#i should start tagging my phone doodles
yumeyumeappleo · 1 year
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basic phone doodle because i’m sleepy and too lazy to get my drawing tablet
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crushedsweets · 10 months
i am so so sorry for the sheer amount of headcanons i'm making you crank out, HOWEVER... i am so curious as to if you have any headcanons for nina and natalie as a duo. i love the way you perceive them and write them it genuinely makes me so happy
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i had to doodle them . ok. lets go..
nat was one of the first people nina met from jeff, since she and jeff lived in the barn together.
nina thought nat was a lesbian when they first met . that is literally the only reason why she wasnt mad jeff was living with a woman.
although nina was like, one of the ONLY people to notice toby/nat tension and was sooo heartbroken when she realized they were never getting together..... but then was relieved they didnt get together when she got over jeff because 'well i can't be the only single one!'
again, natalie grew up with 0 girl friends, only hung out with her brother and boys. even after meeting the creeps, theyre still mostly guys. so she's just kinda really awkward and weird around girls. not in a like, 'oh girls r so annoying' way but like... she just doesnt know how to fit in. she just feels so different in the worst possible way and always has.
and nina is very girly, outgoing, touchy, friendly, cute, etc. so it was very like UMMM?!? idk. natalie kept snapping at her, assuming she was fake and weird and just trying to get something from nat, but nina was so persistent and just. friendly. it started making natalie feel warm.
nina's presence started to heal natalies inner little girl. she had it stolen from her time and time again, from her dad, her brother, her peers - the operator, too.
so the two are eventually actual friends. they'll text and play mobile phone games together. sometimes they'll just sit on call and nina will be talking her head off while nat does her own thing at home. one time nat was at tobys cabin and nina was talking about toby on speaker and toby walked in and was like 'hey nina' .... nina almost threw up she was so embarrassed.
nina loves visiting nats bar because everyone is always talking to nina and giving her attention and buying her drinks, and at first nat was irritated but it kinda got nat some better tips since the customers started realizing ninas her friend. so nat was pleased. LOL
nat was never the type to go shopping, but she'll follow nina around and sit while nina tries on clothes and carry around all her bags that she buys LOL... ninas made jokes about nat being boyfriend material and nat just flatout says smth about how nina should get over jeff cuz he would never.
nat is friends with jeff but she's oddly comfortable just telling nina that he's a piece of shit. and ninas always like NOOO U DONT GET IT U DONT SEE WHAT I DO and nats always just .. not... impressed..
nina's always inviting nat out to try new foods. nat grew up just eating bread and noodles with butter half the time so it's fun. nina always tries to pay bc 'well i invited you!!!'. sometimes toby tags along but he feels a way abt going in public places..
nina rarely visits jack cuz she has no reason to, but nat is friends with him so sometimes nina pops in and she's always like ^_^ HELLO TALL MYSTERIOUS SLIGHTLY MONSTEROUS MAN... <3... nat smacks the back of her head cuz she's being dumb and drooling over a bunch of rando freaks. ... . ok i love nina and she owes jeff nothing but she is def not loyal LOLLLL AND SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO FAWN OVER EVERYONE she's a fangirl at heart.
they watch a ton of shows together. nina got nat into horror kdrama stuff, but they have to watch in dub cuz nat cant read the subtitles fast enough . . . at first nina cringed but now she doesnt care.
nat's painted/drawn nina several times, and nina almost cries everytime. she's put the drawings up on her wall before but anytime nat's at her apartment, she takes it down bc 'i dont want my art on ur wall stop it' LOL... kinda rude but whatevs.
ugh theyre just so fucking cute guys im sorry i love them . holds them. brushes their hair.
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shygirl4991 · 5 months
True Color
Summary: SMG3 was told by eggman to kill SMG4 his ex rival, deep down he knew he couldn't bring himself to harm someone he grew close to so he comes up with a plan to trick eggman. Except SMG4 wasn’t a part of the plan, the man on the floor crying not only over his dead meme but at the fact his friend and crush was about to kill him. Will SMG3 be able to live through his fight with Eggman and finally admit his true feelings, he better cause there's no way a great villain like him will lose!
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Tags: Fluff and Angst, Attempted murder, love confessions, first kiss, enemies to friends to lovers
SMG3 chuckles to himself dealing with Depresso was nothing, who knew this man was so weak to rats. As he walks outside his old friend Eggman follows, he is sure to be bowing down to the proof that Three hasn't lost his touch when it comes to evil. Eggman smiles, placing a hand on his shoulder “Congrats, SMG3! There’s only one final test before you can be called a true villain again.” Three smirks, this will be easy who said you couldn't be evil and still have your hero friends by your side.
“You must kill your arch nemesis!” He shows his phone revealing footage of his Eggdog cam. How did eggman know about the camera in Four’s room? How long has he been watching the man, he made a mistake putting that camera in his room. He only did it to make sure that nothing would happen to four, now look at what he did. He felt a chill go down his back as it now hit him, Eggman wants him to kill his ex rival. The meme guardian in charge of living memes, his friend. He looks down in shock as Eggman pats his back laughing “Can't wait to see it friend!” 
Three was at his new home, sitting on his bomb chair staring at the gun in his hand. He can feel himself shaking at the thought of aiming it at SMG4, so many years of trying to kill the man and he did it all without any emotion besides anger. Things have changed so much, he remembers when he was about to die when he dropped the character he played as for so many years to finally tell SMG4 that they were friends. The day they did the heist to get his notebook back, how relaxed the two were drinking coffee when he was hit with a drawing idea and doodled the two together with coffee. Then the memory of the day everything changed for him, when him and Four held hands learning about their power and about zero. 
He points the gun at the picture of SMG4 shaking and fires, the moment he pulls the trigger he focuses on his old anger bringing his old character out.  “Finally I have a reason to kill that bozo!” He focuses on the pain he felt on Christmas when SMG4 brought up old memories. He screams as he shoots down the photo of SMG4 letting out all the anger on it, he can do this he can kill that idiot. Eggdog jumps surprised at what his father did during his private bath time, barking at his meme parent annoyed as he watches the man open a chest. “Ooooo i wonder how i should kill him! Dismemberment?” he then takes out gamer bath water out of the chest “Maybe waterboarding?” 
Seeing his father bringing out his old persona makes him start barking furiously at him, SMG3 freezes hearing his son's words before glaring at him “What do you mean? I don't care about SMG4, he sucks!” his mind yelled at him calling him a liar as he crossed his arms “I’ve had no character development with him.” He can't let it fall if he loses character then those feelings come back, he won't be able to impress his old friends. Eggdog had it with his father as he yelled back at him reminding him of all the nights he would gush about SMG4 to him, how he has become happier since the two became friends. It was becoming overwhelming for him as he covered his ears “La la la i can't hear you!
As he leaves his home he stares at the castle, he feels his hand shaking again “Damn it..Eggdog is right what am i doing, why am i trying to impress people from my past?” He remembers how insane SMG4 went trying to make the perfect video to please all his viewers. Three clenches his fist “Right…RIGHT! I can't impress everyone. The person I should be impressing is myself, and I find myself impressive enough!”
He needed a plan, so he walked up to the castle with gun in hand as Eggman walked up next to him “Are you ready?”  Three smirks “Oh yeah, this is gonna be easy!” He was always a fast thinker he knew the moment he stepped into that castle Eggman was done for.  SMG4 was humming happily as he finally learned how to hand craft memes thanks to the help of Three. SMG3 opens the door to the kitchen looking around to figure out a way out of this mess, SMG4 turns excitedly “Oh hey three!” he twitches at the nickname. He wasn't sure when the man shortened his name but everytime he hears it his heart flutters.
“I was just inventing a new meme. I call him, tomato soop and his catchphrase is gonna be BLERHG.” SMG3 stares at the meme as Four was showing it off, the idiot has so much trust in him he wouldn’t see his death coming. His stomach twisted at the thought, then he blinked at the meme. A tomato that when squish color could be mistaken for blood, SMG4 finishes explaining the meme smirking at him hoping his new meme was impressing his crush “Pretty memey right?” 
Three walks forward, his eyes dark as he goes over his plan in his head, on one hand a voice was telling him to do it. SMG4 hasn't done anything for him so why let him live? But that wasn't him that was the old him that he made to protect himself in a world that saw him as evil. SMG4 eyes drop down noticing the gun “Oh a glock!” he starts to get nervous “Whatcha…gonna do with that…” once SMG3 got close enough he decided what he had to do “Oh…something i should have done long ago.” He points the gun at SMG4 causing panic in the man, this couldn't be happening this isn't the SMG3 he knows why would he point a gun at him “THREE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” 
Three’s eyes flicker to the newly made meme, he had to do it to protect him, his gaze softened as he looked back at Four “I’m sorry… I have to do this.” SMG4 shakes unsure what was going on then the gun moved slightly to his left and fired, Four blinks and slowly turns to see Three had shot his newly made meme getting tomato juice all over the window. Eggman lets out an evil smile seeing the red splatter on the window, he walks into the castle laughing “Ho hoo good job. I guess I underestimated your evil intentions 3.  I’m glad my old evil buddy is still-” he freezes seeing a tomato with a gunshot wound “Hey what the fuck?” 
