#he is legally an angsty teen
dyingrubberchicken · 6 months
whoever says dallas liu isnt the best zuko to ever possibly zuko needs to rewatch the original atla series ASAP.
YES he's whiney YES he has the survival instincts of a drowned fish YES he is an angsty teen.
my guy lost to aang, angrily doodled him, smacked him on a wall, and burst into flames. he is the embodiment of >:(
LOOK AT HIM. and im talking season 1 zuko here. that man is the DEFINITION of angsty teenager. he is a soggy wet cat. he is hopelessly incapable of social interaction and we love him for it. look at that dumb dumb man and tell me dallas liu does not perfectly encapsulate what an absolute idiot (/aff) season 1 zuko is.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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miusato · 2 months
Yes I love me some Siblings dynamics ✨️✨️✨️
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I like to think that Aki's (adoptive) parents bought a better headstone for Miki ;w;
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fluff-n-cookies · 4 months
Hello :)
Could you please do and platonic Aizawa x daughter reader?
His daughter is in her teen years so she is being like really rebel and all that so they fought a lot, but one day she just breaksdown during one fight and starts crying and apologizing for being a shitty daughter?
I have been avoiding this for so long, and it's all because I have no idea how aizawa would handle something like this. because it goes against everything that Aizawa would try and teach his kid so this may be a little forcefully written, apologies.
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TW : unhealthy parenting, mental illness, some suicidal thoughts, probably angsty shit, I dunno, read at your own risk.
We can start this by walking through how this may start in the first place. I think the best place to start is that reader's mom left her and Aizawa when she was very young, and Aizawa, assuming here he didn't understand how to properly tell her why her mother left her, never tells her why.
Now reader is very young so she might blame one of two things.
her father
While both instances would technically work, I think the more favorable option is she blames herself since a young child would probably never blame an adult they look up to and hold dear as the problem.
Up to this point her father has been really kind to her so the only other variable is her, this spirals into social anxiety, low self esteem, and depression. all of which don't help when you have an absent mother and a neglectful father who is both a teacher and a full time hero, which leaves little to no room for children.
(this is also why I think it isn't realistic for Aizawa to keep Eri or a child without another non-hero caretaker. Fight me, I dare you.)
As time goes on, and this child becomes a teenager, she might not know how to properly express her feeling and after being misguided by factors like the internet, other adults, and "friends" she might take out the feeling of being abandoned on her closest caretaker and another source of her problems; Aizawa.
if you purposely yell at him or start arguments it's not going to be very fun because Aizawa has this complex where if his students or other heros represent incompetence or arrogance he expels them or ignores him rather than explaining it to them and helping them improve, this is especially with students.
and since he lacks a true connection with you as his daughter mainly because of his job(s) and past with Oboro which he is still trying to heal from keeping him from bonding with you, he'll treat you as a student like the rest of the teenagers he knows. and even then, you may actually be treated worse than his students because while he interacts with them daily, he interacts with maybe 1 hour every other day.
so from all that he simply ignores you, just stops interacting with you entirely, he's too tired for your bullshit. this action makes the wedge between you two even worse.
if you keep persisting though he will yell back but it's often really short and really loud. something like "SHUT UP" a cold "I don't care." before slamming the door in your face. He knows it's probably not right to do that to your daughter but let's face it. you're just this annoying teenager he legally has to live with if he doesn't want to lose his hero and teaching license.
this is where things actually get very interesting, because let's assume he stops approaching you entirely, you just live in the same house nothing more than that, and while you may act like you hate your father for ruining your family and neglecting you all your life on the outside, remember, you're still that little kid in second grade that blames yourself for your mother leaving and your father not caring for you.
so let's say you realize this and go back to blaming yourself for everything like you did when you where a kid but since your father stopped talking to you entirely explaining your faults to him maybe difficult.
this where my personal experiences come in, I've actually had this happen to me in my own life, and I truely hope that you'll enjoy it. thank you.
why is it that the voices are the loudest in the dead of night?
the moon is gone, the birds are silent, there isn't a single light that shines on your tear streaked face, puffly, swollen, sad, just sad.
years of confusion, neglect, a lack of love in it's purest form.
all because of you.
it's all because of you.
it's sings so prettily, like it's a church choir spreading the word of the lord like it's common knowledge.
it's common knowledge that you are a terrible person!
it cackles.
the urge to strangle yourself to finally feel some relief has never been stronger.
lie awake in the dead of night, in pitch darkness, a proper scenery to match ones broken and cracked soul, be careful, you might hurt yourself, again.
however, one cannot weep in their wallows forever.
the night has to make way for the morning sun.
and a relaxed self pity has to make way to dread.
dread of him, he who you blame for everything, everything you know is your fault.
it's all your fault.
a click at the door,
the creak of the old wood and the hinges never oiled.
mild thumping footsteps that wander around the apartment that can barely hold your overflowing buckets of tears.
you can mumble out all your pleas.
pleas that this is all a terrible nightmare and your real life is actually one with a kind and loving mother and a supportive and encouraging father.
mumble out the little lies that you made up all these years to make yourself feel worse and other better.
"it's pointless to keep trying."
"I wish I wasn't here."
"why can't I just be happy?"
"it's all my fault,
it's all my fault,
it's all my fault."
the thin walls don't do those in mourning justice though.
for the wind is calm, the branches don't dare to move, the owls, the bats, the sleeping heros in training downstairs don't make a peep.
for the only ones alive, awake, aware, is a man beaten down and broken by society serving as it's protector, ignoring the one in most need of protection all this time. With him is a girl. a girl that's scared, scared of her mirror image that haunts her, a girl who's cried an ocean, screamed a thousand wails of pain, a girl lost in her own heart,
"No wonder no one loves you."
you lie again.
but keen ears trained from years of work with villains hears you, for the first time, he hears you.
not the rebellious teen he's seen yell out strings of pure hatred and fiery insults like he's her own worst enemy.
it's the girl who he saw waiting on the steps to their apartment all those years ago. waiting for her mama to come back home with the promise of cupcakes.
it's the girl who never smiled for the remainder of elementary school.
it's the girl who's heart withered way that autumn evening.
he heard the softest little voice in the dead of night. he heard his daughter cry
"No wonder no one loves you."
"But I love you."
for that whole night, for that whole night.
the peace was disturbed.
for that whole night, it seemed that the moon shone once again.
it may not be the sun. but it'll do for now.
Aizawa walked away shortly after that.
leaving a little girls and her mirror image to ponder.
Afterwards I don't think he'd talk about it too much, he's proabably approach you after breakfast the next morning and tell you "you can talk to him about it if you want." but not much more than that
he definitely would change his practices though. like getting you a therapist, taking the weekends off in favor of being around the house more.
he'll let you get used to his presence first like one would with a cat, and one day. maybe years later, or tomorrow, you'll talk to him.
you'll tell him you love him too.
and maybe.
just maybe.
the world will stop,
and everything will be okay.
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rubykgrant · 1 year
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(bringing back the "Rookie Grif and Simmons Meet Their Future Selves" picture because I thought of ways to expand it a little~ This all happens in a scenario where a new time god AI is messing with everybody, just for gits and shiggles, and this is one of the things that happens. the people who get pulled from their proper time-line eventually get sent back with erased memories and a "rewound" internal clock to avoid paradoxes, but some nonsense still happens!)
"Aw, look at how cute I was..."
"What the f- I don't call myself- I don't think- I'm not cute! Guys aren't cute!"
"Oh, shit, I forgot I was insecure as hell back then too. Damn,"
"You? Look at ME over there. Oh my God, I'm a baby!"
"NO! I'm 22! And that's- I mean, it's LITERALLY 4 years older than the legal voting age, and another year over the legal drinking age, so I'm a man! Chronologically! Mathematically! Legally!"
"I'm a repressed man-baby,"
After the initial shock of "another time displacement event has happened" wore off, Grif and Simmons- that is, the older Grif and Simmons, were casually amused to see their younger selves.
It really wasn't the worst thing an antagonistic AI with god-like power could do. So they had to baby-sit the two insecure and repressed Grif and Simmons with their little rookie buzz-cuts for a while. Big deal. They had already sorted out a similar situation with Tiny-Sarge, plus the angsty-teen versions of Carolina and Wash. As far as the older men were concerned, this was fine.
The two younger men (who were definitely MEN, and NOT cute) did not agree. The last thing they had been doing was fighting on the floor of the barracks; Grif had somehow managed to roll out of his cot, slowly slide onto the floor without making any noise, continue rolling until he reached the cot next to him, and while still out cold, wormed his way up onto the mattress, forcing out the person who had currently been sleeping there. Simmons.
