#and anything and everything in between and beyong
geekgirles · 2 months
The Interracial Wedding: Amalia's Convictions VS. Aurora's Hypocrisy
The more I think about it, the more convinced I am ToT never really intended for Aurora and her father to come across as having the moral high ground beyong Amalia's distrust of them causing her to jump the gun and suspect them of poisoning Yugo.
There are simply no instances where they are shown to be in the right aside from Amalia prematurely accusing them of trying to assassinate her husband and going after them.
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In this particular case, what I want to discuss is Aurora's reaction to the Sadida/Eliatrope wedding from chapter 6 and how it reflects how little she actually knows about Sadida traditions, using every opportunity to try and smear Amalia's name without knowing what's really going on.
First things first, we have already discussed the sheer hypocrisy upon finding out about the interracial marriage and her outraged, almost disgusted reaction to it.
Said hypocrisy hinging on the fact that she is an Osamodas who had an arranged marriage with a Sadida, meaning she is the last person with any right to complain about Amalia allowing two different races to marry. Although it is true her problem seems to be less about it being an interracial marriage and more about the fact that the bride is an Eliatrope.
As per usual, we were never given an actual reason as to why she would hate the Eliatropes. Only being implied that she hates them solely because Armand hated them too and she has no agency or ability to make her own judgements, unrelated to the opinions of the men in her life. Thus, she greatly resents Amalia for seemingly allowing outsiders in despite how Armand, supposedly, would have never done such a thing.
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(It's true he was adamant on not welcoming the Eliatropes after meeting their goddess, but given he, despite everything, still had a sense of honour and actually valued his sister's opinion, who knows? Hadn't he died, he might have actually rewarded the Eliatropes for their help, after all. Though this is just speculation on my part...)
Having said that, even if Aurora were trying to protect Armand's legacy, it still doesn't change the fact that this is coming from the same person who not only intended to rule the Sadida even without her husband despite being an Osamodas and, therefore, an outsider; but who actually brought her father, an even bigger outsider, with her to rule the Sadida by her side and raise the kid.
The very same person who values a random bat much more than the people she's supposed to serve and look after, as opposed to her husband, who actually gave his life in order to protect his kingdom.
But I digress.
The point is, hypocrisy.
However, what really seals the deal is her reaction to seeing the Sadida/Eliatrope wedding, more importantly, what she thinks of Amalia for it.
Regardless of whether Armand would have approved or not, Aurora's real issue seems to be that Amalia is allowing such a thing to happen despite her not approving of her ascension to power. More importantly, she resents the way she's managed to foster positive relationships between the Sadidas and the Eliatropes in such a short amount of time, and what it implies.
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But as the above frames show, what really gets under her skin is Amalia's perceived hypocrisy. What she says about Amalia boasting about Sadida traditions despite going against Armand's supposed wishes (that last part is me reading between the lines) seems to imply these two have clashed over whether Aurora adhered to Sadida customs or not.
After all, while Amalia did indeed tell Yugo that Aurora was an outsider unfit to rule the kingdom due to not knowing anything about their customs, that was never brought up when the two women were in the same room. Instead, Amalia focused on the actual elephant in the room: the fact that they left them at the mercy of the Nécromes yet still have the gall to demand she hand over the throne.
Meaning they probably argued about Aurora not being fit to rule offscreen during the time between the OVAs and season 3. Otherwise, this comment just simply wouldn't make sense, as Amalia had never really boasted about her people's traditions before and, both until and during season 4, actually tried to be cordial towards her sister-in-law.
But most importantly, the way Aurora says this line implies she views Amalia as the hypocrite. If my theory is right and they indeed came to blows over Aurora not following the Sadida way of life, then it seems as she is taking Amalia welcoming the Eliatropes personally.
Something along the lines of "So I have to respect your culture but you can put your husband's people first?"
However, as we already hinted at early on, that's not really what's going on, is it?
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If you look closely at this frame, then it becomes glaringly obvious that at no point in time is Amalia placing the Eliatropes before her own people and culture. Neither is Yugo, as a matter of fact.
First of all, Amalia is the one officiating the ceremony, not Yugo. He seems to be there simply to give his blessing as King of the Eliatropes and to support his wife like chapter 1 said he'd been doing since they got married and she ascended to the throne.
Then, there's the fact that Amalia is reading from what appears to be the Sadida equivalent of the Bible or, at least, an important ceremonial document. It's not as easy to see in this frame, but that book looks more like a flower with words written on its petals than an actual leather-bound tome.
And, last but not least, it's the actual ceremony:
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To complete the wedding, instead of exchanging rings like Eva and Pinpin did (or, well, brass knuckles, in their case...), Amalia conjures up a flower that the groom must put on his bride's hair before they can share their first kiss as husband and wife. And then they're married.
Let's recap, okay?
Amalia is the one officiating the wedding, not Yugo.
The ceremony seems to follow Sadida guidelines.
The groom must present his bride with a flower before they're officially declared husband and wife...
Guys, it literally cannot get any more Sadida than that!
Seriously, Amalia and Yugo's own wedding was much more unconventional, compared to this. In theirs, there were at least portals!
So, what does this tell us?
Simple. It tells us that regardless of what that old Sadida from chapter 2 and Aurora say, Amalia is not going against Sadida tradition or giving the Eliatropes special treatment just because she welcomed them into her kingdom. In fact, she is still putting her people first, as the wedding shows their culture remains the predominant one (which can be either because the Eliatropes don't remember much of their own or because the bride and groom actually agreed on having a Sadida wedding; as always, that's only speculation).
Moreover, it shows Yugo is perfectly content with this. His main concerns being his people's safety and well-being and supporting Amalia without any ulterior motive, unlike the Osamodas and Aurora's political marriage to Armand.
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Finally, I'd like to mention a point made by my good friend @alittlebookdust: the fact that Aurora fails to recognise Amalia isn't actually turning her back on her people's customs or Armand's legacy already implies she herself was never familiar with said customs to begin with. Either that, or she is just desperate to find fault in Amalia's way of doing things and feels compelled to criticise everything she does solely because she hates her.
Nevertheless, what this chapter proves is that despite the similar position she and Armand were in due to marrying outsiders, Amalia's actions are actually anything but hypocritical. As, unlike Aurora and her father, she has always remained true to her convictions and put her kingdom first without purposely harming her husband's.
(Thanks once again to @cocogum for the screenshots used in this analysis).
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Fans of IWTV that are problems
People who want to put the blame on one character.
Like sir. Uhm. How do I say this? In a way that can penetrate your mind?
They. Are. All. Horrible. People.
But they are also: All Beautiful People With Love All Consuming.
Both can be true. Because IWTV is the extreme reflection of life and people.
There is this comment on a fan edit on YT that was literally posted a day ago that I found.
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I think we've established Louis is the problem. He is the common denominator in all these toxic relationships. Even his and Claudia's was an unhealthy mess. [Image]
And before I go on, on why this sh*t brings the movement down and I don't and won't tolerate I just want to bash the thinking of this person.
Let me ask you, reader and watcher, if a person in an abusive relationship lands in another abusive relationship are they the problem? Are they seeking to be abused yet again? Do you think they like it? Do you think Louis du Point du Lac went into loving Lestat because Lestat showed anger issues? Insecurities? No. He saw the best in him. He still fucking does. He loves the guy despite his problems. Do you think Louis fell for Armand because he was a gaslighter? A liar? A betrayer and clear child killer? No. He fell for Armand's ability to be soft to be gentle. He fell for his understanding. His clear care and focus on what he wants. His endurance.
"Louis is the problem." The problem here is that there are lies and manipulation from all characters. Louis is a lost soul who is more impulsive than the rest of the characters. He goes through life always seeking, seeking, seeking not really knowing what he is looking for. He also has fucking depression and some deep self-resentment.
But to say he is a problem because he is a victim (and he is because even though he has his strengths in the events between the Big Lestat Drop and The Trial he has been most hurt from both events more than Lestat and Armand (if we don't count Claudia because she was the MOST VICTIM OF ALL OF THEM DURING THAT ERAS)) is disgusting. It's victim blaming. To say he is a common denominator of abuse is stupid. He is the common denominator BECAUSE he attracts powerful love interests who are unhinged.
There is a huge power imbalance between Louis and Lestat. That was unknown. A power imbalance between Louis and Armand that was known but put aside because Armand gave the illusion that he was giving Louis the reigns.
To say Louis is the problem is blaming a wife being beaten, divorcing her husband and then getting in a relationship where she is beaten again. Clearly she's asking for it. (That's how this post sounds like) And. I. Will. Not. Tolerate. It.
Okay. Now that is put aside.
Like I said before.
These vampires are broken. One could argue being beyong repair.
The purpose of the books is to show monsters in love. Monsters who act on humanity but still take it too far.
There's a whole quote that says something about Lestat loving first and how passionate he is but in that love the only way he can show it is through violence. To break it.
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We see Armand who is so loving and so f*cking patient. So eager to be loved. So eager to not be alone. Because he has been so alone all these years and then he meets Louis. Louis with a daughter. Louis with a burning, eager heart to be free this time around. Louis who represents everything Armand desires. To be free of all chains. And in wanting Louis he loves only him. Sees Claudia as chain too. Because Louis broke free of Lestat. Because Claudia, to Armand, is an extension of Lestat. Louis' capturer, maker, abuser.
He loves so much that he sees this as right. To get Louis all to himself. He wants this so badly. He even says it. "I want you more than anything in the world."
Words with weight. Words he meant. Words he carried through. He loves wholly. Obsessively. He loves solely.
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And then Louis. Sweet Saint Louis. A father, a brother, a man who cannot exist or see himself outside of others. He is father, brother, lover, companion, son before he is Louis. This man who cannot exist outside others. This man who because of his spiraling self-hate drags others so he can stop the self- punishment. To get a reprieve. To put this love onto others because he can only love himself by loving and caring about others.
Who cannot love himself. Who drags the body of a stranger's daughter to beg for one himself. Who self sabotages and then tries to fix it. Who loved someone who hurt him because he can't let it go. Who thought he could love a man with burdens and control that was spiraling. A man who he knew felt the loneliness he had too. Louis who begs, demands and pleads and manipulates to get this fix of love. To put it somewhere. Even if it destroys the person he loves. (Paul, Claudia, Lestat and Armand) Just a little bit. Who loves then bites the hand that feeds him. Who loves so much. So much. He gets lost in it. Then drowns. Drowns in his failures. And drags others into it.
(Lestat: You drag me into your gloom. Armand: Will I be on suicide watch for the next 1000 years?)
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And it's true to sense. He can't preserve his happiness. And sometimes he goes out of his way to not. Destroys it. (The killing of Lestat. The harsh words in 1970s to Armand) Because he doesn't deserve it.
This is all what it comes to:
They are humans stuck to live forever with these woes and problems and nowhere to put it. No where to put their trauma. So they make it themselves and then try to love with these jagged pieces.
They are fleshed out and more real than any character out there.
They are real. In their monstrosity. In their humanity.
They are horrible, they are beautiful, they are guilty, they are innocent. All of this. All true. All at the same time.
"I could not prevent it."
"...Was a band aid for shitty marriage?"
"This fascinating boy."
"Let me go."
"I love you with all of myself."
"Come to me."
"But she didn't love you. Not like he did, not like I have."
"I hate you."
"I know, I know. She's calling me."
"You and me. Me and you. You and me. Me and you."
"He's...a lot."
"I love you too baby brother."
"I'm not asking Arun."
"Am I all I have endured?"
"THE NAME! UNUTTERED in our home for 23 YEARS!"
"Could you imagine me? Without the burden of her?"
"I want you more than anything in the world."
"She called me an angel. Me!"
"Saint Louis."
"Are your companions?" "Yes." "No."
"I had a hunch."
"He forgave me."
"Why do I owe you my one act of cowardice?"
"Armand preserves my happiness..."
"Claudia is my coven."
"It was never about me."
"Tell her she's beautiful every morning."
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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oraclekleo · 25 days
Kleo asks!
Hello my dear followers and random visitors!
I have been on a hiatus for a while and probably gonna go offline soon again but let's have a little interaction now.
I was wondering...
What is the question you always wanted to be asked but nobody asked?
Let me explain a bit. When you meet a new person, be it online or not, you want to get to know them so you ask each other variety of questions. Sometimes it leads to years lasting friendship, sometimes you find out quickly you don't have compatible personalities. Both cases and everything in between and beyong are perfectly fine as long as both parties remain respectful.
I'm sure there is something you wished to be asked by other people but it never occured to them. Maybe your answer to that never asked question is very wholesome and gives a very accurate description of you as a person and you are just waiting for someone to use the right words like a magic spell. Maybe the question is simply something you long to be asked because it shows that the other person really cares about you or is genuinely listening to what you say.
Whatever the reason, share the questions you wished to be asked. It can be something as mundane as "what's your favourite PC game?" or something more deep like "which moment in your life shaped you the most?". Anything! Obviously, anons are allowed if you don't want to reveal your identity and be vulnerable. Although, you know that my little community around this blog is pretty welcoming and kind. 😘
I'm gonna share, too.
But first...
The question I hate! 🤣
I hate to be asked how I feel! 🤣 Feelings are not my priority at all. If my emotions get intense and I need to express how I feel, I will do so without anyone asking. But asking me on a regular day how I feel is a nonsense. I'm either happy, tired or pissed off. I rarely ever feel anything else. 😂
Now! What is the question I wanted to be asked but nobody asked...
It's tough because I have pretty good and lovely friends who ask me all sorts of interesting questions...
"I know this really intelligent, kind and mature guy, do you want me to introduce you two to each other?"
This never happened before and I bet it never will happen because I don't think there is an intelligent, kind and mature guy out there. 🤣 (If you disagree, I dare you to prove me wrong 😉)
Okay, it's a little joke again but at least you know you can go wild and share more than one question you would like to be asked but nobody ever asked so far. 😁
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pearl484-blog · 2 years
The Big Damn Kiss
The Big Damn Kiss is a trope that I just do not understand. If I’m to believe Hollywood, apparently people have a natural uncontrollable urge to just throw themselves on top of people and begin smooching for weird reasons like: “We are having an argument”, “It’s a bad idea to kiss you”, “Our faces got too close”, or “I don’t want to be vulnerable and say I love you in a way you reject me, so I will headbutt you lips first”. 
Honestly, I prefer romances that are built with the emotional vulnerability and complexity faced between two partners. 
In Inuyasha, Kagome is a brash teenage girl with a fiery hot temper and a jealous streak for miles, and her romantic interest Inuyasha is a half-demon who used to date her past reincarnation, Kikyo, that has issues from his past (especially his half-human/half demon heiritage and the massive hang-ups from the trainwreck that was his last relationship with Kikyo). Inuyasha at first is stunned at how different Kogome is from Kikyo, seeing only the girl who “betrayed” him (it’s complicated) and wanting so desperately to hate her even though he still secretly loves her and hates himself for it. But eventually, he realizes that Kagome isn’t Kikyo, and she loves both his demon half (who protects her) and his human half (which he sees as weak, but Kagome likes the vulnerability). Kagome eventually learns how to not just be a hot-headed young teenager with a short fuse, but how to be strong and not only survive and thrive in Inuyasha’s world.  In my eyes, the most romantic moment in that show is when Kagome is forced to reenact Kikyo’s betrayal against her will, and Inuyasha immediately realizes what’s going on and that Kagome would never willingly hurt him like that. While Kagome knows beyong a doubt exactly how traumatizing this is, and fights like hell to protect him in every way she can, from warning him to begging him to run.
