#i should be able to walk into class and not be ready with an exit plan to leave if theres a threat
willbyerswithagun · 1 year
This is the fourth time my entire school year we have had someone report something!!!
1st was a bomb threat
2nd someone pulled the fire alarm and said it was a shooter
3rd was when the school next to us had a report there would be a shooter
4th was today when someone posted on social media about shooting up the school
SO. isn't this fun 😋
Gotta love 'Merica 😍
Home of the gun owners 😈
9 notes · View notes
bwabys-scenarios · 11 months
Fixer Upper
Part 3
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 2
part 4
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter
if you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
warnings: mentions of vomit, slightly suggestive
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Kurapika woke up the sound of someone knocking on his door.
“It’s me.”
(Name)’s head peeked through the crack, the smell of dinner wafting through.
“I assume you woke me up to say dinner is ready?”
“How did you know?”
He couldn’t help but smile. “Lucky guess.”
The other three were already sat at the table. Tonight, they were having a baked hen, (Name) placing a few side dishes onto the table as Kurapika sat down.
“Go ahead and start eating, I’m going to grab drinks.”
Gon jumped up. “I’ll help!”
The two walked into the kitchen.
“Did you sleep well? (Name) wouldn’t let us wake you up.”
Leorio offered him a smile as the tall man filled his plate with food. He didn’t get to eat good, home cooked meals often, relying on fast food and TV dinners in between classes.
Kurapika nodded. “Yes, I did. I feel much better now.”
“Good. Does that mean you’ll be joining our sleepover tomorrow?”
He blonde sighed. “Do I have a choice?”
“Not really.” Killua replied through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.
‘Sleepover… I don’t think I’ve ever attended one.’
Kurapika stared at his empty plate before beginning to fill it.
“Is lemonade alright with everyone?”
Gon and (Name) we’re back at the dinner table, carrying a pitcher of lemonade and cups.
“Yeah, I don’t think anyone’s going to complain about (Name)’s homemade lemonade.”
Killua grabbed a cup from Gon and held it out to (Name), who filled it.
She filled everyone’s cups before sitting down and making her plate.
“It’s been so long since we’ve all been together. We should go do something tomorrow, before our sleepover.”
Gon nodded, his face covered in food. “Oh yeah, maybe we can go to the carnival! It’s in town for the next few days.”
“That’s a great idea! Guys, what do you think?”
Leorio shrugged. “I don’t mind.”
Killua was just as excited as Gon, and Kurapika…
“I guess that would be fine.”
(Name) giggled, clapping her hands together. “It’s settled then. Tomorrow, we’ll go grocery shopping in the morning, and go to the carnival after lunch.”
The five loaded into the car to go grocery shopping. Unfortunately for (Name), she hadn’t gotten up fast enough to avoid taking everyone with her.
“Killua, Gon, repeat it one more time.”
“No touching anything but the shopping cart.”
She sighed. “Good. And?”
“No fighting the employees.”
“Finish it.”
“… even if they’re rude to you.”
“Alright. Let’s get going then.”
The drive to the grocery store was short, the two boys playing I-spy to pass the time.
“(Name), did you get the text I sent?”
“Yes. I’m not buying wine, nice try though Leorio.”
“Damn. Foiled again.”
The five exited the mom van, Kurapika going around the back to open (Name)’s door for her, but he paused.
The bumper was covered in stickers, ranging from Sanrio themed stickers to cursed images. It was easy to see who had placed which stickers.
“Kurapika? Oh, the stickers.”
(Name) had appeared by his side while he’d been looking over the back of her car. Kurapika’s eyes paused on a family if stick man that decorated her back window.
“What’s that?”
“Oh, that’s a representation of us. The girl is me, the little ones are Killua and Gon, and the big kid is Leorio. Though he’s more of the weird uncle, we just couldn’t find one that looked like him.”
He nodded. “I see.”
He felt a bit if disappointment that his own image wasn’t there.
‘But why would it be? I’ve barely been around.’
He diverted his attention to another sticker, raising an eyebrow.
“Baby on board? What baby?”
“Killua of course.”
“I put it on myself.”
The white haired boy looked strangely proud, patting it. Gon pointed to a sticker of an alligator. “I picked this one.”
“We know Gon.”
“It’s my favorite.”
“It’s a great sticker.”
Kurapika couldn’t help but laugh.
They all followed behind (Name) as she entered the store.
‘They look like little ducklings.’ Kurapika thought, unaware that he looked like one too.
“You can grab a buggy, Killua. Gon…”
The two made eye contact, not a single word exchanged.
The two boys followed behind quietly.
‘Telepathic communication? Is that what just happened?’
Kurapika watched the boys with a carful eye. With the way (Name) had talked in the car, he knew they had to have done something in order to earn her distrust.
“Alright, let’s start with snacks. Leorio, Kurapika, grab whatever you usually snack on and watch the boys. I’m going to grab Killua and Gon’s juice boxes.”
She waved as she walked off.
The boys turned to look at Kurapika.
“What the hell did you do to not be allowed to touch anything?”
The two shared a look.
“They’ve gotten (Name) and themselves banned from every other grocery store in town.”
Kurapika snickered. “Seriously? What did you do to get banned so many times?”
Gon kicked the ground, looking embarrassed. “… made all the shelves fall like dominoes.”
“I bit an employee hitting on (Name).”
‘I’ll have to buy him some chocolate robots for that later.’ Kurapika thought. ‘Wait, why do I care if someone hits on her?’
“They were also caught trying to break into an employees only room.”
“We just wanted to see what it looked like!”
“Maybe you did, Gon, but I wanted to steal their uniforms and see how long it took them to realize I didn’t work here.”
Leorio shook his head. “This is why they aren’t allowed to touch anything. Honestly the fact that she allowed you two to come at all is shocking.”
(Name) returned with a few packs of juice, dropping them into the grocery cart.
“Is it the-“
“Yes it’s the orange juice kind.”
The two grinned, following behind her.
“What would you like for dinner? Gon got to pick what we had last night, it’s your turn.”
The blonde took a while to answer. ‘If I tell her anything is okay, she won’t take that as an answer. What is something I would prefer?’
Kurapika didn’t usually have the privilege to be picky. He ate what he could.
“If I’m being honest, I would prefer a traditional Kurtan dish, but as that is impossible for you to make…”
He thought for a moment more, (Name) typing something into her phone as he did.
“Something… suitable for a slumber party should be fine.”
Leorio snickered. “She asked what you specifically wanted, Kurapika.”
The man shot him a look. “I’ve never been to a slumber party. I don’t know what foods you eat during one.”
(Name) nodded, patting the blonde on the back. “It’s alright, I’ll let it slide this time. Just focus on picking out some snacks you like, okay?”
She left the snack aisle then, Gon and Killua in tow.
“You heard the lady, pick out some snacks.”
Kurapika frowned. Again, he wasn’t picky. There were few things that he cared about when it came to food, but…
He managed to pick out a few items.
The first was a box of cinnamon covered pecans. Pecans were one of his favorite nuts, and he quite enjoyed cinnamon.
His second pick was bag of trail mix, and his last was a box of crackers and cheese.
“No offense but those are some pretty lame snacks.”
Kurapika rolled his eyes. “She said to pick what I like. This is what I like.”
“Any particular reason you like them?”
The blonde nodded. “Nuts are high in protein, crackers and cheese are filling. Travel mix is convenient.”
Leorio sighed. “This isn’t a mission Kurapika, it’s a slumber party. Is there any food you get purely because you enjoy it?”
Again, the blonde had to think for a minute. Staring down the snack aisle, he began walking towards the sweets section.
In front of him was a specific type of candy. They looked like normal peppermints, but instead tasted of strawberries and cream.
Kurapika took a bag, looking down at it with a half hearted smile.
It was the first candy he could remember eating, a favorite among the Kurtan children.
“Got what you all wanted?”
(Name) strolled towards the two, the shopping cart the boys were pushing a lot fuller now.
Leorio turned to her with his arms full of snacks, (Name) stopping.
“Leorio, you can have three of those.”
Kurapika blinked and looked down at his own snacks, reaching to put one back.
“Oh, you can have as many as you want, Kurapika!”
She grabbed the snacks from his arms and dropped them into the shopping cart.
“Hey, no fair! Why does Kurapika get special treatment?”
(Name) gave him a smile. “Because Kurapika is just too pretty to deny.”
It took a moment for Kurapika to process the compliment, but when he did his cheeks turned pink. She’d called him pretty before, but the suddenness of her words left him flustered.
“That’s discrimination! Are you saying I’m not pretty?”
Leorio leaned forward, fluttering his eyelashes. (Name) groaned and pushed him away. “You’re not pretty, Leorio, you’re handsome.”
The man paused, his own cheeks turning a shade of pink.
Leorio cleared his throat and stood. “Ehem. Thank you.”
‘She thinks Leorio is handsome?’
Kurapika glanced between the two. In the past two years he’d been gone, how much closer had they gotten?
Was it closer than him and (Name) had been?
Kurapika only became more suspicious when (Name) looped her arm in Leorio’s.
“Let’s go check out, then.”
She walked away, Gon and Killua laughing.
“She always knows how to distract Leorio.” Killua said, snickering. Gon nodded.
“Yeah, one compliment and he’s like that.”
Leorio stumbled over both his words and his own feet as (Name) dragged him away.
The blonde watched with mild irritation.
“Everyone, what are the rules for the carnival?”
They all sighed.
“1. Don’t fight the carnies, even if their games are rigged.” Killua said, his arms folded over his chest.
“2. There is a buddy system. At least have on other person with you at all times.” Gon answered, grabbing Killua’s arm.
“3. No gambling.”
“Wait why is that a rule?” Killua asked after Leorio stated the 3rd rule.
“You can blame Leorio for that.”
The other three boys turned to him with a raised eyebrow.
‘What an idiot.’
“4. No leaving the carnival without informing everyone first.” Kurapika said, opening his car door.
“That goes for everyone, adults included. I won’t hesitate to report any of you missing.”
She gave them all a look before smiling.
“Okay, everyone grab your buddy and let’s go!”
The group left the parking lot and entered the carnival.
“We’ll walk around then split up. Killua, Gon.”
She grabbed both of the boys by their shoulders when she noticed them starting to drift away
“You’ll be joining us.”
Killua groaned, Gon just nodding as he was dragged away.
They made a lap around the carnival, (Name) pointing out each attraction she’d want to visit.
“Oh, there’s a haunted house.”
Leorio perked up. “Haunted house? It’s not even close to Halloween.”
Kurapika glanced at the cheaply designed haunted house before continuing to follow (Name).
“Okay, you two can go. We’ll be meeting back up before 3 pm at the food court.”
The two boys were gone as soon as she finished talking.
“Are they going to follow the rules?”
“No, but they’ll be secretive about it so hopefully it can’t be traced back to me.”
“Hopefully they don’t attack anyone this time.”
Kurapika stared at the two with an incredulous expression.
‘What the hell do they get up to when they’re unsupervised?’
The first attraction the group of three were drawn to was a game where you threw darts at balloons to win a prize.
“Hmm… Leorio, I’m going to try.”
The man nodded. “Go ahead. I’m going to be at the next booth.”
Kurapika and (Name) turned, only to be instantly disappointed.
“A kissing booth? Seriously Leorio?”
(Name) walked up to the game of her choice. “Kurapika, you can go to another booth nearby while I play if you want.”
“I think I’ll try this one after you.”
(Name) nodded then handed the man behind the counter a few dollars.
“Alright Miss, all you have to do is hit three balloons with these darts, and you’ll win a prize!”
He handed her five darts, meaning she had five chances.
She handed Kurapika two of the darts. “Hold these for me, sweetheart.”
He did so, holding back a smile.
(Name) threw her first dart.
“You’ve hit your first balloon! Only three more to go!”
She jumped up and down in excitement. “Ahh, okay!”
She threw her second one, almost grazing a nearby balloon. It hit the board, missing it by a millimeter.
The next dart also missed, (Name) raising an eyebrow.
‘Weird, those should have hit.’
“Do you want me to try?”
Kurapika twirled a dart between his nimble fingers. His eyes were on the balloons, a frown on his lips.
“Uh, sure. Go ahead.”
Kurapika stepped forward, throwing the dart with more strength than necessary.
The carny’s eyes went wide. “How did you…”
“You’ve been using nen to make the balloons harder to penetrate but…”
He threw his last dart, popping the last balloon.
“It wasn’t strong enough to resist my nen coated darts.”
(Name) used Gyo to see Kurapika was right. The balloons had a thin nen barrier around them, making them indestructible to non men users.
The carny scoffed. “Didn’t think any nen users would be coming to my booth. Go ahead and pick out your prize, little lady.”
(Name) glanced at Kurapika, giving him a sweet smile.
“You pick. You’re the one that figured out what was going on, it’s only fair.”
Kurapika browsed the various plushies and small toys. Nothing he saw caught his eye.
‘I’m not really interested in such things. But…’
He turned away to think, and spotted a couple at another booth.
A man won a game, the girl at his side cheering for him. Once the prize was won, he handed it to the girl.
Kurapika’s eyes widened when the girl gasped and pulled the man into a kiss.
‘Is this what you’re supposed to do?’
He looked over the prizes again, this time with (Name) in mind. Kurapika remembered when he’d been in a small store in York New with Leorio
“She likes cute things. Like Sanrio products.”
“Sanrio? What is that?”
Leorio stared at the man. “Are you being serious? Hello Kitty, My Melody, Keroppi?”
Kurapika gave him a confused look.
“Oh my god. Just get her this.”
Leorio shoved a keychain into his hands. It was small and pink, with a cartoon cat holding a strawberry at the end.
Kurapika pointed to a Hello Kitty plush. “I’ll take that one.”
The carny handed it over and shooed them away. “Now get out of here. You’re bad for business.”
(Name) shrugged and walked over to Leorio, who was still in line for the kissing booth.
Now Kurapika was left carrying a small Hello Kitty plush.
‘Do I… give it to her now? Or later?’
(Name) had to physically drag Leorio away from his place in line. “It’s flu season, Leorio.”
“I don’t care! I’ll happily get sick if I get to kiss a pretty lady!”
Kurapika followed behind them, staring down at the small plush.
‘It’s… kind of cute.’
After playing a few games, the group met up at the food court. Gon and Killua had been waiting for them with corndogs in hand.
“Finally. We’ve been waiting for like…”
“Five minutes.”
(Name) rolled her eyes and sat down next to them. “You two having fun?”
“Gon threw up.”
(Name) smacked a hand over her forehead. “And you didn’t call me, why?”
“… it was really gross.”
“Trust me, you didn’t want to see it.”
Kurapika shivered. “Gross. Why are you eating if you just threw up?”
“It’s BECAUSE I just threw up. Gotta refuel before our next ride.”
“Wait, pause.”
(Name) held up her hand, causing the two boys to go quiet.
“Have you been eating and getting on rides right after throwing up?”
They looked at each other before answering.
“… yeah?”
She took a deep breath.
“I love you two. So much.”
She stood up and took Gon’s backpack.
“Hey, my tickets are in there!”
“Yeah, that’s why I took it. No riding anything for at least 20 minutes.”
“But nothing! It’s like you’re shaking up a soda can, opening it, then refilling it and doing it all over again! You’re the soda can, Gon!”
Gon sighed, laying his head on the table.
“I told you not to eat four bags of popcorn before going on the carousel, but noo, you wouldn’t listen!”
Killua huffed. “Now we both have to sit out. I can’t rude anything because you’re my buddy.”
(Name) patted Gon’s back. “I’ll get you some water, okay? Just try and relax.”
She left to order her food and get some water.
(Name) returned a few minutes later with a platter of food in one hand and a cup of water in the other.
“Sip on this, I’ll be right back with the other drinks.”
Gon gulped the drink in one go.
“She said sip.”
“Please don’t tell her.”
Killua slapped a hand over his face. “I won’t, but only because if I do she’ll make us stay seated longer.”
Kurapika took a bite of the chicken strips he’d ordered, wincing at the greasy food.
“Ahh, carnival food. I’m going to be sick later.”
Leorio took another bite of his turkey leg.
(Name) returned with the drinks, sitting one in front of each person before taking her seat.
“Alright, dig in.”
She didn’t bother to look up to see they had begun eating without her, seemingly replying to someone on her phone.
After their meal of chicken strips and corn dogs, the group split up again.
“What should we ride next?”
Leorio began to speak but (Name) interrupted.
“I said ride. We’re not going back to the kissing booth.”
“Foiled again.”
Kurapika pointed to a nearby attraction. “How about that one?”
It was one of those turning teacups rides.
‘It’s cute, (Name) would probably like it.’
She hummed, pulling the two behind her to get in line.
“Yeah, let’s try this one. It’s only a dollar per person.”
(Name) stood on her tippy toes to peek over the person in front of her. “The line doesn’t seem that long, we’ll only have to w-“
She was interrupted when someone shoved her back and took her place in line.
“Hey, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Leorio stepped out of line to help (Name) up and brush the dirt off her dress.
The man who had cut the line didn’t answer.
Kurapika glanced between (Name) and the man, his jaw tensing.
‘She said not to attack anyone. Keep calm.’
Leorio and (Name) joined the line again, Kurapika creating a space for them to get in front of him.
(Name) politely tapped on the man’s shoulder.
“You need to go to the end of the line.”
The man turned around.
“And just what are you gonna do about it if I don’t?”
Her companions stared back at him from behind her, their expressions darkened.
“I… I’ll go.”
The man scurried away before (Name) could say another word.
“Wow. Was he scared of me?”
She pointed a finger at herself, looking back at her friends in surprise.
“You do have a scary mom look. Must of been a mommas boy.” Leorio replied with a shrug.
Kurapika followed the man with his eyes, making sure he could feel the blondes bloodlust with each step.
He blinked before turning his attention back to (Name).
“Your eyes.”
The blonde paused, staring into the reflective metal off the teacup ride.
His usual soft brown eyes were a rich shade of scarlet. (Name) grabbed Kurapika’s hand and moved into a crowd of people.
“Close your eyes until I say to open them.”
He did so, trusting her to lead him to safety.
The two stopped somewhere, (Name) thrusting something onto his face.
“Okay, you can open them now.”
His vision was darker now.
“Yeah, will that work?”
He nodded. “Yes. They’ll work for now.”
Kurapika took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.
‘Why are my eyes scarlet? Am I that angry a man pushed her?’
(Name) placed a hand on his arm. “I don’t think anyone saw, but we should probably leave to be safe.”
Although she was putting up a brave face so he wouldn’t feel bad, he could tell she was disappointed they would have to leave.
“No, it’s fine. I closed my eyes seconds after they became scarlet, no one would have seen them.”
He took her hand, walking away from the booth she’d led them to.
“Let’s get back to Leorio. He probably has no idea what’s going on.”
“Actually, he’s the one that realized your eyes were red. I just reacted first.”
Kurapika laughed. “Of course. He’s so slow to act. Very indecisive.”
The two joined Leorio, who had kept their spot in line while they were away.
“You two are just in time. It’s our turn next.”
(Name) jumped up in excitement. “Really? Oh good, I hate waiting.”
The three soon discovered that the ride was two per teacup.
And Leorio was way too tall to be stuffed into a teacup with another person.
“Sir, we’ll need you to step out of line. You’re too tall to ride this attraction.”
“Too tall?! There aren’t any rules about being too tall!”
(Name) gave him a look, causing him to back down and grumpily step away.
“Alright, you two ladies can go ahead and enter the teacups.”
Kurapika frowns. ‘Why do people keep assuming I’m a woman?’
(Name) took her seat in a pink teacup. “Get in and close the door behind you.”
He listened, a pout on his lips. Did he really look that much like a woman? What was it that made people immediately assume he wasn’t a man?
‘I should cut my hair…’
(Name) tapped his leg with her foot. “Hey, it’s time to start spinning!”
“Spinning? What-“
(Name) turned the wheel in the center with a giggle, the teacup spinning around so fast Kurapika had to hold on to keep himself from flying out.
“Ahh, this is so much fun! K- wait are you okay?”
Kurapika was beginning to turn a sickly shade of green as the rude continued. He gave her a thumbs up before moving his hands to hold his stomach.
“Oh shit.”
“(Name), I am so sorry.”
The two sat on a bench, both covered in vomit.
“Don’t be. I should have known you would have a sensitive stomach after eating that greasy food.”
Leorio returned, carrying (Name)’s backpack. “Hey, I got your text. Is-“
He stopped a few feet away, holding a hand over his mouth.
(Name) let out a tired sigh, standing up so Kurapika could lie down fully.
“Watch over him, I’ll be right back.”
“What about the buddy system?”
(Name) shrugged. “That only applies to you four trouble makers.”
Kurapika slapped a hand over his head, letting out a miserable groan.
She was back soon after, carrying a handful of wet paper towels and a novelty tshirt that says “I love YN”.
“What is a York New tshirt doing here? We aren’t even close.”
(Name) shrugged. “I don’t know, it was the cheapest shirt available. Here, let me help you.”
She helped Kurapika sit off and pulled off his tabard, folding it carefully and throwing it in a plastic bag to wash later.
“I’m sorry, I’ve ruined your fun.”
(Name) pulled the shirt over his head and gave him a soft smile. “To be fair, Gon has been throwing up too.”
“But I threw up ON you.”
She grimaced. “Yeah, that does suck. But everyone gets sick. Trust me, I’ve gone through worse.”
He frowned, looking down at his new clean shirt.
“I’m going to go change too. Just rest up, the boys will be here in a minute.”
“You mean Gon and Killua? Wait I-“
She was already gone.
“Fuck, if Killua sees me like this-“
The sound of raucous laughter could be heard to his left.
‘God damn it.’
“Oh my- oh my god no way. There’s no way this is happening right now, hahaha!”
Killua was rolling on the ground, tears in his eyes from how hard he was laughing.
“Oh, you threw up too? And you got a new shirt, wow!”
Killua pulled himself together, picking himself off the ground.
“I don’t see why this is so funny. It’s just a novelty tshirt.”
Killua paused.
“No way.”
He took his phone out of Gon’s backpack and snapped a picture, turning the screen towards Kurapika.
The glasses (Name) had unceremoniously shoved into his face weren’t just normal sunglasses.
They were the most obnoxiously over the to hello kitty sunglasses on planet earth.
Killua bursted into laughter again. “Jesus Christ man, who told you those were a good choice?”
“(Name) did.”
His cheeks were a dark shade of red now. He wished (Name) would have picked something a little… manlier.
‘This must be the reason that person thought I was a woman. Of course.’
Killua quieted down. He wouldn’t insult something (Name) picked out.