Simmons responded by yanking his blankets out from under the intruder, which made Grif roll out of the cot yet again, this time quickly, and hitting the floor with a thud. He woke up pissed, and an argument quickly followed.
All around them, the other rookie soldiers had groaned, and tried to block the bickering with their own pillows. It just never ended with those two. Every single person who had trained with them hoped and prayed that they would NOT get sent to the same assigned base as Grif or Simmons... ESPECIALLY not Grif and Simmons TOGETHER.
Simmons tried to tackle Grif, which was a mistake, because Grif wasn't exactly an experienced fighter, but he knew a thing or two about how "playground wrestling" (which was like cage fighting, but with less rules). Grif had Simmons trapped in a tight hold, squawking empty threats, and then...
They weren't in the barracks anymore.
They were in what seemed to be a livingroom. A large livingroom in a fairly nice apartment. They were also between the TV and a huge couch, full of many unfamiliar people... except for three. Three of these people were familiar; another Grif, another Simmons, and- Grif's little sister? Kaikaina?
The young Grif and Simmons panicked, but the strangers seemed to only be mildly irritated. A short dude with dark hair and glasses swore, said something like- "Not THIS again". A gruff old guy, with a buzz cut of his own, looked at them almost wistfully, like a dad at his kids' graduation or something. Kai burst out laughing, and Grif couldn't process his sister being TALLER than him.
Several agonizing minutes later, explanations and introductions were made. The sarcastic dude with the glasses- Church, he went with a few of the others to "fix the problem". After a discussion, the rest of this group agreed to go out, buy some extra changes of clothes and supplies for the time-travelers in case they remained for an extended stay, and Grif and Simmons would stay at the apartment. With Grif and Simmons.
It was WEIRD.
"Why do our faces look all... jacked-up?" the younger Grif asked.
"AND WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING EACH OTHER LIKE THAT!?" the younger Simmons nearly screeched, pointing at the sight.
The older Grif and Simmons were standing together, in the kitchen. This Simmons had both arms drapped over Grif's shoulders, linked by holding one of hi wrists. This Grif stood with one arm bent, the hand in the pocket of his jeans, the other wrapped around Simmons' back, that hand resting on the other man's hip. Their middles were pressed together. All cozy and... intimate.
Also, the older Grif clearly had sections of his body covered in skin that was a shade lighter than the rest of him. The older Simmons had... robot parts? Robot parts! In the same areas, around the eye, one side of his jaw, and the left arm.
"Well... long story short, I got hurt, needed extra skin and organs and blood, so he shared..." older Grif answered, grinning like this was FUNNY somehow.
"Then a BUNCH of other stuff happened, and now we're married," older Simmons added, seeing the horrified looks of disbelief on the younger faces. "Trust me, this is NOT the weirdest part of our lives!"
"There is no way in HELL-"
"NO, this IS hell, this has to be hell, you choked me to death in the barracks, and I died, and this is some kind of torture in the afterlife!"
The younger Grif and Simmons were not taking things well.
"Calm down, don't get yourself all worked-up again!" the older Grif said to the younger Simmons. Somehow, his tone wasn't unkind. Younger Simmons didn't expect any version of Grif to sound like that. "You aren't dead, and this isn't hell. We can get into the philosophical implications about the afterlife later, if you chill out-"
"Oh man, they haven't even had that conversation yet!" the older Simmons chuckled.
"Ha, this is gonna be fun. But first thing's first..." Grif walked over to the fridge, and pulled out several containers. "I know myself, and back then, I was jonesing for pizza bad,"
"Dude, you have no idea..." the younger Grif forgot all about the issues he had with his future-self's taste in romantic partners, his taste in food was still acceptable.
"I absolutely have EVERY idea, I lived through your life up to this point. I remember that crappy military food, and the tiny portions. This pizza right here? Pepperoni, bacon, 2 kinds of mushrooms, 3 kinds of cheese, olives, and green bell peppers. I'm heating you up four slices, AND making chocolate milkshakes. Get ready to not feel like you're STARVING for the first time in months," the older Grif began preparing the food as his younger self followed behind, looking like he might start crying tears of joy.
"Maybe we DID die... except I went to heaven..." he mumbled quietly.
"Here, I know you'll like this..." the older Simmons opened another container, waving his younger self over. This Simmons was less food-motivated, and thus less trusting when offered a treat. Older Simmons was putting different portions of food onto a plate. "By the way- you aren't actually allergic to half the things you THINK you are,"
"I'm- I'm not?" younger Simmons cautiously asked.
"Nope. Mom and Dad just used to serve you under-cooked food because they followed all those stupid diet trends, and gave you food poisoning," older Simmons finished with the plate; it was Chinese food, chicken fried rice with various vegetables, pork chow mein, 2 potstickers, and spicy mandarin chicken. He put the plate in the microwave, heating it up for a couple of minutes.
The Grifs were off in happy-pizza-land, but the Simmons' weren't focused on the food. Younger Simmons noted the casual yet disdainful way the older Simmons spoke about their parents. It wasn't as if he didn't complain about them himself, he could get pretty loud and angry about his dad from time to time. It just... usually had more of a build-up. More of an emotional explosion. Which he always regretted later, and felt like he owed an apology to a man who hadn't even heard anything he said... this older Simmons was oddly more confident and open. Younger Simmons didn't even recognize that attitude in himself.
"So, you aren't allergic to everything. And those times you got sick, that wasn't your fault. You weren't the problem. Even the times you did get sick because of and actual food intolerance you have, that wasn't your fault either..." the plate was ready. Older Simmons handed it to younger Simmons with an encouraging smile, and motioned for him to go join the two Grifs at the kitchen table for milkshakes. Older Simmons got himself a plate of Chinese food as well, and sat down beside the older Grif. They had very little space between them. The younger Grif and Simmons were sitting at opposite ends of the table, trying very hard to NOT look at each other.
"You were serious before... you guys actually got married?" younger Simmons finally asked when he felt like his brain was working again. He could see both of the rings older Grif and Simmons wore. Wedding rings, on their ring fingers. Not only that, the rings matched; older Simmons had a dark red ring with a band of gold running through the center. Older Grif had a gold ring with a dark red band.
"Yep," older Grif said after a gulp of milkshake.
"WHY?" younger Grif had one eyebrow raised, utterly confused.
"I'm not sure. I think he tricked me," older Simmons deadpanned, but his poker-face broke almost immediately. The older Grif leaned against him, his head fitting into the crook of Simmons' neck, both men smiling in a satisfied way.
"No, really, why?" younger Simmons pressed the issue. "He's- he's the worst! He always makes a mess, he forgets to flush the toilet, he's lazy beyond all reason-"
"Oh yeah, and you're a dream!" the younger Grif finally looked at the Simmons he knew, and it was with a glare. "You are so up-tight, you've got the military rule book stuck up your ass side-ways, you're an annoying little shit-"
"OK kids, stop flirting~" the older Grif pretended to scold the younger men on the other side of the table. They were shocked into silence at that; flirting? FLIRTING? They were NOT flirting!
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keeperofthebox · 2 years
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I thought it would be fun to try and capture what I think the ninjas’ music tastes would be in playlists. So, here are 5 playlists of 20 songs each for Lloyd, Kai, Zane, Jay, and Cole. My goal was to make these painfully realistic, so be prepared for a little nonsense!
(Warning for explicit lyrics in Lloyd, Kai, and Cole’s playlists. See notes under the cut.)
These playlists are generally meant to be enjoyed in order, but I forgive you if you can’t do that. It's only that I jumped between a lot of different genres for these guys in order to give the impression that they’re well-rounded, so I tried to make the transition smooth. I don’t want you to get jump-scared if you have it on shuffle.
I didn't repeat any artists except for Daft Punk (because I had to for Zane, like, legally), and I tried to stick to each artist's most popular music. I want the average listener to recognize a lot of these! I think that makes it more fun to listen to.
The covers are inspired by those iPod commercials with the silhouettes from the mid 2000s. :)
LLOYD: This playlist is inspired by my experience being a tween/teen in the early-to-mid 2010s. Thank you to all my classmates for your unintentional contributions. And you may be wondering, friend, why did you put so much moody rap music on Lloyd’s playlist? Well, in response I raise my own question: have you ever met a real 16-year old-boy?
KAI: I tried to make the playlist flow with his arc. It starts out with edgy rock music, moves into emo, then J-rock (yes, there’s a Naruto opening in there, it’s Kai, why wouldn’t there be), then scene, then horny dance-pop—just like Kai starting out super angsty, but eventually chilling out to the idiotic flirty mess we know today.
