#i saw someone actually say that verbatim
pastadoughie · 3 months
incase 1 of you needs 2 hear this :
ai art is shitty and explotative, and while i dont think that neural networks are bad as a concept, they can be done ethically, but at this point every single large company that has ai shit is doing it in an extremely shitty way. art that is posted on the internet isnt yours to steal and make profit off of. you do not get to take the art of unconsenting random internet users, throw it into a shredder, and sell 7.99 a month subscription packadges for people to be able to eat some of the dust it spits out.
while i previously was more lax on people on reposting my art so long as they credited me, i ask that you not fucking repost my art, under any circumstance if you are on a platform that is scraping art, or on a site that is not properly set up to deal with scraping. the only acception to this is commisions where you have explicitly asked me.
this includes tumblr.
reposting without credit is always bad, even if you dont know who to credit. you should under no circumstance be posting artwork that isnt your own without giving people a way to see the artist, and you need to link it in a way that is ACTUALLY USEFUL, give multiple links to multiple platforms, do not use 3rd party link shorteners, include mirrors and archive captures, provide a plain text spelling of usernames for every platform you link to, ask for explicit permission of the artist, opt out of any ai generation tools. or if you are on a platform that does not allow for this do not post it at all, and you have to have all of this very clearly visable and easily readable
if that is too much effort for you then you shouldnt be posting it. with literally zero exceptions.
biological sex is not real and people can do whatever the fuck they want with their own bodies, even if you deem it as "self harm". under no circumstance should you take away peoples bodily autonomy, someone could literally be sawing their arms off for funsie wunsies and i would still say they need to have freedom and privacy, and it is ultimatly THEIR call what they do with themselves.
gender is similarly also not fucking real, people can dress however they want, fuck whoever they want, and use whatever words to describe themself with that they want. and if you think that boys wearing dresses or some shit is somehow harming you then you are ligitimately fucking pathetic. if i fucking ran a political campain saying everybody wearing a scarf was a pedo and a rapist and we need to ban scarfs forever would you fucking vote for me? are you that scared of people being able to? do what they want? jesus.
genocide is bad. regardless of who does it.
regardless of the scale of cruelty, there is nothing that a group of people from a certain state, ethnicity, religeon, ect, can do that justifies murdering civilians. there is never a justification for genocide.
implying, under any circumstance, that someone is somehow evil for their background, appearance, religous beliefs, country of origin, sexuality, gender, ect. is shitty or worthy of violence because of that is, and i cannot stress this enough, fucking disgusting. nazi shit. even.
i do not support zionism. i do not support antisemitism. i do not support racism.
also the iof is actively commiting a genocide. you should donate to a relief fund for people currently suffering from this, as well as call your house and senate members. as have i.
people often times claim that people they dislike, largely minorities, are pedos or rapists or something of the sort. this is something that has been happening for, and i cannot stress this enough. all of fucking history. people were fucking saying these exact points, verbatim, to argue in favor of SLAVERY okay? if you are spouting the exact same shit as fucking nazis and colonizers and slave traders, then consider, you are a horrible fucking person.
you have to be EXTRODENARILY SKEPTICAL when accusing a minority of a serious crime, and spreading information about it. because if a bigot can just say "oh theyre a pedo" and you believe them at FACE VALUE then guess what? you are just as much of a bigot as they are. minorities are people, and people do terrible things, but just like you should be doing with EVERYBODY, you should be actually looking into things before you accuse someone of being a shit person, and often times, you are not knowlagable enough about someone to make those kinds of claims anyway.
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thewriters-world · 19 days
Omg yes!! I saw a poll on what would be a better Hollywood movie rosquez or brocedes
And I was like hands down brocedes, because that's Monaco & Ibiza, a neat little story of growing up, growing apart, giving up on shared dreams. All the glitz and glamour. The way Nico keeps saying nice things and Lewis keeping his silence. A bit of modicum.
Rosquez however could never be Hollywood, they are unhinged, they are gritty, down & dirty, blunt fingernails scrambling to hold on in dark alleyways, it's being on top of the world and seeing your end approaching you wrapped up in smooth golden muscle and a mouth that never ends, it's touching legends, getting on that pedestal and then being isolated on there by the very hands that welcomed you in, it's European art film that is full of shadows and long silences, things never said and hands reaching out too late, it's his voice whispering everytime you fall, it's seeing him in every rider, knowing he would be crazier, faster, fiercer.
Brocedes could have survived if they were less ambitious/less greedy/less driven than they were, Rosquez never had an option because the things that drew them together are the things that they despise about each other.
You've described rosquez so perfectly. They're like ruined somehow. Like Marc has his claws in Valentino and Valentino has his claws in Marc and yh they've let go but their bodies, brains HEARTS are still bloody and bruised. Lewis and Nico are healing but will Marc and Valentino ever heal? Idk Valentino says it'll take him 30 years to get over this and Marc says reconciliation is not upto him. So will they be tainted with marks of each other for 30 years? Does everything become more sullied when you remember that Marc had hung posters of Valentino on his bedroom wall and was buying replica bikes until 2015? Is it more cruel that Valentino knew all of this and not only did he do what he did to Marc when he was 22, he denied Marc a concrete part of his personality by saying he doesn't belive Marc had those posters (it's been documented you senile old man!). He basically said I don't know you, I never knew you. Is this all way more horrid when you consider that Marc thought getting into motogp with his idol would mean that Valentino actually KNEW him and they could be friends and then Valentino throws it right back into his face 'I want to see those posters' (I've never known you, I've never looked at those pictures of young you with my motorbikes, I've never paid attention, whilst you devoted your whole life to my life, your life was simply a speck in the grand scheme of events that is my life). Obviously its not true, it's a way to hurt Marc (we all know Valentino actually LIKED marc). But doesn't that make it all the more cruel, you treated someone you actually had affection for like this. Also is it more hurtful when you remember that Valentino told Marc ill protect you from these people if they're mean to you just let me know (not verbatim) but you're the meanie Valentino so now who does Marc go to. The people you turned against him?