In Moon Knight, my favorite romantic moment is when Layla finds her husband Marc now believing that he’s some civilian named Steven with a silly accent who cannot fight worth a darn. Her superhero husband who eats monsters for breakfast is now a sensitive pacifist who doesn’t know anything about what’s going on at all. Yet, when her intial attempts to use the power of love to bring him back fail, she immediately comforts him and tells him that its going to be okay. She seems to accept him from then on, recognizing Steven’s strengths and never making him feel bad about his...lackluster fighting skills. Although she does confront Marc about not telling her about the whole Steven business earlier, its framed as more her being frustrated with Marc’s secrecy and unwillingness to communicate. Despite everything, she loves Marc and Steven for who they are and understands that they are two different people. It’s very sweet to me.  But of course, my all time favorite romance is Miraculous Ladybug. It’s an adorable story about two stupid teenagers who compliment each other so well and have a lot of growing up to do until they can be a good match, but you can constantly see how they’d be a good match.  I love how Chat Noir will support Ladybug when she’s scared and vulnerable. I love how Ladybug will protect Chat if he’s hurt or vulnerable with a kind gentleness that you wouldn’t expect (I’m looking at you especially Reverser) I love how Adrien will just have a normal conversation with Marinette even as she’s stuttering and falling down the stairs, and Adrien’s only reaction is to catch her and continue in his conversations like nothing happened. I love how Marinette seems to understand that Adrien doesn’t like to verbalize his feelings and yet dedicates herself to learning his reactions so she’ll know what he likes and doesn’t like. (Granted, some of her behavoir is creepy and stalkerish, but she also seems to be good at reading him) The show explores all the sides of their complex relationships throughly and delights in using irony to explore the relationships of not only the main couple but other characters as well. 
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error707-thatdude · 2 years
Day I don't even know at this point of attempting to draw Phoenix
All I can manage are tiny chibis and Beanix
Desperately trying to figure out how to draw this man how do other artists do it
0 notes
korarara · 3 years
you’re a doll, you are flawless
Thats exactly what Satoru thought whenever he saw suguru doing literally anything. Often, he would think that he is genuinely a doll. And maybe—maybe Suguru Geto had too many flaws, more than anyone else but it didnt matter at all. Because in Satorus eyes he was just enough and nothing really impacted the way he felt towards him. Did he know that it was his best friend, and just that? Absolutely. Did the one and Only Gojo Satoru fall extremely for Geto Suguru? Certainly as well
To him, Geto Suguru was probably the most breathtaking creature this world has ever created. The day he was born the stars were shining so brightly unlike every other night. He was convinced that his best friend was the most precious gift he was given by life— and had to protect it at all costs. Purity and limitless perfection was portrayed in satorus eyes, when gazing Suguru
But it was his best friend, and partner. As impulsive as Gojo Satoru can be, the sturdy man with the gorgeous blue eyes which seemed to be clearer than the ocean itself, was incapable of admitting it to the fullest extent, and saying it. Maybe vocalising his feelings was truly extravagant for him because he had never—not even once in his life fallen for a soul so hard and compulsively.
Sometimes, Satoru would consider himself a creep and that didn’t bother him at some point.Not a few were the times in which Suguru’s features were bit too fascinating than usual causing his best friend staring at him for way too long—unintentionally. It had to be said though, that it was beyong his own powers not to do it.But how coudnt he have not fallen for this majestic soul?
Satoru adored the way suguru smirked when he bragged about all the great things they had done together, just the two of them. And oh lord, the sparkling sunshine appearing in his eyes when he gazed the city lights during nightime— that seemed to amaze him every single time. Thats why, he wholeheartedly showed suguru his favourite spot to observe the tiny world they live. and the way his eyes patterned in awe, with a warming smile forming on his face meaning, suguru was happy——melt his soul.
Infinity— an infinity is the proper word Satoru would most likely use if being asked for “how long are you willing to wait for Suguru to be yours”. Beyond his own thoughts.He had he spent countless nights praying to any divine entity that might exists, that one day courage will be built into his heart to say his desires.
Tonight was delightful. Hundreads of stars were embellishing the nightsky with distinct,whereas the moon was whole and appeared glossier than ever. Nature itself, the entire world was harmonised that night just foe these two youngsters. They were sitting next to each other, no words had been exchanger just a reassuring silence was taking over the entire place. At that moment, the time was passing slowly to the point that it could be regarded as a century. But it wasnt akward, it was just enough.
The romantic scene had to be quick interrupted by Satoru’s loud sneeze. Suguru spontaneously turned to his side and laughed quietly— as per usual. His tall figure approached his best friend smoothly and slipped over his arms the leathery jacket he had brought with him in case incidents like this occurred. It smelled like lavender with a pinch of the green tea Suguru prepares early in the morning and boozes extremely fast as if it’s a shot of mixto tequila.
Everything felt more intense— the way Satoru exhaled and inhaled air was much faster and Suguru started worrying about a possible attack of anything. He asked him right away, if his health was lets say— okay— at least not that horrific. His response was stiff and dry, no words escaped from his mouth just a simple nod calmed down Suguru a lot. They were sitting too close to each other. maybe closer than ever. The gap between their torsos touching was tiny as hell but none of them bothered to fixate their position.
Satoru was undeniably going through a gigantic crisis that had never experienced before in his life. The only certain thing coming up was his following confession that would either traumatise him— or no? it was too much too handle and the amount of time he had spent obssesing over suguru could be deemed a lot, maybe more than a lot. One day he would learn about this, why not saying it now.
He took one big breathe, shaking Suguru’s arm which was settled on his knee causing him to frantically breathe out. “Satoru, what the fuck is wrong with you?” those were the first words being heard from him today.” Suguru, i like you. More than a friend. That’s why i am acting like this—“ Satoru firmly exclaimed — nothing more nothing less was being confessed. Raw, slow and fearless are the perfect adjectives to describe the way he let it all out, better than what he anticipated.
A long silence followed. If it was able to be done,it would have been thoroughly described how the weather worsened and became colder than before.It was too blurry to find the contrast of the picture and analyse futher anything, Satoru & Suguru focused on different universes while both of their hearts were racing the fastest. Innocently as the gods allowed a creature to ever possible be, Suguru turned to face his desr friend. Just to observe his concern and scan the fears through his eyes in seconds as he always did.
Suguru paused for a second before grabbing and kissing satorus face senseless, breathless, passionately. In the most loving way to ever exist. And after he let go, he hugged him the tightest providing him with the warmth Satoru had been craving for so long…Suguru physically lodged all his trust, vulnerability, feelings, into this no ending hug that was enough to make satoru tear up out of joy.
No longing for a change they remained like that for hours, reminding to each other how flawless their bond is and how their own persobal flaws tangle with each other’s resulting to perfection.
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groovyzombiellama · 3 years
The Golden/Stylish Trio
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Title: The Golden/Stylish Trio
Requested? Yes.
Plot: You are an actress and shoot a project with Alex and Bill and the two of them have a crush on you.
Word count: 1617
Ever since you were a child, you knew that you wanted to be an actress, and it didn’t matter how many people told you that you shouldn’t dream so high and that you were gonna fail, that just made you want to work more just to prove them wrong. You were constantly told that you wouldn’t have enough work, and that being an actress is stressful and difficult. Of course you knew that, in their own way every job is difficult, but you didn’t mind it because you knew that you would have difficult moments, but you were ready for whatever that world had to throw at you, because at least  that way, you would be doing something you love. You had the support of your immediate family, like your parents in the first place, and so you decided to take a chance and start your path towards making your dreams come true.
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At first you had it quite difficult, not really being what the casting agent was looking for, both in terms of character and in your lack of experience. You had sleepless nights thinking about how you were supposed to gather experience when nobody wanted to give you a chance to gain any of it. And you expected this, so it wasn’t a surprise to you, and it just motivated you to do better and go to some classes and stuff, but that doesn’t mean getting rejected so many times didn’t hurt you. There were times where you would feel like the people who told you that you wouldn’t be able to make it were right and that you should just give up and go back home. Your family was alright with you coming back and going to college for something else, but just like your friends, they believed that you could do it and that every beginning is hard, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t succeed. And indeed, with patience, it started happening, you started getting cast.
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Of course, you wouldn’t be able to get a lead role right off the bat, but you were getting work as eather a background character, or a very minor character that maybe had one or two lines. And even though it was something small and didn’t mean a lot of camera time, you were still extatic and extremly grateful and happy to even be getting any work at all. Your portfolio was growing, your list of work experience was becoming longer and longer, and a lot of casting agents saw your passion and dedication to acting, to the point where you even got cast as a supporting character in a movie, the so called “best friend trope”, and your lines consisted of pep talks and you were honestly just there to lift up the lead character. But it was the longest time you had spent in front of the camera so far and the most speaking lines you had gotten, so to say you were grateful and excited would be understatements.
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You had no idea where all of this was gonna take you, but you were so proud of yourself for not giving up on your dreams. You even sent tickets for that movie to your cousins who didn’t believe you could make it and some of the people who bullied you and said you would never amount to nothing. It wasn’t to spite them, not too much anyway, because you never were a person to hold a grudge or feel good if others are feeling down. You just wanted to tell them that hard work will always pay off and that hard work can beat talent if talent doesn’t work hard. You were getting recognized and it was blowing your mind to be walking down the street and hear people talking about you as you pass them, guessing if you were the girl they had seen in that movie. And it made you smile every time. Eventually you ended up getting an e-mail that changed your life in a drastic way. A huge gig, bigger than any you have had before, with actors that you admired.
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You had known Bill Skarsgård from his role as Roman Godfrey in Hemlock Groove, and as the iconic clown, Pennywise, in the most recent IT movies. And when your agent told you that he was gonna be one of your costars, you had to sit down, as your legs felt like they were gonna give out. He always seemed like a truly pleasant person to be around and an actor who really cares about the craft. And his good looks were just a bonus to a very amazing person. And that was the case for your other costar who once again gave you that feeling that you were gonna collapse if you keep standing. The Ivar the Boneless from Vikings, Victor from Outsiders, Alex Høgh Andersen. Alex always had the appeal as a literal ray of sunshine to you and it made your head feel dizzy to be working with them at all, and even when you met them, you couldn’t believe it was true.
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Both Bill and Alex found you adorable as you tried not to fangirl around them, and be your cool self, or at least what you thought was cool. Bill had known about you as he had watched one of the movies you were in and he admired the way you put everything you had into your character, so he already knew some things about you, but even with that, you had managed to amaze him beyong belief. To Alex. meeting you was completely new territory, but he was enjoying every second of it, seeing the way every part of you contained the character you were supposed to potray. Even your eyes would show the emotion your character was supposed to be feeling that both men were dangerously close to apologising to you the moment they looked into your eyes as you were filming a scene where you were supposed to have a disagreement or fight.
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Both Alex and Bill felt like they were learning a lot from you, as much as you were learning from them. And your vibrant personality, combined with that smile of yours were enough for them to develp crushes on you. It amazed them that neither one of them was able to say anything to you, that when it came to you, they would feel nervous or get tongue tied. When the two of them were talking and you came up, the shock on both of their faces, wide eyed expressions were almost comical as they realised the second they started talking about you that they had crushes on you. They didn’t want to make this a rivalry between them and try to win you over from one or the other. They were gonna leave the choice to you if you ever developped feelings for one of them and the other was gonna support you both. But that didn’t stop them from admiring you constantly and gushing about you in interviews and to each other.
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As more time passed, the more the three of you started getting closer, so much so that they put up with the silly nicknames that you gave them and even though Billy and Lexie weren’t their favorite, and they honestly prefered some of your more creative nicknames, or standard “love” or “hun” that you loved calling people who were important to you, they cared about you enough to accept you just the way you were, which meant the world to you. Bill’s brother Gustaf was really glad that his costar from Vikings was friends with his brother, because the cast of the show had become like his second family in a way, and now you were a very dear friend to all of them.
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Every interview that you did with these boys was a blast, you would always have fun and if they even sensed that you were feeling uncomfortable with a question or something, the both of them would create a diversion, as you woke up in them the feeling to be protective over you, but not too much that you feel suffocated, but just enough for people to know that you were not someone to mess with, both because of you being a strong and independent woman, and also because you had the two of them who had your back as much you had theirs. You three were truly a great trio, and your friendship was one that you were sure was for the books and that it was gonna last.
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Regardless of the fact that their crushes were growing by the day and often times they had to stop themselves from spending entire interviews talking about you, they never forced you into anything, or tried to convince you that one of them was better for you than the other. And their biggest pet peeve was when you didn’t believe in yourself and always claimed that “people were just too kind to you” whenever someone complimented you, because they just wanted you to know that to them you were absolutely amazing and to so many people who were fans of you. But they appreciated that you were kinda using that to keep your humble nature, worried that if you started giving yourself that much credit, you would become vain and too self absorbed. They were thankful that they met you and hoped your friendship lasted a long time, even if nothing more developped from it. You were the Golden Trio, named by the entertainement industry, or the Stylish Trio as fans started calling you after Alex’s post, and you were happy with it.
SURPRISE @walkxthexmoon !! You wanted either one of aus that I do, but you were always sweet to me and kind, that you get all of it, written, gif and social media au :D <3 I truly hope you like it :)
I appreciate all of you guys and thank you all for your follows, likes, reblogs, I’ll never be able to thank you all enough. Every time I get an e-mail telling me someone followed me, it makes my entire week better and keeps me motivated! So thank you to all of you, I love you all so much, and if people are nice to me I do my damnest to be 10x nicer, because you deserve it back, so this fic took a lot longer to make than I thought, and hopefully it’s a good one and you guys like it, and just once again, I appreaciate all of you <3
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ignitification · 4 years
It’s me the Shigaraki survivalist again lol
It’s cool you don’t agree I guess I just want to get my thoughts out
You said it’s unrealistic for Deku to save Shigaraki and them to work together—but the way I see it is that’s exactly what the story has been building up to. In a world where nothing is really “unrealistic” I really truly think it’s very in the realm of where the story is going. Shigaraki does look tired, because he has never been given a break. The thing is, BNHA isn’t a tragedy! (I think Hawks’s arc will be a tragedy but that’s a whole different discussion)
I just cannot see how Deku will be crowned “the greatest hero who ever lived” meanwhile the one person who needed him most is lying there dead. It just doesn’t feel convincing, especially in a shonen story. As far as the story is concerned, Shigaraki is still a child and never had a chance to grow up (it’s a coming of age story for Deku and Shigaraki). And you can’t celebrate being the greatest hero who ever lived while a “child” is dead. And I 100% expect Shigaraki and Touya to be very difficult to save (kinda like Kota from the training camp arc, but Deku saved him didn’t he?)—they’re gonna decline the help at first obviously. They have no reason to trust heroes, which is why I think Deku and Shoto are going to have to prove that they mean it—and they will, because they do.
I just feel like Shigaraki dying completely cancels out Deku’s main goal of “saving everybody”—which has been his thing since the beginning. Shigaraki was, in the eyes of the narrative, All Might’s responsibility to save, and he failed. Not only is Deku going to have to clean up the OFA/AFO mess, he’s gonna have to clean up the mess that All Might could have prevented (I’m not blaming All Might completely but as far as the story is concerned, and All Might is concerned—he definitely bares some responsibility for Tenko’s fate).
It’s as you said we don’t know what Horikoshi is going to do, but a girl can hope lol
I just don’t feel like the story is going to end with the message of “not everybody can be saved”. I just feel that there is so much more hope in this story than people give it credit for! Shonen typically reeks of hope and optimism, and even now BNHA still has that hopeful, optimistic energy, not grimdark realism. I think Horikoshi will pull this off and it’s gonna be awesome. And if you are right and Shigaraki does die, I honestly will consider it a huge waste of a character who could have and should have been saved, just like Touya, who I also think is 100% going to make it out alive.
Hey, Shigaraki Survivalist!
Glad you’re putting you opinion out here. 
