod in agreement
- “and I’m sorry for always being late to these kinds of meetings and practices lately. I just really like her okay?”
- “I’m putting all this effort into hanging out with her because I really don’t want to lose her. 
- “You guys know how I am when I’m serious about pursuing something.”
- the whole group goes silent. Seungcheol thinks it over
- “Normally,” Seungcheol starts. “I wouldn’t let this kind of thing slide with me, but I can tell you really like y/n, so I’ll forgive you.”
- “But let me tell you, if she’s willing to spend that much time with you, she probably likes you too.”
- with this, Soonyoung finally decides that it’s time to confess
- one night, your hangout with Soonyoung extended a little later at night than usual, meaning you’d have to walk home to your apartment alone in the dark
- but ofc Soonyoung, being the caring person he is, would want to accompany you home, just to make sure you get there safely
- and while you guys are walking home, Soonyoung’s heart can’t help but flutter while seeing you smile at your conversation under the street lights at night
- he’d be falling so hard at this point, he’ll have to do something about it
- and as a dancer, he’s not one to tell you how he feels with words
- so when you get to your apartment, you unlock your door
- but before you can twist the door open
- he impulsively takes one of your wrists, pulls you close, and locks his lips with yours in a passionate kiss
- and you, unable to fight back the feelings you have for Soonyoung as well, kiss him back
- breathless, he pulls away from you afterwards and looks deeply into your eyes, your faces just a few inches apart
- having noticed you kissed him back, he asks
- “Is it safe to say that the feeling is mutual?”
- “why else do you think I agreed to dance with you?” you laugh 
- he breaks out into a huge smile before pulling you in for another kiss
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edwardamcullen · 7 years
Almost the entirety of Red is about Bellward #confirmed. Pass it on.
this feels like a challenge to prove this right and...that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Except I’ll extend this to Twilight as a whole. pls keep in mind i obviously know taylor didn’t write these songs about these characters i’m just IN LOVE with the similarities and how they relate.
1. State of Grace “And I never saw you coming and I’ll never be the same”/"We learn to live with the pain mosaic broken hearts, but this love is brave and wild”/“You come around and the armor falls, pierce the room like a cannon ball now all we know is don’t let go”/“This is the state of grace. This is the worthwhile fight. Love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right. These are the hands of fate. you’re my achilles heel. This is the golden age of something good and right and real” I think these lyrics fit Bellward in that...1) this love...was....real and new to both of them and not something they ever saw coming but it was scary but too real to let go of and not want to fight for. There’s so many risks in their relationship but “this is the worthwhile fight. love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right.
2. RedI made a gifset. This is New Moon!Bella - “Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes tell myself it’s time now, gotta let go. But moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head, burning red.” bc the girl LITERALLY saw him everywhere. and also “Loving him was like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street, faster than the wind passionate as sin ended so suddenly” because when he left he took his whole world with her the entire time she was struggling to hold onto the memories. she was in the middle of such a :D point and everything was so good and in one instant it all fell apart.
3. Treacherous“This slope is treacherous this path is reckless this slope is treacherous I-I-I like it” this song is literally about sex and their relationship not being good but “nothing safe is worth the drive” which SCREAMS Bella and Edward like I don’t have to explain that tbh.
4. I Knew You Were Trouble...idk...bella knew he was trouble but shame on her because SHE LITERALLY WAS LYING ON THE COLD HARD GROUND when he left her....damn taylor really get specific 
5. All Too Well “It was rare I was there I remember it all too well” / “Time won’t fly it’s like I’m paralyzed by it. I’d like to be my old self again but I’m still trying to find it.” Is her the entire dark phase of New Moon. 
6. 22*scratches head while I try to think of something* “It’s miserable and magical” - lmao bella when wolves were magical but also she is literally miserable. (BY NOW YOU KNOW I DON’T THINK THIS IS SERIOUS I’M JUST HAVING FUN WITH THIS) 
7. I Almost Do“I hope sometimes you wonder about me”/”I just want to tell you it takes everything in me not to call you. And I wish I could run to you and every time I don’t, I almost do” Edward to Bella when he left. 8. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Togetherdeadass??? idk. Leah to Sam lmao. i’m kidding. no i’m not she’s never getting back with him he hurt her. except they weren’t on and off. She’s just never ever getting back with him. and she’s done w/ his excuses. etc. OH WAIT WEREN’T JESS AND MIKE ON AND OFF...them too lmao. 9. Stay Stay StayTHIS SONG IS SO PURE AND SO CUTE AND SO HAPPY. “you took the time to memorize me my fears my hopes and dreams I just like hanging out with you all the time.” every relationship ever. Also “It’s been occurring to me I’d like to hang out with you for my whole life.”
