#i saw one clip and was immediately hooked
leenaur143 · 1 year
guess who finally started only friends!!!! the way I have been liking posts about it since even before it aired but never actually had the guts to go watch it but the TIME WAS RIGHT yesterday and I watched it and why is it... so flipping good?
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fanaticsnail · 9 months
You're Angry at the Tall Men
Masterlist Here
I have two very dear mutual creators on here that are struggling with the flu. Hopefully yelling at the tall men of one-piece will help you both out: @feral-artistry & @sordidmusings
Word Count: 200-400 per gentleman: Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk, Sir Crocodile, Corazon, Doflamingo
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Warnings: anger, violence, suggestive spice for a few, angst, afab!implied but not overly mentioned, height difference.
First time writing for Cora, Croc and Doffy - mainly going off small clips and overall vibes. Apologies if I didn't do your blorbo justice.
(Apprehensive tag list: @gingernut1314, @writingmysanity)
He knows what he did to earn your wrath; your fury ignited in your eyes and the flames physically tangible and searing the room with your scorn. Your brow was furrowed, your lips curling into a snarl to bare your pearled teeth at him.
Buggy: 6’3
“Sit your tall ass down!” you roared at him. The clown shrieked back, immediately reaching his stuttering hands towards the back of a chair to unceremoniously fall back onto the wooden base. Unfortunately, as his ass barely grazes the base; his weight proceeds to fall from its intended target, plopping down onto the cement ground instead of finding comfort on the chair.
“Ah, fuck!” he cried out alongside his wince, his red nose creased as he felt the pain shoot up his coxic bone and tingle up his spine. This moment of failure breaking a small crack in your iron fury, a giggle attempting to break through your anger. He winces his beautiful teal eyes up at you, cringing through the pain and gritting his teeth in an attempt of a smile.
“You are so pathetic,” you growled at him, extending your hand out and collecting his chin within your thumb and index finger. You were held captive by his sparkling eyes beneath his lengthy blue eyelashes as he looked up at you in awe.
“It’s why you love me, right?” he whimpered at you, his crooked smile drawing you in closer to him. You stooped, pressing a small kiss against his rotund, red nose.
“Yes,” you again growled at him, pouting with your brow falling low in the center of your forehead, “but I’m still angry at you.”
“I know,” he grumbled in response, his eyes upturning and almost pleading, “but I can fix that, right?”
Shanks: 6’6
“Woah, woah, love!” he cried out, backing away from your approach with his wide smile plastered to his cheeks. He was still smiling, even when you backed him against the wall with your forearm horizontally pressing him back into the wooden banister behind him.
“You absolute stupid, ridiculous, drunken-,” one look into his loving eyes rendered you immediately defenseless to his aura. He looked at you with such love, his brown eyes holding only softness and adoration within them. He brings up his arm, choosing to caress your cheek and lace a loose strand of your hair to hook over your cheek.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered into you, leaning his head down and moving his lips against your forehead to murmur into your skin, “forgive me, I didn’t mean it.” Inhaling a deep breath, you feel the rage falling away from you as he continued murmuring sweet nothings into your ear.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re angry,” he breathed his raspy voice into your ear.
“And you’re so handsome when you’re not the one making me angry,” you growled back at him.
Mihawk 6’6
“Mihawk!” your rumbled growl echoed in the high ceilings lifting the light in the large dining room. He was stooping, fingertips halting their descent to grasp the back of his dining chair. He huffed out a sigh, rotating his neck and removing his hat from his head. He placed the hat on his dining setting, and prepared himself to receive your wrath.
As soon as you saw him preparing himself to receive the scorn you were about to bear down on him, you decided to switch it up. Something about how smug he was did not satiate your fire from erupting further. You had every intention of taking him by his wrist and leading him to the impressive steps of the foyer and taking a few steps up to bring you to the appropriate height to maintain eye contact as you reprimanded him.
But his ear was right there, no longer shielded by his broad hat to halt your action. Immediately, you pressed your index and middle finger against the overly sensitive shell of his ear and began dragging him towards the archway leading to the foyer.
“Not quite so hard, dear,” he winced as his steps stuttered behind you. You allowed a sinister smirk to rise on your lips, gaining a sickening amount of joy from knowing you were paining him a little to satisfy your wrath. As your feet found the steps, you relinquished your hold on his ear and turned to face him, your eyes first glancing at the raven curls atop his head that you rarely are accustomed to seeing these days. His head was bowed, his hand drawn up to cradle his ear and sooth over the throbbing shell. At this, your anger ceased and you immediately sought out his eyes by cupping his cheeks and elevating his face.
“I’m sorry, my love. Did I hurt you, are you okay?” you hastily spoke, eyes checking over his face for any semblance of hurt or pain.
“Only my pride, dear,” he replied in a soft grumble, continuing to keep his eyes from joining with your own. You sighed in relief before shaking your head to remind yourself why you brought him here in the first place. You furrowed your brow and slunk your hands from his cheeks to fall them against his chest.
“I’m-,” you began, your angry words halted by Mihawk taking a step forward and pressing his forehead against your own.
“-I’m sorry. Forgive me,” he whispered into your face, his eyes half lidded and sorrow falling over his face, “I never meant to hurt you, and I’m willing to spend all the time it takes to make it up to you.”
Sir Crocodile 8’3
Clutching his cigar in his index and middle fingers, he flicked the ash into the glass and gold tray on his desk. He could hear the fall of your feet outside the door, his jaw falling slack in bored frustration. 
“You devious bastard,” you growled as the door to his office flung open. He inhaled deeply, reaching into his desk drawer and pulling out another cigar to clench his teeth onto. As your eyes met, his brow arched while his eyelids hung half-lidded. He sat back against his armchair and uncrossed his legs from their join of the knees. Remaining wordless, he fished around in his pants for his lighter, to find nothing but his golden pocket watch and a few rolls of berry within his leatherbound wallet.
“Be a dear and find me a light,” he dismissed your anger with the wave of his hand as his eyes searched his desk for his capped lighter. This seemed to engage your fury further, making you immediately lunge at him and crawl onto his lap. You drew your claw-shaped grip up to his jaw, snarling into his face as you did so.
“You think I care about your lighter right now, you arrogant lizard,” you spat at him. His eyes widened in surprise, initially being taken off guard by your presence atop his thigh. Immediately after processing the shock, his eyes darkened as he used his large, golden hook to circle around your thigh; trapping it within the metal and drawing it closer into him. Your kneeling position atop his lap was now made ever more dangerous than it had been, not knowing how he would truly respond to your anger. Both of your tempers began to flare as he snarled at you.
“Lighter first,” he growled at you, looking up into your enraged eyes as your hair cascaded down over his face, draped almost intimately over his forehead. You scoffed, flicking the hair over your shoulder and grimaced at him in response. 
“And why should I do that after what you did?” you gnashed your teeth, baring your rage in your now untested situation. The tense air now growing thick and dense as your bodies pressed closer together. He gripped your hips with his hand, his golden hook scraping over your thigh and placing your knee over his waist as he drew you closer. 
“Lighter first,” he began to snarl at you, “or I will channel your rage in another way.”
“Try me, Reptile,” you snarled at him, clenching your teeth as you stooped lower into his face. He immediately stood, his tall body hoisting you up against his hips and slamming your back atop his desk. He hovered over your body, leaning his face down and snarling into you,
“You should’ve just done what you were told,” He growled into your neck.
“You shouldn't have pissed me off,” you gnashed your teeth once more, your eyes widening as you felt his teeth bite down hard on your clavicle, soothing over the new injury with his tongue. 
Corazon 9’7
“Donquixote Rosinante!” you shouted, walking around the halls and tracking the stupor of his step. You immediately heard a thud, followed by several crashing booms reverberating within the hallway. None of these sounds halted your descent, your rage and fury propelling your steps further towards him.
When your eyes fell over his body, he was hoisting himself up from his entanglement with several cleaning products; a mop over his head and a bucket circling over his left foot. He looked ridiculous, his coat hanging limply from his shoulders over his open heart-stitched shirt.
As he rose to his feet, you were taken aback at how truly tall he was; his body towering over your own. You lost your nerve slightly at his stature, but still the edges of your body remained singed with the fires of rage within your soul.
“Cora-!” your words were halted by the man drawing such anger from you wordlessly holding up his palm to silence you. Your brows fell further down your face, your frown deepening as you watched him silently search his surroundings. His eyes widened first, before softening as he stooped down to collect the bucket that was once wrapped around his foot. He blew over the base of the bucket with a small puff of breath, placing the brim on the ground and dusting the base with the back of his hand.
He turned his painted face up to you, a tight smile pulling at his mouth as he extended his hand to you. You sucked in a breath through your nostrils, pouting as you took his hand. Stepping up onto the bucket, you still remained short to his great height. Still holding onto your hand, his smile softened as he bent at the knees to crouch in front of you, looking up into your face with eyes baring great sorrow at how angry you were with him.
Relinquishing the hold against your hand, he gestured for you to bare your soul out to him with a simple swipe of his hands. He was so willing to have you share your emotions with him, it almost made you want to cry with frustration at how truly loving he was to you. 
“You’re just going to sit back and take it? Say something, Cora. Anything!” You screamed, the sting of tears beginning to prick at the corners of your eyes. He continued to watch on, never once rising from his crouch, nor bringing his eyes away from searching your face. It was only when a hot, frustrated tear fell from your eye down your cheek that he rose up to his full size once more. 
He wordlessly drew his palm up to claim your cheek, his thumb brushing the tear away from its descent down towards your mouth. 
“Please,” you whimpered while searching his eyes, “please say something.”
He leant forward, pressing his forehead against yours and closing his eyes, circling the other arm around your shoulders and holding your chest flush with his own. His lips found the crown of your head, pressing a soft and careful kiss against the top of your hair.
“Calm,” he uttered, the room circled around him by the spark of his devil-fruit power. You looked at him confused, your nostrils flaring at him while still expressing your anger. 
“Why use the devil-fruit powers now?” you asked him, shaking your head at him as all else in the hallway was silenced. No taps of feet, no drips of taps, nor the sounds of breeze through the trees outside the room could be heard within the silent barrier. 
“Because I want everyone to know how angry you are with me,” he uttered, his nose lovingly brushing against your own, “And I want to be able to scream how much I love you with no consequence.” He pressed his lips against your forehead, smearing his red face paint against your skin as he trailed a flurry of gentle kisses against your nose, cheek bones and the corner of your lips in an attempt to smother the flames of your anger. 
“This doesn’t make up for what you did,” you spat at him, your narrowed eyes looking at him through your eyelashes remaining dark with fury.
“I know,” he admitted, unwrapping his arm from circling your shoulders. He grazed his arm down and collected your hand once more within his, lacing your fingers together as he uttered, “I’m so sorry, my darling. I’ll never do it again.”
Doflamingo 10’
He was immediately expressing joy at how riled up he had managed to make you, his lips curling back into a sinister smile. He darted his tongue out over his mouth to dampen his chapped lip before he allowed a rumbly chuckle to exit from his chest.
“Doflamingo!” You screamed, rage and fury overcasting your usual stoic state with their venom. He rose to his feet and was almost bursting at the seams with how happy getting a rise from you was making him.
“How dare you?! How dare you do that to me?!” You roared, not halting your approach in any way. He towered over you, his lanky build condescendingly casting his feathered silhouette over your body.
“I don’t give a fuck,” he shrugged, speaking quickly with a broad grin continuing to polish his cheeks. His eyes remained hidden by his glasses, your own eyes beginning to prick at the corners with a frustrated rage.
“Wipe that horrible grin off your face before I rip it off,” you spat, your hands demonstrating how truly violent your thoughts were.
“Only if you do it with your teeth, Princess,” he bore his teeth down at you. His smile widened further up his cheeks, your urge to claw out his eyes not satisfied in the slightest. You impulsively swung your hand at his face, your wrist caught within his circled grip. His laughter erupted over his chest at this small demonstration of violence, so easily stifled by his hands.
“Ohh, you’ve got some fire in you today,” he chucked his taunt at you, leaning down further into you; his nose almost brushing against your own with how close he drew himself down to you, “What I’d give to see that demonstrated with your body wrapped around my- AHH.” You halted his words within his mouth by clamping your teeth down against his nose hard enough to draw blood. After tasting the metallic flavor roll over your tongue, you withdrew your teeth from his flesh and bore your red-tinted lips at him.
He reached up to clutch the scruff of your neck, pulling you closer into him and purring a roar of his own into you:
“Mmm, Harder.”
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hitomisuzuya · 1 month
Reader's broke ass leaving a tab open with pink leashes and collars that she's interested in. For herself, aaand step!scara sees it and surprises her with something a week later <3
Stepcest, DNI if it makes you uncomfortable. Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Collar and leash. Thigh riding. Degradation.
😳❤️ This request. I went ahead and had some fun with it.
Scaramouche wouldn't call sneaking in his delicate little step sister's room as weird. He would call it self indulgent. He could breathe in your scent while he found a pair of your panties to jack himself off with on your bed.
His eyes immediately spied your laptop sitting open on your bed as he made his way over to your dresser. Naturally, he was going to snoop in the name of self indulgence.
He turned your laptop towards him as he sat down on your bed. You had one single tab open. One that made his cock twitch. You had been browsing the store on a BDSM site.
Collars and leashes in particular.
After a few minutes of scrolling, and making a careful choice, out came the credit card. His mind was racing picturing the collar fastened around your neck. He hastily grabbed a pair of your panties, and indulged himself in a few fantasies.
Scaramouche kept a careful eye on the mail over the next week or so, looking eagle eyed at the tracking information. You were restless, and quite frankly so was he. He'd purposely cut off any kind of sex until the collar arrived. He was out the door the second the package hit the front step of the porch.
He whisked it away to hide it in his room until the moms left for the evening. And they couldn't leave fast enough as far as he was concerned. As soon as he hears the front door close, he heard your bedroom door open.
He smirked. Like a dazed moth to a flame, you came right to him.
"I have something for you," He greeted once he opened the door. God, he couldn't wait to make you whimper and moan with the collar around your neck, "Pet," He added with a teasing smirk.
You blushed at Scaramouche's intimate choice of words. "What is it?" You asked curiously, feeling heated arousal immediately flair in you. You hadn't had his cock inside you for over a week, it was obvious that you ached for him.
"You really are careless, kitten," He continued, handing you the box. His eyes followed you as you sat on his bed to open it.
You cheeks flushed when you saw what was inside. One of pink collars and a leash you'd been looking at was inside. "You-You saw what I was looking at?!" You asked, the blush on your cheeks darkening, "You snuck into my room?"
"I never would've guessed you were one for pink," He teased, chuckling when he heard you let out a shy squeak. "May I?" He plucked the collar out of your hand, "A Master should collar their pet, am I right?"
Your breath hitched in your throat, your heart fluttering in your chest. Hearing him call you his pet made you wet. "Thank you, and please," You replied submissively, lifting your head a little.
You shivered as Scaramouche's fingers brushed over your skin. The material of the collar as he fastened it around your neck felt chilly and soft. "Such a well mannered slut," He praised you in such a degrading way. It made you want to fall your knees in front of him.
Hooking a finger through the collar, Scaramouche tugged you closer. Hungry lips devoured yours, his wandering hands working you out of everything except your panties. He lingered in the kisses, his hand dipping into your panties to play with your clit until you were moaning softly into his mouth.
Pulling away, he clipped the leash through the ring on the collar. "Come, pet," He purred, turning to sit on his bed. Smirking, he tugged on the leash, patting his thigh. "Tell me what was on your mind today," He knew very well what the answer was. He just wanted to hear it from your shy little mouth.
You blushed feeling the tug on the leash. The feeling sent an aroused jolt to your throbbing clit. Putting your arms around him, you straddled his thigh. "You, I was thinking about you," You began shakily.
"Go on," He encouraged, biting back a groan feeling your panties wet against his thigh. He rubbed his thigh against your pussy to encourage you to speak.
The fabric of your panties provided extra friction on your clit. You grinded needily on his thigh. "I was thinking about your cock, and.." Your words broke apart into a moan, your clit throbbing more as he thigh rubbed against it, "..how good it feels inside of me."
Your panties continued to soak onto his thigh. You squirmed a little from your panties clinging to and rubbing your clit. His cock strained harder in his jeans. You sounded so sweet.
Scaramouche poked the center of your forehead. "Oh yeah? And what was rattling around in your pretty head while you were looking at collars?" He forced you took at him as you tried to look away shyly. "Does my step sister want to be my pet slut?
Your cheeks with adoration for him. "Yes, yes I do," That was exactly what you wanted. Scaramouche couldn't help it. The sight of you getting off on his thigh, collared and leashed for him was too much. Unbuttoning his jeans, his freed his cock.
Your eyes immediately went down to look at the precum leaking from the tip. You felt a rough tug on the leash. You moaned, arching your back as you glided your pussy on his thigh. "Cock hungry already, and I am not even fucking you yet. My pretty pet is a whore," His degradation made your walls clench around nothing.
Tilting his head down, Scaramouche scooped one of your nipples into his mouth. He groaned feeling it harden on his tongue. The sensation of his tongue swirling around the sensitive nub as he sucked keened whimpers from you.
Not having his cock inside of you for a week and some days made you extra sensitive. You couldn't stop the shameless moans, chasing your high until the knot of your orgasm broke apart.
Scaramouche couldn't take his eyes off of how delicate you looked, your legs shaking as cum further soaked his thigh. "Your Master has gotten you off, slut," He rubbed his thigh on your pussy once more, "Now be a good pet and tend to your Master."
The commanding dominance in his tone sent your clit pulsing again. You slid off his thigh and onto your knees. Scaramouche moaned feeling his cock slip into the warmth of your mouth. He stroked a hand through your hand, and wrapped the leash around his hand.
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wh0reforcoriolanussnow · 10 months
Hey! I absolutely love your writing! could you maybe write something about Tom x reader. Where she’s working with Josh on a new film? So him and Rachel go to visit on set and he’s a fan? I feel that would be so cute 🥹🫶
Little Visit || Tom Blyth x actress!reader
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A/n: look at these lil cute gifs I made of Tom, Josh and Rachel 🥹 I love their friendship. And thank you Anon for this request! I imagined them filming Lady Chatterley’s Lover !!! Reading this back, it’s adorable. 3/4? Fics I’m planning to post today!
Warnings: none :)
Wc: 695
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Divider by @pommecita
“Andddd cut!” The director calls out as you let out a sigh of relief, stretching your body as a loud groan escapes your lips. After an exhausting day of non stop filming of your solo scenes, all you felt doing was crashing into the comfort of your bed in your trailer and face time your boyfriend Tom.
As you pack up your things that your brought along with you, Stacey, your assistant, comes up to you. “You have a few visitors,” She says in a sing song voice as you immediately furrow your eyebrows.
“Really?” You say as she hums. You sling your tote bag over your shoulder and follow her as you put your hair into a hair clip. From afar, you could see two guys, one with familiar hair.
You immediately smile knowing who it was as you hurriedly walk to them, a bounce in your step. You open your arms as you squeal seeing the two of them. “Hey sweetheart,” Tom says as you engulf the two in a tight hug.
You wrap your arms around Tom and Josh’s body as the wrap theirs around your frame, both of them rubbing your back knowing how much you love it when people do that.
Although you saw Josh practically everyday because you two were the main characters to the movie you were filming, you were still so happy to see him after a day of not hearing his jokes.
And of course, you were beyond happy seeing Tom again. The last time you saw him in person was 2 weeks ago when he came down to set to visit. Although you were absolutely tired and wished nothing but to shower and lay in bed, seeing your boyfriend and best friend was even better.
You rock the two side to side as you all laugh. As you pull back, you hear a feminine voice call out. “Y/n!” The boys look back as you look in between them. Your eyes lit up, “Rachel!” You squeal as you both run to each other. You had not seen Rachel in the longest time, probably 2 months after the world promo tour came to an end for tbosas.
“She looks happier to see her than us, huh?” Josh jokes as Tom laughs, digging his hands in his pockets as he watches the two of you embrace in a hug, nearly falling over in the process as Josh snaps a few photos of the two of you.
You walked hand in hand with Tom to your trailer, Josh and Rachel behind the two of you. “I’m going to shower, I’ll be back,” You announced as you kiss Tom’s lips before disappearing in your bathroom. The hot water immediately relaxed your bones as you let out a light moan at the feeling.
You came out in your silk pyjamas as it was slowly turning dark outside. The four of you chilled in your trailer, catching up with things before Rachel and Josh decide to go back to his trailer for the night.
“I’ve missed you,” A slight pout makes it your lips as you go on your tippy toes, hooking your arms around Tom’s neck as he breathes your scent that he missed in. “I know, I missed you too,” He mumbles in your hair.
You sit on your boyfriend’s lap as the two of you go through your camera roll from past month or so since you started filming the new movie with Josh.