“I think they look good on you.”
Killua jumped at the sound of (Name)’s voice behind him.
Kurapika raised his head weakly to look at her.
“Where did you get those clothes from?”
(Name) was now wearing a tank top and a white pleated skirt. “Oh, I keep a change of clothes in my bag at all times. It became a habit after the Hunter Exam.”
He glanced from her small backpack, to her new clothes, to her face.
“How… never mind.”
(Name) crouched down next to him and placed a hand on his forehead.
“You’re warm. I’m going to take the boys to a few more rides, and then we’ll go home. Leorio, stay with him until then.”
“Roger that.”
(Name) leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Just consider us even for me drooling on you during the Hunter Exam, alright?”
She gave him a sweet smile before turning to leave, Killua and Gon following behind her.
For the most part, Leorio listened and stayed by Kurapika’s side.
That was until he had to use the bathroom.
“Hey, you think you’ll be okay for like… five minutes? I need to take a leak.”
“I’m a grown man, I can handle myself.”
Leorio would have shot back saying even grown men need help sometimes, but he didn’t have enough time to, sprinting off to the restrooms.
For the first minute or so, Kurapika stayed still, letting the cool breeze calm him down.
That was until people started to gather around him.
“There’s a drunk lady just… laying on that bench. Is that legal?”
“She smells awful.”
Kurapika cracked one of his eyes open. On his right were a handful of people, peeking over the bench to look at him.
“I’m not drunk, just sick”
“That’s what they all say, lady. There’s kids here, drink at home.”
Kurapika sighed softly. He didn’t give a shit what other people thought about him, but they were disturbing his rest.
“Listen, I’m this close to projectile vomiting on anyone in 30 foot vicinity. You might want to vacate the premises.”
They scoffed at him. “Oh really?”
Kurapika rolled his eyes and pretended to dry heave, sending the crowd of people running.
“Oh god he’s going to throw up again. (Name)!”
“Where is Leorio? I leave for 10 minutes and-“
Kurapika held up a hand. “I’m fine, I was just pretending.”
(Name) helped him sit up. “Okay, we’ll pretend to not be a total mess right now because people are staring. Where’s Leorio?”
He leaned against her shoulder for support, cursing his weak body. “Bathroom. He’s only been gone for a minute.”
She halfheartedly patted his back. “Alright. Gon, Killua, go get him and head towards the car. I’ll meet you there.”
She pulled him into a standing position. “Can you walk?”
He stepped forward without her help, pushing her hand away. “Yes, I’m not helpless.”
Killua raised an eyebrow. “Uh huh. You look like a newborn giraffe. Don’t blame (Name) if you fall and eat shit.”
Kurapika flipped him the bird before stumbling towards the car.
‘Why are men like this?’ (Name) followed behind him, ready to catch him if he fell.
The car ride home was quiet, the only sound heard being Killua singing along to whatever was on the radio.
“Killua, could you please quiet down? I’ve gotta headache.” Kurapika asked as a hand rubbed away at his temple.
Killua looked like he was considering his question, opening his mouth before (Name) sent him a glare through the rear view mirror.
“Yeah, whatever.”
Kurapika sighed in relief. “Thank you.”
If he knew that Killua had been seconds away from screaming at the top of his longs before (Name) intervened, he wouldn’t have thanked him.
(Name) pulled into the driveway of her home. The boys piled out of her mom van, running inside and tossing off their shoes.
“I’m going to shower…” Kurapika stated before stumbling towards the bathroom.
“Wait, don’t forget-“
He closed the door behind him.
“Your clothes…”
She groaned. Now, either she would have to bring him clothes while he showered or he would have to walk to his room in a towel.
“Hey, I’m going to take a shower. Can you bring Kurapika some clothes in a minute?”
She’d asked Leorio, but KIllua butted in. “Yeah, I can.”
“No. Sorry but I don’t trust you.”
“No buts. Leorio, don’t let him get his little paws on Kurapika’s clothes. Killua has a cute face, but don’t be fooled.”
Leorio scoffed. “Oh please, I’ve known him longer than you. I watched him take a man’s heart out with just his bare hands.”
“Killua thats unsanitary.”
“He didn’t even wash his hands after.”
(Name) pulled away from the boy, a look of disgust on her face. “Go wash your hands, now!”
“It was two years ago!”
“I don’t care! Go!”
He walked up the stairs to (Name)’s bathroom while grumbling about her being unreasonable.
“I’ll take his clothes now…” Leorio slipped away into Kurapika’s room to avoid (Name)’s irritated state.
“Okay, let’s get you some medicine for your nausea earlier.”
Gon and (Name) sat at the dinner table, drinking juice boxes as she waited for Killua to come back down the stairs.
“I’m done. Go take your shower or whatever.”
(Name) leaped out of her seat and races up the stairs. She’d been putting on brave face for Kurapika, but she’d been on the verge of a meltdown for the past two hours.
‘God I smell so gross. Gonna throw that dress away later…’
She threw her clothing into the hamper and stepped into the warm water.
‘Ahh… that’s better. Gonna- where the fuck is my shampoo?’
(Name) blinked, did she use the rest of her shampoo last time? Good thing she kept extra under her sink…
(Name) finished her shower quickly. She’d need to start dinner soon if they would be eating before 8 pm.
Since they were having a sleepover, (Name) threw on a pair of pajama pants and a sweater. Comfortable, and cute.
‘There’s no one to look cute for, though.’
She sighed. It had been a while since she’d thought about purposefully dressing up. She’d have to call up some of her friends for a night on the town.
“Hey, did you-“
(Name) paused on the last stair. For a moment, she contemplated just going back upstairs and going back to bed. That would be much easier than dealing with the current situation.
Fake money was strewn across the floor, Leorio sitting in a corner muttering something about losing everything.
Killua and Kurapika were having a stand off, Monopoly money clutched against Killua’s chest.
And Gon was sitting with his shoes on the couch.
‘Where to start?’
She made her presence known by clearing her throat. Several pairs of eyes shot up to see her staring down at them, her eyes narrowed.
“You have 1 minute to fix this. I’ve got to grab my backpack from upstairs.”
With that, she turned around and walked back up.
When (Name) returned, the floor was clean and the boys were all sitting patiently at the dinner table.
“Okay, good. Now that that’s settled, what should we do for dinner?”
“Something simple. I don’t think Gon can handle anything complex right now.”
Killua patted his friends back, who was currently sitting with his face planted on the table.
“Anything you make will be good, so I don’t care.”
(Name) groaned. “God you guys are no help at all.”
She stormed to the kitchen and threw the fridge open.
‘Something easy and simple… that won’t take long to cook…’
She settled on her grandmas recipe for homemade chicken noodle soup. She’d made it countless times, and even though it wasn’t cold outside yet, she knew it was the best option she had.
It was easy to make and would be good for her two sick friends.
“We’re eating chicken noodle soup. That okay with everyone?”
They all nodded, the two boys moving from the table to the couch to watch TV.
Kurapika’s hair was wet. Again. (Name) stared at him, hoping he’d be able to feel her thoughts and dry his hair, but he didn’t react at all.
“Kurapika… your hair.”
He looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “What?”
“Didn’t I tell you if you don’t dry it, you’ll catch a cold?”
He pushed his wet locks out of his face. “You worry too much. I’ve been leaving my hair wet for years.”
(Name) left the room and grabbed a towel. “Either you dry it, or I do. I’m not going to let you get sick.”
Kurapika stared at the towel.
‘Well… she did a good job last time…’
“… you can dry it. If you don’t mind.”
“I don’t. Leorio, watch the chicken. It’s cooking on the stove.”
“Roger that.”
(Name) dried his hair again, Kurapika relaxing ever so slightly under her touch.
‘I shouldn’t get used to this…’
But even as he thought that, his eyes closed and he leaned into her touch, a content look on his face.
He didn’t know how much he loved the feeling of fingers running through his hair. Kurapika even enjoyed the conditioner she added in.
“All done. Try to remember next time, okay?”
‘I’ll remember to forget.’
As (Name) cooked, Kurapika watched her from the table. It was hard not to.
He could still feel the lingering sensation of her fingers in his hair. It felt comforting, soothing almost.
Was it wrong to let himself enjoy the comfort of his friend? Maybe. In his world, that was a luxury he didn’t have the time to enjoy.
But he wasn’t on a mission right now. He could relax.
Just a little.
After dinner, the group gathered in the living room. (Name) and Gon carried in multiple large comforters, placing them on the group to make a pallet.
“Are we… all sleeping here? Together?”
Kurapika watched as the other four plopped down onto the floor, Gon and Killua rolling around the soft surface.
“Yeah? That’s what you do during a sleepover. You… sleep over.”
He stared down at Leorio, who looked a bit too comfortable lying next to (Name).
“I see.”
He sat between Leorio and (Name), pushing the man away with his foot.
“Hey, rude! Who says you get to sleep next to (Name)?”
“I just don’t know how I feel letting my female friend sleep next to a known pervert. I wouldn’t be able to rest knowing she might be leered at.”
Leorio began to protest, but Killua spoke up.
“I actually agree with Kurapika. We haven’t forgotten what happened during the Hunter Exam.”
“Wait what happened?”
(Name) tilted her head in Leorio’s direction.
“On second thought I think I’m perfectly fine sleeping over here.”
Leorio cuddled up under a blanket, hiding away from (Name)’s judging gaze.
“Uh huh… anyways, what should we do next? Okay some games? Watch a movie?”
“Aren’t we… aren’t we supposed to sleep?”
Kurapika was already under his blanket, looking up at her with sleepy eyes.
“Oh, I mean you can, but I won’t promise you’ll be unscathed when you wake up.”
He was suddenly very awake.
“First one to fall asleep gets their face drawn on.”
“Except for (Name). Last time we did that…”
KIllua shuddered. “It was a permanent marker too.”
“Killua. You didn’t.”
(Name) sighed. “He did. I had to go on a mission with a faded marker mustache and scribbles on my face. It was awful.”
“I don’t envy you. Not one bit.”
Killua and Gon crawled over. “We said we were sorry! Gon even picked you flowers.”
“Yeah, from our neighbors garden.”
“Technically nothing! Now they won’t talk to me anymore!”
(Name) crossed her arms, pouting. “They were pretty though… and it was sweet of you…”
She pulled the two into her arms. “Aww, I can’t stay mad at my boys. Come on, let’s get some snacks and play some games.”
The two followed behind her like the puppies they were, Kurapika watching.
“How should I know you’re not going to perv on her?”
Kurapika glanced down at Leorio, who was wrapped up in a blanket. He’s inched towards the blonde like a worm.
“Unlike you I don’t have the history of being a sexual deviant.”
Leorio scoffed. “Yeah, sure. That’s only because you haven’t had your sexual awakening.”
Kurapika frowned. “My what?”
The dark haired man stared up at him. “You’re joking. Have you ever had any kind of sexual education?”
“… no?”
Leorio face planted. Now he really looked like a worm.
“Jesus. Okay, when a mom and a dad love each other very much-“
“I know what sex is, Leorio. Also, shut up.”
The blonde man’s face had gone red. Even if he hadn’t had his sexual awakening or whatever the hell Leorio had said, talking about sex was awkward.
Especially when his friend knew a lot more than he did.
“Whatever. Just… if you need to know something about it… just call me. I don’t want you doing something stupid and embarrassing yourself in front of (Name).”
Kurapika’s face turned a brighter shade of red. “In front of (Name)? What do you mean by-“
“Guys, should we play Candy Land or Uno?”
Their conversation was thankfully cut short by the group returning, games in hand.
Kurapika thanked the fact that he’d been sick today, because his red face was easily excused.
They played for an hour or so before Leorio gave in and fell asleep.
“Boys, he has classes this weekend. Use the washable markers.”
Kurapika and (Name) sat on the couch watching some random anime the two boys had picked out as they doodled away on Leorio’s face.
“Are you feeling tired?”
(Name) had only asked because Kurapika’s head was dangerously close to leaning on her shoulder.
“Mm… a little.”
“You’re safe to sleep now. They have their victim.”
Kurapika nodded, but didn’t move. His eyes were getting heavy and he didn’t have enough brain capacity to listen.
“Mhm… yeah I’ll do that in just… just a…”
His head fully leaned onto her shoulder, the man falling asleep.
(Name) peeked at him from the corner of his eyes.
‘Ugh, why does he have to be so cute. It’s hard to keep my distance when he’s so freaking cute!’
She moved, moving his head from her shoulder to her lap.
‘If he stayed like that, he’ll hurt his neck…’
Once Killua and Gok finished their dastardly deed, they joined (Name) on the couch.
“I can kick him off of you if you want.”
(Name) shooed Killua away. “Killua, that’s not nice. Let him rest.”
The white haired boy rolled his eyes. “Alright, but don’t come complaining to me if he drools on you.”
She pursed her lips. “I won’t.”
Another hour passed, with (Name) passing the time by gently running her fingers through his hair.
It wasn’t as soft as it had been when he’d fallen asleep on her before. She knew he hadn’t been taking care of himself, and this only solidified the thought in her head.
‘I need to help him. Before he ends up getting himself killed.’
Gon and Killua fell asleep soon after. Killua had finally run out of steam after him and Gon chased each other down the street for a good 30 minutes.
‘The neighbors are going to complain again. At least they think the thing disturbing their sleep is a cryptid and not Killua.’
She glanced down at Kurapika.
He was crying.
She didn’t know why, but in his sleep tears had pooled into the corners of his eyes, falling onto her lap.
(Name) wiped them away and pulled the blanket they were sharing up to his chin.
‘It’s been a long day. I should sleep too…”
She moved so her legs were underneath him and lied down, her head resting against the armrest of the couch.
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ljnsdump · 11 months
What a Plot Twist You Were (Jisung x F!reader)
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Jisung x F!reader
You can't force chemistry to exist where it doesn't, the same way you can't deny it when it does.
Genre: M/F, slight enemies to lovers, fluff, classmates, school setting no mature scenes because im not ready to imagine jisung in those scenes
Warnings: just a lot of bickering and probably cursing here and there, y/n is a spoiled brat
Word Count: 3,999
Hello! A Jisung oneshot because the man finally has an IG acc haha. As always, dont hesitate to give me feedbacks! Enjoy reading!
Read at your own risk.
"Y/N, don't make me let you pull out from that modelling." Her mom warns her sternly. "This is your final semester in high school. You'll be graduating soon and you will not be able to do that if you keep this up."
She rolls her eyes, knowing that her teacher is snitching on her again. As they should though. "Ma, it's fine. My grades are enough for me to be accepted in any university."
"No it's not!" She argues and puts the utensils down on the table that caused a loud sound. Y/N's dad holds her as if to calm her down. "Universities would prioritize those with higher grades and has better knowledge on the courses they want to take than you do."
"Whatever, you'll still get them to accept me anyway."
And that's the time both parents realized that they raised a spoiled brat.
It's monday and everybody is in their first class of the day.
"Okay class, as you may know this is your final semester. We will make sure that no one gets left behind so we came up with a way. We will do the buddy system. You guys will be paired up to your buddy and you will be responsible for each other for the rest of the semester. If one doesn't pass, the other will be questioned, so help each other out. If you have topics that are hard for you both, try to come up with ways so you both will be able to understand it. You can always come to me, other teachers and even students."
They all agreed and chose their buddy. Then Y/N and Jisung come into the room at the same time but from different doors. Y/N enters the front door with her ipad and coffee while Jisung comes in from the back with just his pen and a notebook.
Their teacher notices them both. "Oh good. You're both here." She says and looks at them back and forth. "You will be each other's buddy. You will be paired up for all school work for the entire semester. You will be responsible for each other's grades."
"What?" Y/N's eyebrows furrow. She heard what her teacher said perfectly but she just couldn't accept it. "He's not that smart! You're pairing me with someone who can't help me."
"You’re late, Miss Y/L/N. Both of you are. Everyone already chose who they wanted to be their pair. It's just the two of you remaining." She answers with stern voice. "And we tried pairing you up with Yunjin before." Pertaining to their top student in class. "But you ended up just letting her do everything."
Y/N looks at Jisung. "You're not saying anything about this?"
He just shrugs and goes to his seat. Y/N groans and does the same.
"Alright. Listen up. First task."
Jisung was the one who stood up first when class ended. He was about to exit the room when Y/N called him. "Park Jisung!"
He turns with an annoyed look on his face. "What?"
She walks to him. "Why did you not say anything earlier when she paired us? You know well both fail."
"I'm not that bad." He replies that she scoffs.
"Fine! Then what should we do about that stupid reporting?"
"I have to go. Just chat with me about your ideas and whatever." He starts to walk away.
And she follows his strides. "I don't have your number!"
"WhatsApp, Messenger, IG, Twitter." He lists down. "It's 2023."
Y/N scoffs in disbelief.
After class, she meets with her best friend who was with her boyfriend at a cafe nearby. They're both in 12th grade, Ningning is in a different class though.
"Hey, who's your pair?" Ningning, as soon as she sees Y/N.
Y/N groans and rolls her eyes. "Park Jisung."
"That sloppy, rugged soccer player?"
She nods. "Yup." Popping end of the word. "Hey, Jun." Y/N casually greets Ningning’s boyfriend who's playing on his phone.
"Oh, sup Y/N." And offers to bump fists.
She accepts with her fist as well. "Nothing much."
"Okay, let's order first." They all sit. "Love, what do you want?"
"A reuben would do, love." He replies.
They spent the remainder of the day talking about their lives and spilling teas.
When she got home, she decided to try out reading about the topic of their report but just minutes later, she plopped down on her bed because she got bored.
Y/N takes out her phone and decides to look for Jisung's account on messenger.
To: Park Jisung
Hey, what are we gonna do about this?
And she finished having dinner and even went to prepare for bed, he still hasn't replied yet.
To: Park Jisung
Park Jisung!
Still no reply. She runs her fingers over her hair in frustration. Jisung has two close friends, she remembered. Y/N looks up the name Zhong Chenle and the Chinese guy's photo pops up.
To: Zhong Chenle
Hey, just wondering if you're with Jisung. Please tell him to check his phone, we have to work on our project.
Just minutes later, a notification pops up saying she has a new message from Jisung.
From: Park Jisung
Oh my god, he's unbearable, she thought.
To: Park Jisung
The project.
From: Park Jisung
Send me your thoughts and ideas about it.
To: Park Jisung
I have no thoughts nor any idea about it.
From: Park Jisung
Then what are we supposed to do?
To: Park Jisung
Idk, let's just meet up tomorrow after class to figure this out.
"Bro, what the hell." Jisung grunts as he puts his phone down and picks up the xbox controller. "She wants me to meet up with her after class. Why did we get paired up, we have no idea about these."
Jisung is currently in Sungchan's place with Chenle. They're playing video games like how they do every single day and not getting tired of it. "Finally you can get some." Chenle teases him.
"I heard she's double-jointed." Jisung's eyebrows furrow at Sungchan's joke, and looks at him with disgust on his face. While Sungchan and Chenle high five.
Jisung walked to Y/N's seat when their class ended. He watched her gather her things in a hurry and was surprised to see him.
"What?" She asks, forgetting that they planned to meet for their project today.
His eyebrows furrow, confused as well. "I thought we'll meet after class?"
"Oh yeah. About that, meet's cancelled. I have to go. Let's just pay someone to do that report." Then she takes off before he can say anything. Better for him though, he'll have the whole time to play his beloved games.
Y/N meets with her handler in a cafe after driving almost half an hour from the university.
"I'm here." She announces and gives a quick friendly hug from behind to her handler Joy. "Let's go?"
Joy turns to her as she stands up. "Okay, good. Let's go. Our client is very chic and very boss lady vibes, Y/N. She's picky and she definitely knows what she wants."
"That's cool. You know I'm here to impress."
"I do." Joy smiles as they walk fast towards the building across the cafe. "I've sent your file to them already. You've looked over the products that you'll be modelling for?"
"Yes, the jewelleries. I actually even own a couple of pieces from their brand. They're nice."
When they arrive, a tall lady in formal attire welcomes them.
"Hi, I'm Seulgi, Mrs. Laviste's assistant. She's waiting for you in her office."
The local company rents both the 3rd and 4th floors of the building for their offices and manufacturing facilities.
They arrive at the office, the woman stands up upon seeing them with a big smile to greet. "Welcome to Ligaya! I'm Flora Laviste, you can call me Mrs. Laviste." Offering her hand which Joy gladly took.
"This is my talent." Joy gestures to Y/N. "Y/N."
Y/N smiles and shakes hands with her as well. "Y/N Y/L/N."
"From what I heard, you're the youngest of Mr. And Mrs. Timothy Y/L/N, is that right?"
"Yes." She smiles. "Yes, I am."
They discuss for a few minutes in Flora's office then go to their in-house studio to shoot a few shots as a demo just for them to see how their products would look on her.
"We reviewed everything and we've decided to take you guys on your offer. She's very good." Nodding her head, applauding Y/N's skills. "We'll do the shoot on Saturday morning."
Friday came and it's time for them to present their report. Y/N came early to school to get the report she paid a college student for.
Holding the flashdrive in her hand, she thanks Yeri. "Thanks a lot Yeri! I really just can't do this on my own."
Yeri smiles. "No worries, Y/N. It was easier for me since we've been over the topic a couple of times already. I sent the file to you too through email."
Y/N sat beside Jisung when she arrived in their classroom. She specifically instructed him to come in early. "We just read what's on the presentation." She tells him.
His eyes shift, obviously in doubt. "Sure?"
"Park and Y/N, you're up." Their teacher announces after the pair prior to them were done with theirs.
They set up on the computer and in no time, the first page of the slide flashes on the white board through the projector. 
"Our topic, the three main classes of carbohydrates." Y/N starts. She then continues to casually read the passages on the PowerPoint presentation which raises a brow of their teacher.
She stands up from her desk and walks towards the center walkway. "Pause, Ms. Y/L/N." The teacher raises her index finger. "You can't just click continuously on those pages without discussing them."
Y/N immediately protests. "But Mrs. Lim, these are self-explanatory."
"Good, then please explain them." She crosses her arms. "And Mr. Park, don't just stand there. Help out your buddy."
The two groans silently upon hearing their teacher's statement. Then Y/N looks at Jisung. "Help me explain it."
"You said it's self-explanatory." He whispers.
"I didn't think she'd let us explain it still after I said that."
After a few minutes of waiting and just looking at the two infront murmuring at each other, Mrs. Lim figures out they got nothing. "Alright, you two. Something's making me think that you both did not make this. I'm gonna let you re-do it this weekend and when we come back on Monday, I want you both to be able to explain and discuss it properly or else this reflects on my record book. Understand?"