Brocedes is way more tame bcs there was no idolisation, sure there was friendship, affection and childlike hope, but never once did Nico and Lewis decide that they didn't have what they had. Nico doesn't denounce the time they sat in hotel rooms and ate frosties, Lewis doesn't hide the fact that karting with Nico provided him joy as a child. Lewis can say Nico isn't his friend, but he hasn't ever said 'I've never known Nico' even when Nico acts a fool whilst commentating on races just to get his attention Lewis wouldn't be so cruel to deny ever having a relationship with Nico. Nico and Lewis are connected in a more concrete and wholesome way (Lewis gives Nico's daughters gifts). Marc and Valentino are connected in a more brutal way (they still have the bruises, the bleeding wounds of whatever they had with one another, friendship, affection companionship idk). That's the only similarity, they are still connected, their legacies are interspersed with one another. Something about how Lewis was there for nicos first and last podium. Something about how everywhere Marc goes, he is haunted by how Valentino has painted him to other people. Even in the one similarity between brocedes and rosquez you can see the abject dirtiness of rosqiez and the wholesomeness of brocedes.
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markrosewater · 8 months
I just saw a collection of 7 screenshots from 2011 thru 2018 from this blog where you repeatedly shoot down the idea of doing mtg crossovers. You said "We think it's important that Magic is one cohesive game, and not a hodge podge of different things." This hurts to hear because it's verbatim sentiment that has been expressed to you about UB which you shot down as unreasonable, and you never addressed the contradiction. I know things change, but how can we trust what you say to us here?
I've never said anyone's feelings are unreasonable. People can and should feel justified believing whatever they want. My goal on this blog is to share with you my best sense of where Magic design is at that moment. Often Magic moves in directions I can't predict.
If you asked me ten years ago, as many people actually did, I wouldn't have predicted Universes Beyond. But now that I'm knee deep in it, and I've seen a lot of data based on the ones we've released, I'm a convert. I believe it is something that will bring lots of happiness to Magic players. For example, I was in a playtest for a Marvel set the other day and it was one of the most fun playtests I've had in years.
I'm a huge fan of Marvel, and, obviously, a giant fan of Magic, so bringing those two loves together is quite joyful. It really hammered home to me the power of Universes Beyond.
Trust is a thing to be earned, and I've worked hard for twenty-eight years to form a trust with the players. I've never lied to you, but I have said things that I didn't think would happen that did. Saying something not knowing the future isn't lying. I 100% believed the thing I said when I said it.
Also, I always stress that I couch future talk with the mindset that I don't use my future knowledge. If I know we're doing thing X next month, I'll act as if I didn't know that when asked about it, because it's important for me to not ruin the surprise of what's to come. This is much more like not telling someone they're having a surprise party than straight up lying, but yes, whatever you want to call it, me not ruining future surprises is something I do regularly on this blog, and I'm totally transparent that I do it.
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allgremlinart · 22 days
also while I'm in a poking-the-beehive mood, I will at some point have to write a little meta blurb about the take that the creators of atla/tlok had a "fetishistic obsession" with "brutalizing" Korra. look. this is actually some very old 2010s discourse and while its a concern that I take seriously when people bring it up, I just dont think it holds much water. As someone for whom Korra is, like, THE character I'm protective about, I promise I'm super sensitive to any hint of mistreatment of her and... I think there really is a fundamental difference between how Korra and her struggles are treated in this show and how people like say COUGH Joss Whedon COUGH HACK treat female characters and their suffering... I dont have time to get into it tonight cus I need to go to bed so instead I'm just gonna let this fester here unaddressed like so many of my other possibly divisive posts LOL...
but like when I saw that discourse cropping up again in *2024* and VERBATIM to how it was said in 2013... . lol no... I'm not 11 anymore I can actually voice my opinions on this coherently now sdhshs (hopefully)
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wildpeachfarm · 22 days
Hi Moku!
What does one do after taking a fat nap and waking up disoriented? They scroll your blog of course and keep up with the daily news! (And random absolutely serious discussions of underwear 😭).
I saw some mention of CCs moving weirdly again about the Dteam, and teaming with Sapnap for an event, and I’d just like to add my thoughts on the matter.
I feel like this is a common occurrence in the four years I’ve been a fan and part of this fandom. The process literally goes like this:
someone from Dteam (usually dream) gets called out for something, Twitter freaks out and reacts before the “cancelled” party can respond/apologize, upcoming projects are pushed back months/years depending on severity of “cancelation”, unrelated CCs speak out against “cancelled” party (usually Dream), project release is finally approaching and hype is being created, fans and CCs alike suddenly like Dteam again. And then it gets rinsed and repeated till it’s sucked dry.
Only difference in this case was it was George being called out and Dream sticking by his boy, rather than Dream being called out and Sapnap defending him. And it just becomes increasingly more obvious how performative all these CCs and their fans are, the more this cycle rears its big, ugly head.
I think the difference in this situation as opposed to others is that Dteams own friends (if you can even call them that) spoke out against George, and that showed their fans that George is absolutely despicable and irredeemable, making Dream also the same by proxy.
And with this knowledge I raise this question. Why was this situation the one that did it for them? Dream has been accused of everything under the sun (even lost a year of his life trying to prove himself innocent over false allegation), and they all stuck by him-very loudly and proudly, might I add. Why then, do these people choose now to revoke their support and end friendships? Especially without first talking to the accused party? Their friend?
Seeing people associating with Sapnap, the same people who were quick to (very loudly) denounce George leaves a sour taste in my mouth. And the people expecting Dream to just drop George irritates the hell out of me, too. Why is it so hard to remember that these three men are a packaged deal, regardless of how much solo content is produced?
Whilst dream was going through some of the hardest shit in his life, those two stuck by him. When Sapnap was getting called out for joining Kick, they stuck by him. And even now, Sapnap and Dream both released statements saying George is their friend, he made a mistake, and to support Caiti. Reading comprehension must be poor here cause nowhere in either of their statements did they say they’d stop being friends with George. Thats their fucking bro, and they will support him, as he’s done with them.
Everyday I’m further surprised why Twitter clout means so much to people, when that’s not where peoples’ fanbases are. The mob they are constantly trying to appease will turn its back on them the second they get called out. Y’all were quick and loud with your responses (George hadn’t even released anything yet), and now that dreams teasing his project release, yall want in on the hype from that? Sure, but give a public apology to George for the way you jumped to conclusions and basically threw away a friendship. And give him a private one, as well that you actually mean what you say (though we don’t need to know about that one).
