#i scammed death
frozenhi-chews · 1 year
Wait, Rivals Support Each Other ???
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Spamton catches Pancake digging through the trash again. Not sure what she wants, he decides to finally follow her to her shop.
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A small one shot I made months ago, left to gather dust, and then restarted again. It's Panspam time!! Bout time these two had some stuff happen again. Ooaah.
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   He spotted her. Again. In the early bright morning hours, sneaking out of a dumpster like she didn't know he was watching. His new-found mortal enemy, stealing the stuff he sells, and thus his money. She left more stuff in the dumpsters after she met him, granted, but he would prefer it if she left.
  Oh how he hated her. Jack. He wasn't even sure if that was her real name. But that simply didn't matter. The absolute son of a [&$@@>$] who kept appearing out of nowhere, taking whatever she wanted, and leaving without often saying a single word. Or, even worse, visiting his store! The audacity, the thief choosing to check out what her rival had so she could gain the upper hand. Yes, Spamton G. Spamton was sick of this Lightner's [*#>@!], this game of cat-and-mouse, although he had no idea how to get rid of the mouse that kept coming back.
  She grabbed her bag, looking around, watching the area like a hawk, and ran out the alleyway like her tails were on fire. He wished they were, then she would have something else to worry about. He crawled out of the dumpster he was inhabiting and quietly ran down the path she did. What exactly did she do with all that garbage? Surely it was taken just to spite him, to mock him like everyone else who knew of his downfall. Taking whatever monetary gain he could have instead. Well, he couldn't stand for that! Jack visited him a couple times, time for Spamton to return the favor.
  Spamton could only catch the faint shadow running after her. Despite the big head-start, he was barely able to catch up. Eventually she slowed down, which was good for him because now he can take a few deep breaths after running so long. The small crowd was thinning, but she kept on walking. Where in Cyber City did she work? Or was she taking this to her house? Where was her house? He grumbled as he continued to stalk down the sidewalk.
Finally after twenty more minutes, she paused, looked both ways on a completely empty street in a completely empty, abandoned section of the city, and crossed the road. Oh. Oh. Was that her house? It was taller, a two-story dark brown building. He wasn't sure what the material was, but it sure looked...different. There were four windows, the ones on the first floor were bigger than the ones up top. It looked cozy, like a small cottage.
  She walked up the steps, a hand on a black rail, and inside. Spamton squinted, not sure what was happening or what she was doing. He was about to leave his hiding spot (a pile of garbage bags) before he heard a shout. He hid behind the bags more as two Addisons and a Plugboy came into view across the street. The Plugboy paused and then jumped, pointing at the store and saying something to the Addisons before running towards it. The Addisons followed suit, the group climbing the steps and pausing at the door. One of the Addisons knocked and Jack popped her head out, grinned, then placed a black-and-white "OPEN" sign on the door, stepping to the side and letting them in.
Spamton grit his teeth. No way was he going in with Addisons, even if he didn't recognize them. They did look younger, but he didn't know what the older generation was telling them about him. Nothing good, he knew. No older Addison liked him, which in turn no doubt rubbed off of his competitor just a little. Why else would she stop by his store?
  He grumbled as he sat down behind the bags. He was patient this long for his own plans, surely waiting here wouldn't be that bad.
  Thirty minutes later he startled awake at the sudden sound of a door opening and talking. Wait when did he fall alseep? Yawning, he felt his joints pop, stiff after sitting in this cramped space for so long. Grimbling he lifted his head above the garbage bags in time to see the trio leave the store, the Plugboy and one of the Addisons with bags. The third looked a bit freaked out, eyes wide and arms crossed. Jack also walked out, probably thanking them before looking around. Her eyes settled on him and he immediately ducked, hand to his mouth, panicked that she knew that not only he was here, but that he followed her. I-It wasn't stalking! It..was finding out where his rival was. For... monetary purposes! Yeah that's right...even that explanation made his chest tight with a slight pang of guilt.
