#i say this with love he is my fav character
sunny-three · 3 days
Aaron and homophobia
- aaron is meant to homophobic on purpose Nora specifically wrote him this way yes it probably comes from the environment he grew up in that doesn’t really make him any less homophobic
- if I see anyone trying to claim that aaron isn’t homophobic because his he’s aspec may I remind you that pov character Neil is canonically Demi and does not say the same shit aaron does
- yes aaron loves and protects Nicky that does not mean Aaron’s behaviour cannot be hurtful towards Nicky take andrews behaviour towards aaron as an example Andrew hurts aaron with comments about tilda knowing that aaron loved her and aaron hurts Nicky by being homophobic despite knowing how Nicky’s parents treated him, that he was sent to conversion camp and knew Nicky got hatecrimed
- I’ve seen people say try and say that Aaron is not homophobic and just feels like Nicky’s flirtation crosses boundaries is uncomfortable with it and yes it makes sense that people would be uncomfortable because of this
- but given that Aaron is okay with Andrew literally drugging people and literally left Neil drugged with Nicky after hearing the comments Nicky made about him Aaron definitely does not have any moral objections with Nicky’s comments besides the fact that they are directed at other men
- Aaron’s comments towards Nicky would desist if Nicky were directing his flirting towards women instead
- this is not meant to be hate, Aaron is one of my fav characters look at my blog if you don’t believe me but if I have to see one more post talking how Aaron’s canonical homophobia is not Aaron’s fault but instead Nicky’s fault for being too gay I’m gonna lose it
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casscainmainly · 1 day
Got an ask about my feelings on Cass being Bruce's favourite that I accidentally deleted so I'm gonna answer here.
Firstly I'm in the 'Dick is canonically Bruce's fav' camp (see fantastic-nonsense's post here), but I do believe Bruce has a special bond with Cass. So I don't think 'Cass being Bruce's fav' comes out of nowhere, especially since she is the closest to having his moral code, and he is definitely not normal about her.
However, this is the kind of statement where who is saying it matters. Comic fans can say Cass is Bruce's favourite because it's grounded in a genuine understanding of their dynamic. But when people who haven't engaged with comics say it, particularly as a rebuttal to one of the Batboys being Bruce's fav, it comes off like Cass is some 'other' option. She's allowed to be the fav because they don't see her as a real character, or because they view her as some paragon of perfection. This is where I really dislike the headcanon.
Because Cass being Bruce's favourite should be a bad thing. Bruce doesn't adopt her until 2008, and for me it's largely because it takes him that long to see her as a person. Early Bruce-Cass, where most of the 'Cass being Bruce's fav' moments come from, is marked by Bruce seeing Cass as an extension of himself. She is his model minority and there are racist undertones in him calling her perfect. His love gets less toxic over time, but this corresponds with his disillusionment over her (see him firing her in Batgirl #48; Cass, in the same issue, is becoming disillusioned with him).
The arc in Bruce and Cass' relationship is them recognising and deconstructing the pedestals they've put each other on. So when people say Cass is Bruce's favourite without context, it misses all the complexity in that dynamic. Personally I prefer what should be their endpoint: where Cass knows she doesn't need to be his favourite to be loved.
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throwing-in-the-towel · 18 hours
what do u think brent and jason bring as darry and soda or that is just added to thebplot thst makes their performances ur fav? is it bc its a liiiittle bit outside just being from ponys pov that their characters are fuller or is it also just the sauce that brent and jason bring?
jason's performance as soda is one of my favorites solely because it's jason. i think he's a PERFECT soda first and foremost. i also honestly just love jason LOL loved him in rotpl sooo so so much and he's just so fun to watch. he's bursting with talent and i know this is really just the start for him and that makes me so happy :D
brent is just phenomenal. like that's all i can even say about brent. he understands the role so well and is just so perfect emotionally for the role. i've talked so much about why i love brent's performance on here that im just out of words at this point LOL
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lavendergalactic · 19 hours
REMINDER: if you say you hate male/female ships because they're "straight" please remember queer people exist
i've seen a lot of hate towards m/f ships because they're "straight" recently, but have you ever thought that:
they could be trans, making it a queer relationship
they could be bi! making it a queer relationship
one could be bisexual the other could be omnisexual, still queer
they could even both be on the aroace spectrum and still be queer
the list goes on and on and on and on
anyway to lighten up the mood here are some of my m/f queer ship headcanons made in MS paint:
(warning /silly: lots of bisexuals because i am bisexual and love projecting onto characters)
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idk about amy yet! i havent seen much of her so i wouldnt know also i just kinda slapped on my orientations onto sheldon because he's literally me :P
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i also think its good to know that i'm a multishipper i also ship clorinde and navia too LOL
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i love polysho but i really do like emurui a ton
there's prob more that i forgot but these are my favs
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No one asked for this but I must do what I was born to do for my people.