“Watch how ccs move the next couple of days” “anyone who does something like that is no friend of mine” (not verbatim) ‘my truth about dream’ “keeping him at arms length”- that’s a whole lot of words to say you’re weak-willed people who don’t support their friends in time of need but actually care more about your image than being a good friend, and I’d hate to have friends like that. I hope if they do try to come back now, they aren’t welcomed back by Dteam. We all know Dream don’t care how people treat him, but he don’t play when it comes George (and Sapnap, but George is the one who was in the hot seat recently). I hope he “keeps them at arms length” for how they responded to the situation, and basically threw away multiple friendships.
Yall don’t get to act the way you do, and then try to reap the benefits of someone else’s hard work and success, especially when you’ve publicly ended your friendship with them. We’ve reached the end of that vicious cycle, but I’m hoping this outcome is different; I’m hoping this time there is no welcoming back for these performative CCs, and they can sit there and reflect on why that is. Maybe then they’ll grow a backbone.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the subject matter. (Don’t know anything in regards to the underwear discussion 😭). I apparently love getting on my soapbox every time I send something, so I thank you for reading it every time.
Have an awesome day, love!
-L :)
Hi L!! Yeah i absolutely agree with pretty much everything you said and I think what made so many CCs jump ship this time was the fact that it was a content creator within the community that spoke out similar to Shelby. However, that does not excuse their poor or extreme reactions to handling the situation.
I do think that the cycle you mentioned is super tiring and I feel like the community needs to do a better job of going "oh you dont fuck with us anymore? okay bye" and not following their actions for months afterwards to hate on them (unless we see hypocritical actions like coming back to hang with our CCs with no prior apology or public support because thats just a bit odd tbh)
I appreciate the soapboxing tbh!! It's always a good read :)
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aangarchy · 9 months
https://www.tumblr.com/the-badger-mole/728723354757054464/how-would-you-improve-aangs-writing what are your thoughts??
So i'm not gonna keep reading this post bc it is tagged anti aang, anti kataang and a bunch of other tags i have personally blocked bc i do not like seeing posts that are actively hating on my favorite characters. Idk why you chose to send me something that is anti aang, when i am clearly an aang positive blog. Surely you're just trying to antagonize me.
I did read the first paragraph and let me tell you, boy is that blogger wrong. The question they were asked is how would you change the show's writing.
"In a word...accountability.
Aang, despite his own personal losses, never seems to grasp the gravity of the war. Season 1 would be more or less the same, but season 2 would open with him grappling with his part in the siege of the North. He would acknowledge that he was part of the reason a lot of people died that day, and it would lead into him confronting somethings about his duty, and eventually make him take his powers as the Avatar more seriously."
This is verbatim what happens in the show. The literal first episode of season 2, Aang has nightmares about him in the Avatar State. He hates feeling out of control, he's terrified of what he could do, how much damage he could cause. That's why when general Fong offers to help him master the Avatar State, Aang agrees. Fong also manipulated him, showing him wounded soldiers to tap into his empathy and get him to agree. Aang at this point understands the gravity of the war. He saw it first hand at the North Pole. Even at the seige of the north itself, Aang takes accountability for the state of the world before the battle even starts: "I wasn't there when the fire nation attacked the air temples. I'm gonna make a difference this time." Also: "he would acknowledge he was part of the reason a lot of people died that day" what at the battle of the north pole?? If anyone is responsible for the amount of death in that battle (which we don't have actual numbers of bc this is a kid's show, we know of One official death and that's Yue) it's the Fire Nation. Aang was on the defensive and fused with the Ocean Spirit while in the Avatar State. Why would he have to acknowledge or take accountability for that?
The rest of the post i just scanned over, but it was a whole lot of mumbo jumbo about Aang not deserving Katara, changing the writing so Katara would not reciprocate Aang's feelings (lol) and saying Aang should have to "work" for the Lion Turtle, as in like actively trying to find it i guess instead of it showing up like some sort of jesus?
The problem with the whole lion turtle thing is in Aang's time according to the wiki, lion turtles are supposed to be extinct. The one Aang comes across is the last one. There is no way Aang could have known that this 10.000yr old (probably older) creature was alive and willing to grant him the power of energy bending. The lion turtle came to find Aang by itself. It looked for Aang and lured him onto his back, to take Aang to the place of the final battle, and to give him the spiritual guidance he needed. Again idk how lion turtles work, are they creatures are they spirits, some secret third thing maybe (again, jesus? Idk). But they might be able to feel Aang's unrest about his destiny somehow, since the Avatar is half spirit.
Either way, i personally feel like the lion turtle is less of a deus ex machina than people are making it out to be, since the existence of lion turtles was foreshadowed in book 2, and since Aang did still have to "work" to take Ozai's bending, aka the whole "your own energy needs to be unbendable" which was still nearly Aang's undoing. He still had to fight Ozai mentally in order to overtake him, and that showed the real growth in Aang's character.
The entire post that Anon just linked is basically someone saying "i don't wike it" and changing everything up to make it arguably worse lol. Again, i think the goal was to antagonize me but whatever.
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loving-family-poll · 5 months
(Confession) I think I’ve got some fucked up cheryl blossom shit going on. growing up I was isolated as an only child literally living in the middle of the woods with only immediate family and I had imaginary friends to keep me company. But they weren’t friends to me. They were my siblings. I actually fucking called them Sister and Brother. Like that was their names.
I was so lonely growing up I used to write fanfiction about me having a twin brother. I wanted someone my age to play with and be close to and I was always drawn to sibling type characters as well as emotionally incestous stories but I didn’t know what that was back then because I was so young. I knew objectively incest was wrong but I was so desperate for someone to be mine, to be close with me and stuck with me so they couldn’t leave me like my friends had as the years went by.
I have two cousins, both a few days apart from me in age. One a guy, one a girl. For some reason I always wanted a brother specifically, I couldn’t tell you why. This guy cousin, I’ll call him Scott, felt like the answer that I had prayed for. I used to daydream about him being my brother. Similar to an anon a while back, we physically fought a lot. I bested him everytime because I’m a buff girlboss or something. I was obsessed with him and there definitely was some emotionally incestous stuff going on from my end—and from what I’ve observed over the years, especially pretty recently now that we are in college, it seems he’s physically attracted to me.