Getting onto matters, I would like to maybe clarify my statement: I do not think it is unrealistic for Shigaraki and Deku to work together (I think rather that it would be absolutely fair, and maybe cathartic) and I do agree that is what is likely to happen, sooner or later. 
As for BNHA not being a tragedy, I think that it already is. Look at how Touya, Shigaraki and the same Izuku grew up: discriminated against, bullied, neglected and abused. If this is not a tragedy, I do not know what is. But if by that you meant that the general mood of the story is supposed to be one of instilling hope and instead letting people know that there is always a way one, and that there is still some possibility of saving if there is a will. I fully agree on that. The themes in BNHA are the real tragedy, but you are absolutely right when you say that the message is ‘People make mistakes. But that’s not the end. They can change and correct those mistakes, apologise, amend. Things can change.’ and not ‘Not everyone can be saved’ (even if, here, I would like to argue that Twice’s death message is exactly that but I don’t want to digress).
Also, not going to lie, I really like the positivity I feel from your message. It puts a smile on my face thinking that there is someone out there fully believing that salvation will come because there is someone who wants it to come. It’s a good thing. It’s a thing I, for one, do not have so thank you for doing that, this really brightened my evening. 
Now, onto a more heavy part of the post. I wanted to talk about All Might, and how he did fail, even if not entirely by himself, to save Shigaraki. First of all, I would like to notice the particular panel which tells us that ‘You can save only those you can reach’. 
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This panel is telling in more ways than one. All Might specifically addresses Izuku in saying this, while not literally meaning it (or at least not expecting Izuku to understand it so literally). All Might ( and I talked about it here) is a character which sets up the bar high for Hero standards (and is seen as an idol so far gone, that no one could ever possibly reach him) - and that is exactly why Izuku bears this 'lesson' stoically and tries to save everyone ever more than before. Because if All Might could do it, Izuku feels like he should be able as well (while not considering the disproportion in between them, and I mean in experience and just relatively emotionally).
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I mean Izuku feels a high burden with OfA, and to deal with AfO, and sometimes he can get very much extreme - but exactly for that, as you said, he would never feel as if he succeeded if he does not manage to save Shigaraki. Because if All Might is capable of brushing this aside, justifying himself by saying that he couldn't have done anything to prevent it and that it is impossible after all to save everyone, Izuku is not. Izuku feel so deeply that he cries for others, he rages for others, he longs for others with a great smile on his face because that is what it's expected of him.
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And he likes to fulfil those expectation, whether that kills him, injuries him or anything else (as we saw him being all bandaged up in 299 and with no sign to recover any soon). 
However, this what I mean when I say that Tomura looks tired: 
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He fails to understand how him not being saved is not actually a fault of someone (heroes/society, you name it - even if he does realise much later), but his first instinct as a kid is to blame himself and to tell that this, is is his punishment. He deserved it. And he does deserve to a degree what has happened to him since, because he is guilty of something he will never be able to forgive himself for and that is why he is they he is now.
I do think, that Touya, even being more self-destructive than Shigaraki, is an easier subject to save. I am not saying this because I think Dabi’s trauma or problems are easier to solve, but because Shouto understood him (to some extent) and with the sentence ‘I am him? referring to Touya and his intentions he is unwillingly showing us that Touya’s path to redemption (summed with Endeavour’s arc) are all pointing at Touya being saved, no matter how bad the situation gets. He, still scarred and lonely, does have a family out there caring for him. Or at least wanting to get to the bottom of things and not leave him to burn to death, alone. Again.
Shigaraki, on the other hand, does not have such a thing. Kurogiri has been captured, AfO is using him and the only guy who thought of Tomura as a human being, other than a bad villain, is Deku. I do not want say that this is not enough, but with all the burden that Izuku is already carrying at the moment, can he also bear on himself the weight of saving Shigaraki? I really hope he does, but as anyway as it will be, I think that Deku will try. He will try to get that hand reaching out to Tomura and even if skeptical about it, I hope Shigaraki takes the chance and takes it. He does deserve a break. He deserves a blanket, a cup of steaming tea and a hot long nap in a warm bed. A hug is optional. 
One of the themes I never touched upon is also, the found family of the League and Hawks. I really am waiting for more insight into the League’s members feeling for Twice, and maybe holding a funeral. I am also waiting for them to discuss Hawks. 
On which, my last point for this post: Hawks’ story, serves as a parallel to Dabi’s. We see how the abuse can bring to two extremes: one becoming a villain and focusing on hate, and the other focusing on idolising and becoming a hero (and in the meantime trying to forget everything else). I want Hawks to face consequences for his actions, and I want him to understand that he, too, is a victim and that atoning for his father’s crimes is not the way to go. He also needs to break free of the past and let go. I really hope that instead of clinging into past ideals and Endeavour, he realises that there is something highly wrong with the society he is fundamental part of and that he break free. If he doesn’t, as has been already put out there by some amazing posts I read, it will after all end in tragedy. Once a friend told me how Hawks was a tragic hero, and I might disagree but I do think that the name is fitting. But it’s not like that will change things. Only we can - and I hope everyone realises that.
p.s. Look at this panel, during the last moments of fight between Shigaraki and Deku.
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And after that the realization of Izuku, that Shigaraki, who he does want to save is not only suffering internally, but as well externally, because of AfO and whatever is going on. Exhausted beyong recognition.
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Look at Shigaraki's form. He looks like he is right about to collapse. There is a hand stretched out, in help, in resignation, in sadness, in pain. But his other hand is almost clenching, hard, noy wanting to let go. Tomura is after all trying to fight the entity within him, while also trying not to lose himself and look out for everything that might come in its way outside.
And finally, there is someone who looks through the hand on his hand, through the cracks of his identity, through every wall Tomura has put in between himself and others in order to protect them, and himself, from the absolute monster he thinks he is.
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And it's, at the same time both ironic and daunting how these same words are also the works Deku speaks to Kacchan while saving him from the Sludge Villains. There is a direct parallel between Katsuki, who had hated Deku while being afraid of being inferior to him and that did not want his helo because he would feel too weak, and Shigaraki, who has no will of getting himself saved by anyone, but especially by the kid that denied him the objective of gaining OfA and defeating everything and the same kid who seems to feel something other than disgust for him. Both Katsuki and Shigaraki are opposites to Izuku.
So, if Izuku saved Kacchan, who in return saved Deku after accepting the fact that he and Izuku, are, after all, hero AND friends who care about each other, it would be nice to see where this is going to go with Tomura. And see if, maybe, just maybe, it is possible for Shigaraki to stop being Shigaraki and be Shimura Tenko instead.
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Feeling(s) (Prince!Taeyong x guard!reader)
a/n: back with the Prince Taeyong x guard reader series... for my maple sister @charmingyong !! I really hope this makes sense... I kinda cut it short here, but I am always letting all of you continue the story or add scenes according to your imagination
tagging @neopalette too :*
shine your sword, and here we go guards!!
“(y/n), make sure you keep an eye on Taeyong for the whole day. We don’t want anything bad to happen to him on his special day.” the Royal Majesty queen just ordered you your quest for this week.
You nod, not that your job ever changes. It’s always being the prince’s personal bodyguard, but this week your work is extra hard because you really have to make sure he is always near you because it’s his 21st birthday this Sunday and everything about it has to be perfect.
You order for the carriage to be prepared as the prince will be visiting the town to pick up his clothes. Well, the tailor is already old but he makes the best attire and the royal family wasn't planning to change to any tailor at the moment.
"Are you finished?" You knock on his elm wood door and step back when he opens the door still in his bathrobes
He shakes his head and points at his body "Is this what you expect me to walk around the town with?"
You grin "I don't say anything, but it you're going out like that… i am not taking the duty."
He frowns "Why?" And you chuckle "Because I'm sure the whole town girls will be running after you and I am not risking my life to die in a girl mob chasing after their bathrobe prince."
Taeyong laughs at that and walks inside the room again and you stay put in the door frame.
"Okay, just give me time to change." He walks behind the screen and you only shake your head
"5 minutes or you're buying me a drink." You close the door behind you after hearing a scream of disagreement from him.
He comes down to the grounds late and you're already waiting next to the carriage.
"You don't know how precious time is!" You mutter to him when he climbs in and sits nicely in the cabin
You follow him and sit across him. Taeyong keeps his face to the window and stare at the pretty and colorful flowers. It's spring and the road is covered with spring blooms.
“I wonder what it’s like to just sit on the green grass and stare at the pretty flowers.” his gaze shifts to you and you just give him a “seriously” look
“Um you never do that?” you ask slowly, afraid that you offend him.
Taeyong scratches his neck, suddenly shy that he has to tell you this. “So, mom doesnt want me to play under the sun for too long or I’ll have a tan and she doesnt want that.”
Your jaw falls open and you have to shut it close before Taeyong feels more offended “Pardon my rude behaviour. Well if the Majesty Queen doesn't allow you then you should listen."
He fiddles with his long sleeves and whispers "Can you take me to sit on the grass one day?"
You notice his hint of desperation and you simply nod "Yeah sure as long as there's no sun." You giggle and he groans about your attempt to sound funny. It's not.
"But hey didn't you enjoy a tea under the sun usually?" You suddenly remember the small date he made for you on your duty.
Taeyong rolls his eyes "That was tea time! With loads of food. And chairs and gosh I was not even laying down on the grass!"
You stay silent, not knowing what to answer. The ride to the town remains calm with Taeyong casually asking you about things he doesn't notice before.
With the scenery changing to houses and tiny cottages, your eyes glimmer when you finally see what life beyong the walls looks like. You never really gotten the chance to grow up here, you were sent by your family to work in the castle since a young age. They have no money to send you to school, so giving you to the castle was their best option. Though you were never sitting in a class learning numbers and ABC, you are smart enough to know you belong here and not in the castle like Taeyong.
"I wonder what it's like to live here." You whisper to yourself when you see the town girl hanging around in a market stand laughing with a commoner
Taeyong only hums, not really listening to your words as he too is intrigued by the people here.
The ride ends in front of the humble store of the best tailor. Taeyong jumps down right after you get off and knock on the door.
"I'm sorry we're late, but the prince is here." You notify the tailor's wife and she quickly opens the door for the prince to enter.
Taeyong has been here several times to get his birthday outfits. His daily outfits were usually sent directly to the castle because not much fitting were needed for that. But for special occasions they've been measuring him here and there asking him if he wants more garnish or not.
"I like this. What do you think (y/n)?" He turns his body to face you and you're baffled. You look around wishing that the tailor can just answer him or his butler can say something. But the question was directed on you and only you should answer that.
You nod "Looks very nice." That's the simple comment you made. You always remember the rule that you shouldn't be talking too much to the prince. Your job is to guard him not talk with him. And that's what all of the town also knows.
Taeyong squints his eyes, he really thinks this cloth is too plain, but if you said it's nice that's all he really needs to hear.
"The whole crowd will like you no matter what you use. You’re always the center of the attention Taeyong, why bother.” you let that out and you internally slap yourself for saying that outloud.
The young prince definitely looks surprised, so does the tailor and his butler too.
“Can I have a word with this young lady. Alone.” his voice is deep and dangerous enough. The butler and tailor quickly scurry off the room and close the door so both of you can have the private talk.
You gulp when you notice that you’re doomed. Once everyone is away, Taeyong steps closer to you and you can only keep your eyes on the ground.
“Sorry, that was not supposed to be said out loud. That slipped out of my head.” you quickly bow and keep your eyes on the ground.
Taeyong scoffs “But still you have that thought in your head. Can’t you see it” he sighs in exasperation.
You bite your lips, oh no is this how everything will end? Is he going to be mad and ask you to be thrown away from the castle. As much as you wish to know what it’s like to live in the village and town, you’re not ready yet.
He takes a seat on one of the chairs and takes off his crown. You still stand but several feets away from him. He puts his face on his hands and groans “I don’t want to have the world’s attention, yours is enough.”
You feel heat creeping up your cheeks. Why is he always playing with your heart? He has never clarified what his intention is, flirting and playing around with your emotions. Were you too carried away by his words, what if he only sees you as his guard and he’s just playful to you?
You know you stand no chance to be his significant other, maybe the prince is even banned to think of being interested in someone not a nobel or a princess. You should bury this butterfly and tingly feeling down before it blooms into flowers and suffocates you figuratively and literally. Well who knows how you’ll be punished if the court finds out what’s between you and the prince.
“Please stop whatever this is,” you plead to him “I am supposed to be your guard and you’re the prince. You should be looking for the crowd’s attention and not mine.”
His eyes shake and his shoulder feels heavy, why should she come up with that at moments like this. “Please call them back, I don’t know why you’re always saying that, but can’t you for once think of my feelings.”
You want to lash back and say well what about my feelings, but you keep quiet and do as he says.
He returns to his friendly self, he sounds like nothing happened between both of you. He orders his requests upon the garnish with enthusiasm in his voice. He’s so excited about designing his clothes and of course about the next fitting schedule.
You shake your feelings aside and focus back on your duty. You wait for him outside of the shop when he is bidding his final farewell to the tailor.
“We have time before going back to the castle. I am sorry if I snapped at you earlier,” he tries to reach out for your hands when both of you are already sitting facing each other in the carriage. “It was the tension. I know your feelings are also at stake, or you were thinking I am making fuss out of this.” he chuckles nervously because what if you don’t like him more than what he imagined?
You still pull your hands away and tuck it on your thighs “Sorry, we can’t afford someone to see us holding hands. Come on you’re the prince and I am your personal guard. My job is to only protect you and make sure you’re alive and breathing.”
Taeyong wants to deny all of that but his tongue didn’t move at all when his eyes catch the sign of a bar. “A drink! I owe you a drink.” his eyes glimmer.
You look at him with a big question mark “I was just kidding about that.”
But he shakes his head “I owe you one, let me make up all my ignorance with one drink. What do you say tonight when the guards change shift, meet me in the horse stable?”
You want to say no, and reject his offer. What he’s doing can put him in big trouble. First, breaking the rules of going out at night, second sneaking out, third sneaking out with you for a drink. But once again with his big eyes and sincere smile, all you can do is gulp and nod your head.
“I promise I’ll get you to spill all of your secrets tonight,” Taeyong speaks in his heart as a small smirk appears on his godly face.
Next : expect to find what the “secret” is and maybe some fun with Taeyong but of course angst. If you forget about the secret, head to third post
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thevampiresiren · 4 years
Helping Yoongi Shave
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Word Count: 2.5K
Genre: Fluff, Humor
WARNINGS: Soft!Yoongi, Tooth Aching Fluff, Cursing, Slight Suggestive Themes (nothing major, just some suggestive flirting and a little talk of sex. Yoongi also puts his hands on the reader's butt)
Summary: Yoongi needs to shave, but he's too tired to do it himself. So he teaches you how to shave him.
A/n: So… This is the very first Fanfic that I wrote and I’m not going to lie; I was a very nervous about posting it until one of my friends read it for me and loved it. I’m not sure if I’ll be doing this stuff as a part of my blog ALL the time, but if I can think of anything and if it comes out good; I’ll definitely post it.  Also I just REALLY wanted to do a Yoongi shaving fanfic because I think helping your significant other shave is SO intimate and involves a lot of trust. I hope you guys like it!
I was passed out on the couch in the living room when I woke up to the sound of keys jingling outside the apartment door. As Holly got up from laying next to my feet, I picked up my phone and saw that it was around 1:30 am. As the door opened, I heard the brown toy poodle bark happily while he was spanning around in a circle while footsteps stopped to where he was. "Shhh, Holly. You're gonna wake Mom up." My boyfriend whispered petting the fluffy canine.
"Too late, she's awake." I yawned while stretching with a smile on my face. Yoongi looked up from petting Holly.