You tell him the stories behind the pictures as he would watch you intently, a smile on his lips at the sight of you so engrossed in it. “Oh and this one, I was sneezing so much that my eyes were becoming watery so the director decided to start filming the sad scenes,” You laugh as you recall the daisies that Josh would present to you made you highly allergic.
Tom smiles at you lovingly, thinking how lucky he was to have you. “What?” You shyly smile, feeling his stare. “Nothing, you’re just so adorable,” He admits, pulling you to his chest as you let out a small giggle as he kisses your forehead.
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mattslolita · 4 months
imagine Chris reaction when he seems edits to his gf (us) with audios like “my pussys hood that’s why I got 2 baby daddies” or like p power and shit like…
He obv reposts them immediately
p power - c. & m. sturniolo
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in which ... chris sees an edit of you to p power, sparking an idea that includes his brother. ( boyfriend!chris x black!fem!reader x bsf!matt )
warnings ; smut, threesome, missionary, dacryphilia, oral ( fem & male receiving ), soft!dom!matt, rough!dom!chris
"𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓, '𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔'."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
chris was bored.
you were in the shower at the moment, and chris knew you'd take a while since you had just gotten in. he was laid back on you guys' shared bed, scrolling through his phone mindlessly.
he decided to open up tiktok, figuring it'd be more entertaining then whatever he was looking at on instagram at the moment — he seen some random videos, some making him chuckle a bit as he reposted them.
a thumbnail of you was on the cover of a video, causing him to stop scrolling. the first clip was you posing before throwing it back to a tiktok chris remembered you filming a few days ago — the edit audio was to p power by gunna and drake.
the editor used a few scenes of you in the triplets videos as well as you making your own tiktoks — he bit his lip he watched it, feeling the heat rush to his dick as he realizes he's getting hard now. he reposted the edit then clicked off of tiktok, his brain working a mile per minute.
when they edited you, they used a clip of you hugging on himself and matt, which caused an idea to brew in his brain — chris knew you would be down for anything when it came to you guys' sex life, as long as you both were in agreeance of it.
before you guys dated, you had mentioned that when you hooked up in the past you were open to threesomes and even participated in them at times — you explained to him that you had a male and female partners, two other female partners, but you'd never had two male partners before.
and that's where his idea came in, especially when he saw one of his brothers in the clip.
suddenly the water to the shower turned off, letting chris know that you had finally gotten out of the shower. he smirked to himself as the gears turned in his brain, setting his phone down on the small table next to the bed.
you exited the bathroom, your hair put up in a towel as water droplets dripped off your brown skin — chris wanted to take you right there, but he needed to act a certain way in order for his plan to work.
"hi, baby!" you called in a sing song way, grinning as you made your way towards him.
but before you reached him, he quickly got up from the bed and walked around you, causing you to furrow your eyebrows with a confused expression. "okay, are you good?"
"am i good?" he mocks you with a scoff, "i'm fine, y/n."
"you don't sound like it," you pouted, scoffing as you wrapped your towel around yourself tighter, "how bout you go cool off until you can learn to stop having an attitude?"
chris chuckles dryly at this, moving to grab his phone from the table and bumping your shoulder as he exits his room. you stare after him in shock as he closes the door behind, causing you to shake your head as you drop your towel from around you.
chris's sudden attitude with you was puzzling, as you both were just fine before you had even gotten in the shower. it pissed you off, because when you had originally gotten out you had planned on trying to spend some time with him.
now you were left to your own devices.
unbeknownst to you, chris had made his way into matt's room. the second oldest triplet brother was sitting in his gaming chair scrolling through his phone, with music playing in the background softly.
he walked inside his room and flopped backwards on his bed, putting both of his hands under his head as he stared up at the ceiling.
"so you're just gonna come in and not even say why you're in here?" matt asks his brother, obviously slightly annoyed with his lack of speech.
"have you ever thought about fucking my girl?" chris says randomly, looking over at matt.
the question catches matt off guard, and his eyes widen at this — he wasn't gonna sit there and act like he definitely didn't find you attractive, because he most definitely did. and something he never admitted to chris was he had a wet dream about you before, and it'd been eating him alive ever since. so when chris asked this question, he couldn't tell if it was a setup or not.
"i mean y/n is very attractive, but..." matt starts, his cheeks reddening as he sets his phone in his lap and rubs the back of his head.
"so you'd hit if i let you?" chris asks with raised eyebrows, his lip slightly upturning.
matt's confused at the way he seems to find the situation funny. "i'm not necessarily....opposed?"
a few minutes later, you sat on the heels of your feet as your vibrator worked on your clit — low moans escaped your lips, as you were careful not to let anyone hear.
music was playing throughout chris's room to drown out your lewd noises, but unfortunately it didn't do anything to help as matt slowly creeped up to chris's room.
you had forgotten to lock the door, which gave matt access to open the door slightly as you continued blissfully.
the first thing he noticed was how wet your pussy was, instantly causing heat to rush to his dick as he watched you pleasure yourself. your soft whines were like music to his ears as he closes the door behind him before slowly making his way towards you.
it was as if you sensed a presence behind you, causing your head to whip around — your eyes widened as matt stood there, a smirk on his face as he watched you.
"matt...what are you do-"
"don't let me stop you, y/n," matt quickly interrupts you, causing confusion to blossom as you looked at him with scrunched eyebrows, "chris not making you feel good enough?"
you bite your lip and let out a breath as you set the vibrator on the side of the bed and look at matt wearily. "he had an attitude with me earlier, so i took matters into my own hands."
"he's foolish to have made you play with yourself," matt tuts, shaking his head as he walks closer to the bed.
he stops in front of you as you look up at him with doe eyes, embarrassingly thinking about how matt's words made you even more wet. he swipes his thumb across your chin, poising you to look up at him. "you want some help from me, sweetheart?"
"but matt..." you say shakily, as his cold ringed finger caresses your cheek, "i can't cheat on chris..."
"guess you'll have to be quiet then princess, hm?" matt grins, licking his lips and you nod.
you felt terrible for betraying chris, but you couldn't deny the fact that you've thought about what matt was like in bed. he motioned for you to lay back and you obliged, moving backwards onto the bed as he crawled over you and looked down at you.
"such a pretty girl," matt hums, pressing a kiss to your jaw, causing you to whimper slightly, "gonna make you feel so good."
he pressed wet, opened mouth kisses along both sides of your jaw but you felt yourself growing impatient as he was nowhere near where he needed him the most. he kisses all the way to the middle of your cleavage, kissing the valley of your breasts as he took your right nipple into his mouth, biting and sucking it.
"mhm, matt," you whined, tugging on his brown locs as he massaged your left tit with his other hand.
he kept eye contact with you as he switched, taking your left nipple into his mouth, sucking at the sensitive bud as he massages your right tit.
"please matt, touch me," you whine out, bucking your hips as it meets matt's clothed, but prominent erection.
"you want me to do what princess?" matt asks you with a smirk, raising up from you slightly.
"i want you to touch me," you beg, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
"look at that, you're such a slut," chris's voice suddenly comes, causing matt to smirk wider as he completely gets up.
your eyes widen as chris goes to stand next to matt, both men crossing their hands over their chest as they stare down at you with smirks plastered on their faces.
"w-what?" you say, looking back and forth between the two of them, "i-"
"bet you always thought about fucking my brother, haven't you?" chris continues, licking his lips as he eyes you.
you pout slightly at this, putting your head down in shame which confirmed his suspicions — he chuckled darkly at this, stepping forward and gripping your chin harshly, forcing you to look up at him.
"well i'm giving you the opportunity," he tells you, his eyes darkening as he looks down at you, "you gonna be a good girl and let matt fuck you?"
"yes," you mutter meekly, causing chris to let go of your chin as he backed away from you.
he nods to matt, who immediately steps foward and smashes his lips on yours, knocking you back onto the bed — matt's hands roam all over your body as he slips his tongue into your mouth, teeth clashing.
chris goes to sit in his own gaming chair, his eyes never leaving you as he watches the way his brother his about to ruin you.
matt quickly wastes no time in pulling his pants and boxers down, his hardened cock springing out and leaking with precum — you marvel at his length with wide eyes, chris watching your expression contort as his eyes traveled down to your soaked core, causing the erection in his pants to strain as he begins palming himself through his pants.
matt aligns himself with your entrance, lubricating his cock with your juices before slamming into you eliciting a loud moan to ripple from your chest.
"f-fuck!" you scream out, your back arching as matt begins ramming into you.
"don't be shy with her, she likes it rough," chris smirks at you, still palming himself, "don't you, y/n?"
"mhmph," your muffled voice sounds, as you grip the sheets, feeling all your senses being knocked out of you as matt continues his assault inside you.
"so tight, fuck," matt groans, throwing his back, his chain dangling above you as his cock slides in and out of your walls.
"you close yet, baby?" chris asks you, his eyes glazed over as they're clouded with lust.
you're too caught up in the way matt is pleasuring you to notice that chris was speaking to you, having had your nails digging into matt's back — he gently grabbed your chin forcing you to look over at chris, who smirked. "answer him, sweetheart."
"m'close," you whimper out, "m'gonna cum..."
"hold it y/n," matt grunts out softly, causing you to whimper in protest.
"but i-"
"you better hold it," chris sneers at you, and you pout when you lock eyes with his taunting gaze.
but you couldn't help it — the way matt's cock was hitting your cervix drove you over the edge, and you couldn't hold it; with a loud moan, you came around his cock. matt lets out a low moan as his cock twitches inside of you before he pulls out — he pumped himself twice before his hot, sticky cum painted your abdomen.
chris's eyes darken as he sees that you did not listen to instructions — you knew from the way he gripped his chair before standing up that you were in big trouble.
matt, still trying to catch his breath gets up from the bed and plants a kiss on your forehead before he turns to chris with a grin, holding his hand out to dap him up. chris daps him up and matt quickly moves to the bathroom.
in a weak attempt to flee from punishment you turn on your backside and crawl towards the other side of the bed — but chris is quick to grip your legs and drag you back to his side of the bed.
"what did i tell you?" chris seethes, pushing you so that your face is stuffed into the pillow and pulling your ass up in the air. he sends a smack to it, causing you to whimper loudly. "didn't i tell you to hold it, you slut?"
"i-im sorry..." you mumble, but chris just shakes his head and tuts as he hurriedly goes down to be level with your pussy.
"should've thought about that earlier, ma," chris taunts, rubbing his fingers along your folds causing you to moan, "you know what happens when you don't listen."
chris wastes no time in licking a stripe up your clit, eliciting a moan from you as he grips onto your thighs to keep you steady. his tongue delves into your folds, eating you out like there's no tomorrow.
"fuck baby, fuck!" you blabber out, moaning as chris pulls your pussy impossibly closer to his face.
he adds a finger inside of you as he continues lapping at your pussy like a starved man — you feel yourself becoming overstimulated, but you knew this was nothing compared to what he had in store for you.
suddenly matt comes back into the room with a smirk, his eyes immediately darting to your soaked pussy as chris ate you out. matt goes to lean on the bed in front of you, lifting your chin so that you're facing him.
"think you can make me feel good at the same time, princess?" matt smirks down at you, and you nod as another moan escapes your lips.
"need you in my mouth please," you whimper out, "y-yes, right there chris!"
he sends another smack to your ass as he becomes pussy drunk now — his movements with his tongue increase, as he speeds his fingers up.
matt slides his sweats and boxers down once again, revealing his already hard again cock. your mouth waters as he strokes himself twice before he aligns it with your mouth.
"open up, pretty girl," matt directs you.
you whimper and open your mouth, matt slipping his cock into your mouth — he lets out a low grunt as he begins to slowly move his hips forward, his cock hitting the walls of your mouth.
you feel your orgasm from chris approach quickly, but before you can, he stops his movements. matt begins fucking into your mouth at a rapid pace, his hand going down to grip your hair as his head is thrown back in pleasure.
"such a good slut," matt praises, "letting us use you like this."
chris snickers as he quickly rids himself of his own sweats and boxers, his erection painfully throbbing as he lines himself with your dripping core. you moan around matt's cock when chris slides into you.
"you're so tight baby," chris says, leaving a kiss on your back as he bottoms out inside of you, "fuck..."
he begins pounding into you at an animalistic pace — you feel yourself quickly getting overstimulated, nevertheless you loved it. you look up at matt with your doe eyes as he continues fucking into your mouth.
"gonna let me cum in your mouth, pretty?" matt asks you and you moan around his cock as a response.
his cock twitches inside you, and he takes it out with a pop — you open your mouth wide as matt shoots spurts of his hot cum inside of your mouth. you swallow every drop as he looks down at you in admiration.
"don't forget about me baby," chris grunts, his grip on your ass tight as he lands a smack to it, quickly rubbing it as his cock slides in and out of you.
"please chris, faster," you moan hoarsely, gripping the sheets in front of you as your back is arched, "feels s-so good..."
"such a tight pussy, could stay in it for hours," chris moans lowly, his head thrown back as he repeatedly pounds into you, "look at you, taking me so well."
"you close yet?" chris asks you, your response a muffled whine to let him know you were.
"yes p-please i need to cum-"
"hold it," chris says coldly, pulling out of you.
you're confused until he flips you over, slamming into you again causing you to cry out. "fuck chris! it's too much!"
"you know your safe word, ma," chris tells you, throwing both your legs over his shoulder, "look at me."
you forcefully grips your chin to make you face him — sweat beads his forehead as his hair sprawled out across his forehead whilst he continues to ram in and out of you. chris looks down at where his cock meets your stomach, pressing down on it before he looks back up at you. "feel me right there, baby?"
"mhm," you moan, nails scratching his back as you're sure there will be marks there, "please let me cum, chris..."
"don't you dare till i so," chris grunts, leaving sloppy open-mouthed kisses on your neck, "fuck, m'close. gonna let me feel you up?"
"please," you whine, your back arched.
chris's cock twitches inside of you, telling you he was about to cum — with a loud moan of your name, his hot cum shoots inside of you, painting your walls a creamy white. however, his thrusts don't cease and you cum right after, your juices mixing with his as you let out a loud moan.
he helps the both of you ride out your orgasms then he slowly pulls out of you with a hiss — he presses a kiss to your cheek before falling down beside you.
your legs are sore and you're incredibly tired — chris notices the way you're struggling to move, opting to get up and carry you towards the bathroom where matt currently was. the middle triplet notices and opens the door wider, moving aside so that chris can place you on the toilet.
"i was just getting a towel," matt tells his brother, before looking down at you, "you alright, y/n?"
"yeah," you nod sheepishly, as chris takes the towel and begins to clean you up gently.
"was that too much for you, mamas?" chris asks you softly looking into your eyes for any signs of uncomforting feelings. "were you okay with matt, too?"
"don't worry, it was okay," you tell him with a smile to which he smiles and places a soft kiss to your temple, "will that be a regular thing?"
"only if you're comfortable with it," chris tells you but a smirk tugs at his face, "but not likely, cause this pussy's mine."
"hey y/n, you want anything to eat?" matt asks, peeking his head in the bathroom doorway.
"i'm starving, yes!" you tell him, and he clicks his tongue and nods before leaving again.
"let me get fresh sheets real quick," chris says, "you take a shower then when we get out we can watch a movie and eat?"
"sounds good, thank you baby," you smile.
"i love you, angel," chris says, planting another kiss to your lips.
( lilly's section 💌 )
for my girls !! @muwapsturniolo , @thenickgirl , @luverboychris , @guccifrog ! i love y'all, m'sorry ts shit took so long😭😭🤍. this is my FIRST 3some smut fic, ntm on me if it was bad y'all....
hope you enjoyed nevertheless !💌
@luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @mrssturnioloo @mattsturniolosleftnut @sturnprime @thenickgirl @guccifrog @nickgetsmewetter @eyeliketoeatpoosay @e1ias3 @sp3aknaur @middlepartmatt @summerssover @riasturns @sturn777 @l0akkzz @hysteria-things @pinksturniolo @chrissturniolossidehoe @chris-slut @hoesformatt @raysmayhem-72 @lanas-doll @chrisssluttywaist @mbbsgf @jetaimevous @matthewscorner @chaossturns
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ereardon · 1 year
More Than Enough [Bob Floyd x Reader]
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A Single Dad Bob Fic
Summary: The first two times Bob Floyd ends up in your emergency room he’s a mess. You never expected him to return a third time. But when he does, it changes everything.
Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd x OC 
Warnings: Medical setting, blood and needles, cursing Word count: 4.4K 
Bob Floyd masterlist here
“We’ve got another one.” 
You sighed, lifting the hair from the back of your neck and fanning it before clipping your hair up and straightening your scrubs. “Be there in a second, Liz.” 
Your charge nurse nodded, waddling away from the desk and you pushed back from your chair, wandering down the hall, knocking lightly before walking through the door on the right. 
“Hi,” you said, grabbing the chart from the folder on the wall and stepping further into the room. “I’m Y/N, I’ll be your nurse today.” 
“Hi.” You looked up. His voice was deep and gravely and insanely sexy despite the fluorescent lights of the ER and the sterile aesthetics of the triage room. The patient on the bed had sandy blond hair that was combed back neatly and a pair of wire glasses that slid down his pert nose. His pink lips were curled up in a delicate, shy smile, large hands spread out on either side of his body. “How are you?” 
You laughed, skimming the clipboard chart one more time before setting it down near the sink. “Better than you, Mr. Floyd, by the looks of it. Says here you have a hook in your foot.” 
The man nodded, lifting his left leg and you saw it immediately: an old fishing hook sunken into the flesh toward his ankle. You grimaced while putting on a pair of gloves. 
“And how did this happen?” 
“Playing football on the beach,” he said as you poked at the skin around the hook. “Just stepped somewhere I shouldn’t have, apparently.” 
You nodded. “Well, Mr. Floyd–”
“Bob,” he said. 
You smiled. “Bob. I’m going to give you a shot for tetanus. We’re not sure where this hook has been, so better safe than sorry.” 
Bob winced as he watched you dip the syringe into the glass vial of medicine. 
You sat down on the rolling stool and reached out, pushing up the sleeve of his shirt from his upper arm, rubbing a circle spot with an alcohol swab. “So beach football. That sounds fun.” 
“I, um, I play with my team.” Bob closed his eyes as you slid the needle into his skin, pressing the depressor slowly. 
When you pulled it out, covering it with a fresh cotton ball, reaching for a band-aid, he kept his eyes closed. You patted his arm softly. “Mr. Floyd, you’re doing just fine.” 
His eyes shot open and he smiled, embarrassed. “Sorry, I’m a major wuss when it comes to needles.” 
“Most people are,” you said, examining his foot. “What kind of team? Like a rec league?” 
“Oh, no,” Bob said as you cleaned around the entrance of the metal hook on his foot. “My squadron. I’m in the Navy.” 
“Really?” You pressed down on the top of his foot, looking up at Bob. He caught your eye.
He nodded. “Aviator, ma’am.” 
“What’s that like?” you asked. Just as Bob opened his mouth to reply, you yanked on the hook, eliciting a sharp grunt from him. You shook your head with a sad smile. “Sorry, better not to see it coming.” 
“Think you’re right about that,” Bob said, his voice a little higher than before. 
You smiled sweetly up at him, pressing against the wound with cotton to stop the bleeding. Bob laid back against the bed, looking a little more pale than before. “Mr. Floyd?” 
“Bob,” he gasped. 
“Bob,” you repeated. “Are you feeling dizzy?” 
“Not a fan of blood, either,” he muttered and you looked down to see that blood had soaked through the cotton you were holding. You quickly switched it out.  
“Lay back for me,” you said softly, “and close your eyes.” Bob did as he was told and you wrapped his foot gently once the blood had stopped flowing from the wound. You ran the sink with cold water, dampening a towel and folding it up, placing it gently on Bob’s forehead. He sighed audibly. “There. Just try to relax, OK?” 
He chuckled. “Not a very good first impression, huh?” 
You smiled even though he couldn’t see you. “I’ve had worse.” 
Just as you were about to open your mouth and ask about his personal life, the door swung open and a beautiful brunette entered the room with a little girl on her hip. Your heart sank in your chest as she set the toddler down and watched as the toddler rushed to the bed. “Daddy!” 
Bob’s eyes fluttered open and he smiled brightly. “Hi Sugar.” 
“She insisted we follow you,” the brunette said. She was gloriously tan and chiseled, wearing just a black sports bra and a pair of small athletic shorts. She turned to you with a grin. “How’s our boy doing?” 
“He’ll be just fine,” you said, trying your hardest not to be jealous of this perfectly kind stranger who just happened to be the wife of your patient. But you also wanted to claw her eyes out and claim him as your own. 
“Daddy, you fainted.” The little girl had her hands on the sheets where she could reach and Bob leaned over, trying to scoop her up, but couldn’t quite reach her. 