Whats strange about this is im not physically attracted to him. I’m not physically attracted to men at all, really. I’ve always liked women. They were what my first sexual fantasies were about, the first porn I watched, I could go on. Somehow I didnt realize that I liked women until highschool even though I did all of that. It was all because of a movie I watched and I fell in love with the movie character who was a woman and I realized oh. I’ve never felt that way about any of my boyfriends before, or even Scott. Like not even comparably close. That weird nervousness I had around him paled completely compared to the feeling I have for women.
I didnt feel this call for a sister as desperately as I did a brother, but I think that might have been because I always found it easy to become close with other women. An example of how this affected my realization of my sexuality was that I definitely had love for my best friend who I only knew for a year. I’m not sure if I was really in love, but when she moved away it was absolutely fucking horrible. I wrote her letters and left kiss marks on them as my signature and I cried every day for months imagining kissing her before she left “as sisters”. Like that was an actual verbatim thought I had. As sisters. I thought about telling her I loved her and eventually this led to my having fantasies about her etc etc etc. I never thought anything about it until years later.
The other cousin I mentioned, I’ll call her Laura, definitely had some emotional + physical incestuous feelings for me as we grew up. She used to beg me to shower with her, bathe with her, skinny dip with her, do anything and everything with her. She once begged me to let her shave my pubes. I have never had good boundaries and I didn’t really see a reason to say no even though it make me a bit nervous. She was the one with sisters, this was just some sister ritual that I didn’t understand because I had no siblings. So I let her do whatever she wanted and I catered to whatever she asked of me. Over time she started to pull away from me and I didn’t understand, hadnt I done everything she had wanted of me?
About eight years passed where I barely saw her but I learned to live with it because essentially the same ghosting happened with my friends in school. I didn’t understand why they left me but I couldn’t change it so I went with the flow. But randomly she started talking to me again. It was weird because it felt like we were getting along way better than we had before which I hadn’t even noticed was strained. And she was flirting with me. Telling me that my makeup looked so pretty on me, that my hair smelled good, and that she loved my dimples. I smiled at her once and she said, “ohmigosh, you have dimples. I love dimples on girls.”
Very quickly we made it clear without being explicit that we both were into girls one night. Nothing happened, but I think being open like that made her decide to stick by my side for the rest of the visit, unlike her usual routine, and she made me sleep in bed with her and go everywhere with her, like when we were kids.
Then she got a boyfriend.
Last visit I was dejected but happy for her because she seemed so much more happy than she had at any other time in her life. But then, I think, she made a move on me. We were at the local pool at nighttime, all alone. She mentioned wanting some ice cream before the shop closed next to the pool and because my love language seems to be acts of service and turning into mush when pretty girls bat their eyelashes, I very unsubtly ran off to get her ice cream. I think she knew by then that she had me in her clutches because her entire mood changed.
She came up close to me as she ate and very slowly crowded me against the wall. I was like an actual pile of mush trying and failing to eat my own icecream as she talked and I got that feeling in my chest, one I had never had with Scott, ever. She reached to me and adjusted my swim top strap and then brushed my hair out of my face and my body actually buckled. I had thought I was a top up until that point but im. I guess not. And then she fucking asked me if I thought the two of us would be able to fit into the bathtub together, again, like we used to.
I said yes and we rushed off back to the house and I was in the bathroom waiting for her and….she never came in. I went out to see where she was and she was with our grandfather and I did actually subtly ask her did you want to take a bath or anything? Because I’ll take a shower if not….and she told me she was just going to wait etc etc etc. and then I remembered. Her fucking boyfriend. Shit.
If Laura asked I would do absolutely anything for her. I think with Scott we have this Something Weirder Than Sex shit going on and I don’t know what to do on either front.
This is long as fuck but a good read that shit w Laura is wild
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dumbsoftboi · 1 year
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henrysglock · 6 months
Does Brenner really asks Henry "what changed your mind? Is there someone else"? Are you serious? Is that actual dialogue?? I'm just shocked, how is no one talking about how weird Brenner is with Henry? does it just flies over most peoples heads?? What the hell
That is straight out of the plays I saw. Both of them. Verbatim.
Henry decides to leave HNL because Patty asked him to come back to do the school play. He tells Brenner he wants to leave, and the scene more or less goes like this:
"I'm leaving." "I'm sorry to hear that. Can I ask why?" "I've decided I don't want to do this (read: make contact with the Shadow) anymore." "What changed your mind? Is there someone else?" "...No." "What, you think you can be normal? Go to prom with some stupid girl?" (Taking pages out of byler's playbook, I see)
And if I recall correctly, that's when Henry starts trying the theater doors to get out. Brenner goes on to tell Henry that he's all Henry will every have, etc. Brenner also, at one point, refers to Henry as "my boy", to which Henry whirls around and storms back towards the stage while growl-yelling "I'M NOT YOUR BOY". (And god it's so fucking good in person.)
Brenner very much treats Henry like a misbehaving/unfaithful wife. It had me gasping even the second time I saw the show and knew it was coming. I expected their dynamic to be clear, but I didn't expect it to be this blatant.
Tumblr media
(Right down to love triangle blocking and shared color palettes! Slay. I hate it.)
More "fun" freak facts: Brenner kisses Henry on the head twice during his first stay in the lab:
When he's trying to trauma-bond Henry to himself by forcing him to lose control and kill a rat, only to present himself as a sole possible source of comfort for Henry. After Brenner cups Henry's face in his hands to take readings of his pupil sizes (1.9 and 5.9 respective to left and right eyes...1959...), Henry turns to sob into Brenner's shoulder about it, and Brenner hugs him/kisses his hair and tells him that what he did was "very good". (All of this while Henry's displaying, and I quote, "traumatic mydriasis", which is consistent with strokes and major head injuries. No medical treatment for Henry, just kisses and petting from Brenner.)
When Henry's having his grand mal seizure after displaying images of Dimension X. Brenner doesn't give him proper seizure care, he just cradles him, pets him, and kisses the top of his head. While Henry's half-aware post-seizure, Brenner asks him if he'd like to make contact with the Shadow. Henry agrees, but then as soon as he's slightly more aware he looks to a doctor behind him and literally asks for help. He looks back and says "Help..." Brenner also massages Henry's shoulders while he's ball-gagged in the '70s, and tells him he's been "such a good boy these past few years", which means he's fit to meet the children, which are referred to both as his and Brenner's children, but also as his siblings.
