#i see other peoples phoenix art and theyre GREAT
sarcasticsoup · 11 months
was curious what the Marauders were and.
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honestly I've never read or even SEEN HP so idk what's going on
**massive harry potter spoilers ahead**
hello! sorry this took me so long i went to answer you and then completely forgot to post it. also i may over/under explain things, idk how much of the series you know so sorry about that.
also this is really long, theres a tldr at the end if you want
basically in the books theyre mainly only mentioned through Snape's eyes (and snape is a racist terrorist who created torture spells - dont listen to snape stans they havent read the books) so the marauders are presented as "bullies" that used to hex people for fun.
ill admit, james potter (harrys dad) wasnt a great guy when he was younger and did take it out on snape a bit, but we're only really given the worst bits, and obviously snapes memory will have exaggerated it a bit.
the marauders were james potter, sirius black (harrys godfather), remus lupin (harrys 3rd year defence against the dark arts professor) and peter pettigrew (a traitor prick).
Voldemort (aka Tom Riddle) leads the Death Eaters, a terrorist group based around blood supremacy (hating wizards that have non-magical/muggle family members, especially parents, and arent 'pureblood' wizards), and the marauders and their friends joined the original Order of the Phoenix, lead by Dumbledore (hogwarts headmaster) against the death eaters in the first Wizarding War. Snape was a death eater, but later joined the Order as a spy for Dumbledore.
Regulus Black, Sirius' younger brother, gave up his life to help take down Voldemort, by stealing one of his horcruxes (an item that contained part of voldemorts soul, keeping him immortal) and as a fandom, we generally bloody love reg.
**this is where the spoilers start**
Peter Pettigrew, who was Wormtail in the Marauders due to his animagus (animal you can turn in to) being a rat, was part of the Order but also secretly was working as a Death Eater spy for Voldemort. As a fandom, we generally hate the bastard and wish he died sooner.
There was a prophecy made about Voldemorts death, that seemed like it was about James' son Harry. so James, Harry, and harrys mum Lily went into hiding to protect themselves.
(its worth mentioning that Lily was muggleborn - her parents werent magic - and snape had ended their 'friendship' while they were attending hogwarts by joining the death eaters, terrorising other muggleborns and then calling lily a slur. he claimed that he loved her and its supposed to be his turning point that he reveals he was secretly good bc he loved lily, but he didnt he was creepily obsessed with her. again, dont listen to the Snape stans)
lily and james made pettigrew their secret keeper, meaning peter was the only person who could tell people where they were, and peter told voldemort
voldy then came to their house, killed james and then asked lily to move out of his way (Snape had made him promise not to kill her, snape didnt give a fuck about james or harry though). lily didnt move, and sacrificed herself to protect her son. this act meant that when voldy tried to kill harry, the spell backfired, killing voldy instead of harry, and accidentally created another horcrux inside of harry. harry had a piece of voldemorts soul inside of him.
anyways harry goes to live with lily's sister and her family, and theyre incredibly abusive, and then the first book starts when harry is 11 and gets accepted into hogwarts, finding out that he's a wizard and all of the horrid shit that happened to his parents. snape hates him because harry looks exactly like james did and reminds him of lily.
sorry this was so long
tldr; we mainly see the marauders through the eyes of the terrorist group that they fought, so they look like 'bullies' but actually snape was a prick. the fandom is composed of people who know this, and most of the canon isnt relevant to us.
thanks for giving me the opportunity to write this, i enjoyed explaining it far too much :)
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error707-thatdude · 2 years
Day I don't even know at this point of attempting to draw Phoenix
All I can manage are tiny chibis and Beanix
Desperately trying to figure out how to draw this man how do other artists do it
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leviathiane · 5 years
Fic Rec Friday - One Piece (SFW)
I am going to make this a thing. Even if its just me and like 3 people see it lol 
Ao3 Edition!
The Wanderer (MaiKusakabe) - Marco isn’t the firstmate of the Whitebeards. He’s never even met them, actually– he’s not even a pirate. But Whitebeard wants him to be one. Badly. // High Contender for my Favorite OP fic I’ve read out of all of them. Im just weak in the knees for reluctant/In-denial!Marco and the entire crew trying to reach out to their (future) eldest brother. Also has Immortal!Marco implications and im LIVING for it
Being Human (MaiKusakabe) - Slave!Marco gets taken in by Whitebeard // Listen yall know im gay for Marco-centric angst but this one really takes me by the lapels and shakes me to pieces ok i am laid low 
To Build a Home (endlessblankpages) - ASL pirates get recruited (read: kidnapped) by the Whitebeards as an apology for a misunderstanding and it All Spirals From There // Very well put together, and Completed! Incredible found-family affection and fondness, som brotherly angst, All Good All Good. 
wish by spirit and if by yes (midnightluck) - Sabo has his memories. A series of shenanigans of him and Ace just trying to take care of each other even with all their chaos and distance, with the Whitebeards and Koala as unwitting audience. // The exasperation and family affection got me fucked all the way up. Midnightluck consistently has my favorite characterization of Sabo out of everything I’ve read. 
Clipped Wings (Beyond_Kailani) - Sabo gives up everything, as long as it means his brother’s live freely. Away from his parents. // Angsty and INCREDIBLE found family trope usage. The mental struggle to do what Sabo thinks is necessary to survive vs live his life freely is A+
Trapped in Eternity (Skyleaf19) - Ace is stuck in a long term time loop and his mental health is really, really suffering from it. // this is an angst MELTING POT and i love it. It recently updated off of hiatus but im so excited about it i literally cant focus enough to read it adefsgrth LOTS of the whitebeards trying to help Ace and Ace struggling to pretend he hates them. fantastic. *chef’s kiss* 
Living Dreams (Maikusakabe) - Canon-timeline!Marco wakes up two years in the past. Before Whitebeard died. Before Ace died. Before Thatch died. He doesnt handle it well. // I dont even know where to start this is a bundle of some of my favorite tropes in one completed fic. The angst, the disbelief, the denial– it’s perfect. I’m in love
Inanition (Taizi) - small fic about how Luffy’s body works differently than his crewmates. // Short, and yet I keep coming back to it. It’s unebelievably sweet, and the tension of things left unsaid and suppressed anger out of worry is incredible.
Beginning the Next Dream (RikoJasmine) - Future!Luffy gets reborn as his own uncle, Garp’s kid and Dragon’s little brother. This changes a lot, esp. the ASL future. // Its still sort of in the beginning and already has 50k and my Heart I s2g every chapter i see updated makes me have to take a moment to calm down before I read it. Really worth the read. Very soft and sweet with the family vibes, and Luffy is a Hysterically overpowered child with haki. 
Guardian (Petiteneko) - Zoro’s POV for pre-post Dressrosa, and how Law slowly, quietly works through his frankly suicidal revenge plan. Includes lulaw // Im weak for outsider!POV mental health and trauma fics. That’s really all you need to know tbh
Acclimating (Justira) - Luffy may be the outspokenly crazy one, but he hand-picked his crew and the rest of the Strawhats are just as on his bullshit despite what they say. Law is struggling through a very nosy crew. // Similar to the fic above, Law trying to leave himself to his own self-harming tendencies and the Strawhats collectively having None Of It. 
Lionheart (cyan96) - Past!Law and Corazon get dumped into canon-timeline!Law’s submarine after a devil fruit incident. Trauma everywhere. // Manages to be funny and heartbreaking at exactly the same time! Lots of deeply buried trauma manifested suddenly and overwhelmingly. Incredible. 
The Games (Stormy1x2) - Humorous little fic about the Whitebeard’s participating in a sort of public-sport game, in which Ace volunteers and has a great time throwing shenanigans everywhere. // very cute!! another outsider!POV type as its in Marco’s POV while Ace runs around and is just excited and adorable. 
Older Brother’s Insight (Abyssal_one) - short fic about Older-brother!Luffy and Younger-brother!Ace w/ the Whitebeards // short and sweet! Im a sucker for role switch AUs and this one really highlights Luffy’s own eccentric sort of capabilities. 
Portgas D. Anne and the War of Shirts (glowingjellyfishtreelights) - Anne just doesnt like shirts. this has nothing to do with anyone else. // it’s Really funny. also incredibly accurate. 
Into Flame (Kurgaya) - Phoenix!Zoro, and the art of Not Actually Being Human But Never Saying That. // includes Zolu! Which usually isnt my jam, but im All Over non-human!AUs and this one is incredible. Zoro has three pairs of wings. Three. That’s wicked.
Pardus (ImperialMint) - A devil fruit materializes Ace’s worst fear. Which means he’s returning to the Moby Dick with Gold Roger himself at his heels. // funny, sad, and cute all at once. Cute family affection moments, lots of Ace being emotionally hurt and confused. 
Legacy (Anjelle) - Ace died and was sent back, all the way back to when his dad still was a pirate on the Oro Jackson. // Lots of emotional turmoil and childhood trauma neatly tied up with some cathartic mental revaluation ;) 
Paperwork of a Phoenix (ventusleone) - Marine!Marco and Marine!Izo happen to meet the Whitebeards during their downtime, every now and then, and, well, its not like theyre on duty. // Recently was completed! Slowburn platonic found-family vibes, a lot of Marco biting off more than he can chew and essentially being adopted in the process. 
Tension Headache and Migraine (JuHuaTai) Marco overworks himself and accidentally snaps at his crewmates, including Ace. // Very tense in the beginning and smooths out to something apologetic and softer. Has some nsfw in the end, overall Fanastic lmao
Tomorrow Never Happens (Midnightluck) - Sabo pickpockets the wrong marine and gets caught. Which sucks on a normal day, except this one is huge, and burly, and an admiral, and apparently his grandfather. // humorous and slightly angsty all at once! Another Sabo-Gets-His-Memories-Back-Canon-Divergence type story, because I am simple and predictable and it’s still fantastic. 
Blue Moon (MyLadyDay) - Werewolf!Marco protects the forest. It just so happens that (Witch?)Ace does so too. // Has some very quiet vibes I really dig, very calm and makes me think of a deep grey-blue color for some reason. Like Full moonlight through the trees. Very cute
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arcaneyouth · 4 years
1. they and adrian are really close! theyre Anime Buddies and theyd die for each other
2. theyre not great under pressure but they are still very good at light magic so for that reason i had to find an excuse to keep them out of a specific chapter because if they were there they would make shit so much easier for the protagonists and i dont want that
3. im honestly not sure why they decided to be a teacher despite how much of a hard time they have with People. maybe they knew their class would always be small so that makes it easier, and they knew what kind of pressure would be on these kids and how to deal with it so they wanted to help
4. they teach the crafts class since theyre blind and too nervous to ever say anything bad about what the kids are making so its a positive space for the kids to do art without judgement
5. they dont have too much of a problem with shit like getting around since they can sense magic and use it to "see". they tend to cast out small amounts of light magic while walking around
6. the above 2 facts means they are actually good with sculpting
7. their constant mood is :3 and thats honestly how i draw their smiles a good amount of the time
8. valerie told them about how the god of light helped her a lot but was a bitch about it so when harley met phoenix they hugged them and then proceeded to threaten to kill them. unfortunately for harley, thats just the kind of day phoenix was having so they didnt care
9. harley takes their glasses off a couple times in comic but you never actually see their eyes except for one time and then its not in color
10. theyre a furry and i think thats valid of them
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squishyunho · 5 years
✨🌙🌒questions tag!!!🌒🌙✨
rules: answer the questions and tag 10 people
tagged by: @celestial-yunho uwu
how tall are you?