ZANE: I mostly just wanted to capture that he’s really weird. He gives me an oldies vibe. It’s also fun to imagine him trying to figure out wacky song lyrics—I think they would mystify him. I wanted to put “My Kind of Woman” by Mac Demarco on there, but it was the only song from this century on the whole playlist, and it stuck out like a sore thumb. :(
JAY: Thank you to everyone who helped me with the video game OST choices! RIP Jay Walker, you would have loved the Portal games. Other than that, I just went for a mix of Tumblr-y lovey-dovey pop rock and glam 80s pop type junk.
COLE: I think Cole is probably the only one who has a good sense of music. He gives me a music bro vibe. I tried to give him some variety to reflect that, but with a focus on grunge and older metal.
Anyway, enjoy!
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centuryberry · 3 months
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Hehe ❤️ We get some diplomatic Queen Yue in action. Even after her home base gets burned down, she takes her job seriously and represents her people the best she can.
Honestly, bringing Ao Bing back from the dead was one of her greatest work - and she did it legally too. Too bad all that work bit her in the butt when he just ✨ decided ✨ that they’d be married without her opinion or input on the matter.
Knew you’d like the Nezha description, haha. He has a new look and maybe some new (old?) abilities that comes with it. Also, some lore and daddy issues added on top of that, just for our favorite Demon Child.
(Regrettably, I couldn’t delve into Nezha and Ao Bing’s parallels even more in this chapter, but their relationship is complicated.)
Ao Bing is such a piece of work, but he’s not a monster. It’s the mix of dragon pride and entitlement that makes him so unbearable, but he’s honestly the product of his clan’s toxic and traditional upbringing. In Xiaotian’s game, he was more aware of his privileges and how his upbringing in the sea had sheltered him from important lessons. He was more willing to humble himself for the sake of others and show more empathy to the plight of others. Unfortunately, that is not the Ao Bing we see here. He has a lot of growing up to do if he wants to reach that point, but for now he’s a dumb teen.
(He definitely doesn’t deserve her. Thankfully, our little queen knows her worth.)
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budgetbuildsystem · 10 months
Meet Our System
Or at least the ones open to sharing
Charlie- Host, 20, Nonbinary leaning masculine (He/They), still doubts being a system and their own trauma.
Lilith- Protector, Age is unknown, Female (She/Her), A vampire, she is a slightly twisted southern Belle, like she was a Belle and someone crossed her a few too many times.
Kaleb- No role yet, Age unknown but no older than about 25, Male (He/Him), Gives angsty teen vibes, loves Ozzy, Set It Off, MCR. (He is the newest that I'm aware of. Unsure if this was a recent split or if he was just dormant. So I have a more clear idea of what he looks like now, he hasn't fronted recently. I can't describe it but I might post some system pictures with permission.)
Bella- Little, Trauma Holder, About 7-10?, Female (She/They), Tiny Tina. She chose her name I believe. She'd love to meet more friendly littles or Borderlands alters.
Crowely- No role yet, Age unknown, Male (He/Him), Likes coffee, Johnny Test, and Good Omens.
There is 1 other who might choose to add himself, however I doubt it and want to respect his privacy.
This account is to give us all a space to talk about our experiences and interact with people who will accept us. We are traumagenic, however I (Host) am unsure what caused this. I don't have the money to get diagnosed right now and am actually scared to due to the ways it may limit my life in legal matters.
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kindlingkeen · 5 months
two dads
willis is feeling inadequate and unimportant to jason, he is so jealous and possessive but he feels like he doesn’t have a right to be because he has failed his son, and probably agonizing over what birthday gift he could make that would possibly compare with all the expensive name brand stuff that wayne will have bought
and bruce has to really consider what he would have done if he had no support system, no resources, no education, several prior arrests for petty crime, and a child to care for all before he could legally drink
jason is thrilled to be learning so much with bruce and getting to do so many exciting things but he can’t help but think that it would be better if his dad was here too
alfred has to reorganize his routine in order to take jason with him for every grocery trip because the kid is never more carefree than when he knows first hand that the house is well stocked with food and given that it is such a comfort to him alfred encourages his participation in meal planning and food prep
(two dads AU: original ask, follow up, fu #2, fu #3, fu #4)
I stopped and stared at your reference to Willis as a teen parent for like two minutes straight. Can’t say I’ve ever thought of him that way (esp with comics’ tendency to portray everyone as mid-30s, despite their actual age ranging anywhere between 18-60), but it fits.
Now I’m imagining Bruce and Willis in this weird co-parenting dynamic, except Jason is like 8-12, and Willis is only 24-30ish. He’s not that much older than Dick. The possibilities.
Edited to add: okay, I had to go back and look at my references on the batfam’s ages … If Jason is 8-12, that puts Bruce at 30-34. If Willis was a teen parent and was say 18 when Jason was born, that makes him 26-30, or if he is a more normal age (census data puts the average age of a first time dad at 27-30, so let’s say 28), then he’s actually 36-40 so older than Bruce. I say again, the possibilities.
Alfred in the kitchen with baby Jay standing on a chair helping him cook. 🥹 Be still my poor stuttering angsty heart.
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sadienita · 2 years
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Bang Chan & Reader (feat. Hyunjin, Jisung, and Changbin)
Word Count: 4k
Genre: Angst, Hurt / Comfort
Contents: mutual pining, nightmares & sleep paralysis, Swearing, Changbin swings the reader around
Notes: I really did start this as a comfort fic and somewhere along the line it got really angsty oops
A wide smile tugged at Chan’s lips as he threw open the door for you. You couldn’t help but match it, feeling relief at seeing him in front of you after such a long time, and such a tiring few weeks. You’d barely managed any sleep recently, too plagued by nightmares waking you every few hours. Sleeping in a new location for the weekend likely wouldn’t help but Chan liked to stay up late so maybe, just maybe, you’d stay up with him until you were so tired you simply just slept through the night for once.
Chan wrapped you in a tight hug, squeezing you against him. “I’ve missed you.” He mumbled.
“Missed you too, you dork,” you chuckled. “You’re too busy.”
“Well if you lived a little closer,” he countered.
You pulled back to meet his eye. “Touché.”
Chan chuckled at you, lingering just a moment longer with his arms around you before letting go and swooping down to grab your bag. You rolled your eyes as he ushered you into the apartment with a dramatic sweep of his hand.
“I can carry my own bags, Christopher.”  You snorted.
“And what sort of gentleman would let you carry your own bags?” He questioned.
“Who the fuck told you you were a gentleman?” Came a familiar voice with a laugh. You grinned as you turned towards the kitchen to find Hyunjin leaning against the island. You made your way to him quickly, wrapping him in a hug before he could protest.
“If it isn’t my favourite whore,” you cooed, pulling back just in time to catch his eyes rolling. 
“Still the same old bitch,” he replied before scrunching his nose. “I- I guess I- I kinda mis-”
“God no don’t say that,” you said quickly. 
“Thank fuck,” He sighed. “If I show you too much emotion I’m legally obligated to combust.” He moved towards the fridge while Chan came into the room, having dropped off your bags in the living room.
“Surprised you’re still standing,” you chuckled, feeling Chan come up behind you and wrap an arm around you in a way he knew he wasn’t supposed to. In a way you weren’t supposed to like. “You used to be so mushy.”
Hyunjin made a disgusted face. “Yeah well when I hit 18 I changed. The teen years were dark days.”
“Aww but you were so cute,” You cooed.
“You were,” Chan confirmed.
“He was a problem,” Jisung said, a smile crossing his lips as he entered the kitchen. He was quick to hug you, squeezing you tight.
“You were the problem,” Hyunjin muttered, placing a drink on the island for you. 
Jisung fully ignored him. “How're you?”
“Same old same old,” you hummed. “Just further away.”
Jisung pulled back. “I know your boss sucked but I still wish you’d stayed here.”
You pinched his cheek affectionately, watching Jisung pull back in disgust and chuckling. “I’m not that far.”
“You’re pretty far,” Hyunjin said.
“You’re too far,” Chan confirmed, pulling you away from Jisung just to coax another hug from you. You accepted it, letting him snuggle into you just a little before hearing footsteps pounding down the hallway. Chan let go of you and you turned just in time to see Changbin barreling at you into the kitchen. You screamed as he wrapped you up in his arms, using his momentum to spin you around in a tight hug. You gripped onto him for dear life, even once he slowed and set you down properly.
You kept a death grip on his shoulder as you tried to blink away the dizziness while the room still moved. “Good to see you, Binnie,” you mumbled.
“Back at ya,” He chuckled, making his way to the fridge like nothing of note had happened.