MERC MOVIE GENRE FAVS + do they cry at movies?
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[ Semi/Partial Historical, 1930’s - 1950’s movie picks! ]
Medic - documentary type, specifically medical/horror + no he’s too busy smiling ear to ear. His favorite film is Panic in the Streets! He will not explain why or where his enjoyment lies. (He just likes projecting on doctor characters.)
Heavy - action movies! ESPECIALLY BIG GUN. loves big gun. Someone pulls out a Tommy gun in the movie and he is now whispering quietly about the model, and it’s cons and pros while telling you the casing size and its rpm for 10 min + maybe a little bit. he won’t say anything if no one else says anything.
Pyro - Hates movies. Sitting still? No colors? No fire? He would just be bored. And a bored pyro is a Dangerous thing. - you looked away and the theater is on fire and everyone’s being evacuated. So that’s a no.
Scout - drama/comedy or just comedy, would have loved american pie with his heart and soul. Favorite movie is Monkey Business - yes, refuses to acknowledge it, will probably rat someone out so he’s not alone if he was asked about it.
Demo - commentary about society/drama movies. Favorite films are The Grapes Of Wrath, Boom Town, Gone with the Wind - YES, but that’s because he’s got his flask shoved down his throat. He will be kicked out before anything sad even happens. But the movies where he does get to finish them through? Oh hes talking about them for years down the line.
Soldier- war films and anti war films. Exclusively. Favorite film is A Matter of Life And Death. - pretty much but the only way he can cry is fully standing at attention in a salute. He needs to sit in the back or he will get kicked out.
Spy - ironically, I think he hates romance movies. They made him dream for something more. A better life where love wasn’t hard to stay with. Favorite film is obviously Casablanca. - no but he would brood and that’s worse.
Sniper - slow detective movies. Favorite director is Alfred Hitchcock. It’s partially do to his name alone. - no, he just thinks he’s too cool for it. (Cries about sad movie scene when he gets home, thinks the scene over 20 times, over analyzing it)
Engineer - westerns. This isn’t a surprise. ANYTHING with Gary Cooper in it. - very much no, but because he expresses himself too much for it to build up. the guy that talks the whole movie, and gasps when something happens. Not to the whole theater but at least 2 rows all hate him at any given time.
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ataraxixx · 2 days
what do you tihnk about aspheera. I think she's neat & I'm a big fan of AUs where she remains friends with wu bc I feel like if they had stayed friends it would have had been cool and awesome & change the dynamics of the serpentine war in a very interesting way. to me.
i cannot say aspheera is a character i think about super often or anything but i do really like her. she's probably my second favorite wildbrain villain after unagami. i think her and wu's dynamic is REALLY fun and theres so much to explore in their interactions both in aus where they stay friends as kids or where they reconcile after crystalized or whatever. i think the ep in crystalized where they beef or whatever is so good. i love old person beef.
wu is one of my favs so i always like things that do more with him that arent inherently About Garmadon since i feel like ppl have a tendency to just make everything about garmadon always. i like wu i want to know about his relationships and feelings he is such a fun character with a very interesting outlook on the world... his bottomless (and sometimes forced) optimism vs aspheeras very grandiose personality. i think theyre a funny duo, because you dont usually get ppl who wu gets 'tired' with so to speak.. aspheera just grinds his gears in a very particular way that i find really funny LOL and aspheera is so. girl what is wrong with you.. i need to study her in the lab she needs to be put under the microscope . being just kind of a dumb power hungry adolescent who thinks she'll do a good job leading and then she gets locked away for 1000 years or whatever?!? she did Not deserve that sorry😭😭
sorry to bring it to acronix (not that youd care if i did) but i can definitely see the dynamic between them where theyre both suddenly In The Future now and just figuring stuff out because i think aspheera would be just as fascinated with tech as acronix is but in a wtf! why do they have a little box on your wrist! and acronix is so excited to tell her about borgwatches . its her favorite activity. yuri if you will
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dyingrubberchicken · 6 months
whoever says dallas liu isnt the best zuko to ever possibly zuko needs to rewatch the original atla series ASAP.
YES he's whiney YES he has the survival instincts of a drowned fish YES he is an angsty teen.
my guy lost to aang, angrily doodled him, smacked him on a wall, and burst into flames. he is the embodiment of >:(
LOOK AT HIM. and im talking season 1 zuko here. that man is the DEFINITION of angsty teenager. he is a soggy wet cat. he is hopelessly incapable of social interaction and we love him for it. look at that dumb dumb man and tell me dallas liu does not perfectly encapsulate what an absolute idiot (/aff) season 1 zuko is.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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seventh-district · 4 months
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 6
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5]
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zuzu-draws · 5 months
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So after the spoilers for Chap 257 dropped, I saw some tweets clarifying the meaning of the Kanji Sukuna used in the chapter when referring to his mother, and the overall reveals in the chapter got me thinking.