SMG3 smirks as he charges at Eggman jumping up and kicking him in the face, while he may not be as fast and flexible as his partner he still had his talents in his strength. “Sike Mother fucker!” SMG4 runs to his meme with his eyes starting to water “My tomato soup meme!” SMG3 places his hands on his hips, annoyed at his other half “DUDE! Dont ruin my epic twist! I was actually considering killing you! Like usual…” he added the last bit to make sure he wasn't showing his true emotions. 
Hearing that line made Four forget about his meme as he looked at SMG3 heartbroken “You were actually going to kill me?!” that can be true could it? He felt his tears escape knowing that he would have been dead if SMG3 didn't change his mind at the last minute, what did it mean was everything they went through all for nothing? He starts crying loudly causing SMG3 to smack him, Four was startled from the hit looking at the man who was glaring at the spot Eggman was at.
Eggman gets up “I KNEW YOU DIDN'T HAVE IT IN YOU!”
SMG3 rolls his eyes “Nah i think murder isn't very evil villainy, you people should know all villains have a code. Plus PAIN AND SUFFERING IS MORE MY STYLE!” Eggman looks down at Three who had a huge shit eating grin “Pathetic,” he now knows that SMG3 was a lost cause. But he still had some hope that something would knock common sense back to Three “All villains murder!” he takes out a rocket launcher “Allow me to demonstrate!” He points the rocket to SMG3. The man only smiles at Eggman; he spent his whole life with weapons pointed at him and eldritch gods trying to kill him, an egg-shaped villain doesn't scare him.
That was until the weapon moved targets, his eyes going wide as he watched Eggman point the rocket at SMG4. He growls at Eggman as he dashes at the man moving the rocket to not hit Four, the rocket flies out hitting the roof of the castle, an old man in a bathtub falls down confusing the pair for a moment. Seeing Eggman distracted he turns and punches the man, picking up the man on the floor he smirks ready to give the man a beating for even thinking about killing SMG4. 
“I DON'T NEED TO PROVE SHIT!” he was done with the world making him a villain, he won't let anyone change him again. Eggman, finally understanding his old friend is gone, decides to teach Three a lesson, calling his ride down squishing Three he launches them up in the air “Enjoy your last breath!”
The higher they went the more he was struggling to breath, his vision was getting blurring as he took deep breaths. An idea hits him as he turns trying to keep his breathing steady from the height “Why don't you go and steal the moon or something.” He starts to take apart the vehicle. SMG4 walks outside with his injured meme looking up at the sky confused, scared and nervous about what was going on. SMG3 looks down then back at what he was doing as he removes the last part causing the vehicle to malfunction. SMG3 takes one last deep breath, he was a meme guardian he will trust his power that falling from this height won't kill him. He winks at eggman before letting go and falling off, SMG4 drops his meme running around in a panic trying to guess where the man was going to land.
He dives, catching SMG3 quickly and lifts up the man checking if he is okay. SMG3 coughs trying to bring oxygen to his lungs “SMG4?” he turns and looks at the man's face “Yeah it's me, i don't know what the hell is going on but..i'm so glad you're okay..you are okay right?” Three coughs feeling his lungs burn, the world still looked blurry for him as Four did his best to make sure the man was comfy by laying  him on his lap.
SMG4 starts to cry again feeling so many conflicting emotions he felt he was going to just blow from all of it, he holds Three’s hand shaking slightly “Even after everything…were you really going to kill me…do you still hate me?” Hearing the pain and sadness in Fours voice broke SMG3's character, maybe for once he can let himself show to stop his idiot from crying. Weakly he reaches for SMG4 face “No you idiot, sure it was tempting since on christmas you made a shitty comment without thinking but i could never kill you…you mean too much to me.” Four’s eyes go wide as he wipes his tears, Three coughs annoyed by the pain he feels “HEY STAY WITH ME uh er maybe i have a first aid kit for this wait for me!”  He gently put Three on the floor and was going to run inside only to be stopped. 
He turned to see Three grabbing his hand “Hey..Four..thank you for being my friend.” SMG4 heart flutters finally hearing Three call him by his nickname “Hey now you're not going anywhere,” he wiggles free to sprint inside getting the first aid kit.  After taking care of Three they both sit together outside looking at the sky, Three was starting to feel better as he leaned on Four “I know today must have been a shit show for you, so in short I had old friends try to change me but you know what SMG4?” the man hums as he waters his meme helping it feel better.
Suddenly Three turned his face getting close, Four blushed unsure what was happening “I realized i don't need to prove to anyone how evil i am. I don't need to prove anything because I'm happy just the way I am.” SMG4 smiles softly at him leaning into his touch “heh well i'm happy your you to three, you had me scared you know i really thought i did something wrong or…you lied about being friends again.”
SMG3 frowns at the memory, he did a lot of bad in the past to think he was here at this moment with someone he used to want dead. Now the thought of anything happening to Four made him sick, it made him angry. It then clicked to him all those confusing feelings he had these past months, he was falling for his rival after everything they went through he grew to love the man in front of him. He would kill for this man, he would die for him. Four was giving a confused look to Three wondering why he was still caressing his face only for his eyes to go wide as Three leaned forward kissing him.
SMG4 felt as though his body was being electrocuted from the sparks he was feeling from the kiss, dropping the watering can he turns his body and wraps his arms around Three’s neck kissing him back. Eggman’s plan was to bring SMG3 back to the dark side but all he did was show Three just how amazing the light was, he won't ever let this go no one will ever lay a hand on his SMG4 as long as he lives. 
It was the next day and SMG3 smirks as he traumatizes Steve by telling him his sandwich was made of chicken, he does his evil laugh not noticing his boyfriend was rolling his eyes “I see some things never change huh?” Four pats Three’s back only to get a smirk from the other man “Hey now scrub you say this but you wouldn't have me any other way!”
Four chuckles and nods “I wouldn't want you any other way three, now uh could i get my coffee i have been waiting here for an hour.”
“Nope, just cause you're dating me doesn't mean you can skip the line now go sit and wait or i'm going to make you wait even more!”  Four signs before letting out a smirk he quickly kisses Three’s cheek making the man's face go red “WHAT THE!? THATS IT NOW YOUR NOT GETTING SHIT YOU…YOU…baka.” he lets out a soft smile before going back to work red in the face.
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justalildumpling · 2 years
⇢ the waiting game
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synopsis: chenle had always described his life as a game with multiple chapters and characters, with you being a discontinued part of the franchise that he had always hoped would be renewed. but who knew that one drunken phone call would be the story arc that brought you back?
pairing: chenle x reader genre: ex best friends to ???, angst, fluff word count: 1.4k warnings: mentions of alcohol/drunkenness, the word “ass” was used once note: wrote this ages ago to fuel my angsty writing mood after listening taylor swift too much but wanted to finish writing it to upload it for chenle’s bday🥳🥳(also the way this was meant to be <200 words…)
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After sharing a dorm with six chaotic grown men, Chenle had thought to have experienced many weird situations in his life, ranging from witnessing Hyuck running out of the apartment building in nothing but his underwear at 2am due to a faulty fire alarm to Jisung dropping all 4 dozen eggs on the carpet right before the landlord came to inspect their housing situation.
But never did he expect to get a call from his ex best friend from middle school, 2am on a Saturday night.
He hesitated at first, his fingers hovering over the green button on his phone. His heart slowly picked up speed as he eventually decided to answer.
He didn't exactly know why his hands started to get clammy as he held his phone to his ear waiting for you to speak. Despite the title of "ex best friend", the two of you never ended your friendship on bad terms, nor did you exclusively end the friendship at all.
The two of you initially became friends in fifth grade when your teacher had sat you together at the back of the classroom for talking too much, though they soon realised their mistake as you passed each other very artistic doodles of each other and failed to contain your laughter.
Your friendship continued all throughout middle school however as you ended up in different classes, lunchtimes that were once spent together playing tag grew into him playing basketball and you settled down on the school's courtyard with the friends that you had made during class.
The occasional waves and hellos in the corridors during high school turned into awkward glances and eventually disinterest in one another.
Though it wouldn't exactly be a lie if Chenle said that he didn't miss your lively presence at times, maybe when he came across your doodles as he cleared his desk out for the first time since primary school or when he accidentally came across your contact page instead of someone else.
He could hear blaring music from the other end of the line, almost a little too loud for his liking as he held his phone further from his ear than usual. Though there was only the sound of the cheering crowd and a lack of your voice.
Maybe you had buttdialled him by accident? It was something that he did a bit more frequently than he should or maybe your voice was overwhelmed by whatever was happening at the club.
"Hello?" He had spoken up cautiously, turning off his computer game.
There was no response for a few seconds, almost proving his butt dialling theory. Almost.
"I want my best friend back." Your voice suddenly spoke, the silence lingering between the phone lines once again. The words which were stubbornly stuck at the tip of your tongue, graciously falling like a rapid stream.
"I miss talking to you everyday about the stupidest thing, I hate how this was how our friendship became. I hate how I used to tell you everything but I felt like I can't even say hello anymore. I miss everything about us."
Chenle sat silently on the edge of his bed, taking in your abrupt confession. There was a feeling of relief in his chest, as butterflies fluttered around his stomach.
You also felt the same way.
"Y/n, are you drunk?"
"No of course not!" You slurred before muttering, "Maybe…"
Chenle rolled his eyes, "Y/n where are you?"
"Not gonna lie to you, I have no clue." You replied, a laughter bubbling up in your throat, "I think we're at the new JYP club? Why? Are you going to pick me up?"