“Here.” You crouched down next to the little girl. “Want me to help you get on your daddy’s bed?” 
She nodded enthusiastically and you smiled, lifting under her arms, plopping her against the sheets and Bob’s waiting arms. You watched as Bob enveloped her in his embrace, veins and muscles on his arms rippling as he held her tight. 
The brunette cleared her throat. “Floyd, I can take Andie home, depending on how long you’ll be here?” 
Bob turned to you. “Y/N?” he asked and you liked the way he said your name instead of nurse or hey you or even ma’am. “How long do you think?” 
“I just want to keep you here another fifteen minutes or so, make sure you’re reacting OK to the vaccination and you’re no longer a fainting threat, and then we can get your discharge papers completed. Won’t be more than an hour.” 
Bob nodded. “I’ll take her home, Nix, don’t worry about it.” 
The brunette put one hand on her hip. “You sure?” 
“Yeah, I’m sure. You want to stay with me, Sugar? Or do you want Auntie Phoenix to take you home?” 
Andie clung to Bob’s side. “I want to stay with you, daddy!” 
You caught the auntie part of the conversation. As you swapped out his gauze for a bandage you looked quickly. 
No wedding ring. 
Things were looking up. You smiled as the brunette leaned over, kissing the top of Andie’s head. “OK sweetheart, you can stay with your daddy. Floyd, I’ll check on you later. Bradshaw will drive you home, OK? He’s in the waiting room.” 
Bob nodded. “Thanks. Tell him we’ll be out soon.” Bob turned to you as Andie settled in his arms, her gaze already on the TV in the corner. “Sorry, that’s my pilot, Natasha.” 
“She’s pretty.” 
Bob flushed. “I, um, I was going to say the same thing about you.” 
You loved that he was flustered. In his arms, Andie stirred. “Daddy? How much longer?” 
“Just a little bit, honey,” he said. “Do you want to wait with Uncle Bradley?” 
She shook her head. “No, daddy, want to be with you!” 
“OK Sugar,” he said, looking up at you sheepishly. “Sorry, she’s three and a little antsy.” 
You waved one hand in the air. “Don’t worry about it. She’s adorable.” You finished your note on his chart. “Well, Mr. Floyd, you’re going to be just fine. In about fifteen minutes, the floor nurse will come in and get you the discharge papers and you two will be free to go.” 
Just as you were about to turn on your heel, Bob’s voice caught you. “Y/N?” 
You turned. “Yes?” 
He looked down at Andie’s blonde head and then back up at you and sighed. “Um, thanks. For everything.” 
You smiled but it was thin. “Of course, it’s my job.” You waved. “Bye sweetheart.” 
“Bye!” Andie’s sugary voice rang out in the sterile room. 
You turned on one heel, flattening yourself to the hallway after shutting the door, letting out a breath. For a moment, you had thought he was going to ask you out. But of course he wasn’t. Who were you kidding? A gorgeous pilot with a daughter? He was surely off the market, even if he wasn’t wearing a ring. 
You opened your eyes just in time to see an incredibly beefy guy slide down the hallway, his brown eyes landing on yours. He grinned, white teeth, slightly crooked smile. Fuck, he was beautiful, too. What was going on? 
“Hi,” he said, stopping in front of you. “I, uh, I’m looking for Bob Floyd’s room?” 
You hooked a thumb to your left. “Right there,” you said. 
He grinned. “Thanks.” He didn’t make a move to leave. 
You pushed yourself off of the wall and nodded. “Anytime.” 
The mustache man followed you with your eyes as you walked away from the room, as far as you could get from the tiny little corner of the hospital that was inhabited by the most beautiful people you had ever laid eyes on within a ten minute span. 
Back at the nurse’s station, you collapsed into your chair. 
“I know that look,” Liz said, eyebrow raised. 
“What look?” 
She shook her head, grabbing for her water bottle. “Watch out, sweetie. There’s only one reason you could possibly look like that?” 
“And how do I look?” 
You hadn’t been able to get Bob Floyd out of your head. That’s why, two weeks later, when he rushed into the ER in the middle of the night, you blinked rapidly, convinced that the night shift was melding with your subconscious somehow. 
“Hello?” he called out into the hallway and you rushed forward, noticing that he had Andie in his arms, her face pink with anguish. “She won’t stop crying and throwing up and oh my God, I don’t know what’s happening.” 
“Put her down here,” you said, leading them to a bed and drawing the drapes tightly. Andie rolled onto her side, clutching her abdomen. “Hi honey. I’m just going to take a look at your belly, OK?” She nodded, but continued to cry as you lifted up the hem of her pajama top, touching her distended belly gently as she cried out. You looked up at Bob. “It’s most likely appendicitis but we’ll need a CT scan to confirm.” 
Bob ran a hand through his hair. He looked much more disheveled this time and you almost wanted to sling an arm around him, pull him into a hug. He looked like he needed it. 
“Let me call down to radiology, we should be able to get her in immediately.” 
You stepped toward the phone on the wall, speaking quickly, eyes on Bob as he hovered near Andie’s bed, whispering softly in her ear. 
“Another nurse will come and take her down in a minute,” you said gently. 
Bob looked up. “Can I go with?” 
You shook your head and his face fell. “I’m sorry. But you’ll get to see her before she goes into surgery.” 
“Is there anything you can give her for the pain?” he pleaded. “I just, I don't know what to do.”
You nodded. “We’ll give her some medicine before the procedure and after.” 
A knock on the door stole both of your attention. “Mr. Floyd? I’m here to take Andie down to radiology.” A short nurse with her hair tied back smiled at the door. “Are we all set?” 
“Yes.” You looked at Bob and Andie. “It’ll only be twenty minutes, I promise.” 
He nodded, leaning over and kissing Andie’s head. “I’ll be right here, baby, I promise. Be good for me, Sugar.” 
“Daddy!” she cried and you saw how it gutted him. 
He swallowed the pain. “It’s OK, honey. You’ll feel better soon.” 
And then they were wheeling Andie’s bed out of the room and Bob collapsed onto the chair near the wall, head in his hands. You waited a moment before walking over, squatting down and pressing one hand to his knee gently. “Hey. She’s going to be OK, I promise.” 
Bob looked up and you saw tears in his blue eyes. He wiped at them. “I’m sorry. There’s nothing scarier as a parent than rushing your kid to the ER in the middle of the night.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” you said softly. “I can’t even imagine.” 
“Do you have kids?”
You shook your head. “I don’t.” 
Bob sighed. “I never thought I wanted kids,” he whispered, like a confession. “And then Andie came along and she changed everything.” He paused. “She’s my entire world. I can’t explain how helpless I feel watching her in pain knowing it’s out of my control.” 
Your hand was still pressed against his knee. “She’s going to be alright,” you said. “I promise, nothing bad is going to happen.” 
“Thank you.” The two of you hovered there for a moment, eyes locked on each other. And then the door swung open and you stood up quickly. 
“It’s a ruptured appy,” the nurse said. “We’re taking her down to OR two.” 
“You have to let him talk to her first,” you said and Bob looked at you, surprised. “He has to tell her it’s going to be OK. She’s scared.” 
The nurse nodded hastily. “Fine, but do it quickly. Dr. Roberts is already scrubbing in.” 
The three of you trailed down the hallway to where Andie laid in a bed near the elevator, another nurse speaking with her quietly. Her eyes flicked to Bob immediately, widening with recognition and comfort. He reached out, stroking her hair. “Hi Sugar,” he whispered and you could hear in the pits of his voice how much he was holding back. “Listen, the doctors are going to make you better and when you’re done with your nap, I’ll be waiting for you.” 
“With a toy?” she asked, her voice light and soft.
Bob smiled. “Yeah, honey, with a toy.”
“Promise, daddy?” 
Bob nodded. “I promise. Be right here when you’re done, OK?” 
Andie smiled and Bob pressed a kiss to her forehead before she was wheeled down the corridor, through the double doors at the end of the hallway. He turned to you with sad, wide eyes. You were an ER nurse – technically, you needed to hand over Andie as your patient to the surgical team. You would go to the nurses station and finish the chart, have it signed off by the attendings who completed her surgery after it was done. But something about the frazzled way that Bob looked and how his leg had felt beneath your palm made you throw everything else to the side.   
“Come on,” you said, putting one hand on his arm gently. “Let’s get a coffee. It’ll be an hour or two.” 
He frowned. “You don’t need to see more patients?” 
You shrugged. It was three in the morning on a Tuesday. Only one bed was filled. “It’s quiet. They’ll cover for me.” 
“Are you sure?” 
You nodded. You didn’t want him to be alone. “Besides, I know where the good coffee is.” 
That’s how you and Bob ended up on the third floor doctor’s lounge sipping out of mismatched mugs, the sun still asleep beneath the blanket of the horizon. 
“So a pilot, huh?” you asked. “That must be exciting.” 
Bob smiled but it was quick. Tight. “Yeah.” He took a sip of coffee and looked up. “Actually, can I tell you the truth?” 
“Of course.” 
“People always say that and I always respond the same. Yeah, it’s exciting. Yeah, it’s cool. But the truth is, it’s fucking terrifying. Going up in jets every day not knowing if I’m going to be able to pick my daughter up from daycare later or not.” 
“So why do you do it?”
“Only thing I’ve ever been good at,” he replied. 
“That can’t be true.” Your eyes wandered over Bob’s strong hands, the way the coffee mug was engulfed by them. The wire glasses slipping down his nose. The way he carried himself. Like he was too much of a burden to compete for space in the room, even though there was no one in there besides the two of you. 
“Being a dad,” he said softly. “I’m good at that. I think.” 
“You are.” He lit up. “The way Andie looks at you? You’re her hero.” 
Bob put his coffee cup down. “You’re just saying that.” 
“You don’t know me,” you said, “but I don’t really make a habit of lying just to make people feel good about themselves.” 
He laughed. “So that’s why you became a nurse, huh?” 
“That and an oppressive need for academic validation. Plus I look cute in the uniform.” 
Bob smiled at you. “True.”
You blushed. In the dim light of the lounge, you could see Bob’s profile and he was even more beautiful than you had made him to be in your head. “So, Andie’s mom?” 
He shook his head. “She’s not in the picture.” 
“Sorry to hear that.” 
“I am, too,” he said quietly. “For Andie, not for me. We were never good together. Right now, I’m just trying to be enough. I’m doing everything I can, but I know that one day she’s going to grow up. And I am going to be useless when she comes home asking me to buy her a miniskirt or what dress to wear to prom or how to put her hair in French braids for some costume party.” He smiled at you sadly. “I just know that I won’t be enough.” 
“The fact that you’re already thinking of that tells me you’re more than enough,” you replied. “She’s lucky. And I’m not just saying that.” 
Bob chuckled lightly. His voice was deep and silky. “Do you give all your patient’s parents the VIP treatment?” 
“Nope,” you said, setting down your coffee cup and turning to where he sat in the leather chair next to you. “You’re special.” 
“Oh yeah?” Bob murmured, leaning forward over the arm of his chair, his face dangerously close to yours. “Why is that?” 
“Because–” Just then, your pager beeped. You leaned back and pulled it off your waistband. “It’s Andie’s surgery. She’s in recovery.” 
Bob jumped up, cheeks flushed. “And?” 
You smiled. “No warnings. It must have gone perfectly.” 
“Oh, thank God.” The relief coming from his voice could sooth a thousand wounds. 
You grinned. “I’ll take you down to her room.” 
As you turned to head out toward the hallway, Bob stopped you, his hand on your wrist, fingers circling yours. “Y/N, I–”
“I know,” you said softly, letting his hand slide into your own. “We should go, Andie’s waiting.” 
You understood what people meant when they said their ovaries were going to explode the second you saw Andie and Bob reunite in the post-op room. Her tiny face lit up as she watched Bob walk through the door, her little arms reaching for him instinctively. The way he cradled her head to his chest, patting her back softly, kissing her temple. There was a warmth spilling out into the room, radiating off of the two of them like an aura. You stood in the doorway as the sun crawled over the horizon and watched father and daughter reunite. 
After a while, you stepped up to the bed. “Hi sweetheart, heard you did great in there,” you said softly and Andie beamed. “I’m going to let you and your daddy get some rest, OK? Someone will be back in a bit to check on you.” 
“Bye!” Her small voice was like a thousand little violins. 
Bob turned to you, one hand still touching Andie, making sure she was there. She was safe. “I can’t thank you enough,” he said quietly. “Is this the end of your shift?” 
You checked your watch. It was six thirty. You had been off for thirty minutes. “Yeah, it is.” 
“I, um.” He looked down at Andie, her baby blue eyes tracking him. “Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow if we’re still here.” 
You smiled. “You two will be released by then, I’m sure.” 
“Oh.” There was something dejected about the way he said it. You shuffled from foot to foot. “It was nice seeing you again. Bob.” The way his name felt on your tongue. It was fuzzy and soft and you wanted to hold onto it for as long as you could. 
“You too, Y/N,” he said softly. 
You turned, heading for the door, before spinning back around, digging in your pocket, pulling out a tiny stuffed penguin on a keychain. Your niece had given it to you a few months ago for your thirty-first birthday and you had almost forgotten it was still in your pocket from where you had scooped it up earlier after it fell out of your bag onto the locker room floor as you were rushing for a code. “Bob,” you said quietly and he turned, eyes bright. You slipped the toy into his hand quietly so Andie wouldn’t see. He looked down then back up in surprise. You grinned. “You promised her a toy, remember?” 
His fingers lingered over yours before finally you pulled away, the heat of Bob’s stare warming you from your core like lava. “Thank you.” 
You smiled. “Bye again.” 
This time you did leave, your chest tight as you shut the door softly, turning down the hallway, putting as much space between you and Bob Floyd as you could. Because you knew that if you didn’t, you’d embarrass yourself. You’d run back into the room and beg him to take you out. To kiss you. To talk to you with a fraction of the love that he spoke to Andie with. That would be enough. 
It would be more than enough. 
It was the end of a long day. You sat down at the nurse’s station with a sigh, kicking your feet up on the desk, closing your eyes. Only a few seconds passed before someone was tapping your shoulder incessantly. 
Your eyes snapped open and you groaned. “What?” 
“You’re going to want to see this,” Kirsten said. She had one hand on her hip, head tipped toward the lobby area. 
“Bloody?” you asked excitedly. 
She shook her head. “You’re nasty. No, it’s better.” 
“If it’s not a bloody accident I don’t want it.” 
Kirsten rolled her eyes. “It’s better so just shut up, put a smile on that face and maybe puff out your boobs a little, you’re looking saggy.” 
She laughed as you stood up, fiddling with your scrub top, frowning as Kirsten pushed you around the corner toward the lobby doors. You stopped dead in your tracks. 
Bob Floyd stood in the atrium of the hospital, still wearing his green flight suit, blond hair perfectly combed back, wire glasses slightly askew. He had a bouquet of pink roses in his hands and a brilliant white smile when he spotted you. 
“Hi.” His voice wobbled a bit as you approached. 
“Hi back,” you said quietly. “I hope those are for me,” you said, gesturing to the flowers, “because you really need to stop showing up with emergencies, Bob Floyd.” 
He laughed, a throaty sound that eclipsed all other laughs in your memory. Now, anytime you ever thought of a laugh it would be like what Bob Floyd sounded like on a random Thursday evening. “Well it is the ER. Besides, how else would I be able to see you?” 
“You'd see me if you ever asked me on a date.” 
Bob flushed. “Well, that’s why I’m here.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
He nodded, thrusting the flowers out to you. “I, um, I wanted to ask you out the first time we met. But that didn’t really turn out like I planned. Practically fainting in front of you wasn’t what I had in mind.” 
You smelled the flowers. They were clean and crisp and you couldn’t remember the last time a man bought you flowers, let alone went out of his way to see you. You stepped closer. “It was kind of charming,” you admitted. 
Bob laughed again, that sweet chuckle that was quickly imprinting itself in your mind. “I’ll take it. So what do you say, will you go on a date with me?” 
“I don’t know, what can beat stale coffee in a doctor’s break room?” 
“What if I cook you dinner?” Bob offered and your eyebrows shot up. “What’s your favorite dish?” 
“Eggplant parmesan,” you said automatically. It tumbled out of your mouth. 
“So you can cook?” 
“No,” he said and you laughed. “But I can Google it.” 
“You’d go to all that trouble just for me?” 
Bob stepped in closer, reaching out one hand, tucking a chunk of hair behind your ear. His touch was warm and it practically electrocuted you with the fervor that started to course through your veins as his skin brushed against yours. Bob let his hand linger on the side of your neck, cupping you gently. “It’s no trouble,” he murmured. “Besides, Andie keeps asking about the pretty nurse who gave her the penguin doll.” 
You grinned. “Did she like it?” 
“She sleeps with it every night. But apparently, Mr. Penguin has requested that you come by the house to read him a bedtime story. So what do you say? Dinner and a book reading?” he asked. 
You locked eyes with Bob, nodding. “Is it weird to say I’m glad you got a hook in your foot and ended up in my ER?” 
Bob chuckled. “Is it weird to say I’d do it again every day if it meant I got to see you?” 
“Honey,” you whispered. “No need to stab your foot again. I’ll be at dinner any night of the week. Just say the word.” 
He held out one hand. You slipped your fingers into his. It was enough. It was more than enough.
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calicoups · 8 months
hey it’s me again… 👽
coupjju getting extreme cuteness aggression…i can just totally see it bc he loves cute things 😢😢
hi xia! omg you're gonna make me go crazy, i read this and immediately just head in hands 🥹 honestly, i just poured out my cuteness aggression towards seungcheol and made it so that he's the one saying it to you 🥹🥹
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seungcheol would see cute things online and would immediately purchase them for you simply because he thinks you would look even more cute with them. say he saw some hair clips, the way he would gasp at them, "my baby would look so cute with these" as he adds them to his (already full) basket with other adorable things for you.
"doll!" seungcheol singsongs as he walks through the front door and shuts it behind him, "where are you?"
"over here, bathroom!"
you can hear a bag rustling somewhere in the living room so you come out of the bathroom to check it out. you see seungcheol kicking off his shoes and hanging up his jacket on the hooks above the wooden bench.
"i got you something," seungcheol waves the small paper bag in the air and something jostles around inside, “wan’ see?”
when you nod, seungcheol rummages through the bag, pulling out a pack of star shaped hair clips.
you gasp, “you got this?”
“mhm! for you, so can i put them on your hair, please?”
“duh! is that even a question?”
he takes a seat on the couch, pulls you onto his lap then rips open the pack. the strands hanging against your temples are pushed back by seungcheol’s thick but gentle fingers and a silver star clip holds the hair in its place. you watch in awe as seungcheol does the same with the other side, his eyes so focused on making sure the clips don't slip from their position before leaning back to admire his work.
his hands fall from your waist and lay limp on either side, "baby..."
"what? did i do something?"
"no! you didn't, it's just...", his head falls low and rests on your shoulder and he lets out a slight groan while shaking his head. seungcheol mumbles something lowly, you don't quite catch it and ask him to repeat it. seungcheol repeats it but it's still too quiet until he finally voices out his thoughts.
he takes your face in both hands, and moves your head side to side, "why are you so cute?! i'm gonna squish you."
an exasperated huff leaves his pretty pink lips and he throws his head back, squeezing his eyes shut, "you're gonna make me go crazy, you know that?"
finding his current behaviour a little more than amusing, you just watch seungcheol talk to himself about how much he 'hates' you (quite the opposite actually — he's just saying that for dramatic effect), how 'you're so adorable for no reason' and that he should just 'baby you forever' because he insists that you're his baby, sweetheart and princess.
"you know what i mean?" he says, wrapping up his little rant, "like, i just think that you should have a little bit of mercy on me, i might go into cardi—"
you'd think he had finally finished but he would have kept going if you hadn't swept in and kissed him to stop him from rambling on any further (not that you disliked it).
"i love you, seungcheol. you're gonna give me cavities if you keep being so sickeningly adorable and lovely, hm?" you squish his cheeks.
"i love you, too, my babydoll princess cutie pie sweetheart."
"okay, too much, i'll have a heart attack." seungcheol giggles and pinches your cheek, telling you that you 'shouldn't say such words' and you turn it back on him by telling him that he was doing it too!
you think you both might pass out from each others sweetness.
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themysteriousashe · 1 year
your dirty little mind || cs55 and cl16
notes: this is my first threesome smut, and it is grammarly edited, so wording and/or flow might be weird. i was inspired by all the sweaty videos and pics of the two ferrari boys from the charity game on tuesday. additionally, i listened to charles jeffrey by ray laurel on repeat to write this.
warnings: smut, threesome, p in v sex, oral sex (male and female receiving) anal sex, penetrative sex, minors dni, 18+ only, grammarly edited
word count: 4.2k (just under, but rounded up)
The game was intense. First, Charles ate shit to try to make a goal, and Carlos was injured. The whole football match had you gnawing your bottom lip in nerves but also in anticipation. Watching the two men play and gradually become drenched in sweat did something to you. Maybe that something was remembering the nights the three of you spent together, bodies moving passionately and sweat glistening on various shades of skin. Your hands gripped the fabric of your linen pants, one foot tapping to release the energy building in your system.