"I'm sorry, Jagiya. I thought you were in bed." Yoongi said while taking his shoes off, setting his work bag down, and walking over to me. I smiled as he tilted my chin up to gently peck my lips. When he pulled away, he laughed loudly. "What?" I asked.
"Nice bed head, babe". He said smirking while nodding at me. I ran my my finger through hair and sighed. "Hey, don't be upset. It's cute." He said standing up and kissing my check. I felt a slight roughness on my skin once he made contact. I look at his upper lip and chin, smirking.
"Nice stubble, babe." I copied. He touched his face and groaned. "Don't be upset. Its cute." I mocked. Yoongi smiled.
"I'm gonna go get changed. I'm too tired to shave tonight." He said yawning while walking to our bedroom. Holly and I followed not far behind and he laid down in his little bed starting to doze off again knowing his dad was home. I walked in and saw that Yoongi had put his glasses on and changed into his black sweatpants that hung loosly on his hips and was topless. He was by no means the buffest man in world, nor did he have majorly defined abs; but he was toned enough that you could see his pecs, and when the light hit right at the correct angel; his faint abs from him most recently working out would show up. He was perfect. His arm muscles slightly moved as he threw his clothes into hamper. I was too busy admiring him before he broke me from trance. "You okay over there? If I didn't know any better I'd get the feeling you're checking me out." He said with a cocky smirk. I smiled and pushed myself off the door frame I was leaning on.
"Nah, I think your hideous and by no means attractive. And you do it to me all the time." I said jokingly.
"Your loud noises from me pinning you down two nights ago and those dark marks say otherwise, baby girl". He said smirking. I blushed while trying to cover the "love marks" on my neck and where my shoulders met.
"Shut up and let me enjoy my hot boyfriend's body when we aren't fucking." I said laughing. Yoongi let out chuckle before he went off to the master bathroom to brush his teeth. I changed out of my day clothes into nothing but his white Fear of God shirt that hit my mid thighs and put my hair in a high ponytail.
"Aish! Its so fucking bad" Yoongi groaned loudly. I looked in and saw him examining his facial hair, clearly upset with how fast it was growing. "Yoon, just shave it tomorrow before you go to work. You need sleep." I said walking over to him. I knew he was beyong exhausted by how irritated he sounded and by the slight bags under his eyes. It was comeback season and I knew he was over working himself a bit. He was eating healthy and was taking care of himself like he has been, but I still worried about him. "I can't, we have an interview in the morning and we have dance practice. Plus, I need to finish up a song in the home studio once I wake up." He said leaning his head against the mirror pouting; his raven bangs falling and covering his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his bare torso and leaned my cheek on his broad shoulder making him shiver at the contact. "What if I do it for you?" I said quietly.
"My work?"
"No, dumbass." I said pulling away laughing while he turned around. "I mean shave your face." I said poking his chubby cheeks and kissing his pout.
"You sure you're not to tired to do that for me?"
"I wouldn't be offering if I was."
"Yes you would, because I'd do it too for you."
"I've already gotten at least 4 hours of sleep. You've been up since 6 am. I have more energy and I don't want you stressing out over it. Let me do it, baby. Let me take care of you." I said seriously.
"God, I can't wait to make you my wife." He said sighing. I laughed loudly "Who said I would say yes if your proposed?".
"We've talked about it and you were weak at the knees when I told you I would give you as many kids as you want and I would find a way to make it work for you, the kids, and music. Plus, you let me take your v-card. You've already said yes based on that like I did." Yoongi said laughing.
I blushed. "Just go get your damn razor and everything else." I said crossing my arms over my chest. Yoongi turned around and opened the medicine cabinet to pull out his shaving cream, aftershave, and the black leather case that he kept his razor in. He set everything in front of the sink and scooted out of the way for me to work. I opened up the case and saw exactly what type of razor it was. Anxiety shivered through my body as I pulled the razor out carefully. I just came to the realization that I had never actually SEEN his razor. He usually was using it on tour or even over at the dorm with the rest of the guys. Whenever he did shave here, it was in the shower.
"This is a straight razor...". I said quietly.
"I know. It gets closer to my skin and the shave lasts longer. It works better for me than a normal one.". I carefully opened the blade far away from either of us at the risk of us getting cut. I stared at it and my anxiety just continued to grow. These were dangerous and I'd never used one before.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Yoongi said looking at me concerned while reaching out and gently rubbing my shoulder.
"I'm scared I'm going to pull a Thomas Brown Hewitt and slit your throat while I shave you. I can't afford a lawsuit as big as you." I said casually as I carefully set the razor down after I slowly put the blade back. Yoongi busted out laughing loudly at my comment.
"You'll do fine, Kitten." He said calmly after he collected himself. "I'll show you how to use it on yourself first if that'll make you more comfortable.". I thought for a moment and nodded my head agreeing. Yoongi grabbed the shaving cream and turned the water on so it was hot but not scolding. "Fuck." Yoongi said looking down, his deep raspy voice just slightly about a whisper as he just noticed what I was wearing. I smirked at him with a face that said "really?" .
"Sorry, you just look really fucking cute." He said blushing. Yoongi showed me how to put the cream on my legs which was no different than I normally do. He then grabbed the razor, instructing me to put my hand where his was. He lightly wrapped his large hand around my wrist, and started.
"Okay, so the trick is to go with the grain of hair; never against it. It can cause bumps and ingrown hairs. Also keep your hand at a 30-degree angle. Anything more will cut yourself. Make sure the skin is always taught as well. And go slow and gentle. Like this.". Yoongi began helping me shave where my ankle was and guiding me with the right amount of pressure. After a few more strokes of him helping me, I had enough confidence to do it on my own. It wasn't as hard or scary as I thought. After 20 minutes, I had both of my legs shaved and set the blade down on the sink. I ran my hands down my legs and noticed how smoother my legs were. I had no cuts, bumps, or anything like I normally would. "I DID IT YOONGI! I DIDN'T KILL MYSELF!". I yelled extremely happy that I didn't have to go to the ER, wrapping my arms around Yoongi's neck . He laughed at how excited I was.
"I told you that you could do it. Are you ready to try it on me now?" He said picking the blade back up. I smiled and told him to sit down on the counter of the bathroom sink. Once he was sat down and his glasses were off, I put the water on and shaving cream on his face. Just when I had turned to grab the razor; I felt a large warm hand on my wrist. "Um.. wait a second."
While I went to look over at Yoongi; I felt a soft, light, pressure on my left cheek followed by a muffled sound. I looked between my face and part of my hair covered in white, to Yoongi's right hand also covered in white and the right side of his face showing his skin underneath. It took me a second to get over my shock before I began processing what had just happened. "MIN YOONGI." I yelled, waking Holly up, making him barm from the disturbance of his sleep before going back to bed. Yoongi busted out in a full-on laugh attack causing him to almost fall off the sink before catching himself. As I washed the shaving cream off of me, I looked annoyed but also amused at him being playful. "I want a divorce already." I said laughing with him. Once we both settled down and Yoongi had his face covered in shaving cream again; I grabbed the razor and was about to start shaving him when my anxiety started getting the better of my again. Yoongi sensed my anxiety sparking and grabbed my hand that wasn't holding the razor.
"Hey." Yoongi said while he looked up at me lovingly, running his long fingers over mine soothingly. "I trust you okay. I know you won't hurt me." He said before kissing my knuckles, careful not to get the shaving cream on my hand. I nodded smiling and slowly started shaving him. Several minutes in shaving him, while I was concentrating, I felt Yoongi's hands reach behind me to my upper thighs, pulling me closer. He gently started rubbing soothing circles on them and messaging my ass.
"Keep it PG, Min. I have weapon and I'm not afraid to use it." I said jokingly making him chuckle.
"You know what you in my clothes do to me." He said with a tired smirk. His dark lashes hit his cheekbones as he relaxed under my touch. I smiled at a how serene he looked, and it took everything in me not to kiss him. Once I was done, I rubbed my nose against his causing him to open one eye and smile. I grabbed the washcloth and gently cleaned whatever was left of his shaving gel. I grabbed his Invictus aftershave and put some on his face.
"Okay, I'm think done." I said proud of myself. Yoongi put his glasses back on and grabbed the handheld mirror I had held out to him and examined his face closely. A huge smile hit his lips and he wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders and pulled me to his broad chest. "You did amazing Jagi. Thank you." He said as he muzzled his face into my neck.
"You're welcome, Yoons." I said tiredly as I ran my fingers through his soft locks, laying my head on top of his. The faint smell of his aftershave along with the smell of him in general hitting my nose made me feel tired as I gently messaged his head. Yoongi hummed quietly into my neck before placing chaste lazy kissing to my neck, chest, below my ear lobe, cheeks, temple, nose, and finally my lips.
"I love soft, cuddly Yoongi." I said giggling. Yoongi looked at me with a soft smile, our noses touching.
"I thought you loved rough, dominate Yoongi?" He said rubbing our noses together.
"Ehh, I like all sides. I'm an easy woman to please." I said looking at him smiling before telling him it was time for us to go to bed. He yawned while nodding and we headed to our bed, setting his glasses down on the nightstand. He pulled me close, so my head was laying on his chest and placed his hand on the side of my face. Our centimeters away from each other he smiled and looked into my eyes with his full of love, care, warmth, and passion. "I love you so much, Jagi." He said tired while stroking my cheek bone. I leaned it connected my lips to his in a sweet but passionate kiss. We both pulled away with giant smiles on our faces. I responded looking tiredly into his eyes. "I love you too, Yoongi.". I layed my head on my pillow, my face buried in his neck breathing in his scent while he buried his in my hair, arms wrapped tightly around me. "I can't believe you smashed me in the face with shaving cream." I said quietly.
"That's what you get for staring at me and then parading around our bedroom in my shirt and your lace panties you brat.". He responded letting out and airy chuckle. I smiled before closing my eyes and falling asleep to his light breathing.
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minervahopebeyond · 4 years
Blood Daffodils.
Hello!! So here it is! I hope you like it, we are so near to the battle that I’m internally screaming. Please let me know what you thought!! 💕💕 I love to read your comments, they always make my day a little bit better 😊✨ Ps. I’ve checked but sorry if you find any errors in this one
Chapter 18: Safe house.
He slowly opened his eyes, very aware of the fact that he was alone in Harry’s bed... The memories of the night before flashed through his mind and he couldn’t help but to smile as he turned and buried his nose in the pillow, enjoying the smell of Potter’s cologne. Where was he?
Draco got off the bed and grabbed the night-robe that was on the chair right beside him.
Everything seemed pretty quiet, if Harry had woken up early, normally, he could hear him preparing breakfast downstairs, just because he was bored. But no, nothing.
He started to climb down the stairs, and, with every step he took, Draco was feeling more and more nervous. The flowers weren’t hurting him because they were still too happy from last night, but they were alert and that wasn’t a good thing. When the blond boy opened the door of the kitchen, and didn’t find any sign of Potter, he turned around and ran upstairs.
He opened the door of his bedroom, quietly, just in case that Ron was actually still sleeping and he was just being a paranoid arsehole, jumping to conclusions. The room was desolated, Weasley’s backpack wasn’t on the corner were it always was, and when Draco opened their wardrobe he was not shocked to find that most of his friend’s clothes were gone.
“No no no no no no no.” He mumbled repeatedly as he crossed the hallway to open Granger’s room without knocking.
Clean. Perfectly well made bed, the muggle photographs that she had in her nightstand weren’t there and, just like Ron, most of her clothes weren’t there either.
Gryffindor back-stabbing traitors. No, he wasn’t going to allow this.
He walked to his room again, the house still in silence, and took the map from under his bed. If they were at Grimmauld again he was going to kill them.
And he tried the spell.
And he tried it again.
And again
And again.
And again.
The blood wasn’t moving. It attempted to, it circled but it settled right in the same spot still.
‘Why isn’t it working?’
The flowers were scratching him now, like the drugged haze had finally faded away, and it made him very aware that something was definitely wrong. Like the kind of wrong that he couldn’t fix.
He tried the spell again and the blood still marked the same spot. ‘But they aren’t here, are they?’
“Oh no, weasel. Tell me you didn’t.” Draco pleaded as he reached over to the little drawer in the redhead’s nightstand. The place where he kept the pictures of his family and the little rock that Granger had found in the garden one day, claiming that it had a shape of a heart before leaving it on the grass again, the one that Ron secretly put in his pocket afterwards. Everything that was important to him was kept in that drawer... Now it was empty, except for one thing.
The coughing fit started as soon as he saw it. Fucking weasel, bloody excuse of a best friend, lying to his fucking face, leaving the necklace and leaving him here. The tears started to course down his cheeks, his lungs were burning worst than ever.
He saw a little note taped, almost hidden in the back of the drawer. Desperately, he reached over to take it in his hands. Maybe it was an address, maybe he had tricked the other two stupid parts of the Golden Trio.
He felt like his heart was shattering in a million pieces.
I’m sorry, Ferret. It wasn’t my call.
He let out a cry of pain as he felt the flowers tearing him up inside. His throat was raw from the screaming as he just kept on coughing and crying. Petal after petal, the pain didn’t stop. Not even a bit, nothing.
The daffodils kept on screaming at him, making things worse, they always made everything fucking worse.
And if that thought alone wasn’t enough for Draco to choke, it was replaced by something much more painful: the truth.
Suffocation. Unstoppable suffocation.
He heard someone running down the hallway, the door being slammed open.
But Mr. Potter was cut short by Draco coughing even louder, wheezing as the little air entered to be expelled from his lungs as soon as possible. The raw pain in the middle of the chest was something that he felt kind of familiar with... But not quite like this. Never like this.
“HARRY!!” James cried for help and that only made things worse. Because Potter was not coming. Potter had actually abandoned him and left with his true friends. Potter had finally come to terms with him being a fucking liability on the battle field. The same boy that the night before had kissed him before whispering that Draco was perfect.
The unbearable need to expulse the Daffodil took over. He started to force his own coughs, it was like he was finally controlling some of this awful feeling. It sounded horrible, though.
“CAN SOMEONE IN THIS HOUSE COME HERE?? Kid, you are going to be fine, I swear-“
“Harry isn’t here.” Sirius worried voice echoed in the room. He coughed even harder. “Oh, Circe. James! Harry isn’t here” He repeated as he threw himself to the floor and started to hug Draco tightly.
“Little cousin. Listen to me.” His voice was interrupted by the first entire Daffodil coming out from his mouth, all covered in scarlet blood. Yes, the first one, because the chest crushing pain wasn’t going away, which meant that there were more coming. “Oh for Merlin. THAT’S AN ENTIRE DAFFODIL JAMES!-“
“Sirius, you are not helping.”
“Oh, really?” And Draco felt his cousin taking his face in his hands, forcing him to look up, even though the has still coughing and the drops of blood were staining his hands. “Draco: Harry is in love with you. Do you hear me? He’s been in love with you for a long time, he said so. James, tell him.”
“Yes, kid... He would kill us for telling you, but he is.”
And Draco forced himself to cough the second daffodil, all disgustingly red and burning its way up his throat. And once the fucking flower was out, he raised his eyes and hissed.
“Don’t fucking lie to me.” He cleaned his mouth with the back of his hand, still crying. “He left me here! I’m going to strangle him.”
And, suddenly, with Draco coughing a little more softly, no longer in immediate danger, James and Sirius were slapped in the face with the situation.
Harry had ran away. He left. He took Granger and Weasley with him. Draco felt like the tears in their eyes were even more heart breaking than what Potter did to him.
“Pack you bags. We are leaving, kid.”
Draco frowned as he lifted his eyes from his book.
“We are going to a safe house. The wards are too weak because you are sick and Sirius level of anxiety keeps his magic out of control. I can’t keep them up for much longer. We are leaving.”
His voice sounded so determined, there was no place for Draco’s opinion there. None. And they couldn’t leave.