Y/N grunts and removes her things from the desk to go back to her seat.
"Let's meet tomorrow morning." Jisung tells her.
"Can't, I have something very important. Afternoon."
"I have something important to do in the afternoon."
Y/N throws her pen to the floor, stomping her feet like a little kid throwing tantrums. "Why did we ever agree to this?!"
Jisung stands tall in front of her with a serious look on his face. "Don't throw tantrums on me, Y/N." He warns with his deep ass voice. "I'm not one of your maids."
"I-I didn't think you were." She nervously replies, blinking and shying away from his eyes. "I was just upset."
"Let's meet tonight."
"Mine or yours?"
At 7pm, Y/N arrives at the convenience store near Jisung's apartment. She immediately texts him.
To: Park Jisung
I'm here.
Park Jisung!
It's very cold here.
I'm gonna kill you.
8 minutes later
From: Park Jisung
Just hang on.
To: Park Jisung
I've been hanging on you idiot.
3 minutes later
From: Park Jisung
I'm coming down.
He, in his black hoodie and sweatpants approaches her and she almost had a heart attack. He looks like a kidnapper on his fit, the only thing that made her realize it is him is his nose. Weird.
"You look scary." She tells him.
He shrugs. "Yeah? Well... let's go."
They start to walk, her, following him from behind.
"Walk slowly."
"This is my normal pace. Your legs are just short."
Y/N stops and crosses her arms while watching him walk away. He did not notice until he finally crossed the road. He looks back and Y/N is still on the other side, glaring at him. Jisung can't help but laugh and put his hands in the pockets of his hoodie as he waits for the lights to go red again.
From: Park Jisung
Stay there.
Although she's far, he can see clearly that she rolled her eyes after reading his text.
As soon as the red light appears, he runs to her and grabs her wrist lightly, and they cross the street.
"Dickhead." She mumbles.
The apartment is definitely Jisung's, Y/N thought upon getting in. Empty red bull cans, chips packets, everything is everywhere. Chenle and Sungchan are there too, yelling at each other as they play.
Y/N looks at Jisung, suggestively while crossing her arms again.
He sighs. "Come on, guys. You need to go." Telling his two friends.
"What?! I thought we were---" Sungchan stops when he sees Y/N and the look on her face. "Time to go."
Chenle removes the headphones from his head. "So what if she's here, it's not like she's staying long anyway. And besides, bros over hoes."
Jisung immediately smacks his head. "That's the red bull talking."
"Oh yeah, she's the first. I'll consider." Chenle adds and this time Y/N is the one glaring at him.
Once they're out, Jisung kicks things out of the way. "My room is clean." Then walk towards there. And indeed it is. Shoes all over, but not in a messy way but it's on the walls like he's collecting them. And they're not just any shoes, they're all or at least that's how Y/N sees it, Jordan 1s.
Her mouth hangs open when she sees the display. "You collect?"
Just minutes later, they're set up on the floor with their gadgets on the center table.
Y/N scratches the back of her head, getting frustrated over what they're doing. "This is so stupid. Carbohydrates are carbohydrates, what the fuck are those main classes for?!" She whines.
"Come on, Y/L/N. All we gotta do is read and understand then make a report."
"I wish it's as easy as saying it."
Jisung gets his hand off his keyboard. "It seems like you hate these subjects that we're taking. Why enroll under them?"
"Because they want me to be a doctor. Like any fucking Asian parent wants their kids to be."
"I'm sorry."
"No need to be, it's not you."
They spent the night just talking about random things. She learned that Jisung prefers nights over days. He's got poop hands as what Chenle calls, meaning everything he touches just fails. He and his friends always play PUBG with Chenle's cousins from China. Random things.
But Jisung felt that Y/N is a good listener. She doesn't give her own opinions on his preferences, she finds everything he says cool, and she asks you about how you feel when you make that choice. It's like she's learning new things as they talk.
But they did not make any progress with their report.
It's almost 12 midnight. "I need to go home now." Y/N states after looking at her watch.
"Are you Cinderella or something?" He jokes.
"I have a shoot tomorrow morning. I can't look puffy." She replies. "You can come with me tomorrow morning. We'll work on this slowly."
Tomorrow came. They met at the cafè again. Y/N picked Jisung up from his place.
"Do you always bring other people aside from your own team to your gigs?"
"No. But it's fine. I can just introduce you as one of us."
They arrive and in no time, Y/N is all set. They also discusse sample shots for the campaign. Jisung just observes as he tries to work on their report.
"Your boyfriend's handsome." Mrs. Laviste says, giving her a teasing smile as they look over at him.
Y/N immediately shakes her head. "He's just my classmate. We got paired up for school work."
"He's been glancing and staring at you for the past few minutes."
"That's probably because he's doing everything and I'm here literally looking pretty."
They suit her up in a silk skin tone slip dress pointing focus on the jewelleries on her. A gold butterfly rests in between her clavicles, they take a shot of that. Her hands, her ears, they alternately put pieces of jewelries and take a few shots of it in all angles possible. Jisung couldn't help but stare. She's good. Great, actually. She gives what's needed from her.
"I just got off the phone with our male model. He won't be able to attend, he's suddenly having the flu." Says Mrs. Laviste's secretary.
Y/N lowkey raises her hand just enough to point at Jisung.
Joy tells Y/N, "You should talk to him."
Y/N nods. "Jisung-ah!" Jisung looks up at her. He sees her walking towards him. "We need a male model."
"You'd be a great one. You're very tall, and your face is decent, you just need a little makeover."
He shakes his head. "I don't think I can. I just came here to work on our report."
"I'll help you. We have until tomorrow. Plus, the pay is good."
At the end, she was able to convince him to join the shoot. They set him in front of the mirror, Y/N helped out in picking up his fits. She laughs when she sees his eyes moving, afraid to move his body.
"You can move, idiot."
He looks at the makeup artist doing his face. "Really? I don't wanna mess up what they're doing."
"As long as you don't go crazy."
They do the shoot together first just so Jisung loosens up and then his solo shoot after. Y/N helps him a lot aside from the director.
"Jisung-ah, just a stoic face. This is a close up shot emphasizing the earring."
After several flashes, he's all done. Y/N claps her hands then everyone else follows. "Congrats on your first modeling gig!"
He grabs her hand and puts it on his chest. "Feel that? I'm so nervous."
Of course, she was taken aback, she didn't feel shit, just her own heart pounding when her hand landed on his hard chest. "T-That's normal." Then she walks away, face flushing, cleaning up her things.
"What's the plan?" He asks when they're finally out of the building.
"We're gonna get lunch and then go to your soccer practice?"
Jisung shakes his head. "I can just pass on that one. Let's just do the report in my apartment again." She looks him straight in the eye and before she can say anything, he says, "I cleaned up."
Y/N smiles a little. "Okay."
"What do you wanna eat? My treat today." He says, looking at her.
"I'm craving biryani."
"Let's go to Jamieson's then."
And somehow they're eating lunch together, Jisung is skipping practice to do their project together, talking casually unlike before where they just roll their eyes at each other.
Y/N asks while they eat. "So what do you think about the modelling thing?"
He shrugs. "It's cool for my first time. You and your team made it too easy for me."
"And you were pretty good too. You have potential." She puts her hand on her face, posing elegantly, mimicking his poses earlier.
Jisung laughs and immediately removes her hand from her face. "Stop it."
"Why? Wait until Chenle and Sungchan see those photos."
"Oh God." He cringes and ducks head under his hands while Y/N laughs.
They spend the whole afternoon discussing their topic, even arguing if one finds something different in their researches but at the end, they were able to finish up their presentation and are confident that they'll be able to discuss it in front of the class on Monday.
"Thanks, Ji."
And for some reason they found themselves arguing about what comes first, the egg or the chicken. They even did their research on their stands far more efficiently than how they did it first with their report about carbohydrates.
"If I'm right, you'll give me $50?" He taunts.
She pulls out her phone from her purse and counters with, "And if I'm right, I send this pic to your friends." Showing him photos of his shoot that she took without his knowing.
Jisung was about to snatch his phone when she immediately stands up and runs away from him. "Y/N, delete that!"
"No!" She yells back but falls onto the floor by the kitchen. "I can't feel my legs!"
He rushes to her with panic on his face. "What happened?!"
"I think we squatted on the floor for too long." Jisung sighs in relief. "But I still can't feel my legs, it's weird and ticklish."
"What do you want me to do?"
"I dunno, it's really weird. I hate it."
"I'll try to massage it." He looks at her waiting for her approval and she eventually nods, just desperate for the weird feeling on her legs to go away. His hands are huge, she notices. That's why it looked so good in the photos earlier.
"It's going away." Before they stand up, he attempts to steal her phone but she immediately holds it protectively with both her hands. "No, these are mine."
"That's literally me in those photos."
"Yes, I'm aware."
He traps her between both his arms and the kitchen counter. Jisung lowers himself to level with her. "Give me your phone." His voice drops an octave that gives her goosebumps. His voice has always been deep but it's different when it's this deep.
Their faces are almost touching and she blinks a couple of times as her nervousness gets the better of her. "Y-You're too close."
"I know."
"You look good." Out of the blue she says then covers her mouth with one hand.
Jisung chuckles. "You look good too. Really good." She tries to avoid his lingering eyes but she can't. "You like us like this, don't you? That's why you don't wanna give me your phone?"
"I thought I'm the first woman who ever got this close to you?"
"You are."
"It doesn't seem like it."
He gives a small smile. "That's because you make me do things I never knew I'm capable of doing." And her heart skipped a beat, she couldn't say anything. It's like her throat is blocked with something. "And I thought you're one of them strong girls? The type who nobody wants to mess with. You've always had that image but why are you refusing now?"
Y/N grabs him by the neck and crashes her lips with his. Jisung got surprised but started kissing her back until he snaps back to reality.
But she suddenly pushes him away, running to his bedroom to get her things and in no time, she's in her car driving home with her heart pounding in her ribcage. Meanwhile, Jisung remained speechless in the kitchen, no idea as to what exactly happened.
From: Park Jisung
People usually say something and don't just run after they do that, yk?
From: Park Jisung
Don't be a coward now.
To: Park Jisung
Forget that ever happened.
From: Park Jisung
Uh... no
From: Park Jisung
You kissed me first and now you just want me to forget abt it?
To: Park Jisung
From: Park Jisung
No, in fact, maybe I'll kiss you again tomorrow.
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inthefairygrove · 1 year
Morning rain and maroon hoodies
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Worst Wednesday ever. First, you woke up late, rushing to get ready and almost forgetting your lunch. Then you run in the rain to the bus stop only to find out that you missed the bus. However you still have to go to school so you start your hike to school. Lucky one of your friends, Chan, was also running late and drove past, stopping to pick you up.
"Y/n it's raining outside! Why are you walking to school in the rain? You could catch a cold." He turns up the car's heater and digs in his gym bag for a towel. He hands one to you and you gratefully take it, drying off your drenched hair and lamenting about your now wet shirt. You both reach the school and rush inside to avoid looking like a drowned rat, meeting your friends at Minho's locker.
"Woah Y/n you're soaked! Did you walk here?" Minho spots you first, standing with Seungmin and Changbin, holding a bag of rice rolls.
"Ah, I missed the bus. I started to walk but Channie was running late and was able to give me a ride." You laugh awkwardly and try to wring out your shirt.
"You should get changed before you catch a cold Y/n. I think I have an extra gym shirt you can borrow." Changbin cuts in, digging through his bag before being interrupted by Seungmin.
"No need hyung. They can just wear my hoodie instead." He turns to a confused Minho and holds out his bag expectantly. Then he pulls his hoodie over his head, the action causing his shirt to ride up and show a sliver of his stomach before he fixes his shirt. You tune out what the boys are saying as you trace his features. His dirty shoes, baggy cargo pants, a worn oversized graphic shirt. His hair ruffled from pulling off the very hoodie that he was holding out to you. Meeting his eyes you can tell that he's pleading for you to take it.
" Just give me a minute guys." You huff and grab the sweatshirt, heading to the nearest bathroom to change. Pulling off your wet shirt you let the cozy maroon fabric of his hoodie engulf you. His cologne mixes with the scent of your shampoo, melting together to create a smokey floral aroma. The fabric settles over your cold body, ending at your thighs with the sleeves pushed up so you can use your hands. Grabbing your discarded wet shirt from the floor, you exit the bathroom to meet your friends again, this time at your own locker. Jeongin has arrived and joined the group since you last left, snacking on some of the rolls Minho brought for everyone. Between holding your wet shirt and struggling to keep your bag on your shoulder you are having trouble opening your locker. So, with a gentle hand to your shoulder Seungmin moves you to the side with a quiet 'I got this. Let me help.' He unlocks your locker with practiced ease and unloads the various books crammed into the torn tote bag. Jeongin hands you a plastic bag to slip your shirt in. You are left standing in between Seungmin, who has stolen your bag, and Minho, who is shoving food into your hands with a stern 'Eat.' You begrudgingly start to eat your rice roll and turn your attention back to Seungmin, who has since finished swapping out your books and is now standing at your side with an arm wrapped around your shoulders. You offer him a bite of your rice roll which he accepts, leaning down to eat out of your hands, nose brushing against your hand.
"I would've held it up for you, ya know." You huff, taking another bite of the savory roll. The group begins their daily trek to class, splitting off as they head to their individual classes. Seungmin walks with you to class, comfortable silence washing over the two of you. The silence only breaks when you reach his first class of the day.
"I'll see you at lunch Minnie." you state, already starting to walk to your own class.
" I forgot to tell you something earlier." He calls out to you, you turn back towards him confused.
"What's up?" Tilting your head you look up at him, wondering what's making him so fidgety. He messes with his bag strap as he looks down at you fondly.
" You look good in my clothes."
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scullysexual · 4 months
A Jewel Beneath The Moonight [Rewrite]
@today-in-fic | ao3
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Summary: For Mulder, a wealthy English-bred socialite who's had everything given to him since birth, the Titanic is shipping him off to a prison, a life he no longer wishes for or wants. For Scully, an Irish stranger from the lower class, it offers a new life, a future she can truly envision in America. What if the universe put them on the same path to achieve those dreams at the cost of life?
Chapter Two.
The accommodation is located on B-deck; easy enough to find. Phoebe and Mother are stopped along the way, a conversation proceeds in the middle of the hallway between the two women and some other people Mulder doesn’t care to remember the name of. His father shakes his head leading Mulder away.
“They’ll join us when they’re ready,” Bill says as they continue to walk to their rooms.
And the rooms are nice enough; mahogany furniture, floral tapestries covering the couches and chairs. The bedroom is large: a walk-in wardrobe Phoebe should hopefully be happy with. He touches the pillows and his disappointment comes when he finds they are feather. He places it back down.
In the mirror, he catches the reflection of the safe. Spinning around on his heels, he walks over to it, pulling it open. His hand strokes the inside feeling the cold iron. It’s of decent size, enough room to place valuables. He looks to the carry-on he’d brought on with him, an idea in his head. Reaching into the bag, his fingers gripping hold of the old leather book. He places it inside the safe. With a bit of manoeuvring he manages to fit it in and is still able to lock the safe afterwards.
Few people know about that book, a few more know about his talent that comes with it. Phoebe knew about the talent but not the book. His parents know briefly of his talent but again, not the book. The book is his and while he is in no way ashamed of his drawings- in fact, if one were to turn the first page they would be met with a very innocent drawing of his sister, however a bit further on and they’ll find the not-so-innocent drawings. It was those he wanted to keep secret.
“Fox!” he hears Phoebe’s clear-cut voice break through the air. Sighing, his moment of peace over, he double-checks that the safe is shut and locked and exits the bedroom to see his dearly beloved fiancé and the mutt she holds in a cage.
Mulder groans.
“Did you really have to bring that thing, Phoebe?”
Phoebe looks at him as though he’s just told her she wouldn’t be eating dinner for a month.
“Of course I had to bring her Fox,” she says in utter disgust. “Did you just expect me to leave her behind?” She takes the Maltese out of its cage, giving the cage to one of her maids before she holds the animal up.
“I know you don’t like the cage, sweetie. You can stay out of it from now on.” The dog begins fussing in her arms and Phoebe gasps. “Tuppence needs a potty break,” she hands the dog out to Mulder. “Take her.”
Mulder stares at the hairball currently in his face. “Can’t you take her?” he asks, careful to use the word ‘her’ rather than ‘it’.
“I can’t. I need to unpack.”
“I can do that.”
Phoebe looks at him like he’s grown another head.
“No, you’ll just put things in the wrong place.”
Mulder sighs and accepts his punishment.
“Alright, where’s the leash?”
Maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the doggy pooping area is the third class deck but it does. He had looked for an official area originally but there didn’t seem to be one that existed. He sees another dog doing its business on the deck and follows suit.
He lets the dog get on with it, lets it take its time too, maybe it’ll wander too far to the rail and fall off the ship, but Mulder’s never had much luck on his side before.
His attention moves away from the dog to the people. A man and his daughter who sits on the rails, her back against his chest, an arm securing her so she doesn’t fall off. The father points to the islands in the distance. Mulder can’t hear the words but he imagines that he’s telling her the names of them, maybe stories about who those people were. Maybe the man knows who the people were.
A second man, older than the first, sits on a bench with his eyes shut and lets the breeze ruffle what little hair he has.
 Mulder’s eyes move to another little girl who kicks a ball over to a red-headed boy. The boy picks the ball up, turning his face to the sky and Mulder watches as he balances the ball on his nose like a sealion in a zoo. The little girl laughs and as does another girl with the same red hair as the boy. Mulder finds himself drawn to it, drawn to the girl, a genuine smile breaking out across his face for what feels like the first time in a long time, his stomach twisting and heart folding in on itself all in a good way as he stares at her. Whatever this feeling is, he likes it.
“How old you do think that boy is?” a voice beside him asks. Mulder startles, never even hearing the man approach. “Fifteen? Sixteen?” Mulder moves his gaze back over to the red haired boy. “When I was fifteen, my father sent me off to boarding school.”
“You envy them?” Mulder asks. Most people he’s met in his life scorn them, question how they could live like that. Mulder appreciates the change of opinion.
“A little bit. Makes you wonder what experiences he’s had this far.”
The boy turns and Mulder is taken back slightly by the gash on his face.
“He’s experienced a good punch if that cut is anything to go by,” Mulder laughs. He stretches his arm out towards the man. “I’m Mulder,” he says.
The name strikes no recognition with a man for which Mulder is absolutely grateful for.
“John Byers.”
Similarly, the name does strike any recognition for Mulder either. The two shake hands just as the dogs wander over. Mulder opens the gate, attaching the leash back onto Tuppence.
“I’ll see you at dinner, then?” Byers calls as Mulder makes his way back inside.
“Yes, you will.”
Dinner turns out to be a dull affair, minus a bit of drama beforehand: Phoebe’s hissy fit at having “Nothing to wear” Mulder had got back to the room to find that everything had been packed away. The walk-in wardrobe he thought Phoebe would be fine with only has enough room to fit half her clothes into. She had cried that she wasn’t prepared to live out of her suitcase for a week. Mulder had compromised, given up the small area he’d reserved for his clothes to fit the rest of Phoebe’s. Now his clothes reside in his father’s room.
All in all, the whole debacle had delayed them by thirty minutes.
Other than that, the dinner remained uneventful. Mulder was continuously zoning out throughout it, his thoughts entirely focused upon the girl on the deck. Who was she? Why did he feel what he felt? What did he even feel? And why couldn’t he pull his thoughts away from her?
“Fox…Fox…” he swears he hears his Mother saying.
It’s Phoebe’s sigh of annoyance that forces him out of his reverie.
“He’s doing that thing again, Mother.”
“Fox!” his father barks. Mulder looks to his father, dazed for a moment and fully aware he has no idea what conversation is happening at the table. “Mr Skinner is speaking to you.”
Mulder looks towards the bald man, only now realising that he had joined their table.
“I’m sorry, Mr Skinner,” Mulder apologises. “You were saying?”
“I was just congratulating you and Miss Green on your engagement,” Skinner tells him.
Mulder smiles and reaches for Phoebe’s hand on the table, clasping their fingers together. Not showing anything is amiss, Phoebe smiles.
“Thank you, Mr Skinner,” Mulder says. He looks to Phoebe then. “My only wish is for this week to hurry so I can officially make Phoebe my wife.”
He brings the hand he holds to his lips then, placing a gentle kiss to the top of it. And Phoebe sends him a sincere smile.
Disgust rolls inside his stomach, curdling the food he’s just eaten, disgusted with himself. Mulder’s never hated himself more.
Just as they’re finishing their third course does the conversation change once more. Mulder pays no mind to it, he nods when he’s expected to and that is all.
“You’re old friend Bill,” a man from the farther end of the table shouts over. “Spender- is he on the ship, do you know?”
“I saw his son before,” says Phoebe. “He didn’t look too happy.”
“You remember Jeffrey, don’t you, son?” Bill asks Mulder.
“Yes, he was in my Psychology class at Oxford,” Mulder answers simply before going back to his soup.
The man at the end of the table pipes up again. “I never saw the point in educating yourself on those types of subjects. Seems a waste of time.”
“Fox has a special knack for reading people, don’t you?”
Mulder nods. He could read these people perfectly.
Dessert is on its way when the conversation changes once more. The man at the end of the table telling everyone, once again, that he has an opinion to make.
“Would anyone else sleep better knowing we weren’t sharing a boat with steerage?”
Mulder’s stomach twists, the chocolate mousse halfway to his mouth suddenly appearing unappetising.
“Mother and I saw some wandering down our hallway earlier. How they managed to get up there, I have no idea.”
“Maybe they were just lost, Phoebe,” Mulder says as gently as he can, the anger seething beneath.
“Whatever they’re excuse was, a crewmember soon shouted at them to leave and off they scurried.”
“Like rats in the woodwork, back down to the sewers where they belong,” the man at the end of the table gruffly laughs.
“I’m sure they won’t be an issue anymore,” says Father.
Done with the conversation and dinner all together, Mulder pushes his untouched dessert away.
“Fox?” his mother asks. Her eyes dart around, absorbing the reactions of everyone else at the table, a stickler for public perception.
“I just feel a bit sick,” Mulder says responds.
“You might have caught something off the docks earlier,” says Phoebe reaching up to touch his forehead. She looks to the table party worriedly, “He is burning up.”
Mulder brings her hand away. “I’ll see you later on,” he says and with that he leaves the table, no kiss, no hug, no form of intimacy at all, he just leaves.