The weather wasn’t hot, sitting at a pleasant 72 degrees Fahrenheit, but your body grew worked up during the match from anxiety and being turned on. You would curse mentally whenever you saw the boys wipe their faces with their shirts, revealing the chiseled abdomen hiding underneath. Carlos’s boxers peeking out from his shorts almost ruined you, your mind flickering to a time you took them off of him. They would catch your eye occasionally, shooting a smile your way. Each time, your cheeks heated up, and you shifted in your seat to get more comfortable.
As soon as the match ended, you followed the crowd filtering out of the game. As you patiently waited, your phone buzzed in your bag; the bag was close enough to your body that you felt your phone go off, and you immediately reached in, curious about who could have texted you. The message was from Charles, surprising you at how fast he could return to the locker room.
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You smiled to yourself, knowing you were egging Charles on. You tucked your phone away, descending the steps to the line of cars waiting for people. You walked the line of vehicles, avoiding people standing on the sidewalk. Carlos demanded you have a driver since you were in Monaco, the city of luxury and allure. It was a fight you would never win, despite telling him how many times you didn’t need one. Charles hopped in, taking Carlos’s side. His selling point was the two couldn’t be seen with you before the race events; it needed to be after.
You begrudgingly accepted his reasoning, agreeing to the driver on the condition you wanted a ride in Charles’s Ferrari; once it was acceptable, you could be seen together without speculation arising on the internet. The driver was an older gentleman standing outside a black car with tinted windows. You greeted him, giving him Charles’s address. It was an apartment you visited what felt like a million times; it wasn’t foreign to you and was a familiar hook-up spot for the three of you if you all happened to be near. You got into the car, the driver closing the door behind you, and buckled up for the driver.
The ride to the apartment was quiet. To keep yourself occupied and at ease, despite your heart hammering in your chest at what was to come, you scrolled your phone, already seeing photos of Charles and Carlos in the match. You bit your lip, shamelessly rewatching the clips of Charles lifting his shirt and wiping his face with the jersey. When you were about to close Instagram, you were greeted by a post to Charles’s story. You tapped on it, a snort leaving your nose in amusement. You typed a quick message to him, saying, “Me fr,” knowing he’d get a kick out of it. 
You loved how Charles could joke about his mistakes and watch the fans’ reactions. Watching the internet speculate about his personality filled you with pride because the both of you frequently sent each other stupid shit daily. So the internet wasn’t wrong when they claimed Charles was a meme lord.
The car pulled to the apartment, and you thanked the driver, undoing your seatbelt. You assured him he didn’t need to exit the vehicle, stating you could open the door yourself. He smiled at you in the rearview, and you returned the smile as you opened the car door. You stepped out, gazing up at the looming apartment building before you. Your lips quirked up in a smile as you pushed the door closed, stepping forward towards the entrance.
You typed in the code to his apartment as you had done many times before, a buzz and the click of the door unlocking signaling your access. You carefully opened the door, sliding through as thin of a crack as you could. You greeted the security with a nod and a smile, receiving one in return as you headed towards the elevator. You clicked the up arrow, pulled out your phone, and checked your notifications while waiting for it to come down. Once the doors opened, revealing an empty car, you stepped in and pressed the button to Charles’s floor, immediately pressing the button to close the doors quicker.
The elevator ascended, your heart pounding as to what was to come. Your phone was tucked in your bag, your eyes intently watching the numbers tick until a ding announced your arrival. The doors opened, and you stepped out, walking to Charles’s door. You knew it would be unlocked since the boys didn’t want you to mess with a key and prolong the fun. You opened the door, walked in, and closed it behind you. As soon as the door closed, a figure appeared before you and immediately smashed his lips on yours. His hands made their way to your body, gripping your waist while the other grabbed your back.
Immediately, your body reacted to the action, your arm falling and your hand tucking your bag off, letting it fall to the floor. You returned the kiss with the same fervor, hands flying into the dark strands. By feeling alone, you could tell it was Carlos, as he was a little bulkier than Charles. His tongue immediately parted your lips, and you moaned, letting him explore your mouth and teasing him with your tongue. He pressed you against the door, the hand on your back falling to your rear. He gripped your ass, pulling your flesh against his body. You could feel the slight presence of an erection pressing against your thigh through his jeans.
“Starting the fun without me?” Charles asked, leaning in his bedroom doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. You pulled away from Carlos, soft pants leaving both of you. His pupils were blown wide, pushing the beautiful brown to the edges. You looked over at Charles, smirking as you pulled away from Carlos. You began to head towards him, a pat on your bum from Carlos causing a jump in your step.
“Carlos was just saying hello, Leclerc. I do enjoy his greetings,” you teased, gently pushing Charles in the middle of his chest as you entered the bedroom. He chuckled, following Carlos in. You turned in the center of the room, the darkness from the large windows penetrated by the soft lighting of bedside lamps.
“Now you have me here,” you said, sticking your arms and hands out to the side of you before they dropped back down.
“Now you’re here,” Carlos responded, his eyes scanning you up and down. A flirty smirk was on his lips, and you smiled. Charles stepped forward, reaching out and taking one of your hands in his, tugging you into him.
“I think it’s my turn, mon chérie,” Charles purred, leaning down so his nose brushed against yours. You looked up at him through your lashes, lips parted and breath speeding up.
“Now it’s your turn,” you whispered, reaching up to clutch the opened button-up and t-shirt combination that Charles frequently wore. He leaned down and kissed you, not as rough as Carlos’s kiss. That was the difference between them: Carlos loved to devour, and Charles liked to savor. As Charles and you kissed, Carlos stepped forward, stepping behind you. He set a hand on your hip, using the other to move your hair to the other side. He began to leave kisses on your neck, starting below your ear.
You gently moaned into the kiss, tightening and untightening your grip on Charles’s button-up as Carlos kissed your neck and Charles’s licked your bottom lip, asking for entry to your mouth. You happily let him in, his hands slipping between the both of you to begin unbuttoning the linen shirt you wore. His fingers grazed the curves of your breasts as he continued down, causing your breath to hitch in the kiss. Once all the buttons were undone, you pulled your arms back from your shoulders, letting Carlos remove the top and drop it to the ground.
Once Carlos removed your shirt, he had better access to more skin. He kissed down your neck to your shoulder, nipping at the curve of skin between them. You shuddered, goosebumps forming on your skin. You pulled away from Charles’s kiss, panting softly as you looked at him. Your eyes remained locked with his bright green ones, pushing the button-up off his shoulders. He removed it, dropping it to the ground. Your hands went to the hem of his t-shirt, fingers sliding underneath to graze the chiseled skin of his abdomen. You gently scratched his skin with your nails, pushing the shirt up. He helped you remove the shirt, bare on his torso except for the necklace around his neck.
You turned around, Carlos’s lips breaking away from your skin. He smiled at you, reaching up and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Charles traced your curves with his hands, pressing up behind you. You could feel his arousal behind you, teeth gently biting your lip as you undid the buttons on Carlos’s shirt. You held intense eye contact, your fingers moving in a familiar rhythm. Inch by inch, Carlos’s torso was revealed until there were no more buttons.
You tore your gaze away, ogling at the Spanish beauty before you. You touched his warm skin and danced your fingers along the curves. Charles hooked his fingers in the waistband of your linen pants, leaning forward to pepper kisses on your right shoulder. You reached up under the shoulders of Carlos’s shirt and pushed the fabric away. The shirt flowed off his arms, falling to the floor. He reached forward, cupping your cheek before kissing you, his lips revealing his hunger for you.
Charles’s kisses on your skin flowed down your back, his teeth nipping at your hips through your panties as he slid your pants down. He kneeled behind you once the material pooled at your feet, kissing upward. Instinctively, you stepped out of the clothing despite being occupied with Carlos, who massaged one of your breasts through your bra. Charles stood up to his complete form, kissing your shoulder once more as his hand swept across your skin to your panties.
Your eyes immediately flew open as soon as you felt Charles’s hand slip beneath the material of your panties and graze your clit, going to feel your wetness between your folds. The kiss was broken as a moan left your lips, your back arching into Charles. Carlos chuckled between his pants, swiping his thumb across his bottom lip. He attacked your neck with kisses, nipping and sucking at the skin.
You squirmed between the two men, reaching forward and gripping Carlos’s shoulder to help you stand upright. Charles had you on your toes as his fingers lazily circled your clit as if he was playing the piano. Moans bubbled in your throat, but you let out soft pants, not wanting to give them the satisfaction of hearing how they made you feel. Carlos was occupied with reaching behind you, fingers slowly undoing the hooks of your bra. His lips were focused on the skin of your breasts that peeked out from the fabric.
Carlos slipped your bra from your form, discarding it on the ground. He knelt, hands flying to your waist and fingertips digging into the skin. He kissed the curve of your breast before bringing his mouth around one of your nipples, causing you to moan loudly. Your free hand flew to his hair, gripping the dark strands as he teased you from the front and Charles teased you from behind.
You felt the heat and tension build up in your core, signaling your nearing orgasm. You didn’t want to be the first to come, not yet. However, your mind was too distracted and overstimulated by their ministrations to focus on anything but the pleasure they brought you. You opened your eyes, staring at the ceiling and trying to get your thoughts in order.
“Let’s take this to the bed,” you panted, feeling the two pause at your suggestion. You could feel Charles’s smile against your skin, the hot breath from his mouth causing a chill to run through you.
“I think that is a wonderful decision, wouldn’t you agree, mate?” Charles purred to Carlos, taking a step back from you. Carlos released himself from teasing your breasts with his mouth, sliding his hands to your ass as he stood up. He squeezed the flesh, a grin on his lips. Finally, he nodded at what Charles had to say, pulling away and stepping to the side, signaling with an outstretched arm to the bed.
You scoffed, shaking your head as you walked past Carlos. He nailed a good smack on your ass, causing you to yelp in surprise. Laughter filled the air as the two men chuckled at your reaction before you sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back on your arms. You gazed at the two men, looking them up and down seductively.
“I think you both are wearing a little too much clothing. I can fix that for you,” you purred, bringing your hands down to your panties. You hooked your fingers beneath the waistband, pulling them down and off your legs. You dropped them to the floor, keeping your legs open as the two men stared at you as if you were a meal. Carlos’s tongue darted out, wetting his lips.
“Lei sarà la nostra morte, amico,” Carlos huffed in Italian to Charles. You laughed, understanding what the Spaniard said from the little bit of Italian the boys taught you here and there. Charles laughed, walking past Carlos and squeezing his shoulder in agreement. He stepped before you, reaching out and caressing your cheek before gripping your chin. You gazed up at him, giving him a gaze of submission but also tempted to suck his thumb between your lips.
“Will you do the honors, fille chérie?” Charles asked, bringing his thumb up to your lips. You nodded, gently nipping at the pad of his thumb before reaching forward. His hand fell to his side as you undid his belt, leaning forward to kiss his flesh softly. The strap hung undone, framing the button of his jeans. Your fingers slipped the button free, teeth nipping at his right hip. His breath hitched, chest rising and falling as you slowly pulled the zipper down. You reached in, purposefully grazing the obvious erection in his underwear before tugging the jeans down.
“Putain d'enfer,” Charles breathed, pulling away from you. Your hands brushed his thighs as he stepped away. You grinned at Charles, knowing you got underneath his skin. Carlos had watched with his arms crossed, amused as you spent time with Charles. As soon as Charles was yanking his jeans and underwear off, Carlos quickly undid his belt and jeans, soon bared before you.
“Fuck, I am the luckiest woman in the fucking world,” you breathed, toes curling and eyes almost rolling into the back of your head at the sight of the two naked men before you. You watched as they stepped around, Carlos lying horizontally across the bed. His head was slightly close to the edge. He looked at you, patting his chest.
“Come have a seat,” Carlos suggested, eyes beckoning you. You grinned, crawling over to him before straddling both sides of him with Charles’s assistance. He gave you a hand to position yourself over Carlos’s face, and you thanked him with a squeeze of his hand. Next, Carlos brought his hands to your thighs, caressing the skin. You shuddered, blinking your eyes repetitively a couple of times at the sensation.
Carlos pulled you down with no warning, tongue immediately delving within you. You cried out as his tongue circled your clit before attacking between your folds, lapping at your wetness. You reached forward, gripping Charles’s forearm. He waited for you to adjust, in awe at the sight of you.
“Ch-Charles, let me, please,” you pleaded, reaching forward with your free hand and wrapping it around his cock. The motion widened his eyes, but he stepped closer, cock level with your face. You looked up at him as your hand moved down toward the base, feeling the brush of his hair. Your gaze was innocent despite your lips wrapping around the tip of his cock and flicking your tongue out to run over the slit. He groaned, hands clutching your head at the base of your hair and fingers gently digging into your skull.
You closed your eyes, focusing on pleasing Charles with your mouth as Carlos pleased you with his. You took as much of Charles as possible, removing your hand from his forearm to grip the comforter beneath you. Your other hand stroked what couldn’t fit into your mouth, but you liked to focus more on the tip. You would bring Charles close to the back of your throat before pulling back, sucking and licking on the head.
As you teased Charles, Carlos moved to suck on your clit, slipping away one of his hands from your thigh and pressing a finger between your folds. You moaned on Charles’s cock, the sensation causing Charles to pull a breath through his teeth. Carlos gently brought his finger in and out of you, adding another. Your brows were furrowed in pleasure, Carlos’s actions causing you to stop sucking Charles’s cock. It still sat in your mouth as you moaned, soon pulling away from him. A strand of saliva followed your lips, soon breaking away.
Your eyes were squeezed soft, pants and moans leaving you. You opened your eyes, brows still furrowed as you looked at Charles. He leaned down, capturing your lips in his. He could taste himself on your tongue and lips, deepening the kiss to devour more. One of his hands clutched the base of your neck, fingers still tangled in your hair. You were brought closer and closer to the precipice of an orgasm, and you reached down, gently smacking Carlos’s shoulders as Charles kissed you. You pulled away, out of breath from Charles’s kiss.
“Carlos, please,” you begged, not wanting to cum on his mouth alone. You needed both of them. Now. Carlos slowed down, removing his fingers first before he pulled his mouth away from you. He licked his lips, patting your thighs to signal you could move. Charles helped you once again, gripping both of your hands to guide you off of Carlos and the bed.
Carlos sat up from the bed, soon standing up to move. His cock moved up and down as he walked to the end of the bed, your eyes watching him as Charles grabbed condoms from the nightstand. He pulled two out, ripping the serrations to separate the two. You glanced behind you at the sound, watching Charles walk over to Carlos and hand him one.
“Thanks, mate,” Carlos said quietly, accepting the condom. Both men ripped the packaging and slipped the condoms on.
“Come here, cariño,” Carlos said, shifting back from the end’s edge but still keeping his feet planted on the floor. You went to him, leaning down and kissing him as you planted a knee on each side of his body. He returned the kiss, one hand on your back, the other lining his cock up with your entrance. You reached down as well before sliding down on him. The kiss deepened as you allowed him to fill you to the hilt, his body taking the both of you back on the bed.
Charles watched the both of you, aroused by the scene and watching Carlos fill you with ease. He stepped between Carlos’s parted legs, touching your lower back. He caressed the flesh of your ass, causing you to pull away from Carlos’s kisses and watch Charles. He took himself in his left hand, shifting to level before slowly entering you from behind. Your eyes rolled back, toes curling, and cunt clenching around Carlos as Charles entered you.
Both men gave you a moment to adjust; the sensation wasn’t new, but it was always slightly alarming initially. Charles leaned forward to kiss your shoulder before straightening back, waiting for the cue. You nodded aggressively, eyes squeezed shut as you clutched Carlos’s shoulders. Carlos kissed your temple before both men moved together, Carlos thrusting up into you and Charles’s thrusts pushing you forward. You moaned, ready to come apart right there.
They were slow at first, continuing to let you adjust like the gentlemen they were. Then, when the only noise you made was panting, they changed their pace, their hips snapping against you. You moaned, back arching, which pushed you further into Carlos. Carlos’s hands gripped your hips, fingers digging into your flesh that you knew would leave a mark behind. Charles’s grip was a little looser than Carlos’s on your waist but would still leave faint marks behind.
The pace they set quickly brought you closer and closer to an orgasm, the sensations of both pumping in and out of you overwhelming your body. Carlos thrust up, hips lifting off the bed, and a spot inside you that made you see stars. You gasped, clutching his bicep to the point your nails dug in. The sound of panting and your moans echoed throughout the room, all three bodies glistening with a thin layer of sweat.
“Fuck!” you cried out, soon feeling the tension in your core snap. You squeezed around Carlos, the tightening of your walls pulling him with you, causing his lips to stutter and his grip to tighten. Despite fucking you from behind, the tension of your orgasm was enough to bring Charles to his climax. He rode through his orgasm, slowing his pace until he stopped.
You fell on Carlos, not caring if your full weight was on him. Both of you were a panting, sweating mess. He removed a hand from your waist, running his fingers through his hair. He laid his head back, staring at the ceiling as he tried to get his breathing down to normal. Charles leaned over you, panting, but he kissed your spine. You hummed softly, weakly glancing back at Charles. Your eyes met, and he offered you a gentle smile, rubbing your back before he removed himself from you.
Charles walked to the ensuite bathroom, going to quickly clean up before he joined the both of you in bed. Carlos tilted his head up, stroking your back before gently patting your bum. You sighed, sitting up and letting him hold the condom before you removed yourself. Carlos leaned over, moving some hair that stuck to the sweat on your forehead. He gave it a gentle kiss, stroking your hair in the process.
Charles quickly returned, picking you up from the end of the bed. Carlos stood up and went to the bathroom, patting Charles on the shoulder. He carried you bridal style to his side of the bed, kneeling to place you in the middle before laying down next to you. You lay on your back, staring at the ceiling until Charles was beside you. Your head turned to meet his eyes, a soft smile on both faces. He stroked your hair, and you gently caressed his thigh and knee.
Carlos joined you both on the bed, wearing boxers he discarded on the ground. He lay on his side, close to you. You reached out to him as well, squeezing his forearm. He traced circles on your skin.
“Glad we got to fuck after we eye fucked each other during the match,” you said. Both men laughed, shaking their heads in amusement. You chatted idly about the match, making fun of Charles’s faceplant into the ground. After the teasing, Charles urged you to get cleaned up, which you did while throwing a small fit about it. You went into the bathroom, cleaned yourself up, and slipped on the panties you wore before. Charles stood next to his dresser, boxers on and a soft, folded t-shirt in his hands.
The t-shirt was extended to you, which you graciously accepted. You unfolded the material before slipping it on, following Charles to the bed that Carlos was still on. While you had cleaned up, Carlos slipped under the sheets, exhaustion from the day’s activities finally hitting him. You took your spot in the middle, Charles following you after. You snuggled up before fatigue and sleep took all three of you quickly.
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A Thirsty Trap (Wonze x GN Reader)
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You took a sip from your drink after finishing your 30 min run in the treadmill. Controlling your breathing and leaving the home gym, you made with the help of your girlfriends Lucy and Keira, you went to the kitchen and pulled out one of the pre made meals and started to heat it up as you took a sit on the couch. You started to relax as you started to swipe through Tiktok. You knew Lucy and Keira were on way back from training. Whilst Real Madrid players weren't training today.
You sheepishly smile as you see some videos you been tagged on. The normal edits, appreciation and thirst trap edits of you. You appreciated the videos fans made, it made you feel appreciated and inspire others.
As you scrolled you sure a montage of Keira's passing. You smiled at your cute girl as a though came into your mind.
You clicked on the search bar and typed "Keira Walsh thirst trap" and clicked in the first video
You cheeks got red as you sheepishly smiled at the clips of you girlfriend. Slightly embarrassed that you just looked up a random video of your awkward angel. Her cuteness always made ou happy and love her even more. One clip was showing Keira's tattoo on her side.
You couldn't help but keep look at her tattoo on her side. She likes it one you traced it and pecked the outline of it you bit your lip in thought. You shook your head and swiped up only to see her in her sports bra. You immediately swiped up only to be met with a Wonze one. You starred at your girls with love but you were missing their touch. It's been a while sine you three have done anything in the bedroom.