“Well, now that you’re thoroughly reacquainted,” Chan said, “How ‘bout I order some pizza and we get a movie started?”
The chatter had, eventually, died down. Jisung and Hyunjin spent the first half hour adding their commentary to the film, initially to everyone’s delight but eventually building annoyance and getting pillows and blankets thrown at them until they relented and watched quietly for the rest of the film. You were squeezed between Chan and Jisung on the couch that was clearly meant for two people but you hardly minded, their warmth more comforting than anything. 
When the second movie started Hyunjin took off to his room, thoroughly tired of interaction and ready to spend the remainder of his evening drawing. Still, the rest of you refilled on snacks and settled in for the movie. And though it was late by the end and Changbin decided to turn in, Jisung and Chan stayed. 
You knew Chan would stay up as late as you wanted, possibly even later. He never was able to sleep well in all the time you’d known him. Even if you were sure he was itching to work on the inside he seemed calm, enjoying the third movie starting. You found your gaze drifting to his face, simply taking in the profile of his nose, his lips, his jaw in the low light. It was a little self-indulgent, taking in his features like this. You were sure it was being tired that made you so much less careful but you couldn’t help yourself, wanting to drink in his handsome features for just a moment longer.
His gaze shifted and you saw the smirk pulling at his lips before the eyes on you. You didn’t miss the warm, rosy hue adorning his cheeks as your eyes traveled to meet his, nor the warmth in your own chest. An all too familiar feeling. You smiled back at him which served to make him giggle.
“Whathca looking at?” He hummed. 
“Just you. You look nice.” Was your reply.
Chan just chuckled again, shoving you lightly and clearly a little flustered. “Okay, sure.” He returned his gaze to the movie as did you, only noticing then that Jisung had fallen asleep, mouth hanging open and head resting back against the couch. You giggled quietly, leaning against Chan to get his attention. He chuckled too when he saw Jisung’s face. 
You shook your head as you looked back at the screen, staying curled up against Chan. He was warm and comfortable and while you had planned to stay up a while longer your eyelids were starting to feel heavy. You supposed the traveling really had taken its toll on your body. You felt an arm snake around your waist and elected to not think too hard about it as you drifted off to sleep against his shoulder.
The voice was soft as someone gently shook you and slowly came to your senses. You furrowed your brows, stirring a little before opening your eyes to see the TV, now off, in front of you. The space next to you where Jisung had been was now empty and cold so he’d clearly gone to bed some time ago. You sat up with a yawn before looking at Chan.
“I think I’m ready for bed,” You admitted.
“You think?” He snorted quietly. “I already put your bags in my room so-”
“No,” You said, suddenly feeling very awake.
Chan sighed. “You do this every time you stay over. Just let-”
“No.” You restated. “I’m not kicking you out of your own room, you dingus. I’m gonna go get my stuff while you get ready for bed.”
“You had to travel to get here and it was probably tiring,” he protested.
“I’ve made up my mind,” You said simply as you made your way down the hall. Chan grabbed your wrist before you went into his room, a last ditch effort to convince you. But you had this discussion every single time you visited and it always ended the same.
Nevertheless, he called your name softly, trying not to wake his roommates now. You looked him in the eye, seeing his sincerity but also his exhaustion. You were right to think he hadn’t been sleeping well.
“Please, please take my room. I’ll sleep on the couch, you know I don’t care. Someone could break in-”
“Christopher.” You said his name sternly and he fell silent. “You’ve never been broken in on, not once. There has never been any threat in your living room. I will be perfectly fine-”
“Sleep with me then.” He said quickly, his ears started to burn red as he fully processed his own words. You ignored the skipping in your heart as you frowned at him.
“Your bed is too small.” You pointed out. “One of us will end up on the floor.”
Chan’s shoulders finally slumped and he let go of your wrist. You sighed, stepping closer to him and wrapping him in a hug.
“You worry too much,” You hummed.
“Yeah,” He gave a half-hearted laugh. “Yeah, I just worry.”
You pulled back to look at him. “You need the rest more than I do I’d guess.”
He smiled sheepishly. “Is it that obvious that I haven’t been sleeping?”
You gave him a sad smile. “Just, try and get some rest, okay?”
Chan finally relented, dropping his head with a sigh. You took his hand and squeezed it comfortingly before heading into his room and grabbing your bags. You took them back to the living room and washed up while Chan grabbed a pillow and blanket for you. Even as you came back to settle in he gave you a pout and sad eyes. You just rolled your own as you plopped down on the couch.
“Go to bed, Chris.”
“Are you sur-”
“Yes,” You said firmly. “Go to bed.”
He gave you a half smile before finally shuffling back to his room.
You sighed to yourself as you snuggled under the blankets. He was always like that with you, protective and kind to a fault. Sometimes he cared a little too much. OR maybe he just cared more than he should. But you weren’t about to jeopardize his sleep for your own comfort. Their couch wasn’t even uncomfortable, he just hated the idea of you being out here alone. Even if some small part of yourself would rather be snuggled up in his bed you knew it wasn’t worth it.
You blinked your eyes open, looking up at the ceiling above you. The room was dark, but not so much so that you couldn’t see anything. You could see the outlines and edges of the light fixture above you. Your gaze shifted along the lines of the ceiling, everything feeling a little slow as you did so. Even sitting up it felt heavy, like the air was thick with something.
Your breath caught in your throat as you looked over the back of the couch and felt fear strike through you. Two small, red glowing eyes peered at you through the darkness. You gripped the couch tightly as the creature, still shrouded in black stared back at you and you felt the way time was getting slower and slower.
Despite that, when the creature moved, it moved fast. In the blink of an eye it stood at the back of the couch. You tried to move back, get up, run, anything, but you were stuck. A hand, looking like that of a person that had been long dead, skin black and decaying and hanging off of the skeletal frame started to slowly reach towards you.
Your eyes locked on the hand as you opened your mouth to scream but not a single sound came out.
Closer and closer the hand came and your stomach started to churn as you tried in vain to cry out for help, utterly stuck in place as the creature reached closer and closer to your neck. You met its glowing eyes again only to feel dizzy. Each breath was getting harder, as if it was already choking you. Despite not seeing a mouth you were sure the thing was grinning somehow and it made you sick.
The second it’s cold, rotting fingers touched your throat a scream ripped itself from deep inside you.
You sat up suddenly, trying to catch your breath as the last echoes of a scream reverberated through the room and down the hall. Your heart was racing, beating far too heavily in your chest as tears stung your eyes and you looked around frantically, the horrible creature was nowhere to be seen.
You let out a sigh, slumping into yourself and squeezing your eyes shut. It was just a dream, nothing more. Even so, the backs of your eyelids seemed painted with the image of those horrifying red eyes. You blinked them open, your attention drawn out of your thoughts and to the sounds of someone stumbling out of bed.
Mere seconds later a door flew open and Chan came running out of his room. He ran to the back of the couch, nearly slamming into it before reaching out and cupping your cheeks with his hands. You flinched a little at the sudden contact after such a scare. Chan seemed to relax just a little just looking at you and seeing you okay.
“What happened? Are you hurt? Did someone try and get in here? Did you-”
“It was just a bad dream,” you sighed.
Chan stared at you seriously. “You screamed.”
“Yeah, it just kind of happened,” You mumbled. “I’m sorry about that.”
Before Chan could say anything else another door opened and Changbin wandered into the hall, rubbing his eyes.
“Is everything alright?” He yawned. 
“Yep,” you admitted, head dipping a little. Chan let his hands drop from your face, shifting a little so you could see past him to Changbin. “Just a bad dream.” As the reality of it hit you embarrassment started to creep up on you. “You can go back to bed.”
Despite your reassurance, Changbin hesitated. “You sure you’re okay?”
You met his eye briefly and nodded. “I’m sure Chan will refuse to leave me alone now anyway.”
Changbin let out a chuckle and you saw Chan give you a shy grin out of the corner of your eye as Changbin headed back to bed with a sleepy wave. You sighed heavily and reached for your phone which had been going off for the last minute while Chan made his way around the couch to sit next to you. You unlocked it to find Hyunjin and Jisung freaking out in your group chat about how you were probably dead and they were next. You rolled your eyes tiredly and shot off a message to let them know you were fine before setting your phone aside and looking at Chan. He looked exhausted, like he hadn’t slept a wink since you sent him off to bed.
“Are you actually okay?” He asked softly, lacing his fingers with yours.
“I am,” You said tiredly. “It was just a nightmare. Don’t worry.”
“Does that happen a lot?”
You dropped your gaze. “No, it was just a one off thing.”
“Are you sure?”