156cm uwu im a tiny child
what colour and style is your hair?
my hair is naturally brown hdfjdg which is kinda weird for an asian but yea and it almost reaches my shoulders now!
what colour are your eyes?
theyre brown jskfkjdf just the simple brown yknow
do you wear glasses?
yea jkshfj bad eyesight runs in the family but im not /blind/ without them everything is just blurry
do you have braces?
i used to wear them like last year? i never needed them tho cuz my teeth would’ve been alright without them,,, i just wanted to fix the tiny flaws thats all
what’s your fashion sense?
honestly depends on my mood? you’ll almost always see me with a jacket tho (either wearing it or on my waist) it just feels empty without one ghsjdhd
full name?
fghkfhf i dont feel all that comfortable revealing my real name just yet but!! i will say im named after a famous actress (and my real first name does NOT fit me at all even tho it fits the actress herself perfectly) and my chinese name is 王丽煌 hfgjhshd
when were you born?
november 16 2001 uwu ><
where are you from and where do you live?
the philippines hihi tho im chinese by ethnicity
what school(s) do you go to?
i go to,,, let’s just say it’s a really big university here and im taking up their high school program for arts,,, before that, i went to a chinese school that was really heavy on science and math so DJHGJDS
what kind of student are you?
uhhhh depends tbh i need to vibe with the teacher/subject to participate but my grades are actually pretty great (not in asian standards tho hgjdhg) and i can either be really hyper or really sleepy
do you like school?
i used to HGFJD but idk the education system in general drains your life energy so no not really
fav subject?
literature was fun, and i also really enjoy the art classes,,, and dismissal
fav tv shows?
there’s honestly a lot of good shows that i love but maybeeee rn it’s the avatar series (both ofc cuz theyre both good)
fav books?
i cant choose jfhdgkdg there’s too many good ones,,, 
fav pastimes?
drawing, sleeping, reading, daydreaming, having an existential crisis, giving my dog the love she deserves, listening to music, obsessing over everything to the point it annoys my friends,,, the good stuff yknow
do you have any regrets?
hfkdsf i still cry over 10-year-old events ofc i do
dream job?
tbh idk?? maybe working for a video game or animated film would be cool,,, as long as im happy and earn enough to feed an army of pets 
would you ever like to be married?
well my parents would rip me to shreds if i dont + im a massive hopeless romantic so yes
would you like to have children?
i would lowkey love to but also i dont think ill ever be ready to take care of a small clone of myself
if so, how many?
gdjfdj why are you asking a 17 year old child who has never had a love life this question
do you like shopping?
oh hell yes if you lose me in a bookstore or art store or a clothing store that suits my tastes you may never find me again (until i get tired and want a milk tea break hdfjd)
what countries have you visited?
theres a lot jfgsjf south korea, japan, china, singapore, malaysia, thailand, usa, canada, netherlands, belgium, russia, estonia, sweden, finland, denmark, france, uae, uhhhh thats all i can remember off the top of my head
scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
im fortunate enough to only remember good dreams hfjsdg but im scared of everything which is why i cant even watch a horror movie or play a phoenix wright game at night or i might get nightmares jsfhf
any enemies?
not,,, really? im scared of arguments so that might be why
do you have a significant other?
nope and have never had one yet shfgjsdf is anyone willing to volunteer?
do you get along with your family?
i doooo uwu im really close to my brothers especially gjfdsd the only disagreements ive had with my parents are conflicting beliefs (theyre more conservative and im more liberal)
do you believe in miracles?
yea uwu
how are you?
alive sdjsdhfs thanks for asking
im too shy to tag anyone (once again hfdgsjdf i need to talk to ppl more)
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: 38 Fun Things to Do in Tucson, Arizona
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With incredible outdoor adventures, some of the best Mexican food in the U.S. (yes, seriously!), and a vibrant nightlife, Tucson may just be the perfect weekend getaway. Oh, and did we mention Tucson has wonderfully warm temperatures in the wintertime?! (Fellow Midwesterners, take note!)
The population of Tucson is just over half a million people, making it feel like a relatively small city. But dont be fooled there are an incredible amount of things to do in Tucson!
While there are many things to do in the city itself, the real draw of Tucson is what lies beyond. The Sonoran Desert which surrounds Tucson, is one of the only places in the world to see the iconic saguaro cactus, after all.
Were walking you through the very best things to do in Tucson, Arizona from epic outdoor adventures to foodie experiences to nightlife for all ages.
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Our Experience in Tucson
Im going to be honest: Until recently, Tucson wasnt on my radar at all. Instead, I pictured the Grand Canyon and cities like Phoenix, Sedona and Scottsdale when I thought of Arizona.
So when my parents booked a 2-week Airbnb rental in Tucson to escape Minnesotas frigid winter clutches, I asked them, What is there to do in Tucson?
The timing was uncanny, because a week after my parents booked their trip, we were contacted by Visit Tucson (the tourism board) to work on a campaign with them. And all of a sudden, a city I hadnt ever thought much about took center stage in my mind.
When we started planning our trip to Tucson, I truly started to realize why my parents had booked 2 weeks there. As it turns out, theres a lot to do in this southwestern city!
This info-packed guide is full of top tips, where to stay, what foods to try , and everything else you need to know about planning an incredible trip to Tucson.
Things to do in Tucson:
Outdoor Activities in Tucson
Food & Nightlife in Tucson
Art, Culture & History in Tucson
Planning your trip to Tucson:
Best Tucson Weekend Itinerary
Best time to visit Tucson
Where to stay in Tucson
How to Get Around Tucson
What to pack for Tucson
Tucson Map
Disclosure: This trip and article was sponsored by Visit Tucson. As always, all opinions are 100% honest and completely our own. Additionally, this article contains affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy for more information.
Outdoor Adventures in Tucson
If you like getting outside, youll find your bliss in Tucson because there are so many outdoor adventures to be had in the area surrounding this city.
1. Go horseback riding in the desert
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I am going to embarrass Ben for a minute while I tell you something about him few people know: Hes afraid of horses.
Hes looking over my shoulder as I type this and saying, Im not afraid, I just think theyre smart and strong, and we should respect them.
Yeah, okay whatever, Ben.
But to his credit, he agreed to go horseback riding on our trip to Tucson. (Ive been asking him for the last couple of years, and he finally gave in.)
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And you know what? When I asked Ben what his highlight was from our trip to Tucson, the first thing out of his mouth was, horseback riding!. So even if youre not an experienced rider, Bens reaction should give you some encouragement.
It was hands down one of my favorite experiences in Tucson too! We were able to see places we never would have without being saddled up on John Wayne and Mac (names of our horses).
Bobbi, the owner of Houstons Horseback Riding, led our group along the trail. We crossed rivers, ducked beneath low-hanging trees, and trotted past giant saguaro cacti with mountains looming in the distance. The landscape changed throughout the 2-hour journey, and the pace was slow and steady (great for those of us who arent experienced riders).
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The views we got right up next to the saguaros on top of the horses was completely different than the perspective wed get walking on the trail with our own two feet. It was surreal.
And after chatting with Bobbi, its clear how much passion she has for this work. She has been working with horses for nearly her entire life and has passed on her admiration for these beautiful creatures to her children who help run the show as well. I mean, with about 30 horses to care for, the more hands the better.
So not only will you have an amazing experience with the horses, but youre supporting a family run business. Win-win!
Hours: Trail rides start at 9 a.m and 2:30 p.m.
Cost: $85 for a 2 hour walking ride
Book Your Horseback Ride Here!
Are you an experienced rider? If youre no stranger to horseback riding, you can book a private ride where your guide will adjust the speed to suit your experience level.
2. Visit Saguaro National Park
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Saguaro are the huge cacti that adorn the Arizona license plate and serve as an icon of Southwest USA. And there is a National Park just 30 minutes from downtown Tucson that is dedicated to their existence.
Before we delve into the best things to do in Saguaro National Park, lets start with the basics pronunciation.
Say it with me: suh-waa-row
Now you wont embarrass yourselves like we did. (Youre welcome!)
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And because I am fascinated by these cacti, Im gonna entertain you with some fun facts about the saguaro:
They can live to be 150 years old (some even are said to be 200 years old!).
They can grow up to 40-60 feet tall (12-18 meters).
They dont start growing arms until theyre around 70 years old.
They only grow in parts of the Sonoran Desert (a small area in Mexico, southern Arizona, and occasionally southeastern California.
They are expensive! Thats right, some people like to incorporate them into their landscaping, and the large ones can cost upwards of $10,000. The more arms it has, the more money it costs.
One foot of a saguaro weighs around 100 pounds!
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We have a love affair with National Parks. Anyone else?! So it should come as no surprise that the first thing we plotted on our Tucson itinerary was a visit to Saguaro National Park.
And guess what?! It was our 20th US National Park! *cue champagne toast*
Saguaro is divided into two sections: one to the east and one to the west. In the middle lies the city of Tucson. Each side is a bit different. The west side of the park is more densely covered with saguaro, while the east side has more hiking trails and is more mountainous.
Try to see both sides if possible, but if youre short on time, visiting the west side of the park will be the best way to maximize your visit.
Best things to do in Saguaro National Park (with limited time):
West Side Saguaro National Park:
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Drive around the 6-mile scenic Bajada Loop, and stop along the way at the spots listed below (plus any others that pique your interest):
Hugh Norris Trailhead: Hike up the trail for about 5-7 minutes and look west. Youll see tons of saguaro cacti and this spot would be wonderful for sunset.
Valley View Overlook Trail: 0.8-mile one-way (out and back) easy trail that is relatively flat. There are signs along the way pointing out the different types of plants and the final destination is a viewpoint over the vast valley below that is full of cacti.
Signal Hill Picnic Area: This short 0.3-mile hike up signal hill leads you to dozens of 800-year old petroglyphs that were created by the ancient Hohokam people.
East Side Saguaro National Park:
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Drive along the Cactus Forest Drive Loop. It is an 8-mile self-drive loop that takes you to some of the major attractions in the east side of Saguaro National Park:
Mica View Trail: This relatively flat 2-mile return hike starts at a nice picnic area, goes through the cactus forest to East Broadway Blvd and back. You can also start the hike from E Broadway Blvd too.
Desert Ecology Trail: Paved 0.3-mile loop with signs to tell you more about desert plants. Great walk for kids.
Cactus Forest Trail: Splits the East Saguaro National Park from North to South. 5-mile return, mostly flat, but youll be surrounded with saguaro cacti the entire time.
Freeman Homestead Trail: Short 1-mile loop trail easy to do with kids. Youll walk by some of the biggest and oldest saguaros in the park.
Have more time in Saguaro National Park?
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Douglas Spring Trailhead (East Side): This is a 16-mile out and back trail that is pretty flat for the first half and then switchbacks up the mountain until the top. About a quarter of the way on the trail, head to the left for 0.4 miles to see the Bridal Wreath Falls (dont expect a massive falls, but refreshing to see in the desert).
King Canyon Trail (West Side): The trailhead starts opposite of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, this 7.1-mile moderate trail winds its way up to Wasson Peak. Many reports say its tough on the way up and you should start early, but youll be rewarded with an amazing view of the saguaro cacti filled desert.
Hours: Visitor Centers are open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. but the park is open to vehicles from sunrise to sunset.
Cost: weekly pass to Saguaro National Park is $25 per vehicle.
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Insider tip: If you dont already have an America the Beautiful Pass, you might want to consider getting one before your trip to Tucson. It will not only cover your entrance to the National Park, but also to Sabino Canyon. Weve put together a guide thatll help you decide if the US National Park Pass is worth it for you.
3. Mountain Biking around Tucson
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There are few things better than being outside, getting your heart pumping, and trying something totally new. And thats exactly what we did on our last morning in Tucson. We woke up before the sun, grabbed a breakfast burrito for fuel, and headed to a trailhead.
Tucson has some of the best places in Arizona if not the best for mountain biking. And whether youre a newbie to the sport (like us!) or a seasoned mountain biker, there are trails suited to all levels.
Important info about biking in Tucson:Here's the thing we wish we would have known before going mountain biking in Tucson... Some of the trails around the city are unsanctioned, meaningyou cannot legally ride on them without getting a permit. And the even sketchier thing is some mountain bike rental companies encourage riders to use these trails without first obtaining anArizonaState Trust Landpermit.
Even after quite a bit of sleuthing, we still can't figure out how a visitor to Tucson could actually purchase one of these permits (as the site to purchase them is broken). Moral of the story: When picking the trails you'll ride, be extra careful to choose only those that are sanctioned. Otherwise, you can be fined (and you're breaking the law).
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Luckily, there are some reputable biking companies that follow the rules and encourage safe riding on trails that are open for the public to enjoy.
Our recommendation:Home Grown Mountain Bikingis a trusted company that offers rentals, shuttle services, and guided rides so you have an expert with you on the trails.Cost: Mountain bike rentals start at $120 per day. You'll find other package options as well as multi-day discounts.
Some popular mountain bike trails in Tucson (that don't require a permit):
Mount Lemmon:Lots of rugged terrain and temperatures that are significantly cooler than you'll find closer to the city, which makes for comfortable biking even in hotter months.
Catalina State Park, Oro Valley:Lots of beautiful trails, like the intermediate track "50 Year". Note: to enter Catalina State Park, you will need to pay $7 per vehicle.
Tucson Mountain Park:Here you'll find 50 miles of trails that are primarily beginner and intermediate levels.
Insider Tip:Download theTrailForks app to get a detailed look at the trail you plan to ride.
4. Explore Colossal Cave
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Stalactites, stalagmites, and bat poo, oh my!
Ive had a fascination with caves since I was a child, so weve visited all different types of caves on our travels around the world. When we heard there was a cave in Tucson, we didnt need much convincing to squeeze a visit into our itinerary.