     Spamton heard the door close and peered over the bags. Inhaling and steeling his nerves, he stood up and crossed the (still empty) road. The sheer detail of the building up close was startling. The shop (house?) had a bit of a gothic feel. He'd seen mansions like this close to Queen's Mansion, the ones hed see neaby in his Big Shot days. It was like someone cut a section out from one of those, stylized it a bit, giving it more detail than needed, then plopped it down in the middle of an abandoned place in the city. Why here of all places?
  The railings were intricately carved, with veins of gold running through them. The archway above the porch also had detailed carvings, images of beasts, Lightners, and other things creating scenes he could stare at all day. Even the windows had care and detail in the sills, with what looked like bones and webs. It did not look like she was desperate or needy. In fact she looked incredibly well-off to the point that the idea she needed to sell garbage was nothing but bogus.
   He shook his head and entered, a soft tinkling windchime singing out as he opened the door. Instantly he was hit with the smell. How strong and...comforting it was. It smelled like certain shops around the autumn time. Cinnamon and...he couldn't place the second scent. The second thing he noticed was how the shop was decorated. A good section to his left looked like it belonged in a haunted museum, there were isles in front of him and tables just beyond that. The walls and floor were made of a lighter version of the material outside. Smooth and grainy, with darker veins running strange lines and circles in the paneling. He just, couldn't remember the name. Wood? It looked different than the wood he knew. Less...pixelated.
    They had art on them, that was nicer.
   A voice rang out in the back, "Oh hello there! I'm currently busy but don't be afraid to look around! There are oddities here and there, some might be disturbing to some, so be careful. Oh! Also you can pick up and hold stuff!" A pause. "Just don't break anything. It's a hassle to clean up and that means you just bought it."
   Spamton started and recognized Jack's voice, awfully cheery and upbeat. However her nonchalant tone shook off any remaining paranoia, that meant she was waiting for him. He nodded to no one in particular and cautiously walked in more. The archways, the side room to his right - which held old portraits of people he couldn't see and a table with an intricate display, - the soft jazzy music playing in the background, it was all so homely. And oddly, well, "Jack." He wasn't sure what he was expecting when it came to her shop, probably dark with bright neon lights, not this bright, somewhat orange, cozy home feel. It was welcoming, like he had arrived home.
  His eyes widened at the realization and shook his head. No. This was not his home, nor will it ever be! It was where his rival lived, and he should hate it as much as he hates her guts. He wrapped his arms around him, conflicted at the twisting feelings in his gut.
   He stepped between the two isles in front of him. One was full of books and some odd knick-knacks, the other had fabric tapestries. More drawn to the tapestries, he moved some out of the way till one made him stop. It was...familiar. Blue and yellow. A bright sun hanging in a blue sky. Just like he saw years ago. Just like the mural he has in his shop. The bottom of the tapestry looked odd, golden sticks that ended in fuzz. Whatever it was it was obviously a Lightner thing. There was even a couple white puffy clouds in the sky. Carefully, Spamton removed it from the pile. Behind it was something similar that caught his eye. The golden fuzz was more blue and dark, but it matched the black sky littered with white dots, and a silver crescent in the same spot where the sun was in the tapestry he was holding. It looked oddly like the sky here, but without the green grids and more vast. And it was all on fabric. *Was this the night sky?' Jack did mention once during her visits to his shop that it felt like constant nighttime here, without a moon and stars.
  Moon and stars...that's what those were, right? He carefully reached out and touched the night sky, gingerly running his hands over the fabric. It was so soft, so gentle.
   "You like?"
  Spamton screeched as he jumped back, clutching the sky closer to his chest as he whipped around to the sudden voice and presence of a new figure nearby. He stared back, eyes wide, at a gentle sharp-toothed smile that looked foreign on Jack.
  She chuckled at his reaction, leaning on a broom handle. "I made those years ago. I made the sunny sky one as part of a sewing class I had in school and the other... I made with... my mom," her voice got quiet as she looked down, the gentle happiness being replaces with a calm sadness, "I wanted to make a companion piece. I also wanted to make a sunrise and sunset set but, heh, that never happened."
