#i saw people saying the dark side sounded more like the deep end
write-it-right-2 · 2 years
Picture the force as an ocean. the surface - the ‘light’ side - is calm, is easy to navigate. as you sink deeper and deeper, it gets darker, it is harder to navigate, and the pressure means it is harder to even hold on to your mind, your identity. you need something to guide you. you need a tether, or many tethers, or a full submarine or other habitat to protect you. It is not inherently safe at the surface - waves still crash, and great destruction can still happen, but the deeper and deeper you get, the more dangerous it becomes. 
What if you filled yourself with all your anger, all your hate, what if you used pure will and pain to bend the waters around you, the nuclear equivalent of force use? These waters could drown you, you need something - so what will you use?
What if you did not go alone? You could bond yourself to others, allow the tension of this descent be spread amongst many - but if you go too deep, put too much pressure on those lines, or if you were at max tension and then one line snaps - you go spiraling off. All of that tension ricochets back onto you, suddenly in deep waters you are drowning. In that case, it’s easy to see why you might say it is just safer to never try and tie at all, when a break can ruin the whole network, when the tension could tear the whole thing down. More powerful, but more fragile.
The only thing left is to learn how to swim. But - more importantly, to let the waters flow around you, over you, to stay calm as they bob and weave. Panic is one of the greatest killers of drowning people. Don’t make waves, it’s such an easy visual - but how quickly does the meaning become lost? How soon do you end up applying it to everything else? When do you realizes you are still everywhere, everywhere in your life, except for these waters of your mind, the only place you are unseen, and the only place you are roiling. 
Go back. The waters could move around you. What does that mean? How does the water move around you? Forcing yourself perfectly still in water causes more ripples than moving along with it. You need to let the water move you, just a little. You are in the water. You are the water. Do not fear the water, it is not easy to move against but it will not hurt you, not now, not to move with it.
What if you are already deeper? What if by your very nature, you could never reach that place on the very surface, not without support, not without ties. What if you are told to ‘let the waters move around you, and move you with them’ and they do not see that you swim in deep water, you are not near the surface and you do not know how to reach it. The waters could tear you apart with one wrong move, you can feel it, and this doesn’t work right - why doesn’t it? The metaphor breaks down here. I’m not sure why. The problem is not the power - it is something else, it is letting the water move through versus trying to force it to move as you wish, but neither quite work.
Stop. Go back. No, further, we talked about going together. It is not safe to tie a few - you could be pulled back so easily, the tension snaps and it hits everyone - but what if you had more? How many could you have? 
It is something about will. It is about how much will you have behind your actions. How easily could you be led off this path?  There is genuine importance in being able to let go, to not bash your head against a single wall for all eternity, to not pick every hill as a hill worthy of dying on. You can not die for every hill. It is so dangerous to put all of yourself behind an idea, and the more of yourself, the more power it has. You must have some method of measure. How do you teach children what hills are worthy of dying for? You try to teach them to be good, to be kind, but when it is so easy to find yourself burning down hills for the sake of your beliefs, when a single missfire can burn down worlds, do you not end up teaching caution, before all else? Do you not end up saying to temper those flames, to never let them burn so high as to truly change the world, because every single one has the power to change the entire universe. And you know it. And you have no idea how to teach them to change it for the better. Who even are you, to try and determine that?
So what if? What if, by your nature, you are told you are going to change the entire universe. But the people you are raised by do not know how to teach you. You need to know how to stay yourself, how to stay true to your ideals, how to remember love, and compassion. Hope, and kindness. But they have spent all their time teaching themselves how not to turn the world over themselves, too scared, for such very good reasons, but they have forgotten, and they no longer know the things they would need to teach you. You need to know safety exists. All they can teach you is that you have to make it yourself.
To go in small groups, they have learned, is so much more dangerous than to go alone, or in pairs that can still divide. They still have these remnants of connection, but they are trying so hard to leave them behind. What they have forgotten is that many hands, working together, will do so much more than one person ever can. Many hands, working together, and protecting each other. In a desperate bid to not drown, tangled in snapping webs, they have banned them altogether, not understanding that it is by the very construction of these webs that we learn these things, of hope, of faith, love, and kindness, and compassion, and a belief that holds these, without reward, without payment, simply because it is, as all important. They understand what it means to care. But scared, so understandably scared of these deep waters, they no longer sink, they no longer let the water run through them, they no longer act.
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frost-queen · 7 days
Married off (Reader!Targaryen x Jacerys Velarys)
Requested by anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @alex--awesome--22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @erikasurfer , @slythetic
Summary: Reader is promised to Jacerys, her cousin whom she can't stand. Thinking he is too snobby. When you have to share the bed, you set up a number of rules for Jacerys to uphold. Yet you are the one to break it. At diner jabs Jacerys at you by exposing your snuggling up to him. Something that is laughable to your brother Aemond. Ending with asking what a kiss is like.
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Alicent handled you with fury. Holding you firm by the elbow, pulling so hard it didn’t matter to her if you could keep up or not. With haste she rushed through the corridors. She came to a stop near her quarters, throwing the door open. In a split second you saw your brother Aemond at the other end of the hallway.
Staring down at you. Something serious yet frightful in his expression. The glance was brief as you got shoved into the room. Alicent closing the door firm behind you. Her expression tense with shock. – “What kind of attitude was that?” – she called out in anger. Her expression calm yet full of violence.
“The one he deserves.” – you spoke back with frustration. A slit second later shot Alicent’s hand across your face. Leaving a throbbing pain in your cheek. In shock, you stared at your mother with trembling knees. She composed herself by pacing back and forth. – “I have told you numerous times Y/n. Your marriage to Jacerys Velaryon is final.”
“What about what I want?” – you dared to speak back. Already taking a deliberate step back so she couldn’t hit you again. Her expression darkened as you knew you should’ve kept your mouth quiet. Lowering your head, you presented her with a humble apology. – “You will marry Jacerys tomorrow.” – she made clear with a point. Alicent grabbed for the door, opening it once more.
“Don’t make me drag you.” – were her final words before leaving you with a slamming door. The sound making you jump out of your skin. As her footsteps died out, you sunk to the ground. Sobbing quietly in your hand. For all the people your mother could marry you off, she chose your cousin.
The one you found snobbish. There was not one bit you liked about him. Frightened you lifted your head up when the door opened once more. Your brother Aemond entering. His expression stern yet with remorse. – “Sister.” – he spoke nearing you.
He sunk to his knee, holding his hand out to you. – “Don’t.” – you told him, slapping his hand away. Aemond’s expression faltered to sorrow and pity. Taking a deep breath, you moved your hands over your face to your hair. Bringing yourself back to your senses. Without his help, you got back up with poise and grace.
You left the room, leaving Aemond behind. Blindly you followed the corridors leading up to your chambers. Looking at them with anew eyes. For you would never lay eyes on them again. After the marriage you would move over to the Black’s side. To be closer to your cousin… husband. This was the very last night in your room. A goodbye, you didn’t want to say. You wanted to stay here forever.
For now it felt like your mother has just given you to the enemies on a silver platter. A marriage forged between her and Rhaenyra in a way of peace settlement. You knew it was just a scam. To keep the good image up of peace whilst in the dark, shadows kept fighting with fire and blood. It was good for the land to see two sides united by one.
The morning quickly came as your chambers were swarmed with people. Dressing you for your marriage. Making sure you looked your best. Between the dressing and hair fixing, you grabbed for the wine. Needing the support of your good friend wine to get through this day. If your brother Aemond hadn’t banished all wine from your chambers, you would’ve been drunk.
“That is well enough sister.” – he would say, plucking the glass from you. You shot him a glare for the steal. – “Oh come on Aemond.” – Aegon responded in annoyance. It made you turn to your brother, sitting down in a chair with his feet up the table. – “What are you here for?” – you called out, wondering what your brothers were even doing here. 
“The spectacle.” – Aegon answered all smug. You turned to glare at Aemond. – “Precaution.” – he told you. Rolling with your eyes, you ignored them. Bothered that they have ripped you from pleasure.
So just a bit tipsy, you rolled up for your own wedding. Everyone was waiting inside as you stood waiting just outside. The heavy doors opened to the throne room as it made you suck in a breath. All eyes were turned on you.  Up front stood your cousin. Jacerys. Slowly turning round as you neared.
A smug smile on his face as it made you roll your eyes at him. You hated how he was gleaming at this. Taking great pleasure in it. Approaching the iron throne, you nearly tripped over your own feet as Jacerys reached out and grabbed you. – “Are you alright cousin?” – he asked with worry. You immediately elbowed his grip off you. – “Don’t touch me.” – you told him, keeping your voice down.
Straightening your posture, you kept your hands in front of you. Feeling a slight tug on your dress, you looked down. Seeing that your cousin was holding a bit of your dress between his fingers. As if he needed to keep you in place. Rolling your eyes again. Half of the speech you didn’t hear, too tipsy to even pay attention to it. Instead your eyes were fixated on the iron throne. The muttering dying out.
After the wedding, you rushed back down the throne room. – “Y/n.” – Jacerys would call out, upholding his smile to the others. With a bit annoyance, he began to hurry after you. Out of the throne room, you were already detangling your hair. Needing this spectacle of yourself off. – “Y/n.” – Jacerys called out catching up with you. He noticed the direction you were going as he took a hold of your elbow.
“Let me go!” – you insisted upon, pushing your arm back. He moved his hands up in defence. – “Look all I want to say is you are going in the wrong way.” – he said.  – “No I’m not, I’m going…” – you responded loud catching yourself make the mistake. Jacerys quirked his eyebrow up. You were heading for your quarters that no longer were yours.
“It’s this way Y/n.” – he reminded you offering you his arm. Rolling your eyes with a scoff, you brushed past him. Your cousin coming after you like an excited little dragon. Jacerys opened the door for you as you walked in. Hair completely detangled, no more braids and hairclips. Your eye fell on the single bed in the room. It suddenly felt real that you had to share the room and bed with him.
You rounded up to the bed as Jacerys followed you from the other side. – “Do you want to lay down?” – he questioned as you pulled the covers back. Taking a pillow or two with you. He frowned confused seeing you back away from the bed. – “No, just making my bed.” – you told him. Jacerys laughed confused. – “But… but your bed is right here?” – he gestured at the grand bed. You shook your head, throwing the pillows on the ground.
“I’m sleeping on the floor.” – you told him looking around for a blanket. Jacerys neared, pulling you to a stop by your arm. – “You can’t be serious about sleeping on the floor!” – he called out with concern. – “Oh but I am cousin.” – you responded pushing his hand off. You continued to search for a blanket to ease your new bed.
“Y/n, just lay in the bed.” – he’d tell you. – “The floor will be cold at night. It will get your muscles sore. You might even be frozen to death on the floor!” – he listed up in a panic. – “And you care because?” – you answered with a glare. – “I am… I am… your husband.” – he responded making you laugh loud.
Your laughing made him swallow ashamed. He didn’t like you ridiculing him. You threw a blanket on the floor, adjusting your new bed. – “Y/n please. Just lay in the bed. I…I command you to sleep in the bed!” – he ordered out, trying to sound like his uncle Daemon. It made you quirk your eyebrow up. – “You command me?” – you repeated mockingly. Jacerys swallowed nervously when you approached him.
“Please…” – he begged rubbing his hands nervously. You turned on your heel, coming to sit on the floor. Immediately you felt how hard and cold it was. Jacerys watched you closely. It took you about two minutes and a bit more nagging from him to finally give in. – “But there are a set of rules!” – you made clear throwing a pillow back in the bed. Jacerys nodded. – “Don’t touch me and don’t come near me!” – you threatened.
Jacerys held his hand up with a boyish snobby smile. It made you throw the second pillow at him. To your annoyance you crawled into the bed with him. Jacerys making sure there was enough space between the both of you. – “Is this good enough?” – he asked, looking at you. – “Do shut up.” – you said looking up to the ceiling. You didn’t want some small talk. Not with him.
“Goodnight Y/n.” – Jacerys said as your response was to roll over. Turning your back to him. Jacerys looked nervously at you, making sure he respected your boundaries. Soon his eyelids felt heavy as sleep took over. You had never been a restless sleeper. Somehow you were tonight. Perhaps it was the wine or the nightmares of your wedding.
Making your sleep anything but peaceful. Tossing and turning. You were used to sleep in an empty bed. Yet now there was an obstacle in your way. You had bumped against it a few times in your tossing and turning. Till you settled, bumping against a shoulder. Somehow in your dreams, your arms slapped over the person’s body. Making yourself snuggle closer to him. Hauntings fading away as the world became peaceful to you.
Your eyes opened to the sunlight. Body moving with the movement of breathing. The beating of a heart against your ear. Something felt off, yet you didn’t react to it yet. Needing a few more moments to try and understand what was different. The warm touch underneath you that felt like…skin. Eyes shot wide open, pushing your upper body up.
“Morning my wife.” – Jacerys said moving a hand behind his head. Annoyed you slapped your hand on his chest, rolling back to your side. – “What did I say!” – you told him, pulling the blanket with you as you stepped out of the bed.  Jacerys came leaning on his elbow, looking over at you. – “It was you who snuggled up to me. You didn’t follow your own boundaries.” – he told you.
Feeling suddenly flustered, you quickly turned around so he wouldn’t see. You disappeared behind the screen to get dressed, dropping the blanket by the screen. Fully dressed you re-appeared. – “Did you have a good night sleep Y/n?” – Jacerys asked looking all smug. – “Shut up.” – you bit at him annoyed. His response was to chuckle teasingly.
You waited for Jacerys to finish dressing up before going to diner. Jacerys wanted to hold your hand, but you moved it out of reach before he could take it. Nearly everyone was already seated as the two of you entered. Your brother Aegon raising his glass to you. – “How was the wedding night?” – he asked teasingly. Alicent shot him a glare for even wanting to discuss such a matter over diner.
Both of you remained silent, sitting down. – “Are you well sister?” – your sister asked sitting beside Aegon. You hummed quietly not wanting to react much to it. Aemond seemed to keep a close eye on you. Alicent and Rhaenyra giving each other a glance from across the table. Daemon rolling his eyes at the silence. Aegon moved closer, lowering his voice.
“How was it? Did you come?” – he asked his cousin as you dropped your knife in a deep protest. – “We kept it civil.” – Jacerys responded politely. Aegon’s expression horrified with disbelieve that he didn’t take advantage of it. – “What did you do then?” – Aemond questioned giving him the side-eye.
Jacerys cleared his throat softly. – “We just… snuggled.” – he responded as your knife clattered onto your plate in shock. It made the entire table look at you. You shot a glare at Aemond suddenly laughing. – “So sentimental suddenly sister.” – he laughed out. You tried kicking him from underneath the table, but you couldn’t reach him.
“Well I think it is rather sweet.” – Helaena said. Looking across the table, you saw the others smile warmly at you. Perhaps there was a bit of a glare with your mother, but it was subtle. – “I couldn’t wish for a better wedding night.” – Jacerys proclaimed leaning in closer to you. Leaving a quick kiss on your cheek that he stole before you could protest. Stunned by the sudden touch, you couldn’t help but get flustered. Quickly hiding it by looking down. Aemond kept laughing having the time of his life.
After diner returned Jacerys and you back to the chambers. You sat on the bed, arms crossed. Jacerys looked at you, sighing loud. – “Are you really that bothered?” – he questioned coming to stand in front of you. – “It was just a joke Y/n.” – he said tapping your forehead playfully.
Blinking surprised the sudden thought popped in your head. Perhaps it was connected to his touch or not, but you got pulled back to the moment he had kissed your cheek. Making you wonder more about it. – “What is a kiss like?” – you blurted out, making Jacerys quirk his eyebrow up. – “Well…I can’t explain it… I can only show you.” – he answered scratching the back of his head nervously.
“If you like of course…” – he finished. You slowly nodded. Jacerys took a deep breath, placing his hand against your cheek. It made you gasp soft, looking frantically around. – “It’s alright Y/n.” – he whispers to you whilst leaning down. Closing your eyes, he closed the gap between the two of you. Kissing you.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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crystlizabeth · 10 months
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@pampanope thank you for the request!! I accidentally messed up so I had to delete the original 😔
When I think of something like this I definitely think of Johnny! I love the Scott he such a sweetheart!! I’m definitely becoming a soap girly and I love it!!
Night Market!
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Johnny ‘Soap’ McTavish x Civilian!femreader
Summery: going on a trip for a little you time you find yourself in while going through the night market you meet a Scottish soldier.
Warnings: not much, fluff, cursing, n as always my writings a Blackfem coded but there should be no exact description to you the reader everyone is welcome! Not strongly proofread
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Night had always been a favorite Mexico may not have been the best place to travel by yourself for you time but never had any problems. Now you walked through the night market of Las Alma’s the smell of Mexican food flowing through the air, bright colors still vibrant with the darkness.
You had to admit it wasn’t the best feeling seeing people with heavy-duty guns just casually walking around, most of them not even soldiers. Walking down the aisle of little shops you stopped in front of a flower booth.
Looking through all the pretty flowers, bundles of red roses, baby breath, sunflowers, peonies, marigolds, and others. Looking through them you felt a presence step next to you, them standing closely.