“They are not back yet!” He said and that made the daffodils hurt him because it was like he kept reminding them that Potter was not here. He coughed a few times before speaking again. “ Your son isn’t back yet.”
“I am fully aware. Pack your bags.”
And the door of his bedroom was opened again, this time Sirius entering the room. It was kind of weird because he could feel him... his magic. Normally he felt everyone’s magic, but in this case? It was like something that burned him, that made him nervous. Mr. Potter said that the more you live with it, the less you feel it.
“Is everything alright?”
“No. It’s not! “ Draco told his cousin, his voice was desperate, trying to find some kind of support. “I’m not going anywhere. They said not to send anything, if we leave then they are not going to be able to find us.”
Mr. Potter was looking at him, Draco could see the purple circles around his brown eyes, the bags under them, and he could notice that he was tired beyong measure... But they couldn't leave. He loved Sirius and James with his entire heart but if this was a choice between them and Potter... It was always going to be Potter. Even if the arsehole left him to rot in this house and had no intention whatsoever in coming back. Even then.
Sirius walked passing by Mr. Potter, and he touched his arm in a very gentle way as he did. He continued walking until he was beside Draco's bed. He sighed and then spoke, his voice cracking in the middle.
"Little cousin, if they want to find us they can. I know that, James knows that and <cite>you </cite> defenitely know that. We can't send a Patronus, but they can, they just are choosing not to." 
Yeah, that or they actually were in danger, hurt, kidnap or worse... But neither Draco or them had intentions of bringing that up. The flowers were already constant reminder of how worried he was and how unwanted he felt. So fucking lonely and angry... and still, here he was, trying to convince them to stay, hoping to hear the crack of apparation and Potter's voice again.
“Can’t we wait another day...? Please.” Draco begged Sirius with the puppy eyes that usually worked on him. Out of the two of them, Sirius was the most permissive and soft. James was much more ‘If you live under my roof you are going to follow my rules’ but given that he looked like a twenty-two year old... well, it looked rather comical for him to be setting rules and shit. But he still did, like right now.
“Jamie, could you leave us alone for a minute?” He asked kindly, looking at the man behind him.
“No, Padfoot. You are going to cave! I can see it in those stupidly gorgeous eyes of yours.”
But Sirius just held his gaze, the corner of his lips moving sightly upwards, and Mr. Potter huffed before excusing himself out of the room.
It was rather cute, how utterly whipped James was. He always thought that it would be Sirius, the one who gave him all... But after living with them for so much time he realized that if his cousin asked for something, then Mr. Potter would just do it. He enjoyed spoiling Sirius. Draco saw himself in Mr. Potter sometimes, doing things just to make Harry happy.
‘Look how that turned out.’
He couldn’t help to cough a little and Sirius turned to look at him again, this time something that resembled pity appeared in his eyes. Draco hated pity.
“We really have to leave. Someone offered us a safe place and we have to take it-“
“Who?” Draco asked as he played with the pages of his book, just to occupy his hands in something other than this horrible conversation, in something other than the constant taste of blood in his mouth.
“Remus.” Sirius answered.
Draco raised his eyebrows and looked up, surprised. They hadn’t seen Remus and Nymphadora since the wedding... Sirius and James had told him that Dora was expecting almost a month after the six of them started to be locked up in the mansion. Apparently she was a couple of months into the pregnancy the last time they had seen them. Harry was desperate to see Remus and Dora, to know that they were okay... and now he wasn’t even here.
Edward Remus Lupin had been born on the beginning of March and Draco craved to meet him, he just wished that it would have been in other circumstances.
“Sirius... Just one day. Is the only thing I’m asking... Give them one more day and if they are not back yet then I go without saying anything.” His cousin sighed, tired.
“I’ll see what I can do-“
“Yes! Thank you!” And Draco pulled him into a bone crushing hug. Sirius chuckled a little as he hugged him back.
“You are not the only one who is hurting you know...” He said and made Draco’s heart ache. “ This isn’t easy for him, he is trying to keep us alive because he cares, because he loves us too.” There was a pause, he felt like it lasted forever. “Do you think that he doesn’t want to go after him? He already missed so much of Harry’s life and now-“
“I know.” Draco whispered with his voice cracking. “I just- I wished they hadn’t left.”
Draco hated to talk about this because Sirius would <cite>always</cite> reply the same way. This time was no different.
“He is too in love with you, it clouds his judgement.”
And, as always, Draco started to cough, staining his cousin’s shirt with the drops of blood. Sirius stopped talking after that.
Mr. Potter had to sided apparated both of them. The poor man was getting exhausted and it showed on his face. Draco and Sirius were in no state to apparate by themselves, there was no other choice.
They apparated in the middle of nowhere. At least, that’s what Draco thought because there was literally nothing except from trees around them.
“Well, this brings me back.” Sirius said as he grabbed the luggage. Draco couldn’t even carry his own because just walking was exhausting. He felt so bloody weak.
Mr. Potter offered him his arm as support, saying that the house wasn’t far away but maybe it would be too much for Draco to walk alone.
The flowers were constantly cutting him. He became used to the disgusting metallic taste in his mouth mixed with the flowery taste. And the lungs, Merlin. Breathing was so fucking difficult, it was a chore, a job, he had to do it and force himself to keep on doing it because otherwise he would die... But it was so painful, so fucking painful. Like, right then, Draco could feel the breeze caressing his face, he could smell the scent of the forest, but when he tried to take a deep breath it would just end in coughing. The flowers missed Potter and Draco felt the same way, he couldn’t even argue with them about it.
It seemed invisible at first, the wards were so perfectly maintained that you couldn’t even imagine were the cabin even was. Mr. Potter and Sirius clearly knew the path by heart, as to how... it was a mystery to Draco. The trees all looked the same to him.
“Where are we?”
“Cheshire, in the Delamere forest.” James answered with a kind voice. “We used to come here all the time on summers.”
Draco looked around, it was very pretty although for him it was like being in the middle of nowhere. It looked like all was orange and green with the right light. It was almost noon, the sun rays passed through the treetops and formed a halo over some them. It looked rather beautiful... If Draco weren’t feeling like a walking corpse he would probably take a walk around.
Then, just behind a rather large beech, a small wooden cabin appeared into view. Remus and Nymphadora had adjusted the wards for them so they could get in easily. Still, once they were inside of the wards they found Remus standing in front of the house pointing at them with his wand.
“When did you figured out my secret? What did you tell me when you did?” His voice was controlled and steady. Mr. Potter was the one who answered first.
“Second year, after Halloween. I told you that you were the least scary person I knew, that my mom still had the first place when she was angry.”
Then Remus turned to Sirius, asking him what was the thing that scared him the most, the one thing that he confessed to him at Grimmauld.
“You told me that you were scare of being alone again. After I escaped, you were staying at Grimmauld’s in the guest room with the pink lamp that I hate, we were kind of drunk and you told me that you never wanted to be alone again.”
And finally he turned to Draco. It was rather comical because he was so stressed out and tired and he missed Potter so much that he coughed a few petals right there.
“Hello, Draco.” Remus said with a smile. “I heard that you didn’t want to come at all.”
The blond boy sighed and pushed Mr. Potter to move forward and enter the house already. He wasn’t in the bloody mood.
Remus yelled, telling Nymphadora that it was safe to come out, and suddenly, Draco was in front of a one-month-old baby. His cousin was there too, helding the little thing, but he couldn’t take his eyes away from Edward.
He was so so little, his hair was light blue, almost turquoise, it was one of the proofs of his metamorphmagus powers. His eyes were dark, but most babies didn’t show their true eye color until they were three months old...
He let go of James’ arm and began to walk towards little Edward.
He could hear everyone talking around him, the marauders greeting each other, even Dora joking about the fact that Draco hadn’t said hi to any of them but here he was, enchanted by little Teddy.
Once he was finally in front of him, he said a little quiet ‘Hi’ to Nymphadora and then continued to fix his eyes on the baby.
“Hi, I’m your cousin... I don’t have cool hair like you but we are related.”
Edward blinked, it seemed like he almost understood what Draco had said because his eyes were trying hard to focus in his blond hair. He extended one of his chubby hands towards it with difficulty and Draco bowed his head to let this cute baby touch his hair.
He was too little, he didn’t have a strong grip, he was kind of messing up Draco’s hair and trying to pull it but failing in the process and ending up running his fingers through it instead.
“Teddy seems to like you, little cousin.” Nymphadora said with amusement, he was about to respond when he heard Sirius.
“Hey! Don’t call him that, he is my little cousin, find your own.” He could hear Mr. Potter’s laughter and when he moved away from Edward’s to see them, they were already hugging.
“Ignore him, Tonks! He is just afraid that the kid might like you better-“
“I am not!” Sirius exclaimed.
Nymphadora chuckled before responding.
“He is my little cousin too, stupid! And now, just because you said that, I’m going to call him that all the time.” Sirius gasped and Draco couldn’t help but to laugh. Then, Dora turned around and gestured for them to enter already. “I’m preparing lunch. Honey, would you showed them their bedroom?” And Remus nodded, of course.
Draco made an effort to take a few steps towards Sirius to pull him into a hug, stealing him from Mr. Potter’s arms.
“Don’t worry, you’re still my favorite.” He said in a low voice and even though Sirius’ eyes shone with happiness, he just flipped his hair and shrugged.
“Of course I am. It isn’t even a competition because if it were: I would totally win.”
Draco laughed again and tightened his arms around his cousin, walking towards the little cabin. He thought that Potter would love to be here... and the flowers started to scratch him again.
And he kind of agreed with them a little.
At night, Draco laid in the pull out couch in the middle of the living room. The house was quiet and the only sound he could hear was the wind going through the trees, making them move and the animals that chose the night to walk around the forest. That was all he could hear and it was beautiful. The flowers were moving restlessly inside of him. Of course sleeping wasn't an option, these days he could barely get three hour of uninterrupted sleep, they wouldn't let him get more than that. He sometimes felt like they were being ungrateful with Sirius and Mr. Potter... But given the fact that the daffodils were actually Draco, maybe he was the one who was being an ungrateful brat and couldn't admit it.
Draco missed Potter. He actually missed Harry and felt like calling him by his first name did not express how mad he was, or how sad, or even how much he wanted him. 'Potter' was a name that came with so much history, such long years of pining that seemed to never end. Everytime he had let himself think that it was possible, that maybe something  was starting to finally come together... Every single hope he had would get crushed. He hated it, he was tired of it.
But he missed him. He missed him so much that his entires body craved and ached for him. So much that the flowers sometimes would get tired of hurting him, after so much hours doing the same bloody thing...
And he wanted to tell him, he wanted to tell him everything. About the cabin, about Edward, about Remus and Nymphadora. He wanted to tell him about James and how much of an angel he was, that he left this cabin in his will for Remus, that he had to actually fight with him to take it after all this years... He wanted to tell him everything and he couldn’t because he was not there.
No talks after midnight, no stolen kisses in the middle of the day, no listening to Queen while Potter run his fingers through his hair, and no-
He cursed under his breath at the feelin of the flowers cutting him open, coughing wildly. No more nights like the one in the attic.
He moved the covers, freeing himself from them and cursed because of the pain and effort that took standing up by himself. He walked very slowly to the wooden round table in the kitchen and grabbed one of the quills and come parchment that Remus had left there before going to bed. He sat down on the chair, making it creak, look at the blanc parchment and took a deep breath. It wasn’t the same, but it was something. He missed Potter, he missed him and if he didn’t do something about it soon the flowers were going to kill him.
Dear Harry:
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canesshi · 6 years
Heat | 3
Tumblr media
Pairing: Dragonshifter!Jimin x reader
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff
Plot: Your husband was supposed to steal your heart, but the dragon that kidnapped you from your own wedding made it hard for him to  do so.
A/N: Didn’t proof read this yet! Sorry
[1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | | [5] | [to be continued]
The air was getting thinner and thinner the higher up you got. Being beyong exhausted at this point, you decided to rest for a little while. It wouldn’t hurt, right? You sat down on a boulder close to the edge. The view was truly amazing. If you hadn’t been in such a life threatening situation you would have sat there for the rest of your life, taking in the beauty of nature but this wasn’t a vacation. You weren’t travelling. In fact, you weren’t even here by choice. You were trying to survive, caught in a deadly game of life and death.
Your mind began to wander as you heard distant noises. Your blood froze and so did you because you couldn’t move an inch. Your mind was screaming at you to move, hide, do anything... but you couldn’t. It was as if you were glued to the ground. Only the ear splitting roar that errupted from the beast and made the groud shake brought you back but the dragon was nowhere to be seen.
And as soon as the noises had appeared, they had left. A breath you had been holding escaped your screaming lungs. Deciding that it was probably smarter to keep going instead of staying in one place you got up from the boulder and continued your journey even though more than cautious this time.
“What are you doing here?!”
You nearly stumbled and fell to your death right then and there but the tight grasp on your wrist pulled you back. Anger boiled deep inside of you as you spotted the young male but the wave of relief that washed over you for a few seconds didn’t go unnoticed. Nevertheless you ripped you wrist away from his tight hold, glaring at him with so much hatred you might have been the dragon yourself.
“How could you leave me there to die? You knew there was an exit! Still, you didn’t tell me!! Wanted to feed me to the dragon, right? I swore myself I’d kill you if the dragon didn’t do it for me!” He was taken aback by that but his expression remained gentle. “You are not save out here. I was trying to protect you.”, he answered but you could do nothing but scoff. “Protect me from what? The dragon? How could you protect me from a dragon?” He didn’t answer your question. Instead he stepped closer to you which made you step back.
“I can’t protect you! But the cave would have! Don’t you understand that, woman?” He got closer again making you step back further. “I would’ve starved to death! What is your point?!” This time you just instinctively took a step back but your foot was meet with cold nothingness as you stepped into the air. You weren’t able to catch yourself as you tried grabbing onto something.
The boy was quick to react. Reaching out to grab your outstretched hand but it was too late. You were already free-falling. An ear pierching cry ripped through your throat as your stomach clenched painfully with the feeling of falling. For a moment you hoped you had fallen asleep and this was one of these dreams where you fell and fell into the dark abyss but no matter what you did you never woke up. This was real. This was it, your end.
Two rough but gentle arms slung themselves around you body. Opening your eyes just for a quick second you could see the strangers face above you. Truning you two gracefully, he was now under you. What was he doing? He jumped after you, he would die too!
With one powerful push he pushed you away from his body and you didn’t know if having your eyes open was a blessing or a curse. Because what you saw in front of you was more than terrifying. The strangers chest began to glow. The glow spread through his whole body as if it had caught on fire. The glow extended even further and got even brighter, making you close your eyes tightly. And that’s when you felt two giant claws wrap around you body-
Your sister side-eyed you as you walked down the the port. This was where the wedding ceremony would begin. You would step into the small wooden boat and float to the middle of the lake. From there ‘true love’ was supposed to guide your boat to your waiting soon-to-be husband. You knew it wasn’t true love that was guiding you boat, it was just the gentle wind that alway pushed the boat in the same direction but for the sake of your father, your family, you decided to play along. It was not like you had a choice to begin with.
“Make me proud”, was the last thing your father told you as he gentle pushed the boat away from the port after you stepped into it and sat down on the wooden bench. It floated towards the middle of the lake when suddenly, as if someone had pulled a laver, the wind changed directions. No, that was not quite right; It seemed as if the wind came from every direction, keeping you exactly in the middle of the lake. The numerous people watching grew impatient and started whsipering until something caught your attention. It was a hum. Quiet but loud enough for you to recognize. You turned around to your sister. Her eyes were closed as she hummed that one song. And soon other started too until everyone was humming. It was an old song. Noone would dare to sing- or even hum- that tune normally. The wind got rougher and rougher. The clouds above you had changed their colour drastically and you felt the cold harshness of little raindrops falling onto your overheated skin.