Located a short 15-minute drive southeast of Tucson, the Colossal Cave has a pretty interesting history. It was once used as a temporary shelter for the Hohokam people (the regions first inhabitants) as early as 900 AD. And later, this cave served as a hiding place for 19th-century outlaws who didnt want to be found.
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To enter the Colossal Cave, you must book a guided tour. There are a handful of options to choose from:
Classic Cave Tour: Good introduction to the cave and suitable for all ages.
Length: 50-minute tour
Cost: Adults: $18, Children (5-12 yrs): $9, 4 and under: free
When: 8 tours a day, depart hourly from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tip: Reservations are encouraged
Ladder Tour: Navigate narrow passageways, climb ladders, and cross rickety bridges in seldom-seen parts of the cave system.
Length: 1.5-hour tour
Cost: $35 per person
When: 2 tours a day 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Tip: Reservations required
Wild Cave Tour: The most adventurous of tours offered, guides will take you to the most remote parts of the cave system. Participants must be fit and ready for a rugged good time! Described as absolutely down-and-dirty caving!
Length: 3.5-hour tour
Cost: $85 (reservations required)
Restrictions: 16 years old and older
When: 1 tour a day at 1 p.m.
Tip: There is an Intermediate option as well as Advanced ($125).
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Our Opinion: Due to our limited time, the Classic Cave Tour was the one that best fit into our schedule. While it was a good introduction, it wasnt anything too different from what weve seen in other cave systems. We wished we had booked the Ladder or Wild Tour, as it would have been a bit more up our alley in terms of adventure!
Learn more about each tour and make your bookings here.
5. Sunset in the desert
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Look up to the skies at dusk and youre in for an incredible show put on by Mother Nature. Seriously though, Tucson is known for having some epic sunsets, so plan to be somewhere special for at least one of the evenings during your trip.
Theres nothing like seeing the cacti start to glow as the sky takes on a pinkish hue.
Some top spots around Tucson for sunset:
Gates Pass
Saguaro National Park
A Mountain
JW Marriot
Tucson Mountain Park
Mount Lemmon scenic drive
6. Get a view over Tucson from A Hill (aka Sentinel Peak Park)
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Look to the horizon and you shouldnt have a problem spotting A Hill, which, as the name implies, is adorned with a giant letter A made of rocks. This tribute to the University of Arizona is not only a town icon, but it marks one of the best spots to get a view over the city.
As long as the sky is clear, any time of day will grant you a sweeping view. Get an early morning start here and view the city beneath blue skies.
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Or come for that golden hour glow and stay after the sun goes down to see the city lights begin to sparkle. Just know that after the sun sets, this is clearly a makeout spot, which is slightly awkward...
Alternative: Are you looking to get a workout in instead of taking the easy way and driving to the top? Pat yourself on the back, and then head to Tumamoc Hill. The trailhead is just a few minutes drive past the starting point of Sentinel Peak. This short but steep climb is a 3-mile round trip with a 700-foot elevation gain.
7. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
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I hate to admit it, but unless it is truly something special like the Met in NYC or the Uffizi in Florence I dont always prioritize fitting museums into our travel plans. Honestly, Id rather be outside or eating which I suppose could be my life motto.
However, once we saw reviews for the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, we decided to squeeze it into our itinerary. I mean, its the top-rated Tucson attraction on TripAdvisor (earning 5 stars with more than 8,000 reviews!), so surely it has to be worthwhile, right?
Honestly, after checking it out, I would say it depends. I know thats annoying to hear when trying to plan your itinerary, but keep reading to see if it is an experience thatll float your boat.
First things first, dont think of this as a typical museum... It's more of a zoo blended with a botanical garden and a dash of museum thrown in there for fun.
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Youll find a huge variety of exhibits and lots of information around the park. To really explore everything thoroughly, youll need at least 2 hours.
Here are some of the main exhibits:
Raptor Flights
Hummingbird Aviary
Cave & Earth Sciences Center (the cave is artificial but pretty convincing)
Botanical Garden
Indoor Play Area for kids
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One major perk to visiting the museum is your entrance fee will help contribute to their ongoing conservation and research efforts. One of their primary missions is to understand, connect people to and protect the natural systems of the Sonoran Desert Region.
Considering that the Sonoran Desert region is home to one of the greatest varieties of plants and animals out of any desert in the world, you can see it is pretty important work.
Interested in hearing more? Check out their website to see their current conservation and research projects.
Our thoughts on the Desert Museum:
Our favorite parts were the cave and gemstone exhibits. We are big rock nerds, so this part was especially cool. Theres even a little piece of rock from the moon on display which Ben geeked out about!
We think this would be a fun activity with kids (though we arent experts on the whole subject of children just yet!).
Honestly, zoos usually arent our thing (but thats a topic for another time). So we werent all that fond of the animal exhibits at this museum.
There is a small pool with stingrays where people can pay a small fee to touch them. We personally try to avoid any animal attraction that encourages touching.
Summary: Overall, this attraction is very well put together with accessible paths, frequent water fountains and toilets, lots of informational signs, and activities for children. You can learn a lot here and spend quite a bit of time exploring it all. However, if youre short on time, going into Saguaro National Park and Sabino Canyon are going to be even more worth your while.
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cost: Adults - $21.95, Seniors (65+) - $19.95, Children (3-12) - $9.95, Children (under 3) - Free
8. Go hiking in Sabino Canyon
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Sitting in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Sabino Canyon Recreation Center draws more than a million visitors annually. And for good reason: This place is absolutely stunning and packed with adventures for all types of travelers.
Encompassing two gorges: Sabino Canyon and Bear Canyon, you can choose to hike along paved or gravel paths, or you can save your legs some work and hop on a shuttle (for a fee).
Bear Canyon Shuttle: $6 adults, $4 ages 3-12; leaves every 30 minutes
Sabino Canyon Shuttle: $10 adults, $5 ages 3-12; leaves every 30 minutes
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Seven Falls Hike
5 miles round trip
917 feet in elevation gain
If youre up for a challenging hike (thats well worth the effort), look no further than the Seven Falls Trail. You can hop on the Bear Canyon shuttle and get off at the last stop, which is at the trailhead. (Alternatively, you can skip the shuttle and hike the 2 miles to get to the trailhead.)
From here, its a 2.5-mile hike to the waterfalls that cascade over granite rocks to form pools that are perfect for taking a refreshing dip!
Important note: This trail requires some creek crossings, so be sure to check the conditions at the visitors center before attempting the hike. And be sure to carry plenty of water, as youll be hiking in some exposed areas and it can get very hot.
Cost: $8 per vehicle to enter Sabino Canyon
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Good to know: If you have a National Park Pass, youll get into Sabino Canyon for free!
Planning your itinerary: Wed recommend combining a visit to Sabino Canyon and a drive up to Mount Lemmon (described below) on the same day since they are in the same relative area. If you plan to visit the DeGrazia Gallery as well (#19), you can tack it on the same day since its not far from Sabino Canyon.
9. Scenic drive to Mount Lemmon
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When we started planning our trip to Tucson, at least three different people told us, You absolutely have to make the drive up to Mount Lemmon.
And were so happy we listened because it was one of the highlights of our trip. We only wish we had allotted more time to it.
This 40-mile drive snakes back and forth as it winds up through the mountains. There are viewpoints, pullouts, trailheads and campgrounds very frequently along the drive, so there are plenty of opportunities to stretch your legs and scope out the views.
Youll notice a drastic drop in temperature as you make your way up the mountain, and depending on the time of year, you may even start to see snow (a crazy sight when youre coming from the desert!).
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At the very top of Mount Lemmon, sits the tiny town of Summerhaven, which is basically a handful of vacation homes and a few small stores. Satisfy your sweet tooth by sampling fudge at the General Store and ordering a cookie at the Mount Lemmon Cookie Cabin, and continue to drive to the Marshall Gulch Picnic Area where you can enjoy your sweet treats with some real food you packed!
Insider Tip: One of our friends messaged us and told us to go to the Cookie Cabin, for huge and delicious cookies. Sadly, we got the text too late. So if you have the chance, go to this mountaintop log cabin and order a giant cookie for us, please!
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Another fun thing to see is the (tiny) Mount Lemmon Ski Valley before you begin your drive down the mountain.
How long does it take? The drive is roughly 42 miles from downtown Tucson and takes about 1 hour 20 minutes from bottom to top without stopping. Wed allot at least 3.5 - 4 hours for the drive up and down the mountain with a few stops along the way.
10. Explore Catalina State Park
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Catalina State Park | Photo Credit: My Mom ;)
Sitting at the base of the Santa Catalina Mountains, this state park is a haven for desert wildlife and is home to more than 5,000 saguaros.
Come to Catalina State Park put a few more miles on your hiking boots or to have a relaxing picnic surrounded by nature.
Hikes in Catalina State Park:
Romero Ruins Interpretive Trail: This short and easy loop is 0.6 miles and has just 68 feet in elevation gain, making it a good hike for most people. The trail brings you past some historic dwellings and archaeological sites that are marked with signs.
Romero Pools: This 4.9-mile out and back trail is rated as intermediate, and has a 1,047-foot elevation gain. Your efforts will be rewarded as the trail culminates at some beautiful pools.
Cost: $7 per vehicle
11. Drive through Tucson Mountain Park
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Another park in Tucson? Yep, thats right!
You will pass through the Tucson Mountain Park on your drive to the west portion of Saguaro National Park. And actually the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and Old Tucson are both located within the parks boundaries.
There are no entry fees, and unless youre looking at your map, you might not even realize youre inside the park at all.
Insider Tip: Be sure to stop at the Gates Pass viewpoint for an epic look over the valley. It is especially beautiful during golden hour. There are a few nearby trailheads too, so youll have the chance to stretch your legs if needed.
12. Visit Kitts Observatory
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Kitt's Observatory | Photo Credit: My Mom ;)
Are you as big of a space geek as Ben?! If so, a trip to Kitts Observatory might be right up your alley. You can visit during the day to learn about telescopes and all the work that goes on behind the scenes, or you can take a night time tour and see the stars. But be sure to check the weather before you book.
Also, if the weather is cold, be prepared with warmer clothes because it can get even colder up on the mountain. Bring a good pair of shoes too because there is quite a bit of walking in the tour.
13. Tour Biosphere 2
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Biosphere 2 | Photo Credit: My Mom ;)
Could you live in a bubble for 2 years?! Thats what 8 scientists did back in 1991 when the Biosphere 2 was first introduced to the world. Their goal was to study how a mini-biosphere would work with as few outside variables as possible.
Today, you can visit Biosphere 2 and tour the different ecosystems which range from rainforest to the ocean to a model city. The guided tours take you through various stations and highlight the ongoing experiments happening in the Biosphere.
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Inside Biosphere 2 | Photo Credit: My Mom ;)
Some tours are included with the General Admission fee, while other tours have an additional cost. Tours can take around 2 to 3 hours. Plus, getting to Biosphere 2 from the center of Tucson is roughly a 50-minute drive, so youll need to dedicate a good portion of a day to this excursion if you add it to your itinerary.
Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily
Cost: Adults: $21, Kids $14
Check the Biosphere 2 website for more details on times and prices.
Fun Fact: If this is Biosphere 2, where is Biosphere 1? Well, youre living on it right now (aka Earth!). Mind blown!
Food & Nightlife in Tucson
Foodies are in for a treat because Tucson is packed with incredible dining options, especially when it comes to Mexican cuisine. And night owls will have a long list of things to do at night, from sampling the best local craft beer to enjoying live music on the town.
14. Eat ALL the Mexican Food
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One of the things we were most excited for on this trip was the food. Mexican food, to be precise. #allthetacos
Being that this city is just over 60 miles from the border of Mexico, it should come as no surprise that Tucson is known for having a killer Mexican food scene. In fact, Tucson is the first UNESCO City of Gastronomy in the United States!
Psst! If youre a foodie, youll love this intro to the Tucson culinary scene!
The worst part of the food in Tucson was that we couldnt eat it all. Well, that and the fact that our weekend in Tucson obliterated our meager attempt at doing the Whole30 in January. I mean, Im not going to go to a Mexican food Mecca and not eat as many tacos, tamales and guacamole as possible. Its against the laws of nature.
If youre still reading my food-crazed ramblings, youre probably wondering where you can find the best Mexican food in Tucson, and youre about to be rewarded, friend.
While you dont have to look far to find good Mexican food in Tucson, were sharing some top recommendations, from super authentic hole-in-the-wall spots to refined Mexican restaurants with an exceptional dining experience:
Los Tacos Apson: Tiny, unassuming shop with authentic fare and a generous salsa/topping bar. We ordered a handful of items but our favorites were the taco al pastor and taco hass (carne asada, queso, chili verde); and as we were leaving, a local recommended we try the taco rasuada (grilled ribs) next time! This is also a great spot to try a caramelo, Tucsons take on a quesadilla (cheese and lots of meat grilled between tortillas).