"How are you going to get home otherwise?"
An infectious laughter escaped his lips as your voice disappeared from the other end once again, he could imagine the pout you had always held with him. Your eyebrows slightly narrowed, your cute little nose scrunched up and your bottom lip partly jutted out.
It was a facial expression that he was used to seeing, most definitely due to his hobby of teasing you every other second. But how could he not? Not when everything you did seemed so loveable in his eyes.
Not that he ever admitted it or ever planned to admit that to your face.
The feelings he harboured for you oftentimes felt like a game, the one with the never ending story arcs, new characters appearing in every version and eventually discontinued, leaving all the players in desperation for any news for a renewal or an update at the least.
But who knew that the game he had been waiting for since middle school would be randomly updated on a Saturday night with the starting dialogue of:
"Chenle, I really want McDonald's. Can I please get a happy meal?"
Yeah. Not him, that's for sure.
l♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎l
Chenle didn't exactly know what he was doing, nor did his roommates when he told them he was heading out in the middle of the night without any explanations.
"I'll explain later," He sighed, grabbing the car keys and his bucket hat from the coffee table avoiding the suspicious glances from Jaemin.
He should've figured that the resident night owl would be up at this time of night, and definitely should've expected his motherly instincts to kick in, causing him to wake up the rest of his roommates to bombard his phone with concerned messages.
He drove down the empty streets of the city, the old Lauv songs playing on the aux with the occasional text notifications from his friends. He really considered putting his phone on silent or better yet, blocking their asses for interrupting his playlist every few seconds. But he resisted, taking a deep breath in.
Focus. The faster you get there, the faster you'll know she's safe.
Much to his relief, you stood outside of the club's entrance in one piece, tentatively glancing between your phone and the incoming cars pulling up in front.
You had gotten prettier since the last time he had met you, losing most of your baby fat on your cheeks and the long hair that was once tied back into a ponytail was let loose to sway against your back. Though, your smile remained the same from high school, the type of warmth which reached the eyes. It was always one of his favourite features about you.
It was pretty, as it always was.
But who was he kidding, you were always breathtaking in his eyes. Never failing to make his heart trip and tumble around the inside of his chest whenever you giggled at his stupid antics.
So when he met your twinkling eyes as he got out of his car, it felt like his middle school days all over again. You running up to greet him with that captivating smile of yours that he grew to love, with his damn heart threatening to spill out of his chest.
Pulling him into a tight hug, you buried your face into the nape of his neck, "You actually came."
"I did."
As the two of you stood in the middle of the road entangled in each other's arms, it felt as if time had paused for you. The booming music from inside the club was muffled, the street lights paving through the darkness and illuminating your figures.
It was like everything had fallen back into place, just like before. When it was only you and him, Y/N and Chenle. The main characters of this nameless series of this prolonged game. The game where the male protagonist was pathetically in love with his best friend with no hopes left of her ever reciprocating it back.
But perhaps it was the fact that he was running on four hours of sleep the night before or perhaps it was the nervousness of reuniting with you again that was kicking in but as your body clung onto his, he swore that he could feel a faint quickening heartbeat that rivalled his own.
And maybe, just maybe, the waiting game wasn't so bad after all.
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taglist: @xxxx-23nct @maeumiluv @produmads @polarisjisung @wooyoung-a @w3bqrl
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anamelessfool · 6 months
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Papa Knows Best (AO3)
From my "Domestics" Ficlet Series
GEN Young Primo (1962)
Tags: Mother and Son, Vintage Suburban Childhood, TV Rots Your Brain, Single Mom, Latchkey Kid, Fluff and Humor, Maybe I should send this to my Therapist, Sorta Sad Fluff Because That's My Brand
First and foremost dedicated to @fishwithtitz the most badass mom I know (besides my own), @ghuleh-recs because they like my Young Papa HCs. Also special shout out to @thew0man and @can-of-pringles for their unbelievable support.
Ficlet below the cut!
Primo [Irving Robert Olson] was born at the New York City Chapel of the Satanic Church of the Void in 1953 to Sister Nance and Brother Nihil. He and his mother left the Church in 1960. Looking back, the fact that his half-brother Secondo was born the following year was probably a strong factor in Nance's decision.
The world wasn’t designed at all for a single parent household. His mother Nance did what she could to be there, but it was hard making ends meet as a poet and freelance writer so she was often out late, teaching at the nearby college or researching for the occasional newspaper gig. Nance would date other men but none stuck around, especially when they had strong opinions about her son. She preferred being alone anyway.
Primo early on learned to take care of himself, and to understand that she couldn't really attend all the bake sales, meetings and neighborhood events like the rest of his classmates.
He would ride his bike home easily enough, over the train tracks, quickly past the kids shooting bottles off of the rails with bb guns. Primo was the heaviest kid of his age group, and the other boys delighted to remind him of that. (He also was the strongest kid so they kept a healthy distance from him when they started crowing about his weight as he rode past.) He would arrive at the house soon after the train track gauntlet, parking his bike by the front yard vegetable garden. The key would always be under the mat and a sandwich in the fridge just for him. If Nance would be home past five o’ clock there would be a note for him with a silly doodle by the phone.
Primo had a big imagination, but he was never interested in books. The two things he really enjoyed was his portable turntable and the television. He had the entire week’s programming memorized and luckily Nance wasn't around right after school to chide him about too much of it rotting his brain.
One of his favorite programs (besides the Lone Ranger) was a sitcom entitled Father Knows Best. On the afternoons it was on, Primo would scoot up too close to the television, twisting the volume knob until it would not crank any further. He even dared to eat his sandwich right in the living room, the plate balanced on his lap. No one but the bronze Baphomet sculpture on the side table ever witnessed his small acts of defiance. But it was a little ritual that he enjoyed as the music swelled and that familiar house with the white picket fence appeared on the screen.
He felt odd watching it, like he was spying through the window of a classmate’s house. Trying to understand the ins and outs of this perfect family and their small dramas. Often he imagined the television screen was a window to an aquarium, a zoo exhibit featuring a rare organism. Sometimes he felt it was the smiling figures on the screen that were the real people, and he himself was the creature in the enclosure. Those were not very good days.
At the end of each episode Father would strike a dapper figure, poised against the stiff gray couch, wearing an equally stiff but smart suit even in his own home. He'd thoughtfully put his pipe to his lips, nodding at his son standing sheepishly in the middle of the living room. “Now I suppose, Bud, that today you’ve learned the importance of telling the truth,” he would chide smoothly. His voice would keep a manly tenderness despite his scolding. “And because you didn't tell the truth today, you lost the money that you were planning on buying Barbara’s birthday present with.”
“That's the pits, isn't it,” Primo said out loud, half to himself and half to the bronze Baphomet nearby.
But like the namesake, Father always knew best, and the son would get a few new dollar bills, a playful rifling of his hair and an order to go out and play. THE END, announced the title card, and the music would wash across Primo sitting in the living room alone.
“Is Mister Walter coming back this weekend?” Primo expertly captured another one of Nance’s Sorry pawns. It was evening and the two of them were doing their usual after dinner bonding time. It was fun to chat and play board games with his mother, but Primo secretly enjoyed them better when there were three people playing.
“Mr. Walter…hated cats,” Nance muttered through her cigarette. Apparently a lot of them hated cats. Primo thought it odd this was a hard limit for Nance since they had never owned a pet bigger than a goldfish.
“He was alright,” said Primo. “He liked watching TV with me.”
“TV rots your brain,” Nance replied. “Have you been enjoying Robinson Crusoe?” She had gifted the book to him for his birthday and had subsequently planted it in strategic locations to encourage him to read it. He kept reading the first page, getting confused, and then putting it down.
“TV makes sense.”
“Yeah, of course it does. Take a plot, throw it in the mixer and then drink it up. I once got offered a job writing one of those family bilgefests and turned it right down.” Nance had forgotten they were playing the game. She tapped her nail on the table. “You're smarter than that, Irving.”
“Mom, it's your turn,” reminded Primo. He stared hard at the game in front of them. “There was a good Father Knows Best episode today. Bud lost the money for Barbara’s birthday gift.”
“Father Knows Best?” Nance’s neat ponytail twitched. “Irving, you know best.” She moved her piece and collected one of her son’s pawns off the board. “Sorry.”
Primo started to feel her seething agitation, although he knew it was never about him. “Are you…thirsty?”
“Are you offering?” Her small elfin smile started to emerge. “Shall we split a Coke?”
Primo nodded and obediently went to the icebox, grabbing one from the door. He pulled out two glasses and carefully emptied the bottle into them, stooping and staring with intensity as he ensured the Coke was perfectly divided between them. He returned from the kitchen, fully smiling now, and handed one to her. Nance did a silly toast and then they clinked glasses.
Nance sighed and ruffled her son’s hair. “I'm sorry this is hard. But it's necessary. You'll understand soon. This world is full of idiots who wait for things to happen, and it never comes. Who expect things to go a certain way. Who think someone else knows what's best.”
Primo suspected she must have had a rough day. She was usually cheerful, quippy and energetic but today she gloomily tapped the ashes from her cigarette into the crystal ashtray and stared at the Baphomet across the room. At last she sipped her glass and waved her hand around.
“But all of this? All mine. I made this happen. I did it. And I'm not holding my hands out at the sky either. I'm grabbing what I want with my fist.” Nance's face softened. “And I love sharing it with you, son. I choose to share it with you.”