The breeze is welcomed from the hot and stuffy dining room. For all their visitors at the table Mulder hoped the man he met earlier- Byers- would have joined them. It would have been nice to have somebody at the table who thought similarly to him.
He makes his way to the back of the ship, away from on-lookers and those who would judge him, happy to find the stern empty.
He walks over to the rails, feeling the cold oak between his fingers as he looks out to the darkness around him. His mind drifts back to earlier, to the father and daughter and he finds himself beginning to climb the rails.
His heart is in this throat every step. Mulder never considered himself afraid of much, if he was dared to do something he’d do it but maybe it’s the fact that he’s alone that scares him now, nobody around to catch him if he falls. Out here it’s only him- only him, the ship, and the sea and if he does fall that’s it.
He thinks about how that little girl must have felt. Was she afraid at first? Did she refuse to sit on the rail for fear of falling? Was it only when she felt her father behind her, arms around her chest that she felt safe, that only then did she trust she wasn’t going to fall?
“I hope you’re not considering jumping?”
Mulder startles, almost losing his balance in the process. He grips the rails tighter, suddenly questioning his choice of seating.
A nervous laugh falls from his lips.
“I wasn’t until you nearly made me.”
“Sorry,” the woman says. A woman’s voice. “I just saw you climb up there and got a wee bit nervous, that’s all.”
Mulder twists slightly so he can see the person. As he turns, he almost falls again when he realises who’s standing there.
The red-headed girl from earlier.
“Maybe you should get down,” she says, face a full display of concern. She edges closer slowly. “It’s a long way down if you fall off.”
She leans against the rails just as he’d done earlier.
“Maybe I like the risk,” Mulder says, a façade of a fearless smile appearing across his face. Really, he was shitting bricks.
“You won’t like the fall,” she says, her voice serious, no hint of the playfulness he was hoping to convey. “It’ll be like hitting concrete and if you just so happened to survive that, it won’t take long for the cold to get you.”
Mulder looks down into the water directly below him.
“How long we talking?” he asks.
Her answer is quick, ready like she’d been prepared to answer all along.
“Thirty minutes for the hypothermia to kick in, one to two hours before you die.” The facts all out, she turns sombre and concerned once more. “Not exactly a quick death if that’s what you wanted.”
Gaining her point, he begins to twist on the rails, back to the sea as he jumps down.
“There,” he says, dusting himself off. “No harm done.” He looks down at her, realising just how much he towers over her. Phoebe is tall for a woman, almost his height in heels, but this girl…Mulder estimates she not much taller than 5’4.
He stretches out his hand, curious as to why the universe has thrown her in his path for a second time that day and even more curious to know why she knows so much about cold water and hypothermia.
“I’m Mulder.”
She ignores his hand, an eyebrow shooting up. “Mulder? I’m not entitled to a first name?”
Mulder laughs nervously again, dropping his arm to his side. “You don’t want to know it.”
She regards him, as if wondering whether he is worth an interest in or not.
“In that case…” Her hand slides out towards him. “I’m Scully.”
Mulder stares at her hand for a moment before he takes it, feeling soft, warm skin under his own despite the cold evening. A warmth spreads through him, an undeniable connection being forged between their joined hands. Fate sure was a strange entity.
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bro-atz · 5 months
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word count: 2.2k
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San was pleasantly surprised that he actually woke up on time for once without his alarm clock— his alarm clock didn’t go off for some reason unbeknownst to him, but it didn’t matter because now he had time to eat a comfortable breakfast. He completed his morning routine of deep stretching, using the facilities, washing his hands, brushing his teeth, washing his hands, grooming his face, washing his hands, and fixing his hair.
As he walked into the kitchen, he felt the presence of something else being in the room with him. He prayed to whatever entity that would save him in that moment that it wasn’t a bug bigger than the size of the nail on his thumb. Thankfully, there was no bug, but the presence still persisted. He tried to ignore the feeling and started preparing himself breakfast, only for a voice to pipe up behind him.
San jumped and turned around while screaming, a frying pan in his hand.
“Oh, hi Yunho,” San put the frying pan down before clutching his chest.
“It’s like you saw a ghost or a bug or something,” Yunho laughed.
“Listen, if you were a bug, I would have hit you with the pan. I’d much rather see that than a ghost.”
“You’d rather see a bug over me?”
“Shut up, you know what I meant.”
San made his breakfast and sat down at the dining table with Yunho, the two eating somewhat peacefully (except Yunho kept trying to grab food from San’s plate, and San had to keep swatting his hand away). After they finished eating, San looked at the time, panic overriding his body.
“Shit! I’m going to be late for class!” San shot up out of his chair and ran around the apartment trying to get his shit together.
“Not now, Yunho! I gotta find my textbooks! What classes do I have today?”
San finished scrambling after a good five minutes and was ready to bolt through the door, only for Yunho to stop him. San completely planted his face in Yunho’s chest, and Yunho responded with a hug.
“It’s Saturday, my guy.”
San, his face still deep in Yunho’s chest, let his body deflate. A single tear rolled down San’s cheek, only to get soaked up by Yunho’s clothes. “You couldn’t have told me earlier?”
“You wouldn’t let me.”
After Yunho let go of him, the now mentally exhausted boy retreated back to his room. He put all of his belongings from his bag in their respective places and put his outfit away to use for another time. As it was Saturday, San decided that he should just spend the rest of the day wearing his pajamas. He slipped on his flannel pants and decided to forgo his shirt before reentering his and Yunho’s living room.
“Hey, what do you want to do for—”
San froze as he realized who was in the living room— it wasn’t just Yunho, but now Iseul was also there. At least he didn’t exit his room too far, but he still feared that Iseul saw his naked torso. Like a turtle, he once again retreated back into his room before flinging himself onto his bed and sobbing into a pillow; he wasn’t quite happy with the definition of his muscles, so Iseul seeing him like that made him very upset.
Through his tears, San was able to find his phone, and he called the one person who knew about his crush on Iseul: Gyuri. Gyuri picked up after two rings. “What’s up, San?”
San couldn’t even get words out. He just started ugly crying into the phone, grateful that Gyuri couldn’t see his face.
“San, what’s wrong?” Gyuri sounded extremely concerned, but San could still only get ugly sobs out.
“You need to use your words, San.”
That seemed to do the trick because right before she hung up, Gyuri said, “I’m on my way.”
As waited for Gyuri to come to the rescue, San dried his eyes and put on a shirt. He used his hair to cover up his slightly red eyes and exited the room at the same time Gyuri entered the apartment loudly and with major concern.
“Is everything okay?” she asked with urgency.
San fully entered the living room at that point, he, Yunho, and Iseul all sporting the same shocked expressions. Gyuri had arrived at the scene wearing the most juvenile of pajama shorts, an extremely oversized tee tucked into the front of her shorts, and her hair up in the messiest of buns, not to mention that she still had a toothbrush in her mouth. Her eyes widened as she saw San. The two pointed at each other in shock, like that one iconic scene out of that one comic book. While San and Gyuri were dressed way down, Yunho and Iseul were wearing proper clothes and were actually awake and ready to take on the day.
Angrily, Gyuri charged at San, toothbrush still in her mouth. She chased circles around San in the kitchen, then the living room, then the kitchen and living room.
“You asshole! I thought you hurt yourself!” she yelled at him.
“I was injured!” San advocated on behalf of himself.
“No you were not!”
“My heart was hurt!”
“Then deal with that on your own!”
Gyuri finally caught up to San and managed to kick him in the back, causing the boy to fall to the ground with a thud. He remained on the ground, Gyuri’s foot resting on his back. She gave him a solid stomp on his back before she stormed out of the apartment, the door slamming shut.
“Bye, Gyuri,” San heard Yunho say weakly.
Next thing he knew, while he was still sprawled out on the ground, he felt a hand rest on the spot that Gyuri kicked and stomped on. He managed to look to his side to see Iseul crouching by him.
“Are you okay?” she started rubbing his back.
“It�� It hurts…” San could feel his ears get hot.
“Aw, you poor thing.”
Iseul continued to comfort the boy, causing him to wonder whether Gyuri did that on purpose or not. After a couple moments of comforting him, Yunho and Iseul helped him get up. San was able to calm his ears and walk around normally after a couple moments of more deep stretches. Iseul then left shortly after, San looking at Yunho in confusion.
“Oh, she came to drop off a report,” Yunho explained. “She said she has some errands to run before tonight.”
“Tonight? What’s going on tonight?”
“Did you not check the group chat yet?”
San went searching for his phone and found it. He walked back into the living room, his face slowly turning white.
“Shut up, you big baby! Yes!”
San fell to the floor dramatically, his knees giving in due to the amount of stress that came from the texts in the group chat. They were supposed to have a horror movie marathon. Most of the group chat did not support that vision.
RODDIES group chat — 10 online
choosan: this is a hate crime. issei: no it’s not stop being so dramatic choosan: then it’s discrimination issei: stop that gyuday: guys, its jongho’s birthday party wooah: THEN WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING FUN! apple: movies are fun! wooah: NOT HORROR MOVIES gyuday: the marathon is what he wants to do for his birthday kikiki: THEN YOU GUYS GO DO THAT THEN! WHY DO ALL OF US HAVE TO WATCH?! yeoman: YEAH CAN’T WE LIKE SIT THIS ONE OUT??? gyuday: no you can’t wooah: WHY NOT????????????? ):< yoohoo: bc we’re going to cut the cake together choosan: JONGHO DOESN’T EVEN LIKE SWEETS issei: it’s a pie choosan: THAT IS STILL SWEET issei: pizza pie apple: omg guys!!!!!! wooah: MOM CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING kikiki: PLS choosan: DON’T MAKE US DO THIS yeoman: I’M GOING TO CRY hwaa: idk i can’t do anything abt this hwaa: i tried stopping this ln but i failed hwaa: go ask your dad or something wooah: DADDY  wooah: DADDY PLS hongkong: i was going to fight for you kids hongkong: but wooyoung calling me daddy is unacceptable. hongkong: we’ll celebrate jongho’s bday the way jongho wants to kikiki: wooyoung i’m going to kill you. choosan: i’ll help. yeoman: don’t bother. i’ll take care of him right now.
San turned off his phone and flopped on his bed sadly. Right before he could wallow in sadness, he could hear Wooyoung scream at the top of his lungs, almost starting an earthquake in the building. San uttered thoughts and prayers as he reluctantly got ready for Jongho’s birthday party.
He was the last one to arrive at Mingi and Jongho’s apartment. As he entered slowly, he saw Wooyoung sulking in the corner, the reddest handprint San had ever seen plastered against his cheek. His eyes darted back and forth from Wooyoung to Yeosang, who was standing angrily and chugging beer like it was nobody’s business.
As they all stood around the pizza pie, there were only three people actually singing Happy Birthday for Jongho: Iseul, Gyuri, and Yunho. Everyone else joined in weakly, although San wasn’t even sure he was singing anymore knowing what was coming for them. Yeosang and Mingi had tears in their eyes, Hongjoong was trying to clap but he was definitely not clapping in time, and Wooyoung was flat out just crying in Seonghwa’s arms. Jongho blew out the candles, and the six of them who did not want to marathon horror movies tried to make their escape, but the four who had no problem with horror movies had four pairs of hands. They grabbed the back of everyone’s shirts and dragged them into the living room.
“Unhand me! I am the eldest!” Hongjoong tried to fight his way out of Jongho’s insanely powerful grasp.
“Technically Hwa is the eldest, but go off I guess,” Gyuri shrugged.
That shut Hongjoong up real quick. As Jongho selected the first movie for them to watch, the six who just tried to escape were glaring daggers at the four who were just laughing at the horror movies selection on whatever streaming service it was they were using. Finally, they decided upon a movie with a fairly innocent title but a horrifying poster: Mama. They all got settled in front of the TV, Jongho turning off the lights for the full effect. San felt the life being sucked out of him realizing that they were going to watch more than one horror movie that night.
At the first jump scare in the film, San looked around him to see everyone’s reactions (though to be fair he was screaming so much that he was actually looking around to avoid looking at the screen). Yunho was sitting on the sofa and laughing while shoveling popcorn— where the hell did he get popcorn from?— into his mouth. Hongjoong and Mingi were hiding behind the sofa (as if that was going to protect them from the movie). Jongho was sitting in the love seat holding Yeosang’s shoulders as the boy sat in a ball and trembled uncontrollably. Iseul somehow fell asleep and her head was resting on Wooyoung’s shoulder, the two of them sitting on the sofa somewhat near Yunho.
San, meanwhile, was sitting on the ground, Gyuri in between him and Seonghwa. San was hugging one arm, and Seonghwa was hugging the other. During his observation, Wooyoung slipped down to the ground and hugged Gyuri from behind, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. San knew that if Gyuri’s blood flow supply wasn’t being cut off by the three boys and only Seonghwa, then her face would be bright red. Instead, she just looked exhausted.
An idea suddenly came to San at that moment— what if Gyuri were only being hugged by Seonghwa? So, he let go of Gyuri’s arm and pried Wooyoung off Gyuri, moving the two up onto the sofa. He picked up Iseul’s head and laid it gently on his lap while Wooyoung now clung to San for dear life. Iseul stirred the slightest bit when San moved her, but it actually worked in his favor because now she, too, was hugging him— well, his thigh.
Thank God Iseul was hugging him, because that distracted him from the rest of the movie, his heartbeat running off the charts and through the roof because of her and not the scary movie. He could feel Wooyoung’s grasp around his waist get tighter with each jump scare, but San had already stopped breathing because Iseul was just snuggling further and further into his thigh.
To try and suppress the rising tension in his pants, San looked down at Gyuri and Seonghwa. Surprisingly, Gyuri’s ears were not red despite Seonghwa fully hugging her. She was rubbing his back, and if San hadn’t been in such a good mood himself, he would have hated seeing it. Wait, why would he have hated it? Maybe he just grew an aversion to love and affection… Oh well, it didn’t really benefit him to dwell on that at this point. He just focused on the two kids clinging to him for the rest of the marathon.
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d3a7h · 2 years
𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜. 2
Pairing(s): Jay Halstead x Fem!Reader
Part 2
Warning(s): Language (I think thats all.)
Word Count: 3034
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Moving in with Voight proved troublesome, having to trust not only him but his wife, son, and another girl he had taken in. It was hard, really hard, despite Justin being young he was the main one you trusted. At first anyway, Erin and you grew close, after the first year of living with your new family you both got sent to St. Ignatius, it was a school meant for you to start fresh, start good.
It was not fresh or good, the girls hated you two, they seemed to have no reason until they found out about things in your past. They started to bully you two and use it against you whenever they got the chance. Hank explained that if either of you were to get into a fight you would be expelled. Erin tolerated the bullying because she didn't want to disappoint him. You tried to until someone brought up Korren, you didn’t even know how they would have found out that information, but once your son's name exited her mouth you saw dark. You were on top of her punching her repeatedly with no intention to stop.
You got expelled for that, of course. Voight was upset, beyond upset. Erin, Jason, and Camille kept asking why you did it but you refused to talk. You were terrified of how they would react if you had a kid, let alone that you didn’t know who the father was or where the kid was. That thought tore you apart, not knowing if Korren was okay.
You convinced Voight to send you to the Police Academy as soon as you were ungrounded for being expelled. Your mother taught you to hate cops, you used to, until Voight and Alvin saved you when you were 8. You were forever grateful, you wanted to be able to follow in Voights steps and help other kids like you. You also needed a reason to keep going and it needed to be something that was not left in your hands. Police Academy seemed to be the only way for you.
You were ready as soon as you got into the Academy, you started training and studying in your room before you went in. You still study and train all the time, you love to push yourself and see how good you can be. It worked really well, you passed with flying marks. Top of your class and you made uniform all by age twenty two. Uniform is where you got a partner, that partner was Antonio Dawson. You both quickly became a great duo, trouble always found you two and if one of you wasn’t in some type of pain by the end of the shift something was wrong.
However, you did make it out of Uniform, you got a transfer into Narcotics. You didn’t like being in the unit, you thought it would have been a great opportunity. You were mistaken, they said you were on the team but your boss refused to let you work cases. You would always get stuck with the paperwork.
𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙾𝚕𝚍
𝟹 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝙽𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜
Two weeks, my unit has been working on a case, two weeks and they have nothing to show for it. I know more than they do but they refuse to listen to me. Like always I was sitting in the break room on the floor doing the paperwork for our last case when my boss walked in. “Flynn.” “Yes sir?” I said looking up at him, he handed me a transfer paper and a manila folder. “Intelligence is taking my case and you. You should get going.”
I couldn’t have been happier, I quickly got up from the floor grabbing the stuff from him. I saw Hank Voight on the paper and that made all of this ten times better. I quickly made my way to the district, as soon as I walked in it was like a wave of relief washed over me. “Is my handprint in yet Sarge?” I teased knowing I would get a reaction out of Trudy, she raised her head with a scowl but it was replaced with a glare as soon as she saw me. I smiled brightly laughing lightly, “Hello to you too Sarge, I missed you.” “I didn’t miss you, Flynn, yes your handprint it in. Good luck.”
I thanked her and went up the first few stairs getting to the gate, I placed my hand on the pad and it opened. I took a deep breath before going up the stairs seeing Voight sitting in his office. As soon as he saw me I waved and he got up coming out of his office, he hugged me and I hugged him back tightly. “Good to see you again.” “I see you accepted my transfer.” “Of course, as long as I am not treated like an assistant.” “You are one of us.”
He turned around to his team, “Everyone, welcome our new team member.” Everyone said welcome before Voight motioned for me to talk about the case. I stepped to the front of the room before putting things on the white board. 
"Hi everyone, I am Y/N. I am from Narcotics. They couldn't get anywhere with what we knew and they refused to let me on the case. There are two unrelated wire investigations. Surveillance followed three of the area cental's top-ranking gang targets to a house on Carpenter. " "We roll out in five." Hank told everyone before walking downstairs.
Erin came over to hug me, I hugged her back. "I missed you, Erin," I smiled brightly causing her to smile as well. "I missed you more Y/N. Glad you are with Intelligence." "Same, I will finally get case time, I won't just be doing files." Erin then walked downstairs followed by a guy. I then turned to say something to Antonio.
Another guy put his jacket on the chair of the desk across from Antonio, "Hey hey what are you doing?" "I need a desk." He said with a head tilt, very obviously confused at his question. "Not that one that was Willhite's desk I'll let everyone know when someone can use it."
He looked down and opened a drawer in his desk looking at a photo. I gave him a minute before I spoke.
"Guess ill use the floor until then," I joked and Antonio looked over at me before smiling. He walked over to me and I hugged him, we kissed each other's cheeks and pulled away. "I've missed you 'Tonio" I smiled brightly and he nodded, "I've missed you too, glad to finally have you in the unit." "Glad to finally be here, do you know how bad Narcotics was."
"I hate this but I guess you can have the desk." "I love you but I am not going to disrespect your grieving for a partner. I can wait till you're ready, I didn't have a desk in Narcotics either so I'm used to it." He shook his head knowing not to argue with me.
"Well hello, I am Adam," I heard from the other side of me. I turned my head to see the guy who Antonio just got upset with. I smiled holding out my hand to his, "Y/N, Y/N Flynn." He shook my hand before kissing the back of it, "As long as Antonio has no dibs on you I think this can be fun."
"Hands off Ruzek," Antonio said walking down the stairs, I chuckled lightly patting Adam's face and kissing his cheek before following behind Antonio.
"Flynn you're with Jay and Erin for this case." I nodded and got into the backseat, Jay took the passenger and Erin drove. All I could question was if he was my Jay, he kind of looked like he did when he was younger but ten years does stuff to people. I knew for a fact he did not recognize me.
I loved Jay, he was the only person there for me when I needed someone the most. He was the only reason I was out, away from my mother, he was everything to me. He still is everything to me, but I stopped getting letters from him when he was with the rangers. We never broke off what we had, so does he remember me? Does he even still love me?
"We got the main eye," Alvin spoke on his radio, this dragged me out of my thoughts. "We're set up to the north." Antonio radioed in, and Jay let them know we were at the south, we also had a partial view of the alley. Erin was taking pictures, and I kept my eye out for anyone or anything that seemed out of place.
"If anyone goes mobile from the house, we're in position for a takeaway," Antonio let us know before Hank told O and Ruzek to see if there was any movement inside.
"Guys," I tapped Jay's shoulder pointing at the guy in the yellow jacket walking in front of us. "Hold up. We got company" Erin informed the others over the radio.
Jay called out a gun and shots were fired into the guy from inside the house. We all got out of our cars after the gunshots stopped, running over to the house. We cleared the house but Ruzek had to shoot a guy to keep him from shooting one of us.
We found a big supply of insulin boxes, Antonio put together that the bullets were in the boxes.
Back at The District
"Do you not remember me?" I asked Jay as we walked back to the bullpen. "No why?" He asked quickly turning to me before his phone rang, he held up his finger and I gave him a thumbs up before walking ahead of him.
"This is Edward Jelko, the deceased street-level dealer. This is Peter Thomas Banfill, the offender, currently baking in a coma over at county. Jelko probably thought like we did that Banfill was sitting on something big, and went over there to rip him off." Hank explained to us before I spoke up, "The bullets, they are M995s, Teflon-Tipped, Kevlar-Penetrating Rounds. Ballistics has 'em linked to several recent homicides."
"And we found 100 of these at the scene, it's for type R insulin which is a Canadian designation." Erin said holding up the insulin boxes we found earlier, "And with any luck, our little surprise visit got the gun runners scrambling which means they're gonna make mistakes, okay? Eyes open." Hank said to us all before asking Erin and me to come to his office.
We both looked at each other confused before doing as told, I closed the door behind us. "Justin's getting an early release. He's moved up to Friday night." "That's great!" I agreed with Erin. "Well, he's asking if you two can be there. It's no big deal if you can't." "Are you crazy? Of course, it's a big deal, he's getting out.” “We will be there.” Hank just nodded giving us a monotone yeah. “What?” I asked causing him to stand up and walk up to us, “Why do you look like somebody pissed in your coffee?” “Gettin’ out is always harder than gettin’ in.”
This seemed to upset Erin, Voight walked around us to the door. “Hank. Come on, Justin’s gonna need you around, okay? The tough love thing, it— it didn't work.” This upset Voight, he hated being told what was right and wrong. “Flynn, do me a favor. Tell Antonio ill be back in an hour.” He then walked out of his office, I shrugged looking at Erin before following him out.