  Spamton glanced back at the night tapestry, the meaning behind them becoming more heavy.
   *A sunny sky...and her mama...'
  Jack then snorted, "Also I was wondering when you were coming in!" He snapped his attention back to Jack as her face turned into that familiar smirk.
   'Wait.' "YOU- YOU KNEW I W4S [out in the cold]?"
   "Bub, I knew you were watching me! Back at the dumpster! I know you watch me like a hawk whenever I'm out. You're honestly not that quiet."
  That just made him more confused and paranoid.
  He opened his jaws to say something, but clacked them shut as she spoke up again.
  "If you're going to ask about me stalking you, I don't. You're the one who's watching, I'm the one who visits." Jack eyed him.
  "OH...OH RITE..."
  She huffed out a laugh and returned to sweeping. "Take a look around if you wish, you're still as much of a customer to me as everyone else who wanders in!"
   Wait she... didn't see him as a rival in this moment? A customer, like everyone who walked in?
   "AREN T W3 [[Kill The Competition!]]?" He mumbled as he walked up to a table, still holding the fabric.
   "I mean, it depends. For all I know you could be investigating your competitor. Finding out my weaknesses and strengths to better understand and exploit those." The sharp smirk was back again, like she knew that's what he was here for.
   "You're really here just to shop?" She turned back to look at him, "If you are I'm not stopping you. Might even give ya a discount!" She smirked and winked, Spamton's cheeks getting hotter as she turned back to her work.
  He grumbled as he rubbed his cheeks to get rid of the heat, he hated whenever she smiled at him a certain way his insides got hot. It was annoying and it made him more mad at her. Whatever tricks she was playing won't get to him. Not even that discount. Was she making fun of the fact he had little money?
   Spamton then turned to the tables and immediately wished he hadn't. Stacked and displayed with various labels were different jars, frames, and other things with stuff inside, pinned, or stabbed. Things labeled as "sheep's heart" and "wolf skull," or "death's head moth" and "octopus in a jar." Whatever the [*÷[$@] these were, it sent a chill down his spine. Made his vitality seem more apperant, like his own body would be tacked down onto a large portrait frame and sold. Didn't she say these were from the Light World at one point? What sort of things lived there?
  He continued perusing the shop. This explained so much about Jack. And he wasn't sure how he felt about it. Jack was busy sweeping the floor again, double checking some of the items she had on display.
  She looked back at Spamton. How funny. This is probably the quietest he's ever been. Either by simply checking the shop out or window shopping. He still had the tapestry in hand. Hmm.
  "Pancake," she said finally, fully facing him.
  Spamton looked up at her, confusion evidently spread across his face. "PAR DON??" He looked around. "IS THERE AN Y [Free Meal With Purchase] AS WELL???"
  She shook her head, silently laughing. "Nah, nah. That's my name! My real name."
  He stared at her in disbelief. "WHAT. YOUR PAReNTS NAMED Y0U-"
  She interrupted him with laughter. "No! I named myself that. I was twelve." Jack - Pancake - turned back to a shelf before continuing. "I only share my real name with friends."
  She considered them FRIENDS?!?!
  After all that she did, she- she-
  Spamton began backing up, no, no. He didn't have friends. Pancake looked up again and her face formed into worry and concern.
  "Hey, what's wrong?" She hoped she didn't scare him.
  Spamton shook his head. "NO, NO. I DON^T HAVE [friends]. THEY ONLY- THEY [please come back I didn't mean it please-]"
    Pancake had walked over to him and kneeled down, placing a hand on his shoulder. He jolted, staring back with static-filled glasses. She smiled, despite her worry, especially at the sound byte.
  "You do now. And trust me, I'm not leaving! Unless something really bad happens but that's a tiny thing and no one should worry. You're stuck with me! Whether ya like it or not!"