My AO3 | Tumblr Fic List | My Terzo/Omega Fics
Please comment and reblog! Thank you.
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petewentzisblack1312 · 7 months
I was gonna ask you this anyway actually bc you know a lot of artists but I just kept forgetting bc adhd is kicking my ass rn but since you wanted asks: do you know of any cool online stores or artists selling stickers? im trying to decorate my new laptop and I bought a few on etsy but I wanna get more
made in a lab to answer this question bc all i do is look for artists that skew cool. i will also give artists that skew cute. some artists are in between these categories, that is, they have a cute artstyle with subject matter that at least at times skews cool. my metric for whats cool and whats cute is pretty much 'based on aesthetics if this were being sold at a basement show in the 90s to 00s would someone get called gay'. if the answer is yes, its cute. if the answer is no, its cool. i dont know if this makes sense but im gonna use this categorizing anyway. i will tag the artists who are on tumblr but otherwise im naming everyone by their instagram handle because thats where i look at art and im on my phone and cant link everyone without losing my sanity
coming back after writing this list i have GOT to put this under a cut
@cursedluver: cute/cool, mostly cool to me, very bright and colourful and his starpions are really fun
ummmheather: cute/cool, mostly cute but shes got some stuff thats silly in a more cool way if that makes sense.
strikegentlyco: cool, they only recently started making stickers so the selection is a bit limited but they do have lots of enamel pins
sheselle: i would say firmly on the cute side of things in aesthetics but i think her sense of humor can be interesting. new to me though. i think you will really love some of her stuff and not really be into others.
@sweatermuppet: cool, lots of queer political stuff
luluvanhoagland: cool but with a soft artstyle so it feels cute.
@sofftpunk: cute/cool, lots of lgbt stuff
thegraveyardrave: mostly cool, they do have a tumblr blog but its specifically for clownposting so i will not tag him
leestrawberrryshop: cute with a cool tilt, mostly white and pink with just lineart but its an interesting scribble/doodle style. memey at times
prettybadco: cool but lately this guys been doing so much i think you should leave fan merch and its not bad but i dont watch i think you should leave and its not what i followed for. the original stuff is pretty neat though
catcoven: medieval. giving this one its own category on the grounds that thats pretty self explanatory and more precise than cool/cute
interrupted by finding a bee in my bedroom while drinking slightly warm tea (house is closed and the windows in my room (also closed) have mosquito nets)
@verdant-succubus: cool but there is body horror and guts and stuff so tread lightly if youre sensitive to that sort of thing.
radhia rahman (knivesmeow): cute but i feel cool when i look at her art
abprallenuk: cool but the colour palletes are strictly pastel
svv.art: very cool
smdefelice: cool. mostly does screenprinting but i am pretty sure they do stickers also. however the shop is currently closed for con prep do i cannot confirm
lilboatboutique: cute/cool has a homesick at space camp sticker which is currently on my water bottle and which i own in 2 variants as an enamel pin.
kerin cunningham: cool. emo. the goat. what else is there to say.
@darbydraws: cool. quite like her stickers although her bread and butter is t shirts. also emo
xraeart: cool. alt streetwear brand so. yknow.
skullingway: cool. theyre one of my favourite artists hands down. not a lot of stickers tho
jordandebney: cool. this guy makes the coolest stickers but most of it is for his subscription box which is fine. theres 2 stickers not behind a paywall
elrosabel: cool stuff, cute style. she kinda like. soft closed. to do polymer clay sculptures. but she might have reopened? i know shes selling stuff under this project again
piratesarrrt: cool but in a soft style. similar subject matter to luluvanhoagland. which is to say weird girl heads.
seankeetonart: cool.
@moonlume: cute. the concepts are cool though
jimibiscuits: cool. this is one of my favourite artists i have. so many of his pins. he doesnt have a ton of stickers though iirc
@8pxl: i am going to invent a category called 'pretty'. i love pixel art and this is my favourite pixel artist ever.
i gotta fuckin stop
go forth and get some stickers
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I don't talk much on tumblr anymore, I'm mostly active on Instagram and say a lot more there, but I needed to put this here because wherever I can say something it feels right that I should and I regret not being more vocal all along.
Over the last seven months I have seen mothers sobbing over what's left of their children, fathers begging for anything to get their families to safety, children desperately trying to prove their humanity to people around them so someone will care enough to help them stay alive. Starvation, bodies crushed under rubble, destroyed homes, ruined hospitals and malnourished animals. Devastating violence that never seems to end when it never should have started.
I am incredibly lucky. I am not there living through it. I can turn off my phone and look away - though it sickens me to do so. These people cannot. They are trapped there, begging for any and all aid, no matter how small. They live in overpopulated tents in the burning heat, they drink contaminated water because at least it's water, mothers deliver their babies without proper medical assistance and children undergo amputations without anesthesia.
This is a manmade atrocity. None of this needed to happen. The Israeli government and its allies - including the government of my own country, the USA - are intentionally causing this. They are bombing the civilians. They are blocking and destroying the aid. They are dehumanizing every person within Palestine and crying victim when we refuse to go along with them.
Over 40,000 civilians have been killed. The rest are severely traumatized, injured, sick, starving and dehydrated, living on the brink of destruction and begging, pleading for anyone to care.
Here's a document with a lot of different actions to help. Even if you don't do that, here's a site that you can go to and click daily and they'll donate to relief funds. You just click, that's it. Educate yourselves, talk about and amplify the voices of the Palestinian people, don't sit back in silence and let them keep suffering and dying.
Please. That could be your family. That could be you. Be grateful that it's not, and be compassionate because these are real people with real stories and they deserve so much better than the hell they've been given. The least we can give them is a chance to survive, to tell their stories, to make the world a better place for themselves than it has thus far been.
Thank you for reading. Free Palestine.
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with any luck the doodle and tags will help a few more people see this and think about what's going on.
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fffrost · 8 months
Hihi hi!!!! So I think I should make an intro post for myself even though I’ve had this account for a while- specifically I’m gonna cover my stance on nsfw asks and messages because I’ve started getting more varying asks!
Hello! My name is Frost, I go by she/they pronouns. As you may see I’m an artist and I enjoy sharing my art!! I’m an enjoyer of multiple fandoms! Prominently: The Locked Tomb, Mortal Kombat, Star Wars, and a few more! I love talking and interacting with people who enjoy the same things I do ! Feel free to slide into my ask box or dms whenever :)
About using my art:
For phone backgrounds: no credit needed! Have fun (please show me it would make me so happy to see) and go wild- if you’re gonna edit it and put filters and such over it that’s fine!!
For pfps/banners/profiles: fine by me! Please credit me somewhere though!
For edits (musical, video edits or such): if you do this I’ll kiss you. Credit me please still and TAG ME TAG ME I WANNA SEE WHAT YOU MAKE
For edits (editing my art): erm, so long as you don’t draw over like any existing features or whitewash or do weird shit you’re fine. Doodle over them, color my sketches (once again, tag me if you do I’ll cry happy tears) put filters on them make memes- if you reshare my art in any way credit me please!!
Reposting: I’m ok with reposting as long as you credit me!!!
Using: it should be obvious but don’t make any profit off my art. It’s mine, not yours to sell.
That’s all for that!!
Stance for nsfw content is under the cut so I don’t make this too long :)
So recently I’ve gotten some NSFW stuff in my asks which while it’s ok since I’m an adult I just wanna clear things up.
1: do not share your personal experiences with me. I am a stranger online. I don’t know you. Stay safe!!!!! I don’t want to see that stuff, I don’t want to know about your wet dreams!!!
2: if you come into my DMs with nsfw hcs or talking about NSFW content prepare to be blocked. Once again. I’m a stranger. I don’t know you. If we have had conversations and they’ve lead that way it’s ok, but please. Don’t go right off the bat into that.
3: asks. This one is iffy. I’m not a NSFW account but I’m not strictly SFW, I’ll repost suggestive things, I’ll draw suggestive art, but not full on porn. (If you want that you have to go to twitter. Where I don’t post anymore. Or become a close friend on discord.) please don’t send me NSFW asks talking about characters, ships, or any hcs or art. I’m aware I have a large following of varying ages and I want to keep my account safe.
4: regarding if I DO end up posting or reblogging any sort of NSFW content, I will tag it! So filter that out!! If I am posting suggestive art I will label it as such accordingly. If it is NSFW I will put it under a cut with warnings and tags.
I am not mad or upset at any people who asked things with NSFW content- I get it! But please if you want to talk about it so badly with me just DM me- and ask first.
Thank you!!
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vulturereyy · 4 months
for that Lurien comic you just posted where he’s melting into a mistake (love love love it, btw, very much so) what all is the story behind d that? You have me very curious
Hehehe thank you so much !!!!
This answer may not be as eloquent since I'm about to head to bed, but:
My Lurien is a bootleg soul mage.
He and the Soul master... do NOT get along. Mostly because of the whole "kidnapping people from the city to experiment on" thing that happens in my hc in the sanctum during the fall of hallownest. Lurien can't exactly condone that at his doorstep.
However... he does believe the attempts at ascension and protection from the infection through soul has... some merit to it. The real issue he has is the unwilling test subjects.
So who better to test this magic on than himself?
Lurien uses his telescope and inside bugs to spy on and learn about the soul master and the sanctum's magics, and he kind of.. teaches himself soul magic? He has a very natural inclination towards it, lots of potential. But he's a total glass cannon, whose biggest risk of shattering is from himself.