Looking up you saw a taller man with heavy gear on but dressed in some jeans and a simple shirt his hair styled in a mow-hawk, he was handsome that's for sure soon his eyes met yours wandering one scaring you and making you look quickly back to the flowers in front of you. He chuckled lightly his head turning to look at you, “you shouldn't stare at people with find it weird.” you spoke softly your eyes still avoiding his
“I apologize lassie could help but admire ya.” he laughed lightly.
His laugh made your heart flutter how could such an intimidating guy have such a sweet voice little weird that he decided to flirt with you but you didn't mind. “I bet you say that a lot..” you teased lightly your eyes meeting his.
Wow, he had these really blue eyes they were gorgeous, to say the least his eyelashes were long and feminine-like. “Not all the time, you with a friend? Sorry if it sound creppy of a stranger to ask.” He spoke his hand holding in to his vest as he faced you.
“Yeah I’m with a group we split up for a bit..” you lied couldn’t help it but it’s was a just incase because what if he was wired.
“Not the best idea eh?” He spoke his brow rising.
“Maybe but I can take care of my self, haven’t had any problems.” You spoke your body facing him.
He nodded his mouth opens to say one more thing but ended up closing it only to speak, “I’m John McTavish my friends call me Johnny though.” He introduced himself holding his hand out to shakes yours.
Being polite you shook his hand introducing yourself aswell, “nice you meet you hun.” You spoke your head tilted to the side a small smile laying in your lips. Him returning the gesture giving you a toothy smile that made your heart flutter.
“What ones you looking at?” He asked,
“What..” you muttered your eyes never leaving his.
“Flowers lass, any you like? Saw you staring at the baby breath and peonies..” he said a cheeky grin plasters in his face as he spoke to you.
“Oh!— yeah- um— I was thinking of getting some with the pink roses it would be cute bouquet no?” You asked flustered turning away from him.
God get it together you thought, he some 6 foot guy in the military that could destroy you if he felt like it. But he looked damn good when he smiled at you his head tilted in that teasing manner when he caught you staring at him.
“Yer alright lass?” he chuckled a bit, His deep laughter gives you goosebumps.
You nodded turningyour head towards him, “Mmhm! I've got to get going— haha sorry it was lovely meeting you!” you spoke still flustered.
“Could I walk you back it nearly midnight?” he asked.
Walk you back, bad idea.. He's some random guy you just met. He didn't give you any type of creepy vibes would it really be all that bad? It would be bad if he kidnapped you, “Sure.” you said excusing the wandering thoughts in your head, you had your location on and your friends back home had it your AirPods stuffed in your boob as an extra tracker but you didn't feel worried about it. You did have a gross feeling in your gut about him so why not he was military, British military you're fine.
He walked next to you, the two of you exchanging conversations at your bother walked learning more about one another thought here and there his thick accent was hard to understand sometimes he was something else. You were down bad for some guy you just met, it was disappointing when you finally got to your little hotel and walked through the doors you let him walk you up to your room.
“This is you I take it.” he spoke watching your body stop in front of the door.
“Yeah- sorry we couldn't talk more Johnny,” you said your voice laced with sadness.
He smiled lightly “no worries lass glad I could get you back safely. Lovely meeting you sweetheart, maybe I'll see you tomorrow night.” he spoke shrugging.
“Hopefully-” you said a smile forming on your face.
“Sleep easy lass,” he spoke his hand grabbing yours gently pressing his lips to your knuckles.
You watched in awe as he did so “you too..” you muttered watching the Scott Walker back down the hall looking behind him a few times me to get another look at you.
Opening your door you closed it your back falling agents it “oh my god.. Oh. My. GOD!” you screeched fawnly your hands falling over your face.
In the time son of forty-five minutes, he left you giddy like a schoolgirl, soon to come with the realization that you didn't get his number, socials anything! That made you mad at your self you were completely submitted forgetting to do a basic thing and ask for his number and after the conversation you both had made you let out an angry groan.
It was sad because you would probably never him again you had his name yeah but couldn't find shit on social media. So you had to sleep off the sadness maybe you get to see him tomorrow night.
The morning eventually came you getting ready to head out opening the door you almost stepped on it. A bouquet of flowers and little not attached the the string that held the brown paper that held the flowers as one Picking it up was Pink roses Peonies and baby breath a few eucalyptus leaves around it. It was pretty very pretty some of your favorites even turning the note over it read ‘sorry but I wound be able to see you tonight had to leave mexico due to work, but there's my number I would love to see you again Lassie! - Johnny McTav.’
The note made you smile though it was sad because you wouldn't be able to see him, but he remembered the flowers you were looking at last night when you met putting them all together with a note saying goodbye.
That was the first thing you did putting his number into your phone.
.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
Hope this is good for you babes! Short but sweet!
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multific · 1 year
Who Are You
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Hannibal Lecter x Reader
Summary: Humans are born with milky white blood. The more crimes they commit the darker their blood gets. One day, you meet your soulmate, and everything is amazing. A couple of years later, during dinner, he cuts himself only to expose black blood.
A/N: This idea is NOT mine! I just found it while browsing, credit goes to the owner.
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Everyone was pure at one point. And as they went on with their lives, and did bad things, their blood got darker and darker. 
It was extremely rare for people to have pure white skin at an old age.
Many people hid their blood, avoiding cutting or hurting themselves at all costs.
There were many criminals who were discovered thanks to a simple papercut. 
Many tried to find a reason as to why this was happening. Many tried to cheat it and even the after the worst acts, they tried to reverse the darkening of their blood.
But it wasn't possible.
And scientists had no idea why this was happening. 
But you went on with your life as normal. Met many new people amongst them Will Graham, who quickly became like a brother to you. And through him, you met Hannibal Lecter.
You swear that day, when you picked up Will changed your life and you met your soulmate. 
Hannibal and you quickly found each other. And your love bloom. 
Soon, you were married to him without a question and you have even forgotten about the whole blood thing.
When Will began to spread all those lies about Hannibal, you were honestly concerned for your friend.
"One day, you will see." is all Will said when you last visited him. 
You threw your bag to the side as you let out a huff, arriving home, you found Hannibal in the kitchen, cooking something that smelled way too good.
"How was the visit?" he asked without turning to see you.
"The usual." you said with a sigh.
"Let's just eat ad forget about it." he said as you walked over to him, hugging him from behind.
He suddenly let out a hiss.
You immediately let go and as you saw the blood you grabbed his arm and guided him to the sink, letting water onto his cut.
"I'm sorry," you said as you rushed to find the medkit.
When you arrived back, Hannibal was staring at you with a blank expression.
"What? Is it really bad? I told you your knives are too sharp." you looked down and opened the box.
"Y/N," the way he said your name sent a shiver down your spine, not the good kind, you never heard anything like this before. You looked up and your eyes met him, he looked like a predator, a lion ready to jump, he didn't look like the man you married. 
He scared you.
You opened your mouth to say something but then your eyes trailed to the cutting board which was covered in blood, blood so dark you could see reflection in them.
You felt the shiver once more, a shiver starting on top of your head that went all the way down your spine and ended in your feet.
Will was right.
But something in your mind clicked.
You fell in love with him as he was. There were many many signs which you chose to ignore, so who were you to get scared now?
You let out a sigh.
"You might need stitches. Looks like a lot of blood so the cut must be deep but you are the doctor, not me." you handed him the box. "I'll get the... chicken... out of the oven." you moved to the board and then to the sink to wash it. 
Then five minutes later you found yourself in the dining room, eating in silence and now, not even music was playing. Complete silence. Only the sound of the utensils against the plate.
"Is it... really beef?" you asked as Hannibal looked at you with a smirk. You smiled to yourself and shook your head. "Was it ever?" you asked but you didn't need an answer. "Well, they do say you are what you eat..."
You knew that now that you knew who he was, he will keep an extremely close eye on you. If he didn't already. "I'm okay with it, by the way. Just wanted you to hear it. I still love you and you are my husband, this doesn't change a thing."
"You shouldn't visit Will anymore."
"I shouldn't, he might pressure me to go to Jack." you nodded. "I won't tell anyone."
"I know you won't." he said, "I believe you knew long before Will did. You just ignored the signs." you nodded in agreement as his hand found yours. "I would never hurt you, I do love you." he said with a reassuring voice and you did believe him.
"I love you too." you said with a smile before you dug into your food. "Does this make my blood darken too?" you wondered and for a moment Hannibal also stopped.
"I'm cutting you to see." he said. 
"It's not what I meant by any means, I was simply wondering." you let out a sigh.
"I was only joking." he said with a smile. A smile so wicked, so dangerous, yet you absolutely loved it. 
You kept your promise and never went to see Will again.
He would know instantly and you loved Hannibal too much to go to Jack.
But late at night, while he was out, you decided to head into your office and picked up a pin.
Pushing it into your skin, you stood in the window, letting the moonlight reveal your secret.
And now, even your blood was pure black. 
You could only stare at it as you stood in complete silence.
You should be terrified. 
You should run.
But it was all over now.
It is who you were.
Hannibal's wife and now, his partner in crime with your black blood matching his.
And somehow, you were okay with it.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​ @noname2246​
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lilacsareinbloomagain · 9 months
Heyo! May I request platonic yandere chain with reader? But instead of isekai like normal the reader is actually a destructive spirit or deity that was reawakened by either Dark Link or Ganon? Anywhoooo I hope you’re having a great week- mine was filled with exams lmfaooooo
Thanks for requesting anon! I really hope you had good results from those exams!
Notes: My week was okay, thank you for asking!!
I really let out my imagination out on this one, hope you'll like it.
BTW, take this as a part on the back for getting through your week.
I feel like I made the yandereness on this one so light, I'm sorry
-> Reader can't bring themselves to remember anyone's names so just remembers their most striking characteristics in their opinion.
-> It's been a while since I've read the comic, so Time keeping FD's mask on his belt for safety measures (since it's the most dangerous one and he can't lose it) is merely a headcanon of mine.
-> Reader is a menace who has questionable intellect (AKA a chaotic, pyromaniac, destructive entity being forced to be nice to others by the good guys™).
-> I left the end ambiguous, so you guys can decide if reader was either truly tamed or is still a menace who Time has to keep on check so they won't be too cruel on their "pranks".
-> Reader also magically rearranged Time's ocarina so each hole would play different a different sound at some point, so he literally had to re-learn where each note was so that he could go back to playing his songs again.
-> Reader slept for more than Time and Wild both and doesn't know a thing about the Zelda lore other than the Golden goddesses.
TWs: Light platonic yanderism, mention of burns, mentions of fire and arson, mentions of loud noises, basically just reader being an absolute hazard to anyone and everyone.
Platonic yandere! Chain x Reader
Debt to pay.
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People from your time used to say that one could sooner move a mountain from it's resting place rather than tame your natural ways.
You wouldn't say you were a deity, per say, you thrived on chaos and setbacks, a living annoyance to the poor living things that breathed the same air as you, and roamed the earth by the same time you did.
It was in your nature to be destructive, yes, but you never wanted destruction, at least not full extinction. The darkness and the light were both two sides of the same rupee, they were one just like the other, beings of both sides would react the exact identical way to having their butts lit on fire. So, of course, you weren't one to pick and choose who you'd go after each day.
Thing is, most people didn't understand that —if anyone at all— so everyone just assumed you were a being of pure darkness, even if you actually saw yourself as more of a dark gray entity from a moral chart perspective.
And that was how you got yourself “killed”, if that's even the right thing to call it.
Somehow, no one seemed to care much when you lit whole villages on fire and made all of the walls of full-on castles start dissing out pure electricity, but they almost dislocated their jaws the moment you decided to do a silly trick and turn all of their lovely goddesses statues upside down for a day.
As if those same goddesses hadn't just ignored all of their prayers in the last hundreds of years you spent freely making their lives miserable.
You were stored in a vase. Not even a cool cool one. A plain clay vase deep within a temple under the ground. If you could choose, you'd have preferred something more majestic and up to the level of your power, but then again, it wasn't like you were in place to say anything in your defense.
Sometimes you just wondered how your small group of worshipers were. They probably weren't the best people out there, if you could say so yourself, but you were still curious if they ended up having similar fates to yours.
A long, long time later, you were "revived", for the same reason you were "killed".
Not the best choice on the part of whoever went through the trouble of doing all that, but who were you to judge? Or even to complain?
From what you could get from the boring evil monologue the guy in front of you was giving after having just woken you up from the longest nap you've ever had —since you couldn't really die— the guy wanted you to aid him in his quest to kill some other guys and take over the world or some boring nefarious plan like that.
You couldn't recall any of the names he just said, though, so you could only guess that you had either slept for a pretty damn long time, or you were in an entirely different world on itself.
Before you could fully decide on one of the two possibilities, the red guy sent you to fight against that group of guys he was talking about, seven men with varying shades of blonde hair along with two guys who weren't blond at all.
Perhaps you could have admired the strength of the red guy's magic, to just bring you out of your sleep like that and already straight up teleport you.
Thing is, you didn't really care enough to do that, you just did whatever you wanted the moment you realized you were fully conscious and in a physical body once again.
Were you chaotic and very much possibly evil? Yes. Were you stupid, however? Kinda No.
So the moment the opportunity presented itself, you followed those guys around, gathering information. Taking notice also of that one shadow looking dude, who was following them around just like you, seemingly with the intention of making their lives hell.
Maybe he'd be an interesting being to interact with, if he wasn't as prickly as a damn cactus. You swore you couldn't even approach the guy without him reacting like a startled cat, pointing his flimsy sword straight to your face. You swore to yourself you'd break that thing in half one of these days.
And so you set your sights fully on the blond —and the not so blond— guys, taking your time to also play around with the villages they went to and toy with the monster camps they passed by.
Of course, you couldn't just ignore the massively ominous aura drifting from the masks that one of the taller blondies carried around. Your hands itched to get a grasp on those things, whatever was sealed inside it was magical and possibly powerful, and the possibilities sent your mind on quite a dangerous frenzy.
The thing that made you a bit disappointed, however, was how long it took for them to notice your presence.
At some point you decided to start giving them some more obvious hints that what was following them wasn't friendly.
They seemed to really like bomb bags, which wasn't exactly safe for them when you could randomly activate those at will.
Also, you couldn't control the rain or storms, of course, but you definitely could attract lightning, especially since they all seemed to enjoy carrying around those identical metal swords.
Sometimes you just liked to pull on their hair and make knots on them, given that some had really long hair.
The wolf guy had a horse, one you could just startle really easily. Although you didn't have the result you wanted, since the wolf guy wasn't sent flying the moment his horse went crazy.
You caught him later, though. Making loud, high pitched noises to absolutely blow away his senses the moment he turned into a wolf to try and chase you down.
The fire that the short guy was using to mend a weapon randomly became overly strong, enough to have burned his whole arm, if he hadn't pulled away quick enough.
The scarf of the other one just one day became a bit too hard around his neck. It's a good thing for him that he was quick enough to pull it off his neck before he suffocated.
You watched as the one with pink hair almost had a breakdown, as all his colorful, shiny little trinkets and accessories having become dulled, turning completely pitch black, no traces of their original colors or magic left.
The kid tried to control the wind, only to have it blown straight back to his face, bringing leaves and sand with it.
You made sure their cook accidentally poured a bit too much pepper in their food, or salt, even sugar, if you felt like it.
The brown haired one suddenly lost control of his magic, what was supposed to heal their wounds ended up dyeing their hair blue for days on end.
That other guy who always overslept felt his pillow being pulled from under his head at random times through his nights.
And the tall guy's masks have all suddenly decided to disappear.
“Okay. Something is going on here. And it's not something natural.” Time sighed, looking around the camp, tired and worried, concerned.
Wild’s hair was an absolute mess and seemed to have caught on fire at some point, Warriors was glaring at his scarf, keeping it as far from his —almost purple— neck as possible. Wind had his hair almost as messy as Wild's, full of leaves and dirt, he was pretty sure there were also some bugs around it, his cheek had a thin cut from a sharp little rock.
Twilight was occupied comforting Epona, although the both of them seemed quite shaken up by something.
Four had some burns around the tips of his fingers, his hair usual blond hair now stained with blue, Hyrule sitting beside him with a frown, bandaging his hands rather than using his healing magic like he normally would.
Sky wasn't far from the two, almost dozing off despite the migraine that had settled behinds his eyes, which were now dotted with heavy bags from sleepless nights. Legend's terrible mood did not seem to disturb his need for a nap.
“Oh, really?” Legend almost growled back, positively fuming with barely contained rage gleaming in his eyes.
“Vet, I am not your enemy here, but once we find out who is doing this, you can direct your anger towards whoever they are.” Time shot a look to the other.
“That is, if it's even a person doing this. It might be some kind of monster.” Warriors commented.
“One thing we're sure of is that there's magic involved in this.” Hyrule spoke up, finished with the bandaging.
“I don't even know why you're so mad, Leg, you were possibly the least affected by this.” Four complained, eyebrows furrowed with stress. Even as a blacksmith, he was never a fan of getting burned, especially not being caught off guard like that!
“Agreed.” Wild was the next to speak, not bothering to brush the soot out of his hair. It wasn't quite the first time he almost been exploded, after all, even though the experience didn't get any better no matter how many times he went through it.