Antonio and I were getting more info on the bullets, the others had gone to a scene that Burgess and Atwater got sent to by Erin. We finally got it and high-fived each other, I hugged Jin before following Antonio out of the room to our team. “These are what we're looking for, C7s. A variant used by the Candian Army, an Armory up there was robbed.” “3,000 rounds of Ammo and 50 C7s were stolen,” I added wanting to be able to say something. “Bigger market for sprayers down here.” O said and I nodded my head knowing he was right. “Victim's wife drove down with him. Halstead and Lindsay are bringing her in.” Antonio told Voight earning us a good.
I sat in the room with Erin and Jay as they talked to our victims wife until Antonio came in and asked me to come with him. A call came in about gunshots and so we were going to check it out, when we arrived and got into the room we had to get the rest of the team there. Hank looked around as soon as he got there, I was looking around to see if we could find anything else that could help us.
“Can you believe the velocity of these things?” Jay started catching all of our attention, I turned around to look at him. “Forensics traced one round that went through the tv, through the wall, ended up halfway through the engine block of an ice cream truck parked across the street.” Voight and Antonio looked at each other with the same look causing me to smile a bit before Voight spoke, “Seven homicides and counting.”
“Our widow is lying, her cell phone provider said she was never at BloomingDale’s. She spent the afternoon up in Edgewater.” This gave us reason to bring said widow into our interrogation room. Erin and I went in together, “We’re gonna get real honest real quick.”
Erin sat down and started to ask her questions, showing her pictures. I stood leaning against the wall, “Why are you doing this?” She asked, I rolled my eyes a bit crossing my arms. “You lied to us, you were not browsing BloomingDale’s you were in Edgewater.” She looked at us both as those words came out of my mouth. Surprised that we knew or that we checked maybe. “You and your husband had a nice run, right? You start off with something simple like X or Kush, and you got greedy, and you upgraded to gun-running, right? Am i in the ballpark? Which means you got George murdered and that makes you an accessory to his murder.” “So were gonna try this agan, only this time the truth.” Erin said firmly as she never took her eyes off the woman.
“I was visting a friend. An ex boyfriend” “If youre gonna lie, put some effort into it. For me.” “Call him, he’ll tell you.” I gave in sliding a notepad to her and a pen. She wrote down his name and number so I left the room to go call him. We then told the team about our findings, Erin told them about Mikey and I told them that her alibi was legit.
“Got a ping on Ganz’s phone, pulled all the numbers hes called in the last twenty four hours.” Jin told us as he walked in. “Employee of the week, Jin.” Jay clapped before he said that. Jin sucked in a breath before speaking again, “All the calls were to the same numbers, a call phone registered to a Lucky M Pawn and Loan in Gage Park.”
“Lucky M. I know that ding-dong. We’ll go talk to him. Come on.” O told us before he, Antonio, and I left. Antonio and I waited outside as he went in, “How's the wife and kids?” “Deigo got kidnapped, we got him back he's getting better I hope, It was mostly just mental stuff he had to overcome now. Eva and Laura are great. How was life without seeing my handsome face?” “Your lucky I can't lie to you, Narcotics wasn't fun. It was an up in pay for less everything. I never went on cases, I never got to get out there. I was just their assistant really.” He turned to me taking me in for a hug, I hugged him back slightly laughing. “It's good to have you back kid.” “Great to be back, we should get together like we used to. I mean yeah we aren't really young anymore but it would be nice to relive those days.” “It would be, my house this weekend?” “Deal.” O came out with a chainsaw in hand, Antonio looked confused but I couldn't help but snicker a little at how nonchalant he was. He told us he got a meet-up at two o’clock.
Alvin and Antonio went to the meet up, Mickey didn’t want both of them in the car so Antonio tried to say no and go back to his car but Alvin insisted and he went with him. This got us to the spot and we were now waiting for the word, christmas, as soon as O said it we rushed in with the long guns. It lead to a shootout, some ran, some got shot, and we cuffed Mickey; who tried to shoot O but Ruzek stopped him.
𝙰𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚓𝚊𝚒𝚕 𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜
I stood next to Erin as we leaned on the car waiting for Jason to get out of the gates, he did a little skip before screaming freedom. We both hugged him, and he complimented Erin before he asked where Voight was. It disappointed him but he tried to flirt with Erin and kiss her, but she declined him fairly quickly before telling him to get in the car. “Does he not see us as sisters? Or am I delusional?” I asked and she just shook her head not wanting to think about it, I laughed before patting her shoulder getting in the backseat.
Jason spent the night at my apartment, I didn’t mind because I didn’t want him to meet up with his old friends. They weren’t good for him but he could not see that and I didn’t know how to help him. “Jason,” I said as I walked into the living room. “Yeah?” “Make better decisions okay? Better friends.” “My friends are good.” “Sure they are Jason, and you totally were not just in jail. Goodnight.” I ruffled his hair and walked back to my room.
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lprww · 11 months
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╰┈➤ Project: Sights
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— Sypnosis; ✎ Niki, a student at decelis academy, has a project to fulfil which consists of doing a collage with the photos he takes in the following week. The subject; sights he finds appealing and beautiful. What he didn’t know was that you were going to be apart of them.
— Pairing; Student N. Riki x Student Fem!reader
— Genre/warnings; Fluff, one sided crush, cursing, au, This story is mostly Riki’s pov.
— W.C.; 2k
— A/N; This is my first tumblr ff! Not going to lie it isn't my best, but I hope it's still readable TT. English is not my first language and I apologize if I did make any mistakes (it isn't proofread)! Anyways, enjoy reading ^^
It was now lunchtime, so I sat down in the cafeteria along with the rest of my friend group just like the usual. They were all chatting while I had my mind on something else while eating.
"what's on your mind Riki?" asked Heeseung.
I got back to reality as I felt a nudge from Sunoo.
"Oh, uhm it's nothing."
"Okay..." he eyed me suspiciously "anyways, what was I saying? Ah right, so..."
I returned to eating my food and zoning out at the thought of the girl.
Flashbacks (a few days earlier)
It was the last class of the day and I was sitting down with my bag occupying the place next to me in the back of the class. “I will now assign you a project to complete by next week.” said Mr. Hwang as he wrote in depth information on the chalkboard. “All of you, individually, will have to do a collage with multiple photos that you will take in the span of a week. It can be anything, so you all should get creative and find some nice looking subjects.”
My eyes sparkled at the thought of finally being able to showcase my skills in photography. I looked out the window while thinking of what I could take pictures of.
The bell rang and I got up walking towards the exit of the classroom. It was the end of the day, so I took my things and decided to go to the local park near my place.
While checking my phone, I took notice that this weekend was Mother's day and I decided to get something for my mom in advance which resulted in me going to the flower shop instead, picking out a bouquet, and taking pictures of the flowers for the school project.
Then you walked in.
The sound of the door opening farther away from where I was picked my interest and made me slightly turn my head around as a reflex to take a glimpse of the new customer.
You walked in gracefully with your hair plopping down your shoulders. They were a dark shade of red which matched very well your necklace that adorned your neck wonderfully. For some people you might've looked intimidating, but as soon as you entered the shop, the cashier instantly looked at you with a smile on their face. Then, you both engaged in a conversation which made you laugh here and there. I suppose you failed to notice how long I was looking at you, but how could I not when you were looking so magnificent?
'Hold up... I sound so down bad right now... I don't even know her...' I thought as I mentally slapped myself and looked back at the roses before me to snap a few pictures.
I got up from the crouching position I was in, and decided to head out the store to start organizing my collage at home. Of course not forgetting to pay for the bouquet. and staring at you quietly
I arrived home with the flowers behind my back as I walked towards the kitchen to find my mom cooking food for diner. I tapped her shoulder and handed it to her which she thanked me for. I then went up the stairs to my room and let myself fall onto my bed and daydream of you while wiggling from side to side like a lost cause.
'Am I actually falling in love at first sight like in those kdramas?? No way.'
I woke up to my alarm going off. I got ready to go to school and headed out.
I walked through the main doors of the building and then to my locker where I found Jungwon, one of my friends, waiting for me.
"Yah Riki, what's up?" he asked finding my unusual calm self odd.
"Nothing..." I replied confused by my own feelings.
Jungwon looked at me then closed his eyes and sighed.
"Yeah right... What is it now be honest."
My eyes shifted to his and quickly back to my things.
"I went to the flower shop close to my place yesterday..." I started.
"I saw this girl... I have no idea who she was though..." I continued on talking about the situation of yersterday for a bit and Jungwon just kept looking at me and nodding till realization hit him.
"Can you describe her physical appearances? I might have an idea on who you're talking about... " said the shorter friend.
"Uh... she has dark red hair that are quite long I guess? She also wore a red necklace that matched her hair..." I said confused on why my friend asked me what she looked like.
'Is he trying to tell me he used to like her or something...' I mentally told myself as I subconsciously stared blankly at the ground.
"Yep I know who that is... Actually-" Won said till I shushed him with my hand covering his mouth.
"No don't tell me you like her? Right?" I nervously said while glaring at him.
The guy chuckled and removed my hand from his mouth before speaking.
"No no. I don't like her that way don't worry. You're talking about y/n that popular girl." He stated as I looked away due to my false assumption.
"Popular girl?" I questioned putting back my attention to my friend.
"Yah, you really are clueless huh?" he said jokingly.
"Well sorry for not knowing everyone in school." I said as I rolled my eyes.
Jungwon continued to look at me with a wide smile on his face until I finally looked back at him puzzled.
"Why are you looking at me like that hyung…?"
"Oh Riki... Dear Riki..." he started, inching his face closer to mine.
He closed his eyes giggling then gave me a look of amusement.
"I think you might've fallen in love for the first time" he said smirking.
I gave him a disapproval look which made his smirk grow even more.
“Yep, you’ve definitely fell in love!” He confirmed, jumping around saying it out loud.
The students eyes were on us as I went forward grabbing Jungwon and shushing him.
“STOP. I don’t like her!” I said with a stern look.
“Riki, you do know that you’re currently proving my point right?”
Confused, I took his arm and brought him away from the crowd of people that were around us whispering to eachother.
‘Did I hear that right?’ ‘Riki likes y/n… poor him’ ‘I think he doesn’t know that y/n isn’t interested in dating for now…’ whispered the students to eachother. Fortunately, the two guys were already far away.
“What are you talking about??”
Jungwon eye smiled me and said;
“You’re in denial Riki”
For the next few days, I tried concentrating on the project to finish it before the deadline. However, my mind kept thinking of other things that were irrelevant. You for example. I started to truly consider my friend’s word and seeing you again confused me even more proved Jungwon’s point.
As I was walking in the corridor with my music blasting in my ears, I heard a familiar laugh that caught my attention yet again. It was yours. You were with your friends talking about who knows what. At that moment though, your eyes met mine. You smiled at me tenderly while I returned it and quickly spun around embarrassed.
‘Was Jungwon right?’ I kept asking myself. ‘What should I do…’
The time to turn in our projects came along with an announcement from Mr. Hwang.
“The best collage will be exposed on the cork board outside this class for the students to see by tomorrow.”
I kept mentally telling myself that it’d be nice to see mine there while I, like my usual daily routine, walked home.
The next day, I found Jungwon at my locker yet again and decided to turn around and walk in the opposite direction to avoid getting bugged about my ‘first love’.
As I did so, my friend instantly ran up to me and announced something unexpected.
“YAH NISHIMURA RIKI! NICE WORK THAT COLLAGE IS AMAZING!!” He said which which made me gasp.
“Wait… I got chosen??” I questioned as I felt happiness take over me.
“YEP! You should definitely go check it”
I smiled, curious of what it looks like and what others think about it.
Speeding through the groups of students that occupied the hallway, I finally arrived at the board to see my project on it. A sigh of relief escaped my lips before quickly changing to a wide smile as I small jumped around, cheering myself.
“Excuse me?” Said a girl behind me.
“Yes? Do you need something?” I replied not turning around.
“Are you the person that made that?” She asked.
I looked behind me with a smile plastered on my face and my eyes closed and affirmed that it was infact mine.
“Ooh! It’s very beautiful, I love flowers!” Said the student. “I’m y/n!”
“I’m Riki, nice to meet yo-” I chocked on my saliva as I opened my eyes and saw you.
‘Holy shit-’ was the only thing that came to my mind before Jungwon grabbed my arm and smiled at the girl infront of us.
“Hi y/n!” He said smiling warmly.
She smiled back.
“Jungwon, hello!”
I side eyed him so he could notice. Which he did, but that was his plan. To make me jealous and accept my feelings. And of course it didn’t work
It did
“Hey y/n we’ll be back alright, I have to ask something to Won real quick.”
She nodded
“Okay, take your time!”
We left and went a bit further away then I stopped in my track.
“Jungwon, no.” I said furrowing my brows.
He laughed and showed his dimples.
“Just accept your feelings Niki! It’s not that hard”
“Mhm… yeah whatever” I mumbled.
“Huh? What’d you say?”
“Okay… maybe I DO have feelings for y/n.”
I looked down as I could feel myself heating up.
“WOOO finally!!” He said taking me in a side hug. “See? Wasn’t so hard, yeah?”
“If you say so…”
‘I tried multiple times to get closer to you but I have a feeling that you don’t think the same way of me. We did get closer but I feel like what I feel towards you only worsen considering that you probably won’t feel the same way if I do end up telling you the truth. Maybe this is only a crush and I’ll eventually fall out of love. We’ll have to wait and see. If we should be together, I believe fate will make us meet again one day.’
This was all I wrote before giving up on you, or at least for now, since I had to move back to Japan due to the worsening health of my grandma.
Time skip 5 years later
Finally back in the city of Seoul, I entered my new work place and went to the boss's office to have a talk with him before officially being a worker here. In Japan, I had continued my passion for photography and became even better which influenced my career path decision. I opened the door after knocking to see a man standing up Infront of a desk and another woman who was facing the opposite direction. The head of the company then looked at me and smiled.
"He's here" he said.
"Welcome new worker!" said the woman.
As I switched from looking at the boss to the other female worker, my mouth went agape and so did the woman's.
"Oh! You're Riki right? From school" she questioned still smiling warmly.
'She remembers me…' I mentally told myself.
"Ah! Yes that's me, y/n right?" I replied trying to sound as natural as possible.
"Yep! Glad to see you again" she said.
"Same goes to you"
Looks like we’re back to square one huh? I guess fate really do exists…
—> Bookshelf!!
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artiesredemptionarc · 9 months
That One Love (Remus Lupin x reader)
The first day had begun, and just like every other student in the school, Y/N had decided food would be a good decision. (Not much really happens in this chapter, sorry!)
Chapter 3: Breakfast
The sun was hiding it seemed, dimmed by the clouds in the sky as Y/N woke on her first day of classes. It was as if the heavens knew how much she dreaded the first day. She didn’t hate it, of course, that hate was saved for days before holidays when teachers would assign them work for the break. It was evil and should be illegal, but of course, they were wizards, and wizards one thing is that if it doesn’t mess with free will or life, it’s allowed. Still, Y/N and James planned to take it to the Wizengamot one day in the future, they just had to get the correct amount of evidence and argument against it before taking it to the Minister.
“Y/N, get up, Breakfast is going to start soon!” Jane exclaimed, seeing her friend still laying in her bed, the other being a very big morning person, something Y/N couldn’t understand when one of their first classes was History of Magic, followed by Charms as if it was anything to look forward to.
“Jane, shush, too early.” She said, sitting up in her bed now and wiping the sleep from her eyes, a yawn escaping before she was able to pull back her bed’s curtains, slowly moving from the plush covers and letting her feet hit the hardwood flooring.
“Oh hush yourself, I don’t want to be late on the first day.” Her friend said, moving to get her bag together, something Y/N had been able to do before falling asleep the night before.
“Right, you just want to see if Billie sent something with the morning post don’t you?” She teased, knowing Jane never cared much for breakfast or arriving on time, always stopping to talk to a ghost or portrait of some kind.
Jane’s face turned a shade of pink, shaking her head as she picked up her bag and went to the dorm’s door, “Just hurry up, I’m going to the common room.” Was all she said before leaving, Y/N laughed to herself from her friend’s flustered state, moving to go get ready in the bathroom and put her uniform on.
Around fifteen minutes later the Potter girl finally descended the dormitory stairs, her bag hanging on her shoulder and swinging some as she walked, meeting the eyes of Jane as she talked to what looked to be a second year asking about end-of-the-year exams. Choosing to avoid that conversation Y/N went ahead and exited the common room, instead making her way down the staircase to go to breakfast, the food sure to be there by the time she arrived, what with the shifting staircases and everything.
She had been walking alone in peace for what seemed to be five minutes, now stopping to wait for the stairs she needed as a voice called from behind her.
“Good morning, Y/N, sleep well?” Remus asked, now beside her as he also had to wait for the stairs.
“Of course, I don’t think I ever sleep better than I do at Hogwarts.” She responded, looking up to meet his gaze, “Did you?”
Remus laughed at her words, nodding his head, “Right, yes I slept alright.” He said, turning his gaze back to the staircases, looking to see where the one they needed was, then at his watch to see how much longer it was going to be before it shifted.
“You know the timing of the stairs?” Y/N asked, never having thought to do that before, though it would help with getting to some classes easier.
“Yes, useful for pranks that need us to use them,” Remus informed, remembering how they almost got caught their third year because the staircase they needed was on the other side of the room and had another two minutes before it would shift as a teacher was approaching.
“Right, makes sense seeing as you are normally first to Transfiguration.” She nodded, watching now as the stairs moved to connect them to where they needed, the duo now walking once it stopped.
A minute of silence passed between them before Remus spoke up once again. “So, what class do you have first?”
Y/N looked at him, before pulling out her list, “History of Magic, the worst class to have so early.” She informed, showing him the list of classes she had for the day.
“Oh, yeah, try not to fall asleep in it though, Sirius almost failed last year because he couldn’t keep his eyes open.” He advised, patting Y/N’s shoulder in a sympathetic way before he focused back on the path ahead.
“Well it would be better if our professor wasn’t actually a million years old, then the lessons might be better than just notes and tests.” She said, knowing how Binns had no knowledge about what actually kept the students engaged in classes and history.
“Now, now, he’s only around a thousand years old.” Remus corrected, acting as if that was any better, laughing at the very tired expression his statement earned from Y/N. “Yeah, okay that’s still bad.” He conceded.
“I know.” She said, walking ahead of him before turning, now facing him once more as she walked through the halls with a practiced step, silently praying in her head that she doesn’t trip over her face. “What class do you have first, Mr. Know-it-all?”
“Okay, one, I’m not a know-it-all, I’m realistic.” He started, trying to defend himself, “Two, I have Transfig first with the other guys.” Remus then let his gaze wander behind her, trying to make sure the girl wouldn’t knock into anyone as they walked to the Great Hall.
“Right, well, maybe with that class first McGonagall won’t have to worry about you guys doing anything in her class.” Y/N reasoned, knowing how much her brother and Sirius goofed off during that class, but since they have it first thing then they might be tired enough to not do anything other than try and not pass out from boredom.
Remus just shook his head, “The day those two don’t make McGonagall consider retiring is the day she finally does.” He said his experience with the boys telling him all he needed to know about their love of annoying the head of their house and the assistant headmistress.
“That’ll be the day.” Y/N agreed, turning to face forward so she didn’t walk into the door of the Great Hall now that they had finally arrived. “Well, it was nice talking to you, I am going to go see if Ren is here yet, have a nice day, Remus.” She stepped into the great dining hall, waving bye to the boy as she looked over at where Hufflepuff stayed, spotting her redhaired friend talking to a boy in Ravenclaw, couldn’t have been older than a third year from how amazed he still looked by the school and its endless wonders. The girl had learned that after a student’s fourth year, they get disenchanted by the school.
Y/N made her way over to her friend and the boy, who seemed to notice her presence first as he had gestured up to her as she approached, Ren turning and smiling at the arrival of one of her friends.
“Hey, how was your night?” The girl asked, pulling Y/N to sit down with her, before looking at the boy again, “Oh, right, this is Jason by the way.” Ren introduced, Jason, waving at Y/N, who offered a polite smile in return.
“Nice to meet you, Jason, I’m Y/N.” She said, the boy just nodding. The Gryffindor then turned back to her friend, “It was boring if you don’t count Jane trying to convince me that Remus has a crush on me.” Y/N threw in that tidbit of information as if it was just another occurrence, Ren’s attention being fully on her now as the words left the girl’s mouth.
“I’m sorry, did you just say that Remus has a crush on you,” She asked, trying to confirm what she had heard, poor Jason just being confused as to why Y/N would be close to one of the infamous Marauders.
“I just said that he didn’t!” Y/N exclaimed, groaning as she put her head in her hands, wanting to just disappear now.
“Then why was Jane trying to convince yo-” Ren was cut off by another groan from the girl beside her.
“Because Jane is crazy!” She exclaimed, her voice muffled by her hands as she looked over them and at Ren.
“I’m sorry,” Jason said, cutting in between them for a second, “How does she know the Marauders?” He asked, gesturing to Y/N, not having any backstory to the girl other than she knew Ren and they both know some girl named Jane.
“She’s James’ younger sister.” The topic said, sitting down on the opposite side of Ren now, looking at the boy, “I’m Jane by the way.” Jane held her hand out for Jason to shake.
“Nice to meet you.” Jason replied, shaking her hand before looking back at Y/N, “You’re THE James Potter’s sister?” He asked, apparently trying to confirm the thing Jane had just told him, as if anyone else tried to claim to be James’ sister.
“One and only.” She replied, taking her hands away from her face. “Surprised not everyone knows yet.” Y/N thought aloud to herself more than anything.
“Well, everyone knows he has a sister, but I guess only your year would know that it’s you because of your name.” Jason explained, the three girls nodding in agreement to the information, after all, full names are only ever truly said during the sorting ceremony, beyond that they are only known when the person introduces themselves with the name.
After the introductions were over, the three girls spent time talking about all the classes they were taking while Jason just listened, chiming in every now and then to ask about a class he was interested in taking and asking about how difficult it was and such. Then, it was finally time for classes to start, and the new year to truly begin.
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lmeskitz · 2 years
Hi what about, A dadzawa fic but it’s more of the angsty side, it’s readers birthday(preferably male), and Aizawa, and a few others(your choice) are throwing him a surprise party, but reader is used to Aizawa not being home so he just stops by the door and Walks away, thinking no-one is home. Aizawa goes looking and sees reader crying with one cupcake and a candle, singing happy birthday to himself. Happy ending Ofc just a lot of angst before that :)
I am SO sorry I didn’t see this till now but I HAVE WRITTEN IT SO HERE U GO!!!
If you like my work, check out my Masterlist! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The alarm blared in y/n’s ears as he smacked the top of his alarm clock.
He rubbed his eyes with one hand as he groped around for his phone with the other. Once he found it, he checked the date. (Bday date).