This means he kisses/caresses Henry more than Patty does. Period. Point blank.
Brenner also has some choice lines about Henry and killing. Henry's being forced into killing this whole time, but Brenner turns it around on him and says, verbatim, "You liked it more than you thought you would". It's 10000% giving "You actually wanted it/You were asking for it" irt being, uh, forced into doing something that you didn't want to do. (Especially irt the Shadow and all of its rape coding...Yikes!)
Brenner also massages Henry's shoulders while Henry's ball-gagged and belted to a chair in the '70s, all while telling Henry he's "been such a good boy these past years", which means Brenner has deemed him fit to meet the children...the children which are referred to both as Henry/Brenner's children, but also as Henry's siblings.
Yeah. They're considered Brenner and Henry's children ("You're as much a father to these children as I am"), but they're also Henry's "brothers and sisters". You do the math on that one.
Lots of freak vibes all around.
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apoptoses · 7 months
The skateboard of Shakespeare! She was insane for that, thank you so much for sharing!
I saw some people on Twitter discussing who’d be more likely to forget Armand’s birthday out of the main vamps and people were seriously saying Daniel would be the most likely to forget/not give a fuck and I was like EXCUSE ME???? Quoting a tweet verbatim here: “he’d be like ‘oh you have one of those?’”. The sheer disrespect to my king 😤 I’m all for welcoming everyone’s meta and headcanons with open arms but in what world does Daniel forgetting/not caring about Armand’s birthday make any sense!?
That's so shocking, tbh I wonder if those people are show fans? Daniel in DM was so curious about everything about Armand, surely he would have needled him about his personal details like whether he has a birthday, or if vampires celebrate the date of their turning.
Honestly I've always headcanon'd Daniel coming up with Armand's 'birthday'. With Armand's memory issues chances are he wouldn't have known when he was born, and in the 15th century orthodox catholic communities often celebrated someone on the day of the saint they were named for, not their actual day of birth. In fact birthdays as we know them didn't really rise in popularity until the 18th century. And while Louis and Armand were together in the 19th century I don't see Louis as having been big on birthday celebrations as a concept at the time, considering all the grief he was going through over Claudia.
So in my mind Daniel hassled Armand about his birthday until he figured out Armand was dodging answering because he didn't really know. So on a random night in November Daniel plunked down a gift alongside a grocery store cake with a candle stuck in it and declared it Armand's birthday. And yeah, yeah, Armand can't eat cake but he can still blow out the candle and then creep on Daniel eating it, which is just as good.
Maybe Armand was a little skeptical of the idea at first but by the next year he'd come around it, and during the heyday of their time in NYC he had some truly spectacular birthday parties (and had good fun making up a new age for himself each time, and making daniel put that number of candles on the cake- sometimes 17, sometimes 490, which their friends thought a great joke even if they did nearly light the club on fire that night).
I also sometimes think about how it would have been easier for Daniel to handle celebrating Armand's birthday rather than his own, because as the years crept on it would be a reminder of his own mortality. 30 years old and still without the thing he wants most, still creeping toward death. Not that they didn't have some fights on Armand's birthday nights about how it's all a big joke, that Armand will see 500, 600, 700 and Daniel will be lucky to make it to 50 at this rate. But those were easier repaired than the arguments on Daniel's own birthday (which in my mind he still doesn't celebrate, and instead prefers to celebrate the night of his turning).
So YEAH anon I think there's so much to mine on the subject of Armand and Daniel and birthdays and to have Daniel outright 'forget' or dismiss it is a big missed opportunity!!
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feluka · 28 days
Isn't that fake ibtisams screenshot like verbatim what littlegreenfags stalker did to them? Like 'Come clean, you will feel better' 'Thanks for letting me confide in u' it instantly made me recall those allegations. Either it's the same person, or they are a copycat. Very fucked up the stuff that is going on with all these palestinian bloggers, as if they aren't already dealing with enough irl
I noticed that too, but I doubt it's the same person because littlegreenfag confessed themselves on their own blog that they were racefaking, so I believe that exchange was actually real. These are not comparable.
What I think happened is that someone saw that go down and thought to themselves "Hey, I could use that!" but I honestly don't know how these people's minds work so I can't say anything for sure.
Also I gotta say I don't want to dig more into the littlegreenfag situation because I was mutuals with them and was very upset to realize what they were doing, because these sort of situations really trigger (or "validate", rather, if you will) my paranoia and would rather just forget the whole thing happened. I hope you understand.
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kamiversee · 2 months
oooOOH okay - the way i forgot abt the songs BUT i'm gonna have to straight up make a playlist for these men (as if i don't do the same thing when i'm writing anywaysss)
incoming YAP SESH
so when you mentioned it in the last chapters, i immediately went back listened to 'sober' [childish gambino] BUT i forgot abt 'die for you' [the weeknd] sooooo he's a mini gojo analysis for that song for all my fellow gojo girlies (RAAA):
'i just can't say i don't love you / cause i love you'
this one is obvi lmao the way bro is like "hey btw i LOVE you" every chance he gets
'you hate that you want me'
bro literally says this almost verbatim when he's like "you shouldn't care abt me" but also "it's not a crime [to miss me] love" (ch45)
'i would die for you / i would lie for you ... i would kill for you'
REALLY seein the references to this one in chapter 45 lmao when he's like "i've done worse, for you" and he's said SOOO many times that he'd do anything for you and is explicitly like "the person i am around you now is not the person who fell in love with you"
so here's where i might be wayyy off base again but - what if the list started bc of something gojo tried to do for you, to show how much he cared about you? so like order of events:
years ago, gojo does something bad (ex: hurting someone, manipulating people in your life he views as "bad") in the name of helping you -> sukuna either catches him or he needs sukunas help -> sukuna uses this info to blackmail satoru
the deal for the blackmail is that you either have to complete this list that's made to hurt gojo so badly by punishing the woman he loves AND turns her against him (which is why gojo is so set on the fact that the reader can't have feelings for him, bc he's the one who's supposed to be punished by this whole thing) OR sukuna will kill gojo
which i know is like BIG but ! think about how gojo is always saying he'd do anything for the reader: he was ready to die for her; he had no intention of doing the list. when he walks in on her in ch1 he's like genuinely surprised that an opportunity like that "presented" itself to him, so he really wasn't planning to blackmail you ever
and when you finish the list, gojo is genuinely surprised and relieved that you finish it (ch45) !!!! he's also said that there was no time limit on it but that there actually was one, that it needed to be done by the end of the year i think??? somethin like that i don't remember but that always felt weird to me, so that's probs what sukuna's deadline for gojo was
anywhooo i also think sukuna put choso on the list bc he felt bad for hurting him (bc i'm refusing rn to think that choso lied abt the abuse which is the basis of my other theory but it bums me out so i'm just ignoring it lmao) and sukuna saw how obsessed w you gojo was and he was maybe like "hmm ok so this girl must be somethin special" and that's why he was making you hook up w choso !