You watched the video and looked at your gf, figure, hair, eyes and tattoos. You bit your lip. You looked around. It wouldn't be too bad to do something about it. You looked at the video and slid. Your hand down your shorts. Just about to touch
Then you feel arms from behind hook around your neck
"Aw I thought that was my job" You went red face with embarrassment as you heard Lucy's voice
"Maybe you have been slacking, Luc," You hear Keira say as she sat across from you. You look up at the hurt face of Bronze until she glanced at the phone and dropped her mouth in surprise and nabbed your phone
"You little perv," She said jokingly as she made her way to Keira. "No wonder they couldn't control themselves," she said smugly. Keira looked at it with interest until she giggled and looked at you with a cheeky grin. Making you hide your face with a pillow "Guess we are just too much for them" Keira snorted "Babe" she tapped Lucy's thigh and held the phone up to her "Look who she searched" Lucy frowned and took it and saw what you searched. You begin to slowly walk to the down. Lucy's frown turned to an offended look before looking at you. Noticing you had shoes on and the door half way open.
"When I catch you, you're not gonna be able to walk, let alone get out of bed tomorrow." Keira bit her lip. She liked when you were like this.
"Good luck, dodgy knee," you bravely said before bolting out of the house. "GET BACK HERE BRAT!"
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jungle-angel · 11 months
I NEED 2. “I um… I made you dinner” with Rhett pretty please 🥺
My love, I've been thinking about this all day long, you don't even know how hard (lol).
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"Alright, everybody put your chairs up on your desks and make sure you have everything," you told your fifth graders. "Bus students, you know where to go."
The wooden chairs and desks in your classroom clunked against each other as your fifth graders put them up, gathering their coats and backpacks from the cubby spaces and hooks in the back of the classroom. Thank God today had been a half day and that your main lesson block on math was finally over. You swore that if you had to look at another fraction one more time, you were gonna go insane.
"Mrs. Abbot!" chirped one of your students. "I think I'm missing my bus tag."
"It's right here Jaime," you told him, clipping the yellow tag to the top strap of his backpack.
Your students came to shake your hand and say goodbye before they left the room, heading to the front of the school to wait for the busses or their parents. Your phone suddenly began vibrating in your back pocket and when you saw the contact picture, you knew it was Rhett.
"What's up Grumpy?" you joked.
"You've still got a half day right darlin?" he asked.
"Yeah and I'm on my way to get Amy and Hannah, what's going on?" you asked. "Did another calf come?"
"Nope, I've got a little surprise for you."
You made a face, wondering what sort of hair-brained thing your husband had been up to, being home alone all day with Tatum and Tanner. "Alright I'll be home in twenty."
"See ya then sweet cheeks," Rhett replied before hanging up.
You headed out the front doors of the school and down the cobbled path to the early-ed building, the last of the fall leaves just having fell from the quaking aspens near the play yard. Out of all the buildings on the school campus, this one was by far your favorite.
You walked right through the creaky front gate and up the steps that lead into the building, the kindergarten class immediately on your right and the preschool one to your left. There were only a few kids left in Amy's class, most of them already having taken the bus home, but you knew that in less than a few minutes, they too would head for home.
"Amy, sweetheart, Momma's here," her teacher called happily.
Amy ran right to you, giggling up a storm as she threw her arms right around your waist. "You ready to go home?" you asked her.
"Yeah!" she chirped.
You thanked her teacher and let her grab her coat from the hallway cubbies while Amy proudly showed you the little symbol she had chosen on a painted stone to show that it was hers......a bull kicking up his back legs.
You gathered up Hannah from the preschool room and led the girls out to the dirt lot, loading them up in the truck and buckling them in before heading for home. It was only eleven-thirty in the morning, but the earlier you could get home and get everything out of the way, the better, seeing as you and Rhett had a long vacation to look forward to.
Finally you reached home and unloaded the girls, the two of them charging into the warm and cozy house to kick off their little fuzzy ugg boots and strip off their hats and coats to go play down in the basement playroom. Yet a rather spicy and enticing smell had started to waft from the kitchen and a fire already crackling away in the living room fireplace.
"You're home early," Rhett chuckled as he poured a little bit of milk into his coffee mug.
"Half day," you said, dumping your back on the hallway bench. "And thank God. Our math main lesson block is finally over and I don't have to worry about it anymore."
Rhett laughed again as he lifted the lid off the crockpot and filled the whole kitchen with a spicy and herby scent. "Is that my little surprise?" you asked with a sly grin.
"I um.......I made you dinner," Rhett said as his cheeks began to go hot.
"You made me dinner?"
"I'm not the greatest cook in the world darlin but....."
"Rhett, how can you say that?" you laughed. "You made a prime rib last Christmas that had your godfather begging for the recipe."
Rhett laughed a little bit. In all the years you had been married, you still thought Rhett was an excellent cook, no matter what.
All day long, you let the chicken legs cook in the crockpot until they were practically falling off the bones. You, Rhett, his parents and the kids all ate until there were no leftovers to be had, surprised and grateful by Rhett's sweet little gesture.
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artyandink · 7 months
𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎!𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝟷
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Summary: Ivonne Rainer hadn’t met Dean Winchester in 2006 after he was hit by a car. No, this time, this universe, they met in 2010, when the whole Apocalypse deal started and Dean was made leader of one of the only remaining survival camps in America. Little did he know, one random raid would change everything.
A/N - I’m writing this in tandem with the main series, so by the time we get to this point, you’ve got a gist of what’s going on :)
Dean had been having what was a more than rough day. He’d lost four soldiers in the past week to the Crotes, and he had no Sammy to turn to. No Bobby either, and it killed him. His hand struck the table, a curse leaving his mouth as he did so, bent over and wondering where to hit next.
It had barely been a year since Sam had agreed to Lucifer, saying the big ‘yes’ when he realised that his brother was no longer gonna be there for him. Since then, things were spiralling. Lucifer won. The only immune people were dead and they all turned out as psychos, if you don’t count that Andy kid who didn’t deserve to go out the way he did.
None of them did.
“Damn it.” His eyebrows furrowed in concentration, trying to make heads or tails until he spotted a place they hadn’t covered yet that could be promising. He picked up a marker, circling it haphazardly as he ran a hand through his hair. “Hey, D’Marco!” He yelled out, and one of his men poked his head through.
“Yeah, boss?”
“Rally the squad. We’re hitting Jersey City.”
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I jumped over the hood of a car, taking out my machete and swinging as it caught a Croat by the neck, its head thudding to the floor. My eyes glowed red, a metal pole flying up and jabbing straight through the skull of another while I elbowed a third in the neck, going in and shooting point blank.
“God, I hate it here.” I growled, then I got clawed in the arm by one, familiar pain stinging my arm as I shot the assailant in the eye. I’d been fighting my way through this for close to a year, and I’d simply needed to raid the convenience for supplies and I got myself in this blasted mess. “This sucks ass.” I quickly disarmed an approaching Croat with a glow of my eyes and flick of my hand, taking its head and snapping its neck, an animalistic whine, almost like an injured dog, leaving it’s mouth before it flopped like a ragdoll onto the floor, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
“It’s a goddamn wasteland out here!” I heard someone yell, followed by rapid gunfire and yells of something that could be pain or stress. I got down before realising it wasn’t aimed at me, so I got back out, immediately pounced on by a Croat that I quickly put down by shooting it. I got up, replacing the clip. I needed to get back to my base and fast, otherwise whoever these guys were could be raiders.
Raiders were asses. They took what they wanted and didn’t care whose lives got lost. It sickened me. I growled under my breath, moving behind a building as I spotted the license plate of a Jeep.
“These are dead Croats, boss. Every last one of them.” A voice called out, followed by footsteps that were made more monstrous by the sound of crunching gravel. “Somebody was out here, killing ‘em.”
“Someone that good? C’mon Joey, be realistic. It has to be another team.” The group chuckled at the joke made by another member of their team, and I frowned in annoyance. I’m sorry, do they see anyone else out here? Actually, they could only see me out here, so it was a given. I peered around the corner, and saw that all of them had their backs to me. I crept up, careful not to crunch on the gravel until I reached the guy at the back, instantly hooking my arm around his neck and yanking him towards me, pressing the muzzle of my gun to his temple.
“Don’t move.” I warned, getting their attention. They spun around with weapons up, but the moment that they saw me with a gun to one of their own, they faltered slightly. “Tell me, who are you? Raiders? Those ragtag asses who think that this is a good thing? Speak up, one of you, now!”
“We’re survivors.” One of them spoke up, his voice gravelly. He looked rougher than the rest of them, his dirty blonde hair up on end in the face of danger and his green eyes stern. “Now let my man go, or I swear to God-”
“You’ll what, tough guy?” I scoffed. “You’ll what?”
“You’ll be dead before you hit the ground.”
“Try me.” I growled, pressing the muzzle tighter to my captive’s head. “I dare you.”
“Pretty thing’s got lip on her.” One man scoffed, but one glare from me shut him up.
“Pretty little thing’s got a gun and one of your men, so better keep your mouth shut.”
“Who even are you?” The gravel-voice dude spoke up, a frown creasing his forehead. I looked him in the eye, my gaze steely.
“None of your damn business.” I replied aggressively, my finger tightening on the trigger.“Who’s askin’?”
“Dean Winchester, now let my soldier go, damnit!” I put the gun down, releasing his teammate as I decided that these guys could be ok. Then his teammate spotted the claw cut on my arm, and all hell broke loose.
“SHE’S INFECTED!” He yelled, and as all of them raised their guns to shoot me, I held out my hands in surrender, panic striking me for a moment.
“WOAH, HOLD ON, I’M IMMUNE!” I shouted, panting heavily. “I’M IMMUNE, OK?! I’m… clean.”
“You’d need to be some psychic freak in order to be immune.” Dean Winchester frowned, stepping forward and raising his gun, pointing it at me. “What kind are you? Actually, I shouldn’t even be asking that, cause all the psychic jackasses turned out to be whacked out of their gourds. What says you ain’t?”
“This entire graveyard is my doin’.” I reasoned, gesturing to the Croat’s bodies. “All me. I don’t know how I got my powers and why, but I’ll tell you one thing for damn sure and it’s that it’s kept me alive out here.” I paused to chuckle nervously. “Look, restrain me if you have the stuff to, but there’s no way in hell I’m stayin’ out here.” They took a moment to think, then Winchester pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his utility belt. My eyebrows twitched, a small smirk on my face as he did so. “Damn, you have them on you, you kinky son of a-”
“Put them on.” He ordered while handing them over, his gun pointing to the cuffs then back to my face. I scoffed, laughing a bit as I clasped it over one wrist.
“Chivalry is dead, I see.” I snapped it over the other wrist, then held my bound wrists up for the other men. “Mysterious girl, bound so she can’t hurt you guys. What a relief. Now, uh, are we gonna book it or what?” I was promptly taken by the arm by Winchester, but I snatched my arm out of his grip with a grimace. “I can do it myself, we have no need for the manhandling type of chivalry.” I stepped up onto the Jeep, flopping down onto a seat as the rest of them got in. Winchester sat down in front of me, gun trained on me by chance I made a move. “Chill, Manchurian Candidate, I’m not gonna bust the spirit of Chuck Norris out and start kicking your ass on a moving car while handcuffed, I’m not stupid.”
He just stared at me.
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“Alright, we’re gonna keep doin’ this until you give me a name, you hear me?” Winchester growled, and I shrugged, leaning back against my chair.
“And I think we’ll be here a while. Screw. You.” I retorted, obviously aggravating him as he ran a hand through his hair, glaring back at me.
“I told you my name, why won’t you tell me yours?!”
“I can’t trust you!”
“I saved your ass!”
“Oh, hell no, I saved my ass.” I scoffed. “Like I have been since this thing started. You’d have blown my head off otherwise.” He opened his mouth to contradict, but I shot him a look. “Don’t lie to me, I know what people look like when they’re on the verge of killin’ someone. How do I know? I see that goddamn face every day, sometimes in the mirror. M’not that easy to fool, Winchester.” I chuckled cynically, shaking my head. “Idjit.”
The look on his face changed, and he picked up his gun and held it to my forehead. “Where did you get that?!”
“The hell is wrong with you-”
He grabbed my face with one hand, forcing it up roughly. “WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT?!”
“My uncle used to say it, goddamn it!” I snapped. “I don’t know where he is, but we were separated in Sioux Falls.”
“Bobby.” Winchester whispered, and quickly let go of my chin, swallowing and looking away. “You’re Ivonne Rainer.”
“Not even gonna apologise?” I scoffed. “Well, I figured you wouldn’t.”
“He talked about you. Bobby.” He scanned me for a moment with something close to bitterness. “My dad did too. John Winchester. Came home one day when I was fifteen talking about the daughter of his hunting partner Michael Rainer, who’d showed up on a vamp hunt to help exterminate a nest in Louisiana. Bobby said you were one of the best hunters he’d known. That you?”
“Sounds like me.” I nodded. “John Winchester, yeah, I remember him. Real pompous ass.”
“Watch what comes out of that mouth of yours.”
“No, I don’t think I will.”
“At this point, you’re askin’ to be slapped.”
“But you won’t.” I smirked, obviously provoking him further. He got up close in my face, teeth gritted.
“I will not hesitate to put a bullet through your brain, you hear me? You’re just one more arrogant dumbass, you don’t mean anything to me. Besides, how’re you planning to fight back? You ain’t in no state to fight, not cuffed, so cut the attitude.”
“Might want to rethink that last statement.” I held up my hands, showing that I was free as the cuffs dropped from my wrists. He stared at the fallen handcuffs, shocked as I sharply pushed him back, standing up and rubbing the chafed skin where the cuffs once were. “What, think I can’t handle myself?” I tilted my head, smirking a bit. Then my gaze went to his gun, and my eyes glowed blue, the clip falling out as I flicked my hand down and zooming into my hand. Winchester stared at me again, his eyes flicking back to his gun occasionally as he tried to process what I’d just done. “Look, man, I ain’t no psycho. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have, no questions asked.”
“You spared me?” He scoffed, looking disbelieving.
“Bet your ass I did.”
“I don’t trust you.”
“Then don’t.” I shrugged, looking him in the eye. “Cause I don’t give a damn whether you do or not. I care about survivin’. Actually livin’. And me being honest, I’m one of the last people left on earth who can actually protect all of you.”
“I just need you to stay out of my goddamn way.” He growled, fists clenched.
“Then… fine.” I raised my hands in mock surrender as I started retreating to the flap. “Like I said, don’t give a damn.” I dropped the clip of his gun, leaving.
Dean stared the spot where I just was, his teeth gritted before he slammed the table, yelling out.
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forbebeandjam · 5 months
Amnesia | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | Angst
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Summary: You saved the love of your life only to forget her after the tragedy.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: really angst. Head injury and lung disease mentioned.
A/N: Once again, angst is not my strong point but I felt inspired. Sorry for making Audrey’s stories sad! I’ll make a different one. I promise!!!
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"Miss Y/N, Happy Birthday! Good to see you up and walking today," the nurse said as she entered the room you were in. You looked out of the window looking for the one person that visited you every day.
"Hi, I'm not really hungry," you said still looking out of the window.
"I didn't come to feed you. You had this delivered for you," the nurse said and you snapped your head back. The nurse was holding a card. You used your left hand to grip the IV pole and walked toward the nurse.
The name was imprinted on the letter and you quickly opened the letter.
「 Dear Y/N,
Every day I am filled with hope to see you again. And today wasn't any different. I got up and got ready to go see you. Today is your special day after all.
Sadly, I had to go on a trip to take over one of your classes and performances. I won't be back for a month. I will send you pictures in hopes that you can recover quickly. Your students and fans miss you and I miss you more than ever.
Write me back so I can know you got my letter and please try to make the best of today. I'll come back. Just wait for me.
Happy Birthday! 」
A single tear rolled out of your eye. You felt frustrated. Every day you tried your best to remember her but there were no memories of anything before the accident.
"Come here! It's going to be fun!" you said as she held your hand.
"I don't know... I don't like rock climbing. I'm not agile like you," she said but you turned to kiss her cheek.
"We will do it together. I got you, baby. I won't let anything bad happen to you," you said and she smiled brightly. She quickly perched your lips as you two got strapped up and hooked into the harness.
And you began climbing. You carefully placed your foot in the right places. You have done this thousands of times so it was easy for you. But for Audrey. Every step was sloppy and dangerous. You looked back at her to make sure that she was okay and her expression was more nervous every step up she would take.
"Okay, that's enough. Let's go down," You said when you noticed how scared she looked and she immediately nodded at your words. You were going down but you noticed her clip wasn't screwed all the way.
"Audrey... don't move," you said and she immediately froze in her spot.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"It's okay. I just need to reach you and hook you up properly. Don't move," You said and she closed her eyes to let a deep breath out.
You tried to move close to her but at that moment the person in charge of her rope pulled her down thinking she was stuck and she let out a sharp scream. You panicked. You had never moved so fast in your life but in this moment, you wouldn't forgive yourself if you let something bad happen to her.
You quickly unhooked your equipment from the rope and reached out for her falling figure. You don't know how things happened but you managed to turn your bodies so the impact on the floor would be for you and she would land on top of you.
In a matter of seconds, you felt your body hit the floor, your head taking most of the impact and with great pain, you gripped your head. The last thing you saw was Audrey calling your name with a bleeding lip.
The next thing you know is that you are in a hospital bed and you remember nothing. You looked around and nothing was familiar to you. You wondered why there was a small girl sitting on a chair holding your hand.
After a few panic attacks, the doctors and nurses managed to explain to you that you had amnesia. Audrey never once stopped visiting you and sometimes you would deny seeing anyone due to your frustration and depression having to be stuck at a hospital but you couldn't leave. Regardless, Audrey would sit next to you just to keep you company.
One day you spotted her come in the room with red eyes and a stuffy nose. She sniffled but gave you the brightest smile as soon as your eyes landed on her. She took a seat next to you and started reading a book to you like she always would but her voice was different. You could tell she had been crying a lot.
"Why do you keep coming? It's only hurting you. I will never be able to remember. The doctors told you, didn't they?" You asked and she nodded.
"You... you are the reason I am here today. How could I just leave you like that? If it weren't for you I... I probably wouldn't be alive anymore," she said as several tears started to escape her eyes and her voice cracked.
"Then please don't be sad. I don't want you to be sad. I want you to live a good life. I don't know what we were or who you really are since you refuse to tell me but... tomorrow is my birthday and we can talk about all of those things. You've been coming here for three years already so, why don't we start over?" You said and she broke down once more.
She cried harder than ever but there was a smile painted on her face. After reading to you, you fell asleep.
(End of flashback)
Your eyes were widened. All of the memories of that beautiful girl came back to you. You smiled brightly and cried till you couldn't cry anymore. The nurse walked in with a small cake in her hands and you smiled at her.
"I remember her. I know who she is... I know who Audrey Lane is to me. She's my best friend. She's the love of my life. I need to find her," you tried tonight to get up but the nurse stopped you.
"You have no idea how happy I am for you but... I can't let you go. I'm sorry. We need to keep running tests and your parents want you to be here until they think you are stable," she said.
"That's bullshit. I can't even remember having parents. They are like strangers to me and I am twenty years old. I want to go," you said as you wiped your eyes aggressively.
"Let's wait. You have a few more treatments and then you can go. I promise I'll get you out of here," the nurse said.
So you waited. A month went by and you eagerly waited for Audrey. She didn't show up. You didn't receive another letter.
Things began to get more complicated with your health. Your depression got worse as the treatments failed. Nothing they tried would help you regain your memory and there was no explanation for why you only remembered Audrey.
Your parents tried everything but you only hated them more for keeping you locked in the hospital acting as if you had a disability.
One year. Two years. Three years. She didn't show up. She never came back and you were scared.
What if bad something happened to her? You needed to get out of there and you were determined to do so whether anyone liked it or not.
One night, you removed the IV tube from your arm and pulled out a change of clothes from your bag. You slipped on your shoes and a hoodie.  You grabbed your phone and wallet before quickly walking out of the room past your mom and the nurses.
No one seemed to recognize you until you bumped into the nurse who took care of you. She widened her eyes and you begged her with your eyes to stay quiet.
Suddenly, you heard your so-called mom calling your name from down the hall. You bit your lip as the nurse helped you get up.
"Go. I'll hold her up. Hurry!" she said as she slightly pushed you. You smiled brightly and ran out of the door. Once you had made it a bit far, you turned on the phone and looked through the message of you and Audrey.
You smiled at the cuteness of her messages and finally came across an address. You weren't sure that you would find her there but you would at least try.
You took a taxi and your palms began to sweat as you got out of the car. It was a dance studio. The dance studio from your memories. Where you and Adurey first met each other and where you gave her first kiss.
Your heart was beating faster than ever as you walked in and walked through the halls making heads turn your way. You didn't say anything and kept walking. You finally spotted a familiar figure. She was dancing with her back facing the door and an airpod in.
You closely watched her dance and you remembered how you two would dance together and would end up asleep on the floor while listening to music together.