He sighs. Birthdays have never been a good time of year for him. Sure, he has Aizawa now, but he probably won’t even remember. Nobody else did, why would he be different?
Well, at least it’s a Saturday so he won’t have to worry about school.
Since it was a Saturday, he decided a little more beauty rest can’t hurt, so he goes back to bed.
Next time he wakes up, it’s mid afternoon.
“Damn I slept late…how sleep deprived was I? Eh whatever, I should really go shower, I’m gross”
Just as he’s about to enter the showers, he sees Kirishima exiting in sweats and a t-shirt, his hair dripping with water.
“Hey man what’s up?” Says the redhead.
“Uhhh. Nothing much I guess, what about you?”
Nothin much,” he whips out his phone and checks the time, “Hey, I’m super sorry but uhhhh….I’ve gotta goo… and uhh… feed my dog? Yeah! Feed my uhh dog…. Uhm Catch u later!” He says with a wave.
“Uhhhhh. That was…weird.” Says y/n as Kirishima sprints away.
“So much for anyone remembering my birthday”
Y/n looks down, as he feels a stinging behind his eyes and wetness on his cheeks.
As y/n is making his way back to his room, he looks through the pantry.
He bought a (favorite flavor) cupcake with frosting and 2 candles, a 1 and a 6, last time there was a shopping trip.
Sure, he may have bought it but that doesn’t mean people won’t steal it.
Luckily he was able to find a place right behind the giant random pasta bag where nobody would be able to see it, mainly because nobody here cooks pasta.
He checks it and sure enough, there it was. He grabs it and the candles and lights them.
Meanwhile with Aizawa and class 1-A, they were currently putting decorations up in his homeroom.
Now, you may be asking yourself, why the homeroom? Well, the answer is simple, the common room is just too obvious.
They had just about everything, streamers, balloons, cake, everything.
This was his son’s first birthday as an Aizawa and damn it he was going to make it memorable.
“Okay listen up, I’m going to go get y/n right now, okay? So make sure everything is ready by the time I get back.” Says Aizawa
He leaves the little hellions and goes to find his son, knowing him, he’s probably in his room.
As Aizawa opens the common room door, he hears a very faint noise.
It sounds almost like…sniffling? Was y/n crying?
He goes for a closer look, and what he sees may have cracked his heart of stone.
He saw his son sitting at the dining room table with a little (favorite flavor) cupcake in front of him with 16 on top of it. He was also singing happy birthday in a soft, broken voice.
After y/n blew his candles out, he couldn’t even bring himself to eat the cupcake, he feels completely forgotten.
Nobody was around all day, not even his dad. He feels invisible to the world.
He puts his arms on the table and lets his tears free. He doesn’t sob, just silently cries.
He suddenly feels a warm pressure on his shoulder that causes him to jump.
He whips his head around to see his dad looking at him with concern and maybe even a little guilt(?)
“Oh, I-I’m sorry for uhh for bothering you or anything, I’ll go back to my room.” He says as he looks down.
“Y/n, you aren’t bothering me, and how come you’re crying?”
“Uhm, well, today is uh my birthday, and I…I don’t know, I guess I was hoping that maybe someone would remember it, but it…uh.. it seems like nobody has, and everyone was gone so I figured nobody remembered.” Came the reply, the tears still steadily falling from y/n’s eyes.
Aizawa reached up and cupped y/n’s face with his hands, his thumbs wiping away the tears. He made it so y/n looked him directly face to face.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here today, I feel like a shitty dad for not noticing how you felt. I know this may not make up for what I’ve done, but I think there’s something back in my classroom that will help cheer you up, are you okay with coming with me to go and get it?”
Y/n nods and they both stand up. “Listen here y/n. I love you so so much, I never want you to feel worthless or useless,” he pulls y/n into a hug, “I’m glad you trusted me enough to open up as tell me what you were feeling. I’m always here for you okay?”
He feels y/n nod agains his shoulder, “good”
Back at the home room classroom, class 1-A is impatiently waiting in a pitch black classroom.
“Ugh when do you think y/n is gonna show up?” whines Kaminari.
“I don’t know man, but keep quiet!” Says Kirishima in a hushed voice.
“Ugh y/n better hurry the hell up my knees are getting a cramp dammit.” Says Bakugou from behind a desk.
“Oh is Bakugou turning into a grandpa? Cant handle a little crouching?” Teases Sero.
“SHUT UP TAPE FACE” replies Bakugou in a somewhat quiet screech.
“Everyone shut up I hear footsteps!” Shushes Jirou with an earjack to the ground.
Everyone shuts up and gets ready to pounce.
“So dad, why do we need to-”
Y/n stood there, mouth agape and tears once again threatening to resurface. Aizawa wraps his hands around y/n’s shoulders, pulling him into a side hug.
“Y-you didn’t forget.” Says y/n in a shocked whisper.
“Of course we didn’t forget silly! It’s your birthday!!” Says Mina pulling him away from Aizawa and into a proper hug.
“You really didn’t forget.” Whispers y/n as he hugs back Mina with all he can.
“Thank you, thank you all so much! I-I’ve never had a birthday party before…I-just thank you all.” He says with a teary voice.
“Awww we’re here for you y/n” says Kirishima as he steals you from Mina and pulls you into a hug.
Mina pouts but goes realizes the cake is unsupervised and cheers back up.
Everyone else has started mingling and doing whatever.
Y/n turns back around to his dad and gives him a watery smile, “thank you so much dad.” He says as he hugs him once more.
“No problem son.”
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THANKS FOR READING!! I am so sorry y’all for not posting, I’ve been busy with finals and shit so heheh not a lot of free time. Anyways, the ending is kinda rushed and I’m sorry about that, but I hope you all enjoy!! <3
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kgyeomiex · 2 years
Out of My Mind (M)
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“I didn’t choose you. I just took one look at you, then there was just no way turning back.” 
Summary: After so long your father finally thinks it’s time to settle down and get engaged with a woman he’s been seeing for 4 years now. Not only are they engaged but his new fiancee and her son are now coming to move into your house. It should be fun, finally having a family you’ve been wanting this whole time… But it’s the complete opposite of that… If anything… This whole move was going to impact your life bigger than you could ever imagine…
(Smut not included in this part)
Previous Parts:
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 //
Part 4~
Wait, did that happen? Did Yoongi just kiss your cheek? You looked over and didn’t see Yoongi around.
You have no idea why Yoongi suddenly kissed you; however instead of standing there and processing what on earth just happened you decided to head to your room and sleep.
In the morning you already knew that you were going to have the hardest time trying to get up in the morning. Right now you were happy that you and Yoongi were able to push aside your differences however you were going to regret going out late.
You gotta be joking? You swear you felt like you recently went to sleep. You grabbed a pillow nearby and threw it over your head. Do you have to go to class? Can’t you skip this one day?
Completely ignoring your alarm clock you closed your eyes and began to fall asleep again until...
“Y/N!” You opened your eyes and removed the pillow from your face. You sat up and saw Yoongi standing right there looking right at you with a huge smile on his face.
How the hell is he awake? Why is he in this room?
You know Yoongi and you both fixed your differences however if Yoongi doesn’t exit your room within the next couple of seconds you were ready to throw whatever was nearby right at him.
“Oh Y/N,” he calls out again and this time he walks closer to you and you could feel yourself growing frustrated and annoyed.
“Yoongi please leave before I hate you more than I did before,” you said trying your hardest to remain calm but before you know it Yoongi removes the blanket off of you leaving you completely exposed.
“You have class. . . remember,” how could you forget? Your alarm clock interrupted your damn beauty sleep and now Yoongi.
“Leave me alone,” you mumbled but this wasn’t the end of Yoongi.
“You leave me no choice,” Yoongi says before he walks off and before you know it you were left alone.
PERFECT! Just how it should be.
You tried to go back to sleep until everything suddenly happened so quickly. You were about to fall asleep until...
Cold water suddenly hits your face and at that moment you have had enough. Yoongi did not just do that. You got right up and looked over at Yoongi smiling.
This boy was so dead!
“YOONGI I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!” You shouted and Yoongi ran off.
How dare Yoongi think it was okay to disturb you in your sleep. You got up and began to walk and find wherever Yoongi was located. You meant it when you said you were planning to kill Yoongi.
You looked around the hall and you see Yoongi standing there with a huge smile planted across his face. Oh, this boy has nerves.
“Get over here!” You walked over to him but he would run further.
You weren’t in the mood to chase the boy down but since he wasn’t planning to just stand there anytime soon you knew you had no choice but to run right after him.
Picking up your feet and running after him.
Yoongi was slowing down after a while getting tired and at last, you got to him. You two were in the living room. You ran up to him and pushed him to the couch.
“I hate you, I hate you... You have no idea how dead you are,” You grabbed a nearby pillow and began to hit him.
You would do more but you weren’t that cruel and mean like other people... AKA Yoongi.
“Well, I will be dead with that breath of yours,” Yoongi blurts out and your eyes widen.
Well, what was this boy expecting? You just got out of bed. Anyways that’s not the point! Who does he think he is talking about your breath?”
“Excuse me?!” You were about to hit him again with the pillow till your father came into the living room and stared at the two of you.
Wow, this looked bad. Yoongi was on the couch covering himself as you were holding onto a pillow getting ready to hit the boy. Ha... You can explain.
“What are you doing?” Your father asks you and you threw the pillow right at Yoongi and smile.
Yoongi might have won this round but this wasn’t the end of anything. Although Yoongi and you are on “good terms” that didn’t mean you weren’t going to get revenge. He started a war and you were going to make sure you put an end to it.
“Nothing..” from that point on you walked off and left to get ready for class.
Freaking Yoongi...
After a fresh shower and after getting ready you were finally ready to head to class. Well, you were ready physically but not mentally. To be honest you were so tired you had a strong feeling that you were going to fall asleep.
“Y/N,” you hear a familiar voice...
Oh no Yoongi didn’t seem to know when to stop.
“What now?” You asked looking over at Yoongi and he walked over to you and put his arm right around you.
Well it seems like Yoongi knows how to play the annoying brother role. This whole new move was going to be a long experience for you.
“Do you need a ride?” You could get a ride from him but it’s already been a long morning with Yoongi so driving yourself to school sounds like a better idea.
“I’m a big girl, I can drive myself,” you said as you started to walk off. Yoongi is probably trying to put on make up from this morning but you had enough to deal with the boy.
“Are you sure?” Yoongi asked and you stopped yourself from walking and looked behind you. What is that supposed to mean?
“Are you underestimating my ability to drive myself to school?” You crossed your arms and stared right at Yoongi.
“No, I know you’re tired and I wouldn’t want you to fall asleep while you’re driving,” you wanted to tell Yoongi that he was wrong, however you did feel incredibly tired... At this point, you don’t know what you’re capable of doing.
“Fine... You have a point,” Yoongi smiles and grabs a hold of the car keys.
“Just take a small nap in the car, I’ll drive you there safe and sound and wake you up when we arrive,” you have no idea why Yoongi was suddenly trying to be nice however right now you were beyond too tired to even care.
Yoongi’s Point of View
The moment we got in the car, I took one look over at Y/N and noticed how she was so quick to drift off to sleep. Everything that happened this morning wasn't supposed to happen, I wasn’t planning to get water and throw it over the poor girl but I had to wake her up one way or another.
I know she was tired and it was partially my fault for pitching the idea of going out on an adventure at 12 in the morning... But I don’t regret it. I just hope Y/N doesn’t regret going out on the adventure with me.
Before I started off driving, I reached over Y/N’s seatbelt and made sure we buckled in before driving. I knew she was too tired to even go to class and I had a feeling she probably would have freaked out that she missed class...
So although I felt bad for waking her up and bothering her this morning, I only did this to help her out... I mean, after all, it’s my fault she stayed up last night.
As soon as I had Y/N’s seatbelt on her, I started the car and it wasn’t long until I began to drive to her school.
Your Point of View
“Y/N,” you opened your eyes and sat up right away. Wait where are you? What day is it? Or time? Wait most importantly where the hell are you?
You looked over to your right and saw Yoongi right there looking at you.
“For a second I was getting worried whether you were alive or not,” you rolled your eyes and pulled out your phone. A few seconds later you began to check yourself out and could see you looked like one hot giant mess.
“Sorry I require a lot of sleep,” you pulled out your cushion and your mascara and began to apply a little touch-up to wake you up.
“Don’t we all... I mean, to be honest, I usually spend my time being selfish and catching up with my sleep but... Today I feel rather generous,” did you hear that right?
Did Yoongi just say he felt generous?
You stopped applying a little foundation and looked at Yoongi.
“I’m surprised,” you commented and continued to apply a little makeup.
Just as you finished you took on a good look at yourself and looked a bit more alive... Not much of a dramatic change but it was something.
“Well thank you for the ride,” you picked up your bag and were ready to leave the car till suddenly Yoongi stopped you by grabbing a hold of your arm.
You looked at his hand and then back at him.
“Wait... I actually got you something,” you were so caught up trying to wake up from your little nap that you didn’t notice the drinks right next to you and the bag of food...
“I bought a sandwich and an iced coffee... If that’s fine,” this was beyond sweet...
You have no idea why Yoongi was acting so nice... Was he making up for this morning? If that's the case you weren’t going to forget about that no matter how hard he tries to be nice... But then again he did just buy you food...
“Yoongi... You didn’t have to,”
Yoongi places the iced coffee into your hand and the bag in your other hand.
“Go before you’re late,”
You smiled and opened the car door. Okay maybe having a stepbrother wasn’t so bad.
Before you walked off from the car, you turned around and Yoongi opened the window.
“Thank you,”
From that point, you turned around and walked off.
Iced coffee was exactly what you needed... If you didn’t have one you probably would have passed out in the middle of the lecture. You needed to listen, especially since today you happened to find out that you were going to have a surprise quiz the next time you enter class...
As you left class heading to the next one, you pulled out your phone and clicked on Yoongi’s name.
Although Yoongi made you want to kill him this morning, you were thankful that he drove you to class to let you catch up on sleep and you were even more thankful that he bought you an iced coffee to wake you up.
You texted Yoongi.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but... Thank you.
The moment you sent the message, you quickly slipped your phone into your pocket and continued to walk to your next class.
“You know you didn’t have to pick me up right?” You said as you got into the car looking over at Yoongi.
“If I didn’t then how would you have gone home?” Yoongi asks, glancing over at you and you were going to lie, saying a friend could drop you off but you couldn’t. That lie has been told already and Yoongi knows you don’t have any friends...
Sorry, you’re not the social type... Talking to others isn't your thing unless it’s absolutely necessary.
“Fine, you got me... But you know I could have easily used public transportation like a bus,” Yoongi rolled his eyes at your comment and you smiled.
What, it’s not like you've never been on one. You glanced over at Yoongi and to catch you by surprise you could see him smirking a bit.
Although Yoongi is claiming that the reason he picked you up is that he is doing you a favor, it’s pure bullshit. You could tell that Yoongi was genuinely trying to put in the effort of being your brother.
It was really sweet of him... Yoongi probably won’t ever tell you that is trying but just from his actions, you can tell he is.
“Yoongi! Pass the remote, you’re not even watching tv you’re on your phone,” so much for trying to spend time with Yoongi.
After a long day of class, you were going to do homework but you realized you can’t even concentrate even if you tried so you went into the living room getting ready to watch tv till you see Yoongi already there.
You sat right next to him thinking maybe this can be the perfect opportunity for the two of you to see what you have in common and maybe watch something together you both like but nope...
“I am,” Yoongi says as he continues to stare at his phone and not at the tv.
You could just sit there and continue to ask Yoongi for the remote or do something about it... Let’s go with the second option...
As Yoongi was distracted by his phone you got up from the couch and walked over to him.
Slowly but quiet you tried to grab a hold of the remote. You were so close until...
“What are you doing?” Yoongi asks snatching the remote before you could lay a hand on it and at that moment instead of thinking you reacted.
You snatched the remote from his hand and ran off.
Yoongi was now running after you and the both of you were running in circles around the couch looking like complete fools.
“You’re not even watching tv!” You said having your arm up in the air with the remote. Yoongi just looked at you and before you knew it he grabbed it out of your hand and you were back to being remoteless.
As you watched Yoongi grab a hold of the remote you were going to just give up and let him take the remote but you didn’t want Yoongi thinking he won this round yet again.
Since you seem to be shorter than Yoongi, you tried to think of an idea to get the remote without involving you jumping up and down for it.
You looked at Yoongi and before you knew it you suddenly started tickling him out of the blue. At first, you could tell he was trying his hardest not to react but eventually, he couldn’t but squirm around.
“Yah,” Yoongi began to say over and over but he continued to laugh.
As you had Yoongi becoming a laughing mess you grabbed the control out of his hand and smiled. You tried to run off but Yoongi was quick to react.
He wrapped his arm from behind you and lifted you from the ground.
He didn’t bother putting you down, he continued to take you off the floor and you tried your hardest to remove his grip on you but what was the use... Yoongi was going to get the remote regardless of what you do.
“Okay! Okay, you can watch tv,” you said hoping Yoongi would set you down.
“I wasn’t born yesterday,” Yoongi probably thinks you're lying but you’re not...
“Yoongi I promise!”
Even though he was hesitating, he slowly set you down and you handed him the remote.
“Here,” Yoongi looked at the remote and then at you.
“You know what, let’s go out,” Huh?
“Come again?” You asked confused and instead of repeating himself he grabbed a hold of your wrist and suddenly began to pull you off.
What is happening? One minute the both of you are here fighting over a remote and now Yoongi is here pulling you out of nowhere taking you to who knows where...
“Uh, Yoongi, where are you taking me?”
Again you didn’t get any responses, instead you got pure silence from Yoongi’s end.
You looked at Yoongi and noticed that he was about to finally speak up till he smiled and continued to pull you off.
Okay, so you were going to a mysterious place?
“Am I ever going to know where we are going?” You asked Yoongi and he sighed.
“What’s the fun in that?” Yoongi asks and you cross your arms.
“Well if you would have told me where we were going I could have brought what I needed. Instead, you made me forget everything, even my phone,” Yoongi dragged you out of the house when you didn’t get a chance to grab your phone, wallet, or even keys.
You were empty-handed.
“Trust me you don’t need anything,” now you were more curious about where the two of you are going...
The car stopped and you looked outside and saw that the two of you were at a beach.
You looked at Yoongi confused and then went back outside. It’s not even summer, the two of you are in the middle of fall. Who comes to the beach around this season?
“Um, Yoongi, what are we doing here?” You asked him and he smiled as he removed his seatbelt.
“What? I thought we would take a walk at the beach and talk,” you understand that Yoongi is trying to make an effort to get to know you, but really out of all places on the beach?
“That’s sweet and all but really? The beach?” You asked him and he shrugged.
“Why not?” Yoongi says and before you could speak any further, he steps out of the car leaving you there staring out the window confused.
Maybe you should just go with the flow and see why Yoongi decided to bring you here out of all places... You slowly removed your seatbelt and opened the car door. As you stepped out, Yoongi was now by your door and looked over at you.
“Ready to go?” Yoongi asks you as you close the door and you nod your head.
“Ready,” you two walked away from the car and walked into the beach.
It was sweet to see Yoongi really putting any effort in trying to spend time with you but sometimes you question why. In the beginning, Yoongi was against the idea of you two becoming close or even getting to know each other but now it seems like he’s trying...
You hated that you are always beyond curious but you can’t help yourself from being that way...
“Is the beach somewhere you like to come often?” You asked Yoongi and he smiled.
“Well, I like coming here when there aren’t so many people you know... I like hearing the waves crashing into the shore... It’s relaxing and helps me forget about everything,” you looked at the waves and could see what Yoongi was talking about...
This scenery is relaxing... And probably a really good place to be when you want to get to know a person.
“Well, since we have the whole beach to ourselves, let’s go for that walk,”
“It’s been a while since I’ve opened up to just anyone,” you said looking at Yoongi and he tilted his head and looked at you confused.
“How come?” Yoongi asks and you silently think about it.
“Well... I guess I haven’t made any friends recently so no one has asked about me and tried to get to know me,” it’s not that you didn’t want friends if anything you did to be able to do things with... But with your luck, you haven’t made any friends.
“Well, I know exactly what you mean... Me either and I think that’s probably another reason why I was quick to shut you off the moment I found out I was going to have a new sister in my life,” Yoongi says and you nodded your head.
The more Yoongi and you hung out the more you got to know him... The two of you had a lot in common, more than you thought...
As you two continued to walk by the ocean you noticed a couple walking near the two of you. You watched as the two were holding hands and laughing...
Now that you think about it... Not only were you friendless you are also boyfriendless...
“Can I ask you something?” Yoongi asks, looking at you and nodding your head.
“When was the last time you had a boyfriend?” you didn’t have to stop to think back... You’ve only had one boyfriend in your entire life and he ended up breaking your heart... After that, it’s like you never wanted to give relationships another try...
“When I was about 16,” he nodded his head but continued to look at you.
“How long were you guys together,” why was Yoongi so curious? You glanced at the couple and then realized maybe that’s why...
“For 3 years,” it was quite a long time... But for those 3 years, you wasted it for someone who wasn’t worth it.
“I know it’s none of my business but... What happened?” you glanced at Yoongi and hesitated... Was telling Yoongi a good idea? You haven’t told anyone what happened and kept it bottled in. You’re surprised that you didn’t go crazy for not telling anyone else.
“A lot happened...” you paused and Yoongi noticed that it was a sensitive topic.
“Look, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to... I shouldn’t even be asking about something that personal,” you stopped Yoongi from talking any further and smiled.
“I don’t mind telling you... But I just need time to collect my thoughts... A lot happened,” Yoongi rested a hand on your shoulder and smiled.
“Take all the time you need,”
Yoongi knew exactly what to say... Maybe having Yoongi in your life was going to be better than you expected...
To Be Continued 
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bleujae · 2 years
・♡・𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦・♡・
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♡ Summary: Saying the words "I love you" can definitely be nerve wrecking
♡ Pairing: Jungwon x fem!reader
♡ Genre: fluff
♡ Word count: 2.6K
♡ Warnings: mentions of cursing, *let me know if there's anything else I should add ^^*
"Guess I'm saying I don't not love you"
۵•┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈**.♡. **┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•۵
“Where are we going tomorrow?” Sona whined over the phone, seeing her boyfriend on the other side with his cheeky smile. 
“I told you it’s a secret.” Jungwon answered in a sing-song voice, making Sona whine even more. 
“Why won’t you tell me?” She gave him her best puppy eyes, trying to convince him. 