Bocas y Tequila: Popular spot, especially with the university crowd, it seems. The tacos were super tasty (albeit not very hot, but we were there at a super busy hour!). The elote (Mexican street corn) was also very good.
Cafe Poca Cosa: An upscale Mexican restaurant with a menu that changes daily.
Taco Fish: Come here for fresh ceviche and tacos de pescado (fish) or camarones (shrimp).
Penca: Contemporary Mexican fusion with a chic atmosphere.
Mi Nidito: Serving Tucson since 1952, this place is a local legend known for large portions, delicious food, and as a place Bill Clinton once ate.
Taqueria Pico De Gallo: Best known for its award-winning fish tacos, this is another local favorite for authentic (and cheap!) tacos.
Taqueria Porfis: While the menu is small, thats okay because what they do, they do well. And the item theyre most famous for is their potato taco, which is stuffed with carne seca, tomatoes, lettuce, sour cream, and you guessed it potatoes!
Rollies Mexican Patio: Known for their rolled tacos, this cute and colorful cafe makes a great lunch stop.
El Charro Cafe: Set inside a century-old home, this restaurant serves up large home-cooked meals in a charming, yet casual atmosphere.
Fun Fact: This is the nations oldest Mexican restaurant run continuously by the same family.
Street Taco and Beer Co.: Good for late night bites, street tacos, and tequila cocktails.
Insider Tip: We read that if you want to find really authentic, no-frills Mexican food, head to the neighborhoods south of 22nd Street. And 12th Ave, which runs north to south, has a dense concentration of amazing Mexican restaurants.
These streets are part of whats known as the Best 23 Miles of Mexican Food (aka a 23-square-mile area in the city thats known as the best Mexican food north of the border).
15. Try a Sonoran Dog
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Im not usually one to order hot dogs, but when we learned that Sonoran Dogs are a must try specialty from this region, we had to give it a go. For research purposes.
And lets just say Im pretty happy I made the sacrifice in the name of work. And while Sonoran Dogs arent something I would eat on a regular basis, they are pretty damn good.
So what exactly is a Sonoran Dog, you ask? This tasty blend of American and Mexican cuisine is comprised of bacon-wrapped hot dog, topped with pinto beans, chopped tomatoes, onions, mayonnaise, mustard and jalapeo salsa, all stuffed into a soft, sweet Mexican bun called a bolillo.
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Rumor has it that there are two rival Sonora dog establishments in Tucson that both claim to serve the best:
BK Carne Asada & Hot Dogs: Winner of a Sonoran Dog locally-judged blind taste test against El Guero Canelo, it is definitely worth a try. They also have a large menu of fantastic Mexican fare, some may say the best in Tucson.
El Gero Canelo: With 3 locations in Tucson, this is a Tucson must! We sampled the one on Oracle road, and it did not disappoint. The combo of sweet, spicy and savory is an explosion in your mouth. Youre gonna want more than one.
After a little research, we chose to try our first Sonoran Dog at El Gero Canelo. While we dont have anything to compare it to, it was pretty darn tasty! If you have the time (and room in your tummy!), try them both on your trip to Tucson to determine the winner!
16. Sample Vegan Mexican Fare
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Most restaurants featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives are laden with grease, layers of cheese, deep-fried everything, and meat. Lots of meat.
But an exception to this is Tucsons beloved Tumerico, which was featured on this hit series in 2018. This local favorite serves up scratch-made Mexican dishes with a menu that changes daily.
While clearly very popular, the service was fast, the prices reasonable, and the food delicious.
Our recommendations: The menu is constantly changing so we cant give specific recommendations, but if there is a taco made with jackfruit, TRY IT. You will thank us! Also, the turmeric lemonade was seriously yummy.
Moral of the story: Even if you do eat meat, Tumerico is well worth a visit.
Good to know: Tumerico is closed on Mondays.
More vegetarian options in Tucson
While these are not Mexican restaurants, here are a few other good options for vegetarians/vegans visiting Tucson.
Charro Vida: While not fully veggie, this Mexican-Mediterranean fusion restaurant (located close to Tohono Chul #35) donates proceeds to local school gardens throughout the region in partnership with the University of Arizona. Just looking at their menu makes my mouth water...
The Tasteful Kitchen: A somewhat upscale restaurant that specializes in vegan, gluten-free and raw cuisine. And while youre there, be sure to check out the mural depicting Mother Earth on the side of their building.
Urban Fresh: Casual cafe with plant-based wraps, salads and soups.
Zinmans Food Shop: carry-out spot with a patio, serving an eclectic assortment of dishes with influences from around the world.
17. Grab a cup of Tucsons best coffee
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My name is Katie, and Im a coffee addict. If you are too, youll definitely want to start your day at Exo. Praised as the best coffee in Tucson, Exo does it all, and they do it well.
If you want to switch up your order and get something a little more unique than your everyday latte, order a chiltepin cold brew, which is made with spicy peppers!
And if your tummys a grumblin pick up one of their super tasty breakfast sandwiches, breakky bowls, or to keep the Mexican food theme going, try their breakfast tacos!
18. Visit a Farmers Market
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When you combine locally grown produce, artisans selling their creations, and food vendors all in one place, youve got yourself some farmers market bliss.
With a handful of farmers markets around the Tucson area, youll likely be able to squeeze one during your trip.
Here are 3 farmers markets that are closest to town, and are easy to work into your sightseeing schedule:
Rillito Park: Makes a good stop if youre headed up to Catalina State Park, Tohono Chul, or over to Sabino Canyon.
Oro Valley: Stop here on your way to Catalina State Park.
Rincon Valley: Make a stop here on your drive down to Colossal Cave.
We visited the market in Rincon Valley on our way to the Colossal Cave, and while not huge, it was a nice stop to browse some local artists work and nibble on kettle corn!
Hours: All the markets listed above have the same hours.
Winter Hours (Oct. - Mar.): Saturdays, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Summer Hours (Apr. - Sept.): Saturdays, 8 a.m -12 p.m.
These farmers markets are all put together by an organization called Heirloom Farmers Markets, and you can find more info here.
19. Go on a Food Tour
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Im someone who gets serious FOMO when it comes to food.
When visiting a city thats known for its food scene, I feel like I should try everything, which is not exactly an ideal habit for my waistline or my wallet.
If you can relate (yay, Im not alone!), youll want to keep reading because I recently found the cure: Food Tours!
Food tours are a way for you to try a little of each (my favorite!). Plus, your guide usually brings you to local spots you wouldn't find on your own, and gives you insight to the citys history, culture and culinary scene.
So if youre interested in food especially Mexican food (Tucsons pride and joy!), you might want to consider adding a food tour into your itinerary.
There are two companies that run highly-rated food tours in Tucson:
Tucson Food Tours
Taste of Tucson
Weve taken food tours all around the world, and wish we had time to take one on our trip to Tucson. Guess weve gotta save something for our next trip, right?!
20. Hang out in Mercado San Agustin
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This square just west of downtown has a collection of high-end boutiques, produce vendors, artisans and eateries surrounding a pretty courtyard. We were there on a rainy day (a rare occurrence in Tucson!), but with nice weather, this would be a prime spot to wander and grab a bite.
Insider Tip: We were told that Seis Kitchen is amazing, and La Estrella Bakery also looks really good. Try them out and let us know what you think!
21. Eat a flight of Ice Cream
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Can I confess something? I have an ice cream problem.
Someone once told me, No matter how full you are, theres always room for ice cream because it can fit in all the cracks! And I think Ive taken those words a little too seriously over the years.
This is coming from someone who almost missed the last train of the day in a tiny Italian village because I *needed* to get gelato. And someone who has (successfully) completed more than one ice cream eating challenge.
So lets just say you should consider me something of an expert on the topic of ice cream.
When I heard about the ice cream flights (yes flights!) at The Screamery, I told Ben we had to make it part of our itinerary.
And when I found out it was right across the street from our hotel as well as another highly rated ice cream shop (Hub), I told him we better go to both. Ya know, in order to research as many flavors as possible.
The Screamery: Tons of unique flavors to choose from, reasonable prices, and the option to have a flight!
Flavors we loved: Sweet Cream Honeycomb and Rough at Sea
Hub: A little more expensive, less choices, and no ice cream flight option (dang it!). But still seriously good ice cream.
Flavors we loved: Queen Bee and Mexican Hot Chocolate
Overall, theyre both really good choices. I think the ice cream was pretty similar in quality, so choose the one that has flavors youre more excited about.
22. Sample the best Craft Beer in Tucson
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While not exactly the level of craft beer scene youll find in Portland, Tucson has a decent amount of breweries in town.
If youre a purveyor of craft brews (were right there with ya!), here are a few breweries youll want to check out:
Dragoon Brewing Company: Open warehouse-style brewery with a great selection of all kinds of brews. We sampled a flight here, and it was our favorite beer of the breweries we visited in Tucson, but a bit outside the center of town.
Barrio Brewing Co.: Rustic-chic brewery close to downtown with happy hour specials.
Public Brewhouse: Tucked in a dark alleyway, they brew a mean Belgian Dubbel. Worth a stop if youre exploring 4th Ave. Seems to be a pretty new spot, and popular with locals.
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Pueblo Vida: Small, hip spot downtown with lots of unique fruit-forward IPAs and complex malty dark pours.
Gentle Bens Brewing: We wanted to visit this brewery just because of the name! Well, that, and it looks like they have some good brews!
Crooked Tooth Brewing Co.: Highly rated brews with a typical brick wall interior. Flights come on a skateboard!
Borderlands Brewing Company: German Chocolate Cake Porter, need I say more Okay I will: female head brewmaster, daily food trucks, & massive murals on the wall.
Iron Johns Brewing Company: Fantastic micro-brewery with crazy concoctions in the heart of downtown.
23. Soak up some speakeasy vibes
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Weve been on a speakeasy kick lately. And Ive gotta say, Tucson has a few great options if youre looking for handcrafted cocktails, and a mysterious, 1920s-esque atmosphere.
The Independent Distillery: Pre-prohibition style bar serving their own spirits and enticing cocktails.
Surly Wench Pub: Good for a couple of drinks in what they call an industrial goth bar. The vibe we got was new-age biker bar but apparently the burgers are good.
Club Congress: Throw on your shiniest flapper dress and striped suit and step back in time to this historic bar. Not only do they host the best 1920s themed parties, they have a jammed-pack event calendar including rock bands, cabarets, free yoga and stand-up comics.
Tough Luck Club: In the basement of Reilly Craft Pizza (an old funeral home!), youll find this cozy cocktail bar. Oh, and outside is a beer garden if you prefer a more casual vibe.
24. Tequila toast at JW Marriott
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When in the Arizona desert it only seems right to have some tequila! And do you know what the best kind of tequila is?
FREE tequila!
Now that Ive got your attention, lets talk about how to get that free tequila, shall we?
The JW Marriott is in a stunning location that gives new meaning to the term desert oasis. But even if you dont have the budget to splurge on a $250-per-night room, you can enjoy unrivaled views and a free tequila toast at sundown.
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Simply show up to Salud, the Marriotts on-site bar and restaurant, to take part in their nightly tradition of raising a (complementary) shot of tequila and share the legend behind the classic Mexican cheers, arriba, abajo, al central, en dentro.
And of course as soon as the story is over, everyone gathered there is invited to raise their glasses and make a toast as the sun sets. Tequila is passed around at 5:30 p.m., so be sure to arrive a bit earlier to get a seat by a firepit and enjoy the view.
And if you feel so inclined, try one of their specialty handcrafted cocktails or order your liquor straight up from their selection of more than 150 tequilas. Who knew there were so many tequilas?!
25. Mezcal Tasting
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Tequila gets a lot of hype in the US; but in Mexico, people are all about the mezcal!
We learned a lot about mezcal during our travels in Oaxaca, and have been really interested in tequilas smokier cousin ever since.
Whether youre a mezcal connoisseur or youve never heard of the stuff until now, doing a mezcal tasting is a great way to learn more about Mexicos favorite spirit.
While theyre best known for coffee, each Thursday starting at 7 p.m., Exo Coffee hosts an hour-long mezcal tasting at their onsite bar.
While sipping on samples of several high quality mezcal (they have a collection of more than 150 mezcals!), proprietor Doug Smith walks guests through everything youve ever wanted to know about this liquor. This informational tasting costs $20 and reservations are not necessary.