I’m making this post as a way of gathering my thoughts, personal speculations and where I think all of this connects to Sukuna’s character and the information Gege has given us over the years. Nothing I say is by any means new information, but like I said, I’m just collecting my thoughts here. By the way, just a warning, this post contains SPOILERS for the JJK Manga! If you don’t like that, please don’t read this!
Something I’ve noticed is that the theme of “Hunger” and symbolism of “Cooking/Food” is heavily referenced with Sukuna throughout the Manga. Gege in a previous Fanbook has disclosed Sukuna’s favorite Hobby to be “Eating”.
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This theme is again very much ingrained within Sukuna’s cursed techniques and even his Domain Expansion, the “Malevolent Shrine”. With his two main techniques being “Dismantle” and “Cleave” are cutting-type attacks. He is also able to use a Flame-Arrow, and Fire is essential for making Food. The Shrine in his Domain Expansion literally has mouths on all sides, looking eager to chew down anything in-front of them!
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This symbolism also heavily influences Sukuna’s own manner of speech, and the way he speaks to other characters in the series as well. With his post-fight chat with Jogo before his death, Sukuna mentions Jogo lacking the “Hunger” to take control of his desires, preventing him from reaching the heights of Gojo Satoru. Before the Start of their fight in Shinjuku, Sukuna called Gojo a “Nameless Fish on top of his cutting board”, and that he was going to start by “Peeling off the scales”(refering to Gojo’s infinity). There’s also further symbolism that supports this by analyzing the Kanji and meaning of Sukuna’s “Malevolent Shrine” but I’m not very educated on that so I won’t be opening that point here.
What all of this points to is that Eating and Food……is extremely important to Sukuna, to the point that it literally affects him in manners innumerable.
Eating is an instinct, a necessity for the survival of every single living being.
And In the face of extreme Hunger and starvation, even those with the strongest will could lose their Humanity and revert to the basic animalistic side of their existence. (The Heian Period also had a Famine, although I believe the timing to be a bit off, but do with this info as you see fit)
In JJK Chapter 257, it is revealed to us that Sukuna and his Twin were most likely starving in the womb of their starving mother.
On the brink of starvation, Sukuna had to consume his “other self”(his twin), so that he could survive.
Btw, this tweet and this thread gives additional characterisation to Sukuna:
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Link to the original thread: Link.
More context (and reactions :P):
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Link to original thread: Here
This reveals to us that indeed, Sukuna was born a twin. And as we all know, “Twins” are seen with extreme scrutiny in Jujutsu Society, they’re not well liked. This too in a period where Cursed Spirits and Jujutsu Sorcery was at its peak, it is not far-fetched to assume that his Mother may not have been treated very well by the people in her surroundings, especially as she bore twins.
When Kashimo asks if Sukuna was born the Strongest or if he made himself the Strongest, this is the response Sukuna gave to him:
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When you think about it, how do you think the people around them would have reacted when the woman: who was supposed to birth two twins, gave birth to a single child instead? and that child had consumed his other twin in the womb itself?
No doubt people would’ve been horrified, disgusted and even revulsed. With the woman and her newborn child.
This would’ve led to their further ostracisation in the already very close-minded society. Unable to fend for herself and her newborn child, it must’ve been difficult for Sukuna’s mother to survive. I feel like somewhere along the line, Sukuna was left alone to fend for himself at an extremely young age. To protect himself from both Curses and Society alike.
This is why I believe Sukuna knows what true starvation, weakness and hunger feels like. Both in the emotional and literal sense. He was left without another person caring about him or his well-being, in a cut-throat period where it was “Fight or be killed”.
Powerful curses roamed all across Japan, nowhere was safe. Simply be strong, or you'll die. There's no room for weakness. And initially, a kid!Sukuna was weak, as anyone would be in the beginning when they're just starting out in this world. (and maybe, he didn't have much to eat, leading to long periods of starvation? :') )
I believe it is this debilitating hunger, and feeling of weakness that eventually led to Sukuna’s current Hedonistic mindset.
He’s essentially traumatised by it, and believes that it was his own weakness that led him to experience this sheer starvation. That he deserved to feel this way because he was weak then. Perhaps, the people around him were right, that as long as they have the power and strength to overcome anything, they’re free to do as they please; And there is nothing anyone else could do about it.
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I feel like the irony here is that Sukuna himself, must’ve been a “weakling” before eventually rising the ranks to become History’s Strongest Sorcerer. This is also why he values Strength so much.