  He couldn't understand. Why. Why was she doing this? He was the last person anyone wanted to hang with. Everyone hated him. Why does this Lightner think that she could just. Do that?!
  "Why not?" She scoffed. "I visited your shop for a reason. Now are you here to purchase something, or are ya lookin for chit-chat. Either way, I'm down."
  Spamton looked down, surprised he's still holding the tapestry. It was hard for him to find words. It was overwhelming, almost choking, to think that she's there. She's there, for him.
   Such a ridiculous idea. He started laughing to the point he started glitching out. "YUO RRALLY WANNA B FRIENDS? WITH [[Me, Myself, and I]]??? WHY?? I,M [useless], I'M [sad, pathetic-], I'm [[Bad News]], WHY?!?" He wanted to push her away, but found himself leaning into her touch. It felt weird, but warm.
  "Yes, Spamton. If you keep this up I might let you keep that for free!" Pancake pointed at the tapestry. "Living in the trash has got to be lonely, right? And I'm not willing to abandon you. Not after..." she paused, looking at her hand on his shoulder. His suit felt sticky, and stiff.
  "Keep the tapestry." She pressed it to him and stood up.
  "I- I cANT. IT:S-"
  "I've been trying to sell that for years. If anything, you could use it more than me."
  Spamton looked up at Pancake. Eyes wide. Processors racing. He gripped the fabric, smiling. She didn't hate him. It explained a lot, and it was then he realized how much he liked her company. And if she wasn't willing to abandon him, then sure.
He could use her help a little later on anyway. Friends help each other, don't they?
  "WELL THEN, [[Friend Request Accepted]]," he stuck a hand out, "IF UOU INSIST!!!!"
  Pancake wrapped her hand around his, shaking it. "Alright, Big Shot!"
  A different feeling washed over the small puppet. A good feeling, one he thought he forgot. Well that confirmed it, right? Two outcasts, now stuck together.
  Wonder how Cyber City will fare after this?
Someone needs to break into that basement.
Hope ya liked!!
Tagging: @dwdoesarts @clovitecture @fictional-bear-friend @gideongrovel @jocelynships @mystrunmah @eternally-smitten | lmk if you wanna be taken off or added on
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 6 months
I'm allowed to make this joke, but I love that Jewish death rituals are like:
"Pfeh, for what should I spend $12,000 on a big fekakte box they see only for five minutes before they cover it with dirt?"
"Don't waste my good suit what might fit my nephew Lev if the bum should ever even try to get a real job!"
"Embalming? Don't mind me, I'll rot in the dark."
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shmothman · 7 months
Internet Safety
(Casper x reader, 500 words, post-ending 3, T for language)
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“Casper. I need you to listen to me very carefully right now.”
You turn your phone around to face him, and he looks at you confused before reading aloud: “‘Immediate action required for your bank account.’” His brows knit as he looks up at you. “That sounds serious, are you in some kind of trouble?”
“No, no. Look at who it’s sent from.”
He reads the (incredibly phony-sounding) email address back to you, and then looks at you again, still confused.
You point at it. “This is what a scam text looks like.”
Casper narrows his eyes. He looks back at the text, then looks back at you. “But… it says your immediate action is required. Isn’t your bank account very important?”
You sigh. “It’s a lie, babe. They want me to click that link and put in my bank password. They’ll take that password to hack into my actual bank account, and then they’ll steal all my money.”
He still seems unconvinced. “But… what if you’re wrong?”
“You really are a scammer’s wet dream, you know that?”
He bristles slightly. “I do not want to risk not taking immediate action on my bank account.”
That gives you pause. “Wait, do they have banks in the underworld?”
“Yes? How do you think we deal with money?”
“Even in the underworld you have to deal with capitalism?” Honestly, you thought that his society was better than yours at that kind of thing. Though, maybe the whole ‘he was created for one purpose and that purpose is his job’ thing should’ve tipped you off. The billionaires of the mortal realm would love that shit. “Fuck, next you’re gonna tell me there’s capitalism in the afterlife, too.”