“You're really saying that, even though the kid only got a burst of wind to the face.”
“Ay! Mind your own business, Legend!” Wind sprung up in defense of himself, already looking to be tense prior to the attack, as the two began arguing.
While the group was in quite the mess, you took your chances to go ahead and approach stealthily to attempt to take the mask you were so curious about. Said mask being the last one you hadn't stolen borrowed yet, since the tall guy seemed to have noticed his other masks disappearances and decided to take extra means of protection towards that one.
In your opinion, your risks were all carefully thought out and calculated, however, you seemed to have completely forgotten about a certain wolf guy at the edge of the camp, standing beside his horse and looking straight at you.
You managed to grab the mask from the taller guy's belt! But at what price..?
Before you could even manage to turn around and run away with it, a hand shot out, hooking on the back of the collar of your shirt, pushing you to the ground in a second. And in another second, there was a blade shoved right in front of your face.
You barely paid any attention to all the yelling, too occupied hugging your newly acquired possession tightly to your chest.
“Hand me that mask. Now.” A voice right behind you demanded, yet you still didn't move.
The sword in front of you seemed to inch just slightly closer to your neck.
“At least tell me what it is, first!” You asked, a bit more squirmy, not at all comfortable with the vulnerability you had right now, since it seemed like that long sleep left you with a bit less power than you used to have, clearly a precaution, should you ever gain you body back. It was smart from your captors, but very much annoying for you.
“None of your business, now give me back my mask!” The tall guy —now in front of you— stressed. You could tell that his restlessness was hinting towards just how near he was to the end of his wits.
“If this piece of porcelain is as powerful as it seems, then yes, yes it is my business!”
It wasn't, not really, but you were too curious to just give up on information just like that.
The tall guy went quiet for a second before he finally replied, going with a question instead of actually giving you an answer like you were expecting from him.
“How do you know how powerful it is?”
“None of your business.” You threw his own words back at him and now the dull side of the sword was suddenly pressing up pretty uncomfortably against your skin, burning you. “Okay, fine, I'll tell you.”
And that was how you met the Links, and also how you became chained to them, unable to leave. After all, you did have to pay them back for all that you did to every single one of them.
But, for some reason, that simple dept seemed to only to get bigger the longer you spent time with them, despite the fact you weren't doing anything entirely wrong…
At least, that was the excuse they gave to you, yet something in you made you feel like that wasn't the full truth.
Extra (This happened)
Time: give me back my shit
Reader: nuh-uh
Time: fym nuh-uh
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pathetichimbos · 1 year
First Meeting - Part Two
((part one here))
((part three here))
Thomas Hewitt/GN!Reader
taglist: @goodiesinthecloset21
You've run away from home, hitchhiking around Texas as you come up with your next plan, only to find that life has plans of its own when a simple ride with a group of friends lands you at a lone gas station in Travis County, drawn to a mysterious man most seem to avoid.
You let out a sigh as you exit the store, a bounce to your walk as you head in the opposite direction you came from, moving rather quickly in order to cover as much ground as possible before the dark of the night hits.
It doesn't take long before a large, familiar figure comes into view ahead, his pace much slower than your own.
Realizing your only options are to either ignore him and pass him, or slow down and accidentally look like a creep following him, you sigh and jog ahead, slowing down to match his pace as you catch up.
"Funny seeing you again," You catch him off guard, making him jump a little as he looks at you in surprise, "...Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you, I just saw we were headin' the same way and I thought I'd just say hi."
He sighs, seeming to relax a bit after your mini jump scare.
"So..." You start, realizing he wasn't going to reply, "...You live out this way?"
He nods.
"Seems quiet."
Another nod.
"Kind of like you." You give another smile, shrugging, "I was always told I could talk the ear off of a dead man."
He lets out a small, humored chuckle, and you feel yourself relax a little.
Conversation begins to flow easier as the two of you walk along, with you talking about the people you'd met and the places you'd seen in the last month and a half. The more you talk, the easier it becomes to see the good in your adventure, the ache of your empty stomach and sore muscles fading into the background as you retell your stories.
“Can't say I'd be able to find it again, but man, it was a really beautiful place. I'd love to go there again.”
Thomas nods, a genuine smile on his face from hearing the way you described the lake you had found last week.
You can feel the long grass reaching its way under your jeans, scratching at your ankles as the two of you walk side by side down a narrow dirt path you had absent-mindedly followed him down.
“Maybe I will go back...” You hum a little, hands resting in your back pockets, “Can't be that hard to find, right?”
He lets out a low hum of agreement as the two of you break the clearing in the trees and a large white house slowly comes into view.
“Whoa...” You mutter as the two of you reach the porch, “You live here?”
He nods.
“Wow…” You gaze at the house. It was old, sure, the white paint peeling off, the windows dusty and missing a couple of panels, but it was huge, and absolutely gorgeous.
The worn porch swing creaks as a summer breeze slowly pushes it, and you can distinguish the faint sound of animals echoing from the barn that sat a bit further back from the house.
You look at the overgrown property and sigh before smiling at Thomas, almost sadly as you realize it was time to leave.
“Well, I guess I should–” Your words are cut off by a deep, growling sound.
The Texas sun was no match for the heat in your face as you realized the noise was coming from your stomach.
Thomas tilts his head and you quickly look away, biting the inside of your cheek.
“I, uh–” Southern pride keeps your mouth shut as you stumble over your words, eyes boring holes in the dirt as you try to think of an excuse.
You're pulled from your own embarrassment as a strong hand grabs your arm, pulling you up the old wooden stairs and into the house.
It was just as big on the inside, greeting you with a large hallway that stretched to the other end of the house. To your immediate right was an opening to the spacious living room, and a little further down was a staircase leading to the second story.
You, however, were directed to the left, to a small table sitting in a rather big kitchen- though it didn't seem quite as big as the living room sitting across the hall.
“N-no, it’s no problem-!” You try to protest, but he doesn't hear a word of it as his firm grip gently nudges you into a chair.
You sit there, now quietly flustered as Thomas looks through the fridge.
“Tommy what the hell are you doing!?” A new voice suddenly came from beyond the kitchen, and the owner followed in.
It was an older man, wheelchair bound and missing the bottom half of his legs. He looks to Thomas, and then to you, a look of confusion and annoyance on his face as he does so.
“Who the hell is this?”
“I, uh, I’m Y/N…” You offer, knowing Thomas doesn't speak, “I met Thomas down at the station and walked with him.”
“Does Hoyt know about this?” The man ignores you as he continues looking at Thomas.
He finally turns around, a plate covered with tin foil in hand as he shakes his head to the other man.
“Ah, shit, Thomas. I ain't dealing with this. Don't try to say I didn't warn you.” He scoffs before turning back and leaving the kitchen.
You stare at the doorway he just left through, realizing that everyone you had seen so far in this town seemed to either know or be related to Thomas in one way or another.
Perched on the old kitchen wall was a picture of the older woman from the station, though she seemed a bit younger and less grumpy. The sheriff- Hoyt, you had remembered her calling his name- had called her Mama, and the man that had just left mentioned him as well.
You wondered if they had any other family filling the rooms of this large home, though right now it seemed quiet, save for the faint echoes of a TV playing from a room you hadn't seen yet.
Thomas pushes a plate in front of you, catching your attention as he grabs a fork and hands it to you as well.
“Thank you, but you really don’t have to–”
He cuts you off by tapping the table beside the plate.
You sigh, the clench of your empty stomach reminding you that you weren't going to gain anything by not eating it.
You pull back the tin foil to reveal a full meal, something you hadn’t seen in days. The food was piled up, and your mouth was practically watering at the sight. You take your first bite, the flavor exploding in your mouth and making your stomach growl again.
It had been so long since you'd had proper food, you didn't even mind that it was cold, simply excited to get something in your system.
You eat as much as you can, having to turn away over half of it after your shrunken stomach protests eating anymore.
Feeling more comfortable, you gave him a smile and thanked him again, “Did you cook that?”
He shook his head and pointed to a picture on the wall, the same picture of the station clerk that you noticed earlier.
“She's your mother?” You question, earning a nod in response.
You open your mouth to continue when a car door slams shut outside and an almost familiar voice calls out.
“Thomas!” The man screams from the front yard.
“Is that… The sheriff?” You ask, looking back to Thomas who was staring at the door, his face now grim and shoulders tense.
“Thomas, get your ass out here!” Hoyt hollers for him again.
Thomas stands from the table, another voice echoing in from the outside.
“No, no, please, let us go!” A woman screams, her voice blood curdling and scared.
You stand up as well, a worry in your voice, “Is that Katie?”
Thomas puts a hand on your shoulder and shakes his head, a warning.
More screaming comes from the front yard, the voices of the sheriff and Katie mixing together as they yell at each other.
Thomas tugs your arm, pulling you to the kitchen pantry. He motions for you to stay quiet before shutting the door, his fading footsteps leaving the kitchen.
You sit in the dark, heart racing as your mind tries to piece together what was happening.
The slam of the front door makes you jump as the sheriff yells again, his voice much louder and clearer as he had apparently come inside, “Goddamnit, boy, when I holler for you, that means you come!”
“Please, please, let me go, I won’t tell anyone, I swear to God…” Katie was sobbing, you could hear it in her voice and the way she hiccupped between her words.
“Here, Tommy, put her in the kitchen. We’ll let Momma deal with her when she gets home.”
Your body seems to move on its own as you crack the pantry door open, watching Thomas drag Katie across the kitchen floor.
Blood is soaking her clothes, leaving a mess trailing behind as Thomas ties her hands to the kitchen table.
He glances up, intense eyes staring you down as he shakes his head, a silent command to shut the door.
You do as you're told, hands covering your mouth as you start to hyperventilate, adrenaline rushing your system as you start to shake.
You can hear Thomas' heavy footsteps leave the room again over Katie's crying, the table scraping the floor as she futilely pulls against her restraints.
What the hell did you get yourself into?
Your mind starts racing as you try to contemplate your options.
You could stay hidden here, sure, but for how long? What if Thomas wasn't the next person to open the door, and what would you even do if it was?
Would you take the risk and bolt? Would he even let you?
Your breathing starts to become shaky and uneven as the fear takes over your mind. You shut your eyes and lean against the door, trying to ignore the sounds of the girl on the other side.
She was crying, still, asking no one in particular, “God, why me? Why us, God, why–” She cries out, sobbing violently as her sentence is cut off with a broken sob.
After a few minutes of this, the front door opens once again, and footsteps, too soft to be Thomas' or Hoyt’s, come in.
You peer out of the door again, watching as the older woman from the gas station steps into the kitchen.
Katie notices her as well, immediately crying out, begging for help.
You watch as she stops in front of her with a sigh, “Oh, dear. What has that Hoyt done now…?” She mutters before walking past her.
She doesn't notice you as she walks out of view and comes back with a bowl of water and a rag.
“I don’t know why he always has to be so messy.” She shakes her head, gently running the rag across Katie's face.
“Please, please, let me go, please…” Katie pleads with her, only for the woman to hush her, “Why are you doing this?”
“Well, we’ve got company coming over, and you don’t want to be all dirty, do you?” She coos slightly as she finishes washing her face, “There we go, that’s better, isn’t it?”
Katie sobs again, yanking at the ropes once more.
The woman ignores her, walking out of view once again, you assume to get rid of the bowl of water and now bloody rag.
You close the door again and sigh, pressing your forehead against the door as tears begin to slip down your cheeks.
What was going to happen to you?
You sit there in that pantry, silent and listening to Katie’s tears as you wait to find out.
You can hear the woman come back into the kitchen and begin making something, and eventually the whistling kettle hints at tea, or maybe even coffee. At some point another woman joined her and they both took a seat and began chit chatting.
You barely listen to their conversation, only picking up on the first woman’s name, Luda Mae. You didn’t catch the second woman’s name as they chatted casually, exchanging small talk about the weather and the tea. If it wasn’t for Katie’s crying, you’d assume nothing was out of the ordinary at all.
“Oh, here, let me go get you some from the pantry.” Luda Mae's voice pulls you from your thoughts as you listen to her shuffling footsteps come closer and closer.
Your heart stops and sinks all at once and you feel sick realizing what was about to happen.
You push yourself away from the door, holding your bag in front of you as if it could somehow keep you hidden, silently pressing yourself against the back shelves as you brace yourself.
The door handle starts to turn.
A feeling of complete helplessness settles in as the door swings open.
Your eyes screw shut as light floods the pantry, waiting for the worst possible outcome as you shake, holding your measly bag in front of you.
"Please..." You mutter, whether it be to her or to a God or yourself, you don't know, "Don't hurt me..."
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snowy-vee · 6 months
BSC: Back to School (1)
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n/a: You all know the drill, enjoy and let me know <33
It did not hit you that the summer was over until you were in your shared room and a T-shirt landed in your face. You throw it back to the owner, your best friend and the most fabulous person in the building, Dina.
“Are you not going to unpack? We have to get ready for the ‘Welcoming dinner’, hurry up, put your uniform on!” She was almost done with her suitcase, putting it under the bed once she did. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, she could see that as she approached her vanity with a brush, freeing her hair from the tie, her dark curls fell gracefully on her shoulder, she was focused on brushing them until her eyes looked at you in the mirror.
You were sat in your bed with a frown in your lips, you had such a nice summer and you wanted to extend it more, It’s not like you hated the school but homework, exams, activities you are obliged to do… that’s not something you like. The stare of Dina was too intense making you stand up and start undressing to put on the uniform which consisted in a dark brown skirt, a plain white shirt with a red, white and black tie and a light brown blazer with the pin of the school.
This year you had a glow-up, it’s not as if you were bad looking the other years, but this one? You were radiant not only because the uniform finally hug your body in a right way but because you caught Jesse watching you once you enter accompanied with Dina, that made you jump a little bit once you two were out of his sight, screaming on Dina’s ears. The cold bedroom made your enthusiasm go down and that’s when you sat on your bed and realized that you were at school.
“I can feel it in my bones, this year is my year” you said applying kiwi chapstick in your lips, doing the sound ‘pop’ twice “The way he looked at me? He’s obsessed”
Dina couldn’t help but laugh opening the door of the room “He soooooo is, now, let’s go dine, delulu”
“I’m not delusional!” you protested following behind her “Why are you walking so fast?”
You catch up to her her, linking you arm to her as you two laughed in the hallway, casually saying ‘hi’ to others girls that were heading to the dinning room. The school was enormous, so the girls and boys rooms where in different ends, each of the with the same installations such as common room, community showers, etc.
In the middle it was the dinning hall, the library, the music room, the principal and professor’s offices and more, there were three hallways that connected to the other building where classes where taught, you could find you locker there and the study room. The school was surrounded but a lot of woods and deep into them, there was a cabin where sometimes people threw parties but it was mostly for the third years to use exclusively whenever they wanted, you needed an invitation to go there.
“Hate this” You said standing behind your chair “Why do we have to wait? Can she just give her speech while we eat?”
Dina rolled her eyes shushing at you, you rolled them too looking around the room while the principal was giving the speech on how this was a new year and blah blah blah, you couldn’t care less as your eyes landed on the most amazing guy in the room, Jesse. A dreamy sigh left your mouth as you look at his perfect styled black hair, how amazing that shirt was on his chest and arms ¡Oh, his muscles! You could moan just to think of touching them.
The silly smile that adorn your daydreaming face faded as you saw a hand on his shoulder, your eyes diverting your attention to the girl besides him, his “bestfriend” Ellie Williams. Of course, she couldn’t be one minute away from him, always by his side, you’ve heard rumors that she usually sneaks to go to his room AT MIDNIGHT.
You found it outrageous, they never officialese anything but you knew there was something between them. Everyone in the room started clapping and so did you, shaking your head to let those thoughts fell ans sit down to start eating. “I’m so mad right now, I feel less hungry”
“Then why are you filling your plate?”
“Because I am hungry, Dina!”
“I am not your enemy, don’t talk bad to me” She put some rice and peas on her plate and filled her and your cup with water.
“I know, sorry, It’s just- Doesn’t she have anything else to do then be around him?”
Dina looked at the direction you were so fixated, watching Ellie and Jesse eating and laughing with the rest of the people in their table “They are best friends, you and I are always together, attached to our hips”
“It’s not the same and you know it”
She huffed exhausted knowing that you could go for hours talking about those two, so she just started talking with somebody else, you later joined in once your stomach was relaxed and you felt more happy and enthusiastic. When the dinner finished, everybody left slowly the room, some talking with other about the summer, others on their phone or simply walking but ¿You? You were sprinting to your room, tugging your bestie with you.
There was going to be a party in the cabin, everybody beside first years was invited, that meant more time to appreciate the beauty of your soon to be boyfriend. You were excited as you opened your wardrobe searching for something good but not too much.
“I need to look like a slut but not like a slut, you know hat I mean?” you asked Dina showing her two tops and waving them, she pointed at the one in your right “Cool”
She started getting ready too, flared jeans and a cute top was her outfit, she was not going to touch her hair again, she just applied some mascara and she was done. You felt kind of jealous of how pretty she was, and her personality? She was amazing.
“Look at that ass, girl!” you hyped her up slapping it “Are you trying to end the year with boyfriend just like me?”