The next thing - something that made everyone’s head turn in disbelief - was the groans and roars in the distance.
- The dragon flapped its wings a few times like a newborn bird that was learning to fly for the first time and just seconds later you felt the two of you colliding with hard ground.
Caughing and spluttering salty seawater you dragged yourself back on land. Your head ached and for a moment you saw everything double. You dragged your hand through your soaked hair, trying to get it out of your face but the strands were glued to it. You should’ve ran away right then and there without glancing back at the giant beast laying unconcious in the shallow waters. The only difference now was that instead of the scale covered beast there laid the young man. Face slightly underwater, hair sticking to his forehead just like yours and blood oozing out from a wound somewhere on his body.
You should have left him there to die.
But who would ensure you he was truly dead? Maybe he’d heal himself and come for you later. You took a wild look around and spotted the rock sitting nearby. Full of emotions you lifted it with both hands bringing it over to the unconcious boy who’s chest still glimmered. You lifted the stone up high, ready to smash it down and crack his skull open but just as you were about to do it you stopped yourself. You couldn’t just kill him. He,, He saved your life. Still he was the dragon that nearly killed you more than one time. But...
You let the rock fall to your side. Carefully you leaned down, touching the glowing part on his chest, somewhere where his heart was. You flinched as you pulled your hand back. You tried grabbing his shoulders to pull him out from the water but you had to pull back again. He was burning hot. There was no way you were able to tough his body wihtout burning yourself badly. But he would drown.
Pulling yourself together you got hold of his arms and began dragging him out of the water and onto solid ground. He left a small trail of blood where you dragged him across the stone but that was your smallest concern at the moment. Your hands were burning and you could nearly feel the blisters forming. It was as if he cooked you alive. As soon as he was on land you let go of him. You clutched your hands to your chest, inspecting your demaged fingers. Every touch after this would be painful but you were in no position to complain, not when he saved your life.
Suddenly, a furry, little animal ran between your legs almost making you fall over and into the water again. It was the creature from the cave.
“NO! He’s not dead! You can’t eat him!”, you cried out as the creature neared the guy’s neck. But instead of biting him, it sniffed a few times before licking one spot over and over almost as if he wanted to tell him to wake up already. The creature whimpered before cuddling up next to the injured male.
You almost forgot. But there was nothing you could do here. Looking around, there was nothing. You knelt down next to the young male and tried turning him over so that he was lying on his stomach but the creature snapped at you as soon as your fingers neared his body. Instead of drawing back though you only glared at it. “I’m trying to help him! Move!”. It was as if the creature had understood you because it moved to the side even though a little cautious at first. You flipped the injured male over, inspecting his back which was almost copletely bare since his clothes got torn almost completely. You could feel that he had already cooled down a little but you fingers were still burning, the dull pain having you grit your teeth. On his back - just below his left shoulder - was an open wound. It didn’t bleed as heavily as you had expected but still; he was bleeding and needed medical treatment.
The only thing you could do for him in this very moment was to bandage his wound and even though that wouldn’t do much it would still do something at least. With a sigh you looked down at the sad leftovers of the wedding dress you had been wearing. It had been pretty torn the moment you woke up on this island so what would it matter if it got torn further? Grabbing a piece of thicker fabric from underneath you tore it from your dress. You wondered if it would be long enough but the only way to find out was to try, right? You laid the piece  of fabric down on his wound while trying to tough the injured skin as little as possible. You didn’t want it to get infected. That would only make things way worse. After flipping him over again you grabbed both sides of the cloth and tied a knot over his chest. If this had been another situation you would’ve laughed because it looked a little bit like he was wearing a breast holder.
Only then you got a chance to look at the stranger fully. His hair, which was already drying, was swept back and revealed his forehead. His eyes were closed but beautiful long and dark lashes were softly touching his cheeks. His features were gentle but seemed sharp at the same time. He was enthralling. You would have stared at him much longer but something wet against your hand snapped you back to reality. It was the little fur-thing. It was softly licking at your bruised hand and it was as if that numbed the aching pain a little. Raising a hand to gentle pet the top of its head, it was scared at first but nuzzled into your hand a few seconds later. You sat beside the stranger quite some time, creature in your lap and hands still caressing its fur. But the sky didn’t look as friendly as before. Dark clouds were slowly coming your way. You needed to find shelter,,, espacially because of the boy in front of you.
Next part >>
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Masks. Part II. (A Michael Langdon imagine)
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►Summary: A lot of events take place on the Outpost number three within a few hours. Secrets start to get revealed and more questions without answers appear.
►  A/N: I have to thank all of you for how much support you’ve given me and the first part of this series, I am beyong grateful. All your messages and feedback had made me very happy. I hope you all enjoy this second part as well and let me know if you’d be interested on a third one!
► Warnings: 8x03 spoilers, death, swearing 
► Warning: Michael Langdon x Reader
► Word count: 6K
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Feedback is always appreciated and constructive criticism is always welcome
“I knew I would find you here.” Ms. Venable’s voice sounded softly on the almost empty library. Thanks to the candles’ light, her shadow was being casted on the wall of the hallway behind her as she stood on the doorframe. The dark figure was way taller than her, and the shadows that were created on her face also thanks to the dim light made Ms. Venable look even more serious and menacing than she already was. You didn’t lift your stare from the book you were reading, you didn’t need to since you had hear your mother’s cane hitting the floor as she was approaching the library. “I guess I’m not a mystery to you anymore.”  You responded with your eyes still fixed on the pages, but they were not moving, you were not reading, just waiting. Wilhemina’s cane echoed on the room as she approached the couch in front the one you were sitting on, but she didn’t sit in front of you, Venable chose an extreme of the couch. “I want to talk to you about something important.” And that meant that she wanted you to close the book and look at her, which you did  calmly. “I want you to tell me what happened on your test with Mr. Langdon.” Venable demanded, her hand still on the cane which she made hit the floor once again to make the Gray girl that was there leave. The conversation that was about to happen couldn’t have witnesses.
“Did you tell him?” You asked her after taking a small deep breath, placing the book next to you before turning you head to Venable, whose eyebrows were already raised. “What?” For a moment you thought Venable was playing the fool. After waiting a few seconds to see if your mother would say something else, you answered. “About our kinship.” This time it was Venable who took a deep breath and you could easily perceive how her chest raised and lowered slowly. The eyes of the woman in front of you, that until that moment had been locked with your, lowered slightly, to your collarbone area. It was just a second before Venable’s eyes went back to yours, You knew that it was a very common gesture of Venable, but just when he was with you, in front of everyone else, Venable was implacable and she never hesitated about absolutely anything. “No. He already knew apparently, because he also mentioned it to me.” “How could he know?” You asked trying to conceal how curious you were about the reason of Langdon knowing that secret you two shared. “That’s a question I, sadly, don’t have the answer to.” “What did you talk about?” Ms. Venable’s answer came quicker than you were expecting, and certainly, it was not what you expected to hear. “You” She had a small smile on her face as she said that, but it was enigmatic and even after years of knowing her, there were some things you still couldn’t decipher about your mother, after all, neither of you completely knew each other. “Why would I be the main topic in a conversation between you and Mr. Langdon? What did he tell you?” “You seem interested” Venable pointed out as the hand that was grabbing the handle of the cane tightened the grip on the item. “Curious.” You simply answered shrugging with your left shoulder. “What did you talk about with him?”The fact that she hadn’t answered your previous question didn’t go unnoticed, but you decided that it was better not to insist. Yet. “You.” “Only?” A smirk showed up on your face as you switched the position of your hands; now the left one was resting on top of the right one. The seconds you took to give your answer irritated Venable slightly, and you knew about it even if she did good at concealing it. “And Ms. Mead” Venable made a small gesture with his head, inviting you to continue with your explanation. “He wanted to know about my relationship with both of you.” “And what did you tell him?” Venable asked with a smooth and relaxed tone of voice but she was everything but tranquil. “The only thing I could; the truth.” If someone saw the two women dressed in black and heard the conversation you two were having they could have thought you were reciting a script; neither of you were sounding  exactly natural, but you weren’t uncomfortable with each other. The relationship between the two Venables had always been weird. “We cannot trust that man nor his word.” “Can we trust someone in here?” You asked with a small smile, making Venable imitate your gesture and nod with her head. “Can we trust anyone at all?” She said moving the hand she had on her cane slightly to end up with it on the same exact position she had before moving it in the first place. Seeing how you were agreeing with her, she continued. “Only a fool would follow him.” “So you think it’s safer to stay here rather than to go to the Sanctuary with him?” For a moment it looked as if Ms. Venable had frozen. The woman smiled in a way someone would smile if they heard a kid saying something that completely lacked of any sense. “Being completely honest, I don’t think anything safe exists anymore. I don’t know if we’ve passed his test or not but…” “I still have to finish it actually.” You interrupted Venable who looked at you with a hint of surprise on her face. “Independently of the result” When Wilhemina started to talk again as if she hadn’t heard what you had last said, you felt the urge to roll your eyes, but you neither did or said anything. “Going with him would be a mistake, don’t you think?” “I appreciate your concern, but I’m not so sure of what you’re telling me now.”   “Do you trust him more than you trust me?” “Don’t get it that way” Knowing exactly what was going on inside her head, you answered shaking your head no. The woman sitting in front of you hadn’t made the question in an aggressive way, but a surprised one and you knew that Venable could be worse when something didn’t go the way she wanted than when she was just mad. “I’m not clinging to your truth, but neither to his. I just want to find out by myself.” “I understand and respect that.” Venable said with an actual understanding tone of voice as she stood up from the couch. “I wouldn’t like to see you fall into a hole you wouldn’t be able to crawl your way out of it though.” “I’ll be fine.” The only answer you got was a nod from Venable, who started to walk towards the door of the library making her cane collide with the floor with every step she made. “Oh, by the way” Venable hadn’t put a food outside the library when, after a sigh, she turned to you. “A Halloween party will be thrown tomorrow on the music room. I’ve said that assistance is mandatory so, please, be as kind as to join us. Victorian style attire and masks are required.” “I’m looking forward for it…” As you grabbed the book next to you to start reading again, Venable left the room and her face changed completely in a blink of an eye once she started to walk down the corridor.
The night of the Halloween party had arrived and you were on your room, getting ready. You were sitting on the vanity of the room, brushing your now wavy hair. Usually your wore your hair up, perhaps not entirely but it was not usual for you to wear your entire hair loose, but since the night seemed an especial occasion and people’s appearances needed to be different than their usual ones, you thought it could be a good way to show yourself differently. Once your hair looked the way you wanted, you left the hairbrush on the shining wooden surface of the vanity. The index finger of your right hand moved a lock of hair that was too close to your left eye for your comfort, and then the fingertip kept going over your face, passing by the cheek, that had a stronger pinkish shade that night, to keep going down by your jaw until you reached the neck, and from there to your collarbone area where your finger found the cold of the silver your necklace was made of. The dress chosen for the meeting that was taking place that night was also very different from the ones you would usually wear. It was still entirely black, but both your cleavage and back could be seen with that dress while the clothes you could normally be seen with were a little more demure, so the necklace that was always hanging from your neck was almost never in sight. The only thing left were the lace short gloves that were resting next to where you had placed the hairbrush. Just by the sight of yourself that night, the Halloween meeting started to seem promising. Not that you didn’t like how you looked any other day, but it was undeniable how different you were looking and how much the change suited you. As you grabbed the gloves and started to put them on your head started to wonder about what could be the reason behind the event that would dominate the night. Last night, when the conversation with Ms. Venable took place, your mother didn’t seem in a special good mood, neither a bad one, she was just like any other day, and that mood didn’t include any kind of celebration. Besides, during all the time you had been inside the Outpost number three, no other party had taken place; there hadn’t been a Christmas, Easter wasn’t celebrated either and no one hadn’t even mentioned Thanksgiving, so why Halloween, and why all of a sudden? Wilhemina and you could be catalogued as strangers to each other, but still you had a profile of her, a slight but accurate idea of how she was and acted.. You were not close, and you didn’t have a strong bond, nor even a bond at all, the two Venables had their own kind of ambiguous relationship, but if there was truly something to celebrate you would have known, you would have been able to notice even though you probably wouldn’t have guessed exactly what. Perhaps Wilhemina had perfected her ways to keep information and make it impossible for anyone to read her, but if that were the case, wouldn’t you have been able to see or perceive the process going on? Maybe, the best way to find out what was happening or about to happen was going to the party, perhaps the mystery  was going to be revealed when everyone was on the music room and the party could start, so it could be worthy to join the rest of the people that night. Once you were completely ready, you stood up from the velvet cushion the stool had and smoothed any wrinkle the skirt of the dress could have after being sit for a while as you kept thinking about the mysterious party your mother had decided to throw. Just as you were about to grab the dark red lipstick for a small retouch, steps could be heard moving away from the door of your room, as if someone had been standing up there, spying your silence, and had either got bored or the information they needed or wanted. Raising one of your eyebrows, bewildered before the possibility of someone daring to break and violate your intimacy that way, you walked towards the door in quick and big steps, ready to drag whoever that could be seen at the end of the hallway, trying to get away with it but when you hand grabbed the knob of the door and tried to turn it to open the door, you realized her door had been locked. Feeling confusion starting to grow on your head, you tried to open the door a few more times letting aggressiveness lead your actions. Turning on your heels as you inhaled and exhaled deeply, feeling how the anger was being caged again, you leaned against the door and closed your eyes. Who could have locked you in there? Basically only another person wearing black. Purples didn’t even get a chance to be close to the keys or anything that could make them feel the slightest feeling of empowerment, their egos were more than enough to make most of them dislikeable, so there was no need to boost their egos even more. Grays were there to work and serve, but they were always following commands and they were constantly guarded by someone superior, someone wearing black, so the list of names of the people who could have prevented you from going to the Halloween party was short. Venable and Mead’s names were crossed. your mother had personally asked you to go to the party, and if she wanted you to go, Ms. Mead would want the exact same thing. After thinking about it for a few minutes, you opened your eyes again and anger could be seen on them. You were feeling frustrated cause all the names on the list had been crossed, after all, who would dare to go against Venable’s desires and orders? You had to find a way to get out of that room and to find out who was guilty of locking you up in your room. Whoever that had dared to do such a thing would feel your revenge, and you liked them long and painful.
There had to be something in your room you could use to open the door. The hangers in the closet were wooden, so they were not an option. The next place you could think of was you vanity, but again, nothing, and the same result was given by everywhere else you tried. Frustration was running through every single one of your veins. With a raw growl you passed both of your hands over the surface of the vanity, throwing everything that was there to the floor. To be honest, you didn’t remember many other times when you had gotten this pissed. Usually you always found a way to turn the situation into your favor and get what you wanted pretty easily if you cared enough to make an effort, but this time, you were literally a mouse trapped in a cage without knowing what was going to come next nor what could you do to escape. But as the other times anger had taken control the spot above the bridge of your nose, between the eyebrows, started to hurt as if it was burning, making you hiss.. Your ears started to hear a pitch you knew nothing could be making, and that disoriented you. Stumbling, you achieved to reach the bed, where you sat as two of your fingers massaged the area in order to make the piercing pain go away.
It took a minute for you to calm down completely, you just needed to breath. Your ears were hearing nothing now, just the silence surrounding you, and the pain on your head was gone. Even though your were feeling better, your hands were still on r bed, grabbing the sheets so tightly your knuckles had gone white. In the middle of the quietness that reigned the  room, a click could be heard, making your head snap towards the door as it opened slightly. In half a second you were standing on your feet again, not caring about the dizzy feeling standing up so quickly had created, you had started walking to the door, needing to vent your fury on whoever that could be behind the door, either if they were the one who had locked you in or not when the door opened more, revealing Michael. Of course, you hadn’t thought of Michael.