He shrugs. “I do not know. It is possible.”
“Please don’t say that to me. Anyway. If you’re gonna live in the mortal world for now, you’re gonna need to be able to tell what a scam looks like.”
“As far as I can tell, I cannot have a bank account here without an ID. Which, as I am not a citizen of this world, I do not have.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know I’m your sugar daddy from here on out. But there’s still plenty of stuff I want to help you not fall for. Like the fucking virus you gave my computer last week.”
He frowns. “It said I had won a prize.”
“Also, what if we have to forge some documents for you and get you an ID and bank account?”
There’s a hint of a smile on his face. “Are you looking to break as many of your world’s rules as I have mine? It will be much harder for us if we both have to go on the run.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose and heave an exaggerated sigh. “Point taken. Just. Please. If you get any texts, emails, or popups like this… come to me before you click anything, okay? The geek squad guys think I’m an idiot.”
“It is not—“
“So I told them that my idiot boyfriend is the one who clicked the link.”
He pouts, and it’s very, very cute. “Very well.”
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mispelled · 10 months
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Wasn't going to post this because I was just playing around with color and it's messy but I kinda like it so. Old man yaoi be upon ye
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
I love you smile lines and worry lines and grey and white hair and wrinkles and purple spiderweb veins and the process of aging and living in a body that is standing the test of times. I love you experiences that make you wiser and stories that make you laugh, and every little process that happens to get to the point where you have so many memories because you have the fortune to be here and be so radiant
#positivity#pro aging#also i hate you 'anti aging' scams that capitalize on fear of aging. death by 1000000 papercuts for ye#saw a hair video where they restored the salt-and-pepper colour in an older clients hair and it looked SO GOOD at the end#i love when people throw in the towel and embrace their aging however that looks#it isn't productive to shame people who are ashamed of aging and i just want to. celebrate aging#in a world that simultaneously venerates youth and adulthood and hates BOTH you need to find some sense of freedom#as a Young Adult(tm) please please PLEASE older folks seeing this/following me know that i look up to you#older folks i need you to know that your worth NEVER diminished when you added a new number on your birthday cake#and your body and mind and soul NEVER lost worth because it started to creak a little at the joints#and i might be wrong about this because i'm still young but it can be SO tempted to miss your youth when you feel like...#...you've somehow LOST part of yourself by growing older. and so much of aging is about change and some things don't stay the same...#...and that IS scary and i will never once fault somebody for that. but please don't fall into the trap that because you've aged that...#...you somehow have forever lost fundamental pieces of Who You Are and you could never come back from that...#...for your own sake and sanity you deserve to find comfort and solice and understanding in who you still are...#...because you are still - at the core - the same. you can never take this away from yourself#and i know this might ring hollow because i just don't get what it's like to be older#but i have looked at my elders and felt awe at their age and their experiences#and i know what that is like and it's awesome. i just wish more older people knew that so many of us look at you with awe...#...and - if you can believe it - some of us ENVY your age or experiences or even body#i'm watching an 'older' content creator (older by internet standards 🙄) and i envy him for how eventful his life was#i envy that he experienced a different world - one that i have only heard about from my dad because i was too young to remember it#and i admire this person for their wisdom and thoughts because they've come from his experiences living in a Different World#it's that type of stuff that makes me unafraid to keep on living#inspired by following somebody like. twice my age posting about their excitement abiut growing older and !!!!!!! YEAHHHHHH#didn't realize they were closer to my dad's age but that's so cool???????????
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sallyastral · 4 months
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True love is making a prisoner in deep confinement muzzle for your bf so he can shut the fuck up for five minutes
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hermanunworthy · 8 months
a tangled thread...