yap sesh OVER (apologies this got so long and the way i was pulling out citations lmao) i will send more theories when i'm actually awake but i just read your response to my ask and HAD to do a song analysis! love you kami xoxoxoxo
Okay this is yap session 1/2 that I’ve received & it’s not as long as the other so I’ll reply normally!!
To start, ty for this theory & semi-breakdown!! I rlly do love reading these ><
1. I LOVE how you broke down the song reference because every lyric from that damn song applies to Mr. Gojo in this fic🙏 Die For You applies more than you guys realize but it’ll make even more sense when we finally receive his backstory <3
2. You & ☃️anon have similar theories with how this whole thing started & it’s fun to see you guys on the right track & nearly hitting the nail on the head ^.^
The first theory about Gojo & Sukuna’s situation is… it’s a wonderful theory, I’ll say that. I will not say if it’s right or wrong but, since TFL is over, I think it’s safe to say you’re definitely on the right track :)
3. The Sukuna & Choso theory at the end is OH MY FUCKING GOD. I’m going to just burn my fic plans atp because I’m pretty sure you guys somehow have access to it 😄 /hj
Anyway, don’t consider that response as me confirming what you just said but DAMN you cooked & the kitchen might be on fire! :3
TO CONCLUDE, ty for the yap sesh, I love u & these sosoosooo much !!
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sammyloomis · 1 year
actually im not done about this
this is literally verbatim what tyreen says at the pyre of stars and i want you to read it and tell me this is a) someone who hated their brother and only saw him as a means to an end or b) someone who is making calm rational non-self destructive descisions after the death of said brother
“When Troy and I were kids, we’d stare up at the night sky and dream of becoming stars. The brightest in the galaxy, Troy always said. So we left this place behind. Went to Pandora to become Vault Hunters ourselves. We’d open the Vault of Vaults and become the biggest stars in the galaxy. They seem so small now, our dreams. Not befitting a god. Now I’m gonna devour every last star in the universe, one by one. Until nothing shines but me.”
also, through the whole next cutscene, tyreen keeps saying stuff like “you kept us here” and *the universe should have been ours” like shes STILL including troy even though hes dead
from the point troy dies right until the end of the game, every time tyreen calls to taunt you she not only sounds more distant and tired, but actively malicious too. previously, when troy was there and adding to it, it felt almost fun and goofy, but after that shes very clearly lost whatever fun she got out of this, now shes simply out for blood and is going to take everyone down with her
actually, the more i think about it, the more i feel like she starts acting more like troy after he gets mayas powers
like, after he kills her and gains something that puts him on par with his sister, not only is he more outgoing and making rash descisions, but he even outright tells you that tyreen thinks this is all just a game but he wants to kill you right there and then so the raiders arent meddling as much
tyreen thinks the vault hunters attacking them is a fun thing to raise viewer count, troy thinks they should eliminate the threat while they still can, troy dies, and suddenly tyreen isnt joking anymore
but anyway, tldr, the calypsos care abt each other v much albeit in weird and unhealthy ways, theyre far more interesting than jack ever was, and people who woobify troy while condemning tyreen for the exact same thing should take a good hard look at that mentality
and to anyone who would be like “uh well if you listen to this echo log you can clearly tell tyreens manipulating troy” blah blah blah, actions speak louder than words and i hope ive explained why tyreens actions (and also words) after troys death show that she cared about him very much
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saintarmand · 4 months
multiple popular blogs in the iwtv fandom have a documented pattern of behavior of saying anything ranging from "could be interpreted as a bit racist but only if you're looking for it" to now literally "the real racism is actually against white people" and other alt right talking points. LOOK AT THE PATTERN.
you see the same people constantly complaining about how they keep getting called racist by black fans over and over again, and instead of asking yourself "why do so many black fans think these people are racist? could they be onto something?" you zero in on how polite they are about it and go "well, they put some naughty words after the word racist, looks like there really is a woke mob of big bad black bullies terrorizing the fandom, sounds legit!"
the thing is, something like about a year ago, i actually posted an absolute garbage take i can't believe i ever thought was acceptable, and got rightfully called out for it. i had some other white people agreeing with me, but THANK GOD someone i followed reblogged a post talking some sense. i freaked out at first of course. "someone is vagueing about me? that's not exactly what i said verbatim. i'm being misinterpreted unfairly! what if everyone finds out and starts hating me?" i got defensive, though i avoided throwing the classic huge public tantrum by simply logging off until i cooled down a little, so i managed not to draw that much attention. it's probably only because it was people that i already thought seemed really smart who were saying it, that made the voice at the back of my mind go, "what if they're right and i'm wrong?" so i really thought about it. at first i thought it was just my phrasing that was bad and if i explained it better it would be fine. but now that i've had over a year to think about it and listen and learn, i've come to realize just how stupid that was. and it's probably not the only dumb racist post i made, just the one that i saw called out. i've since deleted the whole blog so i can't check. which i admit i did in large part so other people couldn't check anymore either.
and what were the only consequences i faced? there are users that i think are really cool, and even some i was following, who have me blocked. i go :( about it for a second when i can't reblog a post. iirc like 3 anon asks i've gotten in total, only one of which was even mean at all. oh the horror, someone called me a racist bitch. i literally WAS. and even if i wasn't, so what? it made me feel a little bad, yeah. it would probably actually feel LESS bad if i thought it didn't apply. it would just be confusing and a little funny. it did apply, and it probably still does, i got a lot of shit to unlearn. in my book, me feeling bad is absolutely worth it if it brought whoever sent it even a smidgen of satisfaction. them having to witness my bullshit was undoubtedly worse.
the only reason i'm able to be as polite as i am is because as a white person this does not affect me personally. this fandom has been racist since before the show even started. if i saw popular blogs in my fandom being, say, lesbophobic for more than two years, constantly, and getting away with it, still being popular, receiving praise, and every time i said anything about it i had their followers come after me, while consoling them, i'd be pretty fucking pissed. i'd get tired of being nice so fast. and that's not even mentioning the trauma from a lifetime of racism in real life and online that black people have to deal with. i can't even imagine.