You met his eyes again, giving him a tired smile and squeezing his hands. “I’m really okay. It was just a little freaky but I woke up and I’m fine.”
Chan chewed on his lip for a moment, seeming to think of something but you caught on before he could voice said thoughts.
“You can go back to bed.”
Chan said your name softly but you stopped him.
“You need to sleep and so do I, just go back to bed. Nothing happened. I’m busy and probably just having a nightmare from stress, okay?”
Chan gave you a sad smile. “You really think I’ll be able to sleep at all with you out here after that?”
“Nothing happened,” you insisted, feeling exasperated.
“Yeah but now I know what you’d sound like if something did happen. I can’t just forget it.” He gazed at you, clearly tired and a little less guarded, a little more disarmed than usual. “If I go back there I’m just going to worry for the rest of the night.”
You sighed. “I don’t want to take your bed away from you.” He opened his mouth but you beat him to the punch. “And you know it’s not big enough for both of us.”
“It was once,” he mumbled. You broke away from his gaze, feeling your face heating at the memory of being sick cuddling up with him in his bed when he insisted that you needed someone to take care of you. You were tired and in need of comfort and not going to refuse it in the moment. Even if you already felt warm, the comfort from it sent you right to sleep and it was more restfully than you’d slept in a long time.
But you also remembered how you felt when morning came. Once your fever broke and you were thinking straight again. You remembered the way you felt and the way he clearly thought that night would somehow change all of the circumstances that made you fit together about as well as two pieces from entirely different puzzles.
You remembered the argument it caused between the two of you over the meaning of it all. The way it strained your friendship so much you thought you might just lose it. And there was far less that needed to fall into place so nicely with friends.
Crossing that boundary again wasn’t something you wanted to do.
“I know,” you said. “I just… isn’t this easier?”
Chan met you with a sad look on his face, almost heartbroken. “You think?”
“Don’t you?”
Before he could say anything else a rather loud cawing outside made you nearly jump out of your skin. Your eyes snapped to the window, half expecting to see the red eyes peering back at you. But there was nothing there, just a bird somewhere out in the darkness calling out into nothingness. 
Chan’s hand left yours, moving to rub your back again before giving you an expectant look.
“I’m f-”
“You can’t even handle a damn bird,” he chuckled.
“My nerves are a little fried,” you defended.
He looked at you, his stare calculated before he got up from the couch. For a moment you breathed a sigh of relief. He was as stubborn as you were and it was hard to convince him you were alright. If only he looked after himself with the same energy he tried to look after you.
A few moments later you groaned as he returned with a pillow and blanket.
“Christopher, no,” you said sternly as he settled into the armchair. “You can’t sleep there.”
“Well I’m not gonna get any sleep in my room so what does it matter?” He asked matter-of-factly.
“It’s so uncomfortable,” You whined. You knew, you’d tried to sleep there before when the couch broke and you visited with no other place to sleep. It was one of the worst sleeps of your life.
Chan shrugged. “Then at least I’ll be here and awake if you have another nightmare.”
“I told you I don’t usually do that.”
“Scream yourself awake or have nightmares?”
You bit back your comment. He was right. The stress recently had been getting to you and you’d been having terrible dreams. When you woke up it was fine but it did mean you didn’t sleep very soundly. Taking in his gaze you knew he’d made up his mind on this and you weighed your options. Despite everything, his bed was infinitely more comfy for both of you.
“Fine, you win,” you grumbled, standing from the couch. “We can go to your room.”
Chan positively beamed at you and it made you soften just a little, stomach flipping once again at the sweet expression. At the very least he was content and maybe you’d both get some good rest this way.
“I’ll clean up quickly out here and then I’ll be back, okay?”
You gave him a tired smile and shuffled back to his bedroom. You paid him not too much mind while he tidied up the blankets and grabbed the things you’d need. You simply took a pillow with you and collapsed onto his bed. There was definitely not enough space for both of you unless you cuddled close but in your tired state you just resigned yourself to the fact that it would feel nice even if it left everything a mess come morning, imagining things that couldn’t work out.
Though it would have been better to wait for him so you could figure out how to share the space, your exhaustion got the better of you as you curled into the soft, comfy bed, still warm from Chan’s body heat and with his comforting scent on the pillows. He was still cleaning up and no doubt grabbing water and maybe even a snack since he was awake and your tired body gave into the welcoming darkness of sleep mere moments after falling into bed.
Your eyes blinked open in the darkness of Chan’s room, initially confused at the location. But it only lasted seconds before fear struck through your heart. The red eyes of a shadowy figure peered at you again from across the room. You sucked in a breath, too shallow, to try and make a sound but your mouth wouldn’t open. Your eyes wouldn’t close against the horrible creature either and as it shifted closer you felt tears well up in your throat.
What do you want with me? You wanted to ask. What did I do? Why me?
You couldn’t manage a single word of it, just pure and utter fear, breaths coming more shallow as the thing came a little closer and you were sure another was behind you, feeling a presence there too. You fought with your body to move, to speak, to do anything but you were frozen in place as hands landed on you from behind.
“Hey, hey!” Chan’s voice came in panicked whispers. “Wake up! Please, wake up!”
You managed to force your eyes open, sucking in a deep breath and gasping for the air it felt like you’d been starved of. Chan pushed you gently until you were laying on your back, looking up at his worried expression. “Wh-What happened? You’re cryin-”
You were quick to throw your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as you let out shaky breaths, relieved that it was just your brain playing tricks on you. The torment tonight had been relentless but you were thankful that it was, nevertheless, not real. You nuzzled your face against his shirt, subtly trying to wipe away the tears before he looked at you again.
Chan sat on the bed and gingerly brought you to sit in his lap, holding you close and rubbing your back. He murmured reassurances to you as you calmed down. The image of the red eyes was burned onto the backs of your eyelids but it was somewhat dulled, more bearable when he was this close.
When you finally pulled back to look at him his expression was still laced with concern. “Was it another nightmare?”
“Sleep paralysis,” You sighed. “But both had the same spooky ghost thing.”
Chan said your name softly, holding your chin gently to keep you from looking away from him. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m…” You paused, trying to find the words. “I’m tired and stressed. I’ve been too busy to rest. But I am okay. You know how it goes, sometimes your brain throws you nightmares when you’re stressed out.”
He pouted. “I hate it though.”
“Getting nightmares?”
“No, you getting them.”
You smiled at him. “Well unless you can travel inside my brain and stop them.”
He chuckled. “I know, I just wish I could do something.”
You finally pulled away from his grasp. “Let’s just sleep, I think…”
“You think…?”
“Nevermind,” You said. “Let’s just sleep.”
Chan seemed like he wanted to press you a little more but he didn’t. Instead he moved to lay down before opening his arms and welcoming you to cuddle into his chest with a wink that made you snort and hit him with a pillow before you settled onto him. He was quick to lock his arms around you and squish his cheek into the top of your head.
“Good night,” he hummed and you could feel it rumble in his chest.
“Night, Chan.”
You felt warm and comfy as you slowly came to. Light was streaming through a slight gap in the curtains so you knew it was morning but as for the specific time you didn’t much care. You snuggled closer into Chan’s grasp, nuzzling your face into his neck. You didn’t want to think at all right now. After struggling to rest for so many hours, after so much stress recently, a few precious moments of rest were very welcome.
“Morning,” Chan’s voice was a little lower, a little rougher as he woke up, no doubt from sleep. You hid your face in his neck as your heart fluttered, pretending you were far more sleepy than you actually were. His arms around you got a little tighter as he nuzzled against your head.
“Did you sleep well?” He hummed.
“I did,” you mumbled. “No more nightmares at least.”
“And I slept like a log. It’s almost like we’re good for each other.”
At this comment your stomach did a series of flips and you pushed up, away from him. While your heart beat a little too hard you fixed him with a disapproving stare and stern tone. “Chris.”
He met your sternness with a decided softness of his own when he said your name in a way that made your heart melt just a little. You kept your gaze the same though as you sat up fully, him following along like you were a magnet pulling him closer no matter how you moved.
“You shouldn’t say things like that.”
“Why not?” He pouted.
“You know why.” Even first thing in the morning the man made you want to scream. He knew. He knew about the distance. He knew about the false starts and the awkward moments and the hopes of something that crumbled as soon as it was touched. He knew about always getting the wrong. He knew about the personality clashes. He knew about the explosions of emotions that had nearly shipwrecked it all. He knew about the drunken quiet whispers that shouldn’t have been said. He knew about the incompatibilities. He knew because he was there, the other half of all the conversations.