You were about to push the door open when a girl suddenly walked in after saying excuse me. Audrey turned to her and gave her a kiss... on the lips. You felt your heart shatter to pieces when you saw her kneel down on the floor and pull out a ring from her pocket.
The worst part was her nodding and launching herself onto her arms. You felt pain in your chest and you gripped it. You prayed that you were dreaming. You wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare.
"Y/N?" you heard her voice call and you quickly ran away.
The most painful scene flashed before your eyes and you felt like throwing up. You rushed back to the hospital when the pain wouldn't leave your chest. Your eyes were cloudy and the air in your lungs was gone.
You could see the panic in the driver's eyes as you tried to regain your breath but nothing worked. You swore you felt like your heart stopped beating and when you finally made it to the hospital, you collapsed right in front of the entrance.
"There is no way to sugarcoat this. You're sick. Terminally ill. You only have about a week to live. Sorry," the doctor said. After all of these years, they finally told you that you had been kept in this facility to keep you alive from a growing lung disease you had treatment for at the age of fifteen.
They had kept you connected and medicated to keep you living for longer but nothing was responding and there was no hope for you. Not that you wanted any. You didn't want to keep living in a world where you didn't have Audrey but you also didn't want to hurt her. So you took a pen and wrote her a letter.
A heartfelt with the most honest words you could. Every day, you would spend your days and nights watching her dance videos and making little starts out of paper strings.
You made amends with your parents even if you didn't remember them and you went on walks with them every day.
This continued for exactly seven days. On that last day, a Sunday, you felt your limbs go numb. Your vision was blurry and you were drowsy due to the medicine given for the pain.
"Please. Please give her this and make sure she knows that I love her. Make sure she knows how much I love her and how sorry I am. Please," A single tear escaped your eyes.
"Don't worry, honey. I will make sure. You can rest now," your mom said and you finally let eternal slumber take you away. Your last thought being if that beautiful girl that made you feel so alive. You felt it for the last time and it felt so good...
Your mom asked for your letter and other items to be delivered to Audrey a few months after her wedding. She knew you'd never want to interfere with Audrey's honeymoon.
Audrey held the box in her hands with a confused expression. She didn't know why a strange person was sending her something but she assumed it was a late wedding present or something for her wife.
When she opened the box, she saw a jar wrapped in bubble wrap with the paper stars you handmade for her. She looked at it with care and set it down next to her.
Then she took hold of the letter and her eyes filled with tears when she saw your name written on the envelope in your beautiful cursive hand writing.
The carefully opened it and unfolded the paper.
「 Dear Audrey,
By the time you read this I will probably be resting in peace. That letter you sent was the most beautiful thing I have ever received for my birthday. I hope it makes you happy to know that thanks to that letter, I was able to remember you.
I especially remembered that day I asked you to be my girlfriend and you cried in my arms for about five minutes. I also remembered the time I saved you from your worst nightmare but I don't want to talk about that.
I just wanted to let you know that you were the one I thought about since my twentieth birthday. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit resented when I you never came back even after waiting for three years. However, I am so happy for your wedding. I'm sure you saw me that day you got proposed to. I was really happy that day even if it I was hurting. I am just happy you could finally move on. Turns out that the lung disease was growing back from when I was fifteen. I'm sorry I can't be with you since I only have a few more days to live.
I wish I could see you in that beautiful wedding gown because I know you're just going to look amazing.
So, I am writing this letter to let you know that even till my last breath you will be the only one on my mind and if I had to save you again, I would do it with no hesitation. I would do it just to see that sweet smile on your face. Those beautiful eyes and those sweet lips that made me feel alive.
Please be happy. Enjoy your life and build a family like you always dreamt of doing. I wish you the best, baby. Please don't be sad for too long. I'll always be watching over you no matter where you are.
P.S. every time you feel like you can't do it, grab a star and open it. I'll have a little reminder for you. 」
Audrey was sobbing and screaming by the end of your letter. She took a deep breath and tried to regulate her breathing. She felt like she should've stayed by you instead of getting carried away by her friend's words.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, baby!" She shouted. A string of her saliva poured from her lips and her tears were uncontrollable. After a few more minutes. She managed to stop her tears and hugged the jar with stars. Paper starts she had taught you to do.
She opened the jar, grabbed a small star, and started to unravel it. A wide smile was painted across her lips as she read it.
*Dry those eyes. They are too pretty to cry. Keep me in your heart instead, as I whisper "you got this, baby. I am right here with you"*
Thank you for reading 🩷
「 ✦ Audrey’s Tag List ✦ 」
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dick6615 · 4 months
Master Returns
It was late Friday afternoon and I had just got changed from work when I heard a knock at the door.  As I walked to the door, I looked out at the front yard and did not see a car.  I opened the door and froze.  Master was standing there smiling at me.  “Bet you weren’t expecting me based on that look on your face?” I said, “No Master, but you can’t be here.” I was immediately slapped and then pushed against the wall with his forearm across my upper chest. “You are so fucking rude.  I told you I would be back, and that is no way to talk to Me.” Before I could react, he reached into his back pocket and took out a rag and held it against my nose and mouth.  There was a strong chemical smell and I lost consciousness and slumped to the floor.
I came to sometime later and I was lying on the living room floor.  My arms were bound as were my feet.  I looked down and saw that Master had stripped me and put me in the same harness he used last time, a leather belt around my waist and a jock strap. The restraining cuffs on my wrists and ankles were tight and had several rings. There was no gag as Master knew that living out in the mountains there were no close neighbors, so I could scream my head off, but no one would hear.  I looked around and heard noise from the basement, then Master came up the stairs to the kitchen.  He walked into the living room and looked down at me while holding my humidor and a bottle of good bourbon. “It’s going to be a fine weekend of training you boy.” I didn’t respond and received a sharp kick in the groin.  “Have you forgotten everything that I taught you boy? I guess I need to beat some sense into you, so you remember what you were taught.”  “No Master, I am sorry Master, I just didn’t expect you.”  Master put down the bourbon and cigars and took hold of my harness and pulled me to my feet. He stared at me with his ice blue eyes. 
Master was about 6’ 4”, in his early 40’s, well-muscled, dark hair, trimmed beard and hung like a horse.  Master led me out the kitchen door to the screened in porch.  He had already removed the hammock and had attached a chain with several S-hooks from the eye bolt in the ceiling. He clipped my wrists together and then stretched them up to hook on the chain.  The chain hung down to my mid back.  Master took it and looped it around my neck and clipped it behind my head.  He then took a 4’ bar and attached each end to my ankles.  I was able to stand on the balls of my feet to keep some pressure off my arms.  Master stepped back, reached forward and put his hand around my throat and started to squeeze.  He stared at me and finally released his grip just as I was about to pass out. He turned and walked back into the house as I gasped for breath.
When Master returned, he was in a black harness, leather vest, bicep bands, jock strap, chaps and back boots.  He put down the duffle bag and pulled the large chair over, so it sat against the outer wall across from me and moved the wicker table next to it and the smaller table in front of the chair.  He went back inside and returned with my bottle of Angles Envy bourbon and a few very large ring cigars.  He poured a stiff drink and took a few sips and then picked up the JFR Lunatic.  He removed the ribbon from one end of the 8+ inch, 80 ring cigar and moistened it with his tongue and lips.  He did the same with the tapered end, then clipped off a small amount.  He charred off the excess tobacco wrapper and lit the cigar, the tapered end fitting into his puckered lips.  Once lit, he inhaled and then exhaled slowly and sat back and stared at me. He started his slow smoking ritual.  He never took his eyes off mine.  A constant stare as he slowly brought the cigar to his lips, inhaled, moved the cigar slightly to the side and slowly exhaled. He paused for a minute or two and repeated.  After about twenty minutes he had a good ash on his cigar. He would reach over and take the glass and have a few sips of bourbon, still staring at me as he stood up and took the step to be in front of me. I felt like he was staring right into me.  He puffed on his cigar and then lowered it to my chest.  He brushed it slowly on my left nipple, so part of the ash fell off.  He did it again and I could start to feel the heat. Once more and I thought he was burning me and tensed up.  He continued to stare into my eyes, and I felt sure he was going to burn me. He held the cigar just in front of my nipple and I could feel the heat increase to a burning sensation.  I started to pull back. “Don’t” was all Master said and I went ridged. “I own you!  I will do what I want with you! You are only here for my pleasure. You back away from doing what I want, and you will be punished.”  He slowly took the cigar away and then reached up and pinched my nipple.  I screamed, but he did not release my nipple and I stood there trembling in pain.  His foot pushed against the rod connecting my ankles causing me to be hanging by my arms.  He finally released my nipple and turned and stepped back to his chair.  My feet touched the ground, and I balanced to get the weight off my arms.  Master drank his bourbon and continued to smoke his cigar and stared at me.  After 20 minutes he got up and stood in front of me.  His cigar had another inch or more of ash and he removed it on my right nipple, all the while staring into me.  I stood there and did not move or make a sound.  When he pulled the cigar away, he did not squeeze my nipple, he just went and sat down.  The pattern continued until he was finished with his cigar and had several glasses of bourbon. When he finished, he dropped the butt into his almost empty glass, stood up and went into the house.
I stood there for a long time before he returned. Fresh cigar and another glass that he filled with bourbon. Master walked up to me and released my arms from the hook but left them clipped together. He unhooked the chain from the hook and left it around my neck.  He took hold of my harness and brought me forward a small step at a time, then told me to get on my knees as he lowered me to the floor.  He sat on the chair and told me to come closer.  I was difficult to do with the ankles spread apart and my hands bound, but I moved the foot forward until my face was in front of his jock strap.  He reached down and picked up my head and offered me some bourbon.  I took several gulps.  He put the glass down, lifted his leg and set his boot on the chair and pointed at his groin.  I leaned forward and started to lick his jock strap, lick around it and tried to lick under it. I did this for a long time while he leaned back and smoked his cigar.  I felt his ashes fall on my back and did not react as I expected that it would happen.  Master reached down and lifted my head and unsnapped the cup from his jock strap.  His semi hard dick fell out.   It was over 7 inches, thick and not even hard. I immediately started to lick his dick and crotch and suck on his balls. I then started to lick the head of his dick and slowly took it into my mouth. I started sucking and going down on his dick. It continued to grow, and I reached up and put my hands around it as I sucked.  I ran my lips up and down the side of his dick and would lick and suck his balls.
When fully erect, Master’s dick was over 10 inches and very thick.  He had trained me how to deep throat it, but I was not sure if I still could. I knew that it didn’t matter as he was going to force it down my throat.  I knew it was time when I felt his hand on the back of my head. I was sucking on his dick and continued to take more into my mouth, then let some out and go down again.  If I was taking more each time Master just held his hand on my head. If I didn’t, he put pressure to remind me to take it deeper.  I moved my hands from his dick and put them on the chair under his balls, thinking that I will have some leverage to push up if I need to.  I started taking more and let up and go back down. I was able to control my gag reflex for the most part, but I think Master liked hearing me gag on his dick. I looked up at him to see him put the cigar in his mouth, smile around it and move his other hand to my head.  I took a deep breath and tried to force the last inches of his dick into my mouth.  I didn’t have to as Master pushed my head down forcing his dick down my throat.  I could not breathe and just held my breath as he fucked my throat.  I started to push myself up, but he rammed my head down on his dick and held it there.  I was trying to gasp for breath when he pulled my head up and grabbed my hair with one hand, then slapped my face with the other. “Are you stupid or do you really want to piss me off? Don’t ever pull away from me!”  He grabbed my head and pushed it back down on his dick.  I barely got a breath before his dick was sliding down my tongue and it did not stop until my lips were buried in his pubes. He thrust his dick several times and then lifted my head so I could get a few breaths before thrusting my face back down on his dick.  I was taking a few breaths and felt his hand move off my head. I then felt him run his cigar across my shoulders as he was breaking off the ash. I tried not to react, but he saw it and expected. His dick was still halfway in my mouth while I was trying to catch my breath.  I felt his other hand on my head, and he pushed my face down to his pubes.  He started to fuck my face, but this was different.  He was groaning and pushing much harder.  I couldn’t push away, and he showed no signs of letting up.  I hoped he would cum NOW.  He didn’t, he just kept fucking my face.  My head was pounding, and I was getting dizzy.  I felt the gush of his cum deep in my throat.  The last thing I remembered was that I could not taste it.  When Master finished, he pushed me off his dick and I fell to the floor.
I woke quickly and found myself pushed up against the table and coughing. I lifted my head to look around and immediately had Masters boot push my head back down and hold it there. Sometime later Master moved his boot and told me to get up.  It proved difficult with my hands bound and while I tried, Master reached down and pulled me up and pushed me to the wall.  He took my arms and hooked them to the chain and then the chain to the ceiling. He sat back down, took a drink and said, “You disappointed me. I expected you to improve but I did all the work. That will not happen again, understand?” I replied, Yes Master.  He took another drink and finished his cigar while I stood there looking at him as I was afraid to put my head down.  Master got up and went into the house. There was some moving around but I could not identify what was happening.
When he returned, Ryan was with him.  Ryan was the man I had arranged to meet with that evening. Ryan and I had been chatting online for over a month but could never find a time to meet.  Tonight was to be the first meeting, Ryan was in his late 30’s with dark shaggy hair, brown eyes, clean shaven and average height and weight.  He wanted to meet a cigar dad and experiment with different types of kink.  He was standing next to Master and wore jeans with a harness and vest.  Master said, “Ryan, here is your cigar dad; not quite what you expected, is he?”  Ryan replied, “No Sir”.   “Why don’t you unhook him Ryan and you can show him what kink you are into.”  Master then stepped over to the chair and sat down and lit a small robusto cigar.  He handed the cigar to Ryan. Ryan walked over to me and started rubbing my chest and moved his hands down to my crotch. He gave a good squeeze and then bent over and undid the bar from my ankles.  He stood and reached up, unhooked the chain and then unhooked my wrists from the chain.  Ryan pushed me down to my knees and drove his hips into my face, forcing my head against the wall.  After several thrusts he told me to suck his dick. I started licking his pants and reached up to undo his belt and zipper. Before I could pull out his dick, he slammed his hips against my face. I quickly pulled out his dick and took it into my mouth.  I started to suck on his dick and felt it harden in my mouth. He was about 6-7 inches and not very thick.  Ryan started thrusting and pinned my head against the wall.  He was fucking my throat hard and fast.  Master said, “Slow down a bit, he has to last all weekend and he is used to taking my dick so don’t think you are going to make him gag.”  Ryan slowed down but kept the hard thrusting.  After a few more minutes he stepped back, pulled me up and turned me around and started to finger my hole. Master said, “Catch” and tossed him a condom.  Ryan put it on, spit on his dick and pulled my hips back onto his dick.  He thrust forward and I had to brace myself to keep from getting slammed against the wall.  Ryan wanted to show me how tough he could be, so he fucked me hard.  Master let him fuck me for a while then asked him to bring me over so I could suck his dick while Ryan fucked me.
Ryan stepped back and turned me around and told me to unlace his boots.  He took them off and stepped out of his pants. He pushed me toward Master, and I got on my knees and immediately started to lick Masters dick. Master put his hand on my head and guided my lips around his dick and slid it in until it hit the back of my mouth.  I felt Ryan push into my ass and start fucking me.  Master pushed my head down and started fucking my face.  Not so deep as to block off my air, but enough to make me gag. Every few strokes he would let me up and then push my head back down his dick.  Ryan saw that I took all of Masters dick and started fucking me harder.  He grabbed my harness and pulled me back as he thrust forward.  I was more focused on Masters dick until I felt Ryan slam deep in my ass and start shooting his load.  How could I feel that if he had a condom on.  Master was looking down at me and must have seen the look on my face.  He looked down my side and yelled, “What the Fuck are you doing!” as he said that he pushed me over on my side and grabbed Ryan by the throat and rammed him into the wall as he stood up.  I turned and looked over and saw the condom on the floor where Ryan had taken it off before fucking me. I just laid there and watched as Master lost it.  He threw a punch into Ryans gut that would have doubled him over except that he had his neck pinned to the wall.  He followed that with a knee to his groin. He pulled him forward and hit him in the jaw.  Ryan went down and lay on the floor.  “You fucking idiot, you know no one defiles one of mine. I have never let anyone bred you and you do this to me.” That was followed by a kick to his side.  Ryan did not react; he was totally out.  Master picked him up and laid him on the round table in the corner.  He got some rope and tied his arms under the table, his waist to the table and tied his knees to his harness. He was trussed up tight and ready for a hard fucking.
Master turned to me. “Why the fuck did you let him cum in you?”  I replied that I didn’t know he was going to.”  Master pulled me to my feet, grabbed the chain and hooks both my wrists.  I was almost dangling and could barely touch the floor.  I started to complain, but before I could say anything, Master turned and backhanded me hard on my face. He then walked back to Ryan.
Master put on his rubber cop gloves and slapped Ryans face a few times to get him to wake up. Ryan started groaning and that was enough for Master.  He picked up his cigar, took a few puffs and flicked the ash on Ryans face.  With the cigar between his teeth, he reached over and opened a jar of grease and scooped some out and moved between Ryans legs.  The Master was not gentle and with one finger he rubbed his hole then forced his hand in.  Master pushed and twisted his hand deep up Ryans ass.  Every time Ryan groaned or asked him to stop, Master took his other fist and punched him in the back of his thigh.  He fisted Ryan hard, and I could see tears running down his face.  “My hands are in your guts now so tell me why you defied me?  Ryan said he was sorry and screamed at what Master did when he heard that comment. He then said that he wanted to breed me so he could own me too. He thought since you invited him to fuck me you wanted him to own me as I was not the type of man you usually had. Master replied, “You are a fucking idiot to think, and you know better.”  Master pulled his hand out to Ryan’s groans.  Master reached over and picked the bourbon-soaked cigar and pushed his hand back up Ryan’s ass.  He pulled back and left the butt there.  “That will keep you awake for a while so you can think about what I am going to do to you the next time we meet.” Master wiped his hand across Ryans chest to remove the grease. He puffed on his cigar and flicked off the ash.  Ryan looked at Master and kept saying no, no, please no, I’m sorry.  Then he screamed as Master pushed the cigar to his skin just above his right nipple. Master held it there for a second or two, just long enough to brand Ryan.  Master reached over and took the bottle of bourbon and poured a bit on the burn. Master picked up a knife and held it under Ryans chin; “We will meet very soon to continue your punishment.”  Master then cut the ropes and pulled Ryan up off the table. He held him for a few minutes until he was steady. I could see the crescent burn from the cigar over his nipple. Master then pushed him into the house and told him to get his things and get out.  A few minutes later I heard the door slam and Master walking back toward the porch.
Master walked into the porch and picked up the lash and turned around and took a few lashes across my chest. He stopped and turned back to his table and poured himself a glass of bourbon and picked up another cigar.  He sat down and lit the cigar and just looked at me. I was looking at his intense hard on. He must really get off on punishing people. But I guess all masters do. I hung there for what seemed like hours but probably only 20 minutes.  Master stood up, walked up to me and unhooked me.  I stumbled to the floor.  He told me to get up and I did.  He took off my harness and restraints and told me to go get rid of every bit of Ryan’s stink. I immediately headed for the bathroom and got into the shower.  I used an anal douche and cleaned out my ass several times then just stood under the hot water till it ran out.  I stepped out and Master handed me a towel.  I dried off quickly and he attached my harness and all restraints.  He walked out and I followed him to the porch and watched as he walked over to the hook and removed the chain.  He wrapped it around my neck and picked up a lock and locked the chain in place.  There was about a 5-foot lead that he held while he picked up a glass of bourbon drank it and filled another then headed down the back stairs to the hot tub.
Master told me to get in the hot tub.  I was standing in the tub when he turned on the water jets and told me to squat over one.  I immediately felt the rush of the hot water into my ass.  He had me stay there for a few minutes while he savored his cigar and drink.  He told me to get up and stand on the edge of the hot tub platform.  I did and he stepped into the hot tub, settled in while I stood dripping on the deck. I squatted down a bit and a gush of water gushed out of my ass.  Master yanked on my chain and told me to stand up straight. “That water has not disinfected your ass, so don’t let any more out.”  Master relaxed in the tub and when his cigar ash grew over 2 inches, he reached over and rubbed it against my pubes.  During this time there was an intermittent flow of water and gas from my ass.  Master didn’t say anything, so I tried to release as much water as possible.  Master knocked his ash on my pubes again and then stood up and stepped out of the hot tub. He told me to spread my legs which I did and there was a small flow of water. Master told me to bend over the hot tub. When I did, I heard him spit then felt this dick push into my ass.  He went in a few inches, and I felt the warm stream of his piss. He filled up my ass until it was running down my legs.  He pulled out and told me to stand up and turn around.  He was still pissing and rinsed off my crotch and sprayed up my chest to my face.  When he stopped, he told me to squat down and let his piss drain out. I did and then he told me to follow him. We went up the stairs to the porch and he removed the chain and then led me into the house to the bedroom.