"racist" is not a goddamn slur. anyone who tries to tell you that it is has an agenda, and it's not that hard to figure out what that agenda is.
OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AROUND YOU. really look. and when you see it, STAND UP AND SAY SOMETHING. i'm ashamed it's taken me this long to do that.
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babygirllinds · 1 year
First Lines of 10 Fics Game
rules: share the first lines of 10 of your most recent fanfics and then tag 10 people. If you have written less than 10 fics, don’t be shy and share anyways :)
tagged by: @mackwinnon (thank you for tagging me 💗)
I have 14 published fics on ao3, so I’ll just be pulling from there. 8 of them are Top Gun fics and 2 are from The Magicians :)
1. lend a helping hand (complete)
“You need to ask one of them, Mav,” Carole’s honey-sweet southern accent rang through the phone. “I reckon one of them would step up without making a big deal of it. They’re good men, as well as good alphas. Nick always said so.”
“They didn’t like me at first,” Maverick stressed back. He was leaning up against the counter of his base housing, twirling the twisty phone cord with his fingers to distract himself from his anxieties. “They’re civil with me now, but I don’t want to upend what little friendship we have by making it awkward.”
“Honey, trust me when I say this,” she says slowly like how she talks to Bradley when explaining things, “Alphas would jump at the chance to be with any omega during their heat. They’re not going to worry about ruining a friendship if you’re offering yourself up. Especially with what you’ve told me about Tom and Ron. Either one of them would be happy to help.”
2. I saw him first (ongoing)
Slider had seen him first.
Before ever stepping foot in the classroom where he had to watch Ice stare him down like a predator waiting for the right moment to catch his prey. He’d seen him roll up on the motorcycle outside while waiting for Ice and was struck for a moment at how beautiful the other man was. If Slider had seen him out at a bar, he’d have no reservations about approaching the man and inviting him back to his housing.
3. Let me Teach you a Lesson or Two (ongoing)
The sitting room outside the dean's office is quiet for the most part. The only sound is of clicking computer keys coming from the receptionist's desk and Pete is starting to get antsy. He's been waiting to see the dean for 20 minutes now. Boredom has him staring at his thumb nail and picking at the skin around it until it starts to bleed. His hair is falling into his face and he tries to blow the strands out of his eyesight as he watches a small dot of blood bead around the nail bed. He winds up flicking his hair out of the way and tilts his head back, sticking the thumb in his mouth to suck away the red liquid. The iron taste is unpleasant and his stomach turns.
Then the sound of a door opens and he's snapping his eyes up and over to the sound, only to be met with piercing blue eyes hidden behind wire-framed glasses. His blonde hair is gelled back and he's tall enough that Pete has to crane his neck up from where he's sitting. The man looks like a classic nerd, but he's muscled and carries himself confidentially. He's actually quite handsome and is Pete's type to a T. He lets his thumb go with a pop and the man lets his gaze on Pete dissipate quickly before walking off. Pete watches as he leaves, lingering on the way the man's back muscles shifted under the tight button down.
"Mitchell," Pete's head snaps back to the open door. Dean Metcalf stands there, back straight, face hardened. "Come in."
4. seduction plan: failed? (complete)
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell was having a crisis.
He was the type of man who made girls and guys swoon at his feet. He could knock someone's socks off and make them laugh until they cried. He was sweet as sugar and confident with his words. He was wickedly charming, albeit a little shit as well, but people liked that about him. So he knew a thing or two about making someone someone fall for him.
What he didn't expect was the person he was head over heels for to ignore every effort he made.
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky was this all-consuming man. He was handsome, funny, smart, and he could match Mav's energy verbatim. He was quick to whip back each retort Maverick threw his way and then tease him endlessly until they were both laughing.
5. say you’ll be my wife tonight (complete)
Maverick was used to snide remarks and sly comments thrown his way. He had put up with it his whole life, even more so when he stepped foot in the Navy. Men loved to rib him on his height, on how he played loose with the rules, and how his father was a coward. Those comments didn't bother him anymore. He took them with stride, knowing he was more than just random words being hurled at him.
But this was new.
"He treats you like his little wife, like a bitch who needs to be put on a leash," the words were snarled at him, sharp and piercing. "Kazansky got you trained good? He calls and suddenly you're the perfect little wife?"
6. Merry Christmas (complete)
Tom had never really enjoyed Christmas all that much. His father was absent quite frequently because of the Navy and his mom spent her time depressed when his father wasn't home. Christmas felt like any other day, only with presents. The presents were just material things. What he craved was how the kids in his class were able to spend the day wrapped in warm joy with family. He'd never had that, instead his mom sipped champagne while his sister and him opened presents. She'd smile a small, sad smile when Tom would hold up a new toy he was excited about, then continue to stare blankly at the window.
Now that he was older, he knew his mom was just longing for her husband to be there. She didn't understand how to be more than a shell of a person under her husband's thumb; to be openly there for her kids. His sister was the one who showed him warmness during the holidays. She'd spend the day making sure he was shown happiness and some semblance of Christmas joy. She showed him how to make Christmas cookies from scratch and then they'd spend the day huddled in pajamas, watching Christmas movies with hot cocoa. His sister was the only fond memory of the dreaded holiday.
Growing up, he realized that only some people that came into his life were going to look out for him. After learning that lesson, he became closed off and aloof to others. That's when he took on the ice-cold persona — Iceman.
7. happiness (complete)
Honey, when I'm above the trees
I see this for what it is
Maverick knew this was coming to an end one of these days, but he hadn't expected it to crash and burn so suddenly. He's spent so many years trying to be enough — trying to show Ice that there was more in the world other than settling for his father's version of his future. He wanted to prove that he could be enough.