“Something like that…” she shrugged. Her phone started vibrating, it was a call, you assumed, because it kept going “I’ll take it outside, are you ready? let’s go in five”
You nodded looking at her taking up the call with a ‘wait, I’m not alone’ as she went outside. Whatever, you had to practise your smile and the tone you wanted to use, ugh, this was hard, flirting was hard ¿Why couldn’t you just cast a spell on him and start dating? Skip all the awkwardness and straight to be the love of each others lives.
The door opened and Dina knocked looking at you “Come on! Everyone is gone!”
“I’m ready”
The walk towards the cabin was more sneaky than anything, it wasn’t until you were close that you could hear the music and see the bonfire outside, most of them were already drinking or smoking. The nervous feeling in your stomach was growing, you were hoping to look good, you were hoping for tonight to be the start of something good.
“Let’s have a drink to calm you down, honey” She said sensing how tense you were “Something light but enough to relax”
Inside the cabin there was too many people, you did not cared about that, you cared about not being able to spot Jesse anywhere, not outside, not inside. “Maybe coming today was a mistake”
You look at the inside of the cup that was handed to you frowning your lip in a sadly way, Dina shook her head holding your hand and taking you to the middle of the room, spin you and make you dance. Rolling your eyes you started dancing with her, having fun for a moment, sipping on your cup and maybe adding a little bit of more liquor in it.
Dina had her phone on her hand, checking time to time “Uh- I have to go outside for a moment, I’ll be right back!”
“For what? Dina!”
She was gone from your eyesight, you hated that, this has been her behaviour the whole summer too. You thought that maybe she had a sneaky link but eventually she would talk about it with you ¿Guess what? Almost 3 months and she didn’t.
You let yourself fall in a space in the couch, taking out your phone and replying to some messages from other friends, it’s not like you were 100% a loner but the only one who got you and you could be yourself was Dina.
“Why the sad face? This is a party”
You turned facing the stranger that was talking to you, just to find the face of the last person you wanted to engage in a conversation “None of your business”
She laughed while drinking whatever was left in her cup “Hey, I was just trying to be nice, your loss cause I’m actually very funny”
“If I need someone to make me laugh, I’d hire a clown, are you a clown?”
“Whatever you want me to be, I could” Ellie lock her eyes in yours, your mouth opened slightly narrowing your eyes as you moved aside.
“Yeah, no… Where’s Jesse? I mean-” you cleared your throat, you couldn’t give yourself away, letting Elie know your feelings for her best friend “You guys are always together as if you too were something more than friends”
There, you said it, now just wait to see her reaction or response. She stayed silent for some seconds before bursting into laughter, what was so funny? You didn’t get it.
“Oh, god, you are so funny” She wiped away a tear that came from laughter. “First of all, I like girls”
“You like girls?! Since when?” You were confused, you’ve never heard of this, not even in the gossip forum. That meant that Ellie was not competition any more, this was your year! You were screaming mentally and jumping all around.
“Yeah and I don’t know”
“Cool” now you could gift Ellie one of your friendly smiles, you turned your body on her direction, putting all your attention on her. She must have felt the shift in the whole vibe because now she was the one moving aside. “What were you saying about you being funny?”
The time went flying, you found her very entertaining, she actually someone you could easily talk to about anything ¡Gosh! You could have befriended her a long time ago if you weren’t so judgmental. You barely noticed when Dina came back and touched your shoulder.
“Finally! Where were you?” She sat in your lap.
“Outside, I told you. Hi, Ellie”
“Hi, Dina” she said kind of nervous, scratching the back of her head. You looked between them two as the energy was starting to feel off, that was until Jesse appeared in the picture in front of Ellie.
“Ellie, some of us are going to play poker, do you want to join?” He turned to look at you and he smiled “Hey, girls”
You silly laughed, biting your lip slightly before saying ‘Hi’, you couldn’t believe he was talking to you, even if it was just courtesy, HE WAS TALKING TO YOU. He said ‘Hey, beautiful lady that I want to marry soon’ with his eyes.
“Yeah, let’s go” Jesse helped her get up from the couch and you wished to be her at that moment to just casually touch him “See you around”
She was talking to you, but your eyes were only on her friend, Dina had to pinch you discretely for you to react “Oh, yeah, see you!”
Ellie waved ‘bye’ before disappearing from the room. You finally could breath and giggled pushing the dark haired girl out of your lap and to the couch, not only you found out Ellie liked hers but also Jesse talked to you, the tarot reader was right, this year was the year of love for you.
“Can we go? I’m so sleepy”
“Yeah! We have so much to talk and scheme tonight, I just found out about something so fundamental!”
“Fine by me if that means you’re going to talk alone and let me sleep while you pretend I’m not”
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fuxuannie · 1 year
I saw you write for hsr and that you're requests are open
I was thinking blade X reader general hcs???
Please I'm begging on my knees do more blade content(⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)
* pairing : blade x gender neutral reader
* prompt : request ♡
* authors note : deep dark confession, i actually have no idea what blades personality is like n i have like a version of him made up in my head so pls if hes ooc, tell me about how he is like canonically WAHHH. (i also experimented a little with this style of writing! if you're into it, let me know!)
* brief warning : lmao its so funny that i always have this with blade.. blade is blade yes yes _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
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ּ ִֶָ ࣪✦ Where in BLADE seems so incredibly enamored and entertained by the General. (even if they planned to kill him, hes kinda into that though ngl)
— he likes to annoy you, you know damn well his presence alone gets you riled up. and honestly he finds it really cute lol
— even when he was already an escaping criminal, you knew that the knocks on your window late at night couldn't have been anyone else.
— "it's me again~" "get out."
— however, knowing you are the one reason he stays in luofu.. you tolerate it. you don't understand why hes so obsessed with you but if it meant keeping a criminal in control, you'll do it for your people.
— whenever he visits, its usually just one sided small talk as you're staring at him in your nightwear and sighing.
— "are you done?" "nope."
— eventually you start talking to him, cause if you can't rest might aswell do something in your restless hours.
— with each visit, you found yourself slowly opening up more and more. and he was also, quite literally getting closer to you. from only sitting on your window, to a chair, then sitting on the edge of your bed.
— you were honestly unsure on how to feel about this, because you knew the capabilities he was hiding behind that smirk. that really handsome smirk- wait what
— at some point, you were in insane denial of your feelings and wanted them gone. and so, one night you staged the ambush for when he'll visit.
— its seemingly going according to plan. the guards notice his presence within the darkness, but just as you expect him to get caught, he walks through your window at the exact time as yesterday, and the day before, and all the days before that.
— "i'm starting to think.. our fun is reaching its end." he'll say, leaning slightly out your window and looking at the groaning guards that were scattered all over the grounds of your home. each and every one were knocked out cold.
— you're trying to calm your racing heartbeat as he walks towards you, whether its fear or uh.. something else is IRRELEVANT!! he's towering over you, and you can barely utter a word out of yourself, you don't even notice that you began walking backwards, until your back meets a wall and you gasp. he slams one arm against the wall to trap you between him, a smirk on his face the entire time.
— "haaaahhh.. dontkillme." you say with a fearful tone, as he stops right infront of you and looms over you quietly. you're looking off to your right, and your heartbeat goes even faster at the sensation of his thumb finding itself on your chin, and his index finger right below your lips.
— he slowly makes you look at him, with how much time he was taking, it was almost teasingly. and the way he looked at you could've caused a HEART ATTACK. it was so full of want, like you were the most desired jewel across the galaxy, and he had you right in his fingers.
— he leans down, and you immediately stop breathing, he's so close that it's kinda scary but you're into it?? just as he's about to make contact with your lips, he chuckles to himself, pulls away and straightens himself once again. "you wanted me to kiss you, really?"
— you don't answer, but that alone speaks volumes. theres sound of chatter outside, mostly the yelling of guards, which makes blade click his tongue in annoyance.
— you're still kinda against the wall and trapped within his arms and his hand still holds onto your chin, so he pulls you surprisingly softly into a kiss, before breaking it and planting another to your forehead.
— "i hope to see you, and this time, maybe don't plan the death wishes of your guards." he says, bidding his farewell as he approaches your window. he salutes to you, blows you a kiss and disappeared into the night.
— almost as if it were staged, your guards burst into the room and immediately rush around and towards you in a defensive position, but you're not harmed nor seen with a trace of injuries or scratches across your body.
— "general? are you alright?" one of them asked, seeing you place your hands on your cheeks as clear disbelief was shining in your eyes. "i-i fear that the stelleron hunters may be here for far longer, i'll update you all if anything else happens. please leave my room, i'd like to be alone.
— once the figurative mist cleared, you walk towards your window and feel the cold breeze of midnight within your fingertips. you pull the frame to close it, before a small note falls through the cracks just as it shuts.
— it reads; "don't forget to not lock your windows.'
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the-princess-of-loki · 5 months
Riding Mission
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Pairing: Avengers!Loki x Avengers!Reader
Warnings: smut, graphic description of smut, that means graphic sexual content, if you don't like it, don't read it. This isn't proof-read. Enjoy!
I let out a heavy sigh of frustration as I looked through the tainted window of the black, sporty car I was sitting on. I was on a mission and I was proud to be one of the best agents the Avengers have ever seen. However, my teammate wasn’t. What were the chances that out of all the Avengers I was assigned next to the most egotistical, egocentric, smarty-pants of them all? And no, I’m not talking about Tony. Iron Man would be a blessing right now.
Your teammate is also the hottest, reminded me my conscience, completely uninvited to my thoughts. It was true: he was the sexiest of them all and he was so fucking aware of it. It was infuriating. He always knew how hot he looked and he made sure that everybody around him knew it too. Hell, he probably made sure the whole fucking universe knew it.
I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the car’s radio playing some hard rock music. I turned my head to the side to look at Loki, surprised. Was he out of his mind!? What am I thinking? Of course, he was.
“We’re supposed to be undercover! You’re going to get us caught!” I said almost losing it as I reached the radio and turned it off. Loki looked at me with that characteristic smirk of his.
“Oh, come on, darling. Who stays inside of a car without some music? If you ask me, that’s even weirder than anything else,” he answered, turning the radio back on. I immediately turned it off again.
“Well, no one really asked you,” I spatted with a side glance to the God of Mischief. He lifted one hand to his chest, mocking he was hurt by my comment.
“Oh, my darling, why so harsh? You break my heart,” he snarls with a smirk. “Don’t you think that two people sitting in a car without talking is suspicious, dear?” his green eyes shone with mischief, and I could see it even in the darkness of our surveillance spot. “But if we make out, then it’d be quite normal, don’t you agree?” He kept smirking and I rolled my eyes at him.
“And how, pray tell, will we keep on our spying mission if we’re doing that?” I asked turning my gaze away from him so he wouldn’t notice just how much I wanted to do what he proposed. Loki chuckled.
“I am a god, darling. I can do a lot of things at the same time. You’d be surprised. So, shall we?” Loki smirked again. I rolled my eyes at him one more time.
“That’s because you’ve never made out with me, mischief,” I didn’t know where that cockiness came from. Maybe I was spending too much time with Loki and his ego. Anyway, I couldn’t help a proud smile spread on my lips as I saw how much he liked my answer.
“Now you’re challenging me, little dove. And I’ve never been known for turning down a challenge,” his smirk grew wider.
“Uh-huh. That’s why you ended up pregnant of a horse, isn’t it?” My proud smile got bigger. His pale cheeks turned a little rosy.
“T-that’s…” he cleared his throat. “That’s not what happened and it’s not even relevant right now. Are you so afraid of a little kiss with me? Do I have that much influence on your heart, darling?”
You’ve got no fucking idea.
“Who even told you I want to kiss you, anyway?” I huffed, crossing my arms on my chest and looking through the window again. Loki chuckled.
“I believe you want it so much that it scares you,” he whispered in my ear.
I jumped in surprise because of his proximity. Of course, I was sitting in a car, so I really wasn’t able to get away from him too much. Loki smirked at my reaction and brought his face even closer to mine. He moved one of his big hands to my neck, where he caressed my jawline with his thumb, looking deep into my eyes with his bright green ones. My breath came out short as I was unable to move or say anything. Loki kept looking at me, waiting. He could’ve easily kissed me but I could see that he was waiting for me to give him my consent. That made my heart beat even faster.
I realised then that I was wrong about Loki this whole time. His cockiness and selfishness were just a facade. He didn’t truly believe he was the best; he thought he was the worst. But he couldn’t let anybody see his weak spot, not even his brother, so he kept everybody at bay by being an insufferable pain in the ass. However, for some mysterious reason I still had to discover, he let his guard down with me. It probably wasn’t intentional: he wasn’t able to control what his green eyes showed me by being this close to me. Of course, he knew about this power of mine, so maybe he was indeed doing it on purpose. Maybe he was tired of not being seen, of being thought of as a shallow and superficial god who only thinks about himself. One could never know with him.
My senses left me defenceless right at that moment. I wasn’t able to think as all these new revelations about Loki took away every rational part of me. I moved my face, closing the short distance between us, and kissing his lips passionately and hungrily. Loki grunted against my lips as he kissed me back with the same intensity. I moved my hand to his nape as he kept caressing my jaw with his thumb. Though there was nothing sweet about our kiss, it wasn’t purely sexual either. There was something more, something that went deeper. We should probably analyse it and give it some thought, but that wasn’t the place or the time.
I opened my mouth almost at the same time Loki did. His tongue stroked mine slowly, lazily, sensually. My breathing got heavier as our kiss deepened. I grabbed a bunch of his long, wavy, black hair in between my fingers, pulling it a little and Loki grunted again. He caressed the side of my body through my leather bodysuit, appreciating my curves. The more he caressed me, the more I craved his touch. It felt as if we were two magnets, attracting each other more and more. The gearshift in between us, as small as it was, was bothering me more than I would’ve ever imagined. I wanted, no, I needed to be closer to him, even when his tongue was inside my mouth.
It seemed that Loki felt the same way -or he was reading my mind, pretty probably knowing him. He took off my seatbelt and his before he lifted me a little to bring me on top of him in his seat. I didn’t mind it one bit, though. In this new position, I could explore his torso more thoroughly and I didn’t waste a second to do it. Loki smirked against my mouth and I bit down his lower lip just for him to stop his arrogant attitude -even when it was part of his charm. I got rewarded with a low, guttural moan coming from his chest which had me smirking instead.
Loki looked into my eyes while he moved both of his big hands down the sides of my body and down to my hips. I stared back at him as I rolled my hips on top of his. I felt his arousal through his leather trousers -there was no way he could hide something so big and hard. I moaned softly and he bit down his lower lip, clearly trying to repress his moan. I smirked again as I kept rolling my hips on top of his, our lips still glued together as we started to breathe heavily. Loki moved one of his hands up my body until he reached my cheek. His big hand cupped my cheek completely while his green eyes locked deeply into mine.
Just that stare left me completely breathless.
“Darling, I want to-”
“Yes,” I interrupted him with a breathy voice.
I kissed him again passionately, exploring his mouth with my tongue at the same time I unzipped the leather black top of his suit, exploring his broad chest with my fingers. I felt him shiver in delight under my touch and I broke our kiss to smile. As I enjoyed the softness of his scarce chest hair, my lips went down his perfect and clean jawline. I left an open-mouthed kiss right in that spot where his neck meet his ear and Loki let out a soft moan of appreciation. While I kissed and nibbled my way down his neck, his hands expertly caressed every part of my body that would turn me on even more. He definitely knew what he was doing, but I tried not to think much about that and kept enjoying his ministrations and my exploration of his pale skin. Loki pulled down my leather bodysuit’s zipper, letting my breasts free. He cupped both of them in his big hands, squeezing them softly with the perfect amount of pressure to make me gasp and feel a little pleasure, but never pain. He then pinched my nipples a little, teasing me and sending a wave of pleasure directly to my core. I moaned when Loki surrounded one of my nipples with his warm mouth, teasing it with his expert tongue.
Loki helped me to pull down his trousers, freeing his throbbing hard cock from its prison. He was the biggest I’ve ever seen without a doubt and I felt myself getting wetter at the sight. How I wished I could drop to my knees and take him in my mouth, savouring his salty pre-cum. Sadly, I was barely able to straddle him on his seat in the car.
Another time…
I grabbed his cockhead in my hand, squeezing it just a little and caressing his slit with my thumb before I went all the way down his base and up again. Loki grunted against my breast where his mouth still was and soon enough he was thrusting his hips to meet the movements of my hand on his cock.
“You’re driving me insane, darling…” He moaned as our movements didn’t cease, tilting his head back to his seat. I smirked and put my lips next to his ear.
“I want you inside me, Loki, please…” I begged in a whisper, feeling he’d like that.
Loki groaned and his green eyes shone even more in the night. Suddenly, my whole body leather suit was missing my bottom part. He grabbed my underwear and tore it into pieces, making me gasp. Loki guided my hips down his bing length as a moan escaped us both. He bottomed up inside me and stood still, letting me adjust to his big cock inside me completely. I didn’t want to wait, though. Who the fuck cared if I wasn’t able to walk straight for a few days? I wanted Loki to fuck me with all his might. So I started to ride him as fast as I could in the limited space we had. Loki grabbed my hips as he thrust into me hard; his fingers leaving marks on my hips. I moaned and looked into his eyes as he looked back into mine. We were connecting on a much deeper level than just a quick fuck in the car we were supposed to be on a spying mission in. It scared me a little but at the same time, I didn’t have much time to think about anything else than the wild pleasure of Loki thrusting his big cock inside me. I completely lost it when he moved one of his hands towards my core and rubbed my clit in circular, rapid motions with his thumb. He was still thrusting into me and I could feel my climax getting closer at the overstimulation.