He turned me and pushed me down on the bed and climbed on top of me.  He pinned my arms with his knees and his dick was directly over my face.  He told me to open my mouth and he started to piss in it. I swallowed his piss rather than have him force me to.  It wasn’t a lot, just him marking his territory. He then restrained my wrists to each corner of the top of the bed.  He pulled a strap up and restrained one leg to the bottom corner. He got up and walked out. I lay there wondering what he had in store for me. I knew the issue with Ryan was not finished.
Sometime later I heard Master walk down the hall and into the room.  He took hold of my unbound leg and spread it so he could move between my legs by putting his legs beneath mine.  He slid forward until he was up against me.  He stroked his dick to get it hard then lifted my leg and started to push open my ass.  His dick was big and thick, and he was determined to get all 10+ inches in me. He was there to punish me and the look in his eyes was feral. He wanted me to hurt. He was about 8 inches in, and the pain just increased.  I knew I could take him as I had before, but it was months ago and it felt like he was tearing me open, He stopped pushing and said,” Why did you disrespect me and allow him to cum in you.”   As soon as he said that he thrust forward, and I screamed as he forced his dick past my rectum into my colon.  I screamed for him to stop.  He didn’t.  He pulled back a few inches and slammed his dick back in. The tearing sensation continued.  Master held his dick deep in me and then when he pulled back, I begged him not to do it again. He just rammed harder.  I finally realized that he wasn’t going to stop until I answered him.  I loudly said, “I didn’t know that he took off the condom. I trusted You and You said that You controlled what I did.” He paused and thrusted again. “I trusted You and You let him do this. I could barely breathe and couldn’t see what he was doing. I didn’t know until I felt him cum inside me.  I am sorry I couldn’t feel the condom on his dick.”  He paused again and slowly resumed fucking me, but not with the punishing thrusts or as deep.  I opened my mouth to tell him more and he reached up and put his hand on my mouth. I knew I better shut up. Master changed positions and lay on top of me.  He put his hands just above my shoulders and got up on his toes and fucked me hard in this position.  He looked down on me as he pumped my ass. His sweat was dripping on my face.  He started to shudder, and I felt his hot cum gush into my ass.  He continued to fuck me as he drained his balls. He continued to fuck my ass for another few minutes then abruptly stopped, rolled off me and go up and left.
Master came in several times during the night. He would crawl up behind me, wrap his arms around me to hold me steady and slide his hard dick into me.  He would fuck me hard for a while and then stop without orgasm and pull out and leave.  The last time he came in I was asleep and woke to him rolling me on my back and restraining me.  He put a pillow under my ass and pushed my legs forward lifting my ass as he drove his dick deep inside me.  I was awake by then and could not read his face in the dim light from the hall, but I could tell by the rough pounding he wanted to teach me a lesson.  He pounded me; deep and hard. He released my legs and moved his hand to my neck. It was a tight hold and I soon realized that he was continuing to tighten his grip.  His deep thrusting never paused.  In moments I was finding it hard to breathe and shortly was not able to speak. My head started pounding and I soon lost conscientiousness.  I came to quickly with Master still fucking me. Master had moved his hands to press hard on each shoulder, pinning me to the bed as he started groaning and fucking me harder.  It only lasted a few minutes and he started to cum. He continued his hard fucking until his orgasm was complete. My cum soaked ass was burning.  He just backed off me and walked out of the room.
I woke up the next morning and the house was quiet, and I ached all over.  I was still restrained. Master walked in and unclipped all the ropes and told me to stand up. I did, and he put a leather vest on me and walked out of the room.  I followed him into the living room.  He was dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, but I could see his leather harness under the shirt.  He picked up a trench coat and told put it on and a pair of sneakers.  Once finished he clipped my hands behind my back.  He went to the kitchen and picked up his pack and told me to follow him to the truck.  We went down the outside stairs to the garage.  He opened the back door to his truck and told me to get on the floor. As I crawled in, he shoved me and slammed the door. He got in and we headed out.  We didn’t drive far, and he pulled off into a small parking area. He opened the door and pulled me out while he grabbed his pack.  He started walking and I followed.  I knew the place. It was an old dam that was made into a park and very rarely used so it evolved into a cruise spot for guys. I had come here many times for a quick blow job or sometimes more.  Master led me across the railroad tracks and up into the woods.  We walked to the end of the picnic area and then took a trail down toward the river.  Master stopped at a tree that had fallen.  Someone had used a chain saw and cut the end, so it was flat.  Master unclipped my hands and told me to remove the coat.  He laid the coat across the end of the tree and told me to bend over.  As I leaned over, he pushed hard on my back forcing me down on the tree.  He clipped my hands together around the tree trunk and then reached into his bag for some rope.  He circled my shoulders with the rope, so I was securely held against the tree.  He took several strands of condoms out of his pack and put them on the tree trunk in front of my face. He took out a hood from the bag and pulled it over my face, centering the nose and mouth openings.
I heard Master light his cigar and walk around the area.  I then heard footsteps coming down the trail.  Someone approached and I heard him say Sir.  The next sound was a condom being torn off the stip.  Hands were on my ass and fingers playing with my hole.  The voice said, Lube? Master responded, Not necessary.”  I felt his dick rub against my hole and then pushed in a few inches.  He pulled back and then pushed forward.  He started to fuck me. He was average size and there was no pain just humiliation to be used as a someone’s fuck toy.  As he was fucking me, I heard several others walking through the leaves to stand around me.  One guy walked up to my face and turned my head.  I then felt his dick rubbing against my lips. I did not open my mouth until I heard Master say, “Open.”  I opened my mouth and had a good-sized dick thrust in.  I started to suck on it as he started to fuck my face.  When my ass was free, he walked back and slid his dick up my ass and started pounding.  Everyone knew when he came from the load groans.  When he pulled out there was another and another after that.  I would hear a condom torn from the strip and seconds later feel someone enter my hole.  A few men would eat my ass for a bit before fucking me.  One guy fucked me, walked up to my face and stuck his condom covered dick in my mouth.  What a horrible taste.  He pulled it out then slid off the condom, and pushed his cum covered dick in my mouth and told me to suck it clean.  I obeyed. The noise around me slowly subsided.  One of the last men to fuck me had a large dick and when he slid into me, I knew immediately that it was Mike. Mike and I had been lovers for a few years, seeing each other several times a week.  He was one of the first men that I bottomed for, so I could never forget the feeling of his dick.  When he finished, he walked up to my head, leaned down and said, “I still love your sweet ass.”  There were one or two more men waiting and then all was quiet.  Master walked behind me and unzipped his pants. His dick just slid up my ass as he slowly fucked me.  He continued with slow steady thrusts for about 10 minutes, rammed his dick in and shot his load then pulled out.  He walked up to my face, pulled off the hood and pushed his dick into my mouth.  “Clean it up boy.” I started sucking and licking his dick and could taste the condoms but knew to keep on going.  Master said, “Now can you tell when someone is fucking you with a condom.”  I nodded yes and quickly received a slap on my head.  I mumbled around his dick, “Yes Master.” He said, “Don’t ever let it happen again or you will be punished more than Ryan was.”  He pulled back his dick and zipped up his pants. He took a butt plug from his bag and walked behind me and inserted forcefully into my ass.  He then undid the restraints, put on a collar and lease on me and handed me a bag and told me to clean up all the trash. Master stood there counting the 20-dollar bills that He charged these guys to fuck me.
We headed back up the trail and a man was walking down.  Master asked him what he was looking for?  He said he was hoping for a blow job. Master told him I would be happy to get him off. Master jerked down my leash and I went to my knees.  Master walked a few yards away and leaned against a tree and lit a cigar.  The man walked up to me and unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick and balls.  I leaned forward and started to lick his dick as it got firmer. He then pushed it into my mouth, and I started to suck his dick as it hardened.  I sucked for a while, and he was getting close. He put on hand on his head and jerked his dick in my mouth.  I tasted the first shot of his cum and then he pulled out and sprayed the rest of his load on my face.  He shook off his dick, zipped up his pants and thanked Master as we walked back up the trail.  Master walked over to me and used his cigar to push the cum on my face into my mouth.  He would have me suck the cum from his cigar.  He took a large glob of cum on the cigar, held it in front of my face, then raised it to his lips and slowly sucked it off.  With a mouthful of smoke, he leaned down and blew it into my mouth.  Master walked back to the truck, and he told me to lie on the floor of the back seat.  He clipped my hands together and got in the truck and drove out. He pulled out after a small sedan went by and followed it until it turned into a small gas station.  The sedan pulled up and parked on the side of the store towards the back.  Master pulled in near him. Master looked about for any cameras and then got out of the truck and opened the back passenger door. He had the bottle of chloroform in his hand and poured some on a rag and held it to my mouth and nose.
Master put the rag in a small plastic bag and put it in his pants pocket. He went into the store and found the liquor section and purchased two bottles of bourbon.  He noticed the other man come out of the beer cave with two suitcases of beer.  Master left the store and put the bottles in the back next to me.  He quickly put on his cop rubber gloves as the man approached his car. 
Master asked him if he needed a hand opening the trunk and walked over to him glancing around the parking lot.  The man said he was ok. Master was right behind him as he leaned over to put them in the trunk.  Master put the rag over his mouth and nose and forced him down against the side of the car and held him there until he stopped struggling.  Keeping the rag on his face he started to pull him to the back door of the truck and push him on the seat. He put the rag away and then found his car keys. He pushed him all the way in and shut the door. He moved the car behind the store and locked it.  He came back to the truck with a suitcase of beer and drove around the back of the store and out the side entrance.  We got home quickly as the store is only a mile from my house.  Master backed down around the house to the garage, opened the door, and backed in a few feet.
I was waking when the door opened, and Master took the bottles of bourbon and put them on a shelf and returned to pull me out of the truck.  I was able to stand, and he undid my restraints and took off my coat.  He led me over to the main support beam in the middle of the garage and put my back to the post and bound my hands behind it.  He also took some pressure tape and went around my forehead and post several times to hold my head up.  He went back to the truck and started to undress the man.  He checked his wallet for his license and took a picture of it with his phone.  When Master pulled Arron from the truck, he was still unconscious. Master laid him over the tailgate and completed fastening the harness and restraints on him.  He threw a rope over the rafter and methodically strung Arron up, so he was hanging from the rafters by his arms and harness.  His legs were bound together, and he would be able to stand on the floor when he woke up. Master slapped him a few times and he started to come around. Before he fully woke up, Master placed a ball gag in his mouth and securely fastened it.  Master then pulled the truck out, shut the garage door and went up to the house.
Arron came to and looked around and then looked at me. He started screaming for help and straining to get out of the ropes.  He looked down and saw the harness and that he was naked and continued to yell for help. He realized that he had a gag and tried to spit it out.  I told him not to bother to yell as there was no one around to hear him.  That didn’t stop him.  I tried to talk to him, but he was too busy struggling.  Arron was in his early twenties, average build, good looking, light hair, clean shaven and looked as naive as a boy scout. The garage door opened. Master walked in smoking a cigar, a glass in one hand and his duffle in the other.  He walked by Arron and put his things down and poured himself a drink.  He then walked over to me and held the bottle to my lips and filled my mouth with bourbon.  I quickly swallowed it down and coughed a few times.  Master then went to his duffle and pulled out a cigar and gag.  He fit the cigar into the gag and lit it.  He returned and fit the cigar into my mouth and tightened the gag. “I heard you talking. Shut up!  If this doesn’t keep you quiet, I have other ways to make sure you don’t talk. Do you understand”. I nodded yes.  He turned and walked to Arron.
Arron was trying to scream and struggling to get loose.  Master walked up to him and grabbed him by the throat and held tight until Arron settled down.  Master stood a foot in front of Arron, gripping his throat with his hand, the other slowly placing his cigar to his lips, inhaling and then moving the cigar and blowing smoke down on Arron’s face.  Arron tried to turn his face, but Master was in total control.  He held Arron there for almost a half hour before Master reached behind his head and removed the ball gag. He slowly showed Arron the long ash on the cigar. Master moved his hand and put pressure on Arron’s jaw to force it open. “Be still and learn. Move around or yell and you will get burned.”  Arron stiffened and stared into Master’s eyes.  Master took the cigar and moved it toward Arron’s mouth.  He inserted the cigar and touched the ash to his tongue and let it break off.  Master put the cigar back in his mouth and then shut Arron’s mouth.  Arron stood there, in shock or fear, based on the look on his face. 
Master took another drink and came back to Arron and started to examine him like he was a show dog. Running his hands all over him, feeling his arm and leg muscles, groping his dick and balls.  He walked behind him and started at his shoulders and worked down to his ass. He spread his ass cheeks and rubbed Arron’s hole.  Arron jumped when Master inserted his finger.  Master turned and walked back to me.  He reached between my legs and tugged at the butt plug in my ass. Master said to me, “Clench those cheeks, I don’t want any of my cum to drip on this floor or you are going to lick it up.”  He walked back to Arron and held the slick butt plug in front of his face.  He walked behind him and spread his cheeks with one hand and used the other to turn the plug and seat it in his ass.  While doing this the cigar in Masters hand brushed against Arron’s ass and he jumped and yelped. Master stood behind Arron and quietly said.” Arron, you will be begging me to do that to you by the time I am finished training you.”
Master walked over and took some of his drink and opened the suitcase of beer.  He took out two cans and opened them. He went to Arron and pushed his head back and started to pour the beer on his lips.  Arron opened his mouth as Master poured the beer in and started to gulp it down.  He poured down the second can and got two more. Arron shook his head no and received Masters prompt reply – a gut punch that would have doubled him over.  Master grabbed Arron’s jaw and squeezed it hard. “Don’t ever say no to me.  I am your Master and you will do as I say or you will be punished. I own you; I will use you for my pleasure. If you don’t please Me, you will be punished.  To Me, you are some stray animal that needs to be trained to serve. You got that Arron boy?”  Arron just stared at him for a few seconds until Master lifted him off his feet by his throat. “I asked you a question. You will always answer Me and you will always address Me as Master.”  He held him up until Arron said, Yes Master.  Master roughly released him and grabbed the bottle of bourbon. He put it to Arron’s lips and started to pour. Arron coughed but managed to gulp down a few ounces.  Master stopped pouring and took a long pull on the bottle.  He put it down and grabbed more beer and poured three cans down Arron’s throat; well, most of it went down this throat.
Master reached in his duffle and took out a lash.  He walked over to me and slowly started to lash from my chest down to my knees. He slung the lash over his shoulders and removed my gag.  He walked over to Arron and held the wet cigar jutting from the gag to Arron’s lips.  Arron kept his mouth closed until Master’s hand grabbed hold of his dick and balls.  Master squeezed hard and Arron screamed and had the gag pushed into his mouth.  Master secured it and told Arron to keep smoking it and whenever he didn’t see smoke from the cigar or his nose, he would feel the lash.  Master stepped back and the lash flew across Arron’s chest.  Arron coughed and jerked backwards.  The lash struck several more times.  I said, “Just smoke the cigar.” Master picked up a full beer can and threw it at me.  It hit me in the chest, but on the harness and bounced off. It hit the floor and started spraying.  Master walked over and put his large hand on my throat and slowly tightened until I passed out.  He walked back to Arron, who was puffing on the cigar and coughing. Master stood in front of him, his big cigar in his mouth and his hand stroking Arron’s dick.  Master kept stroking as Arron’s dick stiffened. I came to and saw what Master was doing.  He was going to milk every drop of cum from Arron.  Arron looked pale and I thought he was going to puke in his gag.  I knew better than to say anything.  Master saw this and I am sure it was part of his plan.
Master took his cigar and dropped the ash on Arron’s dick and continued to stroke.  Arron began to stiffen and his eyes lost focus as Master brought him to an intense orgasm.  His cum flowed into Masters hand.  Master removed Arron’s gag as the cigar was almost gone.  He took his hand and pushed the cum into Arron’s mouth and pushed his mouth closed.  “Swallow that!”  Arron tried but started retching. Master put his hand over Arron’s mouth as he grabbed a bucket to catch the vomit.  Master waited and then pulled the chloroform bottle out and put some on the rag and placed it over Arron’s mouth and nose.  I watched as Master took Arron down and carried him out to the back yard.  I could see through the windows as Master carried him to the ropes set between several trees.  He tied Arron in a kneeling position with arms, legs and waist tied between the trees. There was a noose dangling in front of Arron’s head which was hanging forward. Master moved a table and chairs in front of Arron and got his bourbon bottle and cigars.
Arron came to and lifted his head to stare directly at the noose. He then saw Master sitting in the chair just in front of him.  Master placed the noose over Arron’s head and tightened it around his neck.  The rope went up to a tree branch and then hung down next to Master.  He tugged on it a few times and Arron realized he was really in trouble.  Master stood up and told Arron to open his mouth.  He did and Master started to piss on his face and in his mouth.  Arron turned his head and Master jerked on the rope and Arron’s head when up and he opened his mouth.  Master washed him down with his warm piss.  “I don’t want any of your puke on my dick.”   Master moved his chair closer and sat down.  He pointed at this dick and told Arron. “You need to learn to suck my dick and take it deep in your throat.”  Arron said that he couldn’t.  Master just released the rope to the noose and pushed Arron’s head down on his dick. Master said, “You will!”  Master stood with this cigar in his teeth and both hands on Arron’s head as he forcefully rammed his dick as deep and hard as he could.  Arron was drooling and gagging on Masters dick.  Master just kept throat fucking him.  Hard and fast. Master was determined to force his dick down Arron’s throat.  Arron gagged and coughed, but Masters dick could not fit into this throat.  Master finally stopped and Arron just hung from the ropes.  Master walked around and lifted up his waist, kicked his legs apart and held him still as he pulled out the butt plug. Master slid his dick into Arron’s ass.  Arron screamed!  Master just hauled on his cigar and fucked him as hard as he had to his mouth.  Arron begged Master to stop, but all that did was make Master fuck him faster.  Master started groaning and thrust deep and bred Arron’s ass.  Master fucked him until his dick started to soften, then pulled out.  Master walked around and finished his drink.  He walked behind Arron who had gone back on his knees.  He rubbed his cigar ash on Arron’s back.  Arron jumped and his ass was up as Master thrust in the butt plug.  “I want you to keep my seed in you.  I own you and you should be proud that you carry my seed.”  Master walked in front of Arron and took the chloroform rag and placed it over his mouth and nose.  Arron went limp and Master untied him and carried him to the truck.  He took off his restraints and harness and put back on his jeans and shirt.  He shut the garage door and drove off.  He returned Arron to this car putting him in the driver’s seat and the rest of his clothes on the passenger seat.  He put the remaining beer in the trunk and pulled his truck off to the side so he could watch Arron wake up.  When Arron woke, he was dazed and did not know what happened.  In a few minutes he realized what had been done to him and he quickly started the car and drove off.
Master drove down the driveway and opened the garage door. He walked over to me, and his hand was immediately on my throat, and he started to squeeze. “Now it is time for your punishment for disobeying me, and we have all night.”  Master delivered a hard knee to my balls, and I screamed.  The pain was intense, and I couldn’t double over with my head secured to the beam.  Master looked at me with that feral glint in his eyes.  To him I was the prey, and he was ready to hunt. Master never lost eye contact, but moved from side to side slapping my face, chest, dick, arms.  He started punching my shoulders. I could never had imagined the pain caused by the hit. My back was against the beam and my shoulders took the hit and my whole body shifted. The pain was still increasing, and Master was punching the other shoulder.  Within minutes I was just hanging there.  My lips were bleeding, my face red and sore, my shoulders felt dislocated, and I couldn’t even count how many times he kneed or punched me in the balls.   Master reached up and ripped the tape that secured my head to the beam.  He walked behind me and unfastened the restraints.  I slid down the beam and Master unfastened my feet.  Master told me to get up.  I didn’t hear him but felt his fist as he knocked me to the concrete floor. Master reached down and grabbed my harness and pulled me to my feet and started walking back to the house.  I stumbled a few times and Master let me fall each time.  Each time he picked me up, slapped me hard so that I fell again.  He pulled me to my feet, and we went toward the house.  I tripped going up the stairs and Master just let go of me as I fell to the stairs and rolled down a few. “Get up here.”  I grabbed the railing and pulled myself up the stairs and crawled into the porch. Master grabbed me and pulled me to the hook and stretched my arms as far as they could go toward the ceiling and fastened my wrists.  I was standing on my toes. Master turned me around, so I was facing the wall and slammed both fists into the back of my shoulders. I screamed and had a rag stuffed into my mouth.  Master walked into the house.