And if Thursday doesnt work for you, tastings are also offered Wednesdays and Sundays between 6 - 9 p.m. for $25. For these tastings, you must make a reservation in advance.
If youre not interested in a full tasting, you can always come during their bar hours to enjoy beer, wine, or mezcal cocktails. They have a great happy hour from 6 - 8 p.m., where cocktails are just $5, and beer and wine are $1 off.
26. Get your giggle on at a comedy show
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Weve realized that comedy clubs almost always guarantee a night of fun! Plus, its a great way to spend an evening in a new city, and most big(ish) towns around the world have at least one comedy club.
Tucson is no exception. There are a handful of comedy clubs, but it seems that Laffs gets the biggest national names in stand-up, so we decided it would be a good way to spend our Friday night.
We gave the address of Laffs to our Uber drive and had no idea what to expect, but when we pulled up to a strip mall on the outskirts of suburbia, we were a little surprised.
And when we walked inside, we soon realized this no-frills club was not going to win us over on atmosphere. So we crossed our fingers that at least the show would be good
Lets just say that we were clutching our stomachs from laughing so hard for the next 90 minutes!
Weve been to enough comedy shows to know its not as much about the atmosphere as it is about the people on stage. The comics themselves are what are going to make the experience belly-hurts-from-laughing-so-hard good or just alright.
Theres always the off-chance that youll hate the comedians style of humor (which has happened to us in a comedy club with a top-notch atmosphere!).
We were at Laffs on a night with great talent, and hopefully youll catch a great line-up as well! Our advice is to read up on the comedian who is performing to see if youll like their style, or just show up with an open mind and ready for a laugh!
And dont worry, you wont go hungry or thirsty. There is a long list of cocktails with quirky names, a small selection of beer, and a menu of pub food and snacks.
Laffs has a handful of shows each week:
Thursdays: 8 p.m. Open Mic, free show!
Friday: 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.
Saturday: 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.
General Seating: $12.50
Preferred Seating: $17.50
You can pay in advance, or you can make a reservation but pay at the door.
Check out their schedule to see upcoming shows.
Psst! If youre into improv or are looking for a family-friendly comedy show, Unscrewed Theater might be more your scene.
27. Spend the evening at a Film Bar
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Check Casa Film Bar's Facebook Page for New Showings
Looking for something fun and lowkey to do at night in Tucson? Oh, we have got just the idea for you!
Combine craft beer, food trucks and movies (three of our favorite things!), and youre in for a great time. Youll find this magical combo at Casa Film Bar, which is something of a local secret.
Essentially a bar inside a video rental store, come on a weekend night and youll be able to enjoy a movie showing with a craft brew (or wine or coffee).
They play films ranging from 90s classics, like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, to little-known indie films, to brand new Oscar nominees (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was playing while we were there, just 6 months after being released in theaters).
Casa Film Bar Schedule:
Films & rotating food trucks: Thursday, Fridays & Saturdays (check their Facebook page for showtimes and to see which food truck will be there).
Smartphone Trivia: Tuesdays from 7 - 9 p.m. (free to play & winners get prizes)
Food Truck only: Sundays 6 - 8 p.m., Pop's Hot Chicken is the Sunday evening staple
Not only will you be supporting one of the few standing video rental stores left, but youll be able to check out a local hot spot and have an all around good evening!
28. Live Music in Tucson
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While Tucson certainly wont make the cut for top live music cities in the US, that doesnt mean you should give up hope on catching a performance. In fact, as we wandered around downtown and along 4th Ave, we heard more bands performing than we could count!
From hipster bars to honky tonks, and century-old theaters to swanky resort patios, youll have plenty of choices when it comes to choosing a spot to catch some tunes.
Here are some of the venues in Tucson that regularly host live music:
Thunder Canyon Brewery: Large brewery downtown that hosts live music.
La Cocina: This restaurant has a large menu and an even bigger patio, complete with cafe lights and live music on the weekends.
Club Congress: Its hard to beat the atmosphere youll find in Club Congress, though most acts that come through here require you buy a ticket in advance.
Ches Lounge: Yummy cocktails and beer with an outdoor patio and stage for music.
Exo Coffee: Not just a coffee shop, Exo also has a mezcal bar and hosts live music most weekend nights!
Hacienda Del Sols Terraza: If you prefer your live music with a side of class and a bottle of fine wine, the patio at Hacienda del Sol is a good place to catch some jazz or classical tunes as the sun sets.
29. Nightlife on 4th Ave
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Being that this street sits directly between the university campus and downtown, it draws a young student crowd as well as a mix of young professionals and tourists. And lemme tell ya: It comes alive at night!
You can find all sorts of quirky bars, restaurants of all kinds, cafes with poetry readings, and shops selling everything from cowboy boots to hippy garb.
Walk down 4th Ave and pop into any establishment that strikes your fancy.
30. Brunch in Tucson
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Need a pick-me-up after a big night out on 4th Ave? Lucky for you, Tucson has some amazing brunch options thatll get you feeling like yourself in no time!
Insider Tip: If youre looking for a kickass Bloody Mary to start your day, Elliotts on Congress is where youll want to go. Their infused vodkas make a great base for the drink, and if you like spicy, order the Habanero Bloody for a real wake up call!
And even if youre not hungover, who doesnt love a good brunch?
Seasonal fruit, eggs, flaky pastries fresh outta the oven, housemade jam youre speaking my language! Oh, and we cant forget about the mimosas and bloody Marys.
Tucson has a healthy variety of brunch spots that are sure to strike your fancy:
Prep and Pastry
Cup Cafe
Baja Cafe
Five Points Market
Cafe a La CArt
Art, Culture & History in Tucson
For lovers of all things art, history and culture, theres no shortage of ways to fill up your time in Tucson. Were sharing some of the top things to do if you want to delve into this citys history and art scene.
31. Hunt for Street Art!
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Tucsons street art scene is off the hook!
Ermmm do people even say off the hook anymore? Im going to assume no, but still, you know what I mean.
Youll notice colorful murals covering the sides of buildings all over town. Depictions range from desert scenes, to whales and fish, to cultural references, to random but pretty paintings of birds
You really wont have to make much of an effort to spot murals around town, but if you want some direction, here are some of our personal favorite murals in Tucson (and their location pins):
Whale mural by Joe Pagac
Goddess of Agave
Greetings from Tucson Postcard
Girl in Barrio Viejo (Across the street from El Tiradito)
Girl by Charro del Rey
32. Visit Mission San Xavier del Bac
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One of Tucsons most iconic buildings, the Mission San Xavier del Bac is a not only a historic landmark, but it also still operates as a church to this day. If you happen to visit on a Sunday, you might just see a church service taking place.
This building is a beautiful example of 18th-century architecture, and has been nicknamed the White Dove of the Desert. As you wander around the mission and church property, youll notice influences of Renaissance, Byzantine and Mexican architecture styles.
If youre interested in hearing about the churchs history, consider taking a guided tour. They are free to join and dont require making a reservation. Simply show up at the museum entrance to join in this 45-minute tour. Tours run quite frequently, but timing depends on the season. Check here for tour hours.
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Feeling hungry? If you happen to be visiting Mission San Xavier del Bac on a weekend, keep your eyes peeled for food vendors from the Tohono Oodham Nation who often sell frybread tacos in the open-air market space just across from the mission.
Frybread is pretty much just what it sounds like, a dough (sort of similar in appearance to naan) that has been deep fried to golden deliciousness. This traditional Native American staple is then topped with different ingredients, either sweet or savory.
Weve tried frybread tacos once before, and theyre really tasty. Theyre not all that easy to find in most places, so do yourself a favor and try one while youre at the mission!
Mission San Xavier del Bac Hours:
Hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cost: Free, donations welcome
Insider Tip: If you arrive in Tucson at a reasonable hour and arent too tired, wed recommend heading straight to Mission San Xavier from the airport, as its quite close (and a bit out of the way to come from downtown Tucson). Alternatively, you could stop for a quick visit before heading to the airport on your way out of Tucson.
33. Visit the historic Hotel Congress
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It might seem strange that we have a hotel on our list of things to do, but hear us out...
Nestled right in the center of downtown, Hotel Congress is the stuff of local legends. Built just after the turn of the 20th century, it was here that John Dillinger, an infamous American gangster during the Great Depression era, was arrested and brought to jail.
Although he later escaped, Tucsonians take great pride in the fact that Dillinger, a prolific bank robber, was caught in their city. They are so proud, in fact, that there is an annual celebration and recreation of these events which takes place each year in mid-January (we were actually there for it!).
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Hotel Congress still retains its quirky, colorful, historic charm. And walking into the lobby feels as if youve stepped back in time. Grab a drink at one of the many onsite bars, or catch a concert at Club Congress. And if you want to spend the night, the historic rooms are cozy, however, there is a caveat...
Our honest opinion: We stayed at Hotel Congress during our trip to Tucson, and while we would definitely recommend stopping in for a drink and checking it out, we would not advise staying here unless youre in Tucson to party.
They dont try to hide the fact that this hotel gets loud like really loud at night. There are even ear plugs in each room. Lets just say we did not sleep very well during our entire 3 nights in Tucson.
Interesting Fact: It is said that Hotel Congress is haunted! While were not ones to really believe these things, we did have a very weird experience where our closet door swung open suddenly. And at night, the 2nd floor where we were staying smelled like smoke from a fire. Spooky...
34.DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun
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If youre an art buff, the DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun makes an interesting stop. This is a gallery dedicated to the works of one man: Ettore Ted DeGrazia.
Dont worry, I hadnt heard of him either; but DeGrazia is pretty well-known in Arizona.
So who is Ettore DeGrazia? Well, heres the short version:
DeGrazia was born into a family of Italian immigrants who lived in a mining camp in rural Arizona. Ettore later enrolled at the University of Arizona, and created a life around his passion: art.
In adulthood, he married (twice) and bought a 10-acre plot of land in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains which would become both his home and gallery.
His works were underappreciated for many years until his oil painting Los Nios was selected by UNICEF to be printed on a 1960 holiday card, which sold millions worldwide. DeGrazias fame spread during the next decade, drawing hundreds of thousands of visitors to his gallery each year.
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Visiting the Gallery in the Sun
A visit to the Gallery in the Sun will leave you in awe at the sheer amount of artwork DeGrazia created in his lifetime. The museum has a rotating collection of more than 15,000 DeGrazia originals! Anyone else wondering how he had enough hours in the day to make all of this?!
DeGrazia liked using all different mediums. Youll see oils, watercolors, sketches and even pottery on display. And another impressive fact is that the gallery was designed by DeGrazia himself.
When you visit the Gallery in the Sun, not only will you see DeGrazias artwork, but youll also be able to walk through his home and his private chapel, both of which are on the property.
Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., daily
Cost: $8 for adults, $5 for ages 12-18, children under 12 are free
35. Wander the gardens at Tohono Chul
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Hailed as one of the countrys best botanical gardens by Travel + Leisure, Tohono Chul is popular with locals and visitors alike. Covering nearly 50 acres, this is said to be a place where nature, art, and culture connect.
But were not gonna gloss over the fact that when we visited in mid-January, there wasnt all that much to see due to the transition of seasons.
Wed imagine during other times of the year, there are more things to see. Weve heard March is particularly beautiful with the desert flowers starting to bloom. They also host occasional live music and other events throughout the year.
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Our Opinion: Before planning your visit, wed do some research to see if it will be worthwhile during the season in which youre visiting. Perhaps between the months of March and May there would be more to see, as the desert flowers are in bloom during this time.
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 .p.m.
Cost: Adults - $15, Children (5-12) - $6, Children under 5 - Free, Seniors (62+) - $13
36. Explore Barrio Viejo
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Translating to old neighborhood, Barrio Viejo is just that: a section of Tucson that still has old charm. Sometimes called the real "soul" of Tucson, you can drive around and see colorful Spanish Colonial architecture and find authentic Mexican restaurants.
While some parts of the neighborhood are lively, there are other sections that have a run-down feeling.
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We drove around Barrio Viejo for a while trying to find some of the beautiful, colorful adobe houses we had seen pictures of.
So to point you in the right direction (and minimize your time spent driving around in circles like we did!), here are some points of interest in Barrio Viejo (Note: please be respectful in this neighborhood because people do live here):
Colorful houses on S Meyer Ave and W Kennedy St (and further south on Meyer Ave until 22nd St)
El Tiradito Shrine (described below)
El Minuto Cafe: Mexican restaurant next to El Tiradito
The Coronet: brunch and late night food
Five Points Market & Restaurant: cute and lively brunch spot
Cafe Desta: popular Ethiopian restaurant
37. Visit El Tiradito Shrine
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If youre exploring the Barrio Viejo neighborhood, make a quick visit to the El Tiradito Shrine. Stopping here only requires a few minutes and to the naked eye its nothing too special.