“Cum for me, darling,” Loki commanded me through gritted teeth.
My walls started to close more and more around his shaft as I moaned his name higher and higher. Some more thrusts and I came undone on top of him, moaning his name until I was physically unable to utter any more sounds. Loki followed me a few seconds later, digging his fingers into my hip and letting out a guttural, sultry moan. We both trembled with the aftershocks of our orgasms as we tried to recover the normal pace of our breathing.
“Hey, guys,” Tony’s voice in our ear startled us both, as we both looked at each other with surprise written all over our features. “In my name and the name of the whole team, next time you decide to fuck, turn off your intercoms. And you can keep the car, by the way.”
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ficjoelispunk · 8 months
Hi Emyyy! ❤️
I’m completely obsessed with Be my Assistant, I’m a ghost reader most of the time, but I make a point of saying that this story is amazing, looking forward to the next chapters.
I also saw that your Requests are open, and I thought if you could write something about Joel being extremely protective... just an idea…
OMG! Thank youuuu. 🥹 Be my Assistant, It means a lot to me... I’m glad you’ve liked it.
And, sure I can write for you, it be a pleasure <3
I’ll take care of you
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"She never looked nice, she looked like art. And art wasn't supposed to be nice, it was supposed to make you feel something."
Summary: You needed to solve a situation that put you in trouble, your salvation was always around you and you never realized, you would never expect your salvation to come from it.
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem. Reader.
Wordcount: 6.4k
Warnings: Physical aggressions, canon, protective Joel.
A/N: Just to remind you that English is not my first language, so I apologize for the grammatical errors.
One of the few clandestine bars in the QZ was crowded tonight. Crowded bar in a QZ wouldn't be new, it's not like having a lot of programming on a night locked up in QZ. But it was clandestine because, you know, alcohol and the current situation of humanity awakens the worst of the human being, it’s difficult to maintain order when you have alcohol involved. So, FEDRA decided that ending leisure would be easier than monitoring.
You've never been here. You was accompanied by one of the teachers who teaching in the FEDRA school together with you, Denise, she was also your friend, or at least the person with whom you had the most contact here. And particularly, you was feeling so ridiculous for being here. But apparently that was the only way. Your only salvation.
When you live in an extreme environment. It seems that your whole mind revolves around extreme attitudes. God had already forgotten about you for a long time, you had been stuck in this place for 18 years.
It wasn’t as if before you had already gone through a training on how to survive the apocalypse, just as they did when the fire alarm roong in the school hallway sometimes for training. You were completely useless, if it wasn't for your brain. So, yes, you were stuck here, because it was a safe place.
It wasn't like you wanted to live in this world either. But you were here, you stayed for some reason then, it made sense to continue living one day at a time.
"It's the one who is leaning against the wall at the back of the bar"
You heard Denise's coordinates, but waited a moment to turn around and look. Unfortunately, the man was already staring at you. A burning cold radiated through your stomach as if you were losing the floor. You looked away quickly.
Ok. It's now or never.
You took a deep breath, taking the first step towards the man. Deviating from the people who crowded the unhealthy establishment. He was tall, his arms strong crossed, placing more emphasis on his imponence. The expression not at all friendly. His forehead formed a wrinkle between his eyebrows, which made his expression harder. The dark eyes, as if I could kill just with the look.
Your heart was racing, if it weren't for the music, and the buzz of the conversations, you could say that the sound of your heartbeat could be heard miles away. Nervousness, anxiety took over your body, your hands were sweating.
The man stared at you without even blinking. When you were close enough to him, you spoke.
"You're Joel, right?"
He studied you. Running his eyes through your body, without answering. He looked over your head, being silent, squeezing his arms more in front of his body. You wondered if you had spoken too quietly, and he hadn't listened to you. Or if he was really choosing to ignore you.
"Okay..." you hummed, looking at the side "sorry, that was a mistake" you turned around, to make your way back.
A man bumped into you. Joel pulled your body close to his, carefully, just in an attempt to avoid the shock between you and the man.
"Be careful where you walk" he growled at the man, who didn't even have the trouble to apologize.
Joel had seen you walking through the QZ before. The first thing that crossed his mind was, how God - if He existed - had the courage to leave someone like you, here, in this world forgotten by Him?
You walked so lightly that it was possible to believe that your feet didn't even touch the ground. Your features were delicate, gentle eyes. So soft. You were like a breeze in a field of flowers in the spring. Always stacking books in your arms. Walking as if no one could see you.
But Joel saw you. Not only did him see, how inevitably, him automatically blamed himself for thinking about putting his hands on you, feeling the softness of your skin, holding your hair, resting his lips on your neck, feeling your smell, your body on his, your warmth. For imagining how good you would feel with him. How good he could be for you, how he would do everything he could for you to stay that way, exactly like that, as if the fucking world wasn't over yet.
And now see you here, in this bar, in the underworld of the apocalypse, your angelic figure in a stupid summer dress, highlighting the soft of your breasts, your hair stuck behind your head, letting the rest loose fall on your shoulders, shit! What was the angelic creature doing here, in the middle of this hell?! What did you do walking towards him? Looking at him as if you were in pain... The things he would be willing to do to get you out of the middle of this dirt... take you away from this worm den.
Your voice was so sweet, that he could be selfish and ask you to repeat, just for him to listen to you once again.
"What do you want?" His voice was deep and hoarse, carried by the accent.
You turned your body to face him, while Joel held your arm balancing you so that you stood up again. As soon as he made sure you were balanced, he moved his hands away from your arm. And goddammit... your skin was as soft as he imagined it could be, it was a sin for him to touch something like you. You were so close to him that he could smell a lavender smell that exhaled from you.
You held your index finger, scratching your cuticle. Avoiding looking at him. It was almost painful not to be able to look you in the eye. He tried not to watch you so much, so as not to look like a crazy man.
"I heard you have pills, I need one"
Joel raised an eyebrow, looking at you again. Why did you need pills? You didn't do the kind of girl who used drugs, or who needed controlled medicines. You looked healthy, so healthy that it was offensive someone so healthy in the middle of this shit.
"What kind?"
"The kind that makes someone sleep. Sleep without the risk of waking up"
This man didn't even look at you. He seemed to be hating you with all his strength. Shit! You had never done that before, you didn't know how to do it.
Now his eyebrows were united. Maybe you didn't express yourself right.
You shook your head.
"Not for the person to die. It's not that" even though it would be exactly that "it's the dosage, the dose needs to be strong" you tried to explain.
He looked away from you again, straightening himself on the wall. It was as if he was disappointed that he had to deal with a person like you. Who doesn't even know what you needs, or what you wants to buy. A perfect idiot, who is making him waste time.
"How many?" He asked.
"How many do you have"
He looked at you from the corner of his eye.
"I'll deliver it to you in two days, after the turn"
You blinked a few times.
"Okay," you nodded, "where?"
"I'll find you"
You are a simple woman. So simple that sometimes the feeling is lowered to useless. You're not good with weapons, you know almost nothing about how to survive outside. Never - not even when you were in high school - got involved in a fight, in fact you were excellent at being invisible. Going unnoticed was your specialty.
Your tastes revolved around art, history, philosophy, music, cinema and books. No manual work, no engineering, no medicine, nothing that was really worth it now in this scenario.
But eventually, after the QZ was well established, you got a job at the FEDRA school, as an Arts teacher. That was your routine, teaching children and adolescents, what was art. Have you ever imagined a world without art? And an apocalypse with art? Yeah, none of these scenarios were positive. It was not an easy job, in fact this was the farthest from being something "risky" you came close to in your entire life. Teaching art to children in an apocalyse, it was like telling a terminal patient, to believe in a miracle.
Life for you passed in a quiet and tedious way. The only time you subjected yourself to something - in your opinion - absurd, was when you learned that one of the smugglers were selling a copy of Pride and Prejudice for 10 cards. It was the best.
Assimilating all this to cowardice is not that bad now, is it? You criticized yourself for not knowing how to defend yourself. For not knowing what to do in a risky situation. And now, more than ever.
Mainly because, approximately 6 months ago, a new battalion of FEDRA soldiers were reassigned to this QZ. One afternoon, Denise introduced you to her new boyfriend, who was accompanied by another man.
"Nice to meet you" you said shaking hands with your friend's boyfriend.
"The pleasure is mine. This is Maxwell"
The other man reached out to you. You gave in to the handshake, which he immediately pulled to his lips to press a kiss on the back of your hand.
"Nice to meet you, beautiful" he said.
The eyes running through you, as if you were a piece of meat.
Immediately your alerts were turned on, the discomfort ran through your veins flooding your body with an unconscious repulsion.
"I don't like him" you tell to Denise.
"Stop being paranoid, he's a gentleman, and his salary is great"
You made a face at her, who smiled ignoring your disgust.
Since then, you have practically run away from this Maxwell.
"Hey, Teach!"
The voice you try to avoid, entered through your ears and wrapped your stomach at the same moment.
You looked away from the book to the door of your classroom. Maxwell had his hand over the gun he paraded through the corridors, and a petulant smile stamped on his face.
"Can I help you with something?"
He came approaching your table, until he was in front of you.
"Actually, I’d like to make an invitation"
You sighed. Closing your book, keeping it in your bag, and getting up.
"Go ahead" you smiled embarrassedly.
"My turn ends now at 6 p.m., I thought I could accompany you to your house, who knows, eat something, I have some cards..."
Your eyes ran to the clock at the back of the room. 17:50.
"Sorry, Maxwell, I actually already have other plans, maybe another time?!"
You nodded to him, taking the first steps towards the door. But even before your hands could put your bag on your shoulder, your back hits the board hard, behind you.
Maxwell held your throat, while pressing his body on yours. His face so close to yours, just being separated by the beret flap of the FEDRA uniform he wearing.
"Do you think you can fool me? Do you think I'm an idiot?"
"Please, just..."
He pushed you harder, squeezing his fingers more around your neck.
"You don't have any fucking plans, I follow you every night and you make the same route every day! Every time Denise invited you to dinner, you said there was an appointment, but you were at home..."
You were running out of air.
"What the fuck..." a third voice caught your attention.
The squeeze loosened, and you slipped down the wall, with your hands in your throat trying to relieve the pressure that settled there, coughing with the oxygen invading your lung.
Maxwell looked at the girl standing at the door, with her eyes snapping and her mouth open in shock by the scene she was witnessing.
"Ellie..." you tried to say, while straightening the posture.
The soldier walked towards her, but you held his arm.
"No. She's my student," you said with your hands on his chest, pushing him back, "it's all right"
"If you open your mouth" he growled on your face leaning over you "I disappear with you. You know that an art teacher will not be missed by anyone"
Since then, this bastard has been blackmailing you in every possible and impossible way.
Ellie was the only student really interested in your classes, she was interested in the techniques in paintings, the books you presented, you developed an affection for this girl, you would not be able to let something happen to her. Never.
And out of fear, an unreal fear that this man ended up implanting in your brain, you have been giving him more than half of your cards, with the thought that the cards will keep his hands to himself.
For a while, this worked, but now, he was bored. And he was furiously after you. The only way out you could think of was to disappear with him, before he disappears with you. That was the bravest act your brain could think of.
You would be ready, you would dope him and then kill him. And now you were waiting for the damn pills, to put your plan into action.
Your brain was so overwhelmed by despair and panic, that this was the best solution you thought of.
That was it, you just had to put up with two more days. Get out of class, and go straight home, as soon as possible, before Maxwell's turn is over, lock all the locks, push your closet on the door, and wait until the next day.
Your thoughts were aligned and you knew exactly what to do. You had passed by the library to take an anatomy book home, and study the possibilities of where exactly you should cut, so as not to make so much mess.
It would have to be like this, because you couldn't run away from the QZ, you couldn't report it, you would die. You would have to kill him, because it was the only solution. FEDRA soldiers die every single day. They wouldn't give importance to one more. Right?
Your feet made their way home automatically, practically running, while your mind rambling about the murder you planned. When a squeeze in your arm pulled you into an alley, lifting you off the ground, making you stumble on your own feet.
Your eyes snapmed with fear. It was Maxwell.
"Let me go" you knocked, uselessly, on the arm that pulled you. It was as if you were staping a wall, he didn't even seem to feel it. "Leave me alone"
"Your little shit" he murmured words over his shoulder, as he dragged you into the dark alley.
"Stay way from me"
He pushed you to a wall, damp, behind some containers of garbage and rubble.
His arm over your neck, leaving you breathless. His eyes looked like a hungry animal ready to devour his prey. While his hands slid harshly through your body, lifting your blouse.
"Let me go, you disgusting" you tried to push him, hyperventilating.
Would it be like that? Would you be raped here, in this place?
"You're a little beauty, I bet you must be all wet for me"
In a sudden movement, he turned you with your back to him, pushing your head on the wall, holding one of your arms against your back. You got dizzy, feeling the point that hit the throbbing wall on your forehead.
You were so disgusted, so scared, that your body disconnected from you, and you couldn’t order your brain to coordinate your movements to fight Maxwell, it was as if you were totally empty of strength. Incapable.
“That’s right, don’t fight, I don’t like to have a lot of work when you fight, but if you want, it will be more interesting...”
Maxwell squeezed your ass, before pressing his body on you.
"Stop, please," you murmured.
"Hey!" A deep voice echoed in the alley.
Maxwell, he moved away from you a little.
"Go away, man, I won't share this with anyone," he licked your ear.
You whimpered.
"Let her go" the voice was closer, you couldn't identify in the dark.
“I'm going to finish it quickly, man, you can keep her later, you'd better get out of here before you find problems"
"I told you to let her go" the man pushed Maxwell's shoulder.
He let you go.
Soon after, you heard the sound of a punch. You tried to concentrate, turning your body to see what was happening.
Maxwell was on the ground, trying to get up.
"Okay, man, you can get her first then"
Before Maxwell got up, the man kicked his stomach, keeping him on the floor, going over Maxwell, throwing several punches in his face.
The man raised Maxwell off the ground, holding his vest.
"Yeah, you piece a shit, I'm get her, but first I'll make sure you never look at her again"
He gave it one last punch. Releasing Maxwell's soft body on the floor.
He turned to you. Growling. Blood-red hands.
It was Joel. The smuggler you met last night.
Your eyes were snapping, you didn't know what to do, your whole body was shaking, you were hyperventilating. With your hands on your knee, trying to support your soft body.
Joel walked to you slowly with his hands trembling up.
"Are you okay?"
You got up, crossing your arms around your body. Looking at the disfigured soldier fallen on the ground, behind you.
Joel shook his head.
"Don't look at him, look at me"
Your eyes obeyed as if it were automatic. Joel's expression had changed drastically from a beast to a worried and cautious man.
He reached out his hand gently to touch your chin, turning your head to the side to look at you.
"Maybe you need stitches" the low and calm tone.
You frowned.
In the midst of all this chaos, you didn't even feel the hot blood running down your face.
Your hands went against the throbbing point on your head, pressing your fingers there, feeling the wet and viscous texture, bringing it to the front of your face to examine. Blood. A lot of blood.
"I can't..." you murmured, looking down, and back, as if you were looking for people who might be watching you "I can't go to the medical center, they'll want to know what happened, they'll know..."
Joel frowned, highlighting that expression mark that falls right in the middle of his eyebrows.
"You're losing a lot of blood" he said, without ever letting go of your face, his eyes examining you, his free hand reached a scarf in his jeans pocket, pressing the fabric on your wound.
Your hand grabbed his wrist, pulling the air through your teeth.
"We need to get out of here" Joel looked back quickly towards Maxwell's unconscious body, turning his eyes to you "I can take care of it, if you want, you won't be safe in your house, anyway"
It took you a while, feeling the small pressures he made with the fabric in your wound. But you nodded to him.
"Hold it like this, for me" he directed his hand to hold the handkerchief pressed on your forehead "can you walk?"
He walked away from you looking at you, looking for some more injury.
You nodded.
He wore the usual frown, one of his hands pressing the middle of your back, as he walked next to you.
Usually walking the streets was normal, no one wanted to look at your face. Today, on the other hand, there wasn't a person who didn't look at you. Joel, in turn, shot with his eyes every single person who took the look at you for more than 5 seconds, causing some to even cross the street.
You accompanied him to - where you assumed you were - to his house. He supported your elbows, helping you climb the stairs.
The apartment was not much different from everyone at QZ. But his was more disorganized. A small radio station - illegal inside the QZ - on the table, maps scattered on the sofá wear out. Empty glasses on the coffee table. Some windows blocked with wood. A layer of dust on all the furniture and especially on the floor. A yellow light was what made the environment a little more cozy, perhaps.
He pulled a chair for you to sit down.
Joel moved quickly through the small space, reaching from one of the cabinets, a first aid box - probably also the result of something illegal - pulling a chair in front of you.