“Because it’s a secret. And it’s not fair that you’re using your puppy eyes on him. You know that’s basically a weapon to me.” Jungwon warned his girlfriend, trying to resist her cuteness. 
“But you won’t tell me where we’re going.” Sona exclaimed while Jungwon almost facepalmed at her argument. 
“That’s why I said it was a secret, love~” Jungwon told her. “Just dress pretty like you do every day and I’ll surprise you.” 
Sona blushed at his statement. They’ve been dating for a year now but all the nicknames and compliments that Jungwon threw at her still made her heart do somersaults every time. 
“Alright.” She mumbled as she slightly covered her red cheeks with her hands. Jungwon cooed at how adorable his girlfriend was. 
“I’ll pick you up from class at 3 tomorrow.” Jungwon informed her, making her nod. 
“See you tomorrow, Wonie.” Sona waved to him, blowing him a small flying kiss. 
Jungwon chuckled as he pretended to catch it. “See you tomorrow, love.” 
Sona swayed side to side, making her light long white skirt slightly go out, moving graciously around her ankles. She smoothed her light blue cardigan that was buttoned down all the way as her hands went back into her cardigan’s sweater paws. She made sure the two small butterfly shaped claw clips on either side of her hair that was used to pin back her bangs were even. She checked her outfit one last time in the full length hung in her school bathroom before walking out to where Jungwon was waiting for her. 
“Ready to go?” Jungwon asked, extending his hand which Sona gladly held onto. They started walking to the exit and out of the school. 
“Did I tell you that you look really pretty today?” He complimented her, making Sona’s cheeks go flaming red. She coughed out slightly, not being able to say anything which, once again, made Jungwon coo at her shyness when it came to compliments. 
“You’re too much.” Sona mumbled, feeling shy at her boyfriend’s gaze. Jungwon couldn’t help but chuckle at her words, finding her absolutely adorable at the moment. 
Jungwon and Sona soon reached the bus station and saw that the bus was already approaching the station. The couple climbed onto the bus and paid for their fee before going to find a seat. 
Jungwon had his hand hovering Sona’s back as he led her to a seat, allowing her to take the window seat as he took the seat near the aisle. 
Jungwon took his earbuds, putting one side in Sona’s ear before sticking the other one in his ear as well. She sighed in contentment as she put her cheek on Jungwon’s shoulders, hearing a calming melody flow from the earbuds into her own ears. Her eyebrows wrinkled as each song passed, not recognizing the playlist. And Sona would know as she had listened to every single playlist Jungwon created on his spotify account at least a hundred times each. 
“Which playlist is this?” Sona sat up, facing him. 
“I made one last night. It’s all of the songs we either like or songs that remind me of you.” Jungwon replied, Sona’s heart warmed up just by his response. 
Sona never thought she could find a boy so perfect for her. She haven’t dated many guys but has been in enough relationships and situationships to realize how much of a daydream Jungwon was to her. 
It was the small things that he noticed about her. Sona loved music; everything reminded her of a song. She loved singing wherever she went and the fact that Jungwon was using music to express his feelings at the moment made her melt internally. 
“It’s a beautiful playlist.” Sona whispered as she rested her cheek back on his shoulder, naturally taking his hands into her small ones. 
And for the rest of the bus ride, the smile on Sona’s lips didn’t falter for a second. 
“Can’t you at least give me a hint on where we’re going?” Sona asked for the hundredth time, making Jungwon chuckle at her impatience. 
“You’ve said that every minute. Just be patient.”
“But I’m so curious!” Sona exclaimed. 
Jungwon patted her head. “I know, love. But we’re almost there.” 
Sona just nodded and continued walking next to Jungwon, swinging their intertwined hands. The statement, ‘can you please give me a hint’ was itching on her tongue but she held it in, knowing Jungwon wouldn’t answer her. She pouted her lips, wondering where he could be taking her. She looked around, having a vague memory of being here, but not really being sure if she’s just seen this in her dreams. 
“Don’t pout, Sona.” Jungwon giggled. “We’re here!” 
Sona gasped as she saw where they were. It was the place that they had, not their first date, but their second date. Of course, everyone remembers their first date the most; It’s the first. However with Sona and Jungwon, their second date was something that they could never forget about. 
This is the place where Jungwon had officially asked Sona to be his girlfriend. The wallpaper of Sona’s lock screen was still one of the many pictures they had taken that day. It was a silhouette picture of them in the park, Jungwon holding the girl up with Sona’s leg bent upwards. 
“Wonie…” Sona trailed off, looking around while all the memories of their second date were flooding back to her. 
“Come on.” Jungwon softly said, leading her deeper into the park with trees on either side of their pathways. The leaves that have turned from the summer green to the warm tones of autumn were surrounding them and Sona couldn’t help but stare up in awe of how beautiful they were. 
“Tada~” Jungwon spread out his arms to reveal a small picnic blanket with different snacks that they both liked on the grass. 
Sona gasped and let out a small squeal. “How did you set this up?” 
“I may or may not have asked Jay hyung to set this up for me…” Jungwon confessed, rubbing his neck. “With the help of Sunghoon hyung and Heeseung hyung.” 
“Of course Jay oppa would do this for you.” Sona giggled, making Jungwon pout. 
“Hey! I helped him with setting up a surprise with his girlfriend so it was only fair for him to say yes.” He explained. 
“Ok ok.” She chuckled as Jungwon led her to the blanket, both sitting down on the soft blanket. He pulled out the different snacks in the basket as Sona clapped her hands in delight. 
Sona wasn’t a huge food person. She was never someone to love food like others. But seeing all of her favorite snacks and drinks laid out in front of her made her excited. 
She picked up one of the chocolate covered strawberries, taking a bite as she looked around at the scenery a bit more closely this time since she was sitting down. 
“Ah…I remember when we came here last year.” Jungwon suddenly spoke up. “It was fall that time too.” 
“But instead, last time we couldn’t see all the pretty leaves since it was night time.” Sona pointed out. 
Let’s just say, their second date was more of a last minute date. They had meant to go on their second date later however with Jungwon feeling the need to see her that night and Sona’s overwhelming feeling of happiness of just being with him had brought them together that night. Jungwon had spontaneously showed up to her house, calling her to come down. They had randomly ended up at this park after getting on a random bus and getting off at a random station. They didn’t care where they ended up, they simply just enjoyed each other’s company. 
Even though they were just in their comfortable clothes consisting of sweatpants, hoodies and sneakers, it was still a magical night for them. And Sona wouldn’t change any details of her lockscreen wallpaper. 
“But the stars were really pretty that night though.” Jungwon remarked, making Sona hum in agreement. 
“Look Jungwon! You can see the stars so clearly from here!” Sona exclaimed, throwing her head back to see the beautiful, clear night sky. 
The little white dots that lit up the dark navy sky was a gorgeous view from where Sona and Jungwon were standing. The trees that stood tall around and almost framed the stars, making them stare in awe. 
“Isn’t the sky so pretty tonight?” Sona asked, still not taking her eyes off the sky. “And the stars. They’re so sparkly… Like… Cinderella’s ball gown”
Jungwon chuckled at the girl’s unusual comparison. He tore his eyes away from the sky and unto the girl in front of him. He took out his phone and secretly snapped a picture. “Yeah… really pretty.”
Sona unconsciously started taking random steps, her sole focus on the stars. And that was until she felt her foot step on someone else’s and her body collide with another’s. She quickly looked down from the sky and her breath hitched when she realized she ran right into Jungwon. Her eyes widened to see Jungwon so close to her face for the first time. 
And of course, Sona being Sona, in her nervousness, started to ramble and looked down to avoid the boy’s eyes “You know my favorite Disney princess used to be Cinderella? Because that ballroom scene was so pretty and I always dreamed of it as a little kid. The way you have your hand on my waist kind of reminds me of that scene with her blue dress. Oh wait, I heard a lot of people saying it was silver instead of blue but like the live action definitely made it bl-” 
Her words got cut off when she heard soft music playing into the dark night. She looked back up to see Jungwon smiling. He held out his arm which Sona hesitantly took into her own hands and he wrapped his hand around her waist. 
“We can make that dream come true now.” He whispered as he guided her body to move with the flow of the song he played. He occasionally hummed to the melody of the song which made Sona just melt internally. 
Sona was thankful that it was night time or Jungwon would’ve seen her red cheeks. In contrast to the chilly autumn night, her cheeks were burning to the point where anyone else could’ve mistaken her for having a fever. 
She was so content with the moment she was in, with Jungwon, she hoped it would never end. As the small set of songs that Jungwon chose came to an end, so did their impromptu dance under the gorgeous night sky. 
“You are so fucking adorable.” Jungwon whispered as he lightly picked her up and squeezed her, making her giggle. 
“That dancing thing was so random though.” Sona said, chuckling at the memory. 
“Hey but at least I thought of it. Or else you wouldn’t have gotten that pic.” Jungwon argued, pointing at her phone. He doubled tapped her screen to see the pic again, making Sona smile. 
“I still can’t believe you got that entire moment on video. You had time to play a song and set your phone on the bench before getting my attention.” Sona recalled. 
Jungwon shrugged. “I just really wanted to capture that moment. You really did look cute that night.” 
Sona blushed again, feeling the blood rushing towards her cheeks again. “My cheeks are gonna burn off one day because of you.” 
“See.” Jungwon exclaimed, giggling. “You are so fucking adorable.” 
Sona blushed hearing those words come out of his mouth. She buried her face into his neck as she was still up in the air in his arms. She was internally screaming at his sentence, suddenly feeling shy in his presence. 
Jungwon laughed at her reaction, feeling the warmth of her face on his neck. He gently placed her down, making her lift her head up from the crook of his neck. She saw how close to Jungwon she was, but this time she didn’t look away or ramble. 
Her breath slightly hitched when Jungwon leaned in a bit closer, making sure she was comfortable enough with what he was about to do. 
He smiled slightly when Sona leaned in a bit closer, just enough for their lips to brush up against each other but not quite touch. He took the last step and leaned in fully, capturing her lips into his. 
Everything about the kiss was perfect: to the way their hearts skipped a beat, the way their lips moved in sync, and the way the beautiful stars were the only witnesses to their first kiss. 
Jungwon was the first one to pull back, slightly breathless with tinted cheeks, just like Sona. 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” 
“And then you asked me to be your girlfriend.” Sona said, dreamily. She couldn’t have expected a better way to be confessed to. 
“Best decision of my life.” Jungwon grinned as he stood up. 
Sona looked up at him confused, only to see Jungwon quietly offering his hand. She placed her hand into his and let out a soft squeak when he pulled her up to her feet. 
The force of his pull resulted in her colliding into his chest. His arms naturally wrapped around her waist as she steadied herself by placing her hands on his chest. She giggled as he gave a small peck on her forehead. And then one on her nose. And lastly a small kiss on her lips. 
“Happy one year.” Jungwon softly murmured as his lips left Sona’s. 
She giggled before responding to him. “Happy one year.” 
He opened his mouth again to say something but closed it back again, making Sona tilt her head. 
“You know we’ve been dating for a year… Been together with all four seasons…” Jungwon started off. 
Sona looked at him slightly weird. “Of course. That’s why we just said, happy one year, to each other.” 
“And in those four seasons, I was thinking about something.” Jungwon continued, feeling the hands around his girlfriend’s starting to get a bit clammy. 
“I think…uhm…I kinda.” Jungwon trailed off, feeling a bit embarrassed that he was having such a hard time saying what he wanted. 
Come on, it's only three words. 
“You kinda…?” Sona tilted her head to the other side, suddenly feeling a bit nervous with her boyfriend’s weird behavior. 
“I think I kinda… you know.” 
Sona furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “Wonie, I can’t read your mind.” 
“I think…I mean I guess I want to say that…I don’t not love you…?” 
Sona’s eyes widened slightly, shocked at what he just said. 
Jungwon loves me…? 
Jungwon’s eyes widened as well, cringing on the inside. 
Did I just really say it like that? 
Many thoughts were running through his mind when Sona wasn’t saying anything. He was starting to feel disappointed in himself. He had rehearsed this scenario in his mind a thousand times. He even practiced with his friends just to calm his nerves. He wasn’t someone to ask for favors but this time was an exception. Anything for the girl he loved. 
“I mean, if you don’t feel the same, I obviously understand. I definitely won’t pressure you into saying anything that you don’t want t-”
His rambling was cut off by Sona’ s lips on his. He was first shocked but quickly kissed her back. 
“I guess they were right when they say that two people start to become like each other when they love each other.” She giggled. 
Jungwon's eyes became slightly bigger at her statement. “Does that mean….” 
“Yep.” Sona answered him. 
“Yang Jungwon. I guess I’m saying I don’t not love you too.”
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graygvf · 2 years
You’re The One
Part Nine
Pairing: Josh x Sage (female OC)
Word Count: 2.6k words in this chapter
Summary: Sage is trying to adjust to her new life in Frankenmuth by auditioning for the school play. But will her past hinder her from reaching for her dreams? Or will Josh be there to lend a helping hand?
Warnings: None for this chapter :)
Moodboard created by @parizonefourfour (Thank you for being my bestie <3)
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It felt like all of my classes couldn't move fast enough. Thoughts about Josh did nothing but consume my mind. The warmth of his hand touching mine during first period continues to radiate from my arm, almost as if his aura stuck to my skin just from his touch. As the minutes in my remaining classes ticked, the more the butterflies in my stomach grew. Every bell made me jump, making my heart feel like it was leaping out of my chest.
By the time I got to my last class before lunch, I was barely able to keep still. My leg was bouncing as I watched the seconds pass by on the clock. The bell signaling the beginning of lunch rang and I sprang up as fast as I could. I was almost sprinting as I passed everyone in the hallways, accidentally running into a few people as I made my way to the auditorium. Pushing open the auditorium door I walk right to the backstage exit. I start to panic when I notice Cora standing by the backstage door, waiting for me in our usual spot.
"Shit" I whisper to myself. I completely forgot to tell her that I would be having lunch with Josh today. I was going to tell her about it this morning before school, but Preston interrupting us must have made it slip my mind.
"Oh, hey Sage! You ready for lunch?" She smiles and starts to open the stage door, but before it can fully open, her eyes meet mine. "What's wrong?" She could always tell by the look on my face if I was hiding something, no matter how small the problem.
"Well, Josh asked me to have lunch with him today and I told him I would." My eyes find the floor before I even finish the sentence. I stare down, waiting for her response. We have lunch together every day, it's almost a tradition at this point, and I feel so bad for leaving her hanging like this. My eyes flash back up to hers when I start to hear her start to laugh.
"Oh well look at you, going on a cute little lunch date with Joshua." Her once confused face is now replaced with a triumphant smirk, which makes mine start to flush.
"It's not a date! He just wants to talk more about the project. That's it." I stammer out the words, my arms wrapping around me as I speak. I should have known she wouldn't be upset, but it's still embarrassing that she thinks he likes me so much.
"Hmm sure. I guess." She says as she bumps her hip against mine.
Cora's gaze leaves my face and starts to focus on something behind me, which makes me turn to try and see what she's so focused on. "There's your loverboy as we speak."
Josh is half-walking half-jogging up the auditorium aisle when I fully turn around to look at him. Without looking I give Cora a shove. Josh was too close to us for me to say anything about her loverboy comment. I make a note to get her back for that one later.
He slows down to a walk once he is within a few feet of us and the door, "Hey Sage you ready to go?" His eyes look up at Cora and he smiles at her, "Hey Cora, are you uh, joining us?" Josh starts to look nervous and plays with his hair as he talks to her. I don't know why he would be so nervous to ask her to join. All we're doing is having lunch and talking about our project.
Cora laughs and starts to walk back towards the auditorium, turning and walking backward as she exclaims, "Oh no I was just waiting for you with Sage, you guys have fun!" She gives me a quick wink before she turns around and heads out of the room.
I turn and face Josh again, his smile brightening when our eyes meet, "You ready to go?" I eagerly nod at him, too nervous to speak. He starts to walk towards the backstage door, holding it open for me as I walk through. We head towards his car, the wind blasting in our faces. I pull my jacket tightly around me, hoping that it will keep me warm enough until we get to Josh's car, but the shivering starts before we're even halfway there.
Josh looks over at me and chuckles, "Still not used to the cold?" Giggling, I shake my head and hurry to get to the passenger side of his car. He slides the key into the door to unlock and open it for me. Shutting it quickly and running around to the driver's side of the car. As soon as he starts the car, he blasts the heat as high as it can go and looks over at me, "You really are going to have to get used to this if you plan on surviving the winter." His eyes move down from me to his phone, and I watch in peaceful silence as he starts to scroll through all of the music, his face concentrating as he struggles to choose what to play. He relaxes into a smile as he selects a song and locks his phone screen. He then places his phone onto the dashboard of his car before looking back over at me. The opening chords to Sunshine on My Shoulders by John Denver fills the car. "This song always makes me think of summertime, so I thought it would help you beat the cold." We smile at each other as the lyrics start to flow around us. The moment is broken when Josh looks away quickly and starts to buckle himself in. Did I do something wrong? I decide to ignore it and start to buckle myself in.
Josh is already driving out of the parking lot before I can finally start to relax into my seat. He's been silent ever since he started the song, so I try to break the awkwardness between us before it can last any longer, "So... where are we going?"
Josh laughs and looks over at me for a second before his eyes move back to the road, "Oh I guess I should have asked you if you liked pizza before we left. I was going to take you to Lazy Dog. Have you been there yet? It's the best place in town."
His words come out so fast that I can barely take it all in at once. His rambling makes me laugh, "I haven't been there yet, but I love pizza." His shoulders relax and I can tell he's trying his best to make sure I don't freak out on him. It's sweet of him to be so nice to me, even if I'm just his project partner.
"Great!" He says as he turns into the parking lot of the old pizza joint in the middle of town. He pulls into a parking spot at the front of the building, almost too quickly for my comfort. He jumps out of the driver's seat before I even get a chance to unbuckle myself and runs over to my side, opening the door for me and giving me his arm to grab as I slide down from the seat. His actions make me giggle and I can see his cheeks flush when I do so. For my sanity, I assume it's just from the cold, there is no way he could blush just from a giggle.
Josh opens the door for me and a rush of warm air from the inside of the restaurant starts to defrost my skin. We walk together and sit at a booth far from the door, I didn't want to risk feeling the cold breeze every time someone walked inside. I shrug my jacket off and lay it next to me in the booth before looking up at Josh, his eyes already on my face before they meet mine.
We sit awkwardly for a few seconds before I finally build up enough courage to ask, "So...the project?"
"Oh, uh yeah...the project." Josh coughs as he speaks, almost as if he forgot why we were having lunch together in the first place. He pulls out his same notebook from class this morning, flipping to the page that he had been scribbling on. "So, you said earlier that Midsummer is one of your favorites, why is that?" His question catches me off guard, I thought he would be asking me more about what happened in the show, not that he would be interested in why I liked it. His eyes stay looking at me, almost as if he is trying to read my mind. I think about his question for a little bit before giving him the real answer as to why I like the play so much.
"Well, I think it's the hopeless romantic in me. I just think Shakespeare wrote love in such an interesting way. The idea of love being unpredictable and uncontrollable is so fascinating, no matter what outward forces are trying to go against it, it will still always prevail." Josh's eyes watch me, staring intently as I babble about the play. He takes in what I said for a moment before giving me a response.
"I couldn't have worded it better if I tried." I smile and look down at my hand in my lap, trying to hide the blush sprawling across my cheeks.
"How are you two doing today?!" The cheerful voice makes me jump and look up away from my hands. Our waitress is standing at the table. I was so lost in Josh and I's conversation that I never even heard her walking up.
"We're great!" Josh said, matching her enthusiasm.
"Can I get you guys started with anything to drink today?" The girl asks us both but keeps her eyes locked on Josh. She bites her lip and looks him up and down before pulling out a small notepad to take his order. A fire starts to burn in the pit of my stomach. Why is she looking at him that way? He's obviously here with someone else, even if it's just as friends, she doesn't know that.
Josh orders himself a glass of water before looking over at me expectantly, "Water, please." The words coming out of my mouth like venom, my eyes not looking up from Josh's as I make my request. I feel the air around us tense as she slowly turns away to go get our drinks. As soon as she is far enough away, I feel myself being able to relax again.
We look at each other in blundering silence for a few seconds before Josh speaks up. "So, uh... what was that about?" A small chuckle escapes as he speaks.
"What was what about?" I try to hide the fact that I may have snapped at the waitress out of jealousy. I have no reason to be jealous, but I couldn't control myself. Having someone look at him that way when no one should. You would expect something like that from some sleaze-ball of a man, but her? She doesn't even know him.
Before I can answer his question, she is back at our table, placing the waters down. "So, are you guys ready to order?" Her overly chipper voice makes my ears ring slightly.
Josh looks over at me, seemingly to ask if I knew what I wanted yet. "How about you order for us, Josh? I've never been here and I'm always down to try something new." I make my words overly flirty, trying to make her understand that she needs to back off.
Josh's eyes flash from mine to the waitress and back before he speaks again, "Oh okay great, we'll have the Mediterranean."
"Sounds good, I'll uh...put that order in right now. It shouldn't be too long." The waitress takes our menus before walking away quickly, avoiding all eye contact with both of us as she makes her way back to the kitchen.
My eyes follow her, making sure that she doesn't feel the need to look back at us. I don't turn back to Josh until I hear him starting to laugh uncontrollably from across the table.
"Why are you laughing?" I ask him, the words coming out less cold than they did when speaking to the waitress.
"Do you normally try to scare off the waitstaff when you go out to eat? Or are you just making sure she isn't going to try to whisk me away before we can work on our project?" Josh winks, which causes goosebumps to form on my arms. He grabs his water and takes a sip as he waits for my response.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to it's just...do all girls look at you like that?" My words make Josh choke and cough before placing his water abruptly back down onto the table. His face warms to soft pink as he takes them in, probably thinking about what to say.
"What do you mean? She was just being nice, you know, doing her job." His hand reaches into his hair and scratches his head before trailing it down and rubbing it against his neck.
"I mean did you not see how she was looking at you... like you were just a piece of meat." I cross my arms over my chest and huff as I lean back against the chair of the booth. Feelings of jealously waving over me again. How couldn't he notice the way she looked at him? It was so disgusting. He is so much more than just something nice to look at and he deserves to be treated that way.
Josh's lips slide into a smirk, "What, are you jealous?"
"No!" I squeal, his words making me jump up so I'm no longer sitting on my back against the seat. My hands reach down and grab the chair of the booth, gripping onto it tightly for support, "I just think you're really sweet, and uh...no one deserves to be looked at that way, especially you."