I hung there for what seemed like hours. My shoulders felt like they were going to rip off me and I would fall to the ground. Master came out of the house, and I didn’t even look at him, I just let my head hang.  He came up behind me and put a blindfold on me and then put a bit in my mouth. It was large, almost the size you would use for a horse. He secured it all with a rubber hood. I heard him sit down, light his cigar and pour himself a drink. After a few minutes he stood and turned me around to face him. He stood close to me, blowing smoke in my face. “I told you not to talk and you disobeyed Me. You will always obey Me. You only talk when I ask you a direct question, so be quiet and take your punishment.”  A few minutes later I felt something small rub down my chest.  When it reached my nipple, it exploded with an electrical charge.  I screamed and tried to jump back. The scream was muffled but the pain was intense and the pull on my shoulders was almost as bad.  “I see you don’t understand how to be quiet. The more sounds you make, the longer this lesson will be.” Master was deliberate in where he shocked me, always taking some time between each shock so I was always tense and dreading where the next shock would be. He was a Master for a reason as he randomly covered my entire body: neck, balls, legs, arms, nipples, lips, dick and chest. He then turned me around and started on my back. He started at the top and worked his way down. I saw the pattern, but never knew when he was going to strike next. He got to my ass, and I felt him slowly insert the wand.  I wanted to say, please no Master, but knew he would only punish me harder. Master shocked me deep in my ass, and for a long time.  I was biting on the bit so as not to scream and trying to pull away from the e-stim.  Master only pushed it deeper.  He finally stopped and I just slumped and hung there.
I hung for a few minutes and then felt the e-stim slide from my ass. It touched my shoulder and I jerked. Master slid it down my back and the shock was intense, but it also felt like it was cutting my skin. He moved to the other shoulder and worked his way down to the center of my lower back. Tears were running down my face and I was sure that I was bleeding. Master leaned over my shoulder and said, “Have you learned your lesson? (he chuckled) I can read you like a book, and you try to show that you accept Me as your master, but I can see you are just trying to trick Me.  I don’t like tricks! This was your first time being punished, I really enjoy this and am looking forward to the next time.”  I could feel Master’s hard dick against my ass.  He moved it between my ass cheeks and thrust deeply.  The thrust was so hard I was pinned against the wall.  Master started pounding my ass, driving his dick deep so every thrust caused me intense pain. I felt that he was trying to make me scream so he could punish me.  I knew that he didn’t need a reason to punish me, he could whenever he wanted.  Master kept pounding and then put his hands against the back of my shoulders and held my rigid body against the wall while he bred my ass. He fucked me for a while longer, then stepped back.  I then felt a large plug slide into my wet hole.  “I don’t want you to lose any of my seed.”
Master spun me around.  He removed the gag and blindfold and stared into my eyes.  I just looked back until I felt his cigar rubbing against my nipple.  I stiffened but before I moved Master said, “You pull back and I am going to grind this cigar into your nipple.  You need to learn trust. I am your Master!  You are just one of the many things that I own.”  I stood there and Master continued to rub the cigar and just as I thought that I could not take any more heat and was sure that I was burned, Master removed the cigar and put it back in his mouth.  He puffed on his cigar a few times and reached up and released the chain.  I slumped to the floor. Master sat in his chair and reached forward and pulled me over to him.  My face was over his slick dick, and I knew what he wanted.  I started licking his balls and up the shaft of his dick. My face and goatee were coated in his cum before I was halfway up his dick.  I licked to the top and slid the head into my mouth. Master’s hand moved to my head and guided my mouth down on his dick. He started face fucking me and I could fell his dick getting harder.  He slowed and I looked up and saw his hand with a small cloth moving toward my face. He pushed his dick deep into my throat and then placed the rag over my nose.  He was blowing smoke down on my face as I passed out.
When I came to, I was lying on the porch floor. My mouth had cum drooling out. I went to wipe it away and felt all the dried cum on my face.  I slowly propped myself up and looked around.  All seemed in order and Master’s truck was gone. I listened for a few minutes that slowly pulled myself up to the chair and then stood up.  I walked into the kitchen, and it was cleaned up.  I stumbled to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked like I had been in an accident and would be wearing buttoned shirts and ties all week to cover the ligature marks on my neck. I stepped into the shower and let the water flow over me.  I finally felt good enough to remove the butt plug and squat down.  I pushed and felt Master’s loads flow from my ass.  I stood again and remained under that water until it started to cool.  I stepped out and slowly walked back to the kitchen and down to the basement. I went out to the hot tub and crawled into it. I planned to spend the rest of the day soaking my tense muscles.
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asparklethatisblue · 4 months
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating + Fitzier 👀
“You remember Alan, from the charity fundraiser last month? He’s been asking if he’ll see you at the party tonight.”
James looked up from his reflection in the mirror, where he’d painstakingly been trying to make a french braid look neat. Dundy was leaning against the doorway of his bedroom, ready to go and just watching James finish up. He frowned, sorting through any recent business encounters he’d had.
“The Canadian?”
Dundy grinned.
“Exactly the one. You’ve gotten along so well, I’m surprised it took this long.”
James returned his attention to the braid, already only half listening.
“I didn’t think we had any common acquaintances.”
“Graham goes to the same gym. And I have it on good authority that he’s ripped.”
James saw Dundy wink at him through the reflection as he tucked bobby pins into his hair. He hummed non committedly.
“So you know you’ll have something rock hard to grind against if you get it on after the party.”
James paused.
“Come on Jas, when was the last time you hooked up with anyone? This dry spell can’t be good for your psyche.”
“What dry spell?” James asked, finally turning in his chair to stare at Dundy. “I’m half moved in with Francis, didn’t I tell you that?”
Dundy rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah right. I have eyes, there’s no way you’re genuinely getting anything out of whatever it is you two tell people you do.”
James stared at him. Dundy stared back, his grin not dropping, not waving it off and cracking a joke about James being boring and settling down and this being a tease. Was he being serious?
“I’m getting everything I need and more out of that relationship,” James said, his voice clipped.
Dundy snorted and shrugged.
“Of course you do. Come on then, John’s probably outside with the car by now. And I’m sure poor Alan will be beside himself if we’re too fashionably late.”
James watched him go and turned to look back into the mirror. The man looking back at him was far less happy and at ease than he’d been a mere five minutes ago. The braid was perfect, but suddenly James felt the need to rip out the pins and run his hands through his hair until there was nothing artful about the mess at all.
Had his friends really been so wilfully blind? Yes of course they barely saw Francis, despite working in the same office building . He never took Francis to the same places his friends went, he never posted tons of pictures of his hot new date when he and Francis took long walks by the river. He didn’t describe in detail what had been going on, didn’t spin tales of his romantic adventures to his friends. It hadn’t felt appropriate to do so about a man that was more or less their boss now.
But Dundy rolled his eyes when James spoke of Francis in any way that didn’t involve work or gossip. And hadn’t Graham been mentioning men he knew more often, men that his friends once would have tried to set him up with? Charles and John both talked about dating apps or bars and looked at James as if he cared. Had none of them taken him seriously this entire time?
James’ phone buzzed and he picked it up reluctantly. The little string of hearts in the contact name immediately softened his expression, and he eagerly opened the message.
“Hpe you have fun tinight 😘”
The phone buzzed again.
“Casserelo in the fridge if yiu come home late”
James felt his lips twitch and replied with a few heart emojis. 
He suddenly wanted nothing more than to go home and join Francis in the house that he’d half moved into already. Maybe they’d watch some old movie, or Francis would read a book while James scrolled on his phone. Francis would pet his hair in the way James loved, and maybe he’d take him to bed, kissing him until he was breathless and making him cry out in pleasure in ways no overly fit gym bro from any old party could hope to achieve. And then, of course, Francis would kiss him regardless of how the night went, and would whisper that he loved him as James fell asleep in his arms.
James slid the phone away and got up, giving his reflection one last, encouraging smile.
He’d go to that party and roll his eyes at whoever his friends tried to set him up with, and then he’d spend the evening judging the poor guy for all his flaws and the way he could not possibly hope to measure up to Francis. 
Perhaps he’d also snog Francis in the middle of a meeting on Monday. Let his friends try and wave off that one
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gddmgttsu · 6 months
(I have a nasty habit of wanting to write only about bad things so let's talk about something else)
I've somehow read all of Dungeon Meshi within the last two days or so. Time well spent I'd say...
The first time I've even heard of Dungeon Meshi was seeing all the Twitter clips from the first episode of the anime. I thought the premise was cute so I decided to take a peek at the anime with a friend.
The first two episodes were alright but at the time it didn't quite grip me as much as I thought it would. While I loved all the characters doing their thing, it was missing something that would really hook me in you know what I mean?
If you haven't seen any of it yet, please go and check it out it's pretty good. I wouldn't want to ruin anything about it for the blind.
After the second episode I just put it off for a bit but a month to so later, I saw a twitter clip or maybe it was a teaser that was about Falin's resurrection. I was astonished to see not a digested corpse coming out of the dragon but a goddamn skeleton of what's left. That was what I was missing in order to get hooked so my interest was fully piqued.
So now I've gotten around to reading the whole thing and MAN was I surprised. The world is so interesting, the characters are all loveable and it gets surprisingly dark every now and then. It touches on alot of themes that I like involving death and the stains of time.
My favorite manga of all time is Berserk so the moment the manga started getting into that stuff I was fully invested.
One of scenes that really stood out to me were Marcille's nightmare and how it sets up that bit near the end. I don't really know much about elf lore and I just beat Baldur's Gate 3 so it was interesting to learn more about how an increased lifespan is just sadness for the elf in question.
Seeing Laois get touched by her nightmare and immediately starts aging and freaking Marcille out just made me go "OH NO IS THAT WHY SHE'S AFRAID" and it makes me sad to think about life without your loved ones.
Another one is Senshi's backstory with the Griffin and how he had to live a long time with that gnawing thought at the back of his head. It thoroughly explains why he's so adamant about eating a balanced meal and how living as healthy as can be is so important to him. I honestly teared up pretty bad seeing those final panels of him eating the hippogriff stew.
I suppose my only nitpicks is that we never really got to hang out with Falin enough. I would have loved to see more of the gang interact with her since from the flashbacks and what little time we do get with her, she's a sweetheart too.
There's also Itsuzumi and how I personally don't think her arc was fully done but at least she had her moment with the succubis.
These are very minor and there are even more minor ones and honestly I don't mind them very much because the story is already like a 10/10.
=========SPOILERS END=========
The volumes kept ending at cliffhangers so I couldn't stop wanting to read more and more so I ended up binging the whole thing.
I'm glad I did though because the manga went into detail a couple of things I've been thinking about recently too. It just nice to see and read thoughts about the little things that bother me right now. Even if it is through a silly manga about eating monsters.
Honestly, the manga influenced me maybe like 10-30% as to doing a bit better with how I treat myself and my health.
To close it off, I gotta say I really loved it and I'm excited to go through it again with the anime. Hopefully my friend won't mind if I drag them with me since I left them at ep2 hehehe.
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
Hey!!! I love your writing so much,, especially your jay fic ;; I saw that you loved canon fics and omg literally SAME,, so i was like lemme request a lil something lolol
Jay smut, reader is his makeup artist during the over me “era” and you can free style the rest <333
😺 anon
Tonight I’ll take you away
Tumblr media
pairing: jay x reader
pronouns: none used
genre: canon, suggestive themes, smut
wc: 1940
summary: you proposition the cute trainee that’s been making eyes at you while you’re working
Check my pinned for more fics~
tw/tags: flirting, staring, realities of the idol industry, makeup, plastic surgery mention (not referring to jay), assumptions made about the industry, covertly arranged hook up, jay kinda subby, bondage, mention of pre negotiation/boundary setting, teasing, kissing, making out, nipple play, oral sex (both receiving), non explicit and explicit descriptions, riding, orgasms, reader bottoms but gender isn't specified, reader is implied to be older than jay but you can imagine it however you want
a/n tysm for loving my writing, 😺 anon! Hope you like this, it took quite awhile but I finally got to writing it~ thinking of turning this into a whole over me 🥵 series but while thoughts are being had, y'all can check out the leejeong part if you haven't!
“잘생겼어요?” [Jalsaenggyoso]
You pause, just for a second, hiding that brief moment of confusion by dipping your brush back into the eyeshadow palette.
“You mean 잘생겼나요?“ [Jalsaenggyonayo]
Even under his foundation, his cheeks flush. You’re unfazed, having worked with a fair amount of foreign idols, you’ve received your share of flirtatious comments and sometimes even straight up propositions both in shaky Korean and poor English, up until they realise you’re perfectly capable of understanding both.
Tapping off the excess, you motion for him to close his eyes, holding his chin to steady him and swiping lightly over his lids. And because you rather avoid another misunderstanding, you continue to talk in English.
“Keep your eyes closed for me, please.”
You instruct him as you blend it in with a darker shadow at the outer corner of his lash line. He’s a good looking kid. In this industry, they all are, honestly, they have to be. You can only do so much contouring to sharpen their jawlines and slim their faces and define their nose. Some of them are so naturally attractive that you wonder how they have such good genes and others? Well, there’s nothing the knife and needle can’t take care of.
“And open.”
He does and you can’t help but notice how striking he looks. It does help that he has a natural double eyelid, saving you the effort of going in with the tape, the subtle liner popping out immediately. You make a few small adjustments, ignoring how his breath goes shaky every time you use your hands to angle his face.
He is, by no means, the subtle type. But he’s also a trainee, a Western-raised one to boot. They tend to be…a lot more expressive by nature, unabashed staring, the more established idols even going as far as making open advances, confidence given by signed NDAs and the knowledge that whatever footage of this will be deleted. While he doesn’t have that confidence, his face speaks volumes, wanting eyes, the ends of his mouth quivering upwards as you lean in to brush tint over his lips, even the little Korean he messed up earlier.
“You really shouldn’t stare like that when there are cameras.”
You murmur, glad that they haven’t been able to clip a mic to his shirt yet. There are only two cameras in the partitioned off waiting room, one mounted on a tripod meant to record the whole room although you know from experience that it won’t pick up audio and both of you weren’t in any kind of suspicious position either. Besides, they hardly used the footage from there, the behind the scenes most likely taking clips from the handheld camera that the other trainees sitting on the couch were talking at.
So honestly, neither of the cameras would catch him but you figured that anyone planning to be an idol might as well be a little more cautious. 
“Sorry,” he immediately ducks his head, sheepish with a little embarrassment now evident on his face. Definitely a lot more expressive.
It tones down but he seriously won’t stop stealing glances at you. Even when he’s called over to film or you retouch the makeup of the other trainees, your eyes end up meeting whenever you look his way. When they’re called to stand-by backstage, mic packs are taped on with you and the rest of the makeup and styling team making last minute adjustments. Maybe, it’s a lapse of judgement but you reach up and tug the black choker askew on his neck back into place.
Maybe only you two hear the sharp inhale he makes when you do that. 
“Need to get into the mood of your song, you know.”
You quip under your breath as you retouch some parts of his face, no need for any extra blush, at least. 
“Ah, yes.”
He offers you a smile in return. Cute.
You’re part of the staff that accompany them to the studio for retouches. All of them stand still as you fix up smudges or spots that’ve been sweated away. But it’s only Jay who really looks at you with a little something as he parts his lips to let your brush fix up the gradient, making sure they look soft and plush and camera ready.
“Good luck, fighting!”
It’s not that suspicious with all the other staff cheering them on but he lights up right away. It’s too cute.
And then they do the dry run and in the place of that shy, soft-spoken, smiling kid is this sensual man with sultry vocals that does things to you. It’s a blur, the song wrapping up way too fast and leaving you a little breathless and slightly warm under the collar.
They come backstage and maybe you bustle up to Jay too quickly but in fairness, the rehearsal has his bangs sticking to his forehead, foundation a little smudged and you definitely need to do retouches.
“Did I do well?”
He asks you, all quiet again. There’s no trace of the man onstage in his bright eyes as he smiles at you. When you tell him he did, somehow he manages to look even happier. You watch him greet the fans with those eyes before completely flipping the switch, vocals coming on even stronger, giving them flirty little smiles as rose petals decorate the stage.
And that’s when you decide, well, why not? He was cute and he seemed to think you were too. You’d suck his dick…if he wanted you too.
After the M Countdown filming and a fan meeting that had you on the side for more touch ups, you found out that he, in fact, wanted you too.
It isn’t too difficult, you being in the industry long enough to go about making arrangements discretely and without too much fuss. NDAs aside, it does help that while he is on a highly-publicised survival show, he still is considered a trainee which makes it easier to slip under the radar. There’s a little pre-negotiation, setting boundaries, getting consent but it goes over smoothly.
Which is why he’s here, actually trying to avoid your gaze, the red ribbon stage props binding his wrists to the bed posts, his pants somewhere on the floor. It’s a very pretty sight, you think to yourself as you watch him squirm, his arousal out in the open, cheeks flushed. It’s fun when they’re needy. It’s even better knowing that a hundred people can scream their name but your name will be the only one they’ll say tonight.
Jay says your name in a way that’s reminiscent of how he sang earlier. Melodic, almost breathless, just a little needy. You’re settled between his legs, running a hand over his thigh, enjoying the way he trembles slightly when you ghost at where he wants it. He’s all shy and stuttery again but his body is as expressive as before.
He surges forward as you lean in, meeting your lips with his. He’s not a bad kisser. You aren’t surprised, assuming that growing up in the West and not starting training as a child like some of the inexperienced ones you hear about must have had something to do with that. He’s still shy but there’s a sense of self-assurance in the way he mouths softly at your bottom lip. Parting his lips to let you slip your tongue in, exploring the spots that get his hips to jump, his wrists to strain against their bindings.
The sounds he makes are like music as you scrape your teeth over his neck, careful not to leave any bruises. You lap at abused skin and he starts getting noisy. That’s fine. No one would hear and even if someone does, they know it’s none of their business. Fingertips graze his nipples and you watch him twitch, leaking onto the sheets. You can’t help but ask.
“Please. Can you-”
“Can I…?”
“Can you do that again, please?”
And because he asked so nicely, you use your mouth, flicking your tongue out. He’s gasping, bucking his hips, trying to get some friction where he’s aching. You could toy with him all night but you won’t do that. Not tonight, at least. You press kisses lower and lower, his breath getting shallower nearly halting as you pause between his legs and look up at him.
“Will you stay still for me?”
It’s taking awhile to register but once it does, he nods. Well, you can’t have that.
“Words please.”
He looks so stricken, it’s almost adorable. But it’s barely a second of hesitation before he answers.
“Yes, yes- ah!”
You take him fully into your mouth, as much as you can. He’s heavy against your tongue as you hollow your cheeks for more suction, bobbing your head a few times. You look up and his head is thrown up against the headboard, eyes closed, lip tint smeared on his parted lips, sharp breaths escaping. You run your tongue along the veins on the underside of his dick and the sounds he lets out are obscene.
Impressively enough, he manages to keep his hips steady, letting you go at your own pace. But you know you’re good. You’ve been told that you’re good. Waiting till he relaxes, basking the pleasure of your tongue running over him, suckling softly, even moving to leave a mark or two on his thighs. Then, without warning, you’re descending, taking him almost fully in your mouth, breathing steadily through your nose.
You’re pretty sure the whole floor heard him just now, his hips jerking up traitorously. You pull off and the whine that comes next is delicious. He’s wrecked, bangs stuck to his forehead in an erotic echo of earlier, eyes dark and pleading, fists clenching uselessly.
“I thought you’d stay still for me?”
What comes out of his mouth next is almost unintelligible, a mess of Korean and English, all you know is that he’s begging. You shush him, your clothes joining his on the floor. You’ve got him hypnotised as you sink your fingers between your own legs, the wet squelch betraying how eager you are. He slides in, nice and easy and you take a moment to relish in the fullness that this angle offers, straddling him fully.
Your hands press his hips downward, keeping them still this time until you’re ready to feel him deeper. It’s a lost cause once you let go, he moves, as much as he can with his hands still restrained and unable to provide leverage. You let him tire himself out before you take your own pleasure, rolling your hips and enjoying the way he sounds when you do. He doesn’t ask you to untie him so you ride him until he’s about to tip over the edge, it’s not hard to tell with someone as expressive as him, the brink of an orgasm is written all over his face.
Maybe you’re a little sex drunk but the sound he makes when you push him past release should be recorded and made into a song. But for now, you’re the only listener. Chest heaving, you free his wrists and before you know it, it’s his face buried between your legs, helping you reach your own release.
“Is it okay if we stay tonight?” He asks after you’ve cleaned up, lying on the bed, limbs tangled together. He’s very tactile, you've found out.
You consider the consequences before shrugging, quite enjoying the way he presses soft kisses against your shoulders, singing softly to the song that’s playing quietly in the background.
“If you want to.” He does.
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