It is scattered with candles, flowers, and images of saints. But this is no ordinary shrine, folks. And once you know the legend behind this shrine, its kind of an interesting place to see.
Nicknamed the wishing shrine, El Tiradito is the USs only Catholic shrine dedicated to a.... wait for it SINNER! Scandalous, I know. But thats not even the crazy part.
Heres the short version of the legend of Juan Oliveras, the man who is buried beneath El Tiradito Shrine: Juan, a young ranch-hand, is married to his bosss daughter, but soon becomes infatuated with his mother-in-law (yep, you read that right), and makes a move. The two carry on an affair, which is eventually busted by the husband/father-in-law/boss. Ouch!
He gets so angry that he kills Juan right there before escaping to Mexico, where he is later murdered. The wife allegedly kills herself, and after all this horrifying drama and death, the daughter (who, by the way, we should mention is pregnant with Juans child) hangs herself as well.
It is said that Juan is buried beneath El Tiradito, a shrine that people visit for all different reasons. Some come out of sheer curiosity about the legend and others see it on a things to do in Tucson list, like this one!
But there is another group of people who come to this spot: Those who empathize with Juan and have similar love triangles in their own lives. It is said that if you write your wish on a piece of paper and have good intentions, it will come true.
Just behind the shrine is a crumbling brick wall, and if you look closely, youll see scraps of paper stuffed in the holes between bricks, many of which are wishes from past visitors.
This shrine was almost demolished when the city was building a new highway, but people in the community fought to preserve it. Perhaps they want to protect history, or maybe some people are protecting their wishes!
38. Step back in time at Old Tucson
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Old Tucson | Photo Credit: My Mom ;)
Walk through what looks like a scene straight out of a John Wayne film, and watch as actors from the Wild West perform demonstrations and stunts.
Old Tucson is an amusement park of sorts, complete with a town hall, a saloon and a haunted mine, like all good Western desert towns have.
We didnt have enough time to visit Old Tucson during our weekend trip, and to be honest, it didnt really seem like our type of place. However, if youre looking for things to do in Tucson with kids, this could be a fun activity for a family.
Be sure to look up the schedule of events to time your visit right.
Cost: Adults: $21.95, Children (4-11): $10.95, Children under 4: Free
Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (times may change seasonally)
Best Tucson Weekend Itinerary
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Are you overwhelmed with the massive list we just gave you?
Dont worry, were going to help you pare it down a bit. Below, weve listed some highlights you can choose from based on your travel style:
If you love the outdoors:
Visit Saguaro National Park
Hike to Seven Falls in Sabino Canyon
Drive up to Mount Lemmon and stop on the way for hikes and lookout points
Explore Romero Ruins in Catalina
If youre traveling with kids in Tucson:
Do the Classic Tour at Colossal Cave
Sonoran Desert Museum
Go horseback riding
Order an ice cream flight at The Screamery
Visit Old Tucson
If youre into food:
Eat a Sonoran Dog
Check out our list of top Mexican food and try as many as you can!
Have a leisurely brunch
Order an ice cream flight at The Screamery
Go on a Tucson food tour
Try a vegan Mexican meal at Tumerico
If youre an art & culture lover:
Check out the Degrazia Gallery in the Sun
Explore Barrio Viejo and visit El Tiradito Shrine
Visit Tohono Chul botanical gardens (if the time of year is right)
Spend an evening at Casa Film Bar
Visit the Tucson Museum of Art
If youre into nightlife:
Tequila toast at the JW Marriot at sunset
Go brewery hopping
Scope out some live music
Grab a drink at Hotel Congress
Head to 4th Ave after dark for a night on the town
Do a mezcal tasting
If youre on a budget:
Do the scenic drive to Mount Lemmon
Go on a scavenger hunt to find as much street art as you can!
Watch sunset at A Hill with a view over Tucson
Have a picnic lunch
If youre craving adventure:
Go mountain biking
Go horseback riding
Book the Ladder or Wild Cave Tour at Colossal Cave
Hike to Seven Falls in the Sabino Canyon
Best time to visit Tucson, Arizona
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Tucson is a great destination year round, however it can get quite hot in the summertime (albeit a dry heat). June is the hottest month in Tucson, with average highs soaring to 103F (40C). Yikes!
For the most comfortable temperatures, plan your trip to Tucson between mid-September and mid-May.
Even during December (Tucsons coldest month), the average temperature hovers just above 50F (10C) and it rarely dips below freezing. This weather will feel downright balmy to anyone from the Midwest (peace out Polar Vortex!).
Being that Tucson is smack dab in the middle of the desert, there is little chance that rain will ruin your vacation (unless youre traveling during the monsoon season of July and August). We arrived in Tucson on a rare rainy day, but by the next morning, most of the puddles had evaporated and there wasnt a cloud to be seen!
Another thing to keep in mind about this desert city is that temperatures can drop drastically from midday to evening. Be sure to pack layers to keep warm during the nights.
When Do the Desert Flowers Bloom?
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It depends on the plant, but the flowering season is from mid-February to mid-June, with the biggest blooms peaking from mid-March to late April. Each year is different depending on rainfall, freezing temperatures during the winter, and springtime weather during the growing season.
Where to Stay in Tucson
Most of the time when were visiting a city, we like staying downtown so we can walk places and be near all the major sights. But depending on your interests, Tucson is a place where wed actually say you dont need to stay in the city center. As you can see from reading our massive list of things to do, many of Tucson's major attractions are on the outskirts of the city.
Weve rounded up some recommended Tucson hotels and Airbnbs below, with a mix of locations in the city as well as some that are a literal desert oasis.
Hotels in Tucson, Arizona
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JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort
In the foothills of Tucsons Mountain Park, sits the massive JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort. With easy access to Gates Pass and the Western Side of Saguaro National Park, this resort has a great location. It also has 3 golf courses, 4 restaurants (with a daily tequila toast!), and 3 outdoor pools, you can really enjoy your stay in Tucson.
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Azure Gate B&B
Located in NE Tucson, this charming B&B is a quick drive to the Sabino Canyon Recreation Area or the East Side of Saguaro National Park. Included in each stay is daily ( breakfast, an onsite pool, and free parking.
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Hotel McCoy - Art, Coffee, Beer, Wine
This modern hotel is perfect for a couple or a family who wants to stay a little bit outside of downtown. There are murals everywhere (check out the pictures!), an excellent staff, and a daily continental breakfast.
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Hotel Congress
If youre looking to stay downtown, Hotel Congress has an unrivaled location. Add to that its historic charm, and you might be ready to book. However, we would be remiss if we didnt mention that this hotel is directly above a club, and it can get incredibly loud on weekend nights.
So loud, in fact, that the hotel provides guests with ear plugs. If that doesnt scare you away, then you might love staying at this historic property.
Airbnbs in Tucson
There are tons of amazing Airbnb options in Tucson. Overall, they are very reasonably priced, and some even have pools. Just take a look at some of the Airbnbs we hand-selected for you!
Insider Tip: Find out how we set our Airbnb filters to find the best properties anywhere in the world!
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'Case Study' Guest House: Charming guest house and hosts. Youll have the entire place yourself with a full kitchen and a rain shower in the bathroom. Southeast of Downtown. Check Availability here.
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Historic 4th Ave Herbie House: Beautiful studio apartment in the 4th Avenue Neighborhood. Close to bars, restaurants and the metro stops. Check Availability here.
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Sonoran Desert Retreat: This inexpensive but lovely place is located in the Catalina Foothills close to shops and restaurants. This would be perfect for a couple looking to get away from the busyness of town. Check Availability here.
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Self Check in Airbnb - Near I-10: This cheap Airbnb is located in the northern suburbs of Tucson and is great for a solo travel or a couple wanting to mountain bike the local tracks. Its a small, clean studio, but it has everything you need for a basic stay. Check Availability here.
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Tucson Poet's Studio: This Santa Fe Style studio comes with a beehive corner fireplace and a small lounging outdoor pool. Its pretty close to central Tucson just a few blocks east of the university, so its a great location for exploring. Check Availability here.
Psst! Is it your first time using Airbnb? Follow this link and well give you $55 off Airbnb!
Getting Around Tucson
While Tucson itself is a relatively small city, youve probably noticed that most of the major attractions are outside the center. In order to be able to see the best things to do in Tucson, you really do need a car to get around.
Rental Car
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If youre flying into Tucson, you can pick up your rental car at the airport. We usually reserve cars through RentalCars.com because we have used them before and they have the best deals for rental cars. When searching I found deals around $36 per day for a standard sedan, which is all you would need in Tucson.
However, this time, we tried reserving our rental car through our American Express Platinum card and we found the same cars for about $23 per day! This saved us about $40 over the 3 days we were visiting Tucson. Head to this article if you want to learn more about the travel credit cards we use to get free or discounted travel.
When driving in Tucson: Be aware that some areas have speed traps enforced by cameras, so keep an eye on your odometer.
Uber or Lyft
If you plan to have a few beverages out on the town, dont risk driving. Instead, order an Uber to get you where you need to go. Downtown Tucson is not that big so rides are pretty cheap.
In Tucson there is a Light Rail metro line called the SunLink that connects University of Arizona to the 4th Ave District to Downtown (Centro) and finally to the Mercado District including Mercado San Agustin.
For a single one-way fare it costs $1.75, but you can purchase a 1-Day SunGO ticket for $4.50 which is good for 24 hours.
What to pack for a trip to Tucson
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Camelback (if you think youll be hiking a lot)
Daypack for hikes
Chacos or other hiking shoes that wont get too hot
Closed toe shoes (for horseback riding or mountain biking)
Layers (it gets cold at night and hot during the day)
Swim suit (if your hotel has a pool)
Reusables: Weve been kind of living in a bubble in Oregon where plastic bags are banned and many establishments encourage you to bring your own reusables, or provide a somewhat eco-friendly option (like wooden utensils and paper straws).
While many Tucson restaurants and accommodations, like Charro Vida, Boca Tacos y Tequila and Hotel Congress, offer eco-friendly options, there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to reducing unnecessary waste (just like many other cities around the U.S.).
We had our reusables packed (as we always do!) which helped a bit, but it was still a challenge.
Responsible Travel Tip: Pack your reusables (listed below), and eat inside restaurants as much as possible to avoid waste like styrofoam and plastic utensils.
Its difficult to avoid it altogether, but wed recommend bringing the following to help you reduce the waste you create:
Coffee tumbler
Utensil set (great for picnics!)
Reusable straws
Reusable bag (one that stuffs up like this is great!)
Water bottle
For more tips on how to reduce your waste while traveling, check out our article on 18 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Use Everyday.
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Going to Tucson soon? Share this Article on Pinterest!
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We want to hear from you!
Are you planning a trip to Tucson? What things are on the top of your list? Do you have any additional questions for us? Write to us in the comments below and well do our best to get back to you!
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/38-fun-things-to-do-in-tucson-arizona
0 notes
lebilliam · 7 years
Hey sirmcartney asked me to do this
I’d rather be doing this over my school ish anyways :’)
Ask me some questions!
3 Fears: Ghosts :((( , fat insects , failing stuff 
3 things I love: i fukin love talking to my friends and hanging out , listening to music that i havent heard in forever, and that post workout glow 
2 turns on: i can send them memes :) , i can laugh and not give a heck with them
2 turns off: i cant send them memes :( , being mean to me (im sensitive af)
My best friend: zoo wee this is a hard one but id prob say logan or brian or adam or morgan or alex. take ur pick. (morgan and logan tbh)
Sexual orientation: str8 
How tall am I: 5′9″ according to my ID
What do I miss right now: intimacy
Favourite color: orange!!!!!
Do I have a crush: ;)
Favourite place: currently ive been digging the imagination room
What am I listening to right now: affection // Cigarettes After Sex
Shoe size: it varies on the brand but normally 9.5 or 10? idk im bad
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black 
Meaning behind my URL: its bc i wanted a recognizable alias that i could use across platforms 
Favourite song: i always say liztomania by phoenix
Favourite band: Maroon 5 fanboy here but ive been a fan of Cigarettes after Sex for a while now
How I feel right now: STRESSED and ANGERY
Someone I love: myself (kinda)
My current relationship status: 
My relationship with my parents: we dont really talk that much but good i think?
Favourite season: oof i like the heat but im gonna say winter bc i get to be emo and i can go walk on fresh snow 
Tattoos and piercing i have: none atm
Tattoos and piercing i want: hmmm idk if i want anything big but i always thought the track shoe/wing thing would be nice
The reasons I joined Tumblr: all my friends had it so i thought i would be cool if i made one
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: i have gotten some before and i appreciate them 
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: the last person i texted? surprisingly no
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: depends if i shower but i can get going in ~4-5 minutes
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: nope!