10. The Last Time“This is the last time I’m asking you this put my name at the top of your list” lmao fucking JACOB to Bella in Eclipse. Actually wait this could work. “You wear your best apology but I was there to watch you leave. And all the times I let you in just for you to go again.” wow....damn it really could be Jake to Bella 
11. Holy GroundI’m going to half make this about Jacob and Bella because “Tonight I’m gonna dance for all that we’ve been through but I don’t wanna dance if I’m not dancing with you.” could be them at Bella and Edward’s wedding. But this is actually a nice breakup song about it being good and never looking back and them both being respectively happy for each other and that’s just not the case. he calls her stupid and thrashes her like a rag doll and fucking grabs her by the arms. the moment was ruined.
12. Sad Beautiful TragicOH HOW NEW MOONBella: In dreams, I meet you in warm conversationB/E: We both wake in lonely beds, different cities (except edward doesn’t sleep)B: And time is taking its sweet time erasing youE: And you've got your demons and darling they all look like me (actually it could be bella too because she feels like a waste of his time and like he never even cared for her)
13. The Lucky OneLet me make this about Rosalie. “New to town with a made up name in the angel city chasing fortune and fame, and the camera flashes make it look like a dream”/ “And they tell you that you’re lucky but you’re so confused ‘cause you don’t feel pretty, you just feel used.” This entire song is Taylor’s fear of fame and the glamorous lifestyle turning into something that’s so ... scary and just not as good as it’s made out to be. That screams Rosalie. And just any of the vampires who would trade this “perfect” vampire life for a normal one.14. Everything Has ChangedB: All i knew this morning when I woke is I know something now know something now I didn’t before. (BELLA LITERALLY....REALIZING SHE’S IN LOVE WITH EDWARD honestly vice versa because this whole love thing was new for both of them)E: All my walls stood tall painted blue but I’ll take them down and open up the door for youB/E: All I know is we said hello so dust off your highest hopes. All i know is pouring rain, and everythig has changed. All I know is a newfound grace all my days I’ll know your face all I know since yesterday is everything has changed.
15. StarlightTHIS IS SO HARD ALSKDLAKS “Ooh ooh he's talking crazy/Ooh ooh dancing with me/Ooh ooh we could get married” bella when edward proposed LMAO. but no really the thing about Starlight is it pictures such a happy and forever-and-always blissful and magical love which SM paints with their whole eternity thing. “Don’t you dream impossible things” literally. because he’s a vampire. OMG WAIT “Have ten kids and teach them how to dream” ...rosalie and her perfect life she thought she had before everything happened.16. Begin AgainLet me.....pull a muscle while I REACH a bit. “And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid. I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny ‘cause he never did. I’ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end, but on a wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again” .......this is a REACH and a this I’m making shit up...but bella never really felt like herself or confident enough to be herself until she met the cullens and....idk...bella saw her divorced parents and she never reallly had a love to relate to so she really didn’t think love...was...a  thing...but w/ edward...it was.???/ i told y’all i’m reaching
if you wanna be like that you can make this about jacob when bella grows close to him after edward left her but tbh that implies that bella ...was in love with him....and that she stayed with him...and nah. i’m not doing that lmao sorry
The deluxe tracks??? The moment i knew is too specific it’s about him not going to Taylor’s birthday. that didn’t happen. “You should’ve been here and I would’ve been so happy” if pulled out of context might relate. Maybe Come Back Be Here being about them being apart but being in love COULD be B/E in New Moon but they were both very sad and this is more about missing the other one...pretend “I can’t help but wish you took me with you” is overdramatic bella missing edward when he hunts. I can’t think of anything for Girl At Home.
I’m sorry this was so long all you wanted me to do was pass it on I’M SO SORRY
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wlwhc · 7 years
I’m deaf, not stupid II
1-2-3-my-name-is-oli ask: Could you do a Lydia x Deaf!Reader imagine? Like Lydia is drawn to her because she's not scared of her voice/scream (bc she obviously can't hear it) but then falls in love with her?            
Warning: None
(A/N): I want Stydia combo in my life , my bi heart hurts
Part I
Masterlist / Prompt List / Fandom List / Ask me anything!
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The next day, you were excited to go to school, this girl Lydia had promised you to explain you what the heck was that thing that attacks you yesterday. While you were walking to school, the boy with weird hand gestures approaches to you, waving his hand. You wave back and keep walking, but a minute later, the boy was walking with you, he seemed nervous, another perk of being deaf is that you get used to reading their body language, and this boy next to you, was really nervous, but why?. you touch his arm, the boy looked at you with a questioning gaze, he said something, but again, he talked too fast and you couldn't read his lips, you touch his arm again, and sign him “are you okay?” of course he didn’t understand nothing. so you grabbed a pen and a paper from your bag and write it down, the boy writes down “yes I am why are you asking? By the way, my name is Stiles” and give you the paper and pen, with a little smile.