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...with nothing on either end
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riacte · 6 months
so hey guys i finished dungeon meshi yesterday and i'm still thinking about it
#ria.txt#i spoiled myself so at first i was like 'this is bonkers wtf are they doing in those last few chapters?????'#but then it was like. yeah. i see#love those ch when it's just clearly putting the squad into Situations#also. izutsumi#what i really liked was how tightly the protagonist and the deuteragonist were wound up in the overall themes#the plot the themes the conflict the characters it was very neatly connected#hence i am also now accidentally invested in whatever going on between laios and marcille#not just platonic not romantic not enemies i just think they work well tgt and deeply care for each other its great watching them develop#it's the leader + most trusted advisor / anxious girlfailure + the annoying freak she's somehow attached to vibes#haha that rabbit chapter with marcille. hahha i was like what the fuck man. it was funny and then boom whump [tears streaming down my face]#those shapeshifter chs were sooo much fun esp seeing other chara's perceptions of each other. stealing that#the changeling ones were great too elf senshi is the fucking funniest he looks sooooooo unserious#marcille's evolving perception with death starting with saving falin and saving the squad and her nightmares of outliving everyone-#-and her dad and her 'temper tantrum' and UGH when at the end she said she was fine with falin not coming back.... WAAA. OUGH.#i think dunmeshi handled the trope of 'prophecy of chosen one becoming king' pretty well and it makes sense why laios is the protag#the worldbuilding is so thoughtful as well i liked seeing different characters with different worldviews interact#very solid and well rounded series wooo#the main 4 has such a fun dynamic together#anyways. dunmeshi au.....#more like borrowing the worldbuilding bc charas are too nuanced for a one to one comparison#ren is like some prince of his own species but he's like 34th in line and no one cares about him so he fucks off to eat monsters#which is why he's both snobbish AND a total freak when it comes to his food taste#false is originally in for the money from ren and plans to scam him but unfortunately the cringefail swag captures her#martyn is Obnoxiously Clueless and thinks he's smart but he's not. he's resourceful but also pathetic and crazy#stress cant cook but she thinks she does so everyone goes (≖_≖ ) when she picks up a pot. they delegate her to killing and chopping duty#the mvp is iskall who keeps on saving everyone's asses and somehow has resources for everyone#i think ren is actually aware false is going to scam him but he has too much money to spend anyway and he thinks shes cool so he lets her??#and somehow she doesnt take the money and run. and goes back to eating monsters w/ the party. everyone is crazy
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djevelbl · 3 months
Do you perchance have or want to yap about cup head... (Totally not desperate for cup content trust) :3
Random thought, but I wholeheartedly believe that if the stars aligned, he was in a rage-induced blackout & he had his younger self in front of him, Inky Mystery Cuphead would in fact kill him on sight and without hesitation.
Like think about it: he has absolutely NO forgiveness for himself, and even in the latest chapters he STILL doesn't understand that he was a CHILD and thus not even mature enough for a decision like BETTING HIS SOUL??? so much so that back in the Labyrinth (sigh. one day we'll stop talking about this one I swear) & in his dream-prison-thingie the past decade hadn't even happened — if it was up to him, who he is today would be long dead, buried on the Isles probably
So. He'd probably kill his younger self if he could — out of jealousy? Out of anger? idk, I just really really think he would
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rillette · 1 month
How did you know the gofundme was vetted? I don’t know how to tell
i'm assuming you meant Aseel's fundraiser? generally the first thing i do when i'm checking fundraisers is to check the reblogs with comments only on their fundraiser post. 9 times out of ten, other people have done the leg work for me and in this case i can immediately see that someone has reblogged with verification. in this case, the verification was a reblog from ahmed 90-ghost. he's palestinian and has been working his ass off to help boost fundraisers from other palestinians. please give him a follow if you haven't, and if you have funds to spare there's a paypal link in his pinned to help his family that's still in Khan Yunis.