Where am I right now?: imagination room!
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? hell yea who doesnt
Do I live with my Mom and Dad? not atm im chillin #dormlife
Am I excited for anything?: excited for the weekend
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? hell to the yea of course
How often do I wear a fake smile?: everytime i feel weird around people idk usually i wouldnt say i smile that much unless im gooning 
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: I believe that the world will introduce me to people when i need it (lame answer: idk anyone but maybe like my friends’ friends)
What do I think about most? this week it’s been the french essay i had to write but overall i think about being appreciated 
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? id be on both sides if i could but if i had to pick one id totally be in front
What was the last lie I told? oh haha i dont know (but i do know)
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? PHONE CALLS
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Hell yea what else am i supposed to be afraid of. aliens are super cool man of course i think theyre real
Do I believe in magic? NOPE! but theres been some crazy magic tricks where i almost believe but then i see the “how it’s done” video for it
Do I believe in luck? hell yea of course! why would it not exist? 
What’s the weather like right now? ughgh it’s disappointingly hot 
What was the last book I’ve read? Huis Clos by Jean Paul Sartre (i had to read it for class but it really is a great work of art)
Do I have any nicknames? B, Lil B(ones i have heard the most) Billiam, Broletariate Biu (my mom calls me that), (billy bear is an old one and i dont know why they ever used it in the first place), goomph, toad, frog, ugly ass, nerd, dork, dingus
Do I spend money or save it? i spend it haha kms i really need to save more efficiently
Can I touch my nose with a tounge?: nope just tried and looked like a fool
Favourite animal? oof i want to say dogs but thats basic but dogs are so loving like i dont get it how do they do it
What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: i was up and i was emo. jk i was hanging out and watching bad Freshman xxl cyphers
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Get Low by lil Jon or Faded (the remix) or change your mind by the killers. im gonna go ahead and say that change your mind gets my shit hyped UP
What is my favorite word? satiation
My top 5 blogs on tumblr: idk if im going to be honest i dont really use tumblr that much for personal blogs but i do love foodporn, til, ruined childhood
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? love each other. 
Do I have any relatives in jail? i dont think so? oh jk theyre not really a relative but they’re a close family friend’s relative
Had sex? ye
Bought condoms? ye
Gotten pregnant? cant really say that i have :p
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? yes
Had job? yep! summer job at the zoo which was cool af
Smoked weed? once or twice 
Smoked cigarettes? never.nope.disgusting
Drank alcohol? yes
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? i tried being vegetarian for a bit but then i wasnt eating enough red meat
Been overweight? as a kid i feel like i was overly big but now that i think about it i dont think i was fat
Been underweight? definitely
Gotten my heart broken? homeboy who hasnt?
Been to prom? yeep
Been in airplane? yeep
Learned another language? heck yes! english kek and im in the process of learning french. i tried learning lithuanian after a life changing experience. 
Wore make up? surprisingly no
Dyed my hair? nope! i dont want to bleach my hair
Had a surgery? uhhh does laser surgery count? bc ive had 3 so far and i might have more
Met someone famous? every time i walk by a mirror ;) jk i met the senator of WA and the mayor of Tacoma a couple times
Stalked someone on a social network? pfft hell yes
Been fishing? yep! it’s always an experience
Been rejected by a crush? rip me yes
What do I want for birthday? i want to have a nice get together with friends where we do stuff that i dont have to pay for (but i dont think thats how life works anymore)
Do I like my handwriting? I love it in pen and when i hit my ecrivain stride, but otherwise when my hands get sweaty its just a fkin mess 
Where do I want to live when older? i’ve always said paris, but zaragoza spain wouldnt be too bad!
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? yea boi
What I’m really bad at: believing in myself 
What my greatest achievments are: i was a smart kid in elementary! i got some awards for getting good grades and i went to a competitive thing for piano once and i placed a couple times in some random races ive run
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: oof i dont want to really relive that experience
What I’d do if I won in a lottery: id ask /r/personalfinance 
What do I like about myself: id like to think im gaining/losing healthy weight
My closest Tumblr friend: on tumblr?? idk i said i dont really use tumblr for friends but i’d probably say memequeen or sirmccartney
Any question you’d like? when am i going to meet up with my RA? no one knows idk i forgot about our meeting and hes really cool about rescheduling so i might do it this saturday
Are you outgoing or shy? it really depends on how im feeling but id like to think im pretty outgoing!
What kind of people are you attracted to? NICE FRIENDly people who can laugh. laughing is important to me
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? personally i think yes
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? nope!
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? @thoseloverseyes most def
What does the most recent text that you sent say? “haha and then what ;)” jk it says” thank”
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? boy oh boy am i not ready for this question. Id think “this love, maroon 5″, humble (its a bop), “the air that i breathe, “open - rhye”, and rollin by calvin harris or this house by japaense breakfast idk the last one always changes
Do you like it when people play with your hair? i had a weird experience once but idk i think im willing to let other people touch my hair? not a fan 
Do you think there is life on other planets?of course. this topic is not up for debate. just bc our defition of life has not been found that does not mean that there is not life in other places where we are either 1) not looking or 2) life that we cant recognize due to our weird weird obsession with water like life does not have to use water as a conduit for essential functions
well that was fun and id say it took some time. it def got me feeling better about life. 7.8/10 i would do it again but im sweaty af from this hot ass room
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mangosteen · 7 years
tag game oh dang
Oh daaaang I was tagged by @vodka-aunt-coran thank u emma ily
Nickname: Fi is my nickname!!! I’m also called Fififwekjgsssdfsdfeswahfkwfhkfawk, Lance, Finn, Fi... fi... fuh...... (how do you pronounce that name? sorry. alright), Slut Queen, Princess Fiona from Shrek, etc. etc.
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Height: 5′2″ d-d-d-d-dang I’m tiny
Last thing you googled: two point perspective photography (i was lookin for references bc I’m a busy art student I’m so tired help me)
Favorite music artist: (there’s a BUNCH of different ones holy fuck) Shawn Wasabi, Anamanaguchi, K.Flay, Kero Kero Bonito, she, The Orion Experience, Lullatone, Porter Robinson, Madeon, etc. BASICALLY anything that keeps me dancing and keeps my energy up
Song stuck in my head: Spicy Boyfriend by Shawn Wasabi??? I’m still not over it??? it’s STILL SO GOOD??
Last movie you watched: fuckin......... i can’t remember??? I’m gonna see Power Rangers later on tho.... because its the holidays and i have SOME free time (I say with a sketchbook in front of me ehehehehhhheeghhh)
What are you wearing right now: A hogwarts pyjama vest, leggings, and a bathrobe
Why did you choose your URL: fuck if i know, my friend my buddy my pal... I’ve had this url for like 3 or 4 years... I guess its bc its my name??? and it sounded ok???
Do you have any other blogs: I mean I have a couple of saved urls, which i MIGHT do something with if I have free time... I have my bismuth blog @relatablepicturesof-bismuth which i basically dont use rn because I barely have the time to keep up with SU, my aesthetic blog @mangosteen which I’ll probably change the url for bc ITS A GOOD URL AND DESERVES BETTER... i’ll use it for another blog ig its just too good. AND MY ART BLOG @fi-kelly
What did your last relationship teach you? i’ve never been in a serious relationship lmfao I mean I’ve had a thousand other things to deal with and a LOT of emotional growing to do back then, so i guess I was never ready and didnt really know the right people I wanted to date??? shruggo lmfao Ive HAD crushes and stuff but I always knew better bc I’d either be outed if I dated a girl and all the guys are assholes in my old college lmao but I GUESS in previous friendships? it’s okay to stand your ground and if you think someone is fucking you over chances are THEY DEFINITELY ARE AND YOU SHOULD PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE
religious or spiritual: I mean I’m kinda chill on the whole... that... I was raised as a Buddhist and the values that I were taught were GENERALLY... just be a nice person???..... I say.... literally talking about punching someone in the face....... above...... uhhhh.... I mean.... the whole be aware of you place in life and be aware of how you act towards others and understanding balance and stuff like just generally being a nice person, those values stayed w/ me? But I really dont practice so uh
Favorite color: I love ALL colours theyre ALL SO GOOD.... but if I had to choose one I’d have to default with blue because my entire goddamn room is so fucking blue. Like a... turquoise or a somewhat aqua blue
Average hours of sleep: It’s been fluctuating like hell... When I’m super busy I have to sleep like 5 hours a night but NOW ITS THE HOLIDAYS I pass out for like 10 hours of sweet unbroken sleep
Lucky number: I hate maths I’m an art student what the fuck is an algebra
Favorite characters: *THAT ONE RIHANNA GIF* (ill just do one from each series I mention bc if not i’ll be here forever) MY ORIGINAL BOY FINN....... GOD.... HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANYTHING SO GOOD IN YOUR LIFE??? All the characters in AT are SO good tho.... I love..... There’s also Lance (wow.... I think I just have a thing abt characters being voiced by Jeremy Shada huh) I mean I gotta say Bismuth from SU because my side blog is ALL HER (even like a year prior to her reveal), Seven from Mystic Messenger, SOKKA!!!! is my BIGGEST fave from the ATLA/LOK series (tho I LOVE all of those characters tbh) ok and also he gets NO love but GERM from NITW??? is great!!! he’s kinda an outsider but he’s super chill and great.... but MAE??? AND GREGG??? AND BEA AND ANGUS AND EVERYONE FROM NITW??? SO GOOD... and if we’re gonna bring video games into it MARU FROM STARDEW VALLEY;;; my WIFE!!! I LOVE HER!!! and from TAZ recently I LOVE all the NPCs (but REN has won me over..... in the 11th hour arc.... roswell is good too..... SLOANE AND HURLEY.......) but my FAVE from the recurring tres horny boys is TAACO... and my fave recurring npc is probably carey fangbattle.... shes badass and loves her geef so much (god i wish that were me) AND I WATCHED A PLAYTHRU OF THE FIRST PHOENIX WRIGHT GAME..... i would DIE for the skye sisters...... also gumshoe,, hes gr9
ok im gonna stop bc I have like a thousand different shows and video games in my head and Im gonna.... .stop... ive typed out too much already hrhrghghhgrh
How many blankets do you sleep with: one thick af duvet and one tiny throw, im content w/ that amount of blankets (tho.... i need more pillows.....I could always use more pillows)
Dream job: *SMASHES THE WINDOW AND RUNS OUT* okay... idk... I really wanna hone my animation skills bc in many aspects im SO bad at it... but I love either writing, directing, or character designing. yeah. its a LOT of work. I know. but I am so fucking prepared my dude. I aint gonna fail this time around lmfao
Ok I am meant.... to tag...... people........ uhhhhh.... my mind is like.... super blank rn........ bc Im still so hungry.... but if anyone wants to do it, just say I tagged you!!!
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
The Great Ace Attorney Replay: Apollo Justice, Case 4 Part 1
Dramatic stuff happened in Ace Attorney and now I'm seven years before the game is set playing as Phoenix in the trial where he got disbarred. It's nice and familiar to be him again even if I know I'm destined to lose.
"They say the new prosecutor is the best ever but there's like one of those every year" haha that's true. Phoenix is so jaded but so correct. Literally every prosecutor introduced in each new game is supposed to be the best prosecutor ever.
u know if Maya was here I am positive this whole thing would have been avoided
she would have been like "Nick maybe lets not assume evidence some random child hands us is real"
or "Nick it's sort of fishy our client is telling us it will be impossible to declare a verdict. like that's kinda weird"
awww i forgot we got to see Gumshoe in this flashback. i missed u. where have u gone.
"Today's the day, pal! I'm gonna win and you're gonna lose!" Well. he's not wrong.
they even switched back to the music from last game for this trial. so retro.
I have to show this evidence even though I know it's fake. but the most amazing thing is they give you a option NOT to show the evidence...and you can click it...then Phoenix shows it anyway. OKAY THEN.
i'm gonna show them my attorney's badge instead of this fake evidence
shockingly this did not work. Phoenix is doomed.
We lost our badge. AND NOW WE'RE IN THE INTERNET. this part is so weird it's like Phoenix is talking directly at the player but if i recall correctly he's actually talking to the jurors. who i guess get to investigate the case using some futuristic technostuff??? who knows.
"And when all the questions have found their answers... ...the final trial will begin. But first, you must chase the truth through then and now. Think of it... as a game." GET IT. SO META.