Because Lurien learned in a very unorthodox manner, while he is able to cast soul magic and utilize spells quite well, he... can very easily overdo it. He never learned the proper techniques or fundamentals at a very foundational level. So he casts improperly, uses too much soul, and often gets by with more elaborate spells by hurting himself in the process.
My Lurien has four arms (he's a damselfly), and he uses only the bottom two for casting since his shell started cracking and... melting. He wears shoulder-length, very well padded leather gloves on them to try and literally keep it all together.
On my blog my lurien tag should have more <3 but here's a few doodles I have saved on my phone!
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proseka-headcanons · 24 days
Unofficial Mod Mai’s gender headcanons list since other people are doing it. (+ a fun extra headcanon that is very random)
Ichika: Demigirl (She tried to get her cactus to grow blue flowers once so they were like Miku.)
Saki: Transneutral/Non-binary/Doesnt give a fvck about gender (They needed braces for a few years)
Honami: Transfem (Likes fruit punch)
Shiho: Transfem (Cuts her own hair)
Minori: Pangender (Tried to cut her hair to look like Haruka’s hair once. It did not go well.)
Haruka: Honestly I can’t decide for her. I like Transfem and Transmasc Haruka so… their gender is whatever Im feeling like it is. (Her favorite color is purple.)
Airi: Transneutral (As a child she had a pet rock named Saku and treated it like it was alive. She fed it and everything.)
Shizuku: Demigirl (Her phone wallpaper is set as Haruka. She had to get Airi to help her change it though. And yes this is shizuharu propaganda)
Kohane: Transfem (Sometimes forgets to put her contacts in and can’t find her glasses so she just can’t see for the day.)
An: Transfem (Im gonna be honest I can’t come up with anything for her. Sorry…)
Akito: Honestly I can’t decide for him but thats because I just. Haven’t looked enough into his character to make a decision and man he could be anything. (I also dont have a random headcanon for him sorryyyyyy)
Toya: Demiboy (He sometimes accidentally does the :3 smile)
Tsukasa: Non-binary (His bed is 70% plushies, 10% pillows, and 20% space for him to sleep on. He insists this is very comfortable.)
Emu: Transfem but doesn’t care what you call her (Bought a whole store because Rui mentioned they needed a part from there for their next robot. This also might be emurui propaganda…)
Rui: Transfem but prefers they/them pronouns (With said store Emu bought, Rui started exclusively buying parts for their robots from there unless an absolutely necessary part wasn’t stocked there.)
Nene: Demigirl (Now owns seven game systems because Emu overheard that she wanted another system. Emunene propaganda maybe? I prefer it platonically but ehhhh I’m a multishipper…)
Kanade: Transfem (A bit clingy towards Honami… heheheheheheh honakana is cute…)
Mafuyu: Agender (Their real smile is similar to Rui’s. The whole :3 thing you know.)
Mizuki: Transfem (Has started to do the :3 smile occasionally because of how often she spends time with Rui. This just might be Ruimizu propaganda…)
Ena: Transmasc (Slightly fearful of Honami because of her art.)
BONUS!!!! A couple of NPC’s!!!
Riho: Transfem (Likes to doodle while coming up with new songs)
Reki: Transmasc (Unfortunately I dont really have anything for him. But he is very silly to me.)
No Mai because, frankly, I do not remember what I last said my headcanons for her were and I do not want to confuse you guys (I tend to be very flexible with some of my headcanons, especially gender ones, so yeah…)
- Unofficial Mod Mai
should we make a tag for gender headcanon posts
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heavenlyheartsclub · 9 months
“To have ended up here, surely isn’t without purpose.” 
“We have been sent to deliver a message.”
“We have observed, We have learned. This festering wound, will soon come to ruin.” 
“As it should. It once was promising, but I’ve seen this fate coming ever since that day. Do as you will, if it is destined.”
“We have a proposal.”
“Do you now?” 
“Of Us, They pity this existence. They refuse to leave this place without a chance.” 
“Ha, a chance? It has been given far too many chances. It is the heart of it, a never ending cycle. A preprogrammed system. You are wasting your time. Will you too continue to dig up what has been buried countless times?” 
“You speak truth. This end result would be certain in this system. Yet, is a system not capable of modification? They have created this, a new factor. We ask of you, one more test. One more run. If it too is to fail, We will grant release.” 
“I cannot lie to you, I am just a bit curious. I will grant your request, but please, humor this old soul. What factor could possibly be great enough to offer hope to this sorry body?” 
The shrill of Elodie’s phone alarm filled her ears, waking her out of a deep sleep. She groaned, turning it off and checking the time. 7:25 AM, September 21st. She squinted incredulously as she made her way to the bathroom. Was September almost over already? It felt like the year had just begun, yet time passed so quickly. She scrolled absentmindedly as she buttoned up her work shirt. Memes, cute pet pictures, talk of that fire that happened a few months ago, and oh, it was September 21st in that famous song wasn’t it? A video of a skeleton dancing to said song reminded them as it appeared on their timeline. Smiling she pressed play, humming to the melody as she brushed her hair. She tied it into a braid, binding it with a dark blue scrunchy that matched her jeans. They took a moment to try and suppress two cowlicks on either side of their head for the umpteenth time, but they persistently sprung back up. Huffing in frustration, they gave up. Whatever, the “hair horns” won again. No one seemed to mind them anyways, their coworker April even found them cute. 
Elodie shifted to straightening their name tag. On it was the classic writing, “Hello! My name is Elodie.” The name written in a somewhat fancy font, doodles of stars at the end. She smiled, a funny sense of pride in her chest. It was just a name tag, but the ability to customize it made them feel like an individual instead of just another faceless employee. It was one of the many things she loved about working at a family owned business. They moved on to making themselves breakfast, taking a moment to doodle as they ate. She lifted her sketchbook to look at her progress, which consisted of rough sketches of fictional characters, specifically robots. Elodie furrowed her brow. When had she gotten back into robots anyways? 
Right, April. She’s the one that brought up Transformers and got them hooked. Speaking of which…Elodie headed over to the living room to take an old VHS out of the shelf. Turning it over, it read “The Transformers: The Movie.” Popping it open, she could see the name of her coworker written on the tape. “Almost forgot you buddy.” She said, putting it alongside her sketchbook into a backpack. A ping went off on her phone, reminding her it was time to head out. She carried her pack out to her car, tossing it in the passenger’s seat before getting in herself. Turning the ignition key, she headed off. The early morning sky was starting to brighten, sunlight breaking through the treeline surrounding the neighborhood. She rolled down the window, letting the cool air in. She’d usually play music, but something about the serene feeling today called for good old fashioned silence. The suburbs were left behind as the car got into town, the muffled sounds of the now waking world filling her ears. Elodie took in the sights of her home, even though she knew them by heart. No matter how many times she passed them, the warm feeling of a quaint little town never dulled. 
Sundown Arcade, the Trimart gas station, the local library, and the K-12 school on the hill next to Hurkey Woods were just a few staples. Elodie stopped at a crosswalk of the last, watching as a line of children crossed alongside parents and teachers. A man in a pink head bandanna and apron led a little chain of three kids, each one younger than the last. The smallest, a brunette boy with huge shining eyes, took a moment to take his thumb out of his mouth to wave at Elodie. With a giggle she waved back, the man catching the interaction and waving back himself, before continuing to lead the kids to the other side of the road. Driving on, they couldn’t help but think about the interaction that just occurred. That was another thing that they liked, the citizens . Despite not knowing each other well, they were all interconnected. She wondered what each of their daily lives were like. Yet of everything in town, there was one place that Elodie loved most. 
Almost on queue, a large old marquee sign came into view, standing proudly over it’s parking lot. Behind it was the theater, an old building still equipped with retro finishings, adorned in a variety of lights and decals shaped like celestial bodies. In large billboard letters read, “Twilight Theater” complete with a giant prop of a shooting star hanging overhead. Pulling around to the back, she parked in one of the designated staff spots. Elodie approached a back entrance, pushing an emergency fire exit open and into the winding corridors of the theater. Their sneakers were greeted by classic arcade style carpets as they entered, taking in the scent of fresh popcorn in the air. Towards the back of the space was a door labeled “Employee Lounge.” Heading in she input the code for her employee locker, setting her belongings inside. A greeting was said behind her, and she turned to see April. 
“Good morning! How are you doing?”
“Alright, just a bit tired, got to sleep a bit late last night.” April replied with a stretch. “How about you?”
“I’m good! Why’d you have trouble sleeping? Was it Sid again?” 
“Yep, they’ve been having a bit of a hard time with that whole Pizzaplex fiasco that happened, they keep wanting to go back, even though that’s pretty much impossible now.” Sid was April’s little sibling, a cute bright eyed kid with tons of energy and creativity, they had to be only about 6 or 7 now.
“Aw yeah, that was pretty terrible huh? I can’t imagine how many kids must be upset they can’t see the cool animatronics there, I heard they were really life-like. But like, that plaza belonged to a huge company right? I’m sure they’ll rebuild again.”
“Yeah hope so, the bots over there made great babysitters, Sid was always knocked out after their visits. Now that it’s closed, I gotta wrestle that little guy to even try and get them to bed.” 