Ice's father wanted him to marry a decent girl and start a family. Cue Maverick who crashed into his life and halted all plans that pointed to a future that was expected of him. Until now at least.
Ice had stopped frequenting Maverick's home, stopped staying the night after fucking him into the mattress, stopped whispering sweet nothings as they cuddled on the couch. Back was the cold demeanor that Maverick had first encountered when meeting the infamous Iceman. He didn't smile like he used to and when he did meet up with Maverick, he smelled of a woman's perfume. Maverick was losing him and he knew Ice was dragging out the inevitable.
8. Danger is Calling my Name (complete)
When Ice told Maverick that he was dangerous, he wasn't lying. The man flew too close to the edge, never once following the rules set in the parameters of the mission. But when Ice said those words, he held an entirely different meaning in mind.
Maverick was dangerous in the way he confidently held himself – head held high as his green eyes sparkled and his smug smile pulled back to show his teeth. He was dangerous in the way that Ice had to hold back from pinning him against a wall; had to let himself flush with anger, not lust. He was dangerous in the way that Ice was willing to lay his life with the Navy on the line just so he could lay Maverick down in his bed.
9. Illicit Affairs (complete)
Make sure nobody sees you leave
It's nearing six in the morning; the sun still chugging it's way over the horizon to light up the new day. He hears Margo's light snores down the hall, and the soft patters on hardwood of him and Eliot making their way past her door. They both know she knows, but neither ever mention it aloud. Leave it to Margo to turn a blind eye, but leave the glint of knowing in plain sight.
He looks at the back of Eliot's head, curls messy from the night spent in his bed. Quentin aches to reach up and soothe the wisps of hair down and feel the softness that comes from years of pampering himself. He's beautiful, even in the morning, and Quentin wants nothing more than to kiss him in front of everyone.
Too bad he can't.
10. Happy Birthday, Q (complete)
"Jules, no." Quentin frowns at his best friend from where he's sitting. "I don't want to have a party. You know I hate them."
Quentin turned 28 today. He's not particularly fond of his birthday since his dad died two years ago. They had a tradition of getting breakfast at the crack of dawn and then, per Quentin's request, they would watch whatever movie was currently playing at the small theatre in his Jersey town. Then Julia would come over for dinner and they'd eventually end the day sitting on the porch as his dad pointed out constellations to them.
no-pressure tags: @waaugh @r-dtoblack @polar-equinoxx @brainjuicey @destinedtobeloved @blazingstar29 @broketraveler87 @sunwarmed-ash @honckity @abliafina-18782 (tagging all of y’all bc I confidently know you all write because I’ve read some of y’all’s work 😅)
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onbearfeet · 3 months
March Patreon Flash Story!
This month's story is a quick one based on a prompt I found while googling desperately: "The funeral was at noon." I hadn't planned on having anyone attend any funerals, but Maggie has her reasons, and I suddenly found myself wondering whatever happened to the Jimmy Olsens of my universe after the capes all disappeared.
Since I ended up not using the one prompt I got, I decided I'm entitled to post the story here without consulting anyone. MWAHAHAHA.
For more context on this 'verse, see my AO3 (onethingconstant) or the tag "Untitled Superhero Project" on this blog.
For the Living
The funeral was at noon, in a quiet little church in Indiana. There had been no announcement—well, no public announcement.
Snap Anderson had been old-school—the oldest school, he would have said. He’d been wearing Jetfighter’s signal watch since 1961, and even after the mirror-helmeted alien had gone down in flames in 1982, Snap had kept wearing the watch, deactivated and silent, as a memorial to his best friend. He’d been a lot of people’s best friend, actually—half of Vanguard’s ever-changing lineup had counted Snap as an ally or a sidekick at one point or another, and there were as many clips of Snap attending heroes’ funerals as there were of him saying outlandish things on talk shows.
Now, Snap’s own funeral had barely a dozen people huddled in the pews.
Maggie slipped in through the back of the church after the organ started up, feeling the tag on her stolen black dress itch between her shoulder blades. Coming here had been a risk, she knew; most of Snap’s social circle had vanished in white light three years ago, and she was in serious danger of standing out in a crowd that would surely all know whoever was left. Being the only likely attendee under fifty wouldn’t help, either.
But it had been on her way to New York, and she couldn’t resist.
She scurried down the aisle in her stolen kitten heels, trying to look like she’d been caught in midday traffic, and slid into the first open seat in the frontmost empty pew. Everyone was singing, droning along to a song she hadn’t heard growing up in St. Joseph’s, so she stared at the floor and mumbled watermelon watermelon watermelon until it was time to stop.
The eulogy was bland, from what she could tell, and seemed to have copied several sentences verbatim from Snap’s Wikipedia page. That didn’t stop the occasional sob or sniffle from the gathered mourners. She wasn’t sure they were listening either.
One of the nuns had told her once that funerals are for the living, not the dead. Maybe the words didn’t matter as long as someone said them. As long as someone said something.
She wondered whether anyone would say anything when she died. Probably not, except for whoever had to clean up the mess.
The eulogy ended, and the organ started up again, and as the creaky mourners levered themselves out of their pews for a final round of what sounded like “Oh God Triumphant And Invisible”, Maggie craned her neck and saw it.
Standing by the head of the casket, just for an instant, was a tall figure in black body armor, half-swathed in a long black cloak, with a gleaming white mask carved to look like a grinning skull. It wasn’t a friendly skull, or even a particularly scary one. Not a Día de los Muertos calavera or a grinning rubber Halloween mask from a party store. It looked like someone had simply taken an ordinary human skull off a pile of them somewhere, sliced off the front of it, and glued it to the front of an otherwise formless black void.
Got you, you bastard, Maggie snarled to herself. The obituary had said Snap had died a natural death, but she knew better now.
Skullfaced freak never could resist a good chance to gloat.
The figure vanished again before she could so much as twitch out of her seat, and no one else in the little congregation reacted, but that was all right. She knew what she’d seen.
When the service ended, she retrieved her pack from behind the dumpster where she’d stashed it and wrote another name in her notebook. The dress and shoes went into the trash, her jeans and sneakers went back on, and she was walking toward the bus station before Snap Anderson’s casket was back in the hearse.
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