Ultimately, Sukuna has decided that there was nothing more important than being strong enough to fulfill your own desires. And “eating” is one of his most important desires. It’s his favourite thing to do, the one he derives the most pleasure out of. And like an animal, whose main focus is to consume, consume and consume. He too, simply consumes.
Most morals likely have no meaning to him. He doesn’t care who he hurts, what he does, as long as he’s able to get what he wants. And this isn’t limited to eating.
This is why people referring to Sukuna as a “Natural Disaster” is so befitting of him. Because Natural Disasters also don’t care about what or who they’re destroying, they just come and go, wreaking havoc appropriate for their nature and magnitude.
I believe Sukuna himself has said lines similar in nature, when talking to Kashimo:
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Now I’m not sure how Sukuna perceives or even experiences this “Love”, because I think he has a rather very warped idea of it. I do think that this definition of love is similar to the one that Gojo also understands, but I don’t think he knows what “love” truly is. I’m not sure how I could comment on this, but I do think that Sukuna’s emotionally starved, whether he realises that or not.
Because, like Kashimo himself asked Sukuna “What is the point of dividing your soul into 20 different parts and then traversing across time if you’re satisfied with this?” we do not know the answer to that yet.
But many people have speculated that “Black Box” panels in JJK manga represent a curse (either self-inflicted or put by someone) on the speaker. Like, take a look over here where Sukuna reiterates the same dialogue, except it looks like he’s trying to reassure himself:
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This once again shows that Sukuna has only ever strived for himself, in the same hedonistic fashion, to a very very extreme degree. It is possible that he's been lacking something, and he himself does not realise that he’s lacking it. Maybe it was this subconscious feeling, that led to Sukuna agreeing to Kenjaku’s plan of dividing his soul into 20 different parts, and to traverse across time as a Cursed Object.
Sukuna’s an incredibly complex character, and I’m excited to see where this goes. Gege has put extra care in the way he characterizes and depicts Sukuna, and again, I’m really sad that a lot of that characterization gets lost in translation. Still, I’m going to try my best to understand and get the most accurate feel of his character as I possibly can.
If you made it this far, Thank you for reading! And if you would like, please do leave a comment in the tags or replies because I would love to read what other people think of this and just Sukuna in general. I do not see a lot of people doing critical analysis of him, and a lot of his actions are seemingly swept under the rug. I don’t like that, so hopefully this contributes to people focusing more on Sukuna and his character. (/^v^)/ <3
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kyurochurro · 1 year
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simon dobbles :DD
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soranker · 6 months
Favorite Trigun character?
teehee..... can u guess 🤪🙈
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nalooksthrough · 1 month
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Is it bad if I say these two are my two most favourite characters in the show?
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puppyeared · 2 months
Was nobody gonna warn me that I would fall a little bit in love with every character in Stardew
#I am literally following them around and getting excited like a little puppy its insane#I cant decide who I wanna marry I like all of them… I was a little torn between Sebastian and Harvey at first but now Alex is an#unexpected fav??? and I like Elliott and Sam theyre so goofy.. and I appreciate how down to earth Leah is#Emily is also quickly growing on me she feels like the valleys manic pixie dream girl to me. or at least Clint’s manic pixie dream girl#the only characters I don’t have much to say abt are Shane and maru.. Shane’s still a little mean to me like I know he warms up to u as#u get to know him but I’m not there yet.. and I’m just not all that interested in Maru sadly#it’s not just the marriage candidates its almost all the NPCs especially Granny Evelyn SHES SO NICE?? shes fun to talk to I love giving#her my best flowers.. I also like saying hi to Willy and Marnie they’re nice!!! I love Marnie’s smile it’s so cute#I’m also fond of gus after seeing Linus’ 2 heart event that was so sweet of him… mister gus I’ll give u my best ingredience……..#I’m too busy trying to finish the community centre and make money before I go around marrying anyone or building up friendship#so I haven’t had a lot of time to get to know everyone ;w; I’m trying to trigger the wizards heart events now that I’m at like 9 hearts#with him cuz I wanna be able to move my buildings around#I actually have 2 saves rn one on my brothers pc and one on iOS. but the one on iOS is cosmos file and it just playing as him as a character#not as myself and I think he would marry Alex. but my pc save is my personal file so I’m marrying Harvey#until my pen gets fixed I’ll be drawing at a snails pace pairing the stupid thing but Im making cosmo a ref definitely#I kinda wanna get to know Pam too.. she’s like rough around the edges but in a jaded way I wanna know what she’s like yk#stardew valley#puppy plays sdv#sdv#Stardew#yapping
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alwayshinny · 1 month
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Ginny Weasley - Happy birthday, queen! 👑
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kcciny · 2 years
“I love Gawain”
Please tell me which version cause no way this is the same person
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lakesparkles · 1 month
I forgot to say it here, but it finally happened
Someone got upset because I like Gideon
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