“I’m Y/N, I ask because you seem nervous” you hand him the paper, He looked at you surprised , you write “I’m deaf, not stupid” he laughs at this,  and when he was going to write down an answer, the other boy came, He said hi to Stiles and wave at you. Scott saw the paper and the pen and grab it writing down “Hi I’m Scott, friend of Lydia”, you write down your name and the three of you keep talking about a few things, Stiles was nervous cause he didn’t know sign language, but you reassure him that it was okay,  you get to the school said goodbye to them and went looking for your friends.
Lydia as looking for you through the hallways, she saw Scott and Stiles with a paper and pen writing things down
“what are you two doing?” Lydia asks while looking at the paper
“we were talking with Y/N, she’s pretty cool! she likes Stars Wars! we should invite her to our movie nights” Stiles said
“yeah, she’s pretty cool, you should teach us how to sign, she told us that she could read our lips but we talk too fast so it would be better if we sign” Scott said
“where is she? I have to explain her about all the supernatural thing” she said ignoring what Scott said
“She said that she had to look for her friends, I’ll help you find her then we can explain her” Scott said
“I’m going to explain her, not you” and with that, she left.
“We need to make this happen Scott” Stiles said
“what? Lydia and Y/N?....I’m in” Scott said while grinning at his friend.
“okay, we need to do this..” The two boys were planning how to make Lydia and you a thing, but what they didn’t know is that Lydia was already craving for you.
That day Lydia find you and explain you all about the supernatural thing in the library, you were curious about everything so discovering this new world was exciting. Lydia finds this really cute and promises you to show you The Bestiary one day, that leads to a lot of time together that Lydia was enjoying a lot.Anything was an excuse to be with you, do you need to study? then Lydia was going to help you, You needed new clothes, then Lydia was going to help,p you too. some stupid kid was making fun of you? then the whole pack was going to help you. She was there, all the time with you. you didn’t bother, but it was getting hard to breathe every time she was with you, her presence made you feel dizzy, why? you were crushing on her.
But she was crushing on you too, every time you look at her she would scream internally, she loves your eyes, and those cute gestures that you do, how cute you were when you tried to read Stiles lips. She liked everything about you, she needed you. This was a problem cause she was also being very overprotective of you. Malia was also taking a liking towards you, but it was more like a sisterly thing, but in Lydia's eyes it wasn’t. Malia would often cuddle with you on pack meetings, and Lydia would be fuming. The pack notices this, and Stiles was always making comments but Lydia would always say that it was because you’re her friend and not Malia’s.
Weeks passed away, and Lydia couldn’t take it anymore, she had to tell you or Malia would take you away from her. She didn’t even understand what the heck Malia was doing next to you, she didn’t know sign language, she was there just to snuggle with you.Today was one of those days where Malia was cuddling with you, her head on your shoulder hugging you tight, while the pack was watching a movie. Lydia had planned to talk to you after the movie was over, but Malia had the great idea to hide on the crook of your neck, making you laugh, that was enough to make Lydia crazy
“Malia stop!” Lydia said watching you giggle
“she’s so cuddly I want to keep her, and she’s so tiny and-” Malia keep saying while snuggling closer to you, you were laughing, her breathing was tickling you, Malia was laughing too, she was making her new friend laugh, but Lydia didn't take it that way.
She got up from her seat, and grab your hand. “follow me” She told you , slowly so you could read her lips, Malia glare at her
“hey! she’s with m-” Stiles covered Malia’s mouth
“go Lydia, thank me later” Stiles said winking at her friend
You didn’t understand what just happened, but you still follow Lydia. The contact of her hand with yours made your stomach jump. She took you upstairs and let go of your hand, making you miss her touch.
“I have to tell you something” she sign to you. She was walking back and forth, playing with her hands, she was nervous, but why?
“it’s everything okay?” you asked her. She was going to sign something but something made her stop, and instead of signing, she grabbed your face in her hands and kissed you, sending thousands of butterflies were dancing in your stomach, your legs were almost caving in. You were shocked but quickly kissed her back. Her tongue shyly touching your upper lip, you gladly let her welcome you, your tongue dancing at the flavor of cherry chapstick and mint. You had to break the kiss cause oxygen was needed. Lydia was grinning ear to ear , and you were a blushing mess, no words were needed to explain what was going on, the kiss had expressed it all. Lydia grabbed your hand and took you back where the pack was watching the movie, this time Lydia make you sit on her lap, glaring at Malia in the process. Stiles was secretly giving Malia a high five, the plan was a success.
This end up being so shitty I’m so sorry
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