The two shared a laugh, when Elodie suddenly remembered the tape. “Oh I totally almost forgot! Here.” Slipping the pack off their shoulder and digging into one of the side pockets, Elodie took out the thick plastic case and handed it to April. “Um, thanks for letting me borrow your Transformers Movie VHS. I’ve always wanted to watch it.”
With a smile April took the VHS case, flipping it over to look at the cover. “No problem. Man, I can’t believe you still have a VHS player. The only reason I still have this movie is cause I forgot to sell it back when I moved houses.” 
“I thought it was because it’s Sid’s favorite movie. Y’know, the one where every time they want to watch it, they beg you to go to your aunt’s house since she still has an old TV set up?” 
“Yeah, that too.”  “But unlike Sid, the only reason you wanted to watch it is because of your little crush on Starscream.” 
Elodie stuttered, blushing. “It is not a crush! I just think he’s a very interesting character!” 
“Oh yeah, sure. And that’s why you have to rewind every scene he’s in like 5 times.” 
“Not that much!!”
“So you admit you still do though, huh?”
“I don’t know why I tell you about my interests.” She grumbled, puffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms.
“Aw c’mon, I think it’s cute! Imagine, your boring ordinary life suddenly being changed by the appearance of some robotic Romeo. One who sweeps you up into his strong metallic arms and whisks you off on some sort of high action sci fi adventure, where unexpectedly you fall in love!” April clasped her hands together, batting her eyelashes dramatically.
Elodie rolled their eyes with a smirk. “Anything would be better then spending my days scrubbing vomit off the theater carpets.” The two laughed, but were cut short by their manager Simon popping into the break room.
“Oh hey, glad to see you two, sorry to cut into your chat. April, the slushie machine’s getting low, could you get a fresh tank from the back and refill?”
“Sure.” April patted Elodie’s shoulder, whispering in her ear as she passed by. “See ya later, robot lover.” She snickered, making her coworker’s face flush a light red. 
Simon stepped over to Elodie, brow raised incredulously. “So, you mind me asking what you two were talking about?”
“N-nothing! Oh look the trash hasn’t been taken out yet! Well l better get it, bye!!” She stuttered, hurrying out of the room.
Elodie hummed to herself as she swept the entranceway, a small collection of candy wrappers and popcorn piling up. The midday hustle and bustle had started to falter, with only outgoing movie goers passing through. The murmurs of after movie thoughts and muffled film audio had become a comforting white noise, one that offered a small reprieve from the day’s stresses.
Though she knew it was a bit wrong, she would eavesdrop on a conversation once in a while. Despite the first allure of working at a theater, Elodie quickly found it wasn’t quite so exciting. Listening in on the occasional chat helped entertain her. Said chats were pretty normal, friends asking how each other’s day was and talk about media they���d recently seen. Yet today, Elodie found themselves on the tail end of a rather strange one. Next to the bathrooms, two teens were talking in somewhat hushed tones. One in baggy jean shorts and a hoodie leant against the wall, while the other in a beanie and oversized t-shirt fidgeted nervously. The latter leaned in as the other spoke, seemingly transfixed on what they were saying. Elodie found herself craning her neck to hear better. 
“….no way, are you serious?” T-shirt spoke.
“Course I am, why would I lie about that? Besides, I heard it from my brother, it happened to his classmate.” 
“But really? Are you really telling me there’s some kind of monster in Hurkey Woods?” Elodie’s eyes widened, a monster?
“Totally, Alex’s classmate saw it with his own eyes. Y’see, he was out just chilling and having a smoke one night, right? Then he said outta nowhere he hears something above him, in the trees.”
“In the trees??”
“Oh yeah, but that’s not the worst part. Right when he was starting to feel a bit creeped out, he felt like someone was burning holes in the back of his head, super intense. Then all of a sudden, these claws appear from the darkness, and frickin’ put his cigarette out. While it was still in his mouth!” 
“Holy crap..!”
“Yeah, Alex told me the dude was so freaked out he ran away screaming. Honestly though, he sounds like such a crybaby. I woulda clocked that thing in the face.” 
“Yeah right! You would’ve wet yourself just from hearing a twig snap!” 
“Shut it. What about you? You don’t even wanna go in the woods past sunset.”
“That’s cause unlike you, I actually like living. Good luck being minced meat for some freaky forest beast.” As the teens continued to bicker, Elodie was left in thought. 
Was that kid serious? Was there really sightings of some sort of terrifying creature in the woods? In this town? If you looked up the word “uneventful” in the dictionary, their town would probably come up. In her entire time living here she had never heard of anything out of the ordinary. In fact, she had checked  archives for any possible mysteries surrounding the area, but came up empty. 
Excitement bubbled up in her chest, finally something truly interesting was happening in this sleepy little town. They loved their job, their friends, their home, but they had to admit they had been stuck in a rut for a long time. Routine had worn them out, and this was the opportunity to have a little adventure. Coincidentally she had the weekend off, and now she knew just how to spend it. 
The evening air was cool, a light breeze drifting through the pine forest. The sun dipping below the horizon. Elodie had taken a well known route from near the school into the woods, one usually traveled on by families. The forest spread from the start of town to the neighborhood, and traveled on a ways before stopping at the next city over. It mostly skirted the edge of town, and you’d have to go in purposefully if you wanted to explore. They realized how counterintuitive it was to try and find something elusive on the safest and most popular trail around, but they would rather be cautious. 
So they continued on, flashlight in hand and stun gun at their side. Some of Elodie’s coworkers thought it overkill to carry a mini weapon when she went out, but considering she was a petite person that had often been mistaken for a middle schooler, she found it more than justified. Worst case scenario, she’d have to shock some creep who was getting a little too friendly. In honesty, that idea filled them with more dread than some chance encounter with a cryptid. She highly doubted she’d find anything out here anyways, the impromptu monster hunt was more of an excuse to take a nice walk through the woods than anything. Besides the possible monster, there was something else out here they were looking for. 
At the sight of a path peaking through the tall grass, excitement ran through Elodie’s chest. They couldn’t help but quicken their pace, pushing into the secret oasis. Illuminated by flashlight was the form of a playground, abandoned and well worn by the elements. Elodie hadn’t been able to visit the place when it was still maintained, but that didn’t matter, she liked it better this way. They immediately climbed up a rock wall on the side of one of the taller structures, wobbling their way across one of those shaky rope bridges to a slide. Stepping up to the platform, they looked over the area. Her own little wonderland, a much needed escape from the dullness of adulthood that gave her the chance to let loose and be childish, the way she wished she could be more openly, more often. After taking in the scenery, they turned their attention to the entrance of a tube slide. With a little chuckle they sat at the entrance, readying themself. 3…2…1…go!
Elodie put her hands above her head as she went down, giggling madly. As she turned a small curve, her fingertips brushed against something. She tumbled forward as she exited, catching herself before she could fall. “What…was that?” It didn’t feel like it was a part of the slide, but more…textured? She climbed back in to investigate. She angled the flashlight inside, tilting her head to to see the object. It looked like a piece of paper wedged into the seams of the tube. There was something on it, but it was hard to tell at the angle in the small space. Grabbing it, she hissed as a small corner tore off before freeing itself. She slid back down, paper in hand, deciding to rest on one of the swings to examine it closer. 
The paper was crumpled and seemingly singed. It looked as if it had been scrawled on in crayon, depicting a colorful setting Elodie couldn’t quite identify. It featured what appeared to be a small girl in a pink dress, smiling happily while she held hands with…something. It was humanoid in shape, adorned in dark blue. She would have assumed it was a parent if not for its strange proportions, a tall and looming figure with arms dangling at its sides. Half of the face was obscured by shadow, but featured prominent red eyes. A far too large smile was etched into the face. She tore her gaze away from the drawing. This whole scenario felt like something out of a cheesy horror movie, it had to be a prank. Yet the nauseous feeling in their stomach persisted, convinced it was very real. Stealing a glance one more time, she noticed a name scribbled over the figure’s head. Squinting, they tried to decipher it. “M….M….O…O…? Moo-?” 
In an instant a force grasped at Elodie’s throat, world blurring as her feet left the ground. The flashlight and paper fell from her hands as she clawed at whatever held her throat, her heart dropping at the sensation of cold almost metallic fingers wrapped around it. Gaze darting up in panic, their eyes met with bright red ones. A crushed scream struggled from their throat as they thrashed violently, the obscured figure tilting its head as if it were a curious dog. Eden felt flakes of rust fall onto their face as the squirmed, realizing they were coming off of the decaying swing set. With a sudden realization, they used the last of their quickly fading strength to throw their legs upward full force, smacking into the top support beam of the decrepit structure. It shook violently, setting the creature off balance for just long enough to loosen its grip. Elodie slipped out of its grasp and tumbled to the ground. Pushing herself forward, she sprinted off into the woods.
With no sense of direction she ran as fast as she could, barely avoiding obstacles on the forest floor. It was all instinct at that point, they were prey to some unknown horror, some predator. A harsh grinding sound and the rustling of foliage followed close behind. Elodie looked up to search for the end of the tree line, but only saw endless woods. Instead she caught a glimpse of something leaping into the air, the large figure silhouetted against the moon for just a moment. It suddenly landed in front of her, clinging to a large oak tree like a lizard. The faint shape of its head turned and turned, more than should be naturally possible, till it was completely upside down. Her heart dropped as she realized she wasn’t able to stop her momentum, running straight towards it. At the last moment she threw all her weight to one side, ducking down and sliding a sharp right, nearly missing the thing attempting to snatch her. She skidded hard but got back into full acceleration, escaping into a more open space. Just about twenty or so feet ahead was a giant dead tree that appeared hollowed out, a knothole entrance conveniently open at the bottom. Their lungs and legs felt like they were on fire and desperately needed rest, they couldn’t go on much longer. 