Joel was not going to deny that he already imagined you here, in this apartment with him, but he never imagined you here in a situation like this.
Seeing your face bathed in blood was something that made his body boil. Your perfect face, now it would be forever marked by a scar, to remind you of that horrible day you are going through.
If only he could keep you by his side, he could guarantee that no one would ever touch you again.
"Have you ever taken stitches?" He asked, while taking some materials out of the first aid box. His voice was something comforting.
You shook your head, still holding the handkerchief over the wound on your forehead. Everything was happening so fast.
He separated a needle, thread and a whiskey on the table.
His hand reached yours, carefully moving the handkerchief from your forehead. The contrasting movement with the touch of his rough fingers, and the calloused hand.
"Let me see” he murmured, approaching your face, studying the wound.
You looked down.
"Okay, teach..."
"Don't call me that" you cut him off.
He walked away from you a little, to look at you.
Your eyes found his.
"Sorry" you looked down again "it's that..."
"All right, I got it" he pulled the chair closer to you, the inside of his legs touched your knees, he held your chin again "it's going to hurt, a lot, I have nothing to anesthetize, so I need you to be strong" He stared at you "do exactly what I say, can you do that?"
You nodded.
"Talk to me, I need you to talk to me, sweetheart"
You swallowed it dry. Looking at him.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, I can do that"
He nodded to you, reaching for a glass, and serving a shot of whiskey, and delivering it to you.
"Drink it"
You obeyed, turning the shot. The liquid coming down hot, burning in your stomach.
He threw some of the same whiskey on another piece of fabric, looking at you.
"Yes, I am"
He pressed the wet tissue with whiskey on the wound. The burning seemed to run all over your face. You frowned. Squeezing your fingers on your leg.
He took a pocket knife out of one of his jeans pockets, and gave it to you.
You held it. Doing things automatically.
"Now, I need you to talk to me, okay? Stay awake. If you are going to delete it, tell me first"
"Good" he reached the line and the needle "bites it" he raised your hand that held the pocket knife.
It was wrapped in a leather holster, made especially for the pocket knife. You frowned. Joel bowed his head with disapproval.
You put the holster between your teeth. Your breathing is getting a little faster.
“Three stitches, it’s what you need,” he said before getting closer, with a needle “ready”?
You don’t know how to say exactly what he was doing, but you felt the flesh being pierced, a colossal pain taking over your head. You stuck your teeth in the leather, with an afflicted growl, squeezing your fingers on the flesh of your leg. The eyes closing tight. It looked like you were going to explode.
"Don't move," he said with his face so close to you that you could feel his breathing on you.
You wanted to cry, scream. Tell him to stop, that it was all right if you ran out of a piece of your forehead. Just stop. It hurt too much. Tears were running from your face, but you couldn't tell if they were tears or sweat. Probably both.
"You're doing well, very well" he took a short break.
You felt his hands holding your left wrist.
"Give it to me" Joel brought your hand to his leg "I can handle it" he moved your other hand too.
You didn't even realize how much you were squeezing your own leg. But you received a slight relief.
Your breathing was trembling. He certainly continued, without warning, because once again the absurd pain of the flesh being pierced took over your senses. It was too much. You didn't spare Joel's leg, squeezing as much as you bit the pocket knife holster. Crying. Fighting against your own body so as not to move.
"Just one more" he said, "you're doing well"
There were no explanations or definitions for this moment. You simply had your whole body contracted, taken by the pain in such a way that nothing but the injury to your forehead existed in you. You couldn't even tell if you were breathing. The pain was so much that you could swear that your whole body was the wound. Your body started to tingle. Your senses were no longer responding.
You spit out the holster.
You leaned on his leg.
"No, no, no..." he murmured "stay with me, you're doing well, stay with me, sweetheart, we're almost done"
You tried to focus on his voice. That beautiful and deep voice.
"You can do it, sweetheart, I know you can do it, just one more"
Once again the pain radiated through your head.
You don't remember how, or when, it ended. But you woke up in a bed. Your head throbbing, your hands went up to press your eyes, in a useless hope of warding off that acute pain.
"Hey!" A whisper next to you, time you snap your eyes, jumping on an involuntary scare "calm down, easy, it's me, it's me" Joel's hands held your shoulders, gently.
Your eyes found his, tender and careful, you close your eyes and rest your head on the pillow again.
"How are you feeling?" He asks, releasing the grip on your shoulders.
He smiles.
"Yes, I know, here"
You open your eyes, he has two pills in the palm of his hand, extended in front of you. You frown, your eyes dance between the pills and his face.
"It's for pain, and to avoid infection. Take it"
You hesitate, but take it. Your fingers slipping the skin from the palm of his hand. You lean on your elbow, putting the pills in your mouth, Joel promptly gives you a glass of water.
There was a moment of silence, the day had not yet cleared up, it was night, probably at dawn. He didn't seem to have slept, sitting in a chair next to the bed.
"For what did you want the pills? That night?" He leans against the chair that was sitting, holding the empty glass you gave him back.
You look at him.
"Did you get it?"
He nods.
You look away, staring at your impatient fingers that remove the cuticle chips from the corners of your nails.
"I don't have any cards here now for you..."
"What did you want them for?"
You look at him, swallowing it dry, hesitant.
"I..." you look away "I was going..."
You close your eyes, laying your head on the pillow again, shaking your head.
"Tell me" Joel leans in the chair, placing his arms on his knees.
You look at him for a moment, but you couldn't say that by looking at him. Your fingers press your eyes again.
"I was going to use them with him. I would dope him, and then kill him"
You take a while to open your eyes, after Joel's silence, you get curious, to know how he is looking at you now.
Joel didn't seem surprised by your idea, it didn't even seem to judge you. He seemed worried.
"Why? Is he bothering you?"
You nodded.
"How?" Joel clenched his fists.
You frowned. You grabbed your hands close to your face, and shrunk your legs. How if you shrink your body, as much as you could, would make you disappear, and next to you all this shame you felt.
"Tell me" he murmured softly, encouraging you.
"You don't have to bother..."
"I want to"
Joel extended his arm, so that his hands could move away a lock of hair that was on your face. So soft. So careful.
"Maxwell came transferred from some other QZ" you started "an acquaintance who works with me at school, introduced him and another friend, who is now her boyfriend" you felt stupid telling this story "since then he has been calling me out, but I always invent something..." you hesitated, holding your knees close to your chest "one day he cornered me in the classroom, there was a girl... a student who saw, I was afraid of him trying to do something with her, and since then he has been blackmailing me, and..."
You closed your eyes, shook your head, trying to move away from your mind.
"And?" Joel encouraged, he put one of his hands on your calf, trying to comfort you.
"He has been taking a good part of my cards, and I knew that would not be enough, that at some point this would happen... and I wanted to be prepared"
Joel nodded, his eyes fixed on you, the crease between his eyebrows deepened.
It didn't get into his head like another man could find himself entitled to attack you. Chase you.
He needed to have a lot of self-control to be able to hear your story until the end, without getting up from that chair and going directly to this Maxwell and hitting a bullet right in the middle of his eyes.
But no, dying is something easy. It ends easy. Living is difficult. And Joel would make sure that the last minutes of this man's life were the worst of his life.
You were right to think about killing him. Maxwell wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted. And he wanted you. In all its innocence and fragility. Now, after Joel broke his face, he would certainly take revenge, hitting you, which was the easiest target, because, obviously, he was cowardly enough to blame you instead of solving things with Joel.
Joel wouldn't let you submit to this dirty work to win your peace again.
You sat down, Joel walked away a little giving you space. Your fingers pressed your face, while you got up, slowly.
"Where are you going?" Joel was right behind you.
You turned to him. Much taller than you.
"I need to go, I have classes to teach, and they can't be suspicious..."
He took a step in front of you, packing your face with one hand, while analyzing the bandage he had made.
"How are you going to explain that?"
His hot hand was so comforting, you fought against the urge to rest your head on his hand.
You shrugged.
"I fell"
He sighed. Deep.
"Thank you, for..." you pointed a finger at your head "I'm going to pay for the medicines and also..."
"If I were to charge you, you would have already paid"
You arched your eyebrows, and nodded to him.
Your morning passed with you having to explain how clumsy you were and ended up hitting your head when you slipped into your own apartment.
"It was him, wasn't it?" Ellie asked after class.
"No... I fell"
Ellie shook her head in disapproval.
"You need to report this son of a bitch"
"Ellie, I fell, okay? Everything is fine. And don't use this language in my classroom"
Ellie was disappointed in you, you knew.
"Pay attention to lesson number 2 when you go to do the activity, I'll see you next week" you said before she left the room.
You spent the day worried about the possibility of someone entering your classroom, to take you stuck or disappear with you after what happened yesterday.
To your surprise Denise entered your room near the end of the day. The eyes snaps, the face taken by a panic.
"Did you hear about it?" She asked as soon as she closed the door behind her.
You weren't good with lies. But you tried to set up your best face by surprise.
"No, what?"
She stopped in front of your desk.
"Maxwell" she said a little tired.
You arched your eyebrows. Okay, you knew, he was probably disfigured after last night's punches.
Denise frowned.
"What happened to you?" She pointed at your forehead.
You shook your head.
"I fell..."
She nodded, processing the information.
"Okay, then get ready" she said leaning over your table "Maxwell was found today in the late afternoon"
You arched your eyebrows.
"Dead" she concluded.
Now you didn't have to pretend surprise, because you were really surprised, the beating he took was serious, but not to the point of him dying.
"And there's more..." Denise continued.
You could feel the blood from your face being drained to anywhere other than your body.
"He was found with his cock cut off, and inside his own mouth"
You leaned against your chair. Your hands covering your mouth. Your eyes lost in nothing.
"Do they already know who did that?”
Would it be possible? Joel, would you have been able to do that? Did he do that?
"FEDRA is investigating, they won't leave it aside, kill a soldier like this?!"
“Maybe it could have been a firefly thing”
"No... Jared" - her boyfriend - "said this was premeditated, it was someone who really wanted Maxwell dead"
You were silent.
"Don't you know anything?" Denise was speculating.
You looked at Denise.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, you were always together..."
"What?" Were you surprised by her assumption "together? We never even want to go out..."
"What did you want with that smuggler that night?"
You got up, gathering your things quickly, putting everything you could glimpse being important inside the bag.
"Sorry, I have to go" you murmured as you left the room.
"Wait!" Denise shouted "Jesus..."
You ran to your house, for no apparent reason, you just ran. Ignoring your throbbing head with every impact his feet made on the ground. You just wanted to be at home, in silence, to be able to process all things. If Denise, was wanting to link Maxwell's death to you - rightly so - what would FEDRA do?
As soon as you entered your apartment, you can't help but drag the shelf to the door. Even if Maxwell was dead. Supposedly.
You took a long shower, trying to wash away this whole crazy story. You wore a comfortable outfit. He made some tea. Trying to ignore the fact that his head was in latent flames.
Someone knocked on your door. Would it be Denise? She used to come without warning. Would it be Maxwell? Resurrected from the dead? Coming to torment you? The stunned soul coming to charge you for your murderous thoughts? Would it be FEDRA, to arrest you?
"It's me. Joel"
You stood still for a while. Looking at the closet in front of your door.
Until your brain remembers how to order the movements, and your legs move slowly, taking a break for you to leave your cup on the kitchen table, before dragging the cabinet from the door, and unlocking the braids from the door.
You opened the door. Joel was leaning on the side of the door. You faced each other for a moment.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
You blinked a few times. Opening the door more for him.
He came in, looking at the closet that he certainly heard you drag before you opened the door to him.
"You need to take another dose of the pills I gave you this morning" he watched your apartment "and you need to change the bandage"
You nodded to him.
He pointed to your chair, pulling one for him.
You sat down. Joel sat in front of you. You took your eyes on him today. He was a handsome man. The slightly gray hair, the eyes although almost always hard, were now attentive and careful.
He took off your bandage.
"You need to always keep it clean," he said, "it won't infect, it's good," he made an observation to himself.
He redid your bandage.
He took two pills from the pocket of his shirt.
"Take it, it's for pain and infections"
You took it, drinking immediately, with tea that was in your cup. Praying that the effect would be quick, and the pain would pass.
"Thank you," you murmured "for… everything"
He nodded. Looking at you.
"Why are you doing this?" You asked.
"Doing what?"
"Helping me... you defended me from Maxwell, then took me to your house, took care of my wound... why? These things don't seem to be things you usually do out there..."
Joel tilted his head to the side.
"What do I look like I'm doing over there?"
You smiled, looking away.
"I don't know” you shrugged “I thought you were someone bad, aggressive, I didn't expect to receive your help, in fact, you are very kind..."
"Only with you"
You look at each other for another moment, the silence hovering over you. You wanted to thank him, do something for him... You got up, going to one of your drawers, and removing a number of cards.
Joel shook his head before you even got to him.
"Take it, please..." you held it for him.
"I don't want to"
"Please, I don't know how to thank you"
He got up. Holding your hands together with your cards. His big hands, covering up yours. You observe the injuries of his hands. Your eyes meet his. Comfortably in silence. Joel looked at you deeply.
You expected him to say something, but contrary to that, he let go of your hand, kindly, walking towards the door.
He turned to you.
"They found Maxwell's body this afternoon"
He nodded.
"FEDRA is investigating the cause of death"
He was silent.
You took a step towards him.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Was it you?" You looked at him carefully, you didn't want him to feel judged.
"Are you afraid of me?"
Joel seemed to feel pain when saying these words.
You walked to him, held his injured hands.
"No... I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid of them"
Joel held your chin, smiled.
"Had the wound clean" he advises.
You nodded.
He turned around to leave. Stopping before, next to your closet.
"Sweetheart, you don't need it anymore," he pointed to the closet, "you're safe now. I won't let anything happen to you. I'll take care of you"
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archiveofvirtue · 1 month
casual — dean winchester
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content: dean winchester x fem!oc, no strings attached, one sided love, slight smut, oral (fem receiving)
summary: you and Dean kept things strictly casual, but what if deep down you’re longing for more? Was there a way to change things or should everything stay the way it was, destined to end? — inspired by the song ‘Casual’ by Chapell Roan
Dean Winchester leaned against the worn hood of the Impala, the night sky sprawling above him like a dark canvas dotted with bright pinholes of light. The air was cool, tinged with the crispness of early fall, and a light breeze rustled the leaves on the trees lining the deserted road. The hum of the car's engine had faded into the background, replaced by the quiet stillness of the woods surrounding him. 
He glanced down at his phone, re-reading the text he had sent hours ago. It was simple, like all of you guys' messages: "In town. Meet me?"
No promises, no expectations, just the unspoken understanding that had developed between the both of you over the past few months. You didn't do complications. You didn't talk about the future.  You just were.
The sound of crunching gravel caught his attention, and Dean looked up to see you walking towards him. You were dressed in a worn leather jacket, dark jeans, and boots that were as scuffed and road-weary as his own. Your hair was loose, cascading in dark waves over your shoulders, and your expression was a mixture of warmth and guarded distance—exactly what he'd come to expect.
"Hey." you greeted, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips as you stopped a few feet away from him.
"Hey yourself." Dean replied, straightening up and sliding his hands into his pockets. He noticed the way your eyes softened when you looked at him, but like always, there was a wall there—a barrier neither of you had tried too hard to break through.
You leaned against the Impala next to him, gaze drifting to the stars above. "I almost didn't come."
"Yeah?" Dean raised an eyebrow, though he wasn't surprised. "What changed your mind?"
"I don't know." you admitted, voice quiet. "Maybe I wanted to see if you'd actually be here."
"I'm always here." Dean said, but the words felt heavier than he intended. 
Both of you fell into silence, the kind that usually felt comfortable between you, but tonight it was different. It felt like something unspoken was hanging in the air, something that neither of you wanted to address. 
You shifted, crossing your arms over your chest as you stared out at the empty road. "This thing we're doing, it's not... It's not forever, you know?"
Dean nodded, though he could feel the familiar tightening in his chest. "Yeah. I know."
"It's just... casual." you continued, voice faltering slightly. "We're both just... passing through."
There it was—the reality of what the two of you were, what you'd always been. Two hunters on separate paths, occasionally crossing over into each other's lives when the stars aligned, but never lingering long enough to change your trajectories.
Dean swallowed hard, the words he didn't want to say burning in his throat. "Is that what you want? To keep it casual?"
Your eyes met his, searching his face for something—maybe a sign that he wanted more, maybe a reason to stay. But Dean was an expert at keeping his walls up, and tonight was no different.
"I don't know.." you answered honestly. "It's easier that way. Less messy."
"Yeah." Dean agreed, though the word felt like sandpaper on his tongue. "Less messy."
You let out a soft sigh, gaze dropping to the ground. "But it's not really, is it?"
Dean looked at you, really looked at you, and saw the weariness in your eyes. He knew that weariness all too well—the kind that came from years of fighting, from losing people, from carrying the weight of a world that never seemed to get any lighter.
"It doesn't have to be." he said quietly. 
Your eyes flickered with something—hope, maybe, or fear of it. "What are you saying, Dean?"
Dean hesitated, the words hanging on the tip of his tongue. He wanted to tell you to stay, to give the both of you a shot at something more than this endless wandering, more than the empty promises you never made. But that would mean letting you in, breaking down his own walls, and that was something he wasn't sure he could do.