 Chan’s shoulders dropped a little. “If you’re talking about you moving away-”
“Christ, Christopher!” You groaned. “You know I had to get out of that place. You know it’s better now, even if I am farther away. And besides, you know that’s not even what I meant, it’s more than just… work.”
“You know over time things can change, right?” he said quietly.
“Do you really think things can change that much?” You questioned.
“Don’t you think it’s at least worth a shot?”
You stared at each other through a beat of silence. You hated the way your heart yearned to give him the answer he wanted, the answer you wanted, even if you knew it was a bad idea.
“I think wasting our time on a lost cause is stupid,” you muttered bitterly, getting up from the bed.
“How could you think it’s a lost cause?” You couldn’t look at him, not when he sounded so heartbroken. Not when you knew you’d be able to see it on his face. 
“I think the parts that don’t work, that don’t make any sense between us are bigger than whatever we have.”
“Whatever we have?” He sounded almost as if he didn’t believe you could say such words. Maybe he really couldn’t. “Look at me.”
You kept your gaze trained on the floor.
“Look at me.” Softer this time. “Please.”
You relented, meeting his eyes again and feeling the crushing weight of the quiet room. 
“Tell me, honestly, that you don’t feel this too. Tell me you don’t love me like I love you.”
You felt so much pain in your chest as dry lips parted, trying to find words. But you couldn’t say no. You couldn’t lie to him. Not like that.
“Do you really think love is enough?”
Chan just stared at you in disbelief, as if it made no sense to him. He took in a breath but whatever he had come up with was soon cut off by Hyunjin’s voice in the hallway.
“Breakfast’s ready!”
Another silence as Chan closed his mouth.
“Come on,” you mumbled, dropping your gaze once more. “Breakfast’s ready.” 
Before he could manage a single word you left the room, putting on the most normal front you could. Breakfast was ready after all.
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aliveaudiencegang · 1 year
Allie whatdo you like and dislike about the Alex Rider tv show?
hey anon thanks for the ask! so sorry about the very late reply. also i realise now that i answered this basically in comparison to the books and not for the tv show on its own. but i still stand by my answers!!
- we saw more characters outside of alex. and learnt about them enough to care about them as their own (not just as people alex cares about)
- yassen is still alive (😭)
- KYRA!!! i read the books and i’m so sad she’s not there. i love her so much
- we actually see that what’s he’s been through has affected his mental health. he doesn’t just crack a joke and that’s it. (he even goes to therapy. a win)
- i love this version of mrs jones and alex’s dynamic. i can feel the season 3 angst already
- i’m a k unit girly and they did not disappoint (suddenly the show version are the only version)
- yassen though different from his book counterpart. is literally the funniest guy ever. he’s just there silently and yet he steals the show
- tomlex bromance hell yeah
- the opening credits/theme song. a vibe for sure. i’ve never skipped it. know it off by heart. not enough people talk about it
- the change from mi6 to some secret department. idk how to explain it but it felt more significant when blunt was the head of mi6 itself. and not some three person team
- the stakes didn’t feel as high as they did in the books. maybe it’s just something that gets lost in translation from words to screen. but rereading the books gives me anxiety for alex whilst the show was like whatever
- in season 2 it’s much better but i need the classic alex attitude!! he’s a menace to society. he’s an angsty teen who never learnt to shut his mouth
- i didn’t get to see skeleton key 😭
- this one i have an issue™️ with. but the fact that someone else (mostly yassen. actually i think it’s just yassen lmao) dealing with the big bad thus keeping alex’s hands clean. like the whole thing about him not wanting to kill but still indirectly murdering these people is very important (to me)
- i’ve talked about this before but the goofiness of the books is just not here. idk they kept the insane characters and tried to make them work in a slightly more normal plot. when they could’ve went all out. but this could be me too wanting to see damian cray drown someone in coins
this point i don’t know if i like or don’t like so im keeping it down here
alex being 16. i think it was most likely a necessary change for the show. but him being 14 in the books is so important. like what legal rights does a 14 year old have??
but he’s a CHILD both ways so it’s still very fucked up
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my-maehem · 1 year
Ok 😅sorry . It's my fault . So rarely used word the taboo , i wrote wrongly . So , the Hogwarts Legacy now lot artists favorite now , painters/writers and i love it . Im reading a lot on AO3 and i dont understand why they why missing from every fanfiction the the "consequence of free love" . Realist , i know but would be huge turn in one story . Only Tamayula drawed Sebastian and Ominis as fathers . One guy shocked on me bec "they're minors" as he said.....yeah 😄they are who's kills , they do threesome or just traditionally (with MC) . They already wrote alrernative universes , same way they do everything...and there is the unspoken baby shield . The MC is a strong wich , only she can use anchient magic . Sebastian and Ominis too camed from strong / talented family . Their child could be more special , stronger bloodline . With the pregnancy whould came the interesting questions : Which one the father , when , how she'll hide from everyone in the 6th year, with illusion charm ? So thatswhy i asked ,why taboo the pregnancy subject for every artist if the "very detailed lovemaking" not shame ? 🥲
I never knew I couldn’t put community label on a ask… so… Warning: NSFW (talking smutty stuff)
You are perfectly fine! Thank you for more context, I think I understand your question more clearly now and oh boy— this is gonna be a long response
Now I wanna point out that I haven’t really read any actual full blown fanfics, at least ones that include underage smut as you’ve mentioned. The closet I’ve ever gotten was one shots and that’s it. I’m not a fanfic writer myself, I’ve only written some random head canons.
BUT! I have drawn somewhat naughty things, although not as smutty as what I’ve seen other artists do 👀 I do have a couple of… some… I guess you could call “teasing” artworks and I will do more but anyways that’s besides the point—
What I get from your ask is: Why don’t artists ever talk about the consequences after these smutty scenes? (Please correct me if I’m wrong)
Which is a fair question! You know if we are talking canon, this is late 1800’s we are talking about. They didn’t have a plan B or a healthy way to abort a pregnancy. But also there is the factor that there’s only a CHANCE you get pregnant. Now unless they’ve written in there fic like 6 smut scenes then yeah— it is a bit unrealistic unless the character is someone who actually can’t conceive any children (which would be so sad and angsty ngl)
Back then having intercourse before marriage was considered a sin, they believed that sex was gate kept by married people only. So… why not have one of the boys ask MC to marry her? Well you see… back then it was very common for young women and in this case girls to marry… but the man had to be 21 or older legally if they wanted to marry someone younger. So the boys can’t marry MC while they’re still in school.
Now, back to the question. Why don’t artists talk about the pregnancy? The truth is, it would probably impact the story in a negative way. Meaning that if MC has a child at 16, then she basically has a ball and chain on her ankle because she was seen as a widow (and many other words) which was seen as a HUGE red flag to others way back then. And the boys can’t do anything about her reputation… they basically just ruined it by making her pregnant before marriage.
““No sex before marriage!””
The thing is that back then it was taboo to talk about pregnancy and even sex for that matter. Specially when they’re young and not married. Those conversations were reserved for when they want to procreate.
Personally for me, I don’t think MC should be having a sex life at the age of 15 or 16. I mean don’t get me wrong, it can STILL happen, just because it wasn’t excepted back then doesn’t mean it never happened. I just don’t think teen mom really fits well with MC (or at least mine). Plus babies, although are cute, can be a huge pain in the ass while you are studying at Hogwarts while beating up poachers and killing trolls with the imperius curse
Now I do over analyze things you can thank my AP teach in hs for that. And this is only an opinion with a hint of research I did. You do not have to agree with me. As an artist I’m not ready to make that kind of content and this is just my way of thinking. I don’t speak for other artists, so if you want to write underage smut, and even a teen mom MC you do you! Don’t let my words dictate what’s right or wrong because in reality of it all, there is no right or wrong.
There can be other factors like:
Artists not feeling comfortable writing about pregnancy
Just wanting to write smut because they can
There might be hidden context that the artist is keeping secret until the right moment
They are literally writing in a AU where pregnancy can be avoided (modern AU for example)
We are talking about an AU where there are witches and wizards, there could easily be something that could prevent a pregnancy if you just make a HC
But I think it just all comes down to artists comfort level. I mean I’m comfortable with adults having kids because it makes sense… but at 15??? Unless they were married which is was very common for young females in the Victorian era, I don’t think MC having a child while still in school would be realistic in that time period. Honestly women going to school is unrealistic too but this is a different AU… things aren’t going to be realistic.