I'm Phoenix again but i don't have my attorney's badge in the court record anymoooore. NOW WHAT WILL I SHOW PEOPLE. Life has no more meaning.
oh jesus christ it's mike meekins i forgot he was in this part too He doesn't even remember Phoenix? it was literally two years ago. ok. Apparently he's been demoted somehow and is bailiff. Phoenix doesn't care enough to find out what happened.
ok never mind he did ask. he lost his case files three times in four days and they fired him. but he's still wearing his police officers uniform. illegally.
"You know, I think this is the lobby I was in for my very first case. This plant has seen be grow from a rookie, to an ace....to a has-been. I hate you, plant. ...Just kidding." Phoenix. sweetie.I'm sure the plant isn't offended.
"I've seen this painting a bunch of times. I guess I never really looked at it because my head was so stuck in trials. I never had time to stop and appreciate art. I have time now. Ok. Let's appreciate. ....it's pretty lame." PHOENIX. PLEASE. his inner monologue right now is bitter depression central, omg. (this is even more hilarious when you remember he was an art major)
as much as i'm enjoying the Phoenix Wright depression show i should probably go to bed. ttyl!
luci: reading these
i believe in phoenix. maybe he wont lose this time if i believe
Me: ace attorney again. going back to Phoenix's office seven yrs in the past before he just gave up and let it become a complete disaster area.
The whole story with Trucy is just so sad but also really sweet on Phoenix's part. Basically he met her during the trial where he got disbarred because she was his clients daughter. She was also the person who unwittingly gave him the forged evidence- she was like eight and someone else told her to deliver it. But anyway, when Phoenix was framed for forging evidence, her dad just...literally vanished in the middle of court (he was also a magician) and abandoned her with Phoenix.
so now I'm at the office and she's just been staying with Phoenix I guess and he's calling around and finds out she has no living relatives. So he's like "well, you can live with me if you want. Of course if you don't like it we can find somewhere else."
Like how many people would just automatically adopt a random child who was left with them by someone who completely screwed them over. Especially if that child inadvertently cost them their job. But Phoenix doesn't have any resentment about it and realizes she's been abandoned way worse than he has and needs someone and is just like "GUESS I HAVE A CHILD NOW" it's so cute.
Trucy: "So you'll be my family now?" 
Phoenix: "Yeah I guess. (This is so weird)."
 Trucy: "What should I call you" 
Phoenix: Oh. uh. You can call me Nick. I mean, if you ever wanted to, I'm fine with you calling me dad, I mean obviously you don't have to do that right now or anything..."
Trucy: "Okay, daddy!" 
Phoenix: Wow, that was quick.
Trucy: You got fired from work, right, Daddy? Don't worry, I'll work twice as hard. We'll make it through this. 
Phoenix: ...how old are you again, Trucy?
 Trucy: I'm eight! But don't let appearances deceive you. I'm a young professional. Stick with me and you'll do just fine, Daddy! 
Phoenix: Ah. Thanks. (Why do I feel like she's already in charge?)
I love them so much they're so cute.
luci:*reading scrollback*
that sounds cute
id make a reference to the presige but i didnt understand that movie at all
can phoenix adopt me too
Caitlin: there was actually a case in game 6 that was just like the prestige
he seems to at least unofficially adopt everyone younger than him he meets so there's a good possibility he would if he met you
ok time to examine my office again
"My mentor's favorite plant, Charley. I guess watering Charley's my only real job now. WAIT I HAVE A CHILD NOW. SHE'LL PROBABLY NEED MORE THAN WATERING".
awwww so there's that poster in the office and for the last three games he always says something like "this was Mia's favorite movie. apparently it was the first one that made her cry. I'll have to see it sometime."
but now it's "I finally saw that movie after the longest time the other day. Cried my eyes out. " Of course u did.
"...just remembering it is making me tear up right now. ...maybe I should show it to Trucy when she's older.Wait...what was it called again?" too relatable.
luci:  omg this is too cute
"My desk. Not that I have any reason to sit there anymore. Trucy can use it for her homework I guess... Ack! I'm not crying! Just got dust in my eye!" THIS IS SO SAD. SOMEONE GIVE PHOENIX A HUG. MAYA WHERE ARE YOU.
"I actually don't know much about anything besides law. or even much about law, if you ask some people." omg phoenix. i mean u did literally just admit you never read any of these law books.
luci: ffs phoenix
theyre only 3 pages each
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viralhottopics · 7 years
From Joni Mitchell to Laura Marling: how female troubadours changed music
Singing about drugs, politics and disappointment was once seen as a male pursuit and almost half a century after female artists began to defy convention, many are still trying break the mould
In the summer of 1969, Newsweek published an articleunder the headline The Girls Letting Go, charting the burgeoning careers of a group of young musicians it termed a new school of talented female troubadours. They sang about politics, love affairs, the urban landscape, drugs, disappointment, and the life and loneliness of the itinerant performer subjects that, hitherto, had largely been the preserve of male musicians. What is common to them to Joni Mitchell and Lotti Golden, to Laura Nyro, Melanie, and to Elyse Weinberg, the writer, Hubert Saal, observed, are the personalised songs they write, like voyages of self-discovery what they celebrate is the natural, preferring the simple joy to the complex, the artless to the artful and, rather than the holding back, the letting go.
There have been many new female troubadours in the years since fromPatti Smith to Lucinda Williams, Emmylou Harris and Carole King all of them writing and singing across aperiod in which womens liberation made great strides. Today, almost 50 years since Saals article, womens lives are markedly different from the way they were in 1969, but has the world of women in song evolved as markedly?
We are at a peculiar point in the music industry: female artists such as Taylor Swift, Beyonc and Katy Perry have been among the industrystop earners in recent years, yet womens presence elsewhere in the industry is sparse, and female performers are thin on the ground at the summer music festivals. While this has generated much media discussion, how have female songwriters responded?
This early stretch of the year brings releases by several songwriters who might fall into that troubadour category. Artists such as Laura Marling, Courtney Marie Andrews, Julie Byrne and Nadia Reid are writing songs that capture the pulls of both domesticity and the road, and what it means to be living a life that does not entirely tally with convention.
Marlings sixth album, Semper Femina, follows last years Reversal ofthe Muse podcast series, in which she spoke to musicians such as Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris and Marika Hackman, as well as women elsewhere in the industry, such as guitar shop owner Pamela Cole and recording engineer Olga FitzRoy, to explore femininity in creativity from the challenges of writing, recording and touring, to the masculine design of guitars and the fact that women hear differently from men.
I would say that feminine creativity is inherently different from the masculine, says Marling. Even at its beginnings, she suspects that womens musical impulses have different motivations from those of their male counterparts. I had a lot of chats with Blake [Mills, Semper Feminas producer] when we were making the record, about how we started playing guitar, she says. And he was like: I started playing because I wanted to impress girls. And that was obviously so different from why I started playing guitar that was never in my brain, toimpress boys. So even that crucial difference makes for a different musician. For me, playing guitar has always been tied up with my identity rather than enticing people in, its always been involved in myself.
This album emerged after a time inwhich Marling felt that she had become increasingly masculine determinedly touring alone, lugging her own gear, stepping away from ideas of feminine dress. While this stretch was not long-lived, she believes it gave her an ability to look at women in a different way and consider how Id been looked at. She is resistant to being pigeonholed. I think, when Iwas a teenager, in my head you were either this delicate tragedy or you were a muse, she says. And theyre both such horrifyingly subjugated roles.
She was struck, too, by an old edition of Desert Island Discs in which Marianne Faithfull was the castaway. The presenter said: So, tell me, you must have felt very hard done by that all the Rolling Stones deserted you? And she said: Can you stop trying to make a tragedy of me? Im not a tragedy! Ive lived my life. Obviously, I was a drug addict, but I was always going to be a drug addict. I had an amazing time! And its true, by any other masculine name, all those experiences would be clocked up as experiences and nothing more.
But ideas of what women in music should be are hard to shake. There is animpulse to make an easy tragedy of female musicians who have spent their lives on the road. There is something, too, that expects women to be static, indoor, domesticated and confessional songwriters. As the late John Berger put it: Men act, women appear.
Crucial to this is the idea of women and movement women stepping outside the safe confines of the home and domesticity. For Julie Byrne, the compulsion to keep moving has run intandem with her career as a songwriter. I was always fascinated by thatlifestyle, she recalls. When I was living in Buffalo, New York, where Im from, there was a huge contingency of freight-train hoppers. There was a pretty legendary house in Buffalo called the Birdhouse that was well known in that network. So there was this huge influx of travellers in the summertime, and thered be really glorious parties with music until the early hours I think this was probably where this sense of wonderment camefrom.
In her teens, a year after she began playing music, Byrne toured with some friends, travelling through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tennessee and South Carolina. She remembers the joy of that time the new landscapes, playing live, trying to navigate their way to the next city in the days before Google Maps and smartphones. I think it just strengthened all the curiosity I had, she says. I wanted to continue to learn through my experiences that way.
This is not to suggest it was without problems. We were in my friends old Volvo that had a leak in the gas tank, she says. We ended up running out of gas and were stranded on the highway somewhere outside Memphis. That was my first experience of being outside New York state and everything was enchanted. Breaking down, all of it. There was poetry in everything for me then, and I think a lot about that time, how moving just the most mundane aspects were for me when I was younger.
Her experience of the touring life has changed with the years while she retains some of that early wonderment, she also sees its limitations. Her most recent album, Not Even Happiness, was written largely in the time that Byrne was touring its predecessor, Rooms With Walls and Windows, when she gave up the place she had in Seattle, along with her furniture and most of her belongings, because I couldnt afford to maintain a room somewhere while I was on the road constantly.
That weightlessness brought a new quality to her music. A lot of these songs come from the power and the beauty of travel and of relying on the generosity of other people, she says. But also the pain of not having any privacy and not having anywhere to goto weep for the condition of the world or the condition of my own heart, so that was a time of extreme vulnerability. But I think that brought on some meaningful realisations in my life that you carry your burdens wherever you go, and they dont just fall away just because youre across the country or in a different setting. They stay with you until theyre resolved in some way.
Courtney Marie Andrews left her home in Phoenix, Arizona, when she was 16 and began busking along the west coast of America. I just fell in love with the lifestyle, she says. At that time I was so young and so ready to get out of Phoenix I just felt trapped there, and I realised there was so much more to the world. I loved making music with my friends every day, and being in different cities. I thrive on change, and I really felt drawn to the constant movement.
She soon found work, first as a backing singer for other artists, then playing lead guitar for Damien Jurado, and her life on the road ran on. It was only more recently, after the end of aserious relationship, that she began to consider the drawbacks of a rootless lifestyle. It is a subject she addresses on her latest album, Honest Life, setting all the nights of travelling, playing, eating alone in diners and sleeping in vans against the pleasures of a home and community.
I wrote those songs because Irealised Id spent pretty much my entire later adolescence and early 20s on the road, she says. Id come home and people had cultivated these really in-depth relationships, and I started topine for that. Id be home just for amonth and that would be it. The pluses are playing your songs every night with your friends you cant really complain. But the thing you missis the human connection. That canbecome really hard. You say: Hi, my names Courtney! 500 times on atour.
The trials of life on the road is not an unfamiliar subject for songwriters, but for female musicians there are additional weights: centuries of women being expected to stay at home, as well as the constrictions of time and biology; the music industry is not set up to accommodate parenthood, let alone the physical demands of motherhood. There is also the suspicion that greets women who dont quite conform.
For Byrne, life in freefall is something that can grant womens songwriting extra force and insight. Ithink that women living lifestyles with no fixed home and really having to be at the mercy of that experience will probably transcend that [more traditional] mould, she says. I think women have a certain vision that is so deeply connected to their interior lives, and I think women are inherently willing to be very vulnerable, and have an honesty that theyre willing to share with other people. And thats the most powerful thing there is.
Andrews is similarly hopeful that these songs of the road will still have the capacity to affect their listeners. Its so funny, I always thought, Well, this is just how it is, she says. But its very true [traditionally] men touch on this life in their songs and women talk about domestic issues or their husbands. But I hope that women, or just people in general, can empathise with those stories coming from a woman. Because anybody can live that kind of lifestyle.
Nearly half a century after that first wave of new female troubadours, it seems women songwriters are still muddling out a way to be. But however gradual, what we are witness to is stillan evolution, a slow bucking of convention, women singing songs that tell of a new life and its possibilities; 50 years on they are still letting go.
Not Even Happiness by Julie Byrne andHonest Life by Courtney Marie Andrews are both out now. Semper Femina by Laura Marling is due for release on More Alarming Records on 10March.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2jubIEh
from From Joni Mitchell to Laura Marling: how female troubadours changed music
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