“Tell me you didn’t do it.” You commanded with your jaw clenched. Michael didn’t answer, he didn’t even move, the only change he made after you had made your question was on his lips, that showed a small amused smile, which only infuriated your even more, and you were about to make him know when he finally spoke. “I didn’t.” He stated as if you had asked him about the weather, as if the conversation was the most banal and boring one, but you decided to ignore that. “Then how did you open the door?” “I didn’t” The same answer with the same tone of voice as he finally entered the room. His ambiguity didn’t let you be sure if he was telling the truth or not, but why would he lie about what you had asked him? Michael’s eyes scanned your figure, but he didn’t do it like he had done it a few days before when you entered Ms. Venable’s office to go through the test. Michael was not analyzing you, he was admiring you. “You look absolutely magnificent tonight.”  Even though you had gone through a small wrath period, it was impressive how your dress and hair had managed to stay as perfect as they were when you had finished getting ready, but even if they were looking messy, you’d be looking exactly as perfect in Michael’s eyes. “It’s really sad that the rest of the guests here won’t be able to see you.” The fact that he had use the negative form of the verb told you that he had the idea of you not attending the meeting that night, but maybe he was wrong. “Actually, I think they will. I have to go, I told Venable I would.” Michael just smiled as he approached his chin to his chest. You passed by him and that’s the moment he took advantage of to finally move one of his hands, since both of them had been on his back since he showed up in the room, and grab one of your hands to stop you from leaving the room. Perhaps it was you who was wrong. “Actually… I think you would prefer to stay here.” Your stopped on your tracks and your eyes went to your hand, carefully being hold by Michael’s one. It was the first time you were feeling something truly soft coming from him. He was sharp and direct when the test was being made, and even though he was not rough the last time he was in that same room with you, he was ardent, almost literally, but now he was just being soft and subtle, still in his own mysterious and cryptic way, which only confused you even more. “Why haven’t you attended the party?” You asked raising your eyes from both of your hands together to Michael’s eyes while his hadn’t left yours at any moment. “I had more important things to do tonight than go to that… thing.” He spoke with a smooth voice, the one you had heard before, the always enigmatic one. “Then what are you doing here?” Maybe he had heard your tantrum and, bitten by curiosity, he had just approached the room to see what was going on and who was disturbing him while he was trying to do whatever that had to be done by him that night, but what he answered surprised you, making you raise an eyebrow. “Carrying one of them through.” Without letting your hand go, Michael turned his body towards the door to close it with his free hand while your eyes followed his every move without fully understanding what was going on. “Tonight is a special occasion, indeed.” He started turning to you again and guiding you, thanks to the hands you were still holding, to the center of the room, away from the items you had thrown to the floor less than five minutes ago. “Tonight’s a turning point, and of course it won’t have the chance of going back.” When he finally let your hand go, he approached the desk and stared at the book there. “I took the liberty to make some decisions for you.” You raised your chin, curious, as one of your gloved hands, the one Michael had grabbed, started to open and close. You didn’t really like when someone else decided for you, limiting your freedom. He could feel how you had tensed after that last piece of information, and that made him smile. “Does that make you mad?” “It’s not something I especially enjoy.” The feeling was more tedious than the words you chose showed. “But you are willing to let me decide if you’re worth or not of coming to the Sanctuary.” During a moment of silence, they held a small stare battle, but Michael soon ended it by lowering his stare to the book again before looking back at you, that were still debating what you should be feeling. “But before telling you anything else…” He started taking steps, approaching you again. “There’s something that needs to be done.” Before you could say or do anything the same hand Michael had used to softly hold yours, abruptly grabbed the necklace you had  hanging on your neck and pulled brusquely, breaking the thin chain and ending with the aforementioned chain and the small ball that hung from it trapped inside his hand. Out of shock, and suddenly mad at him for what he just did, you were about to launch yourself at him, but he stretched one of his arms, with his hand also stretched in order to stop you from moving. He knew why you would be pissed at him, but there were so many things you had to know that any possible start he could have thought of would have been confusing anyway. “You finally don’t need this anymore, actually, you should have never used it, but that was not on your hands.” He spoke with disgust on his voice as he stared at the necklace with hatred. “What are you talking about?” You asked but you didn’t actually give him time to answer. “Give it back.” Smacking his arm away with a swift move of one of your hands, you tried to reach the necklace on Michael’s hand, but he was quicker than you on his reaction, as if he knew the exact series of movements you were going to make. Michael threw the necklace away and both of you heard how it hit the floor but none of you saw where, you were too focused staring at each other to see where the item fell, and even if you had seen it and wanted to go pick it up,you wouldn’t have been able to. The same arm you had smacked away was now around your waist, pulling you closer to Michael. Since your back was exposed, his hand was in direct contact with your skin, and you could feel that burning sensation coming from him again. “Why the hell did you do that?” You asked putting your hands on Michael’s chest as if you were about to shove him away, but you didn’t. Your eyes were throwing daggers at him though. “How did you get that necklace?” Michael’s question confused you on one hand; it didn’t seem relevant, but on the other one, when you tried to think about the answer, you realized you didn’t longer have it and your whole face changed. “It’s impossible…” You mumbled more to herself than to Michael, who had to hold you tighter as he felt how it was starting to affect you just as he knew it would. On one second you perfectly knew the story behind that necklace, every single detail; who gave it to you, when and where, but on the next one, when you wanted to tell Michael about it you found a blank space where the memory should be, a void now filled with bewilderment. “Who gave that necklace to you?” Michael kept going. He didn’t want to push you hard, but he needed you to understand, to be able to put the pieces together as fast as you could. Years had to be made up for. “I don’t know…” Again, a small, soft mumble that didn’t even sound like your voice. Your eyes lowered as your brain tried to find an explanation, a hint, a clue of that story you knew so well but you had suddenly forgotten. “Now you are totally perfect.” Michael whispered as he placed his free hand on your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb a couple of times as the grip on your waist became tighter. You lifted your chin again to look at him, ready to ask him what did he mean and what was going on since you could feel how he had all the answers you were suddenly so desperate for, but you didn’t have the chance since Michael wanted to erase any space left between the two of you. He was about to put his lips on yours and he would have done it if you hadn’t stopped him from doing so using using your hands since they were still on his chest. Far from seeming bothered by her response, Michael gave a small and understanding smile to you. “You have to give me some answers before.” That last word said it all. Before anything else could happen, the door of the room opened and Ms. Venable and Ms. Mead entered the space, neither of them looking very happy. With his smile still on his face, he moved his arm and hand away from you as you took a step away from him to be able to turn towards Ms. Venable, who was looking at both of you trying not to frown. “We looked for you on your room Mr. Langdon, who would have thought you would be here instead?” Venable asked in a gentle way, but sharpness could be felt in her voice. “No need to worry Ms. Venable, I just needed to share a few words with your daughter.” The dark eyes of Wilhemina went to you and she quickly realized your neck was bare which made her sigh defeated. “You’ve just corrupted her, but I’m afraid that’s exactly what you wanted.” She said as she looked back at Michael and squinted her eyes in disdain for the blonde man. “I’m not the one who has been hiding things.” Your eyes went from Venable to Michael a few times, hating how cryptic the two of them were being. “Anyway” Venable ended the conversation to start another one. “I wanted to tell you that we’re making the selections now Mr. Langdon. And I’m afraid you didn’t make the cut. Actually, none of you made it.” Venable’s eyes went back to you slowly, enjoying the feeling of power running through her veins. Your eyebrows raised, not surprised, but curious. “I won’t be sheltering any traitor under my wings.” A bitter sided smile appeared on your lips as Michael let out a loud laugh, earning everyone’s attention. “I’m sorry.” He started with a playful smirk decorating his features. “I wanted to let you have your moment but I couldn’t hold it.” “You think this is funny?” Venable asked even though it sounded more like a statement as you remained silent just like Ms. Mead was, paying attention to every word and every detail. “I think I’m impressed, Ms. Venable. I wasn’t sure you had it in you.”Michael spoke as he took a step forward, approaching Venable. “You’ve passed the test.” Immediately,and without her being able to avoid it, a small and proud smile appeared on Wilhemina’s lips before Michael kept talking. “You’re perfect for the Sanctuary.” “Ms. Mead.” Was all that Venable had to stay for Mead to pull a gun out of her belt. “Both of them.” “I wouldn’t do that.” Michael warned still looking at Venable, but when he had no answer coming from her, he averted his gaze towards Mead who was already pointing at him with the gun. “Ms. Mead.” Venable repeated, growing impatient. Ms. Mead didn’t move for a few seconds, but when she did her arm was the only part of her body that moved. Now the gun was pointing at you. “Don’t you dare Miriam.” As Michael had done, you warned, but your voice had poison in it, the threat was more obvious. Miriam’s arm then kept moving, and your eyes widened slightly when you saw that Ms. Mead was now pointing at Venable. She turned to Mead to see what was taking her so long, but before a word could come out of her lips, Mead pulled the trigger and shot Venable, earning a proud smile from Michael and a raise of eyebrows from you. Venable gave a surprised and betrayed look at Mead to then look at you with almost the same gaze before falling to the floor. Even if it was not perceptible on your face, you were beyond confused. “I don’t know why I did that” Mead sounded truly dazed as Michael approached Venable who was still looking at you, letting you see how life was leaving her eyes. “I was always loyal to her.” For a moment you thought Mead would start crying. “It’s all right” Michael said crouching next to Venable as he looked at you. One of his arms stretched to you, he was offering you his hand. Without your eyes leaving your mother’s body, you took Michael’s hand and approached him. “You were obeying commands, like you’re programmed to do.” Michael said turning to Mead, whom you stared at squinting your eyes. “My commands.” Both Mead and you looked at Michael as Venable took one of her last breaths. Now you were feeling completely lost. “Did you enjoy executing the poison apples plan as much as I enjoy coming up with it?” “You wanted everyone dead?” Mead asked with the gun still on her hand, even though she was pointing at the floor in that moment while her head tried to process everything. “They’re all dead?” You couldn’t help yourself but ask. Michael looked at you with a small on his face, totally amused by the idea and the fact that you didn’t sound horrified, not even affected by the idea, just surprised. “It had to be done this way, and I’ve never been a fan of getting my hands dirty.” He answered simply letting your hand go. “Learned that from my father.” This last sentence was said when he was looking back at Mead. “Always more fun to entice men and women to dirty deeds. Confirms what I’ve always believed.” “What do you believe?” Mead asked having trouble to talk, as if she was having a short circuit. “That all people, if given the right pressures or stimulus are evil motherfuckers.” “I’m having trouble with this.” You had never seen Mead showing any kind of emotion that wasn’t anger, usually towards you. The person in the room was not the Mead you’d known until then. “I know I’m just a machine…” She said and it sounded like she would have continued that sentence if Michael hadn’t interrupted her. “Never say that.” He sounded rough, but no because he was angry, but because Ms. Mead’s words affected him. “You’re not just a machine. Not to me. When I tasked the Cooperative’s R&D department to have you constructed, I gave them a prototype to model.” “A prototype?” Mead repeated as if saying that herself would help to understand everything better. You were still standing almost next to Michael, very interested in what he had to say to be honest. “Of someone from my childhood. Someone very dear to me.” Ms. Mead’s face changed slowly until the hint of a smile could be seen on her lips. “The beautiful boy…” “That was me.” Michael said proudly, happy to see that Mead was starting to comprehend. From the spot you were standing on you couldn’t see it, but his eyes had started to water. “But I had to keep the most important part of you  hidden from your mind.” “Why?” Mead asked sounding almost like a little girl. “To protect you and the plan. But now it’s time to remember it all. I lost you and I couldn’t bear it.” Michael confessed as the he shed the first tear. “I can’t imagine a new world without you by my side. The only woman who ever really understood me.” “Who ever really loved you.” Mead completed to what Michael nodded before approaching her and hugging her. After all, Ms. Mead was not Venable’s lapdog and you had been wrong all of this time. After hearing the truth and see how she had reacted to what had happened on the last minute, she seemed totally different in your eyes now. “I think I owe you an explanation.” Michael said as he broke the hug with Ms. Mead to turn to you. “You owe me a few.” You corrected earning an amused smile from him. “Indisputable, but let’s start with the easiest one. According to the plan, I had to have Ms. Mead locking you up here in your room in order to prevent you from going to the party and die. I’m sorry if that has caused you a problem and has made you anxious.” He explained taking small steps until he reached the spot where you were again. “Certainly it was not a very pleasant moment, but I appreciate the gesture now I know the reason behind it.” Your eyes wandered from Michael to Mead, perhaps it was the first time that you didn’t look down at her. “Although I don’t understand why I get to survive.” Michael let out a small chuckle and you looked back at him. “There are so many things you don’t understand yet… But just wait until you’re fully aware of everything, until you know what’s been hidden from you.” His hand raised so he was able to caress the side of your face with the back of his hand. “You’re meant to greatness and you have your place on the new world.” His hand lowered and went over your shoulder and down your arm until he reached your hand, which he grabbed chivalrously. “A spot by my side but your own spot.” He brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles without taking his eyes off of yours. “How does that sound like?” The only answer he got was your sided smirk, but he didn’t need anything else.
As everything was happening inside your room, three cloaked figures had approached and entered the Outpost; three women. The three of them let their eyes wander over the Outpost once they were inside. One of them, positioned at the left as they were walking in a line,  had a big, wavy, ginger mane and wore glasses. On the right side there was a younger blonde girl whose confidence could be felt immediately, and walking on the center, another blonde woman, but this one was a little bit older.
“”Find our sisters.” The woman in the middle talked and the other two quickly parted following her orders. It only took them a few minutes to bring three lifeless bodies in front of the blonde woman; none others than Mallory, Dinah and Coco. They got placed laying on the floor in an horizontal line The younger blonde girl and the woman with the ginger mane looked at the third woman who was staring at the three bodies while her face showed nothing but concern. “There’s one left.”
► Michael Langdon taglist(Open): @katiekitty261 @skullchik89 @kanisblabbus @buckynatlarry @redroseravens @hvproductions @johnncity @knu18 @habblez-the-babblez @assgardiangoddess @dahahn0025 @angsty-otters-blog @afflicto
► Permanent and multifandom taglist(Open): @ssweet-empowerment @averyamyers @maggie-starz@coffeestainedtales @pattycake-hockstetter @cassiopeia-barrow
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yonblu · 6 years
A lot of headcanons / information I’ve gleaned from various sources that I want to expand on. It doesn’t necessarily have much to do with Yondu specifically, because he’s never been involved with his culture, but I still wanna talk about it anyway. I haven’t read any other Yondu comics outside of 616 so ... you know. I don’t know everything and I don’t care to.
I’ve talked about their crest before, and how it gives centaurians their rudimentary psychic abilities, but I want to talk about how important it is as a symbol of Centauri culture. The crest acts as radio antennae that connects centaurians to their home planet. It’s a natural connection and is incredibly important to the centaurians --- it’s part of the reason why their society hasn’t evolved much beyong hunting & gathering. They aren’t interested in delving into more resources on the planet than they need; they’re connected, and hurting the planet is hurting the species. It’s also a very peaceful & serene planet, because while different continents & countries may argue, above anything their planet is the priority, so wars a very few & far between. Conflicts are often hashed out through diplomatic talks and agreements.
Because the crest is what enhances this connection   ( and without the crest, there is no connection )   centaurians place a great deal of importance on it. In the 616 comics, Yondu reveals that he was banished from Centauri-IV for being too rowdy. As a result, his fin was literally ripped off before he was kicked off the planet, because he didn’t really fit in. The crest is what makes a centaurian. Without it, you aren’t considered one. 616 Yondu’s banishment & removal of the crest reflects on that pretty heavily. If you don’t act centaurian, then you aren’t centaurian.