Just some random research I did because I love analyzing things: (this is based off of England)
A woman can get married at a very young age… BUT— the man has to be 21 or older if he wants to marry someone under the age of 21. Because in England of 1823, it was legal for a man and women to marry at the age of 21. Although it seems after 23 men could easily marry a female from 12 and up without parents consent (I know, sickening)
In the Victorian era, although it was common to see young women with older men, the average age a women would have a child is around the age 21-23
Females who got pregnant in their teens were actually punished for their “sins” and were actually forced to put their child up for adoption in some cases
It wasn’t common for people to have premarital sex until 1920
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astraldoesart · 1 year
Alright. I want to get on this train. I've seen a lot of criticism about s1 ep8. Spoilers under the cut.
Beelzebub, Imma call her Bee, is amazing in this episode. I love how they went with Queen Bee as a general theme for her. Especially because of the general everything-ness of it all. Its vibrant, its colorful, its Kesha. Which suits that Kesha voiced Bee. I really liked it! I totally get how Kesha couldn't sing in the episode. Shes infamous for having really strict legal teams! But its still damn big that she was there. I loved her! I loved her as Bee and I loved Queen Bee! The episode really works great to go back and show just how Blitz is handling everything. Bee and Tex work wonderfully as a direct foil to Ozzie and Fizz! The major difference where Ozzie is a dick to Stolas, Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie. And Bee? She's a sweetheart! Shes tries to banter with Loona, checks in on her guests, and also gets worried about how Blitz is acting. It affects her, after all, the energy she gets from the parties. And she's compassionate enough to ask Loona to do it too. Because she knows that Blitz probably needs it from not a complete stranger and princess to boot. At least, I imagine Bee is aware enough to know that imps got it rough. But she is a high class. One of the Seven Sins.
And the episode is a major Loona episode. Like. Loona tries to be friendly at the start and fails, shes really trying! And it blows up in her face. Even with meeting Bee, it hurt her. Because thats a guy she likes and even if its very teenager drama shit, thats always been Loona. Shes an angsty teen! And it hurts when those attempts get met rejection and then you realize that you'll never get the guy you want. I personally adore how ready Blitz is to just take her home too! And the hellhound guy who calls her hot? Reminds her that yeah, maybe Tex doesn't like her that way but SOMEONE does! And yeah, Loona knows she needs to dial back her aggression. She sees it! But seeing a behavior and changing a behavior are two very different steps. One Loona took in thisbep which explains Seeing The Stars a bit better! Likewise with how Blitz and Stolas were in that episode! Blitz is refusing to process and acknowledge what happened while Stolas wants to but also wants to give Blitz his space. They are a trainwreck at times, they really are, but I'm on board!
And the ending bit? How Loona is calling him dad?? Progress! Especially after the episode with the succubuses! And Blitz being afraid of dying alone? Saying the names of Moxxie, Millie, and Stolas? He wants to keep those attachments! He cares, in his way. Hes just afraid, just like a lot of the characters.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 16 days
Witch Hazel (Winterbloom)
Witch Hazel (Winterbloom) https://ift.tt/jq5Y8MR by DarkAssassin0927 Castiel time travel fix it, accept now he’s Jimmy’s twin brother, Gabriel is their legal guardian, Sam is demon free and Mary is alive. A love story with Dean still a hunter but less angsty, and Castiel as a not-witch who makes healing potions. Words: 2573, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Jimmy Novak (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural), Kali (Supernatural), Amelia Novak, Mary Winchester, John Winchester, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Ash (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Gabriel/Kali (Supernatural), Amelia Novak/Jimmy Novak Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Castiel and Jimmy Novak are Twins (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural) is Loki, Witch Castiel (Supernatural), Azazel Dies (Supernatural), Sam Winchester has no powers, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Castiel Has a Crush on Dean Winchester, Human Castiel (Supernatural), cannon? I don't know her, Jimmy Novak Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel Being Gabriel (Supernatural), this is my attempt at a less angsty fic, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Light Angst, Tattooed Dean Winchester, Tattooed Castiel (Supernatural), everyone has tattoos, Everyone Has Issues, gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day, Bad Parent Mary Winchester, Abusive John Winchester, Homophobic John Winchester, Dean Winchester Has Internalized Homophobia, he has a gay crisis but gets over it quick because he loves Cas, author is autistic, author has a sleep disorder (someone come and knock me out pls), no beta we die like Bobby Singer, bobby singer doesn't die dw, BAMF Gabriel (Supernatural), Archangel Gabriel (Supernatural) via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/bj5w2Ni September 04, 2024 at 12:03AM
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legstheoctomobster · 4 months
(TW// Uhhh just some really angsty and bad writing ngl; Vent & Involuntary Agere; (NONSEXUAL) mentions of pull-ups/diapers and changing; implied child abuse)
Anyways I’m bored rn so I’m making a whole ass ramble about Amelia’s agere as related to her story. There’s also a oneshot too :33
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I write Amelia’s regression similar to my own, cuz why not? She regresses involuntarily out of trauma and mental health reasons. It’s always been pretty obvious, but no one, even Amelia, knew what was going on, and chocked it up to her being some bratty tween/teen. For a while, she felt guilty about it; she didn’t mean to act like such a burden, but she just couldn’t control it. It took until she was about 14 for her and Legs to realize what was going on.
Her age range is somewhat drastic, going from 18 months old to about 7 years old. 5-7 are pretty common, though she tends to regress on the younger side when she’s upset.
Legs is Amelia’s caregiver (he is, legally, but now for her regression too :D.) He was admittedly a little weirded out at first, because Amelia was the first regressor he’s ever taken care of (or rather the first regressor who was “above” him in mafia ranks. It’s a little weird to see the consigliere of your mafia come crying to you, wanting to be carried and rocked.) As time went by, he grew more accepting, and even helped her make a stash-box her little gear.
Amelia’s an angry child. Like really angry when regressed (honestly can’t blame her lol.) Most of her regression episodes are just tantrums and meltdowns over a shitty day or one of the higher-ups bullying her. Legs is pretty tolerant of these tantrums, often just sitting with her and letting her ride through the outburst, but will intervene if she gets into violent/self-harming territory; making her do grounding exercises or make her punch a pillow or stuffie. Amelia always apologizes for her outbursts afterwards <:)
Pretty open about her regression. She won’t, like, announce it when she walks into a room, but if you ask, she’s pretty open. Amelia already is so desensitized, and her “shame” is deteriorated, so she has no problem getting into detail about her episodes! Little-her gets really embarrassed when someone other than Legs knows that she’s regressed.
Okay here’s the little oneshot
Legs stared down at the teen girl lying on his bed, curled into a little ball. The capo’s face was contorted with sympathy and frustration. Not at his sister though, rather her mood. He got up from his desk, now sitting at the edge of the bed, and carefully approached the girl. His heart ached as he heard soft sniffles and sobs.
“You came into my room so you wouldn’t be alone right now, hm?” Legs asked, a faint bit of knowing in his voice. Amelia nodded, peeking out of her arms and up at her brother.
“Yeah. I-I’m sorry.” Amelia weakly admitted, rubbing her eyes. “It’s scary…”
“I know, kiddo.” Legs nodded, slowly bringing the shorter girl into his lap. He leaned back against the wall, letting Amelia burrow in his shoulder and weep. He gave soft shushes, rubbing her back. It almost felt like routine at this point. Even at her big ole’ age of 16, Legs could never resist letting his baby sister sit in his lap and babble to him about her troubles.
“Don’t like it…” Amelia whined as she hugged onto Legs. “Brain icky..” She continued, not being able to articulate well, on the conditions of being 19 months old.
“Can relate to icky brain, sis.” Legs nodded, chuckling as Amelia toddled off of his lap to explore his room. He can only be reminded of the times where she was actually little. It felt like a small piece of time was frozen; both the good and bad moments. Before he got too immersed in his thoughts, he caught the clumsy Amelia from falling off his bed.
“Ah, before you go be stupid,” Legs playfully starts, taking Amelia to the bathroom, “lemme get you ready first. Don’t want you making a mess, right, booger?” He set Amelia on the toilet seat, bopping her nose.
“No booger!” She protested, even more angry as Legs got out a pull-up from the cabinet. Although she was fussing, she didn’t really put up a fight, only giving Legs a death glare as he changed her. He ignored it, trying to change her as fast as possible and spare her the awkwardness of the moment.
Legs sat a pouting Amelia back down on his bed, trying not to laugh at the simple little death glare she was still doing.
“Not booger.”
“You’re still mad at that nickname?” Legs asked, Amelia giving an instant nod. He chuckled. “Okay, okay. No booger. But what should I call you?”
Legs began cycling through a pair of nicknames, each one getting Amelia angrier.
“Stinky McStinkerton?”
“No!!!” Amelia bellowed, hiding in Legs’ stomach. Legs gave a small kiss on her forehead, putting her on his lap again.