But for once being tiny was about to pay off. Elodie shoved themself into the narrow entrance, squeezing in so forcefully she popped out the other side, flopping onto something that crinkled loudly under her weight. Looking around, a pit formed in their stomach. They were surrounded by papers, each a children’s drawing like the one she had found earlier. The same etched smile stared at her from all angles, illuminated underneath the moonlight from above. Wait. Above? The light suddenly went out, a large form casting a shadow over her. For a brief second she could see it, crawling in from the top of the hollow tree, before it came crashing down on her with a clang. The weight knocked the wind out of them as it immediately pinned down her arm. A cacophony of garbled noise escaped from the creature, as if i hissing in anger. She tried to dig her nails into it, but found the surface to be hard, only injuring herself in the process. Elodie was running out of options quick, as she felt her throat being squeezed. She could feel her head go fuzzy, fighting to stay conscious.
She wildly grabbed at everything around her as the pressure on her windpipe increased, till she found her grasp around a rectangular object at her side. The stun gun! In their adrenaline high state they had forgotten about the tool, and managed to unlatch it from their belt loop. Taking in what little breath she could through her nose, she screwed her eyes shut and thrust the weapon into the neck of the creature. Immediately the blue and white light of electricity lit up the dark hollow, crackling loudly as it made contact, the sound mixing with unearthly screeches. The smell of smoke filled the air as the monster suddenly went limp, falling into a tangled heap across her legs. Elodie ripped the fingers off of her throat, struggling to get out from under the creature. Once she had pulled the gangly form off of her for long enough to free herself, she scrambled out of the hollow, landing with an exhausted thud. 
They laid there in the opening for what felt like hours, though it had been probably only minutes. Heart beating so hard it felt like it was going to pop out of their chest, their breaths ragged and desperate. Waiting until she felt she had taken in as much air as her lungs would allow, she forced herself into a sitting position. She stared at the knothole she just escaped from, now a few yards away from her, muscles tense and ready to flee at the slightest movement. Yet everything remained eerily quiet, only the sound of their breathing filling the space. They could see the arm of the creature laying limp outside of the hole, a large hand with long fingers curled stiffly, as if dead. They had expected claws, paws, talons. Yet the appendage was clearly a humanoid. What in the world was this thing?
Despite every inch of her body screaming at her to get the HELL out of there, something at the back of her mind tugged desperately. A little voice telling her she had to know what just attacked her. So despite everything, she listened. Standing up on shaky legs she took a few hesitant steps forward, both hands firmly gripped on the stun gun held out in front of her. Inching closer, she could start making out the finer details of the arm. The limb appeared segmented at the finger joints, wrist, and elbow, colored a mix of off white and deep blue. Even closer the “skin” appeared to be cracked. But not in the way it would on a person. The cracks were ridged and random like those in a sidewalk, with one opening up along the upper forearm into a sizable crevice. Peering into it something glint in the moonlight.
All fear suddenly flew out the window, replaced by overwhelming curiosity. Elodie took a nearby stick and prodded at the thing’s arm, to no reaction. She continued to fumble with the crevice on its arm, concluding that the glint had been wires. Certain now that this thing was well, dead might have not been the right word. Unconscious? Broken? She let her guard down, tugging on the hand hard to try and pull the creature out. It took some adjustments, but she managed to do it. It helped that it was surprisingly flexible, squeezing out of the knothole fairly easily once she got the right grip on it. It was still dark out, even with the moonlight, but Elodie could see the rough outline of what it was. It was humanoid in shape, two arms, two legs, and a head like a disk. It smelled of burnt metal and smoke, though they weren’t sure if it was from the stun gun or not. There was one last thing of note on the “monster,” and that was that it was freakishly tall. What they originally assumed as organic in nature, was instead, a machine.
Why was a robot out here stalking the wilderness? If it was actively programmed by someone to do something sinister, then why was it in such disrepair? And even so, they hadn’t heard of any injuries or disappearances, the most they knew of was this thing spooking a teenager. It had only appeared after she took the drawing. Speaking of it, the little girl in it didn’t appear to be scared if the machine. The same could be said for the other children she had gotten a glimpse of in the other drawings. They were all smiling, content and not in the least afraid of the creature, er, robot, next to them. The one she was coming to realize in that moment, had kept these drawings. They had been hidden carefully in safe spots like the inside of the slide and in the hollowed out tree, safe from the elements. They must have meant a lot to it, and some stranger coming in and ripping it out of its safe place (though she didn’t mean to) probably seemed like a threat. 
A new pain tugged at her heart, not fear, but pity. Perhaps she was anthropomorphizing it too much, but all of its actions seemed scarily life like. Maybe it was just attacking to defend itself? To defend the drawings? She shook her head, this was all too overwhelming. Their strength was practically gone and they were beyond tired. All they wanted to do now was go home and sleep for a thousand years. 
But she couldn’t just leave them here, this machine had to belong to someone. It was lost, probably malfunctioning, and definitely worse for wear. If it had broken, then it was going to just sit and rot here, or be picked at for scraps by random people. She shuddered at the thought, as if leaving it here were a death sentence. Suddenly remembering her phone, she searched her pockets to find it there and in tact. There wasn’t any signal out her to call anyone, though she wasn’t sure who she would even call, but her wireless gps still worked. Now that she had known the approximate way home, all that was left was trying to figure out how to get the robot there. 
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starberry-fag · 1 year
Hello! Sorry to bother you, but you are the only blog I know who makes IDs outside of their own stuff so I figured you were the best person to ask. Do you have by any chance ressources to learn how to make and practice them? I want to start using them but I'm not a native speaker and I'm kinda struggling ^^'
Thank you and have a nice day!
oh ofc!! if u want, i have some good posts in the #image descriptions tag on my blog, but i'll link some stuff here too :D
Why and how, basics
Quick tips and tricks
Describing comics
Describing videos
Image Description Guidelines
and a couple of my own tips !!
a great rule of thumb is, "the more time someone would look at an image, the longer + more detailed the description should be". This means, if it's a little doodle or a meme, u don't have to spend hoursss describing every little thing (ie, the clothes ppl are wearing, the lighting, that typa thing -- unlessss it's like,, part of the joke/meme. does that make sense ?) this post by mothfishing [hyperlinked] explains it SO much better than i ever could
on that note, a short/""bad"" id is always better than none at all!! don't worry too much abt the quality, or else you'll get stuck in a loop of fixing and editing and the description will never be published (or is that just me lol)
an absolute lifesaver for me was using a text-to-speech/screen reader to read my descriptions back to me ! especially if it were a longer piece, i would write an id, turn on the screenreader + close my eyes, then see if i missed anything important + if i needed to rephrase anything.
for practicing:
if you see an image w/ a description, try to write one yourself for that image. then just check between those ! it's bound to be different, but how? try to figure out which fits the image better, then adapt !
whenever i'm bored/have nothing to do, i try to describe things in the room. this is mostly just a fun little game to keep my brain busy, but it's also helpful in building skills !
if i can, i like to read out my description to a friend/family member if they're around. i ask them to imagine what i describe, then i show them the image to see if it matches. getting other people's input is always v v helpful... and speaking of....
the people's accessibility discord server!!!!!! i cannot emphasize enough how cool and nice everyone is there !!!!! u can ask for help describing something, ask ppl to double check ur work, or just send an image for ppl to describe!! literally everyone there is just so wonderful and helpful :3 here's an invite link!
little things that i learned:
the screenreader on my phone reads quotes without pause. so it would read "a sentence just like this" as if the quotes weren't there. so i picked up the habit of putting a comma before the quote to break the sentence up. so saying "this" sounds much more different then saying, "this".
(desktop only i think) it's much better for a screen reader to read line breaks (holding shift and enter) than just paragraph breaks (just enter). with paragraph breaks, the person using the screen reader would have to tap on each new paragraph to read it, which can be a hassle. with line breaks, the screen reader just reads the next bit automatically, but the ID is still visually broken up.
save stuff to ur drafts to look over later !
for text-heavy images, use a OCR/image-to-text extractor. just put the image in and copy the text it spits out, maybe looking over it to make sure there aren't any mistakes. this definitely removes a lot of the burden of copying text painstakingly by hand yk
i'm sure there must be more i'm forgetting, so if any of my followers want to leave any more tips in the notes i'd greatly appreciate it :D
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luvliis · 10 months
DAY 3 - Ocean/ Aquarium
It was a sunny lovely day and Leo was free like a bird. Every single ounce of inspiration he had the whole year, was unable to compete with this sudden flow. After jotting down the last bar of his piece, he quickly rushed into the music room expecting all of knights to be there.
Leo opened the window and jumped inside
“Senaaa! Take a look at this masterpiece mwahah ☆”
Expecting for a response he was only met with silence. He called out for the others,
“Naru ! Rittsu ! Suo ! Sena !”
But no response was heard, Leo was certain they had practice today but why were none of them present? Sitting in the room waiting for them to show up he got bored, very fast. Being by himself in a warm room started to drain that inspirational spark.