As a species, centaurians keep to themselves. They’re capable of intergalactic travel & it’s not unheard of for centaurians to leave & live somewhere else, but it’s rare. As a result, it’s even rarer for centaurians to reproduce with non-centaurians --- especially because that connection with the planet may not be as strong with the offspring, and that connection is, essentially, what being centaurian is about. Primarily, the only reason for an intimate relationship between two centaurians is to reproduce, so it’s rare for them to pursue relationships off-planet.
The centauri language is a series of grunts, clicks, whistles and certain noises / pitches that can only be naturally made by centaurians. The majority of those on the planet are without translator implants, and while they can speak different languages   ( like english for example )   doing so for too long will hurt / strain their throats. If you were to listen to Yondu without a translator implant, this is how he would be speaking.
Based entirely off my own headcanons, centaurians don’t just use yaka metal for their arrows & weaponry. It’s also crafted into jewellery --- wedding necklaces, medals, etc. Yondu owns a very old set of wedding necklaces that he wore when he married Merle, and that he intends to give to his kids whenever they get married. Because the species is so closed off it’s rare that any kind of important or sacred piece of their culture ends up elsewhere in the galaxy, but what little there is, Yondu has managed to get his hands on at least a quarter of it out of a desire to learn more about his culture.
In the comics, there are a group of centaurians who were experiment on by the kree known as incentaurians. I don’t necessarily consider these, currently, part of Yondu’s canon because I don’t know much about the story & have never interacted with a character from it, but I think part of their story goes a long way in telling us what centauri culture is like. Because they were experimented on, they are not considered to be centaurians, and when searching for a home they were straight up rejected by those on Centauri-IV. This goes to show that, y’all, they’re a bunch of assholes. If you don’t fit their standards, then you’re just ... outta the gang ! 
The incentaurians eventually establish a city called Novahala on the continent Akuunos on Centauri-IV. The continent is referred to as godless and --- I can see why. It’s clearly a well-developed city, with obvious interspecies mingling:
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It’s entirely different to the simple, hunter-gatherer life that centaurians lead. Is that why it’s considered godless ? I want to extrapolate that not only do incentaurians inhabit the city / continent, but regular centaurians who didn’t fit in with the rest of their society, those wanted to experience something new & vibrant live there, too. I want to say it’s a hotspot for intergalactic visitors, and I also want to say that the majority of centaurian countries surrounding it don’t like it being there. The centaurians that do live here don’t practice much of the traditions / rituals / etc that are practiced outside of Akuunos, and it’s very rare that a visitor will go beyond the borders   ( I think the city is still standing because of the centaurians desire to keep peace, but also because there are restrictions and rules in places that keep it essentially isolated from the rest of the planet )   as a result, even with the presence of intergalactic travel, very little about traditional centauri culture is known to the rest of the galaxy.
I’d posit that this city would exist even without the existence of the incentaurians, and that a small minority of centaurians are far more technologically advanced because of their interest in discovery and invention --- the continent of Akuunos is far removed from the rest of Centauri-IV, but far closer to the standards of society generally seen throughout the galaxy. I’d suggest, too, that this is the city Yondu comes from; or at least his parents. He would be far more welcomed & accepted here than anywhere else on the planet, despite his lack of crest & again, rowdy personality.
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chiseler · 6 years
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I first heard Slim Gaillard in a cramped little new and used punk rock record store just off South Street in Philadelphia in the mid-‘80s. You wouldn’t normally be expecting the spiked and leathered clerk in a place like that to be playing ’postwar jazz, but Gaillard was a different kind of finger-popping jazzbo, as singular a groovy beatnik punk rock wildman as they come.
Bulee “Slim” Gaillard’s early life, as he describes it, was as storied, fantastical, even mythical as Salvador Dali’s or an early 20th century boy’s adventure novel. Given official records are sparse, it’s just better and somehow more fitting to simply take him at his word. It only makes sense, really, and helps explain as well as anything how he became what he did.
The motormouthed madcap hepcat bebop comedy genius behind 1938’s “Flat Foot Floogie (with a Floy Floy),” a performer whose unexpected slips into rapid-fire Spanish, Arabic and Yiddish can at first sound like skilled mimicry, a kind of scatting Sid Caesar, was born in Cuba in 1916 to an Afro-Cuban mother and a German Jewish father. His father was a steamship steward who sometimes brought the young Gaillard along on ocean voyages to show him a bit of the world. But after a stop in Crete in 1928, the ship somehow sailed on half an hour earlier than scheduled, leaving the 12-year-old Gaillard behind. Completely alone and speaking only Spanish at the time, out of simple necessity he picked up enough Greek to get by for the next couple years. He also occasionally hopped aboard passing ships to visit the Middle East, where he likewise learned some Arabic and became enamored with the people, the music and the culture. Then at 16, deciding it was about time he returned home to see his parents again, he booked passage on a ship he thought was headed for Havana.    
Only problem was, the boat skipped Havana, sailing north to New York. Gaillard didn’t disembark there, instead staying aboard as the ship made it’s way through the St. Lawrence before docking in Detroit. Considering he spoke no English, Detroit seemed much more amenable, he would note years later, mostly on account of it’s large immigrant population. With so many Greeks, Arabs and Hispanics vying for work in the auto plants, he was at least able to find people with whom he could communicate, and was taken in by an Armenian family. He picked up English as quickly as he picked up the others, though, and started working odd jobs. Among the odder, there in the midst of Prohibition, was a stint with the notorious Purple Gang, for whom he made deliveries in a hearse carrying a coffin filled with bootleg whiskey. After witnessing too much violence, the preternaturally gentle Gaillard realized it wasn’t the life for him, and took the advice of a tough local beat cop (who also happened to be black) who warned him to get away from the gangs, get out of the neighborhood, and do something with himself. For a black teenager in Detroit in the 1930s, his escape routes were limited. He could go into boxing, or go into music. He tried his hand at boxing for a bit, then decided maybe music was the preferable route.
Gaillard started taking night classes, and after some backstage encouragement from Duke Ellington himself, eventually learned to play guitar, sax, vibraphone, piano and drums. In the mid-30s he moved to New York, having decided he wanted to be a professional entertainer.
Since work as a professional musician was hard to come by, he became what he called a professional amateur, making the rounds of the amateur nights at the local clubs, changing his act as he did to avoid recognition. Sometimes he’d be a dancer, others a pianist, still others a sax player. Simple fact was he could get paid $15 a night on the amateur stages, which was better than a lot of professionals were getting paid. The trick, though, was he couldn’t be too good, If he was too good, they’d never let him play amateur night. So he always had to drop in a few intentional flat notes to cover himself.
Although he was an excellent musician who could play everything from boogie woogie to bebop to Big Band to Afro-Cuban to American standards to children’s songs and classical, Gaillard will never be remembered for his playing. Despite having so many languages at his disposal (the list had since come to include Armenian, German and Yiddish), Gaillard found there were still ideas and concepts beyond what any of them could express. To rectify this he began inventing his own vocabulary, centered around the adjectival verb “vout” (and it’s variations vouty, McVoutm McVouty, etc.) and the suffixes o-reenee, o-roonee, and o-rootee. They were fluid in both usage and meaning, and could be dropped in pretty much anywhere in conversation. By the time he teamed with bassist Slam Stewart and the pair began recording as the musical comedy team Slim and Slam in the late ‘30s, Gaillard had started writing his own songs in the new language he had christened, yes, Vout-O-Reenee. Beyong that, the pair was a master of the dueling jive comic scat, playing off each other and riffing on everything from La boheme and “Jingle Bells” to chicken clucks and food references. Gotta say, Gaillard wrote an unusual number of songs about food—avocados, chili, fried chicken, ice cream, matzoh balls, bagels, peanuts, and whatever else came to mind when he was hungry. He also wrote songs about motorcycles, cement mixers, and mass communication.
Slim and Slam first came to the public’s attention when Benny Goodman performed their song “Flat Foot Floogie (with a Floy Floy) on the radio in late 1937. The song was an overnight sensation, and when Slim and Slam recorded their own bersion shortly thereafter, it reached number two on the Billboard charts. A copy of the song was even included in a time capsule buried at the 1939 New York World’s Fair. The capsule is scheduled to be reopened in the year 6939, and you have to wonder what whoever or whatever finds it will make of what kind of people we were.
Other outlandishly catchy novelty hits like “Cement Mixer (Put-Ti Put-Ti)” and “McVouty” soon followed. The pair’s between-song banter, marked by non-sequiturs, bad jokes, and Gaillard’s new language made them radio favorites. In 1941 they appeared as themselves in the appropriately wild and accidentally postmodern Hellzapoppin’, and performed in a handful of other films in the early ’40s.. Gaillard’s facility for languages, accents and crazy sound effects also earned him occasional voice work on animated Warner Brothers shorts from the era.
In 1943 Gaillard was drafted into the Army Air Corps, trained as a pilot, and flew a B-25 on bombing missions over Europe, which is something worth pausing to think about for a moment. After his plane was struck by anti-aircraft fire in 1944 and Gaillard was hospitalized for months with an arm full of shrapnel, he was discharged. He resumed his musical career, solo this time, recording jams with the likes of Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker and releasing his majestic four-part “Groove Juice Symphony.”
Gaillard was  tall and rail thin with a pencil mustache, a groovy, mellow, and utterly unpredictable hepcat’s hepcat, and was deeply respected within the jazz community. While playing a stint at a little club in San Francisco in the late ‘40s, he met Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady, whom he  says hun out at the club eight nights a week. They became good friends, Gaillard being impressed by their deep understanding and love of the music. Kerouac would later immortalize Gaillard by famously recounting the meeting in On the Road. (It’s also interesting to note that during a 1968 episode of William Buckley’s Firing Line, a very drunken Kerouac interrupted the discussion about the hippie movement with an impromptu rendition of “Flat Foot Floogie.”)
By the late 1950s, however, the music scene had started to change, rock’n’roll was coming to dominate the airwaves, the jazz clubs which had lined Manhattan’s 52nd Street were shutting down, and Gaillard was starting to feel like he no longer belonged. It’s unclear if the 1957 release of Little Richard’s “Tutti Frutti” had anything to do with this perception. The song was of course a massive hit and is today considered a fundamental, defining classic of early rock’n’roll. True to form, Little Richard refused to acknowledge the song (down to the “Tutti Frutti-o-roottee” chorus) was simply a bowdlerized version of Slim and Slam’s 1938 hit of the same name. Little Richard fans insist up and down they were two completely different and unrelated songs since the Slim and Slam version was about ice cream not girls, but when the singer himself notes his original title was “Tutti Frutti McVouty,” well, there you go.
Gaillard insisted he had nothing against the new music, but it simply wasn’t his scene, so by the end of the decade he stopped recording, stopped performing, dropped out and started looking for something else to do.
For an entertainer of his range, ability and goofy charisma, the choice seemed easy, and he picked up and moved to California. Although often cast as musicians who bore an uncanny resemblance to Slim Gaillard, over the next two decades he would appear opposite Bobby Darin and Stella Stevens in John Cassavetes 1961 feature Too Late Blues and in the 1958 Harlem Globetrotters movie Go, Man, Go! He had guest spots on Marcus Welby, M.D., Charlie’s Angels and Medical Center. He played Sam, the baseball expert in Roots: The Next Generation, and Raymond Burr’s butler in Love’s Savage Fury. Although he claims he was one of the gorillas in 1968’s Planet of the Apes, I honestly can find no verification of this, no matter how much I want to believe it.
After a dinner with Dizzy Gillespie around 1980, Gaillard decided to return to his one true calling. He  signed on for a number of jazz festivals throughout Europe, and started work on a couple new albums. Also at Dizzy’s recommendation, Gaillard picked up again in 1983 and moved to London, where the atmosphere was much more welcoming for American jazz greats than it was in the States.
As if to prove a point, shortly after his arrival, Gaillard was approached by the BBC, which produced a remarkable four-part, four-hour documentary about his life and career. Slim Gaillard Civilization allowed Gaillard to tell his own story, combining archive footage with clips from recent performances, conversations between Gaillard and old friends, candid shots of a family get-together in California (his daughter Jan was married to Marvin Gaye), a few impromptu songs, and even some dramatic recreations of scenes from his childhood. Gaillard’s slow, gentle and simple poetic narration leaves his tale sounding like a children’s bedtime story, which is the overall form the documentary takes.
He was a little slower, a little more, yes, mellow, and the manic energy of half-a decade earlier had ebbed a bit. A new recording of “How High the Moon?” seemed staid and over-rehearsed, even a little bored compared with the unpredictable and mad anarchic ad-libbing of his original 1947 recording, but remains uniquely his own. More than anything, there was a new and unexpected air of melancholy about the 68-year-old, much of it focused on a scene from his childhood. As he was leaving Cuba with his father for what would be the last time, Gaillard had been instructed not to look back, because he would see his mother standing there on the dock and want to go home. He did as he was told, never once thinking he would never see her again. After being abandoned in Crete, he never saw either of his parents again.
Gaillard died in 1991 at age 75, and is mostly remembered today as a novelty act, a kind of clown prince of jazz, but he’d led a singularly American life for someone who didn’t speak English until he was 16, and remains one of the most unique, eccentric, and insanely talented musical entertainers the country’s produced.
Jim Knipfel
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raquelsantos92 · 7 years
Masterlist for my Armie/Timmy fics
This is a list of all the fics I´ve written so far and the links to it. Take a look at it if you feel like.
Say Something :The news of Armie Hammer's divorce takes everyone by surprise. The marriage that seemed so strong and happy now was over and although Armie was indeed shaken by the situation, that allowed him to finally admit the feelings he had kept inside of him for so long now and once he and Timothée are in the same city, they will set things straight and come forward with their true feelings.
Ruin The Friendship : After Timothée reads fanfiction online and decides to spend a few days of his summer at the Hammer household, his friendship with Armie takes on an unexpected turn.
How Do I Live With Your Ghost :  The Oscar was supposed to be the happiest day of his life. Timothée was the youngest person to ever be nominated for an Best Actor Award at the Academy Awards in over 80 years and although he had absolutely no prospect on actually winning the thing, he still knew it was a night of praising like no other, a night he should feel on the top of the world. That didn´t happen though. In between fake laughs and smiles, Timothée had to pretend he was okay with losing, not only the award but love too.
Watch Me Watch You : (Mature)  Is the night pre-Oscar and Armie and Timothée attend a Call Me By Your Name party held by Sony Classics. When Timothée suddenly disappears from the party, Armie is the one to go after his young friend. What he finds, though, is beyong anything he could have imagined; lying in bed is a naked Timothée, working vigorously on his own dick and although Armie knows he should back away and leave, he just can´t find the strenght to do it.
The Only Thing Series:  The year is 2023, Armie Hammer and Timothée Chalamet haven´t seen or talked to one another in nearly three long years, but one afternoon in a snowy Berlin can change everything. Reunited, older and wiser, they´ll have the opportunity to talk things through and adress things they had kept it to themselves for years.
Elevator Ride: (Explicit)  Armie and Timothée are done with yet another party filled with fake smiles, unknown people and the same questons. It all seemed to go downhill when they get stuck in the elevator, but Armie finds a way to make a terrifying situation extremely pleasurable.
Nirvana State of Mind: (Explicit)  Timothée is tied up to a bed, Armie teases him and plays with him, there´s absolutely nothing else I could possibly said about this fic.
Fantasy: (Explicit)  Timothée always wanted to be with two men at the same time. After much conversation and preparation, he can finally convince Armie to engage in the experience with him, bringing to life his most inner fantasies.
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