“What about Amey?”
“Good.” Amelia nodded, calming down instantly, nuzzling into Legs’ ribs. “Max…”
“Yeah, kiddo?”
“Scared…” Amelia admitted, giving Legs a small pit in his stomach. He knew what she was scared of, and reassured her many times before. He understood his words were only a bandage solution to Amelia’s problems.
“Y’know we’ll be out of that family in no time, okay? You’ll be safe.” It wouldn’t hurt to use those words right now though…
Amelia looked up at Legs, giving a hesitant smile; one she used in her normal headspace too whenever the capo made this promise. Legs frowned softly pressing his forehead up to hers.
“I know you don’t believe me on that, but I really do mean it. We’re gonna be far, far away from those crooks.” Legs huffed softly as Amelia stayed silent, and what hurts is that he couldn’t really be mad at her skepticism. The two mobsters sat there in silence; both aware of their doomed lives, and too scared to admit it.
“Okay, bedtime.” Legs announces, picking Amelia up and bringing her back to the bathroom. Amelia huffed and whined, not wanting to be waked up.
“Noooo…” The young consigliere whined. She was only met with a “yes” that matched her whiny tone. She pouted, letting Legs help her brush her teeth and hair. The capo gave small hums as he combed through the young girl’s hair, calming her.
Once Legs placed her back on the bed, Amelia gave Legs a fearful look, her hands making small grabbing motions. The capo gave a small chuckle, realizing what the toddler-regressed wanted. He held Amelia in a small embrace, letting her bury herself in his arms. The two connected, just like puzzle pieces, and began to fall asleep.
“Get some sleep, alright? You’re not going anywhere just yet.”
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(Here’s a little space divider ig)
(Okay now that I think about it, I might actually use this for a scene in Italian Psycho. Just gotta polish it up though. Anyways that’s all I really have to say. Have a good day/night.)
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laevanders · 1 year
My headcanonny backstory for José 'Zé' Carioca, as a Brazilian that has in fact NOT read the comics so this is just bullshit I came up with based purely in vibes
For me the maternal side of his family is from Bahia, his Grandma migrated to RJ when his mom was young. (Though he never went to Bahia before meeting Donald)
His father is from Rio, from all way back, and is the one with the surname Carioca
He has a older sister, but she's like way older, probably +10 years difference
His granny(mom's side) is actually a ""witch"", or something like that. But just basic nature stuff. (If José knows any magic is debatable since he only shows in the first movie)
His mother died when young, and his dad is not the best
Not like abusive, but he really shouldn't have a child he is just kinda negligent? Like not caring too much to where Zé goes and stuff
His sister moves out of the house young too, like they probably didn't live together for long
He used to go to his granny house on weekends and was actually very attached to her. She dies, obviously
And he kindof grows up in the streets, making friends with Nestor, Pedrão and cia, having meals in their houses etc going back to a probably empty house etc etc (i think I'm making this too angsty, and I don't really like it that way, but c'mon he's poor, life isn't easy)
If his dad taught anything was to get out of work and kinda to scam people, he didn't taught how to be good at it tho.
He does to school tho, and there he learned he loves 2 things Music 🎶 and women Rosinha
I believe she is for real his first crush and starts with him young, so isn't about her money o something (idk if they have an actual first meeting in the comics tho)
They start dating as teens, her dad doesn't approve and they go on to have a not really stable relationship because he's kinda of a jerk and she is jealous
Now considering the movies Saludos Amigos & The Three Caballeros "canon" and that Zé story is set in the 40s. Here is how I think it goes
It's the middle/start of the war and some boats of the U.S Navy shows up in the coast of Rio, that's how he meets Donald!
He shows him the city, probably try to scam some money or whatever, but become actually really close after a night of drinks, and really good friends after some days . But Donald has to leave.
(also when I say scam some money I mean, getting him to pay for thing probably expensive and give it to José or something, maybe that's how they end up drinking)
Later, when Brazil is actually starting to entering the war he flees, somehow, maybe Rosinha pays for him idk (Rocha Vaz would definitely want him gone, but I think the war would be preferable oh well)
Seeing he really doesn't want to see the snake smoke, he ends up in Mexico and meets Panchito!
Their meeting is not as nice though, they compete after a girls love, threaten each other of death and stuff (canon comic) but they part away not really hating each other
After a while he is the US of A working (oh no) as a entertainer (hm ok) when he re-meets Donald and Panchito!! (They both met each other in battle of something, and got along nicely, Donald is dispatch by the navy at this point). Panchito and José make amends and thus the Three Caballeros is born! They absolutely become besties (or something more👀)
That last point is absolutely based on a comic by @polisena-art though. Great art by the way, be-au-ti-ful
Then the *movie* 3 caballeros happens, on Donald's Birthday, they travel to their respective countries. And finally Bahia!
They part ways and become pen pals
A lot after that though (and after others apparitions in animated stuff, if from other eras)
So, Zé's sister is pregnant by some guy, it's twins! Our favorite parrot now is tio. But they aren't actually together a lot, Zico and Zeca live with their mom and probably dad, only seeing Zé occasionally.
But something happens and he becomes their legal guardian. In my mind their mom was sick, so they start spending more time with him as her disease worsened until she die (why did this become angst again?)
He takes a while to find his footing, but all thing including he ends up a good parental figure to them.
He also reconnect (actually just connect I guess) with some distant family. Mostly his primos, who coincidentally also have Ze in the name
Now just some throwaway headcanons
In my vision the name os his sister is Ana, His parentes are Joca and Tereza, and his Grandma is Zelaide and his paternal Grandpa is Josué
Also in Saludos Amigos his greeting card reads "José C. Carioca" and I'ma gonna assume that's with Costa or Do Carmo. Which would be his mom surname I guess. Even if both of them ends up sounding like locations in pair with Carioca
He start smoking kinda young, and continued for a long time (mostly stress smoking) until he got guard on the kids, than he stopped
He absolutely has a soft spot for kids btw
His relationship w/ Rosinha don't go anywhere, a really on and off thing, that doesn't end up working. But they still love each other (platonically (mostly)) and are good friends
He considers Nestor basically an younger brother. And all of his friends as his family
He is very emotional about this bunt refuses to show it
Honestly he gets along great with Gladstone. I just think it's worth mentioning because they're really similar for the stress of Donald
He also does a lot of Drag, and that's canon I just think it's neat
For my lgbtq+ HCs. He's a "Caiu na vila o peixe fuzila" (Pan and Polyam), but depending on the decade and his age he might be closeted. Also GNC
He plays a lot of instruments, including: guitar, tambourine, concertina, umbrella, flute, accordion and trumpet
He's also really good imitating voices and noises (parrot, duh) and whistling
He can cook decently, but hates it. Unfortunately he's a guardian of two and can't go always eat dinner at Pedrão .
But he cooks with pleasure to the caballeros when they come. Or in especial occasions for everyone.
He's a really good artist with watercolor, pencils and at photography, but he doesn't do any of that often
And for the surprise of all he kinda likes studying, especially art, languages and music. No would guess by how he was at school
Not actually for him, bit I want to believe Zé Paulista name is José Paulo, and he's related to José dad's family side, along with Pampeiro and Queijinho
Where Baiano and Jandaia are related to his mother's (yes, this based purely by the location of the states)
And not really a headcanons but I just love the Three Cabs as a throuple it's just so cute
Also between the three of them he has the braincell™ but neither does he use it or have some common sense to pair with it (that one stays with Donald)
Also Don calls him Joe, while Panchito calls him Jose (hispanic accent™)
And Panchito it's the only one who he doesn't actually mind doing it, even if he doesn't correct the others
Also his eyes are a reddish brown (I hate the blue from the comics with a passion) also in a human AU he would be black, thank you very much
And that's kinda of it. I love this cartoon parrot so much it doesn't even make sense
I could've go on with some aus where instead of WWII is DuckTales/Lottc, but I have to think about them first
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pinkrabit · 5 months
I love having all these fanfiction ideas with no motivation, skill, or time to write them so I dump them here.
L has a little sibling that has no legal name because theyre just some undocumented kid that got too attached to L after one of his cases.
They're a pain in the ass and always on a Gameboy or DS something.
They're has a melt down because she/he sees L die, or his dead body.
They get adopted by one of the men on the task force because where else is she/he supposed to go?
Cue teenage angst for filler because I love reading about angsty teens that are acting out when they're actually super intelligent.
She/he essentially pulls a nie huaisang (my special boy) who knows light is Kira through whatever reasoning but doesn't say anything.
Idk man that's basically all I got. Like I said. No skill to follow through.
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