"I'm saying..." he started, but the words caught in his throat. Instead, he reached out, taking your hand in his. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes.
You looked down at your intertwined hands, then back up at him. "Dean..."
"Let's just... be here." he said, his voice rough. "For tonight."
You nodded, a sad smile touching your lips. "For tonight."
You both stood there, hands clasped, two souls bound by the same scars, the same pain, and the same unspoken desire for something more. But for now, you would keep it casual, keep it simple, because that was all you guys knew how to do. Tomorrow, you would go separate ways, back to the lives that never seemed to stop demanding more from you. But tonight, in the quiet solitude of the open road, you had each other. 
And that was enough.
You turned to Dean, heart beating faster, knowing where this was headed but unsure if you were ready for the aftermath. There was something about the way he looked at you tonight, a vulnerability that was rare in a man like him. It pulled at your heart, made you want to dive deeper into whatever this was between you, even if it meant getting hurt.
Dean's hand slid up your arm, his touch warm against the cool night air. When his fingers brushed your cheek, you closed your eyes, leaning into him. It was as if the world outside had faded, leaving just the two of you, alone in this fleeting moment.
"Y/N." Dean whispered, his voice rough and low, like gravel underfoot.
You opened your eyes and saw the conflict in his, the struggle between wanting you and keeping his walls intact. But you also saw the desire, the need that matched your own. It was that need that made you move closer, lips finding his in a kiss that was tender at first, almost hesitant. But as the seconds passed, the kiss deepened, became more desperate, more urgent.
Dean responded in kind, pulling you closer, his hands wandering to your waist, and back, as if trying to memorize the feel of your body, to capture this moment before it slipped away. Your hands tangled in his hair, and for a few blissful moments, the world disappeared completely, leaving only the two of you and the heat building between you.
You tumbled back onto the hood of the Impala, Dean's jacket discarded somewhere on the ground, yours following soon after, just like all the other pieces on your body. The cold metal of the car was a stark contrast to the warmth of your bodies, but neither of you cared. You were lost in each other, in the feel of skin against skin, in the way your breaths mingled, in the way your bodys moved together like you'd done a thousand times before.
For a brief moment, you allowed yourself to forget everything—your fears, doubts, the uncertainty of what you guys were. You let yourself believe that this was something more than just casual, that maybe, just maybe, this time it would be different.
Falling back onto the black impala you gasped as Dean reached in between your legs, goosebumps spreading all over your body as you let him play with the thin fabric of your blue lace panties. Looking down at him you could see the eagerness creeping out of his eyes, almost stripping you out of the last pieces of lingerie that were covering your body by just staring at you. 
Dean's breathing became ragged, "I need to taste you." 
His words prying through you like lightning as Dean's lips worked their way along your tighs and finally settling his head between them. Two fingers hooked into the waistband, tugging downward, and sliding the already drenched fabric off of your legs and to the ground behind him. 
Cold air striked your wetness as you got exposed, making your legs shake almost immediately. But you didn't care if you were freezing, all you wanted was to enjoy this intoxicating moment with Dean.
"Gosh, seeing you like this is driving me insane." his voice vibrated through you. You held your breath as Dean's head lowered itself. All you could see was his messy hair poking out from between your legs, before warmth spread through your core, leaving you moaning out his name. 
The taste of you made Dean growl, creating a rhythm to match your moans. His tongue flattened against you, licking a stripe up between your folds until he pressed against your clit, a horribly whiny sound escaping your lips when he began sucking around the nub, like he was trying to pull the life out of you. Your hips jolted, unable to go anywhere as he had you pinned down.
As his tongue continued to roll against your sweet spot you felt some tightness building in your lower belly. It was a matter of seconds before you couldn't take it anymore and released all over his tongue.
"Fuck.." Dean mumbled against your sex, his voice vibrating against your sensitive skin before pulling away and wiping the corner of his lips with his shirt.
You immediately pulled him down to your lips by his collar, tangling both of you into a deep kiss. His hands were roaming around your chest and neck, every touch of his burning through your skin, lingering there for what felt like an eternity.
But soon Dean's kisses grew slower, less intense, and his touch, once so sure and eager, began to falter. You could feel him pulling away, even as he held you close. The cold metal of the car pressed against your back was nothing compared to the chill that was starting to settle in your chest.
When it was over, you layed there for a while, breaths still heavy, but the silence between you two now filled with something else—something unspoken and heavy. You got onto your elbows to look at Dean, hoping to find some reassurance in his eyes, but what you saw made your heart sink.
Dean was staring up at the sky, his expression distant, closed off. The vulnerability you'd seen earlier was gone, replaced by the familiar mask he wore so well. He was retreating into himself, shutting down, just like he always did.
"Dean?" You whispered, voice trembling with the weight of unasked questions.
He didn't respond right away, his gaze still fixed on the stars. When he finally turned to look at you, his eyes were colder, more guarded. "Yeah?"
The single word felt like a punch to your gut. You bit your lip, trying to keep the disappointment from showing. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." he said, but the words were hollow, devoid of the warmth you both shared just moments ago. He pulled away, getting up and running a hand through his hair. "We should get going. It's late."
You sat up too, the chill of the night air seeping into your bones. You wrapped your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling exposed, vulnerable. "Right. Of course."
You watched as Dean grabbed his jacket and shrugged it on, avoiding your gaze. The intimacy you'd shared seemed to dissolve into the night air, leaving behind an awkward tension that you didn't know how to break.
"Dean..." you started, but the words caught in your throat. You didn't know what to say, how to bridge the widening gap between the two of you.
He turned to you, his expression unreadable. "It is what it is, Y/N. You know that, right?"
Your heart sank further, the reality of his words hitting you like a bucket of cold water. It is what it is. Casual. No strings, no promises, no emotions. Just two people using each other to fill a void that neither of you wanted to acknowledge.
"Yeah.." you replied, forcing a smile that didn't reach your eyes. "I know."
But the truth was, it hurt more than you wanted to admit. Because for all your talk of keeping things casual, you'd hoped—foolishly—that maybe this time it would be different. That maybe, just maybe, Dean would let you in. 
But he didn't. And as he started the Impala's engine, the rumble of the car filling the silence between you two, you felt a hollow ache in your chest. You'd let yourself get too close, let yourself believe in something that wasn't there. And now, you were left feeling used, discarded, like you were just another stop on Dean Winchester's endless road.
As the car sped down the empty highway, the night stretched out before you, vast and unforgiving. You leaned your head against the window, the cold glass a harsh reminder of the distance between you guys. You didn't say anything, didn't push for more, because you knew it was futile.
Dean was a man with walls so high they were almost impenetrable, and you were just another traveler passing through. The thought should have been enough to protect your heart, to keep you from getting hurt. But as you closed your eyes, feeling the sting of unshed tears, you realized it wasn't.
Because despite everything, you wanted more. And that was the cruelest irony of all.
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madhatterbri · 6 months
Trust Me | Bayley
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Summary: Bayley X reader when Bayley turn face is trying to get the trust of reader but reader's not budging until it turns to a love confession
Requested by: @emperorrose3000
@plentyoffandoms @theworldofotps
The audience cheered when they saw you on the jumbotron. You were walking down one of the countless hallways of the arena. Your face remained stoic, yet you were a wreck on the inside. Your heart and mind were at war with each other on a decision that could make or break your wrestling career. There was only one woman to blame.
During the week, Bayley messaged you constantly. She was looking for allies to help her take down Damage Ctrl once and for all. The role model wouldn't let up despite her nessages being left on read. Tonight was her last chance to get you on her side.
The camera panned out to include Bayley in the shot. The audience popped as soon as they saw her. The WWE Universe always had a thing for her, whether she was a face or heel. Her recent fave turn made people eat her up more.
The two of you had a brief moment where your eyes locked. Her dark brown eyes were filled with sadness. She had been through a lot since Royal Rumble. The feelings you thought were dead for her starter to come back to life. You silently cursed yourself for being such a hopeless romantic.
"Hey," Bayley greeted and looked around nervously. Her head was constantly on a swivel now. No one was on her side after all the damage she had done to the women's division. "Have you been getting my messages?"
"Yeah, reading and deleting them, why?" You asked, pretending to be unbothered. Deep down, you wanted to be involved in this fight. You wanted to go to war against Damage Ctrl after what they did to your friends. Your involvement could help you be close to Bayley again.
"Have you thought about it?" She asked and rubbed her hands on her legs nervously. Very rarely did you ever see her on edge like this. You almost folded at the sight of her. Now was the perfect time to deflect.
"Have I thought about helping the mean girl in the locker room that built this bully group and instructed them to terrorize my friends?" You asked with a fake laugh. "You deserve this, Bayley. All of it,"
Bayley licked her lips and looked down. She nodded and sighed before looking at you again. "I deserved that. I'm sorry for what I did to your friends. I know asking you to trust me sounds ridiculous, but I would never hurt you,"
"I'll think about it," you dismissed her.
"That's all I ask,"
She left you alone after that. You knew you were a marked woman now. Damage Ctrl wouldn't want any more enemies. You thought about her words. Your mind was screaming at you to let her go, but your heart wanted to help her. In the end, you listened to your heart. You knew where to find her.
Bayley looked up the moment you walked in the locker room. She had been mindlessly scrolling on her phone and didn't want to get sneak attacked. The veteran didn't trust anyone now. The cameras were all gone, and it was just the two of you. She had so much to say, but she wanted you to speak first.
You smiled briefly at her and sat down next to her. The room was thick with tension. Bayley stared at the ground before muttering to herself and looking at you. You looked in her eyes. They now showed a tiny bit of hope and something else you couldn't put your finger on.
"I've thought about it," you paused.
"And?" She asked quickly.
"I have some questions,"
"Ask away. If it gets you to side with me, I'll answer anything," she confided in you. You turned to face her, and she did the same.
"Why didn't you or anyone in Damage Ctrl ever attack me?" You asked. The ex Damage Ctrl member was taken back by your question. This was the last thing she thought would be brought up.
"I told them to never lay a hand on you," she answered honestly. Curiosity got the better of you. There was no reason you couldn't be seen as a threat. You had some great matches with some of the best in the business.
"Why? Is it because I'm not strong enough? You didn't see me as a threat?" You asked hurt.
"That's not it at all," she defended and raised her hands up.
"Then why?" You demanded.
"I like you, all right," she answered and stood up from the bench. Bayley paced and ran her fingers through her hair. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. Who confesses their feelings in a smelly locker room?
"You want an ally?"
"I couldn't live with myself if they injured you, Y/N," she confessed. "I don't know how or when, but I fell so hard for you. I know you don't trust me, but please try to trust me when I tell you all this,"
You blushed, happy that you went with your heart. "I trust you, Bayley, and I felt the same way for a while now,"
Bayley seemed relieved and sat down next to you. She placed the top of her hand on your thigh. You smiled and laced your fingers in hers.
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moonlightazriel · 8 months
Son of the Darkness XXI /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: Hidden for so long The court of shadows thrived, and things were great until the high lord's death, now the next in line should assume the crown of high lord of shadows, will he accept his duties?
Warnings: More war…. Yeah I’m sorry
Word Count: 1,6K
Notes: THE WAR IS FINALLY OVER! I couldn’t write more of this I was getting crazy. And I’m sorry to say that the last chapter comes out on Sunday 😭
Son of the Darkness Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Her heart hammered against her rib cage, so hard that it was almost knocking out the air from her lungs. Her eyes were fixed on Azriel, her head felt dizzy, and she began to feel overwhelmed by her surroundings and the feelings flooding her chest like a wave.
“WATCH OUT!” Someone yelled, bringing her back to the reality, she barely had time to move, the side of the enemy’s sword hitting her, making it even hard to breath, she lifted her sword, shoving it in the male’s skull as she tried to focus again, she didn’t have the time to think about it.
“Are you okay?” Someone asked and she looked up, seeing the orange colours of the autumn court armour, Eris seemed concerned behind his helmet, his hands were on her shoulders but his gaze was fixed on something else. “Get down!” He ordered and she did, he raised his hand, and she felt the warm atmosphere as he burned the man behind her, the screams and the smoke filled her senses.
“I just need to breathe.” She said in between gasps for air. Her chest felt tight and she felt herself dangerously nearing a panic attack.
“Then do it, I’ll cover you.” Eris said, her hands removed her helmet as she took a deep breath, the fresh breeze hit her face and she exhaled. The sound of the battle kept around her, but she could only focus on the thread on her chest, made of darkness, that connected her to her High Lord as long as they lived, the perfect match made by the Mother herself.
Her mind was racing for many reasons, but one question was burning brighter in her brain, daring to be asked, begging to be asked. Did Azriel know about the bond that sang along her soul, claiming for him?
A flicker of wings sounded and she looked up, seeing Azriel landing in front of her, concern filled her chest as he approached her searching for any injuries. He removed his own helmet.
“Are you hurt?” His voice was raspy from all the effort. Y/N didn’t answer, her heart was beating fast as she reached for the truth-teller, she knew what she wanted to do. The thoughts were racing in her mind, the fear of impending death lingered in the air, if she was to die, she would die letting him know that she loved him and that she accepted him fully.
She pulled the dagger from the holster, sliding it in her own palm, cutting it open, Azriel watched in shock as she grabbed his hand, doing the same. She held his hand, their blood mixing together.
“In our court, the bonds are only completely accepted with blood.” She held their hand up, fingers laced together. “You are my blood, my heart and my soul, and I am your blood, your heart, your soul, for eternity.”
Azriel couldn’t say anything as the bond in his chest shone with life, the love filling his heart so pure he couldn’t believe, she had accepted the bond, they were one from now until the day they died. He leaned his head down, kissing her tenderly, this was everything he could wish for.
“I love you!” He said and he rested his forehead against hers. But she was quickly to part away from him when she saw Eris defend another death blow that was meant for them, she shoved everything aside, closing her end of the bond, her helmet in her head, and her sword tight in her hands, she got ready to go back to battle. Fire and darkness fought side by side as Eris burned people down and she unreleased her magic, the shadows making soldiers fall to their knees, scraping their throats in search for air, and Azriel slashed them with his sword, his syphons glowing as he felt a new wave of energy curse through his body.
The energy consuming him was different from everything he ever felt, like a fresh breath of air was forced into his lungs, it felt like he was seeing everything for the first time, and he enjoyed what he saw. Something else burned ever brighter inside of him, and all he could see and smell it was her. The mating frenzy had started.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Y/N, Azriel and Eris fought as one, killing as many enemies as they could, however all of this didn’t seem enough, their armies kept coming, the battle kept going, more people dying by the second, and nothing seemed to work.
She felt the power being unleashed and saw the huge light creature that left the tent where Feyre should be, where the cauldron should be, something seemed different, wrong.
“Boys.” She touched the males and they turned to her, by the looks on Eris's face, he knew something was wrong, she could feel it too. “We have to go. Now!” The males followed her as she rushed to get to the tent, she felt weak, her magic slowly vanishing from her blood.
When they reached the tent, Y/N was the first to get in, the world seemed normal again, the war was over, the magic that kept the world working was back, she could feel as her blood boiled with the darkness. But she stopped herself, her mouth slacking open as she saw Feyre begging for the other High Lords to save Rhysand, his dead body laying limply on the floor. Azriel entered right after, stopping as he saw Rhys laying on the floor, Y/N turned around, getting in between him and Rhys, he looked at her, his eyes filled with tears as he watched the scene.
Y/N held him, the agony on her chest ten times bigger as his emotions overflowed her, even with both ends closed she could feel his grief, she could feel everything. The smell of flowers and earth filled her nostrils, Evanore had materialised herself in the middle of the room, gently pushing Feyre aside as she kneeled before Rhys.
“Az.” Y/N called, her hands forcing his chin up, forcing him to look at her, she was met with his red watery eyes, the look on his face so broken that she felt her own heart breaking inside her chest, grieving with him, even if she knew what was about to happen. “It’s going to be okay. Just breathe, he’s not dead.” She reassured him. Azriel looked at her confused, but she turned her head to the scene in front of him.
Evanore had cut her palm open, drawing the witches symbol with blood on Rhysand’s breastplate, everyone stood there, not daring to move a muscle as they watched the scene unfold.
“"Al la arbaro ni preĝas, al la naturo ni postulas, bonvolu doni al mi la potencon de la sep, lasu min vidi kaj lasu min diri." (To the forest we pray, to nature we claim, please give me the power of the seven, let me see and let me say.) She said, closing her eyes.
When Evanore opened her eyes again, everything was dark, there wasn’t sky or floor, it felt like she was floating in the cold veils of death, wandering around, many souls claimed for her, begging her to take them with her, but she couldn’t, at least not yet.
“Rhys! Rhys Kie vi estas?” (Where are you?) She yelled into the endless void. “Vi ne mortos, ankoraŭ ne estas via tempo, vi devas veni kun mi.” (You won't die, it's not your time yet, you have to come with me.) She called his name a few times, until she heard a response, she rushed, running until she found him in a corner, looking like a lost little boy. “Vi venas kun mi.” (You’re coming with me.)