If you can't find verification from the reblogs, it could still be a vetted fundraiser!! your next step is to check vetted fundraisers masterlists, like el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's spreadsheet, Operation Olive Branch’s spreadsheet, or gazafunds.com. vetted-gaza-funds has a WIP masterlist compiling a bunch of other masterlists.
even if you absolutely cannot find the fundraiser on any of these lists, it could still be a legit fundraiser!!!! try reverse image searching the picture from the fundraiser to see if they've been posted before. and always remember: just because a fundraiser hasn't been vetted yet doesn't mean it isn't legit!!!
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flightlaw · 1 year
Someone tried to scam me. It was fun.
(Context: she orriginally asked if I was her yoga instructor, i said no, she said "oh sorry wrong number" i said "you're fine" and deleted the convo, case closed. Not quite.)
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frozenhi-chews · 9 months
SPAMTON JUMPSCARE! I wanna know about how you fell for each other! Was it a love at first sight sort of thing or was it more slow burnish :o?
In the canonical timeline, I Scammed Death, it was a SLLLOOOWWW burn. These two Did Not Like Eachother. At all.
Pancake was fairly new to Cyber City, having an at-home shop and needing money. And one of the best ways she could get that is dumpster diving. Turning trash into art. However, there's someone else in those dumpsters.
Late one night, she found a dumpster she hadn't seen before, reached in, and then got BIT! Something had bit her arm so hard it broke her skin and she still has the scars years later. In response to this, she smacked her assailant on the opposite wall, where, TA-DA, a short angry Addison was there. He accused her of stealing his merchandise, and she felt bad enough that she put some trash back, but not without a sneer. This angered him to where he bit her shoulder, she smacked him against the wall, and she ran out.
For the next few months they had been at each other's throats. Spamton mostly, snarling at her when she arrived in his general vicinity. And Pancake sassing him out to his annoyance. They did not like each other.
Then somehow, it felt like Pancake flipped a switch. Somehow she was kinder. It threw Spamton off, thinking she was trying a new tactic to get under his skin. Checking in on him, visiting and buying things from his shop. Heck even HANDING HIM FOOD upon occasion. He hated it. But, to his denial, he liked her company.
The two of them slowly became friends, and that relationship JUMPED when Pancake defended him from someone else. Pancake was there to stay, that was her FRIEND. And one thing about Pancake across all universes, YOU DO NOT MESS WITH HER FRIENDS. She ended up fainting in front of him, and in a panic he brought her to his shop.
That changed their relationship. He found out he liked her before then, when he was in an abandoned restaurant and was singing. She was there and applauded him. Pancake found out she loved Spamton after he patched her up. And then the mutual pining commenced.
Spamton confessed first. Late at night. Having a horrible day. Sitting on the roof of his shop with Pancake. After that, they decided to pursue a relationship. And it wasn't until a couple months later he moved in.
Oooaaah that was. An infodump XD
I could talk more about I Scammed Death, I love it so much and Spamton in general. I have other AUs too, like Fallen Angel/Redeemed Demon, Dumpster Meet-Cute, and more.
As for I gained him as an F/O? I wasn't even into Deltarune. I was on the outskirts just looking at the fanart, when I realized I was CRUSHING on him. It startled me and I was in denial for a week despite making self ship art. It's been fun though. He's my wife, my husband, my second half. I love and adore him so much. There's a reason he's my #1 Rated Ultimate F/O. No one comes CLOSE to him
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sophiethewitch1 · 2 months
The Palestine donation scams are really like a special place in hell for these bastards. Like you are evil, you have to know it don't you?
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i hope theyre gossiping and having so much fun together
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anti-ao3 · 1 month
i'm only seeing more idiots in the notes of palestinians' posts claiming they're scams, despite never bothering to prove that. they just think they're scams because idk. they're assholes and they're privileged and they think that palestinians should just die and there's nothing we can do to help.
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arsenicflame · 11 months
my most bitter proposal for a season 2 fix it is that the crew refuses to let ed back on the boat (as they should) so stede throws a tantrum and ultimatums that if ed stays so will he but the crew just take him up on that.
they make their inn in the wreckage of anne + marys house and the crew goes off and continues to have fun hijinks with izzy as the ship parent
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