“AHauuhgh where are they?! I’m never the early one”
Leo’s nosiness was heard by his fellow classmate (or the whole school). Kuro peeped his head into the door.
“Tsukinaga ??! What are you doing here by yourself?”
Leo’s eyes widened and almost sparkled, finally he had someone to entertain himself. He told Kuro everything in which Kuro was shocked to see that Leo had no clue about Knights absence.
“Tsukinaga, Kanzaki told me that the Marine Club is having an aquarium excursion.”
“But no one in knights is in the Marine Club?”
“About that.. I believe that Izumi was forced to tag along by Kaoru because they don’t spend enough time with each other and its their last year? Something on those lines. Did no one tell you?”
“Did you check your phone?”
Oh.. Leo completely forgot he had a phone, quickly trying to find where he last placed it, he viciously grabbed it and tapped the password in (after a couple of failed attempts) . And there it was plenty of messages in the knights group chat - practice got moved to next week, due to Arashi promising to hang out with Mika, Ritsu being more exhausted their usual and Tsukasa being busy with family issues.
After thanking Kuro for his help, Leo ran out of the music room.
There he was in front of the bright blue aquarium.
“Woww it looks like Sena’s eyes!”
Realising he was staring at the building for too long, he quickly made his way inside. All types of marine life made contact with Leo, who got easily distracted by all their different features. Doodling some down and writing a few songs inspired by them, Leo continued to go find his Sena.
After walking around which seemed like an eternity to Leo (it was 10 mins) he finally found Izumi. Who was looking at the shrimps. With no shame in the world Leo shouted “SENAAAAAAA”
Izumi snapped his head around and met contact with green energetic eyes. Leo ran towards Izumi almost falling if Izumi wasnt there to catch him. With all eyes on them, he went red from head to toe. Quickly pulling Leo to the side.
“Leo-kun why are you here?”
“I wanted to see you !” Izumi hushed him, hiding his smile. Until he realised “Shouldn’t you be at school?”
“I missed plenty of days, I SHOULD BE FINE! Besides that I wanna spend time with youu and show you my new song!!”
Izumi sighed unable to contain his smile, he loved Leo’s glow. It was so pretty the way Leo would always be with Izumi no matter what happened in the past. He grabbed Leo hand dragging him to a quiet room filled with beautiful fishes. The whole walk there it was silent but gentle, Leo knew that his Sena cared about him so he will wait this once.
“So what did you want to show me?” Leo hands him the paper, Izumi happily looking through it and realises there are barely any lyrics on it.
“Where are the lyrics?”
“Oh, I struggled with finding the words for it and I lost inspiration while waiting for you guys. I wanted your help Sena, because you are an amazing and talented” Izumi not questioning that Leo was waiting for him due to being flustered by the same comment. He doesnt deserve to be called such compliments by Leo.
The thought disappeared because Leo begun to talk about the fishes he saw.
“Can you help me figure out these lyrics with inspiration of the fishies?”
He smiled fondly “Yes Leo kun I would like that”
The room filled with beautiful warm and cool tone lights with many of the glasses around them filled with plenty of colourful fish, from blue to orange. The whole area was so ethereal and quiet as if this was only made for Izumi and Leo alone. They talk lovingly about the lyrics while comparing the fishes to members of knights and talking about their day. Just like old times, Izumi missed Leo and vise versa.
It was Izumi’s phone and on there it wrote:
[Kao-kun] You don’t need to come back, have fun with your bf 🤗
Izumi was gonna kill him when he comes back, but right now hes gonna enjoy spending time with his energetic loving boyfriend who is writing about two fishes that are silver and golden.
AHH IM SO SORRY IF ITS BAD, I have never written enstars before sorry if they aren’t like the actual characters ! (>人<;)
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starboard70 · 2 years
Actually ill elaborate on my last reblog this brainrot was the strongest I've ever experienced. Like I checked the rouxls kaard tag daily for fanart, started doodling him nonstop, made a ton of headcanons for him, and kept a tab open on my chromebook that was just his wiki page. I was in incredibly deep. I still have one tab open on my phone thats just a fanfic of him that I really enjoy (I should reread that actually, its been a while... called a kaard about towne if you wanna check it out) eventually it faded though! Now I am normal about him until the nest chapters drop
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powerofadyingsun · 2 years
Sneaking in at the last minute with WIP Friday, (since I’m attending the birth of my niece/nephew right now and we’re in a bit of a lull 😅
thank you @poeti-kat for tagging me 🖤 here’s a bit of Missed Connections, my first ever fic, and my whole heart on a platter.
He looks in the mirror that night as he’s getting ready for bed and almost doesn’t recognize the person staring back at him. He looks… healthy, good even, in a way he hasn’t in years. The hollows in his face have filled in, the dark circles fading, and the haunted look is gone from his eyes.
He looks like someone who can put themself back together if something breaks.
The next day, during the lull between the morning and afternoon rush, he’s absently doodling on a pad of paper when Angouleme shuffles over to him, eyes fixed on the screen of her phone.
“I think you should see this,”
She forces the phone in front of his face; there’s a video playing. It’s Ciri; she’s at some press event. She looks beautiful, as always. His throat tightens.
“No, Angouleme,” he rasps, trying to bat it away.
“Just watch,” she insists, “have I ever led you astray?”
“Just watch it,” she huffs.
He heaves a great sigh, takes the phone from her, and turns up the volume.
“It’s my great honor today to announce the establishment of the Percorso Chiaro Foundation,”
“Clear Path,” Cahir mutters, his brain immediately translating the Vicovarian his parents made them all learn as children.
-an organization dedicated to restoring, reconnecting, and reintegrating those who have served in our armed forces.” Ciri pauses for a moment, a shadow passing over her face, and appears to collect herself.
“I chose this as my patronage because someone I care deeply about is a veteran. I have seen firsthand how hard it can be to reintegrate into civilian life after time in the military, especially when they’ve experienced trauma while serving. It can be challenging to accept help, so Percorso Chiaro aims to make the process as easy as possible, with any number of services and supports available at no cost.”
“That doesn’t sound like she’s over you,” Angouleme pipes in.
Cahir shakes his head in disbelief, speechless.
“It-it can’t be for me,” he stutters.
Angouleme scoffs, “Of course she did it for you, a veteran’s organization with a Vicovarian name? Who the hell else would it be for?”
“If it is for me, it doesn’t mean what you think it does,” Cahir protests, refusing to acknowledge the flicker of hope in his chest.
“Cahir, if you don’t see this for what it is, you’re even more of an idiot than I thought,” she says, rolling her eyes at him.
“What exactly is it, Angouleme? Explain it to me because I don’t know if you remember, but I lost my shit six months ago and couldn’t handle it well enough to be in a relationship.”
Milva comes out of the kitchen, hearing their raised voices.
“What’s this, then?” she asks, eyeing them both.
Angouleme shoves the phone in front of her, starting the video over.
Milva’s eyes widen as she listens, and when it ends, she glances up at Cahir.
Angouleme butts in before he can say anything, “Auntie, this is for him, right? Couldn’t this be a sign that she wants to open up communication again? Maybe even get back together? Am I wrong?” She ends why throwing her hands up dramatically.
Cahir scowls at her before looking at Milva, “Well?”
“You know I wouldn’t normally say this, Cahir, but... I think Angouleme might be right for once.”
“Hey-” Angouleme starts before Milva cuts her off, “I think if you were looking for a sign, this would be it. It’s up to you if you take it.”
He’s silent for a long moment. “I don’t know what to do; I don’t think I can survive losing her again.”
“You can,” Milva insists quietly, “You’ve done the work, and you’re better for it. I know you’ve been pursuing this aggressively over the last few months. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you’ve stopped flinching with every loud noise, that you look like you’re sleeping-”
Angouleme cuts her off then, “AND, you’re not a moody little bitch all the time now.”
Milva shoots her a glare, “Helpful, Angouleme, very helpful.”
She shrugs, “I speak only the truth.”
“Anyway, what I was trying to say is that to me-“
“To us!” Angoulême interjects,
“you’ve become a different person than you were six months ago, a stronger one, and I think you can survive anything now,” Milva finishes.
“Thank you, Milva,” he responds, voice lowered.
“Now go get your girl,” Angouleme orders.
He thinks for a moment and then turns; I just had an idea. Would you be willing to help me?”
She grins toothily. “What are you thinking?”
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wantedplantlife · 1 year
thanks for the tag, @sgtjamesrogers​ 
currently reading: i picked up the lies of locke lamora while i was pet/house-sitting over the weekend but i haven’t been in a reading mood so idk if i’ll finish it
last song: bidin’ my time from crazy for you (my ipod lives on shuffle 75% of the time. crazy for you was the musical we did my… junior? year of hs. the thing i most remember from that is helping build a car-shaped thing for the set) (second song since since i picked this up again: walking contradiction - green day)
last movie: treasure planet! i needed something to watch while i was knitting (i really should keep working on those socks)
working on: most recently a rook shepard doodle but lemme see if i have some more recent more finished things to share (also honorable mention to this magpie piece i keep picking up and putting down. and the ridiculous amount of words i wrote about magpie and rook in the notes app on my phone - enough that the app started lagging and i had to start a new note. also those socks i mentioned) oh, have this cirro from today and a… monsterfolk?? i’m trying to figure out
as for tagging people: @jesusbuchananbarnes​, @angelfeast​, @thefandomchoseme​, and anybody else who wants to do it
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