They heard her, but the only thing they could understand was that she was calling Rhys. She was one of the Seven, she could do it, Y/N knew that. She placed her palms on his chest, calling his name, one, two, three times, they could feel as they crossed the veil between the living and the dead, Rhysand’s eyes flashed open and he gasped for air. Evanore had just brought him back from the dead.
It felt like everyone collectively breathed again, Feyre was sobbing on top of his chest, while Rhysand held Amren’s hand, she was shaking and wet from the cauldron. Azriel breathed with relief, and all those overwhelming feelings were quickly turning into the burning passion again, his brother was fine and the war had ended.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Two days later and Azriel was almost going insane, his hands were shaking and his whole body was sweating, energy zipped through him, and he was snappier than he ever was. Two days after Y/N accepted the bond, all he wanted to do was scoop her in his arms and take her somewhere to be alone.
The witches have been healing, bringing people back, and the armies have dissipated, slowly marching towards their homes. He left their tent, going to look for her, he couldn’t control himself anymore. Taking steady breaths, he felt his blood boil when she found her next to Eris, the two chatting.
She handed him a wine jug, slowly inclining towards him and whispering in his ear, “To solve all of your problems.” His shadows have heard, which problems he had that she could fix? And then he understood, this is how she would fulfill her part on their bargain, that would kill Beron. Anyone could poison a wine, no one would ever know how it got there and who was responsible.
Eris pulled his mate for a hug, that’s when he lost it, marching towards them and pulling her with Jonny the waist, abruptly parting the hug. He threw her over her shoulder while she gasped in shock. Cassian and Rhysand shared a knowing look as they saw his brother winnow away with her in his arms.
To finally consume the mating bond.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Taglist: @allison-rosewood-maximoff @devilsfoodcake22 @fieldofdaisiies @valeridarkness @brekkershadowsinger @margssstuff @patdsinner33 @justdreamstars @dr4g0ngirl
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jimin-bangtan · 3 months
Jimin's SGMB🌺 - The Comedy
Recently Jimin’s pre-released song, Smeraldo Garden Marching Band [SGMB], was revealed.  It is the 1st official pre-released song* from his 2nd solo album called MUSE. His first solo album was a 6-song EP called FACE. It actually had 7 songs because it had a hidden track called Letter (Dear.Army) that was never released for streaming.  It was the final song in the sequence of 7 that appears to be an intimate communication to a loved one.  MUSE is also a 7-song EP that really can be looked at as an extension of FACE.  It includes the song SGMB, which seems to be an intimate communication to a loved one - except this one is not hidden - and it can be streamed by the world.
After his debut solo album, FACE, Jimin promised a lighter album next time. FACE was about heavier topics as he reflected on a dark experience and his ultimate resolution and growth from it.  MUSE begins with Jimin expressing and showing that he is feeling happier and lighter, and he’s ready to move on to reflect on what inspires him in his life. While FACE looked at circumstances that weighed him down, MUSE seems to be looking at things that lift him up. 
The video for SGMB was colorful, happy, cute (the word I heard almost all reviewers use), and funny. Some described it as silly or childish, but that was the point.  Jimin has a great sense of humor. He and I have a similar sense of humor, so I get his jokes when they seem to pass over some. It was a delight to see him able to really show this genuine side of his personality in his work, which he has repeatedly said was a goal for him: to show more sides of himself.
From the outlandish announcer’s voice at the start, which was most undeniably Jimin, to the cute “adlibs” throughout, that were not throw away lines but were important contributions to the message, the humor was sprinkled throughout the song. “Let’s talk about us.” “Just for you” “Let’s go!” “All for you” “Yes, sir.”  And one final adlib just for fun “Take it to the bridge.” Ha!  These bits were added with funny sounding voices that made you chuckle but also made them stand out.
The comedy continued with the inclusion of the remaining actual members of the Smeraldo Garden Marching Band, who had never been in a video before (PDogg, GHSTLOOP, Evan).  The imagery showed Jimin popping bubbles, making expressive faces, operating as a relationship guru, and yanking in his reluctant collab. rapper, Loco, at the end to dance along. Unlike BTS’s Blood, Sweat, & Tears video, you were not left scratching your head then having to do a deep dive on the meaning of what you just saw. You were just left with the lyrics and what they might mean.  In spite of the playful hilarity, most people picked up that it is, in fact, a love song.
When I was first introduced to BTS’s music, in spite of not understanding much of the Korean lyrics, I enjoyed the melody, rhythms, and energy of the tunes.  Even the slow songs sounded uplifting and bright - then I began reading lyrics. One of the aspects of BTS that trapped me as a devoted fan was that they were speaking about serious topics within their exceptionally musical songs. Some of the lyrics were even dark, when the song still sounded danceable and musically light.  Again think Blood, Sweat, & Tears.
Jimin used that same playbook for SGMB, and perhaps for the entire, yet unreleased, album. It was a light and melodious song with a playful video, but he was saying something significant and important under all the fluff. Many will dismiss SGMB as a fan song or as a fun, empty song, but I feel, like many of BTS’s songs, there was more meaning beneath the surface.
Notice that the dancing was also light, and the choreography easier than what we know Jimin is capable of executing.  I feel the lyrics were so important to Jimin that he didn’t want to distract from them.  The next day everyone would have been discussing his dancing and not the meaning of the song.  Jimin wore no accessories and a plain black suit. He even used a plain, black microphone with no bedazzling gems. He seemed to not want to take anything away from listeners and viewers paying attention to the song and the symbolism in the video.
One reviewer even noticed that Jimin's voice was produced noticeably above the instrumentation. Also, Jimin sang Live for this performance video. I have not seen this done often, or at all, for a video that is introducing a song. I feel that may have been an important, significant decision Jimin made so that the first time listeners heard the words, he was actually saying them with his own voice, from his own mouth.
Fans knew Jimin had left additional music behind while he had to step away to complete his military duty.  Still, many were surprised that it was given so early in the time frame.  Due to the unwavering support of Jimin’s fans, who he adores and appreciates tremendously, Smeraldo Garden Marching Band is doing very well on the charts and with recognition.  His album is to be released July 19th, and, like his first solo album, it is highly anticipated. Jimin again defies the expectation of what genre to do, what lyrics to sing, and what direction he should go.  I can’t wait to see what other daring attempts he has in store.
MUSE July 19th.  Stream SGMB.
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polteergeistt · 2 months
i have a brain thought for you
when II gets stressed he whines without realizing it.
he will just be hanging out and be silently whining while he plays on his phone.
or cooking and hes tapping his heel and whining.
now think about our boys giving him squeezes to calm him down, or trying to calm his over active brain with stress toys.
how did this one come about, i saw a video of a seal with big ol’ boba eyes and out loud said “ii.”
First of. Real.
Honestly interested in why whining specifically is something he does when he's stressed, because that's usually when someone is the most quiet (I think) but I find it adorable because it's like his brain goes "hey there, trusted people with who II lives. This little fucker is so deep in stress he doesn't realise it, and he probably doesn't want to ask for help in fear of being a burden, so here's a little sound to make your ears perk up like dogs so you can do something about it. Thanks ❤️"
One evening, Vessel finds him still awake on his phone, whining a bit. He scoops him off the bed and carries him to the living room, where everything is already prepared. The room is dark, with the TV on and a dim light. The couch is equipped with loads of comfy blankets and pillows and various silly but soft plushies and the coffee table is covered with snacks and drinks. II is kinda confused but he's smart so he quickly figures out what's about to happen. Vessel will lay him down then lie in top of him so II has a nice pressure on him and he can play with his hair, and Vessel will put on a science documentary. II's gears will focus on understanding what he's shown in detail and producing a gazillion theories and scenarios and hypothesis and situations, instead of eating away at whatever worried him. By the end of the documentary, they will both be asleep.
III finds II cooking, and notices how he's whining. He puts on Vessel's jazz playlist and circles II's waist.
"Will you give me the honor ?" He asked in a sultry voice.
"Is that what they say ?" II asked.
"I'm not sure, but it sounds cool."
III pulls him to the living room where there is more space and makes him dance. He lets his hair dangle in II's face because he finds it funny. II grabs him by the collar to yank him down and kiss him. They loved how their mustaches felt against each other. They spent their time like this, dancing, sometimes making goofy moves to make each other laugh, until the timer II set goes off and he has to get back to cooking. III reluctantly stops and goes to help him. The shenanigans resume in the kitchen, which is filled with jokes and laughs, and no more whining.
I feel like IV would take him outside to sit with a drink on the terrace and just talk about his worries or anything and everything. He would also put on catchy music and have him sat on his lap so he can squeeze him and II can play with his stress toys or IV's hands and fingers. IV hums to the tune to subconsciously encourage II to hum too, turning his whines into a melody until the two old men hum a tune like old sailors on a dock. IV would also sway from side to side, like a cradle, rubbing his hands on II's arms, chest and stomach, then wrapping his arms around him to squeeze him, cheek pressed to his back, lips pressed to his neck. When his worries are melted away and II gets drowsy, he turns around to wrap himself around IV. He loves it when he does that. He gets up while holding II so he can go to bed with him and cuddle him to sleep.
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divine0rdainment · 3 months
When Adam opened his eyes, he found himself sitting in a void of Darkness. He saw nothing, he felt nothing, just the emptiness of forever and everywhere. He didn't even feel himself breathing. He didn't know how long the emptiness filled him, didn't know how long he was going to be stuck here... He felt so empty. Incomplete. He didn't even know who or what he was. 
That only changed when he heard a voice. A soft deep voice that filled in with breath. 
The man gasps for air as he feels hands wrap around a body he didn't realize he had, he feels the arms are cold, almost as if they are observing heat instead of radiating it. Adam is left shivering in his spot of the void of space, he is pulled in to a chest, he thinks, one that has breasts if he can remember correctly. It made sense for that to be so, the voice he heard was feminin.
Oh my sweet Adam...
The voice speaks again and he feels like his heart has started to beat again, his chest ached from it. Oh... Oh that felt good... to feel again...to breath again. To feel alive.  He blinks, he wasn't even sure if his eyes where opened or closed till this moment, it was pitch black either way, without any form of light to be distinguished. He didn't even know if he was upside down or side ways or right side up...he supposed it didn't matter, there wasn't anywhere he had to be, he thinks. 
Come here love...I'll help you find your bearings...
The voice whispered, and Adams hands slowly reach to wrap around the woman's hands. 
"Where...am I..." He asked his voice strained and weak. He doesn't know how long he had been not breathing...unalive? Without a heart beat or the ability to feel like he existed. He didn't even know he could speak till now. 
The woman's voice giggled as he  felt like he was standing on something. Or was he placed on something? It was hard to tell, maybe he had been on a surface the whole time... Or maybe he was floating and was just placed somewhere by this woman. He supposed that didn't matter. 
Nowhere and everywhere. The place God was formed.
She spoke once more, her voice echoing in his brain like he was in a deep cave.
Purgatory…people think this place existed after god. But they were wrong…no, god came from here. And in the end of existence, god will die here. The Void has told me so…. she giggled. 
All that truly die come here. Heaven had sent me hear in hopes I would not corrupt the world…but they were wrong Adam.
Adam feels a kiss on his cheek from the woman, and it feels just as cold as the rest of her. Just as without life or color or hope. He whines at the feeling, he tries to pull away from the cold but the grip tightened around him. 
The void is everywhere as much as it is nowhere. Putting me here allowed my evil to leak in to the universe. My chaos to inhabit every human. They thought it was Becuse all children come from me, but they were wrong. No…with every ounce of pollution and violence and cruelty, I seep out more into the world…
She sighs, as if lost in thought.
Into heaven, and into hell, I have made my mark…but I must say, even with thousands of souls handed to me by you and Sera's choices, I had become quite lonely. But now…no I have you, and with the soul of the first man…
Suddenly a bright light appears Infront of Adam and he's forced to shut his eyes. 
I can open the gates. She whispers excitedly. 
After a few moments the brightness decreased and he felt like he could hear wind, smell dust, and the sound of birds. As he opens his eyes he sees he is standing infront of a tree with a large crack in it, the ground had large cracks in it as well, like something had exploded up from the ground. The dress was long since dead and begun to rot, thanks to the destruction it had faced. There was no grass in this patch of land. No life. It had been avoided by bugs and by time. Nothing to eat away at the decay that lay before him. 
Adam breathed heavily as the cold arms leave him. He hears footsteps but doesn't dare to turn, he feels scared. Truly terrified by whatever has dragged him back to life. He remembered everything all at once. And he knew where he was…a place he was told had gone missing with the loss of its purity. Sera had told him this place had been destroyed, and yet…he found himself in Eden. Infront of the tree of knowledge. He knew if he turned around he'd see a healthy tree with golden apples that matched the red that had grown and glowed here long ago. 
“What…what is…” Adam tried to speak. He hoped the woman was gone, would leave him here, but she didn't, she simply walked a few feet away, then her heels walked back to him, and after a moment, he could feel her standing right behind him. He cowered a bit, his head lowering as he hugged his arms around himself. He flinched when he saw a black gloves hand reach from behind him and hold up a golden apple. Shining in the moonlight above, glowing lightly in her hand. 
"Eat my beloved…I do not wish to lose you a third time…” 
The voice was normal now. Without the echo of the void. Less terrifying and ominous, but that didn't change the fact that her presence felt cold and empty. Sucking the life out of things around it. Adam shakes his head, but then he yelps as he feels a hand on his hair and he's forced to his knees by the woman with a swift kick to the back of them, and than the golden apple was placed on his lips, forced to his lips and teeth so hard it caused him to bleed. 
“I do not have time for this game anymore Adam. I had to convince you last time to take the first apple I took a bite from, now you need to be easy and take a bite of this…” she growled. 
"I will not lose the two loves of my life this time. I will not do it. I will have what was taken from me returned. Including you, including our angel.” she whispered the last sentences. “Now eat before I shove it down your throat….it isn't a choice this time. There are no more choices…only what will and won't happen.” 
Adam shakes, but slowly, he opens his mouth. He doesn't know why he's doing it. Is it out of fear? Or maybe out of a strange sense of wanting to obey as he was trained to by heaven. Or is she willing him to in some way? It's hard to tell…but either way, it didn't matter…he opens his mouth and he takes a bite. 
When he does, he doesn't chew right away, doesn't have the strength. The singular bite filled him with a sense of electricity racing through him, making his body feel like it was vibrating and on fire. His eyes widened as he saw something start to glow so brightly on the apple tree before him…or maybe it was him who was glowing so bright. He felt energized but unable to move, it was too much. The body could hardly handle it and yet…yet he was forced to handle it. Forced to endure it. 
The woman rubbed his back gently, between a pair of wings he forgot he had. “Good…good boy. You are doing wonderful. I'm so sorry I was so rough, my sweet dove. But we have no choice. We don't have much time. We must make it out of here. Before heaven realizes the air has changed…that I am back…” 
The woman stands and moves around Adam. He looks up slowly and sees a pair of red eyes underneath a hand. Colors of black white and red are all he can see, even her skin seemed to be so pale it matched Lucifers. Her smile was painted with deep red lipstick on her face. Her eyes glowing down at him. Her hair seemed to move even without the wind blowing it. Constantly swaying and curling in on itself. 
"Now then…let's go find our man…" she takes a bite of the same apple, but it didn't seem to affect her in the same way it did him. She didn't seem paused or overwhelmed by power and heat. She just dropped the apple on the ground. And it rolled a few inches away. Adam’s eyes followed it till he saw another rotten apple covered in dust and dirt…one that he recognized as the first apple he and Eve bit from. It was black and covered in rot. Just like the tree. No animals or bugs had come to eat away at its decay and death, leaving it in its own little time capsule. 
The woman holds up her hand and shadows come from it, forming a large swirling circle, and from it Adam sees a portal open, and the smell of sulfur and death meets his nose…he recognized it. The pride ring. Hell itself. A place he had visited for thousands of years. 
She grips Adams hand and pulls him up, dusting him off. “Beloved, I know a lot has happened, but we don't have time for this…” she whispered. " I feel him. Don't you? Our sweet Lucifer is aching and alone. I have felt it for seven long years. Honestly, maybe even longer than that… He has lost the damned witch who took him from us…we can have him back now.” She runs her cold hands over Adam's cheeks, leading him to look at her. Her red eyes look at him with a mix of love and desire.
“We will be together again…just like in the garden…and this time, no one will take him, or you, or me away ever again…I promise.” 
And she pulls Adam through the portal harshly, the world changed from being cold to warm and smokey. The depths of hell were filled with pollution and suffering. And it made Adam always feel so unwell when he first entered. She led him to an alleyway, where no sinner would see and hums, “now…where to go from here…” she giggled. 
Adam spoke up suddenly, scared to ask but he had to know something. He didn't know if it made sense to even think what he was thinking. She was long gone, Heaven told him so…and yet the words she said…the memories it soaked…
“Are…are you..Eve?” He wasn't sure. In the thousands of years she had been gone her face had slowly faded from memory. Her voice as well, he remembered brown hair, he remembered brown eyes…but he remembered nothing else. 
The woman turned to look at him, and she chuckled. “Well, I was…but now….now you can call me Roo…” 
This is all I got for now. Hope you like it. Idk what I'd even add to it. But the thing is written so my brain will stop tormenting me with this idea.
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