He gives me a sweet smile, "Well that's nice of you to think that highly of me."
"Don't let that one go to your head Kiszka." I smirk and take a sip of my water.
We both laugh as Josh pulls out his pencil again, "I feel the same, by the way." I know he can tell what I'm thinking before I can say anything to him, my face starting to burn with the blush of my cheeks, "About midsummer I mean. The show itself is amazing, and I love the way Shakespeare shows that women don't always have to be subordinate to men or their families. Truly modern thinking for his time." Wow. He certainly does know his stuff.
"I've never even thought of that before." I can feel myself nervously giggle as his face lights up from the compliment I give him.
Before he can respond, our waitress is back, carrying our pizza and two plates. "One Mediterranean." She places the plates down and walks away without making any sort of eye contact with either of us.
"You really did scare that one away, didn't you?" Josh laughs as he places a slice onto my plate before picking out one for himself.
A wave of embarrassment crashes over me, "I'm sorry Josh... I can go apologize if you want? Maybe you can go and try to get her number or something, or I can even try to-" He cuts off my ramble before I can even get all the words out.
"Sage stop, I'm just messing with you. Besides, I have my eyes set on someone else right now." I calm down and we both settle into eating our food. Josh making goofy jokes to lighten the tension that arose from my minor freak out. I laugh and smile as he talks, but it doesn't keep my mind from wandering. Who could he have his eyes set on?
@parizonefourfour @kenzmeehan @heatmyfleet @thefifthsidetome @chipbunkerswhore​  @weightofdreamz​ @fvxni @mnmbmswabp @joshkiskal0ver​ @angelqueen99 @grace-gvf
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Continued from here for @quickdeaths​!
It was the sort of place that Sonia was never supposed to go on her own, at least as a visiting student and princess from abroad who insisted upon a minimal staff and security team during her time at Hope's Peak. Vast, open areas, many exits and escape routes, and a place that attracted those from all walks of life without a pre-screening: it was the Novoselic Royal Family's nightmare.
In turn, that made the park all the more appealing to Sonia. On a weekend day without classes, while most of her classmates rested or engaged in hobbies unrelated to their talents, she had a full morning diary. It was how she liked it: with the dormitories mostly asleep, it was far simpler to have the styling team come through, ready her for the day's engagements, and slip out the front door without anyone being the wiser. She preferred the brown uniform and class activities to her royal attire and schedule while in Japan, but there were times that the Ultimate Princess wasn't given the option. Instead, she was only able to choose her method of going home after visiting two organizations and attending a charity luncheon: to walk, or to take the hired car. With its glossy exterior and tinted, bulletproof windows, Sonia opted to venture home on foot. And she'd taken the scenic route.
That was how she ended up in the park: with no one to immediately intervene, she'd checked discreetly over her shoulder to see if her plainclothes security was still in visible distance before venturing past the gates, passing groups on picnics, children playing informal sports games, and finally the concrete course. Or skating park, as those familiar with it referred to the place, mostly full of vibrant individuals with boards containing four wheels, using them to traverse up and down the curved walls and hills. Like the person who had called out to her after she'd taken a seat on a wooden bench a comfortable distance away to watch. After all: she'd never seen anything like it before.
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"I shall confess that I have not visited this park before," She admitted with a smile. There was no reason to be shy about it, but Sonia's cheeks turned a fair shade of rose when the person who had so boldly approached her remarked upon her outfit. It was a stark contrast from theirs, and most of the others at the park, causing Sonia to blink in astonishment before casting a quick glance down. As usual, it was a tailored dress (or blouse and skirt) topped off with a coordinating blazer or coat. Today's version was tweed in a powder blue color with pearl buttons adorning the coat: a pair of light tan heels and coordinating handbag completed the ensemble, along with simple pearl jewelry. It seemed precisely the opposite of what the skaters wore: bolder tones, with an emphasis on comfort. Perhaps they were just being nice, without wanting to point out directly just how out of place she looked.
She nodded, offering a smile of thanks. "Thank you, but I imagine it might be dangerous to peruse physical activity in these clothes," She pointed out the obvious. There was that, and the fact her family would be scandalized if their crown princess so much ventured to touch a skateboard, much less get on top of one. "But your board, with the wheels! It reminds me much of the boards used for winter sports, to go down mountains when skis do not suit. I learned to ski as a child, but the boards...well, they were deemed unsafe. But I should very much enjoy watching: you and your cohorts look like you're flying, each time you reach the top of the curved walls. I imagine it must feel quite exhilarating!"
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chaotic-super · 2 years
Back To Krypton - Chapter 2
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Read Back To Krypton on Ao3 here!
“I have made copies of the map with our route marked out. I couldn’t go with my first choice unfortunately so rather than a 3000-mile trek, we’re looking at about 4600 miles to the nearest city and then from there, we should be able to get proper transportation over to Kryptonopolis. Any questions?”
Nia raises her hand as she begins to speak. “Is it really called Kryptonopolis? Like Metropolis?”
“Nia, it’s another planet with many other sublanguages. Some things get translated and others don’t. Kryptonopolis is the capital of Krypton, and the only other English translation comes to City of Krypton, although it is known on Krypton as Kandor. It’s for ease of speech and…why are we discussing this? It has literally nothing to do with the plan. You were definitely the student that derailed all of the classes.”
“Is that a compliment?”
“No. It most definitely is not.”
“I’m going to ignore every weird interaction that was and ask how long we are expecting this mission to last?” Kelly steps forward.
“It will take longer than we would hope. It will take us between six weeks and two months approximately to hike to the city and retrieve what we need, and that is based on our average walking speed if we move for ten hours per day.”
“Two months! Kara, I like a hike as much as the next person, but two months is way longer than we want.” Alex is the first to complain, just as Kara had anticipated.
“I know and that’s why I want you and Kelly to stay with Esme.”
“You’re benching us? Seriously Kara?”
“I’m not benching you, I still want you on the mission with me, obviously, but I can’t justify taking you away from that little girl for that long. The travel alone could be two months but add in a couple of complications and it could be a lot longer.” Kara shrugs as she tries to justify her plan, spending that amount of time away from her sister will be awful but she isn’t willing to leave Esme without her parents, she knows how that feels and wouldn’t wish it upon even Lex.
“I know, Alex.”
“And I also think that once we arrive, Brainy should stay with the ship, ready and waiting for us to signal for him to pick us up and get out of there. We have to make a sneaky entrance, but it doesn’t matter about our exit. We’ll have time-jumped out of there before they can see what colour socks we’re wearing.”
“Absolutely not, I am a level twelve intellect, I will not be left behind. You’ll need me to assist you in your mission.” Brainy stands from his chair, puffing out his chest.
“And I need someone who knows the ship to be on hand to make sure it stays in one piece and fully functional or we all die with Krypton.” Kara’s voice shakes as she reaches the end of her sentence, showing the group just how emotionally invested she is forced to be with this mission and how vulnerable she has been left.
“Are you certain that nobody else can do this job? Lena perhaps?”
Brainy barely gets the words out before Kara is shooting him down. “No! Lena is with me.” She pauses for a second re-evaluating. “Unless Lena would feel more comfortable away from the action, if you want to stay on the ship instead of Brainy, you can Lena.”
Lena eyes Kara closely, trying to figure out what is going through her head, but her face goes through her emotions quicker than she can keep up with them. “I would appreciate making the journey with you if that’s alright with you. I think it’s best that we all stay with our assigned tasks, Kara is taking the lead, and this is a very important mission. The last thing we should be doing is undermining her position.”
Lena tried to watch for a reaction from Kara but all she finds is slightly reddened cheeks. “Thanks.”
“This is getting rather heated, how about we all take a few minutes and go over our resources?” J’onn, ever the mediator, steps in to prevent any unnecessary squabbling.
The group disperses quickly, and Lena looks to Kara to talk to her about why she hesitated about her being with her on the mission, but Alex beats her, pulling Kara away.
Once Alex has her out of earshot she hits her with a tough question. “Are the dangers of Krypton worse than the dangers of being on Lex’s warpath?”
“Alex, how could I possibly give you an answer to that?” Kara looks at Alex the way she always does when she thinks she knows what Alex is thinking. “Is this about coming on the mission?”
Alex has only one priority these days, her daughter. “This is about whether or not it would be safer if Kelly and I came and brought Esme with us.”
Kara looks baffled. “The main dangers of Krypton will be the wildlife and the terrain until we get to the city, but I am confident that we can make it through that part. Do you think that once we are in those situations you can handle it? And more importantly, do you think that Esme can handle it?”
“That depends, Kara. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to keep Esme as safe as possible whilst completing this mission?”
“You know that I am and having you and Kelly there will make it ten times easier too, but I can’t make the decision on Esme for you. The only other idea to make the decision easier would be if we bring Nia along too and contact Lucy to see if she is willing to help J’onn and M’gann with the alien fleet but that would be up to you. This isn’t something that I can decide for you, Alex. This is a decision for her parents so go, speak to Kelly and come back to me. Alright?”
Alex hugs her tightly. “Thanks, sis.”
“You’re welcome, now go.” She gives her a push from behind as she saunters away to find her wife.
As soon as Alex is gone she finds herself reworking the plan in her head, creating checklists and racking her brain for solutions, requiring technology that hasn’t been invented yet on any planet.
Her thinking is interrupted by Nia. “Wow, I can practically see the cogs turning.”
“Hey, you. How are you holding up?” Kara shoots her a smile, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
“I’m good, I was just wondering if there is anything I can do to help with the whole planning thing you’ve got going on, maybe take a load off your back?”
“Well, if you could dream up a way to get us across a lot of dry land with little water without dying of thirst that would be a great help. Do you think you could have a little research or maybe consult Brainy? I love the guy, but I can’t take him talking my ear off right now.”
Nia is visibly surprised that Kara has actually given her a task based on her unwillingness to put any burden on other people in the past, but she is happy that her mentor seems to have turned a corner and is willing to be open with the team. “Yeah, no problem. Want me to ward everyone off so you can have some time to think without them battering your head whilst I’m at it?”
Kara breathes out a sigh of relief, “I knew there’s a reason I like you so much. Send Lena in if she isn’t busy but if she’s actually taking a break then don’t disturb her.”
“You got it captain, but just for the record, you should take a break too,” Nia calls over her shoulder as she leaves.
Kara mumbles to herself. “Maybe…” She glances at a half-written to-do list. “Or maybe not.”
 It is dark outside when Lena makes her way into the main part of the tower, having fallen asleep earlier on the couch and everyone vying to be as quiet as possible to let her sleep. She has a slight angry stomp to her steps at losing precious time to something so unevolved as sleep.
As soon as she steps inside, ready to start working, her stomps turn to a quiet tap and her movements slower as though she is trying not to disturb the air within the room.
Fast asleep, head resting in the crook of her elbow on the table as she is perched on a stool, sits Kara. A soft breeze flows in from the balcony and Lena shivers, immediately setting out in pursuit of blankets. She finds them tucked away in a crook in the corner of the room, where she promptly wraps one around herself, mimicking Supergirl’s cape and grabs a second before walking back over to the blonde.
She carefully wraps the blanket around Kara, being as gentle as possible as she tucks it into place to be sure that she doesn’t wake her up. With one hand, she tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear, out of her face.
Lena isn’t surprised that she has fallen asleep, she has worked non-stop since Brainy figured out his plan and based on the still full take-out containers, she hasn’t even given herself a dinner break. It shows how stressed Kara must be if she hasn’t even eaten when she was brought food, the girl loves her food.
She works around the room slowly, tidying things up, and organizing the scattered papers until she can make sense of the writings. Kara really is smarter than she lets on, she guesses that she has always hidden it as part of her hidden identity.
She glances over the equations, adding more where she feels necessary or simplifying where she can, to save them time but overall, Kara’s workings are sound. Next, she moves over to Kara’s to-do list and her eyes fall on the third line.
3. Figure out how to recycle water without a trackable energy source.
Now that gives her a good starting point of what to do whilst Kara is getting her beauty sleep, Lena only wishes that she had Supergirl’s strength so that she can move her somewhere more comfortable, but she supposes that it wouldn’t matter anyway, it’s not like she’ll wake up with a crick in her neck like a human would.
She takes a seat across from Kara with some fresh paper and a pencil, ready to work until her brain shoots out something helpful.
Lena can’t help but take sneaky glances u every once in a while, checking on Kara frequently, despite the fact that she hasn’t moved even an inch since she entered the room. She must have pretty much passed out from exhaustion to be out like this, Kara once divulged to Lena that she can be a light sleeper, her super hearing often picking up things miles away no matter how hard she tries to keep sounds blocked out.
She finds her presence comforting and makes much quicker work of the task at hand than she thought, she designs a very lightweight water recycler which works using the motion of walking to power up the device, using the smallest power source that she could use.
She double-checks her calculations to make sure that the power from the device would not be high enough to be trackable and finds it to be just under the traceable amount, but that doesn’t give them any room for power fluctuations and if the device overloads at any point it would give them away. Her mind practically begins to whir as she tries to redesign her already super compact water recycler into an extra mini compact water recycler.
She does it. Just barely but it still counts. The key was to make multiple small recyclers, one for each person. Practically just an upgraded water bottle but with more of a kick. It would have been much easier to use solar energy but with the red sun, she didn’t want to risk any solar devices going on the fritz in retaliation to trading in yellow for red since that would definitely end in their demise.
Once she has the recycler down she goes back to the list, much more confident now that she has completed what looks to be the most difficult item on it. She even has a little chuckle to herself when she reaches point 12.
12. Make a list of necessary items to take along in personal inventory bags.
 Only Kara would add ‘make a list’ as a point on a list. She goes to start on the next task but detours at the last second, picking up a pen on the way. She marks off number 3 with a swift flick of the hand with a smile and heads back over to the table to keep working.
 Kara grumbles as she lifts her head and stretches. She wipes the sleep from her eyes and scans the room disorientated. She doesn’t remember going to sleep but somehow here she is. Falling asleep is possibly the worst thing that could happen, how is she going to get everything done now?
“Hey, sleepyhead.”
Kara startles.
“Hi. Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I need to get back to work, I have so much to do. Crap, I never even got started on the water recycler.”
She begins to stand but she is swiftly pushed back down onto the stool by insistent hands on her shoulders, “Sit back down, you are going to have something to eat, take a shower and then you can come back to work. I took over whilst you were asleep, and I have made some pretty good progress, so you don’t have to worry about it right now.”
“But I- “
“No buts, I have designed the recycler and I sent the schematics to Brainy, who is currently in the process of testing out the prototype, it might need a few tweaks here and there but we’re pretty much set. Oh, and I also completed more than half of your list. So…. eat and then shower.”
“Ok so firstly, you’re amazing and secondly, you’re really bossy this morning.”
Lena smiles widely at Kara as she places leftovers in front of her. “Thanks.”
Kara’s lips quirk up as she heat-visions her food. She should have known that Lena would have answers where she had none, she has always been able to pick up the slack when Kara lacked. She balances her out and makes sure she has her head screwed on straight.
 Kara double-checks her list, making sure that everything is exactly right before they get going.
Everything that needs to be packed has been and it is all strapped down tightly for the journey.
Everyone knows what they are doing and where they are going, and Kara’s stress level is so high that is practically puncturing the atmosphere.
Maybe she should triple-check.
“Are you on check number 144?”
Alex leans on the door frame, crossing her arms. “We are all set, everything is packed and ready to go. Everyone is ready and fully aware of what they need to do, in fact, there have been a lot of complaints about you over-explaining everything. Apparently, people don’t appreciate hearing the same information forty times.”
“I just want everything to go well.” Kara folds her list and tucks it into her pocket.
“I know you do kid, but you know our team, we’re all very capable people. Plus, with our track record, the plan will go haywire within the first two days so we’ll probably end up winging it anyway.”
Kara deadpans at Alex. “How inspiring. I wasn’t worried about that but now I am. Great.”
Alex shrugs at her, not feeling guilty at all.
“I can and will get Lena to tell on you to Kelly again if I feel like you deserve it.”
Alex looks scandalized. “How could my own sister betray me like this? This is ridiculous.
Kara shoots her a grin as she walks out of the hold of the legion ship.
She makes quick work of the ship’s many hallways until she reaches the cockpit where the team is waiting. She is about to speak when she hears Alex’s quick footsteps coming from behind her.
“Hey! Wait up, not all of us speed walk everywhere.”
Kelly and Esme giggle at Alex. “Babe, you’re going to struggle on this mission if you can’t keep up.”
“Oh, haha. Very funny.” The team was grateful for the break from all of the stress and tension of the last week of preparations.
Kara steps forward, catching everyone’s attention. “Before you all start to panic, I’m not about to make you all run through the plan again because according to Alex, you all hate that, and the plan is probably not going to work anyway…”
Everyone takes a second to glare at Alex, who is very aware of the fact that she just became the bad guy because she put her foot in her mouth.
“I mean…I didn’t say it in those words…”
“Anyway, what I just want to say is; thank you guys, I really appreciate you guys being here and supporting me. So, let’s get onto our next adventure.”
They all cheer. J’onn peaks next, “M’gann, Lucy and I will have the fleet in the sky first thing in the morning, so you don’t have to worry about us, besides we all have faith that you’ll get the job done, just get back to us in one piece please.”
“We’ll certainly try our best but if Alex walks as slow as she just did we may just leave her there.” Nia laughs. “Also, I am very glad I get to go see where little Supergirl played ball.”
“You’re kidding yourself if you think I will show any of you anything like that. You get tourist destinations only if we have time and even that is a big if.” Kara puts her hands on her hips.
“Party pooper.”
Esme laughs at Nia, causing everyone to smile at her innocent giggles.
“We’ve got this, I know we do.” Lena directs the words to the group, but she is only looking at one person.
“I believe my comrade to be correct, our chances have significantly increased, so let us get this show on the time road.”
Kara hugs J’onn goodbye, making sure to tell him to say ‘hello’ for her when he sees M’gann and Lucy and to tell Lucy to stick around for a while when she gets back for drinks. He begrudgingly agrees to be her messenger but still hugs her back tightly.
Kara heads over to the main console with Brainy. “You all set?”
“I am ready to launch and have packed multiple kinds of puzzles to keep me occupied once we land and I am awaiting your signal.”
“Thank you Brainy. I know it’s hard to feel like you’re sitting on the sidelines, but I need someone that I know I can trust to be on watch for the signal without being distracted.
“One of the perks of being techno-organic.” He puts a finger to his head knowingly and smiles.
She takes her seat and looks around at the team. Everyone is strapped-in, and Esme is holding her plushie in her hands as she kicks her feet excitedly.
“Up up and away in 3, 2, 1…”
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harufallinwonderland · 2 months
Curetiel and the legend of the old “hip” man in A 18 year old body @shinysparklesapphires (mostly A crack short fic) (holy fuck this have been rotting in my drafts imma just put this out here and might make A part 2)
“Vivienne’s report”
The night was silent as Vivienne walked through the halls of curetiel thankfully getting in before curfew after Vil made film club longer than it had to be by A film analysis which she would not normally mind besides the fact it lasted way to long and everyone had to rush to there dorm besides Vil with his housewarden privilege she was just glad Ink and Marble were more lax than other housewardens.
It was pure silence besides A few other curetiel students who respected the silence well untill Vivienne heard A muffled “I’ll eat you up”… huh that’s weird she hasn’t heard it since that trend years ago then she hear thumping wait is someone doing the dance!? IN 2024!?
Normally Vivienne would just spit out A simple “I don’t care enough” but something about today made her more curious than she normally is so she walked to the source of the noise the music growing louder and louder going from the halls to the outside garden the moonlight making certain of the flowers glow beautifully normally she would like to admire the flowers but the song grabbed her attention to much untill she reached A secluded part of the garden and moving past some tall bushes to see the sight she was looking for.
It was the song cannibal playing over again while A taller figure was dancing to it unfortunately Vivienne could not figure it out being completely consumed by the shadows which makes her walk closer hearing light snores “huh?” Was all she could think before strong wind envelopes in the area vivienne getting ready for impact before somehow takes the shadowy figure away making her wonder “WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SEE” out loud.
“Sorry Vivienne Ink would not survive if anyone found out”
“Kurai’s report”
"Everything is fine here your majestys ~ Mil" came out of the small Fairy's mouth as she holds A phone as big as her small head near here trying to be silent for her roommate who was currently sleeping. 'Thats great ~Coco!" A high pitched male voice came out out the phone then similar high pitch voice was able to be heard "Leave Milky alone she has to get rest for school ~Nutts" it said showing concern for the female fairy in this three way call.
"Right ~coco you should head to sleep right now Milky ~coco" The male fairy said as Milky just sighs "FINE good night Coco sama Nutts sama ~Milk" she hangs up the phone placing it to charge as she quickly goes through her stuff to make sure everything is organized for the morning then she looks to her pink hair roommate who was loudly snoring "....~Milk....If I don't do this she is going to be A nearly late for class again and it would make Curetiel look bad~Milk" she hops down from her bed and goes to her roommates side and starts tidying up side.
she straightens up the picture stand of him with his 4 friends then the one of his family, then another one of his old roommates then finally one of him with Kurai.... "whatever ~Mil" she finishes tidying up untill she checks his backpack "Nero you idiot you forgot your history of magic notebook~Milk" she looks at the clock...there still A hour before the main building closes for the night....
Kurai sighs and A poof of smoke surrounds them revealing her human form already in her school uniform "A quick jog won't won't hurt" she quickly exits the room.
-30 minutes later-
Kurai was running back to her room A pink notebook in hand with Nero's name on it in the early night time untill...."is that fortnight music?"
Now Kurai didn't know much about Fortnight and everything she knows is from watching Nero play it in his free time and Kurai wasn't busy but she could swear It sounded like that sound people use when default dancing...and the song is repeating.
"....I should go to tell them to shut off there music before Marble has to" she mumbles to herself trying to convince herself it's just not her wondering who would be doing this at 10pm.
she runs closer and closer to the noise moving past other Curetiel students untill she finds herself in the kitchen of Curetiel the music playing being in the same room no doubt and the sound of claps that go silent than another clap...the default dance.
she goes deeper into the kitchen tryinng to be silent to no make her target catch on to her presence but just like that the lights in the kitchen go completely out A loud noise distratcts Milk enough to jump back hitting something turning her back to her small fairy form "AHHH IT'S A MONSTER ~MIL" the small fairy quickly runs off`holding Nero's notebook over her head as Marble just sighs coming out of his hiding spot turning back on the lights with his magic pen.
"Sorry Milk I'll make it up to you later with some chocolate" he says as Ink still default dances in the background.
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